path: root/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.sty
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.sty
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.sty')
1 files changed, 858 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.sty b/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.sty
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..073efec127
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/inrstex/texgraph/texgraph.sty
@@ -0,0 +1,858 @@
+% DVIPS version
+% included are the changes required to make it work with DVIPS
+% It should be modifiable to any other decent driver too
+% This is the complete texgraph macros ... for use with the INRS/Beebe
+% Postscript driver
+% LaTeX version
+% Graphics macros for TeX using POSTCRIPT
+% ----- Needs mod to count characters in special ... some drivers have an
+% input limit of 500 characters in a \special
+% ===============================================================
+% THIS VERSION IS FOR USE with a PostScript Driver with
+% \p@sfile to signal a file name
+% \p@sinline to signal inline PostScript
+% processes \specials and dvi commands in order.
+% does not place a (save restore) pair about a \special.
+% \printhv defines scale/directions for inline Postscript
+% \filehv defines scale/directions for file Postscript
+% Both INRS's modification of Beebe's DVIALW and ArborText's PostScript
+% drivers satisfy these minimal requirements.
+% It assumes that the underlying units are 300 pix/in
+% Standard PostScript Conventions
+% This is easily changed by changing the \hpix or \vpix
+% It assumes that x,y are in the "normal" up/left direction.
+% File inclusions require the existence of a bounding box for the correct
+% spacing to be left.
+% ===============================
+% Most arguments, excepting file names, are delimited by spaces. Thus
+% braces { .... } will usually only occur around inserted text ... which
+% still must be followed by a space or end of line.
+% ======================
+% =============== Driver Signal Forms =======================
+%\xdef\p@sfile{ps: } % file signal INRS DVIALW
+ \xdef\p@sfile{ps: plotfile } % file signal DVIPS
+\xdef\p@sinline{ps:: } % inline signal DVIPS ... INRS DVIALW
+% This translates the direction of the page if the printer assumptions
+% are different than TeX. The values should be +-1.
+\gdef\printhv #1 #2 {\gdef\p@hv{ #1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\filehv #1 #2 {\gdef\f@schv{ #1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\rtdir #1 {\gdef\r@tdir{ #1 }} % neg or nothing PS has no pos
+% ============== LateX support =================
+% This is the only change between the LateX and INRSTeX versions
+% ======= Simple Plotfile support ===========
+% These are vanilla forms for inserting an encapsulated PostScript file
+% or creating a centered graphics environment.
+% \centergraph needs to be very \long
+\long\gdef\centergraph#1{\hbox to
+ \hsize{\hss\vbox{#1\vgraphskip}\hgraphskip\hss}}
+\gdef\centerplotfile#1{\centergraph{\btg\includefile #1 \etg}}
+% if you use the Latex command to create the new texgraph environment,
+% then you will automatically be "inside" Texgraph. This
+% means that you should use such commands as
+% \includefile \incscmvfile \incscfile
+% ========= error messages =========
+% \language=0 -- English, 1 - French
+\ifnum \language=0 \message{<< WARNING -- TeXGraph needs DVIPS >>}
+ \xdef\bbmess{Searching for BoundingBox }
+ \xdef\incfile{Graphics file}
+ \xdef\badincfile{Size/Format Error in Graphics File}
+ \xdef\noincfile{Missing Graphics File}
+ \else
+ \message{<< AVERTISSMENT -- TeXGraph a besoin du DVIPS >>}
+ \xdef\bbmess{Searching for BoundingBox }
+ \xdef\incfile{Graphics file}
+ \xdef\badincfile{Size/Format Error in Graphics File}
+ \xdef\noincfile{Missing Graphics File}
+ \fi
+% ===== debugging code =====
+% will send out specials as messages
+\gdef\dmess #1{}
+\gdef\bmess #1{}
+% ======== \global\newif =======
+% Plain defines the \newif as a local variable. We need a global
+% version if TeXgraph is to be brought in while inside a group.
+% This is a simpler, but less elegant version of \newif
+%#1 is \if<..> #2 -...true #3 ...false
+\gdef\gnewif#1#2#3{\global\let#1=\iffalse \gdef#2{\let#1=\iftrue}\relax
+ \gdef#3{\let#1=\iffalse}}
+% ======== TeXGraph Macros ==========
+% Postcript allows for arbitrary translation, scaling, rotation and clipping.
+% This version saves the current segment scale(s), unit scale(s), rotation
+% and translation and painfully computes and retores the correct form after
+% a segment exit. The reason for this is that Postcript can stack only one
+% CTM, text needs to have correct rotation and translation but default
+% scaling ...
+% It would be preferable not to convert any of the units. However, it is
+% necessary to know the maximum excursions. Since the PS currentpoint is
+% not accessible to TeX, we must keep it ourselves.
+% Since negative numbers can be used both maximum and minimum excursions
+% are required.
+% ====== begin -- end graphics =======
+% The maximum and minimum extent in the h and v direction is recorded
+% and is accessible
+% at the end of a \btg \etg pair (in points). The same value, in pixels is accessible at
+% all times
+\gdef\beginTeXGraphics{\t@exgraphdef \i@ncgdepth
+ \vbox\bgroup\offinterlineskip
+ \h@pos=0
+ \global\maxhpospix=\h@pos
+ \global\minhpospix=\h@pos
+ \v@pos=0
+ \global\maxvpospix=\v@pos
+ \global\minvpospix=\v@pos
+ \h@segoff=\h@pos \v@segoff=\v@pos
+ \edef\o@form{}\ifnum\g@depth=1
+ \p@sinit \fi \p@sset % PS initialization
+ \s@save}
+% \s@save saves the initialization for the special output.
+% \g@save saves some local condition
+\gdef\endTeXGraphics{\g@raphout\egroup\maxhvpos\p@srestore \d@ecgdepth }
+% ========== TeXGraph Nesting Depth ==========
+\newcount\g@depth \global\g@depth=0 % initializes at zero
+\gdef\i@ncgdepth{\global\advance\g@depth by 1 }
+\gdef\d@ecgdepth{\global\advance\g@depth by -1 }
+% =========== Complete Graph Scaling ===============
+% There is a separate scaling for the horizontal, vertical, and text
+\gdef\grscale h:#1 v:#2 {\gdef\h@grsc{#1}\gdef\v@grsc{#1}\e@xtend
+ {\o@form}{#1 #2 scale }}
+\gdef\tgrscale #1 {\e@xtend{\o@form}{#1 #1 scale }}
+ % text scale h and v the same
+% ======== PostScript initialization =========
+\gdef\t@exgrdictdef{/td 50 dict def }
+\gdef\t@exgrdictinit{ td begin /mv {moveto} def
+ /lv {lineto} def
+ /st {stroke} def
+ /np {newpath} def
+ /sl {setlinewidth} def
+ /sd {setdash} def
+ /rt {rotate} def
+ /gs {gsave} def
+ /gr {grestore} def
+ /tr {translate} def
+ /cp {closepath} def
+ /sg {setgray} def
+ /chv {currentpoint} def
+ /cv {curveto} def
+ /slc {setlinecap} def
+ /slj {setlinejoin} def
+ /sc {scale} def
+ /at {neg atan rt} def
+ /mx {mv gs chv tr} def
+% \h@vinit
+ end }
+% ----- initial point move ... driver dependent -----
+\gdef\h@vinit{ chv /\Ypos exch
+ def /\Xpos exch def }
+\gdef\h@vset{\t@rhv \p@hv }
+\gdef\m@vhv{ \Xpos \Ypos mv } % INRS
+\gdef\t@rhv{ \Xpos \Ypos tr } % INRS
+\gdef\t@rneghv{ \Xpos neg \Ypos neg tr } % INRS
+ \t@exgrdictdef
+ \t@exgrdictinit}}
+\gdef\p@sset{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gs \t@rhv
+ \p@hv end }}\e@form\dmess{\e@form}}
+% ======== PostScript termination =========
+\gdef\p@srestore{\edef\e@form{\special{\p@sinline grestore }}\e@form
+ \dmess{\e@form}}
+ % resets to entry into TeXgraph and recovers memory
+%========= macros for converting dimensions/units =========
+% --------- \box0 must not be void ----------
+%default values
+\gdef\graphdim#1 {\gdef\g@dim{#1\relax}}
+%pixels /dim unit
+\newcount\h@pix % sp/pixel
+\gdef\hpix#1/#2 {\wd0=1true#2\relax
+ \h@pix=\wd0 \divide\h@pix by #1 \relax}
+\newcount\v@pix % sp/pixel
+\gdef\vpix#1/#2 {\wd0=1true#2\relax
+ \v@pix=\wd0 \divide\v@pix by #1 \relax}
+% Assumes #1 is dimension #2 is count in pixels, #3 sp/pix, #4 scalefactor (real)
+% #2 is returned
+ \wd0=\dimen0 #2=\wd0 \divide #2 by #3\relax}
+% #1 is returned, #5 -\global or {}
+\gdef\genpixtopt#1#2#3#4#5{\multiply #2 by #3\relax\wd0=#2sp
+ #5#1=#4\wd0\relax}
+% ---------- Converts maxpix to maxdim removes offset -----
+\gdef\maxhvpos{\global\advance\maxhpospix by -\minhpospix\relax
+ \genpixtopt{\hgraphsize}{\maxhpospix}{\h@pix}{\h@grsc}{\global}\relax
+ \global\advance\maxvpospix by -\minvpospix\relax
+ \genpixtopt{\vgraphsize}{\maxvpospix}{\v@pix}{\v@grsc}{\global}}
+% ======== The vector offsets my be relative or absolute =====
+\gnewif{\ifr@elpos}{\r@elpostrue}{\r@elposfalse} %default is absolute
+\global\let\absolute=\absoluteposition % historical
+\global\let\relative=\relativeposition % historical
+% ====== update #1 by #2 r@elpos to #3, #4 is max #5 is min=======
+\gdef\u@pdate#1#2#3#4#5{\ifr@elpos \advance #1 by #2\else
+ \advance #2 by #3\relax
+ #1=#2\fi
+ \ifnum #1>#4\global #4=#1\fi
+ \ifnum #1<#5\global #5=#1\fi
+ }
+\gdef\h@update #1{\u@pdate{\h@pos}{#1}{\h@segoff}{\maxhpospix}{\minhpospix}}
+\gdef\v@update #1{\u@pdate{\v@pos}{#1}{\v@segoff}{\maxvpospix}{\minvpospix}}
+% === pixel position r@elpos to initial offset starting position
+\newcount\h@pos \h@pos=0
+\newcount\v@pos \v@pos=0
+\newcount\r@ang \r@ang=0 % 1000 times degrees ?
+% ===== Check for pen up moves only =====
+% penup/down are used to determine whether a line needs to be stroked
+% when a line pattern or penwidth is changed.
+ \gnewif{\ifp@down}{\p@downtrue}{\p@downfalse}
+% ===== present segment origin and rotation ==========
+\newcount\r@segoff % 1000 times degrees
+% segment initialization is a trifle messy
+\gdef\s@eginit{\h@segoff =\h@pos \v@segoff=\v@pos}
+% PS has the concept of a path that is either
+% completed with a "stroke" or "fill" ... stroking
+% at the end or beginning of a segment, the special is written out. This is
+% to ensure that the input order of the graphics reflects what entities are
+% on top of what others. Further it is assumed that the origin does not
+% change during an entire \btg ...\etg section. This means that every special
+% must first move to the point where the previous one left off. \s@save
+% defines \s@restore that restores, in case they had been modified, the line
+% width, pattern, hpos, vpos, ... and any future things that need restoration.
+% all graphic specials are ended with a stroke (st), whether it needs it not.
+% we need a special form to force a space after a \the\nnn form or \p@w
+\gdef\b@{ }
+ \edef\o@form{}\s@save}
+\gdef\s@pout #1#2{\edef\e@form{\special{#1\s@restore\o@form#2}}\dmess{\e@form}\e@form
+ \edef\o@form{}\s@save}
+%\h@vset if there is a move before each special
+\gdef\g@raphout{\ifx\empty\o@form \else \ifp@down
+ \s@pout{\p@sinline td begin }{ st end }\fi\fi\p@downfalse}
+% ====== Segment and units scaling ========
+% The units in any segment may be scaled arbitrarily. A unit scale is local
+% to a segment but affects enclosed segments unless specifically overidden
+% in that segment. In addition there is a graph or segment scale. This
+% scaling factor is accumulative and is applied on top of the unit scale.
+% These two scaling factors allow for a segment to be designed in nominal
+% units, scaled to a nominal size and then be affected by relative scaling
+% of an entire graph or segment. In addition there is a relative/absolute
+% scale switch that allows for any segment to be unaffected by a graphscale.
+% \u@nitsc -- present unit scale, \s@egsc -- present segment scale
+% \g@rsc -- present graphscale ... changes when ever either of the former do.
+% present implementation does not allow separate v h scaling
+% ------ Relative/Absolute Scale ------
+% ----- unit scale -----
+\gdef\unitscale#1 {\edef\u@nitsc{#1}\newgraphscale}
+\global\let\graphscale=\unitscale % Historical
+% ----- Segment Scale -----
+\gdef\segmentscale#1 {\ifr@elscale \realmult{#1}{\s@egsc}{\s@egsc}\else
+ \edef\s@egsc{#1}\fi
+ \newgraphscale}
+% ---- Graph Scale --------
+% This changes whenever either of the above change
+% ------ "Real" Multiplication --------
+% These functions use the fact that a box dimension may be scaled by
+% a real. The final step is to "clean" off the pt on the resulting dim
+% Cleans off the pt in a dimension ... pt has catcode 12
+{\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12
+% #1 and #2 are multiplicands #3 is a command to capture result
+ \edef\R@M{\the\dimen0}\expandafter\c@lean\R@M\edef#3{\cx}}
+ \edef\R@M{\the\dimen0}\expandafter\c@lean\R@M\edef#3{\cx}}
+% -------- Command to convert nominal values to pixels ------
+% #1 is a decimal number, #2 must be a count, #3 is sp/pix
+% This includes all scalings
+% ------- special forms to update positions ------
+%dummy variables
+% ====== end macros for converting dimensions
+% ======== Some more Utility Macros ========
+% ======== recursive macros ========
+\gdef\e@xtend #1#2{\let\d@x=#1\edef #1{\d@x #2}}
+\xdef\s@pin{ }
+\gdef\s@pexpand #1 #2!{\e@xtend{\s@pex}{#1\s@pin}\edef\t@x{#2}\ifx\t@x\empty\relax \else
+ \s@pexpand #2!\fi}
+% ========== A Do Loop Construction =========
+% \do <something> for <number of times>\od
+% This is a specialization of the \loop in Plain.
+\gdef\do #1 for #2\od{\d@count=#2\loop #1 \ifnum\d@count>1\advance
+ \d@count by -1\repeat}
+% ========= Graphics specials =======
+\gdef\penwidth #1 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\edef\p@w{\the\d@umc}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\p@w\b@ sl }\fi}
+\gdef\linecap #1 {\edef\s@lc{#1}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\s@lc\b@ slc }\fi}
+\gdef\linejoin #1 {\edef\s@lj{#1}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\s@lj\b@ slj }\fi}
+\gdef\lpatt p:#1 {\edef\v@p{#1 0}\ifp@down \g@save
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{st \g@restore }
+ \else \e@xtend{\o@form}{\v@p\b@ sd }\fi}
+% ==== parameters are in units of the nominal dimension \g@dim ======
+\gdef\p@move #1#2#3{\i@h{#1}\i@v{#2}\e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ #3 }}
+\gdef\lvec h:#1 v:#2 {\p@move{#1}{#2}{lv}\p@downtrue} %draws a line
+\gdef\move h:#1 v:#2 {\p@move{#1}{#2}{mv}} %moves
+% ====== a general vector with dimensions in pixels ======
+% ========= General pixel dim vector ==========
+\gdef\lpix h:#1 v:#2 f:#3 {\e@xtend{\o@form}{ #1 #2 #3 }}
+%============== puts TeX text at this position
+% These are pure TeX macros that use \h@pos and \v@pos for orientation
+% Text may be put horizontally (left/right) or vertically (down/up)
+% ======== sp form of \h@pos and \v@pos respectively ========
+ \genpixtopt{\t@hpos}{\d@umc}{\h@pix}{}{}\relax
+ \d@umc=\v@pos
+ \genpixtopt{\t@vpos}{\d@umc}{\v@pix}{}{}\relax}
+% any one of nine reference point may be specified on the
+% TeX box. This is Vertical T,C,B and Horizontal L,C,R
+% The actual box is 0 height and width.
+% #1 LCR default/error L #2 TCB default/error T #3 text -- in hbox
+% Sets the box glues \lhglue \rhglue \tvglue \bvglue
+% #1 x/h ref, #2 v/y ref
+\gdef\textref h:#1 v:#2 {\ifx#1R\edef\lhglue{\hss}\edef\rhglue{}\else
+ \ifx#1C\edef\lhglue{\hss}\edef\rhglue{\hss}\else
+ \edef\lhglue{}\edef\rhglue{\hss}\fi\fi
+ \ifx#2B\edef\tvglue{\vss}\edef\bvglue{}\else
+ \ifx#2C\edef\tvglue{\vss}\edef\bvglue{\vss}\else
+ \edef\tvglue{}\edef\bvglue{\vss}\fi\fi}
+\newcount\h@oldmaxpos \newcount\v@oldmaxpos
+ %needed to save max pos when texgraph is inside an h/vtext
+% ========== assumes driver location at initial \btg entry ========
+% #1 text #2 - begin rotation form #3 - end rotation form
+ \v@oldmaxpos=\maxvpospix\relax
+ \edef\h@oldgrsc{\h@grsc}\edef\v@oldgrsc{\v@grsc}\s@ettpos
+ \setbox\t@box=\vbox{\normalbaselines
+ \vskip\t@vpos\hbox{\hskip\t@hpos
+ \t@init{#2}\relax
+ \vbox to 0pt{\normalbaselines
+ \tvglue\hbox to 0pt{\lhglue\hbox{#1}\rhglue
+ }\bvglue}}}\relax
+ \dp\t@box=0pt\ht\t@box=0pt\wd\t@box=0pt
+ \box\t@box
+ \t@fin{#3}
+ \global\maxhpospix=\h@oldmaxpos\relax
+ \global\maxvpospix=\v@oldmaxpos\relax
+ \xdef\h@grsc{\h@oldgrsc}\edef\v@grsc{\v@oldgrsc}}
+ % saves maxh(v)pospix on stack
+% ========== PS text initializations and terminations ===========
+\gdef\t@init#1{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gr gs
+ \t@rhv #1 \t@rneghv end }}
+\gdef\t@fin#1{\special{\p@sinline td begin \h@vinit gr gs \m@vhv \t@rhv \p@hv end }}
+% .... special test
+% ... end special test
+\long\gdef\htext #1 {\m@text{#1}{}{}}
+\long\gdef\vtext #1 {\m@text{#1}{ 90 \r@tdir rt }{}}
+\long\gdef\rtext d:#1 t:#2 {\m@text{#2}{ #1 \r@tdir rt }{}}
+\long\gdef\rstext d:#1 sc:#2 t:#3 {\m@text{#3}{ #1 \r@tdir rt #2 #2 sc }{}}
+% ========= Various Restore forms ========
+\gdef\g@save{\edef\g@restore{\p@w\b@ sl \v@p\b@ sd \s@lc\b@ slc \s@lj\b@ slj
+ np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+\gdef\s@save{\edef\s@restore{\p@w\b@ sl \v@p\b@ sd \s@lc\b@ slc \s@lj\b@ slj
+ np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% ======== circle, arcs =========
+% The PS arc will connect the center of the arc to the circumference
+% if the newpath includes the move to this point. Thus we define a
+% set of arc functions that include/exclude this feature. The default
+% does not include this form.
+\gdef\larc r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{ st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arc
+ st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+\gdef\lcir r:#1 {\larc r:#1 sd:0 ed:360 }
+% ------ this is a raw arc ... can be used in fills --------
+\gdef\arcc r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arc }}
+\gdef\arcn r:#1 sd:#2 ed:#3 {\h@num{#1}{\d@umc}\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@
+ \the\d@umc\b@ #2 #3 arcn }}
+% ======= fill command ==========
+% The fill command is essentially a polygonal fill ... not a point spreading
+% this means that it is possible to erase with white ... The form here
+% completes with a closepath applies the fill, starts a newpath and moves
+% to the current point. Pattern is a grey level.
+% 0 is black 1 is white
+\gdef\pfill p:#1 {\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{cp #1 sg fill np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% this form both fills and strokes around the path
+\gdef\lpfill p:#1 {\p@downtrue
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{cp gs #1 sg fill gr st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mv }}
+% ======== Postscript special forms ========
+% This allows "raw" postscript to be put in the graph.
+\gdef\pst #1{\e@xtend{\o@form}{#1 }}
+% These are some useful postscript compatible forms.
+\gdef\closepath{\e@xtend{\o@form}{cp }}
+\gdef\newpath{\e@xtend{\o@form}{np }}
+\gdef\stroke{\e@xtend{\o@form}{st }}
+% ========= including external files ==========
+% an external file is included at the present point on the graph area
+% moves are required to get there
+% The actual file is placed inside a \t@box and tex commands are used
+% to get to the place ... They probably can be nested
+% #1 is the filename
+% The file is opened, if possible, to read its size. If this exists, it
+% is used to update the maximum h/v position.
+% The BoundingBox is determined
+% #1 is the file name
+% #1 == %%BoundingBox, #2 llh #3 llv #4 urh #5 urv #6 rest of line
+\gdef\l@shift{\ifx\l@lh\empty \xdef\l@lh{\l@lv}\xdef\l@lv{\u@rh}\xdef
+ \u@rh{\u@rv}\xdef\u@rv{\e@xt}\fi}
+ \global\b@boxexiststrue\q@readfalse\bmess{<< At End Test >>}\fi}
+\long\gdef\q@inline #1:#2 #3 #4 #5 #6 #7//{\xdef
+ \q@bbtest{#1}\xdef\l@lh{#2}\xdef
+ \l@lv{#3}\xdef\u@rh{#4}\xdef\u@rv{#5}\xdef
+ \e@xt{#6}\ifx\q@bbtest\B@Box
+ \a@tendtest\fi
+ \ifeof\q@file \q@readfalse \fi}
+ \message{<< \bbmess -- \f@ilename>>}\q@readtrue
+ \loop \relax \ifq@read\r@eadline\repeat}
+\gdef\r@eadline{ {\uncat \global\read\q@file to\q@parms }
+ \expandafter\q@inline\q@parms {}:{\relax} {\relax} {\relax} {\relax}
+{\relax} \relax//\bmess{<<\q@parms>>}}
+\gdef\g@etpsize #1{{\catcode`\%=12\openin\q@file = #1\relax
+ \edef\q@parms{}\global\q@filetrue\xdef\f@ilename{#1}
+ \ifeof\q@file \message{<<\noincfile: #1 >>}\relax
+ \global\q@filefalse\else
+ \s@bbox
+ \closein\q@file\fi}}
+} % end of % disable
+\newcount\h@px \newcount\v@px \newcount\h@mx \newcount\v@mx
+ \global\h@mx=\minhpospix\global\v@mx=\minvpospix}
+ \global\minhpospix=\h@mx\global\minvpospix\v@mx}
+\gdef\filerotate#1{\edef\f@rt{ XposR YposR tr #1 \r@tdir rt XposR neg
+ YposR neg tr }}
+\gdef\filescale #1{\edef\f@sc{#1 #1 sc \f@schv}}
+\gdef\p@fileinit{ td begin \h@vinit gr gs \f@rt \t@rhv \f@sc end
+ /texgraph save def /showpage {} def }
+\xdef\p@filefin{ texgraph restore }
+\gdef\includefile #1 {\incscfile f:#1 sc:1 d:0 }
+\gdef\incscfile f:#1 sc:#2 d:#3 {\g@etpsize{#1}\ifb@boxexists
+ \message{<<\incfile: #1 >>}\realadd{\u@rh}{-\l@lh}{\p@lh}
+ \realadd{\u@rv}{-\l@lv}{\p@lv}
+ \realmult{\p@lh}{.5}{\p@lhh}
+ \realmult{\p@lv}{.5}{\p@lvh}
+ \beginsegment
+ \segmentscale #2
+ \global\let\g@dimo=\g@dim
+ \graphdim pt
+ \mvec h:{\p@lh} v:{\p@lv}
+ \mvec h:{\p@lhh} v:{\p@lvh}
+ \m@text{}{ /XposR \Xpos\b@ def
+ /YposR \Ypos\b@ def }{}
+ \endsegment
+ \s@avemaxpos
+ \beginsegment \segmentscale #2
+ \mvec h:{-\l@lh} v:{\u@rv}
+ \htext{\filescale{#2}\filerotate{#3}\relax
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@fileinit }
+ \special{\p@sfile #1 }
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@filefin }}
+ \endsegment
+ \r@estoremaxpos
+ \global\let\g@dim=\g@dimo
+ \else\message{<<\badincfile: #1 >>}\fi }
+\gdef\incscmvfile f:#1 sc:#2 d:#3 h:#4 v:#5 {\g@etpsize{#1}\ifb@boxexists
+ \message{<<\incfile: #1 >>}\realadd{\u@rh}{-\l@lh}{\p@lh}
+ \realadd{\u@rv}{-\l@lv}{\p@lv}
+ \realmult{\p@lh}{.5}{\p@lhh}
+ \realmult{\p@lv}{.5}{\p@lvh}
+ \ifx#4L \edef\f@h{0}\else \ifx#4C \edef\f@h{1} \else \edef\f@h{2}\fi\fi
+ \ifx#5T \edef\f@v{0}\else \ifx#5C \edef\f@v{1} \else\edef\f@v{2}\fi\fi
+ \realmult{\p@lhh}{\f@h}{\h@off}
+ \realmult{\p@lvh}{\f@v}{\v@off}
+ \beginsegment
+ \segmentscale #2
+ \global\let\g@dimo=\g@dim
+ \graphdim pt
+ \mvec h:{-\h@off} v:{-\v@off}
+ \beginsegment
+ \mvec h:{\p@lh} v:{\p@lv}
+ \mvec h:{\p@lhh} v:{\p@lvh}
+ \m@text{}{ /XposR \Xpos\b@ def
+ /YposR \Ypos\b@ def }{}
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment
+ \s@avemaxpos
+ \beginsegment \segmentscale #2
+ \mvec h:{-\l@lh} v:{\u@rv}
+ \beginsegment
+ \mvec h:{-\h@off} v:{-\v@off}
+ \htext{\filescale{#2}\filerotate{#3}\relax
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@fileinit }
+ \special{\p@sfile #1 }
+ \special{\p@sinline\p@filefin }}
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment
+ \r@estoremaxpos
+ \global\let\g@dim=\g@dimo
+ \else\message{<<\badincfile: #1 >>}\fi }
+% ============ Design Grid ==============
+% This will lay down a grid at the present location. The grid nominally
+% at unit dimension intervals. The scale factor sc modifies this. The
+% sc is local only to the grid
+\gdef\grid nh:#1 nv:#2 sc:#3 {\gcount= #1
+ \beginsegment
+ \relative
+ \penwidth .005
+ \graphscale #3
+ \beginsegment
+ \loop \lvec h:#2 v:0
+ \move h:-#2 v:1
+ \ifnum \gcount > 1
+ \advance\gcount by -1 \repeat
+ \endsegment
+ \gcount = #2
+ \beginsegment
+ \loop \lvec h:0 v:#1
+ \move h:1 v:-#1
+ \ifnum \gcount > 1
+ \advance\gcount by -1 \repeat
+ \endsegment
+ \endsegment}
+%========= end design grid ================
+% =========== Arrow Vectors ==============
+% There are three types of arrow heads, filled, open V and triangle
+% These are always placed on the end of a vector.
+% The basic design has the arrow head which is placed on the vector
+% It theoretically can be placed on any curve where the angle is known or
+% computable.
+% Parameter specification for arrowheads.
+% #1 -- length #2 -- width
+% The dimensions are interpreted at current graphscale in force and
+% are local to the segment group.
+\gdef\arrowheadscale{\arrowheadsize l:.16 w:.04 }
+\gdef\arrowheadsize l:#1 w:#2 {\grdimtopix{#1}{\a@len}{\h@pix
+ }\grdimtopix{#2}{\a@wid}{\h@pix
+ }}
+% postcript commands for inidividual arrow form
+\gdef\arrowheadtype t:#1 {\ifx#1T\edef\a@com{cp gs 1 sg fill gr st }\else
+ \ifx#1F\edef\a@com{cp 0 sg fill }\else
+ \edef\a@com{st }\fi\fi}
+% assumes that the dh and dv is in \h@lp \v@lp and present location is tip
+% of arrowhead
+\gdef\a@draw{st np \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@ mx
+ \the\v@lp\b@ neg \the\h@lp\b@ at
+ -\the\a@len\b@ \the\a@wid\b@ mv 0 0 lv
+ -\the\a@len\b@ -\the\a@wid\b@ lv
+ \a@com gr }
+\gdef\avec h:#1 v:#2 {\h@lp=\h@pos\relax \v@lp=\v@pos\relax
+ \lvec h:#1 v:#2 \advance\h@lp by -\h@pos\relax
+ \advance\v@lp by -\v@pos\relax
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\a@draw}}
+% ============= End Arrow Vectors =============
+% ========= Bezier Curve ==========
+% this is a cubic spline that is determined by four points. The initial
+% point is assumed to be the current point. An arrow is easily added.
+\gdef\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 {\i@h{#1}\d@uma=\h@pos
+ \i@v{#2}\d@umb=\v@pos\i@h{#3}\d@ume=\h@pos\i@v{#4}\d@umd=\v@pos
+ \i@h{#5}\i@v{#6}\e@xtend{\o@form}{\the\d@uma\b@ \the\d@umb\b@
+ \the\d@ume\b@ \the\d@umd\b@ \the\h@pos\b@ \the\v@pos\b@
+ cv }\p@downtrue}
+\gdef\clv (#1 #2) (#3 #4) (#5 #6){\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 }
+\gdef\cavec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 {\clvec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6
+ \h@lp=\d@ume \relax \v@lp=\d@umd \relax
+ \advance\h@lp by -\h@pos\relax
+ \advance\v@lp by -\v@pos\relax
+ \e@xtend{\o@form}{\a@draw}}
+\gdef\cav (#1 #2) (#3 #4) (#5 #6){\cavec h1:#1 v1:#2 h2:#3 v2:#4 h3:#5 v3:#6 }
+% ======= default values =========
+% These are reset each time \btg is called
+\gdef\t@exgraphdef{\setbox0=\hbox{}\graphdim in
+\hpix 300/in % INRS Default
+\vpix 300/in % INRS Default
+\printhv 1 1 % DVIPS 300 dpi
+\filehv 4.17 -4.17 % DVIPS 300/72
+\rtdir neg % DVIPS
+\def\h@grsc{1}\def\v@grsc{1}%sets default hor/vert scales
+\unitscale 1
+\penwidth .015
+\lpatt p:{[]}
+\linecap 1
+\linejoin 1
+\arrowheadsize l:.16 w:.04
+\arrowheadtype t:T
+\textref h:L v:T }
+\xdef\s@egsc{1}% initial default