path: root/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.pdfbin0 -> 981667 bytes
4 files changed, 2332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/README b/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f7489be4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/README
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+enumitem-zref - Extended References to Items for enumitem package
+enumitem-zref is a companion package for enumitem package.
+It makes possible to reference any item in lists formatted by enumitem:
+ . enumerated lists
+ . itemize lists
+ . description lists
+ . any list defined (or customized) with \newlist / \setlist
+ provided by enumitem package.
+References can be typeset differently with options/properties and
+even arbitrary text.
+With hyperref, anchors are added for each item to make hyperlinks
+inside the document or even to external documents.
+3 schemes are provided to make easy reference names:
+ . The `commaref' scheme
+ . The `refitem' scheme
+ . The `user' scheme (with LaTeX \label command)
+The `user' scheme is restrained a bit if hyperref is not loaded.
+I hope the \refitem interface is easy to use ! Enjoy ;-)
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.dtx b/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.dtx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..992d35712d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.dtx
@@ -0,0 +1,2215 @@
+% \iffalse meta-comment
+% enumitem-zref : 2011/02/18 v1.8 - Extended references for enumitem pkg]
+% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+% version. The latest version of this license is in
+% This work consists of the main source file enumitem-zref.dtx
+% and the derived files
+% enumitem-zref.sty, enumitem-zref.pdf, enumitem-zref.ins,
+% enumitem-zexample.tex
+% Unpacking:
+% (a) If enumitem-zref.ins is present:
+% etex enumitem-zref.ins
+% (b) Without enumitem-zref.ins:
+% etex enumitem-zref.dtx
+% (c) If you insist on using LaTeX
+% latex \let\install=y\input{enumitem-zref.dtx}
+% (quote the arguments according to the demands of your shell)
+% Documentation:
+% (pdf)latex enumitem-zref.dtx
+% Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+ \def\x{LaTeX2e}%
+\ifcase 0\ifx\install y1\fi\expandafter
+ \ifx\csname processbatchFile\endcsname\relax\else1\fi
+ \ifx\fmtname\x\else 1\fi\relax
+\else\csname fi\endcsname
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation}
+\Msg{* Package: 2011/02/18 v1.8 - Extended references to items for enumitem package and hyperref}
+This is a generated file.
+enumitem-zref : 2011/02/18 v1.8 - Extended references to items for enumitem package and hyperref
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in
+This work consists of the main source file enumitem-zref.dtx
+and the derived files
+ enumitem-zref.sty, enumitem-zref.pdf, enumitem-zref.ins,
+ enumitem-zexample.tex
+enumitem-zref : Extended references to items for enumitem package and hyperref
+Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+ \file{enumitem-zref.ins}{\from{enumitem-zref.dtx}{install}}%
+ \file{enumitem-zref.sty}{\from{enumitem-zref.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{enumitem-zexample.tex}{\from{enumitem-zref.dtx}{example}}%
+ \file{enumitem-zref.drv}{\from{enumitem-zref.dtx}{driver}}%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* enumitem-zref.sty}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `enumitem-zref.dtx'}
+\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+\def\thisinfo{Extended references to items for enumitem package}
+\def\CTANhref#1{\href{\CTANbaseurl help/Catalogue/entries/#1.html}{\nolinkurl{CTAN:help/Catalogue/entries/#1.html}}}
+\let\loadclass \LoadClass
+ \gdef\ErrorUpdate#1=#2,{\@ifpackagelater{#1}{#2}{}{\let\CheckDate\errmessage\toks@\expandafter{\the\toks@
+ \thisfile-documentation: updates required !
+ package #1 must be later than #2
+ to compile this documentation.}}}}%
+ \gdef\CheckDate#1{{\let\CheckDate\relax\toks@{}\@for\x:=\thisfile=\thisdate,#1\do{\expandafter\ErrorUpdate\x,}\CheckDate\expandafter{\the\toks@}}}}
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+\usepackage{xspace,tocloft,titlesec,fancyhdr,lastpage,enumitem,marginnote} % paragraphs & pages management
+\usepackage{holtxdoc,bookmark,hypbmsec} % hyper-links
+\usepackage{array,delarray,longtable,colortbl,multirow,makecell,booktabs} % tabulars
+\usepackage{tabu}[2011/02/17]\tracingtabu=2 % tabulars
+\RequirePackage{grffile,eso-pic}% to include the example
+\csname endofdump\endcsname
+ pdftitle={The enumitem-zref package},
+ pdfsubject={Extended references to items for enumitem package},
+ pdfauthor={Florent CHERVET},
+ colorlinks,linkcolor=reflink,
+ pdfstartview={FitH},
+ pdfkeywords={tex, e-tex, latex, package, enumitem, zref, enumerate, itemize, description, lists, pdftex},
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+% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
+% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
+% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
+% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
+% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
+% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
+% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
+% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
+% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
+% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
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+% This documentation is produced with the \textt{DocStrip} utility.\par
+% \begin{tabu}{X[-3]X[-1]X}
+% \smex To get the package, &run: &\texttt{etex \thisfile.dtx} \\
+% \smex To get the documentation &run (thrice): &\textt{pdflatex \thisfile.dtx} \\
+% \leavevmode\hphantom\smex To get the index, &run: &\texttt{makeindex -s \thisfile.idx}
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+% The \xext{dtx} file is embedded into this pdf file thank to \xpackage{embedfile} by H. Oberdiek.}}}
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+% \sectionformat\section{bookmark={color=black,bold*,bold=false}}
+% \section(Implementation)[\mdseries\scshape\pmb{Implementation}]{Implementation} \label{sec:implementation}
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+% \let\Xspace\xspaceverb
+% \makeatother
+% \title{\vspace*{-36pt}\bfseries\href{}{\HUGE\thispackage}\vspace*{6pt}}
+% \date{}
+% \author{\small\thisdate~--~\hyperref[v\thisversion]{version \thisversion}}
+% \subtitle{\begin{tabu}{c}\LARGE \thisinfo\\[.3ex]\large The \cs\refitem command \\[.5ex] \small\FC\end{tabu}\vspace*{-24pt}}
+% \maketitle
+% \deffootnote{1em}{0pt}{\rlap{\thefootnotemark.}\kern1em}
+% {\vspace*{-1.3cm}\let\quotation\relax\let\endquotation\relax
+% \begin{abstract}\parskip\medskipamount\parindent0pt\lastlinefit0\leftskip.5cm\rightskip\leftskip
+% \thispackage, as a companion package for \Xpackage{enumitem}, extends the references mechanism
+% for lists of items and allows hyperlinks to any items in lists formatted by \xpackage{enumitem}.
+% Hyper-references to lists seems not always necessary, but their importance rise much when a document
+% contains lists that can stretch out on several pages.
+% Primarily intented for \texttbf{enumerate} environments (\ie numbered lists),
+% \thispackage* can also reference any item in \texttbf{description} or \texttbf{itemize}
+% environments: restrictions can be set with the \hyperref[package options]{package options}.
+% A \hyperref[sec:naturalrefscheme]{natural reference scheme} for referencing items anywhere in the
+% document is provided with three modalities (the \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} scheme,
+% the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme and the \hyperref[userscheme]{\emph{user}} scheme).
+% The references can be typeset differently with the command
+% \hyperref[refitem]{\cs{refitem}}, its options and eventually arbitrary text.
+% Additionnally, \thispackage* allows to typeset greek-enumerated lists with the
+% \refitem{package options{greek}}[\textt{greek}] or \refitem{package options{greekctr}}[\textt{greekctr}]
+% package options, which use code from packages \Xpackage{alphalph} and \Xpackage{engrec} or \Xpackage{greekctr}.
+% References to items in external documents compiled with \xpackage{enumitem-zref} is also possible
+% with \hologo{pdfTeX}\footnote{This is not \xpackage{xr} but ``pure'' \pdf.}.
+% \thispackage* requires and is based on the packages \xpackage{enumitem} by Javier Bezos
+% and \Xpackage{zref} by Heiko Oberdiek.
+% It works with an \eTeX{} distribution of \LaTeX.
+% \end{abstract}}
+% \thisfootinfo
+% \enlargethispage\baselineskip
+% \tocsetup{
+% before=\colorlet{reflink}{black},
+% pagestyle=firstpage,
+% section/skip=4pt plus2pt minus2pt,
+% section/dotsep,section/leaders,
+% subsection/skip=0pt plus2pt minus2pt,
+% subsubsection/pagenumbers=off,
+% subsubsection/dotsep=,
+% subsubsection/font=\small,
+% title=Contents\quad{\pkgcolor\leaders\vrule height3.4pt depth-3pt\hfill\null}\kern0pt\vskip-6pt,
+% title/top=6pt plus2pt,
+% bookmark={text=Contents,bold},
+% columns=2,
+% multicols/beforeend=\aftergroup\tochrule,
+% }
+% \def\tochrule{\leavevmode{\pkgcolor\hrule}}
+% \begingroup\let\footnoterule\relax
+% \tableofcontents
+% \clearpage \endgroup
+% \pagestyle{corpus}
+% {
+% \sectionformat\section{font=\centering\lsstyle\bfseries\LARGE,label=}
+% \value{secnumdepth}=0\relax
+% \section(\cs{refitem} properties summary){Summary of the properties for \cs{refitem}}
+% }
+% \colorlet{reference}{DarkGreen}
+% \colorlet{properties}{RoyalBlue}
+% \subsection*{Terms definitions}
+% \begin{itemize}[labelsep=2em,leftmargin=3cm]
+% \item [\cs{label}\M*{user}] This is a user \emph{label}.
+% \item [{\cs{item}\M*[user]}] This is a user \emph{item}.
+% \item [\cs{item}] This is an \emph{automatic} item.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \marginnote\dbend User items are labelized, hence expanded (with \cs\protect).
+% The \cs\label command can be put inside the optional argument of \cs\item:\par
+% \centerline{ \cs{item}\M*[ text \cs{label}\M*{label of the item}] }§
+% or in the paragraph that follows.
+% Package \xpackage{hyperref}'s \textt{[verbose]} option reports all inserted
+% anchor names in the \xext{log} file.
+% \subsection*{Syntax for \cs{refitem}}
+% {\large
+% \begin{tikzpicture}
+% \node at (0,0) (refitem) [anchor=west] {\cs{refitem}}
+% node [anchor=west] at (refitem.east) (reference) {\M*{\textcolor{reference}{reference}}}
+% node [anchor=west] at (reference.east) (properties) {\M*[\textcolor{properties}{properties to display}]};
+% \node at (0,-4) [anchor=west] (refdesc) {reference with either:}
+% node [anchor=west] at (refdesc.east) {%
+% \begin{tabu}spread0pt \{{X[-1r]X[-1]}.
+% The \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme: &\textt{listname\M*{label}\M*{label}\M*{label}...} \\
+% The \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} scheme:& \textt{listname,index,index,index,...} \\
+% The \hyperref[userscheme]{\emph{user}} scheme: &\textt{reference} to a \cs{label} command
+% \end{tabu}};
+% \draw [->,color=reference] (refdesc.north) -- (reference.south);
+% \node at (7,-2) [anchor=west] (propdesc) {
+% \begin{tabu}spread0pt {X[-1]} Optional text containing properties\\
+% Default is \M*[\textcolor{properties}{\cs{ref}} ]\end{tabu}};
+% \draw [->,color=properties] (propdesc.north) -- (properties);
+% \end{tikzpicture}}
+% The order in which the properties are given is related to the depth of the list:§§
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[start chain, node distance=.5cm and 1.5cm]
+% \node [on chain] at (0,0) {\textbf[}
+% node [on chain,color=properties] (grandparents) {\cs{ref}}
+% node [on chain,color=properties] (parents) {\cs{ref}}
+% node [on chain,color=properties] (item) {\cs{ref}} node [on chain] {\textbf]};
+% \node at ($(item.south)+(0,-1.5)$) (itemref) {\begin{tabu}{c} refers to\\ the item\\ \refitem{tikzex,1,2}\end{tabu}};
+% \draw [->] (itemref.north) -- (item.south);
+% \node at ($(parents.south)+(0,-1.5)$) (parentsref) {\begin{tabu}{c} refers to\\ the parent\\ \refitem{tikzex,1}\end{tabu}};
+% \draw [->] (parentsref.north) -- (parents.south);
+% \node at ($(grandparents.south)+(0,-1.5)$) (grandparentsref) {\begin{tabu}{c} refers to the\\ second ancestor\\ \itshape Here an\\\itshape empty string\end{tabu}};
+% \draw [->] (grandparentsref.north) -- (grandparents.south);
+% \filldraw [MistyRose] (12,-1.3) rectangle (15,-1.8);
+% \node (list) [on chain,yshift=-1cm,xshift=-1cm] {\begin{tabu}to6cm{X}
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*.,name=tikzex]
+% \item One
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*)]
+% \item sub item
+% \item sub item
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \item Two
+% \end{enumerate} \end{tabu}};
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \smallskip
+% \newtabulinestyle{dotted=on 1pt off2pt}
+% \def\dash{\hbox{$\scriptscriptstyle\mkern2mu\cdotp\mkern2mu$}}
+% \AtBeginShipoutNext{\AtBeginShipoutUpperLeft{^^A
+% \tikz[remember picture,overlay]\draw [<->] (common properties start) -- (common properties end)
+% node [midway,above,rotate=90] {\scriptsize\lsstyle\begin{tabu}{X[-1,c]} most common\\ properties\end{tabu}};}}
+% {\def\arraystretch{1}\def\margintext#1{\noalign{\vtop to0pt{\marginnote{\ttfamily\small #1}[-2.5ex]\vss}}}
+% \begin{tabu}{>{\leavevmode\color{properties}}X[2.3]X[8]>{\bfseries\sffamily}X[-2c]} \hline \tabucline-
+% \rowfont[c]{\color{black}\bfseries}
+% Property &Description &Examples \\ \tabucline[\dash]-
+% \tikzlabel[yshift=1ex,xshift=-.3cm]{common properties start}
+% \cs{label} &The item label: automatic or user defined by \cs{item}\M*[...] &II)\, \textmd{or}\, \textbullet \\
+% \cs{label\stform*}&For automatic labels in \textt{enumerate} lists: the label without any text around (useful to ``concatenate'' labels).
+% Otherwise, the same as \cs{label}. &II\, \textmd{or}\, \textbullet \\
+% \cs{ref} &If the \textt{ref} key of \xpackage{enumitem} has been set, the ``evaluation'' of the \textt{ref} key.
+% Otherwise, the same as \cs{label} &II)\, \textmd{or}\, \textbullet \\
+% \tikzlabel[xshift=-.3cm]{common properties end}
+% \cs{ref\stform*} &The same as \cs{label\stform*} &II\, \textmd{or}\, \textbullet \\ \tabucline[\dash]-
+% \cs{listname} &The name given to the list with the key \textt{name}. \\
+% \cs{depth} &The list depth. \\
+% \cs{index} &The index of the item in the list. Every item is counted.\\
+% \cs{listctr} &The value of \cs{@listctr} for the item -- only inside \textt{enumerate} lists.
+% May be different from \cs{index} if the list contains user \emph{items}. \\
+% \cs{type} &The type of the list: either \textt{enumerate} or \textt{itemize} or \textt{description}. \\
+% \cs{currentlabel} &\LaTeX's \cs{@currentlabel} \\
+% \cs{anchor} &The name of the anchor set for the item. \\ \margintext{\textsuperscript{hyperref}}
+% \cs{currentlabelname}&\xpackage{hyperref}'s (or \xpackage{nameref}'s) \cs{@currentlabelname} \\ \margintext{\textsuperscript{hyperref}}
+% \textt{\string\refitem} &The list of references with the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme for the item. & \mdseries\csref{zeninfo} \\
+% \cs{commaref} &The list of references with the \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} scheme for the item. & \mdseries\csref{zeninfo} \\
+% \cs{default} &The same as \cs{ref} & \\ \tabucline-
+% \end{tabu}}
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Forewords}
+% \subsection{Numbered lists, not numbered lists and \texorpdf\xpackage{hyperref}}
+% \label{sec:numberedlists}
+% \LaTeX{} defines two ``classes'' of lists of items:
+% \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1cm]
+% \item \texttbf{enumerate} lists which are \textit{numbered} (\ie a counter gives an index to each item in the list),
+% \item \texttbf{description} and \texttbf{itemize} lists which are \textit{not numbered} (no counter, thus no index).
+% When \xpackage{hyperref} is used in \textit{numbered lists}, each \cs{item} gives \xpackage{hyperref}
+% the opportunity to define an anchor, whose name is chosen considering the current value of the \emph{index}.
+% Different cases have to be considered:
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*),name=numberedlists,leftmargin=1cm]
+% \item We are in a \emph{numbered} list (\ie \textt{enumerate}):
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*),leftmargin=*]
+% \item if the item is automatic (\cs{item} without option), \xpackage{hyperref} puts an anchor named \texttt{Item.IDX}.
+% \item if the item is user defined (\cs{item}\M*[user item]), \xpackage{hyperref} does not put an anchor.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \item We are not in a \emph{numbered} list (\ie \texttt{description} or \texttt{itemize}):
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*),leftmargin=*]
+% \item[] \xpackage{hyperref} does not put an anchor.
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{enumerate}
+% Moreover, when \xpackage{hyperref} is loaded, the expansion of the \cs{label} command leads to the expansion of the item label
+% (with \cs{protect}) for it is written to the \xext{aux} file:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item in the case \refitem{numberedlists{1}{i}}[\ref*\,\ref]
+% \item and also in the case \refitem{numberedlists{1}{ii}}[\ref*\,\ref] if:
+% \begin{itemize}[label=-]
+% \item the list is a \textt{description} list, and
+% \item package \xpackage{nameref} is loaded, and
+% \item the \cs{label} command appears inside the \textt{user item} text.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{itemize}
+% {\flushright\smaller\lk I was guardedly affraid about those rules when I understood them, as you may be...\par}
+% \thispackage adds an anchor in the cases \refitem{numberedlists,1,2}[\ref*\,\ref] and \refitem{numberedlists,2}.
+% The item label text is always expanded (with \cs{protect} and \xpackage{babel} protection).
+% \subsection(A "natural" reference scheme for lists){A ``natural'' reference scheme for lists}
+% \label{sec:naturalrefscheme}
+% \thispackage provides \textbf{3 ways} to reference a specific item in a list. The first 2 can be used to reference
+% items in lists of external documents as well.
+% References are made with the command: \csref{refitem}, but \cs{hyperref} can be used as well.
+% \makeatletter
+% \newrobustcmd*\presitem{\@ifstar\presitem@star\presitem@nost}
+% \newrobustcmd*\presitem@nost[1]{this is the item \presitem@star{#1}}
+% \newrobustcmd*\presitem@star[1]{\ifdim\lastskip<.4em\unskip\hskip.4em\fi\textcolor{reference}{\textt{#1}}}
+% \newrobustcmd*\namelist[1]{\texttt{`#1'}}
+% \makeatother
+% \cs{subitem} and \cs{subsubitem} provided in some classes cannot be referenced with \thispackage*.
+% \subsubsection(The commaref scheme){The \textit{\db commaref} scheme}
+% \label{commarefscheme}
+% Assuming you gave a name to your \textt{enumerate}, \textt{description} or \textt{itemize} list,
+% and let's say this name is \namelist{myList}, each item is given an index.
+% Any item is indexed, whether it's printed by the mean of a user item or an an automatic item.
+% Then:
+% \begin{itemize}[name=commaref-myList]
+% \item \presitem{myList,1}
+% \item \presitem{myList,2}
+% \begin{itemize}[itemindent=2cm,font=\bfseries]
+% \item \presitem{myList,2,1}
+% \item \presitem{myList,2,2}
+% \item [user-defined] \presitem{myList,2,3}
+% \end{itemize}
+% Reference to the third item can be made with:
+% \begin{tabu}{lX}
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{myList,2,1} &this prints: \refitem{commaref-myList,2,1} for it is the first item in the inner list. \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{myList,2,1}\M*[\cs{ref}.\cs{ref}] &prints: \refitem{commaref-myList,2,1}[\ref.\ref]. \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{myList,2,1}\M*[\cs{label}\cs{ }\cs{label}] &prints: \refitem{commaref-myList,2,1}[\label\ \label].
+% \end{tabu}
+% Nothing simplest, no more comment...
+% \subsubsection(The refitem scheme){The \textit{\db refitem} scheme}
+% \label{refitemscheme}
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\Alph*),name=refitem-myList]
+% \item \presitem{myList\M*{A}}.
+% \item \presitem{myList\M*{B}} (as you'd have expected...)
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\roman*)]
+% \item \presitem{myList\M*{B}\M*{i}}. \\
+% and is \emph{also} \presitem*{innerlist\{i\}} if this nested list has been named \namelist{innerlist}.
+% \item \presitem{myList\{B\}\{ii\}} \quad (or \presitem*{innerlist\{ii\}}).
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\engrec*)\ ,ref=\engrec*]
+% \item \presitem{myList\{B\}\{ii\}\{\string\alpha\}} (with the package option \texttt{[greek]}).
+% \item \presitem{myList\{B\}\{ii\}\{\string\beta\}} \quad (or \presitem*{innerlist\{ii\}\{\string\beta\}}).
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \item \presitem{myList\{C\}} (as you'd have expected...)
+% \item[\textbf{perso}] \presitem{myList\{perso\}}.
+% \item \presitem{myList\{D\}} and is also \presitem*{myList,5} in the \textit{commaref} scheme.
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \presitem{myList\{D\}\{1\}}
+% \item \presitem{myList\{D\}\{2\}} \\
+% inside \textt{itemize} lists, labels are replaced by their arabic index in the \textit{refitem} scheme.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \end{enumerate}
+% And here is a reference to:
+% \begin{tabu}{lX}
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{myList\M*{B}\M*{ii}\M*{\cs{alpha}}} & \refitem{refitem-myList{B}{ii}{\alpha}} \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{myList\M*{B}\M*{ii}\M*{\cs{alpha}}}\M*[\cs{label}\cs{ }\cs{label}\cs{ }\cs{label}] & \refitem{refitem-myList{B}{ii}{\alpha}}[\label\ \label\ \label] \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{myList\M*{B}\M*{ii}\M*{\cs{alpha}}}\M*[\cs{label\stf}-{}-\cs{label\stf}-{}-\cs{label}] & \refitem{refitem-myList{B}{ii}{\alpha}}[\label*--\label*--\label] \\
+% \end{tabu}
+% Now what happens with a description list:
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*\textdegree),name=refitem-myList2]
+% \item \presitem{myList\M*{1}}
+% \item \presitem{myList\M*{2}}
+% \begin{description}
+% \item [First description label] \presitem{myList\M*{2}\M*{first description label}}
+% \item [And a second one] \presitem{myList\M*{2}\M*{and a second one}}
+% \end{description}
+% \item \presitem{myList\M*{3}}
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \begin{tabu}{lX}
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{myList\M*{2}\M*{first description label}} & \refitem{refitem-myList2{2}{first description label }} \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{myList2\M*{2}\M*{first description label}}\M*[\cs{ref\stf}, \cs{label}] & \refitem{refitem-myList2{2}{first description label }}[\ref*, \label] \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{myList2\M*{2}\M*{first description label}}\M*[\cs{ref}\cs{ }\cs{ref}] & \refitem{refitem-myList2{2}{first description label }}[\ref\ \ref] \\
+% \end{tabu}
+% The correspondance between the reference name and the reference that is finally printed is immediate:
+% the \emph{refitem} scheme is almost useful when used with \xpackage{hyperref}.
+% The list name \textt{myList} is case sensitive, but the item number \M*{B} or \M*{first description label} is not.
+% This can be changed with the \refitem{package options{CaSeS}} package option. Trailing spaces in the item label
+% are always removed from the reference name in the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme.
+% \subsubsection({The user scheme (\cs{label})}){The \textit{\db user} scheme: with the \cs{label} command}
+% \label{userscheme}
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\arabic*\,\textendash,name=user-myList,ref=\arabic*]
+% \item \presitem{myList,1} and \presitem*{myList\{1\}} and as long as I type \cs{label}\M*{Important Item} it is also named \presitem*{Important Item}.
+% \item \presitem{myList,2} and \presitem*{myList\{2\}}.
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\alph*)\ ]
+% \item \presitem{myList,2,1} and \presitem*{myList\{2\}\{a\}}.
+% \item \presitem{myList,2,2} and \presitem*{myList\{2\}\{b\}} and as long as I type:\\
+% \cs{label}\M*{Important subitem} it is also named \presitem*{Important subitem}. \label{Important subitem}
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{enumerate}
+% Then you get:
+% \begin{tabu}{X[-5]X}
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{Important subitem} &\refitem{Important subitem} \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{Important subitem}\M*[\cs{label}\cs{ }\cs{label}] &\refitem{Important subitem}[\label\ \label] \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{Important subitem}\M*[\cs{ref\stf} sub point \cs{ref}] &\refitem{Important subitem}[\ref* sub point \ref]
+% \end{tabu}
+% The reference is case sentitive.
+% \section{User Interface}
+% \label{sec:userinterface}
+% \subsection{Naming lists}
+% To use the reference schemes defined by \thispackage, it is necessary to give lists a name. For that purpose,
+% two new keys: \textt{name}\, and\, \textt{name\stform*} have been added to the keys provided by \xpackage{enumitem}.
+% The key \textt{`name'} gives a name to the list, while \textt{name\stform*} is a bit more clever
+% and should be used in every circonstances when lists are nested, almost when lists are automatically
+% named by the mean of the paragraph they belong to. Example:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \newlist{myList}{enumerate}{3}
+% \setlist[myList]{ label* = \arabic*., name* = \arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% In case of nested lists,\, \texttt{name\stform*}\, will compare the name you gave to the list with the name
+% of its parent list, and ignore the key in case of equality.
+% This gives:
+% \newlist{naming-myList}{enumerate}{3}
+% \setlist[naming-myList]{ label*=\arabic*., name* = \arabic{section}.\arabic{subsection}}
+% \begin{naming-myList}[itemsep=0pt]
+% \item First item
+% \item Second item
+% \begin{naming-myList}[itemsep=0pt]
+% \item sub item
+% \item another sub item
+% \item a last sub item \cs{label}\M*{for further reference} \label{for further reference}
+% \end{naming-myList}
+% \end{naming-myList}
+% And then:
+% \begin{tabu}{lX[c]X}
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{2.1,2,3} &\refitem{2.1,2,3} &in the \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} scheme \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{2.1\M*{2}\M*{3}} &\refitem{2.1{2}{3}} &in the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme \\
+% \cs[\red]{refitem}\M*{for further reference} &\refitem{for further reference} &in the \hyperref[userscheme]{\emph{user}} scheme \\
+% \end{tabu}
+% \medbreak
+% To name your lists automatically it is also possible to use (these are examples):
+% \begin{itemize}[itemsep=0pt,topsep=0pt]
+% \item \xpackage{interfaces-hypbmsec} with package \xpackage{hypbmsec}:\\
+% \textt{name\stform* = \cs{csname} the\cs{lastsectionname}\cs{endcsname}}
+% \item package \xpackage{refcount}: \textt{name\stform* = \cs{getrefbykeydefault}\M*{reference}\M*{anchor}\M*{default}}.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \subsection(Making references: \cs{refitem}){Referencing the items : \csbf{refitem}}
+% \label{refitem}
+% \begin{declcs}{refitem}\M{reference}\M*[text with properties \cs{ref}, \cs{label} \etc.]\textsuperscript{babel}\\
+% \cs{refitem}\stform* \\
+% \end{declcs}
+% \thispackage provides \cs{refitem} to reference the items of lists with the following possible syntaxes:
+% {\tabcolsep=4pt
+% \begin{tabu}{X[-1]<{\cellstrut}X} \toprule \savetabu{refitem}
+% \cs{refitem}\M*{\textcolor{reference}{refname}}\M*[\textcolor{properties}{properties}]
+% & displays a reference to \textt{\dg refname} \par
+% the text displayed depends on the optional \textcolor{properties}{\textt{properties}} \par
+% whose default value is \cs{ref}. \\ \tabucline[\dash]-
+% \cs{refitem}\stform*\M*{\textcolor{reference}{refname}}\M*[\textcolor{properties}{properties}]
+% & can be used when you want a reference but no hyperlink. \\ \bottomrule
+% \end{tabu}}
+% If the reference \textcolor{reference}{\textt{rename}} does not point to an item, \cs{refitem}
+% behaves like \cs{ref} (or \cs{ref\stf}) and the \M*[properties] are ignored.
+% A warning is displayed in the \xext{log} file.
+% The properties available with \cs{refitem} are:
+% \begin{enumerate}[labelwidth=2.4cm,leftmargin=2.6cm,align=left]
+% \item [\csbf{ref}] This is the default property: the same as \LaTeX's \cs{ref} command: it expands
+% to the text corresponding to the \textt{ref} key of the \xpackage{enumitem} list environment,
+% which by default is:
+% \begin{itemize}[leftmargin=1cm]
+% \item in \textt{enumerate} lists: the same as the \textt{label}.
+% \item in \textt{itemize} lists: the index of the item.
+% \item in \textt{description} lists: the user defined label, or if no label has been given to
+% the \cs{item} command, the index of the item.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \item [\csbf{label}] The label is printed, whatever value the \textt{ref\ key} has been given. For \textt{description},
+% the label may be empty.
+% \item [\csbf{label\stf} \csbf{ref\stf}] This is a variant of \cs{label}: automatic labels in \textt{enumerate} lists are related
+% to a counter. \cs{ref\stf} or \cs{label\stf} prints the formatted value of the counter, without any text around.
+% For \textt{itemize}, \textt{description} or user items inside \textt{enumerate} lists, this is the same as \cs{label}.
+% \item [\cs{page}] The same as \cs{pageref}.
+% \item [\cs{name}] The name that has been given to the list.
+% \item [\cs{depth}] The depth of the list (equal to\, \textt 1\, if the list is not nested).
+% \item [\cs{index}] The index of the item; user defined items are counted.
+% \item [\cs{listctr}] The item number inside numbered lists (\ie \textt{enumerate}); user defined items are not counted:
+% this is the value of the counter \cs{@listctr}.
+% \item [\cs{type}] The type of the list (\ie \textt{enumerate}, \textt{itemize} or \textt{description})
+% \item [\cs{refitem}] The list of references names that can be invoked with \cs{refitem} for this specific item
+% in the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme (see also \csref{zeninfo}).
+% \item [\cs{commaref}] The list of references names that can be invoked with \cs{refitem} for this specific item
+% in the \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} scheme (see also \csref{zeninfo}).
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \begin{declcs}{refitem}\M*[file:\textellipsis]\M{reference}\M{text}\textsuperscript{babel}
+% \end{declcs}
+% For reference to external files (to make hyperlinks), \cs{refitem} can be invoked with the following syntax:
+% \begin{tabu}{X[-1]<{\cellstrut}X}\toprule
+% \cs{refitem}\M*[file:\textellipsis]\M*{{\dg refname}}\M*{{\bf text}}
+% &Can be used for references to an external \xext{pdf} file. \\ \tabucline[dotted]-
+% \cs{refitem}\M*[]\M*{{\dg refname}}\M*{{\bf text}}
+% & The current file is used by default...
+% \\ \bottomrule
+% \end{tabu}
+% Only the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} and the \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} schemes can be used.
+% The \hyperref[userscheme]{user} scheme cannot be used presently for external files. An implementation ``à la \xpackage{xr}''
+% might be provided in a further release.
+% \iffalse
+% \begin{tabu}{|>{\ttfamily}l<{\cellstrut}X[m]|}
+% \multicolumn{2}{c}{\makecell[c]{\cellstrut\Large\bfseries Available properties \\
+% \bfseries\large\cellstrut For the usage of those properties, please refer to the \hyperref[sec:completeexample]{complete example}.%
+% }} \\ \hline
+% \csbf[\db]{ref} &
+% This is the default property.
+% The same as \LaTeX's\, \cs{ref}: the text corresponding to the \texttt{ref} key of the
+% \xpackage{enumitem} list environment is printed, which by default is the same as the
+% \textt{label} key in \textt{enumerate} lists. For \textt{itemize} lists, \cs{ref}
+% is the index of the item. \par
+% See \Xpackage{enumitem} package documentation for explanation of the \textt{ref\ key}. \\\hline
+% \csbf[\db]{label} &
+% The label will be printed, whatever value the \textt{ref\ key} has been given. \\\hline
+% \csbf[\db]{page} & The page will be printed, like ``standard'' \LaTeX-\cs{pageref} \\\hline\hline
+% \cs{name} & the list name it is has one (otherwise an empty string)\\ \tabucline[on1pt off 2pt]-
+% \cs{depth} & the list depth \\ \tabucline[on1pt off 2pt]-
+% \cs{index} & the \textbf{index} of the item: user defined items \textbf{are counted}\\ \tabucline[on1pt off 2pt]-
+% \cs{listctr} & the \textbf{item number}: user defined items are \textbf{not counted}\\ \tabucline[on1pt off 2pt]-
+% \cs{type} & the type of the list (\ie \texttt{enumerate} or \texttt{itemize} or \texttt{description}) \\ \tabucline[on1pt off 2pt]-
+% \cs{refitem} & the list of references names that can be invoked with \cs{refitem} for this specific item
+% using the \textit{refitem} scheme (see \hyperref[subsec:zeninfo]{\cs{zeninfo}}) \\ \tabucline[on1pt off 2pt]-
+% \cs{commaref} &
+% the list of references names usable with \cs{refitem} for this specific item using the \textit{commaref}
+% scheme (see \hyperref[subsec:zeninfo]{\cs{zeninfo}})\\ \hline\hline
+% \end{tabu}
+% \fi
+% \subsection[The package options]{\thispackage* package options}
+% \label{subsec:packageoptions}\label{package options}
+% \thispackage can be loaded with the following options:
+% \newcommand\CheckOK{{\scriptsize\textcolor{ForestGreen}\CheckmarkBold}}
+% \newcommand\CheckFAIL{{\scriptsize\textcolor{Crimson}\XSolidBrush}}
+% \AtBeginShipoutNext{\AtBeginShipoutUpperLeft{\tikz[remember picture,overlay]
+% \draw [<->] (package options start) -- (package options end)
+% node [midway,above,rotate=90] {\lsstyle\scriptsize\ttfamily defaults};}}
+% \enlargethispage{1.5\baselineskip}
+% \begin{itemize}[font=\ttfamily,labelwidth=2cm,leftmargin=\widthof{description\hbox to1em{}},labelsep=6pt,align=left,name=package options]
+% \item[enumerate] disables the references for \textt{itemize} and \textt{description} lists: \marginnote{\tikzlabel[xshift=-.2cm,yshift=.2cm]{package options start}\scriptsize\textt{true}}
+% only enumerated lists can be referenced.
+% \item [itemize] enables/disables the references for \textt{itemize} lists. \marginnote{\scriptsize\textt{true}}
+% \item [description] enables/disables the references for \textt{description} lists. \marginnote{\scriptsize\textt{true}}
+% \item [greek] Defines \cs{engrec} (lowercase) and \cs{EnGrec} (uppercase) to make enumerate \marginnote{\scriptsize\textt{false}}
+% lists of items with the greek alphabet as the label (package \xpackage{engrec}).\\
+% \cs{engrec} and \cs{EnGrec} can be used in place of \cs{arabic} (f.ex. \textt{label=\cs{engrec}*}).
+% \item [greekctr] Defines \cs{greek} and \cs{Greek} (like \textt{greek} option but with package \Xpackage{greekctr}). \marginnote{\scriptsize\textt{false}}
+% \item [CaSeS] Activate this option to get CaSeS sEnSiTiV references in the \marginnote{\tikzlabel[xshift=-.2cm,yshift=-.5cm]{package options end}\scriptsize\textt{false}}
+% \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme. This option applies only
+% to the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{refitem} scheme.
+% List names are always case sensitive.\\
+% If this option is enabled with \xpackage{hyperref}, anchors corresponding to the
+% \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme will be case sensitiv as well. \\
+% Package \xpackage{hyperref}'s \textt{[verbose]} option allows to see anchor names in the \xext{log} file. \par
+% \centering
+% \begin{tabu}to .8\linewidth{X[2r]@{\hskip1cm}XX} \tabucline-
+% \rowfont[c]{\bfseries\ttfamily} & CaSeS = true & CaSeS = false \\ \tabucline[\dash]-
+% &
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\Roman*),before=\vspace*{-\baselineskip}]
+% \item First
+% \item Second
+% \end{enumerate}
+% &
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\Roman*),before=\vspace*{-\baselineskip}]
+% \item First
+% \item Second
+% \end{enumerate} \\ \tabucline[\dash]-
+% \cs{refitem}\M*{myList\M*{I}} &\CheckOK works & \CheckOK works \\
+% \cs{refitem}\M*{myList\M*{i}} &\CheckFAIL doesn't work & \CheckOK works \\
+% \cs{refitem}\M*{mylist\M*{I}} &\CheckFAIL doesn't work & \CheckFAIL doesn't work \\
+% \multicolumn3c{List names are always case sensitive.} \\ \tabucline-
+% \end{tabu}
+% \end{itemize}
+% {\small
+% \begin{tabu}{>{\ttfamily}X[-4r]*3{X[c]}} \tabucline-
+% \multicolumn4c{\textbf{Types of lists that can be referenced}} \\
+% \rowfont{\normalfont\itshape}
+% \hfill\textup{Package option}\hfill\null &enumerate &itemize &description \\\tabucline-
+% [enumerate] &\textbullet & & \\\tabucline[\dash]-
+% [itemize] &\textbullet &\textbullet & \\\tabucline[\dash]-
+% [description] &\textbullet & &\textbullet \\\tabucline[\dash]-
+% [enumerate,itemize] &\textbullet &\textbullet & \\\tabucline[\dash]-
+% [enumerate,description] &\textbullet & &\textbullet \\\tabucline[\dash]-
+% [itemize,description] &\textbullet &\textbullet &\textbullet \\\tabucline[\dash]-
+% [enumerate,itemize,description] &\textbullet &\textbullet &\textbullet \\\tabucline[\dash]-
+% {\normalfont none of the above} &\textbullet &\textbullet &\textbullet \\\tabucline-
+% \end{tabu}}
+% \footnotetext{\parbox[t]{\linewidth}{For the French language with \xpackage{babel} \textt{frenchb}-setup,
+% \textt{itemize} lists can be processed by \thispackage* only if the option:
+% \centerline{\cs{frenchbsetup}\M*{CompactItemize=false}}
+% has been set. This option is automatically set by \xpackage{enumitem-zref} when option \textt{[itemize]}
+% is passed.}}
+% \subsection[{If your are lost \cs{zeninfo} is your friend}]{If your are lost \csbf{zeninfo} is your friend}
+% \label{subsec:ifyouarelost} \label{subsec:zeninfo}
+% \begin{declcs}{zeninfo}\M[info-key]
+% \end{declcs}
+% In the paragraph following an item, \cs{zeninfo} reports some informations about the references to the current item:
+% \begin{tabu}{@{}>{\ttfamily\bfseries}X[-1]X}
+% depth &The depth of the list. \\
+% index &The index of the item. \\
+% commaref &The references that can be used to reference the item in the \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} scheme. \\
+% refitem &The reference that can be used to reference the item in the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme. \\
+% anchor &The anchor set for the item (if \xpackage{hyperref}).
+% \end{tabu}
+% With no argument, \cs{zeninfo} prints all these informations.
+% \bigskip
+% Example with the \xpackage{pifont} package:
+% \begin{Verb*}
+% \newcommand\@Ding[1]{\ding{\number\numexpr#1 + 171}}
+% \newcommand\Ding[1]{\@Ding{\value{#1}}}
+% \AddEnumerateCounter \Ding \@Ding {}
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\Ding*,name=dingList]
+% \item One
+% \item Two
+% \item Three ($rred(\zeninfo))
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \end{Verb*}
+% {\makeatletter
+% \newcommand\@Ding[1]{\ding{\number\numexpr#1+171}}
+% \newcommand\Ding[1]{\@Ding{\value{#1}}}
+% \AddEnumerateCounter\Ding\@Ding{}
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=\Ding*,name=dingList]
+% \item One
+% \item Two
+% \item Three \textcolor{ForestGreen}\zeninfo
+% \end{enumerate}
+% Now:
+% {\centering
+% \begin{tabu}{X[-1r]X[-1c]X[-1]}
+% \cs[\rred]{refitem}\M*{dingList\M*{\cs{@Ding}\M*{3}}} & produces & \refitem{dingList{\@Ding{3}}}
+% \end{tabu}\par}
+% Note that for this purpose:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item \cs{@Ding} could be named differently (without \textt @).
+% \item the \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} scheme is easier: \cs{refitem}\M*{dingList,3} gives \refitem{dingList,3}.
+% \end{itemize}
+% This example shows the output of \textcolor{ForestGreen}{\cs{zeninfo}}.
+% }
+% \StopEventually{
+% }
+% \clearpage
+% \section{Flow chart of expansion: How does it work ?}
+% \begin{center}
+% \hspace*{-1.5cm}
+% \begin{tikzpicture}[framed,scale=.75,
+% start chain=going below,every join/.style={->},node distance=.5cm and .5cm]
+% \node [on chain,font=\bfseries] (beginenv) {\cs{begin}\M*{list environment}}
+% node [on chain] (H) {}
+% node [on chain=going right] (enit@@list) {%
+% \begin{tabu}spread0pt {X[-1]} set the standard keys stored into \cs{enit@@list}\\ set the automatic \textt{name} key without argument.\end{tabu}};
+% \draw [->] (beginenv) |- (enit@@list);
+% \node [on chain,join] (zen@autoname) {\cs{zen@autoname} (callback)}
+% node [on chain=going right,join,node distance=2cm] (zen@autonamedesc) {%
+% \begin{tabu}spread0pt \{{X[-1]}. \rowfont[c]{} saves:\\ \cs{zen@@priorlistname} \\ \cs{zen@@priorcommaref} \\ \cs{zen@@priorrefitem}\\
+% \rowfont[c]{} defines: \\ \cs{zen@@grouplevel} \\ \cs{zen@@depth} \\
+% \rowfont[c]{} overloads: \\ \cs{@trivlist} \end{tabu}};
+% \node [yshift=-.5cm] (HH) at (zen@autonamedesc.south -| H) {};
+% \chainin (HH);
+% \node [on chain=going right] (enit@@enum) {set the standard keys stored into \cs{enit@@enum}, \cs{enit@@item} or \cs{enit@@desc}};
+% \draw [->] (H) |- (enit@@enum);
+% \chainin (HH);
+% \node [on chain] (HHH) {}
+% node [on chain=going right] (userkeys) {set the user keys for the environment};
+% \draw [->] (HH) |- (userkeys);
+% \node [on chain] (HH) {};
+% \node (keyname) at (HH -| zen@autoname) {key \textt{name}};
+% \chainin (keyname);
+% \draw [->] (userkeys) |- (keyname.west);
+% \node (keynamecallback) at (keyname -| zen@autonamedesc.west) [anchor=west] {\begin{tabu}spread0pt \{{X[-1]}. \rowfont[c]{} defines:\\ \cs{zen@@listname}\end{tabu}};
+% \chainin (keynamecallback);
+% \draw [->] (keyname) -- (keynamecallback);
+% \node [yshift=0cm] (HH) at (keynamecallback.south -| H) {};
+% \chainin (HH);
+% \node [on chain=going right] (expandlist) {expand \cs{list}};
+% \draw [->] (HHH) |- (expandlist);
+% \node [on chain] (HH) {} node [on chain=going right] (expand @trivlist) {\cs{@trivlist}};
+% \draw [->] (expandlist) |- (expand @trivlist);
+% \node [on chain] (HH) {} node [on chain=going right] (expand zen@setupref) {expand \cs{zen@setupref}};
+% \draw [->] (expand @trivlist) |- (expand zen@setupref);
+% \node [on chain=going right] {}
+% node [on chain=going right,join= with expand zen@setupref] (zen@setuprefdesc) {\begin{tabu}spread0pt \{{X[-1]}.
+% overloads: \cs{makelabel}\\
+% defines \cs{zen@refitem@fun}\footnotemark
+% \end{tabu}};
+% \node [yshift=-1cm] (Hitem) at (H |- zen@setuprefdesc) {};
+% \chainin (Hitem);
+% \node [on chain=going right] (item) {expand \cs{item}};
+% \draw [->] (Hitem |- expandlist) |- (item);
+% \node [on chain] (HH) {} node [on chain=going right] (makelabel) {\cs{makelabel}};
+% \draw [->] (item) |- (makelabel);
+% \node [on chain] (HH) {} node [on chain=going right] (zen@makeref) {\cs{zen@makeref}};
+% \draw [->] (makelabel) |- (zen@makeref);
+% \node [on chain=going right,join] (zen@makerefdesc) {%
+% \begin{tabu}spread0pt \{{X[-1]X[-2]}.
+% \rowfont[c]{} defines: & \\
+% \cs{zen@@ref} &\xpackage{zref} property (\cs{ref})\\
+% \cs{zen@@starlabel} &\xpackage{zref} property (\cs{label\textasteriskcentered})\\
+% \cs{zen@@commaref} &(\hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} scheme) \\
+% \cs{zen@@refitem} &(\hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme) \\
+% \cs{zen@@anchor} &\xpackage{hyperref} \\
+% \multicolumn2l{\cs{refstepcounter\M*{zenItem}}} if no anchor \\
+% & has been set by \xpackage{hyperref}.
+% \end{tabu}};
+% \node[yshift=-.5cm] (HH) at (makelabel |- zen@makerefdesc.south) {};
+% \chainin (HH);
+% \node [on chain=going right] (makelabelORI) {original \cs{makelabel}: typeset the label};
+% \draw [->] (makelabel) |- (makelabelORI);
+% \chainin (HH);
+% \node [on chain] {} node [on chain=going right] (zen@labelize) {\cs{zen@labelize}};
+% \draw [->] (HH) |- (zen@labelize);
+% \node [on chain=going right,join] (zen@labelizedesc) {\begin{tabu}spread0pt \{{X[-1]}. insert anchors\\ write \xpackage{zref} labels. \end{tabu}};
+% \node (HH) at (H |- zen@labelizedesc.south) {};
+% \chainin (HH);
+% \node [on chain,join = with Hitem,font=\bfseries] (endenv) {\cs{end}\M*{list environment}};
+% \end{tikzpicture}
+% \footnotetext{Used for the property \cs{label\textasteriskcentered}
+% and to define the label (and the anchor) in the \emph{refitem} scheme.}
+% \end{center}
+% \clearpage
+% \StopEventually{
+% }
+% \subsection{Identification and requirements}
+% The package namespace is \texttbf{\db\string\zen@}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\ProvidesPackage{enumitem-zref}[2011/02/18 v1.8 - Extended references for enumitem pkg]
+\GetTitleStringDisableCommands{\let\enit@format \@empty}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Some \cs{catcode} assertions:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\let\zen@AtEnd \@empty
+ \count@\catcode#1\relax
+ \toks@\expandafter{\zen@AtEnd \catcode#1 }
+ \xdef\zen@AtEnd{\the\toks@ \the\count@\relax}}
+ \catcode#1 #2\relax
+\TMP@EnsureCode{40}{12} % (
+\TMP@EnsureCode{41}{12} % )
+\TMP@EnsureCode{`\Ï}{14} % Ï (default comment: itemize option)
+\TMP@EnsureCode{`\Ð}{14} % Ð (default comment: description option)
+\TMP@EnsureCode{`\Ë}{9} % Ë (default ignore: external option)
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{The package options}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \RequirePackage{engrec,alphalph}
+ \let\zen@grecORI \@grec \let\zen@GrecORI \@Grec
+ \let\@grec \relax \let\@Grec \relax
+ \newalphalph\@grec[wrap]\zen@grecORI{24}
+ \newalphalph\@Grec[wrap]\zen@GrecORI{24}
+ \AddEnumerateCounter\engrec\@grec{\@grec{23}}% widest is \psi
+ \AddEnumerateCounter\EnGrec\@Grec{\@Grec{12}}% widest is M
+ \let\zen@option@greek \relax
+}% \zen@option@greek
+ \RequirePackage{greekctr,alphalph}
+ \let\zen@greekORI \@greek \let\zen@GreekORI \@Greek
+ \let\@greek \relax \let\@Greek \relax
+ \newalphalph\@greek[wrap]\zen@greekORI{24}%
+ \newalphalph\@Greek[wrap]\zen@GreekORI{24}%
+ \AddEnumerateCounter\greek\@greek{\@greek{23}}% widest is \psi
+ \AddEnumerateCounter\Greek\@Greek{\@Greek{12}}% widest is M
+ \let\zen@option@greekctr \relax
+}% \zen@option@greekctr
+\DeclareVoidOption{external}{\catcode`\Ë 14\relax}% Ë = comment
+ \@ifpackageloaded{greekctr} \zen@option@greekctr \relax
+ \@ifpackageloaded{engrec} \zen@option@greek \relax
+ \ifzen@itemize \zen@enumeratetrue\else
+ \ifzen@description \zen@enumeratetrue\else
+ \zen@enumeratetrue \zen@itemizetrue \zen@descriptiontrue
+ \fi\fi
+ \ifzen@enumerate\else
+ \zen@enumeratetrue \PackageWarning{enumitem-zref}
+ {Option `enumerate = false' has no effect}%
+ \fi
+\ifzen@itemize \catcode`\Ï 9 \fi % ignore Ï
+\ifzen@description\catcode`\Ð 9 \fi % ignore Ð
+\AtBeginDocument{\zen@item@comma \setcounter{zenItem}\z@}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% Babel French: \xfile{frenchb} redefines \cs{itemize} at begin document.
+% Therefore, when option \texttt{[itemize]} of \thispackage is used, one have to ensure that
+% babel-french setup \texttt{CompactItemize=false} is set:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+Ï \AtEndPreamble{\ifdefined\frenchbsetup\frenchbsetup{CompactItemize=false}\fi}% [itemize] option
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \subsection{Some constants}
+% \begin{macro}{zenItem}
+% is the global \LaTeX{} counter for \xpackage{zref} labels and anchors added by \thispackage*
+% \begin{macro}{\c@zenidx}
+% is the local counter for the index of the items.
+% Every item is counted.
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@toks}
+% A token to be used by \cs{refitem} at the time the (optional) properties are analyzed:
+% we can't use \cs{toks@} at this time, because \cs{toks@} could have been set to a value
+% anywhere else.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@@autolabel}
+% To check if the item user-defined or automatic.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@@noreference}
+% How to display undefined references.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@@noreference{\nfss@text{\reset@font\bfseries ??}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@Hy@anchor}
+% is used to put the anchors for the items.
+% It's a wrapper for \xpackage{hyperref} \cs{Hy@raisedlink}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \Hy@raisedlink{\hyper@anchorstart{#1}\hyper@anchorend}%
+}% \zen@Hy@anchor (wrapper for \Hy@raisedlink)
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@lowercase}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@CaSeS}
+% is used to make lowercase references in the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme,
+% when the package option \refitem{package options{cases}} is not active.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\let\zen@CaSeS \@firstofone
+\ifzen@CaSeS \let\zen@lowercase \zen@CaSeS
+\else \let\zen@lowercase \lowercase
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@ifrefundefined}
+% Switch to the first part if the \LaTeX{} label exists, to the second part otherwise.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@box}
+% A utility to expand code inside a temporary \cs{vbox}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@box{\hfuzz\maxdimen \vfuzz\hfuzz \hbadness\@M \vbadness\hbadness
+ \tracinglostchars\z@ \everypar{}\setbox\z@=\vbox}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Properties for the zref list: zen@list}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@unique}
+% is the unique counter to create unique labels for \xpackage{zref} references (internal use only):
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \zref@newprop{zen@#2}[\zen@@noreference]{#3}%
+ \ifx U#1\expandafter\let\csname zen@extract@#2\endcsname\unexpanded
+ \else \expandafter\let\csname zen@extract@#2\endcsname\detokenize
+ \fi
+\expandafter\let\csname zen@extract@page\endcsname\unexpanded
+\zen@temp U{anchor}\zen@@anchor
+\zen@temp U{default}\zen@@ref
+\zen@temp U{type}{\ifdefined\zen@@type\ifnum\zen@@type<\z@\else \enit@type \fi\fi}
+\zen@temp D{listname}\zen@@listname
+\zen@temp U{depth}{\the\@listdepth}
+\zen@temp U{index}{\the\c@zenidx}
+\zen@temp U{listctr}{\ifdefined\@listctr \the\value\@listctr\fi}
+\zen@temp U{parents}\zen@@parents
+\zen@temp U{label}\zen@@itemlabel
+\zen@temp U{starlabel}\zen@@starlabel
+\zen@temp U{ref}\zen@@ref
+\zen@temp U{item}\@itemlabel
+\zen@temp U{currentlabel}\@currentlabel
+\zen@temp U{currentlabelname}\@currentlabelname
+\zen@temp D{refitem}\zen@@refitem
+\zen@temp D{commaref}\zen@@commaref
+\zen@temp U{counter}{\zref@getcurrent{counter}}
+ zen@default,zen@page,zen@type,zen@depth,zen@listctr,%
+ zen@listname,zen@index,zen@label,zen@ref,zen@starlabel,%
+ zen@parents,zen@refitem,zen@commaref,zen@item,zen@currentlabel,zen@counter}
+ \ifdefined\hyper@anchor \zen@Hytrue
+ \zref@addprop{zen@list}{zen@anchor,zen@currentlabelname}%
+ \else \zen@Hyfalse \let\zen@refHy \zen@refText
+ \fi
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Normalisation of references and item labels}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@Normalize}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@Normalize#1#2#3{\begingroup \let\zen@=#1%
+ \def\GetTitleStringResult{#3}\toks@{}%
+ \ifx \GetTitleStringResult\@empty \else
+ \zen@NormalizeCommands \GetTitleStringExpand{#3}%
+ \expandafter\zen@trailingspaces \GetTitleStringResult{\@nnil}\@nnil
+ \fi
+ \edef\x{\endgroup
+ \def\noexpand#2{\expandafter\zen@zap@doublespaces
+ \detokenize\expandafter{\GetTitleStringResult} \@empty}%
+ \def\noexpand\zen@temp {\expandafter\zen@zap@doublespaces
+ \detokenize\expandafter{\the\toks@} \@empty}%
+ }\x
+}% \zen@Normalize
+{\catcode47 = 8 % /
+ \ifx \@nnil#1\@empty \expandafter\remove@to@nnil
+ \else \zen@{\toks@\expandafter{\the\expandafter\toks@
+ \expandafter{\romannumeral0\zen@postspace #1/ /}}}%
+ \expandafter\zen@trailingsp@ces % (loop)
+ \fi
+}% \zen@trailingsp@ces
+\gdef\zen@postspace#1 /{\zen@postsp@ce#1/}
+\gdef\zen@postsp@ce#1/#2{ #1}
+}% \catcode group
+ \let\ensuremath \@firstofone % \ensuremath (engrec package)
+ \let\relax \@empty
+ \csname @safe@activestrue\endcsname
+}% \zen@NormalizeCommands
+\def\zen@zap@doublespaces#1 #2{%
+ #1%
+ \ifx#2\@empty\else\space\expandafter\zen@zap@doublespaces\fi
+ #2%
+}% \zen@zap@doublespaces
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Keys \textt{name} and \textt{name\stf} are added to \xpackage{enumitem} environments}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@namelist}
+% is the callback for the key \texttt{name}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+Ë \AtBeginDocument{\gappto\enit@@list{,name}}% ignore if [external]
+\def\zen@namelist #1{%
+ \ifdefined\zen@@grouplevel\else \let\zen@@grouplevel \z@ \fi
+ \ifnum\zen@@grouplevel<\currentgrouplevel% first (automatic) assignment to name
+ \zen@type % = (automatic from \enit@@list)
+ \ifcase\zen@@type % (case 0) = enum
+ \zen@autoname
+ \or % (case 1) = itemize
+Ï \zen@autoname % [itemize] option only
+ \or % (case 2) = description
+Ð \zen@autoname % [description] option only
+ \fi
+ \else \zen@Normalize\zen@CaSeS\zen@@listname {#1}%
+ \let\zen@@listname \zen@temp
+ \fi
+}% \zen@namelist (code for key name)
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@starnamelist}
+% is the callback for the key \textt{name\stf}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@starnamelist #1{% (1st automatic assignment to name done before)
+ \zen@Normalize\zen@CaSeS\zen@@listname{#1}%
+ \let\zen@@listname \zen@temp
+ \ifx \zen@@priorlistname\zen@@listname
+ \let\zen@@listname \@empty \fi
+ \zen@namelist\zen@@listname
+}% \zen@starnamelist (code for key name*)
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@autoname}
+% is the callback for the key \textt{name} automatically set without argument
+% by \cs{setkeys}\M*{enit@@list}. This corresponds to some setup:
+% \begin{itemize}
+% \item save the prior list name \etc.
+% \item define the group level,
+% \item define the list depth,
+% \item reset the index,
+% \item save the definition of \cs{@trivlist} and overload it temporarily
+% until its next expansion at the beginning of the list.
+% \end{itemize}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@autoname{% (1st automatic assignment to key name (by \enit@@list))
+ \unless \ifx\zen@@listname\@empty
+ \let\zen@@priorlistname \zen@@listname \fi
+ \unless\ifdefined\zen@@priorlistname \let\zen@@priorlistname \@empty\fi
+ \let\zen@@listname \@empty
+ \ifdefined\zen@@commaref \let\zen@@priorcommaref \zen@@commaref
+ \else \let\zen@@priorcommaref \@empty
+ \let\zen@@commaref \@empty
+ \fi
+ \ifdefined\zen@@refitem \let\zen@@priorrefitem \zen@@refitem
+ \else \let\zen@@priorrefitem \@empty
+ \let\zen@@refitem \@empty
+ \fi
+ \edef\zen@@grouplevel {\the\currentgrouplevel}%
+ \edef\zen@@depth {\number\@listdepth}%
+ \ifnum \zen@@depth>\@ne \edef\zen@@parents{{\the\c@zenItem}\zen@@parents}%
+ \else \let\zen@@parents \@empty \fi
+ \let\zen@refitem@fun \@undefined
+ \ifcase \zen@@type \zen@prepare@resume \fi % (enumerate only: key resume)
+ \c@zenidx \z@
+ \let\zen@trivlistORI \@trivlist
+ \let\@trivlist \zen@trivlist
+}% \zen@name@list
+ \expandafter{\enit@endenumerate \zen@endenumerate}%
+}% \zen@prepare@resume
+\def\zen@endenumerate{% saves the value of \c@zenidx at the exit of enum envir
+ \zen@toks\expandafter{\enit@afterlist}%
+ \xdef\enit@afterlist{\the\zen@toks
+ \def\expandafter\noexpand
+ \csname enit@resume@\@currenvir\endcsname{%
+ \csname c@\@listctr\endcsname
+ \the\csname c@\@listctr\endcsname
+ \c@zenidx \the\c@zenidx\relax}}%
+}% \zen@prepare@resume
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@trivlist}
+% \cs{@trivlist} is temporarily overloaded, and the original definition
+% is immediately restored at the time it will be expanded, just after having
+% set all the specified keys for the list environment.
+% The overload sets \cs{zen@setuprefs} to be expanded at the end of \cs{@trivlist}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \let\@trivlist \zen@trivlistORI % restore orginal immediately
+ \@trivlist \zen@setuprefs
+}% \zen@trivlist
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@type}
+% expands to:§
+% \begin{enumerate}[label=,leftmargin=2cm,itemsep=0pt,parsep=0pt]
+% \item[0] if \texttt{enumerate}
+% \item[1] if \texttt{itemize} (and \texttt{[itemize]} option is active)
+% \item[2] if \texttt{description} (and \texttt{[description]} option is active)
+% \item[-1] in any other case
+% \end{enumerate}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdefined\enit@type
+ \expandafter\strip@prefix \if e\enit@type>\let\zen@@type\z@ % enum begins with e
+ \else>\expandafter\strip@prefix \if i\enit@type>\let\zen@@type\@ne % item begins with i
+ \else>\expandafter\strip@prefix \if d\enit@type>\let\zen@@type\tw@ % desc begins with d
+ \else>\let\zen@@type\m@ne
+ \fi\fi\fi
+ \else \let\zen@@type\m@ne
+ \fi
+}% \zen@type
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Overloading \cs{makelabel}}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@setuprefs}
+% expands just at the end of \cs{@trivlist}. \cs{makelabel} is overloaded
+% in order to make the references and write the labels into the \xext{aux} file.
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@makelabel}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef \zen@temp{\zen@@priorlistname\zen@@listname}%
+ \ifx \zen@temp\@empty
+ \ifx \makelabel\zen@makelabel \let\makelabel \zen@makelabelORI \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx \makelabel\zen@makelabel \else
+ \let \zen@makelabelORI \makelabel
+ \let \makelabel \zen@makelabel \fi
+ \fi
+ \let\zeninfo \zen@info
+ \ifcase \zen@@type % enumerate only (key start)
+ \ifnum \c@zenidx=\z@ \c@zenidx\value\@enumctr\relax \fi
+ \fi
+ \zen@refitem@implicit
+}% \zen@setuprefs
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@refitem@implicit}
+% defines \cs{zen@refitem@fun} which cancels text around the formatted counter
+% in \textt{enumerate} lists (\ie numbered lists). This will be used at the time
+% of \cs{makelabel} to create the \textt{refitem} and the property \cs{label\stf}
+% (which corresponds to \xpackage{zref} property \textt{zen@starlabel}).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@refitem@implicit{% determine value of key refitem according to the label
+ \def\zen@gtemp {{\the\c@zenidx}}%
+ \ifnum \zen@@type=\z@ % enumerate
+ {\let\enit@refstar \zen@refitemfromlabel
+ \enit@labellist \zen@box{\@itemlabel}}%
+ \fi
+ \let\zen@refitem@fun \zen@gtemp
+}% \zen@refitem@implicit
+ \def\zen@temp{##1}\ifx \zen@temp\@enumctr
+ \gdef\zen@gtemp{{#1{##1}}}\fi}%
+}% \zen@refitemfromlabel
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Creating references}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@makeref}
+% is expanded just before the original version of \cs{makelabel}
+% The aim is to set the \xpackage{zref} properties defined by \thispackage*
+% for the current item, and to define the anchor names.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@makeref#1{% #1 = argument of \makelabel
+ \def\zen@@itemlabel{#1}\advance\c@zenidx \@ne
+ \ifx \zen@@itemlabel\zen@@autolabel
+ \if@nmbrlist
+ \global\advance\c@zenItem \@ne
+ \let\zen@@ref \@currentlabel
+ \else
+ {\refstepcounter{zenItem}}%
+ \let\zen@@ref \zen@refitem@fun
+ \fi
+ \let\zen@@starlabel \zen@refitem@fun
+ \zen@Normalize\zen@lowercase\zen@currentrefitem \zen@refitem@fun
+ \else % user defined label
+ {\refstepcounter{zenItem}}%
+ \zen@Normalize\zen@lowercase\zen@@ref {{\zen@@itemlabel}}%
+ \let\zen@@starlabel \zen@@ref
+ \fi
+ \let\zen@currentrefitem \zen@temp % \zen@temp defined by \zen@Normalize
+ \let\zen@@anchor \@currentHref
+ \zen@makeref@item@comma
+}% \zen@makeref
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@labelize}
+% is expanded just after the original version of \cs{makelabel}
+% \textt{zlabel}{\smaller s} are written into the \xext{aux} file.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifzen@Hy \zen@anchors
+ \zref@labelbyprops{zen->\@currentHref}{zen@}\fi
+ \zref@labelbylist\zen@{zen@list}%
+ \zen@keeplabel
+}% \zen@makeref
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@makeref@item@comma}
+% Creates the references for the \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}}
+% and the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} schemes.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\begingroup % to avoid silent assignment to \relax
+ \edef\x{\endgroup
+ \def\noexpand\zen@@commaref{%
+ \expandafter\zen@commaref@\zen@@priorcommaref \@nnil}%
+ \def\noexpand\zen@@refitem{%
+ \expandafter\zen@refitem@\zen@@priorrefitem \@nnil}%
+ }\x
+}% \zen@makeref@item@comma
+ \ifx\@nnil#1%
+ \ifx \zen@@listname\@empty \else
+ {\zen@@listname\zen@currentrefitem}\fi
+ \else {#1\zen@currentrefitem}\expandafter\zen@refitem@ % loop
+ \fi
+}% \zen@refitem@
+ \ifx\@nnil#1%
+ \ifx \zen@@listname\@empty \else
+ {\zen@@listname,\the\c@zenidx}\fi
+ \else {#1,\the\c@zenidx}\expandafter\zen@commaref@ % loop
+ \fi
+}% \zen@commaref@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@anchors}
+% Put the \pdf anchors for the current item.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \def\zen@@anchors{\endgroup}%
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\zen@anchors@
+ \expandafter\zen@@commaref \zen@@refitem \@nnil
+ \zen@@anchors
+}% \zen@anchors
+ \ifx \@nnil#1\else
+ \expandafter\in@\csname refitem.#1\expandafter\endcsname\expandafter{\zen@list@anchors}%
+ \ifin@ \zen@anchor@ignore{#1}%
+ \else
+ \edef\zen@@anchors{\zen@@anchors\zen@Hy@anchor{refitem.#1}}%
+ \xdef\zen@list@anchors{%
+ \unexpanded\expandafter{\zen@list@anchors}%
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname refitem.#1\endcsname}%
+ \fi
+ \expandafter\zen@anchors@ % loop
+ \fi
+}% \zen@anchors@ (loop)
+\def\zen@anchor@ignore#1{\PackageInfo{enumitem-zref}{Ignored anchor `#1'}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@keeplabel}
+% As far as references are built and written inside \cs{makelabel} (which was overloaded)
+% they are built inside a group (inside a \cs{sbox}, and thus inside a \cs{color@setgroup}...\cs{color@endgroup}
+% group if packages \xpackage{color} or \xpackage{xcolor} are used, and may be inside other grouping levels
+% depending on the user need (she may have redefined \cs{makelabel} for a special purpose).
+% Therefore, we take advantage of the e-\TeX{} command \cs{currentgrouplevel} in order to
+% decide how many levels of grouping we have to ``pass through'' for keeping the current
+% values of \cs{z@zenidx} (the item \emph{index}), \cs{zen@@refitem},\, and\, \cs{zen@@commaref}.
+% The ``target'' group level has been saved into \cs{zen@@grouplevel} at the beginning of the
+% environment, while setting the automatic \texttt{name} key for the first time.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \xdef\zen@gtemp{%
+ \noexpand\ifnum \zen@@grouplevel<\currentgrouplevel
+ \aftergroup \noexpand\zen@gtemp
+ \noexpand\else
+ \c@zenidx \the\c@zenidx\relax
+ \zen@keep \zen@@refitem
+ \zen@keep \zen@@commaref
+ \ifzen@Hy \zen@keep\zen@@anchor\fi
+ \noexpand\fi
+ }\aftergroup\zen@gtemp
+}% \zen@keeplabel
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection[{Extracting zref properties}]{Extracting \xpackage{zref} properties}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@extract}
+% A wrapper to \cs{zref@extractdefault} which can also \cs{detokenize} the result.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newcommand*\zen@extract[3]{% #1=ref #2=prop #3=def
+ \csname zen@extract@#2\endcsname\expandafter\expandafter%
+ \expandafter{\zref@extractdefault{zen>\number#1}{zen@#2}{#3}}%
+}% \zen@extract
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Referencing the items: \cs{refitem}}
+% \begin{macro}{\refitem}
+% The general macro to print references and insert hyperlinks,
+% with a star variant (no hyperlink).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newrobustcmd*\refitem{\begingroup \@ifstar
+ {\zen@refitemOpt \zen@reftext }% no hyperlink
+ {\zen@refitemOpt \zen@refHy }%
+}% \refitem
+%% \edef\zen@@anchor{\zen@extract\c@zenItem{anchor}{}\unexpanded}%
+%% \ifx \zen@@anchor\@empty \zen@@text
+%% \else
+ \hyperref{}{}{\zref@extract{zen>\the\c@zenItem}{zen@anchor}}\zen@@text
+%% \fi
+}% \zen@ref
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@refitemOpt}
+% If the first argument is an option, then \cs{refitem} makes a hyperlink
+% to an external document.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@refitemOpt#1{\let\zen@ref@#1\@ifnextchar[\zen@refitemExternal \zen@refitemRef }
+\def\zen@refitemRef #1{\@tempswatrue \let\zen@lastwarn \m@ne
+ \zen@Normalize\zen@lowercase\zen@@label {#1}%
+ \zen@ifrefundefined \zen@@label
+ {\expandafter\expandafter\expandafter \zen@refused
+ \csname\ifcsname zen@refitem(\zen@temp)\endcsname
+ zen@refitem(\zen@temp)\else
+ zen@norefitem\fi\endcsname>}%
+ \zen@refitemFromAnchor
+}% \zen@refitemRef
+\def\zen@norefitem {\z@>0}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@refused}
+% Checks if the label exists in the \hyperref[commarefscheme]{\emph{commaref}} scheme
+% or in the \hyperref[refitemscheme]{\emph{refitem}} scheme.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifcase#1\relax
+ \@tempswafalse \refused\zen@@label
+ \let\zen@ref@ \zen@refText % do not create a hyperlink if no reference
+ \or \let\zen@@label \zen@temp \c@zenItem =#2\relax
+ \else \let\zen@@label \zen@temp \zen@MultipleLabels
+ \c@zenItem =#2\relax
+ \fi
+ \zen@refitem@prop
+}% \zen@refused
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@refitemFromAnchor}
+% When \cs{refitem} refers to a user item, we can reached the \xpackage{zref} properties
+% with the chain:
+% \tikz[start chain=going right,every join/.style={->}]
+% \node [on chain] {\LaTeX{} label}
+% node [on chain,join] {\xpackage{hyperref} anchor}
+% node [on chain,join] {\thispackage* label}
+% node [on chain,join] {property};
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \edef\zen@@anchor{\getrefbykeydefault\zen@@label{anchor}{}}%
+ \ifx \zen@@anchor\@empty
+ \@tempswafalse \G@refundefinedtrue \zen@warn\z@
+ \let\zen@ref@ \zen@refText
+ \else
+ \edef\zen@temp{\zref@extractdefault{zen->\zen@@anchor}{zen@}{}}%
+ \ifx \zen@temp\@empty
+ \@tempswafalse \G@refundefinedtrue \zen@warn\@ne
+ \ifzen@Hy \ifx\zen@ref@ \zen@refHy \def\zen@ref@{\ref{\zen@@label}}%
+ \else \def\zen@ref@ {\ref*{\zen@@label}}%
+ \fi
+ \else \def\zen@ref@{\ref{\zen@@label}}%
+ \fi
+ \else \c@zenItem \expandafter\strip@prefix\zen@temp\relax
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \zen@refitem@prop
+}% \zen@refitemFromAnchor
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \message{Package enumitem-zref Warning:
+ \ifcase#1 %
+ \string\refitem{\zen@@label}:
+ User references to \string\label\space^^J\zen@spaces
+ require hyperref and the appropriate options for enumitem-zref^^J\zen@spaces
+ \ifzen@Hy Check the options given to package enumitem-zref.
+ \else Package hyperref is not loaded.\fi
+ \or User reference does not point to an item!^^J\zen@spaces
+ \string\refitem{\zen@@label}
+ \fi\on@line^^J^^J}}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@refitem@prop}
+% tests if \cs{refitem} has a following optional argument: the properties.
+% As long as the optional argument is in last position, we have to take a special
+% care about the the spaces (\cs{@ifnextchar} removes spaces).
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@refitem@prop{\futurelet\zen@temp \zen@refitemProp}
+\def\zen@gobblespace#1 {#1}%
+\let\zen@space \relax
+ \ifcase 0\ifx \zen@temp[\else
+ \ifx \zen@temp\@sptoken 1\else
+ 2\fi\fi\relax
+ \expandafter \zen@refitemPrint
+ \or \let\zen@space\space
+ \expandafter\zen@gobblespace\expandafter\zen@refitem@prop
+ \else \expandafter\zen@refitemPrint \expandafter[\expandafter]%
+ \fi
+}% \zen@refitemProp
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@refitemPrint}
+% is the final macro to print the reference made by \cs{refitem}.
+% The properties, if specified, are first analyzed by \cs{zen@refitemText}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \if@tempswa % got a reference
+ \ifx \zen@@text\@empty
+ \edef\zen@@text{{\zen@extract\c@zenItem{default}\zen@@noreference}\zen@space}%
+ \else\zen@refitemText
+ \fi
+ \else
+ \ifx \zen@@text\@empty \def\zen@@text{\zen@@noreference\zen@space}%\refused\zen@@label
+ \else \zen@refitem@noText
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \zen@ref@
+ \endgroup
+}% \zen@refitemPrint
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@refitemText}
+% creates the text to be typeset for the reference, depending on the properties
+% given by the user as the last optional argument to \cs{refitem}.
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifnum \c@zenidx>\z@ \advance\c@zenidx \m@ne
+ \ifnum \c@zenidx>\z@
+ \edef\zen@@parents{\zen@extract\c@zenItem{parents}{}}%
+ \edef\zen@@depth{\zen@extract\c@zenItem{depth}0}%
+ \else \let\zen@@depth \@ne % shortcut (only one property)
+ \fi
+ \def\ref{\@ifstar{\zen@ancestorprop{starlabel}}{\zen@ancestorprop{ref}}}%
+ \def\label{\@ifstar{\zen@ancestorprop{starlabel}}{\zen@ancestorprop{label}}}%
+ \def\default{\zen@ancestorprop{default}}\def\counter{\zen@ancestorprop{counter}}%
+ \def\type{\zen@ancestorprop{type}}\def\listname{\zen@ancestorprop{listname}}%
+ \def\index{\zen@ancestorprop{index}}\def\listctr{\zen@ancestorprop{listctr}}%
+ \def\depth{\zen@ancestorprop{depth}}\def\refitem{\zen@ancestorprop{refitem}}%
+ \def\anchor{\zen@ancestorprop{anchor}}\def\commaref{\zen@ancestorprop{commaref}}%
+ \def\page{\zen@ancestorprop{page}}\def\currentlabel{\zen@ancestorprop{currentlabel}}%
+ \def\currentlabelname{\zen@ancestorprop{currentlabelname}}%
+ {\zen@box{\zen@@text
+ \expandafter}\expandafter}\expandafter\zen@toks
+ \expandafter{\the\zen@toks \zen@nil}%
+ \def\ref{\the\zen@toks}\zen@clprops
+ \def\ref{\@ifstar{\the\zen@toks}{\the\zen@toks}}\let\label\ref
+ \long\def\zen@##1##2\zen@nil{\zen@toks{##2\zen@nil}##1}\let\zen@nil\relax
+ \fi
+}% \zen@refitemText
+ \ifnum \zen@@depth>\c@zenidx
+ \advance\c@zenidx \m@ne
+ \ifnum \c@zenidx<\z@ \let\zen@ \c@zenItem
+ \else \edef\zen@{\zen@ancestor}%
+ \fi
+ \edef\zen@temp{{\zen@extract\zen@{#1}\zen@@noreference}}%
+ \else \def\zen@temp{{}}\advance\c@zenidx \m@ne
+ \fi
+ \zen@toks\expandafter{\the\expandafter\zen@toks \expandafter\zen@ \zen@temp}%
+}% \zen@ancestorproperty
+ \expandafter{\the\expandafter\c@zenidx\expandafter}\zen@@parents{}{}{}\@nil % no need of {}...
+}% \zen@getancestor
+ \def\ref{\advance\c@zenidx \@ne}\zen@clprops
+ {\zen@box{\zen@@text \expandafter}\expandafter}\expandafter
+ \c@zenidx \the\c@zenidx\relax
+}% \zen@propcount
+\def\zen@clprops{\let\label\ref \let\page\ref
+ \let\none\ref \let\default\ref \let\counter\ref \let\listname\ref
+ \let\anchor\ref \let\depth\ref \let\type\ref \let\index\ref \let\listctr\ref
+ \let\refitem\ref \let\commaref\ref \let\currentlabel\ref \let\currentlabelname\ref
+}% \zen@clprops
+\def\zen@refitem@noText{\let\ref \zen@@noreference \zen@clprops}
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@refitemExternal}
+% for references to an anchor in an external document with \cs{hyperref}:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \toks@{#1}\zen@Normalize\zen@lowercase\zen@@label {#2}%
+ \edef\zen@ref@{\endgroup
+ \noexpand\hyperref{\the\toks@}{refitem}{\zen@temp}%
+ }\zen@ref@
+}% \zen@Hy@external
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Undefined references and duplicate labels management}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@MultipleLabels}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \PackageWarning{enumitem-zref}
+ {`\zen@@label' on page \thepage \space multiple defined\MessageBreak
+ Only the first one will be referenced}% et mettre ici la liste des références correspondant aux alias
+}% \zen@MultipleLabels
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{\cs{zeninfo} (If you are lost...)}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@info}
+% \cs{zeninfo} executes \cs{zen@info} when inside environments:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\newrobustcmd*\zen@info[1][]{\begingroup \sloppy
+ \def\sep##1{##1\hskip\z@ plus.001fil\relax\linebreak[2]}%
+ \ifcase\zen@whichinfo{#1} \zen@@depth % case 0 (depth)
+ \or \the\c@zenidx % case 1 (index)
+ \or % case 2 (type)
+ \ifcase\zen@@type enumerate\or itemize\or description\or unknown\fi
+ \or anchor=\ifzen@Hy\zen@@anchor\else no hyperref\fi % case 3 (anchor)
+ \or refitem=\sep{}\detokenize\expandafter{\zen@@refitem}% case 4 (refitem)
+ \or commaref=\sep{}\detokenize\expandafter{\zen@@commaref}% case 5 (commaref)
+ \else % (case -1) give all infos
+ {\ifdefined\scriptsize\scriptsize\fi
+ zeninfo:\sep{}depth=\sep{}\zen@@depth
+ \sep/ idx=\sep{}\the\c@zenidx
+ \ifcase\zen@@type \sep/ ctr=\sep{}\the\value\@listctr \fi % enumerate only
+ \sep/ commaref=\sep{}\detokenize\expandafter{\zen@@commaref}%
+ \sep/ refitem=\sep{}\detokenize\expandafter{\zen@@refitem}%
+ \ifzen@Hy\sep/ anchor=\sep{}\zen@@anchor \fi
+ }%
+ \fi\endgroup
+}% \zen@info
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zeninfo}
+% is executed when out of scope:
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \ifdefined\zen@@type
+ \ifcase \zen@@type \zeninfo@err
+Ï \or \zeninfo@err
+Ð \or \zeninfo@err
+ \else\zeninfo@err[{in environment \@currenvir\MessageBreak
+ You should be in a list environment}]%
+ \fi\endgroup
+}% \zeninfo (out of scope)
+\newcommand*\zeninfo@err[1][{you should give a name to your \@currenvir\space list}]{%
+ \PackageError{enumitem-zref}
+ {\string\zeninfo\space is not available\MessageBreak
+ #1}\@eha
+}% \zeninfo@err
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@whichinfo}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \expandafter\strip@prefix \if d#1>\z@ % depth (begins with d)
+ \else>\expandafter\strip@prefix\if i#1>\@ne % index (begins with i)
+ \else>\expandafter\strip@prefix\if t#1>\tw@ % type (begins with t)
+ \else>\expandafter\strip@prefix\if a#1>\thr@@% anchor (begins with a)
+ \else>\expandafter\strip@prefix\if r#1>4 % refitem(begins with r)
+ \else>\expandafter\strip@prefix\if c#1>5 % commaref(begins with c)
+ \else>\m@ne
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi
+}% \zen@whichinfo
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \subsection{Create the references At Begin Document for the \texorpdf\emph{refitem} and the \texorpdf\emph{commaref} schemes}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@item@comma}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+ \begingroup \c@zenidx \@ne %%\loggingall
+ \@whilesw \ifcsname Z@R@zen>\the\c@zenidx\endcsname\fi
+ {\advance\c@zenidx \@ne}%
+ \@whilenum \c@zenidx>\@ne
+ \do{\advance \c@zenidx \m@ne
+ \zref@wrapper@unexpanded{%
+ \edef\zen@refitem{%
+ \zref@extractdefault{zen>\the\c@zenidx}{zen@refitem}{}%
+ \zref@extractdefault{zen>\the\c@zenidx}{zen@commaref}{}}%
+ \edef\zen@refitem{\expandafter
+ \zen@item@comma@ \zen@refitem \@nnil}%
+ \expandafter\zen@def@item@comma@ \zen@refitem \@nnil}}%
+ \endgroup
+}% \zen@item@comma
+\def\zen@item@comma@ #1{%
+ \ifx\@nnil#1\else
+ \expandafter\noexpand\csname zen@refitem(\detokenize{#1})\endcsname
+ \expandafter\zen@item@comma@ % (loop)
+ \fi
+}% \zen@item@comma@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@def@item@comma@}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@def@item@comma@ #1{\ifx\@nnil#1\else
+ \zen@def@item@comma{#1}\expandafter\zen@def@item@comma@ \fi % loop
+}% \zen@def@item@comma@
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macro}{\zen@def@item@comma}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\def\zen@def@item@comma #1{%
+ \xdef#1{%
+ \ifdefined#1%
+ \ifx\relax#1\@empty \@ne>\the\c@zenidx% create new
+ \else \expandafter
+ \ifnum\expandafter\strip@prefix#1=\c@zenidx% redefinition to the same location
+ #1%
+ \else
+ \number\numexpr1+#1% increment multiplicity
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \else \@ne>\the\c@zenidx% create new
+ \fi}%
+ \ifzen@duplicatealiases\else
+ \expandafter\expandafter\expandafter\strip@prefix
+ \expandafter\strip@prefix\ifnum\@ne<#1>\global\zen@duplicatealiasestrue\else>>\fi
+ \fi
+}% \zen@def@item@comma
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \end{macro}
+% \begin{macrocode}
+\zen@AtEnd \let\zen@AtEnd\@undefined
+% \end{macrocode}
+% \restoregeometry
+% \sectionformat\section{label=,font=\LARGE\bfseries,mark=\marksthe{section}{#1}}
+% \sectionformat\subsection{font+=\smaller,left=0pt}
+% \pagesetup{pagestyle=corpus,head/left+=\ {\lsstyle(\thefirstmarks{section})}}
+% \begin{thebibliography}{9}
+% \bibitem{enumitem}
+% \textit{The \xpackage{enumitem} package}; Javier Bezos\\
+% 2009/05/18 v2.2 -- Customized lists \\
+% \CTANhref{enumitem}
+% \bibitem{zref}
+% \textit{The \xpackage{zref} package}; Heiko Oberdiek\\
+% 2010/05/01 v2.17 -- New reference scheme for LaTeX2e \\
+% \CTANhref{zref}
+% \bibitem{gettitlestring}
+% \textit{The \xpackage{gettitlestring} package}; Heiko Oberdiek\\
+% 2009/12/18 v1.3 -- Cleanup title references\\
+% \CTANhref{gettitlestring}
+% \bibitem{engrec}
+% \textit{The \xpackage{engrec} package}; Yvon Henel \\
+% 2008/05/07 v1.1 -- Greek letters from counters\\
+% \CTANhref{engrec}
+% \end{thebibliography}
+% \setitemize{leftmargin=2em}
+% \sectionformat\subsection{font=\normalsize\bfseries\pkgcolor}
+% \bottomtitles=-1pt
+% \begin{History}
+% \begin{Version}{2011/02/18 v1.8}\HistLabel{v1.8}
+% \item Documentation recompiled after \Xpackage{tabu} package v2.5 release.
+% \end{Version}
+% \begin{Version}{2010/12/30 v1.75}\HistLabel{v1.75}
+% \item Bug fixed with empty items and nested lists.
+% \end{Version}
+% \begin{Version}{2010/12/27 v1.7}\HistLabel{v1.7}
+% \item Documentation improvement.
+% \item No modification in the package file.
+% \end{Version}
+% \begin{Version}{2010/12/17 v1.5}\HistLabel{v1.5}
+% \item \thispackage now works with the keys: \textt{start=},\, \textt{resume},\, and\, \textt{resume\stf}\,
+% of \xpackage{enumitem} package.
+% \item Package option: \refitem{package options{greekctr}}[\textt{greekctr}] added as an alternative to the
+% \refitem{package options{greek}}[\textt{greek}] package option: \textt{greekctr} is based on the
+% \Xpackage{greekctr} package while \textt{greek} is based on \Xpackage{engrec}.
+% Both uses code of \Xpackage{alphalph} in order to make the counters \textsl{wrap} around the greek alphabet. \\
+% Options \refitem{package options{greek}}[\textt{greek}] and/or \refitem{package options{greekctr}}[\textt{greekctr}]
+% are automatically loaded \cs{AtBeginDocument} if the \xpackage{engrec} / \xpackage{greekctr} packages are detected.
+% \end{Version}
+% \begin{Version}{2010/12/10 v1.2}\HistLabel{v1.2}
+% \item Bug encountered in \cs\zen@anchors@: \\
+% \cs\ifx\#1\cs\@nnil is not the same as \cs\ifx\cs\@nnil\#1\quad !!
+% \end{Version}
+% \begin{Version}{2010/12/02 v1.1}\HistLabel{v1.1}
+% \item The first version.
+% \end{Version}
+% \end{History}
+% \clearpage
+% \PrintIndex
+% \Finale \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.ins b/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.ins
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b9af4194c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.ins
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+%% This is file `enumitem-zref.ins',
+%% generated with the docstrip utility.
+%% The original source files were:
+%% enumitem-zref.dtx (with options: `install')
+%% This is a generated file.
+%% enumitem-zref : 2011/02/18 v1.8 - Extended references to items for enumitem package and hyperref
+%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+%% version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+%% version. The latest version of this license is in
+%% This work consists of the main source file enumitem-zref.dtx
+%% and the derived files
+%% enumitem-zref.sty, enumitem-zref.pdf, enumitem-zref.ins,
+%% enumitem-zexample.tex
+%% enumitem-zref : Extended references to items for enumitem package and hyperref
+%% Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+\input docstrip.tex
+\Msg{* Installation}
+\Msg{* Package: 2011/02/18 v1.8 - Extended references to items for enumitem package and hyperref}
+This is a generated file.
+enumitem-zref : 2011/02/18 v1.8 - Extended references to items for enumitem package and hyperref
+This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
+conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either
+version 1.3 of this license or (at your option) any later
+version. The latest version of this license is in
+This work consists of the main source file enumitem-zref.dtx
+and the derived files
+ enumitem-zref.sty, enumitem-zref.pdf, enumitem-zref.ins,
+ enumitem-zexample.tex
+enumitem-zref : Extended references to items for enumitem package and hyperref
+Copyright (C) 2010 by Florent Chervet <>
+ \file{enumitem-zref.ins}{\from{enumitem-zref.dtx}{install}}%
+ \file{enumitem-zref.sty}{\from{enumitem-zref.dtx}{package}}%
+ \file{enumitem-zexample.tex}{\from{enumitem-zref.dtx}{example}}%
+ \file{enumitem-zref.drv}{\from{enumitem-zref.dtx}{driver}}%
+\Msg{* To finish the installation you have to move the following}
+\Msg{* file into a directory searched by TeX:}
+\Msg{* enumitem-zref.sty}
+\Msg{* To produce the documentation run the file `enumitem-zref.dtx'}
+\Msg{* through LaTeX.}
+\Msg{* Happy TeXing!}
+%% End of file `enumitem-zref.ins'.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.pdf b/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..426cf4bc06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/enumitem-zref/enumitem-zref.pdf
Binary files differ