path: root/language/gurmukhi/singh
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /language/gurmukhi/singh
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'language/gurmukhi/singh')
-rw-r--r--language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk10.tfmbin0 -> 776 bytes
-rw-r--r--language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk12.tfmbin0 -> 772 bytes
-rw-r--r--language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk8.tfmbin0 -> 776 bytes
-rw-r--r--language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk9.tfmbin0 -> 776 bytes
22 files changed, 4109 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/Readme b/language/gurmukhi/singh/Readme
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4909831cff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/Readme
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ Gurmukhi for TeX
+ User Manual
+ Version 1.0
+ October 1995
+ Amarjit Singh
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+The purpose of the "Gurmukhi for TeX" software package is to convert the
+characters in a document from English Alphabet to Gurmukhi utilizing the
+TeX and Metafont software packages. Gurmukhi is a script for the Punjabi
+language mostly used in North India.
+TeX is a typesetting system is a trademark of the American Mathematical
+Society, used widely on Unix systems, and occassionally on other
+operating environments. Metafont, a trademark of Addison Wesley
+Publishing Company, is a font generation tool used by TeX. Both TeX and
+Metafont are free software packages which can be downloaded from a TeX
+archive sites. A working knowledge of TeX will greatly help in using
+this package.
+This software package is greatly inspired by "Devanagari for TeX" which
+is written by Frans J. Velthuis. I would like to thank him for giving
+me permission to change his software package to support Gurmukhi.
+This package consists of following file:
+ gurmukhi.c C-source code of preprocessor
+ gmmacs.tex macro file for TeX
+ METAFONT-Source code of Gurmukhi characters.
+ grmk8.tfm, grmk9.tfm, grmk10.tfm
+ TFM Font format of Gurmukhi characters.
+ readme This file, describing this package.
+ install.ux File with some help on installation in Unix env.
+ install.dos Some help to install this package on DOS.
+ and
+ Manual on how to create documents using this package
+ and
+ Example files with Gurmukhi characters and other
+ information.
+ known.prob Known issues, and your help will be appreciated.
+All these files are put together in a tar file such that at the time of
+extraction all file go into same directory. For every specific operating
+environment, these files may need to move to different directories, and
+that information is provided in install.* file for that environment.
+Details of each file included in this package:
+o gurmukhi.c, is the c-source file for preprocessor and you would need to
+ create an executable file by compiling this with a c compiler. I
+ believe, compilation should be fairly easy on any environment as the
+ source code has no system dependency.
+ The purpose of this preprocessor is to convert text in a .gm file to a
+ .tex file in a format understanable by TeX.
+o gmmacs.tex, contains macros for TeX, and should be included in your
+ text file. This file has macros for fonts, for spacing and for other
+ macros which are generated by the Gurmukhi preprocessor.
+o *.mf, are the METAFONT source files for Gurmukhi fonts in various
+ point sizes. These files will be used to produce Gurmukhi fonts in
+ different formats.
+o *.tfm are the font files in TFM format. A TFM file can be generated
+ from a MF file using METAFONT. Usually, TeX internally calls METAFONT
+ to create required files.
+o manual.* contain the information on preparing an input text file (.gm)
+ and use of this package in detail. A postscript version of this manual
+ is also included, which can be directly sent to a postscript printer.
+ It may be useful, to get information on the package, while writing an
+ input text file.
+o *.gm, are some file to serve as examples. These can be used to
+ understand the features of a Gurmukhi text, and can also be used
+ as input text to see if the installation is complete.
+If you have comments or suggestion, feel free to send them to me at
+the following address:
+Current Postal Mail: 8405 E. Hampden Ave #11N Denver CO 80231 USA
+Permanent Postal Address : A-3 ManSarover Garden, New Delhi 110015 India
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..df1575cbdd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+\input gmmacs
+\centerline{\gm 1.o satiguru prasAdi}
+\centerline{\gm sUhI mahalA 5 }
+jis ke sir Upari tuuN suaamii, so dukhu kaisaa paavai ||
+boli n jaanai maaiiaa madi maataa, mara.naa ciiti n aavai ||1||
+mere raamaraaii, tuuN sNtaa kaa sNt tere||
+tere sevak kau bhau kichu naahii, jamu nahii aavai nere ||1|| rahaau ||
+jo terai rNgi raate suaamii, tin kaa janam mara.n dukhu naasaa ||
+terii bakhas n me.tai koI, satigur kaa dilaasaa ||2||
+naamu dhiaaiini, sukh phala paaiini, pahar aaraadhahi||
+terii tere bharavaasai, pNc dush.t lai saadhahi ||3||
+giaanu dhiaanu kichu karamu n jaa.naa, saar n jaa.naa terii||
+sabh te va.daa satiguru naanak, jini kala raakhii merii ||4||10||57||
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/copying b/language/gurmukhi/singh/copying
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9a17037581
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/copying
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+ Version 1, February 1989
+ Copyright (C) 1989 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
+ 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ Preamble
+ The license agreements of most software companies try to keep users
+at the mercy of those companies. By contrast, our General Public
+License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
+software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. The
+General Public License applies to the Free Software Foundation's
+software and to any other program whose authors commit to using it.
+You can use it for your programs, too.
+ When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
+price. Specifically, the General Public License is designed to make
+sure that you have the freedom to give away or sell copies of free
+software, that you receive source code or can get it if you want it,
+that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free
+programs; and that you know you can do these things.
+ To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
+anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
+These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
+distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
+ For example, if you distribute copies of a such a program, whether
+gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
+you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
+source code. And you must tell them their rights.
+ We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
+(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
+distribute and/or modify the software.
+ Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
+that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
+software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
+want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
+that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
+authors' reputations.
+ The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
+modification follow.
+ 0. This License Agreement applies to any program or other work which
+contains a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be
+distributed under the terms of this General Public License. The
+"Program", below, refers to any such program or work, and a "work based
+on the Program" means either the Program or any work containing the
+Program or a portion of it, either verbatim or with modifications. Each
+licensee is addressed as "you".
+ 1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's source
+code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you conspicuously and
+appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate copyright notice and
+disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the notices that refer to this
+General Public License and to the absence of any warranty; and give any
+other recipients of the Program a copy of this General Public License
+along with the Program. You may charge a fee for the physical act of
+transferring a copy.
+ 2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion of
+it, and copy and distribute such modifications under the terms of Paragraph
+1 above, provided that you also do the following:
+ a) cause the modified files to carry prominent notices stating that
+ you changed the files and the date of any change; and
+ b) cause the whole of any work that you distribute or publish, that
+ in whole or in part contains the Program or any part thereof, either
+ with or without modifications, to be licensed at no charge to all
+ third parties under the terms of this General Public License (except
+ that you may choose to grant warranty protection to some or all
+ third parties, at your option).
+ c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively when
+ run, you must cause it, when started running for such interactive use
+ in the simplest and most usual way, to print or display an
+ announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a notice
+ that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide a
+ warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under these
+ conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this General
+ Public License.
+ d) You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a
+ copy, and you may at your option offer warranty protection in
+ exchange for a fee.
+Mere aggregation of another independent work with the Program (or its
+derivative) on a volume of a storage or distribution medium does not bring
+the other work under the scope of these terms.
+ 3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a portion or derivative of
+it, under Paragraph 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
+Paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
+ a) accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
+ source code, which must be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ b) accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
+ years, to give any third party free (except for a nominal charge
+ for the cost of distribution) a complete machine-readable copy of the
+ corresponding source code, to be distributed under the terms of
+ Paragraphs 1 and 2 above; or,
+ c) accompany it with the information you received as to where the
+ corresponding source code may be obtained. (This alternative is
+ allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
+ received the program in object code or executable form alone.)
+Source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making
+modifications to it. For an executable file, complete source code means
+all the source code for all modules it contains; but, as a special
+exception, it need not include source code for modules which are standard
+libraries that accompany the operating system on which the executable
+file runs, or for standard header files or definitions files that
+accompany that operating system.
+ 4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer the
+Program except as expressly provided under this General Public License.
+Any attempt otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense, distribute or transfer
+the Program is void, and will automatically terminate your rights to use
+the Program under this License. However, parties who have received
+copies, or rights to use copies, from you under this General Public
+License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such parties
+remain in full compliance.
+ 5. By copying, distributing or modifying the Program (or any work based
+on the Program) you indicate your acceptance of this license to do so,
+and all its terms and conditions.
+ 6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
+Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original
+licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to these
+terms and conditions. You may not impose any further restrictions on the
+recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
+ 7. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
+be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
+address new problems or concerns.
+Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
+specifies a version number of the license which applies to it and "any
+later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
+either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
+Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
+the license, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
+ 8. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
+programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
+to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
+Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
+make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
+of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
+of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
+ Appendix: How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
+ If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
+possible use to humanity, the best way to achieve this is to make it
+free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these
+ To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest to
+attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively convey
+the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least the
+"copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
+ <one line to give the program's name and a brief idea of what it does.>
+ Copyright (C) 19yy <name of author>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
+If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
+when it starts in an interactive mode:
+ Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) 19xx name of author
+ Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
+ This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
+ under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
+The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the
+appropriate parts of the General Public License. Of course, the
+commands you use may be called something other than `show w' and `show
+c'; they could even be mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your
+You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
+school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
+necessary. Here a sample; alter the names:
+ Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the
+ program `Gnomovision' (a program to direct compilers to make passes
+ at assemblers) written by James Hacker.
+ <signature of Ty Coon>, 1 April 1989
+ Ty Coon, President of Vice
+That's all there is to it!
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..54225e30db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+% Header file with Metafont-parameters for the Devanagari fonts
+% Copyright (C) 1991 University of Groningen, The Netherlands
+% Author: Frans J. Velthuis
+% Internet:
+% Bitnet: velthuis@hgrrug5
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+ penwd# :=thick# * cosd(rot-90);
+ usthick# := thick#;
+ mb# := .2ht#;
+ define_pixels(penwd,usthick,mb);
+ define_blacker_pixels(thin,thick,subthick);
+ thin := max(thin,1); subthick := max(subthick,1);
+ smoothing := 0;
+ pickup pencircle xscaled thick yscaled thin rotated rot;
+ scpenwd := pen_rt - pen_lft;
+ frame_pen := savepen;
+ pickup pencircle xscaled subthick yscaled thin rotated rot;
+ sub_pen := savepen;
+ picture v[];
+ numeric vbar[];
+ extra_endchar := extra_endchar & "chardp := chardp + mb#;" ;
+ def tframe =
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(w-brm-.7rm,h); z2=(w,h);
+ x3=good.x w-brm; y3=h; z4=(x3,0);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z3--z4;
+ enddef;
+ def aframe =
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(w-rm-brm,h); z2=(w,h);
+ x3=good.x w-brm; y3=h; z4=(x3,0);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z3--z4;
+ enddef;
+ def endsav =
+ vbar[charcode]=x3;
+ cullit;
+ v[charcode]=currentpicture;
+ endchar;
+ enddef;
+ def cutoff(expr t) =
+ x23 = vbar[t];
+ fill (-penwd,-d-mb-penwd)--(x23-.6scpenwd,-d-mb-penwd)--(x23-.6scpenwd,
+ h+penwd)--(-penwd,h+penwd)--cycle withweight 2;
+ cull currentpicture keeping(2,2);
+ addto currentpicture also v[t];
+ cull currentpicture keeping (2,2);
+ w := floor(x23-.6scpenwd);
+ enddef;
+ def addpic(expr t) =
+ addto currentpicture also v[t];
+ enddef;
+ def frame =
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1 = (0,ht); z2 = (w,ht);
+ x3 = good.x w-brm; y3 = ht; z4 = (x3,0);
+ draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4;
+ enddef;
+ def sqdot(expr p)=
+ x25:=floor(xpart p)+.5;
+ y25:=floor(ypart p)+.5;
+ dwd:=ceiling(thick);
+ if not odd dwd: dwd:= dwd+1; fi
+ fill unitsquare shifted -(.5,.5) rotated 45 scaled (.5sqrt2 * dwd)
+ shifted z25;
+ enddef;
+ def low_n(expr nw,nh)=
+ y38 := good.y nh; x38 := x3;
+ y39 := y38 - .6penwd; x39 := nw;
+ filldraw fullcircle scaled 1.2penwd shifted(x39,y39);
+ z40 = (x39,y38);
+ draw z38--z40;
+ enddef;
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d1bb2339c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+\input gmmacs
+{\gm {\gmsmall iih pNktI `smAl' a~akharAM vi~ac li~akhI gaI hai ! }}
+{\gm {\gmnine iih pNktI `nAiin' a~akharAM vi~ac li~akhI gaI hai ! }}
+{\gm {\gmnormal iih pNktI `nArmal' a~akharAM vi~ac li~akhI gaI hai ! }}
+{\gm {\gmbig iih pNktI `big' a~akharAM vi~ac li~akhI gaI hai ! }}
+{\gm {\gmlarge iih pNktI `lArj' a~akharAM vi~ac li~akhI gaI hai ! }}
+{\gm {\gmhuge iih pNktI `hyUj' a~akharAM vi~ac li~akhI gaI hai ! }}
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/env b/language/gurmukhi/singh/env
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d7927f05c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/env
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+# any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+# environment variables for TeX and LaTeX
+set texbase = /home/abc/gurmukhi/lib/tex
+setenv TEXINPUTS .:$texbase/macros:
+setenv TEXFONTS :$texbase/tfm
+setenv TEXPKS :$texbase/pk
+setenv MFINPUTS :$texbase/mf
+unset texbase
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e336c9e452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,1004 @@
+% Metafont source file of the Gurmukhi font
+% Author: Amarjit Singh
+% E-mail:
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+beginchar(0,0,ht#,0); "sub-u";
+% 0x0
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ x1=-1/2uwidth; y1=mb-(penwd+1/4uwidth);
+ z2=(1/4uwidth, y1);
+ draw z1{down}..tension4.0..z2;
+beginchar(1,0,ht#,0); "sub-U";
+% 0x1
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ x1=-1/2uwidth; y1=mb-(penwd+1/4uwidth);
+ z2=(1/4uwidth, y1);
+ x3=x1; y3=mb-(penwd+3/5uwidth);
+ z4=(x2, y3);
+ draw z1{down}..tension4.0..z2;
+ draw z3{down}..tension4.0..z4;
+beginchar(3,.9twd#+brm#,1.5ht#,0); "sup-e";
+% 0x3
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(w-brm,ht+1.5penwd);
+ z2=(0,1.5ht);
+ draw z1{curl.5}..{left}z2;
+beginchar(11,1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); ".g";
+% 0xb
+ italcorr brm#; path p;
+ z11=(.6(w-brm),.5penwd);
+ sqdot(z11);
+ frame; z5=(.25(w-brm),h);
+ z6=(x5,.3h);
+ z7=2/3[z5,z6];
+ z8=z7 shifted (.1(w-brm),0);
+ z9= (1/2penwd,y6+.08h);
+ p = z5..z8{down}..z6{left}..z9{up};
+ z10 = point 2.4 of p;
+ draw p..z10;
+beginchar(12,1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); ".kh";
+% 0xc
+ italcorr brm#;
+ tframe; path p;
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.55h);
+ z6=(x3,.55h);
+ z7=(0,h);
+ draw z5{dir-70}..tension.95..z6;
+ p = z5{right}..tension.95..z7;
+ draw p;
+ z12=(.65(w-brm),0);
+ sqdot(z12);
+ z8 = point .22 of p;
+ x9 = x3; y9 = y8;
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ draw z8--z9;
+beginchar(20,twd#,ht#,0); "period";
+% 0x14
+ z1=(1/2w,1/2penwd);
+ sqdot(z1);
+beginchar(26,1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "'n";
+% 0x1a
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ x3=good.x .25lm; y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.68h);
+ z5=(lm,.47h);
+ z6=(.3lm,.1h);
+ z7=(3/2penwd,.23h);
+ draw z3--z4{right}..tension.9..{down}z5..tension.9..{left}z6..z7;
+ z8=(.6lm,-1/7h);
+ draw z7{right}..tension.8..z8;
+beginchar(27,1.07twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "front-o";
+% 0x1b
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ lm:=w-rm;
+ z3=(.84lm,h); z4=(.4lm,.55h);
+ z5=(.64lm,y4);
+ z6=(x5,1/2penwd);
+ z7=(1/2penwd,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z4--z5{right}..tension1.1..z3;
+ draw z5..z6{left}..{curl.4}z7;
+ x8=.42lm+1/4penwd; y8=1.5h;
+ x9=lm; y9 = 1.6h;
+ draw z7{up}..z8..z9;
+% z8=(0,1.1h);
+% z9=(w-.5rm+.6twd,1.8h);
+% draw z7..z8..z9;
+% curl over small e matra
+% frame
+% z5=(x3,1.35ht);
+% z6=(w-.5rm+.6twd,1.35ht);
+% x7=.3[x5,x6]; y7=1.5ht;
+% draw z3--z5{up}..z7{right}..{curl0}z6;
+% very intersting curve
+% x8 = good.x w-brm; y8 = 1.35h;
+% z9=(w-.5rm+.6twd,2.35h);
+% x10=0; y10=1.5h;
+% z11=(0,h);
+% draw z11..z10{left}..z9;
+% perfect curve but too big
+% z8=(0,1.5h);
+% z9=(w-.5rm+.6twd,2.35h);
+% draw z7..z8..tension.95..z9;
+beginchar(" ",0,1.5ht#,0); "candrabindu";
+% 0x20
+ lm := .7twd;
+ z1=(.55lm,1.48ht);
+ sqdot(z1);
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ z5=(lm,1.5ht);
+ z6=(.66lm,1.25ht);
+ z7=(0,1.5ht);
+ draw z5..tension1.1..z6{left}..z7;
+beginchar(38,0,ht#,0); "/v";
+% 0x26
+ path p;
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ z1 = (2/14uwidth,mb-penwd);
+ z2 = (-9/28uwidth,mb-(penwd+.18uwidth));
+ z3 = (9/28uwidth,mb-(penwd+.36uwidth));
+ p = z1{left}..tension1.2..z2{down}..tension1.1..{curl.2}z3;
+ draw p;
+ z4 = point 1.5 of p;
+ z5 = (-8/28uwidth,mb-(penwd+.57uwidth));
+ z6 = (3/7uwidth,mb-(penwd+.68uwidth));
+ draw z4..tension1.1..z5{down}..tension1.2..{curl.3}z6;
+beginchar("'",1.1twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "f";
+% 0x27
+ italcorr rm#+.3twd#;
+ path p;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ x3=good.x .85(w-rm); y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.72h);
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.47h);
+ z6=(.7(w-rm),1/2penwd);
+ z7=(w-rm,.23h);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ p=z4{left}..tension.9..{down}z5..tension.9..{right}z6..{up}z7;
+ draw p..z6;
+ z12=(1/2penwd,0);
+ sqdot(z12);
+beginchar(")",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "z";
+% 0x29
+ italcorr brm#;
+ frame;
+ x5=.25w; y5=.1h;
+ x6=x5; y6=good.y .65h;
+ x7=x3; y7=y6-penwd;
+ z8=(x6-penwd,y6-penwd);
+ draw z7--z8{up}..z6--z5;
+ z11=(.6(w-brm),.5penwd);
+ sqdot(z11);
+beginchar(",",0,ht#,0); "visarga";
+% 0x2c
+ z1=(0,1.45h);
+ sqdot(z1);
+beginchar(".",twd#,ht#,0); "|";
+% 0x2e
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ x1=good.x w; y1=0; z2=(x1,h); draw z1--z2;
+beginchar("0",.5ht#+rm#,ht#,0); "0";
+% 0x30
+ pickup frame_pen; z1 =(1/4h+1/2penwd,1/2h);
+ draw fullcircle scaled 1/2h shifted z1;
+beginchar("1",5/8twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "1";
+% 0x31
+ pickup frame_pen; path p;
+ z1=(3/2penwd,.33h);
+ z2=(w-rm,0);
+ z3=(x2-.75penwd,-.07h);
+ z4=(w-rm,.75h);
+ z5=(.6(w-rm),h);
+ z6=(3/2penwd,.8h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z2--z3;
+ p=z1{curl0}..tension1.2..z4{up}..z5{left};
+ z7=point .8 of p;
+ draw p..z6{down}..tension1.1..z7;
+beginchar("2",twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "2";
+% 0x32
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(1/2penwd,.9h);
+ z2=(w-rm,.7h);
+ z3=(.25(w-rm),.35h);
+ z4=(x3,.45h);
+ z5=(w-rm,0);
+ draw z1{curl0}..tension1.1..z2{down}..z3{left}..z4..tension2..{curl0}z5;
+beginchar("3",.85twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "3";
+% 0x33
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(1/2penwd,.95h);
+ z2=(.95(w-rm),.82h);
+ z3=(.65(w-rm),.65h);
+ z4=(.2(w-rm),.65h);
+ z5=(w-rm,.4h);
+ z6=(.3(w-rm),.2h);
+ z7=(x6,.3h);
+ z8=(w-rm,0);
+ draw z1{right}..tension1.1..z2{down}..{left}z3..tension1.2..{curl0}z4;
+ draw z3..z5{down}..z6{left}..z7..tension2..{curl0}z8;
+beginchar("4",4/3twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "4";
+% 0x34
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(1/2penwd,h);
+ z2=(w-rm,h);
+ z3=(1/2(w-rm),.2h);
+ z4=(1/2(w-rm),.64h);
+ draw z1..z4..tension.9..z3{left}..tension.9..z4..z2;
+beginchar("5",1.1twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "5";
+% 0x35
+ italcorr brm#;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z3=(.8(w-rm),h); z4=(x3,0);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.55h);
+ z6=(x3,.55h);
+ z7=(.3x3,h);
+ draw z5{dir-70}..tension.95..z6;
+ draw z5{right}..tension.95..z7;
+beginchar("6",.85twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "6";
+% 0x36
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ lm:=w-.5rm;
+ z1=(.85lm,1/2penwd);
+ z2=(1/2penwd,.22h);
+ z3=(.35lm,.4h);
+ z4=(.8lm,.4h);
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.65h);
+ z6=(.7lm,.85h);
+ z7=(x6,.75h);
+ z8=(x6,1.2h);
+ draw z1{left}..tension1.1..z2{up}..{right}z3..tension1.2..{curl0}z4;
+ draw z3..z5{up}..z6{right}..z7{left}..{right}z8;
+beginchar("7",twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "7";
+% 0x37
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ lm:=w-rm;
+ z1 = (.5lm,.8h);
+ z2 = (lm,.8h);
+ z3 = (1/2penwd, penwd);
+ draw z1{up}...{down}z2{down}..z3;
+beginchar("8",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "8";
+% 0x38
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen; path p;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ z4=(.9lm,.66h);
+ z7=(.25w, .6h);
+ x5=x7-3/4penwd; y5 = y4;
+ x6=x7; y6=y4+3/4penwd;
+ z8=(lm,.1h);
+ draw z4--z5{up}..z6--z7;
+ draw z7{down}..tension.95..z8;
+beginchar("9",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "9";
+% 0x39
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen; path p;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ z1=(.8lm,.7h);
+ z2=(.8lm,h);
+ draw z1{left}..{right}z2;
+ z4=(.9lm,.66h);
+ z7=(.25w, .6h);
+ x5=x7-3/4penwd; y5 = y4;
+ x6=x7; y6=y4+3/4penwd;
+ z8=(lm,.1h);
+ draw z4--z5{up}..z6--z7;
+ draw z7{down}..tension.95..z8;
+beginchar(":",1.07twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "OM";
+% 0x3a
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ lm:=w-rm;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(lm,h);
+ z3=(.84lm,h); z4=(.4lm,.55h);
+ z5=(.64lm,y4);
+ z6=(x5,1/2penwd);
+ z7=(1/2penwd,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z4--z5{right}..tension1.1..z3;
+ draw z5..z6{left}..{curl.4}z7;
+ x8=.52lm+1/4penwd; y8=1.26h;
+ draw z7{up}..z8;
+ z9=(w,1.5h);
+ draw z8{up}..z9;
+beginchar(";",1.2twd#,ht#,0); "||";
+% 0x3b
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ x1=good.x w-2.5penwd; y1=0;
+ z2=(x1,h);
+ x3=good.x w; y3=0;
+ z4=(x3,h);
+ draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4;
+beginchar("A",2rm#,ht#,0); "A";
+% 0x41
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ x3=good.x w-brm; y3=h; z4=(x3,.4h);
+ draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4;
+beginchar("B",1.07twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "B";
+% 0x42
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ lm:=w-rm;
+ z3=(.84lm,h);
+ z4=(rm,.4h);
+ z5=(rm,.7h);
+ z6=(.84lm,.35h);
+ z7=(1/2penwd,.2h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z3{down}..tension1.3..{left}z4{left}..z5;
+ draw z5{right}..z6{down}..tension1.5..{up}z7;
+beginchar("C",1.25twd#+rm#+penwd#,ht#,-.1ht#); "C";
+% 0x43
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ x3=good.x w-rm-penwd; y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.74h); z5=(.2twd+1/2penwd,.6h);
+ z6=(x3+1/2penwd,.37h);
+% z7=(1/2(.25twd+x3),1/7h);
+ z7=(1/2(.25twd+x3),1/2penwd);
+ z8=(.15w,.45h);
+ draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4;
+ draw z4{left}..z5{down}..z6{down}..z7{left}..z8{right}..tension.95..z7;
+beginchar("D",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "dh";
+% 0x44
+ italcorr brm#;
+ frame;
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.55h);
+ z6=(x3,.55h);
+ z7=(.3x3,h);
+ draw z5{dir-70}..tension.95..z6;
+ draw z5{right}..tension.95..z7;
+beginchar("E",1.6rm#,1.5ht#,0); "i";
+% 0x45
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1 = (0,ht); z2 = (w,ht);
+ x3 = good.x w-rm; y3 = ht; z4 = (x3,0);
+ draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4;
+ z5=(x3,1.35ht);
+ z6=(w-.5rm+.6twd,1.35ht);
+ x7=.3[x5,x6]; y7=1.5ht;
+ draw z3--z5{up}..z7{right}..{curl0}z6;
+beginchar("F",2rm#,1.5ht#,0); "I";
+% 0x46
+ frame; z5=(-1.5rm-penwd,1.25ht);
+ z6=(1/2x5,1.5ht);
+ draw z3{curl0}..{left}z6...z5;
+beginchar("G",1.45twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "gh";
+% 0x47
+ italcorr brm#;
+ tframe; path p;
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.55h);
+ z7=(0,h);
+ draw z5{right}..tension.95..z7;
+ x6 = .6[x5,x3]; y6=.25h;
+ draw z5{dir-70}..tension.95..z6;
+ x8 = x6; y8=.75h;
+ draw z6--z8;
+ z9=(x3-1/2penwd, .35h);
+ draw z6{dir-40}..tension.95..z9;
+beginchar("H",0,ht#,.25ht#); "/h";
+% 0x48
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ z1=(.1twd,mb-1/2penwd);
+ z2=(.1twd,mb-.54h);
+ z3=(-.35twd,mb-.35h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z2{left}..z3;
+beginchar("J",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "J";
+% 0x4a
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ z11 = (lm, h); z12 = (.1lm, .65h);
+ draw z11{down}..tension1.5..z12;
+ x3=good.x .45lm; y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.68h);
+ z5=(lm,.47h);
+ z6=(.3lm,.1h);
+ z7=(penwd,.23h);
+ draw z3{left}..z4{right}..tension.9..{down}z5..tension.9..{left}z6..z7;
+ z8=(.5lm,-1/7h);
+ draw z7{right}..tension.8..z8;
+beginchar("K",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "kh";
+% 0x4b
+ italcorr brm#;
+ tframe; path p;
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.55h);
+ z6=(x3,.55h);
+ z7=(0,h);
+ draw z5{dir-70}..tension.95..z6;
+ p = z5{right}..tension.95..z7;
+ draw p;
+ z8 = point .22 of p;
+ x9 = x3; y9 = y8;
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ draw z8--z9;
+beginchar("O",0,1ht#,0); "O";
+% 0x4f
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ path p;
+ z1=(-1.1twd,1.5h);
+ z3=(x1+.9twd-.1brm,h+penwd);
+ x2 = .4 [x1,x3]; y2 = 1.3h;
+ p = z1{down}..z2..{down}z3;
+ draw p;
+ z4=point .95 of p;
+ z5=(x4, h);
+ draw z4--z5;
+beginchar("P",1.1twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "ph";
+% 0x50
+ italcorr rm#+.3twd#;
+ path p;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ x3=good.x .85(w-rm); y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.72h);
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.47h);
+ z6=(.7(w-rm),1/2penwd);
+ z7=(w-rm,.23h);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ p=z4{left}..tension.9..{down}z5..tension.9..{right}z6..{up}z7;
+ draw p..z6;
+beginchar("R",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,.4ht#); "gn";
+% 0x52
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#; path p;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ x3 = good.x .7lm; y3=h;
+ z4 = (x3,.72h);
+ z6 = (.55lm,.4h);
+ z7 = (.8lm,.45h);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ vardef dwn(expr y) = xpart direction 1 of (z4{curl0}..tension1.1..
+ (1/2penwd,y)..z6{right}..{curl0}z7) < 0 enddef;
+ z55 = (1/2penwd,solve dwn(y4,y6));
+ z8 = (x7, y6);
+ p = z4{curl0}..tension1.1..z55..z6{right}..{curl0}z7;
+ draw p;
+ z9 = p intersectionpoint ((.25lm,.65h)--(.25lm,0));
+ z10 = (x7,penwd);
+ draw z9{down}..tension.95..z10;
+ z56 = point .2 of p;
+ draw p;
+% pickup penrazor scaled subthick;
+ draw (1/2penwd,h)--(x56,y56-1/2penwd);
+beginchar("T",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "th";
+% 0x54
+ italcorr brm#;
+ frame; path p;
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.55h);
+ z6=(x3,.55h);
+ z7=(0,h);
+ draw z5{dir-70}..tension.95..z6;
+ p = z5{right}..tension.95..z7;
+ draw p;
+ z8 = point .22 of p;
+ x9 = x3; y9 = y8;
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ draw z8--z9;
+beginchar("V",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); ".t";
+% 0x56
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ x3=good.x .7lm; y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.66h);
+ z6=(.55lm,.1h);
+ z7=(lm,.2h);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ vardef dwn(expr y) = xpart direction 1 of (z4{curl0}..(1/2penwd,y)
+ ..z6{right}..{curl0}z7) < 0 enddef;
+ z55=(1/2penwd,solve dwn(y4,y6));
+ draw z4{curl0}..z55..z6{right}..{curl0}z7;
+beginchar("W",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); ".th";
+% 0x57
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm:= w-rm;
+ x3=good.x .75lm; y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.66h);
+ z6=(.55lm,.1h);
+ z7=(lm,y5);
+ z8=(x4+penwd,y4-penwd);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ vardef dwn(expr y) = xpart direction 1 of (z4{curl0}..(1/2penwd,y)
+ ..{right}z6) < 0 enddef;
+ z5 = (1/2penwd,solve dwn(y4,y6));
+ draw z4{curl0}..z5..z6{right}..z7{up}..{curl0}z8;
+beginchar("X",1.07twd#+rm#,ht#,0); ".d";
+% 0x58
+ pickup frame_pen; path p;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ lm:=w-rm;
+ z3=(.84lm,h);
+ z4=(.3lm,.65h);
+ z5=(.64lm,y4);
+ z6=(.84lm,.2h);
+ z7=(.24lm,1/2penwd);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z4--z5{right}..tension1.1..z3;
+ p = z5..tension1.1..z6{down}..tension1.8..z7;
+ z8=(x7,.32h);
+ z9=point .97 of p;
+ draw p{left}..z8{right}..z9;
+beginchar("Y",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); ".dh";
+% 0x59
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen; path p;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ x3=good.x .9lm; y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.66h);
+ z7=(.25w, .6h);
+ x5=x7-3/4penwd; y5 = y4;
+ x6=x7; y6=y4+3/4penwd;
+ z8=(.8lm,1/2penwd);
+ z9=(lm,.23h);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ draw z4--z5{up}..z6--z7;
+ p = z7{down}..tension.9..{right}z8..{up}z9;
+ draw p..z8;
+beginchar("Z",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,.4ht#); ".n";
+% 0x5a
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#; path p;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ x3 = good.x .7lm; y3=h;
+ z4 = (.3lm, h); z5 = (lm, .7h);
+ p = z4{down}..tension2.5..z5;
+ draw p;
+ z8 = p intersectionpoint ((x3,h)--(x3,.5h));
+ hdif := y3-y8;
+ z9 = (x8,.72h-hdif);
+ z11 = (.55lm,.3h-hdif);
+ z12 = (lm,.4h-hdif);
+ vardef dwn(expr y) = xpart direction 1 of (z9{curl0}..tension1.1..
+ (1/2penwd,y)..z11{right}..{curl0}z12) < 0 enddef;
+ z55 = (1/2penwd,solve dwn(y9,y11));
+ draw z8--z9;
+ draw z9{curl0}..tension1.1..z55..z11{right}..{curl0}z12;
+beginchar("\",0,ht#,0); "anusvara";
+% 0x5c
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,1.25h);
+ draw (reverse halfcircle rotated 0 scaled 2usthick shifted z1);
+beginchar("^",0,ht#,.25ht#); "virama";
+% 0x5e
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(1.35rm,mb-.5h);
+ z2=(0,mb-.3h);
+ draw z1..{left}z2;
+beginchar("_",0,1.5ht#,0); "adhak";
+% 0x5f
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ lm := .7twd;
+ z5=(lm,1.5ht);
+ z6=(.66lm,1.25ht);
+ z7=(0,1.5ht);
+ draw z5..tension1.1..z6{left}..z7;
+beginchar("a",1.45twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "front-a";
+% 0x61
+ italcorr brm#;
+ path p; path q;
+ tframe;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z5=(1/2penwd,h);
+ z6=(.2w,.3h);
+ z7=2/3[z5,z6];
+ z8=z7 shifted (.08w,0);
+ z9= (.1w,y6+.1h);
+ p = z5..z8{down}..z6{left}..z9{up};
+ offs=.2w+.1w;
+ z15=(offs+1/2penwd,.8h);
+ z16=(offs+.1w,.1h);
+ z17=2/3[z15,z16];
+ z18=z7 shifted (offs+.08w,0);
+ z19= (offs+.1w,y16+.1h);
+ q = z15..z18{down}..z16{left}..z19{up};
+ z21=(x3,.9h);
+ draw p..z15..q..z21;
+beginchar("b",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "b";
+% 0x62
+ italcorr brm#;
+ frame;
+ path p;
+ z5=(x3,.5h);
+ z6=(.65x3,.65h);
+ z10=(.18x3,.5h);
+ p=z5{curl0}..z10{up}...{right}z6;
+ draw p;
+ z7= point 1.7 of p;
+ z8=(.26x3,h);
+ vardef yup(expr y)= xpart direction 1 of (z7{curl0}..(1/2penwd,y)..{right}z
+8) < 0
+ enddef;
+ z9=(1/2penwd,solve yup(y7,y8));
+ draw z7{curl0}..z9..{right}z8;
+beginchar("c",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "c";
+% 0x63
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen; path p;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ x3=good.x .9lm; y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.66h);
+ z7=(.25w, .6h);
+ x5=x7-3/4penwd; y5 = y4;
+ x6=x7; y6=y4+3/4penwd;
+ z8=(.8lm,1/2penwd);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ draw z4--z5{up}..z6--z7;
+ p = z7{down}..tension.9..{right}z8;
+ draw p{dir-20}..tension5.5..z4;
+beginchar("d",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "d";
+% 0x64
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen; path p;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ x3=good.x .9lm; y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.66h);
+ z7=(.25w, .6h);
+ x5=x7-3/4penwd; y5 = y4;
+ x6=x7; y6=y4+3/4penwd;
+ z8=(lm,.1h);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ draw z4--z5{up}..z6--z7;
+ draw z7{down}..tension.95..z8;
+beginchar("f",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "sh";
+% 0x66
+ italcorr brm#;
+ frame; x5=good.x 3/2penwd; y5=h;
+ z6=(x5,y7-penwd);
+ y7=good.y .35h+penwd; x7=x3;
+ z8=(x6-1/2penwd,y6+1/2penwd);
+ draw z5--z6;
+ draw (reverse halfcircle rotated rot scaled usthick shifted z8)--z7;
+ z11=(.6(w-brm),.5penwd);
+ sqdot(z11);
+beginchar("g",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "g";
+% 0x67
+ italcorr brm#; path p;
+ frame; z5=(.25(w-brm),h);
+ z6=(x5,.3h);
+ z7=2/3[z5,z6];
+ z8=z7 shifted (.1(w-brm),0);
+ z9= (1/2penwd,y6+.08h);
+ p = z5..z8{down}..z6{left}..z9{up};
+ z10 = point 2.4 of p;
+ draw p..z10;
+beginchar("h",1.1twd#+.5rm#,ht#,0); "h";
+% 0x68
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1 = (0,h); z2 = (w,h);
+ z5=(.55w,h);
+ z6=(x5,.2h);
+ z7= (.1w,.45h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z5--z6{down}..tension1.5..z7;
+beginchar("i",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "front-i";
+% 0x69
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#;
+ pickup frame_pen; path p;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ x3=good.x .7lm; y3=h;
+ z4=(x3,.66h);
+ z6=(.55lm,.1h);
+ z7=(lm,.2h);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ vardef dwn(expr y) = xpart direction 1 of (z4{curl0}..(1/2penwd,y)
+ ..z6{right}..{curl0}z7) < 0 enddef;
+ z55=(1/2penwd,solve dwn(y4,y6));
+ p = z4{curl0}..z55..z6{right}..{curl0}z7;
+ z56 = point .2 of p;
+ draw p;
+ pickup penrazor scaled subthick;
+ draw (1/2penwd,h)--(x56,y56-1/2penwd);
+beginchar("j",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "j";
+% 0x6a
+ italcorr brm#;
+ frame;
+ x5=.25w; y5=.1h;
+ x6=x5; y6=good.y .65h;
+ x7=x3; y7=y6-penwd;
+ z8=(x6-penwd,y6-penwd);
+ draw z7--z8{up}..z6--z5;
+beginchar("k",.8twd#+1.5rm#,ht#,0); "k";
+% 0x6b
+ italcorr 1.5rm#;
+ path p;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ draw z1--z2;
+ z3=(w-rm,h);
+ z4=(rm,.35h);
+ z5=(rm,.65h);
+ z6=(w-rm,0);
+ draw z3{curl0}..tension1.1..{left}z4{left}..z5;
+ pickup penrazor scaled subthick;
+ draw z5--z6;
+beginchar("l",1.25twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "l";
+% 0x6c
+ path p; path q;
+ lm := (w-rm);
+ z3=(.5lm, .5h);
+ pickup penrazor scaled subthick;
+ p = (.2lm,h)--z3;
+ q = (.8lm,h)--z3;
+ draw p; draw q;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ z6 = point .7 of p;
+ z7 = point .7 of q;
+ z4 = (.15lm, 1/2penwd);
+ z5 = (.85lm, 1/2penwd);
+ draw z6{left}..z4;
+ draw z7{right}..z5;
+beginchar("m",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "m";
+% 0x6d
+ italcorr brm#;
+ tframe;
+ z5=(0,h);
+ z6=(3/2penwd+.1twd,.76h);
+ z7=(3/2penwd+.1twd,.34h);
+ z8=(x3,y7+penwd);
+ z9=(x7-1/2penwd,y7+1/2penwd);
+ draw z5{right}..tension.95..z6---z7;
+ draw (reverse halfcircle rotated rot scaled usthick shifted z9)--z8;
+beginchar("n",1.25twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "n";
+% 0x6e
+ path p; path q;
+ lm := (w-rm);
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ z3=(.5lm, h);
+ z4 = (.15lm, 1/2penwd);
+ z5 = (.85lm, 1/2penwd);
+ z6=(.5lm, .7h);
+ draw z4{up}..z6..{down}z5{left};
+ draw z4{right};
+ draw z3--z6;
+beginchar("o",0,1ht#,0); "o";
+% 0x6f
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(-1.1twd,1.5h);
+ z3=(x1+.9twd-.1brm,h+penwd);
+ x2 = .4 [x1,x3]; y2 = 1.3h;
+ draw z1{down}..z2..{down}z3;
+beginchar("p",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "p";
+% 0x70
+ italcorr brm#;
+ tframe;
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.55h);
+ z6=(x3,.55h);
+ z7=(.3x3,h);
+ draw z5{dir-70}..tension.95..z6;
+ draw z5{right}..tension.95..z7;
+beginchar("r",1.1twd#+.5rm#,ht#,0); "r";
+% 0x72
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1 = (0,h); z2 = (w,h);
+ z5=(.55w,h);
+ z6=(x5,.2h);
+ z7= (.15w,.45h);
+ z8= (x5,y7);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z5--z6{down}..tension1.5..z7{dir10}..tension1.5..z8;
+beginchar("s",1.1twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "s";
+% 0x73
+ italcorr brm#;
+ frame; x5=good.x 3/2penwd; y5=h;
+ z6=(x5,y7-penwd);
+ y7=good.y .35h+penwd; x7=x3;
+ z8=(x6-1/2penwd,y6+1/2penwd);
+ draw z5--z6;
+ draw (reverse halfcircle rotated rot scaled usthick shifted z8)--z7;
+beginchar("t",1.07twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "t";
+% 0x74
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ lm:=w-rm;
+ z3=(.84lm,h); z4=(.4lm,.55h);
+ z5=(.64lm,y4);
+ z6=(x5,1/2penwd);
+ z7=(1/2penwd,.2h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z4--z5{right}..tension1.1..z3;
+ draw z5..z6{left}..{curl.4}z7;
+beginchar("u",1.07twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "front-u";
+% 0x75
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ lm:=w-rm;
+ z3=(.84lm,h); z4=(.4lm,.55h);
+ z5=(.64lm,y4);
+ z6=(x5,1/2penwd);
+ z7=(1/2penwd,h);
+ x8=.42lm+1/4penwd; y8=1.5h;
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z4--z5{right}..tension1.1..z3;
+ draw z5..z6{left}..{curl.4}z7;
+ draw z7{up}..z8..z3;
+beginchar("v",1.15twd#+rm#,ht#,.4ht#); "v";
+% 0x76
+ italcorr rm#+.5twd#; path p;
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ lm := w-rm;
+ x3 = good.x .7lm; y3=h;
+ z4 = (x3,.72h);
+ z6 = (.55lm,.4h);
+ z7 = (.8lm,.45h);
+ draw z3--z4;
+ vardef dwn(expr y) = xpart direction 1 of (z4{curl0}..tension1.1..
+ (1/2penwd,y)..z6{right}..{curl0}z7) < 0 enddef;
+ z55 = (1/2penwd,solve dwn(y4,y6));
+ z8 = (x7, y6);
+ p = z4{curl0}..tension1.1..z55..z6{right}..{curl0}z7;
+ draw p;
+ z9 = p intersectionpoint ((.25lm,.65h)--(.25lm,0));
+ z10 = (x7,penwd);
+ draw z9{down}..tension.95..z10;
+beginchar("w",1.07twd#+rm#,ht#,0); "R";
+% 0x77
+ pickup frame_pen; path p;
+ z1=(0,h); z2=(w,h);
+ lm:=w-rm;
+ z3=(.84lm,h);
+ z4=(.3lm,.65h);
+ z5=(.64lm,y4);
+ draw z1--z2;
+ draw z4--z5{right}..tension1.1..z3;
+ z6=(lm,.47h);
+ z7=(.3lm,.1h);
+ z8=(penwd,.23h);
+ z9=(.5lm,-1/7h);
+ p = z5..{down}z6..tension.9..{left}z7..z8;
+ draw p;
+ draw z8{right}..tension.8..z9;
+% z10=point .97 of p;
+ z10=(.7lm,.1h);
+ z11=(.84lm,y9);
+ draw z10..z11;
+beginchar("y",1.45twd#+brm#,ht#,0); "y";
+% 0x79
+ italcorr brm#;
+ frame; path p;
+ z5=(1/2penwd,.55h);
+ z7=(0,h);
+ draw z5{right}..tension.95..z7;
+ x6 = .6[x5,x3]; y6=.25h;
+ p = z5{dir-70}..tension.95..z6;
+ x8 = x6; y8=.6h;
+ x9 = x3; y9 = y8;
+ draw p--(x6,y8) ;
+ draw z8--z9;
+beginchar("{",.9twd#+brm#,1.5ht#,0); "sup-ai";
+% 0x7b
+ pickup frame_pen;
+ z1=(w-brm,ht+1.5penwd);
+ z2=(0,1.35ht);
+ z3=(penwd,1.55ht);
+ draw z1{curl.5}..{left}z2;
+ draw z1{curl.5}..{left}z3;
+beginchar("}",0,ht#,0); "r-stroke";
+% 0x7d
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ z1= (0,mb-(penwd+3/8uwidth));
+ lft z2= (-1/2uwidth,mb-(penwd+1/8uwidth));
+ z3= (0,mb-penwd);
+ z4= (1/2uwidth,mb-(penwd+1/2uwidth));
+ draw z1..tension1.2..z2..z3..{curl0}z4;
+beginchar(127,.5ht#+2rm#,ht#,0); "abbrev";
+% 0x7f
+ pickup sub_pen;
+ z1=(1/2w,.8h-1/2penwd);
+ draw fullcircle scaled .4h shifted z1;
+ligtable "." : "." =: ";";
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/gmmacs.tex b/language/gurmukhi/singh/gmmacs.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64594408c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/gmmacs.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+% TeX macros for the use of Devanagari fonts
+% Copyright (C) 1991 University of Groningen, The Netherlands
+% Author: Frans J. Velthuis
+% Internet:
+% Bitnet: velthuis@hgrrug5
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+\font\halfgm=grmk10 scaled\magstephalf
+\font\biggm=grmk10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\largegm=grmk10 scaled\magstep2
+\font\hugegm=grmk10 scaled\magstep3
+\font\halfcr=cmr10 scaled\magstephalf
+\font\bigcr=cmr10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\largecr=cmr10 scaled\magstep2
+\font\hugecr=cmr10 scaled\magstep3
+\ifnum\chnum<12\advance\chnum by1
+\ifnum\chnum<31\advance\chnum by1
+\unkern\kern-\itdim \lower\dp0 \hbox to\itdim{#1\hfil}}
+\def\rn#1{\if\nstyle r{\rsize #1}\else#1\fi}
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7e9333d54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ ht# := 2mm#; rm# := 0.6mm#; brm# := 0.9mm#; twd# := 1.4mm#;
+ uwidth# := twd#;
+ define_pixels(rm,twd,uwidth,brm);
+ define_whole_pixels(ht);
+ rot = 135;
+% the following parameters determine the line-thicknes.
+% the line-thicknes varies between thin# and thick#, depending on the
+% angle between the pen and the direction of writing.
+% for strokes in subscripts it varies between subthick# and thin#.
+ thick# := 1.1pt#; thin# := 0.2pt#;
+ subthick# := .8pt#;
+ font_size 10pt#;
+ font_quad 1.5twd#+rm#;
+ font_x_height .7rm#;
+ font_normal_space:=1.2twd#;
+ font_normal_stretch:=.6twd#;
+ font_normal_shrink:=.4twd#;
+ font_identifier:="GRMK10";
+\input defs
+\input gmchars
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk10.tfm b/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk10.tfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04cf731b43
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk10.tfm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1cd914cf88
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ ht# := 2.4mm#; rm# := 0.72mm#; brm# := 1.08mm#; twd# := 1.75mm#;
+ uwidth# := twd#;
+ define_pixels(rm,twd,uwidth,brm);
+ define_whole_pixels(ht);
+ rot = 135;
+% the following parameters determine the line-thicknes.
+% the line-thicknes varies between thin# and thick#, depending on the
+% angle between the pen and the direction of writing.
+% for strokes in subscripts it varies between subthick# and thin#.
+ thick# := 1.3pt#; thin# := 0.2pt#;
+ subthick# := .9pt#;
+ font_size 12pt#;
+ font_quad 1.5twd#+rm#;
+ font_x_height .7rm#;
+ font_normal_space:=1.2twd#;
+ font_normal_stretch:=.6twd#;
+ font_normal_shrink:=.4twd#;
+ font_identifier:="GRMK12";
+\input defs
+\input gmchars
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk12.tfm b/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk12.tfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e98cb15ee6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk12.tfm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..41700af785
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ ht# := 1.6mm#; rm# := 0.48mm#; brm# := 0.72mm#; twd# := 1.12mm#;
+ uwidth# := twd#;
+ define_pixels(rm,twd,uwidth,brm);
+ define_whole_pixels(ht);
+ rot = 135;
+% the following parameters determine the line-thicknes.
+% the line-thicknes varies between thin# and thick#, depending on the
+% angle between the pen and the direction of writing.
+% for strokes in subscripts it varies between subthick# and thin#.
+ thick# := .85pt#; thin# := 0.2pt#;
+ subthick# := .7pt#;
+ font_size 8pt#;
+ font_quad 1.5twd#+rm#;
+ font_x_height .7rm#;
+ font_normal_space:=1.2twd#;
+ font_normal_stretch:=.6twd#;
+ font_normal_shrink:=.4twd#;
+ font_identifier:="GRMK8";
+\input defs
+\input gmchars
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk8.tfm b/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk8.tfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c3a5a96644
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk8.tfm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c0202691aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ ht# := 1.8mm#; rm# := 0.54mm#; brm# := 0.81mm#; twd# := 1.26mm#;
+ uwidth# := twd#;
+ define_pixels(rm,twd,uwidth,brm);
+ define_whole_pixels(ht);
+ rot = 135;
+% the following parameters determine the line-thicknes.
+% the line-thicknes varies between thin# and thick#, depending on the
+% angle between the pen and the direction of writing.
+% for strokes in subscripts it varies between subthick# and thin#.
+ thick# := 1pt#; thin# := 0.2pt#;
+ subthick# := .7pt#;
+ font_size 9pt#;
+ font_quad 1.5twd#+rm#;
+ font_x_height .7rm#;
+ font_normal_space:=1.2twd#;
+ font_normal_stretch:=.6twd#;
+ font_normal_shrink:=.4twd#;
+ font_identifier:="GRMK9";
+\input defs
+\input gmchars
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk9.tfm b/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk9.tfm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..881c1d2764
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/grmk9.tfm
Binary files differ
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/gurmukhi.c b/language/gurmukhi/singh/gurmukhi.c
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1d0319d605
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/gurmukhi.c
@@ -0,0 +1,948 @@
+/* gurmukhi.c
+ Preprocessor for TeX for text containing Gurmukhi characters.
+ Author: Amarjit Singh
+ E-mail:
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+ any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#define TRUE 1
+#define FALSE 0
+#define ILL_CHAR 29
+#define DUMMY 30
+#define END_OF_FILE 30
+#define END_OF_LINE 31
+#define N_NOLIGS 40
+/* ch_typ values */
+#define ILLEGAL 0
+#define CMR 1
+#define CONTROL 2
+#define GM 3
+#define NUMERAL 4
+/* ch_subtyp values */
+#define LO_VOWEL 0
+#define HI_VOWEL 1
+#define CONSONANT 2
+#define SPECIAL 3
+#define LBRACE 273
+#define RBRACE 264
+#define RE 263
+#define RN 265
+#define RS 256
+#define INBUF_LEN 133
+FILE *f_in,*f_out,*fopen();
+short buf_length;
+short syll[30]; /* offset of syll is in chr_ptr or cons_ptr */
+short cons_ptr, chr_ptr;
+short cons_code;
+char *strchr();
+char wrong[10];
+char *p_in,*p_out,*s_ptr,*o_ptr;
+char infil[80], outfil[80];
+char inbuf[INBUF_LEN], outbuf[133];
+char word[500];
+unsigned char gm_mode, dollar_mode, cmr_mode;
+unsigned char d_found, no_gm, buf_ptr, wait_syl, lin_obey;
+unsigned char error, cons_seen, vow_seen;
+struct char_def {
+ short ch_typ, ch_subtyp, ch_code, ch_subcode;
+struct char_def table[127] = {
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 1 not used */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\126',1}, /* 2 .t */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\130',2}, /* 3 .d */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\72',0}, /* 4 .o */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\132',3}, /* 5 .n */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\13',4}, /* 6 .g */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\24',0}, /* 7 .. */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\14',5}, /* 8 .K */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\127',6}, /* 9 .T */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\131',7}, /* 10 .D */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\54',0}, /* 11 .m */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 12 not used */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 13 not used */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 14 not used */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 15 not used */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 16 not used */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 17 not used */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\122',8}, /* 18 "n */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\146',9}, /* 19 "s */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 20 not used */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\32', 10}, /* 21 ~n */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\137',0}, /* 22 ~a */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 23 not used */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 24 not used */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,275,'\106'}, /* 25 ii */
+ {GM,LO_VOWEL,274,1}, /* 26 uu */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,260,'\117'}, /* 27 oo */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 28 not used */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 29 not used */
+ {CONTROL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 30 DUMMY */
+ {CONTROL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 32 space */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ! */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* " */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* # */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* $ */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* % */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* & */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ' to - */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ' to - */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ' to - */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ' to - */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ' to - */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ' to - */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ' to - */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* . */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\40',0}, /* / */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {NUMERAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* 0 to 9 */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* : and ; */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* : and ; */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* < */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* = */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* > */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ? */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\177',0}, /* @ */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,258,'\101'}, /* A */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\102',11}, /* B */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\103',12}, /* C */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\104',13}, /* D */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,259,'\173'}, /* E */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* F */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\107',14}, /* G */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\54',0}, /* H */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,267,'\106'}, /* I */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\112',15}, /* J */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\113',16}, /* K */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* L not used */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\54',0}, /* M */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\134',0}, /* N */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,261,'\117'}, /* O */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\120',17}, /* P */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* Q */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\167',18}, /* R */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\146',9}, /* S */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\124',19}, /* T */
+ {GM,LO_VOWEL,276,1}, /* U */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* V to Z */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* V to Z */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* V to Z */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* V to Z */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* V to Z */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* [ */
+ {CONTROL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* \ */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ] */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ^ */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* _ */
+ {CMR,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ` */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,'\141',257}, /* a */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\142',20}, /* b */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\143',21}, /* c */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\144',22}, /* d */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,262,3}, /* e */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\47',23}, /* f */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\147',24}, /* g */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\150',25}, /* h */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,'\151','\105'}, /* i */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\152',26}, /* j */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\153',27}, /* k */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\154',28}, /* l */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\155',29}, /* m */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\156',30}, /* n */
+ {GM,HI_VOWEL,'\33','\157'}, /* o */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\160',31}, /* p */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* not used */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\162',32}, /* r */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\163',33}, /* s */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\164',34}, /* t */
+ {GM,LO_VOWEL,'\165',0}, /* u */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\166',35}, /* v */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* not used */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* not used */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\171',36}, /* y */
+ {GM,CONSONANT,'\51',37}, /* z */
+ {CONTROL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* left brace */
+ {GM,SPECIAL,'\56',0}, /* | */
+ {CONTROL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* right brace */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0}, /* ~ */
+ {ILLEGAL,SPECIAL,0,0} /* del */
+char chset1[12]= {'k','t','d','o','n','g','.','K','T','D','m',' '};/* . */
+char chset4[10]= {'k','g','c','j','t','d','p','b','s',' '}; /* h */
+char chset3[3] = {'n','s',' '}; /* " */
+char chset6[3] = {'n','a',' '}; /* ~ */
+char chset2[3] = {'a','i',' '}; /* a */
+char chset5[2] = {'A','E'}; /* result of aa and ai */
+char out_string[277][7] = {
+ "\\7{","\\8{","\\9{","\\?","\\<","^^E","^^F",
+ "^^G","^^H","^^I","^^J","^^K","^^L","\\0",
+ "\\qx{","^^O","^^P","^^Q","^^R",
+ "^^S","^^T","^^U","^^V","^^W","^^X",
+ "^^Y","^^Z","^^[","^^\\","^^]",
+ "^^^","\\qy{","\\1","!","\"","\\#","\\$",
+ "\\%","\\&","\'","(",")","*","+",",","-",".","/","0","1","2",
+ "3","4","5","6","7","8","9",":",";","<","=",">","?","@",
+ "A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N",
+ "O","P","Q","R","S","T","U","V","W","X","Y","Z","[","\\2",
+ "]","\\qq{","\\35Fw","`","a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j",
+ "k","l","m","n","o","p","q","r","s","t","u","v","w","x",
+ "y","z","\\4","\\qz{","\\5","\\6{","^^?",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","","","","",
+ "","","{\\rs ","","aA","a\\4",
+ "ao","aO","a\\?","\\re}","}","\\rn{",
+ "{\\rdt}","iF","{\\qva}","{\\qvb}","{\\qvc}",
+ "\\qa{","\\qb{","{", "\\7{u}","Ei", "\\8{u}"
+/* strstr : to make it portable */
+char *st_find(s,q)
+char *s, *q;
+ short i,j,k,l;
+ j = strlen(s);
+ k = strlen(q);
+ for (i=0; i <= j-k; i++) {
+ if (s[i]==q[0]) {
+ for (l = 1; (s[i + l] == q[l]) && (q[l] != '\0'); l++) ;
+ if (q[l] == '\0') return(&s[i]);
+ }
+ }
+ return(NULL);
+/* strchr : to make it portable */
+char *ch_find(s,q)
+char *s;
+char q;
+ short i,j;
+ j = strlen(s);
+ for (i=0; i < j; i++)
+ if (s[i]==q) return(&s[i]);
+ return(NULL);
+char *str;
+ printf("Error: illegal character(s): %s\n",str);
+ puts(inbuf);
+ getchar();
+ error = TRUE;
+/* Find {\gm in inbuf, copy everything till {\gm to outbuf */
+/* and modify rest of it back to inbuf */
+/* RETURN : TRUE if inbuf is valid */
+/* FALSE otherwise */
+/* other ouputs : no_gm */
+/* d_found */
+char find_gm()
+ char *d_ptr;
+ char *gm_ptr;
+ char *svbuf;
+ char again;
+ d_found = FALSE;
+ svbuf = inbuf;
+ do {
+ again = FALSE;
+ gm_ptr = st_find(svbuf,"{\\gm");
+ if (gm_ptr != NULL) {
+ again = isalpha(gm_ptr[4]);
+ svbuf = gm_ptr + 4;
+ }
+ } while(again);
+ if (dollar_mode) {
+ d_ptr = ch_find(inbuf,'$');
+ if ((d_ptr != NULL) && ((gm_ptr == NULL) || (d_ptr < gm_ptr))) {
+ d_found = TRUE;
+ gm_ptr = d_ptr;
+ }
+ }
+ if (gm_ptr == NULL)
+ return(FALSE);
+ strncat(outbuf,inbuf,gm_ptr-inbuf);
+ no_gm = FALSE;
+ if (!d_found) {
+ if (gm_ptr[4] == '#') {
+ no_gm = TRUE;
+ gm_ptr += 1;
+ } else {
+ strcat(outbuf,"{\\gm");
+ }
+ gm_ptr += 4;
+ } else {
+ switch(dollar_mode) {
+ case 1: strcat(outbuf,"{\\gm ");
+ break;
+ case 2: strcat(outbuf,"\\pgm ");
+ case 3: no_gm = TRUE;
+ }
+ gm_ptr += 1;
+ }
+ strcpy(inbuf,gm_ptr);
+ return(TRUE);
+/* Returns one char from "inbuf" at "buf_ptr" */
+/* if inbuf is at END_OF_LINE then refills it from "f_in" */
+/* other inputs : p_in */
+/* other outputs: p_in, buf_length */
+char inp_ch()
+ char ch, ch_out;
+ ch = inbuf[buf_ptr++];
+ if (ch == '\n') {
+ if (p_in == 0)
+ ch_out = END_OF_FILE;
+ else {
+ p_in = fgets(inbuf,INBUF_LEN,f_in);
+ buf_ptr = 0;
+ buf_length = strlen(inbuf);
+ ch_out = END_OF_LINE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (ch < 32)
+ ch_out = ILL_CHAR;
+ else
+ ch_out = ch;
+ }
+ return(ch_out);
+short macro;
+ char tmp[5];
+ int l, i;
+ if (syll[chr_ptr-1] == '\175') {
+ syll[chr_ptr+1] = '\175';
+ syll[chr_ptr] = RBRACE;
+ syll[chr_ptr-1] = syll[chr_ptr-2];
+ syll[chr_ptr-2] = macro;
+ chr_ptr += 2;
+ } else if (syll[chr_ptr-1]==RBRACE) {
+ syll[chr_ptr-3] = 271;
+ syll[chr_ptr] = LBRACE;
+ sprintf(tmp,"%d",macro);
+ l = strlen(tmp);
+ chr_ptr += 1;
+ for (i = 0; i < l; i++)
+ syll[chr_ptr+i] = tmp[i];
+ chr_ptr += l;
+ syll[chr_ptr] = RBRACE;
+ chr_ptr += 1;
+ } else {
+ syll[chr_ptr] = syll[chr_ptr-1];
+ syll[chr_ptr-1] = macro;
+ syll[chr_ptr+1] = RBRACE;
+ chr_ptr = chr_ptr +2;
+ }
+/* find out string corresponding to chars in syll */
+/* and then move to word. */
+/* Reset related flags */
+ short i;
+ for (i = 0; i <= (chr_ptr-1); i++)
+ strcat(word,&out_string[syll[i]][0]);
+ chr_ptr = 0;
+ cons_seen =FALSE;
+ vow_seen =FALSE;
+ wait_syl = FALSE;
+/* puts out string for one code ( or char ) in word */
+short code;
+ strcat(word,&out_string[code][0]);
+/* move word to outbuf */
+/* if not lin_obey then
+ put outnuf in f_out
+ keep moving word to outbuf to f_out till
+ len of word is bigger than 80
+ At end of this routine outbuf may have a valid string
+ short lw,lb;
+ lw = strlen(word);
+ lb = strlen(outbuf);
+ if (((lb + lw) > 80) && !lin_obey)
+ {
+ if (lb > 1)
+ {
+ if (outbuf[lb-1] != ' ')
+ strcat(outbuf,"%\n");
+ else
+ outbuf[lb-1] = '\n';
+ fputs(outbuf,f_out);
+ }
+ while (lw > 80)
+ {
+ strncpy(outbuf,word,79);
+ outbuf[79] = '\0';
+ strcat(outbuf,"%\n");
+ fputs(outbuf,f_out);
+ strcpy(word,&word[79]);
+ lw = strlen(word);
+ }
+ strcpy(outbuf,word);
+ }
+ else
+ strcat(outbuf,word);
+ strcpy(word,"");
+/* copies c to word and */
+/* if c is space then outputs a word */
+char c;
+ char cstr[2];
+ cstr[0] = c;
+ cstr[1] = '\0';
+ strcat(word,cstr);
+ if (isspace(c))
+ put_word();
+short code;
+ struct char_def *c_ptr;
+ short i;
+ c_ptr = &table[code-1];
+ switch(c_ptr->ch_typ) {
+ case GM:
+ if (cmr_mode) {
+ cmr_mode = FALSE;
+ put_sym(RE);
+ }
+ switch(c_ptr->ch_subtyp) {
+ case HI_VOWEL:
+ if (wait_syl)
+ put_syll();
+ if (cons_seen) {
+ if (code == 'i') {
+ for (i = chr_ptr; i>= (cons_ptr+1); i--)
+ syll[i] = syll[i-1];
+ syll[cons_ptr] = c_ptr->ch_subcode;
+ } else {
+ syll[chr_ptr] = c_ptr->ch_subcode;
+ if ((code != 'A') && (code != 'a'))
+ vow_seen = TRUE;
+ }
+ } else
+ syll[chr_ptr] = c_ptr->ch_code;
+ chr_ptr = chr_ptr + 1;
+ wait_syl = TRUE;
+ cons_seen = FALSE;
+ break;
+ case LO_VOWEL:
+ if (wait_syl)
+ put_syll();
+ if (cons_seen)
+ {
+ put_macro(c_ptr->ch_subcode);
+ chr_ptr = chr_ptr - 1;
+ }
+ else
+ syll[chr_ptr] = c_ptr->ch_code;
+ chr_ptr = chr_ptr + 1;
+ wait_syl = TRUE;
+ cons_seen = FALSE;
+ break;
+ if (wait_syl)
+ put_syll();
+ if (!cons_seen) {
+ cons_seen = TRUE;
+ cons_ptr = chr_ptr;
+ cons_code = c_ptr->ch_subcode;
+ syll[chr_ptr] = c_ptr->ch_code;
+ chr_ptr += 1;
+ } else {
+ if (code == 'r') {
+ syll[chr_ptr] = '\175';
+ chr_ptr = chr_ptr + 1;
+ cons_code = 0;
+ } else if (code == 'h') {
+ syll[chr_ptr] = '\110';
+ chr_ptr = chr_ptr + 1;
+ cons_code = 0;
+ } else if (code == 'v') {
+ syll[chr_ptr] = '\46';
+ chr_ptr = chr_ptr + 1;
+ cons_code = 0;
+ } else {
+ cons_code = c_ptr->ch_subcode;
+ syll[chr_ptr] = c_ptr->ch_code;
+ chr_ptr += 1;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case SPECIAL:
+ put_syll();
+ put_sym(c_ptr->ch_code);
+ }
+ break;
+ case ILLEGAL:
+ wrong[0] = code; wrong[1] = '\0';
+ err_ill(wrong);
+ break;
+ case CONTROL:
+ if (cmr_mode) {
+ cmr_mode = FALSE;
+ put_sym(RE);
+ } else {
+ put_syll();
+ }
+ if (code == END_OF_LINE) {
+ put_word();
+ strcat(outbuf,"\n");
+ fputs(outbuf,f_out);
+ strcpy(outbuf,"");
+ if (!lin_obey)
+ fputs("\n",f_out);
+ } else if (code != DUMMY)
+ sendchar(code);
+ break;
+ case CMR:
+ if (cmr_mode)
+ sendchar(code);
+ else {
+ cmr_mode = TRUE;
+ put_syll();
+ put_sym(RS);
+ sendchar(code);
+ }
+ break;
+ case NUMERAL:
+ sendchar(code);
+ break;
+ } /* end of switch on ch_typ */
+/* This routine resolves the combination of charaters */
+/* used to symbolize font characters */
+/* i.e. it cooks set of input chars to one offset in "table" */
+char symbol;
+ unsigned char saved,gmready;
+ short brace_lev;
+ char savchr;
+ short i;
+ brace_lev = 1;
+ saved = FALSE;
+ gmready = FALSE;
+ do {
+ switch(symbol) {
+ case '.':
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ i++;
+ } while ((i != 12) && (chset1[i-1] != savchr));
+ if (i == 12) {
+ wrong[0] = '.';
+ wrong[1] = savchr;
+ wrong[2] = '\0';
+ err_ill(wrong);
+ } else if (i < 4) {
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ if (savchr == 'h')
+ i = i+7;
+ else {
+ saved = TRUE;
+ if (i == 1)
+ err_ill(".k");
+ }
+ }
+ if (!error) {
+ if (i == 11)
+ put_ch('M');
+ else
+ put_ch(i);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'i':
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ if (savchr == 'i')
+ put_ch(25);
+ else {
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ saved = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'u':
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ if (savchr == 'u')
+ put_ch(26);
+ else {
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ saved = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'o':
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ if (savchr == 'o')
+ put_ch(27);
+ else {
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ saved = TRUE;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'a':
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ i++;
+ } while ((i != 3) && (chset2[i-1] != savchr));
+ if (i == 3)
+ {
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ saved = TRUE;
+ } else
+ put_ch(chset5[i-1]);
+ break;
+ case '\"':
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ i++;
+ } while ((i != 3) && (chset3[i-1] != savchr));
+ if (i == 3) {
+ wrong[0] = '~';
+ wrong[1] = savchr;
+ wrong[2] = '\0';
+ err_ill(wrong);
+ } else
+ put_ch(i+17);
+ break;
+ case '~':
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ i++;
+ } while ((i != 3) && (chset6[i-1] != savchr));
+ if (i == 3) {
+ wrong[0] = '~';
+ wrong[1] = savchr;
+ wrong[2] = '\0';
+ err_ill(wrong);
+ } else
+ put_ch(i+20);
+ break;
+ case END_OF_LINE:
+ if (lin_obey) {
+ put_ch(END_OF_LINE);
+ put_ch(END_OF_LINE);
+ } else {
+ do {
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ } while (savchr == ' ');
+ if (savchr == END_OF_LINE)
+ put_ch(END_OF_LINE);
+ else {
+ put_ch(' ');
+ saved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case '$':
+ if (!dollar_mode)
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ else {
+ if (no_gm)
+ put_ch(DUMMY);
+ else
+ put_ch('}');
+ gmready= TRUE;
+ put_word();
+ strcpy(inbuf,&inbuf[buf_ptr]);
+ }
+ break;
+ case '}':
+ brace_lev = brace_lev-1;
+ if ((brace_lev == 0) && !d_found) {
+ if (no_gm)
+ put_ch(DUMMY);
+ else
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ gmready= TRUE;
+ put_word();
+ strcpy(inbuf,&inbuf[buf_ptr]);
+ } else
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ break;
+ case '{':
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ brace_lev = brace_lev+1;
+ break;
+ case '%': do
+ symbol = inp_ch();
+ while(symbol != END_OF_LINE);
+ break;
+ case '\\':
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ symbol = inp_ch();
+ if (symbol == END_OF_LINE) {
+ put_word();
+ strcat(outbuf,"\n");
+ fputs(outbuf,f_out);
+ strcpy(outbuf,"");
+ } else {
+ if (!isalnum(symbol))
+ sendchar(symbol);
+ else {
+ do {
+ sendchar(symbol);
+ symbol = inp_ch();
+ } while (isalnum(symbol));
+ savchr = symbol;
+ saved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case ILL_CHAR: err_ill('\0');
+ break;
+ case END_OF_FILE:
+ puts("error: missing }");
+ error = TRUE;
+ break;
+ default:
+ i = 0;
+ do {
+ i++;
+ } while ((i != 10) && (chset4[i-1] != symbol));
+ if (i == 10)
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ else {
+ savchr = inp_ch();
+ if (savchr == 'h') {
+ put_ch(symbol-32);
+ } else {
+ put_ch(symbol);
+ saved = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ } /* end of switch */
+ if (saved) {
+ symbol = savchr;
+ saved = FALSE;
+ } else if ((!error) && (!gmready)) {
+ symbol = inp_ch();
+ }
+ } while (!error && !gmready);
+int argc;
+char *argv[];
+ unsigned char gm_yes;
+ /* get file specifications */
+ if (argc == 3) {
+ strcpy(infil,argv[1]);
+ strcpy(outfil,argv[2]);
+ } else if (argc == 2) {
+ strcpy(infil,argv[1]);
+ strcpy(outfil,"");
+ } else {
+ do {
+ printf("input file: ");
+ gets(infil);
+ } while (strlen(infil) == 0);
+ printf("output file: ");
+ gets(outfil);
+ }
+ s_ptr = strchr(infil,'.');
+ if (strlen(outfil) == 0) {
+ strcpy(outfil,infil);
+ o_ptr = strchr(outfil,'.');
+ if (o_ptr != 0)
+ *o_ptr = '\0';
+ }
+ if (s_ptr == 0)
+ strcat(infil,".gm");
+ o_ptr = strchr(outfil,'.');
+ if (o_ptr == 0)
+ strcat(outfil,".tex");
+ /* open files */
+ if ((f_in = fopen(infil,"r")) == NULL) {
+ printf("cannot open file %s\n",infil);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ if ((f_out = fopen(outfil,"w")) == NULL) {
+ printf("cannot open file %s\n",infil);
+ exit(1);
+ }
+ /* initialization */
+ error = FALSE;
+ cons_seen = FALSE;
+ vow_seen = FALSE;
+ wait_syl = FALSE;
+ cmr_mode = FALSE;
+ gm_mode = TRUE;
+ lin_obey = FALSE;
+ dollar_mode = 0;
+ chr_ptr = 0;
+ strcpy(word,"");
+ strcpy(outbuf,"");
+ /* read preprocessor commands */
+ while (TRUE) {
+ strcpy(inbuf,"");
+ p_in = fgets(inbuf,INBUF_LEN,f_in);
+ if (inbuf[0] != '@')
+ break;
+ while (TRUE) {
+ if (st_find(inbuf,"dollars") == &inbuf[1]) {
+ dollar_mode = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (st_find(inbuf,"punjabi") == &inbuf[1]) {
+ /* reserved for hindi & pujabi merger */
+ break;
+ }
+ if (st_find(inbuf,"obeylines") == &inbuf[1]) {
+ lin_obey = TRUE;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (st_find(inbuf,"dolmode1") == &inbuf[1]) {
+ dollar_mode = 1;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (st_find(inbuf,"dolmode2") == &inbuf[1]) {
+ dollar_mode = 2;
+ break;
+ }
+ if (st_find(inbuf,"dolmode3") == &inbuf[1]) {
+ dollar_mode = 3;
+ break;
+ }
+ printf("Error: illegal preprocessor command\n");
+ puts(inbuf);
+ getchar();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* main loop */
+ do {
+ if (!find_gm())
+ fputs(inbuf,f_out);
+ else {
+ do {
+ buf_length = strlen(inbuf);
+ buf_ptr = 0;
+ gmproc(inp_ch());
+ if (!error)
+ gm_yes = find_gm();
+ if (!gm_yes) {
+ strcat(outbuf,inbuf);
+ fputs(outbuf,f_out);
+ }
+ } while (gm_yes && !error);
+ }
+ strcpy(inbuf,"");
+ p_in = fgets(inbuf,INBUF_LEN,f_in);
+ strcpy(outbuf,"");
+ } while ((p_in != NULL) && !error);
+ fclose(f_in);
+ fclose(f_out);
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/install.dos b/language/gurmukhi/singh/install.dos
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2ac424b986
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/install.dos
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+The purpose of this file is to help in installation of "Gurmukhi for TeX"
+software package on DOS. In addition to this file Readme and,
+are also provided which provide information about how and why to use this
+Lets assume that you have installed TeX and TeX can call METAFONT for
+font creation. I do not have TeX, METAFONT, and C-compiler on my machine
+in DOS environment, so was not able to install or test this software.
+Please let me know if you are successfully able to setup this package.
+Following help is extracted from "Devanagari for TeX" readme file, and
+and is modified a little for "Gurmukhi for Tex" in hope that this will
+be helpful in installation.
+In order to install the software you have to put the files in the right
+directories and rename them (if necessary).
+* GMMACS.TEX, BANI.GM, EG.GM, MANUAL.GM must be in the directory
+ where TeX expects it's input. This is something like C:\TEX\INPUTS on
+ MS-DOS systems.
+* Compile GURMUKHI.C file to create an executable of preprocessor, with
+ a name may be GURMUKHI.EXE. Move it in a directory specified in the
+ PATH environment-variable. Preferably it should be put in the directory
+ where other executable files are kept, often called BIN.
+* If you do have a 300dpi black-writing laser-printer then you can use
+ the included PK and TFM files. The TFM-files have to be put in the
+ directory where TeX keeps its TFM-files, mostly called C:\TEX\FONTS
+ or something like that. The organization of the fontfiles (PK-files)
+ varies from installation to installation. Sometimes all the fontfiles
+ are put together in one large directory and the different magnifications
+ of a font are distinguished by their filename extension, as is the case
+ with the fonts in this package.
+ Instead of in a directory the font files are sometimes put in a library.
+ This is the way it is done in emTeX. And sometimes there are different
+ directories for each magnification. These directories have 'names' like
+ 300, 329 etc. The fontfiles within these directories have no extensions
+ or just the extension 'PK'.
+ According to which fontfile-organization is used on your system, you
+ have to copy and rename the fontfiles in the PK300 directory in this
+ package.
+* If your printer is not a 300dpi black-writing laser-printer, or if you
+ want to change the appearance of the font or of some characters in it
+ then you have to run METAFONT and use the .MF files as input. There
+ are METAFONT source files for 3 different sizes: 8,9 and 10 point:
+ All of these three source-files make use of DEFS.MF and GMCHARS.MF.
+ The following is taken from: FAQ about TeX
+ METAFONT allows you to create your own fonts. METAFONT, unlike TeX,
+ requires some customization. Each output device for which you will be
+ generating fonts needs a mode associated with it. Modes are defined
+ using the mode_def convention described on page 94 of _The METAFONTbook_.
+ The person who installed METAFONT on your system should know which
+ modes are defined.
+ The usual way to create a font with plain METAFONT is to start
+ it with the line
+ \mode=<mode name>; mag=<magnification>; input <font file name>
+ in response to the * prompt or on the METAFONT command line. If
+ <mode name> is unknown or omitted, then the mode defaults to proof
+ mode. If this has happened METAFONT will produce an output file
+ called <font file name>.2602gf. The <magnification> is a floating
+ point number or magstep (magsteps are defined in _The METAFONTbook_
+ and _The TeXbook_). If mag=<magnification> is omitted, then the
+ default is 1. For example, to generate dvng10 at 12pt for an epson
+ printer you would type
+ mf \mode=epson; mag=1.2; input dvng10
+ If you need a special mode that isn't defined for your METAFONT,
+ you can put its commands in a file (e.g., and invoke
+ it on the fly with the \smode command. For example, to create
+ dvng10.300gf for an LN03 printer, using the file
+ % This is as of 2/27/90
+ % mode_def courtesy of John Sauter
+ proofing:=0;
+ fontmaking:=1;
+ tracingtitles:=0;
+ pixels_per_inch:=300;
+ blacker:=0.65;
+ fillin:=-0.1;
+ o_correction:=.5;
+ (note the absence of the mode_def and enddef commands), we would type
+ mf \smode="ln03"; input dvng10
+* After this setup you are ready to use this package. You can use
+ example file and to see if everything is alright. A
+ typical set of commands can be given as follows. This information
+ is in greater detail in
+ gurmukhi bani
+ tex bani
+ You can send dvi file generated here to your printer.
+Amarjit Singh
+E-mail Address:
+Postal Address: 8405 E. Hampden Ave #11N Denver CO 80231 USA (Current)
+ A-3 Mansarover Garden, New Delhi 110015 India(Permanent)
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/install.ux b/language/gurmukhi/singh/install.ux
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..05811547a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/install.ux
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+The purpose of this file is to help in installation of "Gurmukhi for TeX"
+software package on a Unix. In addition to this file Readme and,
+are also provided which provide information about how and why to use this
+Lets assume that you have installed TeX and TeX can call METAFONT for
+font creation. I have Tex Version 3.1415N (C version 6.1), and METAFONT
+Version 2.71 (C version 6.1). I got all these tools with Linux version
+Lets also assume that you are installing this software under a directory
+"/usr/abc/gurmukhi". Under this directory make top-level TeX directory
+lib/tex. In this top-level TeX directory /usr/abc/gurmukhi/lib/tex, make
+sub-directories "macros", "mf", "pk", and "tfm", and move all *.mf files
+in mf directory, *.tfm files in tfm directory, *.pk files in pk directory,
+and gmmacs.tex file in macros directory.
+Compile the preprocessor, gurmukhi.c and put the executable somewhere on
+your path. With following command, you will get preprocessor with name
+cc -o gurmukhi gurmukhi.c
+To set the environment variables in a c-shell environment, you can create
+a file with following information and "source" it every time you want to
+use this package.
+set texbase = /usr/abc/gurmukhi/lib/tex
+setenv TEXINPUTS .:$texbase/macros:
+setenv TEXFONTS :$texbase/tfm
+setenv TEXPKS :$texbase/pk
+setenv MFINPUTS :$texbase/mf
+unset texbase
+Note that leading and trailing colon tells TeX to append the system path
+at that point. If you have an older version of TeX (before version 3),
+you may need to explicitly specify them in the environment variables. If
+you use xtex, you will need to explicitly list your system directories in
+the TEXFONTS variable, since it doesn't understand the leading/trailing
+colon convention.
+After this setup you are ready to use this package. You can use example
+file and to see if everything is alright. A typical set of
+commands can be given as follows. This information is in greater detail
+gurmukhi bani
+tex bani
+dvips bani.dvi
+You can view the generated files using any one of following
+xdvi bani
+gs bani
+ghostview bani
+and can send .ps file generated by dvips to your laser printer.
+There are programs equivalent to dvips for some non-laser printers
+and are available at tex-archive sites.
+Amarjit Singh
+E-mail Address:
+Postal Address: 8405 E. Hampden Ave #11N Denver CO 80231 USA (Current)
+ A-3 Mansarover Garden, New Delhi 110015 India(Permanent)
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/known.prob b/language/gurmukhi/singh/known.prob
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8aa7b616fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/known.prob
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+These are known issues and I am working on them. Any help or
+suggestion on these, will be more than welcome. Thanks for
+your patience.
+1. Matra of u and U does not fit properly will some charaters.
+2. Somehow, first digit after {\gm is not printed, even though
+ it appears in 'intermediate' .tex file. Let me know if you
+ don't see this problem on your system.
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ebbee2a41a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+% the Free Software Foundation; either version 1, or (at your option)
+% any later version.
+% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+% GNU General Public License for more details.
+% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+\input gmmacs
+\font\title=cmr9 scaled\magstep5
+\font\subtitle=cmr9 scaled\magstep2
+\centerline{{\title Gurmukhi for \TeX}\footnote*{\TeX\ is a trademark of the
+American Mathematical Society}}
+\centerline{\title User Manual}
+\centerline{\subtitle Version 1.0}
+\centerline{\subtitle October 1995}
+\centerline{\title Amarjit Singh}
+{\subtitle Introduction}
+The purpose of the ``Gurmukhi for \TeX'' software package is to convert the
+characters in a document from English Alphabet to Gurmukhi
+(script for the Punjabi language), utilizing the \TeX [1][2] and
+METAFONT\footnote*{METAFONT is a trademark of Adddison Wesley Publishing Company}[3]
+software packages. \TeX\ is a typesetting system developed by the American
+Mathematical Society, used widely on Unix systems, and occassionally on
+other operating environments. METAFONT is a font generation tool supported
+by \TeX . Both \TeX\ and METAFONT are free software packages which can be
+downloaded from \TeX\ archive sites[4]. A working knowledge of \TeX\ will
+greatly help in using the 'Gurmukhi for \TeX ' package.
+This document provides information for preparing input text files and use of
+the 'Gurmukhi for \TeX ' software. This is the first version of the software
+and it may undergo changes in the near future, so keep an eye out for
+enhanced future releases.
+{\subtitle Acknowledgement}
+The Gurmukhi package was inspired by the Devanagari script generation
+package ``Devanagari for \TeX \footnote\dag{``Devanagari for \TeX '' is a copyright
+of Frans J. Vethuis}'' which is developed by Frans J. Velthuis
+and has been brought to you with his permission to support Gurmukhi script.
+I would also like to thank my mother for repeatedly prompting me to write
+a letter to her in Gurmukhi. Last, but not least, I would like to thank
+everyone who might use this software package.
+If you have comments or suggestion, feel free to send them to me at
+the following address:
+\leftline{ E-mail: }
+\leftline{ Postal Mail: Amarjit Singh }
+\leftline{ 8405 E. Hampden Ave \#11N Denver CO 80231 USA }
+\leftline{ A-3 Mansarover Garden, New Delhi 110015 India }
+{\subtitle Preparing a Document for Trans-literation }
+A document is initially created using regular ASCII text. The text is
+then converted into Gurmukhi using simple transliteration rules, and
+most of \TeX\ features from the initial document are passed to an
+`intermediate' \TeX\ file. The generated output can be sent to a printer or
+to the screen
+This section describes what ASCII characters can be used to produce
+Gurmukhi characters, and the delimiters which are required to put
+together these characters to pass to \TeX . Some control commands are
+presented which you might use to modify the behaviour of this
+tool to transform ASCII input text into Gurmukhi text. There is a macro
+file for \TeX\ which should be included in your text file.
+{\bf Characters}
+Table 1 presents the ASCII to Gurmukhi character set translation.
+To maintain the simplicity of transliteration, more than one
+character may be used, for example; 'kh' would be used to produce
+the Gurmukhi character {\gm kh}. Depending upon the context of
+a vowel, between the word or beginning of a word, a sign
+(like '{\gm \char69}') or a character (like '{\gm i}') will appear.
+An exception to this rule will be two vowels appearing together.
+There is a very limited number of half-characters in Gurmukhi and
+they are for h, v and r.
+There are more than one ASCII character sets which can be used in
+input text, for representation of some Gurmukhi characters, like
+'kh' and 'K' can be used for '{\gm K}' and it
+is totally your choice to use any of them.
+In Gurmukhi text mode digits will appear as :
+{\gm 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 }
+\centerline{\bf Table 1: ASCII Character sets for Gurmukhi characters}
+\settabs 8 \columns
+\+u&{\gm u}&k&{\gm k}&t&{\gm t}&sh, S or "s&{\gm "s}\cr
+\+uu&{\gm uu} or {\gm \char1}&kh or K&{\gm K}&th or T&{\gm T}&.kh or .K&{\gm .K}\cr
+\+U&{\gm U} or {\gm \char1}&g&{\gm g}&d&{\gm d}&.g&{\gm .g}\cr
+\+a&{\gm a} or&gh or G&{\gm G}&dh or D&{\gm D}&z&{\gm z}\cr
+\+aa or A&{\gm A} or {\gm \char65}&"n&{\gm "n}&n&{\gm n}&f&{\gm f}\cr
+\+i&{\gm i} or {\gm \char69}&c&{\gm c}&p&{\gm p}&N&{\gm N .ti~apI}\cr
+\+ii&{\gm ii} or {\gm \char70}&ch or C&{\gm C}&ph or P&{\gm P}&.m or M&{\gm M biNdI}\cr
+\+I&{\gm I} or {\gm \char70}&j&{\gm j}&b&{\gm b}&/&{\gm / caNdrabiNdU}\cr
+\+e&{\gm e} or {\gm \char3}&jh or J&{\gm J}&bh or B&{\gm B}&\~\relax a&{\gm ~a aD~ak}\cr
+\+ai or E&{\gm E} or {\gm \char123}&\~\relax n&{\gm ~n}&m&{\gm m}&@&{\gm @ (tOR)}\cr
+\+o&{\gm o} or {\gm \char111}&.t&{\gm .t}&y&{\gm y}& {\tt |} &{\gm | (.dN.dA)}\cr
+\+oo&{\gm oo} or {\gm \char79}&.th or .T&{\gm .T}&r&{\gm r}& {\tt ||}&{\gm ||}\cr
+\+O&{\gm O} or {\gm \char79}&.d&{\gm .d}&l&{\gm l}&.o&{\gm .o}\cr
+\+s&{\gm s} &.dh or .D&{\gm .D}&v&{\gm v}\cr
+\+h&{\gm h} &.n&{\gm .n}&R&{\gm R}\cr
+{\bf Delimiters}
+All text appearing after \% up to the end of the line, will be
+considered comments and will not generate any output.
+All the text between '$\{ \backslash gm$' and '$\}$' will be converted to
+Gurmukhi according to the character set shown in Table 1.
+All the text between \$ signs will be converted to Gurmukhi when the @dollars
+preprocessor command is given.
+The following characters are allowed but do not change representation inside
+Gurmukhi delimiters:
+ ! ` ' ( ) * - : ; = ? , [ ] +
+The following characters are not allowed inside Gurmukhi delimiters:
+ {\tt <} {\tt >} F L Q V W X Y Z \^ \_ q w x
+Obviously, characters outside Gurmukhi delimiters will not be changed to
+Gurmukhi and will be printed in English Alphabet or will follow the
+rules which you specify.
+To change the pointsize of characters within '$\{ \backslash gm$' and '$\}$'
+the following delimiters can be used, in incremental sizes, :
+\settabs 2 \columns
+\+ $\backslash gmsmall$ & 8 point font \cr
+\+ $\backslash gmnine$ & 9 point font \cr
+\+ $\backslash gmnormal$ & 10 point font \cr
+\+ $\backslash gmbig$ & 10 point font, magnified at 1 step \cr
+\+ $\backslash gmlarge$ & 10 point font, magnified at 2 steps \cr
+\+ $\backslash gmhuge$ & 10 point font, magnified at 3 steps \cr
+{\bf Examples}
+Different character sets, following above mentioned rules, within Gurmukhi
+delimilters can produce desired output, like $\{ \backslash gm$ paNjaab$\}$
+and $\{ \backslash gm$ pNjAb$\}$ will print {\gm pNjAb}.
+Sometimes, you may have to type an extra `a' to complete a syllable, even
+though it may not appear in the Gurmukhi representation of that word.
+There are additional gm files other than the source of this document, which
+can be referred to for examples.
+{\bf Control commands}
+At the start of input text, the following preprocessor commands
+can be used, to control the functionality of the preprocessor:
+ To follow the line breaks which you type.
+ To activate \$ as a special symbol such that text delimited by \$
+ is converted to Gurmukhi.
+ Does not do anything right now, but may be used when the tool
+ supports other languages.
+After the above preprocessor commands, insert the following command
+to include a macro file. This ia a very important step because
+without the macro file, \TeX\ will not recognize the translated
+text generated by the preprocessor.
+\input gmmacs
+{\subtitle Transforming a Document}
+The ``Gurmukhi for \TeX'' package consists of a preprocessor, font files
+and a macro file. See the file ``readme'' and ``install.unix'' for
+installation steps. Installation should be fairly easy, as there is
+no system dependent code. Wherever you can find \TeX\ and metafont,
+you can very possibly install and use this package.
+{\bf The Preprocessor}
+The job of the preprocessor is to find the correct representation of a
+character according to its context. When a vowel appears in a word,
+a syllable completes, and context changes to what it was at the
+beginning of a new word. It also finds possible half representation of
+characters. Output of this preprocessor is a \TeX\ document.
+{\bf Example session of commands}
+Lets assume that during installation you have prepared the preprocessor
+with name "gurmukhi" and have set paths in your environment to locate font and
+macro files. Lets also assume that you have an input file with the name "".
+You would start the preprocessor on the file '' as follows:
+\settabs 2 \columns
+\+ gurmukhi text & (to get a \TeX\ file)\cr
+The \TeX\ file produced here, text.tex, can be used as any other input
+file for \TeX . After this a typical sequence of commands may be
+\settabs 2 \columns
+\+ tex text & (to get dvi file) \cr
+\+ xdvi text & (to view dvi file) \cr
+Another sequence after this may be
+\settabs 2 \columns
+\+ dvips text & ( to get postscript file from text.dvi ) \cr
+\+ gs & ( to view postscript file ) \cr
+\+ ghostview & ( another way to view postscript file ) \cr
+Now it is time to send the postscript file to a postscript printer, and
+a command command for this may be:
+ lp
+{\subtitle Devanagari}
+This section is presented for those who have used the Devanagari package
+or would also like to use the Devanagari package. There are not many
+differences between the two. In Devanagari, you create a text file
+in the same manner as with Gurmukhi, but you have slightly different
+character sets for representation and you will use a similar sequence of
+The differences in character sets in Gurmukhi and Devanagari are as
+In Gurmukhi, S and sh can also be used in addition to "s to produce {\gm S}
+and N is used in Gurmukhi to print {\gm N (.ti~apI)}, ii produces {\gm ii}
+ and not {\gm I}, \~\relax a produces {\gm ~a}.
+The Devanagari software package allows many character sets such as .s,
+.h, H, q which are not valid in Gurmukhi.
+{\subtitle What may be next:}
+Support for LaTeX
+Porting to different systems and platforms
+Combination of Devanagari and Gurmukhi.
+{\subtitle Biblography}
+[1] Norman Walsh {\it Making \TeX Work} O'Reilly \& Associates, Inc. July 1994.
+[2] Donald E. Knuth {\it The \TeX book} Addison Wesley Publishing Co. Sep 1993
+[3] Donald E. Knuth {it The METAFONT Book} Addison Wesley,
+[4] FTP Site for \TeX\ and related softwares, including METAFONT, and Devanagri
+\indent { \indent{}}
+[5] Frans J. Velthuis {\it Devanagari for \TeX} Version 1.2
diff --git a/language/gurmukhi/singh/ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..c42d06d55a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/language/gurmukhi/singh/
@@ -0,0 +1,887 @@
+%%Creator: dvipsk 5.58a Copyright 1986, 1994 Radical Eye Software
+%%Title: manual.dvi
+%%Pages: 5
+%%PageOrder: Ascend
+%%BoundingBox: 0 0 596 842
+%%DocumentPaperSizes: a4
+%DVIPSCommandLine: dvips manual
+%DVIPSParameters: dpi=300, compressed, comments removed
+%DVIPSSource: TeX output 1995.10.22:1605
+/TeXDict 250 dict def TeXDict begin /N{def}def /B{bind def}N /S{exch}N
+/X{S N}B /TR{translate}N /isls false N /vsize 11 72 mul N /hsize 8.5 72
+mul N /landplus90{false}def /@rigin{isls{[0 landplus90{1 -1}{-1 1}
+ifelse 0 0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale
+isls{landplus90{VResolution 72 div vsize mul 0 exch}{Resolution -72 div
+hsize mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul
+TR[matrix currentmatrix{dup dup round sub abs 0.00001 lt{round}if}
+forall round exch round exch]setmatrix}N /@landscape{/isls true N}B
+/@manualfeed{statusdict /manualfeed true put}B /@copies{/#copies X}B
+/FMat[1 0 0 -1 0 0]N /FBB[0 0 0 0]N /nn 0 N /IE 0 N /ctr 0 N /df-tail{
+/nn 8 dict N nn begin /FontType 3 N /FontMatrix fntrx N /FontBBox FBB N
+string /base X array /BitMaps X /BuildChar{CharBuilder}N /Encoding IE N
+end dup{/foo setfont}2 array copy cvx N load 0 nn put /ctr 0 N[}B /df{
+/sf 1 N /fntrx FMat N df-tail}B /dfs{div /sf X /fntrx[sf 0 0 sf neg 0 0]
+N df-tail}B /E{pop nn dup definefont setfont}B /ch-width{ch-data dup
+length 5 sub get}B /ch-height{ch-data dup length 4 sub get}B /ch-xoff{
+128 ch-data dup length 3 sub get sub}B /ch-yoff{ch-data dup length 2 sub
+get 127 sub}B /ch-dx{ch-data dup length 1 sub get}B /ch-image{ch-data
+dup type /stringtype ne{ctr get /ctr ctr 1 add N}if}B /id 0 N /rw 0 N
+/rc 0 N /gp 0 N /cp 0 N /G 0 N /sf 0 N /CharBuilder{save 3 1 roll S dup
+/base get 2 index get S /BitMaps get S get /ch-data X pop /ctr 0 N ch-dx
+0 ch-xoff ch-yoff ch-height sub ch-xoff ch-width add ch-yoff
+setcachedevice ch-width ch-height true[1 0 0 -1 -.1 ch-xoff sub ch-yoff
+.1 sub]/id ch-image N /rw ch-width 7 add 8 idiv string N /rc 0 N /gp 0 N
+/cp 0 N{rc 0 ne{rc 1 sub /rc X rw}{G}ifelse}imagemask restore}B /G{{id
+gp get /gp gp 1 add N dup 18 mod S 18 idiv pl S get exec}loop}B /adv{cp
+add /cp X}B /chg{rw cp id gp 4 index getinterval putinterval dup gp add
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+b(c\\d}Eb\\d)1698 458 y(\001)0 503 y Fh(e)207 b Fd(a)-26
+b(\003)13 b Fh(or)h Fd(\003)100 b Fh(jh)14 b(or)f(J)104
+b Fd(J)199 b Fh(bh)14 b(or)g(B)85 b Fd(B)200 b Fh(~a)183
+b Fd(_)20 b(aD_k)0 552 y Fh(ai)13 b(or)h(E)100 b Fd(a)-26
+b({)13 b Fh(or)h Fd({)100 b Fh(~n)181 b Fd(\032)199 b
+Fh(m)189 b Fd(m)196 b Fh(@)d Fd(\177)27 b Fh(\()7 b Fd(tOw)f
+Fh(\))0 602 y(o)204 b Fd(\033)14 b Fh(or)f Fd(o)136 b
+Fh(.t)197 b Fd(V)i Fh(y)k Fd(y)190 b Fc(|)203 b Fd(.)26
+b Fh(\()7 b Fd(X\\XA)g Fh(\))0 652 y(o)q(o)182 b Fd(ao)13
+b Fh(or)h Fd(O)126 b Fh(.t)n(h)14 b(or)g(.T)69 b Fd(W)199
+b Fh(r)209 b Fd(r)203 b Fc(||)181 b Fd(;)0 702 y Fh(O)193
+b Fd(aO)13 b Fh(or)h Fd(O)126 b Fh(.d)190 b Fd(X)200
+b Fh(l)213 b Fd(l)197 b Fh(.o)192 b Fd(:)0 752 y Fh(s)209
+b Fd(s)196 b Fh(.dh)13 b(or)h(.D)59 b Fd(Y)199 b Fh(v)k
+Fd(v)0 802 y Fh(h)f Fd(h)h Fh(.n)190 b Fd(Z)199 b Fh(R)194
+b Fd(w)83 903 y Fe(Delimit)n(ers)83 953 y Fh(All)14 b(t)o(ext)h(ap)o(p)
+o(en)o(t)o(s)d(an)o(d)i(will)e(not)0 1003 y(gen)o(era)o(t)o(e)i(an)o(y)
+e(ou)o(t)o(pu)o(t.)83 1053 y(All)h(t)n(h)o(e)i(t)o(ext)g(b)q(et)o(w)o
+(een)g(')p Ff(fn)p Fb(g)q(m)p Fh(')f(an)o(d)g(')p Ff(g)p
+1103 y(s)q(et)f(sh)o(o)o(wn)f(in)f(T)m(a)o(ble)g(1.)83
+1153 y(All)k(t)n(h)o(e)i(t)o(ext)f(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)h($)f(s)q(igns)g
+(t)n(h)o(e)g(@dollars)e(prepro)q(ce)q(ssor)0 1203 y(comm)o(an)o(d)11
+b(i)q(s)i(giv)o(en.)83 1253 y(Th)o(e)i(follo)o(win)o(g)c(c)o(h)o(aract)
+o(ers)16 b(are)f(allo)o(w)o(e)q(d)e(bu)o(t)i(do)f(not)g(c)o(h)o(an)o
+(d)o(elim-)0 1303 y(it)o(ers:)83 1353 y(!)18 b(`)13 b(')h(\()g(\))g(*)f
+(-)h(:)k(;)13 b(=)h(?)k(,)c([)f(])h(+)83 1403 y(Th)o(e)g(follo)o(win)o
+(g)d(c)o(h)o(aract)o(ers)16 b(are)e(not)g(allo)o(w)o(e)q(d)f(ins)q(id)o
+(e)h(Gurm)n(ukhi)e(d)o(elimit)o(ers:)83 1454 y Fc(<)i(>)f
+Fh(F)h(L)g(Q)g(V)g(W)g(X)g(Y)g(Z)g(^)p 535 1454 13 2
+v 28 w(q)g(w)g(x)83 1504 y(Ob)o(viously)m(,)h(c)o(h)o(aract)o(ers)j(ou)
+1554 y(b)q(e)f(pr)q(in)o(t)o(e)q(d)g(in)f(En)o(gli)q(sh)h(Alph)o(a)o(b)
+(ou)h(sp)q(ecify)m(.)83 1604 y(T)m(o)e(c)o(h)o(an)o(ge)g(t)n(h)o(e)h(p)
+Ff(fn)p Fb(g)q(m)p Fh(')g(an)o(d)g(')p Ff(g)p Fh(')f(t)n(h)o(e)i(follo)
+1654 y(in)g(increm)o(en)o(t)o(al)g(s)q(ize)q(s,)h(:)0
+1768 y Ff(n)p Fb(g)q(msmal)q(l)720 b Fh(8)14 b(p)q(oin)o(t)f(fon)o(t)0
+1817 y Ff(n)p Fb(g)q(mnine)739 b Fh(9)14 b(p)q(oin)o(t)f(fon)o(t)0
+1867 y Ff(n)p Fb(g)q(mnor)q(mal)687 b Fh(10)13 b(p)q(oin)o(t)h(fon)o(t)
+0 1917 y Ff(n)p Fb(g)q(mbig)770 b Fh(10)13 b(p)q(oin)o(t)h(fon)o(t,)e
+(m)o(agni\014e)q(d)h(a)o(t)g(1)h(st)o(ep)0 1967 y Ff(n)p
+Fb(g)q(ml)q(ar)q(g)q(e)727 b Fh(10)13 b(p)q(oin)o(t)h(fon)o(t,)e(m)o
+(agni\014e)q(d)h(a)o(t)g(2)h(st)o(eps)0 2017 y Ff(n)p
+Fb(g)q(mhug)q(e)734 b Fh(10)13 b(p)q(oin)o(t)h(fon)o(t,)e(m)o
+(agni\014e)q(d)h(a)o(t)g(3)h(st)o(eps)83 2118 y Fe(Examp)o(le)q(s)83
+2168 y Fh(Di\013eren)o(t)g(c)o(h)o(aract)o(er)g(s)q(et)o(s,)h(follo)o
+2218 y(d)o(u)o(ce)i(d)o(e)q(s)q(ire)q(d)g(ou)o(t)o(pu)o(t,)f(lik)o(e)f
+Ff(fn)p Fb(g)q(m)i Fh(paNjaa)o(b)p Ff(g)d Fh(an)o(d)i
+Ff(fn)p Fb(g)q(m)g Fh(pNjA)n(b)p Ff(g)f Fh(will)g(pr)q(in)o(t)g
+Fd(p\\jAb)p Fh(.)83 2268 y(Som)o(et)o(im)o(e)q(s,)g(y)o(ou)i(m)o(ay)f
+f(not)0 2318 y(ap)o(p)q(ear)g(in)f(t)n(h)o(e)i(Gurm)n(ukhi)d(repre)q(s)
+2368 y(Th)o(ere)i(are)f(addit)o(ion)o(al)e(gm)g(\014le)q(s)j(ot)n(h)o
+2418 y(for)d(example)q(s.)83 2520 y Fe(Con)o(tro)o(l)g(comm)o(an)o(ds)
+83 2570 y Fh(A)o(t)k(t)n(h)o(e)h(st)o(art)f(of)g(inpu)o(t)g(t)o(ext,)h
+(h)o(e)0 2620 y(fu)o(nct)o(ion)o(alit)o(y)c(of)g(t)n(h)o(e)h(prepro)q
+(ce)q(ss)q(or:)83 2670 y(@ob)q(eylin)o(e)q(s)g(T)m(o)f(follo)o(w)e(t)n
+%%Page: 4 4
+4 3 bop 83 42 a Fh(@dollars)9 b(T)m(o)g(act)o(iv)n(a)o(t)o(e)g($)g(as)h
+(o)f(Gurm)n(ukhi.)83 91 y(@pu)o(nja)o(bi)20 b(Do)q(e)q(s)g(not)g(do)f
+(ot)n(h)o(er)0 141 y(lan)o(guage)q(s.)83 191 y(Aft)o(er)15
+11 b(ins)q(ert)k(t)n(h)o(e)g(follo)o(win)o(g)d(comm)o(an)o(d)g(t)o(o)i
+(includ)o(e)h(a)f(m)o(acro)f(\014le.)0 241 y(Thi)q(s)h(ia)f(a)h(v)o
+(t)e(t)n(h)o(e)h(m)o(acro)e(\014le,)h(T)1149 250 y(E)1172
+241 y(X)g(will)f(not)h(recognize)h(t)n(h)o(e)g(transla)o(t)o(e)q(d)0
+291 y(t)o(ext)f(gen)o(era)o(t)o(e)q(d)h(b)o(y)f(t)n(h)o(e)h(prepro)q
+(ce)q(ssor.)83 390 y Fg(T)-5 b(ransformin)o(g)16 b(a)i(Do)r(cu)o(m)n
+(en)n(t)83 490 y Fh(Th)o(e)13 b(\\Gurm)n(ukhi)d(for)i(T)468
+499 y(E)491 490 y(X")g(pac)o(kage)g(cons)q(i)q(st)o(s)h(of)e(a)h
+f(\014le.)17 b(See)c(t)n(h)o(e)0 540 y(\014le)i(\\readm)o(e")f(an)o(d)h
+b(Inst)o(alla)o(t)o(ion)13 b(sh)o(ould)i(b)q(e)g(f)q(airly)e(easy)m(,)j
+(as)f(t)n(h)o(ere)i(i)q(s)0 590 y(no)d(syst)o(em)f(d)o(ep)q(en)o(d)o
+951 599 y(E)974 590 y(X)g(an)o(d)g(m)o(et)o(afon)o(t,)d(y)o(ou)j(can)g
+(v)o(ery)g(p)q(oss)q(ibly)g(inst)o(all)0 639 y(an)o(d)g(us)q(e)g(t)n
+(hi)q(s)g(pac)o(kage.)83 739 y Fe(Th)o(e)h(Prepro)q(ce)q(s)q(sor)83
+789 y Fh(Th)o(e)g(job)f(of)g(t)n(h)o(e)i(prepro)q(ce)q(ssor)i(i)q(s)c
+839 y(con)o(t)o(ext.)j(Wh)o(en)c(a)g(v)o(o)o(w)o(el)e(ap)o(p)q(ears)j
+889 y(a)o(t)i(t)n(h)o(e)i(b)q(eginnin)o(g)e(of)g(a)g(n)o(ew)h(w)o(ord.)
+23 b(It)16 b(also)f(\014n)o(ds)h(p)q(oss)q(ible)g(h)o(alf)e(repre)q(s)q
+b(Ou)o(t)o(pu)o(t)18 b(of)0 938 y(t)n(hi)q(s)c(prepro)q(ce)q(ssor)j(i)q
+(s)c(a)h(T)421 947 y(E)444 938 y(X)g(do)q(cu)o(m)o(en)o(t.)83
+1038 y Fe(Examp)o(le)i(s)q(e)q(s)q(s)q(ion)d(of)i(comm)o(an)o(ds)83
+1088 y Fh(Let)o(s)f(assu)o(m)o(e)e(t)n(h)o(a)o(t)h(d)o(ur)q(in)o(g)f
+1138 y(an)o(d)16 b(h)o(a)o(v)o(e)g(s)q(et)h(pa)o(t)n(hs)g(in)e(y)o(our)
+(m)o(acro)f(\014le)q(s.)25 b(Let)o(s)18 b(also)e(assu)o(m)o(e)g(t)n(h)o
+(a)o(t)g(y)o(ou)0 1188 y(h)o(a)o(v)o(e)e(an)f(inpu)o(t)h(\014le)g(wit)n
+(h)g(t)n(h)o(e)h(n)o(am)o(e)d("t)o(".)83 1237 y(Y)m(ou)h(w)o
+(\014le)f('t)o(')d(as)j(follo)o(ws:)0 1337 y(gurm)n(ukhi)e(t)o
+(ext)643 b(\(t)o(o)14 b(get)g(a)g(T)1093 1346 y(E)1116
+1337 y(X)g(\014le\))83 1437 y(Th)o(e)h(T)191 1446 y(E)214
+1437 y(X)g(\014le)g(pro)q(d)o(u)o(ce)q(d)h(h)o(ere,)f(t)o(ext.t)o(ex,)g
+(\014le)f(for)h(T)1510 1446 y(E)1533 1437 y(X.)f(Aft)o(er)i(t)n(hi)q(s)
+e(a)0 1487 y(t)o(ypical)f(s)q(equence)j(of)d(comm)o(an)o(ds)e(m)o(ay)h
+(b)q(e)0 1586 y(t)o(ex)i(t)o(ext)760 b(\(t)o(o)14 b(get)g(dvi)g
+(\014le\))0 1648 y(xdvi)f(t)o(ext)737 b(\(t)o(o)14 b(view)g(dvi)f
+(\014le\))83 1748 y(Anot)n(h)o(er)i(s)q(equence)h(aft)o(er)e(t)n(hi)q
+(s)g(m)o(ay)e(b)q(e)0 1848 y(dvips)i(t)o(ext)719 b(\()14
+(t)o(ext.dvi)j(\))0 1910 y(gs)g(t)o( b(\()14
+1972 y(gh)o(ostview)h(t)o( b(\()14 b(anot)n(h)o(er)h(w)o(ay)e
+2072 y(No)o(w)h(it)g(i)q(s)g(t)o(im)o(e)e(t)o(o)j(s)q(en)o(d)g(t)n(h)o
+2122 y(t)n(hi)q(s)j(m)o(ay)e(b)q(e:)83 2172 y(lp)h(t)o(
+2271 y Fg(Dev)m(an)o(agar)q(i)83 2371 y Fh(Thi)q(s)g(s)q(ect)o(ion)h(i)
+(or)f(w)o(ould)g(also)g(lik)o(e)g(t)o(o)0 2421 y(us)q(e)j(t)n(h)o(e)g
+(Dev)n(an)o(agar)q(i)d(pac)o(kage.)22 b(Th)o(ere)16 b(are)g(not)f(m)o
+(an)o(y)e(di\013erence)q(s)18 b(b)q(et)o(w)o(een)e(t)n(h)o(e)g(t)o(w)o
+(o.)21 b(In)15 b(Dev)n(an)o(agar)q(i,)e(y)o(ou)0 2471
+0 2521 y(for)h(repre)q(s)q(en)o(t)o(a)o(t)o(ion)g(an)o(d)g(y)o(ou)f
+(will)g(us)q(e)h(a)g(s)q(imilar)d(s)q(equence)16 b(of)d(comm)o(an)o
+(ds.)83 2570 y(Th)o(e)h(di\013erence)q(s)j(in)c(c)o(h)o(aract)o(er)i(s)
+(follo)o(ws:)83 2620 y(In)20 b(Gurm)n(ukhi,)e(S)i(an)o(d)f(sh)h(can)g
+(pro)q(d)o(u)o(ce)i Fd(f)e Fh(an)o(d)g(N)h(i)q(s)f(us)q(e)q(d)h(in)0
+2670 y(Gurm)n(ukhi)12 b(t)o(o)i(pr)q(in)o(t)g Fd(\\)26
+b Fh(\()7 b Fd(EV_pF)h Fh(\))f(,)13 b(ii)g(pro)q(d)o(u)o(ce)q(s)i
+Fd(Ei)g Fh(an)o(d)e(not)h Fd(iF)p Fh(,)g(~a)f(pro)q(d)o(u)o(ce)q(s)i
+Fd(_)p Fh(.)p eop
+%%Page: 5 5
+5 4 bop 83 42 a Fh(Th)o(e)14 b(Dev)n(an)o(agar)q(i)f(soft)o(w)o(are)h
+91 y(v)n(alid)e(in)i(Gurm)n(ukhi.)83 191 y Fg(Wh)n(a)o(t)j(m)o(ay)g(b)q
+(e)h(n)n(ext:)83 291 y Fh(Sup)o(p)q(ort)c(for)g(LaT)m(eX)83
+340 y(P)o(ort)o(in)o(g)g(t)o(o)g(di\013eren)o(t)h(syst)o(ems)f(an)o(d)f
+(pla)o(tforms)83 390 y(Com)n(bin)o(a)o(t)o(ion)e(of)i(Dev)n(an)o(agar)q
+(i)f(an)o(d)i(Gurm)n(ukhi.)83 490 y Fg(Bib)o(lograph)n(y)83
+589 y Fh([1])f(Norm)o(an)f(W)m(alsh)h Fa(Making)i(T)595
+598 y(E)618 589 y(XWork)f Fh(O'Re)q(illy)e(&)i(Asso)q(cia)o(t)o(e)q(s,)
+i(Inc.)i(July)c(1994.)83 639 y([2])f(Don)o(ald)f(E.)i(Kn)n(u)o(t)n(h)h
+Fa(The)g(T)573 648 y(E)596 639 y(Xb)n(o)n(ok)f Fh(Addi)q(son)f(W)m(e)q
+(sley)h(Pu)n(bli)q(shin)o(g)f(Co.)18 b(Sep)c(1993)83
+689 y([3])f(Don)o(ald)f(E.)i(Kn)n(u)o(t)n(h)h(it)f(Th)o(e)g(MET)m(AF)o
+(ONT)g(Bo)q(ok)g(Addi)q(son)f(W)m(e)q(sley)m(,)83 739
+y([4])g(FTP)h(Sit)o(e)g(for)f(T)408 748 y(E)431 739 y(X)h(an)o(d)g
+(ONT,)f(an)o(d)h(Dev)n(an)o(agr)q(i)83 789 y(ft)o(p.shsu.e)q(d)o(u/t)o
+(ex-arc)o(hiv)o(e)83 839 y([5])f(F)m(rans)h(J.)f(V)m(el)o(t)n(h)n(ui)q
+(s)i Fa(Devanagari)g(for)g(T)770 847 y(E)792 839 y(X)f
+Fh(V)m(ers)q(ion)f(1.2)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if