path: root/macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossaries-user.html
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossaries-user.html
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/glossaries/glossaries-user.html')
1 files changed, 31130 insertions, 0 deletions
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+<!--l. 458--><p class="noindent" ><a
+ id="top"></a>
+</p><!--l. 458--><p class="indent" >
+</p><!--l. 458--><p class="indent" >
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 458--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 458--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-17">User Manual for glossaries.sty v4.42</span>
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-1" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-1-1g"><col
+id="TBL-1-1" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-1-1-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-1-1-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmr-12">Nicola L.C. Talbot </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-1-2-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-1-2-1"
+class="td11"> <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="cmtt-12"></span></a> </td></tr></table>
+<!--l. 458--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ <div
+<!--l. 460--><p class="indent" >
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 460--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 460--><p class="noindent" ><span
+<!--l. 461--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package provides a means to define terms or abbreviations or symbols that can be
+referenced within your document. Sorted lists with collated <a
+href="#glo:entrylocation">locations</a> can be generated either
+using <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;or using a supplementary <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a>.
+</p><!--l. 466--><p class="indent" > Additional features not provided here may be available through the extension package
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> which, if required, needs to be installed separately. New features will be added
+to <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span>. Versions of the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package after v4.21 will mostly be just bug fixes.
+Note that <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> provides an extra indexing option (<a
+ id="dx1-2"></a></a>) which isn&#8217;t available
+with just the base <span
+ id="dx1-3"></a> package.
+</p><!--l. 474--><p class="indent" >
+ </div>
+<!--l. 476--><p class="indent" > If you require multilingual support you must also separately install the relevant language
+module. Each language module is distributed under the name <span
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">language</span>&#x27E9; is the root language name. For example, <span
+class="cmtt-10">glossaries-french </span>or
+class="cmtt-10">glossaries-german</span>. If a language module is required, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package will
+automatically try to load it and will give a warning if the module isn&#8217;t found. See <a
+href="#sec:languages">Multi-Lingual Support<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:languages --></a> for further details. If there isn&#8217;t any support available for your
+language, use the <span
+ id="dx1-4"></a> package option to suppress the warning and provide your own
+translations. (For example, use the <span
+ id="dx1-5"></a> key in <span
+</p><!--l. 489--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package requires a number of other packages including, but not limited to,
+ id="dx1-6"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-7"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-8"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-9"></a> (at least version dated 2006/11/18), <span
+ id="dx1-10"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-11"></a>,
+ id="dx1-12"></a> (part of the <span
+ id="dx1-13"></a> bundle) and <span
+ id="dx1-14"></a>. These packages are all available in the
+latest <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live and Mik<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distributions. If any of them are missing, please update your
+<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distribution using your update manager. For help on this see, for example,
+href="" >How do I update my <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distribution?</a> or (for Linux users) <a
+href="" >Updating <span class="TEX">T<span
+</p><!--l. 504--><p class="indent" > Note that occasionally you may find that certain packages need to be loaded <span
+packages that are required by <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries</span>. For example, a package &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">X</span>&#x27E9; might need to be loaded
+after <span
+ id="dx1-15"></a>. In which case, load the required package first (for example, <span
+ id="dx1-16"></a>), then &#x27E8;<span
+and finally load <span
+</p><!--l. 510--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Documents have wide-ranging styles when it comes to presenting glossaries or lists of
+terms or notation. People have their own preferences and to a large extent this
+is determined by the kind of information that needs to go in the glossary. They
+may just have symbols with terse descriptions or they may have long technical
+words with complicated descriptions. The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package is flexible enough to
+accommodate such varied requirements, but this flexibility comes at a price: a&#x00A0;big
+</p><!--l. 520--><p class="indent" > &#x1F631;&#x00A0;If you&#8217;re freaking out at the size of this manual, start with <span
+class="cmtt-10">glossariesbegin.pdf </span>(&#8220;The
+glossaries package: a guide for beginnners&#8221;). You should find it in the same directory as this
+document or try <span
+class="cmtt-10">texdoc glossariesbegin.pdf</span>. Once you&#8217;ve got to grips with
+the basics, then come back to this manual to find out how to adjust the settings.
+</p><!--l. 526--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 528--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>bundle comes with the following documentation:
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+href="glossariesbegin.pdf" class="url" ><span
+class="cmtt-10">glossariesbegin.pdf</span></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">If you are a complete beginner, start with <a
+href="glossariesbegin.html" >&#8220;The glossaries
+ package: a guide for beginners&#8221;</a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+href="glossary2glossaries.pdf" class="url" ><span
+class="cmtt-10">glossary2glossaries.pdf</span></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">If you are moving over from the obsolete <span
+ id="dx1-17"></a> package,
+ read <a
+href="glossary2glossaries.html" >&#8220;Upgrading from the glossary package to the glossaries package&#8221;</a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">glossaries-user.pdf</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">This document is the main user guide for the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+href="glossaries-code.pdf" class="url" ><span
+class="cmtt-10">glossaries-code.pdf</span></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Advanced users wishing to know more about the inner workings
+ of all the packages provided in the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>bundle should read &#8220;Documented
+ Code for glossaries v4.42&#8221;.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">INSTALL</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Installation instructions.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">CHANGES</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Change log.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">README</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Package summary.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 557--><p class="noindent" >Related resources: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>and <a
+ id="dx1-18"></a></a>: An Introductory Guide. (<a
+href="" ><span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+href="" ><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>FAQ</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+href="" ><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>gallery</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+href="" >a summary of all glossary styles provided by <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+href="" ><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>performance</a> (comparing document build times for the different options
+ provided by <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>and <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+href="" >Using LaTeX to Write a PhD Thesis</a> (chapter 6).
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+href="" >Incorporating makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite or bib2gls into the document
+ build</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">The <a
+href="" ><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>package</a>
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+href="" ><span
+<!--l. 590--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you use <span
+ id="dx1-19"></a> and <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries</span>, you must load <span
+ id="dx1-20"></a> <span
+class="cmti-10">first</span>. Similarly the <span
+ id="dx1-21"></a> package
+must also be loaded before <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries</span>. (If <span
+ id="dx1-22"></a> is loaded, the file extensions for the default main
+glossary are changed to <span
+ id="dx1-23"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-24"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-25"></a> to avoid conflict with <span
+ id="dx1-26"></a>&#8217;s changes
+ id="pdflatexnote"></a>
+</p><!--l. 599--><p class="indent" > If you are using <span
+ id="dx1-27"></a>, it&#8217;s best to use <span
+ id="dx1-28"></a> rather than <span
+ id="dx1-29"></a> (DVI format) as
+class="cmtt-10">pdflatex </span>deals with hyperlinks much better. If you use the DVI format, you will encounter
+problems where you have long hyperlinks or hyperlinks in subscripts or superscripts. This is
+an issue with the DVI format not with <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries</span>. If you really need to use the DVI format and
+have a problem with hyperlinks in maths mode, I recommend you use <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> with the
+class="cmtt-10">hyperoutside </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">textformat </span>attributes set to appropriate values for problematic entries.
+</p><!--l. 609--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h2 class="likechapterHead"><a
+ id="x1-1000"></a>Contents</h2>
+ <div class="tableofcontents">
+ <span class="chapterToc" > <a
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >1 <a
+href="#sec:intro" id="QQ2-1-5">Introduction</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >1.1 <a
+href="#sec:indexingoptions" id="QQ2-1-6">Indexing Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >1.2 <a
+href="#sec:samples" id="QQ2-1-13">Sample Documents</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >1.3 <a
+href="#sec:lipsum" id="QQ2-1-14">Dummy Entries for Testing</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >1.4 <a
+href="#sec:languages" id="QQ2-1-15">Multi-Lingual Support</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.4.1 <a
+href="#sec:fixednames" id="QQ2-1-16">Changing the Fixed Names</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >1.5 <a
+href="#sec:makeglossaries" id="QQ2-1-19">Generating the Associated Glossary Files</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.5.1 <a
+href="#sec:makeglossariesapp" id="QQ2-1-21">Using the makeglossaries Perl Script</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.5.2 <a
+href="#sec:makeglossarieslua" id="QQ2-1-22">Using the makeglossaries-lite Lua Script</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.5.3 <a
+href="#sec:xindyapp" id="QQ2-1-23">Using xindy explicitly (Option&#x00A0;3)</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.5.4 <a
+href="#sec:makeindexapp" id="QQ2-1-24">Using makeindex explicitly (Option&#x00A0;2)</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >1.5.5 <a
+href="#sec:notedev" id="QQ2-1-25">Note to Front-End and Script Developers</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >2 <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts" id="QQ2-1-26">Package Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >2.1 <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-general" id="QQ2-1-27">General Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >2.2 <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-sec" id="QQ2-1-28">Sectioning, Headings and TOC Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >2.3 <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-printglos" id="QQ2-1-29">Glossary Appearance Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >2.4 <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-sort" id="QQ2-1-30">Sorting Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >2.5 <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-acronym" id="QQ2-1-31">Acronym Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >2.5.1 <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-old-acronym" id="QQ2-1-32">Deprecated Acronym Style Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >2.6 <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-other" id="QQ2-1-33">Other Options</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >2.7 <a
+href="#sec:setupglossaries" id="QQ2-1-34">Setting Options After the Package is Loaded</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >3 <a
+href="#sec:setup" id="QQ2-1-35">Setting Up</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >3.1 <a
+href="#sec:setupopt1" id="QQ2-1-36">Option 1</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >3.2 <a
+href="#sec:setupopt23" id="QQ2-1-37">Options 2 and 3</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >4 <a
+href="#sec:newglosentry" id="QQ2-1-38">Defining Glossary Entries</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >4.1 <a
+href="#sec:plurals" id="QQ2-1-39">Plurals</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >4.2 <a
+href="#sec:grammar" id="QQ2-1-40">Other Grammatical Constructs</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >4.3 <a
+href="#sec:addkey" id="QQ2-1-41">Additional Keys</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >4.3.1 <a
+href="#sec:glsaddkey" id="QQ2-1-42">Document Keys</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >4.3.2 <a
+href="#sec:glsaddstoragekey" id="QQ2-1-43">Storage Keys</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >4.4 <a
+href="#sec:expansion" id="QQ2-1-44">Expansion</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >4.5 <a
+href="#sec:subentries" id="QQ2-1-46">Sub-Entries</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >4.5.1 <a
+href="#sec:hierarchical" id="QQ2-1-47">Hierarchical Categories</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >4.5.2 <a
+href="#sec:homographs" id="QQ2-1-48">Homographs</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >4.6 <a
+href="#sec:loadglsentries" id="QQ2-1-49">Loading Entries From a File</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >4.7 <a
+href="#sec:moveentry" id="QQ2-1-50">Moving Entries to Another Glossary</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >4.8 <a
+href="#sec:docdefs" id="QQ2-1-51">Drawbacks With Defining Entries in the Document Environment</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >4.8.1 <a
+href="#sec:techissues" id="QQ2-1-52">Technical Issues</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >4.8.2 <a
+href="#sec:goodpractice" id="QQ2-1-53">Good Practice Issues</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >5 <a
+href="#sec:numberlists" id="QQ2-1-54">Number lists</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >5.1 <a
+href="#sec:encap" id="QQ2-1-55">Encap Values</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >5.2 <a
+href="#sec:locationsyntax" id="QQ2-1-56">Locations</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >5.3 <a
+href="#sec:ranges" id="QQ2-1-57">Range Formations</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >5.4 <a
+href="#sec:isthook" id="QQ2-1-58">Style Hook</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >6 <a
+href="#sec:glslink" id="QQ2-1-59">Links to Glossary Entries</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >6.1 <a
+href="#sec:gls-like" id="QQ2-1-61">The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried)</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >6.2 <a
+href="#sec:glstext-like" id="QQ2-1-62">The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-Like Commands (First Use Flag Not Queried)</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >6.3 <a
+href="#sec:glsdisplay" id="QQ2-1-63">Changing the format of the link text</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >6.4 <a
+href="#sec:disablehyperlinks" id="QQ2-1-64">Enabling and disabling hyperlinks to glossary entries</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >7 <a
+href="#sec:glsadd" id="QQ2-1-65">Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >8 <a
+href="#sec:crossref" id="QQ2-1-66">Cross-Referencing Entries</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >8.1 <a
+href="#sec:customxr" id="QQ2-1-67">Customising Cross-reference Text</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >9 <a
+href="#sec:glsnolink" id="QQ2-1-68">Using Glossary Terms Without Links</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >10 <a
+href="#sec:printglossary" id="QQ2-1-69">Displaying a glossary</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >11 <a
+href="#sec:xindy" id="QQ2-1-70">Xindy (Option 3)</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >11.1 <a
+href="#sec:langenc" id="QQ2-1-71">Language and Encodings</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >11.2 <a
+href="#sec:xindyloc" id="QQ2-1-72">Locations and Number lists</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >11.3 <a
+href="#sec:groups" id="QQ2-1-73">Glossary Groups</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >12 <a
+href="#sec:newglossary" id="QQ2-1-74">Defining New Glossaries</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >13 <a
+href="#sec:acronyms" id="QQ2-1-75">Acronyms and Other Abbreviations</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >13.1 <a
+href="#sec:setacronymstyle" id="QQ2-1-77">Changing the Abbreviation Style</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >13.1.1 <a
+href="#sec:predefinedacrstyles" id="QQ2-1-78">Predefined Acronym Styles</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >13.1.2 <a
+href="#sec:customacronym" id="QQ2-1-79">Defining A Custom Acronym Style</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >13.2 <a
+href="#sec:disploa" id="QQ2-1-80">Displaying the List of Acronyms</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >13.3 <a
+href="#sec:oldacronym" id="QQ2-1-81">Upgrading From the glossary Package</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >14 <a
+href="#sec:glsunset" id="QQ2-1-83">Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >14.1 <a
+href="#sec:enableentrycount" id="QQ2-1-84">Counting the Number of Times an Entry has been Used (First Use Flag Unset)</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >15 <a
+href="#sec:styles" id="QQ2-1-85">Glossary Styles</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >15.1 <a
+href="#sec:predefinedstyles" id="QQ2-1-86">Predefined Styles</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >15.1.1 <a
+href="#sec:liststyles" id="QQ2-1-88">List Styles</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >15.1.2 <a
+href="#sec:longstyles" id="QQ2-1-89">Longtable Styles</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >15.1.3 <a
+href="#sec:longraggedstyles" id="QQ2-1-90">Longtable Styles (Ragged Right)</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >15.1.4 <a
+href="#sec:longbooktabsstyles" id="QQ2-1-91">Longtable Styles (<span
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >15.1.5 <a
+href="#sec:superstyles" id="QQ2-1-92">Supertabular Styles</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >15.1.6 <a
+href="#sec:superraggedstyles" id="QQ2-1-93">Supertabular Styles (Ragged Right)</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >15.1.7 <a
+href="#sec:treestyles" id="QQ2-1-94">Tree-Like Styles</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >15.1.8 <a
+href="#sec:mcolstyles" id="QQ2-1-95">Multicols Style</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span class="subsectionToc" >15.1.9 <a
+href="#sec:inline" id="QQ2-1-97">In-Line Style</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >15.2 <a
+href="#sec:newglossarystyle" id="QQ2-1-98">Defining your own glossary style</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >16 <a
+href="#sec:utilities" id="QQ2-1-99">Utilities</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >16.1 <a
+href="#sec:loops" id="QQ2-1-100">Loops</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >16.2 <a
+href="#sec:conditionals" id="QQ2-1-101">Conditionals</a></span>
+<br /> &#x00A0;<span class="sectionToc" >16.3 <a
+href="#sec:fetchset" id="QQ2-1-102">Fetching and Updating the Value of a Field</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >17 <a
+href="#sec:prefix" id="QQ2-1-103">Prefixes or Determiners</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >18 <a
+href="#sec:accsupp" id="QQ2-1-104">Accessibility Support</a></span>
+<br /> <span class="chapterToc" >19 <a
+href="#sec:trouble" id="QQ2-1-105">Troubleshooting</a></span>
+ </div>
+ <h2 class="likechapterHead"><a
+ id="x1-2000"></a>List of Tables</h2>
+ <div class="tableofcontents"><span class="lotToc" >1.1&#x00A0;<a
+href="#tab:options">Glossary Options: Pros and Cons</a></span><br /><span class="lotToc" >1.2&#x00A0;<a
+href="#tab:predefinednames">Customised Text</a></span><br /><span class="lotToc" >1.3&#x00A0;<a
+and package options that have no effect when using xindy or makeindex
+explicitly</a></span><br /><span class="lotToc" >4.1&#x00A0;<a
+href="#tab:fieldmap">Key to Field Mappings</a></span><br /><span class="lotToc" >6.1&#x00A0;<a
+href="#tab:hyperxx">Predefined Hyperlinked Location
+Formats</a></span><br /><span class="lotToc" >13.1&#x00A0;<a
+href="#tab:shortcuts">Synonyms provided by the package option <span
+class="cmss-10">shortcuts</span></a></span><br /><span class="lotToc" >13.2&#x00A0;<a
+effect of using xspace</a></span><br /><span class="lotToc" >15.1&#x00A0;<a
+href="#tab:styles">Glossary Styles</a></span><br /><span class="lotToc" >15.2&#x00A0;<a
+href="#tab:mcols">Multicolumn Styles</a></span><br />
+ </div>
+<!--l. 1--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="likesection.1"></a><a
+ id="Q1-1-3"></a>
+ <h2 class="likechapterHead"><a
+ id="x1-3000"></a>Glossary</h2>
+<!--l. 1--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmti-10">This glossary style was setup using:</span> </p>
+cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0"
+style="vertical-align:baseline;" class="tabbing"><td style="width:94;"
+<!--l. 1--><p class="indent" > </p><table
+cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0"
+style="vertical-align:baseline;" class="tabbing"><td style="width:94;"
+class="tabbing"> </td><td
+<!--l. 1--><p class="indent" > </p><table
+cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0"
+style="vertical-align:baseline;" class="tabbing"><td style="width:94;"
+<!--l. 1--><p class="indent" > </p><table
+cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0"
+style="vertical-align:baseline;" class="tabbing"><td style="width:94;"
+<!--l. 1--><p class="indent" > </p><table
+cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0"
+style="vertical-align:baseline;" class="tabbing"><td style="width:94;"
+<!--l. 1--><p class="indent" > </p><table
+cellpadding="0" border="0" cellspacing="0"
+style="vertical-align:baseline;" class="tabbing"><td style="width:94;"
+<!--l. 1--><p class="indent" >
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:bib2gls"></a><span
+ id="dx1-3001"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />An <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> that combines two functions in one: (1) fetches entry
+ definition from a <span
+class="cmtt-10">.bib </span>file based on information provided in the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.aux </span>file (similar
+ to <span
+class="cmtt-10">bibtex</span>); (2) hierarchically sorts and collates location lists (similar to <span
+ and <span
+class="cmtt-10">xindy</span>). This application is designed for use with <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>and can&#8217;t be
+ used with just the base <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:cli"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Command Line Interface (CLI)</span> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />An application that doesn&#8217;t have a graphical user interface. That is, an application
+ that doesn&#8217;t have any windows, buttons or menus and can be run in <a
+href="" >a command
+ prompt or terminal</a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:entrylocation"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Entry location</span><a
+ id="dx1-3002"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />The location of the entry in the document. This defaults to the page number on
+ which the entry appears. An entry may have multiple locations. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:exlatinalph"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Extended Latin Alphabet</span><a
+ id="dx1-3003"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />An alphabet consisting of <a
+href="#glo:latinchar">Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3004"></a>s</a> and <a
+href="#glo:exlatinchar">extended Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3005"></a>s</a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:exlatinchar"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Extended Latin Character</span><a
+ id="dx1-3006"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />A character that&#8217;s created by combining <a
+href="#glo:latinchar">Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3007"></a>s</a> to form ligatures (e.g.&#x00A0;&aelig;)
+ or by applying diacritical marks to a&#x00A0;Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3008"></a> or characters (e.g.&#x00A0;&aacute; or &oslash;).
+ See also <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3009"></a></a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:firstuse"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">First use</span><a
+ id="dx1-3010"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />The first time a glossary entry is used (from the start of the document or after
+ a reset) with one of the following commands: <span
+ id="dx1-3011"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-3012"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-3013"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-3014"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-3015"></a>,
+ <span
+ id="dx1-3016"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-3017"></a>. (See <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a> &amp; <a
+href="#glo:firstusetext">first use text</a>.) <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:firstuseflag"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">First use flag</span><a
+ id="dx1-3018"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />A conditional that determines whether or not the entry has been used according
+ to the rules of <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>. Commands to unset or reset this conditional are described
+ in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>14 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsunset">Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsunset --></a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:firstusetext"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">First use text</span><a
+ id="dx1-3019"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />The text that is displayed on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>, which is governed by the <span
+ id="dx1-3020"></a> and
+ <span
+ id="dx1-3021"></a> keys of <span
+ id="dx1-3022"></a>. (May be overridden by <span
+ id="dx1-3023"></a> or by
+ <span
+ id="dx1-3024"></a>.) <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:glossaries-extra"></a><span
+class="cmssbx-10">glossaries-extra</span> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />A separate package that extends the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package, providing new features
+ or improving existing features. If you want to use <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span>, you must have
+ both the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package and the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>package installed. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:indexingapp"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Indexing application</span> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />An application (piece of software) separate from <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>/<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;that collates and
+ sorts information that has an associated page reference. Generally the information
+ is an index entry but in this case the information is a glossary entry. There are
+ two main indexing applications that are used with <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>: <a
+ id="dx1-3025"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-3026"></a></a>.
+ These are both <a
+href="#glo:cli">command line interface (CLI)</a> applications. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:latinalph"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Latin Alphabet</span><a
+ id="dx1-3027"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />The alphabet consisting of <a
+href="#glo:latinchar">Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3028"></a>s</a>. See also <a
+href="#glo:exlatinalph">extended Latin alphabet</a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:latinchar"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Latin Character</span><a
+ id="dx1-3029"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />One of the letters <span
+class="cmtt-10">a</span>, &#x2026;, <span
+class="cmtt-10">z</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">A</span>, &#x2026;, <span
+class="cmtt-10">Z</span>. See also <a
+href="#glo:exlatinchar">extended Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3030"></a></a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:linktext"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Link text</span><a
+ id="dx1-3031"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />The text produced by commands such as <span
+ id="dx1-3032"></a>. It may or may not be a hyperlink
+ to the glossary. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:makeglossaries"></a><span
+ id="dx1-3033"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />A custom designed Perl script interface to <a
+ id="dx1-3034"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-3035"></a></a> provided
+ with the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distributions on Windows convert the original
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries </span>script into an executable <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries.exe </span>for convenience
+ (but Perl is still required). <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:makeglossariesgui"></a><span
+ id="dx1-3036"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />A Java GUI alternative to <a
+ id="dx1-3037"></a></a> that also provides diagnostic tools.
+ Available separately on <a
+href="" >CTAN</a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:makeglossaries-lite.lua"></a><span
+ id="dx1-3038"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />A custom designed Lua script interface to <a
+ id="dx1-3039"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-3040"></a></a> provided with
+ the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. This is a cut-down alternative to the Perl <span
+ script. If you have Perl installed, use the Perl script instead. This script is actually
+ distributed with the file name <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite.lua</span>, but <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live (on
+ Unix-like systems) creates a symbolic link called <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite </span>(without
+ the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.lua </span>extension) to the actual <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite.lua </span>script. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:makeindex"></a><span
+ id="dx1-3041"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />An <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:nonlatinalph"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Non-Latin Alphabet</span><a
+ id="dx1-3042"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />An alphabet consisting of <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3043"></a>s</a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:nonlatinchar"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Non-Latin Character</span><a
+ id="dx1-3044"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />An <a
+href="#glo:exlatinchar">extended Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3045"></a></a> or a&#x00A0;character that isn&#8217;t a&#x00A0;<a
+href="#glo:latinchar">Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3046"></a></a>. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:numberlist"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Number list</span><a
+ id="dx1-3047"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />A list of <a
+href="#glo:entrylocation">entry locations</a> (also called a location list). The number list can be
+ suppressed using the <span
+ id="dx1-3048"></a> package option. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:sanitize"></a><span
+ id="dx1-3049"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />Converts command names into character sequences. That is, a command called,
+ say, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo</span>, is converted into the sequence of characters: <span
+class="cmtt-10">\</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">f</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">o</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">o</span>. Depending on
+ the font, the backslash character may appear as a dash when used in the main
+ document text, so <span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo </span>will appear as: &#8212;foo.
+ <!--l. 304--><p class="noindent" >Earlier versions of <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>used this technique to write information to the files
+ used by the indexing applications to prevent problems caused by fragile commands.
+ Now, this is only used for the <span
+ id="dx1-3050"></a> key. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:latexexlatinchar"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">Standard </span><span class="LATEX"><span
+class="cmbx-10">L</span><span class="A"><span
+class="cmbx-10">A</span></span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="cmbx-10">&#x00A0;Extended Latin Character</span><a
+ id="dx1-3051"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />An <a
+href="#glo:exlatinchar">extended Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-3052"></a></a> that can be created by a&#x00A0;core <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+ such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\o </span>(&oslash;) or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\&#8217;e </span>(&eacute;). That is, the character can be produced without the
+ need to load a&#x00A0;particular package. <br
+class="newline" />
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="glo:xindy"></a><span
+ id="dx1-3053"></a> </dt><dd
+class="newline" />A flexible <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> with multilingual support written in Perl. <br
+class="newline" /></dd></dl>
+<!--l. 626--><p class="indent" > <div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">1. <a
+ id="sec:intro"></a>Introduction</h2>
+</p><!--l. 629--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package is provided to assist generating lists of terms, symbols or
+abbreviations. (For convenience, these lists are all referred to as glossaries in this manual.)
+The package has a certain amount of flexibility, allowing the user to customize
+the format of the glossary and define multiple glossaries. It also supports glossary
+styles that include symbols (in addition to a name and description) for glossary
+entries. There is provision for loading a database of glossary terms. Only those terms
+indexed<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x1" id="fn1x1-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-4001f1"></a>&#x00A0;in
+the document will be added to the glossary.
+</p><!--l. 643--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>package, which is distributed as a separated bundle, extends the
+capabilities of the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. The simplest document can be created with
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>(which internally loads the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package):
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-1">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;sort=none,%&#x00A0;no&#x00A0;sorting&#x00A0;or&#x00A0;indexing&#x00A0;required
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;abbreviations,%&#x00A0;create&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;abbreviations
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;symbols,%&#x00A0;create&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;symbols
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;postdot&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;append&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;full&#x00A0;stop&#x00A0;after&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;descriptions
+&#x00A0;<br />]{glossaries-extra}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;provided&#x00A0;by&#x00A0;glossaries.sty
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{cafe}%&#x00A0;label
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;definition:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={caf\'e},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={small&#x00A0;restaurant&#x00A0;selling&#x00A0;refreshments}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newabbreviation&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;provided&#x00A0;by&#x00A0;glossaries-extra.sty
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{html}%&#x00A0;label
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{HTML}%&#x00A0;short&#x00A0;form
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{hypertext&#x00A0;markup&#x00A0;language}%&#x00A0;long&#x00A0;form
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsxtrnewsymbol&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;provided&#x00A0;by&#x00A0;glossaries-extra.sty&#x00A0;'symbols'&#x00A0;option
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;[description={Archimedes'&#x00A0;constant}]%&#x00A0;options
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{pi}%&#x00A0;label
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{\ensuremath{\pi}}%&#x00A0;symbol
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />First&#x00A0;use:&#x00A0;\gls{cafe},&#x00A0;\gls{html},&#x00A0;\gls{pi}.
+&#x00A0;<br />Next&#x00A0;use:&#x00A0;\gls{cafe},&#x00A0;\gls{html},&#x00A0;\gls{pi}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\printunsrtglossaries&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;all&#x00A0;defined&#x00A0;entries
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 681--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 684--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="cmbx-10">The </span><span
+class="cmssbx-10">glossaries </span><span
+class="cmbx-10">package replaces the </span><span
+ id="dx1-4005"></a> <span
+class="cmbx-10">package which is now obsolete.</span>
+Please see the document <a
+href="glossary2glossaries.html" >&#8220;Upgrading from the glossary package to the glossaries package&#8221;</a> for
+assistance in upgrading.
+</p><!--l. 688--><p class="indent" > One of the strengths of this package is its flexibility, however the drawback of this is the
+necessity of having a large manual that covers all the various settings. If you are
+daunted by the size of the manual, try starting off with the much shorter <a
+href="glossariesbegin.html" >guide for
+</p><!--l. 694--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> There&#8217;s a&#x00A0;common misconception that you have to have Perl installed in order to use
+the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. Perl is <span
+class="cmti-10">not </span>a&#x00A0;requirement but it does increase the available
+options, particularly if you use an <a
+href="#glo:exlatinalph">extended Latin alphabet</a> or a&#x00A0;<a
+href="#glo:nonlatinalph">non-Latin alphabet</a>.
+</p><!--l. 699--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 701--><p class="indent" > This document uses the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. For example, when viewing the PDF version of
+this document in a hyperlinked-enabled PDF viewer (such as Adobe Reader or
+Okular) if you click on the word &#8220;<a
+ id="dx1-4006"></a></a>&#8221; you&#8217;ll be taken to the entry in the glossary
+where there&#8217;s a brief description of the term &#8220;<span
+ id="dx1-4007"></a>&#8221;. This is the way the <span
+mechanism works. An <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> is used to generated the sorted list of
+terms. The <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing applications</a> are <a
+href="#glo:cli">command line interface (CLI)</a> tools, which
+means they can be run directly from a command prompt or terminal, or can be
+integrated into some text editors, or you can use a build tool such as <span
+ id="dx1-4008"></a> to run
+</p><!--l. 713--><p class="indent" > The remainder of this introductory section covers the following: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:indexingoptions">Indexing Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:indexingoptions --></a> lists the available indexing options.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:samples">Sample Documents<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:samples --></a> lists the sample documents provided with this package.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:lipsum">Dummy Entries for Testing<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:lipsum --></a> lists the dummy glossary files that may be used
+ for testing.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.4 </a><a
+href="#sec:languages">Multi-Lingual Support<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:languages --></a> provides information for users who wish to write in a
+ language other than English.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.5 </a><a
+href="#sec:makeglossaries">Generating the Associated Glossary Files<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:makeglossaries --></a> describes how to use an <a
+ application</a> to create the sorted glossaries for your document (Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+ </li></ul>
+<!--l. 733--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:indexingoptions"></a>Indexing Options</h3>
+<!--l. 736--><p class="noindent" >The basic idea behind the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package is that you first define your entries (terms,
+symbols or abbreviations). Then you can reference these within your document (like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cite </span>or
+class="cmtt-10">\ref</span>). You can also, optionally, display a&#x00A0;list of the entries you have referenced in your
+document (the glossary). This last part, displaying the glossary, is the part that most new
+users find difficult. There are three options available with the base <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package and two
+further options with the extension package <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a>. An overview of these options is
+given in <a
+</p><!--l. 748--><p class="indent" > If you are developing a class or package that loads <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries</span>, I recommend that you
+don&#8217;t force the user into a particular indexing method by adding an unconditional
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>into your class or package code. Aside from forcing the user into a
+particular indexing method, it means that they&#8217;re unable to use any commands that must
+come before <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>(such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossary</span>) and they can&#8217;t switch off the indexing
+whilst working on a draft document.
+</p><!--l. 757--><p class="indent" > For a comparison of the various methods when used with large entry sets or when used
+with symbols such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\alpha</span>, see the <a
+href="" ><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>performance page</a>.
+ <div class="table">
+<!--l. 761--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="tab:options"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float"
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;1.1: </span><span
+class="content">Glossary Options: Pros and Cons</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-50011 -->
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-2" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-2-1g"><col
+id="TBL-2-1" /><col
+id="TBL-2-2" /><col
+id="TBL-2-3" /><col
+id="TBL-2-4" /><col
+id="TBL-2-5" /><col
+id="TBL-2-6" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-1-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-1-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 769--><p class="noindent" > </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-1-2"
+class="td11"> <a
+class="cmbx-10">&#x00A0;1</span></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-1-3"
+class="td11"> <a
+class="cmbx-10">&#x00A0;2</span></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-1-4"
+class="td11"> <a
+class="cmbx-10">&#x00A0;3</span></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-1-5"
+class="td11"> <a
+class="cmbx-10">&#x00A0;4</span></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-1-6"
+class="td10"> <a
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-2-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-2-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 771--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-2-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor1"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-2-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor2"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-2-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor3"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-2-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor4"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-2-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor5"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-3-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-3-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 773--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">application?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-3-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor6"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-3-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor7"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-3-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor8"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-3-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor9"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-3-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor10"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-4-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-4-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 775--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">Perl?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-4-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor11"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-4-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor12"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-4-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor13"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-4-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor14"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-4-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor15"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-5-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-5-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 777--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">Java?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-5-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor16"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-5-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor17"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-5-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor18"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-5-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor19"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-5-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor20"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-6-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-6-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 779--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-6-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor21"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">*</span></sup> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-6-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor22"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-6-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor23"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-6-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor24"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-6-6"
+class="td10"> N/A </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-7-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-7-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 782--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">algorithm?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-7-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor25"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-7-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor26"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-7-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor27"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-7-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor28"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-7-6"
+class="td10"> N/A </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-8-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-8-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 784--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">glossary?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-8-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor29"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-8-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor30"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&#8224;</span></sup> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-8-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor31"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&#8224;</span></sup> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-8-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor32"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-8-6"
+class="td10"> N/A </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-9-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-9-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 788--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">values?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-9-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor33"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-9-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor34"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-9-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor35"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-9-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor36"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-9-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor37"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&#8225;</span></sup> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-10-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-10-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 790--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">entries?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-10-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor38"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-10-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor39"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-10-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor40"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&sect;</span></sup> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-10-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor41"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-10-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor42"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-11-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-11-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 793--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">lists?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-11-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor43"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-11-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor44"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-11-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor45"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-11-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor46"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-11-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor47"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-12-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-12-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 795--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">lists?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-12-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor48"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-12-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor49"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-12-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor50"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="msam-10x-x-90">&#x2662;</span></sup> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-12-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor51"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-12-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor52"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&#182;</span></sup> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-13-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-13-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 800--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">(style-dependent)</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-13-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmsy-10">&#x221E;</span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="cmr-9">#</span></sup> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-13-3"
+class="td11"> 3 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-13-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmsy-10">&#x221E; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-13-5"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmsy-10">&#x221E; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-13-6"
+class="td10"> <span
+class="cmsy-10">&#x221E; </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-14-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-14-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 802--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ id="dx1-5002"></a>
+class="cmr-9">reliable?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-14-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor53"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-14-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor54"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-14-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor55"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-14-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor56"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-14-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor57"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-15-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-15-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 804--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ id="dx1-5003"></a>
+ id="dx1-5004"></a><a
+ id="dx1-5005"></a>
+class="cmr-9">recommended.)</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-15-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-15-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-15-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-15-5"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&#x203B;</span></sup> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-15-6"
+class="td10"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span><sup class="textsuperscript">&#x2051;</sup> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-16-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-16-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 807--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmr-9">registers?</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-16-2"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor58"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-16-3"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor59"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-16-4"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor60"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2714;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-16-5"
+class="td11"> <span id="textcolor61"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-16-6"
+class="td10"> <span id="textcolor62"><span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2718;</span></span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="cmmi-9">&#x22C6;</span></sup> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-2-17-"><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-2-17-1"
+class="td01"><!--l. 809--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ id="dx1-5006"></a>
+class="cmr-9">option</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-17-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">false </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-17-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">true </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-17-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">true </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-17-5"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">true</span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="pzdr-x-x-90">&#x273E;</span></sup> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-2-17-6"
+class="td10"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">true</span><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="pzdr-x-x-90">&#x273E;</span></sup> </td>
+<!--l. 817--><p class="noindent" >________________________________________________________________________
+</p><!--l. 819--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">*</span></sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Strips standard </span><span class="LATEX"><span
+class="cmr-8">L</span><span class="A"><span
+class="cmr-8">A</span></span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="cmr-8">&#x00A0;accents (that is, accents generated by core </span><span class="LATEX"><span
+class="cmr-8">L</span><span class="A"><span
+class="cmr-8">A</span></span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="cmr-8">&#x00A0;commands) so, for</span>
+class="cmr-8">example, </span><span
+ id="dx1-5007"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">is treated the same as A.</span>
+</p><!--l. 822--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&#8224;</span></sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Only with the hybrid method provided with </span><span
+ id="dx1-5008"></a><span
+</p><!--l. 823--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&#8225;</span></sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Provided </span><span
+ id="dx1-5009"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">is used.</span>
+</p><!--l. 824--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&sect;</span></sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Entries with the same sort value are merged.</span>
+</p><!--l. 825--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="msam-10x-x-90">&#x2662;</span> </sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Requires some setting up.</span>
+</p><!--l. 826--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&#182;</span></sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">The locations must be set explicitly through the custom </span><span
+ id="dx1-5010"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">field provided by </span><span
+</p><!--l. 829--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="cmr-9">#</span></sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Unlimited but unreliable.</span>
+</p><!--l. 830--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="tcrm-0900">&#x203B;</span></sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Entries are defined in </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">.bib </span><span
+class="cmr-8">format. </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">\newglossaryentry </span><span
+class="cmr-8">should not be used explicitly.</span>
+</p><!--l. 832--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript">&#x2051;</sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Provided </span><span
+class="cmss-8">docdefs=true </span><span
+class="cmr-8">or </span><span
+class="cmss-8">docdefs=restricted </span><span
+class="cmr-8">but not recommended.</span>
+</p><!--l. 834--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="cmmi-9">&#x22C6;</span> </sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Provided </span><span
+class="cmss-8">docdefs=false </span><span
+class="cmr-8">or </span><span
+</p><!--l. 836--><p class="noindent" ><sup class="textsuperscript"><span
+class="pzdr-x-x-90">&#x273E;</span></sup> <span
+class="cmr-8">Irrelevant with </span><span
+ id="dx1-5011"></a><span
+class="cmr-8">. (The </span><span
+class="cmss-8">record=only </span><span
+class="cmr-8">option automatically switches this on.)</span>
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+ </div>
+ id="x1-5012r1"></a>
+ <h4 class="likesubsectionHead"><a
+ id="x1-60001"></a><a
+ id="option1"></a>Option&#x00A0;1 (<span class="TEX">T<span
+<!--l. 843--><p class="noindent" >This option doesn&#8217;t require an external <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> but, with the default
+alphabetic sorting, it&#8217;s very slow with severe limitations. If you want a sorted list, it
+doesn&#8217;t work well for <a
+href="#glo:exlatinalph">extended Latin alphabets</a> or <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinalph">non-Latin alphabets</a>. However, if
+you use the <span
+ id="dx1-6001"></a> package option (the default for Option&#x00A0;1) then the
+href="#glo:latexexlatinchar">standard <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;accent commands</a> will be ignored, so if an entry&#8217;s name is set to
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">{\&#8217;e}lite</span></span></span> then the sort value will default to <span
+class="cmtt-10">elite </span>if <span
+ id="dx1-6002"></a> is used and
+will default to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\&#8217;elite</span></span></span> if <span
+ id="dx1-6003"></a> is used. If you have any other kinds of
+commands that don&#8217;t expand to ASCII characters, such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\alpha </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\si</span>, then you
+must use <span
+ id="dx1-6004"></a> or change the sort method (<span
+ id="dx1-6005"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-6006"></a>) in the
+package options or explicitly set the <span
+ id="dx1-6007"></a> key when you define the relevant entries. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-2">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;sort={alpha},description={...}}
+<!--l. 862--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 864--><p class="indent" > This option works best with the <span
+ id="dx1-6008"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-6009"></a> setting. For any other setting, be
+prepared for a long document build time, especially if you have a lot of entries defined. <span
+class="cmbx-10">option is intended as a last resort for alphabetical sorting. </span>This option allows a
+mixture of sort methods. (For example, sorting by word order for one glossary and order of
+use for another.) This option is not suitable for hierarchical glossaries and does not form
+ranges in the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-6010"></a>s</a>. If you really can&#8217;t use an <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> consider using
+href="#option5">Option&#x00A0;5</a> instead.
+</p><!--l. 875--><p class="indent" >
+ </p><ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-6012x1">Add
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-3">
+ \makenoidxglossaries
+ <!--l. 879--><p class="nopar" > to your preamble (before you start defining your entries, as described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4 </a><a
+ Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglosentry --></a>).
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-6014x2">Put
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-4">
+ \printnoidxglossary
+ <!--l. 886--><p class="nopar" > where you want your list of entries to appear (described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>10 </a><a
+href="#sec:printglossary">Displaying a glossary<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:printglossary --></a>).
+ Alternatively, to display all glossaries use the iterative command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-5">
+ \printnoidxglossaries
+ <!--l. 892--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-6016x3">Run <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;twice on your document. (As you would do to make a&#x00A0;table of contents
+ appear.) For example, click twice on the &#8220;typeset&#8221; or &#8220;build&#8221; or &#8220;PDF<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#8221; button
+ in your editor.</li></ol>
+<!--l. 899--><p class="indent" > Complete example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-6">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\makenoidxglossaries&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;use&#x00A0;TeX&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;sort
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{sample}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\printnoidxglossary
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 910--><p class="nopar" >
+ id="x1-6017r2"></a>
+</p><!--l. 912--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="likesubsectionHead"><a
+ id="x1-70002"></a><a
+ id="option2"></a>Option&#x00A0;2 (<span
+<!--l. 914--><p class="noindent" >This option uses a&#x00A0;<a
+href="#glo:cli">CLI</a> application called <a
+ id="dx1-7001"></a></a> to sort the entries. This application
+comes with all modern <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distributions, but it&#8217;s hard-coded for the non-extended <a
+ id="dx1-7002"></a></a>. It can&#8217;t correctly sort accent commands (such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\&#8217; </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\c</span>) and fails with UTF-8
+characters, especially for any sort values that start with a UTF-8 character (as it separates
+the octets resulting in an invalid file encoding). This process involves making <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+the glossary information to a temporary file which <a
+ id="dx1-7003"></a></a> reads. Then <a
+ id="dx1-7004"></a></a> writes
+a&#x00A0;new file containing the code to typeset the glossary. Then <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printglossary </span>reads this file in
+on the next run.
+</p><!--l. 926--><p class="indent" > This option works best if you want to sort entries according to the English alphabet and
+you don&#8217;t want to install Perl (or Java or you don&#8217;t want to use <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a>). This method
+can also work with the restricted shell escape since <a
+ id="dx1-7005"></a></a> is considered a trusted
+application. (So you should be able to use the <span
+ id="dx1-7006"></a> package option provided the shell
+escape hasn&#8217;t been completely disabled.)
+</p><!--l. 934--><p class="indent" > This method can form ranges in the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-7007"></a></a> but only accepts limited number formats:
+class="cmtt-10">\arabic</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\roman</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Roman</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\alph </span>and <span
+</p><!--l. 938--><p class="indent" > This option does not allow a mixture of sort methods. All glossaries must be sorted
+according to the same method: word/letter ordering or order of use or order of definition. If
+you need word ordering for one glossary and letter ordering for another you&#8217;ll have to
+explicitly call <a
+ id="dx1-7008"></a></a> for each glossary type. (The <span
+ id="dx1-7009"></a> package allows a hybrid
+mix of Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option1">1</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> to provide word/letter ordering with <a
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a> and order of
+use/definition with <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>. See the <span
+ id="dx1-7010"></a> documentation for further
+</p><!--l. 949--><p class="indent" >
+ </p><ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-7012x1">If you want to use <a
+ id="dx1-7013"></a>&#8217;s</a> <span
+ id="dx1-7014"></a> option you must change the quote character using
+ <span
+ id="dx1-7015"></a>. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-7">
+ \GlsSetQuote{+}
+ <!--l. 954--><p class="nopar" > This must be used before <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries</span>. Note that if you are using <span
+ id="dx1-7016"></a>, the
+ shorthands aren&#8217;t enabled until the start of the document, so you won&#8217;t be able to use
+ the shorthands in definitions made in the preamble.
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-7018x2">Add
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-8">
+ \makeglossaries
+ <!--l. 963--><p class="nopar" > to your preamble (before you start defining your entries, as described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4 </a><a
+ Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglosentry --></a>).
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-7020x3">Put
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-9">
+ \printglossary
+ <!--l. 971--><p class="nopar" > where you want your list of entries to appear (described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>10 </a><a
+href="#sec:printglossary">Displaying a glossary<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:printglossary --></a>).
+ Alternatively, to display all glossaries use the iterative command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-10">
+ \printglossaries
+ <!--l. 977--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-7022x4">Run <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;on your document. This creates files with the extensions <span
+class="cmtt-10">.glo </span>and <span
+ (for example, if your <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;document is called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.tex</span>, then you&#8217;ll have two
+ extra files called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.glo </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10"></span>). If you look at your document
+ at this point, you won&#8217;t see the glossary as it hasn&#8217;t been created yet. (If
+ you use <span
+ id="dx1-7023"></a> you&#8217;ll see the section heading and some boilerplate
+ text.)
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-7025x5">Run <a
+ id="dx1-7026"></a></a> with the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.glo </span>file as the input file and the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.ist </span>file as the style so
+ that it creates an output file with the extension <span
+class="cmtt-10">.gls</span>. If you have access to a
+ terminal or a command prompt (for example, the MSDOS command prompt for
+ Windows users or the bash console for Unix-like users) then you need to run the
+ command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-11">
+ makeindex&#x00A0;-s&#x00A0;;-o&#x00A0;myDoc.gls&#x00A0;myDoc.glo
+ <!--l. 996--><p class="nopar" > (Replace <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc </span>with the base name of your <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;document file. Avoid spaces in the
+ file name if possible.) If you don&#8217;t know how to use the command prompt,
+ then you can probably access <a
+ id="dx1-7027"></a></a> via your text editor, but each editor
+ has a different method of doing this, so I&#x00A0;can&#8217;t give a&#x00A0;general description.
+ You will have to check your editor&#8217;s manual. The simplest approach is to use
+ <span
+ id="dx1-7028"></a> and add the following comment lines to the start of your document:
+ </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ </div> (Replace <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries </span>with <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite </span>if you don&#8217;t have Perl
+ installed.)
+ <!--l. 1013--><p class="noindent" >The default sort is word order (&#8220;sea lion&#8221; comes before &#8220;seal&#8221;). If you want letter
+ ordering you need to add the <span
+ id="dx1-7029"></a> switch:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-12">
+ makeindex&#x00A0;-l&#x00A0;-s&#x00A0;;-o&#x00A0;myDoc.gls&#x00A0;myDoc.glo
+ <!--l. 1018--><p class="nopar" > (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.5.4 </a><a
+href="#sec:makeindexapp">Using <a
+ id="dx1-7030"></a></a> explicitly (Option 2)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:makeindexapp --></a> for further details on using
+ <span
+ id="dx1-7031"></a> explicitly.) If you use <a
+ id="dx1-7032"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-7033"></a></a>
+ then use the <span
+ id="dx1-7034"></a> package option and the <span
+ id="dx1-7035"></a> option will be added
+ automatically.
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-7037x6">Once you have successfully completed the previous step, you can now run <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+ your document again. You&#8217;ll need to repeat the process if you have used the <span
+ id="dx1-7038"></a> option
+ (unless you&#8217;re using <span
+ id="dx1-7039"></a>) to ensure the section heading is added
+ to the table of contents. You&#8217;ll also need to repeat the process if you have
+ any cross-references which can&#8217;t be indexed until the glossary file has been
+ created.</li></ol>
+<!--l. 1034--><p class="indent" > Complete example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-13">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;open&#x00A0;glossary&#x00A0;files
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{sample}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\printglossary
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 1045--><p class="nopar" >
+ id="x1-7040r3"></a>
+</p><!--l. 1047--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="likesubsectionHead"><a
+ id="x1-80003"></a><a
+ id="option3"></a>Option&#x00A0;3 (<span
+<!--l. 1049--><p class="noindent" >This option uses a&#x00A0;<a
+href="#glo:cli">CLI</a> application called <a
+ id="dx1-8001"></a></a> to sort the entries. This application is more
+flexible than <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeindex </span>and is able to sort <a
+href="#glo:exlatinalph">extended Latin alphabets</a> or <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinalph">non-Latin alphabets</a>,
+however it does still have some limitations.
+</p><!--l. 1054--><p class="indent" > The <a
+ id="dx1-8002"></a></a> application comes with both <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live and MiK<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, but since <a
+ id="dx1-8003"></a></a> is a
+Perl script, you will also need to install Perl, if you don&#8217;t already have it. In a&#x00A0;similar way to
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a>, this option involves making <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;write the glossary information to
+a&#x00A0;temporary file which <a
+ id="dx1-8004"></a></a> reads. Then <a
+ id="dx1-8005"></a></a> writes a&#x00A0;new file containing the
+code to typeset the glossary. Then <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printglossary </span>reads this file in on the next
+</p><!--l. 1062--><p class="indent" > This is the best option with just the base <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package if you want to sort according
+to a&#x00A0;language other than English or if you want non-standard location lists, but it can require
+some setting up (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindy">Xindy (Option 3)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindy --></a>). There are some problems with certain sort
+values: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">entries with the same sort value are merged by <span
+ id="dx1-8006"></a> into a single glossary line
+ so you must make sure that each entry has a unique sort value;
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-8007"></a> forbids empty sort values;
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-8008"></a> automatically strips control sequences, the math-shift character <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">$</span></span></span> and
+ braces <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">{}</span></span></span> from the sort value, which is usually desired but this can cause the sort
+ value to collapse to an empty string which <span
+ id="dx1-8009"></a> forbids.</li></ul>
+<!--l. 1077--><p class="noindent" >In these problematic cases, you must set the <span
+ id="dx1-8010"></a> field explicitly. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-14">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;sort={alpha},description={...}}
+<!--l. 1082--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 1084--><p class="indent" > All glossaries must be sorted according to the same method (word/letter ordering, order
+of use, or order of definition). (The <span
+ id="dx1-8011"></a> package allows a hybrid mix
+of Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option1">1</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> to provide word/letter ordering with <a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a> and order of
+use/definition with <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>. See the <span
+ id="dx1-8012"></a> documentation for further
+</p><!--l. 1091--><p class="indent" >
+ </p><ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-8014x1">Add the <span
+ id="dx1-8015"></a> option to the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package option list:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-15">
+ \usepackage[xindy]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 1096--><p class="nopar" > If you are using a non-Latin script you&#8217;ll also need to either switch off the creation of
+ the number group:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-16">
+ \usepackage[xindy={glsnumbers=false}]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 1101--><p class="nopar" > or use either <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>or <span
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>to indicate where the number group should be placed (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindy">Xindy (Option
+ 3)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindy --></a>).
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-8017x2">Add <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>to your preamble (before you start defining your entries, as
+ described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglosentry">Defining Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglosentry --></a>).
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-8019x3">Run <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;on your document. This creates files with the extensions <span
+class="cmtt-10">.glo </span>and <span
+ (for example, if your <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;document is called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.tex</span>, then you&#8217;ll have two extra
+ files called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.glo </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.xdy</span>). If you look at your document at this point, you
+ won&#8217;t see the glossary as it hasn&#8217;t been created yet. (If you&#8217;re using the extension
+ package <span
+ id="dx1-8020"></a>, you&#8217;ll see the section header and some boilerplate
+ text.)
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-8022x4">Run <a
+ id="dx1-8023"></a></a> with the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.glo </span>file as the input file and the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.xdy </span>file as a&#x00A0;module so that it
+ creates an output file with the extension <span
+class="cmtt-10">.gls</span>. You also need to set the language name
+ and input encoding. If you have access to a terminal or a command prompt
+ (for example, the MSDOS command prompt for Windows users or the bash
+ console for Unix-like users) then you need to run the command (all on one
+ line):
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-17">
+ xindy&#x00A0;-L&#x00A0;english&#x00A0;-C&#x00A0;utf8&#x00A0;-I&#x00A0;xindy&#x00A0;-M&#x00A0;myDoc
+ &#x00A0;<br />-t&#x00A0;myDoc.glg&#x00A0;-o&#x00A0;myDoc.gls&#x00A0;myDoc.glo
+ <!--l. 1129--><p class="nopar" > (Replace <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc </span>with the base name of your <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;document file. Avoid spaces in the
+ file name. If necessary, also replace <span
+class="cmtt-10">english </span>with the name of your language and <span
+ with your input encoding, for example, <span
+ id="dx1-8024"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">german -C</span><a
+ id="dx1-8025"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">din5007-utf8</span>.) Note that it&#8217;s
+ much simpler to use <a
+ id="dx1-8026"></a></a> instead:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-18">
+ makeglossaries&#x00A0;myDoc
+ <!--l. 1138--><p class="nopar" > (Remember that <a
+ id="dx1-8027"></a></a> is a Perl script so if you can use <a
+ id="dx1-8028"></a></a> then you can also use
+ <a
+ id="dx1-8029"></a></a>, and if you don&#8217;t want to use <a
+ id="dx1-8030"></a></a> because you don&#8217;t want
+ to install Perl, then you can&#8217;t use <a
+ id="dx1-8031"></a></a> either.)
+ </p><!--l. 1144--><p class="noindent" >If you don&#8217;t know how to use the command prompt, then you can probably
+ access <a
+ id="dx1-8032"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-8033"></a></a> via your text editor, but each editor has a
+ different method of doing this, so I&#x00A0;can&#8217;t give a&#x00A0;general description. You
+ will have to check your editor&#8217;s manual. Again, a convenient method is to
+ use <span
+class="cmtt-10">arara </span>and add the follow comment lines to the start of your document:
+ </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ </div>
+ <!--l. 1156--><p class="noindent" >The default sort is word order (&#8220;sea lion&#8221; comes before &#8220;seal&#8221;). If you want letter
+ ordering you need to add the <span
+ id="dx1-8034"></a> package option:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-19">
+ \usepackage[xindy,order=letter]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 1161--><p class="nopar" > (and return to the previous step). This option is picked up by <a
+ id="dx1-8035"></a></a>. If you
+ are explicitly using <a
+ id="dx1-8036"></a></a> then you&#8217;ll need to add <span
+class="cmtt-10">-M ord/letorder </span>to the options list.
+ See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.5.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindyapp">Using <a
+ id="dx1-8037"></a></a> explicitly (Option 3)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindyapp --></a> for further details on using <span
+ id="dx1-8038"></a>
+ explicitly.
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-8040x5">Once you have successfully completed the previous step, you can now run
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;on your document again. As with the previous option, you may need to
+ repeat the process to ensure the table of contents and cross-references are
+ resolved.
+ </li></ol>
+<!--l. 1175--><p class="indent" > Complete example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-20">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[xindy]{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;open&#x00A0;glossary&#x00A0;files
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{sample}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\printglossary
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 1186--><p class="nopar" >
+ id="x1-8041r4"></a>
+</p><!--l. 1188--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="likesubsectionHead"><a
+ id="x1-90004"></a><a
+ id="option4"></a>Option&#x00A0;4 (<span
+<!--l. 1190--><p class="noindent" >This option is only available with the extension package <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a>. This method uses
+ id="dx1-9001"></a></a> to both fetch entry definitions from <span
+class="cmtt-10">.bib </span>files and to hierarchically sort and
+</p><!--l. 1195--><p class="indent" > All entries must be provided in one or more <span
+class="cmtt-10">.bib </span>files. (See the <a
+ id="dx1-9002"></a></a> user manual for
+the required format.) The <span
+ id="dx1-9003"></a> package needs to be loaded with the <span
+class="cmss-10">record </span>package
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-21">
+<!--l. 1201--><p class="nopar" > or (equivalently)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-22">
+<!--l. 1205--><p class="nopar" > (It&#8217;s possible to use a hybrid of this method and Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> with <span
+class="cmss-10">record=alsoindex </span>but in
+general there is little need for this and it complicates the build process.)
+</p><!--l. 1210--><p class="indent" > Each resource set is loaded with <span
+class="cmtt-10">]</span>. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-23">
+&#x00A0;<br />[%&#x00A0;definitions&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;entries1.bib&#x00A0;and&#x00A0;entries2.bib:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;src={entries1,entries2},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;sort={de-CH-1996}%&#x00A0;sort&#x00A0;according&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;this&#x00A0;locale
+&#x00A0;<br />]
+<!--l. 1218--><p class="nopar" > You can have multiple resource commands.
+</p><!--l. 1221--><p class="indent" > The glossary is displayed using
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-24">
+<!--l. 1224--><p class="nopar" > Alternatively all glossaries can be displayed using the iterative command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-25">
+<!--l. 1229--><p class="nopar" > The document is build using:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-26">
+&#x00A0;<br />bib2gls&#x00A0;myDoc
+&#x00A0;<br />pdflatex&#x00A0;myDoc
+<!--l. 1235--><p class="nopar" > If letter groups are required, you need the <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">--group</span></span></span> switch:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-27">
+<!--l. 1239--><p class="nopar" > Unlike Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>, this method doesn&#8217;t create a file containing the typeset glossary but
+simply determines which entries are needed for the document, their associated locations and
+(if required) their associated letter group. This option allows a mixture of sort methods.
+(For example, sorting by word order for one glossary and order of use for another
+or even sorting one block of the glossary differently to another block in the same
+</p><!--l. 1249--><p class="indent" > This method supports Unicode and (with at least Java&#x00A0;8) uses the Common
+Locale Data Repository, which provides more extensive language support than
+ id="dx1-9004"></a></a>.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x1" id="fn2x1-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.2</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-9005f2"></a>&#x00A0;The
+locations in the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-9007"></a></a> may be in any format. If <a
+ id="dx1-9008"></a></a> can deduce a numerical value it
+will attempt to form ranges otherwise it will simply list the locations.
+</p><!--l. 1258--><p class="indent" > Complete example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-28">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[record]{glossaries-extra}
+&#x00A0;<br />\GlsXtrLoadResources[src={entries}]
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{sample}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\printunsrtglossary
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 1267--><p class="nopar" > where <span
+class="cmtt-10">entries.bib </span>contains
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-29">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;name={sample},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 1274--><p class="nopar" > See the <a
+ id="dx1-9009"></a></a> user manual for further details.
+ id="x1-9010r5"></a>
+</p><!--l. 1277--><p class="noindent" >
+ <h4 class="likesubsectionHead"><a
+ id="x1-100005"></a><a
+ id="option5"></a>Option&#x00A0;5 (no sorting)</h4>
+<!--l. 1279--><p class="noindent" >This option is only available with the extension package <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a>. No <a
+application</a> is required. This method is best used with the package option <span
+ id="dx1-10001"></a>.
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-30">
+<!--l. 1284--><p class="nopar" > There&#8217;s no &#8220;activation&#8221; command (such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>for Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+</p><!--l. 1288--><p class="indent" > All entries must be defined before the glossary is displayed (preferably in the preamble) in
+the required order, and child entries must be defined immediately after their parent entry if
+they must be kept together in the glossary
+</p><!--l. 1293--><p class="indent" > The glossary is displayed using
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-31">
+<!--l. 1296--><p class="nopar" > Alternatively all glossaries can be displayed using the iterative command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-32">
+<!--l. 1301--><p class="nopar" > This will display <span
+class="cmti-10">all </span>defined entries, regardless of whether or not they have been used in the
+document. The <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-10002"></a>s</a> have to be set explicitly otherwise they won&#8217;t appear. Note
+that this uses the same command for displaying the glossary as <a
+href="#option4">Option&#x00A0;4</a>. This is
+because <a
+ id="dx1-10003"></a></a> takes advantage of this method by defining the wanted entries
+in the required order and setting the locations (and letter group information, if
+</p><!--l. 1310--><p class="indent" > This just requires a single <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-33">
+<!--l. 1313--><p class="nopar" > unless the glossary needs to appear in the table of contents, in which case a second run is
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-34">
+&#x00A0;<br />pdflatex&#x00A0;myDoc
+<!--l. 1319--><p class="nopar" > (Naturally if the document also contains citations, and so on, then additional steps are
+required. Similarly for all the other options above.)
+</p><!--l. 1324--><p class="indent" > Complete example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-35">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[sort=none]{glossaries-extra}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{sample}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\printunsrtglossary
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 1334--><p class="nopar" > See the <span
+ id="dx1-10004"></a> documentation for further details.
+</p><!--l. 1338--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 1338--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:samples"></a>Sample Documents</h3>
+<!--l. 1341--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package is provided with some sample documents that illustrate the
+various functions. These should be located in the <span
+class="cmtt-10">samples </span>subdirectory (folder)
+of the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>documentation directory. This location varies according to your
+operating system and <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distribution. You can use <span
+class="cmtt-10">texdoc </span>to locate the main
+glossaries documentation. For example, in a <a
+href="" >terminal or command prompt</a>, type:
+<spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">texdoc -l glossaries</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 1351--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+This should display a list of all the files in the glossaries documentation directory with
+their full pathnames. (The GUI version of <span
+class="cmtt-10">texdoc </span>may also provide you with the
+</p><!--l. 1356--><p class="indent" > If you can&#8217;t find the sample files on your computer, they are also available from your nearest
+CTAN mirror at <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+</p><!--l. 1360--><p class="indent" > The sample documents are listed
+below<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x1" id="fn3x1-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.3</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-11001f3"></a> If
+you prefer to use UTF-8 aware engines (<span
+class="cmtt-10">xelatex </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">lualatex</span>) remember that you&#8217;ll need to
+switch from <span
+class="cmss-10">fontenc </span>&amp; <span
+class="cmss-10">inputenc </span>to <span
+class="cmss-10">fontspec </span>where appropriate. The <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package
+provides some additional sample files.
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">minimalgls.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11002r1"></a> This document is a minimal working example. You can test your
+ installation using this file. To create the complete document you will need to do the
+ following steps:
+ <ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-11004x1">Run <span
+class="cmtt-10">minimalgls.tex </span>through <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;either by typing <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex minimalgls</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1379--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ in a terminal or by using the relevant button or menu item in your text editor or
+ front-end. This will create the required associated files but you will not see the
+ glossary. If you use PDF<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;you will also get warnings about non-existent
+ references that look something like:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-36">
+ pdfTeX&#x00A0;warning&#x00A0;(dest):&#x00A0;name{glo:aca}&#x00A0;has&#x00A0;been
+ &#x00A0;<br />referenced&#x00A0;but&#x00A0;does&#x00A0;not&#x00A0;exist,
+ &#x00A0;<br />replaced&#x00A0;by&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;fixed&#x00A0;one
+ <!--l. 1389--><p class="nopar" > These warnings may be ignored on the first run.
+ </p><!--l. 1392--><p class="noindent" >If you get a <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;\begin{document}</span></span></span> error, then it&#8217;s most likely that
+ your version of <span
+ id="dx1-11005"></a> is out of date. Check the log file for a warning
+ of that nature. If this is the case, you will need to update the <span
+ package.
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-11007x2">If you have Perl installed, run <a
+ id="dx1-11008"></a></a> on the document (<a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.5 </a><a
+ the Associated Glossary Files<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:makeglossaries --></a>). This can be done on a terminal by typing
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries minimalgls</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1402--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ otherwise do <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite minimalgls</span></span>
+ </p><!--l. 1406--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ If for some reason you want to call <a
+ id="dx1-11009"></a></a> explicitly, you can do this in a
+ terminal by typing (all on one line): <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeindex -s -t minimalgls.glg -o minimalgls.gls</span>
+ <span
+ </p><!--l. 1411--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.5.4 </a><a
+href="#sec:makeindexapp">Using <a
+ id="dx1-11010"></a></a> explicitly (Option 2)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:makeindexapp --></a> for further details on using
+ <span
+ id="dx1-11011"></a> explicitly.)
+ </p><!--l. 1415--><p class="noindent" >Note that if the file name contains spaces, you will need to use the double-quote
+ character to delimit the name.
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-11013x3">Run <span
+class="cmtt-10">minimalgls.tex </span>through <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;again (as step&#x00A0;1)</li></ol>
+ <!--l. 1420--><p class="noindent" >You should now have a complete document. The number following each entry in the
+ glossary is the location number. By default, this is the page number where the entry
+ was referenced.
+ </p><!--l. 1424--><p class="noindent" >There are three other files that can be used as a <a
+href="" >minimal working example</a>:
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">mwe-gls.tex</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">mwe-acr.tex </span>and <span
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-noidxapp.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11014r2"></a> This document illustrates how to use the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package without
+ an external <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> (<a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>). To create the complete document, you
+ need to do: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-noidxapp</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-noidxapp</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1435--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-noidxapp-utf8.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11015r3"></a> As the previous example, except that it uses the <span
+ id="dx1-11016"></a>
+ package. To create the complete document, you need to do: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-noidxapp-utf8</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-noidxapp-utf8</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1443--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample4col.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11017r4"></a> This document illustrates a four column glossary where the entries have a
+ symbol in addition to the name and description. To create the complete document, you
+ need to do: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample4col</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample4col</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample4col</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1453--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ or <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample4col</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite sample4col</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample4col</span></span>
+ </p><!--l. 1459--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ The vertical gap between entries is the gap created at the start of each group. This can
+ be suppressed using the <span
+ id="dx1-11018"></a> package option.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleAcr.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11019r5"></a> This document has some sample abbreviations. It also adds the glossary to
+ the table of contents, so an extra run through <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;is required to ensure the
+ document is up to date: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleAcr</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleAcr</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleAcr</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleAcr</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1473--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ (or use <a
+ id="dx1-11020"></a></a>).
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleAcrDesc.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11021r6"></a> This is similar to the previous example, except that the abbreviations
+ have an associated description. As with the previous example, the glossary is
+ added to the table of contents, so an extra run through <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;is required:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleAcrDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleAcrDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleAcrDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleAcrDesc</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1485--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleDesc.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11022r7"></a> This is similar to the previous example, except that it defines the
+ abbreviations using <span
+ id="dx1-11023"></a> instead of <span
+ id="dx1-11024"></a>. As with the previous
+ example, the glossary is added to the table of contents, so an extra run through
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;is required: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleDesc</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1497--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleCustomAcr.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11025r8"></a> This document has some sample abbreviations with a custom
+ acronym style. It also adds the glossary to the table of contents, so an extra run through
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;is required: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleCustomAcr</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleCustomAcr</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleCustomAcr</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleCustomAcr</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1507--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleFnAcrDesc.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11026r9"></a> This is similar to <a
+class="cmtt-10">sampleAcrDesc.tex</span></a>, except that it uses the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-11027"></a> style. As with the previous example, the glossary is added to the table
+ of contents, so an extra run through <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;is required: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleFnAcrDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleFnAcrDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleFnAcrDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleFnAcrDesc</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1518--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-FnDesc.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11028r10"></a> This example defines a custom display format that puts the description
+ in a footnote on first use. <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-FnDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample-FnDesc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-FnDesc</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1527--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-custom-acronym.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11029r11"></a> This document illustrates how to define your own acronym
+ style if the predefined styles don&#8217;t suit your requirements. <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-custom-acronym</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample-custom-acronym</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-custom-acronym</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1536--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-crossref.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11030r12"></a> This document illustrates how to cross-reference entries in the
+ glossary. <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-crossref</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample-crossref</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-crossref</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1545--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-dot-abbr.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11031r13"></a> This document illustrates how to use the post link hook to adjust the
+ space factor after abbreviations. <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-dot-abbr</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampledot-abbrf</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-dot-abbr</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1553--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleDB.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11032r14"></a> This document illustrates how to load external files containing the glossary
+ definitions. It also illustrates how to define a new glossary type. This document has the
+ <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-11033"></a></a> suppressed and uses <span
+ id="dx1-11034"></a> to add all the entries to the
+ glossaries without referencing each one explicitly. To create the document do:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleDB</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleDB</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleDB</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1565--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ or <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleDB</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite sampleDB</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleDB</span></span>
+ </p><!--l. 1571--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ The glossary definitions are stored in the accompanying files <span
+class="cmtt-10">database1.tex </span>and
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">database2.tex</span>. If for some reason you want to call <a
+ id="dx1-11035"></a></a> explicitly you must have
+ a separate call for each glossary:
+ </p><ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-11037x1">
+ Create
+ the
+ main
+ glossary
+ (all
+ on
+ one
+ line):
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <!--l. 1580--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-11039x2">
+ Create
+ the
+ secondary
+ glossary
+ (all
+ on
+ one
+ line):
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <!--l. 1584--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ Note that both <a
+ id="dx1-11040"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-11041"></a></a> do this all in one call,
+ so they not only make it easier because you don&#8217;t need to supply all the switches
+ and remember all the extensions but they also call <a
+ id="dx1-11042"></a></a> the appropriate
+ number of times.</p></li></ol>
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleEq.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11043r15"></a> This document illustrates how to change the location to something other
+ than the page number. In this case, the <span
+class="cmtt-10">equation </span>counter is used since all glossary
+ entries appear inside an <span
+ id="dx1-11044"></a><a
+ id="dx1-11045"></a> environment. To create the document do:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleEq</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleEq</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleEq</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1600--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleEqPg.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11046r16"></a> This is similar to the previous example, but the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-11047"></a>s</a>
+ are a mixture of page numbers and equation numbers. This example adds
+ the glossary to the table of contents, so an extra <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run is required:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleEqPg</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleEqPg</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleEqPg</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleEqPg</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1612--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleSec.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11048r17"></a> This document also illustrates how to change the location to something
+ other than the page number. In this case, the <span
+class="cmtt-10">section </span>counter is used. This example
+ adds the glossary to the table of contents, so an extra <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run is required:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleSec</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleSec</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleSec</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleSec</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1624--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleNtn.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11049r18"></a> This document illustrates how to create an additional glossary type. This
+ example adds the glossary to the table of contents, so an extra <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run is required:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleNtn</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleNtn</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleNtn</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleNtn</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1635--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ Note that if you want to call <a
+ id="dx1-11050"></a></a> explicitly instead of using <a
+ id="dx1-11051"></a></a> or
+ <a
+ id="dx1-11052"></a></a> then you need to call <a
+ id="dx1-11053"></a></a> twice:
+ </p><ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-11055x1">
+ Create
+ the
+ main
+ glossary
+ (all
+ on
+ one
+ line):
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <!--l. 1643--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-11057x2">
+ Create
+ the
+ secondary
+ glossary
+ (all
+ on
+ one
+ line):
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <!--l. 1647--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></li></ol>
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11058r19"></a> This document illustrates some of the basics, including how to create child
+ entries that use the same name as the parent entry. This example adds the glossary to
+ the table of contents and it also uses <span
+ id="dx1-11059"></a>, so an extra <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run is
+ required: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1660--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ You can see the difference between word and letter ordering if you substitute
+ <span
+ id="dx1-11060"></a> with <span
+ id="dx1-11061"></a>. (Note that this will only have an effect if you use
+ <a
+ id="dx1-11062"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-11063"></a></a>. If you use <a
+ id="dx1-11064"></a></a> explicitly, you will
+ need to use the <span
+ id="dx1-11065"></a> switch to indicate letter ordering.)
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-inline.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11066r20"></a> This document is like <span
+class="cmtt-10">sample.tex</span>, above, but uses the <span
+ id="dx1-11067"></a> glossary
+ style to put the glossary in a footnote.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampletree.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11068r21"></a> This document illustrates a hierarchical glossary structure where child
+ entries have different names to their corresponding parent entry. To create the
+ document do: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampletree</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampletree</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampletree</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1680--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-dual.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11069r22"></a> This document illustrates how to define an entry that both appears in
+ the list of acronyms and in the main glossary. To create the document do:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-dual</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample-dual</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-dual</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1689--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-langdict.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11070r23"></a> This document illustrates how to use the glossaries package to create
+ English to French and French to English dictionaries. To create the document do:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-langdict</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample-langdict</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-langdict</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1699--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11071r24"></a> This document illustrates how to use the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package with <a
+ id="dx1-11072"></a></a>
+ instead of <a
+ id="dx1-11073"></a></a>. The document uses UTF8 encoding (with the <span
+ id="dx1-11074"></a> package).
+ The encoding is picked up by <a
+ id="dx1-11075"></a></a>. By default, this document will
+ create a <a
+ id="dx1-11076"></a></a> style file called <span
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy.xdy</span>, but if you uncomment the
+ lines
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-37">
+ \setStyleFile{samplexdy-mc}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\noist
+ &#x00A0;<br />\GlsSetXdyLanguage{}
+ <!--l. 1712--><p class="nopar" > it will set the style file to <span
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy-mc.xdy </span>instead. This provides an additional letter
+ group for entries starting with &#8220;Mc&#8221; or &#8220;Mac&#8221;. If you use <a
+ id="dx1-11077"></a></a> or
+ <a
+ id="dx1-11078"></a></a>, you don&#8217;t need to supply any additional information. If you
+ don&#8217;t use <span
+ id="dx1-11079"></a>, you will need to specify the required information. Note that
+ if you set the style file to <span
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy-mc.xdy </span>you must also specify <span
+ id="dx1-11080"></a>, otherwise
+ the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package will overwrite <span
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy-mc.xdy </span>and you will lose the &#8220;Mc&#8221;
+ letter group.
+ </p><!--l. 1725--><p class="noindent" >To create the document do: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex samplexdy</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries samplexdy</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex samplexdy</span></span>
+ </p><!--l. 1730--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ If you don&#8217;t have Perl installed then you can&#8217;t use <a
+ id="dx1-11081"></a></a>, but you also can&#8217;t
+ use <a
+ id="dx1-11082"></a></a>! However, if for some reason you want to call <a
+ id="dx1-11083"></a></a> explicitly instead of using
+ <a
+ id="dx1-11084"></a></a> (or <a
+ id="dx1-11085"></a></a>): </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">
+ if
+ you
+ are
+ using
+ the
+ default
+ style
+ file
+ <span
+ then
+ do
+ (no
+ line
+ breaks):
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <!--l. 1741--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize">
+ if
+ you
+ are
+ using
+ <span
+ then
+ do
+ (no
+ line
+ breaks):
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <!--l. 1746--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></li></ul>
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy2.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11086r25"></a> This document illustrates how to use the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package where the
+ location numbers don&#8217;t follow a standard format. This example will only work with
+ <a
+ id="dx1-11087"></a></a>. To create the document do: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">pdflatex samplexdy2</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries samplexdy2</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">pdflatex samplexdy2</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1757--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ The
+ explicit
+ <a
+ id="dx1-11088"></a></a>
+ call
+ is:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ </p><!--l. 1761--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindyloc">Locations and Number lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindyloc --></a> for further details.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy3.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11089r26"></a> This document is like <a
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy.tex</span></a> but uses the command
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Numberstring </span>from the <span
+ id="dx1-11090"></a> package to format the page numbers.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleutf8.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11091r27"></a> This is another example that uses <a
+ id="dx1-11092"></a></a>. Unlike <a
+ id="dx1-11093"></a></a>, <a
+ id="dx1-11094"></a></a> can
+ cope with <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-11095"></a>s</a>. This document uses UTF8 encoding. To create the
+ document do: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleutf8</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleutf8</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleutf8</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1776--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ The
+ explicit
+ <a
+ id="dx1-11096"></a></a>
+ call
+ is
+ (no
+ line
+ breaks):
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ </p><!--l. 1781--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p><!--l. 1783--><p class="noindent" >If you remove the <span
+ id="dx1-11097"></a> option from <span
+class="cmtt-10">sampleutf8.tex </span>and do: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleutf8</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleutf8</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleutf8</span></span>
+ </p><!--l. 1789--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ or <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleutf8</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite sampleutf8</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleutf8</span></span>
+ </p><!--l. 1795--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ you
+ will
+ see
+ that
+ the
+ entries
+ that
+ start
+ with
+ an
+ <a
+ Latin
+ character<a
+ id="dx1-11098"></a></a>
+ now
+ appear
+ in
+ the
+ symbols
+ group,
+ and
+ the
+ word
+ &#8220;man&#339;uvre&#8221;
+ is
+ now
+ after
+ &#8220;manor&#8221;
+ instead
+ of
+ before
+ it.
+ If
+ you
+ want
+ to
+ explicitly
+ call
+ <a
+ id="dx1-11099"></a></a>
+ (no
+ line
+ breaks):
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ <span
+ </p><!--l. 1802--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-index.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11100r28"></a> This document uses the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package to create both a glossary and
+ an index. This requires two <a
+ id="dx1-11101"></a></a> (or <a
+ id="dx1-11102"></a></a>) calls to ensure
+ the document is up to date: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-index</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample-index</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-index</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample-index</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-index</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1815--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-newkeys.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11103r29"></a> This document illustrates how add custom keys (using <span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-storage-abbr.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11104r30"></a> This document illustrates how add custom storage keys (using
+ <span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-storage-abbr-desc.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11105r31"></a> An extension of the previous example where the user
+ needs to provide a&#x00A0;description.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-chap-hyperfirst.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11106r32"></a> This document illustrates how to add a&#x00A0;custom key using
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddstoragekey </span>and hook into the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;and <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;mechanism used to
+ determine whether or not to hyperlink an entry.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-font-abbr.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11107r33"></a> This document illustrates how to different fonts for abbreviations
+ within the style.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-numberlist.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11108r34"></a> This document illustrates how to reference the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-11109"></a></a> in the
+ document text. This requires an additional <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-numberlist</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample-numberlist</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-numberlist</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-numberlist</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1842--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">samplePeople.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11110r35"></a> This document illustrates how you can hook into the standard sort
+ mechanism to adjust the way the sort key is set. This requires an additional run to
+ ensure the table of contents is up-to-date: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex samplePeople</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries samplePeople</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex samplePeople</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex samplePeople</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1853--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleSort.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11111r36"></a> This is another document that illustrates how to hook into the standard
+ sort mechanism. An additional run is required to ensure the table of contents is
+ up-to-date: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleSort</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sampleSort</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleSort</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sampleSort</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1863--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-nomathhyper.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11112r37"></a> This document illustrates how to selectively enable and disable
+ entry hyperlinks in <span
+ id="dx1-11113"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-entryfmt.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11114r38"></a> This document illustrates how to change the way an entry is
+ displayed in the text.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-prefix.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11115r39"></a> This document illustrates the use of the <span
+ id="dx1-11116"></a> package.
+ An additional run is required to ensure the table of contents is up-to-date:
+ <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-prefix</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries sample-prefix</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-prefix</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex sample-prefix</span></span>
+ <!--l. 1879--><p class="noindent" ><spacer type=vertical size=10>
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sampleaccsupp.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11117r40"></a> This document uses the experimental <span
+ id="dx1-11118"></a> package. The
+ symbol is set to the replacement text. Note that some PDF viewers don&#8217;t use the
+ accessibility support. Information about the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-accsupp </span>package can be found in
+ <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>18 </a><a
+href="#sec:accsupp">Accessibility Support<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:accsupp --></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-ignored.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11119r41"></a> This document defines an ignored glossary for common terms that
+ don&#8217;t need a definition.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmtt-10">sample-entrycount.tex</span> </dt><dd
+ id="x1-11120r42"></a> This document uses <span
+ id="dx1-11121"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-11122"></a> (described
+ in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>14.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:enableentrycount">Counting the Number of Times an Entry has been Used (First Use
+ Flag Unset)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:enableentrycount --></a>) so that acronyms only used once don&#8217;t appear in the list of
+ acronyms.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 1897--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 1897--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:lipsum"></a>Dummy Entries for Testing</h3>
+<!--l. 1900--><p class="noindent" >In addition to the sample files described above, <span
+ id="dx1-12001"></a> also provides some files containing
+lorum ipsum dummy entries. These are provided for testing purposes and are on <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s path
+(in <span
+class="cmtt-10">tex/latex/glossaries/test-entries</span>) so they can be included via <span
+ id="dx1-12002"></a> or
+ id="dx1-12003"></a>. The files are as follows:
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-brief.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries all have brief descriptions. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-38">
+ \newglossaryentry{lorem}{name={lorem},description={ipsum}}
+ <!--l. 1910--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-long.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries all have long descriptions. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-39">
+ \newglossaryentry{loremipsum}{name={lorem&#x00A0;ipsum},
+ &#x00A0;<br />description={dolor&#x00A0;sit&#x00A0;amet,&#x00A0;consectetuer&#x00A0;adipiscing
+ &#x00A0;<br />elit.&#x00A0;Ut&#x00A0;purus&#x00A0;elit,&#x00A0;vestibulum&#x00A0;ut,&#x00A0;placerat&#x00A0;ac,
+ &#x00A0;<br />adipiscing&#x00A0;vitae,&#x00A0;felis.&#x00A0;Curabitur&#x00A0;dictum&#x00A0;gravida
+ &#x00A0;<br />mauris.}}
+ <!--l. 1920--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-multipar.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries all have multi-paragraph descriptions.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-symbols.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries all use the <span
+ id="dx1-12004"></a> key. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-40">
+ \newglossaryentry{alpha}{name={alpha},
+ &#x00A0;<br />symbol={\ensuremath{\alpha}},
+ &#x00A0;<br />description={Quisque&#x00A0;ullamcorper&#x00A0;placerat&#x00A0;ipsum.}}
+ <!--l. 1931--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-symbolnames.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">Similar to the previous file but the <span
+ id="dx1-12005"></a> key isn&#8217;t
+ used. Instead the symbol is stored in the <span
+ id="dx1-12006"></a> key. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-41">
+ \newglossaryentry{sym.alpha}{sort={alpha},
+ &#x00A0;<br />name={\ensuremath{\alpha}},
+ &#x00A0;<br />description={Quisque&#x00A0;ullamcorper&#x00A0;placerat&#x00A0;ipsum.}}
+ <!--l. 1940--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-images.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries use the <span
+ id="dx1-12007"></a> key to store the name of an
+ image file. (The images are provided by the <span
+ id="dx1-12008"></a> package and should be on <span class="TEX">T<span
+ path.) One entry doesn&#8217;t have an associated image to help test for a&#x00A0;missing
+ key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-acronym.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries are all abbreviations. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-42">
+ \newacronym[type=\glsdefaulttype]{lid}{LID}{lorem&#x00A0;ipsum
+ &#x00A0;<br />dolor}
+ <!--l. 1952--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-acronym-desc.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries are all abbreviations that use the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-12009"></a> key. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-43">
+ \newacronym[type=\glsdefaulttype,
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={fringilla&#x00A0;a,&#x00A0;euismod&#x00A0;sodales,
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sollicitudin&#x00A0;vel,&#x00A0;wisi}]{ndl}{NDL}{nam&#x00A0;dui&#x00A0;ligula}
+ <!--l. 1961--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-acronyms-lang.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries are all abbreviations, where some of
+ them have a&#x00A0;translation supplied in the <span
+ id="dx1-12010"></a> key. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-44">
+ \newacronym[type=\glsdefaulttype,user1={love&#x00A0;itself}]
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{li}{LI}{lorem&#x00A0;ipsum}
+ <!--l. 1970--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-parent.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These are hierarchical entries where the child entries use
+ the <span
+ id="dx1-12011"></a> key. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-45">
+ \newglossaryentry{sedmattis}{name={sed&#x00A0;mattis},
+ &#x00A0;<br />description={erat&#x00A0;sit&#x00A0;amet}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{gravida}{parent={sedmattis},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={gravida},description={malesuada}}
+ <!--l. 1981--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-childnoname.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These are hierarchical entries where the child
+ entries don&#8217;t use the <span
+ id="dx1-12012"></a> key. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-46">
+ \newglossaryentry{scelerisque}{name={scelerisque},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={at}}
+ <!--l. 1989--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-cite.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries use the <span
+ id="dx1-12013"></a> key to store a citation
+ key (or comma-separated list of citation keys). The citations are defined in
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">xampl.bib</span>, which should be available on all modern <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distributions. One
+ entry doesn&#8217;t have an associated citation to help test for a&#x00A0;missing key. For
+ example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-47">
+ \newglossaryentry{fusce}{name={fusce},
+ &#x00A0;<br />description={suscipit&#x00A0;cursus&#x00A0;sem},user1={article-minimal}}
+ <!--l. 2001--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">example-glossaries-url.tex</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">These entries use the <span
+ id="dx1-12014"></a> key to store an URL associated
+ with the entry. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-48">
+ \newglossaryentry{aenean-url}{name={aenean},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={adipiscing&#x00A0;auctor&#x00A0;est},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;user1={}}
+ <!--l. 2010--><p class="nopar" ></p></dd></dl>
+<!--l. 2013--><p class="indent" > The sample file <span
+class="cmtt-10">glossary-lipsum-examples.tex </span>in the <span
+directory uses all these files. See also <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+The <span
+ id="dx1-12015"></a> package provides additional test files.
+</p><!--l. 2019--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 2019--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.4 </span> <a
+ id="sec:languages"></a>Multi-Lingual Support</h3>
+<!--l. 2022--><p class="noindent" >As from version 1.17, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package can be used with <a
+ id="dx1-13001"></a></a> as well as <a
+ id="dx1-13002"></a></a>. If
+you are writing in a language that uses an <a
+href="#glo:exlatinalph">extended Latin alphabet</a> or <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinalph">non-Latin alphabet</a> it&#8217;s
+best to use <a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a> (<span
+ id="dx1-13003"></a>) or <a
+href="#option4">Option&#x00A0;4</a> (<a
+ id="dx1-13004"></a></a>) as <span
+ id="dx1-13005"></a> (<a
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a>) is hard-coded
+for the non-extended <a
+href="#glo:latinalph">Latin alphabet<a
+ id="dx1-13006"></a></a> and <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> can performed limited ASCII
+</p><!--l. 2030--><p class="indent" > This means that with Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option4">4</a> you are not restricted to the A, &#x2026;, Z letter
+groups. If you want to use <span
+ id="dx1-13007"></a>, remember to use the <span
+ id="dx1-13008"></a> package option. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-49">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{babel}
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[xindy]{glossaries}
+<!--l. 2039--><p class="nopar" > If you want to use <span
+ id="dx1-13009"></a>, you need to use the <span
+ id="dx1-13010"></a> option with <span
+ id="dx1-13011"></a>
+and supply the definitions in <span
+class="cmtt-10">.bib </span>files. (See the <a
+ id="dx1-13012"></a></a> user manual for further
+</p><!--l. 2045--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that although a&#x00A0;<a
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-13013"></a></a>, such as &eacute;, looks like a plain character
+in your <span
+ id="dx1-13014"></a> file, with standard <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;it&#8217;s actually a&#x00A0;macro and can therefore
+cause expansion problems. You may need to switch off the field expansions with
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnoexpandfields</span>. This issue doesn&#8217;t occur with XeLaTeX&#x00A0;or Lua<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+</p><!--l. 2051--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 2053--><p class="indent" > With <span
+ id="dx1-13015"></a>, if you use a&#x00A0;<a
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-13016"></a></a> (or other expandable) character at the
+start of an entry name, you must place it in a group, or it will cause a problem for
+commands that convert the first letter to upper case (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+ id="dx1-13017"></a>). For example:
+</p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+<span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&eacute;</span><span class="verb"><span
+<br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">description=</span><span class="verb"><span
+</div> (With newer versions of <span
+ id="dx1-13018"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-13019"></a> you may be able to omit this grouping.)
+For further details, see the &#8220;UTF-8&#8221; section in the <span
+ id="dx1-13020"></a> user manual.
+<!--l. 2066--><p class="indent" > If you are using <a
+ id="dx1-13021"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-13022"></a></a>, the application needs to know the encoding of the
+ id="dx1-13023"></a> file. This information is added to the <span
+ id="dx1-13024"></a> file and can be picked up by <a
+ id="dx1-13025"></a></a>
+and <a
+ id="dx1-13026"></a></a>. If you use <a
+ id="dx1-13027"></a></a> explicitly instead of via <span
+ id="dx1-13028"></a>, you may need to
+specify the encoding using the <span
+ id="dx1-13029"></a> option. Read the <span
+ id="dx1-13030"></a> manual for further details of this
+</p><!--l. 2075--><p class="indent" > As from v4.24, if you are writing in German (for example, using the <span
+ id="dx1-13031"></a>
+package<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn4x1" id="fn4x1-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.4</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-13032f4"></a>
+or <span
+ id="dx1-13033"></a> with the <span
+ id="dx1-13034"></a> package option), and you want to use <a
+ id="dx1-13035"></a>&#8217;s</a> <span
+ id="dx1-13036"></a> option, you&#8217;ll
+need to change <a
+ id="dx1-13037"></a>&#8217;s</a> quote character using:
+</p><!--l. 2079--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-13038"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 2081--><p class="noindent" >
+Note that &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">character</span>&#x27E9; may not be one of <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">?</span></span></span> (question mark), <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">|</span></span></span> (pipe) or <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">!</span></span></span> (exclamation mark).
+For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-50">
+<!--l. 2087--><p class="nopar" > This must be done before <span
+ id="dx1-13039"></a> and any entry definitions. It&#8217;s only applicable
+for <span
+ id="dx1-13040"></a>. This option in conjunction with <span
+ id="dx1-13041"></a> will also cause <span
+ id="dx1-13042"></a> to
+use the <span
+ id="dx1-13043"></a> switch when invoking <span
+ id="dx1-13044"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 2094--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Be careful of <span
+ id="dx1-13045"></a>&#8217;s shorthands. These aren&#8217;t switched on until the start of the
+document, so any entries defined in the preamble won&#8217;t be able to use those shorthands.
+However, if you define the entries in the document and any of those shorthands happen to be
+special characters for <a
+ id="dx1-13046"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-13047"></a></a> (such as the double-quote) then this will interfere
+with code that tries to escape any of those characters that occur in the <span
+ id="dx1-13048"></a> key.
+</p><!--l. 2103--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 2105--><p class="indent" > In general, it&#8217;s best not to use <span
+ id="dx1-13049"></a>&#8217;s shorthands in entry definitions. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-51">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\GlsSetQuote{+}
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{rna}{name={ribonukleins\"aure},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sort={ribonukleins"aure},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={eine&#x00A0;Nukleins\"aure}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{rna}
+&#x00A0;<br />\printglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 2126--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 2128--><p class="indent" > The <span
+ id="dx1-13050"></a> package has the shorthands on in the preamble, so they can be used if
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsSetQuote </span>has changed the <a
+ id="dx1-13051"></a></a> quote character. Example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-52">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[ngerman]{babel}
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\GlsSetQuote{+}
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{rna}{name={ribonukleins"aure},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={eine&#x00A0;Nukleins"aure}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{rna}
+&#x00A0;<br />\printglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 2149--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 2151--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 2151--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.4.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:fixednames"></a>Changing the Fixed Names</h4>
+<!--l. 2154--><p class="noindent" >The fixed names are produced using the commands listed in <a
+href="#tab:predefinednames">table&#x00A0;1.2</a>. If you aren&#8217;t using a
+language package such as <span
+ id="dx1-14001"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-14002"></a> that uses caption hooks, you can just redefine
+these commands as appropriate. If you are using <span
+ id="dx1-14003"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-14004"></a>, you need to use their
+caption hooks to change the defaults. See <a
+href="" >changing the words babel uses</a> or read the <span
+ id="dx1-14005"></a> or
+ id="dx1-14006"></a> documentation. If you have loaded <span
+ id="dx1-14007"></a>, then <span
+ id="dx1-14008"></a> will attempt to load
+ id="dx1-14009"></a>, unless you have used the <span
+ id="dx1-14010"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-14011"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-14012"></a> package
+options. If the <span
+ id="dx1-14013"></a> package is loaded, the translations are provided by dictionary files
+(for example, <span
+class="cmtt-10">glossaries-dictionary-English.dict</span>). See the <span
+ id="dx1-14014"></a> package for advice
+on changing translations provided by <span
+ id="dx1-14015"></a> dictionaries. If you can&#8217;t work out
+how to modify these dictionary definitions, try switching to <span
+ id="dx1-14016"></a>&#8217;s interface using
+ id="dx1-14017"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-53">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{babel}
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[translate=babel]{glossaries}
+<!--l. 2175--><p class="nopar" > and then use <span
+ id="dx1-14018"></a>&#8217;s caption hook mechanism. Note that if you pass the language options
+directly to <span
+ id="dx1-14019"></a> rather that using the document class options or otherwise passing the same
+options to <span
+ id="dx1-14020"></a>, then <span
+ id="dx1-14021"></a> won&#8217;t pick up the language and no dictionaries will be
+loaded and <span
+ id="dx1-14022"></a>&#8217;s caption hooks will be used instead.
+ <div class="table">
+<!--l. 2183--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="tab:predefinednames"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float"
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;1.2: </span><span
+class="content">Customised Text</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-140232 -->
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-3" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-3-1g"><col
+id="TBL-3-1" /><col
+id="TBL-3-2" /><col
+id="TBL-3-3" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-1-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-1-1"
+class="cmbx-10">Command Name </span></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-1-2"
+class="td11"> <!--l. 2189--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ <span
+ <span
+class="cmbx-10">Word</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-1-3"
+class="td10"> <!--l. 2190--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">Purpose</span> </p></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-2-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-2-1"
+ id="dx1-14024"></a> </td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-2-2"
+class="td11"> <!--l. 2191--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmtt-10">Glossary</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-2-3"
+class="td10"> <!--l. 2191--><p class="noindent" >Title
+ of
+ the
+ main
+ glossary. </p></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-3-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-3-1"
+ id="dx1-14025"></a> </td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-3-2"
+class="td11"> <!--l. 2192--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmtt-10">Acronyms</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-3-3"
+class="td10"> <!--l. 2192--><p class="noindent" >Title
+ of
+ the
+ list
+ of
+ acronyms
+ (when
+ used
+ with
+ package
+ option
+ <span
+ id="dx1-14026"></a>). </p></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-4-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-4-1"
+ id="dx1-14027"></a> </td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-4-2"
+class="td11"> <!--l. 2194--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">(glossaries)</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-4-3"
+class="td10"> <!--l. 2195--><p class="noindent" >Header
+ for
+ first
+ column
+ in
+ the
+ glossary
+ (for
+ 2,
+ 3
+ or
+ 4
+ column
+ glossaries
+ that
+ support
+ headers). </p></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-5-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-5-1"
+ id="dx1-14028"></a> </td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-5-2"
+class="td11"> <!--l. 2197--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">(glossaries)</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-5-3"
+class="td10"> <!--l. 2198--><p class="noindent" >Header
+ for
+ second
+ column
+ in
+ the
+ glossary
+ (for
+ 2,
+ 3
+ or
+ 4
+ column
+ glossaries
+ that
+ support
+ headers). </p></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-6-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-6-1"
+ id="dx1-14029"></a> </td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-6-2"
+class="td11"> <!--l. 2200--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">(glossaries)</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-6-3"
+class="td10"> <!--l. 2200--><p class="noindent" >Header
+ for
+ symbol
+ column
+ in
+ the
+ glossary
+ for
+ glossary
+ styles
+ that
+ support
+ this
+ option. </p></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-7-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-7-1"
+ id="dx1-14030"></a> </td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-7-2"
+class="td11"> <!--l. 2202--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ <span
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">(glossaries)</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-7-3"
+class="td10"> <!--l. 2203--><p class="noindent" >Header
+ for
+ page
+ list
+ column
+ in
+ the
+ glossary
+ for
+ glossaries
+ that
+ support
+ this
+ option. </p></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-8-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-8-1"
+ id="dx1-14031"></a> </td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-8-2"
+class="td11"> <!--l. 2205--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">(glossaries)</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-8-3"
+class="td10"> <!--l. 2206--><p class="noindent" >Header
+ for
+ symbols
+ section
+ of
+ the
+ glossary
+ for
+ glossary
+ styles
+ that
+ support
+ this
+ option. </p></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-3-9-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-9-1"
+ id="dx1-14032"></a> </td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-9-2"
+class="td11"> <!--l. 2208--><p class="noindent" ><span
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">(glossaries)</span> </p></td><td style="white-space:wrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-3-9-3"
+class="td10"> <!--l. 2208--><p class="noindent" >Header
+ for
+ numbers
+ section
+ of
+ the
+ glossary
+ for
+ glossary
+ styles
+ that
+ support
+ this
+ option. </p></td>
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+ </div>
+<!--l. 2214--><p class="indent" > As from version 4.12, multilingual support is provided by separate language modules that
+need to be installed in addition to installing the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. You only need to install
+the modules for the languages that you require. If the language module has an
+unmaintained status, you can volunteer to take over the maintenance by contacting me at
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="cmtt-10"></span></a>. The <span
+ id="dx1-14033"></a> dictionary files for <span
+are now provided by the appropriate language module. For further details about
+information specific to a given language, please see the documentation for that language
+</p><!--l. 2226--><p class="indent" > Examples of use: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">Using <span
+ id="dx1-14034"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-14035"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-54">
+ \documentclass[english,french]{article}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{babel}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 2233--><p class="nopar" > (<span
+ id="dx1-14036"></a> is automatically loaded).
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize">Using <span
+ id="dx1-14037"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-55">
+ \documentclass[english,french]{article}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{babel}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[translate=babel]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 2241--><p class="nopar" > (<span
+ id="dx1-14038"></a> isn&#8217;t loaded).
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize">Using <span
+ id="dx1-14039"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-56">
+ \documentclass{article}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{polyglossia}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\setmainlanguage{english}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 2250--><p class="nopar" >
+ </li></ul>
+<!--l. 2254--><p class="indent" > Due to the varied nature of glossaries, it&#8217;s likely that the predefined translations may not
+be appropriate. If you are using the <span
+ id="dx1-14040"></a> package and the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package option
+ id="dx1-14041"></a>, you need to be familiar with the advice given in <a
+href="" >changing the words
+babel uses</a>. If you are using the <span
+ id="dx1-14042"></a> package, then you can provide your own
+dictionary with the necessary modifications (using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\deftranslation</span>) and load it using
+class="cmtt-10">\usedictionary</span>. If you simply want to change the title of a glossary, you can use the
+ id="dx1-14043"></a> key in commands like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printglossary </span>(but not the iterative commands like
+</p><!--l. 2266--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that the <span
+ id="dx1-14044"></a> dictionaries are loaded at the beginning of the document, so it
+won&#8217;t have any effect if you put <span
+class="cmtt-10">\deftranslation </span>in the preamble. It should be put in your
+personal dictionary instead (as in the example below). See the <span
+ id="dx1-14045"></a> documentation for
+further details. (Now with <span
+ id="dx1-14046"></a> documentation.) </div>
+</p><!--l. 2273--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 2275--><p class="indent" > Your custom dictionary doesn&#8217;t have to be just a translation from English to another
+language. You may prefer to have a dictionary for a particular type of document. For
+example, suppose your institution&#8217;s in-house reports have to have the glossary labelled as
+&#8220;Nomenclature&#8221; and the page list should be labelled &#8220;Location&#8221;, then you can create a file
+called, say,
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-57">
+<!--l. 2283--><p class="nopar" > that contains the following:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-58">
+&#x00A0;<br />\deftranslation{Glossary}{Nomenclature}
+&#x00A0;<br />\deftranslation{Page&#x00A0;List&#x00A0;(glossaries)}{Location}
+<!--l. 2289--><p class="nopar" > You can now load it using:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-59">
+<!--l. 2293--><p class="nopar" > (Make sure that <span
+class="cmtt-10">myinstitute-glossaries-dictionary-English.dict </span>can be
+found by <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>.) If you want to share your custom dictionary, you can upload it to
+href="" >CTAN</a>.
+</p><!--l. 2298--><p class="indent" > If you are using <span
+ id="dx1-14047"></a> and don&#8217;t want to use the <span
+ id="dx1-14048"></a> interface, you can use the
+package option <span
+ id="dx1-14049"></a>. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-60">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{babel}
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[translate=babel]{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\addto\captionsbritish{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossaryname}{List&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;Terms}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymname}{List&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;Acronyms}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 2311--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 2313--><p class="indent" > Note that <a
+ id="dx1-14050"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-14051"></a></a> provide much better multi-lingual support than <a
+ id="dx1-14052"></a></a>,
+so I&#x00A0;recommend that you use Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option4">4</a> if you have glossary entries that contain
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-14053"></a>s</a>. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindy">Xindy (Option 3)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindy --></a> for further details on <a
+ id="dx1-14054"></a></a>, and see the
+ id="dx1-14055"></a></a> user manual for further details of that application.
+ <h5 class="subsubsectionHead"><a
+ id="pluralsuffix"></a>Creating a New Language Module</h5>
+<!--l. 2323--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package now uses the <span
+ id="dx1-15001"></a> package to determine which language modules
+need to be loaded. If you want to create a new language module, you should first read the
+ id="dx1-15002"></a> documentation.
+</p><!--l. 2328--><p class="indent" > To create a new language module, you need to at least create two files: <span
+and <span
+class="cmtt-10">.dict </span>where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">lang</span>&#x27E9; is the root language name (for
+example, <span
+class="cmtt-10">english</span>) and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">Lang</span>&#x27E9; is the language name used by <span
+ id="dx1-15003"></a> (for example,
+</p><!--l. 2335--><p class="indent" > Here&#8217;s an example of <span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-61">
+&#x00A0;<br />\providetranslation{Glossary}{Glossary}
+&#x00A0;<br />\providetranslation{Acronyms}{Acronyms}
+&#x00A0;<br />\providetranslation{Notation&#x00A0;(glossaries)}{Notation}
+&#x00A0;<br />\providetranslation{Description&#x00A0;(glossaries)}{Description}
+&#x00A0;<br />\providetranslation{Symbol&#x00A0;(glossaries)}{Symbol}
+&#x00A0;<br />\providetranslation{Page&#x00A0;List&#x00A0;(glossaries)}{Page&#x00A0;List}
+&#x00A0;<br />\providetranslation{Symbols&#x00A0;(glossaries)}{Symbols}
+&#x00A0;<br />\providetranslation{Numbers&#x00A0;(glossaries)}{Numbers}
+<!--l. 2347--><p class="nopar" > You can use this as a template for your dictionary file. Change <span
+class="cmtt-10">English </span>to the <span
+ id="dx1-15004"></a> name
+for your language (so that it matches the file name <span
+and, for each <span
+class="cmtt-10">\providetranslation</span>, change the second argument to the appropriate
+</p><!--l. 2355--><p class="indent" > Here&#8217;s an example of <span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-62">
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsifusedtranslatordict{English}
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\addglossarytocaptions{\CurrentTrackedLanguage}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\addglossarytocaptions{\CurrentTrackedDialect}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\@ifpackageloaded{polyglossia}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\newcommand*{\glossariescaptionsenglish}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossaryname}{\textenglish{Glossary}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymname}{\textenglish{Acronyms}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\entryname}{\textenglish{Notation}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\descriptionname}{\textenglish{Description}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\symbolname}{\textenglish{Symbol}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\pagelistname}{\textenglish{Page&#x00A0;List}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glssymbolsgroupname}{\textenglish{Symbols}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsnumbersgroupname}{\textenglish{Numbers}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\newcommand*{\glossariescaptionsenglish}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossaryname}{Glossary}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymname}{Acronyms}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\entryname}{Notation}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\descriptionname}{Description}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\symbolname}{Symbol}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\pagelistname}{Page&#x00A0;List}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glssymbolsgroupname}{Symbols}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsnumbersgroupname}{Numbers}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifcsdef{captions\CurrentTrackedDialect}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\csappto{captions\CurrentTrackedDialect}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossariescaptionsenglish
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifcsdef{captions\CurrentTrackedLanguage}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\csappto{captions\CurrentTrackedLanguage}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossariescaptionsenglish
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossariescaptionsenglish
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\glspluralsuffix}{s}
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\glsacrpluralsuffix}{\glspluralsuffix}
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\glsupacrpluralsuffix}{\glstextup{\glspluralsuffix}}
+<!--l. 2413--><p class="nopar" > This is a somewhat longer file, but again you can use it as a template. Replace <span
+class="cmtt-10">English </span>with
+the <span
+ id="dx1-15005"></a> language label &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">Lang</span>&#x27E9; used for the dictionary file and replace <span
+class="cmtt-10">english </span>with the
+root language name &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">lang</span>&#x27E9;. Within the definition of <span
+class="cmti-10">lang</span>&#x27E9;, replace the
+English text (such as &#8220;Glossaries&#8221;) with the appropriate translation.
+</p><!--l. 2423--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="cmbx-10">Note: </span>the suffixes used to generate the plural forms when the plural hasn&#8217;t been specified
+are given by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspluralsuffix </span>(for general entries) and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsupacrpluralsuffix </span>for
+acronyms where the suffix needs to be set using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstextup </span>to counteract the effects of
+class="cmtt-10">\textsc </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsacrpluralsuffix </span>for other acronym styles. There&#8217;s no guarantee when
+these commands will be expanded. They may be expanded on definition or they may be
+expanded on use, depending on the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>configuration.
+</p><!--l. 2433--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Therefore these plural suffix command definitions aren&#8217;t included in the caption
+mechanism as that&#8217;s typically not switched on until the start of the document. <span
+class="cmbx-10">This means</span>
+class="cmbx-10">that the suffix in effect will be for the last loaded language that redefined these</span>
+class="cmbx-10">commands. </span>It&#8217;s best to initialise these commands to the most common suffix required in
+your document and use the <span
+ id="dx1-15006"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-15007"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-15008"></a> etc keys to override exceptions.
+</p><!--l. 2442--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 2444--><p class="indent" > If you want to add a regional variation, create a file called <span
+class="cmti-10">iso lang</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">.ldf</span>, where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">iso lang</span>&#x27E9; is the ISO language code and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">iso country</span>&#x27E9; is the ISO country
+code. For example, <span
+class="cmtt-10">glossaries-en-GB.ldf</span>. This file can load the root language file and
+make the appropriate changes, for example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-63">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\RequireGlossariesLang{english}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glsifusedtranslatordict{British}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\addglossarytocaptions{\CurrentTrackedLanguage}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\addglossarytocaptions{\CurrentTrackedDialect}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\@ifpackageloaded{polyglossia}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Modify&#x00A0;\glossariescaptionsenglish&#x00A0;as&#x00A0;appropriate&#x00A0;for
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;polyglossia
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Modify&#x00A0;\glossariescaptionsenglish&#x00A0;as&#x00A0;appropriate&#x00A0;for
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;non-polyglossia
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}
+<!--l. 2469--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 2471--><p class="indent" > If the translations includes <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-15009"></a>s</a>, it&#8217;s necessary to provide code that&#8217;s
+independent of the input encoding. Remember that while some users may use UTF-8, others
+may use Latin-1 or any other supported encoding, but while users won&#8217;t appreciate
+you enforcing your preference on them, it&#8217;s useful to provide a UTF-8 version for
+</p><!--l. 2478--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="cmtt-10">glossaries-irish.ldf </span>file provides this as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-64">
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsifusedtranslatordict{Irish}
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\addglossarytocaptions{\CurrentTrackedLanguage}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\addglossarytocaptions{\CurrentTrackedDialect}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifdefstring{\inputencodingname}{utf8}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\input{glossaries-irish-utf8.ldf}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifdef{\XeTeXinputencoding}%&#x00A0;XeTeX&#x00A0;defaults&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;UTF-8
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\input{glossaries-irish-utf8.ldf}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\input{glossaries-irish-noenc.ldf}}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifcsdef{captions\CurrentTrackedDialect}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\csappto{captions\CurrentTrackedDialect}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossariescaptionsirish
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifcsdef{captions\CurrentTrackedLanguage}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\csappto{captions\CurrentTrackedLanguage}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossariescaptionsirish
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossariescaptionsirish
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 2515--><p class="nopar" > (Again you can use this as a template. Replace <span
+class="cmtt-10">irish </span>with your root language label and
+class="cmtt-10">Irish </span>with the <span
+ id="dx1-15010"></a> dictionary label.)
+</p><!--l. 2520--><p class="indent" > There are now two extra files: <span
+class="cmtt-10">glossaries-irish-noenc.ldf </span>and <span
+</p><!--l. 2523--><p class="indent" > These both define <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossariescaptionsirish </span>but the <span
+class="cmtt-10">*-noenc.ldf </span>uses <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-65">
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\newcommand*{\glossariescaptionsirish}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossaryname}{\textirish{Gluais}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymname}{\textirish{Acrainmneacha}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\entryname}{\textirish{Ciall}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\descriptionname}{\textirish{Tuairisc}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\symbolname}{\textirish{Comhartha}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glssymbolsgroupname}{\textirish{Comhartha\'{\i}}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\pagelistname}{\textirish{Leathanaigh}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsnumbersgroupname}{\textirish{Uimhreacha}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}%
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\newcommand*{\glossariescaptionsirish}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossaryname}{Gluais}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymname}{Acrainmneacha}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\entryname}{Ciall}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\descriptionname}{Tuairisc}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\symbolname}{Comhartha}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glssymbolsgroupname}{Comhartha\'{\i}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\pagelistname}{Leathanaigh}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsnumbersgroupname}{Uimhreacha}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 2551--><p class="nopar" > whereas the <span
+class="cmtt-10">*-utf8.ldf </span>replaces the accent commands with the appropriate UTF-8
+</p><!--l. 2556--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 2556--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.5 </span> <a
+ id="sec:makeglossaries"></a>Generating the Associated Glossary Files</h3>
+<!--l. 2559--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> This section is only applicable if you have chosen Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>. You can ignore this section
+if you have chosen any of the other options. If you want to alphabetically sort your entries
+always remember to use the <span
+ id="dx1-16001"></a> key if the <span
+ id="dx1-16002"></a> contains any <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+</p><!--l. 2564--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 2566--><p class="noindent" >If this section seriously confuses you, and you can&#8217;t work out how to run external
+tools like <a
+ id="dx1-16003"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-16004"></a></a>, you can try using the <span
+ id="dx1-16005"></a> package
+option, described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.4 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-sort">Sorting Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-sort --></a>, but you will need <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s shell escape
+</p><!--l. 2572--><p class="indent" > In order to generate a sorted glossary with compact <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-16006"></a>s</a>, it is necessary to use an
+external <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> as an intermediate step (unless you have chosen <a
+which uses <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;to do the sorting or <a
+href="#option5">Option&#x00A0;5</a>, which doesn&#8217;t perform any sorting). It is this
+application that creates the file containing the code required to typeset the glossary. <span
+class="cmbx-10">If this</span>
+class="cmbx-10">step is omitted, the glossaries will not appear in your document. </span>The two
+indexing applications that are most commonly used with <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;are <a
+ id="dx1-16007"></a></a> and
+ id="dx1-16008"></a></a>. As from version 1.17, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package can be used with either of these
+applications. Previous versions were designed to be used with <span
+ id="dx1-16009"></a> only. With
+the <span
+ id="dx1-16010"></a> package, you can also use <a
+ id="dx1-16011"></a></a> as the indexing application.
+(See the <span
+ id="dx1-16012"></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-16013"></a></a> user manuals for further details.) Note that
+ id="dx1-16014"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-16015"></a> have much better multi-lingual support than <span
+ id="dx1-16016"></a>, so
+ id="dx1-16017"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-16018"></a> are recommended if you&#8217;re not writing in English. Commands
+that only have an effect when <span
+ id="dx1-16019"></a> is used are described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindy">Xindy (Option
+3)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindy --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 2592--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> This is a multi-stage process, but there are methods of automating document compilation
+using applications such as <span
+ id="dx1-16020"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-16021"></a>. With <span
+ id="dx1-16022"></a> you can just add special
+comments to your document source: </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+</div> With <span
+ id="dx1-16023"></a> you need to set up the required dependencies. </div>
+<!--l. 2603--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 2605--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package comes with the Perl script <a
+ id="dx1-16024"></a></a> which will run
+ id="dx1-16025"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-16026"></a></a> on all the glossary files using a customized style file (which is created by
+ id="dx1-16027"></a>). See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.5.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:makeglossariesapp">Using the makeglossaries Perl Script<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:makeglossariesapp --></a> for further details. Perl is
+stable, cross-platform, open source software that is used by a number of <span class="TEX">T<span
+applications (including <span
+ id="dx1-16028"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-16029"></a>). Most Unix-like operating systems come with
+a&#x00A0;Perl interpreter. <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live also comes with a&#x00A0;Perl interpreter. MiK<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;doesn&#8217;t come
+with a&#x00A0;Perl interpreter so if you are a&#x00A0;Windows MiK<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;user you will need to install Perl if
+you want to use <a
+ id="dx1-16030"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-16031"></a></a>. Further information is available at
+href="" class="url" ><span
+class="cmtt-10"></span></a> and <a
+href="" >MiKTeX and Perl scripts (and one Python
+</p><!--l. 2621--><p class="indent" > The advantages of using <span
+ id="dx1-16032"></a>: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">It automatically detects whether to use <span
+ id="dx1-16033"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-16034"></a> and sets the relevant
+ application switches.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">One call of <span
+ id="dx1-16035"></a> will run <span
+ id="dx1-16036"></a>/<span
+ id="dx1-16037"></a> for each glossary type.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">If things go wrong, <a
+ id="dx1-16038"></a></a> will scan the messages from <a
+ id="dx1-16039"></a></a> or
+ <a
+ id="dx1-16040"></a></a> and attempt to diagnose the problem in relation to the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package.
+ This will hopefully provide more helpful messages in some cases. If it can&#8217;t diagnose
+ the problem, you will have to read the relevant transcript file and see if you can
+ work it out from the <span
+ id="dx1-16041"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-16042"></a> messages.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">If <a
+ id="dx1-16043"></a></a> warns about multiple encap values, <a
+ id="dx1-16044"></a></a> will detect this
+ and attempt to correct the problem.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn5x1" id="fn5x1-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.5</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-16045f5"></a>
+ This correction is only provided by <a
+ id="dx1-16047"></a></a> when <a
+ id="dx1-16048"></a></a> is used since
+ <a
+ id="dx1-16049"></a></a> uses the order of the attributes list to determine which format should take
+ precedence. (See <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsAddXdyAttribute </span>in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindyloc">Locations and Number lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindyloc --></a>.)
+ </li></ul>
+<!--l. 2647--><p class="indent" > As from version 4.16, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package also comes with a&#x00A0;Lua script called
+ id="dx1-16050"></a></a>. This is a <span
+class="cmti-10">trimmed-down </span>alternative to the <a
+ id="dx1-16051"></a></a> Perl
+script. It doesn&#8217;t have some of the options that the Perl version has and it doesn&#8217;t attempt to
+diagnose any problems, but since modern <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distributions come with Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+therefore have a&#x00A0;Lua interpreter) you don&#8217;t need to install anything else in order to use
+ id="dx1-16052"></a></a> so it&#8217;s an alternative to <a
+ id="dx1-16053"></a></a> if you want to use <a
+ id="dx1-16054"></a></a>).
+</p><!--l. 2657--><p class="indent" > If things go wrong and you can&#8217;t work out why your glossaries aren&#8217;t being generated
+correctly, you can use <a
+ id="dx1-16055"></a></a> as a diagnostic tool. Once you&#8217;ve fixed the
+problem, you can then go back to using <a
+ id="dx1-16056"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-16057"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 2663--><p class="indent" > Whilst I strongly recommended that you use the <a
+ id="dx1-16058"></a></a> Perl script or
+the <a
+ id="dx1-16059"></a></a> Lua script, it is possible to use the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package
+without using those applications. However, note that some commands and package
+options have no effect if you explicitly run <a
+ id="dx1-16060"></a></a>/<a
+ id="dx1-16061"></a></a>. These are listed in
+</p><!--l. 2670--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you are choosing not to use <span
+ id="dx1-16062"></a> because you don&#8217;t want to install Perl,
+you will only be able to use <span
+ id="dx1-16063"></a> as <span
+ id="dx1-16064"></a> also requires Perl. (Other useful Perl
+scripts include <span
+class="cmtt-10">epstopdf </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">latexmk</span>, so it&#8217;s well-worth the effort to install Perl.)
+</p><!--l. 2676--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 2678--><p class="indent" > Note that if any of your entries use an entry that is not referenced outside
+the glossary, you will need to do an additional <a
+ id="dx1-16065"></a></a>, <a
+ id="dx1-16066"></a></a> or
+ id="dx1-16067"></a></a> run, as appropriate. For example, suppose you have defined the following
+entries:<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn6x1" id="fn6x1-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.6</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-16068f6"></a>
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-66">
+&#x00A0;<br />description={fruit&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;any&#x00A0;citrus&#x00A0;tree.&#x00A0;(See&#x00A0;also
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{orange})}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{orange}{name={orange},
+&#x00A0;<br />description={an&#x00A0;orange&#x00A0;coloured&#x00A0;fruit.}}
+<!--l. 2691--><p class="nopar" > and suppose you have <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{citrusfruit}</span></span></span> in your document but don&#8217;t reference
+the <span
+class="cmtt-10">orange </span>entry, then the <span
+class="cmtt-10">orange </span>entry won&#8217;t appear in your glossary until you
+first create the glossary and then do another run of <a
+ id="dx1-16070"></a></a>, <a
+ id="dx1-16071"></a></a>
+or <a
+ id="dx1-16072"></a></a>. For example, if the document is called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.tex</span>, then you must do:
+<spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex myDoc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries myDoc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex myDoc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries myDoc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex myDoc</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2705--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+(Note that if you use <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a>, this will be done automatically for you if
+the <span
+class="cmss-10">indexcrossrefs </span>feature is enabled. See the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>user guide for further
+</p><!--l. 2711--><p class="indent" > Likewise, an additional <a
+ id="dx1-16073"></a></a> and <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run may be required if the
+document pages shift with re-runs. For example, if the page numbering is not reset after the
+table of contents, the insertion of the table of contents on the second <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run may push
+glossary entries across page boundaries, which means that the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-16074"></a>s</a> in the glossary
+may need updating.
+</p><!--l. 2719--><p class="indent" > The examples in this document assume that you are accessing <a
+ id="dx1-16075"></a></a>, <a
+ id="dx1-16076"></a></a> or
+ id="dx1-16077"></a></a> via a terminal. Windows users can use the MSDOS Prompt which is usually
+accessed via the <span
+class="cmss-10">All Programs </span>menu or <span
+class="cmss-10">All Programs-</span><span
+</p><!--l. 2725--><p class="indent" > Alternatively, your text editor may have the facility to create a function that will call the
+required application. See <a
+href="" >Incorporating makeglossaries or makeglossaries-lite or bib2gls into
+the document build</a>.
+</p><!--l. 2731--><p class="indent" > If any problems occur, remember to check the transcript files (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+ id="dx1-16078"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-16079"></a>) for
+ <div class="table">
+<!--l. 2734--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="tab:makeglossariesCmds"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float"
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;1.3: </span><span
+class="content">Commands and package options that have no effect when using <a
+ id="dx1-16081"></a></a> or
+ id="dx1-16082"></a></a> explicitly</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-160803 -->
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-4" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-4-1g"><col
+id="TBL-4-1" /><col
+id="TBL-4-2" /><col
+id="TBL-4-3" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-4-1-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-1-1"
+class="cmbx-10">Command or Package Option </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-1-2"
+class="td11"> <a
+ id="dx1-16083"></a></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-1-3"
+class="td10"> <a
+ id="dx1-16084"></a></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-4-2-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-2-1"
+ id="dx1-16085"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-2-2"
+class="td11"> use <span
+ id="dx1-16086"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-2-3"
+class="td10"> use <span
+ id="dx1-16087"></a> <span
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-4-3-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-3-1"
+ id="dx1-16088"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-3-2"
+class="td11"> default </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-3-3"
+class="td10"> default </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-4-4-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-4-1"
+ id="dx1-16089"></a>=<span
+class="cmsy-10">} </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-4-2"
+class="td11"> N/A </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-4-3"
+class="td10"> use <span
+ id="dx1-16090"></a> &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">lang</span>&#x27E9; <span
+ id="dx1-16091"></a> &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">code</span>&#x27E9; </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-4-5-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-5-1"
+ id="dx1-16092"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-5-2"
+class="td11"> N/A </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-5-3"
+class="td10"> use <span
+ id="dx1-16093"></a> &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">lang</span>&#x27E9; </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-4-6-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-6-1"
+ id="dx1-16094"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-6-2"
+class="td11"> N/A </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-4-6-3"
+class="td10"> use <span
+ id="dx1-16095"></a> &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">code</span>&#x27E9; </td></tr></table>
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+ </div>
+<!--l. 2757--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.5.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:makeglossariesapp"></a>Using the makeglossaries Perl Script</h4>
+<!--l. 2760--><p class="noindent" >The <a
+ id="dx1-17001"></a></a> script picks up the relevant information from the auxiliary (<span
+ id="dx1-17002"></a>) file
+and will either call <a
+ id="dx1-17003"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-17004"></a></a>, depending on the supplied information. Therefore,
+you only need to pass the document&#8217;s name without the extension to <span
+ id="dx1-17005"></a>. For
+example, if your document is called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.tex</span>, type the following in your terminal:
+<spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex myDoc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries myDoc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">latex myDoc</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2771--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+You may need to explicitly load <a
+ id="dx1-17006"></a></a> into Perl: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">perl makeglossaries myDoc</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2775--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+</p><!--l. 2777--><p class="indent" > Windows users: <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live on Windows has its own internal Perl interpreter and provides
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries.exe </span>as a&#x00A0;convenient wrapper for the <a
+ id="dx1-17007"></a></a> Perl script. MiKTeX also
+provides a&#x00A0;wrapper <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries.exe </span>but doesn&#8217;t provide a&#x00A0;Perl interpreter, which is still
+required even if you run MiKTeX&#8217;s <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries.exe</span>, so with MiKTeX you&#8217;ll need to install
+Perl.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn7x1" id="fn7x1-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.7</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-17008f7"></a>
+There&#8217;s more information about this at <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+on the TeX.SX site.
+</p><!--l. 2789--><p class="indent" > The <a
+ id="dx1-17009"></a></a> script attempts to fork the <a
+ id="dx1-17010"></a></a>/<a
+ id="dx1-17011"></a></a> process
+using <span
+class="cmtt-10">open() </span>on the piped redirection <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;|</span></span></span> and parses the processor output to
+help diagnose problems. If this method fails <a
+ id="dx1-17012"></a></a> will print an &#8220;Unable
+to fork&#8221; warning and will retry without redirection. If you run <a
+ id="dx1-17013"></a></a>
+on an operating system that doesn&#8217;t support this form of redirection, then you
+can use the <span
+ id="dx1-17014"></a> switch to suppress this warning or you can use the <span
+ id="dx1-17015"></a> switch to
+make <a
+ id="dx1-17016"></a></a> automatically use the fallback method without attempting
+the redirection. Without this redirection, the <span
+ id="dx1-17017"></a> (quiet) switch doesn&#8217;t work as
+</p><!--l. 2801--><p class="indent" > You can specify in which directory the <span
+ id="dx1-17018"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-17019"></a> etc files are located using the <span
+class="cmtt-10">-d </span>switch.
+For example: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">pdflatex -output-directory myTmpDir myDoc</span>
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries -d myTmpDir myDoc</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2807--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+Note that <span
+ id="dx1-17020"></a> assumes by default that <span
+ id="dx1-17021"></a>/<span
+ id="dx1-17022"></a> is on your operating
+system&#8217;s path. If this isn&#8217;t the case, you can specify the full pathname using <span
+ id="dx1-17023"></a>
+class="cmti-10">path/to/makeindex</span>&#x27E9; for <span
+ id="dx1-17024"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-17025"></a> &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">path/to/xindy</span>&#x27E9; for <span
+ id="dx1-17026"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 2814--><p class="indent" > As from <a
+ id="dx1-17027"></a></a> v2.18, if you are using <a
+ id="dx1-17028"></a></a>, there&#8217;s a check for
+ id="dx1-17029"></a>&#8217;s multiple encap warning. This is where different encap values (location formats)
+are used on the same location for the same entry. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-67">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample}{name={sample},description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{sample},&#x00A0;\gls[format=textbf]{sample}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\printglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 2830--><p class="nopar" > If you explicitly use <a
+ id="dx1-17030"></a></a>, this will cause a warning and the location list
+will be &#8220;1, <span
+class="cmbx-10">1</span>&#8221;. That is, the page number will be repeated with each format. As
+from v2.18, <a
+ id="dx1-17031"></a></a> will check for this warning and, if found, will attempt
+to correct the problem by removing duplicate locations and retrying. There&#8217;s no
+similar check for <a
+ id="dx1-17032"></a></a> as <span
+ id="dx1-17033"></a> won&#8217;t produce any warning and will simply discard
+</p><!--l. 2839--><p class="indent" > The <a
+ id="dx1-17034"></a></a> script contains POD (Plain Old Documentation). If you want, you
+can create a man page for <span
+ id="dx1-17035"></a> using <span
+ id="dx1-17036"></a> and move the resulting file onto
+the man path. Alternatively do <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries --help </span>for a list of all options or
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries --version </span>for the version number.
+</p><!--l. 2846--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> When upgrading the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package, make sure you also upgrade your version of
+ id="dx1-17037"></a></a>. The current version is 4.41. </div>
+</p><!--l. 2850--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 2852--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 2852--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.5.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:makeglossarieslua"></a>Using the makeglossaries-lite Lua Script</h4>
+<!--l. 2855--><p class="noindent" >The Lua alternative to the <a
+ id="dx1-18001"></a></a> Perl script requires a&#x00A0;Lua interpreter, which
+should already be available if you have a&#x00A0;modern <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distribution that includes Lua<span class="TEX">T<span
+Lua is a&#x00A0;light-weight, cross-platform scripting language, but because it&#8217;s light-weight it
+doesn&#8217;t have the full-functionality of heavy-weight scripting languages, such as Perl. The
+ id="dx1-18002"></a></a> script is therefore limited by this and some of the options
+available to the <a
+ id="dx1-18003"></a></a> Perl script aren&#8217;t available here. (In particular the <span
+ id="dx1-18004"></a>
+</p><!--l. 2865--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live on Unix-like systems creates a symbolic link called
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite </span>(without the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.lua </span>extension) to the actual <span
+script, so you may not need to supply the extension. </div>
+</p><!--l. 2871--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 2873--><p class="indent" > The <a
+ id="dx1-18005"></a></a> script can be invoked in the same way as <a
+ id="dx1-18006"></a></a>.
+For example, if your document is called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.tex</span>, then do <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite.lua myDoc</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2878--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+or <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite myDoc</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2882--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+</p><!--l. 2884--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="cmti-10">Some </span>of the options available with <a
+ id="dx1-18007"></a></a> are also available with
+ id="dx1-18008"></a></a>. For a complete list of available options, do <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries-lite.lua --help</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2889--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+</p><!--l. 2893--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 2893--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.5.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:xindyapp"></a>Using <a
+class="cmtt-10">xindy</span></a> explicitly (Option 3)</h4>
+<!--l. 2896--><p class="noindent" ><a
+ id="dx1-19001"></a></a> comes with <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;Live. It has also been added to Mik<span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>, but if you don&#8217;t have it
+installed, see <a
+href="" >How to use Xindy with MikTeX</a> on <a
+href="" ><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;on StackExchange</a>.
+</p><!--l. 2902--><p class="indent" > If you want to use <a
+ id="dx1-19002"></a></a> to process the glossary files, you must make sure you have used
+the <span
+ id="dx1-19003"></a> package option:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-68">
+<!--l. 2907--><p class="nopar" > This is required regardless of whether you use <a
+ id="dx1-19004"></a></a> explicitly or whether it&#8217;s
+called implicitly via applications such as <a
+ id="dx1-19005"></a></a>. This causes the glossary
+entries to be written in raw <span
+ id="dx1-19006"></a> format, so you need to use <span
+ id="dx1-19007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">xindy </span><span
+class="cmti-10">not </span><span
+ id="dx1-19008"></a>
+</p><!--l. 2914--><p class="indent" > To run <a
+ id="dx1-19009"></a></a> type the following in your terminal (all on one line): <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">xindy -L </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">language</span>&#x27E9; <span
+class="cmtt-10">-C </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">encoding</span>&#x27E9; <span
+class="cmtt-10">-I xindy -M </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">style</span>&#x27E9; <span
+class="cmtt-10">-t </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmtt-10">.glg -o </span>&#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 2918--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">language</span>&#x27E9; is the required language name, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">encoding</span>&#x27E9; is the encoding, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">base</span>&#x27E9; is the name of
+the document without the <span
+ id="dx1-19010"></a> extension and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">style</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the <a
+ id="dx1-19011"></a></a> style file
+without the <span
+ id="dx1-19012"></a> extension. The default name for this style file is &#x27E8;<span
+ id="dx1-19013"></a> but can be
+changed via <span
+ id="dx1-19014"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>. You may need to specify the full path name depending
+on the current working directory. If any of the file names contain spaces, you must delimit
+them using double-quotes.
+</p><!--l. 2929--><p class="indent" > For example, if your document is called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.tex </span>and you are using UTF8 encoding in
+English, then type the following in your terminal: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M myDoc -t myDoc.glg -o myDoc.gls</span>
+</p><!--l. 2934--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+</p><!--l. 2936--><p class="indent" > Note that this just creates the main glossary. You need to do the same for each of
+the other glossaries (including the list of acronyms if you have used the <span
+ id="dx1-19015"></a>
+package option), substituting <span
+ id="dx1-19016"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-19017"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-19018"></a> with the relevant extensions. For
+example, if you have used the <span
+ id="dx1-19019"></a> package option, then you would need to do:
+<spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">xindy -L english -C utf8 -I xindy -M myDoc -t myDoc.alg -o myDoc.acr</span>
+</p><!--l. 2945--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+For additional glossaries, the extensions are those supplied when you created the glossary
+with <span
+ id="dx1-19020"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 2949--><p class="indent" > Note that if you use <a
+ id="dx1-19021"></a></a> instead, you can replace all those calls to <a
+ id="dx1-19022"></a></a>
+with just one call to <span
+ id="dx1-19023"></a>: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries myDoc</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2954--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+Note also that some commands and package options have no effect if you use <a
+ id="dx1-19024"></a></a> explicitly
+instead of using <span
+ id="dx1-19025"></a>. These are listed in <a
+</p><!--l. 2962--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 2962--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.5.4 </span> <a
+ id="sec:makeindexapp"></a>Using <a
+class="cmtt-10">makeindex</span></a> explicitly (Option 2)</h4>
+<!--l. 2965--><p class="noindent" >If you want to use <a
+ id="dx1-20001"></a></a> explicitly, you must make sure that you haven&#8217;t used the <span
+ id="dx1-20002"></a>
+package option or the glossary entries will be written in the wrong format. To run <span
+ id="dx1-20003"></a>,
+type the following in your terminal: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeindex -s </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmtt-10">.ist -t </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmtt-10">.glg -o </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmtt-10">.gls </span>&#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 2972--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">base</span>&#x27E9; is the name of your document without the <span
+ id="dx1-20004"></a> extension and &#x27E8;<span
+ id="dx1-20005"></a> is the
+name of the <a
+ id="dx1-20006"></a></a> style file. By default, this is &#x27E8;<span
+ id="dx1-20007"></a>, but may be changed via
+ id="dx1-20008"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>. Note that there are other options, such as <span
+ id="dx1-20009"></a> (letter ordering). See
+the <span
+ id="dx1-20010"></a> manual for further details.
+</p><!--l. 2981--><p class="indent" > For example, if your document is called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myDoc.tex</span>, then type the following at the
+terminal: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeindex -s -t myDoc.glg -o myDoc.gls myDoc.glo</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2985--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+Note that this only creates the main glossary. If you have additional glossaries (for example, if
+you have used the <span
+ id="dx1-20011"></a> package option) then you must call <a
+ id="dx1-20012"></a></a> for each glossary,
+substituting <span
+ id="dx1-20013"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-20014"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-20015"></a> with the relevant extensions. For example, if you have used
+the <span
+ id="dx1-20016"></a> package option, then you need to type the following in your terminal:
+<spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeindex -s -t myDoc.alg -o myDoc.acr myDoc.acn</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 2996--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+For additional glossaries, the extensions are those supplied when you created the glossary
+with <span
+ id="dx1-20017"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 3000--><p class="indent" > Note that if you use <a
+ id="dx1-20018"></a></a> instead, you can replace all those calls to <a
+ id="dx1-20019"></a></a>
+with just one call to <span
+ id="dx1-20020"></a>: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries myDoc</span></span>
+</p><!--l. 3005--><p class="indent" > <spacer type=vertical size=10>
+Note also that some commands and package options have no effect if you use <span
+ id="dx1-20021"></a>
+explicitly instead of using <a
+ id="dx1-20022"></a></a>. These are listed in <a
+</p><!--l. 3012--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 3012--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">1.5.5 </span> <a
+ id="sec:notedev"></a>Note to Front-End and Script Developers</h4>
+<!--l. 3015--><p class="noindent" >The information needed to determine whether to use <a
+ id="dx1-21001"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-21002"></a></a> and the
+information needed to call those applications is stored in the auxiliary file. This
+information can be gathered by a front-end, editor or script to make the glossaries where
+appropriate. This section describes how the information is stored in the auxiliary
+</p><!--l. 3022--><p class="indent" > The file extensions used by each defined glossary are given by
+</p><!--l. 3023--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-21003"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 3025--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">in-ext</span>&#x27E9; is the extension of the <a
+class="cmti-10">indexing application&#8217;s</span></a> input file (the output file from the
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package&#8217;s point of view), &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">out-ext</span>&#x27E9; is the extension of the <span
+class="cmti-10">indexing application&#8217;s</span>
+output file (the input file from the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package&#8217;s point of view) and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">log</span>&#x27E9; is the
+extension of the indexing application&#8217;s transcript file. The label for the glossary
+is also given for information purposes only, but is not required by the indexing
+applications. For example, the information for the default main glossary is written
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-69">
+<!--l. 3038--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 3040--><p class="indent" > The <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application&#8217;s</a> style file is specified by
+</p><!--l. 3041--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-21004"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 3043--><p class="noindent" >
+The file extension indicates whether to use <a
+ id="dx1-21005"></a></a> (<span
+ id="dx1-21006"></a>) or <a
+ id="dx1-21007"></a></a> (<span
+ id="dx1-21008"></a>).
+Note that the glossary information is formatted differently depending on which
+indexing application is supposed to be used, so it&#8217;s important to call the correct
+</p><!--l. 3050--><p class="indent" > Word or letter ordering is specified by:
+</p><!--l. 3051--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-21009"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 3053--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">order</span>&#x27E9; can be either <span
+class="cmtt-10">word </span>or <span
+</p><!--l. 3056--><p class="indent" > If <a
+ id="dx1-21010"></a></a> should be used, the language and code page for each glossary is specified
+</p><!--l. 3058--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-21011"></a><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-21012"></a> <span
+class="newline" /><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 3061--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; identifies the glossary, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">language</span>&#x27E9; is the root language (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+class="cmtt-10">english</span>) and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">code</span>&#x27E9; is
+the encoding (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+class="cmtt-10">utf8</span>). These commands are omitted if <a
+ id="dx1-21013"></a></a> should be
+</p><!--l. 3067--><p class="indent" > If <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> has been used, the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.aux </span>file will contain
+</p><!--l. 3069--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 3070--><p class="noindent" >
+for every time an entry has been referenced. If <a
+href="#option4">Option&#x00A0;4</a> has been used, the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.aux </span>file will
+contain one or more instances of
+</p><!--l. 3074--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 3075--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 3077--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 3077--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">2. <a
+ id="sec:pkgopts"></a>Package Options</h2>
+</p><!--l. 3080--><p class="indent" > This section describes the available <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package options. You may omit the
+class="cmtt-10">=true </span>for boolean options. (For example, <span
+ id="dx1-22001"></a> is equivalent to <span
+ id="dx1-22002"></a>).
+The <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package has additional options described in the <span
+</p><!--l. 3086--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; package options can&#8217;t be passed via the document class options.
+(This includes options where the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; part may be omitted, such as <span
+ id="dx1-22003"></a>.)
+This is a general limitation not restricted to the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. Options that
+aren&#8217;t &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; (such as <span
+ id="dx1-22004"></a>) may be passed via the document class options.
+</p><!--l. 3093--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 3095--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:pkgopts-general"></a>General Options</h3>
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nowarn"><span
+ id="dx1-23001"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This suppresses all warnings generated by the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. Don&#8217;t use this
+ option if you&#8217;re new to using <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>as the warnings are designed to help detect
+ common mistakes (such as forgetting to use <span
+ id="dx1-23002"></a>). Note that the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23003"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-23004"></a> will override this option.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nolangwarn"><span
+ id="dx1-23005"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This suppresses the warning generated by a missing language module.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:noredefwarn"><span
+ id="dx1-23006"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">If you load <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>with a&#x00A0;class or another package that already defines
+ glossary related commands, by default <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>will warn you that it&#8217;s redefining
+ those commands. If you are aware of the consequences of using <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>with that
+ class or package and you don&#8217;t want to be warned about it, use this option to
+ suppress those warnings. Other warnings will still be issued unless you use the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23007"></a> option described above.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:debug"><span
+ id="dx1-23008"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Introduced in version 4.24. The default setting is <span
+ id="dx1-23009"></a>. This was a
+ boolean option but as from v4.32 it now accepts the values: <span
+class="cmss-10">false</span>, <span
+class="cmss-10">true </span>and
+ <span
+class="cmss-10">showtargets</span>. If no value is given, <span
+ id="dx1-23010"></a> is assumed. Both <span
+ id="dx1-23011"></a>
+ and <span
+ id="dx1-23012"></a> switch on the debug mode (and will automatically
+ cancel the <span
+ id="dx1-23013"></a> option). The <span
+ id="dx1-23014"></a> option will additionally
+ use
+ <!--l. 3126--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-23015"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">target name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3128--><p class="noindent" >
+ to show the hypertarget or hyperlink name in the margin when <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdohypertarget </span>is
+ used by commands like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstarget </span>and when <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdohyperlink </span>is used by commands
+ like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>. This puts the information in the margin using <span
+ id="dx1-23016"></a> unless math mode
+ or inner mode are detected, in which case it puts the information in line enclosed by
+ square brackets. The <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package provides an additional setting that may be
+ used to show where the indexing is occurring. See the <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> manual for further
+ details.
+ </p><!--l. 3139--><p class="noindent" >The purpose of the debug mode can be demonstrated with the following example
+ document:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-70">
+ \documentclass{article}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample1}{name={sample1},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={example}}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample2}{name={sample2},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={example}}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\glsadd{sample2}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries
+ &#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\gls{sample1}.
+ &#x00A0;<br />\printglossaries
+ &#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+ <!--l. 3154--><p class="nopar" > In this case, only the <span
+class="cmtt-10">sample1 </span>entry has been indexed, even though <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ appears in the source code. This is because <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd{sample2}</span></span></span> has been used before the
+ associated file is opened by <span
+ id="dx1-23017"></a>. Since the file isn&#8217;t open yet, the
+ information can&#8217;t be written to it, which is why the <span
+class="cmtt-10">sample2 </span>entry doesn&#8217;t appear in
+ the glossary.
+ </p><!--l. 3162--><p class="noindent" >This situation doesn&#8217;t cause any errors or warnings as it&#8217;s perfectly legitimate for a user
+ to want to use <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>to format the entries (e.g.&#x00A0;abbreviation expansion) but not
+ display any lists of terms, abbreviations, symbols etc. Without <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>the
+ indexing is suppressed but, other than that, commands like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls </span>behave as
+ usual. It&#8217;s also possible that the user may want to temporarily comment out
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>in order to suppress the indexing while working on a draft
+ version to speed compilation. Therefore <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>can&#8217;t be used to
+ enable <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossaryentry </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd</span>. They must be enabled by default. (It
+ does, however, enable the <span
+ id="dx1-23018"></a> key as that&#8217;s a more common problem. See
+ below.)
+ </p><!--l. 3176--><p class="noindent" >The debug mode, enabled with the <span
+ id="dx1-23019"></a> option,
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-71">
+ \usepackage[debug]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 3179--><p class="nopar" > will write information to the log file when the indexing can&#8217;t occur because the
+ associated file isn&#8217;t open. The message is written in the form
+ </p><div class="quote">
+ <!--l. 3184--><p class="noindent" >Package glossaries Info: wrglossary(&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">text</span>&#x27E9;) on input line &#x27E8;<span
+ <span
+ <!--l. 3187--><p class="noindent" >where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">type</span>&#x27E9; is the glossary label and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">text</span>&#x27E9; is the line of text that would&#8217;ve been written to
+ the associated file if it had been open. So if any entries haven&#8217;t appeared in the glossary
+ but you&#8217;re sure you used commands like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddall</span>, try switching
+ on the <span
+ id="dx1-23020"></a> option and see if any information has been written to the log
+ file.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:seenoindex"><span
+ id="dx1-23021"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Introduced in version 4.24, this option may take one of three values: <span
+class="cmss-10">error</span>, <span
+class="cmss-10">warn </span>or
+ <span
+class="cmss-10">ignore</span>. The <span
+ id="dx1-23022"></a> key automatically indexes the cross-referenced entry using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd</span>. This
+ means that it suffers from the same problem as the above. If used before
+ the relevant glossary file has been opened, the indexing can&#8217;t be performed.
+ Since this is easy to miss, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package by default issues an error
+ message if the <span
+ id="dx1-23023"></a> key is used before <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries</span>. This option allows
+ you to change the error into just a warning (<span
+ id="dx1-23024"></a>) or ignore it
+ (<span
+ id="dx1-23025"></a>) if, for example, you want to temporarily comment out
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>to speed up the compilation of a draft document by omitting the
+ indexing.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nomain"><span
+ id="dx1-23026"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This suppresses the creation of the main glossary and associated <span
+class="cmtt-10">.glo </span>file, if
+ unrequired. Note that if you use this option, you must create another glossary in which
+ to put all your entries (either via the <span
+ id="dx1-23027"></a> (or <span
+ id="dx1-23028"></a>) package option described in
+ <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.5 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-acronym">Acronym Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-acronym --></a> or via the <span
+ id="dx1-23029"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-23030"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-23031"></a> options described
+ in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.6 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-other">Other Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-other --></a> or via <span
+ id="dx1-23032"></a> described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>12 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglossary">Defining New
+ Glossaries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglossary --></a>).
+ <!--l. 3218--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you don&#8217;t use the main glossary and you don&#8217;t use this option, <a
+ id="dx1-23033"></a></a> will
+ produce a warning. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 3221--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span
+ </div> If you did actually want to use the main glossary and you see this warning, check
+ that you have referenced the entries in that glossary via commands such as
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23034"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:sanitizesort"><span
+ id="dx1-23035"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option that determines whether or not to <a
+ id="dx1-23036"></a></a> the sort
+ value when writing to the external glossary file. For example, suppose you define an
+ entry as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-72">
+ \newglossaryentry{hash}{name={\#},sort={#},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={hash&#x00A0;symbol}}
+ <!--l. 3240--><p class="nopar" > The sort value (<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">#</span></span></span>) must be sanitized before writing it to the glossary file, otherwise
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;will try to interpret it as a parameter reference. If, on the other hand, you
+ want the sort value expanded, you need to switch off the sanitization. For example,
+ suppose you do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-73">
+ \newcommand{\mysortvalue}{AAA}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample}{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={sample},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sort={\mysortvalue},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+ <!--l. 3252--><p class="nopar" > and you actually want <span
+class="cmtt-10">\mysortvalue </span>expanded, so that the entry is sorted according
+ to <span
+class="cmtt-10">AAA</span>, then use the package option <span
+ id="dx1-23037"></a>.
+ </p><!--l. 3257--><p class="noindent" >The default for Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> is <span
+ id="dx1-23038"></a>, and the default for <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> is
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23039"></a>.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:savewrites"><span
+ id="dx1-23040"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option to minimise the number of write registers used by the
+ <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. (Default is <span
+ id="dx1-23041"></a>.) There are only a limited number of
+ write registers, and if you have a large number of glossaries or if you are using a class or
+ other packages that create a lot of external files, you may exceed the maximum number
+ of available registers. If <span
+ id="dx1-23042"></a> is set, the glossary information will be stored in token
+ registers until the end of the document when they will be written to the external
+ files.
+ <!--l. 3270--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> This option can significantly slow document compilation and may cause the indexing to
+ fail. Page numbers in the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-23043"></a></a> will be incorrect on page boundaries due
+ to <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s asynchronous output routine. As an alternative, you can use the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23044"></a> package (part of the KOMA-Script bundle) and not use this option.
+ </div>
+ </p><!--l. 3276--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 3278--><p class="noindent" >You can also reduce the number of write registers by using Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option1">1</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option4">4</a> or by
+ ensuring you define all your glossary entries in the preamble.
+ </p><!--l. 3282--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you want to use <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s <span
+ id="dx1-23045"></a> mechanism to call <a
+ id="dx1-23046"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-23047"></a></a> from
+ your document and use <span
+ id="dx1-23048"></a>, you must create the external files with
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glswritefiles </span>before you call <span
+ id="dx1-23049"></a>/<span
+ id="dx1-23050"></a>. Also set <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glswritefiles </span>to
+ nothing or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\relax </span>before the end of the document to avoid rewriting the files. For
+ example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-74">
+ \glswritefiles
+ &#x00A0;<br />\write18{makeindex&#x00A0;-s&#x00A0;\istfilename\space
+ &#x00A0;<br />-t&#x00A0;\jobname.glg&#x00A0;-o&#x00A0;\jobname.gls&#x00A0;\jobname}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\let\glswritefiles\relax
+ <!--l. 3294--><p class="nopar" > </div>
+ </p><!--l. 3295--><p class="noindent" >
+ In general, this package option is best avoided.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:translate"><span
+ id="dx1-23051"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This can take the following values:
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23052"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">If <span
+ id="dx1-23053"></a> has been loaded and the <span
+ id="dx1-23054"></a> package is installed,
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23055"></a> will be loaded and the translations will be provided by the <span
+ id="dx1-23056"></a>
+ package interface. You can modify the translations by providing your own
+ dictionary. If the <span
+ id="dx1-23057"></a> package isn&#8217;t installed and <span
+ id="dx1-23058"></a> is loaded, the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23059"></a> package will be loaded and the translations will be provided
+ using <span
+class="cmss-10">babel</span>&#8217;s <span
+class="cmti-10">language</span>&#x27E9; mechanism. If <span
+ id="dx1-23060"></a> has been
+ loaded, <span
+ id="dx1-23061"></a> will be loaded.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23062"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Don&#8217;t provide translations, even if <span
+ id="dx1-23063"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-23064"></a> has been
+ loaded. (Note that <span
+ id="dx1-23065"></a> provides the command <span
+ id="dx1-23066"></a> so that will
+ still be translated if you have loaded <span
+ id="dx1-23067"></a>.)
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23068"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Don&#8217;t load the <span
+ id="dx1-23069"></a> package. Instead load <span
+ id="dx1-23070"></a>.
+ <!--l. 3321--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> I recommend you use <span
+ id="dx1-23071"></a> if you have any problems with the
+ translations or with PDF bookmarks, but to maintain backward compatibility, if
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23072"></a> has been loaded the default is <span
+ id="dx1-23073"></a>. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 3326--><p class="noindent" >
+ </dd></dl>
+ <!--l. 3330--><p class="noindent" >If <span
+ id="dx1-23074"></a> is specified without a value, <span
+ id="dx1-23075"></a> is assumed. If <span
+ id="dx1-23076"></a> isn&#8217;t
+ specified, <span
+ id="dx1-23077"></a> is assumed if <span
+ id="dx1-23078"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-23079"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-23080"></a> have been loaded.
+ Otherwise <span
+ id="dx1-23081"></a> is assumed.
+ </p><!--l. 3336--><p class="noindent" >See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.4.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:fixednames">Changing the Fixed Names<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:fixednames --></a> for further details.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:notranslate"><span
+ id="dx1-23082"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is equivalent to <span
+ id="dx1-23083"></a> and may be passed via the document class
+ options.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nohypertypes"><span
+ id="dx1-23084"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Use this option if you have multiple glossaries and you want to suppress the
+ entry hyperlinks for a particular glossary or glossaries. The value of this option should
+ be a comma-separated list of glossary types where <span
+ id="dx1-23085"></a> etc shouldn&#8217;t have hyperlinks
+ by default. Make sure you enclose the value in braces if it contains any commas.
+ Example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-75">
+ \usepackage[acronym,nohypertypes={acronym,notation}]
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{glossaries}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\newglossary[nlg]{notation}{not}{ntn}{Notation}
+ <!--l. 3352--><p class="nopar" > The values must be fully expanded, so <span
+class="cmbx-10">don&#8217;t </span>try <span
+ id="dx1-23086"></a>. You
+ may also use
+ </p><!--l. 3356--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span
+ id="dx1-23087"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3357--><p class="noindent" >
+ instead or additionally. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6 </a><a
+href="#sec:glslink">Links to Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glslink --></a> for further details.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:hyperfirst"><span
+ id="dx1-23088"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option that specifies whether each term has a hyperlink on <a
+ use</a>. The default is <span
+ id="dx1-23089"></a> (terms on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a> have a hyperlink, unless
+ explicitly suppressed using starred versions of commands such as <span
+ id="dx1-23090"></a> or
+ by identifying the glossary with <span
+ id="dx1-23091"></a>, described above). Note that
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23092"></a> overrides <span
+ id="dx1-23093"></a>. This option only affects commands that
+ check the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>, such as the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands (for example, <span
+ id="dx1-23094"></a> or
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23095"></a>), but not the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands (for example, <span
+ id="dx1-23096"></a> or
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23097"></a>).
+ <!--l. 3373--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+ id="dx1-23098"></a> setting applies to all glossary types (unless identified by <span
+ id="dx1-23099"></a> or
+ defined with <span
+ id="dx1-23100"></a>). It can be overridden on an individual basis by
+ explicitly setting the <span
+ id="dx1-23101"></a> key when referencing an entry (or by using the plus or
+ starred version of the referencing command).
+ </p><!--l. 3380--><p class="noindent" >It may be that you only want to apply this to just the acronyms (where the first use
+ explains the meaning of the acronym) but not for ordinary glossary entries (where the
+ first use is identical to subsequent uses). In this case, you can use <span
+ id="dx1-23102"></a>
+ and apply <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsunsetall </span>to all the regular (non-acronym) glossaries. For
+ example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-76">
+ &#x00A0;\usepackage[acronym,hyperfirst=false]{glossaries}
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;acronym&#x00A0;and&#x00A0;glossary&#x00A0;entry&#x00A0;definitions
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;at&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;end&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;preamble
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glsunsetall[main]
+ <!--l. 3392--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p><!--l. 3394--><p class="noindent" >Alternatively you can redefine the hook
+ </p><!--l. 3395--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-23103"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslinkcheckfirsthyperhook </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3397--><p class="noindent" >
+ which is used by the commands that check the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>, such as <span
+ id="dx1-23104"></a>. Within the
+ definition of this command, you can use <span
+ id="dx1-23105"></a> to reference the entry label and
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23106"></a> to reference the glossary type. You can also use <span
+ id="dx1-23107"></a> to determine if
+ the entry has been used. You can test if an entry is an acronym by checking if it has the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23108"></a> key set using <span
+ id="dx1-23109"></a>. For example, to switch off the hyperlink on first use
+ just for acronyms:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-77">
+ \renewcommand*{\glslinkcheckfirsthyperhook}{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\ifglsused{\glslabel}{}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglshaslong{\glslabel}{\setkeys{glslink}{hyper=false}}{}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 3413--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p><!--l. 3415--><p class="noindent" >Note that this hook isn&#8217;t used by the commands that don&#8217;t check the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>, such
+ as <span
+ id="dx1-23110"></a>. (You can, instead, redefine <span
+ id="dx1-23111"></a>, which is used by both
+ the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;and <a
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:indexonlyfirst"><span
+ id="dx1-23112"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option that specifies whether to only add information to the
+ external glossary file on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>. The default is <span
+ id="dx1-23113"></a>, which will add a
+ line to the file every time one of the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;or <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands are
+ used. Note that <span
+ id="dx1-23114"></a> will always add information to the external glossary
+ file<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x2" id="fn1x2-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">2.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-23115f1"></a>&#x00A0;(since
+ that&#8217;s the purpose of that command).
+ <!--l. 3429--><p class="noindent" >You can customise this by redefining
+ </p><!--l. 3430--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-23116"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3432--><p class="noindent" >
+ where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the entry&#8217;s label and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">wr-code</span>&#x27E9; is the code that writes the entry&#8217;s
+ information to the external file. The default definition of <span
+ is:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-78">
+ \newcommand*{\glswriteentry}[2]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsindexonlyfirst
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsused{#1}{}{#2}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\else
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;#2%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\fi
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 3444--><p class="nopar" > This checks the <span
+ id="dx1-23117"></a> package option (using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifglsindexonlyfirst</span>) and does
+ &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">wr-code</span>&#x27E9; if this is <span
+class="cmss-10">false </span>otherwise it only does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">wr-code</span>&#x27E9; of the entry hasn&#8217;t been
+ used.
+ </p><!--l. 3450--><p class="noindent" >For example, suppose you only want to index the first use for entries in the <span
+ glossary and not in the <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>(or any other) glossary:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-79">
+ \renewcommand*{\glswriteentry}[2]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\ifthenelse{\equal{\glsentrytype{#1}}{acronym}}
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{\ifglsused{#1}{}{#2}}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{#2}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 3459--><p class="nopar" > Here I&#8217;ve used <span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifthenelse </span>to ensure the arguments of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\equal </span>are fully expanded
+ before the comparison is made.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:savenumberlist"><span
+ id="dx1-23118"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option that specifies whether or not to gather and
+ store the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-23119"></a></a> for each entry. The default is <span
+ id="dx1-23120"></a>. (See
+ <span
+ id="dx1-23121"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-23122"></a> in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>9 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsnolink">Using Glossary Terms
+ Without Links<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsnolink --></a>.) This is always true if you use <a
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 3472--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 3472--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:pkgopts-sec"></a>Sectioning, Headings and TOC Options</h3>
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:toc"><span
+ id="dx1-24001"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Add the glossaries to the table of contents. Note that an extra <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run is
+ required with this option. Alternatively, you can switch this function on and off
+ using
+ <!--l. 3479--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-24002"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstoctrue </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3481--><p class="noindent" >
+ and
+ </p><!--l. 3483--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-24003"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstocfalse </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3485--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:numberline"><span
+ id="dx1-24004"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">When used with <span
+ id="dx1-24005"></a>, this will add <span
+ id="dx1-24006"></a><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">{}</span></span></span> in the final argument of
+ <span
+ id="dx1-24007"></a>. This will align the table of contents entry with the numbered
+ section titles. Note that this option has no effect if the <span
+ id="dx1-24008"></a> option is omitted. If <span
+ id="dx1-24009"></a> is
+ used without <span
+ id="dx1-24010"></a>, the title will be aligned with the section numbers rather than
+ the section titles.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:section"><span
+ id="dx1-24011"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; option. Its value should be the name of a sectional unit
+ (e.g.&#x00A0;chapter). This will make the glossaries appear in the named sectional unit,
+ otherwise each glossary will appear in a chapter, if chapters exist, otherwise in a section.
+ Unnumbered sectional units will be used by default. Example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-80">
+ \usepackage[section=subsection]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 3503--><p class="nopar" > You can omit the value if you want to use sections, i.e.&#x00A0;
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-81">
+ \usepackage[section]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 3507--><p class="nopar" > is equivalent to
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-82">
+ \usepackage[section=section]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 3511--><p class="nopar" > You can change this value later in the document using
+ </p><!--l. 3513--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-24012"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3515--><p class="noindent" >
+ where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; is the sectional unit.
+ </p><!--l. 3518--><p class="noindent" >The start of each glossary adds information to the page header via
+ </p><!--l. 3519--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-24013"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary title</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3521--><p class="noindent" >
+ By default this uses <span
+class="cmtt-10">\@mkboth</span><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x2" id="fn2x2-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">2.2</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-24014f2"></a>
+ but you may need to redefine it. For example, to only change the right header:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-83">
+ \renewcommand{\glsglossarymark}[1]{\markright{#1}}
+ <!--l. 3528--><p class="nopar" > or to prevent it from changing the headers:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-84">
+ \renewcommand{\glsglossarymark}[1]{}
+ <!--l. 3532--><p class="nopar" > If you want <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsglossarymark </span>to use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\MakeUppercase </span>in the header, use the <span
+ id="dx1-24017"></a>
+ option described below.
+ </p><!--l. 3536--><p class="noindent" >Occasionally you may find that another package defines <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cleardoublepage </span>when it is
+ not required. This may cause an unwanted blank page to appear before each glossary.
+ This can be fixed by redefining <span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-24018"></a><span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-85">
+ \renewcommand*{\glsclearpage}{\clearpage}
+ <!--l. 3542--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:ucmark"><span
+ id="dx1-24019"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option (default: <span
+ id="dx1-24020"></a>, unless <span
+ id="dx1-24021"></a> has been loaded,
+ in which case it defaults to <span
+ id="dx1-24022"></a>). If set, <span
+ id="dx1-24023"></a> uses
+ <span
+ id="dx1-24024"></a><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x2" id="fn3x2-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">2.3</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-24025f3"></a>.
+ You can test whether this option has been set or not using
+ <!--l. 3555--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-24030"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifglsucmark </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\else </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\fi </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3557--><p class="noindent" >
+ For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-86">
+ \renewcommand{\glsglossarymark}[1]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsucmark
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\markright{\MakeTextUppercase{#1}}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\else
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\markright{#1}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\fi}
+ <!--l. 3566--><p class="nopar" > If <span
+ id="dx1-24031"></a> has been loaded and <span
+ id="dx1-24032"></a> is set, then <span
+ id="dx1-24033"></a>&#8217;s <span
+ id="dx1-24034"></a> is
+ used.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:numberedsection"><span
+ id="dx1-24035"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The glossaries are placed in unnumbered sectional units by default, but
+ this can be changed using <span
+ id="dx1-24036"></a>. This option can take one of the following
+ values:
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-24037"></a>:
+ no number, i.e.&#x00A0;use starred form of sectioning command (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\chapter* </span>or
+ <span
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-24038"></a>: use a numbered section, i.e.&#x00A0;the unstarred form of sectioning
+ command (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\chapter </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\section</span>), but the section not labelled;
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-24039"></a>: numbered with automatic labelling. Each glossary uses the unstarred
+ form of a sectioning command (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\chapter </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\section</span>) and is assigned a label
+ (via <span
+ id="dx1-24040"></a>). The label is formed from
+ <!--l. 3587--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-24041"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsautoprefix </span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">type</span>&#x27E9; </div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3589--><p class="noindent" >
+ where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">type</span>&#x27E9; is the label identifying that glossary. The default value of
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsautoprefix </span>is empty. For example, if you load <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>using:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-87">
+ \usepackage[section,numberedsection=autolabel]
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 3597--><p class="nopar" > then each glossary will appear in a numbered section, and can be referenced using
+ something like:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-88">
+ The&#x00A0;main&#x00A0;glossary&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;section~\ref{main}&#x00A0;and
+ &#x00A0;<br />the&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;acronyms&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;section~\ref{acronym}.
+ <!--l. 3603--><p class="nopar" > If you can&#8217;t decide whether to have the acronyms in the main glossary or a
+ separate list of acronyms, you can use <span
+ id="dx1-24042"></a> which is set to <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>if the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-24043"></a> option is not used and is set to <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym </span>if the <span
+ id="dx1-24044"></a> option is used. For
+ example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-89">
+ The&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;acronyms&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;section~\ref{\acronymtype}.
+ <!--l. 3611--><p class="nopar" > You can redefine the prefix if the default label clashes with another label in your
+ document. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-90">
+ \renewcommand*{\glsautoprefix}{glo:}
+ <!--l. 3617--><p class="nopar" > will add <span
+class="cmtt-10">glo: </span>to the automatically generated label, so you can then, for example,
+ refer to the list of acronyms as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-91">
+ The&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;acronyms&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;in
+ &#x00A0;<br />section~\ref{glo:\acronymtype}.
+ <!--l. 3623--><p class="nopar" > Or, if you are undecided on a prefix:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-92">
+ The&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;acronyms&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;in
+ &#x00A0;<br />section~\ref{\glsautoprefix\acronymtype}.
+ <!--l. 3628--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-24045"></a>: this is like <span
+ id="dx1-24046"></a> but uses an unnumbered sectioning command
+ (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+ id="dx1-24047"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-24048"></a>). It&#8217;s designed for use with the <span
+ id="dx1-24049"></a> package.
+ For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-93">
+ \usepackage{nameref}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[numberedsection=nameref]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 3637--><p class="nopar" > Now <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\nameref{main}</span></span></span> will display the (TOC) section title associated with the
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>glossary. As above, you can redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsautoprefix </span>to provide a prefix for
+ the label.</p></li></ul>
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 3645--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 3645--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:pkgopts-printglos"></a>Glossary Appearance Options</h3>
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:entrycounter"><span
+ id="dx1-25001"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option. (Default is <span
+ id="dx1-25002"></a>.) If set, each main
+ (level&#x00A0;0) glossary entry will be numbered when using the standard glossary styles.
+ This option creates the counter <span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-25003"></a><a
+ id="dx1-25004"></a><span
+ <!--l. 3655--><p class="noindent" >If you use this option, you can reference the entry number within the document
+ using
+ </p><!--l. 3657--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-25005"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3659--><p class="noindent" >
+ where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the label associated with that glossary entry. The labelling
+ systems uses &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;, where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the entry&#8217;s label and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">prefix</span>&#x27E9; is given
+ by
+ </p><!--l. 3663--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-25006"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsEntryCounterLabelPrefix </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3665--><p class="noindent" >
+ (which defaults to <span
+ </p><!--l. 3668--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsrefentry</span>, you must run <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;twice after creating the glossary files
+ using <a
+ id="dx1-25007"></a></a>, <a
+ id="dx1-25008"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-25009"></a></a> to ensure the cross-references are
+ up-to-date. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 3673--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:counterwithin"><span
+ id="dx1-25010"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; option where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; is the name of a counter. If used, this
+ option will automatically set <span
+ id="dx1-25011"></a> and the <span
+ id="dx1-25012"></a> counter will be
+ reset every time &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; is incremented.
+ <!--l. 3682--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> The <span
+ id="dx1-25013"></a> counter isn&#8217;t automatically reset at the start of each glossary, except
+ when glossary section numbering is on and the counter used by <span
+ id="dx1-25014"></a> is the
+ same as the counter used in the glossary&#8217;s sectioning command. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 3687--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 3689--><p class="noindent" >If you want the counter reset at the start of each glossary, you can redefine
+ <span
+ id="dx1-25015"></a> to use
+ </p><!--l. 3691--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-25016"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsresetentrycounter </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3693--><p class="noindent" >
+ which sets <span
+ id="dx1-25017"></a> to zero:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-94">
+ \renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsresetentrycounter
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 3699--><p class="nopar" > or if you are using <span
+ id="dx1-25018"></a>, add it to each glossary preamble, as
+ required. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-95">
+ \setglossarypreamble[acronym]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsresetentrycounter
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;The&#x00A0;preamble&#x00A0;text&#x00A0;here&#x00A0;for&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;acronyms.
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\setglossarypreamble{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsresetentrycounter
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;The&#x00A0;preamble&#x00A0;text&#x00A0;here&#x00A0;for&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;main&#x00A0;glossary.
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 3711--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:subentrycounter"><span
+ id="dx1-25019"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option. (Default is <span
+ id="dx1-25020"></a>.) If set, each
+ level&#x00A0;1 glossary entry will be numbered when using the standard glossary
+ styles. This option creates the counter <span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-25021"></a><a
+ id="dx1-25022"></a><span
+ The counter is reset with each main (level&#x00A0;0) entry. Note that this package
+ option is independent of <span
+ id="dx1-25023"></a>. You can reference the number within the
+ document using <span
+ id="dx1-25024"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the label associated with the
+ sub-entry.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:style"><span
+ id="dx1-25025"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; option. (Default is <span
+ id="dx1-25026"></a>, unless <span
+ id="dx1-25027"></a> has been loaded, in
+ which case the default is <span
+ id="dx1-25028"></a>.) Its value should be the name of the
+ glossary style to use. This key may only be used for styles defined in <span
+ id="dx1-25029"></a>,
+ <span
+ id="dx1-25030"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-25031"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-25032"></a>. Alternatively, you can set the style
+ using
+ <!--l. 3732--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span
+class="cmitt-10">style name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3733--><p class="noindent" >
+ (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15 </a><a
+href="#sec:styles">Glossary Styles<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:styles --></a> for further details.)
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nolong"><span
+ id="dx1-25033"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This prevents the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package from automatically loading <span
+ id="dx1-25034"></a> (which
+ means that the <span
+ id="dx1-25035"></a> package also won&#8217;t be loaded). This reduces overhead by not
+ defining unwanted styles and commands. Note that if you use this option, you won&#8217;t be
+ able to use any of the glossary styles defined in the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossary-long </span>package (unless you
+ explicitly load <span
+ id="dx1-25036"></a>).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nosuper"><span
+ id="dx1-25037"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This prevents the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package from automatically loading <span
+ id="dx1-25038"></a> (which
+ means that the <span
+ id="dx1-25039"></a> package also won&#8217;t be loaded). This reduces overhead by
+ not defining unwanted styles and commands. Note that if you use this option, you won&#8217;t
+ be able to use any of the glossary styles defined in the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossary-super </span>package (unless you
+ explicitly load <span
+ id="dx1-25040"></a>).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nolist"><span
+ id="dx1-25041"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This prevents the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package from automatically loading <span
+ id="dx1-25042"></a>. This
+ reduces overhead by not defining unwanted styles. Note that if you use this option, you
+ won&#8217;t be able to use any of the glossary styles defined in the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossary-list </span>package (unless
+ you explicitly load <span
+ id="dx1-25043"></a>). Note that since the default style is <span
+ id="dx1-25044"></a> (unless
+ <span
+ id="dx1-25045"></a> has been loaded), you will also need to use the <span
+ id="dx1-25046"></a> option to set the style
+ to something else.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:notree"><span
+ id="dx1-25047"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This prevents the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package from automatically loading <span
+ id="dx1-25048"></a>. This
+ reduces overhead by not defining unwanted styles. Note that if you use this
+ option, you won&#8217;t be able to use any of the glossary styles defined in the
+ <span
+class="cmss-10">glossary-tree </span>package (unless you explicitly load <span
+ id="dx1-25049"></a>). Note that if
+ <span
+ id="dx1-25050"></a> has been loaded, the default style is <span
+ id="dx1-25051"></a>, which is provided by
+ <span
+ id="dx1-25052"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nostyles"><span
+ id="dx1-25053"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This prevents all the predefined styles from being loaded. If you use this option, you
+ need to load a glossary style package (such as <span
+ id="dx1-25054"></a>). Also if you use
+ this option, you can&#8217;t use the <span
+ id="dx1-25055"></a> package option. Instead you must either
+ use <span
+ id="dx1-25056"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>or the <span
+ id="dx1-25057"></a> key in the optional argument to
+ <span
+ id="dx1-25058"></a>. Example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-96">
+ \usepackage[nostyles]{glossaries}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossary-mcols}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\setglossarystyle{mcoltree}
+ <!--l. 3783--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:esclocations"><span
+ id="dx1-25059"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option. (The default is <span
+ id="dx1-25060"></a>, but
+ <span
+ id="dx1-25061"></a> changes it to <span
+ id="dx1-25062"></a>.) Both <a
+ id="dx1-25063"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-25064"></a></a>
+ are fussy about the location formats (<a
+ id="dx1-25065"></a></a> more so than <a
+ id="dx1-25066"></a></a>) so the <span
+ package tries to ensure that special characters are escaped and allows for the location to
+ be substituted for a format that&#8217;s more acceptable to the indexing application. This
+ requires a bit of trickery to circumvent the problem posed by <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s asynchronous
+ output routine, which can go wrong and also adds to the complexity of the document
+ build.
+ <!--l. 3796--><p class="noindent" >If you&#8217;re sure that your locations will always expand to an acceptable format (or you&#8217;re
+ prepared to post-process the glossary file before passing it to the relevant indexing
+ application) then use <span
+ id="dx1-25067"></a> to avoid the complex escaping of location values.
+ (See &#8220;Writing information to associated files&#8221; in the documented code for further
+ details.)
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nonumberlist"><span
+ id="dx1-25068"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option will suppress the associated <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-25069"></a>s</a> in the glossaries (see also
+ <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5 </a><a
+href="#sec:numberlists">Number lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:numberlists --></a>). Note that if you use Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> (<a
+ id="dx1-25070"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-25071"></a></a>) then the
+ locations must still be valid. This package option merely prevents the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-25072"></a></a> from
+ being displayed, but both <a
+ id="dx1-25073"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-25074"></a></a> still require a location or
+ cross-reference for each term that&#8217;s indexed. Remember that <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-25075"></a></a> includes any
+ cross-references, so suppressing the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-25076"></a></a> will also hide the cross-references (see
+ below).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:seeautonumberlist"><span
+ id="dx1-25077"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">If you suppress the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-25078"></a>s</a> with <span
+ id="dx1-25079"></a>, described
+ above, this will also suppress any cross-referencing information supplied by
+ the <span
+ id="dx1-25080"></a> key in <span
+ id="dx1-25081"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-25082"></a>. If you use <span
+ id="dx1-25083"></a>,
+ the <span
+ id="dx1-25084"></a> key will automatically implement <span
+ id="dx1-25085"></a> for that entry.
+ (Note this doesn&#8217;t affect <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glssee</span>.) For further details see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>8 </a><a
+ Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:crossref --></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:counter"><span
+ id="dx1-25086"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; option. (Default is <span
+ id="dx1-25087"></a>.) The value should be
+ the name of the default counter to use in the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-25088"></a>s</a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5 </a><a
+ lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:numberlists --></a>).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nopostdot"><span
+ id="dx1-25089"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option. If no value is specified, <span
+class="cmtt-10">true </span>is assumed. When set to
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">true</span>, this option suppresses the default post description dot used by some of the
+ predefined styles. The default setting is <span
+ id="dx1-25090"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:nogroupskip"><span
+ id="dx1-25091"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean option. If no value is specified, <span
+class="cmtt-10">true </span>is assumed. When set to
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">true</span>, this option suppresses the default vertical gap between groups used by some of
+ the predefined styles. The default setting is <span
+ id="dx1-25092"></a>.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 3842--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 3842--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.4 </span> <a
+ id="sec:pkgopts-sort"></a>Sorting Options</h3>
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:sort"><span
+ id="dx1-26001"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">If you use Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>, this package option is the only way of specifying how to
+ sort the glossaries. Only <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> allows you to specify sort methods for individual
+ glossaries via the <span
+ id="dx1-26002"></a> key in the optional argument of <span
+ id="dx1-26003"></a>. If
+ you have multiple glossaries in your document and you are using <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, only
+ use the package options <span
+ id="dx1-26004"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-26005"></a> if you want to set this sort method
+ for <span
+class="cmti-10">all </span>your glossaries.
+ <!--l. 3856--><p class="noindent" >This is a &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; option where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; may be one of the following: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-26006"></a> : entries are sorted according to the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-26007"></a> key used in
+ <span
+ id="dx1-26008"></a> (if present) or the <span
+ id="dx1-26009"></a> key (if <span
+ id="dx1-26010"></a> key is missing);
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-26011"></a> : entries are sorted in the order in which they were defined (the <span
+ id="dx1-26012"></a> key
+ in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossaryentry </span>is ignored);
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-26013"></a> : entries are sorted according to the order in which they are used in the
+ document (the <span
+ id="dx1-26014"></a> key in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossaryentry </span>is ignored).
+ <!--l. 3872--><p class="noindent" >Both <span
+ id="dx1-26015"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-26016"></a> set the sort key to a six digit number via
+ </p><!--l. 3874--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-26017"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3876--><p class="noindent" >
+ (padded with leading zeros, where necessary). This can be redefined, if required,
+ before the entries are defined (in the case of <span
+ id="dx1-26018"></a>) or before the entries are
+ used (in the case of <span
+ id="dx1-26019"></a>).
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-26020"></a> : this setting is new to version 4.30 and is only for documents that don&#8217;t use
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>(Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>) or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makenoidxglossaries </span>(<a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>). It
+ omits the code used to sanitize or escape the sort value, since it&#8217;s not
+ required. This can help to improve the document build speed, especially
+ if there are a large number of entries. This option can&#8217;t be used with
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printglossary </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printnoidxglossary </span>(or the iterative versions
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printglossaries </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printnoidxglossaries</span>). It may be used with
+ <span
+ id="dx1-26021"></a>&#8217;s <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printunsrtglossary </span>(<a
+ <!--l. 3893--><p class="noindent" >Note that the group styles (such as <span
+ id="dx1-26022"></a>) are incompatible with the <span
+ id="dx1-26023"></a> and
+ <span
+ id="dx1-26024"></a> options.
+ </p><!--l. 3897--><p class="noindent" >The default is <span
+ id="dx1-26025"></a>. When the standard sort option is in use, you can hook into
+ the sort mechanism by redefining:
+ </p><!--l. 3900--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-26026"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">sort cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3902--><p class="noindent" >
+ where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">sort cs</span>&#x27E9; is a temporary control sequence that stores the sort value (which was
+ either explicitly set via the <span
+ id="dx1-26027"></a> key or implicitly set via the <span
+ id="dx1-26028"></a> key) before any
+ escaping of the <a
+ id="dx1-26029"></a></a>/<a
+ id="dx1-26030"></a></a> special characters is performed. By default
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsprestandardsort </span>just does:
+ </p><!--l. 3908--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-26031"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdosanitizesort </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 3910--><p class="noindent" >
+ which <a
+ id="dx1-26032"></a>s</a> &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">sort cs</span>&#x27E9; if the <span
+ id="dx1-26033"></a> package option is set (or does nothing if the
+ package option <span
+ id="dx1-26034"></a> is used).
+ </p><!--l. 3915--><p class="noindent" >The other arguments, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">type</span>&#x27E9; and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;, are the glossary type and the entry label for the
+ current entry. Note that &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">type</span>&#x27E9; will always be a control sequence, but &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; will be in the
+ form used in the first argument of <span
+ id="dx1-26035"></a>.
+ </p><!--l. 3920--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> Redefining <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsprestandardsort </span>won&#8217;t affect any entries that have already been
+ defined and will have no effect at all if you are using <span
+ id="dx1-26036"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-26037"></a>.
+ </div>
+ </p><!--l. 3924--><p class="noindent" >
+ id="x1-26038r1"></a>
+ </p><!--l. 3926--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 1</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Mixing Alphabetical and Order of Definition</span>
+ <span
+ id="x1-26039"></a>
+ </p><!--l. 3927--><p class="noindent" >Suppose I have three glossaries: <span
+class="cmtt-10">main</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">notation</span>, and let&#8217;s suppose I want
+ the <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym </span>glossaries to be sorted alphabetically, but the <span
+class="cmtt-10">notation </span>type
+ should be sorted in order of definition.
+ </p><!--l. 3933--><p class="noindent" >For <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, I&#x00A0;just need to set the <span
+ id="dx1-26040"></a> key in the optional argument of
+ <span
+ id="dx1-26041"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-97">
+ \printnoidxglossary[sort=word]
+ &#x00A0;<br />\printnoidxglossary[type=acronym,sort=word]
+ &#x00A0;<br />\printnoidxglossary[type=notation,sort=def]
+ <!--l. 3939--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p><!--l. 3941--><p class="noindent" >For Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>, I can set the sort to <span
+class="cmtt-10">standard </span>(which is the default, but can be
+ explicitly set via the package option <span
+ id="dx1-26042"></a>), and I can either define all my <span
+ and <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym </span>entries, then redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsprestandardsort </span>to set &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">sort cs</span>&#x27E9; to an
+ incremented integer, and then define all my <span
+class="cmtt-10">notation </span>entries. Alternatively, I can
+ redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsprestandardsort </span>to check for the glossary type and only modify &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">sort cs</span>&#x27E9; if
+ &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">type</span>&#x27E9; is <span
+ </p><!--l. 3951--><p class="noindent" >The first option can be achieved as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-98">
+ \newcounter{sortcount}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\glsprestandardsort}[3]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\stepcounter{sortcount}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\edef#1{\glssortnumberfmt{\arabic{sortcount}}}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 3959--><p class="nopar" > The second option can be achieved as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-99">
+ \newcounter{sortcount}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\glsprestandardsort}[3]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifdefstring{#2}{notation}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\stepcounter{sortcount}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\edef#1{\glssortnumberfmt{\arabic{sortcount}}}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsdosanitizesort
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 3974--><p class="nopar" > (<span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifdefstring </span>is defined by the <span
+ id="dx1-26043"></a> package.) For a complete document, see the
+ sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sampleSort.tex</span></a>. </p>
+ <div class="center"
+<!--l. 3977--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 3977--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+ id="x1-26044r2"></a>
+ <!--l. 3979--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 2</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Customizing Standard Sort (Options 2 or</span>
+ <span
+ id="x1-26045"></a>
+ </p><!--l. 3980--><p class="noindent" >Suppose you want a glossary of people and you want the names listed as &#x27E8;<span
+ &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">surname</span>&#x27E9; in the glossary, but you want the names sorted by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">surname</span>&#x27E9;, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">first-name</span>&#x27E9;. You
+ can do this by defining a command called, say, <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>that you
+ can use in the <span
+ id="dx1-26046"></a> key when you define the entry, but hook into the standard
+ sort mechanism to temporarily redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\name </span>while the sort value is being
+ set.
+ </p><!--l. 3989--><p class="noindent" >First, define two commands to set the person&#8217;s name:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-100">
+ \newcommand{\sortname}[2]{#2,&#x00A0;#1}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\newcommand{\textname}[2]{#1&#x00A0;#2}
+ <!--l. 3993--><p class="nopar" > and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\name </span>needs to be initialised to <span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-101">
+ \let\name\textname
+ <!--l. 3997--><p class="nopar" > Now redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsprestandardsort </span>so that it temporarily sets <span
+class="cmtt-10">\name </span>to <span
+ and expands the sort value, then sets <span
+class="cmtt-10">\name </span>to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\textname </span>so that the person&#8217;s name
+ appears as &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">first-name</span>&#x27E9; &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">surname</span>&#x27E9; in the text:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-102">
+ \renewcommand{\glsprestandardsort}[3]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\let\name\sortname
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\edef#1{\expandafter\expandonce\expandafter{#1}}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\let\name\textname
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glsdosanitizesort
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 4009--><p class="nopar" > (The somewhat complicate use of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\expandafter </span>etc helps to protect fragile commands,
+ but care is still needed.)
+ </p><!--l. 4013--><p class="noindent" >Now the entries can be defined:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-103">
+ \newglossaryentry{joebloggs}{name={\name{Joe}{Bloggs}},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={some&#x00A0;information&#x00A0;about&#x00A0;Joe&#x00A0;Bloggs}}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{johnsmith}{name={\name{John}{Smith}},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={some&#x00A0;information&#x00A0;about&#x00A0;John&#x00A0;Smith}}
+ <!--l. 4020--><p class="nopar" > For a complete document, see the sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">samplePeople.tex</span></a>. </p>
+ <div class="center"
+<!--l. 4022--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 4022--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:order"><span
+ id="dx1-26047"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This may take two values: <span
+ id="dx1-26048"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-26049"></a>. The default is word ordering.
+ <!--l. 4028--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that the <span
+ id="dx1-26050"></a> option has no effect if you don&#8217;t use <a
+ id="dx1-26051"></a></a>.
+ </div>
+ </p><!--l. 4031--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 4033--><p class="noindent" >If you use <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, this setting will be used if you use <span
+ id="dx1-26052"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">=standard </span>in the optional
+ argument of <span
+ id="dx1-26053"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-104">
+ \printnoidxglossary[sort=standard]
+ <!--l. 4038--><p class="nopar" > Alternatively, you can specify the order for individual glossaries:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-105">
+ \printnoidxglossary[sort=word]
+ &#x00A0;<br />\printnoidxglossary[type=acronym,sort=letter]
+ <!--l. 4043--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:makeindex"><span
+ id="dx1-26054"></a></a> </dt><dd
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a>) The glossary information and indexing style file will be written in
+ <a
+ id="dx1-26055"></a></a> format. If you use <a
+ id="dx1-26056"></a></a>, it will automatically detect that it
+ needs to call <span
+ id="dx1-26057"></a>. If you don&#8217;t use <span
+ id="dx1-26058"></a>, you need to remember
+ to use <span
+ id="dx1-26059"></a> not <a
+ id="dx1-26060"></a></a>. The indexing style file will been given a&#x00A0;<span
+ id="dx1-26061"></a>
+ extension.
+ <!--l. 4053--><p class="noindent" >You may omit this package option if you are using <a
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a> as this is the default. It&#8217;s
+ available in case you need to override the effect of an earlier occurrence of <span
+ id="dx1-26062"></a> in the
+ package option list.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:xindy"><span
+ id="dx1-26063"></a></a> </dt><dd
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>) The glossary information and indexing style file will be written in
+ <a
+ id="dx1-26064"></a></a> format. If you use <a
+ id="dx1-26065"></a></a>, it will automatically detect that it
+ needs to call <span
+ id="dx1-26066"></a>. If you don&#8217;t use <span
+ id="dx1-26067"></a>, you need to remember
+ to use <span
+ id="dx1-26068"></a> not <a
+ id="dx1-26069"></a></a>. The indexing style file will been given a <span
+ id="dx1-26070"></a>
+ extension.
+ <!--l. 4064--><p class="noindent" >This package option may additionally have a value that is a &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; comma-separated
+ list to override the language and codepage. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-106">
+ \usepackage[xindy={language=english,codepage=utf8}]
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 4070--><p class="nopar" > You can also specify whether you want a number group in the glossary. This defaults to
+ true, but can be suppressed. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-107">
+ \usepackage[xindy={glsnumbers=false}]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 4075--><p class="nopar" > If no value is supplied to this package option (either simply writing <span
+class="cmtt-10">xindy </span>or writing
+ <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">xindy={}</span></span></span>) then the language, codepage and number group settings are unchanged. See
+ <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindy">Xindy (Option 3)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindy --></a> for further details on using <a
+ id="dx1-26071"></a></a> with the <span
+ package.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:xindygloss"><span
+ id="dx1-26072"></a></a> </dt><dd
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>) This is equivalent to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">xindy={}</span></span></span> (that is, the <span
+ id="dx1-26073"></a> option without any
+ value supplied) and may be used as a document class option. The language and code
+ page can be set via <span
+ id="dx1-26074"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-26075"></a> (see <a
+ </a><a
+href="#sec:langenc">Language and Encodings<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:langenc --></a>.)
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:xindynoglsnumbers"><span
+ id="dx1-26076"></a></a> </dt><dd
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>) This is equivalent to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">xindy={glsnumbers=false}</span></span></span> and may
+ be used as a document class option.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:automake"><span
+ id="dx1-26077"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is option was introduced to version 4.08 as a boolean option. As from version
+ 4.42 it may now take three values: <span
+class="cmtt-10">false </span>(default), <span
+class="cmtt-10">true </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">immediate</span>. If no option is
+ supplied, <span
+class="cmtt-10">immediate </span>is assumed. The option <span
+ id="dx1-26078"></a> will attempt to run
+ <a
+ id="dx1-26079"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-26080"></a></a> using <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s <span
+ id="dx1-26081"></a> mechanism at the end of the document.
+ The option <span
+ id="dx1-26082"></a> will attempt to run <a
+ id="dx1-26083"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-26084"></a></a> at the start
+ of <span
+ id="dx1-26085"></a> using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\immediate </span>(before the glossary files have been
+ opened).
+ <!--l. 4103--><p class="noindent" >In the case of <span
+ id="dx1-26086"></a>, the associated files are created at the end of the
+ document ready for the next <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run. Since there is a possibility of commands such
+ as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls </span>occurring on the last page of the document, it&#8217;s not possible to use <span
+ to close the associated file or with <span
+class="cmtt-10">\write18 </span>since the writing of the final
+ indexing lines may have been delayed. In certain situations this can mean that
+ the <span
+class="cmtt-10">\write18 </span>fails. In such cases, you will need to use <span
+ id="dx1-26087"></a>
+ instead.
+ </p><!--l. 4113--><p class="noindent" >With <span
+ id="dx1-26088"></a>, you will get a warning on the first <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run as the
+ associated glossary files don&#8217;t exist yet.
+ </p><!--l. 4117--><p class="noindent" >Since this mechanism can be a security risk, some <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distributions disable it
+ completely, in which case this option won&#8217;t have an effect. (If this option doesn&#8217;t appear
+ to work, search the log file for &#8220;runsystem&#8221; and see if it is followed by &#8220;enabled&#8221; or
+ &#8220;disabled&#8221;.)
+ </p><!--l. 4123--><p class="noindent" >Some distributions allow <span
+class="cmtt-10">\write18 </span>in a restricted mode. This mode has a&#x00A0;limited
+ number of trusted applications, which usually includes <a
+ id="dx1-26089"></a></a> but may not include
+ <a
+ id="dx1-26090"></a></a>. So if you have the restricted mode on, <span
+ id="dx1-26091"></a> should work with <span
+ id="dx1-26092"></a>
+ but may not work with <a
+ id="dx1-26093"></a></a>.
+ </p><!--l. 4129--><p class="noindent" >However even in unrestricted mode this option may not work with <span
+ id="dx1-26094"></a> as <span
+ id="dx1-26095"></a> uses
+ language names that don&#8217;t always correspond with <span
+ id="dx1-26096"></a>&#8217;s language names. (The
+ <a
+ id="dx1-26097"></a></a> script applies mappings to assist you.) Note that you still need
+ at least two <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;runs to ensure the document is up-to-date with this
+ setting.
+ </p><!--l. 4136--><p class="noindent" >Since this package option attempts to run the <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> on every
+ <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run, its use should be considered a last resort for those who can&#8217;t work out
+ how to incorporate the indexing application into their document build. The default
+ value for this option is <span
+ id="dx1-26098"></a>.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 4144--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 4144--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.5 </span> <a
+ id="sec:pkgopts-acronym"></a>Acronym Options</h3>
+ <dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:acronym"><span
+ id="dx1-27001"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This creates a new glossary with the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym</span>. This is equivalent
+ to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-108">
+ \newglossary[alg]{acronym}{acr}{acn}{\acronymname}
+ <!--l. 4152--><p class="nopar" > It will also define
+ </p><!--l. 4154--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-27002"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4156--><p class="noindent" >
+ that&#8217;s equivalent to </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-27003"></a><span
+ </div> (unless that command is already defined before the beginning of the document or the
+ package option <span
+ id="dx1-27004"></a> is used).
+ <!--l. 4164--><p class="noindent" >If you are using <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, you need to use </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-27005"></a><span
+ </div> to display the list of acronyms.
+ <!--l. 4170--><p class="noindent" >If the <span
+ id="dx1-27006"></a> package option is used, <span
+ id="dx1-27007"></a> is set to <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym </span>otherwise it is set to
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">main</span>.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn4x2" id="fn4x2-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">2.4</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-27008f4"></a>
+ Entries that are defined using <span
+ id="dx1-27014"></a> are placed in the glossary whose label is
+ given by <span
+ id="dx1-27015"></a>, unless another glossary is explicitly specified.
+ </p><!--l. 4180--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> Remember to use the <span
+ id="dx1-27016"></a> package option if you&#8217;re only interested in using
+ this <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym </span>glossary. (That is, you don&#8217;t intend to use the <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>glossary.)
+ </div>
+ </p><!--l. 4184--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:acronyms"><span
+ id="dx1-27017"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is equivalent to <span
+ id="dx1-27018"></a> and may be used in the document class option
+ list.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:acronymlists"><span
+ id="dx1-27019"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">By default, only the <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymtype </span>glossary is considered to be a list of
+ acronyms. If you have other lists of acronyms, you can specify them as a
+ comma-separated list in the value of <span
+ id="dx1-27020"></a>. For example, if you use the <span
+ id="dx1-27021"></a>
+ package option but you also want the <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>glossary to also contain a list of acronyms,
+ you can do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-109">
+ \usepackage[acronym,acronymlists={main}]{glossaries}
+ <!--l. 4198--><p class="nopar" > No check is performed to determine if the listed glossaries exist, so you can add
+ glossaries you haven&#8217;t defined yet. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-110">
+ \usepackage[acronym,acronymlists={main,acronym2}]
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{glossaries}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\newglossary[alg2]{acronym2}{acr2}{acn2}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{Statistical&#x00A0;Acronyms}
+ <!--l. 4206--><p class="nopar" > You can use
+ </p><!--l. 4208--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-27022"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4210--><p class="noindent" >
+ instead of or in addition to the <span
+ id="dx1-27023"></a> option. This will add the glossaries given in
+ &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">list</span>&#x27E9; to the list of glossaries that are identified as lists of acronyms. To replace the list of
+ acronym lists with a new list use:
+ </p><!--l. 4215--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-27024"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4217--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 4219--><p class="noindent" >You can determine if a glossary has been identified as being a list of acronyms
+ using:
+ </p><!--l. 4221--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-27025"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+ </div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4223--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:shortcuts"><span
+ id="dx1-27026"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option provides shortcut commands for acronyms. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>13 </a><a
+href="#sec:acronyms">Acronyms and
+ Other Abbreviations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:acronyms --></a> for further details. Alternatively you can use:
+ <!--l. 4228--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-27027"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\DefineAcronymSynonyms </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4230--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p></dd></dl>
+<!--l. 4233--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 4233--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.5.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:pkgopts-old-acronym"></a>Deprecated Acronym Style Options</h4>
+<!--l. 4236--><p class="noindent" >The package options listed in this section are now deprecated but are kept for
+backward-compatibility. Use <span
+ id="dx1-28001"></a> instead. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>13 </a><a
+href="#sec:acronyms">Acronyms and Other
+Abbreviations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:acronyms --></a> for further details.
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:description"><span
+ id="dx1-28002"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option changes the definition of <span
+ id="dx1-28003"></a> to allow a description. This
+ option may be replaced by
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-111">
+ \setacronymstyle{long-short-desc}
+ <!--l. 4246--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28004"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-112">
+ \setacronymstyle{long-sc-short-desc}
+ <!--l. 4250--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28005"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-113">
+ \setacronymstyle{long-sm-short-desc}
+ <!--l. 4254--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28006"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-114">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-desc}
+ <!--l. 4258--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28007"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-28008"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-115">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-sc-desc}
+ <!--l. 4262--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28009"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-28010"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-116">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-sm-desc}
+ <!--l. 4266--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28011"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-117">
+ \setacronymstyle{dua-desc}
+ <!--l. 4270--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:smallcaps"><span
+ id="dx1-28012"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option changes the definition of <span
+ id="dx1-28013"></a> and the way that acronyms are
+ displayed. This option may be replaced by:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-118">
+ \setacronymstyle{long-sc-short}
+ <!--l. 4277--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28014"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-119">
+ \setacronymstyle{long-sc-short-desc}
+ <!--l. 4281--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28015"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-28016"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-120">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-sc-desc}
+ <!--l. 4285--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:smaller"><span
+ id="dx1-28017"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option changes the definition of <span
+ id="dx1-28018"></a> and the way that acronyms are
+ displayed.
+ <!--l. 4289--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you use this option, you will need to include the <span
+ id="dx1-28019"></a> package or otherwise define
+ <span
+ id="dx1-28020"></a> or redefine <span
+ id="dx1-28021"></a>. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 4293--><p class="noindent" >
+ This option may be replaced by:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-121">
+ \setacronymstyle{long-sm-short}
+ <!--l. 4297--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28022"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-122">
+ \setacronymstyle{long-sm-short-desc}
+ <!--l. 4301--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28023"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-28024"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-123">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-sm-desc}
+ <!--l. 4305--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:footnote"><span
+ id="dx1-28025"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option changes the definition of <span
+ id="dx1-28026"></a> and the way that acronyms are
+ displayed. This option may be replaced by:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-124">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote}
+ <!--l. 4312--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28027"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-125">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-sc}
+ <!--l. 4316--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28028"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-126">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-sm}
+ <!--l. 4320--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28029"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-127">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-desc}
+ <!--l. 4324--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28030"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-28031"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-128">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-sc-desc}
+ <!--l. 4328--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28032"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-28033"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-129">
+ \setacronymstyle{footnote-sm-desc}
+ <!--l. 4332--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:dua"><span
+ id="dx1-28034"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option changes the definition of <span
+ id="dx1-28035"></a> so that acronyms are always
+ expanded. This option may be replaced by:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-130">
+ \setacronymstyle{dua}
+ <!--l. 4340--><p class="nopar" > or (with <span
+ id="dx1-28036"></a>)
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-131">
+ \setacronymstyle{dua-desc}
+ <!--l. 4344--><p class="nopar" >
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 4348--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 4348--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.6 </span> <a
+ id="sec:pkgopts-other"></a>Other Options</h3>
+<!--l. 4351--><p class="noindent" >Other available options that don&#8217;t fit any of the above categories are:
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:symbols"><span
+ id="dx1-29001"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option defines a new glossary type with the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">symbols </span>via
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-132">
+ \newglossary[slg]{symbols}{sls}{slo}{\glssymbolsgroupname}
+ <!--l. 4358--><p class="nopar" > It also defines
+ </p><!--l. 4360--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-29002"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4362--><p class="noindent" >
+ which is a synonym for </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-29003"></a><span
+ </div>
+ <!--l. 4368--><p class="noindent" >If you use <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, you need to use: </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-29004"></a><span
+ </div> to display the list of symbols.
+ <!--l. 4374--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> Remember to use the <span
+ id="dx1-29005"></a> package option if you&#8217;re only interested in using this
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">symbols </span>glossary and don&#8217;t intend to use the <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>glossary. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 4378--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 4380--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>package has a slightly modified version of this option which
+ additionally provides <span
+ id="dx1-29006"></a> as a convenient shortcut method for defining
+ symbols. See the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>manual for further details.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:numbers"><span
+ id="dx1-29007"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option defines a new glossary type with the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">numbers </span>via
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-133">
+ \newglossary[nlg]{numbers}{nls}{nlo}{\glsnumbersgroupname}
+ <!--l. 4389--><p class="nopar" > It also defines
+ </p><!--l. 4391--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-29008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4393--><p class="noindent" >
+ which is a synonym for </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-29009"></a><span
+ </div>
+ <!--l. 4399--><p class="noindent" >If you use <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, you need to use: </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-29010"></a><span
+ </div> to display the list of numbers.
+ <!--l. 4405--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> Remember to use the <span
+ id="dx1-29011"></a> package option if you&#8217;re only interested in using this
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">numbers </span>glossary and don&#8217;t intend to use the <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>glossary. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 4409--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 4411--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>package has a slightly modified version of this option which
+ additionally provides <span
+ id="dx1-29012"></a> as a convenient shortcut method for defining
+ numbers. See the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>manual for further details.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:index"><span
+ id="dx1-29013"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option defines a new glossary type with the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">index </span>via
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-134">
+ \newglossary[ilg]{index}{ind}{idx}{\indexname}%
+ <!--l. 4420--><p class="nopar" > It also defines
+ </p><!--l. 4422--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-29014"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4424--><p class="noindent" >
+ which is a synonym for </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-29015"></a><span
+ <br /><span
+ id="dx1-29016"></a><span
+ </div> and
+ <!--l. 4431--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-29017"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4433--><p class="noindent" >
+ which is a synonym for </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-29018"></a><span
+ </div>
+ <!--l. 4439--><p class="noindent" >If you use <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, you need to use: </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-29019"></a><span
+ </div> to display this glossary.
+ <!--l. 4445--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> Remember to use the <span
+ id="dx1-29020"></a> package option if you&#8217;re only interested in using this
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">index </span>glossary and don&#8217;t intend to use the <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>glossary. Note that you can&#8217;t mix this
+ option with <span
+ id="dx1-29021"></a>. Either use <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>for the indexing or use a&#x00A0;custom
+ indexing package, such as <span
+ id="dx1-29022"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-29023"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-29024"></a>. (You can, of course, load
+ one of those packages and load <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>without the <span
+ id="dx1-29025"></a> package option.)
+ </div>
+ </p><!--l. 4454--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 4456--><p class="noindent" >Since the index isn&#8217;t designed for terms with descriptions, you might also want to
+ disable the hyperlinks for this glossary using the package option <span
+ id="dx1-29026"></a> or
+ the command <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ id="dx1-29027"></a><span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><spacer type=vertical size=10></span>
+ </p><!--l. 4463--><p class="noindent" >The example file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-index.tex</span></a> illustrates the use of the <span
+ id="dx1-29028"></a> package
+ option.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:noglossaryindex"><span
+ id="dx1-29029"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This option switches off <span
+ id="dx1-29030"></a> if <span
+ id="dx1-29031"></a> has been passed implicitly (for
+ example, through global document options). This option can&#8217;t be used in
+ <span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:compatible-2.07"><span
+ id="dx1-29032"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Compatibility mode for old documents created using version 2.07 or
+ below.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:compatible-3.07"><span
+ id="dx1-29033"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Compatibility mode for old documents created using version 3.07 or
+ below.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="pkgopt:kernelglossredefs"><span
+ id="dx1-29034"></a></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">As a legacy from the precursor <span
+ id="dx1-29035"></a> package, the standard glossary
+ commands provided by the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;kernel (<span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossary </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossary</span>) are
+ redefined in terms of the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package&#8217;s commands. However, they were never
+ documented in this user manual, and the conversion guide (<a
+href="glossary2glossaries.html" >&#8220;Upgrading from
+ the glossary package to the glossaries package&#8221;</a>) explicitly discourages their
+ use.
+ <!--l. 4486--><p class="noindent" >The use of those kernel commands (instead of the appropriate commands documented
+ in this user guide) are deprecated, and you will now get a warning if you try using
+ them.
+ </p><!--l. 4490--><p class="noindent" >In the event that you require the original form of these kernel commands,
+ for example, if you need to use the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package with another class or
+ package that also performs glossary-style indexing, then you can restore these
+ commands to their previous definition (that is, their definitions prior to loading the
+ <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package) with the package option <span
+ id="dx1-29036"></a>. You may
+ also need to use the <span
+ id="dx1-29037"></a> option in the event of file extension conflicts. (In
+ which case, you must provide a new default glossary for use with the <span
+ id="dx1-29038"></a>
+ package.)
+ </p><!--l. 4501--><p class="noindent" >This option may take one of three values: <span
+class="cmss-10">true </span>(redefine with warnings, default),
+ <span
+class="cmss-10">false </span>(restore previous definitions) or <span
+class="cmss-10">nowarn </span>(redefine without warnings, not
+ recommended).
+ </p><!--l. 4506--><p class="noindent" >Note that the only glossary-related commands provided by the <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;kernel are
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossary </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossary</span>. Other packages or classes may provide additional
+ glossary-related commands or environments that conflict with <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>(such as
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printglossary </span>and <span
+ id="dx1-29039"></a><a
+ id="dx1-29040"></a>). These non-kernel commands aren&#8217;t affected by this
+ package option, and you will have to find some way to resolve the conflict if you require
+ both glossary mechanisms. (The <span
+ id="dx1-29041"></a> package will override the existing definitions
+ of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printglossary </span>and <span
+ id="dx1-29042"></a><a
+ id="dx1-29043"></a>.)
+ </p><!--l. 4516--><p class="noindent" >In general, if possible, it&#8217;s best to stick with just one package that provides a glossary
+ mechanism. (The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package does check for the <span
+ id="dx1-29044"></a> package and patches
+ <span
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 4522--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 4522--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">2.7 </span> <a
+ id="sec:setupglossaries"></a>Setting Options After the Package is Loaded</h3>
+<!--l. 4525--><p class="noindent" >Some of the options described above may also be set after the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package has been
+loaded using
+</p><!--l. 4527--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-30001"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">key-val list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4529--><p class="noindent" >
+The following package options <span
+class="cmbx-10">can&#8217;t </span>be used in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\setupglossaries</span>: <span
+ id="dx1-30002"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30003"></a>,
+ id="dx1-30004"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30005"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30006"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30007"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30008"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30009"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30010"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30011"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30012"></a>,
+ id="dx1-30013"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30014"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-30015"></a>. These options have to be set while the package is loading,
+except for the <span
+ id="dx1-30016"></a> sub-options which can be set using commands like <span
+ id="dx1-30017"></a>
+(see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindy">Xindy (Option 3)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindy --></a> for further details).
+</p><!--l. 4541--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you need to use this command, use it as soon as possible after loading <span
+otherwise you might end up using it too late for the change to take effect. For example, if you
+try changing the acronym styles (such as <span
+ id="dx1-30018"></a>) after you have started defining your
+acronyms, you are likely to get unexpected results. If you try changing the sort
+option after you have started to define entries, you may get unexpected results.
+</p><!--l. 4549--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 4551--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 4551--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">3. <a
+ id="sec:setup"></a>Setting Up</h2>
+</p><!--l. 4554--><p class="indent" > In the preamble you need to indicate whether you want to use <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, <a
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a> or
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>. It&#8217;s not possible to mix these options within a&#x00A0;document, although some
+combinations are possible with <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span>. (For Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option4">4</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option5">5</a> see the <a
+ id="dx1-31001"></a></a> and
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> manuals.)
+<!--l. 4560--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:setupopt1"></a>Option 1</h3>
+<!--l. 4563--><p class="noindent" >The command
+</p><!--l. 4564--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-32001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makenoidxglossaries </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4566--><p class="noindent" >
+must be placed in the preamble. This sets up the internal commands required to make
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> work. <span
+class="cmbx-10">If you omit </span><span
+class="cmtt-10">\makenoidxglossaries </span><span
+class="cmbx-10">none of the glossaries will be</span>
+</p><!--l. 4572--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 4572--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">3.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:setupopt23"></a>Options 2 and 3</h3>
+<!--l. 4575--><p class="noindent" >The command
+</p><!--l. 4576--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-33001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4578--><p class="noindent" >
+must be placed in the preamble in order to create the customised <a
+ id="dx1-33002"></a></a> (<span
+ id="dx1-33003"></a>) or <a
+ id="dx1-33004"></a></a>
+ id="dx1-33005"></a>) style file (for Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>, respectively) and to ensure that glossary entries are
+written to the appropriate output files. <span
+class="cmbx-10">If you omit </span><span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span><span
+class="cmbx-10">none of the</span>
+class="cmbx-10">glossary files will be created.</span>
+</p><!--l. 4586--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that some of the commands provided by the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package must not be used
+after <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>as they are required when creating the customised style file. If
+you attempt to use those commands after <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>you will generate an
+</p><!--l. 4593--><p class="indent" > Similarly, there are some commands that must not be used before <span
+</p><!--l. 4595--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 4597--><p class="indent" > You can suppress the creation of the customised <a
+ id="dx1-33006"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-33007"></a></a> style file
+</p><!--l. 4599--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-33008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\noist </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4601--><p class="noindent" >
+That this command must not be used after <span
+</p><!--l. 4603--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that if you have a custom <span
+ id="dx1-33009"></a> file created when using <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>version 2.07 or
+below, you will need to use the <span
+ id="dx1-33010"></a> package option with it. </div>
+</p><!--l. 4607--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 4609--><p class="indent" > The default name for the customised style file is given by <span
+ id="dx1-33011"></a><span
+ id="dx1-33012"></a> (<a
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a>) or
+ id="dx1-33013"></a><span
+ id="dx1-33014"></a> (<a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>). This name may be changed using:
+</p><!--l. 4613--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-33015"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4615--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the style file without the extension. Note that this command must
+not be used after <span
+</p><!--l. 4620--><p class="indent" > Each glossary entry is assigned a <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-33016"></a></a> that lists all the locations in the document
+where that entry was used. By default, the location refers to the page number but this may
+be overridden using the <span
+ id="dx1-33017"></a> package option. The default form of the location number
+assumes a full stop compositor (e.g.&#x00A0;1.2), but if your location numbers use a different
+compositor (e.g. 1-2) you need to set this using
+</p><!--l. 4627--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-33018"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4629--><p class="noindent" >
+For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-135">
+<!--l. 4633--><p class="nopar" > This command must not be used after <span
+</p><!--l. 4636--><p class="indent" > If you use <a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>, you can have a different compositor for page numbers starting with
+an upper case alphabetical character using:
+</p><!--l. 4638--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-33019"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4640--><p class="noindent" >
+This command has no effect if you use <a
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a>. For example, if you want <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-33020"></a>s</a>
+containing a mixture of A-1 and 2.3 style formats, then do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-136">
+<!--l. 4646--><p class="nopar" > See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5 </a><a
+href="#sec:numberlists">Number lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:numberlists --></a> for further information about <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-33021"></a>s</a>.
+<!--l. 4650--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 4650--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">4. <a
+ id="sec:newglosentry"></a>Defining Glossary Entries</h2>
+</p><!--l. 4653--><p class="indent" > All glossary entries must be defined before they are used, so it is better to define them in
+the preamble to ensure this. In fact, some commands such as <span
+may only be used in the preamble. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.8 </a><a
+href="#sec:docdefs">Drawbacks With Defining Entries in
+the Document Environment<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:docdefs --></a> for a discussion of the problems with defining entries
+within the document instead of in the preamble. (The <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package has an
+option that provides a restricted form of document definitions that avoids some of
+the issues discussed in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.8 </a><a
+href="#sec:docdefs">Drawbacks With Defining Entries in the Document
+Environment<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:docdefs --></a>.)
+</p><!--l. 4662--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> enforces the preamble-only restriction on <span
+ id="dx1-34001"></a>. <a
+requires that definitions are provided in <span
+class="cmtt-10">.bib </span>format. <a
+href="#option5">Option&#x00A0;5</a> requires either
+preamble-only definitions or the use of the <span
+ id="dx1-34002"></a> package option <span
+</p><!--l. 4668--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 4670--><p class="indent" > Only those entries that are indexed in the document (using any of the commands
+described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6 </a><a
+href="#sec:glslink">Links to Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glslink --></a>, <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>7 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsadd">Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without
+Generating Text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsadd --></a> or <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>8 </a><a
+href="#sec:crossref">Cross-Referencing Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:crossref --></a>) will appear in the glossary. See <a
+href="#sec:printglossary">Displaying a glossary<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:printglossary --></a> to find out how to display the glossary.
+</p><!--l. 4678--><p class="indent" > New glossary entries are defined using the command:
+</p><!--l. 4679--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-34003"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">key=value list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4681--><p class="noindent" >
+This is a short command, so values in &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">key-val list</span>&#x27E9; can&#8217;t contain any paragraph breaks. Take
+care to enclose values containing any commas (<span
+class="cmtt-10">,</span>) or equal signs (<span
+class="cmtt-10">=</span>) with braces to hide them
+from the key=value list parser. Be careful to ensure that no spurious spaces are included at
+the start and end of the braces.
+</p><!--l. 4688--><p class="indent" > If you have a long description that needs to span multiple paragraphs, use
+</p><!--l. 4690--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-34004"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">key=value list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4693--><p class="noindent" >
+instead. Note that this command may only be used in the preamble. Be careful of unwanted
+spaces. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\longnewglossaryentry </span>will remove trailing spaces in the description (via <span
+but won&#8217;t remove leading spaces (otherwise it would interfere with commands like
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentrydesc</span>). This command also appends <span
+class="cmtt-10">\nopostdesc </span>to the end of the description,
+which suppresses the post-description hook. The <span
+ id="dx1-34005"></a> package provides a
+starred version of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\longnewglossaryentry </span>that doesn&#8217;t append either <span
+class="cmtt-10">\unskip </span>or
+</p><!--l. 4704--><p class="indent" > There are also commands that will only define the entry if it hasn&#8217;t already been
+</p><!--l. 4706--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-34006"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">key=value list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 4708--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 4710--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-34007"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">key=value list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">long description</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 4713--><p class="noindent" >
+(These are both preamble-only commands.)
+</p><!--l. 4716--><p class="indent" > For all the above commands, the first argument, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;, must be a&#x00A0;unique label with which
+to identify this entry. <span
+class="cmbx-10">This can&#8217;t contain any non-expandable commands</span>
+class="cmbx-10">or active characters. </span>The reason for this restriction is that the label is used to
+construct internal commands that store the associated information (similarly to
+commands like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\label</span>) and therefore must be able to expand to a valid control sequence
+</p><!--l. 4724--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that although an <a
+href="#glo:exlatinchar">extended Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-34008"></a></a> or other <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-34009"></a></a>, such as &eacute;
+or &szlig;, looks like a plain character in your <span
+class="cmtt-10">.tex </span>file, it&#8217;s actually a&#x00A0;macro (an active character)
+and therefore can&#8217;t be used in the label. (This applies to <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;rather than XeLaTeX.)
+Also be careful of <span
+ id="dx1-34010"></a>&#8217;s options that change certain punctuation characters (such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">: </span>or <span
+to active characters. </div>
+</p><!--l. 4732--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 4734--><p class="indent" > The second argument, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">key=value list</span>&#x27E9;, is a &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; list that supplies the relevant
+information about this entry. There are two required fields: <span
+ id="dx1-34011"></a> and either <span
+ id="dx1-34012"></a> or
+ id="dx1-34013"></a>. The description is set in the third argument of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\longnewglossaryentry </span>and
+class="cmtt-10">\longprovideglossaryentry</span>. With the other commands it&#8217;s set via the <span
+ id="dx1-34014"></a> key. As is
+typical with &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; lists, values that contain a comma or equal sign must be enclosed in
+braces. Available fields are listed below. Additional fields are provided by the supplementary
+packages <span
+ id="dx1-34015"></a> (<a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>17 </a><a
+href="#sec:prefix">Prefixes or Determiners<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:prefix --></a>) and <span
+ id="dx1-34016"></a> (<a
+href="#sec:accsupp">Accessibility Support<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:accsupp --></a>) and also by <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a>. You can also define your own custom keys
+(see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:addkey">Additional Keys<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:addkey --></a>).
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34017"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The name of the entry (as it will appear in the glossary). If this key is omitted
+ and the <span
+ id="dx1-34018"></a> key is supplied, this value will be the same as the parent&#8217;s name.
+ <!--l. 4755--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> If the <span
+ id="dx1-34019"></a> key contains any commands, you must also use the <span
+ id="dx1-34020"></a> key (described
+ below) if you intend sorting the entries alphabetically, otherwise the entries can&#8217;t be
+ sorted correctly. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 4759--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34021"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">A brief description of this term (to appear in the glossary). Within this value,
+ you can use
+ <!--l. 4763--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-34022"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\nopostdesc </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4765--><p class="noindent" >
+ to suppress the description terminator for this entry. For example, if this
+ entry is a parent entry that doesn&#8217;t require a description, you can do
+ <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">description={\nopostdesc}</span></span></span>. If you want a paragraph break in the description
+ use
+ </p><!--l. 4771--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-34023"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspar </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 4773--><p class="noindent" >
+ or, better, use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\longnewglossaryentry</span>. However, note that not all glossary styles
+ support multi-line descriptions. If you are using one of the tabular-like glossary styles
+ that permit multi-line descriptions, use <span
+ id="dx1-34024"></a> not <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\\</span></span></span> if you want to force a line
+ break.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34025"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The label of the parent entry. Note that the parent entry must be defined before its
+ sub-entries. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.5 </a><a
+href="#sec:subentries">Sub-Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:subentries --></a> for further details.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34026"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The plural form of the description, if required. If omitted, the value is set to
+ the same as the <span
+ id="dx1-34027"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34028"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">How this entry will appear in the document text when using <span
+ id="dx1-34029"></a> (or one of its
+ upper case variants). If this field is omitted, the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-34030"></a> key is
+ used.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34031"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">How the entry will appear in the document text on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;with <span
+ id="dx1-34032"></a> (or one of its
+ upper case variants). If this field is omitted, the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-34033"></a> key is used. Note that
+ if you use <span
+ id="dx1-34034"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34035"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34036"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34037"></a> before using <span
+ id="dx1-34038"></a>, the <span
+ id="dx1-34039"></a> value
+ won&#8217;t be used with <span
+ id="dx1-34040"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34041"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">How the entry will appear in the document text when using <span
+ id="dx1-34042"></a> (or one
+ of its upper case variants). If this field is omitted, the value is obtained by
+ appending <span
+ id="dx1-34043"></a> to the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-34044"></a> field. The default value of
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34045"></a> is the letter &#8220;s&#8221;.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34046"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">How the entry will appear in the document text on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;with <span
+ id="dx1-34047"></a> (or one
+ of its upper case variants). If this field is omitted, the value is obtained from the <span
+ id="dx1-34048"></a>
+ key, if the <span
+ id="dx1-34049"></a> key is omitted, or by appending <span
+ id="dx1-34050"></a> to the value of
+ the <span
+ id="dx1-34051"></a> field, if the <span
+ id="dx1-34052"></a> field is present. Note that if you use <span
+ id="dx1-34053"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34054"></a>,
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34055"></a>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdisp </span>before using <span
+ id="dx1-34056"></a>, the <span
+ id="dx1-34057"></a> value won&#8217;t be used with
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34058"></a>.
+ <!--l. 4815--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">Note: </span>prior to version 1.13, the default value of <span
+ id="dx1-34059"></a> was always taken by
+ appending &#8220;s&#8221; to the <span
+ id="dx1-34060"></a> key, which meant that you had to specify both <span
+ id="dx1-34061"></a> and
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34062"></a>, even if you hadn&#8217;t used the <span
+ id="dx1-34063"></a> key.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34064"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This field is provided to allow the user to specify an associated symbol. If
+ omitted, the value is set to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\relax</span>. Note that not all glossary styles display the
+ symbol.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34065"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is the plural form of the symbol (as passed to <span
+ id="dx1-34066"></a> and
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34067"></a> by <span
+ id="dx1-34068"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34069"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-34070"></a>). If omitted, the value is set to the
+ same as the <span
+ id="dx1-34071"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34072"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This value indicates how this entry should be sorted. If omitted, the value is given by the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34073"></a> field unless one of the package options <span
+ id="dx1-34074"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-34075"></a> have been
+ used. In general, it&#8217;s best to use the <span
+ id="dx1-34076"></a> key if the <span
+ id="dx1-34077"></a> contains commands
+ (e.g.&#x00A0;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\ensuremath{\alpha}</span></span></span>). You can also override the <span
+ id="dx1-34078"></a> key by redefining
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34079"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.4 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-sort">Sorting Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-sort --></a>).
+ <!--l. 4839--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> by default strips the <a
+href="#glo:latexexlatinchar">standard <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;accents</a> (that is, accents generated by
+ core <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;commands) from the <span
+ id="dx1-34080"></a> key when it sets the <span
+ id="dx1-34081"></a> key. So with
+ <a
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-137">
+ \newglossaryentry{elite}{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={{\'e}lite},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={select&#x00A0;group&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;people}
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 4848--><p class="nopar" > This is equivalent to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-138">
+ \newglossaryentry{elite}{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={{\'e}lite},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={select&#x00A0;group&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;people},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sort={elite}
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 4856--><p class="nopar" > Unless you use the package option <span
+ id="dx1-34082"></a>, in which case it&#8217;s equivalent
+ to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-139">
+ \newglossaryentry{elite}{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={{\'e}lite},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={select&#x00A0;group&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;people},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sort={\'elite}
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 4865--><p class="nopar" > This will place the entry before the &#8220;A&#8221; letter group since the sort value starts with a
+ symbol.
+ </p><!--l. 4869--><p class="noindent" >Similarly if you use the <span
+ id="dx1-34083"></a> package: </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;name=</span><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&eacute;</span><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">lite</span><span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;description=</span><span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><span class="verb"><span
+ </div> This is equivalent to <div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;name=</span><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&eacute;</span><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">lite</span><span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;description=</span><span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span class="verb"><span
+ </div> Unless you use the package option <span
+ id="dx1-34084"></a>, in which case it&#8217;s equivalent to:
+ <div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;name=</span><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&eacute;</span><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">lite</span><span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;description=</span><span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><span
+ <br /><span class="verb"><span
+ </div> Again, this will place the entry before the &#8220;A&#8221; group.
+ <!--l. 4895--><p class="noindent" >With Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>, the default value of <span
+ id="dx1-34085"></a> will either be set to the <span
+ id="dx1-34086"></a>
+ key (if <span
+ id="dx1-34087"></a>) or it will set it to the expansion of the <span
+ id="dx1-34088"></a> key (if
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34089"></a>).
+ </p><!--l. 4900--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> Take care with <a
+ id="dx1-34090"></a></a> (<a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>): if you have entries with the same <span
+ id="dx1-34091"></a> value they will
+ be treated as the same entry. If you use <a
+ id="dx1-34092"></a></a> and aren&#8217;t using the <span
+class="cmtt-10">def </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">use </span>sort
+ methods, <span
+class="cmbx-10">always </span>use the <span
+ id="dx1-34093"></a> key for entries where the name just consists of a control
+ sequence (for example <span
+ </p><!--l. 4908--><p class="noindent" >Take care if you use <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> and the <span
+ id="dx1-34094"></a> contains fragile commands. You will either
+ need to explicitly set the <span
+ id="dx1-34095"></a> key or use the <span
+ id="dx1-34096"></a> package option (unless you
+ use the <span
+class="cmtt-10">def </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">use </span>sort methods). </div>
+ </p><!--l. 4912--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34097"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This specifies the label of the glossary in which this entry belongs. If omitted, the
+ default glossary is assumed unless <span
+ id="dx1-34098"></a> is used (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>13 </a><a
+href="#sec:acronyms">Acronyms and Other
+ Abbreviations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:acronyms --></a>).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34099"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">, </span><span
+class="cmbx-10">&#x2026;, </span><span
+ id="dx1-34100"></a><a
+ id="dx1-34101"></a><a
+ id="dx1-34102"></a><a
+ id="dx1-34103"></a><a
+ id="dx1-34104"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Six keys provided for any additional information the user may want to
+ specify. (For example, an associated dimension or an alternative plural or some other
+ grammatical construct.) Alternatively, you can add new keys using <span
+ id="dx1-34105"></a> or
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34106"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:addkey">Additional Keys<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:addkey --></a>).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34107"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">A boolean key. If the value is missing or is <span
+class="cmtt-10">true</span>, this will suppress the <a
+ list<a
+ id="dx1-34108"></a></a> just for this entry. Conversely, if you have used the package option <span
+ id="dx1-34109"></a>, you
+ can activate the number list<a
+ id="dx1-34110"></a> just for this entry with <span
+ id="dx1-34111"></a>. (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5 </a><a
+ lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:numberlists --></a>.)
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-34112"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">Cross-reference another entry. Using the <span
+ id="dx1-34113"></a> key will <span
+class="cmti-10">automatically add this entry to the</span>
+ <span
+class="cmti-10">glossary</span>, but will not automatically add the cross-referenced entry. The referenced entry
+ should be supplied as the value to this key. If you want to override the &#8220;see&#8221; tag,
+ you can supply the new tag in square brackets before the label. For example
+ <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;also]{anotherlabel}</span></span></span>. <span
+class="cmbx-10">Note that if you have suppressed the </span><a
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34114"></a></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">, the cross-referencing information won&#8217;t appear in the glossary, as it</span>
+ <span
+class="cmbx-10">forms part of the number list</span><a
+ id="dx1-34115"></a><span
+class="cmbx-10">. </span>You can override this for individual glossary
+ entries using <span
+ id="dx1-34116"></a> (see above). Alternatively, you can use the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34117"></a> package option. For further details, see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>8 </a><a
+ Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:crossref --></a>.
+ <!--l. 4947--><p class="noindent" >This key essentially provides a convenient shortcut that performs </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ </div> after the entry has been defined.
+ <!--l. 4953--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> For Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34118"></a> must be used before any occurrence of
+ <span
+ id="dx1-34119"></a> that contains the <span
+ id="dx1-34120"></a> key. This key should not be used with entries
+ defined in the <span
+ id="dx1-34121"></a><a
+ id="dx1-34122"></a> environment. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 4957--><p class="noindent" >
+ Since it&#8217;s useful to suppress the indexing while working on a draft document,
+ consider using the <span
+ id="dx1-34123"></a> package option to warn or ignore the <span
+ id="dx1-34124"></a> key while
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makeglossaries </span>is commented out.
+ </p><!--l. 4963--><p class="noindent" >If you use the <span
+ id="dx1-34125"></a> key, you may want to consider using the <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package which
+ additionally provides a <span
+class="cmtt-10">seealso </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">alias </span>key. If you want to avoid the automatic
+ indexing triggered by the <span
+ id="dx1-34126"></a> key, consider using <a
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 4971--><p class="indent" > The following keys are reserved for <span
+ id="dx1-34127"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>13 </a><a
+href="#sec:acronyms">Acronyms and Other
+Abbreviations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:acronyms --></a>): <span
+ id="dx1-34128"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34129"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34130"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-34131"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 4975--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Avoid using any of the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;or <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands within the <span
+ id="dx1-34132"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34133"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-34134"></a>
+or <span
+ id="dx1-34135"></a> keys (or their plural equivalent) or any other key that you plan to access through
+those commands. (For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-34136"></a> key if you intend to use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glssymbol</span>.) Otherwise
+you end up with nested links, which can cause complications and they won&#8217;t work with the
+case-changing commands. You can use them within the value of keys that won&#8217;t be accessed
+through those commands. For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-34137"></a> key if you don&#8217;t use <span
+Additionally, they&#8217;ll confuse the entry formatting commands, such as <span
+</p><!--l. 4988--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 4990--><p class="indent" > Note that if the name starts with <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-34138"></a></a>, you must group the
+character, otherwise it will cause a problem for commands like <span
+ id="dx1-34139"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-34140"></a>. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-140">
+&#x00A0;<br />description={select&#x00A0;group&#x00A0;or&#x00A0;class}}
+<!--l. 4997--><p class="nopar" > Note that the same applies if you are using the <span
+ id="dx1-34141"></a> package: </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+<span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&eacute;</span><span class="verb"><span
+<br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">description=</span><span class="verb"><span
+</div> (This doesn&#8217;t apply for XeLaTeX&#x00A0;documents using the <span
+ id="dx1-34142"></a> package. For further details,
+see the &#8220;UTF-8&#8221; section in the <span
+ id="dx1-34143"></a> user manual.)
+<!--l. 5008--><p class="indent" > Note that in both of the above examples, you will also need to supply the <span
+ id="dx1-34144"></a> key if you
+are using <a
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a> whereas <a
+ id="dx1-34145"></a></a> (<a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>) is usually able to sort <a
+href="#glo:nonlatinchar">non-Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-34146"></a>s</a>
+correctly. <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> discards accents from <a
+href="#glo:latexexlatinchar">standard <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;extended Latin character<a
+ id="dx1-34147"></a>s</a> unless
+you use the <span
+ id="dx1-34148"></a>.
+<!--l. 5016--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:plurals"></a>Plurals</h3>
+<!--l. 5019--><p class="noindent" >You may have noticed from above that you can specify the plural form when you define a
+term. If you omit this, the plural will be obtained by appending
+</p><!--l. 5022--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-35001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspluralsuffix </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 5024--><p class="noindent" >
+to the singular form. This command defaults to the letter &#8220;s&#8221;. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-141">
+&#x00A0;<br />female&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;any&#x00A0;bovine&#x00A0;animal}}
+<!--l. 5030--><p class="nopar" > defines a new entry whose singular form is &#8220;cow&#8221; and plural form is &#8220;cows&#8221;. However, if you
+are writing in archaic English, you may want to use &#8220;kine&#8221; as the plural form, in which case
+you would have to do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-142">
+&#x00A0;<br />description={a&#x00A0;fully&#x00A0;grown&#x00A0;female&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;any&#x00A0;bovine&#x00A0;animal}}
+<!--l. 5038--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5040--><p class="indent" > If you are writing in a language that supports multiple plurals (for a given term) then use
+the <span
+ id="dx1-35002"></a> key for one of them and one of the user keys to specify the other plural form. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-143">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name=cow,%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={a&#x00A0;fully&#x00A0;grown&#x00A0;female&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;any&#x00A0;bovine&#x00A0;animal
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(plural&#x00A0;cows,&#x00A0;archaic&#x00A0;plural&#x00A0;kine)},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;user1={kine}}
+<!--l. 5050--><p class="nopar" > You can then use <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspl{cow}</span></span></span> to produce &#8220;cows&#8221; and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsuseri{cow}</span></span></span> to produce &#8220;kine&#8221;.
+You can, of course, define an easy to remember synonym. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-144">
+<!--l. 5056--><p class="nopar" > Then you don&#8217;t have to remember which key you used to store the second plural.
+Alternatively, you can define your own keys using <span
+ id="dx1-35003"></a>, described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.3 </a><a
+Keys<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:addkey --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 5061--><p class="indent" > If you are using a language that usually forms plurals by appending a different letter, or
+sequence of letters, you can redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspluralsuffix </span>as required. However, this must be
+done <span
+class="cmti-10">before </span>the entries are defined. For languages that don&#8217;t form plurals by simply
+appending a suffix, all the plural forms must be specified using the <span
+ id="dx1-35004"></a> key (and the
+ id="dx1-35005"></a> key where necessary).
+</p><!--l. 5069--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5069--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:grammar"></a>Other Grammatical Constructs</h3>
+<!--l. 5072--><p class="noindent" >You can use the six user keys to provide alternatives, such as participles. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-145">
+&#x00A0;<br />\let\glsd\glsuserii
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\ingkey}{user1}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\edkey}{user2}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\newword}[3][]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\newglossaryentry{#2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={#2},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={#3},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\edkey={#2ed},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ingkey={#2ing},#1%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 5089--><p class="nopar" > With the above definitions, I can now define terms like this:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-146">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newword[\edkey={ran},\ingkey={running}]{run}{to&#x00A0;move&#x00A0;fast&#x00A0;using
+&#x00A0;<br />the&#x00A0;legs}
+<!--l. 5095--><p class="nopar" > and use them in the text:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-147">
+&#x00A0;<br />Jane&#x00A0;\glsd{play}&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;park&#x00A0;yesterday.
+&#x00A0;<br />Peter&#x00A0;and&#x00A0;Jane&#x00A0;\glsd{run}&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;park&#x00A0;last&#x00A0;week.
+<!--l. 5103--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5105--><p class="indent" > Alternatively, you can define your own keys using <span
+ id="dx1-36001"></a>, described below in <a
+href="#sec:addkey">Additional Keys<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:addkey --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 5108--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5108--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:addkey"></a>Additional Keys</h3>
+<!--l. 5111--><p class="noindent" >You can now also define your own custom keys using the commands described in this section.
+There are two types of keys: those for use within the document and those to store information
+used behind the scenes by other commands.
+</p><!--l. 5116--><p class="indent" > For example, if you want to add a key that indicates the associated unit for a&#x00A0;term, you
+might want to reference this unit in your document. In this case use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddkey </span>described in
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.3.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsaddkey">Document Keys<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsaddkey --></a>. If, on the other hand, you want to add a key to indicate to a
+glossary style or acronym style that this entry should be formatted differently to
+other entries, then you can use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddstoragekey </span>described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.3.2 </a><a
+Keys<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsaddstoragekey --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 5124--><p class="indent" > In both cases, a new command &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">no link cs</span>&#x27E9; will be defined that can be used to access the
+value of this key (analogous to commands such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentrytext</span>). This can be used in an
+expandable context (provided any fragile commands stored in the key have been protected).
+The new keys must be added using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddkey </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddstoragekey </span>before glossary
+entries are defined.
+</p><!--l. 5131--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5131--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.3.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:glsaddkey"></a>Document Keys</h4>
+<!--l. 5134--><p class="noindent" >A custom key that can be used in the document is defined using:
+</p><!--l. 5135--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-38001"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">default value</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">no link cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">no link ucfirst cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">link cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">link ucfirst cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">link allcaps cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 5143--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbxti-10">key</span>&#x27E9; </dt><dd
+class="description">is the new key to use in <span
+ id="dx1-38002"></a> (or similar commands such as
+ <span
+ id="dx1-38003"></a>);
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbxti-10">default value</span>&#x27E9; </dt><dd
+class="description">is the default value to use if this key isn&#8217;t used in an entry definition
+ (this may reference the current entry label via <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslabel</span>, but you will have to
+ switch on expansion via the starred version of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddkey </span>and protect fragile
+ commands);
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbxti-10">no link cs</span>&#x27E9; </dt><dd
+class="description">is the control sequence to use analogous to commands like <span
+ id="dx1-38004"></a>;
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbxti-10">no link ucfirst cs</span>&#x27E9; </dt><dd
+class="description">is the control sequence to use analogous to commands like
+ <span
+ id="dx1-38005"></a>;
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbxti-10">link cs</span>&#x27E9; </dt><dd
+class="description">is the control sequence to use analogous to commands like <span
+ id="dx1-38006"></a>;
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbxti-10">link ucfirst cs</span>&#x27E9; </dt><dd
+class="description">is the control sequence to use analogous to commands like <span
+ id="dx1-38007"></a>;
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbxti-10">link allcaps cs</span>&#x27E9; </dt><dd
+class="description">is the control sequence to use analogous to commands like <span
+ id="dx1-38008"></a>.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 5164--><p class="noindent" >The starred version of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddkey </span>switches on expansion for this key. The unstarred version
+doesn&#8217;t override the current expansion setting.
+ id="x1-38009r3"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5168--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 3</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Defining Custom Keys)</span><a
+ id="x1-38010"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5169--><p class="indent" > Suppose I want to define two new keys, <span
+class="cmtt-10">ed </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">ing</span>, that default to the entry text followed
+by &#8220;ed&#8221; and &#8220;ing&#8221;, respectively. The default value will need expanding in both cases, so I
+need to use the starred form:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-148">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glsaddkey*
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{ed}%&#x00A0;key
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\glsentrytext{\glslabel}ed}%&#x00A0;default&#x00A0;value
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\glsentryed}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\glsentrytext
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\Glsentryed}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\Glsentrytext
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\glsed}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\glstext
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\Glsed}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\Glstext
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\GLSed}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\GLStext
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Define&#x00A0;"ing"&#x00A0;key:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glsaddkey*
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{ing}%&#x00A0;key
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\glsentrytext{\glslabel}ing}%&#x00A0;default&#x00A0;value
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\glsentrying}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\glsentrytext
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\Glsentrying}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\Glsentrytext
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\glsing}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\glstext
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\Glsing}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\Glstext
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\GLSing}%&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;analogous&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;\GLStext
+<!--l. 5193--><p class="nopar" > Now I can define some entries:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-149">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\newglossaryentry{jump}{name={jump},description={}}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Need&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;override&#x00A0;defaults&#x00A0;on&#x00A0;these&#x00A0;entries:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\newglossaryentry{run}{name={run},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;ed={ran},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;ing={running},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={}}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\newglossaryentry{waddle}{name={waddle},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;ed={waddled},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;ing={waddling},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={}}
+<!--l. 5211--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5213--><p class="indent" > These entries can later be used in the document:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-150">
+&#x00A0;<br />The&#x00A0;duck&#x00A0;was&#x00A0;\glsing{waddle}&#x00A0;round&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;dog.
+&#x00A0;<br />The&#x00A0;dog&#x00A0;\glsed{run}&#x00A0;away&#x00A0;from&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;duck.
+<!--l. 5220--><p class="nopar" > For a complete document, see the sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-newkeys.tex</span></a>. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 5222--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 5222--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 5224--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5224--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.3.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:glsaddstoragekey"></a>Storage Keys</h4>
+<!--l. 5227--><p class="noindent" >A custom key that can be used for simply storing information is defined using:
+</p><!--l. 5229--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-39001"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">default value</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">no link cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 5231--><p class="noindent" >
+where the arguments are as the first three arguments of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddkey</span>, described above in
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.3.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsaddkey">Document Keys<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsaddkey --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 5235--><p class="indent" > This is essentially the same as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddkey </span>except that it doesn&#8217;t define the additional
+commands. You can access or update the value of your new field using the commands
+described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>16.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:fetchset">Fetching and Updating the Value of a Field<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:fetchset --></a>.
+ id="x1-39002r4"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5240--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 4</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Defining Custom Storage Key (Acronyms and</span>
+ id="x1-39003"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5241--><p class="indent" > Suppose I want to define acronyms and other forms of abbreviations, such as initialisms,
+but I want them all in the same glossary and I want the acronyms on first use to be displayed
+with the short form followed by the long form in parentheses, but the opposite way round for
+other forms of abbreviations. (The <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package provides a simpler way of achieving
+</p><!--l. 5248--><p class="indent" > Here I can define a new key that determines whether the term is actually an acronym
+rather than some other form of abbreviation. I&#8217;m going to call this key <span
+class="cmtt-10">abbrtype </span>(since <span
+already exists):
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-151">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{abbrtype}%&#x00A0;key/field&#x00A0;name
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{word}%&#x00A0;default&#x00A0;value&#x00A0;if&#x00A0;not&#x00A0;explicitly&#x00A0;set
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{\abbrtype}%&#x00A0;custom&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;access&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;value&#x00A0;if&#x00A0;required
+<!--l. 5257--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5259--><p class="indent" > Now I can define a style that looks up the value of this new key to determine how to
+display the full form:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-152">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{mystyle}%&#x00A0;style&#x00A0;name
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;Use&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;generic&#x00A0;display
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglshaslong{\glslabel}{\glsgenacfmt}{\glsgenentryfmt}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;Put&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;long&#x00A0;form&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;description
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\GenericAcronymFields}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={\the\glslongtok}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;For&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;full&#x00A0;format,&#x00A0;test&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;value&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;"abbrtype"&#x00A0;key.
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;If&#x00A0;it's&#x00A0;set&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;"word"&#x00A0;put&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;short&#x00A0;form&#x00A0;first&#x00A0;with
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;long&#x00A0;form&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;brackets.
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsfieldeq{##1}{abbrtype}{word}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;proper&#x00A0;acronym
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\protect\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\glsentrylong{##1})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;another&#x00A0;form&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;abbreviation
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##1}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\protect\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;first&#x00A0;letter&#x00A0;upper&#x00A0;case&#x00A0;version:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Genacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsfieldeq{##1}{abbrtype}{word}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;proper&#x00A0;acronym
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\protect\firstacronymfont{\Glsentryshort{##1}}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\glsentrylong{##1})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;another&#x00A0;form&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;abbreviation
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylong{##1}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\protect\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;plural
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genplacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsfieldeq{##1}{abbrtype}{word}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;proper&#x00A0;acronym
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\protect\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\glsentrylong{##1})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;another&#x00A0;form&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;abbreviation
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylongpl{##1}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\protect\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;plural&#x00A0;and&#x00A0;first&#x00A0;letter&#x00A0;upper&#x00A0;case
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Genplacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsfieldeq{##1}{abbrtype}{word}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;proper&#x00A0;acronym
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\protect\firstacronymfont{\Glsentryshortpl{##1}}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\glsentrylong{##1})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;is&#x00A0;another&#x00A0;form&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;abbreviation
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylongpl{##1}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\protect\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Just&#x00A0;use&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;short&#x00A0;form&#x00A0;as&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;name&#x00A0;part&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;glossary:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymentry}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Sort&#x00A0;by&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;short&#x00A0;form:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymsort}[2]{##1}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Just&#x00A0;use&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;surrounding&#x00A0;font&#x00A0;for&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;short&#x00A0;form:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymfont}[1]{##1}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Same&#x00A0;for&#x00A0;first&#x00A0;use:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\firstacronymfont}[1]{\acronymfont{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Default&#x00A0;plural&#x00A0;suffix&#x00A0;if&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;plural&#x00A0;isn't&#x00A0;explicitly&#x00A0;set
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acrpluralsuffix}{\glspluralsuffix}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}
+<!--l. 5332--><p class="nopar" > Remember that the new style needs to be set before defining any terms:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-153">
+<!--l. 5337--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5339--><p class="indent" > Since it&#8217;s a bit confusing to use <span
+ id="dx1-39004"></a> for something that&#8217;s not technically an
+acronym, let&#8217;s define a new command for initialisms:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-154">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\newacronym[abbrtype=initialism,#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 5346--><p class="nopar" > Now the entries can all be defined:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-155">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{laser}{laser}{light&#x00A0;amplification&#x00A0;by&#x00A0;stimulated
+&#x00A0;<br />emission&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;radiation}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{scuba}{scuba}{self-contained&#x00A0;underwater&#x00A0;breathing
+&#x00A0;<br />apparatus}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newinitialism{dsp}{DSP}{digital&#x00A0;signal&#x00A0;processing}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newinitialism{atm}{ATM}{automated&#x00A0;teller&#x00A0;machine}
+<!--l. 5356--><p class="nopar" > On <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{radar}</span></span></span> will produce &#8220;radar (radio detecting and ranging)&#8221; but <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+will produce &#8220;DSP (digital signal processing)&#8221;.
+</p><!--l. 5361--><p class="indent" > For a complete document, see the sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-storage-abbr.tex</span></a>. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 5363--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 5363--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 5365--><p class="indent" > In the above example, if <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossaryentry </span>is explicitly used (instead of through
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronym</span>) the <span
+class="cmtt-10">abbrtype </span>key will be set to its default value of &#8220;word&#8221; but the
+class="cmtt-10">\ifglshaslong </span>test in the custom acronym style will be false (since the <span
+ id="dx1-39005"></a> key hasn&#8217;t been
+set) so the display style will switch to that given by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgenentryfmt </span>and they&#8217;ll be no test
+performed on the <span
+class="cmtt-10">abbrtype </span>field.
+ id="x1-39006r5"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5374--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 5</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Defining Custom Storage Key (Acronyms and</span>
+class="cmbx-12">Non-Acronyms with Descriptions))</span><a
+ id="x1-39007"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5375--><p class="indent" > The previous example can be modified if the <span
+ id="dx1-39008"></a> also needs to be provided. Here
+I&#8217;ve changed &#8220;word&#8221; to &#8220;acronym&#8221;:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-156">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{abbrtype}%&#x00A0;key/field&#x00A0;name
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{acronym}%&#x00A0;default&#x00A0;value&#x00A0;if&#x00A0;not&#x00A0;explicitly&#x00A0;set
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{\abbrtype}%&#x00A0;custom&#x00A0;command&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;access&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;value&#x00A0;if&#x00A0;required
+<!--l. 5383--><p class="nopar" > This may seem a little odd for non-abbreviated entries defined using <span
+directly, but <span
+ id="dx1-39009"></a> can be used to determine whether or not to reference the value
+of this new <span
+class="cmtt-10">abbrtype </span>field.
+</p><!--l. 5389--><p class="indent" > The new acronym style has a&#x00A0;minor modification that forces the user to specify a
+description. In the previous example, the line:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-157">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={\the\glslongtok}}%
+<!--l. 5394--><p class="nopar" > needs to be changed to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-158">
+<!--l. 5398--><p class="nopar" > Additionally, to accommodate the change in the default value of the <span
+class="cmtt-10">abbrtype </span>key, all
+instances of
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-159">
+<!--l. 5403--><p class="nopar" > need to be changed to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-160">
+<!--l. 5407--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5409--><p class="indent" > Once this new style has been set, the new acronyms can be defined using the optional
+argument to set the description:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-161">
+&#x00A0;<br />speed&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;aircraft,&#x00A0;ships,&#x00A0;etc}]{radar}{radar}{radio&#x00A0;detecting
+&#x00A0;<br />and&#x00A0;ranging}
+<!--l. 5415--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5417--><p class="indent" > No change is required for the definition of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newinitialism </span>but again the optional
+argument is required to set the description:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-162">
+&#x00A0;<br />information&#x00A0;signal}]{dsp}{DSP}{digital&#x00A0;signal&#x00A0;processing}
+<!--l. 5422--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5424--><p class="indent" > We can also accommodate contractions in a similar manner to the initialisms:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-163">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\newacronym[abbrtype=contraction,#1]{#2}{#3}{#4}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 5430--><p class="nopar" > The contractions can similarly been defined using this new command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-164">
+&#x00A0;<br />deck}]{focsle}{fo'c's'le}{forecastle}
+<!--l. 5435--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5437--><p class="indent" > Since the custom acronym style just checks if <span
+class="cmtt-10">abbrtype </span>is <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym</span>, the contractions will
+be treated the same as the initialisms, but the style could be modified by a further test of the
+class="cmtt-10">abbrtype </span>value if required.
+</p><!--l. 5442--><p class="indent" > To test regular non-abbreviated entries, I&#8217;ve also defined a simple word:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-165">
+<!--l. 5446--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5448--><p class="indent" > Now for a new glossary style that provides information about the abbreviation (in
+addition to the description):
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-166">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{mystyle}%&#x00A0;style&#x00A0;name
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{%&#x00A0;base&#x00A0;it&#x00A0;on&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;"list"&#x00A0;style
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\setglossarystyle{list}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\item[\glsentryitem{##1}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}}]
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglshaslong{##1}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{&#x00A0;(\abbrtype{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##1})\space}{}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossentrydesc{##1}\glspostdescription\space&#x00A0;##2}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}
+<!--l. 5462--><p class="nopar" > This uses <span
+ id="dx1-39010"></a> to determine whether or not the term is an abbreviation. If it has
+an abbreviation, the full form is supplied in parentheses and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\abbrtype </span>(defined by
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddstoragekey </span>earlier) is used to indicate the type of abbreviation.
+</p><!--l. 5469--><p class="indent" > With this style set, the <span
+class="cmtt-10">apple </span>entry is simply displayed in the glossary as
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">apple</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">a fruit.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 5474--><p class="noindent" >but the abbreviations are displayed in the form
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">laser</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">(acronym: light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation) device that
+ creates a narrow beam of intense light.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 5480--><p class="noindent" >(for acronyms) or
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">DSP</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">(initialism: digital signal processing) mathematical manipulation of an
+ information signal.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 5485--><p class="noindent" >(for initalisms) or
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">fo&#8217;c&#8217;s&#8217;le</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">(contraction: forecastle) front part of a ship below the deck.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 5490--><p class="noindent" >(for contractions).
+</p><!--l. 5492--><p class="indent" > For a complete document, see <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-storage-abbr-desc.tex</span></a>. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 5493--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 5493--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 5495--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5495--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.4 </span> <a
+ id="sec:expansion"></a>Expansion</h3>
+<!--l. 5498--><p class="noindent" >When you define new glossary entries expansion is performed by default, except for the <span
+ id="dx1-40001"></a>,
+ id="dx1-40002"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-40003"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-40004"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-40005"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-40006"></a> keys (these keys all have expansion
+suppressed via <span
+</p><!--l. 5504--><p class="indent" > You can switch expansion on or off for individual keys using
+</p><!--l. 5505--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-40007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 5507--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 5509--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-40008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 5511--><p class="noindent" >
+respectively, where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">field</span>&#x27E9; is the field tag corresponding to the key. In most cases, this is the
+same as the name of the key except for those listed in <a
+ <div class="table">
+<!--l. 5516--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="tab:fieldmap"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float"
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;4.1: </span><span
+class="content">Key to Field Mappings</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-400091 -->
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-5" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-5-1g"><col
+id="TBL-5-1" /><col
+id="TBL-5-2" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-1-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-1-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Key </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-1-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Field </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-2-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-2-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40010"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-2-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">sortvalue </span></td></tr><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-3-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-3-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40011"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-3-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-4-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-4-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40012"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-4-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">desc </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-5-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-5-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40013"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-5-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">descplural </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-6-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-6-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40014"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-6-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">useri </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-7-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-7-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40015"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-7-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">userii </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-8-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-8-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40016"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-8-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">useriii </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-9-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-9-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40017"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-9-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">useriv </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-10-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-10-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40018"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-10-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">userv </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-11-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-11-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40019"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-11-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">uservi </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-12-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-12-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40020"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-12-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">longpl </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-5-13-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-13-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-40021"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-5-13-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">shortpl </span></td></tr></table>
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+ </div>
+<!--l. 5537--><p class="indent" > Any keys that haven&#8217;t had the expansion explicitly set using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glssetexpandfield </span>or
+class="cmtt-10">\glssetnoexpandfield </span>are governed by
+</p><!--l. 5539--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-40022"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsexpandfields </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 5541--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 5543--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-40023"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnoexpandfields </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 5545--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 5547--><p class="indent" > If your entries contain any fragile commands, I recommend you switch off expansion via
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnoexpandfields</span>. (This should be used before you define the entries.)
+<!--l. 5551--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.5 </span> <a
+ id="sec:subentries"></a>Sub-Entries</h3>
+<!--l. 5554--><p class="noindent" >As from version 1.17, it is possible to specify sub-entries. These may be used to order the
+glossary into categories, in which case the sub-entry will have a different name to its parent
+entry, or it may be used to distinguish different definitions for the same word, in which
+case the sub-entries will have the same name as the parent entry. Note that not all
+glossary styles support hierarchical entries and may display all the entries in a
+flat format. Of the styles that support sub-entries, some display the sub-entry&#8217;s
+name whilst others don&#8217;t. Therefore you need to ensure that you use a suitable
+style. (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15 </a><a
+href="#sec:styles">Glossary Styles<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:styles --></a> for a list of predefined styles.) As from version 3.0,
+level&#x00A0;1 sub-entries are automatically numbered in the predefined styles if you use the
+ id="dx1-41001"></a> package option (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-printglos">Glossary Appearance Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-printglos --></a> for further
+</p><!--l. 5569--><p class="indent" > Note that the parent entry will automatically be added to the glossary if any of its child
+entries are used in the document. If the parent entry is not referenced in the document, it will
+not have a <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-41002"></a></a>. Note also that <a
+ id="dx1-41003"></a></a> has a restriction on the maximum
+sub-entry depth.
+</p><!--l. 5575--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5575--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.5.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:hierarchical"></a>Hierarchical Categories</h4>
+<!--l. 5578--><p class="noindent" >To arrange a glossary with hierarchical categories, you need to first define the category and
+then define the sub-entries using the relevant category entry as the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-42001"></a>
+ id="x1-42002r6"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5583--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 6</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Hierarchical Categories&#8212;Greek and Roman Mathematical</span>
+ id="x1-42003"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5585--><p class="indent" > Suppose I want a glossary of mathematical symbols that are divided into Greek letters
+and Roman letters. Then I can define the categories as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-167">
+&#x00A0;<br />description={\nopostdesc}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{romanletter}{name={Roman&#x00A0;letters},
+&#x00A0;<br />description={\nopostdesc}}
+<!--l. 5594--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5596--><p class="indent" > Note that in this example, the category entries don&#8217;t need a description so I have set the
+descriptions to <span
+ id="dx1-42004"></a>. This gives a blank description and suppresses the description
+</p><!--l. 5601--><p class="indent" > I can now define my sub-entries as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-168">
+&#x00A0;<br />description={ratio&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;circumference&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;circle&#x00A0;to
+&#x00A0;<br />the&#x00A0;diameter},
+&#x00A0;<br />parent=greekletter}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{C}{name={\ensuremath{C}},sort={C},
+&#x00A0;<br />description={Euler's&#x00A0;constant},
+&#x00A0;<br />parent=romanletter}
+<!--l. 5611--><p class="nopar" > For a complete document, see the sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sampletree.tex</span></a>. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 5613--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 5613--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 5615--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5615--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.5.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:homographs"></a>Homographs</h4>
+<!--l. 5618--><p class="noindent" >Sub-entries that have the same name as the parent entry, don&#8217;t need to have the
+ id="dx1-43001"></a> key. For example, the word &#8220;glossary&#8221; can mean a list of technical words or a
+collection of glosses. In both cases the plural is &#8220;glossaries&#8221;. So first define the parent
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-169">
+&#x00A0;<br />description={\nopostdesc},
+&#x00A0;<br />plural={glossaries}}
+<!--l. 5627--><p class="nopar" > Again, the parent entry has no description, so the description terminator needs to be
+suppressed using <span
+ id="dx1-43002"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 5631--><p class="indent" > Now define the two different meanings of the word:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-170">
+&#x00A0;<br />description={list&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;technical&#x00A0;words},
+&#x00A0;<br />sort={1},
+&#x00A0;<br />parent={glossary}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{glossarycol}{
+&#x00A0;<br />description={collection&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;glosses},
+&#x00A0;<br />sort={2},
+&#x00A0;<br />parent={glossary}}
+<!--l. 5642--><p class="nopar" > Note that if I reference the parent entry, the location will be added to the parent&#8217;s <a
+ id="dx1-43003"></a></a>, whereas if I reference any of the child entries, the location will be added to the child
+entry&#8217;s number list. Note also that since the sub-entries have the same name, the <span
+ id="dx1-43004"></a> key is
+required unless you are using the <span
+ id="dx1-43005"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-43006"></a> package options (see <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-sort">Sorting Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-sort --></a>). You can use the <span
+ id="dx1-43007"></a> package option to automatically
+number the first-level child entries. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-printglos">Glossary Appearance Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-printglos --></a> for further
+</p><!--l. 5654--><p class="indent" > In the above example, the plural form for both of the child entries is the same as the
+parent entry, so the <span
+ id="dx1-43008"></a> key was not required for the child entries. However, if the
+sub-entries have different plurals, they will need to be specified. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-171">
+&#x00A0;<br />description={\nopostdesc}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{bravocry}{description={cry&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;approval
+&#x00A0;<br />(pl.\&#x00A0;bravos)},
+&#x00A0;<br />sort={1},
+&#x00A0;<br />plural={bravos},
+&#x00A0;<br />parent=bravo}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{bravoruffian}{description={hired
+&#x00A0;<br />ruffian&#x00A0;or&#x00A0;killer&#x00A0;(pl.\&#x00A0;bravoes)},
+&#x00A0;<br />sort={2},
+&#x00A0;<br />plural={bravoes},
+&#x00A0;<br />parent=bravo}
+<!--l. 5673--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 5676--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5676--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.6 </span> <a
+ id="sec:loadglsentries"></a>Loading Entries From a File</h3>
+<!--l. 5679--><p class="noindent" >You can store all your glossary entry definitions in another file and use:
+</p><!--l. 5681--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-44001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 5683--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">filename</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the file containing all the <span
+ id="dx1-44002"></a> or
+ id="dx1-44003"></a> commands. The optional argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">type</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the glossary
+to which those entries should belong, for those entries where the <span
+ id="dx1-44004"></a> key has been omitted
+(or, more specifically, for those entries whose type has been specified by <span
+ id="dx1-44005"></a>,
+which is what <span
+ id="dx1-44006"></a> uses by default).
+</p><!--l. 5693--><p class="indent" > This is a&#x00A0;preamble-only command. You may also use <span
+ id="dx1-44007"></a> to load the file but don&#8217;t use
+ id="dx1-44008"></a>. If you find that your file is becoming unmanageably large, you may want to
+consider switching to <a
+ id="dx1-44009"></a></a> and use an application such as JabRef to manage the entry
+</p><!--l. 5699--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you want to use <span
+ id="dx1-44010"></a> to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\input </span>all your entries automatically at the
+start of the document, add the <span
+class="cmtt-10">\AtBeginDocument </span>command <span
+class="cmti-10">before </span>you load the <span
+ id="dx1-44011"></a>
+package (and <span
+ id="dx1-44012"></a>, if you are also loading that) to avoid the creation of the <span
+ id="dx1-44013"></a> file and
+any associated problems that are caused by defining commands in the <span
+ id="dx1-44014"></a><a
+ id="dx1-44015"></a>
+environment. (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.8 </a><a
+href="#sec:docdefs">Drawbacks With Defining Entries in the Document Environment<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:docdefs --></a>.)
+</p><!--l. 5708--><p class="noindent" >
+ id="x1-44016r7"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5710--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 7</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Loading Entries from Another File)</span><a
+ id="x1-44017"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5711--><p class="indent" > Suppose I have a file called <span
+class="cmtt-10">myentries.tex </span>which contains:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-172">
+&#x00A0;<br />name={Perl},
+&#x00A0;<br />description={A&#x00A0;scripting&#x00A0;language}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{tex}{name={\TeX},
+&#x00A0;<br />description={A&#x00A0;typesetting&#x00A0;language},sort={TeX}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{html}{type=\glsdefaulttype,
+&#x00A0;<br />name={html},
+&#x00A0;<br />description={A&#x00A0;mark&#x00A0;up&#x00A0;language}}
+<!--l. 5723--><p class="nopar" > and suppose in my document preamble I use the command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-173">
+<!--l. 5727--><p class="nopar" > then this will add the entries <span
+class="cmtt-10">tex </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">html </span>to the glossary whose type is given by
+class="cmtt-10">languages</span>, but the entry <span
+class="cmtt-10">perl </span>will be added to the main glossary, since it explicitly sets the
+type to <span
+class="cmtt-10">main</span>. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 5732--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 5732--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 5734--><p class="indent" > <span
+class="cmbx-10">Note: </span>if you use <span
+ id="dx1-44018"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>13 </a><a
+href="#sec:acronyms">Acronyms and Other Abbreviations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:acronyms --></a>) the type is
+set as <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">type=\acronymtype</span></span></span> unless you explicitly override it. For example, if my file
+class="cmtt-10">myacronyms.tex </span>contains:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-174">
+<!--l. 5740--><p class="nopar" > then (supposing I have defined a new glossary type called <span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-175">
+<!--l. 5745--><p class="nopar" > will add <span
+class="cmtt-10">aca </span>to the glossary type <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym</span>, if the package option <span
+ id="dx1-44019"></a> has been specified,
+or will add <span
+class="cmtt-10">aca </span>to the glossary type <span
+class="cmtt-10">altacronym</span>, if the package option <span
+ id="dx1-44020"></a> is not
+specified.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x4" id="fn1x4-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">4.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-44021f1"></a>
+</p><!--l. 5753--><p class="indent" > If you have used the <span
+ id="dx1-44025"></a> package option, there are two possible solutions to this
+ </p><ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-44027x1">Change <span
+class="cmtt-10">myacronyms.tex </span>so that entries are defined in the form:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-176">
+ \newacronym[type=\glsdefaulttype]{aca}{aca}{a
+ &#x00A0;<br />contrived&#x00A0;acronym}
+ <!--l. 5761--><p class="nopar" > and do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-177">
+ \loadglsentries[altacronym]{myacronyms}
+ <!--l. 5765--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-44029x2">Temporarily change <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymtype </span>to the target glossary:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-178">
+ \let\orgacronymtype\acronymtype
+ &#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\acronymtype}{altacronym}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\loadglsentries{myacronyms}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\let\acronymtype\orgacronymtype
+ <!--l. 5773--><p class="nopar" ></p></li></ol>
+<!--l. 5776--><p class="indent" > Note that only those entries that have been used in the text will appear in the relevant
+glossaries. Note also that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\loadglsentries </span>may only be used in the preamble.
+</p><!--l. 5781--><p class="indent" > Remember that you can use <span
+ id="dx1-44030"></a> rather than <span
+ id="dx1-44031"></a>.
+Suppose you want to maintain a large database of acronyms or terms that you&#8217;re likely to use
+in your documents, but you may want to use a modified version of some of those entries.
+(Suppose, for example, one document may require a more detailed description.) Then if you
+define the entries using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\provideglossaryentry </span>in your database file, you can override the
+definition by simply using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossaryentry </span>before loading the file. For example, suppose
+your file (called, say, <span
+class="cmtt-10">terms.tex</span>) contains:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-179">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={a&#x00A0;type&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;duck}}
+<!--l. 5794--><p class="nopar" > but suppose your document requires a more detailed description, you can do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-180">
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{mallard}{name=mallard,
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={a&#x00A0;dabbling&#x00A0;duck&#x00A0;where&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;male&#x00A0;has&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;green&#x00A0;head}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\loadglsentries{terms}
+<!--l. 5805--><p class="nopar" > Now the <span
+class="cmtt-10">mallard </span>definition in the <span
+class="cmtt-10">terms.tex </span>file will be ignored.
+</p><!--l. 5809--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5809--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.7 </span> <a
+ id="sec:moveentry"></a>Moving Entries to Another Glossary</h3>
+<!--l. 5812--><p class="noindent" >As from version&#x00A0;3.02, you can move an entry from one glossary to another using:
+</p><!--l. 5814--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-45001"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">target glossary label</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 5816--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the unique label identifying the required entry and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">target glossary label</span>&#x27E9; is the
+unique label identifying the glossary in which to put the entry.
+</p><!--l. 5821--><p class="indent" > Note that no check is performed to determine the existence of the target glossary. If
+you want to move an entry to a glossary that&#8217;s skipped by <span
+ id="dx1-45002"></a>,
+then define an ignored glossary with <span
+ id="dx1-45003"></a>. (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>12 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglossary">Defining New
+Glossaries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglossary --></a>.)
+</p><!--l. 5827--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Unpredictable results may occur if you move an entry to a different glossary from its
+parent or children. </div>
+</p><!--l. 5830--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 5832--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5832--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.8 </span> <a
+ id="sec:docdefs"></a>Drawbacks With Defining Entries in the Document Environment</h3>
+<!--l. 5835--><p class="noindent" >Originally, <span
+ id="dx1-46001"></a> (and <span
+ id="dx1-46002"></a>) could only be used in the preamble. I
+reluctantly removed this restriction in version 1.13, but there are issues with defining
+commands in the <span
+ id="dx1-46003"></a><a
+ id="dx1-46004"></a> environment instead of the preamble, which is why the restriction
+is maintained for newer commands. This restriction is also reimposed for <span
+by the new <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>. (The <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package automatically reimposes this
+restriction for Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> but provides a package option to allow document
+</p><!--l. 5845--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5845--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.8.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:techissues"></a>Technical Issues</h4>
+<!--l. 5848--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-47002x1">If you define an entry mid-way through your document, but subsequently shuffle
+ sections around, you could end up using an entry before it has been defined.
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-47004x2">Entry information is required when displaying the glossary. If this occurs at the
+ start of the document, but the entries aren&#8217;t defined until later, then the entry
+ details are being looked up before the entry has been defined.
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-47006x3">If you use a package, such as <span
+ id="dx1-47007"></a>, that makes certain characters active at the start
+ of the <span
+ id="dx1-47008"></a><a
+ id="dx1-47009"></a> environment, there will be a&#x00A0;problem if those characters have
+ a&#x00A0;special significance when defining glossary entries. These characters include the
+ double-quote <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">"</span></span></span> character, the exclamation mark <span
+class="cmtt-10">! </span>character, the question mark
+ <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">?</span></span></span> character, and the pipe <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">|</span></span></span> character. They must not be active when defining
+ a&#x00A0;glossary entry where they occur in the <span
+ id="dx1-47010"></a> key (and they should be avoided in
+ the label if they may be active at any point in the document). Additionally, the
+ comma <span
+class="cmtt-10">, </span>character and the equals <span
+class="cmtt-10">= </span>character should not be active when using
+ commands that have &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; arguments.
+ </li></ol>
+<!--l. 5874--><p class="noindent" >To overcome the first two problems, as from version 4.0 the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package modifies the
+definition of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossaryentry </span>at the beginning of the <span
+ id="dx1-47011"></a><a
+ id="dx1-47012"></a> environment so that the
+definitions are written to an external file (<span
+ id="dx1-47013"></a>) which is then read in at the
+start of the document on the next run. The entry will then only be defined in the
+ id="dx1-47014"></a><a
+ id="dx1-47015"></a> environment if it doesn&#8217;t already exist. This means that the entry can now
+be looked up in the glossary, even if the glossary occurs at the beginning of the
+</p><!--l. 5884--><p class="indent" > There are drawbacks to this mechanism: if you modify an entry definition, you need a
+second run to see the effect of your modification; this method requires an extra <span
+which may exceed <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s maximum allocation; unexpected expansion issues could occur; the
+ id="dx1-47016"></a> key isn&#8217;t stored, which means it can&#8217;t be added to the <span
+ id="dx1-47017"></a> file when it&#8217;s
+created at the end of the document (and therefore won&#8217;t be present on subsequent
+</p><!--l. 5892--><p class="indent" > The <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package provides a setting (but only for Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>) that allows
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossaryentry </span>to occur in the document environment but doesn&#8217;t create the
+ id="dx1-47018"></a> file. This circumvents some problems but it means that you can&#8217;t display
+any of the glossaries before all the entries have been defined (so it&#8217;s all right if all
+the glossaries are at the end of the document but not if any occur in the front
+</p><!--l. 5900--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 5900--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">4.8.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:goodpractice"></a>Good Practice Issues</h4>
+<!--l. 5903--><p class="noindent" >The above section covers technical issues that can cause your document to have compilation
+errors or produce incorrect output. This section focuses on good writing practice. The main
+reason cited by users wanting to define entries within the <span
+ id="dx1-48001"></a><a
+ id="dx1-48002"></a> environment
+rather than in the preamble is that they want to write the definition as they type in
+their document text. This suggests a &#8220;stream of consciousness&#8221; style of writing
+that may be acceptable in certain literary genres but is inappropriate for factual
+</p><!--l. 5912--><p class="indent" > When you write technical documents, regardless of whether it&#8217;s a PhD thesis or an article
+for a&#x00A0;journal or proceedings, you must plan what you write in advance. If you plan in
+advance, you should have a fairly good idea of the type of terminology that your
+document will contain, so while you are planning, create a new file with all your
+entry definitions. If, while you&#8217;re writing your document, you remember another
+term you need, then you can switch over to your definition file and add it. Most
+text editors have the ability to have more than one file open at a time. The other
+advantage to this approach is that if you forget the label, you can look it up in
+the definition file rather than searching through your document text to find the
+<!--l. 5925--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 5925--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">5. <a
+ id="sec:numberlists"></a>Number lists</h2>
+</p><!--l. 5928--><p class="indent" > Each entry in the glossary has an associated <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-49001"></a></a>. By default, these numbers refer
+to the pages on which that entry has been indexed (using any of the commands described in
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6 </a><a
+href="#sec:glslink">Links to Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glslink --></a> and <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>7 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsadd">Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating
+Text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsadd --></a>). The number list can be suppressed using the <span
+ id="dx1-49002"></a> package option, or an
+alternative counter can be set as the default using the <span
+ id="dx1-49003"></a> package option. The number
+list is also referred to as the location list<a
+ id="dx1-49004"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 5937--><p class="indent" > <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">Number list<a
+ id="dx1-49005"></a>s</a> are more common with indexes rather than glossaries (although you can use
+the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package for indexes as well). However, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package makes use of
+ id="dx1-49006"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-49007"></a></a> to hierarchically sort and collate the entries since they are readily
+available with most modern <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;distributions. Since these are both designed as <a
+applications</a> they both require that terms either have a valid location or a cross-reference.
+Even if you use <span
+ id="dx1-49008"></a>, the locations must still be provided and acceptable
+to the <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> or they will cause an error during the indexing stage,
+which will interrupt the document build. However, if you&#8217;re not interested in the
+locations, each entry only needs to be indexed once, so consider using <span
+ id="dx1-49009"></a>,
+which can improve the document build time by only indexing the <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a> of each
+</p><!--l. 5952--><p class="indent" > The <span
+ id="dx1-49010"></a> command (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>7 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsadd">Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating
+Text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsadd --></a>), which is used to automatically index all entries, iterates over all defined entries and
+does <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>for each entry (where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is that entry&#8217;s label). This means that
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddall </span>automatically adds the same location to every entry&#8217;s <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-49011"></a></a>, which looks
+weird if the number list<a
+ id="dx1-49012"></a> hasn&#8217;t been suppressed.
+</p><!--l. 5959--><p class="indent" > With <a
+href="#option4">Option&#x00A0;4</a>, the indexing is performed by <a
+ id="dx1-49013"></a></a>, which was specifically designed for
+the <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package. So it will allow any location format, and its <span
+option will select all entries without adding an unwanted location to the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-49014"></a></a>. If
+ id="dx1-49015"></a></a> can deduce a numerical value for a location, it will attempt to form a range over
+consecutive locations, otherwise it won&#8217;t try to form a range and the location will just form
+an individual item in the list. <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> also allows any location but it doesn&#8217;t form
+<!--l. 5969--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:encap"></a>Encap Values</h3>
+<!--l. 5972--><p class="noindent" >Each location in the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-50001"></a></a> is encapsulated with a command formed from the <span
+ id="dx1-50002"></a>
+value. By default this is the <span
+ id="dx1-50003"></a> command, which corresponds to the encap
+class="cmtt-10">glsnumberformat</span>, but this may be overridden using the <span
+ id="dx1-50004"></a> key in the optional argument
+to commands like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>. (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6 </a><a
+href="#sec:glslink">Links to Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glslink --></a>.) For example, you may want the
+location to appear in bold to indicate the principle use of a term or symbol. If the encap
+starts with an open parenthesis&#x00A0;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">(</span></span></span> this signifies the start of a range and if the encap starts
+with close parenthesis&#x00A0;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">)</span></span></span> this signifies the end of a range. These must always occur in
+matching pairs.
+</p><!--l. 5984--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package provides the command <span
+ id="dx1-50005"></a> which ignores its argument.
+This is the format used by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddallunused </span>to suppress the location, which works fine as
+long as no other locations are added to the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-50006"></a></a>. For example, if you use
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{sample}</span></span></span> on page&#x00A0;2 then reset the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a> and then use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddallunused </span>on
+page&#x00A0;10, the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-50007"></a></a> for <span
+class="cmtt-10">sample </span>will be <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;\glsignore{10}</span></span></span> which will result in &#8220;2,&#x00A0;&#8221;
+which has a spurious comma.
+</p><!--l. 5993--><p class="indent" > This isn&#8217;t a problem with <a
+ id="dx1-50008"></a></a> because you&#8217;d use <span
+class="cmtt-10">selection=all </span>instead of
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddallunused</span>, but even if you explicitly had, for example, <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>for some reason, <a
+ id="dx1-50009"></a></a> will recognise <span
+class="cmtt-10">glsignore </span>as a special encap indicating an
+ignored location, so it will select the entry but not add that location to the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-50010"></a></a>. It&#8217;s a
+problem for all the other options (except <a
+href="#option5">Option&#x00A0;5</a>, which doesn&#8217;t perform any
+</p><!--l. 6003--><p class="indent" > Complications can arise if you use different encap values for the same location. For
+example, suppose on page&#x00A0;10 you have both the default <span
+class="cmtt-10">glsnumberformat </span>and <span
+encaps. While it may seem apparent that <span
+class="cmtt-10">textbf </span>should override <span
+class="cmtt-10">glsnumberformat </span>in this
+situation, the <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> may not know it. This is therefore something you need to
+be careful about if you use the <span
+ id="dx1-50011"></a> key or if you use a command that implicitly sets
+</p><!--l. 6012--><p class="indent" > In the case of <a
+ id="dx1-50012"></a></a>, it only accepts one encap (according to the order of precedence given
+in the <a
+ id="dx1-50013"></a></a> module) and discards the others for identical locations (for the same
+entry). This can cause a problem if a discarded location forms the start or end of a
+</p><!--l. 6017--><p class="indent" > In the case of <a
+ id="dx1-50014"></a></a>, it accepts different encaps for the same location, but warns
+about it. This leads to a <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-50015"></a></a> with the same location repeated in different formats. If
+you use the <a
+ id="dx1-50016"></a></a> Perl script with <a
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a> it will detect <a
+ id="dx1-50017"></a></a>&#8217;s warning
+and attempt to fix the problem, ensuring that the <span
+class="cmtt-10">glsnumberformat </span>encap always has the
+least precedence unless it includes a range identifier. Other conflicting encaps will have the
+last one override earlier ones for the same location with range identifiers taking
+</p><!--l. 6027--><p class="indent" > No discard occurs with <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> so again you get the same location repeated in different
+formats. With <a
+href="#option4">Option&#x00A0;4</a>, <a
+ id="dx1-50018"></a></a> will discard according to order of precedence,
+giving priority to start and end range encaps. (See the <a
+ id="dx1-50019"></a></a> manual for further
+</p><!--l. 6032--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 6032--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:locationsyntax"></a>Locations</h3>
+<!--l. 6035--><p class="noindent" >Neither <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> nor <a
+href="#option4">Option&#x00A0;4</a> care about the location syntax as long as it&#8217;s valid
+<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;code (and doesn&#8217;t contain fragile commands). In both cases, the indexing is
+performed by writing a line to the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.aux </span>file. The write operation is deferred to avoid the
+problems associated with <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#8217;s asynchronous output routine. (See, for example, <a
+href="" >Finding if
+you&#8217;re on an odd or an even page</a> for more details on this issue.) Unfortunately Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> are far more problematic and need some complex code to deal with awkward
+</p><!--l. 6046--><p class="indent" > If you know that your locations will always expand to a format acceptable to your chosen
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> then use the package option <span
+ id="dx1-51001"></a> to bypass this operation.
+This setting only affects Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> as the problem doesn&#8217;t arise with the other
+indexing options.
+</p><!--l. 6052--><p class="indent" > Both <a
+ id="dx1-51002"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-51003"></a></a> are fussy about the syntax of the locations. In the
+case of <a
+ id="dx1-51004"></a></a>, only the numbering system obtained with <span
+class="cmtt-10">\arabic</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Roman</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\alph </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Alph </span>or composites formed from them with the same separator
+(set with <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>) are accepted. (<a
+ id="dx1-51005"></a></a> won&#8217;t accept an
+empty location.) In the case of <a
+ id="dx1-51006"></a></a>, you can define your own location classes,
+but if the location contains a robust command then the leading backslash must be
+escaped. The <span
+ id="dx1-51007"></a> package tries to do this, but it&#8217;s caught between two conflicting
+ </p><ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-51009x1">The location must be fully expanded before <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\</span></span></span> can be converted to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\\</span></span></span> (there&#8217;s no
+ point converting <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\thepage</span></span></span> to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ </li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-51011x2">The page number can&#8217;t be expanded until the deferred write operation (so <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ mustn&#8217;t expand in the previous step but <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\the\c@page</span></span></span> mustn&#8217;t be converted to
+ <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\\the\\c@page</span></span></span> and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\number\c@page</span></span></span> mustn&#8217;t be converted to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ etc).</li></ol>
+<!--l. 6072--><p class="noindent" >There&#8217;s a certain amount of trickery needed to deal with this conflict and the code requires
+the location to be in a form that doesn&#8217;t embed the counter&#8217;s internal register in
+commands like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\value</span>. For example, suppose you have a robust command called
+class="cmtt-10">\tallynum </span>that takes a number as the argument and an expandable command called
+class="cmtt-10">\tally </span>that converts a counter name into the associated register or number to
+pass to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\tallynum</span>. Let&#8217;s suppose that this command is used to represent the page
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-181">
+<!--l. 6082--><p class="nopar" > Now let&#8217;s suppose that a term is indexed at the beginning of page&#x00A0;2 at the end of a
+paragraph that started on page&#x00A0;1. With <a
+ id="dx1-51012"></a></a>, the location <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\tally{page}</span></span></span> needs to be
+written to the file as <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\\tallynum{2}</span></span></span>. If it&#8217;s written as <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\tallynum{2}</span></span></span> then <a
+ id="dx1-51013"></a></a> will
+interpret <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\t</span></span></span> as the character &#8220;t&#8221; (which means the location would appear as &#8220;tallynum2&#8221;). So
+ id="dx1-51014"></a> tries to expand <span
+class="cmtt-10">\thepage </span>without expanding <span
+class="cmtt-10">\c@page </span>and then escapes all the
+backslashes, except for the page counter&#8217;s internal command. The following definitions of
+class="cmtt-10">\tally </span>will work: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">In the following, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\arabic </span>works as its internal command <span
+class="cmtt-10">\c@arabic </span>is temporarily
+ redefined to check for <span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-182">
+ \newcommand{\tally}[1]{\tallynum{\arabic{#1}}}
+ <!--l. 6098--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize">The form <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">counter</span>&#x27E9;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\endcsname</span></span></span> also works (provided <span
+ is allowed to be temporarily redefined, see below):
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-183">
+ \newcommand{\tally}[1]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\tallynum{\expandafter\the\csname&#x00A0;c@#1\endcsname}}
+ <!--l. 6106--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>now also works (with the same condition as
+ above):
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-184">
+ \newcommand{\tally}[1]{\tallynum{\expandafter\the\value{#1}}}
+ <!--l. 6112--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize">Another variation that will work:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-185">
+ \newcommand{\tally}[1]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\expandafter\tallynum\expandafter{\the\csname&#x00A0;c@#1\endcsname}}
+ <!--l. 6118--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize">and also:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-186">
+ \newcommand{\tally}[1]{\tallynum{\the\csname&#x00A0;c@#1\endcsname}}
+ <!--l. 6123--><p class="nopar" ></p></li></ul>
+<!--l. 6125--><p class="noindent" >The following <span
+class="cmti-10">don&#8217;t work</span>: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">This definition leads to the premature expansion of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\c@page </span>to &#8220;1&#8221; when, in this case,
+ it should be &#8220;2&#8221;:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-187">
+ \newcommand{\tally}[1]{\tallynum{\the\value{#1}}}
+ <!--l. 6131--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize">This definition leads to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\\c@page</span></span></span> in the glossary file:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-188">
+ \newcommand{\tally}[1]{\tallynum{\csname&#x00A0;c@#1\endcsname}}
+ <!--l. 6135--><p class="nopar" ></p></li></ul>
+<!--l. 6137--><p class="noindent" >If you have a numbering system where <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">cs name</span>&#x27E9;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">{page}</span></span></span> expands to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">internal cs name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+(for example, if <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\tally{page}</span></span></span> expands to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\tallynum\c@page</span></span></span>) then you need to
+</p><!--l. 6142--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-51015"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">internal cs name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 6144--><p class="noindent" >
+Note that the backslash must be omitted from &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">internal cs name</span>&#x27E9; and the corresponding
+command must be able to process a count register as the (sole) argument.
+</p><!--l. 6149--><p class="indent" > For example, suppose you have a style <span
+class="cmtt-10">samplenum </span>that is implemented as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-189">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\expandafter\@samplenum\csname&#x00A0;c@#1\endcsname}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\newcommand*{\@samplenum}[1]{\two@digits{#1}}
+<!--l. 6156--><p class="nopar" > (That is, it displays the value of the counter as a two-digit number.) Then to ensure the
+location is correct for entries in page-spanning paragraphs, you need to do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-190">
+<!--l. 6162--><p class="nopar" > (If you are using a different counter for the location, such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">section </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">equation</span>, you don&#8217;t
+need to worry about this provided the inner command is expandable.)
+</p><!--l. 6167--><p class="indent" > If the inner macro (as given by <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">internal cs name</span>&#x27E9;) contains non-expandable
+commands then you may need to redefine <span
+class="cmti-10">internal cs name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">page </span>after using
+class="cmti-10">internal cs name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>. This command doesn&#8217;t take any arguments as
+class="cmti-10">the location is assumed to be given by </span><span
+class="cmitt-10">\c@page </span>because that&#8217;s the only occasion this
+command should be used. For example, suppose now my page counter format uses small caps
+Roman numerals:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-191">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\expandafter\@samplenum\csname&#x00A0;c@#1\endcsname}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\newcommand*{\@samplenum}[1]{\textsc{\romannumeral#1}}
+<!--l. 6178--><p class="nopar" > Again, the inner macro needs to be identified using:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-192">
+<!--l. 6182--><p class="nopar" > However, since <span
+class="cmtt-10">\textsc </span>isn&#8217;t fully expandable, the location is written to the file as
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;{i}</span></span></span> (for page&#x00A0;1), <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;{ii}</span></span></span> (for page&#x00A0;2), etc. This format may cause a
+problem for the <a
+href="#glo:indexingapp">indexing application</a> (particularly for <a
+ id="dx1-51016"></a></a>). To compensate for this,
+the <span
+class="cmti-10">internal cs name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">page </span>command may be redefined so that it expands to a format
+that&#8217;s acceptable to the indexing application. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-193">
+<!--l. 6192--><p class="nopar" > While this modification means that the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-51017"></a></a> in the glossary won&#8217;t exactly match the
+format of the page numbers (displaying lower case Roman numbers instead of small cap
+Roman numerals) this method will at least work correctly for both <a
+ id="dx1-51018"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-51019"></a></a>. If
+you are using <a
+ id="dx1-51020"></a></a>, the following definition:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-194">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsbackslash\string\textsc{\romannumeral\c@page}}
+<!--l. 6202--><p class="nopar" > combined with
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-195">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;"roman-numbers-lowercase"&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"\glsclosebrace"}
+<!--l. 6207--><p class="nopar" > will now have lowercase Roman numerals in the location list (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindyloc">Locations and
+Number lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindyloc --></a> for further details on that command). Take care of the backslashes. The location
+(which ends up in the <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">:locref</span></span></span> attribute) needs <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\\</span></span></span> but the location class (identified with
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsAddXdyLocation</span>) just has a single backslash. Note that this example will cause problems
+if your locations should be hyperlinks.
+</p><!--l. 6216--><p class="indent" > Another possibility that may work with both <a
+ id="dx1-51021"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-51022"></a></a> is to redefine
+class="cmti-10">internal cs name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">page </span>(<span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls@samplenumpage </span>in this example) to just expand to the
+decimal page number (<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\number\c@page</span></span></span>) and redefine <span
+ id="dx1-51023"></a> to change the
+displayed format:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-196">
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\glsnumberformat}[1]{\textsc{\romannumeral#1}}
+<!--l. 6224--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 6226--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you redefine <span
+class="cmti-10">internal cs name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">page</span>, you must make sure that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\c@page </span>is expanded
+when it&#8217;s written to the file. (So don&#8217;t, for example, hide <span
+class="cmtt-10">\c@page </span>inside a robust command.)
+</p><!--l. 6231--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6233--><p class="indent" > The mechanism that allows this to work temporarily redefines <span
+ id="dx1-51024"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-51025"></a> while it
+processes the location. If this causes a problem you can disallow it using
+</p><!--l. 6236--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-51026"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glswrallowprimitivemodsfalse </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6238--><p class="noindent" >
+but you will need to find some other way to ensure the location expands correctly.
+</p><!--l. 6242--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 6242--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:ranges"></a>Range Formations</h3>
+<!--l. 6245--><p class="noindent" >Both <a
+ id="dx1-52001"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-52002"></a></a> (Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>) concatenate a sequence of&#x00A0;3 or more
+consecutive pages into&#x00A0;a range. With <span
+ id="dx1-52003"></a> (<a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>) you can vary the minimum sequence
+length using <span
+ id="dx1-52004"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">n</span>&#x27E9; is either an integer or the keyword
+class="cmtt-10">none </span>which indicates that there should be no range formation (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindyloc">Locations and
+Number lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindyloc --></a> for further details).
+</p><!--l. 6253--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength </span>must be used before <span
+ id="dx1-52005"></a> and has
+no effect if <span
+ id="dx1-52006"></a> is used. </div>
+</p><!--l. 6256--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6258--><p class="indent" > With both <a
+ id="dx1-52007"></a></a> and <a
+ id="dx1-52008"></a></a> (Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>), you can replace the separator and
+the closing number in the range using:
+</p><!--l. 6260--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-52009"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6262--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6263--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-52010"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6265--><p class="noindent" >
+where the former command specifies the suffix to use for a 2 page list and the latter specifies
+the suffix to use for longer lists. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-197">
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsSetSuffixFF{ff.}
+<!--l. 6272--><p class="nopar" > Note that if you use <a
+ id="dx1-52011"></a></a> (<a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>), you will also need to set the minimum range length
+to 1 if you want to change these suffixes:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-198">
+<!--l. 6278--><p class="nopar" > Note that if you use the <span
+ id="dx1-52012"></a> package, you will need to use <span
+ id="dx1-52013"></a> in the suffix to
+ensure that the hyperlinks work correctly. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-199">
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsSetSuffixFF{\nohyperpage{ff.}}
+<!--l. 6285--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 6287--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsSetSuffixF </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsSetSuffixFF </span>must be used before <span
+ id="dx1-52014"></a>
+and have no effect if <span
+ id="dx1-52015"></a> is used. </div>
+</p><!--l. 6291--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6293--><p class="indent" > It&#8217;s also possible to concatenate a sequence of consecutive locations into a range or have
+suffixes with <a
+href="#option4">Option&#x00A0;4</a>, but with <a
+ id="dx1-52016"></a></a> these implicit ranges can&#8217;t be merged with
+explicit ranges (created with the <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">(</span></span></span> and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">)</span></span></span> encaps). See the <a
+ id="dx1-52017"></a></a> manual for further
+</p><!--l. 6299--><p class="indent" > <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> doesn&#8217;t form ranges. However, with this option you can iterate over an entry&#8217;s
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-52018"></a></a> using:
+</p><!--l. 6301--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-52019"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">handler cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">xr handler cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 6304--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the entry&#8217;s label and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">handler cs</span>&#x27E9; is a handler control sequence of the
+</p><!--l. 6308--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition">&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">handler cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6309--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">prefix</span>&#x27E9; is the <span
+ id="dx1-52020"></a> prefix, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">counter</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the counter used for the location,
+class="cmti-10">format</span>&#x27E9; is the format used to display the location (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+class="cmtt-10">textbf</span>) and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">location</span>&#x27E9; is the location.
+The third argument is the control sequence to use for any cross-references in the list. This
+handler should have the syntax:
+</p><!--l. 6317--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition">&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">xr handler cs</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">xr list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6318--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">tag</span>&#x27E9; is the cross-referenced text (e.g.&#x00A0;&#8220;see&#8221;) and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">xr list</span>&#x27E9; is a&#x00A0;comma-separated list of
+labels. (This actually has a third argument but it&#8217;s always empty when used with
+</p><!--l. 6323--><p class="indent" > For example, if on page&#x00A0;12 I&#x00A0;have used
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-200">
+<!--l. 6327--><p class="nopar" > and on page&#x00A0;18 I&#x00A0;have used
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-201">
+<!--l. 6331--><p class="nopar" > then
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-202">
+<!--l. 6335--><p class="nopar" > will be equivalent to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-203">
+&#x00A0;<br />\myhandler{}{page}{emph}{18}%
+<!--l. 6340--><p class="nopar" > There is a predefined handler that&#8217;s used to display the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-52021"></a></a> in the glossary:
+</p><!--l. 6343--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-52022"></a> <span
+</p><!--l. 6345--><p class="noindent" >
+The predefined handler used for the cross-references in the glossary is:
+</p><!--l. 6348--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span
+class="cmitt-10">xr list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6349--><p class="noindent" >
+which is described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>8.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:customxr">Customising Cross-reference Text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:customxr --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 6352--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnumberlistloop </span>is not available for Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 6354--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6356--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 6356--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">5.4 </span> <a
+ id="sec:isthook"></a>Style Hook</h3>
+<!--l. 6359--><p class="noindent" >As from version 4.24, there&#8217;s a hook that&#8217;s used near the end of <span
+ id="dx1-53001"></a> before the file is
+closed. You can set the code to be performed then using:
+</p><!--l. 6362--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-53002"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6364--><p class="noindent" >
+If you want the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">code</span>&#x27E9; to write any information to the file, you need to use
+</p><!--l. 6367--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-53003"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">style information</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6369--><p class="noindent" >
+Make sure you use the correct format within &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">style information</span>&#x27E9;. For example, if you are using
+ id="dx1-53004"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-204">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\write\glswrite{page_precedence&#x00A0;"arnAR"}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\write\glswrite{line_max&#x00A0;80}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 6377--><p class="nopar" > This changes the page type precedence<a
+ id="dx1-53005"></a> and the maximum line length used by
+ id="dx1-53006"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 6381--><p class="indent" > Remember that if you switch to <span
+ id="dx1-53007"></a>, this will no longer be valid code.
+<!--l. 6384--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 6384--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">6. <a
+ id="sec:glslink"></a>Links to Glossary Entries</h2>
+</p><!--l. 6387--><p class="indent" > Once you have defined a glossary entry using <span
+ id="dx1-54001"></a> (<a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4 </a><a
+Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglosentry --></a>) or <span
+ id="dx1-54002"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>13 </a><a
+href="#sec:acronyms">Acronyms and Other Abbreviations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:acronyms --></a>), you
+can refer to that entry in the document using one of the commands listed in <a
+href="#sec:gls-like">The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:gls-like --></a> or <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:glstext-like">The <span
+Commands (First Use Flag Not Queried)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glstext-like --></a>. The text which appears at that point in the
+document when using one of these commands is referred to as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-54003"></a></a> (even if
+there are no hyperlinks). These commands also add a line to an external file that is
+used to generate the relevant entry in the glossary. This information includes an
+associated location that is added to the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-54004"></a></a> for that entry. By default, the
+location refers to the page number. For further information on number lists, see <a
+href="#sec:numberlists">Number lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:numberlists --></a>. These external files need to be post-processed by <a
+ id="dx1-54005"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-54006"></a></a>
+unless you have chosen Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option1">1</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option4">4</a>. If you don&#8217;t use <span
+ id="dx1-54007"></a> these
+external files won&#8217;t be created. (Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option1">1</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option4">4</a> write the information to the <span
+ id="dx1-54008"></a>
+</p><!--l. 6405--><p class="indent" > Note that repeated use of these commands for the same entry can cause the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-54009"></a></a> to
+become quite long, which may not be particular helpful to the reader. In this case,
+you can use the non-indexing commands described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>9 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsnolink">Using Glossary Terms
+Without Links<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsnolink --></a> or you can use the supplemental <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package, which
+provides a means to suppress the automated indexing of the commands listed in this
+</p><!--l. 6413--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> I strongly recommend that you don&#8217;t use the commands defined in this chapter in the
+arguments of sectioning or caption commands or any other command that has a moving
+</p><!--l. 6418--><p class="indent" > Aside from problems with expansion issues, PDF bookmarks and possible nested
+hyperlinks in the table of contents (or list of whatever) any use of the commands
+described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:gls-like">The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:gls-like --></a> will have their
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>&#x00A0;unset when they appear in the table of contents (or list of whatever).
+</p><!--l. 6423--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6425--><p class="indent" > The above warning is particularly important if you are using the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package in
+conjunction with the <span
+ id="dx1-54010"></a> package. Instead, use one of the <span
+class="cmti-10">expandable </span>commands listed in
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>9 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsnolink">Using Glossary Terms Without Links<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsnolink --></a> (such as <span
+ id="dx1-54011"></a> <span
+class="cmti-10">but not </span>the non-expandable
+case changing versions like <span
+ id="dx1-54012"></a>). Alternatively, provide an alternative via the
+optional argument to the sectioning/caption command or use <span
+ id="dx1-54013"></a>&#8217;s <span
+ id="dx1-54014"></a>.
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-205">
+&#x00A0;<br />\chapter[An&#x00A0;overview&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;Perl]{An&#x00A0;overview&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;\gls{perl}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\chapter{An&#x00A0;overview&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;\texorpdfstring{\gls{perl}}{Perl}}
+<!--l. 6437--><p class="nopar" > If you want to retain the formatting that&#8217;s available through commands like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acrshort </span>(for
+example, if you are using one of the small caps styles), then you might want to consider the
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package which provides commands for this purpose.
+</p><!--l. 6444--><p class="indent" > If you want the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-54015"></a></a> to produce a hyperlink to the corresponding entry details in the
+glossary, you should load the <span
+ id="dx1-54016"></a> package <span
+class="cmti-10">before </span>the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. That&#8217;s what I&#8217;ve
+done in this document, so if you see a hyperlinked term, such as <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-54017"></a></a>, you can click on
+the word or phrase and it will take you to a brief description in this document&#8217;s
+</p><!--l. 6452--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you use the <span
+ id="dx1-54018"></a> package, I strongly recommend you use <span
+ id="dx1-54019"></a> rather than
+ id="dx1-54020"></a> to compile your document, if possible. The DVI format of <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;has limitations with
+the hyperlinks that can cause a problem when used with the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. Firstly, the
+DVI format can&#8217;t break a hyperlink across a line whereas PDF<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;can. This means that
+long glossary entries (for example, the full form of an acronym) won&#8217;t be able to break across
+a line with the DVI format. Secondly, the DVI format doesn&#8217;t correctly size hyperlinks in
+subscripts or superscripts. This means that if you define a term that may be used as a
+subscript or superscript, if you use the DVI format, it won&#8217;t come out the correct
+</p><!--l. 6466--><p class="indent" > These are limitations of the DVI format not of the <span
+ id="dx1-54021"></a> package. </div>
+</p><!--l. 6468--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6470--><p class="indent" > It may be that you only want terms in certain glossaries to have hyperlinks, but not for
+other glossaries. In this case, you can use the package option <span
+ id="dx1-54022"></a> to identify the
+glossary lists that shouldn&#8217;t have hyperlinked <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-54023"></a></a>. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-general">General Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-general --></a> for further
+</p><!--l. 6476--><p class="indent" > The way the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-54024"></a></a> is displayed depends on
+</p><!--l. 6477--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-54025"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6479--><p class="noindent" >
+For example, to make all <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-54026"></a></a> appear in a sans-serif font, do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-206">
+<!--l. 6484--><p class="nopar" > Further customisation can be done via <span
+ id="dx1-54027"></a> or by redefining <span
+ id="dx1-54028"></a>. See
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsdisplay">Changing the format of the link text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsdisplay --></a> for further details.
+</p><!--l. 6489--><p class="indent" > Each entry has an associated conditional referred to as the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>. Some of the
+commands described in this chapter automatically unset this flag and can also use it
+to determine what text should be displayed. These types of commands are the
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands and are described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:gls-like">The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-Like Commands (First Use
+Flag Queried)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:gls-like --></a>. The commands that don&#8217;t reference or change the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>&#x00A0;are
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands and are described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:glstext-like">The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-Like Commands (First Use
+Flag Not Queried)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glstext-like --></a>. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>14 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsunset">Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsunset --></a> for commands that unset
+(mark the entry as having been used) or reset (mark the entry as not used) the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use
+flag</a>&#x00A0;without referencing the entries.
+</p><!--l. 6501--><p class="indent" > The <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;and <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands all take a first optional argument that is a
+comma-separated list of &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; options, described below. They also have a star-variant,
+which inserts <span
+class="cmtt-10">hyper=false </span>at the start of the list of options and a plus-variant, which
+inserts <span
+class="cmtt-10">hyper=true </span>at the start of the list of options. For example <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+is the same as <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls[hyper=false]{sample}</span></span></span> and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls+{sample}</span></span></span> is the same as
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls[hyper=true]{sample}</span></span></span>, whereas just <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{sample}</span></span></span> will use the default hyperlink
+setting which depends on a number of factors (such as whether the entry is in a glossary that
+has been identified in the <span
+ id="dx1-54029"></a> list). You can override the <span
+ id="dx1-54030"></a> key in the variant&#8217;s
+optional argument, for example, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls*[hyper=true]{sample}</span></span></span> but this creates redundancy
+and is best avoided. The <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package provides the option to add a third custom
+</p><!--l. 6518--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Avoid nesting these commands. For example don&#8217;t do <span
+class="cmsy-10">} </span>as this is likely to cause problems. By implication, this means that
+you should avoid using any of these commands within the <span
+ id="dx1-54031"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-54032"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-54033"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-54034"></a>
+keys (or their plural equivalent) or any other key that you plan to access through
+these commands. (For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-54035"></a> key if you intend to use <span
+</p><!--l. 6528--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6530--><p class="indent" > The keys listed below are available for the optional argument. The <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package
+provides additional keys. (See the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>manual for further details.)
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-54036"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean key which can be used to enable/disable the hyperlink
+ to the relevant entry in the glossary. If this key is omitted, the value is
+ determined by current settings, as indicated above. For example, when used with
+ a <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;command, if this is the first use and the <span
+ id="dx1-54037"></a> package
+ option has been used, then the default value is <span
+class="cmtt-10">hyper=false</span>. The hyperlink
+ can be forced on using <span
+class="cmtt-10">hyper=true </span>unless the hyperlinks have been suppressed
+ using <span
+ id="dx1-54038"></a>. You must load the <span
+ id="dx1-54039"></a> package before the <span
+ id="dx1-54040"></a>
+ package to ensure the hyperlinks work.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-54041"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This specifies how to format the associated location number for this entry in the
+ glossary. This value is equivalent to the <a
+ id="dx1-54042"></a></a> encap value, and (as with
+ <span
+ id="dx1-54043"></a>) the value needs to be the name of a command <span
+class="cmti-10">without </span>the initial
+ backslash. As with <span
+ id="dx1-54044"></a>, the characters <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">(</span></span></span> and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">)</span></span></span> can also be used to specify the
+ beginning and ending of a number range and they must be in matching pairs. (For
+ example, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls[format={(}]{sample}</span></span></span> on one page to start the range and later
+ <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls[format={)}]{sample}</span></span></span> to close the range.) Again as with <span
+ id="dx1-54045"></a>, the command
+ should be the name of a command which takes an argument (which will be the
+ associated location). Be careful not to use a declaration (such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">bfseries</span>) instead of a
+ text block command (such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">textbf</span>) as the effect is not guaranteed to be
+ localised. If you want to apply more than one style to a given entry (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+ and <span
+class="cmti-10">italic</span>) you will need to create a command that applies both formats,
+ e.g.&#x00A0;
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-207">
+ \newcommand*{\textbfem}[1]{\textbf{\emph{#1}}}
+ <!--l. 6564--><p class="nopar" > and use that command.
+ </p><!--l. 6567--><p class="noindent" >In this document, the standard formats refer to the standard text block commands such
+ as <span
+ id="dx1-54046"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-54047"></a> or any of the commands listed in <a
+href="#tab:hyperxx">table&#x00A0;6.1</a>. You can combine
+ a range and format using <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">format</span>&#x27E9; to start the range and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">format</span>&#x27E9; to end
+ the range. The &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">format</span>&#x27E9; part must match. For example, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">format={(emph}</span></span></span> and
+ <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ </p><!--l. 6574--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you use <a
+ id="dx1-54048"></a></a> instead of <a
+ id="dx1-54049"></a></a>, you must specify any non-standard
+ formats that you want to use with the <span
+ id="dx1-54050"></a> key using <span
+ id="dx1-54051"></a>
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>. So if you use <span
+ id="dx1-54052"></a> with the above example, you would need to
+ add:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-208">
+ \GlsAddXdyAttribute{textbfem}
+ <!--l. 6582--><p class="nopar" > See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>11 </a><a
+href="#sec:xindy">Xindy (Option 3)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:xindy --></a> for further details. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 6584--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 6586--><p class="noindent" >If you are using hyperlinks and you want to change the font of the hyperlinked location,
+ don&#8217;t use <span
+ id="dx1-54053"></a> (provided by the <span
+ id="dx1-54054"></a> package) as the locations may not refer
+ to a page number. Instead, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package provides number formats listed in
+ <a
+ <div class="table">
+ <!--l. 6592--><p class="noindent" ><a
+ id="tab:hyperxx"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float"
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;6.1: </span><span
+class="content">Predefined Hyperlinked Location Formats</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-540551 -->
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-6" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-6-1g"><col
+id="TBL-6-1" /><col
+id="TBL-6-2" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-1-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-1-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54056"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-1-2"
+class="td11"> serif hyperlink </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-2-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-2-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54057"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-2-2"
+class="td11"> sans-serif hyperlink </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-3-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-3-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54058"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-3-2"
+class="td11"> monospaced hyperlink </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-4-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-4-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54059"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-4-2"
+class="td11"> bold hyperlink </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-5-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-5-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54060"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-5-2"
+class="td11"> medium weight hyperlink </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-6-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-6-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54061"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-6-2"
+class="td11"> italic hyperlink </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-7-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-7-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54062"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-7-2"
+class="td11"> slanted hyperlink </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-8-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-8-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54063"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-8-2"
+class="td11"> upright hyperlink </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-9-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-9-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54064"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-9-2"
+class="td11"> small caps hyperlink </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-6-10-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-10-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-54065"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-6-10-2"
+class="td11"> emphasized hyperlink </td></tr></table>
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+ </div>
+ <!--l. 6612--><p class="noindent" >Note that if the <span
+ id="dx1-54066"></a> command hasn&#8217;t been defined, the <span
+class="cmti-10">xx</span>&#x27E9; formats are
+ equivalent to the analogous <span
+class="cmti-10">xx</span>&#x27E9; font commands (and <span
+class="cmtt-10">hyperemph </span>is equivalent to
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">emph</span>). If you want to make a new format, you will need to define a command
+ which takes one argument and use that. For example, if you want the location
+ number to be in a bold sans-serif font, you can define a command called, say,
+ <span
+ id="dx1-54067"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-209">
+ \newcommand{\hyperbsf}[1]{\textbf{\hypersf{#1}}}
+ <!--l. 6622--><p class="nopar" > and then use <span
+class="cmtt-10">hyperbsf </span>as the value for the <span
+ id="dx1-54068"></a>
+ key.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x6" id="fn1x6-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">6.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-54069f1"></a>
+ Remember that if you use <a
+ id="dx1-54070"></a></a>, you will need to add this to the list of location
+ attributes:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-210">
+ \GlsAddXdyAttribute{hyperbsf}
+ <!--l. 6630--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-54071"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This specifies which counter to use for this location. This overrides the default
+ counter used by this entry. (See also <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5 </a><a
+href="#sec:numberlists">Number lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:numberlists --></a>.)
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-54072"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean key that only makes a difference when used with <a
+ that change the entry&#8217;s <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>. If <span
+class="cmtt-10">local=true</span>, the change to the first use flag will
+ be localised to the current scope. The default is <span
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 6644--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> The <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-54073"></a></a> isn&#8217;t scoped by default. Any unscoped declarations in the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-54074"></a></a> may
+affect subsequent text. </div>
+</p><!--l. 6647--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 6649--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:gls-like"></a>The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried)</h3>
+<!--l. 6652--><p class="noindent" >This section describes the commands that unset (mark as used) the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>&#x00A0;on
+completion, and in most cases they use the current state of the flag to determine the text to
+be displayed. As described above, these commands all have a star-variant (<span
+class="cmtt-10">hyper=false</span>) and
+a plus-variant (<span
+class="cmtt-10">hyper=true</span>) and have an optional first argument that is a &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 6659--><p class="indent" > These commands use <span
+ id="dx1-55001"></a> or the equivalent definition provided by
+ id="dx1-55002"></a> to determine the automatically generated text and its format (see <a
+href="#sec:glsdisplay">Changing the format of the link text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsdisplay --></a>).
+</p><!--l. 6663--><p class="indent" > Apart from <span
+ id="dx1-55003"></a>, the commands described in this section also have a <span
+class="cmti-10">final </span>optional
+argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">insert</span>&#x27E9; which may be used to insert material into the automatically generated
+</p><!--l. 6667--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Since the commands have a final optional argument, take care if you actually want to
+display an open square bracket after the command when the final optional argument is
+absent. Insert an empty set of braces <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">{}</span></span></span> immediately before the opening square bracket to
+prevent it from being interpreted as the final argument. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-211">
+<!--l. 6676--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 6678--><p class="indent" > Don&#8217;t use any of the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;or <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands in the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">insert</span>&#x27E9; argument.
+</p><!--l. 6680--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6682--><p class="indent" > Take care using these commands within commands or environments that are processed
+multiple times as this can confuse the first use flag query and state change. This includes
+frames with overlays in <span
+ id="dx1-55004"></a> and the <span
+class="cmss-10">tabularx </span>environment provided by <span
+ id="dx1-55005"></a>. The
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package automatically deals with this issue in <span
+ id="dx1-55006"></a>&#8217;s <span
+class="cmss-10">align </span>environment. You can
+apply a patch to <span
+ id="dx1-55007"></a> by placing the following command (new to v4.28) in the
+</p><!--l. 6690--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-55008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspatchtabularx </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6692--><p class="noindent" >
+This does nothing if <span
+ id="dx1-55009"></a> hasn&#8217;t been loaded. There&#8217;s no patch available for <span
+ id="dx1-55010"></a>. See
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>14 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsunset">Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsunset --></a> for more details.
+</p><!--l. 6697--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-55011"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6699--><p class="noindent" >
+This command typically determines the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55012"></a></a> from the values of the <span
+ id="dx1-55013"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-55014"></a> keys
+supplied when the entry was defined using <span
+ id="dx1-55015"></a>. However, if the entry was
+defined using <span
+ id="dx1-55016"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-55017"></a> was used, then the link text<a
+ id="dx1-55018"></a> will usually
+be determined from the <span
+ id="dx1-55019"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-55020"></a> keys.
+</p><!--l. 6707--><p class="indent" > There are two upper case variants:
+</p><!--l. 6708--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-55021"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6710--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6712--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-55022"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6714--><p class="noindent" >
+which make the first letter of the link text or all the link text upper case, respectively. For the
+former, the uppercasing of the first letter is performed by <span
+ id="dx1-55023"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 6719--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> The first letter uppercasing command <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makefirstuc </span>has limitations which must be taken
+into account if you use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Gls </span>or any of the other commands that convert the first letter to
+uppercase. </div>
+</p><!--l. 6724--><p class="noindent" >
+The upper casing is performed as follows: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">If the first thing in the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55024"></a></a> is a command follow by a group, the upper casing is
+ performed on the first object of the group. For example, if an entry has been defined
+ as
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-212">
+ \newglossaryentry{sample}{
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;name={\emph{sample}&#x00A0;phrase},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;sort={sample&#x00A0;phrase},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+ <!--l. 6735--><p class="nopar" > Then <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Gls</span><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">{sample}</span></span></span> will set the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55025"></a></a>
+ to<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x6" id="fn2x6-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">6.2</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-55026f2"></a>
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-213">
+ \emph{\MakeUppercase&#x00A0;sample}&#x00A0;phrase
+ <!--l. 6741--><p class="nopar" > which will appear as <span
+class="cmti-10">Sample </span>phrase.
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize">If the first thing in the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55027"></a></a> isn&#8217;t a command or is a command but isn&#8217;t followed by
+ a group, then the upper casing will be performed on that first thing. For example, if an
+ entry has been defined as:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-214">
+ \newglossaryentry{sample}{
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={\oe-ligature},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sort={oe-ligature},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 6754--><p class="nopar" > Then <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Gls</span><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">{sample}</span></span></span> will set the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55028"></a></a> to
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-215">
+ \MakeUppercase&#x00A0;\oe-ligature
+ <!--l. 6758--><p class="nopar" > which will appear as &#338;-ligature.
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize">If you have <span
+ id="dx1-55029"></a> v2.01 or above, an extra case is added. If the first thing is <span
+ it will be discarded and the above rules will then be tried.
+ </li></ul>
+<!--l. 6766--><p class="noindent" >(Note the use of the <span
+ id="dx1-55030"></a> key in the above examples.)
+</p><!--l. 6768--><p class="indent" > There are hundreds of <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;packages that altogether define thousands of commands
+with various syntax and it&#8217;s impossible for <span
+ id="dx1-55031"></a> to take them all into account. The above
+rules are quite simplistic and are designed for <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55032"></a></a> that starts with a&#x00A0;text-block
+command (such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\emph</span>) or a command that produces a character (such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\oe</span>). This means
+that if your <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55033"></a></a> starts with something that doesn&#8217;t adhere to <span
+ id="dx1-55034"></a>&#8217;s assumptions then
+things are likely to go wrong.
+</p><!--l. 6777--><p class="indent" > For example, starting with a math-shift symbol:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-216">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={$a$},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sort={a},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 6784--><p class="nopar" > This falls into case&#x00A0;2 above, so the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55035"></a></a> will be set to
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-217">
+<!--l. 6788--><p class="nopar" > This attempts to uppercase the math-shift <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">$</span></span></span>, which will go wrong. In this case it&#8217;s not
+appropriate to perform any case-changing, but it may be that you want to use <span
+programmatically without checking if the text contains any maths. In this case, the simplest
+solution is to insert an empty brace at the start:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-218">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={{}$a$},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sort={a},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 6801--><p class="nopar" > Now the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55036"></a></a> will be set to
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-219">
+<!--l. 6805--><p class="nopar" > and the <span
+class="cmtt-10">\uppercase </span>becomes harmless.
+</p><!--l. 6808--><p class="indent" > Another issue occurs when the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55037"></a></a> starts with a command followed by an argument
+(case&#x00A0;1) but the argument is a label, identifier or something else that shouldn&#8217;t have a
+case-change. A common example is when the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55038"></a></a> starts with one of the commands
+described in this chapter. (But you haven&#8217;t done that, have you? What with the warning not
+to do it at the beginning of the chapter.) Or when the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55039"></a></a> starts with one of the
+non-linking commands described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>9 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsnolink">Using Glossary Terms Without Links<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsnolink --></a>. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-220">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample2}{
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={\glsentrytext{sample}&#x00A0;two},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sort={sample&#x00A0;two},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={another&#x00A0;example}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}
+<!--l. 6823--><p class="nopar" > Now the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55040"></a></a> will be set to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-221">
+<!--l. 6827--><p class="nopar" > This will generate an error because there&#8217;s no entry with the label given by
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;sample</span></span></span>. The best solution here is to write the term out in the <span
+ id="dx1-55041"></a> field and
+use the command in the <span
+ id="dx1-55042"></a> field. If you don&#8217;t use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsname </span>anywhere in your document,
+you can use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls </span>in the <span
+ id="dx1-55043"></a> field:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-222">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample2}{
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={\gls{sample}&#x00A0;two},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;sort={sample&#x00A0;two},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;text={sample&#x00A0;two},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={another&#x00A0;example}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}
+<!--l. 6841--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 6843--><p class="indent" > If the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55044"></a></a> starts with a command that has an optional argument or with multiple
+arguments where the actual text isn&#8217;t in the first argument, then <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makefirstuc </span>will also fail.
+For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-223">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;name={\textcolor{blue}{sample}&#x00A0;phrase},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;sort={sample&#x00A0;phrase},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+<!--l. 6852--><p class="nopar" > Now the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-55045"></a></a> will be set to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-224">
+<!--l. 6856--><p class="nopar" > This won&#8217;t work because <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;blue</span></span></span> isn&#8217;t a recognised colour name. In this case
+you will have to define a helper command where the first argument is the text. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-225">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\blue}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{#1}}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;name={\blue{sample}&#x00A0;phrase},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;sort={sample&#x00A0;phrase},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+<!--l. 6866--><p class="nopar" > In fact, since the whole design ethos of <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;is the separation of content and style, it&#8217;s
+better to use a semantic command. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-226">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\keyword}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{#1}}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;name={\keyword{sample}&#x00A0;phrase},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;sort={sample&#x00A0;phrase},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example}}
+<!--l. 6876--><p class="nopar" > For further details see the <span
+ id="dx1-55046"></a> user manual.
+</p><!--l. 6879--><p class="indent" > There are plural forms that are analogous to <span
+</p><!--l. 6880--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-55047"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6882--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6883--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-55048"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6885--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6886--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-55049"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6888--><p class="noindent" >
+These typically determine the link text from the <span
+ id="dx1-55050"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-55051"></a> keys supplied when the
+entry was defined using <span
+ id="dx1-55052"></a> or, if the entry is an abbreviation and
+class="cmtt-10">\setacronymstyle </span>was used, from the <span
+ id="dx1-55053"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-55054"></a> keys.
+</p><!--l. 6895--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Be careful when you use glossary entries in math mode especially if you are using <span
+ id="dx1-55055"></a>
+as it can affect the spacing of subscripts and superscripts. For example, suppose you have
+defined the following entry:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-227">
+&#x00A0;<br />description=sample}
+<!--l. 6903--><p class="nopar" > and later you use it in math mode:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-228">
+<!--l. 6907--><p class="nopar" > This will result in <span
+class="cmr-7">2</span></sup> instead of <span
+class="cmr-7">2</span></sup>. In this situation it&#8217;s best to bring the superscript into
+the hyperlink using the final &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">insert</span>&#x27E9; optional argument:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-229">
+<!--l. 6913--><p class="nopar" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 6914--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6916--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-55056"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">link text</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6918--><p class="noindent" >
+This behaves in the same way as the above commands, except that the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">link text</span>&#x27E9; is explicitly
+set. There&#8217;s no final optional argument as any inserted material can be added to the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">link text</span>&#x27E9;
+</p><!--l. 6924--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Don&#8217;t use any of the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;or <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands in the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">link text</span>&#x27E9; argument of
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdisp</span>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 6927--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6929--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 6929--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:glstext-like"></a>The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-Like Commands (First Use Flag Not Queried)</h3>
+<!--l. 6932--><p class="noindent" >This section describes the commands that don&#8217;t change or reference the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>.
+As described above, these commands all have a star-variant (<span
+class="cmtt-10">hyper=false</span>) and a
+plus-variant (<span
+class="cmtt-10">hyper=true</span>) and have an optional first argument that is a &#x27E8;<span
+list. These commands also don&#8217;t use <span
+ id="dx1-56001"></a> or the equivalent definition
+provided by <span
+ id="dx1-56002"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsdisplay">Changing the format of the link text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsdisplay --></a>).
+Additional commands for abbreviations are described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>13 </a><a
+href="#sec:acronyms">Acronyms and Other
+Abbreviations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:acronyms --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 6942--><p class="indent" > Apart from <span
+ id="dx1-56003"></a>, the commands described in this section also have a <span
+optional argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">insert</span>&#x27E9; which may be used to insert material into the automatically
+generated text. See the caveat above in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:gls-like">The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-Like Commands (First Use Flag
+Queried)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:gls-like --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 6947--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56004"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">link text</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6949--><p class="noindent" >
+This command explicitly sets the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56005"></a></a> as given in the final argument.
+</p><!--l. 6953--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Don&#8217;t use any of the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;or <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands in the argument of
+class="cmtt-10">\glslink</span>. By extension, this means that you can&#8217;t use them in the value of fields that are
+used to form <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56006"></a></a>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 6958--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6960--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6962--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56008"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56009"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 6966--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous commands:
+</p><!--l. 6967--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56010"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6969--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6970--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56011"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6972--><p class="noindent" >
+These convert the first character or all the characters to uppercase, respectively. See the note
+on <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Gls </span>above for details on the limitations of converting the first letter to upper
+</p><!--l. 6977--><p class="indent" > There&#8217;s no equivalent command for title-casing, but you can use the more generic
+command <span
+ id="dx1-56012"></a> in combination with <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslink</span>. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-230">
+<!--l. 6982--><p class="nopar" > (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>9 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsnolink">Using Glossary Terms Without Links<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsnolink --></a>.)
+</p><!--l. 6985--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56013"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6987--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56014"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56015"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 6991--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 6992--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56016"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6994--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6995--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56017"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 6997--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 6999--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> The value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56018"></a> key (and <span
+ id="dx1-56019"></a> key) doesn&#8217;t necessarily match the text produced
+by <span
+ id="dx1-56020"></a> (or <span
+ id="dx1-56021"></a>) on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56022"></a></a> used by <span
+ id="dx1-56023"></a> may be modified
+through commands like <span
+ id="dx1-56024"></a>. (Similarly, the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56025"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-56026"></a> keys
+don&#8217;t necessarily match the link text<a
+ id="dx1-56027"></a> used by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspl </span>on subsequent use.)
+</p><!--l. 7007--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7009--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56028"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7011--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56029"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56030"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7015--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7016--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56031"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7018--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7019--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56032"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7021--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7023--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56033"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7025--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56034"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56035"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7029--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7030--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56036"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7032--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7033--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56037"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7035--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7037--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56038"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7039--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56039"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56040"></a></a>. Note that this may be
+different from the values of the <span
+ id="dx1-56041"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-56042"></a> keys. In general it&#8217;s better to use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext </span>or
+class="cmtt-10">\glsfirst </span>instead of <span
+</p><!--l. 7045--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7046--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56043"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7048--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7049--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56044"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7051--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7053--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> In general it&#8217;s best to avoid <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsname </span>with acronyms. Instead, consider using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Acrshort </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Acrfull</span>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 7056--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7058--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56045"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7060--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56046"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56047"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7064--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7065--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56048"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7067--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7068--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56049"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7070--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7072--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56050"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7074--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56051"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56052"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7078--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7079--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56053"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7081--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7082--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56054"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7084--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7086--><p class="indent" > If you want the title case version you can use
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-231">
+<!--l. 7089--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 7091--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56055"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7093--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56056"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56057"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7097--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7098--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56058"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7100--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7101--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56059"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7103--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7105--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56060"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7107--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56061"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56062"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7111--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7112--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56063"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7114--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7115--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56064"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7117--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7119--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56065"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7121--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56066"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56067"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7125--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7126--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56068"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7128--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7129--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56069"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7131--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7133--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56070"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7135--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56071"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56072"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7139--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7140--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56073"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7142--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7143--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56074"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7145--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7147--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56075"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7149--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56076"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56077"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7153--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7154--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56078"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7156--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7157--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56079"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7159--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7161--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56080"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7163--><p class="noindent" >
+This command always uses the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-56081"></a> key as the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-56082"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7167--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous uppercasing commands:
+</p><!--l. 7168--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56083"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7170--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7171--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-56084"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7173--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7175--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 7175--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:glsdisplay"></a>Changing the format of the link text</h3>
+<!--l. 7178--><p class="noindent" >The default format of the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-57001"></a></a> for the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands is governed
+by<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x6" id="fn3x6-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">6.3</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-57002f3"></a>:
+</p><!--l. 7182--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57006"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfmt </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7184--><p class="noindent" >
+This may be redefined but if you only want the change the display style for a given glossary,
+then you need to use
+</p><!--l. 7187--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7189--><p class="noindent" >
+instead of redefining <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfmt</span>. The optional first argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">type</span>&#x27E9; is the glossary type.
+This defaults to <span
+ id="dx1-57008"></a> if omitted. The second argument is the entry format
+</p><!--l. 7195--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfmt </span>is the default display format for entries. Once the display format
+has been changed for an individual glossary using <span
+ id="dx1-57009"></a>, redefining
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfmt </span>won&#8217;t have an effect on that glossary, you must instead use <span
+again. Note that glossaries that have been identified as lists of acronyms (via the package
+option <span
+ id="dx1-57010"></a> or the command <span
+ id="dx1-57011"></a>, see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.5 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-acronym">Acronym Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-acronym --></a>) use
+class="cmtt-10">\defglsentryfmt </span>to set their display style. </div>
+</p><!--l. 7205--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7207--><p class="indent" > Within the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definition</span>&#x27E9; argument of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\defglsentryfmt</span>, or if you want to redefine
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfmt</span>, you may use the following commands:
+</p><!--l. 7211--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57012"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslabel </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7213--><p class="noindent" >
+This is the label of the entry being referenced. As from version 4.08, you can also access the
+glossary entry type using:
+</p><!--l. 7216--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57013"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstype </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7218--><p class="noindent" >
+This is defined using <span
+ id="dx1-57014"></a> so the replacement text is the actual glossary type rather than
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+</p><!--l. 7222--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57015"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glscustomtext </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7224--><p class="noindent" >
+This is the custom text supplied in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdisp</span>. It&#8217;s always empty for <span
+ id="dx1-57016"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57017"></a> and their
+upper case variants. (You can use <span
+ id="dx1-57018"></a>&#8217;s <span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifdefempty </span>to determine if <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glscustomtext </span>is
+</p><!--l. 7230--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57019"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsinsert </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7232--><p class="noindent" >
+The custom text supplied in the final optional argument to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspl </span>and their upper case
+</p><!--l. 7236--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57020"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true text</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false text</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7238--><p class="noindent" >
+If <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspl</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glspl </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GLSpl </span>was used, this command does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true text</span>&#x27E9; otherwise it does &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 7242--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57021"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">no case</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">first uc</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">all caps</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7244--><p class="noindent" >
+If <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspl </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdisp </span>were used, this does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">no case</span>&#x27E9;. If <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Gls </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glspl </span>were used, this
+does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">first uc</span>&#x27E9;. If <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GLS </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GLSpl </span>were used, this does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">all caps</span>&#x27E9;.
+</p><!--l. 7249--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57022"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">hyper true</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">hyper false</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7251--><p class="noindent" >
+This will do &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">hyper true</span>&#x27E9; if the hyperlinks are on for the current reference, otherwise it will
+do &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">hyper false</span>&#x27E9;. The hyperlink may be off even if it wasn&#8217;t explicitly switched off
+with the <span
+ id="dx1-57023"></a> key or the use of a starred command. It may be off because the
+ id="dx1-57024"></a> package hasn&#8217;t been loaded or because <span
+ id="dx1-57025"></a> has been used or
+because the entry is in a glossary type that&#8217;s had the hyperlinks switched off (using
+ id="dx1-57026"></a>) or because it&#8217;s the <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;and the hyperlinks have been suppressed on first
+</p><!--l. 7262--><p class="indent" > Note that <span
+ id="dx1-57027"></a> is now deprecated. If you want to know if the command used to
+reference this entry was used with the star or plus variant, you can use:
+</p><!--l. 7265--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57028"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7267--><p class="noindent" >
+This will do &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">unmodified</span>&#x27E9; if the unmodified version was used, or will do &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">star</span>&#x27E9; if the starred
+version was used, or will do &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">plus</span>&#x27E9; if the plus version was used. Note that this doesn&#8217;t
+take into account if the <span
+ id="dx1-57029"></a> key was used to override the default setting, so this
+command shouldn&#8217;t be used to guess whether or not the hyperlink is on for this
+</p><!--l. 7276--><p class="indent" > Note that you can also use commands such as <span
+ id="dx1-57030"></a> within the definition of
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfmt </span>(see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>14 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsunset">Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsunset --></a>).
+</p><!--l. 7279--><p class="indent" > The commands <span
+ id="dx1-57031"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57032"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57033"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57034"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57035"></a> and
+ id="dx1-57036"></a> are typically updated at the start of the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;and <a
+so they can usually be accessed in the hook user commands, such as <span
+ id="dx1-57037"></a> and
+ id="dx1-57038"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 7285--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> This means that using commands like <span
+ id="dx1-57039"></a> within the fields that are accessed using the
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;or <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands (such as the <span
+ id="dx1-57040"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57041"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57042"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-57043"></a> keys) will cause a
+problem. The entry formatting performed by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfmt </span>and related commands isn&#8217;t
+scoped (otherwise if would cause problems for <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspostlinkhook </span>which may need to look
+ahead as well as look behind). This means that any nested commands will, at the very least,
+change the label stored in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslabel</span>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 7295--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7297--><p class="indent" > If you only want to make minor modifications to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfmt</span>, you can use
+</p><!--l. 7299--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57044"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgenentryfmt </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7301--><p class="noindent" >
+This uses the above commands to display just the <span
+ id="dx1-57045"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57046"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57047"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-57048"></a> keys (or the
+custom text) with the insert text appended.
+</p><!--l. 7306--><p class="indent" > Alternatively, if want to change the entry format for abbreviations (defined via
+ id="dx1-57049"></a>) you can use:
+</p><!--l. 7308--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57050"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgenacfmt </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7310--><p class="noindent" >
+This uses the values from the <span
+ id="dx1-57051"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57052"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57053"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-57054"></a> keys, rather than
+using the <span
+ id="dx1-57055"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57056"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-57057"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-57058"></a> keys. The first use singular text is obtained
+</p><!--l. 7315--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57059"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7317--><p class="noindent" >
+instead of from the <span
+ id="dx1-57060"></a> key, and the first use plural text is obtained via:
+</p><!--l. 7320--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57061"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7322--><p class="noindent" >
+instead of from the <span
+ id="dx1-57062"></a> key. In both cases, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the entry&#8217;s label and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">insert</span>&#x27E9; is the
+insert text provided in the final optional argument of commands like <span
+ id="dx1-57063"></a>. The default
+behaviour is to do the long form (or plural long form) followed by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">insert</span>&#x27E9; and a&#x00A0;space
+and the short form (or plural short form) in parentheses, where the short form
+is in the argument of <span
+ id="dx1-57064"></a>. There are also first letter upper case
+</p><!--l. 7331--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57065"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7333--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7335--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57066"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7337--><p class="noindent" >
+By default these perform a protected expansion on their no-case-change equivalents and then
+use <span
+ id="dx1-57067"></a> to convert the first character to upper case. If there are issues
+caused by this expansion, you will need to redefine those commands to explicitly
+use commands like <span
+ id="dx1-57068"></a> (which is what the predefined acronym styles,
+such as <span
+ id="dx1-57069"></a>, do). Otherwise, you only need to redefine <span
+ id="dx1-57070"></a>
+and <span
+ id="dx1-57071"></a> to change the behaviour of <span
+ id="dx1-57072"></a>. See <a
+href="#sec:acronyms">Acronyms and Other Abbreviations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:acronyms --></a> for further details on changing the style of
+</p><!--l. 7349--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfmt </span>(or the formatting given by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\defglsentryfmt</span>) is not used by
+the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands. </div>
+</p><!--l. 7352--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7354--><p class="indent" > As from version 4.16, both the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;and <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands use
+</p><!--l. 7356--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57073"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslinkpostsetkeys </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7358--><p class="noindent" >
+after the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">options</span>&#x27E9; are set. This macro does nothing by default but can be redefined. (For
+example, to switch off the hyperlink under certain conditions.) This version also
+</p><!--l. 7362--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-57074"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspostlinkhook </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7364--><p class="noindent" >
+which is done after the link text has been displayed and also <span
+class="cmti-10">after </span>the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>&#x00A0;has been
+unset (see example&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-72077r25">25<!--tex4ht:ref: ex:dotabbr --></a>).
+ id="x1-57075r8"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7369--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 8</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Custom Entry Display in Text)</span><a
+ id="x1-57076"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7370--><p class="indent" > Suppose you want a glossary of measurements and units, you can use the <span
+ id="dx1-57077"></a> key to
+store the unit:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-232">
+&#x00A0;<br />description={The&#x00A0;length&#x00A0;between&#x00A0;two&#x00A0;points},
+&#x00A0;<br />symbol={km}}
+<!--l. 7376--><p class="nopar" > and now suppose you want <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{distance}</span></span></span> to produce &#8220;distance (km)&#8221; on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>, then
+you can redefine <span
+ id="dx1-57078"></a> as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-233">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsgenentryfmt
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsused{\glslabel}{}{\space&#x00A0;(\glsentrysymbol{\glslabel})}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 7385--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 7387--><p class="indent" > (Note that I&#8217;ve used <span
+ id="dx1-57079"></a> rather than <span
+ id="dx1-57080"></a> to avoid nested
+</p><!--l. 7390--><p class="indent" > Note also that all of the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-57081"></a></a> will be formatted according to <span
+ id="dx1-57082"></a>
+(described earlier). So if you do, say:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-234">
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\glsentryfmt}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsgenentryfmt
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsused{\glslabel}{}{\space(\glsentrysymbol{\glslabel})}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 7398--><p class="nopar" > then <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{distance}</span></span></span> will produce &#8220;<span
+class="cmbx-10">distance (km)</span>&#8221;.
+</p><!--l. 7401--><p class="indent" > For a complete document, see the sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-entryfmt.tex</span></a>. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 7402--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7402--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+ id="x1-57083r9"></a>
+<!--l. 7404--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 9</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Custom Format for Particular Glossary)</span><a
+ id="x1-57084"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7405--><p class="indent" > Suppose you have created a new glossary called <span
+class="cmtt-10">notation </span>and you want to change
+the way the entry is displayed on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;so that it includes the symbol, you can
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-235">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\ifglsused{\glslabel}{}{\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(denoted&#x00A0;\glsentrysymbol{\glslabel})}}
+<!--l. 7412--><p class="nopar" > Now suppose you have defined an entry as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-236">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name=set,
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={A&#x00A0;collection&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;objects},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;symbol={$S$}
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 7420--><p class="nopar" > The <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first time</a> you reference this entry it will be displayed as: &#8220;set (denoted <span
+class="cmmi-10">S</span>)&#8221; (assuming
+ id="dx1-57085"></a> was used).
+</p><!--l. 7424--><p class="indent" > Alternatively, if you expect all the symbols to be set in math mode, you can
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-237">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\ifglsused{\glslabel}{}{\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(denoted&#x00A0;$\glsentrysymbol{\glslabel}$)}}
+<!--l. 7430--><p class="nopar" > and define entries like this:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-238">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name=set,
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={A&#x00A0;collection&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;objects},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;symbol={S}
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 7438--><p class="nopar" > </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 7439--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7439--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 7441--><p class="indent" > Remember that if you use the <span
+ id="dx1-57086"></a> key, you need to use a glossary style that displays
+the symbol, as many of the styles ignore it.
+</p><!--l. 7445--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 7445--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">6.4 </span> <a
+ id="sec:disablehyperlinks"></a>Enabling and disabling hyperlinks to glossary entries</h3>
+<!--l. 7448--><p class="noindent" >If you load the <span
+ id="dx1-58001"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-58002"></a> packages prior to loading the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package, the
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;and <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands will automatically have hyperlinks to the relevant
+glossary entry, unless the <span
+ id="dx1-58003"></a> option has been switched off (either explicitly or through
+implicit means, such as via the <span
+ id="dx1-58004"></a> package option).
+</p><!--l. 7455--><p class="indent" > You can disable or enable links using:
+</p><!--l. 7456--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-58005"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdisablehyper </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7458--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7460--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-58006"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsenablehyper </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7462--><p class="noindent" >
+respectively. The effect can be localised by placing the commands within a group. Note that
+you should only use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsenablehyper </span>if the commands <span
+ id="dx1-58007"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-58008"></a> have
+been defined (for example, by the <span
+ id="dx1-58009"></a> package).
+</p><!--l. 7468--><p class="indent" > You can disable just the <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a> links using the package option <span
+ id="dx1-58010"></a>. Note
+that this option only affects the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands that recognise the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use
+ id="x1-58011r10"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7472--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 10</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(First Use With Hyperlinked Footnote Description)</span><a
+ id="x1-58012"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7473--><p class="indent" > Suppose I want the first use to have a hyperlink to the description in a footnote instead of
+hyperlinking to the relevant place in the glossary. First I need to disable the hyperlinks on
+first use via the package option <span
+ id="dx1-58013"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-239">
+<!--l. 7479--><p class="nopar" > Now I need to redefine <span
+ id="dx1-58014"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsdisplay">Changing the format of the link
+text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsdisplay --></a>):
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-240">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsgenentryfmt
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglsused{\glslabel}{}{\footnote{\glsentrydesc{\glslabel}}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 7487--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 7489--><p class="indent" > Now the first use won&#8217;t have hyperlinked text, but will be followed by a footnote. See the
+sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-FnDesc.tex</span></a> for a complete document. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 7492--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7492--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 7494--><p class="indent" > Note that the <span
+ id="dx1-58015"></a> option applies to all defined glossaries. It may be that you only
+want to disable the hyperlinks on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a> for glossaries that have a different form on first use.
+This can be achieved by noting that since the entries that require hyperlinking for all
+instances have identical first and subsequent text, they can be unset via <span
+ id="dx1-58016"></a> (see
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>14 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsunset">Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsunset --></a>) so that the <span
+ id="dx1-58017"></a> option doesn&#8217;t get
+ id="x1-58018r11"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7504--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 11</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Suppressing Hyperlinks on First Use Just For</span>
+ id="x1-58019"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7505--><p class="indent" > Suppose I want to suppress the hyperlink on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a> for acronyms but not for entries in
+the main glossary. I&#x00A0;can load the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package using:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-241">
+<!--l. 7510--><p class="nopar" > Once all glossary entries have been defined I&#x00A0;then do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-242">
+<!--l. 7514--><p class="nopar" >
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 7516--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7516--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 7518--><p class="indent" > For more complex requirements, you might find it easier to switch off all hyperlinks via
+ id="dx1-58020"></a> and put the hyperlinks (where required) within the definition of
+ id="dx1-58021"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsdisplay">Changing the format of the link text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsdisplay --></a>) via <span
+ id="dx1-58022"></a> (see <a
+href="#sec:glsnolink">Using Glossary Terms Without Links<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsnolink --></a>).
+ id="x1-58023r12"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7525--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 12</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Only Hyperlink in Text Mode Not Math Mode)</span><a
+ id="x1-58024"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7526--><p class="indent" > This is a bit of a contrived example, but suppose, for some reason, I only want the
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands to have hyperlinks when used in text mode, but not in math mode.
+I&#x00A0;can do this by adding the glossary to the list of nohypertypes and redefining
+ id="dx1-58025"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-243">
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\glsentryfmt}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifmmode
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsgenentryfmt
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\else
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsifhyperon
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\glsgenentryfmt}%&#x00A0;hyperlink&#x00A0;already&#x00A0;on
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\glshyperlink[\glsgenentryfmt]{\glslabel}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\fi
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 7543--><p class="nopar" > Note that this doesn&#8217;t affect the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands, which will have the hyperlinks off
+unless they&#8217;re forced on using the plus variant.
+</p><!--l. 7548--><p class="indent" > See the sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-nomathhyper.tex</span></a> for a complete document. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 7550--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7550--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+ id="x1-58026r13"></a>
+<!--l. 7552--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 13</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(One Hyper Link Per Entry Per Chapter)</span><a
+ id="x1-58027"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7553--><p class="indent" > Here&#8217;s a more complicated example that will only have the hyperlink on the first time an
+entry is used per chapter. This doesn&#8217;t involve resetting the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>. Instead it adds
+a&#x00A0;new key using <span
+ id="dx1-58028"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.3.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsaddstoragekey">Storage Keys<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsaddstoragekey --></a>) that keeps track of the
+chapter number that the entry was last used in:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-244">
+<!--l. 7560--><p class="nopar" > This creates a new user command called <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glschapnum </span>that&#8217;s analogous to <span
+The default value for this key is&#x00A0;0. I&#x00A0;then define my glossary entries as usual.
+</p><!--l. 7565--><p class="indent" > Next I redefine the hook <span
+ id="dx1-58029"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsdisplay">Changing the format of the link
+text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsdisplay --></a>) so that it determines the current chapter number (which is stored in <span
+using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\edef</span>). This value is then compared with the value of the entry&#8217;s <span
+class="cmtt-10">chapter </span>key that I
+defined earlier. If they&#8217;re the same, this entry has already been used in this chapter so the
+hyperlink is switched off using <span
+ id="dx1-58030"></a>&#8217;s <span
+class="cmtt-10">\setkeys </span>command. If the chapter number isn&#8217;t the
+same, then this entry hasn&#8217;t been used in the current chapter. The <span
+class="cmtt-10">chapter </span>field is
+updated using <span
+ id="dx1-58031"></a> (<a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>16.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:fetchset">Fetching and Updating the Value of a Field<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:fetchset --></a>)
+provided the user hasn&#8217;t switched off the hyperlink. (This test is performed using
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-245">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\edef\currentchap{\arabic{chapter}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\ifnum\currentchap=\glschapnum{\glslabel}\relax
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\setkeys{glslink}{hyper=false}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\else
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsifhyperon{\glsfieldxdef{\glslabel}{chapter}{\currentchap}}{}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\fi
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 7586--><p class="nopar" > Note that this will be confused if you use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls </span>etc when the chapter counter is&#x00A0;0. (That is,
+before the first <span
+</p><!--l. 7590--><p class="indent" > See the sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-chap-hyperfirst.tex</span></a> for a complete document.
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 7592--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7592--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 7594--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 7594--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">7. <a
+ id="sec:glsadd"></a>Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text</h2>
+</p><!--l. 7597--><p class="indent" > It is possible to add a line to the glossary file without generating any text at that point in
+the document using:
+</p><!--l. 7599--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-59001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7601--><p class="noindent" >
+This is similar to the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands, only it doesn&#8217;t produce any text (so
+therefore, there is no <span
+ id="dx1-59002"></a> key available in &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">options</span>&#x27E9; but all the other options that can be
+used with <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands can be passed to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd</span>). For example, to
+add a page range to the glossary number list for the entry whose label is given by
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-246">
+&#x00A0;<br />Lots&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;text&#x00A0;about&#x00A0;sets&#x00A0;spanning&#x00A0;many&#x00A0;pages.
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsadd[format=)]{set}
+<!--l. 7612--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 7614--><p class="indent" > To add all entries that have been defined, use:
+</p><!--l. 7615--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-59003"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7617--><p class="noindent" >
+The optional argument is the same as for <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd</span>, except there is also a key <span
+ id="dx1-59004"></a> which can
+be used to specify which glossaries to use. This should be a comma separated list. For
+example, if you only want to add all the entries belonging to the list of acronyms (specified by
+the glossary type <span
+ id="dx1-59005"></a>) and a list of notation (specified by the glossary type
+class="cmtt-10">notation</span>) then you can do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-247">
+<!--l. 7628--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 7630--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddall </span>add the current location to the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-59006"></a></a>. In the
+case of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddall</span>, all entries in the glossary will have the same location in the number list.
+If you want to use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddall</span>, it&#8217;s best to suppress the number list with the <span
+ id="dx1-59007"></a>
+package option. (See sections&#x00A0;<a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-printglos">2.3<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-printglos --></a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#sec:numberlists">5<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:numberlists --></a>.) </div>
+</p><!--l. 7637--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7639--><p class="indent" > There is now a variation of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddall </span>that skips any entries that have already been
+</p><!--l. 7641--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-59008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7643--><p class="noindent" >
+This command uses <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd[format=@gobble] </span>which will ignore this location in the number
+list. The optional argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">list</span>&#x27E9; is a comma-separated list of glossary types. If omitted, it
+defaults to the list of all defined glossaries.
+</p><!--l. 7649--><p class="indent" > If you want to use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddallunused</span>, it&#8217;s best to place the command at the end of the
+document to ensure that all the commands you intend to use have already been
+used. Otherwise you could end up with a spurious comma or dash in the location
+ id="x1-59009r14"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7654--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 14</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Dual Entries)</span><a
+ id="x1-59010"></a>
+</p><!--l. 7655--><p class="indent" > The example file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-dual.tex</span></a> makes use of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd </span>to allow for an entry that
+should appear both in the main glossary and in the list of acronyms. This example sets up the
+list of acronyms using the <span
+ id="dx1-59011"></a> package option:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-248">
+<!--l. 7661--><p class="nopar" > A new command is then defined to make it easier to define dual entries:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-249">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\newglossaryentry{main-#2}{name={#4},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;text={#3\glsadd{#2}},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={#5},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;#1
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\newacronym{#2}{#3\glsadd{main-#2}}{#4}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 7673--><p class="nopar" > This has the following syntax: </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+ id="dx1-59012"></a><span
+</div> You can then define a new dual entry:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-250">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{SVM}%&#x00A0;abbreviation
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{support&#x00A0;vector&#x00A0;machine}%&#x00A0;long&#x00A0;form
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{Statistical&#x00A0;pattern&#x00A0;recognition&#x00A0;technique}%&#x00A0;description
+<!--l. 7684--><p class="nopar" > Now you can reference the acronym with <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{svm}</span></span></span> or you can reference the entry in the
+main glossary with <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{main-svm}</span></span></span>. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 7687--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7687--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 7689--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 7689--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">8. <a
+ id="sec:crossref"></a>Cross-Referencing Entries</h2>
+</p><!--l. 7692--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> You must use <span
+ id="dx1-60001"></a> (Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>) or <span
+ id="dx1-60002"></a>
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>) <span
+class="cmti-10">before </span>defining any terms that cross-reference entries. If any of the terms that
+you have cross-referenced don&#8217;t appear in the glossary, check that you have put
+class="cmtt-10">\makenoidxglossaries </span>before all entry definitions. The <a
+package provides better cross-reference handling. </div>
+</p><!--l. 7700--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7702--><p class="indent" > There are several ways of cross-referencing entries in the glossary:
+ </p><ol class="enumerate1" >
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-60004x1">You can use commands such as <span
+ id="dx1-60005"></a> in the entries description. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-251">
+ \newglossaryentry{apple}{name=apple,
+ &#x00A0;<br />description={firm,&#x00A0;round&#x00A0;fruit.&#x00A0;See&#x00A0;also&#x00A0;\gls{pear}}}
+ <!--l. 7711--><p class="nopar" > Note that with this method, if you don&#8217;t use the cross-referenced term in the main part
+ of the document, you will need two runs of <a
+ id="dx1-60006"></a></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-252">
+ latex&#x00A0;filename
+ &#x00A0;<br />makeglossaries&#x00A0;filename
+ &#x00A0;<br />latex&#x00A0;filename
+ &#x00A0;<br />makeglossaries&#x00A0;filename
+ &#x00A0;<br />latex&#x00A0;filename
+ <!--l. 7721--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-60008x2">As described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglosentry">Defining Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglosentry --></a>, you can use the <span
+ id="dx1-60009"></a> key when you define
+ the entry. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-253">
+ \newglossaryentry{MaclaurinSeries}{name={Maclaurin
+ &#x00A0;<br />series},
+ &#x00A0;<br />description={Series&#x00A0;expansion},
+ &#x00A0;<br />see={TaylorsTheorem}}
+ <!--l. 7730--><p class="nopar" > Note that in this case, the entry with the <span
+ id="dx1-60010"></a> key will automatically be added to the
+ glossary, but the cross-referenced entry won&#8217;t. You therefore need to ensure that you
+ use the cross-referenced term with the commands described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6 </a><a
+href="#sec:glslink">Links to
+ Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glslink --></a> or <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>7 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsadd">Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating
+ Text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsadd --></a>.
+ </p><!--l. 7737--><p class="noindent" >The &#8220;see&#8221; tag is produce using <span
+ id="dx1-60011"></a>, but can be overridden in specific instances
+ using square brackets at the start of the <span
+ id="dx1-60012"></a> value. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-254">
+ \newglossaryentry{MaclaurinSeries}{name={Maclaurin
+ &#x00A0;<br />series},
+ &#x00A0;<br />description={Series&#x00A0;expansion},
+ &#x00A0;<br />see=[see&#x00A0;also]{TaylorsTheorem}}
+ <!--l. 7745--><p class="nopar" > Take care if you want to use the optional argument of commands such as <span
+ id="dx1-60013"></a>
+ or <span
+ id="dx1-60014"></a> as the value will need to be grouped. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-255">
+ \newterm{seal}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\newterm[see={[see&#x00A0;also]seal}]{sea&#x00A0;lion}
+ <!--l. 7752--><p class="nopar" > Similarly if the value contains a list. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-256">
+ \glossaryentry{lemon}{
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={lemon},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={Yellow&#x00A0;citrus&#x00A0;fruit}
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\glossaryentry{lime}
+ &#x00A0;<br />{
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={lime},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={Green&#x00A0;citrus&#x00A0;fruit}
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\glossaryentry{citrus}
+ &#x00A0;<br />{
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;name={citrus},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={Plant&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;Rutaceae&#x00A0;family},
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;see={lemon,lime}
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 7770--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li
+ class="enumerate" id="x1-60016x3">After you have defined the entry, use
+ <!--l. 7773--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-60017"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">xr label list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 7775--><p class="noindent" >
+ where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">xr label list</span>&#x27E9; is a comma-separated list of entry labels to be cross-referenced, &#x27E8;<span
+ is the label of the entry doing the cross-referencing and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">tag</span>&#x27E9; is the &#8220;see&#8221; tag. (The
+ default value of &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">tag</span>&#x27E9; is <span
+ id="dx1-60018"></a>.) For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-257">
+ \glssee[see&#x00A0;also]{series}{FourierSeries,TaylorsTheorem}
+ <!--l. 7783--><p class="nopar" > Note that this automatically adds the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; to the glossary
+ but doesn&#8217;t add the cross-referenced entries (specified by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">xr label list</span>&#x27E9;) to the
+ glossary.</p></li></ol>
+<!--l. 7789--><p class="indent" > In both cases&#x00A0;2 and 3 above, the cross-referenced information appears in the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-60019"></a></a>,
+whereas in case&#x00A0;1, the cross-referenced information appears in the description. (See the
+class="cmtt-10">sample-crossref.tex</span></a> example file that comes with this package.) This means that in
+cases&#x00A0;2 and&#x00A0;3, the cross-referencing information won&#8217;t appear if you have suppressed the
+number list<a
+ id="dx1-60020"></a>. In this case, you will need to activate the number list<a
+ id="dx1-60021"></a> for the given entries using
+ id="dx1-60022"></a>. Alternatively, if you just use the <span
+ id="dx1-60023"></a> key instead of <span
+ id="dx1-60024"></a>, you
+can automatically activate the number list<a
+ id="dx1-60025"></a> using the <span
+ id="dx1-60026"></a> package
+<!--l. 7801--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">8.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:customxr"></a>Customising Cross-reference Text</h3>
+<!--l. 7804--><p class="noindent" >When you use either the <span
+ id="dx1-61001"></a> key or the command <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glssee</span>, the cross-referencing information
+will be typeset in the glossary according to:
+</p><!--l. 7807--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-61002"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7809--><p class="noindent" >
+The default definition of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsseeformat </span>is: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">} \glsseelist{</span>&#x27E8;<span
+ <br /><spacer type=vertical size=10></span>
+Note that the location is always ignored.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x8" id="fn1x8-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">8.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-61003f1"></a>
+For example, if you want the tag to appear in bold, you can
+do:<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x8" id="fn2x8-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">8.2</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-61005f2"></a>
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-258">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glsseelist{#2}}
+<!--l. 7825--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 7828--><p class="indent" > The list of labels is dealt with by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsseelist</span>, which iterates through the list and
+typesets each entry in the label. The entries are separated by
+</p><!--l. 7831--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-61008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsseesep </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7833--><p class="noindent" >
+or (for the last pair)
+</p><!--l. 7835--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-61009"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsseelastsep </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7837--><p class="noindent" >
+These default to &#8220;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">,\space</span></span></span>&#8221; and &#8220;<span
+ id="dx1-61010"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">\space</span>&#8221; respectively. The list entry text is
+displayed using:
+</p><!--l. 7841--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-61011"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7843--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to <span
+ id="dx1-61012"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x8" id="fn3x8-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">8.3</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-61013f3"></a>
+For example, to make the cross-referenced list use small caps:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-259">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\textsc{\glsentrytext{#1}}}
+<!--l. 7851--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 7853--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> You can use <span
+ id="dx1-61016"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-61017"></a> in the main body of the text, but they
+won&#8217;t automatically add the cross-referenced entries to the glossary. If you want them added
+with that location, you can do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-260">
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsseelist{FourierSeries,TaylorsTheorem}%
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsadd{FourierSeries}\glsadd{TaylorsTheorem}).
+<!--l. 7862--><p class="nopar" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 7863--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 7865--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 7865--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">9. <a
+ id="sec:glsnolink"></a>Using Glossary Terms Without Links</h2>
+</p><!--l. 7868--><p class="indent" > The commands described in this section display entry details without adding any
+information to the glossary. They don&#8217;t use <span
+ id="dx1-62001"></a>, they don&#8217;t have any optional
+arguments, they don&#8217;t affect the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>&#x00A0;and, apart from <span
+ id="dx1-62002"></a>, they don&#8217;t
+produce hyperlinks.
+</p><!--l. 7874--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Commands that aren&#8217;t expandable will be ignored by PDF bookmarks, so you will need
+to provide an alternative via <span
+ id="dx1-62003"></a>&#8217;s <span
+class="cmtt-10">\texorpdfstring </span>if you want to use them in
+sectioning commands. (This isn&#8217;t specific to the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package.) See the <span
+ id="dx1-62004"></a>
+documentation for further details. All the commands that convert the first letter to upper
+case aren&#8217;t expandable. The other commands depend on whether their corresponding keys
+were assigned non-expandable values. </div>
+</p><!--l. 7883--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7885--><p class="indent" > If you want to title case a field, you can use:
+</p><!--l. 7886--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62005"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7888--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the label identifying the glossary entry, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">field</span>&#x27E9; is the field label (see <a
+For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-261">
+<!--l. 7894--><p class="nopar" > (If you want title-casing in your glossary style, you might want to investigate the
+ id="dx1-62006"></a> package.)
+</p><!--l. 7898--><p class="indent" > Note that this command has the same limitations as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makefirstuc </span>which is used by
+commands like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Gls </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentryname </span>to upper-case the first letter (see the notes about
+class="cmtt-10">\Gls </span>in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:gls-like">The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-Like Commands (First Use Flag Queried)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:gls-like --></a>).
+</p><!--l. 7902--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7904--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7905--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7907--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the name of the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;, as specified by the
+ id="dx1-62009"></a> key. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentryname </span>makes the first letter upper case. Neither of these commands check
+for the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. The first form <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryname </span>is expandable (unless the name
+contains unexpandable commands). Note that this may be different from the values of the
+ id="dx1-62010"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-62011"></a> keys. In general it&#8217;s better to use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentrytext </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfirst </span>instead of
+</p><!--l. 7918--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> In general it&#8217;s best to avoid <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentryname </span>with abbreviations. Instead, consider using
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentrylong</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentryshort </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentryfull</span>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 7921--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7923--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62012"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7925--><p class="noindent" >
+This is like <span
+class="cmsy-10">} </span>but also checks for the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+This command is not expandable. It&#8217;s used in the predefined glossary styles, so if you want to
+change the way the name is formatted in the glossary, you can redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnamefont </span>to use
+the required fonts. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-262">
+<!--l. 7934--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 7935--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62013"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7937--><p class="noindent" >
+This is like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossentryname </span>but makes the first letter of the name upper case.
+</p><!--l. 7941--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62014"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7943--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7944--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62015"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7946--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the subsequent use text for the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;, as
+specified by the <span
+ id="dx1-62016"></a> key. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentrytext </span>makes the first letter upper case. The first form is
+expandable (unless the text contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not
+expandable. Neither checks for the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 7954--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62017"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7956--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7957--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62018"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7959--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the subsequent use plural text for the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+as specified by the <span
+ id="dx1-62019"></a> key. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentryplural </span>makes the first letter upper case.
+The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable
+commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of
+</p><!--l. 7968--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62020"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7970--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7971--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62021"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7973--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the <a
+href="#glo:firstusetext">first use text</a>&#x00A0;for the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+as specified by the <span
+ id="dx1-62022"></a> key. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentryfirst </span>makes the first letter upper case.
+The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable
+commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of
+</p><!--l. 7981--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62023"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7983--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7984--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62024"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7986--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the plural form of the <a
+href="#glo:firstusetext">first use text</a>&#x00A0;for the glossary entry given by
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;, as specified by the <span
+ id="dx1-62025"></a> key. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentryfirstplural </span>makes the first letter upper
+case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key contains unexpandable
+commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for the existence of
+</p><!--l. 7995--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62026"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 7997--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 7998--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62027"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8000--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the description for the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. <span
+makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key
+contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for
+the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 8007--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62028"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8009--><p class="noindent" >
+This is like <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>but also checks for the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. This
+command is not expandable. It&#8217;s used in the predefined glossary styles to display the
+</p><!--l. 8014--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62029"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8016--><p class="noindent" >
+This is like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossentrydesc </span>but converts the first letter to upper case. This command is not
+</p><!--l. 8020--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62030"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8022--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8023--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62031"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8025--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the plural description for the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentrydescplural </span>makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless
+the value of that key contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable.
+Neither checks for the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 8034--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62032"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8036--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8037--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62033"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8039--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the symbol for the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. <span
+makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable (unless the value of that key
+contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not expandable. Neither checks for
+the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 8047--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62034"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8049--><p class="noindent" >
+This command doesn&#8217;t display anything. It merely fetches the value associated with the given
+field (where the available field names are listed in <a
+href="#tab:fieldmap">table&#x00A0;4.1</a>) and stores the result in the
+control sequence &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">cs</span>&#x27E9;. For example, to store the description for the entry whose label is &#8220;apple&#8221;
+in the control sequence <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-263">
+<!--l. 8058--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 8060--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62035"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8062--><p class="noindent" >
+This is like <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>but also checks for the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. This command
+is not expandable. It&#8217;s used in some of the predefined glossary styles to display the
+</p><!--l. 8067--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62036"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8069--><p class="noindent" >
+This is like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossentrysymbol </span>but converts the first letter to upper case. This command is
+not expandable.
+</p><!--l. 8073--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62037"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8075--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8076--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62038"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8078--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the plural symbol for the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glsentrysymbolplural </span>makes the first letter upper case. The first form is expandable
+(unless the value of that key contains unexpandable commands). The second form is not
+expandable. Neither checks for the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 8086--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62039"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8088--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8089--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62040"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8091--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8092--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62041"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8094--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8095--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62042"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8097--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8098--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62043"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8100--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8101--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62044"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8103--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8104--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62045"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8106--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8107--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62046"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8109--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8110--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62047"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8112--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8113--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62048"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8115--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8116--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62049"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8118--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8119--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62050"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8121--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands display the value of the user keys for the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. The
+lower case forms are expandable (unless the value of the key contains unexpandable
+commands). The commands beginning with an upper case letter convert the first letter of the
+required value to upper case and are not expandable. None of these commands check for the
+existence of &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 8130--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62051"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">link text</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8132--><p class="noindent" >
+This command provides a hyperlink to the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; <span
+class="cmbx-10">but does not add</span>
+class="cmbx-10">any information to the glossary file</span>. The link text is given by <span
+ id="dx1-62052"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>by
+default<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x9" id="fn1x9-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">9.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-62053f1"></a>,
+but can be overridden using the optional argument. Note that the hyperlink will be
+suppressed if you have used <span
+ id="dx1-62057"></a> or if you haven&#8217;t loaded the <span
+ id="dx1-62058"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8143--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glshyperlink</span>, you need to ensure that the relevant entry has been added to
+the glossary using any of the commands described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6 </a><a
+href="#sec:glslink">Links to Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glslink --></a> or <a
+href="#sec:glsadd">Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsadd --></a> otherwise you will end up with an
+undefined link. </div>
+</p><!--l. 8148--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8150--><p class="indent" > The next two commands are only available with <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> or with the <span
+ id="dx1-62059"></a>
+package option:
+</p><!--l. 8152--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62060"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8154--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8155--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62061"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8157--><p class="noindent" >
+Both display the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-62062"></a></a> for the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. When used with <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a> a&#x00A0;rerun
+is required to ensure this list is up-to-date, when used with Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> a run of
+ id="dx1-62063"></a></a> (or <a
+ id="dx1-62064"></a></a>/<a
+ id="dx1-62065"></a></a>) followed by one or two runs of <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+</p><!--l. 8164--><p class="indent" > The first command, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentrynumberlist</span>, simply displays the number list as is. The
+second command, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdisplaynumberlist</span>, formats the list using:
+</p><!--l. 8167--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62066"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnumlistsep </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8169--><p class="noindent" >
+as the separator between all but the last two elements and
+</p><!--l. 8171--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-62067"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnumlistlastsep </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8173--><p class="noindent" >
+between the final two elements. The defaults are <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">,&#x2423;</span></span></span> and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x2423;\&amp;&#x2423;</span></span></span>, respectively.
+</p><!--l. 8177--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdisplaynumberlist </span>is fairly experimental. It works with <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, but for
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> it only works when the default counter format is used (that is, when the
+ id="dx1-62068"></a> key is set to <span
+class="cmtt-10">glsnumberformat</span>). This command will only work with <span
+ id="dx1-62069"></a> if you
+choose <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>. If you try using this command with Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> or&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a> and <span
+ id="dx1-62070"></a>,
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentrynumberlist </span>will be used instead. </div>
+</p><!--l. 8185--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8187--><p class="indent" > For further information see &#8220;Displaying entry details without adding information to the
+glossary&#8221; in the documented code (<span
+<!--l. 8191--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 8191--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">10. <a
+ id="sec:printglossary"></a>Displaying a glossary</h2>
+</p><!--l. 8194--><p class="indent" > All defined glossaries may be displayed using:
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">:</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 8197--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-63001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printnoidxglossaries </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 8199--><p class="noindent" >
+ (Must be used with <span
+ id="dx1-63002"></a> in the preamble.)
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">2</span></a> <span
+class="cmbx-10">:</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 8203--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-63003"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printglossaries </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 8205--><p class="noindent" >
+ (Must be used with <span
+ id="dx1-63004"></a> in the preamble.)</p></dd></dl>
+<!--l. 8209--><p class="indent" > These commands will display all the glossaries in the order in which they were defined.
+Note that, in the case of Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>, no glossaries will appear until you have either used
+the Perl script <a
+ id="dx1-63005"></a></a> or Lua script <a
+ id="dx1-63006"></a></a> or have directly used
+ id="dx1-63007"></a></a> or <a
+ id="dx1-63008"></a></a> (as described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.5 </a><a
+href="#sec:makeglossaries">Generating the Associated Glossary Files<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:makeglossaries --></a>).
+(While the external files are missing, these commands will just do <span
+class="cmtt-10">\null </span>for each
+missing glossary to assist dictionary style documents that just use <span
+without inserting any text. If you use <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a>, it will insert a heading and
+boilerplate text when the external files are missing. The extension package also provides
+class="cmtt-10">\printunsrtglossaries </span>as an alternative. See the <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> manual for further
+</p><!--l. 8223--><p class="indent" > If the glossary still does not appear after you re-<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;your document, check the
+ id="dx1-63009"></a>/<span
+ id="dx1-63010"></a> log files to see if there is a problem. With <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, you just need two
+<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;runs to make the glossaries appear, but you may need further runs to make the
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-63011"></a>s</a> up-to-date.
+</p><!--l. 8229--><p class="indent" > An individual glossary can be displayed using:
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">:</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 8232--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-63012"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 8234--><p class="noindent" >
+ (Must be used with <span
+ id="dx1-63013"></a> in the preamble.)
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">2</span></a> <span
+class="cmbx-10">:</span> </dt><dd
+ <!--l. 8238--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-63014"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 8240--><p class="noindent" >
+ (Must be used with <span
+ id="dx1-63015"></a> in the preamble.)</p></dd></dl>
+<!--l. 8243--><p class="noindent" >where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">options</span>&#x27E9; is a &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; list of options. (Again, when the associated external file is missing,
+class="cmtt-10">\null </span>is inserted into the document.)
+</p><!--l. 8247--><p class="indent" > The following keys are available:
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63016"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The value of this key specifies which glossary to print. If omitted, the default glossary is
+ assumed. For example, to print the list of acronyms:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-264">
+ \printglossary[type=\acronymtype]
+ <!--l. 8254--><p class="nopar" > Note that you can&#8217;t display an ignored glossary, so don&#8217;t try setting <span
+ id="dx1-63017"></a> to the name of
+ a glossary that was defined using <span
+ id="dx1-63018"></a>, described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>12 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglossary">Defining New
+ Glossaries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglossary --></a>. (You can display an ignored glossary with <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printunsrtglossary </span>provided
+ by <a
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63019"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is the glossary&#8217;s title (overriding the title specified when the glossary was
+ defined).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63020"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is the title to use for the table of contents (if the <span
+ id="dx1-63021"></a> package option has been
+ used). It may also be used for the page header, depending on the page style. If omitted,
+ the value of <span
+ id="dx1-63022"></a> is used.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63023"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This specifies which glossary style to use for this glossary, overriding the effect of the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63024"></a> package option or <span
+ id="dx1-63025"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63026"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This specifies whether to use a numbered section for this glossary,
+ overriding the effect of the <span
+ id="dx1-63027"></a> package option. This key has the same
+ syntax as the <span
+ id="dx1-63028"></a> package option, described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-sec">Sectioning, Headings
+ and TOC Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-sec --></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63029"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean key. If true (<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">nonumberlist=true</span></span></span>) the numberlist is
+ suppressed for this glossary. If false (<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">nonumberlist=false</span></span></span>) the numberlist is displayed
+ for this glossary.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63030"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean key. If true the vertical gap between groups is suppressed for
+ this glossary.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63031"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean key. If true the full stop after the description is suppressed for
+ this glossary.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63032"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean key. Behaves similar to the package option of the same name.
+ The corresponding package option must be used to make <span
+ id="dx1-63033"></a> work
+ correctly.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63034"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a boolean key. Behaves similar to the package option of the same
+ name. If you want to set both <span
+ id="dx1-63035"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-63036"></a>, make sure you specify
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63037"></a> first. The corresponding package option must be used to make
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63038"></a> work correctly.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-63039"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This key is only available for <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>. Possible values are: <span
+class="cmtt-10">word </span>(word order), <span
+ (letter order), <span
+class="cmtt-10">standard </span>(word or letter ordering taken from the <span
+ id="dx1-63040"></a> package option),
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">use </span>(order of use), <span
+class="cmtt-10">def </span>(order of definition) <span
+class="cmtt-10">nocase </span>(case-insensitive) or <span
+ (case-sensitive). Note that the word and letter comparisons (that is, everything other
+ than <span
+class="cmtt-10">sort=use </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">sort=def</span>) just use a simple character code comparison. For a
+ locale-sensitive sort, you must use either <a
+ id="dx1-63041"></a></a> (<a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>) or <a
+ id="dx1-63042"></a></a> (<a
+ Note that <a
+ id="dx1-63043"></a></a> provides many other sort options.
+ <!--l. 8318--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you use the <span
+class="cmtt-10">use </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">def </span>values make sure that you select a glossary style that doesn&#8217;t
+ have a visual indicator between groups, as the grouping no longer makes sense. Consider
+ using the <span
+ id="dx1-63044"></a> option. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 8323--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 8326--><p class="noindent" >The
+ word
+ and
+ letter
+ order
+ sort
+ methods
+ use
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63045"></a>&#8217;s
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63046"></a>
+ and
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63047"></a>
+ handlers.
+ The
+ case-insensitive
+ sort
+ method
+ uses
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63048"></a>&#8217;s
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63049"></a>
+ handler.
+ The
+ case-sensitive
+ sort
+ method
+ uses
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63050"></a>&#8217;s
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63051"></a>
+ handler.
+ See
+ the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-63052"></a>
+ documentation
+ for
+ further
+ details.
+ </p><!--l. 8335--><p class="noindent" >If you don&#8217;t get an error with <span
+class="cmtt-10">sort=use </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">sort=def </span>but you do get an error with one
+ of the other sort options, then you probably need to use the <span
+ id="dx1-63053"></a> package
+ option or make sure none of the entries have fragile commands in their <span
+ id="dx1-63054"></a>
+ field.</p></dd></dl>
+<!--l. 8342--><p class="indent" > By default, the glossary is started either by <span
+ id="dx1-63055"></a> or by <span
+ id="dx1-63056"></a>, depending on
+whether or not <span
+ id="dx1-63057"></a> is defined. This can be overridden by the <span
+ id="dx1-63058"></a> package option or
+the <span
+ id="dx1-63059"></a> command. Numbered sectional units can be obtained using
+the <span
+ id="dx1-63060"></a> package option. Each glossary sets the page header via the
+</p><!--l. 8348--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-63061"></a> <span
+ id="dx1-63062"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8350--><p class="noindent" >
+If this mechanism is unsuitable for your chosen class file or page style package, you will need
+to redefine <span
+ id="dx1-63063"></a>. Further information about these options and commands is
+given in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-sec">Sectioning, Headings and TOC Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-sec --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 8356--><p class="indent" > Information can be added to the start of the glossary (after the title and before the main
+body of the glossary) by redefining
+</p><!--l. 8358--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-63064"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossarypreamble </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8360--><p class="noindent" >
+For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-265">
+&#x00A0;<br />indicate&#x00A0;primary&#x00A0;definitions.}
+<!--l. 8365--><p class="nopar" > This needs to be done before the glossary is displayed.
+</p><!--l. 8368--><p class="indent" > If you want a different preamble per glossary you can use
+</p><!--l. 8369--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-63065"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">preamble text</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8371--><p class="noindent" >
+If &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">type</span>&#x27E9; is omitted, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdefaulttype </span>is used.
+</p><!--l. 8374--><p class="indent" > For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-266">
+&#x00A0;<br />indicate&#x00A0;primary&#x00A0;definitions.}
+<!--l. 8378--><p class="nopar" > This will print the given preamble text for the main glossary, but not have any preamble text
+for any other glossaries.
+</p><!--l. 8382--><p class="indent" > There is an analogous command to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossarypreamble </span>called
+</p><!--l. 8383--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-63066"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossarypostamble </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8385--><p class="noindent" >
+which is placed at the end of each glossary.
+ id="x1-63067r15"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8388--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 15</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Switch to Two Column Mode for Glossary)</span><a
+ id="x1-63068"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8389--><p class="indent" > Suppose you are using the <span
+ id="dx1-63069"></a>
+style<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x10" id="fn1x10-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">10.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-63070f1"></a>,
+and you want the glossary to be in two columns, but after the glossary you want to switch
+back to one column mode, you could do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-267">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\twocolumn[{\chapter*{#2}}]%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\setlength\glsdescwidth{0.6\linewidth}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsglossarymark{\glossarytoctitle}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\glossarypostamble}{\onecolumn}
+<!--l. 8403--><p class="nopar" >
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 8405--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8405--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 8407--><p class="indent" > Within each glossary, each entry name is formatted according to
+</p><!--l. 8408--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-63074"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8410--><p class="noindent" >
+which takes one argument: the entry name. This command is always used regardless of the
+glossary style. By default, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnamefont </span>simply displays its argument in whatever the
+surrounding font happens to be. This means that in the list-like glossary styles (defined in
+the <span
+ id="dx1-63075"></a> style file) the name will appear in bold, since the name is placed
+in the optional argument of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\item</span>, whereas in the tabular styles (defined in the
+ id="dx1-63076"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-63077"></a> style files) the name will appear in the normal font. The
+hierarchical glossary styles (defined in the <span
+ id="dx1-63078"></a> style file) also set the name in
+</p><!--l. 8423--><p class="indent" > If you want to change the font for the description, or if you only want to change the name
+font for some types of entries but not others, you might want to consider using the
+ id="dx1-63079"></a> package.
+ id="x1-63080r16"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8429--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 16</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Changing the Font Used to Display Entry Names in the</span>
+ id="x1-63081"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8430--><p class="indent" > Suppose you want all the entry names to appear in medium weight small caps in your
+glossaries, then you can do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-268">
+<!--l. 8434--><p class="nopar" > </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 8435--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8435--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 8437--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 8437--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">11. <a
+ id="sec:xindy"></a>Xindy (Option 3)</h2>
+</p><!--l. 8440--><p class="indent" > If you want to use <a
+ id="dx1-64001"></a></a> to sort the glossary, you must use the package option
+ id="dx1-64002"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-269">
+<!--l. 8444--><p class="nopar" > This ensures that the glossary information is written in <span
+ id="dx1-64003"></a> syntax.
+</p><!--l. 8448--><p class="indent" > <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.5 </a><a
+href="#sec:makeglossaries">Generating the Associated Glossary Files<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:makeglossaries --></a> covers how to use the external <a
+application</a>, and <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:locationsyntax">Locations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:locationsyntax --></a> covers the issues involved in the location syntax. This section
+covers the commands provided by the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package that allow you to adjust the <a
+ id="dx1-64004"></a></a>
+style file (<span
+ id="dx1-64005"></a>) and parameters.
+</p><!--l. 8455--><p class="indent" > To assist writing information to the <a
+ id="dx1-64006"></a></a> style file, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package provides the
+following commands:
+</p><!--l. 8458--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-64007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsopenbrace </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8460--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8461--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-64008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsclosebrace </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8463--><p class="noindent" >
+which produce an open and closing brace. (This is needed because <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\{</span></span></span> and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\}</span></span></span> don&#8217;t expand to
+a simple brace character when written to a file.) Similarly, you can write a percent character
+</p><!--l. 8468--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-64009"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspercentchar </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8470--><p class="noindent" >
+and a tilde character using:
+</p><!--l. 8472--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-64010"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstildechar </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8474--><p class="noindent" >
+For example, a newline character is specified in a <a
+ id="dx1-64011"></a></a> style file using <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">~n</span></span></span> so you can use
+class="cmtt-10">\glstildechar n </span>to write this correctly (or you can do <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\string~n</span></span></span>). A backslash can be
+written to a file using
+</p><!--l. 8479--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-64012"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsbackslash </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8481--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8483--><p class="indent" > In addition, if you are using a package that makes the double quote character active (e.g.
+ id="dx1-64013"></a>) you can use:
+</p><!--l. 8485--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-64014"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8487--><p class="noindent" >
+which will produce <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">text</span>&#x27E9;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">"</span></span></span>. Alternatively, you can use <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\string"</span></span></span> to write the double-quote
+character. This document assumes that the double quote character has not been made active,
+so the examples just use <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">"</span></span></span> for clarity.
+</p><!--l. 8493--><p class="indent" > If you want greater control over the <a
+ id="dx1-64015"></a></a> style file than is available through the
+<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;commands provided by the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package, you will need to edit the <span
+ id="dx1-64016"></a>
+style file. In which case, you must use <span
+ id="dx1-64017"></a> to prevent the style file from being
+overwritten by the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. For additional information about <span
+ id="dx1-64018"></a>, read
+the <span
+ id="dx1-64019"></a> documentation. I&#8217;m sorry I can&#8217;t provide any assistance with writing
+ id="dx1-64020"></a> style files. If you need help, I recommend you ask on the <span
+ id="dx1-64021"></a> mailing list
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 8504--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">11.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:langenc"></a>Language and Encodings</h3>
+<!--l. 8507--><p class="noindent" >When you use <a
+ id="dx1-65001"></a></a>, you need to specify the language and encoding used (unless you
+have written your own custom <span
+ id="dx1-65002"></a> style file that defines the relevant alphabet
+and sort rules). If you use <a
+ id="dx1-65003"></a></a>, this information is obtained from the
+document&#8217;s auxiliary (<span
+ id="dx1-65004"></a>) file. The <a
+ id="dx1-65005"></a></a> script attempts to find the root
+language given your document settings, but in the event that it gets it wrong or if
+ id="dx1-65006"></a> doesn&#8217;t support that language, then you can specify the required language
+</p><!--l. 8516--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-65007"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary type</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8518--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">language</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the language. The optional argument can be used if you have
+multiple glossaries in different languages. If &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">glossary type</span>&#x27E9; is omitted, it will be applied to all
+glossaries, otherwise the language setting will only be applied to the glossary given by
+class="cmti-10">glossary type</span>&#x27E9;.
+</p><!--l. 8526--><p class="indent" > If the <span
+ id="dx1-65008"></a> package is used, the encoding will be obtained from the value of
+ id="dx1-65009"></a>. Alternatively, you can specify the encoding using:
+</p><!--l. 8529--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-65010"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8531--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">code</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the encoding. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-270">
+<!--l. 8535--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 8537--><p class="indent" > Note that you can also specify the language and encoding using the package option
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">lang</span>&#x27E9;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">code</span>&#x27E9;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span></span></span>. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-271">
+<!--l. 8543--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 8545--><p class="indent" > If you write your own custom <a
+ id="dx1-65011"></a></a> style file that includes the language settings, you need
+to set the language to nothing:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-272">
+<!--l. 8550--><p class="nopar" > (and remember to use <span
+ id="dx1-65012"></a> to prevent the style file from being overwritten).
+</p><!--l. 8554--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> The commands <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsSetXdyLanguage </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsSetXdyCodePage </span>have no effect if
+you don&#8217;t use <a
+ id="dx1-65013"></a></a>. If you call <a
+ id="dx1-65014"></a></a> without <span
+ id="dx1-65015"></a> you
+need to remember to set the language and encoding using the <span
+ id="dx1-65016"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-65017"></a> switches.
+</p><!--l. 8560--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8562--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 8562--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">11.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:xindyloc"></a>Locations and Number lists</h3>
+<!--l. 8565--><p class="noindent" >If you use <span
+ id="dx1-66001"></a>, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package needs to know which counters you will be using in the
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-66002"></a></a> in order to correctly format the <a
+ id="dx1-66003"></a></a> style file. Counters specified using the
+ id="dx1-66004"></a> package option or the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">counter</span>&#x27E9; option of <span
+ id="dx1-66005"></a> are automatically taken
+care of, but if you plan to use a different counter in the <span
+ id="dx1-66006"></a> key for commands
+like <span
+ id="dx1-66007"></a>, then you need to identify these counters <span
+class="cmti-10">before </span><span
+ id="dx1-66008"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8573--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-66009"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">counter list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8575--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">counter list</span>&#x27E9; is a comma-separated list of counter names.
+</p><!--l. 8578--><p class="indent" > The most likely attributes used in the <span
+ id="dx1-66010"></a> key (<span
+ id="dx1-66011"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-66012"></a> etc) are automatically
+added to the <a
+ id="dx1-66013"></a></a> style file, but if you want to use another attribute, you need to add it
+</p><!--l. 8582--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-66014"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8584--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the attribute, as used in the <span
+ id="dx1-66015"></a> key.
+</p><!--l. 8588--><p class="indent" > Take care if you have multiple instances of the same location with different formats. The
+duplicate locations will be discarded according to the order in which the attributes are
+listed. Consider defining semantic commands to use for primary references. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-273">
+&#x00A0;<br />\GlsAddXdyAttribute{primary}
+<!--l. 8596--><p class="nopar" > Then in the document:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-274">
+&#x00A0;<br />There&#x00A0;are&#x00A0;lots&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;different&#x00A0;types&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;\gls{duck}.
+<!--l. 8601--><p class="nopar" > This will give the <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">format=primary</span></span></span> instance preference over the next use that doesn&#8217;t use the
+ id="dx1-66016"></a> key.
+ id="x1-66017r17"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8605--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 17</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Custom Font for Displaying a Location)</span><a
+ id="x1-66018"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8606--><p class="indent" > Suppose I want a bold, italic, hyperlinked location. I first need to define a command that
+will do this:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-275">
+<!--l. 8610--><p class="nopar" > but with <a
+ id="dx1-66019"></a></a>, I also need to add this as an allowed attribute:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-276">
+<!--l. 8615--><p class="nopar" > Now I can use it in the optional argument of commands like <span
+ id="dx1-66020"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-277">
+<!--l. 8620--><p class="nopar" > (where <span
+class="cmtt-10">sample </span>is the label of the required entry). </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 8622--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8622--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 8624--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsAddXdyAttribute </span>has no effect if <span
+ id="dx1-66021"></a> is used or if <span
+ id="dx1-66022"></a> is
+omitted. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsAddXdyAttribute </span>must be used before <span
+ id="dx1-66023"></a>. Additionally,
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsAddXdyCounters </span>must come before <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsAddXdyAttribute</span>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 8630--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8632--><p class="indent" > If the location numbers include formatting commands, then you need to add a location
+style in the appropriate format using
+</p><!--l. 8634--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-66024"></a> <span
+</p><!--l. 8636--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the format and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definition</span>&#x27E9; is the <a
+ id="dx1-66025"></a></a> definition. The optional
+argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">prefix-location</span>&#x27E9; is needed if <span
+class="cmti-10">counter</span>&#x27E9; either isn&#8217;t defined or is different from
+class="cmti-10">counter</span>&#x27E9;. Be sure to also read <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:locationsyntax">Locations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:locationsyntax --></a> for some issues that you may
+</p><!--l. 8644--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsAddXdyLocation </span>has no effect if <span
+ id="dx1-66026"></a> is used or if <span
+ id="dx1-66027"></a> is
+omitted. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsAddXdyLocation </span>must be used before <span
+ id="dx1-66028"></a>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 8648--><p class="noindent" >
+ id="x1-66029r18"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8650--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 18</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Custom Numbering System for Locations)</span><a
+ id="x1-66030"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8651--><p class="indent" > Suppose I decide to use a somewhat eccentric numbering system for sections where I
+redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\thesection </span>as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-278">
+<!--l. 8655--><p class="nopar" > If I haven&#8217;t done <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">counter=section</span></span></span> in the package option, I need to specify that the counter
+will be used as a location number:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-279">
+<!--l. 8661--><p class="nopar" > Next I need to add the location style (<span
+class="cmtt-10">\thechapter </span>is assumed to be the standard
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-280">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"arabic-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 8668--><p class="nopar" > Note that if I have further decided to use the <span
+ id="dx1-66031"></a> package and want to redefine
+class="cmtt-10">\theHsection </span>as:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-281">
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\thepart}{\Roman{part}}
+<!--l. 8674--><p class="nopar" > then I need to modify the <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsAddXdyLocation </span>code above to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-282">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"arabic-numbers"&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"]"&#x00A0;"arabic-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 8680--><p class="nopar" > Since <span
+ id="dx1-66032"></a> will result in an empty string if the counter is zero, it&#8217;s a good idea to add an
+extra location to catch this:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-283">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"arabic-numbers"&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"]"&#x00A0;"arabic-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 8687--><p class="nopar" > This example is illustrated in the sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy2.tex</span></a>. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 8690--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8690--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+ id="x1-66033r19"></a>
+<!--l. 8692--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 19</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Locations as Dice)</span><a
+ id="x1-66034"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8693--><p class="indent" > Suppose I want a rather eccentric page numbering system that&#8217;s represented by the
+number of dots on dice. The <span
+ id="dx1-66035"></a> package provides <span
+class="cmtt-10">\dicei</span>, &#x2026;, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\dicevi </span>that represent the six
+sides of a die. I can define a command that takes a number as its argument. If the
+number is less than seven, the appropriate <span
+class="cmti-10">n</span>&#x27E9; command is used otherwise it
+does <span
+class="cmtt-10">\dicevi </span>the required number of times with the leftover in a final <span
+class="cmti-10">n</span>&#x27E9;. For
+example, the number 16 is represented by <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\dicevi\dicevi\diceiv</span></span></span> (6 + 6 + 4 = 16).
+I&#8217;ve called this command <span
+class="cmtt-10">\tallynum </span>to match the example given earlier in <a
+href="#sec:locationsyntax">Locations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:locationsyntax --></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-284">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\ifnum\number#1&#x003C;7
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;$\csname&#x00A0;dice\romannumeral#1\endcsname$%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\else
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;$\dicevi$%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\expandafter\tallynum\expandafter{\numexpr#1-6}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\fi
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 8713--><p class="nopar" > Here&#8217;s the counter command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-285">
+<!--l. 8717--><p class="nopar" > The <span
+ id="dx1-66036"></a> counter representation (<span
+class="cmtt-10">\thepage</span>) needs to be changed to use this command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-286">
+<!--l. 8722--><p class="nopar" > The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\tally </span>command expands to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\tallynum {</span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>so this needs a location class that
+matches this format:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-287">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"\string\tallynum\space\glsopenbrace"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;"arabic-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"\glsclosebrace"
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 8731--><p class="nopar" > The space between <span
+class="cmtt-10">\tallynum </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>is significant to <a
+ id="dx1-66037"></a></a> so <span
+class="cmtt-10">\space </span>is
+</p><!--l. 8735--><p class="indent" > Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>will define commands in the
+</p><!--l. 8738--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span
+class="cmitt-10">counter</span>&#x27E9;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8739--><p class="noindent" >
+for each counter that has been identified either by the <span
+ id="dx1-66038"></a> package option, the &#x27E8;<span
+option for <span
+ id="dx1-66039"></a> or in the argument of <span
+ id="dx1-66040"></a>. The first argument
+class="cmti-10">Hprefix</span>&#x27E9; is only relevant when used with the <span
+ id="dx1-66041"></a> package and indicates that <span
+is given by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Hprefix</span><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+</p><!--l. 8747--><p class="indent" > The sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy.tex</span></a>, which comes with the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package, uses the default
+ id="dx1-66042"></a> counter for locations, and it uses the default <span
+ id="dx1-66043"></a> and a custom
+class="cmtt-10">\hyperbfit </span>format. A new <a
+ id="dx1-66044"></a></a> location called <span
+class="cmtt-10">tallynum</span>, as illustrated above, is defined
+to make the page numbers appear as dice. In order for the location numbers to
+hyperlink to the relevant pages, I&#x00A0;need to redefine the necessary <span
+class="cmti-10">counter</span>&#x27E9;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-288">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\linkpagenumber#2%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\glsXpageXhyperbfit}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\textbf{\em\linkpagenumber#2}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand{\linkpagenumber}[2]{\hyperlink{page.#2}{#1{#2}}}
+<!--l. 8765--><p class="nopar" > Note that the second argument of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsXpageXglsnumberformat </span>is in the format <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>so the line
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-289">
+<!--l. 8770--><p class="nopar" > does </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> so <span
+class="cmtt-10">\tallynum </span>is the first argument of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\linkpagenumber </span>and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">number</span>&#x27E9; is the second
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 8777--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8777--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 8779--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> This method is very sensitive to the internal definition of the location command.
+</p><!--l. 8782--><p class="noindent" >
+ id="x1-66045r20"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8784--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 20</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Locations as Words not Digits)</span><a
+ id="x1-66046"></a>
+</p><!--l. 8785--><p class="indent" > Suppose I want the page numbers written as words rather than digits and I&#x00A0;use the
+ id="dx1-66047"></a> package to do this. I&#x00A0;can redefine <span
+ id="dx1-66048"></a> as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-290">
+<!--l. 8790--><p class="nopar" > This <span
+class="cmti-10">used </span>to get expanded to <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">n</span>&#x27E9; is the
+Arabic page number. This means that I&#x00A0;needed to define a new location with the
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-291">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\string\Numberstringnum\space\glsopenbrace"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"arabic-numbers"&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"\glsclosebrace"}
+<!--l. 8798--><p class="nopar" > and if I&#8217;d used the <span
+class="cmtt-10">\linkpagenumber </span>command from the previous example, it would need
+class="cmti-10">three </span>arguments (the first being <span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-292">
+<!--l. 8804--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 8806--><p class="indent" > The internal definition of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Numberstring </span>has since changed so that it now expands to
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>(no <span
+class="cmtt-10">\protect</span>). This means that the location class definition must be
+changed to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-293">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"\string\Numberstringnum\space\glsopenbrace"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"arabic-numbers"&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"\glsclosebrace"}
+<!--l. 8814--><p class="nopar" > and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\linkpagenumber </span>goes back to only two arguments:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-294">
+<!--l. 8818--><p class="nopar" > The other change is that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Numberstring </span>uses </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> instead of <div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> so it hides <span
+class="cmtt-10">\c@page </span>from the location escaping mechanism (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:locationsyntax">Locations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:locationsyntax --></a>). This means
+that the page number may be incorrect if the indexing occurs during the output
+<!--l. 8832--><p class="indent" > A more recent change to <span
+ id="dx1-66049"></a> (v3.03) now puts three instances of <span
+before <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\the\value</span></span></span> which no longer hides <span
+class="cmtt-10">\c@page </span>from the location escaping mechanism, so
+the page numbers should once more be correct. Further changes to the <span
+ id="dx1-66050"></a> package may
+cause a problem again.
+</p><!--l. 8838--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> When dealing with custom formats where the internal definitions are outside of your
+control and liable to change, it&#8217;s best to provide a wrapper command. </div>
+</p><!--l. 8842--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8844--><p class="indent" > Instead of directly using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Numberstring </span>in the definition of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\thepage</span>, I can provide a
+custom command in the same form as the earlier <span
+class="cmtt-10">\tally </span>command:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-295">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newrobustcmd{\customfmtnum}[1]{\Numberstringnum{#1}}
+<!--l. 8850--><p class="nopar" > This ensures that the location will always be written to the indexing file in the form:
+</p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> So the location class can be defined as:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-296">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"\string\customfmtnum\space\glsopenbrace"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;"arabic-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;:sep&#x00A0;"\glsclosebrace"}
+<!--l. 8862--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 8864--><p class="indent" > The sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">samplexdy3.tex</span></a> illustrates this. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 8866--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8866--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 8868--><p class="indent" > In the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-66051"></a></a>, the locations are sorted according to the list of provided location classes.
+The default ordering is: <span
+class="cmtt-10">roman-page-numbers </span>(i, ii, &#x2026;), <span
+class="cmtt-10">arabic-page-numbers </span>(1, 2, &#x2026;),
+class="cmtt-10">arabic-section-numbers </span>(for example, 1.1 if the compositor is a full stop or 1-1 if the compositor is a
+hyphen<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x11" id="fn1x11-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">11.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-66052f1"></a>),
+class="cmtt-10">alpha-page-numbers </span>(a, b, &#x2026;), <span
+class="cmtt-10">Roman-page-numbers </span>(I, II, &#x2026;),
+class="cmtt-10">Alpha-page-numbers </span>(A, B, &#x2026;), <span
+class="cmtt-10">Appendix-page-numbers </span>(for example, A.1
+if the Alpha compositor is a full stop or A-1 if the Alpha compositor is a
+hyphen<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x11" id="fn2x11-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">11.2</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-66054f2"></a>),
+user defined location names (as specified by <span
+ id="dx1-66056"></a> in
+the order in which they were defined), and finally <span
+class="cmtt-10">see </span>(cross-referenced
+entries).<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x11" id="fn3x11-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">11.3</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-66057f3"></a>
+This ordering can be changed using:
+</p><!--l. 8885--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-66058"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">location names</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 8887--><p class="noindent" >
+where each location name is delimited by double quote marks and separated by white space.
+For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-297">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"arabic-page-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"arabic-section-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"roman-page-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"Roman-page-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"alpha-page-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"Alpha-page-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"Appendix-page-numbers"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;"see"
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 8901--><p class="nopar" > (Remember to add <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">"seealso"</span></span></span> if you&#8217;re using <a
+</p><!--l. 8905--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsSetXdyLocationClassOrder </span>has no effect if <span
+ id="dx1-66059"></a> is used or if
+ id="dx1-66060"></a> is omitted. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsSetXdyLocationClassOrder </span>must be used before
+ id="dx1-66061"></a>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 8910--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 8912--><p class="indent" > If a <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-66062"></a></a> consists of a sequence of consecutive numbers, the range will be
+concatenated. The number of consecutive locations that causes a range formation defaults to
+2, but can be changed using:
+</p><!--l. 8917--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-66063"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 8919--><p class="noindent" >
+For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-298">
+<!--l. 8923--><p class="nopar" > The argument may also be the keyword <span
+class="cmtt-10">none</span>, to indicate that there should be no range
+formations. See the <a
+ id="dx1-66064"></a></a> manual for further details on range formations.
+</p><!--l. 8928--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength </span>has no effect if <span
+ id="dx1-66065"></a> is used or if
+ id="dx1-66066"></a> is omitted. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsSetXdyMinRangeLength </span>must be used before
+ id="dx1-66067"></a>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 8933--><p class="noindent" >
+See also <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:ranges">Range Formations<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:ranges --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 8936--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 8936--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">11.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:groups"></a>Glossary Groups</h3>
+<!--l. 8939--><p class="noindent" >The glossary is divided into groups according to the first letter of the sort key. The <span
+package also adds a number group by default, unless you suppress it in the <span
+ id="dx1-67001"></a> package
+option. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-299">
+<!--l. 8945--><p class="nopar" > Any entry that doesn&#8217;t go in one of the letter groups or the number group is placed in the
+default group. If you want <a
+ id="dx1-67002"></a></a> to sort the number group numerically (rather than by a
+string sort) then you need to use <a
+ id="dx1-67003"></a>&#8217;s</a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">numeric-sort </span>module:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-300">
+<!--l. 8952--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 8954--><p class="indent" > If you don&#8217;t use <span
+class="cmtt-10">glsnumbers=false</span>, the default behaviour is to locate the number group
+before the &#8220;A&#8221; letter group. If you are not using a Roman alphabet, you need to change this
+</p><!--l. 8959--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-67004"></a> <span
+</p><!--l. 8961--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">letter</span>&#x27E9; is the first letter of your alphabet. Take care if you&#8217;re using <span
+ id="dx1-67005"></a> as
+non-ASCII characters are actually active characters that expand. (This isn&#8217;t a problem with
+the native UTF-8 engines and <span
+ id="dx1-67006"></a>.) The starred form will sanitize the argument to
+prevent expansion. Alternatively you can use:
+</p><!--l. 8970--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-67007"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">relative location</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 8972--><p class="noindent" >
+to change the default </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> to &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">relative location</span>&#x27E9;. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-301">
+<!--l. 8980--><p class="nopar" > will put the number group after the &#8220;Z&#8221; letter group. Again take care of active characters.
+There&#8217;s a starred version that sanitizes the argument (so don&#8217;t use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\string </span>in it).
+</p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 8988--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that these commands have no effect if <span
+ id="dx1-67008"></a> is used or if <span
+ id="dx1-67009"></a> is
+omitted. <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GlsSetXdyFirstLetterAfterDigits </span>must be used before <span
+ id="dx1-67010"></a>.
+ </div>
+</p><!--l. 8993--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 8996--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 8996--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">12. <a
+ id="sec:newglossary"></a>Defining New Glossaries</h2>
+</p><!--l. 8999--><p class="indent" > A new glossary can be defined using:
+</p><!--l. 9000--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-68001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9002--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; is the label to assign to this glossary. The arguments &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">in-ext</span>&#x27E9; and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">out-ext</span>&#x27E9; specify
+the extensions to give to the input and output files for that glossary, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">title</span>&#x27E9; is the default title
+for this new glossary and the final optional argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">counter</span>&#x27E9; specifies which counter to use
+for the associated <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-68002"></a>s</a> (see also <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>5 </a><a
+href="#sec:numberlists">Number lists<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:numberlists --></a>). The first optional argument
+specifies the extension for the <a
+ id="dx1-68003"></a></a> (<a
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a>) or <a
+ id="dx1-68004"></a></a> (<a
+href="#option3">Option&#x00A0;3</a>) transcript file (this
+information is only used by <a
+ id="dx1-68005"></a></a> which picks up the information from the
+auxiliary file). If you use <a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>, the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">log-ext</span>&#x27E9;, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">in-ext</span>&#x27E9; and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">out-ext</span>&#x27E9; arguments are
+</p><!--l. 9016--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> The glossary label &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; must not contain any active characters. It&#8217;s generally best to
+stick with just characters that have category code&#x00A0;11 (typically the non-extended <a
+ id="dx1-68006"></a>s</a> for standard <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>). </div>
+</p><!--l. 9021--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9023--><p class="indent" > There is also a starred version (new to v4.08):
+</p><!--l. 9024--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-68007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9026--><p class="noindent" >
+which is equivalent to </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> or you can also use:
+<!--l. 9032--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-68008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9034--><p class="noindent" >
+which is equivalent to </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+<!--l. 9040--><p class="indent" > It may be that you have some terms that are so common that they don&#8217;t need to be listed.
+In this case, you can define a&#x00A0;special type of glossary that doesn&#8217;t create any associated files.
+This is referred to as an &#8220;ignored glossary&#8221; and it&#8217;s ignored by commands that iterate
+over all the glossaries, such as <span
+ id="dx1-68009"></a>. To define an ignored glossary,
+</p><!--l. 9046--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-68010"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9048--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the glossary (as above). This glossary type will automatically be
+added to the <span
+ id="dx1-68011"></a> list, since there are no hypertargets for the entries in
+an ignored glossary. (The sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-entryfmt.tex</span></a> defines an ignored
+</p><!--l. 9055--><p class="indent" > You can test if a glossary is an ignored one using:
+</p><!--l. 9056--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-68012"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9058--><p class="noindent" >
+This does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true</span>&#x27E9; if &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; was defined as an ignored glossary, otherwise it does &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 9062--><p class="indent" > Note that the main (default) glossary is automatically created as:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-302">
+<!--l. 9065--><p class="nopar" > so it can be identified by the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">main </span>(unless the <span
+ id="dx1-68013"></a> package option is used). Using
+the <span
+ id="dx1-68014"></a> package option is equivalent to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-303">
+<!--l. 9071--><p class="nopar" > so it can be identified by the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym</span>. If you are not sure whether the <span
+ id="dx1-68015"></a>
+option has been used, you can identify the list of acronyms by the command
+<span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-68016"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymtype </span>which is set to <span
+class="cmtt-10">acronym</span>, if the <span
+ id="dx1-68017"></a> option has been used,
+otherwise it is set to <span
+class="cmtt-10">main</span>. Note that if you are using the main glossary as your list of
+acronyms, you need to declare it as a list of acronyms using the package option
+ id="dx1-68018"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 9082--><p class="indent" > The <span
+ id="dx1-68019"></a> package option creates a new glossary with the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">symbols </span>using:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-304">
+<!--l. 9086--><p class="nopar" > The <span
+ id="dx1-68020"></a> package option creates a new glossary with the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">numbers </span>using:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-305">
+<!--l. 9091--><p class="nopar" > The <span
+ id="dx1-68021"></a> package option creates a new glossary with the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">index </span>using:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-306">
+<!--l. 9096--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 9098--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>: all glossaries must be defined before <span
+ id="dx1-68022"></a> to ensure that
+the relevant output files are opened.
+</p><!--l. 9102--><p class="indent" > See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.4.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:fixednames">Changing the Fixed Names<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:fixednames --></a> if you want to redefine <span
+especially if you are using <span
+ id="dx1-68023"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-68024"></a>. (Similarly for <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glssymbolsgroupname </span>and
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnumbersgroupname</span>.) If you want to redefine <span
+ id="dx1-68025"></a>, just follow the advice in <a
+href="" >How
+to change LaTeX&#8217;s &#8220;fixed names&#8221;</a>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 9109--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 9111--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 9111--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">13. <a
+ id="sec:acronyms"></a>Acronyms and Other Abbreviations</h2>
+</p><!--l. 9114--><p class="indent" > The <span
+ id="dx1-69001"></a> package provides superior abbreviation handling. You may want to
+consider using that package instead of the commands described here.
+</p><!--l. 9118--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that although this chapter uses the term &#8220;acronym&#8221;, you can also use the
+commands described here for initialisms or contractions (as in the case of some of the
+examples given below). If the glossary title is no longer applicable (for example,
+it should be &#8220;Abbreviations&#8221; rather than &#8220;Acronyms&#8221;) then you can change the
+title either by redefining <span
+ id="dx1-69002"></a> (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.4 </a><a
+href="#sec:languages">Multi-Lingual Support<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:languages --></a>) or by
+using the <span
+ id="dx1-69003"></a> in the optional argument of <span
+ id="dx1-69004"></a> (or <span
+ id="dx1-69005"></a>).
+Alternatively consider using the <span
+ id="dx1-69006"></a> package&#8217;s <span
+class="cmss-10">abbreviations </span>option instead.
+</p><!--l. 9130--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9132--><p class="indent" > You may have noticed in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglosentry">Defining Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglosentry --></a> that when you specify a new entry,
+you can specify alternate text to use when the term is <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first used</a> in the document. This
+provides a useful means to define abbreviations. For convenience, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package
+defines the command:
+</p><!--l. 9137--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69007"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">key-val list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9139--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9141--><p class="indent" > This uses <span
+ id="dx1-69008"></a> to create an entry with the given label in the glossary given
+by <span
+ id="dx1-69009"></a>. You can specify a different glossary using the <span
+ id="dx1-69010"></a> key within the optional
+argument. The <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronym </span>command also uses the <span
+ id="dx1-69011"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-69012"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-69013"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-69014"></a>
+keys in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossaryentry </span>to store the long and abbreviated forms and their
+</p><!--l. 9149--><p class="indent" > Note that the same restrictions on the entry &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; in <span
+ id="dx1-69015"></a> also apply to
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronym </span>(see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglosentry">Defining Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglosentry --></a>).
+</p><!--l. 9153--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you haven&#8217;t identified the specified glossary type as a list of acronyms (via
+the package option <span
+ id="dx1-69016"></a> or the command <span
+ id="dx1-69017"></a>, see <a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-acronym">Acronym Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-acronym --></a>) <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronym </span>will add it to the list and <span
+class="cmti-10">reset the display style</span>
+for that glossary via <span
+ id="dx1-69018"></a>. If you have a mixture of acronyms and
+regular entries within the same glossary, care is needed if you want to change the
+display style: you must first identify that glossary as a list of acronyms and then
+use <span
+ id="dx1-69019"></a> (not redefine <span
+ id="dx1-69020"></a>) before defining your entries.
+</p><!--l. 9164--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9166--><p class="indent" > The optional argument <span
+class="cmti-10">key-val list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>allows you to specify additional information. Any
+key that can be used in the second argument of <span
+ id="dx1-69021"></a> can also be used
+here in &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">key-val list</span>&#x27E9;. For example, <span
+ id="dx1-69022"></a> (when used with one of the styles that
+require a description, described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>13.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:setacronymstyle">Changing the Abbreviation Style<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:setacronymstyle --></a>) or you can
+override plural forms of &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">abbrv</span>&#x27E9; or &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9; using the <span
+ id="dx1-69023"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-69024"></a> keys. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-307">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{dm}{DM}{diagonal&#x00A0;matrix}
+<!--l. 9179--><p class="nopar" > If the <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;uses the plural form, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspl{dm}</span></span></span> will display: diagonal matrices
+(DMs). If you want to use the <span
+ id="dx1-69025"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-69026"></a> keys, I recommend you use
+ id="dx1-69027"></a> to set the display style rather than using one of the pre-version 4.02
+acronym styles.
+</p><!--l. 9186--><p class="indent" > As with <span
+ id="dx1-69028"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-69029"></a>, if <span
+ id="dx1-69030"></a> is missing, it&#8217;s obtained by appended
+ id="dx1-69031"></a> to the singular form. The short plural <span
+ id="dx1-69032"></a> is obtained (is not
+explicitly set) by appending <span
+ id="dx1-69033"></a> to the short form. These commands may
+be changed by the associated language files, but they can&#8217;t be added to the usual
+caption hooks as there&#8217;s no guarantee when they&#8217;ll be expanded (as <a
+href="#pluralsuffix">discussed earlier</a>).
+A different approach is used by <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span>, which has category attributes to
+determine whether or not to append a suffix when forming the default value of
+ id="dx1-69034"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 9198--><p class="indent" > Since <span
+ id="dx1-69035"></a> uses <span
+ id="dx1-69036"></a>, you can use commands like <span
+ id="dx1-69037"></a> and
+ id="dx1-69038"></a> as with any other glossary entry.
+</p><!--l. 9202--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Since <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronym </span>sets <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">type=\acronymtype</span></span></span>, if you want to load a file containing
+acronym definitions using <span
+ id="dx1-69039"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>, the optional argument &#x27E8;<span
+will not have an effect unless you explicitly set the type as <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+in the optional argument to <span
+ id="dx1-69040"></a>. See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.6 </a><a
+href="#sec:loadglsentries">Loading Entries From a File<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:loadglsentries --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 9209--><p class="noindent" >
+ id="x1-69041r21"></a>
+</p><!--l. 9211--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 21</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Defining an Abbreviation)</span><a
+ id="x1-69042"></a>
+</p><!--l. 9212--><p class="indent" > The following defines the abbreviation IDN:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-308">
+<!--l. 9215--><p class="nopar" > <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{idn}</span></span></span> will produce &#8220;identification number (IDN)&#8221; on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;and &#8220;IDN&#8221; on
+subsequent uses. If you want to use one of the smallcaps acronym styles, described in <a
+href="#sec:setacronymstyle">Changing the Abbreviation Style<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:setacronymstyle --></a>, you need to use lower case characters for the shortened
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-309">
+<!--l. 9223--><p class="nopar" > Now <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{idn}</span></span></span> will produce &#8220;identification number (<span
+class="small-caps">n</span></span>)&#8221; on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;and &#8220;<span
+class="small-caps">n</span></span>&#8221; on
+subsequent uses. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 9227--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9227--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 9229--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Avoid nested definitions. </div>
+</p><!--l. 9231--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9233--><p class="indent" > Recall from the warning in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglosentry">Defining Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglosentry --></a> that you should avoid using the
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;and <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands within the value of keys like <span
+ id="dx1-69043"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-69044"></a> due to
+complications arising from nested links. The same applies to abbreviations defined using
+</p><!--l. 9240--><p class="indent" > For example, suppose you have defined:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-310">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{html}{HTML}{hypertext&#x00A0;markup&#x00A0;language}
+<!--l. 9244--><p class="nopar" > you may be tempted to do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-311">
+<!--l. 9248--><p class="nopar" > <span
+class="cmbx-10">Don&#8217;t! </span>This will break the case-changing commands, such as <span
+ id="dx1-69045"></a>, it will cause
+inconsistencies on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>, and, if hyperlinks are enabled, will cause nested hyperlinks. It will
+also confuse the commands used by the entry formatting (such as <span
+ id="dx1-69046"></a>).
+</p><!--l. 9255--><p class="indent" > Instead, consider doing:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-312">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;[description={\gls{ssi}&#x00A0;enabled&#x00A0;\gls{html}}]
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{shtml}{SHTML}{SSI&#x00A0;enabled&#x00A0;HTML}
+<!--l. 9260--><p class="nopar" > or
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-313">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;[description={\gls{ssi}&#x00A0;enabled&#x00A0;\gls{html}}]
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{shtml}{SHTML}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{server&#x00A0;side&#x00A0;includes&#x00A0;enabled&#x00A0;hypertext&#x00A0;markup&#x00A0;language}
+<!--l. 9267--><p class="nopar" > Similarly for the <a
+</p><!--l. 9270--><p class="indent" > Other approaches are available with <span
+ id="dx1-69047"></a>. See the section &#8220;Nested Links&#8221; in the
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>user manual.
+</p><!--l. 9274--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> The commands described below are similar to the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands in that they
+don&#8217;t modify the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>. However, their display is governed by <span
+ id="dx1-69048"></a> with
+ id="dx1-69049"></a> set as appropriate. All caveats that apply to the <a
+also apply to the following commands. (Including the warning immediately above this box.)
+</p><!--l. 9281--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9283--><p class="indent" > The optional arguments are the same as those for the <a
+and there are similar star and plus variants that switch off or on the hyperlinks.
+As with the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands, the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-69050"></a></a> is placed in the argument of
+ id="dx1-69051"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 9288--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69052"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9290--><p class="noindent" >
+This sets the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-69053"></a></a> to the short form (within the argument of <span
+ id="dx1-69054"></a>) for the entry
+given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. The short form is as supplied by the <span
+ id="dx1-69055"></a> key, which <span
+ id="dx1-69056"></a> implicitly
+</p><!--l. 9296--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous upper case variants:
+</p><!--l. 9297--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69057"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9299--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9300--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69058"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9302--><p class="noindent" >
+There are also plural versions:
+</p><!--l. 9304--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69059"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9306--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9307--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69060"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9309--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9310--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69061"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9312--><p class="noindent" >
+The short plural form is as supplied by the <span
+ id="dx1-69062"></a> key, which <span
+ id="dx1-69063"></a> implicitly
+</p><!--l. 9316--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69064"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9318--><p class="noindent" >
+This sets the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-69065"></a></a> to the long form for the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. The long form is as
+supplied by the <span
+ id="dx1-69066"></a> key, which <span
+ id="dx1-69067"></a> implicitly sets.
+</p><!--l. 9323--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous upper case variants:
+</p><!--l. 9324--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69068"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9326--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9327--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69069"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9329--><p class="noindent" >
+Again there are also plural versions:
+</p><!--l. 9331--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69070"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9333--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9334--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69071"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9336--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9337--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69072"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9339--><p class="noindent" >
+The long plural form is as supplied by the <span
+ id="dx1-69073"></a> key, which <span
+ id="dx1-69074"></a> implicitly
+</p><!--l. 9343--><p class="indent" > The commands below display the full form of the acronym, but note that this isn&#8217;t
+necessarily the same as the form used on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>. These full-form commands are shortcuts
+that use the above commands, rather than creating the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-69075"></a></a> from the complete full form.
+These full-form commands have star and plus variants and optional arguments that are
+passed to the above commands.
+</p><!--l. 9350--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69076"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9352--><p class="noindent" >
+This is a shortcut for
+</p><!--l. 9354--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69077"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9356--><p class="noindent" >
+which by default does </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+<br /><span
+<br /><span
+</div> where
+<!--l. 9364--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69078"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9366--><p class="noindent" >
+by default does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9; (&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9;). This command is now deprecated for new acronym styles but is
+used by the default for backward compatibility if <span
+class="cmtt-10">\setacronymstyle </span>(<a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>13.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:setacronymstyle">Changing the
+Abbreviation Style<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:setacronymstyle --></a>) hasn&#8217;t been used. (For further details of these format commands see the
+documented code, <span
+</p><!--l. 9375--><p class="indent" > There are also analogous upper case variants:
+</p><!--l. 9376--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69079"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9378--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9379--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69080"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9381--><p class="noindent" >
+and plural versions:
+</p><!--l. 9383--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69081"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9385--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9386--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69082"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9388--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9389--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69083"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9391--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9393--><p class="indent" > If you find the above commands too cumbersome to write, you can use the <span
+ id="dx1-69084"></a>
+package option to activate the shorter command names listed in <a
+ <div class="table">
+<!--l. 9397--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="tab:shortcuts"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float"
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;13.1: </span><span
+class="content">Synonyms provided by the package option <span
+class="cmss-10">shortcuts</span></span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-690851 -->
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-7" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-7-1g"><col
+id="TBL-7-1" /><col
+id="TBL-7-2" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-1-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-1-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Shortcut Command </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-1-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Equivalent Command </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-2-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-2-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69086"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-2-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69087"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-3-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-3-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69088"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-3-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69089"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-4-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-4-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69090"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-4-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69091"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-5-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-5-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69092"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-5-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69093"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-6-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-6-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69094"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-6-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69095"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-7-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-7-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69096"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-7-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69097"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-8-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-8-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69098"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-8-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69099"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-9-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-9-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69100"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-9-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69101"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-10-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-10-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69102"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-10-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69103"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-11-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-11-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69104"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-11-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69105"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-12-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-12-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69106"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-12-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69107"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-13-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-13-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69108"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-13-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69109"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-14-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-14-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69110"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-14-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69111"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-15-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-15-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69112"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-15-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69113"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-16-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-16-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69114"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-16-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69115"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-7-17-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-17-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69116"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-7-17-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-69117"></a> </td></tr></table>
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+ </div>
+<!--l. 9423--><p class="indent" > It is also possible to access the long and short forms without adding information to the
+glossary using commands analogous to <span
+ id="dx1-69118"></a> (described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>9 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsnolink">Using Glossary Terms
+Without Links<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsnolink --></a>).
+</p><!--l. 9427--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> The commands that convert the first letter to upper case come with the same caveats as
+those for analogous commands like <span
+ id="dx1-69119"></a> (non-expandable, can&#8217;t be used in PDF
+bookmarks, care needs to be taken if the first letter is an accented character etc). See <a
+href="#sec:glsnolink">Using Glossary Terms Without Links<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsnolink --></a>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 9433--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9435--><p class="indent" > The long form can be accessed using:
+</p><!--l. 9436--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69120"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9438--><p class="noindent" >
+or, with the first letter converted to upper case:
+</p><!--l. 9440--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69121"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9442--><p class="noindent" >
+Plural forms:
+</p><!--l. 9444--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69122"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9446--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9447--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69123"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9449--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9451--><p class="indent" > Similarly, to access the short form:
+</p><!--l. 9452--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69124"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9454--><p class="noindent" >
+or, with the first letter converted to upper case:
+</p><!--l. 9456--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69125"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9458--><p class="noindent" >
+Plural forms:
+</p><!--l. 9460--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69126"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9462--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9463--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69127"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9465--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9467--><p class="indent" > And the full form can be obtained using:
+</p><!--l. 9468--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69128"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9470--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9471--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69129"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9473--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9474--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69130"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9476--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9477--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-69131"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9479--><p class="noindent" >
+These again use <span
+ id="dx1-69132"></a> by default, but the new styles described in the section
+below use different formatting commands.
+<!--l. 9484--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">13.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:setacronymstyle"></a>Changing the Abbreviation Style</h3>
+<!--l. 9487--><p class="noindent" >It may be that the default style doesn&#8217;t suit your requirements in which case you can switch
+to another style using
+</p><!--l. 9489--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-70001"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">style name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9491--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">style name</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the required style.
+</p><!--l. 9494--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> You must use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\setacronymstyle </span><span
+class="cmti-10">before </span>you define the acronyms with <span
+</p><!--l. 9497--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9499--><p class="indent" > For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-314">
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\setacronymstyle{long-sc-short}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{html}{html}{hypertext&#x00A0;markup&#x00A0;language}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{xml}{xml}{extensible&#x00A0;markup&#x00A0;language}
+<!--l. 9509--><p class="nopar" > Unpredictable results can occur if you try to use multiple styles.
+</p><!--l. 9512--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> If you need multiple abbreviation styles, then try using the <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package, which
+has better abbreviation management. </div>
+</p><!--l. 9516--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9518--><p class="indent" > Note that unlike the default behaviour of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronym</span>, the styles used via
+class="cmtt-10">\setacronymstyle </span>don&#8217;t use the <span
+ id="dx1-70002"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-70003"></a> keys, but instead they use <span
+ id="dx1-70004"></a> to
+set a&#x00A0;custom format that uses the <span
+ id="dx1-70005"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-70006"></a> keys (or their plural equivalents). This
+means that these styles cope better with plurals that aren&#8217;t formed by simply appending the
+singular form with the letter &#8220;s&#8221;. In fact, most of the predefined styles use <span
+ id="dx1-70007"></a> and
+modify the definitions of commands like <span
+ id="dx1-70008"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 9528--><p class="indent" > Note that when you use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\setacronymstyle </span>the <span
+ id="dx1-70009"></a> key is set to
+</p><!--l. 9530--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-70010"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9532--><p class="noindent" >
+and the <span
+ id="dx1-70011"></a> key is set to
+</p><!--l. 9534--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-70012"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9536--><p class="noindent" >
+These commands are redefined by the acronym styles. However, you can redefine them again
+after the style has been set but before you use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronym</span>. Protected expansion is
+performed on <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymsort </span>when the entry is defined.
+</p><!--l. 9542--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 9542--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">13.1.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:predefinedacrstyles"></a>Predefined Acronym Styles</h4>
+<!--l. 9545--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package provides a&#x00A0;number of predefined styles. These styles apply
+</p><!--l. 9547--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-71001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9549--><p class="noindent" >
+to the short form on first use and
+</p><!--l. 9551--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-71002"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9553--><p class="noindent" >
+on subsequent use. The styles modify the definition of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymfont </span>as required, but
+ id="dx1-71003"></a> is only set once by the package when it&#8217;s loaded. By default
+ id="dx1-71004"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>is the same as <span
+ id="dx1-71005"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>. If you want the short form
+displayed differently on first use, you can redefine <span
+ id="dx1-71006"></a> independently of the
+acronym style.
+</p><!--l. 9563--><p class="indent" > The predefined styles that contain <span
+class="cmtt-10">sc </span>in their name (for example <span
+ id="dx1-71007"></a>) redefine
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymfont </span>to use <span
+ id="dx1-71008"></a>, which means that the short form needs to be specified in lower
+</p><!--l. 9569--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="boldsc"></a>
+</p><!--l. 9570--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note">Some fonts don&#8217;t support bold smallcaps, so you may need to redefine <span
+ id="dx1-71009"></a> (see
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>10 </a><a
+href="#sec:printglossary">Displaying a glossary<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:printglossary --></a>) to switch to medium weight if you are using a glossary style that
+displays entry names in bold and you have chosen an acronym style that uses <span
+ id="dx1-71010"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 9576--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9578--><p class="indent" > The predefined styles that contain <span
+class="cmtt-10">sm </span>in their name (for example <span
+ id="dx1-71011"></a>) redefine
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymfont </span>to use <span
+ id="dx1-71012"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 9582--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="smaller"></a>
+</p><!--l. 9583--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package doesn&#8217;t define or load any package that defines
+ id="dx1-71013"></a>. If you use one of the acronym styles that set <span
+ id="dx1-71014"></a> to <span
+you must explicitly load the <span
+ id="dx1-71015"></a> package or otherwise define <span
+class="cmtt-10">\textsmaller</span>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 9589--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9591--><p class="indent" > The remaining predefined styles redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>to simply do its argument
+</p><!--l. 9594--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> In most cases, the predefined styles adjust <span
+ id="dx1-71016"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-71017"></a> (and their
+plural and upper case variants) to reflect the style. The only exceptions to this are the <span
+ id="dx1-71018"></a>
+and <span
+ id="dx1-71019"></a> styles (and their variants). </div>
+</p><!--l. 9599--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9601--><p class="indent" > The following styles are supplied by the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-71020"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71021"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71022"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71023"></a>:
+ <!--l. 9607--><p class="noindent" >With these three styles, acronyms are displayed in the form
+ </p><!--l. 9609--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition">&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">long</span>&#x27E9; <span
+ id="dx1-71024"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}) </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 9610--><p class="noindent" >
+ on first use and
+ </p><!--l. 9613--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span
+ id="dx1-71025"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 9614--><p class="noindent" >
+ on subsequent use. They also set <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>to just &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9;. This means
+ that the acronyms are sorted according to their short form. In addition, <span
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>is set to just the short form (enclosed in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymfont</span>) and the <span
+ id="dx1-71026"></a> key
+ is set to the long form.
+ </p><!--l. 9622--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+ id="dx1-71027"></a> style was introduced in version&#x00A0;4.16 and uses
+ </p><!--l. 9624--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-71028"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 9626--><p class="noindent" >
+ for the space between the long and short forms. This defaults to a&#x00A0;non-breakable space
+ (<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">~</span></span></span>) if (<span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>) is less than 3em, otherwise it uses a&#x00A0;normal space. This
+ may be redefined as required. For example, to always use a&#x00A0;non-breakable
+ space:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-315">
+ \renewcommand*{\glsacspace}[1]{~}
+ <!--l. 9634--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-71029"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71030"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71031"></a>:
+ <!--l. 9639--><p class="noindent" >These three styles are analogous to the above three styles, except the display order is
+ swapped to
+ </p><!--l. 9642--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span
+ id="dx1-71032"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} (</span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmtt-10">) </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 9643--><p class="noindent" >
+ on first use.
+ </p><!--l. 9646--><p class="noindent" >Note, however, that <span
+ id="dx1-71033"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-71034"></a> are the same as for the &#x27E8;<span
+ (&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9;) styles above, so the acronyms are still sorted according to the short
+ form.
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-71035"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71036"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71037"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71038"></a>:
+ <!--l. 9653--><p class="noindent" >These are like the <span
+ id="dx1-71039"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71040"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71041"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-71042"></a> styles
+ described above, except that the <span
+ id="dx1-71043"></a> key must be supplied in the optional
+ argument of <span
+ id="dx1-71044"></a>. They also redefine <span
+ id="dx1-71045"></a> to <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>(<span
+ <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>) and redefine <span
+ id="dx1-71046"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>to just &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9;. This means that the
+ acronyms are sorted according to the long form, and in the list of acronyms the name
+ field has the long form followed by the short form in parentheses. I&#x00A0;recommend you use
+ a&#x00A0;glossary style such as <span
+ id="dx1-71047"></a> with these acronym styles to allow for the long name
+ field.
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-71048"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71049"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71050"></a>:
+ <!--l. 9668--><p class="noindent" >These styles are analogous to the above three styles, but the first use display style
+ is:
+ </p><!--l. 9671--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span
+class="cmtt-10">} (</span>&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmtt-10">) </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 9672--><p class="noindent" >
+ The definitions of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymsort </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymentry </span>are the same as those for
+ <span
+ id="dx1-71051"></a> etc.
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-71052"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71053"></a>:
+ <!--l. 9678--><p class="noindent" >With these styles, the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands always display the long form regardless of
+ whether the entry has been used or not. However, <span
+ id="dx1-71054"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-71055"></a> will
+ display &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9; (<span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>). In the case of <span
+ id="dx1-71056"></a>, the <span
+ id="dx1-71057"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-71058"></a> keys are set
+ to the short form and the description is set to the long form. In the case of <span
+ id="dx1-71059"></a>, the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-71060"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-71061"></a> keys are set to the long form and the description is supplied in the
+ optional argument of <span
+ id="dx1-71062"></a>.
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-71063"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71064"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71065"></a>:
+ <!--l. 9690--><p class="noindent" >With these three styles, on first use the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands display:
+ </p><!--l. 9692--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span
+ id="dx1-71066"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 9693--><p class="noindent" >
+ However, <span
+ id="dx1-71067"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-71068"></a> are set to <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>(&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9;). On
+ subsequent use the display is:
+ </p><!--l. 9697--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 9698--><p class="noindent" >
+ The <span
+ id="dx1-71069"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-71070"></a> keys are set to the short form, and the <span
+ id="dx1-71071"></a> is set to the long
+ form.
+ </p><!--l. 9703--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> In order to avoid nested hyperlinks on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;the footnote styles automatically
+ implement <span
+ id="dx1-71072"></a> for the acronym lists. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 9707--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p></li>
+ <li class="itemize"><span
+ id="dx1-71073"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71074"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-71075"></a>:
+ <!--l. 9712--><p class="noindent" >These three styles are similar to the previous three styles, but the description
+ has to be supplied in the optional argument of <span
+ id="dx1-71076"></a>. The <span
+ id="dx1-71077"></a> key
+ is set to the long form followed by the short form in parentheses and the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-71078"></a> key is set to the long form. This means that the acronyms will be sorted
+ according to the long form. In addition, since the <span
+ id="dx1-71079"></a> will typically be quite
+ wide it&#8217;s best to choose a glossary style that can accommodate this, such as
+ <span
+ id="dx1-71080"></a>.
+ </li></ul>
+ id="x1-71081r22"></a>
+<!--l. 9723--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 22</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Adapting a Predefined Acronym Style)</span><a
+ id="x1-71082"></a>
+</p><!--l. 9724--><p class="indent" > Suppose I&#x00A0;want to use the <span
+ id="dx1-71083"></a> style, but I&#x00A0;want the <span
+ id="dx1-71084"></a> key set to the short
+form followed by the long form in parentheses and the <span
+ id="dx1-71085"></a> key set to the short form. Then I
+need to specify the <span
+ id="dx1-71086"></a> style:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-316">
+<!--l. 9730--><p class="nopar" > and then redefine <span
+ id="dx1-71087"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-71088"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-317">
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\acronymentry}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{#1}}\space&#x00A0;(\glsentrylong{#1})}%
+<!--l. 9736--><p class="nopar" > (I&#8217;ve used <span
+class="cmtt-10">\space </span>for extra clarity, but you can just use an actual space instead.)
+</p><!--l. 9740--><p class="indent" > Since the default Computer Modern fonts don&#8217;t support bold smallcaps, I&#8217;m also going to
+redefine <span
+ id="dx1-71089"></a> so that it always switches to medium weight to ensure the smallcaps
+setting is used:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-318">
+<!--l. 9746--><p class="nopar" > This isn&#8217;t necessary if you use a font that supports bold smallcaps.
+</p><!--l. 9749--><p class="indent" > The sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sampleFnAcrDesc.tex</span></a> illustrates this example. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 9751--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 9751--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 9753--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 9753--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">13.1.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:customacronym"></a>Defining A Custom Acronym Style</h4>
+<!--l. 9756--><p class="noindent" >You may find that the predefined acronyms styles that come with the <span
+package don&#8217;t suit your requirements. In this case you can define your own style
+</p><!--l. 9759--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-72001"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">style name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 9761--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">style name</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the new style (avoid active characters). The second
+argument, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">display</span>&#x27E9;, is equivalent to the mandatory argument of <span
+ id="dx1-72002"></a>. You can
+simply use <span
+ id="dx1-72003"></a> or you can customize the display using commands like
+ id="dx1-72004"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-72005"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-72006"></a>. (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsdisplay">Changing the format
+of the link text<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsdisplay --></a> for further details.) If the style is likely to be used with a mixed
+glossary (that is entries in that glossary are defined both with <span
+ id="dx1-72007"></a> and
+ id="dx1-72008"></a>) then you can test if the entry is an acronym and use <span
+ id="dx1-72009"></a> if it
+is or <span
+ id="dx1-72010"></a> if it isn&#8217;t. For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-72011"></a> style sets &#x27E8;<span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-319">
+<!--l. 9776--><p class="nopar" > (You can use <span
+ id="dx1-72012"></a> instead of <span
+ id="dx1-72013"></a> to test if the entry is an acronym if
+you prefer.)
+</p><!--l. 9780--><p class="indent" > The third argument, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definitions</span>&#x27E9;, can be used to redefine the commands that affect the
+display style, such as <span
+ id="dx1-72014"></a> or, if &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">display</span>&#x27E9; uses <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgenacfmt</span>, <span
+ id="dx1-72015"></a>
+and its variants.
+</p><!--l. 9785--><p class="indent" > Note that <span
+ id="dx1-72016"></a> redefines <span
+ id="dx1-72017"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-72018"></a> to use
+ id="dx1-72019"></a> (and similarly for the plural and upper case variants). If this isn&#8217;t
+appropriate for the style (as in the case of styles like <span
+ id="dx1-72020"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-72021"></a>) <span
+should redefine these commands within &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 9793--><p class="indent" > Within <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronymstyle</span>&#8217;s &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definitions</span>&#x27E9; argument you can also redefine
+</p><!--l. 9795--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-72022"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\GenericAcronymFields </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9797--><p class="noindent" >
+This is a list of additional fields to be set in <span
+ id="dx1-72023"></a>. You can use the following token
+registers to access the entry label, long form and short form: <span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-72024"></a><span
+<span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-72025"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslongtok </span>and <span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-72026"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsshorttok</span>. As with all <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;registers, you
+can access their values by preceding the register with <span
+ id="dx1-72027"></a>. For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-72028"></a> style
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-320">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={\the\glslongtok}}%
+<!--l. 9808--><p class="nopar" > which sets the <span
+ id="dx1-72029"></a> field to the long form of the acronym whereas the <span
+ id="dx1-72030"></a>
+style does:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-321">
+<!--l. 9813--><p class="nopar" > since the description needs to be specified by the user.
+</p><!--l. 9816--><p class="indent" > It may be that you want to define a new acronym style that&#8217;s based on an existing style.
+Within &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">display</span>&#x27E9; you can use
+</p><!--l. 9818--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-72031"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">style name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9820--><p class="noindent" >
+to use the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">display</span>&#x27E9; definition from the style given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">style name</span>&#x27E9;. Within &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definitions</span>&#x27E9; you can
+</p><!--l. 9823--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-72032"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">style name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 9825--><p class="noindent" >
+to use the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definitions</span>&#x27E9; from the style given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">style name</span>&#x27E9;. For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-72033"></a>
+acronym style is based on the <span
+ id="dx1-72034"></a> style with minor modifications (remember to use <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+instead of <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">#</span></span></span> within &#x27E8;<span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-322">
+&#x00A0;<br />{%&#x00A0;use&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;same&#x00A0;display&#x00A0;as&#x00A0;"long-short"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\GlsUseAcrEntryDispStyle{long-short}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}%
+&#x00A0;<br />{%&#x00A0;use&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;same&#x00A0;definitions&#x00A0;as&#x00A0;"long-short"
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\GlsUseAcrStyleDefs{long-short}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Minor&#x00A0;modifications:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand{\acronymfont}[1]{\textsc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acrpluralsuffix}{\glstextup{\glspluralsuffix}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 9842--><p class="nopar" > (<span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-72035"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstextup </span>is used to cancel the effect of <span
+ id="dx1-72036"></a>. This defaults to <span
+ id="dx1-72037"></a>,
+if defined, otherwise <span
+ id="dx1-72038"></a>. For example, the plural of <span
+class="small-caps">m</span> </span>should be rendered as <span
+rather than <span
+ id="x1-72039r23"></a>
+</p><!--l. 9848--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 23</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Defining a Custom Acronym Style)</span><a
+ id="x1-72040"></a>
+</p><!--l. 9849--><p class="indent" > Suppose I want my acronym on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;to have the short form in the text and the long
+form with the description in a footnote. Suppose also that I want the short form to be put in
+small caps in the main body of the document, but I want it in normal capitals in the list of
+acronyms. In my list of acronyms, I want the long form as the name with the short form in
+brackets followed by the description. That is, in the text I want <span
+ id="dx1-72041"></a> on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a> to display:
+<spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ id="dx1-72042"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}\footnote</span><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9;: &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">description</span>&#x27E9;<span class="verb"><span
+ <br /><spacer type=vertical size=10></span>
+on subsequent use: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ id="dx1-72043"></a><span
+ <br /><spacer type=vertical size=10></span>
+and in the list of acronyms, each entry will be displayed in the form: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br />&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9; (&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9;) &#x27E8;<span
+ <br /><spacer type=vertical size=10></span>
+</p><!--l. 9870--><p class="indent" > Let&#8217;s suppose it&#8217;s possible that I may have a mixed glossary. I can check this in the second
+argument of <span
+ id="dx1-72044"></a> using:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-323">
+<!--l. 9874--><p class="nopar" > This will use <span
+ id="dx1-72045"></a> if the entry isn&#8217;t an acronym, otherwise it will use
+ id="dx1-72046"></a>. The third argument (&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definitions</span>&#x27E9;) of <span
+ id="dx1-72047"></a> needs to redefine
+ id="dx1-72048"></a> etc so that the <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>&#x00A0;displays the short form in the text with the long
+form in a footnote followed by the description. This is done as follows (remember to use <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+instead of <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-324">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylong{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;First&#x00A0;letter&#x00A0;upper&#x00A0;case,&#x00A0;singular&#x00A0;first&#x00A0;use:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Genacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\Glsentryshort{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylong{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;No&#x00A0;case&#x00A0;change,&#x00A0;plural&#x00A0;first&#x00A0;use:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genplacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylongpl{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;First&#x00A0;letter&#x00A0;upper&#x00A0;case,&#x00A0;plural&#x00A0;first&#x00A0;use:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Genplacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\Glsentryshortpl{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylongpl{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+<!--l. 9903--><p class="nopar" > If you think it inappropriate for the short form to be capitalised at the start of a sentence
+you can change the above to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-325">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylong{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;No&#x00A0;case&#x00A0;change,&#x00A0;plural&#x00A0;first&#x00A0;use:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genplacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylongpl{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\let\Genacrfullformat\genacrfullformat
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\let\Genplacrfullformat\genplacrfullformat
+<!--l. 9919--><p class="nopar" > Another variation is to use <span
+ id="dx1-72049"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-72050"></a> in the footnote instead of
+ id="dx1-72051"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-72052"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 9924--><p class="indent" > Now let&#8217;s suppose that commands such as <span
+ id="dx1-72053"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-72054"></a> shouldn&#8217;t use
+a&#x00A0;footnote, but instead use the format: &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9; (&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9;). This means that the style
+needs to redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryfull</span>, <span
+ id="dx1-72055"></a> and their plural and upper case
+</p><!--l. 9931--><p class="indent" > First, the non-linking commands:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-326">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Glsentryfull}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylong{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsentryfullpl}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylongpl{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Glsentryfullpl}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylongpl{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+<!--l. 9949--><p class="nopar" > Now for the linking commands:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-327">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Acrfullfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylong{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\ACRfullfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\MakeTextUppercase{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acrfullplfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylongpl{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Acrfullplfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylongpl{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\ACRfullplfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\MakeTextUppercase{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylongpl{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+<!--l. 9992--><p class="nopar" > (This may cause problems with long hyperlinks, in which case adjust the definitions so that,
+for example, only the short form is inside the argument of <span
+ id="dx1-72056"></a>.)
+</p><!--l. 9997--><p class="indent" > The style also needs to redefine <span
+ id="dx1-72057"></a> so that the acronyms are sorted according
+to the long form:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-328">
+<!--l. 10001--><p class="nopar" > If you prefer them to be sorted according to the short form you can change the above
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-329">
+<!--l. 10006--><p class="nopar" > The acronym font needs to be set to <span
+ id="dx1-72058"></a> and the plural suffix adjusted so that the &#8220;s&#8221;
+suffix in the plural short form doesn&#8217;t get converted to smallcaps:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-330">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acrpluralsuffix}{\glstextup{\glspluralsuffix}}%
+<!--l. 10013--><p class="nopar" > There are a number of ways of dealing with the format in the list of acronyms. The simplest
+way is to redefine <span
+ id="dx1-72059"></a> to the long form followed by the upper case short form in
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-331">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylong{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\MakeTextUppercase{\glsentryshort{##1}})}%
+<!--l. 10021--><p class="nopar" > (I&#8217;ve used <span
+ id="dx1-72060"></a> instead of <span
+ id="dx1-72061"></a> to capitalise the name in the
+</p><!--l. 10025--><p class="indent" > An alternative approach is to set <span
+ id="dx1-72062"></a> to just the long form and redefine
+ id="dx1-72063"></a> to set the <span
+ id="dx1-72064"></a> key to the short form and use a glossary style
+that displays the symbol in parentheses after the <span
+ id="dx1-72065"></a> (such as the <span
+ id="dx1-72066"></a> style) like
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-332">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\GenericAcronymFields}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;symbol={\protect\MakeTextUppercase{\the\glsshorttok}}}%
+<!--l. 10034--><p class="nopar" > I&#8217;m going to use the first approach and set <span
+ id="dx1-72067"></a> to do nothing:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-333">
+<!--l. 10039--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 10041--><p class="indent" > Finally, this style needs to switch off hyperlinks on first use to avoid nested
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-334">
+<!--l. 10045--><p class="nopar" > Putting this all together:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-335">
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\ifglshaslong{\glslabel}{\glsgenacfmt}{\glsgenentryfmt}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}%
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\GenericAcronymFields}{}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glshyperfirstfalse
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylong{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Genacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\Glsentryshort{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylong{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genplacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylongpl{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Genplacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\firstacronymfont{\Glsentryshortpl{##1}}##2%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\footnote{\glsentrylongpl{##1}:&#x00A0;\glsentrydesc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsentryfull}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Glsentryfull}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylong{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsentryfullpl}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylongpl{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Glsentryfullpl}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylongpl{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acrfullfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Acrfullfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylong{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\ACRfullfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\MakeTextUppercase{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshort{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acrfullplfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylongpl{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Acrfullplfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylongpl{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\ACRfullplfmt}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glslink[##1]{##2}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\MakeTextUppercase{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylongpl{##2}##3\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\acronymfont{\glsentryshortpl{##2}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymfont}[1]{\textsc{##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acrpluralsuffix}{\glstextup{\glspluralsuffix}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymsort}[2]{##2}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymentry}[1]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylong{##1}\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;(\MakeTextUppercase{\glsentryshort{##1}})}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 10134--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 10136--><p class="indent" > Now I need to specify that I want to use this new style:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-336">
+<!--l. 10139--><p class="nopar" > I also need to use a glossary style that suits this acronym style, for example <span
+ id="dx1-72068"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-337">
+<!--l. 10144--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 10146--><p class="indent" > Once the acronym style has been set, I can define my acronyms:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-338">
+&#x00A0;<br />developing&#x00A0;hypertext&#x00A0;documents}]{html}{html}{Hyper
+&#x00A0;<br />Text&#x00A0;Markup&#x00A0;Language}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym[description={language&#x00A0;used&#x00A0;to&#x00A0;describe&#x00A0;the
+&#x00A0;<br />layout&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;document&#x00A0;written&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;markup&#x00A0;language}]{css}
+&#x00A0;<br />{css}{Cascading&#x00A0;Style&#x00A0;Sheet}
+<!--l. 10155--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 10157--><p class="indent" > The sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-custom-acronym.tex</span></a> illustrates this example. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 10159--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10159--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+ id="x1-72069r24"></a>
+<!--l. 10161--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 24</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Italic and Upright Abbreviations)</span><a
+ id="x1-72070"></a>
+</p><!--l. 10162--><p class="indent" > Suppose I&#x00A0;want to have some abbreviations in italic and some that just use the
+surrounding font. Hard-coding this into the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9; argument of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronym </span>can cause
+</p><!--l. 10166--><p class="indent" > This example uses <span
+ id="dx1-72071"></a> to add an extra field that can be used to store the
+formatting declaration (such as <span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-339">
+<!--l. 10170--><p class="nopar" > This defines a&#x00A0;new field/key called <span
+class="cmtt-10">font</span>, which defaults to nothing if it&#8217;s not explicitly set.
+This also defines a command called <span
+class="cmtt-10">\entryfont </span>that&#8217;s analogous to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentrytext</span>. A&#x00A0;new
+style is then created to format abbreviations that access this field.
+</p><!--l. 10176--><p class="indent" > There are two ways to do this. The first is to create a style that doesn&#8217;t use <span
+ id="dx1-72072"></a>
+but instead provides a&#x00A0;modified version that doesn&#8217;t use <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>but instead
+uses <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\entryfont</span><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9;<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span></span></span>. The full format given by commands such as
+class="cmtt-10">\genacrfullformat </span>need to be similarly adjusted. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-340">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##1}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;({\entryfont{##1}\glsentryshort{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+<!--l. 10188--><p class="nopar" > This will deal with commands like <span
+ id="dx1-72073"></a> but not commands like <span
+ id="dx1-72074"></a> which still use
+ id="dx1-72075"></a>. Another approach is to redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymfont </span>to look up the required font
+declaration. Since <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymfont </span>doesn&#8217;t take the entry label as an argument, the following
+will only work if <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymfont </span>is used in a&#x00A0;context where the label is provided by
+ id="dx1-72076"></a>. This is true in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acrshort </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acrfull</span>. The redefinition is
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-341">
+<!--l. 10199--><p class="nopar" > So the new style can be defined as:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-342">
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\GlsUseAcrEntryDispStyle{long-short}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+&#x00A0;<br />{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\GlsUseAcrStyleDefs{long-short}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylong{##1}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;({\entryfont{##1}\glsentryshort{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Genacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylong{##1}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;({\entryfont{##1}\glsentryshort{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\genplacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentrylongpl{##1}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;({\entryfont{##1}\glsentryshortpl{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\Genplacrfullformat}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentrylongpl{##1}##2\space
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;({\entryfont{##1}\glsentryshortpl{##1}})%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymfont}[1]{{\entryfont{\glslabel}##1}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\acronymentry}[1]{{\entryfont{##1}\glsentryshort{##1}}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 10227--><p class="nopar" > Remember the style needs to be set before defining the entries:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-343">
+<!--l. 10231--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 10233--><p class="indent" > The complete document is contained in the sample file <a
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 10235--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10235--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 10237--><p class="indent" > Some writers and publishing houses have started to drop full stops (periods) from upper
+case initials but may still retain them for lower case abbreviations, while others
+may still use them for both upper and lower case. This can cause complications.
+Chapter&#x00A0;12 of <span
+class="cmti-10">The </span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="cmti-10">book </span>discusses the spacing between words but, briefly, the default
+behaviour of <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;is to assume that an upper case character followed by a&#x00A0;full stop
+and space is an abbreviation, so the space is the default inter-word space whereas
+a&#x00A0;lower case character followed by a&#x00A0;full stop and space is a word occurring at the
+end of a&#x00A0;sentence. In the event that this isn&#8217;t true, you need to make a&#x00A0;manual
+adjustment using <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x2423;</span></span></span> (back slash space) in place of just a&#x00A0;space character for an
+inter-word mid-sentence space and use <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\@</span></span></span> before the full stop to indicate the end of the
+</p><!--l. 10252--><p class="indent" > For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-344">
+<!--l. 10255--><p class="nopar" > is typeset as <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br />I was awarded a B.Sc. and a Ph.D. (From the same place.)
+ <br /><spacer type=vertical size=10></span>
+The spacing is more noticeable with the typewriter font:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-345">
+&#x00A0;<br />I&#x00A0;was&#x00A0;awarded&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;B.Sc.&#x00A0;and&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;Ph.D.&#x00A0;(From&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;same&#x00A0;place.)
+<!--l. 10264--><p class="nopar" > is typeset as <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+class="cmtt-10">I was awarded a B.Sc. and a Ph.D. (From the same place.)</span>
+ <br /><spacer type=vertical size=10></span>
+The lower case letter at the end of &#8220;B.Sc.&#8221;&#x00A0;is confusing <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;into thinking that the full stop
+after it marks the end of the sentence. Whereas the upper case letter at the end of &#8220;Ph.D.&#8221;
+has confused <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;into thinking that the following full stop is just part of the abbreviation.
+These can be corrected:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-346">
+<!--l. 10276--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 10278--><p class="indent" > This situation is a bit problematic for <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries</span>. The full stops can form part of
+the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9; argument of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newacronym </span>and the <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">B.Sc.\&#x2423;</span></span></span> part can be dealt with by
+remembering to add <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\&#x2423;</span></span></span> (for example, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{bsc}\&#x2423;</span></span></span>) but the end of sentence case is
+more troublesome as you need to omit the sentence terminating full stop (to avoid
+two dots) which can make the source code look a little strange but you also need
+to adjust the space factor, which is usually done by inserting <span
+class="cmtt-10">\@ </span>before the full
+</p><!--l. 10288--><p class="indent" > The next example shows one way of achieving this. (Note that the supplemental
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package provides a much simpler way of doing this, which you may prefer to
+use. See the <a
+href="" >initialisms example</a>.)
+ id="x1-72077r25"></a>
+</p><!--l. 10294--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 25</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Abbreviations with Full Stops (Periods))</span><a
+ id="x1-72078"></a>
+</p><!--l. 10295--><p class="indent" > As from version 4.16, there&#8217;s now a hook (<span
+ id="dx1-72079"></a>) that&#8217;s called at the very
+end of the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;and <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands. This can be redefined to check if the
+following character is a full stop. The <span
+ id="dx1-72080"></a> package (which is automatically loaded by
+class="cmss-10">glossaries</span>) provides an internal command called <span
+class="cmtt-10">\new@ifnextchar </span>that can be used to
+determine if the given character appears next. (For more information see the <span
+ id="dx1-72081"></a>
+</p><!--l. 10304--><p class="indent" > It&#8217;s possible that I&#x00A0;may also want acronyms or contractions in my document, so I&#x00A0;need
+some way to differentiate between them. Here I&#8217;m going to use the same method as in
+href="#x1-39002r4">4<!--tex4ht:ref: ex:addstoragekey --></a> where a&#x00A0;new field is defined to indicate the type of abbreviation:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-347">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\newabbr}[1][]{\newacronym[abbrtype=initials,#1]}
+<!--l. 10313--><p class="nopar" > Now I just use <span
+ id="dx1-72082"></a> for the acronyms, for example,
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-348">
+&#x00A0;<br />emission&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;radiation}
+<!--l. 10318--><p class="nopar" > and my new command <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newabbr </span>for initials, for example,
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-349">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newabbr{ie}{i.e.}{id&#x00A0;est}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newabbr{bsc}{B.Sc.}{Bachelor&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;Science}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newabbr{ba}{B.A.}{Bachelor&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;Arts}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newabbr{agm}{A.G.M.}{annual&#x00A0;general&#x00A0;meeting}
+<!--l. 10326--><p class="nopar" > Within <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspostlinkhook </span>the entry&#8217;s label can be accessed using <span
+ id="dx1-72083"></a> and
+ id="dx1-72084"></a> can be used to determine if the current entry has the new <span
+class="cmtt-10">abbrtype </span>field set
+to &#8220;initials&#8221;. If it doesn&#8217;t, then nothing needs to happen, but if it does, a&#x00A0;check is performed
+to see if the next character is a&#x00A0;full stop. If it is, this signals the end of a&#x00A0;sentence otherwise
+it&#8217;s mid-sentence.
+</p><!--l. 10335--><p class="indent" > Remember that internal commands within the document file (rather than in a&#x00A0;class or
+package) need to be placed between <span
+ id="dx1-72085"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-72086"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-350">
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\glspostlinkhook}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\ifglsfieldeq{\glslabel}{abbrtype}{initials}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{\new@ifnextchar.\doendsentence\doendword}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeatother
+<!--l. 10346--><p class="nopar" > In the event that a full stop is found <span
+class="cmtt-10">\doendsentence </span>is performed but it will be followed by
+the full stop, which needs to be discarded. Otherwise <span
+class="cmtt-10">\doendword </span>will be done but it won&#8217;t be
+followed by a full stop so there&#8217;s nothing to discard. The definitions for these commands
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-351">
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand{\doendword}{\spacefactor=1000{}}
+<!--l. 10355--><p class="nopar" > Now, I can just do <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{bsc}</span></span></span> mid-sentence and <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{phd}.</span></span></span> at the end of the
+sentence. The terminating full stop will be discarded in the latter case, but it won&#8217;t be
+discarded in, say, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{laser}.</span></span></span> as that doesn&#8217;t have the <span
+class="cmtt-10">abbrtype </span>field set to
+</p><!--l. 10362--><p class="indent" > This also works on first use when the style is set to one of the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9; (&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9;) styles but it
+will fail with the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">short</span>&#x27E9; (&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">long</span>&#x27E9;) styles as in this case the terminating full stop shouldn&#8217;t be
+discarded. Since <span
+ id="dx1-72087"></a> is used after the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>&#x00A0;has been unset for the
+entry, this can&#8217;t be fixed by simply checking with <span
+ id="dx1-72088"></a>. One possible solution to this is
+to redefine <span
+ id="dx1-72089"></a> to check for the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>&#x00A0;and define a macro that can
+then be used in <span
+ id="dx1-72090"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 10372--><p class="indent" > The other thing to consider is what to do with plurals. One possibility is to check for
+plural use within <span
+class="cmtt-10">\doendsentence </span>(using <span
+ id="dx1-72091"></a>) and put the full stop back if the
+plural has been used.
+</p><!--l. 10377--><p class="indent" > The complete document is contained in the sample file <a
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 10379--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10379--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 10381--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 10381--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">13.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:disploa"></a>Displaying the List of Acronyms</h3>
+<!--l. 10384--><p class="noindent" >The list of acronyms is just like any other type of glossary and can be displayed on its own
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">:</span> </dt><dd
+ <div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-73001"></a><span
+ id="dx1-73002"></a><span
+ </div>
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">2</span></a> <span
+class="cmbx-10">:</span> </dt><dd
+ <div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-73003"></a><span
+ id="dx1-73004"></a><span
+ </div>
+ <!--l. 10397--><p class="noindent" >(If you use the <span
+ id="dx1-73005"></a> package option you can also use </p><div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-73006"></a><span
+ </div> as a synonym for <div class="alltt">
+ <div class="obeylines-v">
+ <span
+ id="dx1-73007"></a><span
+ id="dx1-73008"></a><span
+ </div> See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.5 </a><a
+href="#sec:pkgopts-acronym">Acronym Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-acronym --></a>.)
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 10409--><p class="noindent" >Alternatively the list of acronyms can be displayed with all the other glossaries using:
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">:</span> </dt><dd
+ id="dx1-73009"></a>
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">2</span></a> <span
+class="cmbx-10">:</span> </dt><dd
+ id="dx1-73010"></a></dd></dl>
+<!--l. 10417--><p class="indent" > However, care must be taken to choose a glossary style that&#8217;s appropriate to your acronym
+style. Alternatively, you can define your own custom style (see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglossarystyle">Defining your own
+glossary style<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglossarystyle --></a> for further details).
+</p><!--l. 10422--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 10422--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">13.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:oldacronym"></a>Upgrading From the glossary Package</h3>
+<!--l. 10425--><p class="noindent" >Users of the obsolete <span
+ id="dx1-74001"></a> package may recall that the syntax used to define new
+acronyms has changed with the replacement <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package. In addition, the
+old <span
+ id="dx1-74002"></a> package created the command <span
+class="cmti-10">acr-name</span>&#x27E9; when defining the acronym
+</p><!--l. 10431--><p class="indent" > In order to facilitate migrating from the old package to the new one, the <span
+package<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x13" id="fn1x13-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">13.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-74003f1"></a>
+provides the command:
+</p><!--l. 10434--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-74004"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">key-val list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10436--><p class="noindent" >
+This uses the same syntax as the <span
+ id="dx1-74005"></a> package&#8217;s method of defining acronyms. It is
+equivalent to: <spacer type=vertical size=10><span class="obeylines-h">
+ <br /><span
+ id="dx1-74006"></a><span
+class="cmti-10">key-val list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+ <br /><spacer type=vertical size=10></span>
+In addition, <span
+ id="dx1-74007"></a> also defines the commands <span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;, which is equivalent to <span
+ id="dx1-74008"></a>
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>, and <span
+class="cmtt-10">*</span>, which is equivalent to <span
+ id="dx1-74009"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>. If &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is omitted, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">abbrv</span>&#x27E9; is used.
+Since commands names must consist only of alphabetical characters, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; must also only
+consist of alphabetical characters. Note that <span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; doesn&#8217;t allow you to use the first optional
+argument of <span
+ id="dx1-74010"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-74011"></a> &#8212; you will need to explicitly use <span
+ id="dx1-74012"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-74013"></a> to change the
+</p><!--l. 10453--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Recall that, in general, <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;ignores spaces following command names consisting of
+alphabetical characters. This is also true for <span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; unless you additionally load the <span
+ id="dx1-74014"></a>
+package, but be aware that there are some issues with using <span
+ id="dx1-74015"></a>.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x13" id="fn2x13-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">13.2</sup></a></span></div>
+</p><!--l. 10459--><p class="noindent" >
+ id="x1-74016f2"></a>
+</p><!--l. 10463--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package doesn&#8217;t load the <span
+ id="dx1-74017"></a> package since there are both advantages
+and disadvantages to using <span
+ id="dx1-74018"></a> in <span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. If you don&#8217;t use the <span
+ id="dx1-74019"></a> package
+you need to explicitly force a space using <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\&#x2423;</span></span></span> (backslash space) however you can
+follow <span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; with additional text in square brackets (the final optional argument
+to <span
+ id="dx1-74020"></a>). If you use the <span
+ id="dx1-74021"></a> package you don&#8217;t need to escape the spaces but
+you can&#8217;t use the optional argument to insert text (you will have to explicitly use
+ id="dx1-74022"></a>).
+</p><!--l. 10474--><p class="indent" > To illustrate this, suppose I define the acronym &#8220;abc&#8221; as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-352">
+<!--l. 10478--><p class="nopar" > This will create the command <span
+class="cmtt-10">\abc </span>and its starred version <span
+class="cmtt-10">\abc*</span>. <a
+href="#tab:xspace">Table&#x00A0;13.2</a> illustrates the
+effect of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\abc </span>(on subsequent use) according to whether or not the <span
+ id="dx1-74023"></a> package has been
+loaded. As can be seen from the final row in the table, the <span
+ id="dx1-74024"></a> package prevents the
+optional argument from being recognised.
+ <div class="table">
+<!--l. 10486--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="tab:xspace"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float"
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;13.2: </span><span
+class="content">The effect of using <span
+class="cmss-10">xspace </span>with <span
+class="cmtt-10">\oldacronym</span></span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-740252 -->
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-8" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-8-1g"><col
+id="TBL-8-1" /><col
+id="TBL-8-2" /><col
+id="TBL-8-3" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-8-1-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-1-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Code </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-1-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">With </span><span
+class="cmssbx-10">xspace </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-1-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Without </span><span
+class="cmssbx-10">xspace </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-8-2-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-2-1"
+class="td11"> <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\abc.</span></span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-2-2"
+class="td11"> abc. </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-2-3"
+class="td11"> abc. </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-8-3-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-3-1"
+class="td11"> <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;xyz</span></span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-3-2"
+class="td11"> abc xyz </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-3-3"
+class="td11"> abcxyz </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-8-4-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-4-1"
+class="td11"> <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;xyz</span></span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-4-2"
+class="td11"> abc xyz </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-4-3"
+class="td11"> abc xyz </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-8-5-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-5-1"
+class="td11"> <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;xyz</span></span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-5-2"
+class="td11"> Abc xyz </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-5-3"
+class="td11"> Abc xyz </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-8-6-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-6-1"
+class="td11"> <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">&#x00A0;xyz</span></span></span> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-6-2"
+class="td11"> abc [&#8217;s] xyz </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-8-6-3"
+class="td11"> abc&#8217;s xyz </td></tr></table>
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+ </div>
+<!--l. 10504--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 10504--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">14. <a
+ id="sec:glsunset"></a>Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags</h2>
+</p><!--l. 10507--><p class="indent" > When using the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands it is possible that you may want to use the
+value given by the <span
+ id="dx1-75001"></a> key, even though you have already <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">used</a> the glossary entry.
+Conversely, you may want to use the value given by the <span
+ id="dx1-75002"></a> key, even though you
+haven&#8217;t used the glossary entry. The former can be achieved by one of the following
+</p><!--l. 10513--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-75003"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10515--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10516--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-75004"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10518--><p class="noindent" >
+while the latter can be achieved by one of the following commands:
+</p><!--l. 10520--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-75005"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10522--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10523--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-75006"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10525--><p class="noindent" >
+You can also reset or unset all entries for a given glossary or list of glossaries using:
+</p><!--l. 10528--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-75007"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10530--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10531--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-75008"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10533--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10534--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-75009"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10536--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10537--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-75010"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10539--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9; is a comma-separated list of glossary labels. If omitted, all defined
+glossaries are assumed (except for the ignored ones). For example, to reset all entries in the
+main glossary and the list of acronyms:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-353">
+<!--l. 10547--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 10549--><p class="indent" > You can determine whether an entry&#8217;s <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a> is set using:
+</p><!--l. 10550--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-75011"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10552--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the label of the required entry. If the entry has been used, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; will be
+done, otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9; will be done.
+</p><!--l. 10557--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Be careful when using <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands within an environment or command
+argument that gets processed multiple times as it can cause unwanted side-effects when the
+first use displayed text is different from subsequent use. </div>
+</p><!--l. 10562--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10564--><p class="indent" > For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-75012"></a><a
+ id="dx1-75013"></a> environment in <span
+ id="dx1-75014"></a> processes its argument for each overlay.
+This means that the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>&#x00A0;will be unset on the first overlay and subsequent overlays
+will use the non-first use form.
+</p><!--l. 10569--><p class="indent" > Consider the following example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-354">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{svm}{SVM}{support&#x00A0;vector&#x00A0;machine}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{frame}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\frametitle{Frame&#x00A0;1}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\begin{itemize}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\item&#x003C;+-&#x003E;&#x00A0;\gls{svm}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\item&#x003C;+-&#x003E;&#x00A0;Stuff.
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\end{itemize}
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{frame}
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 10589--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 10591--><p class="indent" > On the first overlay, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{svm}</span></span></span> produces &#8220;support vector machine (SVM)&#8221; and then
+unsets the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>. When the second overlay is processed, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{svm}</span></span></span> now produces
+&#8220;SVM&#8221;, which is unlikely to be the desired effect. I&#x00A0;don&#8217;t know anyway around this and I can
+only offer two suggestions.
+</p><!--l. 10597--><p class="indent" > Firstly, unset all acronyms at the start of the document and explicitly use <span
+ id="dx1-75015"></a> when
+you want the full version to be displayed:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-355">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{svm}{SVM}{support&#x00A0;vector&#x00A0;machine}
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsunsetall
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{frame}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\frametitle{Frame&#x00A0;1}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\begin{itemize}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\item&#x003C;+-&#x003E;&#x00A0;\acrfull{svm}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\item&#x003C;+-&#x003E;&#x00A0;Stuff.
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\end{itemize}
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{frame}
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 10619--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 10621--><p class="indent" > Secondly, explicitly reset each acronym on first use:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-356">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\frametitle{Frame&#x00A0;1}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\begin{itemize}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\item&#x003C;+-&#x003E;&#x00A0;\glsreset{svm}\gls{svm}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\item&#x003C;+-&#x003E;&#x00A0;Stuff.
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\end{itemize}
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{frame}
+<!--l. 10631--><p class="nopar" > These are non-optimal, but the <span
+ id="dx1-75016"></a> class is too complex for me to provide
+a programmatic solution. Other potentially problematic environments are some
+ id="dx1-75017"></a><a
+ id="dx1-75018"></a>-like environments (but not <span
+ id="dx1-75019"></a><a
+ id="dx1-75020"></a> itself) that process the contents in order
+to work out the column widths and then reprocess the contents to do the actual
+</p><!--l. 10639--><p class="indent" > The <span
+ id="dx1-75021"></a> environments, such as <span
+ id="dx1-75022"></a><a
+ id="dx1-75023"></a>, also process their contents multiple times, but
+the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package now checks for this. For <span
+ id="dx1-75024"></a>, you need to explicitly patch it by
+placing <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspatchtabularx </span>in the preamble (or anywhere before the problematic use of
+<!--l. 10646--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">14.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:enableentrycount"></a>Counting the Number of Times an Entry has been Used (First Use Flag
+<!--l. 10649--><p class="noindent" >As from version 4.14, it&#8217;s now possible to keep track of how many times an entry is used.
+That is, how many times the <a
+href="#glo:firstuseflag">first use flag</a>&#x00A0;is unset. Note that the supplemental
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> package improves this function and also provides per-unit counting, which isn&#8217;t
+available with the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package.
+</p><!--l. 10655--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> This function is disabled by default as it adds extra overhead to the document build time
+and also switches <span
+ id="dx1-76001"></a> (and therefore <span
+ id="dx1-76002"></a>) into a&#x00A0;preamble-only
+command. </div>
+</p><!--l. 10660--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10662--><p class="indent" > To enable this function, use
+</p><!--l. 10663--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76003"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsenableentrycount </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10665--><p class="noindent" >
+before defining your entries. This adds two extra (internal) fields to entries: <span
+class="cmtt-10">currcount </span>and
+</p><!--l. 10669--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="cmtt-10">currcount </span>field keeps track of how many times <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsunset </span>is used within the
+document. A&#x00A0;local unset (using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslocalunset</span>) performs a&#x00A0;local rather than global
+increment to <span
+class="cmtt-10">currcount</span>. Remember that not all commands use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsunset</span>. Only the
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands do this. The reset commands <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsreset </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslocalreset </span>reset this
+field back to zero (where <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslocalreset </span>performs a&#x00A0;local change).
+</p><!--l. 10677--><p class="indent" > The <span
+class="cmtt-10">prevcount </span>field stores the final value of the <span
+class="cmtt-10">currcount </span>field <span
+class="cmti-10">from the previous run</span>.
+This value is read from the <span
+class="cmtt-10">.aux </span>file at the beginning of the <span
+ id="dx1-76004"></a><a
+ id="dx1-76005"></a> environment.
+</p><!--l. 10682--><p class="indent" > You can access these fields using
+</p><!--l. 10683--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76006"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10685--><p class="noindent" >
+for the <span
+class="cmtt-10">currcount </span>field, and
+</p><!--l. 10687--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10689--><p class="noindent" >
+for the <span
+class="cmtt-10">prevcount </span>field. <span
+class="cmbx-10">These commands are only defined if you have used</span>
+</p><!--l. 10693--><p class="indent" > For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-357">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsenableentrycount
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{apple}{name=apple,description={a&#x00A0;fruit}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />Total&#x00A0;usage&#x00A0;on&#x00A0;previous&#x00A0;run:&#x00A0;\glsentryprevcount{apple}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\gls{apple}.&#x00A0;\gls{apple}.&#x00A0;\glsadd{apple}\glsentrytext{apple}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\glslink{apple}{apple}.&#x00A0;\glsdisp{apple}{apple}.&#x00A0;\Gls{apple}.
+&#x00A0;<br />Number&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;times&#x00A0;apple&#x00A0;has&#x00A0;been&#x00A0;used:&#x00A0;\glsentrycurrcount{apple}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 10711--><p class="nopar" > On the first <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryprevcount{apple}</span></span></span> produces&#x00A0;0. At the end of the
+document, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentrycurrcount{apple}</span></span></span> produces&#x00A0;4. This is because the only commands
+that have incremented the entry count are those that use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsunset</span>. That is: <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>, <span
+and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Gls</span>. The other commands used in the above example, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentrytext </span>and
+class="cmtt-10">\glslink</span>, don&#8217;t use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsunset </span>so they don&#8217;t increment the entry count. On the <span
+<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;run, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryprevcount{apple}</span></span></span> now produces&#x00A0;4 as that was the value of the
+class="cmtt-10">currcount </span>field for the <span
+class="cmtt-10">apple </span>entry at the end of the document on the previous
+</p><!--l. 10724--><p class="indent" > When you enable the entry count using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsenableentrycount</span>, you also enable the
+following commands:
+</p><!--l. 10726--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10728--><p class="noindent" >
+(no case-change, singular)
+</p><!--l. 10730--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76009"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10732--><p class="noindent" >
+(no case-change, plural)
+</p><!--l. 10734--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76010"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10736--><p class="noindent" >
+(first letter uppercase, singular), and
+</p><!--l. 10738--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76011"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10740--><p class="noindent" >
+(first letter uppercase, plural). These all have plus and starred variants like the analogous
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspl</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Gls </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glspl </span>commands.
+</p><!--l. 10745--><p class="indent" > If you don&#8217;t use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsenableentrycount</span>, these commands behave like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspl</span>, <span
+and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\Glspl</span>, respectively, only there will be a warning that you haven&#8217;t enabled entry
+counting. If you have enabled entry counting with <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsenableentrycount </span>then these
+commands test if <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>equals&#x00A0;1. If it doesn&#8217;t then the analogous <span
+etc will be used. If it does, then the first optional argument will be ignored and
+</p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> will be performed, where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">cs format</span>&#x27E9; is a command that takes two arguments. The command
+used depends whether you have used <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cgls</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cglspl</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cGls </span>or <span
+<!--l. 10760--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76012"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10762--><p class="noindent" >
+This command is used by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cgls </span>and defaults to </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> if the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has a&#x00A0;long form or <div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> otherwise.
+<!--l. 10774--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76013"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10776--><p class="noindent" >
+This command is used by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cglspl </span>and defaults to </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> if the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has a&#x00A0;long form or <div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> otherwise.
+<!--l. 10788--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76014"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10790--><p class="noindent" >
+This command is used by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cGls </span>and defaults to </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> if the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has a&#x00A0;long form or <div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> otherwise.
+<!--l. 10801--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-76015"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10803--><p class="noindent" >
+This command is used by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cGlspl </span>and defaults to </p><div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> if the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has a&#x00A0;long form or <div class="alltt">
+<div class="obeylines-v">
+</div> otherwise.
+<!--l. 10814--><p class="indent" > This means that if the previous count for the given entry was&#x00A0;1, the entry won&#8217;t be
+hyperlinked with the <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cgls</span>-like commands and they won&#8217;t add a&#x00A0;line to the external glossary
+file. If you haven&#8217;t used any of the other commands that add information to glossary file (such
+as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsadd </span>or the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\glstext</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;commands) then the entry won&#8217;t appear in the
+</p><!--l. 10821--><p class="indent" > Remember that since these commands use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentryprevcount </span>you need to run
+<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;twice to ensure they work correctly. The document build order is now (at least):
+class="cmtt-10">(pdf)latex</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">(pdf)latex</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries</span>, <span
+ id="x1-76016r26"></a>
+</p><!--l. 10826--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 26</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Don&#8217;t index entries that are only used once)</span><a
+ id="x1-76017"></a>
+</p><!--l. 10827--><p class="indent" > In this example, the abbreviations that have only been used once (on the previous run)
+only have their long form shown with <span
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-358">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref}
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[acronym]{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\makeglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\glsenableentrycount
+&#x00A0;<br />\setacronymstyle{long-short}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{html}{HTML}{hypertext&#x00A0;markup&#x00A0;language}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{css}{CSS}{cascading&#x00A0;style&#x00A0;sheets}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{xml}{XML}{extensible&#x00A0;markup&#x00A0;language}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{sql}{SQL}{structured&#x00A0;query&#x00A0;language}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{rdbms}{RDBMS}{relational&#x00A0;database&#x00A0;management&#x00A0;system}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newacronym{rdsms}{RDSMS}{relational&#x00A0;data&#x00A0;stream&#x00A0;management&#x00A0;system}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />These&#x00A0;entries&#x00A0;are&#x00A0;only&#x00A0;used&#x00A0;once:&#x00A0;\cgls{sql},&#x00A0;\cgls{rdbms},
+&#x00A0;<br />\cgls{xml}.&#x00A0;These&#x00A0;entries&#x00A0;are&#x00A0;used&#x00A0;multiple&#x00A0;times:
+&#x00A0;<br />\cgls{html},&#x00A0;\cgls{html},&#x00A0;\cgls{css},&#x00A0;\cgls{css},&#x00A0;\cgls{css},
+&#x00A0;<br />\cgls{rdsms},&#x00A0;\cgls{rdsms}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\printglossaries
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 10855--><p class="nopar" > After a complete document build (<span
+class="cmtt-10">latex</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">latex</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">makeglossaries</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">latex</span>) the list of
+abbrevaitions only includes the entries HTML, CSS and RDSMS. The entries SQL,
+RDBMS and XML only have their long forms displayed and don&#8217;t have a&#x00A0;hyperlink.
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 10861--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10861--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 10863--><p class="indent" > Remember that if you don&#8217;t like typing <span
+class="cmtt-10">\cgls </span>you can create a synonym. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-359">
+<!--l. 10867--><p class="nopar" >
+<!--l. 10869--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 10869--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">15. <a
+ id="sec:styles"></a>Glossary Styles</h2>
+</p><!--l. 10872--><p class="indent" > Glossaries vary from lists that simply contain a symbol with a terse description to lists of
+terms or phrases with lengthy descriptions. Some glossaries may have terms with associated
+symbols. Some may have hierarchical entries. There is therefore no single style that fits every
+type of glossary. The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package comes with a number of pre-defined glossary styles,
+described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:predefinedstyles">Predefined Styles<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:predefinedstyles --></a>. You can choose one of these that best suits your type of
+glossary or, if none of them suit your document, you can defined your own style (see <a
+href="#sec:newglossarystyle">Defining your own glossary style<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglossarystyle --></a>). There are some examples of glossary styles available at
+href="" class="url" ><span
+</p><!--l. 10885--><p class="indent" > The glossary style can be set using the <span
+ id="dx1-77001"></a> key in the optional argument to
+ id="dx1-77002"></a> (<a
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>) or <span
+ id="dx1-77003"></a> (Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>) or using the
+</p><!--l. 10888--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-77004"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 10890--><p class="noindent" >
+(before the glossary is displayed).
+</p><!--l. 10893--><p class="indent" > Some of the predefined glossary styles may also be set using the <span
+ id="dx1-77005"></a> package option, it
+depends if the package in which they are defined is automatically loaded by the <span
+</p><!--l. 10897--><p class="indent" > You can use the lorum ipsum dummy entries provided in the accompanying
+class="cmtt-10">example-glossaries-*.tex </span>files (described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:lipsum">Dummy Entries for Testing<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:lipsum --></a>) to test the
+different styles.
+<!--l. 10902--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:predefinedstyles"></a>Predefined Styles</h3>
+<!--l. 10905--><p class="noindent" >The predefined styles can accommodate numbered level&#x00A0;0 (main) and level&#x00A0;1 entries. See the
+package options <span
+ id="dx1-78001"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-78002"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-78003"></a> described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.3 </a><a
+Appearance Options<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:pkgopts-printglos --></a>. There is a summary of available styles in <a
+href="#tab:styles">table&#x00A0;15.1</a>. You can view samples of
+all the predefined styles at <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+Note that <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> provides additional styles in the supplementary packages
+ id="dx1-78004"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-78005"></a>. See the <a
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra</span></a> manual for further
+</p><!--l. 10918--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that the group styles (such as <span
+ id="dx1-78006"></a>) will have unexpected results if used with
+the <span
+ id="dx1-78007"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-78008"></a> options. If you don&#8217;t sort your entries alphabetically, it&#8217;s
+best to set the <span
+ id="dx1-78009"></a> package option to prevent odd vertical gaps appearing.
+</p><!--l. 10924--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10926--><p class="indent" > The group title is obtained using <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>, which is described in <a
+href="#sec:newglossarystyle">Defining your own glossary style<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglossarystyle --></a>.
+ <div class="table">
+<!--l. 10929--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="tab:styles"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float"
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;15.1: </span><span
+class="content">Glossary Styles. An asterisk in the style name indicates anything that
+matches that doesn&#8217;t match any previously listed style (e.g.&#x00A0;<span
+class="cmtt-10">long3col* </span>matches
+ id="dx1-78011"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-78012"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-78013"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-78014"></a>). A maximum level of
+0 indicates a flat glossary (sub-entries are displayed in the same way as main entries).
+Where the maximum level is given as &#8212; there is no limit, but note that <a
+ id="dx1-78015"></a></a>
+href="#option2">Option&#x00A0;2</a>) imposes a limit of 2 sub-levels. If the homograph column is checked, then
+the name is not displayed for sub-entries. If the symbol column is checked, then the
+symbol will be displayed.</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-780101 -->
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-9" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-9-1g"><col
+id="TBL-9-1" /><col
+id="TBL-9-2" /><col
+id="TBL-9-3" /><col
+id="TBL-9-4" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-1-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-1-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Style </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-1-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Maximum Level </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-1-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Homograph </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-1-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Symbol </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-2-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-2-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">listdotted </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-2-2"
+class="td11"> 0 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-2-3"
+class="td11"> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-2-4"
+class="td11"> </td></tr><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-3-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-3-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">sublistdotted </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-3-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-3-3"
+class="td11"> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-3-4"
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-4-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-4-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">list* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-4-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-4-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-4-4"
+class="td11"> </td></tr><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-5-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-5-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">altlist* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-5-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-5-3"
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-5-4"
+class="td11"> </td></tr><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-6-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-6-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">long*3col* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-6-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-6-3"
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-6-4"
+class="td11"> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-7-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-7-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">long4col* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-7-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-7-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-7-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-8-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-8-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">altlong*4col* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-8-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-8-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-8-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-9-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-9-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">long* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-9-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-9-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-9-4"
+class="td11"> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-10-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-10-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">super*3col* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-10-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-10-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-10-4"
+class="td11"> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-11-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-11-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">super4col* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-11-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-11-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-11-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-12-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-12-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">altsuper*4col* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-12-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-12-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-12-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-13-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-13-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">super* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-13-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-13-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-13-4"
+class="td11"> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-14-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-14-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">*index* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-14-2"
+class="td11"> 2 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-14-3"
+class="td11"> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-14-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-15-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-15-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">treenoname* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-15-2"
+class="td11"> &#8212; </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-15-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-15-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-16-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-16-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">*alttree* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-16-2"
+class="td11"> &#8212; </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-16-3"
+class="td11"> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-16-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-17-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-17-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">*tree* </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-17-2"
+class="td11"> &#8212; </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-17-3"
+class="td11"> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-17-4"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-9-18-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-9-18-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmtt-10">inline </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-18-2"
+class="td11"> 1 </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-18-3"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="pzdr-">&#x2713; </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:center;" id="TBL-9-18-4"
+class="td11"> </td></tr></table></div>
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+ </div>
+<!--l. 10969--><p class="indent" > The tabular-like styles that allow multi-line descriptions and page lists use the length
+<span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-78016"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdescwidth </span>to set the width of the description column and the
+length <span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-78017"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspagelistwidth </span>to set the width of the page list
+column.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x15" id="fn1x15-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">15.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-78018f1"></a>
+These will need to be changed using <span
+class="cmtt-10">\setlength </span>if the glossary is too wide. Note that the
+ id="dx1-78022"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-78023"></a> styles (and their header and border variations) don&#8217;t use these lengths
+as they are designed for single line entries. Instead you should use the analogous
+ id="dx1-78024"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-78025"></a> styles. If you want to explicitly create a line-break within a
+multi-line description in a tabular-like style it&#8217;s better to use <span
+ id="dx1-78026"></a> instead of
+<span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+</p><!--l. 10987--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Remember that a cell within a tabular-like environment can&#8217;t be broken across a page, so
+even if a tabular-like style, such as <span
+ id="dx1-78027"></a>, allows multilined descriptions, you&#8217;ll probably
+encounter page-breaking problems if you have entries with long descriptions. You may want to
+consider using the <span
+ id="dx1-78028"></a> style instead. </div>
+</p><!--l. 10993--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 10995--><p class="indent" > Note that if you use the <span
+ id="dx1-78029"></a> key in the optional argument to <span
+ id="dx1-78030"></a>
+href="#option1">Option&#x00A0;1</a>) or <span
+ id="dx1-78031"></a> (Options&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option2">2</a> and&#x00A0;<a
+href="#option3">3</a>), it will override any previous style settings
+for the given glossary, so if, for example, you do
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-360">
+&#x00A0;<br />\printglossary[style=long]
+<!--l. 11003--><p class="nopar" > then the new definition of <span
+ id="dx1-78032"></a> will not have an affect for this glossary, as
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgroupskip </span>is redefined by <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">style=long</span></span></span>. Likewise, <span
+ id="dx1-78033"></a> will also override
+any previous style definitions, so, again
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-361">
+&#x00A0;<br />\setglossarystyle{long}
+<!--l. 11011--><p class="nopar" > will reset <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgroupskip </span>back to its default definition for the named glossary style
+ id="dx1-78034"></a> in this case). If you want to modify the styles, either use <span
+ id="dx1-78035"></a>
+(described in the next section) or make the modifications after <span
+ id="dx1-78036"></a>,
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-362">
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\glsgroupskip}{}
+<!--l. 11020--><p class="nopar" > As from version 3.03, you can now use the package option <span
+ id="dx1-78037"></a> to suppress the gap
+between groups for the default styles instead of redefining <span
+</p><!--l. 11025--><p class="indent" > All the styles except for the three- and four-column styles and the <span
+ id="dx1-78038"></a> style use the
+</p><!--l. 11027--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-78039"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glspostdescription </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11029--><p class="noindent" >
+after the description. This simply displays a full stop by default. To eliminate this full
+stop (or replace it with something else, say, a comma) you will need to redefine
+class="cmtt-10">\glspostdescription </span>before the glossary is displayed. Alternatively, you can suppress it
+for a given entry by placing <span
+ id="dx1-78040"></a> in the entry&#8217;s description. Note that
+ id="dx1-78041"></a> puts <span
+class="cmtt-10">\nopostdesc </span>at the end of the description. The <span
+ id="dx1-78042"></a>
+package provides a starred version that doesn&#8217;t.
+</p><!--l. 11039--><p class="indent" > As from version 3.03 you can now use the package option <span
+ id="dx1-78043"></a> to suppress this full
+stop. This is the better option if you want to use the <span
+ id="dx1-78044"></a> package. The
+ id="dx1-78045"></a> package provides some adjustments some of to the predefined styles
+listed here, allowing for greater flexibility. See the <span
+ id="dx1-78046"></a> documentation for further
+<!--l. 11047--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:liststyles"></a>List Styles</h4>
+<!--l. 11050--><p class="noindent" >The styles described in this section are all defined in the package <span
+ id="dx1-79001"></a>. Since
+they all use the <span
+ id="dx1-79002"></a><a
+ id="dx1-79003"></a> environment, they are governed by the same parameters
+as that environment. These styles all ignore the entry&#8217;s symbol. Note that these
+styles will automatically be available unless you use the <span
+ id="dx1-79004"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-79005"></a> package
+</p><!--l. 11057--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that, except for the <span
+ id="dx1-79006"></a> style, these list styles are incompatible with
+ id="dx1-79007"></a>. They may also be incompatible with other classes or packages that modify the
+ id="dx1-79008"></a><a
+ id="dx1-79009"></a> environment. </div>
+</p><!--l. 11062--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">list</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-79010"></a> style uses the <span
+ id="dx1-79011"></a><a
+ id="dx1-79012"></a> environment. The entry name is placed in the
+ optional argument of the <span
+ id="dx1-79013"></a> command (so it will usually appear in bold by
+ default). The description follows, and then the associated <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-79014"></a></a> for that
+ entry. The symbol is ignored. If the entry has child entries, the description and
+ number list follows (but not the name) for each child entry. Groups are separated
+ using <span
+ id="dx1-79015"></a>.
+ <!--l. 11073--><p class="noindent" >The closest matching non-list style is the <span
+ id="dx1-79016"></a> style.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">listgroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-79017"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-79018"></a> but the glossary groups have headings obtained
+ using <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>, which is described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:newglossarystyle">Defining your own
+ glossary style<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglossarystyle --></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">listhypergroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-79019"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-79020"></a> but has a navigation line
+ at the start of the glossary with links to each group that is present in the
+ glossary. This requires an additional run through <span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;to ensure the group
+ information is up to date. In the navigation line, each group is separated
+ by
+ <!--l. 11086--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-79021"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glshypernavsep </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 11088--><p class="noindent" >
+ which defaults to a vertical bar with a space on either side. For example, to simply have
+ a space separating each group, do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-363">
+ \renewcommand*{\glshypernavsep}{\space}
+ <!--l. 11093--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p><!--l. 11095--><p class="noindent" >Note that the hyper-navigation line is now (as from version 1.14) set inside the optional
+ argument to <span
+ id="dx1-79022"></a> instead of after it to prevent a spurious space at the start. This can
+ cause a problem if the navigation line is too long. As from v4.22, if you need to adjust
+ this, you can redefine
+ </p><!--l. 11100--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-79023"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">navigation line</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 11102--><p class="noindent" >
+ The default definition is <span
+class="cmti-10">navigation line</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span>but may be redefined independently of
+ setting the style. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-364">
+ \renewcommand*{\glslistnavigationitem}[1]{\item&#x00A0;\textbf{#1}}
+ <!--l. 11107--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p><!--l. 11109--><p class="noindent" >You may prefer to use the tree-like styles, such as <span
+ id="dx1-79024"></a> instead.
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlist</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-79025"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-79026"></a> but the description starts on the line following the name.
+ (As with the <span
+ id="dx1-79027"></a> style, the symbol is ignored.) Each child entry starts a new
+ line, but as with the <span
+ id="dx1-79028"></a> style, the name associated with each child entry is
+ ignored.
+ <!--l. 11118--><p class="noindent" >The closest matching non-list style is the <span
+ id="dx1-79029"></a> style with the following adjustment:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-365">
+ \renewcommand{\glstreepredesc}{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glstreeitem\parindent\hangindent}
+ <!--l. 11123--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlistgroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-79030"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-79031"></a> but the glossary groups have headings.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlisthypergroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-79032"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-79033"></a> but has a set of links to the
+ glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for <span
+ id="dx1-79034"></a>, described
+ above.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">listdotted</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">This style uses the <span
+ id="dx1-79035"></a><a
+ id="dx1-79036"></a>
+ environment.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x15" id="fn2x15-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">15.2</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-79037f2"></a>
+ Each entry starts with <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\item[]</span></span></span>, followed by the name followed by a dotted line,
+ followed by the description. Note that this style ignores both the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-79038"></a></a> and the
+ symbol. The length
+ <!--l. 11139--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-79039"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslistdottedwidth </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 11141--><p class="noindent" >
+ governs where the description should start. This is a flat style, so child entries are
+ formatted in the same way as the parent entries.
+ </p><!--l. 11145--><p class="noindent" >A non-list alternative is to use the <span
+ id="dx1-79040"></a> style with
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-366">
+ \renewcommand{\glstreepredesc}{\dotfill}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\glstreechildpredesc}{\dotfill}
+ <!--l. 11150--><p class="nopar" > Note that this doesn&#8217;t use <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslistdottedwidth </span>and causes the description
+ to be flush-right and will display the symbol, if provided. (It also doesn&#8217;t
+ suppress the number list<a
+ id="dx1-79041"></a>, but that can be achieved with the <span
+ id="dx1-79042"></a>
+ option.)
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">sublistdotted</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">This is a variation on the <span
+ id="dx1-79043"></a> style designed for hierarchical glossaries.
+ The main entries have just the name displayed. The sub entries are displayed in the
+ same manner as <span
+ id="dx1-79044"></a>. Unlike the <span
+ id="dx1-79045"></a> style, this style is incompatible with
+ <span
+ id="dx1-79046"></a>.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 11166--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 11166--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:longstyles"></a>Longtable Styles</h4>
+<!--l. 11169--><p class="noindent" >The styles described in this section are all defined in the package <span
+ id="dx1-80001"></a>. Since they all
+use the <span
+ id="dx1-80002"></a><a
+ id="dx1-80003"></a> environment, they are governed by the same parameters as that
+environment. Note that these styles will automatically be available unless you use the
+ id="dx1-80004"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-80005"></a> package options. These styles fully justify the description and page
+list columns. If you want ragged right formatting instead, use the analogous styles
+described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.1.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:longraggedstyles">Longtable Styles (Ragged Right)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:longraggedstyles --></a>. If you want to incorporate rules
+from the <span
+ id="dx1-80006"></a> package, try the styles described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.1.4 </a><a
+href="#sec:longbooktabsstyles">Longtable Styles
+class="cmss-10">booktabs</span>)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:longbooktabsstyles --></a>.
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">long</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80007"></a> style uses the <span
+ id="dx1-80008"></a><a
+ id="dx1-80009"></a> environment (defined by the <span
+ id="dx1-80010"></a> package).
+ It has two columns: the first column contains the entry&#8217;s name and the second
+ column contains the description followed by the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-80011"></a></a>. The entry&#8217;s symbol is
+ ignored. Sub groups are separated with a blank row. The width of the first column
+ is governed by the widest entry in that column. The width of the second column
+ is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-80012"></a>. Child entries have a similar format to
+ the parent entries except that their name is suppressed.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80013"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80014"></a> but has horizontal and vertical lines around
+ it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80015"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80016"></a> but has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80017"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80018"></a> but has horizontal
+ and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">long3col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80019"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80020"></a> but has three columns. The first column contains
+ the entry&#8217;s name, the second column contains the description and the third column
+ contains the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-80021"></a></a>. The entry&#8217;s symbol is ignored. The width of the first
+ column is governed by the widest entry in that column, the width of the second
+ column is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-80022"></a>, and the width of the third
+ column is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-80023"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">long3colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80024"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-80025"></a> style but has horizontal
+ and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">long3colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80026"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80027"></a> but has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">long3colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80028"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80029"></a> but has
+ horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">long4col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80030"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80031"></a> but has an additional column in which
+ the entry&#8217;s associated symbol appears. This style is used for brief single line
+ descriptions. The column widths are governed by the widest entry in the given
+ column. Use <span
+ id="dx1-80032"></a> for multi-line descriptions.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">long4colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80033"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-80034"></a> style but has horizontal
+ and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">long4colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80035"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80036"></a> but has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">long4colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80037"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80038"></a> but has
+ horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlong4col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80039"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80040"></a> but allows multi-line descriptions
+ and page lists. The width of the description column is governed by the length
+ <span
+ id="dx1-80041"></a> and the width of the page list column is governed by the length
+ <span
+ id="dx1-80042"></a>. The widths of the name and symbol columns are governed
+ by the widest entry in the given column.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlong4colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80043"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-80044"></a> but allows
+ multi-line descriptions and page lists.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlong4colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80045"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-80046"></a> but allows
+ multi-line descriptions and page lists.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlong4colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-80047"></a> style is like
+ <span
+ id="dx1-80048"></a> but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 11263--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 11263--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:longraggedstyles"></a>Longtable Styles (Ragged Right)</h4>
+<!--l. 11266--><p class="noindent" >The styles described in this section are all defined in the package <span
+ id="dx1-81001"></a>. These
+styles are analogous to those defined in <span
+ id="dx1-81002"></a> but the multiline columns are left
+justified instead of fully justified. Since these styles all use the <span
+ id="dx1-81003"></a><a
+ id="dx1-81004"></a> environment, they are
+governed by the same parameters as that environment. The <span
+ id="dx1-81005"></a> package
+additionally requires the <span
+ id="dx1-81006"></a> package. Note that these styles will only be available if you
+explicitly load <span
+ id="dx1-81007"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-367">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossary-longragged}
+<!--l. 11278--><p class="nopar" > Note that you can&#8217;t set these styles using the <span
+ id="dx1-81008"></a> package option since the styles aren&#8217;t
+defined until after the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package has been loaded. If you want to incorporate rules
+from the <span
+ id="dx1-81009"></a> package, try the styles described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.1.4 </a><a
+href="#sec:longbooktabsstyles">Longtable Styles
+class="cmss-10">booktabs</span>)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:longbooktabsstyles --></a>.
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longragged</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81010"></a> style has two columns: the first column contains the entry&#8217;s
+ name and the second column contains the (left-justified) description followed by
+ the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-81011"></a></a>. The entry&#8217;s symbol is ignored. Sub groups are separated with a
+ blank row. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that
+ column. The width of the second column is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-81012"></a>.
+ Child entries have a similar format to the parent entries except that their name
+ is suppressed.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longraggedborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81013"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-81014"></a> but has horizontal
+ and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longraggedheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81015"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-81016"></a> but has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longraggedheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81017"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-81018"></a>
+ but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longragged3col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81019"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-81020"></a> but has three columns.
+ The first column contains the entry&#8217;s name, the second column contains the (left
+ justified) description and the third column contains the (left justified) <a
+ list<a
+ id="dx1-81021"></a></a>. The entry&#8217;s symbol is ignored. The width of the first column is governed by
+ the widest entry in that column, the width of the second column is governed by
+ the length <span
+ id="dx1-81022"></a>, and the width of the third column is governed by the
+ length <span
+ id="dx1-81023"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longragged3colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81024"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-81025"></a> style
+ but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longragged3colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81026"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-81027"></a> but has
+ a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">longragged3colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81028"></a> style is like
+ <span
+ id="dx1-81029"></a> but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlongragged4col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81030"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-81031"></a> but has an
+ additional column in which the entry&#8217;s associated symbol appears. The width of
+ the description column is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-81032"></a> and the width of
+ the page list column is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-81033"></a>. The widths
+ of the name and symbol columns are governed by the widest entry in the given
+ column.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlongragged4colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81034"></a> style is like the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-81035"></a> but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlongragged4colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81036"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-81037"></a>
+ but has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altlongragged4colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-81038"></a> style is like
+ <span
+ id="dx1-81039"></a> but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 11351--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 11351--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1.4 </span> <a
+ id="sec:longbooktabsstyles"></a>Longtable Styles (<span
+<!--l. 11354--><p class="noindent" >The styles described in this section are all defined in the package <span
+ id="dx1-82001"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 11357--><p class="indent" > Since these styles all use the <span
+ id="dx1-82002"></a><a
+ id="dx1-82003"></a> environment, they are governed by the same
+parameters as that environment. The <span
+ id="dx1-82004"></a> package automatically loads the
+ id="dx1-82005"></a> (<a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.1.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:longstyles">Longtable Styles<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:longstyles --></a>) and <span
+ id="dx1-82006"></a> (<a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.1.3 </a><a
+href="#sec:longraggedstyles">Longtable Styles
+(Ragged Right)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:longraggedstyles --></a>) packages. Note that these styles will only be available if you explicitly load
+ id="dx1-82007"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-368">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossary-longbooktabs}
+<!--l. 11368--><p class="nopar" > Note that you can&#8217;t set these styles using the <span
+ id="dx1-82008"></a> package option since the styles aren&#8217;t
+defined until after the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package has been loaded.
+</p><!--l. 11373--><p class="indent" > These styles are similar to the &#8220;header&#8221; styles in the <span
+ id="dx1-82009"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-82010"></a>
+packages, but they add the rules provided by the <span
+ id="dx1-82011"></a> package, <span
+ id="dx1-82012"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-82013"></a> and
+ id="dx1-82014"></a>. Additionally these styles patch the <span
+ id="dx1-82015"></a><a
+ id="dx1-82016"></a> environment to check for instances
+of the group skip occurring at a page break. If you don&#8217;t want this patch to affect any other
+use of <span
+ id="dx1-82017"></a><a
+ id="dx1-82018"></a> in your document, you can scope the effect by only setting the style through
+the <span
+ id="dx1-82019"></a> key in the optional argument of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\printglossary</span>. (The <span
+ id="dx1-82020"></a> package option
+is checked by these styles.)
+</p><!--l. 11386--><p class="indent" > Alternatively, you can restore the original <span
+ id="dx1-82021"></a><a
+ id="dx1-82022"></a> behaviour with:
+</p><!--l. 11388--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-82023"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsrestoreLToutput </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11390--><p class="noindent" >
+For more information about the patch, see the documented code (<span
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-82024"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-82025"></a> style but adds rules above and
+ below the header (<span
+class="cmtt-10">\toprule </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\midrule</span>) and inserts a rule at the bottom of
+ the table (<span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-82026"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-82027"></a> style but adds rules as
+ per <span
+ id="dx1-82028"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-82029"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-82030"></a> style but adds rules as
+ above.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-82031"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-82032"></a> style but adds rules
+ as above.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-82033"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-82034"></a> style but adds rules
+ as above.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-82035"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-82036"></a> style but
+ adds rules as above.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-82037"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">This style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-82038"></a> style
+ but adds rules as above.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 11421--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 11421--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1.5 </span> <a
+ id="sec:superstyles"></a>Supertabular Styles</h4>
+<!--l. 11424--><p class="noindent" >The styles described in this section are all defined in the package <span
+ id="dx1-83001"></a>.
+Since they all use the <span
+ id="dx1-83002"></a><a
+ id="dx1-83003"></a> environment, they are governed by the same
+parameters as that environment. Note that these styles will automatically be available
+unless you use the <span
+ id="dx1-83004"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-83005"></a> package options. In general, the <span
+ id="dx1-83006"></a><a
+ id="dx1-83007"></a>
+environment is better, but there are some circumstances where it is better to use
+ id="dx1-83008"></a><a
+ id="dx1-83009"></a>.<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x15" id="fn3x15-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">15.3</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-83010f3"></a>
+These styles fully justify the description and page list columns. If you want ragged right
+formatting instead, use the analogous styles described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.1.6 </a><a
+href="#sec:superraggedstyles">Supertabular Styles (Ragged
+Right)<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:superraggedstyles --></a>.
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">super</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83012"></a> style uses the <span
+ id="dx1-83013"></a><a
+ id="dx1-83014"></a> environment (defined by the <span
+ id="dx1-83015"></a>
+ package). It has two columns: the first column contains the entry&#8217;s name and the
+ second column contains the description followed by the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-83016"></a></a>. The entry&#8217;s
+ symbol is ignored. Sub groups are separated with a blank row. The width of the
+ first column is governed by the widest entry in that column. The width of the
+ second column is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-83017"></a>. Child entries have a
+ similar format to the parent entries except that their name is suppressed.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83018"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-83019"></a> but has horizontal and vertical lines
+ around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83020"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-83021"></a> but has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83022"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-83023"></a> but has horizontal
+ and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">super3col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83024"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-83025"></a> but has three columns. The first column
+ contains the entry&#8217;s name, the second column contains the description and the
+ third column contains the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-83026"></a></a>. The entry&#8217;s symbol is ignored. The width
+ of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that column. The width of
+ the second column is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-83027"></a>. The width of the
+ third column is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-83028"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">super3colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83029"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-83030"></a> style but has
+ horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">super3colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83031"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-83032"></a> but has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">super3colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83033"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-83034"></a>
+ style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">super4col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83035"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-83036"></a> but has an additional column in which
+ the entry&#8217;s associated symbol appears. This style is designed for entries with brief
+ single line descriptions. The column widths are governed by the widest entry in
+ the given column. Use <span
+ id="dx1-83037"></a> for multi-line descriptions.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">super4colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83038"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-83039"></a> style but has
+ horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">super4colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83040"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-83041"></a> but has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">super4colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83042"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-83043"></a>
+ style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altsuper4col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83044"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-83045"></a> but allows multi-line descriptions
+ and page lists. The width of the description column is governed by the length
+ <span
+ id="dx1-83046"></a> and the width of the page list column is governed by the length
+ <span
+ id="dx1-83047"></a>. The width of the name and symbol columns is governed by
+ the widest entry in the given column.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altsuper4colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83048"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-83049"></a> style but
+ allows multi-line descriptions and page lists.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altsuper4colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83050"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-83051"></a> but allows
+ multi-line descriptions and page lists.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altsuper4colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-83052"></a> style is like
+ <span
+ id="dx1-83053"></a> but allows multi-line descriptions and page lists.</dd></dl>
+<!--l. 11520--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 11520--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1.6 </span> <a
+ id="sec:superraggedstyles"></a>Supertabular Styles (Ragged Right)</h4>
+<!--l. 11523--><p class="noindent" >The styles described in this section are all defined in the package <span
+ id="dx1-84001"></a>. These
+styles are analogous to those defined in <span
+ id="dx1-84002"></a> but the multiline columns are left
+justified instead of fully justified. Since these styles all use the <span
+ id="dx1-84003"></a><a
+ id="dx1-84004"></a> environment, they
+are governed by the same parameters as that environment. The <span
+ id="dx1-84005"></a> package
+additionally requires the <span
+ id="dx1-84006"></a> package. Note that these styles will only be available if you
+explicitly load <span
+ id="dx1-84007"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-369">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossary-superragged}
+<!--l. 11535--><p class="nopar" > Note that you can&#8217;t set these styles using the <span
+ id="dx1-84008"></a> package option since the styles aren&#8217;t
+defined until after the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package has been loaded.
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superragged</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84009"></a> style uses the <span
+ id="dx1-84010"></a><a
+ id="dx1-84011"></a> environment (defined by the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-84012"></a> package). It has two columns: the first column contains the entry&#8217;s
+ name and the second column contains the (left justified) description followed by
+ the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-84013"></a></a>. The entry&#8217;s symbol is ignored. Sub groups are separated with a
+ blank row. The width of the first column is governed by the widest entry in that
+ column. The width of the second column is governed by the length <span
+ id="dx1-84014"></a>.
+ Child entries have a similar format to the parent entries except that their name
+ is suppressed.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superraggedborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84015"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-84016"></a> but has horizontal
+ and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superraggedheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84017"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-84018"></a> but has a header
+ row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superraggedheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84019"></a> style is like
+ <span
+ id="dx1-84020"></a> but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superragged3col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84021"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-84022"></a> but has three columns.
+ The first column contains the entry&#8217;s name, the second column contains the (left
+ justified) description and the third column contains the (left justified) <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-84023"></a></a>.
+ The entry&#8217;s symbol is ignored. The width of the first column is governed by the
+ widest entry in that column. The width of the second column is governed by the
+ length <span
+ id="dx1-84024"></a>. The width of the third column is governed by the length
+ <span
+ id="dx1-84025"></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superragged3colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84026"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-84027"></a>
+ style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superragged3colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84028"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-84029"></a> but
+ has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">superragged3colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+ <span
+ id="dx1-84030"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-84031"></a> but has horizontal
+ and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altsuperragged4col</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84032"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-84033"></a> but has an
+ additional column in which the entry&#8217;s associated symbol appears. The column
+ widths for the name and symbol column are governed by the widest entry in the
+ given column.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altsuperragged4colborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84034"></a> style is like the
+ <span
+ id="dx1-84035"></a> style but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altsuperragged4colheader</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84036"></a> style is like
+ <span
+ id="dx1-84037"></a> but has a header row.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">altsuperragged4colheaderborder</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-84038"></a> style is like
+ <span
+ id="dx1-84039"></a> but has horizontal and vertical lines around it.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 11608--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 11608--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1.7 </span> <a
+ id="sec:treestyles"></a>Tree-Like Styles</h4>
+<!--l. 11611--><p class="noindent" >The styles described in this section are all defined in the package <span
+ id="dx1-85001"></a>. These styles
+are designed for hierarchical glossaries but can also be used with glossaries that don&#8217;t have
+sub-entries. These styles will display the entry&#8217;s symbol if it exists. Note that these
+styles will automatically be available unless you use the <span
+ id="dx1-85002"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-85003"></a> package
+</p><!--l. 11619--><p class="indent" > These styles all format the entry name using:
+</p><!--l. 11620--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85004"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11622--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>, but note that &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; includes <span
+ id="dx1-85005"></a> so the
+bold setting in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstreenamefont </span>may be counteracted by another font change in
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnamefont </span>(or in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\acronymfont</span>). The tree-like styles that also display the header
+</p><!--l. 11628--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85006"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11630--><p class="noindent" >
+to format the heading. This defaults to <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>. The tree-like styles that
+display navigation links to the groups (such as <span
+ id="dx1-85007"></a>), format the navigation line
+</p><!--l. 11635--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11637--><p class="noindent" >
+which defaults to <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>. Note that this is different from
+class="cmtt-10">\glslistnavigationitem</span>, provided with the styles such as <span
+ id="dx1-85009"></a>, as that also
+includes <span
+</p><!--l. 11642--><p class="indent" > With the exception of the <span
+ id="dx1-85010"></a> style (and those derived from it), the space before the
+description for top-level entries is produced with
+</p><!--l. 11645--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85011"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstreepredesc </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11647--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to <span
+</p><!--l. 11650--><p class="indent" > With the exception of the <span
+ id="dx1-85012"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-85013"></a> styles (and those derived from them),
+the space before the description for child entries is produced with
+</p><!--l. 11654--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85014"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstreechildpredesc </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11656--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to <span
+</p><!--l. 11659--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Most of these styles are not designed for multi-paragraph descriptions. (The <span
+ id="dx1-85015"></a> style
+isn&#8217;t too bad for multi-paragraph top-level entry descriptions, or you can use the <span
+ id="dx1-85016"></a> style
+with the adjustment shown below.) </div>
+</p><!--l. 11664--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">index</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85017"></a> style is similar to the way indices are usually formatted in that it has
+ a hierarchical structure up to three levels (the main level plus two sub-levels). The
+ name is typeset in bold, and if the symbol is present it is set in parentheses after
+ the name and before the description. Sub-entries are indented and also include
+ the name, the symbol in brackets (if present) and the description. Groups are
+ separated using <span
+ id="dx1-85018"></a>.
+ <!--l. 11676--><p class="noindent" >Each main level item is started with
+ </p><!--l. 11677--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85019"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstreeitem </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 11679--><p class="noindent" >
+ The level&#x00A0;1 entries are started with
+ </p><!--l. 11681--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85020"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstreesubitem </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 11683--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 11685--><p class="noindent" >The level&#x00A0;2 entries are started with
+ </p><!--l. 11686--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85021"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstreesubsubitem </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 11688--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 11690--><p class="noindent" >Note that the <span
+ id="dx1-85022"></a> style automatically sets
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-370">
+ \let\item\glstreeitem
+ &#x00A0;<br />\let\subitem\glstreesubitem
+ &#x00A0;<br />\let\subsubitem\glstreesubsubitem
+ <!--l. 11695--><p class="nopar" > at the start of the glossary for backward compatibility.
+ </p><!--l. 11698--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+ id="dx1-85023"></a> style isn&#8217;t suitable for multi-paragraph descriptions, but this limitation can be
+ overcome by redefining the above commands. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-371">
+ \renewcommand{\glstreeitem}{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\parindent0pt\par\hangindent40pt
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\everypar{\parindent50pt\hangindent40pt}}
+ <!--l. 11705--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">indexgroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85024"></a> style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-85025"></a> style except that each group has a
+ heading obtained using <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>, which is described in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.2 </a><a
+ your own glossary style<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:newglossarystyle --></a>.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">indexhypergroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85026"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-85027"></a> but has a set of links to the
+ glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for <span
+ id="dx1-85028"></a>, described
+ above, but is formatted using <span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">tree</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85029"></a> style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-85030"></a> style except that it can have arbitrary levels. (Note
+ that <a
+ id="dx1-85031"></a></a> is limited to three levels, so you will need to use <a
+ id="dx1-85032"></a></a> if you want
+ more than three levels.) Each sub-level is indented by <span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85033"></a><span
+ Note that the name, symbol (if present) and description are placed in the same
+ paragraph block. If you want the name to be apart from the description, use the <span
+ id="dx1-85034"></a>
+ style instead. (See below.)
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">treegroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85035"></a> style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-85036"></a> style except that each group has a
+ heading.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">treehypergroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85037"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-85038"></a> but has a set of links to the
+ glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for <span
+ id="dx1-85039"></a>, described
+ above, but is formatted using <span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">treenoname</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85040"></a> style is like the <span
+ id="dx1-85041"></a> style except that the name for each
+ sub-entry is ignored.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">treenonamegroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85042"></a> style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-85043"></a> style except that
+ each group has a heading.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">treenonamehypergroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85044"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-85045"></a> but has a
+ set of links to the glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for
+ <span
+ id="dx1-85046"></a>, described above, but is formatted using <span
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">alttree</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85047"></a> style is similar to the <span
+ id="dx1-85048"></a> style except that the indentation for each level
+ is determined by the width of the text specified by
+ <!--l. 11754--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85049"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 11756--><p class="noindent" >
+ The optional argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">level</span>&#x27E9; indicates the level, where 0 indicates the top-most level, 1
+ indicates the first level sub-entries, etc. If <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glssetwidest </span>hasn&#8217;t been used for a
+ given sub-level, the level&#x00A0;0 widest text is used instead. If &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">level</span>&#x27E9; is omitted, 0 is
+ assumed.
+ </p><!--l. 11763--><p class="noindent" >As from v4.22, the <span
+ id="dx1-85050"></a> package also provides
+ </p><!--l. 11764--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85051"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+ </div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 11766--><p class="noindent" >
+ This iterates over all parentless entries in the given glossary lists and determines the
+ widest entry. If the optional argument is omitted, all glossaries are assumed (as per
+ <span
+ </p><!--l. 11771--><p class="noindent" >For example, to have the same name width for all glossaries:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-372">
+ \glsfindwidesttoplevelname
+ &#x00A0;<br />\setglossarystyle{alttree}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\printglossaries
+ <!--l. 11776--><p class="nopar" > Alternatively, to compute the widest entry for each glossary before it&#8217;s displayed:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-373">
+ \renewcommand{\glossarypreamble}{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsfindwidesttoplevelname[\currentglossary]}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\setglossarystyle{alttree}
+ &#x00A0;<br />\printglossaries
+ <!--l. 11784--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p><!--l. 11786--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> These commands only affects the <span
+ id="dx1-85052"></a> styles, including those listed below and the
+ ones in the <span
+ id="dx1-85053"></a> package. If you forget to set the widest entry name, the
+ description will overwrite the name. </div>
+ </p><!--l. 11791--><p class="noindent" >
+ </p><!--l. 11793--><p class="noindent" >For each level, the name is placed to the left of the paragraph block containing the
+ symbol (optional) and the description. If the symbol is present, it is placed in
+ parentheses before the description.
+ </p><!--l. 11798--><p class="noindent" >The name is placed inside a left-aligned <span
+class="cmtt-10">\makebox</span>. As from v4.19, this can now be
+ adjusted by redefining
+ </p><!--l. 11800--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-85054"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+ </p><!--l. 11802--><p class="noindent" >
+ where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">width</span>&#x27E9; is the width of the box and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">text</span>&#x27E9; is the contents of the box. For example, to
+ make the name right-aligned:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-374">
+ \renewcommand*{\glstreenamebox}[2]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\makebox[#1][r]{#2}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />}
+ <!--l. 11809--><p class="nopar" >
+ </p></dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">alttreegroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85055"></a> is like the <span
+ id="dx1-85056"></a> style except that each group has a
+ heading.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+class="cmbx-10">alttreehypergroup</span> </dt><dd
+class="description">The <span
+ id="dx1-85057"></a> style is like <span
+ id="dx1-85058"></a> but has a set of links to
+ the glossary groups. The navigation line is the same as that for <span
+ id="dx1-85059"></a>, described
+ above.
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 11821--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 11821--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1.8 </span> <a
+ id="sec:mcolstyles"></a>Multicols Style</h4>
+<!--l. 11824--><p class="noindent" >The <span
+ id="dx1-86001"></a> package provides tree-like styles that are in the <span
+ id="dx1-86002"></a><a
+ id="dx1-86003"></a> environment
+(defined by the <span
+ id="dx1-86004"></a> package). The style names are as their analogous tree styles (as
+defined in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>15.1.7 </a><a
+href="#sec:treestyles">Tree-Like Styles<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:treestyles --></a>) but are prefixed with &#8220;mcol&#8221;. For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-86005"></a>
+style is essentially the <span
+ id="dx1-86006"></a> style but put in a <span
+ id="dx1-86007"></a><a
+ id="dx1-86008"></a> environment. For the complete list, see
+href="#tab:mcols">table&#x00A0;15.2</a>. The <span
+ id="dx1-86009"></a> package is automatically loaded by <span
+ id="dx1-86010"></a> (even if the
+ id="dx1-86011"></a> package option is used when loading <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries</span>). The formatting commands
+class="cmtt-10">\glstreenamefmt</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstreegroupheaderfmt </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstreenavigationfmt </span>are all used by
+the corresponding <span
+ id="dx1-86012"></a> styles.
+</p><!--l. 11839--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that <span
+ id="dx1-86013"></a> is not loaded by <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries</span>. If you want to use any of the multicol
+styles in that package you need to load it explicitly with <span
+class="cmtt-10">\usepackage </span>and set the required
+glossary style using <span
+ id="dx1-86014"></a>. </div>
+</p><!--l. 11844--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 11846--><p class="indent" > The default number of columns is 2, but can be changed by redefining
+</p><!--l. 11847--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-86015"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsmcols </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11849--><p class="noindent" >
+to the required number. For example, for a three column glossary:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-375">
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand*{\glsmcols}{3}
+&#x00A0;<br />\setglossarystyle{mcolindex}
+<!--l. 11855--><p class="nopar" >
+ <div class="table">
+<!--l. 11857--><p class="indent" > <a
+ id="tab:mcols"></a></p><hr class="float" /><div class="float"
+ <div class="caption"
+><span class="id">Table&#x00A0;15.2: </span><span
+class="content">Multicolumn Styles</span></div><!--tex4ht:label?: x1-860162 -->
+<div class="tabular"> <table id="TBL-10" class="tabular"
+cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0"
+><colgroup id="TBL-10-1g"><col
+id="TBL-10-1" /><col
+id="TBL-10-2" /></colgroup><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-1-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-1-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86017"></a> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Style </span></td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-1-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+class="cmbx-10">Analogous Tree Style </span></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-2-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-2-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86018"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-2-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86019"></a> </td></tr><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-3-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-3-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86020"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-3-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86021"></a></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-4-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-4-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86022"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-86023"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-4-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86024"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-5-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-5-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86025"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-5-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86026"></a> </td></tr><tr
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-6-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-6-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86027"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-6-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86028"></a></td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-7-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-7-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86029"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-86030"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-7-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86031"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-8-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-8-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86032"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-8-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86033"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-9-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-9-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86034"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-9-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86035"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-10-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-10-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86036"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-86037"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-10-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86038"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-11-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-11-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86039"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-11-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86040"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-12-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-12-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86041"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-12-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86042"></a> </td>
+ style="vertical-align:baseline;" id="TBL-10-13-"><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-13-1"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86043"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-86044"></a> </td><td style="white-space:nowrap; text-align:left;" id="TBL-10-13-2"
+class="td11"> <span
+ id="dx1-86045"></a> </td></tr></table></div>
+ </div><hr class="endfloat" />
+ </div>
+<!--l. 11882--><p class="indent" > The styles with a navigation line, such as <span
+ id="dx1-86046"></a>, now have a variant (as from
+v4.22) with &#8220;hypergroup&#8221; replaced with &#8220;spannav&#8221; in the style name. The original
+&#8220;hypergroup&#8221; styles place the navigation line at the start of the first column. The newer
+&#8220;spannav&#8221; styles put the navigation line in the optional argument of the <span
+ id="dx1-86047"></a><a
+ id="dx1-86048"></a>
+environment so that it spans across all the columns.
+<!--l. 11890--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h4 class="subsectionHead"></p><h4 class="subsectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.1.9 </span> <a
+ id="sec:inline"></a>In-Line Style</h4>
+<!--l. 11893--><p class="noindent" >This section covers the <span
+ id="dx1-87001"></a> package that supplies the <span
+ id="dx1-87002"></a> style. This is a style that
+is designed for in-line use (as opposed to block styles, such as lists or tables). This style
+doesn&#8217;t display the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-87003"></a></a>.
+</p><!--l. 11898--><p class="indent" > You will most likely need to redefine <span
+ id="dx1-87004"></a> with this style. For example,
+suppose you are required to have your glossaries and list of acronyms in a footnote, you can
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-376">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossarysection}[2][]{\textbf{#1}:&#x00A0;}
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\setglossarystyle{inline}
+<!--l. 11906--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 11908--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> Note that you need to include <span
+ id="dx1-87005"></a> with <span
+class="cmtt-10">\usepackage </span>as it&#8217;s not automatically
+included by the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package and then set the style using <span
+ id="dx1-87006"></a>.
+</p><!--l. 11913--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 11915--><p class="indent" > Where you need to include your glossaries as a footnote you can do:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-377">
+<!--l. 11918--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 11920--><p class="indent" > The <span
+ id="dx1-87007"></a> style is governed by the following:
+</p><!--l. 11921--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-87008"></a> <span
+ id="dx1-87009"></a> </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11923--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">; </span>&#8221; and is used between main (i.e.&#x00A0;level&#x00A0;0) entries.
+</p><!--l. 11926--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-87010"></a> <span
+ id="dx1-87011"></a> </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11928--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">, </span>&#8221; and is used between sub-entries.
+</p><!--l. 11931--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-87012"></a> <span
+ id="dx1-87013"></a> </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11933--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">: </span>&#8221; and is used between a parent main entry and its first sub-entry.
+</p><!--l. 11936--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-87014"></a> <span
+ id="dx1-87015"></a> </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11938--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">; </span>&#8221; and is used at the end of the glossary.
+</p><!--l. 11941--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-87016"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11943--><p class="noindent" >
+This is used to format the entry name and defaults to <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>, where
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; is provided in the form <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the entry&#8217;s label. For
+example, if you want the name to appear in smallcaps:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-378">
+<!--l. 11951--><p class="nopar" > Sub-entry names are formatted according to
+</p><!--l. 11953--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-87017"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11955--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to <span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">{}</span></span></span> so the sub-entry name is ignored.
+</p><!--l. 11959--><p class="indent" > If the description has been suppressed (according to <span
+</p><!--l. 11961--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-87018"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">number list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 11963--><p class="noindent" >
+(which defaults to nothing) is used, otherwise the description is formatted according
+</p><!--l. 11966--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-87019"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">number list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 11969--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to just <span
+class="cmti-10">description</span>&#x27E9; so the symbol and location list are ignored. If the
+description is missing (according to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifglshasdesc</span>), then <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsinlineemptydescformat </span>is
+used instead.
+</p><!--l. 11975--><p class="indent" > For example, if you want a colon between the name and the description:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-379">
+<!--l. 11979--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 11981--><p class="indent" > The sub-entry description is formatted according to:
+</p><!--l. 11982--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-87020"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11985--><p class="noindent" >
+This defaults to just &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 11988--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 11988--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">15.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:newglossarystyle"></a>Defining your own glossary style</h3>
+<!--l. 11991--><p class="noindent" >If the predefined styles don&#8217;t fit your requirements, you can define your own style
+</p><!--l. 11993--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 11995--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">name</span>&#x27E9; is the name of the new glossary style (to be used in <span
+class="cmtt-10">\setglossarystyle</span>). The
+second argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definitions</span>&#x27E9; needs to redefine all of the following:
+</p><!--l. 12000--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88002"></a><a
+ id="dx1-88003"></a> <span
+ id="dx1-88004"></a><a
+ id="dx1-88005"></a> </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12002--><p class="noindent" >
+This environment defines how the main body of the glossary should be typeset. Note that this
+does not include the section heading, the glossary preamble (defined by <span
+ id="dx1-88006"></a>)
+or the glossary postamble (defined by <span
+ id="dx1-88007"></a>). For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-88008"></a> style uses
+the <span
+ id="dx1-88009"></a><a
+ id="dx1-88010"></a> environment, so the <span
+ id="dx1-88011"></a><a
+ id="dx1-88012"></a> environment is simply redefined to begin and
+end the <span
+ id="dx1-88013"></a><a
+ id="dx1-88014"></a> environment.
+</p><!--l. 12011--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88015"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossaryheader </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12013--><p class="noindent" >
+This macro indicates what to do at the start of the main body of the glossary. Note that this
+is not the same as <span
+ id="dx1-88016"></a>, which should not be affected by changes in the
+glossary style. The <span
+ id="dx1-88017"></a> glossary style redefines <span
+ id="dx1-88018"></a> to do nothing,
+whereas the <span
+ id="dx1-88019"></a> glossary style redefines <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossaryheader </span>to do a header
+</p><!--l. 12021--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88020"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12023--><p class="noindent" >
+This macro indicates what to do at the start of each logical block within the main body of
+the glossary. If you use <a
+ id="dx1-88021"></a></a> the glossary is sub-divided into a maximum of
+twenty-eight logical blocks that are determined by the first character of the <span
+ id="dx1-88022"></a> key (or
+ id="dx1-88023"></a> key if the <span
+ id="dx1-88024"></a> key is omitted). The sub-divisions are in the following order:
+symbols, numbers, A, &#x2026;, Z. If you use <a
+ id="dx1-88025"></a></a>, the sub-divisions depend on the language
+</p><!--l. 12034--><p class="indent" > Note that the argument to <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgroupheading </span>is a label <span
+class="cmti-10">not </span>the group title. The group
+title can be obtained via
+</p><!--l. 12037--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88026"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12039--><p class="noindent" >
+This obtains the title as follows: if &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; consists of a single non-active character or &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is
+equal to <span
+class="cmtt-10">glssymbols </span>or <span
+class="cmtt-10">glsnumbers </span>and <span
+class="cmtt-10">groupname </span>exists, this is taken to be the title,
+otherwise the title is just &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. (The &#8220;symbols&#8221; group has the label <span
+class="cmtt-10">glssymbols</span>, so the
+command <span
+ id="dx1-88027"></a> is used, and the &#8220;numbers&#8221; group has the label
+class="cmtt-10">glsnumbers</span>, so the command <span
+ id="dx1-88028"></a> is used.) If you are using <a
+ id="dx1-88029"></a></a>,
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; may be an active character (for example &oslash;), in which case the title will be set
+to just &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. You can redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgetgrouptitle </span>if this is unsuitable for your
+</p><!--l. 12053--><p class="indent" > A navigation hypertarget can be created using
+</p><!--l. 12054--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88030"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12056--><p class="noindent" >
+This typically requires <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossaryheader </span>to be redefined to use
+</p><!--l. 12058--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88031"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnavigation </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12060--><p class="noindent" >
+which displays the navigation line.
+</p><!--l. 12063--><p class="indent" > For further details about <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsnavhypertarget</span>, see the documented code
+</p><!--l. 12067--><p class="indent" > Most of the predefined glossary styles redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgroupheading </span>to simply ignore its
+argument. The <span
+ id="dx1-88032"></a> style redefines <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgroupheading </span>as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-380">
+&#x00A0;<br />\item[\glsnavhypertarget{##1}{\glsgetgrouptitle{##1}}]}
+<!--l. 12073--><p class="nopar" > See also <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgroupskip </span>below. (Note that command definitions within <span
+ id="dx1-88033"></a>
+must use <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">##1</span></span></span> instead of <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">#1</span></span></span> etc.)
+</p><!--l. 12077--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88034"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgroupskip </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12079--><p class="noindent" >
+This macro determines what to do after one logical group but before the header for the
+next logical group. The <span
+ id="dx1-88035"></a> glossary style simply redefines <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgroupskip </span>to be
+ id="dx1-88036"></a>, whereas the tabular-like styles redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsgroupskip </span>to produce a blank
+</p><!--l. 12086--><p class="indent" > As from version 3.03, the package option <span
+ id="dx1-88037"></a> can be used to suppress this default
+gap for the predefined styles.
+</p><!--l. 12089--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88038"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">number list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12091--><p class="noindent" >
+This macro indicates what to do for each top-level (level&#x00A0;0) glossary entry. The entry label is
+given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; and the associated <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-88039"></a></a> is given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">number list</span>&#x27E9;. You can redefine
+ id="dx1-88040"></a> to use commands like <span
+ id="dx1-88041"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>, <span
+ id="dx1-88042"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>and
+ id="dx1-88043"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>to display the name, description and symbol fields, or
+to access other fields, use commands like <span
+ id="dx1-88044"></a><span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>. (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>9 </a><a
+Glossary Terms Without Links<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsnolink --></a> for further details.) You can also use the following
+</p><!--l. 12102--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88045"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12104--><p class="noindent" >
+This macro will increment and display the associated counter for the main (level&#x00A0;0) entries if
+the <span
+ id="dx1-88046"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-88047"></a> package options have been used. This macro is typically
+called by <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossentry </span>before <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstarget</span>. The format of the counter is controlled by the
+</p><!--l. 12110--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88048"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsentrycounterlabel </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12112--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12114--><p class="indent" > Each time you use a glossary entry it creates a hyperlink (if hyperlinks are enabled) to the
+relevant line in the glossary. Your new glossary style must therefore redefine <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossentry </span>to
+set the appropriate target. This is done using
+</p><!--l. 12119--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88049"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12121--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the entry&#8217;s label. Note that you don&#8217;t need to worry about whether the <span
+ id="dx1-88050"></a>
+package has been loaded, as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glstarget </span>won&#8217;t create a target if <span
+class="cmtt-10">\hypertarget </span>hasn&#8217;t been
+</p><!--l. 12127--><p class="indent" > For example, the <span
+ id="dx1-88051"></a> style defines <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glossentry </span>as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-381">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\item[\glsentryitem{##1}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}}]
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossentrydesc{##1}\glspostdescription\space&#x00A0;##2}
+<!--l. 12133--><p class="nopar" >
+</p><!--l. 12135--><p class="indent" > Note also that &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">number list</span>&#x27E9; will always be of the form
+</p><!--l. 12137--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span
+ id="dx1-88052"></a><span
+class="newline" /><span
+ id="dx1-88053"></a><span
+class="cmitt-10">counter name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">format cmd</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmsy-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12139--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">number(s)</span>&#x27E9; may contain <span
+ id="dx1-88054"></a> (to delimit individual numbers) and/or <span
+ id="dx1-88055"></a> (to
+indicate a range of numbers). There may be multiple occurrences of <span
+ id="dx1-88056"></a>
+class="cmti-10">counter name</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmti-10">format cmd</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">}</span>, but note that the entire number list is
+enclosed within the argument of <span
+ id="dx1-88057"></a>. The user can redefine this to
+change the way the entire number list is formatted, regardless of the glossary style.
+However the most common use of <span
+ id="dx1-88058"></a> is to provide a means of
+suppressing the number list altogether. (In fact, the <span
+ id="dx1-88059"></a> option redefines
+ id="dx1-88060"></a> to ignore its argument.) Therefore, when you define a new glossary
+style, you don&#8217;t need to worry about whether the user has specified the <span
+ id="dx1-88061"></a> package
+</p><!--l. 12156--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88062"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">number list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12158--><p class="noindent" >
+This is used to display sub-entries. The first argument, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">level</span>&#x27E9;, indicates the sub-entry level.
+This must be an integer from 1 (first sub-level) onwards. The remaining arguments are
+analogous to those for <span
+ id="dx1-88063"></a> described above.
+</p><!--l. 12165--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88064"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12167--><p class="noindent" >
+This macro will increment and display the associated counter for the level&#x00A0;1 entries if the
+ id="dx1-88065"></a> package option has been used. This macro is typically called by
+class="cmtt-10">\subglossentry </span>before <span
+ id="dx1-88066"></a>. The format of the counter is controlled by the
+</p><!--l. 12173--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88067"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glssubentrycounterlabel </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12175--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12177--><p class="indent" > Note that <span
+ id="dx1-88068"></a> (which <span
+ id="dx1-88069"></a> calls) sets
+</p><!--l. 12179--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-88070"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\currentglossary </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12181--><p class="noindent" >
+to the current glossary label, so it&#8217;s possible to create a glossary style that varies according to
+the glossary type.
+</p><!--l. 12185--><p class="indent" > For further details of these commands, see &#8220;Displaying the glossary&#8221; in the documented
+code (<span
+ id="x1-88071r27"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12189--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 27</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Creating a completely new style)</span><a
+ id="x1-88072"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12191--><p class="indent" > If you want a completely new style, you will need to redefine all of the commands and the
+environment listed above.
+</p><!--l. 12194--><p class="indent" > For example, suppose you want each entry to start with a bullet point. This
+means that the glossary should be placed in the <span
+ id="dx1-88073"></a><a
+ id="dx1-88074"></a> environment, so <span
+ id="dx1-88075"></a><a
+ id="dx1-88076"></a>
+should start and end that environment. Let&#8217;s also suppose that you don&#8217;t want
+anything between the glossary groups (so <span
+ id="dx1-88077"></a> and <span
+ id="dx1-88078"></a>
+should do nothing) and suppose you don&#8217;t want anything to appear immediately
+after <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\begin{theglossary}</span></span></span> (so <span
+ id="dx1-88079"></a> should do nothing). In addition,
+let&#8217;s suppose the symbol should appear in brackets after the name, followed by the
+description and last of all the <a
+href="#glo:numberlist">number list<a
+ id="dx1-88080"></a></a> should appear within square brackets
+at the end. Then you can create this new glossary style, called, say, <span
+class="cmtt-10">mylist</span>, as
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-382">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;put&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;glossary&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;itemize&#x00A0;environment:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewenvironment{theglossary}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\begin{itemize}}{\end{itemize}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;have&#x00A0;nothing&#x00A0;after&#x00A0;\begin{theglossary}:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;have&#x00A0;nothing&#x00A0;between&#x00A0;glossary&#x00A0;groups:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsgroupheading}[1]{}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsgroupskip}{}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;set&#x00A0;how&#x00A0;each&#x00A0;entry&#x00A0;should&#x00A0;appear:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\item&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;bullet&#x00A0;point
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}}%&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;entry&#x00A0;name
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\space&#x00A0;(\glossentrysymbol{##1})%&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;symbol&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;brackets
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\space&#x00A0;\glossentrydesc{##1}%&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;description
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\space&#x00A0;[##2]%&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;number&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;square&#x00A0;brackets
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;set&#x00A0;how&#x00A0;sub-entries&#x00A0;appear:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\subglossentry}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossentry{##2}{##3}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}
+<!--l. 12228--><p class="nopar" > Note that this style creates a flat glossary, where sub-entries are displayed in exactly the
+same way as the top level entries. It also hasn&#8217;t used <span
+ id="dx1-88081"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-88082"></a> so
+it won&#8217;t be affected by the <span
+ id="dx1-88083"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-88084"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-88085"></a> package
+</p><!--l. 12235--><p class="indent" > Variations: </p>
+ <ul class="itemize1">
+ <li class="itemize">You might want the entry name to be capitalised, in which case use
+ <span
+ id="dx1-88086"></a> instead of <span
+ id="dx1-88087"></a>.
+ </li>
+ <li class="itemize">You might want to check if the symbol hasn&#8217;t been set and omit the parentheses if
+ the symbol is absent. In this case you can use <span
+ id="dx1-88088"></a> (see <a
+ </a><a
+href="#sec:utilities">Utilities<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:utilities --></a>):
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-383">
+ &#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\item&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;bullet&#x00A0;point
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}}%&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;entry&#x00A0;name
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\ifglshassymbol{##1}%&#x00A0;check&#x00A0;if&#x00A0;symbol&#x00A0;exists
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\space&#x00A0;(\glossentrysymbol{##1})%&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;symbol&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;brackets
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}%
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;{}%&#x00A0;no&#x00A0;symbol&#x00A0;so&#x00A0;do&#x00A0;nothing
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\space&#x00A0;\glossentrydesc{##1}%&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;description
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\space&#x00A0;[##2]%&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;number&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;square&#x00A0;brackets
+ &#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;}%
+ <!--l. 12255--><p class="nopar" ></p></li></ul>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 12257--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12257--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+ id="x1-88089r28"></a>
+<!--l. 12260--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 28</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Creating a new glossary style based on an existing</span>
+ id="x1-88090"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12262--><p class="indent" > If you want to define a new style that is a slightly modified version of an existing style,
+you can use <span
+ id="dx1-88091"></a> within the second argument of <span
+ id="dx1-88092"></a> followed
+by whatever alterations you require. For example, suppose you want a style like
+the <span
+ id="dx1-88093"></a> style but you don&#8217;t want the extra vertical space created by <span
+ id="dx1-88094"></a>
+between groups, then you can create a new glossary style called, say, <span
+class="cmtt-10">mylist </span>as
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-384">
+&#x00A0;<br />\setglossarystyle{list}%&#x00A0;base&#x00A0;this&#x00A0;style&#x00A0;on&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;list&#x00A0;style
+&#x00A0;<br />\renewcommand{\glsgroupskip}{}%&#x00A0;make&#x00A0;nothing&#x00A0;happen
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;between&#x00A0;groups
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 12276--><p class="nopar" > (In this case, you can actually achieve the same effect using the <span
+ id="dx1-88095"></a> style in combination with
+the package option <span
+ id="dx1-88096"></a>.) </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 12280--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12280--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+ id="x1-88097r29"></a>
+<!--l. 12284--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 29</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Example: creating a glossary style that uses the </span><span
+ id="dx1-88098"></a><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x2026;, </span><span
+ id="dx1-88099"></a> <span
+ id="x1-88100"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12286--><p class="indent" > Suppose each entry not only has an associated symbol, but also units (stored in <span
+ id="dx1-88101"></a>) and
+dimension (stored in <span
+ id="dx1-88102"></a>). Then you can define a glossary style that displays each entry in a
+ id="dx1-88103"></a><a
+ id="dx1-88104"></a> as follows:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-385">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;put&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;glossary&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;longtable&#x00A0;environment:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewenvironment{theglossary}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\begin{longtable}{lp{\glsdescwidth}cccp{\glspagelistwidth}}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;{\end{longtable}}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Set&#x00A0;the&#x00A0;table's&#x00A0;header:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossaryheader}{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\bfseries&#x00A0;Term&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\bfseries&#x00A0;Description&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\bfseries&#x00A0;Symbol&#x00A0;&amp;
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\bfseries&#x00A0;Units&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\bfseries&#x00A0;Dimensions&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\bfseries&#x00A0;Page&#x00A0;List
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\\\endhead}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;No&#x00A0;heading&#x00A0;between&#x00A0;groups:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsgroupheading}[1]{}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Main&#x00A0;(level&#x00A0;0)&#x00A0;entries&#x00A0;displayed&#x00A0;in&#x00A0;a&#x00A0;row&#x00A0;optionally&#x00A0;numbered:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glsentryitem{##1}%&#x00A0;Entry&#x00A0;number&#x00A0;if&#x00A0;required
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}}%&#x00A0;Name
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\glossentrydesc{##1}%&#x00A0;Description
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\glossentrysymbol{##1}%&#x00A0;Symbol
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\glsentryuseri{##1}%&#x00A0;Units
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\glsentryuserii{##1}%&#x00A0;Dimensions
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;##2%&#x00A0;Page&#x00A0;list
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\tabularnewline&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;end&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;row
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Similarly&#x00A0;for&#x00A0;sub-entries&#x00A0;(no&#x00A0;sub-entry&#x00A0;numbers):
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\subglossentry}[3]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;ignoring&#x00A0;first&#x00A0;argument&#x00A0;(sub-level)
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glstarget{##2}{\glossentryname{##2}}%&#x00A0;Name
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\glossentrydesc{##2}%&#x00A0;Description
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\glossentrysymbol{##2}%&#x00A0;Symbol
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\glsentryuseri{##2}%&#x00A0;Units
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;\glsentryuserii{##2}%&#x00A0;Dimensions
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&amp;&#x00A0;##3%&#x00A0;Page&#x00A0;list
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\tabularnewline&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;end&#x00A0;of&#x00A0;row
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;%&#x00A0;Nothing&#x00A0;between&#x00A0;groups:
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glsgroupskip}{}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 12328--><p class="nopar" > </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 12329--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12329--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 12331--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 12331--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">16. <a
+ id="sec:utilities"></a>Utilities</h2>
+</p><!--l. 12334--><p class="indent" > This section describes some utility commands. Additional commands can be found in the
+documented code (glossaries-code.pdf).
+<!--l. 12337--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">16.1 </span> <a
+ id="sec:loops"></a>Loops</h3>
+<!--l. 12340--><p class="noindent" ><div class="important" title="Important Note"> Some of the commands described here take a comma-separated list as an argument. As with
+<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#8217;s <span
+class="cmtt-10">\@for </span>command, make sure your list doesn&#8217;t have any unwanted spaces in it as
+they don&#8217;t get stripped. (Discussed in more detail in <a
+href="" ><span
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>2.7.2 of &#8220;<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;for Administrative
+Work&#8221;</a>.) </div>
+</p><!--l. 12347--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12349--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-90001"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12351--><p class="noindent" >
+This iterates through &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9;, a comma-separated list of glossary labels (as
+supplied when the glossary was defined). At each iteration &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">cs</span>&#x27E9; (which must be a control
+sequence) is set to the glossary label for the current iteration and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">body</span>&#x27E9; is performed. If
+class="cmti-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9; is omitted, the default is to iterate over all glossaries (except the ignored
+</p><!--l. 12359--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-90002"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12361--><p class="noindent" >
+This is like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\forallglossaries </span>but only iterates over the lists of acronyms (that have
+previously been declared using <span
+ id="dx1-90003"></a> or the <span
+ id="dx1-90004"></a> package option).
+This command doesn&#8217;t have an optional argument. If you want to explicitly say which lists to
+iterate over, just use the optional argument of <span
+</p><!--l. 12369--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-90005"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary label</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12371--><p class="noindent" >
+This iterates through all entries in the glossary given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">glossary label</span>&#x27E9;. At each iteration &#x27E8;<span
+(which must be a control sequence) is set to the entry label for the current iteration and &#x27E8;<span
+is performed. If &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">glossary label</span>&#x27E9; is omitted, <span
+ id="dx1-90006"></a> (usually the main glossary) is
+</p><!--l. 12378--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-90007"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12380--><p class="noindent" >
+This is like <span
+class="cmtt-10">\forglsentries </span>but for each glossary in &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9; (a comma-separated list of
+glossary labels). If &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">glossary list</span>&#x27E9; is omitted, the default is the list of all defined glossaries
+(except the ignored ones). At each iteration &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">cs</span>&#x27E9; is set to the entry label and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">body</span>&#x27E9; is
+performed. (The current glossary label can be obtained using <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span>within
+</p><!--l. 12389--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 12389--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">16.2 </span> <a
+ id="sec:conditionals"></a>Conditionals</h3>
+<!--l. 12392--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91001"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9; </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12395--><p class="noindent" >
+This checks if the glossary given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; exists. If it does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; is performed, otherwise
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;.
+</p><!--l. 12399--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91002"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9; </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12402--><p class="noindent" >
+This checks if the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; exists. If it does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; is performed,
+otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;. (Note that <span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifglsentryexists </span>will always be true after the containing
+glossary has been displayed via <span
+ id="dx1-91003"></a> or <span
+ id="dx1-91004"></a> even if the entry is
+explicitly defined later in the document. This is because the entry has to be defined
+before it can be displayed in the glossary, see <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>4.8.1 </a><a
+href="#sec:techissues">Technical Issues<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:techissues --></a> for further
+</p><!--l. 12412--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91005"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12414--><p class="noindent" >
+Does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">code</span>&#x27E9; if the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; exists. If it doesn&#8217;t exist, an error is generated. (This
+command uses <span
+</p><!--l. 12419--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91006"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12421--><p class="noindent" >
+Does the reverse of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdoifexists</span>. (This command uses <span
+</p><!--l. 12425--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12427--><p class="noindent" >
+As <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsdoifexists </span>but issues a warning rather than an error if the entry doesn&#8217;t
+</p><!--l. 12431--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91008"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">else code</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12433--><p class="noindent" >
+Does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">code</span>&#x27E9; if the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; exists otherwise generate an error and do &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 12437--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91009"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">else code</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12439--><p class="noindent" >
+Does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">code</span>&#x27E9; if the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; doesn&#8217;t exist otherwise generate an error and do &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 12443--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91010"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9; </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12446--><p class="noindent" >
+See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>14 </a><a
+href="#sec:glsunset">Unsetting and Resetting Entry Flags<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsunset --></a>.
+</p><!--l. 12449--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91011"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9; </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12452--><p class="noindent" >
+This checks if the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has any sub-entries. If it does, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; is
+performed, otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;.
+</p><!--l. 12457--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91012"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;&#x27E8;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9; </div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12460--><p class="noindent" >
+This checks if the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has a parent entry. If it does, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; is
+performed, otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;.
+</p><!--l. 12465--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91013"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12467--><p class="noindent" >
+This checks if the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has had the <span
+ id="dx1-91014"></a> field set. If it has, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;
+is performed, otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;.
+</p><!--l. 12472--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91015"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12474--><p class="noindent" >
+This checks if the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has had the <span
+ id="dx1-91016"></a> field set. If it has, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; is
+performed, otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;. This should be true for any entry that has been defined via
+ id="dx1-91017"></a>. There is no check for the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 12481--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91018"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12483--><p class="noindent" >
+This checks if the glossary entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has had the <span
+ id="dx1-91019"></a> field set. If it has, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;
+is performed, otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;. This should be true for any entry that has been defined via
+ id="dx1-91020"></a>. There is no check for the existence of &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 12490--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91021"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12492--><p class="noindent" >
+This checks if the <span
+ id="dx1-91022"></a> field is non-empty for the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. If it has, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;
+is performed, otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;. Compare with:
+</p><!--l. 12496--><p class="noindent" ><hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91023"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 12498--><p class="noindent" >
+This checks if the <span
+ id="dx1-91024"></a> field has been set to just <span
+ id="dx1-91025"></a> for the entry given by
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. If it has, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; is performed, otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;. There is no check for the existence
+of &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 12504--><p class="noindent" >For all other fields you can use:
+</p><!--l. 12505--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91026"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 12508--><p class="noindent" >
+This tests the value of the field given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">field</span>&#x27E9; for the entry identified by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. If the value is
+empty <span
+class="cmti-10">or the default value</span>, then &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9; is performed, otherwise &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; is performed. If
+the field supplied is unrecognised &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">false part</span>&#x27E9; is performed and a warning is issued.
+Unlike the above commands, such as <span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifglshasshort</span>, an error occurs if the entry is
+</p><!--l. 12517--><p class="indent" > As from version 4.23, within &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; you can use
+</p><!--l. 12518--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91027"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">\glscurrentfieldvalue </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12520--><p class="noindent" >
+to access the field value. This command is initially defined to nothing but has no
+relevance outside &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;. This saves re-accessing the field if the test is true. For
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-386">
+<!--l. 12527--><p class="nopar" > will insert a comma, space and the field value if the <span
+ id="dx1-91028"></a> key has been set for the entry
+whose label is <span
+</p><!--l. 12532--><p class="indent" > You can test if the value of the field is equal to a given string using:
+</p><!--l. 12534--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91029"></a> <span
+</p><!--l. 12536--><p class="noindent" >
+In this case the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">field</span>&#x27E9; must be the field name not the key (see <a
+href="#tab:fieldmap">table&#x00A0;4.1</a>). If the
+field isn&#8217;t recognised, an error will occur. This command internally uses <span
+ id="dx1-91030"></a>&#8217;s
+class="cmtt-10">\ifcsstring </span>to perform the comparison. <span
+class="cmti-10">The string is not expanded during the</span>
+</p><!--l. 12543--><p class="indent" > The result may vary depending on whether or not expansion is on for the given field
+(when the entry was defined). For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-387">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\foo}{FOO}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample1}{name={sample1},description={an&#x00A0;example},
+&#x00A0;<br />user1={FOO}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample2}{name={sample2},description={an&#x00A0;example},
+&#x00A0;<br />user1={\foo}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfieldeq{sample1}{useri}{FOO}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfieldeq{sample2}{useri}{FOO}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 12562--><p class="nopar" > This will produce &#8220;TRUE&#8221; in both cases since expansion is on, so <span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo </span>was expanded to
+&#8220;FOO&#8221; when <span
+class="cmtt-10">sample2 </span>was defined. If the tests are changed to:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-388">
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfieldeq{sample2}{useri}{\foo}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+<!--l. 12570--><p class="nopar" > then this will produce &#8220;FALSE&#8221; in both cases. Now suppose expansion is switched off for the
+ id="dx1-91031"></a> key:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-389">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\foo}{FOO}
+&#x00A0;<br />\glssetnoexpandfield{useri}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample1}{name={sample1},description={an&#x00A0;example},
+&#x00A0;<br />user1={FOO}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample2}{name={sample2},description={an&#x00A0;example},
+&#x00A0;<br />user1={\foo}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfieldeq{sample1}{useri}{FOO}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfieldeq{sample2}{useri}{FOO}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 12592--><p class="nopar" > This now produces &#8220;TRUE&#8221; for the first case (comparing &#8220;FOO&#8221; with &#8220;FOO&#8221;) and
+&#8220;FALSE&#8221; for the second case (comparing &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo</span>&#8221; with &#8220;FOO&#8221;).
+</p><!--l. 12597--><p class="indent" > The reverse happens in the following:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-390">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\foo}{FOO}
+&#x00A0;<br />\glssetnoexpandfield{useri}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample1}{name={sample1},description={an&#x00A0;example},
+&#x00A0;<br />user1={FOO}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample2}{name={sample2},description={an&#x00A0;example},
+&#x00A0;<br />user1={\foo}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfieldeq{sample1}{useri}{\foo}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfieldeq{sample2}{useri}{\foo}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 12617--><p class="nopar" > This now produces &#8220;FALSE&#8221; for the first case (comparing &#8220;FOO&#8221; with &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo</span>&#8221;) and
+&#8220;TRUE&#8221; for the second case (comparing &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo</span>&#8221; with &#8220;<span
+</p><!--l. 12622--><p class="indent" > You can test if the value of a field is equal to the replacement text of a command
+</p><!--l. 12624--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91032"></a> <span
+</p><!--l. 12626--><p class="noindent" >
+This internally uses <span
+ id="dx1-91033"></a>&#8217;s <span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifdefstrequal </span>command to perform the comparison. The
+argument &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">command</span>&#x27E9; must be a macro.
+</p><!--l. 12630--><p class="indent" > For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-391">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage{glossaries}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newcommand*{\foo}{FOO}
+&#x00A0;<br />\glssetnoexpandfield{useri}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample1}{name={sample1},description={an&#x00A0;example},
+&#x00A0;<br />user1={FOO}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\newglossaryentry{sample2}{name={sample2},description={an&#x00A0;example},
+&#x00A0;<br />user1={\foo}}
+&#x00A0;<br />\begin{document}
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfielddefeq{sample1}{useri}{\foo}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfielddefeq{sample2}{useri}{\foo}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+&#x00A0;<br />\end{document}
+<!--l. 12650--><p class="nopar" > Here, the first case produces &#8220;TRUE&#8221; since the value of the <span
+class="cmtt-10">useri </span>field (&#8220;FOO&#8221;) is the same
+as the replacement text (definition) of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo </span>(&#8220;FOO&#8221;). We have the result &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">FOO</span>&#8221; is equal to
+</p><!--l. 12656--><p class="indent" > The second case produces &#8220;FALSE&#8221; since the value of the <span
+class="cmtt-10">useri </span>field (&#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo</span>&#8221;) is not the
+same as the replacement text (definition) of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo </span>(&#8220;FOO&#8221;). No expansion has been
+performed on the value of the <span
+class="cmtt-10">useri </span>field. We have the result &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo</span>&#8221; is not equal to
+</p><!--l. 12662--><p class="indent" > If we add:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-392">
+&#x00A0;<br />\ifglsfielddefeq{sample2}{useri}{\FOO}{TRUE}{FALSE}.
+<!--l. 12666--><p class="nopar" > we now get &#8220;TRUE&#8221; since the value of the <span
+class="cmtt-10">useri </span>field (&#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo</span>&#8221;) is the same as the
+replacement text (definition) of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\FOO </span>(&#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo</span>&#8221;). We have the result &#8220;<span
+class="cmtt-10">\foo</span>&#8221; is equal to
+</p><!--l. 12672--><p class="indent" > There is a similar command that requires the control sequence name (without the leading
+backslash) instead of the actual control sequence:
+</p><!--l. 12674--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-91034"></a> <span
+</p><!--l. 12676--><p class="noindent" >
+This internally uses <span
+ id="dx1-91035"></a>&#8217;s <span
+class="cmtt-10">\ifcsstrequal </span>command instead of <span
+</p><!--l. 12680--><p class="noindent" >
+<!--l. 12680--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><h3 class="sectionHead"></p><h3 class="sectionHead"><span class="titlemark">16.3 </span> <a
+ id="sec:fetchset"></a>Fetching and Updating the Value of a Field</h3>
+<!--l. 12683--><p class="noindent" >You can fetch the value of a given field and store it in a control sequence using:
+</p><!--l. 12685--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-92001"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12687--><p class="noindent" >
+where &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; is the label identifying the glossary entry, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">field</span>&#x27E9; is the field label (see
+href="#tab:fieldmap">table&#x00A0;4.1</a>) and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">cs</span>&#x27E9; is the control sequence in which to store the value. Remember that
+class="cmti-10">field</span>&#x27E9; is the internal label and is not necessarily the same as the key used to set
+that field in the argument of <span
+class="cmtt-10">\newglossaryentry </span>(or the optional argument of
+</p><!--l. 12696--><p class="indent" > You can change the value of a given field using one of the following commands. Note that
+these commands only change the value of the given field. They have no affect on any related
+field. For example, if you change the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-92002"></a> field, it won&#8217;t modify the value given by
+the <span
+ id="dx1-92003"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-92004"></a>, <span
+ id="dx1-92005"></a> or any other related key.
+</p><!--l. 12702--><p class="indent" > In all the four related commands below, &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">field</span>&#x27E9; are as above and &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definition</span>&#x27E9; is the
+new value of the field.
+</p><!--l. 12706--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-92006"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12708--><p class="noindent" >
+This uses <span
+class="cmtt-10">\def </span>to change the value of the field (so it will be localised by any grouping).
+</p><!--l. 12712--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-92007"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12714--><p class="noindent" >
+This uses <span
+class="cmtt-10">\edef </span>to change the value of the field (so it will be localised by any grouping). Any
+fragile commands contained in the &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">definition</span>&#x27E9; must be protected.
+</p><!--l. 12719--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-92008"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12721--><p class="noindent" >
+This uses <span
+class="cmtt-10">\gdef </span>to change the value of the field.
+</p><!--l. 12724--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-92009"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12726--><p class="noindent" >
+This uses <span
+class="cmtt-10">\xdef </span>to change the value of the field. Any fragile commands contained in the
+class="cmti-10">definition</span>&#x27E9; must be protected.
+<!--l. 12731--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 12731--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">17. <a
+ id="sec:prefix"></a>Prefixes or Determiners</h2>
+</p><!--l. 12733--><p class="indent" > The <span
+ id="dx1-93001"></a> package that comes with the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package provides additional
+keys that can be used as prefixes. For example, if you want to specify determiners (such as
+&#8220;a&#8221;, &#8220;an&#8221; or &#8220;the&#8221;). The <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-prefix </span>package automatically loads the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package
+and has the same package options.
+</p><!--l. 12741--><p class="indent" > The extra keys for <span
+ id="dx1-93002"></a> are as follows:
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-93003"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The prefix associated with the <span
+ id="dx1-93004"></a> key. This defaults to nothing.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-93005"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The prefix associated with the <span
+ id="dx1-93006"></a> key. This defaults to nothing.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-93007"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The prefix associated with the <span
+ id="dx1-93008"></a> key. If omitted, this defaults to the value
+ of the <span
+ id="dx1-93009"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-93010"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The prefix associated with the <span
+ id="dx1-93011"></a> key. If omitted, this defaults
+ to the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-93012"></a> key.</dd></dl>
+ id="x1-93013r30"></a>
+<!--l. 12758--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 30</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Defining Determiners)</span><a
+ id="x1-93014"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12759--><p class="indent" > Here&#8217;s the start of my example document:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-393">
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref}
+&#x00A0;<br />\usepackage[toc,acronym]{glossaries-prefix}
+<!--l. 12765--><p class="nopar" > Note that I&#8217;ve simply replaced <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>from previous sample documents with <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-prefix</span>. Now for a
+sample definition<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x17" id="fn1x17-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">17.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-93015f1"></a>:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-394">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={an&#x00A0;example},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;prefix={a~},%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;prefixplural={the\space}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 12777--><p class="nopar" > Note that I&#8217;ve had to explicitly insert a&#x00A0;space after the prefix. This allows for the possibility
+of prefixes that shouldn&#8217;t have a&#x00A0;space, such as:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-395">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;plural={yeux},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;description={eye},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;prefix={l'},
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;prefixplural={les\space}}
+<!--l. 12787--><p class="nopar" > Where a space is required at the end of the prefix, you must use a&#x00A0;spacing command, such as
+class="cmtt-10">\space</span>, <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\&#x2423;</span></span></span> (backslash space) or <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">~</span></span></span> due to the automatic spacing trimming performed in
+class="cmti-10">value</span>&#x27E9; options.
+</p><!--l. 12793--><p class="indent" > The prefixes can also be used with acronyms. For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-396">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;[%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;prefix={an\space},prefixfirst={a~}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;]{svm}{SVM}{support&#x00A0;vector&#x00A0;machine}
+<!--l. 12799--><p class="nopar" > </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 12800--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12800--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 12802--><p class="indent" > The <span
+ id="dx1-93017"></a> package provides convenient commands to use these prefixes with
+commands such as <span
+ id="dx1-93018"></a>. Note that the prefix is not considered part of the <a
+href="#glo:linktext">link text<a
+ id="dx1-93019"></a></a>, so it&#8217;s
+not included in the hyperlink (where hyperlinks are enabled). The options and any star or
+plus modifier are passed on to the <a
+class="cmtt-10">\gls</span>-like</a>&#x00A0;command. (See <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>6 </a><a
+href="#sec:glslink">Links to Glossary Entries<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glslink --></a> for
+further details.)
+</p><!--l. 12809--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93020"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12811--><p class="noindent" >
+This is inserts the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-93021"></a> key (or <span
+ id="dx1-93022"></a> key, on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>) in front of <span
+</p><!--l. 12816--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93023"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12818--><p class="noindent" >
+If the <span
+ id="dx1-93024"></a> key (or <span
+ id="dx1-93025"></a>, on first use) has been set, this displays the value of that
+key with the first letter converted to upper case followed by <span
+class="cmtt-10">]</span>. If that key hasn&#8217;t been set, this is equivalent to <span
+ id="dx1-93026"></a><span
+</p><!--l. 12826--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93027"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12828--><p class="noindent" >
+As <span
+class="cmtt-10">\pgls </span>but converts the prefix to upper case and uses <span
+ id="dx1-93028"></a> instead of <span
+</p><!--l. 12832--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93029"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12834--><p class="noindent" >
+This is inserts the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-93030"></a> key (or <span
+ id="dx1-93031"></a> key, on <a
+href="#glo:firstuse">first use</a>) in front of
+</p><!--l. 12839--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93032"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12841--><p class="noindent" >
+If the <span
+ id="dx1-93033"></a> key (or <span
+ id="dx1-93034"></a>, on first use) has been set, this displays the value of
+that key with the first letter converted to upper case followed by <span
+class="cmtt-10">]</span>. If that key hasn&#8217;t been set, this is equivalent to <span
+ id="dx1-93035"></a><span
+</p><!--l. 12849--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93036"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">] </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12851--><p class="noindent" >
+As <span
+class="cmtt-10">\pglspl </span>but converts the prefix to upper case and uses <span
+ id="dx1-93037"></a> instead of <span
+ id="x1-93038r31"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12855--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 31</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Using Prefixes)</span><a
+ id="x1-93039"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12856--><p class="indent" > Continuing from Example&#x00A0;<a
+href="#x1-93013r30">30<!--tex4ht:ref: ex:determiners --></a>, now that I&#8217;ve defined my entries, I&#x00A0;can use them in the text
+via the above commands:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-397">
+&#x00A0;<br />Singular:&#x00A0;\pgls{sample},&#x00A0;\pgls{oeil}.
+&#x00A0;<br />Plural:&#x00A0;\pglspl{sample},&#x00A0;\pglspl{oeil}.
+<!--l. 12862--><p class="nopar" > which produces:
+ </p><div class="quote">
+ <!--l. 12865--><p class="noindent" >First use: a&#x00A0;support vector machine (SVM). Next use: an SVM. Singular:
+ a&#x00A0;sample, l&#8217;oeil. Plural: the samples, les yeux.</p></div>
+<!--l. 12869--><p class="noindent" >For a complete document, see <a
+class="cmtt-10">sample-prefix.tex</span></a>. </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 12870--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12870--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 12872--><p class="indent" > This package also provides the commands described below, none of which perform any
+check to determine the entry&#8217;s existence.
+</p><!--l. 12875--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93040"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12877--><p class="noindent" >
+Does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; if the entry identified by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has a non-empty value for the <span
+ id="dx1-93041"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12881--><p class="indent" > This package also provides the following commands:
+</p><!--l. 12882--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93042"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 12884--><p class="noindent" >
+Does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; if the entry identified by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has a non-empty value for the <span
+ id="dx1-93043"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12888--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93044"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+</p><!--l. 12890--><p class="noindent" >
+Does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; if the entry identified by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has a non-empty value for the <span
+ id="dx1-93045"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12894--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93046"></a> <span
+class="cmitt-10">true part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmitt-10">false part</span>&#x27E9;<span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12896--><p class="noindent" >
+Does &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">true part</span>&#x27E9; if the entry identified by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9; has a non-empty value for the <span
+ id="dx1-93047"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12900--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93048"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12902--><p class="noindent" >
+Displays the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-93049"></a> key for the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 12906--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93050"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12908--><p class="noindent" >
+Displays the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-93051"></a> key for the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+</p><!--l. 12912--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93052"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12914--><p class="noindent" >
+Displays the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-93053"></a> key for the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. (No check is performed
+to determine if the entry exists.)
+</p><!--l. 12919--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93054"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12921--><p class="noindent" >
+Displays the value of the <span
+ id="dx1-93055"></a> key for the entry given by &#x27E8;<span
+class="cmti-10">label</span>&#x27E9;. (No check is
+performed to determine if the entry exists.)
+</p><!--l. 12926--><p class="indent" > There are also variants that convert the first letter to upper
+case<span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x17" id="fn2x17-bk"><sup class="textsuperscript">17.2</sup></a></span><a
+ id="x1-93056f2"></a>:
+</p><!--l. 12929--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93057"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12931--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12932--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93058"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12934--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12935--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93059"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12937--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12939--><p class="indent" > <hr><div title="Definition"><span class="marginpar"><span
+ id="dx1-93060"></a> <span
+class="cmtt-10">} </span></div><hr>
+</p><!--l. 12941--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12943--><p class="indent" > <div class="important" title="Important Note"> As with analogous commands such as <span
+ id="dx1-93061"></a>, these commands aren&#8217;t
+expandable so can&#8217;t be used in PDF bookmarks. </div>
+</p><!--l. 12946--><p class="noindent" >
+ id="x1-93062r32"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12948--><p class="noindent" ><span
+class="cmbx-12">Example 32</span><span
+class="cmbx-12">&#x00A0;(Adding Determiner to Glossary Style)</span><a
+ id="x1-93063"></a>
+</p><!--l. 12949--><p class="indent" > You can use the above commands to define a new glossary style that uses the determiner.
+For example, the following style is a slight modification of the <span
+ id="dx1-93064"></a> style that inserts the prefix
+before the name:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-398">
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\setglossarystyle{list}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\renewcommand*{\glossentry}[2]{%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\item[\glsentryitem{##1}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\Glsentryprefix{##1}%
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glstarget{##1}{\glossentryname{##1}}]
+&#x00A0;<br />&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;\glossentrydesc{##1}\glspostdescription\space&#x00A0;##2}%
+&#x00A0;<br />}
+<!--l. 12962--><p class="nopar" > </p>
+<div class="center"
+<!--l. 12963--><p class="noindent" >
+</p><!--l. 12963--><p class="noindent" >____________________________</p></div>
+<!--l. 12965--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 12965--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">18. <a
+ id="sec:accsupp"></a>Accessibility Support</h2>
+</p><!--l. 12967--><p class="indent" > Limited accessibility support is provided by the accompanying <span
+ id="dx1-94001"></a> package,
+but note that this package is experimental and it requires the <span
+ id="dx1-94002"></a> package which is also
+listed as experimental. This package defines additional keys that may be used when defining
+glossary entries. The keys are as follows:
+ </p><dl class="description"><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94003"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94004"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94005"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94006"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94007"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94008"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94009"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94010"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94011"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94012"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94013"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94014"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94015"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94016"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94017"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94018"></a> key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94019"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94020"></a>
+ key.
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94021"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94022"></a> key (used by <span
+ id="dx1-94023"></a>).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94024"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94025"></a> key (used by
+ <span
+ id="dx1-94026"></a>).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94027"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94028"></a> key (used by
+ <span
+ id="dx1-94029"></a>).
+ </dd><dt class="description">
+ id="dx1-94030"></a> </dt><dd
+class="description">The replacement text corresponding to the <span
+ id="dx1-94031"></a> key (used by
+ <span
+ id="dx1-94032"></a>).
+ </dd></dl>
+<!--l. 13014--><p class="noindent" >For example:
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-399">
+&#x00A0;<br />preparation&#x00A0;language},access={TeX}}
+<!--l. 13018--><p class="nopar" > Now <span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\gls{tex}</span></span></span> will be equivalent to
+ <div class="verbatim" id="verbatim-400">
+<!--l. 13022--><p class="nopar" > The sample file <a
+class="cmtt-10">sampleaccsupp.tex</span></a> illustrates the <span
+ id="dx1-94033"></a> package.
+</p><!--l. 13026--><p class="indent" > See the documented code (<span
+class="cmtt-10">glossaries-code.pdf</span>) for further details. I&#x00A0;recommend that
+you also read the <span
+ id="dx1-94034"></a> documentation.
+<!--l. 13030--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 13030--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a><div class="chapter"><h2 class="chapterHead">19. <a
+ id="sec:trouble"></a>Troubleshooting</h2>
+</p><!--l. 13033--><p class="indent" > In addition to the sample files listed in <a
+class="tcrm-1000">&sect;</span>1.2 </a><a
+href="#sec:samples">Sample Documents<!--tex4ht:ref: sec:samples --></a>, the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package
+comes with some minimal example files, <span
+class="cmtt-10">minimalgls.tex</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">mwe-gls.tex</span>, <span
+class="cmtt-10">mwe-acr.tex </span>and
+class="cmtt-10">mwe-acr-desc.tex</span>, which can be used for testing. These should be located in the <span
+subdirectory (folder) of the <span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>documentation directory. The location varies according to
+your operating system and <span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;installation. For example, on my Linux partition it can be found
+in <span
+class="cmtt-10">/usr/local/texlive/2014/texmf-dist/doc/latex/glossaries/</span>. The <a
+ id="dx1-95001"></a></a>
+application can also be used to test for various problems. Further information on debugging
+<span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;code is available at <a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+</p><!--l. 13048--><p class="indent" > If you have any problems, please first consult the <a
+href="" ><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>FAQ</a>. If that doesn&#8217;t
+help, try posting your query to somewhere like the <span
+class="cmtt-10">comp.text.tex </span>newsgroup, the
+href="" ><span class="LATEX">L<span class="A">A</span><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span></span>&#x00A0;Community Forum</a> or <a
+href="" ><span class="TEX">T<span
+class="E">E</span>X</span>&#x00A0;on StackExchange</a>. Bug reports can be submitted via
+href="" >my package bug report form</a>.
+<!--l. 2--><p class="indent" > </div>
+</p><!--l. 2--><p class="noindent" ><a
+href="#top">Top</a></p><h2 class="likechapterHead"><a
+ id="x1-9600019"></a>Index</h2>
+ <span
+ <div class="theindex"><span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-21012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">1</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-21009" ><span
+class="cmti-10">2</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-21004" ><span
+class="cmti-10">3</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-21003" ><span
+class="cmti-10">4</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-21011" ><span
+class="cmti-10">5</span></a> <br /></span>
+<p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">accsupp </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-94002" >6</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-94034" >7</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69080" ><span
+class="cmti-10">8</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69079" ><span
+class="cmti-10">9</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69076" ><span
+class="cmti-10">10</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69077" ><span
+class="cmti-10">11</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69078" ><span
+class="cmti-10">12</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69083" ><span
+class="cmti-10">13</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69082" ><span
+class="cmti-10">14</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69081" ><span
+class="cmti-10">15</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69069" ><span
+class="cmti-10">16</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69068" ><span
+class="cmti-10">17</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69064" ><span
+class="cmti-10">18</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69072" ><span
+class="cmti-10">19</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69071" ><span
+class="cmti-10">20</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69070" ><span
+class="cmti-10">21</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">acronym styles:<br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71018" >22</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71052" >23</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71056" >24</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72021" >25</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71053" >26</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71059" >27</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71019" >28</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71063" >29</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72020" >30</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71073" >31</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71064" >32</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11027" >33</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71074" >34</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71083" >35</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71086" >36</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71065" >37</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71075" >38</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71007" >39</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71021" >40</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71040" >41</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72033" >42</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71036" >43</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57069" >44</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71020" >45</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71039" >46</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72011" >47</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72028" >48</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72034" >49</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71035" >50</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71051" >51</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72030" >52</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71011" >53</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71022" >54</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71041" >55</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71037" >56</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71023" >57</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71027" >58</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71042" >59</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71038" >60</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71030" >61</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71049" >62</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71029" >63</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71048" >64</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71031" >65</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71050" >66</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-70010" ><span
+class="cmti-10">67</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71002" ><span
+class="cmti-10">68</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-70012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">69</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-68016" ><span
+class="cmti-10">70</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69058" ><span
+class="cmti-10">71</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69057" ><span
+class="cmti-10">72</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69052" ><span
+class="cmti-10">73</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69061" ><span
+class="cmti-10">74</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69060" ><span
+class="cmti-10">75</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69059" ><span
+class="cmti-10">76</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-68008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">77</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">amsgen </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14" >78</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-15" >79</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16" >80</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72080" >81</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72081" >82</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">amsmath </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55006" >83</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75021" >84</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-4008" >85</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7028" >86</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16021" >87</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16022" >88</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">array </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-81006" >89</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-84006" >90</a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">babel </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7016" >91</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13033" >92</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13045" >93</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13049" >94</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14001" >95</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14003" >96</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14005" >97</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14007" >98</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14016" >99</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14018" >100</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14019" >101</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14022" >102</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14034" >103</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14037" >104</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14040" >105</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14047" >106</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23053" >107</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23058" >108</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23063" >109</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23065" >110</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23067" >111</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23072" >112</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23078" >113</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34010" >114</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-44012" >115</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-47007" >116</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-68023" >117</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">beamer </span>class&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55004" >118</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55010" >119</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75014" >120</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75016" >121</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">beamer </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14046" >122</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-2" >123</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-18" >124</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3001" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">125</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-9001" >126</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-9002" >127</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-9008" >128</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-9009" >129</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-10003" >130</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13004" >131</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13009" >132</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13012" >133</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13022" >134</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13026" >135</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14051" >136</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14055" >137</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16011" >138</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16013" >139</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16015" >140</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16018" >141</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-31001" >142</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-44009" >143</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-49013" >144</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-49015" >145</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-50008" >146</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-50009" >147</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-50018" >148</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-50019" >149</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-52016" >150</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-52017" >151</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63042" >152</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63043" >153</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">booktabs </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-80006" >154</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-81009" >155</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-82011" >156</a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76010" ><span
+class="cmti-10">157</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">158</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76014" ><span
+class="cmti-10">159</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">160</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76011" ><span
+class="cmti-10">161</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76009" ><span
+class="cmti-10">162</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76015" ><span
+class="cmti-10">163</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76013" ><span
+class="cmti-10">164</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">classicthesis </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25027" >165</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25045" >166</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25050" >167</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-79007" >168</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-79046" >169</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88070" ><span
+class="cmti-10">170</span></a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">datatool </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13" >171</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63045" >172</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63048" >173</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63050" >174</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63052" >175</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">datatool-base </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-12" >176</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13019" >177</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-27022" ><span
+class="cmti-10">178</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">179</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-27027" ><span
+class="cmti-10">180</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">doc </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-21" >181</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-22" >182</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26" >183</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-29044" >184</a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item">encap&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-50002" >185</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">entry location&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3002" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">186</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">environments:<br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88003" ><span
+class="cmti-10">187</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">etoolbox </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8" >188</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26043" >189</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57018" >190</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91030" >191</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91033" >192</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91035" >193</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">Extended Latin Alphabet&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3003" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">194</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">extended Latin character&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3005" >195</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3006" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">196</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3030" >197</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3045" >198</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3052" >199</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11098" >200</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34008" >201</a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item">file types<br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16079" >202</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13024" >203</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17002" >204</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17018" >205</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54008" >206</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-65004" >207</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16078" >208</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19016" >209</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20013" >210</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25" >211</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17019" >212</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19018" >213</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20015" >214</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19017" >215</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20014" >216</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-44013" >217</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-47013" >218</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-47017" >219</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-47018" >220</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20005" >221</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20007" >222</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-21006" >223</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26061" >224</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-33003" >225</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-33012" >226</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13014" >227</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13023" >228</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19010" >229</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20004" >230</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19012" >231</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19013" >232</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-21008" >233</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26070" >234</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-33005" >235</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-33009" >236</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-33014" >237</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-64005" >238</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24" >239</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23" >240</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">first use&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3010" >241</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;flag&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3018" >242</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;text&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3019" >243</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">244</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">flowfram </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-83011" >245</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">fmtcount </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11090" >246</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66047" >247</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66049" >248</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66050" >249</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">fontspec </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34142" >250</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-67006" >251</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-90002" ><span
+class="cmti-10">252</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-90001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">253</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-90007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">254</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-90005" ><span
+class="cmti-10">255</span></a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57065" ><span
+class="cmti-10">256</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57059" ><span
+class="cmti-10">257</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72022" ><span
+class="cmti-10">258</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57066" ><span
+class="cmti-10">259</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57061" ><span
+class="cmti-10">260</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3" >261</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-12001" >262</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14008" >263</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-29038" >264</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-29041" >265</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-44011" >266</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-51007" >267</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-51014" >268</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54021" >269</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54040" >270</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-accsupp </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11118" >271</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34016" >272</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-94001" >273</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-94033" >274</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-babel </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23059" >275</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23070" >276</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-5008" >277</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7009" >278</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7010" >279</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7023" >280</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7039" >281</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8011" >282</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8012" >283</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8020" >284</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-9003" >285</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-10004" >286</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-12015" >287</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13011" >288</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16010" >289</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16012" >290</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26021" >291</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34002" >292</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34005" >293</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62006" >294</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63079" >295</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69001" >296</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69006" >297</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69047" >298</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78042" >299</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78044" >300</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78046" >301</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-extra-stylemods </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78045" >302</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-polyglossia </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23061" >303</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossaries-prefix </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11116" >304</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34015" >305</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93001" >306</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93017" >307</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">glossary counters:<br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25004" ><span
+class="cmti-10">308</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25022" ><span
+class="cmti-10">309</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossary </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17" >310</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-4005" >311</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-29035" >312</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74001" >313</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74002" >314</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74005" >315</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">glossary styles:<br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71047" >316</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71080" >317</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72068" >318</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-79025" >319</a>, <a
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85041" >548</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85048" >549</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86026" >550</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86028" >553</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-79024" >554</a>, <a
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86031" >556</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85012" >557</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85040" >558</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85043" >559</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86033" >560</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85042" >561</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85045" >562</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86035" >563</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85044" >564</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86038" >565</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">glossary-bookindex </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78004" >566</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">glossary-inline </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87001" >567</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87005" >568</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">glossary-list </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25029" >569</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25042" >570</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25043" >571</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63075" >572</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-79001" >573</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossary-long </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25030" >574</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25034" >575</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25036" >576</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63076" >577</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-80001" >578</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-81002" >579</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-82005" >580</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-82009" >581</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">glossary-longbooktabs </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-82001" >582</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-82004" >583</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-82007" >584</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossary-longnoloc </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78005" >585</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">glossary-longragged </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-81001" >586</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-81005" >587</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-81007" >588</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-82006" >589</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">glossary-mcols </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25054" >590</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85053" >591</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86001" >592</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86010" >593</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86012" >594</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86013" >595</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86017" >596</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">glossary-ragged </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-82010" >597</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">glossary-super </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25031" >598</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25038" >599</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25040" >600</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63077" >601</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-83001" >602</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-84002" >603</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">glossary-superragged </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-84001" >604</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-84005" >605</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-84007" >606</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">glossary-tree </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25032" >607</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25048" >608</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25049" >609</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25052" >610</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63078" >611</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85001" >612</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85050" >613</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86009" >614</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmtt-10">glossaryentry </span>(counter)&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25003" ><span
+class="cmti-10">615</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25012" >616</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25013" >617</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25017" >618</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88015" ><span
+class="cmti-10">619</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63066" ><span
+class="cmti-10">620</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63064" ><span
+class="cmti-10">621</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmtt-10">glossarysubentry </span>(counter)&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25021" ><span
+class="cmti-10">622</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88038" ><span
+class="cmti-10">623</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62029" ><span
+class="cmti-10">624</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62028" ><span
+class="cmti-10">625</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62013" ><span
+class="cmti-10">626</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">627</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62036" ><span
+class="cmti-10">628</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62035" ><span
+class="cmti-10">629</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55022" ><span
+class="cmti-10">630</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55021" ><span
+class="cmti-10">631</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55011" ><span
+class="cmti-10">632</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71028" ><span
+class="cmti-10">633</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-59001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">634</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-59003" ><span
+class="cmti-10">635</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glsaddall </span>options<br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-59004" >636</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-59008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">637</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-38001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">638</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-51015" ><span
+class="cmti-10">639</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-39001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">640</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66014" ><span
+class="cmti-10">641</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66009" ><span
+class="cmti-10">642</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66024" ><span
+class="cmti-10">643</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24041" ><span
+class="cmti-10">644</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-64012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">645</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57021" ><span
+class="cmti-10">646</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24018" ><span
+class="cmti-10">647</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-64008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">648</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91027" ><span
+class="cmti-10">649</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57015" ><span
+class="cmti-10">650</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56054" ><span
+class="cmti-10">651</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56053" ><span
+class="cmti-10">652</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56050" ><span
+class="cmti-10">653</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78016" ><span
+class="cmti-10">654</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-58005" ><span
+class="cmti-10">655</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55056" ><span
+class="cmti-10">656</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62061" ><span
+class="cmti-10">657</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91005" ><span
+class="cmti-10">658</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">659</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">660</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91006" ><span
+class="cmti-10">661</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91009" ><span
+class="cmti-10">662</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26031" ><span
+class="cmti-10">663</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76003" ><span
+class="cmti-10">664</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-58006" ><span
+class="cmti-10">665</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88048" ><span
+class="cmti-10">666</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25006" ><span
+class="cmti-10">667</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76006" ><span
+class="cmti-10">668</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62027" ><span
+class="cmti-10">669</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62026" ><span
+class="cmti-10">670</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62031" ><span
+class="cmti-10">671</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62030" ><span
+class="cmti-10">672</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62021" ><span
+class="cmti-10">673</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62020" ><span
+class="cmti-10">674</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62024" ><span
+class="cmti-10">675</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62023" ><span
+class="cmti-10">676</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57006" ><span
+class="cmti-10">677</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69129" ><span
+class="cmti-10">678</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69128" ><span
+class="cmti-10">679</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69131" ><span
+class="cmti-10">680</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69130" ><span
+class="cmti-10">681</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88045" ><span
+class="cmti-10">682</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69121" ><span
+class="cmti-10">683</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69120" ><span
+class="cmti-10">684</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69123" ><span
+class="cmti-10">685</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69122" ><span
+class="cmti-10">686</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">687</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">688</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62060" ><span
+class="cmti-10">689</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62018" ><span
+class="cmti-10">690</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62017" ><span
+class="cmti-10">691</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93057" ><span
+class="cmti-10">692</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93048" ><span
+class="cmti-10">693</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93058" ><span
+class="cmti-10">694</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93050" ><span
+class="cmti-10">695</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93060" ><span
+class="cmti-10">696</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93054" ><span
+class="cmti-10">697</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93059" ><span
+class="cmti-10">698</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93052" ><span
+class="cmti-10">699</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-76007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">700</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69125" ><span
+class="cmti-10">701</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69124" ><span
+class="cmti-10">702</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69127" ><span
+class="cmti-10">703</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69126" ><span
+class="cmti-10">704</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62033" ><span
+class="cmti-10">705</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62032" ><span
+class="cmti-10">706</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62038" ><span
+class="cmti-10">707</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62037" ><span
+class="cmti-10">708</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62015" ><span
+class="cmti-10">709</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62014" ><span
+class="cmti-10">710</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62005" ><span
+class="cmti-10">711</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62040" ><span
+class="cmti-10">712</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62039" ><span
+class="cmti-10">713</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62042" ><span
+class="cmti-10">714</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62041" ><span
+class="cmti-10">715</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62044" ><span
+class="cmti-10">716</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62043" ><span
+class="cmti-10">717</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62046" ><span
+class="cmti-10">718</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62045" ><span
+class="cmti-10">719</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62048" ><span
+class="cmti-10">720</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62047" ><span
+class="cmti-10">721</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62050" ><span
+class="cmti-10">722</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62049" ><span
+class="cmti-10">723</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-40022" ><span
+class="cmti-10">724</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-92006" ><span
+class="cmti-10">725</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-92007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">726</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-92001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">727</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-92008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">728</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-92009" ><span
+class="cmti-10">729</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85051" ><span
+class="cmti-10">730</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56017" ><span
+class="cmti-10">731</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56016" ><span
+class="cmti-10">732</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56013" ><span
+class="cmti-10">733</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56037" ><span
+class="cmti-10">734</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56036" ><span
+class="cmti-10">735</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56033" ><span
+class="cmti-10">736</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57050" ><span
+class="cmti-10">737</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57044" ><span
+class="cmti-10">738</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88026" ><span
+class="cmti-10">739</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24013" ><span
+class="cmti-10">740</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63061" ><span
+class="cmti-10">741</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88020" ><span
+class="cmti-10">742</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88034" ><span
+class="cmti-10">743</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62051" ><span
+class="cmti-10">744</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-79021" ><span
+class="cmti-10">745</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57022" ><span
+class="cmti-10">746</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-27025" ><span
+class="cmti-10">747</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57020" ><span
+class="cmti-10">748</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87019" ><span
+class="cmti-10">749</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87018" ><span
+class="cmti-10">750</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87016" ><span
+class="cmti-10">751</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">752</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">753</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87020" ><span
+class="cmti-10">754</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87017" ><span
+class="cmti-10">755</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87010" ><span
+class="cmti-10">756</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57019" ><span
+class="cmti-10">757</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">758</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72024" ><span
+class="cmti-10">759</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62034" ><span
+class="cmti-10">760</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56004" ><span
+class="cmti-10">761</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmtt-10">\glslink </span>options<br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54071" >762</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66006" >763</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-50004" >764</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-50011" >765</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54041" >766</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54050" >767</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62068" >768</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66010" >769</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66015" >770</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66016" >771</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23101" >772</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54030" >773</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54036" >774</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57023" >775</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57029" >776</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-58003" >777</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-59002" >778</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54072" >779</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23103" ><span
+class="cmti-10">780</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57073" ><span
+class="cmti-10">781</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57028" ><span
+class="cmti-10">782</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-79039" ><span
+class="cmti-10">783</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-79023" ><span
+class="cmti-10">784</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75004" ><span
+class="cmti-10">785</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">786</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75006" ><span
+class="cmti-10">787</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75010" ><span
+class="cmti-10">788</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72025" ><span
+class="cmti-10">789</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-86015" ><span
+class="cmti-10">790</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-45001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">791</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56044" ><span
+class="cmti-10">792</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56043" ><span
+class="cmti-10">793</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56038" ><span
+class="cmti-10">794</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63074" ><span
+class="cmti-10">795</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88030" ><span
+class="cmti-10">796</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88031" ><span
+class="cmti-10">797</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-40023" ><span
+class="cmti-10">798</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-52022" ><span
+class="cmti-10">799</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-52019" ><span
+class="cmti-10">800</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62067" ><span
+class="cmti-10">801</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62066" ><span
+class="cmti-10">802</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-64007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">803</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78017" ><span
+class="cmti-10">804</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34023" ><span
+class="cmti-10">805</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">806</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-64009" ><span
+class="cmti-10">807</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55049" ><span
+class="cmti-10">808</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55048" ><span
+class="cmti-10">809</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55047" ><span
+class="cmti-10">810</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56032" ><span
+class="cmti-10">811</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56031" ><span
+class="cmti-10">812</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56028" ><span
+class="cmti-10">813</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-35001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">814</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78039" ><span
+class="cmti-10">815</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-87014" ><span
+class="cmti-10">816</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57074" ><span
+class="cmti-10">817</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26026" ><span
+class="cmti-10">818</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-64014" ><span
+class="cmti-10">819</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25005" ><span
+class="cmti-10">820</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75003" ><span
+class="cmti-10">821</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">822</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25016" ><span
+class="cmti-10">823</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-82023" ><span
+class="cmti-10">824</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-60017" ><span
+class="cmti-10">825</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-61002" ><span
+class="cmti-10">826</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-61011" ><span
+class="cmti-10">827</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-61009" ><span
+class="cmti-10">828</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-61008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">829</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-33019" ><span
+class="cmti-10">830</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-33018" ><span
+class="cmti-10">831</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-40007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">832</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-40008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">833</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13038" ><span
+class="cmti-10">834</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-52009" ><span
+class="cmti-10">835</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-52010" ><span
+class="cmti-10">836</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85049" ><span
+class="cmti-10">837</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-53002" ><span
+class="cmti-10">838</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-65010" ><span
+class="cmti-10">839</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-67004" ><span
+class="cmti-10">840</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-65007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">841</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66058" ><span
+class="cmti-10">842</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66063" ><span
+class="cmti-10">843</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-67007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">844</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72026" ><span
+class="cmti-10">845</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23015" ><span
+class="cmti-10">846</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26017" ><span
+class="cmti-10">847</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88067" ><span
+class="cmti-10">848</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88064" ><span
+class="cmti-10">849</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56049" ><span
+class="cmti-10">850</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56048" ><span
+class="cmti-10">851</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56045" ><span
+class="cmti-10">852</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88049" ><span
+class="cmti-10">853</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56011" ><span
+class="cmti-10">854</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56010" ><span
+class="cmti-10">855</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">856</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54025" ><span
+class="cmti-10">857</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72035" ><span
+class="cmti-10">858</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-64010" ><span
+class="cmti-10">859</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24003" ><span
+class="cmti-10">860</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24002" ><span
+class="cmti-10">861</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85014" ><span
+class="cmti-10">862</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85006" ><span
+class="cmti-10">863</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85033" ><span
+class="cmti-10">864</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85019" ><span
+class="cmti-10">865</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85054" ><span
+class="cmti-10">866</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85004" ><span
+class="cmti-10">867</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85008" ><span
+class="cmti-10">868</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85011" ><span
+class="cmti-10">869</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85020" ><span
+class="cmti-10">870</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-85021" ><span
+class="cmti-10">871</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57013" ><span
+class="cmti-10">872</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75005" ><span
+class="cmti-10">873</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75009" ><span
+class="cmti-10">874</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72031" ><span
+class="cmti-10">875</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-72032" ><span
+class="cmti-10">876</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56059" ><span
+class="cmti-10">877</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56058" ><span
+class="cmti-10">878</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56055" ><span
+class="cmti-10">879</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56064" ><span
+class="cmti-10">880</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56063" ><span
+class="cmti-10">881</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56060" ><span
+class="cmti-10">882</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56069" ><span
+class="cmti-10">883</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56068" ><span
+class="cmti-10">884</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56065" ><span
+class="cmti-10">885</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56074" ><span
+class="cmti-10">886</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56073" ><span
+class="cmti-10">887</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56070" ><span
+class="cmti-10">888</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56079" ><span
+class="cmti-10">889</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56078" ><span
+class="cmti-10">890</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56075" ><span
+class="cmti-10">891</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56084" ><span
+class="cmti-10">892</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56083" ><span
+class="cmti-10">893</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56080" ><span
+class="cmti-10">894</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-51026" ><span
+class="cmti-10">895</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-53003" ><span
+class="cmti-10">896</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23116" ><span
+class="cmti-10">897</span></a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">html </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-58002" >898</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">hyperref </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19" >899</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20" >900</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-27" >901</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-52012" >902</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-52020" >903</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54010" >904</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54013" >905</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54016" >906</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54018" >907</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54039" >908</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54054" >909</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55055" >910</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57024" >911</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-58001" >912</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-58009" >913</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62003" >914</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62004" >915</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62058" >916</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62069" >917</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62070" >918</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66031" >919</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66041" >920</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88050" >921</a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">922</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91023" ><span
+class="cmti-10">923</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91002" ><span
+class="cmti-10">924</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91034" ><span
+class="cmti-10">925</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91032" ><span
+class="cmti-10">926</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91029" ><span
+class="cmti-10">927</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91011" ><span
+class="cmti-10">928</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91021" ><span
+class="cmti-10">929</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91026" ><span
+class="cmti-10">930</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91015" ><span
+class="cmti-10">931</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">932</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93040" ><span
+class="cmti-10">933</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93044" ><span
+class="cmti-10">934</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93046" ><span
+class="cmti-10">935</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93042" ><span
+class="cmti-10">936</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91018" ><span
+class="cmti-10">937</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91013" ><span
+class="cmti-10">938</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24030" ><span
+class="cmti-10">939</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75011" ><span
+class="cmti-10">940</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-91010" ><span
+class="cmti-10">941</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-68012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">942</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">imakeidx </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-29024" >943</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">index </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-29023" >944</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">inputenc </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11016" >945</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11074" >946</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13015" >947</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34083" >948</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34141" >949</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-65008" >950</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-67005" >951</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">internal fields:<br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-5010" >952</a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-29" >953</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54020" >954</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16020" >955</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16023" >956</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16029" >957</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">Latin alphabet&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3027" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">958</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7002" >959</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13006" >960</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">Latin character&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3004" >961</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3007" >962</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3008" >963</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3028" >964</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3029" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">965</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3046" >966</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-68006" >967</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">link text&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3031" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">968</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54003" >969</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54015" >970</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54017" >971</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54023" >972</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54024" >973</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54026" >974</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54073" >975</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-54074" >976</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55012" >977</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55018" >978</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55024" >979</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55025" >980</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55027" >981</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55028" >982</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55032" >983</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55033" >984</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55035" >985</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55036" >986</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55037" >987</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55038" >988</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55039" >989</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55040" >990</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55044" >991</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55045" >992</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56005" >993</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56006" >994</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56009" >995</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56015" >996</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56022" >997</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56027" >998</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56030" >999</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56035" >1000</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56040" >1001</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56047" >1002</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56052" >1003</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56057" >1004</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56062" >1005</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56067" >1006</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56072" >1007</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56077" >1008</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-56082" >1009</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57001" >1010</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-57081" >1011</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69050" >1012</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69053" >1013</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69065" >1014</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69075" >1015</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-93019" >1016</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-44001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">1017</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item">location list&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+class="cmti-10">see </span><a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-49004" >number list</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34004" ><span
+class="cmti-10">1019</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34007" ><span
+class="cmti-10">1020</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">longtable </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25035" >1021</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-80010" >1022</a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
+<span class="index-item"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3033" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">1023</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3037" >1024</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7032" >1025</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8026" >1026</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8029" >1027</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8030" >1028</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8033" >1029</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8035" >1030</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11008" >1031</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11040" >1032</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11051" >1033</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11062" >1034</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11075" >1035</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11077" >1036</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11079" >1037</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11081" >1038</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11084" >1039</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11101" >1040</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13025" >1041</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13028" >1042</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13042" >1043</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16003" >1044</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16024" >1045</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16030" >1046</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16032" >1047</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16035" >1048</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16038" >1049</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16044" >1050</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16047" >1051</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16051" >1052</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16053" >1053</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16056" >1054</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16058" >1055</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16062" >1056</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16065" >1057</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16070" >1058</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16073" >1059</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16075" >1060</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17001" >1061</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17005" >1062</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17006" >1063</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17007" >1064</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17009" >1065</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17012" >1066</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17013" >1067</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17016" >1068</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17020" >1069</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17027" >1070</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17031" >1071</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17034" >1072</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17035" >1073</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17037" >1074</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-18001" >1075</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-18003" >1076</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-18006" >1077</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-18007" >1078</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19005" >1079</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19021" >1080</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19023" >1081</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19025" >1082</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20018" >1083</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20020" >1084</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-20022" >1085</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23033" >1086</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25007" >1087</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26051" >1088</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26056" >1089</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26058" >1090</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26065" >1091</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26067" >1092</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26097" >1093</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-50016" >1094</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-60006" >1095</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62063" >1096</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63005" >1097</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-65003" >1098</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-65005" >1099</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-65013" >1100</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-65015" >1101</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-68005" >1102</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16046" >1103</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-18004" >1104</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17015" >1105</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17023" >1106</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17014" >1107</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17017" >1108</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17025" >1109</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-33001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">1110</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3038" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">1111</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7033" >1112</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11020" >1113</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11041" >1114</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11052" >1115</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11063" >1116</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11078" >1117</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11085" >1118</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11102" >1119</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16050" >1120</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16052" >1121</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16057" >1122</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16059" >1123</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-18002" >1124</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-18005" >1125</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-18008" >1126</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63006" >1127</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3036" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">1128</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16055" >1129</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-95001" >1130</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">makeidx </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-29022" >1131</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3025" >1132</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3035" >1133</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3040" >1134</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-3041" ><span
+class="cmbx-10">1135</span></a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7001" >1136</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7003" >1137</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7004" >1138</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7005" >1139</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7008" >1140</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7013" >1141</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7026" >1142</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7027" >1143</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7030" >1144</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7031" >1145</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11009" >1146</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11010" >1147</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11011" >1148</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11035" >1149</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11042" >1150</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11050" >1151</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11053" >1152</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11064" >1153</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11073" >1154</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11093" >1155</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11099" >1156</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13002" >1157</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13005" >1158</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13035" >1159</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13037" >1160</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13040" >1161</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13044" >1162</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13046" >1163</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-13051" >1164</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14052" >1165</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16004" >1166</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16007" >1167</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16009" >1168</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16016" >1169</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16025" >1170</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16033" >1171</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16036" >1172</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16039" >1173</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16041" >1174</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16043" >1175</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16048" >1176</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16054" >1177</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16060" >1178</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16063" >1179</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16066" >1180</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16071" >1181</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16077" >1182</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16082" >1183</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16083" >1184</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17004" >1185</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17010" >1186</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17021" >1187</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17024" >1188</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-17028" >1189</a>, <a
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24038" >1906</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-29007" >1910</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-68020" >1911</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26050" >1913</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63040" >1914</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-7034" >1915</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8034" >1916</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11061" >1917</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16085" >1918</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26049" >1919</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11060" >1920</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16088" >1921</a>, <a
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34089" >1932</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-6003" >1933</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-6004" >1934</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23038" >1935</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34082" >1936</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34084" >1937</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34087" >1938</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34096" >1939</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34148" >1940</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63053" >1941</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23118" >1942</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62059" >1943</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23120" >1944</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23040" >1945</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23042" >1946</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23048" >1947</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23041" >1948</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24011" >1949</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63058" >1950</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25077" >1951</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25083" >1952</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34117" >1953</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-60026" >1954</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34123" >1956</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23025" >1957</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23024" >1958</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-27026" >1959</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-69084" >1960</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28004" >1961</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28008" >1962</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28012" >1963</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28027" >1964</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28030" >1965</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-30018" >1966</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28005" >1967</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28010" >1968</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28017" >1969</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28028" >1970</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28032" >1971</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26001" >1972</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-6006" >1973</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-6008" >1974</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26004" >1975</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26011" >1976</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26015" >1977</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26018" >1978</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26024" >1979</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26036" >1980</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34074" >1981</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-43006" >1982</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-78007" >1983</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-5009" >1984</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-5011" >1985</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-10001" >1986</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26020" >1987</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26006" >1988</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26025" >1989</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26042" >1990</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26019" >1996</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26023" >1997</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-26037" >1998</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-34075" >1999</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-43005" >2000</a>, <a
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25046" >2003</a>, <a
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+class="cmti-10">2110</span></a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63039" >2116</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmti-10">2119</span></a> <br /></span>
+</p><p class="theindex"> <span
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+class="cmss-10">relsize </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-28019" >2120</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-71015" >2121</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-62056" >2126</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-23044" >2127</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmti-10">2128</span></a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmti-10">2129</span></a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-63065" ><span
+class="cmti-10">2130</span></a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24012" ><span
+class="cmti-10">2131</span></a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-77004" ><span
+class="cmti-10">2132</span></a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-33015" ><span
+class="cmti-10">2133</span></a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-30001" ><span
+class="cmti-10">2134</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">stix </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-66035" >2135</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span class="obeylines-h"><span class="verb"><span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-88062" ><span
+class="cmti-10">2136</span></a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">supertabular </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-25039" >2137</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-83015" >2138</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-84012" >2139</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">tabularx </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-55005" >2140</a>, <a
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-75024" >2143</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmss-10">textcase </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-10" >2144</a>, <a
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-24029" >2146</a> <br /></span>
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+class="cmti-10">2147</span></a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-6" >2148</a>, <a
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-15002" >2150</a> <br /></span>
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-14015" >2154</a>, <a
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+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19007" >2338</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-19008" >2339</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-8024" >2340</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16090" >2341</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16093" >2342</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-65016" >2343</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-subitem">&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<span
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-16087" >2344</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">xkeyval </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-9" >2345</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-11005" >2346</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-58030" >2347</a> <br /></span>
+<span class="index-item"><span
+class="cmss-10">xspace </span>package&#x00A0;&#x00A0;<a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74014" >2348</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74015" >2349</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74017" >2350</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74019" >2351</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74021" >2352</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74023" >2353</a>, <a
+href="glossaries-user.html#dx1-74024" >2354</a> <br /></span>
+ <div class="footnotes"><!--l. 641--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x1-bk" id="fn1x1"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">That is, if the term has been referenced using any of the commands described in </span><a
+class="cmr-8">6 </span></a><a
+class="cmr-8">Links to Glossary</span>
+class="cmr-8">Entries</span><!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glslink --></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">and </span><a
+class="cmr-8">7 </span></a><a
+class="cmr-8">Adding an Entry to the Glossary Without Generating Text</span><!--tex4ht:ref: sec:glsadd --></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">or via </span><span
+ id="dx1-4002"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">(or the </span><span
+ id="dx1-4003"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">key) or</span>
+class="cmr-8">commands such as </span><span
+ id="dx1-4004"></a><span
+<!--l. 1253--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x1-bk" id="fn2x1"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.2</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">Except for Klingon, which is supported by </span><a
+ id="dx1-9006"></a></a><span
+class="cmr-8">, but not by the CLDR.</span></p>
+<!--l. 1362--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x1-bk" id="fn3x1"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.3</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">Note that although I&#8217;ve written </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">latex </span><span
+class="cmr-8">in this section, it&#8217;s better to use </span><span
+class="cmr-8">, where possible, for</span>
+class="cmr-8">the reasons given </span><a
+<!--l. 2076--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn4x1-bk" id="fn4x1"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.4</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">deprecated, use </span><span
+class="cmss-8">babel </span><span
+<!--l. 2639--><p class="noindent" ><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn5x1-bk" id="fn5x1"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.5</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">Added to version </span><a
+ id="dx1-16046"></a></a> <span
+<!--l. 2683--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn6x1-bk" id="fn6x1"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.6</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">As from v3.01 </span><span
+ id="dx1-16069"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">is no longer fragile and doesn&#8217;t need protecting.</span></p>
+<!--l. 2785--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn7x1-bk" id="fn7x1"><sup class="textsuperscript">1.7</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">The batch file </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">makeglossaries.bat </span><span
+class="cmr-8">has been removed since the </span><span class="TEX"><span
+class="cmr-8">&#x00A0;distributions for Windows</span>
+class="cmr-8">provide </span><span
+<!--l. 3427--><p class="noindent" ><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x2-bk" id="fn1x2"><sup class="textsuperscript">2.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">bug fix in v4.16 has corrected the code to ensure this.</span></p>
+<!--l. 3523--><p class="noindent" ><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x2-bk" id="fn2x2"><sup class="textsuperscript">2.2</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">unless </span><span
+ id="dx1-24015"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">is loaded, which case it uses </span><span
+ id="dx1-24016"></a></p>
+<!--l. 3553--><p class="noindent" ><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x2-bk" id="fn3x2"><sup class="textsuperscript">2.3</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">Actually it uses </span><span
+ id="dx1-24026"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">which is set to </span><span
+ id="dx1-24027"></a><span
+class="cmr-8">&#8217;s </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">\MakeTextUppercase </span><span
+class="cmr-8">by the </span><span
+class="cmr-8">package. This makes it consistent with </span><span
+ id="dx1-24028"></a><span
+class="cmr-8">. (The </span><span
+ id="dx1-24029"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">package is automatically loaded by</span>
+<!--l. 4175--><p class="noindent" ><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn4x2-bk" id="fn4x2"><sup class="textsuperscript">2.4</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">Actually it sets </span><span
+ id="dx1-27009"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">to </span><span
+ id="dx1-27010"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">if the </span><span
+ id="dx1-27011"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">package option is not used, but</span>
+ id="dx1-27012"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">usually has the value </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">main </span><span
+class="cmr-8">unless the </span><span
+ id="dx1-27013"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">option has been used.</span></p>
+<!--l. 5751--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x4-bk" id="fn1x4"><sup class="textsuperscript">4.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">This is because </span><span
+ id="dx1-44022"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">is set to </span><span
+ id="dx1-44023"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">if the </span><span
+ id="dx1-44024"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">package option is not</span>
+<!--l. 6626--><p class="noindent" ><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x6-bk" id="fn1x6"><sup class="textsuperscript">6.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">See also &#8220;Displaying the glossary&#8221; in the documented code, </span><span
+<!--l. 6738--><p class="noindent" ><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x6-bk" id="fn2x6"><sup class="textsuperscript">6.2</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">I&#8217;ve used </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">\MakeUppercase </span><span
+class="cmr-8">in all the examples for clarity, but it will actually use </span><span
+<!--l. 7181--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x6-bk" id="fn3x6"><sup class="textsuperscript">6.3</sup></a></span><span
+ id="dx1-57003"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">and </span><span
+ id="dx1-57004"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">are now deprecated. Backwards compatibility should be preserved</span>
+class="cmr-8">but you may need to use the </span><span
+ id="dx1-57005"></a> <span
+<!--l. 7816--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x8-bk" id="fn1x8"><sup class="textsuperscript">8.1</sup></a></span><a
+ id="dx1-61004"></a></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">will always assign a location number, even if it&#8217;s not needed, so it needs to be</span>
+class="cmr-8">discarded.</span></p><!--l. 7821--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x8-bk" id="fn2x8"><sup class="textsuperscript">8.2</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">If you redefine </span><span
+class="cmr-8">, keep the default value of the optional argument as </span><span
+ id="dx1-61006"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">both </span><span
+ id="dx1-61007"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">and </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">\glssee </span><span
+class="cmr-8">explicitly write </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">[\seename] </span><span
+class="cmr-8">in the output file if no optional argument is</span>
+<!--l. 7846--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x8-bk" id="fn3x8"><sup class="textsuperscript">8.3</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">In versions before 3.0, </span><span
+class="cmtt-8">\glsentryname </span><span
+class="cmr-8">was used, but this could cause problems when the </span><span
+ id="dx1-61014"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">key was</span>
+ id="dx1-61015"></a></a><span
+class="cmr-8">.</span></p><!--l. 8138--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x9-bk" id="fn1x9"><sup class="textsuperscript">9.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">versions before 3.0 used </span><span
+ id="dx1-62054"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">as the default, but this could cause problems when </span><span
+ id="dx1-62055"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">been </span><a
+ id="dx1-62056"></a></a><span
+class="cmr-8">.</span></p><!--l. 8392--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x10-bk" id="fn1x10"><sup class="textsuperscript">10.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">you can&#8217;t use the </span><span
+ id="dx1-63071"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">style for this example as you can&#8217;t use the </span><span
+ id="dx1-63072"></a><a
+ id="dx1-63073"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">environment in</span>
+class="cmr-8">two column mode.</span></p><!--l. 8874--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x11-bk" id="fn1x11"><sup class="textsuperscript">11.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">see </span><span
+ id="dx1-66053"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">described in </span><a
+class="cmr-8">3 </span></a><a
+class="cmr-8">Setting Up</span><!--tex4ht:ref: sec:setup --></a></p>
+<!--l. 8879--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x11-bk" id="fn2x11"><sup class="textsuperscript">11.2</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">see </span><span
+ id="dx1-66055"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">described in </span><a
+class="cmr-8">3 </span></a><a
+class="cmr-8">Setting Up</span><!--tex4ht:ref: sec:setup --></a></p>
+<!--l. 8883--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x11-bk" id="fn3x11"><sup class="textsuperscript">11.3</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">With </span><a
+class="cmss-8">glossaries-extra</span></a> <span
+class="cmtt-8">seealso </span><span
+class="cmr-8">is appended to the end of the list.</span></p>
+<!--l. 10432--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x13-bk" id="fn1x13"><sup class="textsuperscript">13.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">as from version 1.18</span></p><!--l. 10461--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x13-bk" id="fn2x13"><sup class="textsuperscript">13.2</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">See David Carlisle&#8217;sexplanation in </span><a
+href="" class="url" ><span
+<!--l. 10976--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x15-bk" id="fn1x15"><sup class="textsuperscript">15.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">These lengths will not be available if you use both the </span><span
+ id="dx1-78019"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">and </span><span
+ id="dx1-78020"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">package options or if you</span>
+class="cmr-8">use the </span><span
+ id="dx1-78021"></a> <span
+class="cmr-8">package option unless you explicitly load the relevant package.</span></p>
+<!--l. 11135--><p class="noindent" ><span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x15-bk" id="fn2x15"><sup class="textsuperscript">15.2</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">This style was supplied by Axel</span><span
+<!--l. 11432--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn3x15-bk" id="fn3x15"><sup class="textsuperscript">15.3</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">&#x00A0;with the </span><span
+ id="dx1-83011"></a> <span
+<!--l. 12770--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn1x17-bk" id="fn1x17"><sup class="textsuperscript">17.1</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">Single letter words, such as &#8220;a&#8221; and &#8220;I&#8221; should typically not appear at the end of a line, hence the</span>
+class="cmr-8">non-breakable space after &#8220;a&#8221; in the </span><span
+ id="dx1-93016"></a> <span
+<!--l. 12928--><p class="indent" > <span class="footnote-mark"><a
+href="#fn2x17-bk" id="fn2x17"><sup class="textsuperscript">17.2</sup></a></span><span
+class="cmr-8">The earlier caveats about initial non-Latin characters apply.</span></p> </div>