path: root/macros/hptex/dochc.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/hptex/dochc.tex
Initial commit
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diff --git a/macros/hptex/dochc.tex b/macros/hptex/dochc.tex
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index 0000000000..1b287b14e5
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+++ b/macros/hptex/dochc.tex
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+% *** Source for hardcopy of Documentation for HP TeX Macros ***
+% Copyright 1984 Hewlett-Packard Co.
+\def\itempar{\smallskip\itemset@\@ne\@ne\empty} \catcode`@=12
+\def\spacechar{\hskip1pt\lower3pt\vbox{ \hbox to 5pt
+ {\vrule height4pt width.009in \hfill
+ \vrule height4pt width.009in} \hrule depth.009in
+ height0pt}\hskip2pt}
+\def\evenheading{\vbox{\hbox to \hsize{\eightrm Page \folio\hfil\HPTEX}
+ \nointerlineskip\vskip2pt
+ \hbox{\vrule width \hsize height .4pt}}}
+\def\oddheading{\vbox{\hbox to \hsize{\eightrm Documentation\hfil Page \folio}
+ \nointerlineskip\vskip2pt
+ \hbox{\vrule width \hsize height .4pt}}}
+ \else\ifodd\pageno\oddheading\else\evenheading\fi\fi}
+\def\NOTE#1:{\itemlist{\hbox to .7in{NOTE\hfil#1}:}}
+\centerline{\twelvebf DOCUMENTATION FOR \HPTEX\ MACROS}\footnote{}{\hskip-.76in
+ \eightrm\copyright 1984 Hewlett-Packard Co.}
+\centerline{version A.00.00, Feb. 14, 1984.}
+\NOTE 1: PLAIN is read in as a separate file.
+\NOTE 2: ``@'' temporarily becomes a letter so that \HPTEX\ can use the
+ internal control sequences of PLAIN, and to avoid conflict between
+ the internal control sequences of \HPTEX\ and user names.
+\NOTE 3: This defines leaders used in the table of contents macros.
+\NOTE 4: \HPTEX\ has fonts available in sizes from 5 points to 24 points. The
+ fonts loaded in Plain are listed as comments to make it easier to
+ verify the fonts available.
+\NOTE 5: In case a font is used in a write or message.
+\NOTE 6: \\fontdef\#1\#2 defines the control sequence for the font, but the
+ font is not loaded until the first time the control sequence is
+ actually used. The first parameter is the control sequence to be
+ defined; the second is the external font name.
+\NOTE 7: These macros set the family and the background style. Then, using
+ \\setfont, they set the current font.
+\NOTE 8: These macros set the background font size, and then use \\setfont to
+ set the current font. \\baselineskip and \\strutbox are set to
+ values appropriate to the font size. The fonts in families 0, 1,
+ and 2 are changed to appropriate sizes. The fonts that are not
+ already loaded, are not loaded unless they are needed by an entry
+ into either math mode or display mode.
+\NOTE 9: \\tryfont\#1 sets \\nofont@ to true if the control sequence determine
+ by the current background font size and style (\#1) has not yet been
+ defined. If the control sequence does exist, \\nofont@ is set to
+ false, and the control sequence is invoked.
+\NOTE 10: \\setfont uses \\tryfont to set the current font based on the
+ background font size and style. If there is no control sequence
+ defined for that font, then \\tryfont is used again to check for a
+ font with the background size and in roman style. If there is
+ still no control sequence defined for that font, the size ten and
+ style roman is tried. This will always succeed in \HPTEX.
+ \itempar\\{f}fam will be a third factor in determining the current
+ font when other font families become available.
+\NOTE 11: The default values in \HPTEX\ are family0 and font \\tenrm, with a
+ background style of roman, a background size of ten points, and a
+ superscript/subscript size of seven points.
+\section{LINE MACROS}
+\NOTE 12: These line setting macros take \\leftskip and \\rightskip into
+ account.
+\section{MORE MACROS}
+\NOTE 13: This replaces Knuth's definition of \\narrower. \\narrow@ is used in
+ the note and warning macros.
+\NOTE 14: \\need is followed by a dimension x. It uses \\need@ to determine
+ if x space remains on the page, and if not, causes an eject to
+ the next page.
+ \itempar\\need@ depends on \\okbreak which merely encourages a page
+ break at that point. Its effect is dependent on its nearness to
+ the bottom of the page, and whether the text following the \\need
+ fits completely on the page or not.
+\NOTE 15: \\for provides a for-loop. Parameter \#1 (\\fcount@) contains the
+ variable name; \#2 is the initial value of the variable; \#3
+ (\\fexit@) is the terminating value; \#4 (\\floop@) contains the
+ instructions to be done in the loop. The loop will not execute
+ unless the initial value (\#2) is less than or equal to the
+ terminating value (\#3). \\next@ is set to \\fnext@.
+\NOTE 16: \\fnext@ provides the looping capability for \\for. It executes
+ \\floop@ and then checks to see if \\fcount@ has reached the
+ terminating value. If it hasn't, then \\fcount@ is incremented. If
+ the terminating value has been reached, \\next@ is set to \\relax.
+ \\next@ is then entered and depending on its current meaning, either
+ the loop is repeated via \\fnext@, or \\relax ends the looping.
+\NOTE 17: \\uline\#1 makes a \\vbox containing \#1 with a horizontal rule .23em
+ under its baseline, and then creates an \\hbox containing the vbox
+ lowered by the amount necessary to place the baseline of \#1 in line
+ with the baseline of the current line of text.
+\NOTE 18: \\start\#1 and \\finish\#1 define local nestable blocks. In the
+ event of any error, the error message is delayed until corrections
+ are complete.
+\NOTE 19: \\start\#1 uses \\{if}invalid@ to determine if \#1 is a valid
+ blockname. If it is, a block (group) is begun and \\blockname@
+ stores \#1 as the name of the current block. The control sequence
+ \\BEGIN\#1 is invoked and \\Error is called to print out any error
+ messages.
+\NOTE 20: \\finish\#1 calls \\{if}invalid@ to determine if \#1 is a valid
+ blockname. If it is valid, \\matchup@ is called to close block \#1.
+ \\Error is called to print out any error messages.
+\NOTE 21: \\{if}invalid@\#1 tests to see if the control sequence \\BEGIN\#1
+ has been defined. If it has not been defined, it is ignored
+ and \\errset is called to store an error message.
+\NOTE 22: \\matchup@\#1 closes blocks as follows: if a \\finish is used when no
+ block currently exists, it is ignored. if a finish does not match
+ the current blockname, blocks are closed until either a match is
+ found or all blocks are closed. The parameter is the parameter to
+ \\finish.
+\NOTE 23: \\done closes the current block.
+\NOTE 24: These macros are used for general purpose error handling.
+ \\errfalse clears the error status. \\errset assumes an argument of
+ an error message; any use of \\errset sets the error status and
+ produces an error message when \\Error is encountered.
+\NOTE 25: \\mon sets the current month with the current font.
+\NOTE 26: \\date sets the current date: \langle month\rangle
+ \langle day\rangle,
+ \langle year\rangle.
+\NOTE 27: \\hour sets the current time of day in 12 hour format:
+ \langle hour\rangle:\langle minutes\rangle \langle AM or PM\rangle.
+\NOTE 28: The switch \\{if}indent acts as a flag to indicate when \\indentstyle
+ is being used. This is used in \\indentstyle, \\noindentstyle, and
+ \\indentspace.
+\NOTE 29: \\indentstyle sets \\parindent to \\indentsize. If \\indentstyle is
+ already in effect, \\parskip is not changed. If \\indentstyle is
+ not already in effect, \\parskip is decreased by 5 points.
+\NOTE 30: \\noindentstyle sets \\parindent to zero points. If \\indentstyle is
+ in effect, \\parskip is increased by 5 points, otherwise it is not
+ changed.
+\NOTE 31: \\indentspace will update \\parindent only if \\indentstyle is in
+ effect.
+\section{RAGGED MARGIN}
+\NOTE 32: \\fixmargin@ preserves the original \\rightskip.
+\NOTE 33: \\justify undoes the effects of \\raggedright by returning to the
+ original \\rightskip, and resetting the interword and intersentence
+ space to the default values.
+\NOTE 34: \\raggedright saves the original \\rightskip with \\fixmargin@, adds
+ some stretch to \\rightskip, and if \\tt is not in effect, fixes the
+ interword and intersentence spaces.
+\NOTE 35: \\tt@ is used in \\raggedright in the \\ifx comparison. It is
+ necessary if the comparison is to succeed.
+\NOTE 36: \\itemset@ takes three parameters: \#1 specifies the left
+ indentation (in multiples of \\inset), \#2 should be the sum of the
+ left and right indentation (in multiples of \\inset), and \#3 is
+ the tag to be hung to the left of the item. The line size is in
+ \\dimen@. \\parshape is used to build the paragraph. The tag (\#3)
+ is hung to the left of the paragraph.
+\NOTE 37: \\itemlist\#1 is syntactically the same as \\item, however
+ \\itemlist preserves \\leftskip and \\right\-skip, and both the
+ left and right margins are indented by the value of \\inset. The
+ parameter contains the tag for the item. Each time \\itemlist is
+ used, the subitem tag is reset, and the item tag is incremented if
+ appropriate.
+\NOTE 38: \\subitem\#1 is syntactically the same as \\itemitem, however left an
+ rightskip are preserved, and both the left and right margins are
+ indented by twice the value of \\inset. The parameter contains the
+ tag for the subitem. Each time \\subitem is used, the subitem tag
+ is incremented, if appropriate.
+\NOTE 39: \\itempar creates a paragraph identical to that created by \\itemlist
+ except it will have an empty tag. It can be used for the second
+ paragraph of an item.
+\NOTE 40: \\subitempar creates a paragraph like that created by \\subitem, but
+ with an empty tag.
+\NOTE 41: The definition of a tag must do three things:
+ \inset1in\itempar (1) define a control sequence
+ \\reset[sub]items which will be used to restart tag allocation
+ between lists;
+ \itempar (2) restart tag allocation;
+ \itempar (3) define a control sequence \\[sub]itemtag to
+ produce a tag.
+ \inset.825in
+ \itempar\\icount@ (\\scount@) holds the value used to determine
+ the current item (subitem) tag for numbered and lettered tags.
+ \itempar\\idigit@ (\\sdigit@) is used with lettered tags to keep
+ track of how many times the item [subitem] tags have gone through
+ the alphabet without being reset.
+\NOTE 42: \\itemn@\#1 is used in the allocation of numbered tags. The
+ parameter is either \\icount@ or \\scount@.
+\NOTE 43: \\itemr@\#1 is used in the allocation of lower case Roman tags. The
+ parameter is either \\icount@ or \\scount@.
+\NOTE 44: \\itemR@\#1 is used in the allocation of upper case Roman tags.
+ The parameter is either \\icount@ or \\scount@.
+\NOTE 45: \\iteml@\#1\#2 is used in the allocation of lettered tags. If the
+ end of the alphabet is reached, it begins again with ``aa'' or
+ ``AA''. The first parameter is either \\icount@ or \\scount@. The
+ second parameter is either \\idigit@ or \\sdigit@.
+\NOTE 46: \\item@\#1,\#2,\#3 takes three parameters: \#1 is the initial value o
+ \\icount@ (item counter), \#2 is the value of \\idigit@ which is
+ used to print out the appropriate number of letters when using
+ letters as tags, and \#3 is the definition of the \\itemtag. It
+ defines \\resetitems to be the initialization of \\icount@ and
+ \\idigit@.
+\NOTE 47: \\itm does not take a parameter. It uses the current \\itemtag
+ as the parameter to \\itemlist. If the \\itemtag is numbers or
+ letters, a period is appended to the tag.
+\NOTE 48: \\subitem@ is similar to \\item@.
+\NOTE 49: \\sitm is the subitem macro equivalent to \\itm for item.
+\NOTE 50: The defaults are \\numbereditems and \\letteredsubitems. The
+ execution of these macros defines \\itemtag, \\subitemtag,
+ \\resetitems, and \\resetsubitems.
+\NOTE 51: \\BEGINnote defines the blockname ``note'' and sets the indentation
+ at twice the left and right skip amounts.
+\NOTE 52: \\BEGINwarning defines the blockname ``warning,'' sets the indentatio
+ to twice the left and rightskip amounts, and places a horizontal
+ rule above the text. \\ENDwarning places a horizontal rule below
+ the text.
+\NOTE 53: \\marginrule\#1 defines an \\hrule limited by \\leftskip and
+ \\rightskip. Its only parameter specifies the height of the rule.
+\section{VERBATIM MODE}
+\NOTE 54: In verbatim mode, all characters except (\\), ($\{$) and ($\}$)
+ are treated
+ verbatim. Characters that cannot be extracted from the current font
+ are taken from the math font and given a fixed space equal to the
+ space of the current font.
+\NOTE 55: These macros make the verbatim mode use less memory. Multiple lines
+ and spaces are lumped together to make one large glob of glue
+ rather than many small globs.
+ \itempar The carriage return is made into an active character, and
+ given the meaning of \\lumpline@. \\lumpline@ accumulates
+ sequential carriage returns into one lump of vertical glue in
+ \\skip@.
+ \itempar ``\\{\spacechar}'' is made into an active character, and
+ given the meaning of \\lumpspace@. \\lumpspace@ accumulates
+ sequential spaces into one lump of horizontal glue in \\skip@.
+\NOTE 56: \\newpage first balances multi-column format which transfers the
+ contents of \\box 255 to \\contrb@, so it always looks like the
+ page is empty immediately afterwards. The box \\contrb@ is checked
+ to see if the page is really empty.
+ \itempar If \\newpage occurs at the bottom of a full page, the
+ \\null\\vfill remains in recent contributions and causes an extra
+ page to be ejected. The workaround is to insert an \\eject in the
+ document just before the \\newpage (or the macro containing the
+ \\newpage).
+ \itempar The same problem occurs with \\evenpage and \\oddpage, and
+ the same workaround is effective.
+\NOTE 57: Headlines and footlines are constructed as follows:
+ \inset1in
+ \itempar (1) under normal conditions the centered heading or
+ footing is centered, but in the event that one (or more) of the
+ headings or footings are too wide, space is distributed if possible
+ so there is no overlap. The macro triplehead@ does this.
+ \itempar (2) inside and outside headings and footings have priority
+ over left and right headings and footings. \\buildline takes care
+ of this.
+ \inset.825in
+ \itempar Notice that if the tokens in an \\hbox have width 0pt, it
+ is assumed they are empty.
+ \itempar The macros and token registers associated with headings
+ and footings should be used near forced page breaks or at the
+ begining of the document. TeX scans ahead when building a page, so
+ the use of these macros could affect the previous page.
+\NOTE 58: \\buildline decides which tokens will be on the left and right of
+ the headline or footline that is being constructed. \\lft and \\rght
+ hold the numbers of the boxes containing the tokens to be placed on
+ the left and right sides of the line. They are initialized to the
+ boxes for \\leftheading and \\rightheading. If the box containing the
+ \\insideheading (\\box3) is not empty, then for an odd page \\lft is
+ set to 3, and for an even page \\rght is set to 3.
+ \itempar If the box containing the \\outsideheading (\\box4) is not
+ empty, then for an odd page \\rght is set to 4, and for an even
+ page \\lft is set to 4.
+ \itempar \\triplehead is called to actually construct the line.
+\NOTE 59: \\triplehead\#1\#2\#3 requires three parameters. \#1 is the number of
+ the box that is to go to the left, \#2 is the box number for the
+ center, and \#3 is the box number for the right. \\skip@ is the glue
+ to go between the left and center boxes, and \\skip@ii is the glue
+ to go between the center and right boxes.
+ \itempar If the width of the left box is greater than the width of
+ the right box, \\skip@ii is increased by the difference, otherwise,
+ \\skip@ is increased by the difference.
+ \itempar The line is then built by stringing together the boxes and
+ glue.
+\NOTE 60: \\loadbox\#1\#2 takes two parameters: \#1 is the box number, \#2 is t
+ token list to be put in the box.
+\NOTE 61: \\headline checks to see if headings are turned on or off. If on,
+ it loads the appropriate boxes with the various heading token
+ lists and calls \\buildline. If off, it adds horizontal glue, and
+ if \\suspendheading is in effect, updates the \\headcount.
+\NOTE 62: \\footline is similar to \\headline.
+\section{BOX MACROS}
+\NOTE 63: \\boxit\#1 takes as its parameter the text to be placed in the box,
+ and can be used when a real box is wanted, e.g.,
+ \\setbox0\\boxit$\{${$\ldots$}$\}$.
+ \\boxit uses \\halign to center the lines of text, separated by \\cr,
+ within the box.
+ \itempar The value of \\boxline determines the thickness of the
+ rule around the box. The value of \\boxspace determines the amount
+ of space between the rule and the text.
+\NOTE 64: \\centerbox\#1 takes as its parameter the text to be boxed, and then
+ uses \\centerline to center the box resulting from \\boxit\#1. The box
+ is separated from surrounding text by \\abovedisplayskip and
+ \\belowdisplayskip.
+\NOTE 65: \\textbox\#1 takes as its parameter the text to be boxed. It places
+ the boxed text in the current line (or begins a new paragraph if
+ encountered in vertical mode) with the baseline of the enclosed
+ text lined up with the baseline of the line.
+\section{HP2680A and HP2688A COPY CONTROL MACROS}
+\NOTE 66: These commands control the number of copies per page. Owing to the
+ synchronization problems associated with TeX, these should only be
+ used near forced page ejects or at the begining of a document.
+ \itempar \\globalspecial writes the parameter to the postamble of
+ the PIF file.
+ \itempar \\copycnt contains the number of the register that the PIF
+ server will look in to find the number of copies desired.
+ \itempar \\oldcopy contains the number of copies desired. The
+ default is two, so if \\copieson is invoked before the user has
+ used \\copies\langle n\rangle, two copies will be generated.
+\NOTE 67: \\lpcount@ holds the number of the register to be interpreted
+ by the PIF driver for explicit logical page control.
+ \itempar\\nextlp@ holds the page control number to be put into
+ \\count\\lpcount@.
+ \itempar These macros avoid the synchronization problems of TeX by
+ interjecting a page eject at an appropriate time. At the beginning
+ of the document and after each \\shipout, the ``empty@'' flag is set
+ to true.
+ \itempar If an LPC macro occurs when the ``empty@'' flag is true, \\ne
+ is updated, its value is put into \\count\\lpcount@, and the flag
+ is set to false.
+ \itempar If an LPC macro occurs when the ``empty@'' flag is false, \\n
+ is updated, but the value in the register \\count\\lpcount@ is not
+ changed. After the next shipout, \\count\\lpcount@ is updated by
+ the output routine.
+ \itempar The codes for \\lpreset and \\lpexit will, if left alone, onl
+ for one page.
+\section{TABLE MACROS}
+\NOTE 68: The table macros are complex. It is recommended that anyone
+ wanting to understand how they work examine the LOG file of
+ a table made with \\tracingmacros=1 and \\tracingcommands=2.
+ \itempar The table macros use unallocated dimension and token
+ registers to store the column specifications. New dimensions or
+ tokens should not be allocated between the \\tableformat and the
+ last \\tablerow or \\tablebar in a table. If any are allocated the
+ result will be a very strange looking table and a TeX error. If
+ too many columns, dimensions, tokens or inserts are allocated, an
+ error message is given and the registers are used anyway.
+ \itempar A row is processed in sections. \\parseline@ takes
+ sections of the parameter to \\tableformat or \\tablerow. Each
+ section is delimited by a ``\~{}''. \\parsecol@ takes sub-sections
+ of the section where each sub-section is delimited by a ``$|$''.
+ After a sub-section is processed, the next sub-section is fetched
+ until the end of a section is reached. The next section is then
+ fetched and processed until the end of the original parameter to
+ \\tableformat or \\tablerow is reached.
+ \itempar \\span is temporarily redefined during the execution of
+ either a \\tablerow or \\tablebar macro to allow spanning of
+ multiple columns.
+ \itempar The standard table specifications are \\leftline,
+ \\rightline, \\centerline and (for internal columns) \\paragraph.
+ You can also make your own. There are only two rules:
+ \inset1in
+ \itempar(1) your macro will have one parameter (the text)
+ \itempar(2) your macro will yield a box of width \\hsize.
+ \inset.825in
+\NOTE 69: \\uptoks@ increments \\cntA@, used as a pointer to a token register
+ to hold column alignment specifications, and \\cntB@, used as a
+ pointer to a dimension register used to hold column width specifi\-%
+ cations. If too many token registers are used, an error message is
+ printed, and processing continues.
+\NOTE 70: \\bump@ increments \\cntC@, which contains the number of columns
+ processed in the current \\tablerow or \\tablebar. If the total number
+ of columns specified in the \\tableformat has not yet been processed,
+ then \\cntC@ is incremented, and \\uptoks@ is called to increment the
+ pointers to the registers that hold the column specifications.
+\NOTE 71: \\tableformat\#1 has as its parameter the description of the table
+ format. The alignment for the entire table is given first,
+ followed by the formats for each column. A column format consists
+ of its alignment followed by its width. A ``$|$'' separates the
+ table format from the column formats, and each column format from
+ the next.
+ \itempar \\tableformat first calls \\tablelet with the three
+ parameters \\just@, \\just@, and \\relax.
+ \itempar Next, \\parse@ (which has been assigned the meaning of
+ \\parseline@) is called and sent one parameter, which is delimited
+ by ``\lower4pt\hbox{\~{}}''. This effectively sends the contents
+ of the parameter of \\tableformat up to the first
+ \lower4pt\hbox{\~{}} to \\parse@ (\\parseline@). The \\done@ is
+ an undefined control sequence used to mark the end of the
+ specifications in the \\tableformat.
+\NOTE 72: \\tablerow\#1 is similar to \\tableformat. Its parameter is a list
+ of the contents for each column of the row. Each column must start
+ and terminate with either a ``$|$'' for a visible bar, or a
+ ``\lower4pt\hbox{\~{}}'' for an invisible bar.
+ \itempar The parameters sent to \\tablelet are: \\bbar@, \\wbar@,
+ and \\endrow@.
+\NOTE 73: \\tablebar\#1 sets horizontal rules across the table. It resets
+ \\topstrut, \\botstrut, and \\table\-space, and then passes its
+ parameter to \\tablerow. Its parameter is a list of column
+ contents, with each column indicated as for \\tablerow. A
+ column can be empty, contain a \\vrule, or contain \\tbar.
+\NOTE 74: \\tablelet requires three parameters. The first is assigned to the
+ control sequence \\b@, the second to \\w@, and the third to \\f@.
+ \\CntA@, \\CntB@, and \\CntC@ are initialized. \\parse@ is assigned
+ the meaning of \\parseline@. If currently in horizontal mode,
+ vertical mode is entered; if in vertical mode, interline glue is
+ inhibited.
+\NOTE 75: \\just@\#1 is never invoked directly. The control sequences \\b@
+ and \\w@ are \\let to be \\just@ in \\tablelet when \\tablelet is
+ called from \\tableformat. \\just@ is invoked by \\parsecol@ the
+ first time \\parsecol@ is entered. The parameter to \\just@ is the
+ alignment specification for the table.
+ \itempar \\just@ assigns the control sequences \\b@ and \\w@ the
+ meaning of \\tform@, and initializes \\maxcol@ to 0. The control
+ sequence \\tablejust@ is assigned the table alignment
+ specification (\#1).
+\NOTE 76: \\tform@\#1 passes its parameter, which is the set of specifications
+ for a column, on to \\tform@@ with a \lower 4pt\hbox{\~{}}
+ deliminating the parameter.
+\NOTE 77: \\tform@@\#1\#2\lower 4pt\hbox{\~{}} updates the pointers to the
+ registers to be used for storing column specifications, puts the
+ column alignment (\#1) into the current token register, and the
+ column width (\#2) into the current dimension register. Then
+ \\maxcol@ is incremented to count the column just completed.
+\NOTE 78: \\bbar@\#1 begins a row that starts with a visible vrule. The
+ parameter is empty.
+\NOTE 79: \\wbar@\#1 begins a row that starts with an invisible vrule. The
+ parameter is empty.
+\NOTE 80: \\beginrow@\#1 reassigns \\b@ and \\w@ the meanings of \\vbar@ and
+ \\ibar@ respectively. The parameter is empty.
+ \itempar Box 0, an \\hbox that will contain the row, is begun with
+ a \\bgroup, and the assignments that should hold within the box are
+ made.
+\NOTE 81: \\endrow@ finishes Box 0 and aligns the resulting box according to
+ \\tablejust@.
+\NOTE 82: \\vbar@\#1 adds a column entry that terminates with a visible \\vrule
+ The parameter contains the column entry.
+\NOTE 83: \\ibar@\#1 adds a column entry that terminates with an invisible
+ rule. The parameter contains the column entry.
+\NOTE 84: \\cs@\#1 determines if a column entry (\#1) spans multiple columns,
+ and invokes \\span@ with the appropriate parameters.
+\NOTE 85: \\parseline@\#1\lower 4pt\hbox{\~{}} is called by \\tableformat and
+ \\tablerow (and indirectly by \\tablebar). Its parameter is the
+ part (section) of the parameter to the calling macro terminated by
+ the first occurrence of ``\lower 4pt\hbox{\~{}}'' . If the
+ parameter is \\done@, then processing is complete, and \\parse@ is
+ assigned the current meaning of \\f@, which is \\relax if
+ \\parseline@ was called from \\tableformat, or \\endrow@ if
+ \\parseline@ was called from \\tablerow.
+ \itempar If processing is not done, \\p@ss is assigned the meaning
+ of \\parsecol@, and then \\p@ss is invoked and its parameter is
+ that part (sub-section) of the parameter to \\parseline@ up to the
+ first occurrence of ``$|$''. \\done@ is an end of processing
+ indicator. \\parse@ is invoked and, depending on its current
+ assigned meaning, either terminates processing of this
+ \\tableformat or \\tablerow parameter, or takes the next section of
+ the parameter of the \\tableformat or \\tablerow terminated by
+ \lower 4pt\hbox{\~{}} as its parameter.
+\NOTE 86: \\parsecol@\#1 is called by \\parseline@ and has as its parameter tha
+ part (sub-section) of the parameter to \\parseline@ up to the next
+ occurrence of $|$. It defines the macro \\parsemode@: if we are on
+ the last column, then the currently assigned value of \\w@
+ (\\tform@ or \\ibar@, depending on whether a \\tableformat or a
+ \\tablerow is being processed) is invoked, and \\p@ss becomes
+ \\lastp@ss; if we are not on the last column, then \\b@ (which is
+ either \\tform@ or \\vbar@) is invoked; in either case, \\p@ss is
+ called again and will either terminate processing or get the next
+ section to be processed.
+\NOTE 87: \\span@\#1\#2 sets a box spanning the required number of columns and
+ containing the text in the parameter. \\hsize and \\z@ are set to
+ the width and alignment specifications respectively of the first
+ column spanned. The pointers are then incremented once for each
+ column spanned, and the width of each column plus the width of a
+ vertical bar is added to the \\hsize for each column spanned. The
+ first parameter is the integer following \\span, and the second is
+ the remainder of the column contents.
+\NOTE 88: These macros are used for head or section level control.
+ \itempar\\basehead is the zero pointer value for the four pointers
+ to the head counters. The head counters count the number of
+ current headings at each heading level.
+ \itempar\\headlevel keeps track of the level of the current
+ heading.
+ \itempar To add a fifth level, do the following:
+ \inset1in
+ \itempar(1) Change the ``\\advance\\count10 by~4'' command to
+ ``\\advance\\count10 by~5''. This allocates the counters for the
+ level number.
+ \itempar(2) Change ``\\ifnum\\hdlevel$<$4 '' to
+ ``\\ifnum\\hdlevel$<$5'' in the \\sethead@ macro.
+ \itempar(3) Allocate a new token register, \\fifthlevelhead, and
+ define a corresponding \\headE@:\hfil\break
+ \\def\\headE@$\{$\\head5\\the\\fifthlevelhead$\}$.
+ \itempar(4) Modify the \\level macro so that it includes
+ \\headE@.
+ \itempar(5) Load \\fifthlevelhead with some appropriate tokens.
+ \inset.825in
+\NOTE 89: \\setlevelno\#1 has one parameter: the levelnumber to be established.
+ This can be up to 4 numbers, separated by periods. The level number
+ and the pointer to the head counters are initialized.
+ \itempar``.-1.'' is appended to the parameter to act as an end of
+ parameter signal.
+\NOTE 90: \\sethead@\#1. has as its parameter one of the num\-bers in the
+ parameter to \\setlevelno. The first num\-ber it receives is put into
+ the head counter for the first level. The second number goes into
+ the head counter for the second level, etc. Processing is
+ completed when -1 is received as a parameter, or when 4 levels have
+ been done.
+\NOTE 91: \\head\#1 is called indirectly by \\level via \\headA@, or \\headB@,
+ etc. It oversees adjusting the \\levelno according to the level of
+ the new heading. Its parameter is the level of the new
+ heading.
+ \itempar If the new heading is on a level inferior to the current
+ heading, \\uplevel@ is called, otherwise \\headlevel is set to the
+ level of the new heading and that head counter for that level is
+ incremented.
+ \itempar\\head@ is called to update \\levelno.
+\NOTE 92: \\uplevel@\#1 does what is necessary to add a level that has a
+ higher
+ number than the current level. \#1 is the level of the new heading.
+\NOTE 93: \\head@ defines \\levelno.
+\NOTE 94: These allocate token registers for each level description, and
+ define a corresponding \\headA@ (or \\headB@ etc.) that calls \\head
+ with the appropriate parameter, and accesses the tokens for that
+ headlevel.
+\NOTE 95: \\level\#1\#2 takes two parameters: \#1 is the level of the heading,
+ and \#2 becomes the definition of \\title. A case statement is
+ used to invoke the appropriate choice of \\headA@, \\headB@, etc.
+\NOTE 96: ``\\content@'' can now be written with \\write
+\NOTE 97: \\ctswrite\#1 writes its parameter into a file along with the current
+ page number. If the file does not already exist, one is created.
+ When the file is read at a later time, @ will not be a character.
+ \\{\_} is redefined so that it can be read from the contents file.
+ \\content@ is defined with @ no longer a character so that it can be
+ read from the contents file.
+\NOTE 98: \\contents adds the table of contents if a contents file was
+ created.
+\NOTE 99: The \\vfootnote\#1 of PLAIN has been modified to accommodate
+ multi-column format by the insertion of \\realhsize to restore the
+ original \\hsize and by adding ``1\\baselineskip'' to remove any
+ glue from \\baselineskip.
+\NOTE 100: \\note generates footnotes with sequential numbers.
+\NOTE 101: \\midinsert has been changed from the definition in PLAIN by
+ the insertion of \\p@gefalse.
+\NOTE 102: \\@ins has been changed from the definition in PLAIN by adding a
+ return to the normal \\hsize and \\vsize.
+\NOTE 103: The \\endinsert of PLAIN has been modified. The ``room left on page''
+ calculation has been expanded to handle multi-column format: if
+ there is room, the columns are balanced and the insertion is
+ appended. The penalty (first item in the \\insert) is set to -100 if
+ the insertion cannot fit on the current page, this keeps the page
+ from stretching if the insertion can't fit on the page.
+\section{COLUMN MACROS}
+\NOTE 104: The column macros and output routines are interrelated. Every time
+ the number of columns changes, a false output routine is invoked.
+ This routine takes the current page (and splits it up if necessary)
+ and appends it to the contrib box. The \\hsize is then reduced (or
+ restored) and the \\vsize is multiplied (or restored). Then, to
+ every insert which was not void during the false output routine a
+ null insert is made. This restores the page goal (in case there are
+ no bona fide insertions, one insertion is always made, it is called
+ \\hacker@). A new page total is then calculated from the height of
+ the contrib box. The two macros employed to do this work are
+ \\balance@ and \\newtotal@. Under no circumstances should the one be
+ used without the other.
+\NOTE 105: \\balance invokes the false output routine which has the effect of
+ balancing the columns if in multi-column mode. The page goal is
+ then updated by \\newtotal@.
+\NOTE 106: \\balance@ invokes the false output routine by setting \\ifreal@ to
+ false, and forcing an eject.
+\NOTE 107: \\newtotal@ restores the page total.
+\NOTE 108: \\multicol@\#1 is called by the \\BEGIN command for multi-column
+ format. It takes as its only parameter the number of columns
+ requested. It provides error checking and ignores the command
+ if already in multi-column mode. If the command is legal, then
+ the current page is balanced, and the \\hsize and \\vsize are
+ adjusted. The insertion registers are modified, the page total
+ is adjusted, and stretch is added to \\baselineskip.
+\NOTE 109: The output routines are complex. It is recommended that anyone
+ wanting to understand how they work examine the LOG file of a
+ file with \\tracingmacros=1 and \\tracingcommands=2.
+ \itempar There are two types of output routines: \\realoutput@
+ produces a \\shipout and \\fakeoutput@ does not.
+ \itempar The \\toks registers associated with each insert are now
+ reserved (as were \\dimen, \\skip and \\count). Any tokens in these
+ registers will be destroyed when the \\output routine is active.
+\NOTE 110: \\realoutput puts the current page into \\out@. If currently in
+ one-column mode, it goes in directly, otherwise the current page
+ is first split into columns. Box 255 is then set to \\contrb@ with
+ \\old@ appended to it. The glue for insertions, \\hsize, \\vsize,
+ \\leftskip, and \\rightskip are returned to normal for the
+ \\shipout. After the \\shipout, the flags and counters for the
+ logical page macros are updated.
+\NOTE 111: \\fakeoutput takes the current page, balances it if necessary, and
+ puts it into \\out@. \\out@ is then appended to \\contrb@.
+ \itempar If any column must be shorter due to balancing, it ought
+ to be the rightmost. The \\vsplit primitive, however, will usually
+ make the rightmost column longer. To avoid this problem, columns
+ are split a little more than 1/2 or 1/3 down. Experimentation shows
+ that adding 1.16667 baselines to the total height for 2 columns,
+ and adding 2 baselines to the total height for 3 columns affords
+ the greatest probability of an aesthetic break.
+\NOTE 112: The ``@'' is no longer a letter.