path: root/macros/latex/contrib/elpres
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/elpres
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/elpres')
-rw-r--r--macros/latex/contrib/elpres/elpres-manual.pdfbin0 -> 209590 bytes
5 files changed, 697 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/elpres/README b/macros/latex/contrib/elpres/README
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/elpres/README
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+Document class: elpres
+Version: 0.4a
+License: LaTeX project public license (lppl)
+Short description:
+Elpres is a simple class for electronic presentations to be shown on a screen
+or a beamer. Elpres is derived from article.cls and may be used with LaTeX or
+The elpres class requires the packages: ifthen, fancyhdr, geometry.
+For enhanced options, the packages ragged2e, overlays, wallpaper, eso-pic,
+footmisc and hyperref are useful.
+Volker Kiefel
+volker (dot) kiefel (at) freenet (dot) de
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/elpres/elpres-example.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/elpres/elpres-example.tex
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+ \centering
+ \distance{1}
+ {
+ \Huge \bfseries \textcolor{blue}{Title of the presentation} \par
+ }
+ \vspace{1.3ex} \large
+ Author\\[2ex]Date and place of presentation
+ \distance{2}
+\begin{psli}[Title of first page]
+The first page
+ \item first line in an itemized list
+ \item second line in an itemized list
+\begin{psli}[Title of second page\footnote{footnotes are often not a good
+ idea for a presentation}]
+The second page with a nested, ``vertically compressed'' list
+ \item first line in an itemized list
+ \item second line in an itemized list
+ \begin{cenumerate}
+ \item first line of numbered list
+ \item second line of numbered list
+ \end{cenumerate}
+ \item final line in itemized list\footnote{\dots\ so there should be
+ good reasons to insert a second comment on the same page}
+{\small For footnotes, the \texttt{footmisc} package, at least with the
+ options \texttt{perpage} and \texttt{symbol} is recommended. \par}
+A final page for freely arranged text and
+graphics\footnote{References to scientific publications may be added
+ as footnotes}
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Binary files differ
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+\title{\textsf{elpres} --- electronic presentations \\ with (PDF)\LaTeX}
+\author{Volker Kiefel\thanks{volker dot kiefel at freenet dot de,
+ January 24, 2018}
+\textsf{Elpres} is a simple class for presentations to be shown on screen or
+beamer. It is derived from \LaTeX's \texttt{article} class. \textsf{Elpres}
+is primarily intended to be used with PDF\LaTeX{} or with \LaTeX,
+\texttt{dvips} and Ghostview/Ghostscript. The default ``virtual paper size''
+of documents produced by this class: width=128mm, height=96mm corresponds to a
+4:3 aspect ratio. Other aspect ratios for widescreen monitors may be selected
+by class options. \textsf{Elpres} requires that the \texttt{ifthen},
+\texttt{fancyhdr} and \texttt{geometry} packages are available on the system.
+Enhancements to \texttt{elpres} are easily made available by other packages,
+these include overlay support for incremental slides (package
+\texttt{overlays}) hypertext elements (\texttt{hyperref} package) and slides
+with a background from a bitmap (\texttt{wallpaper}, \texttt{eso-pic}
+Copy \texttt{elpres.cls} into a directory, where your \LaTeX-system can find
+it and update the files database\footnote{e.\,g. by using the
+\texttt{mktexlsr} or \texttt{texhash} command (TeXlive)}.
+The class is used with
+ \documentclass[options]{elpres}
+\textbf{Options of the \texttt{article} class} are also available to
+\texttt{elpres}, e.\,g. \texttt{10pt}, \texttt{11pt}, \texttt{12pt} for
+selection of font size. \textbf{\texttt{Elpres}-specific options} allow
+selection of the font: \texttt{tmrfont} (Times Roman), \texttt{helvetfont}
+(Helevetica), \texttt{cmfont} (Computer Modern), \texttt{sansfont} (Sans
+Serif: default). Options for different screen aspect ratios: \texttt{4x3}
+(default), \texttt{16x9}, \texttt{16x10}.
+A simple example document:
+ \documentclass[12pt,pdftex,helvetfont,4x3]{elpres}
+ \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
+ \usepackage{color}
+ \usepackage[document]{ragged2e}
+ \RaggedRight
+ \begin{document}
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \centering
+ \distance{1}
+ {
+ \Huge \bfseries \textcolor{blue}{Title of the presentation} \par
+ }
+ \vspace{1.3ex} \large
+ Author\\[2ex]Institution
+ \distance{2}
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \begin{psli}[Title of Page]
+ The first page
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item first line in an itemized list
+ \item second line in an itemized list
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{psli}
+ \begin{rsli}
+ The second page
+ \end{rsli}
+ \end{document}
+%% Options to be used are \texttt{10pt}, \texttt{11pt}, \texttt{12pt} (font size),
+%% \texttt{pdftex}, \texttt{dvips}
+%% (if you use \texttt{graphicx} and/or \texttt{color} packages).
+The title page can be created within the \texttt{titlepage} environment, the
+\verb+\maketitle+ command is not available.
+Slides may be created with the
+\texttt{psli}-environment\footnote{\texttt{psli}: plain slide}, you may add
+the title of the slide with the optional parameter.
+The contents of the slide are centered vertically.
+Another environment generating a slide is
+\texttt{rsli}\footnote{\texttt{rsli}: raw slide}: slides are written
+without title,
+contents are not vertically centered.
+The \verb+\distance{number}+ command allows to introduce vertical space into
+slides constructed with the \texttt{rsli} and \texttt{titlepage} environments.
+You should use pairs of \verb+\distance{}+ commands with numbers indicating
+the relative height of empty space, see the titlepage in the example above.
+The use of footnotes on slides is often problematic, if they cannot be
+avoided, the \texttt{footmisc} package is recommended: the \texttt{perpage}
+option resets numbering for each new slide. For a presentation, the
+\texttt{symbol} option allows to use symbols instead of numbers.
+After inserting a new footnote, numbers or symbols are correctly
+inserted only after a second run of \LaTeX.
+\subsection{Improving paragraph justification}
+By default, \LaTeX\ produces justified paragraphs with lines of equal length,
+this may often not be appropriate for the usually very short lines of text
+in presentations. The \LaTeX\ \verb+\raggedright+ command has its own
+deficiencies: by inhibiting hypenation, the text at the right margin will
+often look too
+ragged. A solution is to use the \verb+\RaggedRight+ command of the
+\texttt{ragged2e} package by Martin Schröder.
+\subsection{Generate vertically compressed lists}
+The \texttt{elpres} package provides a ``vertically compressed''
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item one
+ \item two
+ \end{citemize}
+Similarly, a \texttt{cenumerate} and a \texttt{cdescription} environment may
+be used.
+% neu Dezember 2017
+Another solution for the customization of \texttt{itemize}
+environments is given by the \texttt{enumitem} package. Therefore
+ \usepackage{enumitem}
+should be added to the preamble, and a comma-sperated list of parameters
+parameters can be added in the format:
+ \begin{itemize}[parameter-list]
+ ...
+ \end{itemize}
+The ``vertically
+compressed'' list can then be obtained with
+ \begin{itemize}[nosep]
+ \item one
+ \item two
+ \end{itemize}
+The \texttt{enumitem} package is also able to modify the \texttt{enumerate} and
+description \texttt{environments}.
+\section{Enhancements to elpres}
+\subsection{Include graphics files}
+Graphics files/pictures can be included with the
+\texttt{includegraphics}-command of the \texttt{graphicx}-package. Please be
+aware that the dimensions of the pages are 128mm \texttimes{} 96mm and
+therefore included graphics are scaled appropriately. A safe way to generate a
+page with a picture could be (with \texttt{pict.png} as the name of the
+graphics file):
+ \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} % (in preamble)
+ ...
+ \begin{rsli}
+ \centering
+ \distance{1}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth,%
+ height=0.9\textheight,%
+ keepaspectratio=true]{pict.png}
+ \distance{1}
+ \end{rsli}
+The \verb+\includegraphics[]{}+ comannd requires to select the correct device
+driver related option (e.\,g. \texttt{pdftex} or \texttt{dvips})
+\subsection{Arrange text and pictures in two (or more) columns}
+Text and graphics may be arranged in two or more columns with
+\texttt{minipage} environments:
+ \begin{minipage}[b][0.8\textheight][t]{0.5\textwidth}
+ \colorbox{white}{%
+ \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{graphics-file.png}}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}[b][0.8\textheight][t]{0.48\textwidth}
+ \footnotesize
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item ...
+ \item ...
+ ...
+ \end{citemize}
+ \end{minipage}
+Details on the minipage environment may be found in the \LaTeX{}
+\subsection{Incremental slides (overlays)}
+If the contents of slides are to be made visible step
+by step this can be achieved by a series of output PDF or (PS) files (carrying
+the same page number) usually called \emph{overlays}. It may also be of
+interest to change a highlighting color in a series of overlays. This is most
+easily done by using the \texttt{overlays} package written by Andreas Nolda
+together with \texttt{elpres}.
+To generate a series of four overlays sequentially showing four lines of a
+ \item load the \texttt{overlays} package in the preamble
+ \item put a \texttt{psli} or \texttt{rsli} slide environment into an
+ \texttt{overlays} (or \texttt{fragileoverlays}) environment
+ \item enter the number of overlays as the first parameter to the
+ \texttt{overlays} environment
+ \item enter text contents with the \texttt{visible} command with the range
+ of overlays showing this text content
+A simple example:
+ % to be added in preamble
+ \usepackage{overlays}
+ ...
+ \begin{overlays}{4}
+ \begin{psli}[Title of slide]
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \visible{1-4}{\item first item of list}
+ \visible{2-4}{\item second list item}
+ \visible{3-4}{\item 3rd list item}
+ \visible{4}{\item final list item}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{psli}
+ \end{overlays}
+ ...
+The following example uses the \texttt{alert} command to highlight lines
+ \begin{overlays}{4}
+ \begin{psli}[Title of slide]
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \alert{1}{\item first item of list}
+ \alert{2}{\item second list item}
+ \alert{3}{\item 3rd list item}
+ \alert{4}{\item final list item}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{psli}
+ \end{overlays}
+The ``hidden'' text contents are written by \texttt{overlays} in the same
+color as the background, default is white. If you use a different background
+color, you have to change the color of the hidden text as well by assigning the
+background color to the color name \texttt{background} (understood by the
+\texttt{overlays} package). In the following example you define a light
+yellow as background:
+ % (in the preamble)
+ \definecolor{myyellow}{rgb}{0.96,0.98,0.72} % define color
+ \definecolor{background}{named}{myyellow} % color assigned to
+ % hidden text
+ \pagecolor{myyellow} % color of slide background
+For more details on \texttt{overlays}, see the documentation of the package.
+\subsection{Create a ``handout'' from a presentation}
+If you wish to generate a handout from your presentation with more than one
+pages on a printed page, you may process a PDF presentation file with
+\texttt{pdfjam}\footnote{which regerettably is only available on
+Linux or other Unix-like systems}.
+The following command:
+ pdfjam --nup 2x3 --scale 0.9 -o new.pdf presentation.pdf '1-4,7-17,22'
+creates a ``handout'' PDF document (\texttt{new.pdf}) with the slides 1-4,7-17
+and 22 of \texttt{presentation.pdf} arranged in two columns and three rows.
+With the additional option \texttt{--frame~true}, \texttt{pdfjam} draws a box
+around each slide. More details can be found in the \texttt{pdfjam}
+man page. On Windows systems Acrobat reader may be helpful to print
+handout documents with more than one slide per printed page.
+\subsection{Create presentations with hypertext elements}
+You may use the hyperref package. As you normally will not insert
+\verb+\section{}+-like commands, it is easier to define links with
+ \hypertarget{target-name}{text}
+which can be addressed by
+ \hyperlink{target-name}{text}
+The hyperref package will produce a warning message, if you use the
+titlepage-environment (this is inherited from the article class). To avoid
+the warning you can use the \texttt{rsli}-environment for the titlepage and use
+\verb+\thispagestyle{empty}+ to suppress the page number on the title.
+\subsection{Fill background of a presentation with bitmaps}
+\subsubsection{\texttt{Wallpaper} package}
+To create a slide background with a graphical wallpaper
+background using bitmap files you may use the \texttt{wallpaper}
+package\footnote{written by Michael H.F. Wilkinson and available on CTAN}.
+Load the \texttt{wallpaper} package with
+ \usepackage{wallpaper}
+in the preamble. In order to generate a background based on bitmap
+file \texttt{background.png}, enter
+ \CenterWallPaper{1}{background.png}
+before the contents of the presentation\footnote{i.\,e. following
+\texttt{\textbackslash begin\{document\}}}.
+This works best with bitmaps with an appropriate aspect ratio, in the case of
+an 4x3 screen format a bitmap picture of 640x480 pixel would fit perfectly.
+Moreover bitmap files may be
+used as tiles as described in the \texttt{wallpaper} documentation like
+ \TileSquareWallPaper{4}{background.png}
+More details on this topic may be found in the \texttt{wallpaper}
+\subsubsection{\texttt{Eso-pic} package}
+Another package which allows you to paint the background with a picture is
+\texttt{eso-pic}\footnote{written by Rolf Niepraschk and available on CTAN}:
+ \usepackage{eso-pic}
+ ...
+ \AddToShipoutPicture{
+ \includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{background.png}
+ }
+\verb+\AddToShipoutPicture{}+ puts the picture on every page,
+\verb+\AddToShipoutPicture*{}+ puts it on to the current page,
+\verb+\ClearShipoutPicture+ clears the background beginning with the current
+Details of \texttt{eso-pic}'s commands can be found in the documentation.
+This class is distributed under the \textsl{\LaTeX{} Project Public License}
+(LPPL) which may be downloaded from
+\url{}. No warranty is provided for this
+work (as stated in the LPPL).
+\textbf{v0.1} (19.6.2004): initial version.
+\textbf{v0.2} (1.9.2004): page numbers now changed to footnotesize, left and
+right margins slightly changed, `cenumerate' and `cdescription' environments
+\textbf{v0.2a} (19.9.2004): Section ``License'' added to the documentation.
+\textbf{v0.2b} (17.10.2004): Documentation completed: description of the
+\verb+\distance{}+ command included.
+\textbf{v0.2c} (28.11.2004): Documentation completed (section
+\textbf{v0.2d} (25.12.2004): Documentation completed (section
+\ref{secBackgroundWallpaper} added).
+\textbf{v0.2e} (15.04.2005): Documentation completed (sections
+\ref{secBackgroundEsopic} and \ref{secHandout} added).
+\textbf{v0.3} (12.08.2005): new (class) options for font selection:
+\texttt{tmrfont} (Times Roman), \texttt{helvetfont} (Helevetica),
+\texttt{cmfont} (Computer Modern), \texttt{sansfont} (Sans Serif: default).
+Documentation updated, sections \ref{secInclGraphicsFiles} and
+\ref{secTwoColumns} added.
+\textbf{v0.4} (20.01.2018): New class options for different screen aspect
+ratios \texttt{4x3}, \texttt{16x9}, \texttt{16x10}; ``compressed'' list
+environments modified; documentation completed:
+packages for use with \texttt{elpres}: \texttt{enumitem} (alternative list
+environments), \texttt{overlays} (overlay support: incremental slides);
+section \ref{secHandout} was completely rewritten.
+\textbf{v0.4a} (24.01.2018): Documentation completed
+% vim:set spell:set fileencoding=latin1:
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/elpres/elpres.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/elpres/elpres.cls
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index 0000000000..11ccb14b62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/elpres/elpres.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
+\ProvidesClass{elpres}[2018/01/24 class for plain electronic presentations]
+% 2004/06/19 v0.1 - initial version
+% 2004/08/29 v0.2 - Page number: now `footnotesize' instead of `normalsize',
+% - Left and right margins changed
+% - `cenumerate' and `cdescription' environments
+% added
+% 2005/08/12 v0.3 - Options for selection of fonts added
+% 2018/01/20 v0.4 - Lists environments `citemize', `cenumerate',
+% `cdescription modified
+% - aspect ratio may be selected: 4x3 (default) 16x9,
+% 16x10: i.e. support for widescreen monitors added
+% - documentation updated
+% 2018/01/24 v0.4a - documentation completed
+% Options: select fonts
+ \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault}%
+ \renewcommand{\fontna}{tmrfo}%
+ \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}%
+ \renewcommand{\fontna}{helvetfo}%
+ \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\rmdefault}%
+ \renewcommand{\fontna}{cmfo}%
+ \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}%
+ \renewcommand{\fontna}{sansfo}
+% Options: screen formats
+ \renewcommand{\screenformat}{scr4x3}%
+ \renewcommand{\screenformat}{scr16x9}%
+ \renewcommand{\screenformat}{scr16x10}%
+%% \pagestyle{fancy}
+%% \rfoot{\thepage}
+%% \cfoot{}
+%% \lfoot{}
+ {\ClassError{elpres}{Caution: ``maketitle'' command not supported}%
+ {Please use ``titlepage'' environment instead}%
+\fancyfoot[RO]{\footnotesize \thepage}%
+%% plain slide -- heading line
+ {{\raggedright \large\bfseries #1\par}\par\vspace*{\stretch{1}}}%
+ {\par\vspace*{\stretch{1}}\newpage}
+%% raw slide -- no heading
+%% compressed itemize
+ { \vspace{-0.7ex}%
+ \begin{itemize}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0.1ex}%
+ \setlength{\parsep}{0ex}%
+ }%
+ {\end{itemize}%
+ \vspace{-0.7ex}}%
+%% compressed enumerate
+ { \vspace{-0.7ex}%
+ \begin{enumerate}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0.1ex}%
+ \setlength{\parsep}{0ex}%
+ }%
+ {\end{enumerate}%
+ \vspace{-0.7ex}}%
+%% compressed description
+ { \vspace{-0.7ex}
+ \begin{description}%
+ \setlength{\itemsep}{0ex}%
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0.1ex}%
+ \setlength{\parsep}{0ex}%
+ }%
+ {\end{description}%
+ \vspace{-0.7ex}}%
+% vim: syntax=tex tw=2048 ai