path: root/macros/latex/contrib/aastex/aastex63.cls
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2021-03-02 03:04:42 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-03-02 03:04:42 +0000
commit4763ec8ceefaf2b038d591b8c15d88d081aec6c9 (patch)
tree113e7c21358dd01318b8e7a1e3f3228ec33bc563 /macros/latex/contrib/aastex/aastex63.cls
parent3a1a102e980610859d9f1b197733d6ce6a541c62 (diff)
CTAN sync 202103020304
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/latex/contrib/aastex/aastex63.cls')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 7536 deletions
diff --git a/macros/latex/contrib/aastex/aastex63.cls b/macros/latex/contrib/aastex/aastex63.cls
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fdf46ab8e..0000000000
--- a/macros/latex/contrib/aastex/aastex63.cls
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7536 +0,0 @@
-%% AASTEX63.cls %%
-%% July 8, 2019 (6:15pm) %%
-%% Copyright 2019 American Astronomical Society %%
-%% These files are distributed
-%% WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-%% \CharacterTable
-%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
-%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
-%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
-%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
-%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
-%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
-%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
-%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
-%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
-%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
-%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
-%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
-%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
-%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}%
-%%% date = "9/19/2016",
-%%% author = "Amy Hendrickson ("
-%%% including
-%%% 1) code from emulateapj.cls, version 01/23/15(marked below)
-%%% written by Alexey Vikhlinin, which relies on RevTeX4-1
-%%% for much functionality;
-%%% 2) some code from aastex (marked below)
-%%% 3) Original work by Amy Hendrickson (marked below) for
-%%% extensive table tools, including easy decimal entry and splitting
-%%% tables horizontally into 2 or 3 pieces, for tabular and deluxetable
-%%% environments; rotate tables; gridlines for use in positioning figures,
-%%% track changes.
-%%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c
-%%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%%% The latest version of this license is in
-%%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
-%%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
-%%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Greg Schwarz <>
-%%% This work consists of the file aastex.cls
-%%% copyright = "Copyright (C) 2016 American Astronomical Society
-%%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
-%%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
-%%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
-%%% The latest version of this license is in
-%%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
-%%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
-%%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
-%%% The Current Maintainer of this work is the American Astronomical Society.
-%%% This work consists of all files listed in the document README.
-%%% address = "American Astronomical Society
-%%% USA",
-%%% telephone = "+1 ???",
-%%% FAX = "",
-%%% email = "",
-%%% codetable = "ISO/ASCII",
-%%% keywords = "latex, AAS, journal",
-%%% supported = "yes",
-%%% abstract = "formatter for AAS journal submissions",
-%%% }
- [2019/06/03 Version 6.3/AAS markup document class]%
- Original \protect\LaTeX2.09 style
- by Chris Biemesderfer (
- Adapted to \protect\LaTeXe\space
- by A. Ogawa (
-emulateapj.cls included, Copyright 2000-2015 Alexey Vikhlinin
-Rewrite and update of emulateapj.cls,
-revised and enhanced with table macros, gridlines, draft watermark,^^J
-track changes, new `modern' style and much more, by Amy Hendrickson,%
- (,
-%% aastex.cls version 2.0 is a based on emulateapj.cls, version January 23, 2015,
-%% and an older version of aastex.cls, with many additional functionalities.
-%% Options. Document style options, and additional feature options.
-% These are the General document style options, 6 choices
-% manuscript : onecolumn, doublespace, 12pt fonts
-%% Preprints are like manuscript, except they are single spaced.
-% preprint : onecolumn, single space, 12pt fonts
-% preprint2 : twocolumn, single space, 12pt fonts
-%% Modern is new design developed by David Hogg and Daniel Foreman-Mackey
-% modern : one column, single space, 12pt fonts, more stylish
-% twocolumn : a two column article, single space, 10pt fonts
-% Default document style option
-% onecolumn : a one column article; single space, 10pt fonts
-%% Additional feature options:
-% revtex4 : will produce an error message and demand to download revtex4-1.
-% twocolappendix: make 2 column appendix // produces error message.
-% onecolappendix: make 1 column appendix is the default. // not needed because it is the default
-% astrosymb : Loads Astrosymb font and define \astro commands.
-% tighten : Makes baselineskip slightly smaller, only works with twocolumn option.
-%% author can also use the commands \tighten, or \singlespace or \doublespace in the body of their article
-%% to get this change to the baselineskip
-% times : uses times font as the default
-% linenumbers : turn on lineno package.
-% trackchanges : required to see the revision mark up and print output
-% letteredappendix: (was numbered appendix) Not needed because it is the default, will label appendix sections A, B, ...
-% numberedappendix: Legacy command, will produce same results as lettered appendix, since we don't want more
-% than one `section 1' in article: will cause problems for cross referencing.
-% anonymous: to not list authors/affiliations be listed
-%% makes modern the style for rnaas
- \DeclareOption{manuscript}{\twelvepointtrue\@two@colfalse\doublespacetrue\manutrue}%
-%% Preprints are like manuscript but are single spaced:
- \DeclareOption{preprint}{\@two@colfalse\preprinttrue\twelvepointtrue}%
- \DeclareOption{preprint2}{\@two@coltrue\preprinttwotrue\twelvepointtrue}%
-%% New design suggested by
-%% left in from older version, in case it could be useful:
-%% default style
-%% obsolete option
-\DeclareOption{revtex4}{\typeout{=================^^J^^J!!! The revtex4 option no longer
- allowed!^^J^^J Please download revtex4-1.cls^^J^^J
- Thank-you!^^J^^J=================}\stop}
-\DeclareOption{onecolappendix}{\@two@col@appfalse}%% this is default
- \DeclareOption{astrosymb}{
- \def\astro#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\astro@font#1}}%
- \def\load@astro@font{%
- \font\astro@font=Astrosym at 8pt
- \font\astro@font=Astrosym at 7pt
- \AtBeginDocument{\load@astro@font}
- }
-%% Default definition for \astro, in case astrosymb option has not
-%% been used:
-\def\astro#1{\typeout{^^J^^J Please use class option `astrosymb' to
-access fonts for the \string\astro\space command
- \def\apjsecfont{\normalsize}
- \def\secnum@size{\small}
- \def\subsecnum@size{\normalsize}
- \def\AppendixApjSectionMarkInTitle#1{\relax}
- \DeclareOption{letteredappendix}{\global\letteredappendixtrue
- \def\AppendixApjSectionMarkInTitle#1{#1.\ }
- }
-%% this option is obsolete, since letteredappendix is a more logical name;
-%% but keeping it here in case someone uses it, set to be the same as
-%% letteredappendix.
- \DeclareOption{numberedappendix}{\global\letteredappendixtrue
- \def\AppendixApjSectionMarkInTitle#1{#1.\ }
- }
- \newif\if@number@appendix@floats\@number@appendix@floatsfalse
- \DeclareOption{appendixfloats}{
- \@number@appendix@floatstrue
- }
-%% AH
-%% This option changes the baselineskips in the definitions of \normalsize etc
-%% to make them a bit smaller.
-%% AH
-%% End AH Options
- \iftimes
-%% Might be better to use apjfonts, from Alexey Vikhlinin's website
-%% but times.sty is ubiquitous, and many people may not have apjfonts.sty
-%% or the fonts that it calls.
-%% default fonts:
- \fi
- \IfFileExists{revtex4-1.cls}{
- \def\@revtex@cls{revtex4-1}
- }{
-\typeout{^^J^^J Please update your system to include
- }
-%% Passing options to revtex while loading:
- \iftwelvepoint
- \iflongauthor
- \LoadClass[nofootinbib,showkeys,twoside,floatfix,unsortedaddress,flushbottom,12pt,aps,pra]
- {\@revtex@cls}
- \else
- \LoadClass[nofootinbib,showkeys,twoside,floatfix,superscriptaddress,flushbottom,12pt,aps,pra]
- {\@revtex@cls}
- \fi
- \else %not twelvepoint
- \iflongauthor
- \LoadClass[nofootinbib,showkeys,twoside,floatfix,unsortedaddress,flushbottom,10pt,aps,pra]
- {\@revtex@cls}
- \else
- \LoadClass[nofootinbib,showkeys,twoside,floatfix,superscriptaddress,flushbottom,10pt,aps,pra]
- {\@revtex@cls}
- \fi
- \fi
-%% needed?
- \def\@eapj@cap@font{\bfseries}
- \def\@eapj@figname{Figure}
- \def\@eapj@tabname{Table}
-% Restore natbib package without sorting.
-% only redefine sort@cites for natbib versions < 2009
-%% Default vertical space between horizontal lines. Can change definition
-%% of arraystretch in the body of the paper; either for full article or
-%% for a single table.
-%% needed?
-\def\raggedcolumn@sw#1#2{#2} % implement flushbottom as it was in revtex4
-%% Font families
-%% modification of bk10.clo, and bk12.clo, standard LaTeX distribution
-%% Implements doublespace used in `manuscript' option
-%% Implements `tighten' option: make baselineskip smaller if `tighten' is used
-%% tighten only works with two column styles:
-%%% preprint, preprint2, manuscript are 12pt
-%% Modified bk12.clo
-\ifdoublespace % manuscript
- \iftighten
- \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xiipt{20}%
- \else
- \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xiipt{24}%
- \fi
- \iftighten
- \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xiipt{13}%
- \else
- \ifmodern
- \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xiipt{16}%
- \else
- \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xiipt{15}%
- \fi
- \fi
-\fi %% end doublespace/no double space
- \abovedisplayskip 12\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus7\p@
- \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@
- \belowdisplayshortskip 6.5\p@ \@plus3.5\p@ \@minus3\p@
- \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
- \let\@listi\@listI}
-\ifdoublespace % manuscript
- \@setfontsize\small\@xipt{20}%
- \@setfontsize\small\@xipt{12}%
- \@setfontsize\small\@xipt{13.6}%
-%% end doublespace/no double space
- \abovedisplayskip 11\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus6\p@
- \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@
- \belowdisplayshortskip 6.5\p@ \@plus3.5\p@ \@minus3\p@
- \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini
- \topsep 9\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus5\p@
- \parsep 4.5\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@
- \itemsep \parsep}%
- \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
-\ifdoublespace % manuscriptstyle
- \@setfontsize\footnotesize\@xpt{18}
- \ifmodern
- \@setfontsize\footnotesize\@xpt{11}%
- \else
- \@setfontsize\footnotesize\@xpt\@xiipt
- \abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus5\p@
- \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@
- \belowdisplayshortskip 6\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus3\p@
- \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini
- \topsep 6\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@
- \parsep 3\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@
- \itemsep \parsep}%
- \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
-\ifdoublespace % manuscript style
-\else %% not twelvepoint, now tenpoint
-%% no doublespace here, because the only doublespace is in `manuscript style' which is 12pt
- \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xpt{11.5}%
- \@setfontsize\normalsize\@xpt{12.5}%
- \abovedisplayskip 10\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus5\p@
- \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus3\p@
- \belowdisplayshortskip 6\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus3\p@
- \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
- \let\@listi\@listI}
- \@setfontsize\small\@ixpt{12}%
- \@setfontsize\small\@ixpt{11}%
- \abovedisplayskip 8.5\p@ \@plus3\p@ \@minus4\p@
- \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus2\p@
- \belowdisplayshortskip 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@
- \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini
- \topsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus2\p@
- \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@
- \itemsep \parsep}%
- \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
- \@setfontsize\footnotesize\@viiipt{9}%
- \@setfontsize\footnotesize\@viiipt{9.5}% standard eightpoint size
- \abovedisplayskip 6\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
- \abovedisplayshortskip \z@ \@plus\p@
- \belowdisplayshortskip 3\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus2\p@
- \def\@listi{\leftmargin\leftmargini
- \topsep 3\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@
- \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@
- \itemsep \parsep}%
- \belowdisplayskip \abovedisplayskip
-%% Standard 10pt font sizes
-%% End font sizes
-\setlength\smallskipamount{3\p@ \@plus 1\p@ \@minus 1\p@}
-\setlength\medskipamount{6\p@ \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 2\p@}
-\setlength\bigskipamount{12\p@ \@plus 4\p@ \@minus 4\p@}
- \parsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@
- \topsep 8\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus4\p@
- \itemsep4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@}
-\def\@listii {\leftmargin\leftmarginii
- \labelwidth\leftmarginii
- \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
- \topsep 4\p@ \@plus2\p@ \@minus\p@
- \parsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@ \@minus\p@
- \itemsep \parsep}
- \labelwidth\leftmarginiii
- \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
- \topsep 2\p@ \@plus\p@\@minus\p@
- \parsep \z@
- \partopsep \p@ \@plus\z@ \@minus\p@
- \itemsep \topsep}
-\def\@listiv {\leftmargin\leftmarginiv
- \labelwidth\leftmarginiv
- \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}
-\def\@listv {\leftmargin\leftmarginv
- \labelwidth\leftmarginv
- \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}
-\def\@listvi {\leftmargin\leftmarginvi
- \labelwidth\leftmarginvi
- \advance\labelwidth-\labelsep}
-% ****************************************************
-% ****************************************************
-%%%%% include atbeginend.sty by AV:
-% Copy \begin and \end to \BeginEnvironment and \EndEnvironment
-%% \ifundefined from TeXbook
-% Null command needed to eat its argument
-% if defined \BeforeBeg for this environment, execute it
-\IfUnDef{BeforeBeg#1}\else\csname BeforeBeg#1\endcsname\fi%
-\IfUnDef{AfterBeg#1}% This is done to skip the command for environments
- % which can take arguments, like multicols; YOU MUST NOT
- % USE \AfterBegin{...}{...} for such environments!
- \let\SaveBegEnd=\BeginEnvironment%
- % Start this environment
- \BeginEnvironment{#1}%
- % and execute code after \begin{environment}
- \csname AfterBeg#1\endcsname
- \let\SaveBegEnd=\NullCom
-% execute code before \end{environment}
-\IfUnDef{BeforeEnd#1}\else\csname BeforeEnd#1\endcsname\fi%
-% close this environment
-% and execute code after \begin{environment}
-\IfUnDef{AfterEnd#1}\else\csname AfterEnd#1\endcsname\fi%
-\long\def\BeforeBegin#1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname BeforeBeg#1\endcsname {#2}}
-\long\def\BeforeEnd #1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname BeforeEnd#1\endcsname {#2}}
-\long\def\AfterBegin #1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname AfterBeg#1\endcsname {#2}}
-\long\def\AfterEnd #1#2{\expandafter\gdef\csname AfterEnd#1\endcsname{#2}}
-%%%% end of atbeginend.sty
-% ****************************************
-% ****************************************
-% Page size, spacing parameters, etc.
-\tolerance=600 % 3x "normal" value; cuts down on overfull complaints
-%% AV,MM, to have 64 lines per column, with textheight 25cm:
-%% so that the margin at the bottom of the page is about equal to margin at top. -- AH
-\advance\textheight -54pt
- \@newctr{equation}[section]
- \def\theequation{\hbox{\normalsize\arabic{section}-\arabic{equation}}}}
-%% running heads:
-\def\lefthead#1{\gdef\@versohead{#1}} \lefthead{\relax}
-\def\righthead#1{\ifanonymous\gdef\@rectohead{\ \ Anonymous author(s)
-\hfill}\else\gdef\@rectohead{#1}\fi} \righthead{\relax}
- \def\@evenfoot{}
- \def\@evenhead{\lower9mm\hbox to\textwidth{
- \rm\thepage\hfil \rm\textsc{\@rectohead} \hfil}}}
- \def\@oddfoot{}
- \def\@oddhead{\lower9mm\hbox to\textwidth{
- \hfil\rm\textsc{\@versohead}\hfil \rm\thepage}}
-%% October 2017, adding preprint number capability
-\def\reportnum#1{\global\advance\rptnum by 1
-\expandafter\gdef\csname report\the\rptnum\endcsname{\hbox to
-\noindent{\sc Draft version \today}\\[2pt]
-{\footnotesize Typeset using \LaTeX\ {\bf RNAAS} style in AASTeX63}
-\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-48pt\normalsize\rptloopnum=0\loop
-\global\advance\rptloopnum by 1
-\expandafter\ifx\csname report\the\rptloopnum\endcsname\relax
-\csname report\the\rptloopnum\endcsname
-{\sc Draft version \today}\\[2pt]
-Typeset using \LaTeX\ {\bf modern} style in AASTeX63}
-\noindent{\sc Draft version \today}\\[2pt]
-{\footnotesize Typeset using \LaTeX\ {\bf preprint} style in AASTeX63}
-{\footnotesize Typeset using \LaTeX\ {\bf preprint2} style in AASTeX63}
-{\footnotesize Typeset using \LaTeX\ {\bf twocolumn} style in AASTeX63}
-{\footnotesize Typeset using \LaTeX\ {\bf manuscript} style in
-%% Default
-{\footnotesize Typeset using \LaTeX\ default style in AASTeX63}%% default style
-\fi %% ends test to see if rnaas option was used; if rnaas is true
- %% none of this command will be activated.
- \begingroup
- \frontmatter@title@above
- \frontmatter@title@format
- \@title
-%% October 2017, was +12pt
- \@ifx{\@title@aux\@title@aux@cleared}{}{%
- \expandafter\frontmatter@footnote\expandafter{\@title@aux}%
- }%
- \par
-%% \class@warn{Unused short title ignored}%
- \frontmatter@title@below
- \endgroup
-\long\def\tempfootnote#1{\global\advance\fncount by 1\relax%
-\advance\hsize by -18pt
-\long\def\abstracttempfootnote#1{\global\advance\fncount by 1\relax%
-\expandafter\gdef\csname absfootnote\the\fncount\endcsname{#1}}
- \begingroup
-\fi #2\vskip2pt}}% fixed for two col style, march 15, 2019
- \endgroup
-\loop\advance\endfncount by 1\relax%
-\expandafter\ifx\csname footnote\the\endfncount\endcsname\relax%
-\advance\c@footnote by 1\relax%
-\unskip\footnote{\csname footnote\the\endfncount\endcsname}%
-\def\@title{\setbox0=\vbox{\let\footnote\tempfootnote #2}%
-{#2}}%% here???
-\ifdoublespace\vskip 3\baselineskip\fi
- \def\@shorttitle{#1}%
- \let\@AF@join\@title@join
-%% No exception for rnaas, May, 2019
-%% added Mar 2019
-\leftskip=.05in plus 1fil
-\rightskip=.05in plus 1 fil
-%% changed october 2017
-\rightskip-12pt plus 1fil
-\leftskip6pt \parindent-4pt
- \def\frontmatter@finalspace{\ifrnaas\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace*{0.0in}
-\def\@centercr{\vrule depth 3pt width0pt\vskip1sp}
- \move@AU\move@AF%
- \begingroup%
- \@affiliation{%\hspace*{2mm}
- #1\ifmodern\iflongauthor\baselineskip=12pt\else\vskip2pt\fi\else\baselineskip=11pt
- #1\ifmodern\iflongauthor\baselineskip=12pt\else\vskip2pt\fi\else\baselineskip=11pt
-\iflongauthor \vskip-10pt\ifnum\countauthors>\AuthorCollaborationLimit\iftwelvepoint\vskip-3pt\else\iftwocolstyle\else\vskip-6pt\fi\fi\fi%
-%% older version
- \move@AU\move@AF%
- \begingroup%
- \@affiliation{%\hspace*{2mm}
-%% october 2017 changes:
- #1\ifmodern
- \else
- \iftwelvepoint
- \ifpreprint\baselineskip=12pt\else\ifpreprinttwo\else\baselineskip19pt\fi\fi\else \baselineskip=9.5pt\fi
-\fi %% end switch for longauthor
-%% october 2017
- \begingroup
- \centering
-\ifmodern\else\hskip34pt \fi \abstractname
- \vskip 1mm
- \par
- \endgroup
- \aftermaketitle@chk{\begin{abstract}}%
- \global\setbox\absbox\vbox\bgroup
- \color@begingroup
-%% width of abstract changed oct 2017
- \columnwidth\textwidth
- \hsize\columnwidth
-\hsize = 478pt
- \@parboxrestore
- \def\@mpfn{mpfootnote}\def\thempfn{\thempfootnote)}\c@mpfootnote\z@ % should be footnote, not mpfootnote?
-% \let\@footnotetext\frontmatter@footnotetext
- \minipagefootnote@init
- \let\set@listindent\set@listindent@
- \let\@listdepth\@mplistdepth \@mplistdepth\z@
- \let@environment{description}{frontmatter@description}%
- \@minipagerestore
- \@setminipage
- \frontmatter@abstractheading
- \frontmatter@abstractfont
-% \let\footnote\mini@note
-% \expandafter\everypar\expandafter{\the\everypar\addcontents@abstract\everypar{}}%
- \par
- \unskip
- \minipagefootnote@here
- \@minipagefalse %% added 24 May 89
- \color@endgroup
-\egroup% end setbox\absbox
- \par
- \preprintsty@sw{%
- \do@output@MVL{%
- \vskip\frontmatter@preabstractspace
- \vskip200\p@\@plus1fil
- \penalty-200\relax
- \vskip-200\p@\@plus-1fil
- }%
- }{%
- \addvspace{\frontmatter@preabstractspace}%
- }%
- \begingroup
- \dimen@\baselineskip
- \setbox\z@\vtop{\unvcopy\absbox}%
- \advance\dimen@-\ht\z@\advance\dimen@-\prevdepth
- \@ifdim{\dimen@>\z@}{\vskip\dimen@}{}%
- \endgroup
- \begingroup
- \prep@absbox
-%% centered, oct 2017
- \post@absbox
- \endgroup
- \@ifx{\@empty\mini@notes}{}{\mini@notes\par}%
- \addvspace\frontmatter@postabstractspace
-% ****************************************
-% ****************************************
- \def\@keys@name{\textit{Keywords:}\/~\mbox{}}%
- \settowidth{\keys@width}{\normalsize\@keys@name}%
- \hangindent=\keys@width\hangafter=1\normalsize}%
- \showKEYS@sw{%
- \begingroup%
- \frontmatter@keys@format%
- \@keys@name#1
-\vrule depth 12pt width 0pt
-\vrule depth 24pt width0pt\fi
- \endgroup
- }{%
- \@if@empty{#1}{}{%
- \class@warn{If you want your keywords to appear in your output, use document class option showkeys}%
- }%
- }%
-% ****************************************
-% ****************************************
-%% legacy notes and footnote code
-% Footnotes on the last page: user issues \lastpagefootnotes. It catches all
-% footnotes and issues them before \begin{refernces} or
-% \begin{\thebibliography} or \begin{appendix}, whichever comes first,
-% at the end of right column.
-\raggedbottom% Have to use flushbottom with revtex4-1 but it eats away
- % last page footnotes
-% We need to mess with footnotes in appendix only if it is in a
-% different mode (twocol vs onecol) than the main text
- \if@two@col@app\else
- \mess@with@appendix@footnotes
- \fi
-% in case \lastpagefootnotes were given inside \begin{appendix}\end{appendix},
-%% probably not needed:
-\def\notetoeditor#1{}% % We do not need notes to editor in the preprint
-\def\placetable#1{}% % We do not need notes to editor in the preprint
-\def\placefigure#1{}% % We do not need notes to editor in the preprint
-\ifdoublespace %used for manuscript
-\footnotesep 12pt
-\skip\footins 36pt
-\footnotesep 12pt
-\skip\footins 24pt
-% ****************************************
-% ****************************************
-\newif\if@firstsection \@firstsectiontrue
-%% In case no collaboration is listed:
- \maketitle
- \setcounter{footnote}{\thefront@matter@foot@note}%
- \let\footnotetext=\old@foot@note@text
- \let\footnotemark=\old@foot@note@mark
- \clearpage\fi
- \if@two@col
- \twocolumngrid
- \fi
-\advance\tempsectnum by 1
-\xdef\cref@currentlabel{section \the\tempsectnum}
- \@startsection{section}{1}{\z@}{9pt plus 1pt minus
- 1pt}{4pt}{\apjsecfont\center}}
-\def\subsection{\@startsection{subsection}{2}{\z@}{9pt plus 1pt minus 1pt}{4pt}%
- {\normalsize\itshape \center}}
- {2ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{1ex plus .2ex}{\small\itshape \center}}
- {1.5ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{0pt}{\small\itshape}}
- {1ex plus 1ex minus .2ex}{-0.5\parindent}{\small\itshape}}
-\def\p@section {}
-\def\p@subsection {}
-\def\p@subsubsection {}
-\def\p@paragraph {}
-\def\p@subparagraph {}
-% How the section number will appear in the section title - AV
-\def\ApjSectionMarkInTitle#1{\ifrnaas\else #1.\ \fi}
-\@tempskipa #5\relax
- \ifdim \@tempskipa >\z@ \begingroup
- #6\relax
- \ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \def \@svsec {}\else
- \refstepcounter{#1} \edef \@svsec {\ApjSectionMarkInTitle
- {\csname the#1\endcsname}}\fi
- \@hangfrom {\hskip #3\relax
- \ifnum #2=1{\secnum@size {\rm\@svsec~}}%
- \else {\subsecnum@size {\rm\@svsec~}}\fi }%
- {\interlinepenalty \@M
- \ifnum #2=1\sec@upcase{#8}%
- \else \subsec@upcase{#8}\fi\par}\endgroup
- \csname #1mark\endcsname {#7}\addcontentsline{toc}{#1}%
- {\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else \protect \numberline
- {\csname the#1\endcsname }\fi #7}%
- \else
- \ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \def \@svsec {}\else
- \refstepcounter{#1} \edef \@svsec {\ApjSectionMarkInTitle
- {\csname the#1\endcsname}}\fi
- \def \@svsechd {#6\hskip #3%
- \ifnum #2=1{\secnum@size{\rm\@svsec~}}\else{\subsecnum@size{\rm\@svsec~}}\fi%
- \ifnum #2=1\sec@upcase{#8}\else\subsec@upcase{#8}\fi%
- \ifnum #2=4\hskip 0.4ex{\rm ---}\fi%
- \csname #1mark\endcsname {#7}\addcontentsline{toc}{#1}%
- {\ifnum #2>\c@secnumdepth \else \protect \numberline {\csname
- the#1\endcsname }\fi #7}}\fi \@xsect {#5} \penalty \ApjSectionpenalty
-%-refstepcounter is now within a group. So \@currentlabel, which is normally
-%-set by \refstepcounter is hidden within a group. Need to set it manually.
-\protected@edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@#1\endcsname\csname
-\expandafter\ifx\csname templabel\endcsname\relax
-\def\@ssect#1#2#3#4#5{\@tempskipa #3\relax
- \ifdim \@tempskipa>\z@
- \begingroup #4\@hangfrom{\hskip #1}{\interlinepenalty \@M
- \sec@upcase{#5}\par}\endgroup
- \else \def\@svsechd{#4\hskip #1\relax \sec@upcase{#5}}\fi
- \@xsect{#3}
-% MM:
-\penalty \ApjSectionpenalty}
-%% begin...end form, not as good as \acknowledgments...\par
-\def\xacknowledgments{\vskip 5.8mm plus 1mm minus 1mm
-\centerline{(Acknowledgements anonymized for review)}
-%% If anonymous option is used, a message instead of acknowledgments will appear.
-\long\def\xacknowledgments\par#1\par{\vskip 5.8mm plus 1mm minus 1mm
-\centerline{(Acknowledgements anonymized for review)}
-\long\def\yacknowledgments#1\par{\vskip 5.8mm plus 1mm minus 1mm
-\centerline{(Acknowledgements anonymized for review)}
-\def\checkforblankline{\ifx\next\par \let\go\xacknowledgments \else
-% ****************************************
-% ****************************************
-% this was an environment earlier, which doesn't make sense since we don't
-% do \begin{appendix}...\end{appendix}. Changed to \appendix which is how it is used.
-% numberedappendix: Needed to label appendix sections A, B, .
-% appendixfloats: Needed. ??
-\noindent\mbox{}\vrule height 24pt width0pt\hfill{\apjsecfont APPENDIX}\hfill\mbox{}\par
- \if@two@col@app\global\@two@coltrue\twocolumngrid \fi
- % above, we want onecolumngrid to be default. Only twocolumn is asked for in documentclass option
-\noindent\mbox{}\vrule height 24pt width0pt\hfill{\apjsecfont
- \if@two@col@app\global\@two@coltrue\twocolumngrid
- \fi\fi
-% \vrule used for extra space; otherwise revtex4-1 sometimes eats
-% away the last line before appendix
- \nopagebreak\medskip\@nobreaktrue\def\ApjSectionpenalty{\@M}
- \@firstsectionfalse
- \setcounter{section}{0}
- \setcounter{subsection}{0}
- \setcounter{equation}{0}
- \def\thesection{\Alph{section}}
- \def\theequation{\hbox{\Alph{section}\arabic{equation}}}
-%% these are NOT supposed to reset to zero
-% we don't want to set equations to zero in appendix, because there
-% might then be two equation 1's, etc., confusing for cross referencing.
- \def\thesection{\Alph{section}}
- \def\theequation{\hbox{\Alph{section}\arabic{equation}}}
- \def\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}
- {10pt}{5pt}{\centering\scshape\apjsecfont}}
-% Do not use appendix numbers in the titles
- \def\ApjSectionMarkInTitle{\AppendixApjSectionMarkInTitle}
-% ****************************************
-% ****************************************
- \onecolumngrid
- \par
- \vspace{10pt plus 3pt}
- \noindent \makebox[\textwidth][c]{\small\scshape REFERENCES}
- \par
- \vspace*{4pt plus 3pt}
- \set@column@hsize{2}\twocolumngrid
- \parindent=0cm \parskip=0cm
- \def\baselinestretch{1.0}
- \footnotesize \baselineskip=\baselinestretch\bibbaselineskip plus 1pt
- minus 1pt \interlinepenalty \@M
- \hyphenpenalty=10000
- \frenchspacing % AV - to get right spacing after ``et al.''
- \def\refpar{\par\hangindent=1.2em\hangafter=1}}
- \onecolumngrid
-% redefine thebibliography
-% remove numbers from the reference list
-\bibskip=0pt plus 1pt
-%%\ifrnaas\newpage\fi% Not wanted, March 2019
- \hbox to\textwidth{\hss\normalsize REFERENCES\hss}
- \raggedright
- \vspace{10pt plus 3pt}\fi
- \list{}%
- {
- \parindent=0pt \parskip=1pt plus 1pt \parsep=0pt % AV
- \bibindent=0pt %
-\baselineskip=13pt plus 1pt
-\baselineskip=13pt plus 1pt \fi\fi \interlinepenalty \@M % AV
- \frenchspacing % AV - to get right spacing after ``et al.''
- \hyphenpenalty=10000
- \itemindent=-1.0em %
- \itemsep=0pt %
- \listparindent=0pt %
- \settowidth\labelwidth{0pt} %
- \labelsep=0pt %
- \leftmargin=1.0em
- \advance\leftmargin\labelsep
-%%% \usecounter{enumiv}%
- \let\p@enumiv\@empty
- \renewcommand\theenumiv{\relax}}%
- \sloppy\clubpenalty10000\widowpenalty10000%
- \sfcode`\.\@m\relax
-%%%\item[] This May be necessary, but causes extra vertical space in first column
-%%% of the bibliography.
- {\def\@noitemerr
- {\@latex@warning{Empty `thebibliography' environment}}%
- \onecolumngrid % to balance references
- }
-% %% AV:
-\def\reference{\@ifnextchar\bgroup {\@reference}
- {\@latexerr{Missing key on reference command}
- {Each reference command should have a key corresponding to a markcite somewhere in the text}}}
-%% subtitle header and journal info, legacy, probably not needed
-% \def\submitted#1{\gdef\@submitted{#1}}
-% \let\slugcomment\submitted % slugcomment == submitted
-% \submitted{Draft version \today}
-% \journalinfo{\@submitted}
- \def\journalinfo#1{\gdef\@journalinfo{#1}}
- \journalinfo{Draft version \today}
-% Equations %
-% EQNARRAY with reduced spacing around tab characters - AV
- \stepcounter{equation}%
- \def\@currentlabel{\p@equation\theequation}%
- \global\@eqnswtrue
- \setlength{\arraycolsep}{0.25\arraycolsep}
- \m@th
- \global\@eqcnt\z@
- \tabskip\@centering
- \let\\\@eqncr
- $$\everycr{}\halign to\displaywidth\bgroup
- \hskip\@centering$\displaystyle\tabskip\z@skip{##}$\@eqnsel
- &\global\@eqcnt\@ne\hskip \tw@\arraycolsep \hfil${##}$\hfil
- &\global\@eqcnt\tw@ \hskip \tw@\arraycolsep
- $\displaystyle{##}$\hfil\tabskip\@centering
- &\global\@eqcnt\thr@@ \hb@xt@\z@\bgroup\hss##\egroup
- \tabskip\z@skip
- \cr
- }
-% ****************************************
-% ****************************************
-\def\@arstrut@hline@clnc{0.5\p@}% % Klootch: magic number
-% \addtolength{\textfloatsep}{17mm plus 10mm minus 10mm}
- % \addtolength{\dbltextfloatsep}{7mm plus 10mm minus 10mm}
-% Copied from revtex4.cls; without it, captions are centered
- \let\footnote\footnote@latex
- \def\@mpfn{mpfootnote}%
- \def\thempfn{\thempfootnote}%
- \c@mpfootnote\z@
- \let\@footnotetext\@mpfootnotetext
- \let\H@@footnotetext\@mpfootnotetext
- \let\@makefntext\@mpmakefntext
-%%%%%%%%%%%% \cutinhead
-%% Number of \pt@ncol set when \tablecolumns{} used at beginning of
-%% deluxetable.
- \noalign{\vskip 1.5ex}%
- \hline
- \@ptabularcr
- \noalign{\vskip -1.5ex}%
- \multicolumn{\pt@ncol}{c}{#1}%
- \@ptabularcr
- \noalign{\vskip .8ex}%
- \hline
- \@ptabularcr
- \noalign{\vskip -2ex}%
- \noalign{\vskip 1.5ex}%
-% \hline
-% \@ptabularcr
-% \noalign{\vskip -1.5ex}%
- \multicolumn{\pt@ncol}{l}{#1}%
- \@ptabularcr
- \noalign{\vskip .8ex}%
-% \hline
-% \@ptabularcr
-% \noalign{\vskip -2ex}%
-%% these don't seem to be relevant:
-%% suggested by Joern Wilms
-\def\@figcaption#1{{\def\@captype{figure}\caption{\footnotesize #1}}}
-\mbox{\@eapj@figname~\thefigure}% <== was period here
-%%% Table captions without making a floating table
-%% redefined below
-\def\fnum@table{{\@eapj@cap@font \@eapj@tabname~\thetable}}
- \let\fnum@ptable=\fnum@table
- \def\fnum@ptablecont{{\centering{\scshape Table~\thetable}---{\itshape
- Continued}}}%
- \long\def\@make@caption@text#1#2{%
- {\small\centering#1{\scshape #2}\par\vskip1.4ex}
- }%
- {\small \centering#1\par}\vskip1.4ex\relax
-%% Commands from aastex.cls:
-% This has been redefined below
-\def\@facility[#1]#2{{\vskip6pt{\large\it Facility:} #2}}%
-\def\@facilities[#1]#2{{\vskip6pt{\large\it Facilities:} #2}}%
-\long\def\software{\bgroup\@testopt \@software {[}}
-\def\@software[#1]#2{\vskip 6pt{
-\fontdimen2\foo=3pt %% Changed from 1.5pt to 3pt, March12, 2019
-{\large \it Software: }
-%% returning to original fontdimen
- \centering
- \leavevmode
- \setlength{\plot@width}{0.85\linewidth}
- \includegraphics[width={\eps@scaling\plot@width}]{#1}%
- \centering
- \leavevmode
- \setlength{\plot@width}{0.425\linewidth}
- \includegraphics[width={\eps@scaling\plot@width}]{#1}%
- \hfil
- \includegraphics[width={\eps@scaling\plot@width}]{#2}%
- \centering
- \leavevmode
- \vbox\@to#2{\rule{\z@}{#2}}%
- \includegraphics[%
- scale=#4,
- angle=#3,
- origin=c
- ]{#1}%
- \def\thefigure{#1}%
- \let\@currentlabel\thefigure
- \addtocounter{figure}{\m@ne}%
-\let\la=\lesssim % For Springer A&A compliance...
-\newcommand\fd{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\mathrm d}$}}%
-\newcommand\fh{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\mathrm h}$}}%
-\newcommand\fm{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\mathrm m}$}}%
-\newcommand\fs{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\mathrm s}$}}%
-\newcommand\fp{\mbox{$.\!\!^{\scriptscriptstyle\mathrm p}$}}%
- \mbox{.\kern -0.7ex\raisebox{.9ex}{\scriptsize$\prime$}}%
- \mbox{%
- \kern 0.13ex.%
- \kern -0.95ex\raisebox{.9ex}{\scriptsize$\prime\prime$}%
- \kern -0.1ex%
- }%
-\ifx\@currsize\normalsize\small \else
-\ifx\@currsize\small\footnotesize \else
-\ifx\@currsize\footnotesize\scriptsize \else
-\ifx\@currsize\scriptsize\tiny \else
-\ifx\@currsize\large\normalsize \else
-\newcommand\ubvr{\mbox{$U\!BV\!R$}}%% UBVR system
-\newcommand\ub{\mbox{$U\!-\!B$}}% % U-B
-\newcommand\bv{\mbox{$B\!-\!V$}}% % B-V
-\renewcommand\vr{\mbox{$V\!-\!R$}}% % V-R
-\newcommand\ur{\mbox{$U\!-\!R$}}% % U-R
-%% need this change so that it works correctly in tables:
-\gdef\nodata{ ~$\cdots$~ }}%
-\newcommand\Mercury{\astro{\char1}}% Mercury symbol, "1"
-\newcommand\Venus{\astro{\char2}}% Venus symbol, "2"
-\newcommand\Mars{\astro{\char4}}% Mars symbol, "4"
-\newcommand\Jupiter{\astro{\char5}}% Jupiter symbol, "5"
-\newcommand\Saturn{\astro{\char6}}% Saturn symbol, "6"
-\newcommand\Uranus{\astro{\char7}}% Uranus symbol, "7"
-\newcommand\Neptune{\astro{\char8}}% Neptune symbol, "8"
-\newcommand\Pluto{\astro{\char9}}% Pluo symbol, "9"
-\newcommand\Moon{\astro{\char10}}% Moon symbol, "M"
-\newcommand\VEq{\Aries}% vernal equinox (Aries)
-\newcommand\AEq{\Libra}% autumnal equinox (Libra)
- {%
- \kern.1em\relax
- \setbox\z@\hbox{M}%
- \dimen@ii.8em\relax
- \p@=.1em\relax
- \dimen@.5\ht\z@\dimen@i-\dimen@
- \advance\dimen@1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i-1.0\p@
- #1%
- \kern.1em\relax
- }%
- }%
- \advance\dimen@-1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i1.5\p@
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- }%
- \advance\dimen@-0.5\p@\advance\dimen@i0.5\p@
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- \advance\dimen@-1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i1.5\p@
- \hskip-\dimen@ii
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- }%
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- \advance\dimen@-1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i1.5\p@
- \hskip-\dimen@ii
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- \advance\dimen@-1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i1.5\p@
- \hskip-\dimen@ii
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- }%
-\newcommand\aj{\ref@jnl{AJ}}% % Astronomical Journal
-\newcommand\araa{\ref@jnl{ARA\&A}}% % Annual Review of Astron and Astrophys
-\renewcommand\apj{\ref@jnl{ApJ}}% % Astrophysical Journal
-\newcommand\apjl{\ref@jnl{ApJL}} % Astrophysical Journal, Letters
-\newcommand\apjs{\ref@jnl{ApJS}}% % Astrophysical Journal, Supplement
-\renewcommand\ao{\ref@jnl{ApOpt}}% % Applied Optics
-\newcommand\apss{\ref@jnl{Ap\&SS}}% % Astrophysics and Space Science
-\newcommand\aap{\ref@jnl{A\&A}}% % Astronomy and Astrophysics
-\newcommand\aapr{\ref@jnl{A\&A~Rv}}% % Astronomy and Astrophysics Reviews
-\newcommand\aaps{\ref@jnl{A\&AS}}% % Astronomy and Astrophysics, Supplement
-\newcommand\azh{\ref@jnl{AZh}}% % Astronomicheskii Zhurnal
-\newcommand\baas{\ref@jnl{BAAS}}% % Bulletin of the AAS
-\newcommand\icarus{\ref@jnl{Icarus}}% % Icarus
-\newcommand\jaavso{\ref@jnl{JAAVSO}} % The Journal of the American Association of Variable Star Observers
-\newcommand\jrasc{\ref@jnl{JRASC}}% % Journal of the RAS of Canada
-\newcommand\memras{\ref@jnl{MmRAS}}% % Memoirs of the RAS
-\newcommand\mnras{\ref@jnl{MNRAS}}% % Monthly Notices of the RAS
-\renewcommand\pra{\ref@jnl{PhRvA}}% % Physical Review A: General Physics
-\renewcommand\prb{\ref@jnl{PhRvB}}% % Physical Review B: Solid State
-\renewcommand\prc{\ref@jnl{PhRvC}}% % Physical Review C
-\renewcommand\prd{\ref@jnl{PhRvD}}% % Physical Review D
-\renewcommand\pre{\ref@jnl{PhRvE}}% % Physical Review E
-\renewcommand\prl{\ref@jnl{PhRvL}}% % Physical Review Letters
-\newcommand\pasp{\ref@jnl{PASP}}% % Publications of the ASP
-\newcommand\pasj{\ref@jnl{PASJ}}% % Publications of the ASJ
-\newcommand\qjras{\ref@jnl{QJRAS}}% % Quarterly Journal of the RAS
-\newcommand\skytel{\ref@jnl{S\&T}}% % Sky and Telescope
-\newcommand\solphys{\ref@jnl{SoPh}}% % Solar Physics
-\newcommand\sovast{\ref@jnl{Soviet~Ast.}}% % Soviet Astronomy
-\newcommand\ssr{\ref@jnl{SSRv}}% % Space Science Reviews
-\newcommand\zap{\ref@jnl{ZA}}% % Zeitschrift fuer Astrophysik
-\renewcommand\nat{\ref@jnl{Nature}}% % Nature
-\newcommand\iaucirc{\ref@jnl{IAUC}}% % IAU Cirulars
-\newcommand\aplett{\ref@jnl{Astrophys.~Lett.}}% % Astrophysics Letters
-\newcommand\apspr{\ref@jnl{Astrophys.~Space~Phys.~Res.}}% % Astrophysics Space Physics Research
-\newcommand\bain{\ref@jnl{BAN}}% % Bulletin Astronomical Institute of the Netherlands
-\newcommand\fcp{\ref@jnl{FCPh}}% % Fundamental Cosmic Physics
-\newcommand\gca{\ref@jnl{GeoCoA}}% % Geochimica Cosmochimica Acta
-\newcommand\grl{\ref@jnl{Geophys.~Res.~Lett.}}% % Geophysics Research Letters
-\renewcommand\jcp{\ref@jnl{JChPh}}% % Journal of Chemical Physics
-\newcommand\jgr{\ref@jnl{J.~Geophys.~Res.}}% % Journal of Geophysics Research
-\newcommand\jqsrt{\ref@jnl{JQSRT}}% % Journal of Quantitiative Spectroscopy and Radiative Trasfer
-\newcommand\memsai{\ref@jnl{MmSAI}}% % Mem. Societa Astronomica Italiana
-\newcommand\nphysa{\ref@jnl{NuPhA}}% % Nuclear Physics A
-\newcommand\physrep{\ref@jnl{PhR}}% % Physics Reports
-\newcommand\physscr{\ref@jnl{PhyS}}% % Physica Scripta
-\newcommand\planss{\ref@jnl{Planet.~Space~Sci.}}% % Planetary Space Science
-\newcommand\procspie{\ref@jnl{Proc.~SPIE}}% % Proceedings of the SPIE
-\newcommand\actaa{\ref@jnl{AcA}}% % Acta Astronomica
-\newcommand\caa{\ref@jnl{ChA\&A}}% % Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics
-\newcommand\cjaa{\ref@jnl{ChJA\&A}}% % Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics
-\newcommand\jcap{\ref@jnl{JCAP}}% % Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
-\newcommand\na{\ref@jnl{NewA}}% % New Astronomy
-\newcommand\nar{\ref@jnl{NewAR}}% % New Astronomy Review
-\newcommand\pasa{\ref@jnl{PASA}}% % Publications of the Astron. Soc. of Australia
-\newcommand\rmxaa{\ref@jnl{RMxAA}}% % Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica
-%% added feb 9, 2016
-\newcommand\maps{\ref@jnl{M\&PS}}% Meteoritics and Planetary Science
-\newcommand\aas{\ref@jnl{AAS Meeting Abstracts}}% American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts
-\newcommand\dps{\ref@jnl{AAS/DPS Meeting Abstracts}}% American Astronomical Society/Division for Planetary Sciences Meeting Abstracts
-%% March 25, 2019
-%% Old v5.2 way, From Greg, This allows a number like 33N to be used
-%% for a table, and the cross-references will work correctly
- \def\thetable{#1}%
- \xdef\@currentlabel{\thetable}
-\let\tablefontsize=\tabletypesize % for compatibility with old documents
- \@finalstrut\@arstrutbox
- \egroup
- \the\LT@p@ftn
- \global\LT@p@ftn{}%
- \hfil}
-%% Used for longtable
- \LT@mcol\LT@cols c{\hbox to\z@{\hss\parbox[t]\LTcapwidth
-\xdef \@currentlabel{\thetable}
- \sbox\@tempboxa{\small #2.
-%% disable trackchanges commands here, so they aren't entered 2 times:
- \ifdim\wd\@tempboxa>\hsize
- \small#2. #3%
- \else
- \hbox to\hsize{\hfil\box\@tempboxa\hfil}%
- \fi
- \endgraf\vskip\baselineskip}%
- \hss}}
-\let\LT@makecaption@rtx=\LT@makecaption % to fight redefinition in Revtex-4.1
-%% from book.cls/ used??
- \vskip\abovecaptionskip
-%% \small added to keep currtabletypesize from determining size of caption
- \sbox\@tempboxa{\small
-%% disable trackchanges commands here, so they aren't entered 2 times:
-{\bf #1.} #2}%
- \ifdim \wd\@tempboxa >\hsize
-{\bf #1.} #2\par
- \else
- \global \@minipagefalse
- \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfill\box\@tempboxa\hfill}%
- \fi
- \vskip\belowcaptionskip
-{\small\@tableref{\parfillskip\z@ plus1fil\relax #1\endgraf}}}%
- \par
- \vspace*{3ex}%
- {%\parbox{\pt@width} %%%%
- {\hskip1em\rm References. --- #1}\par}%
-%% march 2019, added \it to tablenotemark
-\global\def\tablenotemark#1{{\normalfont\textsuperscript{\normalsize\it #1}}}
-%% redefined by AH below, since it wasn't working with tabular table
-\noindent\hskip1em $^{#1}$ #2}\vskip1sp}
-%% this version of \tablehead doesn't seem to be used, so set to \xyztablehead{}
- \kill
- \caption{\\%
- \@tablecaption\gdef\@currentlabel{\thetable}(0)}
- \\\hline\hline%
- #1\vrule height 12pt depth 10pt width 0pt\relax
- \hline\\[-1.5ex]
- \endfirsthead
- \caption[]{--- \emph{Continued}}\\
- \hline
- \hline\\[-1.7ex]
- #1\hskip\tabcolsep\\[.7ex]
- \hline\\[-1.5ex]
- \endhead
- \hline
- \endfoot%
-%% \ignorespaces necessary ++== depth 6pt was depth 3pt, == added height 12pt, nov 2017
-\def\colhead#1{\multicolumn{1}{c}{\vrule depth 6pt height 12pt width
-\def\twocolhead#1{\multicolumn{2}{c}{\hss\vrule depth 6pt height 12pt width
-\def\dcolhead#1{\multicolumn{1}{c}{$\vrule depth 6pt height12pt
- \ifdim#1=\z@
- \else
- \gdef\@d@t@@flag{1}
- \if@filesw\immediate\write\@auxout{%
- \gdef\expandafter\noexpand
- \csname deluxe@table@width@\romannumeral\c@LT@tables\endcsname
- {#1}}
- \fi
- \fi
- \ifnum\@d@t@@flag=0
- \setlength{\@d@t@a}{0pt}%
- \let\@d@t@b=\LT@entry%
- \def\LT@entry##1##2{\addtolength{\@d@t@a}{##2}%
- }%
- \expandafter\csname LT@\romannumeral\c@deluxe@table@num\endcsname
- \setlength{\@d@t@a}{-\@d@t@a}
- \tablewidth{\the\@d@t@a}
- \def\LT@entry{\@d@t@b}
- \fi
-\def\lt@expand@linewidth@two{@{\extracolsep{0pt plus 1filll}}}
-%%% set table width using aux file and command \tablewidth
- \setcounter{deluxe@table@num}{\c@LT@tables}
- \refstepcounter{deluxe@table@num}
- \expandafter\ifx\csname deluxe@table@width@\romannumeral\c@deluxe@table@num\endcsname\relax
- \def\@d@t@{0.999\linewidth}
- \else
- \edef\@d@t@{\expandafter\csname deluxe@table@width@\romannumeral\c@deluxe@table@num\endcsname}
- \fi
- \ifdim\@d@t@<\z@% then natural width is used
- \setlength{\deluxe@table@width}{-\@d@t@}
- \setlength{\LTcapwidth}{-\@d@t@}
- \def\lt@expand@linewidth{\relax}
- \def\lt@expand@linewidth@{}
- \else% we will enclose table in the minipage of the given width and make
- % longtable to span the full minipage width
- \ifdim\@d@t@>\z@\else\def\@d@t@{0.999\linewidth}\fi
- \setlength{\deluxe@table@width}{\@d@t@}
- \setlength{\LTcapwidth}{\@d@t@}
- \def\lt@expand@linewidth{\lt@expand@linewidth@one}
- \def\lt@expand@linewidth@{\lt@expand@linewidth@two}
- \fi
-\let\tableline=\colrule % Revtex said: Command \tableline is obsolete; Use \colrule instead..
- \edef\@tempa{\the\DT@p@ftn\noexpand\tablenotemark{#1}~}
- \global\DT@p@ftn\expandafter{\@tempa{\@table@type@size#2}\par}}%
-%%% AH %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- \pt@column=#1\relax
- \pt@ncol=#1\relax
- \global\let\pt@addcol\@empty
-%% from older version, probably can delete:
- \vspace*{\table@note@skip}
-{\parbox{\linewidth}{\hskip1em\rmfamily {\@eapj@cap@font Note}. --- #1}\par}%
- \vspace*{\table@note@skip}
-{\parbox{\linewidth}{\hskip1em\rmfamily {\@eapj@cap@font References}. --- #1}\par}%
- \@ifx@empty\tblref@list{}{%
- \@tablenotes{\tblref@list}%
- \vspace*{\table@note@skip}%
- \global\let\tblref@list\@empty
- }%
- \@ifx@empty\tblnote@list{}{%
- \@tablenotes{\tblnote@list}%
- \vspace*{\table@note@skip}%
- \global\let\tblnote@list\@empty
- }
- \the\DT@p@ftn%
-%% for notes on emulateapj please see
-%% End of code taken from emulateapj.cls %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
-%%% New as of august 2015:
-%% These commands requested AAS
-\newcommand{\figsetstart}{{\bf Fig. Set} }
-\newcommand{\figsetnum}[1]{{\bf #1.}}
-\newcommand{\figsettitle}[1]{ {\bf #1}}
-%% if we take away the xx before UrlBreaks we will get a url that breaks
-%% at any letter or number. It might be better to break only at / however...
-\expandafter\def\expandafter\xxUrlBreaks\expandafter{\UrlBreaks% save the current one
- \do\a\do\b\do\c\do\d\do\e\do\f\do\g\do\h\do\i\do\j%
- \do\k\do\l\do\m\do\n\do\o\do\p\do\q\do\r\do\s\do\t%
- \do\u\do\v\do\w\do\x\do\y\do\z\do\A\do\B\do\C\do\D%
- \do\E\do\F\do\G\do\H\do\I\do\J\do\K\do\L\do\M\do\N%
- \do\O\do\P\do\Q\do\R\do\S\do\T\do\U\do\V\do\W\do\X%
- \do\Y\do\Z\do\1\do\2\do\3\do\4\do\5\do\6\do\7\do\8\do\9}
-%% for tables continuing over pages
-%% for editing changes
-% hyperref link defaults to "blue" (0000ff) as this matches our publisher produced pdf style
-%% In response to request from AAS
- \usepackage[bookmarks=true, % show bookmarks bar?/ Changed March 22, 2019 for
- % improved accessibility
- pdfnewwindow=true, % links in new window
- colorlinks=true, % false: boxed links; true: colored links
- linkcolor=xlinkcolor, % color of internal links
- citecolor=xlinkcolor, % color of links to bibliography
- filecolor=xlinkcolor, % color of file links
- urlcolor=xlinkcolor, % color of external links
- final=true,
- ]{hyperref}
-%%% Additions to AASTeX by Amy Hendrickson, TeXnology Inc, August 17, 2015
-%% Table Tools, written by Amy Hendrickson
-%% for American Astronomical Society
-%% August 17, 2015
-%% array package is necessary:
-%% 1) h in table preamble will makes text in that column ignored.
-%% 2) uppercase C L or R will make those columns in math mode.
-%% 3) \begin{splittabular}{<preamble B preamble>}...\end{splittabular}
-%% `B' in the preamble will show where the table should be broken. It may
-%% be used once in a preamble to break the table into two parts, or
-%% two times in a preamble to break the table into three parts.
-%% The resulting table will position left half of table above right half of table.
-%% Care should be taken with \multicolumn so that it won't be broken between
-%% the two parts of the table. You may need to shorten the \multicolumn argument
-%% for number of columns to be appropriate to the number of columns in
-%% the new split table.
-%% In this example, for instance, we start with:
-%% \begin{tabular}{ccccccc}
-%% \multicolumn{7}{c}{\textsc{Table 1}}
-%% and change it to:
-%% \begin{splittabular}{ccccBccc}
-%% \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textsc{Table 1}}\\
-%% If you'd like to have a table number in the second half of the table,
-%% you can ask for a second multicolumn command that will position at the
-%% top of the second half of the table:
-%% \begin{splittabular}{ccccBccc}
-%% \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textsc{Table 1}}&\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textsc{Table 1, Continued}}\\
-%% You can do the same for the caption, and give a Continued caption for
-%% the second half of the table. Originally:
-%% \multicolumn{7}{c}{\textsc{Log of \textit{HST} Observations for
-%% NGC~6388}}
-%% Now, changed so that we get a caption on both halves of the table:
-%% \multicolumn{4}{c}{\textsc{Log of \textit{HST} Observations for
-%% NGC~6388}}&\multicolumn{3}{c}{\textsc{Log of \textit{HST} Observations for
-%% NGC~6388, Continued}}\\
-%% Similarly, you can rearrange table notes to appear at the bottom of
-%% the appropriate half of the table. For instance, starting with this,
-%% which would make table notes both appear at the bottom of the top half
-%% of the table:
-%% \multicolumn{4}{l}{\small{$\dagger$ Average distance of data set from
-%% cluster center.}}\\
-%% \multicolumn{4}{l}{$^{\rm a}$SNAP program.}\\
-%% We may substitute the following:
-%% \multicolumn{4}{l}{$^{\rm a}$SNAP program.}&\multicolumn{3}{l}{\small{$\dagger$ Average distance of data set from
-%% cluster center.}}\\
-%% Which will produce the first endnote underneath the top half of the
-%% table, and the second underneath the bottom half.
-%% Another option would be to have both endnotes appear below the bottom
-%% half of the table. Easily done:
-%% &&&&\multicolumn{3}{l}{$^{\rm a}$SNAP program.}\\
-%% &&&&\multicolumn{3}{l}{\small{$\dagger$ Average distance of data set from
-%% cluster center.}}\\
-%% %% %% %% %% %% %%
-%% 4) \colnumbers will make line with column numbers automatic. It will work with splittabular
-%% and splitdeluxetable as well as tabular.
-%% To use: type in \colnumbers within the table whereever you'd like it to appear, typically
-%% underneath the column headers, before the lines of data.
-%% 5) Easy Decimal numbering
-%% How to make decimal numbers in tables line up on the period:
-%% Use D (for decimal column) in table preamble for every decimal number. The decimal
-%% numbers will use two columns, one for the left part of the decimal
-%% number and one for the right part.
-%% D may be used more than once in a table preamble.
-%% If you want to type in a column header over the decimal
-%% numbers, please use \multicolumn2c{} to span both columns.
-%% After the column headers, to start decimal numbering,
-%% type in \decimals in the body of the table.
-%% When entering decimal numbers
-%% remember to leave a space after the decimal number, before the following &.
-%% For instance: &22.3 &35.96 \\
-%% If you'd like an empty entry, please supply a period and a space: & . &. You
-%% will not see the period in the resulting table.
-%% example:
-% \begin{tabular}{rDD}
-% \hline
-% &&&\multicolumn2c{\bf More}\\
-% &\multicolumn2c{\bf Decimals}&\multicolumn2c{\bf Decimals}\\
-% \hline
-% \hline
-% \decimals
-% one& . &34.2 \\
-% two &567.0 &21345 \\
-% three&.0 &62.5 \\
-% four&245 &5034.349923 \\
-% five&21 & \\
-% six& &21.6
-% \end{tabular}
-% Decimal numbering works within \begin{splittabular}...\end{splittabular}
-% \begin{splitdeluxetable} and \end{splitdeluxetable} for tables broken into two
-% or three parts. \colnumbers will number the columns counting both sides
-% of the decimal number as one column; \tablehead{\colhead{}...} will make
-% the column headers position above the two columns used for one decimal
-% number as well.
-% Decimal numbers will be in math mode so that plus and minus signs are printed
-% correctly, expressions like `$\pm$ 1.2' or `\pm 1.2', will both work
-%% Hide, important because it allows us to split tables horizontally
-\newcolumntype{h}{>\eatone c<\endeatone}
-\newcolumntype{B}{>\eatone c<\endeatone} %% used for \splittabular to indicate break in
- %% two or three parts of table
-%%% Split tables into 2 or 3 parts; stack the parts
-%% Process table preamble
-%% Count number of columns in preamble
-%% \makeatother is necessary to keep @ from being treated as a letter
-%% when counting the number of columns in table.
-\global\advance\colcount by 1\relax\fi
-\global\advance\howmanyDs by 1
-\global\advance\colcount by1\relax
-%% second conditional deals with expressions like @{} in
-%% the preamble.
-%% reset line counting at \\
-%% arraycr redefined to match revtex4-1
-\iffalse {\fi \ifnum 0=`}\fi \@ifstar {\global \@tbpen \@M \@xarraycr}
-{\global \@tbpen \intertabularlinepenalty \@xarraycr}}
-%% Redefining & is necessary to get around \omit in \multicolumn,
-%% which prevents @{} from being used to change the meaning of multicolumn.
-%% Now column number and top or bottom table is used to determine whether
-%% multicolumn should be turned on or off.
-\long\gdef\CheckNumberAndSwitch{\unskip\global\advance\columncount by 1\relax%
-%% Parse and count preamble
-Too many columns in first part of table!
-Maximum number of columns in each part of the table is 25. Each `D' counts as two columns.
-Too many columns in second part of table!
-Maximum number of columns in each part of the table is 25. Each `D' counts as two columns.
-\global\advance\totalcolumns by \secondcolcount
-\global\advance\totalcolumns by \secondcolcount
-\global\advance\totalcolumns by \thirdcolcount
-%% Define splittabular/endsplittabular
-\def\checkforB #1B#2B#3B{
-%% defaults, may be used in \colnumbers
-%% Now PartsOfTable is either =2 or 3
-\def\one{#1Z}%% full preamble
-\makefirstdummycolumns %f
-\makeseconddummycolumns %F
-\makethirddummycolumns %E
-\else %% PartsOfTable=2
-\makefirstdummycolumns %f
-\makeseconddummycolumns %F
-%% For table divided into three parts !!
-\hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\firsttablebox\hss}
-\begin{tabular}{fZE}% fZE
-\begin{tabular}{fZE}% fZE
-\hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\secondtablebox\hss}
-\begin{tabular}{fFz}% fFz
-\begin{tabular}{fFz}% fFz
-\hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\thirdtablebox\hss}
-%% For table divided into two parts:
- \setbox\firsttablebox=\hbox{%
-\begin{tabular}{AF}% should be AF
- \hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\firsttablebox\hss}
-\begin{tabular}{fZ}% should be fZ
-\begin{tabular}{fZ}% should be fZ
-\hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\secondtablebox\hss}
-%% end of conditional testing for 2 or 3 part table:
- \else% first box
-\global\advance\colheadcount by 1\relax
- \def\@addamp{\if@firstamp \@firstampfalse \else
- \@preamerr 5\fi}%
- \@mkpream{h}\@addtopreamble\@empty
- \endgroup
- \def\@sharp{}%
-%% comment out \@arstrut to prevent blank line where multicolumn was found
-%% on other parts of the table, but not on the current part.
- \@arstrut
- \null\ignorespaces
- \def\@addamp{\if@firstamp \@firstampfalse \else
- \@preamerr 5\fi}%
- \@mkpream{#2}\@addtopreamble\@empty
- \endgroup
- \def\@sharp{#3}%
- \@arstrut \@preamble
- \null\ignorespaces
-\global\advance\columncount by #1\relax%
-\advance\columnoneandtwo by \secondcolcount\relax%
-\fi%% end if third box
-\fi%% end if second box
-\fi%% end if first box
-\global\advance\colheadcount by 1\relax%
- \def\@addamp{\if@firstamp \@firstampfalse \else%
- \@preamerr 5\fi}%
- \@mkpream{h}\@addtopreamble\@empty%
- \endgroup%
- \def\@sharp{}%
-%% comment out \@arstrut to prevent blank line where multicolumn was found
-%% on other parts of the table, but not on the current part.
- \@arstrut \@preamble%
- \null\ignorespaces
- \def\@addamp{\if@firstamp \@firstampfalse \else%
- \@preamerr 5\fi}%
- \@mkpream{#2}\@addtopreamble\@empty%
- \endgroup%
- \def\@sharp{#3}%
- \@arstrut \@preamble%
- \null\ignorespaces
-\global\advance\columncount by #1\relax%
-%% First dummy columns is the part of the table that will not print,
-%% in this case the first part to the left.
-%% and second dummy columns
-%% \makeseconddummycolumns.
-\or% 1
-\newcolumntype{f}{h} % no D possible
-\or% 2
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hh}%% 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{d} %% 1
- \fi
-\or% 3
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs%
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhh}% 0
- \or%
- \newcolumntype{f}{dh}% 1
- \fi%
-\or% 4
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dd} % 2
- \fi
-\or% 5
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddh} % 2
- \fi
-\or% 6
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddd} % 3
- \fi
-\or % 7
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddh} % 3
- \fi
-\or % 8
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddd} % 4
- \fi
-\or % 9
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddh} % 4
- \fi
-\or %10
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddd} % 5
- \fi
-\or % 11
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddh} % 5
- \fi
-\or % 12
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddd} % 6
- \fi
-\or %13
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddh} % 6
- \fi
-\or %14
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddd} % 7
- \fi
-\or %15
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddh} % 7
- \fi
-\or %16
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddd} % 8
-\or %17
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddh} % 8
-\or %18
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddd} % 9
-\or %19
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddddh} % 9
-\or %20
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddddhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddddd} % 10
- \fi
-\or %21
- \ifcase\firsthowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh h} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddd ddd ddd hhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddd ddd ddd d h} % 10
- \fi
-\or %22
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddhhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddhhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddd ddd ddd hhhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddd ddd ddd dhh} % 10
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddddd} % 11
- \fi
-\or %23
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddhhhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddhhhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddd ddd ddd hhhhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddddhhh} % 10
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddd ddddd dh} % 11
- \fi
-\or %24
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddhhhhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddhhhhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddd ddd ddd hhhhhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddddhhhh} % 10
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddd ddddd dhh} % 11
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddd ddddd dd} % 12
- \fi
-\or %25
- \newcolumntype{f}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddhhhhhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddd ddd ddd hhhhhhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddddhhhhh} % 10
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{dddddddddddhhh} % 11
- \or
- \newcolumntype{f}{ddddddddddddh} % 12
- \fi
-\typeout{^^J----------------------------------------------------- ^^J
-Too many Columns using in Splittabular.
-25 column maximum in
-each part of the table.^^J Each`T' counts as two columns.
-%% Second dummy columns is the part of the table that will not print,
-%% in this case the part to the right.
-\newcolumntype{F}{h} % no D possible
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hh}%% 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{d} %% 1
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dh} % 1
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dd} % 2
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddh} % 2
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddd} % 3
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddh} % 3
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddd} % 4
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddh} % 4
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddd} % 5
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddh} % 5
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddd} % 6
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddh} % 6
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddd} % 7
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddh} % 7
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddd} % 8
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddh} % 8
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddd} % 9
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddddh} % 9
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddddhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddddd} % 10
- \fi
- \ifcase\secondhowmanyDs
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh h} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddd ddd ddd hhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddd ddd ddd d h} % 10
- \fi
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddhhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddd ddd ddd hhhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddddhh} % 10
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddddd} % 11
- \fi
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhhhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddhhhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddd ddd ddd hhhhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddddhhh} % 10
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddd ddddd dh} % 11
- \fi
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhhhhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddhhhhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddd ddd ddd hhhhhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddddhhhh} % 10
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddd ddddd dhh} % 11
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddd ddddd dd} % 12
- \fi
- \newcolumntype{F}{hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh hhhhh} % 0
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 1
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 2
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 3
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 4
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 5
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddhhhhhhhhhhhhh} % 6
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{dddddddhhhhhhhhhhh} % 7
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddhhhhhhhhh} % 8
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddd ddd ddd hhhhhhh} % 9
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddddddddhhhhh} % 10
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddd ddddd dhhh} % 11
- \or
- \newcolumntype{F}{ddddd ddddd ddh} % 12
- \fi
-\typeout{^^J----------------------------------------------------- ^^J
-Too many Columns using in Splittabular.
-25 column maximum in
-each part of the table.^^J Each`D' counts as two columns.
-%% we don't have to worry about D's in this section, fortunately.
-\or\newcolumntype{E}{hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh} %% up to 25 columns
-\else \typeout{^^J-----------------------------------------------------^^J
-^^J^^J Too many Columns in Splittabular.
-25 column maximum in
-each part of the table.^^J
-Each `D' counts as two columns.
-%% Colnums
-%% defaults
-\expandafter\gdef\csname tab\the\loopnum\endcsname{%
-\multicolumn1{c}{\global\advance\colnumsused by 1\relax%
-\global\advance\loopnum by1\repeat}
-%% this version of countcols is for \colnumbers
-\global\advance\colcount by 1\relax\fi%
-\expandafter\gdef\csname tab\the\colcount\endcsname{%
-\multicolumn2{c}{\global\advance\colnumsused by 1\relax%
-\expandafter\gdef\csname tab\the\colcount\endcsname{%
-%% second conditional deals with expressions like @{} in
-%% the preamble.
-%% A loop would be more elegant, of course, but using & in a loop
-%% within a table column produces errors.
-%% was\tabnumberline, now \colnumbers
-%% Is this test necessary?
-%% above here
-%% Now, change the columns that have `D' to be \multicolumn2c, by redefining
-%% the \csname tab<number>\endcsname
-\ifdeluxe\ifbreaktab\\\else\\[-6pt]\fi%\hline% not above
-\csname tab1\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab21\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname%
-\or% 24
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname%
-\or% 25
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname%
-\or% 27
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname%
-\or% 28
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname&\csname tab28\endcsname%
-\or% 29
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname&\csname tab28\endcsname&%
-\csname tab29\endcsname%
-\or% 30
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname&\csname tab28\endcsname&%
-\csname tab29\endcsname&\csname tab30\endcsname%
-Sorry, more than 30 columns cannot be numbered with^^J
-\string\colnumbers. Please number the columns manually.^^J
-Thank you!^^J}\fi%
-\\\hline% below, hline is wanted
-%\vrule height 28pt width0pt %the \vrule is in the line below colnumbers;
- % it causes all the vrules on that line to grow to 28pt.
- % The -14pt will cause the lower line to overlap the upper line.
- % Complication, needed to add this vrule to Z and z in order to
- % have it also work for split tabular.
-%% above here
-%% Now, change the columns that have `D' to be \multicolumn2c, by redefining
-%% the \csname tab<number>\endcsname
-\csname tab1\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab21\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname%
-\or% 24
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname%
-\or% 25
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab25\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
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-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname%
-\or% 27
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname%
-\or% 28
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname&\csname tab28\endcsname%
-\or% 29
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname&\csname tab28\endcsname&%
-\csname tab29\endcsname%
-\or% 30
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname&\csname tab28\endcsname&%
-\csname tab29\endcsname&\csname tab30\endcsname%
-Sorry, more than 30 columns cannot be numbered with^^J
-\string\colnumbers. Please number the columns manually.^^J
-Thank you!^^J}\fi%
-\\\hline% below, hline is wanted
-\\\noalign{\vskip-30pt }%%%%%
-%\vrule height 28pt width0pt %the \vrule is in the line below colnumbers;
- % it causes all the vrules on that line to grow to 28pt.
- % The -14pt will cause the lower line to overlap the upper line.
- % Complication, needed to add this vrule to Z and z in order to
- % have it also work for split tabular.
-%% above here
-%% Now, change the columns that have `D' to be \multicolumn2c, by redefining
-%% the \csname tab<number>\endcsname
-\\%\hline% above not wanted
-\\[-12pt]%\hline% above not wanted
-\csname tab1\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname%
-\or% 24
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname%
-\or% 25
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname%
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname%
-\or% 27
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname%
-\or% 28
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname&\csname tab28\endcsname%
-\or% 29
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname&\csname tab28\endcsname&%
-\csname tab29\endcsname%
-\or% 30
-\csname tab1\endcsname&\csname tab2\endcsname&%
-\csname tab3\endcsname&\csname tab4\endcsname&%
-\csname tab5\endcsname&\csname tab6\endcsname&%
-\csname tab7\endcsname&\csname tab8\endcsname&%
-\csname tab9\endcsname&\csname tab10\endcsname&%
-\csname tab11\endcsname&\csname tab12\endcsname&%
-\csname tab13\endcsname&\csname tab14\endcsname&%
-\csname tab15\endcsname&\csname tab16\endcsname&%
-\csname tab17\endcsname&\csname tab18\endcsname&%
-\csname tab19\endcsname&\csname tab20\endcsname&%
-\csname tab21\endcsname&\csname tab22\endcsname&%
-\csname tab23\endcsname&\csname tab24\endcsname&%
-\csname tab25\endcsname&\csname tab26\endcsname&%
-\csname tab27\endcsname&\csname tab28\endcsname&%
-\csname tab29\endcsname&\csname tab30\endcsname%
-Sorry, more than 30 columns cannot be numbered with^^J
-\string\colnumbers. Please number the columns manually.^^J
-Thank you!^^J}\fi%
-\\\hline% below, hline is wanted
-\vrule height 28pt width0pt %the \vrule is in the line below colnumbers;
- % it causes all the vrules on that line to grow to 28pt.
- % The -14pt will cause the lower line to overlap the upper line.
- % Complication, needed to add this vrule to Z and z in order to
- % have it also work for split tabular.
-}{\vrule height28pt depth0pt width0pt}\relax}
-\\\noalign{\vskip-32pt %!!!
-}\vrule height 28pt width0pt %!!!
-\\\noalign{\vskip-26pt %!!! was -28pt
-\expandafter\def\csname enddeluxetable*\endcsname{\enddeluxetable
-%% for equivalent but in \begin...\end form.
-%% Mar 30, 2019, to make label outside of \caption work correctly
-{\advance\c@table by 1
-%% july 2016
-% \iffloat
-% \let\go\ydeluxetable
-% \else\let\go\longdeluxetable\fi\go%}
-%% aug 2016
-%% this works for both deluxetable and deluxetable*:
-%% nov 2017:
-%% March 2019
-% x and z are the same, except that xdeluxetable allows optional square bracket arg, like [h].
-%% not here
-\gdef\tabfullpreamble{#1}%<<== needed
- \lineskiplimit=\z@ % restore default setting
- \begin{table}[#2]\fi
- \vspace*{\abovedeluxetableskip}
-\expandafter\ifx\csname @tablecaption\endcsname\empty\else
-%% not here
-##1\crcr% added october 2017
-%\noindent\hskip-1.25em %% kludge! but seems necessary
-\hbox to\hsize{\hss\copy3\hss}
-\gdef\tabfullpreamble{#1}%<<== needed
- \lineskiplimit=\z@ % restore default setting
- \begin{table}\fi
- \vspace*{\abovedeluxetableskip}
-##1\end{tabular}}% not here
-\expandafter\ifx\csname @tablecaption\endcsname\empty\else
-##1\crcr%% added October 2017
-\omit\\\omit\\\hline\end{tabular}}%%<<== original
-\noindent\hbox to\hsize{\hss\copy3\hss}
-%% go to \end{deluxetable}, after longdeluxetable
-%% Variation on definition found in revtex4-1.cls
- \let\LT@start\endgraf
- \endgraf
- \markthr@@{}%
- \LT@pre
- \@ifvoid\LT@firsthead{\LT@top}{\hbox{\ifdim\movetableright>0pt\relax\hskip\movetableright\fi\box\LT@firsthead}
- \mark@envir{longtable}%
-\gdef\tabfullpreamble{#1}%<<== needed
- \lineskiplimit=\z@ % restore default setting
- \vspace*{\abovedeluxetableskip}
- \LTcapwidth=\wd\longtablebox
-%% march 2019, added [c] and these terms:
- \def\LT@LR@c{\LTleft=0pt minus1fill
- \let\LTright\LTleft}%
-%% default, will center table that is narrower than text width
- \def\LT@LR@c{\LTleft=0pt plus1fill
- \LTright\LTleft}%
- \noalign{\ifdim\movetableright>0pt
- \global\LTleft=\movetableright
- \fi}
- \noalign{\hbox to \wd\longtablebox{
- \vtop{\hsize=.8\wd\longtablebox
- \advance\baselineskip4pt
- \raggedright
- {\bf \fnum@table}.\vrule depth 6pt width0pt\
- \@tablecaption}\hss}\vskip-3pt }\\
- \hline
- \hline\noalign{\vskip-9pt}
- \pt@head%
-\@tablecaption}\\ %
-\hline\hline\noalign{\vskip-9pt}% prob ok
-\hskip\movetableright{\bf \fnum@table}\ \it(continued)}\vskip6pt}
-\multicolumn{\totalcolumns}{c}{\vrule height 24pt width0pt\small\it
-continued \if@two@col\else on next page\fi}\\
-}% end data, endlongtable
-\vrule depth 6pt width 0pt
-\vbox{\hbox to \columnwidth{\hfill
-\relax\null%% \null is an empty hbox.
-%% This keeps final page(s) of startlongtable/deluxetable
-%% from begin thrown away when at end of article.
-% \global\advance\c@table-1\relax
-%% march 2019
-%% bbb
-%% \end{deluxetable}:
-\egroup%end box 4
-\hbox to\hsize{\hss\copy4\hss}
-\egroup% end splitbox
-\rotatebox{90}{\hbox to\textheight{\hfill\vbox{
-\twocolumngrid\hsize=\columnwidth\fi%% check this!!
-%\global\advance\c@table by -1\relax
-}%% check this!!
-%%@@@ ???
-%% Mar 30, 2019, to make label outside of \caption work correctly
-{\advance\c@table by 1
-%%% modification of emulateapj \deluxetable %%%%
-%% Now PartsOfTable is either =2 or 3
- \lineskiplimit=\z@ % restore default setting
- \gdef\tblnote@list{}
- \gdef\tblref@list{}
- \begin{table*}\else
- \begin{table}\fi
- \vspace*{\abovedeluxetableskip}
-%% \end{splitdeluxetable}:
-\def\endsplitdeluxetable{\vskip1sp\egroup%% end box with tablenotes
-\hbox to \hsize{\hss\copy4\hss}
-\vskip\movetabledown\rotatebox{90}{\vbox{\noindent\unvbox\splitbox %
-\expandafter\def\csname splitdeluxetable*\endcsname{\global\splitstartrue\splitdeluxetable}
-\expandafter\def\csname endsplitdeluxetable*\endcsname{\endsplitdeluxetable\global\splitstarfalse
-%% For splitdeluxetable
-%%% ====================================================== %%%
-\long\gdef\xdbreaktabular#1{%% #1=contents of table
-\else %% PartsOfTable=2
-%% For table divided into three parts
-\ifx\csname pt@head\endcsname\relax\else
-\noindent\hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\firsttablebox\hss}
-\begin{tabular}{fZE} %fZE !!!
-\ifx\csname pt@head\endcsname\relax\else%
-\ifx\csname pt@head\endcsname\relax\else%
-\pt@head\fi\\ [-14pt]%
-\noindent\hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\secondtablebox\hss}
-\ifx\csname pt@head\endcsname\relax\else
-\ifx\csname pt@head\endcsname\relax\else
-\noindent\hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\thirdtablebox\hss}
-%% Original for table divided into two parts
-\ifx\csname pt@head\endcsname\relax\else
-\hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\firsttablebox\hss}
-\ifx\csname pt@head\endcsname\relax\else%
-\pt@head\fi#1\crcr%%= tablecontents
-\begin{tabular}{fZ}%% was 12
-\ifx\csname pt@head\endcsname\relax\else%
-#1%%= tablecontents
-\noindent\hbox to \hsize{\hss\unhbox\secondtablebox\hss}
-%% end of conditional testing for 2 or 3 part table:
-%%% ====================================================== %%%
-%% @@@@
-%% xstartdata, modified from \startdata in emulateapj, for splitdeluxetable
-\\\savecolnumbers\\[2pt]\fi% this is for top level split
-\expandafter\ifx\csname @tablecaption\endcsname\empty\else
-\global\setbox4=\vtop\bgroup% egroup in enddeluxetable
-\parindent=-6pt \leftskip=6pt
-\def\tablecomments#1{\vskip1pt{\small\vskip1sp\indent\vrule height 11pt depth 2pt
-width 0pt\currtabletypesize{\sc Note}---{#1}\vskip1pt}}
-height 11pt depth
-2pt width0pt\relax$^{\hbox to 5pt{$#1$}}$#2\vskip1pt}}
-\def\tablerefs#1{{\small\vskip3pt\indent\vrule height 11pt depth 2pt
-width 0pt\currtabletypesize{\bf References}---{#1}\vskip1sp}}
-%% 5. Simple entry decimal numbers
-%% extra unused args are to get rid of unnecessary commands revtex puts in
-\gdef\lookfordecimal#1#2#3#4.#5 {\gdef\xone{{\let$\relax\savedollar#4\savedollar}}
-%% D
-\long\gdef\zdoit#1 {\let$\relax
-\def\bothcols{#1 }%
-\setbox0=\hbox{\let$\relax\expandafter\lookfordecimal\bothcols{}{}{}{}.{} }%
-%% d
-%% to delete all D material:
-\newcolumntype{D}{>\newdoit r<{\endnewdoit} @{}l}%%
-\newcolumntype{d}{>\xnewdoit h<{\xendnewdoit} @{}h} %%
-%% to allow \decimals to be used before \startdata:
-%% This needed to be redefined so that \colhead in \tablehead would span both parts
-%% of decimal numbers.
-%% in case there isn't a table head
-%% for splitdeluxetable
- \ifpreprint%
- \iflongrotateon\else\noalign{\vskip-6.5pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \ifpreprinttwo%
- \iflongrotateon\else\noalign{\vskip-6.5pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \ifmanu%
- \iflongrotateon\noalign{\vskip-8pt}\else\noalign{\vskip-17pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \ifmodern \iflongrotateon\else\noalign{\vskip-9pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \fi%% end ifmodern
- \fi%% end ifmanu
- \fi%% end ifpreprinttwo
- \fi%% end ifpreprint
-%% not twelvepoint
- \iftwocolstyle%
- \iflongrotateon\else\noalign{\vskip-5pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \ifonecolstyle% default
- \iflongrotateon\noalign{\vskip2pt}\else\noalign{\vskip-4.5pt}\fi%
- \fi% end ifonecol
- \fi%endiftwocolstyle
-\fi%end iftwelvepoint
-\else\\\hline\\[-8pt]\fi% space below hline for 2nd and 3rd part of split table
-%% this is needed:
- \ifpreprint%
- \iflongrotateon\else\noalign{\vskip-6.5pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \ifpreprinttwo%
- \iflongrotateon\else\noalign{\vskip-6.5pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \ifmanu%
- \iflongrotateon\noalign{\vskip-8pt}\else\noalign{\vskip-17pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \ifmodern \iflongrotateon\else\noalign{\vskip-5pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \fi%% end ifmodern
- \fi%% end ifmanu
- \fi%% end ifpreprinttwo
- \fi%% end ifpreprint
-%% not twelvepoint
- \iftwocolstyle%
- \iflongrotateon\else\noalign{\vskip-5pt}\fi%
- \else%
- \ifonecolstyle% default
- \iflongrotateon\noalign{\vskip2pt}\else\noalign{\vskip-4.5pt}\fi%
- \fi% end ifonecol
- \fi%endiftwocolstyle
-\fi%end iftwelvepoint
-\savecolnumbers\vrule height 11pt depth 4pt width 0pt\relax%
-\else \vrule depth 6pt
-\expandafter\gdef\csname col\the\tempcounter\endcsname{2}\else
-\expandafter\gdef\csname col\the\tempcounter\endcsname{1}\fi
-\global\advance\tempcounter by 1
-%%% Something like this could be used to automate the width of colheads in the tablehead,
-%% making those that match the D in preamble are multicolumn2c instead of
-%% multicolumn 1c.
-col\the\colheadcount\endcsname\relax 1\else\expandafter%
-\csname col\the\colheadcount\endcsname\fi}{c}{\vrule depth 4pt
-by 1\relax}\ignorespaces}%
-%% from revtex4-1, additions on top
-%% fix for \usepackage{amsmath} and
-%% any matrix environment
-\def\matrixpreamble{*\c@MaxMatrixCols c}
-%% this causes problem, must be fixed!
-%%% added so that we can use \colnumbers in any tabular environment
-%%% and avoid error messages for breaktabular
-%% important fix, makes it possible to use amsmath and matrices.
-%%% end of additions
- \@tempdima\ht\strutbox
- \advance\@tempdima by\extrarowheight
- \setbox\@arstrutbox\hbox{%
- \vrule \@height\arraystretch\@tempdima
- \@depth \arraystretch\dp\strutbox
- \@width \z@
- }%
- \begingroup
- \@mkpream{#2}%
- \xdef\@preamble{\@preamble}%
- \endgroup
- \prepdef\@preamble{%
- \tabskip\tabmid@skip
- \@arstrut
- }%
- \appdef\@preamble{%
- \tabskip\tabright@skip
- \cr
- \array@row@pre
- }%
- \@arrayleft
- \@nameuse{@array@align@#1}%
- \m@th
- \let\\\new@arraycr %<<== defined above, original plus reset counters
- \let\tabularnewline\\%
- \let\par\@empty
- \let\@sharp##%
- \set@typeset@protect
- \lineskip\z@\baselineskip\z@
- \tabskip\tableft@skip
- \everycr{}%
- \expandafter\halign\expandafter\@halignto\expandafter\bgroup\@preamble
-%% \rotate
-%{\tt \string\floattable\space must precede table using
-%\string\rotate !!}}
-%% add 6pt of space between table and following text:
-\expandafter \let \csname endtable*\endcsname = \endtable
-%%% \movetabledown works
-\hbox to
-%%% \movetabledown works
-\expandafter\def\csname rotatetable*\endcsname{%
-\global\startlongtabletrue\setbox\rotatetablebox=\vbox to
-\expandafter\def\csname endrotatetable*\endcsname{\vfill\egroup
-\vbox to \textheight{\vfill
-\hbox to
-%%% \movetabledown works
- \if@two@col\onecolumngrid\clearpage
- \fi
- \clearpage
- \begingroup
-\expandafter\def\csname deluxetable*\endcsname{\deluxetable}
-\expandafter\def\csname enddeluxetable*\endcsname{\enddeluxetable}
- \setbox\@outputbox\vbox{\vskip\movetabledown\hbox{\rotatebox{90}{\box\@outputbox}}}}
- \vsize=\textwidth
- \hsize=\textheight
- \linewidth=\hsize
- \columnwidth=\hsize
- \@colroom=\vsize
- \textheight=\vsize
- \@colht=\vsize
- \def\@makecol{\LS@makecol\LS@rot}%
- \def\@makefcolumn##1{\LS@makefcolumn{##1}\LS@rot}}
-\onecolumngrid %% ??
- \ifGin@pdftex
- \pdfpageattr{/Rotate 90}
- \fi
- \clearpage
- \endgroup
- \if@two@col\twocolumngrid\fi
- \global\@colht=\textheight
- \global\vsize=\textheight
- \global\@colroom=\textheight}
- \PassOptionsToPackage\CurrentOption{graphicx}
- \Gin@pdftextrue
-%% set &, $ catcode back to normal:
-%% end table tools
-%% Gridlines for positioning multiple illustrations in
-%% one figure environment.
-\def\gridline#1{\vskip6pt\hbox to\hsize{#1}\vskip6pt}
-%%%%%%%%%% End Grid line Macros %%%%%%%%%%
-%%%%%%%%%% Color Editing Macros %%%%%%%%%%
-%% \turnoffedit or \turnoffedits
-%% will prevent all \edit<number>{text}, all
-%% \collaborationcomment<number>{text}, and all
-%% \authorcomment<number>{text} from producing any text.
-%% \turnoffeditone to only turn off only \edit1, \collaborationcomment1 and \authorcomment1 :
-%% \turnoffedittwo to only turn off only \edit2, \collaborationcomment2 and \authorcomment2 :
-%% \turnoffeditthree to only turn off only \edit3, \collaborationcomment3 and \authorcomment3 :
-%% Other choices can be made, but this should be
-%% standardized, so didn't make an user interface
-%% to change the colors easily.
-\expandafter\def\csname editcolor1\endcsname{black}% was magenta
-\expandafter\def\csname editcolor2\endcsname{black}% was blue
-\expandafter\def\csname editcolor3\endcsname{black}% was violet
-\color{\csname editcolor\the\colorcount\endcsname}%
-\color{\csname editcolor\the\colorcount\endcsname}
-\ifnum\colorcount=1{\ifturnoffone\else\bf (Collaboration~note: #2)\ \fi}\else
-\ifnum\colorcount=2{\ifturnofftwo\else\it (Collaboration~note: #2)\ \fi}\else
-\ifnum\colorcount=3{\ifturnoffthree\else (Collaboration~note: #2)\ \fi}\fi\fi\fi\fi%
-\color{\csname editcolor\the\colorcount\endcsname}
-\ifnum\colorcount=1{\ifturnoffone\else\bf (Author~note: #2)\ \fi}\else
-\ifnum\colorcount=2{\ifturnofftwo\else\it (Author~note: #2)\ \fi}\else
-\ifnum\colorcount=3{\ifturnoffthree\else (Author~note: #2)\ \fi}\fi\fi\fi\fi%
-%%% Draft watermark
-\definecolor{ltgray}{gray}{.9}% .89
-\font\bighelv=phvr at 2in %
-\def\setwatermarkfontsize#1{\font\bighelv=phvr at #1}
-\def\watermark#1{\def\thewatermark{\hbox to\textwidth{\vtop to
-\hskip24pt\rotatebox{60}{\hbox{\bighelv \color{ltgray}
-%% Used in titlepage definition, as \pagestyle{titlepage}
- \let\@mkboth\@gobbletwo
-\hbox to \textwidth{\rlap{\thewatermark}\hfill}\fi}
-% end of watermark definitions
-{\def\@submitted{Submitted to #1}}%
-%% this one is used &&&
- \begingroup
- \ltx@footnote@pop
- \def\@mpfn{mpfootnote}%
- \def\thempfn{\thempfootnote}%
- \c@mpfootnote\z@
- \let\@makefnmark\frontmatter@makefnmark
- \frontmatter@setup
- \thispagestyle{titlepage}\label{FirstPage}%
- \frontmatter@title@produce
- \groupauthors@sw{%
- }{%
- \frontmatter@author@produce@script
- }%
- \frontmatter@RRAPformat{%
- \expandafter\produce@RRAP\expandafter{\@date}%
- \expandafter\produce@RRAP\expandafter{\@received}%
- \expandafter\produce@RRAP\expandafter{\@revised}%
- \expandafter\produce@RRAP\expandafter{\@accepted}%
- \expandafter\produce@RRAP\expandafter{\@published}%
- }%
-\expandafter\ifx\csname @submitted\endcsname\relax\else
-to 20pt{\hfill}}\vskip12pt}%
- \frontmatter@abstract@produce
- \@ifx@empty\@pacs{}{%
- \@pacs@produce\@pacs
- }%
- \@ifx@empty\@keywords{}{%
- \@keywords@produce\@keywords
- }%
- \par
- \frontmatter@finalspace
-%% Highlight Figure
-\fcolorbox{ltblue}{white}{\hbox to
-.93\textwidth{\hss$\vcenter{\advance\hsize -24pt #1}$\hss}}
-%% Line numbering
-\advance\linenumbersep -4pt
-\advance\linenumbersep 12pt
-%% Track Changes
-%% Amy Hendrickson, Nov 2015
-%% Change Jan 2016, to allow list of changes
-%% to give line and page numbers for more than one entry on the same line.
-%% Change Feb 2016, to allow optional argument for time/date, and/or editor initials, etc.
-\iftrack {\global\advance\refchangenumber by 1\relax%
-\vtop to 0pt{\vss
-{\color{trackchange}\bf(Added: [#1] #2)}%%
-changenum\the\refchangenumber\endcsname{Added: [#1]
-changenum\the\refchangenumber\endcsname{\bf\relax Added: [#1]
-\textcolor{trackchange}\bf\relax{\let\bibitem\specialbibitem #2}\global\silentfalse}\fi%
-\iftrack{\global\advance\refchangenumber by 1\relax%
-\vtop to 0pt{\vss
-{\color{trackchange}\bf(Added: #1)}%%
-\textcolor{trackchange}{\bf\relax\let\bibitem\specialbibitem #1},%
-\long\def\xdeleted[#1]#2{\iftrack{\global\advance\refchangenumber by
-\vtop to 0pt{\vss
-\let\ref\specialref\let\cite\specialcite (Deleted: [#1] \sout{#2})
-changenum\the\refchangenumber\endcsname{Deleted: [#1]
-changenum\the\refchangenumber\endcsname{Deleted: [#1]
-\long\def\ydeleted#1{\iftrack{\global\advance\refchangenumber by 1\relax%
-\vtop to 0pt{\vss
-\let\ref\specialref\let\cite\specialcite(Deleted: \sout{#1}
-\expandafter\gdef\csname changenum\the\refchangenumber\endcsname{Deleted:
-\expandafter\gdef\csname changenum\the\refchangenumber\endcsname{Deleted:
-\iftrack\global\advance\refchangenumber by 1\relax%
-\vtop to 0pt{\vss
-\let\cite\specialcite\color{trackchange}\bf(Replaced: [#1] \sout{#2}}%
-{\color{black}replaced with:} {\let\ref\specialref%
-\let\cite\specialcite\color{trackchange}\bf\relax #3)}%
-changenum\the\refchangenumber\endcsname{Replaced: [#1]
-\let\cite\specialcite\color{trackchange}\bf\relax\sout{#2}} {\color{black} replaced with:}
-{\color{trackchange}\bf\relax#3}, \global\silenttrue}%
-changenum\the\refchangenumber\endcsname{Replaced: [#1]
-} {\color{black} replaced with:}
-{\let\bibitem\specialbibitem\color{trackchange}\bf\relax#3}, \global\silentfalse}\fi%
-\iftrack\global\advance\refchangenumber by 1\relax%
-\vtop to 0pt{\vss
-\let\cite\specialcite\color{trackchange}\bf\relax(Replaced: %\sout
-{\color{black}replaced with:}
-{\color{trackchange}\bf\relax #2)}%
-\expandafter\gdef\csname changenum\the\refchangenumber\endcsname{Replaced:
-\color{trackchange}\bf\relax\sout{#1}} {\color{black} replaced with:}
-} {\color{black} replaced with:}
-{\let\bibitem\specialbibitem\color{trackchange}\bf\relax#2}, \global\silentfalse}\fi%
-\def\xexplain[#1]#2{\iftrack\ {\bfseries\itshape\color{explain} [Explanation of change:
-#2 (#1)]\ }\fi}
-\def\yexplain#1{\iftrack\ {\bfseries\itshape\color{explain} [Explanation of change:
-#1]\ }\fi}
-\noindent{\vrule height 14pt width0pt depth 6pt\large\bf List of Changes}
-{\parskip=4pt \parindent=0pt
-\global\advance\listchangenum by 1\relax
-\expandafter\ifx\csname changenum\the\listchangenum\endcsname\relax
-\csname changenum\the\listchangenum\endcsname\
-on page
-%% can't get hyperlink to work correctly for page numbers, works but error messages.
-\ifsilent\global\silentfalse \else%
-, line\
-%% From earlier version of AASTeX, for usefulness and
-%% backward compatibility, with some requested additions
- % Mem. Societa Astronomica Italiana
-%% longer version:
-\newcommand\memsocai{Mem. Societ\`a Astronomica Italiana}
-\newcommand\aspconf{Ast. Soc. of the Pac. Conference Series}
-%%% More useful commands from Earlier version of Aastex:
-\let\la=\lesssim % For Springer A&A compliance...
- \mbox{.\kern -0.7ex\raisebox{.9ex}{\scriptsize$\prime$}}%
- \mbox{%
- \kern 0.13ex.%
- \kern -0.95ex\raisebox{.9ex}{\scriptsize$\prime\prime$}%
- \kern -0.1ex%
- }%
- {%
- \kern.1em\relax
- \setbox\z@\hbox{M}%
- \dimen@ii.8em\relax
- \p@=.1em\relax
- \dimen@.5\ht\z@\dimen@i-\dimen@
- \advance\dimen@1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i-1.0\p@
- #1%
- \kern.1em\relax
- }%
- }%
- \advance\dimen@-1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i1.5\p@
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- }%
- \advance\dimen@-0.5\p@\advance\dimen@i0.5\p@
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- \advance\dimen@-1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i1.5\p@
- \hskip-\dimen@ii
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- }%
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- \advance\dimen@-1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i1.5\p@
- \hskip-\dimen@ii
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- \advance\dimen@-1.5\p@\advance\dimen@i1.5\p@
- \hskip-\dimen@ii
- \vrule\@height\dimen@\@depth\dimen@i\@width\dimen@ii\nobreak
- }%
- \leavevmode
- L%
- \raise.42ex\hbox{%
- \count@=\the\fam
- $\fam\count@\scriptstyle\kern-.3em A$%
- }%
- \kern-.15em\TeX
-%% added Feb 2, 2016, redefining definition of \caption made with hyperref
-%% package. Making \caption[] be the default, to prevent sending caption
-%% text to listoftables or listoffigures, which we are not going to use
-%% anyway. This change enables track changes commands to work in captions.
-\@latex@error {\noexpand \caption outside float}\@ehd
-\expandafter \@gobble \else
-\H@refstepcounter \@captype \let \Hy@tempa \@caption \@ifundefined
-{\expandafter \ifx \csname @float@c@\@captype\endcsname
-{\@dblarg {\Hy@tempa \@captype}}[]}
-\def\@caption#1[#2]#3{{\small\rm\expandafter \ifx \csname if@capstart\expandafter \endcsname
-\csname iftrue\endcsname \global \let \@currentHref \hc@currentHref \else \hyper@makecurrent {\@captype }\fi
-\@ifundefined {NR@gettitle}{\def \@currentlabelname{\thesection\relax #2}}
-{\NR@gettitle {#2}}\par
-%\addcontentsline {\csname ext@#1\endcsname }{#1}{\protect \numberline {\csname the#1\endcsname }{\ignorespaces #2}}
-\begingroup \@parboxrestore \if@minipage \@setminipage \fi \normalsize
-\expandafter\ifx \csname if@capstart\expandafter \endcsname
-\csname iftrue\endcsname \global \@capstartfalse
-\@makecaption {\bf\csname fnum@#1\endcsname }{\ignorespaces #3}
-\else \@makecaption {\bf\csname fnum@#1\endcsname }{\ignorespaces \ifHy@nesting
-\expandafter \hyper@@anchor \expandafter {\@currentHref }{#3}\else
-\Hy@raisedlink {\expandafter \hyper@@anchor \expandafter
-{\@currentHref }{\relax }}{#3}\fi }\fi \par
-%% changed, March 23, 2019, took out \\ at end of definition:
-%% As suggested by Greg Schwarz, August Meunch, Feb 11
-%% this seems in the middle of nowhere...
-%% macros to give hyperref link to authors when orcid numbers
-%% are supplied with \author[0000-2345-3333-0023]{author name}
- \def\lookforbracket{\ifx\next[\let\go\xauthor
- \else\let\go\yauthor\fi\go}
-\def\author{\global\advance\entriesinthiscollab by 1
-\global\advance\allentries by 1\relax\futurelet\next\lookforbracket}
- \move@AU\move@AF\move@AUAF
- \let\@AF@join\@author@join
- \def\@author{{\href{}{#2%
-\openin1 Orcid-ID.png \ifeof1
-%% message for authors??
-%\typeout{^^J^^J ! Missing File: Orcid-ID.png; needed for Orcid Author icon !
-\typeout{^^J^^J [\firstarg]\space Invalid ORCID Identifier!^^J^^J The ID
-should consist of four sets of four digits,^^J separated with -, ie,
-0000-0012-3245-1234 or ^^J
-Please fix, or don't use square bracket argument with
-%% Tests to see if author gave reasonable Orcid number;
-%% if not, stops processing and gives error message.
-\def\lookatOrcid #1-#2-#3-#4-{
-\def\lookforDigits #1#2#3#4{
- \ifcat \xone 1\else
- \global\badOrcidtrue\fi
- \ifcat \xtwo 1\else
- \global\badOrcidtrue\fi
- \ifcat \xthree 1\else
- \global\badOrcidtrue\fi
- \ifcat \xfour 1\else
- \global\badOrcidtrue\fi
-\def\FinallookforDigits #1#2#3#4{
- \ifcat \xone 1\else
- \global\badOrcidtrue\fi
- \ifcat \xtwo 1\else
- \global\badOrcidtrue\fi
- \ifcat \xthree 1\else
- \global\badOrcidtrue\fi
- \ifcat \xfour 1\else
- \if\xfour X
- \else
- \global\badOrcidtrue\fi
- \fi
-%% Last digit might be X
-\setbox0=\hbox{\expandafter\lookatOrcid\testone {}-{}-{}-{}-
-\expandafter\lookforDigits\one {}{}{}{}
-\expandafter\lookforDigits\two {}{}{}{}
-\expandafter\lookforDigits\three {}{}{}{}
-\expandafter\FinallookforDigits\four {}{}{}{}}
-\def\altaffilmark#1{\typeout{^^J^^J\string\altaffilmark\space is no longer
-needed. It will not do anything.^^J Please use
-\string\altaffiliation\string{\string} instead.^^J^^J}\stop}
-\def\altaffiltext#1{\typeout{^^J^^J\string\altaffiltext\space is no longer
-needed. It will not do anything.^^J Please use
-\string\altaffiliation\string{\string} instead.^^J^^J}\stop}
-%% We do not need \and in list of authors. It is taken care of
-%% automatically. Below is the definition from revtex4-1:
-%\renewcommand\frontmatter@and{\class@err{\protect\and\space is not
-% supported}}
-%% no limit for default
-\def\doEtAl{\rm et al.\gdef\doEtAl{\relax}}
-%% =====================
-\global\advance\countauthors by 1
- \ignorespaces\leavevmode\hbox{#1\unskip\@listcomma}% nice, keeps name from breaking across lines
- \begingroup
- #3% all affil numbers
-%% #2= \altaffiliation{} or \email{} or
-%% possibly anything other than author, affiliation, or collaboration
- \@if@empty{#2}{\endgroup{}{}}
-{\ifnum\countauthors>\AuthorCollaborationLimit\endgroup{}{}%% <<< bug fix, added \endgroup{}{}
-\ifnum\countauthors>\AuthorCollaborationLimit\else \space
- \iffirsttime
- \global\firsttimefalse
- Anonymous author(s)
- \fi
-\else %% ends at end of this def
-\ifnum\docollabnum< 1
-%% this won't change until after collaboration name at end
-\fi %% end ifnum\docollabnum
-\global\advance\totalentries by 1
-\global\advance\countauthors by 1
-\ifallauthors\global\AuthorCollaborationLimit=9999 \fi
-% for testing
-% [author number=\the\countauthors/ auth collab limit
-% =\the\AuthorCollaborationLimit]
-\ifnum\countauthors < \AuthorCollaborationLimit
-\ifnum\countauthors = \AuthorCollaborationLimit
-\gdef\doAnd{And }\fi
-\ifnum\tempauthornumber= 1
-\gdef\doAnd{ } \fi\fi
-\advance\tempauthorminusone by -1
-\gdef\doAnd{And }
-%% if num countauthors is less than or equal to \AuthorCollaborationLimit, print name
-\ifnum\countauthors< \AuthorCollaborationLimit
- \ignorespaces\leavevmode\hbox{#1\unskip\docomma}% nice, keeps name from breaking across lines
-\ifnum\countauthors= \AuthorCollaborationLimit
- \ignorespaces\leavevmode\hbox{\doAnd #1\unskip\docomma}% nice, keeps name from breaking across lines
-%% ++++
- \begingroup
- #3% all affil numbers
-\ifx\@affilID@temp\empty %% number following author
-%% #2= \altaffiliation{} or \email{} or
-%% possibly anything other than author, affiliation, or collaboration
- \@if@empty{#2}{\endgroup{}{}}
-{\ifnum\countauthors>\AuthorCollaborationLimit\endgroup{}{}%% <<< bug fix, added \endgroup{}{}
-\fi%% end test of empty
-\fi%% end test of suppressAffiliations
-%%% Collaboration name is always used if available:
-\expandafter\ifx\csname currCollabName\the\totalentries\endcsname\relax\else
-%% changed locally:
-{\advance\docollabnum 1
-%%% We need to test to see if more than one author in collaboration
-%%% and if the number of authors is greater than the \AuthorCollaborationLimit.
-%%% If both of these are true, than use `et al.' , otherwise do not:
-< 2 %%%%% Don't use et al if there is only one author
-\expandafter\ifnum\csname CollabTotalAuthors\the\docollabnum\endcsname
-{\rm et al.} \vskip-3pt
-}%% end local change to docollabnum
-\expandafter\csname currCollabName\the\totalentries\endcsname\vskip8pt
-\global\advance\docollabnum by 1
-%% Set up counters for next time through this loop:
-{\advance\docollabnum by1
- \expandafter\ifx\csname
- specificCollabLimit\the\docollabnum\endcsname\relax
- \else
- \global\AuthorCollaborationLimit=\csname
- specificCollabLimit\the\docollabnum\endcsname
- \fi
-\fi %% ends test to see if it is time to use collaboration name
-\fi %% ends ifanonymous
-%%%% ++++====
-%% +++
- \iffirsttime
- \global\firsttimefalse
- Anonymous author(s)
- \fi
-\else %% ends at end of this def
-\ifnum\docollabnum< 1
-%% these won't change until after collaboration name at end
-\global\AuthorCollaborationLimit\expandafter\csname currCollabLimit0\endcsname
-\global\tempauthornumber=\csname CollabTotalAuthors1\endcsname
-\fi%% end ifnum\docollabnum
-\global\advance\totalentries by 1
-\global\advance\countauthors by 1
-\ifallauthors\global\AuthorCollaborationLimit=9999 \fi
-% for testing
-%[author number=\the\countauthors/ temp author
-\advance\tempauthorminusone by -1
-\ifnum\countauthors < \tempauthornumber
-\ifnum\countauthors = \tempauthornumber
-\ifnum\tempauthornumber= 1
-%% if num countauthors is less than or equal to \AuthorCollaborationLimit, print name
-\ifnum\countauthors< \AuthorCollaborationLimit
- \ignorespaces\leavevmode\hbox{\unskip\xdoAnd\ #1\unskip\xdocomma}% nice, keeps name from breaking across lines
-\ifnum\countauthors= \AuthorCollaborationLimit
-\ignorespaces\leavevmode\hbox{\unskip\xdoAnd\ #1\unskip\xdocomma}% nice, keeps name from breaking across lines
- \begingroup
- #3% all affil numbers
-%% #2= \altaffiliation{} or \email{} or
-%% possibly anything other than author, affiliation, or collaboration
- \@if@empty{#2}{\endgroup{}{}}
-{\ifnum\countauthors>\AuthorCollaborationLimit\endgroup{}{}%% <<< bug fix, added \endgroup{}{}
-\fi%% end test of empty
-%%% Collaboration name is always used if available:
-\expandafter\ifx\csname currCollabName\the\totalentries\endcsname\relax\else
-%% No et al in allauthors, because all authors are listed!
-\expandafter\csname currCollabName\the\totalentries\endcsname\vskip6pt
-\global\advance\docollabnum by 1
-%% Set up counters for next time through this loop:
-{\advance\docollabnum by1
- \expandafter\ifx\csname
- specificCollabLimit\the\docollabnum\endcsname\relax
- \else
- \global\AuthorCollaborationLimit=\csname
- specificCollabLimit\the\docollabnum\endcsname
- \fi
-\fi %% ends test to see if it is time to use collaboration name
-\fi %% ends ifanonymous
-%% set \affil to match \affiliation found in revtex, since authors are accustomed to using \affil{}
-%% +++!
-% Oct 2017
- \@ifnum{#1=\z@}{}{%
- \par
- \begingroup
- \frontmatter@affiliationfont
- \@ifnum{\c@affil<\affil@cutoff}{}{%
-%% this makes the numbers
- \def\@thefnmark{#1}\@makefnmark\fi
- \def\@thefnmark{#1}\@makefnmark\fi
- }%
- \ignorespaces#3%
- \ignorespaces#3%
- \@if@empty{#4}{}{\frontmatter@footnote{#4}}%
- \par
- \endgroup
- }%
-\if@firstsection% not appendix, in other words
- \title@column\titleblock@produce
- \title@column\secondtitleblock@produce
- \suppressfloats[t]%
-%% Prevent these from being turned off so that
-%% we can use \maketitle again for \AllAuthors.
-% \let\and\relax
- \let\affiliation\@gobble
- \let\author\@gobble
-% \let\@AAC@list\@empty
-% \let\@AFF@list\@empty
-% \let\@AFG@list\@empty
-% \let\@AF@join\@AF@join@error
-% \let\email\@gobble
-% \let\@address\@empty
-% \let\maketitle\relax
-% \let\thanks\@gobble
-\ifrnaas\else \clearpage\fi
- }{}%
- \begingroup
- \ltx@footnote@pop
- \def\@mpfn{footnote}%
- \def\thempfn{\thefootnote}%
- \c@footnote\z@
- \let\@makefnmark\frontmatter@makefnmark
-% \frontmatter@setup
- \thispagestyle{titlepage}%\label{FirstPage}%
-% \frontmatter@title@produce
- \groupauthors@sw{%
- \frontmatter@author@produce@group
- }{%
- \frontmatter@author@produce@script
- }%
- \endgroup
-%% no club or widow lines
-\setlength{\headsep}{36pt} % this is 2 lines in ``manuscript''
-\advance\hsize by -18pt
-\footnote{Corresponding author: #1\ifmodern\vrule depth 5pt
-width 0pt\relax\fi}\fi}}
-\footnote{\href{mailto: #1}{#1}\ifmodern\vrule depth 7pt width
-0pt\relax\else\ifmanu\vskip-4pt\else\vrule depth 7pt width
-\collaboration{#1}{\vbox to
-%% May 19
-%% \AuthorsAndCollaboration changed to \FullCollaborationID
-%% June 6 \FullCollaborationID changed to \xcollaboration{}{}
-%% june 7 \collaboration changed to \xcollaboration; fullcollaborationid changed to \collaboration
-%% here just in case we need it in the future...
-\global\advance\allentries by 1
-\global\advance\collabnum by 1
-\expandafter\xdef\csname currCollabLimit0\endcsname{#1}
-%% make this def so that we can use it when we want in doauthor:
-\expandafter\gdef\csname specificCollabLimit\the\collabnum\endcsname{#1}
-%% This allows us access the number of authors per collaboration:
-\global\advance\allentries by 1
-%% we should have only one of these with this number; this used to say when
-%% use specificCollabLimit:
-\expandafter\gdef\csname currCollabLimit\the\allentries\endcsname{#1}
-%% we should have only one of these with this number
-%\sc And the\vskip4pt\fi
-\centerline{\vbox {\vrule height 12pt width0pt and\vskip2pt}}
-%\collaboration{\vbox {\vrule height 12pt width0pt and
-%% gets rid of () around collaboration
- \begingroup
- \frontmatter@collaboration@above
- \@affilID@def{}%
- \@tempcnta\z@
- \@author@present{}{\ignorespaces#3\unskip}{#4}%
-%% October 2017
- \par
- \endgroup
- \set@listcomma@list#1%
-\vskip1pt %% was \vskip9pt
-%%% These lines were commented out until a fix could be applied that
-%%% addresses the underlying issues. The problem is that on Linux systems
-%%% you can not write a "hidden" .bib file. There is no issue with this
-%%% on Mac OS X nor Windows.
-%%% get rid of \jobname Notes being sent to .aux file:
-%% This is the underlying issue:
-%% Redefining \@bibdataout@init will keep useless file, \jobnameNotes, from being written.
-%% redefining and simplifying RevTeX4-1 definition, so that bibliography is not looking for
-%% \jobnameNotes:
- \begingroup
- \let\@author@present\@author@present@script
- \frontmatterverbose@sw{\typeout{\string\frontmatter@author@produce@script:}\say\@AAC@list\say\@AFF@list\say\@AFG@list}{}%
- \let\AU@temp\@empty
- \@tempcnta\z@
- \let\AF@opr \@gobble
- \def\AU@opr{\@author@count\@tempcnta}%
- \def\CO@opr{\@collaboration@count\AU@temp\@tempcnta}%
- \@AAC@list
- \expandafter\CO@opr\@author@cleared
- \begingroup
- \frontmatter@authorformat
- \let\AF@opr \@affilID@def
- \let\AU@opr \@author@present
- \def\CO@opr{\@collaboration@present\AU@temp}%
- \set@listcomma@list\AU@temp
- \@AAC@list
-%% \, added to definition taken from revtex4-1 to prevent error message.
-\, \unskip\unskip
- \par
- \endgroup
- \begingroup
- \frontmatter@above@affiliation@script
- \let\AFF@opr \@affil@script
-\def\@centercr{\vrule depth 3pt width0pt\vskip1sp}
- \@AFF@list}
- \frontmatter@footnote@produce
- \par
- \endgroup
- \endgroup
-%% These commands were in aastex earlier; I redefined.
-%%%% October 2017
- \par\ignorespaces
- \setbox\widetext@top\vbox{%
- \hb@xt@\hsize{%
- \leaders\hrule\hfil
- \vrule\@height6\p@
- }%
- }%
- \setbox\widetext@bot\hb@xt@\hsize{%
- \vrule\@depth6\p@
- \leaders\hrule\hfil
- }%
- \onecolumngrid
- \vskip10\p@
- \dimen@\ht\widetext@top\advance\dimen@\dp\widetext@top
- \cleaders\box\widetext@top\vskip\dimen@
- \vskip6\p@
- \prep@math@patch
- \par
- \vskip6\p@
- \setbox\widetext@bot\vbox{%
- \hb@xt@\hsize{\hfil\box\widetext@bot}%
- }%
- \dimen@\ht\widetext@bot\advance\dimen@\dp\widetext@bot
- \cleaders\box\widetext@bot\vskip\dimen@
- \vskip8.5\p@
- \twocolumngrid\global\@ignoretrue
- \@endpetrue
-%% these two definitions are the same, but it might
-%% be convenient to have both
-%% this doesn't seem to be documented, assume we don't need it:
-%% default, center within width of text on both sides
- \def\LT@LR@c{\LTleft=0pt plus1fill
- \LTright\LTleft}%
-\def\widetable{\def\LT@LR@c{\LTleft=0pt minus1fill
- \let\LTright\LTleft}}
-%% to help with graceful linebreaks in two column text:
- \tolerance 9999%
-%% sloppy defines emergencystretch to be 3 em, this is a bit
-%% more conservative:
- \emergencystretch 1em
- \hfuzz .5\p@
-%% Nominal Conversion Constants
-%% \boldmath inside the \hbox ??
-\def\nomSolarEffTemp{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{T}^{\rm N}_{\mathrm{eff}\odot}$}}
-\def\nomTerrEqRadius{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{R}^{\rm N}_{E\mathrm e}$}}
-\def\nomTerrPolarRadius{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{R}^{\rm N}_{E\mathrm p}$}}
-N}_{J\mathrm e}$}}
- \def\nomJovianPolarRadius{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{R}^{\rm
- N}_{J\mathrm p}$}}
- \def\nomTerrMass{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$(\mathcal{GM})^{\rm N}_{\mathrm E}$}}
- \def\nomJovianMass{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$(\mathcal{GM})^{\rm N}_{\mathrm J}$}}
- \def\Qnom{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{Q}^{\rm N}_{\odot}$}}
-%% Generic commands that can be given an argument:
-\def\nom#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{#1}^{\rm N}_{\odot}$}}
-\def\Eenom#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{#1}^{\rm N}_{Ee}$}}
-\def\Epnom#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{#1}^{\rm N}_{Ep}$}}
-\def\Jenom#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{#1}^{\rm N}_{Je}$}}
-\def\Jpnom#1{\leavevmode\hbox{\boldmath$\mathcal{#1}^{\rm N}_{Jp}$}}
-%% Ability to have tables, equations, figures in appendix start from 1, and use appendix section letter.
-%%% easier to remember than \apptablenumbers
-%% aastex63
-\vskip6pt\vskip1sp\centerline{\large\bf All Authors and
-Affiliations\vrule depth 18pt width0pt}\nobreak
-\centerline{Anonymous author(s)}
-{\vskip6pt\vskip1sp\centerline{\large\bf All Authors and
-Affiliations\vrule depth 18pt width0pt}\nobreak
-%% AASTeX62
-\def\oldallauthors{%% this conditional keeps \allauthors from turning on
-%% unless \AuthorCollaborationLimit is used:
-%\largestAffilNum=10000 <<== not needed
-{\vskip6pt\vskip1sp\centerline{\large\bf All Authors and
-Affiliations\vrule depth 18pt width0pt}\nobreak
-%% New interactive command:
-\ifx\checkone\xanimation \correctentriestrue\fi
-\else\hrule height1pt\vskip12pt\bf ERROR: Your choices for the first argument for
-{\tt\string\interactive} are timeseries, js, or animation.\\[6pt] Please choose one
-of these terms.\vskip12pt \fi
-\ifx\checktwo\empty \vskip12pt \bf ERROR: The command {\tt\string\interactive} needs
-two arguments, with the second argument for the graphics file or files
-needed.\vskip12pt\hrule height1pt \else\correctentriestrue\fi
-%%%% For cases in which footnotes are called in full width environment
-%% but are used in two cols. This keeps them from overwriting the
-%% second column:
-%% Change Log
-June 8, 2019
-Changed \author and \collaboration macros.
-Collaboration now takes two arguments:
-#1= number of authors to be listed before the
-name of the collaboration; #2 = name of the collaboration
-\nocollaboration{} has one argument,
-#1= the number of authors above it that we want to print on the title page.
-June 6, 2019
-\acknowledgments does not use \begin{}...\end{} form,
-now just \acknowledgments command. Acknowledgments text
-ends with \par, so if author wants more than one paragraph
-in acknowledgment he/she should surround text with curly
-more text...}
-June 3, 2019
-\let\footnote\onecolfootnote on page where references start, but
-before footnotes are entered,
-will allow footnotes to break in the right place (one column's width).
-May 15, 2019
-\centerwidetable is now \movetableover at Greg's suggestion.
-Nov 27, 2017
-1) Change to \begin{widetext}...\end{widetext} to
-return the horizontal lines before and after the
-2) \NoNewPageAfterKeywords is now default;
-authors wanting a new page after keywords can
-use the \NewPageAfterKeywords command.
-3) Change in definition names, returning to earlier version:
-\turnoffediting will turn off colors for all levels
-of editing mark up made with \edit1{}, \edit2{}, or \edit3{}.
-You can turn off any level of editing with
-\turnoffeditone, \turnoffedittwo, and \turnoffeditthree.
-4) It is now possible to use \doi{} as an argument of \dataset.
-\dataset[]{\doi{10.5281/zenodo.831784}} and
-will work.
-October 15, 2017
-1) \movetabledown now works with longrotatetable as it does with
-\movetabledown=<dimen> before either
-\begin{rotatetable} or
-Added \clearpage before \begin{rotatetable} and \begin{rotatetable*}
-\NoNewPageAfterKeywords, used after \documentclass{AASTeX62},
-will keep a new page from starting after keywords.
-Extra vertical space before first section in Modern option.
-Solution suggested by Alex Drlica-Wagner.
-3)\edit1{}, \edit2{} and \edit3{} will add color
-to the edited text.
-To get rid of the color, but not the text, authors should
-use \turnoffeditonecolor (for \edit1{})
- \turnoffedittwocolor (for \edit2{})
- \turnoffeditthreecolor (for \edit3{})
-These commands have the same results as
-\turnoffeditone, \turnoffedittwo, and \turnoffeditthree
-which are not disabled, but the new commands make the
-action to be produced more descriptive.
-Similarly, instead of \turnoffedit or \turnoffedits
-we now have \turnoffeditcolors. The original two
-commands still work, but the new command is more
-descriptive of the results.
-Authors should be instructed to put these commands before
-will go from twocolumngrid to onecolumngrid, centered.
-\end{widetext} will turn off centering and go back
-to twocolumngrid.
-Only needed in twocolumn styles; nothing will happen
-in single column styles.
-5) Sean Lake's problem with \mag was solved by Barbara Beeton online,
-``the latest edit identifies the problem unambiguously: \mag is a tex
-primitive, and shouldn't be redefined. why this didn't appear in the
-logs you posted is beyond me, but if you rename your command to (say)
-\Mag it should stop having a problem. � barbara beeton Feb 22''
-\mag is a tex primitive, and it is expecting to be followed by a
-This had nothing to do with AASTeX61.cls
-\def\arraystretch{.9} as requested will make the space between
-lines in tables shrink to 90% of the original space.
-I think what is really wanted is \def\arraystretch{1.1} which will
-still give us 110% of the original space, a little extra vertical space, but not
-as much as we had before.
-Meanwhile, an author can change the definition of \arraystretch{}
-for a single table or all the tables in his paper, if he wants more
-or less space.
-7) Abstract is now the same width as in emulateapj
-in all styles, with the exception of the modern option
-which is unchanged. Abstracts in all styles will break over pages
-in this version.
-Thanks to suggestion by Patricio Cubillos.
-8) Center and tighten affiliations, changed and
-tested for all styles, including longauthor option.
- show examples titlepage of each style with and
-without longauthor option.
-9) preprintnumbers activated.
-No need to use a documentclass option.
-Just enter \reportnum{<text>}, before \begin{document}
-and repeat as many times as needed. The entries will stack
-in the top right hand corner of the titlepage, for all styles.
-%% author can continue with as many entries as desired.
-% \reportnum{A number of other numbers}
-% \reportnum{More Numbers}
-10) Title is no longer uppercase by default. It is
-now title case, which means all important words are
-capitalized by author.
-11) \AuthorCollaborationLimit now
-set to default of 10,000. If smaller number of
-authors wanted, \AuthorCollaborationLimit can
-be set to the number wanted; \allauthors typed
-at end of article will make every author and
-affiliation print.
-12) \startlongtable\deluxetable now works in appendix, even
-when it is the last entry in the paper. Added \null
-to \endlongdeluxetable which has the effect of making
-last page print.
-This works in my test, but it
-may be useful to see the example from author, github #54
-13) Deluxetable no longer crashes if author has neglected
-to put in \\ before \enddata. I added the non-redundant \\
-command, \crcr, and sample now works.
-14) \tablehead in deluxetable had too much space underneath
-double horizontal lines. Made custom negative skip based
-on each style, tested, and supplied showing
-tableheads in each style.
-15) \urlstyle{rm} is set so that url and href produce
-the same fonts.
-16) Fix to \dataset so that square brackets
-are not printed in the case of argument
-in square brackets.
-[DATASET] linked to
-TeXnology linked to
-%% This will also work,
-% same results as \dataset[]{}
-% but using the more common LaTeX syntax:
-also produces
-[DATASET] linked to
-17) New version of DOI:
-now produces hyperlinked
-18) Added to definition of \software,
-working with sample from August Muench, reduced
-the space between words, and got rid of
-extra space after punctuation with the
-\frenchspacing command.
-19) August Muench entered a bug report
-complaining that \clearpage doesn't always
-work, but he didn't have a sample, so I am
-not able to debug this one. It may be that
-the problem isn't with the code, but with
-the way the commands were entered, but
-without a sample I have no way of knowing.
-Tested \startlongtable in all styles
-and didn't find a problem with centering.
-I did add a skip at the beginning of
-\startlongtable in case someone didn't
-leave a blank line before using the
-September 21, 2016
-Finishing Version 6.1 update
-August 27, 2016
-Many changes
-August 17
-Many changes:
-%% note:
-%% this keeps tables from being set to \small, code used in Revtex4-1
-Feb 29, changes to table macros to center caption even if table is wider than
-width of text; give error message if user asks to rotate table but
-forgets to use \floattable before table; make rotating table be full
-text width even if called for in double columns.
-March 1, reworking figure and table numbering for appendices.
-Deleted recent definition of \appendix, returned to earlier version
-with additions.