path: root/language/typingtex/cortex-email.dir
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /language/typingtex/cortex-email.dir
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'language/typingtex/cortex-email.dir')
3 files changed, 1134 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/language/typingtex/cortex-email.dir/CorTeX-lex-script-Mai93 b/language/typingtex/cortex-email.dir/CorTeX-lex-script-Mai93
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ab9dcf5eda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/typingtex/cortex-email.dir/CorTeX-lex-script-Mai93
@@ -0,0 +1,203 @@
+Date: 21 May 93 09:13:32+0100
+From: Pascal AMSILI <>
+Message-ID: <>
+To: GUT Distribution List <>
+Subject: Re: Une fac,on portable ? (Enfin)
+Reply-To: GUT Distribution List <>
+Received-Date: Fri, 21 May 1993 09:21:57 +0200
+X-Sequence: 6
+Status: R
+ Merci a` Laurent S <>, je comprend maintenant
+l'inte're^t du port a` gauche des accents, bien que mon sens
+esthetique (et mes habitudes anciennes) soit choque'. Vivement la
+ge'ne'ralisation de l'ISO-8859 pour simplifier tout c,a !
+ En attendant, voici un petit fichier lex qui peut constituer une
+alternative a` email-fr.sty. Son auteur est H. Garavel (imag).
+Ses de'fauts :
+ - Il ne permet pas l'emploi de 8-bit (je pense que lex n'est pas
+ << 8-bit clean >>)
+ - Il ge`re aussi les ligatures oe et ae, de fac,on assez
+ intelligente, SAUF si on a des morceaux en anglais (does -->
+ d{\oe}s)
+ - Il fait a` tort la conversion dans \verb|...|
+ - Dans certains cas (mode mathe'matique, par exemple) il faut
+ e'viter soi-me^me des conversions abusives : $e'$ sera converti
+ en $\'{e}$, au grand dam de TeX (Please, use \mathaccent in
+ math-mode)
+ Je donne un petit extrait du manuel, puis le fichier lex lui-me^me.
+J'espe`re que ce sera utile.
+P Amsili (
+PS : J'ai re'cupe're' tout c,a (package CorTeX) il y a longtemps, a`
+Grenoble, et je n'ai jamais re'ussi a` joindre l'auteur. J'ai beaucoup
+transforme' et appauvri l'ensemble pour l'adapter a` notre site, mais
+il y a des ide'es inte'ressantes qui me'riteraient d'e^tre reprises
+(e.g., ge'ne'ration automatique d'un Makefile a` partir du fichier
+------------ Cut Here ---------------------------------------------------------
+ Les tabulations sont remplacees par un nombre convenable
+ d'espaces, quelle que soient les options de CorTeX, y
+ compris (et surtout) dans les environnements "verbatim" et
+ "verbatim*"
+ Les caracteres accentues suivants sont reconnus et
+ transformes en format TeX standard, sauf dans les environne-
+ ments "verbatim" et "verbatim*" qui restent inchanges. Dans
+ les environnements "tabbing", cette convention fonctionne
+ encore.
+ a` a accent grave
+ a^ a accent circonflexe
+ a" a trema
+ e' e accent aigu
+ e` e accent grave
+ e^ e accent circonflexe
+ e" e trema
+ i^ i accent circonflexe
+Sun Release 4.1 Last change: IRIT Juin 92 2
+ i" i trema
+ o^ o accent circonflexe
+ o" o trema
+ u` u accent grave
+ u^ u accent circonflexe
+ u" u trema
+ c, c cedille
+ Les memes conventions s'appliquent aux lettres majuscules.
+ Laisser un espace apres les virgules, quand elles ne denotent
+ pas la cedille. Les cas suivants sont correctement traites:
+ Franc,aise
+ Franc,oise
+ Gerc,ure
+ Donc, il semble
+ j'ai aime'
+ ``j'aime''
+ ``j'ai aime'''
+Ligature OE
+ CorTeX essaie de reconnaitre automatiquement quelles sont
+ les situations ou "oe", "Oe" et "OE" doivent etre liees. Les
+ seules bogues constatees concernent les mots
+ moelle (qui s'e'crit sans ligature)
+ oerstite (qui s'e'crit avec ligature)
+ OErsted (qui s'e'crit avec ligature)
+ En revanche les exemples suivants sont correctement traites: Boer,
+ coefficient, coercitif, foehn, foetus, Noe"l, noeud, oecumenie, Oedipe,
+ OEdipe, oeil, oekume`ne, oenante, oestre, oeuf, oeuvre, poe^le, poecile
+ poe`te, poe'sie, soeur, voeu ...
+ L'utilisateur peut toujours forcer la ligature en ecrivant:
+ {\oe} ou {\OE}
+ Il peut egalement l'interdire en ecrivant:
+ {o}{e} ou {O}{E}
+Ligature AE
+ Les ligatures "ae", "Ae" et "AE" ne sont jamais faites
+ automatiquement. L'utilisateur doit les faire explicitement
+ a l'aide des notations
+ {\ae} et {\AE}
+Sun Release 4.1 Last change: IRIT Juin 92 3
+------------ Cut Here ---------------------------------------------------------
+"\\begin{verbatim}" {ECHO; BEGIN VERBATIM;}
+"\\begin{verbatim*}" {ECHO; BEGIN VERBATIM;}
+"\\end{verbatim}" {ECHO; BEGIN INITIAL;}
+"\\end{verbatim*}" {ECHO; BEGIN INITIAL;}
+"\\begin{tabbing}" {ECHO; BEGIN TABBING;}
+"\\end{tabbing}" {ECHO; BEGIN TABBING;}
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"oe"/[BbCcDdIiKkLlNnSsTtUu] printf ("{\\oe}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"OE"/[BbCcDdIiKkLlNnSsTtUu] printf ("{\\OE}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"Oe"/[BbCcDdIiKkLlNnSsTtUu] printf ("{\\OE}");
+<INITIAL>"a`" printf ("\\`{a}");
+<INITIAL>"A`" printf ("\\`{A}");
+<TABBING>"a`" printf ("\\a`{a}");
+<TABBING>"A`" printf ("\\a`{A}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"a^" printf ("\\^{a}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"A^" printf ("\\^{A}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"a\"" printf ("\\\"{a}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"A\"" printf ("\\\"{A}");
+<INITIAL>"e'''" printf ("\\'{e}''");
+<INITIAL>"E'''" printf ("\\'{E}''");
+<TABBING>"e'''" printf ("\\a'{e}''");
+<TABBING>"E'''" printf ("\\a'{E}''");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"e''" printf ("e{''}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"E''" printf ("E{''}");
+<INITIAL>"e'" printf ("\\'{e}");
+<INITIAL>"E'" printf ("\\'{E}");
+<TABBING>"e'" printf ("\\a'{e}");
+<TABBING>"E'" printf ("\\a'{E}");
+<INITIAL>"e`" printf ("\\`{e}");
+<INITIAL>"E`" printf ("\\`{E}");
+<TABBING>"e`" printf ("\\a`{e}");
+<TABBING>"E`" printf ("\\a`{E}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"e^" printf ("\\^{e}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"E^" printf ("\\^{E}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"e\"" printf ("\\\"{e}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"E\"" printf ("\\\"{E}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"i^" printf("\\^{\\i}") ;
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"I^" printf("\\^{I}") ;
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"i\"" printf("\\\"{\\i}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"I\"" printf("\\\"{I}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"o\"" printf ("\\\"{o}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"O\"" printf ("\\\"{O}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"o^" printf ("\\^{o}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"O^" printf ("\\^{O}");
+<INITIAL>"u`" printf ("\\`{u}");
+<INITIAL>"U`" printf ("\\`{U}");
+<TABBING>"u`" printf ("\\a`{u}");
+<TABBING>"U`" printf ("\\a`{U}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"u^" printf ("\\^{u}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"U^" printf ("\\^{U}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"u\"" printf ("\\\"{u}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"U\"" printf ("\\\"{U}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"c,"/["aAoOuU"] printf ("\\c{c}") ;
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"C,"/["aAoOuU"] printf ("\\c{C}");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"... " printf ("\\ldots\\ ");
+<INITIAL,TABBING>"..." printf ("\\ldots ");
+------------ Cut Here ---------------------------------------------------------
diff --git a/language/typingtex/cortex-email.dir/Email&CorTeXQuedMac.doc b/language/typingtex/cortex-email.dir/Email&CorTeXQuedMac.doc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..de59b45451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/typingtex/cortex-email.dir/Email&CorTeXQuedMac.doc
@@ -0,0 +1,604 @@
+ May 1993 alpha version (not yet complete)
+ Master posting on ftp
+ in directory TeX/TypingTeX.dir
+ *************************************************
+ ******
+ ****** Conversions:
+ ******
+ ****** TeX <-- email-fr <--> CorTeX --> TeX
+ ******
+ ****** on the Apple Macintosh.
+ ******
+ *************************************************
+Note aux francophones :
+ Des renseignements assez d'etaill'es sur CorTeX et email-fr
+apparaissent avril-juin 1993 dans les transactions de la liste
+'electronique GUT, affich'ees sur le serveur ftp (login:
+anonymous). Voir aussi un r'esume 'eventuel juxtant ce fichier
+sur ftp
+***** INTRODUCTION *****
+--- email-fr is a scheme for efficient typing of French
+accented characters in which one types ' for \' (accute
+accent), ` for \` (grave accent), ^ for \^ (hat accent), and /
+for for apostrophe (at least before before e and E).
+The French abstract avove is in this style.
+ --- CorTeX is a similar scheme which differs in that ' ^ `
+follow the vowel, and / is not used for apostrophe. It was
+set up by by Hubert Garavel (imag) and modified somewhat
+by Pascal Amsili <>. See a partial posting
+by Amsili on ftp Many users find CorTeX
+conventions just a bit more natural, probably because
+they are closer to handwriting.
+ CorTeX also allows " for diaressis following a vowel.
+But one one should avoid its use on terminal vowels:
+type aigu\"e, Malm\"o, not aigue", Malmo" to avoid
+confusion with " as closing double quotes (guillemets).
+ In both systems of typing Knuth's more prolix syntax
+for accents remains available.
+ The email-fr typing is acceptable to TeX once a small macro
+pakage email-fr.sty has been loaded; email-fr is thus
+perfectly portable.
+ CorTeX requires a preprocessor, which is given as a lex
+script (lex is a unix utility). This script performs a couple
+of extra services:
+ (a) Conversion of tabs to spaces. This trivial feature is
+neglected here since it can be done readily by a
+wordprocessor at any time.
+ (b) Conversion of oe to \oe when french typography
+requires it. This non-trivial feature is retained here and
+adopted for all conversions concerning email-fr since it manages
+to do gracefully what many of us neglect. Please complain
+if mistakes result!
+ Because lex is not conveniently accessible on the Mac but
+the editor QedM is, there was a need for a QedM version of
+CorTeX. It is the macro:
+ **post-acc2tex : CorTeX --> TeX
+For users of email-fr who want to have ".tex" file
+blend most easily with Knuth's syntax (perhaps at
+the cost of readibility) there is also:
+ **pre-acc2tex : email-fr --> TeX
+ For good measure converters between email-fr and CorTeX
+are provided:
+ **post-acc2pre-acc : email-fr <-- CorTeX
+ **pre-acc2post-acc : email-fr --> CorTeX
+And also three converters from standard TeX typing to various
+more readable formats:
+ **tex2pre-acc : TeX to email-fr
+ --- useful for making a French language .tex file readable
+ without while leaving it portable ie ascii and typesettable
+ anywhere. Do not forget to add essential email-fr commands.
+ **tex2mac : TeX to full Macintosh 8-bit encoding (Mac Times)
+ --- useful for spelling checks by Mac spelling checkers
+ for French or for freeding to non-TeX Mac formatters
+ such as Microsoft Word.
+ **tex2swt : TeX to Sweet 8-bit encoding (Sweet-teX).
+ --- The font Sweet-teX is a 12 point bitmapped screen font
+for Macintosh that combines essential accents, formatting
+"roadsigns", and math symbols. It is part of the TeX
+preprocessor Sweet-teX for math typeseting that is available
+on ftp
+ All these macros are located in an appendix in ascii form
+or as a binary Macintosh file of type QMAC and creator
+***** USE OF THE MACROS *****
+ (0) Only the macros whose names begin with stars **...
+are intended to be used directly; the rest are
+"subroutines". Choose a work folder by opening a file in
+it. Run the macro ***initialize to be sure that a work
+file "ctwk" exists in it. The action of a two-star macro
+such as **post-acc2tex will be restricted to the active
+window and further it will not change that window without
+approval of the user; instead, auxiliary files are used.
+ (1) To process a file open it and save a copy to the
+folder work folder. The window of the fiel to process must
+be selected a macor is run. Further, if some text is
+SELECTED in the active window the macro ignores everything
+but the selection. This is useful to make a quick trial
+run on a critical part of the typescript. This may equally
+be useful and necessary to avoid parts of a typescript
+that are typed in distinct fashion. In such heterogeneous
+typescripts, QuedM allows one to mark various chunks of
+the typescript in such a way that they can be selected
+instantly at any time. (Select the chunk and use the Set
+Marker... option in the Search menu.) For example, one
+might mark text from \beginemailFR to \endemailFR for
+conversion to ordinary tex syntax. If one takes care to
+use a *copy* of the original typescript, one can then
+progressively paste in the converted chunks offered by the
+ (2) Contrary to the original CorteX policy, the
+character " following a terminal vowel is not interpreted
+as a dieresis thereon, but as a double quote --- unless the
+word in question is aigue" or Malmo" or oither exceptions to
+be added. This allows Knuth's use of " for closing
+double quotes to be maintained in practice.
+ (3) A fundamental weakness of these macros is that they
+do not distinguish math mode rigourously. In math mode ^,
+_ or <comma>, ', (each without \ before it) have
+meanings that may conflict with their meanings in prose.
+Hence the inspection macros will be provided in a separate
+macro file to warn of possible conflicts with the CorTeX
+and email syntax. They give a report on possible
+difficulties. It should suffice to arrange that the above
+characters are separated by a space or at least something
+that avoids possible interpretation as an accent. These
+inspector macros will also warn of possible problems
+outside of mathematics.
+ Laurent Siebenmann, May-June, 1993
+ <>
+***** USE OF THE MACROS *****
+ (0) Only the macros whose names begin with stars **...
+are intended to be used directly; the rest are
+"subroutines". The action of a macro will be restricted to
+the active window and further it will not change that
+window without approval of the user; instead, auxiliary
+files are used.
+ (1) If some text is SELECTED in the active window the
+macro ignores everything but the selection. This is useful
+to make a quick trial run on a critical part of the
+typescript. This may equally be useful and necessary to
+avoid parts of a typescript that are typed in distinct
+fashion. In such heterogeneous typescripts, QuedM allows
+one to mark various chunks of the typescript in such a way
+that they can be selected instantly at any time. (Select
+the chunk and use the Set Marker... option in the Search
+menu.) For example, one might mark text from \beginemailFR
+to \endemailFR for conversion to ordinary tex syntax. If
+one takes care to use a *copy* of the original typescript,
+one can then progressively paste in the converted chunks
+offered by the macros.
+ (2) Contrary to the original CorteX policy, the
+character " following a terminal vowel is not interpreted
+as a dieresis thereon, but as a double quote --- unless the
+word in question is aigue" or Malmo" or oither exceptions to
+be added. This allows Knuth's use of " for closing
+double quotes to be maintained in practice.
+ (3) A fundamental weakness of these macros is that they
+do not distinguish math mode rigourously. In math mode ^,
+_ or <comma>, ', (each without \ before it) have
+meanings that may conflict with their meanings in prose.
+Hence the inspection macros will be provided in a separate
+macro file to warn of possible conflicts with the CorTeX
+and email syntax. They give a report on possible
+difficulties. It should suffice to arrange that the above
+characters are separated by a space or at least something
+that avoids possible interpretation as an accent. These
+inspector macros will also warn of possible problems
+outside of mathematics.
+ Laurent Siebenmann, May-June, 1993
+ <>
+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
+NB. The working form is the resource file:
+ **Post&PreAcc7BitTeX-QuedMac
+which is a Macintosh binary file.
+%%%%% ***documentation
+%%%%% ***initialize
+%%%%% **post-acc2tex
+%%%%% **post-acc2pre-acc
+%%%%% **pre-acc2post-acc
+%%%%% **tex2mac
+%%%%% **tex2pre-acc
+%%%%% **tex2swt
+ %%%%%% Auxiliary macros
+ %%% de-oemacros
+ %%% re-oemacros
+ %%% de-verbatim
+ %%% re-verbatim
+ %%% de-verbatim-loop
+ %%% re-verbatim-loop
+ %%% post-acc-pre-trans
+ %%% pre-acc-post-trans
+ %%% post-acc-tex-trans
+ %%% oe
+ %%% tex-mac-trans
+ %%% tex-pre-acc-trans
+ %%% tex-swt-trans
+%%%%% ***documentation
+%%%%% ***initialize
+New "ctwk"
+Set Line Width...
+12 Point
+%%%%% **pre-acc2post-acc
+Key post-
+Key <enter>
+%%%%% **post-acc2pre-acc
+Key pre-
+Key <enter>
+Key std-
+Key <enter>
+%%%%% **tex2mac
+Key mac-
+Key <enter>
+%%%%% **tex2pre-acc
+Key pre-
+Key <enter>
+%%%%% **tex2swt
+Key swt-
+Key <enter>
+%%%%% preamble
+Save As
+Copy "8"
+Key <command>.
+Open "ctwk"
+Select All
+Key <cursor-left>
+Copy "0" ""
+Copy "1" ""
+Copy "2" ""
+Copy "3" ""
+Copy "4" ""
+%%%%% sub-preamble
+Copy "0"
+Set Marker "the-sel"
+Select All
+Copy "1"
+Jump "END"
+Find "^" "gt"
+Jump "the-sel"
+Key <shift><cursor-left><shift><cursor-right>
+Jump "the-sel"
+Copy "4"
+Open "ctwk"
+Select All
+Paste "4"
+Clipboard 1
+Find "..." "gT"
+Copy "8" "ctwk"
+Clipboard 0
+%%%%% postamble
+Open "verbatims"
+Clipboard 8
+Open "ctwk"
+Save As
+Paste "8"
+Select All
+Key <cursor left>
+%%%%% de-verbatim
+Open "ctwk"
+Find "...zzz..." "tE"
+Clipboard 9
+Copy "9" ""
+New "verbatims"
+Clipboard 9
+Copy "9" ""
+Clipboard 0
+%%%%% de-verbatim-loop
+Change "\(\\begin\s*\r-\s*\{verbatim\*-\}.*\\end\s*\r-\s*\{verbatim\*-\}|\\verb\s*\r-\s*\(.\):.*\2\)" to " zzzverbatimzzz " "grT"
+<shift>Copy "9" '\1 \r\r' "tg"
+%%%%% re-verbatim
+Open "verbatims"
+Find "...yyy..." "tE"
+Open "ctwk"
+Find "...zzz..." "tE"
+Clipboard 9
+Copy "9" ""
+%%%%% re-verbatim-loop
+Copy "9" ""
+Clipboard 0
+Open "verbatims"
+Find "\(\\begin\{verbatim\*-\}.*\\end\{verbatim\*-\}|\\verb\|.*\|\)" "gtTr"
+Key < cursor left>
+Copy "9" '\1' "g"
+Open "ctwk"
+Find "zzzverbatimzzz" "tT"
+%%%%% post-acc-tex-trans
+Open "ctwk"
+Change "\\[A-Za-z]+:>["",\'\`^]" "& " "agt"
+Change "\([aA]\)\([`^]\)" to "\\\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([eE]\)\([\`\'^]\)" to "\\\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([\i\I]\)\([\^]\)" to "\\\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([oO]\)\([\^]\)" to "\\\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([uU]\)\([\`^]\)" to "\\\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([aeiouAEIOU]\)"":>[a-zA-Z]" to "\\""\1" "gat"
+Change "\(aigu\)\(e\)""" to "\1\\""\2" "gat"
+Change "\([M]alm\)\(o\)""" to "\1\\""\2" "gat"
+Change "\([cC]\)\(,\):>[aAoOuU]" to "\\c{\1}" "gat"
+%%%%% post-acc-pre-trans
+Open "ctwk"
+Change "\\[A-Za-z]+:>["",\'\`^]" "& " "agt"
+Change "\(\(^|[^A-Za-z]\)[CDLMNSTcdlmnst]\)'\([Ee][A-Za-z]:<[^AEIOUaeiou]\)" "\1/\3" "gat"
+Change "\([aA]\)\([`^]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([eE]\)\([\`\'^]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([\i\I]\)\([\^]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([oO]\)\([\^]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([uU]\)\([\`^]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([cC]\)\(,\):>[aAoOuU]" to "_\1" "gat"
+Change "\([aeiouAEIOU]\)"":>[a-zA-Z]" to "\\""\1" "gat"
+Change "\(aigu\)\(e\)""" to "\1\\""\2" "gat"
+Change "\([M]alm\)\(o\)""" to "\1\\""\2" "gat"
+%%%%% pre-acc-post-trans
+Open "ctwk"
+Change "\\[A-Za-z]+:>["",\'\`^]" "& " "agt"
+Change "\(\(^|[^A-Za-z]\)[CDLMNSTcdlmnst]\)/\(['^`][aeiou][A-Za-z]:<[^aeiouAEIOU]\)" "\1'\3" "agt"
+Change "\([`^]\)\([aA]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([\`\'^]\)\([eE]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([\^]\)\([\i\I]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([\^]\)\([oO]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "\([\`^]\)\([uU]\)" to "\2\1" "gat"
+Change "_\([cC]\)" to "\1," "gat"
+%%%%% oe
+Change "[o][e]:>[BbCcDdIiKkLlNnSsTtUu]" to "\\oe " "gat"
+Change "[O]e:>[BbCcDdIiKkLlNnSsTtUu]" to "\\OE " "gat"
+Change "\(m\)\\oe \(lle\)" to "\1oe\2" "gat"
+Change "\(m\)\\OE \(lle\)" to "\1OE\2" "gat"
+Change "\(oe\)\(rstite\)" to "\\\oe \2" "gat"
+Change "\([O]e\)\(rstite\)" to "\\\OE \2" "gat"
+Change "\([O]\)\(ersted\)" to "\\OE rsted" "gat"
+Change "\(mes|hyp|pr\)\\oe:b*\r*:b*" to "\1oe" "gat"
+%%%%% de-oemacros
+Change "\([\\][A-Za-z]*o\)\(e\)" to "\1qqq\2" "gatT"
+%%%%% re-oemacros
+Change "\([\\][A-Za-z]*o\)qqq\(e\)" to "\1\2" "gatT"
+%%%%% tex-mac-trans (sorry about the eight bit octets after `to' !)
+Open "ctwk"
+Change "\\\(\'\):b*\r*:b*\([E]|{[E]}\)" to "ƒ" "gat"
+Change "\\\(\'\):b*\r*:b*\([e]|{[e]}\)" to "Ž" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([A]|{[A]}\)" to "ๅ" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([a]|{[a]}\)" to "‰" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([E]|{[E]}\)" to "ๆ" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([e]|{[e]}\)" to "" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([I]|{[I]}\)" to "๋" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([i]|{[i]}\)" to "”" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([O]|{[O]}\)" to "๏" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([o]|{[o]}\)" to "™" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([U]|{[U]}\)" to "๓" "gat"
+Change "\\\^:b*\r*:b*\([u]|{[u]}\)" to "ž" "gat"
+Change "\\"":b*\r*:b*\([A]|{[A]}\)" to "€" "gat"
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+%%%%% tex-pre-acc-trans
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+%%%%% tex-swt-trans
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+Change "{\([\^""]-[aeiouAEIOUปˆ]\)}" to "\1" "gat"
+Change "\$\$\(:.:+\)\$\$" to "าา\1ิิ" "gatr"
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+ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
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--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
+(This file must be converted with BinHex 4.0)