path: root/macros/latex/contrib/conferences/confproc/confproc-short.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/conferences/confproc/confproc-short.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/conferences/confproc/confproc-short.tex')
1 files changed, 404 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/conferences/confproc/confproc-short.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/conferences/confproc/confproc-short.tex
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+ \IfFileExists{fontenc.sty}{%
+ \usepackage[T1]{fontenc}}{}
+ inner=0.8in,top=1in,bottom=1in,%
+ headsep=7.05mm,footskip=10mm,voffset=-5mm]{geometry}
+ urlcolor=blue!80!black,bookmarksopen=true,bookmarksopenlevel=1,raiselinks,%
+ hyperindex,backref,pagebackref,plainpages=false,pdfpagelabels,%
+ breaklinks,linktocpage=false,pdfstartview=XYZ]{hyperref}
+\title{\file{confproc} (v0.7) short documentation}
+\author{Vincent Verfaille}
+ This short documentation offers a condensed information (all options and
+ commands) necessary to build proceedings.
+ The \package{\filename} package provided a \LaTeXe\ document-class
+ together with various tools (Perl and Unix/bash scripts) for
+ building conference proceedings, or concatenating any set of
+ PDFs with a table of contents, index and bookmarks. The LaTeX2e
+ class is mainly based on the \package{pdfpages} package for PDF papers including, and
+ the \package{hyperref} package for creating proper links, bookmarks and
+ general bibliography back references. It also uses many other
+ packages for fine tuning of table of contents, bibliography and
+ index of authors. The added value of this class is in the time it
+ saves for you to quickly design conference proceedings.
+ See \file{readme.txt} for a short overview and additional (legal)
+ information, \file{confproc.pdf} for a full documentation with the code,
+ and \file{exampleN.tex} and corresponding files and
+ scripts for examples of use.
+\section{Option list}
+See Tables~\ref{tab:options:all:1} and \ref{tab:options:all:2}.
+ \begin{table}[htbp]
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}lp{1.8cm}p{6.5cm}@{}}\hline
+ \textbf{Option / category} & \textbf{Package(s)} & \textbf{Function}\\ \hline\hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bf Document formatting} \\ \hline
+ \Lopt{[letterpaper]} $\mid$ \Lopt{a4paper} & \package{hyperref}, \package{confproc} & European A4 $\mid$ North American paper format\\\hline
+ \Lopt{[10pt]} $\mid$ \Lopt{11pt} $\mid$ \Lopt{12pt} & \package{book}, \package{confproc} & set normal font size\\\hline
+ \Lopt{[twoside]} $\mid$ \Lopt{oneside} & \package{book}, \package{confproc} & for two/one-side documents (2-side: new chapters start on odd \& right pages) \\ \hline
+ \Lopt{[twosidepapers]} $\mid$ \Lopt{onesidepapers} & \package{confproc} & for papers to be locally considered as two/one-side documents \\ \hline\hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bf Proceedings-specific formatting} \\ \hline
+ \Lopt{[electronic]} $\mid$ \Lopt{printed} & \package{\filename} & links with/without colors. Identical to \Lopt{colorlinks=true} $\mid$ \Lopt{false} from \package{pdfpages} \\\hline
+ \Lopt{binding=Xmm [0mm]} & \package{\filename} & amount of horizontal space added to printed version (independent from \Lopt{printed}) \\\hline
+ \Lopt{papers=[final]} & \package{\filename} & inserts PDF papers from page 1 to N (slow)\\
+ \Lopt{\phantom{papers=}draft} & \package{pdfpages}, \package{\filename} & fakes PDF papers inclusion from page 1 to N, but checks page existence (faster) \\
+ \Lopt{\phantom{papers=}empty} & \package{\filename} & fakes PDF papers inclusion from page 1 to N without checking page existence (fastest) \\
+ \Lopt{\phantom{papers=}countpages} & \package{\filename} & include full PDF papers (slowest; ignore N and breaks blibliography) \\ \hline
+ \Lopt{headers=[allpages]} & \package{\filename} & header/footer for all pages\\
+ \Lopt{\phantom{headers=}pdfonly} & \package{\filename} & header/footer only for PDF papers\\
+ \Lopt{\phantom{headers=}exceptpdf} & \package{\filename} & header/footer for all pages except PDF papers\\
+ \Lopt{\phantom{headers=}none} & \package{confproc} & no header/footer for any pages\\\hline
+ \Lopt{bib=[none]} & \package{confproc} & no general bibliography\\
+ \Lopt{\phantom{bib=}last} & \package{confproc} & for the final compilation with general bibliography (breaks back-references)\\
+ \Lopt{\phantom{bib=}merge} & \package{confproc} & only includes 1st and last page (faster run) for merging bib items in the general bibliography \\
+ \Lopt{\phantom{bib=}backref} & \package{confproc} & prepares back-references before final run \\\hline \hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bf List of inserted papers} \\ \hline
+ \Lopt{paperselec=[all]} $\mid$ \Lopt{p\_001}... & \package{confproc} & indicate the papers to be inserted (1 or all)\\ \hline\hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bf Lists formatting} \\ \hline
+ \Lopt{[onecoltoc]} $\mid$ \Lopt{twocoltoc} & \package{confproc} & one/two column(s) table of contents \\\hline
+ \Lopt{tocnum=[left]} $\mid$ \Lopt{right} & \package{confproc} & left/right page numbering table of contents \\\hline
+ \Lopt{[onecolbib]} $\mid$ \Lopt{twocolbib} & \package{confproc} & one/two column(s) general bibliography \\\hline
+ \Lopt{[threecolindex]} $\mid$ \Lopt{twocolindex} & \package{confproc} & three/two columns index of authors \\ \hline \hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bf Help for checking data and layout}\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{checktitle} ([false]) & \package{\filename} & overlays the title onto each paper's 1st page\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{checkauthor} ([false]) & \package{\filename} & overlays the author list onto each paper's 1st page\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{showpapernumber} ([false]) & \package{\filename} & adds paper number below page number\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{movepagenumber} ([false]) & \package{\filename} & moves page number down by a few millimeters\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{showmarginlines} ([false]) & \package{\filename} & shows margin lines of paper template\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{colorheaders=[black]} & \package{\filename} & changes color of header/footer\\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{{\it List of options 1/2}}
+ \label{tab:options:all:1}
+ \end{table}
+ \begin{table}[htbp]
+ \centering
+ \begin{tabular}{lp{1.8cm}p{6cm}}\hline
+ Option / category & Package(s) & Function\\ \hline\hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bf Verbose and \package{pdftk} options}\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{debug} ([false]) & \package{hyperref} & sets \Lopt{debug=true} for \package{hyperref}\\\hline
+ \Lopt{verbose} ([false]) & \package{\filename} & sets \Lopt{debug=true} + adds \package{\filename} specific debug\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{pdftk} ([false]) & \package{\filename} & generates \filename.pdftk with \package{pdftk} commands for metadata of individual papers\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{pdftksubject} ([Conference]) &\package{\filename} & set PDF subject metadata for \package{pdftk} \\ \hline
+ \Lopt{pdftkproducer} & \package{\filename} & set PDF producer metadata for \package{pdftk} \\
+ ([pdftk 1.12 + Ghostscript 8.71]) & &\\
+ \Lopt{pdftkcreator} ([LaTeX2e + confproc 0.7]) & \package{\filename} & set PDF creator metadata for \package{pdftk}\\ \hline \hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bf Passed to \package{hyperref} using \Lopt{hyperref=\{option list\}}}\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{backref} &\package{hyperref} & add reference page number and link to each bibliographic item\\
+ \Lopt{breaklinks} & \package{hyperref} & allows links to break over lines by making links over multiple lines into PDF links to the same target (great for table of contents and bibliography in two columns)\\
+ \Lopt{citecolor=[blue]} & \package{hyperref} & use the user-defined \Lopt{colorforcite} color for links to bibliography items cited \\
+ \Lopt{colorlinks=[true]} $\mid$ \Lopt{false} & \package{hyperref} & links without/without colors. Equivalent to \Lopt{electronic} $\mid$ \Lopt{printed}\\
+ \Lopt{hyperindex} & \package{hyperref} & author index entries pages = hyperlinks to each paper\\
+ \Lopt{linkcolor=[red]} & \package{hyperref} & color to use for links (from index, TOC, and bibliography back-references)\\
+ \Lopt{linktocpage=[true]}& \package{hyperref} & TOC link is the page number, not the text\\
+ \Lopt{pdfpagelabels=[true]} & \package{hyperref} & set PDF page labels: compulsory for creating any link to page!\\
+ \Lopt{pdfstartview=[XYZ]} & \package{hyperref} & open the PDF file in Acrobat with zoom=100\% instead of full screen\\
+ \Lopt{pdftex=[true]} & \package{hyperref} & set up \package{hyperref} for use with pdf\TeX{} \\
+ \Lopt{plainpages=[false]} & \package{hyperref} & forces page anchors to be named by the arabic form of the page number, rather than the formatted form\\
+ \Lopt{raiselinks=[true]} & \package{hyperref} & forces \package{special} commands to reflect the link real height (may contain a graphic)\\
+% \Lopt{raiselinks=[true]} & \package{hyperref} & forces \cmd{\special} commands to reflect the link real height (may contain a graphic)\\
+ \Lopt{urlcolor=blue} & \package{hyperref} & use the \Lopt{blue} color for URL (general bibliography, publishing information)\\ \hline \hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{@{}l}{\bf Passed to \package{geometry} using \Lopt{geometry=\{option list\}}}\\ \hline
+ \Lopt{text=\{height=21cm,width=15cm\}} &\package{geometry} & see \package{geometry} \\ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+ \caption{{\it Alphabetical list of all options 2/2}}
+ \label{tab:options:all:2}
+ \end{table}
+\section{Layout commands and customization}\label{subsec:commands}\label{sec:custom}
+\subsection{PDF vertical and horizontal shifts}
+\setlength{\LaTeXyShift}{-3mm} %letter
+%\setlength{\LaTeXyShift}{1mm} %A4
+\subsection{Colors for internal and external hyper-links}\label{sec:custom:colors}
+ \item color for links in the table of contents, index of authors, and back-references;
+ \item color for cited documents in the preamble, and/or in the general bibliography:
+ \item color for URL(s) in the preamble, or in the general bibliography (if any):
+\subsection{PDF metadata}\label{sec:custom:metadata}
+ \item PDF author (default: `[Proceedings author/editor]'):
+\renewcommand{\procpdfauthor}{Vincent Verfaille, McGill University}
+ \item PDF short title (default: `[Proceedings title]'):
+\renewcommand{\procpdftitle}{DAFx-06 Proceedings - Montreal, Qc, Canada}
+ \item PDF subject (default: `[Proceedings description]'):
+\renewcommand{\procpdfsubject}{Conference proceedings}
+% the titles for special section (see sec.~\ref{sec:custom:special:section:titles});
+\subsection{Header and footer}\label{sec:custom:header:footer}
+ \item conference name:
+\newcommand{\DAFxname}{Proc.~of the \nth{9} %
+ Int.~Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-06)}
+ \item conference date(s): \verb+\newcommand{\DAFxdate}{September 18-20, 2006}+
+ \item conference address: \verb+\newcommand{\DAFxaddress}{Montreal, Canada}+
+ \item central header: \verb+\renewcommand{\proclhead}{{\em \small \procpdfsubject}}+
+ \item left header: \verb+\renewcommand{\proclhead}{{\em \small \DAFxname, \DAFxaddress, \DAFxdate}}+
+ \item central footers with page number: \verb+\renewcommand{\proccfoot}{\small DAFX-\thepage}+
+ \item adjustment of the footer vertical position: \verb+\setlength{\procfootvskip}{5.43mm}+
+\subsection{Special section titles (toc, index, biblio)}
+ \item title of the table of contents (default: `Conference Program'):
+\renewcommand{\contentsname}{Day-by-Day Conference Program}
+ \item title of the general bibliography (default: `Full Bibliography'):
+\renewcommand{\bibname}{General Bibliography}
+ \item title of the index (default: `Index of Authors'): \verb+\renewcommand{\indexname}{List of Authors}+
+\subsection{Front page and title commands}\label{sec:custom:front:page}
+ \item the proceedings' author/editor: \verb+\author{\procpdfauthor}+
+ \item the proceedings' title: \verb+\title{\DAFxname\\ \DAFxaddress}+
+ \item the proceedings' date: \verb+\date{\DAFxdate}+
+\subsection{Title/author layout}
+ \item title font style: \verb+\renewcommand{\papertitlestyle}{\texorpdfstring{}{\scshape}}+
+ \item author font style: \verb+\renewcommand{\paperauthorstyle}{\texorpdfstring{, }{\break}}+
+ \item alternative format to check the title:
+\renewcommand{\confstylechecktitle}{\vspace*{0.3cm} %
+ \bf \sc \Large \noindent \centerline}
+ \item alternative format to check the author list:
+\renewcommand{\confstylecheckauthor}{\large \it \noindent \centerline}
+\section{Program organization and paper insertion}
+ \item add a conference day: \verb+\procday{Day 2}+
+ \item add a conference session: \verb+\session{Oral Session 2}+
+ \item add a paper:
+ \procpaper[xshift=1cm, yshift=-4mm, switch=33, npages=4,%
+ title = {Templates for Two Authors},%
+ author={Alfred Alabama, Chris Christmas},%
+ index={\index{Alabama, Alfred}\index{Christmas, Chris}},%
+ ]{p_005}
+\section{List of scripts}
+ \item class-related scripts:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item {\bf \file{} [bash]: generates the class files and documentation, and prepares the example-related files}
+ \item \file{} [bash]: cleans up the folder where the class was generated
+ \item {\bf \file{} [bash]: prepares example-related files, scripts and folders}
+ \end{itemize}
+ \item example-related scripts:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item \file{} [Perl]: Generate the paper switch (\file{expaperswitch.tex}) and program (\file{exsessions.tex}) files
+ \item {\bf \file{} [bash]: build the proceedings}
+ \item {\bf \file{} [bash]: generates both paperback and electronic final versions}
+ \item \file{} [bash]: re-compiles all papers
+ \item \file{} [bash]: copies all PDFs papers at the right place
+ \item \file{} [bash]: counts the number of pages for each individual PDF
+ \item \file{} [bash]: generates individual PDFs by extracting them from the whole proceedings PDF, and adds proper PDF metadata to each
+ \item \file{} [bash]: exports individual papers (with proper page numbers) from the proceedings
+ \item \file{} [bash]: adds proper metadata to exported papers
+ \item \file{} [bash]: converts \LaTeX\ strings for PDF metadata
+ \end{itemize}
+See also figure \ref{fig:confproc_diag} for suggested detailed compilation steps to build proceedings with general bibliography.
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{confproc_diag.pdf}
+ \caption{Suggested stages to build proceedings}
+ \label{fig:confproc_diag}
+\section{Compatibility with other packages}
+The `confproc' package has been successfully tested with \TeX{}Live 2008, 2009 \& 2010.
+\subsection{Essential packages required by \package{\filename}}
+ \item \LaTeXe\ ($\ge$ 1994/12/01) and pdfTeXk Version 3.1415926-1.40.9 (Web2C 7.5.7)\\
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/base}
+ \item \package{book}
+ ($\ge$ 2005/09/16 v1.4f): standard document class on which \package{\filename} is based; \\
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/unpacked/}
+ \item \package{kvoptions} and \package{kvoptions-patch}
+ ($\ge$ 2009/04/10 v3.1): \\
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/kvoptions.dtx}
+ \item \package{xifthen}
+ ($\ge$ 2009/04/17 v1.3):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/xifthen/}
+ \item \package{pdfpages}
+ ($\ge$ 2009/02/07 v0.4g):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/pdfpages/pdfpages.dtx}
+ \item \package{hyperref}
+ ($\ge$ 2009/05/01 v6.78r):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/hyperref/hyperref.dtx}
+ \item \package{geometry}
+ ($\ge$ 2008/12/21 v4.2):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/geometry/geometry.dtx}
+ \item \package{color}
+ ($\ge$ 2005/11/14 v1.0j):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/required/graphics/color.dtx}
+ \item \package{fancyhdr}
+ ($\ge$ 2005/03/22 v3.2):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/fancyhdr/fancyhdr.sty}
+ \item \package{index}
+ ($\ge$ 2004/01/20 v4.2beta):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/index/index.dtx}
+ \item \package{tocbibind}
+ ($\ge$ 2003/03/13 v1.5g):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/tocbibind/tocbibind.dtx}
+ \item \package{titletoc}
+ ($\ge$ 2007/08/12 v1.6):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/titlesec/titletoc.sty}
+ \item \package{multitoc}
+ ($\ge$ 1999/06/08 v2.01):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/ms/multitoc.dtx}
+ \item \package{multicol}
+ ($\ge$ 2006/05/18 v1.6g):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/required/tools/multicol.dtx}
+ \item \package{sectsty}
+ ($\ge$ 2002/02/25 v2.0.2):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/sectsty/sectsty.dtx}
+\subsection{Other packages used with \package{\filename} in the examples}
+ \item \package{hypcap}
+ ($\ge$ 2006/02/20 v1.5):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/oberdiek/hypcap.dtx}
+ \item \package{graphicx}
+ ($\ge$ 1996/08/05 v1.0a):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/required/graphics/graphicx.dtx}
+ \item \package{newapa}
+ ($\ge$ 1991/06/13 v2.0):
+ \ctan: \href{}{biblio/bibtex/contrib/newapa/}\
+ \item \package{newapave}
+ ($\ge$ 2006/07/31 v2.1),
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/conferences/confproc/}
+ \item \package{setspace}
+ ($\ge$ 2000/12/01 v6.7):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/setspace/setspace.sty}
+ \item \package{inputenc}
+ ($\ge$ 2006/05/05 v1.1b):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/base/inputenc.dtx}
+ \item \package{fontenc}
+ ($\ge$ 2005/09/27 v1.99g):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/unpacked/fontenc.sty}
+ \item \package{mathptmx}
+ ($\ge$ 2005/04/12 PSNFSS-v9.2a):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/required/psnfss/}
+ \item \package{nth}
+ ($\ge$ 2002/02/27):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/generic/misc/nth.sty}
+ \item \package{layout}
+ ($\ge$ 2000/09/25 v1.2c):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/required/tools/layout.dtx}
+ \item \package{layouts}
+ ($\ge$ 2004/10/25 v2.6c):
+ \ctan: \href{}{macros/latex/contrib/layouts/layouts.dtx}