path: root/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-apa/biblatex-apa-test.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-apa/biblatex-apa-test.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-apa/biblatex-apa-test.tex')
1 files changed, 458 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-apa/biblatex-apa-test.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-apa/biblatex-apa-test.tex
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/biblatex-contrib/biblatex-apa/biblatex-apa-test.tex
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+% Unicode
+% Biblatex
+% Custom settings for misc entries in order to format the table for 6.13*
+% This table implies that the examples on each line are in a separate
+% document but since we are generating the citations from a real data
+% source, we have to prevent the usual uniquelist processing by making
+% all of the examples MISC entrytypes and changing uniquelist
+% per-type. There is no point in just typesetting static data as this
+% wouldn't be a test of anything.
+ \ifthenelse{\value{listcount}=1\OR\value{listtotal}=2}
+ {\usebibmacro{labelname:doname}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartfamilyi}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartgiveni}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartprefixi}
+ {\namepartsuffix}
+ {\namepartsuffixi}}
+ {\ifthenelse{\value{listtotal}>5}
+ {\ifnum\value{listcount}=2 \andothersdelim\bibstring{andothers}\fi
+ \ifnum\value{listcount}>2 \relax\fi}
+ {\ifciteseen
+ {\ifnum\value{listcount}=2 \andothersdelim\bibstring{andothers}\fi
+ \ifnum\value{listcount}=3 \relax\fi
+ \ifnum\value{listcount}=4 \relax\fi
+ \ifnum\value{listcount}=5 \relax\fi}
+ {\usebibmacro{labelname:doname}
+ {\namepartfamily}
+ {\namepartfamilyi}
+ {\namepartgiven}
+ {\namepartgiveni}
+ {\namepartprefix}
+ {\namepartprefixi}
+ {\namepartsuffix}
+ {\namepartsuffixi}}}}}
+ {\textcolor{blue}{\texttt{(APA #2)}}}%
+ {\textcolor{blue}{\texttt{(APA #2 Example #1)}}}}
+% This solution to detokenize leaving a space after the command and
+% arguments is due to Bruno Le Floch on T.SE
+ \catcode64=11
+ \begingroup
+ % Ensure that every character is preserved by \lowercase.
+ \count@\z@
+ \loop\ifnum\count@<256
+ \lccode\count@\z@
+ \advance\count@\@ne
+ \repeat
+ % Except spaces, changed to ^^A
+ \lccode32=\@ne
+ \lowercase{%
+ \endgroup
+ \expandafter\test@\detokenize{#1}\relax%
+ \catcode64=12}}
+% Then map {^^A => space, space =>} onto the string.
+ \ifx#1\relax\test@end\fi
+ \ifnum`#1=\@ne\space\else#1\fi
+ \test@}
+\def\apaex#1{\hbox{\hspace{-4em}\texttt{\small\apaexi{#1}}}\\$\rcurvearrowse$ \textbf{#1}}
+\def\apaexs#1{\hbox{\texttt{\footnotesize\apaexi{#1}}} \textbf{\small #1}}
+% This just makes it easier to find a specific (APA 7.x) example in the
+% typeset references section
+\renewbibmacro*{begentry}{\marginpar{\footnotesize \textcolor{blue}{\thefield{entrykey}}}}
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% END PREAMBLE %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+\section*{|biblatex-apa| style examples}
+This file typesets just about all useful examples from
+\apa{6.11}--\apa{6.21} and \apa{7.01}--\apa{7.11}. Also included are some
+clarifications from the APA blog
+(\url{}). Please refer to the
+|biblatex-apa-test-references.bib| file for details on the references
+entries. The |.bib| key for each entry in the References section is listed
+for convenience in the left margin. The keys are not arbitrary and consist
+of the APA section they are taken from (7.01--7.11), followed by a colon,
+followed by the example number. This makes it easier to cross-reference the
+typeset examples with the commented |.bib| file. I chose not to put the
+examples in the References section in example number order so that the APA
+requirements for References list alphabetisation and order could also be
+\noindent Please see accompanying file |biblatex-apa-test-citations.bib|
+for the bibliographic entries which these examples use.
+Oxford comma in citations for three or more names:\\
+Simple cite. «Jr.» suffix is not shown (bib entry for this example has a suffix):\\
+\noindent Within a paragraph, not in the «narrative sense»:\\
+\noindent To cite the parts separately:\\
+\apaex{\citeyear{6.11}, \citeauthor{6.11}}
+\noindent The per-paragraph rules for elision of years are more flexible in
+APA 6th edition. There is more discretion to do this as the narrative
+consistency suggests and so this style no longer automatically elides years
+after the first mention within a paragraph. Cases can be handled as
+per the examples above.
+\noindent\apa{6.12} \apa{6.13}\\
+Citations like\\
+which have two authors are never name-truncated after the first cite:\\
+\noindent First citation of 3--5 author entry:\\
+\noindent Subsequent citations:\\
+Subsequent citations within a paragraph:\\
+\noindent Note that the dropping of the year for subsequent paragraph
+citations is not automatic as there may be cases where you don't want to do
+this (see APA 6.11).
+\noindent Automatic list disambiguation for ambiguous truncations after
+first cite. Note that «et al» is plural so
+it will only truncate two or more names. If it would truncate just one
+name, we just give the name:\\
+\apaex{\textcite{6.12c}}\footnote{This example is incorrect in the
+ APA 6th edition manual because «et al» is replacing only one name. This has been
+ verified with the APA and will be corrected in future editions.}\\
+\noindent Multiple-authors in running text are separated by «and».
+However, in parenthetical cites, multiple authors are separated by «\&»:\\
+\noindent Automatic list disambiguation for ambiguous truncations again,
+this time the truncation is on first cite as there are more than 5 authors:\\
+\noindent Automatic list disambiguation is only for ambiguous author lists
+in the same year so these are not disambiguated:\\
+\noindent The following table replicates with real data the examples
+in Table 6.1, p.~177 of the APA 6th Edition manual. Note that this
+table in the APA manual essentially assumes that the citations on each
+line are in a separate document since there is no list disambiguation
+or repeated cite truncations between lines. To simulate this with real
+data, the source for this document uses |\citereset| between lines and
+makes all of the data entries of MISC type, unsetting «uniquelist» for
+this type and using a custom labelname style.
+\textbf{\parbox{2cm}{\center Type of citation}} & \textbf{\parbox{2.4cm}{\center First
+ citation in text}} & \textbf{\parbox{2.4cm}{\center Subsequent citations in
+ text}} & \textbf{\parbox{2.4cm}{\center Parenthetical format, first citation
+ in text}} & \textbf{\parbox{2.4cm}{\center Parenthetical format, subsequent
+ citations in text}}\\\\
+\parbox{2cm}{\raggedright One work by one author}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\textcite{6.13a}}} &
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13a}}}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13a}}}\\\\
+\parbox{2cm}{\raggedright One work by two authors}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\textcite{6.13b}}} &
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13b}}}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13b}}}\\\\
+\parbox{2cm}{\raggedright One work by three authors}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\textcite{6.13c}}} &
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13c}}}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13c}}}\\\\
+\parbox{2cm}{\raggedright One work by four authors}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\textcite{6.13d}}} &
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13d}}}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13d}}}\\\\
+\parbox{2cm}{\raggedright One work by five authors}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\textcite{6.13e}}} &
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13e}}}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13e}}}\\\\
+\parbox{2cm}{\raggedright One work by six authors}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\textcite{6.13f}}} &
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13f}}}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13f}}}\\\\
+\parbox{2cm}{\raggedright Groups (readily identified through abbreviation) as authors}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\textcite{6.13g}}} &
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13g}}}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13g}}}\\\\
+\parbox{2cm}{\raggedright Groups (no abbreviation) as authors}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\textcite{6.13h}}} &
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13h}}}
+& \parbox{2.4cm}{\raggedright\apaexs{\parencite{6.13h}}}\\\\
+Author abbreviations should work between citations of different works by
+the author:\\
+Citations of an entry with an author who shares a
+surname with another entry always appears with initials when primary
+author. It is not explicit in the APA 6th edition manual but initials only
+appear with primary authors\footnote{\url{}}:\\
+Use |SHORTTITLE| field of the entry if it exists:\\
+Books, reports etc. use italics instead of quotes:\\
+Citing anonymous author:\\
+Two or more works within the same parentheses:\\
+\noindent Citations of works by same authors in the same year:\\
+\textcolor{red}{Note: This example, (p.~178 APA Manual 6th edition, 2nd
+ printing) is slightly odd as the «in press-a» is not indicated and
+ should be «in press» since no other in press items are listed for the
+ same authors in the example.}
+\noindent Compact citations in alphabetic order:\\
+\noindent Compact citations with special order:\\
+\apaex{\parencites{6.16m}[see also][]{6.16n,6.16o}}
+\noindent «in press» should have hyphen before disambiguating part of label
+(also in references):\\
+Secondary sources:\\
+\apaex{\parencite[as cited in][]{6.17}}
+Classical works:\\
+\apaex{(\citeauthor{6.18a}, trans. \citeyear{6.18a})}\\
+\textcolor{red}{Note: The example is managed using lower-level cite
+ commands. This is another example of the APA not really thinking about
+ automated processing and specifying an anomalous infix format. It would
+ be better and probably acceptable for it to be:}\\
+Entries with an |ORIGDATE| field will automatically use it:\\
+The other examples of standard classical texts in this section should just
+be typed by hand--there is little benefit to automating these examples and
+they wouldn't usually be in the References section anyway.
+These examples are easily dealt with using standard |biblatex| functionality.\\
+\apaex{\parencite[][Chapter 3]{6.19b}}
+Such cases are just typed out--they have no Reference section entry and
+don't therefore have a bibliography database entry.
+Within parentheses, use the |\nptextcite| command which is equivalent to
+the |\textcite| command but omits the parenthesis and uses commas instead.
+See the |biblatex-apa| docs.\\
+\apaex{(\nptextcite[see Table 3 of][]{6.21} for complete data)}
+Entries with no date use «n.d.».\\
+Issue with no editors\\
+A patent citation uses the title but with no quotes\\
+\noindent Some tests of uniqueness and uniquelist
+\noindent Two works by same authors in same year are disambiguated by extradate «a»
+and «b» and are truncated after first cite because it is the same author
+list and therefore not ambiguous:\\
+\noindent One author list is an ordered subset of the other and so both need fully
+expanding to be properly disambiguated. Truncating either would be ambiguous.\\
+\noindent Some misc citation cases\\
+Note here that the multicite delimiter is a comma as in running text, a
+semi-colon would be strange:
+\noindent Testing «with»---should not be present in cites (APA 6.27)\\
+\noindent Testing author name citing\\
+\noindent Testing nodate\\
+\noindent Testing full name expansion (APA 6.27). See citation refs for how
+these appear in references\\
+\noindent Testing suffices\\
+\noindent Testing prefices\\
+% presufftest2 and nopresufftest are the same name and so even though
+% useprefix=false nopresufftest, hashes are the same so there is an extradate
+\noindent Testing prefices plus suffices\\
+\noindent Testing «and others»\\
+\noindent Testing seasonal periodical citations\\
+\noindent Testing first list name initials only as per:\\
+First citation:\\
+Second citation:\\
+% Testing name elision in cites
+% That is, \parencite{kingetal2005a,weissetal2007a,weissetal2009a}
+% Should give:
+% (King, Weiss, & Farmer, 2005; Weiss, King, & Hopkins, 2007; Weiss et al., 2009)
+% and not
+% (King, Weiss, & Farmer, 2005; Weiss, King, & Hopkins, 2007, 2009)
+% which happens if elision is based on namehash because the mincitenames
+% truncation of the 2007 and 2009 names is the same
+\noindent{Testing name elision in cites}\\
+\noindent Testing circa/BCE/uncertain era format\\
+\noindent Testing citation formats for complete dates\\
+\noindent Testing month ranges with same months, different days\\
+\noindent Testing month ranges with different months\\
+% Just (APA 7.x) real references and related entry examples here
+% Include a references section for citation examples just so hyperref
+% targets can be checked
+\printbibliography[section=1,title=Misc citation references]
+% Local Variables:
+% TeX-engine: luatex
+% End: