path: root/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample03.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample03.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample03.tex')
1 files changed, 485 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample03.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample03.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dcdb4469ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/floatrow/frsample03.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,485 @@
+%sample file
+%table floats---different tests
+%load floatrow
+ capbesidesep=quad,floatrowsep=quad]{floatrow}
+%load caption
+%%%for all versions of caption 3.x?
+%%%for caption 3.d?
+ {format=flushrightlabel,labelformat=continued,labelsep=newline,textfont=bf,labelfont=sl}
+%%%for caption 3.d?
+% {format=flushrightlabel,labelsep=none,textfont=bf,labelfont=sl}
+\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2\Continued}
+%\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2. \emph{Continued}}
+\def\ContinuedTable{\ContinuedFloat\def\Continued{. \emph{Continued}}\caption{}}
+%load subfig
+ {\setfloatmargins{\hfil}
+ {\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+Text for first column of first row#1&
+ More text for second column of first row#1&
+ More text for third column of first row#1\\\hline
+Text for first column of second row#1&
+ More text for second column of second row#1&
+ More text for third column of second row#1\\\hline
+Text for first column of third row#1&
+ More text for second column of third row#1&
+ More text for third column of third row#1\\\hline
+ {\hsize}{@{\extracolsep{-.4\tabcolsep plus1fill}}|p{.29\hsize}|p{.29\hsize}|p{.29\hsize}|}
+Text for first column of first row#1&
+ More text for second column of first row#1&
+ More text for third column of first row#1\\\hline
+Text for first column of second row#1&
+ More text for second column of second row#1&
+ More text for third column of second row#1\\\hline
+Text for first column of third row#1&
+ More text for second column of third row#1&
+ More text for third column of third row#1\\\hline
+ \hline
+ \raisebox{-1.5ex}{Column Head}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c|}{Data} \\
+ \cline{2-3}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{I}
+ & \multicolumn{1}{c|}{II}
+ \\\hline
+ First row & 1 & 2 \\
+ Second row & 3 & 4 \\
+ Third row & 6 & 8 \\
+ Fourth row & \llap{1}0 & \llap{1}6 \\
+ \hline
+ \hline
+ \raisebox{-1.5ex}{Column Head}
+ & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{Data} \\
+ \cline{2-4}
+ & I & II & III \\
+ \hline
+ First row & 1 & 2 & \phantom01 \\
+ Second row & 3 & 4 & \phantom06 \\
+ Third row & 6 & 8 & 28 \\
+ \hline
+\def\text{And more text and some more text and a bit more text and
+a little more text and a little peace of text to fill space}
+\def\Text{{\mdseries \text. \text. \text. \text. }}
+\chapter{Table Layout}
+This example shows floats in one-column document.
+\emph{Common float settings.}\\
+Font for float contents \verb|\small|; skips before foot material half reduced;
+footnote rule has maximum width${{}\approx27}$\,mm; separation between
+beside caption and object equals to 1\,em; separation between beside float
+boxes also equals to 1\,em.
+ captionskip=5pt,capbesidesep=quad,floatrowsep=quad]{floatrow}
+\emph{Common caption settings.}\\
+For caption text used \verb|\small| font;
+justification \texttt{centerlast} (last line centered).
+\emph{Common subcaption settings.}\\
+Justification centerlast (last line centered).
+\emph{Special settings for float types.}
+For tables is used \texttt{Plaintop} style (captions aligned by top line);
+skip between caption and object half reduced.
+\emph{Special caption settings for float types.}
+For tables was created special format with separated label flushed to the right;
+font of label slanted, font of caption text bold.
+To restore normal behavior for \verb|\floatfoot| macro, here goes \verb|\captionsetup|
+for \texttt{floatfoot} style.
+ \rightline{#1}#2#3\par}
+ {format=flushrightlabel,labelsep=newline,
+ textfont=bf,labelfont=sl}
+With caption's version 3d you may set table format by this way:
+ {format=flushrightlabel,labelsep=none,textfont=bf,labelfont=sl}
+You may see, that there are absent settings for \verb|\floatfoot|.
+(Unfortunately, if your table has only label, and no any text, the unwanted
+space appears instead of caption title.)
+For continued table (like table~\ref{rot:tab:cont} on the page~\pageref{rot:tab:cont})
+was created new label format and defined command \verb|\ContinuedTable|, which includes
+special \texttt{continued} format and \verb|\ContinuedFloat| command.
+\DeclareCaptionLabelFormat{continued}{\bothIfFirst{#1}{ }#2.
+ \emph{Continued}}
+ \captionsetup[table]{labelformat=continued}}
+\emph{Special settings for special float layout.}
+For rotated floats beside caption placed to right side of object;
+right side expanded to the top of running head. To delete running head from pages
+with rotated float was used \verb|\emptyfloatpage| macro\footnote{In current example the
+\protect\com{wideemptyfloatpage} command is the synonym.} and
+loaded \pkg{floatpagestyle} package.
+ {\setfloatmargins{\hfil}
+ {\hskip-\headsep\hskip-.7\headheight plus1fil}}
+Example of plain \env{table} environment (table~\ref{float:plain:table}),
+\caption{Plain table environment with \env{tabularx}. \text}\label{float:plain:table}
+Example of plain \env{table} environment (table~\ref{float:w:plain:table})
+with predefined width.
+Before \env{table} environment was written:
+\caption{Plain table environment (\env{tabularx}) with predefined width. \text}\label{float:w:plain:table}
+Example of table placed in \verb|\ttabbox| (\verb|\floatbox| stuff);
+the width of float box equals to the width of table
+(see table~\ref{floatbox:FB:tab}).
+{\caption{Float box table (\protect\com{ttabbox})
+width of table}\label{floatbox:FB:tab}}
+{\tabcolsep2\tabcolsep\TABULARI\floatfoot{Text of floatfoot. \text}}
+The example of subtables (table~\ref{floatbox:wide:subtab}) with two
+subtables~\subref{subtab:A} and~\subref{subtab:B}.
+Here for sub tables was used the \env{subfloatrow} environment (this environment
+allows usage (and definition) of common horizontal skip between subfloats).
+{\caption{Table with two \protect\com{subfloats}
+ (from \pkg{subfig} package)}\label{floatbox:wide:subtab}}
+\subfloat[First table\label{subtab:A}]
+\subfloat[Second table with long long long caption\label{subtab:B}]
+The example of table row (tables~\ref{tab:row:tabI}--\ref{tab:row:tabII}).
+{\caption[Beside table~I long header]%
+ {Beside table~I with long long long top aligned header}\label{tab:row:tabI}}
+{\caption{Beside table~II short header}\label{tab:row:tabII}}
+Example of two rows: first---of beside tables in \env{tabularx} environments;
+second---of beside tables in \env{tabular*} environments. Both rows use first column width${}=.85$\verb|\hsize|,
+and second column${}=1.15$\verb|\hsize|.
+(see tables~\ref{rot:tabx:tab1}--\ref{rot:tabx:tab2}).
+ \ttabbox[.85\hsize]{\begin{tabularx}{\hsize}{|X|X|}
+A text for first column of first row&
+ More text for second column of first row\\\hline
+A text for first column of second row&
+ More text for second column of second row\\\hline
+A text for first column of third row&
+ More text for second column of third row\\\hline
+\end{tabularx}}{\caption{The \env{tabularx} environment with width \texttt{.85}\protect\com{hsize}}\label{rot:tabx:tab1}}
+ \ttabbox[1.15\hsize]{\begin{tabularx}{\hsize}{|X|X|}
+Text for first column of first row&
+ More text for second column of first row\\\hline
+Text for first column of second row&
+ More text for second column of second row\\\hline
+Text for first column of third row&
+ More text for second column of third row\\\hline
+\end{tabularx}}{\caption{The \env{tabularx} (from \pkg{tools} bundle) environment with width \texttt{1.15}\protect\com{hsize}}}
+ \ttabbox[.85\hsize]{{\begin{tabular*}{\hsize}{@{\extracolsep{-.4\tabcolsep plus1fill}}
+ |p{.44\hsize}|p{.44\hsize}|}
+A text for first column of first row&
+ More text for second column of first row\\\hline
+A text for first column of second row&
+ More text for second column of second row\\\hline
+A text for first column of third row &
+ More text for second column of third row\\\hline
+\end{tabular*}}}{\caption{The \env{tabular*} environment with width \texttt{.85}\protect\com{hsize}}}
+ \ttabbox[1.15\hsize]{{\begin{tabular*}{\hsize}{@{\extracolsep{-.4\tabcolsep plus1fill}}|p{.45\hsize}|p{.45\hsize}|}
+Text for first column of first row&
+ More text for second column of first row\\\hline
+Text for first column of second row&
+ More text for second column of second row\\\hline
+Text for first column of third row &
+ More text for second column of third row\\\hline
+\end{tabular*}}}{\caption{The starred \LaTeX's \env{tabular*} environment with width \texttt{1.15}\protect\com{hsize}}\label{rot:tabx:tab2}}
+Example of continued rotated plain table on facing pages
+(see table~\ref{rot:tab} on pages~\pageref{rot:tab}--\pageref{rot:tab:cont}).
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\Text \Text
+\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup\vss}{\egroup}
+\caption{Plain table inside
+\protect\env{sidewaystable} environment,
+full text width. \text}\label{rot:tab}
+\TABULARX[ \text. \text. ]
+\buildFBBOX{\vbox to\rottextwidth\bgroup}{\vss\egroup}
+\TABULARX[ \text.]
+Example of two beside tables in wide rotated table environment (\env{sidewaystable*})
+(see tables~\hbox{\ref{rot:side:tab1}--\ref{rot:side:tab2}}
+on page~\pageref{rot:side:tab1}).
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]
+ {{\TABULARS[. \text]\floatfoot{If you use inside \protect\com{floatbox} stuff
+\texttt{tabularx} or \texttt{tabular*} environments with \protect\com{hsize}
+command inside \meta{width} argument, you must repeat the \protect\com{hsize} argument
+in \meta{width} argument of \protect\com{floatbox} macro.}}}
+ {\caption{}\label{rot:side:tab1}}
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]
+ {{\TABULARS[. \text]\floatfoot{If you want to set width of \texttt{tabularx} or \texttt{tabular*} environments
+ like \texttt{.8}\protect\com{hsize} (or \texttt{1.2}\protect\com{hsize}) and they placed inside any
+\protect\com{floatbox} macro, load \texttt{.8}\protect\com{hsize} in \meta{width} argument of
+\protect\com{floatbox} macro, and in \meta{width} argument of \texttt{tabularx} or \texttt{tabular*}
+load only \protect\com{hsize} macro.}}}
+ {\caption{}\label{rot:side:tab2}}
+Example of two rows of beside tables in wide rotated table
+(see tables~\ref{rot:tworow:tab1}--\ref{rot:tworow:tab2} on page~\pageref{rot:tworow:tab2}).
+There were used \env{tabularx} environment in first row and
+\env{tabular*}---in the second.
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]
+ {{\TABULARX}}{\caption{}\label{rot:tworow:tab1}}
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]
+ {{\TABULARX}}{\caption{}}
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]{{\TABULARS}}{\caption{}}
+ \ttabbox[\hsize]{{\TABULARS}}{\caption{}\label{rot:tworow:tab2}}
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file