path: root/macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/greek/test-greek.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2023-03-05 03:01:34 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2023-03-05 03:01:34 +0000
commita2d17a09f7ecd91acd8826216349bb14cc5602cd (patch)
treef5560fff94ed497200d93e8fa4a0c0f8f900e281 /macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/greek/test-greek.tex
parent7761a2c2ae5e392243a4e09aefe8c69a97a1d0f6 (diff)
CTAN sync 202303050301
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/greek/test-greek.tex')
1 files changed, 629 insertions, 164 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/greek/test-greek.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/greek/test-greek.tex
index 03dd9db4e3..8c72c355a6 100644
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/greek/test-greek.tex
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/babel-contrib/greek/test-greek.tex
@@ -1,30 +1,127 @@
+% Test document for Babel-Greek
+% © 2013, 2022 Günter Milde
+% Configuration constants (see test-greek-8bit-luatex.tex for a use case)
+ \usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc}
+ \usepackage{lmodern}
+ % \usepackage{kerkis}
+ % \usepackage{gfsdidot}
+ % \usepackage{dejavu}
+ % \usepackage{textalpha} % support Greek literal chars and LICR "everywhere"
+ \ifdefined \UnicodeEncodingName
+ \usepackage{fontspec}
+ % \setmainfont[%
+ % ItalicFont=NewCM10-Italic.otf,%
+ % BoldFont=NewCM10-Bold.otf,%
+ % BoldItalicFont=NewCM10-BoldItalic.otf,%
+ % SmallCapsFeatures={Numbers=OldStyle}]{NewCM10-Regular.otf}
+ % \setsansfont[%
+ % ItalicFont=NewCMSans10-Oblique.otf,%
+ % BoldFont=NewCMSans10-Bold.otf,%
+ % BoldItalicFont=NewCMSans10-BoldOblique.otf,%
+ % SmallCapsFeatures={Numbers=OldStyle}]{NewCMSans10-Regular.otf}
+ % \setmonofont[%
+ % ItalicFont=NewCMMono10-Italic.otf,%
+ % BoldFont=NewCMMono10-Bold.otf,%
+ % BoldItalicFont=NewCMMono10-BoldOblique.otf,%
+ % SmallCapsFeatures={Numbers=OldStyle}]{NewCMMono10-Regular.otf}
+ %
+ \setmainfont[Scale=0.92]{DejaVu Serif}
+ \fi
+ % Load and configure Babel:
+ % Default: modern monotonic Greek
+ \usepackage[greek,% comment out "greek" to test the "basic support"
+ % greek.local-LGR-fixes,
+ english]{babel}
+ % Uncomment the desired language variant
+ \languageattribute{greek}{polutoniko} % "modern" polytonic Greek
+ % \languageattribute{greek}{ancient} % ancient Greek
+ % The "polytonic" language attribute is an alias for "polutoniko" matching
+ % the spelling in polyglossia and Babel *.ini files.
+ % \languageattribute{greek}{polytonic}
+ % Support for the pseudo-language "polutonikogreek", used instead of "greek",
+ % is kept for backwards compatibility:
+ % \usepackage[polutonikogreek,english]{babel}
+ % For backwards compatibility, you can also use
+ % \selectlanguage{polutonikogreek} instead of \selectlanguage{greek} etc.
+ % if the "polutoniko" Greek language variant is selected.
+\hypersetup{unicode, colorlinks=true,linkcolor=blue,urlcolor=blue}
+% \usepackage{bookmark}
-% \languageattribute{greek}{polutoniko}
-% \languageattribute{greek}{ancient}
+% Semantic styling:
-\ifdefined \UnicodeEncodingName
- \usepackage{fontspec}
- \setmainfont{DejaVu Serif}
+% Auxiliary commands:
+% print the selected language variant
+ \ifx\captionsgreek\captionspolutonikogreek
+ \ifx\captionsgreek\captionsancientgreek
+ ancient%
+ \else
+ polutoniko%
+ \fi
+ \else
+ monotoniko%
+ \fi
+% The paragraph after \showhyphenpar is printed with all words
+% shown as hy-phen-ated.
+% from
+ \def\par{\setparams\endgraf\composelines}
+ \setbox0=\vbox\bgroup \noindent\hskip0pt\relax}
+\def\setparams{\rightskip=0pt plus1fil
+ \linepenalty=1000 \pretolerance=-1 \hyphenpenalty=-10000}
+ \loop \setbox0=\lastbox \unskip \unpenalty
+ \ifhbox0 % je už \vbox vyprázdněn?
+ \global\setbox2=\hbox{\unhbox0\unskip\unhbox2}
+ \repeat
+ \egroup % vyprázdněný \vbox ukončím
+ \exhyphenpenalty=10000 % \box2 vyšoupnu do vnějšího seznamu
+ \emergencystretch=4em \leavevmode\unhbox2 \endgraf\egroup}
+% --------------------------------------------------------------------------
-\title{Greek support for Babel}
+\title{Test the Greek support for Babel}
\author{Günter Milde}
-The babel option «greek» activates the support for the Greek language
-defined in the file «greek.ldf» (source «greek.dtx»).
+Test support for the Greek language as defined in the file
+\file{greek.ldf} (source \file{greek.dtx}).
+\SETUPDOC % print additional setup information.
-Typesetting Greek texts requires a font containing Greek letters. With the
-XeTeX or LuaTeX engines, the user must ensure that the selected font
-contains the required glyphs (the default Latin Modern fonts miss most of
\section{Language Switch}
@@ -38,172 +135,376 @@ The declaration \verb|\selectlanguage| switches between languages.
The command \verb|\foreignlanguage| sets its second argument in the language
-specified as first argument. This is intended for short text parts like
+specified as first argument. This is intended for short text parts or
+single words like \foreignlanguage{greek}{Βιβλιοθήκη}.
-\section{Font Encoding}
+Input may use literal Greek characters (\foreignlanguage{greek}{α \ldots Ω}),
+LICR macros (\foreignlanguage{greek}{\textalpha{} \ldots{} \textOmega}),
+or the Latin transliteration (\foreignlanguage{greek}{a \ldots{} W}) defined
+by the LGR font encoding (if LGR is used).
-Every language switch to \texttt{greek} calls the \verb|\extrasgreek|
-command which in turn calls \verb|\greekscript| to ensure a Greek-supporting
-font encoding (LGR or TU). At this point, the «greekfontencoding»
-is \texttt{\greekfontencoding}.
+There should be no inserted space before or after the language switch (this
+may happen if there are unescaped linebreaks in the font or language
+ Change script with \verb|ensuregreek|: |\ensuregreek{δοῦλος}|.
+ Change
+ language with \verb|\foreignlanguage|: |\foreignlanguage{greek}{δοῦλος}|.
-LGR has Greek characters in the slots reserved in a TeX \emph{standard text
-font encoding}. Therefore, the Babel core defines the declaration
-\verb|\latintext| and the command \verb|\textlatin| to switch to the TU, T1
-or OT1 font encoding or typeset the argument using this encoding. At this
-point, the «latinencoding» is \texttt{\latinencoding}.
+ Change language with \verb|\selectlanguage|:
+ |\selectlanguage{greek}δοῦλος\selectlanguage{english}|.
-With the Unicode font encoding \texttt{TU},
-Latin characters can be used in Greek text parts and
-input via the «LGR Latin transcription» is not possible.
-The following quote mixes Latin transcription and Greek literal characters:
- \greekscript Φίλων τοῦ \textlatin{TeX} (ΕΦΤ) --
- \latintext Friends (\ensuregreek{F\'ilwn}) of TeX.%
-\section{LICR Macros}
-Babel defines macros for several autogenerated strings so that they may
-appear in the choosen language. \emph{babel-greek} uses LICR%
+\emph{Babel} defines macros for several autogenerated strings so that they
+may appear in the choosen language. \emph{Babel-greek} uses LICR%
\footnote{LaTeX internal character representation} macros in
order to let the string macros work independent of the font encoding.
-If \verb|\greekfontencoding| is TU, \emph{babel-greek} loads Greek LICR
-definitions from the file \texttt{tuenc-greek.def} provided by
-since version~0.14 (2020-02-28).
+ \ensureascii{Look for the abstract name. Today is} \today.
-With this setup, it is also possible to use accent macros instead of
-pre-composed Unicode characters for letters with diacritics%
-\ifdefined \UnicodeEncodingName
- : Τ\'ι φ\'ηις;, \`<ορα = \accdasiavaria{ο}ρα
+Show the auto-strings for language variant ``\GreekLanguageVariant''.
+ \abstractname,
+ \alsoname,
+ \appendixname,
+ \bibname,\\
+ \ccname,
+ \chaptername,
+ \contentsname,
+ \enclname,\\
+ \figurename,
+ \glossaryname,
+ \headtoname,
+ \indexname,\\
+ \listfigurename ,
+ \listtablename,\\
+ \pagename,
+ \partname,
+ \prefacename,
+ \proofname,\\
+ \refname,
+ \seename,
+ \tablename
-\listfigurename ,
Test correct upcasing (dropping of accents):
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \\
-\section{Greek Numerals (\greeknumeral{1} to \Greeknumeral{999999})}
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ \newcounter{origmonth}
+ \setcounter{origmonth}{\the\month}
+ \newcounter{foo}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
-See greek.pdf for the formation rules of Greek numerals.
-Some examples:
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
-Enumerated lists use Greek characters/numerals in the second and fourth level:
+ \stepcounter{foo} \month=\value{foo} \today \qquad \MakeUppercase{\today}
+ \month=\value{origmonth}
+Patterns for the Greek language variants:
+monotonic: \verb|\l@monogreek| = \the\l@monogreek \\
+polytonic: \verb|\l@polygreek| = \the\l@polygreek \\
+ancient: \verb|\l@ancientgreek| = \the\l@ancientgreek
+current: \verb|\l@greek| = \the\l@greek
+Greek paragraph:
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ \showhyphenpar
+ \ensureascii{monotonic:} Ευρετήριο, επίσης, Απόδειξη \\
+ \ensureascii{polytonic:} Εὑρετήριο, ἐπίσης, Ἀπόδειξη \\
+ \ensureascii{ancient:} Εὑρετήριον, ὡσαύτως, Ἀπόδειξις
+English paragraph with Greek text (\verb|\foreignlanguage{greek}|):
+ \showhyphenpar
+ monotonic: \foreignlanguage{greek}{Ευρετήριο, επίσης, Απόδειξη } \\
+ polytonic: \foreignlanguage{greek}{Εὑρετήριο, ἐπίσης, Ἀπόδειξη } \\
+ ancient: \foreignlanguage{greek}{Εὑρετήριον, ὡσαύτως, Ἀπόδειξις}
+English paragraph with Greek script (\verb|\ensuregreek|): no hypenation
+ \showhyphenpar
+ monotonic: \ensuregreek{Ευρετήριο, επίσης, Απόδειξη } \\
+ polytonic: \ensuregreek{Εὑρετήριο, ἐπίσης, Ἀπόδειξη } \\
+ ancient: \ensuregreek{Εὑρετήριον, ὡσαύτως, Ἀπόδειξις}
+\section{Greek Numerals (\greeknumeral{1} \ldots{} \greeknumeral{999999})%
+ \label{sec:greek-numerals}}
+\emph{Babel-Greek} provides the macros \verb|\greeknumeral| and
+\verb|\Greeknumeral| for the conversion of Arabic numbers from 1 to 999\,999
+into their Greek counterparts (\greeknumeral{1}, \greeknumeral{2},
+\greeknumeral{3}, \ldots, \greeknumeral{999999}).
+See \file{babel-greek.pdf} for the formation rules and configuration
+options and \file{test-greeknum.pdf} for samples.
+\newcommand*{\shownumeral}[2]{\mbox{#2 = \csname #1\endcsname{#2}}}
+ \shownumeral{#1}{36}\quad
+ \shownumeral{#1}{94}\quad
+ \shownumeral{#1}{678}\quad
+ \shownumeral{#1}{2002}\quad
+ \shownumeral{#1}{923090}}
+Users can redefine the macros \verb`\greeknumeralsix` and
+\verb`\greeknumeralSix` as well as \verb`\greeknumeralninety`
+\verb`\greeknumeralNinety` to configure the used symbols.
+If a font misses glyphs for the Greek numeral signs, subsitute characters
+may be defined with the macros
+\cs{textdexiakeraia} and \cs{textaristerikeraia}.
+\ifdefined \greeknumeralsix
+ Example (use ``archaic kappa'', ``varstigma'' with pdftex and substitute
+ chars for the numeral signs with Xe/LuaTeX):
+ \renewcommand*{\greeknumeralninety}{\textqoppa}
+ \renewcommand*{\greeknumeralNinety}{\textQoppa}
+ \ifdefined\UnicodeEncodingName
+ \renewcommand*{\textdexiakeraia}{\textquoteright}
+ \renewcommand*{\textaristerikeraia}{\quotesinglbase}
+ \else
+ \renewcommand*{\greeknumeralSix}{\textvarstigma}
+ \fi
+ \numeralsample{greeknumeral}
+ \numeralsample{Greeknumeral}
+ The macro \verb|\Grtoday| produces the current date with the month
+ and the day as greek numerals. Today is \ensuregreek{\Grtoday}.
+ \subsection{Alphabetical counters}
+ In line with Greek typographical tradition (and to avoid messed up
+ alphabetical counters with LGR fonts), \emph{babel-greek} changes
+ the internal LaTeX commands \cs{@alph} and \cs{@Alph}
+ to use Greek numerals inside Greek text parts
+ (see section~\ref{sec:LGR-redefinitions} for an example).
+\section{Font Encoding}
+TeX's standard 8-bit text fonts don't provide for Greek characters.
+Every language switch to \texttt{greek} calls the \verb|\extrasgreek|
+language hook which in turn calls \verb|\greekscript| to ensure a
+Greek-supporting font encoding (LGR or TU).
+With the current setup, this document uses
+ \item \greekfontencoding{} as \verb|\greekfontencoding|,
+ \item \latinencoding{} as \verb|\latinencoding|, and
+ \makeatletter \ensureascii{\cf@encoding} \makeatother
+ inside \verb|\ensureascii|.
+If \verb|\greekfontencoding| is LGR, \emph{babel-greek} performs additional
+setup steps to fix issues with the Latin transliteration (see below).
+If it is TU, \emph{babel-greek} loads Greek LICR definitions from the file
+ Provided by \pkgref{greek-fontenc} since version~0.14 (2020-02-28)}.
+ %
+ % Attention: \meaning\greekfontencoding\ != \meaning\UnicodeEncodingName
+ \expandafter\ifx\greekfontencoding\UnicodeEncodingName
+ With this setup, it is also possible to use accent macros instead of
+ pre-composed Unicode characters for letters with diacritics,
+ ὃρα = \`<ορα = \accdasiavaria{ο}ρα.
+ \fi
+ Switching to a font encoding supporting the Greek script is possible without
+ switching the Babel language using the declarations \verb|\greekscript| (no
+ switch if the current encoding supports the Greek script (e.g. the Unicode
+ font encodings TU and PU) or \verb|\greektext| (always switch to LGR) and the
+ corresponding functions \verb|\ensuregreek| and \verb|\lgrfont|.%
+ \footnote{Hyphenation patterns are not changed,
+ check for wrong hyphenations.}
+ These commands also work in the middle of a paragraph or word:
+ \greekscript Φίλων τοῦ \textlatin{TeX} (ΕΦΤ) --
+ \latintext Friends (\ensuregreek{F\'ilwn}) of TeX.
+\subsection{LGR's \emph{Latin transliteration}}
+LGR has Greek characters in the slots reserved for Latin characters and
+other symbols in a TeX \emph{standard text font encoding}.
+This allows the use of a \emph{Latin transliteration} for the input of Greek
+characters\footnote{see \file{usage.pdf}}, however, characters that should
+be printed as Latin characters must be protected from conversion by a font
+encoding switch, either selecting a different language or wrapping them with
+\verb|\ensureascii| (provided by the Babel core), that sets its argument
+using an ASCII-compatible font encoding. The legacy declaration
+\verb|\latintext| switches the font encoding to \verb|\latinencoding|.
+With the Unicode font encoding TU, Latin characters can be used in Greek
+text parts and the Latin transliteration does not work (but see the
+last example below).
+The following quote (with the Babel language set to Greek) illustrates the
+Literal characters, words in the ``foreign'' script protected:
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ Φίλων τοῦ \textlatin{TeX} (ΕΦΤ) --
+ \selectlanguage{english}
+ Friends (\ensuregreek{Φίλων}) of TeX.
+Unprotected ASCII characters come out as Greek characters with LGR:
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ Φίλων τοῦ TeX (ΕΦΤ) -- Friends (Φίλων) of TeX.
+The Latin transliteration works in LGR but not TU:
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ F'ilwn to\~u \ensureascii{TeX} (EFT) --
+ \selectlanguage{english}
+ \latintext Friends (\ensuregreek{F\'ilwn}) of TeX.
+ The Latin transliteration can be used with also with
+ Xe/LuaTeX, if the input text is wrapped in \cs{lgrfont}
+ \footnote{available, if the LGR encoding is loaded
+ with the \pkgref{fontenc} package}
+ but may result in non-matching fonts and wrong hyphenation:
+ \begin{quote}
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ \lgrfont{F'ilwn to\~u \ensureascii{TeX} (EFT)} --
+ \selectlanguage{english}
+ \latintext Friends (\lgrfont{F\'ilwn}) of TeX.
+ \end{quote}
+\subsubsection{LGR-proofed macros}
+\emph{Babel-greek} provides LGR-local variants for some
+\emph{TextCommand}s that rely on a standard text encoding.\footnote{%
+ These workarounds cannot be done in \file{lgrenc.def} from the
+ \pkgref{greek-fontenc} package because they are not allowed in a
+ ``font encoding definition file'' [\file{fntguide.pdf}].}
+The fallback definitions for some \emph{textcomp} symbols compose the
+symbols out of Latin letters.
+The fixes must not overwrite the selection of pre-composed symbols
+from \pkgref{textcomp} or TU (try copy and paste from the PDF output).
+LGR fonts have a middle dot glyph at the place of the ampersand. The new
+\emph{TextCommand} \verb|\textampersand| always prints an ampersand.
+\makeatletter \newcommand{\AsciiSymbolTest}{(\f@encoding) ©®™
+ A\textampersand W}
+ English: \AsciiSymbolTest\\
+ English: \ensuregreek{\AsciiSymbolTest}\\
+ Greek: \foreignlanguage{greek}{\AsciiSymbolTest}
+% English (LGR), input as macro:
+% \lgrfont{|\textcopyright|\textregistered|\texttrademark|
+% A\textampersand W.}
+\ifdefined\lgrfont% babel-greek and LGR font encoding loaded
+ \subsection{LGR re-definitions \label{sec:LGR-redefinitions}}
+ The generic macro \verb|\&| is re-defined inside Greek text parts to use
+ the original definition in math mode and \cs{textampersand} in text
+ mode.
+ \subsubsection{Roman numerals \label{sec:roman-numerals}}
+ Without fixes, Roman numerals are printed according to the Latin
+ transliteration (including the conversion of ``v'' to a
+ ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER) if the font encoding is LGR:
+ \makeatletter
+ \newcommand{\RomanNumeralTest}{\f@encoding:
+ \romannumeral 1, \romannumeral 2, \romannumeral 3,
+ \romannumeral 4, \ldots, \romannumeral 1975}
+ \makeatother
+ \begin{quote}
+ \RomanNumeralTest\\
+ \lgrfont{\RomanNumeralTest}
+ \end{quote}
+ Roman numerals are used by the default document classes, e.g., in the third
+ level of enumerations or as page numbers in the frontmatter of a book.
+ They may move to auto-generated document parts like the ToC,
+ (hyper)references, or an index.
+ As document authors cannot wrap page numbers in a ToC in \verb|\ensureascii|,
+ \emph{Babel-greek} redefines the internal LaTeX commands \verb|\@roman| and
+ \verb|\@Roman| to make Roman numberals LGR-proof.
+ Unfortunately, this breaks Makeindex (cf. \file{test-lgr-fixes.tex}).
+In Greek text parts, enumerated lists use Greek numerals in the second and
+fourth level and ASCII-proofed Roman numerals in the third level.
@@ -215,6 +516,7 @@ Enumerated lists use Greek characters/numerals in the second and fourth level:
\item item
\item item
+ \item item \label{item}
\item item 1.1.2
@@ -222,20 +524,183 @@ Enumerated lists use Greek characters/numerals in the second and fourth level:
+Setting the language back to English should restore the alphabetic numbering:
+ \item item 1
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item item 1.1
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item item 1.1.1
+ \begin{enumerate}
+ \item item
+ \item item
+ \item item
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \item item 1.1.2
+ \end{enumerate}
+ \end{enumerate}
-This may be problematic with fonts that only partially support Greek and
-miss the numeral signs (dexiakeraia and aristerikeraia).
+More test of the LGR-redefinitions are in \file{test-lgr-fixes.tex}.
-You may redefine the commands \verb+\textdexiakeraia+ and
-\verb+\textaristerikeraia+ to some substitute characters.
-Or, if you prefer the ``normal'' enumeration, write in the preamble after
-loading babel:
+ \end{document}
- \makeatletter
- \addto\extrasgreek{\let\@alph\latin@alph
- \let\@Alph\latin@Alph}
- \makeatother
+\section{Up- and downcasing in Greek}
+Capital Greek letters have diacritics (except the dialytika and sub-iota) to
+the left (instead of above) and drop them in uppercase (except the
+dialytika), e.g., \ensuregreek{μαΐστρος $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{μαΐστρος}}.
+For literal Greek characters and accent macros, these rules are implemented
+and tested in the required package \pkgref{greek-fontenc}.
+Tonos and dasia mark a \emph{hiatus} (break-up of a diphthong) if
+placed on the first vowel of a diphthong.
+A dialytika must be placed on the second vowel if they are dropped, e.g.
+ \acctonos\textalpha\textupsilon,
+ \acctonos\textepsilon\textiota,
+ \'>\textalpha\textiota,
+ \'>\textalpha\textupsilon,
+ \accpsili\textalpha\textupsilon,
+ \accdasiaoxia\textepsilon\textiota}%
+\ensuregreek{\HiatusLICR\ $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\HiatusLICR}}.
+Some affected words:
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ \newcommand*{\aylos}{% from teubner.sty: άυλος → ΑΫΛΟΣ
+ \acctonos\textalpha\textupsilon\textlambda\textomicron\textfinalsigma}
+ \aylos{} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\aylos},
+ \renewcommand*{\aylos}{% polytonic: ἄυλος → ΑΫΛΟΣ
+ \'>\textalpha\textupsilon\textlambda\textomicron\textfinalsigma}
+ \aylos{} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\aylos},
+ % from
+ \newcommand*{\maina}{%μάινα → ΜΑΪΝΑ
+ \textmu\acctonos\textalpha\textiota\textnu\textalpha}
+ \maina{} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\maina},
+ % from
+ \newcommand*{\keik}{% κέικ → ΚΕΪΚ
+ \textkappa\acctonos\textepsilon\textiota\textkappa}
+ \keik{} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\keik},
+ \newcommand*{\ahypnia}{% ἀυπνία → ΑΫΠΝΙΑ
+ \accpsili\textalpha\textupsilon\textpi\textnu\acctonos\textiota\textalpha}
+ \ahypnia{} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\ahypnia},
+ % from
+ \newcommand*{\romeika}{\textrho\textomega\textmu
+ \acctonos\textepsilon\textiota\textkappa\textalpha}
+ \romeika{} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\romeika}.
+With the pre-2022/06 \cs{MakeUppercase}, automatic upcasing of words with
+\emph{hiatus} works correctly only if the accents are input as macro and the
+letters as macro or via the Latin transliteration.
+With the current (2023/02/10) \cs{MakeUppercase}, it works for literal
+Unicode input and named accents. The definitions in \texttt{*enc.def} files,
+\texttt{uccode}s and the \texttt{@uclclist} are ignored.
+\subsection{Changed uccode/lccode values for LGR}
+LGR encoded fonts define ligatures for characters with diacritics. To enable
+correct upcasing, \emph{babel-greek} changes the uc/lccodes of some
+characters. Characters used to input diacritics are mapped to the ``empty''
+character 0x9f = 159.
+To minimise side-effects (see below), uc/lccodes are only changed:
+ \item if \cs{greekfontencoding} is a ``short macro'' expanding to LGR,%
+ \footnote{i.e. not in documents using Unicode fonts unless
+ \cs{greekfontencoding} is explicitly set to \texttt{LGR} before
+ loading \emph{babel-greek}}
+ \item if the LaTeX version is older than 2022/06, as uccodes are ignored
+ by the \cs{MakeUppercase} implementation introduced in this version
+ \item for accents that are actually required in the selcected language
+ variant (i.e. only for the \emph{tonos}, if the language variant
+ is the default ``monotonic''.
+With \cs{greekfontencoding} \greekfontencoding, LaTeX version \fmtversion,
+and language variant ``\GreekLanguageVariant'' we get for
+ Unless followed by a to-be accented vowel, the quotation mark \texttt{"}
+ is converted to an upper right apostrophe by LGR.},
+sub-iota, tonos/oxia, varia, psili, and dasia:
+\newcommand{\AccentCharacters}{" | ' ` > <}
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ \AccentCharacters{} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\AccentCharacters}
+\emph{Composite command} definitions ensure that combined accents
+also work for accent characters ``upcased'' to the charcter
+No 159 = 0x9f):
+ \ifdefined \UnicodeEncodingName
+ % TODO: combined accents swallow whitespace after base char
+ % unless protected
+ \"'υ{} \"`υ{} \`"υ{} \'"υ{} \`<α{} \'<α{}
+ \else
+ \"'u \"`u \`"u \'"u \`<a \'<a \'<ai
+ \fi
+ \'<\textalpha\textiota
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ \CombinedAccentSample{} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{\CombinedAccentSample}
+With babel-greek versions up to 1.11, using the tilde for the
+\emph{perispomeni} accent inside \verb|\MakeUppercase| led to a
+ \texttt{Package inputenc Error: Invalid UTF-8 byte "9F}
+(even without loading \emph{inputenc} and with \verb|\UseRawInputEncoding|).%
+ \href{}%
+ {LaTeX News 28}}
+Version 1.12 fixes the issue so that all three input variants work again
+(with LaTeX versions up to 2022/06)%
+\footnote{There are new issues with the implementation of \cs{MakeUppercase}
+ introduced in the 2022/06 LaTeX release, cf.\
+ \href{}%
+ {LaTeX News 35}}
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ \greektext
+ ~u \~u \accperispomeni{u} $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{~u \~u \accperispomeni{u}}
+The changed uc/lccodes have strange effects on Latin text parts
+in Greek paragraphs if only the encoding is switched:
+ \selectlanguage{greek}
+ \foreignlanguage{english}{English:
+ Let's see: \AccentCharacters{} $\mapsto$
+ \MakeUppercase{Let's see: \AccentCharacters}}\\
+ \ensureascii{\cs{ensureascii}:
+ Let's see: \AccentCharacters{} $\mapsto$
+ \MakeUppercase{Let's see: \AccentCharacters}}
+To limit the effect on, e.g., section headings (which are printed
+capitalised with the ``headings'' style), uccodes for ``v''
+(zero-width space) and ``c'' (final sigma) are not changed.
+Use \verb|\textcompwordmark| instead of \texttt{v} and autosigma
+(\texttt{s}) instead of \texttt{c} in text parts that could/should
+become upcased, e.g., \lgrfont{a\textcompwordmark us $\mapsto$
+\MakeUppercase{a\textcompwordmark us}}
+not \lgrfont{avuc $\mapsto$ \MakeUppercase{avuc}}.