path: root/macros/latex/contrib/apa
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/latex/contrib/apa
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/apa')
14 files changed, 3668 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/APAendfloat.cfg b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/APAendfloat.cfg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8584249f13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/APAendfloat.cfg
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+%% This is file `endfloat.cfg',
+%% modifed from the original supplied with the endfloat package
+%% to handle both sideways floats and longtable
+%% Athanassios Protopapas <>
+%% July 2005
+%% Original authors: James Darrell McCauley <>,
+%% Jeff Goldberg <>
+%% Original version: Version 2.4i <October 1995>
+ \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{\string\begin{sidewaystable}}%
+ \if@domarkers
+ \addtocounter{posttbl}{1}
+ \tableplace
+ \fi
+ \def\@currenvir{efloat@float}%
+ \begingroup
+ \let\do\ef@makeinnocent \dospecials
+ \ef@makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases
+ \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \ef@xsidetable}
+{\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 %
+ \gdef\ef@xsidetable#1^^M{\def\test{#1}
+ \ifx\test\ef@endsidetabletest
+ \efloat@foundend{ttt}{sidewaystable}
+ \else
+ \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{#1}%
+ \let\next\ef@xsidetable
+ \fi \next}
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{\string\begin{sidewaysfigure}}%
+ \if@domarkers
+ \addtocounter{postfig}{1}
+ \figureplace
+ \fi
+ \def\@currenvir{efloat@float}%
+ \begingroup
+ \let\do\ef@makeinnocent \dospecials
+ \ef@makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases
+ \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \ef@xsidefigure}
+{\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 %
+ \gdef\ef@xsidefigure#1^^M{\def\test{#1}
+ \ifx\test\ef@endsidefiguretest
+ \efloat@foundend{fff}{sidewaysfigure}
+ \else
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{#1}%
+ \let\next\ef@xsidefigure
+ \fi \next}
+ \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{\string\begin{longtable}}%
+ \if@domarkers
+ \addtocounter{posttbl}{1}
+ \tableplace
+ \fi
+ \def\@currenvir{efloat@float}%
+ \begingroup
+ \let\do\ef@makeinnocent \dospecials
+ \ef@makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases
+ \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \ef@xlongtable}
+{\catcode`\^^M=12 \endlinechar=-1 %
+ \gdef\ef@xlongtable#1^^M{\def\test{#1}
+ \ifx\test\ef@endlongtabletest
+ \efloat@foundend{ttt}{longtable}
+ \else
+ \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{#1}%
+ \let\next\ef@xlongtable
+ \fi \next}
+ \xdef\ef@endsidefiguretest{\string\\end\string\{sidewaysfigure\string\}}%
+ \xdef\ef@endsidetabletest{\string\\end\string\{sidewaystable\string\}}
+ \xdef\ef@endlongtabletest{\string\\end\string\{longtable\string\}}}%
+%% End of file `endfloat.cfg'.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/CHANGELOG.txt b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/CHANGELOG.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..745599afe0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/CHANGELOG.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+Alteration log for apa.cls (v1.3.4, December 2008)
+1.00 --> 1.01
+July 5, 1996: \r@headl now defaults to \r@headr in [doc] (used to complain)
+1.01 --> 1.02
+October 28, 1996:Changed \rhead to \markright in [doc]
+1.02 --> 1.1
+July 15, 1997: Removed citation section, loading apacite.sty instead
+ Added three and four authors/affiliations
+ Added bibliographystyle{apacite}
+August 20, 1997: Removed call to twocolumn.sty (not needed in 2e)
+ Added notimes and nosf options for jou and man, respectively
+ Changed \typeout to \ClassWarning where appropriate
+ Set \textfraction to 0 for the man mode
+August 21, 1997: Fixed date stamp on previous alteration :-) and in the
+ \ProvidesClass command.
+ Changed author size in jou from \Large to \large
+ Added \journal, \volume, \ccoppy, \copnum for first page header
+August 22, 1997: Changed \footnoterule to be \columnwidth wide
+ Moved author, title, etc. checking (& warnings) to a single block
+ Added appropriate behavior for undefined abstracts in doc & man
+ Removed line numbers from warnings about missing title, author, etc.
+ Added check for matching number of authors/affiliations
+October 30, 1997: Fix version to 1.1 and upload to CTAN
+1.1 --> 1.2
+December 16, 1997: Changed \evensidemargin from -0.15in to -0.1in to match \oddsidemargin
+May 15, 1998: In man mode, do not print a footnote page if no footnotes exist
+ Changed footnoterule length back to 0.5in as seen in latest JEP:HPP
+ Used ftnright in jou (if available) so that all footnotes appear
+ under the right column (canceling other appeareance changes in ftnright)
+ Used fancyhdr to display journal etc. at the header of the first page
+ Added conditional compilation macros: \ifapamodeman{}{}, \ifapamodejou{}{},
+ and \ifapamodedoc{}{} (first parameter when true, second when false); also
+ \ifapamode{}{}{} with separate options for man, jou, and doc mode.
+May 18, 1998: Added \fitfigure for loading eps files and automatically determine dimensions
+ by trying width=\columnwidth and switching to height=\textheight if the result
+ is too high. In man mode it rotates the figure if width is greater than height.
+May 19, 1998: Adjusted skips above and below captions separately for tables and figures
+ Added \fitbitmap that doesn't scale eps in man mode (as \fitfigure does).
+ Will load pslatex instead of times and mathptm if available
+May 20, 1998: Changed \columnwidth to \linewidth within \fitfigure nad \fitbitmap to handle
+ double-column figures (thanks to Donald Arseneau and Heiko Oberdiek)
+May 27, 1998: Defined \put@one@authaffil and \put@two@authaffil to unclutter \maketitle
+ in jou mode.
+ Copied the footnotemark definitions from article.cls and adjusted dimensions
+ Adjusted sizes, distances, and dimensions of all sorts in jou mode
+June 3, 1998: When two author-affiliation boxes are displayed side by side and one is wider
+ than \columnwidth but not by more than 25 then no lines are broken and
+ \hfill is used to separate the two boxes from each other and from the margins
+ provided that at least .4in of ``breathing space'' is left between the two
+ (thanks to Donald Arsenau for suggesting the use of tabular)
+ Thanks to Mike Tarr for testing and for suggesting features
+June 10, 1998: Checked and adjusted dimensions in jou format
+ Implemented the fignum option that prints the short title and the figure
+ number in the header of figure pages in man mode
+ Defined \thickline for horizontal separator between caption and table
+ Made footnote separators (and ack box rule separator) thinner in all modes
+June 12, 1998: Set tabular to occupy the full \linewidth in jou mode
+ Option notab can be specified to override this and revert to standard tabular
+June 13, 1998: Freeze features and call it a beta.
+July 28, 1998: Fix version to 1.2, rename .doc files to .txt, and upload to CTAN
+ (version datestamp is 8/1/98)
+1.2 --> 1.21
+August 1, 1998: Added nobf option to have section headers displayed in regular (not bold)
+ weight (effective in man mode only)
+August 3, 1998: Set endnotes ragged-right in man (thanks to Bob Damber for noticing)
+ Left-flushed figure captions and underlined period after ``Figure'' in man
+1.21 --> 1.22
+September 2, 1998: Set running head (lowercase `h') on title page of man mode to flush left
+1.22 --> 1.23
+January 5, 1999: Fixed bug in \headinglevels (thanks to John Vokey for pointing it out)
+January 13,1999: Included all options in the class warning message on unknown option
+January 27,1999: Changed \rlap to \hbox in \@makefnmark (thanks to Michael Erickson)
+February 9,1999: Added vertical fill around included figures in man mode (fitfigure,fitbitmap)
+ Added \long to the conditional compilation (mode checking) definitions
+April 18,1999: Pass unknown options on to article.cls (thanks to Robin Fairbairns)
+June 1, 1999: Fix version to 1.23 and upload to CTAN (version datestamp is 5/1/99)
+1.23 --> 1.24
+March 10, 2000: Save regular \footnote definition to \oldfootnote before changing to
+ \endnote and restore after printing endnotes so that footnotes in the
+ tables will appear correctly in man mode (thanks to Franck Ramus for
+ pointing out the problem).
+ Defined \tabfnm and \tabfnt to create footnote marks in tables without
+ messing up vertical alignment (centering). Used with a single argument,
+ the footnote mark (e.g., \tabfnm{a} in the tabular environment and
+ \tabfnt{a}{blabla} right before or after \end{tabular} for the note text.
+July 17, 2000: Added second set of braces around \em in cap@style to get citations in
+ table captions in man mode (thanks to John Vokey for noticing)
+ Added @dummy@box with an accented character so that the first accent does
+ not occur inside a citation, because in that case LaTeX complains
+ (recent distributions only, something about apacite+OT1 -- babel bug?)
+July 18,2000 Added Michael Erickson's patch to handle appendix section & float numbering
+ Revised and set default to one unnumbered appendix for backwards compatibility
+July 27,2000 Added floatmark option for those who still want figure and table in-text
+ markers ("Insert table/figure X here"). These are not required in the 4th
+ edition of the manual and will now by default not appear.
+ (Thanks to Michael Erickson for pointing it out and helping correct this)
+ Defined \appendix* and \appendixes (no difference between the two)
+ for more than one appendices, to be numbered A, B, C, ...
+ Individual appendices are treated as sections, in the standard LaTeX manner
+1.24 --> 1.25
+October 20,2000 Added flushend.sty in jou mode (optional)
+ Language portability: abstractname, refname/bibname, acksname, notesname
+ figurecaptionsname, appendixname, figurename, tablename
+ Added \apavector based on p. 114 of the APA manual
+ Fixed appendix headings, used old@tabular to center in jou mode
+ \appendix* and \appendices no longer necessary since the number is detected
+ and adjustments are made automatically -- removed, only \appendix remains
+July 5, 2001 Do not print "Figure captions" page when there are no figures
+ (added @figure@written definition as flag in endfloat code)
+ Fixed check for Greek language so that \GreekDefs is expanded correctly
+ Changed \uppercase to \MakeUppercase to work in every language
+1.25 --> 1.26
+February 27,2002:Quick fix for APA manual 5th edition (man mode only):
+ (a) do not load ulem.sty since italics are OK and no underlining is needed
+ (b) hanging indent in bibliography as in other modes (and apacite default)
+ Removed some calls to \rm that prevented use of the default font family
+ Declared font options: helv for helvetica and tt for typewriter
+ The \helvetica command now only produces a warning to use the helv option
+ Got longtable to work with apa.cls. Must be used as option to apa.cls
+ and not loaded as regular package (due to precedence requirements for
+ proper endfloat function and cross-definitions). ONLY for man mode
+ (longtable does not work unless in single-column). Unfortunately the
+ ifapamode commands won't work to keep a single table body and mode-specific
+ table or longtable environment because if cross-nests with environment
+ begin/end. In fact the table environment won't even work inside in
+ ifapamode argument, which makes it impossible to have a single file
+ that can be processed for both man and jou. Defeats the purpose of apa.cls...
+ Sent out as v1.26 to a bunch of users for testing and feedback
+1.26 --> 1.27
+March 15, 2002: Commented out forgotten \old@endtabular etc @ ~ l. 720 because the \relax
+ caused an extra line after the end of tabular (thanks to Jacob Feldman
+ for noticing)
+1.27 --> 1.28
+March 31, 2002: Fixed appendix headers which were in a tabular parbox centered in a
+ column shifted right by 4em (the \leftskip of the section header, \leveltwo).
+ Thanks to Jeff Miller for pointing out the bug.
+April 1, 2002: \@figure@written should be defined globally to be visible at end document
+ Thanks to Olivier Crouzet for noticing that figure captions weren't printing
+ Fixed (I hope) vertical placement of appendix section header by removing
+ extra vertical space (presumably added in the making of the tabular box)
+1.28 --> 1.2.9
+July 20, 2002: Changed \columnwidth to \linewidth in the journal format table caption
+ to handle wide captions (thanks to Ragnar Steingrimsson for noticing)
+ Changed \underline to \em in man mode figure caption page for "Figure #."
+ (thanks to Ragnar Steingrimsson for noticing)
+ Changed version numbering to the correct 1.2.x (instead of 1.2x)
+ Now using \refstepcounter to increase appendix number so that appendices
+ can be referenced via label/ref (add \label{app:X} after appendix \section
+ command and reference anywhere in text using Appendix~\ref{app:X})
+ Fixed appendix section title centering by removing tabular intra-box space
+August 21, 2002: Set parsep to 0em for biblist in man mode because some editor complained
+ that the references were separated by more than regular line skip.
+ (I can't quite thank Steve Finney for bringing it up...). Then commented
+ out the change because the ref list was much easier to read before.
+August 30, 2002: Fix version to 1.3.0 and upload to CTAN
+1.3.0 --> 1.3.1
+September 24, 2004: Load babel from within apa.cls because it must precede apacite
+ (apacite fixes problems due to incompatibility)
+July 23, 2005: Remove bibliography adjustments now handled by apacite;
+ Call apacite with [bibnewpage] option in man mode
+ Removed Greek language definitions, to be handled by apacite
+ Added definitions to support distinction in citation form between
+ regular text (requiring "and") and table captions (requiring "&")
+July 25, 2005: Combined longtable & sideways floats into a single endfloat.cfg
+July 26, 2005: Set txfonts as default typeface for jou mode, if available, after Erik
+ Meijer's suggestion; added notxfonts option in case this is undesirable
+ Added xkeyval support for specifying babel language options;
+ added special babelmain option to specify the main document language
+ Reactivated Greek language definitions for strings defined and used
+ exclusively by apa.cls (Running head, Author note, Figure captions,
+ Footnotes)
+ Removed code long ago commented out, to clean up the file a bit
+1.3.1 --> 1.3.2
+December 28, 2005: Removed xkeyval and special babel options, because Erik Meijer pointed
+ out that any additional options are automatically passed on to babel
+ without the need for any special action, so one may call apa.cls with
+ \documentclass[man,fignum,babel,greek,english]{apa}, for example, and
+ this loads babel with [greek,english] options, as desired (same order)
+ Added \iint and related definitions that prevent txfonts (loaded by
+ apa.cls automatically) to clash with amsmath (if loaded by the user).
+ The problem was noticed and solved by Erik Meijer, who contributed the
+ solution code.
+ Incorporated improved definition of apavector, as provided by Erik Meijer,
+ which uses package bm and redefines (upright) Greek letters so that most
+ vector cases are handled appropriately (displayed in bold; or with tilde
+ at the same distance)
+December 30, 2005: Switched to external language strings with the same system as apacite
+ Defined english.apa and greek.apa containing the 4 necessary macros
+ Sent out as beta version (1.3.2b) for some external testing
+January 2, 2006: Fixed warning about missing language definitions (thanks to Erik Meijer)
+ Added dutch.apa supplied by Erik Meijer
+ Erik Meijer noticed that tables (tabular environments) in doc mode weren't
+ centered and did not follow the proper citation form (& instead of "and")
+ A special apatabular-style macro was created to fix both problems
+January 3, 2006: Tried \@topnum and \@botnum definitions to keep tables from ugly front-page
+ placement in doc mode (noted by Erik Meijer). Decided against it because it
+ messes with placement of acknowledgements on first page. Since it is unlikely
+ that a manuscript will reference table on the first page, in the rare case
+ when it happens the author will have to move it manually later in the text.
+ Added separate tabular/endtabular redefinitions for the doc mode, activated
+ through \maketitle after document beginning, to ensure table centering.
+ Might interfere with array.sty if loaded.
+January 5, 2006: Added \fiveauthors and \fiveaffiliations, contributed by Aaaron Geller,
+ including corresponding changes to \maketitle for each of the three modes;
+ Completed tests for consistent number of author/affiliation definitions
+ Added \sixauthors and \sixaffiliations, including corresponding changes
+ to \maketitle and tests for consistent definitions
+January 10, 2006: Tried \@topnum=\z@ and \@botnum=\@ne so that tables do not appear on the
+ first page in doc mode (the acknowledgements is the "one" float allowed on
+ the title page, if defined).
+1.3.2 --> 1.3.3
+August 28, 2008: Added curly braces around the argument of \MakeUppercase in the definitions
+ of \levelone (all 3 modes), as suggested by Nicholas Daly, who noticed that the
+ top level ("Level 5" of APA manual section 3.31, p. 113ff) was not set in
+ uppercase. Apparently this bug can be traced to changing Young Ryu's original
+ \uppercase to \MakeUppercase (and possibly changes to the behavior of the
+ latter through the evolution of LaTeX).
+ Renamed endfloat.cfg to APAendfloat.cfg so that it can be included in the
+ distributions (putting endfloat.cfg under tex/latex/apa would result it its
+ use with endfloat regardless of document class). apa.cls users are instructed
+ to copy this file to their working document directory and rename locally
+ to endfloat.cfg
+November 13, 2008: Fixed a bug in the definition of levelfive that caused the paragraph
+ following the sectioning command to begin on the next line of the document
+ if a blank line intervened between the sectioning command and the paragraph
+ text. (The hskip should have been inside the heading argument and not floating
+ at the end of levelfive into @startsection.) Thanks to Nicholas Daly who
+ pointed out the problem.
+1.3.2 --> 1.3.4
+December 3rd, 2008: Philip Kime added a "noapacite" option to avoid loading apacite and
+ also to avoid changing any bibliography macros so that the class can be used
+ with biblatex and the "bibaltex-apa" style.
+TO DO FOR v2.0: Is continuation note at page end required with long tables? (5.21/p. 301)
+ Stop messing with captions and use a standard package (caption2, ccaption)
+ Stop messing with endfloat and use loflot or something for the captions page
+ Use fancyhdr for all headings in all modes (instead of markboth/markright)
+ Appendices should be set in smaller typeface, including headings
+ Tabular footnotes should be automated -- not practical because it varies
+ dont' know how to keep expanding list of footnotes to display at \endtabular
+ Follow manual guidelines for table "Note" vs. probabilities (3.70/p. 170)
+ Wide tables should be turned sideways automatically -- how?
+ Fix Greek definitions according to babel conventions -- check babel docs
+ Clean up the font act -- remove rm/hrm/hsl etc.
+ Use geometry package to set margins taking into account paper size (A4)
+ Add contact information command and field for first page (man mode only)
+PROBLEMS: flushend.sty seems to mess up the last column if there is a float in it.
+ array.sty redefines tabular/endtabular and so it is not compatible with the
+ \apatabular definitions.
+ There may not be enough space on the title page for notes in case of more
+ than four author-affiliation pairs -- need smarter layout setup
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/LICENCE b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/LICENCE
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0cd49a2e80
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/LICENCE
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+%% apa.cls
+%% version 1.3.3
+%% August 2008
+%% by Athanassios Protopapas
+%% This package may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
+%% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution. Either
+%% version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
+%% The term "package" above applies to all files accompanying apa.cls, that is:
+%% README, apa.cls, CHANGELOG.txt, apacls.txt, apacls.html, apaenum.txt,
+%% examples.txt, apaexample.txt, examplebib.bib, APAendfloat.cfg, and language-
+%% specific definitions in .apa files (e.g., english.apa, greek.apa, dutch.apa).
+%% All may distributed undern the LPPL.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/README b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..716588d3f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/README
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+apa.cls LaTeX2e document class; version 1.3.4 of December, 2008
+apa.cls is a LaTeX2e class file that makes your document conform to
+the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual (Fifth
+Edition, 2001) specifications for manuscripts or to the APA journal
+look found in journals like the Journal of Experimental Psychology.
+In addition, it provides a regular LaTeX-like output with a few
+enhancements and APA-motivated changes.
+This is a document *class* which uses (and modifies) other packages to
+achieve strictly defined formatting results and also uses the apacite
+package (sty & bst) for citations and references. If you only want
+APA-like citation for other kinds of documents use apacite.sty with
+an appropriate class. In particular, apa.cls is *NOT* appropriate for
+your thesis; don't even consider using it for that purpose.
+In order to use this document class you need some packages that may
+not be present in your LaTeX distribution. Please read apacls.txt
+carefully to understand what you need to install and what is possible
+with apa.cls, then read examples.txt carefully to understand how to
+use apa.cls (macros and instructions). Check out apaexample.tex, a
+minimal example file that produces actual manuscript-like output.
+apa.cls is not in any way connected to, endorsed by, or probably known
+at all at the American Psychological Association. APA does not even
+accept manuscript submissions in LaTeX source. The author of apa.cls
+has made every effort to achieve typesetting results conforming to
+the APA manual, because he uses it for his manuscripts. However, he
+is not responsible if the editor does not approve of a manuscript
+typeset with apa.cls, if your computer blows up while processing your
+manuscript with apa.cls, or for anything else that may go wrong with
+apa.cls, or with anything else for that matter.
+Athanassios Protopapas
+December 2008
+List of files in distribution:
+README This file
+LICENCE apa.cls terms of distribution and use
+apa.cls The APA-style document class
+CHANGELOG.txt A text file documenting apa.cls updates
+apacls.txt Instructions for using apa.cls (plain text)
+apacls.html Description of apa.cls and usage instructions (HTML)
+apaenum.txt Instructions for using APA list environments
+examples.txt Guide with examples of correct apa.cls macro usage
+apaexample.tex Sample APA-style manuscript using apa.cls
+examplebib.bib Sample bibliography file accompanying apaexample.tex
+APAendfloat.cfg Configuration file to make endfloat aware of longtable
+ and sideways table floating environments
+*.apa Language-specific definitions of special APA-style
+ strings (section headings)
+Distribution maintainers: Please include *.apa and APAendfloat.cfg
+configuration files with the apa.cls distribution under tex/latex/apa
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apa.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apa.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..cbbbe08d69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apa.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,1641 @@
+% apa.cls version 1.3.4
+% NOTE CHANGE IN VERSION NUMBERING : 1.21--1.28 should have been 1.2.1--1.2.8
+% Athanassios Protopapas, December 2008
+% This package may be distributed under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public
+% License, as described in lppl.txt in the base LaTeX distribution. Either
+% version 1.0 or, at your option, any later version.
+% The term "package", in the above license statement, applies to all files
+% included with apa.cls (language files, examples, configuration,
+% instructions etc.) -- they may be all distributed under LPPL.
+% Use with LaTeX2e, \documentclass[man|jou|doc]{apa}
+% Default mode is doc. Conforms to the APA manual 5th ed.
+% ** Read apacls.txt and examples.txt carefully before using **
+\ProvidesClass{apa}[2008/12/09 American Psychological Association format v1.3.4]
+\DeclareOption{notxfonts}{% -- thp 2005/07/23
+\DeclareOption{noapacite}{% -- Philip Kime 2008/12/03
+\@ifundefined{def@noapacite}% -- Philip Kime 2008/12/03
+ {\ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{Using BibTeX with apacite for citations and references}}%
+ {\ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{apacite not loaded -- User may load BibLaTeX}}
+ \@ifundefined{def@jou}{%
+ \@ifundefined{def@doc}{%
+ \def\def@doc{\@docmode}
+ \ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{Using default mode (doc)}
+ }{}
+ }{}
+% endnotes and endfloat loaded later
+% longtable must be loaded before endfloat
+ \RequirePackage{longtable}
+% longtable messes with captions too, we need to intervene to match style
+ \LT@mcol\LT@cols c{\hbox to\z@{\hss\parbox{\linewidth}{%
+ \vskip 10pt%
+ #1{#2}%
+ \let\BBAB\table@BBAB% -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \par\emph{#3}%
+ \let\BBAB\normal@BBAB% -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \endgraf\vskip\baselineskip}%
+ \hss}}}
+}% END of loading longtable
+% Switch font family for manuscript if required
+% A typewriter font can be used as in the APA manual example. Since tt has
+% no bold (or bold-italic), the cmss font metrics are loaded instead
+% \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmtt}{bx}{n}{ <-> sub * cmss/bx/n }{} % this fails
+ \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmtt}{bx}{n}{ <-> cmssbx10 }{} % probably not the
+ \DeclareFontShape{OT1}{cmtt}{bx}{it}{ <-> cmssbxo10}{} % right way to do it
+ \renewcommand{\familydefault}{cmtt}
+ }
+ \renewcommand{\familydefault}{phv}}
+% For jou mode, load times (and related math fonts) if available
+% First try txfonts because they are supposed to have better math definitions
+ \LoadClass[twoside]{article}
+ \@ifundefined{def@notimes}{%
+ \newif\iftxfonts % -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \txfontsfalse % added checks for txfonts because they may be undesirable
+ % for example, there are no Greek txfonts but there are times
+ \IfFileExists{txfonts.sty}{\@ifundefined{def@notxfonts}{\txfontstrue}{}}{}
+ \iftxfonts%
+ \RequirePackage{txfonts}%
+ \typeout{apa.cls: Using txfonts}% Changed from Warning -- thp 2005/12/28
+ %%%
+ % According to Erik Meijer, txfonts causes problems if amsmath is loaded later
+ % (i.e., via \usepackage by the user); instead of providing yet another option
+ % to load amsmath by apa.cls, we adopt Erik's suggestion to undefine temporarily
+ % the offending macros -- thp 2005/12/28
+ \let\tempiint\iint\let\iint\undefined
+ \let\tempiiint\iiint\let\iiint\undefined
+ \let\tempiiiint\iiiint\let\iiiint\undefined
+ \let\tempidotsint\idotsint\let\idotsint\undefined
+ \let\tempopenbox\openbox\let\openbox\undefined
+ \AtBeginDocument{%
+ \let\iint\tempiint\let\tempiint\undefined
+ \let\iiint\tempiiint\let\tempiiint\undefined
+ \let\iiiint\tempiiiint\let\tempiiiint\undefined
+ \let\idotsint\tempidotsint\let\tempidotsint\undefined
+ \let\openbox\tempopenbox\let\tempopenbox\undefined
+ }
+ %%% end of taking care of txfonts problems
+ \else%
+ % if txfonts are not available/desirable, try pslatextimes/mathptm
+ \IfFileExists{pslatex.sty}
+ {\RequirePackage{pslatex}}
+ % if pslatex is not available, try times/mathptm
+ {\RequirePackage{times}
+ \IfFileExists{mathptm.sty}{\RequirePackage{mathptm}}{}}%
+ \fi% txfonts not available/desirable
+ }{}% def@notimes
+}% def@jou
+%========= Language portability parameters ===========
+% Language-specific definition of strings is handled externally -- thp 2005/12/30
+% Based on handling of the same issue in apacite.sty
+% First define the default English macros in case no external file is present or needed
+\def\rheadname{Running head:}
+\def\acksname{Author Note}
+\def\figurecaptionsname{Figure Captions}
+\AtBeginDocument{% so that we know what language is active in babel
+% \typeout{\string\languagename\space is\space\languagename}
+% \@ifundefined{iflanguage}% this is defined by babel, so it means babel is loaded
+ % Unfortunately, because babel is built into the format
+ % in modern distributions, \iflanguage is defined and
+ % \languagename contains whichever language happens to be
+ % last in the definition list, whether or not the babel
+ % package is loaded by the current document
+ \@ifundefined{def@babel}% this is defined only if the user requested loading babel
+ {\def\@apa@langfile{english.apa}}
+ {\def\@apa@langfile{\languagename.apa}}
+ \InputIfFileExists{\@apa@langfile}{}{%
+ \ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{Language definition file \@apa@langfile\space not found}
+ }%
+%========== Load babel if required ===================
+\@ifundefined{def@babel}{}{% -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \RequirePackage{babel} % -- thp 2005/07/23, removed options 2005/12/28
+%========== Load new apacite =========================
+\@ifundefined{def@noapacite}% -- Philip Kime 2008/12/03
+ {\@ifundefined{def@man}{% -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \RequirePackage{apacite}[2005/06/08]}
+ {\RequirePackage[bibnewpage]{apacite}[2005/06/08]}}{}
+%========== APA Section heading & seriation, from theapa.sty
+% \apa@startsection{Heading Indent}{Beforeskip}{Afterskip}{Heading}
+\newskip\b@level@one@skip \b@level@one@skip=2.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex
+\newskip\e@level@one@skip \e@level@one@skip=1.5ex plus .6ex minus .1ex
+\newskip\b@level@two@skip \b@level@two@skip=2.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex
+\newskip\e@level@two@skip \e@level@two@skip=1.5ex plus .6ex minus .1ex
+\newskip\b@level@three@skip \b@level@three@skip=2.0ex plus .8ex minus .2ex
+\newskip\e@level@three@skip \e@level@three@skip=1.5ex plus .6ex minus .1ex
+\newskip\b@level@four@skip \b@level@four@skip=1.8ex plus .8ex minus .2ex
+\newskip\e@level@four@skip \e@level@four@skip=1.5ex plus .6ex minus .1ex
+\newskip\b@level@five@skip \b@level@five@skip=1.8ex plus .8ex minus .2ex
+\newskip\e@level@five@skip \e@level@five@skip=0ex
+% Selecting the Levels of Headings
+% One Level
+ \def\section{\@ifnextchar*{\@sections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@sectionb}{\@section}}}%
+ \def\@sections*##1{\leveltwo{##1}}%
+ \def\@sectionb[##1]##2{\leveltwo{##2}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\@section##1{\leveltwo{##1}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+% Two Levels
+ \def\section{\@ifnextchar*{\@sections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@sectionb}{\@section}}}%
+ \def\@sections*##1{\leveltwo{##1}}%
+ \def\@sectionb[##1]##2{\leveltwo{##2}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\@section##1{\leveltwo{##1}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\subsection{\@ifnextchar*{\@subsections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@subsectionb}{\@subsection}}}%
+ \def\@subsections*##1{\levelfour{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsectionb[##1]##2{\levelfour{##2}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsection##1{\levelfour{##1}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{##1}}%
+% Two Levels - Variation
+ \def\section{\@ifnextchar*{\@sections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@sectionb}{\@section}}}%
+ \def\@sections*##1{\leveltwo{##1}}%
+ \def\@sectionb[##1]##2{\leveltwo{##2}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\@section##1{\leveltwo{##1}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \let\subsection=\levelfive%
+% Three Levels
+ \def\section{\@ifnextchar*{\@sections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@sectionb}{\@section}}}%
+ \def\@sections*##1{\leveltwo{##1}}%
+ \def\@sectionb[##1]##2{\leveltwo{##2}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\@section##1{\leveltwo{##1}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\subsection{\@ifnextchar*{\@subsections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@subsectionb}{\@subsection}}}%
+ \def\@subsections*##1{\levelfour{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsectionb[##1]##2{\levelfour{##2}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsection##1{\levelfour{##1}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{##1}}%
+ \let\subsubsection=\levelfive
+% Four Levels
+ \def\section{\@ifnextchar*{\@sections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@sectionb}{\@section}}}%
+ \def\@sections*##1{\leveltwo{##1}}%
+ \def\@sectionb[##1]##2{\leveltwo{##2}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\@section##1{\leveltwo{##1}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\subsection{\@ifnextchar*{\@subsections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@subsectionb}{\@subsection}}}%
+ \def\@subsections*##1{\levelthree{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsectionb[##1]##2{\levelthree{##2}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsection##1{\levelthree{##1}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{##1}}%
+ \def\subsubsection{\@ifnextchar*{\@subsubsections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@subsubsectionb}{\@subsubsection}}}%
+ \def\@subsubsections*##1{\levelfour{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsubsectionb[##1]##2{\levelfour{##2}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsubsection##1{\levelfour{##1}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{##1}}%
+ \let\paragraph=\levelfive%
+% Five Levels
+ \def\section{\@ifnextchar*{\@sections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@sectionb}{\@section}}}%
+ \def\@sections*##1{\levelone{##1}}%
+ \def\@sectionb[##1]##2{\levelone{##2}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\@section##1{\levelone{##1}%
+ \@mkboth{\MakeUppercase{##1}}{\MakeUppercase{##1}}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{##1}}%
+ \def\subsection{\@ifnextchar*{\@subsections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@subsectionb}{\@subsection}}}%
+ \def\@subsections*##1{\leveltwo{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsectionb[##1]##2{\leveltwo{##2}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsection##1{\leveltwo{##1}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsection}{##1}}%
+ \def\subsubsection{\@ifnextchar*{\@subsubsections}%
+ {\@ifnextchar[{\@subsubsectionb}{\@subsubsection}}}%
+ \def\@subsubsections*##1{\levelthree{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsubsectionb[##1]##2{\levelthree{##2}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{##1}}%
+ \def\@subsubsection##1{\levelthree{##1}%
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{subsubsection}{##1}}%
+ \let\paragraph=\levelfour%
+ \let\subparagraph=\levelfive%
+% Refer to LaTeX book to modify, if you want, spaces before and after of
+% \begin{...} ... \end{...} or spaces between \item-s.
+\def\APAenumerate{\@text@par@indent\parindent\setbox0\hbox{1. }%
+ \list{\arabic{APAenum}.}{\usecounter{APAenum}
+ \labelwidth\z@\labelsep\z@\leftmargin\z@\parsep\z@
+ \rightmargin\z@\itemsep\z@\topsep\z@\partopsep\z@
+ \itemindent\@text@par@indent\advance\itemindent by\wd0
+ \def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1 }}}}
+ \setcounter{APAenum}{0}%
+ \def\item{\addtocounter{APAenum}{1}(\alph{APAenum})\space}%
+ \ignorespaces}
+ \list{$\bullet$}{%
+ \labelwidth\z@\labelsep.5em\leftmargin\z@\parsep\z@
+ \rightmargin\z@\itemsep\z@\topsep\z@\partopsep\z@
+ \itemindent\@text@par@indent
+ \advance\itemindent by\wd0\advance\itemindent by.5em
+ \def\makelabel##1{\hss\llap{##1}}}}
+% End of code from theapa.sty
+%===== apa.cls main declarations for title page contents =====
+ \long\def\@author{#1}}
+ \long\def\@authorThree{#3}\long\def\@author{#1}}
+ \long\def\@authorThree{#3}\long\def\@author{#1}\def\@twofirst{1}}
+ \long\def\@authorThree{#3}\long\def\@authorFour{#4}\long\def\@author{#1}}
+ \long\def\@authorThree{#3}\long\def\@authorFour{#4}\long\def\@authorFive{#5}% %%
+ \long\def\@author{#1}} %% 2006/01/05 -- added as contributed by Aaron Geller %%
+\long\def\sixauthors#1#2#3#4#5#6{\long\def\@authorOne{#1}% %% thp 2006/01/05
+ \long\def\@authorTwo{#2}\long\def\@authorThree{#3}\long\def\@authorFour{#4}%% thp 2006/01/05
+ \long\def\@authorFive{#5}\long\def\@authorSix{#6}\long\def\@author{#1}} %% thp 2006/01/05
+ \long\def\@affilThree{#3}\long\def\@affil{#1}}
+ \long\def\@affilThree{#3}\long\def\@affil{#1}}
+ \long\def\@affilThree{#3}\long\def\@affilFour{#4}\long\def\@affil{#1}}
+ \long\def\@affilThree{#3}\long\def\@affilFour{#4}\long\def\@affilFive{#5}% %%
+ \long\def\@affil{#1}} %% 2006/01/05 -- added as contributed by Aaron Geller %%
+\long\def\sixaffiliations#1#2#3#4#5#6{\long\def\@affilOne{#1}% %% thp 2006/01/05
+ \long\def\@affilTwo{#2}\long\def\@affilThree{#3}\long\def\@affilFour{#4}%% thp 2006/01/05
+ \long\def\@affilFive{#5}\long\def\@affilSix{#6}\long\def\@affil{#1}} %% thp 2006/01/05
+\def\@error@toomanyauthors{\ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{More authors than affiliations defined}}
+\def\@error@toomanyaffils{\ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{More affiliations than authors defined}}
+ \@ifundefined{@author}{%
+ \ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{Author not defined}\def\@author{Author}}{}
+ \@ifundefined{@title}{%
+ \ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{Title not defined}\def\@title{Title}}{}
+ \@ifundefined{@affil}{%
+ \ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{Affiliation not defined}\def\@affil{Affiliation}}{}
+ \@ifundefined{@abstract}{%
+ \ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{Abstract not defined}}{}
+ \@ifundefined{@authorSix}{% % -- thp 2006/01/05
+ \@ifundefined{@authorFive}{% % -- thp 2006/01/05
+ \@ifundefined{@authorFour}{%
+ \@ifundefined{@authorThree}{%
+ \@ifundefined{@authorTwo}{%
+ }{\@ifundefined{@affilTwo}{\@error@toomanyauthors}{}}
+ }{\@ifundefined{@affilThree}{\@error@toomanyauthors}{}}
+ }{\@ifundefined{@affilFour}{\@error@toomanyauthors}{}}
+ }{\@ifundefined{@affilFive}{\@error@toomanyauthors}{}} % -- thp 2006/01/05
+ }{\@ifundefined{@affilSix}{\@error@toomanyauthors}{}} % -- thp 2006/01/05
+ \@ifundefined{@affilSix}{% % -- thp 2006/01/05
+ \@ifundefined{@affilFive}{% % -- thp 2006/01/05
+ \@ifundefined{@affilFour}{%
+ \@ifundefined{@affilThree}{%
+ \@ifundefined{@affilTwo}{%
+ }{\@ifundefined{@authorTwo}{\@error@toomanyaffils}{}}
+ }{\@ifundefined{@authorThree}{\@error@toomanyaffils}{}}
+ }{\@ifundefined{@authorFour}{\@error@toomanyaffils}{}}
+ }{\@ifundefined{@authorFive}{\@error@toomanyaffils}{}} % -- thp 2006/01/05
+ }{\@ifundefined{@authorSix}{\@error@toomanyaffils}{}} % -- thp 2006/01/05
+%==== Conditional compilation macros depending on mode ====
+ \@ifundefined{def@man}{%
+ \@ifundefined{def@jou}{%
+ \@ifundefined{def@doc}{\ClassError{apa}{Undefined mode state!}}{#3}%
+ }{#2}%
+ }{#1}%
+%==== Automatic figure size and orientation determination ====
+{% man
+\ifdim\gr@boxheight>\gr@boxwidth{% display upright (h)
+ \ifdim\gr@boxheight>\textheight%
+ \centerline{\vspace{\fill}\includegraphics[height=\textheight]{#2}\vspace{\fill}}%
+ \else%
+ \usebox\gr@box%
+ \fi}
+\else{% display rotated
+ \sbox\gr@box{\includegraphics[angle=90,width=\linewidth]{#2}}
+ \settoheight{\gr@boxheight}{\usebox\gr@box}
+ \ifdim\gr@boxheight>\textheight%
+ \centerline{\vspace{\fill}\includegraphics[angle=90,height=\textheight]{#2}\vspace{\fill}}%
+ \else%
+ \usebox\gr@box%
+ \fi}
+{% jou, doc
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[height=#1\textheight]{#2}}% need to leave space for caption
+ \usebox\gr@box%
+\newcommand{\fitbitmap}[2][0.5]{ % like fitfigure but no scaling in man mode for best quality
+{% man
+\ifdim\gr@boxwidth>\textwidth% display rotated
+ \centerline{\vspace{\fill}\includegraphics[angle=90]{#2}\vspace{\fill}}%
+ \ifdim\gr@boxheight>\textwidth\ClassWarning{apa}{Figure #2 too high!}\fi% display rotated
+ \ifdim\gr@boxwidth>\textheight\ClassWarning{apa}{Figure #2 too wide!}\fi% display rotated
+\else% display upright
+ \centerline{\vspace{\fill}\includegraphics{#2}\vspace{\fill}}%
+ \ifdim\gr@boxheight>\textheight\ClassWarning{apa}{Figure #2 too high!}\fi% display rotated
+{% jou, doc
+ \centerline{\includegraphics[height=#1\textheight]{#2}}% need to leave space for caption
+ \centerline{\usebox\gr@box}%
+%==== Miscellaneous definitions
+\let\normal@BBAB\BBAB % -- thp 2005/07/23
+\let\table@BBAB\BBAA % -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \kern-3\p@
+% \hrule.5\@width.4\columnwidth
+ \hrule height0.125pt width.5in
+ \kern2.6\p@}
+ \let\BBAB\table@BBAB% -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \@tabular{@{\extracolsep{\fill}}#1}}
+\def\apa@doc@tabular{%% thp 2006/01/02
+ \let\BBAB\table@BBAB%% Erik Meijer noticed that in doc mode tables weren't centered
+ \hfill\old@tabular} %% and that the in-table citation form was incorrect
+\let\orig@endtabular\endtabular % -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \let\BBAB\normal@BBAB% -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \orig@endtabular\ifapamodedoc{\hfill}{}}% 2006/01/02 \hfill for centering in doc mode
+\def\apa@doc@endtabular{%% thp 2006/01/03
+ \let\BBAB\normal@BBAB% %% separate redefinition of tabular/endtabular for doc mode
+ \orig@endtabular\hfill}%% to ensure centering, especially in case array.sty is loaded
+% Define footnote mark commands for tables that won't mess up vertical alignment
+\def\@tab@fn#1{\ensuremath{^{\mbox{{\scriptsize #1}}}}}
+% Provide a command to display vector symbols appropriately in each mode, thp 10/00
+% Use improved definition of apavector provided by Erik Meijer -- 2005/12/28
+ \uprightlowercasegreek
+ \ifapamodeman
+ {\apasmash{\mathop{\kern\z@\mathrm{#1}}\limits_{\scriptscriptstyle\sim}}}%
+ {\if@bm@loaded\bm{\mathrm{#1}}\else\mathbf{#1}\fi% in case bm is not available
+ }%
+% and here are the necessary definitions & packages, as instructed by Erik Meijer
+ \def\finsm@sh{\dp\z@\z@ \box\z@}%
+ \expandafter\mathpalette\expandafter\mathsm@sh
+\IfFileExists{bm.sty}{\RequirePackage{bm}\@bm@loadedtrue}{}% if not, apavector will fail
+ \@ifundefined{alphaup}{}{%
+ \def\alpha {\alphaup }%
+ \def\beta {\betaup }%
+ \def\gamma {\gammaup }%
+ \def\delta {\deltaup }%
+ \def\epsilon {\epsilonup }%
+ \def\varepsilon{\varepsilonup}%
+ \def\zeta {\zetaup }%
+ \def\eta {\etaup }%
+ \def\theta {\thetaup }%
+ \def\vartheta {\varthetaup }%
+ \def\iota {\iotaup }%
+ \def\kappa {\kappaup }%
+ \def\lambda {\lambdaup }%
+ \def\mu {\muup }%
+ \def\nu {\nuup }%
+ \def\xi {\xiup }%
+ \def\pi {\piup }%
+ \def\varpi {\varpiup }%
+ \def\rho {\rhoup }%
+ \def\varrho {\varrhoup }%
+ \def\sigma {\sigmaup }%
+ \def\varsigma {\varsigmaup }%
+ \def\tau {\tauup }%
+ \def\upsilon {\upsilonup }%
+ \def\phi {\phiup }%
+ \def\varphi {\varphiup }%
+ \def\chi {\chiup }%
+ \def\psi {\psiup }%
+ \def\omega {\omegaup }%
+ }%
+%==== Appendix macros added by Michael Erickson 2000/07/11, revised by thp 2000/07/18
+ \renewcommand\thefigure{\theappendix\@arabic\c@figure}%
+ \ifapamodeman{\renewcommand\thepostfig{\theappendix\arabic{postfig}}}{}}
+ \renewcommand\thetable{\theappendix\@arabic\c@table}%
+ \ifapamodeman{\renewcommand\theposttbl{\theappendix\arabic{posttbl}}}{}}
+\oneappendixtrue % one appendix by default
+ \appendixtrue
+ \apaappfig
+ \apaapptab
+% \ifapamodejou{}{\clearpage} %% commented out -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \let\old@apa@section=\leveltwo % This will not work right with five levels in appendix.
+ % Should go into \section, not \leveltwo but would also require
+ % changes to section* and section[ (see \def\section above)
+ % Who uses five level heading appendices anyway?
+ \newlength{\app@t@width}
+ \setlength{\app@t@width}{\columnwidth}
+ \addtolength{\app@t@width}{-8em}%% leveltwo is defined with leftskip=rightskip=4em plus 1fill
+ \long\def\leveltwo##1{%
+ \ifapamodeman{%
+ \clearpage
+ \setcounter{postfig}{0}
+ \setcounter{posttbl}{0}
+ \efloat@condopen{fff}
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{\string\addtocounter{appendix}{1}}
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{\string\setcounter{figure}{0}}
+ \efloat@condopen{ttt}
+ \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{\string\addtocounter{appendix}{1}}
+ \efloat@iwrite{ttt}{\string\setcounter{table}{0}}%
+ }{%
+ \setcounter{figure}{0}%
+ \setcounter{table}{0}%
+% %\small% the appendix should be set in smaller type in jou, including headers!
+ }%
+% \addtocounter{appendix}{1}%
+ \refstepcounter{appendix}% 2002/07/20 this takes care of references too
+ \ifnum\c@appendix>1\immediate\write\@auxout{\global\string\oneappendixfalse}\fi%
+ \old@apa@section{%
+ \old@tabular[t]{@{}p{\app@t@width}@{}}% tabular may have been redefined
+ \centering{%
+ \appendixname\ifoneappendix\else~\theappendix\fi\\
+ ##1%
+ }\endtabular
+ }%
+ }%
+} % end of appendix definition
+%==== End of general apa.cls macro definitions ====
+% %
+% %
+%========== Sectioning, from theapa.sty ===============
+ {\z@}{\b@level@one@skip}{\e@level@one@skip}%
+ {\leftskip4em plus 1fill\rightskip\leftskip\parindent\z@\relax%
+ \MakeUppercase{\expandafter{#1}}}} % <- \bf % thp 17Aug08
+ {\z@}{\b@level@two@skip}{\e@level@two@skip}%
+ {\leftskip4em plus 1fill\rightskip\leftskip\parindent\z@\relax%
+ {\@ifundefined{no@bf@title}{\bf}{} #1}}} % <- \bf
+ {\z@}{\b@level@three@skip}{\e@level@three@skip}%
+ {\leftskip4em plus 1fill\rightskip\leftskip\parindent\z@\relax%
+ {\em #1}}}
+ {\z@}{\b@level@four@skip}{\e@level@four@skip}{{\em #1}}}
+ {\parindent}{\b@level@five@skip}{\e@level@five@skip}{{\em #1}. \hskip .5em plus 1pt minus .5pt}} %% added space and moved skip inside -- thp 081113
+%========== End of code from theapa.sty ===============
+\def\shorttitle#1{\def\s@title{#1}}%\markright{\hfill #1 \thepage} %% no rm - thp 020227
+%========== Alterations to endnotes ===================
+\def\enoteformat{\rightskip\z@ \leftskip\z@
+ \raggedright\fussy\hyphenpenalty 10000 \parindent=0.4in
+ \leavevmode\llap{\hbox{$^{\mbox{\small\@ifundefined{hrm}{}{\sf}\@theenmark}}$}}}
+ \ifappendix% set section back to no numbering after appendix
+ \appendixfalse\let\leveltwo=\old@apa@section%
+ \fi
+ \@ifundefined{@acks}{}{\newpage\section{\acksname}\@acks}
+ \@ifundefined{hrm}{\def\enotesize{\normalsize}}
+ {\def\enotesize{\normalsize\@ifundefined{hrm}{}{\sf}}}
+ \@ifundefined{NoEndnotes}{\if@enotesopen\newpage\theendnotes\fi}{}
+ \let\footnote=\oldfootnote
+%========= Alterations to endfloat ====================
+\@ifundefined{float@mark}{% Figure and table in-text markers are no longer required
+ \RequirePackage[notablist,figlist,notabhead,nofighead,tablesfirst,nomarkers]{endfloat}[1995/10/11]}{%
+ \RequirePackage[notablist,figlist,notabhead,nofighead,tablesfirst]{endfloat}[1995/10/11]}
+ \par\begin{center}
+ \parbox{\textwidth}
+ {\begin{center}
+ \rule{2.1in}{0.005in}\\
+ Insert \figurename~\thepostfig\ about here\\
+ \rule{2.1in}{0.005in}\\
+ \end{center}}
+ \end{center}\par}
+ \par\begin{center}
+ \parbox{\textwidth}
+ {\begin{center}
+ \rule{2.1in}{0.005in}\\
+ Insert \tablename~\theposttbl\ about here\\
+ \rule{2.1in}{0.005in}\\
+ \end{center}}
+ \end{center}\par}
+ \efloat@condopen{fff}
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+ \global\def\@figure@written{\relax}% Set a flag that there is at least one figure -- thp 20010705
+%% should be a global declaration to be "visible" at end document
+ \ifnextchar[{\gobbleuntilnext[}{}
+ \efloat@iwrite{fff}{\string\ifnextchar[{\string\eatarg}{}}
+ \if@domarkers%
+ \addtocounter{postfig}{1}% % bj
+ \figureplace% % bj
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+ \ef@makeinnocent\^^L% and whatever other special cases
+ \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \ef@xfigure}%
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+ \ifnextchar[{\gobbleuntilnext[}{}
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+ \if@domarkers
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+ \tableplace % bj
+ \fi
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+ \begingroup
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+ \endlinechar`\^^M \catcode`\^^M=12 \ef@xtable}
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+ ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname
+ the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}}
+\def\listoffigures{\section*{\figurecaptionsname}\@starttoc{lof}}% changed from 'Figure Captions'
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+ \listoffigures%
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+ }
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+% \markright{\rm\hfill \s@title, Figure}
+ \def\@oddhead{\rightmark} % changed by Michael Erickson
+ \markright{\hfill \s@title, \figurename\ \protect\thefigure} % to include appendix numbering
+ % remove rm - thp 020227
+ }
+ \let\caption=\@@caption
+ \def\baselinestretch{\@@spacing}\normalsize\@ifundefined{hrm}{}{\sf}
+ \processfigures@hook \@input{\jobname.fff}
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+ \section*{\tablesection}
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+ \def\baselinestretch{\@@spacing}
+ \processtables@hook \@ifundefined{hrm}{}{\sf}%
+ \tiny\normalsize%
+% We need to deal with citation alterations here because otherwise we either
+% lose the definition through the .ttt diversion or we miss the table*
+ \let\BBAB\table@BBAB% -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \@input{\jobname.ttt}%
+ \let\BBAB\normal@BBAB% -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \fi}
+%========= Maketitle, margins, lengths, etc. ==========
+ \check@author
+ \@ifundefined{s@title}{\ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{Using title for short title}
+ \def\s@title{\@title}
+ \markright{\hfill\@title}}%\protect\thepage}} %% removed rm
+ {\markright{\hfill\s@title}}%\protect\thepage}} %% thp 020227
+ \@ifundefined{r@headr}{\ClassWarningNoLine{apa}{Using short title for running head}
+ \def\r@headr{\protect\MakeUppercase{\s@title}}}{}
+ \begin{center}
+ \vspace*{0.5in}
+ \makebox[\linewidth][l]{\rheadname\hspace{0.1in}\MakeUppercase{\r@headr}}\\ %thp090298
+ \vspace*{1in}
+ \@title\vspace{0.5in}\\
+ \@ifundefined{@authorTwo}{
+ \@author \\
+ \@affil \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{
+ \@ifundefined{@authorThree}{
+ \@authorOne \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorTwo \\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{
+ \@ifundefined{@authorFour}{
+ \@authorOne \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorTwo \\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorThree \\
+ \@affilThree \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{
+ \@ifundefined{@authorFive}{ %% 2006/01/05 added as contributed by Aaron Geller
+ \@authorOne \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorTwo \\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorThree \\
+ \@affilThree \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorFour \\
+ \@affilFour \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{ %% 2006/01/05 beginning of Aaron Geller contribution
+ \@ifundefined{@authorSix}{ %% -- thp 2006/01/05
+ \@authorOne \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorTwo \\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorThree \\
+ \@affilThree \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorFour \\
+ \@affilFour \vspace{0.2in} \\ %% thp corrected distance to non-final value of 0.2in
+ \@authorFive \\
+ \@affilFive \vspace{0.25in} \\ }{%% 2006/01/05 end of Aaaron Geller contribution
+%% --- thp 2006/01/05 beginning of six-author display
+ \@authorOne \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorTwo \\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorThree \\
+ \@affilThree \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorFour \\
+ \@affilFour \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorFive \\
+ \@affilFive \vspace{0.2in} \\
+ \@authorSix \\
+ \@affilSix \vspace{0.25in} \\ }}}}}
+%% --- thp 2006/01/05 end of six-author display
+ \@ifundefined{@note}
+ {\vspace*{\baselineskip} }
+ {\@note}
+ \end{center}
+ \newpage
+ \raggedright
+ \hyphenpenalty 10000
+ \fussy
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+ \section{\abstractname}% changed from 'Abstract' 10/00
+ \@abstract
+ \newpage
+ }
+ \setlength{\parindent}{0.4in}
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+ \indent
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+ \ifdim\wd\@tempboxa>\hsize\parbox{\columnwidth}{#1\cap@line{\cap@style #2}}\par%
+ \else\hbox to\hsize{\box\@tempboxa\hfil}\par%
+ \fi%
+ \let\BBAB\normal@BBAB % thp 2005/07/23
+ \vskip\baselineskip}
+ ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname
+ the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
+ \@parboxrestore
+ \normalsize\@ifundefined{hrm}{}{\hrm}
+ \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3 } \par
+ \endgroup}
+\def\caption{\refstepcounter\@captype \@dblarg{\@caption\@captype}}
+\def\fnum@figure{\def\cap@style{}\def\cap@line{}{\em\figurename\ {\thefigure}}. }
+% added second set of braces around \em to get citations in man mode -- tp 17/7/2000
+% then removed them again because they were cancelling application of em to the caption
+\long\def\fnum@table{\def\cap@style{\em}\def\cap@line{\\ }\tablename\ \thetable }
+\let\oldfootnote=\footnote % 3/10/00
+\ClassWarning{apa}{ignored \string\helvetica\space (use helv option)}
+%==== Appendix definitions added by Michael Erickson 2000/07/11
+}% end of man mode (manuscript format)
+% %
+% %
+%========== Sectioning, from theapa.sty ===============
+ {\z@}{\b@level@one@skip}{\e@level@one@skip}%
+ {\leftskip4em plus 1fill\rightskip\leftskip\parindent\z@\relax%
+ \MakeUppercase{\expandafter{\large #1}}}} % <- \bf % thp 17Aug08
+ {\z@}{\b@level@two@skip}{\e@level@two@skip}%
+ {\leftskip4em plus 1fill\rightskip\leftskip\parindent\z@\relax%
+ {\large #1}}} % <- \bf
+ {\z@}{\b@level@three@skip}{\e@level@three@skip}%
+ {\leftskip4em plus 1fill\rightskip\leftskip\parindent\z@\relax%
+ {\large{\em #1}}}}
+ {\z@}{\b@level@four@skip}{\e@level@four@skip}{\large{\em #1}}}
+ {\parindent}{\b@level@five@skip}{\e@level@five@skip}{{\em #1}. \hskip .5em plus 1pt minus .5pt}} %% added space and moved skip inside -- thp 081113
+%========== End of code from theapa.sty ===============
+%========== balance last-page columns =================
+%========== ftnright and alterations ==================
+ \let\savefootnoterule\footnoterule
+ \let\save@makefntext\@makefntext
+ \RequirePackage{ftnright}
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+ \let\@makefntext\save@makefntext
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+ {\\ #2\vspace{0.05in}\\}\end{center}}}
+ \parbox[t]{\columnwidth}{\begin{center}{\large #1\vspace{0in}}%
+ {\\ #2\vspace{0.05in}\\}\end{center}}%
+ \parbox[t]{\columnwidth}{\begin{center}{\large #3\vspace{0in}}%
+ {\\ #4\vspace{0.05in}\\}\end{center}}}
+ \hfill\parbox[t]{\auone@boxwidth}{\begin{center}{\large #1\vspace{0in}}%
+ {\\ #2\vspace{0.05in}\\}\end{center}}\hfill\hfill%
+ \parbox[t]{\autwo@boxwidth}{\begin{center}{\large #3\vspace{0in}}%
+ {\\ #4\vspace{0.05in}\\}\end{center}}\hfill}
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+ \settowidth{\autot@boxwidth}{\usebox\autot@box}
+ \ifdim\autot@boxwidth<\textwidth
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+ \check@author
+ \@ifundefined{r@headr}{\def\r@headr{\protect\MakeUppercase{\protect\scriptsize\@title}}}{}
+ \@ifundefined{r@headl}{\def\r@headl{\protect\MakeUppercase{\protect\scriptsize\@author}}}{}
+ \twocolumn[
+ \vspace{0.03in}
+ \begin{center}
+% title
+ {\LARGE \@title}\\
+ \vspace{-0.05in}
+ \@ifundefined{@authorTwo}{
+% one author-affiliation
+ \put@one@authaffil{\@author}{\@affil}}{
+ \@ifundefined{@authorThree}{
+% two authors-affiliations
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorOne}{\@affilOne}{\@authorTwo}{\@affilTwo}}{
+ \@ifundefined{@authorFour}{
+% three authors-affiliations
+ \@ifundefined{@twofirst}{
+% first one, then two
+ \put@one@authaffil{\@authorOne}{\@affilOne}\vspace{-0.15in}\\
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorTwo}{\@affilTwo}{\@authorThree}{\@affilThree}
+ }{
+% first two, then one
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorOne}{\@affilOne}{\@authorTwo}{\@affilTwo}\vspace{-0.15in}\\
+ \put@one@authaffil{\@authorThree}{\@affilThree}
+ }}{
+ \@ifundefined{@authorFive}{ % 2006/01/05 as contributed by Aaron Geller
+% four authors-affiliations
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorOne}{\@affilOne}{\@authorTwo}{\@affilTwo}\vspace{-0.15in}\\
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorThree}{\@affilThree}{\@authorFour}{\@affilFour}
+ }{ % 2006/01/05 beginning of Aaron Geller contribution
+ \@ifundefined{@authorSix}{ % -- thp 2006/01/05
+% five authors-affiliations
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorOne}{\@affilOne}{\@authorTwo}{\@affilTwo}\vspace{-0.15in}\\
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorThree}{\@affilThree}{\@authorFour}{\@affilFour}%
+ \vspace{-0.15in}\\ % thp added negative vertical space
+ \put@one@authaffil{\@authorFive}{\@affilFive}
+ }{ % 2006/01/05 end of Aaron Geller contribution
+% six authors-affiliations
+%% --- thp 2006/01/05 beginning of six-author display
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorOne}{\@affilOne}{\@authorTwo}{\@affilTwo}\vspace{-0.15in}\\
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorThree}{\@affilThree}{\@authorFour}{\@affilFour}\vspace{-0.15in}\\
+ \put@two@authaffil{\@authorFive}{\@affilFive}{\@authorSix}{\@affilSix}
+%% --- thp 2006/01/05 end of six-author display
+ }}}}}
+ \@ifundefined{@note}
+ {\vspace{0.07in}}
+ {\vspace{0.07in}\\ {\large\@note\vspace{0.07in}}}
+ \@ifundefined{@abstract}
+ {\par }
+ {\par \parbox{4.6875in}
+ {\small \noindent \@abstract
+ }\vspace{0.24in}
+ }
+ \end{center}
+ ]
+ \pagenumbering{arabic}
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+ \fancyhead{}
+ \fancyhead[LO]{\stiny{\@journal}\vspace{-0.15\baselineskip}\\
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+ {\footnotesize\hspace{-0.04in}\@acks\par}}
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+ \markboth{\hfill\r@headl\hfill}{\hfill\r@headr\hfill}
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+ #1 #2\par
+ \else
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+ \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
+ \fi
+ \let\BBAB\normal@BBAB % thp 2005/07/23
+ \vskip\belowcaptionskip}
+ \let\BBAB\table@BBAB % thp 2005/07/23
+ \vskip\abovecaptionskip
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#1 #2}
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa > \hsize
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\parbox[t]{#3}{#1 #2}\hfil}
+ \else
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa > #3
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\parbox[t]{#3}{#1 #2}\hfil}
+ \else
+ \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\mbox{#1 #2}\hfil}
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \let\BBAB\normal@BBAB % thp 2005/07/23
+ \vskip\belowcaptionskip}
+ ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname
+ the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
+ \@parboxrestore
+ \normalsize
+ \csname setcskip@#1\endcsname
+ \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
+ \endgroup}
+\long\def\@ccaption#1[#2]#3#4{\def\@ccwidth{#3} \par\addcontentsline{\csname
+ ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname
+ the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
+ \@parboxrestore
+ \normalsize
+ \@makeccaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #4}{\@ccwidth}\par
+ \endgroup}
+\def\caption{\refstepcounter\@captype \@dblarg{\@caption\@captype}}
+\long\def\centeredcaption{\refstepcounter\@captype \@dblarg{\@ccaption\@captype}}
+\def\fnum@figure{\small{\em\figurename\ {\thefigure}}.\hspace{0.07in}}
+\long\def\fnum@table{\makebox[\linewidth][l]{\tablename\ \thetable} \\ \em }
+\long\def\@makefntext#1{\parindent 1em\noindent
+ \hb@xt@1.8em{%
+ \hss\@textsuperscript{\normalfont{\tiny\@thefnmark}\hspace{1.5pt}}}#1}%
+\@ifundefined{def@noapacite}{% -- Philip Kime 2008/12/03
+ % Removed some bibliography redefinitions as per the instructions of Erik Meijer
+ \bibleftmargin=1.2em % left these in because the default is too big
+ \bibindent=-\bibleftmargin % and this is apparently not refefined each time
+ \renewcommand{\bibliographytypesize}{\footnotesize}}{}
+}% end of jou mode (journal format)
+% %
+% %
+%========== Sectioning, from theapa.sty ===============
+ {\z@}{\b@level@one@skip}{\e@level@one@skip}%
+ {\leftskip4em plus 1fill\rightskip\leftskip\parindent\z@\relax%
+ \MakeUppercase{\expandafter{\large #1}}}} % <- \bf % thp 17Aug08
+ {\z@}{\b@level@two@skip}{\e@level@two@skip}%
+ {\leftskip4em plus 1fill\rightskip\leftskip\parindent\z@\relax%
+ {\large #1}}} % <- \bf
+ {\z@}{\b@level@three@skip}{\e@level@three@skip}%
+ {\leftskip4em plus 1fill\rightskip\leftskip\parindent\z@\relax%
+ {\large\em #1}}}
+ {\z@}{\b@level@four@skip}{\e@level@four@skip}{{\em #1}}}
+ {\parindent}{\b@level@five@skip}{\e@level@five@skip}{{\em #1}. \hskip .5em plus 1pt minus .5pt}} %% added space and moved skip inside -- thp 081113
+\def\rightheader#1{\def\r@headr{\protect\MakeUppercase{\protect\small #1}}}
+\def\leftheader#1{\def\r@headl{\protect\MakeUppercase{\protect\small #1}}}
+%========== End of code from theapa.sty ===============
+ \global\@topnum\z@ % to prevent tables before the title %% Erik Meijer, 2006/01/03
+ \@ifundefined{@acks}{% if there acknowledgements they make up a "float" on the 1st page
+ \global\@botnum\z@}{% to prevent tables on the first page %% Erik Meijer, 2006/01/03
+ \global\@botnum\@ne}% to prevent tables below the footnote -- thp 2006/01/10
+ \check@author
+ \@ifundefined{r@headr}{\typeout{Using title for running head}
+ \def\r@headr{\protect\MakeUppercase{\@title}}
+ \markright{\rm \@title \protect\\ \thepage}} {}
+ \@ifundefined{r@headl}{\let\r@headl\r@headr}{}
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+ \@ifundefined{@journal}{}{%
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+ \@ifundefined{@copnum}{\def\@copnum{}}{}%
+ \@ifundefined{@ccoppy}{\def\@ccoppy{}}{}%
+ {\scriptsize{\@journal}}\hspace{\fill}{\scriptsize{\@ccoppy}}\vspace{-0.3\baselineskip}\\
+ {\scriptsize{\@vvolume}}\hspace{\fill}{\scriptsize{\@copnum}}\vspace{0.1in}\\
+ }
+ \vspace*{0.3in}
+ {\LARGE \@title}\\
+ \vspace{0.3in}
+ \@ifundefined{@authorTwo}{
+% one author-affiliation
+ {\Large \@author} \\
+ \@affil \vspace{0.1in} \\ }{
+ \@ifundefined{@authorThree}{
+% two authors-affiliations
+ {\Large \@authorOne} \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorTwo}\\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.1in} \\ }{
+ \@ifundefined{@authorFour}{
+% three authors-affiliations
+ {\Large \@authorOne} \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorTwo}\\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorThree}\\
+ \@affilThree \vspace{0.1in} \\ }{
+ \@ifundefined{@authorFive}{ %% 2006/01/05 added as contributed by Aaron Geller
+% four authors-affiliations
+ {\Large \@authorOne} \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorTwo}\\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorThree}\\
+ \@affilThree \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorFour}\\
+ \@affilFour \vspace{0.1in} \\ }{ %%% 2006/01/05 beginning of Aaron Geller contribution
+ \@ifundefined{@authorSix}{ %% -- thp 2006/01/05
+% five authors-affiliations
+ {\Large \@authorOne} \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorTwo}\\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorThree}\\
+ \@affilThree \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorFour}\\
+ \@affilFour \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorFive}\\
+ \@affilFive \vspace{0.1in} \\ }{ %%% 2006/01/05 end of Aaron Geller contribution
+% six authors-affiliations
+%% --- thp 2006/01/05 beginning of six-author display
+ {\Large \@authorOne} \\
+ \@affilOne \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorTwo}\\
+ \@affilTwo \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorThree}\\
+ \@affilThree \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorFour}\\
+ \@affilFour \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorFive}\\
+ \@affilFive \vspace{0.1in} \\
+ {\Large \@authorSix}\\
+ \@affilSix \vspace{0.1in} \\ }
+%% --- thp 2006/01/05 end of six-author display
+ \@ifundefined{@note}
+ {\vspace*{\baselineskip} }
+ {\@note\vspace{0.2in}}
+ \@ifundefined{@abstract}{}{%
+ {\bf\abstractname}\vspace{0.1in}% changed from 'Abstract' 10/00
+ \parbox{5in}{\@abstract}\vspace{0.25in}
+ }
+ \end{center}
+ \pagenumbering{arabic}
+ \thispagestyle{empty}
+ \@ifundefined{@acks}
+ {}
+ {\begin{figure}[b]
+ \parbox{\textwidth}{ \setlength{\parindent}{0.2in}
+ \noindent \makebox[\linewidth]{\vrule height0.125pt width\linewidth}
+ \vspace*{0.05in}
+ {\footnotesize
+ \indent \@acks
+ }}
+ \end{figure}}
+ \markboth{\hfill \r@headl \hfill}{\hfill \r@headr \hfill}
+ \let\tabular\apa@doc@tabular% -- thp 2006/01/02
+ \let\endtabular\apa@doc@endtabular% -- thp 2006/01/03
+ \noindent
+%\def\timesroman{\relax}% Commented out all \timesroman -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \let\BBAB\table@BBAB% thp 2005/07/23
+ \vskip 10pt
+ \setbox\@tempboxa\hbox{#1 #2}
+ \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize #1 #2\par \else \hbox
+ \fi
+ \let\BBAB\normal@BBAB% thp 2005/07/23
+ \vskip 4pt}
+ ext@#1\endcsname}{#1}{\protect\numberline{\csname
+ the#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #2}}\begingroup
+ \@parboxrestore
+ \normalsize
+ \@makecaption{\csname fnum@#1\endcsname}{\ignorespaces #3}\par
+ \endgroup}
+\def\fnum@figure{\small {\em\figurename\ {\thefigure}}.\hspace{0.07in}}
+\long\def\fnum@table{\small\tablename\ {\thetable}:}
+\@ifundefined{def@noapacite}{% -- Philip Kime 2008/12/03
+ % Removed defs as per the instructions of Erik Meijer -- thp 2005/07/23
+ \renewcommand{\bibliographytypesize}{\small}}{}
+}% end of doc mode (regular LaTeX format)
+%---------- end of mode specific definitions -----------
+% Some final definitions for all modes
+\def\HeadingLevels#1{\csname #1LevelHeading\endcsname} % fixed Jan 5 99
+\def\headinglevels#1{\csname #1LevelHeading\endcsname} % fixed Jan 5 99
+\@ifundefined{def@noapacite}{% -- Philip Kime 2008/12/03
+ \bibliographystyle{apacite}
+ %
+ % Thanks to Donald Arsenau for the right way to ignore \bibliographystyle
+ %
+ \def\bibliographystyle#1{\ClassWarning{apa}{\string\bibliographystyle\space command ignored}}}{}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apacls.html b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apacls.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e47f213675
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apacls.html
@@ -0,0 +1,674 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+<HTML lang="en">
+<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
+<H1><A NAME="top"><TT>apa.cls</TT></A></H1>
+<H2><A NAME="contents">Contents</A></H2>
+<LI><A HREF="#intro">Introduction</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#authver">Author and version</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#maint">Maintainance and request for help</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#acks">Acknowledgments</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#sysreq">System requirements</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#instr">Instructions for using <TT>apa.cls</TT></A>
+<UL type="none">
+ <LI><A HREF="#titlhead">Title and headers</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#sect">Sectioning</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#enumser">Enumeration and seriation</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#floats">Figures and tables</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#condcomp">Conditional compilation</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#fonts">Fonts</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#bibcit">Bibliography and citations</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#append">Appendices</A>
+ <LI><A HREF="#babel">Non-English documents</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#comlist">List of <TT>apa.cls</TT> commands</A>
+<LI><A HREF="#optlist">List of options to <TT>apa.cls</TT></A>
+<LI><A HREF="#problems">Possible problems</TT></A>
+<H2><A NAME="intro">Introduction</A></H2>
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> is a document class for typesetting manuscripts with LaTeX
+according to the rules of the 5th edition (2001) of the
+<A HREF="">Publication Manual</A> of the
+<A HREF="">American Psychological Association</A>.
+It simplifies writing of the manuscript, taking
+care of appearance and leaving only the content to the author (in true
+LaTeX fashion) and it also allows both for manuscript look and journal
+look with a simple option to the class-loading command. <P>
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> is not in any way connected to or endorsed by
+the American Psychological Association.<P>
+An <A HREF="pdf/Protopapas_1998_Eutupon1.pdf">article</A> (in Greek) about <TT>apa.cls</TT>
+can be found in the first issue of
+<A HREF="">Eutupon</A>, the
+magazine of the
+<A HREF="">Greek Tex Friends Group</A>.
+A more recent
+<A HREF="pdf/Protopapas_2007_Eutypon.pdf">article in English</A> is also availabe.
+<I><B>Warning:</B><A NAME="warning">
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> has a well defined scope and purpose, and I'm already too busy for it.
+Please don't request modifications or features that are not related to the
+stated purpose (which is to create manuscripts suitable for submission to APA journals
+and to typeset these same manuscripts in true journal look). For example, if you
+want the figures in the manuscript text but the rest as in man mode, then you're
+on your own as to how you might modify <TT>apa.cls</TT> (or not) to achieve that.
+In particular, <B>if you want to write your thesis, <TT>apa.cls</TT> is not for you</B>.
+Please do not write to me asking for help with this. Use <TT>apacite</TT> for APA-style
+citations and write your own typesetting code or
+search for a thesis class suitable for your University.</I>
+<H3>Manuscript look (man mode)</H3>
+In man mode, <TT>apa.cls</TT> typesets a title page, abstract page, text body, then
+references, appendices, author notes, footnotes, tables, figure captions, and
+figures. All text is double spaced. The title page contains
+the (centered) title, author name, affiliation, short title, and the
+running head (automatically capitalized). A note may be inserted in
+place of each table and figure in the text.
+The title is printed as a heading at the beginning of the text. <TT>\leftheader</TT>
+is ignored while the contents of <TT>\note</TT> are printed under the author
+names and affiliations, typically the date of submission. The &ldquo;Author
+Notes&rdquo; page contains the contents of <TT>\acknowledgements</TT>. A footnote
+page is produced if there is at least one footnote in the text.
+<H3>Printed journal look (jou mode)</H3>
+In jou mode, <TT>apa.cls</TT> typesets the text in double-sided, double column format, with
+an appropriately centered title, author names, affiliations, note,
+and abstract. The contents of acknowledgements are printed as
+footnotes in a box at the lower left corner of the first page.
+Journal-like headers can also be produced on the first page.
+Dimensions and overall &ldquo;look&rdquo; are modeled after
+<A HREF="">JEP:HPP</A>. The purpose
+of this format is to produce readable and reasonably condensed output
+for double-sided printing and distribution.
+<H3>Regular LaTeX look (doc mode)</H3>
+In doc mode, <TT>apa.cls</TT> typesets the text in single-sided,
+single-column format, with
+an appropriately centered title, author names, affiliations, note,
+and abstract on the first page. The contents of acknowledgements are
+printed at the bottom of the first page. Section headings and
+enumeration follow the APA guidelines and floats (figures and tables)
+are inserted in the text where they are defined, as in regular LaTeX
+The purpose of this format is to provide hardcopies during the
+development of articles that are later going to be submitted (using
+the manuscript format) and distrubuted (using the journal
+format). The advantage over using a regular article class is that all
+the extra definitions are supported and no changes need thus be made
+to the text other than the format parameter.
+<H2><A NAME="authver">Author and version</A></H2>
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> is written and maintained by
+<A HREF="">Athanassios Protopapas</A>, who currently works at the
+<A HREF="">Institute for Language &amp; Speech Processing</A> in Athens, Greece.
+The current version is 1.3.4, released on December 9th, 2008. It can found
+on <A HREF="">CTAN</A>,
+the LaTeX <A HREF="">Catalogue</A>,
+or it may be <A HREF="dl/">downloaded from here</A>. There are no more recent
+&ldquo;working&rdquo; versions at this time.
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> is distributed under the terms of the
+<A HREF="">LaTeX Project Public License</A>
+(lppl). In short, this means that the software is copyright but you are granted
+&ldquo;a license which gives you, the &lsquo;user&rsquo; of the software,
+legal permission to copy, distribute, and/or modify the software.
+However, if you modify the software and then distribute it (even just
+locally) you must change the name of the software to avoid confusion&rdquo;
+(quoted from <A HREF="">
+The TeX Catalogue License Definitions</A>).
+The history of <TT>apa.cls</TT> revisions can be found in the <A HREF="dl/apa/CHANGELOG.txt"><TT>CHANGELOG</TT></A> file.
+<H2><A NAME="maint">Maintainance and request for help</A></H2>
+There is still a lot of work to be done before <TT>apa.cls</TT> can be considered
+sufficiently complete. Unfortunately I don't have much time to devote to
+it any more, so updates are few and far between. I am quite ready to hand over the honor
+of maintaining <TT>apa.cls</TT> to someone fresh and willing. If you think <TT>apa.cls</TT> is
+worth some of your time and you would like to contribute to it, be sure
+to <A HREF="">let me know</A>. Alternatively,
+feel free to work on one of the following topics (or something else you think is
+missing or in need of improvement) and send me the result:
+<LI>Stop messing with captions and use a standard package such as <TT>caption2</TT> or <TT>ccaption</TT> for all cases
+<LI>Stop messing with <TT>endfloat</TT> and use <TT>loflot</TT> or other appropriate package for the captions page
+<LI>Use <TT>fancyhdr</TT> for all headings in all modes
+<LI>Set entire appendix in smaller font size (including headings)
+<LI>Follow manual guidelines for table "Note" vs. probabilities (3.70/p. 170)
+<LI>Turn wide tables sideways automatically
+<LI>Clean up the font act &mdash; remove <TT>rm</TT>/<TT>hrm</TT>/<TT>hsl</TT> etc.
+<LI>Use the <TT>geometry</TT> package to set margins taking into account paper size (letter, A4)
+<LI>Add contact information command and field for first page (man mode only)
+<LI>Confirm need for continuation note at page end required with long tables (5.21/p. 301) and modify accordingly.
+Although this is a purely &ldquo;free time&rdquo; project for me, in general
+I have tried to be responsive about requests related to <TT>apa.cls</TT> and
+especially when bugs or other problems are involved. Do not hesitate
+to <A HREF="">contact me</A> if you encounter
+difficulties or unexpected (or unacceptable) behavior when using <TT>apa.cls</TT>
+to prepare manuscripts for submission, after you have searched
+<A HREF="dl/apa/apacls.txt"><TT>apacls.txt</TT></A> and
+<A HREF="dl/apa/examples.txt"><TT>examples.txt</TT></A>
+and failed to find an answer to your problem. <I>Don't even think about writing
+to me about using <TT>apa.cls</TT> for any purpose other than preparing an APA style
+manuscript for submission to a journal.</I>
+<H2><A NAME="acks">Acknowledgments</A></H2>
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> was created a long time ago out of stylefile mutations based on
+<A HREF=""><TT>theapa</TT></A>
+style by Young U. Ryu. Some of Young Ryu's code still survives in the current
+version, in particular the sectioning and seriation/enumeration commands.
+Many people have contributed to the development of <TT>apa.cls</TT> through bug reports,
+suggestions and requests for features and improvements, and even some actual code!
+The name of every contributor is mentioned in the <A HREF="dl/apa/CHANGELOG.txt"><TT>CHANGELOG</TT></A> and
+I am grateful to them all.
+<H2><A NAME="sysreq">System requirements</A></H2>
+Other than a running LaTeX2e installation and the
+<A HREF=""><TT>apacite</TT></A>
+package for APA style citations (<TT>sty</TT> and <TT>bst</TT>), there isn't much you need in order
+to use <TT>apa.cls</TT>. Required packages for man mode are
+<A HREF=""><TT>endfloat</TT></A> and
+<A HREF=""><TT>endnotes</TT></A>.
+For jou mode there are no required packages, but
+<A HREF=""><TT>fancyhdr</TT></A>,
+<A HREF=""><TT>ftnright</TT></A>,
+<A HREF=""><TT>txfonts</TT></A> (or
+<A HREF=""><TT>pslatex</TT></A>, or
+<A HREF=""><TT>times</TT></A> and
+<A HREF=""><TT>mathptm</TT></A>), and
+<A HREF=""><TT>flushend</TT></A> are nice to have
+(after all, you want your article to really look like published, don't you?).
+<H2><A NAME="instr">Instructions for using <TT>apa.cls</TT></A></H2>
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> is distributed with two files you must read carefully before trying to use it,
+<A HREF="dl/apa/apacls.txt"><TT>apacls.txt</TT></A> and
+<A HREF="dl/apa/examples.txt"><TT>examples.txt</TT></A>. An online version of those instructions follows. You may also examine <A HREF="dl/apa/apaexample.tex"><TT>apaexample.tex</TT></A> (and the accompanying bibliography file <A HREF="dl/apa/examplebib.bib"><TT>examplebib.bib</TT></A>), which contains a minimal complete sample &ldquo;article&rdquo; that can be processed using <TT>apa.cls</TT> to produce an APA-style manuscript.
+To use <TT>apa.cls</TT>, include one of the following at the top of your document preamble:<P>
+You should not load the <TT>article</TT> class because it is automatically called by <TT>apa.cls</TT>.
+You should also <STRONG>not</STRONG> load any of the required or optional packages mentioned above
+using the command <TT>\usepackage</TT> because they are automatically loaded by
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> in the appropriate order.
+<H3><A NAME="titlhead">Title and header information</A></H3>
+In the preamble of your document, define the basic manuscript information:<P>
+\author{First Author and Second Author}<BR>
+\affiliation{Department of Both Authors\\ University}<BR>
+If there is only one author or more than one author but all in the same department, use
+the <TT>\author</TT> command as in the above example, with all names in its argument; and use the <TT>\affiliation</TT> command for the department.
+If there are people from two different departments, use the <TT>\twoauthors</TT>
+and <TT>\twoaffiliations</TT> commands to group them appropriately:<P>
+\twoauthors{First Author(s)}{Second Author(s)}<BR>
+\twoaffiliations{Affiliation of 1st Author(s)}{Affiliation of 2nd Author(s)}<BR>
+For three affiliations use <TT>\threeauthors</TT> and <TT>\threeaffiliations</TT>,
+and for four affiliations there's <TT>\fourauthors</TT> and <TT>\fouraffiliations</TT>. Five and six affiliations (and corresponding authors or author groups) are similarly supported (<TT>\fiveauthors</TT> and so on). If there
+are more than six departments involved you're out of luck with <TT>apa.cls</TT> and I doubt they would fit on the title page anyways.
+In addition to authors and their affiliations, you should also define the following:<P>
+\abstract{Text of your abstract...}<BR>
+\acknowledgements{Author notes, acknowledgements, contact information...}<BR>
+\rightheader{Running head for journal look}<BR>
+\shorttitle{Short title for manuscript header}<BR>
+\leftheader{Left head for journal look}<BR>
+These fields are not technically necessary for the document to pass through LaTeX, though they
+are obligatory for any real APA-style manuscript. If you don't define a right header
+or short title, they default to the title; if you don't define a left header, it
+defaults to the author name(s).<P>
+You may also define a note if you want:<P>
+\note{Date of current draft; or status; or additional address information...}<BR>
+If you really want your document to have the journal look, you should also define
+the fields for the first page header, which in the journals hold
+reference and copyright information. In <TT>apa.cls</TT> there are:<P>
+\journal{Journal name}<BR>
+\volume{Volume, number, pages}<BR>
+\ccoppy{Copyright notice}<BR>
+\copnum{Serial number or other reference}<BR>
+The content of these definitions is ignored in man mode (manuscript look),
+of course.
+After these definitions in the preamble, you begin your manuscript in the
+regular LaTeX way and invoke the command to make the title page:<P>
+Do not leave a blank line between these two commands. Also, do
+<STRONG>not</STRONG> leave a blank line between <TT>\maketitle</TT>
+and the beginning of your (introduction) text, either. This is
+important for the correct typesetting of the first manuscript page.
+<H3><A NAME="sect">Sectioning</A></H3>
+The default sectioning for <TT>apa.cls</TT> maps the standard LaTeX sectioning
+commands <TT>\section</TT>, <TT>\subsection</TT>, and <TT>\subsubsection</TT> to
+the three-level heading definitions of the APA manual. See
+<A HREF="dl/apa/examples.txt"><TT>examples.txt</TT></A> for usage examples.<P>
+If you need
+more or fewer heading levels, you can use the command <TT>\headinglevels{four}</TT>
+(or any number between one and five&mdash;spelled out&mdash;instead of four)
+and then use <TT>\paragraph</TT> and <TT>\subparagraph</TT> for the lower-level
+Actually, if you need fewer than three levels you don't really need to do anything
+other than use only <TT>\section</TT> and <TT>\subsection</TT>, but if you do
+invoke the <TT>\headinglevels</TT> command, then the appearance of the manuscript
+will strictly conform to the APA guidelines for the fewer levels.
+<I>Note:</I> Don't bother to <TT>\label</TT> your sections; since they are not
+numbered according to APA style, they cannot be referenced elsewhere in the document
+using <TT>\ref</TT>, so there is no point in labeling them.
+<H3><A NAME="enumser">Enumeration and seriation</A></H3>
+See file <A HREF="dl/apa/apaenum.txt"><TT>apaenum.txt</TT></A> in the
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> distribution. Enumeration and seriation are taken without
+modification from Young U. Ryu's code. In short, there are three kinds
+of environments, called <TT>seriate</TT>, <TT>enumerate</TT>, and
+<TT>itemize</TT>. They are used in the same way the standard LaTeX environments
+<TT>enumerate</TT> and <TT>itemize</TT> are used, but produce output according
+to the APA style. The <TT>seriate</TT>
+environment is used for inline enumeration, when you want to say, for example
+(a) one thing, (b) another thing, and (c) maybe a third thing, all in APA style.
+<H3><A NAME="floats">Float placement, loading, and content</A></H3>
+Floats, that is, figures and tables, are used in the regular LaTeX way,
+through the <TT>figure</TT> and <TT>table</TT> environments, respectively.
+You can use the <TT>t</TT> and <TT>b</TT> options for selectively putting
+a float at the top or bottom of a page. Always include <TT>p</TT> after
+<TT>t</TT> or <TT>b</TT> so that you won't risk
+running out of space if a float is too big. The <TT>h</TT> option for
+in-text figures is not recommended because it's not used in APA journals.
+Remember to use <TT>\label</TT> for floats <STRONG>after</STRONG> the caption
+(and not inside it!)
+I assume that in figures we most often want to include an image for some graph
+or other kind of picture which is stored in a separate image file of
+the right kind (<TT>eps</TT> if we use <TT>latex</TT> with <TT>dvips</TT>,
+<TT>pdf</TT> if we use <TT>pdflatex</TT> or <TT>latex</TT> with <TT>dvipdfm</TT>).
+An image can be included in any way you like, but <TT>apa.cls</TT> provides
+a way to deal automatically with fitting encapsulated postscript (EPS)
+files without worrying about dimensions or mode. Just use the command
+<TT>\fitfigure</TT> instead of <TT>\includegraphics</TT>.
+For example, if you want to include a graph from file <TT>graph1.eps</TT>, the
+simplest (and recommended) way is:<P>
+\caption{This is the caption of the figure.}<BR>
+You may include the image file extension (<TT>.eps</TT> in this case)
+in the <TT>\fitfigure</TT> or <TT>\includegraphics</TT> command,
+but if you omit it (as in the example), then if you happen to use <TT>pdflatex</TT> it
+will automatically load the corresponding <TT>.pdf</TT> graphic file (assuming
+you have made one with <TT>eps2pdf</TT>), while <TT>dvips</TT> will load the
+<TT>.eps</TT> file. In short, you don't need the extension, and leaving it out
+may make your life easier.
+In case of a bitmap eps (as opposed to a graph or line drawing), you
+probably don't want it scaled in man mode, for best reproduction, so
+use <TT>\fitbitmap</TT> instead.
+<I>Note:</I> If you want to include images in your manuscript, don't forget the command
+<TT>\usepackage{graphicx}</TT> in your preamble! You should
+<STRONG>not</STRONG> use
+<TT>epsfig</TT> or <TT>graphics</TT> instead of <TT>graphicx</TT>.
+Tables are stretched to occupy the corresponding text width and are placed with
+appropriate typefaces etc., but it is your responsibility to format the
+tabular environments
+in accordance with the APA guidelines (e.g., no vertical lines, and so on).
+You should always <STRONG>precede</STRONG> the actual table body with its
+caption (i.e., use <TT>\caption</TT> before <TT>\begin{tabular}</TT>)
+or the results won't be conforming to the APA requirements for tables. <P>
+To match the APA-journal look you can use <TT>\thickline</TT> (instead of
+<TT>\hline</TT>) for the top separator (right after starting the <TT>tabular</TT>
+Because a paragraph break is inserted in manuscript mode (optionally with an
+&ldquo;insert table/figure&rdquo; note), don't define tables in the middle of a
+<H4>Wide (two-column) tables and figures</H4>
+When an image or table is too wide for a single column, use a double-column
+float, noted with an asterisk after the float environment designation (see
+the LaTeX book). For a wide (two-column) figure, use <TT>\begin{figure*}</TT>
+and <TT>\end{figure*}</TT>, instead of beginning and ending <TT>{figure}</TT>.
+For a two-column table, similary, begin and end a <TT>table*</TT> environment.
+When using double column figures, it looks better in <TT>jou</TT> mode
+if you use <TT>\centeredcaption</TT> instead of caption, with the first parameter
+about equal to the width of the float (table or figure). This makes no difference in
+<TT>man</TT> mode.
+If your table is too wide to fit upright on a manuscript page, load the <TT>rotating</TT>
+package and use a <TT>sidewaystable</TT> environment (instead of <TT>table</TT>). You
+need the special configuration file
+<A HREF="dl/apa/endfloat.cfg"><TT>endfloat.cfg</TT></A>, supplied with <TT>apa.cls</TT>,
+for this to work.
+<H4>Long tables</H4>
+By popular demand,
+<A HREF=""><TT>longtable</TT></A> now (sort of) works with
+<TT>apa.cls</TT>. You must <STRONG>not</STRONG> load the <TT>longtable</TT>
+package yourself, due to precedence requirements for proper endfloat
+function and cross-definitions. Instead, pass the <TT>longtable</TT>
+option to <TT>apa.cls</TT>. See the
+<A HREF=""><TT>longtable</TT> documentation</A> or
+the <A HREF="{32316FC4-94F5-4616-815D-F8691C44BC2B}">LaTeX Companion</A> for instructions on using <TT>longtable</TT>.
+Since <TT>longtable</TT> only works in single-column documents it can only be
+used with <TT>man</TT> mode. Unfortunately the conditional compilation
+(<TT>ifapamode</TT>) commands won't work
+to keep a single table body and apply a mode-specific (<TT>table</TT> or
+<TT>longtable</TT>) environment because of illegal cross-nesting with
+environment begin/end. In fact the table environment won't even work
+inside in <TT>ifapamode</TT> argument, which makes it impossible to have a
+single file that can be processed for both <TT>man</TT> and <TT>jou</TT>. This defeats
+ the purpose of <TT>apa.cls</TT>, so only resort to <TT>longtable</TT> if you absolutely
+ have to.
+You will need the supplied <A HREF="dl/apa/endfloat.cfg"><TT>endfloat.cfg</TT></A> to use it.
+A simpler, less clean solution for long tables (not using any specialized package) is
+shown on page 47 of an <A HREF="pdf/Protopapas_2007_Eutypon.pdf">article</A> about <tt>apa.cls</tt>.
+<H4>Notes in tables</H4>
+There is a simple way to include notes in
+tables such as, for example, to indicate levels of significance. The
+command <TT>\tabfnm{X}</TT> inside a table cell (tabular environment) produces
+the note mark. Use <TT>\tabfnt{X}{Note text}</TT> immediately before or after
+<TT>\end{tabular}</TT> inside the table environment to produce the note text.
+ See <A HREF="dl/apa/examples.txt"><TT>examples.txt</TT></A>. It is not possible
+to number the notes automatically, but since it is frequently necessary to refer
+to the same note repeatedly within a table (e.g., for a level of significance),
+automatic numbering would create more problems than it would solve.
+<H3><A NAME="condcomp">Conditional compilation</A></H3>
+You can have some text appear differently in each mode, or only appear
+in some mode(s). You can also modify the appearance of tables,
+figures, or equations between modes of compilation. Here's an
+unexciting example:<P>
+\ifapamodeman{This is printed in man mode only}{This is not man mode}
+You can also use the three-way switch:<P>
+<TT>The current mode is \ifapamode{man}{jou}{doc}</TT>
+<H3><A NAME="fonts">Document typefaces</A></H3>
+The journal format (<TT>jou</TT> mode) uses Times Roman by default (it does look like
+published after all). If you don't have <TT>txfonts.sty</TT> or <TT>pslatex.sty</TT> or <TT>times.sty</TT>, or
+if you just prefer computer modern fonts, add <TT>notimes</TT> after the <TT>jou</TT> option
+in the class line: <TT>\documentclass[jou,notimes]{apa}</TT> (<TT>notimes</TT> has no
+effect in modes other than <TT>jou</TT> and may be left in when switching).<P>
+The manuscript format (<TT>man</TT> mode) uses Computer Modern by default but can use
+Helvetica or typewriter look by using the options <TT>helv</TT> or <TT>tt</TT>,
+respectively. I find the result with either of these much more
+&ldquo;manuscript&rdquo;-like looking, especially using <TT>tt</TT>
+(<TT>\documentclass[man,tt]{apa}</TT>), but that's a matter of taste.
+These options have no effect in modes other than <TT>man</TT>
+and may be left in when switching.<P>
+In the document format (<TT>doc</TT> mode), Computer Modern are used be default
+and should probably be used all the time since, after all, this is supposed to
+be the most &ldquo;regular&rdquo; LaTeX-like format.
+<H3><A NAME="bibcit">Bibliography and citations</A></H3>
+By default, <TT>apa.cls</TT> uses the
+<A HREF=""><TT>apacite</TT></A>
+package by Erik Meijer for citations which offers complete coverage and excellent conformance
+to APA guidelines, including <TT>apacite</TT> handling of electronic sources
+and non-English language forms.
+You should count on using <TT>bibTeX</TT> with the corresponding
+<A HREF=""><TT>apacite.bst</TT></A>
+style file for your bibliography. Citation commands include the standard <TT>bibtex</TT>
+options such as <TT>\cite</TT> but there are substantial extensions to cover other needs
+such as contracted <I>vs.</I> full author lists, author name only or year only for complex
+constructions, text preceding or following reference list in parentheses etc.
+For instructions on using the various citation forms and output examples get
+<A HREF=""><TT>apacite.tex</TT></A>,
+<A HREF=""><TT>testAPA.tex</TT></A>, and
+<A HREF=""><TT>readme.apa</TT></A>
+from the CTAN mirror near you.
+At the end of your document, before any appendices, issue the <TT>\bibliography</TT>
+command with the file names of the relevant <TT>bib</TT> files (standard <TT>bibtex</TT> usage). Do not use a
+<TT>\bibliographystyle</TT> command, because <TT>apacite</TT>
+is selected and loaded automatically (however, for backwards compatibility,
+any existing <TT>\bibliographystyle</TT> command is nicely ignored with a warning).
+<B><I>BibLaTeX update:</I></B> As of version 1.3.4, <TT>apa.cls</TT> can also be used with <A HREF="">BibLaTeX</A> (with the <A HREF="">biblatex-apa</A> style by Philip Kime).
+Use the <TT>noapacite</TT> option to <TT>apa.cls</TT> to prevent it from
+automatically loading <TT>apacite</TT>. You can then load <TT>biblatex</TT> as
+usual and use the biblatex-apa package for citations and references. See
+the <A HREF="">biblatex documentation</A> and <A HREF="">biblatex-apa documentation</A>.
+<H3><A NAME="append">Appendices</A></H3>
+The appendix part comes last, that is, after the references section.
+Consistent with standard LaTeX usage, the command <TT>\appendix</TT> is used once,
+at the point where your (first) appendix starts, to signal the change from
+regular matter to appendix matter. From that point on, regular sectioning
+commands refer to appendix sections. In particular, each use of the <TT>\section</TT>
+command starts a new appendix. Use, for example<P>
+\section{Appendix Title}<BR>
+to start an appendix (even if there is only one). Each appendix has its title,
+while numbering (&ldquo;Appendix A,&rdquo; &ldquo;Appendix B&rdquo; etc.) is
+taken care of automatically in case there are more than one appendices.
+You are free to
+use figures and tables in the usual way in the appendix(es). <TT>apa.cls</TT>
+will number them correctly and include them in the table and figure lists where they
+You may use
+cross-references to appendixes, because they are numbered, if there
+are more than one. A command such as <TT>\label{app:xxx}</TT> after the appendix
+<TT>\section</TT> sets the label. Then you may refer to this appendix with <P>
+from anywhere in your manuscript.
+<H3><A NAME="babel">Non-English documents</A></H3>
+As of 2005, <TT>apa.cls</TT> and <TT>apacite</TT> can handle non-English documents with <TT>babel</TT>. Because there are potential conflicts between <TT>apacite</TT> and <TT>babel</TT>, you may not load <TT>babel</TT> from your document, but must pass it as an option to <TT>apa.cls</TT>, so that it can be loaded in the appropriate order and handled correctly. Desired languages are listed as additional options to <TT>apa.cls</TT>, and will be passed on to <TT>babel</TT> automatically when loaded. Remember that the main language of your document is the one listed <I>last</I>. For example, if your article is written in Dutch, use
+If, however, your article is in English but you need support for Greek, for example to cite certain passages using <TT>\textgreek</TT>, then use
+<TT>apa.cls</TT> produces certain strings in the manuscript, mostly as titles to obligatory sections (pages): &ldquo;Running head,&rdquo; &ldquo;Author note,&rdquo; &ldquo;Figure captions,&rdquo; and &ldquo;Footnotes&rdquo; (other strings, such as &ldquo;Abstract,&rdquo; &ldquo;References,&rdquo; and the float labels &ldquo;Table&rdquo; and &ldquo;Figure&rdquo; are handled by <TT>babel</TT> and/or <TT>apacite</TT>). These strings are defined in external files, so new ones can easily be added. These files are named with the language name (as known by <TT>babel</TT>) and the extension <TT>.apa</TT> (for example, <TT>greek.apa</TT>). If the definitions for your languages are not supplied with <TT>apa.cls</TT>, copy <TT>english.apa</TT> with the new file name for your language, and edit the macro definitions inside the new file to display the correct strings in the new language. Send me the new file so it can be included with future distributions of <TT>apa.cls</TT>.
+<H3><A NAME="misc">Miscellaneous</A></H3>
+If you use vectors, the command \apavector{X} will make your life easier.
+If you need to use additional options for <TT>article.cls</TT>, list them as <TT>apa.cls</TT> options and they will be automatically passed along to
+<H2><A NAME="comlist">List of <TT>apa.cls</TT> commands</A></H2>
+In the following alphabetical list of commands you can see the number
+and kind of parameters needed for the use of each one:<P>
+ \abstract{Abstract text}
+ \acknowledgements{Author notes etc.}
+ \affiliation{Department\\ University}
+ \twoaffiliations{Affiliation of 1st Author(s)}{Affil. of 2nd Author(s)}
+ \threeaffiliations{...}{...}{...}
+ \fouraffiliations{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ \fiveaffiliations{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ \sixaffiliations{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ \apamatrix{M}
+ \apavector{A}
+ \appendix
+ \author{Author Name(s)}
+ \twoauthors{First Author(s)}{Second Author(s)}
+ \threeauthors{...}{...}{...}
+ \fourauthors{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ \fiveauthors{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ \sixauthors{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ \ccoppy{Copyright notice}
+ \centeredcaption{width}{caption-text}
+ \copnum{Serial number}
+ \fitbitmap[optional-height]{eps-filename}
+ \fitfigure[optional-height]{eps-filename}
+ \ifapamode{man-code}{jou-code}{doc-code}
+ \ifapamodeman{man-mode-code}{doc-or-jou-code}
+ \ifapamodejou{jou-mode-code}{doc-or-man-code}
+ \ifapamodedoc{doc-mode-code}{man-or-jou-code}
+ \leftheader{Author name list}
+ \journal{Journal name}
+ \maketitle
+ \note{Draft/submission date, etc.}
+ \rightheader{Running head}
+ \shorttitle{Short title}
+ \tabfnm{a}
+ \tabfnt{a}{Note text}
+ \thickline
+ \title{Title}
+ \volume{Volume, number, pages}
+<H2><A NAME="optlist">List of options to <TT>apa.cls</TT></A></H2>
+ <DD>Loads <TT>babel</TT> to support hyphenation and features for languages other
+ than English. Desired languages should be listed as additional options
+ after <TT>babel</TT>.
+ <DD>Effective in <TT>man</TT> mode, adds figure numbering to the figure pages.
+ Makes it easier to refer to figures and I recommend it for the
+ reviewers' copies, but for the original figures you need to have
+ them printed without this and write the number with pencil on the back.
+ <DD>Effective in <TT>man</TT> mode, inserts placeholders for floats in text
+ (&ldquo;Insert Figure X about here&rdquo; &ndash; no longer required by APA)
+ <DD>Effective in <TT>man</TT> mode, uses Helvetica as the base typeface
+ <DD>Only usable in <TT>man</TT> mode, loads <TT>longtable.sty</TT> if
+ you <EM>really</EM> must use long tables in your manuscript.
+ <DD>Prevents loading of <TT>apacite</TT> to allow use of BibLaTeX with the biblatex-apa
+ style for citations and references. See the biblatex and biblatex-apa documentation.
+ <DD>Effective in <TT>man</TT> mode, turns off boldface in section headers for strict
+ conformance to APA style.
+ <DD>Effective in <TT>man</TT> mode, neutralizes the <TT>\helvetica</TT> command. <EM>This is
+ only included for backwards compatibility and should not be used any more since
+ the <TT>\helvetica</TT> command is not supported now.</EM>
+ <DD>Effective in <TT>jou</TT> mode, cancels the automatic stretching of tabular
+ environments to the width of their enclosing float.
+ <DD>Effective in <TT>jou</TT> mode, cancels loading <TT>pslatex</TT> (or <TT>times</TT>) and
+ uses computer modern fonts.
+ <DD>Effective in <TT>jou</TT> mode, ignores search for <TT>txfonts</TT> and tries to load
+ <TT>pslatex</TT> (or <TT>times</TT>) in order to typeset with Times Roman.
+ <DD>Effective in <TT>man</TT> mode, uses a typewriter base typeface
+<I>Note:</I> Options may be left in the <TT>\documentclass</TT> line when compiling
+any mode, since they are quietly ignored when they are not effective.<P>
+<H2><A NAME="problems">Possible problems</A></H2>
+If you follow the instructions you shouldn't really have any problems.
+In terms of restrictions, you should keep in mind that only up to six
+affiliations (for article author(s)) are supported, and that there is no
+provision for A4 paper dimensions (but see
+<A HREF="dl/apa/examples.txt"><TT>examples.txt</TT></A> for a workaround).<P>
+<CENTER><I>Last updated on December 9<SUP>th</SUP>, 2008<BR>by
+<A HREF="">Athanassios Protopapas</I></CENTER>
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..14ac4c86d9
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+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apacls.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
+This is file apacls.txt, which contains instructions for using the
+APA LaTeX2e class file apa.cls
+ Athanassios Protopapas ******* Version 1.3.4 December 2008
+ apa.cls is a LaTeX2e class file that makes your document conform to
+ the APA Publication Manual (Fifth Edition, 2002) specifications for
+ manuscripts or to the APA journal look found in journals like the
+ Journal of Experimental Psychology etc. In addition, it provides a
+ regular LaTeX-like output with a few enhancements and APA-motivated
+ changes. The headings and enumeration/seriation code is taken from
+ theapa.sty by Young U. Ryu.
+ apa.cls is not in any way connected to, endorsed by, or even
+ probably known at all at the American Psychological Association.
+ a) Manuscript mode (man)
+ apa.cls typesets a title page, abstract page, text body, then
+ references, author notes, footnotes, tables, figure captions, and
+ figures. All text is double spaced. The title page contains
+ (centered) the title, author name, affiliation, short title, and the
+ running head (automatically capitalized). A note is inserted in
+ place of each table and figure in the text.
+ The title is printed as a heading at the beginning of the text (don't
+ include an extra \section, because the introduction is not supposed
+ to be titled in printed articles). \leftheader is ignored in
+ manuscript mode. The contents of \note are printed under the author
+ names and affiliations, typically the date of submission. The "Author
+ Notes" page contains the contents of \acknowledgements. A footnote
+ page is only produced if there is at least one footnote in the text.
+ b) Journal mode (jou)
+ apa.cls typesets the text in double-sided, double column format, with
+ an appropriately centered title, author names, affiliations, note,
+ and abstract. The contents of acknowledgements are printed as
+ footnotes in a box at the lower left corner of the first page.
+ Journal-like headers can also be produced on the first page.
+ Dimensions and overall "look" are modeled after JEP:HPP. The purpose
+ of this mode is to produce readable and reasonably condensed output
+ for double-sided printing and distribution.
+ c) Document mode (doc)
+ apa.cls typesets the text in single-sided, single-column format, with
+ an appropriately centered title, author names, affiliations, note,
+ and abstract on the first page. The contents of acknowledgements are
+ printed at the bottom of the first page. Section headings and
+ enumeration follow the APA guidelines and floats (figures and tables)
+ are inserted in the text where they are defined, as in regular LaTeX
+ articles.
+ The purpose of this format is to provide hardcopies during the
+ development of articles that are later going to be submitted (using
+ the manuscript format) and distrubuted (using the journal
+ format). The advantage over using a regular article class is that all
+ the extra definitions related to APA style are supported (or simply
+ ignored without producing errors), so no changes need to be made
+ to the text other than the format parameter.
+Known restrictions:
+ - Up to six affiliations (for article author(s)) are supported.
+ - No provision for A4 paper. See examples for a workaround.
+Other necessary files:
+ To use BibTeX (default), for all apa.cls document modes you need
+ apacite.sty and apacite.bst. Download the most recent version
+ (June 2005 or later) for full compatibility.
+ If you prefer to use BibLaTeX with the biblatex-apa style, you
+ need apa.cbx and apa.bbx.
+ For manuscript mode, you need endnotes.sty and endfloat.sty
+ For journal mode, optional packages include txfonts (or pslatex,
+ or times.sty and mathptm.sty), ftnright.sty, fancyhdr.sty (for
+ first page headers), and flushend.sty
+To use this class, include one of the following
+ \documentclass[jou]{apa} for the two-column output (txfonts default)
+ \documentclass[man}{apa} for the manuscript (double-spaced) output
+ \documentclass[doc]{apa} for regular document (in computer modern)
+ at the beginning of your file (instead of {article}), then define the
+ title, author, etc. (see below), and start with
+ \maketitle
+ right after \begin{document}, immediately followed by the first
+ paragraph of you text (no blank line). Do not use a
+ \bibliographystyle command, because apacite is selected automatically
+ (for backwards compatibility, any existing \bibliographystyle command
+ is ignored and a warning is issued).
+ The journal format uses Times Roman by default (it does look like
+ published after all); if you don't have txfonts or pslatex or
+ times.sty, or if you just prefer computer modern, add notxfonts
+ after the jou option in the class line:
+ \documentclass[jou,notxfonts]{apa}
+ (this has no effect in modes other than jou and may be left in)
+ Manuscript format uses Computer Modern by default but can use
+ Helvetica or typewriter look by using the options helv or tt,
+ respectively. I find the result with either of these much more
+ "manuscript"-like but that's a matter of taste. These options have
+ no effect in modes other than man and may be left in when switching.
+The following commands are defined and should/may be used:
+ 1. Required for document compilation
+ \title{Title}
+ \author{Author Name(s)}
+ or \twoauthors{First Author(s)}{Second Author(s)}
+ or \threeauthors{John and Jim}{Mary and Sue}{Nick}
+ or \fourauthors{Helen}{Dick}{Tracy and Larry}{James Bond}
+ or \fiveauthors{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ or \sixauthors{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ \affiliation{Department\\ University}
+ or \twoaffiliations{Affiliation of 1st Author(s)}{Affil. of 2nd Author(s)}
+ or \threeaffiliations{U of A}{U of B}{U of C}
+ or \fouraffiliations{My Company}{Your Department}{Heaven}{Earth}
+ or \fiveaffiliations{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ or \sixaffiliations{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}{...}
+ \maketitle % right after \begin{document}
+ 2. Strongly recommended (required by APA)
+ \abstract{Abstract}
+ \acknowledgements{Author notes etc.}
+ \rightheader{Running head} % defaults to title
+ \shorttitle{Short title} % defaults to title
+ \leftheader{Authors} % defaults to author
+ 3. Optional, possibly helpful
+ \note{Draft/submission date, etc.} % To add notes on first page
+ \thickline % Use in tables for the top line
+ \centeredcaption{width}{caption-text} % Used with double-column figures
+ % to create centered captions
+ % narrower than \textwidth
+ \fitfigure[optional-height]{eps-filename} % Automatically fit a postscript
+ % figure; load graphicx and use
+ % instead of \includegraphics
+ \fitbitmap[optional-height]{eps-filename} % Same as \fitfigure but won't scale
+ % figure in man mode for best
+ % reproduction of bitmap figures
+ \ifapamode{man-code}{jou-code}{doc-code} % Do different things depending on
+ \ifapamodeman{man-mode-code}{doc-or-jou-code} % mode---you shouldn't have to use
+ \ifapamodejou{jou-mode-code}{doc-or-man-code} % any of these but they're here if
+ \ifapamodedoc{doc-mode-code}{man-or-jou-code} % you want them. Arguments can
+ % be left empty to do nothing
+ \journal{Journal name or other note} % Top left header on page one in
+ % jou/doc mode, ignored in man mode
+ \volume{Volume, number, pages} % Top left, under content of \journal
+ \ccoppy{Copyright notice etc.} % Top right header in jou/doc p. 1
+ \copnum{Your hovercraft is full of eels} % Top right, under content of \ccoppy
+ \tabfnm{a} % Put a note mark inside a table cell
+ \tabfnt{a}{Note text} % Put the mark and text for a table note
+ \apavector{A} % Format a symbol as vector by APA rules
+ \appendix % Standard LaTeX usage, starts off
+ % appendix section(s)
+The following options are available:
+ These options must be combined with one of jou, man, doc.
+ notxfonts: Effective in jou mode, prevents txfonts from loading, in case
+ pslatex (or times) is preferable for some reason
+ notimes : Effective in jou mode, cancels loading txfonts or pslatex or
+ times and uses computer modern fonts.
+ nosf : Effective in man mode, neutralizes the \helvetica command.
+ fignum : Effective in man mode, adds figure numbering to the figure pages.
+ Makes it easier to refer to figures and I recommend it for the
+ reviewers' copies, but for the original figures you may have
+ to print them without this and write the number on the back.
+ notab : Effective in jou mode, cancels the automatic stretching of tabular
+ environments to the width of their enclosing float.
+ nobf : Effective in man mode, turns off boldface in section headers
+ helv : Effective in man mode, uses Helvetica as the base typeface
+ tt : Effective in man mode, uses a typewriter base typeface
+ babel : Effective in every mode, loads babel to support languages other
+ than English. List the desired languages as additional options
+ to apa.cls after babel. The last language listed is the main one.
+ longtable: Only usable in man mode, loads longtable.sty if you *really* must
+ use long tables in your manuscript. See special note below
+ floatmark: Effective in man mode, inserts placeholders for floats in text
+ ("Insert Figure X about here" -- no longer required by APA)
+ noapacite: Effective in every mode, prevents loading of apacite to allow
+ use of biblatex with the biblatex-apa style.
+Notes on usage:
+ If there is more than one author but all in the same department, use
+ the \author command with all names and the \affiliation command. If
+ there are people from two different departments, use the \twoauthors
+ and \twoaffiliations commands to group them appropriately. For three
+ affiliations use \threeauthors and \threeaffiliations, and so on for
+ four, five, or six affiliations (and corresponding author groups).
+ Default sectioning maps \section, \subsection, and \subsubsection to
+ the three-level heading definitions of the APA manual. If you need
+ more/fewer heading levels, you can use the command
+ \headinglevels{four} (or any number between one and five---spelled
+ out---instead of four) and then use \paragraph and \subparagraph for
+ the lower-level sectioning. Don't bother to \label your sections
+ because they can't be \ref'd since they are not numbered in APA style.
+ When a figure is too wide for a single column, use a double-column
+ figure (\begin and \end {figure*} instead of {figure}). When using
+ double column figures, it looks better if you use \centeredcaption
+ instead of caption, with the first parameter about equal to the width
+ of the float (table or figure). This makes no difference in
+ manuscript mode.
+ It is still *your* responsibility to format the tables in accordance
+ with the APA guidelines (e.g., no vertical lines, and so on) and
+ precede the actual table body with its caption (i.e., use \caption
+ *before* \begin{tabular} in tables, or the results won't be
+ conforming to the APA requirements for tables). Because a paragraph
+ break is inserted in manuscript mode (along with the "insert
+ table/figure" note), don't define tables in the middle of a
+ paragraph.
+ Remember to use \label for floats *after* the caption (and not inside it!)
+ For instructions on using the various citation forms get apacite.tex,
+ testAPA.tex, and readme.apa from the CTAN mirror near you. For
+ instructions on using APA enumeration and seriation read apaenum.txt
+ in this distribution.
+ (BibLaTeX users: pass the "noapacite" option to apa.cls and then use
+ biblatex as usual, with the biblatex-apa style.)
+ If you need to use additional options for article.cls, use them with
+ the apa.cls options and they will be automatically passed along to
+ article.cls
+ Notes in tables: There is a semi-automatic way to include notes in
+ tables such as, for example, to indicate levels of significance. The
+ command \tabfnm{X} inside a table cell (tabular environment) produces
+ the note mark. Use \tabfnt{X}{Note text} immediately before or after
+ \end{tabular} inside the table environment to produce the note text.
+ See example file.
+ Appendices: Use the command \appendix only once, at the point where
+ your (first) appendix starts. Then use \section{Appendix Title} to
+ start each appendix section (even if there is only one). You may use
+ cross-references to appendixes, because they are numbered, if there
+ are more than one. The command \label{app:xxx} after the appendix
+ \section sets the label. Refer to it with "Appendix~\ref{app:xxx}"
+ anywhere in the article.
+ If you use vectors, the command \apavector{X} will make your life easier.
+ Long tables: By popular demand, longtable now (sort of) works with
+ apa.cls. You must *not* load the longtable package yourself;
+ instead, pass the longtable option to apa.cls (due to precedence
+ requirements for proper endfloat function and cross-definitions).
+ Since longtable only works in single-column documents it can only be
+ used with man mode. Unfortunately the ifapamode commands won't work
+ to keep a single table body and apply a mode-specific (table or
+ longtable) environment because of illegal cross-nesting with
+ environment begin/end. In fact the table environment won't even work
+ inside in ifapamode argument, which makes it impossible to have a
+ single file that can be processed for both man and jou. This defeats
+ the purpose of apa.cls, so only resort to longtable if you absolutely
+ have to. You will need the special APAendfloat.cfg file supplied with
+ apa.cls in order to use longtable, so that endfloat will recognize
+ (and postpone) long tables as tables. Copy this file to the working
+ folder with your APA style document, not any central LaTeX location,
+ to avoid influencing endfloat's behavior with other classes. Rename
+ it locally to endfloat.cfg so that it will be processed by endfloat.
+ Sideways tables: Use the rotating package and \sidewaystable. You will
+ need the supplied APAendfloat.cfg (renamed endfloat.cfg) in your
+ document directory for it to work.
+ Send me comments or bug reports (preferably with fixes) at:
+Example of usage:
+ See examples.txt and apaexample.tex
+ PLEASE, read file examples.txt, it will probably solve your problems.
+ Online information:
+Athanassios Protopapas
+August 17, 2008
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d6a4610757
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apaenum.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
+This file contains instructions on using APA seriation and enumeration.
+%$$$ theapa.sty $$$ --- Version 2.5 .1(May 1992)
+% by Young U. Ryu (
+% [6] APA Seriations
+% A. seriate environment:
+% For example, the following:
+% Blah blah blah
+% \begin{seriate}
+% \item first item,
+% \item second item.
+% \end{seriate}
+% Blah blah blah
+% results in:
+% Blah blah blah (a) first item, (b) second item. Blah blah blah
+% B. APAenumerate environment
+% For example, the following:
+% Blah blah blah
+% \begin{APAenumerate}
+% \item first item ... ... ... continue continue
+% \item second item ... ... ... continue continue
+% \end{APAenumerate}
+% Blah blah blah
+% results in:
+% Blah blah blah
+% 1. first item ... ... ...
+% continue continue
+% 2. second item ... ... ...
+% continue continue
+% Blah blah blah
+% C. APAitemize environment
+% For example, the following:
+% Blah blah blah
+% \begin{APAitemize}
+% \item first item ... ... ... continue continue
+% \item second item ... ... ... continue continue
+% \end{APAitemize}
+% Blah blah blah
+% results in:
+% Blah blah blah
+% o first item ... ... ...
+% continue continue
+% o second item ... ... ...
+% continue continue
+% Blah blah blah
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apaexample.tex b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apaexample.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..81638b4bfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/apaexample.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+% %
+% Athanassios Protopapas, October 2005 %
+% Mini-example for using apa.cls %
+% %
+\title{Example of an APA-style manuscript}
+\author{Athanassios Protopapas}
+\affiliation{Institute for Language \& Speech Processing\\ Athens, Greece}
+\abstract{This is an example of a minimal ``manuscript'' using the \LaTeX\ apa.cls document class to typeset manuscripts according to the Americal Psychological Association (APA) manual, fifth edition.}
+\acknowledgements{Written at the request of the Prac\TeX\ journal editors.
+Comments may be sent to the author at}
+\shorttitle{APA style manuscript}
+\rightheader{APA style manuscript}
+\leftheader{A.\ Protopapas}
+Here goes the text of the article. Note that the content begins immediately after \texttt{maketitle} and there is no blank line between the title command and the article text. This first section of the article is typically the introduction and, according to APA style, should not bear a section heading.\footnote{That is, there is no ``Introduction'' section.} Subsequent sections, however, are titled according to the psychological conventions.
+\section{Experiment 1}
+Manuscripts in APA style often contain descriptions of experiments. The APA manual specifications for referring to experiments are to use a lowercase ``e'' when speaking generally, as in the previous phrase, but an uppercase ``E'' when mentioning a particular experiment (as in the following phrase), such as Experiment~1.
+The ``method'' is a subsection of the experimental presentation in which all the details of setting up and conducting the experiment are described. There a number of more or less standard components to a method, shown below.
+Psychological experiments are conducted with participants, usually humans. Note that these used to be called ``subjects'' but apparently APA now finds it inappropriate to refer to people with this term. Here we mention how many participants there were, their ages and other information about them.
+Sometimes it is necessary to give the apparatus a special section.
+What the subjects saw, heard, or felt.
+What happened to the poor subjects.
+In this subsection, one shows numbers and statistical analyses. Students are especially unlikely to read this section, but seasoned researchers often avoid it in the first reading, especially if the article is not of particular interest for their own research.
+If the results of the experiment mean anything, this is the place to talk about it.
+\section{Experiment 2}
+Usually one experiment is not enough to convince anyone; you need additional control experiments to make your point.
+The method can be the same as for the previous experiment, since here we are simply interested in showing the structure of the manuscript.
+\subsection{Results \& Discussion}
+This is a good point to show an example of a table following APA conventions. Note that we don't use any vertical separators and that columns can be grouped with partial horizontal lines.
+Also keep in mind that the caption must precede the table. The label is entirely optional, but useful for referring to the table in the text, for example this one would be Table~\ref{tab:tab1}.
+\caption{Some numbers that could be experimental data.}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Factor 2} \\ \cline{2-3}
+Factor 1 & Condition A & Condition B \\ \hline
+First & 586 (231) & 649 (255) \\
+ & 2.2 & 7.5 \\
+Second & 590 (195) & 623 (231) \\
+ & 2.8 & 2.5 \\ \hline
+\section{General Discussion}
+In psychological articles there is usually some point to the whole experimental exercise, and in the end we get to discuss how important it all is. Although literature is supposed to have been covered in the introduction, for this example we can illustrate the use of bibliographic citations in this final section \cite{art1}. The accompanying package ``apacite'' by Erik Meijer provides everything an APA-style writer needs for citations, such as in-text citations in which one can claim that \citeA{boo1} mentioned or failed to mention something.
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/dutch.apa b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/dutch.apa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96e7062153
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/dutch.apa
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+\renewcommand{\rheadname}{Kopregel:}% Running head:
+\renewcommand{\acksname}{Auteursnoot}% Author Note
+\renewcommand{\figurecaptionsname}{Figuurbijschriften}% Figure Captions
+\renewcommand{\notesname}{Voetnoten}% Footnotes \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/english.apa b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/english.apa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..94135448b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/english.apa
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+\renewcommand{\rheadname}{Running head:}
+\renewcommand{\acksname}{Author Note}
+\renewcommand{\figurecaptionsname}{Figure Captions}
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/examplebib.bib b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/examplebib.bib
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74a59f708a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/examplebib.bib
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+author="First Last",
+title="A fictitious journal article",
+journal="Journal of nothingness",
+author="Respectable Writer",
+title="A silly book",
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/examples.txt b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/examples.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a9566e228f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/examples.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+% Athanassios Protopapas, January 2006
+% Examples for using apa.cls v1.3.2
+% This file contains examples of using the commands defined in apa.cls
+% Do not use this file as a sample document! It is only meant to show
+% how to use the macros appropriately, and will not even pass through
+% LaTeX successfully, because of many commands that are embedded in
+% the text (unescaped backslashes all over the place).
+% Just use the examples of the commands you need.
+% See apaexample.tex if you want a file that will run through LaTeX and
+% produce sample output compatible with APA style.
+% The class command goes at the top
+% Change jou to man/doc for the other modes:
+% Here's what I use:
+%If you need support for languages other than English, use babel.
+% Do not load babel with \usepackage from your document, because it will
+% clash with apacite. Pass the "babel" option to apa.cls to load along with
+% the language(s) you need.
+% If the main language of your document is different from English,
+% then list it last in the options list. For example, if the paper is in Dutch:
+%\documentclass[man,babel,english,dutch]{apa} % text in Dutch; English available
+% If the main language of your document is English but you need support
+% for another language (e.g., for short passages in Greek using \textgreek):
+%\documentclass[man,babel,greek,english]{apa} % text in English; Greek available
+% If you have postscript graphics to include, load the graphicx package
+% Define the various headings, names, and other required stuff
+\title{Sample Title}
+\twoauthors{Myself Author}{Second Author and Some Friend}
+\twoaffiliations{My Department\\ Address ZIP}{The other place\\ Elsewhere}
+\abstract{Text of the abstract}
+\acknowledgements{Thanks to people and grants, and your new address maybe.}
+\shorttitle{Short Title as per APA manual}
+\rightheader{Odd-Numbered Page Header}
+\leftheader{Even-Numbered Page Header}
+% Optionally, for keeping track of stuff:
+%\note{Draft of \today}
+% John Vokey uses something like this
+ Dr.\ Your Whole Name\\
+ Department of Psychology\\
+ At Some University\\
+ Some City, Some Province or State\\
+ Country Postal Code\\
+ e-mail:\\
+ fax: (area)exchange-number
+ \end{flushleft}}}
+{% else, i.e., in jou and doc mode
+\note{Draft of \today}}
+% If you use A4 paper and care to make a point of it in man mode,
+% use this, courtesy of John Vokey:
+% \setlength{\textheight}{9.19291in}}{}
+% Optional journal-like looking headers
+\journal{Journal of nothing}\volume{First and Last Volume}
+\ccoppy{Copyright 2006 by Myself}\copnum{Some serial number}
+% End of definitions, begin document with title and then main text
+\maketitle %% First thing after \begin{document}
+Here goes the text of the article. %% Start immediately after \maketitle
+ %% no blank line between title & text
+You can have some text appear differently in each mode, or only appear
+in some mode(s). You can also modify the appearance of tables,
+figures, or equations between modes of compilation. Here's an
+unexciting example:
+\ifapamodeman{This is printed in man mode only}{This is not man mode}.
+You can also use the three-way switch: the current mode is
+Sectioning commands are used as in regular \LaTeX. It is very
+important that you use these sectioning commands. Here's a typical
+example for an experimental psychology paper, following the (untitled)
+introductory section:
+\section{Experiment 1}
+Introduction to this experiment. When referring to it, type
+Experiment~1 (with capital E and a tie to the number so they won't
+separate). However, when mentioning the first experiment the ``e'' is
+You may need some general remarks on method here. Then use the standard parts.
+Description of subjects.
+Sometimes it is necessary to give the apparatus a special section.
+What the subjects saw, heard, or felt.
+What happened to the poor subjects.
+Now the numbers: What your measurements showed and all the statistics of it.
+If your results mean anything, this is the place to talk about it. In case
+there is little to discuss before the final section (e.g., \section{General
+Discussion} at the end) you may combine results and discussion in a single
+\subsection{Results and Discussion} before you go on to the next
+\section{Experiment 2}
+and so on.
+In case you have more than these three levels of headings
+(sectioning), you can use the command \headinglevels (e.g.,
+\headinglevels{four} for four levels). See the APA manual for how to
+handle more or fewer heading levels (the appearance is, naturally,
+taken care of by apa.cls and you only need concern yourself with the
+conceptual divisions). In case of more than three levels you'll need
+the \paragraph (for the fourth level) and \subparagraph (for the fifth
+level) sectioning commands of \LaTeX.
+\section{Floating things}
+A figure can be included in any way you like, but this class provides
+a way to deal automatically with fitting encapsulated postscript (EPS)
+files without worrying about dimensions or mode. Start your figure or
+figure* environment as usual (see the LaTeX book) and then instead of
+\includegraphics use the new command \fitfigure.
+An example of a figure that loads a postscript file. You can use the
+t and b options for selectively putting a figure at the top or bottom
+of a page. Always include p after t or b so that you won't risk
+running out of space if a figure is too big. The h option for
+inserted figures is not recommended because it's not used in APA
+journals. Don't forget \usepackage{graphicx} in your preamble!
+(not epsfig, not graphics).
+\fitfigure{fig1} %% You could use {fig1.eps} here but see note below
+\caption{This is the caption of the figure.}
+There is absolutely no reason to complicate your figures any further
+than this simple example. Just insert your nice and descriptive
+caption text and the filename. If you omit the .eps extension for the
+filename (as in the example), then if you happen to use pdflatex it
+will automatically load the corresponding .pdf graphic file (assuming
+you have made one with eps2pdf), while "regular" dvips will load the
+.eps file.
+At any point in the text, before or after the figure, you can
+automatically refer to it with the \ref command, for example we can
+refer to the above figure as Figure~\ref{fig:fig1}, where the tilde
+keeps the word ``Figure'' (which is capitalized according to APA
+instructions) together with the reference number. Use names that are
+easy to remember instead of ``fig1'' !
+Always put the \label command after (and outside) \caption, otherwise
+you'll run into trouble with the man mode not finding any labels to
+refer to.
+In case of a bitmap eps (as opposed to a graph or line drawing), you
+probably don't want it scaled in man mode, for best reproduction, so
+use \fitbitmap instead:
+\fitbitmap{bm1.eps} %% ".eps" not necessary -- see note above
+\caption{This is the caption of the figure.}
+What about a table? Well, mostly no change from what you are used
+to, except that you can use \thickline for the top separator
+to match the APA-journal look. Here's an example:
+\caption{Some numbers that could be experimental data.}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Factor 2} \\ \cline{2-3}
+Factor 1 & Condition~A & Condition~B \\ \hline
+First & 586 (231) & 649 (255) \\
+ & 2.2 & 7.5\tabfnm{a}\\
+Second & 590 (195) & 623 (231) \\
+ & 2.8 & 2.5\tabfnm{b}\\ \hline
+\tabfnt{a}{Notes to table material are easy.}
+\tabfnt{b}{Use as many as you like, just remember to number them.}
+In case your data won't fit in a single column (in jou mode) use a
+wide table (environment table* instead of table). Here's an example:
+\caption{Some more numbers that could be experimental data and are
+the same as the previous ones, only more of them.}
+ & \multicolumn{5}{c}{Factor 2} \\ \cline{2-6}
+Factor 1 & Condition~A & Condition~B & Condition~C & Condition~D & Condition~E \\ \hline
+First & 586 (231) & 649 (255) & 586 (231) & 649 (255) & 586 (231) \\
+ & 2.2 & 7.5 & 2.2 & 7.5 & 2.2 \\
+Second & 590 (195) & 623 (231) & 590 (195) & 623 (231) & 590 (195) \\
+ & 2.8 & 2.5 & 2.8 & 2.5 & 2.8 \\ \hline
+You can get as fancy as you want with tables, just remember not to use
+any vertical lines, and to group columns with \cline when they are
+described by a common header (using \multicolumn). There's rarely a
+need to get more complicated than these examples. Avoid nesting
+tabular environments, it's a mess and you'll have to use the notab
+option to make it work (so that internal tabulars don't stretch to the
+line width). Be creative with \multicolumn instead.
+Use figure* instead of figure for figures that are too wide to
+fit comfortably in a single column.
+\section{Section Header}
+More text can go here.\footnote{And this is a footnote, used in just
+the regular LaTeX way}
+Suppose this is the end of our document, and there are appendices.
+Remember, appendices come *after* the bibliography. But there's no
+text between the bibliography and the appendix part. Don't use
+a \bibliographystyle because apa.cls automatically loads apacite.
+% Now the appendices. First we have to signal the pass into the
+% appendix part. Then you'll have to give each appendix a title
+% thinking of it as a section.
+\appendix %% Just like that, in LaTeX spirit. No parameters or titles.
+\section{Title of first Appendix}
+This is the text of the first appendix. You can present your
+mathematical derivations, raw materials, or whatever. You are free to
+use figures and tables in the usual way. apa.cls will number them
+correctly and include them in the table and figure lists where they
+belong. Isn't apa.cls wonderful?
+\section{List of stimuli}
+Just to show that another appendix is really just another section.
+Also, it's a good opportunity to show how longtable should be used.
+Remember, you must include the longtable option with the apa class if
+you need to use longtable, and copy the special endfloat.cfg supplied
+with apa.cls to the working document directory. Also, keep in mind,
+it only works in man mode.
+\caption{One sample caption for the sample long table.}
+\\ \thickline
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Type} \\ \cline{2-3}
+Condition & Cond-A & Cond-B \\ \hline
+\\ \thickline
+ & \multicolumn{2}{c}{Type} \\ \cline{2-3}
+Condition & Cond-A & Cond-B \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
+Cond-A & Stim-1 & Stim-2 \\
+ & 1.0 & 2.0 \\
+Cond-B & Stim-3 & Stim-4 \\
+ & 3.0 & 4.0 \\ \hline
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/apa/greek.apa b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/greek.apa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7f205e9823
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/latex/contrib/apa/greek.apa
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+\renewcommand{\acksname}{Shmei'wseis tou suggraf'ea}
+\renewcommand{\figurecaptionsname}{Lez'antes sqhm'atwn}