path: root/macros/latex/contrib/examplep
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/examplep
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/examplep')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/examplep/eurotex_2005_examplep.pdfbin0 -> 364081 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/examplep/houses.pdfbin0 -> 963 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/examplep/pexaminipage.pdfbin0 -> 21033 bytes
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/examplep/shorthyp_t1xtts.pdfbin0 -> 959 bytes
13 files changed, 6563 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/README b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f729aea71f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/README
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+Verbatim phrases and listings in LaTeX
+README by at Sun Jan 16 15:33:24 CET 2005
+This directory contains the examplep LaTeX package, which provides
+sophisticated features for typesetting verbatim source code listings,
+including the display of the source code and its compiled LaTeX or METAPOST
+output side-by-side, with automatic width detection and enabled page breaks
+(in the source), without the need for specifying the source twice. Special
+care is taken so section, page and footnote numbers do not interfere with the
+main document. For typesetting short verbatim phrases, a replacement for the
+\verb command is also provided in the package, which can be used inside
+tables and moving arguments such as footnotes and section titles. The
+listings package is used for syntax highlighting.
+The article (eurotex_2005_examplep.pdf) reviews the design decisions made
+during the package development and also presents some interesting
+implementation internals. examplep is compared to standard LaTeX packages
+such as listings, ltxdoc, sverb and moreverb. The new codep package and its
+accomanying Perl script, which provide a convenient interface to the examplep
+package for authors of manuals, is also presented. With codep it is possible
+to generate the source code, the LaTeX or METAPOST output and the compilable
+example file onto the CD from a single source embedded into the appropriate
+place of the .tex document file.
+The software is free software, covered by the GNU GPL v2.0 or later.
+There is NO WARRANTY.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/codep.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/codep.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a12ed691ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/codep.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,447 @@
+% codep.sty -- typeset Source and Sample, and dump Source to an external file
+% by at Wed Jan 5 22:38:29 CET 2005
+\ProvidesPackage{codep}[2005/01/01 v0.01 typeset Source and Sample, dump to file]
+% Some docs in Hungarian
+% --- \begin{code} (WF és pts tervezése, a dokumentációt is ketten írták)
+% A pelda, peldak, kod környezetek továbbra is működnek, de használatuk
+% nem javasolt. Helyettük létrejön a megszűnnek, helyettük marad a `code'
+% környezet. A környezet alakja:
+% \begin{code}
+% j szöveg
+% j szöveg
+% \end{code}
+% ahol 'j' egy egykarakteres jel, 'szöveg' pedig a kódszöveg.
+% 'j' lehetséges értékei v,f,d,l,p,0,t,b,<,>, ,c,o,2,e. Ezek a jelek
+% osztályokba vannak sorolva, az osztályok sorrendje meg van kötve, de az
+% egy osztályba tartozók sorrendje tetszőleges. Az osztályokat Nagy
+% betűvel jelöljük, de ez csak a kommunikációt segíti, egyébként nem
+% használjuk sehol.
+% Minden _osztályhoz_ tartozik egy default jelsorozat (default
+% argumentummokkal). Ha egy osztály kimarad, akkor ez a default lefut.
+% Azt kell vezérelnünk, hogy a code kódja hova menjen, és ott hogy
+% jelenjen meg! Mehet *kód*ba (régen ez volt a kod környezet), mehet
+% *kód*ba, és mellé *output*ba (régen ezt csinálta a pelda
+% környezet), és az előző két változattól függetlenül mehet egy
+% *fájl*ba, ami egyből futtatható is, és a CD-n mellékeljük!
+% osztály
+% jel default jelentés
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% F |f |(nincs _).tex |a teljes kód bekerül egy fájlba:
+% | | |f nev.tex -> 2_63_nev.tex
+% | | |A .tex kiterjesztést is kötelező kiírni!
+% |v | |azonnal C-be lép D,L,P,B,E default-jait
+% | | | megüresítve. Megadható `v .mp', ekkor
+% | | | alakú file fog keletkezni.
+% |f! | |f!nev.tex -> nev.tex
+% |v! | |v! ->
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% G | | |ide visz egy F-beli parancs
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% D |d |\documentclass{article} |a LaTeX-fájl első sora -> fájl
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% L |l |\usepackage[latin2]{inputenc} -> fájl
+% | |\usepackage[T1]{fontenc} ha nem e három sort akarjuk, akkor egy
+% | |\usepackage[magyar]{babel} üres l törli, és a p-be írjuk az újat.
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% P |p 0| |preambulumba -> fájl
+% |t | |ha kódba is -> fájl + kód(%^)
+% | | |pl. `t \usepackage{foo}
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% B |b |\begin{document} | -> fájl
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% C |< c| | -> kód + fájl
+% |> o| | -> könyvbeli output
+% | 2| | (` ' vagy `2 ') -> kód + output + fájl
+% |w | | -> fájl
+% |s | | -> kód
+% |% | | komment, sehova nem kerül be
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% E |e |\end{document} | -> fájl
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% Z | | |ide visz az \end{code}
+% --+---+-------------------------+------------------------------------
+% A kiírásnál az alábbi korlátok (lennének) érvényesek:
+% -- a file mindenképpen soremelésre végződik (TeX \write tulajdonsága)
+% -- a file-nak muszáj kiterjesztést adni (egyébként .tex lenne). Ha nem
+% kívánkunk kiterjesztést, akkor `.noext' legyen (TeX \openout
+% tulajdonsága)
+% -- a sorvégi szóközök törlődnek (akkor is, ha csak szóköz van a sorban)
+% -- az ékezetes betűk ^^-pal íródnak ki ( pl. á -> ^^e1), hacsak nem
+% `latex --translate-file cp8bit.tcx'-et futtatunk (nem
+% `--translate-file il2-t1.tcx'-et, mert az a DVI-ben levő ő-t elrontja)
+% Ez információvesztéssel jár, mert mi van, ha eleve ^^-ot akartunk volna
+% kiírni?
+% -- nehézkes elkerülni, hogy ne generálódjon két azonos nevű file
+% (ugyanazon az oldalon, ugyanabban a fejezetben két \begin{pelda}
+% -- a régi peldak környezetben a sorhatárok elvesznek
+% Éppen ezért a file-ba írást nem a TeX-hel csináltatjuk, hanem egy Perl
+% script-et fogok írni, ami az .aux file alapján dolgozik:
+% ` master.aux'. Ezt nyilván a LaTeX futtatása után kell majd
+% futtatni. Ennek a megoldásnak a tulajdonságai:
+% -- (hátrány) \begin{code} és társai nem hívhatók olyan .tex file-ból,
+% amely más .tex file-okat betölt; és a főfile-on kívül csak olyan
+% file-ból hívható, ami \input{...}-tal vagy \include{...}-dal (kapcsos
+% zárójel kötelező!) lett betöltve (ez amiatt van, hogy a TeX-ben nem
+% kérdezhető le az aktuális file neve)
+% -- ha az \end{code} előtti soremelés vagy belekerül a file-ba vagy nem
+% -- nem kötelező a kiterjesztés a filenév végén
+% -- sorvégi szóközök megmaradnak
+% -- ékezetes betűk megmaradnak
+% -- a sorhatárok \begin{peldak}-ban sem vesznek el
+% -- a \begin{code} után közvetlenül a szóközök elnyelődnek, majd 0 vagy 1
+% soremelés is elnyelődik
+% -- a \begin{peldak} output-ba kerülő részében (a kommentektől eltekintve)
+% helyesen kell egymásba ágyazni a kapcsoszárójeleket!
+% -- akár Unicode-ös szövegfájl is létrehozható
+% A régi környezetek működése:
+% -- \begin{kod}: \begin{code}-ként működik, csupa `< ' jellel. Ez például
+% azt jelenti, hogy a nyelvspecifikus részeket (babel csomag, L osztály)
+% mindig kiírja a fájlba!
+% -- \begin{pelda}: \begin{code}-ként működik, csupa `2 ' jellel
+% -- \begin{peldak}: \begin{code}-ként működik, `< ' és `> ' jelekkel
+% Az output-ba kerülő részben (a kommentektől eltekintve) helyesen kell
+% egymásba ágyazni a kapcsoszárójeleket!
+% Tipikus használatok:
+% 1. Nem magyar szöveg -- mindhárom helyre
+% \begin{code}
+% f nembonyolult.tex
+% l
+% Not so complicated!
+% \end{code}
+% Az eredmény kimentődik pl. a 2_63_nembonyolult.tex nevű állományba,
+% ahol 2 a fejezet sorszáma, 63 az aktuális oldalszám.
+% [pts] Az oldalszám kinyeréséhez \ref-et kell majd csinálni.
+% 2. Magyar szöveg -- mindhárom helyre
+% \begin{code}
+% ÁRVÍZTŰRŐ tükörfúrógép.
+% \end{code}
+% Az eredmény kimentődik a 2_63.tex állományba, ahol 2 a fejezet
+% sorszáma, 63 az aktuális oldalszám (kerüljük ezt a laza módszert,
+% az f-et adjuk meg!)
+% 3. Nem magyar szöveg csomaggal, és nem írjuk ki fájlba
+% \begin{code}
+% f
+% l
+% p \usepackage{amsmath}
+% \[1+1 \text{ equals to } 2\]
+% \end{code}
+% 4. Nem magyar szöveg csomaggal -- de lássuk a könyvbeli kódon is,
+% hogy milyen csomagot kell betölteni:
+% \begin{code}
+% l
+% t \usepackage{amsmath}
+% \[1+1 \text{ equals to } 2\]
+% \end{code}
+% (pts írja: ekkor a könyvbeli kód százalékjellel fog kezdődni, mivel
+% minden t-s sor százalékjelet szúr be: `%^\usepackage{amsmath}'
+% 5. Hazudunk, és mást írunk a kódba, mint az outputba:
+% \begin{code}
+% f filename.tex
+% < \author{Szerző}
+% < \date{}
+% > \centering Szerző\\
+% > 2004 augusztus 20.
+% \end{code}
+% 6. Ha valami más kódot közlünk teljes egészében
+% \begin{code}
+% v!mikulaska.eps
+% < %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-2.0
+% < %%Title: mikulaska.eps
+% < %%Creator: fig2dev Version 3.2 Patchlevel 3d
+% < %%CreationDate: Mon Oct 27 17:01:57 2003
+% < %%...és így tovább
+% \end{code}
+% `% ' type
+ \begingroup
+ \verbfwr@default@acts% superfluous, will be overridden
+ \let\verbfwr@actemitdone\codep@code@done
+ \let\verbfwr@actemitlineone\codep@code@lineone
+ \let\verbfwr@actemitline\codep@code@line
+ \verbfwr@safespc% \catcode32 13
+ \def\codep@code@@curclass{F}%
+ \edef\codep@code@@inputlineno{\the\inputlineno}%
+ \global\let\pexa@@cursourcename\relax
+ \global\let\pexa@@cursamplename\relax
+ \ifhmode\unskip\fi% before \write. Strange: why is it needed for \immediate\write
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write% no more after this
+ % Dat: too late for \ifhmode\unskip\fi
+ \endgroup% undo \catcode changes, see above
+ \ifx\pexa@@cursamplename\relax
+ \ifx\pexa@@cursourcename\relax\else
+ \PexaShowSource{srcstyle=leftnumhang}%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \immediate\closeout\codep@code@samplefile
+ \ifx\pexa@@cursourcename\relax\else% Dat: there may be only Sample => don't show anything
+ \PexaShowBoth{srcstyle=leftnumhang}%
+ %\aftergroup\PexaShowBoth\aftergroup{\aftergroup}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ % Dat: no more \endgroup here, for \if@endpe
+ \aftergroup\clubpenalty\aftergroup\@clubpenalty% fundamental LaTeX design flaw -- BUGFIX at Fri Apr 16 00:32:04 CEST 2004
+\def\codep@code@lineone{\let\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty}% std
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\codep@code@line@a
+ \expandafter\codep@code@@prefix\VerbFwrLines\hfuzz
+\begingroup\lccode\string`~\string`\ \lowercase{\endgroup
+%** Add spaces into the beginning if line length < 2
+ \ifx#1\hfuzz\expandafter\codep@code@line@c\expandafter~\expandafter~\expandafter\hfuzz
+ \else\expandafter\codep@code@line@b\expandafter#1\fi
+ \ifx#2\hfuzz\expandafter\codep@code@line@c\expandafter#1\expandafter~\expandafter\hfuzz
+ \else\expandafter\codep@code@line@c\expandafter#1\expandafter#2\fi
+}% \lowercase
+ %%[(#1)(#2)#3]%
+ \edef\codep@code@@curcmd{\string#1\string#2}%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname codep@code@\codep@code@@curcmd\endcsname\relax
+ \PackageError{lb}{Unknown code command \string`\codep@code@@curcmd'}\@eha
+ % Dat: no other commands of pattern `\codep@code@..'
+ \else
+ \csname codep@code@\codep@code@@curcmd\endcsname{#3}%
+ \fi
+%** @param #1 uppercase letter token: [FGDLPBCE]
+%** @expands to positive class number or 0
+ \if#1F1\else\if#1G2\else\if#1D3\else\if#1L4\else\if#1P5\else
+ \if#1B6\else\if#1C7\else\if#1E8\else\if#1Z9\else0\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \@tempcnta\expandafter\codep@code@classnum\codep@code@@curclass\relax
+ \@tempcntb\codep@code@classnum#1\relax
+ % ^^^ Dat: need these because of the cascaded \if
+ %%\showthe\@tempcnta \showthe\@tempcntb
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta>\@tempcntb
+ \PackageError{lb}{Code command \string`\codep@code@@curcmd' too late (class \codep@code@@curclass\space> #1)}\@ehc
+ \fi
+ \ifnum\@tempcnta<2 \ifnum\@tempcntb>2 % class F missing
+ % Imp: make class 0 the default
+ \codep@code@setwfile1{}%
+ \fi\fi
+ % vvv Dat: don't set \codep@code@@curcmd here
+ % vvv Dat: no need for this, the Perl script will do this
+ %\loop\ifnum\@tempcnta<\@tempcntb% call defaults
+ % \ifcase\@tempcnta\or% F
+ % \or% G
+ % \or\csname\codep@code@d \endcsname{\string\documentclass{article}}% D
+ % \or\csname\codep@code@l \endcsname{\string\usepackage[latin2]{inputenc}}% L
+ % \csname\codep@code@l \endcsname{\string\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}}% L
+ % \csname\codep@code@l \endcsname{\string\usepackage[magyar]babel}}% L
+ % \fi
+ % \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+ %\repeat
+ \def\codep@code@@curclass{#1}%
+% ^^^ Dat: \jobname never has `.tex', even if it was specified in the cmdline
+% ^^^ Imp: what if \jobname is
+% 1\string.#2 #3\hfuzz{%
+\def\codep@code@setfile#1 #2#3{%
+ \edef\reserved@a{#3}% usually .tex or .fd
+ \ifx\reserved@a\codep@code@@tex
+ \immediate\write\m@ne{Input File: #1#2}% .log file
+ \global\edef\codep@code@@inputfile{#1#2}% Imp: strip space
+ \fi
+%** Overrides latex.ltx
+%** Called for \include{...} and \input{...} (but not for `\input ... ')
+\long\def \InputIfFileExists#1#2{%
+ \IfFileExists{#1}{#2\@addtofilelist{#1}%
+ \edef\@filef@und{\expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\@filef@und}% reset catcodes
+ \filename@parse{#1}%
+ % vvv Dat: \@filef@und always ends by ` '
+ \ifx\filename@ext\relax
+ \def\filename@ext{tex}% no ext specified
+ \expandafter\codep@code@setfile\@filef@und{.tex}{\filename@ext}%
+ \else
+ \expandafter\codep@code@setfile\@filef@und{}{\filename@ext}%
+ \fi
+ \@@input \@filef@und}}
+%** @param #1 0|1: emit automatic filename prefix?
+ %\protected@write\@auxout{}{\string\@gobble{code:\thechapter_\thepage_#1}}%
+ % vvv Dat: written at EOP with correct page number
+ % vvv Dat: this is not the final filename, will adjust it two
+ % files will have the same name (e.g 1_4.tex)
+ \protected@write\@auxout{}{\string\@gobble{code:\codep@code@@inputfile:\codep@code@@inputlineno:%
+ \if\noexpand#10\else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname thechapter\endcsname\relax\else\thechapter_\fi
+ \thepage
+ \ifx\hfuzz#2\hfuzz.tex\else_\fi
+ \fi
+ #2}}%
+\def \CodeDefaultD{\codep@code@default{d}}
+%** @example \begin{CodeDefaultL}
+%** \usepackage[latin2]{inputenc}
+%** \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}
+%** \usepackage[english]{babel}
+%** \end{CodeDefaultL}
+\def \CodeDefaultL{\codep@code@default{l}}
+\def \CodeDefaultB{\codep@code@default{b}}
+\def \CodeDefaultE{\codep@code@default{e}}
+%** @param #1 one of d, l, b, e
+ \AtBeginDocument{\immediate\write\@auxout{\string\@gobble{cd#1:\codep@code@defaultlname{#1}}}}%
+ \immediate\openout\verbfwr@writefile\codep@code@defaultlname{#1}\relax
+ \let\verbfwr@writecs\verbfwr@writefile
+ \let\verbfwr@actwriteline\verbfwr@writeline
+ \verbfwr@default@acts
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write}% finish this \cs here
+\@namedef{codep@code@f }#1{%
+ \codep@code@toclass{F}%
+ \codep@code@toclass{G}%
+ \codep@code@setwfile1{#1}%
+ \codep@code@toclass{F}%
+ \codep@code@toclass{G}%
+ \ifx\hfuzz#1\hfuzz \PackageWarning{lb}{Empty filename to write}\@eha
+ \else\codep@code@setwfile0{#1}\fi
+\@namedef{codep@code@v }#1{%
+ \codep@code@toclass{F}%
+ \def\codep@code@@curclass{C}% ignore middle classes; also omts E (by
+ \codep@code@setwfile1{#1}%
+ \codep@code@toclass{F}%
+ \def\codep@code@@curclass{C}% ignore middle classes
+ \ifx\hfuzz#1\hfuzz \PackageWarning{lb}{Empty filename to write}\@eha
+ \else\codep@code@setwfile0{#1}\fi
+\@namedef{codep@code@d }#1{\codep@code@toclass{D}}
+\@namedef{codep@code@l }#1{\codep@code@toclass{L}}
+\@namedef{codep@code@p }#1{\codep@code@toclass{P}}
+ \csname codep@code@0 \endcsname \csname codep@code@p \endcsname
+%** Prefix to show in Source in front of `t '
+% WF %= is changed for %^ as it suggests taking up
+\@namedef{codep@code@t }#1{%
+ \codep@code@toclass{P}%
+ \expandafter\codep@code@tosource\expandafter{\codep@code@tprefix#1}%
+ % Dat: will write to CDfile
+\@namedef{codep@code@w }#1{\codep@code@toclass{C}}%
+\@namedef{codep@code@\@percentchar\space}#1{\codep@code@toclass{C}}% Dat: must change classes, because that's how is implemented
+\@namedef{codep@code@\string< }#1{%
+ \codep@code@toclass{C}%
+ \codep@code@tosource{#1}%
+\@namedef{codep@code@x }#1{%
+ \codep@code@toclass{C}%
+ \codep@code@tosample{#1}%
+ \csname codep@code@c \endcsname \csname codep@code@\string< \endcsname
+ \csname codep@code@s \endcsname \csname codep@code@\string< \endcsname
+\@namedef{codep@code@\string> }#1{%
+ \codep@code@toclass{C}%
+ \codep@code@tosample{#1}%
+ \csname codep@code@o \endcsname \csname codep@code@\string> \endcsname
+\@namedef{codep@code@ \space}#1{%
+ \codep@code@toclass{C}%
+ \codep@code@tosource{#1}%
+ \codep@code@tosample{#1}%
+ \csname codep@code@2 \endcsname \csname codep@code@ \space\endcsname
+\@namedef{codep@code@e }#1{\codep@code@toclass{E}}
+\@namedef{codep@code@b }#1{\codep@code@toclass{B}}
+ \ifx\pexa@@cursourcename\relax
+ \global\let\pexa@@cursourcename\pexa@@sourcename
+ \immediate\openout\verbfwr@writefile\pexa@@sourcename\relax
+ \fi
+ \immediate\write\verbfwr@writefile{#1}%
+ % !! page number, not \immediate
+ %%source[#1]%
+ \ifx\pexa@@cursamplename\relax
+ \ifx\codep@code@samplefile\@undefined
+ \newwrite\codep@code@samplefile
+ \fi
+ \global\let\pexa@@cursamplename\pexa@@samplename
+ \immediate\openout\codep@code@samplefile\pexa@@samplename\relax
+ \fi
+ \immediate\write\codep@code@samplefile{#1}%
+ %%sample[#1]%
+ \ifx\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty\else
+ \PackageWarning{lb}{Empty \string\begin{code}}%
+ \fi
+ \codep@code@toclass{Z}%
+ \ifx\pexa@@cursourcename\relax\else
+ \immediate\closeout\verbfwr@writefile \fi
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/eurotex_2005_examplep.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/eurotex_2005_examplep.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..952be1fdab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/eurotex_2005_examplep.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/eurotex_2005_examplep.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/eurotex_2005_examplep.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e6052aca4d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/eurotex_2005_examplep.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1848 @@
+% eurotex_2005_examplep.tex
+% by at Thu Nov 11 20:44:25 CET 2004
+% -- Wed Jan 12 00:42:06 CET 2005
+% Dat: this is the supposed final version of the article, without corrections
+% Dat: required houses.{eps,pdf} pexaminipage.{eps,pdf} shorthyp_t1xtts.{eps,pdf}
+% Dat: auxilary files: eurotex_2005_examplep.bib ttt.tex
+% OK: eliminate Overfull \hbox{}es
+% OK: submit to CTAN
+\usepackage[latin2]{inputenc}% Dat: because of `á' etc.; also ÷
+\usepackage{graphicx}% Dat: after Babel
+% Dat: for \documentclass[a4paper]{article}
+\special{\string!\expandafter\expandafter\csname @gobble\endcsname
+ \string\%xdvi.dvo: -expert -s 6 -xoffset -1.54cm -yoffset -1.54cm
+ -paper 12.8cmx23cm} % -xoffset 7mm -yoffset 13mm -paper 385ptx576pt}
+\title{Verbatim phrases and listings in {\LaTeX}}
+\author{P\'eter Szab\'o $\langle$\texttt{}$\rangle$
+\thanks{Thanks to Ferenc Wettl for the fruitful long discussion about the
+line syntax of the \texttt{code} environment, and also for reviewing the
+\normalsize Budapest University of Technology and Ecomomics,\\[-3pt]
+\normalsize Department of Analysis,\\[-3pt]
+\normalsize M\H{u}egyetem rakpart 3--9.,\\[-3pt]
+\normalsize Budapest, Hungary H-1111}
+ \toks0{#1}\edef\next{\the\toks0}%
+ %\dimen0=\the\fontdimen2\font % Dat: disable spaces, `=' is required here
+ \dimen0\fontdimen2\font % Dat: disable spaces, `=' is required here
+ %\showthe\dimen0
+ \fontdimen2\font=0pt
+ {\expandafter\stripit\meaning\next}% Dat: grouping to keep \dimen0
+ \unskip % Dat: strip final space, possibly after command
+ \fontdimen2\font=\dimen0
+ %\showthe\dimen0
+ \endgroup}
+%** So \verb+÷+ works.
+ The \textsf{examplep} package written by the author recently provides
+ sophisticated features for typesetting verbatim source code listings,
+ including the display of the source code and its compiled \LaTeX{} or
+ \textsf{METAPOST} output side-by-side, with automatic width detection and
+ enabled page breaks (in the source), without the need for specifying the
+ source twice. Special care is taken so section, page and footnote numbers
+ do not interfere with the main document. For typesetting short verbatim
+ phrases, a replacement for the \verb+\verb+ command is also provided
+ in the package, which can be used inside tables and moving arguments such as
+ footnotes and section titles. The listings package is used for syntax
+ highlighting.
+ The article reviews the design decisions
+ made during the package development and also presents some interesting
+ implementation internals. \textsf{examplep} is compared to standard
+ \LaTeX{} packages such as \textsf{listings}, \textsf{ltxdoc},
+ \textsf{sverb} and \textsf{moreverb}. The new \textsf{codep} package and
+ its accomanying \textsf{Perl} script,
+ which provide a convenient interface to the \textsf{examplep} package for
+ authors of manuals, is also presented. With \textsf{codep} it is possible
+ to generate the source code, the \LaTeX{} or \textsf{METAPOST} output and
+ the compilable example file onto the CD from a single source embedded
+ into the appropriate place of the \texttt{.tex} document file.
+%%%WF A CD-re irasnak semmi koze a lenyeghez, sajnos a dolgozat
+%%% hatralevo reszeben is folyton CD-file es egyebekrol szolsz, de
+%%% valojaban csak arrol van szo, hogy kulon file-ba irjuk a
+%%% futtathato kodot (amit aztan a web-re, CD-re, DVD-re... lehet tenni).
+%% -- kellett neki nevet adni, ez lett
+\item[verbatim text] A visually distinguishable textual part of the
+ document (usually typeset with a monospaced, or typewriter font) that is
+ allowed to contain the full ASCII character set. Verbatim text is often
+ used to typeset parts of program source files, including \TeX{} source.
+ Verbatim text must be marked up (i.e.\ surrounded)
+ in the source of the \LaTeX{}
+ document, so backslash and other control characters are typeset verbatim
+ instead of being interpreted as commands or special \LaTeX{} characters.
+%%%WF a kovetkezo 2 def nem pontos, nem biztos, hogy paragrafusok kozt
+%%% van a kiemelt verbatim. Sorban? vagy sorok kozt van?
+%% -- lehetne még pontosítani, de szerintem ebből rögtön lehet tudni, mire
+%% gondolok
+\item[inline verbatim] A verbatim text passage inside a paragraph
+ or table cell.
+\item[display verbatim] is a vertical verbatim text block between
+ paragraphs.
+\item[side-by-side display]
+ When typesetting program source in a display verbatim, it is often
+ desirable to show the output of the program as well. This is especially
+ useful when teaching scripting languages, so the reader can see the
+ command and its effect side-by-side in a quick glance. For \TeX{} or
+ \textsf{METAPOST} sources and EPS and PDF source files it is also useful to
+ see the source and the typeset result side-by-side.
+\item[Source and Sample]
+ Side-by-side displays can be divided to \emph{Source} and \emph{Sample},
+ the latter being program output or typeset material.
+ Files accompanying a book, usually on a CD or DVD shipped with the book,
+ or avalable for download on the home page of the book. These
+ files usually contain some of the display verbatim material in the book,
+ so readers do not have to retype them.
+\section{Special characters in the \LaTeX{} source}
+The special meaning of the input characters in the source file must be
+disabled in verbatim mode -- except for the character(s) that delimit the end
+of the verbatim text. The following characters have to be dealt with:
+\item[ASCII symbols] The ligatures have to be disabled, especially \verb+?`+ $\to$
+\texttt{?`} etc. The safest way is to make both characters of such a ligature
+active, and %then
+defining \verb+\def?{\relax\string?\relax}+
+and \verb+\def`{\relax\string`+\allowbreak\verb+\relax}+. \hskip0pt
+minus3.3pt\relax \textsf{examplep} issues similar
+definitions covering all such ligatures in the OT1- and T1-encoded CM fonts.
+\item[ASCII letters] Most verbatim fonts don't contain the ``fi'' or similar
+ligatures, so \textsf{examplep} takes no care to disable them.
+\item[special \TeX{} source symbols] To disable the special meaning of the symbols
+\verb+$+ %%%$
+\textsf{examplep} redefines their \verb+\catcode+ for display verbatim.
+However, catcode changes are not always appriopriate for inline verbatim,
+so \textsf{examplep} provides \verb+\÷+ (see below) which doesn't change
+catcodes at all.
+\item[other ASCII punctuation] Some of these characters (%
+\verb+=+) may be active, for example, \verb+~+ is ÷\nobreakspace÷,
+\verb+`+ is a Babel shorthand (e.g.\ in the Hungarian language module,
+\textsf{magyar.ldf}); \verb+"+ is a Babel shorthand (e.g\ in the German
+language module); \verb+?+, \verb+!+, \verb+:+ and \verb+;+ are activated
+(e.g.\ by the French language module), and other characters may be activated,
+too. So \textsf{examplep} sets the catcode of all characters in the range
+$33\ldots126$ to other (12). This includes all ASCII punctuation, letter and
+digit characters.
+\item[double carets] For example, the letter
+``J'' can be input as its ASCII code in hex,
+prefixed by double carets: \verb+^^4a+. However, in verbatim mode we want the
+4 characters, not the letter {J}. There is no problem in inline verbatim
+mode, because \verb+^+ loses its special meaning once its catcode is changed.
+However, when the verbatim material is written to a file or to the terminal,
+\TeX{} may change ``unprintable'' characters to escapes prefixed by \verb+^^+.
+These changes must be reverted when reading the file back. See Subsection
+\ref{tcx} for more.
+\item[high characters] Input characters in the range $128\ldots255$ are
+usually activated by the \textsf{inputenc} package, and they know how to
+typeset themselves -- so \textsf{examplep} leaves the catcode of such
+characters intact. However, in some modes, \textsf{examplep} has already
+changed all catcodes to 12 and 10 (with \verb+\meaning+), so it has to change
+the catcodes of such high codes back to 13 (active).
+\section{Features of \textsf{examplep}}
+These are the most important, unique features:
+\item layout of side-by-side display may depend on maximum Source width
+\item automatic hyphenation of inline verbatim. The text is divided into
+ words and punctuation symbols (based on catcodes). For words, the normal
+ \TeX{} hyphenation patterns apply, and it is allowed to break the line on
+ both sides of a punctuation symbol.
+\item customizable isolation of page, section etc.\ numbers in the Sample
+ and the host document with the \texttt{PexaMiniPage} environment
+\item besides the outer level, inline verbatim (when properly escaped inside
+ \verb+\Q+ or \verb+\÷+) works safely inside macro arguments, section
+ titles, footnotes, table cells and index entries
+\item generated CD-files with automatic page and chapter number
+\item writing verbatim data to CD-files with a \textsf{Perl} script; exact,
+ binary reproduction of verbatim text is guaranteed
+\item ability to write different material to Source, Sample and CD-files
+\item the accents \verb+\H+ and \verb+\.+ work as expected with monospaced
+ fonts in the OT1 encoding. By default, \verb+\texttt{\H o}+ produces
+ \hbox to0pt{\verb+}+\hss}\verb+o+ in OT1 encoding, because such
+ typewriter fonts (such as \textit{cmtt10}) have those accents
+%%%WF repaced
+ replaced
+ by ASCII symbols. \textsf{examplep} solves the problem by getting the
+ accent from the \textit{cmr} font family.
+\noindent Some other features:
+\item side-by-side display of the Source and the Sample
+\item between-word hypenation of inline verbatim
+\item customizable left and right indentation of display verbatim
+\item specifying inline verbatim with nested braces (\verb+\PVerb+,
+ \verb+\Q+) or terminating character (\verb+\PVerb+, \verb+÷+, \verb+\÷+)
+\item automatic line breaks with hyphenation in display verbatim
+\item the discretionary hyphen (\verb+\hyphenchar+) of verbatim text is
+ different from the one in normal text
+\item line numbering in display verbatim
+\item writing to temporary files only if needed
+\item reading back contents of any file in display verbatim
+%\item writing verbatim data to temporary files (\verb+^+\relax\verb+^+ab, .tcx)
+% Dat: not a feature: automatic \textsf{METAPOST} processing, see the \texttt{eempost} package
+\item inline verbatim with a single character ($\div$) and its escaped
+ version (\textbackslash$\div$ and \verb+\Q+)
+\item automatic \verb+\indent+\allowbreak/\allowbreak\verb+\noindent+,
+ based on empty line above \verb+\begin{...}+
+\item ISO Latin accented input character support in all modes (also present
+ in \verb+\verb+)
+\item support for syntax highlighting with the \textsf{listings} package
+ \cite{listings}
+%%%WF a (\cite{...}) kicserelendo \cite{...} -re az EGESZ DOLGOZATBAN,
+%%% nem kell kerek zarojel, ott van mar a szogletes
+%% -- javítva
+\item emits a tab as eight spaces in normal mode, but tabs are supported
+ properly with \texttt{ttlistings=yes} and \texttt{ttlistings=showtabs}
+\item simple side-by-side display emulation without temporary files,
+ using \texttt{src\allowbreak style=leftboth} or \texttt{srcstyle=leftleft}
+\subsection{Escaped mode of inline verbatim locations}\label{escaped}
+For compatibility reasons, \textsf{examplep} doesn't change the original
+%%%WF ÷\verb+ and ÷\verb*+
+\verb+\verb+ and \verb+\verb*+
+commands in any way, but defines its own commands:
+\verb+\PVerb+, \verb+\PVerbH+, \verb+\PVerbInner+,
+\verb+\PVerbOpt+, \verb+\Q+, \verb+÷+ and \verb+\÷+. Most of the
+commands are historical. For new documents, only the use of
+\verb+\PVerbOpt+, \verb+\Q+, \verb+÷+ and \verb+\÷+ is recommended. Some of
+these commands have to be activated with package load options:
+\verb+\usepackage[Q=yes,div=yes,bsdiv=yes]{examplep}+. The reason why
+\verb+÷+ was introduced is that it is a high Latin-1 (and Latin-2) character
+available on the Hungarian keyboard, which is usually not used in \LaTeX{}
+documents (in fact, \verb+$\div$+ is used instead). Inline verbatim sources
+with such a character are compact, and they can contain all ASCII symbols.
+\caption{Contexts and features of inline verbatim commands}\label{contexts}
+ & outer& argument& tablular& elsewhere& escaped \\\midrule
+\verb+\verb+ & + & $-$$^1$ & + & $-$$^1$ & no \\
+\verb+\PVerbOpt+ & + & +$^2$ & + & $-$ & no \\
+\verb+÷+ & + & +$^2$ & $-$ & +$^2$ & no \\
+\verb+\÷+ & + & + & + & + & yes \\
+\verb+\Q+ & + & + & + & + & yes \\
+$^1$sometimes displays the proper error message\par
+$^2$inner mode only (spaces compressed or lost, \verb+%+ is comment etc.)
+\textsf{examplep} supports inline verbatim text at the outer level,
+inside macro arguments, in table cells and elsewhere (in section titles, in
+footnotes and in index entries), see also in Table \ref{contexts}.
+The reason why some of these cases are treated differently
+is that catcode changes must be timed correctly so that the proper catcodes
+are active by the time \TeX{} reads the verbatim text from the input file for
+the first time. (Please note that section titles and index entries are also
+written to and read back from auxilary files.)
+This is quite hard to accomplish in several cases (because \TeX{}'s mouth
+gathers macro arguments at high speed, a way before \TeX{}'s stomach could
+change the catcodes), so \textsf{examplep} provides the commands \verb+÷+
+and \verb+\Q+, which do not change catcodes at all, so they work everywhere.
+Each special (say, not alphanumeric) character of the source text of these
+commands must be prefixed by a backslash, so \TeX's eyes will see it as a
+controls sequence token. The backslashes are retained when the construct is
+written to auxilary files, but they get removed upon typesetting. Letters,
+when prefixed by a backslash, get special meaning, for example \verb+\V+
+denotes a visible space. For example, The construct
+\verb+\÷\\\}÷+ is seen by \TeX's eyes as
+\verb+÷+$_{13}$, and its gets typeset as \verb+\}+ (by running the command
+\verb+\÷+). Please note that the construct is properly nested, because all
+braces are inside control sequence names. The same result (\verb+\}+) can be
+achieved with \verb+\Q{\\\}}+. Both constructs are safe, because they can be
+freely moved to anywhere in the source file. However, for compatibility
+reasons, \verb+\Q+ is recommended, because its execution doesn't rely on the
+current catcode of the terminating \verb+÷+ of \verb+\÷+. A more complicated
+example: \verb+``\Q{\\\V X\ }''+ gets typeset as ``\verb*+\ X+\verb+ +''.
+In escaped mode, \verb+\V+ dentoes a visible, unbreakable space,
+\verb+\S+ and \verb*+\ + denote default space (affected by the
+\texttt{pverb-space=} option), \verb+\B+ allows a line break there with a
+discreationary hyphen (affected by the \texttt{pverb-linebreak=} option),
+and \verb+\n+ flushes left and starts a new line.
+The \verb+\PVerb+ macros can detect whether they have been invoked from
+within a macro argument. If so, they do not insist on catcode changes, but
+they emit all the tokens that has been seen by \TeX's eyes. (Spaces are
+already compressed now, and everything after \verb+%+
+is ignored etc., so this is not purely verbatim anymore.) However, this works
+only if the macro argument is properly nested with respect to braces, and it
+is delimited by braces (not a terminator character).
+Please note that there might be problems with verbatim material in index
+entries processed by \textsf{makeindex} if characters
+\verb+"+, \verb+@+, \verb+!+ and \verb+|+ are not quoted properly with
+\verb+"+. This is a generic \textsf{makeindex} issue. The quoting must be
+applied even inside verbatim material.
+\subsection{Horizontal alignment of the Source lines}\label{srcstyle}
+The \texttt{verbatim} environment of standard \LaTeX{} reads the whole
+verbatim text into a macro argument, thus limiting the length of the verbatim
+material to the available main memory. This is enough for about 3400
+80-character lines. The \textsf{verbatim}, \textsf{moreverb},
+\textsf{listings} and
+% Dat: moreverb pkg uses verbatim pkg
+\textsf{examplep} packages parse the input line-by-line, so there is no such
+limit. However, with \textsf{examplep}, additional memory is required for
+aligned mode, which limits the maximum number of lines to about 2200
+(32 pages) when the average line width is 80 characters. Please note that
+the maximums mentioned here may be lower if more packages are loaded; in
+another situatian the maximum number of lines was 375. As a reference,
+a plain \verb+\halign+ with all lines having
+\verb+(9999)\hfil\cr+ only could accomodate about 5000 lines when no packages
+were loaded. The
+maximum memory can be increased by increasing the \verb+extra_mem_bot+
+variable in \textsf{texmf.cnf} or in the environment.
+%As a reference measurement.
+%%%WF mi itt ez az utso mondat?
+%% -- tényleg hülyeség, hihúzva
+There are two display modes used for display verbatim: paragraph and aligned
+(see the \verb+\pexa@show@pars+ and \verb+\pexa@show@halign+ macros,
+respectively, in the source). Aligned mode is used when multiple columns
+(such as line numbers and text) have to be aligned horizontally. Aligned mode
+uses the \TeX{} \verb+\halign+ primitive to do the alignment, and this
+primitive reads the whole construct into memory before typesetting it (in
+order to be able to calculate the column widths). The other one,
+paragraph mode, is used when
+horizontal alignment is not needed and side-by-side display is not used. In
+paragraph mode, each line is typeset as a seperate paragraph, so the length
+of the verbatim text is only limited by the available disk space to hold the
+resulting DVI file. \textsf{examplep} chooses the mode automatically: for
+side-by-side display it always chooses aligned mode (so it can measure the
+width of the Source before typesetting it), otherwise, if the
+\texttt{srcstyle=} makes it possible, it chooses paragraph mode, otherwise
+it chooses aligned mode. See Figure \ref{fig:srcstyle} for details about
+Source styles.
+{\relax\normalsize \parindent1em
+ \advance\leftskip\parindent %\advance\rightskip\parindent % Dat: automatic for \hsize
+ \advance\hsize-2\parindent
+ \parindent0pt
+\texttt{srcstyle=left} \emph{PAF}\par
+\leavevmode\hbox to0pt{\hss\scriptsize9}\texttt{srcstyle=leftnumhang} \emph{PAF}\par
+{\scriptsize9}\texttt{srcstyle=leftnum} \emph{PAF}\par
+\leavevmode{\scriptsize\phantom99}\texttt{srcstyle=leftnumcol} \emph{AF} when the last page number has 2 digits\par
+\hfil\texttt{srcstyle=center} \emph{PAF}\par
+\hfill\texttt{srcstyle=right} \emph{PAF}\par
+\texttt{srcstyle=paralign}\hfill\emph{PF}\hfill with\hfill \texttt{source-par-align=justjust}\par
+\strut\texttt{srcstyle=leftboth}\ \vrule\ srcstyle=leftboth \emph{A}\par
+\leavevmode{\scriptsize\phantom99}\strut\texttt{srcstyle=leftbothnumcol}\ \vrule\ srcstyle=leftbothnumcol \emph{A}\par
+\strut\texttt{srcstyle=leftleft}\ \vrule\ anything \emph{A}\par
+%%%WF eleg zavaros egy tablazat, es harom sorban a | utani dolgok is
+%%% erthetetlenek
+%% -- mivel nincs jobb ötletem, marad ez
+% Imp: boxed?
+\emph{P:} works in paragraph mode\\
+\emph{A:} works in aligned mode\\
+\emph{F:} works when Source is read back from file
+\caption{The effect of the \texttt{srcstyle=} option}\label{fig:srcstyle}
+Please note that the Source styles \texttt{leftboth} and
+\texttt{leftbothnumcol} display each line twice, as Source and as Sample,
+too. This is different from regular side-by-side display, because lines of
+the Source and Sample here are forcibly aligned, and this solution doesn't
+use a temporary file. The source style \texttt{leftleft} is similar, but it
+lefts the author specify different Source and Sample for the same line (they
+should be separated by \verb+&+ in the source).
+\subsection{Display verbatim isolation}\label{pexaminipage}
+The \texttt{PexaMinipage} environment is provided, which is similar to the
+%%%WF bulilt-in
+\texttt{minipage} environment, but provides better isolation of the
+Sample from the container document, because it saves and restores section,
+page, equiation (etc.) numbers and also marks (section titles in
+page headers).
+Labels (for \verb+\label+, \verb+\ref+ etc.) are not isolated, because many
+packages use them in a non-standard way.
+See Figure \ref{fig:pexaminipage} for an example.
+\noindent\hfil\hbox to0pt{\hss\includegraphics{pexaminipage}\hss}
+\caption{Display verbatim isolation with the \texttt{PexaMinipage} environment}%
+The environment also
+cancels vertical skips (including \verb+\belowdisplayskip+) at the bottom
+of its contents. For space conservation, \verb+\abovedisplayskip+ above the
+very first displayed equation is also canceled. To vaid this, put
+\verb+\everydisplay{}+ before the formula. The environment starts with
+\verb+\noindent+, but subsequent paragraphs are indented.
+\subsection{Feature comparison}
+Although there are several \LaTeX{} packages providing display and/or inline
+verbatim environments for \LaTeX{}, \textsf{examplep} has some important
+unique features not found in other packages (see the beginning of this
+section for details). The author has tried the following packages before
+deciding to write \textsf{examplep}:
+ Although the \texttt{verbatim} environment is built-in into \LaTeX{}, its
+ most important limitation is that it eats up \TeX{} memory when typesetting
+ very long verbatim material (of several hundred or thousand lines). The
+ \textsf{verbatim} package fixes this, and provides the
+ \verb+\verbatiminput+ command (similar to the \verb+\PexaShowSource+
+ command of \textsf{examplep}) and the \texttt{comment} environment (similar
+ to \texttt{PIgnore} in \textsf{examplep}).
+ This package extends the \textsf{verbatim} package with additional
+ features: proper handling of tabulators (also accessible from
+ \textsf{examplep} with the \textsf{listings} interface), line numbering
+ (also available in \textsf{examplep} with much more customization),
+ verbatim surrounded by a frame (this is not available in \textsf{examplep},
+ but it works with \textsf{listings}, with page breaks allowed), the
+ \texttt{verbatimwrite} environment writes its contents to a file (similar
+ to the \texttt{WFile} environment in \textsf{examplep}).
+ It provides display verbatim with tabulators and long environments, and it
+ can read and write text from files. It also has a side-by-side environment
+ (\texttt{demo}) with fancy frames.
+ The \textsf{verbfwr} package (part of the \textsf{examplep} distribution)
+ was derived from parts of this package.
+ This package is written by the author of \textsf{sverb}. It provides
+ generic and customizable inline verbatim support and it also has powerful
+ features to typeset BNF-like grammars and syntax diagrams. It is documented
+ that no attempt is made to make the constructs work inside macro arguments
+ or section titles.
+ This standard \LaTeX{} package defines the \texttt{alltt} environment in
+ which the characters \verb+\ { }+ retain their original meaning, so it is
+ possible to do some manual formatting in the verbatim text.
+\item[\normalfont\textsf{fancyvrb}] \cite{fancyvrb}
+ This is extremely configurable verbatim package provides inline
+ verbatim even in footnotes, display verbatim even with side-by-side, line
+ numbers on any side, all
+ kinds of francy frames even with page breaks, text formatting and
+ writing and reading from files; and very long diplay verbatim text.
+ Options can be specified any time within the argument of the \verb+\fvset+
+ command. The original \texttt{verbatim} environment is not modified,
+ but a new one, \texttt{Verbatim} is defined. Setting the background color
+ is not possible.
+ This package is not actively developed. Version 2.7 (dated
+ 2000/03/21) is part of te\TeX{}. Oddly enough, the newest version on CTAN
+ is 2.6, which a file timestamp in 2004, but it dated 1998/07/17).
+ This package is part of the \textsf{fancyvrb} distribution and uses the
+ \textsf{fancyvrb} package. It provides a
+ side-by-side display verbatim environment (\texttt{SideBy\allowbreak SideExample}). A
+ page break is not allowed in the Source after the Sample. % Dat: tested
+ The \texttt{xrightmargin} option has to be specified manually (e.g.\,%
+ \texttt{xrightmargin\allowbreak=3cm}. The first two
+ characters of each line in the environment are ignored.
+ The most important features of \textsf{examplep} inspired by the \LaTeX{}
+ documentation package are display verbatim line numbering with
+ \texttt{srcstyle=left\allowbreak num} and inline verbatim started with \verb+÷+.
+ The \textsf{ltxdoc} package typesets everything between two \verb+|+
+ characters as inline verbatim. This is not supported by \textsf{examplep}
+ to avoid making an ASCII character active.
+\item[\normalfont\textsf{listings}] \cite{listings}
+ The most important layout elements of this sophisticated, highly
+ customizable, actively developed package missing from
+ \textsf{examplep} are: background color, frames (with page breaks allowed),
+ syntax highlighting and proper tabulator support. Except for the background
+ color and frames, these features can be used from \textsf{examplep} with
+ its interface to \textsf{listings}, see in Subsection \ref{listings}.
+ Use \verb+\lstset{columns=fullflexible,lang+\allowbreak\verb+uage=C,back+\allowbreak\verb+groundcolor=\color{red},frame=trBL}+
+ to try these features. \textsf{listings} also provides inline verbatim
+ mode (with syntax highlighting), in the character-delimited argument of the
+ command \verb+\lstinline+;\,unfortunately, spaces at line breaks (with
+ option \texttt{breaklines}) are rendered in an inconsistent way, and line
+ breaks do not work well with background color.
+ \textsf{listings} has an important weak point: it cannot typeset ISO Latin
+ accented characters with the \textsf{inputenc} package;
+ the way described in the manual doesn't work as expected: it puts the
+ accented characters to the wrong place in the line. This problem,
+ however, is solved when \textsf{listings} is invoked from
+ \textsf{examplep}. See more about listings in Subsection \ref{listings}.
+%%%WF This package is actively developed.
+%%% ezt mar emlitetted a bekezdes elejen
+The operation of \textsf{examplep} can be customized with options as
+$\langle$key$\rangle${}$=${}$\langle$value$\rangle$ pairs. Global options, which affect all subsequent commands within
+the current block, can be specified as package load options
+(\verb+\usepackage[+\ldots\verb+]{examplep}+) or as argument of the \verb+\PexaDefaults+
+command. \LaTeX{} doesn't allow complicated option values (such as values
+containing some expandable macros, for example after \texttt{linenumberformat=})
+to be specified in the \verb+\usepackage+
+line -- use \verb+\PexaDefaults+ in such cases.
+Many commands and environment accept local options, which affect
+only that construct.
+All options have default values, which are indicated below right after the
+option name. If the option has a fixed set of possible values, all of them
+are mentioned, and they are prefixed by \texttt{=}. The defaults have been
+chosen so the \texttt{PSource} environment matches the builtin
+\texttt{verbatim} environment as closely as possible. Note that the original
+environment is not overridden before the \texttt{verbatimenv=yes} is
+\makeatletter % Dat: for \verbatizee{\z@}
+ To enable \verb+\Q+, use \texttt{=yes} instead of the default.
+ To enable \verb+\abreak+, use \texttt{=yes} instead of the default.
+ \hskip0pt plus4pt
+ Specifies the command to add vertical space below display verbantim. The default works
+ fine, but e.g.\ packages maintaining the baseline grid might want to
+ change it.
+ Command to add vertical space above display verbantim. The default works
+ fine, but for example, packages maintaining the baseline grid might want to
+ change it.
+ Use \texttt{=no} to disable page breaks in the Source of display verbatim.
+ The default will shrink the Sample horizontally if the
+ Source is too wide. Use \texttt{=no} to disable this.
+ Use \texttt{=force} to enable shrinking of Source, and with
+ \texttt{srcstyle=leftleft} or \texttt{srcstyle=leftboth}, also enable
+ shrinking of the Source if it is narrow.
+ Use \texttt{=yes} to adjust the height of the Sample to be an integer
+ multiply of \verb+\baselineskip+ (with \texttt{yalign=u} and
+ \texttt{yalign=v}).
+\item[\verbatizee{boxstyle=p}] Controls how the Sample is boxed. Capital
+ letters are not allowed for side-by-side display. By default (\texttt{=p}),
+ a \texttt{PexaMinipage} environment is put inside a \verb+\vtop+. Use
+ \texttt{=h} to put a \verb+\hbox+ only, \texttt{=v} to put a \verb+\vtop+
+ only, \texttt{=V} to put a \verb+\vbox+ only,
+ \texttt{=m} to put a \texttt{minipage} environment inside a \verb+\vtop+,
+ \texttt{=M} to put a \texttt{minipage} environment inside a \verb+\vbox+,
+ \texttt{=P} to put a \texttt{PexaMinipage} environment inside a \verb+\vbox+,
+ \texttt{=G} to add \verb+\begingroup+ and \verb+\endgroup+ only.
+ The default is recommended for most cases, because the \verb+\vtop+
+ provides proper alignment with the Source, and the \texttt{PexaMinipage}
+ environment provides isolation (of page and section numbers etc.) from the
+ main document.
+ To enable \verb+\÷+, use \texttt{=yes} instead of the default.
+ To enable \verb+÷+, use \texttt{=yes} instead of the default.
+ Specifies the number of the first line of a numbered Source listing.
+ Useful with \texttt{srcstyle=leftnumcol} and \texttt{srcstyle=leftnumhang}.
+ %\item[\verbatizee{linenumberformat={{\normalfont\rmfamily\scriptsize\number-\pexa@@cntb}\pexa@default@linenumbersep}}]
+ Commands to display a line number and the separator in a numbered Source
+ listing. See the default value in \texttt{examplep.sty}.
+ Commands to display the separator in a numbered Source listing.
+ Use \texttt{=yes} to display each Source line with the \textsf{listings}
+ package. Specify options (to be executed in \verb+\lstset+), separated by
+ commas in the argument. Read more about the options in the documentation of
+ the \textsf{listings} package. For example, \verb+listings=yes+ and
+ \verb+listings={}+ uses \textsf{listings} with default options (no syntax
+ highlighting), and \verb+listings={language=+\allowbreak\verb+C,showtabs}+ enables syntax
+ highlighting for C language and enables visible tabulators. See
+ Subsection \ref{listings} for more information.
+ Set the font to be used in the Source when \texttt{listings=} is active. See
+ \texttt{source-verbatimfont=} for the possible values.
+ Use \texttt{=no} to make the main document and the Samples inside
+ \texttt{PexaMinipage} share the same equation counter.
+ Use \texttt{=yes} to make the internal counter \texttt{vrcnt} of the
+ \textsf{varioref} package to be reset for each Sample inside
+ \texttt{PexaMinipage}. This option doesn't affect the final output, and
+ \textsf{varioref} expects this counter not to be reset, so it is not
+ recommended to change the default.
+ By default, only those ligatures are disabled whose second character is one
+ of \verb+`+ \verb+'+ \verb+,+ \verb+-+ \verb+<+ \verb+>+. Use
+ \texttt{=kernel} to get the same effect, but using the \LaTeX{} built-in
+ \verb+\@noligs+. Use \verb+=most+ to get all ligatures with either the
+ first or the second character having code between 32 and 127 and catcode
+ 12. Please note that ligatures in inline verbatim mode are disabled anyway,
+ because \verb+\allowbreak+ is inserted between characters of catcode 12,
+ depending on the value of \texttt{pverb-linebreak=}.
+ Extra commands to run when starting the \texttt{Pexa\allowbreak MiniPage} environment,
+ just after the environment has finished its own initialization.
+ Use \texttt{=half} to make \verb+\PVerb+ convert \verb+##+ to \verb+#+.
+ The command \verb+\PVerbH+ is the same as \verb+\PVerb+ but
+ forces \texttt{=half}. This is required when \verb+\PVerb+ or \verb+÷+ is
+ used inside a macro argument. For example, \verb+\textit{÷#÷}+ yields
+ the error message \textit{Illegal parameter number in definition of
+ \string\reserved@a}, but \verb+\textit{\PVerbH{##}}+ works fine. The error
+ message is a general \LaTeX{} kernel limitation, for example
+ \verb+\textit{\@gobb+\allowbreak\verb+le{#}}+ doesn't work either.
+ By default, the minus character (ASCII code 45) is used to for automatic word
+ hyphenation in inline verbatim. Use \texttt{=char'30} to have character
+ with code 24; see also Subsection \ref{char'30}. Use \texttt{=none} to
+ disable word hyphenation (by setting \verb+\hyphenchar+ to $-1$).
+ Use \texttt{=unchanged} to get the hyphenchar from
+ the font (the \textit{cmtt} and \texttt{ectt} fonts have word hyphenation
+ disabled). Please note that hyphenation around symbols is affected
+ the \texttt{pverb-linebreak=} option, not this one.
+ Specifies the minimum number of characters in inline verbatim after which it
+ is allowed to break the line (with \texttt{pverb-linebreak\allowbreak=}). Values
+ allowed are $0$, $1$ and $2$, but $0$ usually doesn't make sense.
+ By default, \verb+\PexaAllowBreak+ is inserted around symbols in inline
+ verbatim, so a line break (with a discreationary hyphen affected by
+ \texttt{pverb-linebreakchar=}) is allowed there. Use \texttt{=yes} to insert
+ \verb+\allowbreak+ instead, which allows a line break without
+ discretionaries. Use \texttt{=no} to disable line breaks around symbols in
+ inline verbatim. The option \texttt{pverb-hyphenchar=} affects
+ intra-word hyphenation in inline verbatim, not this one.
+ Specifies the discreationary hyphen to be used in \verb+\PexaAllowBreak+.
+ See also \texttt{pverb-linebreak=}.
+ By default, spaces in inline verbatim are invisible, variable width (as
+ allowed by the font, see also \texttt{pverb-stretchshrink=})
+ and breakable (i.e.\ a space can be replaced by a line
+ break if necessary). Use \texttt{=invdisc} to get an invisible, variable
+ width space which becomes visible (\verb*+ +) when it is broken at the end
+ of the line. Use \texttt{=invfixbreak} to get an invisible, fixed width and
+ breakable space. Use \texttt{=invnobreak} to get an visible, variable width
+ and unbreakable space. Use \texttt{=visnobreak} to get a visible, fixed
+ width and unbreakable space. Use \texttt{=visbreak} to get a visible, fixed
+ width space with line breaks allowed on both sides. Use
+ \texttt{=invbreakleft} to get a visible, variable width space with infinite
+ stretchablility if the line is broken there (this may have strange effect
+ on other line breaks in the paragraph, so please try to avoid it).
+ The built-in \verb+\verb*+ command uses
+ \texttt{source-space=visnobreak}.
+ By default, spaces in inline verbatim are forced to be stretchable and
+ shrinkable (by \verb+\quad+${}/9$). Use \texttt{=no} to disable
+ stretchability and shrinkability. Use \texttt{=unchanged} to keep the
+ settings in the font. Note that \verb+\fontdimen+$3$ and
+ \verb+\fontdimen+$4$ are changed by this option, and the changes are local
+ to inline verbatim mode.
+ Set the font to be used in inline verbatim mode. See
+ \texttt{source-verbatimfont=} for the possible values.
+ Specifies the maximum width of the Sample in side-by-side display as a
+ \TeX{} dimension. The actual Sample can become actually narrower (see
+ \texttt{allowshrink=}. The dimensions \verb+\hsize+, \verb+\linewidth+ and
+ \verb+\PexaWidth+ can be used. (Our \LaTeX{} book used
+ \verb+sample+\allowbreak\verb+width=.45\PexaWidth+.) \verb+\leftskip+ and \verb+\rightskip+
+ do not affect this option. \verb+\hsize+ can be used, which is the total
+ width available (including the extra margins added by surrounding list
+ environments), \verb+\linewidth+ is \verb+\hsize+ widtout the extra margins
+ produced by lists, and \verb+\PexaWidth+ is the total width of the Source,
+ the separator (see \texttt{vrule=}) and the Sample.
+ Specifies the alignment of Source lines when \texttt{srcsty\allowbreak le=paralign} is
+ active. Use \texttt{=left} (default), \texttt{=right} or \texttt{=center} to
+ specified flush-left, flush-right or centered alignment, respectively. Use
+ \texttt{=justi\allowbreak fy} to have the last line flush-left and the previous line
+ justified (please note that each Source line is mapped to a single
+ paragraph, so the paragraph will have more than 1 line only if the source
+ line is too long). Use \texttt{=justjust} to have all lines justified.
+ Use \texttt{=unchanged} to keep the alignment of the enclosing block.
+ Specifies the horizontal distance between the Source and the Sample.
+ See also \texttt{vrule=}.
+ Specifies how to typeset spaces of the Source. See \texttt{pverb-space=}
+ for the possible values. The built-in \texttt{verbatim*} environment uses
+ \texttt{source-space=visnobreak}.
+ Sets the font to be used for the Source when \texttt{listings=} is not
+ active (see also \texttt{listings-verbatimfont=} for
+ \texttt{listings\allowbreak=}).
+ Give
+ \texttt{=ttfamily} to use \verb+\ttfamily+,
+ \texttt{=pexavf} to use \verb+\pexa@@verbatim+\allowbreak\verb+font+ (which defaults to
+ \verb+\verbatim@font+),
+ \texttt{=latexvf} to use \verb+\verbatim@+\allowbreak\verb+font+ (which defaults to \verb+\normalfont\ttfamily+),
+ \texttt{=unchanged} to keep the current font,
+ or \texttt{=normalfont} to use \verb+\normalfont+.
+ Specifies the horizontal alignment of the Source lines. See more in
+ Subsection \ref{srcstyle} and Figure \ref{fig:srcstyle}.
+\item[\verbatizee{ttlistings=}\normalfont\ (no default)] % Dat: $\varnothing$
+ Shorthand of \texttt{listings-verbatimfont=ttfamily,\allowbreak listings=}.
+ To enable \verb+\url+, use \texttt{=yes} instead of the default. The
+ \verb+\url+ will be defined as \verb+\def\url{\PVerbOpt{}}+. This has the
+ disadvantage that inside \verb+\textit+ etc.\ it cannot typeset URLs having
+ a single \verb+#+ (see \texttt{pverb-hash=} for more), but the \textsf{url}
+ package has the same limitation. A quick fix: use \verb+\itshape+ instead
+ of \verb+\textit+ etc.
+ Specifies which horizontal part of the main text should be used in a
+ display verbatim. By default, left and right margins introduced by list
+ environments (such as \texttt{itemize}) and \verb+\leftskip+ and
+ \verb+\rightskip+ are respected. Use \texttt{=linewidth} to ignore
+ \verb+\leftskip+ and \verb+\rightskip+ but respect list environments. Use
+ \texttt{=hsize} to use the whole width of main text. Note that this option
+ affects the calculation of \verb+\PexaWidth+.
+ Dimension to add to the depth of the display verbatim with
+ \texttt{yalign=v}. The default works
+ fine, but for example, packages maintaining the baseline grid might want to
+ change it for each instance.
+ Amount of vertical space to be added above display verbantim with
+ \texttt{yalign=v}. The default works
+ fine, but for example, packages maintaining the baseline grid might want to
+ change it for each instance.
+ Specifies Sample height threshold for \texttt{yalign=v}. If the Sample is
+ lower than this (or sample a higher than the 1st line of the Source plus
+ \verb+\vextravskip+ --
+ typical for \verb+\includegraphics+), its top will be aligned to the top of
+ the Source, otherwise
+ its top baseline (with \verb+\vtop+) will be aligned to the top baseline of
+ the Source.
+ Specifies horizontal alignment (\texttt{=l} for left, \texttt{=r} for
+ right) of the Sample box (and the separator) within its allocated width for
+ side-by-side display. Please note that \texttt{=r} works only
+ with \texttt{boxstyle=h}, because all other box sizes use their
+ full allocated width.
+ Specifies additional horizontal indentation in display verbatim mode. Use
+%%%WF \texttt{=nonoe}
+ \texttt{=none}
+ to get no extra indentation. Use \texttt{=narrower} to get
+ \verb+\narrower+ (both \verb+\leftskip+ and \verb+\rightskip+ are decreased
+ by \verb+\parindent+).
+ Use \texttt{=deeper} to move one level deeper in the list environment
+ hierarchy and get that indentation.
+%%%WF na most akkor mi a default? a deeper vagy a deeppre?
+ Use \texttt{=deeppre} (default) to move one level deeper, but don't change
+ indentation (this is useful with \texttt{yindent=deeper} --
+ otherwise it is equivalent to \texttt{=none}). % Dat: really??
+ Use \texttt{=deepright} to set both left and right indentation from
+ the left indentation of \texttt{=deeper}.
+ Specifies vertical alignment in side-by-side display. By default, the top
+ of the bounding boxes of the Source and the Sample is aligned, which looks
+ nice if the Sample is an image, but doesn't align properly if the Sample is
+ text with a font of similar size to the Source. Use \texttt{=b} to align
+ the topmost baselines of the Sample and the Source. This looks nice if the
+ Sample is text, but it is ugly if the Sample is an image higher than
+ \verb+\baselineskip+. The use of \texttt{=v} is recommended, which decides
+ between \texttt{=b} and \texttt{=u} based on the height of the Sample (see
+ \texttt{vsmallht=} for the details).
+ Specifies the vertical space separating display verbatim from the
+ surrounding text. Use \texttt{=none} no have no extra vertical space, the
+ display verbatim appears to be a new paragraph as far as
+ \verb+\baselineskip+ and \verb+\vskip+s are concerned. Use \texttt{=deeper}
+ (default) to move one level deeper in the list environment hierarchy
+ (and use the \verb+\parsep+ and \verb+\partopsep+ etc.\ specified there).
+ It is recommended to have \texttt{yindent=deeper} and
+ \texttt{xindent=deeppre} together, so there is no extra horizontal
+ indentation.
+ Use \texttt{=yes}
+ to change the implementation of the \texttt{verba\allowbreak tim} and \texttt{verbatim*}
+ environments to use the \texttt{PSource} environment.
+ By default, the Source and the Sample are separated with a vertical rule
+ of width \verb+\arrayrulewidth+ in the middle of a horizontal space
+ specified by \texttt{source-sepwidth=}. Use \texttt{=skip} to omit the rule
+ but keep the space. Use \texttt{=none} to have no separator at all.
+The other packages (\textsf{codep} and \textsf{verbfwr}) shipped with
+\textsf{examplep} do not have load options.
+\subsection{Interface to the \textsf{listings} package}\label{listings}
+The \textsf{listings} package \cite{listings} provides advanced typographic for display
+verbatim, including proper typesetting of tabulators and syntax highlighting
+for more than a hundred languages. \textsf{examplep} doesn't try to
+reimplement these features, but it supports calling the \textsf{listings}
+package to typeset the Source lines in display verbatim. The surroundings
+(line numbers, vertical separation, horizontal margins and the Sample) are
+not effected, only the Source line contents are passed to \textsf{listings}.
+This implies that the border and the background color support provided by the
+\textsf{listings} package doesn't work with \textsf{examplep}. To use the
+interface, the \textsf{listings} package must be loaded, and either the
+\textsf{listings=} or the \textsf{ttlistings=} options of \textsf{examplep}
+has to be active when the Source is typeset. Additional options
+can be specified to \textsf{listings} in the argument of \verb+\lstset+ at
+any time. The interface has been tested
+with the \textsf{listings} package dated 2000/08/23 and 2004/09/07.
+\textsf{examplep} treats tabulators (ASCII code 9) as 8 spaces. This is
+acceptable at the beginning of the line, but it may be incorrect elsewhere.
+To get tabs right, specify the \verb+ttlistings=yes+, or, to be more precise,
+the \verb+ttlistings={tabsize+\allowbreak\verb+=8}+ option to \textsf{examplep}. It is also
+possible to have visible tabulators: specify, for example,
+\verb+ttlistings={tabsize=8,showtabs}+. In our tests \textsf{listings} failed
+to detect the width of a character of a fixed width font, so
+\textsf{examplep} enforces character width using the natural width of the
+space each time it calls \textsf{listings}. This workaround made the
+\texttt{showtabs} \textsf{listings} option work properly.
+See the documentation of the
+\textsf{listings} package for options that affect the typesetting of
+Source line contents. See an example of using \textsf{listings} from
+\textsf{examplep} on page \pageref{pag:use-listings}.
+\textsf{listings} supports fixed width characters with a variable with fonts.
+However, this support seems to be broken when used with \textsf{examplep}, so
+the \texttt{columns=full\allowbreak flexible} \textsf{listings} option is enforced so
+proportional fonts will look proportional. Although the
+\textsf{listings} package claims that it has accented letter support, this
+didn't work well with the single-character accented letters input using
+the \textsf{inputenc} package (those characters were positioned to a wrong
+place inside the line, possibly because \textsf{listings} has failed to
+recognise that \verb+\lst@UseLostSpace\lst@+\allowbreak\verb+PrintToken+ has to be inserted
+in front of the accented character into its internal token list).
+\textsf{examplep} contains a work-around to this problem, with the following
+limitations: multibyte input encodings such as UTF-8 are not supported (will
+print strange error message); accented characters may not be part of keyword
+names in syntax highlighting; accented characters are shown as \verb+^^+ hex
+escapes in aligned mode (see in Subsection \ref{srcstyle}), so they don't
+work with \verb+\PexaShowBoth+.
+\textsf{listings}, when called from \textsf{examplep}, failed to break
+ligatures such as \verb+`?+ and \verb+<<+. This has the side effect that
+guillemots would be typeset instead of bitwise right shift in C language
+sources. \textsf{examplep} modifies
+the \verb+\lst@FillOutputBox@+ macro so it will add a \verb+\relax+ between
+each character displayed -- so all ligatures are broken. (This approach is
+quite differrent from the way \LaTeX{} disables a few ligatures
+with \verb+\@noligs+; \verb+\pexa@noligs+ is similar to \verb+\@noligs+ in
+this respect.)
+It is possible to customize the \textsf{listings} package so it typesets some
+strings differently. For example, with the
+\verb+literate={<=}{{$\leq$}}1+ \textsf{listings} option, all occurences of
+\verb+<=+ (even those inside strings of the target programming language)
+are typeset as $\leq$. There are no problems when using this feature from
+within \textsf{examplep}. It is also possible for strings and comments in the
+syntax-highlighted Source to span multiple lines -- \textsf{listings} takes
+care to remember its internal state between lines.
+\section{Commands and environments}
+The arguments between brackets (\verb+[+ and \verb+]+) are optional: either
+the the argument and the brackets are all missing all all present. The
+arguments named ``options'' is a comma-separated list of local customization
+options, defined in Section \ref{customization}. The \texttt{\{}$^+$ notation
+in front of an argument means that the argument can be delimited by braces
+(thus it must be properly nested), or with any symbol in
+\verb+\dospecials+ (%
+\verb+\+ \verb+$+ \verb+&+ \verb+#+ \verb+^+ \verb+_+ \verb+%+
+\verb+~+) %%%WF $
+or in \verb+\pexa@cverb@donormals+ (%
+\verb+`+ \verb+!+ \verb+@+ \verb+*+ \verb+-+ \verb-+- \verb+=+ \verb+|+
+\verb+:+ \verb+;+ \verb+'+ \verb+"+ \verb+,+ \verb+.+ \verb+/+ \verb+?+
+\verb+<+ \verb+>+ \verb+(+ \verb+)+ \verb+[+ \verb+]+).
+\def\cearg #1{{\normalfont\texttt{\{}$\langle $\relax#1\relax$\rangle$\texttt{\}}}}
+\def\delarg#1{{\normalfont $\langle $\relax#1\relax$\rangle $}}
+ Typesets its argument in inline verbatim mode. Similar to the \LaTeX{}
+ \verb+\verb+ macro, but respects the options. The use of \verb+[]+ is
+ recommended instead of omitting the options altogether, because \verb+[]+
+ will ensure that the proper catcode changes are in effect even for the
+ first verbatim character.
+ This command is robust.
+ Shorthand for \verb+\PVerb[pverb-hash=half]+\ \hskip0pt plus2pt
+ (extra options cannot be specified).
+ This command is robust.
+ Forces the \verb+\PVerb+\ldots{} command immediately following it to work
+ in inner mode, thus compressing spaces, respecting comment characters etc.
+ Because of how \TeX{} works, it is impossible to go the other way round,
+ and force outer mode, because it is too late change catcodes -- the
+ argument has already been tokenized in inner mode.
+ This command is robust.
+ Equivalent to \verb+\PVerb+, but uses a different syntax.
+ For example, \verb+\item[\PVerb[pverb-space=visbreak]{xy+\allowbreak\verb+}]+ doesn't work
+ because of the nested \verb+[+. Use this instead:
+ \verb+\item[\PVerb+\allowbreak\verb+Opt{pverb-space=+\allowbreak\verb+visbreak}{xy}]+,
+ \hskip0pt plus4pt or \hskip0pt plus4pt
+ \verb+\item[{\PVerb[pverb-space=+\allowbreak\verb+visbreak]{xy}}]+.
+ This command is robust.
+ Similar to \verb+\PVerb+, but its argument must be escaped
+ (see in Subsection \ref{escaped}), and it can be used in section titles etc.
+ Must be enabled with \texttt{Q=yes}.
+ This command is robust.
+ Similar to \verb+\PVerb+, but it can be used in section titles etc. (but not
+ int \texttt{tabular}) (see in Subsection \ref{escaped}).
+ Must be enabled with \texttt{div=yes}.
+ This command is robust.
+ Equivalent to \verb+\Q+, but the argument delimiter is different.
+ Similar to \verb+\PVerb+, but its argument must be escaped
+ (see in Subsection \ref{escaped}), and it can be used in section titles etc.
+ Must be enabled with \texttt{bsdiv=yes}.
+ This command is robust.
+ Must be enabled with \texttt{url=yes}.
+ This command is robust.
+%%%WF az eleme jelet NE HASZNALD, osszesen 3-szor szerepel, irj
+%%% valamit, hogy pl.: (after laoding verbfwr package)
+%%% vagy valami hasonlot
+%% -- javítva
+\item[\verbatizee{\begin{WFile}}\cearg{filename}] (defined in the \textsf{verbfwr} package)
+ Writes its contents verbatim to the specified file.
+ \TeX{} \texttt{.tcx} and line ending transformations apply, so it is
+ possible that accented letters will be converted to \verb+^^+hex according
+ to the input encoding.
+\item[\verbatizee{\begin{WAux}}] (defined in the \textsf{verbfwr} package)
+ Writes its contents verbatim into the current \texttt{.aux} file.
+ \TeX{} \texttt{.tcx} and line ending transformations apply, so it is
+ possible that accented letters will be converted to \verb+^^+hex according
+ to the input encoding.
+ Comination of \verb+\begin{WSource}+ and \verb+\PexaShow+\allowbreak\verb+Source+.
+ It is recommended to have a \verb+[]+ even if there are no
+ options, so the very first token of the contents will be read with proper
+ catcodes.
+ Writes its contents to the Source and the Sample temporary file. It is
+ a combination of \texttt{WSample} and \texttt{WSample}.
+ Writes its contents to the Sample temporary file (\texttt{pexa-sam.\allowbreak tex}),
+ to be typeset by a subsequent \verb+\PexaShowSample+ or
+ \verb+\PexaShowBoth+.
+ The line must end at \verb+\end{WSample}+ because of technical reasons.
+ Writes its contents to the Source temporary file (\texttt{pexa-src.\allowbreak tex}),
+ to be typeset by a subsequent \verb+\PexaShowSource+ or
+ \verb+\PexaShowBoth+. It is similar to
+ \verb+\begin{verbwrite}+ in the \texttt{sverb} package
+ and the \verb+\begin{+\allowbreak\verb+filecontents}+ \LaTeX{} built-in environment.
+ The line must end at \verb+\end{+\allowbreak\verb+WSource}+ because of technical reasons.
+ Ignores everything up to \verb+\end{PIgnore}+. The environment closer must
+ be at the end of its line. Similar to the \texttt{comment} environment in
+ some other packages.
+ Typesets its contents in display verbatim. Similar to the \LaTeX{}
+ \verb+\begin{verbatim}+ environment, but respects the customization
+ options. It is recommended to have a \verb+[]+ even if there are no
+ options, so the very first token of the contents will be read with proper
+ catcodes. This environment is similar to \texttt{PWSource}, but it doesn't
+ create a temporary file, so it is faster, \texttt{srcstyle=leftboth} (etc.)
+ can be used, and there is no ambiguity between \verb+^^e1+ and
+ \texttt{\'a} (etc., see more in Subsection \ref{tcx}). Page breaks are
+ allowed between each Source line. (The implementation of this environment
+ is fairly complex compared to \texttt{PWSource}.)
+ Equivalent to \verb+\begin{PSource}[]+.
+ Must be enabled with \texttt{verbatimenv=yes}.
+ Equivalent to \verb+\begin{PSource}[source-space=visbrea+\allowbreak\verb+k]+.
+ Must be enabled with \texttt{verbatimenv=yes}.
+ Similar to the \LaTeX{} \texttt{minipage} environment (and
+ accepts the same arguments), but
+ isolates (concerning section numbers etc.) of its contents from the main
+ document more thoroughly. See Subsection \ref{pexaminipage} for
+ details of isolation.
+ Typeets the Source and the Sample side-by-side in display verbatim mode.
+ The Source comes from the temporary file written by the last
+ \texttt{WSource} or \texttt{WBoth} environment, and
+ the Sample comes from the temporary file written by the last
+ \texttt{WSample} or \texttt{WBoth} environment.
+ By default, a vertical separator line is drawn between the Source and the
+ Sample, and page breaks are allowed in the Source after the end of
+ Sample.
+ It can be called multiple times with different options for the same file.
+%\item[\verbatizee{\PexaShowBothMany}]% Dat: for internal use
+ Typesets the Sample (written by\,the\,last
+ \texttt{WSample} or \texttt{WBoth} environment) in display mode.
+ It can be called multiple times with different options for the same file.
+%\item[\verbatizee{\PexaShowSampleMany}]% Dat: for internal use
+ Equivalent to \verb+\PexaInputSource+ with the file written by the last
+ \texttt{WSource} or \texttt{WBoth} environment.
+ It can be called multiple times with different options for the same file.
+%\item[\verbatizee{\PexaShowSourceMany}]% Dat: for internal use
+ Typesets the contents of the specified file as Source in display verbatim
+ mode.
+% \item[\verbatizee{\PexaAddlastskip}] (not used anymore, see comment in lb.sty)
+\item[\verbatizee{\begin{code}}] (defined in the \texttt{codep} package)
+ Typesets its contents side-by-side and also marks its contents to be dumped
+ to the CD. By default, each line is emitted to all
+%%%WF thre
+ three
+ streams, but lines
+ with special prefixes will go into the Source, Sample or CD-file stream
+ only. See Section \ref{code} for details.
+ Allows a line break here with a discreationary specified
+ in the option \texttt{pverb-linebreakchar=} inserted.
+ A robust command which
+ inserts \verb+\PexaAllowBreak+ when the font \verb+{\ttdefault}{m}{n}+
+ is active; inserts \verb+\allowbreak+ otherwise.
+ Must be enabled with \texttt{abreak=yes}.
+\section{Writing examples with the \textsf{codep} package}\label{code}
+Textbooks and manuals tend to have many display verbatim examples. The
+examples are usually code snippets which can be further processed by a
+compiler or another program.
+Sometimes minor modifications, such as adding the proper header or trailer,
+are necessary before the code snippet can be processed. It is customary to
+put all code snippets in the book onto the CD accompanying the book. The
+\texttt{code} environment of the \textsf{codep} package (part of the
+\textsf{examplep} distribution) generates CD-files automatically.
+Three streams are generated from the contents of each \texttt{code}
+%%%WF environemnt:
+the Source, the Sample and the CD-file streams. Most parts of
+these streams are identical. The Sample usually differs from the Source
+because the code snippet has to be typeset specially in the book (for
+example, \verb+\includegraphics+ has to be used to typeset an EPS file whose
+Source is displayed). The CD-file differs from Source because additional
+header and footer may be required (such as \verb+\begin{document}+ etc.),
+which are omitted from the book to conserve space.
+The \texttt{code} environment reads the code snippet line-by-line. The type
+of the line is specified in first two characters. Lines having the default
+type are written to all 3 streams, and special line types exist to write to a
+specific stream only. The \texttt{code} environment writes the Source and
+Sample streams to temporary files, and upon the end of the environment, it
+calls \verb+\PexaShowBoth+ (or \verb+\PexaShowSource+, if the Sample stream
+is empty) to typeset the example. The CD-file stream is not written to a file
+by \TeX{}, but the file name and starting line number of the \texttt{code}
+environment is reported in the \texttt{.aux} file. A \textsf{Perl} script
+(\textsf{}, part of the \textsf{examplep} distribution) has to be
+called later to the actual generaton of CD-files. It will examine the
+\texttt{.aux} files, extract the CD-file stream from the \texttt{.tex} files,
+and dump these streams to individual files in the \texttt{CDfiles} directory.
+The file names can be specified in the \texttt{code} enviroment, and the
+environment can generate file names based on chapter and page numbers (so the
+reader will know from the file name where to read more about the example).
+The same file name is never generated again.
+The \textsf{code} package was used in our recent \LaTeX{} textbook \cite{lakk}
+to typeset its examples. Most of the examples were written in \LaTeX{}, but
+%%%WF of of
+them were \textsf{METAPOST} sources, and some of them were others
+(e.g.\ configuration files, shell scripts or EPS files). Because of the huge
+amount of \LaTeX{} examples, special features were added to make them easy
+and convenient to input for the author. For example,
+t \usepackage{url}
+ URL:
+ \\\url{}
+is displayed as (depending on the \textsf{examplep} options)
+{\scriptsize1}\verb+%^\usepackage{url}+&\ \vrule\ \null&URL:\\
+{\scriptsize2}\verb+URL:+&\ \vrule\ \null&\verb+http//\\
+As seen above, examples are quite convenient to input, and \textsf{examplep}
+takes care of typesetting side-by-side, determining width of the Source,
+allowing page breaks, putting margins and \verb+\vskip+s right, adding the rule the
+separate the Source and the Sample, adding line numbers, generating file name
+for CD-file and writing the CD-file with header and footer.
+With \textsf{codep} it is easy to fulfill the following quality criterias:
+the Sample must be consistent with the Source (i.e.\ if the Source is
+changed during editing to book, the Sample should change automatically); the
+CD-file must be consistent with the Source; the CD-file must be directly
+compilable with \LaTeX{} (so a header and a footer have to be added). When
+the deadline of finishing the book approaches, there might not be enough time
+left to ensure these manually, so a package such as \textsf{codep} is very
+useful in this situation.
+\subsection{Example files on the CD}\label{codewritereasons}
+The following CD-file is generated from the code snippet above:
+The \texttt{CodeDefaultD}, \texttt{CodeDefaultL}, \texttt{CodeDefaultB} and
+\texttt{CodeDefaultE} environments can be used in the preamble to customize
+the default header and footer generated into the CD-file. For example:
+Although \TeX{} is able to write to external files with \verb+\textsfrite+, there
+were several reasons for using an external program (a \textsf{Perl} script) to
+extract the source snippets from the document sources:
+\item with \verb+\write+ the file always ends at end-of-line
+\item \verb+\write+ forces \texttt{.tex} if no extension is specified
+\item \verb+\write+ removes whitespace from end-of-line
+\item \verb+\write+ translates accented letters to hat-escapes
+ (e.g.\ \texttt{á} to \verb+^+\verb+^e1+) unless
+ compiled with \texttt{latex --translate-file cp8bit.tcx}
+ (\texttt{--translate-file il2-t1.tcx} makes \texttt{\H{o}} in DVI
+ incorrect). There is the same problem when emitting UTF-8 text.
+\item it is impossible to distinguish missing files from empty files,
+ so accidental file overwrites are hard to prevent
+\item it is too late to verbatize if the verbatim text is inside
+ braced macro arguments
+The only limitations of this solution are: is not possible to \verb+\input+
+or \verb+\include+ a subfile, and then use the \texttt{code} environment in
+the referrer file; the subfile has to be included with
+\verb+\include{...}+ or \verb+\input{...}+ (with braces);
+and the subfile must have extension \texttt{.tex}.
+The first one is usually not a problem, since referrer files themselves do not
+typeset text, they only include subfiles. See Subsection
+\ref{codeimpl} for implementation details.
+\subsection{\texttt{\textbackslash begin\{code\}} invocation}
+The input syntax of the \texttt{code} environment has been designed so that
+typing the most common examples (short \LaTeX{} code snippets) is simple and
+straightforward, but the author can have full control over all three streams
+if he wants to. The contents of the environment is divided into lines. The
+first two characters of each line specify the line type and the rest is the
+line data.
+% Lines with type \verb+% + are ignored.
+The first character of the line type is usually a lowercase
+ASCII letter or a punctuation symbol. Line types belong to classes, which are
+denoted by capital ASCII letters. The order of the classes in the environment
+is significant, but the order of the individual types or lines within the
+class is irrelevant. Some classes have default lines, which are used
+only if the class is omitted from the environment. The default lines make it
+possible to have default CD-file header and trailer. The clases, in proper
+order with allowed types in parentheses), are:
+\item[F (f, f!, v, v!)] specify the file name.
+% G | | |ide visz egy F-beli parancs
+\item[D (d)] the \verb+\documentclass+ line, default uses article
+%%%WF kicsit fura, hogy a magyar a default, valami megjegyzessel itt
+%%%enyhiteni kellene, pl hogy ez hogy irhato folul...
+%% -- javítva
+\item[L (l)] the preamble specific to the natural language, defaults for
+ Hungarian \textsf{babel}, Latin-2 \textsf{inputenc}, T1 \textsf{fontenc}.
+ Use the \texttt{CodeDefaultL} environment to override.
+\item[P (p$\equiv$0, t)] the preamble with the \verb+\usepackage+ lines
+\item[B (b)] \verb+\begin{document}+
+\item[C (<$\equiv$c, >$\equiv$o, \textvisiblespace$\equiv$2, w, s, x, \%)] the document contents
+\item[E (e)] \verb+\end{document}+
+% Z | | |ide visz az \end{code}
+The meaning of the complicated types are:
+\item[f] Accepts a file name with extension. The use of \verb+_+ in the name
+ is not recommended. The extension (e.g.\ \texttt{.tex}) is mandatory. The
+ chapter and page numbers will be prepended to the file name (only the
+ page number for document classes without chapters), for example
+ \texttt{f} may become \texttt{2\textunderscore 63\textunderscore} in chapter 2, on page 63.
+\item[v] Like \texttt{f}, but removes the default lines from classes
+ D, L, P, B and E. This is ideal for emitting non-\LaTeX{} examples.
+\item[f!] Like \texttt{f}, but don't prepend numbers to the file name.
+\item[v!] Like \texttt{v}, but don't prepend numbers to the file name.
+\item[p$\equiv$0] Writes only to the preamble of the CD-file.
+\item[t] Writes to CD-file, appends line prefixed by \verb+%^+
+ to Source. Useful to indicate in the book that a package is needed.
+ Example: \verb*+t \usepackage{url}+.
+\item[<$\equiv$c] Writes to Source and CD-file.
+\item[>] Writes only to Sample.
+\item[x] Writes to Sample and CD-file.
+\item[\textvisiblespace$\equiv$2] Writes %%%WF only
+ to Source, CD-file and Sample.
+\item[w] Writes only to CD-file.
+\item[s] Writes only to Source.
+\item[\%] Comment, ignored.
+The \texttt{code} environment omits the Sample part from the book if the
+Sample is empty,
+and it omits the whole display verbatim environment (but still writes to
+CD-files) if both the Sample and Source are empty.
+\subsection{An example with METAPOST code}
+If the \textsf{eempost} package is also loaded, the following code can be
+used to typeset a simple, syntax-highlighted \MP{} source and its output:
+> \begin{EempDef}{house.1}{}{}
+w beginfig(1)
+ u:=18bp; picture V; V:=image(
+ draw unitsquare scaled u xscaled 2;
+ fill (0,u)--(2u,u)--(u,1.5u)--cycle
+ withcolor red);
+ draw V rotated 10;
+ draw V shifted (3u,0);
+w endfig; end
+> \end{EempDef}
+> \leavevmode\EempUseFig{house.1}{0}{0}
+% ^^^ Dat: \leavevmode to get the Overfull \hbox warning
+} % Dat: nothing allowed after \end{code} in its line
+If \textsf{eempost} is not loaded, the following code should be used instead:
+> \begin{WFile}{}
+x beginfig(2)
+ u:=18bp; picture V; V:=image(
+ draw unitsquare scaled u xscaled 2;
+ fill (0,u)--(2u,u)--(u,1.5u)--cycle
+ withcolor red);
+ draw V rotated 10;
+ draw V shifted (3u,0);
+x endfig; end
+> \end{WFile}
+> \leavevmode\includemps{house.2}
+The \verb+\includemps+ command should be defined in the preamble as:
+ \IfFileExists{#2.#3}{\includegraphics[#1]{#2.#3}}{
+ \GenericWarning{}{Please run: mpost #2^^J\@gobble}}}
+This should work with both \textsf{dvips} and \textsf{pdflatex}. The typeset
+output looks like this:\label{pag:use-listings}
+{\scriptsize1}u:=18\textbf{bp}; \textbf{picture} V; V:=\textbf{image}( &\ \vrule\ \null&\\
+{\scriptsize2}\ \ \textbf{draw} \textbf{unitsquare} \textbf{scaled} u \textbf{xscaled} 2;&\ \vrule\ \null&\\
+{\scriptsize3}\ \ \textbf{fill} (0,u)$-${}$-$(2u,u)$-${}$-$(u,1.5u)$-${}$-$\textbf{cycle}&\ \vrule\ \null&
+ \setbox0\hbox{\includegraphics{houses}}\ht0=0pt \box0 \\
+{\scriptsize4}\ \ \ \ \textbf{withcolor} \textbf{red}); & &\\
+{\scriptsize5}\textbf{draw} V \textbf{rotated} 10; & &\\
+{\scriptsize6}\textbf{draw} V \textbf{shifted} (3u,0); & &\\
+\section{Some implementation details}
+\subsection{Starting from poor man's inline verbatim}
+The following macro, derived from a macro in the \texttt{.dtx} documentation
+of David Kastrup's \textsf{binhex} package \cite{binhex},
+typesets its argument in inline verbatim mode:
+{\catcode\string`>12 \gdef\stripprefix#1>{}}
+ \toks0{#1}\edef\next{\the\toks0}% Dat: make # OK
+ \fontdimen2\font=0pt % Dat: hide spaces
+ \expandafter\stripprefix\meaning\next
+ \unskip % Dat: strip final space, possibly after command
+ \fontdimen2\font=\dimen0}}% Dat: reset global change
+This demonstration show how useful the \TeX{} primitives \verb+\string+ and
+\verb+\meaning+ are. Both of them convert tokens to characters with catcode
+12 (other) or 10 (space). Token lists with spaces are hard to post-process by
+\TeX{} macros, because \TeX{} macro expansion ignores spaces before
+undelimited macro arguments. But it is possible to write a macro which
+converts spaces to anything with catcode 12, for example the \verb+\sca+
+macro below does this:
+\begingroup\catcode\string``12 \lccode```\%\lowercase{\endgroup
+ \def\scc#1 {\ifx\hfuzz#1\else#1`\expandafter\scc\fi}}
+\def\scb#1#2{\scc#2\hfuzz#1} \def\sca{\scb{ }}
+% try with: \message{\sca{foo bar }}
+It is possible to change \verb+%+
+in the definition above to anything, including a space: the replacement
+character will have catcode 12. After such a conversion, the text to be
+emitted can be easily processed to add \TeX{} macros, change catcodes back to
+13 for ISO Latin high accented characters, replace spaces with appropriate
+constructs, insert \verb+\allowbreak+ to the right places to enable line
+breaks etc. The \verb+\PVerb+ macro, when invoked in inner mode (i.e.\ read
+inside a macro argument) works this way, and respects the options specified
+by the author.
+\subsection{Hex escapes with output translation}\label{tcx}
+The \TeX{} primitives \verb+\write+, \verb+\message+ and \verb+\errmessage+
+may escape some characters when printing them. By default, \TeX{} changes the
+code ranges 0--31 and 127--255 (the codes outside the printable ASCII range),
+escaping such codes with a \verb+^^+: for example,
+the tabulator (code 9) becomes \verb+^^I+, and characters having a high code
+in the font (not the input) encoding are dumped in hexadecimal, for example
+\texttt{\H{o}} (having code 174 in T1 encoding) becomes \texttt{^^ae}.
+(This behaviour depends on the default \texttt{.tcx} file the \TeX{}
+distribution uses. No translation occurs with \textsf{cp8bit.tcx}.
+To spot the difference, run
+\verb+tex -translate-file cp8bit "\messa+\allowbreak\verb+ge{^^I^^1f+\allowbreak\verb+á}\end"+, and then change
+\texttt{cp8bit} to \texttt{.missing.}, and run again.)
+The transformation is lossy: %, for example % e.g.\
+\verb+\message{+\texttt{\H{o}}\verb+}+ and
+\verb+\message{\string^^ae}+ yield the same result: \verb+^^ae+. Escaping the caret
+as \verb+^^5e+ doesn't help either, because the \TeX{} unescapes carets
+recursively when reading back the written file. Since ISO Latin
+accented characters are
+more often needed in verbatim environments than double carets,
+\textsf{examplep} does the necessary unescaping when it reads the file back.
+% Dat: doesn't work The back-transformation works with UTF-8, too, because it is timed properly.
+The back-transformation doesn't work with UTF-8, because the 2nd byte is not
+decoded by the time the first one is being executed.
+The unescaping would be done by \TeX{} itself if the caret had its original
+catcode 7, but that would imply that the non-escaping, verbatim carets
+wouldn't work.
+The unescaping is implemented in a straighforward, but ugly way in the
+\verb+\pexa@dohex@low+\ldots{} macros. The caret escapes are parsed in a
+huge \verb+\if+%\ldots
+\verb+\else+\allowbreak\verb+\if+ construct nested in 40 levels, and once
+the hexadecimal code is available and converted to upper case, the
+\verb|\lccode`+="|$\langle$code$\rangle$\verb*|\lowercase{+}| construct is
+used to insert the appropriate character with catcode 12 (\verb+~+ is
+used instead of \verb|+| to get an active character, catcode 13). The
+construct is not expandable, but it works because it is used for typesetting.
+The caret is made active and defined to execute \verb+\pexa@dohex+, so each
+caret in the file will get unescped.
+\subsection{Disabling ligatures}
+The only way to disable a ligature in \TeX{} is to insert a nonexpandable
+tokens into the input stream between the characters forming the ligature.
+For example, \verb+f{}i+ or \verb+f\relax i+ can be used to get ``f{}i''
+instead of ``fi''. The most important ligatures (in addition to ligature
+letters) to be disabled in verbatim mode are:
+\verb+<<+ \verb+>>+ \verb+?`+ \verb+!`+ \verb+,,+ \verb+``+ \verb+''+
+\verb+--+ and \verb+---+. This can be accomplised by inserting a \verb+\relax+
+token in front of each \verb+`+ \verb+'+ \verb+,+ \verb+-+ \verb+<+
+and \verb+>+. The \verb+\pexa@noligs@some+ command of \textsf{examplep} does
+exactly this, for example, it defines
+\verb+{\lccode`~`<13 \gdef~{\relax+\allowbreak\verb+\string~}}+. The definition
+slightly different from the one of the \verb+\@noligs+ command in the
+\LaTeX{} kernel: \verb+\def<{\leavevmode\kern\z@\char`\<}+; but the effect is
+the same. The \verb+\pexa@noligs@most+ command, on the other hand, makes
+all characters with category code 12 in the range 32\ldots127 active, and
+adds \verb+\relax+ to both sides. This change doesn't affect ASCII or
+accented letters, but usually there are no ligatures with letters in
+typewriter fonts. See also the \texttt{noligs=} load option.
+\subsection{Detecting inner/outer brace in inline verbatim mode}
+The \verb+\PVerb+ commands work differently based on whether they are inside
+a macro argument or not. More precisely, they detect whether they are able
+to change the catcode of the following token. If so, they are in outer mode
+(i.e.\ outside a macro argument), so they change all the other catcodes as
+well, so consecutive spaces and comment characters will be included in
+verbatim, too. Otherwise, they are in inner mode, their argument is already
+read and tokenized by \TeX{}'s eyes, so changing catcodes is pointless.
+The auto-detection works this way: the catcode of all the special characters
+(as enumerated in \verb+\dospecials+; including braces) is changed to 3
+(math-shift). Then the next token is read into \verb+\reserved@a+ with
+\verb*+\afterassignment\pexa@+\allowbreak\verb+cverb@gottoken\let\reserved@a= +. No tokens are
+ignored this way, not even spaces. The \verb+\pexa@cverb@gottoken+ macro then
+examines the catcode of the character in
+\verb+\reserved@a+, and if it is 3, it continues in
+outer mode, otherwise it continues in inner mode. In inner mode, the next
+token is forced to be an open-brace, because verbatim material with braces
+not nested cannot be read into inner mode anyway (\TeX{} would print an error
+message when it is trying to find the end of the macro argument containing
+the \verb+\PVerb+ construct).
+Another common trick is used when parsing the argument in outer mode when it
+is delimited by braces. Normally a \TeX{} macro expansion
+(using the definition \verb+\def\pexa@cverb@outerc#1{...}+) can read an
+argument that is in braces, but in our case the very first opening brace has
+been already read (by \verb+\let+ above), so we have to insert it back:
+\verb+\catcode`\{1 \catcode`\}2 \ex+\allowbreak\verb+pandafter\pexa@cverb@outerc\expandafter{\iffalse}\fi+.
+The \verb+\iffalse+\allowbreak\verb+}\fi+ here is needed for making the definition properly
+\subsection{Inline verbatim in section titles}
+The \TeX{} command \verb+\write+, \verb+\message+ and \verb+\edef+ fully
+expand their arguments, and similar expansion is enforced by the
+\verb+\markboth+ built-in \LaTeX{} macro for section titles and page
+headings. Therefore macros in section titles have to be protected so their
+expansion is delayed until the section title is typeset. \LaTeX{} offers
+\verb+\protect+ for this: if the macro control sequence is preceded by
+\verb+\protect+, its expansion is properly delayed; the expansion of the
+argument has to be delayed manually in a similar way. Some macros have
+\verb+\protect+ion included; they are called ``robust''. If the definition a
+macro starts with \verb+\DeclareRobustCommand+ instead of \verb+\newcommand+,
+the macro is defined to be robust (and its body can be retrieved by looking
+at the control sequence with a space added, e.g.\
+\verb*+\expandafter\show\csname sqrt \endcsname+).
+\verb+\protect+ can have three definitions depending on what time it is
+processed: it is \verb+\string+ in a \verb+\typeout+ or a \LaTeX{} error or
+warning message (try \verb+\typeout{\meaning\protect}+);
+it is \verb+\noexpand\protect\noexpand+ when
+\verb+\write+ing to a file (most commonly the \texttt{.aux} file); otherwise
+it is just \verb+\relax+ ($\equiv{}$\verb+\@typeset@protect+; try
+\verb+\pagestyle{headings}\section{\meaning\pro+\allowbreak\verb+tect}+ and spot the difference
+between the main text, the section title and the \texttt{.aux} file).
+The \verb+\÷+ and \verb+\Q+ inline verbatim commands are made robust, so they
+can be used in macro arguments. In fact, they are extra-robust, since they
+take care of protecting their arguments when being written to a file by
+\LaTeX{}. Protecting here means adding \verb+\noexpand+ in front of each
+token in the argument. The token parsing is easy since the argument -- by the
+nature of these commands -- may not contain braces or spaces. The
+implementation looks like this.
+ \@thirdofthree\@firstoftwo\displayit\protectit}
+ \ifx#1÷\else\expandafter\protectnext\fi}
+The first trick is in the body of \verb+\Q+: the argument is passed to
+either \verb+\displayit+ or \verb+\protectit+, depending on the current value
+of \verb+\protect+. If the condition is true, \verb+\@gobble+ is called,
+which removes \verb+\@thirdofthree+, so \verb+\@firstoftwo+ will choose
+\verb+\displayit+ (otherwise, \verb+\@thirdofthree+ chooses
+The second, more classical trick is the r\^ole of
+\verb+\expandafter+ in the definition of \verb+\protectnext+: it makes the
+\verb+\fi+ token disappear, so the tail-recursive call to \verb+\protectnext+
+will grab the next token into \verb+#1+ instead of \verb+\fi+ itself.
+\subsection{Special hyphenchar in inline verbatim}\label{char'30}
+When inline verbatim is hyphenated, care has to be taken to make the
+discretionary hyphen different from a regular, verbatim hyphen. (There is a
+similar problem with spaces disappearing when the line is broken; to avoid
+this, try setting the option \texttt{pverb-space=visbreak} or
+\texttt{pverb-space=invdisc}.) \TeX{} auto-hyphenation takes the
+discretionary hyphen from the \verb+\hyphenchar+ of the font. So the solution
+is adding a new glyph to the verbatim font, changing the font encoding
+vector to include the glyph, and then setting \verb+\hyphenchar+.
+We have chosen character position 24 (per-thousand sign) of the T1 encoding to
+be replaced by a soft hyphen (\includegraphics[scale=0.009]{shorthyp_t1xtts}),
+which is deliberately narrower than all the other characters, so the
+reader immediately sees its function. For example:
+``\texttt{foo\includegraphics[scale=0.009]{shorthyp_t1xtts}\break bar}''.
+We have drawn the glyph in \textsf{Fontforge}, saved the data to PFB,
+converted it to human-readable format with the command
+\texttt{ shorthyp.pfb gsx: shorthyp.gsx}, extracted the human
+readable glyph definition (\verb+/short+\allowbreak\verb+hyp { ... }+) from the output.
+We have changed the \texttt{/FontName} and
+injected the glyph to original font with the following command:
+perl -x -S --set-leniv=0 --dump-spaces=no --pack \
+ --dump-bars --dump-stde --dump-ends=no --debug-warnings \
+ --chk-insize=no --set-uniqueid=random --set-fontname=t1xtts \
+ --set-glyph="/shorthyp { 50 354 hsbw 315 vmoveto -17 vlineto 0
+ -8 0 -8 6 -4 rrcurveto 4 -6 8 0 5 0 rrcurveto 195 hlineto -124
+ vlineto -11 0 -21 15 vhcurveto 2 0 3 1 2 1 rrcurveto 10 2 1 12
+ 0 12 rrcurveto 0 8 -1 8 0 5 rrcurveto 130 vlineto 0 5 1 7 0 7
+ rrcurveto 0 12 -2 11 -11 3 rrcurveto -5 1 -6 0 -5 0 rrcurveto
+ -12 0 -12 -1 -10 0 rrcurveto -98 hlineto -16 0 -19 2 -17 0
+ rrcurveto -32 -6 -3 -24 hvcurveto closepath endchar} def" \
+ t1xtt.pfb pfb: t1xtt-shorthyp.pfb
+We have changed six lines in \textsf{tex256.enc} to match the glyph names
+in the font (e.g. \texttt{/endash} $\to$ \texttt{/rangedash}), and we have
+changed position 24 to \texttt{/shorthyp}. We have also changed the name of
+the encoding in the beginning of the file. We have inserted the following
+line to the PostScript font map files (e.g.\ \textsf{}), without
+the line break:
+% into
+% ul9r8r LuxiMono "TeXBase1-shorthypEncoding ReEncodeFont" <8r-shorthyp.enc <ul9r8a-shorthyp.pfb
+t1xtts t1xtts "TeX256-shorthypEncoding ReEncodeFont"
+ <tex256-shorthyp.enc <t1xtt-shorthyp.pfb
+We have
+also added a new TFM file based on the old one. We have dumped the old one
+with \texttt{tftopl -charcode-format=octal t1xtt.tfm}, modified the
+width (\texttt{CHARWD}) of character 24 (\texttt{CHARACTER O 30}), and saved
+the modifications with \texttt{pltotf t1xtts.tfm}.
+We've added the \LaTeX{} font map file \textsf{t1xtts.fd} with the following
+\DeclareFontShape {T1}{xtts}{m}{n}{<->t1xtts}
+The \verb+\hyphenchar+ settings above disables automatic word hyphenation, so
+words inside \verb+\texttt+ etc.\ won't be accidentally hyphenated. We have
+copied all the files above to the appropriate directories and we have run
+\textsf{mktexlsr} to update the file list. We have included some options in
+\verb+\PexaDefaults+ line in the document preamble:
+ \texttt{pverb-hyphenchar=char'30} (for automatic word hyphenation)
+ \texttt{pverb-linebreak=char},
+ \texttt{pverb-linebreakchar=}\verb*+{\string\char'30 }+ (insert\-ed around symbols).
+We have also defined
+and we have made sure that the T1 encoding is in use
+The overall effect of these modifications was that \textsf{examplep} now used
+our glyph for automatic word hyphenation and as discreationary hyphen around
+symbols in inline verbatim mode. The demonstrations above shows that it is
+quite complicated to change a single glyph in a \LaTeX{} font. It is hoped
+that the situtation will improve with \TeX's successors.
+\subsection{Passing information about the CD-files to \textsf{}}\label{codeimpl}
+\textsf{} is used to extract the CD-files from the \LaTeX{} sources
+of a book. The reasons why an external program is used instead of \TeX{}'s
+built-in \verb+\write+ command are described in Subsection
+The file names and environment start line numbers are passed to
+\textsf{} in the \texttt{.aux} file(s). For example, the line
+\verb+\@gobble{code:foo.tex:156:2_pic3.+\allowbreak\verb+mp}+ is a declaration that there is a
+\texttt{code} environment starting at line 156 in the file \texttt{foo.tex}.
+\textsf{} understands such declarations, and it also understands
+lines like \verb+\@input{foo1.aux}+, so dumping works even if the document is
+separated to several \verb+\include+d source files. The declaration above is
+ignored by \LaTeX{} when it reads back the \texttt{.aux} file (because
+\verb+\@gobble+ gobbles its argument).
+Although the \verb+\inputlineno+ primitive is mentioned twice in the
+\TeX{}book \cite{texbook}, its -- rather straightforward -- purpose is not
+documented there. But the real problem is that \TeX{} doesn't remember the
+name of the file being read. \verb+\jobname+ contains the name of the
+top-level \texttt{.tex} file, so it doesn't work when that file
+\verb+\include+s or \verb+\input+s subfiles containing \texttt{code}. The
+\textsf{codep} package thus modifies the \verb+\InputIfFileExists+ command to
+save the file name to the macro \verb+\codep@code@@inputfile+ if the
+extension is \texttt{.tex}. (The other most common extension after the preamble is
+\texttt{.fd}: such a file is loaded each time a \LaTeX{} font that has not
+been used yet is selected.) The implicit limitation here that \texttt{code}
+won't work unless the extension of the file included is \texttt{.tex}.
+Hooking \verb+\InputIfFileExists+ affects \verb+\include{...}+ and
+\verb+\input{...}+, but not not \verb*+\input ...+, \verb+\documentclass+ or
+\verb+\usepackage+. This is not a problem if the author remember that he has
+to use braces around the file name.
+Since there is no hook for \verb+\endinput+ (and some packages rely on that
+\verb+\endinput+ is an expandable primitive), it is not possible to set up a
+stack of names of files being read. Thus, if file $A$ has included file $B$,
+an after that \texttt{code} environment placed in $A$ will not work, because
+the declaration line read by \textsf{} will contain the name of $B$
+instead of $A$. This is not a serious limitation, becase files including
+other files usually don't typeset text by themselves after the inclusion.
+The primary reason why \textsf{} needs the \texttt{.aux}
+file is that it has to embed the page and chapter numbers into the file
+names. Although \textsf{} could find the source file with the
+\texttt{code} environments by trying to match line numbers with all source
+files in the current directory, we have decided to make it fail when the file
+name is not emitted properly into the declaration, so it is sure that the
+examples in the book and on the CD are consistent.
+\section{Future work}
+The most important features to be added and other improvement possibilites:
+%\item func-tion better hyphenation point in \verb+\Q+ than functi-on
+\item a better approach towards automatic hyphenation of inline verbatim,
+ after studies in typography
+\item allow wider sample if source is small enough
+\item why doesn't \verb+\selectlanguage+ work inside
+ \verb+\begin{PSource}[srcstyle=+\allowbreak\verb+leftboth]+
+\item \verb+\PVerb{foo}+ mustn't insert ``$\lnot$'' if foo is at end-of-line
+\item \verb+\PVerb{...}+ inner unnested braces (\verb+\futurelet+?)
+\item differentiated \verb+\penalty+ values in \verb+\PVerb+
+\item paragraph mode should work with side-by-side displays (of course,
+ measuring the width of the Source has still to be done in aligned mode)
+\item ASCII tabulator (9) characters aren't supported properly, they are just
+ converted to spaces. The width of the tab character should depend on its
+ horizontal position in the line. (With \texttt{listings=}, the results are
+ already correct.)
+\item framing and background color support to display verbatim
+\item accented characters should work with \textsf{listings} and
+ \verb+\PexaShowBoth+. The original catcode of \verb+^+ should be kept
+ so \TeX{} itself would parse the hex escapes.
+\item an interface to \verb+\lstinline+ in \textsf{listings}, with line
+ breaks allowed
+\textsf{examplep}, as it is now, is a highly customizable \LaTeX{} package
+that provides both inline and display verbatim mode with several advanced
+features, many of which are not available in any other packages. The
+\textsf{code} environment is also provided which can typeset both the Source
+and the Sample column of a side-by-side display verbatim from the same
+\LaTeX{} source stream, furthermore it can emit the stand-alone working
+version of the Source into a CD-file. These features make the \textsf{code}
+environment especially useful for sofware textbook and manual authoring. The
+whole \textsf{examplep} distribution is under the GNU GPL, and it is freely
+available from CTAN. An earlier version of the packages was used to typeset
+all the examples in a 770-page introductionary book about \LaTeX{}.
+\textsf{examplep} is not complete. Some important features are not
+implemented yet and the package has not been tested thoroughly. Some parts of
+the code are really ugly, partially because it has not been polished up after
+writing, and partially because the architecture of \TeX{} and \LaTeX{}
+doesn't provide an elegant way to address the problem. For example, active
+characters are overloaded: they are used by \textsf{inputenc}, \textsf{babel}
+(shorthands) and \textsf{listings} (syntax highlighting) for different
+purposes -- these packages have to make extra effort to cooperate with each
+other. We hope that \TeX's successors will improve these
+conditions, and the core system will provide a generic way to tokenize
+verbatim text instead of changing catcodes.
+Carsten Heinz.
+\newblock {\em The \textsf{Listings} Package}, 7~September 2004.
+\newblock \\CTAN:\texttt{macros/latex/contrib/listings/listings-1.3.dtx}.
+David Kastrup.
+\newblock {\em The \texttt{binhex.tex} package for expansible conversion into
+ binary-based number systems}, 2001.
+\newblock \\CTAN:\texttt{macros/generic/kastrup/binhex.dtx}.
+Donald~E. Knuth.
+\newblock {\em The {{\TeX}book}}.
+\newblock Addison--Wesley, 1984.
+Ferenc Wettl, Gyula Mayer, and P\'eter Szab\'o.
+\newblock {\em {\LaTeX} k\'ezik\"onyv}.
+\newblock Panem, Budapest, 2004.
+Timothy~Van Zandt, Denis Girou, and Sebastian Rahtz.
+\newblock {\em The `\textsf{fancyvrb}' package. Fancy Verbatims in \LaTeX{}},
+ 1998.
+\newblock \\CTAN:\texttt{macros/latex/contrib/fancyvrb/fancyvrb.dtx}.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/examplep.sty b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/examplep.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5b32ccc971
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/examplep.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,2418 @@
+% examplep.sty -- typesetting verbatim TeX code and examples
+% by at Sat Sep 27 23:58:14 CEST 2003
+% -- Sun Sep 28 23:38:37 CEST 2003
+% ligatures broken -- Tue Sep 30 19:14:11 CEST 2003
+% examplep.sty at Fri Oct 24 10:25:27 CEST 2003
+% options and misc stuff at Fri Oct 24 22:23:06 CEST 2003
+% xalign=, yalign= fixes, *-test.tex at Wed Dec 24 02:33:24 CET 2003
+% baseline-grid=, fixes at Wed Feb 25 23:37:41 CET 2004
+% This is a LaTeX package that provides following features:
+% -- a robust \PVerb macro comparable to the LaTeX \verb macro
+% -- \begin{PSource} comparable to the LaTeX \begin{verbatim} environment
+% -- \begin{WSource} comparable to \begin{verbwrite} in sverb.sty
+% and \begin{filecontents} of latex.ltx
+% -- \begin{PWSource} combining \begin{PSource} and \begin{WSource}
+% -- \begin{PexaMiniPage} comparable to the LaTeX \begin{minipage} environment
+% -- \PexaShowBoth that typesets LaTeX code, and also shows it verbatim;
+% facing and page breaks enabled (!)
+% -- Package load options can be specified \usepacakge[...]{examplep}
+% See samplewidth= in this file for the load option defaults. Use
+% \PexaDefaults{...} instead of \usepackage[...]{examplep} to specify
+% complicated options such as linenumberformat={...} (this is a LaTeX kernel
+% limitation.)
+% !! func-tion better hyphenation point in \Q than functi-on
+% !! after \end{PSource} in pts_diploma.tex, don't require \noindent
+% !! option to emit tabs as spaces
+% !! allow wider Source if Sample is small enough
+% !! \ifnum0=`{\fi} and similar tricks for \halign?
+% !! magyarldf-doc.tex infinite bug
+% !! why is it called twice?
+% \def\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont{u\normalfont\ttfamily
+% \hyphenpenalty10000 }
+% !! why doesn't \selectlanguage works inside \begin{PSource}[srcstyle=leftboth]
+% !! \PVerb{foo} mustn't insert $\lnot$ if foo is at EOL
+% !! \ifvmode testing for \PSource
+% !! \PVerb{...} inner unnested braces (\futurelet?)
+% !! \penalty in \PVerb
+% !! \pexa@ss@left etc. should work with \PexaShowBoth (not for measuring)
+% !! \@afterindenttrue etc.
+% !! ASCII tab (9) characters aren't supported properly
+% !! \begin{PSource} says 'Missing $ inserted.' in magyarldf-doc.tex:
+% \begin{PSource}[srcstyle=leftboth]
+% \grq~\glq~\glqq~\grqq~\flq~\frq~\flqq~\frqq\\
+% \textquoteright~\textquotedblright\\
+% \textquoteleft~\textquotedblleft\\
+% \end{PSource}
+% Dat: multiple spaces count inside \PVerb+...+, even at line break
+% Dat: it is impossible to indent the first line via \begin{WSource} etc.,
+% because verbfwr.sty chops heading spaces
+% Dat: 5000..9999 lines of \halign containing only `(9999)\hfil\cr' will fill
+% up TeX's memory (! TeX capacity exceeded, sorry [main memory size=263001].),
+% so text fed to \PexaShowBoth shouldn't exceed 375 lines (with an
+% average line length of 80 characters)
+% Imp: page breaks near \FBHLastDepth put a too tall \vrule on next page
+\ProvidesPackage{examplep}[2010/02/03 v0.04 Verbatim and typeset TeX code]
+\@ifundefined{XeTeXinputencoding}{}{\XeTeXinputencoding "cp1250" }
+\catcode\string``12 % may have been changed by Babel
+% ---
+ \if\noexpand#1^%
+ \expandafter\pexa@dohex@lowa
+ \else\char"5E \expandafter#1\fi
+ \if\noexpand#18\pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex@lowc#28}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#19\pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex@lowc#29}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1a\pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex@lowc#2A}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1b\pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex@lowc#2B}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1c\pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex@lowc#2C}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1d\pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex@lowc#2D}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1e\pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex@lowc#2E}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1f\pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex@lowc#2F}%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1I\pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex@lowc90#2}% tab: \t; Imp: better !! no #2, neither in \char "5E
+ \else\char"5E \pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@dohex#1#2}%
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\relax
+ \if\noexpand#1aA%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1bB%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1cC%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1dD%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1eE%
+ \else\if\noexpand#1fF%
+ \else#1\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \ifnum\catcode"#2\pexa@dohex@lowb#1=13{\lccode`\~="#2\pexa@dohex@lowb#1\lowercase{~}}%
+ \else{\lccode`\+="#2\pexa@dohex@lowb#1\lowercase{+}}\fi%
+%** Usage: \begin{PWSource}[OPTIONS]...\end{PWSource}. Writes everything (...)
+%** into file \pexa@@sourcename, and also typesets it with \PexaShowSource
+%** Dat: everything after \end{PWSource} in its line will be ignored
+%** Dat: ^^ab hex codes >=128 will be substituted in \input (by \pexa@dohex)
+%** Dat: ^^I etc. hex codes will be left alone
+%** Dat: spaces at EOL will be lost (this is a limitation of TeX's eyes), so
+% will be contents of lines with spaces only. This limitation is true
+% for all environments in this file.
+%** Dat: if `[OPTIONS]' is missing, then all spaces
+ \let\pexa@@savepar\par
+ \catcode`\ =12 \let\par\relax \obeylines% ugly hack so \@ifnextchar won't gobble spaces or newlines
+ \@ifnextchar[\pexa@PWSource{\pexa@PWSource[]}}%]
+ \def\pexa@@envopts{#1}%
+ \global\let\pexa@@cursourcename\pexa@@sourcename
+ \immediate\openout\verbfwr@writefile\pexa@@cursourcename\relax
+ \let\verbfwr@writecs\verbfwr@writefile
+ \let\verbfwr@actwriteline\verbfwr@writeline
+ \let\par\pexa@@savepar % so we won't get an infinite loop
+ \verbfwr@default@acts
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write
+ % Don't put anything else here!
+ \immediate\closeout\verbfwr@writefile
+ \expandafter\PexaShowSource\expandafter{\pexa@@envopts}% use defaults
+%** Writes its contents to file \pexa@@samplename and sets
+%** \pexa@@cursourcename to \pexa@@samplename
+%** Usage: \begin{WBoth}...\end{WBoth}. `...' is LaTeX source that can
+%** be typeset verbatim or later \input into the middle of the document. See
+%** the docs for \begin{PWSource} for more details.
+ \global\let\pexa@@cursourcename\pexa@@samplename
+ \immediate\openout\verbfwr@writefile\pexa@@samplename\relax
+ \let\verbfwr@writecs\verbfwr@writefile
+ \let\verbfwr@actwriteline\verbfwr@writeline
+ \verbfwr@default@acts
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write% finish this \cs here
+%** Similar to \begin{WBoth} (see docs there), but writes its contents to
+%** file \pexa@@samplename.
+ \immediate\openout\verbfwr@writefile\pexa@@samplename\relax
+ \let\verbfwr@writecs\verbfwr@writefile
+ \let\verbfwr@actwriteline\verbfwr@writeline
+ \verbfwr@default@acts
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write% finish this \cs here
+%** Similar to \begin{WBoth} (see docs there), but writes its contents to
+%** file \pexa@@sourcename (and sets \pexa@@cursourcename to it).
+ \global\let\pexa@@cursourcename\pexa@@sourcename
+ \immediate\openout\verbfwr@writefile\pexa@@sourcename\relax
+ \let\verbfwr@writecs\verbfwr@writefile
+ \let\verbfwr@actwriteline\verbfwr@writeline
+ \verbfwr@default@acts
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write% finish this \cs here
+%** Everything is ignored between \begin{PIgnore}...\end{PIgnore}. The trailing
+%** Everything in the line of \end{PIgnore} is ignored, even chars after it.
+%** `...' may contain unnested braces, groups or \ifs.
+ \verbfwr@default@acts
+ \let\verbfwr@actemitline\@gobble
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write% finish this \cs here
+%** Usage: \begin{PSource}[OPTIONS]...\end{PSource}. Same as \begin{PWSource},
+%** but doesn't write anything to a file, so it is a little faster. Also, a
+%** little more stable, since ^^ab hex codes aren't involved.
+ \catcode`\ =13 \let\par\@@par \obeylines% ugly hack so \@ifnextchar won't gobble spaces or newlines
+ \@ifnextchar[\pexa@PSource{\pexa@PSource[]}}%]
+%\def\verbfwr@readenv@ii#1\hfuzz{{\end.}{\end{#1}}}% !!
+ \pexa@doopts{#1}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pexa@plines@start
+ \expandafter\verbfwr@readenv@i\@currenvir\hfuzz%
+ %\catcode`~=13 %\def~{\nobreakspace{}}%
+ \catcode`\ =10 % restore to be space
+ \let\pexa@setupverb\relax% call this before \pexa@setupverb
+ \let\pexa@default@verbatimfont\relax
+ \def\verbfwr@read##1##2##3{\verbfwr@noter@read0}%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\reserved@a\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\relax
+ \pexa@@eachline{#1}\cr}%
+%** @param #1 `\end{PSource}' in catcode 12
+%** @param #2 `\end {PSource}' with normal catcodes
+ \def\pexa@@starthalign{}%
+ \def\pexa@@dohalign{}%
+ %** Must be fully expandable.
+ \let\pexa@@eachline\@firstofone
+ %%\show\pexa@default@srcstyle
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname pexa@ss@\pexa@default@srcstyle\endcsname\relax
+ \def\verbfwr@actemitlineone{% not called if there are no lines!
+ \let\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty
+ \pexa@starthalign% one @
+ \pexa@@beforefirstline
+ \noalign\bgroup
+ }%
+ \def\verbfwr@actemitline##1{% get line in \VerbFwrLines
+ %\edef\reserved@a{\def\noexpand\VerbFwrLines{\noexpand\pexa@@eachline{\VerbFwrLines}}}%
+ %\expandafter\egroup\reserved@a% \noalign, pass \VerbFwrLines inside the column
+ %\relax\VerbFwrLines\cr%\relax<.\VerbFwrLines.>\cr%
+ % vvv This solution makes it possible for \pexa@@eachline to contain `&'
+ % vvv Dat: a beginning \edef\reserved@a{\relax...} is necessary to prevent
+ % TeX looking for \span, \omit etc.
+ %\edef\reserved@a{\relax\expandafter\pexa@@eachline\expandafter{\VerbFwrLines}\cr}%
+ \expandafter\pexa@plines@expandeach\expandafter{\VerbFwrLines}%
+ \expandafter\egroup\reserved@a% \noalign, pass \VerbFwrLines inside the column
+ %
+ \noalign\bgroup
+ }%
+ \def\verbfwr@actemitdone{% called if there were no lines
+ \ifx\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty
+ \egroup% \noalign
+ \egroup% \halign
+ \fi
+ }%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\pexa@plines@@setup\csname pexa@sh@\pexa@default@srcstyle\endcsname% this sets up further \catcodes
+ \else
+ %\expandafter\pexa@setup@calcwidths\expandafter{\pexa@default@usewidth}%
+ % Dat: no need to save/restore \parindent here, becasuse we do \noindent
+ \def\verbfwr@actemitlineone{\let\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty}%
+ \let\verbfwr@actemitdone\@empty
+ \def\verbfwr@actemitline##1{\expandafter\pexa@plines@parpre\expandafter\pexa@@eachline\expandafter{\VerbFwrLines}\@@par}%
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\pexa@plines@@setup\csname pexa@ss@\pexa@default@srcstyle\endcsname% this sets up further \catcodes
+ \everypar{}%
+ % Dat: too early to set \hsize now
+ \let\pexa@@dopars\@empty
+ \fi
+ %
+ % vvv Similar to \PexaShowSourceMany
+ %\leavevmode% for \@bsphack
+ %\@bsphack% don't have to save \spacefactor
+ \let\par\@@par% make \vskip work fine??
+ \expandafter\pexa@setup@calcwidths\expandafter{\pexa@default@usewidth}%
+ \begingroup
+ \pexa@@calcwidths% calculate leftmost \tabskip
+ \@tempdima\PexaWidth
+ \advance\@tempdima\tabskip
+ \edef\reserved@a{\def\noexpand\pexa@@tolinewidth{to\the\@tempdima}}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\reserved@a
+ %\advance\linewidth\@totalleftma
+ %\def\pexa@@tolinewidth{to\linewidth}%
+ %
+ \pexa@xyindent\pexa@default@xindent\pexa@default@yindent
+ % \pexa@plines@notverbatim
+ \pexa@plines@@setup
+ % ^^^ calls \pexa@s?@..., which calls \pexa@show@pars or \pexa@show@halign,
+ % which calls \pexa@setupverb and \pexa@@calcwidths, which modifies
+ % \tabskip and \linewidth
+ \advance\leftskip-1\leftskip% keep stretch
+ \advance\rightskip-1\rightskip% keep stretch
+ %\leftskip\z@skip \rightskip\z@skip % Dat: needed by \begin{egysoros} -- why??
+ %\advance\hsize\rightskip
+ %\showthe\hsize
+ %\showthe\leftskip
+ %\showthe\rightskip
+ \let\par\@@par \obeylines
+ \verbfwr@read{#1}\@gobble{% read verbatim data line-by-line, call \verfwr@act... as callbacks
+ %\@esphack
+ #2%
+ }%
+ % Don't put anything else here, will be read by \verbfwr@read
+% vvv Dat: \leavevmode would insert \indent and cancels \noindent
+% vvv Dat: \null is needed for empty lines with no \catcode change for ^^M
+ \kern\tabskip% !! added at Tue May 18 11:14:58 CEST 2004; for \begin{PSource} in \begin{description}; does it hurt lakk??
+ \pexa@@everyparr}%
+% --- Adding accents and breaking ligatures
+\edef\pexa@quoteleft {\relax\string`}
+\edef\pexa@hyphen {\relax\string-\relax}%
+\edef\pexa@comma {\relax\string,}
+\edef\pexa@less {\relax\string<}
+\edef\pexa@greater {\relax\string>}
+\let\pexa@@oldH\H% default
+\let\pexa@@olddot\.% default
+\def\pexa@H#1{% \H accent missing from {OT1}{cmtt}
+ \ifx\f@encoding\pexa@@otone% Imp: don't hard-wire cmr??
+ \pexa@curprop\iftrue%
+ \pexa@@oldH#1%
+ \else%
+ \pexa@add@accentx{125}{\fontencoding{OT1}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont}#1% not expandable
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \pexa@@oldH#1% {T1}{cmtt} is OK
+ \fi%
+\def\pexa@dot#1{% \. accent missing from {OT1}{cmtt}
+ \ifx\f@encoding\pexa@@otone%
+ \pexa@curprop\iftrue%
+ \pexa@@dot#1%
+ \else%
+ \pexa@add@accentx{95}{\fontencoding{OT1}\fontfamily{cmr}\selectfont}#1% not expandable
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \pexa@@olddot#1% {T1}{cmtt} is OK
+ \fi%
+%** Derived from LaTeX \add@accent
+%** @param #1 0..255 code of the accent
+%** @param #2 commands to load the accent font
+%** @param #3 char to put the accent on
+ \let\hmode@start@before@group\@firstofone
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{%
+ #3\global\mathchardef\accent@spacefactor\spacefactor}%
+ \edef\@thefont{\the\font}%
+ #2% select font
+ \accent#1%
+ \@thefont#3%
+ \egroup\spacefactor\accent@spacefactor
+%** `\pexa@curprop\iftrue' behaves like `\iftrue' if the current font is
+%** proportional; or `\iffalse' if the current font is fixed-width.
+%** Cannot create an `\ifpexa@curprop' macro, since it won't be treated properly
+%** when skipped (only \let\ifpexa@curprop\iffalse and \let\ifpexa@curprop\iftrue
+%** is treated properly).
+%** Ruins \reserved@a
+%** Imp: better in pexample.sty
+ \expandafter\let\expandafter\reserved@a\csname prop@\fontname\font\endcsname
+ \ifnum10>1\reserved@a% no ` %' here; calculate \reserved@a for the first time
+ \def\reserved@a{1}% \let\reserved@a0 won't work with `\ifnum'
+ \ifdim\fontdimen3\font=\z@
+ \ifdim\fontdimen4\font=\z@
+ \begingroup
+ \setbox0=\hbox{i}%
+ \setbox1=\hbox{W}%
+ \ifdim\wd0=\wd1 %
+ \aftergroup\let\aftergroup\reserved@a\aftergroup\pexa@@zero% found a fixed-width font
+ \fi
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\let\csname prop@\fontname\font\endcsname\reserved@a
+ \fi
+ \csname if\if\reserved@a0false\else true\fi\endcsname
+% ---
+%** Acts based on usewidth=
+%** @in \linewidth already decreased by \@totalleftmargin and total_right margin
+%** @out \PexaWidth = source+rule+sample a dimen register or tokens ending
+%** by space `1.2pt '; \PexaWidth doesn't contain left or right indentation
+%** @out \pexa@@calcwidths to set \tabskip to point to final left margin
+%** to decrease \linewidth by some margins
+%** Modifies \linewidth: decreases by \leftskip
+%** @param #1 value of \pexa@default@usewidth: 0, 1 or 2
+ \if#12% usewidth=skipwidth
+ \begingroup
+ \@tempdimb\linewidth
+ % Dat: we definitely mustn't do \advance\@tempdimb-\@totalleftmargin,
+ % because \linewidth has never contained the value of \@totalleftmargin
+ \advance\@tempdimb-\rightskip \advance\@tempdimb-\leftskip
+ \edef\PexaWidth{\def\noexpand\PexaWidth{\the\@tempdimb\space}}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\PexaWidth
+ % Dat: we really don't want to say \let\PexaWidth\@tempdimb here, because
+ % \small in \pexa@defaut@verbatimfont will clobber it later
+ \def\pexa@@calcwidths{%
+ % vvv this is called in \pexa@show@halign to set the left margin properly
+ \tabskip\leftskip \advance\tabskip\@totalleftmargin
+ %\advance\linewidth-\@totalleftmargin% BUGFIX at Tue Dec 23 19:55:06 CET 2003 -- fixes \PexaShowBoth
+ %\advance\linewidth-\leftskip% Dat: enabling this makes \begin{egysoros} buggy (too narrow line). BUGFIX at Tue Mar 30 17:40:50 CEST 2004
+ %\advance\linewidth-\rightskip% !! is this used? and below? (two)
+ }%
+ \else\if#11% usewidth=linewidth
+ \let\PexaWidth\linewidth
+ \def\pexa@@calcwidths{\tabskip\@totalleftmargin
+ %!!\advance\linewidth-\@totalleftmargin% BUGFIX at Tue Dec 23 19:55:06 CET 2003 -- fixes \PexaShowBoth
+ }%
+ \else% usewidth=hsize
+ \let\PexaWidth\hsize
+ \def\pexa@@calcwidths{\tabskip\z@ \let\linewidth\hsize}%
+ \fi\fi
+ \begingroup
+ \pexa@doopts{#1}%
+ % vvv Dat: may contain .45\PexaWidth
+ % \expandafter\@temptokena\expandafter{\pexa@default@samplewidth}%
+ % !! test this
+ \@tempdimb\PexaWidth\relax
+ \let\PexaWidth\@tempdimb
+ \@tempdima\pexa@default@samplewidth\relax% do arithmetic: .5\PexaWidth
+ \edef\PexaWidth{\the\@tempdimb\space}%
+ \edef\reserved@a{\noexpand\PexaShowSampleMany
+ {\the\@tempdima}% 1
+ {\pexa@default@boxstyle}% 2
+ }%
+ %%\show\reserved@a
+ \expandafter\endgroup\reserved@a
+%** Shows the Sample in lines on their own. Page breaks disallowed.
+%** @param #1 dimen: width of Sample (\hsize, paragraph width). Examples: .4\hsize >= .4\linewidth
+%** @param #2 boxing style of Sample:
+%** `h': \hbox
+%** `v': \vtop
+%** 'm': is minipage with \vtop
+%** 'p': is PexaMinipage with \vtop (recommended)
+%** `V': \vbox
+%** 'M': is minipage with \vbox
+%** 'P': is PexaMinipage with \vbox
+%** 'G': no boxing, only \begingroup .. \endgroup
+ \if#2G\else
+ \if#2h\else
+ \vskip\z@skip% leave horizontal mode
+ \fi\fi
+ \csname pexa@setsample@#2\endcsname{#1}%
+% ---
+%** Default: align left
+\def\pexa@@preamble{##\hfil\tabskip\z@ plus1fill}
+\def\pexa@@preamblecr{\cr}% or {\cr\noalign{\nobreak}}
+%** Don't allow a page break before Sample is over
+ \ifdim-\pexa@@cnta\baselineskip<\@tempdima\nobreak\fi}}%
+%** Default
+\def\pexa@default@addlinenum{0}% start line numbering from \pexa@default@addlinenum+1
+\let\pexa@@cntb\pexa@default@addlinenum% default
+%** Contains width of linenumbersep=, too
+%** Better than `~', because not affected by amsxtra.sty's redefinition.
+\def\pexa@default@space{\leavevmode\nobreak\ }%
+%** @example \enspace, \quad, \hbox{\space} etc.
+%** @example \def\pexa@default@linenumberwidth{\parindent} \def\pexa@default@linenumbersep{\enspace}%
+%** No effect, will be overridden later.
+%** Clobbers \@tempcnta. \gdef#1
+%** @param #1 a macro \cs name expanding to a number
+%** A tab is really more complicated than 8 spaces, but correct tabbing would
+%** be hard to implement here.
+ \catcode9 13 \begingroup\lccode`~=9 \lowercase{\endgroup\def~}{\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ }%
+%** Called by \begin{PLines}, \PexaShowBoth, \PVerb etc.
+ \ifnum\the\catcode`^=13 % already active, is \pexa@dohex
+ \let\do\@makeother \dospecials
+ \catcode`^=13
+ \else
+ \let\do\@makeother \dospecials% \catcode`\\=12 etc. (see latex.ltx for \dospecials)
+ \fi
+ % Dat: `latex --translate-file il1-t1' emits accented glyph to file as a single char
+ % ^^^ Dat: don't modify catcode of 127..255, so accents will come out right
+ \catcode`\ =13 \lccode`~=32 \lowercase{\let~\pexa@default@space}% make each space count, but not a visible space -- \@xobeysp defined in latex.ltx
+ % ^^^ Dat: former \let~\@xobeysp
+ % Common ligatures in monospaced fonts: `` '' ,, -- -Z << >> !` ?` (where Z has ASCII code 127)
+ % Dat: compare this code with \@noligs of latex.ltx -- this is more efficient
+ % vvv Dat: this has no effect on \pexa@cverb@outerc (and neither on inner
+ % \PVerb), but that is hoped to have its \break{}s already separating.
+ \catcode``13 \lccode`~``\lowercase{\let~\pexa@quoteleft}% break Spanish ?` and !` ligatures in (and also the '' ligature in)
+ \catcode`-13 \lccode`~`-\lowercase{\let~\pexa@hyphen}% break ligatures --, --- and -Z (where Z has ascii code 127)
+ \catcode`'13 \lccode`~`'\lowercase{\let~\pexa@quoteright}% break ligature ''
+ \catcode`,13 \lccode`~`,\lowercase{\let~\pexa@comma}% break ligature ,,
+ \catcode`<13 \lccode`~`<\lowercase{\let~\pexa@less}% break ligature <<
+ \catcode`>13 \lccode`~`>\lowercase{\let~\pexa@greater}% break ligature >>
+ %
+ \let\pexa@@oldH\H \let\H\pexa@H%
+ \let\pexa@@olddot\.\let\.\pexa@dot%
+%** Not \pexa@default@verbatimfont. This is used by load options to
+%** examplep.sty
+\def\pexa@@verbatimfont{\verbatim@font}% in latex.ltx
+ \catcode`\^13 \lccode`~`^\lowercase{\let~\pexa@dohex}% Dat: allow ^^e1 hex emulation (setting catcode=7 won't do good because of literal `^'s)
+ %\zzzzz\show\pexa@@tolinewidth\showthe\PexaWidth
+ \halign\pexa@@tolinewidth\bgroup
+ \pexa@@vts% run only once
+ \pexa@decr\pexa@@cnta
+ \pexa@decr\pexa@@cntb% must be \global because of \halign, but don't want to clobber \@tempcnt* \global{}ly
+ \span\pexa@@preamble % expand preamble right now: `##\hfil'
+ \cr% Dat: \pexa@@preamblecr isn't called _before_ the 1st line
+ \pexa@@beforefirstline% called after the \cr of the preamble, should contain \noalign{...}
+ %\relax\pexa@setupverb@read% Dat: already called
+ \relax\input\pexa@@cursourcename\space
+ % ^^^ Dat: \relax instead of \space would begin an extra line and demand
+ % an extra \cr (at end)
+ \egroup% terminate \halign
+%** Call this inside \begingroup, from a macro
+%** Caller may set \pexa@@beforehalign, \tabskip; should pexa@@
+ \pexa@setupverb
+ \pexa@setuptab
+ \pexa@default@verbatimfont
+ \let\par\pexa@@preamblecr \obeylines% must set \par before this; so each ^^M will emit a \cr plus more
+ \def\pexa@@vts{%
+ \pexa@@firstlinebeg
+ %\vrule height\topskip width\z@ %!! try to do without this
+ \global\let\pexa@@vts\relax
+ }%
+ \pexa@@calcwidths
+ \pexa@@beforehalign
+ % Dat: \everypar{...} has no effect here (inside \halign)
+ \pexa@@starthalign
+ \pexa@@dohalign
+\def\pexa@@dopars{% doesn't called by \begin{egysoros}, called by \begin{code}
+ \begingroup% Dat: don't do a \vbox, because it resets \parshape
+ \everypar{%
+ \setbox0\lastbox% remove \indent since \noindent is too late
+ \pexa@@vts\pexa@@everyparr}%
+ %\showthe\linewidth
+ %\showthe\leftskip
+ \hsize\linewidth
+ \advance\hsize\leftskip% !! already done by \pexa@show@pars?? -- maybe fixup after hook?
+ \advance\hsize\rightskip
+ \pexa@setupverb@read
+ \relax\input\pexa@@cursourcename\space
+ \endgroup
+\def\pexa@show@pars{% modelled after \pexa@ss@left
+ \pexa@setupverb% Dat: we still have normal catcodes for \dospecials before calling this
+ \pexa@setuptab
+ %\showthe\catcode9
+ %\show\pexa@default@verbatimfont
+ \pexa@default@verbatimfont
+ %\show\pexa@@calcwidths
+ \parfillskip\@flushglue
+ \parskip\z@skip
+ %
+ \pexa@@calcwidths% doesn't always change \linewidth; sets \tabskip
+ % Dat: now \tabskip is the left indentation and \linewidth is the desired
+ % width of text. From that we calculate \leftskip and \hsize.
+ \leftskip\tabskip% as calculated by \pexa@@calcwidths
+ \hsize\linewidth% !! \PexaWidth?, respect \leftskip etc. (\pexa@setup@calcwidths)
+ \advance\hsize\leftskip
+ \advance\hsize\rightskip
+ %\leftskip0pt
+ %foo\par
+ %\show\leftskip \showthe\leftskip
+ %
+ % Dat: don't change and don't use \parindent
+ \def\par{\hskip\z@skip\@@par}% obey empty lines
+ \obeylines
+ \def\pexa@@vts{%
+ \pexa@@firstlinebeg
+ %\vrule height\topskip width\z@% superfluous, ruins \baselineskip
+ \global\let\pexa@@vts\relax
+ }%
+ %\show\leftskip \showthe\leftskip
+ \pexa@@showparshook % \raggedright etc.
+ % Dat: \pexa@@dopars is empty for \begin{egysoros}, not empty for \begin{code}
+ \pexa@@dopars
+% Dat: used by source-par-align=
+% Dat: \centering, \raggedright and \raggedleft clobbers these:
+% \\, \rightskip, \leftskip, \parindent, \parfillskip, \@rightskip.
+% We ignore \\, \parindent and \@rightskip, we have to modifye (but not
+% clobber) \rightskip, \leftskip and \parfillskip only. So we have our
+% own macros.
+\def\pexa@paralign@center{% similar to \centering
+ \leftskip 1\leftskip plus 1fil\relax
+ \rightskip1\rightskip plus 1fil\relax
+ \parfillskip\z@skip}
+\def\pexa@paralign@left{% similar to \raggedright
+ % Dat: \leftskip and \rightskip are cumulative
+ \leftskip 1\leftskip\relax
+ \rightskip1\rightskip plus 1fill\relax
+ \parfillskip\z@skip}%
+ %\parfillskip\@flushglue}% Imp: is \@flushglue better here for the line breaking algorithm?
+\def\pexa@paralign@right{% similar to \raggedleft
+ \leftskip 1\leftskip plus 1fil\relax
+ \rightskip1\rightskip\relax
+ \parfillskip\z@skip}
+\def\pexa@paralign@justify{% last line left aligned, others justified
+ \leftskip 1\leftskip\relax
+ \rightskip1\rightskip\relax
+ \parfillskip\@flushglue}
+\def\pexa@paralign@justjust{% all lines justified => lot of Underfull \hbox{}es
+ \leftskip 1\leftskip\relax
+ \rightskip1\rightskip\relax
+ \parfillskip\z@skip}
+%** readded at Thu Dec 21 19:02:12 CET 2006
+%** @param #1 filename
+%** @param #2 options
+ \begingroup
+ \edef\pexa@@cursourcename{#1}%
+ \PexaShowSource{#2}%
+ \endgroup
+%** @param #1 options
+%** Dat: not affected by samplewidth=
+ \clubpenalty\@clubpenalty % allow club lines after \paragraph{x}y\par
+ \begingroup
+ \pexa@doopts{#1}%
+ \edef\reserved@a{\noexpand\PexaShowSourceMany
+ {\pexa@default@srcstyle}% 1
+ {\pexa@default@usewidth}% 2
+ {\pexa@default@xindent}% 3
+ {\pexa@default@yindent}% 4
+ }%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\reserved@a
+%** Show the source of the previous \begin{WSource} / \begin{WBoth},
+%** @param #1 source display style:
+%** `left': aligned to the left margin
+%** `center': center aligned (individual lines left aligned)
+%** `right': right aligned (individual lines left aligned)
+%** `leftnum': left aligned with left aligned line numbering
+%** `leftnumcol': right flushed line numbering . left flushed source line
+%** `leftnumhang': marginpar-hanging line numbering . left flushed source line
+%** `leftboth': similar to \PexaShowBoth, but uses \PVerb (works only with \PSource)
+%** `leftleft': two columns, left aligned with a \pexa@@vrule (works only with \PSource)
+%** @param #2 width selector: `0': use full \hsize, `1': use \linewidth only,
+%** `2': use \linewidth-\leftskip-\rightskip (because of \narrower)
+%** @param #3 xindent: `none' | `deeper' | `narrower' | `deepright'
+%** @param #4 yindent: `none' | `deeper'
+ \pexa@setup@calcwidths{#2}%
+ \begingroup
+ \pexa@xyindent{#3}{#4}%
+ % Dat: we don't need \pexa@@calcwidths now, it will be called later.
+ %\pexa@@calcwidths % \leftskip, \@totalleftmargin -> \tabskip
+ %\showthe\tabskip
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname pexa@ss@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \csname pexa@sh@#1\endcsname% do the actual \input
+ \else\csname pexa@ss@#1\endcsname\fi
+ \pexa@@undoyindent
+ \pexa@endparenvgroup
+ \ifnum\@listdepth=\z@ \leftmargin\z@ \rightmargin\z@ \fi% remove garbage
+ \edef\pexa@@restore@xmargins{%
+ \noexpand\leftmargin \the\leftmargin
+ \noexpand\rightmargin\the\rightmargin
+ }%
+ \ifnum \@listdepth >5\relax
+ \@toodeep
+ \else
+ %\showthe\@listdepth
+ \global\advance\@listdepth\@ne
+ \aftergroup\global\aftergroup\advance\aftergroup\@listdepth\aftergroup\m@ne
+ \fi
+ \rightmargin\z@
+ % vvv defined in size*.clo, sets \leftmargin, \rightmargin, \topsep, \parsep
+ % \itemsep etc.
+ \csname @list\romannumeral\the\@listdepth\endcsname
+ \let\pexa@@oncedeeper\@empty
+% The \pexa@doxindent@... commands to the following:
+% -- clobber \leftmargin and \rightmargin to an unused value
+% -- set \parshape\z@
+% -- decrease \linewidth by additional left and right margin
+% -- increase \@totalleftmargin by additional right margin
+% -- increase \leftskip by more additional left margin
+% -- increase \rightskip by more additional right margin
+ %\advance\@totalleftmargin 5pt
+ \parshape\z@
+ \pexa@@oncedeeper
+ %\showthe\linewidth
+ %\showthe\rightmargin
+ %
+ % vvv do proper Overfull \hbox calculations
+ % vvv not done by \pexa@@oncedeeper, for \begin{egysoros} at Wed Jul 7 08:20:23 CEST 2004
+ \advance\linewidth -\rightmargin
+ \advance\linewidth -\leftmargin
+ %
+ \advance\@totalleftmargin \leftmargin % do indentation
+ %\advance\leftskip1em
+ \parshape\z@% \parshape unused, converted to \tabskip
+%** deeppre: move deeper, but keep old \leftmargin and \rightmargin
+ \pexa@@oncedeeper
+ %\show\pexa@@restore@xmargins
+ \pexa@@restore@xmargins
+ % vvv Dat: removed for lakkbook at Fri Mar 26 17:24:23 CET 2004:
+ % \linewidth and \@totalleftmargin has already been modified; and
+ % \leftmargin and \rightmargin doesn't count
+ % !! make it indent with \begin{PSource} -- or =deeper?
+ \parshape\z@% \parshape unused, converted to \tabskip
+ \pexa@@oncedeeper
+ \rightmargin\leftmargin
+ \advance\linewidth -\rightmargin
+ \advance\linewidth -\leftmargin
+ \advance\@totalleftmargin \leftmargin
+ \parshape\z@% \parshape unused, converted to \tabskip
+ \if@nobreak
+ \@nobreakfalse
+ \ifnum\clubpenalty=\@M \clubpenalty\@clubpenalty \fi
+ \fi}
+ \pexa@undo@nobreak
+ \@endpetrue\@doendpe % automatic \noindent for text coming -- if not separated by newline
+ \edef\pexa@@restoreleftskip{\leftskip\the\leftskip\space}%
+ \@rightskip\rightskip
+ \pexa@@oncedeeper
+ \@trivlist % calculates \@topsepadd depending on \ifvmode
+ %\show\par
+ \global\@newlistfalse
+ \pexa@undo@nobreak
+ \let\makelabel\@firstofone
+ \let\@itemlabel\@empty
+ \pexa@@restoreleftskip \let\pexa@@restoreleftskip\@undefined
+ \def\pexa@@undoyindent{%
+ % Dat: now \pexa@default@addvspace shouldn't contain \addvspace itself. Brr.
+ %\ifx\pexa@default@addvspace\pexa@@str@addvspace\else
+ % \let\addvspace\pexa@default@addvspace % used by \@endparenv called from \endtrivlist
+ %\fi
+ %\def\@endparenv{% original in latex.ltx
+ % \addpenalty\@endparpenalty\addvspace\@topsepadd\@endpetrue}
+ \def\@endparenv{% original latex.ltx
+ \addpenalty\@endparpenalty
+ \pexa@default@addvspace@bottom\@topsepadd
+ \@endpetrue}
+ \global\@newlistfalse
+ \endtrivlist}%
+ %\showthe\@topsepadd
+ %\show\pexa@default@addvspace@top
+ %\pexa@default@addvspace@top\@topsepadd % as calculated by \@trivlist
+ \expandafter\pexa@default@addvspace@top\expandafter{\the\@topsepadd}% !! as calculated by \@trivlist
+\def\pexa@ss@left{% \begin{egysoros}
+ \def\pexa@@everyparr{}%
+ \pexa@show@pars
+ \def\pexa@@beforehalign{\advance\tabskip\z@ plus1fill }%
+ \def\pexa@@preamble{####\hfil\tabskip\z@ plus1fill }%
+ \pexa@show@halign
+ \def\pexa@@preamble{####\hfil\tabskip\z@}%
+ \def\pexa@@beforehalign{\tabskip\z@ plus1fill }%
+ \pexa@show@halign
+%** Similar to .dtx line numbering
+ \def\pexa@@preamble{{\pexa@default@linenumberformat}####\hfil\tabskip\z@ plus1fill }%
+ \let\pexa@@cntb\pexa@default@addlinenum
+ \pexa@show@halign
+%** Called from within an alignment (preamble).
+ % Dat: \@tempdima has been set by \pexa@@beforehalign to the available
+ % width for the source
+ % Dat: \hb@xt@ will emit Overfull \hbox correctly
+ \if0\pexa@default@allowshrink\setbox0\hb@xt@\@tempdima\bgroup
+ \else\setbox0\hbox\bgroup\fi
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\PVerbOpt
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter,%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\@gobble\reserved@a}%
+ \hfil
+ \egroup
+ \labelsep\FBHLastDepth% Dat: I hope that \labelsep isn't used in \reserved@a
+ \global\FBHLastDepth\dp0
+ \setbox1\hbox{\reserved@a}% just a measurement
+ \ifdim\FBHLastDepth<\dp1 \global\FBHLastDepth\dp1 \fi
+ %
+ % vvv let \vrules meet. Better than \strut
+ \ifdim\baselineskip>\labelsep
+ % Dat: safe to modify \@tempdimb here, because we're inside a group of an alignment
+ \@tempdimb\baselineskip \advance\@tempdimb-\labelsep
+ \vrule\@height\@tempdimb\@width\z@\space
+ \fi
+ \advance\@tempdima-\wd0
+ %%\show\pexa@default@allowshrink
+ \if0\pexa@default@allowshrink\box0
+ \else
+ \unhbox0
+ \ifdim\@tempdima>\z@\if2\pexa@default@allowshrink\else
+ \kern\@tempdima
+ \null
+ \fi\fi
+ \fi
+ %\def~{;;}%\nobreakspace{}}%
+ \let\\\relax% ignore newlines in sample
+ \lineskiplimit\z@ \lineskip\z@% !! more liberal, accept negative
+ \newdimen\FBHLastDepth% for \global
+ \FBHLastDepth\baselineskip
+ %
+ %\show\PexaWidth
+ \@tempdimb\PexaWidth\relax
+ \let\PexaWidth\@tempdimb
+ \@tempdima-\pexa@default@samplewidth\relax% do arithmetic: .5\PexaWidth
+ \advance\@tempdima\PexaWidth
+ \edef\PexaWidth{\the\@tempdimb\space}%
+ %\@tempdima\PexaWidth
+ %\advance\@tempdima-\pexa@default@samplewidth
+ \setbox1\hbox{\pexa@@vrule{}}%
+ \advance\@tempdima-\wd1
+ %\hrule height 1pt width 10pt
+ \let\pexa@@beforehalign\pexa@pre@leftboth@beforehalign
+ \def\pexa@@eachline##1{##1&&##1}%
+ \def\pexa@@preamble{%
+ \def\reserved@a{####}%
+ %\show\reserved@a%
+ \pexa@pre@leftboth@do
+ \pexa@pre@leftboth@put
+ % ^^^ \@gobble removes \relax inserted by \pexa@plines@start
+ \hfil\tabskip\z@skip&
+ \pexa@@vrule{}####&% Dat: \copy2 wouldn't work by this time
+ {####}\tabskip\z@ plus1fill\hfil}% Dat: \selectlanguage inside #### needs an extra {group}
+ \pexa@plines@notverbatim
+ \pexa@show@halign
+ % Dat: \@tempdima has been set by \pexa@@beforehalign to the available
+ % width for the source
+ % Dat: \hb@xt@ will emit Overfull \hbox correctly
+ \setbox0\hbox{\reserved@a}% just a measurement
+ \ifdim\FBHLastDepth<\dp0 \global\FBHLastDepth\dp0 \fi
+ \let\pexa@@beforehalign\pexa@pre@leftboth@beforehalign
+ \def\pexa@@preamble{%
+ \relax
+ \ifdim\baselineskip>\FBHLastDepth
+ % Dat: safe to modify \@tempdimb here, because we're inside a group of an alignment
+ \@tempdimb\baselineskip \advance\@tempdimb-\FBHLastDepth
+ \vrule\@height\@tempdimb\@width\z@\space
+ \fi
+ % vvv let \vrules meet. Better than \strut
+ \global\FBHLastDepth\z@
+ \def\reserved@a{####}%
+ \pexa@pre@leftleft@measure \pexa@pre@leftboth@put
+ \hfil\tabskip\z@skip&\pexa@@vrule{}\pexa@ampersand####&%
+ \def\reserved@a{####}%
+ \pexa@pre@leftleft@measure \unhbox0
+ \tabskip\z@ plus1fill\hfil}%
+ \pexa@plines@notverbatim
+ \pexa@show@halign
+ \def\pexa@@preamble{\hfil\pexa@pre@numcol@eachrow####&####\hfil\tabskip\z@ plus1fill }%
+ \let\pexa@@cntb\pexa@default@addlinenum
+ \pexa@show@halign
+ \def\pexa@@preamble{\hb@xt@\pexa@default@linenumberwidth{\hss\pexa@default@linenumberformat}####\hfil\tabskip\z@ plus1fill }%
+ \let\pexa@@cntb\pexa@default@addlinenum
+ \pexa@show@halign
+ \def\pexa@@everyparr{%
+ \pexa@decr\pexa@@cntb
+ \hb@xt@\pexa@default@linenumberwidth{\hss\pexa@default@linenumberformat}%
+ }
+ \let\pexa@@cntb\pexa@default@addlinenum
+ \pexa@show@pars
+%** Default.
+%** @param #1 desired height; specified by horizontal neighbours if empty
+ %\ifx\hfuzz#1\hfuzz
+ \kern\tabcolsep
+ \kern-.5\tabcolsep
+ \kern-.5\arrayrulewidth
+ \ifx\hfuzz#1\hfuzz
+ \vrule\@width\arrayrulewidth
+ \else
+ \vrule\@width\arrayrulewidth\@height#1\relax
+ \fi
+ \kern-\arrayrulewidth
+ \kern.5\arrayrulewidth
+ \kern.5\tabcolsep
+ %\else
+ %\fi
+%** @param #1 to gobble a space token
+ \if,\noexpand#1,% ignore multiple commas (#1 is empty)
+ \expandafter\pexa@doopt
+ \else
+ \csname fi\endcsname% don't count as `\fi' when being skipped
+ \pexa@doopt@low#1,=,%
+ \fi
+\iftrue\csname fi\endcsname% \def\pexa@doopt@low contains `\fi'. Make it skippable.
+%** @param #1 is here for gobbling space tokens
+%** @param #4 \fi -- will be ignored
+ % Dat: Normal case: #1#2 is key, #3 is value, #4 is `=,'
+ % Dat: MissingArg case: #1#2 is `key,', #3 is empty, #4 is empty
+ % Dat: Terminator case: #1#2 is `\hfuzz,', #3 is empty, #4 is empty
+ % Dat: OnlySpace case: #1 is `,', #2 is empty, #3 is empty, #4 is empty
+ \ifx\relax#4\relax% MissingArg or Terminator
+ \ifx#1\hfuzz% Terminator
+ \else
+ \if,\noexpand#1\else% OnlySpace case
+ \pexa@doopt@missingval#1#2% #2 already contains comma at end
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pexa@doopt
+ \fi
+ \else% Normal
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname pexa@opt@@#1#2\endcsname\hfuzz
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname pexa@opt@@#1#2@#3\endcsname\relax
+ \PackageError{examplep}{Invalid arg for option: #1#2 = #3}\@ehc
+ \else
+ \csname pexa@opt@@#1#2@#3\endcsname
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname pexa@opt@@#1#2\endcsname\relax
+ \PackageError{examplep}{Unknown option: #1#2 (= #3)}\@ehc
+ \else
+ \csname pexa@opt@@#1#2\endcsname{#3}%
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\pexa@doopt
+ \fi
+ \PackageError{examplep}{Value (=) missing for option: #1}\@ehc
+%** Dat: Spaces and newlines at end of #1 are not ignored, so please prefix
+%** them with a comma, e.g \pexa@doopts{foo=bar, }
+%** @param #1 comma-separated optoinname=value pairs
+\def\pexa@doopts#1{\pexa@doopt #1,\hfuzz,}%
+ \begingroup\@tempcnta\number-#1\relax
+ \advance\@tempcnta\@ne
+ \edef\reserved@a{\def\noexpand\pexa@default@addlinenum{\the\@tempcnta}}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\reserved@a
+%** A dimension. Depth that yalign=v should neglect at the bottom of the Sample.
+%** Should not be too much (i.e more than the depth of `g'), because a page
+%** break might occur just below the Sample, and too much text would be put
+%** below the bottom margin.
+%** lb.sty overrides it: \def\pexa@default@addvspace{\lakkbook@vspace}
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@addvspace-top\endcsname#1{\def\pexa@default@addvspace@top{#1}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@addvspace-bottom\endcsname#1{\def\pexa@default@addvspace@bottom{#1}}
+%** Extra vertical distance for aligning top lines at yalign=v
+%** Maximum height of ``small'' sample at yalign=v
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pexaminipage-setuphook\endcsname#1{\def\pexa@@minipage@setuphook{#1}}
+%** These correspond to \pexa@sa@u and \pexa@sa@b
+\def\pexa@opt@@yalign@b{\def\pexa@default@yalign{b}}% align \vtop baselines
+\def\pexa@opt@@yalign@u{\def\pexa@default@yalign{u}}% align upper corners
+\def\pexa@opt@@yalign@v{\def\pexa@default@yalign{v}}% align upper corners, with baseline grid
+\def\pexa@optboxstyle@inboth{\PackageError{pexample}{Arg unapplicable for boxstyle=}\@ehc}
+%** allowshrink=yesmin works only for \begin{PSource}[srcstyle=leftboth] and
+%** [srcstyle=leftleft]
+ % Imp: separate our (local) usage of \verbfwr$percent from other applications
+ % Dat: \if instead of \ifx because of \active:
+ \def\verbfwr@percent##1##2\relax{%
+ \ifx##1\relax\def\VerbFwrLines{}\else
+ \if\noexpand##1#1\relax\def\VerbFwrLines{##2}\else\def\VerbFwrLines{##1##2}\fi\fi}%
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname pexa@sh@#1\endcsname\relax
+ \PackageError{examplep}{Unknown srcstyle: srcstyle = #1}\@ehc
+ \else\edef\pexa@default@srcstyle{#1}\fi%
+%** usewidth=hsize: use full \hsize
+%** usewidth=linewidth: use only \linewidth (\hsize - \@totalleftmargin -
+%** - total_right_margin)
+%** usewidth=skipwidth: use \linewidth - \leftskip - \rightskip
+\def\pexa@opt@@usewidth@hsize {\def\pexa@default@usewidth{0}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-leftbreakmin@0\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@pverbleftbreakmin{0}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-leftbreakmin@1\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@pverbleftbreakmin{1}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-leftbreakmin@2\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@pverbleftbreakmin{2}}% Dat: higher values not implemented
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-leftbreakmin\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-par-align@left\endcsname {\def\pexa@@showparshook{\pexa@paralign@left}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-par-align@right\endcsname {\def\pexa@@showparshook{\pexa@paralign@right}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-par-align@center\endcsname {\def\pexa@@showparshook{\pexa@paralign@center}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-par-align@justify\endcsname{\def\pexa@@showparshook{\pexa@paralign@justify}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-par-align@justjust\endcsname{\def\pexa@@showparshook{\pexa@paralign@justjust}}
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-par-align@unchanged\endcsname{\def\pexa@@showparshook{}}
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@source-par-align\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-space@invdisc\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@space{\nobreak\discretionary{\char32}{}{\hbox{\ }}\nobreak\hskip\z@skip}}% breakable with discretionary
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-space@invbreak\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@space{\ }}% breakable
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-space@invfixbreak\endcsname{\def\pexa@default@space{\ {\@tempdima\lastskip\unskip\hskip\@tempdima}}}% breakable
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-space@invnobreak\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@space{\leavevmode\nobreak\ }}% nonbreakable
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-space@visnobreak\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@space{\char32 }}% visible in \tt, nonbreakable
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@source-space@visbreak\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@space{\hskip\z@skip\char32 \hskip\z@skip}}% visible in \tt, breakable
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@source-space\endcsname\hfuzz
+% vvv Dat: pverb-space=invbreak will break, but not stretch or shrink
+% vvv Dat: they need \pexa@cverb@skipbreak@i
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-space@invbreak\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@space{\ \pexa@cverb@skipbreak@i}}% breakable
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-space@invdisc\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@space{\nobreak\discretionary{\char32}{}{\hbox{\ }}\nobreak\hskip\z@skip \pexa@cverb@skipbreak@i}}% breakable with discretionary
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-space@invbreakleft\endcsname{\def\pexa@cverb@@space{\ \nobreak\hskip0pt plus1fil\null\hskip0pt plus-1fil\pexa@cverb@skipbreak@i}}% breakable; SUXX: has infinite stretchability in the middle of a line(??)
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-space@invnobreak\endcsname{\def\pexa@cverb@@space{\leavevmode\nobreak\ \pexa@cverb@skipbreak@i}}% nonbreakable
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-space@visnobreak\endcsname{\def\pexa@cverb@@space{\char32 \pexa@cverb@skipbreak@i}}% visible in \tt, nonbreakable
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-space@visbreak\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@space{\hskip\z@skip\char32 \hskip\z@skip\pexa@cverb@skipbreak@i}}% visible in \tt, breakable
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-space\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-hash@full\endcsname{\def\pexa@default@fullhash{1}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-hash@half\endcsname{\def\pexa@default@fullhash{0}}%
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-hash\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-hyphenchar@char'30\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@hyphenchar{\hyphenchar\font=\string'30 }}% allow auto-hyphenation of words
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-hyphenchar@hyphen\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@hyphenchar{\hyphenchar\font=\string`-}}% allow auto-hyphenation of words
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-hyphenchar@none\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@hyphenchar{\hyphenchar\font=-1 }}% disallow auto-hyphenation of words
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-hyphenchar@unchanged\endcsname{\def\pexa@cverb@@hyphenchar{}}% keep default \hyphenchar\font
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-hyphenchar\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-verbatimfont@ttfamily\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont{\ttfamily}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-verbatimfont@pexavf\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont{\pexa@@verbatimfont}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-verbatimfont@latexvf\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont{\verbatim@font}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-verbatimfont@unchanged\endcsname{\def\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont{}}%
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-verbatimfont\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@psource-verbatimfont@ttfamily\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@verbatimfont{\ttfamily}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@psource-verbatimfont@pexavf\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@verbatimfont{\pexa@@verbatimfont}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@psource-verbatimfont@latexvf\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@verbatimfont{\verbatim@font}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@psource-verbatimfont@unchanged\endcsname{\def\pexa@default@verbatimfont{}}%
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@psource-verbatimfont\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-linebreak@char\endcsname{\def\pexa@cverb@@tbreak{\PexaAllowBreak}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-linebreak@yes\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@tbreak{\allowbreak}}% allow silent line break
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-linebreak@no\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@tbreak{}}% disallow line break
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-linebreak\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-linebreakchar\endcsname#1{\def\pexa@cverb@@tbreakchar{#1}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-stretchshrink@unchanged\endcsname{\def\pexa@cverb@@stretchshrink{}}% keep default
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-stretchshrink@yes\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@stretchshrink{\fontdimen3\font=0.166666666\fontdimen6\font\relax \fontdimen4\font=0.111111111\fontdimen6\font\relax}}% Dat: \fontdimen6 is quad
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-stretchshrink@no\endcsname {\def\pexa@cverb@@stretchshrink{\fontdimen3\font=\z@ \fontdimen4\font=\z@}}% disallow line break
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@pverb-stretchshrink\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@baseline-grid@yes\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@baselinegrid{1}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@baseline-grid@no\endcsname {\def\pexa@default@baselinegrid{0}}%
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@baseline-grid\endcsname\hfuzz
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@mp-equation-reset@yes\endcsname {\def\pexa@@equation{}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@mp-equation-reset@no\endcsname {\def\pexa@@equation{equation}}%
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@mp-equation-reset\endcsname\hfuzz
+% vvv reset auxilary \newcounter{vrcnt} defined by varioref.sty to zero? Recommended: no.
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@mp-varioref-reset@yes\endcsname {\def\pexa@@vrcnt{}}%
+\expandafter\def\csname pexa@opt@@mp-varioref-reset@no\endcsname {\def\pexa@@vrcnt{vrcnt}}%
+\expandafter\let\csname pexa@opt@@mp-varioref-reset\endcsname\hfuzz
+% ---
+ \nobreak\hskip\z@skip
+ %\penalty\hyphenpenalty% Dat: this is completely wrong here, because it
+ % allows a line break at the \penalty. TeX will insert \hyphenpenalty or
+ % \exhyphenpenalty automatically.
+ \discretionary{\hbox{\pexa@cverb@@tbreakchar}}{}{}\nobreak\hskip\z@skip}
+%** `\begin{PSource}[srcstyle=leftboth]' is an alternative of
+%** `\begin{WBoth}...\PexaShowBoth'. The former allows page breaks between
+%** lines, but uses the non-\catcode-based \PVerb.
+ \clubpenalty\@clubpenalty % allow club lines after \paragraph{x}y\par
+ \begingroup
+ \pexa@doopts{#1}%
+ \expandafter\@temptokena\expandafter{\pexa@default@samplewidth}%
+ \edef\reserved@a{\noexpand\PexaShowBothMany
+ {\the\@temptokena}% 1
+ {\pexa@default@xalign}% 2
+ {\pexa@default@yalign}% 3
+ {\pexa@default@boxstyle}% 4
+ {\pexa@default@allowshrink}% 5
+ {\pexa@default@allowbreak}% 6
+ {\pexa@default@srcstyle}% 7
+ {\pexa@default@usewidth}% 8
+ {{\pexa@default@xindent}{\pexa@default@yindent}}% 9
+ }%
+ %%\show\reserved@a
+ \expandafter\endgroup\reserved@a
+ %\expandafter\show\csname pexa@doyindent@#2\endcsname
+ \let\pexa@@oncedeeper\pexa@movedeeper
+ \csname pexa@doyindent@#2\endcsname
+ \vskip\z@skip% do this after doyindent, so \@trivlist\ifvmode might decide about \@partopskip
+ \csname pexa@doxindent@#1\endcsname
+%** Shows the Source (to the left) and the Sample (to the right), facing, in
+%** the specified style.
+%** @param #1 dimen: width of Sample (\hsize, paragraph width). Example: .4\hsize or .4\PexaWidth
+%** @param #2 Sample horizontal alignment: `l' is left; `r' is right. `r'
+%** almost always makes sense only with #4=`h'
+%** @param #3 vertical alignment of Sample and Source: `b': align top
+%** baselines. `u': align upper bounding box lines
+%** @param #4 boxing style of Sample: `h' is \hbox, `v' is \vbox (or \vtop,
+%** respectively), `m' is minipage, `p' is PexaMinipage (recommended).
+%** Capital letters disallowed.
+%** @param #5 `1': allow Sample to shrink if Source is too wide, `0': don't
+%** @param #6 `1': allow page break in Source, `0': don't
+%** @param #7 source display style, see possible values at \PexaShowSource
+%** @param #8 width selector, see docs at \PexaShowSource
+%** @param #9 {{xindent}{yindent}}
+%** Special one-pass case for #5=`1', #6='0' etc.
+ \begingroup
+ %\hrule%!!
+ \let\pexa@optboxstyle@noboth\pexa@optboxstyle@inboth
+ \csname pexa@opt@@boxstyle@#4\endcsname% verify correct usage
+ \pexa@setupverb@read% interpret ^ for measurements
+ % Dat: not late to test \ifvmode now
+ \pexa@xyindent#9%
+ % ^^^ do this early, so <measuring> will have a chance to measure correct width
+ % Now: We have \leftskip, \rightskip, \linewidth and \@totalleftmargin
+ % set up. These won't affect the sample, because \pexa@setsample@...
+ % calls \pexa@hsizesetup, which zero them all out.
+ \pexa@setup@calcwidths{#8}% sets \PexaWidth and possibly clobbers \@tempdimb
+ % Dat: \pexa@setup@calcwidths might have said \let\PexaWidth\@tempdimb,
+ % which isn't safe, so we want to expand it
+ % Dat: safe to clobber \@tempdima and \@tempdimb, we're in \begingroup
+ \@tempdimb\PexaWidth\relax
+ \let\PexaWidth\@tempdimb
+ \@tempdima#1\relax% do arithmetic: .5\PexaWidth
+ \edef\PexaWidth{\the\@tempdimb\space}%
+ \expandafter\pexa@showbothmany@low\expandafter{\the\@tempdima}{#2}{#3}{#4}{#5}{#6}{#7}%
+ % Dat: #1 might be .5\PexaWidth
+ \if#50% Don't allow the sample to shrink. Its width will be exactly #1.
+ \@tempdima#1\relax
+ \else% <measuring>
+ % #5 allows the Sample to shrink. Now we call \pexa@sh@#7 just to measure
+ % the width of the Source. From that we will be able to deduce the width of
+ % the Sample.
+ \@tempdima\PexaWidth
+ %\showthe\tabskip
+ % vvv This is the first time we call \pexa@default@verbatimfont
+ \setbox0\vtop{\leftskip\z@skip \@totalleftmargin\z@ \let\pexa@@tolinewidth\@empty \csname pexa@sh@#7\endcsname}%
+ %%\vbox{\hrule\copy0\hrule}%
+ \advance\@tempdima-\wd0 \setbox0\box\voidb@x
+ \setbox1\hbox{\pexa@@vrule{}}\advance\@tempdima-\wd1
+ \ifdim#1<\@tempdima \@tempdima#1\relax\fi
+ %%\@tempdima=200pt
+ \fi% </measuring>
+ % \advance\@tempdima\@totalleftmargin\advance\@tempdima\leftskip% !! Dat: a failed attempt to put the \vrule to the middle
+ %\edef\pexa@@samplewidth{\the\@tempdima}% superfluous
+ % Dat: now \@tempdima is actual Sample width
+ \if#60\def\pexa@@preamblecr{\cr\noalign{\nobreak}}% disallow page break in Source
+ \else\let\pexa@@preamblecr\pexa@preamblecr@keep\fi
+ \edef\reserved@a{\catcode`^7\relax% change \catcode back to superscript (undo \pexa@setupverb@read)
+ \setbox1\expandafter\noexpand\csname pexa@setsample@#4\endcsname{\the\@tempdima}}%
+ \edef\reserved@b{%
+ %\noexpand\pexa@xyindent#9%
+ % Dat: too late to \noexpand\verbfwr@default@acts
+ \noexpand\pexa@setupverb@read% do correct display
+ \noexpand\pexa@setup@savetabskip
+ %\def\no\pexa@default@verbatimfont{\bbbbb}%
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname pexa@sa@#3\endcsname
+ {\if#2r\wd1\else\the\@tempdima\fi}% will expand \@tempdima early
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname pexa@sh@#7\endcsname
+ }%
+ %\show\reserved@a% \catcode `^7\relax \setbox 1\pexa@setsample@p {184.9429pt}.
+ %\show\reserved@b% \pexa@setupverb@read \pexa@setup@savetabskip \pexa@sa@u {184.9429pt}\pexa@sh@leftnumhang
+ \expandafter\reserved@a\reserved@b
+ % ^^^ This \expandafter trick expands \@tempdima early
+ \pexa@@undoyindent
+ \pexa@endparenvgroup
+%** \pexa@@undoyindent calls \endtrivlist, which sets \@endpetrue, and if we
+%** are in an environment (such as \begin{PWSource}), \end calls \@doendpe,
+%** which which sets up \par and \everypar, so an automatic \noindent can be
+%** forced.
+ \if@endpe\endgroup\@endpetrue\else\endgroup\@endpefalse\fi% see also \PexaShow
+ \begingroup
+ \pexa@@calcwidths
+ \edef\reserved@a{\def\noexpand\pexa@@savetabskip{\the\tabskip}}%
+ \expandafter\endgroup\reserved@a
+ % Imp: possibly zero out \@listdepth etc., but don't forget to set it back.
+ \leftskip\z@skip
+ \rightskip\z@skip
+ \textwidth\hsize
+ \linewidth\hsize
+ \columnwidth\hsize
+ \parshape\z@
+ \@totalleftmargin\z@
+ \@twocolumnfalse
+ % Dat: _not_ \hbox to#1. But why??
+ \hbox{\hsize#1\relax\pexa@hsizesetup\input\pexa@@samplename\space\par}%
+ \vtop{\hsize#1\relax\pexa@hsizesetup\input\pexa@@samplename\space\par}%
+ \vbox{\hsize#1\relax\pexa@hsizesetup\input\pexa@@samplename\space\par}%
+ \hbox{%
+ \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{#1}%
+ \input\pexa@@samplename\space\par
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }%
+ \hbox{%
+ \noindent\begin{PexaMinipage}[t]{#1}%
+ \pexa@hsizesetup
+ \input\pexa@@samplename\space\par
+ \end{PexaMinipage}%
+ }%
+ \hbox{%
+ \noindent\begin{minipage}[b]{#1}%
+ \pexa@hsizesetup
+ \input\pexa@@samplename\space\par
+ \end{minipage}%
+ }%
+ % \def\pexa@@bpmp{\begin{PexaMinipage}}
+ % \expandafter\pexa@@bpmp\input\pexa@@samplename\space % doesn't work :-(
+ \hbox{%
+ \noindent\begin{PexaMinipage}[b]{#1}%
+ \pexa@hsizesetup
+ \input\pexa@@samplename\space\par
+ \end{PexaMinipage}%
+ }%
+%** Dat: height of \pexa@@vrule only depends on the height of the sample
+%** @param #1 desired Sample width
+%** @param #2 one of \pexa@sh@...
+ %\leftskip\z@ \rightskip\z@ \parshape\z@% Wrong. Too Early.
+ \vskip\z@skip
+ \def\pexa@@cnta{0}%
+ \@tempdima\dp1 % not modified by \pexa@show@halign
+ \advance\@tempdima\baselineskip
+ \setbox0\hbox{\pexa@@vrule{}}%
+ \@tempdimc\PexaWidth \advance\@tempdimc-\wd0 \advance\@tempdimc-#1\relax %\advance\linewidth\tabskip
+ \edef\pexa@@savetabskip{\the\@tempdimc\space}%
+ \def\pexa@@firstlinebeg{%
+ \vadjust{\kern\dp1 \hrule\@height\z@\vskip-\dp1 }% ensure that figure fits
+ \vtop to\z@{\hb@xt@\z@{\kern\pexa@@savetabskip
+ \@tempdima\dp1 \advance\@tempdima\ht1
+ \lower\dp1\hbox{\expandafter\pexa@@vrule\expandafter{\the\@tempdima}}%
+ \box1 \hss}\vss}% Dat: \hb@xt@\z@ is needed
+ % ^^^ Dat: \@totalleftmargin and \leftskip takes place here (as part of initial \tabskip)
+ }%
+ #2% \pexa@show@halign etc.
+ \advance\@tempdima\pexa@@cnta\baselineskip
+ % vvv Dat: a little less than \baselineskip, because \vtop has less??
+ \advance\@tempdima-\baselineskip \advance\@tempdima\topskip
+ % vvv Dat: use \kern, not \vskip, so \unskip won't undo it
+ \ifdim\@tempdima>\z@ \kern\@tempdima\fi% display is longer than source
+ %%\message{Left=\pexa@@cnta}
+%** \box1 already contains the Sample
+%** @param #1 desired Sample width
+%** @param #2 one of \pexa@sh@...
+ %%\show\pexa@@tolinewidth \showthe\PexaWidth
+ %%\tracingcommands1 \tracingmacros1
+ \vskip\z@skip% go to vertical mode
+ \edef\pexa@@restore@prevdepth{\prevdepth\the\prevdepth}%
+ \def\pexa@@cnta{0}%
+ %\@tempdima\dp1 \advance\@tempdima10.54352pt \dp1\@tempdima
+ \@tempdima\dp1 \advance\@tempdima\ht1
+ \if1\pexa@default@baselinegrid
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<256\baselineskip\else \advance\@tempdima-256\baselineskip\fi
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<128\baselineskip\else \advance\@tempdima-128\baselineskip\fi
+ \ifdim\@tempdima <64\baselineskip\else \advance\@tempdima -64\baselineskip\fi
+ \loop\ifdim\@tempdima>\z@ \advance\@tempdima-\baselineskip\repeat
+ \@tempdima-\@tempdima
+ \advance\@tempdima\dp1 \dp1\@tempdima
+ \fi
+ \@tempdima\dp1 \advance\@tempdima\ht1
+ % !! sample might be too tall, try single-line samples: (??)
+ % \begin{WBoth}Foo\end{WBoth}\PexaShowBoth{}\PexaShowBoth
+ \nointerlineskip\vbox to\z@{% This \vbox screws up \vskip{}s at page break
+ \setbox0\hbox{\pexa@@vrule{}}%
+ % Dat: now we \advance\PexaWidth, but this won't affect #2, because
+ % advancement is inside a group
+ %\advance\PexaWidth-\wd0 \advance\PexaWidth-#1\relax
+ %\showthe\PexaWidth
+ \kern\baselineskip \kern-\topskip
+ \hbox{% implies \noindent
+ \kern\pexa@@savetabskip
+ \kern\PexaWidth \kern-\wd0 \kern-#1\relax
+ \@tempdima\dp1 \advance\@tempdima\ht1
+ \lower\dp1\hbox{\expandafter\pexa@@vrule\expandafter{\the\@tempdima}}%
+ %\pexa@@vrule
+ \box1% Dat: \box0 would emit a rule not tall enough
+ }%
+ \vss
+ }%
+ \pexa@@restore@prevdepth% let baselines align smoothly
+ \nobreak % disallow page break between Sample and Source
+ #2% \pexa@sh@..., which calls \pexa@show@halign etc.
+ % Dat: now \pexa@@cnta is -1 times nr of source lines printed
+ % vvv Dat: a little less than \baselineskip, because \vtop has less??
+ % Imp: even less
+ \advance\@tempdima\pexa@@cnta\baselineskip
+ % vvv Dat: use \kern, not \vskip, so \unskip won't undo it
+ \ifdim\@tempdima>\z@ \kern\@tempdima\fi% Sample is longer than Source
+ %%\message{Left=\pexa@@cnta}
+%** Similar to \vskip#1\relax, but adds #1 to \lastskip
+ \begingroup
+ % Imp: try \unpenalty somehow so \lastskip won't be 0pt after \vskip10pt\nobreak
+ \@tempskipa=#1\relax
+ \advance\@tempskipa\lastskip
+ \vskip-\lastskip
+ \vskip\@tempskipa
+ \endgroup% Dat: \lastskip survives
+%** Like \pexa@sa@u, but works at a page break with baseline grid
+%** \box1 already contains the Sample.
+%** @param #1 desired Sample width
+%** @param #2 one of \pexa@sh@...
+ %%\setbox1\hbox{\vrule\box1}%
+ %%\show\pexa@@tolinewidth \showthe\PexaWidth
+ %%\tracingcommands1 \tracingmacros1
+ \ifhmode\unskip\par\fi% go to vertical mode, keep \lastskip
+ %\show\pexa@default@vextravskip
+ \ifdim\prevdepth>-\@m\p@
+ \@tempdima\prevdepth \advance\@tempdima-\pexa@default@vextravskip\relax
+ \prevdepth\@tempdima
+ \vskip-\pexa@default@vextravskip\relax% !! \vspace etc.
+ \fi
+ \def\pexa@@cnta{0}%
+ %\@tempdima\dp1 \advance\@tempdima10.54352pt \dp1\@tempdima
+ \def\pexa@@thefirstline{}%
+ \setbox0\hbox{\pexa@@vrule{}}%
+ \@tempdimc\PexaWidth \advance\@tempdimc-\wd0 \advance\@tempdimc-#1\relax %\advance\linewidth\tabskip
+ \edef\pexa@@savetabskip{\the\@tempdimc\space}%
+ \def\pexa@@dohalign{%
+ \noalign\bgroup
+ %\pexa@@beforefirstline% called after the \cr of the preamble, should contain \noalign{...}
+ %\relax\pexa@setupverb@read% Dat: already called
+ % vvv Dat: \@@input is the original \input primitive, which we definitely
+ % need here (and not a macro)
+ \expandafter\pexa@inputfirstline\@@input\pexa@@cursourcename\space
+ % ^^^ Dat: \relax instead of \space would begin an extra line and demand
+ % an extra \cr (at end)
+ \egroup% terminate \halign
+ }%
+ \global\def\pexa@@vdepth{\z@}%
+ \global\let\pexa@@thefirstline\@empty
+ \def\pexa@@firstlinebeg{%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{\pexa@@thefirstline}% Source
+ \@tempdima\ht0
+ \advance\@tempdima\pexa@default@vextravskip\relax
+ \ifnum1<1%
+ \ifdim\ht1<\pexa@default@vsmallht\relax1% typical: \ht1 (Sample) is 0pt or 0.4pt
+ \else\ifdim\@tempdima<\ht1 1\fi\fi% Sample (\box1,\vtop) is a lot higher than Source.
+ \space
+ % Dat: now we raise Sample to the height of Source (should this be \strut??)
+ % Dat: in lb.sty: \ht0=7.14pt and \ht0=9.10pt
+ \advance\@tempdima-\ht1
+ % Dat: this example shows that \raise correctly shifts \ht and \dp
+ % \setbox0=\hbox{\vrule height 30pt depth50pt}
+ % \setbox0=\hbox{\raise6pt\box0}
+ % \showthe\ht0 \showthe\dp0
+ \setbox1\hbox{\raise\@tempdima\box1}%\raise10pt\box1}%
+ \fi
+ % vvv Dat: save new \dp1, as \raise{}d above
+ % vvv Dat: we need \global because we are in a \halign
+ \global\edef\pexa@@vdepth{\the\dp1}%
+ % Dat: ne don't need \@tempdima anymore
+ %%\vrule height\ht0 depth\dp0 width1pt
+ \vadjust{\kern\dp1 \hrule\@height\z@\vskip-\dp1 }% ensure that Sample fits page
+ \vtop to\z@{\hb@xt@\z@{\kern\pexa@@savetabskip
+ \@tempdima\dp1 \advance\@tempdima\ht1
+ \lower\dp1\hbox{\expandafter\pexa@@vrule\expandafter{\the\@tempdima}}%
+ \box1 \hss}\vss}% Dat: \hb@xt@\z@ is needed
+ % ^^^ Dat: \@totalleftmargin and \leftskip takes place here (as part of initial \tabskip)
+ \global\let\pexa@@thefirstline\@empty
+ }
+ %%\hrule
+ #2% \pexa@sh@..., which calls \pexa@show@halign etc.
+ \ifx\pexa@@undoyindent\@empty
+ \@tempdimc\z@
+ \else
+ \@tempdimc\@topsepadd
+ \fi
+ \ifdim\@tempdimc>\pexa@default@vextrabotdepth\relax
+ \@tempdimc\pexa@default@vextrabotdepth\relax
+ \fi
+ % Dat: now \@tempdimc is the extra Sample depth that can be tolerated.
+ % This can be quite much (>50pt etc.)
+ \@tempdima\pexa@@vdepth\relax% depth of the Sample
+ % Dat: now \pexa@@cnta is -1 times nr of source lines printed
+ \if1\pexa@default@baselinegrid
+ \advance\@tempdima\pexa@@cnta\baselineskip
+ \advance\@tempdima\baselineskip% don't count the first line
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<\@tempdimc % Source is tall enough, no \vskip needed
+ \@tempdima\z@
+ \else
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<256\baselineskip\else \advance\@tempdima-256\baselineskip\fi
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<128\baselineskip\else \advance\@tempdima-128\baselineskip\fi
+ \ifdim\@tempdima <64\baselineskip\else \advance\@tempdima -64\baselineskip\fi
+ \loop\ifdim\@tempdima>\@tempdimc \advance\@tempdima-\baselineskip\repeat
+ \@tempdima-\@tempdima
+ \advance\@tempdima\pexa@@vdepth\relax
+ \advance\@tempdima\pexa@@cnta\baselineskip% BUGFIX at Fri Apr 16 00:56:52 CEST 2004
+ \advance\@tempdima\baselineskip
+ \fi
+ % vvv Dat: this would force a better page break, but might be dangerous
+ %\ifx\pexa@@undoyindent\@empty\else
+ % \advance\@tempdima\@tempdimc
+ % \advance\@topsepadd-\@tempdimc
+ %\fi
+ \else
+ % This usually has no effect, except only with a single-line \vtop Sample
+ \advance\@tempdima\pexa@@cnta\baselineskip% negative
+ \advance\@tempdima\baselineskip% don't count the first line
+ \advance\@tempdima-\@tempdimc
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<\z@ \@tempdima\z@\fi
+ \fi
+ % vvv Dat: this \vskip will be extended by \addvspace
+ % vvv Dat: reset \lastskip to zero if \@tempdima=0pt
+ \ifdim\@tempdima<\z@\else \nobreak\vskip\@tempdima\fi% Sample is longer than Source
+ \global\let\pexa@@thefirstline\@empty
+ \global\let\pexa@@vdepth\@empty
+ %%\message{Left=\pexa@@cnta}
+ \global\def\pexa@@thefirstline{#1}%
+ % ^^^ Dat: \global is needed, because we're in \halign
+ \egroup% \noalign
+ #1\par% Put it back so it will be typeset
+% ---
+% Dat: superfluous macros
+%\def\PexaShowSourceLeft {\PexaShowSource{left}}%
+%\def\PexaShowSourceCenter {\PexaShowSource{center}}%
+%\def\PexaShowSourceNumCol {\PexaShowSource{leftnumcol}}%
+%\def\PexaShowPexaMinipage {\PexaShowSample{\hsize}{P}}%
+%** Shows the source and the sample, facing, both left flushed, top baselines
+%** aligned, disallowing page break, width of sample maximized so both source
+%** and sample fit.
+%** Deprecated. Use \PexaShowBoth with #1 \hsize-..., #6=0
+%** @param #1 dimen: minimum width for the source (hint: specify 0pt)
+%** Uses \pexa@@vrule
+%** Imp: pre-calculate width of \pexa@@vrule
+%** Imp: typeset the source once
+% \vskip\z@skip
+% \setbox0\vtop{\pexa@show@halign}%
+% \ifdim\wd0<#1 \wd0=#1\fi
+% \setbox1\vtop{%
+% \advance\hsize-\wd0
+% \setbox0\hbox{\pexa@@vrule{}}\advance\hsize-\wd0
+% \input\pexa@@cursourcename\space
+% }%
+% \noindent\box0 \pexa@@vrule{}\relax\box1\par
+% --- \begin{PexaMinipage}
+%** @param #1 something whose 1st token will be expanded once
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\def
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pexa@@restore
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\pexa@@restore#1}%
+%** @param #1 counter name; e.g `section' means \c@section
+%** @param #2 true code
+%** @param #2 false code
+ % Imp: multiple ignorable counters
+ \def\reserved@b{#1}%
+ \ifx\reserved@b\pexa@@equation#2%
+ \else\ifx\reserved@b\pexa@@vrcnt#2%
+ \else#3\fi\fi
+%** Appends a counter restoration command to \reserved@a
+%** @param #1 counter name; e.g `section' means \c@section
+ \pexa@ifignore{#1}{}{%
+ \edef\reserved@a{\noexpand\setcounter{#1}{\the\csname c@#1\endcsname}}%
+ \pexa@restore@appendex\reserved@a
+ }%
+%** @param #1 counter name; e.g `section' means \c@section
+ \pexa@ifignore{#1}{}{%
+ \expandafter\global\csname c@#1\endcsname\z@
+ }%
+ %\begingroup% superfluous
+ % \let\@elt\@stpelt
+ % \csname cl@#1\endcsname
+ %\endgroup
+%\def\pexa@minipage@setcounter{% overrides latex.ltx
+% \@ifundefined{c@#1}%
+% {\@nocounterr{#1}}%
+% {\pexa@elt{#1}\global\csname c@#1\endcsname#2\relax}}
+%** A dumb emulation of article.cls: displays the page footer.
+ \begingroup
+ \expandafter\pexa@kill@minipagefalse\endminipage\hfuzz$%
+ % ^^^ stop after footnotes at \@minipagefalse
+ \let\relax\relax% elminate possible \global before \@minipagefalse
+ \endgroup
+ \ifhmode\unskip\par\fi %\vskip\z@skip
+ \pexa@@saved@newpage
+ \ifhmode\unskip\par\fi %\vskip\z@skip
+ \unpenalty\unskip
+ \stepcounter{page}% 0 -> 1
+ \ifx\@oddfoot\@empty\else% \pagestyle{empty} -> \let\oddfoot\@empty
+ \bigskip
+ \begingroup
+ \if@specialpage
+ \global\@specialpagefalse\@nameuse{ps@\@specialstyle}% define \@evenfoot
+ \fi
+ \hbox to\hsize{\if@twoside\ifodd \@oddfoot\else \@evenfoot\fi\else\@evenfoot\fi}%
+ \endgroup
+ \fi
+ \pexa@finishpage
+ \global\let\pexa@@finishlastpage\pexa@finishpage
+ \smallskip\hrule\smallskip
+ \everydisplay{#1}%
+ \abovedisplayshortskip\z@skip \abovedisplayskip\z@skip
+ #1%
+%** \begin{PexaMinipage} is similar to \begin{minipage} (and accepts the same
+%** args), but section etc.
+%** counters (including \thepage) will restart, and their previous values are
+%** restored at \end{PexaMinipage}. Also \mark and \@themark are restored.
+%** Footnotes are numbered normally. The first paragraph is set with \noindent,
+%** but subsequent ones are indented. Skips (including \belowdisplayskip) are
+%** canceled at the bottom of the page. \abovedisplayskip above the very first
+%** displayed formula is canceled; you can avoid this by saying \everydisplay{}
+%** before the formula.
+%** A space after \end{PexaMinipage} (as with minipage) is significant.
+%** Usage: \begin{PexaMinipage}[vert-alignment]{width}, just like the minipage
+%** environment.
+%** Example:
+%** \begin{PexaMinipage}{99pt}
+%** \hrule\relax
+%** \selectlanguage{english}
+%** \section{mp-foo}
+%** Aword\footnote{a hello, world}
+%** Bword\footnote{b hello, world}
+%** \end{PexaMinipage}
+%** \hrule
+ \begingroup
+ \let\pexa@@restore\@empty
+ \let\@elt\pexa@elt \cl@@ckpt % append `\setcounter{equation}{42}' to \pexa@@restore
+ \let\c@footnote\c@mpfootnote% don't reset original \c@footnote; BUGFIX at Tue Dec 23 18:46:30 CET 2003
+ \let\c@footnote@ch\c@mpfootnote% don't reset footnote generation counter -- for magyar.ldf
+ \let\@elt\pexa@resetcounter \cl@@ckpt
+ \pexa@restore@appendex{\expandafter\gdef\expandafter\@themark\expandafter{\@themark}}%
+ \edef\reserved@a{\noexpand\global\if@specialpage\noexpand\@specialpagetrue\else\noexpand\@specialpagefalse\fi}\pexa@restore@appendex\reserved@a
+ \if@specialpage\edef\reserved@a{\gdef\noexpand\@specialstyle{\@specialstyle}}\pexa@restore@appendex\reserved@a\fi
+ \expandafter\endgroup\expandafter\def\expandafter\pexa@@restore\expandafter{\pexa@@restore}%
+ %\show\pexa@@restore
+ % Dat: \selectlanguage is restored automatically
+ % Dat: \c@mpfootnote is reset to zero each time
+ %\let\c@footnote\c@mpfootnote
+ \def\thempfootnote{\thefootnote}% show normal footnotes (`1') instead of `a'
+ \let\c@mpfootnote\c@footnote
+ \let\cl@mpfootnote\cl@footnote% magyar.ldf footnote renumbering compatibility
+ \pexa@elt{secnumdepth}%
+ \let\pexa@@saved@newpage\newpage
+ \let\newpage\pexa@newpage% override
+ \let\finishpage\pexa@finishpage% new command
+ \let\pexa@@finishlastpage\@empty
+ \let\addtocontents\@gobbletwo
+ % ^^^ Don't modifty the TOC etc. of the host document. \addcontentsline isn't
+ % redefinied, because hyperref.pdf overrides the number of args
+ \expandafter\ifx\csname chapter\endcsname\relax
+ % Doesn't modify section numbering etc.
+ \let\chaptermark\@gobble
+ \let\p@chapter\@empty
+ \newcount\c@chapter%\newcounter{chapter}% \newcounter wouldn't allow redef
+ \def\chapter{\@startsection{chapter}{0}{\z@ }{-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}{2.3ex \@plus .2ex}{\normalfont \Large \bfseries}}%
+ % ^^^ copied article.cls definition for section
+ \def\thechapter{\@Roman\c@chapter}%
+ \fi
+ %\aftergroup\pexa@@restore% no effect, because \pexa@@restore will have been changed back by \endgroup
+ % vvv Modify latex.ltx to avoid \parindent\z@
+ \def\@parboxrestore{%
+ \edef\reserved@a{\noexpand\@arrayparboxrestore\parindent\the\parindent\relax}%
+ \reserved@a \let\\\@normalcr}%
+ \def\@setminipage{%
+ \@minipagetrue
+ \everypar{%
+ {\setbox\z@\lastbox}% cancel \indent
+ \@minipagefalse\everypar{}%
+ }}%
+ \expandafter\everydisplay\expandafter{%
+ \expandafter\abovedisplayskip\expandafter\z@skip% for gridmath.sty
+ \expandafter\pexa@everydisplayfirst\expandafter{\the\everydisplay}}%
+ \@listdepth\z@ % Imp: put this into \PexaShowBoth etc.
+ \def\makelabel##1{%
+ \@latex@error{Lonely \string\item--perhaps a missing
+ list environment}\@ehc}%
+ % vvv with `Figure 1' (article)-style figure numbering
+ \def\figure{\pexa@mp@fakefloat{figure}}%
+ \let\endfigure\pexa@mp@endfloat
+ \def\table{\pexa@mp@fakefloat{table}}%
+ \@namedef{table*}{\table}\@namedef{endtable*}{\endtable}%
+ \@namedef{figure*}{\figure}\@namedef{endfigure*}{\endfigure}%
+ % ^^^ BUGFIX at Mon Apr 19 17:08:49 CEST 2004:
+ % need to redefine \endtable*, too; problem caused by \marginpar in a
+ % very different part of the document.
+ \let\endtable\pexa@mp@endfloat
+ \pexa@@minipage@setuphook
+ \minipage% accept args etc.
+ \pexa@@finishlastpage
+ \par\unskip% cancels \belowdisplay(short)skip and others
+ \unpenalty\unskip\unpenalty\unskip\unpenalty\unskip\unpenalty
+ % ^^^ Dat: `\unskip\unpenalty\unskip' cancels \bigskip
+ %
+ \let\c@mpfootnote\@tempcnta
+ \let\cl@footnote\@empty
+ \let\cl@mpfootnote\@empty
+ %\show\pexa@@restore
+ %\let\c@mpfootnote\c@secnumdepth% restoring of \cl@@ckpt will be overridden later
+ %\let\c@footnote\c@secnumdepth
+ %\showthe\count63
+ \pexa@@restore% will not reset original \c@footnote
+ %\global\c@footnote=77
+ %\setcounter{footnote}{77}
+ \expandafter\@temptokena\expandafter{\@themark}%
+ \mark{\the\@temptokena}% prevent double expansion of \@themark
+ \endminipage
+ \def\@captype{#1}% figure or table
+ % vvv ripped from \@xfloat in latex.ltx
+ %\global \setbox\@currbox
+ \vskip\intextsep
+ \color@vbox
+ \normalcolor
+ \vbox \bgroup
+ \hsize\columnwidth
+ \@parboxrestore
+ \@floatboxreset
+ \@twosidefalse
+ \pagestyle{plain}%
+ \renewcommand\thepart {\@Roman\c@part}%
+ \renewcommand\thesection {\@arabic\c@section}%
+ \renewcommand\thesubsection {\thesection.\@arabic\c@subsection}%
+ \renewcommand\thesubsubsection{\thesubsection .\@arabic\c@subsubsection}%
+ \renewcommand\theparagraph {\thesubsubsection.\@arabic\c@paragraph}%
+ \renewcommand\thesubparagraph {\theparagraph.\@arabic\c@subparagraph}%
+% --- \PVerb et al.
+%** \PVerb is a command that typesets its argument verbatim, in a typewriter
+%** font. It similar to the LaTeX \verb command, but has additional features:
+%** -- \PVerb{NESTED} is allowed (as well as \PVerb+TEXT+), where NESTED must
+%** have braces properly nested, but no other constraints are given
+%** -- the only constraint on TEXT in \PVerb+TEXT+ is tht it cannot contain
+%** the delimiter (+)
+%** -- \PVerb{NESTED} can be put inside macro command arguments, for example:
+%** \fbox{\PVerb{\def\foo{\csname bar\endcsname}}}
+%** -- accented characters (with \usepackage[...]{inputenc}) work properly
+%** -- accents \H and \. work even in OT1 encoding (the font cmr is
+%** substituted if necessary)
+%** -- customizable behaviour via options pverb-space=, pverb-hyphenchar=,
+%** pverb-verbatimfont=, pverb-linebreak=, pverb-linebreakchar=,
+%** pverb-stretchshrink=
+%** -- options can be specified as \PVerb[...] or \PexaDefaults{...}
+%** Some downsides:
+%** -- a newline inside the argument of \PVerb is converted to a space
+%** -- inner mode: comments are lost
+%** -- inner mode: line breaks are lost (converted to spaces)
+%** -- inner mode: multiple space tokens are condensed into one
+%** -- inner mode: exact layout of space tokens after \cs are lost
+%** -- inner mode: only \PVerb{NESTED} syntax is allowed
+%** -- inner mode: only \PVerb[pverb-hash=half] works inside \textrm
+%** -- inner mode:
+%** Dat: \verb~...~ will work well, because it is forced to be outer.
+%** Suggested brace delimiters: {}
+%** Suggested other \dospecial delimiters: \ $ & # ^ _ % ~
+%** Suggested other delimiters: ` ! @ * - + = | : ; ' " < > , . / ? [] ()
+%** Dat: test: \showhyphens{\PVerb{kismocsok}}
+\expandafter\def\csname PVerb \endcsname{%
+ \relax\ifmmode\hbox\else\leavevmode%\null prevents break of 1st word
+ \fi\bgroup
+ {\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont}% load .fd files with undisturbed \catcodes
+ \pexa@setupverb% sets \catcodes, similar to `\let\do\@makeother \dospecial\@noligs \@vobeyspaces'
+ \pexa@cverb@catcodes
+ \afterassignment\pexa@cverb@maybeopts\let\reserved@a= %
+%** Same as \PVerb, but converts `##' to `#'.
+%** @example \textit{And type: \PVerbH{##ifdef}}
+%** Usage: \PVerbInner\PVerb{text} or \PVerbInner\PVerbH{text}
+%** \item[\PVerb[pverb-space=visbreak]{foo}] doesn't work because of the nested
+%** `['. Use this instead: \item[\PVerbOpt{pverb-space=visbreak}{foo}], or:
+%** \item[{\PVerb[pverb-space=visbreak]{foo}}]
+\expandafter\def\csname PVerbOpt \endcsname#1{%
+ \relax\ifmmode\hbox\else\leavevmode%\null prevents break of 1st word
+ \fi\bgroup
+ \pexa@doopts{#1}% in \begingroup, at last
+ {\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont}% load .fd files with undisturbed \catcodes
+ \pexa@setupverb% sets \catcodes, similar to `\let\do\@makeother \dospecial\@noligs \@vobeyspaces'
+ \pexa@cverb@catcodes
+ \afterassignment\pexa@cverb@gottoken\let\reserved@a=
+ %\afterassignment\pexa@cverb@outerbrace\let\reserved@a= %
+ \let\do\pexa@cverb@makemathshift \dospecials \pexa@cverb@donormals
+ % ^^^ converts allowed delimiters to math-shift (\catcode 3)
+ %\@tempcnta127 \loop\ifnum\@tempcnta<256 \catcode\@tempcnta3 \advance\@tempcnta\@ne\repeat
+ % ^^^ also allows accented letters, such as \PVerb^^e1sz^^e1
+ \ifx\\\@tabularcr \catcode`\{1 \fi % is \realx with array.sty
+ \ifx\\\@arraycr \catcode`\{1 \fi % with array.sty
+ % ^^^ disable outerbrace mode for \begin{tabular}, because braces must be
+ % properly nested inside a \halign cell, so we are not allowed to swallow
+ % a brace as math-shift. Unfortunately, this doesn't fix the problem for
+ % pure \halign, for which `! Missing { inserted' will be shown.
+% Sentinel sensible defaults -- overridden by \pexa@doopts above.
+\def\pexa@cverb@@space{\ }% breakable
+\def\pexa@cverb@@hyphenchar{\hyphenchar\font=-1 }% disallow auto-hyphenation of words
+\def\pexa@cverb@@tbreak{\allowbreak}% allow silent line break
+\def\pexa@cverb@@stretchshrink{}% keep original
+%** Prepend a \do to every >=127 accented character.
+%** Iteration terminated by \vfuzz.
+%** Add \break statements if necessary
+ \ifx\vfuzz#1\else
+ \ifnum`#1>126 \ifnum\catcode`#1=13 \noexpand\do\fi#1\else% prepend \do to accented character
+ \ifnum`#1=32 \noexpand\pexa@cverb@@space\else%\ifnum`#1<127
+ \ifnum\catcode`#1=11 #1\else
+ % vvv Dat: add \break to both sides of any nonletter
+ \noexpand\break#1\noexpand\break\fi
+ \fi\fi
+ \expandafter\pexa@cverb@addacc
+ \fi
+\def\pexa@cverb@removespace@v#1 #2{%
+ #1\ifx\hfuzz#2\else
+ \ifnum\catcode\string`#2=11 \reserved@a\fi% keep space iff letter follows
+ #2\expandafter\pexa@cverb@removespace@v
+ \fi
+%** Similar to \EempVerbatimDef5 in eempost.sty
+%** Defines parameterless macro named #1 to expand to a verbatim
+%** representation of token list #2, with only catcode 10 (space) and
+%** catcode 12 (other).
+%** -- `%' won't appear in the output
+%** -- emits `\relax' as `\relax ', but `\<' as `\<' (without space)
+%** -- comments etc. have already been removed
+%** -- caller should end each line with `^^J%'
+%** -- \cs containing non-letter chars are printed without caution
+%** -- low (0..31) and high (127..256) chars will be emmited with ^^
+%** -- char 10 (^^J) will be emitted as newline
+%** -- ^^A (1) chars will be converted to spaces
+%** -- spaces in #1 are kept with catcode 12 (other possibilities: keep with
+%** catcode 10; remove)
+%** -- trailing spaces of `\cs ' are
+%** removed unless necessary (a letter follows it), keep with catcode 12
+\long\def\pexa@cverb@vdef#1#2{% \long: allow \par in #2
+ \begingroup
+ \@tempcnta0 \loop\ifnum\@tempcnta<256 \lccode\@tempcnta0 \advance\@tempcnta\@ne\repeat
+ \lccode\string`\ =1
+ \lowercase{\toks@{#2}}% convert space to ^^A
+ \edef\reserved@a{\the\toks@}% convert `#' to `##' (catcode 6)
+ %\edef\reserved@b##1>{}% macro:...->...
+ \edef\reserved@b{\expandafter\strip@prefix\meaning\reserved@a\string##\hfuzz}%
+ % ^^^ Dat: \meaning expands to ^^A with catcode 12, because it's charcode isn't 32
+ % vvv !! SUXX, removes changes 'a\#b' to `a\b', too
+ \edef\reserved@b{\expandafter\pexa@removehash\reserved@b}% convert `##' to `#' (catcode 12)
+ \lccode\string`\ =0 % keep spaces generated by `\cs...'
+ \lccode1=\string`\ %
+ \expandafter\lowercase\expandafter{\expandafter\edef\expandafter\reserved@b\expandafter{\reserved@b\space\hfuzz}}% convert `^^A' -> ` ' (catcode 12)
+ % Dat: now we have the space tokens in #1 with catcode 12, and spaces at the
+ % end of multi-letter `\cs ' with catcode 10 (space).
+ \lccode`\-=\string`\ \lowercase{\edef\reserved@a{-}}% Dat: assume catcode('-')==12
+ \edef\reserved@b{\def\noexpand#1{\expandafter\pexa@cverb@removespace@v\reserved@b}}%
+ % ^^^ Dat: it is safe to call \eemp@removespace@v, because there will be
+ % no consecutive spaces in \reserved@b emitted by \meaning
+ \expandafter\endgroup\reserved@b
+%\def\pexa@swap#1#2{#2#1}% SUXX, doesn't evaluate \else correctly
+%** Cancel \break{}s in the beginning of \reserved@a, and also cancel break after
+%** the very first character.
+ \ifx#1\break
+ \pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@cverb@skipbreak@ii#2}%
+ %\expandafter\pexa@cverb@skipbreak\expandafter#2%
+ \else
+ \ifx#2\break
+ \pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@cverb@skipbreakf@ii#1}%
+ \else
+ \pexa@swaprelax{#1#2}% Dat: don't insert \relax into `\do ^^f5' etc.
+ \fi%
+ \fi\relax
+ \ifx#2\break
+ \pexa@swaprelax{\pexa@cverb@skipbreakf@ii#1}%
+ \else
+ \pexa@swaprelax{#1\relax#2}% Dat: \relax breaks ligatures
+ \fi\relax
+%** Cancel \break{}s in the beginning of \reserved@a.
+%** (formerly \pexa@cverb@eatbreaks)
+ \ifx#1\break \expandafter\pexa@cverb@skipbreak@i
+ \else\expandafter#1\fi
+%** Doesn't cancel \break.
+%** Cancels break according to option pverb-leftbreakmin
+ \relax% break ligatures
+ \csname pexa@cverb@skipbreak@\romannumeral\pexa@default@pverbleftbreakmin\endcsname
+%** Cancel a single break in the beginning of \reserved@a.
+% \ifx#1\break\else\expandafter#1\fi
+% Test.
+%\def\pexa@default@pverbleftbreakmin{2}% see defaults below
+%\edef\reserved@a{\pexa@cverb@skipbreak alma}
+%\edef\reserved@a{\pexa@cverb@skipbreak\break\break alma}
+%\edef\reserved@a{\pexa@cverb@skipbreak\break a\break\break l\break ma}
+%\tracingmacros0 \zzzz
+%** Typesets already verbatized contents of \reserved@a
+%** @example \begingroup\makeatletter\pexa@cverb@vdef\reserved@a{#1}\pexa@cverb@typeset\endgroup
+ \makeatother% make \@delfin@ablakban@ hyphenatable: \@ del-fin @ ab-lak-ban @
+ \edef\reserved@a{\expandafter\pexa@cverb@addacc\reserved@a\vfuzz\noexpand\@empty}%
+ \pexa@cverb@typeset@low
+%** Also called by \pexa@nobackslash
+ % ^^^ Dat: \@empty is for ##1 of a possible \break
+ %\showthe\hyphenchar\font
+ %%\show\reserved@a
+ \def\break##1{%
+ \ifx##1\@empty\else \ifx##1\pexa@cverb@@space\else% Dat: \ifx is slow
+ % ^^^ don't allow break before a space
+ % ^^^ ignore trailing break (followed by \@empty)
+ \pexa@cverb@@tbreak
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifx##1\break\else\expandafter##1\fi% gobble next token if it's \break
+ % ^^^ Dat: \break is a macro, so \ifx may be slow
+ % ^^^ Dat: we never ever have \break\break\break in \reserved@a
+ }%
+ % Imp: cancel \break if \pexa@cverb@@tbreak is \@empty
+ %** @param ##1 accented, \active char with catcode 12
+ \def\do##1{\lccode`~`##1\lowercase{~}}%
+ %\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont
+ %\pexa@cverb@@hyphenchar
+ %\showthe\hyphenchar\font
+ % vvv Restore modified font values at \egroup
+ % vvv Dat: it would be too early to restore \hyphenchar at the end of the
+ % group, because \hyphenchar is examined by TeX when the paragraph has
+ % to be broken to lines.
+ % The only solution I can think of for changing \hyphenchar locally
+ % is defining a font with a very similar size (see below). Unfortunately,
+ % dvips(1) embeds two different fonts.
+ % \font\f=cmr10 at 10pt
+ % \font\g=cmr10 at 10.00001pt
+ % \hyphenchar\f=99
+ %\edef\reserved@b{\noexpand\pexa@aftergroup\noexpand\hyphenchar\the\font=\the\hyphenchar\font\relax\hfuzz}\reserved@b
+ \edef\reserved@b{\noexpand\pexa@aftergroup\noexpand\fontdimen3\the\font=\the\fontdimen3\font\relax\hfuzz}\reserved@b% normal stretch
+ \edef\reserved@b{\noexpand\pexa@aftergroup\noexpand\fontdimen4\the\font=\the\fontdimen4\font\relax\hfuzz}\reserved@b% normal shrink
+ %\show\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont
+ %\showhyphens{irgumburgum id}%
+ \pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont
+ %\showhyphens{irgumburgum ie}%
+ \pexa@cverb@@hyphenchar
+ %\showhyphens{irgumburgum if}%
+ \pexa@cverb@@stretchshrink
+ %\showthe\hyphenchar\font
+ %\showhyphens{irgumburgum ig}%
+ %\showhyphens{\reserved@a}%
+ %\showhyphens{\tt\reserved@a}%
+ %\hyphenpenalty\z@
+ %\expandafter\MINUSCHECK\reserved@a......\hfuzz%
+ \expandafter\pexa@cverb@skipbreak\reserved@a\@empty\@empty% Dat: \@empty is sentinel
+% \edef\reserved@b{\meaning#1}\show\reserved@b
+% \edef\reserved@b{\meaning#2}\show\reserved@b
+% \edef\reserved@b{\meaning#3}\show\reserved@b
+%** Usage: \pexa@aftergroup TOKENS\hfuzz
+ \ifx#1\hfuzz
+ \else\aftergroup#1\expandafter\pexa@aftergroup\fi
+\def\pexa@cverb@donormals{\do`\do!\do @\do*\do-\do+\do=\do|\do:\do;\do'\do"\do,\do.\do/\do?\do<\do>\do(\do)\do[\do]}%
+ \if\noexpand\reserved@a[%
+ %\catcode`]12
+ \egroup\bgroup% restore various catcodes
+ \expandafter\pexa@cverb@withopts
+ \else
+ \expandafter\pexa@cverb@gottoken
+ \fi
+ \pexa@doopts{#1}% in \begingroup, at last
+ % vvv Dat: fonts already loaded
+ \pexa@setupverb% sets \catcodes, similar to `\let\do\@makeother \dospecial\@noligs \@vobeyspaces'
+ \pexa@cverb@catcodes
+ \afterassignment\pexa@cverb@gottoken\let\reserved@a= %
+ \PackageError{examplep}{\noexpand\PVerb inner delimiter must be brace,\MessageBreak not #1}\@ehc
+ \let\reserved@b\egroup
+ \PackageError{examplep}{\noexpand\PVerb delimiter mustn't be #1}\@ehc
+ \let\reserved@b\egroup
+%** Got token in \reserved@a
+ \pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont
+ % ^^^ do this before we do too many \catcode changes to load the .fd file.
+ \let\reserved@b\pexa@cverb@outer
+ \ifcat\noexpand\reserved@a$% math-shift
+ \if\noexpand\reserved@a$\else
+ \if\noexpand\reserved@a\space\pexa@cverb@mustntbe{space}\else
+ \if\noexpand\reserved@a\expandafter\@gobble\string\{\let\reserved@b\pexa@cverb@outerbrace
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \else\ifcat\noexpand\reserved@a\expandafter{\iffalse}\fi% open-brace
+ \let\reserved@b\pexa@cverb@innerbrace
+ \else\ifcat\noexpand\reserved@a\relax
+ % Dat: the \cs token name has been lost, we only have the meaning of \reserved@a
+ \pexa@cverb@mustbebrace{backslash or control sequence or active char}%
+ \else\ifcat\noexpand\reserved@a a% letter
+ \pexa@cverb@mustntbe{a letter,\MessageBreak but got \meaning\reserved@a\space}%
+ % Dat: the outer `\PVerb x' would try to delimit by space, not `x'
+ % Dat: it is possible to get an outer letter: `\expandafter\PVerb\@empty x'
+ \else\ifcat\noexpand\reserved@a,% other
+ \pexa@cverb@mustbebrace{\meaning\reserved@a\space}%
+ % Dat: impossbile to skip to \reserved@a, because I cannot convert it back
+ % to a character token anymore
+ % Imp: write a slow loop
+ \else
+ \pexa@cverb@mustbebrace{\meaning\reserved@a\space(strange)}%
+ \let\reserved@b\egroup
+ %\let\reserved@b\pexa@cverb@inner
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+ \reserved@b
+% 1: begin-group character {
+% 2: end-group character }
+% 3: math shift character $
+% 4: alignment tab character &
+% 6: macro parameter character #
+% 7: superscript character ^
+% 8: subscript character _
+% 10: "blank space "
+% 11: the letter b
+% 12: the character /
+% 13: macro:..., undefined, \hbox etc.
+% cs: macro:..., undefined, \hbox etc.
+\def\pexa@meaning@beg#1 #2 #3{{1}{#3}}%
+\def\pexa@meaning@end#1 #2 #3{{2}{#3}}%
+\def\pexa@meaning@mat#1 #2 #3 #4{{3}{#4}}%
+\def\pexa@meaning@ali#1 #2 #3 #4{{4}{#4}}%
+\def\pexa@meaning@mac#1 #2 #3 #4{{6}{#4}}%
+\def\pexa@meaning@sup#1 #2 #3{{7}{#3}}%
+\def\pexa@meaning@sub#1 #2 #3{{8}{#3}}%
+\def\pexa@meaning@bla#1 #2 #3 {{10}{\ }}%
+\def\pexa@meaning@the#1 #2#3 #4{{\if#2l11\else12\fi}{#4}}%
+\def\pexa@meaningiii#1#2#3{\csname pexa@meaning@#1#2#3\endcsname}%
+%** @param #1 a catcode (positive)
+%** @param #2 character token or `\ '
+ \ifnum#1<1 \@latex@error{Invalid character token}\@ehc\fi
+ %\catcode`#22 % \catcode 2 == end-group
+ \catcode`#213 % \catcode 13 == active
+ \lccode`~`#2\lowercase{\def\reserved@a##1~{\pexa@cverb@outerc{##1}}}%
+ \catcode`\{1 %begin-group
+ \catcode`\}2 %end-group
+ \catcode`\ =12
+ % ^^^ These \catcode changes will become useful when argument of \PVerb has
+ % only been partially seen by TeX's eyes, for example in:
+ % \expandafter\PVerb{foo}
+ \expandafter\pexa@cverb@innerc\expandafter{\iffalse}\fi% put back the extra open-brace
+ \def\reserved@a{#1}% halves the hashes
+ \expandafter\pexa@cverb@vdef\expandafter\reserved@a\expandafter{\reserved@a}%
+%** Takes an argument in braces.
+ \makeatletter% keep space in `\csname @foo'
+ \ifnum\pexa@default@fullhash>0 \expandafter\pexa@cverb@vdef@fullhash
+ \else \expandafter\pexa@cverb@vdef@halfhash\fi
+ {#1}%
+ \pexa@cverb@typeset
+ \egroup
+%** Doesn't work inside \halign :-(
+ \catcode`\{1 %begin-group
+ \catcode`\}2 %end-group
+ \catcode`\ =12
+ \expandafter\pexa@cverb@outerc\expandafter{\iffalse}\fi% !! \halign
+ \catcode`\{12 %restore to other
+ \edef\reserved@b{\noexpand\pexa@cverb@makeeg\expandafter\pexa@meaningiii\meaning\reserved@a00\vfuzz}%
+ \reserved@b% equivalent to `\catcode\reserved@a=13 \def\reserved@a...'
+ \catcode`\ =12
+ \reserved@a
+ %\expandafter\pexa@cverb@outerc\expandafter{\iffalse}\fi
+ % ^^^ nice trick, but doesn't work inside a cell of \halign (! Missing { inserted)
+ % ^^^ why doesn't it work in \halign?? -- even the arg may contain open-brace
+ %** `\pexa@removehash foo#Xbar#Yand#\hfuzz' expands to `fooXbarYand', if
+ %** # has catcode 12.
+ \def\pexa@noremovehash#1+\hfuzz{#1}%
+ \def\pexa@removehash#1+#2{#1\ifx\hfuzz#2\else#2\expandafter\pexa@removehash\fi}%
+ % Dat: #1 might contain begin-group and end-group tokens. Change them to other.
+ % vvv Dat: setting \lccode`a=0 will prevent \showhyphens from working
+ \@tempcnta0 \loop\ifnum\@tempcnta<256 \ifnum\lccode\@tempcnta=\@tempcnta\else \lccode\@tempcnta\z@\fi \advance\@tempcnta\@ne\repeat
+ \lccode`\ =1
+ %%\lccode`\ =32 \showhyphens{csukafogta b}%
+ \lowercase{\def\reserved@a{#1}}% don't convert `#' to `##' (catcode 6)
+ % ^^^ change space to '\001', so \meaning won't convert it to catcode 10
+ % Dat: don't expand \reserved@a now, because it might contain high accented tokens
+ \edef\reserved@b##1>{}% macro:...->...
+ \edef\reserved@b{\expandafter\reserved@b\meaning\reserved@a}%
+ \lccode\string`\ =0 % keep spaces generated by `\cs...'
+ \lccode1=\string`\ %
+ \ifnum\pexa@default@fullhash=0 % convert `##' to `#'
+ \edef\reserved@b{\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pexa@removehash\expandafter\reserved@b\string##\hfuzz}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\lowercase\expandafter{\expandafter\def\expandafter\reserved@b\expandafter{\reserved@b}}%
+ % ^^^ change '\001' back to space
+ %%\show\reserved@a
+ \let\reserved@a\reserved@b \pexa@cverb@typeset
+ \egroup
+%** Dat: `\ X' doesn't work, the space will be gobbled :-(
+%** Dat: a space will be forced after `\W ' if W is a word
+ % ^^^ Dat: \break is the \break following the backslash
+ #1\ifx#2\hfuzz\else
+ \ifx#2\break
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pexa@cverb@nobackslash@more
+ \else
+ \if#2V\noexpand\char32\relax% visible, unbreakable
+ \else\if#2S\noexpand\pexa@cverb@@space% default space
+ \else\if#2B\noexpand\PexaAllowBreak
+ \else\if#2n\noexpand\hfil\noexpand\break
+ \else\noexpand#2\fi\fi\fi\fi% Dat: #2 is usually the \break preceding a non-letter char
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pexa@cverb@nobackslash@lowa
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\@gobble\string\\\noexpand\break}%
+\def\pexa@cverb@removespace@vv#1 #2{%
+ #1\ifx\hfuzz#2\else
+ #2\expandafter\pexa@cverb@removespace@vv
+ \fi
+ \begingroup
+ % vvv remove all spaces emitted by \meaning. Fine but ugly.
+ \let\pexa@cverb@removespace@v\pexa@cverb@removespace@vv
+ \let\pexa@removehash\pexa@noremovehash% don't remove \#. Ugly hack.
+ \pexa@cverb@vdef\reserved@a{#1}%
+ %\show\reserved@a
+ %\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\show\expandafter\@gobble\reserved@a
+ \makeatother% make \@delfin@ablakban@ hyphenatable: \@ del-fin @ ab-lak-ban @
+ \edef\reserved@a{\expandafter\pexa@cverb@addacc\reserved@a\vfuzz
+ \noexpand\@empty\expandafter\@gobble\string\\\noexpand\break}%
+ % Dat: expandable constructs emitted by \pexa@cverb@addacc:
+ % \do(unsave OK) \break \pexa@cverb@@space
+ \let\pexa@@save@pcs\pexa@cverb@@space
+ \let\pexa@@save@break\break
+ \let\pexa@cverb@@space\relax
+ \let\do\relax
+ \let\break\relax
+ \edef\reserved@a{\expandafter\pexa@cverb@nobackslash@lowa\reserved@a\hfuzz}%
+ \let\pexa@cverb@@space\pexa@@save@pcs
+ \let\break\pexa@@save@break
+ \pexa@cverb@typeset@low
+ \endgroup
+% --- One-character verbatim environments
+% !! translate this Hungarian text to English.
+% -- A kis-verbatim \verb+...+ helyett \'irhat\'o az, hogy ^^f7...^^f7
+% (az italic correction az\'ert kell el\'e, hogy ha parancs defin\'ici\'okn\'al
+% italic-kal \'irunk egy opcion\'alis param\'etert, ne kelljen ut\'ana k\'ezzel
+% korrig\'alni.) Mostm\'ar sorv\'ege jel is lehet benne, mert \PVerb-et haszn\'al
+% (sorv\'ege==sz\'ok\"oz), de ha a k\"ovetkez\H{o} sor sz\'ok\"ozzel kezd\H{o}dik, akkor t\"obb
+% sz\'ok\"oz lesz. Haszn\'alhat\'o \section-ben is, \'es (\'ovatosan) tabular-ban is,
+% ha minden oszlop-ban a brace-ek balance-ol\'odnak. Lehet benne \'ekezetes
+% bet\H{u}.
+% Legjobb emacsban azt \'irni, hogy
+% sz\"oveg.....
+% %%%
+% ^^f7aaa aaa aaa^^f7 sz\"oveg folytat\'asa ...
+% mert akkor a comment miatt nem t\"ori el a verbatimos sz\"oveget.
+% -- \^^f7...^^f7 olyan, mint a ^^f7...^^f7, de minden speci\'alis karakter el\'e backslash
+% kell. P\'eld\'aul: \^^f7\{\}\%\\^^f7. Ily m\'odon k\"onnyebben adhat\'o
+% makr\'o-argumentumnak. \^^f7\V^^f7 egy l\'athat\'o sz\'ok\"ozt sz\'ur be, \^^f7\B^^f7
+% \PexaAllowBreak-et (kis jellel sort\"or\'est enged\'elyez), \^^f7\S^^f7 ugyanaz,
+% mint ^^f7 ^^f7. Ha minden el\'e gondosan kirakjuk a
+% backslash-t, akkor haszn\'alhat\'o \section-ben is.
+% -- \Q{...} \'es \Q. olyan, mint \^^f7...^^f7. Teh\'at l\'athat\'o sz\'ok\"oz: \Q\V
+% -- !! ^^f7#^^f7 nem megy, de \Q\^^f7 igen
+\begingroup \catcode`^^f7=13 \@firstofone{\endgroup
+\def\pexa@div@setcodes{\catcode`^^f7=13 % /divide-sign
+ \lccode`^^d7=0 \uccode`^^d7=0 % /multiply-sign isn't a lower-upper case variant (\OE?)
+ \lccode`^^f7=0 \uccode`^^f7=0 }
+%** Can be used in \section (as ``inner'' \PVerb), with limitations.
+%** !! parameters, as with ^^f7#^^f7
+\def\pexa@div{% Dat: not \long. File. ^^f7
+ \ifx\protect\@typeset@protect
+ \expandafter\pexa@overb@low
+ \else
+ \noexpand\pexa@div
+ %\expandafter\pexa@overb@ignore doesn't work :-((
+ \fi
+%** Works in math mode, too. What about robustness?
+\def\pexa@overb@low{% ASCII 247
+ % Dat: would be too late for \catcode of `\PVerb^^f7' here
+ % Imp: check for innerness-outerness
+ \relax\ifmmode\hbox\else\leavevmode\/\fi
+ \bgroup
+ %\pexa@doopts{#1}% in \begingroup, at last
+ {\pexa@cverb@@verbatimfont}% load .fd files with undisturbed \catcodes
+ \pexa@setupverb
+ \pexa@cverb@catcodes
+ \catcode\string`\{12 % restore to other
+ \catcode\string`\ 12
+ \catcode`^^f7=13
+ \def\reserved@a##1^^f7{% Dat: define with current \catcode`^^f7
+ %\showthe\catcode`-% 3 (math-shift)
+ \pexa@cverb@outerc{##1}}% defined in examplep.sty
+ \reserved@a
+ %\expandafter\pexa@cverb@outerc\expandafter{\iffalse}\fi
+ % ^^^ nice trick, but doesn't work inside a cell of \halign (! Missing { inserted)
+ % ^^^ why doesn't it work in \halign?? -- even the arg may contain open-brace
+%** Dat: we need \long for index generation of \Q{\par}
+\long\def\pexa@Q#1{\pexa@bsdiv#1^^f7}% \Q
+\long\def\pexa@bsdiv#1^^f7{% \^^f7
+ % An evil #1 may contain \fi here, so we have to be very careful.
+ \ifx\protect\@typeset@protect
+ \expandafter\@gobble\fi\@thirdofthree\@firstoftwo
+ \pexa@nomath\pexa@overb@noe@a
+ {\pexa@cverb@nobackslash{#1}}%
+ %\ifx\protect\@typeset@protect \pexa@nomath{\pexa@cverb@nobackslash{#1}}%
+ %%\else \noexpand\^^f7#1\noexpand^^f7\fi % Undefined control sequence \V
+ %%\else \BackslashDivideIsFragile \fi
+ %\else \noexpand\^^f7\expandafter\pexa@overb@noexpand#1^^f7\fi
+ \noexpand\^^f7\expandafter\pexa@overb@noexpand#1^^f7}
+ \noexpand#1%
+ \ifx#1^^f7\else\expandafter\pexa@overb@noexpand\fi
+\def\pexa@activate@bsdiv{\pexa@div@setcodes \let\^^f7\pexa@bsdiv}
+\def\pexa@activate@div {\pexa@div@setcodes \let^^f7\pexa@div}
+\def\pexa@activate@url {\def\url{\PVerbOpt{}}}
+}% ^^f7 has catcode 13
+% ---
+%** Apply default options.
+ samplewidth=.5\PexaWidth,xalign=l,yalign=u,boxstyle=p,
+ allowshrink=yes,allowbreak=yes,srcstyle=left,usewidth=skipwidth,
+ xindent=none,yindent=none,source-space=invfixbreak,firstlinenum=1,
+ pexaminipage-setuphook={},addvspace-top=\addvspace,
+ addvspace-bottom={\vskip\z@skip\addvspace},% don't accumulate Sample>Source \vskip
+ vextravskip=\z@,vsmallht=1pt,
+ linenumbersep={},linenumberformat={{\normalfont\rmfamily\scriptsize\number-\pexa@@cntb}\pexa@default@linenumbersep},
+ pverb-space=invbreak,pverb-hyphenchar=hyphen,pverb-verbatimfont=pexavf,
+ pverb-linebreak=char,pverb-linebreakchar={$\lnot$},pverb-stretchshrink=yes,
+ pverb-hash=full,psource-verbatimfont=pexavf,baseline-grid=no,
+ vextrabotdepth=\z@,pverb-leftbreakmin=2,mp-equation-reset=yes,
+ mp-varioref-reset=no,Q=unchanged,bsdiv=unchanged,div=unchanged,url=unchanged,
+ source-par-align=left,
+ }
+% Dat: inlineprefix= is missing.
+\expandafter\ifx\csname opt@\@currname.\@currext\endcsname\relax\else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\pexa@doopts
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter{%
+ \csname opt@\@currname.\@currext\endcsname}\fi
+\pexa@@restorecat \let\pexa@@restorecat\@undefined
+\endinput% examplep.sty
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/houses.eps b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/houses.eps
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+% verbfwr.sty -- LaTeX package that writes verbatim to a file
+% by at Sat Sep 27 23:40:12 CEST 2003
+% Code partially ripped from sverb.sty
+% Dat: space tokens at EOL are ignored by TeX's eyes
+% Dat: changed \@tempa to \VerbFwrLines, so we have:
+% ! File ended while scanning use of \VerbFwrLines.
+% !! use latex.ltx \begin{filecontents}
+% Dat: callbacks are: (see below)
+% \verbfwr@actemitlineone
+% \verbfwr@actemitline
+% \verbfwr@actemitdone
+\ProvidesPackage{verbfwr}[2003/09/25 v0.02 Verbatim file write]
+ \expandafter\def\csname\string#1$after\endcsname##1#2\relax{%
+ \def\verbfwr@@terminator{#2}% `\end{foo}' with \string
+ \def\verbfwr@@after{##1}}%
+ \expandafter\def\csname\string#1$match\endcsname##1#2##2##3\end{%
+ \ifx##2\relax\verbfwr@matchedfalse
+ \else\verbfwr@matchedtrue\csname\string#1$after\endcsname##2##3\fi
+ #3{##1}%
+ }%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter#1\expandafter##\expandafter1\expandafter{%
+ \csname\string#1$match\endcsname##1#2\relax\end%
+ }%
+ {\ifx\check@percent\@@undefined
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+ \def\VerbFwrLines{#1#2}\fi\else
+ \ifx#1\relax\def\VerbFwrLines{}\else
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+ \def\VerbFwrLines{#1#2}\fi\fi\fi}
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+ \else\ifx#1~\let\@tempb\verbfwr@isspaces%
+ \else\def\@tempb##1\relax{}%
+ \fi\fi%
+ \@tempb%
+ }
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+%** Callback called before each line. Should call
+%** `\let\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty' to prevent subsequent callbacks.
+ %\hrule
+ \let\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty
+%** Callback called after the last line (even if \verbfwr@actemitlineone
+%** isn't \@empty). This can detect the presence of lines by checking
+%** \ifx\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty .
+%** Called fore each line, with macro \VerbFwrLines containing the line itself
+%** @param #1 \cs process-line-proc
+ \begingroup
+ \expandafter##1\expandafter{\VerbFwrLines}%
+ \endgroup
+%** Dat: discards spaces at EOL (but not at BOL if BOL!=EOL)
+%** @param #1 end-text
+%** @param #2 \cs process-line-proc
+%** @param #3 \cs end-proc
+ \begingroup%
+ \verbfwr@matcher\verbfwr@match{#1}\verbfwr@read@ii%
+ \@tempswafalse
+ \catcode13 13 \catcode32 13
+ \lccode\string`\~13\lowercase{%
+ \def\verbfwr@read@i##1~{\verbfwr@match{##1}}%
+ }%
+ \def\verbfwr@read@ii##1{%
+ % Dat: The TeXbook, page 46 says that characters with code 32 are removed
+ % from the end of the lines. This is independent of \catcode32
+ %%\def\VerbFwrLines{##1}\show\VerbFwrLines
+ \verbfwr@percent##1\relax\relax%
+ \ifverbfwr@matched\@tempswafalse\fi%
+ % vvv Dat: ignore the very first line (with \begin{VerbWrite}), entirely
+ % made of spaces -- will never occur, because
+ % trailing spaces have already been trimmed
+ \if@tempswa\else\@tempswatrue\expandafter\verbfwr@isspaces\VerbFwrLines\relax\fi%
+ \if@tempswa
+ \verbfwr@actemitlineone
+ \verbfwr@actemitline{#2}%
+ \fi%
+ \@tempswatrue
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+ \ifx\verbfwr@@after\@empty\else
+ \PackageWarning{verbfwr}{Text right from \verbfwr@@terminator\space was ignored}%
+ \fi
+ %\def\reserved@a{##1}%
+ \def\VerbFwrLines{%\ifx\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty\verbfwr@actemitdone\fi
+ \verbfwr@actemitdone \endgroup#3}%
+ \else\let\VerbFwrLines\verbfwr@read@i\fi%
+ \VerbFwrLines
+ }%
+ \verbfwr@read@i
+\lccode\string`\<=\string`\{ \lccode\string`\>=\string`\} \lccode\string`\|=\string`\\
+ %** @example \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@read
+ \def\verbfwr@readenv#1{%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter%
+ #1\expandafter\verbfwr@readenv@i\@currenvir\hfuzz}
+ \def\verbfwr@readenv@i#1\hfuzz{{|end<#1>}{\end{#1}}}
+ %** @param #1 stop line
+ %** @param #2 code to call at stop
+ \def\verbfwr@readenv@ii#1\hfuzz#2{{|end<#1>}{#2}}
+%** @param #1<-\end{VerbWrite} (with full catcode 12)
+%** @param #2<-\end {VerbWrite} (with various catcodes for \, e, { and }
+ \begingroup%
+ \@savsf1000 \@savsk\z@skip% in case \verbfwr@actemitlineone initiates horizontal mode
+ \@bsphack% Dat: too early to say \@bsphack here, because
+ \let\do\@makeother\dospecials% \catcode`\\=12 etc. (see latex.ltx for \dospecials)
+ \@tempcnta127
+ \loop\ifnum\@tempcnta<256 \catcode\@tempcnta12 \advance\@tempcnta\@ne\repeat
+ \catcode9=12 % tab: \t, will be emitted as ^^I to the file (force this!)
+ % Dat: eempost.sty has to be updated (?! not sure)
+ %\catcode\string`\^13 % allow ^^e1 hex...
+ \verbfwr@safespc% each space counts when reading (similar to \obeyspaces)
+ \verbfwr@read{#1}\verbfwr@actwriteline{\@esphack\endgroup#2}%
+%** \let\verbfwr@actwriteline\verbfwr@writeline
+ %%\showthe\catcode92 \toks0{#1} \showthe\toks0
+ \immediate\write\verbfwr@writecs{#1}%
+%** Usage: \begin{VerbWrite}{filename.ext}...\end{VerbWrite}. File will end with \n. The
+%** line contents after \end{verbwrite} are ignored.
+ \immediate\openout\verbfwr@writefile#1\relax%
+ \let\verbfwr@writecs\verbfwr@writefile
+ \let\verbfwr@actwriteline\verbfwr@writeline
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write
+ % \foo\bar % would write also this!
+%\expandafter\def\csname verbwrite*\endcsname#1#2{%
+% \immediate\openout\verbfwr@writefile#2\relax%
+% \let\verbfwr@writecs\verbfwr@writefile
+% \verbfwr@write{#1}{\immediate\closeout\verbfwr@writefile\end{verbwrite*}}%
+\begingroup\catcode\string`\^^M=3 % math shift. Weird enough.
+% ^^^ Dat: Each line following the prev. catcode def. must end with `%'
+% otherwise we get `! Missing $ inserted' for
+% \begin{PSource}[srcstyle=leftleft]
+% a&b
+% \end{PSource}
+ \edef\reserved@a{\string#1}%%
+ \def\reserved@b{#1#2#3#4{#5}}%%
+ \expandafter\verbfwr@noter@endtest\string#1[][][]^^M% set \reserved@a and \reserved@b
+ %%\show\reserved@b%
+ \if\string^^M\reserved@a%%
+ % If we are here then our line, #1 begins with ^^M (with a \catcode
+ % different from 3, which we've set above). This means that somebody
+ % (our caller) has inserted a ^^M before we've been able to change
+ % \catcodes. The typical example is \@ifnextchar, looking for a `[', but
+ % finding only ^^M. That ^^M would have whatever catcode. Another typical
+ % example is \verbfwr@noter@read0, whose ^^M we should ignore immediately
+ % Our strategy is to ignore that extra ^^M.
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\verbfwr@noter@endtest%%
+ \expandafter\string\@gobble#1[][][]^^M%%
+ % ^^^ this sets \reserved@b, so we can properly end the environment here
+ \let\reserved@a\@gobble%%
+ \else%%
+ \let\reserved@a\@empty%%
+ \fi%%
+ \ifx\reserved@b\verbfwr@@noter@end%%
+ %\ifx\verbfwr@actemitlineone\@empty\verbfwr@actemitdone\fi%
+ \verbfwr@actemitdone%% BUGFIX: added `%' to this line at Fri Nov 12 00:03:26 CET 2004
+ \endgroup%% &agroup;
+ \expandafter\end\expandafter{\@currenvir}%%
+ \else%%
+ \verbfwr@actemitlineone%%
+ \expandafter\def\expandafter\VerbFwrLines\expandafter{\reserved@a#1}%%
+ \verbfwr@actemitline{}%%
+ \expandafter\verbfwr@noter@eachline%%
+ \fi%%
+\endgroup% \catcode
+%** by at Sun Dec 7 20:41:22 CET 2003
+%** Similar to \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write (which doesn't write anything
+%** to a file if all \verbfwr@actemit.. callbacks are redefined), but always
+%** stops reading at end of \@currenvir (and doesn't gobble the rest of the
+%** line) provided that it is at BOL (/^\s*/). Calls the usual callbacks
+%** \verbfwr@actemitlineone, \verbfwr@actemitlineone and
+%** \verbfwr@actemitline. Works with normal \catcodes, only the \catcode of
+%** ^^M is changed.
+%** @param #1 0|1. Insert an empty line if \begin{...} is followed by ^^M?
+%** Dat: discards spaces at BOL and EOL
+%** Dat: doesn't discard empty lines
+%** Dat: accepts \end{...} marker only at BOL (/^\s*/)
+ \begingroup% &agroup;
+ \edef\verbfwr@@noter@end{\string\end{\@currenvir}}%
+ \if1\noexpand#1%
+ \expandafter\verbfwr@noter@ignore@start% remember ^^M just after \begin{foo}
+ \else
+ \obeylines% \catcode\string`^^M=13
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\verbfwr@noter@ignore@start
+ \expandafter\noexpand% trick to ignore ^^M after \begin{foo}
+ \fi
+ \catcode\string`\^^M=3
+ \verbfwr@noter@eachline%
+%** \begin{WFile}{filename}contents^^J\end{WFile}
+ \immediate\openout\verbfwr@writefile#1\relax
+ \let\verbfwr@writecs\verbfwr@writefile
+ \let\verbfwr@actwriteline\verbfwr@writeline
+ \verbfwr@default@acts
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write}% finish this \cs here
+%** Writes directly to the aux file
+ \let\verbfwr@writecs\@auxout
+ \let\verbfwr@actwriteline\verbfwr@writeline
+ \verbfwr@default@acts
+ \verbfwr@readenv\verbfwr@write}% finish this \cs here
+\endinput%% End of verbfwr.sty
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/ b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6dd6495dd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/examplep/
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+eval '(exit $?0)' && eval 'PERL_BADLANG=x;PATH="$PATH:.";export PERL_BADLANG\
+;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" ${1+"$@"};#'if 0;eval 'setenv PERL_BADLANG x\
+;setenv PATH "$PATH":.;exec perl -x -S -- "$0" $argv:q;#'.q
+#!perl -w
++push@INC,'.';$0=~/(.*)/s;do(index($1,"/")<0?"./$1":$1);die$@if$@__END__+if 0
+;#Don't touch/remove lines 1--7:
+# -- write single example files
+# by at Mon Mar 15 17:01:41 CET 2004
+use integer;
+use strict;
+#** @param $_[0] "", "config" or "pdftex.cfg" etc.
+#** @param $_[1] argument of --progname
+#** @param $_[2] argument of --format
+#** @return the absoulte version of $_[0] -- or relative if in current dir
+sub get_absname($$$) {
+ my $confrel=$_[0]; $confrel=~y@\\@/@;
+ my $confabs=$confrel;
+ if (substr($confrel,0,1)ne'/') {
+ if (index($confrel,'/')==-1 and (-f $confrel)) { # in current dir
+ return "./$confrel";
+ }
+ # Dat: need to append $PWD to: 0>index($confrel,'/') and (-f$confrel
+ # vvv $confrel and $_[1] are assumed not to contain weird characters
+ my $cmd="kpsewhich --must-exist --progname=$_[1] --format=\"$_[2]\" -- \"$confrel\" 2>&1";
+ $confabs=qx($cmd);
+ chomp $confabs;
+ }
+ # Dat: $confabs might begin with `./'
+ (length($confabs)<length($confrel)-1
+ # or substr($confabs,-length($confrel)-1,1) ne "/"
+ # or substr($confabs,-length($confrel)) ne $confrel # $confrel may contain `..'
+ or !-f $confabs) ? undef : $confabs
+sub romannumeral($) {
+ my $N=$_[0]+0;
+ my $ret="";
+ if ($N>0) {
+ if ($N>=1000) { $ret="m"x($N%1000); $N=$N%1000 }
+ if ($N>=900) { $ret.="cm"; $N-=900 }
+ if ($N>=500) { $ret.="d"; $N-=500 }
+ if ($N>=400) { $ret.="cd"; $N-=400 }
+ while ($N>=100) { $ret.="c"; $N-=100 }
+ if ($N>=90) { $ret.="xc"; $N-=90 }
+ if ($N>=50) { $ret.="l"; $N-=50 }
+ if ($N>=40) { $ret.="xl"; $N-=40 }
+ while ($N>=10) { $ret.="x"; $N-=10 }
+ if ($N>=9) { $ret.="ix"; $N-=9 }
+ if ($N>=5) { $ret.="v"; $N-=5 }
+ if ($N>=4) { $ret.="iv"; $N-=4 }
+ while ($N>=1) { $ret.="i"; $N-=1 }
+ }
+ $ret
+my $destdir='CDfiles';
+my $default_D="\\documentclass{article}\n\n";
+my $default_L="\\usepackage[latin2]{inputenc}
+my $default_B="\n\\begin{document}\n\n";
+my $default_E="\n\\end{document}\n";
+my %to_coco=('0 '=>'p ','c '=>'< ','o '=>'> ','2 '=>' ');
+my %to_class=('f '=>'F','v '=>'F','f!'=>'F','v!'=>'F','d '=>'D',
+ 'l '=>'L','p '=>'P','t '=>'P','b '=>'B','< '=>'C','> '=>'C','x '=>'C',
+ ' '=>'C','e '=>'E',"\n\n"=>'Z','w '=>'C','% '=>'C','s '=>'C');
+my %cleanup_files;
+sub cleanup() { while (my($k,$v)=each%cleanup_files) { unlink $k if $v!=0 } }
+$SIG{INT}=$SIG{TERM}=$SIG{HUP}=sub { cleanup; exit 1 };
+END { cleanup }
+my %had_files; # $had_files{$filename}++
+sub do_code($$$) {
+ my($texfn,$lineno,$destfn)=@_;
+ die if $lineno<1;
+ my $texabs=get_absname($texfn,"latex","tex"); # adds .tex extension (but not needed)
+ die "$0: .tex file not found: $texfn\n" if !defined $texabs;
+ die unless open F, "< $texabs";
+ if (exists $had_files{$destfn}) {
+ if ($destfn=~s@^((?:(?:\d+|[a-zA-Z])_)?(?:\d+|[a-zA-Z]{1,5}))([_.])@$2@) {
+ # vvv change `1_2_foo.tex' to `1_2ii_foo.tex'. It won't conflict with
+ # test (1)
+ $destfn=$1.romannumeral(++$had_files{$1.$destfn}).$destfn;
+ die if exists $had_files{$destfn};
+ } else {
+ die "$0: multiple target file: $destfn ($texfn:$.)\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ $had_files{$destfn}=1
+ }
+ $cleanup_files{"$destdir/$destfn"}++;
+ die unless open KI, "> $destdir/$destfn";
+ my $S;
+ my $L=$lineno;
+ while ($L-->0) { die "$0: file too short\n" if !defined($S=<F>) }
+ # Dat: now $S is the line of the original $lineno
+ chomp $S;
+ die "$0: not a code environment ($S) at $texfn:$lineno.\nMaybe wrong \\input{} or \\include{}?\n"
+ if $S!~m@\\begin{(pelda|peldak|kod|code)}(.*)@;
+ my $currenvir=$1;
+ $S=$2; $S=~s@[ \t\r\n]+\Z(?!\n)@@; # Dat: LaTeX also ignores this
+ my $going_p=1;
+ my %had_from_class;
+ print "Dumping env $currenvir from $texfn:$lineno to $destdir/$destfn\n";
+ if ($currenvir eq 'kod' or $currenvir eq 'pelda') {
+ # Dat: kod, pelda and peldak are legacy environments from lakk
+ die if !print KI $default_D.$default_L.$default_B;
+ while ($going_p) {
+ if (0==length$S) {
+ die "$0: unexpected EOF\n" if !defined($S=<F>);
+ $going_p=$currenvir eq 'kod' ? $S!~s@\\end\{kod\}.*@@s : $S!~s@\\end\{pelda\}.*@@s;
+ last if !$going_p and 0==length($S);
+ chomp $S;
+ }
+ die if !print KI "$S\n";
+ $S="";
+ }
+ die if !print KI $default_E;
+ } elsif ($currenvir eq 'code') {
+ my $oldclass='F';
+ while (1) {
+ if (0==length$S) {
+ die "$0: unexpected EOF\n" if !defined($S=<F>);
+ chomp $S;
+ $going_p=$S!~s@\\end\{code\}.*@@s;
+ $S="\n\n" if !$going_p and 0==length($S);
+ }
+ if (length($S)==0) { $S=" " }
+ elsif (length($S)==1) { $S.=" " }
+ do_end:
+ my $coco=substr($S,0,2); # code command
+ $S=substr($S,2);
+ ## print"[$coco][$S]\n";
+ $coco=$to_coco{$coco} if exists $to_coco{$coco};
+ my $curclass;
+ die "$0: unknown code command `$coco'\n" if !defined($curclass=$to_class{$coco});
+ my $oldclass0=$oldclass;
+ while ($oldclass ne $curclass) {
+ if ($oldclass eq 'F') {
+ $oldclass='G';
+ } elsif ($oldclass eq 'G') {
+ $oldclass='D';
+ } elsif ($oldclass eq 'D') {
+ die if !exists $had_from_class{'D'} and !print KI $default_D;
+ $oldclass='L';
+ } elsif ($oldclass eq 'L') {
+ die if !exists $had_from_class{'L'} and !print KI $default_L;
+ $oldclass='P';
+ } elsif ($oldclass eq 'P') {
+ $oldclass='B';
+ } elsif ($oldclass eq 'B') {
+ die if !exists $had_from_class{'B'} and !print KI $default_B;
+ $oldclass='C';
+ } elsif ($oldclass eq 'C') {
+ $oldclass='E';
+ } elsif ($oldclass eq 'E') {
+ die if !exists $had_from_class{'E'} and !print KI $default_E;
+ $oldclass='Z';
+ } elsif ($oldclass eq 'Z') {
+ die "cannot move from class $oldclass0 to $curclass\n";
+ }
+ }
+ ## print "($curclass)($coco)($S)\n";
+ if ($curclass eq 'F') {
+ die "$0: inconsistent filename: $destfn\n" if length($destfn)<length($S)
+ or substr($destfn,length($destfn)-length$S) ne $S; # test (1)
+ if ($coco eq 'v!' or $coco eq 'v ') { $oldclass='C'; $had_from_class{'E'}=1 }
+ } elsif ($coco eq '> ' or $coco eq '% ' or $coco eq 's ') {
+ } elsif ($curclass eq 'D' or $curclass eq 'L' or $curclass eq 'P'
+ or $curclass eq 'B' or $curclass eq 'E' or $curclass eq 'C') {
+ die if !print KI "$S\n";
+ $had_from_class{$curclass}=1;
+ } elsif ($curclass eq 'Z') {
+ last
+ } else { die }
+ if (!$going_p) { $S="\n\n"; goto do_end }
+ $S="";
+ }
+ } elsif ($currenvir eq 'peldak') {
+ die if !print KI $default_D.$default_L.$default_B;
+ if (!length$S) { $S="" if !defined($S=<F>) }
+ die "$0: opening brace expected, got: $S ($.)\n" if substr($S,0,1) ne '{';
+ $S=substr($S,1);
+ my $depth=1;
+ while (1) {
+ ##print "A$depth($S)\n";
+ if ($depth!=0) { # skip to-document-Sample part
+ $S="" if substr($S,0,1)eq'%';
+ my $T=$S; $S="";
+ my $C;
+ while ($T=~m@\G(\\.?|[%{}]|[^\\%{}]+)@sg) {
+ if ($depth==0) { $S.=$1 }
+ elsif ('%'eq($C=substr$1,0,1)) { last }
+ elsif ($C eq '{') { $depth++ }
+ elsif ($C eq '}') { $depth-- }
+ }
+ if ($depth==0 and 0!=length$S) {
+ die if !print KI "$S\n";
+ }
+ } else {
+ die if !print KI "$S\n";
+ }
+ last if !$going_p;
+ die "$0: unexpected EOF\n" if !defined($S=<F>);
+ chomp $S;
+ $going_p=$S!~s@\\end\{peldak\}.*@@s;
+ last if !$going_p and 0==length($S);
+ }
+ die if !print KI $default_E;
+ } else { die }
+ die unless close KI;
+ die unless close F;
+ $cleanup_files{"$destdir/$destfn"}--;
+my $gendepth=0;
+#** @param #_[1] bool: must exist?
+sub do_aux($$);
+sub do_aux($$) {
+ no strict 'refs';
+ my $auxfn=$_[0];
+ my $auxabs=get_absname($auxfn,"latex","tex");
+ if (!defined $auxabs) {
+ die "$0: .aux file not found: $auxfn\n" if $_[1];
+ return
+ }
+ my $F=\*{'FILE'.$gendepth++};
+ die unless open $F, "< $auxfn";
+ print "Processing $auxfn\n";
+ while (<$F>) {
+ if (/^\\\@gobble\{code:.*\}/) {
+ die "$0: syntax error ($.)\n" if !/^\\\@gobble\{code:([^:\}]+):(\d+):([^:\}]+)\}$/;
+ do_code($1,$2+0,$3);
+ } elsif (/^\\\@gobble\{(cd[dlbe]):(.*)\}/) {
+ my $ftype=uc($1);
+ die "$0: cannot open $ftype file: $2: $!\n" unless open CDL, "< $2";
+ print "Using $ftype file: $2\n";
+ my $S=join('',<CDL>);
+ $S=~s@\A[\n\r]+@@;
+ $S=~s@\s+\Z(?!\n)@\n@;
+ ## die $S;
+ if ($ftype eq 'CDD') { $default_D="$S\n" }
+ elsif ($ftype eq 'CDL') { $default_L=$S }
+ elsif ($ftype eq 'CDB') { $default_B="$S\n" }
+ elsif ($ftype eq 'CDE') { $default_E=$S }
+ else { die }
+ die unless close CDL;
+ } elsif (/^\\\@input\{/) {
+ die "$0: syntax error ($.)\n" if !/^\\\@input\{([^}]+)\}$/;
+ do_aux($1,0);
+ }
+ }
+ die unless close $F;
+ $gendepth--;
+die "Usage: $0 <jobname>[.tex|.aux]\n" if @ARGV!=1;
+my $fn=$ARGV[0];
+$fn=~s@[.](tex|aux)\Z(?!\n)@@; # Imp:
+select STDERR; $|=1; select STDOUT; $|=1;
+if (-e $destdir) {
+ print STDERR "warning: destination dir exists: $destdir\n"
+mkdir $destdir;
+die unless -d $destdir;
+do_aux "$ARGV[0].aux", 1;