path: root/language/japanese/plautopatch/plautopatch.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2022-08-01 03:04:31 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2022-08-01 03:04:31 +0000
commitc7ecdfe2e07e2e010de5e2a8d94c001c5dc9fc27 (patch)
tree80bdca45c628ce054648b8b6adc4c97d21bd48bb /language/japanese/plautopatch/plautopatch.tex
parent0d7064c66024537b237407f8b36413b055cf9a9a (diff)
CTAN sync 202208010304
Diffstat (limited to 'language/japanese/plautopatch/plautopatch.tex')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 197 deletions
diff --git a/language/japanese/plautopatch/plautopatch.tex b/language/japanese/plautopatch/plautopatch.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 7a1693adda..0000000000
--- a/language/japanese/plautopatch/plautopatch.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-%# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-\ifx\epTeXinputencoding\undefined\else % defined in e-pTeX (> TL2016)
- \epTeXinputencoding utf8 % ensure utf-8 encoding for platex
-\xspcode"5C=3 % \
-\xspcode"3C=3 % <
-\xspcode"3E=3 % >
-\usepackage{plautopatch}% load this here to make \GetFileInfo work
-\title{Package \textsf{plautopatch} \fileversion}
-\author{Hironobu Yamashita}
-Japanese \pLaTeX/\upLaTeX\ formats and packages often conflict
-with other \LaTeX\ packages which are unaware of \pLaTeX/\upLaTeX.
-In the worst case, such packages throw a fatal error or
-end up with a wrong output.
-The goal of this package \textsf{plautopatch} is that
-there should be no need to worry about such incompatibilities,
-because specific patches are loaded automatically
-whenever necessary.
-This helps not only to simplify source files, but also
-to make the appearance of working \pLaTeX/\upLaTeX\ sources
-similar to those of ordinary \LaTeX\ ones.
-The package is maintained on GitHub:
-If \LaTeXe~2020-10-01 or newer is running,
-this package uses the new hook system such as
-\verb+\AddToHook{package/.../before}+ and
-If \LaTeXe\ is older than that, this package depends on
-\textsf{filehook} package (written by Martin Scharrer).
-Load this package at the very beginning of the \LaTeX\ source.
-It is strongly recommended to use
-before \verb+\documentclass+ or any other commands,
-as such other classes and packages may load
-some problematic packages internally.
-Here is an example:
- %\RequirePackage{plautopatch}
- \documentclass{tarticle}% vertical writing (requires plext)
- \usepackage{array}% incompatible with plext
- \begin{document}
- ...
- \end{document}
-In the above example, the class \textsf{tarticle} internally
-requires the package \textsf{plext}.
-However, \textsf{array} explicitly required by \verb+\usepackage+
-conflicts with \textsf{plext}.
-By using \verb+\RequirePackage{plautopatch}+,
-\textsf{plextarray} is automatically loaded and the problem goes.
-The list of automatically-loaded packages is shown at
-***** List of packages loaded by `plautopatch': *****
- plextarray.
-When multiple packages are loaded, they are all printed
-as a list separated by commas and spaces.
-\section*{List of currently available patches}
-\def\ITEMoTo#1 (#2) -> #3 (#4){%
- \item \textsf{#1} (\textsf{#2})\\
- $\rightarrow$ \textsf{#3} (\textsf{#4})}
-\def\ITEMoTx#1 (#2) -> #3 {%
- \item \textsf{#1} (\textsf{#2})\\
- $\rightarrow$ \textsf{#3} }
-\def\ITEMxTo#1 -> #2 (#3){%
- \item \textsf{#1}\\
- $\rightarrow$ \textsf{#2} (\textsf{#3})}
-\def\ITEMxTx#1 -> #2 {%
- \item \textsf{#1}\\
- $\rightarrow$ \textsf{#2} }
-\def\ITEMooTo#1 (#2) + #3 (#4) -> #5 (#6){%
- \item \textsf{#1} (\textsf{#2}) + \textsf{#3} (\textsf{#4})\\
- $\rightarrow$ \textsf{#5} (\textsf{#6})}
-\def\ITEMxoTo#1 + #2 (#3) -> #4 (#5){%
- \item \textsf{#1} + \textsf{#2} (\textsf{#3})\\
- $\rightarrow$ \textsf{#4} (\textsf{#5})}
-\def\ITEMxoTx#1 + #2 (#3) -> #4 {%
- \item \textsf{#1} + \textsf{#2} (\textsf{#3})\\
- $\rightarrow$ \textsf{#4} }
-The legend:
-\item \texttt{<original package>} (\texttt{<bundle name of original package>})\\
- \texttt{<patch package>} (\texttt{<bundle name of patch package>})
-Current version (\filedate\space\fileversion) supports the followings:
-\ITEMoTo doc (latex) -> pldocverb (platex-tools)
-\ITEMoTo tracefnt (latex) -> ptrace/uptrace (platex/uplatex)
-\ITEMoTo fltrace (latex) -> pfltrace (platex)
-\ITEMoTo array (latex-tools) -> plarray (platex-tools)
-\ITEMooTo array (latex-tools) + plext (platex) -> plextarray (platex-tools)
-\ITEMooTo delarray (latex-tools) + plext (platex) -> plextdelarray (platex-tools)
-\ITEMxoTo colortbl + plext (platex) -> plextcolortbl (platex-tools)
-\ITEMxTx arydshln -> plarydshln (maintained here!)
-\ITEMxoTx arydshln + plext (platex) -> plextarydshln (maintained here!)
-\ITEMxTx siunitx -> plsiunitx (maintained here!)
-\ITEMxTx collcell -> plcollcell (maintained here!)
-\ITEMoTo everysel (ms) -> pxeverysel (platex-tools)
-\ITEMoTo everyshi (ms) -> pxeveryshi (platex-tools)
-\ITEMoTo atbegshi (oberdiek) -> pxatbegshi (platex-tools)
-\ITEMoTo ftnright (latex-tools) -> pxftnright (platex-tools)
-\ITEMoTo multicol (latex-tools) -> pxmulticol (platex-tools)
-\ITEMoTo xspace (latex-tools) -> pxxspace (platex-tools)
-\ITEMxTo textpos -> pxtextpos (gentombow)
-\ITEMxTo eso-pic -> pxesopic (gentombow)
-\ITEMxTo pdfpages -> pxpdfpages (gentombow)
-\ITEMoTo stfloats (sttools) -> pxstfloats (pxsttools)
-\ITEMxTx hyperref -> pxjahyper (by Takayuki YATO)
-\ITEMoTx pgfrcs (pgf) -> pxpgfrcs (maintained here!)
-\ITEMoTx pgfcore (pgf) -> pxpgfmark (by Takayuki YATO)
-Note that, of course, the list may be adjusted
-(addition, deletion or replacement)
-in the future to get the expected result.
-Feel free to report some compatibility issue or request changes!
-\section*{Disabling a specific patch}
-By default, \texttt{<patch package>} is automatically loaded when
-\texttt{<original package>} is detected, following the whole list.
-However, there is still a possibility of another regression issue.
-In that case, you can disable the detection of
-\texttt{<original package>} by using the command:
- \plautopatchdisable{<original package>}
-If you want to disable multiple packages, you can give
-a comma-separated list of them:
- \plautopatchdisable{<original package 1>,<original package 2>}
-\section*{Package-specific notice}
- \item If you use the \textsf{hyperref} package, the patch package
- \textsf{pxjahyper} is loaded \emph{immediately} after \textsf{hyperref}.
- If you need some explicit options of \textsf{pxjahyper} (though
- it should be rare enough because it works almost perfectly without those),
- you should write \verb+\PassOptionsToPackage{...}{pxjahyper}+
- before \textsf{hyperref} to avoid an option clash.
-\section*{Change History}
- \item 2018/08/21 v0.2 First CTAN release
- \item 2018/08/22 v0.3 Improve detection of problematic packages
- \item 2018/09/21 v0.5 Add support for \textsf{colortbl} and \textsf{pgf}
- \item 2018/10/02 v0.6 Add support for \textsf{arydshln}
- \item 2018/10/27 v0.8 Better support for \textsf{everysel}
- \item 2018/11/03 v0.9 Add support for \textsf{siunitx}
- \item 2018/11/25 v0.9b Add support for \textsf{multicol} and \textsf{doc}
- \item 2019/06/06 v0.9c Update patch for \textsf{siunitx}
- \item 2019/09/05 v0.9d Add support for \textsf{xspace} and \textsf{stfloats}
- \item 2020/02/25 v0.9e Add support for \textsf{textpos}
- \item 2020/05/05 v0.9f Add support for \textsf{collcell}
- \item 2020/05/25 v0.9g Automatically load \textsf{pxjahyper}
- \item 2020/09/13 v0.9h No dependency for \textsf{filehook} on \LaTeXe~2020-10-01
- \item 2020/09/25 v0.9i Do not require \textsf{pxeveryshi} and \textsf{pxatbegshi} on \LaTeXe~2020-10-01
- \item 2020/09/27 v0.9j Add support for \textsf{eso-pic} (\LaTeXe~2020-10-01 required)
- \item 2020/10/14 v0.9k Move tombow-related patches to \textsf{gentombow}
- \item 2020/10/21 v0.9l Bug fix for \verb+\plautopatchdisable+
- \item 2020/11/26 v0.9m Adapt to latest \textsf{pgf}
- \item 2021/02/13 v0.9n Do not require \textsf{pxeverysel} on \LaTeXe~develop
- \item 2021/05/15 v0.9o Do not delay \textsf{pxjahyper} loading
- \item 2021/05/31 v0.9p Prepare for \LaTeXe~2021-06-01
- \item 2021/12/07 v0.9q Adjust for \LaTeXe~2021-11-15