path: root/macros/latex/contrib/fac/fac2egui.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/fac/fac2egui.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/fac/fac2egui.tex')
1 files changed, 1113 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/fac/fac2egui.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/fac/fac2egui.tex
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index 0000000000..c947672048
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/fac/fac2egui.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1113 @@
+% This is file FAC2egui.tex
+% v2.00, 13th July 2000
+% (based on FACguide.tex v1.12)
+% Copyright (C) 1999,2000 Cambridge University Press
+% The following saves the original definitions of \geq and \leq (guide only).
+\ifprodtf \else \usepackage{latexsym}\fi
+% The following macros automatically define symbols to be used in Table 1 of
+% the authors' guide, using characters from the AMS symbol font MSAM.
+ \newcommand\whbl{\white\kern-.1em--\kern-.1em\black}
+ \newcommand\blwh{\black\kern-.1em--\kern-.1em\white}
+ \newcommand\blbl{\black\kern-.1em--\kern-.1em\black}
+ \newcommand\whwh{\white\kern-.1em--\kern-.1em\white}
+ \amsfontsloadedtrue
+ \checkfont{msam10}
+ \iffontfound
+ \IfFileExists{amssymb.sty}
+ {\usepackage{amssymb}\amsfontsloadedtrue
+ \newcommand\whbl{\white\kern-.125em--\kern-.125em\black}%
+ \newcommand\blwh{\black\kern-.125em--\kern-.125em\white}%
+ \newcommand\blbl{\black\kern-.125em--\kern-.125em\black}%
+ \newcommand\whwh{\white\kern-.125em--\kern-.125em\white}}
+ {}
+ \fi
+%% Macros for the guide only %%
+\newcommand\eg{\textit{e.g.\ }}
+%% End of macros for the guide %%
+\title[Formal Aspects of Computing: \LaTeXe\ Submissions]
+ {Formal Aspects of Computing:\\
+ \LaTeXe\ Guide for Authors}
+\author[M. Reed and C. Notarmarco]
+ {Mark Reed$^1$ and Christiane Notarmarco$^2$\\
+ $^1$Electronic Products and Composition Group,\\
+ Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,\\
+ $^2$Springer-Verlag London Limited, Godalming, Surrey, UK}
+\correspond{Christiane Notarmarco, Springer-Verlag London
+ Limited, Sweetapple House, Catteshall Road,
+ Godalming, Surrey GU7 3DJ, UK.
+ e-mail:}
+This guide is for authors who are preparing papers for the
+\emph{Formal Aspects of Computing} journal using the \LaTeXe\ %
+document-preparation system and the Formal Aspects of Computing
+class file (\texttt{fac.cls}).
+\LaTeXe; Class file; \verb"fac.cls"; User guide
+In addition to the standard submission of hardcopy from authors,
+\emph{Formal Aspects of Computing} now accepts machine-readable forms of papers
+in \LaTeXe. The layout design for the \emph{Formal Aspects of Computing} journal
+has been implemented as a \LaTeXe\ class file, based on the \verb"article"
+class as discussed in the \LaTeX\ manual (2nd edition) \cite{Lam:LaTeX}.
+Commands which differ from the standard \LaTeX\ interface, or which are
+provided in addition to the standard interface, are explained in this
+guide (which is \emph{not} a substitute for the \LaTeX\ manual itself).
+Note that the final printed version of papers will use the Monotype Times
+typeface rather than the Computer Modern available to authors. For this reason
+line and page breaks will change and authors should not insert hard breaks
+in their text.
+Authors planning to submit their papers in \LaTeXe\ are advised to use
+\verb"fac.cls" as early as possible in the creation of their files.
+\subsection{Introduction to \LaTeX}
+\LaTeX\ is constructed as a series of macros on top of the \TeX\ typesetting
+program. \LaTeX\ adds to \TeX\ a collection of facilities which simplify
+typesetting for authors by allowing them to concentrate on the logical
+structure of the document rather than its visual layout. Careful use of the
+\LaTeX\ mark-up philosophy results in uniform layout rather than the
+\emph{ad hoc} results of some word-processing systems. Authors are advised to
+let the defaults control font selection etc., rather than tinker themselves.
+The \LaTeX\ system provides a consistent and comprehensive document preparation
+interface. Among other things, \LaTeX\ can automatically number list
+entries, equations, figures, tables and footnotes, as well as sections and
+subsections. Using this numbering system, bibliographic citations, page
+references and cross references to any other numbered entity (e.g. sections,
+equations, figures) are straightforward.
+\subsection{The FAC document class}
+The use of document classes allows a simple change of style (or style option)
+to transform the appearance of your document. The Springer-Verlag London Limited
+(SVL) FAC class preserves the standard \LaTeX\ interface such that any document
+which can be produced using the standard \LaTeX\ \verb"article" class can also be
+produced with the FAC class.
+However, the measure (or width of text) is different from that
+for ARTICLE; therefore line breaks will change and it is possible that
+longer equations may need re-setting.
+Authors are urged to use \verb"fac.cls" from the beginning of their document
+preparation, otherwise longer lines may require re-formatting at a later stage.
+\subsection{General style issues}
+Use of \LaTeX\ defaults will result in a pleasing uniformity of layout
+and font selection. Authors should resist the temptation to make
+\emph{ad hoc} changes to these. Also avoid use of direct formatting unless
+really necessary. Papers will be edited as usual, and this process may be
+obstructed by the use of inserted line breaks, etc.
+For general style issues, authors are referred to the `Preparation of
+manuscripts' in the back cover of the journal. Authors who are interested in
+the details of style are referred to \cite{But:Copy} and \cite{Chicago}. The
+language used in the journals is British English, and spelling should conform
+to this.
+Use should be made of symbolic references (\verb"\ref") in order to
+protect against late changes of order, etc.
+\subsection{Submission of \LaTeX\ articles}
+Authors who intend to submit a \LaTeX\ article to FAC should obtain a
+copy of the journal's class file \verb"fac.cls". This is available on
+request in the first instance from Springer-Verlag London Limited; remember to
+specify the type of media you require. Alternatively, you can download
+the files from the Springer Web page
+If you cannot obtain the proper journal class file, use the standard
+\verb"article" class with the default `\verb"10pt"' option.
+When submitting the final article, ensure that the following are included and
+are clearly labelled.
+ \item A hardcopy printout of the article.
+ \item The input file (exactly matching the hardcopy).
+ \item A copy of all user-defined macros.
+ \item If you have used \textsc{Bib}\TeX, the \verb".bib", \verb".bbl"
+ and \verb".bst" files that were used.
+ \item Any other files necessary to prepare the article for typesetting.
+Submit this, if at all possible by e-mail, and the hardcopy by post
+to D.\,J. Cooke (see the inside-cover of the journal for correct e-mail
+and postal addresses). If you do not have access to e-mail, send the files
+on disc -- PC or Macintosh $3\frac{1}{2}$ in. -- along with the hard copy
+to D.\,J. Cooke.
+\section{Using the FAC class file}
+First, copy the file \verb"fac.cls" into an appropriate subdirectory on
+your system. The FAC class is implemented as a complete document class,
+and \emph{not} as an class option.
+In order to use the FAC class, replace \verb"article" by \verb"fac" in the
+\verb"\documentclass" command at the beginning of your document: that is,
+ \documentclass{article}
+is replaced by
+ \documentclass{fac}
+Author-defined macros should be inserted before \verb"\begin{document}",
+or in a separate file and should be included with the submission.
+Authors must not change any of the macro definitions or parameters
+in \verb"fac.cls".
+\subsection{Document class options}\label{sec:ClassOp}
+In general, the following standard document class options should \emph{not} be
+used with the FAC class file:
+ \item \texttt{10pt}, \texttt{11pt} and \texttt{12pt} -- unavailable;
+ \item \texttt{twoside} is the default (\texttt{oneside} is disabled);
+ \item \texttt{onecolumn} is the default (\texttt{twocolumn} is disabled);
+ \item \texttt{titlepage} is not required and is disabled;
+ \item \texttt{fleqn} and \texttt{leqno} should not be used
+ (\verb"fleqn" is already incorporated into the FAC class).
+The following new class options are provided:
+ \item \texttt{prodtf} -- tells the class file that we want to use the
+ production typeface. This automatically resets the odd, even and top
+ margins.
+\section{Additional facilities}
+In addition to all the standard \LaTeX\ design elements, the FAC class
+includes the following features.
+ \item Additional commands for typesetting the title page. Extended
+ commands for specifying a short version of the title and author(s)
+ for the running headlines.
+ \item The \verb"\correspond" and \verb"\makecorrespond" commands for printing
+ the name and address for further correspondence.
+ \item The \verb"keywords" environment.
+ \item Extended \verb"\newtheorem" command which can produce
+ unnumbered environments.
+ \item Proof environment.
+ \item Control of enumerated lists.
+Once you have used these additional facilities in your document,
+it can be processed only with \verb"fac.cls".
+\subsection{Titles and author's name}
+In the FAC style, the title of the article and the author's name (or
+authors' names) are used both at the beginning of the article for the main
+title and throughout the article as running headlines at the top of every
+The title is used on odd-numbered pages (rectos) and the author's name
+appears on even-numbered pages (versos).
+Although the main heading can run to several lines of text, the running
+head line must be a single line.
+Moreover, the main heading can also incorporate new line commands
+(\eg \verb"\\") but these are not acceptable in a running headline.
+To enable you to specify an alternative short title, which should not be
+more than 48 characters and spaces, and an alternative short author's name,
+the standard \verb"\title" and \verb"\author" commands have been extended
+to take an optional argument to be used as the running headline. \eg
+ \title[Formal Aspects of Computing: \LaTeXe\ Submissions]
+ {Formal Aspects of Computing:\\
+ \LaTeXe\ Guide for Authors}
+ \author[M. Reed and C. Notarmarco]
+ {Mark Reed$^1$ and Christiane Notarmarco$^2$\\
+ $^1$Electronic Products and Composition Group,\\
+ Cambridge University Press,Cambridge,\\
+ $^2$Springer-Verlag London Limited, Godalming, Surrey, UK}
+You may wish to add a \verb"\thanks" note, which produces a footnote to the
+title or author. In this case, the superscripts by the authors' names
+will be automatically generated.
+\subsection{Correspondence note}
+The footnote at the bottom of the first page is generated automatically,
+and begins with the words `\emph{Correspondence and offprint
+requests to}'.
+The appropriate name and address must be given as an argument to the
+\verb"\correspond" command in the preamble:
+ \correspond{Christiane Notarmarco, Springer-Verlag London
+ Limited, Sweetapple House, Catteshall Road,
+ Godalming, Surrey GU7 3DJ, UK.
+ e-mail:}
+This information is subsequently used by the \verb"\makecorrespond" command.
+This may be placed anywhere after the \verb"\begin{document}" but within the
+text of the first page. If you have other footnotes on the first page, the
+\verb"\makecorrespond" command should follow them ensuring the output of this
+command is printed at the foot of the page.
+If you omit the \verb"\correspond" and \verb"\makecorrespond" commands,
+the name in the correspondence note defaults to the short author's name.
+\subsection{Abstract and keywords}
+At the beginning of your article, the title should be generated in the
+usual way using the \verb"\maketitle" command. Immediately following the
+title you should include an abstract followed by a list of keywords. For
+example, the titles for this guide were produced by the following source:
+ \maketitle
+ \begin{abstract}
+ This guide is for authors who are preparing papers for the
+ \emph{Formal Aspects of Computing} journal using the \LaTeXe\ %
+ document-preparation system and the Formal Aspects of Computing
+ class file (\texttt{fac.cls}).
+ \end{abstract}
+ \begin{keywords}
+ \LaTeXe; Class file; \verb"fac.cls"; User guide
+ \end{keywords}
+The FAC class provides an extended \verb"\newtheorem" command which enables
+you to generate unnumbered environments. e.g. An unnumbered `Theorem' can be typeset
+with the following:
+ \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem}[section]
+ :
+ \begin{theorem}
+ This gives a normal numbered theorem.
+ \end{theorem}
+ \begin{theorem*}
+ This gives an unnumbered theorem.
+ \end{theorem*}
+Which produces:
+This gives a normal numbered theorem.
+This gives an unnumbered theorem.
+The preferred numbering scheme is for theorems to be numbered within sections,
+as 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, etc. In order to allow
+authors maximum flexibility in numbering and naming, \emph{no} theorem-like
+environments are defined in \verb"fac.cls". Rather, you have to define
+each one yourself. Theorem-like environments include Theorem, Definition,
+Lemma, Corollary, and Proposition.
+A new environment exists for Proofs, e.g.
+Noting that a state satisfying $VS$ has no elements
+$V_{xi}$ of $V$ satisfying $0<V_{xi}<1$, it follows
+that the proof is just as the proof was for the
+corresponding case of \emph{Bi-States}.
+This was produced by the following code:
+ \begin{proof}
+ Noting that a state satisfying $VS$ has no elements
+ $V_{xi}$ of $V$ satisfying $0<V_{xi}<1$, it follows
+ that the proof is just as the proof was for the
+ corresponding case of \emph{Bi-States}.
+ \end{proof}
+The end of proof marker \proofbox\ is produced automatically. If you wish
+to omit this, use the \verb"proof*" environment instead.
+The proof environment can also take an optional argument which allows you
+to produce `special' proofs, e.g.
+ \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem~1.1.]
+ Noting that a state satisfying $VS$ has no elements
+ $V_{xi}$ of $V$ satisfying $0<V_{xi}<1$, it follows
+ that the proof is just as the proof was for the
+ corresponding case of \emph{Bi-States}.
+ \end{proof}
+Which was produced like this:
+ \begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem~1.1.]
+ Noting that a state satisfying $VS$ has no elements
+ $V_{xi}$ of $V$ satisfying $0<V_{xi}<1$, it follows
+ that the proof is just as the proof was for the
+ corresponding case of \emph{Bi-States}.
+ \end{proof}
+Notice that once the optional argument is used, you have to type all of
+the text which is to appear as the heading (including the full-stop).
+The FAC class provides the three standard list environments:
+ \item Numbered lists, created using the \verb"enumerate" environment;
+ \item Labelled lists, created using the \verb"description" environment;
+ \item Bulleted lists, created using the \verb"itemize" environment.
+The enumerated list numbers each list item with an arabic numeral.
+Alternative styles can be achieved by inserting a redefinition of the
+number labelling command after the \verb"\begin{enumerate}".
+For example, a list numbered with roman numerals inside parentheses can be
+produced by the following commands:
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \renewcommand\theenumi{\roman{enumi}}
+ \renewcommand\labelenumi{(\theenumi)}
+ \item first item
+ :
+ \end{enumerate}
+This produces the following list:
+ \renewcommand\theenumi{\roman{enumi}}
+ \renewcommand\labelenumi{(\theenumi)}
+ \item first item
+ \item second item
+ \item \etc\ldots
+In the last example, the labels were pushed out into the margin because
+the standard list indentation is designed to be sufficient for arabic
+numerals rather than for the wider roman numerals. In order to enable
+different labels to be used more easily, the \verb"enumerate" environment
+in the FAC class can be given an optional argument which (like the standard
+\verb"thebibliography" environment) specifies the \emph{widest label}. For
+ \renewcommand\theenumi{\roman{enumi}}
+ \renewcommand\labelenumi{(\theenumi)}
+ \item first item
+ \item second item
+ \item \etc\ldots
+was produced by the following input:
+ \begin{enumerate}[(iii)]
+ \renewcommand\theenumi{\roman{enumi}}
+ \renewcommand\labelenumi{(\theenumi)}
+ \item first item
+ :
+ \end{enumerate}
+The FAC class will set displayed mathematics with the correct indent
+provided you use the \LaTeX\ standard of open and closed square brackets
+as delimiters. The following equation
+ \[ \sum_{i=1}^p \lambda_i = \mathrm{trace}(\mathbf{S}) \]
+was typeset in the FAC style using the commands:
+ \[ \sum_{i=1}^p \lambda_i = \mathrm{trace}(\mathbf{S}) \]
+Note the difference between the positioning of this equation and of
+the following centred equation
+ $$ \alpha_{j+1} > \bar{\alpha}+ks_{\alpha} $$
+which was (wrongly) typeset using double dollars as follows:
+ $$ \alpha_{j+1} > \bar{\alpha}+ks_{\alpha} $$
+Also, do not leave blank lines above and below displayed equations
+unless a new paragraph is really intended.
+\subsection{AMS fonts -- especially if you do not have them}
+If you need symbols from the AMS font set but do not have them installed,
+you can ensure that they will be correctly typeset by taking the following
+Set up user-defined macros that can be redefined by the typesetter to use
+the correct AMS macros. For example, the blackboard bold symbols,
+sometimes called shell or outline characters, are obtained with the AMS
+macro \verb"\mathbb{..}". Instead, use a macro definition such as:
+ % replace font!
+ \newcommand\BbbE{\ensuremath{\mathsf{E}}} % Blackboard bold E
+This substitutes a sans serif character where you want blackboard
+bold. You can typeset the input file and the typesetter is alerted to do the
+The following example (which uses the \verb"\providecommand" macro) will work
+without modification by the typesetter, because the \verb"\providecommand"
+macro will not overwrite any existing \verb"\mathbb" definition.
+ \providecommand\mathbb[1]{\ensuremath{\mathsf{#1}}}
+ ...
+ \newcommand\BbbE{\mathbb{E}} % Blackboard bold E
+Plain \TeX\ provides only \verb"\leq" and \verb"\qeq" which typeset the
+Computer Modern symbols $\realleq$ and $\realgeq$, respectively. These will
+be redefined at typesetting to use the AMS symbols \verb"\leqslant" and
+\verb"\geqslant", to give slanted symbols.
+If you wish to use AMS fonts with \LaTeXe\ you must be using at least
+version 2.0. Earlier versions are not supported.
+\subsection{Sans serif symbols}
+The \verb"\textsf" and \verb"\mathsf" commands change the typeface to
+sans serif, giving upright characters. Occasionally, other sans serif
+fonts are needed. You should use the following supplied macros to obtain
+these other fonts.\\[6pt]
+\verb" \textsf{text} " \lra \textsf{text}
+ \qquad \verb"$\mathsf{math}$ " \lra $\mathsf{math}$\\
+\verb" \textsfi{text} " \lra \textsfi{text}
+ \qquad \verb"$\mathsfi{math}$ " \lra $\mathsfi{math}$\\
+\verb" \textsfb{text} " \lra \textsfb{text}
+ \qquad \verb"$\mathsfb{math}$ " \lra $\mathsfb{math}$\\
+\verb" \textsfbi{text}" \lra \textsfbi{text}
+ \qquad \verb"$\mathsfbi{math}$" \lra $\mathsfbi{math}$\\[6pt]
+You can use them like this:
+ \newcommand\ssC{\mathsf{C}} % for sans serif C
+ \newcommand\sfsP{\mathsfi{P}} % for sans serif slanted P
+ \newcommand\sfbsX{\mathsfbi{X}} % for sans serif bold slanted X
+Note that the bold-slanted macros \verb"\textsfbi" and
+\verb"\mathsfbi" use the slanted sans serif font \verb"cmssi"
+-- because there is no bold-slanted math sans serif font in available in
+Computer Modern! If you use the supplied sans-serif text and math commands
+the typesetter will be able to substitute the fonts automatically.
+\subsection{Bold math italic symbols}
+If you require bold math italic symbols/letters, \LaTeX\ provides several ways
+of getting them. Firstly, \LaTeX's \verb"\boldmath" switch which can be
+used like this:
+ $ \mbox{\boldmath $P$} = \mathsf{J}\mathcal{E} T $
+As you can see it takes quite alot of typing to achieve a bold math italic P.
+Another problem is that you can't use \verb"\boldmath" in math mode, thus the
+\verb"\mbox" forces the resulting text into text style (which you may not
+You can cut down on the typing by defining the following macro (which
+is in the preamble of this guide):
+ \providecommand\boldsymbol[1]{\mbox{\boldmath $#1$}}
+Then for the above example you can define:
+ \newcommand\bldP{\boldsymbol{P}}
+the achieve the same result. This still doesn't remove the default to
+text style problem.
+If you have the \verb"amsbsy" package on your system, then you can remove
+this limitation as well by placing a \verb"\usepackage{amsbsy}" after the
+\verb"\documentclass" line in your document, and then use \verb"\boldsymbol"
+for bold math italic symbols (don't define \verb"\boldsymbol" yourself when
+using \verb"amsbsy").
+\subsection{Script characters}
+Script characters should be typeset using \LaTeXe's \verb"\mathcal"
+command. This produces Computer Modern symbols such as $\mathcal{E}\,$
+and $\mathcal{F}\,$ in your hard copy but the typesetter will substitute
+the more florid script characters normally seen in the journal.
+\subsection{Skewing of accents}
+Accents such as hats, overbars and dots are normally centred over letters,
+but when these are italic or sloping greek the accent may need to be moved
+to the right so that it is centred over the top of the sloped letter. For
+ \newcommand\hatp{\skew3\hat{p}}
+will produce $\hatp$.
+\section{User-defined macros}
+If you define your own macros, you must ensure that their names do not
+conflict with any existing macros in \LaTeX\ (or \AMSLaTeX\ %
+if you are using this). You should also place them in the preamble of
+your input file, between the \verb"\documentclass" line (but after any
+\verb"\usepackage" commands) and before the \verb"\begin{document}" command.
+Apart from scanning the indexes of the relevant manuals, you can check
+whether a macro name is already used by using \verb"\newcommand", which
+will check for the existence of the macro you are trying to define.
+If the macro exists \LaTeX\ will respond with:
+ ! LaTeX Error: Command ... already defined.
+In this case you should choose another name, and try again.
+Such macros must be in a place where they can easily be found and
+modified by the journal's editors or typesetter. They must be gathered
+together in the preamble of your input file, or in a separate
+\verb"macros.tex" file with the command \verb"\input{macros}" in the
+preamble. Macro definitions must not be scattered about your document
+where they are likely to be completely overlooked by the typesetter.
+The same applies to font definitions that are based on Computer Modern
+fonts. These must be changed by the typesetter to use the journal's
+correct typeface. In this case, you should draw
+attention to these font definitions on the hard copy that you submit for
+publication and by placing a comment in your input file just before the
+relevant definitions, for example \verb"% replace font!"
+\section{Some guidelines for using standard facilities}
+The following notes may help you achieve the best effects with the FAC
+class file.
+\LaTeX\ provides five levels of section headings and they are all
+defined in the FAC class file:
+ \item[] Heading A -- \verb"\section{...}"
+ \item[] Heading B -- \verb"\subsection{...}"
+ \item[] Heading C -- \verb"\subsubsection{...}"
+ \item[] Heading D -- \verb"\paragraph{...}"
+ \item[] Heading E -- \verb"\subparagraph{...}"
+Section numbers are given for sections, subsection and subsubsection
+\subsection{Illustrations (or figures)}
+The FAC class will cope with most positioning of your illustrations, and you
+should not normally use the optional positional qualifiers on the
+\verb"figure" environment which would override these decisions.
+See `Instructions for authors' in the FAC journal for submission of artwork.
+Figure captions should be below the figure itself therefore the \verb"\caption"
+command should appear after the figure or space left for an illustration.
+Any figure should be centred horizontally, this can be achived using the
+\verb"\centering" command, or \verb"centerline" environment.
+For example, Figure~\ref{sample-figure} is produced using the following.
+ \begin{figure}
+ \centering
+ \vspace{5cm}
+ \caption{An example figure in which space has been
+ left for the artwork.}
+ \label{sample-figure}
+ \end{figure}
+ \centering
+ \vspace{5cm}
+ \caption{An example figure in which space has been
+ left for the artwork.}
+ \label{sample-figure}
+ \caption{Index of Symbols}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}}
+ \hline
+ Symbol\hspace{1cm} & Meaning \\
+ \hline
+ \ifamsfontsloaded
+ \whbl & \hbox{Forward closure} \\
+ \blwh & \hbox{Backward closure} \\
+ \blbl & \hbox{Overlap closure} \\
+ \whwh & \hbox{Rule closure} \\
+ \fi
+ $\leadsto$ & \hbox{Rule closure constructor} \\
+ $\bigtriangleup$ & \hbox{Substitution sum} \\
+ $\cdot$ & \hbox{Substitution composition} \\
+ $\sqcup$ & \hbox{Substitution join} \\
+ $\bot$ & \hbox{Coherence relation} \\
+ $-^n$ & \hbox{Substitution operator
+ (exponent)} \\
+ $W_n(-,-)$ & \hbox{Substitution operator
+ (Whale)} \\
+ $T_n(-,-,-)$ & \hbox{Substitution operator
+ (Turtle)} \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \label{symbols}
+The FAC class will cope with most positioning of your tables
+and you should not normally use the optional positional qualifiers on the
+\verb"table" environment which would override these decisions.
+Table captions should be at the top, therefore the \verb"\caption" command
+should appear before the body of the table.
+The \verb"tabular" environment should be used to produce ruled tables;
+it has been modified for the FAC class in the following ways.
+ \item Rules may either be two-thirds or the full width of a page,
+depending on the width of the material in your table. \verb"\hline"
+will produce a rule two-thirds the width and \verb"\fullhline" will
+produce a rule the full width of a page;
+ \item Additional vertical space is inserted on either side of a rule;
+ \item Vertical lines are not produced.
+Commands to redefine quantities such as \verb"\arraystretch" should be
+omitted. For example, Table~\ref{symbols} is produced using the following.
+ \begin{table}
+ \caption{Index of Symbols}
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}ll@{}}
+ \hline
+ Symbol\hspace{1cm} & Meaning \\
+ \hline
+ \whbl & \hbox{Forward closure} \\
+ \blwh & \hbox{Backward closure} \\
+ \blbl & \hbox{Overlap closure} \\
+ \whwh & \hbox{Rule closure} \\
+ $\leadsto$ & \hbox{Rule closure constructor} \\
+ $\bigtriangleup$ & \hbox{Substitution sum} \\
+ $\cdot$ & \hbox{Substitution composition} \\
+ $\sqcup$ & \hbox{Substitution join} \\
+ $\bot$ & \hbox{Coherence relation} \\
+ $-^n$ & \hbox{Substitution operator
+ (exponent)} \\
+ $W_n(-,-)$ & \hbox{Substitution operator
+ (Whale)} \\
+ $T_n(-,-,-)$ & \hbox{Substitution operator
+ (Turtle)} \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \label{symbols}
+ \end{table}
+\subsubsection{Continued captions}
+If a table or figure will not fit onto a single page and has to broken into
+more than one part, the subsequent parts should have a `continued' caption.
+To achieve this, use \verb"\contcaption" instead of \verb"\caption", in the
+subsequent figure or table environments. The \verb"\contcaption" uses exactly
+the same syntax as the normal \verb"\caption" command, except it does not step
+the figure or table counter.
+You should use the standard \LaTeX\ \verb"\appendix" command to place any
+Appendices, normally, AFTER any acknowledgement and references.
+From that point on \verb"\section" commands will produce appendixes, which are
+numbered A, B etc. Equations, figures and tables continue in the same
+numbering sequence as in the main text.
+As with standard \LaTeX, there are two ways of producing a list of
+references; either by compiling a list (using a \verb"thebibliography"
+environment), or by using Bib\TeX\ with a suitable bibliographic database,
+using the standard Bib\TeX\ `\verb"alpha"' style file.
+\subsubsection{References in the text}
+References to published literature should be quoted in text by an
+abbreviation in square brackets of name(s) (three letters) and date
+(two digits) -- this format is consistent with the Bib\TeX\ %
+`\verb"alpha"' style.
+Each entry has a key, which is assigned by the author
+and used to refer to that entry in the text (with \verb"\cite").
+e.g. \verb"\cite{Lam:LaTeX}".
+A new form of the \verb"\cite" command is also provided `\verb"\nbcite"',
+which works in the same way -- except it doesn't put any square brackets
+in the output, allowing more complex citations formats to be constructed.
+\subsubsection{The list of references}
+The following listing shows some references prepared in the style of the
+journal; the code produces the references at the end of this guide.
+ \begin{thebibliography}{Lam94}
+ \bibitem[But81]{But:Copy} Butcher, J.:
+ \emph{Copy-editing: The Cambridge Handbook.}
+ Cambridge University Press, 1981.
+ \bibitem[Chi69]{Chicago}
+ \emph{The Chicago Manual of Style.}
+ University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637, USA, 1982.
+ \bibitem[For84]{For:Program} Forgaard, R.:
+ A Program for Generating and Analyzing Term Rewriting
+ Systems, Master's Thesis, MIT Lab. for Computer Science,
+ 1984.
+ \bibitem[JLR82]{Jou:Recursive} Jouannaud, J. P., Lescanne, P.
+ and Reinig, F.: Recursive Decomposition Ordering,
+ \emph{Proc. Conf. on Formal Description of Programming
+ Concepts II}, pp. 331--346, 1982.
+ \bibitem[Lam94]{Lam:LaTeX} Lamport, L.:
+ \emph{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System (2nd edition).}
+ Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994.
+ \bibitem[Ped85]{Ped:Obtaining} Pederson, J.:
+ Obtaining Complete Sets of Reproductions and Equations
+ without Using Special Unification Algorithms. Unpublished
+ manuscript, 1985.
+ \bibitem[PeS81]{Pet:Complete} Peterson, G. E. and Stickel,
+ M. E.: Complete Sets of Reductions for Some Equational
+ Theories. \emph{J. ACM}, \textbf{28}, 223--264 (1981).
+ \end{thebibliography}
+Where more than one reference is cited having the author(s) and date, the
+letters a,b,c, \ldots\ should follow the date (\eg [Smi88a], [Smi88b],
+\etc.). References should be listed in \verb"thebibliography" environment
+alphabetically by author(s)' name(s) and then by year if the same author
+has several papers.
+Formatting for italic etc.\ should be avoided unless you are sure you
+understand the style of references; please concentrate on giving full and
+clear information.
+ \bibitem[But81]{But:Copy} Butcher, J.:
+ \emph{Copy-editing: The Cambridge Handbook.}
+ Cambridge University Press, 1981.
+ \bibitem[Chi69]{Chicago}
+ \emph{The Chicago Manual of Style.}
+ University of Chicago Press, Chicago 60637, USA, 1982.
+ \bibitem[For84]{For:Program} Forgaard, R.:
+ A Program for Generating and Analyzing Term Rewriting
+ Systems, Master's Thesis, MIT Lab. for Computer Science,
+ 1984.
+ \bibitem[JLR82]{Jou:Recursive} Jouannaud, J. P., Lescanne, P.
+ and Reinig, F.: Recursive Decomposition Ordering,
+ \emph{Proc. Conf. on Formal Description of Programming
+ Concepts II}, pp. 331--346, 1982.
+ \bibitem[Lam94]{Lam:LaTeX} Lamport, L.:
+ \emph{\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System (2nd edition).}
+ Addison-Wesley, New York, 1994.
+ \bibitem[Ped85]{Ped:Obtaining} Pederson, J.:
+ Obtaining Complete Sets of Reproductions and Equations
+ without Using Special Unification Algorithms. Unpublished
+ manuscript, 1985.
+ \bibitem[PeS81]{Pet:Complete} Peterson, G. E. and Stickel,
+ M. E.: Complete Sets of Reductions for Some Equational
+ Theories. \emph{J. ACM}, \textbf{28}, 223--264 (1981).
+\section{Special commands in \texttt{fac.cls}}
+The following is a summary of the new commands, optional arguments and
+environments which have been added to the standard \LaTeX\ user-interface
+in creating the FAC class file.
+\emph{New commands} & \\[3pt]
+\verb"\acceptedline" & sets the `Accepted in revised form' text.\\
+\verb"\contcaption" & produces a continued figure or table caption. e.g.\\
+ & `Figure 1---{\itshape cont.}' This command is used in the
+ same way as the standard \verb"\caption" command.\\
+\verb"\correspond" & sets the text used for the `Correspondence and offprint
+ requests to' footnote on the first page.\\
+\verb"\editor" & sets the editors name for a `Short Communication' paper.\\
+\verb"\makecorrespond" & ensures the `Correspondence and offprint requests to'
+ footnote is typeset. This command is usually used just
+ before \verb"\maketitle".\\
+\verb"\mathproofbox" & as \verb"\proofbox", except this version is intended
+ for use in equations ending proof's (it typesets the
+ proof box using \verb"\rlap" with 1em of extra space).\\
+\verb"\nbcite" & works in the same way as the normal \verb"\cite"
+ command except it doesn't put in the `[ ]'s.\\
+\verb"\newtheorem" & has been modified to create both numbered and unnumbered
+ `theorem' environments.\\
+\verb"\proofbox" & typesets a proof box \proofbox\ (this is normally
+ put in automatically at the end of the \verb"proof"
+ environment). If you need to insert a \verb"\proofbox"
+ manually, you should add a `\verb"\quad"' of
+ space before it in the output.\\
+\verb"\pagerange" & sets the range of pages used by the paper.\\
+\verb"\pubyear" & sets the publication year.\\
+\verb"\receivedline" & sets the `Received' date information.\\
+\verb"\removebrackets" & removes the `(\ )' brackets from the optional
+ argument of environments created by the
+ \verb"\newtheorem" command. Should be placed
+ just before the appropriate environment.\\
+\verb"\removefullpoint" & removes the full point from the next \verb"\caption"
+ command, usually used for continued captions.\\
+\verb"\shortcom" & specifies that this is to be a `Short Communication' paper.\\
+\verb"\volume" & sets the volume number.\\[6pt]
+ \noalign{\vskip 6pt}
+\emph{New environments} & \\[3pt]
+\verb"bottomfigure" & for split figures and captions (on facing page).\\
+\verb"proof" & to typeset mathematical proofs, the \verb"*"-form omits
+ the proof box.\\
+\verb"tabular" & has been modified to insert additional space above
+ and below an \verb"\hline", the table caption
+ and body is centred with rules full out across the
+ text measure. The \verb"tabular" environments old
+ behaviour can be restored by using the
+ \verb"oldtabular" environment.\\[6pt]
+\emph{New optional arguments} & \\[3pt]
+\verb"[<short author>]" & in the \verb"\author" command: to define a left
+ running headline that is different from the
+ authors' names as typeset at the article opening.
+ \ifprodtf The \verb"\shortauthor" command is
+ also provided.\fi \\
+\verb"[<short title>]" & in the \verb"\title" command: to define a right
+ running headline that is different from the article
+ title. \ifprodtf The \verb"\shorttitle" command is
+ also provided.\fi \\
+\verb"[<widest label>]" & in \verb"\begin{enumerate}": to ensure the correct
+ alignment of numbered lists.\\
+\section{Notes for editors}
+This appendix contains additional information which may be useful to
+those who are involved with the final production stages of an article.
+Authors, who are generally not typesetting the final pages in the
+journal's typeface (Monotype Times), do not need this information.
+\subsection{Setting the production typeface}
+The global \verb"\documentclass" option `\verb"prodtf"' sets up
+\verb"fac.cls" to typeset in the production typeface -- Monotype Times.
+ \documentclass[prodtf]{fac}
+\subsection{Catchline commands}
+To be placed in the preamble:
+\item \verb"\pubyear{}"
+\item \verb"\pagerange{}"
+\item \verb"\volume{}"
+If a footnote falls at the bottom of a page, it is possible for the
+footnote to appear on the following page (a feature of \TeX ). Check
+for this.
+\subsection{Landscape material}
+The add on package \verb"FACland" provides macros for landscape figures and
+tables. See the \verb"FACland" guide for further information.
+\subsection{Figures with split artwork/captions}
+When a figure is too large to fit on a page with it's caption, you can use
+the following procedure to place the figure, and then it's caption at the foot
+of the facing page. First set the figure with a short caption
+using the normal \verb"figure" environment, e.g.
+ \begin{figure}
+ ...
+ \caption{For caption see facing page.}
+ \end{figure}
+Then set the correct (long) caption, so that it appears on the facing page:
+ \begin{bottomfigure}
+ \addtocounter{figure}{-1}
+ \caption{This is the long caption...}
+ \end{bottomfigure}
+If the figure falls on a recto, you may have to move the \verb"bottomfigure"
+environment to before the \verb"figure" environment. In this case you need to
+move the \verb"\addtocounter" command into the \verb"figure" environment
+The \verb"bottomfigure" environment places a full measure rule above the
+bottom-caption automatically.
+\section{Macros provided by \texttt{FAC2esym.sty}}
+\subsection{Automatic font/character changes}
+\item The \verb|\le|, \verb|\leq|, \verb|\ge|, \verb|\geq| commands
+use the equivalent AMS slanted symbols:
+\oldle \oldleq \oldge \oldgeq
+ \lra
+\le \leq \ge \geq
+The normal characters can be obtained by using the \verb|\old| form
+(\eg \verb|\oldge|).
+\subsection{Additional fonts}
+\item The complete AMS symbols are available using the normal names:
+\hbox{\verb"\boxdot \boxplus \boxtimes"} \lra \boxdot \boxplus \boxtimes
+\item Blackboard bold:
+\hbox{\verb"$\mathbb{ABC}$"} %%% \lra \mathbb{ABC}
+\item Fraktur/Gothic (bold math version available):
+ \hbox{\verb"$\mathfrak{ABC}$"} %%% \lra \mathfrak{ABC}
+\item Monotype Script (bold math version available):
+\[ \verb"$\mathscr{ABCabc}$ " \lra \mathscr{ABCabc} \]
+\[ \verb"$\mathbscr{ABCabc}$" \lra \mathbscr{ABCabc} \]
+You may still use \verb"\mathcal" to obtain upper-case Script characters.
+\item Upright Greek: The \verb"\mathup" and \verb"\mathbup" macros are provided to obtain
+upright lowercase Greek characters.
+\[ \verb"$\mathup{\alpha}$ " \lra \mathup{\alpha} \]
+\[ \verb"$\mathbup{\alpha}$" \lra \mathbup{\alpha} \]
+All of the lower-case Greek letters are pre-defined.
+\item Bold math italic/symbols are provided by the \verb"\boldsymbol" macro
+(from the \verb"amsbsy" package). The \verb"\bmath" macro is provided as
+an alias.
+The \verb"FAC2esym" package also defines most of the
+symbols from Appendix F of the \TeX book. These can be obtained by using
+their normal (unbold) symbol name prefixed with a `b'. e.g.\ \verb|\nabla|
+becomes \verb|\bnabla|. The only exception to this rule is \verb|\eta|,
+which whould lead to a clash with \verb|\beta|. In this case use
+\verb|\boldeta| for bold eta.
+The problem with space disappearing around certain
+bold math symbols (\verb"\bcdot") does not happen, when using the
+\verb"amsbsy" package.
+\item The \verb"\textsf*" and \verb"\mathsf*" macros are redefined to
+use the correct Monotype Helvetica fonts.