path: root/language/bengali/bangla/bangla.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-06-08 03:02:17 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-06-08 03:02:17 +0000
commit19ec3a90133b7827c16b0ffde16152fb4d566138 (patch)
tree056101811eeb7e1bfb0067e3628591dd0e52bc06 /language/bengali/bangla/bangla.tex
parent1ba2ae020aea220436899cf65f5a85c1686940cd (diff)
CTAN sync 202106080302
Diffstat (limited to 'language/bengali/bangla/bangla.tex')
1 files changed, 170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/language/bengali/bangla/bangla.tex b/language/bengali/bangla/bangla.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..495f8d94b1
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+++ b/language/bengali/bangla/bangla.tex
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+\title{The \texttt{bangla} Package}
+\author{Nahid Hossain \\Assistant Professor, United International University\\Bangladesh\\\\}
+\date{June 7, 2021}
+\subsection{About \texttt{bangla} Package}
+The \texttt{bangla} package is a programming tools geared primarily towards LaTeX class and package authors. It provides all necessary LaTeX frontends for Bangla language.
+Copyright © 2021 Nahid Hossain. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this software under the terms of the LaTeX Project Public License, version 1.3c or later.
+\subsection{Use Package}
+The basic command to use the package is-\\ \\
+\subsection{Font Selection}
+\textbf{The default font of the \texttt{bangla} package is \texttt{Kalpurush}}. However, an author can easily change the font using the parameter of the \texttt{usepackage} command.
+\\ \\
+\com{usepackage}{[<font name>]\{bangla\}}
+For example, if an author wants \texttt{Vrinda} as his default font for the whole article, he can write-
+\\ \\
+The following fonts are currently associated with the \texttt{bangla} package-
+\textbf{Font Name} & \textbf{Command Keyword} \\
+Vrinda & \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{vrinda}}\\
+Kalpurush & \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{kalpurush}} \\
+Solaiman Lipi & \textcolor{blue}{\texttt{solaimanlipi}} \\
+\subsection{With Parameter Definitions}
+In this subsection, we have demonstrated the commands that requires parameters(at least one or more).
+\subsubsection{\com{banglatext}{\{<bangla text here>\}}}
+\texttt{banglatext} displays any Bangla texts provided inside the parameter. Insert Bangla text in the parameter.\\
+\textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\
+\texttt{\com{banglatext}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\
+\subsubsection{\com{banglabold}{\{<bangla text here>\}}}
+\texttt{banglabold} bolds the Bangla texts provided inside the parameter. It can make texts bold automatically of any font that has no bold fonts available.\\
+\textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\
+\texttt{\com{banglabold}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglabold{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\
+\subsubsection{\com{banglaitalic}{\{<bangla text here>\}}}
+\texttt{banglaitalic} makes the Bangla texts italic provided inside the parameter. It can make texts italic automatically of any font that has no italic fonts available.\\
+\textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\
+\texttt{\com{banglaitalic}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglaitalic{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\
+\subsubsection{\com{banglatranslit}{\{<bangla text here>\}}}
+\texttt{banglatranslit} generates a comprehensive and sophisticated transliteration of Bangla into Latin based on ISO 15919. \texttt{banglatranslit} works on character, word, and sentences as well.\\
+\textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\
+\texttt{\com{banglatranslit}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglatranslit{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\
+\subsubsection{\com{banglaipa}{\{<bangla text here>\}}}
+\texttt{banglaipa} generates equivalent International Phonetic Alphabets(IPA) symbols for Bangla alphabets. \texttt{banglaipa} works on character, word, and sentences as well.\\
+\textbf{Command} & \textbf{Output} \\
+\texttt{\com{banglaipa}{\{\banglatext{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\}}} & \banglaipa{আমি বাংলায় কথা বলি।}\\
+\subsection{Without Parameter Definitions}
+In this subsection, we have demonstrated the commands that require no parameter at all.
+\texttt{banglapage} produces bangla page numbering. \texttt{banglapage} does not need any parameters.
+Put \texttt{banglapage} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command. Such as:\\
+\texttt{banglasection} produces bangla numbering for all sections in the article including all subsections. \texttt{banglasection} does not need any parameters.
+Put \texttt{banglasection} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command. Such as:\\
+\texttt{banglaenumerate} produces level-2 bangla numbering for enumerate or the list in latex for the whole article. \texttt{banglaenumerate} does not need any parameters.
+Put \texttt{banglaenumerate} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command or anywhere above the enumerate. Such as:\\
+\texttt{banglaequation} produces bangla numbering for all equations in the whole article. \texttt{banglaequation} does not need any parameters.
+Put \texttt{banglaequation} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command or anywhere above the equations. Such as:\\
+\texttt{banglatable} produces bangla numbering for all tables in the whole article. \texttt{banglatable} does not need any parameters.
+Put \texttt{banglatable} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command or anywhere above the tables. Such as:\\
+\texttt{banglafigure} produces bangla numbering for all figures/images in the whole article. \texttt{banglafigure} does not need any parameters.
+Put \texttt{banglafigure} command before \textbackslash begin\{document\} command or anywhere above the figures. Such as:\\
+\section{Reporting issues}
+To report any error or issue please send an email to or
+\section{Revision History}
+This is version 1.0 and it has no revision history yet.