path: root/macros/latex/contrib/fetchbibpes/examples/bibpes_tst.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/fetchbibpes/examples/bibpes_tst.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/fetchbibpes/examples/bibpes_tst.tex')
1 files changed, 269 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/fetchbibpes/examples/bibpes_tst.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/fetchbibpes/examples/bibpes_tst.tex
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index 0000000000..8b906f0dd2
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/fetchbibpes/examples/bibpes_tst.tex
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+ useverses=verses]{fetchbibpes}
+\title{Illustrating the \textsf{fetchbibpes} package}
+\author{D. P. Story}
+ {\ttfamily\char`\{}\meta{#1}{\ttfamily\char`\}}}
+\section{The fetch commands}
+This package defines two fetching commands, the syntax for these are,
+ \string\fetchverse[\ameta{opts}]\marg{\meta{book}\symbol{32}\meta{ch}:\meta{vrs}}\\[3pt]
+ \string\fetchverses*[\ameta{opts}]\marg{\meta{book}\symbol{32}\meta{ch}:\meta{vrs}} or\\[3pt]
+ \string\fetchverses*[\ameta{opts}]\marg{\meta{book}\symbol{32}\meta{ch}:\meta{vrs\ensuremath{{}_1}}-\upshape[\meta{vrs\ensuremath{{}_2}}\upshape]}
+The \texttt{*} parameter is optional, when present the book and verse
+references are shown, otherwise they are not.
+\verb!\fetchverses*{Gen 1:1-2}! produces ``\fetchverses*{Gen 1:1-2}'' While
+\verb!\fetchverses{Gen 1:1-2}! produces ``\fetchverses{Gen 1:1-2}'' Notice in
+the first case \texttt{(Gen 1:1-2)} is included with the passage.
+With the \ameta{opts} optional arguments, you can typeset the
+passage reference in various styles.
+There are options for abbreviating the passage reference, as you see below,
+different methods are used. An option for capitalizing the passage reference, and formatting
+to your heart's desire.
+\section{Formatting of passage references}
+The default passage reference format was illustrated in the previous section,
+we present variations in this section.
+\fetchverse[caps,format={\bfseries\sffamily},abbr=none,from*=KJV]{Gen 1:1}
+\fetchverse[delims,caps,format={\bfseries\sffamily},abbr=none,transl=(KJV)]{Gen 1:1}
+\fetchverse[delims,caps,format={\bfseries\sffamily},abbr=none,from=ISV,transl=(ISV)]{Gen 1:1}
+The passage reference may be placed at the end of the passage using the \texttt{citetend}
+option. The \cs{priorRefSpc} may be used here to aid placement.
+\priorRefSpc{\fbFillRght}\afterBookSpc{\ }\fetchverses*[showfirst,citeatend]{Gen 1:1-3}
+\priorRefSpc{\fbFitItIn}\afterBookSpc{\nobreak\ }
+\fetchverses*[showfirst,citeatend]{Gen 1:1-3}
+\verb|\fetchverse[abbr=none,delims={According to }{,},|\\\null
+\qquad\verb|enclosewith=\quote]{Gen 1:1}|\\[3pt]
+\fetchverse[abbr=none,delims={According to }{,},enclosewith=\quote]{Gen 1:1}
+\section{Various abbreviations for books}
+Here we don't use an abbreviation (full book names are used) and we use
+roman numerals for the book number. (I Corinthians versus 1 Corinthians).
+\fetchverse{1Co 1:1}
+\fetchverses*[useperiod=false]{1Co 1:1-5}
+\item\fetchverse{Gen 1:11} (This verse is undefined, if you want to
+ reference it you need to included it in one of the \textsf{DEF} files.)
+\item \fetchverse{Gen 1:10}
+\item \fetchverse[from*=ISV]{Gen 1:10}
+\section{Special formatting a long passage}
+In the next passage, I've changed the formatting style of the multiple
+passages, it looks more like my own Bible given to me back in the 1980's.
+\fetchverses*[showfirst,delims,caps,format={\bfseries\sffamily},abbr=none]{Gen 1:1-10}
+\medskip\noindent Now we switch back to the default presentation style
+by expanding the command pair \verb|\afterRef{}\verseFmtReset|, needed only if a change
+in format occurred outside a group.
+\fetchverses*[abbr=none]{Gen 1:2-3}
+\fetchverse{Mat 2:1}
+\fetchverses*[abbr=none]{Mat 2:1-6}
+In this next passage, \texttt{KJV+} is used, which includes \textsl{Strong's
+Concordance} numbers.\\[3pt]
+\fetchverses*[useperiod=false,abbr=short,from*=KJV+]{Rom 1:1}
+\paragraph*{Period or no Period.} When an abbreviation is used, you can include
+or exclude the period (1 Co. versus 1 Co).
+\verb|\fetchverse[abbr=long]{1Co 1:1}|\\[3pt]
+\fetchverse[abbr=long]{1Co 1:1}
+\verb|\fetchverse[abbr=long,useperiod=false]{1Co 1:1}|\\[3pt]
+\fetchverse[abbr=long,useperiod=false]{1Co 1:1}
+\section{Side-by-side comparison of passages}
+\footnotesize \tabcolsep=3pt %.5\columnsep
+\multicolumn{2}{@{}>{\normalsize}c@{}}{\textbf{\textsf{I Kings 1:1-5}:} A Comparison of Versions}\\[3pt]
+\multicolumn{1}{@{}>{\small}c@{}}{King James Version (KJV)}&%
+\multicolumn{1}{@{}>{\small}c@{}}{International Standard Version (ISV)}\\[3pt]
+\fetchverses[showfirst]{1Ki 1:1}&\fetchverses[showfirst,from=ISV]{1Ki 1:1}\\
+\fetchverses[showfirst]{1Ki 1:2}&\fetchverses[showfirst,from=ISV]{1Ki 1:2}\\
+\fetchverses[showfirst]{1Ki 1:3}&\fetchverses[showfirst,from=ISV]{1Ki 1:3}\\
+\fetchverses[showfirst]{1Ki 1:4}&\fetchverses[showfirst,from=ISV]{1Ki 1:4}\\
+\fetchverses[showfirst]{1Ki 1:5}&\fetchverses[showfirst,from=ISV]{1Ki 1:5}%
+\section{Roman versus arabic numbers}
+ \item \fetchverse{1Co 1:1}
+ \item \fetchverse[roman]{1Co 1:1}
+\section{Adding Bibles}
+The next example uses \verb~\addtoBibles{ASV}~ in the preamble. The
+\textsf{fetchbibpes} package only recognizes three Bible translations, KJV,
+KJV+, and ISV, as values of the \texttt{from} or \texttt{from*} key. If you
+reference a Bible other than these three, the KJV is used and a warning
+appears in the {\TeX} log. However, you can add to the selection of Bibles
+with the \texttt{\string\addtoBibles} command in the preamble. I downloaded
+the American Standard Version (ASV), copied the first ten verses from
+Genesis, and created the \texttt{Gen-ASV.def} file. After placing
+\verb~\addtoBibles{ASV}~ in the preamble, I can fetch the verses in the usual
+way: \verb!\fetchverses*[from*=ASV]{Gen 1:1-10}!, as seen below with the
+passage reference in the margin.
+\fetchverses*[showfirst,priorref=\mpfmt,delims,from*=ASV]{Gen 1:1-5}
+\section{Marginal notes}
+By ``clever'' manipulation of the parameters, you can make
+marginal notes of the verses. We declare,
+ {In the beginning} % v1
+ {Earth void} % v2
+ {Light!} % v3
+ {} % v4
+ {First day} % v5
+ {In the beginning} % v1
+ {Earth void} % v2
+ {Light!} % v3
+ {} % v4
+ {First day} % v5
+We use the \texttt{fpquote} environment with \texttt{rightmargin=0pt}.
+\fetchverses*[showfirst,delims,caps,format={\bfseries\sffamily},abbr=none]{Gen 1:1-5}
+\medskip\noindent Or, with a little more effort, place passage and reference within the margins.
+ {In the beginning God creates the heaven and the earth\dots}
+ {Earth void}
+ {Light!}
+ {}
+ {First day}
+\newlength\fbrightmargin \fbrightmargin=80pt
+ \makebox[0pt][r]{\verseFmt{\vrseNum}%
+ \parbox[t]{\fbrightmargin}{\raggedright\strut#1\strut}%
+ \hspace{\marginparsep}}\hfill}}
+\fetchverses*[showfirst,delims,caps,format={\bfseries\sffamily},abbr=none]{Gen 1:1-5}
+We now test the inverse lookup of the full book names (e.g., Genesis $\rightarrow$ Gen)
+\medskip\noindent\verb~\fetchverse{Genesis 1:1}~\\
+\fetchverse{Genesis 1:1}
+\medskip\noindent\verb~\fetchverses{Genesis 1:1-4}~\\
+\fetchverses{Genesis 1:1-4}
+\medskip\noindent\verb~\fetchverses{ICorinthians 1:1-3}~\\
+\fetchverses{ICorinthians 1:1-3}