path: root/info/tcdmanual/la_furth.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/tcdmanual/la_furth.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/tcdmanual/la_furth.tex')
1 files changed, 339 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/tcdmanual/la_furth.tex b/info/tcdmanual/la_furth.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a901d2732a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/tcdmanual/la_furth.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
+\sectiontitle{Further Features of \LaTeX}
+\subsectiontitle{Producing Blank Space in \LaTeX}
+To produce (horizontal) blank space within a paragraph, use
+\verb?\hspace? and \verb?\hspace*?, followed by the length
+of the blank space enclosed within curly brackets. The length
+of the skip should be expressed in a unit recognized by \TeX.
+These recognized units are given in the following table:
+\verb?pt? & point & (1 in = 72.27 pt) \\
+\verb?pc? & pica & (1 pc = 12 pt) \\
+\verb?in? & inch & (1 in = 25.4 mm) \\
+\verb?bp? & big point & (1 in = 72 bp) \\
+\verb?cm? & centimetre & (1 cm = 10 mm) \\
+\verb?mm? & millimetre & \\
+\verb?dd? & didot point & (1157 dd = 1238 pt) \\
+\verb?cc? & cicero & (1 cc = 12 dd) \\
+\verb?sp? & scaled point & (65536 sp = 1 pt)
+Thus to produce a horizontal blank space of 20 mm in the middle
+of a paragraph one would type \verb?\hspace{20 mm}? (or
+\verb?\hspace*{20 mm}?.
+ The difference between \verb?\hspace? and \verb?\hspace*?
+is that if \TeX\ decides to break between lines at the point
+where an \verb?\hspace? is specified, then the \verb?\hspace?
+is ignored. Using \verb?\hspace*? forces \TeX\ to produce a
+horizontal space, whether of not \TeX\ breaks between lines.
+To produce (vertical) blank space between paragraphs, use
+\verb?\vspace? and \verb?\vspace*?, followed by the length
+of the blank space enclosed within curly brackets. A
+\verb?\vspace? will be ignored if it comes at a
+break between pages, whereas blank space will always be
+produced by \verb?\vspace*?, whether or not there is a
+page break. Thus to obtain
+{\small This is the first paragraph of some text. It is
+separated from the second paragraph by a vertical skip of
+10 millimetres.}
+\vspace{10 mm}
+{\small This is the second paragraph.}
+one should type
+This is the first paragraph of some text. It is
+separated from the second paragraph by a vertical skip of
+10 millimetres.
+\vspace{10 mm}
+This is the second paragraph.
+\subsectiontitle{Blank Spaces: Fine Tuning}
+We describe certain features of \TeX\ relating to blank spaces
+and paragraph indentation which will improve the appearance
+of the final document. Experienced users of \TeX\ will improve
+the appearance of their documents if they bear these remarks in mind.
+ First note that, as a general rule, you should never put
+a blank space after a left parenthesis or before a right
+parenthesis. If you were to put a blank space in these
+places, then you run the risk that \TeX\ might start a
+new line immediately after the left parenthesis or before
+the right parenthesis, leaving the parenthesis marooned at
+the beginning or end of a line.
+ \TeX\ has its own rules for deciding the lengths of blank
+spaces. For instance, \TeX\ will put an extra amount of space
+after a full stop if it considers that the full stop marks the
+end of a sentence.
+The rule adopted by \TeX\ is to regard a period (full stop) as
+the end of a sentence if it is preceded by a lowercase letter.
+If the period is preceded by an uppercase letter then
+\TeX\ assumes that it is not a full stop but follows the
+initials of somebody's name.
+ This works very well in most cases. However
+\TeX\ occasionally gets things wrong. This happens with
+a number of common abbreviations (as in `Mr.\ Smith' or
+in `etc.'), and, in particular, in the names of
+journals given in abbreviated form (e.g.,
+`Proc.\ Amer.\ Math.\ Soc.'). The way to overcome this
+problem is to put a backslash before the blank space in
+question. Thus we should type
+Mr.\ Smith
+etc.\ and
+Proc.\ Amer.\ Math.\ Soc.
+ \TeX\ determines itself how to break up a paragraph into
+lines, and will occasionally hyphenate long words where this
+is desirable. However it is sometimes necessary to tell
+\TeX\ not to break at a particular blank space. The special
+character used for this purpose is \verb?~?. It represents
+a blank space at which \TeX\ is not allowed to break between
+lines. It is often desirable to use \verb?~? in names where
+the forenames are represented by initials. Thus to obtain
+`W.~R.~Hamilton' it is best to type \verb?W.~R.~Hamilton?.
+It is also desirable in phrases like `Example~7' and `the
+length~$l$ of the rod', obtained by typing \verb?Example~7?
+and \verb?the length~$l$ of the rod?. This feature of
+\TeX\ may be safely ignored by beginners, though more
+experienced \TeX nical typists should gradually accustom
+themselves to using it occasionally where appropriate.
+ \TeX\ will automatically indent paragraphs (with the
+exception of the first paragraph of a new section). One
+can prevent \TeX\ from indenting a paragraph though by
+beginning the paragraph with the control sequence
+\verb?\noindent?. Thus one obtains
+This is the beginning of a paragraph which is not
+indented in the usual way. This has been achieved
+by placing an appropriate control sequence at the
+beginning of the paragraph.
+by typing
+This is the beginning of a paragraph which is not
+indented in the usual way. This has been achieved
+by placing an appropriate control sequence at the
+beginning of the paragraph.
+Conversely, the control sequence \verb?\indent? forces
+\TeX\ to indent the paragraph.
+\subsectiontitle{The Preamble of the \LaTeX\ Input file}
+ We describe the options available in \LaTeX\ for specifying
+the overall style of a document.
+Every \LaTeX\ document should begin with a \verb?\documentstyle?
+command followed by the \verb?\begin{document}? command, and
+must end with the \verb?\end{document}? command. A typical such
+document is the following:
+%% \begin{verbatim}
+%% \documentstyle[tcda,12pt]{article}
+This is the first paragraph of a typical document. It is
+produced in a `12~point' size. A {\it point} is a unit of
+length used by printers. One point is approximately
+$1/72$~inch. In a `12~point' font the height of the
+parentheses is 12~points (i.e. about $1/6$~inch) and the
+letter~`m' is about 12 points long.
+This is the second paragraph of the document. There are
+also `10 point' and `11 point' styles available in \LaTeX.
+The required size is specified in the `documentstyle'
+command. If no such size is specified then the 10~point
+size is assumed.
+ The syntax of the \verb?\documentstyle? command is as
+follows. The command begins with \verb?\documentstyle?
+and ends with the names of one of the available styles,
+enclosed in curly brackets. The available styles are
+`{\tt article}', `{\tt report}', `{\tt book}' and
+`{\tt letter}'. Between the ``\verb?\documentstyle?''
+and the name of the document style, one may place a
+list of {\it options}. These options are separated by
+commas and the list of options is enclosed in square
+brackets (as in the above example). The options
+available (which are usually the names of certain
+`style files') include the following:
+\item[11pt] Specifies a size of type known as
+ {\it eleven-point}, which is ten percent larger than
+ the ten-point type normally used.
+\item[12pt] Specifies a twelve-point type size, which is
+ twenty percent larger than ten-point.
+%%\item[twoside] Formats the output for printing on both
+%% sides of the page.
+\item[twocolumn] Produces two-column output.
+%% \item[tcda] A (locally produced) `style file' which
+\item[a4] A `style file' which
+ ensures that the page is appropriately positioned
+ on A4 size paper. It is recommended that most \LaTeX\
+ documents produced on the LaserWriter in the School of
+ Mathematics use this option.
+%% \item[tcdh] A (locally produced) `style file' which
+%% ensures that the page is appropriately positioned on
+%% the headed notepaper of the T.C.D. School of Mathematics.
+ Typing simply \verb?\documentstyle{article}? will produce a
+document in ten-point type size. However the printed output
+will not be nicely positioned on A4 paper, since the default
+size is intended for a different (American) paper size.
+ Pages will be automatically numbered at the bottom of the
+page, unless you specify otherwise. This can be done using the
+\verb?\pagestyle? command. This command should come after the
+\verb?\documentstyle? command and before the
+\verb?\begin{document}? command. This command has the
+syntax \verb?\pagestyle{?{\it option}\verb?}?, where
+the {\it option} is one of the following:
+\item[plain] The page number is at the foot of the page.
+ This is the default page style for the {\tt article}
+ and {\tt report} document styles.
+\item[empty] No page number is printed.
+\item[headings] The page number (and any other information
+ determined by the document style) is put at the top of
+ the page.
+\item[myheadings] Similar to the {\bf headings} pagestyle,
+ except that the material to go at the top of the
+ page is determined by \verb?\markboth? and
+ \verb?\markright? commands (see the \LaTeX\ manual).
+For example, the input file
+%% \begin{verbatim}
+%% \documentstyle[tcda]{article}
+The main body of the document is placed here.
+produces a document without page numbers, using the
+standard ten-point type size.
+\newcommand{\intwrtx}[1]{\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} #1 \,dx}
+\newcommand{\intwrt}[2]{\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} #2 \,d #1}
+\subsectiontitle{Defining your own Control Sequences in \LaTeX}
+Suppose that we are producing a paper that makes frequent
+use of some mathematical expression. For example,
+suppose that integrals like
+\[ \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(x)\,dx. \]
+occur frequently throughout the text. This formula is
+obtained by typing
+\[ \int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} f(x)\,dx. \]
+It would be nice if we could type \verb?\inftyint? (say)
+to obtain the integral sign at the beginning. This can
+be done using \verb?\newcommand?. What we do is to place
+a line with the command
+near the beginning of the input file (the best place being
+after the \verb?\documentstyle? command but before the
+\verb?\begin{document}? command). Then we only have to
+\[ \inftyint f(x)\,dx. \]
+to obtain the above formula.
+We can modify this procedure slightly. Suppose that we
+we defined a new control sequence \verb?\intwrtx? by
+putting the line
+\newcommand{\intwrtx}[1]{\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} #1 \,dx}
+at the beginning of the input file. If we then type the line
+\[ \intwrtx{f(x)}. \]
+then we obtain
+\[ \intwrtx{f(x)}. \]
+What has happened is that the expression in curly brackets
+after \verb?\intwrtx? has been substituted in the expression
+defining \verb?\intwrtx?, replacing the \verb?#1? in that
+ The number 1 inside square brackets in the
+\verb?\newcommand? line defining \verb?\intwrtx? indicates
+to \LaTeX\ that it is to expect one expression (in curly
+brackets) after \verb?\intwrtx? to substitute for \verb?#1?
+in the definition of \verb?\intwrtx?. If we defined a
+control sequence \verb?\intwrt? by
+\newcommand{\intwrt}[2]{\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty} #2 \,d #1}
+then it would expect two expressions to substitute in for
+\verb?#1? and \verb?#2? in the definition of \verb?\intwrt?.
+Thus if we then type
+\[ \intwrt{y}{f(y)}. \]
+we obtain
+\[ \intwrt{y}{f(y)}. \]