path: root/macros/latex/contrib/dlfltxb/dlfltxbcodetips.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/dlfltxb/dlfltxbcodetips.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/dlfltxb/dlfltxbcodetips.tex')
1 files changed, 465 insertions, 0 deletions
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+\definecolor{urlcolour} {rgb}{0.8,0,0.8}
+ pdftitle={The dlfltxbcodetips package},
+ pdfauthor={Copyright \textcopyright\ \number\year\ Lars Madsen},
+ linkcolor=linkcolour,citecolor=citecolour,
+ filecolor=urlcolour,urlcolor=urlcolour,
+ plainpages=false,
+% until dlfltxbsd is released we will have to use the following
+% construction
+\newcommand\note[1]{\textcolor{nicered}{\sffamily #1}}
+\title{Code tips from ``Introduktion til \LaTeX''\thanks{Version: 0.2}\\{\normalsize Or just the
+ \textsf{\jobname} package}}
+\author{Lars Madsen\thanks{Web:
+ \url{}\qquad Email: \url{}}}
+In my \LaTeX\ book \citep{ltxb} we present some macros that might be
+helpful to the readers. Some of these extra macros might be useful to
+others as well so these macros have been included in the
+\markup[nomk,sty]{dlfltxbcodetips} package. The package is published on \textsc{ctan} and the
+package is released under the normal lppl license.
+The >>\texttt{dlfltxb}<< part of the name simply stands for >>daleif<<
+and \LaTeX\ book. The \markup[nomk,sty]{dlfltxbcodetips} package is the first
+package in the >>\texttt{dlfltxb}<<-bundle which, over time, will
+contain most of the home made packages that I use to create my book
+(though not the book source itself).
+Some of the macros might be better of included in the
+\markup[nomk,sty]{mathtools} package by Morten Høgholm, but he is quite busy
+elsewhere at the moment.
+\emph{Note:} The macro \verb+\dbx+ will often be used to simulate some
+text or mathematical material.
+\chapter{Extra symbols}
+\section{\texorpdfstring{A big version of \cs{times}}{A big version of
+ \textbackslash times}}
+A few extra symbols have been created. First of is \markup{bigtimes}
+which is a large operator version of \markup[nomk]{times}, but without
+having to load special fonts.\footnote{Updated version due to Enrico Gregorio.}
+$\bigtimes_{n=1}^k A_n$
+\[ \bigtimes_{n=1}^k A_n \]
+\section{Negated up- and downarrows}
+The package creates \markup{nuparrow} and \markup{ndownarrow} by
+rotating and reflecting \markup[nomk]{nrightarrow} and
+$ A \nuparrow B$ \qquad
+$ B \ndownarrow C$
+ The \markup[nomk,sty]{mathdesign} package is incompatible with
+ \markup[nomk,sty]{amssymb}, but it does define the symbols we need
+ from it to define \cs{nuparrow} and \cs{ndownarrow}. Use
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \verb|\usepackage[noamssymb]{dlfltxbcodetips}|
+ \end{syntax}
+ to disable the autoloading of \markup[nomk,sty]{amssymb}, and
+ remember to load \markup[nomk,sty]{dlfltxbcodetips} \emph{after}
+ \markup[nomk,sty]{mathdesign}.
+\chapter{Fun with theorems}
+\section{Shaded or framed theorems with the ntheorem package}
+The \markup[nomk,sty]{ntheorem} pacakge can create shaded or framed
+theorems, but they take up to much space (in my opinion). So we make
+our own macro \markup{NewShadedTheorem}. It has exactly the same
+syntax as the ordinary \markup[nomk]{newtheorem}. Requirements: the
+\markup[nomk,sty]{framed}, \markup[nomk,sty]{ntheorem} (loaded with
+the \texttt{framed} option), and \markup[nomk,sty]{color} or
+\markup[nomk,sty]{xcolor}. You will have to redefine
+\markup{theoremframecommand} to get a background color or a
+frame. This package initialises \markup[nomk]{theoremframecommand} to
+do nothing.
+ The theorem environment constructed will not have a stared companion
+ as \markup[nomk,sty]{ntheorem}s normal \markup[nomk]{newtheorem} does.
+ normal test.
+ a lemma.
+ a theorem with no background.
+\section{Theorems that start with a list}
+A theorem that starts with a list looks odd because the first item
+comes directly after the heading.\footnote{Depends on the
+ configuration.}
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \dbx[2cm]
+ \item \dbx[2cm]
+ \item \dbx[2cm]
+ \end{enumerate}
+The macro \markup{InsertTheoremBreak} helps.
+ \InsertTheoremBreak
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \dbx[2cm]
+ \item \dbx[2cm]
+ \item \dbx[2cm]
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \InsertTheoremBreak*
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item \dbx[2cm]
+ \item \dbx[2cm]
+ \item \dbx[2cm]
+ \end{enumerate}
+\noindent The un-stared version remove the space above the list, the
+stared version does not.
+ If the theorem comes too close to a page break it is quite likely
+ that the page break will end up between the theorem header and the
+ start of the list.
+\chapter{Various features regarding alignment}
+\section{Alignment with material encased in delimiters on different lines}
+Swanson also recommends that if one has material encased with
+delimiters and the delimiters are on different lines, then if space
+permits, the material should be indented such that the relationship is
+evident. Usually we would use a \markup[nomk]{phantom} to do this,
+such as in the next example.
+ \dbx[5mm]&= \dbx[5mm]\bigl[{} \dbx[3cm]\\
+ &\phantom{=\dbx[5mm]\bigl[{}}
+ \times \dbx[3cm]{}\\
+ &\phantom{=\dbx[5mm]\bigl[{}}
+ - \dbx[3cm]{}\bigr]\\
+ &=\dbx[3cm]
+The problem with this is that it gets tedious and prone to human
+error. How about instead maintaining a stack of material determining
+the indentation together with tools to reset, add to and pop the
+stack. For this you can use the following macros
+ \markup{MathIndent}
+ \markup{SetMathIndent}\marg{math code}
+ \markup{AddtoMathIndent}\marg{math code}
+ \markup{PopMathIndent}
+ \markup{PopMathIndent*}
+\markup[nomk]{MathIndent} is used to set a space corresponding to the
+current indentation saved on the stack. \markup[nomk]{SetMthIndent}
+takes its argument and saves it on the stack, calculates the current
+math indent length and ends by typesetting the given argument, i.e. no
+need to copy anything. Similarly the \markup[nomk]{AddtoMathIndent}
+adds it argument to the stack and adds the length of it to the saved
+math indent. So instead of copying code, now we simply encase it with
+either \markup[nomk]{SetMathIndent} (for the initialisation) or
+\markup[nomk]{AddtoMathIndent}. \markup[nomk]{PopMathIndent} is
+similar to \markup[nomk]{MathIndent}, in that it sets a blank space
+corresponding to the contents of the stack after we have popped off
+the top item. \markup[nomk]{PopMathIndent*} pops the stack but does
+\emph{not} set any space.
+Now, an illustrative example might be in order:
+\dbx ={} & \SetMathIndent{\dbx[1cm] \Bigl[} \dbx[6cm] \\
+ & \MathIndent + \dbx[7cm] \\
+ & \MathIndent
+ \AddtoMathIndent{{} + \dbx \Bigl\{}
+ \AddtoMathIndent{\dbx[2cm] + \Bigl(} \dbx[4cm] \\
+ &
+ \MathIndent + \dbx[4cm] \Bigr) \\
+ & \PopMathIndent + \dbx[6cm] \Bigr\} \\
+ & \PopMathIndent + \dbx[6cm] \Bigr]
+Notice the dual use of \markup[nomk]{AddtoMathIndent} such that we can
+return to the indentation set by the >>\texttt{\{}<<.
+Of course, non-balanced \markup[nomk]{left}--\markup[nomk]{right}
+constructions may not be used.
+\chapter{Declaring sets}
+\emph{This still needs some work}
+It is a good idea to avoid the one (or two) letter shortcuts for sets
+etc., e.g.\ \verb+\R+ for \verb+\mathbb{R}+, it can cause problems
+when co-writing articles with people with other naming habits.
+To help with this we provide
+By default it can be used as
+\DeclareMathSet{R}% => \numbersR = \mathbb{R}
+$ \numbersR $
+But we have several options to change things. Options
+(\Arg{key}=\Arg{value} style, note that \Arg{identifier} is what is
+given to the formating macro).
+\item[format] the macro used to format the output, default: \verb|\mathbb|
+\item[name] this defaults to \Arg{identifier}, but can be used to
+ change a part of the macro name,
+ e.g. \verb+\DeclareMathSet[name=Cat,format=\matcal]{C}+ results in
+ \verb+\setCat=\mathcal{C}+.
+\item[prefix] this defaults to \verb+set+, but one might want to use
+ \begin{syntax}
+ \verb+\DeclareMathSet[prefix=group,format=\mathrm]{U}+
+ \end{syntax}
+to get
+ \verb+\groupU+, the unitary group.
+\item[overwrite] boolean, if true, then you can overwrite an existing
+ macro, otherwise it will throw an error.
+Note that for sets it is not a good idea to declare them as math
+operators, as some mathematical operations take sets as their
+argument, so the spacing before an operator would be wrong in that
+\note{Note that this will also be added to the mathtools package, and
+ then removed from this package}
+\section{Additional layout for the \textsf{pfgpages} package}
+The macro \markup{ProvidePGFPagesFourOnOneWithSpaceForNotes} will
+activate a \linebreak >>\verb*+4 on 1 with space for notes+<< layout to be used
+with the \markup[sty,nomk]{pgfpages} package. It is basically the same
+as the >>\verb*+8 on 1+<< layout but leaving the second column empty
+for reader to fill in their own notes.
+\section{Overloading \texttt{\_} in math-mode}
+Placing \markup{OverloadUnderscoreInMath} in the preamble will
+overload the \texttt{\_} character in math-mode such that
+ X_{ab} = X_|max|
+that is \verb+_|...|+ is that same as \verb+_{\textup{...}}+.
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