path: root/macros/latex/contrib/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2021-02-21 03:01:41 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-02-21 03:01:41 +0000
commitf35565737733e319e7293a9fafe1b78e87f8a14e (patch)
tree197b08b39b09262f4e71486f610106580871631d /macros/latex/contrib/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex
parentb94dba90d83866ccb6db5273d214512e859c3179 (diff)
CTAN sync 202102210301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex')
1 files changed, 423 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aa2f13dbc9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/eq-pin2corr/doc/eqpin2corrman.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,423 @@
+% Need some discussion on workflow
+% makeindex < aebpro_man.idx > aebpro_man.ind
+ web={centertitlepage,designv,forcolorpaper,latextoc,pro},
+ exerquiz,
+% linktoattachments,
+ aebxmp
+\declPINId{5243}{02JRVZdRgYgCA-Rtje8VkD} % PIN number, hash string
+ {\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\theparagraph\space}%
+ \@startsection{paragraph}{4}{0pt}{6pt}{-3pt}{\bfseries}}
+\renewcommand*\l@paragraph{\@dottedtocline{4}{5.0em}{1em}} %{7.0em}{4.1em}}
+ {\renewcommand{\@seccntformat}[1]{\thesubparagraph\space}%
+ \@startsection{subparagraph}{5}{\parindent}{6pt}{-3pt}{\bfseries}}
+\def\dps{$\mbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\mbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
+ \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}
+ {\list{}{\leftmargin\amtIndent}%
+ \item\relax}{\endlist}
+ \raisebox{.5\baselineskip+#1}{%
+ \expandafter\parbox\expandafter[\parboxValign]%
+ {\marginparwidth}{\aebbkFmtMp#2}}}}
+ \ifusebw\color{gray}\else\color{blue}\fi
+ \raggedleft\hspace{0pt}}\newcommand{\BlogArticle}{%
+ \makebox[0pt][l]{\hspace{-1pt}\color{blue}\Pisymbol{webd}{254}%
+ }\raisebox{.5pt}{\ifusebw\color{black}\else
+ \color{red}\fi\ding{045}}}
+\def\dps{$\mbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\mbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
+ \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}
+% {\list{}{\leftmargin\amtIndent}%
+% \item\relax}
+% {\endlist}
+ \normalfont #1}
+ university={Acro\negthinspace\TeX.Net},
+ title={The \textsf{eq-pin2corr} package\tops{\\}{: } Apply PIN security to quizzes},
+ author={D. P. Story},
+ email={},
+ subject={Documentation for the eq-pin2corr package from AcroTeX: Apply PIN security to quizzes},
+ talksite={\url{}},
+ version={0.5, 2021/15/06},
+ Keywords={AcroTeX, mini-toc},
+ copyrightStatus=True,
+ copyrightNotice={Copyright (C) \the\year, D. P. Story},
+ copyrightInfoURL={}
+\def\dps{$\hbox{$\mathfrak D$\kern-.3em\hbox{$\mathfrak P$}%
+ \kern-.6em \hbox{$\mathcal S$}}$}
+ var resp=app.response({
+ cQuestion: "Enter a PIN number",
+ cTitle: "Get Hash String"
+ });
+ if (resp != null) {
+ var f=this.getField("txt");
+ f.value=Collab.hashString(resp);
+ }
+var titleOfManual="The eq-pin2corr package MANUAL";
+var manualfilename="Manual_BG_Print_pin2corr.pdf";
+var manualtemplate="Manual_BG_Brown.pdf"; // Blue, Green, Brown
+var _pathToBlank="C:/Users/Public/Documents/ManualBGs/"+manualtemplate;
+var doc;
+var buildIt=false;
+if ( buildIt ) {
+ console.println("Creating new " + manualfilename + " file.");
+ doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: _pathToBlank, bHidden: true});
+ var _path=this.path;
+ var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/");
+ _path=_path.substring(0,pos)+"/"+manualfilename;
+ \docSaveAs\newDO ({ cPath: _path });
+ doc.closeDoc();
+ doc = \appopenDoc({cPath: manualfilename, oDoc:this, bHidden: true});
+ f=doc.getField("ManualTitle");
+ f.value=titleOfManual;
+ doc.flattenPages();
+ \docSaveAs\newDO({ cPath: manualfilename });
+ doc.closeDoc();
+} else {
+ console.println("Using the current "+manualfilename+" file.");
+var _path=this.path;
+var pos=_path.lastIndexOf("/");
+ bOnTop:false,
+ bOnPrint:false,
+ cDIPath:_path
+\def\AcroEB{\AcroT{} eDucation Bundle}\def\cAcroEB{\textcolor{blue}{\AcroEB}}
+\def\AcroB{\AcroT{} Bundle}\def\cAcroB{\textcolor{blue}{\AcroB}}
+This package is an add-on to the \env{quiz} environment of the \pkg{exerquiz}
+\paragraph*{Purpose.} This package adds PIN security to a quiz created by
+ the \env{quiz} environment. To correct a quiz, the document consumer must
+press the \uif{Correct} button of a quiz and successfully enter the correct
+PIN number. For example,
+Solve each, passing is 100\%.\hfill\llap{\smash{\parbox[t]{145pt}{\leavevmode\llap{\color{red}\ding{042}\enspace}Take the quiz, when finished, press the \uif{Correct} button and enter the PIN number
+to correct the quiz.}}}
+ \item The sum of 1 and 1 is \dots
+ \Ans0 0\eAns
+ \Ans0 1\eAns
+ \Ans1 2\eAns
+ \Ans0 3\eAns
+ \Ans0 4\eAns
+ \item $ \cos(\pi) = \RespBoxMath{-1}{1}{.0001}{[0,1]}\cgBdry[1bp]
+\CorrAnsButton{-1} $
+\item $\displaystyle\frac{d}{dx}{\sin(x)}=\RespBoxMath{cos(x)}{4}{.0001}{[0,1]}\cgBdry[1bp]
+\CorrAnsButton{cos(x)} $
+\end{quiz*}\quad\ScoreField[\rectW{2.25in}]\currQuiz\olBdry\CorrButton{\currQuiz} (PIN: \numPINId)\vcgBdry[6pt]
+Answers: \AnswerField\currQuiz\vcgBdry[6pt]
+ This package is designed for the educational sector, for instructors who use
+ the quizzes from the \pkg{exerquiz} package to assess the
+ understanding their students of the course material.
+ \paragraph*{PDF Viewers.} Discussion of PDF viewers for the document author and the document consumer.
+ \begin{aebQuote}
+ \begin{description}
+ \item[\textbf{Instructor:}] Any PDF viewer may be used as a PDF
+ \emph{previewer}, \app{sumatraPDF}, for instance. To verify the newly
+ created quiz is functioning correctly, \app{Adobe Reader DC}
+ (\FmtMP{\app{AR}}\app{AR}) or \app{Acrobat DC}
+ (\FmtMP{\app{AA}}\app{AA}) \emph{must be used}.
+ \item[\textbf{Document consumers (students):}] The \pkg{exerquiz} and
+ \pkg{eq-pin2tocorr} extensively use JavaScript to perform many
+ background tasks. For the student to have any success in this
+ workflow, he/she must use \app{Adobe Reader DC}(\FmtMP{\app{AR}}\app{AR}).
+ \end{description}
+ \end{aebQuote}
+ \paragraph*{Workflow.} The package is designed for the following workflow:\begingroup\tightsettings
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item The instructor creates\FmtMP{create quiz} the quiz using the
+ \pkg{exerquiz} and \pkg{eq-pin2corr} packages.
+ \item The instructor delivers\FmtMP{deliver quiz} the ``PDF quiz'' to
+ each student. (System drive or email)
+ \item The student takes\FmtMP{take quiz} the quiz. The student can
+ press the \uif{Correct} but, unless s/he knows the PIN, the quiz
+ is not marked up.
+ \item The student saves\FmtMP{save quiz} the PDF quiz in \app{Adobe
+ Reader DC}.
+ \item The student returns\FmtMP{return quiz} the PDF to the
+ instructor. (System drive or email)
+ \item The instructor opens the returned PDF quiz in AA/AR and
+ presses\FmtMP{correct quiz} the \uif{Correct} button to mark up
+ the quiz. The instructor \emph{saves the quiz}. The instructor
+ records the grade of the student.
+ \item The instructor returns\FmtMP{returns quiz} the PDF, at some
+ point, to the student.
+ \item Both instructor and student happily\FmtMP{happy people} go on
+ with their lives.
+ \end{enumerate}
+ The implementation details are left to the instructor.
+\paragraph*{Document creation.} Any of the PDF creators current to the
+{\LaTeX} world can be used: (1) \app{pdflatex}, (2) \app{lualatex}, (3)
+\app{xelatex}, and my old friend, (4) \app{dvips}/\app{Distiller} (or
+\app{dvips}/\app{ps2pdf}). In the latter case (4), \app{Acrobat} is required
+to import Document JavaScripts.
+\section{The preamble}
+The minimal preamble for documents that use the \pkg{eq-pin2corr} package.
+\bVerb\def\1{\rlap{\hskip150pt\%\textsf{ or some other class}}}%
+\def\2{\rlap{\hskip150pt\%\textsf{ recommended but not required}}}%
+\eVerb A recent version of \pkg{exerquiz} (2021/02/17 or later) is required;
+\pkg{eq-pin2corr} brings in the \pkg{eq-save} package (2021/02/17 or later).
+\section{Package options}
+There are two options for this package: \opt{showscore} and \opt{!showscore}.
+If you took the test on page~3, you will have noticed that when \uif{End
+Quiz} control is pressed the phase \textsf{"Success! Now save and send to the
+instructor"} appears in the \cs{ScoreField} or the \cs{PointsField}, this is
+the default behavior. Passing \FmtMP{\opt{showscore}}\opt{showscore} in the
+optional argument list of \pkg{eq-key2corr} causes the actual score to appear
+in the same box (eg, \texttt{Score: 2 out of 3}), which is historically what
+always appears in these boxes. The other option \FmtMP{\opt{!showscore}}\opt{!showscore} is a
+convenience option to aid in switching from one option to the other without
+too much cut and paste. The default definition of the text string that
+appears is,
+\flJSStr[noquotes]{\SaveAndSendMsg}{Success! %
+Now save and send to the instructor}
+Refer to the \texttt{eformsman.pdf} for a discussion of \cs{flJSStr}.
+\paragraph*{Local controls.} The two options can be turned off and on locally with \FmtMP{\cs{showScoreOff}}\cs{showScoreOff} and
+\FmtMP{\cs{showScoreOn}}\cs{showScoreOn} commands.
+\section{Setting the pin-hash values}
+In the preamble, as indicated above, are two commands, the first is required,
+the second is optional.
+\eVerb It is through the \cs{declPINId} command that the PIN security is set up.
+\paragraph*{\cs{declPINId\darg{\ameta{pin-num}}\darg{\ameta{hash-string}}}} The \ameta{pin-num} is a number, perhaps four digits,
+that is used to pass through the security of the \uif{Correct} button.\footnote{The \ameta{pin-num} does not have to be a number,
+it can be any password (passcode) that is easy to remember. I prefer a four digit number.} Once you decide on the
+PIN number, you need to generate the corresponding \emph{hash-string}. The hash-string is obtained from the demo file
+\texttt{get-hash-string.pdf}, the contents of that files is reproduced below.
+Press the button labeled \uif{Push} and enter your PIN number into the dialog
+box (enter, for example, \texttt{\numPINId}), then press \uif{OK}, the
+corresponding hash-string appears in the text field, \texttt{\hashPINId}.
+Copy the PIN number (\texttt{\numPINId}) into the first argument of
+\cs{declPINId} and copy the hash-string (\texttt{\hashPINId}) from the text
+field into the second argument, like so,
+The above is placed in the preamble of the document.
+When the user enters a PIN number (right or wrong), it is converted to a
+hash-string and compared with the hash string of the correct PIN number; if
+they match, then the quiz is corrected. It is important to note that the PIN
+number \emph{does not appear anywhere} in the document, so it cannot be
+discovered. Knowledge of the correct hash-string does not help. Of course
+both PIN number and hash string appear in the source file of the document.
+\paragraph*{\cs{classPINVar\darg{\ameta{class-pin-var}}}} From the
+instructor's viewpoint, it takes a lot of effort to enter the PIN number for
+every quiz that is submitted (it may be in the hundreds). There is a way of
+avoiding the requirement of entering the PIN number, and that is through the
+use of the \cs{classPINVar} command. This method will work if you have
+\app{Adobe Acrobat} or if you only have \app{Adobe Reader DC}. The steps for
+doing this are as follows:
+ \item Decide on a class PIN variable name, it can be a generic one, or one specialize to your class,
+ for example, \cs{classPINVar\darg{Calc2Sprg21}}, then declare it in the preamble:
+The value of the argument must be a valid JavaScript name.
+ \item Go to the user config.js file of AA/AR and edit that file by
+ including the following line in it,
+var Calc2Spr21 = "!hashPINId";
+where the hash string used here is the same one corresponding to the PIN
+number for the document (\texttt{\numPINId} in our example).
+\app{AA/AR} only reads \texttt{config.js} one time when it opens, so
+\texttt{Calc2Spr21} will not be known until the next time \app{AA/AR} is opened.
+The location of the \texttt{config.js} file is described in general in the
+file \texttt{\href{install_jsfiles.pdf}{install\_jsfiles.pdf}}, found in the \texttt{doc} folder of this
+Once the above line is placed in the \texttt{config.js} file, the instructor does not
+enter the PIN number, pressing \uif{Correct} immediately corrects the quiz.
+\section{Turning the PIN security feature on and off}
+The security PIN feature can be turned on and off through the following two
+\def\1{\leavevmode\rlap{\sffamily\hskip\linewidth(Turn on PIN security)}}%
+\def\2{\leavevmode\rlap{\sffamily\hskip\linewidth(Turn off PIN security)}}%
+\eVerb These can placed anywhere outside a \env{quiz} environment. The
+commands take effect beginning at the next quiz in the document.
+Now, I really must get back to retirement.\enspace\dps