path: root/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/floatrow
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/floatrow')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow-rus.pdfbin0 -> 1018676 bytes
20 files changed, 43914 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/README b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..981f5b909b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/README
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+floatrow 0.3b
+Modifying the layout of floats.
+ The floatrow package provides many ways to customize layouts of
+ floating environments and has code cooperation with caption 3.x
+ package. Package offers possibilities to put floats side by
+ side, to put caption beside float. The floatrow settings could
+ be expanded to the floats created by packages rotating, wrapfig,
+ subfig (in the case of rows of subfloats), and longtable.
+Documentation: floatrow.pdf, floatrow-rus.pdf.
+Installation hints:
+To install floatrow package run LaTeX with floatrow.ins.
+You get following files:
+floatrow.sty - main package;
+fr-fancy.sty, - adds support for boxes, offered by fancyhdr
+ package (runs with floatrow);
+fr-subfig.sty, - adds support for subfig (loaded by floarow);
+fr-longtable.sty, - adds support for longtable package (loaded
+ by floatrow; could run separately);
+floatpagestyle.sty, - manages (empty) page style for individual float
+ page (separate package);
+listpen.sty. - offers commands for changing of list penalties
+ (separate package).
+Copy these files in the folder (directory) with other packages:
+(the way to LaTeX package looks like
+ %texmf folder%/tex/latex/floatrow/floatrow.sty)
+Then you need to refresh your databases -- follow instructions
+of your local TeX distribution (MikTeX, TeXlive etc.)
+If you need additional help for installation please visit:
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow-rus.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow-rus.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..21899ca186
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow-rus.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow-rus.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow-rus.tex
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index 0000000000..fc2d1099c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow-rus.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,9238 @@
+% \iffalse
+% floatrow-rus.tex - The floatrow package
+% (extension of float package)
+% Russian documentation.
+% (c) 2004-2007 Olga Lapko
+% (
+% This documentation is provided under the terms of the
+% LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN
+% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+ \ProvidesFile{floatrow-rus.tex}
+\input pictures
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+ {caption}[2007/04/11]
+ labelfont=up,captionskip=5pt]
+ {subfig}[2005/06/28]
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+ \begin{psinputs}
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+ {0pt}[\height+\jot][\depth+\jot]{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}} #1\end{tabular}}}
+%^^A For this documentation only
+ \def\multirowthead#1[#2]#3{\raisebox{-1.5ex}{\thead{#3}}}}{}
+ {placement=tb,within=section,fileext=loe,name=\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr}
+ \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,
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+ {\hfil}{\hskip-.7\headheight\hskip-\headsep}}
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+ {\hskip16pt\vrule width4.8pt\hskip6pt}{\hskip6pt\vrule width4.8pt\hskip16pt}%
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+ {{\color{green}%green llcorner
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+ }}{{\color{blue}%blue urcorner
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+ {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,-1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%
+ {\put(5pt,0pt){\line(-1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%
+ }}{{\color{magenta}%magenta ulcorner
+ \linethickness{10pt}\put(0pt,0pt)
+ {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,-1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%
+ {\put(-5pt,0pt){\line(1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%
+ }}
+%^^A -----------------------
+ \rightskip0ptplus-1fil\parfillskip0ptplus1fil}
+%^^A for all versions of caption 3.x?
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+ \addtocounter{Note}1\textup{\theNote)}\nobreak\enskip}
+%^^A -----------------------
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+%maybe there is better solution?
+ \leavevmode\everypar{\@nobreakfalse}\@bsphack
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+% \def\fileversion{v0.3b}
+% \def\filedate{2009/08/02}
+% \title{Документация к пакету \package{floatrow}\thanks{Версия
+% документации \fileversion, датирована
+% \filedate.}}
+% \author{%
+% Ольга Лапко\\
+% {\tt} }
+% \date{\filedate}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}\openup-.5pt
+%^^A% This package was created as extension of the \package{float}
+%^^A% package. The \package{floatrow} package borrows core code from
+%^^A% the \package{float}\footnote{\package{float} package, version v1.3d dated
+%^^A% 2001/11/08, \copyright{} 1991-2000 Anselm Lingnau.} and
+%^^A% \package{rotfloat}\footnote{\package{rotfloat} package, version v1.2
+%^^A% dated 2004/01/04, \copyright{} 1995--2004 Axel
+%^^A% Sommerfeldt.} packages, so you \emph{must not} load these packages.
+% Данный пакет создан как расширение или дополнение пакета \package{float}.
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} использует коды из пакетов \package{float}\footnote{Пакет \package{float},
+% версия v1.3d датирована 2001/11/08, \copyright{} 1991-2000
+% Anselm Lingnau.} и~\package{rotfloat}\footnote{Пакет \package{rotfloat},
+% версия v1.2 датирована 2004/01/04, \copyright{} 1995--2004 Axel
+% Sommerfeldt.}, поэтому эти пакеты \emph{не должны} загружаться.
+%^^A% The \package{float} package has a~good mechanism for the creation (and easy
+%^^A% modification) of common layout for all floats without
+%^^A% adding any repeated code in the document; besides, this package allows to
+%^^A% create new float type; it deals only
+%^^A% with alone (plain) combinations ``object (float contents)---caption''.
+% Пакет \package{float} обладает хорошим механизмом для создания (и~простой, быстрой
+% модификации) единообразного оформления для всех плавающих объектов
+% (флотов) одного типа без добавления повторяющихся команд в~документации; кроме
+% этого пакет позволяет создать новый тип плавающего объекта; он работает
+% только с~простыми одиночными комбинациями
+% «объект (содержимое флота)---подпись».
+%^^A% The \package{rotfloat}
+%^^A% package changes environments of rotated floats (the |sideways...|
+%^^A% environment of \package{rotating} package)
+%^^A% to adapt them to \package{float}'s settings.
+% Пакет \package{rotfloat} адаптирует окружения развёрнутых плавающих объектов
+% (окружение |sideways...| пакета \package{rotating}) под пакет \package{float}.
+%^^A% The package \package{floatrow} extends these possibilities and, at last, it allows:
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} расширяет эти возможности и, в~результате, поз\-воляет:
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt\parskip0pt
+% \item
+%^^A% usage of mechanism borrowed from \package{float} package for
+%^^A% creation of new float type;
+% использовать механизм, взятый из пакета \package{float}, для создания нового
+% типа плавающего объекта;
+% \item
+%^^A% to change width of float box, either to a fixed value or to the width of object;
+% изменить ширину бокса всего плавающего объекта,
+% а~также задать ширину равную ширине содержимого плавающего объекта;
+% \item
+%^^A% to put caption beside object;
+% поместить подпись сбоку объекта;
+% \item
+%^^A% to put a few floats side by side on the row;
+% поместить несколько флотов рядом;
+% \item%
+%^^A% to put footnotes inside float box (using |minipage|-like mode);
+%^^A% and also put legend-like text;
+% поместить сноски внутри плавающего объекта (используя режим,
+% аналогичный используемому в~окружении |minipage|); поместить текст экспликации;
+% \item%
+%^^A% to create and/or modify special layout for each type of float and
+%^^A% for different positioning of float and its components, e.g.
+%^^A% two-column or rotated float.
+% создавать и/или изменять специальное оформление для каждого типа флотов
+% и~различных размещений флота и~его компонентов, например флот, расположенный на две
+% колонки или развёрнутый вертикально (лёжа).
+% \end{itemize}
+%^^A% The \package{floatrow} package is cooperated with \package{caption} package
+%^^A% (needs version 3.0\textbf{q} or later, \emph{the better} cooperation will be with
+%^^A% version \textbf{3.1\emph{x}}). Also the \package{floatrow} package (like
+%^^A% \package{caption} one) uses \package{keyval} package mechanism for layout
+%^^A% settings.
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} объединён с~пакетом \package{caption}
+% (версия должна быть 3.0\textbf{q} или выше, лучше использовать версии \textbf{3.1\emph{x}}).
+% Также пакет \package{floatrow} (как
+% и~пакет \package{caption}) использует механизм пакета \package{keyval}
+% \emph{ключ}---\emph{опция} для задания оформления флотов.
+% \medskip
+% \begingroup
+% \slshape
+%^^A% I do my best to follow this idea and I hope that someone
+%^^A% likes it: helps to maintain this idea in any way, or finds bugs
+%^^A% and absurdities in this package or documentation.
+% Я~делаю всё что могу для поддержки этого пакета и~надеюсь, что кто-то
+% поддержит эту идею и~поможет её развить дальше, даже если это будут
+% просто сообщения об ошибках в~пакете или документации.
+% \endgroup
+% \clearpage
+%^^A% \centerline{\textbf{Document Terminology}\nopagebreak\vspace{1ex}}
+% \centerline{\textbf{Терминология документации}\nopagebreak\vspace{1ex}}
+% \begin{description}\itemsep0pt\parskip0pt
+%^^A% \item[float (float box)]
+%^^A% could include \emph{object}, \emph{caption}, and
+%^^A% \emph{foot material}; \emph{float} is created by |figure| or
+%^^A% |table| environments (\emph{plain float}), or by |\|\FRkey{floatbox}
+%^^A% command and its modifications (\emph{float box});
+% \item[флот, бокс флота] (float, float box)
+% или \textbf{плавающий объект} может включать \emph{объект},
+% \emph{подпись} и~\emph{дополнительный материал};
+% создаётся внутри окружений |figure| или |table| (\emph{простой флот}),
+% или командой |\|\FRkey{floatbox} и~её модификациями (\emph{бокс флота});
+%^^A% \item[float type]
+%^^A% means standard environments |figure| and |table|,
+%^^A% also their subtypes, like e.g.~|wrapfigure| (\package{wrapfig} package),
+%^^A% |sidewaysfigure| (\package{rotating} and \package{rotfloat} packages),
+%^^A% |longtable| (\package{longtable} package) etc.;
+% \item[тип флота] (float type)
+% означает как стандартные окружения |figure| или |table|,
+% так и~их \emph{подтипы}, например~|wrapfigure| (пакет \package{wrapfig}),
+% |side|\-|ways|\-|figure| (пакеты \package{rotating} и~\package{rotfloat}),
+% |longtable| (\package{longtable}) и~др.;
+%^^A% \item[object]
+%^^A% means |tabular| or graphics, as contents of table
+%^^A% (|figure|) or figure (|table|) or other type of float;
+% \item[объект]
+% (object) табличный материал (например, |tabular|) или любая
+% графика, являющаяся содержимым таблицы (|table|), рисунка (|figure|)
+% или другого типа плавающего объекта;
+%^^A% \item[caption]means text in |\caption|;
+% \item[подпись]
+% (caption) подпись или табличный заголовок, заданные командой
+% |\caption|;
+%^^A% \item[foot material]explications, legends and/or footnotes inside
+%^^A% \emph{float} box (|\footnote|/|\mpfootnotemark|/|\footnotetext|,
+%^^A% and |\|\FRkey{floatfoot} macros).
+% \item[дополнительный материал]
+% (foot material) экспликации и/или сноски внутри
+% \emph{бокса флота} (|\footnote|/|\mpfootnotemark|/|\footnotetext| или |\|\FRkey{floatfoot}).
+% \end{description}
+% \end{abstract}
+% \begingroup\small
+%^^A% \vspace{2ex}\centerline{\textbf{Frequently Appeared Design}\nopagebreak}
+% \vspace{2ex}\pdfbookmark[1]{\TeX ническое редактирование}{FAD}\nopagebreak
+% \centerline{\textbf{\TeX ническое редактирование}\nopagebreak}
+% \begin{multicols}{2}\raggedright\advance\rightskip1em
+% \makeatletter\let\item\@idxitem\ignorespaces\makeatother
+% \item{Оформление типов флотов (|\floatsetup|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}
+% \item{Подпись}
+% \subitem{как в~стандартном \LaTeX'е (|\RawCaption|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% с.~\pageref{setup:RawCaption},
+% \pageref{subcap:RawCaption}
+% \subitem{сверху (нумерованные таблицы, |\ttabbox|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subitem{по ширине многостраничной таблицы |longtable|
+% (ключ~|LTcapwidth=|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% с.~\pageref{FAD:LTcapwidth}
+% \subitem{по ширине объекта}
+% \emph{см}.~{флот, задание ширины по ширине объекта}{}
+% \subitem{сбоку (нумерованные рисунки, |\fcapside|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \item{Подфлот (нумерованная часть флота)}\nopagebreak
+% \subitem{с~номером подфлота сбоку}
+% \strut\pfill
+% с.~\pageref{FAD:sublabelbeside:subcaption}, \pageref{FAD:sublabelbeside}
+% \subitem{с~подподписью сверху}
+% \strut\pfill
+% с.~\pageref{FAD:subcapabove:subcaption}, \pageref{FAD:subcapabove}
+% \item{Сноски внутри флота}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatfootnote}
+% \subitem{знак сноски (|\mpfootnotemark|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% с.~\pageref{FAD:FnoteInsideFloat}
+% \item{Создание нового типа флотов (|\DeclareNewFloatType|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:newfloat}
+% \item{Флот}\nopagebreak
+% \subitem{бокс (|\floatbox|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subsubitem{рисунок (|\ffigbox|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subsubitem{таблица (|\ttabbox|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subitem{в~оборку}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{ssec:wrapfig}--\ref{ssec:picins}
+% \subitem{задание ширины}\nopagebreak
+% \subsubitem{опция в~|\floatbox| и~др.}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subsubitem{по оставшемуся месту в~ряду
+% (опция |\Xhsize| (|\floatbox|))}
+% \strut\pfill
+% с.~\pageref{FAD:floatfillspace}
+% \subsubitem{по ширине объекта (опция |\FBwidth|
+% (|\floatbox|))\kern-1em\allowbreak}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subitem{пустой колонтитул (|\emptyfloatpage|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% с.~\pageref{FAD:emptyfloatpage}
+% \subitem{развёрнутые (окр.~|sideways..|)\kern-1em\allowbreak}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{ssec:rotating}
+% \subsubitem{размещение на развороте}
+% \strut\pfill
+% с.~\pageref{FAD:ContRotated}
+% \subitem{ряд (окр. |floatrow|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatrow}
+% \subsubitem{флот занимает оставшееся место в~ряду}
+% \emph{см.}~{флот, задание ширины по оставшемуся месту в~ряду}
+% \subsubitem{флоты различных типов в~одном ряду}
+% \strut\pfill
+% с.~\pageref{FAD:MixedRowII},
+% \pageref{FAD:MixedRow}
+% \subitem{как в~стандартном \LaTeX'е (|\RawFloats|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}
+% \subitem{\textbf{сюда!} или флот «на якоре» (опция~|H|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatborrowII}
+% \item{Экспликации (|\floatfoot|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{subsec:floatfoot}
+% \end{multicols}%
+% \endgroup
+% \clearpage
+% \begingroup\addtocounter{lofdepth}1\addtocounter{lotdepth}1
+% \small
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{Оглавление}{TOC}\nopagebreak\tableofcontents
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{Список рисунков}{LOF}
+% \nopagebreak\listoffigures
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{Список таблиц}{LOT}
+% \nopagebreak\listoftables
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{Список примеров}{LOE}
+% \nopagebreak\listof{Example}{Список примеров}
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{Список программ}{LOP}
+% \nopagebreak\listof{Program}{Список программ}
+% \endgroup
+% \clearpage
+% \suppressfloats[t]
+%^^A% \section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro}
+% \section{Введение}\label{sec:intro}
+%^^A% During creation of document, you usually type figures and tables as \emph{floating objects}
+%^^A% (\emph{floats}), i.e. put their contents
+%^^A% inside |figure| and~|table| environments consequently. The simplest floating environment
+%^^A% looks like:
+% Создавая документ, вы записываете рисунки и~таблицы в~виде \emph{плавающих объектов} или \emph{флотов},
+% помещая их, соответственно в~окружения |figure| и~|table|. Самое простое задание флота
+% выглядит так:
+%|\begin{|\meta{тип флота}|}|
+%\meta{содержимое флота (объект)}
+%|\caption{|\meta{содержимое подписи}|}|
+%|\end{|\meta{тип флота}|}|
+%^^A% or (if you want to put caption above):
+% или (если вы хотите поместить подпись сверху содержимого флота):
+%|\begin{|\meta{тип флота}|}|
+%|\caption{|\meta{содержимое подписи}|}|
+%\meta{содержимое флота (объект)}
+%|\end{|\meta{тип флота}|}|
+%^^A% \subsection{Loading The Package}\label{sec:load}\label{sec:start}
+% \subsection{Загрузка пакета}\label{sec:load}\label{sec:start}
+%^^A% Just now you have loaded the \package{floatrow} package:
+% Теперь вы подключили пакет \package{floatrow}.
+%^^A% In the time, when this package was loaded,
+%^^A% all float contents in the document will be centered (unless another alignment command
+%^^A% appears inside the float contents). All captions appear
+%^^A% below float contents, regardless of how they were typed in source file.
+%^^A% But, I'm almost sure, that you want to put table captions above table material.
+%^^A% If you put in the next line the |\floatsetup| command:
+% Простое задание пакета
+% помещает содержимое каждого флота по центру (если только не задано другого выравнивания
+% внутри содержимого флота). Все подписи независимо от того, где они записаны
+% в~исходном файле, напечатаются снизу. Но я~почти уверена, что табличные заголовки вы захотите
+% поместить сверху табличного материала. Если вы зададите на следующей строке команду |\floatsetup|:
+%^^A% after that, again, you will get all table captions above table material, regardless of how
+%^^A% they were typed in source file. These first minimal settings will arrange all floats
+%^^A% contents and their captions accordingly to the real typographic rules.
+%^^A% (The {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup} describes and demonstrates various layouts,
+%^^A% which you can get with the settings of |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup} command.)
+% то после этого все табличные заголовки, опять же, будут помещены только вверху табличного
+% материала, независимо от того, где вы их набрали. Эти первые минимальные
+% настройки уже разместят содержимое плавающих объектов и~их подписи
+% согласно настоящим типографским правилам. (Раздел~\ref{sec:floatsetup} описывает и~демонстрирует
+% различные оформления, которые можно получить с~помощью настроек команды |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}.)
+%^^A% But surely the settings above are still not sufficient to you, because you need to get
+%^^A% the table caption width equal to the width of table material. Also you may want to put some
+%^^A% figure captions beside graphics. Besides that, it is better to put small floats beside
+%^^A% in one row. For all these reasons this package offers special commands for building of float boxes
+%^^A% and a special environment to put these float boxes beside each other.
+% Но этих настроек будет всё равно недостаточно
+% для тех же таблиц, поскольку табличный заголовок лучше сделать по ширине таблицы.
+% К~тому же у~некоторых рисунков вы захотите поместить подпись сбоку. Помимо этого небольшие
+% рисунки и~таблицы лучше помещать рядом. Для этого созданы команды для построения боксов
+% флотов и~специальное окружение для размещения боксов флотов рядом.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Float Box Commands}\label{sec:intro:flbox}
+% \subsubsection{Команды боксов флотов}\label{sec:intro:flbox}
+%^^A% One of the first macros of this package for creation of float boxes
+%^^A% is a macro which builds contents of the table environment with caption
+%^^A% above (|\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}). The width of caption equals to the width of contents, e.g.
+%^^A% of tabular (see table~\ref{intro:table}). Let's look at the first example with plain \LaTeX{}
+%^^A% layout---the \package{caption} and \package{floatrow} packages loaded without package setting options;
+%^^A% the options at the end of |\usepackage| command define dates of package versions
+%^^A% which support correct work of this tandem.)%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Caption above table object}{FAD:CaptionAbove}%^^A
+% Одной из первых макрокоманд этого пакета для создания бокса плавающего объекта (флота),
+% является команда, которая печатает содержимое таблицы с~табличным заголовком
+% сверху (|\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}). Ширина заголовка равна ширине содержимого, здесь \cdash--- табличного
+% материала (см.~табл.~\ref{intro:table}). (Первый пример создан
+% с~оформлением стандартного \LaTeX'а, пакеты \package{caption}
+% и~\package{floatrow} загружены без опций настроек пакетов; в~дополнительных аргументах в~конце строки
+% |\usepackage| заданы даты версий пакетов, начиная с~которых поддерживается совместная работа
+% на сегодняшний день.)%^^A
+% \relax\FRmpar{Подпись (заголовок) над таблицей}{FAD:CaptionAbove}%^^A
+% |\usepackage{caption}[2007/04/11]|
+% |\usepackage{floatrow}[2007/08/24]|
+%| {\caption{Таблица ...}\label{...}}|
+%| {\begin{tabular}...\end{tabular}}|\nopagebreak
+% \begin{table}[H]\jot1.5pt\tabcolsep1.5\tabcolsep
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Таблица с заголовком сверху (\cmd{\ttabbox}) с~оформлением стандартного \LaTeX'а}\label{intro:table}}
+% {\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \thead{First column} & \thead{Second column} & \thead{Third column} \\
+% \hline
+% A & B & C \\
+% D & E & F \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{table}%^^A
+%^^A% Another command which creates figures---|\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox} (figure~\ref{intro:figure})---puts
+%^^A% caption below contents. The default width of caption equals
+%^^A% to the width of text. (In the following example the most popular
+%^^A% layout settings for captions were added.)
+% Другая команда, создающая рисунки \cdash--- |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox} (рис.~\ref{intro:figure}) \cdash---
+% помещает подрисуночную подпись снизу содержимого рисунка. Ширина подписи по умолчанию равна
+% ширине текста. (В~этом примере уже добавлены наиболее популярные настройки оформления
+% для подрисуночной подписи.)
+% |\usepackage|{\emphcolor|[font=small,labelfont=bf,labelsep=period,|
+% | justification=centerlast]|}|{caption}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\usepackage{floatrow}|
+%| {\caption{Простой бокс рисунка...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|\nopagebreak
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption[Простой бокс рисунка (\cmd{\ffigbox})]{Простой бокс рисунка
+% с~длинной длинной длинной длинной длинной
+% длинной длинной длинной длинной многострочной подписью}\label{intro:figure}}
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength\input{Doll.picture}}
+% \end{figure}\pagebreak[3]%^^A
+%^^A% The example above shows that a float box, created by
+%^^A% the |\ffigbox| command looks similar to the plain |figure| environment.
+%^^A% But if you set, for example, the option |[\|\FRkey{FBwidth}|]| like below:
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Caption's width equals to object}{FAD:FBwidthI}
+% Из примера выше видно, что бокс флота, созданный по умолчанию командой |\|\FRkey{ffigbox} выглядит так же,
+% как обычное окружение |figure|. Но если, например, задать опцию |[\|\FRkey{FBwidth}|]|,
+% \FRmpar{Ширина подписи равна ширине объекта}{FAD:FBwidthI}
+% как показано ниже:
+%| {\caption{A figure}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption[Простой бокс рисунка по ширине графики (\cmd{\ffigbox})]{Простой бокс рисунка
+% по ширине графики с~длинной длинной длинной
+% многострочной подписью}\label{intro:figure:FBwidth}}
+% {\unitlength1.67\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% you'll get a~caption width equal to the width of picture
+%^^A% (see figure~\ref{intro:figure:FBwidth}).
+% ширина подписи станет равной ширине графики
+% (см.~рис.~\ref{intro:figure:FBwidth}).
+%^^A% The third macro---|\|\FRkey[FB]{fcapside} (figure~\ref{intro:beside})---puts
+%^^A% caption beside. (In the next example the float layout settings were added,
+%^^A% which put captions to the binding margin
+%^^A% and changed value of separation space between caption and object.)
+% Третья макрокоманда \cdash--- |\|\FRkey[FB]{fcapside} (рис.~\ref{intro:beside}) \cdash--- помещает
+% подпись сбоку. (В~следующем примере заданы настройки, помещающие подписи сбоку
+% к~корешковому полю, а~также изменено расстояние от объекта до подписи на |\quad|.)
+% |\usepackage|{\emphcolor|[|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|=inside,|
+% | |\FRkey{facing}|=yes,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=quad]|}|{floatrow}|
+%| {\caption[...]{...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside
+% {\caption[Бокс рисунка с~подписью сбоку (ширина равна одной «колонке»)]{Подпись рядом,
+% (ширина подписи равна ширине объекта) и~ещё текст, и~ещё немного текста,
+% и~ещё чуть-чуть текста, и~уже совсем немного текста, и~уж совсем
+% небольшой текст, чтобы только заполнить
+% место}\label{intro:beside}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{3.68cm/100}%^^A
+% \input{Bear.picture}}}
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% The width of text,
+%^^A% by default, divided into two columns, their width equals to the half text width
+%^^A% (figure~\ref{intro:beside}) float margins and
+%^^A% horizontal space (or width of the separation material) between float and caption are taken into account.
+%^^A% The one column is occupied by the object, the other by the caption and foot material (explications
+%^^A% or legends and footnotes).
+% Ширина текста по умолчанию делится
+% на две «колонки» (рис.~\ref{intro:beside}), с~учётом
+% полей вокруг бокса и~расстояния (или ширины разделительного материала)
+% между объектом и~подписью. В~одну из колонок помещается рисунок,
+% в~другую \cdash--- подпись (а~также сноски и~экспликации).
+%^^A% If you set the |[\FBwidth]| option:
+%^^A% \FRmpar{The width of object box equals to object}{FAD:FBwidthII}
+% Если задать опцию |[\FBwidth]|:
+% \FRmpar{Ширина бокса для объекта равна ширине объекта}{FAD:FBwidthII}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption[Бокс флота с~подписью сбоку (занимает оставшееся место от заданной ширины)]{Подпись сбоку
+% (подпись занимает всё оставшееся место рядом с~рисунком) и~ещё текст, и~ещё немного текста,
+% и~ещё чуть-чуть текста, и~уже совсем немного текста, и~уж совсем
+% небольшой текст, чтобы только заполнить
+% место}\label{intro:beside:FBwidth}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{3.68cm/100}%^^A
+% \input{Bear.picture}}}
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% the graphic box width will be equal to the width of the graphics and the caption
+%^^A% will occupy the rest space (see figure~\ref{intro:beside:FBwidth}).
+% ширина «колонки» (бокса) для графики станет равной её натуральной ширине,
+% а~подпись займёт оставшееся место (см.~рис.~\ref{intro:beside:FBwidth}).
+%^^A% The examples above show the most frequent and most simple variants of float creation. Read
+%^^A% {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox} about usage of these commands in different ways
+%^^A% and how to create new commands for float creation.
+% Примеры выше показали наиболее частые и~простые варианты создания боксов флотов. О~том
+% как ещё можно использовать эти команды и~как создать свои собственные для построения флотов, читайте
+% {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Float Boxes In The Row}\label{sec:intro:flrow}
+% \subsubsection{Боксы флотов рядом}\label{sec:intro:flrow}
+%^^A% If you need to put two or more floats of one type side by side,%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Floats of one type\\ side by side}{FAD:floatrow}
+%^^A% you may use the |floatrow| environment.
+% Если вам нужно поместить два или более флотов рядом,%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Флоты одного типа рядом}{FAD:floatrow}
+% вы можете воспользоваться окружением |floatrow|.
+% {\emphcolor %^^A
+% |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{rightline}{\rightline|
+% | {\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2}}|
+% |\captionsetup[table]{labelformat=rightline,labelsep=newline,|\nopagebreak
+% | labelfont={md,sl},textfont=bf}|}\vspace{1ex}
+% |\usepackage[|{\emphcolor\FRkey{font}|=small,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{floatrowsep}|=qquad,|\FRkey{captionskip}|=5pt|}|]{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[table]{|%^^A
+% {\emphcolor\FRkey{style}|=Plaintop|}|}|
+%| \begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+%| \|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+%| |
+%| \ttabbox|
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+%| \end{floatrow}|
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \extrarowheight1pt\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption[Первая таблица в~ряду, длинный заголовок]%^^A
+% {Первая таблица в~ряду с~длинным, длинным, длинным длиннющим заголовком и~выровненным по верху}%^^A
+% \label{tab:row:tabIII}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Left Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Вторая таблица в~ряду, заголовок выровнен по верхней строке}\label{tab:row:tabIV}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-4}
+% & \thead{I} & \thead{II} & \thead{III} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 & \phantom01 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 & \phantom06 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 & 28 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{table}
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+%^^A% As you see in the example with tables \ref{tab:row:tabIII} and~\ref{tab:row:tabIV},
+%^^A% you \emph{need} to use commands |\ttabbox|, which build box for each table.
+% Как видно из примера с~таблицами \ref{tab:row:tabIII} и~\ref{tab:row:tabIV},
+% внутри окружения \emph{обязательно} используются команды |\ttabbox|, строящие боксы для
+% каждого флота таблицы.
+%^^A% In the example with beside floats the special settings for table captions were applied
+%^^A% (see \package{caption} package documentation).
+%^^A% Float layout: The value of the separation space between beside floats have been changed to |\qquad|,
+%^^A% the vertical skip between captions and float objects was changed to 5pt. For the tables
+%^^A% the style |Plaintop| was used which not only puts captions above, but also aligns them by top line
+%^^A% (see \sectionname~\ref{sec:floatsetup} of current documentation).
+% В~примере с~флотами рядом были заданы специальные настройки для табличных заголовков
+% (такие настройки часто используются в~русской технической литературе;
+% см.~подробнее о~вариантах настроек документацию к~пакету \package{caption}). В~оформлении
+% флотов изменено расстояние между флотами рядом на~|\qquad|, также изменена отбивка подписи/заголовка
+% от объекта на~5pt.
+% Для таблиц используется стиль, который не только помещает табличный заголовок сверху, но
+% и~выравнивает заголовки по верху у~флотов рядом (см.~разд.~\ref{sec:floatsetup} данной документации).
+%^^A% \subsection{Do not write that with \package{floatrow} package}\label{floatrow:wrong}
+% \subsection{Это не допускается пакетом \package{floatrow}}\label{floatrow:wrong}
+%^^A% The \package{floatrow} package offers many features, and it causing some limitations
+%^^A% for writing code of float contents in source file, too. If you'll write something like
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} создаёт некоторые особенности и~ограничения
+% в~записи содержимого плавающих объектов в~исходном файле. Если вы запишете:
+%| \caption{Табличный заголовок должен быть вверху ...}|
+%| \centering \begin{tabular}{cc} A & B \\ C & D \end{tabular}|
+%^^A% please do not expect that the caption appears at the top of table:
+% не ждите что подрисуночная подпись получится сверху таблицы:
+% \begingroup\clearfloatsetup{table}
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \caption{Табличный заголовок должен быть вверху, но это не так}\label{Wrong:expect}
+% \centering \begin{tabular}{cc} A & B \\ C & D \end{tabular}
+% \end{table}
+% \endgroup
+%^^A% So if you want to put table captions above its contents\startNotes
+%^^A% \Note change code, using command |\ttabbox|,
+%^^A% like in table~\ref{intro:table}; \Note
+%^^A% write |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[table]|\allowbreak|{|\FRkey{style}|=plaintop}| in the preamble
+%^^A% ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}); or
+%^^A% \Note restore the standard \LaTeX{} behavior with the |\|\FRkey{RawFloats} command
+%^^A% or the package option \FRkey{rawfloats} ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}).
+% Итак, если вы хотите поместить табличные заголовки сверху\startNotes
+% \Note перепишите код, используя команду
+% |\ttabbox|, как в~табл.~\ref{intro:table}; \Note задайте
+% в~преамбуле |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[figure]|\allowbreak|{|\FRkey{style}|=plaintop}|
+% ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup});
+% \Note или, для вывода флотов в~режиме стандартного \LaTeX'а,
+% задайте команду |\|\FRkey{RawFloats}, или включите опцию пакета
+% \FRkey{rawfloats}, ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}).
+%^^A% The next example. If you put beside floats by following way:
+% Ещё пример. Если вы поместите плавающие объекты как записано ниже:
+%| \centering ...|
+%| \caption{Пропавшая подрисуночная подпись, ...}|
+%| \captionof{table}{Остался табличный заголовок, ...}}|
+%| \centering ...|
+%^^A% you'll get error message about lost caption.
+% вы получите сообщение об ошибке, что потеряна подпись.
+%^^A% Here you may:\startNotes\Note
+%^^A% to put table contents inside |\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox} resp.\ the figure contents inside
+%^^A% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}; then both floats put inside \FRkey[sec]{floatrow} environment, and, since
+%^^A% there is mixed row (it includes floats of different types, and also with different caption position),
+%^^A% put the |\|\FRkey{killfloatstyle} command before ``foreign'' float |\ttabbox|, and
+%^^A% |\|\FRkey[FB]{CenterFloatBoxes} command before |floatrow| environment
+%^^A% (see~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:mixrow} about mixed rows); or \Note
+%^^A% to restore the standard \LaTeX{} behavior, using command |\|\FRkey{RawFloats}
+%^^A% or package option \FRkey{rawfloats} ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}).
+% Здесь можно:\startNotes\Note поместить таблицу
+% в~|\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}, а~рисунок \cdash--- в~|\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}, затем оба флота
+% \cdash--- в~окружение \FRkey[sec]{floatrow}, и, поскольку это смешанный ряд (состоящий
+% из флотов разных типов, при этом ещё и~с~разным размещением подрисуночной подписи),
+% задать команду |\|\FRkey{killfloatstyle}, в~данном случае, перед «чужой» командой |\ttabbox|
+% и~команду |\|\FRkey[FB]{CenterFloatBoxes} перед окружением
+% (см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:mixrow} о~смешанных рядах) или \Note
+% восстановить режим стандартного \LaTeX'а с~помощью команды |\|\FRkey{RawFloats} или опции пакета
+% \FRkey{rawfloats} ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}).
+%^^A% \section{Macros for Building Floats}
+% \section{Макрокоманды для построения флотов}
+%^^A% \FRorisubsection{The Floatbox Macro}\label{sec:floatbox}
+% \FRorisubsection{Макрокоманда \texorpdfstring{\cs{floatbox}}{floatbox}}\label{sec:floatbox}
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatbox}
+%^^A% The examples in Introduction ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:intro:flbox})
+%^^A% use three commands |\ttabbox|, |\ffigbox| and |\fcapside|. All these commands
+%^^A% were built using the |\floatbox| macro.
+%^^A% This macro creates the float box with defined positioning of its elements (object,
+%^^A% caption, foot material) and applies the layout of current float type.
+%^^A% The usage of the |\floatbox| macro looks like:
+% Во введении ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:intro:flbox}) показаны примеры трёх команд
+% |\ttabbox|, |\ffigbox| и~|\fcapside|. Все они созданы
+% на основе |\floatbox|. Эта команда создаёт бокс флота с~определённым размещением
+% его элементов (объекта, подписи, дополнительного материала) и~применяет оформление
+% текущего типа флота. Итак, |\floatbox| задаётся следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatbox|\oarg{preamble}\marg{captype}\oarg{width}\oarg{height}\oarg{vert pos}
+% | |\marg{caption}\marg{object}
+% \end{Quote}%^^A
+%^^A% where\label{floatboxsets}:
+% Аргументы |\floatbox|\label{floatboxsets}:
+% \begin{description}\itemsep0pt
+%^^A% \item[\meta{preamble}]there could be |\capbeside|\label{FB:capbeside} command which
+%^^A% places caption beside float contents;
+%^^A% |\nocapbeside|\label{FB:nocapbeside}
+%^^A% (to put caption above/below, accordingly
+%^^A% to float type's style);
+%^^A% |\captop|\label{FB:captop}
+%^^A% (to put caption above);
+%^^A% or another systematic command
+%^^A% (even with usage of |\captionsetup|
+%^^A% and |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup},
+%^^A% see examples in documentation and appendix).
+% \item[\meta{preamble}]здесь могут быть такие команды, как
+% |\capbeside|\label{FB:capbeside}, которая размещает подписи сбоку объекта;
+% |\nocapbeside|\label{FB:nocapbeside} (размещает подписи сверху/снизу, в~зависимости
+% от настроек стиля);
+% |\captop|\label{FB:captop} (размещает подписи сверху);
+% или другая повторяющаяся команда
+% (даже возможно использование настроек |\captionsetup|
+% и~|\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup} "---
+% см. примеры в~документации и~приложении).
+%^^A% \item[\meta{captype}]the type of float this command is created for. Since this command
+%^^A% is supposed to appear outside floating environments or in ``foreign'' environments
+%^^A% (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:mixrow} below),
+%^^A% we write here, usually, the \emph{actual} name of float type;
+% \item[\meta{captype}]тип флота, для которого строится оформление. Поскольку эту команду
+% бокса флота предполагается использовать и~вне окружений флота и~в~«чужом» окружении
+% (см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:mixrow} ниже), здесь обычно задаётся \emph{реальное} имя типа флота;
+%^^A% \item[\meta{width}]the width of object---caption box
+%^^A% (in case of caption above or below object),
+%^^A% or width of object box (if caption stays beside object).
+%^^A% The empty width option, |[]|, and option |[\hsize]| mean the same;
+% \item[\meta{width}]ширина бокса флота целиком
+% (если подпись сверху или снизу объекта),
+% или ширина бокса объекта (если подпись сбоку).
+% Пустая опция задания ширины, |[]|, и~опция |[\hsize]| \cdash--- одно и~то же;
+%^^A% \item[\meta{height}]the height of object---caption box
+%^^A% (in case of caption above or below object),
+%^^A% or height of object box (if caption stays beside object). With the empty height
+%^^A% option, |[]|, is used the natural height of object;
+% \item[\meta{height}]высота бокса флота
+% (если подпись сверху или снизу),
+% или высота бокса объекта (если подпись сбоку). При пустой опции задания высоты, |[]|,
+% используется натуральная высота объекта (бокса);
+%^^A% \item[\meta{vert pos}]vertical alignment of object contents in
+%^^A% object's box in case of the \meta{height} argument differs from the natural value of
+%^^A% object height, or in the float layout there are used settings
+%^^A% for common (max) height for float objects inside |floatrow| environment.
+%^^A% Arguments are analogous to |minipage|'s ones:
+% \item[\meta{vert pos}]вертикальное выравнивание содержимого
+% объекта в~боксе в~случае, если аргумент \meta{height} имеет
+% величину, отличную от натуральной высоты объекта, или флот помещён
+% в~окружение |floatrow| с~настройками, задающими использование одинаковой (максимальной)
+% высоты для боксов объектов.
+% Аргументы аналогичны используемым в~окружении |minipage|:
+% \begin{Options}{cc}\samepage
+% \item[t]
+%^^A% aligns objects by top line;
+% выравнивает объекты по верхней линии;
+% \item[c]
+%^^A% aligns objects by center line;
+% выравнивает объекты по средней линии;
+% \item[b]
+%^^A% aligns objects by bottom line;
+% выравнивает объекты по нижней линии;
+% \item[s]
+%^^A% stretches objects by full height (if it is possible).
+% растягивает объекты на всю высоту (если возможно).\vspace*{-.5\baselineskip}
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% \item[\meta{caption}]text of caption; you
+%^^A% may also use the |\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/\allowbreak|\footnotetext| stuff
+%^^A% for footnotes inside float, and/or |\floatfoot| command;
+% \item[\meta{caption}]подпись; здесь можно также использовать
+% команды создания сносок
+% |\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/%^^A
+% \allowbreak|\footnotetext|
+% для сносок внутри флота, и/или команду |\floatfoot|;
+%^^A% \item[\meta{object}]contents of float; you may also use the
+%^^A% |\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/\allowbreak|\footnotetext| stuff and/or
+%^^A% |\floatfoot| command.
+% \item[\meta{object}]содержимое флота; здесь можно также
+% использовать команды
+% |\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/%^^A
+% \allowbreak|\footnotetext|
+% и/или |\floatfoot|.
+% \end{description}
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. The order of the two last mandatory arguments,
+%^^A% \meta{caption} and \meta{object}, and their contents makes no
+%^^A% difference during building of float box. The |\floatbox| macro
+%^^A% historically needs two mandatory arguments, but they could
+%^^A% be filled freely, i.e. you may fill only one mandatory argument with object contents, caption etc.
+%^^A% and left another one empty.
+% \emph{Примечание}. Порядок обязательных аргументов,
+% \meta{caption} и~\meta{object}, и~их содержимое не имеет значения
+% для построения флота. Команда |\floatbox| исторически требует
+% два обязательных аргумента, но они могут быть заполнены как
+% угодно, т.\,е. можно записать в~один аргумент и~содержимое объекта, и~подпись и~т.\,д.,
+% оставив другой пустым.\par
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Float box width equals to the width of object contents.}
+% \subsubsection{Ширина бокса флота соответствует ширине содержимого (объекта).}
+% \DescribeMacro{\FBwidth}\label{FB:FBwidth}%^^A
+%^^A% The |[\FBwidth]| option%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Caption's width\\ equals to object}{FAD:FBwidthIII}
+%^^A% in~the \meta{width} argument
+%^^A% allows usage of natural width of float contents:\startNotes\Note
+%^^A% for full float box in the case of caption
+%^^A% above/\allowbreak below; \Note in~the case of caption beside float object,
+%^^A% the natural width of float object expands to the
+%^^A% object box only.
+% Опция |[\FBwidth]|%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Ширина подписи\texorpdfstring{\\}{} по ширине объекта}{FAD:FBwidthIII}
+% в~аргументе \meta{width}
+% позволяет использовать натуральную ширину объекта:\startNotes\Note
+% для задания ширины всему боксу
+% с~подписью сверху/снизу; \Note для задания ширины только самому объекту,
+% если подпись размещается сбоку объекта.
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. If you use the \verb|\FBwidth| command in the
+%^^A% optional argument \meta{width}, please get sure that object contents can be placed
+%^^A% in |\hbox| command. (You only allowed to use |\vspace| (not |\vskip|!)
+%^^A% command at the very
+%^^A% beginning and very end of object contents for fine tuning
+% \emph{Замечание}. При использовании \verb|\FBwidth|
+% в~аргументе \meta{width}, вы должны быть уверены, что
+% содержимое объекта может быть помещено внутри |\hbox|
+% (вы можете воспользоваться командой |\vspace| (но не |\vskip|!) в~начале
+% и/или в~конце содержимого объекта для корректировки
+% вертикальных отбивок).\medskip
+% \DescribeMacro{\FBheight}\label{FB:FBheight}%^^A
+%^^A% The similar command, |[\FBheight]|, was
+%^^A% created for the \meta{height} argument. The usage of this command makes sense, e.g.,
+%^^A% when \package{calc} is loaded: you may define height option like |[\FBheight+1cm]|.
+% Аналогичная команда, |[\FBheight]|\label{FB:FBheight},
+% создана для аргумента \meta{height}. Использование этой команды имеет смысл, например.
+% если используется пакет \package{calc}: можно задать высоту в~виде |[\FBheight+1cm]|.
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Complex example of usage of \cmd{\floatbox} command}
+% \subsubsection{Сложный пример использования команды \texorpdfstring{\cs{floatbox}}{floatbox}}
+%^^A% The next example shows |figure| environment with beside left caption.
+%^^A% In this example the \meta{preamble} argument consists of rather complex definition.
+%^^A% The \meta{width} option includes the |\FBwidth| command, so the object box
+%^^A% has its natural width, the with of caption box equals to 4cm, and all lines in
+%^^A% caption justified, but the last one flushed to the right.
+% Следующий пример показывает окружение |figure| где подпись
+% задана сбоку слева. В~этом примере используется сложное определение
+% в~аргументе \meta{preamble}. В~аргументе
+% \meta{width} задана команда |\FBwidth|, следовательно бокс объекта имеет натуральную ширину,
+% для подписи определена ширина 4~сантиметра, выключка текста подписи на заданный формат
+% последняя строка прибивается к~правому краю.
+%| \rightskip0ptplus-1fil\parfillskip0ptplus1fil}|
+%| \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,|
+%| justification=rightlast}%|
+%| \|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |{|\FRkey{capbesideposition}|={left,center},|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=4cm}}]{figure}[\FBwidth]|
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \floatbox[{\capbeside
+% \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,
+% justification=rightlast}%
+% \thisfloatsetup{capbesideposition={left,center},capbesidewidth=4cm}}]{figure}[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption[Подпись сбоку (пример со сложной преамбулой в~аргументе \cmd{\floatbox})]%^^A
+% {Подпись сбоку и~ещё текст, и~ещё немного текста,
+% и~уж совсем
+% небольшой текст, чтобы только заполнить
+% место}\label{fig:beside:mouse}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{4cm/58}%^^A
+% \input{Mouse.picture}}}
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% Please note that complex preamble options, which contain more than one command, must be placed
+%^^A% inside curly braces. (See {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup} about settings for floats
+%^^A% with |\floatsetup|.)
+% Обратите внимание, что опция преамбулы, содержащая более одной команды, должна быть заключена
+% в~фигурные скобки.
+% (О создании настроек для флотов командой |\floatsetup| см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup})
+%^^A% \subsection{Creation of Personal Commands for Float Boxes}\label{ssec:ffigbox:etc}
+% \subsection{Создание персональных команд для флотов}\label{ssec:ffigbox:etc}
+%^^A% The usage of |\floatbox| command with options (which could be cumbersome)
+%^^A% is sometimes rather complex.
+%^^A% The Introduction demonstrates the three already defined commands-abbreviations of this command.
+%^^A% You may define commands-abbreviations (or redefine existing) for your own purposes and
+%^^A% include some additional style definitions and settings there.
+% Использование в~документе команды |\floatbox| с~громоздкими опциями, в~свою очередь, тоже получается
+% громоздким. Во введении демонстрируются примеры с~определёнными уже тремя её командами"=сокращениями.
+% Вы можете определить собственные команды для ваших целей
+% и~определить там необходимые настройки или переопределить уже существующие.
+% \DescribeMacro{\newfloatcommand}\label{FB:newfloatcommand}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\renewfloatcommand}\label{FB:renewfloatcommand}%^^A
+%^^A% The definition of new float abbreviation looks like:
+% Определение пользовательской команды выглядит следующим образом:%^^A
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\newfloatcommand|\marg{command}%^^A\\\strut\qquad
+% \marg{captype}\oarg{preamble}\oarg{default width}
+% \end{quote}
+% где:
+% \begin{description}
+%^^A% \item[\meta{command}]the user's command name (without backslash);
+% \item[\meta{command}]команда пользователя (без обратного слэша);
+%^^A% \item[\meta{captype}]the name of floating environment
+%^^A% this command is created for;
+% \item[\meta{captype}]тип флота, для которого создаётся команда;
+%^^A% \item[\meta{preamble}]
+%^^A% you may use commands, mentioned in page~\pageref{floatboxsets}
+%^^A% and other layout commands, like was shown in examples;
+%^^A% you may try to add any other regular command (e.g. |\captionsetup|
+%^^A% or |\thisfloatsetup| stuff);
+% \item[\meta{preamble}]
+% вы можете использовать команды, перечисленные на
+% с.~\pageref{floatboxsets}
+% и~другие команды оформления, как показано в~примерах;
+% можно также попробовать использовать некоторые другие
+% повторяющиеся команды (например,
+% |\captionsetup| или |\thisfloatsetup|);
+%^^A% \item[\meta{default width}]the main purpose of this optional argument is
+%^^A% setting it to |\FBwidth|, which is already included in definition of |\ttabbox|---the command for
+%^^A% building tables. You may also use any dimensions like |6cm| or |\textwidth| here.
+% \item[\meta{default width}] основной повод использования этой опции \cdash---
+% задание команды |\FBwidth|, которая используется в~команде |\ttabbox| для создания таблиц.
+% Вы можете также задать и~величины типа |6cm| или |\textwidth|.
+% \end{description}
+%^^A% For example you may define command for figure~\ref{fig:beside:mouse}
+%^^A% like following:
+% Например, для рис.~\ref{fig:beside:mouse},
+% можно определить следующую команду:
+%| \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,|
+%| justification=rightlast}%|
+%| \|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |{|\FRkey{capbesideposition}|={left,center},|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=4cm}}][\FBwidth]|
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Usage of Personal float box commands}
+% \subsubsection{Использование персональных команд для флотов}
+%^^A% Your defined commands can be used in the following way (example for |\ffigbox|):
+% Созданные вами команды можно использовать следующим образом
+% (на примере |\ffigbox|):
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\ffigbox|\oarg{width}\oarg{height}\oarg{vert pos}\marg{caption}\marg{object}
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% where the options are:
+% где опции означают:
+% \begin{description}\itemsep0pt\parskip1ptplus1pt
+% \item[\meta{width}]
+%^^A% the width of object---caption box
+%^^A% (in case of caption above or below object),
+%^^A% or width of object box (if caption stays beside object).
+%^^A% The empty width option, |[]|, and option |[\hsize]| mean the same. The |[\FBwidth]|
+%^^A% option sets natural object width;
+% ширина бокса объект---подпись
+% (если подпись сверху или снизу),
+% или ширина объекта (если подпись сбоку).
+% Пустая опция, |[]|, и~опция |[\hsize]| означают одно и~то же. Опция |[\FBwidth]|
+% определяет натуральную ширину объекта;
+% \item[\meta{height}]
+%^^A% the height of object---caption box
+%^^A% (in case of caption above or below object),
+%^^A% or height of object box (if caption stays beside object). The |[\FBheight]|
+%^^A% option sets natural object height. With the empty height option, |[]|, is used
+%^^A% the natural height of object;
+% высота бокса объект---подпись
+% (если подпись сверху или снизу),
+% или высота объекта (если подпись сбоку). Опция |[\FBheight]|
+% определяет натуральную высоту объекта. При пустой опции задания высоты, |[]|,
+% используется натуральная высота объекта (бокса);
+% \item[\meta{vert pos}]
+%^^A% vertical alignment of object contents in
+%^^A% object's box in the case of \meta{height} argument has a~different value than
+%^^A% natural height of object contents, or in the float layout there are used settings for common (max)
+%^^A% heights of float elements (object or/and caption) inside |floatrow| environment.
+%^^A% Arguments are analogous to |minipage|'s:
+%^^A% |t|, |c|, |b|, |s| (see above).
+% вертикальное выравнивание содержимого объекта в~боксе
+% если в~аргументе \meta{height} задано отличное (от натуральной) значение высоты
+% объекта, или флот помещён
+% в~окружение |floatrow| с~настройками, задающими использование общей (максимальной) высоты
+% элементов флота (объекта и~подписи).
+% Аргументы аналогичны используемым в~окружении |minipage|:
+% |t|, |c|, |b|, |s| (см.~выше).
+% \end{description}
+%^^A% See examples with usage of all options on the page~\pageref{fig:rotrow:FcatI} and in Appendix.
+% См.~пример с~использованием всех опций на с.~\pageref{fig:rotrow:FcatI} и~в~приложении.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Predefined float box commands}
+% \subsubsection{Предопределённые команды боксов флотов}
+%^^A% Let's repeat three already defined commands-abbreviations, defined in package:\label{abbrcom}%^^A
+% Повторим определения следующих пользовательских команд, заданных в~пакете:\label{abbrcom}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\newfloatcommand{ffigbox}{figure}[\nocapbeside]|\label{FB:ffigbox}\nopagebreak
+% |\newfloatcommand{fcapside}{figure}[\capbeside]|\label{FB:fcapside}\nopagebreak
+% |\newfloatcommand{ttabbox}{table}[\captop][\FBwidth]|\label{FB:ttabbox}
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% You may see that these commands-abbreviations are equivalent to the following code:
+% Можно увидеть, что команды"=сокращения эквивалентны следующему коду:
+% \begin{Options}{fcapside}
+% \item[\cmd\ttabbox]---|\floatbox[\captop]{table}[\FBwidth]|;
+% \item[\cmd\ffigbox]---|\floatbox{figure}| (простейшее определение); и
+% \item[\cmd\fcapside]---|\floatbox|\allowbreak|[\capbeside]{figure}|.
+% \end{Options}%
+%^^A% The first two are defined for figures, and the third one for tables. You may
+%^^A% redefine existing macros using |\renewfloatcommand| command (it uses
+%^^A% the same arguments as |\newfloatcommand| one).
+% Первые две определены для рисунков, а~последняя \cdash--- для таблицы.
+% Вы можете переопределить эти команды, используя команду
+% |\renewfloatcommand| (она использует те же
+% аргументы, что и~|\newfloatcommand|).\medskip
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. In the documentation text below the name of the |\floatbox| command means
+%^^A% both itself and all commands-abbreviations, defined with |\(re)newfloatcommand|.
+% \emph{Примечание}. В~дальнейшем упоминание команды |\floatbox| будет означать как саму команду,
+% так и~все её команды"=сокращения, определённые с~помощью |\(re)newfloatcommand|.
+%^^A% \medskip\emph{Some explanation}. The strange ``stammering'' names of float boxes,
+%^^A% with doubled first letters, |\ffigbox| and |\ttabbox| were created, because of the
+%^^A% expected names, |\figbox| and |\tabbox|, are already used by the \package{floatflt}
+%^^A% package, which creates figures and tables which do not span the full width of a page and
+%^^A% are filled around by text (i.e. \emph{wrapped} floats, see {\sectionname}~\ref{ssec:floatflt} on the
+%^^A% page~\pageref{ssec:floatflt}). Also there were founded |\figbox| in \package{formlett}
+%^^A% package and |\tabbox| in \package{automata} package among styles in \LaTeX{} folder.
+% \medskip\emph{Объяснительная}. Такие странные «заикающиеся» имена боксов флотов,
+% с~двойными первыми буквами, |\ffigbox| и~|\ttabbox| были созданы потому, что ожидаемые
+% здесь названия, |\figbox| и~|\tabbox|, уже используются пакетом \package{floatflt},
+% создающим небольшие рисунки с~обтеканием текста (т.\,е. \emph{в~оборку},
+% см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{ssec:floatflt} на
+% с.~\pageref{ssec:floatflt}). Также, среди стилей \LaTeX'а была
+% обнаружена команда |\figbox| в~пакете \package{formlett}
+% и~|\tabbox| \cdash--- в~пакете \package{automata}.
+%^^A% \subsection{Building Float Row}\label{sec:floatrow}
+% \subsection{Размещение флотов рядом}\label{sec:floatrow}
+%^^A% The |floatrow| environment allows to put two or more floats beside. The usage of it looks like:
+% Окружение |floatrow| позволяет разместить два или несколько флотов рядом.
+% Использование его выглядит следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\begin{floatrow}[|\meta{number of beside floats}|]|\nopagebreak
+% |\floatbox...|\nopagebreak
+% |\floatbox...|\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{floatrow}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% Please note that \emph{for each float box} inside |floatrow| you must use |\floatbox|, |\ffigbox|,
+%^^A% |\ttabbox| or your own command, created with |\newfloatcommand| macro.
+% Обратите внимание, что \emph{для каждого флота} внутри окружения |floatrow| должны
+% использоваться команды |\floatbox|, |\ffigbox|,
+% |\ttabbox| или ваша собственная команда, созданная с~помощью |\newfloatcommand|.
+%^^A% The |floatrow| environment creates necessary number of ``columns'',
+%^^A% the default number is two, where floats are placed (during the calculation of width of column
+%^^A% the widths of the separations between beside floats and margins around the float row are taken into account).
+%^^A% You may redefine the width of each float box,
+%^^A% e.g. the boxes of tables~\ref{tab:row:tabIII} and~\ref{tab:row:tabIV} (page~\pageref{tab:row:tabIII})
+%^^A% have the width of their contents
+%^^A% (remember, the |[\FBwidth]| is default option of |\ttabbox|).
+% Окружение |floatrow| создаёт необходимое число «колонок»,
+% по умолчанию две, где размещаются флоты (ширина колонки рассчитывается, учитывая расстояния
+% между флотами (ширину разделительного материала) и~поля и/или боковой материал вокруг ряда флотов).
+% Вы можете переопределить ширину каждой колонки,
+% например, боксы таблиц~\ref{tab:row:tabIII} и~\ref{tab:row:tabIV} (с.~\pageref{tab:row:tabIII})
+% имеют ширину, равную ширине
+% табличного материала (напомним, опция |[\FBwidth]| в~|\ttabbox| задаётся по умолчанию).
+%^^A% During building each float box inside float row, the |floatrow| environment calculates
+%^^A% the rest space in the row and writes this value at the special parameter |\Xhsize|, which you
+%^^A% may use inside \meta{width} option of |\floatbox| command.
+%^^A% The next example with figures uses |[\FBwidth]| command in option for the left float,
+%^^A% and |[\Xhsize]| command---for the right.
+% При построении ряда, после каждого бокса флота в~окружении |floatrow| подсчитывается оставшееся
+% место в~ряду, значение которого записывается в~специальный параметр |\Xhsize|, который можно
+% использовать в~опции \meta{width} команд |\floatbox|.
+% Следующий пример с~рисунками задаёт опцию |[\FBwidth]| для левого флота и~|[\Xhsize]| для правого.
+%| \begin{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+%| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+%| {...}|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| |
+%| \ffigbox[\Xhsize]|%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Флоты рядом: последний флот занимает оставшееся место}{FAD:floatfillspace}
+%| {...}|
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| \end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{Левый рисунок в~ряду, ширина бокса равна ширине графики}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:FBwidth}}%
+% {\unitlength1.12\unitlength\input{Bear.picture}}
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize]
+% {\caption[Правый рисунок в~ряду, бокс занимает оставшееся место]{Рисунок в~ряду, с~правой стороны простого ряда
+% рисунков, бокс занимает всё оставшееся в~ряду}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:Xhsize}}
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength\input{Doll.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% Usually the command |\Xhsize|\label{FB:Xhsize} is used for the last float
+%^^A% box to occupy the rest space of the row.
+%^^A% But if you use \package{calc} package you may try to use |\Xhsize|
+%^^A% earlier, if the \emph{absolute} value of the width of float boxes to
+%^^A% the right in float row is known. Another variant: you may set something in \meta{width}
+%^^A% argument something like |\Xhsize/2| and then |\Xhsize| for two last
+%^^A% float boxes---the next example just uses it: the first float has default
+%^^A% width equal to ``column'' width, the next uses width of included
+%^^A% graphic (uses command |\FBwidth| in optional argument \meta{width}),
+%^^A% the last two floats divide the rest horizontal space of page into two equal pieces which were
+%^^A% calculated by command |\Xhsize| and \package{calc} package.\pagebreak[1]
+% Обычно команда |\Xhsize|\label{FB:Xhsize} используется для
+% последнего флота в~ряду. Но
+% если вы используете пакет \package{calc} вы можете попытаться
+% использовать |\Xhsize| раньше, если известна
+% \emph{абсолютная} величина ширины флотов по правую сторону.
+% Другой вариант: использовать в~аргументе \meta{width} нечто вроде |\Xhsize/2|
+% а~затем |\Xhsize| для последних двух боксов, что и~задано в~следующем примере:
+% первый флот имеет ширину по умолчанию, равную «колонке»
+% ряда, следующий использует ширину включённой графики (использована
+% команда |\FBwidth| в~дополнительном аргументе \meta{width}),
+% а~два последних делят пополам оставшееся место в~ряду, используя
+% подсчёты команды |\Xhsize| и~пакета \package{calc}.%^^A
+% |\usepackage{calc}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\makeatletter\@mparswitchfalse\makeatother|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareMarginSet}|{hangleft}{\|\FRkey{setfloatmargins}
+% | {\hskip-\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep}{\hfil}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[widefigure]{|%^^A
+% \FRkey{margins}|=hangleft}|
+%| \ffigbox|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{Первый рисунок...}...}|\nopagebreak
+%| {...}|
+%| |
+%| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{Второй рисунок...}...}|\nopagebreak
+%| {...}|
+%| |
+%| \ffigbox[\Xhsize/2]|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{Третий рисунок...}...}|\nopagebreak
+%| {...}|
+%| |
+%| \ffigbox[\Xhsize]|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{Четвёртый рисунок...}...}|\nopagebreak
+%| {...}|
+% \floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \begin{figure*}%
+% \begin{floatrow}[4]
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Первый рисунок в~ряду, ширина «колонки»}%
+% \label{fig:row:Dog}}
+% {\input{TheDog.picture}}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{Второй рисунок в~ряду, ширина графики}%
+% \label{fig:row:WcatI}}
+% {\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize/2]
+% {\caption{Третий рисунок в~ряду, занимает
+% половину оставшегося места}%
+% \label{fig:row:BcatI}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/58}%^^A
+% {\input{Mouse.picture}}}}
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize]
+% {\caption{Четвёртый рисунок в~ряду,
+% занимает оставшееся место}%
+% \label{fig:row:cheese}}
+% {\input{Cheese.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure*}%
+%^^A% The result you see in the row of
+%^^A% figures~\ref{fig:row:Dog}--\ref{fig:row:cheese}. Please note that in the examples with rows,
+%^^A% the vertical alignment of floats lays on the bottom of upper part (here: objects)
+%^^A% of float and the top of lower part (captions).
+% Результат вы видите в~ряду
+% рисунков~\ref{fig:row:Dog}--\ref{fig:row:cheese}. Обратите внимание, что в~примерах с~рисунками рядом
+% вертикальное выравнивание флотов лежит по нижней линии верхней части
+% (здесь: графики) и~верху нижней части (подписи).
+%^^A% The current example uses the starred |figure*| environment, which demonstrates here the possibility
+%^^A% of creation and usage of the alternative layout for the float type (here for the figure).
+%^^A% It sets the special margin settings,
+%^^A% which allow to expand to the left margin (see page~\pageref{setup:margins} about margins settings
+%^^A% in |\floatsetup| command). The first command in this example, between |\makeatletter| and
+%^^A% |\makeatother| commands, switch of facing margins in twoside document: margins on all pages
+%^^A% appear on the left side (like in current document).
+% Данный пример использует специальные настройки
+% полей, которые позволяют вывести бокс флота на поле (см.~с.~\pageref{setup:margins}
+% о~настройках полей в~команде |\floatsetup|). Первая команда в~примере, заключённая между
+% командами |\makeatletter| и~|\makeatother|, отключает зеркальные поля для двустороннего документа:
+% на всех полосах поля окажутся с~левой стороны (как в~данном документе).
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Mixed Row}\label{sec:mixrow}
+% \subsubsection{Смешанные ряды}\label{sec:mixrow}
+%^^A% \textbf{Problems}.\startNotes\Note Sometimes, for example, it is necessary to put beside
+%^^A% figure and table. The problem of such mixed row is that you must put different types of float in
+%^^A% one floating environment, which sets its own layout for included float box(es).
+% \textbf{Проблемы}.\startNotes\Note
+% Иногда возникает необходимость поставить рядом, например, рисунок и~таблицу.
+% Проблема такого смешанного ряда заключается в~том, что нужно поместить разные
+% типы флотов в~одно окружение флота, которое задаёт своё оформление
+% для содержимого.
+%^^A% \Note Another problem is that figures usually have captions below
+%^^A% graphics, but tables could have caption \emph{above} their contents.
+%^^A% The alignment of all floats is similar: the bottom of upper part and
+%^^A% top of lower part. In this case if you want to put such beside figure
+%^^A% and table you'll get an undesirable result.
+% \Note Другая проблема состоит в~том, что подпись к~рисункам обычно
+% помещают снизу, а~табличный заголовок помещается сверху таблиц.
+% Выравнивание всех флотов одинаково: по нижней линии верхней части
+% и~по верхней "--- у~нижней. В~таком случае, если вы захотите
+% поместить рисунок и~таблицу рядом,
+% вы получите не лучший вариант вёрстки.
+% \DescribeMacro{\killfloatstyle}
+%^^A% \textbf{Solutions}.\startNotes\Note For creation of right layouts for each float type in mixed row,
+%^^A% you ought to write |\|\FRkey{killfloatstyle} command just before each ``foreign''
+%^^A% (for current floating environment) |\floatbox| macro.
+% \textbf{Решения}.\startNotes\Note
+% Для создания верного оформления для каждого типа флотов, нужно задать команду |\|\FRkey{killfloatstyle}
+% до каждой «чужой» (для текущего окружения флота) макрокоманды |\floatbox|.
+% \DescribeMacro{\CenterFloatBoxes}
+% \DescribeMacro{\TopFloatBoxes}
+% \DescribeMacro{\BottomFloatBoxes}
+%^^A% {\sloppy\Note For correct vertical alignment of different float types, which put captions in different
+%^^A% positions, you may use one of the following commands:
+% \Note Для корректного выравнивания разных типов флотов,
+% где подписи размещаются по-разному,
+% можно использовать одну из приведённых команд:
+%^^A% which align \emph{full} float boxes by center, top or bottom lines.
+% которые выравнивают боксы флотов \emph{целиком} по центральной линии,
+% по верху или по низу.
+%^^A% There is also |\PlainFloatBoxes|\label{FB:PlainFloatBoxes} which restores standard behavior of
+%^^A% |\floatbox|'es.\par}
+% Существует также команда |\PlainFloatBoxes|\label{FB:PlainFloatBoxes}, которая восстанавливает
+% «поведение» флотов внутри команд |\floatbox|.
+% \DescribeMacro{\buildFBBOX}
+%^^A%These macros were created by |\buildFBBOX|\label{FB:buildFBBOX} macro, which can be written like
+% Эти команды созданы командой |\buildFBBOX|\label{FB:buildFBBOX}, которая может быть записана
+% следующим образом:
+%|\buildFBBOX|\marg{starting code of the box}\marg{finishing code of the box}
+%^^A% just before any |\floatbox| command (or |floatrow| environment).
+%^^A% For example, definition of |\CenterFloatBoxes|
+%^^A% looks almost like following:
+% перед любой командой |\floatbox| (или перед окружением |floatrow|).
+% Например, определение команды |\CenterFloatBoxes|
+% выглядит почти как записано ниже:
+%| \buildFBBOX{\hbox\bgroup$\vcenter\bgroup\vskip0pt}%|
+%| {\vskip0pt\egroup$\egroup}}|
+%^^A% The other two commands use |\vtop| and |\vbox| boxes consequently.
+%^^A% (see also example with usage of |\buildFBBOX| command on the page~\pageref{buildFBBOX:def}).
+% Две другие команды используют боксы |\vtop| и~|\vbox| соответственно.
+% (см.~также пример использования этой команды на с.~\pageref{buildFBBOX:def}).
+%^^A% In the next example we use |\CenterFloatBoxes| command before |floatrow|
+%^^A% and |\killfloatstyle| just before |\ttabbox| macro
+%^^A% (mixed float row with figure~\ref{fig:rowmixspec:WcatI} in |Boxed| style, and
+%^^A% table~\ref{tab:rowmixspec:tabI}\label{mixrow}):
+% В следующем примере используются команда |\CenterFloatBoxes| до окружения |floatrow|
+% и~|\killfloatstyle| перед |\ttabbox|
+% (смешанный ряд, состоящий из рис.~\ref{fig:rowmixspec:WcatI} в~стиле |Boxed|
+% и~табл.~\ref{tab:rowmixspec:tabI}\label{mixrow}):
+%| \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|]|
+%| ...|
+%| \|\FRkey{killfloatstyle}|\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}
+%| ...|
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begingroup\floatsetup[figure]{style=Boxed}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\CenterFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength1.92\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок в~смешанном ряду}\label{fig:rowmixspec:WcatI}}%
+% \extrarowheight1pt
+% \killfloatstyle\ttabbox
+% {\caption{Таблица в~смешанном \hbox{ряду}}\label{tab:rowmixspec:tabI}}
+% {\tabcolsep5\tabcolsep\begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline A & B \\ C & D \\ \hline\end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% \emph{Note.} Both figure and table boxes have got width equal to
+%^^A% contents of objects: the |\ffigbox| command in the example has optional argument
+%^^A% |[\FBwidth]|, but |\ttabbox| does not have any option---it uses
+%^^A% |[\FBwidth]| option as default (see definitions on page~\pageref{abbrcom}).\label{FAD:MixedRowII}
+% \emph{Замечание.} Как рисунок, так и~таблица имеют ширину, равную
+% содержимому объектов. Команда |\ffigbox| в~примере имеет дополнительный
+% аргумент |[\FBwidth]|, но у~команды |\ttabbox| нет никакой опции
+% "--- опция |[\FBwidth]| используется по умолчанию (см. определения
+% на с.~\pageref{abbrcom}).\label{FAD:MixedRowII}
+%^^A% \subsection{Running Floats In The Raw \LaTeX\ mode}\label{sec:rawfloats}
+% \subsection{Флоты в~режиме стандартного \LaTeX'а}\label{sec:rawfloats}
+%^^A% The\label{FAD:PlainFloat}
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} package redefines floating environments for the case
+%^^A% of creation of common layout for all floats. This redefinition creates
+%^^A% some limitations for source document file, which were mentioned in
+%^^A% introduction (see \sectionname~\ref{floatrow:wrong}). If you still need a raw behavior
+%^^A% of floating environment, you may do that by one of the following three ways.\startNotes
+% Пакет\label{FAD:PlainFloat}
+% \package{floatrow} переопределяет окружение флотов так, чтобы
+% на выходе получалось единообразное
+% оформление всех флотов. Это накладывает некоторые ограничения
+% на запись флота в~исходном файле, о~которых, в~частности,
+% говорилось во введении (см.~\sectionname~\ref{floatrow:wrong}). Если вам всё
+% же нужно окружение, работающее как в~обычном \LaTeX'е
+% это можно сделать тремя способами.\startNotes
+% \Note\DescribeMacro{\RawFloats}\label{setup:RawFloats}%^^A
+%^^A% If you want \LaTeX\ behavior \emph{just for one environment},
+%^^A% input a |\RawFloats| command \emph{inside} environment:
+% Если нужно, чтобы \emph{лишь одно окружение} работало как в~обычном
+% \LaTeX'е, задайте команду |\RawFloats| \emph{внутри} окружения:
+% обратите внимание: эта настройка\\ в~результате ничего здесь не делает\end{tabular}}}
+%| \centering ...|
+%| \caption{...}\label{...}|
+%| \captionof{table}{...}\label{...}|
+%| \centering ...|
+%^^A% And you'll get figure~\ref{Right:expect:fig}
+%^^A% and table~\ref{Right:expect:tab}.
+% и~вы получите рис.~\ref{Right:expect:fig}
+% и~табл.~\ref{Right:expect:tab}.
+% \begin{figure}[H]\RawFloats
+% \captionsetup[table]{position=top}
+% \begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}
+% \centering {\unitlength1.92\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}
+% \caption{Рисунок в~ряду в~режиме обычного \LaTeX'а}\label{Right:expect:fig}
+% \end{minipage}\quad\hfill
+% \killfloatstyle\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}
+% \captionof{table}{Таблица в~ряду в~режиме обычного \LaTeX'а}\label{Right:expect:tab}
+% \centering\tabcolsep5\tabcolsep
+% \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline A & B \\ C & D \\ \hline\end{tabular}
+% \end{minipage}
+% \end{figure}
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% Compare this example with example in the {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:mixrow} and the following
+%^^A% figure~\ref{leftfig:raw} and table~\ref{righttab:raw}.
+% Сравните этот пример с~примером из {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:mixrow}
+% и~следующими рисунком~\ref{leftfig:raw} и~таблицей~\ref{righttab:raw}.
+%| \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|]|\nopagebreak
+%| {...}|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| \|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}\nopagebreak
+%| {...}|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]\RawFloats\CenterFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength1.92\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок в~ряду внутри команды \cmd{\floatbox} и~в~окружении \env{floatrow} в~режиме обычного \LaTeX'а}%^^A
+% \label{leftfig:raw}}%
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Таблица в~смешанном ряду внутри \cmd{\floatbox} и~в~окружении \env{floatrow} в~режиме обычного \LaTeX'а}%^^A
+% \label{righttab:raw}}
+% {\tabcolsep5\tabcolsep
+% \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline A & B \\ C & D \\ \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% \Note Canceling of \package{floatrow}'s behavior for \emph{all floats of one type
+%^^A% or subtype} should be done outside any floating environment, usually in the
+%^^A% preamble of the document. In this case the |\RawFloats| command needs optional
+%^^A% argument with name(s) of float type. You may set that by two ways:
+% \Note Отмена установок пакета \package{floatrow} для \emph{всех флотов выбранных типов
+% или подтипов}. В~таком случае команда |\RawFloats| задаётся вне окружений флотов с~опцией
+% задающей названия типа флотов \cdash--- эти установки лучше задавать
+% в~преамбуле. Команду можно задать двумя способами:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\RawFloats|\oarg{type,type,\ldots}\quad or\nopagebreak
+% |\RawFloats|\oarg{type}\oarg{subtype,subtype,\ldots}
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% So if you set |\RawFloats[figure]|, that will return the plain \LaTeX{} mode to all
+%^^A% figures in all subtype environments (|figure|, |figure*|,
+%^^A% |sidewaysfigure|, |wrapfigure|, etc., see page~\pageref{sec:floatsetup}).
+%^^A% If there is also a table,
+%^^A% |\RawFloats[figure,table]|, you also will set the same for all table
+%^^A% subtypes.
+% Итак, если вы зададите |\RawFloats[figure]|, это вернёт всем рисункам установки \LaTeX'а
+% во всех относящимся к~ним окружениях (|figure|, \texttt{figure*},
+% |sidewaysfigure|, |wrapfigure| и~др. см.~с.~\pageref{sec:floatsetup}).
+% Если ещё добавить таблицы:
+% |\RawFloats[figure,table]|, вы также отмените установки \package{floatrow}
+% и~для всех окружений таблиц.
+%^^A% The second way, with second optional argument, cancels \package{floatrow}'s
+%^^A% behavior for mentioned float ``subtype(s)'' of \emph{one} float type
+%^^A% in second optional argument you may use |float|, |widefloat|,
+%^^A% |rotfloat|, |widerotfloat|---the meaning of this options
+%^^A% analogous to options of |\floatsetup| macro (see
+%^^A% {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}, but you may use here only options
+%^^A% which include ``float'' word).\label{FAD:PlainFloatII}%^^A
+% Второй вариант, со второй опцией, отменяет установки \package{floatrow}
+% заданных в~ней окружений данного типа флота. Во второй опции
+% можно задать |float|, |widefloat|,
+% |rotfloat|, |widerotfloat|---значение этих опций аналогично
+% опциям команды |\floatsetup|
+% (см. {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}, но в~данном случае можно использовать
+% опции только со словом «float»).\label{FAD:PlainFloatII}%^^A
+% \Note\DescribeMacro{rawfloats}\label{setup:rawfloats}%^^A
+%^^A% This option stores the plain \LaTeX{} mode (i.e. stores usage of
+%^^A% standard \LaTeX{} float macros) for all \emph{standard and new defined}
+%^^A% float types. This option can be used only in |\usepackage| line.
+% Данная опция сохраняет режим plain \LaTeX'а (т.\,е. использование
+% стандартных команд \LaTeX'а) для всех \emph{стандартных и~вновь созданных}
+% типов флотов. Опция может использоваться только в~строке
+% |\usepackage|.
+%^^A% \emph{Notes}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+% \emph{Замечания}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+%^^A% \Note Please note that with |\RawFloats[...]| command and |rawfloats=| key
+%^^A% you will cancel layout (|\floatsetup|) settings of all chosen float types/subtypes
+%^^A% ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}) for plain floats.
+% \Note Обратите внимание, что в~обычных окружениях с~командой |\RawFloats[...]| и~ключом |rawfloats=|
+% отменяются настройки оформления (|\floatsetup|) для всех выбранных типов и~подтипов флотов
+% ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}).
+%^^A% {\Note The |floatrow| environment ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatrow})
+%^^A% and commands of |\floatbox| stuff ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox})
+%^^A% still work after |\RawFloats[...]| command and |rawfloats=| key
+%^^A% (see example with figure~\ref{leftfig:raw}
+%^^A% and table~\ref{righttab:raw})\label{FAD:MixedRow}.
+%^^A% Also note that\startNotes\def\theNote{\alph{Note}}\Note
+%^^A% the layout settings of the package, written in |\usepackage| line
+%^^A% and inside |\floatsetup{...}| command, and settings for main types of floats
+%^^A% like |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figure]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[table]{...}|
+%^^A% still can work inside |\|\FRkey{floatbox} commands; \Note for the figures inside |\fcapside|
+%^^A% command and similar ones (with the |\|\FRkey{capbeside} command
+%^^A% inside the |\floatbox|'s \meta{preamble} option)---the settings |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefloat]{...}|
+%^^A% and |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefigure]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidetable]{...}|
+%^^A% work; \Note inside the \FRkey{floatrow} environment---the settings |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[floatrow]{...}|
+%^^A% and |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figurerow]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[tablerow]{...}| are added
+%^^A% to the settings for |\floatbox|'es inside;
+%^^A% \Note also you may use |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup} settings in the case of usage of |\floatbox| commands.
+% \Note Окружение |floatrow| ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatrow})
+% и~команды базирующиеся на |\floatbox| ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox})
+% всё равно работают после задания команды |\RawFloats[...]|
+% и~ключа |rawfloats=| (см.~рис.~\ref{leftfig:raw}
+% и~табл.~\ref{righttab:raw})\label{FAD:MixedRow}.
+% Кроме этого\startNotes\def\theNote{\asbuk{Note}}\Note внутри команд |\|\FRkey{floatbox} всё равно
+% действуют настройки, записанные в~строке |\usepackage| или внутри
+% |\floatsetup{...}|, и~настройки для главных типов флотов,
+% |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figure]{...}| или |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[table]{...}|;
+% \Note при использовании команды |\fcapside| и~подобных ей (с~|\capbeside| в~опции\meta{preamble}
+% команды |\floatbox|) работают |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefloat]{...}|
+% |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefigure]{...}| или |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidetable]{...}|;
+% \Note внутри окружения |floatrow| к~настройкам команд |\floatbox|
+% добавляются настройки |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[floatrow]{...}|
+% |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figurerow]{...}| или |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[tablerow]{...}|.
+%^^A% The settings for all other layout subtypes
+%^^A% (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}) will be canceled.\par}
+% Настройки для остальных подтипов флотов (см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup})
+% не работают.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Raw Caption---Printing in Unusual Way}
+% \subsubsection{Стандартная команда подписи---необычное размещение}
+% \DescribeMacro{\RawCaption}\label{setup:RawCaption}%^^A
+%^^A% This command allows to ``release'' caption contents from special box register created by
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} package for the creation of necessary layout. The caption is placed as
+%^^A% argument of |\RawCaption|:
+% Последняя команда позволяет «высвободить» содержимое подписи из специального
+% регистра бокса, используемого пакетом \package{floatrow} для создания необходимого макета
+% флота. В~этом случае подпись помещается в~аргумент команды |\RawCaption|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\RawCaption{\caption\marg{contents}\label{...}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% In this case the settings of float layout of current type will be stored, but
+%^^A% you may put caption in non-standard way. For example in the free corner of the
+%^^A% graphics (figure~\ref{rawcaption:plain}):
+% В~этом случае, сохраняя настройки макета данного флота, можно
+% разместить подпись нестандартным способом. Например в~свободном углу рисунка
+% (рис.~\ref{rawcaption:plain}):
+% \begin{Quote}
+%| {\RawCaption{\caption{...}\label{...}}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% [Подпись в~режиме стандартного \LaTeX;а, помещена в~свободный угол рисунка]{Подпись в~режиме стандартного \LaTeX;а, помещена в~свободный угол рисунка}\label{rawcaption:plain}}}
+%^^A% The more suitable example of usage of the |\RawCaption| command see on the
+%^^A% page~\pageref{fig:subIcap:IcatsI} (figure~\ref{fig:subIcap:IcatsI} with modified
+%^^A% \verb|BOXED| style).
+% Более подходящий вариант использования команды |\RawCaption| см.~на~%^^A
+% с.~\pageref{fig:subIcap:IcatsI} (рис.~\ref{fig:subIcap:IcatsI} с~изменённым стилем
+% \verb|Boxed|).
+%^^A% \subsection{Usage of Footnotes Inside Float Environment}
+% \subsection{Сноски внутри окружения флота}\label{sec:floatfootnote}
+%^^A% Sometimes table or figure contents have material, which authors mark
+%^^A% and then write some explanation like footnotes. This package has
+%^^A% a~mechanism which allows to put footnotes inside floating environments, in
+%^^A% the same way as is in \LaTeX's |minipage| environment.
+% Иногда таблица или рисунок может содержать
+% материал, который помечается, а~снизу даётся объяснение в~виде сноски.
+% Пакет имеет механизм, позволяющий размещение сносок внутри окружения флота,
+% как это сделано в~окружении \LaTeX'а |minipage|.
+%^^A% In the case of few elements have the same footnote, we cannot
+%^^A% use standard |\footnotemark|---|\footnotetext| combination, because
+%^^A% |\footnotemark| in standard \LaTeX\ always creates the sign of main text footnote.
+%^^A% For these cases current package offers |\mpfootnotemark|%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Footnotemark \\inside float}{FAD:FnoteInsideFloat}\label{FB:mpfootnotemark}
+%^^A% macro instead of |\footnotemark|.
+%^^A% (The same macro also is defined in \package{footmisc} package.
+%^^A% The \package{floatrow} package doubles this definition.)
+% В~тех случаях, когда несколько элементов
+% имеют одинаковую сноску, мы не можем воспользоваться стандартной
+% комбинацией |\footnotemark|---|\footnotetext|, потому что команда
+% |\footnotemark|
+% \FRmpar{Знак сноски внутри флота}{FAD:FnoteInsideFloat}\label{FB:mpfootnotemark}
+% в~стандартном \LaTeX'е всегда создаёт знак для сноски основного текста.
+% Для этих случаев данный пакет предлагает макрокоманду
+% |\mpfootnotemark| вместо |\footnotemark|.
+% (Та же макрокоманда также определена в~пакете
+% \package{footmisc}. Пакет \package{floatrow} просто дублирует это определение.)
+% \begin{Quote}\openup-.35pt%
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|{...,|\FRkey{footnoterule}|=none,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{footskip}|=.35\skip\footins,...}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{table}|
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}
+% | {\caption{...}\label{...}}%|
+%\verb+ {\begin{tabular}{...}+
+% |... & 2\mpfootnotemark[1] \\|
+% |...|
+% | \end{tabular}%|
+% | \footnotetext[1]{Even numbers.}}|
+% |\end{table}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Таблица со сноской}%^^A
+% \label{tab:floatfnote}}%^^A
+% {\extrarowheight1pt
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \thead{Column head} & \thead{Data I} & \thead{Data II} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & 2\mpfootnotemark[1] \\
+% Second row & \phantom06\mpfootnotemark[1] & 4\mpfootnotemark[1] \\
+% Third row & 28\mpfootnotemark[1] & 8\mpfootnotemark[1] \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}%^^A
+% \footnotetext[1]{Even numbers.}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+%^^A% {\sloppy The |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatbox} macro uses special definition of footnote rule
+%^^A% (the \FRkey{footnoterule}|=| key, see also
+%^^A% page~\pageref{sec:footnotestyle} for variants of footnote rule) and skip before footnotes and
+%^^A% explications or legends (the \FRkey{footskip}|=| key).\par}
+% Макрокоманда |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatbox} использует собственное определение линейки для
+% сноски (ключ \FRkey{footnoterule}|=|, см. также
+% с.~\pageref{sec:footnotestyle} о~вариантах линейки для сносок под флотами) и~отбивку до сносок
+% и~экспликаций (ключ \FRkey{footskip}|=|).
+%^^A% \subsection{The Legend-Like Macro}\label{subsec:floatfoot}
+% \subsection{Макрокоманда для экспликаций}\label{subsec:floatfoot}
+%^^A% In the case of table or figure have some additional explanations
+%^^A% which could not put in caption contents and they are definitely not
+%^^A% a footnote you may use the |\floatfoot|\label{FAD:Legend}
+%^^A% command. The |\floatfoot| is
+%^^A% build by usage of |\caption| stuff and uses by default caption's text justification:
+% Если таблица или рисунок имеют дополнительные объяснения,
+% которые не должны быть в~подписи и~они не являются сноской
+% вы можете использовать команду |\floatfoot|\label{FAD:Legend}. Команда |\floatfoot|
+% использует механизм оформления команд |\caption| и~по умолчанию использует
+% выключку, заданную для текста подписей (табл.~\ref{tab:floatfoot}):
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+% \verb+ {\begin{tabular}{...}+
+%| ...|
+%| \end{tabular}%|
+%| \floatfoot*{`Data I' column ...}}|
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Таблица с экспликацией}%^^A
+% \label{tab:floatfoot}}%^^A
+% {\extrarowheight1pt\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \thead{Column head} & \thead{Data I} & \thead{Data II} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & 2 \\
+% Second row & \phantom06 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 28 & 8 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}%^^A
+% \floatfoot{`Data I' column---numbers which equal to sum of all
+% their divisors; `Data II' column---$2^n$ values}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+%^^A% The star form (|\floatfoot*|) prints its contents as plain unindented
+%^^A% paragraph (see table~\ref{tab:floatfoot}).
+% «Звёздная» форма (|\floatfoot*|) печатает содержимое в~виде обычного
+% абзаца без отступа (см. табл.~\ref{tab:floatfoots}):
+%| ...|
+%| \end{tabular}%|
+%| \floatfoot*{`Data I' column ...}}|
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Таблица с~экспликацией в~виде обычного абзаца без отступа}%^^A
+% \label{tab:floatfoots}}%^^A
+% {\extrarowheight1pt\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \thead{Column head} & \thead{Data I} & \thead{Data II} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & 2 \\
+% Second row & \phantom06 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 28 & 8 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}%^^A
+% \floatfoot*{`Data I' column---numbers which equal to sum of all
+% their divisors; `Data II' column---$2^n$ values}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+%^^A% For defining of explication font use \FRkey{footfont}|=| option
+%^^A% in |\floatsetup| (page~\pageref{setup:footfont}). You may try to
+%^^A% define special settings for float foot using
+%^^A% \cmd{\captionsetup[floatfoot]} (see~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}).
+% Для определения шрифта для экспликаций используйте соответствующую опцию
+% \FRkey{footfont}|=| в~команде
+% |\floatsetup| (с.~\pageref{setup:footfont}). Вы можете задать
+% дополнительные настройки оформления задав командную
+% последовательность \cmd{\captionsetup[floatfoot]} (см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}).
+%^^A% \emph{Notes.} \startNotes\Note The \package{float} package defines additional
+%^^A% optional argument after main caption text, possibly for explications.
+%^^A% Since this possibility
+%^^A% didn't declared in user part of documentation the current version of
+%^^A% \package{caption} (3.0 and later), and also \package{float\-row} package,
+%^^A% doesn't support this possibility. You may use |\floatfoot| and
+%^^A% |\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/\allowbreak|\footnotetext| stuff instead.
+% \emph{Замечания.} \startNotes\Note Пакет \package{float} определяет
+% дополнительный аргумент после текста подписи. Поскольку эта
+% возможность не была документирована в~части документации для
+% пользователей, и~версии пакета \package{caption}, начиная с~3.0,
+% и~пакет \package{floatrow} не поддерживают эту возможность.
+% Используйте команду |\floatfoot| и~команды
+% |\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/\allowbreak|\footnotetext|.
+%^^A% \Note If you use both commands |\floatfoot| and |\footnote|
+%^^A% inside one float box, the |\floatfoot| appears above |\footnote|
+%^^A% contents.
+% \Note Если вы используете одновременно команды |\floatfoot|
+% и~|\footnote| внутри одного флота, содержимое команды |\floatfoot|
+% появится над |\footnote|.
+%^^A% \Note Foot material (footnotes and text in floatfoot) can be placed
+%^^A% in several variants: at the very bottom of float box, below caption
+%^^A% (even if caption is above float object; see description of \FRkey{footposition}|=| key
+%^^A% on the page \pageref{setup:footposition}
+%^^A% and sample file \file{frsample01.tex}). In case of caption beside
+%^^A% float object, footnotes and foot text are always placed below caption.
+% \Note Сноски и~экспликации могут быть размещены несколькими
+% способами: в~самом низу флота, под подписью
+% (даже в~случае подписи сверху; см. описание ключа \FRkey{footposition}|=|
+% на с.~\pageref{setup:footposition} и~файл примера \file{frsample01.tex}).
+% В~случае подписи сбоку, сноски и~экспликации всегда помещаются под подписью.
+%^^A% \subsection{Fine Tuning of Vertical Spaces of Float}\label{sec:FBabskips}
+% \subsection{Корректировка вертикальных отбивок в~флоте}\label{sec:FBabskips}
+%^^A% At the final variant of document you may need to correct vertical
+%^^A% spaces between float and main text, between float object and
+%^^A% caption.
+% В~заключительном варианте документа вам возможно понадобится
+% откорректировать вертикальные отбивки между флотом и~основным
+% текстом, между содержимым объекта и~подписью.
+%^^A% To change space between float box and main text, you may use
+%^^A% two simple commands |\FBaskip| and |\FBbskip|. For example define
+% Изменить отбивки между флотом и~основным текстом можно,
+% используя две простые команды |\FBaskip| и~|\FBbskip|.
+% Например, определите
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\renewcommand\FBaskip{-4pt}|
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% | ...|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% to move up float box up (or reduce space above) by 4pt. Or write
+% чтобы передвинуть флот вверх (уменьшить отбивку сверху)
+% на 4pt. Или запишите
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\renewcommand\FBbskip{-5pt}|\nopagebreak
+% |\begin{figure}[t]|\nopagebreak
+% | ...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% to reduce space below (here: distance between figure and main text) by 5pt.
+%^^A% In current document the |\FBaskip| command was necessary for moving up
+%^^A% some of wrapped figures.\nopagebreak
+% чтобы уменьшить (здесь: расстояние между рисунком и~текстом)
+% на 5pt. В~данном документе
+% команда |\FBaskip| понадобилась для корректировки
+% рисунков в~оборку.\nopagebreak
+%^^A% Use |\vspace| command for vertical space correction around float
+%^^A% object\footnote{The plain floating environment allows usage of
+%^^A% \cmd{\vskip} command. But \cmd{\floatbox} stuff
+%^^A% (\cmd{\floatbox} itself, \cmd{\ffigbox} etc.) in case
+%^^A% of usage of the \cmd{\FBwidth} option, gets error message
+%^^A% when \cmd{\vskip} appears.}.
+% Для корректировки отбивок вокруг объекта
+% используйте |\vspace|\footnote{В~простом окружении флота можно
+% пользоваться и~командой \cmd{\vskip}. Но команды \cmd{\floatbox}
+% (сама \cmd{\floatbox}, \cmd{\ffigbox}\dots), когда используют
+% в~аргументе \meta{width} опцию \cmd{\FBwidth}, при обнаружении
+% \cmd{\vskip} выдадут сообщение об ошибке.}.\par
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. If you'll write something like:
+% \emph{Замечание}. Если вы запишете нечто вроде:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage{floatrow}|
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% | ...|
+% |\caption{...}|
+% |\vspace{-6pt}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% in \emph{plain} floats like in example above, you will change space between caption
+%^^A% and object (in the case of caption below object).
+%^^A% Again, for layout with caption above:
+% в~\emph{простом} окружении флота, как в~примере выше, вы измените расстояние между
+% подписью и~объектом (если подпись помещается снизу объекта).
+% Опять же, для макета с~подписью сверху, как в~следующем примере:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage[|\FRkey{capposition}|=top]{floatrow}|
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% |\vspace{-6pt}|\nopagebreak
+% |\caption{...}|
+% | ...|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% you will get the reduced space between caption above and object contents.
+% вы опять получите уменьшенную отбивку между подписью и~объектом.
+% \clearpage
+%^^A% \section{Float Layout Settings}\label{sec:floatsetup}
+% \section{Настройка оформления плавающих объектов}\label{sec:floatsetup}
+%^^A% The idea of \package{floatrow} package is to avoid a lot of repeated code
+%^^A% for creation of desired layout for floats inside the document text.
+%^^A% If you ought to change the layout of one float type or even of all float types,
+%^^A% the package allows also to make these modifications
+%^^A% of layout much easier. In this case you only have to care
+%^^A% about the \emph{markup} of floats and their contents.
+% Основная идея пакета \package{floatrow} состоит в~том, чтобы избежать множества
+% повторяющихся команд в~документе для создания нужного оформления плавающих объектов
+% а~также упростить возможные изменения, если понадобится изменить оформление всех флотов или
+% только отдельно взятого типа флота.
+% В~результате при создании и~работе с~документом уделяется внимание только \emph{разметке}
+% флотов и~их содержанию.
+%^^A% The easy modification of common layout of all float types or only for one
+%^^A% float type is possible because of the borrowed code from the \package{float}
+%^^A% package, which allows to modify layout of floats of one type as a whole.
+% Простота изменения общего оформления всех флотов или флотов одного типа возможна
+% благодаря коду, взятому из пакета \package{float}, который позволяет
+% изменять оформление всех плавающих объектов одного типа.
+%^^A% The common layouts and modification for captions for all float types as a whole,
+%^^A% for each float type separately, and other special settings
+%^^A% are supported by \package{caption} package, version~3.\emph{x}.
+% Единое оформление и~изменение подписей всех типов флотов и~настройки для каждого
+% типа флотов, а~также другие настройки поддерживается пакетом \package{caption}, версии~3.\emph{x}.
+%^^A% The layout settings of \package{floatrow} package are built similarly
+%^^A% to the settings from the \package{caption}~3.\emph{x} package. So the layout settings of the
+%^^A% |\floatsetup|\footnote{Some key and option names were changed from version 0.1d,
+%^^A% the reason was to arrange and make names more memorable, and, sometimes, reduction
+%^^A% of their names (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:changed}).} command are built in
+%^^A% similar way as layout settings
+%^^A% of the |\captionsetup| command\footnote{Look also at the \package{caption}
+%^^A% documentation (version 3.0 and later)}.
+% Настройки оформления пакета \package{floatrow} построены аналогично
+% настройкам пакета \package{caption}~3.\emph{x}, а~команда |\floatsetup|\footnote{Некоторые имена
+% ключей и~опций изменены после версии 0.1d, для упорядочения и~создания более
+% запоминаемых названий, и, для некоторых, сокращения их имён
+% (см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:changed}).}, использует механизм, аналогичный механизму команды
+% |\captionsetup|\footnote{См.~также документацию пакета \package{caption}
+% (версии~3.0 и~выше)}.
+%^^A% You may use the layout settings as \package{floatrow} option in
+%^^A% the |\usepackage| line in the preamble of codument.
+% Вы можете использовать настройки оформления флотов как опции пакета
+% \package{floatrow} в~строке |\usepackage|, задаваемой в~преамбуле.
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage[|\meta{options}|]{floatrow}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% You may write
+% Вы можете записать
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage[style=boxed,font=small]{floatrow}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatsetup}
+%^^A% The same result you get with the |\floatsetup| command:
+% Тот же результат вы получите при использовании специальной команды настроек макета |\floatsetup|
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage{floatrow}|
+% |\floatsetup{style=boxed,font=small}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% The lines above declare the |boxed| float style (this style creates
+%^^A% the frame around float object which is built by \LaTeX's |\fbox| command) and the
+%^^A% |\small| font for contents of float objects. These settings are loaded for \emph{all} float types.
+% Строки выше определяют стиль |boxed| (стиль создаёт рамку вокруг объекта с~помощью
+% команды \LaTeX'а |\fbox|) и~шрифт |\small| (меньший, чем для всего документа) для содержимого
+% объектов. Эти установки заданы для \emph{всех} типов плавающих объектов.
+%^^A% The usage of the |\floatsetup| command has following form:
+% Команда |\floatsetup| имеет следующую форму задания:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup|\oarg{float type}\marg{options}\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% where option \meta{float type} is the name of float type. You can use this optional
+%^^A% argument for creating of special settings of chosen float type. The following command
+% Где опция \meta{float type} является именем типа флота.
+% Вы можете использовать эту опцию для задания специальных настроек для флотов выбранного типа.
+% Следующая команда
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup[table]{style=Plaintop}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% sets a special float style for floating tables: captions are placed above
+%^^A% float objects; in the case of floats are placed in one row, inside the |floatrow|
+%^^A% environment, text of captions is aligned by the top lines.
+% задаёт специальный стиль для таблиц: табличные заголовки помещаются
+% сверху, если таблицы стоят рядом внутри окружения |floatrow|,
+% табличные заголовки выравниваются по верхней строке.%^^A
+%^^A% The |[table]| or the |[figure]| options are not the only options you are allowed to use.
+%^^A% The |\floatsetup| command allows usage of a number of special options for settings
+%^^A% for floats in different positioning: plain floats, two-column floats (in one-column layout
+%^^A% of the document, the starred environment like
+%^^A% |figure*| can be used for alternative float layout, e.g. for
+%^^A% wide floats, which expand to the margins) rotated floats, wrapped floats. There is also
+%^^A% minor support for floats with captions placed beside float objects.\medskip
+% Опции |[table]| или |[figure]| не единственные, которые можно использовать.
+% Команде |\floatsetup| можно задать специальные опции для настройки флотов
+% с~разными вариантами размещения: обычное,
+% для флотов вразрез двух колонок (в~одноколонной книге «звёздное» окружение
+% типа |figure*| можно использовать для альтернативной вёрстки,
+% например, широких рисунков, выходящих на поля) для флотов, развёрнутых
+% вертикально, флотов в~оборку и~др. Есть также поддержка, но неполная, настроек для
+% флотов с~подписью сбоку.\medskip
+%^^A% Below are lists of all possible options of the |\floatsetup| command.
+%^^A% They are based, as example, on the |figure| environment.
+%^^A% The ``strength'' of options in the lists below decreases
+%^^A% from the previous item to the next one.
+% Ниже приведены перечни всех возможных опций команды |\floatsetup|, которые, для примера,
+% берут за основу окружение |figure|.
+% «Сила» приведённых ниже в~перечнях опций убывает от предыдущего
+% пункта к~следующему:
+% \begin{itemize}\label{stsetorder}
+% \item
+%^^A% Wide or two-column floats (|figure*|):
+% Широкие флоты или флоты вразрез двух колонок (|figure*|):
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item
+%^^A% |\floatsetup[widefigure]|\label{setup:widefigure}---the ``strongest'' settings;
+%^^A% if they are absent, the settings from the next item will be used;
+% |\floatsetup[widefigure]|\label{setup:widefigure} "---самые «сильные» настройки;
+% если они отсутствуют,
+% пакет использует настройки из следующего пункта;
+% \item
+%^^A% |\floatsetup[widefloat]|\label{setup:widefloat}---these settings ``stronger''
+%^^A% than settings from next item (|\floatsetup[figure]|);
+%^^A% if they are absent, the settings from the next item will be used;
+% |\floatsetup[widefloat]|\label{setup:widefloat} "---эти настройки «сильнее» чем настройки
+% из следующего пункта (|\floatsetup[figure]|); если они отсутствуют, пакет
+% использует настройки из следующего пункта;
+% \item
+%^^A% |\floatsetup[figure]|;
+%^^A% if they are absent, package uses settings from
+%^^A% optional argument in |\usepackage| line or |\floatsetup{...}|
+%^^A% command; if they are absent---the default package settings will be used
+%^^A% (see page~\pageref{sec:default});
+% |\floatsetup[figure]|; если эти настройки отсутствуют, пакет
+% использует настройки,
+% заданные в~опции в~строке |\usepackage| или как |\floatsetup{...}|;
+% если и~эти установки отсутствуют "--- установки пакета
+% по умолчанию (см.~с.~\pageref{sec:default});
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item
+%^^A% Wrapped floats (|wrapfigure|, used with \package{wrapfig} package):
+% Флоты в~оборку (окружение
+% |wrapfigure| пакета \package{wrapfig}):
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt\parskip.5\parskip
+% \item |\floatsetup[wrapfigure]|\label{setup:wrapfigure};
+% \item |\floatsetup[wrapfloat]|\label{setup:wrapfloat};
+% \item |\floatsetup[figure]|;
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item
+%^^A% Rotated floats (|sidewaysfigure|,
+%^^A% used with \package{rotating} package):
+% Флоты развёрнутые вертикально (|sidewaysfigure|
+% пакета \package{rotating}):
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt\parskip.5\parskip
+% \item |\floatsetup[rotfigure]|\label{setup:rotfigure};
+% \item |\floatsetup[rotfloat]|\label{setup:rotfloat};
+% \item |\floatsetup[figure]|;
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item
+%^^A% Wide or two-column rotated floats
+% Развёрнутые флоты вразрез двух колонок (|sidewaysfigure*|):
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt\parskip.5\parskip
+% \item |\floatsetup[widerotfigure]|\label{setup:widerotfigure};
+% \item |\floatsetup[widerotfloat]|\label{setup:widerotfloat};
+% \item |\floatsetup[rotfigure]|;
+% \item |\floatsetup[rotfloat]|;
+% \item |\floatsetup[figure]|;
+% \end{itemize}
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. The settings
+%^^A% for wide float (|widefloat|, |widefigure|)
+%^^A% are skipped for rotated floats---use settings for |widerotfloat|
+%^^A% and---here---|widerotfigure|;
+% \emph{Замечание}. Настройки
+% для флотов на две колонки (или широких в~одноколонной вёрстке)
+% (|widefloat|, |widefigure|) не действуют на развёрнутые флоты "--- используйте
+% настройки для |widerotfloat| и "--- здесь
+% "--- |widerotfigure|;
+% \item
+%^^A% Beside floats:
+% Флоты расположенные рядом:
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt
+% \item |\floatsetup[floatrow]|\label{setup:floatrow};
+% \item |\floatsetup[figurerow]|\label{setup:figurerow};
+% \item
+%^^A% settings of outer environment from previous items, e.g.,
+%^^A% |sidewaysfigure*|, |sidewaysfigure|, |figure*| and |figure|.
+% настройки окружений перечисленных выше, куда помещён ряд, например,
+% |sidewaysfigure*|, |sidewaysfigure|, и~|figure*|.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item
+%^^A% Floats with beside captions (please note, that settings in these options are limited,
+%^^A% see next section):
+% Флоты с~подписями сбоку (здесь есть ограничения, см.~раздел ниже):
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt
+% \item |\floatsetup[capbesidefigure]|\label{setup:capbesidefigure};
+% \item |\floatsetup[capbesidefloat]|\label{setup:capbesidefloat};
+% \item
+%^^A% settings for the float row; settings of outer environment from previous items, e.g.,
+%^^A% |sidewaysfigure*|, |sidewaysfigure|, |figure*| and |figure|.
+% настройки ряда если рисунки в~окружении |floatrow|;
+% настройки окружений перечисленных выше, куда помещён флот, например,
+% |sidewaysfigure*|, |sidewaysfigure|, и~|figure*|.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{itemize}
+%^^A% \emph{Notes}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+% \emph{Замечания}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+%^^A% \Note You can also create and change special settings for captions of
+%^^A% necessary float types or subtypes, using
+%^^A% co-named \meta{float~type} options inside the |\captionsetup| command,
+%^^A% e.g., |\captionsetup[widefigure]{...}|.
+% \Note Вы можете создать специальные настройки для подрисуночных подписей типа
+% или подтипа флотов, используя
+% те же названия опций \meta{float~type} в~команде |\captionsetup|, например,
+% |\captionsetup|\allowbreak|[widefigure]{...}|.
+%^^A% \Note Please note that with |\RawFloats[...]| command and |rawfloats=| key
+%^^A% (\sectionname~\ref{sec:rawfloats}) you will cancel all layout
+%^^A% settings created as options in the |\usepackage| line or inside
+%^^A% the |\floatsetup| command for all chosen float types/subtypes.
+% \Note Обратите внимание, что с~командой |\RawFloats[...]| и~ключом |rawfloats=|
+% (\sectionname~\ref{sec:rawfloats})
+% отменяются настройки оформления созданные в~опции строки |\usepackage|
+% или внутри команды |\floatsetup| для всех выбранных типов и~подтипов флотов.
+%^^A% {\sloppy\Note The |floatrow| environment ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatrow})
+%^^A% and |\floatbox| commands (e.g. |\ffigbox|, |\ttabbox|, see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox})
+%^^A% still work after both |\RawFloats| (|\RawFloats[...]|) command and |rawfloats=| key (see example width
+%^^A% figure~\ref{leftfig:raw} and table~\ref{righttab:raw})\label{FAD:MixedRow}.
+% \Note Окружение |floatrow| ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatrow})
+% и~команды базирующиеся на |\floatbox| (например, |\ffigbox|, |\ttabbox|,
+% см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox})
+% всё равно работают после задания команды |\RawFloats[...]|
+% и~ключа |rawfloats=| (см.~пример с~рис.~\ref{leftfig:raw}
+% и~табл.~\ref{righttab:raw})\label{FAD:MixedRowA}.
+%^^A% Also note that\startNotes\def\theNote{\asbuk{Note}}\Note
+%^^A% inside |\|\FRkey{floatbox} commands still can work layout settings
+%^^A% of the package, written in |\usepackage| line and inside |\floatsetup{...}| command,
+%^^A% and settings for main types of floats like |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figure]{...}|
+%^^A% or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[table]{...}|; \Note for the figures inside |\fcapside|
+%^^A% command and similar ones (with the |\|\FRkey{capbeside} command
+%^^A% inside the |\floatbox|'s \meta{preamble} option) the settings |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefloat]{...}|
+%^^A% and |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefigure]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidetable]{...}|
+%^^A% work; \Note inside the \FRkey{floatrow} environment the settings \floatsetup|\allowbreak|[floatrow]{...}|
+%^^A% and |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figurerow]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[tablerow]{...}| are added
+%^^A% to the settings for |\floatbox|'es inside;
+%^^A% \Note also you may use |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup} settings in the case of usage of |\floatbox| commands.
+% Кроме этого\startNotes\def\theNote{\asbuk{Note}}\Note внутри команд |\|\FRkey{floatbox} продолжают
+% действовать настройки, записанные в~строке |\usepackage| или внутри
+% |\floatsetup{...}|, и~настройки для главных типов флотов,
+% |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figure]{...}| или |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[table]{...}|;
+% \Note при использовании команды |\fcapside| и~подобных ей (с~|\capbeside| в~опции\meta{preamble}
+% команды |\floatbox|) работают |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefloat]{...}|
+% |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefigure]{...}| или |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidetable]{...}|;
+% \Note внутри окружения |floatrow| к~настройкам команд |\floatbox|
+% добавляются настройки |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[floatrow]{...}|
+% |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figurerow]{...}| или |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[tablerow]{...}|.
+%^^A% The settings for all other layout subtypes
+%^^A% (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}) will be canceled.\par}
+% Настройки для остальных подтипов флотов (см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup})
+% не работают.
+%^^A% The next few sections describe keys of |\floatsetup| macro.
+% Разделы ниже описывают ключи, используемые командой |\floatsetup|.
+%^^A% \subsection{Floatsetup Keys}\label{sec:floatkeys}
+% \subsection{Ключи Floatsetup}\label{sec:floatkeys}
+%^^A% \FRorisubsubsection{Float Style}
+% \FRorisubsubsection{Стиль плавающего объекта}
+% \DescribeMacro{style}\label{setup:style}%^^A
+%^^A% The \emph{float style} could include settings of the justification (in particular) of float contents;
+%^^A% margins (in particular the alignment of float boxes); separation material between objects and captions
+%^^A% and between float boxes in a~row (mainly spaces); frames or lines and other options.
+% Ключ \emph{float style} включает выключку (в~частности) содержимого объекта;
+% поля (в~частности выравнивание боксов флотов); разделительный материал между объектами и~подписями
+% и~между флотами, стоящими в~ряду (чаще всего это отбивки);
+% рамки или линейки и~некоторые другие опции.
+%^^A% The \emph{float style} is specified by following way:
+% Опция \emph{float style} задаётся следующим образом:
+% \begin{Options}{style=float style name }
+% \item[style=\rmfamily\mdseries\meta{float style name}\ ,\quad]
+%^^A% the name of the \meta{float style name} option you may take from
+%^^A% table~\ref{tab:floatlayouts}.
+% где \meta{float style name} вы можете взять из табл.~\ref{tab:floatlayouts}.
+% \item[...]
+%^^A% You may create your own options with the \\|\DeclareFloatStyle| command,
+%^^A% see page~\pageref{ssec:declstyle}.
+% Вы можете создать свои опции с~помощью команды \\|\DeclareFloatStyle|,
+% см.~с.~\pageref{ssec:declstyle}.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% As you may see in the table~\ref{tab:floatlayouts}, the \package{floatrow} package
+%^^A% includes all float styles
+%^^A% which emulate co-named ones from the \package{float} package.
+% Как вы видите, в~табл.~\ref{tab:floatlayouts} в~пакет \package{floatrow} включены все стили, эмулирующие
+% соответствующие стили из пакета~\package{float}.
+%^^A% Please note, that usage of |style=| key for floats with beside captions,
+%^^A% i.e.~using |\floatsetup| settings with options like, e.g.,
+%^^A% |[capbesidefigure]| or |[capbesidefloat]| can destroy layout for this float subtype.
+%^^A% For example that key cancels settings for beside position of caption.
+%^^A% If you really need to create the alternative
+%^^A% layout for floats with beside captions, for example to print float objects in frames,
+%^^A% using the |Boxed| style:\startNotes\Note if you are creating
+%^^A% one-column document, revise your settings
+%^^A% which were used for float creation, maybe you didn't use the settings for
+%^^A% starred floating environments, like |figure*|, so you can load necessary settings for
+%^^A% floats with beside caption inside |\floatsetup[widefigure]{...}|, and then
+%^^A% use |figure*| environment for floats with beside captions; \Note
+%^^A% if you can't follow advice of the previous item, you may use a bit risky
+%^^A% variant with usage of |\killfloatstyle| command,
+%^^A% see {\sectionname}~\ref{page:killfloatstyle}.\bigskip
+% Обратите внимание, что использование ключа |style=| для флотов с~подписями сбоку, т.\,е.
+% использование настроек |\floatsetup| с~опциями типа
+% |[capbesidefigure]| или |[capbesidefloat]| могут разрушить установки для этого подтипа флотов.
+% Например этот ключ отменяет настройки для размещения подписи сбоку.
+% Если вам действительно нужно создать альтернативное оформление для флотов с~подписью сбоку,
+% к~примеру поместить объекты флотов в~рамки, используя стиль |Boxed|:\startNotes\Note
+% если ваш документ верстается в~одну колонку, проверьте, какие настройки
+% у~вас используются, возможно вы не используете настроек для «звёздных» флотов, например
+% |figure*|, следовательно, вы можете задать необходимые настройки для флотов с~подписью
+% сбоку внутри настроек |\floatsetup[widefigure]{...}|, а~затем
+% использовать окружение |figure*| для всех таких флотов; \Note
+% если вы не можете последовать совету предыдущего пункта, вы можете использовать несколько
+% рискованный вариант с~использованием команды |\killfloatstyle|,
+% см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{page:killfloatstyle}.\bigskip
+%^^A% The \package{caption} package uses its own settings and names for caption layout styles.
+%^^A% The caption's |ruled| style is the only one from \package{float}
+%^^A% package, which was predefined in \package{caption} package. (The |ruled| style
+%^^A% is used by the \package{floatrow} package as well as other \package{float} package's
+%^^A% styles.) To use caption settings of the |ruled| style, you may write
+% Пакет \package{caption} использует собственные настройки и~названия для стилей подписей.
+% Стиль для подписи, |ruled|, единственный из пакета \package{float},
+% который также предопределён в~пакете \package{caption}. (Стиль |ruled| задаётся
+% среди прочих стилей пакета \package{float}.) Для использования настроек подписей этого стиля,
+% запишите, например
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\captionsetup[figure]{style=ruled}|\quad .
+% \end{quote}
+% \begingroup
+% \extrarowheight1pt\jot5pt\tabcolsep.9\tabcolsep
+% \newlengthtocommand\settowidth\Icolumn{\small\texttt{wshadowbox\,}}
+% \newlengthtocommand\settowidth\IIcolumn{\small|framestyle=wshadowbox|}
+% \newlengthtocommand\setlength\IIIcolumn{\textwidth-\Icolumn-\IIcolumn
+% -6\tabcolsep}
+% \newcommand\leftcell[2][16.5mm]{%^^A%
+% \hspace*{-\tabcolsep}\begin{tabular}[t]{>{%
+% \noindent
+% \vphantom{\small()\mpfootnotemark[1]}}
+% p{\hsize}}
+% #2\unskip\botstrut\end{tabular}\hspace*{-\tabcolsep}%
+% }
+%^^A% \def\LongtableHead{
+%^^A% \hfil\thead{Style} &
+%^^A% \hfil\thead{\cmd{\floatsetup} keys} &
+%^^A% \hfil\thead{Description}
+%^^A% }
+% \def\LongtableHead{
+% \hfil\thead{Стиль} &
+% \hfil\thead{Ключи \cmd{\floatsetup}} &
+% \hfil\thead{Описание}
+% }
+% \begin{longtable}{|>{\extrarowheight0pt\def\arraystretch{.75}\ttfamily}p{\Icolumn}
+% |>{\extrarowheight0pt\def\arraystretch{.75}\ttfamily}p{\IIcolumn}
+% |>{\parindent1em\topstrut}p{\IIIcolumn}<{\botstrut}|}
+%^^A% \caption{Float layout styles}\label{tab:floatlayouts}\\
+% \caption{Стили плавающих объектов}\label{tab:floatlayouts}\\
+% \hline
+% \LongtableHead \\ \hline\noalign{\vskip-.4pt}
+% \endfirsthead
+% \captionsetup{labelformat=continued}\caption[]{}\\
+% \hline
+% \LongtableHead \\ \hline\noalign{\vskip-.4pt}
+% \endhead
+% \captionsetup{labelformat=finished}\caption[]{}\\
+% \hline
+% \LongtableHead \\ \hline\noalign{\vskip-.4pt}
+% \endlasthead
+% \hline\noalign{\vskip-.4pt}
+%^^A% \multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\emph{Continued on next page}}
+% \multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\emph{продолжение на следующей странице}}
+% \endfoot
+% \hline\noalign{\vskip-.4pt}
+%^^A% \multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\emph{Finished on next page}}
+% \multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\emph{окончание на следующей странице}}
+% \endprelastfoot
+% \endlastfoot
+% \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Определено в пакете \package{floatrow}}\\
+% \hline \leftcell{|plain|\label{setup:plain}{\mpfootnotemark[1]\mpfootnotemark[2]\mpfootnotemark[3]}}
+% & \leftcell{\meta{none}}
+% &Стиль |plain| создаёт стандартное оформление \LaTeX'а. Подрисуночные подписи всегда снизу
+% \\\hline
+% \leftcell{\topstrut plaintop{\mpfootnotemark[1]}\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut capposition=top\botstrut}
+% &Стиль |plaintop| \cdash---то же что и~стиль |plain| но помещает подпись сверху "---
+% аналог стиля из пакета
+% \package{float}.\\ \cline{1-2}
+% %^^A
+% \leftcell{\topstrut Plaintop\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut capposition=TOP\botstrut}
+% & Стиль с~прописной, |Plaintop|,
+% выравнивает подписи у~флотов рядом (в~окр.~|floatrow|) по верхней строке
+% (см.~пример на~с.~\pageref{tab:row:tabIII})
+% \\\hline
+% \leftcell{\topstrut ruled\label{setup:ruled}\mpfootnotemark[1]\mpfootnotemark[3]\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut capposition=top,\\ precode=thickrule,\\
+% midcode=rule,\\ postcode=lowrule,\\
+% heightadjust=all\botstrut}
+% &Первый стиль, |ruled|, повторяет оформление одноимённого стиля из пакета \package{float}.
+% Он создаёт толстую линию
+% над флотом, и~тонкие линии между подписью и~объектом и~снизу бокса флота
+% отделённые от содержимого 2-пунктовыми отбивками (см.~пример на~с.~\pageref{leftfig:ruled}).\\ \cline{1-2}
+% %^^A
+% \leftcell{\topstrut Ruled\smash{\mpfootnotemark[2]}\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut style=ruled,\\ capposition=TOP\botstrut}
+% &Стиль с~прописной, |Ruled|, выравнивает подписи флотов, в~случае размещения их
+% рядом (в~окружении |floatrow|),
+% по верхней строке (см.~пример на~с.~\pageref{leftfig:Ruled})
+% \\\hline
+% \leftcell{\topstrut boxed\mpfootnotemark[1]\mpfootnotemark[2]\mpfootnotemark[3]\mpfootnotemark[4]\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{captionskip=2pt,\\framestyle=fbox,\\
+% heightadjust=object,\\framearound=object\botstrut}
+% &Первый, |boxed|, повторяет стиль пакета \package{float}:
+% \emph{ширина объекта} равна |\textwidth|, предварительно заданной \cmd{\hsize} или
+% предопределённой ширине заданной внутри команды |\floatbox|;
+% рамка выступает за края бокса (см.~пример на~с.~\pageref{fig:setup:boxed}). Расстояние от текста до рамки
+% и~толщина рамки определяются параметрами \cmd{\fboxsep} и~\cmd{\fboxrule}
+% (значения параметров по умолчанию равны \texttt{3\,pt} и~\texttt{.4\,pt} соответственно).\\ \cline{1-2}
+% %^^A
+% \leftcell{\topstrut|Boxed|\label{setup:Boxed}\mpfootnotemark[2]\mpfootnotemark[3]\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut style=boxed,\\ framefit=yes\botstrut}
+% & В~стиле с~прописной буквы, |Boxed|, \emph{ширина рамки} совпадает
+% с~\cmd{\textwidth}, предварительно заданной \cmd{\hsize} или заданной шириной в~опции команды |\floatbox|;
+% ширина объекта при этом уменьшается,
+% чтобы поместиться внутри рамки (см.~пример на~с.~\pageref{fig:setup:Boxed}).\\ \cline{1-2}
+% %^^A
+% \leftcell{\topstrut|BOXED|\smash{\mpfootnotemark[2]}\mpfootnotemark[3]\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut framestyle=fbox,\\ framefit=yes,\\
+% heightadjust=all,\\ framearound=all\botstrut}
+% & Прописная форма, |BOXED|, создаёт рамку
+% которая равна \cmd{\textwidth}, предварительно заданной \cmd{\hsize} или заданной шириной в~опции команды
+% |\floatbox| уже вокруг всех элементов бокса флота: подписи, объекта и~возможных экспликаций
+% (см.~пример на~с.~\pageref{BOXED:heightmod})
+% \\\hline
+% \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Определено в пакете \package{fr-fancy}.
+% Эти стили также требуют пакет \package{fancybox}.}\cr\noalign{\nobreak\hrule\nobreak}
+% \leftcell{|shadowbox|\smash{\mpfootnotemark[4]}
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|Shadowbox|
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|SHADOWBOX|}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{style=boxed,\\framestyle=shadowbox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=Boxed,\\framestyle=shadowbox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=BOXED,\\framestyle=shadowbox}
+% &То же, что и |boxed|, |Boxed| и |BOXED|
+% соответственно. Рамка \cmd{\fbox} заменена на \cmd{\shadowbox}
+% из пакета \package{fancybox} (см.~пример на~с.~\pageref{fig:subfig:catsI}).
+% Помимо \cmd{\fboxsep} и~\cmd{\fboxrule}, здесь ещё задаётся параметр
+% \cmd{\shadowsize} \cdash--- ширина тени (по умолчанию равна 4\,pt).
+% \\\hline
+% \leftcell{|doublebox|\smash{\mpfootnotemark[4]}
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|Doublebox|\\
+% \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|DOUBLEBOX|}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{style=boxed,\\ framestyle=doublebox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=Boxed,\\ framestyle=doublebox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=BOXED,\\ framestyle=doublebox}
+% &То же, что и |boxed|, |Boxed| и |BOXED|
+% соответственно. Рамка \cmd{\fbox} заменена на \cmd{\doublebox}
+% из пакета \package{fancybox} (см.~пример на~с.~\pageref{fig:parpic:BcatII}).
+% Рамка определяется параметрами \cmd{\fboxsep} и~\cmd{\fboxrule}
+% \\\hline\noalign{\penalty-1000}
+% \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Дополнительный стиль. Он также требует пакет
+% \package{fancybox}.}\cr\noalign{\nobreak\hrule\nobreak}
+% \leftcell{|wshadowbox|\smash{\mpfootnotemark[4]}
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|Wshadowbox|
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|WSHADOWBOX|}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{style=boxed,\\framestyle=wshadowbox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=Boxed,\\framestyle=wshadowbox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=BOXED,\\framestyle=wshadowbox}
+% &То же, что и~|boxed|, |Boxed| и~|BOXED|
+% соответственно. Рамка \cmd{\fbox} заменена на \cmd{\wshadowbox},
+% похожую на \cmd{\shadowbox} (но создаёт белую тень, или
+% края «второй копии») из пакета \package{fancybox} (см.~пример на~с.~{fig:floatflt:WcatI}), для задания
+% рамки используются те же параметры, что и~в~стиле |wshadowbox|
+% \\\hline
+%^^A% {\floatfoot*{When there is set float style with frame around object is
+%^^A% fitted to the box width (like |Boxed|, etc.), and
+%^^A% \cmd{\floatbox} macro uses \cmd{\FBwidth} command as \meta{width}
+%^^A% option, which sets box width equal to float object's width, the width of all float other elements
+%^^A% in this case enlarged to get width of framed object
+%^^A% (see figure~\ref{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed} on the page~\pageref{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed}).\vspace{-3pt}\par
+%^^A% \rule{1in}{.4pt}\vspace{2pt}\parindent15pt
+% \noalign{\floatfoot*{Если задан стиль флота, где ширина рамки вокруг объекта, равна ширине
+% основного текста или предопределённой ширине (как |Boxed|, etc.),
+% и~в~опции \meta{width} макрокоманды \cmd{\floatbox} определена команда
+% \cmd{\FBwidth}, устанавливающая ширину всех элементов флота равной
+% ширине объекта, ширина остальных элементов
+% флота в~этом случае увеличивается, до ширины равной обведённому рамкой объекту
+% (см.~рис.~\ref{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed} на с.~\pageref{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed}).\vspace{-3pt}\par
+% \rule{1in}{.4pt}\vspace{2pt}\parindent15pt
+%^^A% \mpfootnotemark[1]{The styles co-named and analogous to \package{float} package style.}
+%^^A% \mpfootnotemark[2]{This style used in the sample file \file{frsmaple01.tex}}
+%^^A% \mpfootnotemark[3]{This style used in the sample file \file{frsmaple02.tex}}
+%^^A% \mpfootnotemark[4]{During usage of these styles in
+%^^A% |floatrow| environment you ought to enlarge
+%^^A% space between floats, using key |floatrowsep|.}
+% \mpfootnotemark[1]{Стили аналогичны предложенным пакетом \package{float}.}
+% \mpfootnotemark[2]{Этот стиль используется в~файле образцов \file{frsmaple01.tex}}
+% \mpfootnotemark[3]{Этот стиль используется в~файле образцов \file{frsmaple02.tex}}
+% \mpfootnotemark[4]{При использовании этих стилей в~окружении |floatrow|
+% вам необходимо увеличить расстояние между флотами (переопределив
+% ключ \texttt{floatrowsep}).}}}
+% \end{longtable}
+% \endgroup
+%^^A%\pagebreak[4]%^^A%protect clubs
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Font settings}\label{setup:start}
+% \subsubsection{Настройки шрифта}\label{setup:start}
+% \DescribeMacro{font=}\label{setup:font}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines font for float object contents. Option
+%^^A% analogous to |font=| key in |\captionsetup| stuff.\nopagebreak
+% Определяет шрифт для содержимого плавающего объекта. Опции аналогичны
+% ключу |font=|
+% в~команде |\captionsetup|.\nopagebreak
+%^^A% Available font setting options:
+% Существующие уже опции настройки шрифта:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[scriptsize] {\scriptsize очень маленький размер}
+% \item[footnotesize] {\footnotesize для сносок; \textit{используется в~сносках и~экспликациях}}
+% \item[small] {\small маленький размер; \textit{используется в~объектах флотов}}
+% \item[normalsize] {\normalsize нормальный размер}
+% \item[large] {\large большой размер}
+% \item[Large] {\Large б\'ольший размер}
+% \item[up] {\upshape прямое начертание}
+% \item[it] {\itshape курсивное начертание}
+% \item[sl] {\slshape наклонное начертание}
+% \item[sc] {\scshape капитель}
+% \item[md] {\mdseries нормальная насыщенность}
+% \item[bf] {\bfseries полужирный шрифт}
+% \item[rm] {\rmfamily романский шрифт или шрифт с~засечками}
+% \item[sf] {\sffamily рубленый шрифт}
+% \item[tt] {\ttfamily шрифт пишущей машинки}
+%^^A% \item[...]
+%^^A% You may create your own options with the |\DeclareFloatFont| command,
+%^^A% see page~\pageref{ssec:declfont}.
+% \item[...]
+% Вы можете создать свои собственные определения с~помощью команды~|\DeclareFloatFont|,
+% см.~с.~\pageref{ssec:declfont}.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% You may set font for float object like
+% Вы можете определить шрифт для объекта как
+% \begin{quote}
+% |font=small|
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% (which is used in current documentation), or
+% (что используется в~данной документации) или
+% \begin{quote}
+% |font={small,sf}|\quad .
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% If you need to color text of your float object, you may use the mechanism,
+%^^A% created by the version \textbf{3.1} of the \package{caption} package:
+% Если вам нужно раскрасить текст объекта вашего флота, то можно воспользоваться
+% механизмом, созданным в~версии \textbf{3.1} пакета \package{caption}:
+% \begin{quote}
+% |font={small,color={blue}}|\quad .
+% \end{quote}
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{footfont}\label{setup:footfont}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines font for legends or explications (defined by the |\floatfoot| command,
+%^^A% see~\textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{subsec:floatfoot}). This macro
+%^^A% uses |\captionsetup| mechanism (because |\floatfoot| macro
+%^^A% uses \package{caption} package's mechanism and utilities). By default the font size
+%^^A% of float foot text equals to footnote text: |footfont=footnotesize|.
+% Определяет шрифт для экспликаций (дополнительных описаний к~флоту,
+% задаваемые командой |\floatfoot|,
+% см.~\textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{subsec:floatfoot}).
+% Эта команда использует настройки, заданные командой |\captionsetup| (определение команды
+% |\floatfoot| базируется на утилитах из пакета \package{caption}).
+% По умолчанию шрифт для экспликаций аналогичен
+% шрифту сносок: |footfont=footnotesize|.
+%^^A% \paragraph{Font Settings for longtable.}
+% \paragraph{Настройки шрифта для окружения longtable. }
+%^^A% If you use \package{caption} package, version 3.0\textbf{q}
+%^^A% the font settings, loaded in |\floatsetup|
+%^^A% in |longtable| environment, could expand to captions.
+%^^A% In this case, when you write something like
+% Если вы используете версию пакета \package{caption} 3.0\textbf{q},
+% то установки шрифта, заданные в~команде~|\floatsetup|
+% в~окружении |longtable| могут распространяться и~на подписи
+% В~этом случае, когда вы задаёте, что-то типа
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup{font={sf,scriptsize,it}...|
+% \end{Quote}
+% или
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup[longtable]{font={sf,scriptsize,it}...|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% for floats (or for [long]tables only, option [longtable] of |\floatsetup|), you ought to restore
+%^^A% correct font size, family, shape (here) and series for caption contents and write:
+% для объектов (или только в~опции [longtable] команды~|\floatsetup|),
+% нужно вернуть нужные
+% размер, семейство, начертание (в~данном случае) и~насыщенность шрифта, хотя бы так:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup{font={rm,small,up}...|
+% \end{Quote}
+% или
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[longtable]{font={rm,small,up}...|
+% \end{Quote}
+% Версия \textbf{3.1} пакета \package{caption} это исправляет.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Position of Caption}
+% \subsubsection{Размещение подписей}
+% \DescribeMacro{capposition}\label{setup:capposition}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines position of captions. It is similar to |position=|
+%^^A% key in \package{caption} package, but it has two additional
+%^^A% options:\startNotes\Note|TOP|%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Caption above\\ table object}{FAD:CaptionAboveTableII}, if you prefer to align captions
+%^^A% above objects, in the case of beside floats (in |floatrow|
+%^^A% environment), by the top line; \Note|beside| to put caption
+%^^A% beside object (this option could be more popular in settings
+%^^A% for one environment, see about |\thisfloatsetup| on the
+%^^A% page~\pageref{thisfloatsetup}):
+% Определяет расположение подписей. Ключ похож
+% на ключ |position=| пакета \package{caption}, но он имеет
+% две дополнительные опции:\startNotes\Note|TOP|,%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Подпись над таблицей}{FAD:CaptionAboveTableII}
+% если вы хотите выровнять подписи,
+% расположенные сверху объектов, расположенных в~одном ряду
+% (окружение |floatrow|),
+% по верхней строке\pagebreak[2]; \Note|beside| для размещения подписи
+% сбоку от объекта (эта опция
+% может быть более популярна для настроек отдельного окружения флота, см. о~команде
+% |\thisfloatsetup| на~с.~\pageref{thisfloatsetup}):\vspace*{\topsep}
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+%^^A% \item[top] caption above object;
+% \item[top] подписи сверху объекта;
+%^^A% \item[TOP] caption above object and also aligned by top line in float
+%^^A% row.
+%^^A% For example the |Plaintop| style is the variant of
+%^^A% |plaintop| where used |capposition=TOP| settings,
+%^^A% see tables~\ref{tab:row:tabIII:CAPTOP}--\ref{tab:row:tabIV:CAPTOP};
+% \item[TOP] подписи сверху объекта и~при размещении флотов рядом
+% (|floatrow|) они выравниваются
+% по верху.
+% Так, стиль |Plaintop| \cdash--- вариант стиля |plaintop|
+% где определена |capposition=TOP|,
+% см. табл.~\ref{tab:row:tabIII:CAPTOP}--\ref{tab:row:tabIV:CAPTOP};
+%^^A% \item[bottom] caption below object;
+% \item[bottom] подпись снизу объекта;
+%^^A% \item[beside] caption beside object.%^^A
+% \item[beside] подпись сбоку объекта.%^^A
+%^^A%^^A% \FRmpar{Beside caption and float object}{FAD:BesideCaptionII}
+% %^^A\FRmpar{Подпись сбоку}{FAD:BesideCaptionII}
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% \emph{Floatrow note}. The |auto| option does not used by the
+%^^A% |capposition=| key.
+% \emph{Замечание \textsf{floatrow}}. Опция |auto| не используется ключом
+% |capposition=|.
+%^^A% Compare two examples:
+% Сравните два примера:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup[table]{|\FRkey{style}%^^A
+% |=plain,capposition=top}%|${}\equiv|style=plaintop|$
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begingroup\clearfloatsetup{tablerow}
+% \floatsetup[table]{style=plain,capposition=top}
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep
+% \extrarowheight1pt
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption[Таблица~I с длинным заголовком]%^^A
+% {Таблица~I в~ряду с~длинным, длинным, очень длинным, длиннющим заголовком}\label{tab:row:tabIII:captop}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Left Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Таблица~II в ряду}\label{tab:row:tabIV:captop}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{\thead{Column Head}}
+% & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-4}
+% & \thead{I} & \thead{II} & \thead{III} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 & \phantom01 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 & \phantom06 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 & 28 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{table}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% \allowpostlistbreaks[-4]\begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup[table]{|\FRkey{style}|=plain,capposition=TOP}%|${}\equiv|style=Plaintop|$
+% \end{Quote}\allowpostlistbreaks
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begingroup
+% \floatsetup[table]{style=plain,capposition=TOP}
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep
+% \extrarowheight1pt
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption[Таблица~I с длинным заголовком, выровненным по верху]%^^A
+% {Таблица~I в~ряду с~длинным, длинным, длинным заголовком,
+% выровненным по верхней строке}\label{tab:row:tabIII:CAPTOP}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Left Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Таблица~II в ряду с заголовком, выровненным по верху}\label{tab:row:tabIV:CAPTOP}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Data} \\
+% \cline{2-4}
+% & \thead{I} & \thead{II} & \thead{III} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 & \phantom01 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 & \phantom06 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 & 28 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{table}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. The option |TOP| uses |\label|---|\ref|
+%^^A% mechanism, so, to get necessary result with it, you need to run \LaTeX{}
+%^^A% twice (when you make changes in contents which could change number
+%^^A% of lines, you get correct result also on the second run).
+% \emph{Замечание}. Опция |TOP| использует механизм |\label|---|\ref|,
+% поэтому нужный результат получится после второй обработки \LaTeX'а
+% (изменения, которые изменили количество строк также требуют
+% двойной обработки).
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Position of Beside Caption}
+% \subsubsection{Расположение подписи сбоку}
+% \DescribeMacro{capbesideposition}\label{setup:capbesideposition}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines position of beside captions: vertical and horizontal.
+%^^A% For horizontal position there are defined four options:
+% Определяет вертикальное и~горизонтальное расположение подписи сбоку.
+% Для горизонтального расположения определены следующие четыре опции:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[left]
+%^^A% caption is printed to the left side of object (the default option, see example above);
+% подпись помещается с~левой стороны от объекта (опция по умолчанию, см.~пример выше);\allowitembreaks[-4]
+% \item[right]
+%^^A% caption is printed to the right side of object;
+% подпись помещается с~правой стороны от объекта;\allowitembreaks
+% \item[inside]
+%^^A% caption is printed in binding side of page if |twoside| option
+%^^A% switched on in document class and key \FRkey{facing}|=yes| is used;
+%^^A% in |oneside| option of document (and key |facing=no| is used),
+%^^A% caption is printed at the left side;
+% подпись помещается со стороны корешкового поля, если включена опция |twoside|\nopagebreak{}
+% в~классе документа и~используется ключ \FRkey{facing}|=yes|; если включена
+% опция |oneside| (или используется ключ \FRkey{facing}|=no|), подпись печатается слева;
+% \item[outside]
+%^^A% least popular option: caption printed in
+%^^A% outer side of page if |twoside| option switched on
+%^^A% in document class and key |facing=yes| is used;
+%^^A% in |oneside| option of document (or key |facing=no| is used),
+%^^A% caption is printed at the right side; this option makes sense for the document with usage of
+%^^A% outer margins.
+% менее популярная опция: подпись помещается со стороны внешнего поля,
+% если опция документа |twoside| включена и~используется ключ \FRkey{facing}|=yes|;
+% если включена опция |oneside| (или используется ключ \FRkey{facing}|=no|),
+% подпись печатается справа; эта опция имеет смысл при использовании
+% макета с~внешними полями.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% For vertical position there are defined three options
+% Для вертикального расположения определены три опции
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\samepage
+% \item[top]
+%^^A% caption aligned to the top of object;
+% подпись выравнивается по верху объекта;
+% \item[bottom]
+%^^A% caption aligned to the bottom of object;
+% подпись выравнивается по низу объекта;
+% \item[center]
+%^^A% caption aligned to the center of float contents.
+% подпись и объект выравниваются по средней линии.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% You may define position of beside caption by following:
+% Вы можете определить расположение подписи рядом следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |capbesideposition={top,outside}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup[widefigure]{|\FRkey{margins}|=hangleft,capposition=beside,|\\%^^A
+% | capbesideposition={top,left},|\FRkey{floatwidth}|=\textwidth}|\nopagebreak
+% \end{preamble}\vskip2ex
+% |\begin{figure*}|
+% | \includegraphics{BlackDog}|
+% | \caption{...}\label{...}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure*}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \floatsetup[widefigure]{capposition=beside,capbesideposition={top,left},floatwidth=\textwidth}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]
+% \setlength\unitlength{2.12\unitlength}\input{BlackDog.picture}%^^A
+% \caption[Широкий рисунок с~настройками ширины бокса \texttt{floatwidth=}\cmd{\textwidth};
+% подпись сбоку слева (на полях)
+% выравнена по верху графики]{Широкий рисунок с~настройками ширины бокса
+% \texttt{floatwidth=}\cmd{\textwidth}; подпись сбоку слева (на полях)
+% выравнена по верху графики}%
+% \label{fig:capbeside}
+% \end{figure*}%
+% \endgroup
+%^^A% See examples in file \file{frsample02.tex} with all variants of
+%^^A% position of beside captions.
+% См.~примеры в~файле \file{frsample02.tex} со всеми возможными вариантами
+% размещения подписей сбоку.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining width of Beside Caption}
+% \subsubsection{Задание ширины для подписи сбоку}
+% \DescribeMacro{capbesidewidth}\label{setup:capbesidewidth}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines width of beside caption (this option could be more preferable
+%^^A% in settings for one environment, see about |\thisfloatsetup| on the
+%^^A% page~\pageref{thisfloatsetup}). You may set:
+% Определяет ширину подписи сбоку. Эта опция более предпочтительна для
+% отдельного окружения, см.~о~команде |\thisfloatsetup| на
+% с.~\pageref{thisfloatsetup}. Можно задать:\vspace*{\topsep}
+% \begin{quote}
+% |capbesidewidth=4cm|\quad.
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% (see figure~\ref{capbesideframeI}). If you'll write |capbesidewidth=none| or
+%^^A% |capbesidewidth=sidefil| (this is default key setting), the
+%^^A% width of caption will be calculated by usual way, accordingly
+%^^A% to float width (i.e. occupies the rest width of float box, see
+%^^A% figure~\ref{fig:beside:mouse} on the page~\pageref{fig:beside:FBwidth}).
+% (см.~рис.~\ref{capbesideframeI}). Если вы зададите |capbesidewidth=none| или
+% |capbesidewidth=sidefil|
+% (настройка по умолчанию), ширина подписи будет рассчитана
+% относительно ширины объекта (т.\,е. займёт остальное пространство
+% в~боксе, см.~рис.~\ref{intro:beside:FBwidth} на с.~\pageref{intro:beside:FBwidth}).
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining Width of Object}\label{sec:wd:object}
+% \subsubsection{Определение ширины объекта}\label{sec:wd:object}
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{floatwidth}\label{setup:floatwidth}%^^A
+%^^A% It is used for redefinition of width of objects.
+%^^A% This key, similar to |\capbesidewidth=|:
+% Используется для переопределения ширины объектов, содержимого флотов.
+% Этот ключ используется так же, как и~|\capbesidewidth=|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |floatwidth=.35\hsize|
+% \end{Quote}
+% или
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |floatwidth=7cm|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% It could be used at first for settings of one floating environment
+%^^A% (see page~\pageref{thisfloatsetup} about settings for current floating environment
+%^^A% and |\thisfloatsetup|). Such settings anyway may be used for example for wide floats
+%^^A% with the object width equal to main text width (|floatwidth=\textwidth|) and
+%^^A% beside caption placed on the margins (see figure~\ref{color:frame}).
+%^^A% \pagebreak[1]
+% Он в~первую очередь предназначен для настроек одного окружения
+% (см.~о~настройках для конкретного окружения флота и~о~команде |\thisfloatsetup|
+% на~с.~\pageref{thisfloatsetup}). но такие настройки можно использовать и~для общих
+% настроек, например, задать |floatwidth=\textwidth| для широких флотов, а~подпись
+% разместить сбоку на полях (см. рис.~\ref{color:frame}).
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}\openup-.5pt
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{|\FRkey{margins}|=raggedright}|\nopagebreak
+% \end{preamble}\vskip2ex
+% |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |[figure]{floatwidth=.35\hsize}|\nopagebreak
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% | \includegraphics[width=\hsize]{Bear}|\nopagebreak
+% | \caption{...}\label{...}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \floatsetup[figure]{margins=raggedright}
+% \thisfloatsetup{floatwidth=.35\hsize}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \setlength\unitlength{\hsize/100}\input{Bear.picture}%^^A
+% \caption[Рисунок с~настройками ширины бокса \texttt{floatwidth=0.35}\cmd{\hsize},
+% подпись снизу]{Рисунок с~настройками ширины бокса \texttt{floatwidth=0.35}\cmd{\hsize}}%
+% \label{fig:floatwidth}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \endgroup
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |{floatwidth=.35\hsize,|\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=sidefil,|\nopagebreak
+% | |\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|\FRkey{capbesideposition}|=right}|
+% \end{Quote}\vskip-.5\lastskip%
+% \thisfloatsetup{floatwidth=.35\hsize,capbesidewidth=sidefil,
+% capposition=beside,capbesideposition=right}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \setlength\unitlength{\hsize/100}\input{Bear.picture}%^^A
+% \caption[Рисунок с~настройками ширины бокса \texttt{floatwidth=0.35}\cmd{\hsize},
+% подпись сбоку]{Подпись сбоку рисунка с~настройками ширины бокса
+% \texttt{floatwidth=0.35}\cmd{\hsize}}%^^A
+% \label{fig:bear}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \endgroup
+%^^A% (These examples you can write also using box commands with the width option: |\ffigbox[.35\hsize]|
+%^^A% and |\fcapside[.35\hsize]| consequently.)
+% (Оба этих примера можно переписать, используя соответственно команды боксов
+% |\ffigbox[.35\hsize]| и~|\fcapside[.35\hsize]|.)
+%^^A% If you use option |floatwidth=sidefil| for objects with beside
+%^^A% captions (in the case of key |capbesidewidth=|, uses absolute
+%^^A% value, like |capbesidewidth=4cm|) the box with object contents (instead of caption's)
+%^^A% occupies the rest space of float box (see
+%^^A% figure~\ref{capbesideframeI} on the page~\pageref{capbesideframeI} and appendix,
+%^^A% figure~\ref{fig:capbeside:trick} on the
+%^^A% page~\pageref{fig:capbeside:trick}).
+% Если вы используете опцию |floatwidth=sidefil| для флотов с~подписью
+% сбоку (в~случае если в~|capbesidewidth=|,
+% задано абсолютное значение
+% ширины, например, \texttt{capbesidewidth=4cm}) содержимому объекта (вместо подписи)
+% будет отведено остальное пространство в~боксе (см. также рис.~\ref{capbesideframeI}
+% на~с.~\pageref{capbesideframeI} и~приложение, рис.~\ref{fig:capbeside:trick} на
+% с.~\pageref{fig:capbeside:trick})
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Other Settings for Beside Captions}
+% \subsubsection{Другие установки для подписей сбоку}
+% \medskip\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{capbesideframe}\label{setup:capbesideframe}%^^A
+%^^A% This boolean key declares whether the beside caption stays near the framed object
+%^^A% (|capbesideframe=yes|) in this case caption lines will be aligned by top
+%^^A% or bottom of frame; otherwise caption lines will be aligned with top or
+%^^A% bottom of framed object's \emph{contents} (|capbesideframe=no|).
+% Этот ключ (работает как булев параметр) декларирует, размещена ли подпись рядом
+% с~объектом, заключённым в~рамку (|capbesideframe=yes|): в~этом случае
+% строки подписи будут выравниваться по верху или низу рамки;
+% в~противном случае со строками
+% подписи будут выровнены верх или низ
+% \emph{содержимого} объекта (|capbesideframe=no|).
+% \newcommand\TEXTBOX[1][]{\par
+% Here goes first line of text \Text\par
+% There goes second line of text#1\par
+% Thence goes third line of text \Text\par
+% Hence goes fourth line of text}
+% \def\Text{{\mdseries and more text and some more text and a bit more text and
+% a little more text to fill space}}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}\nopagebreak
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxsep8pt},|
+% | |\FRkey{objectset}|=justified,|
+% | capbesideposition={right,top},capbesideframe=yes}|
+% |\captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{...,strut=no}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |{|\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|
+% | |\FRkey{floatwidth}|=sidefil,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=4cm}|
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\fcapside|
+% | {...}|
+% | {\caption{...}\label{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}\pagebreak[2]%
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Boxed,frameset={\fboxsep8pt},capbesideframe=yes,objectset=justified,
+% capbesideposition={right,top},footnoterule=limited}
+% \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{strut=no}
+% \thisfloatsetup{capposition=beside,floatwidth=sidefil,capbesidewidth=4cm}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% {\caption{Подпись сбоку объекта в~рамке, выровнена по верху рамки}%%^^A
+% \label{capbesideframeI}}%
+% \end{figure}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}\nopagebreak
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{...,capbesideframe=no,...}|
+% |...|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |{|\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|
+% | |\FRkey{floatwidth}|=9cm,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=sidefil}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \floatsetup[figure]{capbesideframe=no}
+% \thisfloatsetup{capposition=beside,floatwidth=9cm,capbesidewidth=sidefil}
+% \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{strut=no}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% {\caption{Подпись сбоку объекта в~рамке, выровнена по верху содержимого объекта}%
+% \label{row:text:I}}%
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% \emph{Floatrow note.} For examples above the |\captionsetup{strut=no}| sentence also was used,
+%^^A% which cancels struts at the beginning and end of caption (|\strut|: the rules with height
+%^^A% and depth, which are set accordingly to current |\baselineskip|).
+% \noindent\emph{Замечание \textsf{floatrow}}.
+% Для примеров выше также был задан специальный ключ |\captionsetup|\allowbreak
+% |[capbesidefigure]|\allowbreak|{strut=no}|, который
+% отменяет «распорки» вначале и~в~конце подрисуночной подписи (|\strut|: специальные невидимые линейки,
+% высота и~глубина которых изменяется в~зависимости от заданного в~данный момент интерлиньяжа,
+% |\baselineskip|).
+% \penalty-5000
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining Float Foot Position (Legends and Footnotes)}%
+% \subsubsection{Определение расположения экспликаций и~сносок}
+% \label{sec:footposition}
+% \DescribeMacro{footposition}\label{setup:footposition}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines position of |\footnote|'s and |\floatfoot|'s in float box
+%^^A% with above/below captions.
+%^^A% (See examples in file \file{frsample01.tex}.)
+% Определяет расположение содержимого команд |\footnote| и~|\floatfoot| внутри
+% бокса плавающего объекта с~подписями сверху/снизу. (См. примеры в~файле~\file{frsample01.tex}.)
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% \item[default]
+%^^A% if caption above float object foot material is placed below float
+%^^A% object otherwise---below caption;
+% если подпись сверху, экспликации и~сноски помещаются под объектом;
+% в~противном случае "--- под подписью;
+% \item[caption]
+%^^A% always placed below caption;
+% всегда помещаются под подписью;
+% \item[bottom]
+%^^A% always placed at the bottom of float box.
+% всегда помещаются внизу бокса.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% In the case of caption
+%^^A% beside float object, footnotes and foot text are always placed below
+%^^A% caption.
+% В~случае подписи стоящей сбоку,
+% сноски и~экспликации всегда помещаются под подписью.
+%^^A% The next example shows the usage of the |caption| option of this key:
+% Следующий пример демонстрирует использование опции |caption|:
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% | ...|\nopagebreak
+% | \caption{...}\label{...}%|
+% | \floatfoot{...}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \unitlength\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}
+% \caption{Рисунок в~стиле \texttt{ruled} с~экспликацией, помещённой сразу под содержимым подписи}%
+% \label{ruled:footposition}%
+% \floatfoot{На рисунке изображение очень симпатичной мордочки очень забавной и~очень пушистой
+% рыжей кошки. У~кошки жёлтые глаза, большие уши, маленький розовый носик и~толстые белые усы}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Vertical Alignment of Float Elements}\label{sec:heightadjust}
+% \subsubsection{Вертикальное выравнивание элементов флота}\label{sec:heightadjust}
+% \DescribeMacro{heightadjust}\label{setup:heightadjust}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines whether the common maximum height of objects
+%^^A% or/and captions in the |floatrow| environment will be used for building of float row.
+%^^A% It has following options\par
+% Определяет будет ли использоваться в~ряду (|floatrow|) максимальная
+% высота объекта
+% и/или подписи в~качестве общей. Ключ имеет следующие опции
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\samepage
+% \item[all]
+%^^A% adjust both caption and object heights (e.g. for styles
+%^^A% |ruled|, |Ruled| and |BOXED|);
+% выровнять высоты объектов и подписей по максимальной
+% высоте (например, используется стилями |ruled|, |Ruled| и~|BOXED|);
+% \item[caption]
+%^^A% adjust caption heights (e.g. for |Plaintop| style);
+% выровнять высоты подписей по максимальной высоте
+% (используется стилем |Plaintop|);
+% \item[object]
+%^^A% adjust object heights (e.g. for |Boxed| style);
+% выровнять высоты объектов по максимальной высоте
+% (используется стилем |Boxed|);
+% \item[none]
+%^^A% nothing to be adjusted (the |plain| style);
+% никакие высоты не изменяются (используется стилем |plain|);
+% \item[nocaption]
+%^^A% no adjusting for captions;
+% высоты подписей не изменяются;
+% \item[noobject]
+%^^A% no adjusting for objects;
+% высоты объектов не изменяются;\vspace*{-.5\baselineskip}
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% You may define height adjustment even as followed:
+% Вы можете определить, как делать общие высоты, даже так:
+% \begin{quote}
+% |heightadjust={caption,noobject}|\quad.
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% The following two examples show |ruled| and |Ruled| style.
+%^^A% Both styles use |heightadjust=all| key option, but first style
+%^^A% uses |capposition=top|, and second one---|capposition=TOP|.
+% Два следующих примера демонстрируют стили |ruled| и~|Ruled|.
+% Оба стиля используют ключ |heightadjust=all|, но первый стиль
+% использует |capposition=top|, а~второй \cdash--- |capposition=TOP|.
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}
+% | {...}{\caption{Рисунок ...}\label{...}}%|
+% | \ffigbox|
+% | {\caption{Рисунок справа ...}\label{...}}{...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% \captionsetup{strut=yes}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{style=ruled}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox
+% {\unitlength.8\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок в~стиле \texttt{ruled}}%
+% \label{leftfig:ruled}}%
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Рисунок справа в~ряду также использует настройки стиля \texttt{ruled}\protect\vphantom y}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:ruled}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% |...|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% \captionsetup{strut=yes}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{style=Ruled}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox
+% {\unitlength.8\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок в~стиле \texttt{Ruled}}%
+% \label{leftfig:Ruled}}%
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Рисунок справа в~ряду также использует настройки стиля \texttt{Ruled}\protect\vphantom y}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:Ruled}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}\pagebreak[1]
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{valign}\label{setup:valign}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines vertical alignment of
+%^^A% float objects in |floatrow| if |heightadjust=all| or
+%^^A% |heightadjust=object| keys were used, or |\floatbox| stuff uses \meta{height}
+%^^A% argument with value, which differs from the height of object.
+%^^A% The options of this key are analogous to vertical
+%^^A% alignment option in |minipage| environment and |\parbox|
+%^^A% command. Default option is |c| (centered vertical alignment).
+% Определяет вертикальное выравнивание объектов в~ряду
+% (|floatrow|) если заданы ключи |heightadjust=all| или
+% |heightadjust=object| или в~командах |\floatbox| используется
+% аргумент \meta{height}
+% с~величиной б\'ольшей высоты объекта. Опции этого ключа аналогичны
+% опции вертикального
+% выравнивания в~окружении |minipage| и~команде |\parbox|.
+% Опция по умолчанию: |c|
+% (центрированное вертикальное выравнивание).
+% \begin{Options}{cc}\samepage
+% \item[t]
+%^^A% aligns objects by top line;
+% выравнивает объекты по верхней линии;
+% \item[c]
+%^^A% aligns objects by center line (this is default for all float styles which
+%^^A% use |heightadjust=object| or |heightadjust=all| settings, see examples above);
+% выравнивает объекты по средней линии (опция по умолчанию для всех стилей,
+% которые используют ключи |heightadjust=object| или |heightadjust=all|, см.~примеры выше);
+% \item[b]
+%^^A% aligns objects by bottom line;
+% выравнивает объекты по нижней линии;
+% \item[s]
+%^^A% stretches objects by full height (if it is possible).
+% растягивает объекты на всю высоту (если возможно).\vspace*{-.5\baselineskip}
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% Next example (figure~\ref{BOXED:heightmod}) shows default vertical centered alignment
+%^^A% for figure with changed height (remember that empty \meta{width} option means |\hsize|).
+% Следующий пример (рис.~\ref{BOXED:heightmod}) демонстрирует вертикальную центральную
+% выключку по умолчанию для рисунка с~изменённой
+% высотой (напомним, что пустая опция \meta{width} означает |\hsize|).
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[][\|\FRkey[FB]{FBheight}|+2cm]|\nopagebreak
+% |...|
+% |\end{figure}|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{style=BOXED}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox[][\FBheight+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.95\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок внутри \cmd{\ffigbox} использует опцию \meta{height}, центрируется вертикально}%
+% \label{BOXED:heightmod}}%
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% The example with figures \ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned}
+%^^A% and \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned} shows |BOXED| style, which
+%^^A% uses |heightadjust=all| settings already, and
+%^^A% also the |valign=t| option was added.
+% Пример с~рисунками \ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned}
+% и~\ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned} демонстрируют стиль |BOXED|,
+% который уже использует |heightadjust=all|,
+% здесь также задана настройка |valign=t|.
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|+2cm]|
+% | {...}|
+% | {\caption{Левый ...}\label{...}}%|
+%| |
+% | \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm][2\FBheight]|
+% | {\caption{Рисунок ...}\label{...}}|
+% | {...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{style=BOXED,valign=t}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Левый рисунок в~ряду использует вертикальное выравнивание по \hbox{верху}}%^^A
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm][2\FBheight]
+% {\caption{Рисунок справа тоже использует вертикальное выравнивание по \hbox{верху}}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% Please look at the \meta{height} and \meta{width} options of |\ffigbox|
+%^^A% commands of the figure~\ref{BOXED:heightmod}
+%^^A% and beside figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned} consequently:
+%^^A% you may set the height and widths in this way with \package{calc} package.
+%^^A% Right figure in the row has double height in the \meta{height} argument of |\ffigbox|.
+% Посмотрите на задание ширины и~высоты в~опциях \meta{height} и~\meta{width} команды |\ffigbox|
+% в~рисунке~\ref{BOXED:heightmod}
+% и~в~двух рисунках~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned} соответственно:
+% такое задание ширины можно использовать при загруженном пакете \package{calc}.
+% У~правого рисунка в~ряду задана двойная высота в~аргументе \meta{height} команды |\ffigbox|.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Facing Layout}
+% \subsubsection{Оформление для разворотов}
+% \DescribeMacro{facing}\label{setup:facing}%^^A
+%^^A% This key defines whether facing layout is used
+%^^A% for floats, if it is switched on, key options, which create different layout for even and odd pages
+%^^A% are switched on. This key works if |twoside| option is switched on inside the
+%^^A% document class line.
+% Этот ключ определяет будет ли использоваться оформление флотов
+% для разворотов (различное, обычно зеркальное
+% оформление чётных и нечётных полос) если он включён, опции ключей, которые создают различный
+% макет для чётных и~нечётных полос будут также включены.
+% Этот ключ работает, если включена опция |twoside| в~классе документа.
+%^^A% The most popular usage of |facing| key is printing of
+%^^A% beside captions to the inner sides of pages with option
+%^^A% |capbesideposition=inside| (the opposite option is |capbesideposition=outside|)
+%^^A% works together with switched |facing=yes| key.
+% Наиболее популярное использование ключа |facing| \cdash---
+% размещение подрисуночных подписей сбоку к~корешку с~помощью
+% опции |capbesideposition=inside| (а~также |capbesideposition=outside|)
+% которая работает вместе с~ключом |facing=yes|.
+%^^A% The figures~\ref{intro:beside} and~\ref{intro:beside:FBwidth} with beside captions
+%^^A% in the Introduction illustrate these options---%^^A
+%^^A% |facing=yes,|\allowbreak|capbesideposition=inside|.
+% Рисунки~\ref{intro:beside} и~\ref{intro:beside:FBwidth} с~подписями сбоку
+% во введении иллюстрируют опции \cdash---
+% \texttt{facing=yes,\allowbreak capbesideposition=inside}.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Object Settings}
+% \subsubsection{Настройки для содержимого объекта}\label{sec:set:object}
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{objectset}\DescribeMacro{justification}\label{setup:objectset}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines justification of float object
+%^^A% (float contents). Predefined options are similar to
+%^^A% |justification=| key in |\captionsetup|.
+% Определяет выключку содержимого объекта.
+% Предопределённые опции те же, что и~для ключа
+% |justification=| команды |\captionsetup|.
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[justified]
+%^^A% Blocks (in the case of a~picture or text in parbox)
+%^^A% moved to the left, the text aligned as a normal paragraph (without indentation).
+% Блоки (рисунки или текст в~боксе) сдвигаются влево,
+% текст объекта печатается как обычный абзац, но без отступа.
+% \item[centering]
+%^^A% Blocks centered, each line of the object text will be centered. (This is the default.)
+% Блоки и строки текста объекта центрируются. (Задано по умолчанию.)
+% \item[raggedright]
+%^^A% Blocks moved to the left, each line of the text shoved to the left margin.
+% Блоки и строки текста объекта выключаются влево.
+% \item[RaggedRight]
+%^^A% As in previous item, each line of the text shoved to the
+%^^A% left margin, too.
+%^^A% But this time the command |\RaggedRight| of the \package{ragged2e} package
+%^^A% will be used to achieve this. This difference is that this time
+%^^A% the word breaking algorithm of \TeX\ will work inside the text.
+% Как и~в~предыдущем пункте, блоки и строки текста объекта также выключаются влево.
+% Но в~этом случае используется команда |\RaggedRight| пакета \package{ragged2e}.
+% Разница состоит в~том, что задействован алгоритм переносов внутри текста
+% как в plain~\TeX'е.
+% \item[raggedleft]
+%^^A% Blocks moved to the right,
+%^^A% each line of the text shoved to the right margin.
+% Блоки и строки выключаются вправо.
+%^^A% \item[RaggedLeft]
+%^^A%^^A% Analogous to |RaggedRight|.
+%^^A% Аналогична |RaggedRight|.
+% \item[...]
+%^^A% You may also create your own settings with the |\DeclareObjectSet| command (see
+%^^A% page~\pageref{ssec:decl:rule})
+% Вы можете задать свои собственные настройки с~помощью команды~|\DeclareObjectSet|
+% (см.~с.~\pageref{ssec:decl:rule})
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining Float Margins}
+% \subsubsection{Поля вокруг флотов}\label{sec:set:box}
+% \DescribeMacro{margins}\label{setup:margins}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines margins (skips, rules or other margin material) of alone float boxes with
+%^^A% captions above/below, of float boxes with beside captions, and of
+%^^A% |floatrow| environments. It has following three predefined
+%^^A% options:
+% Определяет поля (отбивки, линейки или другой материал) для отдельных флотов с~подписями сверху/снизу,
+% для отдельных флотов с~подписями сбоку, и~для окружения
+% |floatrow|. Ключ уже имеет три предопределённые опции:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[centering]
+%^^A% float box centered;
+% бокс флота (ряд флотов) центрируется;
+% \item[raggedright]
+%^^A% float box flushed to the left (see figure~\ref{fig:floatwidth});
+% бокс флота (ряд флотов) выключается влево (см.~рис.~\ref{fig:floatwidth});
+% \item[raggedleft]
+%^^A% float box flushed to the right;
+% бокс флота (ряд флотов) выключается вправо;
+% \item[hangleft]
+%^^A% usually for wide floats: left edge of float boxes hangs to the margin space (there are used
+%^^A% |\marginparwidth| and |\marginparsep| values; the |\leftskip| and |\rightskip| settings are
+%^^A% added, which have been taken from the |objectset=| key);
+% возможный вариант для звёздного окружения, используемого для широких флотов:
+% левый край боксов флотов выступает на поле (для этого используются
+% значения |\marginparwidth| и~|\marginparsep|; добавляются значения |\leftskip| и~|\rightskip|
+% из настроек ключа |objectset=|);
+% \item[hangright]
+%^^A% analogous to previous, right edge of floats boxes hangs to the margin space;
+% аналогична предыдущей, правый край боксов флотов выступает на поле;
+% \item[hanginside]
+%^^A% analogous to previous, but in this option hangs inner edge for facing/twoside layout,
+%^^A% or left margin for one side layout;
+% аналогична предыдущей, но в~этой опции край флотов выступает в~корешковое поле, если
+% макет документа двусторонний, или в~левое поле при одностороннем макете;
+% \item[hangoutside]
+%^^A% analogous to previous, but in this option hangs outer edge for facing/twoside layout,
+%^^A% or right margin for one side layout;
+% аналогична предыдущей, но в~этой опции край флотов выступает во внешнее поле, если
+% макет документа двусторонний, или в~правое поле при одностороннем макете;
+% \item[...]
+%^^A% You may create your own alignment settings with the \\|\DeclareMarginSet| command, see
+%^^A% page~\pageref{ssec:decl:marg}.
+% Вы можете задать специальное выравнивание с~помощью команды~|\DeclareMarginSet|
+% (см.~с.~\pageref{ssec:decl:marg}).
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining Float Separators}\label{sec:set:sep}
+% \subsubsection{Определение разделителей}\label{sec:set:sep}
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{floatrowsep}\label{setup:floatrowsep}%^^A
+%^^A% Sets separation material between beside float boxes in one row
+%^^A% inside |floatrow| environment (see page~\pageref{sec:floatrow}).
+% Задаёт разделительный материал между плавающими объектами в~одном ряду,
+% внутри окружения |floatrow| (см.~с.~\pageref{sec:floatrow}).
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{capbesidesep}\label{setup:capbesidesep}%^^A
+%^^A% Sets separation material between object and beside caption (see page~\pageref{intro:beside}).
+% Задаёт разделительный материал между объектом и~подписью сбоку (см.~с.~\pageref{intro:beside}).
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% Both key settings work similarly to |labelsep=| key
+%^^A% from |\captionsetup|.
+% Настройки обоих ключей работают аналогично настройкам ключа |labelsep=|
+% в команде |\captionsetup|.
+%^^A% They use following predefined options:
+% Они используют следующие предопределённые опции:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[columnsep]
+%^^A% horizontal skip${}={}$|\columnsep| (default for both keys);
+% горизонтальная отбивка${}={}$|\columnsep| (межколонник при двух-
+% и~многоколонном наборе, опция по умолчанию для обоих ключей);
+% \item[quad]
+%^^A% horizontal skip${}={}1$\,em;
+% горизонтальная отбивка${}={}1$\,em (одна кегельная);
+% \item[qquad]
+%^^A% horizontal skip${}={}2$\,em;
+% горизонтальная отбивка${}={}2$\,em (две кегельные);
+% \item[hfil]
+%^^A% horizontal skip${}={}1$\,fil (like |\hfil|);
+% горизонтальная отбивка${}={}1$\,fil (то же, что и~|\hfil|);
+% \item[hfill]
+%^^A% horizontal skip${}={}1$\,fill (like |\hfill|);
+% горизонтальная отбивка${}={}1$\,fill (то же, что и~|\hfill|);
+% \item[none]
+%^^A% empty separator.
+% пустой разделитель;
+% \item[...]
+%^^A% You may also create your own settings with the\\ |\DeclareFloatSeparators| command (see
+%^^A% page~\pageref{setup:DeclareFloatSeparators})
+% вы можете задать свои собственные установки с~помощью команды |\DeclareFloatSeparators|
+% (см.~с.~\pageref{setup:DeclareFloatSeparators})
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% This documentation uses settings |floatrowsep=qquad| for separation of
+%^^A% beside floats and\allowbreak\ |capbesidesep=quad|
+%^^A% for floats with beside captions.
+% Данная документация использует настройки |floatrowsep=qquad,| для флотов рядом и~|capbesidesep=quad|
+% для флотов с~подписью сбоку.
+%^^A% The figure \ref{fig:plain:trick} uses tricky float style, which shows you layout, where
+%^^A% the |capbesidewidth=| key with absolute value appears very useful.
+% Рисунок \ref{fig:plain:trick} использует хитроумный вариант
+% оформления где ключ, определяющий ширину подписи сбоку |capbesidewidth=|
+% как абсолютное значение, оказывается очень полезным.
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=plain,|\FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|\FRkey{margins}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=6cc,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=mcapwidth,|\FRkey{floatwidth}|=sidefil}|\smallskip
+%| justification=raggedright}|
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{fcapside}\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+%^^A% In this style all figures with beside captions centered accordingly to
+%^^A% full text \verb|\hsize|, because of the separator between float object and
+%^^A% caption has negative value of caption width.
+%^^A% Usage of such float layout supposes that all
+%^^A% float objects with beside captions are narrower than |\hsize| (|\textwidth|) by at least 2~caption
+%^^A% widths. Please note the |\FCwidth| command in the definition of |mcapwidth|
+%^^A% key---later you may change the width of beside caption (loading e.g.
+%^^A% |\thisfloatsetup|\allowbreak|{capbesidewidth=8cc}| settings), and, in spite of the value
+%^^A% the separator also will be changed, picture will be anyway
+%^^A% centered accordingly to full \verb|\hsize|.
+% В~этом случае все рисунки с~подписями сбоку будут центрированы
+% относительно \verb|\hsize|, поскольку разделитель между объектом и~подписью сбоку
+% задан в~виде отрицательного значения ширины подписи (см.~с.~\pageref{setup:DeclareFloatSeparators}).
+% Использование такого оформления флота предполагает что все объекты флота \'уже чем
+% |\textwidth| или заданного значения \verb|\hsize| (|\textwidth|), как минимум на 2~ширины подписи.
+% Обратите внимание, что в~опции |mcapwidth| используется команда |\FCwidth| \cdash---
+% в~документе вы можете изменить ширину подписи сбоку (задав, например, настройки
+% |\thisfloatsetup||{capbesidewidth=8cc}| перед нужным окружением), рисунок всё равно отцентрируется
+% относительно всей ширины \verb|\hsize|.
+% \begingroup
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}\floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=plain,objectset=centering,
+% floatwidth=\columnwidth,capbesidewidth=6cc,
+% capbesideposition=left,capbesidesep=mcapwidth,
+% margins=centering,floatwidth=sidefil}
+% \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,
+% justification=raggedright}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside{}{\unitlength1.28\unitlength
+% \input{Doll.picture}
+% \caption[Рисунок с~подписью сбоку; ширина подписи (\texttt{=6cc}) «скрыта»,
+% рисунок центрируется на всю ширину]{%^^A
+% Просто рисунок}\label{fig:plain:trick}}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \endgroup
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining Float Rules/Skips}\label{sec:set:rule}
+% \subsubsection{Определение вертикальных отбивок или линеек}\label{sec:set:rule}
+% \DescribeMacro{precode}\label{setup:precode}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code above float box (see page~\pageref{intro:leftfig:box}).
+% Определяет отбивку, линейку или аналогичный материал сверху флота
+% (см.~с.~\pageref{intro:leftfig:box}).
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{rowprecode}\label{setup:rowprecode}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code above alone float box,
+%^^A% or, in the case of beside floats inside |floatrow| environment,
+%^^A% above float row (see page~\pageref{intro:leftfig:row} and~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}).
+% Определяет отбивку, линейку или аналогичный материал
+% сверху отдельного флота или сверху ряда флотов в~окружении |floatrow|
+% (см.~с.~\pageref{intro:leftfig:row} и~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}).
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{midcode}\label{setup:midcode}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code between
+%^^A% caption above/below and float object.
+% Определяет отбивку, линейку или аналогичный материал
+% между подписью сверху/снизу и~объектом.
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{postcode}\label{setup:postcode}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code below float box (see page~\pageref{intro:leftfig:box}).
+% Определяет отбивку, линейку или аналогичный материал снизу флота
+% (см.~с.~\pageref{intro:leftfig:row} и~\pageref{intro:leftfig:box}).
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{rowpostcode}\label{setup:rowpostcode}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code below alone float box, or,
+%^^A% in the case of beside floats inside |floatrow| environment,
+%^^A% below float row (see page~\pageref{intro:leftfig:row} and~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}).
+% Определяет отбивку, линейку или аналогичный материал снизу
+% отдельного флота или
+% снизу ряда флотов в~окружении |floatrow| (см.~с.~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}).
+%^^A% For all these keys there are predefined following options (settings
+%^^A% were taken from styles created in \package{float} package):
+% Для всех этих ключей предопределены следующие опции (настройки
+% взяты из стилей, созданных пакетом \package{float}):
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\makeatletter\@itempenalty10000\makeatother
+% \item[none]
+%^^A% absent code (the default option for |precode=|, |rowprecode=|, |postcode=| and |rowpostcode=|
+%^^A% keys); in |plain|, |plaintop|, |boxed|, and similar styles;
+% отбивка отсутствует (является опцией по умолчанию для ключей |precode|, |rowprecode|,
+% |postcode| и~|rowpostcode|) в~стилях |plain|, |plaintop|, |boxed| и~т.\,п.;
+% \item[thickrule]
+%^^A% thick rule (.8pt) with 2pt vertical skip below---rule above float box
+%^^A% in |ruled| and |Ruled| styles which is used there by
+%^^A% |precode=| key (see figures~\ref{leftfig:ruled}--\ref{rightfig:Ruled});
+% толстая линия (.8pt) с~отбивкой снизу в~2pt \cdash--- верхняя линейка
+% над флотом в~стилях |ruled| и~|Ruled|, используется
+% ключом |precode=|;
+% \item[rule]
+%^^A% rule of default thickness (.4pt), with 2pt vertical skips above and below---middle rule
+%^^A% in |ruled| and |Ruled| styles is printed between object and caption, and
+%^^A% used there by |midcode=| key;
+% линейка обычной толщины (.4pt), с~отбивками сверху и~снизу
+% в~2pt \cdash--- средняя линейка в~стиле |ruled| и~|Ruled|, печатается между
+% объектом и~подписью и~используется ключом |midcode=|;
+% \item[lowrule]
+%^^A% rule of default thickness (.4pt), with 2pt vertical skip above---rule below float box
+%^^A% in |ruled| and |Ruled| styles, used there by
+%^^A% |postcode=| key;
+% линейка обычной толщины (.4pt), с~отбивкой сверху
+% в~2pt "--- нижняя линейка в~стиле |ruled| используется ключом |postcode=|;
+% \item[captionskip]
+%^^A% vertical skip which uses the value, defined in |captionskip=| key; the default option for
+%^^A% |midcode=| key: this option is used
+%^^A% in |plain|, |plaintop|, |boxed|, and similar styles.
+% опция использует вертикальную отбивку, задаваемую ключом |captionskip=|, и~в~свою очередь
+% используется стилями |plain|, |plaintop|, |boxed| и~др. (является опцией по умолчанию
+% для ключа |midcode=|).
+% \item[...]
+%^^A% You may create your own options with the |\DeclareFloatVCode| command,
+%^^A% see page~\pageref{ssec:decl:rule}.
+% Вы можете задать свои установки с~помощью команды~\\|\DeclareFloatVCode|,
+% см.~с.~\pageref{ssec:decl:rule}.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% The |rowprecode| and~|rowpostcode| keys, in the case of unfilled row
+%^^A% may occupy the whole width of the predefined size or get the natural width,
+%^^A% depending to the defined settings of row contents (see description of the
+%^^A% \FRkey{rowfill} key, page~\pageref{setup:rowfill}).
+% В~зависимости от настроек ключи |rowprecode=| и~|rowpostcode=|, если флоты занимают не всю ширину ряда,
+% могут принять натуральную ширину неполного ряда или растянуться на весь формат (см. описание
+% ключа \FRkey{rowpfill} на с.~\pageref{setup:rowfill}).
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining Float Frames}
+% \subsubsection{Задание рамок для флотов}
+% \DescribeMacro{framestyle}\label{setup:framestyle}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines type of frame; the
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} package offers only one type of frame:
+% Определяет тип рамки; пакет
+% \package{floatrow} предлагает только следующие виды рамок:
+% \RestoreSpaces\begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[fbox]
+%^^A% standard frame;
+% стандартная рамка.
+% \item[colorbox]
+%^^A% colored frame, needs also \package{color} package;
+%^^A% if not defined, the |\fbox| command is used instead.
+% цветная рамка, для неё нужен пакет \package{color};
+% если эта рамка не определена, используется обычная |\fbox|;
+% \item[FRcolorbox]\label{setup:FRcolorbox}%
+%^^A% colored frame which allow to set additional material attached to its corners,
+%^^A% needs also \package{color} package;
+%^^A% if not defined, there is used |\fbox|;
+% цветная рамка, позволяющая задать линейки или другой материал, привязанный к~её углам;
+% если эта рамка не определена, используется обычная |\fbox|;
+% \item[corners]\label{setup:corners}%
+%^^A% the same as previous but without |\colorbox|---it puts the corner material only,
+%^^A% (current option doesn't need the frame definition);
+%^^A% needs also \package{color} package (in current version).
+% аналогична предыдущей но не создаёт цветной рамки |\colorbox| \cdash---
+% помещается только материал, заданный по углам
+% (в~данной опции определения рамки не требуется);
+% для этой опции всё равно необходим пакет \package{color}.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% There are options for additional frames, offered by \package{fr-fancy}
+%^^A% package, installed with |floatrow|:
+% Далее идут опции для задания дополнительных вариантов рамок,
+% предлагаемых пакетом \package{fr-fancy},
+% который инсталлируется вместе с~\package{floatrow}:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[doublebox]
+%^^A% double frame, needs also \package{fancybox} package;
+% двойная рамка, для неё нужен пакет \package{fancybox};
+% \item[shadowbox]
+%^^A% frame with shadow, needs also \package{fancybox} package;
+% рамка с~тенью, для неё нужен пакет \package{fancybox};
+% \item[wshadowbox]
+%^^A% modified |shadowbox| frame (frame with ``white shadow''),
+%^^A% needs also \package{fancybox} package;
+% изменённая рамка |shadowbox| (с~«белой тенью»),
+% для неё нужен пакет \package{fancybox};
+% \end{Options}
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{frameset}\label{setup:frameset}%^^A
+%^^A% The parameters for chosen frame; there are no options
+%^^A% for this key, just write something like:
+% Параметры выбранной рамки; для этого ключа нет предопределённых опций,
+% он определяется следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep12pt}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% The default settings for frame building with the
+%^^A% |\fbox| command:
+% По умолчанию используются стандартные значения для построения рамки с~помощью команды
+% |\fbox|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\fboxrule=.4pt \fboxsep=3pt|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{framearound}\label{setup:framearound}%^^A
+%^^A% Declares element of float box to be framed:
+% Задаёт элемент флота, вокруг которого нужно создать рамку:
+% \RestoreSpaces\begin{Options}{RaggedRigh}
+% \item[object]
+%^^A% float object contents;
+% только содержимое объекта;
+% \item[all]
+%^^A% full float box including object, caption, and any foot text.
+% весь бокс флота, включая объект, подпись, сноски/экспликации;
+% \item[row]
+%^^A% float row of beside floats, or alone float;
+% весь ряд флотов, или отдельно стоящий флот;
+% \item[none]
+%^^A% nothing.
+% нет рамки.
+% \end{Options}
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{framefit}\label{setup:framefit}%^^A
+%^^A% Boolean which sets whether the \textit{frame width} will
+%^^A% be equal to current |\hsize|, predefined width or value of \meta{width} option of
+%^^A% float box (|framefit=yes|), in this case object size reduced (see
+%^^A% figures~\ref{fig:setup:Boxed} and~\ref{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed});
+%^^A% or the frame climbs out in the left and
+%^^A% right sides, and \textit{width of object} has current
+%^^A% |\hsize|, predefined width or value of \meta{width} option of
+%^^A% float box (|framefit=no|, see figure~\ref{fig:setup:boxed}).
+% Переключатель (булев параметр) определяет,
+% нужно ли \emph{ширину рамки} делать равной ширине
+% текста, предопределённой ширине |\hsize| или значению \meta{width} заданному в~командах
+% |\floatbox| (|framefit=yes|),
+% ширина бокса для объекта в~этом случае
+% уменьшается, (см.~рис.~\ref{fig:setup:Boxed});
+% или рамка выступает в~обе стороны и
+% в~этом случае \emph{ширина объекта} будет равна ширине
+% текста, предопределённой ширине |\hsize| или значению \meta{width} заданному в~командах
+% |\floatbox| (|framefit=no|, см.~рис.~\ref{fig:setup:boxed}).
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}\openup-.5pt
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{framestyle=fbox,|\nopagebreak
+% | framearound=object,frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep14pt},|
+% | framefit=yes}%|$\approx|style=Boxed|$
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[5cm]|
+% | {...}{\caption{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}\pagebreak[3]
+% \floatsetup[figure]{framestyle=fbox,
+% framearound=object,frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep14pt},framefit=yes}%^^A$\equiv|style=Boxed|$
+% \begin{figure}[H]%
+% \ffigbox[5cm]
+% {\unitlength1.2\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}{\caption[Ширина рамки равна ширине бокса]{Ширина рамки равна
+% ширине бокса (здесь: ширине подрисуночной подписи)}\label{fig:setup:Boxed}}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \floatsetup[figure]{framestyle=fbox,heightadjust=object,
+% framearound=object,frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep14pt},framefit=no}%%^^A$\equiv|style=boxed|$
+% \begin{Quote}\openup-.5pt
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{...,framefit=no}%|$\approx|style=boxed|$
+% |\begin{figure}|%
+% |\ffigbox[5cm]|
+% | {...}{\caption{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \begin{figure}[H]%
+% \ffigbox[5cm]
+% {\unitlength1.2\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}{\caption[Рамка вокруг графики выступает за края]{Рамка вокруг содержимого
+% объекта выступает за края бокса \hbox{флота}}\label{fig:setup:boxed}}
+% \end{figure}%
+%^^A% Next follows an example with |framefit=yes| key in the case of |[\|\FRkey{FBwidth}|]|
+%^^A% option of |\ffigbox|
+%^^A% command. In this case the width of float box (here: the width of caption) expanded to the
+%^^A% width of framed object.
+% Следующим идёт пример с~ключом |framefit=yes|, а~в~команде |\ffigbox| задана опция |[\|\FRkey{FBwidth}|]|.
+% В~этом случае ширина бокса флота увеличивается до размера объекта в~рамке.
+% \begin{Quote}\openup-.5pt
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{...,framefit=yes}%|$\approx|style=Boxed|$
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|]|
+% | {...}{\caption{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{framestyle=fbox,heightadjust=object,
+% framearound=object,frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep14pt},framefit=yes}%^^A$\equiv|style=Boxed|$
+% \begin{figure}[H]%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength1.2\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}{\caption[Объект в~рамке имеет натуральную ширину;
+% у~остальных элементов бокса (здесь: подписи) ширина увеличена до размера
+% объекта в~рамке]{Объект в~рамке имеет натуральную ширину;
+% у~подписи ширина увеличена}\label{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed}}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \endgroup
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{rowfill}\label{setup:rowfill}%^^A
+%^^A% Boolean key which in the case of |true| the material above and below float
+%^^A% row (the |rowprecode=| and |rowpostcode=| keys) or row frames (|framearound=row| option)
+%^^A% will be expanded to full predefined width, otherwise the rule or frame material will
+%^^A% have natural width of beside float boxes. Default value is |false|.
+% Булев параметр, при значении |true| материал (линейки) сверху и~снизу всего
+% ряда (ключи |rowprecode=| и~|rowpostcode=|) или рамки (опция |framearound=row|) растянутся
+% на полную ширину, в~противном случае линейки или рамки примут натуральную ширину
+% окружённого ими ряда флотов. (Нерастянутый ряд выключится согласно настройкам
+% |objectset=|.) По умолчанию данная опция |false|.
+%| |\FRkey{framearound}|=row,|\FRkey{colorframeset}|=yellowplate,|\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule0pt},|
+%| |\FRkey{framestyle}|=colorbox,|\FRkey{framefit}|=yes,|\FRkey{heightadjust}|=object,|\FRkey{valign}|=c}|
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|+2cm]|
+% | {...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=c}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок слева в~неполном ряду, помещённом на цветную плашку. Ширина плашки
+% равна натуральной ширине флотов}%
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{Рисунок справа в~неполном ряду, помещённом на цветную плашку}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% The result you see in the row of
+%^^A% figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}.
+% Результат вы видите на примере с~рисунками%^^A
+% ~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}.
+% |...|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=c}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок слева в~неполном ряду, помещённом на цветную плашку.
+% Ширина плашки задана на полный формат}%
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{Рисунок справа в~неполном ряду, помещённом на цветную плашку, заданную на всю ширину}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% ^^A\ffigbox[\Xhsize]{}{\strut}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% The result you see in the row of
+%^^A% figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}.
+% Результат вы видите на примере с~рисунками%^^A
+% ~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}.
+% |...|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=c}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок слева в~неполном ряду, помещённом на цветную плашку
+% (альтернативное оформление с~выходом в~левое поле).
+% Ширина плашки равна натуральной ширине флотов}%
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{Рисунок справа в~неполном ряду, помещённом на цветную плашку
+% (альтернативное оформление с~выходом в~левое поле)}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure*}%^^A
+%^^A% The result you see in the row of
+%^^A% figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}.
+% Результат вы видите на примере с~рисунками%^^A
+% ~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}.
+% |...|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=c,frameset={\fboxrule0pt}}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок слева в~неполном ряду, помещённом на цветную плашку (альтернативное оформление с~выходом в~левое поле). Ширина плашки задана на полный формат}%
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{Рисунок справа в~неполном ряду, помещённом на цветную плашку (альтернативное оформление), заданную на всю ширину}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% ^^A\ffigbox[\Xhsize]{}{\strut}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure*}%^^A
+%^^A% The result you see in the row of
+%^^A% figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}.
+% Результат вы видите на примере с~рисунками%^^A
+% ~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Settings for Colored Frames}
+% \subsubsection{Настройки для цветных рамок}
+% \DescribeMacro{colorframeset}\label{setup:colorframeset}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareColorBox}\label{setup:DeclareColorBox:pre}%^^A
+%^^A% This key (needs \package{color} package) defines
+%^^A% a~color box in the case of the |framestyle=colorbox| or |framestyle=FRcolorbox| settings are loaded
+%^^A% (default is standard |\fbox|). There are not any predefined options for this key so you
+%^^A% must define your color box option, using the |\DeclareColorBox| command like following:
+% Данный ключ (для него необходимо
+% загрузить пакет \package{color}) определяет настройки
+% цветной рамки, если задана опция |framestyle=colorbox| или |framestyle=FRcolorbox|
+% (по умолчанию это команда |\fbox|).
+% Для данного ключа не определено готовых опций, поэтому вам нужно задать
+% опцию цветной рамки, используя команду |\|\FRkey{DeclareColorBox}
+% (с.\,\pageref{setup:DeclareColorBox}), например:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareColorBox{mycolorbox}{\fcolorbox{red}{yellow}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% then use this option in |colorframeset=| key:
+% затем использовать эту опцию в~ключе:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |colorframeset=\meta{option}|\quad,
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% for example:
+% например так:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup{colorframeset=mycolorbox}|\quad,
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DescribeMacro{colorframecorners}\label{setup:colorframecorners}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCBoxCorners}\label{setup:DeclareCBoxCorners:pre}%^^A
+%^^A% This key defines material attached to the corners of the frame defined
+%^^A% by the |framestyle=FRcolorbox| option.
+%^^A% This key, as the previous one, has not predefined options; the needed material is
+%^^A% set by the |\|\FRkey{DeclareCBoxCorners} command
+%^^A% (page~\pageref{setup:DeclareCBoxCorners}).
+% Ключ определяет размещение материала по углам рамки, заданной опцией |framestyle=FRcolorbox|.
+% Для данного ключа, как и~для предыдущего, не определено готовых опций; материал, который
+% должен быть добавлен, задаётся с~помощью команды |\|\FRkey{DeclareCBoxCorners}
+% (с.\,\pageref{setup:DeclareCBoxCorners}).
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining Float Skips}
+% \subsubsection{Определение отбивок внутри флота}
+% \DescribeMacro{captionskip}\label{setup:captionskip}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines vertical space between caption and float object
+%^^A% in case of \FRkey{midcode} key defined as |midcode=captionskip|;
+%^^A% or in case of usage of float styles (|style=|
+%^^A% key) |plain|, |boxed| and similar to them:
+% Определяет размер вертикальной отбивки между подписью и~объектом
+% если ключ \FRkey{midcode} определён как
+% |midcode=captionskip|; или в~случае использования стилей (ключ |style=|)
+% |plain|, |plaintop| или |Plaintop|, пример:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |captionskip=10pt|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% The settings above are default and equal to \LaTeX's settings (|\abovecaptionskip=10pt|).
+%^^A% The settings of current documentation: |captionskip=5pt|.
+% Установки отбивки выше используются по умолчанию и~равны стандартным (|\abovecaptionskip=10pt|).
+% Установки, используемые данной документацией: |captionskip=5pt|.
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{footskip}\label{setup:footskip}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines vertical space before foot material and footnotes. It can be defined like:
+% Определяет вертикальную отбивку до сносок и~экспликаций. Его можно задать как:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |footskip=4pt|\quad,
+% \end{Quote}
+% или
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |footskip=\skip\footins|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% the last example shows default settings.
+% Последний пример демонстрирует установки по умолчанию.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining Float Footnote Rule's Style}
+% \subsubsection{Задание стиля для линейки над сноской}\label{sec:footnotestyle}
+% \DescribeMacro{footnoterule}\label{setup:footnoterule}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines type of footnote rule for footnotes inside floating environment.
+% Определяет тип линейки над сноской внутри бокса плавающего элемента.
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[normal]
+%^^A% standard \LaTeX{} definition, the
+%^^A% width of it equals to 0.4 of current with of text (|\columnwidth|);
+% стандартное определение \LaTeX'а,
+% ширина линейки составляет
+% 0.4 от ширины текста (|\columnwidth|);
+% \item[limited]
+%^^A% like previous one but max width of footnote rule equals to the value
+%^^A% defined by |\frulemax|\label{setup:frulemax} command, like:
+% аналогична предыдущей, но максимальная ширина сноски равна
+% величине определённой в~команде |\frulemax|\label{setup:frulemax}, например:
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\renewcommand\frulemax{1in}|
+% \end{quote}
+% \item[fullsize]
+%^^A% rule to full current text width.
+% линейка на всю ширину текста.
+% \item[none]
+%^^A% Absent rule.
+% нет линейки.
+% \item[...]
+%^^A% You may create your own options with |\DeclareFloatFootnoterule| command,
+%^^A% see page~\pageref{ssec:fnoterule}.
+% Вы можете создать собственные настройки с~помощью команды~|\DeclareFloatFootnoterule|,
+% см.~с.~\pageref{ssec:fnoterule}.
+% \end{Options}
+% \label{setup:end}
+%^^A%^^A% \subsubsection{Loading Style for Fancy Boxes}
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Загрузка пакета для необычных рамок}
+%^^A% \DescribeMacro{fancyboxes}\label{setup:fancyboxes}%^^A
+%^^A%^^A% This boolean key loads \package{fr-fancy} package. This key you may use
+%^^A%^^A% only in optional argument in |\usepackage| line. The styles, supported by this package
+%^^A%^^A% are described in the table~\ref{tab:floatlayouts}.
+%^^A% Переключатель (работает как булев параметр) загружает пакет
+%^^A% \package{fr-fancy}. Этот ключ можно использовать
+%^^A% только в~опции строки |\usepackage|. Стили, предлагаемые данным пакетом описаны
+%^^A% в~табл.~\ref{tab:floatlayouts}.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Managing Floats with \texttt{[H]} placement option}
+% \subsubsection{Управление флотами с~опцией~\texttt{[H]}}
+% \DescribeMacro{doublefloataswide}\label{setup:doublefloataswide}%^^A
+%^^A% This boolean key redefines starred floating environment \emph{in onecolumn layout}
+%^^A% like non-starred ones, but in this case they are still store layout
+%^^A% settings, declared by |[wide...]| options of |\floatsetup| (page~\pageref{sec:floatsetup}).
+%^^A% This key is necessary
+%^^A% for usage of the \texttt{[H]} option
+%^^A% in starred environments in the same way as in non-starred.
+% Данный переключатель делает \LaTeX'овское поведение «звёздных»
+% окружений флотов в~одноколонном макете аналогичным «незвёздным», но при этом
+% сохраняются установки опции |[wide...]| команды |\floatsetup| (с.~\pageref{sec:floatsetup}).
+% Данный ключ нужен для возможности использования опции \texttt{[H]}
+% в~«звёздных» окружениях равно как и~в~«незвёздных».
+% \medskip\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{floatHaslist}%^^A
+%^^A% This boolean key adds values of penalties before and after
+%^^A% this ``anchored'' float like in the list environment and cancels
+%^^A% paragraph indentation, if there is no blank line appears after environment
+%^^A% (see also page~\pageref{sec:listpen}).
+% Данный переключатель добавляет штрафы (penalties) до и~после
+% флотов «на якоре» аналогичные штрафам до и~после окружений перечней и~отменяет
+% абзацный отступ, если после окружения флота нет пустой строки
+% (см.~также с.~\pageref{sec:listpen}).
+%^^A% \subsection{Settings for Current Float Environment}
+% \subsection{Настройки для текущего флота}
+% \DescribeMacro{\thisfloatsetup}\label{thisfloatsetup}\label{setup:thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+%^^A% You may define some settings only for one float just
+%^^A% before necessary environment. Command |\thisfloatsetup| could
+%^^A% contain the same keys and options as in |\floatsetup|. It has
+%^^A% only mandatory argument (the \cmd{\thisfloatsetup} is defined
+%^^A% as abbreviation of the \cmd{\floatsetup[tmpset]} command).
+% Можно задать некоторые настройки только для одного флота
+% перед необходимым окружением. Команда |\thisfloatsetup|
+% включает в~себя те же ключи и~опции, что и~|\floatsetup|, но использует
+% только обязательный аргумент\footnote{Команда \cmd{\thisfloatsetup} определена
+% как аббревиатура \cmd{\floatsetup[tmpset]}.}.\par\strut\par\kern-\baselineskip
+%^^A% \subsection{Clearing of Previous Float Type Settings}
+% \subsection{Отмена настроек для определённого типа плавающих объектов}
+% \DescribeMacro{\clearfloatsetup}\label{setup:clearfloatsetup}%^^A
+%^^A% If you want to get rid of parameters marked
+%^^A% for an automatic use within a particular environment
+%^^A% you can use the command\footnote{Created as additional macro for
+%^^A% \cs{clearcaptionsetup} macro, see also documentation
+%^^A% of \package{caption} package about \cmd{\clearcaptionsetup} command}:\allowpostlistbreaks[-4]
+% Если вы хотите отменить параметры, определённые для
+% использования в~окружении определённого типа
+% вы можете использовать команду\footnote{Сделана как «сопровождение»
+% команде \cs{clearcaptionsetup}, см.~также документацию пакета
+% \package{caption} о~команду \cmd{\clearcaptionsetup}}:\allowpostlistbreaks[-4]
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\clearfloatsetup|\marg{float type}\quad.
+% \end{Quote}\allowpostlistbreaks
+%^^A% where \marg{float type}---types as |figure|, |widefloat| etc.
+% где \marg{float type} \cdash--- тип флота, например, |figure|,
+% |widefloat| и~т.\,д.
+%^^A% \subsection{Temporary Clearing of All Float Settings}\label{page:killfloatstyle}
+% \subsection{Временная очистка всех установок для флотов}\label{page:killfloatstyle}
+% \DescribeMacro{\killfloatstyle}\label{setup:killfloatstyle}%^^A
+%^^A% The first case when this command is needed: mixed rows of floats where figure stays beside table
+%^^A% and you need to cancel layout of ``foreign'' float (see page~\pageref{mixrow}).
+%^^A% The |\killfloatstyle| command is used before any
+%^^A% command of |\floatbox| stuff (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}).
+% Первый случай, когда нужна эта команда \cdash--- рисунок нужно поместить рядом с~таблицей
+% и~нужно отключить настройки «чужого» флота (см.с.~\pageref{mixrow}).
+% Команда |\killfloatstyle| используется до
+% команды, созданной на базе |\floatbox|, (см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}).
+%^^A% Another case---layout of floats with beside captions is quite different from
+%^^A% other subtypes: |[figure]| option of
+%^^A% floatsetup defined with |style=plain| and
+%^^A% |[cabesidefigure]| must be defined with |style=boxed|.
+%^^A% In this case you may define your command, based on predefined
+%^^A% |\fcapside|:
+% Другой случай \cdash--- макет флота с~подписями сбоку
+% имеет сильно отличающиеся настройки от других подтипов: опция |[figure]|
+% команды |\floatsetup| задана как |style=plain|,
+% а~|[capbesidefigure]| (для подписей сбоку) должна быть задана как |style=boxed|.
+% Для~этих случаев можно определить новую команду, например, на основе
+% |\fcapside|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\newcommand\myfcapside{\killfloatstyle|\nopagebreak
+% | \floatsetup[figure]{style=Boxed,capbesideframe=yes}\fcapside}|\quad.
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\myfcapside[\FBwidth]|
+% |...|
+% |\end{figure}|\quad.\vspace*{-\intextsep}
+% \end{Quote}
+% \newcommand\myfcapside{\killfloatstyle
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Boxed,capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition=left}\fcapside}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \myfcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength1.28\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Подпись сбоку рисунка, заключённого в~рамку в~стиле \texttt{Boxed}.]{%^^A
+% Подпись сбоку рисунка, заключённого в~рамку в~стиле \texttt{Boxed}.
+% Специально создана команда \cmd{\myfcapside} для изменения макета
+% с~обычного \texttt{plain} для рисунков с~подписями снизу}\label{fig:beside:Boxed}}%
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% The option |[figure]| is necessary if you defined settings for this option
+%^^A% globally in the preamble.
+% Опция |[figure]| необходима, если определены установки с~такой опцией
+% в~преамбуле.
+%^^A% \emph{Notes}.\startNotes\nopagebreak \par
+% \emph{Замечания}.\startNotes\nopagebreak \par
+%^^A% \Note Please remember that such command with redefined settings can be placed
+%^^A% only \emph{inside an environment} or \emph{group}.
+% \Note Обратите внимание, что такая команда, с~изменёнными настройками,
+% может быть использована только в~\emph{окружениях
+% флота} или \emph{в~группе}.
+%^^A% \Note Before creation of such risky command, please revise your layout settings:
+%^^A% maybe the |[widefigure]| option never used in your documentation settings, so you can define
+%^^A% necessary settings in |\floatsetup[widefigure]|\allowbreak|{style=Boxed,capposition=beside...}|
+%^^A% and then use ``starred'' floats in following way:
+% \Note До того, как создать такую коварную команду, проверьте ваши настройки:
+% возможно опция |[widefigure]| вами не используется в~данной документации, следовательно
+% вы можете задать нужные настройки в~|\floatsetup[widefigure]|\allowbreak
+% |{style=Boxed,capposition=beside...}|
+% а~затем использовать «звёздное» окружение следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup[widefigure]{|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|
+% | |\FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure*}|
+% |\fcapside...|
+% |\end{figure*}|\quad.\vspace*{-\intextsep}
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[widefigure]{margins=centering,style=Boxed,capposition=beside,capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition=left}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\unitlength1.28\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Подпись сбоку рисунка, заключённого в~рамку в~стиле \texttt{Boxed}
+% в~«звёздном» окружении.]{%^^A
+% Подпись сбоку рисунка, заключённого в~рамку в~стиле \texttt{Boxed}.
+% Специальные настройки для рисунков в~рамках заданы в~звёздном окружении}\label{figs:beside:Boxed}}%
+% \end{figure*}
+%^^A% \subsection{The Default Float Type Settings}\label{sec:default}
+% \subsection{Установки для флотов заданные по умолчанию}\label{sec:default}
+%^^A% The following keys and options are switched on when the \package{floatrow}
+%^^A% package loaded. They equal to |default| style:
+% Следующие ключи и~опции включаются, при загрузке пакета \package{floatrow}.
+% Они эквивалентны стилю |plain| и~являются опциями по умолчанию:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\par
+% \item[font=normalsize]\allowitembreaks[-4]
+% \item[footfont=footnotesize]\allowitembreaks[1]
+% \item[capposition=bottom]
+% \item[capbesideposition=left]
+% \item[capbesideframe=no]
+% \item[footposition=default]
+% \item[heightadjust=none]
+% \item[facing=no]
+% \item[margins=centering]
+% \item[objectset=centering] ($\equiv$|justification=centering|, \package{caption})
+% \item[floatrowsep=columnsep]
+% \item[capbesidesep=columnsep]
+% \item[precode=none]
+% \item[rowprecode=none]
+% \item[postcode=none]
+% \item[rowpostcode=none]
+% \item[framearound=none]
+% \item[rowfill=no]
+% \item[midcode=captionskip]\allowitembreaks[-4]
+% \item[captionskip=10pt]
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% \subsection{Defining New Options}
+% \subsection{Определение новых опций}
+%^^A% In the next few sections a list of commands is presented, which help to define
+%^^A% additional key options for the |\floatsetup| command.
+% В~следующих разделах перечисляются команды, с~помощью которых можно определить дополнительные опции
+% ключей команды |\floatsetup|.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Float Style (\texttt{style=})}\label{ssec:declstyle}
+% \subsubsection{Опция стиля флота (\texttt{style=})}\label{ssec:declstyle}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatStyle}\label{setup:DeclareFloatStyle}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines new float style. Example shows definition of new float
+%^^A% style |MyBoxed|. The figures~\ref{fig:plain:MyBoxed}, and
+%^^A% some others in current documentation show result.
+% Определяет новый стиль. Пример демонстрирует задание нового стиля
+% |MyBoxed|. Рисунок~\ref{fig:plain:MyBoxed},
+% и~некоторые другие в~данной документации демонстрируют результат.
+%| |\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep12pt}}|
+% \begingroup
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=MyBoxed}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% {\unitlength1.88\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}%
+% \caption{%^^A
+% Простой рисунок в стиле \texttt{MyBoxed}}%
+% \label{fig:plain:MyBoxed}%
+% \floatfoot{Much more, more and more and more and more and more and more and
+% more and more text inside macro \cmd{\floatfoot}}%
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% The same result you get with:
+% Тот же результат вы можете получить, задав:
+%| frameset={\fboxsep12pt\fboxrule1pt}}|
+% \endgroup
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Float Font Option}\label{ssec:declfont}
+% \subsubsection{Опция шрифта содержимого объекта (\texttt{font=})}\label{ssec:declfont}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatFont}\label{setup:DeclareFloatFont}%^^A
+%^^A% With this macro you may define new option
+%^^A% for font (|font=| key) of float contents. This macro works
+%^^A% like |\DeclareCaptionFont| in \package{caption} package: you may also
+%^^A% use key options declared by |\DeclareCaptionFont| command.
+% Этой макрокомандой вы можете определить новую опцию
+% для шрифта (ключ |font=|) содержимого объекта. Эта макрокоманда работает
+% также как аналогичная ей |\DeclareCaptionFont| из пакета \package{caption}: вы можете также
+% воспользоваться опциями, заданными в~команде |\DeclareCaptionFont|.
+%^^A% To get red color for text in the example with figure~\ref{color:fig} on the page~\pageref{color:fig},
+%^^A% you may define the red color by following way:
+% Чтобы получить текст красного цвета в~примере с~рис.~\ref{color:fig} на с.~\pageref{color:fig},
+% определите красный цвет:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\DeclareFloatFont{red}{\color{red}}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% а~затем задайте его в~команде |\floatsetup|
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{font={small,red}}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}%
+%^^A% The version 3.1 of the \package{caption} package offers special option inside
+%^^A% |font=| key. Since the \package{floatrow} package uses the same mechanism for its |font=|
+%^^A% key, the example above you can write as following:
+% Версия \textbf{3.1} пакета \package{caption} предлагает вариант задания цветного текста, не требующий
+% задания специальной опции. Поскольку пакет \package{floatrow} для задания опций шрифта
+% использует механизм пакета \package{caption}, пример выше можно записать короче:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{font={small,color={red}}}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}%
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Defining Float Rules/Skips}\label{ssec:decl:rule}
+% \subsubsection{Опция задания линеек или отбивок (\texttt{precode=} и~др.)}\label{ssec:decl:rule}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatVCode}\label{setup:DeclareFloatVCode}%^^A
+%^^A% This command defines the skip, rule or other analogous code above
+%^^A% and below full float box and between caption above/below and
+%^^A% object. The defined option might be used in |rowprecode|,
+%^^A% |precode|, |midcode|, |postcode|, and
+%^^A% |rowpostcode| keys (page~\pageref{setup:precode}).
+% Эта команда создаёт определение отбивки, линейки или другого подобного материала
+% сверху и~снизу всего бокса объект---подпись и~между
+% подписью сверху/снизу и~объектом.
+% Созданную опцию вы можете использовать в~ключах |rowprecode|,
+% |precode|, |midcode|, |postcode|
+% и~|rowpostcode|.
+%^^A% Compare two examples:
+% Сравните два примера:
+% \begin{Quote}\openup1pt
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\DeclareFloatVCode{grayruleabove}%|
+% | {{\color{gray}\hrule height2.8ptdepth0pt\vskip4pt}}|
+% |\DeclareFloatVCode{grayrulebelow}%|
+% | {{\color{gray}\vskip4pt\hrule height2.8ptdepth0pt}}|
+% |\floatsetup{...,|\FRkey{heightadjust}|=all,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{valign}|=c,|
+% | |\FRkey{rowprecode}|=grayruleabove,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{rowpostcode}|=grayrulebelow}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% |\begin{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% | \ffigbox|\nopagebreak
+% | {...}{\caption{Левый ...}\label{...}}%|
+% | \ffigbox|\nopagebreak
+% | {...}{\caption{Правый ...}\label{...}}|
+% | \end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% | ...|
+% | \caption{Отдельный ...}\label{...}%|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}\pagebreak[3]
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,rowprecode=grayruleabove,
+% rowpostcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox
+% {\unitlength.65\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Левый рисунок в~ряду с~линейками сверху и~снизу, заданными для ряда}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:row}}%
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Правый рисунок в~ряду с~линейками сверху и~снизу, заданными для ряда}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:row}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,rowprecode=grayruleabove,
+% rowpostcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Отдельный рисунок с~линейками сверху и~снизу, заданными для ряда}%^^A
+% \label{intro:alone:row}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\floatsetup{...,|\FRkey{heightadjust}|=all,|
+% | |\FRkey{precode}|=grayruleabove,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{postcode}|=grayrulebelow}|
+% \end{preamble}\nopagebreak
+% |...|
+% \end{Quote}%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,
+% precode=grayruleabove,postcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox
+% {\unitlength.65\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Левый рисунок в~ряду с~линейками сверху и~снизу рисунка, заданными для бокса флота}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:box}}%
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Правый рисунок в~ряду с~линейками сверху и~снизу рисунка, заданными для бокса флота}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:box}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}\kern-\lastskip%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{precode=grayruleabove,postcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Отдельный рисунок с~линейками сверху и~снизу рисунка, заданными для бокса флота}%^^A
+% \label{intro:alone:box}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% {\sloppy Please note that for ruled styles for figures \ref{intro:leftfig:box}
+%^^A% and \ref{intro:rightfig:box}, which are placed in one row, you need to
+%^^A% set |heightadjust=all| key---the rules
+%^^A% at the start and finish of boxes reset the height and depth values.\par}
+% Обратите внимание, что для стилей задающих линейки для бокса, как в~рис.~\ref{intro:leftfig:box}
+% и~\ref{intro:rightfig:box}, если рисунки должны помещаться в~одном ряду,
+% необходимо задать ключ |heightadjust=all| \cdash--- линейки вначале
+% и~в~конце боксов изменяют значения высоты и~глубины.\nopagebreak
+%^^A% The examples with unfill rows.\RemoveSpaces\vspace*{\topsep}
+% Примеры с~незаполненными рядами флотов.\RemoveSpaces\vspace*{\topsep}
+% \begin{Quote}\openup.5pt
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup{...,|\FRkey{heightadjust}|=all,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{valign}|=c,|
+% | |\FRkey{rowprecode}|=grayruleabove,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{rowpostcode}|=grayrulebelow}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% |\begin{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% | \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]...|\nopagebreak
+% | \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]...|\nopagebreak
+% | \end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,rowprecode=grayruleabove,
+% rowpostcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.65\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Левый рисунок в~неполном ряду с~линейками сверху и~снизу, заданными для ряда}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:rownofill}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\caption{Правый рисунок в~неполном ряду с~линейками сверху и~снизу, заданными для ряда}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:rownofill}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% The same, but with \FRkey{rowfill} option.
+% То же, но с~опцией \FRkey{rowfill}.
+% \begin{Quote}\openup.5pt
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup{...,|\FRkey{rowfill}|=yes}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |...|
+% \end{Quote}%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,rowprecode=grayruleabove,
+% rowpostcode=grayrulebelow,rowfill=yes}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.65\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Левый рисунок в~неполном ряду с~линейками сверху и~снизу на полный формат, заданными для ряда}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:rowfill}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\caption{Правый рисунок в~неполном ряду с~линейками сверху и~снизу на полный формат, заданными для ряда}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:rowfill}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Settings for Colored Frame (\texttt{colorframeset=})}\label{ssec:color:frame}
+% \subsubsection{Настройки для цветных плашек и~рамок (\texttt{colorframeset=})}\label{ssec:color:frame}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareColorBox}\label{setup:DeclareColorBox}%^^A
+%^^A% Let's repeat the command for definition of colored box used by |colorframeset=| key
+%^^A% (see also page~\pageref{setup:DeclareColorBox}).
+%^^A% Here is defined frame for figure~\ref{color:frame} below:
+% Здесь опять повторим определение опции для цветной рамки, используемой ключом |colorframeset=|
+% (см.~также с.~\pageref{setup:DeclareColorBox}).
+% Ниже дано определение рамки, используемой рисунком~\ref{color:frame} на с.~\pageref{color:frame}:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareColorBox{framedfigure}{\fcolorbox{gray}{white}}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% The yellow plate for figure rows on the page~\pageref{setup:rowfill}:
+% Плашка для рисунков, помещённых рядом~(с.\,\pageref{setup:rowfill}, для плашки предпочтительнее
+% использовать команду |\colorbox|):
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareColorBox{yellowplate}{\colorbox{yellow}}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% Please note, that for correct positioning of the color plate during usage of the |\colorbox|
+%^^A% command you need set to zero value for the |\fboxrule| command in the \FRkey{frameset} option:
+% Обратите внимание, что при использовании команды |\colorbox| для создания цветной плашки
+% нужно обязательно обнулить значение |\fboxrule| в~опции \FRkey{frameset} для верного
+% размещения плашки:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |frameset={\fboxrule0pt}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCBoxCorners}\label{setup:DeclareCBoxCorners}%^^A
+%^^A% If you use the \FRkey{FRcolorbox} option for the \FRkey{framestyle} key
+%^^A% (page~\pageref{setup:framestyle}), you may set additional material (rules or something),
+%^^A% attached to four corners.
+% Если для задания цветной рамки в~ключе \FRkey{framestyle} использовать
+% опцию \FRkey{FRcolorbox} (с.\,\pageref{setup:framestyle}), можно
+% задать линейки или другой материал привязанный к~углам рамки.
+%^^A% The \marg{option} argument defines name of option of the \FRkey{colorframecorners} key.
+%^^A% The four others define material attached to four corners.
+% Аргумент \marg{option} определяет название опции ключа \FRkey{colorframecorners}.
+% Остальные четыре определяют материал, имеющий точки привязки в~углах плашки.
+%^^A% The order of corner material analogous to the order in the METAPOST's |bbox| box
+%^^A% for the |label| command: first goes lower left corner (\marg{llcorner})
+%^^A% then, counterclockwise, lower right corner (\marg{lrcorner}), upper right corner
+%^^A% (\marg{urcorner}) and last goes upper left corner (\marg{ulcorner}).
+% Отсчёт углов в~аргументах аналогичен отсчёту, используемому при задании «площадки» (|bbox|)
+% для метки (команда |label|) в~METAPOST'е: первым идёт левый нижний угол (\marg{llcorner})
+% далее, против часовой стрелки, правый нижний угол (\marg{lrcorner}), правый верхний угол
+% (\marg{urcorner}) и~последним левый верхний угол (\marg{ulcorner}).
+%^^A% There are used modified commands of |picture| environment inside these arguments:
+%^^A% all lengths and coordinates must have units like points, millimeters etc., but
+%^^A% here you may use usual length parameters like |\textwidth|. When the color box is created
+%^^A% the |\FRcolorboxht|, |\FRcolorboxwd| and~|\FRcolorboxdp| parameters define
+%^^A% height, width and depth of the box, you may use them inside settings
+%^^A% of the |\DeclareCBoxCorners| xommand. You may use the
+%^^A% |\|\FRkey{floatfacing} command to create facing layout.
+% Внутри аргументов используются модифицированные команды окружения |picture|:
+% при задании длин и~координат обязательно задаются единицы измерения, зато
+% можно использовать параметры типа |\textwidth|. При создании плашки в~параметры
+% |\FRcolorboxht|, |\FRcolorboxwd| и~|\FRcolorboxdp|, записываются значения
+% высоты, ширины и~глубины плашки, которые можно использовать при определении
+% настроек |\DeclareCBoxCorners|. При задании линеек или другого материала можно
+% использовать команду |\|\FRkey{floatfacing} для создания оформления для разворотов.
+%^^A% The example with material in all corners, which shows overlapping.
+% Пример с~заданием материала во всех точках привязки, демонстрирующий наложения.
+%| {{\color{green}%green llcorner|
+%| \linethickness{10pt}\put(-5pt,-5pt)|
+%| {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%|
+%| {\put(-5pt,0pt){\line(1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%|
+%| }}{{\color{red}%red lrcorner|
+%| \linethickness{10pt}\put(0pt,0pt)|
+%| {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%|
+%| {\put(5pt,0pt){\line(-1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%|
+%| }}{{\color{blue}%blue urcorner|
+%| \linethickness{10pt}\put(5pt,-5pt)|
+%| {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,-1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%|
+%| {\put(5pt,0pt){\line(-1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%|
+%| }}{{\color{magenta}%magenta ulcorner|
+%| \linethickness{10pt}\put(0pt,0pt)|
+%| {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,-1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%|
+%| {\put(-5pt,0pt){\line(1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%|
+%| }}|
+%^^A% Please note, that this material has not any width and its values do not used during calculation
+%^^A% of frame position and width. Please note also that material in the left lower and upper corners
+%^^A% will be covered by frame, but right lower and upper corner material cover the frame
+%^^A% (inside these ``layers'' the material from upper corners covers lower ones)
+%^^A% the object contents appear in the upper layer.
+% Обратите внимание, что этот материал не имеет ширины и~его значения не используются
+% при подсчёте параметров размещения и~ширины плашки.
+% Следует также учитывать, что материал, записанный в~аргументах
+% левого нижнего и~верхнего углов будет перекрыт рамкой, материал в~правом нижнем
+% и~правом верхнем углах сам перекроет рамку (внутри этих «слоёв»
+% материал верхних углов перекроет нижние) содержимое объекта попадает в~самый верхний слой.
+%| |\FRkey{colorframeset}|=yellowplate,|\FRkey{colorframecorners}|=angles,|
+%| |\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=2pt},|\FRkey{framefit}|=yes,|\FRkey{captionskip}|=15pt}|\vspace*{\baselineskip}
+% framefit=yes,frameset={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=2pt},captionskip=15pt}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{Рисунок на цветной плашке с~разноцветными уголками}%^^A
+% \label{BOXED:yellowplate:Redangles}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{BlackDog.picture}}
+%^^A% The same but without color plate.
+% То же самое, но без плашки.
+% \FRkey{colorframecorners}|=angles,|
+%| |\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=2pt},|\FRkey{framefit}|=yes,|\FRkey{captionskip}|=15pt}|\vspace*{\baselineskip}
+% framefit=yes,frameset={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=2pt},captionskip=15pt}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{Рисунок просто с~разноцветными уголками}%^^A
+% \label{BOXED:transparent:Redangles}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{BlackDog.picture}}
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Object Justification Option (\texttt{objectset=})}\label{ssec:decl:oset}
+% \subsubsection{Опция выключки содержимого объекта (\texttt{objectset=})}\label{ssec:decl:oset}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareObjectSet}\label{setup:DeclareObjectSet}%^^A
+%^^A% You may define justification for |objectset=| key (page~\pageref{setup:objectset})
+%^^A% like\nopagebreak:
+% Вы можете определить свою опцию выключки для ключа |objectset=| (с.~\pageref{setup:objectset})
+% так:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareObjectSet{centering}{\centering}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% In option's definition you may try to include any regular commands
+%^^A% (it could be the repeated head text also)
+%^^A% which you need to put before each object contents in float
+%^^A% environment. You may also use key options declared by
+%^^A% \cmd{\DeclareCaptionJustification} command of \package{caption} package
+%^^A% as options for |objectset=| key.
+% В~определении опции вы можете попробовать задать и~другие повторяющие команды,
+% которые вам нужны при оформлении содержимого объекта. Вы можете использовать
+% опции, заданные \cmd{\DeclareCaptionJustification} "---
+% командой из пакета \package{caption}, как опции ключа |objectset=|.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Option for Float Box Alignment/Settings (\texttt{margins=})}
+% \subsubsection{Определение выключки/полей
+% для бокса флота (\texttt{margins=})}\label{ssec:decl:marg}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareMarginSet}\label{setup:DeclareMarginSet}%^^A
+%^^A% You may define box alignment for float box (|margins=| key) like:
+% Вы можете определить выключку всего бокса (ключ |margins=|)
+% так:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareMarginSet{center}{%|\nopagebreak
+% | \setfloatmargins{\hfil}{\hfil}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% or like (see also sample files)
+% или (см. также файлы примеров):
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareMarginSet{outside}{%|\nopagebreak
+% | \setfloatmargins*{\hfil}{}}|
+% \end{Quote}\pagebreak[1]
+%^^A% The |\DeclareMarginSet| command used the |\setfloatmargins| command, which defines
+%^^A% fill code for each margin.
+% Команда |\DeclareMarginSet| использует команду |\setfloatmargins|, которая определяет
+% заполняющий материал для каждого из полей.
+% \DescribeMacro{\setfloatmargins}\label{setup:setfloatmargins}%^^A
+%^^A% Non-starred form of |\setfloatmargins| defines left and right
+%^^A% margin.
+% Команда |\setfloatmargins| определяет левое и правое поля.
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\setfloatmargins{|\meta{left margin}|}{|\meta{right margin}|}|
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% Here goes rather complex example which was created as alternative float layout for one-column
+%^^A% document. The starred, |figure*|, environment places caption on the left margin, beside
+%^^A% object. Frame around object has default width of main text.
+% Далее следует довольно громоздкий пример, созданный как альтернативное оформление флотов
+% в~одноколонном документе. «Звёздное» окружение |figure*|, помещает подпись сбоку в~левое поле.
+% Рамка вокруг объекта по умолчанию имеет ширину основного текста.
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\makeatletter\@mparswitchfalse\makeatother|
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareColorBox}|{framedfigure}{\fcolorbox{gray}{white}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareFloatSeparators}|{marginparsep}{\hskip\marginparsep}|
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[widefigure]{|%^^A
+% \FRkey{margins}|=hangleft,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{floatwidth}|=\textwidth,|
+% | |\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes,|
+% | |\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=\marginparwidth,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidesep}|=marginparsep,|
+% | |\FRkey{framestyle}|=colorbox,|\FRkey{framefit}|=yes,|\nopagebreak
+% | |\FRkey{colorframeset}|=framedfigure,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule3pt\fboxsep8pt}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{justification=RaggedRight,|\nopagebreak
+% | font=small,labelfont={normalsize,sf,bf},labelsep=newline,strut=no}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure*}|\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure*}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \begingroup
+% \floatsetup[widefigure]{margins=hangleft,floatwidth=\textwidth,
+% capposition=beside,capbesideposition=left,capbesideframe=yes,
+% capbesidewidth=\marginparwidth,capbesidesep=marginparsep,framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,
+% frameset={\fboxrule3pt\fboxsep8pt},colorframeset=framedfigure}
+% \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{justification=RaggedRight,
+% font=small,labelfont={normalsize,sf,bf},labelsep=newline,strut=no}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]%
+% {\input{Mouse.picture}}{\caption{Рисунок с~альтернативным оформлением («звёздное» окружение)
+% подпись сбоку помещается в~левое поле}\label{color:frame}}
+% \end{figure*}%
+% \endgroup
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. The row of figures~\ref{fig:row:Dog}--\ref{fig:row:cheese} on the page
+%^^A% \pageref{fig:row:Dog} uses the same |margin=| settings of option |margins=|.
+% \emph{Замечание}. Ряд рисунков~\ref{fig:row:Dog}--\ref{fig:row:cheese} на
+% с~\pageref{fig:row:Dog} использует те же настройки полей в~опции |margins=|.
+%^^A% Starred form, |\setfloatmargins*|, defines facing layout: inside and
+%^^A% outside margin.
+% «Звёздная» форма команды, |\setfloatmargins*|, определяет оформление
+% для разворота: внутреннее и~внешнее поля.
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\setfloatmargins*{|\meta{inside margin}|}{|\meta{outside margin}|}|
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% You may even set much more complex definition:
+% Вы можете сделать ещё более сложное определение:
+% \begin{Quote}\leftmargin0pt
+% |\DeclareObjectSet{facingrule}{%|
+% |\setfloatmargins*{%|
+% | \floatfacing{\hskip-12pt\vrule width4pt\hskip8pt\hfill}%|
+% | {\hfill\hskip8pt\vrule width4pt\hskip-12pt}}{}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatfacing}\label{setup:floatfacing}%^^A
+%^^A% the |\floatfacing| defines following
+% Команда |\floatfacing| определяет следующее
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\floatfacing{|\meta{odd page definition}|}{|\meta{even page definition}|}|
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% This macro has also starred form |\floatfacing*|,
+%^^A% which you can use in key options for |\captionsetup| stuff and for floats with beside captions.
+% Эта макрокоманда также имеет «звёздную» форму |\floatfacing*|,
+% которой вы можете воспользоваться для настроек макета с~подписями сбоку
+% и~в~опциях ключей для команды |\captionsetup|.
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. Please remember that all options, which set different layout for facing pages
+%^^A% need |facing=yes| key option.
+% \emph{Замечание}. Помните, что все опции, задающие различное оформление для страниц на развороте,
+% требуют задание ключа |facing=yes|.
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatboxmargins}\label{setup:floatboxmargins}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatrowmargins}\label{setup:floatrowmargins}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatcapbesidemargins}\label{setup:floatcapbesidemargins}%^^A
+%^^A% The |\setfloatmargins| could be ``separated'' into the three macros which set margins
+%^^A% for three main variants of float positions:
+% Команду |\setfloatmargins| можно разбить на три макрокоманды, которые определяют
+% поля (выключку и~другой материал) для трёх вариантов расположения флота:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+%^^A% \item[\cmd{\floatboxmargins}]sets left/right margins around alone
+%^^A% float box;
+% \item[\cmd{\floatboxmargins}]задаёт левое/правое поля для отдельного флота;
+%^^A% \item[\cmd{\floatrowmargins}]sets left/right margins around
+%^^A% |floatrow| environment;
+% \item[\cmd{\floatrowmargins}]задаёт левое/правое поля для
+% флотов рядом в~окружении |floatrow|;
+%^^A% \item[\cmd{\floatcapbesidemargins}]sets left/right margins around
+%^^A% alone float box with beside caption.
+% \item[\cmd{\floatcapbesidemargins}]задаёт левое/правое
+% поля для отдельного флота с~подписью сбоку.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% The grammar for using three mentioned commands is similar to
+%^^A% |\setfloatmargins|. Again, the settings which use |\floatfacing| command
+%^^A% work only in the case when key |facing=yes| is used.
+% Грамматика использования этих трёх команд такая же как
+% и~у~|\setfloatmargins|. И~опять же настройки, использующие команду |\floatfacing|
+% будут работать если включён ключ |facing=yes|.
+%^^A% \paragraph{Alignment Settings for longtable.}
+% \label{ssec:decl:ltable:marg}
+% \paragraph{Выключка таблиц в~окружении longtable.}
+%^^A% The \package{floatrow} expands some settings of table layout
+%^^A% to the |longtable| environment, so you may set |\LTleft| and
+%^^A% |\LTright| parameters inside |\DeclareMarginSet| settings. For example,
+%^^A% |centering| option was defined like:
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} задаёт некоторые настройки
+% оформления таблиц для окружения |longtable|,
+% поэтому вы можете задать параметры |\LTleft| и~|\LTright|
+% в~команде |\DeclareMarginSet|.
+% Например, опция |centering| в~пакете была определена следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareMarginSet{centering}{%|
+% | \setfloatmargins{\hfill}{\hfill}%|
+% | \LTleft=\fill \LTright=\fill}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Float Separators Options (\texttt{floatrowsep=}, \texttt{capbesidesep=})}
+% \subsubsection{Опции разделителей флотов (\texttt{floatrowsep=}, \texttt{capbesidesep=})}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatSeparators}\label{setup:DeclareFloatSeparators}%^^A
+%^^A% You may define separator
+%^^A% between float boxes, or between float object and beside caption:
+% Вы можете определить разделитель между флотами рядом (в~окружении |floatrow|)
+% или между флотом и~подписью сбоку, например:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareFloatSeparators{columnsep}{\hskip\columnsep}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% Please remember, that you may use options defined with |\DeclareFloatSeparators|
+%^^A% by both |floatrowsep=| and |capbesidesep=| keys.
+%^^A% You may also use key options declared
+%^^A% by \cmd{\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator} command.\par%
+% Вы можете использовать заданные опции в~ключах, задающих разделители |floatrowsep=|
+% и~|capbesidesep=|. (Вы можете воспользоваться опциями, заданными
+% \cmd{\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator} "--- командой из \package{caption}.)
+%^^A% The next example uses more complex separator, which uses, \package{color} package.
+% Следующий пример использует более сложный разделитель, с~использованием пакета \package{color}:
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]
+% \begin{preamble}\nopagebreak
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareObjectSet}|{colorred}{\parskip2pt\parindent15pt\color{red}}|
+% |\DeclareFloatSeparators{colorsep}%|
+% | {\begingroup\color{blue}%|
+% | \floatfacing*{\hskip16pt\vrule width4.8pt\hskip6pt}%|
+% | {\hskip6pt\vrule width4.8pt\hskip16pt}%|
+% | \endgroup}|
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[widefigure]{|%^^A
+% \FRkey{margins}|=hangleft,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=colorsep,|
+% | |\FRkey{objectset}|=colorred,|\FRkey{floatwidth}|=\textwidth,| \FRkey{facing}|=yes}|
+% |\captionsetup[figure]{justification=justified,|
+% | labelfont={color={magenta},bf},textfont={color={green}},|
+% | labelsep=newline}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure*}|\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure*}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \begingroup
+% \floatsetup[widefigure]{margins=hangleft,capbesidesep=colorsep,objectset=colorred,
+% floatwidth=\textwidth,facing=yes,capposition=beside,capbesideposition=left}
+% \captionsetup[figure]{justification=justified,
+% labelfont={color={magenta},bf},textfont={color={green}},labelsep=newline}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]%
+% {\TEXTBOX}{\caption[Разноцветные рисунок и~подпись сбоку]{Разноцветные рисунок
+% и~подпись. And A bit more text, and some more text}\label{color:fig}}
+% \end{figure*}%
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. The settings of color of caption font like
+%^^A% |labelfont=|\allowbreak|{color={magenta},bf,}|\allowbreak
+%^^A% |textfont=|\allowbreak|{color={green}}|
+%^^A% were documented first time in the \package{caption} documentation version~\textbf{3.1}.
+% \emph{Замечание}. Следует напомнить, что настройки цвета шрифта в~виде
+% |labelfont=|\allowbreak|{color={magenta},bf}|\allowbreak
+% |textfont=|\allowbreak|{color={green}}|
+% впервые описаны в~документации пакета \package{caption} версии~\textbf{3.1}.
+% \endgroup
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Option for Float Footnote Rule's Style}\label{ssec:fnoterule}
+% \subsubsection{Опция линейки для сносок (\texttt{footnoterule=})}\label{ssec:fnoterule}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatFootnoterule}\label{setup:DeclareFloatFootnoterule}%^^A
+%^^A% You may define new footnoterule (|footnoterule=| key) like:
+% Вы можете определить новую линейку для сноски (ключ |footnoterule=|)
+% следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |...|
+% |\usepackage{ifthen}|
+% |\renewcommand\frulemax{72pt}|
+% |\newcommand \Limitedrule{.33\columnwidth}|
+% |\DeclareFloatFootnoterule{Limited}{\kern-3pt|
+% | \def\Limitedrule{.33\columnwidth}%|
+% | \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\frulemax<\Limitedrule}}%|
+% | {\def\Limitedrule{\frulemax}}{}%|
+% | \hrule width\Limitedrule\kern2.6pt}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% Remember, that summary vertical height for footnote rule must be
+%^^A% equal to~0pt.
+% \emph{Замечание}. Помните, что суммарный вертикальный пробел для линейки у~сноски должен составлять~0pt.
+%^^A% \section{Creation of New Float Type}\label{sec:newfloat}
+% \section{Создание нового типа плавающих объектов (флотов)}\label{sec:newfloat}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareNewFloatType}\label{setup:DeclareNewFloatType}%^^A
+%^^A% For creation of new float type the |\DeclareNewFloatType|\label{FAD:newfloattype}
+%^^A% command was created
+%^^A% which also uses
+%^^A% \meta{key}${}=\nobreak {}$\meta{value} mechanism:
+% Для создания нового типа флотов создана команда
+% |\DeclareNewFloatType|\label{FAD:newfloattype},
+% которая также использует механизм
+% \meta{key}${}=\nobreak {}$\meta{value}:
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\DeclareNewFloatType{|\meta{type}|}{|\meta{options}|}|
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% The \meta{type} argument includes the new floating environment name.\\
+%^^A% The \meta{options} could include the following keys:
+% Аргумент \meta{type} включает имя нового окружения флота.\\
+% Аргумент \meta{options} может включать следующие ключи:
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{placement}\label{setup:placement}%^^A
+%^^A% The value of this key could contain any combination of the letters
+%^^A% |t|, |b|, |h|, and |p|, which
+%^^A% define the placement of current float type on the page in
+%^^A% the case floating environment has no option argument.
+%^^A% (As default is declared |placement=tbp|.)
+% (размещение) опцией этого ключа может быть любая комбинация букв
+% |t|, |b|, |h|, и~|p|, которые
+% определяют размещение данного типа флотов на странице
+% в~случае, если не используется дополнительный аргумент в~окружении.
+% (По умолчанию определено |placement=tbp|.)
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{name}\label{setup:name}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines the name of environment in the caption
+%^^A% label. (As default for caption label is declared the
+%^^A% name of environment.)
+% Определяет имя флота в~нумерационном заголовке подписи.
+% (По умолчанию для нумерационного заголовка используется имя окружения.)
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{fileext}\label{setup:fileext}%^^A
+%^^A% Defines extension of the file in which
+%^^A% gathered list of floats.
+% Определяет расширение файла, где будет собираться список флотов.
+%^^A% \emph{Note.} In the version v0.2b, in the case of this key not defined,
+%^^A% the captions of one type are gathered in the file with extension,
+%^^A% co-named to current floating environment with perfix ``lo''. This new feature allows
+%^^A% to create separate float lists by default.%^^A\footnote{In some systems these extensions could fail?}
+% \emph{Примечание.} Начиная с~версии~v0.2b, если данный ключ не определён,
+% подрисуночные подписи одного типа собираются в~файле с~расширением,
+% одноимённым окружению с~префиксом «lo». Это даёт возможность получать разные файлы
+% списков флотов по умолчанию.%^^A\footnote{Такие расширения могут не пройти в~некоторых операционных системах?}
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{within}\label{setup:within}%^^A
+%^^A% Declares the section head of document, by which
+%^^A% current float resets its numbering to zero. If this key is absent,
+%^^A% the float numbering increases during whole documentation.
+% Определяет раздел, внутри которого будет производиться перенумерация.
+% Если ключ отсутствует, задаётся сквозная нумерация по всему документу.
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{relatedcapstyle}\label{setup:relatedcapstyle}%^^A
+%^^A% In the \package{float} package the non-starred
+%^^A% \cmd{\newfloat}/\cmd{\restylefloat} macros attach related
+%^^A% caption style for float styles (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatst}).
+%^^A% If you use |\DeclareNewFloatType| mechanism and exists (you created
+%^^A% it by |\captionsetup[...]|) co-named, i.e. related, caption style
+%^^A% you may attach this style with key |relatedcapstyle=yes|.\medskip
+% В~пакете \package{float} команды \cmd{\newfloat}/\cmd{\restylefloat}
+% присоединяют специальный стиль подписи, связанный с~данным стилем флота
+% (см.~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatst}). Если вы используете механизм |\DeclareNewFloatType|,
+% и~имеется (вы создали с~помощью |\captionsetup[...]|) одноимённый, связанный,
+% стиль подписи, вы можете присоединить этот стиль с~помощью ключа
+% |relatedcapstyle=yes|.\medskip
+%^^A% Below is an example of the |\DeclareNewFloatType| command,
+%^^A% which was used for definition of the |Example|
+%^^A% environment demonstrated on page \pageref{exa1.1}.
+%^^A% It consists of following code:
+% Ниже приводится пример команды |\DeclareNewFloatType|,
+% которая была использована для определения окружения примера
+% |Example|, который приводится на с.~\pageref{exa1.1}).
+% Она была задана следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareNewFloatType{Example}%|
+% | {placement=t,within=section,fileext=loe,|
+% | name=\CYRP\cyrr\cyri\cyrm\cyre\cyrr}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% Для русской документации пришлось добавить ключ |name=| (обратите внимание: русские буквы
+% лучше записывать в~виде команд).
+%^^A% \subsection{How to replace \texorpdfstring{\cs{newfloat}}{newfloat}
+%^^A% with \texorpdfstring{\cs{DeclareNewFloatType}}{DeclareNewFloatType}}\label{sec:oldtonew}
+% \subsection{Как заменить \texorpdfstring{\cs{newfloat}}{newfloat} на
+% \texorpdfstring{\cs{DeclareNewFloatType}}{DeclareNewFloatType}}\label{sec:oldtonew}
+%^^A% The |\newfloat| command takes three required and
+%^^A% one optional argument:
+% Команда |\newfloat| использует три обязательных
+% и~один дополнительный аргумент:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\newfloat|\marg{type}^^A
+% \marg{placement}\marg{ext}\oarg{within}
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% which could be replaced with
+% что можно заменить на:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareNewFloatType|\marg{type}|%|
+% | {placement=|\meta{placement}|,fileext=|\meta{ext}|,widthin=|\meta{within}|}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% The \package{float} package offers also other commands of float type declaring:
+%^^A% the |\floatname| command can be replaced by the |name=| key of |\DeclareNewFloatType|
+%^^A% command; the |\floatplacement|---by the |placement=| key.
+% Пакет \package{float} предлагает также другие команды, для задания нового типа флотов:
+% команда |\floatname| заменяется на ключ |name=| в~установках команды |\DeclareNewFloatType|,
+% а~|\floatplacement| \cdash--- на ключ |placement=|, как уже показано.
+% \clearpage
+% %^^A\section{Borrowed code}\label{sec:borrow}
+% \section{Заимствованный код}\label{sec:borrow}
+%^^A% \FRorisubsection{\package{float} Package: Compatibility}\label{sec:floatst}
+% \FRorisubsection{Пакет \package{float}: совместимость}\label{sec:floatst}
+%^^A% The \package{floatrow} package includes some macros of \package{float}
+%^^A% (version v1.3d, dated 2001/11/08)
+%^^A% with necessary modifications. In the case of loaded \package{float}
+%^^A% package \emph{before} \package{floatrow} you'll get error message.
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} включает некоторые макрокоманды пакета \package{float}
+% (версии v1.3d, датированной 2001/11/08)
+% с~необходимыми изменениями. Если вы загрузили пакет \package{float}
+% до \package{floatrow}, то выдаётся сообщение об ошибке.
+%^^A% \emph{Note}.
+%^^A% In the case of some packages
+%^^A% could call \package{float} package\footnote{I'm aware about \package{algorithm}
+%^^A% package.} the \package{floatrow} package loads code which emulates
+%^^A% already loaded \package{float} package v1.3, so future requests for
+%^^A% this package will be ignored. This will help to avoid strange error messages
+%^^A% in the case of these packages loaded after \package{floatrow}.
+%^^A% Please note that packages, which load \package{float} must be loaded
+%^^A% \emph{after} \package{floatrow}.
+% \emph{Замечание}.
+% Поскольку некоторые пакеты могут вызывать
+% пакет \package{float}\footnote{Мне известен пакет \package{algorithm}.}
+% пакет \package{floatrow} вводит код, эмулирующий
+% загрузку пакета \package{float} v1.3 и~последующие запросы пакета игнорируются.
+% Это поможет избежать сообщений об ошибках,
+% если эти пакеты загружены после \package{floatrow}.
+% Обратите внимание, что пакеты, загружающие пакет \package{float}, должны быть
+% загружены \emph{после} \package{floatrow}.
+%^^A% I hope that old documents, which use the \package{float} package,
+%^^A% could work with \package{floatrow}. The first
+%^^A% limitation or feature is---if you didn't use any |\restylefloat|
+%^^A% command---all figures and tables appear in |plain| float style
+%^^A% with bottomed captions. Another limitation---you ought to put all
+%^^A% |\newfloat| and |\floatstyle| and |\restylefloat| commands in
+%^^A% preamble, before |\begin{document}|. The commands |\restylefloat|,
+%^^A% |\newfloat| and |\floatstyle| are obsolete but
+%^^A% supported\footnote{The better
+%^^A% way is to use \cmd{\floatsetup} macros. The \package{floatrow} package
+%^^A% supports obsolete macros but there is no guarantee that they will work as expected.} (see section below).
+% Надеюсь что старые документы, использующие пакет~\package{float}
+% будут работать с~\package{floatrow}. Первое
+% ограничение/особенность "--- если команды |\restylefloat| не заданы
+% "--- все рисунки и~таблицы выведутся в~стиле |plain|
+% с~подписями снизу. Другое ограничение "--- нужно перенести все команды
+% |\newfloat|, |\floatstyle| и~|\restylefloat| в~преамбулу,
+% до команды |\begin{document}|. Команды |\newfloat|, |\floatstyle|
+% и~|\restylefloat| устаревшие, хотя и~поддерживаются пакетом\footnote{Всё же лучше заменить
+% их на команды \cmd{\floatsetup},
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} поддерживает старые команды, но не даёт гарантии.} (см.~раздел ниже).\medskip
+%^^A% The sections below explain how \package{float} commands and options work in \package{floatrow}.
+%^^A% Sections, signed with ``[\package{float}]'' and typed with slanted font, were borrowed from
+%^^A% \package{float}'s documentation. The section which
+%^^A% describes commands of layout settings of \package{float} package was moved
+%^^A% in the section~\ref{sec:changed}
+%^^A% (subsection~\ref{sec:floatborrowI}, ``The User Interface---New
+%^^A% Floats [\package{float}]''), this section describes obsolete stuff.
+% Разделы ниже объясняют как команды и~опции пакета \package{float} работают в~пакете \package{floatrow}.
+% Разделы, помеченные «[\package{float}]» и~отпечатанные наклонным шрифтом, заимствованы из
+% документации пакета
+% \package{float}\footnote{Настоятельно рекомендуется читать эти разделы
+% в~английском варианте документации.
+% За корректность перевода не ручаюсь.}. Раздел, описывающий команды
+% настроек флотов и~создания нового типа флотов перемещён в~конец,
+% в~разд.~\ref{sec:changed} (подраздел~\ref{sec:floatborrowI},
+% «Интерфейс пользователя \cdash--- новые плавающие объекты») поскольку описывает устаревший интерфейс.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{How macros from \package{float} package
+%^^A% work in \package{floatrow}}\label{float-obs}
+% \subsubsection{Как макрокоманды из пакета \package{float}
+% работают в~\package{floatrow}}\label{float-obs}
+%^^A% The combination of command |\floatstyle|\marg{style} and one of commands
+% Комбинация команды |\floatstyle|\marg{style} и~любой из команд
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatstyle|\marg{style}
+% \cmd{\newfloat}\marg{float}
+% \end{Quote}
+% или:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatstyle|\marg{style}
+% \cmd{\restylefloat}\marg{float}
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% in \package{floatrow} package set float layout in the following way:
+% превращается в~пакете \package{floatrow} в~настройки \hbox{вида}:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup|\oarg{float}|{style=|\meta{style}|}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% Please note that there is used |\floatsetup|\oarg{float}|{...}|
+%^^A% settings for current type of float, but not |\floatsetup{...}|.
+% Обратите внимание, что используются настройки |\floatsetup|\oarg{float}|{...}|
+% для конкретного типа флотов, а~не просто |\floatsetup{...}|.
+% \begin{slshape}
+%^^A% \pagebreak\subsubsection{Printing of Float List [\package{float}]}
+%^^A% \label{sec:floatborrowIa}
+% \pagebreak\subsubsection{Печать списка плавающих объектов (флотов)
+% [\package{float}]}\label{sec:floatborrowIa}
+% \nobreak\DescribeMacro{\listof}
+% \nopagebreak
+%^^A% The |\listof| command produces a list of all the floats
+%^^A% of a given class. Its syntax~is\\[2pt]
+% Команда |\listof| создаёт список всех флотов данного
+% класса. Её синтаксис\vspace*{\topsep}
+% \begin{quote}
+% \hspace*{\MacroIndent}|\listof{|\meta{type}|}{|\meta{title}|}|^^A
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% \meta{type} is the float type given in the |\newfloat| command.
+%^^A% \meta{title} is used for the title of the list as well as the
+%^^A% headings if the current page style includes them. Otherwise, the
+%^^A% |\listof| command is analogous to the built-in \LaTeX\ commands
+%^^A% |\listoffigures| and |\listoftables|.
+% \meta{type} это тип флота, заданный командой |\newfloat|.
+% \meta{title} задаёт заголовок списка флотов и~колонтитулы
+% если стиль страницы задаёт их. В~противном случае, команда
+% |\listof| работает аналогично встроенным командам \LaTeX'а
+% |\listoffigures| и~|\listoftables|.
+%^^A%^^A% \noindent\emph{Floatrow note}.
+%^^A%^^A% Please remember that for each float type list
+%^^A%^^A% you must set file extension where the entries of each float type gathered.
+%^^A%^^A% Use key \texttt{fileext=...} in |\DeclareNewFloatType|.
+%^^A%^^A% If two or more float types will have the same file
+%^^A%^^A% for list of floats, you will get all floats in the
+%^^A%^^A% first appeared |\listof|, and all next will be empty.
+%^^A% \noindent\emph{Замечание \textsf{floatrow}}.
+%^^A% Помните, что для каждого списка флотов
+%^^A% нужно задать расширение файла, где будут собираться вхождения этого флота.
+%^^A% Используйте ключ \texttt{fileext=...} в~команде~|\DeclareNewFloatType|.
+%^^A% Если два или более типов флотов будут иметь один файл (заданное расширение)
+%^^A% списка флотов, все флоты соберутся в~первом
+%^^A% списке |\listof|, оставив остальные пустыми.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{The User Interface---\texttt{[H]}
+%^^A% Placement Specifier [\package{float}]}\label{sec:floatborrowII}
+% \subsubsection{Интерфейс пользователя---указатель
+% размещения \texttt{[H]} [\package{float}]}\label{sec:floatborrowII}
+%^^A% Many%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Anchored float}{FAD:AnchoredFloat}
+%^^A% people find \LaTeX's float placement specifiers too
+%^^A% restrictive. A Commonly Uttered Complaint (CUC) calls for a way to
+%^^A% place a float exactly at the spot where it occurs in the input file,
+%^^A% i.e., to \emph{not} have it float at all. It seems that the
+%^^A% \texttt{[h]} specifier should do that, but in fact it only suggests
+%^^A% to \LaTeX\ something along the lines of ``put the float here if it's
+%^^A% OK with you''. As it turns out, \LaTeX\ hardly ever feels inclined
+%^^A% to actually do that. This situation can be improved by judicious
+%^^A% manipulation of float style parameters.
+% Многие%^^A%
+% \FRmpar{Флот «на якоре»}{FAD:AnchoredFloat}
+% находят набор указателей размещения флотов в~\LaTeX'е
+% ограниченным. Общество \textit{Commonly Uttered Complaint} (CUC) призвало найти путь
+% поместить флот точно в~то место, где он появляется в~исходном файле,
+% иными словами не делать плавающим его вообще. С~первого взгляда указатель
+% \texttt{[h]} должен делать это, но фактически он только предлагает
+% \LaTeX'у~«поместить здесь если получится».
+% На самом деле \LaTeX\ едва склонен в~действительности
+% делать это. (Эта ситуация может быть исправлена только хитроумными
+% манипуляциями параметров флота.)
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% The same effect can be achieved by changing the actual method of
+%^^A% placing floats. David Carlisle's \package{here} option introduces a new
+%^^A% float placement specifier, namely \texttt{[H]}, which, when added to
+%^^A% a float, tells \LaTeX\ to ``put it HERE, period''. If there isn't
+%^^A% enough space left on the page, the float is carried over to the next
+%^^A% page together with whatever follows, even though there might still
+%^^A% be room left for some of that. This style option provides the
+%^^A% \texttt{[H]} specifier for newly defined classes of floats as well
+%^^A% as the predefined |figure|s and |table|s, thereby
+%^^A% superseding \package{here}. David suggests that the \package{here} option be
+%^^A% withdrawn from the archives in due course.
+% Тот же эффект может быть достигнут изменением метода
+% размещения флотов. Опция \package{here} (David Carlisle) предлагает
+% новый указатель размещения флота, названный \texttt{[H]},
+% который, при добавлении в~опции флота,
+% говорит \LaTeX'у~«поставить СЮДА, точка». Если места на
+% странице недостаточно, флот переносится на другую страницу
+% вместе с~последующим текстом, даже в~случае, если этот текст
+% мог бы там разместиться. Пакет поддерживает эту опцию, указатель
+% \texttt{[H]}, как для новых классов флотов так и~для
+% предопределённых |figure| и~|table|, вместо
+% \package{here}. David предполагает, что пакет \package{here}
+% может быть со временем удалён из архивов.
+%^^A% The {\tt[H]} specifier may simply be added to the float as an
+%^^A% optional argument, like all the other specifiers. It may \emph{not}
+%^^A% be used in conjunction with any other placement specifiers, so
+%^^A% {\tt[Hhtbp]} is illegal. Neither may it be used as the default
+%^^A% placement specifier for a whole class of floats. The following table
+%^^A% is defined like this:
+% Указатель {\tt[H]} может быть просто добавлен к~флоту
+% как опция, как другие указатели. Он \emph{не}
+% может быть использован совместно с~другими указателями, поэтому
+% {\tt[Hhtbp]} неверно. Также он не может быть использован как
+% параметр по умолчанию для класса флотов. Следующая таблица
+% определена следующим образом:
+% \begin{verse}
+% |\begin{table}[H]| \\*
+% |\begin{tabular}{cl}|\\
+% |\tt t & Top of the page\\|\\*
+% \dots\ more stuff \dots\\
+% |\end{tabular}|
+% \end{verse}
+%^^A% (It seems that I have to add some extraneous chatter here just so
+%^^A% that the float actually comes out right in the middle of a printed
+%^^A% page. When I \LaTeX ed the documentation\footnote{For \package{float}
+%^^A% package.} just now it turned out that there was a page break that
+%^^A% fell exactly between the ``So now'' line and the float. This
+%^^A% wouldn't Prove Anything. Bother.) So now we have the following float
+%^^A% placement specifiers:
+% (Кажется мне пришлось добавить здесь немного ненужной болтовни
+% чтобы флот был помещён точно посередине страницы.
+% Когда документация обрабатывалась
+% \LaTeX'ом\footnote{Пакета \package{float}.}
+% обнаружилось что разрыв страницы приходится между строкой
+% «Итак теперь» и~флотом. Это ничего не доказывает.
+% Итак теперь мы имеем следующие указатели размещения
+% флота:\nopagebreak
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \begin{tabular}{cl}
+% \tt t & вверх полосы\\
+% \tt b & вниз полосы\\
+% \tt p & на отдельную страницу\\
+% \tt h & здесь, если возможно\\
+% \tt H & только здесь, (после этого текста)
+% \end{tabular}
+% ^^A\caption{Could it be that this just needs a caption?}
+% \end{table}
+% \smallskip
+%^^A% \smallskip\em \textit{Floatrow note}. Please don't mix meaning of
+%^^A% \texttt{[H]} and \texttt{[h]} options.
+%^^A% Float with \texttt{[h]} and \texttt{[!h]} option, if succeed, appears
+%^^A% \emph{after completing line} of text,
+%^^A% where it was appeared in the source file. That could be visible if you
+%^^A% put floating environment within a~paragraph (and at the middle of line also).
+% \emph{Замечание \textsf{floatrow}}. Не путайте значение опций
+% \texttt{[H]} и~\texttt{[h]}.
+% Опции~\texttt{[h]} или~\texttt{[!h]}, если выполняются, помещают флот
+% \emph{после того, как завершена строка} текста,
+% где появилось окружение в~исходном файле. Это легко увидеть, если
+% вы поместите окружение флота внутри абзаца (да к~тому же ещё и~в~середине строки).
+%^^A% The \texttt{[H]} option places the float just \emph{at the point} where it appeared
+%^^A% in the source file, it is used (\emph{but that strongly
+%^^A% not recommended when typesetting books}!) for floats after text like ``\dots{}shown in this
+%^^A% \textbf{figure:}'', i.e. the \texttt{[H]} float, almost like math formulas, continues the current
+%^^A% paragraph.
+% Опция~|[H]| помещает флот \emph{в~точке} где
+% окружение появилось в~исходном файле,
+% это используется (\emph{такие вещи в~книгах настоятельно
+% не рекомендуются}!) для «флотов» после текста типа «\dots{}показано на этом
+% \textbf{рисунке:}», т.\,е. флоты с~опцией~\texttt{[H]}, почти как математические формулы, продолжают
+% данный абзац.
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% \subsubsection{The {[H]}
+%^^A% Placement Specifier---Managing of Page Breaks}\label{sec:listpen}
+% \subsubsection{Опция \texttt{[H]}---настройка разрывов на страницы}\label{sec:listpen}
+%^^A% The strange phrase at the end of previous paragraph, ``almost like math formulas''
+%^^A% means, that ``anchored'' floats have no management of page breaking, and also
+%^^A% the text, typed without blank line after float, always gets |\parindent|.
+% Странная фраза, «почти как математические формулы», в~конце предыдущего раздела
+% означает, что у~флотов «на якоре» по умолчанию нет управления разрывами до и~после флота,
+% и, если после флота нет пустой строки, абзац всё равно начинается с~отступа.
+%^^A% To follow the idea of |\allowdisplaybreaks| command from
+%^^A% \package{amsmath} package there is created a \emph{beta-temp}\footnote{I~hope
+%^^A% that such support sooner or later could appear in
+%^^A% \package{paralist} package and think it is better to follow
+%^^A% grammar of master-package for similar situations.} version
+%^^A% of \package{listpen} package (it can be used separately). It offers commands,
+%^^A% which manage the penalty values in the list environments:
+% Используя идею команды |\allowdisplaybreaks| из пакета
+% \package{amsmath} создан небольшой (beta-temp) пакет
+% \package{listpen}\footnote{Я~надеюсь
+% что подобная поддержка рано или поздно появится в~пакете
+% \package{paralist} и~считаю, что лучше следовать грамматике
+% этого пакета для таких ситуаций.} (может использоваться отдельно),
+% который предлагает команды, управляющие значениями штрафов стандартного \LaTeX'а,
+% используемых в~перечнях:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+%^^A% \item[\cmd{\allowprelistbreaks}]sets penalty before lists
+%^^A% (and also ``anchored'' floats);
+% \item[\cmd{\allowprelistbreaks}]устанавливает разрывы до перечней
+% (а~также флотов «на якоре»);
+%^^A% \item[\cmd{\allowpostlistbreaks}]sets penalty after lists;
+% \item[\cmd{\allowpostlistbreaks}]устанавливает разрывы
+% после перечней (флотов «на якоре»);
+%^^A% \item[\cmd{\allowitembreaks}]sets penalty between list items.
+% \item[\cmd{\allowitembreaks}]устанавливает разрывы между
+% пунктами перечня (флотам, естественно, это не нужно!).
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% All of them can be set globally, inside groups, and inside
+%^^A% environments. These penalties are set accordingly to digits
+%^^A% from |[-4]| (never break) to |[4]| (always break). The positive
+%^^A% values of optional argument in these commands analogous to values
+%^^A% of optional arguments in |\pagebreak| command. The negative
+%^^A% ones---to optional arguments |[1]|--|[4]| in |\nopagebreak| command.
+%^^A% The default value of all three commands is |[-1]| which equal
+%^^A% to settings of standard \LaTeX{} classes: \cls{book}, \cls{article}
+%^^A% etc. (|[-1]| option equal to |\@lowpenalty| value).
+% Все эти команды задают глобально, внутри группы или
+% окружения. Значения разрывов задаются цифрами
+% от |[-4]| (нет разрыва) до |[4]| (разрыв). Положительные
+% значения опций команд аналогичны значениям опций
+% команды |\pagebreak|. Отрицательные соответствуют
+% опциям |[1]|--|[4]| в~команде |\nopagebreak|.
+% Значение по умолчанию равно |[-1]|, что
+% равно установкам стандартных классов \LaTeX'а
+% (|[-1]| соответствует значению |-\@lowpenalty|).
+% \DescribeMacro{floatHaslist}\label{setup:floatHaslist}%^^A
+%^^A% The key, if true,
+%^^A% uses list penalties, otherwise anchored float works without any penalty, i.e. like
+%^^A% defined in \package{float}.
+% Ключ, в~значении |true|,
+% использует штрафы (penalties) задаваемые для перечней,
+% в~противном случае флот «на якоре»
+% работает как в~пакете~\package{float}.
+%^^A% Also (added in version 0.1k with current key):
+%^^A% Since list environments do \emph{not make indentation} in the
+%^^A% paragraphs next to them, in the case of \emph{no blank} line after environment,
+%^^A% the ``anchored'' floating environment does
+%^^A% the same, if this option is true. Default value of |floatHaslist|
+%^^A% is |false|
+%^^A% (for backward compatibility with previous version 0.1j).
+% Также (добавлено в~версии 0.1k наряду с~данным ключом):
+% поскольку после перечня \emph{не делается абзацного отступа} в~тексте
+% в~случае, если \emph{не задана пустая строка} после окружения,
+% флот «на якоре» делает то же самое,
+% если включена опция. По умолчанию опция |floatHaslist| отключена (|false|)
+% (для обратной совместимости с~версией~0.1j).
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatHpenalties}\label{setup:floatHpenalties}%^^A
+%^^A% This macro, defined with |\renewcommand| can include settings for
+%^^A% list penalties around anchored floats. If you define
+% Это макро, определённое с~помощью |\renewcommand| может содержать установки
+% штрафов вокруг перечней вокруг флота «на якоре». Если вы определите в~преамбуле документа
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\makeatletter|\nopagebreak
+% |\renewcommand\floatHpenalties{\@beginparpenalty\@M}|\nopagebreak
+% |\makeatother|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% or, with \package{listpen} package
+% или, с~пакетом \package{listpen},\allowpostlistbreaks[-4]
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\renewcommand\floatHpenalties{\allowprelistbreaks[-4]}|\quad,
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% you'll never get page breaks before anchored float.
+% вы запретите разрыв до флота «на якоре».
+% \allowpostlistbreaks\medskip\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{\RestoreSpaces}
+% \DescribeMacro{\RemoveSpaces}
+%^^A% The commands-aliases
+%^^A% of the |\if@nobreak| flag were added. The first is equal to |\@nobreakfalse|.
+%^^A% The main (and most visible) usage of this flag is for managing
+%^^A% vertical spaces:\startNotes\Note the |true| value in the case of two sectioning commands
+%^^A% cancels usage of the space before next
+%^^A% |\..section| command of the pair; \Note in the case of
+%^^A% spaces around list environments it cancels usage of the space
+%^^A% before list just after sectioning command.
+%^^A% Usually the |\@nobreakfalse| flag toggles at the next paragraph (or |\par| command),
+%^^A% but in some cases this ``toggling'' cannot be happen in necessary point.
+%^^A% The |\RestoreSpaces| command would help. Opposite command |\RemoveSpaces| equals to |\@nobreaktrue|.
+% Добавлены ещё две команды, пользовательский вариант внутреннего
+% флага |\if@nobreak|.
+% Основное (и~самое заметное) действие этого флага \cdash--- управление
+% вертикальными отбивками:
+% значение |true| между двумя элементами рубрикации отменяет, например,\startNotes\Note
+% отбивку сверху для следующего из двух стоящих подряд заголовков, \Note
+% а~при расстановке отбивок вокруг окружений перечней (окружений, созданных на основе окружения
+% |list|, к~ним относятся, например, и~теоремы), отменяет отбивку
+% до перечня сразу после заголовка.
+% По правилам этот флаг переключается в~начале следующего абзаца (или командой |\par|),
+% но в~некоторых случаях в~нужный момент этого не происходит.
+% Команда |\RestoreSpaces| в~этих случаях должна помочь. Противоположная команда |\RemoveSpaces|
+% соответствует |\@nobreaktrue|.
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{rotfloat} Package}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{rotfloat}}
+%^^A% Code of \package{rotfloat} package was also borrowed by \package{floatrow}
+%^^A% package.
+%^^A% This package originally allows to expand settings of \package{float} package to
+%^^A% rotated environments like |sidewaysfigure| and |sidewaystable|. This mechanism
+%^^A% was borrowed to expand the \package{floatrow}'s settings in the similar way.
+% Код пакета \package{rotfloat} был также позаимствован
+% пакетом \package{floatrow}. Данный пакет, в~оригинале, позволяет подключить настройки пакета
+% \package{float} на развёрнутые флоты типа |sidewaysfigure| и~|sidewaystable|.
+% Данный механизм и~был позаимствован, чтобы подключить созданные для этих окружений
+% настройки пакета \package{floatrow}.
+%^^A% In the case of loaded \package{rotfloat} package \emph{before}
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} you will get error message.
+% Если пакет \package{rotfloat} был загружен до \package{floatrow},
+% вы получите сообщение об ошибке.
+%^^A% The \package{floatrow} package loads code which pretends that
+%^^A% \package{rotfloat} is already loaded, so next loads are ignored.
+%^^A% The \package{rotfloat} allowed in the |\usepackage|
+%^^A% line with \package{rotating} package, which could have options. It is
+%^^A% necessary to delete \package{rotfloat} package from |\usepackage| line
+%^^A% where also \package{rotating} package loaded with options: otherwise
+%^^A% you may get an `option clash' error message.
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} вводит код, который эмулирует уже загруженный
+% пакет \package{rotfloat} и~последующая его загрузка игнорируется.
+% Пакет \package{rotfloat} построен таким образом, что может быть
+% загружен в~одной строке \verb|\usepackage| вместе
+% с~пакетом \package{rotating}, который может иметь опции. Необходимо
+% также удалить пакет \package{rotfloat} из строки \verb|\usepackage|,
+% где задан пакет \package{rotating} с~опциями: в~противном случае
+% вы получите сообщение об ошибке со словами `option clash'.
+%^^A% \section{The \package{floatrow} Package and The \package{caption} Package}\label{ssec:caption}
+% \section{Пакет \package{floatrow} и пакет \package{caption}}
+%^^A% Tested (and compatible) with \package{caption} version from v3.0q to~v3.1j.
+% Тестировалось (и~совместимо) с~версиями \package{caption} v3.0q--v3.1j.%^^A
+%^^A% The \package{caption} package has strong mechanism for creation of
+%^^A% caption layout, so \package{floatrow} addresses the creation of new
+%^^A% caption styles to this package (see documentation for \package{caption}
+%^^A% package%^^A
+%^^A% \footnote{The English documentation is
+%^^A% \href{}%^^A
+%^^A% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/caption/caption-eng.pdf}}.}).
+% Пакет \package{caption} обладает сильным механизмом создания
+% оформления подписей, поэтому \package{floatrow} адресует создание
+% новых стилей для подписей этому пакету (см.~документацию для
+% пакета \package{caption}%^^A
+% \footnote{Английская документация
+% \href{}%^^A
+% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/caption/caption-eng.pdf}}.}).
+%^^A% The \package{floatrow} package adds a~possibility to create variations of caption layouts
+%^^A% for floats in different positions or float layouts (e.g. like wide or
+%^^A% two-column floats, rotated floats, wrapped floats) in the same time when |\floatsetup|
+%^^A% settings were loaded, using the same optional argument in
+%^^A% |\captionsetup| settings.
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} добавляет возможность создать варианты
+% оформления подписей для флотов с~различным размещением (например
+% для флотов вразрез двух колонок или широких флотов,
+% развёрнутых вертикально флотов, флотов в~оборку) параллельно с~настройками |\floatsetup|
+% за счёт задания того же дополнительного аргумента в~команде
+% |\captionsetup|.
+%^^A% For example you want to create a~special caption layout for wide or
+%^^A% two-column floats. In this case you may use
+% Например вы желаете создать специальное оформление для подписи
+% под широким флотом или
+% флотом вразрез двух колонок. В~этом случае вы можете использовать
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\captionsetup[widefloat]|\marg{options}
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% or for wide or two-column figures:
+% или, для широких рисунков или рисунков вразрез двух колонок:
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\captionsetup[widefigure]|\marg{options}
+% \end{quote}
+%^^A% The priority of |\captionsetup| optional arguments is similar to
+%^^A% |\floatsetup| ones: in current examples |\captionsetup[widefigure]|
+%^^A% will be stronger than |\captionsetup[widefloat]|---the priority
+%^^A% and usage of ``\meta{float subtypes}'' in optional arguments
+%^^A% see on page~\pageref{stsetorder}\label{cap:beside:order}.
+% Приоритет опций в~команде |\captionsetup| такой же, как в~опциях
+% команды |\floatsetup|: в~приведённых примерах настройки
+% |\captionsetup[widefigure]| будут «сильнее», чем
+% |\captionsetup[widefloat]|. Приоритет и~использование
+% «\meta{float subtype}» в~дополнительных аргументах
+% см.~на с.~\pageref{stsetorder}\label{cap:beside:order}.
+%^^A% \captionsetup[subtype]{labelformat=brace,font=footnotesize}
+% \captionsetup[subtable]{labelformat=brace,textfont=md,labelfont=up}
+%^^A% \subsection{Managing of Float Parts With the \cmd{\subcaption} Command}\label{ssec:subcaption}
+% \subsection{Работа с~частями флотов и~окружение \texttt{subfloatrow}}\label{ssec:subcaption}
+% \DescribeMacro{\subcaption}
+%^^A% The version~3.1 of caption package offers possibility for creation of
+%^^A% subcaptions, using the |subtype| settings (and |\DeclareCaptionSubType| command, see \package{caption}
+%^^A% documentation), which allow to create captions for parts of floats.
+% Версия~3.1 пакета \package{caption} предлагает возможность создания
+% подписей к~частям флота, используя настройки |subtype|
+% (и~команду |\DeclareCaptionSubType|, см.~документацию к~пакету
+% \package{caption}), которые позволяют создать подписи
+% к~частям рисунков.
+%^^A% In this section you may see some examples with building of rows of beside parts of floats.
+% В~этом разделе вы можете увидеть примеры построения рядов из частей флотов.
+%^^A% The example with subtables \Fref{subcaptab:tabIIIa} and \Fref{subcaptab:tabIIIb}
+%^^A% (table~\ref{captab:tabIII}).%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Subcaption above subtable}{FAD:subcapabove:subcaption}
+% Пример с~двумя подтаблицами \Fref{subcaptab:tabIIIa} и~\Fref{subcaptab:tabIIIb}
+% (табл.~\ref{captab:tabIII}).%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Подпись над частью таблицы}{FAD:subcapabove:subcaption}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \verb|\begin{table}|
+% \verb|\ttabbox[\FBwidth]|
+% \verb|{\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% \verb| \ttabbox|
+% \verb| {\subcaption{First subtable}\Flabel{...}%|
+% \verb| \begin{tabular}{..}...|
+% \verb| |
+% \verb| \ttabbox...|
+% \verb|\end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb|{\caption{Two ...}\Flabel{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\end{table}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \floatsetup[table]{style=plaintop}
+% \floatsetup[subtable]{style=Plaintop}
+% \begin{table}[H]\extrarowheight1pt\tabcolsep1.5\tabcolsep
+% \ttabbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\subcaption{Первая часть таблицы}\Flabel{subcaptab:tabIIIa}%^^A
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}{}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\subcaption{Вторая часть таблицы, тоже внутри \cs{ttabbox} и~окружения |floatrow|}%^^A
+% \Flabel{subcaptab:tabIIIb}%^^A
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & \phantom02 \\
+% Second row & \phantom03 & \phantom04 \\
+% Third row & \phantom06 & \phantom08 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption{Две части таблицы
+% (подписи к~ним созданы с~помощью \cs{subcaption})}\label{captab:tabIII}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+%^^A% Please note that for the labels of table parts the special option
+%^^A% \verb|brace| of the \verb|labelformat| key was used.
+% Обратите внимание, что для создания нумерационного заголовка частей таблицы
+% используется опция \verb|brace| ключа \verb|labelformat|.
+% \DescribeMacro{subfloatrow}
+%^^A% The |subfloatrow| is analogous to the |floatrow| environment\footnote{
+%^^A% It skips some features of ``parent'' environment, (e.g. margins or margin material
+%^^A% this environment build box and follows |objectset=| option).}.
+%^^A% The usage is similar to |floatrow|, you may write for example:
+% Окружение |subfloatrow| аналогично окружению |floatrow|\footnote{
+% В~данном окружении отсутствуют некоторые свойства «старшего» окружения
+% (опущены опции задания полей, вместо этого используются настройки ключа |objectset=|
+% «старшего» окружения).}.
+% Задание его тоже аналогично окружению |floatrow|, вы можете записать:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \verb|\begin{subfloatrow}[|\meta{number of beside parts of floats}\verb|]|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\floatbox...|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\floatbox...|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|...|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\end{subfloatrow}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% i.e.\ by default there are allowed two parts of floats. For other number of parts
+%^^A% you ought to put number in the optional argument. This environment
+%^^A% puts horizontal separator, defined by |subfloatrowsep=|
+%^^A% key. This key uses the same options
+%^^A% as |floatrowsep=| and |capbesidesep=| keys (options of
+%^^A% these keys defined by the \verb|\|\FRkey{DeclareFloatSeparators} command).
+% т.\,е.\ по умолчанию в~ряду предполагаются две части флота. Если нужно разместить
+% другое число частей, вам нужно задать их число в~дополнительном аргументе.
+% Части флота разделяются отбивкой или материалом, определёнными опцией ключа
+% |subfloatrowsep=|. Этот ключ использует те же опции, что ключи
+% |floatrowsep=| и~|capbesidesep=| (опции этих ключей определяются
+% командой \verb|\|\FRkey{DeclareFloatSeparators}).
+%^^A% Inside the |subfloatrow| environment you may use the |\caption| command, which
+%^^A% this time creates the label for parts of float. This is because of setting
+% Внутри окружение |subfloatrow| вы можете использовать команду |\caption|,
+% которая в~данном окружении уже создаст метки для частей флота.
+% Дело в~том что в~самом начале окружения заданы установки
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup{subtype}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}%
+%^^A% at the very beginning of this environment.
+%^^A% \emph{Note}: With the \package{floatrow} package you may use also |\captionsetup[subfloat]|
+%^^A% settings, the \package{caption} package offers
+%^^A% the |\captionsetup[subtype]{...}| settings which will be stronger than previous, to say nothing
+%^^A% about |\captionsetup[subfigure]{...}| for parts of figure, which are strongest. (Please note
+%^^A% that in \package{caption} terms word ``subtype'' means part of float.)
+% \emph{Замечание}: При использовании пакета \package{floatrow} можно использовать настройки
+% |\captionsetup[subfloat]|, а~пакет \package{caption} предлагает настройки
+% |\captionsetup[subtype]{...}| которые сильнее предыдущих, не говоря уж
+% о~|\captionsetup[subfigure]{...}| для частей рисунка, которые являются самыми сильными. (Обратите
+% внимание, что в~терминологии пакета \package{caption} слово ``subtype'' означает часть флота.)
+%^^A% Next follows an example with beside main caption (figure~\ref{fig:subcap:catsI}).%^^A
+% Далее следует пример с~подписью сбоку (рис.~\ref{fig:subcap:catsI}).%^^A
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]
+% \begin{preamble}
+% \verb|...|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\DeclareCaptionSubType[alph]{figure}|
+% \verb|\captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=centerlast}|\vspace{1ex}
+% \verb|\floatsetup[figure]{|\FRkey{style}\verb|=Shadowbox,|%^^A%
+% \FRkey{capbesidesep}\verb|=columnsep,%|
+% \verb| |\FRkey{capbesideframe}\verb|=yes,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}\verb|={left,bottom}}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\floatsetup[subfigure]{|\FRkey{style}\verb|=plain,|\FRkey{heightadjust}\verb|=object}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% \verb|\begin{figure}|
+% \verb|\fcapside[\FBwidth]|
+% \verb| {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% \verb| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Одна забавная...}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| |
+% \verb| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Другая очаровательная...}\Flabel{...}...}{}%|
+% \verb| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb| {\caption{... \Fref{...} and \Fref{...}}\label{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=centerlast,strut=no}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Shadowbox,capbesidesep=columnsep,
+% capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition={left,bottom}}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,heightadjust=object}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Одна забавная кошка}\Flabel{subcapfig:w}%
+% \unitlength1.2\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}{}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Другая очаровательная кошка}\Flabel{subcapfig:b}%^^A
+% \unitlength1.32\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Ряд, состоящий из частей рисунка]{Подпись сбоку,
+% выровненная по низу; макет \texttt{Shadowbox}.
+% Рисунок состоит из двух частей:
+% \Fref{subcapfig:w} и~\Fref{subcapfig:b}}\label{fig:subcap:catsI}}
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% In the next example the main caption will be placed below, but labels of figure parts were
+%^^A% printed beside (see figure~\ref{fig:subcap:catsII}). For this reason the
+%^^A% \cs{useFCwidth} command was used, which creates the width of caption box equal to natural caption width.
+% В~следующем примере основная подпись помещена снизу, а~метки частей рисунка размещены сбоку
+% \FRmpar{Метка подподписи сбоку подфлота}{FAD:sublabelbeside:subcaption}%%^^A
+% (см.~рис.~\ref{fig:subcap:catsII}). Для этой цели используется команда \cs{useFCwidth},
+% которая определяет ширину подписи, равную натуральной.
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}\verb|=left,|
+%\verb| |\FRkey{capbesidesep}\verb|=space,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{heightadjust}\verb|=object}|
+% \verb|\begin{figure}[H]|
+% \verb| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|
+% \verb| {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth|
+% \verb| \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\subcaption{}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\subcaption{}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb|{\caption[...]{...}\label{...}}|
+% \verb|\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}\pagebreak[1]
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,list=off}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,capbesideposition=left,
+% capbesidesep=space,floatrowsep=qquad}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\subcaption{}\Flabel{subcap:wI}\hbox{\unitlength1.02\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}}{}
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\subcaption{}\Flabel{subcap:bI}\hbox{\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Две части рисунка имеют метки, созданные командой \cmd{\subcaption}
+% (метки сбоку)]{Две части рисунка рядом имеют метки, созданные командой \cmd{\subcaption}
+% (метки сбоку). Основная подпись снизу. Итак, части рисунка
+% \Fref{subcap:wI}~и~\Fref{subcap:bI}}\label{fig:subcap:catsII}}
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% In the next example the difference from previous layout settings is in usage
+%^^A% of the top vertical alignment. The height of the right graphics was enlarged by 1cm just
+%^^A% to show how the alignment for parts (here is default centering alignment)
+%^^A% and the top alignment for their captions (they are aligned by top) works.
+% Отличие от предыдущего примера в~примере ниже заключается в~том, что
+% используется вертикальное выравнивание частей рисунка. Высота правой части увеличена на 1\,см,
+% для демонстрации работы вертикального выравнивания объектов (здесь используется
+% вертикальное центрирование по умолчанию) и~их меток или подписей (которые выровнены по верху).
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \FRkey{heightadjust}|=object,|
+%\verb| |\FRkey{capbesideposition}\verb|={left,top},|\FRkey{capbesidesep}\verb|=space}|
+% \verb|\begin{figure}[H]|
+% \verb| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|
+% \verb| {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth|
+% \verb| \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\caption{}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| \fcapside[\FBwidth][\FBheight+1cm]{\caption{}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb|{\caption[...]{...}\label{...}}|
+% \verb|\end{figure}|\pagebreak[1]
+% \end{Quote}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,list=off}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,heightadjust=object,capbesideposition={left,top},
+% capbesidesep=space,floatrowsep=qquad}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{}\relax\Flabel{subcap:wIi}\hbox{\unitlength1.02\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}}{}
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth][\FBheight+1cm]
+% {\caption{}\Flabel{subcap:bIi}\hbox{\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Две части рисунка рядом, с~командами \cmd{\caption}
+% внутри окружения subfloatrow (метки сбоку)]{Две
+% части рисунка рядом \ref{subsubcap:wIi}~и~\ref{subsubcap:bIi},
+% внутри окружения subfloatrow
+% (метки сбоку). Основная подпись снизу. Итак, части рисунка:
+% \Fref{subcap:wIi}~и~\Fref{subcap:bIi}}\label{fig:subcap:catsIiI}}
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% Another example (\ref{fig:subcap:IcatsI}) demonstrates, that you
+%^^A% may not only use the option |style=plain| for parts of float,
+%^^A% and there can not only be labels for beside subcaptions.
+% Следующий пример (рис.\,\ref{fig:subcap:IcatsI}) демонстрирует, что можно использовать не только
+% простое оформление частей рисунка, заданное, например опцией ключа |style=plain|,
+% а~сбоку частей рисунка можно разместить не только метки части рисунка,
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]
+% \begin{preamble}\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=rightlast,|
+% \verb| format=hang}|\vspace{1ex}
+% \verb|\floatsetup[figure]{|\FRkey{style}\verb|=plain}%|
+% \verb|\floatsetup[subfigure]{|\FRkey{style}\verb|=BOXED,|\FRkey{capbesideposition}\verb|={left,top}}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% \verb|\begin{figure}|
+% \verb|\ffigbox|
+% \verb| {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% \verb| \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{One ...}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| |
+% \verb| \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Another ...}\Flabel{...}...}{}%|
+% \verb| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb| {\caption{... \Fref{...} and \Fref{...}}\label{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=rightlast,format=hang}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=BOXED,capbesideposition={left,top}}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Очень забавная кошка с~глазами в~виде полумесяца, треугольным ушами
+% и~маленьким носиком}\Flabel{subcapfig:ww}%
+% \input{Cat.picture}}{}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Другая, очаровательная кошка с~большими усами,
+% овальными глазами, и~розовым влажным носиком}\label{subcapfig:bb:}\Flabel{subcapfig:bb}%^^A
+% \input{TheCat.picture}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Две части рисунка рядом, с~подписями сбоку]{Подписи для частей рисунков
+% выровнены по верху. Итак, две части рисунка:
+% \Fref{subcapfig:ww}~и~\Fref{subcapfig:bb}}\label{fig:subcap:IcatsI}}
+% \end{figure}\par\vskip-.5\lastskip
+% \DescribeMacro{\captionlabel}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\subcaptionlabel}%^^A
+%^^A% The last example demonstrates new command \verb|\subcaptionlabel| for caption
+%^^A% labels, which can be used inside,
+%^^A% e.g., |picture| environment or as replacing text in \verb|psfrag| command of \package{psfrag}
+%^^A% package. Unlike the \verb|\caption| and \verb|\subcaption| commands, the \verb|\subcaptionlabel|
+%^^A% will not be saved in special box register when the float box is building, and
+%^^A% will be typed like caption label, which follows settings of caption layout.
+%^^A% This command is based on \verb|\subcaption| command but with changed internal command of \package{caption}
+%^^A% package. There is also the \verb|\captionlabel| command.
+%^^A% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=raggedleft}
+% Последний пример демонстрирует новую команду \verb|\subcaptionlabel|, которая может быть использована,
+% например, внутри окружения |picture| или как текст-замена для команды \verb|psfrag| (пакет
+% \package{psfrag}). В~отличие от команд \verb|\caption| и~\verb|\subcaption|,
+% команда \verb|\subcaptionlabel| не записывается в~специальный бокс-регистр при построении макета,
+% а~будет напечатана как номер, оформленный соответственно макету подписи.
+% Эта команда, основанная на команде \verb|\subcaption|, но с~изменённой внутренней
+% командой пакета \package{caption}. Также существует команда \verb|\captionlabel|.
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=raggedleft}
+% \begin{Quote}\openup-.5pt%
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|
+% |{\begin{picture}(82,28)(0,0)|
+% |\put(0,0){\framebox(40,28)[bl]{}}|
+% |\put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\relax\hbox{\subcaptionlabel{}\Flabel{scap:I}}}}|
+% |...|
+% |\put(42,0){|
+% |\put(0,0){\framebox(40,28)[bl]{}}|
+% |\put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\hbox{\subcaptionlabel{}\Flabel{scap:II}}}}|
+% |...}|
+% |\end{picture}}|
+% |{\caption{Представлены две части рисунка.|
+% |\textit{Слева} изображены кошачьи глаза (\Fref{scap:I});|
+% |\textit{справа} \cdash--- кошачьи уши (\Fref{scap:II})%|
+% |}\label{figcap:label}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}\pagebreak[3]
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength2\unitlength\fboxsep-.4pt
+% \begin{picture}(82,28)(0,0)
+% \put(0,0){\framebox(40,28)[bl]{}}
+% \put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\relax\hbox{\subcaptionlabel{}\Flabel{scap:I}}}}
+% \put(20,2){{
+% \put(-12,5){\put(4.5,4.5){\oval(9,9)[t]}
+% \put(4.5,4.5){\line(0,1){4.5}}
+% \put(0,4.5){\line(1,0){9}}}
+% \put(3,5){\put(4.5,4.5){\oval(9,9)[t]}
+% \put(4.5,4.5){\line(0,1){4.5}}
+% \put(0,4.5){\line(1,0){9}}}}}
+% \put(42,0){
+% \put(0,0){\framebox(40,28)[bl]{}}
+% \put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\hbox{\subcaptionlabel{}\Flabel{scap:II}}}}%^^A\label{}
+% \put(20,2){{
+% \put(-14,12){\put(0,0){\line(2,3){5}}
+% \put(10,0){\line(-2,3){5}}}
+% \put(4,12){\put(0,0){\line(2,3){5}}
+% \put(10,0){\line(-2,3){5}}}}}}
+% \end{picture}}
+% {\caption[Рисунок с~метками частей, встроенными внутри графики]{%^^A
+% Представлены две части рисунка.
+% \textit{Слева} изображены кошачьи глаза (\Fref{scap:I});
+% \textit{справа} \cdash--- кошачьи уши (\relax\Fref{scap:II})
+% \unskip}\label{figcap:label}}
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% \subsection{Support of The Label--Sublabel References}\label{ssec:Flabel}
+% \subsection{Поддержка ссылок и~меток типа «старший-и-младший»}\label{ssec:Flabel}
+%^^A% In the examples above of the current section the \verb|\Flabel| and
+%^^A% \verb|\Fref| commands were used for cross referencing (you may see
+%^^A% these commands in the code examples).
+%^^A% The \verb|\Flabel| gets a~modified format of current label of subfloat number:
+%^^A% In these definitions the float and subfloat
+%^^A% separators are divided by a~special separator command, which by default has no effect.
+%^^A% The label command \verb|\Flabel| can be defined like following:
+% В~примерах выше в~данном разделе использовались команды \verb|\Flabel| и~\verb|\Fref|
+% для перекрёстных ссылок (вы можете видеть эти команды в~примерах кода).
+% Команда \verb|\Flabel| использует изменённый формат текущей метки части флота:
+% в~данных примерах метки флота и~подфлота разделяются специальной командой,
+% которая по умолчанию ничего не означает.
+% Команда метки \verb|\Flabel| определяется следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \verb|\newseparatedlabel\Flabel{figure}{subfigure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% or, for all floats:
+% или для всех флотов:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \verb|\makeatletter|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\newseparatedlabel\Flabel{\@captype}{sub\@captype}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\makeatother|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% Next command, \verb|\Fref|, redefines this separator, and defines, if necessary,
+%^^A% the font emphasize (or other command which uses one argument)
+%^^A% of following part of label, and prints reference with
+%^^A% standard \verb|\ref| command. It was defined in this documentation like following:
+% Следующая команда, \verb|\Fref|, переопределяет команду разделителя и, при необходимости,
+% может задать команду шрифтового оформления (или другие команды использующие один аргумент),
+% а~затем печатает ссылку с~помощью стандартной команды \verb|\ref|. Команда \verb|\Fref|
+% определена в~данной документации следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \verb|\newseparatedref\Fref{,\,\textit}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% Thus, labels, which use \verb|\Flabel| command can be referenced by usual way with \verb|\ref|
+%^^A% command and with \verb|\Fref| command. The labels in current section and in the section, which describes
+%^^A% the \package{subfig} package, use the \verb|\Flabel|. You may see the result of this command
+%^^A% in all \verb|\Fref|erences to these parts of figures.
+% Теперь метки, которые заданы с~командой \verb|\Flabel| могут быть выведены и~стандартным
+% способом, с~использованием команды \verb|\ref|, и~с~помощью
+% команды \verb|\Fref|. Метки в~данном разделе и~в~разделе, описывающем пакет
+% \package{subfig}, используется команда \verb|\Flabel|. Результат этой команды
+% можно увидеть в~ссылках \verb|\Fref| на части рисунка.
+%^^A% The last command, \verb|\makelabelseparator|, defines label separator globally:
+% Последняя команда, \verb|\makelabelseparator|, определяет разделитель между старшим и~младшим
+% номером:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \verb|\makelabelseparator{,\,\textit}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% In this case both \verb|\Fref| and \verb|\ref| commands give the same result with |\Flabel|ed
+%^^A% elements.
+% В~этом случае все метки созданные командой \verb|\Flabel| дадут одинаковый
+% результат и~при использовании \verb|\Fref| и~при использовании \verb|\ref|.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{The \cmd{\RawCaption} with Parts of Figure}
+% \subsubsection{Команда \texorpdfstring{\cs{RawCaption}}{RawCaption}
+% и~части рисунка}
+% \DescribeMacro{\RawCaption}\label{subcap:RawCaption}%^^A
+%^^A% The example with usage of |\subcaption| and |\RawCaption| command.
+%^^A% The layout of figure float is modified \verb|BOXED| style. The idea behind this example is
+%^^A% to place caption in the free right lower corner of graphics. The \verb|\RawCaption|
+%^^A% allows to put the caption in necessary place without disturbing the float layout.
+%^^A% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=rightlast,format=hang}
+% Пример с~совместным использованием команд |\subcaption| и~|\RawCaption|.
+% В~качестве оформления рисунка используется модифицированный стиль \verb|BOXED|.
+% В~данном примере подпись к~рисунку лучше поместить в~свободное место
+% в~правом нижнем углу. Команда \verb|\RawCaption|
+% позволяет поместить подпись в~нужное место с~сохранением оформления рисунка.
+% \DescribeMacro{subfloatrow*}
+%^^A% The starred form loads settings for creation captions of float parts, but
+%^^A% in this environment the |\caption| command restores its meaning. Thus,
+%^^A% you need the |\subcaption| command for typesetting sub-captions.
+%^^A% You may define it by yourself:
+% «Звёздная» форма окружения ряда для частей флота сохраняет
+% значение команды |\caption|. Поэтому вам необходима дополнительная
+% команда |\subcaption| для создания подписей частей флота.
+% Её можно определить следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\newcommand*\subcaption{\captionsetup{subtype*}\caption}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+%^^A% or use the additional package called \package{subcaption} which on top of everything
+%^^A% defines the |\subcaption| command.
+% или использовать пакет \package{subcaption}, который помимо всего прочего
+% определяет и~команду |\subcaption|.
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=rightlast,format=hang}
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]%
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareColorBox}|{framedfigure}{\fcolorbox{gray}{white}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{style=BOXED,heightadjust=object,|
+% | colorframeset=framedfigure,|
+% | framestyle=colorbox,frameset={\fboxrule3pt\fboxsep8pt}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,capbesideposition={left,top},|
+% | heightadjust=object}|
+% |\begin{figure}[H]|
+% |\ffigbox{}{\begin{subfloatrow*}|
+% |\fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{...}\Flabel{...}%|
+% | ...}{}|
+% |\fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{...}\Flabel{...}%|%^^A
+% | ...}{}%|
+% |\end{subfloatrow*}%|
+% |\renewlengthtocommand\settowidth\Mylen{\subfloatrowsep}\vskip\Mylen|
+% |\BottomFloatBoxes\floatsetup[subfigure]{heightadjust=none}|
+% |\begin{subfloatrow*}|
+% |\fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{...}\Flabel{...}%|
+% | ...}{}|
+% |\ffigbox[][][b]{}{\RawCaption{\caption[...}\label{...}}}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow*}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=BOXED,heightadjust=object,colorframeset=framedfigure,
+% framestyle=colorbox,frameset={\fboxrule3pt\fboxsep8pt}}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,capbesideposition={left,top},heightadjust=object}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox{}{\begin{subfloatrow*}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Очень забавный кот с весёлыми глазами, треугольными ушами,
+% и~маленьким чёрным носом}\Flabel{subIcapfig:ww}%
+% \setlength\unitlength{61\unitlength/48}\input{Cat.picture}}{}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Очень приятная кошка с~большими усами, овальными глазами,
+% и~влажным розовым носиком}\Flabel{subIcapfig:bb}%^^A
+% \input{TheCat.picture}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow*}\renewlengthtocommand\settowidth\Mylen{\subfloatrowsep}\vskip\Mylen
+% \BottomFloatBoxes\floatsetup[subfigure]{heightadjust=none}
+% \begin{subfloatrow*}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Очень большой кот, сидит на окне и~смотрит на птиц
+% на дереве во дворе}\Flabel{subIcapfig:bc}%
+% \input{BlackCat.picture}}{}
+% \ffigbox[][][b]{}{\RawCaption{\relax\caption[Три части рисунка с~подписями.
+% Основная подпись в~свободном месте]{Подписи частей
+% рисунков выровнены по верху. Итак три части рисунка:
+% \Fref{subIcapfig:ww}, \Fref{subIcapfig:bb} и~\Fref{subIcapfig:bc}. Подпись рисунка
+% размещена на свободном месте в~правом нижнем углу}\label{fig:subIcap:IcatsI}}}
+% \end{subfloatrow*}}
+% \end{figure}
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Тандемы стилей}
+%^^A% The next few sections show examples and explain some noticed
+%^^A% features with usage of \package{floatrow} and other packages. There is no
+%^^A% full list of style compatibilities. You may succeed with other
+%^^A% versions of mentioned packages, and maybe with not mentioned
+%^^A% packages too.
+% Несколько следующих разделов показывают примеры и~объясняют
+% некоторые замеченные особенности с~использованием пакета
+% \package{floatrow} вместе с~другими пакетами. Это не полный
+% список таких пакетов. Возможна совместимость и~с~другими версиями
+% указанных пакетов, и~с~неуказанными пакетами тоже.
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{subfig} Package}\label{ssec:subfig}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{subfig}}\label{ssec:subfig}
+%^^A% Tested (and compatible) with version 1.3,
+%^^A% dated 2005/06/28%^^A
+%^^A% \footnote{The English documentation is
+%^^A% \href{}%^^A
+%^^A% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/subfig/subfig.pdf}}.}.
+%^^A% For the \package{subfig} package there are additional
+%^^A% macros in \package{floatrow} which
+%^^A% put subcaption label beside contents of subfloat and put alone
+%^^A% subcaption label.
+% Тестировалось (и~совместимо) с~версией~1.3 датированной 2005/06/28.%^^A
+% \footnote{Английская документация
+% \href{}%^^A
+% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/subfig/subfig.pdf}}.}
+% В~пакете \package{floatrow} добавлены
+% макрокоманды для размещения частей флота рядом; размещения
+% номера подписи подфлота сбоку; задания номера подписи подфлота
+% отдельно.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Additions in \package{floatrow}}
+%^^A% \label{ssec:sidelabelsubfloat}
+% \subsubsection{Добавления в~пакете \package{floatrow}}
+% \label{ssec:sidelabelsubfloat}
+%^^A% The example with \cmd{\subfloat}'s (table~\ref{tab:tabIII}). The
+%^^A% setting command in preamble |\floatsetup[table]{style=Plaintop}|%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Subcaption above subtable}{FAD:subcapabove}
+%^^A% includes also settings for subcaption positions used with the
+%^^A% \package{subfig} package (like |\captionsetup[table]{position=top}| in
+%^^A% \package{caption} package):
+% Пример с~\cmd{\subfloat}'ами (табл.~\ref{tab:tabIII}).
+% Команда настройки оформления в~преамбуле,
+% |\floatsetup[table]{style=Plaintop}|,%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Подподпись над частью таблицы}{FAD:subcapabove}
+% включает
+% также настройки для положения подподписей, задаваемых пакетом
+% \package{subfloat} (аналогично настройкам |\captionsetup[table]{position=top}|
+% в~пакете \package{caption}):
+%| \floatbox{table}[\FBwidth]|
+%| {\caption{Two ...}\label{...}}|
+%| {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+%| \subfloat[First table]|
+%\verb+ {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}+
+%| ...\end{tabular}}|
+%| \subfloat[Second table...]|
+%\verb+ {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}+
+%| ...\end{tabular}%|
+%| \end{subfloatrow}}}|
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \floatsetup[subtable]{style=Plaintop}
+% \begin{table}[H]\extrarowheight1pt\tabcolsep1.5\tabcolsep
+% \floatbox{table}[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{Две подтаблицы (\cmd{\subtable})
+% (созданные с пакетом \package{subfig})}\label{tab:tabIII}}
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \subfloat[Первая подтаблица]
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Left Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \subfloat[Вторая подтаблица с~длинным длинным заголовком]
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & \phantom02 \\
+% Second row & \phantom03 & \phantom04 \\
+% Third row & \phantom06 & \phantom08 \\
+% %^^A Fourth row & 10 & 16 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+%^^A% The |subfloatrow| is analogous to the |floatrow| environment.
+%^^A% The usage is similar to |floatrow|:
+% Окружение |subfloatrow| \cdash--- это упрощённый вариант окружения
+% |floatrow|. Использование его аналогично |floatrow|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\begin{subfloatrow}[|\meta{number of beside floats}|]|\nopagebreak
+% |\subfloat...|\nopagebreak
+% |\subfloat...|\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{subfloatrow}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% i.e. by default two subfloats are allowed. For other number of subfloats
+%^^A% you ought to put number in optional argument.
+%^^A% This environment
+%^^A% puts a~horizontal separator between subfloats, defined by |subfloatrowsep=|
+%^^A% key instead of |floatrowsep=|. This key uses the same options
+%^^A% as |floatrowsep=| and |capbesidesep=| keys (options of
+%^^A% these keys defined by |\DeclareFloatSeparators| command,
+%^^A% page~\pageref{setup:DeclareFloatSeparators}).
+% {\sloppy
+% т.\,е. по умолчанию в~окружении предполагается два подфлота. Для другого числа подфлотов
+% нужно задать дополнительный аргумент.
+% Окружение между подфлотами
+% создаёт разделитель, заданный ключом |subfloatrowsep=|.
+% Ключ использует те же опции, что и~ключи
+% |floatrowsep=| и~|capbesidesep=| (опции этих ключей
+% задаются командой |\DeclareFloatSeparators|,
+% с.~\pageref{setup:DeclareFloatSeparators}).\par}
+%^^A% Next follows an example with beside caption (see
+%^^A% figure~\ref{fig:subfig:catsI}).%^^A
+% Следующим идёт пример рисунка с~подписью сбоку (рис.~\ref{fig:subfig:catsI}).%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidesep}|=columnsep,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|={left,top}}|
+%| strut=no}|
+%| {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+%| \subfloat[...\label{...}]{...}|
+%| \subfloat[...\label{...}]{...}%|
+%| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Shadowbox,capbesidesep=columnsep,
+% capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition={left,top}}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=centerlast,strut=no}
+% \begin{figure}[h]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \subfloat[Кот]{\unitlength.99\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}\Flabel{subfig:w}}
+% \subfloat[Другой кот]%^^A
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}\Flabel{subfig:b}}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Ряд подфлотов]{Подпись сбоку
+% выровнена по верху; стиль оформления флота
+% |Shadowbox|. Помещены две части рисунка:
+% \protect\Fref{subfig:w} и~\protect\Fref{subfig:b}}\label{fig:subfig:catsI}}
+% \end{figure}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sidesubfloat}
+%^^A% Another addition in \package{floatrow} for subfloats is the command,%^^a
+%^^A% which puts subcaption label beside subfloat. the subcaption label always
+%^^A% appears on the left side. the key |subcapbesideposition=|
+%^^A% \describemacro{subcapbesideposition}\label{setup:subcapbesideposition}%^^a
+%^^A% sets vertical alignment of beside subcaption and subfloat.
+%^^A% the options are analogous to the ones for |capbesideposition=| key:
+% Ещё одно определение \package{floatrow} для подфлотов \cdash--- команда,
+% которая помещает метку подподписи сбоку подфлота. Метка подподписи
+% всегда располагается слева от подфлота. Ключ |subcapbesideposition=|
+% \DescribeMacro{subcapbesideposition}\label{setup:subcapbesideposition}%^^A
+% определяет взаимное вертикальное выравнивание метки и~подфлота.
+% Название опций аналогично опциям вертикального выравнивания в~ключе
+% |capbesideposition=|:%^^A
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\samepage
+% \item[top]
+%^^A% subcaption label aligned to the top of object;
+% метка выровнена по верху объекта;
+% \item[bottom]
+%^^A% subcaption label aligned to the bottom of object;
+% метка по низу объекта (задана по умолчанию);
+% \item[center]
+%^^A% subcaption label aligned to the center of float contents.
+% метка по середине объекта.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% The figure~\ref{fig:subfig:catsII} shows layout with subfloat labels beside.
+% \mbox{}\FRmpar{Метка подподписи сбоку подфлота}{FAD:sublabelbeside}%%^^A
+% Рисунок~\ref{fig:subfig:catsII} демонстрирует оформление с~метками частей рисунка слева.
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \FRkey{subcapbesideposition}|=top}|
+% |\begin{figure}[H]|
+% | \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|
+% | {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% | \sidesubfloat[]{...\label{...}}%|
+% | |
+% | \sidesubfloat[]{...\label{...}}%|
+% | \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% |{\caption[...]{...}\label{...}}|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain,subcapbesideposition=top}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=centerlast,strut=no}
+% \begin{figure}[h]
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \sidesubfloat[]{%
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}\label{subfig:wI}}}
+% \sidesubfloat[]{\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}\label{subfig:bI}}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Ряд подфлотов (метки сбоку)]{Подпись сбоку выровнена
+% по средней линии. Помещены две части рисунка: \protect\ref{subfig:wI}
+% и~\protect\ref{subfig:bI}}\label{fig:subfig:catsII}}
+% \end{figure}
+% \endgroup
+% \DescribeMacro{\subfloatlabel}
+%^^A% There are cases when usage of something like |\subfloat[]{\label{..}}|
+%^^A% is needed. The first case shows the figure~\ref{fig:subfig:catsIII}---the
+%^^A% funny |picture| environment where subfloat labels were |\put|
+%^^A% as a part of subfigures.
+%^^A% Other---when you use mechanism of \package{psfrag} package and replace text entries
+%^^A% from PostScript file with \LaTeX{} ones. Unfortunately, the \package{subfig} package
+%^^A% creates unnecessary spaces around alone subfloat label in the
+%^^A% |\subfloat[]{\label{..}}| combination. The \package{fr-subfig} tries to fix this problem.
+% Иногда бывает нужна комбинация |\subfloat[]{\label{..}}|.
+% Первый случай демонстрирует рис.~\ref{fig:subfig:catsIII} \cdash--- забавное
+% окружение |picture|, где метки подфлота помещены командой |\put|,
+% внутри рисунка.
+% Другой случай \cdash--- использование пакета \package{psfrag} для замены текста
+% PostScript-файлов на \LaTeX'овский. К~сожалению, при задании |\subfloat[]{\label{..}}|
+% пакет \package{subfig} создаёт ненужные отбивки
+% вокруг метки подфлота. Пакет \package{fr-subfig} пытается решить эту проблему.
+%^^A% This command is based on |\subfloat[]{\label{..}}| sentence and
+%^^A% puts alone subcaption label with necessary number. The full variant
+%^^A% of |\subfloatlabel|
+% Данная команда базируется на комбинации |\subfloat[]{\label{..}}|
+% и~помещает метку части рисунка с~нужным номером. Полный вариант
+% команды |\subfloatlabel|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\subfloatlabel|\oarg{subfloat number}\oarg{label entry}
+% \end{Quote}
+% является сокращением следующего кода:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\setcounter|\marg{sub{\upshape\texttt{\char`\\@captype}}}\marg{subfloat number-1}\\
+% |\subfloat[]{\label{|\meta{label entry}|}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% Another example:
+% Ещё один пример:
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\begin{figure}[h]|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|
+% | {\unitlength2\unitlength\fboxsep-.4pt|
+% | \begin{picture}(90,30)(0,0)|
+% | \put(0,0){\framebox(40,30)[bl]{}}|\nopagebreak
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{listofformat=comma-separated,labelformat=brace,strut=no}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength2\unitlength\fboxsep-.4pt
+% \begin{picture}(90,30)(0,0)
+% \put(0,0){\framebox(40,30)[bl]{}}
+% \put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\subfloat[]{\label{subfig:wII}}}}
+% \put(0,0){
+% \put(8,10){\put(4.5,4.5){\oval(9,9)[t]}
+% \put(4.5,4.5){\line(0,1){4.5}}
+% \put(0,4.5){\line(1,0){9}}}
+% \put(23,10){\put(4.5,4.5){\oval(9,9)[t]}
+% \put(4.5,4.5){\line(0,1){4.5}}
+% \put(0,4.5){\line(1,0){9}}}}
+% \put(50,0){\framebox(40,30)[bl]{}}
+% \put(52,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\subfloatlabel[3][subfig:bII]{}%^^A
+% }}%^^A\label{}
+% \put(50,0){
+% \put(6,18){\put(0,0){\line(2,3){5}}
+% \put(10,0){\line(-2,3){5}}}
+% \put(24,18){\put(0,0){\line(2,3){5}}
+% \put(10,0){\line(-2,3){5}}}}
+% \end{picture}}
+% {\caption[Графика с~метками частей рисунка. Метки подфлотов были заданы
+% с~изменёнными настройками ключа \texttt{listofformat=}]{%^^A
+% Нарисованы два простых рисунка.
+% На одном \protect\cdash--- кошачьи глаза (\subref{subfig:wII}), помеченные как
+% \cs{subfloat}\texttt{[]\char`\{\char`\}};
+% а~\cs{subfloatlabel}\texttt{[3][subfig:bII]} помечает кошачьи уши на другом
+% (\subref{subfig:bII})}%^^A
+% \label{fig:subfig:catsIII}}
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% in the examples of current section the \verb|\Flabel| and \verb|\Fref|
+%^^A% commands for cross referencing of the subfloats were used
+%^^A% (you may see these commands in the code examples). As described in section~\ref{ssec:flabel}
+%^^A% these commands allow to create combined references which consist of the parent and current
+%^^A% labels separated by predefined punctuation sign.
+% В~примерах данного раздела были использованы команды \verb|\Flabel| и~\verb|\Fref|
+% для перекрёстных ссылок к~подфлотам
+% (вы можете увидеть эти команды в~примерах кода). Как описано в~разд.~\ref{ssec:Flabel}
+% эти команды позволяют задать ссылки, состоящие из старшего и~текущего уровней,
+% разделённых предопределённым знаком пунктуации.
+% \medskip
+%^^A% \emph{Some explanation}.
+%^^A% Previous versions of documentation used the |listofformat=| key; the necessary option
+%^^A% was defined by |\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat| command:
+%^^A% \begin{Quote}%
+%^^A% |\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat{comma-separated}{#1,\,#2}|
+%^^A% \end{Quote}%
+%^^A% This format is used, in particular, by |\subref| command. But usage of this key changes output
+%^^A% of subfloat numbers in the lists (list of tables and list of figures etc.),
+%^^A% which could be undesirable (see numbers of subfigures \subref{subfig:wII}
+%^^A% and \subref{subfig:bII} in the List of Figures).
+% \emph{Объяснительная}.
+% Предыдущие версии документации использовали ключ |listofformat=| key; необходимую опцию можно
+% задать с~помощью команды |\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat|:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat{comma-separated}{#1,\,#2}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% Такой формат метки используется, в~частности, командой |\subref|. Но использование этого ключа
+% изменяет вывод нумерации подфлотов в~Списках (таблиц, рисунков и~т.\,д.),
+% что возможно и~нежелательно (см.~нумерацию рисунков \subref{subfig:wII}
+% и~\subref{subfig:bII} в~списке рисунков в~начале документации).
+% \medskip
+%^^A% See examples with |subfloatrow| environments in sample files
+%^^A% \file{frsample03.tex}, \file{frsample05.tex}; and also
+%^^A% \file{frsample10.tex}--\file{frsample12.tex} where aligned contents
+%^^A% of beside subfloats are used in different layouts.
+% См. примеры с~окружениями |subfloatrow| в~файлах примеров
+% \file{frsample03.tex}, \file{frsample05.tex}; а~также
+% \file{frsample10.tex}--\file{frsample12.tex} где подфлоты
+% даны в~различных оформлениях и~размещениях.
+% \endgroup
+% \clearpage
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{longtable} Package}\label{ssec:longtable}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{longtable}}\label{ssec:longtable}
+%^^A% Tested with version v4.11, dated 2004/02/01.%^^A
+%^^A% \footnote{The English documentation is
+%^^A% \href{}%^^A
+%^^A% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/tools/longtable.dvi}}.}
+% Тестировалось с~версией v4.11, датированной 2004/02/01.%^^A
+% \footnote{Английская документация
+% \href{}%^^A
+% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/tools/longtable.dvi}}.}
+% В~русских публикациях
+% рекомендуется использовать версию не ниже указанной.
+%^^A% Please note that almost all settings in the |\floatsetup|'s
+%^^A% argument do not work inside |longtable| environments, except
+%^^A% settings for caption width (see below) and plain horizontal alignment in the |margins=| key.
+%^^A% So, during building of |\floatsetup| settings for the tables, be aware
+%^^A% that you may use only something like |style=plaintop| or |style=Plaintop|,
+%^^A% to place caption above, also you may use options of the
+%^^A% |margins=| key, which use only spacing commands, like defined ones
+%^^A% in this package (page~\pageref{setup:margins}), and do not forget settings for |\LTleft| and |\LTright|
+%^^A% margins, which set the alignment of |longtable| environment.
+% Обратите внимание, что почти все настройки |\floatsetup| не работают внутри |longtable|, кроме
+% настроек ширины подписи (см.~ниже) и~выключки, задаваемой ключом |margins=|.
+% Поэтому, создавая настройки |\floatsetup| для таблиц, помните, что вы можете
+% использовать только что-то вроде |style=plaintop| или |style=Plaintop|, чтобы поместить
+% подпись над табличным материалом, а~также опции ключа
+% |margins=| аналогичные предопределённым пакетом (с.~\pageref{setup:margins}),
+% и~не забудьте задать значения |\LTleft| и~|\LTright|, соответствующие заданной выключке.
+%^^A% Please see the \package{caption} documentation about how to build necessary caption layout
+%^^A% when |longtable| environment is used.
+% Для создания оформления подписей с~учётом использования окружения |longtable|,
+% обратитесь к~документации пакета \package{caption}.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Additions in \package{floatrow}}\label{ssec:LTcapwidth}
+% \subsubsection{Добавления в~пакете \package{floatrow}}\label{ssec:LTcapwidth}
+%^^A% A patch was added to the \package{longtable}
+%^^A% package\footnote{Thanks to A.~Sommerfeldt for help to make this
+%^^A% code compact.}: this patch adds the same font settings
+%^^A% as for |table| environments, and adds code which helps
+%^^A% to get the width of |longtable| caption equal to the
+%^^A% width of table. For settings of the caption width the special key was created.
+% Был добавлен код к~пакету
+% \package{longtable}\footnote{Спасибо
+% A.\,Sommerfeldt за помощь в~создании компактного кода.}:
+% этот код задаёт настройки того
+% же шрифта, что и~в~таблицах в~окружении |table|,
+% а~также возможность задать ширину
+% табличного заголовка в~окружении |longtable| равной ширине
+% таблицы. Для задания ширины
+% табличного заголовка задан ключ.
+% \DescribeMacro{LTcapwidth}\label{setup:LTcapwidth}%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Ширина подписи по ширине таблицы longtable}{FAD:LTcapwidth}%^^A
+%^^A% This key could have any value, like |5cm| or |\hsize|. The key value will be sent to
+%^^A% the |\LTcapwidth| command. If you'll write
+%^^A% |LTcapwidth=table| or |LTcapwidth=contents|, you will get
+%^^A% the caption width equal to the width of table. In this case settings for
+%^^A% width of caption use information from the |aux|-file, so you'll get
+%^^A% correct caption width at the time when the width of full table \emph{become
+%^^A% stable}.
+% Этот ключ может иметь любое значение типа |5cm| или |\textwidth| \cdash--- в~этом
+% случае он дублирует команду |\LTcapwidth|.
+% Если же вы зададите |LTcapwidth=table| или
+% |LTcapwidth=contents|,
+% ширина табличного заголовка будет рассчитываться по ширине таблицы. Настройка
+% ширины табличного заголовка в~этом случае производится
+% по информации из |aux|-файла,
+% поэтому вы получите правильный результат только тогда,
+% когда ширина всей таблицы будет стабильной.
+%^^A% The |longtable| environment uses layout settings from
+%^^A% |\floatsetup[table]| and |\floatsetup[longtable]| contents.
+%^^A% The |\floatsetup[longtable]| will be ``strongest'' in this pair.\medskip
+% Окружение |longtable| использует настройки,
+% заданные в~опциях команды |\floatsetup[table]|
+% и~|\floatsetup[longtable]|. Последние настройки, |\floatsetup[longtable]|,
+% будет «сильнейшими» в~этой паре.\medskip
+%^^A% \emph{The addition with version 0.1k}.
+%^^A% A~\textrm{beta-temp}\footnote{Again, like with \package{listpen} package,
+%^^A% I~hope that such support sooner or later could appear in
+%^^A% \package{longtable} and think it is better to follow
+%^^A% grammar of master-package for similar situations. Also it is necessary to say
+%^^A% that command names from \package{fr-longtable} package ``intrude'' in the
+%^^A% \package{longtable}'s naming space.} package \package{fr-longtable}
+%^^A% with additions is added, which allows creation of special head for the last
+%^^A% page of longtable environment and special foot for pages before last
+%^^A% (the table~\ref{tab:floatlayouts} uses these commands for head and foot settings).
+% \emph{Добавление в~версии~0.1k}. Добавлен
+% \textrm{beta-temp}\footnote{Опять, как и~с~пакетом~\package{listpen},
+% я~надеюсь что подобная поддержка рано или поздно появится в~самом пакете
+% \package{longtable} и~думаю, что лучше использовать названия
+% аналогичные «мастер»-пакету. Кроме того нужно указать, что названия новых определений «вторгаются»
+% в~пространство наименований пакета \package{longtable}.} пакет \package{fr-longtable}
+% с~добавлениями, которые позволяют создание специальной шапки
+% для последней страницы таблицы |longtable| и~специального подвала
+% для предпоследней.
+% (табл.~\ref{tab:floatlayouts} использует эти команды для настройки шапок и~подвалов).
+% \DescribeMacro{\endlasthead}
+% \DescribeMacro{\endprelastfoot}
+%^^A% The |\endlasthead| command defined for last head of longtable; second command,
+%^^A% |\endprelastfoot|, defined for foot on the page before last.
+%^^A% Since these names of commands ``intrude'' in the \package{longtable} naming
+%^^A% territory they get defined if they are still unknown, i.e.~the main,
+%^^A% \package{longtable}, package didn't defined them.
+%^^A% The syntax is also analogous as for commands |\endhead|, |\endfirsthead| etc.
+%^^A% (See examples and additional explanation in the sample file
+%^^A% \texttt{sample-longtable.tex} file.)\medskip
+% Команда |\endlasthead| определяет последнюю шапку для |longtable|;
+% команда |\endprelastfoot| определяет подвал для предпоследней страницы.
+% Поскольку названия команд «забираются» на территорию наименований пакета \package{longtable}
+% они определяются только в~случае, если они до сих пор неизвестны, т.\,е. основной
+% пакет, \package{longtable}, не определил их.
+% Синтаксис определения аналогичен командам |\endhead|, |\endfirsthead| и~т.\,д.
+% (См.~примеры и~дополнительные разъяснения в~файле \texttt{sample-longtable.tex}
+% приложенном к~данному пакету.)
+%^^A%^^A% \DescribeMacro{\floatfoot}
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. Please remember that the footnote stuff inside |longtable| works like in main
+%^^A% text and puts the text of footnotes
+%^^A% at the bottom of page\footnote{See also |longtable| documentation.}.
+% \emph{Замечание}. Механизм создания сносок внутри окружения |longtable| работает как
+% в~основном тексте и~помещает текст сносок
+% вниз полосы\footnote{См.~также документацию к~пакету \package{longtable}.}.
+%^^A% The \package{floatrow} package's command for legends or explications, |\floatfoot|,
+%^^A% in current version has emulation mode inside |longtable|, and needs stuff,
+%^^A% similar to |\noalign{\floatfoot{...}}|. Since the default font definition for explications (|\floatfoot|)
+%^^A% is also set to |\footnotesize|, like for footnotes, you may put footnotes-emulations at the end of table,
+%^^A% inside this explication block, using |\mpfootnotemark| commands inside table contents and at the
+%^^A% beginning of each text of footnote.
+% Команда экспликации, |\floatfoot|, внутри окружения |longtable| в~данной версии
+% эмулируется и~для размещения экспликаций требуется код
+% типа |\noalign{\floatfoot{...}}|. Кроме того, поскольку для экспликации по умолчанию задан
+% шрифт |\footnotesize|, как и~для сносок, можно создать эмуляцию сносок в~конце
+% таблицы, в~блоке экспликаций, используя команды |\mpfootnotemark| в~тексте таблицы
+% и~в~начале текста каждой сноски.
+%^^A% The fragments from the longtable \ref{tab:floatlayouts} on the page
+%^^A% \pageref{tab:floatlayouts},
+%^^A% which describes float styles, will be the resum\'e for
+%^^A% this section.
+% Фрагменты многостраничной таблицы~\ref{tab:floatlayouts} на
+% с.~\pageref{tab:floatlayouts},
+% описывающие стили флотов, подытоживают данный раздел.
+%| {\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{продолжение})}}|
+%| {\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{окончание})}}|
+% |\def\LongtableHead{|
+% | \hfil\thead{Стиль} &|
+% | \hfil\thead{Ключи \cmd{\floatsetup}} &|
+% | \hfil\thead{Описание}|
+% | }|
+% |\begin{longtable}{|\meta{преамбула таблицы}|}|
+% |\caption{Стили плавающих объектов}\label{tab:floatlayouts}\\|
+% |\hline|
+% |\LongtableHead|
+% |\\ \hline|
+% |\endfirsthead|\% \emph{завершение стандартного бокса пакета} \package{longtable}
+% |\captionsetup{labelformat=continued}|%^^A
+% {\em\tabular[t]{@{}l}\% настройки подписи \\\% для страниц с~продолжением\endtabular}
+% |\caption[]{}\\|
+% |\hline|
+% |\LongtableHead|
+% |\\ \hline|
+% |\endhead|\% \emph{завершение стандартного бокса пакета} \package{longtable}
+% |\captionsetup{labelformat=finished}|%^^A
+% {\em\tabular[t]{@{}l}\% настройки подписи \\\% для последней страницы\endtabular}
+% |\caption[]{}\\|
+% |\hline|
+% |\LongtableHead|
+% |\\ \hline|
+% |\endlasthead|\% \emph{завершение бокса заданного пакетом} \package{fr-longtable}
+% |\hline|
+% |\multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\topstrut\emph{продолжение на следующей странице}}|
+% |\endfoot|\% \emph{завершение стандартного бокса пакета} \package{longtable}
+% |\hline|
+% |\multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\topstrut\emph{окончание на следующей странице}}|
+% |\endprelastfoot|\% \emph{завершение бокса заданного пакетом} \package{fr-longtable}
+% |\endlastfoot|\% \emph{завершение стандартного бокса пакета} \package{longtable}
+% \meta{Содержимое таблицы}
+% \meta{Содержимое таблицы}|\mpfootnotemark[1]|
+% \meta{Содержимое таблицы}
+% \meta{Содержимое таблицы}|\mpfootnotemark[2]|
+% \meta{Содержимое таблицы}
+% |\\ \hline|
+% |\noalign{\floatfoot*{|\meta{Текст экспликации}|.\vspace{-3pt}\par|\nopagebreak
+% |\rule{1in}{.4pt}\vspace{2pt}%| \emph{Эмуляция линейки для сноски}\nopagebreak
+% |\parindent15pt|\nopagebreak
+% \% \textit{эмуляция текста сносок}\nopagebreak
+% |\mpfootnotemark[1]{|\meta{Текст сноски}|}|\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{longtable}|
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. The usage of settings |\captionsetup{labelformat=continued}|
+%^^A% inside |longtable| environment was documented in the \package{caption} package 3.1.
+% \emph{Замечание}. Использование настроек |\captionsetup{labelformat=continued}|
+% внутри окружения |longtable| появилось в~документации пакета \package{caption}
+% версии 3.1.
+% \clearpage
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{wrapfig} Package}\label{ssec:wrapfig}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{wrapfig}}\label{ssec:wrapfig}
+% \begingroup\let\xpar\par\sloppy
+% \def\FBaskip{-12pt}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=ruled,relatedcapstyle=yes,footposition=caption}
+% \captionsetup[wrapfigure]{labelformat=thinspace,labelsep=period}
+% \begin{wrapfigure}[10]{O}{42mm}
+%^^A \ffigbox[40mm]
+% {\caption{Простой рисунок в оборку (пакет \package{wrapfig})}%
+% \floatfoot{Обычный рисунок может не получиться в версии
+% 3.3}\label{fig:wrapfig:WcatI}}
+% {\unitlength1.095\unitlength
+% \input{TheCat.picture}}
+% \end{wrapfigure}
+%^^A% Tested with version 3.3 dated 1999/10/12 (style from \package{ltxmisc}
+%^^A% bundle) and 3.6 dated 2003/01/31 (the separate \LaTeX\ package)%^^A
+%^^A% \footnote{The English documentation is
+%^^A% \href{}%^^A
+%^^A% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/wrapfig/wrapfig.pdf}}.}.
+% Тестировано с~версией 3.3 датированной 1999/10/12
+% (стиль из группы пакетов \package{ltxmisc})
+% и~версией 3.6 датированной 2003/01/31 (отдельный пакет).%^^A
+% \footnote{Английская документация
+% \href{}%^^A
+% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/wrapfig/wrapfig.pdf}}.}
+%^^A% Options for environment (text borrowed from package comments):
+% Аргументы при задании окружения (текст взят из комментариев
+% к~пакету):
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\begin{wrapfigure}%|\nopagebreak
+% \strut\quad\oarg{number}\marg{placement}|%|\nopagebreak
+% \strut\quad\oarg{overhang}\marg{width of figure}
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{wrapfigure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \xpar
+%^^A% {\slshape\meta{Placement} is one of |r|, |l|, |i|,
+%^^A% |o|, |R|, |L|, |I|, |O|, for
+%^^A% right, left, inside, outside. Lowercase letters set unfloated
+%^^A% positioning, uppercase---floated variant. The figure sticks into
+%^^A% the margin by \meta{overhang}, if given, or by the length
+%^^A% |\wrapoverhang|, which is normally zero. The \meta{number} of
+%^^A% wrapped text lines is normally calculated from the height of the
+%^^A% figure, but may be specified manually, e.g.}
+% {\slshape\meta{Placement} \cdash--- |r|, |l|,
+% |i|, |o|, |R|, |L|, |I|,
+% |O|, для расположения справа, слева, к~внутреннему или
+% внешнему полю. Строчные буквы задают неплавающие варианты,
+% прописные \cdash--- плавающие. Рисунок может выступать
+% в~поле на величину \meta{overhang}, если опция задана,
+% выступ можно задать через параметр |\wrapoverhang|,
+% обычно равный нулю. Параметр \meta{number} задаёт число
+% строк в~оборку, которое обычно рассчитывается автоматически из
+% высоты рисунка, но может быть задан и~вручную}:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\begin{wrapfigure}[10]{r}[34pt]{5cm}|\nopagebreak
+% \meta{figure}\nopagebreak
+% |\end{wrapfigure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \endgroup
+% \begingroup
+% \def\FBaskip{-14pt}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=BOXED,frameset={\fboxsep3pt}}
+% \captionsetup[wrapfigure]{labelformat=thinspace,labelsep=period}
+% \begin{wrapfigure}[11]{o}{0mm}
+% \ffigbox[30mm]
+% {\par{\setlength\unitlength{.67\hsize/48}%^^A
+% \input{Cat.picture}}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок в~оборку с~командой \cmd{\ffigbox}
+% (пакет \package{wrapfig})}%
+% \label{fig:wrapfig:WcatII}}
+% \end{wrapfigure}
+%^^A% \emph{Notes.} \startNotes
+%^^A% \Note For figure, contents in e.g. in |wrapfigure| environment you set width
+%^^A% in mandatory argument. If you'll write \texttt{0mm} as \marg{width
+%^^A% of figure} argument, the \hbox{\package{wrapfig}} package will calculate a~natural width
+%^^A% of float contents. If you use the |\floatbox| command, put |\FBwidth| option to use natural object width.
+% \emph{Замечания.} \startNotes
+% \Note Для рисунка, помещённого в~окружение |wrap...| вы должны
+% задать ширину в~обязательном аргументе. Если вы зададите
+% |0mm| как аргумент \marg{width of figure}, пакет \package{wrapfig}
+% рассчитает ширину по ширине объекта. Если используются команды |\floatbox|, то
+% для использования натуральной ширины графики, нужно использовать опцию |\FBwidth|.
+%^^A% \Note Sometimes above (below) float box in |wrap...| environment
+%^^A% appears unwanted space. To correct vertical position, use |\FBaskip|
+%^^A% (|\FBbskip|) commands (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:FBabskips}) and optional argument
+%^^A% \meta{number} of |wrap...| environments.
+% \Note Иногда над (под) флотом в~окружении |wrap...| может появиться
+% ненужный пробел. Для корректировки вертикальной отбивки
+% используйте команды |\FBaskip|
+% и~|\FBbskip| ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:FBabskips}) и~опцию \meta{number}
+% окружений |wrap...|.\pagebreak[3]
+%^^A% \Note Please note that the label of wrapped floats changed to `Fig.~\meta{number}'.
+%^^A% This happened because of the following settings:
+% \Note
+% В~английской документации имя рисунка `Figure' было изменено на `Fig.'
+% с~помощью ключа |name|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}%
+% |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{thinspace}{\bothIfFirst{#1}{\,}#2}|
+% \end{preamble}%
+% |\captionsetup[wrapfigure]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace,labelsep=period}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% In preamble was added special format |thinspace| with smallest space between
+%^^A% `Fig.' and number which we use in the |wrapfig| settings.
+%^^A% See also \package{caption} documentation.
+% помимо этого был уменьшен пробел между `Fig.' и~номером \cdash--- это
+% задано опцией ключа |labelformat=thinspace| созданный в~преамбуле.
+% В~русской документации использовались только настройки уменьшенного пробела:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[wrapfigure]{labelformat=thinspace,labelsep=period}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% See also \package{caption} documentation.
+% См. также документацию пакета \package{caption}.
+%^^A% \emph{Special settings}.
+% \emph{Специальные настройки}.\par\penalty10000
+%^^A% You may create settings for |wrap...| environment, there are
+%^^A% following priorities.
+%^^A% (Please note that you can also create special caption settings with
+%^^A% |\captionsetup| stuff.):
+% Вы можете создать настройки для окружения |wrap...|, здесь
+% существуют следующие приоритеты
+% (обратите внимание, что вы можете задать и~специальные настройки
+% оформления подписей в~команде |\captionsetup|):
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt
+% \item %
+%^^A% if exists |\floatsetup[wrap|\meta{captype}|]{...}|
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} uses these settings---they are the ``strongest''
+%^^A% settings; if they are absent---uses settings of next item;
+% если существуют настройки
+% |\floatsetup[wrap|\meta{captype}|]{...}|
+% \package{floatrow} использует эти настройки "--- они «сильнейшие»
+% настройки; если они отсутствуют "--- использует настройки из
+% следующего пункта;
+%^^A \end{itemize}
+%^^A \begin{itemize}
+% \item
+%^^A% if exists |\floatsetup[wrapfloat]{...}|
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} uses these settings---these settings are ``stronger''
+%^^A% than next ones; if they are absent---settings of current
+%^^A% float\\[\medskipamount]
+%^^A% |\floatsetup[|\meta{captype}|]{...}|\,;\\[\medskipamount]
+%^^A% if they are absent---uses
+%^^A% |\floatsetup{...}| settings, package settings inside |\usepackage| command or default settings of
+%^^A% package (page~\pageref{sec:default}).
+% если существуют настройки |\floatsetup[wrapfloat]{...}|
+% \package{floatrow} использует эти настройки "--- эти настройки
+% «сильнее» чем следующие; если они
+% отсутствуют "--- настройки данного типа флотов
+% \begin{quote}
+% |\floatsetup[|\meta{captype}|]{...}|\quad;\pagebreak[2]
+% \end{quote}
+% если и~они отсутствуют "--- настройки
+% |\floatsetup{...}|, затем настройки из строки |\usepackage|,
+% и, наконец, настройки пакета по умолчанию (page~\pageref{sec:default}).
+% \end{itemize}
+%^^A% \emph{Founded limitations}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+% \emph{Обнаруженные ограничения}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+%^^A% \Note The usage of plain floating environment in version 3.3 will
+%^^A% not succeed with \package{floatrow}---use |\floatbox|
+%^^A% stuff. The version 3.6 allows usage of plain |wrap...|
+%^^A% environment with \FRkey{plain} (or \FRkey{ruled}) styles, but
+%^^A% the framed styles, like |Boxed| (which use key |framefit=yes|, where text inside frames
+%^^A% changes its |\hsize| to fit frames, fitted to defined |\hsize|)
+%^^A% could work only with |\floatbox| macro, otherwise you'll get
+%^^A% incorrect widths and layout.
+% \Note В~версии 3.3 нужно использовать команды |\floatbox|.
+% В~версии 3.6 можно создавать простые окружения
+% |wrap...| со стилями \FRkey{plain} (или
+% \FRkey{ruled}), но флоты
+% со стилем типа \FRkey{Boxed} (где текст объекта
+% сужается под рамку) всё равно
+% нужно помещать в~|\floatbox|, иначе
+% создастся неверная вёрстка.
+%^^A% \Note The |wrap...| environments could fail inside list ones.
+%^^A% You ought be careful with grouping around wrapping environment (float can sail away or disappear).
+%^^A% Tests show that you may set |wrap...| environment at the very beginning of list, in the case of
+%^^A% you created faked or empty paragraph just before list (i.e. between |wrap...| and list)
+%^^A% with compensate negative spacing, like following:
+% \Note Окружения |wrap...| могут дать неверный результат в~окружениях перечней,
+% а~также нужно быть внимательным с~использованием группировок вокруг этих флотов
+% (флот может уплыть или исчезнуть). Тестирование
+% показало, что можно задать окружение в~начале перечня, но для этого перед самым перечнем
+% (т.\,е. между окружением |wrap...| и~началом перечня)
+% нужно создать ложный или пустой абзац с~компенсирующей отбивкой, например, так:
+% |\noindent|\allowbreak|\strut|\allowbreak|\par|\allowbreak
+% |\nobreak|\allowbreak|\vskip-\baselineskip|.
+% \endgroup
+% \begingroup\sloppy
+% \captionsetup[floatingfigure]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=WSHADOWBOX,captionskip=8pt}
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{floatflt} package}\label{ssec:floatflt}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{floatflt}}\label{ssec:floatflt}
+% \begin{floatingfigure}[v]{44mm}\def\FBaskip{-2.5pt}
+% \ffigbox[44mm]
+% {\setlength\unitlength{.85\hsize/60}%%^^A
+% \input{BlackDog.picture}}
+% {\caption[Рисунок в~оборку с~командой \cmd{\ffigbox} внутри окружения floatingfigure
+% (\package{floatflt})]{\hyphenpenalty-100\pretolerance-1%
+% Рисунок в оборку внутри floating\-figure
+% (\package{floatflt})}\label{fig:floatflt:WcatI}}
+% \end{floatingfigure}%\FBbuildtrue
+%^^A% \noindent Tested with version v\kern-1pt.1.3 dated
+%^^A% 1996/02/27\kern-1pt.
+% \noindent Тестировалось с~версией v.1.3,
+% 1996/02/27.
+%^^A% \emph{Founded limitations}. \startNotes\Note There is not support for
+%^^A% creation of new |floating...| environment. Since |floatflt|
+%^^A% environments need usage of |\floatbox| in any case, you can use
+%^^A% either |floatingfigure| or |floatingtable| and put
+%^^A% necessary float type in |\floatbox| argument (or use necessary
+%^^A% macro abbreviation, like |\ffigbox|). For these wrapped floats
+%^^A% the |\usepackage| option can be used or |\floatsetup{...}| settings
+%^^A% and main settings for float types like
+%^^A% |\floatsetup[figure]{...}| settings.
+% \emph{Обнаруженные ограничения} \startNotes\Note У~пакета нет
+% поддержки для создания нового окружения флотов |floating...|.
+% Но поскольку окружение |floatflt|
+% требует использование команд боксов |\floatbox| в~любом случае, вы
+% можете использовать как команду |floatingfigure| так
+% и~|floatingtable|. Для рисунков в~оборку в~окружениях
+% |floating...| работают только настройки типа |\floatsetup[figure]|.
+%^^A% The next limitations could not tied with \package{floatrow} package.
+% Следующие ограничения могут быть не связаны с пакетом
+% \package{floatrow}.
+%^^A% \Note If you put a~|floatingfigure| environment just after
+%^^A% |\...section| command you need (if you do not indentation after
+%^^A% heads) to put |\noindent| for the first paragraph.
+% \Note Если вы поместите окружение |floatingfigure| сразу
+% после команд |\...section| вы должны (если вы не задаёте абзацного
+% отступа после заголовков) поставить |\noindent| в~первом абзаце.
+%^^A% \Note The |floatflt| environments could fail with list
+%^^A% environments.
+% \Note Окружения |floatflt| могут дать неверный результат
+% с~окружениями перечней (|list|).
+%^^A% \Note The special caption settings were created for figure label.
+% \Note Для нумерационного заголовка использовались специальные настройки.
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[floatingfigure]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% В~русской документации опция ключа |name=Fig.| опущена.
+% %^^A\newpage
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{picins} Package}\label{ssec:picins}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{picins}}\label{ssec:picins}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Doublebox}
+% \captionsetup[parpic]{labelformat=thinspace}\abovecaptionskip10pt
+%^^A% \noindent Tested with version v\,3.0 dated 1999/10/12.
+% \noindent Тестировано с версией v\,3.0, 1999/10/12.\nopagebreak
+%^^A% This package produces pictures inside paragraphs. This package
+%^^A% supports usage of captions with command |\piccaption|. It also allows
+%^^A% the \package{caption} package settings.
+% Этот пакет создаёт рисунки внутри абзаца. Он предлагает
+% использование подписей с~помощью команд |\piccaption|.
+% Также можно использовать настройки
+% пакета \package{caption} (см.~документацию к~пакету версии~3.1f).
+% \piccaption{Рисунок в~оборку (\cmd{\parpic});
+% \cmd{\floatbox}\label{fig:parpic:BcatI}}%^^A
+% \parpic[l]{{\hsize0pt
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth ]{}{%^^A
+% \setlength\unitlength{32mm/72}%^^A
+% \input{TheDog.picture}}}}
+%^^A% The \cmd{\parpic} macro usually allows usage of |\floatbox| macro
+%^^A% inside of its mandatory argument. In this case the |\floatsetup{...}|
+%^^A% settings and main settings of for float types like |\floatsetup[figure]{...}|
+%^^A% settings are used (but, unfortunately, they are the only here).
+% В~макрокоманде \cmd{\parpic} можно использовать макрокоманду
+% |\floatbox| внутри обязательного
+% аргумента. В~этом случае для рисунков в~оборку внутри |\parpic|
+% будут работать настройки типа |\floatsetup[figure]| и~|\floatsetup|
+% и~настройки из строки |\usepackage| (но, к~сожалению, только они).
+%^^A% \emph{Founded limitations}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+% \emph{Обнаруженные ограничения}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+%^^A% \Note In |\parpic| argument you ought to to define the width of contents. If you put |\hsize0pt| before
+%^^A% the |\floatbox| command, you will get box width equals to
+%^^A% |\parpic| contents. (Compare with usage of |0mm| value inside the \marg{width
+%^^A% of figure} option in the |wrapfigure| environment.)
+% \Note В~аргументе команды |\parpic| нужно до команды |\floatbox| задать ширину бокса.
+% Если вы зададите |\hsize0pt| то будет использована натуральная величина содержимого.
+% (Сравните с~использованием значения |0mm| в~аргументе \marg{width
+% of figure} окружений |wrap...|.)
+%^^A% The next limitations could not tied with \package{floatrow} package.
+% Следующие ограничения могут быть не связаны с~пакетом \package{floatrow}.\nopagebreak
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=DOUBLEBOX}
+% \parpic[r]{{\hsize42mm\def\FBaskip{6pt}
+% \ffigbox[\hsize]
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{24mm/72}%^^A
+% \input{TheDog.picture}}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок в~оборку (\cmd{\parpic})}\label{fig:parpic:BcatII}}%
+% }}
+%^^A \parpic[r]{{%\def\floatrowsep{}\let\FBiffloatrow\iftrue
+%^^A \hsize36mm
+%^^A \ffigbox[\hsize]
+%^^A {{\setlength\unitlength{16mm/61}%^^A
+%^^A \input{BlackCat.picture}}}
+%^^A {\caption{Wrapped figure (\cmd{\parpic})}\label{fig:parpic:BcatII}}%
+%^^A }}
+%^^A% \Note If you put \cmd{\parpic} just after |\...section| command
+%^^A% you need (if you do not indentation after heads) to put |\noindent|
+%^^A% for the first paragraph.
+% \Note Если вы задаёте \cmd{\parpic} сразу после команды |\...section|
+% вам придётся (если вы отменяете абзацный отступ после заголовков)
+% задать команду |\noindent| для первого абзаца.
+%^^A% \Note It seems that the |\parpic| command cancels non-breaking mechanism
+%^^A% between section command and text in the case of appearance
+%^^A% at the very beginning of the first paragraph (this situation appeared
+%^^A% during testing of current documentation).
+% \Note Возможно, что команда |\parpic| отменяет запрет разрыва на страницы
+% между заголовком раздела и~текстом в~случае, когда первый абзац раздела начинается
+% с~этой команды (по крайней мере это происходило при тестировании данной документации).
+%^^A% \Note You may try to use \cmd{\parpic} inside list environment, but sometimes usage of
+%^^A% this command in this environment could create wrong layout. (Tests show that paragraph(s)
+%^^A% where the \cmd{\parpic} is used must be placed in group---compare it with the
+%^^A% \package{wrapfig} package, which does not like grouping.)
+% \Note Вы можете попытаться использовать \cmd{\parpic} внутри
+% окружения перечня, но в~некоторых случаях использование \cmd{\parpic} в~окружении
+% перечня может дать неверный результат. (Тестирование показало, что при использовании \cmd{\parpic}
+% абзац или абзацы, которые обтекают оборку, лучше взять в~группу \cdash--- сравните это
+% пакетом \package{wrapfig}, который не любит группировки.)
+%^^A% \Note This package has not options \meta{outside} or
+%^^A% \meta{inside}, like previous two packages (the option |[o]| means
+%^^A% oval box around picture), so you ought to set horizontal position
+%^^A% manually. Or you may create command:
+% \Note Этот пакет не имеет опции \meta{outside} или
+% \meta{inside}, как предыдущие два пакета (опция |[o]| означает
+% овальную рамку вокруг картинки), поэтому вы должны задавать
+% горизонтальное расположение
+% вручную. Или определить команду:
+%| {\def\next{\parpic[r]}}{\def\next{\parpic[l]}}\next}|
+% \endgroup
+%^^A% \Note The special caption settings were created for figure label.
+% \Note Для нумерационного заголовка использовались специальные настройки.
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[parpic]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% В~русской документации опция ключа |name=Fig.| опущена.
+%^^A% If you use |\piccaption| command these settings are switched on.
+%^^A% First picture in this section was created with code like:
+% Если вы используете команду |\piccaption| эти настройки |\captionsetup[parpic]{...}|
+% включаются.
+% Так первый рисунок данного раздела был создан следующим образом:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\piccaption{...\label{...}}%|
+% |\parpic[l]{\hsize0pt|
+% | \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{...}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% Second picture uses the |\caption| command inside |\ffigbox|, so
+%^^A% the |\captionsetup|\allowbreak|[parpic]{...}| settings do not work:
+% Второй рисунок использует |\caption| внутри |\ffigbox|, поэтому
+% настройки |\captionsetup|\allowbreak|[parpic]{...}| не работают:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\parpic[r]{\hsize36mm\def\FBaskip{6pt}|
+% | \ffigbox[\hsize]{}{%|
+% | ...\caption{...}\label{fig:parpic:BcatII}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% You may see that label of the second figure was printed as `Figure'~number.
+% Разница видна в~английской документации, где нумерационный заголовок второго рисунка
+% остался в~форме `Figure'~номер рисунка.
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{rotating} Package and |sideways\ldots|
+%^^A% Environment}\label{ssec:rotating}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{rotating} и~окружение
+% \texttt{sideways\ldots}}\label{ssec:rotating}
+%^^A% Tested with version v2.13 dated Sep. 1992.
+% Тестировано с версией v2.13 датированной Sep. 1992.
+%^^A% There is example (figure~\ref{fig:rot:ii}) with rotated float, using
+%^^A% |sidewaysfigure|.
+% Далее идёт пример (рис.~\ref{fig:rot:ii} на с.\,\pageref{fig:rot:ii}) с~развёрнутым вертикально
+% флотом, использующим окружение
+% |sidewaysfigure|.
+% |\usepackage[figuresright]{rotating}|
+% \FRkey{style}|=WSHADOWBOX}|
+%| {...}|
+%| {\caption{Figure ...}%|
+%| \label{...}}|
+% \floatsetup[rotfigure]{style=WSHADOWBOX}
+% \begin{sidewaysfigure}\emptyfloatpage
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth] {\includegraphics[width=4in]{pslearn}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок развёрнутый вертикально внутри окружения
+% sidewaysfigure}%
+% \label{fig:rot:ii}}
+% \end{sidewaysfigure}%
+%^^A% \emph{Special settings}.\nopagebreak
+% \emph{Специальные настройки}.\nopagebreak
+%^^A% You may create special settings for all rotated floats, which use
+%^^A% |sideways...| environment (see page \pageref{stsetorder}).
+% Вы можете создать специальные настройки для всех флотов,
+% развёрнутых вертикально, которые используют
+% окружение |sideways...| (см.~с.~\pageref{stsetorder}).
+%^^A% For one-column rotated float
+% Для одноколонного флота
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt\parskip0pt
+%^^A% \item %
+%^^A% if exists |\floatsetup[rot|\meta{captype}|]{...}|
+%^^A% package uses these settings---the ``strongest'' settings; if they
+%^^A% are absent---uses settings from next item, the same for each item of the list;
+% \item %
+% если существуют настройки
+% |\floatsetup[rot|\meta{captype}|]{...}|
+% пакет использует эти настройки "--- «сильнейшие» настройки;
+% если они отсутствуют "---
+% используются настройки из следующего пункта, далее «силы» настроек каждого
+% последующего пункта также убывают;
+% \item
+% |\floatsetup[rotfloat]{...}|;
+% \item
+% |\floatsetup[|\meta{captype}|]{...}|;
+% \item
+%^^A% if all settings absent---the settings
+%^^A% inside |\floatsetup{...}| and |\usepackage| commands, and, at last, package default settings are used.
+% последними по силе, если остальные отсутствуют "--- являются настройки
+% |\floatsetup{...}| и~наконец, настройки пакета по умолчанию.
+% \end{itemize}
+%^^A% For two-column or wide rotated float (starred environment)
+% Для флота вразрез двух колонок или широкого флота («звёздное» окружение)
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt\parskip0pt
+% \item %
+%^^A% if exists |\floatsetup[widerot|\meta{captype}|]{...}|
+%^^A% package uses these settings---the ``strongest'' settings;
+%^^A% if they are absent---uses settings of next item, the same for each item of the list;
+% если существуют настройки
+% |\floatsetup[widerot|\meta{captype}|]{...}|
+% пакет использует эти настройки "--- «сильнейшие» настройки;
+% если они отсутствуют "--- используются настройки из следующего
+% пункта, далее «силы» настроек каждого
+% последующего пункта также убывают;
+% \item %
+% |\floatsetup[widerotfloat]{...}|;
+% \item %
+% |\floatsetup[rot|\meta{captype}|]{...}|;
+% \item %
+% |\floatsetup[rotfloat]{...}|;
+% \item %
+% |\floatsetup|\marg{captype}|{...}|;
+% \item %
+%^^A% if all settings absent---the settings
+%^^A% inside |\floatsetup{...}| and |\usepackage| commands, and, at last, package default settings are used.
+% последними по силе, если остальные отсутствуют, являются настройки
+% |\floatsetup{...}| и~наконец, настройки пакета по умолчанию.
+% \end{itemize}
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Special page style for float page}
+% \subsubsection{Специальный стиль колонтитула для полосы с~флотом}
+%^^A% In example with figure~\ref{fig:rot:ii} you may see the command |\emptyfloatpage|.%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Empty page style for rotated floats}{FAD:emptyfloatpage}\label{setup:emptyfloatpage}
+%^^A% It is offered by \package{floatpagestyle} package, (installed with
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} package, can be used separately). The macro |\emptyfloatpage| is an abbreviation of
+%^^A% |\floatpagestyle{empty}|. The last macro redefines the page style for
+%^^A% the page where \emph{current} floating environment appears in the way, analogous to |\thispagestyle|
+%^^A% command.
+% В~примере с~рис.~\ref{fig:rot:ii} вы можете видеть
+% команду |\emptyfloatpage|.%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Пустой колонтитул для развёрнутых флотов}{FAD:emptyfloatpage}\label{setup:emptyfloatpage}
+% Эта команда предлагается
+% пакетом \package{floatpagestyle}, (инсталлируемым
+% вместе с~пакетом \package{floatrow}, может использоваться отдельно). Макрокоманда
+% |\emptyfloatpage| является сокращением команды
+% |\floatpagestyle{empty}|. Последняя макрокоманда переопределяет
+% стиль страницы когда появляется на ней данное окружение флота, аналогично команде |\thispagestyle|.
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% The version 0.1h patches the core \LaTeX{} macro
+%^^A% |\@outputpage|\footnote{At the start of document
+%^^A% \package{floatpagestyle} package puts additional code at the very beginning
+%^^A% of this output routine.}
+%^^A% and I hope that it could work.\footnote{If you know more honest
+%^^A% way to get the same result---the redefinition of \emph{alone}
+%^^A% \emph{float} page style (in the case when this page can \emph{float}
+%^^A% inside document)---please let me know.} Since this package uses
+%^^A% |\label|---|\ref| mechanism, the |\floatpagestyle| command works
+%^^A% after \emph{second} \LaTeX{} run.
+% С~версии 0.1h пакет только добавляет дополнительный код к~макрокоманде
+% |\@outputpage| из ядра \LaTeX'а и~я~надеюсь что это будет
+% работать.\footnote{Если вам известен более честный путь
+% получить тот же результат \cdash--- переопределение
+% стиля \emph{отдельной} страницы с~плавающим флотом (учитывая, что и~она
+% сама может плавать по документу) "--- дайте, пожалуйста, знать.}
+% Поскольку пакет \package{floatpagestyle} использует
+% механизм |\label|---|\ref|, команда |\floatpagestyle| даёт
+% результат после \emph{второй} (и~более) обработок \LaTeX'ом.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Rotated floats on the facing pages}
+% \subsubsection{Компоновка развёрнутых флотов на развороте}
+%^^A% \startNotes\Note If you place two continued rotated floats%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Continued rotated floats}{FAD:ContRotated} on facing pages,
+%^^A% the better way is to gather them to binder margin, using |\buildFBBOX| command
+%^^A% (see page~\pageref{FB:buildFBBOX}). For this reason you
+%^^A% may define\label{buildFBBOX:def}
+% \startNotes\Note Если вы помещаете два продолжающихся флота,%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Продолжающиеся развёрнутые флоты на развороте}{FAD:ContRotated}
+% развёрнутых вертикально, на развороте, лучше будет их собрать
+% у~корешкового поля. Для этого вы можете определить\label{buildFBBOX:def}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\usepackage[figuresright]{rotating}|
+% |\newlengthtocommand\setlength\rottextwidth{\textwidth}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{sidewaysfigure}|
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{buildFBBOX}|{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup\vss}{\egroup}|
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|{|\meta{contents of first figure}|}|
+% |\end{sidewaysfigure}|
+% |\begin{sidewaysfigure}|
+% |\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup}{\vss\egroup}|
+% |\ffigbox{|\meta{contents of second figure}|}|
+% |\end{sidewaysfigure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% \Note In the example above (and also in the example with figure~\ref{fig:rot:ii})
+%^^A% the \package{rotating} package has
+%^^A% |[figuresright]| option; in this case all |sideways...| floats on even and odd pages
+%^^A% will be rotated by 90$^\circ$ counterclockwise.
+% \Note В~примере выше (а~также в~примере с~рис.~\ref{fig:rot:ii})
+% пакет \package{rotating} был задан с~опцией
+% |[figuresright]|; поэтому все |sideways...| флоты на чётных и~на нечётных полосах будут
+% развёрнуты на 90$^\circ$ против часовой стрелки.
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Commands instead of lengths}
+% \subsubsection{Использование команд вместо параметров длин и~отбивок}
+%^^A% The |\rottextwidth| command in the example above stores value of the |\textwidth| of the
+%^^A% document; the |\columnwidth| and |\textwidth| inside
+%^^A% \texttt{sideways...} environment are redefined and equal to
+%^^A% |\textheight|.
+% Команда |\rottextwidth| в~примере выше сохраняет значение ширины текста
+% |\textwidth| документа "--- параметры |\columnwidth|
+% и~|\textwidth| внутри окружения \texttt{sideways...} приравниваются
+% |\textheight|.
+%^^A% If\startNotes\def\theNote{\alph{Note}}\Note
+%^^A% you are limited in creation of the new length or dimension command
+%^^A% (for example you use the \package{pictex}
+%^^A% package\footnote{The \texttt{e-TeX} engine could solve this problem.}),
+%^^A% or \Note the width/height or the space values, defined with
+%^^A% the |\newcommand|
+%^^A% (like the |\headrulewidth| command from \package{fancyhdr} package) need complex calculation
+%^^A% with usage of the \package{calc} package, or get the width of some text---the \package{floatrow}
+%^^A% package provides commands
+% Если\startNotes\def\theNote{\asbuk{Note}}\Note
+% вы ограничены в~возможности создать новые параметры длин с~помощью команд
+% |\newlength| (к~примеру, используете пакет \package{pictex}\footnote{Хотя, возможно,
+% компиляторы на базе \texttt{e-TeX} уже сняли эту проблему.}),
+% или \Note
+% для команды ширины/высоты или отбивки, заданной через |\newcommand| (например
+% команда |\headrulewidth|
+% из пакета \package{fancyhdr}) новое значение требует сложного расчёта с~использованием
+% пакета \package{calc} или определения через ширину некоего текста
+% \cdash--- пакет \package{floatrow} предлагает команды%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\newlengthtocommand}\label{setup:newlengthtocommand}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\renewlengthtocommand}\label{setup:renewlengthtocommand}%^^A
+% \label{setup:newlengthtocommand}%^^A
+% \label{setup:renewlengthtocommand}%^^A
+% \cmd{\newlengthtocommand} \quad или
+% \cmd{\renewlengthtocommand}
+%^^A% which are placed just before standard \LaTeX{} commands like \cmd{\setlength} or
+%^^A% \cmd{\settowidth} and save the \emph{absolute}
+%^^A% value from their arguments; here the usual code like
+% которые помещаются перед стандартными командами \LaTeX'а вроде \cmd{\setlength} или
+% \cmd{\settowidth} и~сохраняют \emph{абсолютное} значение из их аргументов;
+% так, запись
+%^^A% changed to
+% может быть заменена на
+% |\newlengthtocommand\setlength|
+% |\fulltextwidth{\textwidth+\marginparsep+\marginparwidth}|\quad.
+%^^A% Please note than the usage of calculation inside |\setlength| command (and its analogs)
+%^^A% can be used only with the \package{calc} package.
+% Обратите внимание, что использование вычислений в~аргументе
+% команды |\setlength| (и~её аналогов)
+% возможно благодаря подключённому пакету \package{calc}.
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{lscape} Package and landscape
+%^^A% Environment}\label{ssec:lscape}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{lscape} и~окружение landscape}\label{ssec:lscape}
+%^^A% Tested with version v3.0a dated 1999/02/16.\nopagebreak
+% Тестировалось с~версией v3.0a датированной
+% 1999/02/16.\nopagebreak
+% \ifx\landscape\relax\else
+%^^A% The example with usage of |landscape| environment from
+%^^A% \package{lscape} package on the page~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}, figures
+%^^A% \ref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}--\ref{fig:rotrow:FcatI}):
+% Пример с использованием окружения |landscape| из пакета
+% \package{lscape} на с.~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI},
+% рис.\ref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}--\ref{fig:rotrow:FcatI}):
+%| |\FRkey{rowpostcode}|=lowthickrule,|\FRkey{capposition}|=TOP}|
+%^^A% |\floatsetup| code sets |ruled| float style,
+%^^A% then settings for above and below material are redefined:
+%^^A% |rowprecode=| and |rowpostcode=| keys define thick
+%^^A% rules but for floatrow as a~whole (the `individual' |\hrule|'s
+%^^A% above/below float boxes are absent).
+% Команда |\floatsetup| определяет стиль флота |ruled|,
+% затем настройки для материала сверху и~снизу переопределены:
+% ключи |rowprecode=| и~|rowpostcode=| определяют
+% толстые линейки для всего ряда рисунков («индивидуальные»
+% линейки сверху/снизу в~ряду отменены).
+%^^A% The |landscape| environment creates a new page. It would be
+%^^A% useful\startNotes\Note for rotation of multipage rotated float (in this case
+%^^A% it is better to put this float in a separate file, and to start from necessary page,
+%^^A% in this case you need the
+%^^A% \package{afterpage} package and its |\afterpage| command) \Note and also
+%^^A% to start new section of document, e.g., appendix. (In current
+%^^A% document the |landscape| environment was placed just before appendix)
+% Окружение |landscape| создаёт новую страницу. Оно полезно\startNotes\Note для
+% разворота многостраничного флота (в~этом случае части флота нужно поместить
+% в~отдельный файл, а~для того, чтобы начать его с~нужной полосы, можно воспользоваться
+% пакетом \package{afterpage} и~его командой |\afterpage|) \Note
+% а~также для разворота целиком раздела документа, например, приложения.
+% \ifx\landscape\relax\else
+% (В~данном
+% документе окружение |landscape| было использовано для помещения ряда рисунков перед приложением).
+%^^A \emph{Founded limitations}.\nopagebreak
+%^^A The tested version works incorrect (does not rotates contents)
+%^^A with \package{hypcap} package.
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{listings} Package}\label{ssec:listings}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{listings}}\label{ssec:listings}
+%^^A% Tested with version v1.3 dated 2004/09/07.\nopagebreak
+% Тестировалось с~версией v1.3 датированной 2004/09/07.\nopagebreak
+%^^A% This package has its own strong layout mechanism for creation of floating
+%^^A% algorithms itself. The usage of |\lstset| command (see package documentation) and \package{caption}
+%^^A% package settings gives you necessary result\footnote{Please note and read
+%^^A% \package{caption} documentation: the co-operation of \package{caption}3.x and
+%^^A% \package{listings} succeeds with version of last one not older than 1.2.}
+%^^A% for algorithm type of float.
+% Этот пакет имеет свой сильный механизм создания плавающих нумерованных
+% алгоритмов. Использование команды |\lstset| и~настроек пакета
+% \package{caption} даст нужный результат оформления\footnote{Обратите
+% внимание и~прочтите документацию
+% \package{caption}: кооперация пакета \package{caption}3.x
+% и~\package{listings} будет успешной только с~версией
+% последнего не ниже 1.2.} для флотов типа алгоритмов.
+%^^A% For the cases of appearance of listings inside of other float
+%^^A% environments, which get settings from \package{floatrow} package,
+%^^A% there is a limitation: you can't put |lstlisting| inside
+%^^A% |\floatbox| contents. The plain float environment is still allowed.
+%^^A% Also you are still free with settings for float type, used |lstlisting| inside: you may still use the
+%^^A% |BOXED|, |Boxed| and other unusual styles: the float width will be recalculated for mentioned two styles
+%^^A% and similar ones and then used necessary setting.
+%^^A% If you need to change box width---use |\thisfloatsetup| settings.
+% В~случаях появления листингов внутри других окружений, которые
+% оформляются пакетом \package{floatrow}, ограничение заключается
+% в~том, что вы не можете поместить окружение |lstlisting|
+% внутрь команды |\floatbox|. Простое же окружение флота использовать можно
+% (при этом можно использовать любые настройки), а~если
+% необходимо изменить ширину бокса флота, можно задать настройки |\thisfloatsetup|.
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{hyperref} and \package{hypcap} Packages}
+% \subsection{Пакеты \package{hyperref} и \package{hypcap}}
+%^^A% There were tested versions v6.74i (\package{hyperref})
+%^^A% and v1.3 (\package{hypcap}).
+% Тестированы версии v6.77i (\package{hyperref}) и~v1.7 (\package{hypcap}).
+%^^A% The \package{floatrow} package tries not to expand its code to |\caption| stuff.
+%^^A% I hope that environments supported by \package{floatrow} won't
+%^^A% make harm to \package{caption}---\package{hyperref}/\package{hypcap} tandem.
+% Пакет \package{floatrow} пытается не распространять свой
+% код на команды |\caption|. Я~надеюсь что окружения, поддерживаемые
+% пакетом \package{floatrow} не навредят тандему пакетов
+% \package{caption}---\package{hyperref}/\package{hypcap}.
+%^^A% \subsection{The \package{setspace} Package}
+% \subsection{Пакет \package{setspace}}
+%^^A% There was bug during usage of \package{setspace} package---this package redefines
+%^^A% \LaTeX's command |\@xfloat|, adding definition of font size to |\normalsize|
+%^^A% which appears after \package{floatrow} settings.
+%^^A% The version 0.2d of \package{floatrow} tried to fix it but this was incorrect
+%^^A% and destroyed interaction between \package{hyperref} and \package{caption} packages.
+%^^A% In the version 0.3b the code was changed to restore this interaction\footnote
+%^^A% {By suggestions of A.\,Sommerfeldt.} with hope that it will work.
+%^^A% The default baseline stretch is equal to~1. The version 3.1 of \package{caption}
+%^^A% package offers special font settings (see \package{caption} documentation)
+%^^A% for captions. You may try the same for the float font:
+% При совместном использовании данного пакета с~пакетом \package{setspace}
+% возникала ошибка \cdash--- последний переопределял команду \LaTeX'а
+% |\@xfloat|, где размер шрифта, заданный в~настройках \package{floatrow} перебивался
+% обратно в~|\normalsize|. Версия 0.2d пакета \package{floatrow}, пытаясь это исправить,
+% нарушила взаимодействие пакетов \package{hyperref} и~\package{caption}.
+% В~версии 0.3b код изменён, чтобы восстановить взаимодействие\footnote{Предложенный
+% A.\,Sommerfeldt.}; надеюсь это будет работать.
+% По умолчанию коэффициент интерлиньяжа равен~1. Версия 3.1 пакета \package{caption}
+% предлагает специальные настройки в~ключе |font=| (см.~документацию \package{caption})
+% для подписей. Вы можете использовать опции настроек для задания
+% изменения интерлиньяжа для шрифта флота:
+%^^A% or
+% или
+%^^A% \section{The Incompatibilities}
+% \section{Несовместимости}
+%^^A% At first the incompatibilities or rules of co-operation with other
+%^^A% packages could follow the \package{caption}~3.x package.
+%^^A% \textit{Please look first in the \package{caption}
+%^^A% package documentation to know the newest rules}.
+% Несовместимости или особенности работы с~другими пакетами
+% в~первую очередь совпадают с~требованиями пакета \package{caption} 3.x.
+% \textit{За новыми сведениями обращайтесь к~документации \package{caption}}.
+%^^A% The known incompatibilities of \package{floatrow} package itself:
+%^^A% \startNotes\nobreak\quad \Note \package{sidecap} package\footnote{Despite that
+%^^A% I'm trying to follow all offered layouts of this package. Great thanks
+%^^A% for Rolf Niepraschk and Hubert G\"{a}\ss{}lein for package with
+%^^A% rich implementation of such float
+%^^A% layouts.}: the \package{floatrow} package doesn't expands its
+%^^A% layouts to |SCfigure| and |SCtable| environments;~\nobreak\quad
+%^^A% \Note \package{ctable} package; if you used to use
+%^^A% \package{ctable}'s tools, e.g. for tables, please set |\RawFloats[table]|
+%^^A% in the preamble, and remember that commands like |\ttabbox| won't
+%^^A% loose its strength (see also {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}).
+% Известные несовместимости пакета \package{floatrow}\startNotes\Note это пакет
+% \package{sidecap}\footnote{Несмотря на это я~пыталась получить
+% все предложенные этим пакетом оформления размещения подписей
+% сбоку. Большое спасибо {\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont Rolf Niepraschk}
+% и~{\fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{ptm}\selectfont Hubert G\"{a}\ss{}lein}
+% за пакет в~котором дана полная гамма таких оформлений.}:
+% пакет \package{floatrow} не распространяет
+% своё оформление на окружения |SCfigure| и~|SCtable|.
+% \Note пакет~\package{ctable}; если вы привыкли использовать
+% инструменты \package{ctable}, например. для таблиц, задайте |\RawFloats[table]|
+% в~преамбуле, и~помните, что команды типа |\ttabbox| не
+% теряют своей силы (см.~также {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}).
+% \addtocontents{toc}{\string\pagebreak[3]}
+%^^A% \section{Limitations}
+% \section{Ограничения}
+%^^A% There are known limitations, which were found during usage of
+%^^A% \package{floatrow}:
+% Здесь даны ограничения, обнаруженные при пользовании
+% пакетом \package{floatrow}:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% %^^A \item %
+% %^^A Limitations for boxed and ruled styles in beside floats:
+% %^^A be careful with usage of \emph{alone} minipage environment in
+% %^^A object or caption in |\floatbox| macro. Since the object and
+% %^^A caption are created in minipage environment already, the
+% %^^A added |minipage| could get wrong layout (vertical
+% %^^A alignment). But, as I found, you may use a few
+% %^^A |minipage|s in object without harm.
+% \item %
+%^^A% You cannot use |\floatbox| stuff for floats with |verbatim|
+%^^A% environment and/or \verb|\verb|. But you still can use plain float environments.
+%^^A% If you need to change width of float box, you may change it with
+%^^A% |\thisfloatsetup| settings. The usage of |verbatim| and~|\verb|
+%^^A% do not create limitations for layout: you may still use the |BOXED|, |Boxed|
+%^^A% and other unusual styles: the float width will be recalculated for mentioned two styles
+%^^A% and similar ones and then will be used necessary setting.
+% Вы не можете использовать команды типа |\floatbox| для флотов
+% с~окружением |verbatim| или командой \verb|\verb|. Использование же обычного окружения
+% флота возможно. Если необходимо изменить ширину флота, её переопределяют
+% через настройки |\thisfloatsetup|. Использование |verbatim| и~|\verb|
+% не накладывает ограничения на оформление: вы можете использовать, например,
+% стили |BOXED| и~|Boxed|: для этих стилей будет пересчитана ширина бокса для
+% объекта флота, и~после формирования боксов применено, как и~обычно, заданное оформление.
+% \item %
+%^^A% The |tabbing| environment in current version creates incorrect layout for float box
+%^^A% which must occupy whole text width: it recalculates the width of object box to the natural width
+%^^A% of its contents. The problem will be solved with the |minipage| environment
+%^^A% and width option |\hsize|: you'll get necessary layout with full width and
+%^^A% for the styles like |BOXED| and~|Boxed| the width of contents will be recalculated.
+% Окружение |tabbing| в~текущей версии некорректно формирует макет
+% флота на полный формат, пересчитывая ширину бокса флота на натуральную содержимого
+% этого окружения. Проблему решает окружение |minipage| с~опцией ширины |\hsize|: вы получите
+% необходимое оформление на полную ширину с~учётом всех поправок,
+% т.\,е. возможно использование таких стилей, как |BOXED| и~|Boxed|.
+% \item %
+%^^A% Be careful with minipages inside |floatrow| environment---there could be wrong alignment.
+%^^A% Use |heightadjust=| key for this case. (Fortunately I~cannot imagine
+%^^A% good readability of two beside |tabbing|s.)
+% Будьте внимательны с~окружениями |minipage| внутри |floatrow| \cdash--- вы можете получить
+% неверное выравнивание по вертикали.
+% Возможно в~этом случае выручит ключ |heightadjust=|. (К~счастью я~не могу себе представить
+% как будут читаться два |tabbing|а, расположенные рядом.)
+% \item %
+%^^A% This limitation was mentioned above: some tools of the package use
+%^^A% |\label|---|\ref| mechanism, thus, if you use float layout which
+%^^A% demands common height of objects and/or captions in float row,
+%^^A% you'll get correct result after second or more runs. If you change
+%^^A% contents of float which change its height you must run \LaTeX{}
+%^^A% twice or more times too.
+% Это ограничение упоминалось выше: пакет использует механизм
+% |\label|---|\ref|, поэтому, если вы используете оформление,
+% которое требует задания общей высоты для объектов и/или подписей
+% в~ряду флотов, вы получите верный результат только после второй
+% (и~более) обработки. Если вы измените содержимое так,
+% что изменяется высота объекта/подписи вы также должны
+% обработать документ \LaTeX'ом два и~более раз.
+%^^A% Beside captions and other facing layout will appears correctly only
+%^^A% after second \LaTeX's run (sometimes you need to run more times).
+% Оформление зависящее от размещения на развороте также даст верный
+% результат только после второй (и~более) обработки \LaTeX'ом.
+% \item %
+%^^A% The \package{caption} and
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} package do not support optional argument \emph{after}
+%^^A% caption ``title'' (the \package{float} package's stuff). You may use |\floatfoot|
+%^^A% macro after main caption argument.
+% Пакет \package{caption} и~пакет
+% \package{floatrow} не поддерживают дополнительный аргумент
+% \emph{после} текста подписи (из возможностей пакета \package{float}).
+% Вместо этого можно использовать команду |\floatfoot|.
+% \item %
+%^^A% Do not use the |\FBwidth| option for complex float contents (which you
+%^^A% could not put inside one |\hbox|). But you are allowed to use |\vspace|
+%^^A% macro at the very end/very beginning of object contents for fine
+%^^A% vertical tuning for them.
+% Не используйте команду |\FBwidth| для сложного содержимого флота
+% (которое вы не можете поместить внутри |\hbox|). Но вы можете
+% использовать команды |\vspace| в~самом начале или
+% в~самом конце содержимого объекта для корректировки отбивок.
+% \item %
+%^^A% The |floatrow| environment allows spaces (and even empty
+%^^A% lines, which sometimes create better and correct result!) between
+%^^A% |\floatbox|'es, but if you add some code between them you
+%^^A% must put
+%^^A% |%| after this command.
+% Внутри окружения |floatrow| возможны пробелы (и~даже
+% пустые строки, что даёт иногда более корректный результат!) между
+% командами |\floatbox|, но если вы добавите ещё какой-либо код между флотами, вы
+% должны поставить знак процента |%| после такой команды.
+% \item %
+%^^A% This is a~common rule---be careful with spaces at the end of lines
+%^^A% inside float contents (see \texttt{CTAN:/info/} for more
+%^^A% explanations).
+% Это общее правило "--- будьте внимательны с~пробелами в~конце
+% строк внутри окружения флота (см.~документ
+% \texttt{CTAN:/info/} для
+% дополнительной информации).
+%^^A% When you build plain floating environments the better way is to separate
+%^^A% |\caption| and object contents (and also
+%^^A% |\floatfoot|/|\footnotetext| contents) each by empty lines or (if
+%^^A% not empty lines) end each part (and arguments of mentioned commands)
+%^^A% by percent sign. In this case you'll avoid unwanted spaces/lines at
+%^^A% the end of contents of each part, or wrong justification of float
+%^^A% components.
+% Когда вы строите простое окружение (без |\floatbox|) лучше всего
+% разделить |\caption| и~содержимое объекта (а~заодно и~содержимое
+% |\floatfoot|/|\footnotetext|) каждое пустой строкой или (если не
+% пустые строки) завершить каждую часть (и~аргументы указанных
+% команд) знаком процента. В~этом случае вы избежите ненужных
+% пробелов и~пустых строк в~конце каждой из частей, или неверную
+% выключку содержимого объекта.
+% %^^A \item %
+% %^^A Usage of fancy boxes |shadowbox| and
+% %^^A |wshadowbox| could get wrong layout with
+% %^^A beside captions.
+% \item Если вы используете внутри |\floatbox| окружения
+% |tabularx|, |tabular*| и~т.\,п. с~командой
+% |\hsize| внутри аргумента \meta{width}, вы должны повторить
+% |\hsize| в~аргументе \meta{width} команды |\floatbox|.
+%^^A% If you want to set width of |tabularx| or |tabular*|
+%^^A% environments (or any other) like |.8\hsize| (or |1.2\hsize|) and
+%^^A% these environments placed inside any |\floatbox| macro, load
+%^^A% |.8\hsize| in \meta{width} argument of |\floatbox| macro, and in
+%^^A% \meta{width} argument of |tabularx| or |tabular*| load only
+%^^A% |\hsize| macro (see also sample file \file{frsample03.tex}).
+% Если вы хотите задать ширину окружения |tabularx| или
+% |tabular*| (или другого) как |.8\hsize| (или |1.2\hsize|)
+% и~эти окружения помещены внутри команды |\floatbox|, поместите
+% |.8\hsize| в~аргумент \meta{width} макрокоманды |\floatbox|,
+% а~в~аргументе \meta{width} команды |tabularx| или
+% |tabular*| поставьте только
+% |\hsize| (см. также код файла \file{frsample03.tex}).
+%^^A% In other cases (especially in fancy layout or settings) be careful
+%^^A% with usage of |\hsize| as \meta{width} option of |\floatbox|.
+% Будьте внимательны и~при использовании
+% |\hsize| как опции \meta{width} команды |\floatbox|.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \addtocontents{toc}{\string\nopagebreak}
+%^^A% \section{Acknowledgements}
+% \section{Благодарности}
+%^^A% Thanks for Steven Cochran and Axel Sommerfeldt for all their advices
+%^^A% and spirit. Special thanks for Axel for the patient answering, code, finding and showing
+%^^A% bugs, and help in \emph{all} my questions and problems in \package{floatrow} package.
+%^^A% All good text pieces in this documentation are filled with Axel's advices and great help.
+% Спасибо Steven Cochran и~Axel Sommerfeldt за советы и~поддержку.
+% Особая благодарность Axel Sommerfeldt за терпеливые ответы, код,
+% и~помощь во \emph{всех} вопросах и~проблемах в~пакете
+% \package{floatrow} и~документации.
+% \medskip\noindent
+%^^A% Thanks for \emph{all} involuntary (\La)\TeX{} teachers, who teaches
+%^^A% me with their program code all these years.
+% Спасибо \emph{всем} невольным учителям по (\La)\TeX'у, кто обучал
+% меня программному коду всё время.
+% \medskip\noindent
+%^^A% Thanks for Keith Reckdahl, author of \file{epslatex}, which
+%^^A% documentation, at last, encouraged me to create the CTAN version of
+%^^A% this package.
+% Спасибо Keith Reckdahl, автору документации \file{epslatex},
+% которая, в~конце концов, дала отвагу создать версию
+% пакета для CTAN.
+% \medskip\noindent
+%^^A% \emph{Thanks for \emph{all} authors of second edition of \LaTeX{}
+%^^A% Companion for this book.}
+% \emph{Спасибо \emph{всем} авторам второго издания \LaTeX{}
+% Companion за эту книгу.}
+% \ifx\landscape\relax\else
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=ruled,rowprecode=thickrule,
+% rowpostcode=lowthickrule,capposition=TOP,margins=hangtoheads,
+% footposition=caption}
+% \renewlengthtocommand\setlength\Mylen{\textwidth}
+% \begin{landscape}
+% \begin{figure}\emptyfloatpage\label{example:ruledcapposTOP}
+% \begin{floatrow}[4]%^^A
+% \ffigbox[][][t]
+% {{\input{TheCat.picture}}%^^A
+% \footnotetext[1]{Картинка
+% нарисована макрокомандой
+% \cmd{\qbezier}}}%
+% {\caption[Рисунок в~ряду~I, внизу бокса объекта]%
+% {Рисунок рядом~I, внизу бокса объекта\protect\mpfootnotemark}%
+% \label{fig:rotrow:WcatI}}%
+% \floatbox{figure}[2\FBwidth][][b]
+% {\caption{Рисунок в~ряду~II, вверху бокса объекта}%
+% \label{fig:rotrow:BcatI}%
+% \floatfoot{Всё нарисовано макрокомандами \cmd{\qbezier} и двумя
+% вертикальными линиями}}%
+% {\input{BlackCat.picture}\footnote[2]
+% {Гляньте на чудную сноску!}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {{\unitlength2.5\unitlength
+% \input{Cat.picture}}}
+% {\caption{Рисунок в~ряду~III, в центре бокса объекта}%
+% \label{fig:rotrow:mouseI}\floatfoot{Изображение кошачьей мордочки}}%
+% \floatbox{figure}[\Xhsize][\Mylen]
+% {\caption{Рисунок в~ряду~IV}\label{fig:rotrow:FcatI}}
+% {\Resizebox\hsize\vsize{35}{136}{\input{BlackCat2.picture}}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}
+% \end{landscape}
+% \clearpage
+% \suppressfloats[t]
+%^^A% \section{Appendix}
+% \section{Приложение}
+% \subsection{Miscellaneous}
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Usage of Captionsetup and~Thisfloatsetup
+%^^A% Inside Floatbox Stuff}\label{ssec:app:besidestart}
+% \subsubsection{Captionsetup и~Thisfloatsetup
+% в~опции команды Floatbox}\label{ssec:app:besidestart}
+%^^A% Example of figures in row (figures~\ref{FB:FR:lfig} and
+%^^A% \ref{FB:FR:fig}). There predefined float commands
+%^^A% |\fcapsideleft| and |\fcapsideright| with were used additional |\captionsetup| and
+%^^A% |\thisfloatsetup| settings:
+% Пример рисунков рядом (рис.~\ref{FB:FR:lfig}
+% и~\ref{FB:FR:fig}). В~примере были использованы
+% предопределённые команды
+% постройки флотов |\fcapsideleft| и~|\fcapsideright|, в~которых
+% добавлены настройки |\captionsetup| и~|\thisfloatsetup|:
+%| \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,|
+%| justification=raggedleft}%|
+%| \|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}|{|\FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left}}][\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|]|
+%| \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,|
+%| justification=raggedright}%|
+%| \thisfloatsetup{capbesideposition=right}}][\FBwidth]|
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{margins}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidesep}|=cicero,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes}|
+% |\begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+% | \fcapsideleft{...}{...}|
+% | \hsize\Xhsize \fcapsideright[\hsize]{...}{...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=Boxed,capposition=beside,objectset=centering,
+% floatwidth=\columnwidth,capbesidewidth=5.75cc,
+% capbesidesep=cicero,margins=centering,
+% capbesideframe=yes,floatwidth=sidefil}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \fcapsideleft
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{Cat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Флот в~ряду с~подписью сбоку (бокс графики по её ширине)]{%^^A
+% Флот (\cmd{\fcapsideleft}) бокс для объекта
+% имеет ширину включённой графики}\label{FB:FR:lfig}}%
+% \hsize\Xhsize \fcapsideright[\hsize]
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/61}%%^^A
+% \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Флот в~ряду с~подписью сбоку (занимает оставшееся место)]{%^^A
+% Флот (\cmd{\fcapsideright})
+% ширина всего флота занимает оставшееся пространство в ряду}%^^A
+% \label{FB:FR:fig}}%
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}%
+%^^A% Since the key \FRkey{heightadjust}|=object| is used in
+%^^A% the |Boxed| float style, both objects have the same
+%^^A% height.\RestoreSpaces
+% Поскольку в~стиле флота используется ключ \FRkey{heightadjust}|=object|
+% (заданный в~определения стиля |Boxed|), оба объекта
+% имеют одинаковую высоту.
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Predefined Beside Caption Width}
+% \subsubsection{Предопределённая ширина подписи сбоку}
+%^^A% This example includes the |\useFCwidth|\label{setup:useFCwidth} command which switches on usage
+%^^A% of previously defined caption width with |capbesidewidth=| key
+%^^A% (in command |\thisfloatsetup| before |\floatbox| macro) or, if you
+%^^A% didn't set caption width (like in current example), macro calculates natural
+%^^A% width of caption contents (see figure~\ref{fig:Idog:w}). In this case
+%^^A% the object---caption box is aligned
+%^^A% using alignment settings from |margins| key (its options are defined
+%^^A% by |\setfloatmargins| or |\floatcapbesidemargins| macro). In this
+%^^A% documentation they are centered (see page~\pageref{setup:DeclareMarginSet}).
+% Этот пример включает команду |\useFCwidth|, которая включает
+% предварительно определённую ширину подписи с~заданным значением
+% ключа |capbesidewidth=|
+% в~команде |\thisfloatsetup| до команды |\floatbox|) или, если
+% вы не определили ширину подписи
+% (как в~данном примере), рассчитывается натуральная ширина подписи
+% (см. рис.~\ref{fig:Idog:w}). Флот в~этом случае выровнен горизонтально
+% с~использованием настроек выравнивания, взятых из ключа
+% |margins=| (опции определяются командами
+% |\setfloatmargins| или |\floatcapbesidemargins|, с.\,\pageref{setup:floatcapbesidemargins}). В~этой
+% документации задано центрирование (см.
+% с.~\pageref{setup:DeclareMarginSet}).
+%| ...|
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \floatbox[\capbeside\useFCwidth]{figure}[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption[Однострочная подпись сбоку
+% бокс которой равен тексту подписи]{}\label{fig:Idog:w}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{{4cm}/60}%^^A
+% \input{BlackDog.picture}}}
+% \end{figure}%
+%^^A% Please note that inside
+%^^A% \cmd{\floatbox} you may not set predefined width of caption, but remember
+%^^A% that you \emph{must} define width of caption in case of usage of plain
+%^^A% floating environment.\RestoreSpaces
+% Обратите внимание, что внутри
+% \cmd{\floatbox} можно не задавать ширину подрисуночной подписи, но нужно помнить,
+% что её \emph{необходимо} задать при использовании такого стиля в~рисунках, не использующих
+% команды \cmd{\floatbox}.\RestoreSpaces
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Predefined Beside Caption Width with
+%^^A% The Rest Space for Object}\label{FAD:RestSpaceforObject}
+% \subsubsection{Предопределённая ширина подписи и~остальное---для объекта}
+%^^A% The figure \ref{fig:capbeside:trick} uses the following float style:%^^A
+% Рисунок \ref{fig:capbeside:trick} использует следующий стиль
+% флота:%^^A
+%| \figurename\ \thefigure}|
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|\FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=\Mylen,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=cicero,|
+%| |\FRkey{margins}|=centering,|\FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes,|
+%| |\FRkey{floatwidth}|=sidefil}|
+%^^A% The \verb|\Mylen| dimension was defined as width of caption label.
+% Величина \verb|\Mylen| была определена как ширина нумерационного
+% заголовка подписи.
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=Boxed,capposition=beside,objectset=centering,
+% floatwidth=\columnwidth,capbesidewidth=\Mylen,
+% capbesideposition=left,capbesidesep=cicero,
+% margins=centering,capbesideframe=yes,floatwidth=sidefil}
+% \renewlengthtocommand\settowidth\Mylen{\captionfont\captionlabelfont
+% \figurename\ \thefigure}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+%^^A \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{format=default,labelsep=none}
+% \fcapside
+% {\unitlength1.1\unitlength
+% \input{Horse.picture}}
+% {\caption[Бокс подрисуночной подписи равен ширине её содержимого (здесь: её метки)]{}\label{fig:capbeside:trick}}
+% \end{figure}%
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Width Definition for Beside
+%^^A% Caption---Object Box in Float Row}
+% \subsubsection{Ширина для блока подпись сбоку---объект внутри floatrow}
+%^^A% The float row with predefined width boxes ``beside object---caption''
+%^^A% (figures~\ref{floatrow:pre:figI} and
+%^^A% \ref{floatrow:pre:figII}): just define before \verb|\fcapside|
+%^^A% command something like:
+% Ряд с~предопределёнными ширинами для боксов «подпись
+% сбоку---объект» (рис.~\ref{floatrow:pre:figI}
+% и~\ref{floatrow:pre:figII}): просто определите перед командами
+% \verb|\fcapside| что-то типа
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=plain,|\FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|\FRkey{margins}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=enskip,|
+%| |\FRkey{floatwidth}|=sidefil}|
+% |\begin{figure}\|\FRkey{useFCwidth}\nopagebreak
+% | \begin{floatrow}|
+% | \setlength\hsize{1.2\hsize-5mm}%|
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{fcapside}|...|
+% | \setlength\hsize\|\FRkey[FB]{Xhsize}
+% | \fcapside...|
+% | \end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+%^^A% (please remember that option of |\fcapside| command defines the width of object contents but
+%^^A% not the full box object---caption).
+% (следует напомнить, что в~команде |\fcapside| опция определяет только ширину объекта,
+% а~не всего блока объект---подпись).
+%^^A% Since there were used \verb|\fcapside| commands at the beginning of
+%^^A% |floatrow| environment the \verb|\FCwidth| command was defined
+%^^A% as \verb|\relax|---in this case the width of caption equals to the
+%^^A% width of their contents.
+% В~начале окружения |floatrow| была задана команда
+% \verb|\useFCwidth| которая включает механизм использования
+% и~расчёта ширины подписи сбоку и, поскольку используются
+% команды \verb|\fcapside|, ширину подписей можно не определять
+% (ключ |capbesidewidth=| не задан), поэтому ширина боксов
+% подписей будет равна их содержимому.
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=plain,capposition=beside,objectset=centering,
+% capbesideposition=left,capbesidesep=enskip,
+% margins=centering,capbesideframe=yes,floatwidth=sidefil}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\useFCwidth
+%^^A \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{format=default,labelsep=none}
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \setlength\hsize{1.2\hsize-5mm}%
+% \fcapside
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/100}%^^A
+% \input{Bear.picture}}
+% {\caption[Левый рисунок в~ряду с~подписью сбоку]{%^^A
+% }\label{floatrow:pre:figI}}
+% \setlength\hsize\Xhsize
+% \fcapside
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/44}%^^A
+% \input{Doll.picture}}
+% {\caption[Правый рисунок в~ряду с~подписью сбоку]{%^^A
+% }\label{floatrow:pre:figII}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}%
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Caption Above/Below Float and Caption Beside Float at
+%^^A% The One Float Row}\label{FAD:CapBesideandBelow}
+% \subsubsection{Флот с~подписью сверху/снизу
+% и~флот с~подписью сбоку в~одном ряду}\label{FAD:CapBesideandBelow}
+%^^A% The float row with object and beside caption combined with object
+%^^A% and caption below (figures~\ref{flrow:mix:figI} and
+%^^A% \ref{flrow:mix:figII}). There we ought to use
+%^^A% \verb|\TopFloatBoxes|, \verb|\CenterFloatBoxes|, or
+%^^A% |\BottomFloatBoxes| commands to get correct layout---since the
+%^^A% \meta{height} argument in both float boxes has the same value,
+%^^A% you may use each of these three commands. Unfortunately you must set
+%^^A% the height of such beside floats by hand (the \FRkey{heightadjust}|=| key works here incorrectly).
+%^^A% The lines which create the described float row:
+% В~ряду совмещены бокс объект---подпись сбоку и~бокс
+% объект---подпись снизу (рис.~\ref{flrow:mix:figI}
+% и~\ref{flrow:mix:figII}). Здесь приходится опять использовать
+% команды \verb|\TopFloatBoxes|, \verb|\CenterFloatBoxes|, или
+% |\BottomFloatBoxes|, чтобы получить нужную вёрстку "--- поскольку
+% аргумент \meta{height} в~обоих флотах имеет одинаковые значения высоты,
+% вы можете использовать любую из этих трёх команд. К~сожалению вам
+% приходится задать высоту таких флотов рядом вручную. Строки,
+% которые создают описанный выше ряд флотов:
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxsep4pt},|\FRkey{captionskip}|=5pt,|
+%| |\FRkey{capposition}|=bottom,|\FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=sidefil,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesideposition}|=inside,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=enskip,|\FRkey{margins}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes}|
+%| \fcapside[\FBwidth][4cm]|
+%| ...|
+%| |
+%| \ffigbox[\|\FRkey[FB]{Xhsize}|][4cm]|
+%| ...|
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=Boxed,frameset={\fboxsep6pt},captionskip=5pt,capposition=bottom,
+% objectset=centering,capbesidewidth=none,capbesideposition=inside,
+% capbesidesep=enskip,margins=centering,capbesideframe=yes}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\CenterFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \hsize1.098\hsize \fcapside[\FBwidth][4cm]
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{Cat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Флот (\cmd{\fcapside}) в ряду с
+% флотом \cmd{\ffigbox}]{%^^A
+% Флот (\cmd{\fcapside}) с подписью сбоку в ряду с
+% флотом с подписью \hbox{снизу}}\label{flrow:mix:figI}}%
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize][4cm]
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{BlackDog.picture}}
+% {\caption{%^^A
+% Флот (\cmd{\ffigbox}), занимает оставшееся в ряду
+% место} \label{flrow:mix:figII}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% The code for ``mirror'' layout (but not identical) looks like:
+% Задание «зеркальной вёрстки» (но не идентичной) выглядит так:
+%| \ffigbox[1.28\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|][4cm]|
+%| ...|
+%| |
+%| \hsize\Xhsize|
+%| \fcapside[\FBwidth][4cm]|
+%| ...|
+% \begin{figure}[H]\CenterFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[1.28\FBwidth][4cm]
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{BlackDog.picture}}
+% {\caption{%^^A
+% Флот (\cmd{\ffigbox}) в~«зеркальном» ряду}\label{floatrow:mirrmix:figII}}%
+% \hsize\Xhsize
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth][4cm]
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{Cat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Флот (\cmd{\fcapside}) в~«зеркальном» ряду]{%^^A
+% Флот с подписью сбоку (\cmd{\fcapside}) в зеркальном ряду
+% с флотом с подписью \hbox{снизу}}\label{floatrow:mirrmix:figI}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Photo-Album-like Layouts}
+% \subsubsection{Вёрстка под фотоальбом}
+%^^A% Another example of miscellaneous float row
+%^^A% (figures~\mbox{\ref{flrow:three:figIII}--\ref{floatrow:threemirr:figII}},
+%^^A% and, ``mirror layout''---^^A
+%^^A% \mbox{\ref{floatrow:threemirr:figI}--\ref{floatrow:threemirr:figIII}}) were
+%^^A% created by following lines:
+% Другой пример необычного ряда флотов
+% (рис.~\ref{flrow:three:figIII}--\ref{floatrow:threemirr:figII},
+% и, «зеркальная вёрстка», "---
+% \ref{floatrow:threemirr:figI}--\ref{floatrow:threemirr:figIII})
+% были созданы следующим кодом:
+%|\hsize1.2\hsize \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[][6.7cm]|
+%| ...|
+%| |
+%|\vbox to6.7cm|
+%| {\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[figure]{|\FRkey{floatrowsep}|=none}\|\FRkey{killfloatstyle}
+%| \ffigbox[.8\hsize]|
+%| ...|
+%| \vss|
+%| \ffigbox[.8\hsize]|
+%| ...%|
+%| }%|
+% \floatsetup[figure]{heightadjust=none}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\BottomFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \hsize1.2\hsize
+% \ffigbox[][6.7cm]
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/58}%^^A
+% \input{Mouse.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Вёрстка фотоальбома: левый флот]{Бокс флота в~вёрстке под фотоальбом:
+% один в~левой колонке}\label{flrow:three:figIII}}%
+% \vbox to6.7cm
+% {\floatsetup[figure]{floatrowsep=none}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox[.8\hsize]
+% {\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Вёрстка фотоальбома: правый верхний флот]{%^^A
+% Бокс флота в вёрстке под фотоальбом: верхний флот в правой
+% колонке}\label{floatrow:three:figI}} \vss \ffigbox[.8\hsize]
+% {\input{BlackDog.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Вёрстка фотоальбома: правый нижний флот]{%^^A
+% Нижний флот в правой колонке}%
+% \label{floatrow:threemirr:figII}}}%
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% The ``mirror'' layout created by following commands:
+% «Зеркальная вёрстка» создана следующими командами:
+%|\vtop to7cm|
+%| {\floatsetup[figure]{floatrowsep=none}\killfloatstyle|
+%| \ffigbox[.8\hsize]|
+%| ...|
+%| \vss|
+%| \ffigbox[.8\hsize]|
+%| ...%|
+%| \vskip0pt}\floatrowsep|
+%| |
+%| ...|
+%^^A% Note that in second example with ``mirror'' layout the
+%^^A% trick with \meta{height} definition was used---caption of float in the left
+%^^A% column is one line longer, so for the right column height of float
+%^^A% was reduced by 11pt---|\baselineskip| for |\small|
+%^^A% size
+%^^A% (here the \package{calc} package possibilities were used). The |\vtop| of
+%^^A% left column ends with |\vskip0pt|, otherwise you get fanny unwanted
+%^^A% layout.
+% Обратите внимание, что во втором примере с~«зеркальной вёрсткой»
+% был использован трюк с~определением высоты в~аргументе
+% \meta{height} "--- подпись в~левой колонке длиннее на одну строку,
+% поэтому для правой колонки высота флота была уменьшена на 11pt
+% "---|\baselineskip| для шрифта размером
+% |\small|\footnote{Вы получите корректную высоту с~такими расчётами
+% для флотов рядом при использовании версии пакета \package{caption}
+% не ниже 3.0d.} (здесь были использованы возможности пакета
+% \package{calc}). Бокс |\vtop| в~левой колонке завершён командой
+% |\vskip0pt|, иначе вы получите неожиданный результат.
+% \begin{figure}\TopFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \vtop to8cm {\floatsetup[figure]{floatrowsep=none}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox[.8\hsize]
+% {\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Зеркальная вёрстка фотоальбома: верхний левый флот]{%^^A
+% Бокс флота в~зеркальной вёрстке под фотоальбом:
+% верхний флот в~левой
+% колонке}\label{floatrow:threemirr:figI}}
+% \vss
+% \ffigbox[.8\hsize]
+% {\input{BlackDog.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Зеркальная вёрстка фотоальбома: нижний левый флот]{%^^A
+% Бокс флота в~зеркальной вёрстке под фотоальбом:
+% нижний флот в~левой колонке}%
+% \label{floatrow:three:figII}}\vskip0pt}\floatrowsep
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize][8cm-11pt]
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/58}%^^A
+% \input{Mouse.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Зеркальная вёрстка фотоальбома: правый флот]{%^^A
+% Бокс флота в~зеркальной вёрстке под фотоальбом:
+% отдельный в~правой колонке}\label{floatrow:threemirr:figIII}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}
+%^^A% In both examples for two floats one above another was cancelled
+%^^A% |\floatrowsep| code inside |\vbox|/|\vtop|.
+% В~обоих примерах для двух флотов друг под другом была отменена
+% команда |\floatrowsep| внутри |\vbox|/|\vtop|.
+%^^A% Note that these examples are rather specific---you may try with
+%^^A% other combinations (e.g. more-``columned''), but maybe these layouts
+%^^A% need more care with usage of |\Xhsize| and/or |\floatrowsep|.
+% Обратите внимание, что эти примеры довольно специфичны "--- можно
+% попробовать создать другие комбинации (например,
+% «многоколонные»), но возможно такая вёрстка потребует большей
+% внимательности по отношению к~использованию |\Xhsize| и/или
+% |\floatrowsep|.
+%^^A% I suppose that last two examples could conflict with ``motto'' of
+%^^A% this package---to reduce and remove layout code from document; but
+%^^A% photo-album-like layout is rather rare in technical literature (It
+%^^A% isn't?).
+% Я~предполагаю, что два последних примера конфликтуют с~«девизом»
+% данного пакета \cdash--- уменьшить и~переместить код оформления из
+% текста документа; но вёрстка под фотоальбом довольно редка
+% в~технической литературе (или это не так?).
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Photo-Album-Like Layouts: Common Height for Beside Photos}
+% \subsubsection{Вёрстка под фотоальбом: задание общей высоты для фото в~ряду}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,font=footnotesize}
+%^^A% This section shows example which allows to set common height for rectangular graphics,
+%^^A% i.e. photos and fill full width of this row. To emulate the rectangular photos here,
+%^^A% each graphic was loaded inside |\fbox| with zeroed |\fboxsep|. (See also file \texttt{frsample06.tex}.)
+% Данный раздел даёт примеры с~заданием общей высоты для прямоугольной графики,
+% т.\,е. фотографий так. чтобы заполнить весь ряд. Для эмуляции фотографий, картинки
+% помещены в~|\fbox| с~обнулённым параметром |\fboxsep|.
+% (См.~также файл \texttt{frsample06.tex}.)
+%^^A% The code of example uses the |\includegraphics| command (\package{graphicx}
+%^^A% package).
+%^^A% You load the |\CommonHeightRow| command:
+% Код примера использует команду |\includegraphics| (пакет
+% \package{graphicx}).
+% Команда |\CommonHeightRow| используется следующим образом:
+%|\CommonHeightRow|\oarg{supposed height}\marg{floatrow environment}
+%^^A% with supposed value of height in the optional argument,
+%^^A% which could be near the necessary common height.
+% где в~опции аргументе может быть задана предполагаемая высота,
+% приблизительно равная необходимой.
+%^^A% The default value is controlled by the |\DefaultCommonHeight| command.
+%^^A% It was defined
+% Значение по умолчанию контролируется командой |\DefaultCommonHeight|.
+% Она определяется как
+%^^A% It seems that |\DefaultCommonHeight| could differ from one documentation to another,
+%^^A% but inside one documentation the value in this command which once succeed in the row will gives
+%^^A% the same almost correct result in other rows also.
+% Скорее всего значение |\DefaultCommonHeight| может отличаться в~разных документациях,
+% но внутри одной документации однажды найденное подходящее значение даст
+% и~в~других случаях фактически корректный результат.
+%^^A% The second argument---the contents of the |floatrow| environment.
+%^^A% All float boxes in this row must use the |[\FBwidth]| option.
+% Второй аргумент \cdash--- окружение |floatrow| со своим содержимым.
+% \emph{Все} команды боксов флотов должны использовать опцию |[\FBwidth]|.
+% |\begin{figure*}\fboxsep-.4pt|\nopagebreak
+% |\CommonHeightRow{\begin{floatrow}[4]|\nopagebreak
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{floatrow}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure*}%|
+%^^A% Here you may see the result.
+% Ниже показан результат.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt%^^A
+% \CommonHeightRow{\begin{floatrow}[4]%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Рисунок~I в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CH:Dog}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Рисунок~II в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CH:WcatI}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Рисунок~III в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CH:mouse}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Рисунок~IV в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CH:cheese}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{floatrow}}%^^A
+% \end{figure*}%
+%^^A% The next example is a~variation of previous one. The command |\CommonHeightRow| here
+%^^A% was used for the |subfloatrow| environment.
+% Следующий пример является вариантом первого. Команда |\CommonHeightRow|
+% здесь использована для окружения |subfloatrow|.
+% |\begin{figure*}\fboxsep-.4pt|\nopagebreak
+% |\ffigbox{}{\CommonHeightRow{\begin{subfloatrow}[4]|\nopagebreak
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Рисунок...}}|
+% |\end{figure*}%|
+%^^A% Here you may see the result.
+% Ниже показан результат.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt%^^A
+% \ffigbox{}{\CommonHeightRow{\begin{subfloatrow}[4]%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Часть рисунка~I в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHI:Dog}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Часть рисунка~II в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHI:WcatI}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Часть рисунка~III в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHI:mouse}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Часть рисунка~IV в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHI:cheese}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Рисунок с~рядом частей"=фото одинаковой высоты}}%^^A
+% \end{figure*}%
+%^^A% The last example load labels of parts of figures beside graphics.
+% Последний пример помещает метки рядом с~фотографиями.
+% |\begin{figure*}\fboxsep-.4pt|\nopagebreak
+% |\ffigbox{}{\CommonHeightRow{\begin{subfloatrow}[4]\useFCwidth|\nopagebreak
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{}}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{}}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{}}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Рисунок...}}|
+% |\end{figure*}%|
+%^^A% Here you may see the result.
+% Ниже показан результат.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt%^^A
+% \ffigbox{}{\CommonHeightRow{\begin{subfloatrow}[4]\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHII:Dog}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHII:WcatI}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHII:mouse}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHII:cheese}}
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Рисунок с~рядом частей"=фото одинаковой высоты (метки сбоку)}}%^^A
+% \end{figure*}%
+%^^A% The examples with beside figures which also include labeled parts.
+%^^A% They need starred version of command.
+% Примеры с~флотами размещёнными рядом, которые включают помимо этого
+% нумерованные части рисунков. В~этом случае используется звёздный вариант команды.
+%^^A% The row with labels beside.
+% Ряд с~метками сбоку.
+% |\floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}|
+% |\begin{figure*}[H]|
+% |\CommonHeightRow*%|
+% |{\begin{floatrow}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Общая подпись~I}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Общая подпись~II...}}|
+% |\end{floatrow}}%|
+% |\end{figure*}|%
+%^^A% Here you may see the result.
+% Ниже показан результат.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt
+% \CommonHeightRow*%^^A\def\CommonHeight{2.5cm}
+% {\begin{floatrow}%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHs:Dog}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHs:WcatI}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Общая подпись~I в~разноуровневом ряду с~метками сбоку}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHs:mouse}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHs:cheese}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Общая подпись~II в~разноуровневом ряду с~метками сбоку}}%^^A
+% \end{floatrow}}%
+% \end{figure*}%
+%^^A% The row with labels below.
+% Ряд с~метками снизу.
+% |\floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}|
+% |\begin{figure*}[H]|
+% |\CommonHeightRow*%|
+% |{\begin{floatrow}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Общая подпись~I...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Общая подпись~II...}}|
+% |\end{floatrow}}%|
+% |\end{figure*}|%
+%^^A% Here you may see the result.
+% Ниже показан результат.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt
+% \CommonHeightRow*%^^A%
+% {\begin{floatrow}%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Рисунок~I в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHsI:Dog}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Рисунок~II в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHsI:WcatI}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Общая подпись~I в~разноуровневом ряду с~метками снизу}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Рисунок~III в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHsI:mouse}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Рисунок~IV в~ряду фото одинаковой высоты}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHsI:cheese}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Общая подпись~II в~разноуровневом ряду с~метками снизу}}%^^A
+% \end{floatrow}}%
+% \end{figure*}%
+%^^A% The more mixed row with labels beside.
+% Ряд с~метками частей сбоку (включая и~рисунок без частей).
+% |\floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}|
+% |\begin{figure*}[H]|
+% |\CommonHeightRow*%|
+% |{\begin{floatrow}|%
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}[3]\useFCwidth|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Caption~II...}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}}%|
+% |\end{figure*}|%
+%^^A% Here you may see the result.
+% Ниже показан результат.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt
+% \CommonHeightRow*%^^A%
+% {\begin{floatrow}[2]%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}[3]\useFCwidth%^^A%
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \end{floatrow}}%
+% \end{figure*}%
+% \clearpage
+%^^A% \subsection{Sample files}\label{sec:samples}
+% \subsection{Файлы примеров}\label{sec:samples}
+%^^A% The |floatrow| package distribution offers a few files with
+%^^A% examples, which show settings, not covered by current document (some
+%^^A% of them are bit exotic for technical literature). The samples have no aim to
+%^^A% create perfect layout, but to show easy modification for all float
+%^^A% types, and show goals and drawbacks in combinations of chosen layout
+%^^A% with different float types and their contents.
+% Дистрибутив пакета |floatrow| предлагает несколько файлов
+% с~примерами, которые демонстрируют настройки, не рассмотренные в~данном
+% документе (некоторые из них могут быть несколько экзотичны для технической литературы).
+% Примеры не имеют цели создать совершенную вёрстку, только показать
+% быстроту и~простоту модификации оформления для флотов всех
+% типов, и~показывают достоинства и~недостатки в~комбинациях
+% выбранного оформления при разных размещениях флотов.
+%^^A% \emph{Note}. All miscellaneous float styles (i.e.\ almost
+%^^A% all sample files) need at least two \LaTeX{} runs.
+% \emph{Замечание}. Все нестандартные стили флотов (фактически все
+% файлы примеров) требуют как минимум две обработки \LaTeX'ом.
+%^^A% The list of samples:
+% Перечень файлов примеров:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+%^^A% \item[frsample01.tex] all possible combinations of predefined
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} styles for captions above/below floats with foot
+%^^A% material; the plain floating environments and
+%^^A% |floatrow|s were created, also the boxes with
+%^^A% alone objects and alone captions;
+% \item[frsample01.tex] все возможные комбинации
+% предопределённых стилей пакета \package{floatrow}
+% для подписей сверху/снизу с~экспликациями; были созданы
+% простые флоты, окружения с~рядом флотов (окружение
+% |floatrow|), а~также варианты объекта без подписи
+% и~подписи без объекта;
+%^^A% \item[frsample02.tex] all possible combinations of predefined
+%^^A% \package{floatrow} styles for beside captions and all possible
+%^^A% caption positions;
+% \item[frsample02.tex] все возможные комбинации
+% с~предопределёнными стилями пакета \package{floatrow} для подписей
+% сбоку и~все возможные расположения подписей;
+%^^A% \item[frsample03.tex] various tests with tables;
+% \item[frsample03.tex] различные тесты с~таблицами;
+%^^A% \item[frsample04.tex] sample with fancy layout with usage of
+%^^A% beside captions;
+% \item[frsample04.tex] пример с~необычным оформлением
+% и~размещением подписей сбоку;
+%^^A% \item[frsample05.tex] one-column facing layout; miscellaneous
+%^^A% caption settings.
+% \item[frsample05.tex] одноколонная вёрстка, зеркальный макет
+% на развороте; необычные настройки для подписей.
+%^^A% \item[frsample06.tex] examples of attempts to get common height for
+%^^A% rectangular graphics (photos) in the filled row of floats or parts
+%^^A% of floats. Also the examples of usage of the |\Xhsize| command
+%^^A% in the mixed-level rows were added.
+% \item[frsample06.tex] пример рядов с~заданием общей высоты для
+% прямоугольной графики (фото) в~заполненном ряду флотов или подфлотов.
+% Также заданы примеры с~использованием команды |\Xhsize| в~рядах
+% со смешением флотов и~подфлотов.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% The next bundle of samples is a few file-headers with various
+%^^A% preambles which run the same file with various float
+%^^A% layouts. For these examples a new float type of
+%^^A% float |textbox| was created. It includes text in its object contents.
+% Следующий связанный ряд файлов-примеров имеют несколько
+% файлов"=заголовков с~различной преамбулой, которые
+% обрабатывают файл с~различным размещением флотов.
+% В~этих примерах был создан новый тип флота
+% |textbox| "--- который включает в~себя текст.
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+%^^A% \item[frsample10.tex] one column non-facing layout; figures
+%^^A% printed in |plain| style; text boxes use miscellaneous
+%^^A% ruled style;
+% \item[frsample10.tex] одноколонная вёрстка; рисунки оформлены
+% в~стиле |plain|; боксы текста
+% (|textbox|) используют необычный стиль с~линейками;
+%^^A% \item[frsample11.tex] one-column non-facing layout with elements
+%^^A% hanged on left margin (e.g. wide floats, in starred environments,
+%^^A% like |figure*|);
+% \item[frsample11.tex] одноколонная вёрстка с~элементами
+% выхода на левое поле (например, широкие
+% флоты в~«звёздных» окружениях, как |figure*|);
+%^^A% \item[frsample12.tex] two-column layout with attempts of
+%^^A% colored float styles.
+% \item[frsample12.tex] двухколонная вёрстка с~попытками
+% использования расцвеченных стилей флотов.
+% \end{Options}
+%^^A% {\sloppy Also added sample file \file{sample-longtable.tex} was added
+%^^A% which uses \emph{beta-temp} package-patch \package{fr-longtable}
+%^^A% with defined commands |\endlasthead| and |\endprelastfoot| which
+%^^A% defines captions for continued and last pages of long table in three
+%^^A% possible ways.\par}
+% Также добавлен файл-пример \file{sample-longtable.tex}
+% использующий \emph{beta-temp} пакет \package{fr-longtable}, где
+% определены команды |\endlasthead| и~|\endprelastfoot|, где даны три
+% варианта определения подписей (табличных заголовков) для продолжающейся
+% и~последней страниц |longtable|.
+% \begin{small}
+%^^A% \subsection{Obsolete Commands}\label{sec:changed}
+% \subsection{Устаревшие команды}\label{sec:changed}
+% \FRorisubsubsection{Интерфейс пользователя---новые плавающие объекты
+% [\package{float}]}\label{sec:floatborrowI}
+% \DescribeMacro{\newfloat}\slshape
+%^^A% The most important command in \package{float}
+%^^A% is the |\newfloat| command\footnote{It doubles the
+%^^A% \cmd{\DeclareNewFloatType} command.}. It is patterned on
+%^^A% |\newtheorem|. The |\newfloat| command takes three required and
+%^^A% one optional argument; it is of the form
+% Самой важной командой в~пакете \package{float}
+% является команда |\newfloat|\footnote{Она дублируется командой
+% \cmd{\DeclareNewFloatType}.}.
+% Она сделана по образцу
+% |\newtheorem|. Команда |\newfloat| имеет три основных и~один дополнительный
+% аргумент; форма задания:
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \hspace*{\MacroIndent}|\newfloat{|\meta{type}|}{|^^A
+% \meta{placement}|}{|\meta{ext}|}[|\meta{within}{\tt]}
+% \end{Quote}
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt\parskip0pt
+% \item
+%^^A% \marg{type} is the `type' of the new class of floats, like
+%^^A% |program| or |algorithm|. After the appropriate
+%^^A% |\newfloat|, commands like |\begin{program}| or |\end{algorithm*}|
+%^^A% will be available.
+% \marg{type} задаёт тип нового класса флотов, таких как
+% |program| (программа) или |algorithm| (алгоритм).
+% Определив эти слова в~аргументе
+% |\newfloat|, вы можете задать команды, как |\begin{program}|
+% или |\end{algorithm*}|.
+% \item
+%^^A% \marg{placement} gives the default placement
+%^^A% parameters for this class of floats. The placement parameters are
+%^^A% the same as in standard \LaTeX, i.e., |t|, |b|,
+%^^A% |p| and |h| for `top', `bottom', `page' and `here',
+%^^A% respectively.
+% \marg{placement} задаёт размещение по умолчанию
+% для данного класса флотов. Параметры те же самые,
+% что и~в~стандартном \LaTeX'е, например, |t|, |b|,
+% |p| и~|h| для `top' (вверху), `bottom' (внизу),
+% `page' (отдельная страницы) и~`here' (здесь),
+% соответственно.
+% \item
+%^^A% \marg{ext} When \LaTeX\ writes the captions to an auxiliary file
+%^^A% for the list of figures (or whatever), it'll use the job name
+%^^A% followed by \marg{ext} as a file name.
+% \marg{ext}. Когда \LaTeX\ записывает подписи во вспомогательный файл
+% для списка рисунков (или любого другого флота), он использует
+% имя рабочего файла (документа)
+% с~расширением \marg{ext} как имя файла.
+% \item
+%^^A% \oarg{within} Finally, the optional
+%^^A% argument \meta{within} determines whether floats of this class will
+%^^A% be numbered within some sectional unit of the document. For example,
+%^^A% if \oarg{within}${}={}$|chapter|, the floats will be numbered
+%^^A% within chapters. (In standard \LaTeX, this happens with figures and
+%^^A% tables in the \cls{report} and \cls{book} document styles.) As an
+%^^A% example, Program~\ref{prog1.1} was created by a command sequence
+%^^A% similar to that shown in the following
+%^^A% Example\footnote{Settings for Example float
+%^^A% environment were created by \cmd{\DeclareNewFloatType} macro stuff.}.
+% \oarg{within}. Наконец, дополнительный
+% аргумент \meta{within} определяет будут ли плавающие объекты
+% данного класса нумероваться
+% внутри указанного раздела документа. Например,
+% если \oarg{within}${}={}$|chapter|, флоты будут перенумеровываться
+% по главам. (В~стандартном \LaTeX'е, это задано для рисунков и~таблиц
+% в~классах документов \cls{report} и~\cls{book}.) Как
+% пример, программа~\ref{prog1.1} была создана командной последовательностью
+% похожей на продемонстрированную в~следующем
+% примере\footnote{Настройки для этого окружения примера
+% были созданы командой \cs{}\FRkey{DeclareNewFloatType}.}.
+% \end{itemize}
+%^^A% \emph{Floatrow note.}
+%^^A% There is also created a |\newfloat*| pair, which works similar to
+%^^A% |\restylefloat*| command (see below).
+% \emph{Замечание \textsf{floatrow}.}
+% Также создана команда-пара |\newfloat*|, которая работает аналогично команде
+% |\restylefloat*| (см.~ниже).
+% \begin{Example}[H]
+% \begin{verse}
+% |\floatstyle{ruled}|\\
+% |\newfloat{Program}{tbp}{lop}[section]|\\
+% \dots\ loads o' stuff \dots\\
+% |\begin{Program}|\\
+% |\begin{verbatim}|\\
+% \dots\ program text \dots\\
+% |\end{verbatim}|\\
+% |\caption{|\dots\ caption \dots|}|\\
+% |\end{Program}|
+% \end{verse}
+% \caption{Это ещё один простенький плавающий пример. Исключая
+% то, что он плавает, так как использует параметр {\tt[H]}, чтобы
+% появиться \textbf{именно здесь}.}\label{exa1.1}
+% \end{Example}
+% \begin{Program}
+%#include <stdio.h>
+%int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+% int i;
+% for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+% printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
+% return 0;
+% \caption{Первая программа. Она ничего не делает в~пакете,
+% просто включена в~него как пример.
+% Обратите внимание на стиль \texttt{ruled}%
+% \label{prog1.1}}
+% \end{Program}
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatstyle}
+%^^A% The |\floatstyle| command sets a default
+%^^A% float style. This float style will be used for all the floats that
+%^^A% are subsequently defined using |\newfloat|, until another
+%^^A% |\floatstyle| command appears. The |\floatstyle| command takes one
+%^^A% argument, the name of a float style. For instance,
+%^^A% |\floatstyle{ruled}|. Specifying a string that does not name a valid
+%^^A% float style is an error.
+% Команда |\floatstyle| определяет стиль флота по
+% умолчанию. Этот стиль будет использоваться для всех типов флотов
+% которые впоследствии будут определены в~команде |\newfloat|, до появления другой
+% команды |\floatstyle|. Команда |\floatstyle| имеет один аргумент,
+% имя стиля флота. Например,
+% |\floatstyle{ruled}|. Указание названия несуществующего стиля приведёт к~ошибке.
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatname}
+%^^A% The |\floatname| command lets you define
+%^^A% the \emph{float name} that \LaTeX\ uses in the caption of a float,
+%^^A% i.e., `Figure' for a figure and so on. For example,
+%^^A% |\floatname{program}{Program}|. The |\newfloat| command sets the
+%^^A% float name to its argument \meta{type} if no other name has been
+%^^A% specified before.
+% Команда |\floatname| позволяет вам определить
+% \emph{имя флота}, которое \LaTeX\ использует в~подписи флота,
+% например, `Figure' для окружения рисунков и~тому подобное. Например,
+% |\floatname{program}{Program}| {\em (или
+% для русской литературы |\floatname|\nobreak
+% |{Program}|\allowbreak
+% |{\CYRP\cyrr\cyro\cyrg\cyrr\cyra\cyrm\cyrm\cyra}|
+% \unskip)}.
+% Команда |\newfloat| определяет
+% имя флота по аргументу определяющему имя окружения (\meta{type}) если не было
+% определено другого имени до этого.
+% \pagebreak[3]
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatplacement}
+%^^A% The |\floatplacement| command resets
+%^^A% the default placement specifier of a class of floats. E.g.,
+%^^A% |\floatplacement{figure}{tp}|.
+% Команда |\floatplacement| переопределяет
+% размещения флота по умолчанию для данного класса флотов. Например,
+% |\floatplacement{figure}{tp}|.
+% \DescribeMacro{\restylefloat}\nopagebreak
+%^^A% The |\restylefloat| command is necessary
+%^^A% to change styles for the standard float types
+%^^A% |figure| and |table|. Since these aren't usually
+%^^A% defined via |\newfloat|, they don't have a style associated with
+%^^A% them. Thus you have to say, for example,
+% Команда |\restylefloat| необходима для
+% изменения стиля для стандартных типов флотов
+% |figure| и~|table|. Так как они не определяются
+% через команду |\newfloat|, они не имеют стиля, связанного с~ними.
+% Поэтому вы должны задать, например,
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \hspace*{\MacroIndent}|\floatstyle{ruled}|
+% \hspace*{\MacroIndent}|\restylefloat{table}|
+% \end{Quote}
+%^^A% to have tables come out |ruled|. The command also lets you
+%^^A% change style for floats that you define via |\newfloat|, although
+%^^A% this is, typographically speaking, not a good idea. See
+%^^A% table~\ref{table1} for an example\footnote{The \package{float} package
+%^^A% created special caption style with bold label for |boxed|
+%^^A% style. Please note that |plain| and |boxed| float
+%^^A% styles have not any special settings in \package{caption} 3.x package.
+%^^A% To emulate |boxed| style from \package{float} documentation there
+%^^A% were: cleared all special caption settings for tables, and restored
+%^^A% default colon separator after label.}. There is a |\restylefloat*|
+%^^A% command which will restyle an existing float type but will keep the
+%^^A% new float style from taking over the |\caption| command. In this
+%^^A% case the user is responsible for handling their own captions.
+% чтобы получить таблицы в~стиле |ruled|. Команда также позволяет
+% изменить стиль флота, определённого командой |\newfloat|, хотя
+% это, по типографским правилам, не лучшая идея. См.
+% табл.~\ref{table1} для примера\footnote{В~пакете \package{float}
+% создан специальный стиль подписи с~полужирным нумерационным заголовком
+% для стиля |boxed|.
+% Обратите внимание, что стили флота |plain| и~|boxed|
+% не имеют специальных настроек в~пакете \package{caption} 3.x.
+% Для эмуляции стиля |boxed| из документации пакета \package{float} были:
+% отменены все специальные установки для таблиц, и~восстановлено двоеточие
+% как разделитель после нумерационного заголовка.}. Существует
+% команда |\restylefloat*|,
+% которая переопределяет стиль флота, но не затрагивает стиля подписи.
+% В~этом случае пользователь сам отвечает за создание оформления подписей.
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}
+% %^^AEmulation of float's documentation settings
+% %^^A\floatstyle{boxed}
+% %^^A\restylefloat{table}
+% \begingroup
+% \clearcaptionsetup{table}
+% \captionsetup{labelsep=default,labelfont=bf}
+% \floatsetup[table]{style=boxed}
+% \begin{table}[h] \def\B#1{$\displaystyle{n\choose#1}$}
+% \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c|cccccccc}
+% $n$&\B0&\B1&\B2&\B3&\B4&\B5&\B6&\B7\\ \hline
+% 0 & 1\\
+% 1 & 1&1\\
+% 2 & 1&2&1\\
+% 3 & 1&3&3&1\\
+% 4 & 1&4&6&4&1\\
+% 5 & 1&5&10&10&5&1\\
+% 6 & 1&6&15&20&15&6&1\\
+% 7 & 1&7&21&35&35&21&7&1
+% \end{tabular} \end{center}
+% \caption{Треугольник Паскаля. Это переоформленное окружение
+% \LaTeX'а \texttt{table}.%^^A
+% \label{table1}}
+% \end{table}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
+% \end{small}
+% \begingroup\extrarowheight1.75pt\small\openup-.5pt\tabcolsep.5\tabcolsep\LTpre=0ptplus3pt\LTpost\LTpre
+% \subsubsection{Команды и~ключи \texorpdfstring{\cs{floatsetup}}{floatsetup}, удалённые после версии 0.1b}
+% Здесь приведены устаревшие макрокоманды, которые были заменены
+% ключами из команды |\floatsetup|,
+% переименованы или удалены после версии 0.1b.
+% \parindent0pt
+% \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{-.3ptplus1fill}}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.35\hsize}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.6\hsize}|}
+% \multicolumn{2}{c}{Удалённые или заменённые команды}
+% \\\hline
+% \thead{Команда}
+% &
+% \thead{Заменена на}
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% \cmd{\renewfloatstyle},\\
+% \cmd{\newfloatstyle},\\
+% \cmd{\definefloatstyle}
+% \end{tabular}&
+% \cmd{\DeclareFloatStyle} "---эта команда использует
+% механизм \cmd{\floatsetup}
+% \\\hline
+% \cmd{\restorerestylefloat} & удалена
+% \\\hline
+% \cmd{\captionskip} & команда, а не величина
+% \\\hline
+% \cmd{\floatfootskip} & команда, а не величина
+% \\\hline
+% \end{longtable}
+% \vskip1pt
+% \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{-.3ptplus1fill}}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.35\hsize}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.6\hsize}|}
+% \multicolumn{2}{c}{Команды, заменённые на ключи}
+% \\\hline
+% \thead{Удалённая команда}
+% &
+% \thead{Ключ-аналог}
+% \\\hline
+% \cmd{\floatobjectset} &
+% в текущей версии \emph{не используется для определения
+% настроек оформления объекта}, используйте ключ
+% |objectset=|
+% \\\hline
+% \cmd{\alignsidecaption}&
+% |capbesideframe=yes|
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% \smash{\cmd{\capbesidecenter}},\\ \smash{\cmd{\capbesidetop}},\\
+% \smash{\cmd{\capbesidebottom}},\\
+% \smash{\cmd{\capbesideinside}},\\
+% \smash{\cmd{\capbesideoutside}},\\
+% \smash{\cmd{\capbesideleft}},\\
+% \smash{\cmd{\capbesideright}}
+% \end{tabular}&
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |capbesideposition=center|\\
+% |capbesideposition=top|\\
+% |capbesideposition=bottom|\\
+% |capbesideposition=inside|\\
+% |capbesideposition=outside|\\
+% |capbesideposition=left|\\
+% |capbesideposition=right|
+% \end{tabular}
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% \cmd{\floatrowsep},\\ \cmd{\floatcapbesidesep}
+% \end{tabular}&
+% в текущей версии \emph{не используется для задания
+% разделительного материала}, используйте ключи\par
+% \extrarowheight0pt
+% \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |floatrowsep=|\\
+% |capbesidesep=|
+% \end{tabular}
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% \cmd{\FBcenter}\vphantom{g},\\ \cmd{\FBleft}\vphantom{g},\\
+% \cmd{\FBright},\\
+% \cmd{\FBnormal}
+% \end{tabular}&
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |margins=center|,\\
+% |margins=raggedright|,\\
+% |margins=raggedleft|, \\
+% |margins=center|,\\
+% \end{tabular}
+% \\\hline
+% \cmd{\setfloatstyle} & |style=|
+% \\\hline
+% \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% \cmd{\Setframe}\\
+% \cmd{\setframe}
+% \end{tabular}
+% & используйте ключи |framestyle=| и |frameset=|
+% \\\hline
+% \cmd{\setrules}
+% & используйте |precode=|, |postcode=|,
+% |midcode=| (а также
+% |rowpercode| и |rowpostcode|) ключи
+% \\\hline
+% \end{longtable}
+% \vskip1pt
+% \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{-.3ptplus1fill}}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.35\hsize}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.6\hsize}|}
+% \multicolumn{2}{c}{Переименованные ключи}
+% \\\hline
+% \thead{Ключ}
+% &
+% \thead{Заменён на}
+% \\\hline
+% \endhead
+% |attachedcapstyle=| & |relatedcapstyle=|
+% \\\hline
+% |floatstyle=| & |style=|
+% \\\hline
+% |floatfont=| & |font=|
+% \\\hline
+% |putcaptionbeside=| & {capposition=beside}
+% \\\hline
+% |besidecapposition=| & |capbesideposition=|
+% \\\hline
+% |besidecapwidth=| & |capbesidewidth=|
+% \\\hline
+% |besidecapframe=| & |capbesideframe=|
+% \\\hline
+% |floatmarginsset=| & |margins=|
+% \\\hline
+% |besidecapsep=| & |capbesidesep=|
+% \\\hline
+% |Precode=| & |rowprecode=|
+% \\\hline
+% |Postcode=| & |rowpostcode=|
+% \\\hline
+% |framereduce=| & |framefit=|
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}
+% \vphantom{(}опции ключей |objectset=|\\
+% \quad и |margins=|\\
+% |flushleft|,\\ |flushright|,\\|center|
+% \end{tabular} &
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}
+% \vphantom{(}опции ключей |objectset=|
+% и~|margins=|\\\quad
+% (для унификации
+% с~аналогичными опциями\\\quad ключей в~пакете
+% \package{caption})\\
+% |raggedright|,\\ |raggedleft|,\\
+% |centering|
+% \end{tabular}
+% \\\hline
+% \end{longtable}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% \Finale
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..904d61654c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,11617 @@
+% \iffalse
+% floatrow.dtx - The floatrow package (extension of float package)
+% (c) 2004-2007 Olga Lapko (
+% This package borrowed code (core parts) from:
+% float package 2001/11/08 v1.3d,
+% Copyright (c) 1991-2000 Anselm Lingnau
+% rotfloat package, 2002/02/02 v1.1,
+% Copyright (c) 1995-2002 Axel Sommerfeldt
+% During creation of floatsetup stuff there was borrowed code structure
+% from caption package v3.x ((c) 1994-2007 Axel Sommerfeldt)
+% This program is provided under the terms of the
+% LaTeX Project Public License distributed from CTAN
+% archives in directory macros/latex/base/lppl.txt.
+ \ProvidesFile{floatrow.dtx}
+% \ProvidesFile{floatrow.dtx}
+%<floatrow> [2008/08/02 v0.3b floatrow: float package extension]
+%<frfancy> [2007/11/28 v0.1i floatrow: fancy boxes]
+%<floatpagestyle> [2005/10/02 v0.1h floating page style]
+%<listpen> [2007/10/28 v0.1d list penalty managing]
+%<frforsubfig> [2007/12/24 v0.1g (beta) floatrow: additions for subfig]
+%<forlongtable> [2007/11/28 v0.1b (beta) floatrow: additions for longtable]
+\input pictures
+\makeatletter%^^A -----------------------
+\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined \else
+ \ifcase\pdfoutput \else
+ \usepackage{mathptm}\def\ttdefault{pxtt}
+ \usepackage[scaled=0.90]{helvet}
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+ \ignorespaces{\nouppercase\rightmark}\hfill
+ \hbox to2em{\hfil\normalsize\bfseries\thepage}\strut}
+ justification=centerlast]
+ {caption}[2007/04/11]
+ labelfont=up,captionskip=5pt]
+ {subfig}[2005/06/28]
+ footskip=.5\skip\footins,footnoterule=fullsize,
+ floatrowsep=qquad,capbesidesep=quad,capbesideposition=inside,
+ facing=yes,floatHaslist=yes,doublefloataswide=yes]{floatrow}
+ linktocpage,
+ hyperindex,%
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+ pdfview=FitH,
+ pdfstartview=FitH,
+ ]{hyperref}
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+ \IfFileExists{pstricks.sty}{\usepackage{pstricks}}{}
+%^^A \IfFileExists{pdftricks.sty}{
+%^^A \usepackage{pdftricks}
+%^^A }{}
+ \begin{psinputs}
+ \usepackage{pstricks}
+ \end{psinputs}
+ {0pt}[\height+\jot][\depth+\jot]{\begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}} #1\end{tabular}}}
+%^^A For this documentation only
+ \def\multirowthead#1[#2]#3{\raisebox{-1.5ex}{\thead{#3}}}}{}
+%^^A -----------------------
+ within=section,fileext=loe}
+ \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,
+ justification=raggedleft}%
+ \thisfloatsetup{capbesideposition=left}}][\FBwidth]
+ \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,
+ justification=raggedright}%
+ \thisfloatsetup{capbesideposition=right}}][\FBwidth]
+ captionskip=5pt,frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep12pt}}
+\DeclareFloatVCode{grayruleabove}{{\color{gray}\par\hrule height2.8pt depth0pt\vskip4pt\par}}
+\DeclareFloatVCode{grayrulebelow}{{\color{gray}\par\vskip4pt\hrule height2.8pt depth0pt}}
+ {\hfil}{\hskip-.7\headheight\hskip-\headsep}}
+ \floatfacing*
+ {\hskip16pt\vrule width4.8pt\hskip6pt}{\hskip6pt\vrule width4.8pt\hskip16pt}%
+ \endgroup}
+ {{\color{green}%green llcorner
+ \linethickness{10pt}\put(-5pt,-5pt)
+ {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%
+ {\put(-5pt,0pt){\line(1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%
+ }}{{\color{red}%red lrcorner
+ \linethickness{10pt}\put(0pt,0pt)
+ {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%
+ {\put(5pt,0pt){\line(-1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%
+ }}{{\color{blue}%blue urcorner
+ \linethickness{10pt}\put(5pt,-5pt)
+ {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,-1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%
+ {\put(5pt,0pt){\line(-1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%
+ }}{{\color{magenta}%magenta ulcorner
+ \linethickness{10pt}\put(0pt,0pt)
+ {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,-1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%
+ {\put(-5pt,0pt){\line(1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%
+ }}
+%^^A -----------------------
+ \rightskip0ptplus-1fil\parfillskip0ptplus1fil}
+%^^A for all versions of caption 3.x?
+\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{rightline}{\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2}}
+\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 \textup{(\emph{Continued})}}}
+\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{finished}{\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 \textup{(\emph{Finished})}}}
+ \addtocounter{Note}1\textup{\theNote)}\nobreak\enskip}
+%^^A -----------------------
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+ \ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi{#5}}%^^A
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+ \ifdim\@tempdima>#2
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+ {#5}\else\box0\fi}
+ {\RemoveSpaces
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+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth}%
+ \addtolength{\leftmargin}{\labelsep}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}%
+ \setlength{\parsep}{0pt}}}%
+ {\endlist}
+ \small\begin{quote}\obeylines\parskip0pt}{\end{quote}\par\@endpetrue}
+ \par\begingroup\advance\leftskip1em}{\par\endgroup{\emphcolor\nobreak\meta{preamble}}\par\vskip2ex}
+\DeclareRobustCommand\La{L\kern-.36em{\sbox\z@ T\vbox to\ht\z@{\hbox{\check@mathfonts
+ \fontsize\sf@size\z@\math@fontsfalse\selectfont A}\vss}}}
+%maybe there is better solution?
+ \leavevmode\everypar{\@nobreakfalse}\@bsphack
+ \begingroup\MakePrivateLetters\Describe@Macro}
+ \leavevmode\everypar{\@nobreakfalse}\@bsphack
+ \begingroup\MakePrivateLetters\Describe@Env}
+ \raggedleft\advance\leftskip.3\hsize#1}}
+ \DocInput{floatrow.dtx}
+% \fi
+% \CheckSum{5863}
+% \changes{v0.1e}{2005/03/22}{The user documentation loaded inside
+% \file{floatrow.dtx}.}
+% \ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=1pt}\fi
+% \def\fileversion{v0.3b}
+% \def\filedate{2009/08/02}
+% \title{The \package{floatrow} package\thanks{This
+% file has version number \fileversion, last revised
+% \filedate.}}
+% \author{%
+% Olga Lapko\\
+% {\tt} }
+% \date{\filedate}
+% \maketitle
+% \begin{abstract}\openup.5pt
+% This package was created as extension of the \package{float}
+% package. The \package{floatrow} package borrows core code from
+% the \package{float}\footnote{\package{float} package, version v1.3d dated
+% 2001/11/08, \copyright{} 1991--2000 Anselm Lingnau.} and
+% \package{rotfloat}\footnote{\package{rotfloat} package, version v1.2
+% dated 2004/01/04, \copyright{} 1995--2004 Axel Sommerfeldt.}
+% packages, so you \emph{must not} load these packages.
+% The \package{float} package has a~good mechanism for the creation (and easy
+% modification) of common layout for all floats of one type without
+% adding any repeated code in the document; besides, this package allows to
+% create new float types; it deals only
+% with alone (plain) combinations ``object (float contents)---caption''.
+% The \package{rotfloat}
+% package changes environments of rotated floats (the |sideways...|
+% environment of \package{rotating} package)
+% to adapt them to \package{float}'s settings.
+% The package \package{floatrow} extends these possibilities and, at last, it allows:
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt\parskip0pt
+% \item
+% to use mechanism, borrowed from \package{float} package, for
+% creation of new float types;
+% \item
+% to change width of float box, either to a fixed value or to the width of object;
+% \item
+% to put caption beside object;
+% \item
+% to put a few floats side by side on the row;
+% \item
+% to put footnotes inside float box (using |minipage|-like mode);
+% and also to put legend-like text;
+% \item
+% to create and/or modify special layout for each type of float and
+% for different positioning of float and its components, e.g.
+% two-column or rotated float.
+% \end{itemize}
+% The \package{floatrow} package is cooperated with \package{caption} package
+% (needs version 3.0\textbf{q} or later, \emph{the better} cooperation will be with
+% version \textbf{3.1\emph{x}}). Also the \package{floatrow} package (like
+% \package{caption} one) uses \package{keyval} package mechanism for layout
+% settings.
+% \medskip
+% \begingroup
+% \slshape
+% I do my best to follow this idea and I hope that someone
+% likes it: helps to maintain this idea in any way, or finds bugs
+% and absurdities in this package or documentation.
+% \endgroup
+% \medskip
+% \centerline{\textbf{Document Terminology}\nopagebreak\vspace{1ex}}
+% \begin{description}\itemsep0pt\parskip0pt
+% \item[float (float box)]
+% could include \emph{object}, \emph{caption}, and
+% \emph{foot material}; \emph{float} is created by |figure| or
+% |table| environments (\emph{plain float}), or by |\|\FRkey{floatbox}
+% command and its modifications (\emph{float box});
+% \item[float type]
+% means standard environment |figure| or |table|,
+% also their \emph{layout subtypes}, like e.g.~|wrapfigure| (\package{wrapfig} package),
+% |sidewaysfigure| (\package{rotating} and \package{rotfloat} packages),
+% |longtable| (\package{longtable} package) etc.;
+% \item[object]means |tabular| or graphics, as contents of table
+% (|table|) or figure (|figure|) or other type of float;
+% \item[caption]means text in |\caption|;
+% \item[foot material]could include explications, legends and/or footnotes inside
+% \emph{float box} (|\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/\allowbreak|\footnotetext|,
+% and |\|\FRkey{floatfoot} macros).
+% \end{description}
+% \end{abstract}
+% \begingroup\small
+% \vspace{2ex}\pdfbookmark[1]{Frequently Appeared Design}{FAD}\nopagebreak
+% \centerline{\textbf{Frequently Appeared Design}\nopagebreak}
+% \begin{multicols}{2}\raggedright\advance\rightskip1em
+% \makeatletter\let\item\@idxitem\ignorespaces\makeatother
+% \def\sectionname{sec.}
+%^^A% \item{``Anchored'' float (option~|H|)}
+%^^A% \strut\pfill
+%^^A% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatborrowII}
+% \item{Caption}
+% \subitem{above float (|table|'s object, |\ttabbox|)\kern-1em\allowbreak}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subitem{beside float (|figure|'s object, |\fcapside|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subitem{width equals to |longtable|'s (|LTcapwidth=| key)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% page~\pageref{FAD:LTcapwidth}
+% \subitem{width equals to object's}
+% \emph{see}~{float box width equals to object's}{}
+% \subitem{like in plain \LaTeX\ (|\RawCaption|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% page~\pageref{setup:RawCaption},
+% \pageref{subcap:RawCaption}
+% \item{Creation of new float type (|\DeclareNewFloatType|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:newfloat}
+% \item{Layout of Float types (|\floatsetup|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}
+% \item{Float}\nopagebreak
+% \subitem{box (|\floatbox|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox};
+% \subsubitem{figure box (|\ffigbox|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subsubitem{table box (|\ttabbox|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subitem{box width}
+% \subsubitem{option in |\floatbox| commands}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subsubitem{equals to object's (option |\FBwidth| (|\floatbox|))}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}
+% \subsubitem{the rest space in the row
+% (option |\Xhsize| (|\floatbox|))}
+% \strut\pfill
+% page~\pageref{FAD:floatfillspace}
+% \subitem{empty (special) page style (|\emptyfloatpage|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% page~\pageref{FAD:emptyfloatpage}
+% \subitem{rotated (|sideways..|~env.)}\nopagebreak
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{ssec:rotating}
+% \subsubitem{placing on the facing pages}
+% \strut\pfill
+% page~\pageref{FAD:ContRotated}
+% \subitem{\textbf{here!} (option |[H]|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatborrowII}
+% \subitem{row (|floatrow| env.)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{{\seeIntro}},~%^^A
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatrow}
+% \subsubitem{float(box) in the row occupies the rest space}
+% \emph{see}~{float box width, the rest space of the row}
+% \subsubitem{floats of different types side by side}
+% \strut\pfill
+% page~\pageref{FAD:MixedRowII},
+% \pageref{FAD:MixedRow}
+% \subitem{like in plain \LaTeX\ (|\RawFloats|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}
+% \subitem{wrapped}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{ssec:wrapfig}--\ref{ssec:picins}
+% \item{Footnote inside float}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatfootnote}
+% \subitem{footnote mark
+% (|\mpfootnotemark|)\kern-1em\allowbreak}
+% \strut\pfill
+% page~\pageref{FAD:FnoteInsideFloat}
+% \item{Legend-like macro (|\floatfoot|)}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{subsec:floatfoot}
+% \item{Subfloat}
+% \strut\pfill
+% \subitem{subcaption above}
+% \strut\pfill
+% page~\pageref{FAD:subcapabove}
+% \subitem{subfloat label beside}
+% \strut\pfill
+% page~\pageref{FAD:sublabelbeside}
+% \end{multicols}%
+% \endgroup
+% \clearpage
+% \begingroup\addtocounter{lofdepth}1\addtocounter{lotdepth}1
+% \small\openup-.65pt
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{Contents}{TOC}\nopagebreak\tableofcontents
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{List of Figures}{LOF}
+% \nopagebreak\listoffigures
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{List of Tables}{LOT}
+% \nopagebreak\listoftables
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{List of Examples}{LOE}
+% \nopagebreak\listof{Example}{List of Examples}
+% \pdfbookmark[1]{List of Programs}{LOP}
+% \nopagebreak\listof{Program}{List of Programs}
+% \endgroup
+% \clearpage
+% \suppressfloats[t]
+% \section{Introduction}\label{sec:intro}
+% During creation of document, you usually type figures and tables as \emph{floating objects}
+% (\emph{floats}), i.e. put their contents
+% inside |figure| and~|table| environments consequently. The simplest floating environment
+% looks like:
+%|\begin{|\meta{float type}|}|
+%\meta{float contents (object)}
+%|\caption{|\meta{caption contents}|}|
+%|\end{|\meta{float type}|}|
+% or (if you want to put caption above):
+%|\begin{|\meta{float type}|}|
+%|\caption{|\meta{caption contents}|}|
+%\meta{float contents (object)}
+%|\end{|\meta{float type}|}|
+% \subsection{Loading The Package}\label{sec:load}\label{sec:start}
+% Just now you have loaded the \package{floatrow} package:
+% In the time, when this package was loaded,
+% all float contents in the document will be centered (unless another alignment command
+% appears inside the float contents). All captions appear
+% below float contents, regardless of how they were typed in source file.
+% But, I'm almost sure, that you want to put table captions above table material.
+% If you put in the next line the |\floatsetup| command:
+% after that, again, you will get all table captions above table material, regardless of how
+% they were typed in source file. These first minimal settings will arrange all floats
+% contents and their captions accordingly to the real typographic rules.
+% (The {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup} describes and demonstrates various layouts,
+% which you can get with the settings of |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup} command.)
+% But surely the settings above are still not sufficient to you, because you need to get
+% the table caption width equal to the width of table material. Also you may want to put some
+% figure captions beside graphics. Besides that, it is better to put small floats beside
+% in one row. For all these reasons this package offers special commands for building of float boxes
+% and a special environment to put these float boxes beside each other.
+% \subsubsection{Float Box Commands}\label{sec:intro:flbox}
+% One of the first macros of this package for creation of float boxes
+% is a macro which builds contents of the table environment with caption
+% above (|\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}). The width of caption equals to the width of contents, e.g.
+% of tabular (see table~\ref{intro:table}). (The first example uses plain \LaTeX{}
+% layout---the \package{caption} and \package{floatrow} packages loaded without package setting options;
+% the options at the end of |\usepackage| command define dates of package versions
+% which support correct work of this tandem today.)%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Caption above table object}{FAD:CaptionAbove}%^^A
+% |\usepackage{caption}[2007/04/11]|
+% |\usepackage{floatrow}[2007/08/24]|
+%| {\caption{A small table ...}\label{...}}|
+%| {\begin{tabular}...\end{tabular}}|\nopagebreak
+% \begin{table}[H]\tabcolsep1.5\tabcolsep
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{A small table with caption text above (\cmd{\ttabbox}) with plain \LaTeX{}
+% layout}\label{intro:table}}
+% {\jot2pt\begin{tabular}{|c|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \thead{First column} & \thead{Second column} & \thead{Third column} \\
+% \hline
+% A & B & C \\
+% D & E & F \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{table}%^^A
+% Another command which creates figures---|\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox} (figure~\ref{intro:figure})---puts
+% caption below contents. The default width of caption equals
+% to the width of text. (In the following example the most popular
+% layout settings for captions were added.)
+% |\usepackage|{\emphcolor|[font=small,labelfont=bf,labelsep=period,|
+% | justification=centerlast]|}|{caption}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\usepackage{floatrow}|
+%| {\caption{A simple figure ...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption[A simple figure box (\cmd{\ffigbox})] {A plain figure box
+% with long long long long long long long long
+% long long long long long long long long long long multilined caption}\label{intro:figure}}
+% {\unitlength1\unitlength\input{Doll.picture}}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% The example above shows that a float box, created by
+% the |\ffigbox| command looks similar to the plain |figure| environment.
+% But if you set, for example, the option |[\|\FRkey{FBwidth}|]| like below:
+% \FRmpar{Caption's width equals to object}{FAD:FBwidthI}
+%| {\caption{A figure}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption[A figure box (\cmd{\ffigbox}) with the width equal to graphics]{A figure with
+% the width equal to graphics with long
+% long long long long multilined
+% caption}\label{intro:figure:FBwidth}}
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% you'll get a~caption width equal to the width of picture
+% (figure~\ref{intro:figure:FBwidth}).
+% The third macro---|\|\FRkey[FB]{fcapside} (figure~\ref{intro:beside})---puts
+% caption beside. (In the next example the float layout settings were added,
+% which put captions to the binding margin
+% and changed value of separation space between caption and object to |\quad|.)
+% |\usepackage|{\emphcolor|[|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|=inside,|
+% | |\FRkey{facing}|=yes,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=quad]|}|{floatrow}|
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside
+% {\caption[Beside caption (`one-column' width)]{Beside caption
+% (width of caption equals to the width of object) and more text
+% and some more text and a bit more text and
+% a little more text and a little piece of text to fill
+% space}\label{intro:beside}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{3.5cm/100}%^^A
+% \input{Bear.picture}}}
+% \end{figure}
+% The width of text,
+% by default, divided into two columns, their width equals to the half text width
+% (figure~\ref{intro:beside}) float margins and
+% horizontal space (or width of the separation material) between float and caption are taken into account.
+% The one column is occupied by the object, the other by the caption and foot material (explications
+% or legends and footnotes).
+% If you set the |[\FBwidth]| option:
+% \FRmpar{The width of object box equals to object}{FAD:FBwidthII}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption[Beside caption (occupies rest space beside float object)]{Beside caption
+% (the caption text occupies the rest space beside float object) and more text
+% and some more text and a bit more text and
+% a little more text and a little piece of text to fill
+% space}\label{intro:beside:FBwidth}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{3.5cm/100}%^^A
+% \input{Bear.picture}}}
+% \end{figure}
+% the graphic box width will be equal to the width of the graphics and the caption
+% will occupy the rest space (see figure~\ref{intro:beside:FBwidth}).
+% The examples above show the most frequent and most simple variants of float creation. Read
+% {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox} about usage of these commands in different ways
+% and how to create new commands for float creation.
+% \subsubsection{Float Boxes In The Row}\label{sec:intro:flrow}
+% If you need to put two or more floats of one type side by side,%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Floats of one type\\ side by side}{FAD:floatrow}
+% you may use the |floatrow| environment.
+% {\emphcolor %^^A
+% |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{rightline}{\rightline|\nopagebreak
+% | {\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2}}|
+% |\captionsetup[table]{labelformat=rightline,labelsep=newline,|\nopagebreak
+% | labelfont={md,sl},textfont=bf}|}\vspace{1ex}
+% |\usepackage[|{\emphcolor\FRkey{font}|=small,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{floatrowsep}|=qquad,|\FRkey{captionskip}|=5pt|}|]{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[table]{|%^^A
+% {\emphcolor\FRkey{style}|=Plaintop|}|}|\nopagebreak
+%| \begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+%| \|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+%| |
+%| \ttabbox|
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+%| \end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \extrarowheight1pt\tabcolsep1.05\tabcolsep
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption[Beside table~I long header]%^^A
+% {Beside table~I with long long long long long long and top aligned caption}%^^A
+% \label{tab:row:tabIII}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Left Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Beside table~II with top aligned
+% caption}\label{tab:row:tabIV}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-4}
+% & \thead{I} & \thead{II} & \thead{III} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 & \phantom01 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 & \phantom06 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 & 28 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{table}
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% As you see in the example with tables \ref{tab:row:tabIII} and~\ref{tab:row:tabIV},
+% you \emph{need} to use commands |\ttabbox|, which build box for each table.
+% In the example with beside floats the special settings for table captions were applied
+% (see \package{caption} package documentation).
+% Float layout: The value of the separation space between beside floats have been changed to |\qquad|,
+% the vertical skip between captions and float objects was changed to 5pt. For the tables
+% the style |Plaintop| was used which not only puts captions above, but also aligns them by top line
+% (see \sectionname~\ref{sec:floatsetup} of current documentation).
+% \subsection{Do Not Write That With \package{floatrow} Package}\label{floatrow:wrong}
+% The \package{floatrow} package offers many features, and it causing some limitations
+% for writing code of float contents in source file, too. If you'll write something like
+%| \caption{A table caption must be placed above, ...}|
+%| \centering \begin{tabular}{cc} A & B \\ C & D \end{tabular}|
+% please do not expect that the caption appears at the top of table:
+% \begingroup\clearfloatsetup{table}
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \captionsetup{position=top}
+% \caption{A table caption must be placed above, wrong expect}\label{Wrong:expect}
+% \centering \begin{tabular}{cc} A & B \\ C & D \end{tabular}
+% \end{table}
+% \endgroup
+% So if you want to put table captions above its contents\startNotes
+% \Note change code, using command |\ttabbox|,
+% like in table~\ref{intro:table}; \Note
+% write |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[table]|\allowbreak|{|\FRkey{style}|=plaintop}| in the preamble
+% ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}); or
+% \Note restore the standard \LaTeX{} behavior with the |\RawFloats| command
+% or the package option |rawfloats| ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}).
+% The next example. If you put beside floats by following way:
+%| \centering ...|
+%| \caption{The figure caption, disappeared, ...}|
+%| \captionof{table}{The table caption ...}}|
+%| \centering ...|
+% you'll get error message about lost caption.
+% Here you may:~\nobreak\quad1)\nobreak\enskip
+% to put table contents inside |\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox} resp.\ the figure contents inside
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}; then both floats put inside \FRkey[sec]{floatrow} environment, and, since
+% there is mixed row (it includes floats of different types, and also with different caption position),
+% put the |\|\FRkey{killfloatstyle} command before ``foreign'' float |\ttabbox|, and
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{CenterFloatBoxes} command before |floatrow| environment
+% (see~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:mixrow} about mixed rows); or~\nobreak\quad2)\nobreak\enskip
+% to restore the standard \LaTeX{} behavior, using command |\|\FRkey{RawFloats}
+% or package option \FRkey{rawfloats} ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}).
+% \section{Macros for Building Floats}
+% \FRorisubsection{The \texorpdfstring{\cs{floatbox}}{floatbox} Macro}\label{sec:floatbox}
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatbox}
+% The examples in Introduction ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:intro:flbox})
+% use three commands |\ttabbox|, |\ffigbox| and |\fcapside|. All these commands
+% were built using the |\floatbox| macro.
+% This macro creates the float box with defined positioning of its elements (object,
+% caption, foot material) and applies the layout of current float type.
+% The usage of the |\floatbox| macro looks like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatbox|\oarg{preamble}\marg{captype}\oarg{width}\oarg{height}\oarg{vert pos}
+% | |\marg{caption}\marg{object}
+% \end{Quote}%^^A
+% The |\floatbox|'s arguments\label{floatboxsets}:
+% \begin{description}\itemsep0pt
+% \item[\meta{preamble}]there could be |\capbeside|\label{FB:capbeside} command which
+% places caption beside float contents;
+% |\nocapbeside|\label{FB:nocapbeside}
+% (to put caption above/below, accordingly
+% to float type's style);
+% |\captop|\label{FB:captop}
+% (to put caption above);
+% or another systematic command
+% (even with usage of |\captionsetup|
+% and |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup},
+% see examples in documentation and appendix).
+% \item[\meta{captype}]the type of float this command is created for. Since this command
+% is supposed to appear outside floating environments or in ``foreign'' environments
+% (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:mixrow} below),
+% we write here, usually, the \emph{actual} name of float type;
+% \item[\meta{width}]the width of object---caption box
+% (in case of caption above or below object),
+% or width of object box (if caption stays beside object).
+% The empty width option, |[]|, and option |[\hsize]| mean the same;
+% \item[\meta{height}]the height of object---caption box
+% (in case of caption above or below object),
+% or height of object box (if caption stays beside object). With the empty height
+% option, |[]|, is used the natural height of object;
+% \item[\meta{vert pos}]vertical alignment of object contents in
+% object's box in case of the \meta{height} argument differs from the natural value of
+% object height, or in the float layout there are used settings
+% for common (max) height for float objects inside |floatrow| environment.
+% Arguments are analogous to |minipage|'s ones:
+% \begin{Options}{cc}
+% \item[t]
+% aligns objects by top line;
+% \item[c]
+% aligns objects by center line;
+% \item[b]
+% aligns objects by bottom line;
+% \item[s]
+% stretches objects by full height (if it is possible).
+% \end{Options}\pagebreak[1]
+% \item[\meta{caption}]text of caption; you
+% may also use the |\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/\allowbreak|\footnotetext| stuff
+% for footnotes inside float, and/or |\floatfoot| command;
+% \item[\meta{object}]contents of float; you may also use the
+% |\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/\allowbreak|\footnotetext| stuff and/or
+% |\floatfoot| command.
+% \end{description}\enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
+% \emph{Note}. The order of the two last mandatory arguments,
+% \meta{caption} and \meta{object}, and their contents makes no
+% difference during building of float box. The |\floatbox| macro
+% historically needs two mandatory arguments, but they could
+% be filled freely, i.e. you may fill only one mandatory argument with object contents, caption etc.
+% and left another one empty.
+% \subsubsection{Float Box Width Equals to The Width of Object Contents}
+% \DescribeMacro{\FBwidth}\label{FB:FBwidth}%^^A
+% The |[\FBwidth]| option%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Caption's width\\ equals to object}{FAD:FBwidthIII}
+% in~the \meta{width} argument
+% allows usage of natural width of float contents:\startNotes\Note
+% for full float box in the case of caption
+% above/\allowbreak below; \Note in~the case of caption beside float object,
+% the natural width of float object expands to the
+% object box only.
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% \emph{Note}. If you use the \verb|\FBwidth| command in the
+% optional argument \meta{width}, please get sure that object contents can be placed
+% in |\hbox| command. (You only allowed to use |\vspace| (not |\vskip|!)
+% command at the very
+% beginning and very end of object contents for fine tuning
+% of vertical spaces and position of contents.)\medskip
+% \DescribeMacro{\FBheight}\label{FB:FBheight}%^^A
+% The similar command, |[\FBheight]|, was
+% created for the \meta{height} argument. The usage of this command makes sense, e.g.,
+% when \package{calc} is loaded: you may define height option like |[\FBheight+1cm]|.
+% \subsubsection{Complex Example of Usage of \texorpdfstring{\cs{floatbox}}{floatbox} Command}
+% The next example shows |figure| environment with beside caption.
+% In this example the \meta{preamble} argument consists of rather complex definition.
+% The \meta{width} option includes the |\FBwidth| command, so the object box
+% has its natural width, the width of caption box equals to 4cm, and all lines in
+% caption justified, but the last one flushed to the right.
+%| \rightskip0ptplus-1fil\parfillskip0ptplus1fil}|
+%| \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,|
+%| justification=rightlast}%|
+%| \|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |{|\FRkey{capbesideposition}|={left,center},|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=4cm}}]{figure}[\FBwidth]|
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| {...}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \floatbox[{\capbeside
+% \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,
+% justification=rightlast}%
+% \thisfloatsetup{capbesideposition={left,center},capbesidewidth=4cm}}]{figure}[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption[Beside caption (example width complex preamble in \cmd{\floatbox})]{Beside caption
+% and some more text and a bit more text and
+% a little more text to fill
+% space}\label{fig:beside:mouse}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{4cm/58}%^^A
+% \input{Mouse.picture}}}
+% \end{figure}
+% Please note that complex preamble options, which contain more than one command, must be placed
+% inside curly braces. (See {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup} about settings for floats
+% with |\floatsetup|.)
+% \subsection{Creation of Personal Commands for Float Boxes}\label{ssec:ffigbox:etc}
+% The usage of |\floatbox| command with options (which could be cumbersome)
+% is sometimes rather complex.
+% The Introduction demonstrates the three already defined commands-abbreviations of this command.
+% You may define commands-abbreviations (or redefine existing) for your own purposes and
+% include some additional style definitions and settings there.
+% \DescribeMacro{\newfloatcommand}\label{FB:newfloatcommand}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\renewfloatcommand}\label{FB:renewfloatcommand}%^^A
+% The definition of new float abbreviation looks like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\newfloatcommand|\marg{command}%^^A
+% \marg{captype}\oarg{preamble}\oarg{default width}
+% \end{Quote}
+% where:
+% \begin{description}\itemsep0pt\parskip1ptplus1pt
+% \item[\meta{command}]the user's command name (without backslash);
+% \item[\meta{captype}]the name of floating environment
+% this command is created for;
+% \item[\meta{preamble}]
+% you may use commands, mentioned in page~\pageref{floatboxsets}
+% and other layout commands, like was shown in examples;
+% you may try to add any other regular command (e.g. |\captionsetup|
+% or |\thisfloatsetup| stuff);
+% \item[\meta{default width}]the main purpose of this optional argument is
+% setting it to |\FBwidth|, which is already included in definition of |\ttabbox|---the command for
+% building tables. You may also use any dimensions like |6cm| or |\textwidth| here.
+% \end{description}
+% For example you may define command for figure~\ref{fig:beside:mouse}
+% like following:
+%| \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,|
+%| justification=rightlast}%|
+%| \thisfloatsetup|%^^A
+% |{capbesideposition={left,center},|
+%| capbesidewidth=4cm}}][\FBwidth]|
+% \subsubsection{Usage of Personal Float Box Commands}
+% Your defined commands can be used in the following way (example for |\ffigbox|):
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\ffigbox|\oarg{width}\oarg{height}\oarg{vert pos}\marg{caption}\marg{object}
+% \end{Quote}
+% where the options are:
+% \begin{description}\itemsep0pt\parskip1ptplus1pt
+% \item[\meta{width}]
+% the width of object---caption box
+% (in case of caption above or below object),
+% or width of object box (if caption stays beside object).
+% The empty width option, |[]|, and option |[\hsize]| mean the same. The |[\FBwidth]|
+% option sets natural object width;
+% \item[\meta{height}]
+% the height of object---caption box
+% (in case of caption above or below object),
+% or height of object box (if caption stays beside object). The |[\FBheight]|
+% option sets natural object height. With the empty height option, |[]|, is used
+% the natural height of object;
+% \item[\meta{vert pos}]
+% vertical alignment of object contents in
+% object's box in the case of \meta{height} argument has a~different value than
+% natural height of object contents, or in the float layout there are used settings for common (max)
+% heights of float elements (object or/and caption) inside |floatrow| environment.
+% Arguments are analogous to |minipage|'s:
+% |t|, |c|, |b|, |s| (see above).
+% \end{description}
+% See examples with usage of all options on the page~\pageref{fig:rotrow:FcatI} and in Appendix.
+% \subsubsection{Predefined Float Box Commands}
+% Let's repeat three already defined commands-abbreviations, defined in package:\label{abbrcom}%^^A
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\newfloatcommand{ffigbox}{figure}[\nocapbeside]|\label{FB:ffigbox}\nopagebreak
+% |\newfloatcommand{fcapside}{figure}[\capbeside]|\label{FB:fcapside}\nopagebreak
+% |\newfloatcommand{ttabbox}{table}[\captop][\FBwidth]|\label{FB:ttabbox}
+% \end{Quote}
+% You may see that these commands-abbreviations are equivalent to the following code:
+% \begin{Options}{fcapside}
+% \item[\cmd\ttabbox]---|\floatbox[\captop]{table}[\FBwidth]|;
+% \item[\cmd\ffigbox]---|\floatbox{figure}| (simplest definition); and
+% \item[\cmd\fcapside]---|\floatbox|\allowbreak|[\capbeside]{figure}|.
+% \end{Options}%
+% The first two are defined for figures, and the third one for tables. You may
+% redefine existing macros using |\renewfloatcommand| command (it uses
+% the same arguments as |\newfloatcommand| one).
+% \emph{Note}. In the documentation text below the name of the |\floatbox| command means
+% both itself and all commands-abbreviations, defined with |\(re)newfloatcommand|.
+% \medskip\emph{Some explanation}. The strange ``stammering'' names of float boxes,
+% with doubled first letters, |\ffigbox| and |\ttabbox| were created, because of the
+% expected names, |\figbox| and |\tabbox|, are already used by the \package{floatflt}
+% package, which creates figures and tables which do not span the full width of a page and
+% are filled around by text (i.e. \emph{wrapped} floats, see {\sectionname}~\ref{ssec:floatflt}).
+% Also there were founded |\figbox| in \package{formlett}
+% and |\tabbox| in \package{automata} package among styles in \LaTeX{} folder.
+% \subsection{Building Float Row}\label{sec:floatrow}
+% The |floatrow| environment allows to put two or more floats beside. The usage of it looks like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\begin{floatrow}[|\meta{number of beside floats}|]|\nopagebreak
+% |\floatbox...|\nopagebreak
+% |\floatbox...|\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{floatrow}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% Please note that \emph{for each float box} inside |floatrow| you must use |\floatbox|, |\ffigbox|,
+% |\ttabbox| or your own command, created with |\newfloatcommand| macro.
+% The |floatrow| environment creates necessary number of ``columns'',
+% the default number is two, where floats are placed (during the calculation of width of column
+% the widths of the separations between beside floats and margins around the float row are taken into account).
+% You may redefine the width of each float box,
+% e.g. the boxes of tables~\ref{tab:row:tabIII} and~\ref{tab:row:tabIV} (page~\pageref{tab:row:tabIII})
+% have the width of their contents
+% (remember, the |[\FBwidth]| is default option of |\ttabbox|).
+% During building each float box inside float row, the |floatrow| environment calculates
+% the rest space in the row and writes this value at the special parameter |\Xhsize|, which you
+% may use inside \meta{width} option of |\floatbox| command.
+% The next example with figures uses |[\FBwidth]| command in option for the left float,
+% and |[\Xhsize]| command---for the right.
+%| \begin{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+%| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|
+%| {...}{\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| \ffigbox[\Xhsize]|%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Float occupies the rest space in the row}{FAD:floatfillspace}
+%| {...}{\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| \end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption[Left beside figure (\texttt{floatrow}), the float box has width of graphic]{Left beside figure,
+% the width of graphic}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:FBwidth}}%
+% {\unitlength1.12\unitlength\input{Bear.picture}}
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize]
+% {\caption[Right beside figure (\texttt{floatrow}), occupies the rest space of row]{Beside figure at the right side of simple figure row,
+% the box width occupies the rest space of row}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:Xhsize}}
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength\input{Doll.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% Usually the command |\Xhsize|\label{FB:Xhsize} is used for the last float
+% box to occupy the rest space of the row.
+% But if you use \package{calc} package you may try to use |\Xhsize|
+% earlier, if the \emph{absolute} value of the width of float boxes to
+% the right in float row is known. Another variant: you may set something in \meta{width}
+% argument something like |\Xhsize/2| and then |\Xhsize| for two last
+% float boxes---the next example just uses it: the first float has default
+% width equal to ``column'' width, the next uses width of included
+% graphic (uses command |\FBwidth| in optional argument \meta{width}),
+% the last two floats divide the rest horizontal space of page into two equal pieces which were
+% calculated by command |\Xhsize| and \package{calc} package.\pagebreak[1]
+% |\usepackage{calc}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\makeatletter\@mparswitchfalse\makeatother|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareMarginSet}|{hangleft}{\|\FRkey{setfloatmargins}
+% | {\hskip-\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep}{\hfil}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[widefigure]{|%^^A
+% \FRkey{margins}|=hangleft}|
+%| \ffigbox|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{Beside figure~I...}...}{...}|\nopagebreak
+%| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{Beside figure~II...}...}{...}|\nopagebreak
+%| \ffigbox[\Xhsize/2]|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{Beside figure~III...}...}{...}|\nopagebreak
+%| \ffigbox[\Xhsize]|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{Beside figure~IV...}...}{...}|\nopagebreak
+% \floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \begin{figure*}%
+% \begin{floatrow}[4]
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Figure~I in the row (\texttt{floatrow}), ``column'' width}%
+% \label{fig:row:Dog}}
+% {\input{TheDog.picture}}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{Figure~II in the row (\texttt{floatrow}), graphics width}%
+% \label{fig:row:WcatI}}
+% {\unitlength1.08\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize/2]
+% {\caption{Figure~III in the row, float's width box has the
+% half of the rest space of row}%
+% \label{fig:row:mouse}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/58}%^^A
+% {\input{Mouse.picture}}}}
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize]
+% {\caption{Figure~IV in the row,
+% occupies the rest space of row}%
+% \label{fig:row:cheese}}
+% {\input{Cheese.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure*}%
+% The result you see in the row of
+% figures~\ref{fig:row:Dog}--\ref{fig:row:cheese}. Please note that in the examples with rows,
+% the vertical alignment of floats lays on the bottom of upper part (here: objects)
+% of float and the top of lower part (captions).
+% The current example uses the starred |figure*| environment, which demonstrates here the possibility
+% of creation and usage of the alternative layout for the float type (here for the figure).
+% It sets the special margin settings,
+% which allow to expand to the left margin (see page~\pageref{setup:margins} about margins settings
+% in |\floatsetup| command). The first command in this example, between |\makeatletter| and
+% |\makeatother| commands, switch of facing margins in twoside document: margins on all pages
+% appear on the left side (like in current document).
+% \subsubsection{Mixed Row}\label{sec:mixrow}
+% \textbf{Problems}.\startNotes\Note Sometimes, for example, it is necessary to put beside
+% figure and table. The problem of such mixed row is that you must put different types of float in
+% one floating environment, which sets its own layout for included float box(es).
+% \Note Another problem is that figures usually have captions below
+% graphics, but tables could have caption \emph{above} their contents.
+% The alignment of all floats is similar: the bottom of upper part and
+% top of lower part. In this case if you want to put such beside figure
+% and table you'll get an undesirable result.
+% \DescribeMacro{\killfloatstyle}
+% \textbf{Solutions}.\startNotes\Note For creation of right layouts for each float type in mixed row,
+% you ought to write |\|\FRkey{killfloatstyle} command just before each ``foreign''
+% (for current floating environment) |\floatbox| macro.
+% \DescribeMacro{\CenterFloatBoxes}
+% \DescribeMacro{\TopFloatBoxes}
+% \DescribeMacro{\BottomFloatBoxes}
+% {\sloppy\Note For correct vertical alignment of different float types, which put captions in different
+% positions, you may use one of the following commands:
+% which align \emph{full} float boxes by center, top or bottom lines.
+% There is also |\PlainFloatBoxes|\label{FB:PlainFloatBoxes} which restores standard behavior of
+% |\floatbox|'es.\par}
+% \DescribeMacro{\buildFBBOX}
+% These macros were created by |\buildFBBOX|\label{FB:buildFBBOX} macro, which can be written like
+%|\buildFBBOX|\marg{starting code of the box}\marg{finishing code of the box}
+% just before any |\floatbox| command (or |floatrow| environment).
+% For example, definition of |\CenterFloatBoxes|
+% looks almost like following:
+%| \buildFBBOX{\hbox\bgroup$\vcenter\bgroup\vskip0pt}%|
+%| {\vskip0pt\egroup$\egroup}}|
+% The other two commands use |\vtop| and |\vbox| boxes consequently.
+% (see also example with usage of |\buildFBBOX| command on the page~\pageref{buildFBBOX:def}).
+% In the next example we use |\CenterFloatBoxes| command before |floatrow|
+% and |\killfloatstyle| just before |\ttabbox| macro
+% (mixed float row with figure~\ref{fig:rowmixspec:WcatI} in |Boxed| style, and
+% table~\ref{tab:rowmixspec:tabI}\label{mixrow}):
+%| \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|]|
+%| ...|
+%| \|\FRkey{killfloatstyle}|\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}
+%| ...|
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begingroup\floatsetup[figure]{style=Boxed}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\CenterFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength1.75\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}
+% {\caption{A \texttt{Boxed} figure in the mixed row}\label{fig:rowmixspec:WcatI}}%
+% \extrarowheight1pt
+% \killfloatstyle
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{A table in the mixed row}\label{tab:rowmixspec:tabI}}
+% {\tabcolsep5\tabcolsep\begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline A & B \\ C & D \\ \hline\end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% \RestoreSpaces\enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
+% \emph{Note.} Both figure and table boxes have got width equal to
+% contents of objects: the |\ffigbox| command in the example has optional argument
+% |[\FBwidth]|, but |\ttabbox| does not have any option---it uses
+% |[\FBwidth]| option as default (see definitions on page~\pageref{abbrcom}).\label{FAD:MixedRowII}
+% \subsection{Running Floats in the Raw \LaTeX\ Mode}\label{sec:rawfloats}
+% The\label{FAD:PlainFloat}
+% \package{floatrow} package redefines floating environments for the case
+% of creation of common layout for all floats. This redefinition creates
+% some limitations for source document file, which were mentioned in
+% introduction (see \sectionname~\ref{floatrow:wrong}). If you still need a raw behavior
+% of floating environment, you may do that by one of the following three ways.\startNotes
+% \Note\DescribeMacro{\RawFloats}\label{setup:RawFloats}%^^A
+% If you want \LaTeX\ behavior \emph{just for one environment},
+% input a |\RawFloats| command \emph{inside} environment:
+%|\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[figure]{|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed}|\%{ \em please note, it does nothing here}
+%| \centering ...|
+%| \caption{...}\label{...}|
+%| \captionof{table}{...}\label{...}|
+%| \centering ...|
+% And you'll get figure~\ref{Right:expect:fig}
+% and table~\ref{Right:expect:tab}.
+% \begin{figure}[H]\RawFloats
+% \captionsetup[table]{position=top}
+% \begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}
+% \centering {\unitlength1.44\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}
+% \caption{A figure in raw \LaTeX's mode}\label{Right:expect:fig}
+% \end{minipage}\quad\hfill
+% \killfloatstyle\begin{minipage}{0.45\textwidth}
+% \captionof{table}{A beside table in raw \LaTeX's mode}\label{Right:expect:tab}
+% \centering\tabcolsep5\tabcolsep
+% \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline A & B \\ C & D \\ \hline\end{tabular}
+% \end{minipage}
+% \end{figure}
+% Compare this example with example in the {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:mixrow} and the following
+% figure~\ref{leftfig:raw} and table~\ref{righttab:raw}.
+%| \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|]|\nopagebreak
+%| {...}|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+%| |
+%| \|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}\nopagebreak
+%| {...}|\nopagebreak
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+% \begin{figure}[ht]\RawFloats\CenterFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}
+% {\caption{A figure in \cmd{\ffigbox} and inside \texttt{floatrow} in raw \LaTeX's mode}%
+% \label{leftfig:raw}}%
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{A table in \cmd{\ttabbox} and inside \texttt{floatrow} in raw
+% \LaTeX's mode}\label{righttab:raw}}
+% {\tabcolsep5\tabcolsep
+% \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}\hline A & B \\ C & D \\ \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% \Note Canceling of \package{floatrow}'s behavior for \emph{all floats of one type
+% or subtype} should be done outside any floating environment, usually in the
+% preamble of the document. In this case the |\RawFloats| command needs optional
+% argument with name(s) of float type. You may set that by two ways:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\RawFloats|\oarg{type,type,\ldots}\quad or\nopagebreak
+% |\RawFloats|\oarg{type}\oarg{subtype,subtype,\ldots}
+% \end{Quote}
+% So if you set |\RawFloats[figure]|, that will return the plain \LaTeX{} mode to all
+% figures in all subtype environments (|figure|, |figure*|,
+% |sidewaysfigure|, |wrapfigure|, etc., see page~\pageref{sec:floatsetup}).
+% If there is also a table,
+% |\RawFloats[figure,table]|, you also will set the same for all table
+% subtypes.
+% The second way, with second optional argument, cancels \package{floatrow}'s
+% behavior for mentioned float ``subtype(s)'' of \emph{one} float type
+% in second optional argument you may use |float|, |widefloat|,
+% |rotfloat|, |widerotfloat|---the meaning of this options
+% analogous to options of |\floatsetup| macro (see
+% {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}, but you may use here only options
+% which include ``float'' word).\label{FAD:PlainFloatII}%^^A
+% \Note\DescribeMacro{rawfloats}\label{setup:rawfloats}%^^A
+% This option stores the plain \LaTeX{} mode (i.e. stores usage of
+% standard \LaTeX{} float macros) for all \emph{standard and new defined}
+% float types. This option can be used only in |\usepackage| line.
+% \emph{Notes}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+% \Note Please note that with |\RawFloats[...]| command and |rawfloats=| key
+% you will cancel layout (|\floatsetup|) settings of all chosen float types/subtypes
+% ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}) for plain floats.
+% {\emergencystretch2em\Note The |floatrow| environment ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatrow})
+% and commands of |\floatbox| stuff ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox})
+% still work after |\RawFloats[...]| command and |rawfloats=| key
+% (see example with figure~\ref{leftfig:raw}
+% and table~\ref{righttab:raw})\label{FAD:MixedRow}.
+% Also note that\startNotes\def\theNote{\alph{Note}}\Note
+% the layout settings of the package, written in |\usepackage| line
+% and inside |\floatsetup{...}| command, and settings for main types of floats
+% like |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figure]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[table]{...}|
+% still can work inside |\|\FRkey{floatbox} commands; \Note for the figures inside |\fcapside|
+% command and similar ones (with the |\|\FRkey{capbeside} command
+% inside the |\floatbox|'s \meta{preamble} option)---the settings |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefloat]{...}|
+% and |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefigure]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidetable]{...}|
+% work; \Note inside the \FRkey{floatrow} environment---the settings |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[floatrow]{...}|
+% and |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figurerow]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[tablerow]{...}| are added
+% to the settings for |\floatbox|'es inside;
+% \Note also you may use |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup} settings in the case of usage of |\floatbox| commands.
+% The settings for all other layout subtypes
+% (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}) will be canceled.\par}
+% \subsubsection{Raw Caption---Printing in Unusual Way}
+% \DescribeMacro{\RawCaption}\label{setup:RawCaption}%^^A
+% This command allows to ``release'' caption contents from special box register created by
+% \package{floatrow} package for the creation of necessary layout. The caption is placed as
+% argument of |\RawCaption|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\RawCaption{\caption\marg{contents}\label{...}}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% In this case the settings of float layout of current type will be stored, but
+% you may put caption in non-standard way. For example in the free corner of the
+% graphics (figure~\ref{rawcaption:plain}):
+% \begin{Quote}
+%| {\RawCaption{\caption{...}\label{...}}}|
+% \end{Quote}\enlargethispage\baselineskip
+% [Caption in raw \LaTeX{} mode, placed in the free corner of figure]{Caption in raw \LaTeX{} mode, placed in the free corner of figure}\label{rawcaption:plain}}}
+% The more suitable example of usage of the |\RawCaption| command see on the
+% page~\pageref{fig:subIcap:IcatsI} (figure~\ref{fig:subIcap:IcatsI} with modified
+% \verb|BOXED| style).
+% \subsection{Usage of Footnotes Inside Float Environment}\label{sec:floatfootnote}
+% Sometimes table or figure contents have material, which authors mark
+% and then write some explanation like footnotes. This package has
+% a~mechanism which allows to put footnotes inside floating environments, in
+% the same way as is in \LaTeX's |minipage| environment.
+% In the case of few elements have the same footnote, we cannot
+% use standard |\footnotemark|---|\footnotetext| combination, because
+% |\footnotemark| in standard \LaTeX\ always creates the sign of main text footnote.
+% For these cases current package offers |\mpfootnotemark|%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Footnotemark \\inside float}{FAD:FnoteInsideFloat}\label{FB:mpfootnotemark}
+% macro instead of |\footnotemark|.
+% (The same macro also is defined in \package{footmisc} package.
+% The \package{floatrow} package doubles this definition.)
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[table]{...,|\FRkey{footnoterule}|=none,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{footskip}|=.35\skip\footins,...}|
+% \end{preamble}\vskip-\lastskip
+% |\begin{table}|
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ttabbox}
+% | {\caption{...}\label{...}}%|
+%\verb+ {\begin{tabular}{...}+
+% |... & 2\mpfootnotemark[1] \\|
+% |...|
+% | \end{tabular}%|
+% | \footnotetext[1]{Even numbers.}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{table}|\vspace*{-\intextsep}
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Table with footnote}%^^A
+% \label{tab:floatfnote}}%^^A
+% {\extrarowheight1pt
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \thead{Column head} & \thead{Data I} & \thead{Data II} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & 2\mpfootnotemark[1] \\
+% Second row & \phantom06\mpfootnotemark[1] & 4\mpfootnotemark[1] \\
+% Third row & 28\mpfootnotemark[1] & 8\mpfootnotemark[1] \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}%^^A
+% \footnotetext[1]{Even numbers.}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% {\sloppy The |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatbox} macro uses special definition of footnote rule
+% (the \FRkey{footnoterule}|=| key, see also
+% page~\pageref{sec:footnotestyle} for variants of footnote rule) and skip before footnotes and
+% explications or legends (the \FRkey{footskip}|=| key).\par}
+% \subsection{The Legend-Like Macro}\label{subsec:floatfoot}
+% In the case of table or figure have some additional explanations
+% which could not put in caption contents and they are definitely not
+% a footnote you may use the |\floatfoot|\label{FAD:Legend}
+% command. The |\floatfoot| is
+% build by usage of |\caption| stuff and uses by default caption's text justification:
+%| {\caption{...}\label{...}}|
+% \verb+ {\begin{tabular}{...}+
+%| ...\end{tabular}%|
+%| \floatfoot{`Data I' column ...}}|\nopagebreak
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Table with foot material (e.g. legend)}%^^A
+% \label{tab:floatfoot}}%^^A
+% {\extrarowheight1pt%^^A\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \thead{Column head} & \thead{Data I} & \thead{Data II} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & 2 \\
+% Second row & \phantom06 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 28 & 8 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}%^^A
+% \floatfoot{`Data I' column---numbers which equal to sum of all
+% their divisors; `Data II' column---$2^n$ values}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% The star form (|\floatfoot*|) prints its contents as plain unindented
+% paragraph (see table~\ref{tab:floatfoot}).
+%| ...\end{tabular}%|
+%| \floatfoot*{`Data I' column ...}}|\nopagebreak
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Table with foot material (e.g. legend) printed as unindented paragraph}%^^A
+% \label{tab:floatfoot}}%^^A
+% {\extrarowheight1pt%^^A\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \thead{Column head} & \thead{Data I} & \thead{Data II} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & 2 \\
+% Second row & \phantom06 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 28 & 8 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}%^^A
+% \floatfoot*{`Data I' column---numbers which equal to sum of all
+% their divisors; `Data II' column---$2^n$ values}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% For defining of explication font use \FRkey{footfont}|=| option
+% in |\floatsetup| (page~\pageref{setup:footfont}). You may try to
+% define special settings for float foot using
+% \cmd{\captionsetup[floatfoot]} (see~{\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}).
+% \emph{Notes.} \startNotes\Note The \package{float} package defines additional
+% optional argument after main caption text, possibly for explications.
+% Since this possibility
+% didn't declared in user part of documentation the current version of
+% \package{caption} (3.0 and later), and also \package{float\-row} package,
+% doesn't support this possibility. You may use |\floatfoot| and
+% |\footnote|/\allowbreak|\mpfootnotemark|/\allowbreak|\footnotetext| stuff instead.
+% \Note If you use both commands |\floatfoot| and |\footnote|
+% inside one float box, the |\floatfoot| appears above |\footnote|
+% contents.
+% \Note Foot material (footnotes and text in floatfoot) can be placed
+% in several variants: at the very bottom of float box, below caption
+% (even if caption is above float object; see description of \FRkey{footposition}|=| key
+% on the page \pageref{setup:footposition}
+% and sample file \file{frsample01.tex}). In case of caption beside
+% float object, footnotes and foot text are always placed below caption.
+% \subsection{Fine Tuning of Vertical Spaces of Float}\label{sec:FBabskips}
+% At the final variant of document you may need to correct vertical
+% spaces between float and main text, between float object and
+% caption.
+% To change space between float box and main text, you may use
+% two simple commands |\FBaskip| and |\FBbskip|. For example define
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\renewcommand\FBaskip{-4pt}|
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% | ...|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% to move up float box up (or reduce space above) by 4pt. Or write
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\renewcommand\FBbskip{-5pt}|
+% |\begin{figure}[t]|
+% | ...|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% to reduce space below (here: distance between figure and main text) by 5pt.
+% In current document the |\FBaskip| command was necessary for moving up
+% some of wrapped figures.\nopagebreak
+% Use |\vspace| command for vertical space correction around float
+% object\footnote{The plain floating environment allows usage of
+% \cmd{\vskip} command. But \cmd{\floatbox} stuff
+% (\cmd{\floatbox} itself, \cmd{\ffigbox} etc.) in case
+% of usage of the \cmd{\FBwidth} option, gets error message
+% when \cmd{\vskip} appears.}.
+% \emph{Note}. If you'll write something like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage{floatrow}|
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% | ...|
+% |\caption{...}|
+% |\vspace{-6pt}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% in \emph{plain} floats like in example above, you will change space between caption
+% and object (in the case of caption below object).
+% Again, for layout with caption above:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage[|\FRkey{capposition}|=top]{floatrow}|
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% |\vspace{-6pt}|\nopagebreak
+% |\caption{...}|
+% | ...|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% you will get the reduced space between caption above and object contents.
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Float Layout Settings}\label{sec:floatsetup}
+% The idea of \package{floatrow} package is to avoid a lot of repeated code
+% for creation of desired layout for floats inside the document text.
+% If you ought to change the layout of one float type or even of all float types,
+% the package allows also to make these modifications
+% of layout much easier. In this case you only have to care
+% about the \emph{markup} of floats and their contents.
+% The easy modification of common layout of all float types or only for one
+% float type is possible because of the borrowed code from the \package{float}
+% package, which allows to modify layout of floats of one type as a whole.
+% The common layouts and modification for captions for all float types as a whole,
+% for each float type separately, and other special settings
+% are supported by \package{caption} package, version~3.\emph{x}.
+% The layout settings of \package{floatrow} package are built similarly
+% to the settings from the \package{caption}~3.\emph{x} package. So the layout settings of the
+% |\floatsetup|\footnote{Some key and option names were changed from version 0.1d,
+% the reason was to arrange and make names more memorable, and, sometimes, reduction
+% of their names (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:changed}).} command are built in
+% similar way as layout settings
+% of the |\captionsetup| command\footnote{Look also at the \package{caption}
+% documentation (version 3.0 and later)}.
+% You may use the layout settings as \package{floatrow} option in
+% the |\usepackage| line in the preamble of codument.
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage[|\meta{options}|]{floatrow}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% You may write
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage[style=boxed,font=small]{floatrow}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatsetup}
+% The same result you get with the |\floatsetup| command:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\usepackage{floatrow}|
+% |\floatsetup{style=boxed,font=small}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% The lines above declare the |boxed| float style (this style creates
+% the frame around float object which is built by \LaTeX's |\fbox| command) and the
+% |\small| font for contents of float objects. These settings are loaded for \emph{all} float types.
+% The usage of the |\floatsetup| command has following form:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup|\oarg{float type}\marg{options}\quad,
+% \end{Quote}
+% where option \meta{float type} is the name of float type. You can use this optional
+% argument for creating of special settings of chosen float type. The following command
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup[table]{style=Plaintop}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% sets a special float style for floating tables: captions are placed above
+% float objects; in the case of floats are placed in one row, inside the |floatrow|
+% environment, text of captions is aligned by the top lines.
+% The |[table]| or the |[figure]| options are not the only options you are allowed to use.
+% The |\floatsetup| command allows usage of a number of special options for settings
+% for floats in different positioning: plain floats, two-column floats (in one-column layout
+% of the document, the starred environment like
+% |figure*| can be used for alternative float layout, e.g. for
+% wide floats, which expand to the margins) rotated floats, wrapped floats. There is also
+% minor support for floats with captions placed beside float objects.\medskip
+% Below are lists of all possible options of the |\floatsetup| command.
+% They are based, as example, on the |figure| environment.
+% The ``strength'' of options in the lists below decreases
+% from the previous item to the next one.
+% \begin{itemize}\label{stsetorder}
+% \item
+% Wide or two-column floats (|figure*|):
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item
+% |\floatsetup[widefigure]|\label{setup:widefigure}---the ``strongest'' settings;
+% if they are absent, the settings from the next item will be used;
+% \item
+% |\floatsetup[widefloat]|\label{setup:widefloat}---these settings ``stronger''
+% than settings from next item (|\floatsetup[figure]|);
+% if they are absent, the settings from the next item will be used;
+% \item
+% |\floatsetup[figure]|;
+% if they are absent, package uses settings from
+% optional argument in |\usepackage| line or |\floatsetup{...}|
+% command; if they are absent---the default package settings will be used
+% (see page~\pageref{sec:default});
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item
+% Wrapped floats (|wrapfigure|, used with \package{wrapfig} package):
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item |\floatsetup[wrapfigure]|\label{setup:wrapfigure};
+% \item |\floatsetup[wrapfloat]|\label{setup:wrapfloat};
+% \item |\floatsetup[figure]|;
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item
+% Rotated floats (|sidewaysfigure|,
+% used with \package{rotating} package):
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item |\floatsetup[rotfigure]|\label{setup:rotfigure};
+% \item |\floatsetup[rotfloat]|\label{setup:rotfloat};
+% \item |\floatsetup[figure]|;
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item
+% Wide or two-column rotated floats
+% (|sidewaysfigure*|):
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item |\floatsetup[widerotfigure]|\label{setup:widerotfigure};
+% \item |\floatsetup[widerotfloat]|\label{setup:widerotfloat};
+% \item |\floatsetup[rotfigure]|;
+% \item |\floatsetup[rotfloat]|;
+% \item |\floatsetup[figure]|;
+% \end{itemize}\enlargethispage\baselineskip
+% \emph{Note}. The settings
+% for wide float (|widefloat|, |widefigure|)
+% are skipped for rotated floats---use settings for |widerotfloat|
+% and---here---|widerotfigure|;\pagebreak[1]
+% \item
+% Beside floats:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item |\floatsetup[floatrow]|\label{setup:floatrow};
+% \item |\floatsetup[figurerow]|\label{setup:figurerow};
+% \item
+% settings of outer environment from previous items, e.g.,
+% |sidewaysfigure*|, |sidewaysfigure|, |figure*| and |figure|.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item
+% Floats with beside captions (please note, that settings in these options are limited,
+% see next section):
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item |\floatsetup[capbesidefigure]|\label{setup:capbesidefigure};
+% \item |\floatsetup[capbesidefloat]|\label{setup:capbesidefloat};
+% \item
+% settings for the float row; settings of outer environment from previous items, e.g.,
+% |sidewaysfigure*|, |sidewaysfigure|, |figure*| and |figure|.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{itemize}
+% \emph{Notes}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+% \Note You can also create and change special settings for captions of
+% necessary float types or subtypes, using
+% co-named \meta{float~type} options inside the |\captionsetup| command,
+% e.g., |\captionsetup[widefigure]{...}|.
+% \Note Please note that with |\RawFloats[...]| command and |rawfloats=| key
+% (\sectionname~\ref{sec:rawfloats}) you will cancel all layout
+% settings created as options in the |\usepackage| line or inside
+% the |\floatsetup| command for all chosen float types/subtypes.
+% {\emergencystretch2em\Note The |floatrow| environment ({\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatrow})
+% and |\floatbox| commands (e.g. |\ffigbox|, |\ttabbox|, see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox})
+% still work after both |\RawFloats| (|\RawFloats[...]|) command and |rawfloats=| key (see example width
+% figure~\ref{leftfig:raw} and table~\ref{righttab:raw})\label{FAD:MixedRowA}.
+% Also note that\startNotes\def\theNote{\alph{Note}}\Note
+% inside |\|\FRkey{floatbox} commands still can work layout settings
+% of the package, written in |\usepackage| line and inside |\floatsetup{...}| command,
+% and settings for main types of floats like |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figure]{...}|
+% or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[table]{...}|; \Note for the figures inside |\fcapside|
+% command and similar ones (with the |\|\FRkey{capbeside} command
+% inside the |\floatbox|'s \meta{preamble} option) the settings |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefloat]{...}|
+% and |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidefigure]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[capbesidetable]{...}|
+% work; \Note inside the \FRkey{floatrow} environment the settings |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[floatrow]{...}|
+% and |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[figurerow]{...}| or |\floatsetup|\allowbreak|[tablerow]{...}| are added
+% to the settings for |\floatbox|'es inside;
+% \Note also you may use |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup} settings in the case of usage of |\floatbox| commands.
+% The settings for all other layout subtypes
+% (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatsetup}) will be canceled.\par}
+% The next few sections describe keys of |\floatsetup| macro.
+% \subsection{Floatsetup Keys}\label{sec:floatkeys}
+% \FRorisubsubsection{Float Style}
+% \DescribeMacro{style}\label{setup:style}%^^A
+% The \emph{float style} could include settings of the justification (in particular) of float contents;
+% margins (in particular the alignment of float boxes); separation material between objects and captions
+% and between float boxes in a~row (mainly spaces); frames or lines and other options.
+% The \emph{float style} is specified by following way:
+% \begin{Options}{style=float style name }
+% \item[style=\rmfamily\mdseries\meta{float style name} ,]
+% the name of the \meta{float style name} option you may take from
+% table~\ref{tab:floatlayouts}.
+% \item[...]
+% You may create your own options with the \\|\DeclareFloatStyle| command,
+% see page~\pageref{ssec:declstyle}.
+% \end{Options}
+% As you may see in the table~\ref{tab:floatlayouts}, the \package{floatrow} package
+% includes all float styles
+% which emulate co-named ones from the \package{float} package.
+% Please note, that usage of |style=| key for floats with beside captions,
+% i.e.~using |\floatsetup| settings with options like, e.g.,
+% |[capbesidefigure]| or |[capbesidefloat]| can destroy layout for this float subtype.
+% For example that key cancels settings for beside position of caption.
+% If you really need to create the alternative
+% layout for floats with beside captions, for example to print float objects in frames,
+% using the |Boxed| style:~\nobreak\quad1)\nobreak\enskip if you are creating
+% one-column document, revise your settings
+% which were used for float creation, maybe you didn't use the settings for
+% starred floating environments, like |figure*|, so you can load necessary settings for
+% floats with beside caption inside |\floatsetup[widefigure]{...}|, and then
+% use |figure*| environment for floats with beside captions;~\nobreak\quad2)\nobreak\enskip
+% if you can't follow advice of the previous item, you may use a bit risky
+% variant with usage of |\killfloatstyle| command,
+% see {\sectionname}~\ref{page:killfloatstyle}.\bigskip
+% The \package{caption} package uses its own settings and names for caption layout styles.
+% The caption's |ruled| style is the only one from \package{float}
+% package, which was predefined in \package{caption} package. (The |ruled| style
+% is used by the \package{floatrow} package as well as other \package{float} package's
+% styles.) To use caption settings of the |ruled| style, you may write
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[figure]{style=ruled}|\quad .
+% \end{Quote}
+% \begingroup\vfill
+% \jot4pt\tabcolsep1.5\tabcolsep
+% \newlengthtocommand\settowidth\Icolumn{\small\texttt{wshadowboxx}}
+% \newlengthtocommand\settowidth\IIcolumn{\small\texttt{framestyle=wshadowbox}}
+% \newlengthtocommand\setlength\IIIcolumn{\textwidth-\Icolumn-\IIcolumn
+% -6\tabcolsep-1.6pt}
+% \newcommand\leftcell[2][16.5mm]{%^^A%
+% \hspace*{-\tabcolsep}\begin{tabular}[t]{>{%
+% \noindent
+% \vphantom{\small()\mpfootnotemark[1]}}
+% p{\hsize}}
+% #2\unskip\botstrut\end{tabular}\hspace*{-\tabcolsep}%
+% }
+% \def\LongtableHead{
+% \hfil\thead{Style} &
+% \hfil\thead{\cmd{\floatsetup} keys} &
+% \hfil\thead{Description}
+% }
+% \begin{longtable}{|>{\extrarowheight0pt\def\arraystretch{.75}\ttfamily\openup-.325pt}p{\Icolumn}
+% |>{\extrarowheight0pt\def\arraystretch{.75}\ttfamily\openup-.325pt}p{\IIcolumn}
+% |>{\parindent1em\sloppy\topstrut}p{\IIIcolumn}<{\botstrut}|}
+% \caption{Float layout styles}\label{tab:floatlayouts}\\
+% \hline
+% \LongtableHead \\ \hline\noalign{\vskip-.4pt}
+% \endfirsthead
+% \captionsetup{labelformat=continued}\caption[]{}\\
+% \hline
+% \LongtableHead \\ \hline\noalign{\vskip-.4pt}
+% \endhead
+% \captionsetup{labelformat=finished}\caption[]{}\\
+% \hline
+% \LongtableHead \\ \hline\noalign{\vskip-.4pt}
+% \endlasthead
+% \noalign{\vskip-.4pt}\hline
+% \multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\topstrut\emph{Continued on next page}}
+% \endfoot
+% \noalign{\vskip-.4pt}\hline
+% \multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\topstrut\emph{Finished on next page}}
+% \endprelastfoot
+% \endlastfoot
+% \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Offered by \package{floatrow} package\botstrut\topstrut}\\
+% \hline \leftcell{plain\label{setup:plain}{\mpfootnotemark[1]\mpfootnotemark[2]\mpfootnotemark[3]}}
+% & \leftcell{\meta{none}}
+% &The style |plain| is standard \LaTeX's layout. Puts captions always below float object's contents.
+% \\\hline
+% \leftcell{\topstrut plaintop{\mpfootnotemark[1]}\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut capposition=top\botstrut}
+% &The style |plaintop| is the same as |plain| style, but puts captions above
+% float object's contents---this style is analog to
+% the co-named style from the \package{float} package.\\ \cline{1-2}
+% \leftcell{\topstrut Plaintop\botstrut}
+% %^^A
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut capposition=TOP\botstrut}
+% & Capitalized form, |Plaintop|,
+% aligns captions of the floats, which were placed in one row
+% (in the |floatrow| environment),
+% by top line (see example on the page~\pageref{tab:row:tabIII}).
+% \\\hline
+% \leftcell{\topstrut ruled\label{setup:ruled}\mpfootnotemark[1]\mpfootnotemark[3]\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut capposition=top,\\ precode=thickrule,\\
+% midcode=rule,\\ postcode=lowrule,\\
+% heightadjust=all\botstrut}
+% & The first style, |ruled|, emulates co-named style from the \package{float} package.
+% It places thick rule
+% above float box, and thin rules between caption and object and below float. Rules are separated
+% from contents by small 2pt skip (see example on the page~\pageref{leftfig:ruled}).\\ \cline{1-2}
+% %^^A
+% \leftcell{\topstrut Ruled\smash{\mpfootnotemark[2]}\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut style=ruled,\\ capposition=TOP\botstrut}
+% & Capitalized form, |Ruled|, aligns captions of the floats, which were placed beside
+% in one row (in the |floatrow| environment),
+% by top line (see example on the page~\pageref{leftfig:Ruled}).
+% \\\hline
+% \leftcell{\topstrut boxed\mpfootnotemark[1]\mpfootnotemark[2]\mpfootnotemark[3]\mpfootnotemark[4]\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{captionskip=2pt,\\framestyle=fbox,\\
+% heightadjust=object,\\framearound=object\botstrut}
+% &The first style, |boxed|, emulates co-named style from the \package{float} package.
+% The \emph{width of object} equals to the width of main text (usually |\textwidth|),
+% predefined |\hsize|, or the width in |\floatbox|'s option;
+% frame climbs out to the right and left sides (see example on the page~\pageref{fig:setup:boxed}).
+% Frame separation and rule width equal to current |\fboxsep| and |\fboxrule| settings.
+% (Default values
+% are \texttt{3pt} and \texttt{.4pt} consequently.)\\ \cline{1-2}
+% %^^A
+% \leftcell{\topstrut|Boxed|\label{setup:Boxed}\mpfootnotemark[2]\mpfootnotemark[3]\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut style=boxed,\\ framefit=yes\botstrut}
+% & In capitalized form, |Boxed|, \emph{the width of frame} around object fits the width of main text
+% (usually |\textwidth|), predefined |\hsize|,
+% or the width in |\floatbox|'s option; the width of object
+% is reduced to fit inside frame (see example on the page~\pageref{fig:setup:Boxed}).\\ \cline{1-2}
+% %^^A
+% \leftcell{\topstrut|BOXED|\smash{\mpfootnotemark[2]}\mpfootnotemark[3]\botstrut}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{\topstrut framestyle=fbox,\\ framefit=yes,\\
+% heightadjust=all,\\ framearound=all\botstrut}
+% & Uppercase form, |BOXED|,
+% draws frame which fits to the width of main text (usually |\textwidth|),
+% predefined |\hsize|, or the width in |\floatbox|'s option,
+% but around all float elements: caption, object and foot material
+% (see example on the page~\pageref{BOXED:heightmod}).
+% \\ \hline
+% \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Offered by \package{fr-fancy} package.
+% They also need \package{fancybox} package.\botstrut\topstrut}\cr\noalign{\nobreak\hrule\nobreak}
+% \leftcell{|shadowbox|\smash{\mpfootnotemark[4]}
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|Shadowbox|
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|SHADOWBOX|}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{style=boxed,\\framestyle=shadowbox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=Boxed,\\framestyle=shadowbox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=BOXED,\\framestyle=shadowbox}
+% &The same as |boxed|, |Boxed| and |BOXED|
+% consequently. The |\fbox| frame changed to |\shadowbox|
+% from \package{fancybox} package (see example on the page~\pageref{fig:subfig:catsI}).
+% Besides |\fboxsep| and |\fboxrule|, there is added parameter
+% |\shadowsize|---the width of shadow,
+% default is |4pt|.
+% \\ \hline
+% \leftcell{|doublebox|\smash{\mpfootnotemark[4]}
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|Doublebox|\\
+% \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|DOUBLEBOX|}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{style=boxed,\\ framestyle=doublebox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=Boxed,\\ framestyle=doublebox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=BOXED,\\ framestyle=doublebox}
+% &The same as |boxed|, |Boxed| and |BOXED|
+% consequently. The |\fbox| frame changed to |\doublebox|
+% from \package{fancybox} package (see example on the page~\pageref{fig:parpic:BcatII}).
+% The frame shape is controlled by |\fboxrule| and |\fboxsep| parameters.
+% \\ \hline\noalign{\penalty-9000}
+% \multicolumn{3}{|c|}{Additional float styles. They also need
+% \package{fancybox} package.\botstrut\topstrut}\cr\noalign{\nobreak\hrule\nobreak}
+% \leftcell{|wshadowbox|\smash{\mpfootnotemark[4]}
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|Wshadowbox|
+% \\ \botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut|WSHADOWBOX|}
+% & \leftcell[50mm]{style=boxed,\\framestyle=wshadowbox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=Boxed,\\framestyle=wshadowbox\botstrut\\ \hline\topstrut
+% style=BOXED,\\framestyle=wshadowbox}
+% &The same as |boxed|, |Boxed| and |BOXED|
+% consequently. The |\fbox| frame changed to |\wshadowbox|,
+% based on |\shadowbox| (but drops white shade from frame, or
+% draws edges of ``second copy'') from \package{fancybox} package
+% (see example on the page~\pageref{fig:floatflt:WcatI}), you may use the same frame parameters like
+% in |shadowbox| style.
+% \\\hline
+% %^^A \multicolumn3{@{}p{\hsize}@{}}
+% \noalign
+% {\floatfoot*{When a~float style is set with frame around object which is
+% fitted to the box width (like |Boxed|), and
+% \cmd{\floatbox} macro uses \cmd{\FBwidth} command as \meta{width}
+% option, which sets box width equal to float contents, the width of all other
+% float elements in this case enlarged to get width of framed object
+% (see figure~\ref{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed} on the page~\pageref{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed}).\vspace{-3pt}\par
+% \rule{1in}{.4pt}\vspace{2pt}\parindent15pt
+%^^A \footnoterule
+% \mpfootnotemark[1]{The styles co-named and analogous to \package{float} package styles.}
+% \mpfootnotemark[2]{This style is used in the sample file \file{frsmaple01.tex}}
+% \mpfootnotemark[3]{This style is used in the sample file \file{frsmaple02.tex}}
+% \mpfootnotemark[4]{During usage of these styles in
+% |floatrow| environment you ought to enlarge
+% space between floats, using key \texttt{floatrowsep}.}
+% }}
+% \end{longtable}
+% \endgroup
+% \subsubsection{Font Settings}\label{setup:start}
+% \DescribeMacro{font}\label{setup:font}%^^A
+% Defines font for float object contents. Option
+% analogous to |font=| key in |\captionsetup| stuff.\enlargethispage\baselineskip\nopagebreak
+% Available font setting options:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[scriptsize] {\scriptsize Very small size}\allowitembreaks[-4]
+% \item[footnotesize] {\footnotesize The size usually used for footnotes}\allowitembreaks[1]
+% \item[small] {\small Small size}
+% \item[normalsize] {\normalsize Normal size}
+% \item[large] {\large Large size}
+% \item[Large] {\Large Even larger size}
+% \item[up] {\upshape Upright shape}
+% \item[it] {\itshape Italic shape}
+% \item[sl] {\slshape Slanted shape}
+% \item[sc] {\scshape Small Caps shape}\pagebreak[2]
+% \item[md] {\mdseries Medium series}\pagebreak[2]
+% \item[bf] {\bfseries Bold series}\pagebreak[2]
+% \item[rm] {\rmfamily Roman family}
+% \item[sf] {\sffamily Sans Serif family}
+% \item[tt] {\ttfamily Typewriter family}
+% \item[...]
+% You may create your own options with the |\DeclareFloatFont| command,
+% see page~\pageref{ssec:declfont}.
+% \end{Options}
+% You may set font for float object like
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |font=small|
+% \end{Quote}
+% (which is used in current documentation), or
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |font={small,sf}|\quad .
+% \end{Quote}
+% If you need to color text of your float object, you may use the mechanism,
+% created by the version \textbf{3.1} of the \package{caption} package:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |font={small,color={blue}}|\quad .
+% \end{Quote}
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{footfont}\label{setup:footfont}%^^A
+% Defines font for legends or explications (defined by the |\floatfoot| command,
+% see~\textsl{\sectionname}~\ref{subsec:floatfoot}). This macro
+% uses |\captionsetup| mechanism (because |\floatfoot| macro
+% uses \package{caption} package's mechanism and utilities). By default the font size
+% of float foot text equals to footnote text: |footfont=footnotesize|.
+% \paragraph{Font Settings for longtable.}
+% If you use \package{caption} package version 3.0\textbf{q},
+% the font settings, loaded in |\floatsetup|
+% in |longtable| environment, could expand to captions.
+% In this case, when you write something like
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup{font={sf,scriptsize,it}...|
+% \end{Quote}
+% or
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup[longtable]{font={sf,scriptsize,it}...|
+% \end{Quote}
+% for floats (or for [long]tables only, option [longtable] of |\floatsetup|), you ought to restore
+% correct font size, family, shape (here) and series for caption contents and write:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup{font={rm,small,up}...|
+% \end{Quote}
+% or
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[longtable]{font={rm,small,up}...|
+% \end{Quote}
+% The version \textbf{3.1} of \package{caption} package corrects that.
+% \subsubsection{Position of Caption}
+% \DescribeMacro{capposition}\label{setup:capposition}%^^A
+% Defines position of captions. It is similar to |position=|
+% key in \package{caption} package, but it has two additional
+% options:\startNotes\Note|TOP|%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Caption above\\ table object}{FAD:CaptionAboveTableII}, if you prefer to align captions
+% above objects, in the case of beside floats (in |floatrow|
+% environment), by the top line; \Note|beside| to put caption
+% beside object (this option could be more popular in settings
+% for one environment, see about |\thisfloatsetup| on the
+% page~\pageref{thisfloatsetup}):
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[top] caption above object;
+% \item[TOP] caption above object and also aligned by top line in float
+% row.
+% For example the |Plaintop| style is the variant of
+% |plaintop| where used |capposition=TOP| settings,
+% see tables~\ref{tab:row:tabIII:CAPTOP}--\ref{tab:row:tabIV:CAPTOP};
+% \item[bottom] caption below object;
+% \item[beside] caption beside object.%^^A
+%^^A% \FRmpar{Beside caption and float object}{FAD:BesideCaptionII}
+% \end{Options}
+% \emph{Floatrow note}. The |auto| option does not used by the
+% |capposition=| key.
+% Compare two examples:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup[table]{|\FRkey{style}%^^A
+% |=plain,capposition=top}%|${}\equiv{}$|style=plaintop|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begingroup
+% \floatsetup[table]{style=plain,capposition=top}
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep
+% \extrarowheight1pt
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption[Long caption of table~I with key \texttt{capposition=top}]%^^A
+% {The table~I in the row with long, long, long, long, long, long caption}\label{tab:row:tabIII:captop}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Left Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption[Table~II in the row with caption with key \texttt{capposition=top}]%^^A
+% {Table~II in the row with caption}\label{tab:row:tabIV:captop}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Data} \\
+% \cline{2-4}
+% & \thead{I} & \thead{II} & \thead{III} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 & \phantom01 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 & \phantom06 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 & 28 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{table}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\|\FRkey{floatsetup}|[table]{|\FRkey{style}%^^A
+% |=plain,capposition=TOP}%|${}\equiv{}$|style=Plaintop|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \begingroup
+% \floatsetup[table]{style=plain,capposition=TOP}
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep
+% \extrarowheight1pt
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption[Long top-aligned caption of table~I key \texttt{capposition=TOP}]%^^A
+% {The table~I in the row with long, long, long, long, long, long caption,
+% aligned by the top line}\label{tab:row:tabIII:CAPTOP}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Left Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption[Table~II in the row with caption, aligned
+% at the top line with key \texttt{capposition=TOP}]{Table~II in the row with caption, aligned
+% at the top line}\label{tab:row:tabIV:CAPTOP}}%^^A
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Data} \\
+% \cline{2-4}
+% & \thead{I} & \thead{II} & \thead{III} \\
+% \hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 & \phantom01 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 & \phantom06 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 & 28 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{table}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% \emph{Note}. The option |TOP| uses |\label|---|\ref|
+% mechanism, so, to get necessary result with it, you need to run \LaTeX{}
+% twice (when you make changes in contents which could change number
+% of lines, you get correct result also on the second run).
+% \subsubsection{Position of Beside Caption}
+% \DescribeMacro{capbesideposition}\label{setup:capbesideposition}%^^A
+% Defines position of beside captions: vertical and horizontal.
+% For horizontal position there are defined four options:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[left]
+% caption is printed to the left side of object (the default option, see example above);
+% \item[right]
+% caption is printed to the right side of object;
+% \item[inside]
+% caption is printed in binding side of page if |twoside| option
+% switched on in document class and key \FRkey{facing}|=yes| is used;
+% in |oneside| option of document (or key |facing=no| is used),
+% caption is printed at the left side;
+% \item[outside]
+% least popular option: caption printed in
+% outer side of page if |twoside| option switched on
+% in document class and key |facing=yes| is used;
+% in |oneside| option of document (or key |facing=no| is used),
+% caption is printed at the right side; this option makes sense for the document with usage of
+% outer margins.
+% \end{Options}
+% For vertical position there are defined three options
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\samepage
+% \item[top]
+% caption aligned to the top of object;
+% \item[bottom]
+% caption aligned to the bottom of object;
+% \item[center]
+% caption aligned to the center of object.
+% \end{Options}
+% You may define position of beside caption by following:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |capbesideposition={top,outside}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup[widefigure]{|\FRkey{margins}|=hangleft,capposition=beside,|\\%^^A
+% | capbesideposition={top,left},|\FRkey{floatwidth}|=\textwidth}|\nopagebreak
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure*}|
+% | \includegraphics{BlackDog}|
+% | \caption{...}\label{...}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure*}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \floatsetup[widefigure]{margins=hangleft,capposition=beside,capbesideposition={top,left},floatwidth=\textwidth}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]
+% \setlength\unitlength{2.12\unitlength}\input{BlackDog.picture}%^^A
+% \caption[Wide figure with the settings of float box width \texttt{floatwidth=}\cmd{\textwidth};
+% caption beside object (on the margins),
+% top aligned]{Wide figure with the settings of float box width
+% \texttt{floatwidth=}\cmd{\textwidth}; caption beside object (on the margins),
+% aligned by top of graphics}%
+% \label{fig:capbeside}
+% \end{figure*}%
+% \endgroup
+% See examples in file \file{frsample02.tex} with all variants of
+% position of captions beside float objects.
+% \subsubsection{Defining The Width of Beside Caption}
+% \DescribeMacro{capbesidewidth}\label{setup:capbesidewidth}%^^A
+% Defines width of beside caption. This option could be more preferable
+% in settings for one environment, see about |\thisfloatsetup| on the
+% page~\pageref{thisfloatsetup}. You may set:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |capbesidewidth=4cm|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% (see figure~\ref{capbesideframeI}). If you'll write |capbesidewidth=none| or
+% |capbesidewidth=sidefil| (this is default key setting), the
+% width of caption will be calculated by usual way, accordingly
+% to float width (i.e. occupies the rest width of float box, see
+% figure~\ref{intro:beside:FBwidth} on the page~\pageref{intro:beside:FBwidth}).
+% \subsubsection{Defining Width of Object}\label{sec:wd:object}
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{floatwidth}\label{setup:floatwidth}%^^A
+% It is used for redefinition of width of objects.
+% This key, similar to |\capbesidewidth=|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |floatwidth=.35\hsize|
+% \end{Quote}
+% or
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |floatwidth=7cm|
+% \end{Quote}
+% It could be used at first for settings of one floating environment
+% (see page~\pageref{thisfloatsetup} about settings for current floating environment
+% and |\thisfloatsetup|). Such settings anyway may be used for example for wide floats
+% with the object width equal to main text width (|floatwidth=\textwidth|) and
+% beside caption placed on the margins (see figure~\ref{color:frame}).
+% \pagebreak[1]
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{|\FRkey{margins}|=raggedright}|\nopagebreak
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |[figure]{floatwidth=.35\hsize}|\nopagebreak
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% | \includegraphics[width=\hsize]{Bear}|
+% | \caption{...}\label{...}|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \floatsetup[figure]{margins=raggedright}
+% \thisfloatsetup{floatwidth=.35\hsize}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \setlength\unitlength{\hsize/100}\input{Bear.picture}%^^A
+% \caption{Graphics with settings \texttt{floatwidth=0.35}\cmd{\hsize} moved to the left margin}%
+% \label{fig:floatwidth}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \endgroup
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |{floatwidth=.35\hsize,|\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=sidefil,|\nopagebreak
+% | |\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|\FRkey{capbesideposition}|=right}|
+% |...|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \thisfloatsetup{floatwidth=.35\hsize,capbesidewidth=sidefil,
+% capposition=beside,capbesideposition=right}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \setlength\unitlength{\hsize/100}\input{Bear.picture}%^^A
+% \caption{Caption beside graphics with the width settings \texttt{floatwidth=0.35}\cmd{\hsize}}%^^A
+% \label{fig:beside:floatwidth}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \endgroup
+% (These examples you can write also using box commands with the width option: |\ffigbox[.35\hsize]|
+% and |\fcapside[.35\hsize]| consequently.)
+% If you use option |floatwidth=sidefil| for objects with beside
+% captions (in the case of key |capbesidewidth=|, uses absolute
+% value, like |capbesidewidth=4cm|) the box with object contents (instead of caption's)
+% occupies the rest space of float box (see
+% figure~\ref{capbesideframeI} on the page~\pageref{capbesideframeI} and appendix,
+% figure~\ref{fig:capbeside:trick} on the
+% page~\pageref{fig:capbeside:trick}).
+% \subsubsection{Other Settings for Beside Captions}
+% \medskip\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{capbesideframe}\label{setup:capbesideframe}%^^A
+% This boolean key declares whether the beside caption stays near the framed object
+% (|capbesideframe=yes|) in this case caption lines will be aligned by top
+% or bottom of frame; otherwise caption lines will be aligned with top or
+% bottom of framed object's \emph{contents} (|capbesideframe=no|).
+% \newcommand\TEXTBOX[1][]{\par
+% Here goes first line of text \Text\par
+% There goes second line of text#1\par
+% Hence goes third line of text\par
+% Thence goes fourth line of text}
+% \def\Text{{\mdseries and more text and some more text and a bit more text and
+% a little more text and a little piece of text to fill space}}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxsep8pt},|\nopagebreak
+% | |\FRkey{objectset}|=justified,|%^^A
+% |capbesideposition={right,top},capbesideframe=yes}|
+% |\captionsetup[figure]{...,strut=no}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |{|\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|
+% | |\FRkey{floatwidth}|=sidefil,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=4cm}|
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% | ...|
+% | \caption{...}\label{...}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% | |
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Boxed,frameset={\fboxsep8pt},capbesideframe=yes,objectset=justified,
+% capbesideposition={right,top},footnoterule=limited}
+% \captionsetup[figure]{strut=no}
+% \thisfloatsetup{capposition=beside,floatwidth=sidefil,capbesidewidth=4cm}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% {\caption{Caption beside framed object, (caption has width 4\,cm), aligned by top of frame}%^^A%
+% \label{capbesideframeI}}%
+% \end{figure}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{...,capbesideframe=no}|
+% |...|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% |{|\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|
+% | |\FRkey{floatwidth}|=9cm,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=sidefil}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \floatsetup[figure]{capbesideframe=no}
+% \thisfloatsetup{capposition=beside,floatwidth=9cm,capbesidewidth=sidefil}
+% \captionsetup{strut=no}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% {\caption{Caption beside framed object, (object has width 9cm), aligned by top of object contents}%
+% \label{row:text:I}}%
+% \end{figure}
+% \emph{Floatrow note.} For examples above the |\captionsetup{strut=no}| sentence also was used,
+% which cancels struts at the beginning and end of caption (|\strut|: the rules with height
+% and depth, which are set accordingly to current |\baselineskip|).
+% \penalty-9000
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Foot Position (Legends and Footnotes)}\label{sec:footposition}
+% \DescribeMacro{footposition}\label{setup:footposition}%^^A
+% Defines position of |\footnote|'s and |\floatfoot|'s in float box
+% with above/below captions.
+% (See examples in file \file{frsample01.tex}.)
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[default]
+% if caption above float object foot material is placed below float
+% object, otherwise below caption;
+% \item[caption]
+% always placed below caption;
+% \item[bottom]
+% always placed at the bottom of float box.
+% \end{Options}
+% In the case of caption
+% beside float object, footnotes and foot text are always placed below
+% caption.
+% The next example shows the usage of the |caption| option of this key:
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% | ...|
+% | \caption{...}\label{...}%|
+% | \floatfoot{...}|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \unitlength1.2\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}
+% \caption{The \texttt{ruled} figure with explications which are placed under caption contents}%
+% \label{ruled:footposition}%
+% \floatfoot{The graphics demonstrate very pleasant muzzle of the very funny ginger cat with very
+% fluffy fur. The cat has yellow eyes, big ears, a small pink wet nose, and thick white whiskers}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% \subsubsection{Vertical Alignment of Float Elements}\label{sec:heightadjust}
+% \DescribeMacro{heightadjust}\label{setup:heightadjust}%^^A
+% Defines whether the common maximum height of objects
+% or/and captions in the |floatrow| environment will be used for building of float row.
+% It has following options\par
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\samepage
+% \item[all]
+% adjust both caption and object heights (e.g. for styles
+% |ruled|, |Ruled| and |BOXED|);
+% \item[caption]
+% adjust caption heights (e.g. for |Plaintop| style);
+% \item[object]
+% adjust object heights (e.g. for |Boxed| style);
+% \item[none]
+% nothing to be adjusted (the |plain| style);
+% \item[nocaption]
+% no adjusting for captions;
+% \item[noobject]
+% no adjusting for objects;
+% \end{Options}
+% You may define height adjustment even as followed:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |heightadjust={caption,noobject}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% The following two examples show |ruled| and |Ruled| style.
+% Both styles use |heightadjust=all| key option, but first style
+% uses |capposition=top|, and second one---|capposition=TOP|.
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}
+% | {...}{\caption{The left ...}\label{...}}%|
+% | \ffigbox|
+% | {\caption{The beside ...}\label{...}}{...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{style=ruled}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox
+% {\unitlength.75\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Left \texttt{ruled} figure}%
+% \label{leftfig:ruled}}%
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right side uses settings of \texttt{ruled} layout}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:ruled}}
+% {\unitlength1.15\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% |...|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{style=Ruled}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox
+% {\unitlength.75\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{Left \texttt{Ruled} figure}%
+% \label{leftfig:Ruled}}%
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right side uses settings of \texttt{Ruled} layout}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:Ruled}}
+% {\unitlength1.15\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}\pagebreak[1]
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{valign}\label{setup:valign}%^^A
+% Defines vertical alignment of
+% float objects in |floatrow| if |heightadjust=all| or
+% |heightadjust=object| keys were used, or |\floatbox| stuff uses \meta{height}
+% argument with value, which differs from the height of object.
+% The options of this key are analogous to vertical
+% alignment option in |minipage| environment and |\parbox|
+% command. Default option is |c| (centered vertical alignment).
+% \begin{Options}{cc}\samepage
+% \item[t]
+% aligns objects by top line;
+% \item[c]
+% aligns objects by center line (this is default for all float styles which
+% use |heightadjust=object| or |heightadjust=all| settings, see examples above);
+% \item[b]
+% aligns objects by bottom line;
+% \item[s]
+% stretches objects by full height (if it is possible).
+% \end{Options}\pagebreak[1]
+% Next example (figure~\ref{BOXED:heightmod}) shows default vertical centered alignment
+% for figure with changed height (remember that empty \meta{width} option means |\hsize|).
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[][\FBheight+2cm]|\nopagebreak
+% |...|
+% |\end{figure}|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{style=BOXED}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox[][\FBheight+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.95\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The figure inside \cmd{\ffigbox} has \meta{height} option, vertically centered}%
+% \label{BOXED:heightmod}}%
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% The example with figures \ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned}
+% and \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned} shows |BOXED| style, which
+% uses |heightadjust=all| settings already, and
+% also the |valign=t| option was added.
+%^^A% (see also example with various alignment on the page
+%^^A% \pageref{example:ruledcapposTOP}).
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|+2cm]|
+% | {...}|
+% | {\caption{Left ...}\label{...}}%|
+% | \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm][2\|\FRkey[FB]{FBheight}|]|\nopagebreak
+% | {\caption{The beside ...}\label{...}}|
+% | {...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{style=BOXED,valign=t}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.8\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm][2\FBheight]
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned}}
+% {\unitlength1\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% Please look at the \meta{height} and \meta{width} options of |\ffigbox|
+% commands of the figure~\ref{BOXED:heightmod}
+% and beside figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned} consequently:
+% you may set the height and widths in this way with \package{calc} package.
+% Right figure in the row has double height in the \meta{height} argument of |\ffigbox|.
+% \subsubsection{Facing Layout}
+% \DescribeMacro{facing}\label{setup:facing}%^^A
+% This key defines whether facing layout is used
+% for floats, if it is switched on, key options, which create different layout for even and odd pages
+% are switched on. This key works if |twoside| option is switched on inside the
+% document class line.
+% The most popular usage of |facing| key is printing of
+% beside captions to the inner sides of pages with option
+% |capbesideposition=inside| (the opposite option is |capbesideposition=outside|)
+% works together with switched |facing=yes| key.
+% The figures~\ref{intro:beside} and~\ref{intro:beside:FBwidth} with beside captions
+% in the Introduction illustrate these options---%^^A
+% |facing=yes,|\allowbreak|capbesideposition=inside|.
+% \subsubsection{Object Settings}\label{sec:set:object}
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{objectset}\DescribeMacro{justification}\label{setup:objectset}%^^A
+% Defines justification of float object
+% (float contents). Predefined options are similar to
+% |justification=| key in |\captionsetup|.
+% \begin{Options}{RaggedRigh}
+% \item[justified]
+% Blocks (in the case of a~picture or text in parbox)
+% moved to the left, the text aligned as a normal paragraph (without indentation).
+% \item[centering]
+% Blocks centered, each line of the object text will be centered. (This is the default.)
+% \item[raggedright]
+% Blocks moved to the left, each line of the text shoved to the left margin.
+% \item[RaggedRight]
+% As in previous item, each line of the text shoved to the
+% left margin, too.
+% But this time the command |\RaggedRight| of the \package{ragged2e} package
+% will be used to achieve this. This difference is that this time
+% the word breaking algorithm of \TeX\ will work inside the text.
+% \item[raggedleft]
+% Blocks moved to the right,
+% each line of the text shoved to the right margin.
+%^^A% \item[RaggedLeft]
+%^^A% Analogous to |RaggedRight|.
+% \item[...]
+% You may also create your own settings with the |\DeclareObjectSet| command (see
+% page~\pageref{ssec:decl:oset})
+% \end{Options}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Margins}\label{sec:set:box}
+% \DescribeMacro{margins}\label{setup:margins}%^^A
+% Defines margins (skips, rules or other margin material) of alone float boxes with
+% captions above/below, of float boxes with beside captions, and of
+% |floatrow| environments. It has following three predefined
+% options:
+% \begin{Options}{hangoutside}
+% \item[centering]
+% float box centered;
+% \item[raggedright]
+% float box flushed to the left (see figure~\ref{fig:floatwidth});
+% \item[raggedleft]
+% float box flushed to the right;
+% \item[hangleft]
+% usually for wide floats: left edge of float boxes hangs to the margin space (there are used
+% |\marginparwidth| and |\marginparsep| values; the |\leftskip| and |\rightskip| values are
+% added, which have been taken from the settings of the |objectset=| key);
+% \item[hangright]
+% analogous to previous, right edge of floats boxes hangs to the margin space;
+% \item[hanginside]
+% analogous to previous, but in this option hangs inner edge for facing/twoside layout,
+% or left margin for one side layout;
+% \item[hangoutside]
+% analogous to previous, but in this option hangs outer edge for facing/twoside layout,
+% or right margin for one side layout;
+% \item[...]
+% You may create your own alignment settings with \\|\DeclareMarginSet| command, see
+% page~\pageref{ssec:decl:marg}.
+% \end{Options}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Separators}\label{sec:set:sep}
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{floatrowsep}\label{setup:floatrowsep}%^^A
+% Sets separation material between beside float boxes in one row
+% inside |floatrow| environment (see page~\pageref{sec:floatrow}).
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{capbesidesep}\label{setup:capbesidesep}%^^A
+% Sets separation material between object and beside caption (see page~\pageref{intro:beside}).
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% Both key settings work similarly to |labelsep=| key
+% from |\captionsetup|.
+% They use following predefined options:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[columnsep]
+% horizontal skip${}={}$|\columnsep| (default for both keys);
+% \item[quad]
+% horizontal skip${}={}1$\,em;
+% \item[qquad]
+% horizontal skip${}={}2$\,em;
+% \item[hfil]
+% horizontal skip${}={}1$\,fil (like |\hfil|);
+% \item[hfill]
+% horizontal skip${}={}1$\,fill (like |\hfill|);
+% \item[none]
+% empty separator.
+% \item[...]
+% You may also create your own settings with the\\ |\DeclareFloatSeparators| command (see
+% page~\pageref{setup:DeclareFloatSeparators})
+% \end{Options}
+% This documentation uses settings |floatrowsep=qquad| for separation of
+% beside floats and\allowbreak\ |capbesidesep=quad|
+% for floats with beside captions.
+% The figure \ref{fig:plain:trick} uses tricky float style, which shows you layout, where
+% the |capbesidewidth=| key with absolute value appears very useful.
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=plain,|\FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|\FRkey{margins}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=6cc,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=mcapwidth,|
+%| |\FRkey{floatwidth}|=sidefil}|\smallskip
+%| justification=raggedright}|\nopagebreak
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{fcapside}\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% In this style all figures with beside captions centered accordingly to
+% full text \verb|\hsize|, because of the separator between float object and
+% caption has negative value of caption width.
+% Usage of such float layout supposes that all
+% float objects with beside captions are narrower than |\hsize| (|\textwidth|) by at least 2~caption
+% widths. Please note the |\FCwidth| command in the definition of |mcapwidth|
+% key---later you may change the width of beside caption (loading e.g.
+% |\thisfloatsetup|\allowbreak|{capbesidewidth=8cc}| settings), and, in spite of the value
+% the separator also will be changed, picture will be anyway
+% centered accordingly to full \verb|\hsize|.
+% \begingroup
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}\floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=plain,objectset=centering,
+% floatwidth=\columnwidth,capbesidewidth=6cc,
+% capbesideposition=left,capbesidesep=mcapwidth,
+% margins=centering,floatwidth=sidefil}
+% \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,
+% justification=raggedright}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside{}{\unitlength1.1\unitlength
+% \input{Doll.picture}
+% \caption[Beside caption with ``hidden'' width (\texttt{=6cc}),
+% object is centered at the full text width]{%^^A
+% Plain figure}\label{fig:plain:trick}}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \endgroup
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Rules/Skips}\label{sec:set:rule}
+% \DescribeMacro{precode}\label{setup:precode}%^^A
+% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code above float box (see page~\pageref{intro:leftfig:box}).
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{rowprecode}\label{setup:rowprecode}%^^A
+% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code above alone float box,
+% or, in the case of beside floats inside |floatrow| environment,
+% above float row (see page~\pageref{intro:leftfig:row} and~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}).
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{midcode}\label{setup:midcode}%^^A
+% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code between
+% caption above/below and float object.
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{postcode}\label{setup:postcode}%^^A
+% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code below float box (see page~\pageref{intro:leftfig:box}).
+% \addvspace\smallskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{rowpostcode}\label{setup:rowpostcode}%^^A
+% Defines skip, rule or other analogous code below alone float box, or,
+% in the case of beside floats inside |floatrow| environment,
+% below float row (see page~\pageref{intro:leftfig:row} and~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}).
+% For all these keys there are predefined following options (settings
+% were taken from styles created in \package{float} package):
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\allowitembreaks[-1]
+% \item[none]
+% absent code (the default option for |precode=|, |rowprecode=|, |postcode=| and |rowpostcode=|
+% keys); in |plain|, |plaintop|, |boxed|, and similar styles;
+% \item[thickrule]
+% thick rule (.8pt) with 2pt vertical skip below---rule above float box
+% in |ruled| and |Ruled| styles which is used there by
+% |precode=| key (see figures~\ref{leftfig:ruled}--\ref{rightfig:Ruled});
+% \item[rule]
+% rule of default thickness (.4pt), with 2pt vertical skips above and below---middle rule
+% in |ruled| and |Ruled| styles is printed between object and caption, and
+% used there by |midcode=| key;
+% \item[lowrule]
+% rule of default thickness (.4pt), with 2pt vertical skip above---rule below float box
+% in |ruled| and |Ruled| styles, used there by
+% |postcode=| key;
+% \item[captionskip]
+% vertical skip which uses the value, defined in |captionskip=| key; the default option for
+% |midcode=| key: this option is used
+% in |plain|, |plaintop|, |boxed|, and similar styles.
+% \item[...]
+% You may create your own options with the |\DeclareFloatVCode| command,
+% see page~\pageref{ssec:decl:rule}.
+% \end{Options}
+% The |rowprecode=| and~|rowpostcode=| keys, in the case of unfilled row
+% may occupy the whole width of the predefined size or get the natural width of row,
+% depending to the defined settings of row contents (see description of the
+% \FRkey{rowfill} key, page~\pageref{setup:rowfill}).
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Frames}
+% \DescribeMacro{framestyle}\label{setup:framestyle}%^^A
+% Defines type of frame; the
+% \package{floatrow} package offers only two types of frames:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[fbox]
+% standard frame;
+% \item[colorbox]
+% colored frame, needs also \package{color} package;
+% if not defined, the |\fbox| command is used instead.
+% \item[FRcolorbox]\label{setup:FRcolorbox}%
+% colored frame which allow to set additional material attached to its corners,
+% needs also \package{color} package;
+% if not defined, there is used |\fbox|;
+% \item[corners]\label{setup:corners}%
+% the same as previous but without |\colorbox|---it puts the corner material only
+% (current option doesn't need the frame definition);
+% anyway it needs also \package{color} package.
+% \end{Options}
+% There are options for additional frames, offered by \package{fr-fancy}
+% package, installed with |floatrow|:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[doublebox]
+% double frame, needs also \package{fancybox} package;
+% \item[shadowbox]
+% frame with shadow, needs also \package{fancybox} package;
+% \item[wshadowbox]
+% modified |shadowbox| frame (frame with ``white shadow''),
+% needs also \package{fancybox} package.
+% \end{Options}
+% \enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{frameset}\label{setup:frameset}%^^A
+% The parameters for chosen frame; there are no predefined options
+% for this key, just write something like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep12pt}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% The default settings for frame building with the
+% |\fbox| command:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\fboxrule=.4pt \fboxsep=3pt|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{framearound}\label{setup:framearound}%^^A
+% Declares element of float box to be framed:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[none]
+% no frames (usually not used);
+% \item[object]
+% float object contents;
+% \item[all]
+% full float box including object, caption, and any foot text;
+% \item[row]
+% float row of beside floats, or alone float;
+% \item[none]
+% nothing.
+% \end{Options}
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{framefit}\label{setup:framefit}%^^A
+% Boolean which sets whether the \textit{frame width} will
+% be equal to current |\hsize|, predefined width or value of \meta{width} option of
+% float box (|framefit=yes|), in this case object size reduced (see
+% figures~\ref{fig:setup:Boxed} and~\ref{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed});
+% or the frame climbs out in the left and
+% right sides, and \textit{width of object} has current
+% |\hsize|, predefined width or value of \meta{width} option of
+% float box (|framefit=no|, see figure~\ref{fig:setup:boxed}).
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{framestyle=fbox,|\nopagebreak
+% | framearound=object,frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep10pt},|
+% | framefit=yes}%|$\approx|style=Boxed|$
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[4cm]|
+% | {...}{\caption{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}\pagebreak[1]
+% \floatsetup[figure]{framestyle=fbox,heightadjust=object,
+% framearound=object,frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep10pt},framefit=yes}%^^A$\equiv|style=Boxed|$
+% \begin{figure}[H]%
+% \ffigbox[4cm]
+% {\input{Cat.picture}}{\caption{The frame around graphics fits to the width of float
+% box (here: caption)}\label{fig:setup:Boxed}}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{...,framefit=no}%|$\approx|style=boxed|$
+% |\begin{figure}|%
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[4cm]|
+% | {...}{\caption{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|\vspace*{-\intextsep}
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \floatsetup[figure]{framestyle=fbox,heightadjust=object,
+% framearound=object,frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep10pt},framefit=no}%^^A$\equiv|style=boxed|$
+% \begin{figure}[H]%
+% \ffigbox[4cm]
+% {\input{Cat.picture}}{\caption{The frame around graphics climbs out to the right and
+% left sides}\label{fig:setup:boxed}}
+% \end{figure}%
+% Next follows an example with |framefit=yes| key in the case of |[\|\FRkey{FBwidth}|]|
+% option of |\ffigbox|
+% command. In this case the width of float box (here: the width of caption) expanded to the
+% width of framed object.
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{...,framefit=yes}%|$\approx|style=Boxed|$
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|]|
+% | {...}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\end{figure}|\vspace*{-\intextsep}
+% \end{Quote}\pagebreak[1]
+% \floatsetup[figure]{framestyle=fbox,heightadjust=object,
+% framearound=object,frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep10pt},framefit=yes}%^^A$\equiv|style=Boxed|$
+% \begin{figure}[H]%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\input{Cat.picture}}{\caption[The framed object contents have natural width; the
+% the width of float box (here: caption) was expanded to fit the width of
+% framed object]{Framed object has natural width;
+% the caption width expanded}\label{fig:setup:FBwidth:Boxed}}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \endgroup
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{rowfill}\label{setup:rowfill}%^^A
+% Boolean key which in the case of |true| the material above and below float
+% row (the |rowprecode=| and |rowpostcode=| keys) or row frames (|framestyle=row| option)
+% will be expanded to full predefined width, otherwise the rule or frame material will
+% have natural width of beside float boxes. (Unfilled row aligned using the
+% |objectset=| settings.) Default value is |false|.
+%| |\FRkey{framearound}|=row,|\FRkey{colorframeset}|=yellowplate,|\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule0pt},|
+%| |\FRkey{framestyle}|=colorbox,|\FRkey{framefit}|=yes,|\FRkey{heightadjust}|=object,|\FRkey{valign}|=c}|
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|+2cm]|
+% | {...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=c}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% The result you see in the row of
+% figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}.
+% |...|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=c,frameset={\fboxrule0pt}}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% ^^A\ffigbox[\Xhsize]{}{\strut}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% The result you see in the row of
+% figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:fillrowbox}.
+% |...|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=c}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure*}%^^A
+% The result you see in the row of
+% figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}.
+% |...|\vspace*{-.75\intextsep}
+% framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=c}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+% \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+% \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% ^^A\ffigbox[\Xhsize]{}{\strut}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure*}%^^A
+% The result you see in the row of
+% figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}, \ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widefillrowbox}.
+% \subsubsection{Settings for Colored Frames}
+% \DescribeMacro{colorframeset}\label{setup:colorframeset}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareColorBox}\label{setup:DeclareColorBox}%^^A
+% This key (needs \package{color} package) defines
+% a~color box in the case of the |framestyle=colorbox| or |framestyle=FRcolorbox| settings are loaded
+% (default is standard |\fbox|). There are not any predefined options for this key so you
+% must define your color box option, using the |\DeclareColorBox| command like following:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareColorBox{mycolorbox}{\fcolorbox{red}{yellow}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% then use this option in |colorframeset=| key:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |colorframeset=|\meta{option}\quad,
+% \end{Quote}
+% for example:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup{colorframeset=mycolorbox}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DescribeMacro{colorframecorners}\label{setup:colorframecorners}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCBoxCorners}\label{setup:DeclareCBoxCorners:pre}%^^A
+% This key defines material attached to the corners of the frame defined
+% by the |framestyle=FRcolorbox| option.
+% This key, as the previous one, has not predefined options; the needed material is
+% set by the |\|\FRkey{DeclareCBoxCorners} command
+% (page~\pageref{setup:DeclareCBoxCorners}).
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Skips}
+% \DescribeMacro{captionskip}\label{setup:captionskip}%^^A
+% Defines vertical space between caption and float object
+% in case of \FRkey{midcode} key defined as |midcode=captionskip|;
+% or in case of usage of float styles (|style=|
+% key) |plain|, |boxed| and similar to them:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |captionskip=10pt|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% The settings above are default and equal to \LaTeX's settings (|\abovecaptionskip=10pt|).
+% The settings of current documentation: |captionskip=5pt|.
+% \addvspace\medskipamount\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{footskip}\label{setup:footskip}%^^A
+% Defines vertical space before foot material and footnotes. It can be defined like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |footskip=4pt|\quad,
+% \end{Quote}
+% or
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |footskip=\skip\footins|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% the last line shows default settings.
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Footnote Rule's Style}\label{sec:footnotestyle}
+% \DescribeMacro{footnoterule}\label{setup:footnoterule}%^^A
+% Defines type of footnote rule for footnotes inside floating environment.
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[normal]
+% standard \LaTeX{} definition, the
+% width of it equals to 0.4 of current width of text (|\columnwidth|);
+% \item[limited]
+% like previous one but max width of footnote rule equals to the value
+% defined by |\frulemax|\label{setup:frulemax} command, like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\newcommand\frulemax{1in}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \item[fullsize]
+% rule to full current text width.
+% \item[none]
+% Absent rule.
+% \item[...]
+% You may create your own options with the \\ |\DeclareFloatFootnoterule| command,
+% see page~\pageref{ssec:fnoterule}.
+% \end{Options}
+% \endgroup
+% \label{setup:end}
+%^^A% %^^A ???needed?
+%^^A% \subsubsection{Loading Style for Fancy Boxes}
+%^^A% \DescribeMacro{fancyboxes}\label{setup:fancyboxes}%^^A
+%^^A% This boolean key loads \package{fr-fancy} package. This key you may use
+%^^A% only in optional argument in |\usepackage| line. The styles, supported by this package
+%^^A% are described in the table~\ref{tab:floatlayouts}.
+% \subsubsection{Managing Floats with \texttt{[H]} Placement Option}
+% \DescribeMacro{doublefloataswide}\label{setup:doublefloataswide}%^^A
+% This boolean key redefines starred floating environment \emph{in onecolumn layout}
+% like non-starred ones, but in this case they are still store layout
+% settings, declared by |[wide...]| options of |\floatsetup| (page~\pageref{sec:floatsetup}).
+% This key is necessary
+% for usage of the \texttt{[H]} option
+% in starred environments in the same way as in non-starred.
+% \medskip\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{floatHaslist}%^^A
+% This boolean key adds values of penalties before and after
+% this ``anchored'' float like in the list environment and cancels
+% paragraph indentation, if there is no blank line appears after environment
+% (see also page~\pageref{sec:listpen}).
+% \subsection{Settings for Current Float Environment}
+% \DescribeMacro{\thisfloatsetup}\label{thisfloatsetup}\label{setup:thisfloatsetup}%^^A
+% You may define some settings only for one float just
+% before necessary environment. Command |\thisfloatsetup| could
+% contain the same keys and options as in |\floatsetup|. It has
+% only mandatory argument (the \cmd{\thisfloatsetup} is defined
+% as abbreviation of the \cmd{\floatsetup[tmpset]} command).
+% \subsection{Clearing of Settings for Current Float Type}
+% \DescribeMacro{\clearfloatsetup}\label{setup:clearfloatsetup}%^^A
+% If you want to get rid of parameters marked
+% for an automatic use within a particular environment
+% you can use the command\footnote{Created as additional macro for
+% \cs{clearcaptionsetup} macro, see also documentation
+% of \package{caption} package about \cmd{\clearcaptionsetup} command}:\allowpostlistbreaks[-4]
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\clearfloatsetup|\marg{float type}\quad,
+% \end{Quote}\allowpostlistbreaks
+% where \marg{float type}---types as |figure|, |widefloat| etc.
+% \subsection{Temporary Clearing of All Float Settings}\label{page:killfloatstyle}
+% \DescribeMacro{\killfloatstyle}\label{setup:killfloatstyle}%^^A
+% The first case when this command is needed: mixed rows of floats where figure stays beside table
+% and you need to cancel layout of ``foreign'' float (see page~\pageref{mixrow}).
+% The |\killfloatstyle| command is used before any
+% command of |\floatbox| stuff (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatbox}).
+% Another case---layout of floats with beside captions is quite different from
+% other subtypes: |[figure]| option of
+% floatsetup defined with |style=plain| and
+% |[cabesidefigure]| must be defined with |style=boxed|.
+% In this case you may define your command, based on predefined
+% |\fcapside|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\newcommand\myfcapside{\killfloatstyle|\nopagebreak
+% | \floatsetup[figure]{style=Boxed,capbesideframe=yes}\fcapside}|\quad.
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\myfcapside[\FBwidth]|
+% |...|
+% |\end{figure}|\quad.\vspace*{-\intextsep}
+% \end{Quote}
+% \newcommand\myfcapside{\killfloatstyle
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Boxed,capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition=left}\fcapside}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \myfcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\input{Horse.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Figure with beside caption in \texttt{Boxed} style.]{%^^A
+% Figure with beside caption in \texttt{Boxed} style. The special command \cmd{\myfcapside}
+% created to change layout for figures from plain in the case of captions below float
+% to boxed in the case of caption beside}\label{fig:beside:Boxed}}%
+% \end{figure}
+% The option |[figure]| is necessary if you have defined settings for this option
+% in the preamble.
+% \emph{Notes}.\startNotes\nopagebreak \par
+% \Note Please remember that such command with redefined settings can be placed
+% only \emph{inside an environment} or \emph{group}.
+% \Note Before creation of such risky command, please revise your layout settings:
+% maybe the |[widefigure]| option never used in your documentation settings, so you can define
+% necessary settings in |\floatsetup[widefigure]|\allowbreak|{style=Boxed,|\allowbreak
+% |capposition=|\allowbreak|beside...}|
+% and then use ``starred'' floats in following way:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup[widefigure]{|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|
+% | |\FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure*}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|
+% |...|
+% |\end{figure*}|\quad.\vspace*{-\intextsep}
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[widefigure]{margins=centering,style=Boxed,capposition=beside,capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition=left}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\input{Horse.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Figure with beside caption in \texttt{Boxed} style in ``starred'' environment.]{%^^A
+% Figure with beside caption in \texttt{Boxed} style. The special settings for framed graphics
+% were created in ``starred'' environment}\label{figs:beside:Boxed}}%
+% \end{figure*}
+% \subsection{The Default Float Type Settings}\label{sec:default}
+% The following keys and options are switched on when the \package{floatrow}
+% package loaded. They equal to |default| style:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\par
+% \item[font=normalsize]\allowitembreaks[-4]
+% \item[footfont=footnotesize]\allowitembreaks[1]
+% \item[capposition=bottom]
+% \item[capbesideposition=left]
+% \item[capbesideframe=no]
+% \item[footposition=default]
+% \item[heightadjust=none]
+% \item[facing=no]
+% \item[margins=centering]
+% \item[objectset=centering] ($\equiv$|justification=centering|, \package{caption})
+% \item[floatrowsep=columnsep]
+% \item[capbesidesep=columnsep]
+% \item[precode=none]
+% \item[rowprecode=none]
+% \item[postcode=none]
+% \item[rowpostcode=none]
+% \item[framearound=none]
+% \item[rowfill=no]
+% \item[midcode=captionskip]\allowitembreaks[-4]
+% \item[captionskip=10pt]
+% \end{Options}
+% \subsection{Defining New Options}
+% In the next few sections a list of commands is presented, which help to define
+% additional key options for the |\floatsetup| command.
+% \subsubsection{Float Style Option (\texttt{style=})}\label{ssec:declstyle}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatStyle}\label{setup:DeclareFloatStyle}%^^A
+% Defines new float style. Example shows definition of new float
+% style |MyBoxed|. The figures~\ref{fig:plain:MyBoxed}, and
+% some others in current documentation show result.
+%| |\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep12pt}}|\nopagebreak
+% \begingroup
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=MyBoxed}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% {\unitlength1.28\unitlength\input{Horse.picture}}%
+% \caption{%^^A
+% Plain figure in \texttt{MyBoxed} style}%
+% \label{fig:plain:MyBoxed}%
+% \floatfoot{Much more, more and more and more and more and more and
+% more and more and more text inside macro \cmd{\floatfoot}}%
+% \end{figure}
+% The same result you get with:
+%| frameset={\fboxsep12pt\fboxrule1pt}}|
+% \endgroup
+% \subsubsection{Float Font Option (\texttt{font=})}\label{ssec:declfont}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatFont}\label{setup:DeclareFloatFont}%^^A
+% With this macro you may define new option
+% for font (|font=| key) of float contents. This macro works
+% like |\DeclareCaptionFont| in \package{caption} package: you may also
+% use key options declared by |\DeclareCaptionFont| command.
+% To get red color for text in the example with figure~\ref{color:fig} on the page~\pageref{color:fig},
+% you may define the red color by following way:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\DeclareFloatFont{red}{\color{red}}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% and then write, for example
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{font={small,red}}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}%
+% The version \textbf{3.1} of the \package{caption} package offers special option inside
+% |font=| key. Since the \package{floatrow} package uses the same mechanism for its |font=|
+% key, the example above you can write as following:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{font={small,color={red}}}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \subsubsection{Option for Float Rules/Skips (\texttt{precode=} etc.)}\label{ssec:decl:rule}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatVCode}\label{setup:DeclareFloatVCode}%^^A
+% This command defines the skip, rule or other analogous code above
+% and below full float box and between caption above/below and
+% object. The defined option might be used in |rowprecode|,
+% |precode|, |midcode|, |postcode|, and
+% |rowpostcode| keys (page~\pageref{setup:precode}).
+% Compare two examples:\enlargethispage\baselineskip
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\DeclareFloatVCode{grayruleabove}%|
+% | {{\color{gray}\par\rule\hsize{2.8pt}\vskip4pt\par}}|
+% |\DeclareFloatVCode{grayrulebelow}%|
+% | {{\color{gray}\par\vskip4pt\rule\hsize{2.8pt}}}|
+% |\floatsetup{...,|\FRkey{heightadjust}|=all,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{valign}|=c,|
+% | |\FRkey{rowprecode}|=grayruleabove,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{rowpostcode}|=grayrulebelow}|\nopagebreak
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% |\begin{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% | \ffigbox|\nopagebreak
+% | {...}{\caption{The left ...}\label{...}}%|
+% | \ffigbox|\nopagebreak
+% | {...}{\caption{The beside ...}\label{...}}|
+% | \end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% | ...|
+% | \caption{Alone figure ...}\label{...}%|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}\pagebreak[2]
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,rowprecode=grayruleabove,
+% rowpostcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox
+% {\unitlength.65\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The left beside figure inside float row with defined row rules above and below}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:row}}%
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right inside float row with defined row rules above and below}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:row}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,rowprecode=grayruleabove,
+% rowpostcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Alone figure with defined row rules above and below}%^^A
+% \label{intro:alone:row}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% \begin{Quote}\openup-.65pt
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\floatsetup{...,|\FRkey{heightadjust}|=all,|\nopagebreak
+% | |\FRkey{precode}|=grayruleabove,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{postcode}|=grayrulebelow}|\nopagebreak
+% \end{preamble}\nopagebreak
+% |...|
+% \end{Quote}%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,
+% precode=grayruleabove,postcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox
+% {\unitlength.65\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The left beside figure inside float row with defined rules for float box}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:box}}%
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right inside float row with defined rules for float box
+% above and below}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:box}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,
+% precode=grayruleabove,postcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox
+% {\caption{Alone figure with defined rules above and below for float box}%^^A
+% \label{intro:alone:box}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% Please note that for ruled styles defined for boxes, like for figures \ref{intro:leftfig:box}
+% and \ref{intro:rightfig:box}, which could be placed in one row, you need to
+% set |heightadjust=all| key.
+% The examples with unfill rows.\RemoveSpaces\vspace*{\topsep}
+% \begin{Quote}\openup.5pt
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup{...,|\FRkey{heightadjust}|=all,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{valign}|=c,|
+% | |\FRkey{rowprecode}|=grayruleabove,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{rowpostcode}|=grayrulebelow}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure}|\nopagebreak
+% |\begin{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% | \ffigbox[\FBwidth]...|\nopagebreak
+% | \ffigbox[\FBwidth]...|\nopagebreak
+% | \end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,rowprecode=grayruleabove,
+% rowpostcode=grayrulebelow}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.65\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The left beside figure inside unfill float row with defined row rules above and below}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:rownofill}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right inside unfill float row with defined row rules above and below}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:rownofill}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% The same, but with \FRkey{rowfill} option.
+% \begin{Quote}\openup.5pt
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\floatsetup{...,|\FRkey{rowfill}|=yes}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |...|
+% \end{Quote}%^^A
+% \begin{figure}[H]\floatsetup{heightadjust=all,valign=c,rowprecode=grayruleabove,
+% rowpostcode=grayrulebelow,rowfill=yes}\killfloatstyle
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\unitlength.65\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+% {\caption{The left beside figure inside unfill float row with defined row full size rules above and below}%
+% \label{intro:leftfig:rowfill}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+% {\caption{The beside figure at the right inside unfill float row with defined row full size rules above and below}%^^A
+% \label{intro:rightfig:rowfill}}
+% {\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}%^^A
+% \subsubsection{Settings for Colored Frame (\texttt{colorframeset=})}\label{ssec:color:frame}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareColorBox}%^^A
+% Let's repeat the command for definition of colored box used by |colorframeset=| key
+% (see also page~\pageref{setup:DeclareColorBox}).
+% Here is defined frame for figure~\ref{color:frame} below:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareColorBox{framedfigure}{\fcolorbox{gray}{white}}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% The yellow plate for figure rows on the page~\pageref{setup:rowfill}:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareColorBox{yellowplate}{\colorbox{yellow}}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% Please note, that for correct positioning of the color plate during usage of the |\colorbox|
+% command you need set to zero value for the |\fboxrule| command in the \FRkey{frameset} option:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |frameset={\fboxrule0pt}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareCBoxCorners}\label{setup:DeclareCBoxCorners}%^^A
+% If you use the \FRkey{FRcolorbox} option for the \FRkey{framestyle} key
+% (page~\pageref{setup:framestyle}), you may set additional material (rules or something),
+% attached to four corners.
+% The \marg{option} argument defines name of option of the \FRkey{colorframecorners} key.
+% The four others define material attached to four corners.
+% The order of corner material analogous to the order in the METAPOST's |bbox| box
+% for the |label| command: first goes lower left corner (\marg{llcorner})
+% then, counterclockwise, lower right corner (\marg{lrcorner}), upper right corner
+% (\marg{urcorner}) and last goes upper left corner (\marg{ulcorner}).
+% There are used modified commands of |picture| environment inside these arguments:
+% all lengths and coordinates must have units like points, millimeters etc., but
+% here you may use usual length parameters like |\textwidth|. When the color box is created
+% the |\FRcolorboxht|, |\FRcolorboxwd| and~|\FRcolorboxdp| parameters define
+% height, width and depth of the box, you may use them inside settings
+% of the |\DeclareCBoxCorners| xommand. You may use the
+% |\|\FRkey{floatfacing} command to create facing layout.
+% The example with material in all corners, which shows overlapping.
+%| {{\color{green}%green llcorner|
+%| \linethickness{10pt}\put(-5pt,-5pt)|
+%| {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%|
+%| {\put(-5pt,0pt){\line(1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%|
+%| }}{{\color{red}%red lrcorner|
+%| \linethickness{10pt}\put(0pt,0pt)|
+%| {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%|
+%| {\put(5pt,0pt){\line(-1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%|
+%| }}{{\color{blue}%blue urcorner|
+%| \linethickness{10pt}\put(5pt,-5pt)|
+%| {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,-1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%|
+%| {\put(5pt,0pt){\line(-1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%|
+%| }}{{\color{magenta}%magenta ulcorner|
+%| \linethickness{10pt}\put(0pt,0pt)|
+%| {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,-1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%|
+%| {\put(-5pt,0pt){\line(1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}}%|
+%| }}|
+% Please note, that this material has not any width and its values do not used during calculation
+% of frame position and width. Please note also that material in the left lower and upper corners
+% will be covered by frame, but right lower and upper corner material cover the frame
+% (inside these ``layers'' the material from upper corners covers lower ones)
+% the object contents appear in the upper layer.
+%| |\FRkey{colorframeset}|=yellowplate,|\FRkey{colorframecorners}|=angles,|
+%| |\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=2pt},|\FRkey{framefit}|=yes,|\FRkey{captionskip}|=15pt}|\vspace*{\baselineskip}
+% framefit=yes,frameset={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=2pt},captionskip=15pt}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{The picture on the color plate with multicolored corners}%^^A
+% \label{BOXED:yellowplate:Redangles}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{BlackDog.picture}}
+% The same but without color plate.
+% \FRkey{colorframecorners}|=angles,|
+%| |\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=2pt},|\FRkey{framefit}|=yes,|\FRkey{captionskip}|=15pt}|\vspace*{\baselineskip}
+% framefit=yes,frameset={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=2pt},captionskip=15pt}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+% {\caption{The picture on the ``transparent'' box with multicolored corners}%^^A
+% \label{BOXED:transparent:Redangles}}
+% {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{BlackDog.picture}}
+% \subsubsection{Object Justification Option (\texttt{objectset=})}\label{ssec:decl:oset}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareObjectSet}\label{setup:DeclareObjectSet}%^^A
+% You may define justification for |objectset=| key (page~\pageref{setup:objectset})
+% like\nopagebreak:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareObjectSet{centering}{\centering}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% In option's definition you may try to include any regular commands
+% (it could be the repeated head text also)
+% which you need to put before each object contents in float
+% environment. You may also use key options declared by
+% \cmd{\DeclareCaptionJustification} command of \package{caption} package
+% as options for |objectset=| key.
+% \subsubsection{Option for Float Box Alignment/Settings (\texttt{margins=})}\label{ssec:decl:marg}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareMarginSet}\label{setup:DeclareMarginSet}%^^A
+% You may define box alignment for float box (|margins=| key) like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareMarginSet{center}{%|\nopagebreak
+% | \setfloatmargins{\hfil}{\hfil}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% or like (see also sample files):
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareMarginSet{outside}{\setfloatmargins*{\hfil}{}}|\nopagebreak
+% \end{Quote}
+% The |\DeclareMarginSet| command uses the |\setfloatmargins| command, which defines
+% fill code for each margin.
+% \DescribeMacro{\setfloatmargins}\label{setup:setfloatmargins}%^^A
+% Non-starred form of |\setfloatmargins| defines left and right
+% margin.
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\setfloatmargins{|\meta{left margin}|}{|\meta{right margin}|}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% Here goes rather complex example which was created as alternative float layout for one-column
+% document. The starred, |figure*|, environment places caption on the left margin, beside
+% object. Frame around object has default width of main text.
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\makeatletter\@mparswitchfalse\makeatother|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\DeclareMarginSet{hangleft}%|
+% | {\setfloatmargins|
+% | {\hskip-\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep}{\hfil}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareColorBox}|{framedfigure}{\fcolorbox{gray}{white}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareFloatSeparators}|{marginparsep}{\hskip\marginparsep}|
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[widefigure]{|%^^A
+% \FRkey{margins}|=hangleft,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{floatwidth}|=\textwidth,|
+% | |\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes,|
+% | |\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=\marginparwidth,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidesep}|=marginparsep,|
+% | |\FRkey{framestyle}|=colorbox,|\FRkey{framefit}|=yes,|\nopagebreak
+% | |\FRkey{colorframeset}|=framedfigure,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxrule3pt\fboxsep8pt}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{justification=RaggedRight,|\nopagebreak
+% | font=small,labelfont={normalsize,sf,bf},labelsep=newline,strut=no}|\nopagebreak
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure*}|\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure*}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \begingroup
+% \floatsetup[widefigure]{margins=hangleft,floatwidth=\textwidth,
+% capposition=beside,capbesideposition=left,capbesideframe=yes,
+% capbesidewidth=\marginparwidth,capbesidesep=marginparsep,framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,
+% frameset={\fboxrule3pt\fboxsep8pt},colorframeset=framedfigure}
+% \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{justification=RaggedRight,
+% font=small,labelfont={normalsize,sf,bf},labelsep=newline,strut=no}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]%
+% {\input{Mouse.picture}}{\caption{Figure with alternative layout (``starred'' environment) caption
+% placed on the left margin}\label{color:frame}}
+% \end{figure*}%
+% \endgroup
+% \emph{Note}. The row of figures~\ref{fig:row:Dog}--\ref{fig:row:cheese} on the page
+% \pageref{fig:row:Dog} uses the same |margin=| settings of option |margins=|.
+% Starred form, |\setfloatmargins*|, defines facing layout: inside and
+% outside margin.
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\setfloatmargins*{|\meta{inside margin}|}{|\meta{outside margin}|}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% You may even set much more complex definition:
+% \begin{Quote}\leftmargin0pt
+% |\DeclareMarginSet{facingrule}{%|\nopagebreak
+% |\setfloatmargins*{%|\nopagebreak
+% | \floatfacing{\hskip-12pt\vrule width4pt\hskip8pt\hfill}%|\nopagebreak
+% | {\hfill\hskip8pt\vrule width4pt\hskip-12pt}}{}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatfacing}\label{setup:floatfacing}%^^A
+% the |\floatfacing| defines following
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatfacing{|\meta{odd page definition}|}{|\meta{even page definition}|}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% This macro has also starred form |\floatfacing*|,
+% which you can use in key options for |\captionsetup| stuff and for floats with beside captions.
+% \emph{Note}. Please remember that all options, which set different layout for facing pages
+% need |facing=yes| key option.
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatboxmargins}\label{setup:floatboxmargins}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatrowmargins}\label{setup:floatrowmargins}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatcapbesidemargins}\label{setup:floatcapbesidemargins}%^^A
+% The |\setfloatmargins| could be ``separated'' into the three macros which set margins
+% for three main variants of float positions:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[\cmd{\floatboxmargins}]sets left/right margins around alone
+% float box;
+% \item[\cmd{\floatrowmargins}]sets left/right margins around
+% |floatrow| environment;
+% \item[\cmd{\floatcapbesidemargins}]sets left/right margins around
+% alone float box with beside caption.
+% \end{Options}
+% The grammar for using three mentioned commands is similar to
+% |\setfloatmargins|. Again, the settings which use |\floatfacing| command
+% work only in the case when key |facing=yes| is used.
+% \paragraph{Alignment Settings for longtable.}
+% \label{ssec:decl:ltable:marg}
+% The \package{floatrow} expands some settings of table layout
+% to the |longtable| environment, so you may set |\LTleft| and
+% |\LTright| parameters inside |\DeclareMarginSet| settings. For example,
+% |centering| option was defined like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareMarginSet{centering}{\setfloatmargins{\hfill}{\hfill}%|
+% | \LTleft=\fill \LTright=\fill}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \subsubsection{Float Separators Options (\texttt{floatrowsep=}, \texttt{capbesidesep=})}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatSeparators}\label{setup:DeclareFloatSeparators}%^^A
+% You may define separator
+% between float boxes, or between float object and beside caption:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareFloatSeparators{columnsep}{\hskip\columnsep}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% Please remember, that you may use options defined with |\DeclareFloatSeparators|
+% by both |floatrowsep=| and |capbesidesep=| keys.
+% You may also use key options declared
+% by \cmd{\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator} command.\par%
+% The next example uses more complex separator, which uses, the \package{color} package.
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareObjectSet}|{colorred}{\parskip2pt\parindent15pt\color{red}}|
+% |\DeclareFloatSeparators{colorsep}%|
+% | {\begingroup\color{blue}%|
+% | \hskip8pt\vrule width4.8pt\hskip8pt\endgroup}|
+% |\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[widefigure]{|%^^A
+% \FRkey{margins}|=hangleft,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=colorsep,|
+% | |\FRkey{objectset}|=colorred,|\FRkey{floatwidth}|=\textwidth}|
+% |\captionsetup[figure]{justification=justified,|
+% | labelfont={color={magenta},bf},textfont={color={green}},|
+% | labelsep=newline}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{figure*}|\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure*}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \begingroup
+% \floatsetup[widefigure]{margins=hangleft,capbesidesep=colorsep,objectset=colorred,
+% floatwidth=\textwidth,capposition=beside,capbesideposition=left}
+% \captionsetup[figure]{justification=justified,
+% labelfont={color={magenta},bf},textfont={color={green}},labelsep=newline}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]%
+% {\TEXTBOX}{\caption[Multi-colored figure and beside caption]{Multi-colored
+% figure with beside caption. And A bit more text, and some more text}\label{color:fig}}
+% \end{figure*}%
+% \emph{Note}. The settings of color of caption font like
+% |labelfont=|\allowbreak|{color={magenta},bf,}|\allowbreak
+% |textfont={color={green}}|
+% were documented first time in the \package{caption} documentation version~\textbf{3.1}.
+% \endgroup
+% \subsubsection{Option for Footnote Rule's Style (\texttt{footnoterule=})}\label{ssec:fnoterule}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareFloatFootnoterule}\label{setup:DeclareFloatFootnoterule}%^^A
+% You may define new footnoterule (|footnoterule=| key) like:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |...|
+% |\usepackage{ifthen}|
+% |\renewcommand\frulemax{72pt}|
+% |\newcommand \Limitedrule{.33\columnwidth}|
+% |\DeclareFloatFootnoterule{Limited}{\kern-3pt|
+% | \def\Limitedrule{.33\columnwidth}%|
+% | \ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\frulemax<\Limitedrule}}%|
+% | {\def\Limitedrule{\frulemax}}{}%|
+% | \hrule width\Limitedrule\kern2.6pt}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% \end{Quote}
+% Remember, that the summary vertical height for footnote rule must be
+% equal to~0pt.
+% \section{Creation of New Float Types}\label{sec:newfloat}
+% \DescribeMacro{\DeclareNewFloatType}\label{setup:DeclareNewFloatType}%^^A
+% For creation of new float type the |\DeclareNewFloatType|\label{FAD:newfloattype}
+% command was created
+% which also uses
+% \meta{key}${}=\nobreak {}$\meta{value} mechanism:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareNewFloatType|\marg{type}\marg{options}
+% \end{Quote}
+% The \meta{type} argument includes the new floating environment name.\\
+% The \meta{options} could include the following keys:
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{placement}\label{setup:placement}%^^A
+% The value of this key could contain any combination of the letters
+% |t|, |b|, |h|, and |p|, which
+% define the placement of current float type on the page in
+% the case floating environment has no option argument.
+% (As default is declared |placement=tbp|.)
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{name}\label{setup:name}%^^A
+% Defines the name of environment in the caption
+% label. (As default for caption label is declared the
+% name of environment.)
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{fileext}\label{setup:fileext}%^^A
+% Defines extension of the file in which
+% gathered list of floats.
+% \emph{Note.} In the version v0.2b, in the case of this key not defined,
+% the captions of one type are gathered in the file with extension,
+% co-named to current floating environment with perfix ``lo''. This new feature allows
+% to create separate float lists by default.%^^A\footnote{In some systems these extensions could fail?}
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{within}\label{setup:within}%^^A
+% Declares the section head of document, by which
+% current float resets its numbering to zero. If this key is absent,
+% the float numbering increases during whole documentation.
+% \noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{relatedcapstyle}\label{setup:relatedcapstyle}%^^A
+% In the \package{float} package the non-starred
+% \cmd{\newfloat}/\cmd{\restylefloat} macros attach the related
+% caption style for float styles (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:floatst}).
+% If you use |\DeclareNewFloatType| mechanism and exists (you created
+% it by |\captionsetup[...]|) co-named, i.e. related, caption style
+% you may attach this style with key |relatedcapstyle=yes|.\medskip
+% Below is an example of the |\DeclareNewFloatType| command,
+% which was used for definition of the |Example|
+% environment demonstrated on page \pageref{exa1.1}.
+% It consists of following code:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareNewFloatType{Example}%|
+% | {placement=t,within=section,fileext=loe}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \subsection{How to replace \texorpdfstring{\cs{newfloat}}{newfloat}
+% with \texorpdfstring{\cs{DeclareNewFloatType}}{DeclareNewFloatType}}\label{sec:oldtonew}
+% The |\newfloat| command takes three required and
+% one optional argument:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\newfloat|\marg{type}^^A
+% \marg{placement}\marg{ext}\oarg{within}
+% \end{Quote}
+% which could be replaced with
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\DeclareNewFloatType|\marg{type}|%|
+% | {placement=|\meta{placement}|,fileext=|\meta{ext}|,widthin=|\meta{within}|}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% The \package{float} package offers also other commands of float type declaring:
+% the |\floatname| command can be replaced by the |name=| key of |\DeclareNewFloatType|
+% command; the |\floatplacement|---by the |placement=| key.
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Borrowed Code}\label{sec:borrow}
+% \FRorisubsection{The \package{float} Package: Compatibility}\label{sec:floatst}
+% The \package{floatrow} package includes some macros of \package{float}
+% (version v1.3d, dated 2001/11/08)
+% with necessary modifications. In the case of loaded \package{float}
+% package \emph{before} \package{floatrow} you'll get error message.
+% \emph{Note}.
+% In the case of some packages
+% could call \package{float} package\footnote{I'm aware about \package{algorithm}
+% package.} the \package{floatrow} package loads code which emulates
+% already loaded \package{float} package v1.3, so future requests for
+% this package will be ignored. This will help to avoid strange error messages
+% in the case of these packages loaded after \package{floatrow}.
+% Please note that packages, which load \package{float} must be loaded
+% \emph{after} \package{floatrow}.
+% I hope that old documents, which use the \package{float} package,
+% could work with \package{floatrow}. The first
+% limitation or feature is---if you didn't use any |\restylefloat|
+% command---all figures and tables appear in |plain| float style
+% with bottomed captions. Another limitation---you ought to put all
+% |\newfloat| and |\floatstyle| and |\restylefloat| commands in
+% preamble, before |\begin{document}|. The commands |\restylefloat|,
+% |\newfloat| and |\floatstyle| are obsolete but
+% supported\footnote{The better
+% way is to use \cmd{\floatsetup} macros. The \package{floatrow} package
+% supports obsolete macros but there is no guarantee that they will work as expected.} (see section below).
+% The sections below explain how \package{float} commands and options work in \package{floatrow}.
+% Sections, signed with ``[\package{float}]'' and typed with slanted font, were borrowed from
+% \package{float}'s documentation. The section which
+% describes commands of layout settings of \package{float} package was moved
+% in the section~\ref{sec:changed}
+% (subsection~\ref{sec:floatborrowI}, ``The User Interface---New
+% Floats [\package{float}]''), this section describes obsolete stuff.
+% \subsubsection{How Settings From The \package{float} Package
+% Work in \package{floatrow}}\label{float-obs}
+% The combination of command |\floatstyle|\marg{style} and one of commands
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatstyle|\marg{style}
+% \cmd{\newfloat}\marg{float}
+% \end{Quote}
+% or
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatstyle|\marg{style}
+% \cmd{\restylefloat}\marg{float}
+% \end{Quote}
+% in \package{floatrow} package set float layout in the following way:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\floatsetup|\oarg{float}|{style=|\meta{style}|}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% Please note that there is used |\floatsetup|\oarg{float}|{...}|
+% settings for current type of float, but not |\floatsetup{...}|.
+% \pagebreak\subsubsection{Printing of Float List [\package{float}]}
+% \label{sec:floatborrowIa}
+% \begin{slshape}
+% \nobreak\DescribeMacro{\listof}
+% \nopagebreak
+% The |\listof| command produces a list of all the floats
+% of a given class. Its syntax~is
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \hspace*{\MacroIndent}|\listof{|\meta{type}|}{|\meta{title}|}|^^A
+% \end{Quote}
+% \meta{type} is the float type given in the |\newfloat| command.
+% \meta{title} is used for the title of the list as well as the
+% headings if the current page style includes them. Otherwise, the
+% |\listof| command is analogous to the built-in \LaTeX\ commands
+% |\listoffigures| and |\listoftables|.
+%^^A% \noindent\textit{Floatrow note}.
+%^^A% Please remember that for each float type list
+%^^A% you must set file extension where the entries of each float type gathered.
+%^^A% Use key \texttt{fileext=...} in |\DeclareNewFloatType|.
+%^^A% If two or more float types will have the same file
+%^^A% for list of floats, you will get all floats in the
+%^^A% first appeared |\listof|, and all next will be empty.
+% \subsubsection{The User Interface---\texttt{[H]}
+% Placement Specifier [\package{float}]}\label{sec:floatborrowII}
+% Many%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Anchored float}{FAD:AnchoredFloat}
+% people find \LaTeX's float placement specifiers too
+% restrictive. A Commonly Uttered Complaint (CUC) calls for a way to
+% place a float exactly at the spot where it occurs in the input file,
+% i.e., to \emph{not} have it float at all. It seems that the
+% \texttt{[h]} specifier should do that, but in fact it only suggests
+% to \LaTeX\ something along the lines of ``put the float here if it's
+% OK with you''. As it turns out, \LaTeX\ hardly ever feels inclined
+% to actually do that. This situation can be improved by judicious
+% manipulation of float style parameters.
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% The same effect can be achieved by changing the actual method of
+% placing floats. David Carlisle's \package{here} option introduces a new
+% float placement specifier, namely \texttt{[H]}, which, when added to
+% a float, tells \LaTeX\ to ``put it HERE, period''. If there isn't
+% enough space left on the page, the float is carried over to the next
+% page together with whatever follows, even though there might still
+% be room left for some of that. This style option provides the
+% \texttt{[H]} specifier for newly defined classes of floats as well
+% as the predefined |figure|s and |table|s, thereby
+% superseding \package{here}. David suggests that the \package{here} option be
+% withdrawn from the archives in due course.
+% The {\tt[H]} specifier may simply be added to the float as an
+% optional argument, like all the other specifiers. It may \emph{not}
+% be used in conjunction with any other placement specifiers, so
+% {\tt[Hhtbp]} is illegal. Neither may it be used as the default
+% placement specifier for a whole class of floats. The following table
+% is defined like this:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\begin{table}|\nopagebreak
+% |\begin{tabular}{cl}|
+% |\tt t & Top of the page\\|
+% \dots\ more stuff \dots\\
+% |\end{tabular}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% (It seems that I have to add some extraneous chatter here just so
+% that the float actually comes out right in the middle of a printed
+% page. When I \LaTeX ed the documentation\footnote{For \package{float}
+% package.} just now it turned out that there was a page break that
+% fell exactly between the ``So now'' line and the float. This
+% wouldn't Prove Anything. Bother.) So now we have the following float
+% placement specifiers:\nopagebreak
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% \begin{table}[H]
+% \begin{tabular}{cl}
+% \tt t & Top of the page\\
+% \tt b & Bottom of the page\\
+% \tt p & Page of floats\\
+% \tt h & Here, if possible\\
+% \tt H & Here, definitely
+% \end{tabular}
+% ^^A\caption{Could it be that this just needs a caption?}
+% \end{table}
+% \smallskip\em \textit{Floatrow note}. Please don't mix meaning of
+% \texttt{[H]} and \texttt{[h]} options.
+% Float with \texttt{[h]} and \texttt{[!h]} option, if succeed, appears
+% \emph{after completing line} of text,
+% where it was appeared in the source file. That could be visible if you
+% put floating environment within a~paragraph (and at the middle of line also).
+% The \texttt{[H]} option places the float just \emph{at the point} where it appeared
+% in the source file, it is used (\emph{but that strongly
+% not recommended when typesetting books}!) for floats after text like ``\dots{}shown in this
+% \textbf{figure:}'', i.e. the \texttt{[H]} float, almost like math formulas, continues the current
+% paragraph.
+% \subsubsection{The {[H]}
+% Placement Specifier---Managing of Page Breaks}\label{sec:listpen}
+% The strange phrase at the end of previous paragraph, ``almost like math formulas''
+% means, that ``anchored'' floats have no management of page breaking, and also
+% the text, typed without blank line after float, always gets |\parindent|.
+% To follow the idea of |\allowdisplaybreaks| command from
+% \package{amsmath} package there is created a \emph{beta-temp}\footnote{I~hope
+% that such support sooner or later could appear in
+% \package{paralist} package and think it is better to follow
+% grammar of master-package for similar situations.} version
+% of \package{listpen} package (it can be used separately). It offers commands,
+% which manage the penalty values in the list environments:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[\cmd{\allowprelistbreaks}]sets penalty before lists
+% (and also ``anchored'' floats);
+% \item[\cmd{\allowpostlistbreaks}]sets penalty after lists;
+% \item[\cmd{\allowitembreaks}]sets penalty between list items
+% (surely, this command not for floats!).
+% \end{Options}
+% All of them can be set globally, inside groups, and inside
+% environments. These penalties are set accordingly to digits
+% from |[-4]| (never break) to |[4]| (always break). The positive
+% values of optional argument in these commands analogous to values
+% of optional arguments in |\pagebreak| command. The negative
+% ones---to optional arguments |[1]|--|[4]| in |\nopagebreak| command.
+% The default value of all three commands is |[-1]| which equal
+% to settings of standard \LaTeX{} classes: \cls{book}, \cls{article}
+% etc. (|[-1]| option equal to |\@lowpenalty| value).
+% \DescribeMacro{floatHaslist}\label{setup:floatHaslist}%^^A
+% The key, if true,
+% uses list penalties, otherwise anchored float works without any penalty, i.e. like
+% defined in \package{float}.
+% Also (added in version 0.1k with current key):
+% Since list environments do \emph{not make indentation} in the
+% paragraphs next to them, in the case of \emph{no blank} line after environment,
+% the ``anchored'' floating environment does
+% the same, if this option is true. Default value of |floatHaslist|
+% is |false|
+% (for backward compatibility with previous version 0.1j).
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatHpenalties}\label{setup:floatHpenalties}%^^A
+% This macro, defined with |\renewcommand| can include settings for
+% list penalties around anchored floats. If you define
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\makeatletter|
+% |\renewcommand\floatHpenalties{\@beginparpenalty\@M}|
+% |\makeatother|
+% \end{Quote}
+% or, with \package{listpen} package
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\renewcommand\floatHpenalties{\allowprelistbreaks[-4]}|\quad,
+% \end{Quote}
+% you'll never get page breaks before anchored floats.
+% \medskip\noindent
+% \DescribeMacro{\RestoreSpaces}
+% \DescribeMacro{\RemoveSpaces}
+% The commands-aliases
+% of the |\if@nobreak| flag were added. The first is equal to |\@nobreakfalse|.
+% The main (and most visible) usage of this flag is for managing
+% vertical spaces: The |true| value in the case of two sectioning commands
+% cancels usage of the space before next
+% |\..section| command of the pair; in the case of
+% spaces around list environments it cancels usage of the space
+% before list just after sectioning command.
+% Usually the |\@nobreakfalse| flag toggles at the next paragraph (or |\par| command),
+% but in some cases this ``toggling'' cannot be happen in necessary point.
+% The |\RestoreSpaces| command would help. Opposite command |\RemoveSpaces| equals to |\@nobreaktrue|.
+% \subsection{The \package{rotfloat} Package}
+% Code of \package{rotfloat} package was also borrowed by \package{floatrow}
+% package.
+% This package originally allows to expand settings of \package{float} package to
+% rotated environments like |sidewaysfigure| and |sidewaystable|. This mechanism
+% was borrowed to expand the \package{floatrow}'s settings in the similar way.
+% In the case of loaded \package{rotfloat} package \emph{before}
+% \package{floatrow} you will get error message.
+% The \package{floatrow} package loads code which pretends that
+% \package{rotfloat} is already loaded, so next loads are ignored.
+% The \package{rotfloat} allowed in the |\usepackage|
+% line with \package{rotating} package, which could have options. It is
+% necessary to delete \package{rotfloat} package from |\usepackage| line
+% where also \package{rotating} package loaded with options: otherwise
+% you may get an `option clash' error message.
+% \section{The \package{floatrow} Package and The \package{caption} Package}\label{ssec:caption}
+% Tested (and compatible) with \package{caption} version from v3.0q to~v3.1j.
+% The \package{caption} package has strong mechanism for creation of
+% caption layout, so \package{floatrow} addresses the creation of new
+% caption styles to this package (see documentation for \package{caption}
+% package%^^A
+% \footnote{The English documentation is
+% \href{}%^^A
+% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/caption/caption-eng.pdf}}.}).
+% The \package{floatrow} package adds a~possibility to create variations of caption layouts
+% for floats in different positions or float layouts (e.g. like wide or
+% two-column floats, rotated floats, wrapped floats) in the same time when |\floatsetup|
+% settings were loaded, using the same optional argument in
+% |\captionsetup| settings.
+% For example you want to create a~special caption layout for wide or
+% two-column floats. In this case you may use
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[widefloat]|\marg{options}
+% \end{Quote}
+% or for wide or two-column figures:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[widefigure]|\marg{options}
+% \end{Quote}
+% The priority of |\captionsetup| optional arguments is similar to
+% |\floatsetup| ones: in current examples |\captionsetup[widefigure]|
+% will be stronger than |\captionsetup[widefloat]|---the priority
+% and usage of ``\meta{float subtypes}'' in optional arguments
+% see on page~\pageref{stsetorder}\label{cap:beside:order}.
+% \captionsetup[subtable]{labelformat=brace,textfont=md,labelfont=up}
+% \subsection{Managing of Float Parts With the \texttt{subfloatrow} Environment}\label{ssec:subcaption}
+% \DescribeMacro{\subcaption}
+% The version~3.1 of caption package offers possibility for creation of
+% subcaptions, using the |subtype| settings (and |\DeclareCaptionSubType| command, see \package{caption}
+% documentation), which allow to create captions for parts of floats.
+% In this section you may see some examples with building of rows of beside parts of floats.
+% The example with subtables \Fref{subcaptab:tabIIIa} and \Fref{subcaptab:tabIIIb}
+% (table~\ref{captab:tabIII}).%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Subcaption above subtable}{FAD:subcapabove:subcaption}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \verb|\begin{table}|
+% \verb|\ttabbox[\FBwidth]|
+% \verb|{\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% \verb| \ttabbox|
+% \verb| {\caption{First subtable}\Flabel{...}%|
+% \verb| \begin{tabular}{..}...|
+% \verb| \ttabbox...|
+% \verb|\end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb|{\caption{Two ...}\Flabel{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\end{table}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \floatsetup[subtable]{style=Plaintop}
+% \begin{table}[H]\extrarowheight1pt\tabcolsep1.5\tabcolsep
+% \ttabbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{First subtable}\Flabel{subcaptab:tabIIIa}%^^A
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}{}
+% \ttabbox
+% {\caption{Second subtable inside of \cs{ttabbox} and \texttt{floatrow} environment}%^^A
+% \Flabel{subcaptab:tabIIIb}%^^A
+% \begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & \phantom02 \\
+% Second row & \phantom03 & \phantom04 \\
+% Third row & \phantom06 & \phantom08 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption{Two {subtable}s
+% (captions for parts of float created with \cs{caption} command)}\label{captab:tabIII}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% Please note that for the labels of table parts the special option
+% \verb|brace| of the \verb|labelformat| key was used.
+% \DescribeMacro{subfloatrow}
+% The |subfloatrow| is analogous to the |floatrow| environment\footnote{
+% It skips some features of ``parent'' environment, (e.g. margins or margin material
+% this environment build box and follows |objectset=| option).}.
+% The usage is similar to |floatrow|, you may write for example:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \verb|\begin{subfloatrow}[|\meta{number of beside parts of floats}\verb|]|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\floatbox...|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\floatbox...|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|...|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\end{subfloatrow}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% i.e.\ by default there are allowed two parts of floats. For other number of parts
+% you ought to put number in the optional argument. This environment
+% puts horizontal separator, defined by |subfloatrowsep=|
+% key. This key uses the same options
+% as |floatrowsep=| and |capbesidesep=| keys (options of
+% these keys defined by the \verb|\|\FRkey{DeclareFloatSeparators} command).
+% Inside the |subfloatrow| environment you may use the |\caption| command, which
+% this time creates the label for parts of float. This is because of setting
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup{subtype}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% at the very beginning of this environment.
+% \emph{Note}: With the \package{floatrow} package you may use also |\captionsetup[subfloat]|
+% settings, the \package{caption} package offers
+% the |\captionsetup[subtype]{...}| settings which will be stronger than previous, to say nothing
+% about |\captionsetup[subfigure]{...}| for parts of figure, which are strongest. (Please note
+% that in \package{caption} terms word ``subtype'' means part of float.)
+% Next follows an example with beside main caption (figure~\ref{fig:subcap:catsI}).%^^A
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]
+% \begin{preamble}\nopagebreak
+% \verb|...|
+% \verb|\DeclareCaptionSubType[alph]{figure}|
+% \verb|\captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=centerlast}|\vspace{1ex}
+% \verb|\floatsetup[figure]{|\FRkey{style}\verb|=Shadowbox,|%^^A%
+% \FRkey{capbesidesep}\verb|=columnsep,%|
+% \verb| |\FRkey{capbesideframe}\verb|=yes,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}\verb|={left,bottom}}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\floatsetup[subfigure]{|\FRkey{style}\verb|=plain,|\FRkey{heightadjust}\verb|=object}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% \verb|\begin{figure}|
+% \verb|\fcapside[\FBwidth]|
+% \verb| {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% \verb| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{One funny cat}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| |
+% \verb| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{Another pleasant cat}\Flabel{...}...}{}%|
+% \verb| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb| {\caption{... \Fref{...} and \Fref{...}}\label{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}\par\kern-\textfloatsep\kern-\baselineskip
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=centerlast,strut=no}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Shadowbox,capbesidesep=columnsep,
+% capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition={left,bottom}}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,heightadjust=object}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{One funny cat}\Flabel{subcapfig:w}%
+% \unitlength1.2\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}{}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{\caption{Another pleasant cat}\Flabel{subcapfig:b}%^^A
+% \unitlength1.32\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Subfloat row]{Beside figure
+% caption vertically bottom aligned; fancy
+% \texttt{Shadowbox} layout. There are two parts:
+% \Fref{subcapfig:w} and \Fref{subcapfig:b}}\label{fig:subcap:catsI}}
+% \end{figure}\kern-\lastskip
+% In the next example the main caption will be placed below, but labels of figure parts were
+% printed beside (see figure~\ref{fig:subcap:catsII}). For this reason the
+% \cs{useFCwidth} command was used, which creates the width of caption box equal to natural caption width.
+% \begin{Quote}\vskip-\lastskip%
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}\verb|=left,|
+%\verb| |\FRkey{capbesidesep}\verb|=space,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{heightadjust}\verb|=object}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\begin{figure}[H]|
+% \verb| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|
+% \verb| {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth|
+% \verb| \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\caption{}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\caption{}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb| {\caption[...]{...}\label{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\end{figure}|\pagebreak[1]
+% \end{Quote}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=raggedleft,list=off}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,capbesideposition=left,
+% capbesidesep=space,floatrowsep=qquad}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{}\Flabel{subcap:wI}\hbox{\unitlength1.02\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}}{}
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{}\Flabel{subcap:bI}\hbox{\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Two parts of figure with
+% labels beside]{Two parts of figure in a row with
+% labels beside. Main caption below. There are two subfigures:
+% \Fref{subcap:wI} and \Fref{subcap:bI}}\label{fig:subcap:catsII}}
+% \end{figure}
+% In the next example the difference from previous layout settings is in usage
+% of the top vertical alignment. The height of the right graphics was enlarged by 1cm just
+% to show how the alignment for parts (here is default centering alignment)
+% and the top alignment for their captions (they are aligned by top) works.
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \FRkey{heightadjust}|=object,|
+%\verb| |\FRkey{capbesideposition}\verb|={left,top},|\FRkey{capbesidesep}\verb|=space}|
+% \verb|\begin{figure}[H]|
+% \verb| \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|
+% \verb| {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth|
+% \verb| \fcapside[\FBwidth]{\caption{}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| \fcapside[\FBwidth][\FBheight+1cm]{\caption{}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb|{\caption[...]{...}\label{...}}|
+% \verb|\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=raggedleft,list=off}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{heightadjust=object}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,capbesideposition={left,top},heightadjust=object,
+% capbesidesep=enskip,floatrowsep=qquad}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{}\Flabel{subcap:wIi}\hbox{\unitlength1.02\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}}{}
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth][\FBheight+1cm]
+% {\caption{}\Flabel{subcap:bIi}\hbox{\unitlength.85\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Two labeled parts of figure (centered vertically);
+% beside labels aligned by top]{Two parts
+% of figure centered vertically; beside labels aligned by top. Main caption below.
+% There are two subfigures:
+% \Fref{subcap:wIi} and \Fref{subcap:bIi}}\label{fig:subcap:catsIiI}}
+% \end{figure}
+% Another example (\ref{fig:subcap:IcatsI}) demonstrates, that you
+% may not only use the option |style=plain| for parts of float,
+% and there can not only be labels for beside subcaptions.
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]
+% \begin{preamble}\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=rightlast,|
+% \verb| format=hang}|\vspace{1ex}
+% \verb|\floatsetup[figure]{|\FRkey{style}\verb|=plain}|
+% \verb|\floatsetup[subfigure]{|\FRkey{style}\verb|=BOXED,|\FRkey{capbesideposition}\verb|={left,top}}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% \verb|\begin{figure}|
+% \verb|\ffigbox|
+% \verb| {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% \verb| \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\caption{One ...}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% \verb| |
+% \verb| \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\caption{Another ...}\Flabel{...}...}{}%|
+% \verb| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \verb| {\caption{... \Fref{...} and \Fref{...}}\label{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=rightlast,format=hang}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=BOXED,capbesideposition={left,top}}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\caption{One very funny cat with half-circle eyes, triangle ears,
+% and small black nose}\Flabel{subcapfig:ww}%
+% \input{Cat.picture}}{}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\caption{Another very pleasant cat with big whiskers, oval eyes, and pink
+% wet nose}\Flabel{subcapfig:bb}%^^A
+% \input{TheCat.picture}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Two parts of figure in a row with captions beside]{Beside
+% subcaptions vertically top aligned. There are two subfigures:
+% \Fref{subcapfig:ww} and \Fref{subcapfig:bb}}\label{fig:subcap:IcatsI}}
+% \end{figure}\vskip-\lastskip\kern-\baselineskip
+% \DescribeMacro{\captionlabel}%
+% \DescribeMacro{\subcaptionlabel}%
+% The last example demonstrates new command \verb|\subcaptionlabel| for caption
+% labels, which can be used inside,
+% e.g., |picture| environment or as replacing text in \verb|psfrag| command of \package{psfrag}
+% package. Unlike the \verb|\caption| and \verb|\subcaption| commands, the \verb|\subcaptionlabel|
+% will not be saved in special box register when the float box is building, and
+% will be typed like caption label, which follows settings of caption layout.
+% This command is based on \verb|\subcaption| command but with changed internal command of \package{caption}
+% package. There is also the \verb|\captionlabel| command.
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=raggedleft}
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |{\begin{picture}(82,28)(0,0)|
+% |\put(0,0){\framebox(40,28)[bl]{}}|
+% |\put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\relax\hbox{\subcaptionlabel{}\Flabel{scap:I}}}}|
+% |...|
+% |\put(42,0){|
+% |\put(0,0){\framebox(40,28)[bl]{}}|
+% |\put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\hbox{\subcaptionlabel{}\Flabel{scap:II}}}}|
+% |...}|
+% |\end{picture}}|
+% |{\caption{Here are two simple subfigures.|
+% |\textit{Left} shows cat's eyes (\Fref{scap:I});|
+% |\textit{right}---cat's ears (\relax\Fref{scap:II})%|
+% |}\label{figcap:label}}|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength2\unitlength\fboxsep-.4pt
+% \begin{picture}(82,28)(0,0)
+% \put(0,0){\framebox(40,28)[bl]{}}
+% \put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\relax\hbox{\subcaptionlabel{}\Flabel{scap:I}}}}
+% \put(20,2){{
+% \put(-12,5){\put(4.5,4.5){\oval(9,9)[t]}
+% \put(4.5,4.5){\line(0,1){4.5}}
+% \put(0,4.5){\line(1,0){9}}}
+% \put(3,5){\put(4.5,4.5){\oval(9,9)[t]}
+% \put(4.5,4.5){\line(0,1){4.5}}
+% \put(0,4.5){\line(1,0){9}}}}}
+% \put(42,0){
+% \put(0,0){\framebox(40,28)[bl]{}}
+% \put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\hbox{\subcaptionlabel{}\Flabel{scap:II}}}}%^^A\label{}
+% \put(20,2){{
+% \put(-14,12){\put(0,0){\line(2,3){5}}
+% \put(10,0){\line(-2,3){5}}}
+% \put(4,12){\put(0,0){\line(2,3){5}}
+% \put(10,0){\line(-2,3){5}}}}}}
+% \end{picture}}
+% {\caption[The graphic with subfloat labels]{%^^A
+% Here are two simple subfigures.
+% \textit{Left} shows cat's eyes (\Fref{scap:I});
+% \textit{right}---cat's ears (\relax\Fref{scap:II})
+% \unskip}\label{figcap:label}}
+% \end{figure}
+% \subsection{Support of The Label--Sublabel References}\label{ssec:Flabel}
+% In the examples above of the current section the \verb|\Flabel| and
+% \verb|\Fref| commands were used for cross referencing (you may see
+% these commands in the code examples).
+% The \verb|\Flabel| gets a~modified format of current label of subfloat number:
+% In these definitions the float and subfloat
+% separators are divided by a~special separator command, which by default has no effect.
+% The label command \verb|\Flabel| can be defined like following:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \verb|\newseparatedlabel\Flabel{figure}{subfigure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% or, for all floats:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \verb|\makeatletter|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\newseparatedlabel\Flabel{\@captype}{sub\@captype}|\nopagebreak
+% \verb|\makeatother|
+% \end{Quote}
+% Next command, \verb|\Fref|, redefines this separator, and defines, if necessary,
+% the font emphasize (or other command which uses one argument)
+% of following part of label, and prints reference with
+% standard \verb|\ref| command. It was defined in this documentation like following:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \verb|\newseparatedref\Fref{,\,\textit}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% Thus, labels, which use \verb|\Flabel| command can be referenced by usual way with \verb|\ref|
+% command and with \verb|\Fref| command. The labels in current section and in the section, which describes
+% the \package{subfig} package, use the \verb|\Flabel|. You may see the result of this command
+% in all \verb|\Fref|erences to these parts of figures.
+% The last command, \verb|\makelabelseparator|, defines label separator globally:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \verb|\makelabelseparator{,\,\textit}|\quad.
+% \end{Quote}
+% In this case both \verb|\Fref| and \verb|\ref| commands give the same result with |\Flabel|ed
+% elements.
+% \subsubsection{The \texorpdfstring{\cs{RawCaption}}{RawCaption} with Parts of Figure}
+% \DescribeMacro{\RawCaption}\label{subcap:RawCaption}%^^A
+% The example with usage of |\subcaption| and |\RawCaption| command.
+% The layout of figure float is modified \verb|BOXED| style. The idea behind this example is
+% to place caption in the free right lower corner of graphics. The \verb|\RawCaption|
+% allows to put the caption in necessary place without disturbing the float layout.
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=rightlast,format=hang}
+% \DescribeMacro{subfloatrow*}
+% The starred form loads settings for creation captions of float parts, but
+% in this environment the |\caption| command restores its meaning. Thus,
+% you need the |\subcaption| command for typesetting sub-captions.
+% You may define it by yourself:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\newcommand*\subcaption{\captionsetup{subtype*}\caption}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% or use the additional package called \package{subcaption} which on top of everything
+% defines the |\subcaption| command.
+% \begin{Quote}[0pt]%
+% |\|\FRkey{DeclareColorBox}|{framedfigure}{\fcolorbox{gray}{white}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{style=BOXED,heightadjust=object,|
+% | colorframeset=framedfigure,|
+% | framestyle=colorbox,frameset={\fboxrule3pt\fboxsep8pt}}|\vspace{1ex}
+% |\floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,capbesideposition={left,top},|
+% | heightadjust=object}|
+% |\begin{figure}[H]|
+% |\ffigbox{}{\begin{subfloatrow*}|
+% |\fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{...}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% |\fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{...}\Flabel{...}...}{}%|
+% |\end{subfloatrow*}%|
+% |\renewlengthtocommand\settowidth\Mylen{\subfloatrowsep}\vskip\Mylen|
+% |\BottomFloatBoxes\floatsetup[subfigure]{heightadjust=none}|
+% |\begin{subfloatrow*}|
+% |\fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{...}\Flabel{...}...}{}|
+% |\ffigbox[][][b]{}{\RawCaption{\caption[...}\label{...}}}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow*}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=BOXED,heightadjust=object,colorframeset=framedfigure,
+% framestyle=colorbox,frameset={\fboxrule3pt\fboxsep8pt}}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain,capbesideposition={left,top},heightadjust=object}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \ffigbox{}{\begin{subfloatrow*}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{One very funny cat with half-circle eyes, triangle ears,
+% and small black nose}\Flabel{subIcapfig:ww}%
+% \setlength\unitlength{61\unitlength/48}\input{Cat.picture}}{}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{Another very pleasant cat with big whiskers, oval eyes, and pink
+% wet nose}\Flabel{subIcapfig:bb}%^^A
+% \input{TheCat.picture}}{}%
+% \end{subfloatrow*}\renewlengthtocommand\settowidth\Mylen{\subfloatrowsep}\vskip\Mylen
+% \BottomFloatBoxes\floatsetup[subfigure]{heightadjust=none}
+% \begin{subfloatrow*}
+% \fcapside[1.1\FBwidth]{\subcaption{The very big cat, sitting on the window and
+% looking at the birds on the tree in the yard}\Flabel{subIcapfig:bc}%
+% \input{BlackCat.picture}}{}
+% \ffigbox[][][b]{}{\RawCaption{\caption[Three labeled parts of figure and raw caption]{Beside
+% subcaptions vertically top aligned. There are three subfigures:
+% \Fref{subIcapfig:ww}, \Fref{subIcapfig:bb} and \Fref{subIcapfig:bc}. Caption placed
+% at the free space of right lower corner}\label{fig:subIcap:IcatsI}}}
+% \end{subfloatrow*}}
+% \end{figure}
+% \section{Style Tandems}
+% The next few sections show examples and explain some noticed
+% features with usage of \package{floatrow} and other packages. There is no
+% full list of style compatibilities. You may succeed with other
+% versions of mentioned packages, and maybe with not mentioned
+% packages too.
+% \subsection{The \package{subfig} Package}\label{ssec:subfig}
+% Tested (and compatible) with version 1.3,
+% dated 2005/06/28%^^A
+% \footnote{The English documentation is
+% \href{}%^^A
+% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/subfig/subfig.pdf}}.}.
+% For the \package{subfig} package there are additional
+% macros in \package{floatrow} which
+% put subcaption label beside contents of subfloat and put alone
+% subcaption label.
+% \subsubsection{Additions in \package{floatrow}}
+% The example with \cmd{\subfloat}'s (table~\ref{tab:tabIII}). The
+% setting command in preamble |\floatsetup[table]{style=Plaintop}|%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Subcaption above subtable}{FAD:subcapabove}
+% includes also settings for subcaption positions used with the
+% \package{subfig} package (like |\captionsetup[table]{position=top}| in
+% \package{caption} package):
+%| \|\FRkey[sec]{floatbox}|{table}[\FBwidth]|
+%| {\caption{Two ...}\label{...}}|
+%| {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+%| \subfloat[First subtable]|
+%\verb+ {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}+
+%| ...\end{tabular}}|
+%| \subfloat[Second subtable...]|
+%\verb+ {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}+
+%| ...\end{tabular}}%|
+%| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}%
+% \captionsetup[subtable]{textfont=md}
+% \begin{table}[h]\extrarowheight1pt\tabcolsep1.25\tabcolsep
+% \floatbox{table}[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{Two \cmd{\subtable}'s
+% (created with \package{subfig} package)}\label{tab:tabIII}}
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \subfloat[First subtable]
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|>{\phantom0}c|>{\phantom0}c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & 1 & 2 \\
+% Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+% Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+% Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}
+% \subfloat[Second subtable with long long long subcaption]
+% {\begin{tabular}{|l|c|c|}
+% \hline
+% \multirowthead{2}[-1ex]{Column Head}
+% & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{\thead{Data}} \\
+% \cline{2-3}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{I}}
+% & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{\thead{II}}
+% \\\hline
+% First row & \phantom01 & \phantom02 \\
+% Second row & \phantom03 & \phantom04 \\
+% Third row & \phantom06 & \phantom08 \\
+% \hline
+% \end{tabular}}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% \end{table}%
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% The |subfloatrow| is analogous to the |floatrow| environment.
+% The usage is similar to |floatrow|:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\begin{subfloatrow}[|\meta{number of beside floats}|]|\nopagebreak
+% |\subfloat...|\nopagebreak
+% |\subfloat...|\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{subfloatrow}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% i.e. by default two subfloats are allowed. For other number of subfloats
+% you ought to put number in optional argument.
+% This environment
+% puts a~horizontal separator between subfloats, defined by |subfloatrowsep=|
+% key instead of |floatrowsep=|. This key uses the same options
+% as |floatrowsep=| and |capbesidesep=| keys (options of
+% these keys defined by |\DeclareFloatSeparators| command,
+% page~\pageref{setup:DeclareFloatSeparators}).
+% Next follows an example with beside caption (see
+% figure~\ref{fig:subfig:catsI}).%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidesep}|=columnsep,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|={left,top}}|
+%| strut=no}|\nopagebreak
+%| {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+%| \subfloat[...\label{...}]{...}|
+%| \subfloat[...\label{...}]{...}|
+%| \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Shadowbox,capbesidesep=columnsep,
+% capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition={left,top}}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{style=plain}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,justification=centerlast,strut=no}
+% \begin{figure}[h]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \subfloat[One cat]{%
+% \input{Cat.picture}\Flabel{subfig:w}}
+% \subfloat[Another cat]{\input{TheCat.picture}\Flabel{subfig:b}}
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Subfloat row]{Beside
+% caption vertically top aligned; fancy
+% |Shadowbox| layout. There are two subfigures:
+% \Fref{subfig:w} and \Fref{subfig:b}}\label{fig:subfig:catsI}}
+% \end{figure}
+% \DescribeMacro{\sidesubfloat}
+% Another addition in \package{floatrow} for subfloats is the command,%^^A
+% which puts subcaption label beside subfloat. The subcaption label always
+% appears on the left side. The key |subcapbesideposition=|
+% \DescribeMacro{subcapbesideposition}\label{setup:subcapbesideposition}%^^A
+% sets vertical alignment of beside subcaption and subfloat.
+% The options are analogous to the ones for |capbesideposition=| key:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}\samepage
+% \item[top]
+% subcaption label aligned to the top of object;
+% \item[bottom]
+% subcaption label aligned to the bottom of object;
+% \item[center]
+% subcaption label aligned to the center of float contents.
+% \end{Options}
+% The figure~\ref{fig:subfig:catsII} shows layout with subfloat labels beside.
+% \FRmpar{Subcaption beside subfloat}{FAD:sublabelbeside}
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% \FRkey{subcapbesideposition}|=top}|
+% |\begin{figure}[H]|
+% | \ffigbox[\FBwidth]|
+% | {\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% | \sidesubfloat[]{...\label{...}}%|
+% | |
+% | \sidesubfloat[]{...\label{...}}%|
+% | \end{subfloatrow}}|
+% |{\caption[...]{...}\label{...}}|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain,subcapbesideposition=top}
+% \begin{figure}[h]
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}
+% \sidesubfloat[]{%
+% \input{Cat.picture}\Flabel{subfig:wI}}
+% \sidesubfloat[]{\input{TheCat.picture}\Flabel{subfig:bI}}%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}
+% {\caption[Subfloat row (labels beside)]{Beside caption vertically centered.
+% There are two subfigures:
+% \Fref{subfig:wI} and \Fref{subfig:bI}}\label{fig:subfig:catsII}}
+% \end{figure}
+% \endgroup
+% \DescribeMacro{\subfloatlabel}
+% There are cases when usage of something like |\subfloat[]{\label{..}}|
+% is needed. The first case shows the figure~\ref{fig:subfig:catsIII}---the
+% funny |picture| environment where subfloat labels were |\put|
+% as a part of subfigures.
+% Other---when you use mechanism of \package{psfrag} package and replace text entries
+% from PostScript file with \LaTeX{} ones. Unfortunately, the \package{subfig} package
+% creates unnecessary spaces around alone subfloat label in the
+% |\subfloat[]{\label{..}}| combination. The \package{fr-subfig} tries to fix this problem.
+% This command is based on |\subfloat[]{\label{..}}| sentence and
+% puts alone subcaption label with necessary number. The full variant
+% of |\subfloatlabel|
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\subfloatlabel|\oarg{subfloat number}\oarg{label entry}
+% \end{Quote}
+% is the abbreviation of the following:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\setcounter|\marg{sub{\upshape\texttt{\char`\\@captype}}}\marg{subfloat number-1}
+% |\subfloat[]{\label{|\meta{label entry}|}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% Another example:
+% \begingroup
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\begin{figure}[h]|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|
+% | {\unitlength2\unitlength\fboxsep-.4pt|
+% | \begin{picture}(90,30)(0,0)|
+% | \put(0,0){\framebox(40,30)[bl]{}}|
+% | \put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\subfloat[]{\Flabel{subfig:wII}}}}|
+% | \put(50,0){\framebox(40,30)[bl]{}}|
+% | \put(52,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\subfloatlabel[3][subfig:bII]{}}}%|^^A
+% | \end{picture}}|
+% |{\caption{...}\label{...}}|%^^A
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{listofformat=comma-separated,labelformat=brace,justification=centerlast,strut=no}
+% \begin{figure}[ht]
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]
+% {\unitlength2\unitlength\fboxsep-.4pt
+% \begin{picture}(90,30)(0,0)
+% \put(0,0){\framebox(40,30)[bl]{}}
+% \put(2,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\subfloat[]{\Flabel{subfig:wII}}}}
+% \put(0,0){
+% \put(8,10){\put(4.5,4.5){\oval(9,9)[t]}
+% \put(4.5,4.5){\line(0,1){4.5}}
+% \put(0,4.5){\line(1,0){9}}}
+% \put(23,10){\put(4.5,4.5){\oval(9,9)[t]}
+% \put(4.5,4.5){\line(0,1){4.5}}
+% \put(0,4.5){\line(1,0){9}}}}
+% \put(50,0){\framebox(40,30)[bl]{}}
+% \put(52,2){\makebox(0,0)[bl]{\subfloatlabel[3][subfig:bII]{}}}%^^A
+% %^^A\label{}
+% \put(50,0){
+% \put(6,18){\put(0,0){\line(2,3){5}}
+% \put(10,0){\line(-2,3){5}}}
+% \put(24,18){\put(0,0){\line(2,3){5}}
+% \put(10,0){\line(-2,3){5}}}}
+% \end{picture}}
+% {\caption[The graphic with subfloat labels; these two labels of subfloats use changed settings
+% of the \texttt{listofformat=} key]{%^^A
+% Here are two simple subfigures.
+% Left one shows cat's eyes (\Fref{subfig:wII}), labeled with
+% \cs{subfloat}\texttt{[]\char`\{\char`\}} macro;
+% with \cs{subfloatlabel}\texttt{[3][subfig:bII]} sentence were labeled the cat's ears
+% (\Fref{subfig:bII})}%^^A
+% \label{fig:subfig:catsIII}}
+% \end{figure}
+% \endgroup
+% In the examples of current section the \verb|\Flabel| and \verb|\Fref|
+% commands for cross referencing of the subfloats were used
+% (you may see these commands in the code examples). As described in section~\ref{ssec:Flabel}
+% these commands allow to create combined references which consist of the parent and current
+% labels separated by predefined punctuation sign.
+% \medskip
+% \emph{Some explanation}.
+% Previous versions of documentation used the |listofformat=| key; the necessary option
+% was defined by |\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat| command:
+% \begin{Quote}%
+% |\DeclareCaptionListOfFormat{comma-separated}{#1,\,#2}|
+% \end{Quote}%
+% This format is used, in particular, by |\subref| command. But usage of this key changes output
+% of subfloat numbers in the lists (list of tables and list of figures etc.),
+% which could be undesirable (see numbers of subfigures \subref{subfig:wII}
+% and \subref{subfig:bII} in the List of Figures).
+% \medskip
+% See examples with |subfloatrow| environments in sample files
+% \file{frsample03.tex}, \file{frsample05.tex}; and also
+% \file{frsample10.tex}--\file{frsample12.tex} where aligned contents
+% of beside subfloats are used in different layouts.
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{The \package{longtable} Package}\label{ssec:longtable}
+% Tested with version v4.11, dated 2004/02/01.%^^A
+% \footnote{The English documentation is
+% \href{}%^^A
+% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/tools/longtable.dvi}}.}
+% Please note that almost all settings in the |\floatsetup|'s
+% argument do not work inside |longtable| environments, except
+% settings for caption width (see below) and plain horizontal alignment in the |margins=| key.
+% So, during building of |\floatsetup| settings for the tables, be aware
+% that you may use only something like |style=plaintop| or |style=Plaintop|,
+% to place caption above, also you may use options of the
+% |margins=| key, which use only spacing commands, like defined ones
+% in this package (page~\pageref{setup:margins}), and do not forget settings for |\LTleft| and |\LTright|
+% margins, which set the alignment of |longtable| environment.
+% Please see the \package{caption} documentation about how to build necessary caption layout
+% when |longtable| environment is used.
+% \subsubsection{Additions in The \package{floatrow} Package}\label{ssec:LTcapwidth}
+% A patch was added to the \package{longtable}
+% package\footnote{Thanks to A.~Sommerfeldt for help to make this
+% code compact.}: this patch adds the same font settings
+% as for |table| environments, and adds code which helps
+% to get the width of |longtable| caption equal to the
+% width of table. For settings of the caption width the special key was created.
+% \DescribeMacro{LTcapwidth}\label{setup:LTcapwidth}%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Caption width equals to longtable's}{FAD:LTcapwidth}
+% This key could have any value, like |5cm| or |\hsize|. The key value will be sent to
+% the |\LTcapwidth| command. If you'll write
+% |LTcapwidth=table| or |LTcapwidth=contents|, you will get
+% the caption width equal to the width of table. In this case settings for
+% width of caption use information from the |aux|-file, so you'll get
+% correct caption width at the time when the width of full table \emph{become
+% stable}.
+% The |longtable| environment uses layout settings from
+% |\floatsetup[table]| and |\floatsetup[longtable]| contents.
+% The |\floatsetup[longtable]| will be ``strongest'' in this pair.\medskip
+% \emph{The addition with version 0.1k}.
+% A~\textrm{beta-temp}\footnote{Again, like with \package{listpen} package,
+% I~hope that such support sooner or later could appear in
+% \package{longtable} and think it is better to follow
+% grammar of master-package for similar situations. Also it is necessary to say
+% that command names from \package{fr-longtable} package ``intrude'' in the
+% \package{longtable}'s naming space.} package \package{fr-longtable}
+% with additions is added, which allows creation of special head for the last
+% page of longtable environment and special foot for pages before last
+% (the table~\ref{tab:floatlayouts} uses these commands for head and foot settings).
+%^^A% \DescribeMacro{\LTlastpage}
+% \DescribeMacro{\endlasthead}
+% \DescribeMacro{\endprelastfoot}
+% The |\endlasthead| command defined for last head of longtable; second command,
+% |\endprelastfoot|, defined for foot on the page before last.
+% Since these names of commands ``intrude'' in the \package{longtable} naming
+% territory they get defined if they are still unknown, i.e.~the main,
+% \package{longtable}, package didn't defined them.
+% The syntax is also analogous as for commands |\endhead|, |\endfirsthead| etc.
+% (See examples and additional explanation in the sample file
+% \texttt{sample-longtable.tex} file.)\medskip
+%^^A% \DescribeMacro{\floatfoot}
+% \emph{Note}. Please remember that the footnote stuff inside |longtable| works like in main
+% text and puts the text of footnotes
+% at the bottom of page\footnote{See also |longtable| documentation.}.
+% The \package{floatrow} package's command for legends or explications, |\floatfoot|,
+% in current version has emulation mode inside |longtable|, and needs stuff,
+% similar to |\noalign{\floatfoot{...}}|. Since the default font definition for explications (|\floatfoot|)
+% is also set to |\footnotesize|, like for footnotes, you may put footnotes-emulations at the end of table,
+% inside this explication block, using |\mpfootnotemark| commands inside table contents and at the
+% beginning of each text of footnote.
+% The fragments from the longtable \ref{tab:floatlayouts} on the page
+% \pageref{tab:floatlayouts},
+% which describes float styles, will be the resum\'e for
+% this section.
+%| {\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{Continued})}}|
+%| {\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{Finished})}}|
+% |\def\LongtableHead{|
+% | \hfil\thead{Style} &|
+% | \hfil\thead{\cmd{\floatsetup} keys} &|
+% | \hfil\thead{Description}|
+% | }|
+% |\begin{longtable}{|\meta{tabular preamble}|}|
+% |\caption{Float layout styles}\label{tab:floatlayouts}\\|
+% |\hline|
+% |\LongtableHead|
+% |\\ \hline|
+% |\endfirsthead|\% \emph{end of standard box of \package{longtable} package}
+% |\captionsetup{labelformat=continued}|\% %^^A
+% \smash{\em\tabular[t]l caption settings for continued page\endtabular}
+% |\caption[]{}\\|
+% |\hline|
+% |\LongtableHead|
+% |\\ \hline|
+% |\endhead|\% \emph{end of standard box of \package{longtable} package}
+% |\captionsetup{labelformat=finished}|\% %^^A
+% \smash{\em\tabular[t]l caption settings for finished page\endtabular}
+% |\caption[]{}\\|
+% |\hline|
+% |\LongtableHead|
+% |\\ \hline|
+% |\endlasthead|\% \emph{end of box offered by \package{fr-longtable} package}
+% |\hline|
+% |\multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\topstrut\emph{Continued on next page}}|
+% |\endfoot|\% \emph{end of standard box of \package{longtable} package}
+% |\hline|
+% |\multicolumn{3}{r@{}}{\topstrut\emph{Finished on next page}}|
+% |\endprelastfoot|\% \emph{end of box offered by \package{fr-longtable} package}
+% |\endlastfoot|\% \emph{end of standard box of \package{longtable} package}
+% \meta{Contents of long table}
+% \meta{Contents of long table}|\mpfootnotemark[1]|
+% \meta{Contents of long table}
+% |\\ \hline|
+% |\noalign{\floatfoot*{|\meta{Text of foot material}|.\vspace{-3pt}\par|\nopagebreak
+% |\rule{1in}{.4pt}\vspace{2pt}|\% \emph{Emulation of footnote rule}\nopagebreak
+% |\parindent15pt|\nopagebreak
+% \% \emph{emulations of footnote texts}\nopagebreak
+% |\mpfootnotemark[1]|\meta{Text of footnote}\nopagebreak
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{longtable}|
+% \emph{Note}. The usage of settings |\captionsetup{labelformat=continued}|
+% inside |longtable| environment was documented in the \package{caption} package 3.1.
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{The \package{wrapfig} Package}\label{ssec:wrapfig}
+% \captionsetup[wrapfigure]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace}
+% \begingroup
+% \def\FBaskip{-12pt}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=ruled,relatedcapstyle=yes,
+% footposition=caption}
+% \begin{wrapfigure}[10]{O}{40mm}
+%^^A \ffigbox[40mm]
+% {\caption{Wrapped plain figure (\package{wrapfig} package)}%
+% \floatfoot{Plain figure fails with package version
+% 3.3}\label{fig:wrapfig:WcatI}}
+% {\unitlength1.095\unitlength
+% \input{TheCat.picture}}
+% \end{wrapfigure}
+% Tested with version 3.3 dated 1999/10/12 (style from \package{ltxmisc}
+% bundle) and 3.6 dated 2003/01/31 (the separate \LaTeX\ package)%^^A
+% \footnote{The English documentation is
+% \href{}%^^A
+% {\meta{texmf folder}\texttt{/doc/latex/wrapfig/wrapfig.pdf}}.}.
+% Options for environment (text borrowed from package comments):
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\begin{wrapfigure}%|\nopagebreak
+% \strut\quad\oarg{number}\marg{placement}|%|\nopagebreak
+% \strut\quad\oarg{overhang}\marg{width of figure}
+% |...|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{wrapfigure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% {\slshape\meta{Placement} is one of |r|, |l|, |i|,
+% |o|, |R|, |L|, |I|, |O|, for
+% right, left, inside, outside. Lowercase letters set unfloated
+% positioning, uppercase---floated variant. The figure sticks into
+% the margin by \meta{overhang}, if given, or by the length
+% |\wrapoverhang|, which is normally zero. The \meta{number} of
+% wrapped text lines is normally calculated from the height of the
+% figure, but may be specified manually, e.g.}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\begin{wrapfigure}[10]{r}[34pt]{5cm}|\nopagebreak
+% \meta{figure}\nopagebreak
+% |\end{wrapfigure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \endgroup
+% \begingroup\sloppy
+% \def\FBaskip{-12pt}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=BOXED,frameset={\fboxsep12pt}}
+% \par\begin{wrapfigure}{o}{0mm}
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption{Wrapped figure in \cs{ffigbox} (\package{wrapfig} package)}%
+% \label{fig:wrapfig:WcatII}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{36mm/48}%^^A
+% \input{Cat.picture}}}
+% \end{wrapfigure}
+% \emph{Notes.}\startNotes
+% \Note For figure, contents in e.g. in |wrapfigure| environment you set width
+% in mandatory argument. If you'll write \texttt{0mm} as \marg{width
+% of figure} argument, the \hbox{\package{wrapfig}} package will calculate a~natural width
+% of float contents. If you use the |\floatbox| command, put |\FBwidth| option to use natural object width.
+% \Note Sometimes above (below) float box in |wrap...| environment
+% appears unwanted space. To correct vertical position, use |\FBaskip|
+% (|\FBbskip|) commands (see {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:FBabskips}) and optional argument
+% \meta{number} of |wrap...| environments.
+% \Note Please note that the label of wrapped floats changed to `Fig.~\meta{number}'.
+% This happened because of the following settings:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}%
+% |\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{thinspace}{\bothIfFirst{#1}{\,}#2}|
+% \end{preamble}%
+% |\captionsetup[wrapfigure]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% In preamble was added special format |thinspace| with smallest space between
+% `Fig.' and number which we use in the |wrapfig| settings.
+% See also \package{caption} documentation.
+% \emph{Special settings}.
+% You may create settings for |wrap...| environment, there are
+% following priorities.
+% (Please note that you can also create special caption settings with
+% |\captionsetup| stuff.):
+% \begin{itemize}\itemsep0pt
+% \item %
+% if exists |\floatsetup[wrap|\meta{captype}|]{...}|
+% \package{floatrow} uses these settings---they are the ``strongest''
+% settings; if they are absent---uses settings of next item;
+%^^A \end{itemize}
+%^^A \begin{itemize}
+% \item
+% if exists |\floatsetup[wrapfloat]{...}|
+% \package{floatrow} uses these settings---these settings are ``stronger''
+% than next ones; if they are absent---settings of current
+% float\\[\medskipamount]
+% |\floatsetup[|\meta{captype}|]{...}|\,;\\[\medskipamount]
+% if they are absent---uses
+% |\floatsetup{...}| settings, package settings inside |\usepackage| command or default settings of
+% package (page~\pageref{sec:default}).
+% \end{itemize}
+% \emph{Founded limitations}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+% \Note The usage of plain floating environment in version 3.3 will
+% not succeed with \package{floatrow}---use |\floatbox|
+% stuff. The version 3.6 allows usage of plain |wrap...|
+% environment with \FRkey{plain} (or \FRkey{ruled}) styles, but
+% the framed styles, like |Boxed| (which use key |framefit=yes|, where text inside frames
+% changes its |\hsize| to fit frames, fitted to defined |\hsize|)
+% could work only with |\floatbox| macro, otherwise you'll get
+% incorrect widths and layout.
+% \Note The |wrap...| environments could fail inside list ones.
+% You ought be careful with grouping around wrapping environment (float can sail away or disappear).
+% Tests show that you may set |wrap...| environment at the very beginning of list, in the case of
+% you created faked or empty paragraph just before list (i.e. between |wrap...| and list)
+% with compensate negative spacing, like following:
+% |\noindent|\allowbreak|\strut|\allowbreak|\par|\allowbreak
+% |\nobreak|\allowbreak|\vskip-\baselineskip|.
+% \endgroup
+% \begingroup\sloppy
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=WSHADOWBOX,captionskip=8pt}
+% \captionsetup[floatingfigure]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace}
+% \subsection{The \package{floatflt} package}\label{ssec:floatflt}
+% \begin{floatingfigure}[v]{50mm}\def\FBaskip{-2.5pt}
+% \ffigbox[50mm]
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/72}%^^A%
+% \input{BlackDog.picture}}
+% {\caption{\hyphenpenalty-100\pretolerance-1%
+% Wrapped figure inside floating\-figure environment
+% (\package{floatflt})}\label{fig:floatflt:WcatI}}
+% \end{floatingfigure}%\FBbuildtrue
+% \noindent Tested with version v1.3 dated
+% 1996/02/27\kern-1pt.
+% \emph{Founded limitations}. \startNotes\Note There is not support for
+% creation of new |floating...| environment. Since |floatflt|
+% environments need usage of |\floatbox| in any case, you can use
+% either |floatingfigure| or |floatingtable| and put
+% necessary float type in |\floatbox| argument (or use necessary
+% macro abbreviation, like |\ffigbox|). For these wrapped floats
+% the |\usepackage| option can be used or |\floatsetup{...}| settings
+% and main settings for float types like
+% |\floatsetup[figure]{...}| settings.
+% The next limitations could not tied with \package{floatrow} package.
+% \Note If you put a~|floatingfigure| environment just after
+% |\...section| command you need (if you do not indentation after
+% heads) to put |\noindent| for the first paragraph.
+% \Note The |floatflt| environments could fail with list
+% environments.
+% \Note The special caption settings were created for figure label.
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[floatingfigure]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% %^^A\newpage
+% \captionsetup[parpic]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=Doublebox,captionskip=10pt}\abovecaptionskip10pt
+% \subsection{The \package{picins} Package}\label{ssec:picins}
+% \noindent Tested with version v\,3.0 dated 1999/10/12.\nopagebreak
+% This package produces pictures inside paragraphs. This package
+% supports usage of captions with command |\piccaption|. It also allows
+% the \package{caption} package settings.
+% \piccaption[Wrapped figure in \cmd{\floatbox} and \cmd{\parpic}]{Wrap\-ped
+% figure (\cmd{\parpic})\label{fig:parpic:BcatI}}%^^A
+% \parpic[l]{\hsize0pt
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth ]{}{%^^A
+% {\setlength\unitlength{24mm/72}%^^A
+% \input{TheDog.picture}}
+% }%^^A
+% }
+% The \cmd{\parpic} macro usually allows usage of |\floatbox| macro
+% inside of its mandatory argument. In this case the |\floatsetup{...}|
+% settings and main settings of for float types like |\floatsetup[figure]{...}|
+% settings are used (but, unfortunately, they are the only here).
+% \emph{Founded limitations}.\startNotes\nopagebreak
+% \Note In |\parpic| argument you ought to to define the width of contents. If you put |\hsize0pt| before
+% the |\floatbox| command, you will get box width equals to
+% |\parpic| contents. (Compare with usage of |0mm| value inside the \marg{width
+% of figure} option in the |wrapfigure| environment.)
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=DOUBLEBOX}
+% The next limitations could not tied with \package{floatrow} package.
+% \parpic[r]{\hsize36mm\def\FBaskip{6pt}
+% \ffigbox[\hsize]
+% {\setlength\unitlength{16mm/72}%^^A
+% \input{TheDog.picture}}
+% {\caption{Wrapped figure (\cmd{\parpic})}\label{fig:parpic:BcatII}}}
+% \Note If you put \cmd{\parpic} just after |\...section| command
+% you need (if you do not indentation after heads) to put |\noindent|
+% for the first paragraph.
+% \Note It seems that the |\parpic| command cancels non-breaking mechanism
+% between section command and text in the case of appearance
+% at the very beginning of the first paragraph (this situation appeared
+% during testing of current documentation).
+% \Note You may try to use \cmd{\parpic} inside list environment, but sometimes usage of
+% this command in this environment could create wrong layout. (Tests show that paragraph(s)
+% where the \cmd{\parpic} is used must be placed in group---compare it with the
+% \package{wrapfig} package, which does not like grouping.)
+% \Note This package has not options \meta{outside} or
+% \meta{inside}, like previous two packages (the option |[o]| means
+% oval box around picture), so you ought to set horizontal position
+% manually. Or you may create command:
+%| {\def\next{\parpic[r]}}{\def\next{\parpic[l]}}\next}|
+% \Note The special caption settings were created for figure label
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\captionsetup[parpic]{name=Fig.,labelformat=thinspace}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% If you use |\piccaption| command these settings are switched on.
+% In the first picture in this section the |\piccaption| co-operates
+% with the |\ffigbox| command:
+% \begin{Quote}
+% |\piccaption{...\label{...}}%|\nopagebreak
+% |\parpic[l]{\hsize0pt\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{...}}|\pagebreak[3]
+% \end{Quote}
+% Second picture uses the |\caption| command inside |\ffigbox|, so
+% the |\captionsetup|\allowbreak|[parpic]{...}| settings do not work:
+% \begin{Quote}\openup-.5pt
+% |\parpic[r]{\hsize36mm\def\FBaskip{6pt}|
+% | \ffigbox[\hsize]{}{...\caption{...}\label{fig:parpic:BcatII}}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \enlargethispage{\baselineskip}
+% You may see that label of the second figure was printed as `Figure'~number.
+% \endgroup
+% \subsection{The \package{rotating} Package and \texttt{sideways\ldots}
+% Environment}\label{ssec:rotating}
+% Tested with version v2.13 dated Sep. 1992.
+% There is example (figure~\ref{fig:rot:ii}) with rotated float, using
+% |sidewaysfigure|.
+% |\usepackage[figuresright]{rotating}|
+% \FRkey{style}|=WSHADOWBOX}|
+%| {...}|
+%| {\caption{Figure ...}%|
+%| \label{...}}|
+% \floatsetup[rotfigure]{style=WSHADOWBOX}
+% \begin{sidewaysfigure}\emptyfloatpage
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth] {\includegraphics[width=4in]{pslearn}}
+% {\caption{Figure inside \texttt{sidewaysfigure} environment}%
+% \label{fig:rot:ii}}
+% \end{sidewaysfigure}%
+% \emph{Special settings}.\nopagebreak
+% You may create special settings for all rotated floats, which use
+% |sideways...| environment (see page \pageref{stsetorder}).
+% For one-column rotated float
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item %
+% if exists |\floatsetup[rot|\meta{captype}|]{...}|
+% package uses these settings---the ``strongest'' settings; if they are
+% absent---uses settings from next item, the same for each item of the list;
+% \item
+% |\floatsetup[rotfloat]{...}|;
+% \item
+% |\floatsetup[|\meta{captype}|]{...}|;
+% \item
+% if all settings absent---the settings
+% inside |\floatsetup{...}| and |\usepackage| commands, and, at last, package default settings are used.
+% \end{itemize}
+% For two-column or wide rotated float (starred environment)
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item %
+% if exists |\floatsetup[widerot|\meta{captype}|]{...}|
+% package uses these settings---the ``strongest'' settings;
+% if they are absent---uses settings of next item, the same for each item of the list;
+% \item %
+% |\floatsetup[widerotfloat]{...}|;
+% \item %
+% |\floatsetup[rot|\meta{captype}|]{...}|;
+% \item %
+% |\floatsetup[rotfloat]{...}|;
+% \item %
+% |\floatsetup|\marg{captype}|{...}|;
+% \item %
+% if all settings absent---the settings inside
+% |\floatsetup{...}| and |\usepackage| commands, and, at last, the package default settings are used.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \subsubsection{Special Page Style for Float Page}
+% In example with figure~\ref{fig:rot:ii} you may see the command |\emptyfloatpage|.%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Empty page style for rotated floats}{FAD:emptyfloatpage}\label{setup:emptyfloatpage}
+% It is offered by \package{floatpagestyle} package, (installed with
+% \package{floatrow} package, can be used separately). The macro |\emptyfloatpage| is an abbreviation of
+% |\floatpagestyle{empty}|. The last macro redefines the page style for
+% the page where \emph{current} floating environment appears in the way, analogous to |\thispagestyle|
+% command.
+% \RestoreSpaces
+% The version 0.1h patches the core \LaTeX{} macro
+% |\@outputpage|\footnote{At the start of document
+% \package{floatpagestyle} package puts additional code at the very beginning
+% of this output routine.}
+% and I hope that it could work.\footnote{If you know more honest
+% way to get the same result---the redefinition of \emph{alone}
+% \emph{float} page style (in the case when this page can \emph{float}
+% inside document)---please let me know.} Since this package uses
+% |\label|---|\ref| mechanism, the |\floatpagestyle| command works
+% after \emph{second} \LaTeX{} run.
+% \subsubsection{Rotated Floats on the Facing Pages}
+% \startNotes\Note If you place two continued rotated floats%^^A
+% \FRmpar{Continued rotated floats}{FAD:ContRotated} on facing pages,
+% the better way is to gather them to binder margin, using |\buildFBBOX| command
+% (see page~\pageref{FB:buildFBBOX}). For this reason you
+% may define\label{buildFBBOX:def}
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \begin{preamble}
+% |\usepackage[figuresright]{rotating}|
+% |\newlengthtocommand\setlength\rottextwidth{\textwidth}|
+% \end{preamble}
+% |\begin{sidewaysfigure}|\nopagebreak
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{buildFBBOX}|{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup\vss}{\egroup}|
+% |\|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|{}{|\meta{contents of first figure}|}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{sidewaysfigure}|
+% |\begin{sidewaysfigure}|
+% |\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup}{\vss\egroup}|
+% |\ffigbox{}{|\meta{contents of second figure}|}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{sidewaysfigure}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \Note In the example above (and also in the example with figure~\ref{fig:rot:ii})
+% the \package{rotating} package has
+% |[figuresright]| option; in this case all |sideways...| floats on even and odd pages
+% will be rotated by 90$^\circ$ counterclockwise.
+% \subsubsection{Commands instead of lengths}
+% \sloppy
+% The |\rottextwidth| command in the example above stores value of the |\textwidth| of the
+% document; the |\columnwidth| and |\textwidth| inside
+% \texttt{sideways...} environment are redefined and equal to
+% |\textheight|.
+% If\startNotes\def\theNote{\alph{Note}}\Note
+% you are limited in creation of the new length or dimension command
+% (for example you use the \package{pictex}
+% package\footnote{The \texttt{e-TeX} engine could solve this problem.}),
+% or \Note the width/height or the space values, defined with
+% the |\newcommand|
+% (like the |\headrulewidth| command from \package{fancyhdr} package) need complex calculation
+% with usage of the \package{calc} package, or get the width of some text---the \package{floatrow}
+% package provides commands
+% \DescribeMacro{\newlengthtocommand}\label{setup:newlengthtocommand}%^^A
+% \DescribeMacro{\renewlengthtocommand}\label{setup:renewlengthtocommand}%^^A
+% \label{setup:newlengthtocommand}%^^A
+% \label{setup:renewlengthtocommand}%^^A
+% \cmd{\newlengthtocommand} \quad or
+% \cmd{\renewlengthtocommand}
+% which are placed just before standard \LaTeX{} commands like \cmd{\setlength} or
+% \cmd{\settowidth} and save the \emph{absolute}
+% value from their arguments; here the usual code like
+% changed to
+% |\newlengthtocommand\setlength|
+% |\fulltextwidth{\textwidth+\marginparsep+\marginparwidth}|\quad.
+% Please note than the usage of calculation inside |\setlength| command (and its analogs)
+% can be used only with the \package{calc} package.
+% \subsection{The \package{lscape} Package and \texttt{landscape}
+% Environment}\label{ssec:lscape}
+% Tested with version v3.0a dated 1999/02/16.\nopagebreak
+% \ifx\landscape\relax\else
+% The example with usage of |landscape| environment from
+% \package{lscape} package on the page~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}, figures
+% \ref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}--\ref{fig:rotrow:FcatI}):
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%| |\FRkey{rowpostcode}|=lowthickrule,|\FRkey{capposition}|=TOP}|
+% |\floatsetup| code sets |ruled| float style,
+% then settings for above and below material are redefined:
+% |rowprecode=| and |rowpostcode=| keys define thick
+% rules but for floatrow as a~whole (the `individual' |\hrule|'s
+% above/below float boxes are absent).
+% The |landscape| environment creates a new page. It would be
+% useful~\nobreak\qquad1)\nobreak\enskip for rotation of multipage rotated float (in this case
+% it is better to put this float in a separate file, and to start from necessary page,
+% in this case you need the
+% \package{afterpage} package and its |\afterpage| command)~\nobreak\qquad2)\nobreak\enskip and also
+% to start new section of document, e.g., appendix. (In current
+% document the |landscape| environment was placed just before appendix)
+%^^A \emph{Founded limitations}.\nopagebreak
+%^^A The tested version works incorrect (does not rotates contents)
+%^^A with \package{hypcap} package.
+% \subsection{The \package{listings} Package}\label{ssec:listings}
+% Tested with version v1.3 dated 2004/09/07.\nopagebreak
+% This package has its own strong layout mechanism for creation of floating
+% algorithms itself. The usage of |\lstset| command (see package documentation) and \package{caption}
+% package settings gives you necessary result\footnote{Please note and read
+% \package{caption} documentation: the co-operation of \package{caption}3.x and
+% \package{listings} succeeds with version of last one not older than 1.2.}
+% for algorithm type of float.
+% For the cases of appearance of listings inside of other float
+% environments, which get settings from \package{floatrow} package,
+% there is a limitation: you can't put |lstlisting| inside
+% |\floatbox| contents. The plain float environment is still allowed.
+% Also you are still free with settings for float type, used |lstlisting| inside: you may still use the
+% |BOXED|, |Boxed| and other unusual styles: the float width will be recalculated for mentioned two styles
+% and similar ones and then will be used necessary setting.
+% If you need to change box width---use |\thisfloatsetup| settings.
+% \subsection{The \package{hyperref} and \package{hypcap} Packages}
+% There were tested versions v6.77i (\package{hyperref})
+% and v1.7 (\package{hypcap}).
+% The \package{floatrow} package tries not to expand its code to |\caption| stuff.
+% I hope that environments supported by \package{floatrow} won't
+% make harm to \package{caption}---\package{hyperref}/\package{hypcap} tandem.
+% \subsection{The \package{setspace} Package}
+% There was bug during usage of \package{setspace} package---this package redefines
+% \LaTeX's command |\@xfloat|, adding definition of font size to |\normalsize|
+% which appears after \package{floatrow} settings.
+% The version 0.2d of \package{floatrow} tried to fix it but this was incorrect
+% and destroyed interaction between \package{hyperref} and \package{caption} packages.
+% In the version 0.3b the code was changed to restore this interaction\footnote
+% {By suggestions of A.\,Sommerfeldt.} with hope that it will work.
+% The default baseline stretch is equal to~1. The version 3.1 of \package{caption}
+% package offers special font settings (see \package{caption} documentation)
+% for captions. You may try the same for the float font:
+% or
+% \section{The Incompatibilities}
+% At first the incompatibilities or rules of co-operation with other
+% packages could follow the \package{caption}~3.x package.
+% \textit{Please look first in the \package{caption}
+% package documentation to know the newest rules}.
+% The known incompatibilities of \package{floatrow} package itself:
+% \startNotes\nobreak\quad \Note \package{sidecap} package\footnote{Despite that
+% I'm trying to follow all offered layouts of this package. Great thanks
+% for Rolf Niepraschk and Hubert G\"{a}\ss{}lein for package with
+% rich implementation of such float
+% layouts.}: the \package{floatrow} package doesn't expands its
+% layouts to |SCfigure| and |SCtable| environments;~\nobreak\quad
+% \Note \package{ctable} package; if you used to use
+% \package{ctable}'s tools, e.g. for tables, please set |\RawFloats[table]|
+% in the preamble, and remember that commands like |\ttabbox| won't
+% loose its strength (see also {\sectionname}~\ref{sec:rawfloats}).
+% \addtocontents{toc}{\string\pagebreak[3]}
+% \section{Limitations}
+% There are known limitations, which were found during usage of
+% \package{floatrow}:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% %^^A \item %
+% %^^A Limitations for boxed and ruled styles in beside floats: be
+% %^^A careful with usage of \emph{alone} minipage environment in object
+% %^^A or caption in |\floatbox| macro. Since the object and caption are
+% %^^A created in minipage environment already, the added |minipage|
+% %^^A could get wrong layout (vertical alignment). But, as I
+% %^^A found, you may use a few |minipage|s in object without harm.
+% \item %
+% You cannot use |\floatbox| stuff for floats with |verbatim|
+% environment and/or \verb|\verb|. But you still can use plain float environments.
+% If you need to change width of float box, you may change it with
+% |\thisfloatsetup| settings. The usage of |verbatim| and~|\verb|
+% do not create limitations for layout: you may still use the |BOXED|, |Boxed|
+% and other unusual styles: the float width will be recalculated for mentioned two styles
+% and similar ones and then will be used necessary setting.
+% \item %
+% The |tabbing| environment in current version creates incorrect layout for float box
+% which must occupy whole text width: it recalculates the width of object box to the natural width
+% of its contents. The problem will be solved with the |minipage| environment
+% and width option |\hsize|: you'll get necessary layout with full width and
+% for the styles like |BOXED| and~|Boxed| the width of contents will be recalculated.
+% \item %
+% Be careful with minipages inside |floatrow| environment---there could be wrong alignment.
+% Use |heightadjust=| key for this case. (Fortunately I~cannot imagine
+% good readability of two beside |tabbing|s.)
+% \item %
+% This limitation was mentioned above: some tools of the package use
+% |\label|---|\ref| mechanism, thus, if you use float layout which
+% demands common height of objects and/or captions in float row,
+% you'll get correct result after second or more runs. If you change
+% contents of float which change its height you must run \LaTeX{}
+% twice or more times too.
+% Beside captions and other facing layout will appears correctly only
+% after second \LaTeX's run (sometimes you need to run more times).
+% \item %
+% The \package{caption} and
+% \package{floatrow} packages do not support an~optional argument \emph{after}
+% caption ``title'' (the \package{float} package's stuff). You may use |\floatfoot|
+% macro after main caption argument.
+% \item %
+% Do not use the |\FBwidth| option for complex float contents (which you
+% could not put inside one |\hbox|). But you are allowed to use |\vspace|
+% macro at the very end/very beginning of object contents for fine
+% vertical tuning for them.
+% \item %
+% The |floatrow| environment allows spaces (and even empty
+% lines, which sometimes create better and correct result!) between
+% |\floatbox|'es, but if you add some code between them you
+% must put
+% |%| after this command.
+% \item %
+% This is a~common rule---be careful with spaces at the end of lines
+% inside float contents (see \texttt{CTAN:/info/} for more
+% explanations).
+% When you build plain floating environments the better way is to separate
+% |\caption| and object contents (and also
+% |\floatfoot|/|\footnotetext| contents) each by empty lines or (if
+% not empty lines) end each part (and arguments of mentioned commands)
+% by percent sign. In this case you'll avoid unwanted spaces/lines at
+% the end of contents of each part, or wrong justification of float
+% components.
+% %^^A \item %
+% %^^A Usage of fancy boxes |shadowbox| and |wshadowbox|
+% %^^A could get wrong layout with beside captions.
+% \item If you use |tabularx| or |tabular*| environments
+% inside |\floatbox| stuff (or any other) with
+% |\hsize| command inside \meta{width} argument, you must repeat the
+% |\hsize| argument in \meta{width} argument of |\floatbox| macro.
+% If you want to set width of |tabularx| or |tabular*|
+% environments (or any other) like |.8\hsize| (or |1.2\hsize|) and
+% these environments placed inside any |\floatbox| macro, load
+% |.8\hsize| in \meta{width} argument of |\floatbox| macro, and in
+% \meta{width} argument of |tabularx| or |tabular*| load only
+% |\hsize| macro (see also sample file \file{frsample03.tex}).
+% In other cases (especially in fancy layout or settings) be careful
+% with usage of |\hsize| as \meta{width} option of |\floatbox|.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \addtocontents{toc}{\string\nopagebreak}
+% \section{Acknowledgements}
+% Thanks for Steven Cochran and Axel Sommerfeldt for all their advices
+% and spirit. Special thanks for Axel for the patient answering, code, finding and showing
+% bugs, and help in \emph{all} my questions and problems in \package{floatrow} package.
+% All good text pieces in this documentation are filled with Axel's advices and great help.
+% \medskip\noindent
+% Thanks for \emph{all} involuntary (\La)\TeX{} teachers, who teaches
+% me with their program code all these years.
+% \medskip\noindent
+% Thanks for Keith Reckdahl, author of \file{epslatex}, which
+% documentation, at last, encouraged me to create the CTAN version of
+% this package.
+% \medskip\noindent
+% \emph{Thanks for \emph{all} authors of second edition of \LaTeX{}
+% Companion for this book.}
+% \ifx\landscape\relax\else
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=ruled,rowprecode=thickrule,
+% rowpostcode=lowthickrule,capposition=TOP,margins=hangtoheads,
+% footposition=caption}
+% \renewlengthtocommand\setlength\Mylen{\textwidth}
+% \begin{landscape}
+% \begin{figure}\emptyfloatpage\label{example:ruledcapposTOP}
+% \begin{floatrow}[4]%^^A
+% \ffigbox[][][t]
+% {{\input{TheCat.picture}}%^^A
+% \footnotetext[1]{This
+% picture was created with \cmd{\qbezier}
+% macros}}%
+% {\caption[Figure in the row~I, top of object box]%
+% {Figure in the row~I, top of object box\protect\mpfootnotemark}%
+% \label{fig:rotrow:WcatI}}%
+% \floatbox{figure}[2\FBwidth][][b]
+% {\caption{Figure in the row~II, bottom of object box}%
+% \label{fig:rotrow:BcatI}%
+% \floatfoot{There are all \cmd{\qbezier} macros and only
+% two vertical lines}}%
+% {\input{BlackCat.picture}\footnote[2]%
+% {Look at funny footnotemark!}}%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+% {{\unitlength2.5\unitlength
+% \input{Cat.picture}}}
+% {\caption{Figure in the row~III, center of object box}%
+% \label{fig:rotrow:mouseI}\floatfoot{The image of cat}}%
+% \floatbox{figure}[\Xhsize][\Mylen]
+% {\caption{Figure in the row~IV}\label{fig:rotrow:FcatI}}
+% {\Resizebox\hsize\vsize{35}{136}{\input{BlackCat2.picture}}}
+% \end{floatrow}
+% \end{figure}
+% \end{landscape}
+% \clearpage
+% \suppressfloats[t]
+% \section{Appendix}
+% \FRorisubsection{Miscellaneous}
+% \FRorisubsubsection{Usage of Captionsetup and Thisfloatsetup
+% Inside Floatbox Stuff}\label{ssec:app:besidestart}
+% Example of figures in row (figures~\ref{FB:FR:lfig} and
+% \ref{FB:FR:fig}). There predefined float commands
+% |\fcapsideleft| and |\fcapsideright| with were used additional |\captionsetup| and
+% |\thisfloatsetup| settings:
+%| \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,|
+%| justification=raggedleft}%|
+%| \|\FRkey{thisfloatsetup}|{|\FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left}}][\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|]|
+%| \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{labelsep=newline,|
+%| justification=raggedright}%|
+%| \thisfloatsetup{capbesideposition=right}}][\FBwidth]|
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{margins}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesidesep}|=cicero,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes}|
+% |\begin{figure}|
+% |\begin{|\FRkey[sec]{floatrow}|}|
+% | \fcapsideleft{...}{...}|
+% | \fcapsideright[\hsize]{...}{...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}|
+% |\end{figure}|
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=Boxed,capposition=beside,objectset=centering,
+% capbesidesep=cicero,margins=centering,
+% capbesideframe=yes}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \fcapsideleft
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{Cat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Float in the row with beside caption (graphic box has width of its contents)]{%^^A
+% Float box (\cmd{\fcapsideleft})
+% width of graphics}\label{FB:FR:lfig}}%
+% \fcapsideright[\hsize]
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/61}%^^A
+% \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Float in the row with beside caption (occupies rest space)]{%^^A
+% Float box (\cmd{\fcapsideright})
+% width of rest float row space}\label{FB:FR:fig}}%
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}%
+% Since the key \FRkey{heightadjust}|=object| is used in
+% the |Boxed| float style, both objects have the same
+% height.\RestoreSpaces
+% \subsubsection{Predefined Beside Caption Width}
+% This example includes the |\useFCwidth|\label{setup:useFCwidth} command which switches on usage
+% of previously defined caption width with |capbesidewidth=| key
+% (in command |\thisfloatsetup| before |\floatbox| macro) or, if you
+% didn't set caption width (like in current example), macro calculates natural
+% width of caption contents (see figure~\ref{fig:Idog:w}). In this case
+% the object---caption box is aligned
+% using alignment settings from |margins| key (its options are defined
+% by |\setfloatmargins| or |\floatcapbesidemargins| macro). In this
+% documentation they are centered (see page~\pageref{setup:DeclareMarginSet}).
+%| ...|
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+% \floatbox[\capbeside\useFCwidth]{figure}[\FBwidth]
+% {\caption[One-line beside
+% caption, width equals to caption's text]{}\label{fig:Idog:w}}
+% {{\setlength\unitlength{{3.6cm}/60}%^^A
+% \input{BlackDog.picture}}}
+% \end{figure}%
+% Please note that inside
+% \cmd{\floatbox} you may not set predefined width of caption, but remember
+% that you \emph{must} define width of caption in case of usage of plain
+% floating environment.\RestoreSpaces
+% \subsubsection{Predefined Beside Caption Width with
+% The Rest Space for Object}\label{FAD:RestSpaceforObject}
+% The figure \ref{fig:capbeside:trick} uses the following float style:%^^A
+%| \figurename\ \thefigure}|
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|\FRkey{capposition}|=beside,|\FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=\Mylen,|%^^A
+% \FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=cicero,|
+%| |\FRkey{margins}|=centering,|\FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes,|
+%| |\FRkey{floatwidth}|=sidefil}|
+% The \verb|\Mylen| dimension was defined as width of caption label.
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=Boxed,capposition=beside,objectset=centering,
+% capbesidewidth=\Mylen,capbesideposition=left,capbesidesep=cicero,
+% margins=centering,capbesideframe=yes,floatwidth=sidefil}
+% \renewlengthtocommand\settowidth\Mylen{\captionfont\captionlabelfont
+% \figurename\ \thefigure}
+% \begin{figure}[H]
+%^^A \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{format=default,labelsep=none}
+% \fcapside
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{Horse.picture}}
+% {\caption[The box of beside caption has width of caption contents (here: caption label)]{}\label{fig:capbeside:trick}}
+% \end{figure}%
+% \subsubsection{Width Definition for Beside
+% Caption---Object Box in Float Row}
+% The float row with predefined width boxes ``beside object---caption''
+% (figures~\ref{floatrow:pre:figI} and
+% \ref{floatrow:pre:figII}): just define before \verb|\fcapside|
+% command something like:
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=plain,|\FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|\FRkey{margins}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesideposition}|=left,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=enskip,|
+%| |\FRkey{floatwidth}|=sidefil}|
+% |\begin{figure}\|\FRkey{useFCwidth}\nopagebreak
+% | \begin{floatrow}|
+% | \setlength\hsize{1.2\hsize}%|
+% | \|\FRkey[FB]{fcapside}|...|
+% | \setlength\hsize\|\FRkey[FB]{Xhsize}
+% | \fcapside...|
+% | \end{floatrow}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure}|
+% (please remember that option of |\fcapside| command defines the width of object contents but
+% not the full box object---caption).
+%^^A% Since the \verb|\fcapside| commands were used at the beginning of the
+%^^A% |floatrow| environment the \verb|\FCwidth| command was defined
+%^^A% as \verb|\relax|---in this case the width of caption equals to the
+%^^A% width of their contents.
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=plain,capposition=beside,objectset=centering,
+% capbesideposition=left,capbesidesep=enskip,
+% margins=centering,capbesideframe=yes,floatwidth=sidefil}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\useFCwidth
+%^^A \captionsetup[capbesidefigure]{format=default,labelsep=none}
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \setlength\hsize{1.16\hsize}%
+% \fcapside
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/100}%^^A
+% \input{Bear.picture}}
+% {\caption[Left figure with beside caption in the row]{%^^A
+% }\label{floatrow:pre:figI}}
+% \setlength\hsize\Xhsize
+% \fcapside
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/44}%^^A
+% \input{Doll.picture}}
+% {\caption[Right figure with beside caption in the row]{%^^A
+% }\label{floatrow:pre:figII}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}%
+% \subsubsection{Caption Above/Below and Caption Beside at
+% The Float Row}\label{FAD:CapBesideandBelow}
+% The float row with object and beside caption combined with object
+% and caption below (figures~\ref{flrow:mix:figI} and
+% \ref{flrow:mix:figII}). There we ought to use
+% \verb|\TopFloatBoxes|, \verb|\CenterFloatBoxes|, or
+% |\BottomFloatBoxes| commands to get correct layout---since the
+% \meta{height} argument in both float boxes has the same value,
+% you may use each of these three commands. Unfortunately you must set
+% the height of such beside floats by hand (the \FRkey{heightadjust}|=| key works here incorrectly).
+% The lines which create the described float row:
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%| {|\FRkey{style}|=Boxed,|\FRkey{frameset}|={\fboxsep4pt},|\FRkey{captionskip}|=5pt,|
+%| |\FRkey{capposition}|=bottom,|\FRkey{objectset}|=centering,|\FRkey{capbesidewidth}|=sidefil,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesideposition}|=inside,|\FRkey{capbesidesep}|=enskip,|\FRkey{margins}|=centering,|
+%| |\FRkey{capbesideframe}|=yes}|
+%| \fcapside[\FBwidth][3.6cm]|
+%| ...|
+%| |
+%| \ffigbox[\|\FRkey[FB]{Xhsize}|][3.6cm]|
+%| ...|
+% \clearfloatsetup{figure}
+% \floatsetup[figure]
+% {style=Boxed,frameset={\fboxsep6pt},captionskip=5pt,capposition=bottom,
+% objectset=centering,capbesidewidth=sidefil,capbesideposition=inside,
+% capbesidesep=enskip,margins=centering,capbesideframe=yes}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\CenterFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \hsize1.098\hsize \fcapside[\FBwidth][3.6cm]
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{Cat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Float box \cmd{\fcapside} in float row beside \cmd{\ffigbox}]{%^^A
+% Float box (\cmd{\fcapside}) with beside caption in float row
+% width float with caption below}\label{flrow:mix:figI}}%
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize][3.6cm]
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{BlackDog.picture}}
+% {\caption{%^^A
+% Float box (\cmd{\ffigbox}) width of rest float row
+% space} \label{flrow:mix:figII}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}
+% The code for ``mirror'' layout (but not identical) looks like:
+% \allowprelistbreaks[-4]\RestoreSpaces
+%| \ffigbox[1.28\|\FRkey[FB]{FBwidth}|][3.6cm]|
+%| ...|
+%| |
+%| \hsize\Xhsize|
+%| \fcapside[\FBwidth][3.6cm]|
+%| ...|
+% \begin{figure}[H]\CenterFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \ffigbox[1.28\FBwidth][3.6cm]
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{BlackDog.picture}}
+% {\caption{%^^A
+% Float box (\cmd{\ffigbox})
+% in mirror float row}\label{floatrow:mirrmix:figII}}%
+% \hsize\Xhsize
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth][3.6cm]
+% {\unitlength1.44\unitlength
+% \input{Cat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Float box (\cmd{\fcapside}) in mirror float row]{%^^A
+% Float box with beside caption (\cmd{\fcapside}) in mirror float row
+% width float with caption below}\label{floatrow:mirrmix:figI}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}
+% \subsubsection{Photo-Album-Like Layouts}
+% Another example of miscellaneous float row
+% (figures~\mbox{\ref{flrow:three:figIII}--\ref{floatrow:threemirr:figII}},
+% and, ``mirror layout''---^^A
+% \mbox{\ref{floatrow:threemirr:figI}--\ref{floatrow:threemirr:figIII}}) were
+% created by following lines:
+%|\hsize1.2\hsize \|\FRkey[FB]{ffigbox}|[][6.7cm]|
+%| ...|
+%| |
+%|\vbox to6.7cm|
+%| {\|\FRkey[sec]{floatsetup}|[figure]{|\FRkey{floatrowsep}|=none}\|\FRkey{killfloatstyle}
+%| \ffigbox[.8\hsize]|
+%| ...|
+%| \vss|
+%| \ffigbox[.8\hsize]|
+%| ...%|
+%| }%|
+% \floatsetup[figure]{heightadjust=none}
+% \begin{figure}[H]\BottomFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \hsize1.2\hsize
+% \ffigbox[][6.7cm]
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/58}%^^A
+% \input{Mouse.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Photo-album-like layout: left float]{Float
+% box in photo-album-like layout:
+% alone in left column}\label{flrow:three:figIII}}%
+% \vbox to6.7cm {\floatsetup[figure]{floatrowsep=none}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox[.8\hsize]
+% {\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Photo-album-like layout: upper right float]{%^^A
+% Float box in photo-album-like layout: upper float in right
+% column}\label{floatrow:three:figI}} \vss \ffigbox[.8\hsize]
+% {\input{BlackDog.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Photo-album-like layout: lower right float]{%^^A
+% Lower float in right column}%
+% \label{floatrow:threemirr:figII}}}%
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}
+% The ``mirror'' layout created by following commands:
+% \RestoreSpaces
+%|\vtop to7cm|
+%| {\floatsetup[figure]{floatrowsep=none}\killfloatstyle|
+%| \ffigbox[.8\hsize]|
+%| ...|
+%| \vss|
+%| \ffigbox[.8\hsize]|
+%| ...%|
+%| \vskip0pt}\floatrowsep|
+%| |
+%| ...|
+% Note that in second example with ``mirror'' layout the
+% trick with \meta{height} definition was used---caption of float in the left
+% column is one line longer, so for the right column height of float
+% was reduced by 11pt---|\baselineskip| for |\small|
+% size
+% (here the \package{calc} package possibilities were used). The |\vtop| of
+% left column ends with |\vskip0pt|, otherwise you get fanny unwanted
+% layout.
+% \begin{figure}\TopFloatBoxes
+% \begin{floatrow}
+% \vtop to7cm {\floatsetup[figure]{floatrowsep=none}\killfloatstyle
+% \ffigbox[.8\hsize]
+% {\input{TheCat.picture}}
+% {\caption[Photo-album-like layout, mirror: upper left float]{%^^A
+% Float box in photo-album-like layout: upper float in left
+% column}\label{floatrow:threemirr:figI}} \vss \ffigbox[.8\hsize]
+% {\input{BlackDog.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Photo-album-like layout, mirror: lower left float]{%^^A
+% Float box in photo-album-like layout: lower float in the left column}%
+% \label{floatrow:three:figII}}\vskip0pt}\floatrowsep
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize][7cm-11pt]
+% {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/58}%^^A
+% \input{Mouse.picture}}%
+% {\caption[Photo-album-like layout, mirror: right float]{%^^A
+% Float box in photo-album-like layout: alone in right
+% column}\label{floatrow:threemirr:figIII}}
+% \end{floatrow}%
+% \end{figure}
+% In both examples for two floats one above another was cancelled
+% |\floatrowsep| code inside |\vbox|/|\vtop|.
+% Note that these examples are rather specific---you may try with
+% other combinations (e.g. more-``columned''), but maybe these layouts
+% need more care with usage of |\Xhsize| and/or |\floatrowsep|.
+% I suppose that last two examples could conflict with ``motto'' of
+% this package---to reduce and remove layout code from document; but
+% photo-album-like layout is rather rare in technical literature (It
+% isn't?).\RestoreSpaces
+% \subsubsection{Photo-Album-Like Layouts: Common Height for Beside Photos}
+% \captionsetup[subfigure]{labelformat=brace,font=footnotesize}
+% This section shows example which allows to set common height for rectangular graphics,
+% i.e. photos and fill full width of this row. To emulate the rectangular photos here,
+% each graphic was loaded inside |\fbox| with zeroed |\fboxsep|. (See also file \texttt{frsample06.tex}.)
+% The code of example uses the |\includegraphics| command (\package{graphicx}
+% package).
+% You load the |\CommonHeightRow| command:
+%|\CommonHeightRow|\oarg{supposed height}\marg{floatrow environment}
+% with supposed value of height in the optional argument,
+% which could be near the necessary common height.
+% The second argument---the contents of the |floatrow| environment.
+% \emph{All} float boxes in this row must use the |[\FBwidth]| option.
+% |\begin{figure*}\fboxsep-.4pt|\nopagebreak
+% |\CommonHeightRow{\begin{floatrow}[4]|\nopagebreak
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{floatrow}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{figure*}%|
+% Here you may see the result.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt%^^A
+% \CommonHeightRow{\begin{floatrow}[4]%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Figure~I in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CH:Dog}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Figure~II in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CH:WcatI}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Figure~III in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CH:mouse}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Figure~IV in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CH:cheese}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{floatrow}}%^^A
+% \end{figure*}%
+% The next example is a~variation of previous one. The command |\CommonHeightRow| here
+% was used for the |subfloatrow| environment.
+% |\begin{figure*}\fboxsep-.4pt|\nopagebreak
+% |\ffigbox{}{\CommonHeightRow{\begin{subfloatrow}[4]|\nopagebreak
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{...}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure with a row of parts with common height}}|
+% |\end{figure*}%|
+% Here you may see the result.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt%^^A
+% \ffigbox{}{\CommonHeightRow{\begin{subfloatrow}[4]%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Part~I in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHI:Dog}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Part~II in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHI:WcatI}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Part~III in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHI:mouse}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{Part~IV in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHI:cheese}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure with a row of parts with common height}}%^^A
+% \end{figure*}%
+% The last example load labels of parts of figures beside graphics.
+% |\begin{figure*}\fboxsep-.4pt|\nopagebreak
+% |\ffigbox{}{\CommonHeightRow{\begin{subfloatrow}[4]\useFCwidth|\nopagebreak
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{}}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{}}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{}}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]|\nopagebreak
+% |{\includegraphics[height=\CommonHeight]{...}}{\caption{}}|\nopagebreak
+% |\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure with a row of parts with common height}}|
+% |\end{figure*}%|
+% Here you may see the result.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt%^^A
+% \ffigbox{}{\CommonHeightRow{\begin{subfloatrow}[4]\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHII:Dog}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHII:WcatI}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHII:mouse}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]%^^A
+% {\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHII:cheese}}%^^A
+% {\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure with a row of parts with common height (labels beside)}}%^^A
+% \end{figure*}%
+% The examples with beside figures which also include labeled parts.
+% The row with labels beside.
+% |\floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}|
+% |\begin{figure*}[H]|
+% |\CommonHeightRow*%|
+% |{\begin{floatrow}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~II...}}|
+% |\end{floatrow}}%|
+% |\end{figure*}|%
+%^^A% Here you may see the result.
+% Ниже показан результат.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt
+% \CommonHeightRow*%^^A\def\CommonHeight{2.5cm}
+% {\begin{floatrow}%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHs:Dog}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHs:WcatI}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I in a~multilevel row with common height of graphics}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHs:mouse}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHs:cheese}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~II in a~multilevel row with common height of graphics}}%^^A
+% \end{floatrow}}%^^A%
+% \end{figure*}%
+% The row with labels below.
+% |\floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}|
+% |\begin{figure*}[H]|
+% |\CommonHeightRow*%|
+% |{\begin{floatrow}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~II...}}|
+% |\end{floatrow}}%|
+% |\end{figure*}|%
+% Here you may see the result.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt%^^A
+% \CommonHeightRow*%
+% {\begin{floatrow}%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Part~I in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHsI:Dog}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Part~II in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHsI:WcatI}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I in a~row with common height of graphics}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Part~III in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHsI:mouse}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Part~IV in the row with common heights}%^^A%
+% \label{fig:CHsI:cheese}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~II in a~row with common height of graphics}}%^^A
+% \end{floatrow}}%^^A%
+% \end{figure*}%
+% The row with labels beside.
+% |\floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}|
+% |\begin{figure*}[H]|
+% |\CommonHeightRow*%|
+% |{\begin{floatrow}|%
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}|
+% |{\begin{subfloatrow}[3]\useFCwidth|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}|
+% |\ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Caption~II...}\label{...}...}|
+% |\end{floatrow}}%|
+% |\end{figure*}|%
+% Here you may see the result.
+% \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+% \floatsetup[subfigure]{capbesideposition=left}
+% \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt%^^A
+% \CommonHeightRow*%^^A%
+% {\begin{floatrow}[2]%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%^^A%
+% {\begin{subfloatrow}[3]\useFCwidth
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \fcapside[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}%^^A%
+% \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{}%^^A%
+% \resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}%^^A%
+% \end{floatrow}}%^^A%
+% \end{figure*}%
+% \clearpage
+% \subsection{Sample Files}\label{sec:samples}
+% The |floatrow| package distribution offers a few files with
+% examples, which show settings, not covered by current document (some
+% of them are bit exotic for technical literature). The samples have no aim to
+% create perfect layout, but to show easy modification for all float
+% types, and show goals and drawbacks in combinations of chosen layout
+% with different float types and their contents.
+% \emph{Note}. All miscellaneous float styles (i.e.\ almost
+% all sample files) need at least two \LaTeX{} runs.
+% The list of samples:
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[frsample01.tex] all possible combinations of predefined
+% \package{floatrow} styles for captions above/below floats with foot
+% material; the plain floating environments and
+% |floatrow|s were created, also the boxes with
+% alone objects and alone captions;
+% \item[frsample02.tex] all possible combinations of predefined
+% \package{floatrow} styles for beside captions and all possible
+% caption positions;
+% \item[frsample03.tex] various tests with tables;
+% \item[frsample04.tex] sample with fancy layout with usage of
+% beside captions;
+% \item[frsample05.tex] one-column facing layout; miscellaneous
+% caption settings.
+% \item[frsample06.tex] examples of attempts to get common height for
+% rectangular graphics (photos) in the filled row of floats or parts
+% of floats. Also the examples of usage of the |\Xhsize| command
+% in the mixed-level rows were added.
+% \end{Options}
+% The next bundle of samples is a few file-headers with various
+% preambles which run the same file with various float
+% layouts. For these examples a new float type of
+% float |textbox| was created. It includes text in its object contents.
+% \begin{Options}{\OptionLabel}
+% \item[frsample10.tex] one column non-facing layout; figures
+% printed in |plain| style; text boxes use miscellaneous
+% ruled style;
+% \item[frsample11.tex] one-column non-facing layout with elements
+% hanged on left margin (e.g. wide floats, in starred environments,
+% like |figure*|);
+% \item[frsample12.tex] two-column layout with attempts of
+% colored float styles.
+% \end{Options}
+% {\sloppy Also added sample file \file{sample-longtable.tex} was added
+% which uses \emph{beta-temp} package-patch \package{fr-longtable}
+% with defined commands |\endlasthead| and |\endprelastfoot| which
+% defines captions for continued and last pages of long table in three
+% possible ways.\par}
+% \begin{small}
+% \subsection{Obsolete Commands}\label{sec:changed}
+% \FRorisubsubsection{The User Interface---New Floats [\package{float}]}
+% \label{sec:floatborrowI}
+% \DescribeMacro{\newfloat}\slshape
+% The most important command in \package{float}
+% is the |\newfloat| command\footnote{It doubles the
+% \cmd{\DeclareNewFloatType} command.}. It is patterned on
+% |\newtheorem|. The |\newfloat| command takes three required and
+% one optional argument; it is of the form
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \hspace*{\MacroIndent}|\newfloat{|\meta{type}|}{|^^A
+% \meta{placement}|}{|\meta{ext}|}[|\meta{within}{\tt]}
+% \end{Quote}
+% \begin{itemize}\advance\itemsep2ptplus2pt
+% \item \marg{type} is the `type' of the new class of floats, like
+% |program| or |algorithm|. After the appropriate
+% |\newfloat|, commands like |\begin{program}| or |\end{algorithm*}|
+% will be available.
+% \item \marg{placement} gives the default placement
+% parameters for this class of floats. The placement parameters are
+% the same as in standard \LaTeX, i.e., |t|, |b|,
+% |p| and |h| for `top', `bottom', `page' and `here',
+% respectively.
+% \item \marg{ext} When \LaTeX\ writes the captions to an auxiliary file
+% for the list of figures (or whatever), it'll use the job name
+% followed by \marg{ext} as a file name.
+% \item \oarg{within} Finally, the optional
+% argument \meta{within} determines whether floats of this class will
+% be numbered within some sectional unit of the document. For example,
+% if \oarg{within}${}={}$|chapter|, the floats will be numbered
+% within chapters. (In standard \LaTeX, this happens with figures and
+% tables in the \cls{report} and \cls{book} document styles.) As an
+% example, Program~\ref{prog1.1} was created by a command sequence
+% similar to that shown in the following
+% Example\footnote{Settings for Example float
+% environment were created by \cs{}\FRkey{DeclareNewFloatType} macro stuff.}.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \emph{Floatrow note.}
+% Also a |\newfloat*| pair was created which works similar to
+% |\restylefloat*| command (see below).\pagebreak[2]
+% \begin{Example}[H]
+% \begin{Quote}\openup-.5pt
+% |\floatstyle{ruled}|
+% |\newfloat{Program}{tbp}{lop}[section]|\pagebreak[3]
+% \dots\ loads o' stuff \dots
+% |\begin{Program}|
+% |\begin{verbatim}|
+% \dots\ program text \dots
+% |\end{verbatim}|
+% |\caption{|\dots\ caption \dots|}|
+% |\end{Program}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% \caption{This is another silly floating Example. Except
+% that this one doesn't actually float
+% because it uses the {\tt[H]} optional parameter
+% to appear \textbf{Here}. (Gotcha.)}\label{exa1.1}
+% \end{Example}\pagebreak[3]
+% \begin{Program}
+%#include <stdio.h>
+%int main(int argc, char **argv) {
+% int i;
+% for (i = 0; i < argc; ++i)
+% printf("argv[%d] = %s\n", i, argv[i]);
+% return 0;
+% \caption{The first program. This hasn't got anything to do with the
+% package but is included as an example.
+% Note the \texttt{ruled} float style.%
+% \label{prog1.1}}
+% \end{Program}
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatstyle}
+% The |\floatstyle| command sets a default
+% float style. This float style will be used for all the floats that
+% are subsequently defined using |\newfloat|, until another
+% |\floatstyle| command appears. The |\floatstyle| command takes one
+% argument, the name of a float style. For instance,
+% |\floatstyle{ruled}|. Specifying a string that does not name a valid
+% float style is an error.
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatname}
+% The |\floatname| command lets you define
+% the \emph{float name} that \LaTeX\ uses in the caption of a float,
+% i.e., `Figure' for a figure and so on. For example,
+% |\floatname{program}{Program}|. The |\newfloat| command sets the
+% float name to its argument \meta{type} if no other name has been
+% specified before.
+% \DescribeMacro{\floatplacement}
+% The |\floatplacement| command resets
+% the default placement specifier of a class of floats. E.g.,
+% |\floatplacement{figure}{tp}|.
+% \DescribeMacro{\restylefloat}\nopagebreak
+% The |\restylefloat| command is necessary
+% to change styles for the standard float types
+% |figure| and |table|. Since these aren't usually
+% defined via |\newfloat|, they don't have a style associated with
+% them. Thus you have to say, for example,
+% \begin{Quote}
+% \hspace*{\MacroIndent}|\floatstyle{ruled}|
+% \hspace*{\MacroIndent}|\restylefloat{table}|
+% \end{Quote}
+% to have tables come out |ruled|. The command also lets you
+% change style for floats that you define via |\newfloat|, although
+% this is, typographically speaking, not a good idea. See
+% table~\ref{table1} for an example\footnote{The \package{float} package
+% created special caption style with bold label for |boxed|
+% style. Please note that |plain| and |boxed| float
+% styles have not any special settings in \package{caption} 3.x package.
+% To emulate |boxed| style from \package{float} documentation there
+% were: cleared all special caption settings for tables, and restored
+% default colon separator after label.}. There is a |\restylefloat*|
+% command which will restyle an existing float type but will keep the
+% new float style from taking over the |\caption| command. In this
+% case the user is responsible for handling their own captions.
+% \DeleteShortVerb{\|}
+% %^^AEmulation of float's documentation settings
+% %^^A\floatstyle{boxed}
+% %^^A\restylefloat{table}
+% \begingroup
+% \clearcaptionsetup{table}
+% \captionsetup{labelsep=default,labelfont=bf}
+% \floatsetup[table]{style=boxed}
+% \begin{table}[h] \def\B#1{$\displaystyle{n\choose#1}$}
+% \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{c|cccccccc}
+% $n$&\B0&\B1&\B2&\B3&\B4&\B5&\B6&\B7\\ \hline
+% 0 & 1\\
+% 1 & 1&1\\
+% 2 & 1&2&1\\
+% 3 & 1&3&3&1\\
+% 4 & 1&4&6&4&1\\
+% 5 & 1&5&10&10&5&1\\
+% 6 & 1&6&15&20&15&6&1\\
+% 7 & 1&7&21&35&35&21&7&1
+% \end{tabular} \end{center}
+% \caption{Pascal's triangle. This is a re-styled \LaTeX\
+% \texttt{table}.\label{table1}}
+% \end{table}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}
+% \end{small}\pagebreak[2]
+% \begingroup\extrarowheight1.75pt\small\openup-.5pt\tabcolsep.5\tabcolsep\LTpre=0ptplus3pt\LTpost\LTpre
+% \subsubsection{The \texorpdfstring{\cs{floatsetup}}{floatsetup} Keys, Renamed or Deleted After Version 0.1b}
+% \parindent0pt
+% \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{-.3ptplus1fill}}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.35\hsize}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.6\hsize}|}
+% \multicolumn{2}{c}{Removed or changed commands}
+% \\\hline
+% \thead{Command}
+% &
+% \thead{Changed to}
+% \\\hline
+% \endhead
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |\renewfloatstyle|,\\
+% |\newfloatstyle|,\\
+% |\definefloatstyle|
+% \end{tabular}&
+% |\DeclareFloatStyle|---this command uses |\floatsetup|
+% mechanism
+% \\\hline
+% |\restorerestylefloat| & removed
+% \\\hline
+% |\captionskip| & command, not a skip
+% \\\hline
+% |\floatfootskip| & command, not a skip
+% \\\hline
+% \end{longtable}
+% \vskip1pt
+% \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{-.3ptplus1fill}}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.35\hsize}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.6\hsize}|}
+% \multicolumn{2}{c}{Commands, replaced by keys}
+% \\\hline
+% \thead{Deleted Command}
+% &
+% \thead{Key Analog}
+% \\\hline
+% \endhead
+% |\floatobjectset| &
+% in current version \emph{do not use for definition of object
+% settings}, use key
+% |objectset=|
+% \\\hline
+% |\alignsidecaption|&
+% |capbesideframe=yes|
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |\capbesidecenter|,\\ |\capbesidetop|,\\
+% |\capbesidebottom|,\\
+% |\capbesideinside|,\\
+% |\capbesideoutside|,\\
+% |\capbesideleft|,\\ |\capbesideright|
+% \end{tabular}&
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |capbesideposition=center|\\
+% |capbesideposition=top|\\
+% |capbesideposition=bottom|\\
+% |capbesideposition=inside|\\
+% |capbesideposition=outside|\\
+% |capbesideposition=left|\\
+% |capbesideposition=right|
+% \end{tabular}
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |\floatrowsep|,\\ |\floatcapbesidesep|
+% \end{tabular}&
+% in current version \emph{do not use for definition of separation
+% material}, use keys\par
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |floatrowsep=|\\
+% |capbesidesep=|
+% \end{tabular}
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |\FBcenter|\vphantom{g},\\ |\FBleft|\vphantom{g},\\
+% |\FBright|,\\ |\FBnormal|
+% \end{tabular}&
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |margins=center|,\\
+% |margins=raggedright|,\\
+% |margins=raggedleft|, \\
+% |margins=center|,\\
+% \end{tabular}
+% \\\hline
+% |\setfloatstyle| & |style=|
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+% |\Setframe|\\
+% |\setframe|
+% \end{tabular}
+% & use |framestyle=| and |frameset=| keys
+% \\\hline
+% \cmd{\setrules}
+% & use |precode=|, |postcode=|, |midcode=| (also
+% |rowpercode| and |rowpostcode|) keys
+% \\\hline
+% \end{longtable}
+% \RestoreSpaces\vskip1pt\pagebreak[3]
+% \begin{longtable}{@{\extracolsep{-.3ptplus1fill}}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.35\hsize}|
+% >{\rightskip0ptplus1fil}p{.6\hsize}|}
+% \multicolumn{2}{c}{Renamed keys}
+% \\\hline
+% \thead{Key}
+% &
+% \thead{Changed to}
+% \\\hline
+% \endhead
+% |attachedcapstyle=| & |relatedcapstyle=|
+% \\\hline
+% |floatstyle=| & |style=|
+% \\\hline
+% |floatfont=| & |font=|
+% \\\hline
+% |putcaptionbeside=| & |capposition=beside|
+% \\\hline
+% |besidecapposition=| & |capbesideposition=|
+% \\\hline
+% |besidecapwidth=| & |capbesidewidth=|
+% \\\hline
+% |besidecapframe=| & |capbesideframe=|
+% \\\hline
+% |floatmarginsset=| & |margins=|
+% \\\hline
+% |besidecapsep=| & |capbesidesep=|
+% \\\hline
+% |Precode=| & |rowprecode=|
+% \\\hline
+% |Postcode=| & |rowpostcode=|
+% \\\hline
+% |framereduce=| & |framefit=|
+% \\\hline
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}
+% \vphantom{(}options of |objectset=|\\\quad
+% and |margins=|\\
+% |flushleft|,\\ |flushright|,\\|center|
+% \end{tabular} &
+% \extrarowheight0pt\begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l@{}}
+% \vphantom{(}options of |objectset=| and |margins=|
+% (for unification\\\quad with analogous key options in \package{caption}
+% package)\\
+% |raggedright|,\\ |raggedleft|,\\ |centering|
+% \end{tabular}
+% \\\hline
+% \end{longtable}
+% \endgroup
+% \MakeShortVerb{\|}%
+% \StopEventually{}
+% \hfuzz70pt\clearpage
+% \section{The Code}
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/09/14}{The \cmd{\changes} of \texttt{v0.1}\meta{x} versions revised
+% and many of them transformed into document text.}
+% \FRorisubsection{The Prelude}
+% The first step is to check whether \package{float} and
+% \package{rotfloat} are loaded or not. If yes, there go error messages;
+% if you run through this error message \package{floatrow} loading will be skipped.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{rotfloat@float}{}%
+ {\PackageError{floatrow}{Do not use rotfloat package with floatrow.\MessageBreak
+ The latter will be skipped}{}%
+ \@namedef{opt@floatrow.sty}{}\endinput}}%
+ {\PackageError{floatrow}{Do not use float package with floatrow.\MessageBreak
+ The latter will be skipped}{}%
+ \@namedef{opt@floatrow.sty}{}\endinput}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The next lines emulate already loaded \package{float} and \package{rotfloat}
+% packages.
+% If in preamble, after loading of \package{floatrow} package is used
+% |\usepackage| with \package{float} package (the \package{float} package
+% doesn't support any options), the defining of command |\ver@float.sty|,
+% which emulates loading of package will do not any harm.
+% Unfortunately the \package{rotfloat} package allows to transfer options of
+% \package{rotating} package in the case of appearance
+% of both packages in one |\usepackage| line. Thus, if someone loads
+% options in \package{rotating}---\package{rotfloat} line, he will get
+% `option clash' error. A followed help gives a simple solution of such
+% problem---moving options in |\documentclass| line and make them global.
+% I hope, that moving option in this way will do not harm
+% to document, but now you aware of ``non-necessity'' of loading
+% of \package{rotfloat} package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\@namedef{ver@float.sty}{2001/11/08 v1.3d (excerpt)
+ Float enhancements (AL)}
+\@namedef{ver@rotfloat.sty}{2004/01/04 v1.2 (excerpt)
+ Combining float+rotating package (AS)}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The \package{floatrow} package uses \package{keyval}'s mechanism widely.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here goes request for \file{caption3} file, core part of \package{caption}
+% package (the \package{floatrow} package uses macros, similar to \package{caption}'s
+% in ``append'' mode). There is not any compatibility for versions,
+% older than \texttt{3.0q}, so in the case of older version you'll get error message
+% and skip loading of \package{floatrow}.
+% \changes{v0.2a}{2007/08/24}{Added check and error message for version older 3.0q}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\@ifpackagelater{caption3}{2007/04/11 v3.0q}{}{\PackageError
+ {floatrow}{For a successful cooperation we need at least\MessageBreak
+ version `2007/04/11 v3.0q' of package caption,\MessageBreak
+ but only version\MessageBreak
+ `\csname ver@caption.\@pkgextension\endcsname'\MessageBreak
+ is available}\@eha\endinput}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This provide command loaded for compatibility with 3.0q.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@lfmt{\@nameuse{#1name}}{\@nameuse{the#1}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here is list of macronames of \package{caption} package which are used inside \package{floatrow}.
+%\item[\cmd{\l@addto@macro}]local version of |\g@addto@macro|;
+%\item[\cmd{|\@nameundef}]opposite to |\@namedef| used, for example, in |\clearfloatsetup|;%^^A
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@fnum}]defined with |\providecommand| few lines above (for compatibility with caption 3.0q);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@ifinlist}]widely used in key--val options (|\floatsetup| stuff);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@setkeys}]custom definition for |\setkeys| macro: to refer to current package
+% (error messages for |\floatsetup| stuff);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@setoptions}]used in current package to switch on necessary float settings
+% (|\floatsetup| stuff);
+%^^A\item[\cmd{\caption@set@bool}]used for boolean key options (|\floatsetup| stuff);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@@make}]used in |\floatfoot@box| macro for building of float foots
+% (|\floatfoot| command);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@@@make}]used during calculation of caption height or width, also used for creation of
+% caption labels only (|\floatbox| stuff);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@lfmt}]obsolete, used together inside |\caption@@@make| macro;
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@setposition}]follows caption position options of current package
+% (|capposition| key of |\floatsetup| stuff; |\captop|, |\CAPTOP|,
+% |\capbeside| and |\nocapbeside| commands);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@settype}]obsolete variant of |\caption@setoptions|, used for cooperation with
+% caption 3.0q;
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@setfloattype}]used in current package to switch on necessary float settings
+% (together with |\caption@setoptions|);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@setstyle*}]used in current package to switch on necessary float settings
+% (together with |\caption@setoptions|)
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@setfont}]used for font definition in font option of current package and for definition
+% of float foot font (|font| key of |\floatsetup| stuff);%^^A
+%\item[\cmd{\DeclareCaptionOption}]declares |\floatfoot| font option;
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@sty@}\meta{float style}]used in current package to switch on necessary float settings
+% (together with |\caption@setoptions|);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@fnt}\meta{font option}]used in |\flrow@setfont|
+% (|\caption@setfont| analog);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@hj@}\meta{justification}]used in |\flrow@FBoAlign| \\
+% (|\caption@setjustification| analog);
+%\item[\cmd{\caption@lsep@}\meta{separator}]used in |\flrow@setFRsep| \\
+% (|\caption@setlabelseparator| analog);
+% \subsection{Storing of \LaTeX's Internal Macros}
+% \begin{macro}{\FR@flboxreset}
+% First goes storage of \LaTeX's macros |\@floatboxreset| and |\@makecaption|
+% from bundle of float definitions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Please note, since the \package{caption3} package already loaded in this point, here are stored the
+% \package{caption}'s definition.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \emph{Floatrow note}. The next macro and few of others were renamed to change prefix ``|@FB|''
+% to ``|flrow@|'' to avoid possible conflict with French babel package.
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@caption}
+% Here is repeated standard \LaTeX's code of |\caption| command
+% (it is used below for caption width counting).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@captype\@undefined
+ \@latex@error{\noexpand\caption outside float}\@ehd
+ \expandafter\@gobble
+ \else
+ \refstepcounter\@captype
+ \expandafter\@firstofone
+ \fi
+ {\@dblarg{\@caption\@captype}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\float@caption}
+% This emulation code which says to some other packages
+% that \package{float} package's mechanism is used for building of floats.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Borrowed Code (with original comment) from The \package{float}
+% Package}
+% From this point starts \package{float} package's core code (version 1.3).
+% The necessary explanation of macro code also borrowed from \package{float}
+% package and typed with slanted font. Some macros
+% were skipped or edited (see \emph{floatrow notes}).
+% \begin{sl}\medskip
+% In \LaTeX, floats are assigned `type numbers' that are powers of~$2$.
+% Since there are only two classes of floats, their type numbers are
+% hardwired into the document styles. We need to be somewhat more flexible,
+% and thus we initialize a counter to hold the next type number to be
+% assigned. This counter will be incremented appropriately later.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\setcounter{float@type}{1}}%
+ {\setcounter{float@type}{4}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatstyle}
+% The |\floatstyle| command puts its argument into the
+% |\float@style| macro as the name of the new float style.
+% But if the argument doesn't denote a float style, an error message
+% is output instead: Each float style \meta{style} has a corresponding
+% command |\fs@|\meta{style} that contains the appropriate declarations.
+% If the control sequence |\fs@|\meta{arg} (which goes with the
+% argument \meta{arg} to |\floatstyle|) is undefined, i.e.,
+% equals |\relax| under |\ifx|, then the float style \meta{arg}
+% is unknown, and we call |\float@error{|\meta{arg}|}| for the
+% error message.
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@package}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@error}
+% {\em [floatrow] The \package{float}'s error message
+% (the command \cmd{\float@error}\meta{arg}) changed to
+% \cmd{\flrow@error}\meta{arg}. It is similar to \package{caption}'s one.
+% (First goes the command of name of package.)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@eh}
+% {\em[floatrow] This is the analog of \package{caption} package's help |\caption@eh|.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ If you do not understand this error, please take look\MessageBreak
+ at `floatrow' and `caption' package documentations.\MessageBreak
+ \@ehc}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Here is the \package{floatrow} package version of \package{float}'s command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\flrow@error{Unknown float style `#1'}}{\edef\float@style{#1}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatname}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatplacement}
+% The next two commands are even simpler. \LaTeX\ says that
+% |\fps@|\meta{float} contains the default placement specifier for
+% the class of floats \meta{float}. |\|\meta{float}|name| expands
+% to the name that appears in \meta{float} captions, e.g., `Figure'.
+% (This is our own definition.)
+% \changes{v0.1p}{2007/06/24}{The \cmd{\fname@}\meta{floatname} changed to
+% \cs{}\meta{floatname}|name| macros redefined locally (AS).}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% {\em [floatrow] \startNotes\Note The definition of command name for float,
+% in the |\floatname| macro, from version \texttt{0.1p}
+% is build like |\|\meta{floatname}|name|.} \quad
+% {\em\Note Here was stuff of undocumented command
+% \cmd{\floatevery} which, I suppose, allowed to set special settings for
+% current type of float. In \package{floatrow} package it was deleted.
+% Use \cmd{\floatsetup} stuff instead.}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{em}
+% [floatrow]
+% The definitions of |\restylefloat| stuff were changed.
+% \begin{macro}{\if@@FS}
+% The first goes flag command which, if |true|, stops repetition of float
+% layout settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FR@redefs}
+% This macro makes temporary redefinitions of |\@makecaption|
+% and |\@floatboxreset| macros.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \@ifundefined{sf@end@float}{}{\let\end@float\sf@end@float}%
+% \@ifundefined{sf@end@dblfloat}{}{\let\end@dblfloat\sf@end@dblfloat}%
+ \@ifundefined{HyOrg@float@makebox}{}%
+ {\let\float@makebox\HyOrg@float@makebox}%
+ \ifx\flrow@makecaption\@makecaption\relax
+ \else
+ \let\FR@makecaption\@makecaption
+ \let\@makecaption\flrow@makecaption
+ \fi
+ \let\@floatboxreset\flrow@flboxreset}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@makecaption}
+% The definition of this caption borrowed mechanism of saving caption contents
+% into special box (like in \package{float} package).
+% The |\FBc@wd| parameter here is used as flag for wrapped floats (for the
+% case when natural width of float calculated).
+% Since |\caption| stuff uses
+% |\linewidth| parameter, here it is redefined to predefined |\hsize|.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/10/28}{Added check and error message for second caption outside
+% \cmd{\floatbox} command.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifvoid\@floatcapt
+ \else\flrow@error{Caption(s) lost}\fi\fi
+ \global\setbox\@floatcapt
+ \vbox\bgroup\@parboxrestore
+ \reset@font
+ \if@@FS
+ \ifdim\FBc@wd>\z@
+ \hsize\FBc@wd
+ \else
+ \adj@dim\hsize+\FBo@wadj=\hsize
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \linewidth\hsize
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The check of |\hsize| for |\sloppy| paragraph settings.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/10/28}{The \cmd{\sloppy} settings added for short lines.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim\hsize<70mm\sloppy\fi
+ \normalsize
+ \abovecaptionskip\z@\belowcaptionskip\z@
+ \FR@makecaption{#1}{#2}\egroup}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\killfloatstyle}
+% The third one allows to define again float layout style: it could be
+% necessary in mixed float rows. These redefinitions make local changes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@capsetup}
+% This only additional definition which is used with \package{caption} package
+% version 3.0. With this macro you may (re)define some layout settings
+% for captions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Definitions of default float style.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBB@wd}
+% This command stores absolute width for |\floatbox|'s |\hsize|.
+% The usage of |\FBB@wd| as command needs definitions like
+% |\edef\FBB@wd{\the\textwidth}| to get right layout in float rows
+% with |BOXED|-like layouts. The |\relax| meaning is used as flag.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\restylefloat}
+% The redefined \package{float} package macros to follow |\floatsetup| stuff.
+% This macro starts to work at the beginning of document, so it has tests
+% for loaded packages.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar{\flrow@restylefloat{no}\flrow@restyle}%
+ {\flrow@restylefloat{yes}\flrow@restyle}}
+ \edef\FR@tmp{\noexpand
+ \floatsetup[#3]{style=\float@style,relatedcapstyle=#1}}\FR@tmp
+ #2{#3}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@restyle}
+% The command which redefines macros for building of floats in the way similar to \package{float}
+% package after |\restylefloat| macro. That means that contents of floating environment analyzed,
+% caption and foot material are saved in special box registers, then full float box is built
+% accordingly to current settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% One-column floating environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@namedef{#1}{\killfloatstyle\def\@captype{#1}\FR@redefs
+ \flrow@setlist{{#1}}%
+ \textwidth\columnwidth\edef\FBB@wd{\the\columnwidth}%
+ \FRifFBOX\@@setframe\relax\@@FStrue\@float{#1}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Two-column (wide) floating environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@namedef{#1*}{\killfloatstyle\def\@captype{#1}\FR@redefs
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\@captype| definition needed here and in next definitions to get
+% correct and non-doubled |\captionsetup| contents.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@setlist{{#1}{widefloat}{wide#1}}%
+ \FRifFBOX\@@setframe\relax\@@FStrue\edef\FBB@wd{\the\textwidth}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% {\sl[float] The standard |\@xdblfloat| macro changes |\hsize| to |\textwidth|.
+% This way is not correct so use |\@xfloat| instead.}
+% Here added flag which, if true, allows redefinition of starred float
+% environment like non-starred but with special layout. This redefinition
+% allows usage of |[H]| option.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@xdblfloat\@xfloat\relax
+ \FR@ifdoubleaswide
+ {\if@twocolumn\else\let\@dblfloat\@float\fi}\relax
+ \@dblfloat{#1}}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname end#1\endcsname\float@end
+ \expandafter\let\csname end#1*\endcsname\float@dblend
+% \end{macrocode}
+% One-column rotated floating environment.
+% The code contents of |\rotfloat@float| macro (\package{rotfloat} package)
+% moved here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{@rotfloat}{}{%
+ \@namedef{sideways#1}{\killfloatstyle\def\@captype{#1}\FR@redefs
+ \flrow@setlist{{#1}{rotfloat}{rot#1}}%
+ \columnwidth\textheight\edef\FBB@wd{\the\textheight}%
+ \FRifFBOX\@@setframe\relax\@@FStrue
+ \let\rotfloat@@makebox\float@makebox
+ \let\float@makebox\rotfloat@makebox
+ \@float{#1}}%
+ \@namedef{endsideways#1}{\FBbuildtrue\float@end}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Two-column rotated floating environment without support.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@rotdblfloat\undefined
+ \@namedef{sideways#1*}{%
+ \flrow@error{%
+ You need rotating version 2.10 or newer to do this}%
+ \@nameuse{sideways#1}}%
+ \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Two-column rotated floating environment with support.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@namedef{sideways#1*}{\killfloatstyle\def\@captype{#1}\FR@redefs
+ \flrow@setlist{{#1}{rotfloat}{rot#1}{widerotfloat}{widerot#1}}%
+ \columnwidth\textheight\edef\FBB@wd{\the\textheight}%
+ \FRifFBOX\@@setframe\relax\@@FStrue
+% \end{macrocode}
+% {\sl[float] The standard |\@xdblfloat| macro changes |\hsize| to |\textwidth|.
+% This way is not correct so use |\@xfloat| instead.}
+% The code contents of |\rotfloat@dblfloat| macro (\package{rotfloat}
+% package) moved here.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@xdblfloat\@xfloat
+ \let\rotfloat@@makebox\float@makebox
+ \let\float@makebox\rotdblfloat@makebox
+ \@dblfloat{#1}}%
+ \fi
+ \@namedef{endsideways#1*}{\FBbuildtrue\float@dblend}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Wrapped floating environment from \package{wrapfig} package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{wrapfloat}{}{%
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@WF@rapt}{\let\flrow@WF@rapt\WF@rapt
+ \def\WF@rapt[##1]##2{\FRifFBOX\@@setframe\relax\@@FStrue
+ \dimen@##2\relax
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\z@
+ \edef\FBB@wd{\the\dimen@}\FB@fs@wd\dimen@\FBo@wd
+ \fi
+ \flrow@WF@rapt[##1]{\dimen@}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v0.1k}{2007/05/24}{Commented \cmd{\capstart} for a while}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \@ifundefined{capstart}{}{\capstart}%
+ \the\FR@everyfloat\ignorespaces}%
+ }{}%
+ \@namedef{wrap#1}{\killfloatstyle\def\@captype{#1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A The \cmd{\FloatHBarrier} for \package{flafplins}.
+% ^^A \changes{v0.1j}{2006/03/12}{Added \cmd{\FloatHBarrier} in wrapfloat}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FR@redefs\FBc@wd\z@
+ \flrow@setlist{{#1}{wrapfloat}{wrap#1}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here is the repeated code from |\float@end| and |\float@dblend|: check whether
+% |\floatbox| stuff appeared or not.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\WF@floatstyhook{\let\@currbox\WF@box
+ \ifFBbuild
+% \end{macrocode}
+% (|^^A|---The attempts to arrange the widths of Boxed wrapped floats.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+%^^A \adj@dim\hsize+\FB@wadj=\hsize
+%^^A \adj@dim\hsize+\FBo@wadj=\hsize
+ \global\setbox\WF@box\flrow@FB{\wd\WF@box}%
+ \else
+ \global\let\flrow@typ@tmpset\undefined
+ \global\let\WF@box\@currbox
+ \fi}%
+ \@ifnextchar[\WF@wr{\WF@wr[]}}%]
+% \expandafter\let\csname endwrap#1\endcsname\endwrapfloat}
+ \@namedef{endwrap#1}{\endwrapfloat
+ \@ifundefined{FloatHBarrier}{}\FloatHBarrier
+ }}
+%^^A \@namedef{endwrap#1}{\ifdim\hsize>\z@
+%^^A \adj@dim\hsize+\FBo@wadj=\hsize\fi\endwrapfloat}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% At last the definitions for new subfloat numeration for \package{subfig} package.
+% The subfloats for figures and tables (|\c@subfigure| and |\c@subtable|)
+% already defined: so at first goes check, whether defined this command for
+% subfloat (suggestions of Steven Cochran).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{sf@@@subfloat}{}{\@ifundefined{c@sub#1}{\newsubfloat{#1}}{}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\RawFloats}
+% This macro restores plain \LaTeX{} mode for floats. i.e. returns core
+% macros for commands of floating environment.
+% Non-optional variant can be used inside environments only.
+% Variant with option better to be used in preamble. (Option allow
+% to restore plain \LaTeX{} mode for necessary float type.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@rawfloatschk\flrow@rawfloats}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The macro for usage inside one environment. It redefines only |\end|\meta{float type}
+% commands to \LaTeX's standard behavior.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@makecaption\FR@makecaption
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname end\@captype\endcsname\float@endH
+ \global\FBbuildfalse
+ \else
+ \@namedef{end\@captype}{\end@float}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname end\@captype*\endcsname\float@endH
+ \global\FBbuildfalse
+ \else
+ \@namedef{end\@captype*}{\end@dblfloat}%
+ \fi
+ \@ifundefined{@rotfloat}{}{%
+ \@namedef{endsideways\@captype}{\end@rotfloat}%
+ \@namedef{endsideways\@captype*}{\end@rotdblfloat}%
+ }%
+ \@ifundefined{wrapfloat}{}{%
+ \@namedef{endwrap\@captype}{\endwrapfloat}%
+ }}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\flrow@RawFloats[#1]}{\flrow@@RawFloats#1,;}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The next two macros redefine the |\|\meta{float type} commands. The |\end|\meta{float type}
+% in this case won't touched at all. Since at the beginning of document all float commands
+% redefined accordingly to \package{floatrow} package's settings, the |\flrow@raw@set|
+% command is used: in the preamble area it works like |\AtBeginDocument| macro, in the
+% |document| area it simply runs its argument.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{1007/10/24}{Added \cmd{\flrow@raw@set} command to allow usage of \cmd{\RawFloats}
+% both in the preamble and in the document areas.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@ifinlist{#2}{float}{\flrow@raw@set
+ {\@namedef{#1}{\@float{#1}}}%
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#2}{widefloat}{\flrow@raw@set%
+ {\@namedef{#1*}{\let\@xdblfloat\@xfloat\@dblfloat{#1}}}%
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#2}{rotfloat}{%
+ \@ifundefined{@rotfloat}{}{\flrow@raw@set
+ {\@namedef{sideways#1}{\@rotfloat{#1}}}}%
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#2}{widerotfloat}{%
+ \@ifundefined{@rotfloat}{}{\flrow@raw@set
+ {\@namedef{sideways#1*}{\@rotdblfloat{#1}}}}%
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#2}{wrapfloat}{%
+ \@ifundefined{wrapfloat}{}{\flrow@raw@set
+ {\@namedef{wrap#1}{\wrapfloat{#1}}}}}%
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#2}{all,allfloats}{%
+ \flrow@@RawFloats{#1}%
+ }{\flrow@error{Undefined float subtype `#2'}%
+ }}}}}\@ifnextchar;\@gobble{\flrow@RawFloats@[#1]}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@raw@set{\@namedef{#1}{\@float{#1}}%
+ \@namedef{#1*}{\let\@xdblfloat\@xfloat\@dblfloat{#1}}%
+ \@ifundefined{@rotfloat}{}{%
+ \@namedef{sideways#1}{\@rotfloat{#1}}%
+ \@namedef{sideways#1*}{\@rotdblfloat{#1}}%
+ }%
+ \@ifundefined{wrapfloat}{}{%
+ \@namedef{wrap#1}{\wrapfloat{#1}}}%
+ }\@ifnextchar;\@gobble\flrow@@RawFloats
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@Raw@restyle}
+% This macro is used by |rawfloats=| key. If this key is true, it replaces
+% the |\flrow@restyle| command when definitions of float run.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@namedef{#1}{\@float{#1}}%
+ \@namedef{#1*}{\@dblfloat{#1}}%
+ \@namedef{end#1}{\end@float}%
+ \@namedef{end#1*}{\end@dblfloat}%
+ \@ifundefined{@rotfloat}{}{%
+ \@namedef{sideways#1}{\@rotfloat{#1}}%
+ \@namedef{sideways#1*}{\@rotdblfloat{#1}}%
+ \@namedef{endsideways#1}{\end@rotfloat}%
+ \@namedef{endsideways#1*}{\end@rotdblfloat}%
+ }%
+ \@ifundefined{wrapfloat}{}{%
+ \@namedef{wrap#1}{\wrapfloat{#1}}%
+ \@namedef{endwrap#1}{\endwrapfloat}%
+ }%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\RawCaption}
+% The command of caption which doesn't use box register.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand\RawCaption[1]{{\let\@makecaption\FR@makecaption #1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{em}
+% \begin{macro}{\newfloat}
+% Now we can explain how to define a new class of floats. Recall that
+% the three required arguments to |\newfloat| are \meta{type},
+% \meta{placement} and \meta{ext}, respectively. First we save the
+% latter two; we also maintain a list of active \meta{ext}s so we can
+% later iterate over all currently-open lists of floats.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% {\em [floatrow]
+% The |\newfloat| changed and uses |\floatsetup| stuff (redefined by
+% suggestions of Axel Sommerfeldt).}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\flrow@restylefloat{yes}\newfloat@}}
+ {\@newfloat{#1}{#2}{#3}}}
+ \DeclareNewFloatType{#1}{placement=#2,fileext=#3}}
+ \DeclareNewFloatType{#1}{placement=#2,fileext=#3,within=#4}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\float@newx}
+% {\em [floatrow] Macro |\float@newx|, which defines a new float
+% counter, was removed. It was replaced by |\DeclareNewFloatType| stuff.}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{The \package{float} Package: Adapting \LaTeX\ Internals}
+% We have to adapt some of \LaTeX's internal macros to our needs.
+% There are several things that have to be changed around
+% in order to provide the functionality of David Carlisle's \package{here}.
+% The following is thus lifted from \package{here}, with changes and with
+% David's permission:
+% \begin{macro}{\@float@Hx}
+% We save the original version of |\@xfloat|. (This macro is called from
+% |\@float|, which we used above to define the environment commands for a
+% new class of floats.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@xfloat}
+% The new version of |\@xfloat| looks for a |[H]| argument.
+% If it is present |\@float@HH| is called, otherwise the original macro
+% (renamed to |\@float@Hx|) is called.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% {\em[floatrow] Since \package{floatrow} always uses float style,
+% the stuff of flag \cmd{\@flstyle} (which sets whether use or not any
+% predefined float style) moved out.}
+% {\em[floatrow] In the case of loaded \package{setspace} package, the |\@xfloat|
+% definition ought to be fixed.}
+% \changes{v0.3b}{2009/08/02}{The fixation re-fixed by suggestions of A.Sommerfeldt}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{latex@xfloat}{}{%
+ \let\floatrow@ORI@xfloat\@xfloat
+ \def\@xfloat#1[#2]{%
+ \floatrow@ORI@xfloat{#1}[#2]%
+ \floatfont}}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Later on we'll need a box to save a |[H]| float.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@float@HH}
+% First gobble the |[H]|. Note that |H| should not be used in
+% conjunction with the other placement options, nor as the value of the
+% default placement, as set in |\fps@|{\it type}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A {\em[floatrow] If we want to put barrier
+% ^^A (i.e. use beta-package \package{flafplins}).}
+% ^^A \changes{v0.1j}{2006/03/12}{Added \cmd{\FloatHBarrier}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{FloatHBarrier}{}\FloatHBarrier
+% \end{macrocode}
+% {\em[floatrow] Locally redefine the end of the environment. To allow usage of |[H]| option in wide floats
+% i.e. starred environments in one-column layout there is added the \cmd{\FR@ifdoubleaswide} flag.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\let\csname end#1\endcsname\float@endH
+ \FR@ifdoubleaswide
+ {\expandafter\let\csname end#1*\endcsname\float@endH}\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% We don't get a |\@currbox| if we don't actually use the float mechanism.
+% Therefore we fake one using the |\float@box| defined above.
+% {\em[floatrow] The special settings for H-floats |floatH| were added.}
+% \changes{v0.3b}{2009/08/02}{Fixed bug of \cs{thisfloatsetup} usage}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@currbox\float@box
+ \flrow@setlist*{{floatH}{#1H}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now we save the current float class name for use in constructing the
+% |\caption|. The caption box (defined below) is initialized to an empty
+% box to avoid trouble with floats not having a caption. Then we start the
+% box that'll hold the float itself.
+% |\parindent| is set to zero for compatibility with the standard
+% \texttt{[h]} option.
+% {\em [floatrow]
+% Here added zeroing of list margins in the case of appearance of |\floatbox|
+% inside list environment.
+% Also the settings for \verb|\linewidth| and were zeroed
+% margins were added for the case of appearance
+% of \verb|\floatbox| inside list environment.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@captype{#1}%\setbox\@floatcapt=\vbox{}%
+ \setbox\@currbox\color@vbox\normalcolor
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \hsize\columnwidth
+ \linewidth\columnwidth
+ \@parboxrestore\leftmargin\z@\rightmargin\z@
+ \@floatboxreset \@setnobreak
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The final |\ignorespaces| is needed to gobble any spaces or new lines
+% after the {\tt[H]} tokens.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ignorespaces}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{em}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@flboxreset}
+% [floatrow]
+% The stuff of |\@floatboxreset| changed.
+% At first goes original \LaTeX's macro |\@floatboxreset| saved as
+% |\FR@flboxreset| at the beginning of package.
+% Then goes flag for facing layout and command which inputs references from
+% |aux|-file and temporary settings. At last \package{floatrow} looks
+% whether caption stays above/below object, or beside and chooses necessary
+% macro of width counting.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{capstart}{}{\capstart}%
+ \FB@facing\@tempswafalse\FR@iffacing\@tempswatrue\relax
+ \if@tempswa\FB@readaux{\relax}\fi
+ \global\let\FBcheight\relax\global\let\FBoheight\relax
+ \global\let\FBfheight\relax
+ \FBifcapbeside\FC@fs@wd\FB@fs@wd
+ \the\FR@everyfloat}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The definition of three height commands as |\relax|.
+% We define \emph{height} arguments of caption,
+% object, and foot boxes as |\relax| which (like in |minipage|
+% environment or in |\parbox|) mean usage of natural height of components.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@fs@wd}
+% The width settings for float box with caption above or below object.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\flrow@setwd| could define the width for current float.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@setwd\textwidth\@tempdima
+ \adj@dim\@tempdima-\FB@wadj=\@tempdima
+ \settowidth\@tempdimb{{\FBleftmargin}{\FBrightmargin}}%
+ \advance\@tempdima-\@tempdimb
+ \global\FBc@wd\@tempdima\global\FB@wd\@tempdima
+ \adj@dim\@tempdima-\FBo@wadj={\global\FBo@wd}%
+ \hsize\FBo@wd\linewidth\hsize
+ \FBifcaptop
+ {\ifnum\FPOScnt=\z@\columnwidth\hsize\else\columnwidth\FBc@wd\fi}%
+ {\columnwidth\FBc@wd}%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FC@fs@wd}
+% The width settings for float box with caption beside object.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \settowidth\@tempdimb{{\FCleftmargin}{\FCrightmargin}}%
+ \advance\@tempdima-\@tempdimb
+ \adj@dim\@tempdima-\FB@wadj=\@tempdima
+ \settowidth\@tempdimb{{\floatcapbesidesep}}%
+ \advance\@tempdima-\@tempdimb
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This flag controls predefined width of caption.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FC@ifc@wd\@tempswatrue\@tempswafalse
+ \if@tempswa
+ \ifx\FCwidth\relax
+ \flrow@error{You didn't define width of caption\MessageBreak
+ for plain floating environment.}%
+ \else
+ \global\FBc@wd=\FCwidth
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This flag controls whether to fill rest space of float box with object
+% contents when caption width was predefined.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FC@ifo@fil{\advance\@tempdima-\FBc@wd}\relax
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\FBc@wd\@tempdima
+ \fi
+ \FC@ifo@fil\relax{\@tempdima.5\@tempdima
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\flrow@setwd| could define the width for followed float.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@setwd\FB@wd\@tempdima}%
+ \adj@dim\@tempdima-\FBo@wadj={\global\FBo@wd}%
+ \FC@ifc@wd\relax{\global\advance\FBc@wd-\FB@wd}%
+ \hsize\FBo@wd\linewidth\hsize\columnwidth\FBc@wd\linewidth\hsize
+ \FCset@vpos}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{em}
+% \begin{macro}{\float@makebox}
+% Basically, we must arrange for `style commands' to be executed
+% at certain points during the generation of the float.
+% \LaTeX\ puts a float into a vertical box |\@currbox| which it takes
+% off a list of empty boxes for insertions. When the |\float@makebox| macro
+% is called, |\@currbox| contains the complete float, minus the caption^^A
+% ---we'll see later that we use our own |\caption| command to
+% put the caption into a |\vbox| of its own. This is the only way
+% we can control the position of the caption by the float style,
+% regardless of where the caption appears in the float's input text itself.
+% {\em [floatrow \ldots Skipped explanation of float package.]}
+% \begin{em}
+% [floatrow]
+% Macro |\float@makebox| was redefined to fit more float object---caption
+% combinations. There was created the |\float@makebox| stuff.
+% First goes changed \package{float} |\float@makebox| which loads necessary
+% layout macro for above/below or beside captions.
+% The |\float@makebox| stuff includes |\FB@foot| macro
+% to allow usage of |\floatfoot| (any foot non-caption material)
+% and |\footnotetext| stuff inside floating environment in minipage-like mode.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBifcapbeside{\flrow@FC{#1}}{\flrow@FB{#1}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The definitions of vertical fine tuning corrections.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FB}
+% The macro of |\float@makebox| stuff which builds float box with
+% above/below caption.
+% Here added zeroing of list margins in the case of appearance of |\floatbox|
+% inside list environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@parboxrestore\leftmargin\z@\rightmargin\z@
+ \hbox to\@tempdima{\def\FB@zskip{\vskip\z@}%
+ \FBleftmargin\flrow@FB@\FBrightmargin}%
+ \FR@iffacing{\FB@writeaux{\string\global\string\c@FBcnt\thepage}}\relax
+% \@tempswafalse\FR@iffacing\@tempswatrue\relax
+% \ifCADJ\@tempswatrue\fi\ifOADJ\@tempswatrue\fi
+% \if@tempswa
+% \FB@writeaux{\string\c@FBcnt\thepage
+% \string\def\string\FB@@boxmax{%
+% \ifOADJ\string\FBo@ht\the\FBo@ht
+% \string\FBf@ht\the\FBf@ht\fi
+% \ifCADJ\string\FBc@ht\the\FBc@ht\fi}}\fi
+ \gdef\begin@FBBOX{\vbox\bgroup}\gdef\end@FBBOX{\egroup}%
+ \vskip\FBbskip\gdef\FBaskip{\z@}\gdef\FBbskip{\z@}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FC}
+% Definition of float with beside caption.
+% Here added zeroing of list margins in the case of appearance of |\floatbox|
+% inside list environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \leftmargin\z@\rightmargin\z@\flrow@FClist\vskip\FBaskip
+ \hbox to\@tempdima{\FCleftmargin\flrow@FC@\FCrightmargin}%
+ \FR@iffacing{\FB@writeaux{\string\global\string\c@FBcnt\thepage}}\relax
+% \@tempswafalse\FR@iffacing\@tempswatrue\relax
+% \if@tempswa
+% \FB@writeaux{\string\c@FBcnt\thepage
+% \string\def\string\FB@@boxmax{%
+% \ifOADJ\string\FBo@ht\the\FBo@ht
+% \string\FBf@ht\the\FBf@max\fi
+% \ifCADJ\string\FBc@ht\the\FBc@ht\fi}}\fi
+ \nocapbeside\global\let\FCwidth\relax
+ \vskip\FBbskip\gdef\FBaskip{\z@}\gdef\FBbskip{\z@}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% These macros define box,
+% which is changed accordingly for creation of axis at the top, bottom,
+% or center of boxes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@parboxto{to\FBoheight}\FC@bbox\vsize\FBoheight\fi#1\FC@ebox}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Definitions for fill material for vertical alignment and command with
+% width settings of boxes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \normalfont\normalcolor}
+ \vbox to#2\bgroup\vsize#2\fi\FBw@box#1#3\vskip\z@\egroup}
+ \vtop to#2\bgroup\vsize#2\fi\vskip\z@\FBw@box#1#3\egroup}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FB@}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FC@}
+% |\float@makebox|-like macros for usage inside float row
+% (they don't create any left/right fill material).
+% First macro builds box with caption above/below.
+% At first we reset temporary definitions for current float.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FB@frame{\begin@FBBOX
+ \adj@dim\FBo@wd+\FBo@wadj=\hsize
+ \@tempdima\ht\@currbox\advance\@tempdima\dp\@currbox
+ \ifdim\@tempdima=\z@
+ \def\@@FBskip{}\let\FBo@frame\@gobble
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here added zeroing of list margins in the case of appearance of |\floatbox|
+% inside list environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@parboxrestore\leftmargin\z@\rightmargin\z@
+ \@@FBabove
+ \FBifcaptop\@tempswatrue\@tempswafalse
+ \if@tempswa
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If needed and exists---caption box above float object.
+% If key |footposition=caption| under caption loaded
+% foot material.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifvoid\@floatcapt\else
+ \FB@vbox\FBc@wd\FBcheight{\FBifCAPTOP\relax\vfill
+ \unvbox\@floatcapt
+ \ifnum\FPOScnt=\@ne\vbox{\FB@foot}\fi\vfil}%
+ \@@FBskip\hrule\@height\z@\@depth\z@
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Box of float object. If key |footposition=default|
+% foot material loaded in the bottom of float object box. In the case of
+% |footposition=foot| foot material loads after float object box.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \vtop{\vskip\z@\FBo@frame{\FB@vtop\FBo@wd\FBoheight
+ {\FBafil\unvbox\@currbox\FBbfil
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The zero vertical skip must be here in any case.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \vskip\z@
+ \ifnum\FPOScnt=\z@
+ \FB@vtop\FBo@wd\FBfheight{\FB@foot\vfil}\fi}}\par
+ \vskip\z@
+ \ifnum\FPOScnt=\tw@\vskip\z@
+ \FB@vtop\FBc@wd\FBfheight{\FB@foot\vfil}\fi}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If needed and exists---caption box below float object.
+% If key |footposition=default| or |footposition=caption|
+% foot material loaded under caption contents.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \else\ifnum\FPOScnt=\z@\FPOScnt=\@ne\fi
+ \FBo@frame{\FB@vbox\FBo@wd\FBoheight{\FBafil
+ \unvbox\@currbox\FBbfil}}\par
+ \ifvoid\@floatcapt\else
+ \@@FBskip\hrule\@height\z@\@depth\z@
+ \FB@vtop\FBc@wd\FBcheight{\hsize\columnwidth\unvbox\@floatcapt
+ \ifnum\FPOScnt=\@ne\vtop{\FB@foot}%
+ \fi\par
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\vss| glue appears here because the included box with foot material
+% sometimes creates a small overfull in float rows and crashes alignment of
+% |postcode=| material.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/10/28}{Caption box deleted if still exists.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \vfill\vskip\z@\vss
+ \ifnum\FPOScnt=2\FB@vtop\FBc@wd\FBfheight{\FB@foot\vfil}\fi
+ }\fi
+ \fi\@@FBbelow\FB@zskip\end@FBBOX
+ \global\setbox\@floatcapt\box\voidb@x}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Second internal macro for float row builds float box with beside caption.
+% At first we reset temporary definitions for current float.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FB@frame{\begin@FBBOX
+ \adj@dim\FBo@wd+\FBo@wadj=\hsize
+ \settowidth\@tempdimb{\floatcapbesidesep}\advance\hsize\@tempdimb
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here added zeroing of list margins in the case of appearance of |\floatbox|
+% inside list environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \advance\hsize\FBc@wd\@parboxrestore\leftmargin\z@\rightmargin\z@
+ \@@FBabove
+ \hbox{\floatfacing*%
+ {\ifvoid\@floatcapt\else
+ \FCc@box{\FBw@box\FBc@wd\unvbox\@floatcapt\FB@foot}%
+ \floatcapbesidesep\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% |\FBf@raise| uses |\raisebox| correction to align top (bottom) of caption
+% text with top (bottom) of object frame.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/10/28}{Caption box deleted if still exists.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBf@raise{\FBo@frame{\FCo@box{\FBw@box\FBc@wd\unvbox\@currbox}}}}%
+ {\FBf@raise{\FBo@frame{\FCo@box{\FBw@box\FBo@wd\unvbox\@currbox}}}%
+ \ifvoid\@floatcapt\else
+ \floatcapbesidesep\FCc@box{\FBw@box\FBc@wd
+ \unvbox\@floatcapt\FB@foot}\fi
+ }}\par\@@FBbelow\vskip\z@
+ \end@FBBOX
+ \global\setbox\@floatcapt\box\voidb@x}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Macro for foots and command for skip outside float row.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{em}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\float@end}
+% [float] The internal macro |\end@float| appears here under the name of
+% |\float@end|. The main thing which is changed is that we call
+% |\float@makebox| to reconstruct the float according to the float style.
+% We want to do exactly what the \LaTeX\ kernel does without copying
+% actual kernel code if we can help it; therefore we finish off the
+% float using the kernel |\@endfloatbox|, then replace \LaTeX's
+% contents of the |\@currbox| with our own processed version, and then
+% hand the thing off to \LaTeX{} again. Of course we have already done
+% |\@endfloatbox|, which comes at the beginning of |\end@float|, ourselves;
+% therefore we neutralize it before calling |\end@float|. This doesn't
+% matter since we're in a group anyway (we wanted to keep the style
+% commands local), so everything is undone at the end of the environment.
+% {\em [floatrow] Added flag |\ifFBbuild| for float box layout building.
+% This flag stops repeated usage of |\float@makebox| after |\floatbox|
+% in |\float@end|, |\float@endH| and
+% |\float@dblend| macros and, if \package{rotating} used,
+% in replaces usage of |\float@makebox| to \LaTeX's standard box |\@currbox|
+% |\rotfloat@makebox| and |\rotfloat@dblmakebox| commands.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\setbox\@currbox\float@makebox\columnwidth
+ \let\@endfloatbox\relax\fi
+ \end@float}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\float@endH}
+% The |\float@endH| command is, again, derived from \package{here}. It'll
+% deal correctly with a non-floating float, inserting the proper amounts
+% of white space above and below.
+% {\em [floatrow] Added flag |\ifFBbuild| for float box layout building.
+% This flag stops repeated usage of |\float@makebox| after |\floatbox|.}
+% There is also added flag for loading of list penalties around anchored float.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FR@iffloatHaslist
+ {\floatHpenalties\relax
+ \addpenalty\@beginparpenalty}\relax
+ \vskip\intextsep
+ \ifFBbuild\setbox\@currbox\float@makebox\columnwidth\fi
+ \box\@currbox\par
+ \FR@iffloatHaslist
+ {\addpenalty\@endparpenalty\@endpetrue}\relax
+ \vskip\intextsep\relax}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\float@dblend}
+% The |\float@dblend| command finishes up double-column floats. This
+% uses the same approach as |\float@end| above. It seems to work.
+% {\em [floatrow]
+% Added flag |\ifFBbuild| for float box layout building.
+% This flag stops repeated usage of |\float@makebox| after |\floatbox|.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\setbox\@currbox\float@makebox\textwidth
+ \let\@endfloatbox\relax\fi
+ \end@dblfloat}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{The \package{float} Package: Captions and Lists of Floats}
+% Now for the caption routines.
+% We use a box, |\@floatcapt|, to hold the caption while the float
+% is assembled.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% [floatrow \ldots Skipped explanation. Original definition of caption is stored in |\flrow@caption| above.
+% The storing mechanism of caption box was moved in |\@makecaption| stuff (|\flrow@makecaption| command).]
+% \begin{macro}{\listof}
+% The |\listof| command reads the desired list of floats from the
+% appropriate auxiliary file. The file is then restarted.
+% First of all, we check whether the float style that's supposed to be
+% listed is actually defined. If not, we output a |\float@error|
+% {\em([floatrow] the |\float@error| changed to
+% |\flrow@error|)}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{ext@#1}{\flrow@error{Unknown float style `#1'}}{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% All's well until now. We define the |\l@|\meta{float} command
+% that \LaTeX\ needs for formatting the list, and then typeset the
+% appropriate list header.
+% {\em [floatrow] The definition of list entry
+% layout moved in \cmd{\DeclareNewFloatType} command.}
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/12/09}{The main definition of list entry layout moved in
+% \cmd{\DeclareNewFloatType} command, here it is provided.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\providecommand\csname l@#1\endcsname
+ {\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}%
+ \float@listhead{#2}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Next we call |\@starttoc| with the correct file extension
+% to do the actual work.
+% If |\parskip| is non-zero, vertical space would be added between
+% the individual list entries. To avoid this, we zero |\parskip|
+% locally. This should be done after the |\float@listhead| above since
+% |\parskip| also influences the spacing of headings, and the listings
+% would look different from other chapters otherwise. (Suggested by
+% Markus Kohm.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup\setlength{\parskip}{\z@}%
+ \@starttoc{\@nameuse{ext@#1}}%
+ \endgroup}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\float@listhead}
+% This command generates the beginning of a list of floats.
+% Currently the list appears at the chapter or the section level, depending
+% on whether chapters are supported in the document class. According to
+% a suggestion from Markus Kohm, this is now in a separate command so it
+% can be overridden by other packages. We also use |\MakeUppercase| instead
+% of |\uppercase|; when this piece of code was first written |\MakeUppercase|
+% hadn't been invented yet, and for some reason this never got updated.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{chapter}{\def\@tempa{\section*}}%
+ {\def\@tempa{\chapter*}}%
+ \@tempa{#1\@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{#1}}{\MakeUppercase{#1}}}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\float@addtolists}
+% This command allows \LaTeX\ programmers to add something to all
+% currently-defined lists of floats, such as some extra vertical
+% space at the beginning of a new chapter in the main text
+% (|\float@addtolists{\protect\addvspace{10pt}}|), without knowing
+% exactly which lists of floats are currently being constructed.
+% This command currently does \emph{not} operate on the |lot| and |lof|
+% lists.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\float@do##1{\addtocontents{##1}{#1}} \the\float@exts}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% {\em [floatrow] Here goes \package{floatrow} message about
+% finishing of loading of \package{float} package's corrected code.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\PackageInfo{floatrow}{Modified float package code loaded}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+% \subsection{Borrowed Code (With Original Comment)
+% from The \package{rotfloat} Package}
+% {\em [floatrow] If there is the \package{rotating} package in \LaTeX's
+% installation the \package{rotfloat} package's stuff will be loaded.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% {\em [floatrow]
+% The main redefinitions for \package{rotfloat} (|\flrow@restyle| stuff) purposes
+% were made above (in \package{float} part).\\{}[\dots]
+% Code contents of |\rotfloat@float| and |\rotfloat@dblfloat| moved up
+% inside |\flrow@restyle| macro.}
+% \begin{macro}{\@float@HH}
+% We have to extend |\@float@HH|\emph{[\dots]}.
+% {\em [floatrow] Since |\rotfloat@endH| was originally defined
+% as |\float@endH| in current macro used |\float@endH|}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\rotfloat@HH\@float@HH
+ \def\@float@HH#1{%
+ \expandafter\let\csname endsideways#1\endcsname\float@endH
+% \expandafter\let\csname endsideways#1*\endcsname\rotfloat@dblendH
+ \let\end@float\relax
+ \rotfloat@HH{#1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\rotfloat@endH}
+% This one hasn't to be changed. {\em [floatrow] Commented.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \newcommand\rotfloat@endH{\float@endH}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\rotfloat@makebox}
+% \begin{macro}{\rotdblfloat@makebox}
+% |\float@makebox| has a parameter here which will be set to |\columnwidth|
+% or |\textwidth|. (In the \package{float} package $v1.2$ the |\columnwidth| was
+% hard wired into |\float@makebox|.) So we have to pass this parameter
+% through the original version of |\float@makebox| which we have saved to
+% |\rotfloat@@makebox| within |\rotfloat@float|.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \newcommand*\rotfloat@makebox[1]{%
+ \vbox{\def\@float##1[##2]{}\let\end@float\relax
+ \@rotfloat{}[]%
+ \ifFBbuild\rotfloat@@makebox{#1}\else\box\@currbox\fi
+ \end@rotfloat}}
+ \newcommand*\rotdblfloat@makebox[1]{%
+ \vbox{\def\@float##1[##2]{}\let\end@dblfloat\relax
+ \@rotdblfloat{}[]%
+ \ifFBbuild\rotfloat@@makebox{#1}\else\box\@currbox\fi
+ \end@rotdblfloat}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% That's all folks\dots {\em [floatrow] of borrowed code of
+% \package{rotfloat} package, v1.2. And here goes message about loading of
+% \package{rotfloat} package's code.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\PackageInfo{floatrow}{Modified rotfloat package code loaded}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{sl}
+% \subsection{Stuff to Load Footnotes and Float Foot Material}
+% \begin{macro}{\FR@everyfloat}
+% These token macros add redefinition of float stuff to arrange usage
+% of footnotes inside plain float contents. The footnote stuff works like
+% in minipage,
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@mpfn{mpfootnote}\def\thempfn{\thempfootnote}\c@mpfootnote\z@
+ \floatobjectset\floatfont}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FR@ifFOOT}
+% Flag for placing foot material.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@putfnotes}
+% The excerpt from minipage macro (\LaTeX's core stuff) to put footnotes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifvoid\@mpfootins\else\FR@ifFOOT
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A special skip (|\skip\@mpfootins|) dimension for footnotes in
+% float box changed to |\floatfootskip|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\vskip\floatfootskip\normalcolor\FBfootnoterule
+ \unvbox\@mpfootins\@@par}\relax
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@putfoots}
+% Macro analogous to previous one, but for loading of |\floatfoot| stuff.
+% To load float foot material there is defined |\newinsert| for its stuff.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifvoid\flrow@foot\else\FR@ifFOOT
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\footnoterule| is not used for float foot.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\vskip\floatfootskip\normalcolor
+ \unvbox\flrow@foot\@@par}\relax
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{New Definitions for Footnotes}
+% \begin{macro}{\mpfootnotemark}
+% There is the definition of |\footnotemark| which creates the same mark as
+% |\footnote| inside |minipage| environment. That could be useful in
+% multiple footnote marks in tables. Since the same definition was loaded
+% in \package{footmisc} version 4.10, dated 2003/01/20 and later, these macros are defined at the
+% beginning of document in the case only if \package{footmisc} was not loaded.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@xmpfootnotemark{\stepcounter\@mpfn
+ \protected@xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn}\@footnotemark}}%
+ \@ifundefined{@xmpfootnotemark}
+ {\def\@xmpfootnotemark[#1]{\begingroup\c@mpfootnote#1\relax
+ \unrestored@protected@xdef\@thefnmark{\thempfn}\endgroup
+ \@footnotemark}}{}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Macro for Legends, Explications, etc.}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatfoot}
+% This command made for the same reasons as \package{ccaption}'s |\legend|
+% macro and follows its style. It uses |\caption| mechanism.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\def\FR@tmp{\@parboxrestore\captionfootfont}\floatfoot@}%
+ {\def\FR@tmp{\captionfootfont}\floatfoot@}}
+ \global\setbox\flrow@foot\vbox{%
+ \floatfoot@box{#1}}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatfoot@box}
+% For the case of usage outside of |\floatbox| and floating environments. E.g.
+% inside |longtable| environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{@captype}{\def\@captype{floatfoot}}{}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\if@@FS| flag stored for |wrap...| environments.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@@FS\hsize\columnwidth\linewidth\columnwidth\fi
+ \@parboxrestore\reset@font\color@begingroup
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Apply current float settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@setoptions{\@captype}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Apply floatfoot settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@setoptions{floatfoot}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% No captionlabel.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@@make{}{\FR@tmp#1\@finalstrut\strutbox}%
+ \color@endgroup}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Defining New Float Box Commands}
+% \begin{macro}{\newfloatcommand}
+% \begin{macro}{\renewfloatcommand}
+% The following macros allow to define user commands-abbreviations of |\floatbox| command:
+% they have common unchanged preamble and setting for default width of
+% float box.
+% The definition of command for new float command.
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+ \@ifundefined{#1}{}%
+ {\flrow@error{\string#1 already defined}}%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\FB@nc{#1}{#2}}{\FB@nc{#1}{#2}[]}}
+ \@ifundefined{#1}{}%
+ {\PackageInfo{floatrow}{Redefining \string#1}}%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\FB@nc{#1}{#2}}{\FB@nc{#1}{#2}[]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\FB@@nc{#1}{#2}[#3]}{\FB@@nc{#1}{#2}[#3][]}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This group ends at the end of |\@@@floatbox| macro.
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+ \@namedef{#1}{\begingroup
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The option with temporary settings for float
+% box saved to temporary command.
+% \begin{macrocode}%
+ \def\FB@tmpset{#3}\def\@captype{#2}%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@floatbox}{\@floatbox[#4]}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Predefined Abbreviations for Figures and Tables}
+% \begin{macro}{\ffigbox}
+% \begin{macro}{\ttabbox}
+% \begin{macro}{\fcapside}
+% The abbreviations for object---caption combination in float
+% figures and tables and also for figures with beside captions
+% (there is not given \emph{abbreviation} command for beside
+% caption in tables---I can't imagine such book design).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Building Float Box}
+% \FRorisubsubsection{Dimensions Used in Float Box Building}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@wd}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBo@wd}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBc@wd}
+% These internal dimensions used for defining widths for
+% float boxes entirely and for object and caption separately
+% (they could differ in special style layouts). The |\newdimen| register is
+% necessary because of these parameters can catch values from skip parameters
+% during calculations,
+% also the skip values of widths could ``conflict'' with skips-separators between floats.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\@ifdefinable\FB@wd {\newdimen\FB@wd}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBo@ht}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBc@ht}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBf@ht}
+% The internal dimensions for heights of object and caption.
+% Third dimension defines height of footnote and float foot stuff.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBo@max}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBc@max}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBf@max}
+% These three internal dimensions determine maximum object, caption and
+% foot boxes in float row environments for special styles.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Commands for Counting Width and Height}
+% \begin{macro}{\FR@loc@fcaddcnt}
+% \begin{macro}{\FR@loc@}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBtmp@cap}
+% Redefinition of \cmd{\addtocounter} macro---localization of counter change.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{c@#1}{\@nocounterr{#1}}%
+ {\advance\csname c@#1\endcsname #2\relax}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The command for localization of |\refstepcounter|, |\stepcounter| and
+% |\refsteponlycounter|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{c@#1}{\@nocounterr{#1}}%
+ {\advance\csname c@#1\endcsname1\relax}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Gobbling of caption label and localization of counter change.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \flrow@gobble
+ \let\FR@ifunloc\@gobble
+ \let\label\@gobble
+ \let\refstepcounter\FR@loc@refcnt
+ \let\stepcounter\FR@loc@refcnt
+ \let\refsteponlycounter\FR@loc@refcnt
+ \let\FR@ifcountH\@secondoftwo
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\cl@@ckpt| is macro which ``globalizes'' all counters. It is used by
+% |tabularx| environment. Here it is emptied during local creation of
+% caption box. Also here is gobbled macro from \package{subfig} package.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2008/01/06}{Added redefinitions of \texttt{..addcontentsline}
+% commands for (subcaption) compatibility with caption 3.1. (AS)}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\cl@@ckpt\empty\let\addtocounter\FR@loc@addcnt
+ \let\caption@kernel@addcontentsline\@gobbletwo
+ \let\caption@addcontentsline\@gobbletwo
+ \def\sf@updatecaptionlist##1##2##3##4{}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The macro for temporary redefinition for counting of caption width.
+% \changes{v0.1p}{2007/06/24}{Added \cmd{\relax} for compatibility with
+% caption 3.1.}
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/12/10}{Contents of \cmd{\FBtmp@cap} became \cmd{\captionlabel} for (sub)caption labels.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\@tempdimb\wd\@tempboxa}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\captionlabel}
+% \begin{macro}{\subcaptionlabel}
+% Here goes support for caption and subcaption labels. (The |\captionlabel| command is
+% used as internal macro for calculating width of caption.)
+% This macro uses internal \package{caption} commands |\caption@@@make| and |\caption@lfmt|.
+% The temporary macro |\FR@tmp| defined as |\@captype| or |sub\@captype|, depending to
+% ``depth'' of float box.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/12/10}{The \cmd{\captionlabel} created for (sub)caption label,
+% with suggestions A.Sommerfeldt.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\FR@tmp{sub\@captype}\caption@setsubtype*{\FR@tmp}\stepcounter{\FR@tmp}\fi
+ \caption@@@make{\caption@fnum\FR@tmp}{#1}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\subcaptionlabel| command
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBget@box}
+% This macro calculates widths and heights of caption and
+% object boxes accordingly to \meta{width} and \meta{height}
+% arguments of |\floatbox| macro.
+% \label{code:FBwidth}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% At first macro defines |\hsize| (which could be used in width definition),
+% i.e. change it for fit contents in boxes.
+% The |\FBget@box| macro uses the |\FBB@wd| command. In the case of
+% |\hsize=0pt| the |\FBB@wd| still defined as |\relax|. It will be
+% defined later.
+% The |\hsize=0pt| can be defined in mandatory argument of |wrap...|
+% environment in the case of creation space equal to float contents.
+% If |\floatbox| macro has not any \oarg{width} argument, the |\hsize|
+% of wrapped figure equals to beside text (i.e. current text is `divided'
+% into two columns).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBiffloatrow\relax
+ {\ifx\FBB@wd\relax
+ \ifdim\hsize=\z@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\floatbox| stuff doesn't use special |\caption| definition inside
+% |wrap...| environment---|\caption| restores its behavior.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{wf@@caption}{}{\let\caption\wf@@caption}%
+ \hsize.5\columnwidth\advance\hsize-.5\columnsep
+ \else
+ \edef\FBB@wd{\the\hsize}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \hsize\FBB@wd
+ \fi}%
+ \adj@dim\hsize-\FB@wadj=\@tempdima
+ \FBifcapbeside
+ {\FCget@@wd{#1}{#3}}%
+ {\nofilFCOhsize
+ \FBiffloatrow\relax
+ {\settowidth\@tempdimb{{\FBleftmargin}{\FBrightmargin}}%
+ \advance\@tempdima-\@tempdimb}}%
+ \FC@ifo@fil{\@tempdima\FB@wd}{\FB@wd\@tempdima}%
+ \adj@dim\@tempdima-\FBo@wadj=\FBo@wd
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This line is doubled below but it is necessary here in case
+% you use |\hsize| in any width argument in current float contents.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBiffloatrow\relax{\hsize\FBo@wd}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% |\FB@wd| changed only for beside captions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBifcapbeside{\hsize\FB@wd}\relax
+ \linewidth\hsize
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If there are defined the width and/or height arguments in |\floatbox|
+% macro (re)calculates width of object and caption.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\reserved@a{#1}\ifx\reserved@a\empty
+ \else\FBget@@wd{#1}{#3}\fi
+ \hsize\FBo@wd\linewidth\hsize
+ \FBifcapbeside
+ {\FC@ifc@wd\relax{\advance\FBc@wd-\FB@wd}}%
+ {\FBc@wd\FB@wd}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% From this point macro calculates heights of caption and object if necessary.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\let\FR@ifROWFILL\@secondoftwo\FR@loc@\hsize\FBo@wd\linewidth\hsize
+ \FBifcaptop
+ {\ifnum\FPOScnt=\z@\columnwidth\hsize\else\columnwidth\FBc@wd\fi}%
+ {\columnwidth\FBc@wd}%
+ #3}%
+ \FBc@ht\ht\@floatcapt\advance\FBc@ht\dp\@floatcapt
+ \FBo@ht\ht\z@\advance\FBo@ht\dp\z@\let\FBheight\FBo@ht
+ \setbox\tw@\vbox{\null\par\FB@foot\par}%
+ \FBf@ht\ht\tw@\advance\FBf@ht\dp\tw@
+ \FBiffloatrow
+ {\ifdim\FBf@ht>\FBf@max\global\FBf@max\FBf@ht\fi
+ \ifCADJ
+ \FBifcaptop
+ {\ifnum\FPOScnt=\@ne\global\advance\FBc@ht\FBf@ht\fi}%
+ {\ifnum\FPOScnt=\tw@
+ \ifdim\FBf@ht>\FBf@max
+ \global\advance\FBc@ht\FBf@ht
+ \else
+ \global\advance\FBc@ht\FBf@max
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \global\advance\FBc@ht\FBf@ht
+ \fi}%
+ \ifdim\FBc@ht>\FBc@max\global\FBc@max\FBc@ht\fi
+ \gdef\FBcheight{\FBc@ht}\gdef\FBfheight{\FBf@ht}%
+ \fi}\relax
+ \def\reserved@a{#2}\ifx\reserved@a\empty
+ \FBiffloatrow{\ifOADJ
+ \ifdim\FBo@ht>\FBo@max\global\FBo@max\FBo@ht\fi
+ \FBifcaptop
+ {\ifnum\FPOScnt=\z@
+ \ifdim\FBf@ht>\FBf@max\global\FBf@max\FBf@ht\fi
+ \fi}\relax
+ \gdef\FBoheight{\FBo@ht}\gdef\FBfheight{\FBf@ht}%
+ \fi}\relax
+ \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/12/09}{The argument with floatbox contents added.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBget@@ht{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FCget@@wd}
+% Counts the width of caption if caption was placed beside float object.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBiffloatrow\relax
+ {\settowidth\@tempdimb{{\FCleftmargin}{\FCrightmargin}}%
+ \advance\@tempdima-\@tempdimb\advance\hsize-\@tempdimb}%
+ \settowidth\@tempdimb{\floatcapbesidesep}\advance\@tempdima-\@tempdimb
+ \FC@ifo@fil{\FB@wd\@tempdima}\relax
+ \FC@ifc@wd\@tempswatrue\@tempswafalse
+ \if@tempswa
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If |\FCwidth| was not defined (|\relax|), macro calculates
+% natural caption width (in this case |\caption| restores plain \LaTeX's
+% behavior). The contents of float thrown out in |\box\@ne|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\FCwidth\relax
+ \setbox\@ne\vbox{\FR@loc@
+ \let\caption\flrow@caption
+ \let\@caption\FBtmp@cap
+ #2}%
+ \FBc@wd=\@tempdimb
+ \else
+ \FBc@wd=\FCwidth
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\FCwidth| is local dimension.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \fi\FC@ifo@fil{\advance\FB@wd-\FBc@wd}\relax
+ \else
+ \FBc@wd\@tempdima
+ \fi
+ \@tempdima.5\@tempdima}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@gobble@}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@gobble}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\caption\flrow@gobble@
+ \let\floatfoot\flrow@gobble@
+ \let\footnote\flrow@gobble@
+ \let\footnotetext\flrow@gobble@
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBget@@wd}
+% Counts the width of object if the width optional argument not empty.
+% There is na\u\i{}ve check of existence of |\FBwidth| and/or
+% |\FBheight| commands in optional arguments. I hope it could work
+% unless you are manipulating with metre dimensions (I hope you're not
+% preparing a metre book!) or set more than
+% |5\FBwidth| (|5\FBheight|) in \meta{width} (\meta{height}) option.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \@tempdima-3000pt\let\FBwidth\@tempdima
+ \setlength\dimen@{#1}\ifdim\dimen@<\z@\global\@tempswatrue\fi
+ \endgroup
+ \if@tempswa
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\let\FR@ifROWFILL\@secondoftwo\FR@loc@#2}%
+ \FBo@wd\wd\z@\let\FBwidth\FBo@wd
+ \setlength\FBo@wd{#1}%
+ \advance\FBo@wd\leftskip\advance\FBo@wd\rightskip
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The width |\FB@wd| localized.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \adj@dim\FBo@wd+\FBo@wadj=\FB@wd
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Throw out floatfoot and float footnote contents (if exist).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setbox\flrow@foot\box\voidb@x
+ \setbox\@mpfootins\box\voidb@x
+ \else
+ \setlength\FB@wd{#1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The width |\FB@wd| localized.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \adj@dim\FB@wd-\FB@wadj=\FB@wd
+ \adj@dim\FB@wd-\FBo@wadj=\FBo@wd
+ \let\FBwidth\FBo@wd
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBget@@ht}
+% Counts the height of object if the height optional argument not empty.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/12/09}{The argument with floatbox contents added. Corrected bug
+% with height calculating.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \@tempdimb-3000pt\let\FBheight\@tempdimb
+ \setlength\dimen@{#1}\ifdim\dimen@<\z@
+ \global\@tempswatrue\fi
+ \endgroup
+ \if@tempswa
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{\let\FR@ifROWFILL\@secondoftwo\FR@loc@#2}%
+ \FBo@ht\ht\z@\advance\FBo@ht\dp\z@
+ \let\FBheight\FBo@ht\setlength\FBo@ht{#1}%
+ \adj@dim\FBo@ht+\FBo@hadj=\FBo@ht
+ \FBifcaptop{\ifnum\FPOScnt=\z@\advance\FBo@ht\FBf@ht\fi}\relax
+ \else
+ \setlength\FBo@ht{#1}%
+ \adj@dim\FBo@ht-\FBo@hadj=\FBo@ht
+ \adj@dim\FBo@ht-\FB@hadj=\FBo@ht
+ \setbox\z@\vbox{\offinterlineskip\vbox{\@@FBabove}%
+ \FBifcapbeside\relax{\@@FBskip\hrule\@height\z@\@depth\z@}%
+ \vtop{\@@FBbelow}}%
+ \global\advance\FBo@ht-\ht\z@\global\advance\FBo@ht-\dp\z@
+ \FBifcapbeside\relax\FBget@@@ht
+ \fi
+ \FBiffloatrow{\ifOADJ
+ \ifdim\FBo@ht>\FBo@max\global\FBo@max\FBo@ht\fi
+% \ifdim\FBf@ht>\FBf@max\global\FBf@max\FBf@ht\fi
+% \FBifcaptop{\ifnum\FPOScnt=\z@\advance\FBo@ht\FBf@ht\fi}\relax
+ \fi}\relax
+ \def\FBoheight{\FBo@ht}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBget@@@ht}
+% If there was set the height of float box this macro
+% calculates height of additional vertical material (except of space
+% created by frames) in object---caption box plus height of
+% caption box. The result is used to get correct height of object box.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\box\z@| settings moved up in |\FBget@@ht| macro.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \global\advance\FBo@ht-\ht\z@\global\advance\FBo@ht-\dp\z@
+ \ifdim\FBc@ht>\FBc@max
+ \global\advance\FBo@ht-\FBc@ht
+ \else
+ \global\advance\FBo@ht-\FBc@max
+ \fi
+ \FBifcaptop{\ifnum\FPOScnt=\@ne\else
+ \ifdim\FBf@ht>\FBf@max
+ \global\advance\FBo@ht-\FBf@ht
+ \else
+ \global\advance\FBo@ht-\FBf@max
+ \fi
+ \fi}\relax
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Storing Heights for Current Float Box}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@writeaux}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@readaux}
+% Excerpt from \LaTeX's |\protected@write|. This command is used for
+% printing in \texttt{.aux}-file the necessary settings which will work
+% in next \LaTeX{} run.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \let\thepage\relax\let\protect\@unexpandable@protect
+ \edef\reserved@a{\write\@auxout{\string\gdef
+ \expandafter\string\csname @@FBset@\romannumeral
+ \the\c@FBl@b\endcsname{#1}}}\reserved@a
+ \endgroup
+ \addtocounter{FBl@b}{1}}
+ \@ifundefined{@@FBset@\romannumeral\the\c@FBl@b}%
+ {#1}{\@nameuse{@@FBset@\romannumeral\the\c@FBl@b}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\c@FBl@b}
+% This counter helps to define unique
+% command for each float row environment or object---caption
+% beside box if necessary.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Building Caption and Object Boxes}\label{putFB}
+% \begin{macro}{\FR@ifFCBOX}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBs@raise}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBf@raise}
+% \begin{macro}{\FCset@vpos}
+% The |\FR@ifFCBOX| flag if true aligns top or bottom of object's
+% frame with top or bottom of beside caption if fancy layout used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Setting of vertical position for beside caption and object.
+% Here is used \LaTeX's |\@parboxto| command, because of here is used
+% analogous mechanism of box building as in |\parbox| command and
+% |minipage| environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase\count@
+ \gdef\FC@bbox{$\vcenter\@parboxto\bgroup\vskip\z@}%
+ \gdef\FC@ebox{\vskip\z@\egroup$}%
+ \gdef\FBf@raise{}%
+ \gdef\FBs@raise{\raisebox{-.5\totalheight}}%
+ \or\gdef\FC@bbox{\vtop\@parboxto\bgroup\vskip\z@}%
+ \gdef\FC@ebox{\vskip\z@\egroup}%
+ \FR@ifFCBOX{\gdef\FBf@raise{\raisebox{-\height}}}%
+ {\gdef\FBf@raise{}}%
+ \gdef\FBs@raise{\raisebox{-\totalheight}}%
+ \or\gdef\FC@bbox{\vbox\@parboxto\bgroup}\gdef\FC@ebox{\vskip\z@\egroup}%
+ \FR@ifFCBOX{\gdef\FBf@raise{\raisebox{\depth}}}%
+ {\gdef\FBf@raise{}}%
+ \gdef\FBs@raise{}\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\adj@dim}
+% Dimension defines locally box widths and heights in special styles.
+% The argument |#4| can be set in form like |{\global\hsize}| to
+% globalize result.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \adj@@dim#1#2#3{#4}\fi}
+ #4=\@tempdima}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Caption---Object Box Building Macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatbox}
+% The start of main macro of object---caption box building.
+% The preparation of optional arguments. The option with settings for float
+% box saved to temporary command. For possible including |\floatbox| in |\floatbox|
+% the |\floatbox@depth| counter was added. We need to do all settings and calculations
+% in group.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\FB@tmpset{#1}\def\@captype{#2}%
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@floatbox}{\@floatbox[]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@@floatbox[#1]}{\@@floatbox[#1][]}}
+ \@ifnextchar[{\@@@floatbox[#1][#2]}{\@@@floatbox[#1][#2][]}}%]
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\@@@floatbox}
+% Building object---caption box.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@FB@vpos{#3}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If object---caption stays alone here go
+% special style settings for current float type.
+% Then go the settings for caption layout.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@@FS\else\FR@redefs
+ \ifcase\floatbox@depth\or
+ \flrow@setlist{{\@captype}}\or
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\caption| stuff catches |sub\@captype| settings by itself. In this case
+% in the second label were loaded only float layout settings.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/12/10}{The redundant(?) caption settings for subtypes removed.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@settype{subfloat}\flrow@settype{subtype}\flrow@settype{sub\@captype}%
+ \fi
+ \FRifFBOX\@@setframe\relax\@@FStrue
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Put temporary command with option settings
+% for float box.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FB@tmpset
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Then load settings for beside captions, in the case we use this
+% layout---the beside caption could use a bit different layout.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBifcapbeside\flrow@FClist\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Restoring standard justified paragraph settings${{}+{}}$|\parindent\z@|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@parboxrestore\leftmargin\z@\rightmargin\z@
+ \floatobjectset\floatfont
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here is called macro which calculates widths and heights of caption
+% and object.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBget@box{#1}{#2}{#4#5}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% In this point defined macros for building of beside object---caption box.
+% \changes{v0.1f}{2005/06/14}{The \cmd{\capstart} added as
+% a)~\cmd{\FR@floatbox} argument (outside float row).}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBifcapbeside\FCset@vpos\relax
+ \FBiffloatrow{\FR@floatbox{\@ifundefined{capstart}{}{\capstart}#4#5}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The restoring of full |\hsize| of current float box.
+% For the case of counting of float width inside |wrap...| environment
+% here defined the |\FBB@wd| macro. Inside the |\FBsetbox@obj| macro it |\relax|ed
+% again to get brand-new settings for possible inner |\floatbox|es.
+% \changes{v0.1f}{2005/06/14}{The \cmd{\capstart} added as
+% b)~\cmd{\FBsetbox@obj} argument (in float row).}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\adj@dim\FB@wd+\FB@wadj=\hsize\linewidth\hsize
+ \ifx\FBB@wd\relax\edef\FBB@wd{\the\hsize}\fi
+ \FBsetbox@obj{\@ifundefined{capstart}{}{\capstart}\let\FBB@wd\relax
+ #4#5}\FBbuildtrue
+ \FBifcapbeside{\flrow@FC\FBB@wd}{\flrow@FB\FBB@wd}%
+ \global\FBbuildfalse
+ \FR@iffacing{\FB@writeaux{\string\global\string\c@FBcnt\thepage}}\relax
+% \global\FB@wd\hsize
+ }\advance\floatbox@depth\m@ne
+% \end{macrocode}
+% End of the group.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \endgroup\ignorespaces}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Code for recounting parameters and building boxes inside |floatrow|
+% environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% For beside floats in special layouts of float (e.g. |boxed|
+% or |ruled|) there is necessary the definition of maximum heights
+% of captions and objects to align boxes or rules. Here goes command
+% which loads the result of max dimensions from previous run.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifOADJ\@tempswatrue\fi\ifCADJ\@tempswatrue\fi
+ \if@tempswa\@ifundefined{FB@@boxmax}{}{\FB@@boxmax}\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here we create boxes of float contents.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBsetbox@obj{#1}\begin@FBBOX
+ \FBifcapbeside\flrow@FC@\flrow@FB@
+ \end@FBBOX
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The each float box in float row reduces special counter |FRobj|
+% by~1.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \addtocounter{FRobj}\m@ne
+ \@tempswafalse\FR@iffacing\@tempswatrue\relax
+ \ifCADJ\@tempswatrue\fi\ifOADJ\@tempswatrue\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% At end of row it equals zero.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \advance\Xhsize-\FB@wd
+ \FBifcapbeside
+ {\advance\Xhsize-\FBc@wd
+ \FR@ifcountH{\global\advance\Zhsize-\FBc@wd}\relax
+ \settowidth\@tempdimb{\floatcapbesidesep}%
+ \advance\Xhsize-\@tempdimb
+ \FR@ifcountH{\global\advance\Zhsize-\@tempdimb}\relax}\relax
+ \ifnum\c@FRobj=\z@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here goes macro which prints in \file{.aux}-file the final
+% countdown of maximum caption and object heights if necessary.
+% At last goes flag for float box layout building.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@tempswa
+ \FB@writeaux{\string\c@FBcnt\thepage
+ \string\def\string\FB@@boxmax{%
+ \ifOADJ\string\FBo@ht\the\FBo@max
+ \string\FBf@ht\the\FBf@max\fi
+ \ifCADJ\string\FBc@ht\the\FBc@max\fi}}\fi
+ \global\FBbuildfalse
+ \else
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Between floats in float row macro puts separation material.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \FBifcapbeside
+% {\advance\Xhsize-\FBc@wd
+% \FR@ifcountH{\global\advance\Zhsize-\FBc@wd}\relax
+% \settowidth\@tempdimb{\floatcapbesidesep}%
+% \advance\Xhsize-\@tempdimb
+% \FR@ifcountH{\global\advance\Zhsize-\@tempdimb}\relax}\relax
+ \floatrowsep
+ \adj@dim\Xhsize-\FB@wadj={\global\Xhsize}%
+ \adj@dim\Zhsize-\FB@wadj={\global\Zhsize}%
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The macro for storing float object in box in the same way as
+% in plain environment. There is added code for possible usage of
+% \package{color} package and color boxes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setbox\float@box\color@vbox\normalcolor
+ \FBifcaptop
+ {\FB@vtop\FBo@wd\FBoheight\bgroup\FBafil\floatobjectset\floatfont
+ \ifnum\FPOScnt=\z@\columnwidth\FBo@wd\else\columnwidth\FBc@wd\fi}%
+ {\FB@vbox\FBo@wd\FBoheight\bgroup\FBafil\floatobjectset\floatfont
+ \columnwidth\FBc@wd}%
+ #1\FBbfil\egroup\color@endbox
+ \let\@currbox\float@box}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Building Float Row}
+% \FRorisubsubsection{The Flag, Counter and Dimension for Float Row Environment}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBiffloatrow}
+% Switch used in |\floatbox| to define whether it placed inside of
+% environment of beside floats (float row) or not.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\c@FRobj}
+% Counter of objects in a row, which helps to put correct spaces between
+% float boxes and also to define the rest width (|\Xhsize|) for boxes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\Xhsize}
+% \begin{macro}{\Yhsize}
+% \begin{macro}{\Zhsize}
+% This dimension is used for defining of the rest width which float box
+% can occupy in current float row environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Next dimensions are used for calculation of the common height of photos
+% in a row.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Float Row Environment}
+% \begin{environment}{floatrow}
+% \label{floatrow}
+% Environment for placing beside floats (of one type).
+% First goes counter of floats in row, then the settings for float layout.
+% \changes{v0.2a}{2007/08/24}{Redefined boxes for building of above and below
+% material}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ }{\let\flrow@to\empty\def\flrow@left{}\def\flrow@right{}}%
+ \bgroup\flrow@left}
+ \egroup}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If depth of row more than~0 the subfloatrow settings are switched.
+% \changes{v0.3b}{2009/08/02}{Fixed bug of \cs{thisfloatsetup} usage}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase\floatbox@depth
+ \flrow@setlist*{{floatrow}{\@captype row}}%
+ \or
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\caption| stuff catches |sub\@captype| settings by itself. The other reason to skip
+% caption settings here is possible usage of upper level |\caption| inside of |\RawCaption|
+% command which need ``parent'' settings. In this case
+% in the second label were loaded only float layout settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@settype{subfloat}\flrow@settype{subtype}\flrow@settype{sub\@captype}%
+ \flrow@settype{subfloatrow}\flrow@settype{sub\@captype row}%
+ \ifx\flrow@to\empty\def\flrow@boxset##1{}\fi
+ \fi%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Settings for facing/non-facing layout, common/non-common heights of captions and objects.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FB@facing\@tempswafalse\FR@iffacing\@tempswatrue\relax
+ \ifCADJ\@tempswatrue\fi\ifOADJ\@tempswatrue\fi
+ \if@tempswa\FB@readaux{\relax}\fi
+ \flrow@boxset{\ifx\FBB@wd\relax\edef\FBB@wd{\the\hsize}\else\hsize\FBB@wd\fi}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Settings analyzed.
+% The building of box of row of floats started.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\floatbox@depth=\z@\vspace\FBaskip\else\leavevmode\fi
+ \hbox\flrow@to\bgroup%outer h box
+ \FRleftmargin
+ \flrow@boxset{\hsize\FBB@wd
+ \settowidth\@tempdima{{\FRleftmargin}{\FRrightmargin}}\advance\hsize-\@tempdima}%
+ \bgroup\ifx\FR@frame\empty\else\def\FB@frame{}\def\FB@wadj{}\def\FB@hadj{}\fi%frame set
+ \flrow@boxset{\adj@dim\hsize-\FR@wadj=\hsize}%
+ \setbox\flrow@rowbox\vbox\bgroup%v box
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Material above.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@@FRabove
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Row |\hbox|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@setrowhbox
+ \flrow@hbox@bgroup\let\FBiffloatrow\@firstoftwo
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here starts trick with redefinition of |\hsize| inside float row.
+% The |\hsize| will be equal to one ``column'' (the number of
+% ``columns''-floats gives optional argument---the default is \texttt{2}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \Xhsize\hsize\count@#1\advance\count@\m@ne
+% \settowidth\@tempdima{{\FRleftmargin}{\FRrightmargin}}\advance\Xhsize-\@tempdima
+ \settowidth\@tempdima{\floatrowsep}\advance\Xhsize-\count@\@tempdima
+ \@tempdimb\Xhsize
+ \FR@iftwolevel
+ {\ifnum\floatbox@depth=\z@\Zhsize\Xhsize\else
+ \ifdim\Zhsize=\z@\Zhsize\Xhsize\sZhsize\Xhsize\fi
+ \FR@ifcountH{\global\advance\Zhsize-\count@\@tempdima}\relax
+ \fi}{\@tempdimb\Xhsize\Zhsize\Xhsize}%
+ \divide\@tempdimb#1\relax\FB@wd\@tempdimb
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here goes recalculated |\hsize|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hsize\@tempdimb\ignorespaces}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Macro for float row end.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@hbox@egroup%h box
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Material below.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@@FRbelow
+ \egroup%v box
+ \FR@frame{\box\flrow@rowbox}%
+ \egroup%frame set
+ \FRrightmargin\egroup%outer h box
+ \ifnum\floatbox@depth=\z@\vspace\FBbskip\fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The building of box of row of floats finished.
+% Values of common heights and skips zeroed, default box settings restored.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \gdef\FBaskip{\z@}\gdef\FBbskip{\z@}%
+ \global\FBf@max\z@\global\FBo@max\z@\global\FBc@max\z@
+ \gdef\begin@FBBOX{\vbox\bgroup}\gdef\end@FBBOX{\egroup}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{environment}
+% \begin{environment}{subfloatrow}\label{subfloatrow}
+% Environment for placing beside subfloats. It is simpler than
+% |floatrow|. First go counter of floats (here it is local)
+% in row, then the settings for float layout.
+% \changes{v0.2a}{2007/08/24}{The \cmd{\subfloatrow} moved from \package{fr-subfig}
+% in main package body}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \captionsetup{subtype}\@nameuse{subfloatrow*}}{\@nameuse{endsubfloatrow*}}
+\newcommand\capsubrowsettings{\caption@setoptions{subfloatrow}\caption@setoptions{sub\@captype row}}
+ \let\Xhsize\sXhsize%\let\Zhsize\sZhsize
+ \FR@ifunloc{\let\FR@ifcountH\@firstoftwo}\let\c@FRobj\c@FRsobj
+ \def\FRleftmargin{}\def\FRrightmargin{}\let\floatrowsep\subfloatrowsep
+ \floatrow[#1]\killfloatstyle}{\ifdim\lastskip>\z@\unskip\fi
+ \@ifundefined{adjustsubfloats}\relax\adjustsubfloats\endfloatrow}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{environment}
+% The definition of subfloat separator.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\let\FR@iftwolevel\@firstoftwo\CommonHeightRow@
+ }{\let\FR@iftwolevel\@secondoftwo\CommonHeightRow@}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hbox{\FR@loc@\let\FR@ifunloc\@firstofone#2}%
+ \ifcase\floatbox@depth\def\@tempa{\Xhsize}\def\@tempb{\Zhsize}\or
+ \def\@tempa{\sXhsize}\def\@tempb{\Zhsize}\fi
+ \FR@calc@CommonHeight#2}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The width of row, occupied by graphics divided in |1pt| segments. (To get |2pt|
+% segment the |\count@| value must be divided by |131072|;
+% to get |1pt| segment the |\count@| value must be divided by |65536|;
+% to get |.5pt| segment the |\count@| value must be divided by |32768|.)
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@tempdima\@tempb\advance\@tempdima-\@tempa
+ \count@\@tempdima\relax\divide\count@16384\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The same number of segments will be for the necessary width of graphics.
+% The value of segment loaded in |\FR@Zunitlength| dimension.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \divide\@tempb\count@\relax\FR@Zunitlength\@tempb\relax
+ \@tempdima\CommonHeight\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Now divide |\CommonHeight| in |1pt| segments.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \count@\@tempdima\relax\divide\count@16384\relax
+ \@tempdima\count@\FR@Zunitlength\relax
+% \end{macrocode}
+% And then these segments get value of |\FR@Zunitlength|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\CommonHeight{\the\@tempdima}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Aligning Float Boxes}
+% \begin{macro}{\CenterFloatBoxes}
+% \begin{macro}{\TopFloatBoxes}
+% \begin{macro}{\BottomFloatBoxes}
+% \begin{macro}{\PlainFloatBoxes}
+% Aligning float boxes.
+% Firstly defined plain macros for float boxes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here these boxes are redefined to align floats in desired way.
+% First definition for centered.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \buildFBBOX{\hbox\bgroup$\vcenter\bgroup\vskip\z@}%
+ {\vskip\z@\egroup$\egroup}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Definition for topped.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \buildFBBOX{\vtop\bgroup\vskip\z@}{\egroup}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Definition for aligned bottom.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \buildFBBOX{\vbox\bgroup}{\vskip\z@\egroup}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Restoring of plain behavior of boxes in |floatrow|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \gdef\begin@FBBOX{\vbox\bgroup}\gdef\end@FBBOX{\egroup}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Macro which defines |\begin@FBBOX| and |\end@FBBOX|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\newdimentocommand}
+% \begin{macro}{\renewdimentocommand}
+% \begin{macro}{\newskiptocommand}
+% \begin{macro}{\renewskiptocommand}
+% \begin{macro}{\newlengthtocommand}
+% \begin{macro}{\renewlengthtocommand}
+% These macros substitute usage of \LaTeX's macro |\newlength| and \TeX's
+% macros |\newdimen| and |\newskip|. These commands are are placed as prefix
+% before \LaTeX's commands |\settowidth|/\allowbreak|\settoheght|/\allowbreak
+% |\settodepth|, |\setlength| and |\addtolength|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\newdimentocommand #1#2#3{%
+ #1\@tempdima{#3}\@ifdefinable#2{\xdef#2{\the\@tempdima}}}
+ #1\@tempdima{#3}\xdef#2{\the\@tempdima}}
+\def\newskiptocommand #1#2#3{%
+ #1\@tempskipa{#3}\@ifdefinable#2{\xdef#2{\the\@tempskipa}}}
+\def\renewskiptocommand #1#2#3{%
+ #1\@tempskipa{#3}\xdef#2{\the\@tempskipa}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The company to standard |\newlength| command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Float Settings Stuff}
+% \FRorisubsubsection{Definitions Analogous to The \package{caption}'s Ones}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@setbool}
+% The next definition follows \package{caption} package macro
+% to organize analogous mechanism of booleans.
+% It uses |\caption@set@bool| macro.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/09/14}{The \cmd{\flrow@setbool}}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\caption@set@bool\csname FR@if#1\endcsname}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Stuff for Float Layout Settings}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatsetup}
+% This macro analogous to |\captionsetup|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@typ@#1}{\@namedef{flrow@typ@#1}{#2}}%
+ {\expandafter\l@addto@macro\csname flrow@typ@#1\endcsname{,#2}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Setup for only following float.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@setup}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@esetup}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@settype}
+% Macros analogous to |\caption@setup|, |\caption@esetup| and
+% |\caption@setoptions|. Here is used the |\caption@setkeys| instead of |setkeys|
+% to get correct error messages about misspelled keys.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\FR@tmp{\noexpand\flrow@setup{#1}}\FR@tmp}
+ {\flrow@esetup{\csname flrow@typ@#1\endcsname}}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@setlist}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FClist}
+% This macro declares list of float and caption settings (like |widefloat|,
+% {rotfloat} etc.); the temporary settings created by |\thisfloatsetup|
+% command are added at very end of the float
+% settings list. The contents of temporary settings are emptied immediately after
+% their first usage, so the second usage of emptied settings discard
+% previously defined temporary definitions.
+% But there are two points where the additional list of special settings is loaded:
+% the floats with the option |[H]| and at the start of |floatrow|
+% environment. In this cases is used starred form of |\flrow@setlist|
+% without temporary settings (since they always will be loaded
+% when floating environment is loaded or, in the case of usage
+% outside floating environment, the |\floatbox| command is loaded).
+% \changes{v0.3b}{2009/08/02}{Fixed bug of \cs{thisfloatsetup} usage}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FR@ifCST{\flrow@capsetup}\relax\@cap@setlist#1;%
+ \caption@setposition{\FBifcaptop tb}}
+ \FR@ifCST{\flrow@capsetup}\relax\@cap@setlist#1;%
+ \caption@setposition{\FBifcaptop tb}}
+ \@flrow@setlist}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The compatibility with both version of \package{caption} \texttt{3.0q}
+% and new version \texttt{3.1} (code suggestions of Axel Sommerfeldt).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The code of |\@cap@setlist| co-operated with \package{caption} package
+% (code suggestions of Axel Sommerfeldt).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifnextchar;{\let\caption@setfloattype\@gobble\@gobble}\@cap@setlist}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This macro adds list of possible settings for beside captions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {{floatbeside}{capbesidefloat}{\@captype beside}{capbeside\@captype}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\clearfloatsetup}
+% Removes all settings for chosen type of float. The |\@nameundef| macro is
+% defined in \package{caption}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareFROpt}
+% The |\DeclareCaptionOption|-analog.\\
+% Since this command has internal usage (before end of package) it has
+% abbreviation-like name.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar{\flrow@declopt\AtEndOfPackage}
+ {\flrow@declopt\@gobble}}
+ #1{\undefine@key{floatrow}{#2}}\define@key{floatrow}{#2}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% These macros allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{rawfloats}
+% The default behavior of floats is like in \package{float}-like mode after
+% |\restylefloat|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The boolean key which defines, whether floats run in plain \LaTeX{} mode.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{doublefloataswide}
+% Starred environments work like non-starred with special |\floatsetup| settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The boolean key which defines, whether starred non-rotated float in onecolumn
+% layout work like non-starred one but with special |\floatsetup| settings
+% for wide floats.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{floatHaslist}
+% The anchored float has list penalties around. If there are not blank line or
+% |\par| command, next paragraph starts without indentation.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The boolean key which defines, whether anchored float
+% uses the same penalties before and after environment as list environments.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Declaring of Float Styles}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareFloatStyle}
+% Declares float style using |\floatsetup| mechanism.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\@namedef{flrow@sty@#1}{#2}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The definition of command which defines settings for new float style.
+% There are also loaded the co-named caption settings, if exist.
+% \changes{v0.2a}{2007/08/24}{Added star to \cmd{\caption@setstyle}
+% (AS).}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@sty@#1}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined float style `#1'}}%
+ {\FBstyle@reset
+ \def\flrow@capsetup{%
+ \@ifundefined{caption@sty@#1}{}{\caption@setstyle*{#1}}%
+ \caption@setoptions {#1}}%
+ \flrow@esetup{\csname flrow@sty@#1\endcsname}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Declarations of \package{float} package's emulating styles and new
+% \package{floatrow} styles. The |plain| style is consists of default settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ framestyle=fbox,heightadjust=object,framearound=object}
+ capposition=top,heightadjust=all}
+ framefit=yes,heightadjust=all,framearound=all}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The default style settings.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/11/09}{The style with default settings added.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ style=plain,captionskip=10pt,
+ margins=centering,objectset=centering,
+ capbesideposition=left,facing=no,
+ floatrowsep=columnsep,capbesidesep=columnsep,
+ font=default,footfont=footnotesize}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{style}
+% Declaring of key for float styles.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% The flag, which loads related caption style (if exists), to chosen float
+% style. The \package{caption} 3.0 package defines only one related caption
+% style to \package{float} package's style---|ruled|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{relatedcapstyle}
+% The boolean key which defines, whether to use caption style, related
+% to chosen float style.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Font}
+% \begin{macro}{font}
+% \begin{macro}{footfont}
+% Fonts for object and |\floatfoot| contents. The settings of font for
+% |\floatfoot| use |\captionsetup| mechanism, so its name follows
+% \package{caption} package's rules (|\captionfootfont|).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatfont}
+% This command sets the font for float objects (|\floatfont|)
+% it could be smaller than caption text.
+% \changes{v0.2d}{2009/05/24}{Defined using let to use that as flag}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\captionfootfont}
+% Font for |\legend|-like command |\floatfoot|. This font is used inside
+% macro which uses \package{caption} package mechanism, so the name of this
+% font follows rules of font naming in \package{caption} package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareFloatFont}
+% The |\DeclareCaptionFont|-twin (uses
+% caption's key-val settings).\\
+% It's usage:\\
+% |\DeclareFloatFont{|\meta{name}|}{|\meta{code}|}|.
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@setfont}
+% The |\caption@setfont|-analog.\\
+% It's usage:\\
+% |\flrow@setfont{|\meta{command}|}{|\meta{keyval-list of names}|}|.
+% \changes{v0.1p}{2007/06/24}{Changed definition of \cmd{\flrow@setfont}
+% for compatibility with caption 3.1 (AS).}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@setfont{@tempa}{#2}%
+ \expandafter\let\csname float#1\endcsname\caption@tempa}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Declaring of Caption Position}
+% \begin{macro}{capposition}
+% Keys for defining caption position in float box.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@cappos}
+% Macro analogous to |\caption@setposition|. Instead of |auto| here is
+% used |beside| set. Here are also settings for key |position=| from
+% |\captionsetup|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@ifinlist{#1}{t,top,above}{\captop\nocapbeside
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{T,TOP,ABOVE}{\CAPTOP\nocapbeside
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{b,bottom,below,default}{\capbot\nocapbeside
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{beside,side}{\caption@setposition{a}\capbeside
+ }{\flrow@error{Undefined caption position `#1'}%
+ }}}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBifcaptop}
+% \begin{macro}{\captop}
+% \begin{macro}{\capbot}
+% The positions for captions in float box. There are defined
+% traditional place of captions at the bottom of
+% object---caption box.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBifCAPTOP}
+% \begin{macro}{\CAPTOP}
+% Someone, using beside float boxes (see~\ref{floatrow}),
+% would prefer the captions, which placed at the top
+% of these boxes to align them by top line (the default
+% alignment is the bottom line of upper box and the top line of
+% lower box).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% In this case if you change contents of caption which could enlarge
+% or reduce the number of lines, you ought to run \LaTeX{} twice.
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBifcapbeside}
+% \begin{macro}{\capbeside}
+% \begin{macro}{\nocapbeside}
+% There is flag and commands for printing caption and object beside.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Defining for Beside Captions}
+% \begin{macro}{capbesideframe}
+% This boolean key declares whether near beside caption stays framed
+% object.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{capbesidewidth}
+% This key defines width of beside caption.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@ifinlist{#1}{none,sidefil}{\let\FC@ifc@wd\@secondoftwo
+ }{\useFCwidth\def\FCwidth{#1}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{capbesideposition}
+% Declares position of beside caption in document.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareSCPos}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@scpos}
+% The key which defines position of beside captions: vertical and
+% horizontal. This macro is allowed only in preamble. This key is
+% internal (usage till end of package) so it has abbreviation-like name.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{flrow@scpos}{#1}[]{\g@addto@macro\FR@tmp{#2}}}
+ \let\FR@tmp\@empty
+ \begingroup\caption@setkeys[floatrow]{flrow@scpos}{#1}\endgroup
+ \FR@tmp}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Declaring options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \count@\c@FBcnt\ifnum\count@=\z@\count@\@ne\fi
+ }}
+ \count@\c@FBcnt\ifnum\count@=\z@\else\advance\count@\@ne\fi
+ }}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Command for default key: |capbesideposition=bottom|
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Command for default key: |capbesideposition=left|.
+% In version 0.2b of package it was |capbesideposition=inside|, since
+% default key is |facing=no|, the
+% |capbesideposition=inside| will be equal to |capbesideposition=left|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\c@FBcnt}
+% Count used as flag for facing layouts.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{footposition}
+% Keys for defining foot text position.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareFtPos}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@ftpos}
+% Settings for positions of float foot material (footnotes and foot text).
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{flrow@ftpos}{#1}[]{\g@addto@macro\FR@tmp{#2}}}
+ \let\FR@tmp\@empty
+ \begingroup\caption@setkeys[floatrow]{flrow@ftpos}{#1}\endgroup
+ \FR@tmp}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Declaring options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{heightadjust}
+% Keys for vertical adjustment and alignment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareHtAdj}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@htadj}
+% This key defines adjustment of heights of objects or/and captions
+% in float row.
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \define@key{flrow@htadj}{#1}[]{\g@addto@macro\FR@tmp{#2}}}
+ \begingroup\caption@setkeys[floatrow]{flrow@htadj}{#1}\endgroup
+ \FR@tmp}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Declaring options.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\ifCADJ}
+% \begin{macro}{\ifOADJ}
+% These flags define whether common height is used of captions
+% or/and objects in float row.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{valign}
+% Keys for vertical alignment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@FB@vpos}
+% The vertical alignment of float objects in float row. The fill skips for
+% |c|enter and |s|tretch alignment were set in |\vss|-like mode.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if#1t\def\FBafil{}\def\FBbfil{\vss}\else
+ \if#1b\def\FBafil{\vss}\def\FBbfil{}\else
+ \if#1c\def\FBafil{\vskip0ptplus1fillminus1000pt}%
+ \def\FBbfil{\vskip0ptplus1fillminus1000pt}\else
+ \if#1s\def\FBafil{\vskip0ptminus1000pt}%
+ \def\FBbfil{\vskip0ptminus1000pt}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Facing Pages}
+% \begin{macro}{\FR@iffacing}
+% \begin{macro}{facing}
+% Defines, if necessary, flag for facing pages.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@facing}
+% Flag and command for |facing=|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Float Box and Float Object Settings}
+% \begin{macro}{margins}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FBAlign}
+% Declaring of option for |\floatbox| alignment and margins material.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Macros analogous to |\caption@setjustification|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@mj@#1}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined float alignment `#1'}}%
+ {\@nameuse{flrow@mj@#1}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareMarginSet}
+% This macro defines margin filling material.
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \global\@namedef{flrow@mj@#1}{#2}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% Declaring of float box alignment. We don't know whether \package{longtable}
+% is loaded. Since in original package (till version v4.11) these skips
+% were defined through |\newskip| command it is not harm to repeat this code
+% for a while.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \LTleft=\fill \LTright=\fill}
+ \LTleft=\z@ \LTright=\fill}
+ \LTleft=\fill \LTright=\z@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\hskip-\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep\hskip\leftskip}{\hskip\rightskip}%
+ \LTleft-\marginparwidth\advance\LTleft-\marginparsep
+ \LTright=\fill}
+ {\hskip\leftskip}{\hskip-\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep\hskip\rightskip}%
+ \LTleft=\fill
+ \LTright-\marginparwidth\advance\LTright-\marginparsep}
+ *{\hskip-\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep\hskip\leftskip}{\hskip\rightskip}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% With the \texttt{hangoutside} and \texttt{hanginside} settings the usage of
+% |longtable| environment looks absurdly.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ }
+ *{\hskip\leftskip}{\hskip-\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep\hskip\rightskip}%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatfacing}
+% Defines settings accordingly to left (even) or right (odd) pages.
+% Starred from used for facing settings of float with beside captions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\@FC@hpos\floatfacing@}{\FB@facing\floatfacing@}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatboxmargins}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatrowmargins}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatcapbesidemargins}
+% First goes definition for margins around alone float box.
+% Second defines margins in float row.
+% Third---margins around float box with beside caption.
+% You may define different settings for each of these layouts, or set
+% common margins, using macro |\setfloatmargins|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% To create facing and non-facing layout in macros |\FB@mset@| and
+% |\FB@@mset| loaded definition of |\FB@facing| command. The temporary
+% |\count@| get value of |\c@FBcnt|,
+% which is usually equals to number of page where float appears.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\FB@facing{\let\FR@iffacing\@firstoftwo\count@\c@FBcnt}%
+ \@namedef{\FR@tmp leftmargin}{\floatfacing{#1}{#2}}%
+ \@namedef{\FR@tmp rightmargin}{\floatfacing{#2}{#1}}}
+ \@namedef{\FR@tmp leftmargin}{#1}\@namedef{\FR@tmp rightmargin}{#2}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\setfloatmargins}
+% Alignment settings for object---caption boxes and float rows.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\FR@tmp{FR}\FB@mset@{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\FR@tmp{FB}\FB@mset@{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\FR@tmp{FC}\FB@mset@{#1}{#2}}
+ \def\FR@tmp{FR}\FB@@mset{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\FR@tmp{FB}\FB@@mset{#1}{#2}%
+ \def\FR@tmp{FC}\FB@@mset{#1}{#2}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Default setting: centering of floats.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{objectset}
+% \begin{macro}{justification}
+% Declaring of option for float object contents' alignment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareObjectSet}
+% The |\DeclareCaptionJustification|-twin (uses
+% caption's key-val settings).\\
+% Macros for float object's contents justification and |\floatbox|
+% alignment. This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FBoAlign}
+% |\caption@setjustification|-analog (uses
+% caption's key-val settings).\\
+% Command for |objectset=|
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{caption@hj@#1}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined object setting `#1'}}%
+ {\expandafter\let\expandafter\floatobjectset
+ \csname caption@hj@#1\endcsname}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatobjectset}
+% Definition of command for object alignment
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \changes{v0.1f}{2005/06/14}{The \cmd{\centerlast} \cmd{\rightlast}
+% commands deleted.}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Width}
+% \begin{macro}{floatwidth}
+% The float width settings mainly for plain floating environments.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\filFCOhsize}
+% \begin{macro}{\nofilFCOhsize}
+% Flags and commands for |floatwidth=|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FBo@wd}
+% Settings for the width of object.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@ifinlist{#1}{none,sidefil}{\filFCOhsize
+ }{\nofilFCOhsize\def\flrow@setwd{\@tempdima=#1}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Separators}
+% \begin{macro}{floatrowsep}
+% \begin{macro}{capbesidesep}
+% Option |floatrowsep| sets separations for beside float boxes
+% in float row.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Option |subfloatrowsep| sets separations for beside captions and objects.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Option |capbesidesep| sets separations for beside captions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareFloatSeparators}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@setFRsep}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@setFCsep}
+% Next macros declare material, defined for usage as separator of
+% both float boxes in |floatrow| environment and for beside
+% object and caption.
+% The |\DeclareCaptionLabelSeparator|-twin (uses
+% caption's key-val settings).\\
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\caption@setlabelseparator|-analog (uses
+% caption's key-val settings).\\
+% Command which defines settings for separators in float row, and
+% between beside caption and float object.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{caption@lsep@#2}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined float separator `#2'}}%
+ {\expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname caption@lsep@#2\endcsname}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% A few options define possible separators. In float settings can be used the caption separators
+% |quad| and |none|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\DeclareFloatSeparators{fil}{\hskip\columnsep plus1fil}
+\DeclareFloatSeparators{fill}{\hskip\columnsep plus1fill}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatrowsep}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatcapbesidesep}
+% Separators between beside floats, and between object and
+% beside caption.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Rules/Skips}
+% \begin{macro}{precode}
+% \begin{macro}{rowprecode}
+% \begin{macro}{midcode}
+% \begin{macro}{postcode}
+% \begin{macro}{rowpostcode}
+% Keys for building of float style (rules).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareFloatVCode}
+% Declaring options for keys of vertical material for building of
+% float style. They could be used above and below of float box,
+% and between object and caption in the case when caption
+% above/below object. This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FBrule}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FRrule}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@FBskip}
+% Vertical code above/below float box.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@FBr@#3}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined rule `#3'}}%
+ {\let#1\empty
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter#2\csname flrow@FBr@#3\endcsname}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Vertical code above/below float row.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@FBr@#3}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined rule `#3'}}%
+ {\def#2{\FBiffloatrow\relax{\@nameuse{flrow@FBr@#3}}}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter#1\csname flrow@FBr@#3\endcsname}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Vertical code between caption and object.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@FBr@#1}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined rule `#1'}}%
+ {\expandafter\let\expandafter\@@FBskip\csname flrow@FBr@#1\endcsname}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% Declared options for keys for building of float style (rules).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The command for definition of material which you
+% could put at the top and bottom of object---caption box
+% and between caption and float.
+% \begin{macro}{\FBstyle@reset}
+% Reset of all used layout settings. All settings localized---that allows
+% usage |\floatbox| inside |\floatbox|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\@@FBskip{\vskip\captionskip}\def\@@FRabove{}\def\@@FRbelow{}%
+ \def\@@FBabove{}\def\@@FBbelow{}%
+ \def\FB@Bset{}\def\FB@frame{}\def\FBo@frame{}\def\FR@frame{}%
+ \def\FBo@wadj{}\def\FBo@hadj{}\def\FB@wadj{}\def\FB@hadj{}\def\FR@wadj{}\def\FR@hadj{}}
+\@ifdefinable\FB@frame {\def\FB@frame {}}
+\@ifdefinable\FR@frame {\def\FR@frame {}}
+\@ifdefinable\FBo@wadj {\def\FBo@wadj {}}
+\@ifdefinable\FBo@hadj {\def\FBo@hadj {}}
+\@ifdefinable\FB@wadj {\def\FB@wadj {}}
+\@ifdefinable\FB@hadj {\def\FB@hadj {}}
+\@ifdefinable\FR@wadj {\def\FR@wadj {}}
+\@ifdefinable\FR@hadj {\def\FR@hadj {}}
+\@ifdefinable\FB@Bset {\def\FB@Bset {}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Frames}
+% Keys for building of float style (boxes).
+% \begin{macro}{framestyle}
+% This key defines style of frame.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\let\FRifFBOX\@secondoftwo}{\let\FRifFBOX\@firstoftwo\def\FB@B@{#1}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{framearound}
+% This key defines object to be framed.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@fr@round}
+% Command for |framearound|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@ifinlist{#1}{object,contents}{\let\FRifFBOX\@firstoftwo
+ \def\FB@BO@{FBo}%
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{floatbox,all}{\let\FRifFBOX\@firstoftwo
+ \def\FB@BO@{FB}%
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{row}{\let\FRifFBOX\@firstoftwo
+ \def\FB@BO@{FR}%
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{none}{\let\FRifFBOX\@secondoftwo
+ }{\flrow@error{Undefined framed object `#1'}%
+ }}}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{framefit}
+% \begin{macro}{rowfill}
+% \begin{macro}{frameset}
+% This boolean key defines whether frame size fits to current |\hsize|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This key defines parameters for chosen frame.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@@setframe}
+% Macro which prepares box settings accordingly to predefined float layout.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@namedef{\FB@BO@ @hadj}{\@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @reset}\FB@Bset
+ \@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @adj}}%
+ \@namedef{\FB@BO@ @wadj}{\FR@ifFIT{\@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @reset}\FB@Bset
+ \@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @adj}}\relax}%
+ \@namedef{\FB@BO@ @frame}{\@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @reset}\FB@Bset
+ \@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @frame}}%
+ \ifx\FR@frame\empty\else%\ifx\FB@frame\empty
+ \def\FB@hadj{\@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @reset}\FB@Bset
+ \@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @adj}}%
+ \def\FB@wadj{\FR@ifFIT{\@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @reset}\FB@Bset
+ \@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @adj}}\relax}%
+ \def\FB@frame{\@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @reset}\FB@Bset
+ \@nameuse{FB@\FB@B@ @frame}}%
+ \fi%\fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% If box layout used.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@fbox@frame}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@fbox@adj}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@fbox@reset}
+% First macro is the definition of frame style (here is |\fbox|);
+% second defines compensating material to get frame fitted to current
+% |\hsize|; third defines default values of compensating material.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep}\fbox{#1}%
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep}}\ignorespaces}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Macros for Color Frame}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@colorbox@frame}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@colorbox@adj}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@colorbox@reset}
+% First macro is the definition of frame style (here is |\colorbox|);
+% second defines compensating material to get frame fitted to current
+% |\hsize|; third defines default values of compensating material.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/11/09}{The \cmd{\setcolorframe} deleted.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep}\FB@fcolorbox{#1}%
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep}}\ignorespaces}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@FRcolorbox@frame}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@FRcolorbox@adj}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@FRcolorbox@reset}
+% First macro is the definition of frame style (here is |\colorbox|);
+% second defines compensating material to get frame fitted to current
+% |\hsize|; third defines default values of compensating material.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/11/09}{The \cmd{\setcolorframe} deleted.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\FR@phantom\@firstofone\let\FRset@color\set@color\FB@fcolorcorners
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep}\FB@fcolorbox{#1}%
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep}}\ignorespaces}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@corners@frame}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@corners@adj}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@corners@reset}
+% First macro is the definition of frame style (here is |\colorbox|);
+% second defines compensating material to get frame fitted to current
+% |\hsize|; third defines default values of compensating material.
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/11/09}{The \cmd{\setcolorframe} deleted.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\FR@phantom\phantom\let\FRset@color\relax\FB@fcolorcorners
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep}\colorbox{white}{#1}%
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep}}\ignorespaces}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@l@color@side}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@r@color@side}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \picture(\z@,\z@)(\z@,\z@)
+ \put(\z@,#1){{\flrow@ll@col@put}}
+ \put(\z@,#2){{\flrow@ul@col@put}}
+ \endpicture}}
+ \picture(\z@,\z@)(\z@,\z@)
+ \put(\z@,#1){{\flrow@lr@col@put}}
+ \put(\z@,#2){{\flrow@ur@col@put}}
+ \endpicture}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@ll@col@put}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@ul@col@put}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@lr@col@put}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@ur@col@put}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@cboxcorners}
+% User command. The (rule) material placed on the corners of the frame. The order of corners
+% is similar to corners of the label box (|bbox|) in METAPOST picture.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\flrow@ll@col@put{#1}%
+ \def\flrow@lr@col@put{#2}%
+ \def\flrow@ur@col@put{#3}%
+ \def\flrow@ul@col@put{#4}%
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@ur@col@put}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\FRset@color
+ \rlap{\@tempdima#1\edef\FRcolorboxwd{\the\@tempdima}\@tempdima#2\advance\@tempdima#3%
+ \edef\FRcolorboxht{\the\@tempdima}\@tempdima#3\edef\FRcolorboxdp{\the\@tempdima}%
+ \ifcolors@\else\let\FR@phantom\phantom\fi
+ \flrow@l@color@side{-\FRcolorboxdp}{\FRcolorboxht}%
+ \FR@phantom{\vrule\@width#1\@height#2\@depth#3}%
+ \flrow@r@color@side{-\FRcolorboxdp}{\FRcolorboxht}%
+ }}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% This key defines parameters (definition) for color frame.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@fcolorbox@#1}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined color box `#1'}}%
+ {\expandafter\let\expandafter\FB@fcolorbox
+ \csname flrow@fcolorbox@#1\endcsname}}
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@fcolorcorners@#1}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined color box corners `#1'}}%
+ {\expandafter\let\expandafter\FB@fcolorcorners
+ \csname flrow@fcolorcorners@#1\endcsname}}
+% \@ifundefined{color}{\flrow@error
+% {For usage of colored frames\MessageBreak load color package}}%
+% {\long\@namedef{flrow@fcolorbox@#1}{#2}}}
+ \@ifundefined{color}{}{\let\flrow@load@colorpackage\relax
+ \long\@namedef{flrow@fcolorbox@#1}{#2}}}
+ \@ifundefined{color}{}{\let\flrow@load@colorpackage\relax
+ \long\@namedef{flrow@fcolorcorners@#1}{\flrow@cboxcorners{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}}}}
+ {\def\next{\RequirePackage{color}}}{\let\next\relax}\next}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Skips}
+% \begin{macro}{captionskip}
+% \begin{macro}{footskip}
+% The following options define skips: first---between float object and
+% caption (if it used in float style); second---before foot material
+% (footnote or other foot text). The |\abovecaptionskip| used for compatibility with caption.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setlength\abovecaptionskip{#1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\captionskip}
+% \begin{macro}{\floatfootskip}
+% The skip between caption and object. Here goes standard value.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The skip before float footnotes. Here it is equal to
+% used skip in mini pages.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Defining Float Footnote Rule}
+% \begin{macro}{footnoterule}
+% \begin{macro}{\flrow@footrule}
+% The definitions of |\footnoterule| inside floating environment.
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \long\@namedef{flrow@fnrule@#1}{#2}}
+ \@ifundefined{flrow@fnrule@#1}%
+ {\flrow@error{Undefined footnoterule `#1'}}%
+ {\let\@@FRabove\empty
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\FBfootnoterule\csname
+ flrow@fnrule@#1\endcsname}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here goes standard \LaTeX{} definition used in minipages.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@tempdima.4\columnwidth
+ \hrule\@width\@tempdima\kern2.6\p@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here goes standard \LaTeX{} definition used in minipages with
+% limited maximal width.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@tempdima.4\columnwidth
+ \ifdim\@tempdima>\frulemax\@tempdima=\frulemax\fi
+ \hrule\@width\@tempdima\kern2.6\p@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The width of |\footnoterule| equals to full |\hsize|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hrule\@width\hsize\kern2.6\p@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Absent footnoterule.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FBfootnoterule}
+% The definition of special footnote rule.
+% By default it defined as standard \LaTeX{} |\footnoterule|
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Loading Fancy Float Styles}
+% Options for loading of fancy float styles. Commented.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{New Float Type Setup}
+% \begin{macro}{\DeclareFNOpt}
+% Declaring new float type like |\newfloat| does.
+% These macros allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifstar{\flrow@declfnopt\AtBeginDocument}
+ {\flrow@declfnopt\@gobble}}
+ #1{\undefine@key{newfloat}{#2}}\define@key{newfloat}{#2}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/09/24}{\cmd{\flnew@setdefault} removed.}
+% The |\newtoks| for defining of floating environments (using
+% |\flrow@restyle| command) at the end of preamble. (Took a leaf with
+% settings for lists of floats from \package{float} package's book.)
+% \changes{v0.1p}{2007/06/24}{Double code with \texttt{ftype@}\meta{captype}
+% deleted.}
+% \changes{v0.1p}{2007/06/24}{The \cmd{\fname@}\meta{floatname} changed to
+% \cs{}\meta{floatname}\texttt{name} macros redefined locally.}
+% \changes{v0.2a}{2007/08/24}{Corrected bug with \texttt{ftype@} definition (AS).}
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/09/24}{Defined default extension of list file in the same way as caption's
+% \cmd{\DeclareFloatingEnvironment}.}
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/09/24}{The definition of list entry layout moved here.}
+% \changes{v0.2b}{2007/09/24}{Corrected bugs with listof file and \cmd{\fps@}\meta{float type} commands.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\edef\csname ftype@#1\endcsname{\the\c@float@type}%
+ \addtocounter{float@type}{\value{float@type}}%
+ \@namedef{#1name}{#1}\newcounter{#1}%
+ \expandafter\edef\csname fnum@#1\endcsname
+ {\expandafter\noexpand\csname #1name\endcsname\nobreakspace
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname the#1\endcsname}%
+ \@namedef{the#1}{\arabic{#1}}\flnew@ext{lo#1}\@namedef{fps@#1}{tbp}%
+ \@namedef{l@#1}{\@dottedtocline{1}{1.5em}{2.3em}}%
+ \caption@setkeys[floatrow]{newfloat}{#2}\let\FR@tmp=\relax
+ \xdef\@tempa{\noexpand\flrow@types{\the\flrow@types \FR@tmp{#1}}}%
+ \@tempa}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Key for placement defining.
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Key for float label name defining.
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \changes{v0.1p}{2007/06/24}{The \cmd{\fname@}\meta{floatname} changed to
+% \cs{}\meta{floatname}\texttt{name} macros redefined locally.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand\flnew@fname[1]{\@namedef{\FB@captype name}{#1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Key for extension of ``toc''-file.
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\float@do=\relax
+ \xdef\@tempa{\noexpand\float@exts{\the\float@exts \float@do{#1}}}%
+ \@tempa}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The section of document which resets numbering of float.
+% This macro is allowed only in preamble.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\edef\csname the\FB@captype\endcsname{%
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname
+ the#1\endcsname.\noexpand\arabic{\FB@captype}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+%\changes{v0.2b}{2007/10/24}{The double definition of `relatedcapstyle' option deleted}
+% \subsubsection{Processing of Floatsetup Options}
+% \begin{macro}{\ProcessOptionsWithKV}
+% As in caption style options are processed with usage of the
+% \package{keyval} package.
+% \changes{v0.1j}{2006/02/24}{Edited by suggestions of A.Sommerfeldt}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@tempc\relax
+ \let\FR@tmp\@empty
+ \@for\CurrentOption:=\@classoptionslist\do{%
+ \@ifundefined{KV@#1@\CurrentOption}%
+ {}%
+ {%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% In the case of co-named global option, appeared in
+% |\documentclass| line.
+% ^^A added line (|\@ifundefined| stuff)
+% ^^A first part of command
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{KV@#1@\CurrentOption @default}{%
+ \PackageInfo{#1}{Global option `\CurrentOption' ignored}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A doubling of first line from second part of |\@ifundefined|
+% ^^A but first line edited (moved |\CurrentOption,|)
+% ^^A \begin{macrocode}
+% ^^A \edef\FR@tmp{\FR@tmp,}%
+% ^^A \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A end doubling
+% ^^A added line
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ }{%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A second part of |\@ifundefined|
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \PackageInfo{#1}{Global option `\CurrentOption' processed}%
+ \edef\FR@tmp{\FR@tmp,\CurrentOption,}%
+ \@expandtwoargs\@removeelement\CurrentOption
+ \@unusedoptionlist\@unusedoptionlist
+% \end{macrocode}
+% ^^A end of doubled code
+% ^^A added line
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ }%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \edef\FR@tmp{%
+ \noexpand\caption@setkeys[floatrow]{#1}{%
+ \FR@tmp\@ptionlist{\@currname.\@currext}%
+ }%
+ }%
+ \FR@tmp
+ \let\CurrentOption\@empty
+ \AtEndOfPackage{\let\@unprocessedoptions\relax}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% At beginning of document there are loaded macros |\flrow@restyle|
+% for table and figure floats. (Any new float type gets this command
+% when |\newfloat| macro of |\DeclareNewFloatType| are used.)
+% \changes{v0.1k}{2007/05/24}{The support for raw float mode added.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FR@ifrawfloats
+ {\let\FR@tmp\flrow@Raw@restyle
+ }{\flrow@restyle{table}\flrow@restyle{figure}%
+ \let\FR@tmp\flrow@restyle
+ }\the\flrow@types
+ \@onlypreamble\flrow@restyle\@onlypreamble\flrow@Raw@restyle
+ \flrow@types={}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Additional Definitions for Fancy Frames}
+% \FRorisubsubsection{Macros for Fancy Frames}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@wshadowbox}
+% The variant of shadowbox with white contoured shadow.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setbox\@fancybox\hbox{\fbox{#1}}%
+ \leavevmode\vbox{\offinterlineskip
+ \hbox{\copy\@fancybox\kern-\fboxrule\lower\shadowsize\hbox{%
+ \dimen@\ht\@fancybox\advance\dimen@-\fboxrule
+ \vrule\@height\ht\@fancybox\@depth-\dimen@\@width\shadowsize
+ \vrule\@height\ht\@fancybox\@depth\dp\@fancybox\@width\fboxrule}}%
+ \vskip-\fboxrule\vskip-\shadowsize
+ \moveright\shadowsize\vbox{%
+ \hrule\@width\fboxrule\@height\shadowsize
+ \hrule\@width\wd\@fancybox\@height\fboxrule}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@shadowbox@frame}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@shadowbox@adj}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@shadowbox@reset}
+% First macro is the definition of frame style (here is |\shadowbox|);
+% second defines compensating material to get frame fitted to current
+% |\hsize|; third defines default values of compensating material.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\hskip-\fboxrule\hskip-\fboxsep}\FBs@raise{\shadowbox{#1}}%
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep\kern-\shadowsize}}}
+ \advance\dimen@2\fboxrule\advance\dimen@\shadowsize}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@wshadowbox@frame}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@wshadowbox@adj}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@wshadowbox@reset}
+% The definition for frame |wshadowbox|---similar to
+% |shadowbox| from \package{fancybox}.
+% First macro is the definition of frame style (here is |\wshadowbox|);
+% second defines compensating material to get frame fitted to current
+% |\hsize|; third defines default values of compensating material.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\hskip-\fboxrule\hskip-\fboxsep}\FBs@raise{\wshadowbox{#1}}%
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-\fboxrule\kern-\fboxsep\kern-\shadowsize}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@doublebox@frame}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@doublebox@adj}
+% \begin{macro}{\FB@doublebox@reset}
+% First macro is the definition of frame style (here is |\doublerbox|);
+% second defines compensating material to get frame fitted to current
+% |\hsize|; third defines default values of compensating material.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-4.75\fboxrule\kern-.5pt\kern-\fboxsep}\doublebox{#1}%
+ \FR@ifFIT\relax{\kern-4.75\fboxrule\kern-.5pt\kern-\fboxsep}}}
+ \advance\dimen@7.5\fboxrule\advance\dimen@\p@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\fs@shadowbox}
+% \begin{macro}{\fs@Shadowbox}
+% \begin{macro}{\fs@SHADOWBOX}
+% There are going three float styles with usage of |\shadowbox|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\fs@wshadowbox}
+% \begin{macro}{\fs@Wshadowbox}
+% \begin{macro}{\fs@WSHADOWBOX}
+% There are going three float styles with usage of |\wshadowbox|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\fs@doublebox}
+% \begin{macro}{\fs@Doublebox}
+% \begin{macro}{\fs@DOUBLEBOX}
+% There are going three float styles with usage of |\doublebox|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Empty Floating Page}
+% Here goes small sneaky-tricky style to put desired page style
+% for one floating page.
+% \begin{macro}{\floatpagestyle}
+% First goes macro which defines desired page style for page with
+% current float.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\begingroup
+ \let\thepage\relax\let\protect\@unexpandable@protect
+ \edef\reserved@a{\write\@auxout{\expandafter\string
+ \csname @setfloatpage\endcsname{\thepage}{#1}}}\reserved@a
+ \endgroup}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\emptyfloatpage}
+% The abbreviation for empty float page style.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@setfloatpage}
+% The macro which writes necessary code for changed float page style.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\reserved@a{floatpage@\romannumeral#1}%
+ \global\expandafter\def\csname\reserved@a\endcsname{#2}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@chkfloatpage}
+% The macro which checks whether exists necessary code for changing
+% of current float page style.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\reserved@a{floatpage@\romannumeral\the\c@page}%
+ \@ifundefined{\reserved@a}{\relax}{\global\@specialpagetrue
+ \gdef\@specialstyle{\csname\reserved@a\endcsname}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\@outputpage}
+% The |\@chkfloatpage| added at as a patch at the very beginning of
+% current definition of |\@outputpage| command.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\@ifdefinable\FBori@outputpage{\let\FBori@outputpage\@outputpage}
+ \let\@outputpage\FB@outputpage}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{List Penalties Managing}
+% The package \package{listpen} is a beta-temp package, which
+% offers commands |\allowprelistbreaks|,
+% |\allowpostlistbreaks| and |\allowitembreaks| which help
+% to manage page breaking at the beginning and the end of
+% lists, and between list items consequently.
+% This package follows idea of |\allowdisplaybreaks|
+% (\textsf{amsmath} package) and |\pagebreak|/|\nopagebreak| stuff.
+% \DescribeMacro{\allowprelistbreaks}
+% \DescribeMacro{\allowpostlistbreaks}
+% \DescribeMacro{\allowitembreaks}
+% These commands set penalties before lists, after lists and between items.
+% They set globally or inside group or (also list!)
+% environment\footnote{Look also at \cmd{\allowdisplaybreaks}
+% macro from \package{amsmath} package.} penalties accordingly to digits
+% from |[-4]| (never break) to |[4]| (always break). The values of optional
+% argument in these commands analogous to values of optional arguments
+% in, e.g., |\pagebreak| command. The default value of all three commands
+% is |[-1]| which equal to \cls{book.cls} etc. class settings (which equal to
+% |-\@lowpenalty| value).
+% \begin{macro}{\allowprelistbreaks}
+% Sets penalty before lists.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@testopt{\LP@setlistbreaks}{-1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\allowpostlistbreaks}
+% Sets penalty after lists.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@testopt{\LP@setlistbreaks}{-1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\allowitembreaks}
+% Sets penalty between items.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@testopt{\LP@setlistbreaks}{-1}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\LP@setlistbreaks}
+% This macro reverses the $+/-$ signs before digits.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \LP@nolbk[#2]\else\LP@nolbk-[#1]\fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\LP@nolbk}
+% Macro for setting necessary penalties.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase#2\LP@penalty\z@
+ \or\LP@penalty#1\@lowpenalty
+ \or\LP@penalty#1\@medpenalty
+ \or\LP@penalty#1\@highpenalty
+ \or\LP@penalty#1\@M
+ \fi}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\RestoreSpaces}
+% \begin{macro}{\RemoveSpaces}
+% A simple command to turn off |\if@nobreak| flag.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Opposite command. Turns on |\if@nobreak| flag.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand\RemoveSpaces {\@nobreaktrue}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\newseparatedlabel}
+% \begin{macro}{\newseparatedref}
+% \begin{macro}{\makelabelseparator}
+% A simple command to create combined label in `label\meta{sep}sublabel' variant.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifdefinable#1{%
+ \def#1##1{\protected@edef\@currentlabel{\string
+ \LP@label@sep {\csname the#3\endcsname}}\label{sub##1}%
+ \protected@edef\@currentlabel{\csname the#2\endcsname
+ \string\LP@label@sep {\csname the#3\endcsname}}\label{##1}}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Command which switch on the necessary \meta{sep}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The definition-check of existence of command name, which will be used for separator.
+% The second command defines this label separator globally.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Support for The \package{subfig} Package}
+% \changes{v0.2a}{2007/08/24}{Added compatibility check.}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\@tempb{2005/06/28 ver: 1.3 subfig package}
+\expandafter\let\csname @tempa\expandafter\endcsname
+ \csname ver@subfig.\@pkgextension\endcsname
+ \PackageWarning{fr-subfig}{The additions cooperated with \MessageBreak
+ version `2005/06/28 ver: 1.3' of package subfig,\MessageBreak
+ but only version\MessageBreak
+ \csname ver@subfig.\@pkgextension\endcsname'\MessageBreak
+ is available}\relax
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Building Subfloatrow}
+% At first defined dimension for maximal height of subcaption. Then macro
+% for defining height of subcaption box.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\adjustsubfloats}
+% The user command which loaded at the end of row of subcaptions.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifCADJ\@tempswatrue\fi\ifOADJ\@tempswatrue\fi
+ \if@tempswa\FB@writeaux{%
+ \string\global\string\c@FBcnt\thepage
+ \ifCADJ\string\edef\string\FBsubcheight{\the\FBsc@max}\fi
+ \ifOADJ\string\edef\string\FBsuboheight{\the\FBso@max}\fi
+ }\fi
+ \global\let\FBsubcheight\relax\global\let\FBsuboheight\relax
+ \global\FBso@max\z@\global\FBsc@max\z@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsubsection{Small Correction of The \package{subfig} Macro}
+% There is a \package{subfig}'s macro with corrections wich allow to put
+% alone subfloat label.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}{}%
+ {\FB@readaux{\let\FBsuboheight\relax}}%
+ \@tempcnta=\@ne
+ \if@minipage
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ \else\ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else
+ \@tempcnta=\tw@
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifmaincaptiontop
+ \sf@top=\sf@nearskip
+ \sf@bottom=\sf@farskip
+ \else
+ \sf@top=\sf@farskip
+ \sf@bottom=\sf@nearskip
+ \fi
+ \leavevmode
+ \setbox\@tempboxa \hbox{#4}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% In the case of empty contents of subfloat all vertical spaces zeroed.
+% subcaption label created like oneline |\vtop|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdim\wd\@tempboxa=\z@\ht\@tempboxa\z@\dp\@tempboxa\z@
+ \setbox\z@\hbox{{\caption@@@make
+ {\caption@lfmt{\@nameuse{sub\@captype name}}%
+ {\@nameuse{thesub\@captype}}\relax}{}}}\@tempdima=\wd\z@
+ \sf@top=\z@
+ \sf@bottom=\z@
+ \sf@capskip\z@
+ \sf@captopadj\z@
+ \let\sf@ifpositiontop\@firstoftwo
+ \else
+ \@tempdima=\wd\@tempboxa
+ \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}{}%
+ {\global\advance\Xhsize-\wd\@tempboxa
+ \dimen@=\ht\@tempboxa
+ \advance\dimen@\dp\@tempboxa
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\FBso@max
+ \global\FBso@max\dimen@
+ \fi}%
+ \fi
+ \vtop\bgroup
+ \vbox\bgroup
+ \ifcase\@tempcnta
+ \@minipagefalse
+ \or
+ \vskip\sf@top
+ \or
+ \ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else
+ \@tempskipb\sf@top\relax\@xaddvskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% In the case of empty contents there is used only first variant.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \sf@ifpositiontop{%
+ \ifx \@empty#3\relax \else
+ \sf@subcaption{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \vskip\sf@capskip
+ \vskip\sf@captopadj
+ \fi\egroup
+% \end{macrocode}
+% In the case of empty contents the |\@tempboxa| box skipped .
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \hrule width0pt height0pt depth0pt
+ \box\@tempboxa
+ }{%
+ \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}%
+ {\box\@tempboxa}%
+ {\ifx\FBsuboheight\relax
+ \box\@tempboxa
+ \else
+ \vbox to \FBsuboheight{\FBafil\box\@tempboxa\FBbfil}%
+ \fi}%
+ \egroup
+ \ifx \@empty#3\relax \else
+ \vskip\sf@capskip
+ \hrule width0pt height0pt depth0pt
+ \sf@subcaption{#1}{#2}{#3}%
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \vskip\sf@bottom
+ \egroup
+ \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}{}%
+ {\addtocounter{FRobj}{-1}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here is the small correction:
+% |\ifnum\c@FRobj>0| instead of |\ifnum\c@FRobj=0\else|.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum\c@FRobj>0% bugfix
+ \subfloatrowsep
+ \fi}%
+ \ifmaincaptiontop\else
+ \global\advance\@nameuse{c@\@captype}\m@ne
+ \fi
+ \endgroup\ignorespaces}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Beside Labels for Subfloats}
+% New key for beside caption of subfloat label. Beside label of subfloat
+% always on the left side.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@ifinlist{#1}{t,top}{%
+ \let\flrow@SFBalign\TopFloatBoxes
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{b,bottom,default}{%
+ \let\flrow@SFBalign\BottomFloatBoxes
+ }{\caption@ifinlist{#1}{c,center}{%
+ \let\flrow@SFBalign\CenterFloatBoxes
+ }{\PackageError{floatrow}%
+ {Undefined sublabel position `#1'}{\flrow@eh}%
+ }}}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Macro for beside float label. Labels always placed on the left side.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\@captype\@undefined
+ \@latex@error{\noexpand\subfloat outside float}\@ehd
+ \expandafter\@gobble
+ \else
+ \expandafter\@firstofone
+ \fi
+ {\flrow@sidesubfloat}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup
+ \@ifundefined{caption@setfloattype}%
+ \caption@settype
+ \caption@setfloattype
+ \@captype
+% \caption@setoptions\@captype
+ \sf@ifpositiontop{%
+ \maincaptiontoptrue
+ }{%
+ \maincaptiontopfalse
+ }%
+ \caption@setoptions{subfloat}%
+ \caption@setoptions{sub\@captype}%
+ \let\sf@oldlabel=\label
+ \let\label=\subfloat@label
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Next, a decision (based on the \texttt{\char`\\ ifmaincaptiontop}
+% flag) is made of how to advance the float counter; then the
+% sub-float counter is advanced and saved and a check is made if an
+% optional argument is present (if not, one is supplied).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifmaincaptiontop\else
+ \advance\@nameuse{c@\@captype}\@ne
+ \fi
+ \refstepcounter{sub\@captype}%
+ \setcounter{sub\@captype @save}{\value{sub\@captype}}%
+ \@ifnextchar [% %] match left bracket
+ {\flrow@@sidesubfloat}%
+ {\flrow@@sidesubfloat[\@empty]}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifnextchar [% %] match left bracket
+ {\flrow@@@sidesubfloat{sub\@captype}[{#1}]}%
+ {\flrow@@@sidesubfloat{sub\@captype}[\@empty{#1}][{#1}]}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}{}%
+ {\FB@readaux{\let\FBsuboheight\relax}}%
+ \@tempcnta=\@ne
+ \if@minipage
+ \@tempcnta=\z@
+ \else\ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else
+ \@tempcnta=\tw@
+ \fi\fi
+ \sf@bottom=\z@
+ \sf@top=\z@
+ \leavevmode
+ \setbox\@tempboxa \hbox{#2}%
+ \@tempdima\wd\@tempboxa
+ \setbox\@tempboxa \hbox{#4}%
+ \advance\@tempdima\wd\@tempboxa
+ \advance\@tempdima\labelsep
+ \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}{}%
+ {\global\advance\Xhsize-\wd\@tempboxa
+ \dimen@=\ht\@tempboxa
+ \advance\dimen@\dp\@tempboxa
+ \ifdim\dimen@>\FBso@max
+ \global\FBso@max\dimen@
+ \fi}%
+ \begin@FBBOX
+ \ifcase\@tempcnta
+ \@minipagefalse
+ \or
+ \vskip\sf@top
+ \or
+ \ifdim \lastskip=\z@ \else
+ \@tempskipb\sf@top\relax\@xaddvskip
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \hbox{%
+ \begin@FBBOX
+ \ifx \@empty#3\relax \else
+ \hbox{\caption@@@make
+ {\caption@lfmt{\@nameuse{sub\@captype name}}%
+ {\@nameuse{thesub\@captype}}\relax}{}}%
+ \fi
+ \end@FBBOX\hskip\labelsep\ignorespaces
+ \begin@FBBOX
+ \box\@tempboxa
+ \end@FBBOX
+ }%
+ \vskip\sf@bottom
+ \end@FBBOX
+ \@ifundefined{FBsc@max}{}%
+ {\addtocounter{FRobj}{-1}%
+ \ifnum\c@FRobj>0
+ \subfloatrowsep
+ \fi}%
+ \ifmaincaptiontop\else
+ \global\advance\@nameuse{c@\@captype}\m@ne
+ \fi
+ \endgroup\ignorespaces}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Alone Labels for Subfloats}
+% Macro for creation of subfloat label only. That could be useful
+% for usage with \package{psfrag} package, placing labels inside
+% |picture| environment, using in tabulars etc.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ {\flrow@subfloatlabel}{\subfloat[]{}}}
+ \ifx\@captype\@undefined
+ \@latex@error{\noexpand\subfloat outside float}\@ehd
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ \count@#1\advance\count@\m@ne
+ \csname c@sub\@captype\endcsname\count@\relax
+ \@ifnextchar[%]
+ {\flrow@@subfloatlabel[#1]}%
+ {\subfloat[]{}\endgroup}}
+ \def\FRsf@Flabel{\label}
+ \newseparatedlabel\FRsf@Flabel{\@captype}{sub\@captype}
+ \subfloat[]{\FRsf@Flabel{#2}}\endgroup}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Support for The \package{longtable} Package}
+% First goes requirement of necessary packages.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Caption Width Settings}
+% To follow layout for tables which need size of caption equal to width
+% of table, here added a code which catches width of table from
+% \file{aux}-file and sets to |\LTcapwidth| parameter (great thanks
+% A.~Sommerfeldt for compact code created as patch of |\LT@array| command).
+% At first we save macro |\LT@array| under name |\flrow@LT@array|.
+% Then start redefinition.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here are added settings for table font (similar to other table
+% environments) skip after caption (\cmd{\belowcaptionskip} is set
+% equal to \cmd{\captionskip}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@setlist{{table}{longtable}}\flrow@useLTcapwidth\normalfont\floatfont
+ \belowcaptionskip\captionskip
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here goes safe and redefinition of |\LT@make@row| macro in the way
+% of managing of counting of table width.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FBifLTcapwidth
+ {\let\flrow@LT@make@row\LT@make@row
+ \def\LT@make@row{%
+ \let\LT@make@row\flrow@LT@make@row
+ \LT@make@row
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\LT@entry| here used for width calculation.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\LT@save@row\relax\else\begingroup
+ \LTcapwidth\z@
+ \def\LT@entry####1####2{\advance\LTcapwidth####2}\LT@save@row\relax
+ \ifdim\LTcapwidth=\z@\else\global\LTcapwidth\LTcapwidth\fi
+ \endgroup\fi}}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Definition for table foot
+% material (\cmd{\floatfoot}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\floatfoot@{\vskip\floatfootskip
+ \def\@captype{table}\floatfoot@box}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% At last goes \package{longtable}'s macro itself.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \flrow@oriLT@array}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The repeated definitions in the case of separate usage of \package{fr-longtable} package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The |\if@@FS| flag stored for |wrap...| environments.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \hsize\columnwidth\linewidth\columnwidth
+ \@parboxrestore\reset@font\color@begingroup
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Apply current float settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@setoptions{\@captype}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Apply floatfoot settings.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@setoptions{floatfoot}%
+% \end{macrocode}
+% No captionlabel.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \captionsetup{labelformat=empty,labelsep=none}%
+ \caption@@make{}{\FR@tmp#1\@finalstrut\strutbox}%
+ \color@endgroup}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The definition of caption width for |longtable| environment.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\next\@secondoftwo
+ \edef\caption@tempa{#1}%
+ \@for\caption@tempb:={#2}\do{%
+ \ifx\caption@tempa\caption@tempb
+ \let\next\@firstoftwo
+ \fi}%
+ \next}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \caption@ifinlist{#1}{table,contents,LTcapwidthtotable}{\def\flrow@useLTcapwidth
+ {\let\FBifLTcapwidth\@firstofone}}{\def\flrow@useLTcapwidth
+ {\let\FBifLTcapwidth\@gobble\setlength\LTcapwidth{#1}}}}
+ {\DeclareFROpt{LTcapwidth}{\setLTcapwidth{#1}}
+ \DeclareOption{table}{\setLTcapwidth{table}}
+ \ProcessOptions
+ }
+ {\DeclareOption{LTcapwidthtotable}{\setLTcapwidth{table}}
+ \DeclareOption{table}{\setLTcapwidth{table}}
+ \ProcessOptions
+ \let\flrow@setlist\@gobble}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsubsection{Additional Settings for Last Head and Pre-Last Foot}
+% The box for last head. Defined in the same way as analog macros in
+% \package{longtable} package.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% This counter register is used for checking of last longtable page.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Storing of original definition of |\longtable| macro.
+% In the new definition was added counting of |longtable|'s pages
+% with |FBLTpage| counter defined before.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \setcounter{FBLTpage}\@ne
+ \FB@ori@longtable}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Storing original definition of |\LT@ouput| macro.
+% Here, in new definition, added increasing of |FBLTpage|.
+% In the case of defined |\lasthead| contents and last page was
+% checked, the contents of last head loaded.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \@ifundefined{FBLTpage@\romannumeral\c@LT@tables}%
+ {\gdef\flrow@LTlastpage{2}}{\@nameuse{FBLTpage@\romannumeral\c@LT@tables}}%
+ \addtocounter{FBLTpage}\@ne
+ \ifvoid\flrow@LT@lasthead\else
+ \ifnum\value{FBLTpage}=\flrow@LTlastpage
+ \let\LT@head\flrow@LT@lasthead
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Switching on of the |\LT@prelastfoot| also needs the real value of
+% |\flrow@LTlastpage| (why???).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifvoid\flrow@LT@prelastfoot\else
+ \count@\flrow@LTlastpage\relax
+ \ifnum\value{FBLTpage}=\count@
+ \let\LT@foot\flrow@LT@prelastfoot
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \FB@ori@LT@output}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% The definition of last head box and foot of the page before last.
+% They are defined in the same way as other commands in \package{longtable}
+% package, like |\endlastfoot|.
+% Here was used |\def| as for all |\end..| commands. I hope if \package{longtable}
+% will use these synonyms it will use also synonyms for
+% || and || box register commands at the very beginning of package.
+% Use command names with the analogous names
+% in the hope that their synonyms will appear in the ``host''-package
+% and in this case current package stops interfere.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifx\endlasthead\relax\@tempswatrue
+ \def\endlasthead{\LT@end@hd@ft\flrow@LT@lasthead}
+\PackageError{fr-longtable}{The command \string\endlasthead\MessageBreak
+ already defined by longtable package}
+ \ifx\endprelastfoot\relax\@tempswatrue
+ \def\endprelastfoot{\LT@end@hd@ft\flrow@LT@prelastfoot}
+\PackageError{fr-longtable}{The command \string\endprelastfoot\MessageBreak
+ already defined by longtable package}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Redefined |\endlongtable| command---added code which writes
+% the number of pages of long table.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \FB@ori@endlongtable
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Here is additional code.
+% Why it is necessary to reduce counter of pages by~1?
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@filesw
+ {\advance\c@FBLTpage\m@ne
+ \immediate\write\@auxout{%
+ \gdef\expandafter\noexpand
+ \csname FBLTpage@\romannumeral\c@LT@tables\endcsname
+ {\string\gdef\string\flrow@LTlastpage{\the\c@FBLTpage}}%
+ }}%
+ \fi
+ }
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \Finale
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow.ins b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow.ins
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c209bc659
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+%% This file will generate fast loadable files and documentation
+%% driver files from the doc files in this package when run through
+%% LaTeX or TeX.
+%% You are NOT ALLOWED to distribute this file alone.
+%% You are NOT ALLOWED to change this file.
+%% --------------- start of docstrip commands ------------------
+\input docstrip
+This is a generated file.
+This is a generated file.
+You are NOT ALLOWED to change this file.
+ \file{floatrow.sty}{\from{floatrow.dtx}{floatrow,floatsetup}}
+ \file{fr-fancy.sty}{\from{floatrow.dtx}{frfancy}}
+ \file{floatpagestyle.sty}{\from{floatrow.dtx}{floatpagestyle}}
+ \file{listpen.sty}{\from{floatrow.dtx}{listpen}}
+ \file{fr-longtable.sty}{\from{floatrow.dtx}{forlongtable}}
+ \file{fr-subfig.sty}{\from{floatrow.dtx}{frforsubfig}}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..465542dd98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/floatrow.pdf
@@ -0,0 +1,16142 @@
+5 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (FAD.1) >>
+8 0 obj
+(Frequently Appeared Design)
+9 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (TOC.1) >>
+12 0 obj
+13 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (LOF.1) >>
+16 0 obj
+(List of Figures)
+17 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (LOT.1) >>
+20 0 obj
+(List of Tables)
+21 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (LOE.1) >>
+24 0 obj
+(List of Examples)
+25 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (LOP.1) >>
+28 0 obj
+(List of Programs)
+29 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
+32 0 obj
+33 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.1) >>
+36 0 obj
+(Loading The Package)
+37 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.1.1.1) >>
+40 0 obj
+(Float Box Commands)
+41 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.1.1.2) >>
+44 0 obj
+(Float Boxes In The Row)
+45 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.1.2) >>
+48 0 obj
+(Do Not Write That With floatrow Package)
+49 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.2) >>
+52 0 obj
+(Macros for Building Floats)
+53 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+56 0 obj
+(The floatbox Macro)
+57 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.1.1) >>
+60 0 obj
+(Float Box Width Equals to The Width of Object Contents)
+61 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.1.2) >>
+64 0 obj
+(Complex Example of Usage of floatbox Command)
+65 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.2) >>
+68 0 obj
+(Creation of Personal Commands for Float Boxes)
+69 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.2.1) >>
+72 0 obj
+(Usage of Personal Float Box Commands)
+73 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.2.2) >>
+76 0 obj
+(Predefined Float Box Commands)
+77 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.3) >>
+80 0 obj
+(Building Float Row)
+81 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.3.1) >>
+84 0 obj
+(Mixed Row)
+85 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4) >>
+88 0 obj
+(Running Floats in the Raw LaTeX Mode)
+89 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.4.1) >>
+92 0 obj
+(Raw Caption---Printing in Unusual Way)
+93 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.5) >>
+96 0 obj
+(Usage of Footnotes Inside Float Environment)
+97 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.6) >>
+100 0 obj
+(The Legend-Like Macro)
+101 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.7) >>
+104 0 obj
+(Fine Tuning of Vertical Spaces of Float)
+105 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.3) >>
+108 0 obj
+(Float Layout Settings)
+109 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.1) >>
+112 0 obj
+(Floatsetup Keys)
+113 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.1) >>
+116 0 obj
+(Float Style)
+117 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.2) >>
+120 0 obj
+(Font Settings)
+121 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.3) >>
+124 0 obj
+(Position of Caption)
+125 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.4) >>
+128 0 obj
+(Position of Beside Caption)
+129 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.5) >>
+132 0 obj
+(Defining The Width of Beside Caption)
+133 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.6) >>
+136 0 obj
+(Defining Width of Object)
+137 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.7) >>
+140 0 obj
+(Other Settings for Beside Captions)
+141 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.8) >>
+144 0 obj
+(Defining Float Foot Position \(Legends and Footnotes\))
+145 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.9) >>
+148 0 obj
+(Vertical Alignment of Float Elements)
+149 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.10) >>
+152 0 obj
+(Facing Layout)
+153 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.11) >>
+156 0 obj
+(Object Settings)
+157 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.12) >>
+160 0 obj
+(Defining Float Margins)
+161 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.13) >>
+164 0 obj
+(Defining Float Separators)
+165 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.14) >>
+168 0 obj
+(Defining Float Rules/Skips)
+169 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.15) >>
+172 0 obj
+(Defining Float Frames)
+173 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.16) >>
+176 0 obj
+(Settings for Colored Frames)
+177 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.17) >>
+180 0 obj
+(Defining Float Skips)
+181 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.18) >>
+184 0 obj
+(Defining Float Footnote Rule's Style)
+185 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.1.19) >>
+188 0 obj
+(Managing Floats with [H] Placement Option)
+189 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.2) >>
+192 0 obj
+(Settings for Current Float Environment)
+193 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.3) >>
+196 0 obj
+(Clearing of Settings for Current Float Type)
+197 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.4) >>
+200 0 obj
+(Temporary Clearing of All Float Settings)
+201 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.5) >>
+204 0 obj
+(The Default Float Type Settings)
+205 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.3.6) >>
+208 0 obj
+(Defining New Options)
+209 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.6.1) >>
+212 0 obj
+(Float Style Option \(style=\))
+213 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.6.2) >>
+216 0 obj
+(Float Font Option \(font=\))
+217 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.6.3) >>
+220 0 obj
+(Option for Float Rules/Skips \(precode= etc.\))
+221 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.6.4) >>
+224 0 obj
+(Settings for Colored Frame \(colorframeset=\))
+225 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.6.5) >>
+228 0 obj
+(Object Justification Option \(objectset=\))
+229 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.6.6) >>
+232 0 obj
+(Option for Float Box Alignment/Settings \(margins=\))
+233 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.6.7) >>
+236 0 obj
+(Float Separators Options \(floatrowsep=, capbesidesep=\))
+237 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.3.6.8) >>
+240 0 obj
+(Option for Footnote Rule's Style \(footnoterule=\))
+241 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.4) >>
+244 0 obj
+(Creation of New Float Types)
+245 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.4.1) >>
+248 0 obj
+(How to replace newfloat with DeclareNewFloatType)
+249 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.5) >>
+252 0 obj
+(Borrowed Code)
+253 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.1) >>
+256 0 obj
+(The float Package: Compatibility)
+257 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.5.1.1) >>
+260 0 obj
+(How Settings From The float Package Work in floatrow)
+261 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.5.1.2) >>
+264 0 obj
+(Printing of Float List [float])
+265 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.5.1.3) >>
+268 0 obj
+(The User Interface---[H] Placement Specifier [float])
+269 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.5.1.4) >>
+272 0 obj
+(The [H] Placement Specifier---Managing of Page Breaks)
+273 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.5.2) >>
+276 0 obj
+(The rotfloat Package)
+277 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.6) >>
+280 0 obj
+(The floatrow Package and The caption Package)
+281 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.1) >>
+284 0 obj
+(Managing of Float Parts With the subfloatrow Environment)
+285 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.6.2) >>
+288 0 obj
+(Support of The Label--Sublabel References)
+289 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.6.2.1) >>
+292 0 obj
+(The RawCaption with Parts of Figure)
+293 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.7) >>
+296 0 obj
+(Style Tandems)
+297 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.1) >>
+300 0 obj
+(The subfig Package)
+301 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.7.1.1) >>
+304 0 obj
+(Additions in floatrow)
+305 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.2) >>
+308 0 obj
+(The longtable Package)
+309 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.7.2.1) >>
+312 0 obj
+(Additions in The floatrow Package)
+313 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3) >>
+316 0 obj
+(The wrapfig Package)
+317 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.4) >>
+320 0 obj
+(The floatflt package)
+321 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.5) >>
+324 0 obj
+(The picins Package)
+325 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.6) >>
+328 0 obj
+(The rotating Package and sideways\203 Environment)
+329 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.7.6.1) >>
+332 0 obj
+(Special Page Style for Float Page)
+333 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.7.6.2) >>
+336 0 obj
+(Rotated Floats on the Facing Pages)
+337 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.7.6.3) >>
+340 0 obj
+(Commands instead of lengths)
+341 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.7) >>
+344 0 obj
+(The lscape Package and landscape Environment)
+345 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.8) >>
+348 0 obj
+(The listings Package)
+349 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.9) >>
+352 0 obj
+(The hyperref and hypcap Packages)
+353 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.10) >>
+356 0 obj
+(The setspace Package)
+357 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.8) >>
+360 0 obj
+(The Incompatibilities)
+361 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.9) >>
+364 0 obj
+365 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.10) >>
+368 0 obj
+369 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (section.11) >>
+372 0 obj
+373 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.1) >>
+376 0 obj
+377 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.11.1.1) >>
+380 0 obj
+(Usage of Captionsetup and Thisfloatsetup Inside Floatbox Stuff)
+381 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.11.1.2) >>
+384 0 obj
+(Predefined Beside Caption Width)
+385 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.11.1.3) >>
+388 0 obj
+(Predefined Beside Caption Width with The Rest Space for Object)
+389 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.11.1.4) >>
+392 0 obj
+(Width Definition for Beside Caption---Object Box in Float Row)
+393 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.11.1.5) >>
+396 0 obj
+(Caption Above/Below and Caption Beside at The Float Row)
+397 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.11.1.6) >>
+400 0 obj
+(Photo-Album-Like Layouts)
+401 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.11.1.7) >>
+404 0 obj
+(Photo-Album-Like Layouts: Common Height for Beside Photos)
+405 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.2) >>
+408 0 obj
+(Sample Files)
+409 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsection.11.3) >>
+412 0 obj
+(Obsolete Commands)
+413 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.11.3.1) >>
+416 0 obj
+(The User Interface---New Floats [float])
+417 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.11.3.2) >>
+420 0 obj
+(The floatsetup Keys, Renamed or Deleted After Version 0.1b)
+421 0 obj
+<< /S /GoTo /D [422 0 R /FitH ] >>
+425 0 obj <<
+/Length 2192
+/Filter /FlateDecode
+xЪЕYKЏг6ѕчЇРme НжS“K&Аf±‹
+Єaъјkb (ьUЇ8TЈ%‘©†І‘*hyЧћpЗaцољЗыцT ЈЬЌX|8µµ_»q}К …чЭё~BЊцЎ‚Ёб°іА_йiЩК"9њaF•5щ[ш[:Т©нo3ж.љОуЊЕ‚qP`woЇЇг®хjёґ!Мb» i:A}оzOЭґk® ‘‚ФU›еЈЉ»Бb‰F\ K—"GѓЂ•@ёЉЛ·85чQВх>ХвЪѓаьiьмD;LБь©ms?Є‹эsЦ”]н§‡цд ­їёg!љRpWФЪФMЉ¬»xкєНKЖчЋDМлAjBЇЧd*аҐuнЋЕёК`«ф”°U•„+w~6мo›Вoи/ЗВ/Ѕ–эs8ЫујlћВё±awс„ ‹Џz8Iтp@д С].DПЫэ№.љю[ДЅас®иКЬ№`)цXРTNЄTЩ[Њaj?ц­яхшеipKб? v_мЭєА®м=A^dU8¬mЄ‹'ґW_9«јћђH¬нЋUVzыё%Ш`W6Оh] в\ґ»ЯЉ}?m%т[аkЯЩC@¬чЩСЩњ#R?кШрљ|&Яжљи)ж&K ьQe',.љЌ¤сKyjkЁО“X—±ї`auОвЬП'Зт3EGT‹И2
+ЩЈґaе‹К[гна’G7ЦXGФ`(Fи!O¶q„¦{ЧС¶Ы}[ќлf‰.ѕVЙ,BZM‰t]ы,НЬм”юP&Х‰~Ы@»~їы¶=§ жCЩщ¦Їd„MҐД
+g«,m5E‘О/‘OЎ±З\8pю aТyQфы
+422 0 obj <<
+/Type /Page
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+/Resources 424 0 R
+/MediaBox [0 0 612 792]
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+/D [422 0 R /FitH 692.105]
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+/D [422 0 R /FitH 667.198]
+>> endobj
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+/Font << /F80 428 0 R /F81 429 0 R /F82 430 0 R /F50 431 0 R /F86 432 0 R /F90 433 0 R /F77 434 0 R /F91 435 0 R /F92 436 0 R /F75 437 0 R >>
+/ProcSet [ /PDF /Text ]
+>> endobj
+476 0 obj <<
+/Length 2599
+/Filter /FlateDecode
+xЪеZK“ЫёѕПЇ`N‘Є,вU®vmO’-WЄ’ќГVЩ>PGГXe’ЪсдЧ§‚$€Ѓ8Т¬ЅNj/–†Ќ~|эuC8Щ$8щлХЏ7W/Ї•H4Т‚Љдж6бҐ\$Bs$4InЦЙыќјщйкнНХз+Їб„ ЛТ'«ЭХыЏ8YГяэ”`ДґJонК]’‚$¦)|Я&?_эу
+[+ШZ¤fkFТ’%‚KDoч~S®Ћ»|ЯМ”гЩН\УY^нЉ}№-7VЇN`І X [-(A©Р­Ђі2sпАЏ,Л/рЊЊЃZШSK0D…СЯЉ[•ЗнЮzVмWЫг:7пѕјЦю+њ ВTчJ№ьwѕjЪe#Й ¦&i·мEDP
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+8{[—Ґ Д_Н?щ BJКѓљДyz№ъу П%[+ў\ЄсрДџа№&зХc$$„ЩИЂ6СuЇИ$юjm6R?єLлШЗлЯчMUћ ї}‘“ўt(’uѕB1)]џnPЊЭБЃщKWv3‡enбг|Я
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+475 0 obj <<
+/Type /Page
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+/Annots [ 423 0 R 439 0 R 440 0 R 441 0 R 442 0 R 443 0 R 444 0 R 445 0 R 446 0 R 447 0 R 448 0 R 449 0 R 450 0 R 451 0 R 452 0 R 453 0 R 454 0 R 455 0 R 456 0 R 457 0 R 458 0 R 459 0 R 460 0 R 461 0 R 462 0 R 463 0 R 464 0 R 465 0 R 466 0 R 467 0 R 468 0 R 469 0 R 470 0 R 471 0 R 472 0 R 473 0 R ]
+>> endobj
+423 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [429.11 621.371 468.761 631.443]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (??) >>
+>> endobj
+439 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [444.326 518.608 488.684 528.32]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (??) >>
+>> endobj
+440 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [304.869 446.23 324.292 459.182]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
+>> endobj
+441 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [342.859 446.23 356.06 459.182]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+442 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [304.869 423.47 324.292 436.421]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
+>> endobj
+443 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [342.859 423.47 356.06 436.421]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+444 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [345.101 400.709 356.06 413.66]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.7.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+445 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [331.651 355.187 342.61 368.139]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.2.4.1) >>
+>> endobj
+446 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [345.101 355.187 356.06 368.139]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.6.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+447 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [349.584 321.468 356.06 334.419]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.4) >>
+>> endobj
+448 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [349.584 309.666 356.06 322.617]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.3) >>
+>> endobj
+449 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [340.366 286.062 353.567 299.013]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+450 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [304.869 263.301 324.292 276.253]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
+>> endobj
+451 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [342.859 263.301 356.06 276.253]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+452 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [304.869 240.54 324.292 253.492]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
+>> endobj
+453 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [342.859 240.54 356.06 253.492]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+454 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [342.859 205.978 356.06 218.929]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+455 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [486.687 458.032 506.11 470.984]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
+>> endobj
+456 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [524.677 458.032 537.878 470.984]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.1) >>
+>> endobj
+457 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [526.919 436.115 537.878 449.066]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.3) >>
+>> endobj
+458 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [526.919 414.197 537.878 427.148]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.7.6.1) >>
+>> endobj
+459 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [524.677 403.238 537.878 416.189]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.6) >>
+>> endobj
+460 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [526.919 392.279 537.878 405.23]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.7.6.2) >>
+>> endobj
+461 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [517.952 381.32 537.878 394.271]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.5.1.3) >>
+>> endobj
+462 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [486.687 370.361 506.11 383.313]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (section.1) >>
+>> endobj
+463 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [524.677 370.361 537.878 383.313]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.3) >>
+>> endobj
+464 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [513.469 315.567 524.428 328.518]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.caption.27) >>
+>> endobj
+465 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [526.919 315.567 537.878 328.518]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (table.caption.31) >>
+>> endobj
+466 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [524.677 293.649 537.878 306.6]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.4) >>
+>> endobj
+467 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [508.986 282.69 522.187 295.641]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.3) >>
+>> endobj
+468 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [524.677 282.69 537.878 295.641]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.7.5) >>
+>> endobj
+469 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
+/Subtype /Link
+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [524.677 271.731 537.878 284.682]
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+>> endobj
+470 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
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+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [526.919 249.813 537.878 262.765]
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+>> endobj
+471 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
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+/Border[0 0 1]/H/I/C[1 .5 .5]
+/Rect [524.677 238.854 537.878 251.806]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsection.2.6) >>
+>> endobj
+472 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
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+/Rect [526.919 216.936 537.878 229.888]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (subsubsection.7.1.1) >>
+>> endobj
+473 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
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+/Rect [526.919 205.978 537.878 218.929]
+/A << /S /GoTo /D (figure.caption.163) >>
+>> endobj
+477 0 obj <<
+/D [475 0 R /FitH 692.105]
+>> endobj
+6 0 obj <<
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+/Length 1776
+/Filter /FlateDecode
+xЪн[Mw›8ЭыW°X кґE›&3н$m¦q§sNТµIКѓ‹qУьыyЃгцLOэ1+ѓ"„ёєпѕчфlЭYШъmфl<zrжcK!%©ґЖ·QI),©’ЉXг©umџ¤I&щВy?~ эeЈ?гQLaґў'У]F§гСзЃ6lK`Д…„ RXX“Щиъ=¶¦р·—FLщЦ}Сsfqx'Sz¬Шєэ9В­YJ‹pЇЈе4)"·¤ЂйrсИ4}¦дє?¶\†‘ПјІ'q\‚1¶_$yжЯN§ЛIҐ‰г2Љ‰g+3n A|‡П!&ЁйЃёАцyLЈдОq)ЬЊ?†еЕҐC„L>wРаsa#ЗрЪCьСл^-uн©x гЄ•r Љ2ІВDѓњЕiђ—И=Kї–'йl$У…гJJјF-DыqN…‹тцEТaЬ›ФЎВѕ oяa1І m7»э,ўЖџ§%ЇRѓШ»,КГ
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+532 0 obj <<
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+/Type /Annot
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+/Type /Annot
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+491 0 obj <<
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+492 0 obj <<
+/Type /Annot
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+Bо”Ує,mLШoлRvY^нМo‘T Л6эЄ
+„y¤гNЄВZЩцwЫ\ҐлЅNGcнЗ¶{(дхѕHтjarл®SYuІИeТмтЄЊф¦ОCnL!нлV—лBn»E?ЬКэµ¬ЪЏщ~С—З`№ЋYЧйµТЮжЕУ3 єHѓ:'dlнїМ‹& ьЗSqКВZrЏ&OjаРКЫ—ж(>ѓб`™‚Ј©ЏЁsU_ЄђЄBV».S?Y›я%ЎХц?OЯM=<HЎзT.m+бw-}­Ще3qЛjs¶Бе3`hMѓаДЎ_ЋbОб 7sЛ Mн ™ґР_эF–І\ЛЖьuY2'~g~кЅiлZЮNґ В(
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+xЪЅ—Koг6Зпюј, ГчcЃ6hSt‘-к›гѓ“И‰°’иµе<єИwпђ”,Й‰]»Щц`€вc8узЏЈ1Aw€ _Fз“СЩ…!Иb«B“ўV`Ґ$RVbe)љЬўiB)¦г”B’ЯтхMVу*s›хx6щ лUo=3ЖГB«э”СП“СЧ…N‚(’ ©`Љ-‘и¦MgЭВШgD0·=†™%а·ЮXЃюэ1"ЌЧdаЅxП0Х)©1гІу«аH»Mc4їЯ»ЪҐџЉл1#Й¦L/у/cJ’lњ2I’ЛщуЙДmк6ТѕRҐФЂVq“O•«піХ8ТЇ§2yљ—Л"‹nџе@ЅРuEwуЪїРdеь†Џн€$0Ко6«¬™lщcp4?ЊS оП«Ы¦ЭјМW+ЧxPМџБmир ‡ьЙeЈЉUБ”Ѓ]h ч1[5ЃЯ¬ІyќЭЖ—лзш\ёў€оеХ]м*т*[(Ы>П.$AДR"ЊАVр
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+/Type /Pages
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+>> endobj
+419 0 obj <<
+/Title 420 0 R
+/A 417 0 R
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+>> endobj
+415 0 obj <<
+/Title 416 0 R
+/A 413 0 R
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+/Next 419 0 R
+>> endobj
+411 0 obj <<
+/Title 412 0 R
+/A 409 0 R
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+/Prev 407 0 R
+/First 415 0 R
+/Last 419 0 R
+/Count -2
+>> endobj
+407 0 obj <<
+/Title 408 0 R
+/A 405 0 R
+/Parent 371 0 R
+/Prev 375 0 R
+/Next 411 0 R
+>> endobj
+403 0 obj <<
+/Title 404 0 R
+/A 401 0 R
+/Parent 375 0 R
+/Prev 399 0 R
+>> endobj
+399 0 obj <<
+/Title 400 0 R
+/A 397 0 R
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+/Prev 395 0 R
+/Next 403 0 R
+>> endobj
+395 0 obj <<
+/Title 396 0 R
+/A 393 0 R
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+/Prev 391 0 R
+/Next 399 0 R
+>> endobj
+391 0 obj <<
+/Title 392 0 R
+/A 389 0 R
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+/Prev 387 0 R
+/Next 395 0 R
+>> endobj
+387 0 obj <<
+/Title 388 0 R
+/A 385 0 R
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+/Prev 383 0 R
+/Next 391 0 R
+>> endobj
+383 0 obj <<
+/Title 384 0 R
+/A 381 0 R
+/Parent 375 0 R
+/Prev 379 0 R
+/Next 387 0 R
+>> endobj
+379 0 obj <<
+/Title 380 0 R
+/A 377 0 R
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+/Next 383 0 R
+>> endobj
+375 0 obj <<
+/Title 376 0 R
+/A 373 0 R
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+/Next 407 0 R
+/First 379 0 R
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+/Count -7
+>> endobj
+371 0 obj <<
+/Title 372 0 R
+/A 369 0 R
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+/Prev 367 0 R
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+/Last 411 0 R
+/Count -3
+>> endobj
+367 0 obj <<
+/Title 368 0 R
+/A 365 0 R
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+/Prev 363 0 R
+/Next 371 0 R
+>> endobj
+363 0 obj <<
+/Title 364 0 R
+/A 361 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 359 0 R
+/Next 367 0 R
+>> endobj
+359 0 obj <<
+/Title 360 0 R
+/A 357 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 295 0 R
+/Next 363 0 R
+>> endobj
+355 0 obj <<
+/Title 356 0 R
+/A 353 0 R
+/Parent 295 0 R
+/Prev 351 0 R
+>> endobj
+351 0 obj <<
+/Title 352 0 R
+/A 349 0 R
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+/Prev 347 0 R
+/Next 355 0 R
+>> endobj
+347 0 obj <<
+/Title 348 0 R
+/A 345 0 R
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+/Prev 343 0 R
+/Next 351 0 R
+>> endobj
+343 0 obj <<
+/Title 344 0 R
+/A 341 0 R
+/Parent 295 0 R
+/Prev 327 0 R
+/Next 347 0 R
+>> endobj
+339 0 obj <<
+/Title 340 0 R
+/A 337 0 R
+/Parent 327 0 R
+/Prev 335 0 R
+>> endobj
+335 0 obj <<
+/Title 336 0 R
+/A 333 0 R
+/Parent 327 0 R
+/Prev 331 0 R
+/Next 339 0 R
+>> endobj
+331 0 obj <<
+/Title 332 0 R
+/A 329 0 R
+/Parent 327 0 R
+/Next 335 0 R
+>> endobj
+327 0 obj <<
+/Title 328 0 R
+/A 325 0 R
+/Parent 295 0 R
+/Prev 323 0 R
+/Next 343 0 R
+/First 331 0 R
+/Last 339 0 R
+/Count -3
+>> endobj
+323 0 obj <<
+/Title 324 0 R
+/A 321 0 R
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+/Prev 319 0 R
+/Next 327 0 R
+>> endobj
+319 0 obj <<
+/Title 320 0 R
+/A 317 0 R
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+/Prev 315 0 R
+/Next 323 0 R
+>> endobj
+315 0 obj <<
+/Title 316 0 R
+/A 313 0 R
+/Parent 295 0 R
+/Prev 307 0 R
+/Next 319 0 R
+>> endobj
+311 0 obj <<
+/Title 312 0 R
+/A 309 0 R
+/Parent 307 0 R
+>> endobj
+307 0 obj <<
+/Title 308 0 R
+/A 305 0 R
+/Parent 295 0 R
+/Prev 299 0 R
+/Next 315 0 R
+/First 311 0 R
+/Last 311 0 R
+/Count -1
+>> endobj
+303 0 obj <<
+/Title 304 0 R
+/A 301 0 R
+/Parent 299 0 R
+>> endobj
+299 0 obj <<
+/Title 300 0 R
+/A 297 0 R
+/Parent 295 0 R
+/Next 307 0 R
+/First 303 0 R
+/Last 303 0 R
+/Count -1
+>> endobj
+295 0 obj <<
+/Title 296 0 R
+/A 293 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 279 0 R
+/Next 359 0 R
+/First 299 0 R
+/Last 355 0 R
+/Count -10
+>> endobj
+291 0 obj <<
+/Title 292 0 R
+/A 289 0 R
+/Parent 287 0 R
+>> endobj
+287 0 obj <<
+/Title 288 0 R
+/A 285 0 R
+/Parent 279 0 R
+/Prev 283 0 R
+/First 291 0 R
+/Last 291 0 R
+/Count -1
+>> endobj
+283 0 obj <<
+/Title 284 0 R
+/A 281 0 R
+/Parent 279 0 R
+/Next 287 0 R
+>> endobj
+279 0 obj <<
+/Title 280 0 R
+/A 277 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 251 0 R
+/Next 295 0 R
+/First 283 0 R
+/Last 287 0 R
+/Count -2
+>> endobj
+275 0 obj <<
+/Title 276 0 R
+/A 273 0 R
+/Parent 251 0 R
+/Prev 255 0 R
+>> endobj
+271 0 obj <<
+/Title 272 0 R
+/A 269 0 R
+/Parent 255 0 R
+/Prev 267 0 R
+>> endobj
+267 0 obj <<
+/Title 268 0 R
+/A 265 0 R
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+/Prev 263 0 R
+/Next 271 0 R
+>> endobj
+263 0 obj <<
+/Title 264 0 R
+/A 261 0 R
+/Parent 255 0 R
+/Prev 259 0 R
+/Next 267 0 R
+>> endobj
+259 0 obj <<
+/Title 260 0 R
+/A 257 0 R
+/Parent 255 0 R
+/Next 263 0 R
+>> endobj
+255 0 obj <<
+/Title 256 0 R
+/A 253 0 R
+/Parent 251 0 R
+/Next 275 0 R
+/First 259 0 R
+/Last 271 0 R
+/Count -4
+>> endobj
+251 0 obj <<
+/Title 252 0 R
+/A 249 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 243 0 R
+/Next 279 0 R
+/First 255 0 R
+/Last 275 0 R
+/Count -2
+>> endobj
+247 0 obj <<
+/Title 248 0 R
+/A 245 0 R
+/Parent 243 0 R
+>> endobj
+243 0 obj <<
+/Title 244 0 R
+/A 241 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 107 0 R
+/Next 251 0 R
+/First 247 0 R
+/Last 247 0 R
+/Count -1
+>> endobj
+239 0 obj <<
+/Title 240 0 R
+/A 237 0 R
+/Parent 207 0 R
+/Prev 235 0 R
+>> endobj
+235 0 obj <<
+/Title 236 0 R
+/A 233 0 R
+/Parent 207 0 R
+/Prev 231 0 R
+/Next 239 0 R
+>> endobj
+231 0 obj <<
+/Title 232 0 R
+/A 229 0 R
+/Parent 207 0 R
+/Prev 227 0 R
+/Next 235 0 R
+>> endobj
+227 0 obj <<
+/Title 228 0 R
+/A 225 0 R
+/Parent 207 0 R
+/Prev 223 0 R
+/Next 231 0 R
+>> endobj
+223 0 obj <<
+/Title 224 0 R
+/A 221 0 R
+/Parent 207 0 R
+/Prev 219 0 R
+/Next 227 0 R
+>> endobj
+219 0 obj <<
+/Title 220 0 R
+/A 217 0 R
+/Parent 207 0 R
+/Prev 215 0 R
+/Next 223 0 R
+>> endobj
+215 0 obj <<
+/Title 216 0 R
+/A 213 0 R
+/Parent 207 0 R
+/Prev 211 0 R
+/Next 219 0 R
+>> endobj
+211 0 obj <<
+/Title 212 0 R
+/A 209 0 R
+/Parent 207 0 R
+/Next 215 0 R
+>> endobj
+207 0 obj <<
+/Title 208 0 R
+/A 205 0 R
+/Parent 107 0 R
+/Prev 203 0 R
+/First 211 0 R
+/Last 239 0 R
+/Count -8
+>> endobj
+203 0 obj <<
+/Title 204 0 R
+/A 201 0 R
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+/Prev 199 0 R
+/Next 207 0 R
+>> endobj
+199 0 obj <<
+/Title 200 0 R
+/A 197 0 R
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+/Prev 195 0 R
+/Next 203 0 R
+>> endobj
+195 0 obj <<
+/Title 196 0 R
+/A 193 0 R
+/Parent 107 0 R
+/Prev 191 0 R
+/Next 199 0 R
+>> endobj
+191 0 obj <<
+/Title 192 0 R
+/A 189 0 R
+/Parent 107 0 R
+/Prev 111 0 R
+/Next 195 0 R
+>> endobj
+187 0 obj <<
+/Title 188 0 R
+/A 185 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 183 0 R
+>> endobj
+183 0 obj <<
+/Title 184 0 R
+/A 181 0 R
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+/Prev 179 0 R
+/Next 187 0 R
+>> endobj
+179 0 obj <<
+/Title 180 0 R
+/A 177 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 175 0 R
+/Next 183 0 R
+>> endobj
+175 0 obj <<
+/Title 176 0 R
+/A 173 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 171 0 R
+/Next 179 0 R
+>> endobj
+171 0 obj <<
+/Title 172 0 R
+/A 169 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 167 0 R
+/Next 175 0 R
+>> endobj
+167 0 obj <<
+/Title 168 0 R
+/A 165 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 163 0 R
+/Next 171 0 R
+>> endobj
+163 0 obj <<
+/Title 164 0 R
+/A 161 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 159 0 R
+/Next 167 0 R
+>> endobj
+159 0 obj <<
+/Title 160 0 R
+/A 157 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 155 0 R
+/Next 163 0 R
+>> endobj
+155 0 obj <<
+/Title 156 0 R
+/A 153 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 151 0 R
+/Next 159 0 R
+>> endobj
+151 0 obj <<
+/Title 152 0 R
+/A 149 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 147 0 R
+/Next 155 0 R
+>> endobj
+147 0 obj <<
+/Title 148 0 R
+/A 145 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 143 0 R
+/Next 151 0 R
+>> endobj
+143 0 obj <<
+/Title 144 0 R
+/A 141 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 139 0 R
+/Next 147 0 R
+>> endobj
+139 0 obj <<
+/Title 140 0 R
+/A 137 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 135 0 R
+/Next 143 0 R
+>> endobj
+135 0 obj <<
+/Title 136 0 R
+/A 133 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 131 0 R
+/Next 139 0 R
+>> endobj
+131 0 obj <<
+/Title 132 0 R
+/A 129 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 127 0 R
+/Next 135 0 R
+>> endobj
+127 0 obj <<
+/Title 128 0 R
+/A 125 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 123 0 R
+/Next 131 0 R
+>> endobj
+123 0 obj <<
+/Title 124 0 R
+/A 121 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 119 0 R
+/Next 127 0 R
+>> endobj
+119 0 obj <<
+/Title 120 0 R
+/A 117 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Prev 115 0 R
+/Next 123 0 R
+>> endobj
+115 0 obj <<
+/Title 116 0 R
+/A 113 0 R
+/Parent 111 0 R
+/Next 119 0 R
+>> endobj
+111 0 obj <<
+/Title 112 0 R
+/A 109 0 R
+/Parent 107 0 R
+/Next 191 0 R
+/First 115 0 R
+/Last 187 0 R
+/Count -19
+>> endobj
+107 0 obj <<
+/Title 108 0 R
+/A 105 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 51 0 R
+/Next 243 0 R
+/First 111 0 R
+/Last 207 0 R
+/Count -6
+>> endobj
+103 0 obj <<
+/Title 104 0 R
+/A 101 0 R
+/Parent 51 0 R
+/Prev 99 0 R
+>> endobj
+99 0 obj <<
+/Title 100 0 R
+/A 97 0 R
+/Parent 51 0 R
+/Prev 95 0 R
+/Next 103 0 R
+>> endobj
+95 0 obj <<
+/Title 96 0 R
+/A 93 0 R
+/Parent 51 0 R
+/Prev 87 0 R
+/Next 99 0 R
+>> endobj
+91 0 obj <<
+/Title 92 0 R
+/A 89 0 R
+/Parent 87 0 R
+>> endobj
+87 0 obj <<
+/Title 88 0 R
+/A 85 0 R
+/Parent 51 0 R
+/Prev 79 0 R
+/Next 95 0 R
+/First 91 0 R
+/Last 91 0 R
+/Count -1
+>> endobj
+83 0 obj <<
+/Title 84 0 R
+/A 81 0 R
+/Parent 79 0 R
+>> endobj
+79 0 obj <<
+/Title 80 0 R
+/A 77 0 R
+/Parent 51 0 R
+/Prev 67 0 R
+/Next 87 0 R
+/First 83 0 R
+/Last 83 0 R
+/Count -1
+>> endobj
+75 0 obj <<
+/Title 76 0 R
+/A 73 0 R
+/Parent 67 0 R
+/Prev 71 0 R
+>> endobj
+71 0 obj <<
+/Title 72 0 R
+/A 69 0 R
+/Parent 67 0 R
+/Next 75 0 R
+>> endobj
+67 0 obj <<
+/Title 68 0 R
+/A 65 0 R
+/Parent 51 0 R
+/Prev 55 0 R
+/Next 79 0 R
+/First 71 0 R
+/Last 75 0 R
+/Count -2
+>> endobj
+63 0 obj <<
+/Title 64 0 R
+/A 61 0 R
+/Parent 55 0 R
+/Prev 59 0 R
+>> endobj
+59 0 obj <<
+/Title 60 0 R
+/A 57 0 R
+/Parent 55 0 R
+/Next 63 0 R
+>> endobj
+55 0 obj <<
+/Title 56 0 R
+/A 53 0 R
+/Parent 51 0 R
+/Next 67 0 R
+/First 59 0 R
+/Last 63 0 R
+/Count -2
+>> endobj
+51 0 obj <<
+/Title 52 0 R
+/A 49 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 31 0 R
+/Next 107 0 R
+/First 55 0 R
+/Last 103 0 R
+/Count -7
+>> endobj
+47 0 obj <<
+/Title 48 0 R
+/A 45 0 R
+/Parent 31 0 R
+/Prev 35 0 R
+>> endobj
+43 0 obj <<
+/Title 44 0 R
+/A 41 0 R
+/Parent 35 0 R
+/Prev 39 0 R
+>> endobj
+39 0 obj <<
+/Title 40 0 R
+/A 37 0 R
+/Parent 35 0 R
+/Next 43 0 R
+>> endobj
+35 0 obj <<
+/Title 36 0 R
+/A 33 0 R
+/Parent 31 0 R
+/Next 47 0 R
+/First 39 0 R
+/Last 43 0 R
+/Count -2
+>> endobj
+31 0 obj <<
+/Title 32 0 R
+/A 29 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 27 0 R
+/Next 51 0 R
+/First 35 0 R
+/Last 47 0 R
+/Count -2
+>> endobj
+27 0 obj <<
+/Title 28 0 R
+/A 25 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 23 0 R
+/Next 31 0 R
+>> endobj
+23 0 obj <<
+/Title 24 0 R
+/A 21 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 19 0 R
+/Next 27 0 R
+>> endobj
+19 0 obj <<
+/Title 20 0 R
+/A 17 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 15 0 R
+/Next 23 0 R
+>> endobj
+15 0 obj <<
+/Title 16 0 R
+/A 13 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 11 0 R
+/Next 19 0 R
+>> endobj
+11 0 obj <<
+/Title 12 0 R
+/A 9 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Prev 7 0 R
+/Next 15 0 R
+>> endobj
+7 0 obj <<
+/Title 8 0 R
+/A 5 0 R
+/Parent 2147 0 R
+/Next 11 0 R
+>> endobj
+2148 0 obj <<
+/Names [(??) 478 0 R (Doc-Start) 427 0 R (Example.caption.329) 916 0 R (FAD.1) 6 0 R (LOE.1) 22 0 R (LOF.1) 14 0 R]
+/Limits [(??) (LOF.1)]
+>> endobj
+2149 0 obj <<
+/Names [(LOP.1) 26 0 R (LOT.1) 18 0 R (Program.caption.330) 917 0 R (TOC.1) 10 0 R (figure.73) 755 0 R (figure.76) 758 0 R]
+/Limits [(LOP.1) (figure.76)]
+>> endobj
+2150 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.10) 634 0 R (figure.caption.100) 729 0 R (figure.caption.101) 1506 0 R (figure.caption.102) 730 0 R (figure.caption.103) 731 0 R (figure.caption.104) 732 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.10) (figure.caption.104)]
+>> endobj
+2151 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.105) 733 0 R (figure.caption.106) 734 0 R (figure.caption.108) 735 0 R (figure.caption.118) 1651 0 R (figure.caption.123) 736 0 R (figure.caption.124) 737 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.105) (figure.caption.124)]
+>> endobj
+2152 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.125) 738 0 R (figure.caption.126) 1676 0 R (figure.caption.131) 739 0 R (figure.caption.132) 1677 0 R (figure.caption.133) 1678 0 R (figure.caption.134) 1679 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.125) (figure.caption.134)]
+>> endobj
+2153 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.139) 740 0 R (figure.caption.140) 1680 0 R (figure.caption.141) 1681 0 R (figure.caption.142) 1707 0 R (figure.caption.145) 741 0 R (figure.caption.146) 742 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.139) (figure.caption.146)]
+>> endobj
+2154 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.147) 743 0 R (figure.caption.148) 1712 0 R (figure.caption.149) 744 0 R (figure.caption.15) 1024 0 R (figure.caption.150) 1745 0 R (figure.caption.155) 1746 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.147) (figure.caption.155)]
+>> endobj
+2155 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.156) 746 0 R (figure.caption.157) 747 0 R (figure.caption.158) 748 0 R (figure.caption.159) 745 0 R (figure.caption.16) 635 0 R (figure.caption.162) 1784 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.156) (figure.caption.162)]
+>> endobj
+2156 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.163) 481 0 R (figure.caption.164) 1803 0 R (figure.caption.165) 751 0 R (figure.caption.166) 1825 0 R (figure.caption.167) 752 0 R (figure.caption.168) 756 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.163) (figure.caption.168)]
+>> endobj
+2157 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.169) 757 0 R (figure.caption.17) 1051 0 R (figure.caption.170) 1861 0 R (figure.caption.171) 817 0 R (figure.caption.172) 1879 0 R (figure.caption.173) 818 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.169) (figure.caption.173)]
+>> endobj
+2158 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.174) 1924 0 R (figure.caption.175) 819 0 R (figure.caption.176) 820 0 R (figure.caption.177) 821 0 R (figure.caption.178) 822 0 R (figure.caption.179) 1950 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.174) (figure.caption.179)]
+>> endobj
+2159 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.18) 636 0 R (figure.caption.180) 823 0 R (figure.caption.181) 824 0 R (figure.caption.182) 1970 0 R (figure.caption.183) 825 0 R (figure.caption.184) 1971 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.18) (figure.caption.184)]
+>> endobj
+2160 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.185) 826 0 R (figure.caption.186) 1994 0 R (figure.caption.187) 827 0 R (figure.caption.188) 828 0 R (figure.caption.189) 2011 0 R (figure.caption.19) 637 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.185) (figure.caption.19)]
+>> endobj
+2161 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.190) 829 0 R (figure.caption.191) 830 0 R (figure.caption.192) 2012 0 R (figure.caption.193) 831 0 R (figure.caption.194) 832 0 R (figure.caption.195) 2022 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.190) (figure.caption.195)]
+>> endobj
+2162 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.196) 833 0 R (figure.caption.197) 834 0 R (figure.caption.198) 835 0 R (figure.caption.199) 2028 0 R (figure.caption.20) 1064 0 R (figure.caption.200) 836 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.196) (figure.caption.200)]
+>> endobj
+2163 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.201) 837 0 R (figure.caption.202) 838 0 R (figure.caption.203) 2033 0 R (figure.caption.208) 839 0 R (figure.caption.209) 840 0 R (figure.caption.21) 638 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.201) (figure.caption.21)]
+>> endobj
+2164 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.210) 841 0 R (figure.caption.211) 842 0 R (figure.caption.212) 2038 0 R (figure.caption.22) 639 0 R (figure.caption.221) 843 0 R (figure.caption.226) 844 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.210) (figure.caption.226)]
+>> endobj
+2165 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.227) 845 0 R (figure.caption.228) 846 0 R (figure.caption.229) 847 0 R (figure.caption.23) 640 0 R (figure.caption.230) 2043 0 R (figure.caption.239) 848 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.227) (figure.caption.239)]
+>> endobj
+2166 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.24) 641 0 R (figure.caption.244) 849 0 R (figure.caption.245) 850 0 R (figure.caption.246) 851 0 R (figure.caption.247) 852 0 R (figure.caption.248) 2044 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.24) (figure.caption.248)]
+>> endobj
+2167 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.25) 1089 0 R (figure.caption.26) 642 0 R (figure.caption.267) 853 0 R (figure.caption.268) 854 0 R (figure.caption.269) 855 0 R (figure.caption.274) 856 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.25) (figure.caption.274)]
+>> endobj
+2168 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.275) 857 0 R (figure.caption.276) 858 0 R (figure.caption.277) 2049 0 R (figure.caption.28) 643 0 R (figure.caption.29) 1123 0 R (figure.caption.296) 859 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.275) (figure.caption.296)]
+>> endobj
+2169 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.297) 860 0 R (figure.caption.298) 861 0 R (figure.caption.3) 939 0 R (figure.caption.30) 644 0 R (figure.caption.303) 862 0 R (figure.caption.304) 863 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.297) (figure.caption.304)]
+>> endobj
+2170 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.305) 864 0 R (figure.caption.306) 2050 0 R (figure.caption.32) 645 0 R (figure.caption.324) 865 0 R (figure.caption.325) 866 0 R (figure.caption.326) 867 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.305) (figure.caption.326)]
+>> endobj
+2171 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.327) 868 0 R (figure.caption.328) 869 0 R (figure.caption.4) 631 0 R (figure.caption.46) 646 0 R (figure.caption.47) 647 0 R (figure.caption.48) 648 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.327) (figure.caption.48)]
+>> endobj
+2172 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.49) 649 0 R (figure.caption.5) 958 0 R (figure.caption.50) 650 0 R (figure.caption.51) 651 0 R (figure.caption.52) 1307 0 R (figure.caption.53) 652 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.49) (figure.caption.53)]
+>> endobj
+2173 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.54) 653 0 R (figure.caption.55) 1308 0 R (figure.caption.56) 654 0 R (figure.caption.57) 655 0 R (figure.caption.58) 1328 0 R (figure.caption.59) 656 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.54) (figure.caption.59)]
+>> endobj
+2174 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.6) 632 0 R (figure.caption.60) 1329 0 R (figure.caption.61) 657 0 R (figure.caption.62) 658 0 R (figure.caption.63) 1373 0 R (figure.caption.64) 659 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.6) (figure.caption.64)]
+>> endobj
+2175 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.65) 1390 0 R (figure.caption.66) 660 0 R (figure.caption.67) 1391 0 R (figure.caption.68) 661 0 R (figure.caption.69) 1410 0 R (figure.caption.7) 959 0 R]
+/Limits [(figure.caption.65) (figure.caption.7)]
+>> endobj
+2176 0 obj <<
+/Names [(figure.caption.70) 662 0 R (figure.caption.71) 1411 0 R (figure.caption.72) 663 0 R (figure.caption.73) 664 0 R (figure.caption.74) 1420 0 R (figure.caption.75) 665 0 R]
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+/Limits [(figure.caption.76) (figure.caption.80)]
+>> endobj
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+>> endobj
+2201 0 obj <<
+/Names [(section.8) 358 0 R (section.9) 362 0 R (subfigure.67.1) 749 0 R (subfigure.67.2) 750 0 R (subfigure.71.1) 1804 0 R (subfigure.71.2) 1805 0 R]
+/Limits [(section.8) (subfigure.71.2)]
+>> endobj
+2202 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subfigure.72.1) 753 0 R (subfigure.72.3) 754 0 R (subsection.1.1) 34 0 R (subsection.1.2) 46 0 R (subsection.11.1) 374 0 R (subsection.11.2) 406 0 R]
+/Limits [(subfigure.72.1) (subsection.11.2)]
+>> endobj
+2203 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subsection.11.3) 410 0 R (subsection.2.1) 54 0 R (subsection.2.2) 66 0 R (subsection.2.3) 78 0 R (subsection.2.4) 86 0 R (subsection.2.5) 94 0 R]
+/Limits [(subsection.11.3) (subsection.2.5)]
+>> endobj
+2204 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subsection.2.6) 98 0 R (subsection.2.7) 102 0 R (subsection.3.1) 110 0 R (subsection.3.2) 190 0 R (subsection.3.3) 194 0 R (subsection.3.4) 198 0 R]
+/Limits [(subsection.2.6) (subsection.3.4)]
+>> endobj
+2205 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subsection.3.5) 202 0 R (subsection.3.6) 206 0 R (subsection.4.1) 246 0 R (subsection.5.1) 254 0 R (subsection.5.2) 274 0 R (subsection.6.1) 282 0 R]
+/Limits [(subsection.3.5) (subsection.6.1)]
+>> endobj
+2206 0 obj <<
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+/Limits [(subsection.6.2) (subsection.7.4)]
+>> endobj
+2207 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subsection.7.5) 322 0 R (subsection.7.6) 326 0 R (subsection.7.7) 342 0 R (subsection.7.8) 346 0 R (subsection.7.9) 350 0 R (subsubsection.1.1.1) 38 0 R]
+/Limits [(subsection.7.5) (subsubsection.1.1.1)]
+>> endobj
+2208 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subsubsection.1.1.2) 42 0 R (subsubsection.11.1.1) 378 0 R (subsubsection.11.1.2) 382 0 R (subsubsection.11.1.3) 386 0 R (subsubsection.11.1.4) 390 0 R (subsubsection.11.1.5) 394 0 R]
+/Limits [(subsubsection.1.1.2) (subsubsection.11.1.5)]
+>> endobj
+2209 0 obj <<
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+/Limits [(subsubsection.11.1.6) (subsubsection.2.1.2)]
+>> endobj
+2210 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subsubsection.2.2.1) 70 0 R (subsubsection.2.2.2) 74 0 R (subsubsection.2.3.1) 82 0 R (subsubsection.2.4.1) 90 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.1) 114 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.10) 150 0 R]
+/Limits [(subsubsection.2.2.1) (subsubsection.3.1.10)]
+>> endobj
+2211 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subsubsection.3.1.11) 154 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.12) 158 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.13) 162 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.14) 166 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.15) 170 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.16) 174 0 R]
+/Limits [(subsubsection.3.1.11) (subsubsection.3.1.16)]
+>> endobj
+2212 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subsubsection.3.1.17) 178 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.18) 182 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.19) 186 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.2) 118 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.3) 122 0 R (subsubsection.3.1.4) 126 0 R]
+/Limits [(subsubsection.3.1.17) (subsubsection.3.1.4)]
+>> endobj
+2213 0 obj <<
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+>> endobj
+2214 0 obj <<
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+>> endobj
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+/Limits [(subsubsection.3.6.8) (subsubsection.6.2.1)]
+>> endobj
+2216 0 obj <<
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+>> endobj
+2217 0 obj <<
+/Names [(subtable.17.2) 914 0 R (table.11) 904 0 R (table.19) 2072 0 R (table.20) 2073 0 R (table.21) 2074 0 R (table.caption.1) 938 0 R]
+/Limits [(subtable.17.2) (table.caption.1)]
+>> endobj
+2218 0 obj <<
+/Names [(table.caption.109) 1590 0 R (table.caption.11) 992 0 R (table.caption.110) 1611 0 R (table.caption.115) 909 0 R (table.caption.116) 910 0 R (table.caption.117) 911 0 R]
+/Limits [(table.caption.109) (table.caption.117)]
+>> endobj
+2219 0 obj <<
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+/Limits [(table.caption.12) (table.caption.2)]
+>> endobj
+2220 0 obj <<
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+/Limits [(table.caption.27) (table.caption.35)]
+>> endobj
+2221 0 obj <<
+/Names [(table.caption.36) 902 0 R (table.caption.37) 1160 0 R (table.caption.38) 903 0 R (table.caption.40) 1238 0 R (table.caption.41) 905 0 R (table.caption.42) 906 0 R]
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+>> endobj
+2222 0 obj <<
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+>> endobj
+2223 0 obj <<
+/Kids [2148 0 R 2149 0 R 2150 0 R 2151 0 R 2152 0 R 2153 0 R]
+/Limits [(??) (figure.caption.146)]
+>> endobj
+2224 0 obj <<
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+>> endobj
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+>> endobj
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+<< /Size 2243
+/Root 2241 0 R
+/Info 2242 0 R
+/ID [<D4D40E0213B5F4956AE942ED853A0240> <D4D40E0213B5F4956AE942ED853A0240>] >>
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/fr-sample.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/fr-sample.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4dc221db5c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/fr-sample.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,938 @@
+%fr-sample - sample body
+ \ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi{#5}}%
+ \@tempdima\ht0\advance\@tempdima\dp0%
+ \ifdim\@tempdima>#2\setlength\unitlength{#2/#4}\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ {#5}\else\box0\fi}
+\def\text{{\mdseries And more text and some more text and a bit more text and
+a little more text and a little piece of text to fill space}}
+\def\Text{{\mdseries \text. \text. \text. \text. }}
+Here goes first line of text \text\par
+There goes second line of text#1\par
+Thence goes third line of text \text\par
+Hence goes fourth line of text}
+Example of plain \env{figure} environment (figure~\ref{float:plain:fig}).
+ {\unitlength.85\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \caption{Plain figure. \text }%
+ \footnote{Simple footnote}
+Example of plain \env{textbox} environment (text~\ref{float:plain:text}).
+\caption{Plain textbox. \text }%
+Example of plain \env{figure} environment with beside caption (figure~\ref{float:side:fig}).
+ {\unitlength.85\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \caption{Plain figure with side caption. \text \protect\mpfootnotemark[1]}%
+ \footnotetext[1]{Simple footnote}
+Example of plain \env{figure} environment (figure~\ref{float:W:plain:fig})
+with predefined width.
+ {\unitlength.85\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \caption{Plain figure with changed width. \text \protect\mpfootnotemark[1]}%
+ \footnotetext[1]{\emph{Current} float has width${{}=7}$\,cm.}
+Example of plain \env{textbox} environment (box~\ref{float:w:plain:Text})
+with predefined width inside group.
+\caption{Plain text box with predefined width. \text}\label{float:w:plain:Text}
+Example of figure placed in \verb|\ffigbox| (\verb|\floatbox| stuff);
+the width of float box equals to the width of graphics
+(see figure~\ref{floatbox:FB:fig}):
+ ...
+ {\unitlength1.5\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{TheCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{%
+Float box (\protect\com{ffigbox})
+width of graphics. \text }\label{floatbox:FB:fig}}
+%Example of float with beside caption (see text box~\ref{floatbox:subfloat:text}).
+%with two subboxes~\subref{subtext:A} and \subref{subtext:B}.
+%These subfloats are placed inside \env{subfloatrow} environment, left subafloat has width 5\,cm,
+%second---occupies the rest width of row.
+%{\FRifFBOX\vspace{-\topskip}\fi%for boxed styles
+%\subfloat[First ...\label{...}]%
+%\subfloat[Second ...\label{...}]%
+%{\caption{The ...}\label{...}}
+%Since the \verb|\subfloat| macro uses \verb|\vtop| during subfloat building, for
+%float styles which use boxes you may ought to put before \env{subfloatrow}
+%environment the compensated space like this:
+%{\FRifFBOX\vspace{-\topskip}\fi%for boxed styles
+%\subfloat[First text box\label{subtext:A}]%
+%\subfloat[Second text box with long long text\label{subtext:B}]%
+%{\caption{The \env{textbox} environment with subfloats. \text}%
+Example of figure in \verb|\fcapside| with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:beside:fig})
+with two subfigures~\subref{subfig:A} and \subref{subfig:B}. The object has the width of included graphics;
+caption occupies the rest of width.
+ ...
+Here was also used \env{subfloatrow} environment:
+\fcapside[\FBwidth] {\begin{subfloatrow} \subfloat[The simple
+PostScript file\label{subfig:A}]{\includegraphics{pslearn}}
+\subfloat[Black dog\label{subfig:B}]{\input{Blackdog.picture}}
+{\caption{Beside caption (in \protect\com{fcapside}) width of object box equals to width of
+graphics. \text}%
+Example of text box in \verb|\tcapside| command (see box~\ref{floatbox:subfloat:text}) with beside caption.
+ ...
+text box contents occupy 1.25``column'' width.
+{\caption{Beside caption (in \protect\com{tcapside}). The width of object equals
+to 1.25``column'' width. \text}%
+Example of figure in \verb|\fcapside| with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:beside:figI}).
+The object box has width of object contents.
+{\caption{Beside caption (in \protect\com{fcapside}) with of object equals to width of
+graphics. \text}%
+Example of plain text box (see box~\ref{floatbox:subfloat:text}).
+{\caption{Beside plain caption. \text}%
+Example of plain figure with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:beside:figI}).
+Both caption and object boxes have 1``column'' width.
+{\caption{Beside plain caption with of object equals to width of
+graphics. \text}%
+Example of two-column or wide plain figure (see figure~\ref{float:wide:fig}).
+ {\unitlength.85\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \caption{%
+Plain wide figure. \text }%
+Example of plain two-column or wide \env{textbox} environment
+(see text~\ref{float:wide:text}).
+ \caption{Plain wide textbox. \text }%
+Example of plain two-column or wide \env{figure} environment (figure~\ref{wfloat:W:plain:fig})
+with predefined width.
+ {\unitlength.85\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \caption{Plain figure with changed width. \text }%
+ \footnote{\emph{Current} float has width${{}=5}$\,cm.}
+Example of two-column or wide figure with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:wbeside:fig})
+with two subfigures~\subref{subfig:wA} and \subref{subfig:wB}.
+\subfloat[The simple PostScript file\label{subfig:wA}]{\includegraphics{pslearn}}%
+\subfloat[Black dog\label{subfig:wB}]{\input{BlackDog.picture}}%
+{\caption{Wide beside caption width of object equals to width of
+graphics. \text}%
+\clearpage Example of two-column or wide plain figure with caption
+beside (see figure~\ref{plain:wbeside:fig}) with two
+subfigures~\subref{subfig:wA} and \subref{subfig:wB} (the with for graphics equal 184pt).
+\subfloat[The simple PostScript file\label{subfig:wA}]{\includegraphics{pslearn}}%
+\subfloat[Black dog\label{subfig:wB}]{\input{BlackDog.picture}}%
+{\caption{Wide beside caption width of object equals to width of
+graphics. \text}%
+Example of two-column or wide figure with beside caption (see figure~\ref{floatbox:wbeside:figI}).
+{\caption{Wide beside caption width of object equals to width of
+graphics. \text}%
+Example of text box in \verb|\tcapside| with beside caption (see text box~\ref{floatbox:wbeside:text})
+{\caption{Wide beside caption width of object box equals to 1.2``column'' width. \text}%
+Example of plain text box with beside caption (see text box~\ref{floatbox:wbeside:text})
+{\caption{Wide beside caption. \text}%
+Example of `filled' row of figures
+There was predefined height for fourth figure in row which equals to
+If you want to get all float row contents with height${}={}$\verb|\textwidth|, you ought to put
+just before \env{floatrow} environment. Since heights of boxes are adjusted,
+you may use vertical alignment for object box.
+picture was created with \pkg{pstricks}' \protect\com{psbezier} macro}}
+{\caption{Beside figure~I in wide float row. Vertically centered\protect\footnotemark[1]}%
+{\caption{Beside figure~II in wide float row. Flushed to bottom of box}%
+\floatfoot{There are
+ just four~\protect\com{psellipse},
+ two \protect\com{psbezier}, two \protect\com{pspolygon} macros used
+ in current picture}}%
+ \floatfoot{The Mouse-animal image}}%
+{\caption{Beside figure~III in wide float row. Flushed to top of object box}%
+{\caption{Beside figure~IV in wide float row}\label{row:full:FcatI}}%
+Example of `non-filled' row of figures
+If current float style for figures doesn't support height adjustment of boxes,
+there are not any vertical alignment of floats.
+picture was created with \pkg{pstricks}' \protect\com{psbezier} macro}}
+{\caption{Beside figure~I in wide float row. Vertically centered\protect\footnotemark[1]}%
+{\caption{Beside figure~II, width of graphics, bottom of object box}%
+\floatfoot{There are
+ just four \protect\com{psellipse},
+ two \protect\com{psbezier}, two \protect\com{pspolygon} macros used
+ in current picture}}%
+{\footnote{Look at funny footnotemark!}\input{Mouse.picture}%
+ %
+ \floatfoot{The Mouse-animal image}}
+{\caption{Beside figure~III in wide float row. Flushed to top of object box}%
+Example of `filled' row of text boxes
+(boxes \hbox{\ref{row:text:I}--\ref{row:text:II}}).
+{\TEXTBOX\footnote{Text of footnote. \text}}
+{\caption{Beside text~I in float row. \text}%
+{\TEXTBOX[. \text.]
+\floatfoot{Text of float foot. \text}}%
+{\caption{Beside text~II in float row}%
+Example of plain rotated figure (see figure~\ref{rot:fig} on the page~\pageref{rot:fig}).
+%\floatfoot{The \texttt{BOXED} style could get wrong layout}%
+\caption{Plain figure inside
+\protect\env{sidewaysfigure} environment. \text. \text}%
+Example of plain wide rotated figure (see figure~\ref{rot:wide:fig} on the page~\pageref{rot:wide:fig}).
+\caption{Plain wide figure inside
+\protect\env{sidewaysfigure*} environment. \text. \text}%
+Example of rotated figure in \verb|\ffigbox| (see figure~\ref{rotbox:figI} on the page~\pageref{rotbox:figI})
+width of graphics.
+{\caption{Figure in \protect\com{ffigbox} inside
+\protect\env{sidewaysfigure} environment, width of graphics. \text. \text}%
+Example of wide rotated figure in \verb|\ffigbox| (see figure~\ref{rotbox:wide:figI} on the page~\pageref{rotbox:wide:figI})
+width of graphics.
+{\caption{Wide figure in \protect\com{ffigbox} inside
+\protect\env{sidewaysfigure} environment, width of graphics. \text. \text}%
+Example of rotated \env{figure} with beside caption
+(see figure~\ref{rot:beside:fig} on the page~\pageref{rot:beside:fig}).
+{\caption{Rotated beside caption. \text}%
+Example of wide rotated \env{figure} with beside caption
+(see figure~\ref{rot:wbeside:fig} on the page~\pageref{rot:wbeside:fig}).
+{\caption{Wide rotated figure with beside caption. \text}%
+Example of plain rotated \env{textbox} with beside caption
+(see figure~\ref{rot:beside:text} on the page~\pageref{rot:beside:text}).
+{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}
+{\caption{Beside caption. \text. \text. \text}%
+Example of wide rotated \env{textbox} with beside caption
+(see figure~\ref{rot:wbeside:text} on the page~\pageref{rot:wbeside:text}).
+{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}
+{\caption{Beside caption. \text. \text. \text}%
+Example of `filled' two-column or wide float row
+on the page~\pageref{fig:rotrow:WcatI}.
+There was predefined height for fourth figure in row which equals to \verb|\textwidth|.
+If you want to get all float row contents with height${}={}$\verb|\textwidth|, you ought to put
+just before \env{floatrow} environment in the case of float style doesn't requires adjustment of float box's
+{The picture was created with
+\protect\pkg{pstricks}' \protect\com{psbezier}
+ macro}}%
+{\caption{Beside figure~I in wide rotated float row. Vertically centered}%
+{\caption{Beside figure~II in wide rotated float row. Flushed to bottom of box}%
+\floatfoot{There are
+ just four \protect\com{psellipse},
+ two \protect\com{psbezier}, two
+ \protect\com{pspolygon} macros used
+ in current picture}}%
+ \footnote{Look at funny footnotemark!}%
+ \floatfoot{The Mouse-animal image}
+ }%
+{\caption{Beside figure~III in wide rotated float row. Flushed to top of object box}%
+{\caption{Beside figure~IV in wide rotated float row.
+When you put height argument in float row you must
+put flag \protect\com{CADJtrue} (and maybe \protect\com{OADJtrue})
+just before \env{floatrow} to get
+correct height of float box}\label{fig:rotrow:FcatI}}%
+Example of `non-filled' float row
+(figures~\ref{fig:rotloose:WcatI}--\ref{fig:rotloose:mouseI}) on the page~\pageref{fig:rotloose:WcatI}.
+{The picture was created with
+\protect\pkg{pstricks}' \protect\com{psbezier}
+ macro}}
+{\caption{Beside figure~I in wide rotated float row. Vertically centered}%
+{\caption{Beside figure~II in wide rotated float row. Flushed to bottom of box}%
+\floatfoot{There are
+ just four \protect\com{psellipse},
+ two \protect\com{psbezier}, two
+ \protect\com{pspolygon} macros used
+ in current picture}%
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \footnote{Look at funny footnotemark!}%
+ \floatfoot{The Mouse-animal image}}
+{\caption{Beside figure~III in wide rotated float row. Flushed to top of object box}%
+Example of float row with textboxes (texts~\ref{row:textI:I}--\ref{row:textI:II} on the page~\pageref{row:textI:II}).
+{Text of footnote. \text}}
+{\caption{Beside text~I. \text}%
+{\caption{Beside text~II}%
+\floatfoot{Text of float foot. \text}%
+{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}%
+\Text \Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+See example of continued textboxes (texts~\ref{cont:text:I}--\ref{cont:text:II}
+ on the pages~\pageref{cont:text:I}--\pageref{cont:text:II}).
+The continued floats
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup\vss}{\egroup}
+{\TEXTBOX[ \Text \Text \par \Text \Text \text]}
+{\caption{Beside text~I. \text}%
+\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup}{\vss\egroup}
+\floatfoot{Text of float foot. \text}}%
+{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}%
+\Text \Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\caption{Wrapped plain figure
+(\protect\pkg{wrapfig} package)}\floatfoot{The \texttt{BOXED}
+ style could get wrong layout in plain \texttt{wrap...} environment}\label{fig:wrapfig:WcatI}
+Example of plain wrapped figure (see figure~\ref{fig:wrapfig:WcatI}).
+{\caption[Wrapped figure in \protect\com{floatbox}]{Wrapped figure in \protect\com{floatbox}
+ (\protect\pkg{wrapfig} package)\mpfootnotemark[1]}\footnotetext[1]{In some cases you ought to
+ correct height of wrapped float, or create faked paragraphs.}\label{fig:wrapfig:WcatII}}
+Example of wrapped figure in \verb|\floatbox| (see
+The small testing example (figures \ref{fig:subrows} and \ref{fig:beside:subrows})
+uses both \env{floatrow} and \env{subfloatrow} environment.
+For the row of the graphic parts \Fref{sfig:subrows:I} and \Fref{sfig:subrows:II}
+here is used the starred variant---\env{subfloatrow*}.
+The small testing example (figures \ref{fig:subcap} and \ref{fig:beside:subcap})
+uses both \env{floatrow} and \env{subfloatrow} environment.
+For captions of the graphic parts \Fref{sfig:subcap:I} and \Fref{sfig:subcap:II}
+is used the \verb|\subcaption| command.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample01.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample01.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7b07fb89f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample01.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,212 @@
+%sample file
+%all possible combinations of predefined floatrow styles
+%plain environments and float rows
+%caption above/below float object
+%load caption
+ justification=justified,singlelinecheck=no]{caption}[2004/11/28]
+%%%try with fancy shadowbox frame
+%%%there is the trick: base boxed and BOXED styles changed to use shadowbox frame
+% framestyle=shadowbox,heightadjust=object,framearound=object}
+% framefit=yes,heightadjust=all,framearound=all}
+\chapter{Float Boxes with Foots: Variants of Layout}
+In this sample file are gathered plain float environments and float rows
+with usage of all predefined base float styles. You may try to run this document
+with \texttt{shadowbox} frame: uncomment line with \verb|\usepackage{fr-fancy}|
+at the preamble and lines below.
+The default vertical alignment of float objects is centered.
+To change alignment to top edge you may say:
+like in current sample.
+Keys are analogous to option of vertical alignment in minipage and \verb|\parbox|:
+\texttt{t}---for top alignment, \texttt{c}---for center alignment,
+\texttt{b}---for bottom alignment, and \texttt{s}---to stretch float object material
+to full height.
+\emph{Note}. All float styles with frames get \verb|frameset={\fboxsep7.5pt}|
+to get more visible differences between fitted and non-fitted frames.
+%%%aligns float objects by top
+ \put(0,0){\line(#3,#4){#1}}\put(0,0){\line(1,0){#1}}\put(0,0){\line(0,1){#2}}
+ \put(0,#2){\line(#3,-#4){#1}}\put(0,#2){\line(1,0){#1}}
+ \put(#1,0){\line(0,1){#2}}
+ \end{picture}}
+{{\small Variant #3: \texttt{style=#2,capposition=#4,footposition=#5}}}
+{{\small Variant #3: \texttt{style=#2,capposition=#4,footposition=#5}}}
+\noindent Var.\,#3: \protect\com{floatsetup}\texttt{\{style=#2,\allowbreak capposition=#4,\allowbreak
+%%%you may try to create row with usage of predefined height uncomment next line
+%%%and [150] few lines below
+ {\PICTURE{20}{20}11}%
+ \caption{%
+Plain figure in \texttt{#2} style. Caption position \texttt{#4}}%
+\floatfoot{\sloppy Much more, more and more and more and more and more and more and more text inside macro
+{\caption{Beside figure in float row, ``column'' width. And more text\protect\footnote{\texttt{footpos=#5}}}}
+\floatfoot{\sloppy Text inside \protect\com{floatfoot}}%
+{\caption{Beside figure, graphic width\strut}\label{figII:#2:row:#3}}
+\floatfoot{\sloppy More and more text inside the \protect\com{floatfoot}}}
+%%%you may try to create float rows with usage of predefined height - uncomment [150pt]
+%%%and key heightadjust in \floatsetup few lines above
+{\caption{Beside figure in float row. Float row in \texttt{#2} style, caption \texttt{#4}}}
+\floatfoot{\sloppy Much more, more and more, more and more text inside \protect\com{floatfoot}}%
+\captionof{figure}{Alone caption inside \protect\com{captionof}}
+\captionof*{figure}{Alone starred caption inside \protect\com{captionof*}}
+\floatbox{figure}{}{\caption{Alone caption inside \protect\com{floatbox}. Float row in \texttt{#2} style, caption \texttt{#4}. The next goes alone graphics inside \protect\com{floatbox}. The last goes row of the alone graphics}}
+\textbf{The next variants (XVI--XXI) show layout of framed styles
+with key \texttt{framefit=no}; \texttt{boxed} style (native style of \textsf{float} package),
+and \texttt{BOXED} with added key \texttt{framefit=no}.}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..34b38e0881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample02.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,359 @@
+%sample file
+%all possible combinations of predefined floatrow styles
+%caption beside float object
+%load caption
+ justification=raggedright,singlelinecheck=no]{caption}
+ \rightskip0ptplus-1fil\parfillskip0ptplus1fil}
+ {\floatfacing*\rightlast\leftlast}
+%%try with fancy shadowbox frame
+%%there is the trick: base boxed style changed to use shadowbox frame
+% framestyle=shadowbox,heightadjust=object,framearound=object}
+% framefit=yes,heightadjust=all,framearound=all}
+\chapter{Float Boxes with Beside Captions: Variants of Layout}
+In this sample are gathered all possible combinations with beside captions
+with all predefined base float styles. You may try to run this document
+with \texttt{shadowbox} frame: uncomment line with \verb|\usepackage{fr-fancy}|
+at the preamble and lines below.
+1)\enskip All float styles with frames get \verb|frameset={\fboxsep6pt}|
+to get more visible differences between fitted and non-fitted frames.
+2)\enskip The fancy boxes \texttt{shadowbox} and \texttt{wshadowbox}
+do not make differences between \texttt{capbesideframe=yes} and \texttt{capbesideframe=no}.
+\markboth{\hbox{\small Variant #3}}{\hbox{\small Variant #3}}
+\small Variant #3: {\ttfamily\raggedright
+style=#2,capposition=beside,\allowbreak capbesideposition=\{#4\},\allowbreak capbesideframe=#5\par}
+ {{\fboxsep2pt\fbox{\begin{picture}(128,32)\put(0,0){\line(4,1){128}}\put(0,32){\line(4,-1){128}}\end{picture}}}}%
+ \caption{%
+ Plain figure in \texttt{#2} style. \texttt{#2} style. Width of column}%
+ \label{fig:plain:#3}%
+ {{\fboxsep2pt\fbox{\begin{picture}(128,32)\put(0,0){\line(4,1){128}}\put(0,32){\line(4,-1){128}}\end{picture}}}}%
+ {\caption{%
+ Figure in \protect\com{ffigbox}. \texttt{#2} style. Width of column}%
+ \label{fig:floatbox:#3}}%
+ {{\fboxsep2pt\fbox{\begin{picture}(128,32)\put(0,0){\line(4,1){128}}\put(0,32){\line(4,-1){128}}\end{picture}}}}%
+ {\caption{%
+ Figure in \protect\com{ffigbox}. \texttt{#2} style. Width of graphics}%
+ \label{fig:fbwidth:#3}}%
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcdb4469ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample03.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+%sample file
+%table floats---different tests
+%load floatrow
+ capbesidesep=quad,floatrowsep=quad]{floatrow}
+%load caption
+%%%for all versions of caption 3.x?
+%%%for caption 3.d?
+ {format=flushrightlabel,labelformat=continued,labelsep=newline,textfont=bf,labelfont=sl}
+%%%for caption 3.d?
+% {format=flushrightlabel,labelsep=none,textfont=bf,labelfont=sl}
+\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2\Continued}
+%\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2. \emph{Continued}}
+\def\ContinuedTable{\ContinuedFloat\def\Continued{. \emph{Continued}}\caption{}}
+%load subfig
+ {\setfloatmargins{\hfil}
+ {\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+Text for first column of first row#1&
+ More text for second column of first row#1&
+ More text for third column of first row#1\\\hline
+Text for first column of second row#1&
+ More text for second column of second row#1&
+ More text for third column of second row#1\\\hline
+Text for first column of third row#1&
+ More text for second column of third row#1&
+ More text for third column of third row#1\\\hline
+ {\hsize}{@{\extracolsep{-.4\tabcolsep plus1fill}}|p{.29\hsize}|p{.29\hsize}|p{.29\hsize}|}
+Text for first column of first row#1&
+ More text for second column of first row#1&
+ More text for third column of first row#1\\\hline
+Text for first column of second row#1&
+ More text for second column of second row#1&
+ More text for third column of second row#1\\\hline
+Text for first column of third row#1&
+ More text for second column of third row#1&
+ More text for third column of third row#1\\\hline
+ \hline
+ \raisebox{-1.5ex}{Column Head}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Data} \\
+ \cline{2-3}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{I}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{II}
+ \\\hline
+ First row & 1 & 2 \\
+ Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+ Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+ Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+ \hline
+ \hline
+ \raisebox{-1.5ex}{Column Head}
+ & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Data} \\
+ \cline{2-4}
+ & I & II & III \\
+ \hline
+ First row & 1 & 2 & \phantom01 \\
+ Second row & 3 & 4 & \phantom06 \\
+ Third row & 6 & 8 & 28 \\
+ \hline
+\def\text{And more text and some more text and a bit more text and
+a little more text and a little peace of text to fill space}
+\def\Text{{\mdseries \text. \text. \text. \text. }}
+\chapter{Table Layout}
+This example shows floats in one-column document.
+\emph{Common float settings.}\\
+Font for float contents \verb|\small|; skips before foot material half reduced;
+footnote rule has maximum width${{}\approx27}$\,mm; separation between
+beside caption and object equals to 1\,em; separation between beside float
+boxes also equals to 1\,em.
+ captionskip=5pt,capbesidesep=quad,floatrowsep=quad]{floatrow}
+\emph{Common caption settings.}\\
+For caption text used \verb|\small| font;
+justification \texttt{centerlast} (last line centered).
+\emph{Common subcaption settings.}\\
+Justification centerlast (last line centered).
+\emph{Special settings for float types.}
+For tables is used \texttt{Plaintop} style (captions aligned by top line);
+skip between caption and object half reduced.
+\emph{Special caption settings for float types.}
+For tables was created special format with separated label flushed to the right;
+font of label slanted, font of caption text bold.
+To restore normal behavior for \verb|\floatfoot| macro, here goes \verb|\captionsetup|
+for \texttt{floatfoot} style.
+ \rightline{#1}#2#3\par}
+ {format=flushrightlabel,labelsep=newline,
+ textfont=bf,labelfont=sl}
+With caption's version 3d you may set table format by this way:
+ {format=flushrightlabel,labelsep=none,textfont=bf,labelfont=sl}
+You may see, that there are absent settings for \verb|\floatfoot|.
+(Unfortunately, if your table has only label, and no any text, the unwanted
+space appears instead of caption title.)
+For continued table (like table~\ref{rot:tab:cont} on the page~\pageref{rot:tab:cont})
+was created new label format and defined command \verb|\ContinuedTable|, which includes
+special \texttt{continued} format and \verb|\ContinuedFloat| command.
+\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2.
+ \emph{Continued}}
+ \captionsetup[table]{labelformat=continued}}
+\emph{Special settings for special float layout.}
+For rotated floats beside caption placed to right side of object;
+right side expanded to the top of running head. To delete running head from pages
+with rotated float was used \verb|\emptyfloatpage| macro\footnote{In current example the
+\protect\com{wideemptyfloatpage} command is the synonym.} and
+loaded \pkg{floatpagestyle} package.
+ {\setfloatmargins{\hfil}
+ {\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+Example of plain \env{table} environment (table~\ref{float:plain:table}),
+\caption{Plain table environment with \env{tabularx}. \text}\label{float:plain:table}
+Example of plain \env{table} environment (table~\ref{float:w:plain:table})
+with predefined width.
+Before \env{table} environment was written:
+\caption{Plain table environment (\env{tabularx}) with predefined width. \text}\label{float:w:plain:table}
+Example of table placed in \verb|\ttabbox| (\verb|\floatbox| stuff);
+the width of float box equals to the width of table
+(see table~\ref{floatbox:FB:tab}).
+{\caption{Float box table (\protect\com{ttabbox})
+width of table}\label{floatbox:FB:tab}}
+{\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep\TABULARI\floatfoot{Text of floatfoot. \text}}
+The example of subtables (table~\ref{floatbox:wide:subtab}) with two
+subtables~\subref{subtab:A} and~\subref{subtab:B}.
+Here for sub tables was used the \env{subfloatrow} environment (this environment
+allows usage (and definition) of common horizontal skip between subfloats).
+{\caption{Table with two \protect\com{subfloats}
+ (from \pkg{subfig} package)}\label{floatbox:wide:subtab}}
+\subfloat[First table\label{subtab:A}]
+\subfloat[Second table with long long long caption\label{subtab:B}]
+The example of table row (tables~\ref{tab:row:tabI}--\ref{tab:row:tabII}).
+{\caption[Beside table~I long header]%
+ {Beside table~I with long long long top aligned header}\label{tab:row:tabI}}
+{\caption{Beside table~II short header}\label{tab:row:tabII}}
+Example of two rows: first---of beside tables in \env{tabularx} environments;
+second---of beside tables in \env{tabular*} environments. Both rows use first column width${}=.85$\verb|\hsize|,
+and second column${}=1.15$\verb|\hsize|.
+(see tables~\ref{rot:tabx:tab1}--\ref{rot:tabx:tab2}).
+ \ttabbox[.85\hsize]{\begin{tabularx}{\hsize}{|X|X|}
+A text for first column of first row&
+ More text for second column of first row\\\hline
+A text for first column of second row&
+ More text for second column of second row\\\hline
+A text for first column of third row&
+ More text for second column of third row\\\hline
+\end{tabularx}}{\caption{The \env{tabularx} environment with width \texttt{.85}\protect\com{hsize}}\label{rot:tabx:tab1}}
+ \ttabbox[1.15\hsize]{\begin{tabularx}{\hsize}{|X|X|}
+Text for first column of first row&
+ More text for second column of first row\\\hline
+Text for first column of second row&
+ More text for second column of second row\\\hline
+Text for first column of third row&
+ More text for second column of third row\\\hline
+\end{tabularx}}{\caption{The \env{tabularx} (from \pkg{tools} bundle) environment with width \texttt{1.15}\protect\com{hsize}}}
+ \ttabbox[.85\hsize]{{\begin{tabular*}{\hsize}{@{\extracolsep{-.4\tabcolsep plus1fill}}
+ |p{.44\hsize}|p{.44\hsize}|}
+A text for first column of first row&
+ More text for second column of first row\\\hline
+A text for first column of second row&
+ More text for second column of second row\\\hline
+A text for first column of third row &
+ More text for second column of third row\\\hline
+\end{tabular*}}}{\caption{The \env{tabular*} environment with width \texttt{.85}\protect\com{hsize}}}
+ \ttabbox[1.15\hsize]{{\begin{tabular*}{\hsize}{@{\extracolsep{-.4\tabcolsep plus1fill}}|p{.45\hsize}|p{.45\hsize}|}
+Text for first column of first row&
+ More text for second column of first row\\\hline
+Text for first column of second row&
+ More text for second column of second row\\\hline
+Text for first column of third row &
+ More text for second column of third row\\\hline
+\end{tabular*}}}{\caption{The starred \LaTeX's \env{tabular*} environment with width \texttt{1.15}\protect\com{hsize}}\label{rot:tabx:tab2}}
+Example of continued rotated plain table on facing pages
+(see table~\ref{rot:tab} on pages~\pageref{rot:tab}--\pageref{rot:tab:cont}).
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup\vss}{\egroup}
+\caption{Plain table inside
+\protect\env{sidewaystable} environment,
+full text width. \text}\label{rot:tab}
+\TABULARX[ \text. \text. ]
+\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup}{\vss\egroup}
+\TABULARX[ \text.]
+Example of two beside tables in wide rotated table environment (\env{sidewaystable*})
+(see tables~\hbox{\ref{rot:side:tab1}--\ref{rot:side:tab2}}
+on page~\pageref{rot:side:tab1}).
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]
+ {{\TABULARS[. \text]\floatfoot{If you use inside \protect\com{floatbox} stuff
+\texttt{tabularx} or \texttt{tabular*} environments with \protect\com{hsize}
+command inside \meta{width} argument, you must repeat the \protect\com{hsize} argument
+in \meta{width} argument of \protect\com{floatbox} macro.}}}
+ {\caption{}\label{rot:side:tab1}}
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]
+ {{\TABULARS[. \text]\floatfoot{If you want to set width of \texttt{tabularx} or \texttt{tabular*} environments
+ like \texttt{.8}\protect\com{hsize} (or \texttt{1.2}\protect\com{hsize}) and they placed inside any
+\protect\com{floatbox} macro, load \texttt{.8}\protect\com{hsize} in \meta{width} argument of
+\protect\com{floatbox} macro, and in \meta{width} argument of \texttt{tabularx} or \texttt{tabular*}
+load only \protect\com{hsize} macro.}}}
+ {\caption{}\label{rot:side:tab2}}
+Example of two rows of beside tables in wide rotated table
+(see tables~\ref{rot:tworow:tab1}--\ref{rot:tworow:tab2} on page~\pageref{rot:tworow:tab2}).
+There were used \env{tabularx} environment in first row and
+\env{tabular*}---in the second.
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]
+ {{\TABULARX}}{\caption{}\label{rot:tworow:tab1}}
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]
+ {{\TABULARX}}{\caption{}}
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]{{\TABULARS}}{\caption{}}
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]{{\TABULARS}}{\caption{}\label{rot:tworow:tab2}}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample04.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample04.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c2359a4abe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample04.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+%frsample05 - sample
+%sample with layout with usage of beside captions
+\input pictures
+ \rlap{\thepage}\hskip7cc\hbox to\textwidth{\slshape\leftmark\hfill}\strut\\\hline\end{tabular}}
+ \hskip7cc\hbox to\textwidth{\slshape\rightmark\quad\hfill\thepage}\strut\\\hline\end{tabular}}
+%load floatrow
+ capbesideframe=yes]{floatrow}
+%load caption
+ justification=raggedright,singlelinecheck=no]{caption}[2004/11/28]
+ {\setfloatmargins{\hskip-7cc}{\hfill}}
+ \noindent\llap{\hbox to\leftskip{#1#2\hfil}}#3\par}
+ capposition=beside,capbesidewidth=6cc,objectset=centering,
+ capbesideposition=left,capbesidesep=cicero,
+ floatwidth=\columnwidth,
+ margins=hangleft}
+ {format=default,labelsep=newline}
+ {\setfloatmargins{\hfill}{\hfill\hskip\FCwidth}}
+ frameset={\fboxrule=1pt\fboxsep=12pt},
+ capposition=beside,capbesideposition=left,
+ floatwidth=6cm,capbesidewidth=4.5cc,
+ capbesidesep=cicero,margins=capleft,
+ objectset=indent}
+ floatwidth=\columnwidth,margins=raggedright}
+ {format=break,labelsep=none,justification=raggedleft}
+\def\TEXTBOX{Here goes first line of text \text
+There goes second line of text
+Thence goes third line of text \text
+Hence goes fourth line of text}
+\chapter{Beside and Other Captions (Beta-Version Example)}
+This example shows floats in one-column document in facing layouts.
+\emph{Common float settings}\\
+Font for float contents \verb|\small|;
+\com{captionskip} is defined as 5pt;
+separation between beside float boxes equals to 2\,em;
+flag for captions beside framed object is true (frames will be defined later).
+ capbesideframe=yes]{floatrow}
+\emph{Common caption settings.}\\
+For caption text used \verb|\small| font;
+caption label font bold;
+label separated by period sign;
+justification left;
+one-line captions have the same alignment as multiline ones.
+ justification=raggedright,singlelinecheck=no]{caption}
+\emph{Special caption settings for current float types.}
+Label hangs on the left margin without label separator; justification left.
+In beside captions label is placed above caption text.
+ \noindent\llap{\hbox to\leftskip{#1#2\hfil}}#3\par}
+ {format=Hang,labelsep=none,justification=raggedright}
+ {format=default,labelsep=newline}
+Justification left.
+For beside captions used \texttt{break} style (the \texttt{labelsep=none} won't help here, because of
+\verb|\newline| command adds a glue at the end of line); justification right.
+ {format=break,labelsep=none,justification=raggedleft}
+\emph{Special settings for float types.}
+For figures is used \texttt{Boxed} style;
+captions always beside object and have width of margin (with separation);
+they always placed on the left margin and separated by 1~cicero space;
+object contents centered;
+the default width of float object equals to text width;
+float margins hang to the left by 7~cicero.
+The wide figures (starred environment) put captions below object
+ {\setfloatmargins{\hskip-7cc}{\hfill}}
+ capposition=beside,capbesidewidth=6cc,objectset=centering,
+ capbesideposition=left,capbesidesep=cicero,
+ floatwidth=\columnwidth,
+ margins=hangleft}
+The new float \env{textbox} uses corrected \texttt{Boxed} style;
+caption always stays beside float object---on the left side;
+the default width of float object 6 centimeters;
+the default width of caption 4.5~cicero;
+caption separated from objects by 1~cicero;
+margins use settings which center float object;
+object contents flushed to left margins;
+\verb|\parindent|${{}=15}$\,pt, \verb|\parskip|${{}=2}$\,pt.
+For wide text boxes caption placed below float object;
+the default object width equals to text width;
+float box alignment left.
+ {\setfloatmargins{\hfill}{\hfill\hskip\FCwidth}}
+ frameset={\fboxrule=1pt\fboxsep=12pt},
+ capposition=beside,capbesideposition=left,
+ floatwidth=6cm,capbesidewidth=4.5cc,
+ capbesidesep=cicero,margins=capleft,
+ objectset=indent}
+ floatwidth=\columnwidth,margins=raggedright}
+And more text and some more text and a bit more text and
+a little more text and a little peace of text to fill space}}
+\text. \text. \text. \text. \par \text. \text. \text.}}
+Example of plain \env{figure} environment (figure~\ref{float:plain:fig}).
+ {\unitlength.85\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \caption{Plain figure}%
+Example of plain \env{textbox} environment (text~\ref{float:plain:text1}).
+The width of object equals to 6\,cm.
+\caption{Plain textbox without any settings}%
+Example of plain \env{textbox} environment (text~\ref{float:plain:text2}) with defined width
+This width is a bit more than \verb|\textwidth-2\captionwidth| value.
+\caption{Plain textbox. Width settings}%
+Example of plain \env{textbox} environment (text~\ref{float:plain:text3}) with defined width
+This width less than \verb|\textwidth-2\captionwidth| value.
+\caption{Plain textbox. Width settings}%
+Example of plain \env{figure} environment (figure~\ref{float:W:plain:fig2})
+with predefined width${{}=5}$\,cm.
+ {\unitlength.85\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \caption{Plain figure with changed width}%
+ \label{float:W:plain:fig2}%
+Example of two-column or wide plain figure (see figure~\ref{float:wide:fig3}).
+ {\unitlength.85\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \caption{%
+Plain wide figure. \text}%
+Example of plain \env{figure} environment (figure~\ref{wfloat:W:plain:fig4})
+with predefined width${{}=9}$\,cm.
+The real width equals to 9\,cm${}+{}$margin width
+ {\unitlength.85\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{BlackCat.picture}}%
+ \caption{Plain figure with changed width}%
+Example of plain ``wide'' \env{textbox} environment with predefined width
+(see text~\ref{float:prewide:text5}).
+ \caption{Plain wide textbox. Changed width}%
+ \label{float:prewide:text5}%
+Example of plain ``wide'' \env{textbox} environment
+(see text~\ref{float:wide:text6}).
+ \caption{Plain wide textbox}%
+Example of figure placed in \verb|\fcapside| (\verb|\floatbox| stuff for usage of beside captions);
+the width of float box equals to the width of graphics
+(see figure~\ref{floatbox:FB:fig7}).
+ {\unitlength2.8\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{TheCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{%
+Figure (\protect\com{ffigbox})
+width of graphics}\label{floatbox:FB:fig7}}
+Example of wide figure placed in \verb|\ffigbox| (\verb|\floatbox| stuff);
+the width of float box equals to the width of grahics
+(see figure~\ref{floatbox:FB:fig8}).
+ {\unitlength2.8\unitlength\ifx\pspicture\undefined\else\psset{unit=\unitlength}\fi
+ \input{TheCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{%
+Wide figure (\protect\com{ffigbox})
+width of graphics}\label{floatbox:FB:fig8}}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample05.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample05.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3c8585acfc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample05.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+%frsample06 - sample
+%one-column facing layout with miscellaneous caption settings
+\input pictures
+ \def\arraystretch{1,2}\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
+ \rlap{\thepage}\hskip\marginparwidth\hskip\marginparsep
+ \hbox to\textwidth{\slshape\leftmark\hfill}\\\hline\end{tabular}}
+ \def\arraystretch{1,2}\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
+ \hbox to\textwidth{\hfill\slshape\rightmark}
+ \hskip\marginparwidth\hskip\marginparsep\llap{\thepage} \\
+ \hline\end{tabular}\hskip-\marginparsep
+ \hspace*{-\marginparwidth}}
+%load floatrow
+%load caption
+ singlelinecheck=no]{caption}[2004/11/28]
+%load subfig
+ singlelinecheck=no,captionskip=7pt]{subfig}
+ frameset={\fboxrule=1pt\fboxsep=12pt},
+ margins=raggedright,captionskip=7pt,
+ capposition=bottom,objectset=indent,
+ capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition=outside,
+ capbesidewidth=\marginparwidth,valign=t}
+% {\setfloatmargins*
+% {\hfil}{\hskip-\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep}}
+ floatwidth=\textwidth}
+% }{\@hangfrom{#1#2}%
+% \advance\caption@parindent\hangindent
+% \advance\caption@hangindent\hangindent
+% #3\par
+% }}
+\DeclareCaptionFormat{marginpars}{\vbox to0pt{\RaggedRight\FBifcaptop\vss\relax
+ \floatfacing
+ {\addtolength\leftskip{\textwidth+1em}}%
+ {\addtolength\rightskip{\textwidth+1em}}%
+ #1\par#3%
+ \FBifcaptop\relax\vss}}
+ format=default,labelsep=newline}
+ {\setfloatmargins
+ {\hfil}{\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+ facing=no,capbesidewidth=none}
+ \@tempdima\ht0\advance\@tempdima\dp0%
+ \ifdim\@tempdima>#2\setlength\unitlength{#2/#4}{#5}\else\box0\fi}
+\def\text{{\mdseries And more text and some more text and a bit more text and
+a little more text and a little peace of text to fill space}}
+\def\Text{{\mdseries \text. \text. \text. \text.} }
+Here goes first line of text \text\par
+There goes second line of text#1\par
+Thence goes third line of text \text\par
+Hence goes fourth line of text}
+\chapter{One Column Facing~Document
+\markboth{One Column Facing Document}{One Column Facing Document}
+This example shows floats in one-column document in facing layouts.
+\emph{Common caption settings.}\\
+For caption text used \verb|\small| font;
+caption label font bold, separated
+by period sign.
+ singlelinecheck=no]{caption}
+\emph{Special caption settings for current float types.}
+Justified alignment.
+If float stays alone caption label hangs to the left;
+if float stays in \env{floatrow} environment---there is used normal float style (with in-line caption label).
+In beside captions caption label stays separately on line. Justification left.
+For captions in wide floats (which climb out to the left margin) used miscellaneous format,
+which in \env{floatrow} environment restored to normal.
+ \else\@hangfrom{#1#2}%
+ \advance\captionparindent\hangindent
+ \advance\captionhangindent\hangindent
+ #3\par\fi}
+ \else
+ \vbox to0pt{\RaggedRight\FBifcaptop\vss\fi
+ \floatfacing
+ {\addtolength\leftskip{\textwidth+1em}}%
+ {\addtolength\rightskip{\textwidth+1em}}%
+ #1\par#3%
+ \FBifcaptop\else\vss\fi}\fi}
+ format=hangorbreak}
+ format=default,labelsep=newline}
+\emph{Common subcaption settings.}\\
+Justification left. One line subcaptions have the same alignment.
+ singlelinecheck=no]{subfig}
+\emph{Special settings for float types.}
+The new float textbox uses
+corrected \texttt{Boxed} style; object contents flushed to left margins;
+\verb|\captionskip| defined as 7~pt;
+captions below objects;
+object contents; alignment: \verb|\parindent|${{}=15}$\,pt, \verb|\parskip|${{}=2}$\,pt;
+beside captions aligned to frames;
+width of beside captions equals to margin width;
+objects aligned by top line.
+ frameset={\fboxrule=1pt\fboxsep=12pt},
+ margins=raggedright,captionskip=7pt,
+ capposition=bottom,objectset=indent,
+ capbesideframe=yes,capbesideposition=outside,
+ capbesidewidth=\marginparwidth,valign=t}
+\emph{Special settings for special float layout.}
+\emph{Wide float.}\\
+For wide float set hanged indentation to binder margin;
+the default width of object equals ti text width;
+The facing control switched on.
+ {\setfloatmargins*
+ {\hfil}{\hskip-\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep}}
+ floatwidth=\textwidth}
+\emph{Rotated float.}\\
+For rotated floats beside caption placed to right side of object;
+right side expanded to the top of running head. To delete running head from pages
+with rotated float was used \verb|\emptyfloatpage| macro\footnote{In current example the
+\protect\com{wideemptyfloatpage} command is the synonym.} and
+loaded \pkg{floatpagestyle} package.
+ {\setfloatmargins
+ {\hfil}{\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+ facing=no,capbesidewidth=none}
+For this document there was also used special page style for running heads
+using \pkg{fancyhdr}. If this style exists on your system the special page
+style will be loaded otherwise the \texttt{plain} page style used.
+Example of plain \env{textbox} environment (text~\ref{float:plain:text}).
+\caption{Plain \env{textbox} environment. \text }%
+Example of plain \env{textbox} environment (box~\ref{float:w:plain:Text})
+with predefined width.
+\caption{Plain \env{textbox} environment with predefined width. \text}\label{float:w:plain:Text}
+Example of textbox placed in \verb|\ttextbox| (\verb|\floatbox| stuff);
+the width of float box equals to defined width
+(see text box~\ref{floatbox:FB:text}).
+ ...
+ {\caption{%
+The \env{textbox} environment including \protect\com{ttextbox}
+with defined width. \text}\label{floatbox:FB:text}}
+Example of float with beside caption (see text box~\ref{floatbox:beside:text})
+with two subboxes~\subref{subtext:A} and \subref{subtext:B}.
+These subfloats are placed inside \env{subfloatrow} environment, left subfloat has width 6\,cm,
+second---occupies the rest width of row.
+\subfloat[First ...\label{...}]{\vbox{\hsize6cm...}}
+\subfloat[Second ...\label{...}]{\vbox{\hsize\Xhsize...}}
+Since the \verb|\subfloat| macro uses \verb|\vtop| during subfloat building, before \env{subfloatrow}
+environment was placed compensated space
+\subfloat[First text box\label{subtext:A}]%
+\subfloat[Second text box with long long subcaption\label{subtext:B}]%
+{\caption{The \env{textbox} environment with subfloats. \text}%
+Example of text box with beside caption (see box~\ref{floatbox:subfloat:text}).
+Since the \env{textbox} setup defines width for beside caption, there
+was redefined key \texttt{capbesidewidth=none}.
+Both caption and float object occupy 1``column'' width.
+{\caption{Beside caption. The width of object equals
+to 1``column'' width. \text}%
+Examples of plain wide \env{textbox} environments
+(see text boxes~\ref{float:wide:text}--\ref{floatbox:wideii:text}).
+For text box \ref{floatbox:wideii:text} (at the bottom of page~\pageref{floatbox:wideii:text})
+was redefined position of caption
+inside group.
+ \caption{Plain wide textbox. \text }%
+{\caption{Plain wide textbox with \texttt{[h]} placement option. \text}%
+{\caption{Plain wide textbox with \texttt{[b]} placement option. \text}%
+Example of text box with beside caption (see text box~\ref{floatbox:wbeside:text}).
+The default settings of caption and text box width put text box' contents at the space of main
+text and caption at the space of marginal paragraphs.
+{\caption{Wide beside caption with default settings. \text}%
+Example of row with two textboxes
+{\TEXTBOX\footnote{Text of footnote. \text}}
+{\caption{Beside text~I in float row. \text}%
+{\TEXTBOX. \text.
+\floatfoot{Text of float foot. \text}}%
+{\caption{Beside text~II in float row}%
+Example of plain rotated text box with beside caption
+(see figure~\ref{rot:beside:text} on page~\pageref{rot:beside:text}).
+{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}
+{\caption{Beside caption. \text. \text. \text}%
+Example of rotated float row with text boxes
+(see texts~\ref{row:textI:I}--\ref{row:textI:II} on page~\pageref{row:textI:II}).
+{Text of footnote. \text}}
+{\caption{Beside text~I. \text}%
+{\caption{Beside text~II}%
+\floatfoot{Text of float foot. \text}%
+{\TEXTBOX[ \text.]}%
+\Text \Text \Text
+\Text \Text
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample06.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample06.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4ed9cd7fcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample06.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1483 @@
+ \small\begin{quote}\obeylines\parskip0pt}{\end{quote}\par\@endpetrue}
+ \par\begingroup\advance\leftskip1em}{\par\endgroup{\emphcolor\nobreak\meta{preamble}}\par\vskip2ex}
+ {\ttfamily\char`\{}\meta{#1}{\ttfamily\char`\}}}
+ {\ttfamily[}\meta{#1}{\ttfamily]}}
+ {\ttfamily(}\meta{#1}{\ttfamily)}}
+ \ensuremath\langle
+ \ifmmode \expandafter \nfss@text \fi
+ {\em
+ #1\/%
+ }\ensuremath\rangle
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------
+\subsubsection{Photo-Album-Like Layouts: Common Height for Beside Photos}
+This section shows draft examples which where get the common height for rectangular
+graphics, i.e. photos and in this case the row of these graphics fill full width.
+To emulate the rectangular photos, graphics were created as rules with different
+widths and heights.
+For creation of such rows you load the \verb|\CommonHeightRow| command:
+\verb|\CommonHeightRow|\marg{supposed height}\marg{floatrow environment}
+with supposed value of height in the first argument,
+which could be near the necessary common height.
+The second argument---the contents of the \verb|floatrow| environment.
+All float boxes in this row must use the \verb|[\FBwidth]| option.
+The code of example uses the \verb|\includegraphics| command (\package{graphics}
+or \package{graphicx} package).
+The example of the code of the filled row with figures with common height:
+Below are few examples.
+{\vrule width 70pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 80pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 50pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 70pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 80pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 50pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 70pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 80pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 50pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height3cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height2cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width80pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height3cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height2cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width80pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height3cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height2cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width80pt height1cm}}
+The next example of code is a~variation of previous one.
+The \verb|\CommonHeightRow| command here was used for the
+\verb|subfloatrow| environment.
+Below are few examples.
+{\caption{Figure~IA in the row with common heights}%
+{\caption{Figure~IIA in the row with common heights}%
+{\caption{Figure~IIIA in the row with common heights}%
+{\caption{Figure~IVA in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure A with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\caption{Figure~IB in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\caption{Figure~IIB in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width90pt height3cm}}
+{\caption{Figure~IIIB in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}
+{\caption{Figure~IVB in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure B with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\caption{Figure~IA in the row with common heights}%
+{\caption{Figure~IIA in the row with common heights}%
+{\caption{Figure~IIIA in the row with common heights}%
+{\caption{Figure~IVA in the row with common heights}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure B with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\caption{Figure~IB in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\caption{Figure~IIB in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width90pt height3cm}}
+{\caption{Figure~IIIB in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}
+{\caption{Figure~IVB in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure B with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\caption{Figure~IA in the row with common heights}%
+{\caption{Figure~IIA in the row with common heights}%
+{\caption{Figure~IIIA in the row with common heights}%
+{\caption{Figure~IVA in the row with common heights}%
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure B with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+This example of the code loads labels of parts of figures beside graphics.
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width90pt height3cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure C with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure C with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width90pt height3cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure D with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width90pt height3cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure D with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width90pt height3cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure D with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width60pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width90pt height3cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}
+{\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}}\caption{Figure D with a row of parts with common height.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+The examples with beside figures which also include labeled parts, have bug in
+calculation. They need predefined height value more close to the necessary common
+The code of the mixed-level row with labels of parts below.
+\verb|\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}|
+Below are few examples.
+\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}
+\label{fig:CHs:WcatIh}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width80pt height3cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ic.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+\label{fig:CHs:mouseh}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}
+\label{fig:CHs:cheeseh}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIc in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ic.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIc in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}
+\label{fig:CHs:WcatIj}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width80pt height3cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Id.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+\label{fig:CHs:mousej}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}
+\label{fig:CHs:cheesej}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IId in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Id.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IId in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}
+\label{fig:CHs:WcatIl}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width80pt height3cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ie.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+\label{fig:CHs:mousel}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}
+\label{fig:CHs:cheesel}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\vrule width70pt height1cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIe in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ie.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIe in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+The example of the mixed-level row with labels of parts beside.
+\verb|\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}|
+Below are few examples.
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width20pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~If.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width10pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIf in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize]{}{\vrule width\Xhsize height5pt\caption{}}
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width20pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ig.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width10pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIg in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize]{}{\vrule width\Xhsize height5pt\caption{}}
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width20pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ih.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width10pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIh in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+% \ffigbox[\Xhsize]{}{\vrule width\Xhsize height5pt\caption{}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ii.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width40pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIi.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ij.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width40pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIj.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}%
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ij.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}
+{\vrule width40pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIj.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+The code of the mixed-level row with labels of parts beside.
+\verb|\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}|
+Below is the example.
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height3cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ik.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width40pt
+ height1cm}\caption{%
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height3cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Im.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width40pt
+ height1cm}\caption{}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height3cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Im.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width40pt
+ height1cm}\caption{}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Il.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width40pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIl.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Im.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width40pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIm.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Im.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width40pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIm.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+ \floatsetup[figure]{style=plain}\floatsetup[widefloat]{margins=hangleft}
+ \floatsetup[subfigure]{heightadjust=all}
+ \begin{figure*}[H]\fboxsep-.4pt
+ \CommonHeightRow*%
+ {\begin{floatrow}%
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%
+ {\begin{subfloatrow}%
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Figure~I in the row with common heights}%
+ \label{fig:CHsI:Dog}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{BlackDog.picture}}}}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Figure~II in the row with common heights}%
+ \label{fig:CHsI:WcatI}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{TheCat.picture}}}}
+ \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~I}}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}%
+ {\begin{subfloatrow}%
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Figure~III in the row with common heights\\ \strut}%
+ \label{fig:CHsI:mouse}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Mouse.picture}}}}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth]{}{\caption{Figure~IV in the row with common heights}%
+ \label{fig:CHsI:cheese}\resizebox!{\CommonHeight}{\fbox{\input{Cheese.picture}}}}
+ \end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common caption~II in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+ \end{floatrow}}%
+ \end{figure*}%
+\section{Usage of the \protect\texttt{{\char92}Xhsize} command in mixed-level rows}
+Usage of the \verb|\Xhsize| command in mixed-level rows.
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2.4cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~In.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width\hsize
+ height1cm\caption{%.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+The next row needs the \verb|\hsize\Xhsize\filFCOhsize| sentence for the last subfigure in \verb|\fcapside| box.
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Io.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width\hsize height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIo.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2.4cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Ip.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width\hsize
+ height1cm\caption{%.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+{\vrule width40pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~Iq.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}%
+{\vrule width30pt height1cm}}%
+{\vrule width\hsize height2cm}}
+\end{subfloatrow}\caption{Common captions~IIq.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics.
+Common captions in a~row with common height of graphics}}
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample07.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample07.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cc8e0553ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample07.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,448 @@
+\input pictures
+\usepackage{fancyhdr}\pagestyle{fancy}\fancyfoot{} \fancyhead[LE]{\leavevmode\hspace*{-\marginparwidth}\hskip-\marginparsep
+ \def\arraystretch{1,2}\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
+ \smash{\rlap{\bfseries \large \thepage}}\hskip\marginparwidth\hskip\marginparsep
+ \vrule\hbox to\textwidth{\slshape\leftmark\hfill}\vrule
+ \hskip\marginparwidth\hskip\marginparsep\smash{\llap{\bfseries \large \thepage}}
+ \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}\hskip-\marginparsep\hspace*{-\marginparwidth}}
+ \def\arraystretch{1,2}\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
+ \smash{\rlap{\bfseries \large \thepage}}\hskip\marginparwidth\hskip\marginparsep
+ \vrule\hbox to\textwidth{\hfill\slshape\rightmark}\vrule
+ \hskip\marginparwidth\hskip\marginparsep\smash{\llap{\bfseries \large \thepage}}
+ \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}\hskip-\marginparsep\hspace*{-\marginparwidth}}
+ singlelinecheck=no]{caption}[2004/11/28]
+ footskip=.5\skip\footins,footnoterule=fullsize,
+ floatrowsep=qquad,capbesidesep=quad,capbesideposition=inside,
+ facing=yes,floatHaslist=yes,doublefloataswide=yes]{floatrow}
+Here goes first line of text \text\par
+There goes second line of text#1\par
+Thence goes third line of text \text\par
+Hence goes fourth line of text}
+% frameset={\fboxrule=1pt\fboxsep=12pt},
+ font={color=lredblack},margins=centering,captionskip=7pt,
+ capposition=bottom,objectset=indent,
+ %capbesideframe=yes,
+ capbesideposition=outside,
+ capbesidewidth=\marginparwidth,valign=t}
+% floatwidth=\textwidth}
+ }
+ }
+ {\floatfacing{}{{\color{red}
+ \linethickness{.5pt}\put(-.5pt,-.5pt)
+ {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%
+ {\put(0pt,0pt){\line(1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}%
+ {\linethickness{.24pt}\put(-2pt,-2pt){\line(0,1){2cm}}}%
+ {\linethickness{.24pt}\put(-2pt,-2pt){\line(1,0){3cm}}}}%
+ }}}
+ {\floatfacing{{\color{red}
+ \linethickness{.5pt}\put(.5pt,-.5pt)
+ {{\put(0pt,0pt){\line(0,1){\FRcolorboxht}}}%
+ {\put(0pt,0pt){\line(-1,0){\FRcolorboxwd}}}%
+ {\linethickness{.24pt}\put(2pt,-2pt){\line(0,1){2cm}}}%
+ {\linethickness{.24pt}\put(2pt,-2pt){\line(-1,0){3cm}}}}%
+ }}{}}
+ {}
+ {}
+\def\text{{\mdseries And more text and some more text and a bit more text and
+a little more text and a little peace of text to fill space}}
+\def\Text{text%{\mdseries \text. \text. \text. \text.}
+ \floatsetup[widefloat]{style=plain,margins=hangleft,objectset=centering,framearound=row,
+ colorframeset=yellowplate,framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=c}
+ \begin{figure*}[H]%
+ \begin{floatrow}[4]
+ \ffigbox
+ {\caption{Figure~I in the row (\texttt{floatrow}), ``column'' width}%
+ \label{fig:row:Dog:rowbox}}
+ {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/72}\input{TheDog.picture}}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth]
+ {\caption{Figure~II in the row (\texttt{floatrow}), graphics width}%
+ \label{fig:row:WcatI:rowbox}}
+ {\unitlength1.08\unitlength\input{TheCat.picture}}
+ \ffigbox[\Xhsize/2]
+ {\caption{Figure~III in the row, float's width box has the
+ half of the rest space of row}%
+ \label{fig:row:mouse:rowbox}}
+ {{\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/58}%^^A
+ {\input{Mouse.picture}}}}
+ \ffigbox[\Xhsize]
+ {\caption{Figure~IV in the row,
+ occupies the rest space of row}%
+ \label{fig:row:cheese:rowbox}}
+ {\setlength\unitlength{\hsize/80}\input{Cheese.picture}}
+ \end{floatrow}
+ \end{figure*}%
+ The result you see in the row of
+ figures~\ref{fig:row:Dog:rowbox}--\ref{fig:row:cheese:rowbox}.
+ \begin{figure*}[H]
+ \begin{floatrow}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+ {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+ \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}}%
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+ {\caption{The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+ \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox}}
+ {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+ \end{floatrow}
+ \end{figure*}%^^A
+ \begin{figure*}[H]
+ \ffigbox%^^A[\FBwidth+2cm]
+ {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+ \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:outrowbox}}%
+ \end{figure*}%^^A
+ \begin{figure*}[H]
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+ {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+ \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:outrowbox}}%
+ \end{figure*}%^^A
+ \floatsetup[widefloat]{style=plain,margins=hangleft,objectset=centering,framearound=row,
+ colorframeset=yellowplate,framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=t}
+ \thisfloatsetup{rowfill=yes,facing=yes}
+ \begin{figure*}[H]
+ \begin{floatrow}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+ {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{hangLEFT: The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+ \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}%
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+ {\caption{hangLEFT: The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings
+ for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+ \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}
+ {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+ \end{floatrow}
+ \end{figure*}%^^A
+ \floatsetup[widefloat]{style=plain,margins=hanginside,rowfill=yes,
+ objectset=centering,framearound=row,
+ colorframeset=redplate,framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=t}
+ \begin{figure*}[H]
+ \begin{floatrow}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+ {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{hangINside: The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+ \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}%
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+ {\caption{hangINside: The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings
+ for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+ \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}
+ {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+ \end{floatrow}
+ \end{figure*}%^^A
+ \begin{figure*}[H]
+ \begin{floatrow}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+ {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{hangINside: The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+ \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}%
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+ {\caption{hangINside: The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings
+ for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+ \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}
+ {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+ \end{floatrow}
+ \end{figure*}%^^A
+ \floatsetup[widefloat]{style=plain,margins=hangoutside,
+ rowfill=yes,objectset=centering,framearound=row,
+ colorframeset=redplate,framestyle=colorbox,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,valign=t}
+ \begin{figure*}[H]
+ \begin{floatrow}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+ {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{hangOUTside: The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+ \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}%
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+ {\caption{hangOUTside: The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings
+ for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+ \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}
+ {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+ \end{floatrow}
+ \end{figure*}%^^A
+ \begin{figure*}[H]
+ \begin{floatrow}
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2cm]
+ {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{hangOUTside: The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+ \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}%
+ \ffigbox[\FBwidth+2.4cm]
+ {\caption{hangOUTside: The beside figure at the right side in float row uses settings
+ for vertical top alignment too}%^^A
+ \label{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:widerowbox2}}
+ {\unitlength1.25\unitlength\input{Cat.picture}}
+ \end{floatrow}
+ \end{figure*}%^^A
+ \begin{figure*}[H]
+ \fcapside[\FBwidth+2cm]
+ {\unitlength.9\unitlength\input{BlackCat.picture}}
+ {\caption{The left beside figure uses settings for vertical top alignment}%
+ \label{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:besoutrowbox}}%
+ \end{figure*}%^^A
+ The result you see in the row of
+ figures~\ref{leftfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}--\ref{rightfig:BOXED:valigned:rowbox}.
+% \picture(\z@,\z@)(\z@,\z@)\put(\z@,\z@){\makebox(\z@,\z@)[#1]{#2}}\endpicture}}
+% \put(-\@wholewidth,-\@wholewidth)
+% {{\put(\z@,\z@){\line(0,1){\TeXr@ruleht}}}%
+% {\put(\z@,\z@){\line(1,0){\TeXr@rulewd}}}%
+% {\linethickness{.24\p@}\put(-2\p@,-2\p@){\line(0,1){2cm}}}%
+% {\linethickness{.24\p@}\put(-2\p@,-2\p@){\line(1,0){3cm}}}}%
+% \put(\@wholewidth,-\@wholewidth)
+% {{\put(\z@,\z@){\line(0,1){\TeXr@ruleht}}}%
+% {\put(\z@,\z@){\line(-1,0){\TeXr@rulewd}}}%
+% {\linethickness{.24\p@}\put(2\p@,-2\p@){\line(0,1){2cm}}}%
+% {\linethickness{.24\p@}\put(2\p@,-2\p@){\line(-1,0){3cm}}}}%
+% \picture(\z@,\z@)(\z@,\z@)
+% \put(\z@,#1){{\flrow@ll@col@put}}
+% \put(\z@,#2){{\flrow@ul@col@put}}
+% \endpicture}}
+% \picture(\z@,\z@)(\z@,\z@)
+% \put(\z@,#1){{\flrow@lr@col@put}}
+% \put(\z@,#1){{\flrow@ur@col@put}}
+% \endpicture}}
+% {\set@color\rlap{\edef\TeXr@rulewd{#1}\@tempdima#2\advance\@tempdima#3%
+% \edef\TeXr@ruleht{\the\@tempdima}%
+% \flrow@l@color@side{-#3}{#2}\ifcolors@
+% \vrule\@width#1\@height#2\@depth#3\fi
+% \flrow@r@color@side{-#3}{#2}}}}
+% \color@b@x{\fboxsep\z@\color#1{#2}\fbox}{\color#1{#3}}}
+% \leavevmode
+% \setbox\z@\hbox{\kern\fboxsep{\set@color#3}\kern\fboxsep}%
+% \dimen@\ht\z@\advance\dimen@\fboxsep\ht\z@\dimen@
+% \dimen@\dp\z@\advance\dimen@\fboxsep\dp\z@\dimen@
+% {#1{#2\color@block{\wd\z@}{\ht\z@}{\dp\z@}%
+% \box\z@}}}
+Example of row with two textboxes
+ framestyle=FRcolorbox,colorframeset=Redplate,colorframecorners=Redplate,
+ frameset={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=12pt}}
+{hangOUTside: \TEXTBOX\footnote{Text of footnote. \text}}
+{\caption{Beside text~I in float row. \text}%
+{hangOUTside: \TEXTBOX. \text.
+\floatfoot{Text of float foot. \text}}%
+{\caption{Beside text~II in float row}%
+{hangINside: \TEXTBOX\footnote{Text of footnote. \text}}
+{\caption{Beside text~I in float row. \text}%
+{hangINside: \TEXTBOX. \text.
+\floatfoot{\color{lredblack}Text of float foot. \text}}%
+{\caption{Beside text~II in float row}%
+ framestyle=FRcolorbox,colorframeset=Redplate,colorframecorners=Redplate,framefit=no,
+ frameset={\fboxrule=0pt\fboxsep=8pt}}
+{\vrule width 70pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 81pt height 1.2cm}}{\caption{}}
+{\vrule width 50pt height 2cm}}{\caption{}}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample10.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample10.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fe7ba8e579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample10.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
+%frsample01 - sample head
+%one column non-facing layout
+%plain style for figures
+%miscellaneous ruled style for textboxes
+\input pictures
+%load floatrow
+ footnoterule=limited,margins=centering,captionskip=5pt,facing=yes,
+ capbesidesep=quad,floatrowsep=quad]{floatrow}
+% new float
+ {{\hskip-6pt\vrule depth5ptwidth2pt\hrulefill
+ \vrule depth5ptwidth2pt\hspace*{-6pt}}\par\kern-3pt}
+ {\kern4pt\hrule\kern4pt}
+ {\par\kern-6pt
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hskip-6pt
+ \vrule height5ptwidth2pt\hrulefill
+ \vrule height5ptwidth2pt\hskip-6pt}\par\relax}
+ frameset={\fboxsep6pt\fboxrule0pt},
+ framefit=yes,precode=textprerule,midcode=textmidrule,
+ postcode=textpostrule,heightadjust=all}
+ objectset=textbox,capbesidesep=textbox,
+ heightadjust=object,valign=t}
+%load caption
+ justification=centerlast]{caption}[2004/11/28]
+ \rightskip0ptplus-1fil\parfillskip0ptplus1fil}
+ {\floatfacing*\rightlast\leftlast}
+%load subfig
+%better put wrapfig before floatrow
+ {\setfloatmargins
+ {\hfil}
+ {\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+\chapter{Examples in One Column Document}
+This example shows floats in one-column document.
+\emph{Common float settings.}\\
+Font for float contents \verb|\small|; skips before foot material half reduced;
+skip between caption above/below and object also half reduced;
+footnote rule has maximal width$1$\,in (the maximal width defined by \verb|\frulemax| command); separation between
+beside caption and object equals to 1\,em; separation between beside float
+boxes also equals to 1\,em.
+ capbesideposition=inside,footnoterule=limited,
+ margins=centering,captionskip=5pt,facing=yes,
+ capbesidesep=quad,floatrowsep=quad]{floatrow}
+\emph{Common caption settings.}\\
+For caption text used \verb|\small| font, caption label font bold, separated
+by period sign, justification centerlast (last line centered).
+ justification=centerlast]{caption}
+\emph{Common subcaption settings.}\\
+Justification centerlast (last line centered). The skip between caption and object enlarged to 7\,pt.
+\emph{Special settings for float types.}
+The new float \env{textbox} uses special ruled style: there are defined three new options
+\texttt{textprerule}, \texttt{textmidrule}, and \texttt{textpostrule}.
+Please note that, in the case of usage of \env{floatrow} environment where float boxes must be aligned,
+the rule below float must have total height no more than 2~pt to get correct alignment,
+so first goes compensate vertical space.
+ {{\hskip-6pt\vrule depth5ptwidth2pt\hrulefill
+ \vrule depth5ptwidth2pt\hspace*{-6pt}}\par\kern-3pt}
+ {\kern4pt\hrule\kern4pt}
+ {\par\kern-6pt
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hskip-6pt
+ \vrule height5ptwidth2pt\hrulefill
+ \vrule height5ptwidth2pt\hskip-6pt}\par\relax}
+ frameset={\fboxsep6pt\fboxrule0pt},
+ framefit=yes,precode=textprerule,midcode=textmidrule,
+ postcode=textpostrule,heightadjust=all}
+ objectset=textbox,capbesidesep=textbox,
+ heightadjust=object,valign=t}
+\emph{Special settings for special float layout.}
+For rotated floats beside caption placed to right side of object;
+right side expanded to the top of running head. To delete running head from pages
+with rotated float was used \verb|\emptyfloatpage| macro\footnote{In current example the
+\protect\com{wideemptyfloatpage} command is the synonym.} and
+loaded \pkg{floatpagestyle} package.
+ {\setfloatmargins
+ {\hfil}
+ {\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+\emph{Beside caption.}\\
+There was set of changed \verb|\captionsetup| for alignment of beside captions.
+There was created special justification: the last line of beside caption flushed to
+object side.
+ {\floatfacing*\rightlast\leftlast}
+\input fr-sample
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample11.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample11.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..661631789c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample11.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+%frsample02 - sample head
+%one-column non-facing layout with left margin
+%figures use BOXED style
+%text boxes use modified Boxed style
+\input pictures
+ \def\arraystretch{1,2}\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
+ \leavevmode\rlap{\thepage}\hskip.5\marginparwidth\hskip\marginparsep
+ \hbox to\textwidth{\slshape\leftmark\hfill}\\\hline\end{tabular}}
+ \def\arraystretch{1,2}\begin{tabular}{@{}l@{}}
+ \hskip.5\marginparwidth\hskip\marginparsep
+ \hbox to\textwidth{{\slshape\rightmark}\quad\hfill\thepage}\\\hline\end{tabular}}
+%load floatrow
+ footnoterule=limited,captionskip=5pt,margins=raggedright,
+ objectset=raggedright,capbesideposition=right,
+ capbesidesep=quad,floatrowsep=quad,style=BOXED}
+% new float
+ frameset={\fboxrule=1pt\fboxsep=12pt},
+ capposition=bottom,objectset=unindent,
+ capbesideframe=yes,heightadjust=object,
+ valign=t}
+ {\setfloatmargins
+ {\hskip-.5\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep}{\hfil}}
+%load caption
+ justification=justified,singlelinecheck=no]{caption}[2004/11/28]
+ {\setfloatmargins
+ {}{\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+%load subfig
+%load wrapfig
+\chapter{One Column Document and~Wide Floats}
+This example shows floats in one-column document, wide float left hanged.
+\emph{Common settings.}\\
+Font for float contents \verb|\small| sans serif (except tables),
+in this case font settings for subfloats was restored Roman family;
+skips before foot material half reduced;
+skip between caption and object also half reduced;
+footnote rule has maximum width 1\,in (here is created special footnote style);
+box alignment and justification of object contents flushed to left margin;
+separation between beside caption and object equals to 1\,em; separation
+between beside float boxes also equals to 1\,em. Common float style
+\texttt{BOXED} (box around all float contents).
+ footnoterule=limited,captionskip=5pt,margins=raggedright,
+ objectset=raggedright,capbesideposition=right,
+ capbesidesep=quad,floatrowsep=quad,style=BOXED}
+\emph{Common caption settings.}\\
+For caption text used \verb|\small| font, caption label font bold, separated
+by period sign, justification justified.
+ justification=justified,singlelinecheck=no]{caption}
+\emph{Common subcaption settings.}\\
+Justification centerlast (last line centered). Restored roman family.
+\emph{Special settings for float types.}
+The new float textbox uses corrected \texttt{Boxed} style (changed frame
+settings); object contents left aligned (\verb|\raggedright|), with
+\verb|\parindent|${{}=15}$\,pt, \verb|\parskip|${{}=15}$\,pt.
+To get aligned subfloats the key \texttt{heightadjust=all} loaded.
+ frameset={\fboxrule=1pt\fboxsep=12pt},
+ capposition=bottom,objectset=unindent,
+ capbesideframe=yes,heightadjust=object,
+ valign=t}
+\emph{Special settings for special float layout.}
+\emph{Wide float.}\\
+For wide float set hanged indentation to the left margin.
+ {\setfloatmargins
+ {\hskip-.5\marginparwidth\hskip-\marginparsep}{\hfil}}
+\emph{Rotated float.}\\
+For rotated floats beside caption placed to right side of object;
+right side expanded to the top of running head. To delete running head from pages
+with rotated float was used \verb|\emptyfloatpage| macro\footnote{In current example the
+\protect\com{wideemptyfloatpage} command is the synonym.} and
+loaded \pkg{floatpagestyle} package.
+ {\setfloatmargins
+ {}{\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+\input fr-sample
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample12.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample12.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..295274bc7f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample12.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+%frsample03 - sample head
+%two-column layout with attempts of usage colored float styles
+%figures use colored Boxed style
+%textboxes use colored rules (like ruled style)
+\input pictures
+\IfFileExists{color.sty}{}{\errmessage{This sample file needs `color' package}{}\stop}
+%load floatrow
+ footskip=.5\skip\footins,
+ footnoterule=limited,
+ captionskip=5pt,
+ margins=raggedright,
+ objectset=raggedright,
+ capbesidesep=qquad,
+ floatrowsep=quad,
+ capbesideposition=inside,
+ facing=yes]%
+ {floatrow}
+%load caption
+ labelsep=period,justification=justified,
+ singlelinecheck=no]{caption}[2004/11/28]
+%load subfig
+ farskip=0pt]{subfig}
+ colorframeset=forfigure,
+ objectset=colorblue,
+ frameset={\fboxrule1pt\fboxsep6pt},
+ capbesideframe=yes,
+ framearound=object,framefit=yes,
+ heightadjust=object}
+% new float
+ {fileext=lor,name=Text,placement=tp}
+ {\begingroup
+ \color{blue}%
+ \hrule height1.8ptdepth0pt\kern2pt%
+ \endgroup}
+ {\begingroup
+ \color{blue}%
+ \kern5pt\hrule height1.8pt depth0pt%
+ \kern5pt
+ \endgroup}
+ {\parskip2pt\color{red}}
+ {\begingroup
+ \color{blue}%
+ \floatfacing
+ {\hskip14pt
+ \vrule width1.8pt\hskip2pt}%
+ {\hskip2pt
+ \vrule width1.8pt\hskip14pt}%
+ \endgroup}
+ midcode=ruleii,
+ capposition=bottom,
+ objectset=colorred,
+ floatrowsep=qquad,
+ heightadjust=all,valign=t}
+ {precode=none,capbesidesep=colorsep,
+ capbesideframe=no}
+ \rightskip0ptplus-1fil\parfillskip0ptplus1fil}
+ {\floatfacing*\rightlast\leftlast}
+ {format=default,labelsep=newline,
+ justification=togglelast}
+ {format=default,labelsep=newline,
+ justification=togglelast}
+ {\setfloatmargins
+ {}{\hskip.5\topskip plus1fil}}
+ capbesideposition={right,top},
+ margins=sideways,facing=no}%for facing caption `facing=no' prohibited
+ {\setfloatmargins{}%
+ {\hskip-\headsep
+ \hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+ capbesideposition={right,center},
+ capbesideframe=no,
+ margins=widesideways,facing=no}
+\chapter{Two Column Document and Color (Beta-Version Example)}
+This example shows floats in two-column document.
+There are also color settings.
+\emph{Common float settings.}
+Font for float contents \verb|\small| sans serif;
+skips before foot material half reduced;
+skip between caption and object also half reduced;
+footnote rule has maximum width${{}\approx27}$\,mm;
+box alignment and justification of object contents flushed to left margin;
+separation between beside caption and object equals to 2\,em; separation
+between beside float boxes also equals to 1\,em.
+ captionskip=5pt,margins=raggedright,objectset=raggedright,
+ capbesidesep=qquad,floatrowsep=quad]{floatrow}
+\emph{Common caption settings.}
+For caption text used \verb|\small| font, caption label font bold, separated
+by period sign, justification justified.
+ singlelinecheck=no]{caption}
+\emph{Common subcaption settings.}
+Justification centerlast (last line centered). The value of \verb|\farskip|
+equals zero (to avoid unwanted colored space in tables).
+\emph{Special settings for float types.}\\
+For figures is used box around float object, box width reduced to
+current \verb|\hsize|, heights of boxes adjusted in float row
+(float style was `gathered' by \verb|\floatsetup| keys),
+beside captions aligned to the edges of frame, footnote rule absent.
+ framearound=object,framefit=yes,heightadjust=object,footnoterule=none}
+The new float textbox uses defined colored thick rules above and below,
+(defined by \verb|\DeclareFloatVCode| and macros);
+object contents have red color and \verb|\parskip|${={}}2$\,pt;
+floats in float row separated by 2\,em space.\\
+Captions use hanged label.
+ \color{blue}\hrule height1.8ptdepth0pt\kern2pt\endgroup}
+ {\begingroup\color{blue}\kern2pt\hrule height1.8pt depth0pt\kern5pt\endgroup}
+ \color{blue}\floatfacing{\hskip14pt\vrule width1.8pt\hskip2pt}%
+ {\hskip2pt\vrule width1.8pt\hskip14pt}\endgroup}
+ objectset=colorred,floatrowsep=qquad,heightadjust=object}
+\emph{Textbox with beside caption.}
+For beside captions the rules above and below were replaced by vertical
+separate rule. Caption label placed in separate line.
+\emph{Special settings for special float layout.}\\
+For rotated floats created special settings to align visual top of rotated
+float with beside text column was created spacial alignment; beside captions
+positioned to the right from object contents and top aligned.
+\DeclareMarginSet{sideways}{\setfloatmargins{}{\hskip.5\topskip plus1fil}}
+\emph{Wide rotated.}
+For wide or two-column (starred)
+environment right side expanded to the top of running head. To delete running
+head from pages with wide rotated float there was used \verb|\emptyfloatpage|
+command from loaded \pkg{floatpagestyle} package\footnote{In current example
+\protect\com{wideemptyfloatpage} does work of \protect\com{emptyfloatpage};
+\protect\com{emptyfloatpage} equals to \protect\com{relax}.}; beside captions
+positioned to the right from object contents and vertically centered.
+ {\setfloatmargins{}{\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+ capbesideframe=no,margins=widesideways}
+\input fr-sample
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/pictures.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/pictures.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..395226c561
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/pictures.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
+%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0
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+%%Creator: GSview from
+%%CreationDate: Sat May 15 16:27:11 2004
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+20 scalefont
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+true charpath
+0.64 setgray
+0.2 setlinewidth
+ \qbezier[120](0,-8)(-24,-8)(-29.5,0.5)
+ \qbezier[160](0,-14)(-32,-14)(-38.5,0.5)}
+%^^A neck
+%^^A bottom
+%^^A head
+%^^A ears
+%^^A muzzle
+%^^A nose
+%^^A whiskers
+%^^A tail
+%^^A ears
+%^^A muzzle
+%^^A nose
+%^^A whiskers
+%^^A tail
+ \def\Qbezier[#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6,#7){\qbezier[#1](#2,#3)(#4,#5)(#6,#7)}\fi
+%^^A "checks"
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A ears
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A eyebrows
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A eyelashes
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A eyes
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A whiskers
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A mouth
+%^^A nose
+%^^A "checks"
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A ears
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A eyebrows
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A eyelashes
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A eyes
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A whiskers
+%^^A left
+%^^A right
+%^^A mouth
+%^^A nose
+ {\put(0,0){\oval(20,20)[t]}
+ \put(0,0){\oval(20,20)[bl]}
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+ {\put(0,0){\oval(20,20)[t]}
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+ \put(-17,0){\line(0,1){12}}}
+ \put(-8,20){\circle*{4}}
+ \put(-14,18){\circle*{4}}
+ \put(-2,18){\circle*{4}}
+ \put(-8,6){\oval(8,14)}}
+ {{\put(-4,0){\oval(30,16)[l]}
+ \put(-4,2){\oval(42,20)[br]}
+ \put(8,11){\oval(18,18)[t]}
+ \put(-4,11){\oval(6,6)[br]}
+ \put(17,0){\line(0,1){12}}}
+ \put(8,20){\circle*{4}}
+ \put(14,18){\circle*{4}}
+ \put(2,18){\circle*{4}}
+ \put(8,6){\oval(8,14)}}
+\ifx\pdfoutput\undefined \else
+ \ifcase\pdfoutput \else
+ \IfFileExists{pslearn.pdf}{}{\PackageError{floatrow}{%^^A
+ For creation of PDF file\MessageBreak
+ you need to create pslearn.pdf file.\MessageBreak
+ Convert pslearn.eps to pslearn.pdf\MessageBreak
+ then run pdflatex}{}}%^^A
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/sample-longtable-rus.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/sample-longtable-rus.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e62575faa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/sample-longtable-rus.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+% This file installs three samples-variants of setting
+% of Continued and Finished pages of long table
+\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more more more more
+ more more more more more more more more more text}\\
+ \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\ \hline
+ \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\ \hline
+ \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\ \hline
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{(\emph{продолжение на сл. странице})}
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{(\emph{окончание на сл. странице})}
+ \hline
+kappav & GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\
+phis & GREEK PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\
+piv & GREEK PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\
+rhov & GREEK RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\
+thetav & GREEK THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\
+alpha & SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\
+beta & SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\
+chi & SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\
+Delta & CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\
+delta & SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\
+epsiv & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\
+eta & SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\
+Gamma & CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\
+gamma & SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\
+iota & SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\
+kappa & SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\
+kappav & KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\
+lambda & SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\
+mu & SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\
+nu & SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\
+omega & SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\
+phis & PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\
+phiv & SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\
+pi & SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\
+piv & PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\
+psi & SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\
+rho & SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\
+rhov & RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\
+sigma & SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\
+tau & SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\
+Theta & CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\
+thetas & SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\
+thetav & THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\
+xi & SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\
+zeta & SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\
+alpha & SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\
+beta & SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\
+chi & SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\
+Delta & CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\
+delta & SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\
+epsiv & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\
+eta & SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\
+Gamma & CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\
+gamma & SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\
+iota & SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\
+kappa & SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\
+kappav & KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\
+lambda & SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\
+mu & SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\
+nu & SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\
+omega & SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\
+phis & PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\
+phiv & SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\
+pi & SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\
+piv & PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\
+psi & SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\
+rho & SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\
+rhov & RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\
+sigma & SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\
+tau & SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\
+Theta & CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\
+thetas & SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\
+thetav & THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\
+xi & SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\
+zeta & SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\
+alpha & SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\
+beta & SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\
+chi & SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\
+Delta & CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\
+delta & SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\
+epsiv & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\
+eta & SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\
+Gamma & CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\
+gamma & SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\
+iota & SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\
+kappa & SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\
+kappav & KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\
+lambda & SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\
+mu & SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\
+nu & SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\
+omega & SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\
+phis & PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\
+phiv & SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\
+pi & SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\
+piv & PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\
+psi & SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\
+rho & SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\
+rhov & RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\
+sigma & SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\
+tau & SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\
+Theta & CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\
+thetas & SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\
+thetav & THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\
+xi & SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\
+zeta & SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\
+% end of r-longtable.tex
+ captionskip=5pt}
+ {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{продолжение})}}
+ {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{окончание})}}
+ {\rightline{\emph{Продолжение табл.} #2}}
+ {\rightline{\emph{Окончание табл.} #2}}
+% Caption for continued head, \ldots
+ \captionsetup{labelformat=labelcontI}\caption[]{#1}}
+% and caption for finished head.
+ \captionsetup{labelformat=labelfinI}\caption[]{#1}}
+% Caption for continued head, \ldots
+ \caption[]{\emph{Продолжение}}}
+% and caption for finished head.
+ \caption[]{\emph{Окончание}}}
+% Caption for continued head, \ldots
+ \captionsetup{labelformat=labelcontIII}\caption[]{#1}}
+% and caption for finished head.
+ \captionsetup{labelformat=labelfinIII}\caption[]{#1}}
+\chapter[Шапки и~подвалы в~окружении \texttt{longtable}]{Последняя шапка и~предпоследний подвал в~окружении \texttt{longtable}}
+Данный файл демонстрирует примеры задания последней шапки и~предпоследнего подвала
+в~многостраничной таблице \texttt{longtable}. Все примеры распечатываются различными кеглями только для того чтобы протестировать алгоритм подсчёта числа страниц в~таблице.
+Общие настройки:
+\verb| margins=centering,captionskip=5pt}|
+В~данном файле в~таблице используется рубленый шрифт, версия пакета \textsf{caption}~3.1
+решает эту проблему. Для версии \textsf{caption}~3.0q, чтобы восстановить семейство
+шрифта основного текста для подписи в~настройках подписи добавлена опция |rm|, восстанавливающая нормальный шрифт.
+Помимо команд, определённых пакетом \textsf{fr-longtable}: \verb|\endlasthead|
+для задания последней шапки и~\verb|\endprelastfoot| \cdash--- для предпоследнего подвала,
+в~данном файле используются две специальные команды для табличных заголовков, использующих
+стандартную команду \verb|\caption|: \verb|\LTcontcaption| \cdash--- для шапках"=продолжениях
+и~\verb|\LTfincaption| для последней шапки. Во всех трёх примерах используются
+различные их определения.
+Для первого примера определены специальные настройки для
+нумерационной части табличного заголовка. Это задаётся в~преамбуле:
+\verb| {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{продолжение})}}|
+\verb| {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{окончание})}}|
+Код начала таблицы в~этом случае должен выглядеть так:
+\verb|\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more|
+\verb| more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{(\emph{продолжение|
+\verb| на следующей странице})}|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{(\emph{окончание|
+\verb| на следующей странице})}|
+\verb| \hline|
+\input r-longtable.tex
+В~данном примере видно, что в~использовании специальных настроек
+\verb|labelformat| нет необходимости. И~преамбула таблицы может быть задана в~виде:
+\verb|\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more|
+\verb| more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Продолжение|
+\verb| на следующей странице}}|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Окончание|
+\verb| на следующей странице}}|
+\verb| \hline|
+\input r-longtable.tex
+Для последнего примера определены специальные настройки для
+нумерационной части табличного заголовка. Это задаётся в~преамбуле:
+\verb| {\rightline{\emph{Продолжение табл.} #2}}|
+\verb| {\rightline{\emph{Окончание табл.} #2}}|
+Код начала таблицы в~этом случае должен выглядеть так:
+\verb|\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more|
+\verb| more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{(\emph{продолжение|
+\verb| на следующей странице})}|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{(\emph{окончание|
+\verb| на следующей странице})}|
+\verb| \hline|
+\input r-longtable.tex
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/sample-longtable.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/sample-longtable.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8430d32f26
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/sample-longtable.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,417 @@
+% This file installs three samples-variants of setting
+% of Continued and Finished pages of long table
+% 1) s-longtable1.tex
+% Adds words in the table label: ``Table 1. Continued''
+% and ``Table 1. Finished''
+% 2) s-longtable2.tex
+% Adds words in the caption text: ``Continued'' and ``Finished''
+% 3) s-longtable3.tex
+% Redefines \tablename command: ``Continuation of table 1.
+% and ``Finishing of table 1.'' (Is that correct English form?)
+\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more more more more
+ more more more more more more more more more text}\\
+ \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\ \hline
+ \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\ \hline
+ \bfseries Entity&\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\ \hline
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Continued on next page}}
+ \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Finished on next page}}
+ \hline
+kappav & GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\
+phis & GREEK PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\
+piv & GREEK PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\
+rhov & GREEK RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\
+thetav & GREEK THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\
+alpha & SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\
+beta & SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\
+chi & SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\
+Delta & CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\
+delta & SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\
+epsiv & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\
+eta & SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\
+Gamma & CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\
+gamma & SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\
+iota & SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\
+kappa & SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\
+kappav & KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\
+lambda & SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\
+mu & SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\
+nu & SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\
+omega & SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\
+phis & PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\
+phiv & SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\
+pi & SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\
+piv & PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\
+psi & SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\
+rho & SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\
+rhov & RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\
+sigma & SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\
+tau & SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\
+Theta & CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\
+thetas & SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\
+thetav & THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\
+xi & SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\
+zeta & SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\
+alpha & SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\
+beta & SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\
+chi & SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\
+Delta & CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\
+delta & SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\
+epsiv & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\
+eta & SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\
+Gamma & CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\
+gamma & SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\
+iota & SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\
+kappa & SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\
+kappav & KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\
+lambda & SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\
+mu & SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\
+nu & SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\
+omega & SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\
+phis & PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\
+phiv & SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\
+pi & SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\
+piv & PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\
+psi & SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\
+rho & SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\
+rhov & RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\
+sigma & SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\
+tau & SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\
+Theta & CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\
+thetas & SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\
+thetav & THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\
+xi & SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\
+zeta & SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\
+alpha & SMALL LETTER ALPHA & 03B1\\
+beta & SMALL LETTER BETA & 03B2\\
+chi & SMALL LETTER CHI & 03C7\\
+Delta & CAPITAL LETTER DELTA & 0394\\
+delta & SMALL LETTER DELTA & 03B4\\
+epsiv & SMALL LETTER EPSILON & 03B5\\
+eta & SMALL LETTER ETA & 03B7\\
+Gamma & CAPITAL LETTER GAMMA & 0393\\
+gamma & SMALL LETTER GAMMA & 03B3\\
+iota & SMALL LETTER IOTA & 03B9\\
+kappa & SMALL LETTER KAPPA & 03BA\\
+kappav & KAPPA SYMBOL & 03F0\\
+lambda & SMALL LETTER LAMDA & 03BB\\
+mu & SMALL LETTER MU & 03BC\\
+nu & SMALL LETTER NU & 03BD\\
+omega & SMALL LETTER OMEGA & 03C9\\
+phis & PHI SYMBOL & 03D5\\
+phiv & SMALL LETTER PHI & 03C6\\
+pi & SMALL LETTER PI & 03C0\\
+piv & PI SYMBOL & 03D6\\
+psi & SMALL LETTER PSI & 03C8\\
+rho & SMALL LETTER RHO & 03C1\\
+rhov & RHO SYMBOL & 03F1\\
+sigma & SMALL LETTER SIGMA & 03C3\\
+tau & SMALL LETTER TAU & 03C4\\
+Theta & CAPITAL LETTER THETA & 0398\\
+thetas & SMALL LETTER THETA & 03B8\\
+thetav & THETA SYMBOL & 03D1\\
+xi & SMALL LETTER XI & 03BE\\
+zeta & SMALL LETTER ZETA & 03B6\\
+% end of s-longtable.tex
+ captionskip=5pt}
+ {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{continued})}}
+ {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{finished})}}
+ {\rightline{\emph{Continuation of \tablename} #2}}
+ {\rightline{\emph{Finishing of \tablename} #2}}
+% Caption for continued head, \ldots
+ \captionsetup{labelformat=labelcontI}\caption[]{#1}}
+% and caption for finished head.
+ \captionsetup{labelformat=labelfinI}\caption[]{#1}}
+% Caption for continued head, \ldots
+ \caption[]{\emph{Continued}}}
+% and caption for finished head.
+ \caption[]{\emph{Finished}}}
+% Caption for continued head, \ldots
+ \captionsetup{labelformat=labelcontIII}\caption[]{#1}}
+% and caption for finished head.
+ \captionsetup{labelformat=labelfinIII}\caption[]{#1}}
+\chapter[Heads and Foots in Longtable]{Last Head And Last But One Foot In Longtable}
+This file shows three examples of defining of last head and foot before last of
+long table. They are printed in different sizes just to check work of page counting
+The common settings:
+\verb| margins=centering,captionskip=5pt}|
+Here table font family settings are different from caption. The version 3.1 of
+\textsf{caption} package solves this problem.
+But for the version 3.0q you ought restore Roman family settings |rm|.
+For the first variant the following label format was defined:
+\verb| {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{continued})}}|
+\verb| {\rightline{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2 (\emph{finished})}}|
+The body of long table is written in following way:
+\verb|\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more|
+\verb| more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Continued on next page}}|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Finished on next page}}|
+\verb| \hline|
+\input s-longtable.tex
+You may see that usage of \verb|labelformat| key here is unnecessary.
+And preamble of the \textsf{longtable} looks like:
+\verb|\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more|
+\verb| more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Continued on next page}}|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Finished on next page}}|
+\verb| \hline|
+\input s-longtable.tex
+For the last variant the following label format was defined in preamble:
+\verb| {\rightline{\emph{Continuation of \tablename} #2}}|
+\verb| {\rightline{\emph{Finishing of \tablename} #2}}|
+The body of long table is written in following way:
+\verb|\caption{The ISOGRK3 entity set and more more more more more more|
+\verb| more more more more more more more more more more more text}\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \bfseries Entity &\bfseries Unicode Name&\bfseries Unicode\\|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Continued on next page}}|
+\verb| \hline \multicolumn{3}{@{}r@{}}{\emph{Finished on next page}}|
+\verb| \hline|
+\input s-longtable.tex
+\endinput \ No newline at end of file