path: root/macros/latex/contrib/elpres/doc/elpres-manual.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-03-01 03:01:22 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-03-01 03:01:22 +0000
commit3a1a102e980610859d9f1b197733d6ce6a541c62 (patch)
treef79acc362cf6dde2deff64ffa7bb7bfe1bea2e2c /macros/latex/contrib/elpres/doc/elpres-manual.tex
parent189140b53960215eec1626503040fb38360ab4ed (diff)
CTAN sync 202103010301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/elpres/doc/elpres-manual.tex')
1 files changed, 1422 insertions, 0 deletions
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+% -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
+% to be compiled with lualatex
+%% for tth (generate .html): comment out "noitemsep" temporarily !!
+% Commands for indication changes in updated versions:
+% changed, inserted
+% \newcommand{\changedbegin}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{\fbox{\texttt{#1$>$}}}}
+% \newcommand{\changedend}[1]{\textcolor{blue}{\fbox{\texttt{$<$#1}}}}
+% \newcommand{\changedbeginA}[1]{\textcolor{DarkGreen}{\fbox{\texttt{#1$>$}}}}
+% \newcommand{\changedendA}[1]{\textcolor{DarkGreen}{\fbox{\texttt{$<$#1}}}}
+ bookmarksnumbered=true,
+ colorlinks=true%
+\title{\textsf{elpres} --- electronic presentations \\ with (pdf/Lua)\LaTeX}
+\author{Volker Kiefel\thanks{volker dot kiefel at freenet dot de,
+ \url{}}}
+ February 28, 2021%
+ % --- \textcolor{DarkGreen}{update of this manual:
+ % September 27, 2020}
+% \section*{A note on this updated version of the \texttt{elpres} manual}
+% \begin{sloppypar}
+% In this updated version of the manual
+% paragraphs or sentences with changes until August 19, 2020
+% (compared to the ``official''
+% manual for v0.6) are marked
+% \changedbegin{changed} changed content \changedend{changed}
+% and new text is marked \changedbegin{inserted} new content
+% \changedend{inserted}. Additional changes until September 27, 2020:
+% \changedbeginA{inserted} new text \changedendA{inserted},
+% \changedbeginA{changed} modified text \changedendA{changed}.
+% \end{sloppypar}
+The \texttt{elpres} class is intended to be used for
+presentations on a computer screen, a
+beamer or a projector. It is derived from \LaTeX's \texttt{article} class and
+may be used with \LaTeX{}, pdf\LaTeX{} (and Lua\LaTeX ).
+The default ``virtual paper size'' of document pages produced by this class:
+width=128mm, height=96mm corresponds to a 4:3 (width:height) aspect
+\index{aspect ratio|see{screen aspect ratio}}%
+\index{screen aspect ratio}%
+Other aspect ratios for widescreen monitors may be selected by class
+The \textsf{elpres} class requires that the \texttt{ifthen},
+and \texttt{geometry} packages are available on the \TeX{} system: these
+packages are loaded automatically by the \texttt{elpres} class.
+Enhancements to \texttt{elpres} are easily made available by other packages,
+these include overlay support for incremental slides (package
+\texttt{overlays}) and slides
+with a background from a bitmap (\texttt{wallpaper}, \texttt{eso-pic}
+packages). Predefined color/layout schemes for \texttt{elpres} presentations
+can be acitivated with
+\verb+\usepackage+ (details can be found in
+in section~\ref{sec:pres-scheme})
+This manual is intended to support the user with ``recipes''. Use of
+\texttt{elpres} with its default settings should be simple, additional aspects
+including overlay functions, use of colors, graphics files, ``handout
+documents'' are described in section \ref{secEnhancements}. Many code snippets
+have been included in this manual.
+They can be used in users' presentation files.\footnote{To make copying easier,
+this manual is also available as \texttt{.html} document on the
+\texttt{elpres} website (\url{})}
+Some extensions described in this manual work only with \texttt{pdf}-files
+which should preferrably be compiled with pdf\LaTeX\ or Lua\LaTeX.
+ \index{installation|(}
+ If the \texttt{elpres} package has already been
+ installed with the \TeX-system nothing needs to be done. If an updated
+ version shall be installed (or if the preinstalled \texttt{elpres} version
+ does not work properly\footnote{for details see the description on checking the
+ \texttt{elpres}-installation in section
+ \ref{sec:CheckInstallation}}),
+ \texttt{elpres.cls}, all \texttt{*.sty},
+ \texttt{*.png} and \texttt{*.eps} files should be copied into a directory,
+ where the \TeX-system can find it: if an old \texttt{elpres} version of the
+ existing \TeX\ system shall be replaced by the current version, please copy
+ these into the appropriate position in the ``local'' \texttt{texmf}
+ directory tree (e.\,g. \verb+~/texmf/tex/latex/elpres+) and this manual
+ (\texttt{elpres-manual.pdf}) to \verb+~/texmf/doc/latex/elpres+, where
+ \texttt{~/texmf} may be \texttt{~/texmf-local} or an
+ analogous directory.
+Then, the files database should be updated by entering (in case of a \TeX~Live
+installation) the command:
+ mktexlsr ~/texmf-local
+or you may enter \verb+texhash ~/texmf-local+\footnote{The location
+ for the ``local'', manually updated class and package files may be different,
+ depending on the \TeX\ system and the OS.}.
+Other \TeX-systems e.\,g.\ MiK\TeX\ have
+their own package updating mechanisms. The elpres manual file should be
+accessible with the command ``\mbox{\texttt{texdoc elpres}}''. If this
+still calls the old version of the manual, the command ``\texttt{texdoc -l elpres}''
+will prompt you to select either the old or the new version of the manual.
+The class is used with
+ \documentclass[options]{elpres}
+\textbf{\texttt{Elpres}-specific options}: font selection:
+ \texttt{tmrfont} (Times Roman), \texttt{helvetfont}
+(Helvetica), \texttt{cmfont} (Computer Modern) and \texttt{sansfont} (Sans
+Serif: default). The option \texttt{nofonts} (no font selection)
+is intended for use of \texttt{elpres} with Lua\LaTeX\
+with its own font selection mechanisms.
+Options for different screen aspect ratios: \texttt{4x3}
+(default), \texttt{16x9}, \texttt{16x10}. The option \texttt{navisymb}
+adds symbols for navigation to the presentation.
+Options of the \texttt{article} class are also available for
+\texttt{elpres} presentations,
+e.\,g. \texttt{10pt}, \texttt{11pt}, \texttt{12pt} for
+selection of font size.
+\textbf{\texttt{Elpres}-specific commands}:
+\verb+\distance+ vertically adjusts text on a slide.
+The \verb+\auvimm+\footnote{for \textbf{au}dio \textbf{vi}deo \textbf{m}edia}
+command inserts a link to an external audio or video file.
+Two commands: \verb+\fromlinktext+ and \verb+\totargettext+
+can be used for internal links within a presentation.
+With \verb+\slidetitlecolor+, the text color of slides (\texttt{psli})
+can be changed.
+With the command \verb+\pagenrconst+, the page number of
+the current slide can be set to the page number of the previous slide.
+\textbf{\texttt{Elpres}-specific environments}:
+the environments \texttt{psli} and \texttt{rsli} define ``slides'' in
+\texttt{elpres}; \texttt{citemize}, \texttt{cenumerate} and
+\texttt{cdescription} provide vertically compressed lists.
+\index{slides in elpres@slides in \texttt{elpres}}
+\subsection{A minimalistic example presentation}
+The following code (\texttt{minimal.tex})
+may be used for your first ``experiments'' by adding
+features described in later sections.
+\index{minimalistic example, presentation}
+\index{simple example, presentation|see{minimalistic example, presentation}}
+ \documentclass[12pt,pdftex,4x3]{elpres}
+ \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
+ \usepackage[document]{ragged2e}
+ % \usepackage{elpreswhitebluescheme}
+ % \usepackage{elpresbluelightgrayscheme}
+ % \usepackage{elpresgrayscheme}
+ % \usepackage{elpreswhiteredscheme}
+ \usepackage{elpreswhitetealscheme}
+ \begin{document}
+ \begin{titlepage}
+ \centering
+ \distance{1}
+ {
+ \Huge \bfseries \textcolor{eptitlecolor}{Title of the presentation} \par
+ }
+ \vspace{1.3ex} \large
+ Author\\[2ex]Institution
+ \distance{2}
+ \end{titlepage}
+ \begin{psli}[Title of Page]
+ The first page: \texttt{psli} environment
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item first line in an itemized list
+ \item second line in an itemized list
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{psli}
+ \begin{rsli}
+ The second page: \texttt{rsli} environment
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item no title
+ \item not centered vertically
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{rsli}
+ \end{document}
+The preamble of the same presentation for Lua\LaTeX\ would read:
+ % LuaLaTeX: Please use utf-8 encoding!
+ \documentclass[12pt,nofonts,4x3]{elpres}
+ \usepackage[document]{ragged2e}
+ \usepackage{fontspec}
+ \setmonofont{TeX Gyre Cursor} %% based on 'Courier'
+ \setsansfont[Scale=0.92]{Tex Gyre Heros} %% similar to 'Helvetica'
+ \setmainfont{TeX Gyre Termes} %% 'Roman' style serif font
+ \renewcommand{\familydefault}{\sfdefault}
+ % \usepackage{elpreswhitebluescheme}
+ \usepackage{elpreswhitetealscheme}
+ % \usepackage{elpresbluelightgrayscheme}
+ % \usepackage{elpresgrayscheme}
+ % \usepackage{elpreswhiteredscheme}
+ \begin{document}
+ % ...
+ \end{document}
+The use of Lua\LaTeX\ with \texttt{elpres} is heavily recommended
+due to the superior font selection mechanisms.
+You may copy the code examples from this manual more easily from the
+\texttt{.html} version of this manual available at
+\subsubsection*{Testing of the \texttt{elpres} installation}
+With this example you may check, if \texttt{elpres} has been installed
+correctly in your \TeX -system: copy the listing of \texttt{minimal.tex} into
+a file and process it with \texttt{pdflatex}. The line
+\verb+\usepackage{elpreswhitetealscheme}+ should not be commented out,
+i.\,e. the package \texttt{elpreswhitetealscheme} should be active.
+If processing of \texttt{minimal.tex} results in a message like
+ ... `ep-ball-04' not found ...
+the \TeX -system does not find the file \texttt{ep-ball-04.png} in the
+appropriate place. In such a situation it is recommended to install the
+current version of \texttt{elpres} in the correct subdirectories of
+the ``local'' \texttt{texmf}-directory, details are described in section
+\subsection{Essential elements of an \texttt{elpres} presentation}
+\index{title page}
+The \textbf{title page} slide can be created with
+the \texttt{titlepage} environment (or \texttt{rsli}, see below), \LaTeX's
+\verb+\maketitle+ command is not available.
+\index{psli environment@\texttt{psli} environment}
+\textbf{Slides} may be created with the
+\texttt{psli}-environment\footnote{\texttt{psli}: \textbf{pl}ain
+ \textbf{sl}ide}, you may add
+the title of the slide with the optional parameter.
+The contents of the slide are centered vertically.
+\index{rsli environment@\texttt{rsli} environment}
+Another environment generating a \textbf{slide} is
+\texttt{rsli}\footnote{\texttt{rsli}: \textbf{ra}w \textbf{sl}ide}:
+slides are written
+without title,
+contents are not vertically centered.
+The \verb+\distance{number}+ command allows to introduce vertical space into
+slides constructed with the \texttt{rsli} and \texttt{titlepage} environments.
+You should use pairs of \verb+\distance{}+ commands with numbers indicating
+the relative height of empty space, see the titlepage in the example above.
+The use of footnotes on slides is often problematic, if they cannot be
+avoided, the \texttt{footmisc} package is recommended: the \texttt{perpage}
+option resets numbering for each new slide. For a presentation, the
+\texttt{symbol} option allows to use symbols instead of numbers.
+After inserting a new footnote, numbers or symbols are correctly
+inserted only after a second run of \LaTeX.
+\subsection{Alternatives to \TeX's justified paragraphs}
+By default, \LaTeX\ produces justified paragraphs with lines of equal length,
+this may often not be appropriate for the usually very short lines of text
+in presentations. The \LaTeX\ \verb+\raggedright+ command
+has its own
+deficiencies: by inhibiting hypenation in texts with rather short lines,
+the right margin will often look too
+ragged. A solution is to use the \verb+\RaggedRight+ command of the
+\texttt{ragged2e} package.
+\subsection{Vertically compressed lists}
+As the spaces between lines may be too great with the \texttt{itemize}
+the \texttt{elpres} package provides a ``vertically compressed''
+\index{citemize environment@\texttt{citemize} environment}
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item one
+ \item two
+ \end{citemize}
+Similarly, a \texttt{cenumerate} and a \texttt{cdescription} environment may
+be used.
+\index{cenumerate environment@\texttt{cenumerate} environment}
+\index{cdescription environment@\texttt{cdescription} environment}
+% neu Dezember 2017
+Another solution for the customization of \texttt{itemize}
+environments is given by the \texttt{enumitem} package. Therefore
+ \usepackage{enumitem}
+should be added to the preamble, and a comma-sperated list of parameters
+parameters can be added in the format:
+ \begin{itemize}[parameter-list]
+ ...
+ \end{itemize}
+The ``vertically compressed'' list can then be obtained with
+ \begin{itemize}[nosep]
+ \item one
+ \item two
+ \end{itemize}
+Similarly, the \texttt{enumitem} package is also able to modify the
+\texttt{enumerate} and description \texttt{environments}.
+\subsection{Slide layout: changes in slide title, footer, page numbers}
+By default, the \textbf{text color of the titles} of
+\texttt{psli}-slides is black,
+\index{title, text color}
+it may be changed by redefining the ``value'' of the \verb+\slidetitlecolor{}+
+command like
+ \slidetitlecolor{blue}
+in the preamble. Of course, you may also use the named colors of the
+\texttt{xcolor} package (see section \ref{sec:use-colors}).
+\index{page number}
+By default the \textbf{page number} appears at the right bottom of the slide
+(in the ``footer'' in the terminology of the \texttt{fancyhdr} package)
+this position can be addressed by the \verb+\rfoot{}+ command: the
+\verb+\rfoot{}+, \verb+\cfoot{}+ and \verb+\lfoot{}+ commands can be used
+by the author of a presentaton.
+However, access to the header fields defined by \texttt{fancyhdr}
+is blocked\footnote{If you enter
+ \texttt{\textbackslash rhead}, \texttt{\textbackslash chead}
+ or \texttt{\textbackslash lhead}, \texttt{elpres} will issue
+ an error message. Use of the header fields will generate unwanted effects
+ on page layout due to \texttt{fancyhdr}.}.
+If you wish to change the position of the page number in the footer,
+you can overwrite the default page number with an ``empty'' \verb+\rfoot{}+
+command and put it to the center or the left margin of the footer
+(\verb+\cfoot{\footnotesize \thepage}+ or
+\verb+\lfoot{\footnotesize \thepage}+). These ``footer fields''
+\index{footer fields on slides}
+are also suitable to enter a \textbf{logo}
+\index{logo graphics file}
+visible on all pages (in form of a graphics file using
+\verb+\includegraphics[]{}+) or text with the name of the speaker's
+The user may also use predefined \textbf{presentation schemes} with defined
+colors and layout elements (e.\,g. symbols used in list envoronments), details
+are described in section \ref{sec:pres-scheme}.
+\section{Enhancements to \texttt{elpres}}
+\subsection{Use of named colors of \texttt{xcolor}}
+The \texttt{elpres} class automatically loads the \texttt{xcolor} package.
+Color related commands may therefore be used with names defined by
+\texttt{colorx}. They are however only accessible in groups
+(\texttt{dvipsnames}, \texttt{svgnames}, \texttt{x11names}). As an example,
+the color \texttt{Indigo} is available in \texttt{svgnames}. If you wish
+to use it you will have to enter \texttt{svgnames} as \texttt{elpres}
+class option:
+ \documentclass[11pt,16x9,svgnames]{elpres}
+This option is then automatically ``handed over'' to the
+\texttt{xcolor} package.
+The complete lists of named colors are found in the \texttt{xcolor} manual.
+\subsection{Include graphics files}
+\index{graphics files}
+\index{includegraphics@\texttt{\textbackslash includegraphics}}
+Graphics files/pictures can be included with the
+\texttt{includegraphics}-command of the \texttt{graphicx}-package. Please be
+aware that the dimensions of the pages are \mbox{128mm x 96mm} and
+therefore included graphics are scaled appropriately. A safe way to generate a
+page with a picture could be (with \texttt{pict.png} as the name of the
+graphics file):
+ \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx} % (in preamble)
+ ...
+ \begin{rsli}
+ \centering
+ \distance{1}
+ \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth,%
+ height=0.9\textheight,%
+ keepaspectratio=true]{pict.png}
+ \distance{1}
+ \end{rsli}
+The \verb+\includegraphics[]{}+ comannd requires to select the correct device
+driver related option (e.\,g. \texttt{pdftex} or \texttt{dvips})
+\subsection{Arrange text and pictures in two (or more) columns}
+\index{minipage environment@\texttt{minipage} environment}
+Text and graphics may be arranged in two or more columns with
+\texttt{minipage} environments:
+ \begin{minipage}[b][0.8\textheight][t]{0.5\textwidth}
+ \colorbox{white}{%
+ \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{graphics-file.png}}
+ \end{minipage}
+ \begin{minipage}[b][0.8\textheight][t]{0.48\textwidth}
+ \footnotesize
+ \begin{citemize}
+ \item ...
+ \item ...
+ ...
+ \end{citemize}
+ \end{minipage}
+Details on the minipage environment may be found in the \LaTeX{}
+\subsection{Incremental slides (overlays)}
+\index{incremental slides|see{overlays}}
+If the contents of slides are to be made visible step
+by step this can be achieved by a series of output PDF or (PS) files (carrying
+the same page number) usually called \emph{overlays}. It may also be of
+interest to change a highlighting color in a series of overlays. This is most
+easily done by using the excellent \texttt{overlays} package written by
+Andreas Nolda.
+To generate a series of four overlays sequentially showing four lines of a
+ \item load the \texttt{overlays} package in the preamble
+ \item put a \texttt{psli} or \texttt{rsli} slide environment into an
+ \texttt{overlays} (or \texttt{fragileoverlays}) environment
+ \item enter the number of overlays as the first parameter to the
+ \texttt{overlays} environment
+ \item enter text contents with the \texttt{visible} command with the range
+ of overlays showing this text content
+A simple example:
+ % to be added in preamble
+ \usepackage{overlays}
+ ...
+ \begin{overlays}{4}
+ \begin{psli}[Title of slide]
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \visible{1-4}{\item first item of list}
+ \visible{2-4}{\item second list item}
+ \visible{3-4}{\item 3rd list item}
+ \visible{4}{\item final list item}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{psli}
+ \end{overlays}
+ ...
+The following example uses the \texttt{alert} command to highlight lines
+ \begin{overlays}{4}
+ \begin{psli}[Title of slide]
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \alert{1}{\item first item of list}
+ \alert{2}{\item second list item}
+ \alert{3}{\item 3rd list item}
+ \alert{4}{\item final list item}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \end{psli}
+ \end{overlays}
+The last example shows short text fragments which are shown sequentially using
+the \texttt{only} command:
+ \begin{overlays}{4}
+ \begin{rsli}
+ \only{1}{a short text, which will be replaced \ldots }
+ \only{2}{\dots by a second \ldots}
+ \only{3}{\ldots and a third \ldots}
+ \only{4}{\ldots and a final text.}
+ \end{rsli}
+ \end{overlays}
+The ``hidden'' text contents are written by \texttt{overlays} in the same
+color as the background, default is white. If you use a different background
+color, you have to change the color of the hidden text as well by assigning the
+background color to the color name \texttt{background} (understood by the
+\texttt{overlays} package). In the following example you define a light
+yellow as background:
+ % (in the preamble)
+ \definecolor{myyellow}{rgb}{0.96,0.98,0.72} % define color
+ \definecolor{background}{named}{myyellow} % color assigned to
+ % hidden text
+ \pagecolor{myyellow} % color of slide background
+If you use one of the \emph{presentation schemes} described in section
+\ref{sec:pres-scheme}, the necessary adjustments
+for the background color will be made automatically.
+For more details on \texttt{overlays}, see the documentation of the package.
+Sometimes it is desirable to prepare \textbf{two or more consecutive
+slides with the same page
+number} independent
+of the overlays package (``manual overlays slides''). Therefore,
+the page number of the current slide
+can be set to the page number of the previous slide/page
+with the command \verb+\pagenrconst+.
+% \pagenrconst
+\subsection{Navigation symbols}
+\index{navigation symbols panel|(}
+With the \texttt{navisymb} option of \texttt{elpres} a panel with navigation
+symbols appears
+in the right lower corner of the presentation:\\
+{ \setlength{\parindent}{2em}
+ \indent
+ \textbf{\texttt{$\ll$ $<$ $>$ $\gg$ $\leftarrow$ $\rightarrow$ [n]}}
+These commands ($\ll$: jump to the first page,
+$<$: go to the previous page, $>$: go to the next page,
+$\gg$: jump to the last page, $\leftarrow$:
+go back in history, $\rightarrow$: go forward in history,
+\texttt{[n]}: prompt for a
+page number)
+work with Adobe Acrobat Reader (Windows), and (with the exception of
+\texttt{$\leftarrow$}, \texttt{$\rightarrow$} and \verb+[n]+)
+with \texttt{evince} (Linux).
+Some of these functions also work in presentation-mode
+of the ``internal'' PDF-viewer in recent versions of the
+\texttt{Firefox}-browser (Linux, Windows).
+\index{navigation symbols panel|)}
+\subsection{Run multimedia content from a presentation}
+\index{multimedia files|(}
+\index{audio files|see{multimedia files}}
+\index{video files|see{multimedia files}}
+In this section inclusion of video and audio files
+into a presentation will be described. With the
+command described below you will
+be able to lauch an external application for playing the video or audio
+file. This will work in many situations for video and audio files
+on Windows (Adobe Acrobat) and Linux (e.\,g. using
+\index{Acrobat pdf viewer}
+\texttt{evince} and
+\index{evince pdf file viewer@\texttt{evince} pdf file viewer})
+systems in fullscreen mode.
+Under certain conditions it is possible to define a ``poster area'' on a
+slide and the pdf viewer starts (after clicking with the mouse pointer into
+this area) the
+presentation of the video within this frame.
+The advantage of this technique is that it avoids that
+window with the external application is started.
+On Linux systems the \texttt{pdfpc}
+\index{pdfpc viewer@\texttt{pdfpc} viewer}
+viewer allows this, a detailed description
+is shown below. In both sitauations, however, the multimedia file is not
+incorprated into the pdf-file and must be available on the computer
+at the time of the presentation, ideally in the same directory as the
+The command \verb+\auvimm{text}{media-file}+ inserts \texttt{text} with a link
+(``poster''), which allows to start the external default application for an
+audio or video media file (\texttt{media-file}). This worked flawlessly on
+the computers of the author of this manual with Adobe Acrobat Reader (Windows)
+and with \texttt{evince} (Linux).\footnote{The
+ \texttt{\textbackslash auvimm} command uses the \texttt{\textbackslash href}
+ command of the \texttt{hyperref} package}
+An example for using this command:
+ \auvimm{[sound-file]}{./audiofile.mp3}
+This produces the (text-based) ``button'' or ``poster'' \texttt{[sound-file]}.
+You may also insert an image file as a poster with a graphics file using
+ \auvimm{\includegraphics{/path/to/poster.png}}{./audiofile.mp3}
+If you hit the poster area with the mouse pointer, it will launch the default
+application for audio files in a seperate window. This should be possible
+even if the pdf-viewer works if fullscreen-mode at the time of presentation.
+If this does not work, it may be necessary to
+insert as ``launch'' command:
+ \auvimm{[video-file]}{run:./videofile.mp4}
+This approach requires that you keep the presentation file
+together with the multimedia files in the same folder, \textbf{also at
+ the time of
+ the presentation}. On an unknown computer system (where you have to show
+your presentation) you should test this aspect of your presentation. Sometimes
+a call to an external program might be blocked due security reasons in Acrobat
+This \verb+\auvimm{}+-command should be considered experimental.
+Its behavior depends on the \texttt{pdf}-viewer and the configuration of the OS.
+On Linux systems, the \texttt{pdfpc}
+\texttt{pdf}-viewer\footnote{\url{}: \texttt{pdfpc} --- A
+ presenter console with multi-monitor support for PDF files} allows
+presentation of a video embedded into a ``poster area''\footnote{e.\,g. defined
+by a bitmap image with the same aspect ratio as the video}
+on a slide
+without starting the external viewer in a separate window. This is supported
+with the \verb+\pdfpcmovie{}{}+-command from the
+\texttt{pdfpc-movie}-package and with \verb+\auvimm{}{}+
+using the ``\texttt{run:./video-file}'' launch-command. An example
+with \verb+\auvimm{}{}+:
+ \auvimm{\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{poster.png}}{run:./video.mp4}
+This \texttt{pdfpc}-specific extension seems to work only for video files,
+but not for audio files. A possible solution is to convert an audio file into
+a ``video format'', e.\,g. with the \texttt{ffmpeg} program.
+\index{multimedia files|)}
+\subsection{Prepare a ``handout'' from a presentation}
+In advance of a lecture it is often expected that you prepare a ``handout''
+from your presentation with more than one pages on a printed page. Therefore
+you have several options, three of
+them are described here.
+If a presentation contains overlay-slides generated with the \texttt{overlays}
+package as described in section \ref{secOverlay}, it should be recompiled
+with the commands described in section \ref{sec:inact-overl-comm}
+added to the preamble
+in order to inactivate the overlays-specific commands.
+\subsubsection{\LaTeX\ article document with a series of single-page pdf-files included}
+One solution to this problem is (1) to generate a series of single-page
+pdf-files and (2) to create a pdf\LaTeX\ document with the single
+pages included.
+\textbf{(1)} can be done with \texttt{gs} (the \texttt{ghostscript} program):
+ gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=page_%03d.pdf in.pdf
+with \texttt{in.pdf} as the initial presentation. The syntax of \texttt{gs}
+is described in detail on the ghostscript
+On Windows systems the name of the ghostscript command may be
+\texttt{gswin32c.exe} or \texttt{gswin64c.exe}.
+An alternative to \texttt{gs} is the \texttt{pdftk} tool:
+ pdftk in.pdf burst output page_%03d.pdf
+The syntax of \texttt{pdftk} is explained in the documentation
+\textbf{(2)} an example for a \LaTeX\ document which can serve as handout:
+ \documentclass[12pt]{article}
+ \usepackage[pdftex]{graphicx}
+ \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
+ \usepackage[a4paper,hmargin=2.4cm,top=24mm,bottom=28mm]{geometry}
+ \newcommand{\PictScaleFact}{0.45}
+ \begin{document}
+ \centering
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\PictScaleFact\textwidth]{page_001.pdf}}
+ \hspace{5mm}
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\PictScaleFact\textwidth]{page_002.pdf}}
+ \\[2ex]
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\PictScaleFact\textwidth]{page_003.pdf}}
+ \hspace{5mm}
+ % ...
+ \fbox{\includegraphics[width=\PictScaleFact\textwidth]{page_008.pdf}}
+ % ...
+ \end{document}
+\subsubsection{Create handout with the \texttt{pdfpages} package}
+Another, more comfortable option is to use the \texttt{pdfpages} package.
+Here, it is not necessary to split up the presentation into single pages.
+An example (in ``portait format'') which generates pages with 2x4 slides
+(all slides except slide 2) using the
+\verb+\includepdf[]{}+ command:
+ \documentclass[12pt]{article}
+ \usepackage[a4paper,hmargin=2cm,bottom=3.2cm]{geometry}
+ \usepackage{pdfpages}
+ \begin{document}
+ \includepdf[pages={1,3-last},nup=2x4,frame=true,%
+ scale=0.78,%
+ pagecommand={\thispagestyle{plain}}]{presentation.pdf}
+ \end{document}
+Details on the optional parameters of \verb+\includepdf+ can
+be found in the documentation of the \texttt{pdfpages} package. This code:
+ \documentclass[12pt,landscape]{article}
+ \usepackage[a4paper,hmargin=2cm,bottom=3.2cm]{geometry}
+ \usepackage{pdfpages}
+ \begin{document}
+ \includepdf[pages={1,3-last},nup=3x2,frame=true,%
+ scale=0.78,%
+ pagecommand={\thispagestyle{plain}}]{presentation.pdf}
+ \end{document}
+generates pages in ``landscape format'' with 3x2 slides.
+\subsubsection{Convert presentation pdf-file directly into handout file with \texttt{pdfjam}}
+With the following command:
+ pdfjam --nup 2x4 --frame true --scale 0.9 -o new.pdf in.pdf '1-4,6-22'
+\texttt{pdfjam}\footnote{which regerettably is only available on
+ Linux or other Unix-like systems,
+ on Windows systems, the procedure described
+ above in section \ref{sec:handout-pdfpages} can be used as alternative}
+creates a ``handout'' PDF document (\texttt{new.pdf}) fom
+\texttt{in.pdf} with the slides nr. 1-4,6-22
+arranged in two columns and four rows.
+With the additional option ``\texttt{--frame~true}'',
+\texttt{pdfjam} draws a box
+around each slide. More details can be found in the \texttt{pdfjam}
+man page and the project
+\subsection{Create presentations with hypertext elements}
+\index{hypertext elements|(}
+You may use two commands \verb+\fromlinktext{}{}+ and \verb+\totargettext{}{}+
+for ``hypertext features''. As an example: as you normally will not insert
+\verb+\section{}+-like commands and therefore do not generate a ``table of
+contents''-like page or a menu in \texttt{elpres}-presentations, you are able
+define links with:
+ \totargettext{text}{link-label}
+% \hypertarget{target-name}{text}
+which can be addressed by
+ \fromlinktext{text}{link-label}
+% \hyperlink{target-name}{text}
+If you use these commands to generate a \textbf{menu page} (as a hyperlinked
+table of contents) with items pointing to
+specific slides:
+\texttt{link-label} acts as label, \texttt{text} in the
+\verb+\fromlinktext+ command is converted to a link (e.\,g. on a menu-page).
+If you click on this text ``button'', you jump to
+the \texttt{text} labelled with
+\verb+\totargettext+; \texttt{link-label} has to be identical in a
+\verb+\fromlinktext+ and \verb+\totargettext+ pair,
+\texttt{text} in the link
+and the target, of course need not to be identical.
+The default for the link border color is red, it may be changed with
+\verb+\hypersetup{}+, a command from the \texttt{hyperref}
+package\footnote{both, \texttt{\textbackslash totargettext} and
+\texttt{\textbackslash fromlinktext} are
+are redefinitions of commands from the \texttt{hyperref} package}.
+The option for the color of the frame around the link is
+colors must be defined whith three figures \texttt{[0..1]} according to the RGB
+color model:
+ \hypersetup{linkbordercolor={0.6 0.6 0.6}}
+This defines a light gray color for the link border, more details on
+\verb+\hypersetup{}+ are
+described in the documentation of the \texttt{hyperref} package.
+\index{hypertext elements|)}
+\subsection{Fill background of a presentation with bitmaps}
+\subsubsection{\texttt{Wallpaper} package}
+\index{wallpaper background|(}
+To create a slide background with a graphical wallpaper
+background using bitmap files you may use the \texttt{wallpaper}
+package\footnote{written by Michael H.F. Wilkinson and available on CTAN}.
+Load the \texttt{wallpaper} package with
+ \usepackage{wallpaper}
+in the preamble. In order to generate a background based on bitmap
+file \texttt{background.png}, enter
+ \CenterWallPaper{1}{background.png}
+before the contents of the presentation\footnote{i.\,e. following
+\textbackslash begin\{document\}}.
+This works best with bitmaps with an appropriate aspect ratio, in the case of
+an 4x3 screen format a bitmap picture of 640x480 pixel would fit perfectly.
+Moreover bitmap files may be
+used as tiles as described in the \texttt{wallpaper} documentation like
+ \TileSquareWallPaper{4}{background.png}
+More details on this topic may be found in the \texttt{wallpaper}
+\subsubsection{\texttt{Eso-pic} package}
+Another package which allows you to paint the background with a picture is
+\texttt{eso-pic}\footnote{written by Rolf Niepraschk and available on CTAN}:
+ \usepackage{eso-pic}
+ ...
+ \AddToShipoutPicture{
+ \includegraphics[height=\paperheight]{background.png}
+ }
+\verb+\AddToShipoutPicture{}+ puts the picture on every page,
+\verb+\AddToShipoutPicture*{}+ puts it on to the current page,
+\verb+\ClearShipoutPicture+ clears the background beginning with the current
+Details of \texttt{eso-pic}'s commands can be found in the documentation.
+\index{wallpaper background|)}
+\subsection{Presentation schemes}
+\index{presentation schemes|(}
+\index{color schemes|see{presentation schemes}}
+\index{schemes, color|see{presentation schemes}}
+\texttt{Elpres} provides predefined \textbf{presentation schemes}:
+color and layout schemes which are applied to a presentation with
+\verb+usepackage{}+. Their naming follows the convention
+\mbox{\texttt{elpres...scheme}}, an
+example is \texttt{elpreswhiteredscheme}.\footnote{the name of the
+ corresponding style or package file is \texttt{elpreswhiteredscheme.sty}}
+These \texttt{elpres}-schemes also support incremental slides with the
+\texttt{overlays} package.
+Moreover, these schemes define color names
+which may be used by the author of a presentation:\footnote{Color names for use
+by the presentation author start with \texttt{ep...}}
+\item[\texttt{eptextcolor}] ``normal text color'' (default values for
+ documents without
+ presentation scheme included in \texttt{elpres.cls}: black)
+\item[\texttt{ephighlightcolor}] color, which may be used for highlighting
+ text (default:
+ dark red)
+\item[\texttt{eptitlecolor}] color of the title of slides, may be used to
+ highlight the
+ title in the title slide (default: dark red)
+Presentation schemes available in the current version of \texttt{elpres}:
+% \item[\texttt{elpresplainscheme}] ..
+\item[\texttt{elpresbluelightgrayscheme}] dark blue background of slides;
+ \texttt{eptextcolor}: light gray;
+ \texttt{eptitlecolor}: turquoise;
+ \texttt{ephighlightcolor}: yellow;
+ symbols in \emph{itemize} environment: pale blue bullets;
+ highlighted elements in \emph{enumerate} and \emph{description}
+ environments: pale blue
+\item [\texttt{elpresgrayscheme}] gray background of slides;
+ \texttt{eptextcolor}: dark gray;
+ \texttt{eptitlecolor}:
+ dark green; \texttt{ephighlightcolor}: dark red;
+ symbols in \emph{itemize} environment: gray bullets; highlighted elements
+ in \emph{enumerate} and \emph{description} environments: dark green
+\item [\texttt{elpreswhitebluescheme}] white background of slides;
+ \texttt{eptextcolor}: blue-black;
+ \texttt{eptitlecolor}: blue;
+ \texttt{ephighlightcolor}: dark red;
+ symbols in \emph{itemize} environment: blue bullets; highlighted elements
+ in \emph{enumerate} and \emph{description} environments: blue
+\item [\texttt{elpreswhiteredscheme}] white background of slides;
+ \texttt{eptextcolor}: red/brown-black;
+ \texttt{eptitlecolor}: dark red;
+ \texttt{ephighlightcolor}: dark blue;
+ symbols in \emph{itemize} environment: red bullets;
+ highlighted elements in \emph{enumerate} and \emph{description}
+ environments: red
+\item [\texttt{elpreswhitetealscheme}] white background of slides;
+ \texttt{eptextcolor}: black-teal;
+ \texttt{eptitlecolor}: teal;
+ \texttt{ephighlightcolor}: dark red;
+ symbols in \emph{itemize} environment: blue bullets; highlighted elements
+ in \emph{enumerate} and \emph{description} environments: dark teal
+In all of these schemes, the colors of borders for internal and external
+links have been adjusted.
+\index{presentation schemes|)}
+% Die Farben in LibreOffice / rgb (266) / rgb (1)
+% ----------------------------------------------
+% Tango himmelblau 1 / 114 159 207 /
+% Rot 5 / 153 0 102 /
+% Grau 6 / 128 128 128 /
+\section{Recipes for use of \texttt{elpres}}
+\index{recipes for elpres presentations@recipes for \texttt{elpres} presentations}
+\subsection{Colored text boxes}
+\index{text boxes, colored}
+Colored text boxes often help the presentation author to highlight small text
+fragments and to make slides more ``readable'' and more attractive.
+\subsubsection{Text boxes with \texttt{\textbackslash colorbox}, \texttt{\textbackslash fcolorbox}}
+A simple method for colored text boxes uses the \texttt{minipage} environment
+and the \texttt{colorbox} or \texttt{fcolorbox}
+commands (\texttt{xcolor} package):
+ \begin{psli}[Slide with a textbox]
+ \begin{center}
+ \colorbox{eptitlecolor}{\begin{minipage}{0.85\textwidth}
+ \centering \color{white} \vspace{2ex}
+ {\Large
+ Text centered in a colorbox
+ } \par
+ \vspace{2ex}
+ \end{minipage}}
+ \end{center}
+ \end{psli}
+The advantage of these simple colored text boxes: they are compatible
+with incremental slides using the \texttt{overlays} package.
+\subsubsection{Text boxes with the \texttt{tcolorbox} package}
+The \texttt{tcolorbox} package provides great support for colored boxes. A
+minimal example:
+ \begin{psli}[Slide with a textbox]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colframe=eptitlecolor!95!black]
+ \textcolor{eptitlecolor}{This is a textbox generated with the
+ \texttt{tcolorbox} package}
+ \tcblower This the lower part of the tcolorbox
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \end{psli}
+An example with a titled colored textbox:
+ \begin{psli}[Slide with a textbox]
+ \begin{tcolorbox}[colback=eptitlecolor!10!white,%
+ colframe=eptitlecolor!95!black,%
+ title=Heading of a textbox]
+ This is another \textbf{tcolorbox}.
+ \tcblower
+ Here, the lower part of the box.
+ \end{tcolorbox}
+ \end{psli}
+The manual of the \texttt{tcolorbox} provides perfect instruction for the use
+of this package.
+These text boxes may yield problems
+with incremental slides using the \texttt{overlays} package.
+\subsection{Inactivate \texttt{overlays} commands}
+If a pesentation has been prepared with overlay slides (using the
+\texttt{overlays}) package, the \LaTeX{} source code will contain
+\verb+\visible+, \verb+\only+ and \verb+\alert+ commands and
+\texttt{overlays} and \texttt{fragileoverlays} environments.
+Sometimes, it is desirable to generate a version of such a presentation
+without overlays effects, for example for preparation of a printed handout
+(see section \ref{secHandout}).
+The effect of these overlay-specific instuctions can be
+inactivated with these commands:
+ \overlaysoff
+ \alertsoff
+which should be written into the preamble following
+\verb+\usepackage{overlays}+. This works with v2.12 (and probably later
+versions) of \texttt{overlays}. With earlier versions you may copy the
+ \renewenvironment{overlays}[1]{}{}%
+ \renewenvironment{fragileoverlays}[1]{}{}%
+ \renewcommand{\visible}[2]{#2}%
+ \renewcommand{\only}[2]{#2}%
+ \renewcommand{\alert}[2]{#2}%
+into the preamble following \verb+\usepackage{overlays}+, however,
+inactivation of \verb+\only+ by this method
+has a different effect, so it is recommended to
+update the \texttt{overlays} package.
+\subsection{Convert an \texttt{elpres}-presentation (PDF) into an Impress (LibreOffice) or Powerpoint presentation}
+\index{Powerpoint presentation} \index{Impress (LibreOffice) presentation}
+Sometimes it is unclear, if organizers of a (scientific) meeting allow
+presentations with \texttt{.pdf}-files or insist on files in Powerpoint
+format. This is an unpleasant situation for a lecturer, but in such a situation
+it is better, to be
+There is no elegant way for a reliable solution.
+First, you may use one of the free or commercial online conversion
+tools (intended to convert \texttt{.pdf} into
+\texttt{.ppt} or \texttt{.pptx}-files). Results are often not satisfactory.
+An alternative, more reliable way preferred
+by the author of this manual:
+\item convert the \texttt{.pdf}-file of the presentation into a series of bitmap
+ image files, (e.\,g. in \texttt{.png} format)
+\item import these image \texttt{.png} files into ``empty'' slides
+ of an Impress
+ (LibreOffice or OpenOffice) presentation and save the presentation in
+ \texttt{.odp}, \texttt{.ppt} or \texttt{.pptx}-Format
+\textbf{Details on step 1 --- generate \texttt{.png} images:}
+Please copy the following two
+commands (please ignore the line-breaks in the lines
+beginning with ``\texttt{gs}'')\footnote{\i.\,e. ``\texttt{gs ... input.pdf}'' should
+ be entered as one line and ``\texttt{gs ... temp.pdf}'' should be entered as a
+ second line}
+into a short shell
+script (Windows: a \texttt{.bat} or \texttt{.cmd} script) and ``run'' or execute the shell
+ -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=595.3 -dPDFFitPage -sOutputFile=temp.pdf input.pdf
+ gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png256 -r300 -dTextAlphaBits=4
+ -sOutputFile=page_%03d.png temp.pdf
+ Please do not forget to adjust the name of the input file
+ (\texttt{input.pdf} in the script above).
+ The first command adjusts the page size of the \texttt{.pdf}-file to
+ \texttt{28~x~21~cm} (which is written into the temporary file
+ \texttt{temp.pdf}:
+ this format avoids resizing of the images in LibreOffice (see below)).
+ The second command generates a series of \texttt{.png}-files:
+ \texttt{page\_001.png}, \texttt{page\_002.png} ... \texttt{page\_0nn.png}.
+ Instead of the \texttt{png256} driver, \texttt{png16m} can be used.
+ On Windows systems the name of the ghostscript command is
+ \texttt{gswin32c} or \texttt{gswin64c} (instead of \texttt{gs}).
+If you wish a higher resolution of the \texttt{.png} images,
+change \texttt{-r300} to
+% \begin{verbatim}
+% gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=png256 -r600
+% -dTextAlphaBits=4 -sOutputFile=page_%03d.png input.pdf
+% \end{verbatim}
+The option \texttt{-dTextAlphaBits=4} improves font
+antialiasing.\footnote{Details can be found in the documentation of gs
+ \url{}}
+\textbf{Details on step 2 --- Import \texttt{.png} images:}
+Open an empty presentation with LibreOffice Impress, adjust the appropriate
+slide format (e.\,g. 4:3), import the \texttt{.png} files with
+\emph{Insert~/ Image}
+% , then adjust the size of the included image with
+% \emph{Format~/ Object~and~Shape~/ Position~and~Size (F4)} in the
+% \emph{Position~and~Size} dialog box please enter: \emph{Postion~X}:
+% \texttt{0.0cm}, \emph{Postion~Y}: \texttt{0.0cm}, \emph{Width}:
+% \texttt{28.0cm}, activate the checkbox \emph{Keep~ratio}
+into consecutive empty slides.\footnote{Menu
+ structure of LibreOffice v6.4}. The presentation can now be saved
+in the format of Impresss (\texttt{.odp}) or
+one of the Microsoft Powerpoint formats (\texttt{.ppt} or \texttt{.pptx}).
+\subsection{The \texttt{pdfpc}-viewer: add notes}
+\index{pdfpc viewer@\texttt{pdfpc} viewer}
+\index{notes for slides, pdfpc viewer@notes for slides, \texttt{pdfpc} viewer}
+The pdf-vierwer \texttt{pdfpc} for
+(see section \ref{sec:MultimediaContent})
+is a comfortable program which
+allows output of presentations to two monitors or a monitor and a
+beamer/projector. The normal presentation window is assigned to the
+beamer/projector, the other output for the presenter shows the actual slide,
+the next slide and an area for notes. As you are viewing a certain slide,
+press \texttt{n} to start editing a note. The editing mode is stopped with
+\texttt{Esc}. The text of these notes is stored in the file
+\texttt{filename.pdfpc}. Further information can be found in the \texttt{man}
+This class is distributed under the \textsl{\LaTeX{} Project Public License}
+(LPPL) which may be downloaded from
+\url{}. No warranty is provided for this
+work (as stated in the LPPL).
+\section{Version history}
+\textbf{v0.1} (19.6.2004): initial version. \textbf{v0.2} (1.9.2004): page
+numbers now changed to footnotesize, left and right margins slightly changed,
+\texttt{cenumerate} and \texttt{cdescription} environments added.
+\textbf{v0.2a} (19.9.2004): Section ``License'' added to the documentation.
+\textbf{v0.2b} (17.10.2004): Documentation completed: description of the
+\verb+\distance{}+ command included. \textbf{v0.2c} (28.11.2004):
+Documentation completed (section \ref{secHypertext} added). \textbf{v0.2d}
+(25.12.2004): Documentation completed (section \ref{secBackgroundWallpaper}
+added). \textbf{v0.2e} (15.04.2005): Documentation completed (sections
+\ref{secBackgroundEsopic} and \ref{secHandout} added). \textbf{v0.3}
+(12.08.2005): new (class) options for font selection: \texttt{tmrfont} (Times
+Roman), \texttt{helvetfont} (Helvetica), \texttt{cmfont} (Computer Modern),
+\texttt{sansfont} (Sans Serif: default). Documentation updated, sections
+\ref{secInclGraphicsFiles} and \ref{secTwoColumns} added. \textbf{v0.4}
+(20.01.2018): New class options for different screen aspect ratios
+\texttt{4x3}, \texttt{16x9}, \texttt{16x10}; ``compressed'' list environments
+modified; documentation completed: packages for use with \texttt{elpres}:
+\texttt{enumitem} (alternative list environments), \texttt{overlays} (overlay
+support: incremental slides); section \ref{secHandout} was completely
+rewritten. \textbf{v0.4a} (24.01.2018): Documentation completed.
+\textbf{v0.5} (12.07.2020): New class options: \texttt{nofonts} (no font
+selection) and \texttt{navisymb} (inserts a panel of symbols for navigation),
+new commands: \verb+auvimm+ (generates a link to external audio, video files),
+\verb+\fromlinktext+ and \verb+\totargettext+ (create links within a
+presentation). Documentation has been partly rewritten. \textbf{v0.6}
+(19.08.2020): Access to the \texttt{fancyhdr} ``header fields''
+(\verb+\lhead{}+, \verb+\chead{}+ and \verb+\rhead{}+) is now explicitly
+blocked. New command \verb+\slidetitlecolor{}+ for the text color of titles
+in \texttt{psli}-slides. New: style files for presentation schemes added.
+Documentation has been significantly completed: sections
+\ref{sec:footerlayout}, \ref{sec:use-colors}, \ref{sec:pres-scheme} and
+\ref{sec:elpres-recipes} added, section \ref{sec:installation} on installation
+rewritten. \textbf{v0.7} (20.02.2021): parts of the manual (this file) have
+been rewritten and an index has been included. The command \verb+\pagenrconst+
+has been added. \textbf{v0.8} (28.02.2021): Installation instructions have
+been updated in section \ref{sec:Introduction} and detailed instructions were
+added to \texttt{}. Section \ref{sec:inact-overl-comm} was updated. A
+bug in the \texttt{elpres...scheme.sty} files was fixed (incorrect value for