path: root/macros/latex/contrib/bibarts/ba-short.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/bibarts/ba-short.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/bibarts/ba-short.tex')
1 files changed, 762 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/bibarts/ba-short.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/bibarts/ba-short.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0b64496bcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/bibarts/ba-short.tex
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+ \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article}
+ \usepackage{bibarts} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} %\usepackage[english]{babel}
+ %% bibsort -h -k
+ \bacaptionsenglish
+\setlength{\footnotesep}{2ex} %% ... as in bibarts.sty 2.0; see README.txt %%
+ \title{The \LaTeX\hy Package \BibArts \\[.25ex] {\normalsize\slshape
+ A package to assist in making bibliographical features common in the arts}}
+ \author{\textsc{Timo Baumann}}
+ \date{\small Version 2.2, \copyright\,2019}
+ \setcounter{secnumdepth}{0}
+ %\renewcommand{\kxxemph}{\em}
+ \newcommand{\pkTitle}{k\kern -0.05em Title}
+ \newcommand{\kTitle}{\sort{kTitle}\protect\pkTitle}
+ \newcommand{\pbs}{\string\ \unskip}
+ \newcommand{\bs}{\protect\pbs}
+ \let\lbashortmem=\{
+ \let\rbashortmem=\}
+ \renewcommand{\{}{{\normalfont\lbashortmem}}
+ \renewcommand{\}}{{\normalfont\rbashortmem}}
+ {\fbox{\parbox{.45\textwidth}{\frenchspacing\raggedright\footnotesize\ttfamily
+ \ignorespaces #1}\hfill\parbox{.45\textwidth}{\vspace{1ex}%
+ \begin{minipage}{.45\textwidth}\sloppy\small
+ \renewcommand{\thempfootnote}{\arabic{mpfootnote}}%
+ \setcounter{mpfootnote}{\arabic{footnote}}%
+ {\ignorespaces #2}%
+ \setcounter{footnote}{\arabic{mpfootnote}}%
+ \end{minipage}
+ \vspace{1ex}}}\vspace{2.4ex}}}
+\maketitle \thispagestyle{empty}
+\textbf{\BibArts~2.2 (9 files, 8 dated 2019\ko/03\ko/03):} \\[.875ex]
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}%
+ \texttt{README.txt} & Version history since 1.3 \\[-1.75pt]
+ \texttt{bibarts.sty} & The \LaTeX\ style file \\[-1.75pt]
+ \texttt{ba-short.pdf} & This documentation here \\[-1.75pt]
+ \texttt{ba-short.tex} & Source of \texttt{ba-short.pdf}\\[-1.75pt]
+ \texttt{bibarts.pdf} & Full documentation (German) \\[-1.75pt]
+ \texttt{bibarts.tex} & Source of \texttt{bibarts.pdf} \\[-1.75pt]
+ \texttt{bibsort.exe} & Binary to create the lists \\[-1.75pt]
+ \texttt{bibsort.c} & Source of \texttt{bibsort.exe} \\[-1.75pt]
+ \texttt{COPYING} & License (dated 1993/11/28) \\
+ \end{tabular}}
+ {\footnotesize\normalfont
+ \hfil\texttt{bibarts}\kern.075em(\kern-.05em at\kern-.075em)\kern.075em\texttt{}} \\[1.4ex]
+ \tiny\sffamily
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ Type \verb|\usepackage{bibarts}| into your \textit{file}.\texttt{tex}, and
+ \verb|\bacaptionsenglish| to switch to English captions (to name pages p.,
+ not S.). They are used here. \verb|\bacaptionsfrench| sets French captions;
+ default is \verb|\bacaptionsgerman|.
+ \vspace{.75ex}\noindent
+ Full references to literature are created with (a page number \verb|[Pg]| is optional):
+ \vspace{-.4ex}
+ \Doppelbox
+ {
+ \bs vli\{FirstName\}\{LastName\}
+ \\ \ \ \{The \bs ktit\{kTitle\},
+ \\ \ \ \ Publishing Reference\}[Pg].
+ }
+ {
+ \vli{FirstName}{LastName}
+ {The \ktit{\kTitle}, Publishing Reference}[Pg].
+ }
+ \noindent
+ Now, \BibArts\ can also write your appendix! \texttt{bibarts.sty} writes
+ the arguments of your \verb|\vli|\hy commands into the
+ \textit{file}.\texttt{aux}, and \texttt{bibsort} creates your
+ List of Literature: Type \verb|\printvli| (p.\,\pageref{appendix}),
+ \hspace{.1em}and start \LaTeX\ + \texttt{bibsort} \textit{file} + \LaTeX.
+ \vspace{.75ex}\noindent
+ After you have introduced literature fully, you may use a shortened reference:
+ \vspace{-.6ex}
+ \Doppelbox
+ {
+ \bs kli\{LastName\}\{kTitle\}[Pg].
+ }
+ {\vspace{1.75ex}
+ \kli{LastName}{\kTitle}[Pg].
+ }
+ \vspace{-.3ex}\noindent
+ Use \verb|\vqu| and \verb|\kqu| \hspace{.1em}in the same way
+ \hspace{.1em}to cite published historical documents:
+ \bs vqu \{Carl von\} \{Clausewitz\} \{\bs ktit\{Vom Kriege\}.
+ \\ \ Hinterlassenes Werk, 3\bs fup\{rd\}
+ \\ \ ed.\bs\ Frankfurt/M. 1991\}[3].
+ \\[2.6ex]
+ \bs kqu\{Clausewitz\}\{Vom Kriege\}[3].
+ \vqu {Carl von} {Clausewitz} {\ktit{Vom Kriege}.
+ Hinterlassenes Werk, 3\fup{rd} ed.\ Frankfurt/M. 1991}[3].
+ \\[1.25ex]
+ \kqu{Clausewitz}{Vom Kriege}[3].
+ \vspace{-.25ex}\noindent
+ Then, \verb|\printvqu| will print a List of Published Documents
+ (full references).
+ \vspace{.75ex}\noindent
+ And \verb|\printnumvkc| (p.\,\pageref{vkc}) will print an index
+ of all your shortened references (from \verb|\kli|, \verb|\kqu|, and
+ from \verb|\ktit| inside the last argument of \verb|\vli| or \verb|\vqu|).
+ \vspace{.75ex}\vfill\noindent
+ There are also \BibArts\hy commands to cite periodicals
+ and archive documents:
+ \vspace{-.35ex}
+ \Doppelbox
+ {
+ \bs per\{Journal\}\string_Num\string_[Pg]
+ \\[1ex]
+ \bs arq\{Unpublished Document\}
+ \\ \ \{Archive File Sig\}\string|Vol\string|(Folio)
+ }
+ {
+ \per{Journal}_Num_[Pg]
+ \\[.5ex]
+ \arq{Unpublished Document}
+ {Archive File Sig}|Vol|(Folio)
+ }
+ \vspace{-.25ex}\noindent
+ \verb|\printper| your Periodicals, and \verb|\printarq| the List of Archive
+ Files. Spaces are forbidden before the optional arguments \verb+[Pg]+,
+ \verb+(Foilo)+, \verb+|Vol|+, or \verb+_Num_+.
+In footnotes and \texttt{minipage} footnotes, \BibArts\ is introducing
+\textsc{ibidem} automatically. That means, that \verb|\kli|, \verb|\kqu|,
+\verb|\per|, and \verb|\arq| can change to \textsc{ibidem}:
+ <1> ...\footnote{ \vli{Niklas} {Luhmann} {\ktit{Soziale Systeme}.
+ Grundriß einer allgemeinen Theorie, Frankfurt/M. 1984}.}
+ <2> ...\footnote{\kli{Luhmann}{Soziale Systeme}|1|[22], and
+ \kli{Luhmann}{Soziale Systeme}|1|[23].}
+ <3> ...\footnote{\kli{Luhmann}{Soziale Systeme}|1|[23]. Next sentence.}
+ <4> \footnote{\kli{Luhmann}{Soziale Systeme}|2|[56].}
+ <5> ...\footnote{\arq{Haber to Kultusminister, 17 December 1914}
+ {GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23,
+ Litt~A, Nr.\,108}|2|(223\f).}
+ <6> \footnote{\arq{Setsuro Tamaru to Clara Haber, 24 December 1914}
+ {GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23,
+ Litt~A, Nr.\,108}|2|(226-231).}
+ <7> \footnote{\arq{Setsuro Tamaru to Clara Haber, 24 December 1914}
+ {GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23,
+ Litt~A, Nr.\,108}|2|(226-231).}
+ <8> \footnote{\arq{Valentini to Schmidt, 13 March 1911}
+ {GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23,
+ Litt~A, Nr.\,108}|1|(47).}
+ \fillarq{GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23,
+ Litt~A, Nr.\,108} {2\,Vols.}
+ \noindent
+ When you introduce a book,\footnote{ \vli{Niklas}{Luhmann}{\ktit{Soziale Systeme}.
+ Grundriß einer allgemeinen Theorie, Frankfurt/M. 1984}.}
+ you are free to add a \verb+|Vol|+, or not. But if you once have setted a \verb+|Vol|+,
+ you will have to repeat that, when you refer to the same book in the following
+ footnote (or say \verb|\clearbamem|).
+ \verb+[Pg]+ is equivalent.\footnote{\kli{Luhmann}{Soziale
+ Systeme}|1|[22], and \kli{Luhmann}{Soziale Systeme}|1|[23].}
+ Here are different page numbers in the foregoing
+ footnote.\footnote{\kli{Luhmann}{Soziale Systeme}|1|[23]. Next sentence.}\,%
+ \footnote{\kli{Luhmann}{Soziale Systeme}|2|[56].}
+ \vspace{1ex}\noindent
+ And here are examples about how to cite archive sources.\footnote{\arq{Haber to
+ Kultusminister, 17 December 1914}
+ {GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23, Litt~A, Nr.\,108}|2|(223\f).}\,%
+ \footnote{\arq{Setsuro Tamaru to Clara Haber, 24 December 1914}
+ {GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23,
+ Litt~A, Nr.\,108}|2|(226-231).}\,%
+ \footnote{\arq{Setsuro Tamaru to Clara Haber, 24 December 1914}
+ {GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23,
+ Litt~A, Nr.\,108}|2|(226-231).}\,%
+ \footnote{\arq{Valentini to Schmidt, 13 March 1911}
+ {GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23,
+ Litt~A, Nr.\,108}|1|(47).}
+ \fillarq{GStAPK, HA\,1, Rep~76~Vc, Sekt~1, Tit~23,
+ Litt~A, Nr.\,108} {2\,Vols.}
+ The \verb|\fillarq| is adding to the entry in the
+ arq\hy list, that ``Nr.\,108'' has 2 volumes \baref{arqlist}.
+ For writing an essay without a List of Literature, type \verb|\conferize|
+ at the top of your \LaTeX\ file; then, \verb|\kli| will print a cross\hy
+ reference to the full reference:
+ \Doppelbox
+ {\bs conferize\ ...\bs footnote\{
+ \\[.15ex] \ \ Full ref.: \ \bs vli\{Niklas\}
+ \\[.05ex] \ \ \ \{Luhmann\} \b{\{}\bs ktit\{Soziale
+ \\[.15ex] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Systeme\}. Grundriß
+ \\ \ \ \ \ einer allgemeinen Theorie,
+ \\ \ \ \ \ Frankfurt/M. 1984\b{\}}[22].\}
+ \\[1.5ex] ... pp.\bs footnote\{ \bs notibidemize
+ \\ \ \ \ \%no ibidem in this footnote\%
+ \\ \ \ Shortened ref.: \bs kli\{Luhmann\}
+ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \{Soziale Systeme\}[23 \bs f].\}
+ }
+ {\conferize ...\footnote{
+ Full ref.: \vli{Niklas}{Luhmann} {\ktit{Soziale Systeme}.
+ Grundriß einer allgemeinen Theorie, Frankfurt/M. 1984}[22].}
+ \texttt{[u, v]} or \texttt{[w-x]} or \texttt{[y\bs f]} or
+ \texttt{[z\bs baplural]} are creating pp.\footnote{\notibidemize
+ %no ibidem in this footnote%
+ Shortened ref.: \kli{Luhmann} {Soziale Systeme}[23 \f].}
+ }
+ \noindent
+ If \textit{k\fhy commands} \verb|\kli| and \verb|\kqu| are never
+ used, \verb|\notannouncektit| shortened references at \textit{v\fhy commands}
+ ({\footnotesize cited as ...} will not be printed at \verb|\vli| and
+ \verb|\vqu|).
+ No historian? Set \verb|\notprinthints| $-$ you will never use \verb|\vqu|
+ or \verb|\kqu|, and therefore, it is unnecessary to print \ehinttovliname,
+ because there is only one \textit{v-list}.
+\section{The extra \texttt{*}\{\ko\textit{argument}\} of v- and k\fhy commands}
+ To cite \textit{books from teams}, set co\hy authors in star\hy arguments; use
+ x\fhy commands:
+ \Doppelbox
+ {
+ Set names ...\bs footnote\{Two:\
+ \\ \ \bs xvli\{FirstName\}\{LastName\}
+ \\ \ \ *\b{\{}\bs vauthor\{co-FirstName\}
+ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \{co-LastName\}\b{\}}
+ \\ \ \ \{The \bs ktit\{kTitle2\} ETC\}.\}
+ \\[1.25ex]
+ ... to ibidemize.\bs footnote\{
+ \\ \ \bs xkli\{LastName\}
+ \\ \ \ *\{\bs kauthor\{co-LastName\}\}
+ \\ \ \ \{kTitle2\}[11-14].\}
+ }
+ {
+ Set names in \texttt{\bs vauthor}~$-$\,\texttt{\bs kauthor}.\footnote{Two:
+ \xvli{FirstName}{LastName}
+ *{\vauthor{co-FirstName}
+ {co-LastName}}
+ {The \ktit{\kTitle2} ETC}.}
+ That's necessary to ibidemize.\footnote{\xkli{LastName}*{\kauthor{co-LastName}}{\kTitle2}[11-14].}
+ }
+ \noindent
+ You may use a \texttt{*}\fhy argument also in \verb|\vli| $-$ to mask text in the
+ ibidemization:
+ \Doppelbox
+ {
+ ...\bs footnote\{An edited book is
+ \\ \ \bs vli\{FirstName\}\{LastName\}
+ \\ \ \ *\{\bs onlyvoll\{\bs editor\}\}
+ \\ \ \ \{The \bs ktit\{kTitleEd\} ETC\}[2].\}
+ \\[1.25ex]
+ \bs footnote\{ \%Without *-argument:\
+ \\ \ \bs kli\{LastName\}\{kTitleEd\}[3, 6].\}
+ }
+ {
+ \texttt{\bs editor} has no sorting
+ weight.\footnote{An edited book is
+ \vli{FirstName}{LastName}
+ *{\onlyvoll{\editor}}
+ {The \ktit{\kTitle Ed} ETC}[2].}
+ \footnote{ %Without *-argument:\
+ \kli{LastName}{\kTitle Ed}[3, 6].}
+ }
+ \newpage
+ \noindent
+ For books with three or more authors, you have to set all `middle' authors
+ in \verb|\midvauthor| (or \verb|\midkauthor|), and the `last' in
+ \verb|\vauthor| (or \verb|\kauthor|):
+ \vspace{-.125ex}
+ {
+ ...\bs footnote\{See
+ \\ \ \bs xvli\{Manfred F.\}\{Boemeke\}
+ \\ \ \ *\b{\{}\bs midvauthor\{Roger\}
+ \\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \{Chickering\}
+ \\ \ \ \ \ \bs vauthor\{Stig\}\{Förster\}\%
+ \\ \ \ \ \ \bs onlyvoll\{ \bs editors\}\b{\}}
+ \\[.2ex] \ \ \b{\{}\bs ktit\{Anticipating Total War\}.
+ \\ \ \ \ The German and American
+ \\ \ \ \ Experiences 1871-{}-1914,
+ \\ \ \ \ Cambridge/U.K. 1999\b{\}}.\}
+ \\[1ex]
+ ... all LastNames.\bs footnote\{
+ \\ \ \bs xkli\{Boemeke\}
+ \\ \ \ *\b{\{}\bs midkauthor\{Chickering\}
+ \\ \ \ \ \ \bs kauthor\{Förster\}\b{\}}
+ \\ \ \ \{Anticipating Total War\}[9\bs f]!\}
+ }
+ {
+ \texttt{bibsort} is sorting \texttt{\bs vauthor\{F\}\{L\}}
+ and \texttt{\bs midvauthor\{F\}\{L\}} as \texttt{L F}.\footnote{See
+ \xvli{Manfred F.}{Boemeke}*{\midvauthor{Roger}{Chickering}
+ \vauthor{Stig}{Förster}%
+ \onlyvoll{ \editors}}{\ktit{Anticipating Total War}.
+ The German and American Experiences 1871--1914, Cambridge/U.K. 1999}.}
+ You have to repeat all LastNames, but not the argument of
+ \texttt{\bs onlyvoll}.\footnote{\xkli{Boemeke}*{\midkauthor{Chickering} \kauthor{Förster}}
+ {Anticipating Total War}[9\f]!}
+ }
+\section{IBIDEM and inner references to literature}
+ To cite articles in journals, use \verb|\per| inside the last argument of a
+ v\fhy command:
+...\bs footnote\{See \bs vqu \{John
+\\ \ \ Frederick Charles\} \{Fuller\}
+\\ \ \b{\{}Gold Medal (Military)
+\\ \ \ \bs ktit\{Prize Essay\} for 1919,
+\\ \ \ first published in:
+\\ \ \ \bs per\{Journal of the Royal
+\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ United Service
+\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Institution\}\string_458
+\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (1920)\string_[239-274]\b{\}}*[240].\}
+...\bs footnote\{ \bs kqu \{Fuller\}
+\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \{Prize Essay\}[241].\}
+... here.\bs footnote\{ \bs vqu\{R.\}
+\\ \ \{Chevenix Trench\}
+\\ \ \{Gold Medal (Military)
+\\ \ \ \bs ktit\{Prize Essay\} for 1922,
+\\ \ \ in: \bs per\{Journal of the
+\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Royal United Service
+\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Institution\}\string_470
+\\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ (1923)\string_[199-227]\}*[200].\}
+You can use \texttt{*[Pg]} to cite a
+certain page inside \texttt{[PgBegin-PgEnd]}.
+Do not type spaces before \texttt{*[Pg]}.\footnote{See
+\vqu {John Frederick Charles} {Fuller}
+{Gold Medal (Military) \ktit{Prize Essay} for 1919,
+first published in: \per{Journal of the Royal United Service
+Institution}_458 (1920)_[239-274]}*[240].}
+\BibArts\ creates an outer \textsc{ibidem}
+here.\footnote{ \kqu {Fuller} {Prize Essay}[241].}
+\BibArts\ creates an inner \textsc{ibidem}
+here.\footnote{ \vqu{R.}
+{Chevenix Trench}
+{Gold Medal (Military) \ktit{Prize Essay} for 1922,
+in: \per{Journal of the Royal United Service
+Institution}_470 (1923)_[199-227]}*[200].\label{third}}
+ \noindent
+ After the main arguments of \verb|\per|, or \verb|\vli|, etc., you are free
+ to type \verb+_Num_+, or \verb+|Vol|+; both are only printing different
+ separators (see in note~\ref{third}: {\footnotesize no.\,Num}).
+ \noindent
+ To cite articles in books, you can use \verb|\vli|\,+\,\verb|\ktit| for the book
+ \textit{inside the last v\fhy argument}. \verb|\printvli| is \textit{printing} such inner
+ references \textit{as shortened references}; the \textit{full inner reference}
+ appears as separate item (see \underline{Publ}). For further articles from
+ the same book you may use an inner \verb|\kli| for the book:
+ \Doppelbox{
+ ...\bs footnote\{\bs vli\{FN1\}\{LN1\} \b{\b{\{}}The
+ \\[-.2ex] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \bs ktit\{First\},
+ \\[.25ex] \ in: \bs vli\{iFN\}\{iLN\}\{The \bs ktit\{iT\}
+ \\[.25ex] \ \ \ \bs protect\bs underline\{Publ\}\}\b{\b{\}}}.\}
+ \\[1ex] \bs footnote\{\bs kli\{LN1\}\{First\}.\}
+ \\[1ex] \bs footnote\{\bs vli[m]\{FN1\}\{LN1\} \b{\{}The
+ \\[.2ex] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \bs ktit\{Second\},
+ \\[-.05ex] \ in: \bs kli\{iLN\}
+ \\[.15ex] \ \ \ \{iT\}[PgBegin\bs hy PgEnd]\b{\}}*[Pg].\}
+ }
+ {
+ \texttt{\bs vli[f]}...\ or \texttt{\bs kli[f]}...\ would refer to `the same female author'.%
+ \footnote{\vli{FN1}{LN1}{The \ktit{First}, in: \vli{iFN}{iLN} {The \ktit{\protect\fbox{iT}} \protect\underline{Publ}}}.}
+ \footnote{\kli{LN1}{First}.}
+ \footnote{\vli[m]{FN1}{LN1} {The \ktit{Second}, in: \kli{iLN}{\protect\fbox{iT}}[PgBegin\hy PgEnd]}*[Pg].}
+ }
+If an inner ibidemization (as well as an inner shortened referencing in the bibliography)
+is not wanted, use \verb|\ntvauthor| instead of the inner v\fhy command:
+ \bs footnote\{\bs vli\{Jost\}\{Dülffer\}
+ \\ \ \{\bs em \bs ktit\{Einleitung\}\bs em, in:
+ \\ \ \ \bs ntvauthor\{Jost\}\{Dülffer\}
+ \\ \ \ Bereit zum Krieg\}[9].\}
+ \\[1ex]
+ \bs footnote\{\bs kli\{Dülffer\}
+ \\ \ \{Einleitung\}[9].\}
+ This is also an example to show how to {\em emphasize}
+ inside the full title.\footnote{\vli{Jost}{Dülffer}
+ {\em \ktit{Einleitung}\em, in:
+ \ntvauthor{Jost}{Dülffer} Bereit zum Krieg}[9].}
+ \footnote{\kli{Dülffer}
+ {Einleitung}[9].}
+If you use \verb|\printnumvli| instead of \verb|\printvli|, the page and
+footnote numbers will be printed additionally (\textsc{iLN}: inner\,LastName
+/ \fbox{iT}: inner\,k\kern -0.05em Title):
+\renewcommand{\evlititlename}{\texttt{\bs printvli} \ \memvlititlename}
+\renewcommand{\evqutitlename}{\texttt{\bs printvqu} \ \memvqutitlename}
+\renewcommand{\ebibtitlename}{\texttt{\bs printbibtitle} \ \membibtitlename}
+The command sequence \verb|\printbibtitle| \verb|\printvli| \verb|\printvqu|
+\label{appendix} will print an easy appendix. If you type \hspace{.01em}
+\texttt{bibsort -k} \hspace{.02em} to DOS, you will get \hspace{.005em}
+$\sim$ \hspace{.005em} in both v\fhy lists, when the name (first name and last
+name) of an author is repeated:
+\printbibtitle \printvli \printvqu
+To change the size, in which a list is printed,
+you may type e.\,g.\ \verb|{\small| \verb|\printvli}|. \BibArts\
+provides further commands to be executed on bigger lists:
+\verb|\bibsortheads| will print capital letters between two items inside the
+lists, if the initial letter changes, whereas \verb|\bibsortspaces| will
+print only a bigger vertical space there instead. Both features are
+prepared by \verb|bibsort|.
+\subsection*{\texttt{\bs printnumvkc} \ \evkctitlename}
+\addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{\texttt{\bs printnumvkc} \ \evkctitlename}
+\verb|\printnumvkc| prints an index of all your shortened references in
+\texttt{twocolumn}, whereas \verb|\printnumvkclist| \label{vkc} just prints
+your list without \texttt{headings} or title:\vspace{.5ex}
+\renewcommand{\epertitlename}{\texttt{\bs printper} \ \mempertitlename}
+\renewcommand{\epertitlename}{\texttt{\bs printnumper} \ \mempertitlename}
+\renewcommand{\earqtitlename}{\texttt{\bs printarq} \ \memarqtitlename}
+\vspace{-.5ex}\printarq \balabel{arqlist}
+\renewcommand{\earqtitlename}{\texttt{\bs printnumarq} \ \memarqtitlename}
+If you type \verb|\arqsection{GStAPK}{Geheimes Staatsarchiv}|,
+you will get ``\textsf{GStAPK} $-$ \textbf{Geheimes Staatsarchiv}''
+on top of all GStAPK\hy entries.
+\section{Additional features}
+\BibArts\ provides an environment to send unused bibliographical information into
+the lists. This information appears on the vqu\fhy list, but is invisible here:
+ !\begin{unused} \sethyphenation{ngerman}% %% other hyphenation optional
+ \vqu{Karl}{Marx}{Das \ktit{Kapital}, in: \midvauthor{Karl}{Marx}
+ \ntvauthor{Friedrich}{Engels} Werke, \ersch|3|[1]{Berlin}{1962--1964}}
+ \end{unused}! Note, that in %% vol.|3| and ed.[1] are optional
+ !\begin{unused} \sethyphenation{ngerman}% %% other hyphenation optional
+ \vqu{Karl}{Marx}{Das \ktit{Kapital}, in: \midvauthor{Karl}{Marx}
+ \ntvauthor{Friedrich}{Engels} Werke, \ersch|3|[1]{Berlin}{1962--1964}}
+ \end{unused}! Note, that in %% vol.|3| and ed.[1] are optional
+\verb|{unused}|\hy environments, \textit{inner v-commands} will not send
+an own item (full reference) to the v\hy list; so, you have to repeat
+them separately.
+\BibArts\ does not only help to cite. The environment \verb|{originalquote}|
+helps to quote from literature or sources. You may call all hyphenation
+settings, which your \LaTeX\ possesses, in the \verb|[|\textit{optional
+argument}\verb|]| of the environment:
+ \bs begin\{originalquote\}[german]\%old
+ \\[.4ex] \ \ \string`\string`Dies ist die erste
+ \\ \ \ Wechselwirkung und das
+ \\ \ \ erste Äu\bs hyss erste, \bs fabra
+ \\ \ \ \{...\}.\string'\string'\bs footnote \b{\{}This \string`inner
+ \\ \ \ \ \ Eszett\string' splits new:
+ \\ \ \b{\b{\{}}\bs sethyphenation\{ngerman\}
+ \\[-.4ex] \ \ Au\bs hyss er\b{\b{\}}}. \bs kqu\{Clausewitz\}
+ \\[-.4ex] \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \{Vom Kriege\}[19].\b{\}}
+ \\[.3ex] \bs end\{originalquote\}
+ \vspace{.2ex}
+ \begin{originalquote}[german]%old
+ ``Dies ist die erste
+ Wechselwirkung und das
+ erste Äu\hyss erste, \fabra
+ {...}.''\footnote {This `inner
+ Eszett' splits new:
+ {\sethyphenation{ngerman}
+ Au\hyss er}. \kqu{Clausewitz}
+ {Vom Kriege}[19].
+ \\[.5ex] \hspace*{3mm} \texttt{\% In \bs scshape, \bs hyss prints }{\scshape \hyss}\texttt{,}
+ \\ \hspace*{3mm} \texttt{\% and splits }{\scshape s-s}\,\texttt{ (old AND new)!}%
+ \vspace{-1.5ex}%
+ }
+ \end{originalquote}
+In quotations, you may use \verb|\abra| to print certain
+additives in small angular brackets; \verb|\fabra| affixes
+the argument to the following text (no line breaks):
+ \verb| \abra{,} => | Red\abra{,} blue and green were the \\[-.25ex]
+ \verb| \abra{.}\newsentence => | colours\abra{.}\newsentence And \hspace{2.25em} \verb|% spacing| \\[-.25ex]
+ \verb| \abra{...} \abra{\dots} => | there \abra{...} were \abra{\dots} others, \\[-.25ex]
+ \verb| \abra{---} => | \abra{---} let's say \abra{---} \\[-.25ex]
+ \verb| \abra{-} \abra{--} => | green\abra{-}red\abra{--}painted. \\[-.25ex]
+ \verb| \fabra{`} \fabra{'} => | \hbox to 6em{\fabra{`}Ha\fabra{'},\hfill} \verb|% ASCIIs 96 and 39| \\[-.25ex]
+ \verb| \fabra{``} \abra{''} => | \fabra{``}Good!\abra{''} \\[-.25ex]
+ \verb| \fabra{"} \abra{"} => | \hbox to 6em{\fabra{"}Good!\abra{"}\hfill} \verb|% or \abra{\dq}| \\[-.25ex]
+ \verb| \fabra{e}g. => | \hbox to 6em{\fabra{e}g.\hfill} \verb|% unknown = normal|}
+\BibArts\ defines
+(if that command for \textit{French up} is undefined), and it provides
+commands to set ordinals in English, French and German:
+ \verb| \eordinal{103} Assistant. => | \eordinal{103} Assistant. \\[-.2ex]
+ \verb| Le \fordinalm{1} homme. => | Le \fordinalm{1} homme. \\[-.25ex]
+ \verb| La \fordinalf{1} femme. => | La \fordinalf{1} femme. \\[-.2ex]
+ \verb| Der 1\te August. => | Der 1\te August.}
+ \newpage\noindent
+ For printing formatted abbreviations in your text, you may use
+ \verb|\abk{|\textit{xyz}\verb|}|. \textit{xyz} will only appear
+ on the List of Abbreviations, if it is resolved (defined):
+ \vspace{-.25ex}
+ \Doppelbox
+ {
+ \bs abkdef\{HMS\}\{Her Majesty\string's Ship\}
+ \\[.35ex] \ \ or
+ \\[.35ex] \bs defabk\{Her Majesty\string's Ship\}\{HMS\}
+ \\[.35ex] \ \ and then \bs texttt\{bibsort\}
+ \\[.35ex] \ \ will accept \bs abk\{HMS\}.
+ \vspace{-1ex}\strut
+ }
+ {
+ \abkdef{HMS}{Her Majesty's Ship}
+ \\ or
+ \\ \defabk{Her Majesty's Ship}{HMS}
+ \\ and then \texttt{bibsort}
+ \\ will accept \abk{HMS}.
+ \vspace{-1ex}\strut
+ }
+For a correct spacing at the end of a sentence, you can repeat
+a full stop: \verb|\abk{U.\,K.}. Next |... \verb|=>| \abk{U.\,K.}. Next
+... (also: \verb|\abk{e.\,g.}. Next |...).
+You may use \verb|\printnumabk| (or \verb|\printabk|) to print a
+List of Abbreviations:
+\BibArts\ provides no index with sub\hy items, but registers (geographical,
+subject, and person). The commands to fill the registers have one argument;
+they are invisible in your text, e.\,g.: \verb|\addtogrr{London}|,
+\verb|\addtosrr{Ship}|, and \verb|\addtoprr{Churchill}|\,.
+\verb|\printnumgrr|, \verb|\printnumsrr|, and \verb|\printnumprr| the
+registers in your appendix. This has nothing do do with \textsc{MakeIndex}.
+A last feature of \BibArts\ are fill\hy commands. \verb|\fillgrr|,
+\verb|\fillsrr|, \verb|\fillprr|, \verb|\fillper|, and \verb|\fillarq|
+have two arguments. The first has to be identical with \textit{the} argument
+of a register\hy entry or \verb|\per|\hy command, or \textit{the second}
+argument of an \verb|\arq|\hy command (the archive file information). Use
+fill\hy commands for adding text componds, which you don't want to type
+in every single entry:
+ \ \bs fillprr\{Churchill\}\{1874-1965\} \\[1.5ex]
+ Churchill \bs addtoprr\{Churchill\}
+ was prime minister.\bs footnote\b{\{}
+ \\ \ Born \bs addtoprr\{Churchill\}
+ \\ \ Blenheim Palace.\b{\}} \\[1.325ex]
+ \bs renewcommand\{\bs xrrlistemph\}\{\bs em\} \\
+ \bs printnumprr
+ \vspace{1ex}
+ \fbox{\begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}
+ \setcounter{mpfootnote}{\arabic{footnote}}%
+ \vspace{.125ex}
+ \fillprr{Churchill}{1874-1965}
+ Churchill \addtoprr{Churchill}
+ was prime minister.\footnote
+ { Born \addtoprr{Churchill}
+ Blenheim Palace.}
+ \setcounter{footnote}{\arabic{mpfootnote}}%
+ \end{minipage}}
+ \\[1.6ex]
+ \fbox{\begin{minipage}{.95\textwidth}
+ \vspace{.875ex}
+ \subsubsection*{\eprrtitlename}
+ \vspace{-.75ex}%
+ \renewcommand{\xrrlistemph}{\em}%
+ {\footnotesize \printnumprrlist}%
+ \vspace{-1.375ex}%
+ \end{minipage}}%
+ \vspace{-1.3ex}%
+Please use commands like \verb|\bfseries| to change
+the fonts, but not \verb|\textbf|:
+\textsf{Command} & \textsf{Predefined} & \textsf{Executed on} \\[.325ex]
+\verb|\xrrlistemph| & \verb|{}| & entries on grr\fhy, srr\fhy, and prr\hy lists\\
+\verb|\abkemph| & \verb|{\sffamily}| & abbreviations in your text \\
+\verb|\abklistemph| & \verb|{\bfseries}| & abbreviations on the abk\hy list \\
+\verb|\kxxemph| & \verb|{}| & last argument of k\hy commands \\
+\verb|\peremph| & \verb|{\normalfont\scshape}| & periodicals (\,\verb|=> {\upshape}|\,) \\