path: root/macros/generic/boxedeps/boxedeps.doc
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /macros/generic/boxedeps/boxedeps.doc
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+%%%%% boxedeps.doc of Nov 1995
+ %%
+ %% --- ftp
+ %% This is the master copy in 1995.
+ %% Locate the full package on the CTAN servers
+ %% by using (while connected) the command
+ %% quote site index boxedeps
+ %%%% NEWS (11-95):
+ %% * BoundingBox trimming in percentage "pct" units.
+ %% * High resolution bounding boxes are used when available.
+ %% * Log file epsf.lst reports epsf files integrated;
+ %% use it as an inventory for exporting.
+ %% * EPSP the PC binary EPS format for including preview
+ %% as a Windows metafile bitmap or a TIFF bitmap
+ %% is now supported by this package. Beware that few
+ %% drivers on other platforms support it.
+ %%%% NEWS (1-95):
+ %% * \SetepsfEPSFSpecial works for the
+ %% several drivers that support the particular special syntax
+ %% first supported by Rokicki in dvips and used in his epsf.tex.
+ %% * Experimental feature: \SetEPSFMultiSpecial
+ %% works also for Textures. Intended to create ".dvi" files
+ %% for posting on the internet that will print with graphics
+ %% insertions on all major operating systems. Some drivers
+ %% produce spurious error reports but print correctly.
+ *******************************************************
+ ********* The BoxedEPSF Utility **********
+ by Laurent Siebenmann 1989-95
+ (in distribution since Winter 1991)
+ *******************************************************
+ BoxedEPSF lets one integrate Encapsulated PostScript Files (EPSFs)
+into TeX documents by making them behave as TeX boxes --- using the
+commands in the following list. The user should promptly familiarize
+him/her self with the left alligned commands; the indented ones are
+less used.
+ %%% Commands for article header or style file
+ \input boxedeps.tex %% obligatory (except for LaTeX, see below)
+ \input boxedeps.cfg %% can replace next line:
+ \Set...EPSFSpecial %% e.g. \SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial
+ \ShowDisplacementBoxes%\HideDisplacementBoxes %%alternatives
+ \SetEPSFDirectory{<directory pathname>}
+ \SetDefaultEPSFScale{<scale in mils>}
+ \EmulateRokicki
+ %%% EPSF insertion
+ \BoxedEPSF{<filename> scaled <scale in mils>}
+ %% scaled ... is optional
+ \tBoxedEPSF{...} %% 3 variants:
+ \bBoxedEPSF{...}
+ \cBoxedEPSF{...}
+ \EPSFbox{...} %% like Rokicki's syntax:
+ \EPSFfile{...}
+ %%% Adjustments that may preceed each \BoxedEPSF...
+ \TrimTop{<percentage>}
+ \TrimLeft{<percentage>}
+ \TrimBottom{<percentage>}
+ \TrimRight{<percentage>}
+ \TrimBoundingBox{<percentage>}
+ \hSlide{<dimen>}
+ \vSlide{<dimen>}
+ \ForceWidth{<dimen>}
+ \EPSFxsize=<dimen>
+ \ForceHeight{<dimen>}
+ \EPSFysize=<dimen>
+ \ForceOn (cf.\ForceOff)
+ %%% Typical (minimal) Plain TeX example:
+ \input boxedeps.tex
+ \input boxedeps.cfg
+ \midinsert
+ \centerline{\BoxedEPSF{gdisk.eps}}
+ \endinsert
+ \bye
+This list can serve to locate details by string search. Some
+alternative older terminology is supported for compatibility (but not
+recommended); it is found inside boxedeps.tex.
+ *** LaTeX syntax variants ***
+ BoxedEPS is compatible with LaTeX (2.09 or 2e). No change of
+syntax is necessary.
+ However, those who use LaTeX to the exclusion of other
+TeX formats will find Alun Carr's "LaTeX wraper" boxedeps.sty
+helpful to bring BoxedEPS into line with LaTeX conventions.
+The following LaTeX syntax is valid as soon as the auxilliary file
+boxedeps.sty is available to LaTeX.
+\usepackage[<option list>]{boxedeps} %% loads package, sets options
+Then \input boxedeps.tex must be omitted and \input boxedeps.cfg
+also. The LaTeX option keywords with their Plain TeX equivalents
+ %% Driver support (use at most one)
+ epsf <==> \SetepsfEPSFSpecial
+ epsfmulti <==> \SetEPSFMultiSpecial
+ textures <==> \SetTexturesEPSFSpecial
+ unixcoop <==> \SetUnixCoopEPSFSpecial
+ niponunix <==> \SetNiponUnixEPSFSpecial
+ bechtolsheim <==> \SetBechtolsheimDVITPSEPSFSpecial
+ lis <==> \SetLisEPSFSpecial
+ rokicki <==> \SetRokickiEPSFSpecial
+ dvipsone <==> \SetDVIPSoneEPSFSpecial
+ dviwindow <==> \SetDVIWindowEPSFSpecial
+ directtex <==> \SetDirectTeXEPSFSpecial
+ cmactex <==> \SetCMacTeXEPSFSpecial
+ oztex <==> \SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial
+ oldoztex <==> \SetOldOzTeXEPSFSpecial
+ psprint <==> \SetPSprintEPSFSpecial
+ arbor <==> \SetArborEPSFSpecial
+ clark <==> \SetClarkEPSFSpecial
+ beebe <==> \SetBeebeEPSFSpecial
+ northlake <==> \SetNorthlakeEPSFSpecial
+ standard <==> \SetStandardEPSFSpecial %% (default!)
+ %% Displacement Boxes (use at most one)
+ showboxes <==> \ShowDisplacementBoxes %% (default!)
+ hideboxes <==> \HideDisplacementBoxes
+ %% Emulation of Rokicki's \epsfbox, \epsfxsize, \epsfysize
+ emulaterokicki <==> \EmulateRokicki
+ %%% Typical (minimal) LaTeX example:
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \usepackage[oztex,hideboxes]{boxedeps}
+ \begin{document}
+ \begin{figure}\BoxedEPSF{gdisk.eps}\end{figure}
+ \end{document}
+ BoxedEPSF is a highly portable package for insertion of EPSFs
+(Encapsulated PostScript Files) in TeX documents. It originated as
+a fraction of a larger less portable package for several graphics
+norms on the Mac (see BoxedArt.tex below) that was initially put
+together for the GUTenberg special year for graphics, 1989.
+BoxedEPSF was first posted in winter 1991, in response to Berthold
+Horn's plea on the net in late 1990 for a standard for EPSF
+integration, cf. his article in TUGboat 12 (1991) 377-381. The
+use of bitmaps for preview is a technical obstacle to such a
+standard and none has appeared since. BoxedEPSF is not the
+standard he was calling for, but it seems to accomplish nearly as
+ PostScript is currently the unchallenged high performance
+standard for electronic specification and typesetting of printed
+graphics, while TeX is the unchallenged high performance standard for
+the specification and typesetting of scientific manuscripts, minus
+graphics. The convenient integration of PostScript graphics in TeX
+manuscripts is clearly vital to the scientific publication process;
+the BoxedEPSF package is a link in the integration chain.
+ A PostScript printer is presumed to be the ultimate output device.
+Is this an unfortunate restriction? In practice not; such is the
+domination of PostScript printers. In addition, there are
+increasingly computer based PostScript interpreters able to pilot
+the screen and/or non-PostScript printers. (A new one
+for Macintosh is T-SCRIPT
+ What of direct screen viewing? The Next-Step Graphical User
+Interface (GUI) uses Display PostScript, an offshoot of
+PostScript; no problem there. Another offshoot of PostScript is
+PDF used by Acrobat viewers. Ghostview is a PostScript viewer
+available on most unix workstations. The bigest chink in
+PostScript's claim to universal acceptance is that only a tiny
+proportion of GUIs exploit or even decently support PostScript.
+Speed has been a stumbling block. Consequently, screen viewing of
+PS graphics integrated in TeX frequently uses prefabricated
+bitmaps as we shall further discuss below.
+ The main task of BoxedEPSF is to make EPSFs (Encapsulated
+PostScript Files) behave for the TeX user like big characters or
+boxes. In contrast, the \special command, the TeX primitive through
+which such integration is normally accomplished, makes EPSFs behave
+like dimensionless points. This is Knuth's recommendation, because
+that permits TeX to typeset without any knowledge of the graphics
+file. The box-like behavior is obviously more desirable from the
+user's point of view. In the case of the EPSF norm, it is
+attainable because TeX is clever enough to be able to read the EPSF
+file to extract the dimensions of the bounding box of the graphics
+object described. These are normally located in a comment line in
+the header beginning "%%Bounding Box:" or better "%%HiResBounding
+ There are other packages that do the same essential job,
+notably psfig of Trevor Darrell(1987), and T. Rokicki's "epsf.tex"
+for his driver "dvips", but differences remain. This one is built,
+above all, for portability and hence makes LOWEST-COMMON-DENOMINATOR
+requirements on the driver. It does offer convenient adjustments
+that others may not, eg. box trimming, and, above all, ready-made
+adaptation to nearly all dvi-to-PostScript drivers.
+ The basic requirement of BoxedEPSF is a "dvi-to-PostScript"
+printer driver that for EPSF graphics implements in one way or
+another Knuth's \special protocol. This \special should implement
+scaling in some form since TeX cannot provide it. But translation
+(=pushing the graphics around) can be done by TeX, which is
+fortunate since some drivers (e.g. Textures' driver in versions <=
+1.4 approx) do not bother to provide a \special command executing
+ Until a standard for \special integration of EPSFs is well
+established, BoxedEPSF will have to initialize the integration process
+by using a driver-specific command of the form: \Set...EPSFSpecial (or
+a corresponding LaTeX option in \usepackage[...]{boxedeps}). For
+example, \SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial will initialize for the driver used by
+OzTeX on Macintosh computers. (See a list of current alternatives
+below.) This command can be put in the author's typescript header or
+style file, but it is still better to put it in a configuration file
+--- see mention of boxedeps.cfg below --- replacing
+\Set...EPSFSpecial by \input boxedeps.cfg.
+ Then, the primary command
+ \BoxedEPSF{<filename> scaled <scale in mils>}
+scales by <scale in mils> the graphics object in the file <filename>
+and inserts it at the current ".dvi" insertion point as a TeX box of
+the dimensions of the bounding box scaled again by <scale in mils>.
+ A tiny EPS test file gdisk.eps given below will let you run
+trials. (Beware that many TeX screen previewers are still unable to
+let you preview the graphics; but any printer of the PostScript norm
+will let you run tests.)
+ --- <filename> A file specification. This may be a simple
+filename in case the file is in the default directory for TeX.
+ More generally (but les portably!!), it can be a file pathname.
+Better, one can separately specify the directory that will be the
+directory in which TeX looks thereafter for simple EPSF names, by
+ \SetEPSFDirectory{<directory pathname>}
+For example, on a Macintosh, \SetEPSFDirectory{HardDisk:MyArtFolder:}
+will direct TeX to the folder MyArtFolder of the volume HardDisk. And
+\SetEPSFDirectory{:YourArtFolder:} will direct TeX to the subfolder
+YourArtFolder of the directory that is the default directory for TeX.
+Similarly for unix systems but with "/" in place of ":".
+ Spaces in filenames or directory names are strictly forbidden
+(usually already by TeX and drivers); this package gives a warning.
+ For greater portability, please use in file names and directory
+names only letters, digits, and perhaps one period ".". Beware of
+conversions and confusions between upper and lower case letters.
+Unix is case sensitive, but most other systems not; DOS even forces
+to uppercase; while unix traditionally prefers lowercase. There is
+a consensus that, for portability, lowercase letters only should be
+used if at all possible, and failing that only uppercase.
+ Also for portability, follow the DOS 8+3 rule: =< 8
+characters before an otioonal period and =< 3 after. To respect this
+rule, public postings of BoxedEPSF, the macro file (for example)
+bears the name "boxedeps.tex".
+ [[To PC\DOS users: Slash / should replace backslash of the MSDOS
+world, since backslash will upset TeX; if / does not work try \\.]]
+ --- scaled <scale in mils> Optional. To conform to TeX syntax,
+and avoid decimals most of the time, the scale is specified in mils
+(=thousand'ths), rather than as a positive real number. (If you are a
+precision freak, don't hesitate to add decimal parts of a mil.)
+ If you specify no scale you get a default scale. This default
+scale can be changed from its initial value of 1000 (for the rest of
+the .tex file) by the command
+ \SetDefaultEPSFScale{<scale in mils>}
+ The scaling you select (however you do so) will always
+be corrected by the TeX magnification factor. Thus if you select
+scaling by 1000 mils at \magstep1 you in reality get scaling to 1200
+mils on the printed paper.
+ There is a rather different way to specify scaling (championed
+notably by Trevor Darrell since 1987); one can force width or height
+to a specified dimension, by one (not both) of the commands:
+ \ForceWidth{<dimen>}
+ \ForceHeight{<dimen>}
+This must precede the figure and normally applies to it alone. Any
+such command takes precedence over any scaling command that might be
+present. If you have two such commands, the last takes precedence.
+ This forcing will persist indefinitely if you type
+ \ForceOn
+and can then be stopped by
+ \ForceOff
+ There are some convenient uses of this "forced" dimensioning, for
+ a) To force neighboring figures to the same height or width.
+ b) To maintain the exact same height for a figure through
+minor revisions after TeX pagebreaks have been fixed.
+ c) Artists may rescale their originals when they revise;
+this will not affect the user if "forced" dimensioning is used.
+Incidentally, note that \ForceWidth{0.66\hsize} is perfectly
+legitimate; similarly for all dimension specifications.
+ On the other hand, scaling is the only right approach if you
+have a well proportioned line diagram with included labelling of a
+known point size. You scale to make the labels of about the same
+size as that of the printed text.
+ In actual practice, the "BoundingBox" posted in the EPSF is more
+often than often not far from what it should be, namely the least
+rectangle containing the ink that will print the graphic object; it
+tends to be somewhat larger. Thus, the \Trim... commands described
+below are provided to optionally correct the box to fit the object.
+Since such corrections require the human eye and some trial and error
+it is reasonable to cast about for tools that will instead
+automatically correct "BoundingBox" marked in the EPS file. (See for
+example the keywords ghostscript ane
+ For diagnostic purposes, one has:
+ \ShowDisplacementBoxes, \HideDisplacementBoxes
+to show (with a black frame), respectively hide, the corrected scaled
+and positioned bounding boxes. The physical term "displacement" is
+used to remind you that these are boxes that displace other boxes, like
+TeX character boxes (see the TeXbook Chap 11), or indeed any TeX box.
+In case you make the graphics neatly fit into this displacement box the
+term "bounding box image" would be justified, but just as for TeX
+characters, this is not always how things work out (cf. TeXbook p.63).
+ For the sake of users who do not have preview of their EPSFs
+the default has been set to \ShowDisplacementBoxes. It is
+demoralising to beginners to see nothing at all!
+ Before any individual \BoxedEPSF{...} command, one can insert
+commands to adjust the bounding box:
+ \TrimBoundingBox{...}
+ \TrimTop{...}
+ \TrimLeft{...}
+ \TrimBottom{...}
+ \TrimRight{...}
+ Each such command takes a percentage argument as in
+ \TrimTop{5pct}
+This means to trim off of the top of the BoundingBox five percent
+of its height. One must not forget the percentage units
+specification "pct". Indeed it is equally OK to specify a
+TeX dimension unit: pt, bp, cm, etc. For example
+ \TrimLeft{15bp}
+trims 15 big points (PostScript units) off of the left side of the
+original BoundingBox (not the image on paper).
+ Both percentage and dimension units remain valid if the user
+subsequently changes scale on paper.
+ The use of percent units is the best choice. Typically the user
+sees a scaled image and so cannot perceive dimensions on the art
+source file. Also, percentage specifications will remain valid if the
+artist changes the scale of his source. In practice, even the user may
+want to dramatically increase the source file scale to enhance the
+precision of bitmapped previews supplied automatically by an art
+program such as Adobe Illustrator, or he may reduce scale to make the
+bitmaps smaller.
+ The names of these trimming commands say what they do; note
+that they do NOT mask off part of the object when the box becomes
+too small; thus trimming is NOT is commonly referred to as "clipping".
+ TeX is pretty good at shunting boxes around. But the command to
+*slide* an image around without changing its displacement box nor
+shunting neighboring boxes is not readily accessible. So we provide:
+ \hSlide{...}
+ \vSlide{...}
+which respectively slide horizontally to the right and vertically down
+in dimension units of the TeX page, NOT the artist's page.
+ A good order of steps for implanting a graphics object is to trim
+using percentage units, then scale, and finally, slide, or shunt using
+TeX tools.
+ By default, the box is produced vertically "centered" using \vcenter.
+This seems most agreeable in case of linefigures in text --- though
+mostly it does not matter. The "height" mentioned above is the sum of
+the height and the depth of this box (with rare exceptions mentioned
+immediately below).
+ The two other obvious choices of baseline are also available:
+ --- \tBoxedEPSF{...} baseline at top as for washing hanging on a
+ --- \bBoxedEPSF{...} baseline at bottom as for trucks on a highway
+ The default choice is
+ --- \cBoxedEPSF{...} baseline centered as for khebabs on a skewer.
+More precisely, it is centered on the "axis" of mathematics in prose,
+which for computer modern ten point system is 2.5pt above the
+baseline; this makes \cBoxedEPSF very convenient for insertion of
+small "linefigures" in prose; for example, $\left(\BoxedEPSF{mylinefig
+scaled 300}\right)$ should neatly fit "mylinefig" between parentheses.
+ Beware, however, that TeX's refusal of negative heights or depths
+for boxes leads to surprising results with \cBoxedEPSF when very tiny
+linefigures occur (so tiny they do not reach the baseline). For example,
+if the scaling is zero, the height is the math axis height, and the depth
+is zero! If such extreme cases interest you, experiment with \hrule
+\cBoxedEPSF{myfig scaled 0} \hrule. No such subtleties occur with
+\tBoxedEPSF and \bBoxedEPSF!
+ You can change the default behavior to "baseline at top" (for example)
+by the command
+ \let \BoxedEPSF=\tBoxedEPSF
+ ****** Some file trickery ******
+ (A) The first trick is standard; if several authors on different
+platforms are collaborating on one TeX typescript, each should use
+boxedeps.cfg to specify the DVI-to-PS driver and not a command
+\Set...EPSFSpecial Then provided each
+author preserves and protects his boxedeps.cfg all other parts of the
+".tex" typescript can be maintained identical for all authors.
+ (B) The following comments respond to requests and suggestions of
+Douglas Gray-Stephens <gray@SCR.SLB.COM>.
+ Ad hoc user-macros can perform file searchs that might at
+first sight seem beyond the scope of BoxedEPSF.
+ 1) Graphics objects to be reused can be macros and they need not be in
+a specific directory. Since \SetEPSFDirectory respects TeX grouping,
+one can set out a definition as follows:
+ \def\ourlogo#1{\bgroup\SetEPSFDirectory{<logopathname>}%
+ \BoxedEPSF{<logoname> scaled #1}\egroup}
+Then one inserts the boxed logo using \ourlogo{<scale>}. The directory
+for EPSFs (if any) is momentarily changed but is the same before and
+after \ourlogo{<scale>} is used.
+ If just a few graphics objects are to be reused often, economy
+and speed are best assured by storing the graphics object is a TeX box.
+Suppose for example that a logo is to be used on each page. Then one
+can prepare the box by
+ \newbox\logobox
+ \bgroup\SetEPSFDirectory{<logopathname>
+ \global\setbox\logobox=%
+ \hbox{\BoxedEPSF
+ {<logo file name> scaled <scale in mils>}}\egroup
+ \gdef\Logo{\copy\logobox}
+Thereafter, \Logo places the logo very quickly and can be reused
+at no extra cost to TeX.
+ 2) It is possible to use simultaneously several graphics directories by
+further exploiting TeX grouping. Suppose, for example, that one wants
+an extra directory <graphpath> for scientific graphs. Then one can
+define \BoxedGraph behaving just like \BoxedEPSF but always using
+directory <graphpathname>, as follows:
+ \def\BoxedGraph#1{\bgroup\SetEPSFDirectory{<graphpathname>}%
+ \BoxedEPSF{#1}\egroup}
+\BoxedGraph is insensitive to occurences elsewhere of \SetEPSFDirectory.
+ 3) A useful special case of this approach gives a "wildcard" macro:
+ \def\BoxedEPSFx#1{\bgroup\SetEPSFDirectory{}%
+ \BoxedEPSF{#1}\egroup}
+(This of course assumes one has used or will use
+\SetEPSFDirectory{<pathname>}, for otherwise \BoxedEPSFx will behave
+much like \BoxedEPSF.) One can use either "full" or "relative" file
+specifications in
+ \BoxedEPSFx{<filespec> [scaled <scale>]}
+Here "full" means no separator out front, and "relative"
+means separator out front. The separator is the character "/" for
+unix or PC and ":" for Macintosh. In the relative case, your current
+directory behaves as root; normally, this is the directory of
+the .tex file you launched.
+ Example for the Macintosh:
+ \BoxedEPSFx{:art:monalisa.eps}
+This searches in "art" a subdirectory of the default directory
+for an EPS file called monalisa.eps.
+ ****** Selecting PostScript printer drivers ******
+ The obstacle to portability is a lack of standard syntax for
+the \special commands; they vary from driver to driver. This is
+overcome by using a local standard "fake special" within boxedeps.tex,
+and relating each driver to it.
+ This local BoxedEPSF standard is a two-argument macro
+ \EPSFSpecial#1#2
+where #1 is <file spec> and #2 is <scale in mils>. A different
+definition is given for each driver. For example, for Textures, the
+user types (in his article header or in boxedeps.cfg):
+ \SetTexturesEPSFSpecial
+and this package then institutes essentially the definition:
+ \gdef\EPSFSpecial#1#2{\relax
+ \special{postscriptfile #1 scaled #2}}%
+Actually, it is not quite that simple, because we allow decimal
+scaling factors like 726.7 (mils) while Textures <=1.6 required integer
+ Definitions for most known drivers are provided:
+ %% \SetepsfEPSFSpecial %% ******* will work for many:
+ %% ----- dvips, the Y&Y drivers, DirectTeX, CMacTeX, OzTeX>=1.7
+ %% \SetEPSFMultiSpecial %% ******* may work for more
+ %% \SetTexturesEPSFSpecial %% Textures
+ %% \SetUnixCoopEPSFSpecial %% dvi2ps early unix
+ %% \SetNiponUnixEPSFSpecial %% dvi2ps j-version
+ %% \SetBechtolsheimDVI2PSEPSFSpecial and
+ %% \SetBechtolsheimDVITPSEPSFSpecial %% by S.P.Bechtolsheim
+ %% \SetLisEPSFSpecial %% dvi2ps by Tony Lis
+ %% \SetRokickiEPSFSpecial %% dvips by Tom Rokicki
+ %% \SetDVIPSoneEPSFSpecial %% DVIPSONE of Y&Y same as
+ %% \SetDVIWindowEPSFSpecial %% DVIWindow of Y&Y
+ %% \SetDirectTeXEPSFSpecial %% DirectTeX by Wilfried Ricken
+ %% \SetCMacTeXEPSFSpecial %% CMacTeX by Tom Kiffe
+ %% \SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial %% OzTeX (>=1.7) by Andrew Trevorrow
+ %% \SetOldOzTeXEPSFSpecial %% OzTeX (1.42--1.6x)
+ %% \SetPSprintEPSFSpecial %% PSprint by Andrew Trevorrow
+ %% --- also for OzTeX versions <= 1.41 !!
+ %% \SetArborEPSFSpecial %% ArborTeX DVILASER/PS
+ %% \SetClarkEPSFSpecial %% dvitops by James Clark
+ %% \SetBeebeEPSFSpecial %% DVIALW by N. Beebe
+ %% \SetNorthlakeEPSFSpecial %% Northlake Software
+ %% \SetStandardEPSFSpecial %% Nonexistant: Placebo used
+and others will be on request --- see appendix.
+ --------------------
+ OzTeX note June 1994: OzTeX 1.7 revised its \special for
+EPSF insertion to place the lower left corner of the bounding box
+at the TeX insertion point; \SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial is revised in
+consequence. Users of OzTeX versions 1.4.2 to 1.6 must now either
+update to OzTeX1.7, or use \SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial\PSOrigintrue or
+\SetOldOzTeXEPSFSpecial in place of \SetOzTeXEPSFSpecial. Otherwise
+the updated boxedeps.tex will badly misplace EPSFs.
+ Since OzTeX's own \special syntax has changed so often,
+where archival ".tex" files are involved, consider using
+\SetepsfEPSFSpecial based on a stable syntax of Rokicki; this will
+work with OzTeX in versions >= 1.7.
+ --------------------
+ ****** Compatibility with T. Rokicki's integration package ******
+ For users of Rokicki's integration package epsf.tex
+attached to his DVI-to-PS driver dvips, we support the following
+alternative syntax.
+ \EPSFbox or \EPSFfile equivalent to \bBoxedEPSF.
+ \EPSFxsize=126pt equivalent to \ForceWidth{126pt}
+ \EPSFysize=76pt equivalent to \ForceHeight{76pt}
+This compatibility makes it straightforeward to move a manuscript
+prepared with the most basic features of epsf.tex to a TeX site with
+any other driver.
+ Rokicki uses all-lowercase commands (epsf for EPSF); hence
+his epsf.tex can be loaded along with boxedeps.tex without
+conflict. If, on the other hand, you want BoxedEPSF to accept the
+lowercase syntax and execute the three commands in place of
+epsf.tex, you can type \EmulateRokicki.
+ The (undocumented) \special syntax of dvips employed by
+epsf.tex has gradually become widespread in other drivers; it is
+this syntax on which \SetepsfEPSFSpecial above is based.
+ --------------------
+ ****** Known Problems ******
+ 1) The process of reading bounding boxes may prove annoyingly slow
+on smaller computers when inserts are numerous. This problem will
+be lessened if you can make the "BoundingBox" comment one of the
+first in each PostScript file. The larger BoxedArt.tex package for
+Macintosh users provides a complete cure through use of a "graphics
+specification file", which can be read quickly.
+ 2) TeX permanently uses up the string space needed to record the
+(full) name of each EPS file it opens. If you are short on string
+space use succinct EPS file names like F1, F2, ... and put your TeX
+file in your graphics directory to make the default directory
+coincide with the graphics directory. Then \BoxedEPSF{F1} will use
+up just two string characters.
+ 3) Early Textures problem (not in versions >=1.4??): PostScript
+files that have a resource fork may upset the Textures driver.
+Typically, nothing after the figure will print. This can be cured
+by deleting the resource fork. For a PostScript file of
+Illustrator88, the preview graphics are in a PICT resource; try
+deleting all resources EXCEPT this PICT.
+ 4) A common driver problem: EPS files seldom include the
+PostScript fonts they need. Usually this does not cause a problem,
+because (hopefully) the required font is already present in the
+printer, or at least will be downloaded to the printer for the job
+in which the EPSF is embedded.
+ However, if necessary the driver should attempt to locate and
+include the fonts needed. Unfortunately, few do. (Textures >= 1.7 and
+DVIPSONE are admirable exceptions.) The *user* is then obliged to
+intervene to assure the presence of the fonts. Fortunately an EPSF
+header comment
+ %%DocumentFonts: ...
+usually tells exactly which fonts are needed. Here are two
+ways to download them:
+ (a) Use a utility to download the fonts before the printing job is
+run. (For Macintosh look for the name "LaserWriter [Font]
+ (b) Artificially employ in the TeX manuscript all the fonts
+required for the EPS file; they are listed in the header. To
+avoid adding an extra page to the output one can have the extra
+material printed off-page using say
+ \rightlap{\smash\hbox{\kern\hsize <text using fonts for EPSFs>}}
+This approach (b) makes the TeX document portable without special
+instructions. However (b) sometimes fails; for example if the EPS
+file uses CM/PS type1 Adobe fonts while the main text uses CM fonts of
+the classical metafont sort.
+ (c) Where figure labels are concerned, one can usually outright
+avoid this font inclusion problem by puting the labels in a TeX
+overlay, using, for example, the utility "labelfig.tex"
+(often posted as a companion to boxedeps.tex).
+ Laurent Siebenmann
+ Mathematique, Bat. 425,
+ Univ de Paris-Sud,
+ 91405-Orsay,
+ France
+ Fax number: 33-1-6941-6348
+ The following may give you leads to alternative solutions.
+ --- PSFIG a package by Trevor Darrell (for at least two drivers)
+available by anonymous ftp from
+( in ./psfig or ( in the
+directory ./dist/psfig.
+ --- Merging PostScript Illustrations: Gerald Roylance 1987, 1989,
+see MIT AI Laboratory Working Paper 299a; this package supports dvi2ps
+ --- dvips and epsf.tex by by T. Rokicki <rokicki@Neon.Stanford.EDU>
+ --- Une meilleure integration du graphisme Macintosh, par Laurent
+Siebenmann, Cahiers GUTenberg, No. 4 (Dec 1989), pages 29-38. The
+native Macintosh grapics norm is called PICT. TeX has not been able to
+read PICT resources and files, as the resources are not files and the
+files are "binary". Nevertheless, good integration under Textures (and
+subsequently other Macintosh TeX implementations) has become possible
+with the help of a preprocessor "ArtDealer" and the notion of a
+"graphics description file". The strong points of this approach are
+speed and compactness. Portability poses some problems. These ideas are
+implemented by the parallel package consisting of BoxedArt.tex,
+BoxedArt.doc, and ArtDealer available (hopefully) from the same sources
+as this package.
+ --- Nicolas Jungers <EDITEX@BUCLLN11.BITNET> two postings in the
+GUTenberg forum <GUT@FRULM11.BITNET> 9 Nov 90 and 17 Nov 90. [A good
+"do-it-yourself" kit!]
+ --- Michael Ferguson <> espouses the
+\ForceHeight{...} approach in Cahiers GUTenberg, No. 3 (May 1989); for
+many drivers, it does not require TeX to read the EPS file. N. Beebe
+indicates that his macros are available for DVIALW.
+ Hopefully you have found your PostScript printer driver in the
+above list of \Set...EPSFSpecial commands. In that case, try the
+following test to check that this package is working
+ ------ cut here
+ %%%% test.tex for Plain TeX; by puting
+ %% everything from \input to ZZ into the middle of a LateX file.
+ \input boxedeps.tex
+ \Set...EPSFSpecial %%%% complete this line!!!!!!!!
+ \ShowDisplacementBoxes%\HideDisplacementBoxes %%alternatives
+ \null\vfill\vfill
+ AA\BoxedEPSF{gdisk.eps scaled 500}ZZ
+ %% lower case "8+3" convention for file names
+ \bye
+ %%%% test.tex for LaTeX (2e)
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \usepackage[standard,showboxes]{boxedeps}
+ %% change "standard" to indicate your PostScript printer driver
+ %% or omit and rely on boxedeps.cfg configuration
+ %% showboxes --> hideboxes for final version
+ \documentclass{article}
+ \usepackage[oztex,hideboxes]{boxedeps}
+ \begin{document}
+ \begin{figure}AA\BoxedEPSF{gdisk.eps scaled 500}ZZ\end{figure}
+ \end{document}
+ ------ cut here
+ %!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
+ %%Title: gdisk.eps
+ %%Remark: A simple test file
+ %%Remark: DELETE SPACES BEFORE ALL %% (especially for Textures)
+ %%Pages: 0
+ %%BoundingBox: 216 216 432 432
+ %%EndComments
+ 72 72 scale % units are now inches instead of big points
+ newpath
+ 4.5 4.5 1.5 0 360 arc
+ closepath
+ 0.9 setgray
+ fill
+ ------ cut here
+ The files test.tex and gdisk.eps should be in the same
+ A grey disk should appear fitting snuggly between AA and ZZ.
+It should be neatly bounded by a square (the displacement box).
+ Once this test is working you should be able to elaborate and
+test all features.
+ If it does not work, examine the TeX log for helpful
+ If the one fault is that the box is blank on printing, test
+settings for other drivers. In case you have no clue about your
+printer driver, a sequence of commands of the form
+\Set...EPSFSpecial \string\Set...EPSFSpecial
+ AA\BoxedEPSF{gdisk.eps scaled 500}ZZ\vfill\eject
+will conveniently try out *all* possibilities in a single TeX run.
+ To get support for your dvi to PostScript printer driver,
+please send the \special syntax required to insert a file myfile.eps
+with scaling 76 percent!
+ For example, the answer for the ArborText DVILASER/PS driver
+ \special{ps: epsfile myfile.eps 760}
+And that was (almost) enough to let me program \SetArborEPSFSpecial.
+ One more scrap of information is essential. Some \special's
+for EPSFs place the lower left corner of the (scaled) bounding box at
+the TeX insertion point, and others place the lower left corner of the
+artist's page at the insertion point. No other choice seems consistent
+with Knuth's recommendations in the TeXbook. Textures and ArborTeX
+belong to the first type, while OzTeX (versions <=1.6x) and Rokicki's
+dvips belong to the second. The first type of driver must read the
+"bounding box comment" in the EPS File header. Please report on the
+basis of documentation and/or experimentation, which type is in
+question. An experimental test routine is provided below.
+ In general, some testing and/or driver documentation may be
+needed to clear up lingering questions. For example, are decimals
+allowed in in the scaling specification? For ArborTeX I believe the
+answer is no.
+ An information form is included below for those who would like
+to see BoxedEPSF adapted to another driver.
+ -------------------------------cut
+ %%% spectest.tex for Plain TeX
+ %%% Test to discover which point in
+ % the graphics page (plane) your \special
+ % command distinguishes and identifies to
+ % the TeX insertion point.
+ %
+ % --- Put the file gsquare.eps into the same folder as
+ % TeX and this testfile. Hopefully this will make
+ % gsquare.eps accessible to the printer driver.
+ %
+ % --- Complete the \special{... gsquare.eps ...} command below
+ % as your driver documentation recommends for printing
+ % the EPSF gsquare.eps --- without any scaling, or other
+ % refinement. For example
+ % \special{ps: epsfile gsquare.eps 1000}
+ % is suitable for the ArborteX driver.
+ %
+ % --- Typeset this file
+ %
+ % --- Print the resulting .dvi file using your driver.
+ %
+ %
+ % If the black box lies in the square, the
+ % distinguished point is the lower, left-hand corner of the
+ % PostScript bounding box.
+ %
+ % If the black box lies outside the square, the
+ % distinguished point is the lower, left-hand corner of the
+ % artist's page, i.e. the the PostScript origin.
+ %
+ % If the square is missing, your driver has probably not found
+ % the EPS file gsquare.eps, or you have formulated the \special
+ % command incorrectly. Follow driver instructions more
+ % carefully.
+ %
+ % --- report results to Laurent Siebenmann
+ % <>
+ % on the special reply "reply.doc" form provided below.
+ %
+ %
+ \null
+ \vfill
+ \vskip -1 in
+ \moveright 1 in \vbox{\hrule height 1 in width 1 in}
+ \vskip 1 in
+ \special{... gsquare.eps ...}%% please carefully adjust this
+ \eject
+ \bye
+ %% end of spectest.tex
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ -------------------------------cut
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
+ %%Title: gsquare.eps
+ %%Remark: Another simple test file
+ %%Remark: DELETE SPACES BEFORE ALL %% (especially for Textures)
+ %%Pages: 0
+ %%BoundingBox: 216 216 432 432
+ %%EndComments
+ 72 72 scale % units are now inches instead of big points
+ newpath
+ 3 3 moveto
+ 3 6 lineto
+ 6 6 lineto
+ 6 3 lineto
+ closepath
+ 0.8 setgray
+ fill
+ -------------------------------cut
+%!PS-Adobe-2.0 EPSF-1.2
+ %%Title: heat.eps
+ %%Remark: Another simple test file
+ %%Remark: DELETE SPACES BEFORE ALL %% (especially for Textures)
+ %%Pages: 0
+ %%BoundingBox: 216 216 432 432
+ %%EndComments
+ 72 72 scale % units are now inches instead of big points
+ newpath
+ 4.5 4.5 1.5 0 360 arc
+ closepath
+ 0.9 setgray
+ fill
+ /Times-Italic findfont
+ .8 scalefont
+ setfont
+ 3.75 4.3 moveto
+ 0 setgray
+ (Heat) show
+ -------------------------------cut
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ %%% reply.doc %%%
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ INFORMATION FORM for adaptation of BoxedEPSF
+ to other "dvi-to-PostScript" printer drivers
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ Please provide information on the following items:
+ --- Name and email address(es) of correspondent.
+ --- Driver information: Name, version, date, copyright, vendor,
+computer(s) served, price etc.
+ --- Syntax required to print the EPS File gsquare.eps scaled to
+76 percent using a command of the form \special{... gsquare.eps
+...}. Is scaling to exactly 76.33 percent available?
+ --- More info on \special.
+ --- Location of the distinguished point. (Report result of test
+in spectest.tex above).
+ --- Source(s) of your EPSFs.
+ --- Do you progam TeX? PostScript?
+ A trial adaptation to your driver will be returned with
+an update of BoxedEPSF. Thank you for cooperating!
+ Laurent Siebenmann
+ Mathematique, Bat. 425,
+ Univ de Paris-Sud,
+ 91405-Orsay,
+ France
+ Fax number: 33-1-6941-6348
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+ -------------------------------cut
+ While everyone admires PostScript graphics, few TeX users are
+entirely happy with their tools for producing the EPSFs. As soon
+as your integration problem has been disposed of, this one will be
+back to haunt you! Here are a few notes that may help.
+ a) Illustrator on the Mac by Adobe Corp is a MacDraw-like program
+that uses the EPSF norm. It is favored by professionals since it is
+geared for highest quality output.
+ b) DrawOver 1.0 copyright Michael Everest 1986, is a converter to
+EPSF from the PICT graphics norm of the Macintosh, a norm for which
+there are many excellent drawing programs such as MacDraw. It was
+distributed with Illustrator 88 on the Mac. To get preview, and
+sometimes even to print, its output has to be "validated" by passage
+through Illustrator. The original DrawOver is aging inasmuch as it
+handles the PICTs of more recent MacDraw versions less and less
+well. One does best by using PICT files (re)generated by MacDraw
+versions anterior to MacDrawII. Illustrator 3.0 included an
+updated DrawOver. From Adobe, there is also a converter Streamline
+for PICT, TIFF and MacPaint files.
+ c) LaserWriter >= 8.1.1 of 1994 provides an option to "print"
+almost any graphics objects to file of EPSF type. This approach
+probably going to become the dominant one for Mac users. It has been
+available on in directory dts and is distributed with
+Systems >+ 7.5. Some bugs remain to be eliminated. In a pinch consider
+converting the more reliable "PS job" files to EPSF form using
+or as described below. Pioneering users should be sure that
+the graphics object well within the page being used; one way is to
+use an big page as provided say by the Agfa printer configuration
+ d) fig and xfig by Micah Beck, Cornell University
+<> are MacDraw-like programs for unix and unix
+X-windows, for which a translator transfig exists to EPSF norm.
+ e) Naked PostScript code. PostScript is a beautiful language, and the
+three Adobe manuals are very helpful.
+ f) Aldus Freehand on the Macintosh: see Berthold K.P. Horn's
+comments below; cf Aldus Intellidraw below.
+ g) Canvas (Denaba Software) on Macintosh in versions from 1991
+(3.0) on will have the ability to save a file in EPS format (and
+also PICT and Illustrator 88 formats etc., the most impressive list
+so far).
+ h) Classic MacDraw, MacDraw Pro, indeed all versions from 1991 of
+MacDraw on Macintosh, on will hopefully have the ability to save a
+file in EPS as well as PICT format. At the same time Apple is
+producing more and more non-PostScript printers...
+ i) CricketDraw and CricketGraph
+ *****************************************
+ Several users have kindly extended and updated the above list!
+ Berthold K.P. HORN mentioned many possibilities:
+(*) Aldus Freehand on the Mac is a more sophisticated tool for
+generating graphic illustrations than Adobe Illustrator. Both are
+constrained to basically two-dimensional patterns. Both can
+produce output in EPS form. [[See the "export" menu item, and use
+the simple or Mac version of EPS format, not the IBMPC version that
+yields a partly binary file. The Mac version includes a PICT
+resource containing a bitmap visible in the Textures or OzTeX preview.
+Aldus Freehand freehand also imports PICT resources via the Mac
+clipboard, and this provides an interesting alternative to
+DrawOver. This conversion sometimes handles MacDrawII PICT
+files better than DrawOver. Freehand, unlike Illustrator, has
+its own binary file format.]]
+(*) Micrografx Designer on the PC is a more sophisticated tool for
+generating graphics illustrations than Adobe Illustrator. It is the
+PC's answer to `MacEnvy', since it provides a Windows based tool that
+is about as good as any on the Mac. Designer is also constrained to
+basically two-dimensional patterns. It can produce output in EPS
+(*) There are also CAD/CAM applications that run on high end PC's, Sun
+workstations that can handle `solid modelling' of three dimensional
+objects, but they are an order of magnitude more expensive, so few
+people have access to them.
+(*) Illustrate on the Symbolics LispMachine was one of the first
+drawing programs and is still used quite a bit. It can produce output
+in EPS form. Very similar features to the other 2-D illustration
+applications mentioned above.
+(*) Screen Dumps. Another useful source of graphic illustrations are
+screen dumps available on LispMachine, Windows on PC, and on Mac in
+EPS form. OF course, they are in bitmap form so very limited in
+quality and not resolution-independent, but useful for illustrating
+program operations.
+(*) Paint Programs. On the Mac and the PC there are programs that
+instead of manipulating curves and areas work directly with bitmaps.
+The output can be in EPS form. But same drawback as screendumps. Not
+used much.
+ Max CALVIANI <> mentions
+(**) Mongo or Supermongo ... superb ... produce a .ps file ... on
+vax/vms, also under Unix. They are copyrighted, Mongo costs approx
+500 USD, SuperMongo only 250 USD.
+ Antonio POSSOLO in Seattle <> makes
+recommendations for unix:
+An excellent tool to generate postscript figures in Unix is the S
+programming environment for data analysis and graphics,
+originally from AT&T Bell Labs, and S-PLUS, a superset [of S]
+from Statistical Sciences, Inc. (Seattle, Washington, USA). This
+is not a drawing tool in the sense of Adobe's Illustrator, or
+MacDraw: instead, it is driven by issuing drawing commands. S is
+described in R.A. Becker, J.M. Chambers, & A.R. Wilks (1988)
+"The New S Language", Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole, and you will find
+there many examples of its capabilities to produce beautiful
+pictures (note the postscript() command, in particular, as means
+to generate postscript output).
+Aldus (now Adobe) Intellidraw
+(report by Alun J. Carr <> Nov 1995)
+An excellent cross-platform (Mac and Windows) drawing package. It is
+extremely flexible, if a little non-intuitive at times, and is capable of
+producing top quality illustrations. On the Mac, Intellidraw can import
+PICT, TIFF, and EPS graphics, although only the PICT variety are editable
+in the program. Similarly, it can export in a few formats: PICT, EPS,
+Illustrator 88, and Illustrator 1.1. I highly recommend this application,
+particularly at its low price (less than 150 Irish pounds when I bought
+version 2).
+A hint on generating EPS from Cricket Graph III on the Mac
+(report by Alun J. Carr <> Nov 1995)
+Using LaserWriter 8.3, printing to an EPS file from Cricket Graph produces
+a very wrong BoundingBox. I have found that the following approach produces
+an excellent EPS file:
+1) In Cricket Graph `Save As...' a PICT.
+2) Change the creator of the PICT to ttxt (I use Type Resolve 2.0.1, which
+is a very handy drag-and-drop utility).
+3) Open the PICT file in SimpleText (Apple's current TeachText replacement).
+4) Print to an EPS file using the LaserWriter 8.3 driver.
+The bounding box is very close to being correct (usually within a
+millimetre or two), and the Postscript code is of high quality and very
+ ****************************************
+Determining Bounding Boxes via and
+ Many postscript files originally created without regard to
+EPSF standards will successfully function as EPSFs if they are
+provided with a suitable Bounding Box comment in the header. Ned
+Bachelder has distributed a PostScript "header" file since 1990
+(modified by Bernie Cosell <>) that will cause a
+following Postscript file to have its bounding box marked
+numerically and graphically on printing.
+ William L. Kath <> has distributed a
+version modified for ghostscript (see below) called; it
+is included in the unix ghostscript distribution.
+ These computer-based Postscript interpreters with
+electronic rather than physical output were initially programmed by
+Peter L. Deutsch, and have become of increasing interest for TeX
+ Ghostscript's public FTP site for all platforms is: in the directory: /pub/ghost.
+ These Postscript interpreters are certainly of great
+interest for PostScript programming.
+ The preparation of preview bitmaps for EPSFs is
+another important use.
+ The frustration engendered by using PostScript graphics
+without preview has been major obstacle to the use of PostScript
+with TeX. The Adobe standard for Macintosh previewing of
+encapsulated PostScript graphics is part of the EPSF standard
+available from ftp, and involves addition of a bitmap as
+a PICT resource number 256. [There is a variant for PC supported by
+DVIWindo of Y&Y and by DVIWin (on CTAN).]
+Building Macintosh Preview for EPSFs.
+ [Similar remarks apply to PC's under MSWindows.]
+ There is shareware utility called epsConvert by Sam Weiss
+1993-- (currently $25, Artemis software). It will convert many EPS
+files to a format valid for Adobe Illustrator, which in turn will
+provide the PICT bitmap preview. In conjunction with LaserWriter >=
+8.1.1, it will also provide vectorized PICT resource preview.
+ Ghostscript can be adapted to provide the PICT resource
+just mentioned (and Bounding box comment) in a mechanized way.
+(Is batch mode still missing? And automatic BoundingBox
+insertion on demand?)
+PS2EPS+ by Peter Lerup <>
+ (reported by Alun J. Carr Nov 1995)
+This is a freeware application for the Mac, available from any
+Info-Mac mirror in the directory /gst/grf/ under the name
+ps-to-eps-plus-10.hqx. It uses Peter Lerup's own Mac port of
+Ghostscript (v2.5) to interpret EPS files that have no preview,
+and it then allows a PICT preview to be attached in Mac or PC
+preview format, and also for the image to be saved separately as
+a PICT or TIFF graphic. A very handy tool.
+ --------------
+SOMMAIRE FRANCAIS: boxedeps.tex d'efinit des macro-commandes
+ qui permettent d'int'egrer dans un document TeX des
+ objets graphiques de norme EPSF, tout en accordant
+ `a chacun le statut d'une bo^ite TeX ayant
+ les bonnes dimensions. La contribution principale
+ de cet utilitaire est de faire cela d'une fa_con universelle,
+ c'est a dire de fa_con `a pouvoir commod'ement
+ servir avec tout pilote d'imprimante de norme
+ PostScript --- malgr'e l'absence d'une norme
+ pour \special.