path: root/macros/generic/infpic/
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/generic/infpic/
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'macros/generic/infpic/')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/macros/generic/infpic/ b/macros/generic/infpic/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4399517f77
--- /dev/null
+++ b/macros/generic/infpic/
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+% do uverejneni clanku o INCPIC.TEX v TeX bulletinu mohou podlehat makra
+% INCPIC.MF a INCPIC.TEX vyvojovym zmenam. Jakekoliv chyby, ktere se
+% vyskytnou, mi laskave sdelte. Dekuji
+% Macro for drawing simple pictures in METAFONT
+% For each character the width and height is given also in user's units.
+% All points are expressed in user's unit (without length units).
+% For more comment see end of this file.
+% Detail description appeared (in Czech) in TeXbulletin 1992, No 2,3
+% Prague, July 29, 1992 Oldrich Ulrych
+% Mathematical institute of Charles University
+% email: oulrych@cspguk11.bitnet
+% new definition for screen window
+def openit = openwindow currentwindow
+ from origin to (640,480) at (-50,350); enddef;
+% neither mesh nor rounding box are generated by default
+showmesh:=0; % don't show given mesh
+showbox:=0; % don't make box around
+% private mode for intial suggestion of pictures;
+mode_def ouproof =
+ proofing:=2; % yes, we're making full proofs
+ fontmaking:=0; % no, we're not making a font
+ tracingtitles:=1; % yes, show titles online
+ pixels_per_inch:=100;% original is that's 36 pixels per pt
+ blacker:=0; % no additional blackness
+ fillin:=0; % no compensation for fillin
+ o_correction:=1; % no reduction in overshoot
+ showmesh:=1; % show given mesh
+ showbox:=1; % make box around
+ ou_showmesh:=1;
+ ou_showbox:=1;
+ enddef;
+% choosing the mode
+if unknown mode: mode=ouproof; fi % selection of private mode for proofing
+% redefined beginch and endch for plotting pictures
+def beginch(expr c, % code of character
+ w_sharp, % sharp width
+ h_sharp, % sharp height
+ d_sharp, % sharp depth
+ number_of_xunits, % width of char in user's units
+ number_of_yunits)= % height of char in user's units
+ begingroup
+ transform end_of_beginch;
+ charcode:=if known c: byte c else: 0 fi;
+ charwd:=w_sharp; charht:=h_sharp; chardp:=d_sharp; charic:=0;
+ w:=hround(charwd*hppp); h:=vround(charht*hppp); d:=vround(chardp*hppp);
+ fontdimen byte c-63 : w_sharp/number_of_xunits; %% measure of x-unit
+ fontdimen byte c-43 : h_sharp/number_of_yunits; %% measure of y-unit
+ x_unit:=w/number_of_xunits; nx_unit:=number_of_xunits; % auxiliary x-unit
+ y_unit:=h/number_of_yunits; ny_unit:=number_of_yunits; % auxiliary y-unit
+ w:=number_of_xunits; h:=number_of_yunits;
+ d:=h*d_sharp/h_sharp;
+ charic:=0; clearxy; clearit; clearpen; scantokens extra_beginchar;
+ aux_sx:=x_unit; aux_sy:=y_unit;
+ currenttransform:=identity xscaled aux_sx yscaled aux_sy;
+ shiftorigin(0,0);
+ end_of_beginch:=currenttransform;
+ enddef;
+def endch =
+ currenttransform:=end_of_beginch;
+ gl_showmesh:=showmesh;
+ gl_showbox :=showbox;
+ showmesh:=ou_showmesh;
+ showbox :=ou_showbox;
+ if proofing>0: makebox(proofrule); fi % I don't like rules
+ if gl_showmesh>0: mesh; fi % show given mesh
+ if gl_showbox>0: roundingbox; fi % make box around
+ chardx:=w; % desired width of the character in pixels
+ charic:=orig_x_shift*charwd/nx_unit;
+ if orig_x_shift<>0: fontdimen charcode-23 : orig_y_shift*charht/ny_unit; fi;
+ scantokens extra_endchar;
+ shipit;
+ if displaying>0: showit; fi
+ endgroup enddef;
+% macros used in endch;
+def roundingbox =
+ pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt;
+ draw(0,-d)--(w,-d)--(w,h)--(0,h)--(0,-d);
+ draw(0,0)--(w,0);
+ enddef;
+def mesh =
+ pickup pencircle scaled 0.4pt;
+ for i=0 step 1 until w: draw (i,-d)--(i,h); endfor;
+ for i=0 step 1 until h: draw (0,i)--(w,i); endfor;
+ if d>0: for i=0 step 1 until d: draw (0,-i)--(w,-i); endfor; fi;
+ enddef;
+% macro for shift of user's origin
+def shiftorigin(expr x,y) =
+ orig_x_shift:=x; orig_y_shift:=y;
+ currenttransform:=currenttransform shifted
+ (-orig_x_shift*aux_sx,-orig_y_shift*aux_sy);
+% path for plotting arrow and axes;
+path sharparrow;
+def axes expr bod =
+ draw (0+orig_x_shift,ypart bod)--(w+orig_x_shift,+ypart bod);
+ draw (xpart bod,-d+orig_y_shift)--(xpart bod,h+orig_y_shift);
+ filldraw arrow(hround(3mm#*hppp),90) shifted (xpart bod,h+orig_y_shift);
+ filldraw arrow(hround(3mm#*hppp), 0) shifted (w+orig_x_shift,ypart bod);
+def vector(expr poc,kon) =
+ draw poc--kon;
+ filldraw arrow(hround(2mm#*hppp),angle(kon-poc)) shifted kon;
+def arrow (expr delka, smer)=
+ begingroup turningcheck:=0;
+ ((-delka,-2/7delka){dir45}..{right}(0,0)&(0,0){left}..{dir135}
+ (-delka, 2/7delka)&(-delka, 2/7delka)..controls (-3/4delka,0)..cycle)
+ rotated smer xscaled (1/aux_sx) yscaled (1/aux_sy)
+ endgroup
+% macro for dotted and dashed lines
+def add_slen(expr a,b) =
+ s__x:=(xpart(b)-xpart(a))*x_unit/(hppp*s__r);
+ s__y:=(ypart(b)-ypart(a))*y_unit/(hppp*s__r);
+ s__:=s__+length((s__x,s__y));
+def cerchovane (expr a,b)=
+ s__:=0; add_slen(a,b);
+ ju:=round(s__);
+ for i=1 upto ju:
+ t1:=(2*i-2)/(2*ju-1);
+ t2:=(2*i-1)/(2*ju-1);
+ draw t1[a,b]--t2[a,b];
+ t1:=(2*i)/(2*ju-1);
+ if i<ju: drawdot (0.5t1+0.5t2)[a,b]; fi;
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+def dashed(expr a,b)=
+ s__:=0; add_slen(a,b);
+ ju:=round(s__);
+ for i=4 step 4 until 4*ju:
+ t1:=i/(4*ju); t2:=(i-1)/(4*ju); t3:=(i-3)/(4*ju); t4:=(i-4)/(4*ju);
+ draw t1[a,b]--t2[a,b]; draw t3[a,b]--t4[a,b];
+ endfor;
+ enddef;
+eps_:=0.001; len_given:=1;
+def dashedpath expr g_path =
+ p_count:=length(g_path);
+ t_left:=0; t_right:=0.1p_count;
+ forever: pair aa_; aa_=point t_left of g_path;
+ forever:
+ t_middlea:=1/4[t_left,t_right]; t_middleb:=3/4[t_left,t_right];
+ pair ab_,ac_,ad_;
+ ab_=point t_middlea of g_path;
+ ac_=point t_middleb of g_path; ad_=point t_right of g_path;
+ s__:=0; add_slen(aa_,ab_); add_slen(ab_,ac_); add_slen(ac_,ad_);
+ len_dash:=s__;
+ exitunless (abs(len_dash-len_given)>eps_);
+ exitunless (t_right<p_count);
+ len_dash:=len_given/len_dash;
+ t_right:=len_dash[t_left,t_right];
+ if (t_right>p_count): t_right:=p_count; fi;
+ endfor;
+ tenkepero;
+ draw subpath (t_left,t_middlea) of g_path;
+ draw subpath (t_middleb,t_right) of g_path;
+ last_dif:=t_right-t_left;
+ t_left:=t_right;
+ exitunless (t_right<p_count);
+ t_right:=t_left+last_dif;
+ if (t_right>p_count): t_right:=p_count; fi;
+ endfor;
+% various pens
+def penfordots = pickup pencircle scaled 10thinestline; enddef;
+def thickpen = pickup pencircle scaled 4thinestline; enddef;
+def middlepen = pickup pencircle scaled 2thinestline; enddef;
+def thinpen = pickup pencircle scaled thinestline; enddef;
+def drawdots (text t) = for $=t: drawdot $; endfor; enddef;
+def cdrawdot expr bod =
+ drawdot bod; pickup currentpen scaled 2/3; erase drawdot bod;
+ pickup currentpen scaled 1.5;
+def cdrawdots (text t) =
+ for $=t: drawdot $; endfor;
+ pickup currentpen scaled 2/3;
+ for $=t: erase drawdot $; endfor;
+ pickup currentpen scaled 1.5;
+% Czech equivalents and equivalents of previous versions
+let peronatecky=penfordots;
+let peronapuntiky=penfordots;
+let tenkepero=thinpen;
+let strednipero=middlepen;
+let tlustepero=thickpen;
+let puntiky=drawdots;
+let krouzek=cdrawdot;
+let drawcontourdot=cdrawdot;
+let drawcontourdots=cdrawdots;
+let krouzky=cdrawdots;
+let carkovane=dashed;
+let carkovanacesta=dashedpath;
+% call mode_setup
+font_size 100mm#;
+% The overview of the preparation of the picture is following:
+% - make a chart of the picture on the paper with the regular scale.
+% - put down the coordinate system (using mesh on the paper --- units
+% correspond to the mesh)
+% - mark the significant points for drawing
+% - put the description into the picture
+% - make oblong around the picture (using the mesh on the paper)
+% in such a way that the description in the picture is included;
+% this oblong corresponds to the rounding box of the the character
+% in which the picture will be placed
+% - choose the reference point (on the left side of the rounding box)
+% of the character
+% - create metafont source of the chart --- besides the usual commands
+% of metafont the definitions from this package can simplify
+% the writing of metafont source (see below) and enable to transfer
+% some important information through font to the TeX document
+% - place the character from the new font created into the TeX document;
+% some significant dimensions are stored in fontdimens, so they can
+% simplify the placing of the description into the picture
+% Useful definitions from this macro package (with the context of the
+% procedure described above):
+% beginch(char,width,height,depth,x_units,y_units); introduces the
+% created character; the parameters have the following meaning:
+% char - code of the character (admissible values are: "A" to "I",
+% (or "A" to "S" if macro shiftorigin is not used))
+% width - width of the character in sharp units (for example 20mm#)
+% height - height of the character in sharp units
+% depth - depth of the character in sharp units
+% x_units - width of the picture expressed in the number of the
+% "squares" of the mesh on the paper (i.e. natural number
+% just number without any units)
+% y_units - height of the character (not depth) expressed in the
+% number of the "squares" of the mesh on the paper (i.e.
+% natural number just number without any units)
+% Using this macro as the begin of the character, all points can be
+% given in the number of the "squares" of the mesh on the paper (no
+% measures are needed). (If c denotes code of the given character,
+% then values width/x_units, height/y_units are stored in the
+% fontdimen c-63, fontdimen c-43, respectively).
+% endch; closing command for character.
+% If before endch the variable showmesh is positive, then
+% the character contains the mesh corresponding to the mesh on the
+% paper.
+% If before endch the variable showbox is positive, then
+% the character contains the rounding box.
+% Macros beginch and endch create group, so that changes
+% betweenthem are local.
+% shiftorigin(x,y); says the origin of the choosen coordinate system
+% with respect to the reference point of the character is (x,y)
+% (expressed in the "squares" of the mesh on the paper).
+% Corresponding sharp value in the vertical direction is stored
+% in the italic correction of the character. If value x is nonzero,
+% than the corresponding sharp value is stored in the fontdimen c-23
+% (see beginch above);
+% sharparrow is the path --- simple arrow with the tip
+% in the origin, the length of three units and width of two units,
+% it has direstion of the x-axe
+% axes z; puts the coordinate system into the picture; the
+% intersection of axes is at the point z
+% arrow (len,ang) is the outline of the arrow with the tip
+% in the origin, with given length len and in given direction ang
+% vector(sta,sto); is the vector from the point sta to the point sto
+% cerchovane(sta,sto); plots dashed and dotted line from the point sta
+% to the point sto
+% dashed(sta,sto); plots dashed line from the point sta to the point sto
+% dashedpath pat; plots dashed path pat
+% penfordots; chooses circle pen of the width diameter 10*thinestline
+% (for the value of thinnestline see below);
+% thinpen; chooses circle pen of the width diameter thinestline
+% middlepen; chooses circle pen of the width diameter 2*thinestline
+% thickpen; chooses circle pen of the width diameter 4*thinestline
+% drawdots(poi); draws dots (with choosen pen) from the list poi of
+% points
+% cdrawdot(poi); draws only contour of dot at the point poi
+% cdrawdots(poi); at each point of the list poi draws contour of dot
+% Default values of some variables:
+% showmesh:=0; mesh is not shown
+% showbox:=0; rounding box is not shown
+% mode=ouproof; if no mode is specified (the output is shown on the
+% screen and the values showmesh, showbox are set
+% positive in the definition of beginch)
+% eps_:=0.001; tolerance for iterativ process when the length of the
+% dashes is computed (in dashedpath)
+% len_given:=2; experimental value determining the length of the dashes
+% (in dashedpath)
+% s__r:=10; experimental value determining the length of the dashes
+% (in dashed and cerchovane)
+% font_size 100mm#; no value in the picture will be greater than 1.6m
+% thinestline:=0.4pt; the thickness of the thinnest pen
+% Czech equivalents for some macros:
+% peronatecky is the same as penfordots
+% peronapuntiky is the same as penfordots
+% tenkepero is the same as thinpen
+% strednipero is the same as middlepen
+% tlustepero is the same as thickpen
+% puntiky is the same as drawdots
+% krouzek is the same as cdrawdot
+% drawcontourdot is the same as cdrawdot
+% krouzky is the same as cdrawdots
+% drawcontourdots is the same as cdrawdots
+% carkovane is the same as dashed
+% carkovanacesta is the same as dashedline