path: root/info/symbols/comprehensive/source/makefakelualatex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2024-01-04 03:02:56 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2024-01-04 03:02:56 +0000
commitc45a0e15a3f74b963e3c2be142de33c8c8f12588 (patch)
treea7ec0f84bd371896fde6eecb620dfd3d771918ad /info/symbols/comprehensive/source/makefakelualatex
parent92effab22b73c432933e7eb8e12c1cefda221df9 (diff)
CTAN sync 202401040302
Diffstat (limited to 'info/symbols/comprehensive/source/makefakelualatex')
1 files changed, 238 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/symbols/comprehensive/source/makefakelualatex b/info/symbols/comprehensive/source/makefakelualatex
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..22a62799e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/symbols/comprehensive/source/makefakelualatex
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# Convert LuaLaTeX symbol packages to a #
+# faked version that works with pdfLaTeX. #
+# #
+# By Scott Pakin <> #
+import argparse
+import os
+import re
+import string
+import subprocess
+import sys
+# Define a "do not edit" header string.
+do_not_edit = '''\
+% This is a generated file. DO NOT EDIT. %
+def kpsewhich(fname):
+ 'Find a filename in the TeX tree.'
+ proc =['kpsewhich', fname], capture_output=True,
+ check=True, encoding='utf-8')
+ return proc.stdout.strip()
+class ParsingInfo():
+ '''Represent the information needed to parse one type of symbol from
+ the input LaTeX package. Information is provided as a
+ semicolon-separated tuple {regexp, symbol suffix, hex increment}.'''
+ def __init__(self, info):
+ fields = info.split(' ; ')
+ if len(fields) == 0:
+ raise RuntimeError('failed to parse %s' % repr(info))
+ self.regexp = re.compile(fields[0], re.DOTALL)
+ self.suffix = ''
+ if len(fields) > 1:
+ self.suffix = fields[1]
+ self.increment = 0
+ if len(fields) > 2:
+ self.increment = int(fields[2], 0)
+class SubFont():
+ 'Construct a sub-font containing up to 256 characters.'
+ def __init__(self, name, ttf, sym_num):
+ = name
+ self.ttf = ttf
+ self.sym_num = sym_num
+ def _gen_encoding_file(self):
+ 'Generate an input encoding file.'
+ enc_in = 'fake' + + '-in.enc'
+ with open(enc_in, 'w') as w:
+ w.write(do_not_edit)
+ w.write(f'/{} [\n')
+ for i, (sym, num) in enumerate(self.sym_num):
+ w.write(' /uni%04X %% %3d: \\%s\n' % (num, i, sym))
+ w.write(']\n')
+ return enc_in
+ def _gen_font_files(self, enc_in):
+ 'Generate a .tfm, .map, and .enc file from an input .enc file.'
+ args = ['otftotfm',
+ f'--map-file=fake{}.map',
+ '--no-updmap',
+ f'--encoding={enc_in}',
+ '--directory=' + os.getcwd(),
+ ttf,
+ f'fake{}']
+ sys.stderr.write('RUNNING: %s\n' % ' '.join(args))
+, check=True, encoding='utf-8')
+ def _find_encoding_name(self):
+ 'Return the name of the generated encoding file.'
+ # Read the .map file to find the encoding name.
+ map = 'fake' + + '.map'
+ with open(map) as r:
+ for ln in r:
+ toks = ln.split()
+ if len(toks) == 6:
+ return toks[4][2:]
+ raise Exception(f'failed to parse {map}')
+ def _rename_encoding(self, enc):
+ 'Rename the encoding file and its reference in the map file.'
+ new_enc = 'fake' + + '.enc'
+ os.rename(enc, new_enc)
+ map = 'fake' + + '.map'
+ with open(map) as r:
+ all_map = r.readlines()
+ with open(map, 'w') as w:
+ for ln in all_map:
+ ln = ln.replace(enc, new_enc)
+ w.write(ln)
+ def generate(self):
+ enc_in = self._gen_encoding_file()
+ self._gen_font_files(enc_in)
+ enc = self._find_encoding_name()
+ self._rename_encoding(enc)
+ os.remove(enc_in)
+class LaTeXPackage():
+ 'Generate a LaTeX package that provides access to multiple font files.'
+ def __init__(self, sty, base, names, sym_num):
+ self.sty = sty
+ self.base = base
+ self.names = names
+ self.sym_num = sym_num
+ def _provides_description(self):
+ '''Return the optional argument of the original package's
+ ProvidesPackage line.'''
+ with open(self.sty) as r:
+ all_sty =
+ provides_re = re.compile(r'\\ProvidesPackage\s*\{.*?\}\s*\[(.*?)\]',
+ re.DOTALL)
+ return
+ def _map_lines(self):
+ 'Return the contents of all .map files.'
+ map_lines = []
+ for name in self.names:
+ with open(name + '.map') as r:
+ for ln in r:
+ fields = ln.split()
+ if len(fields) == 6:
+ map_lines.append(ln.strip())
+ return map_lines
+ def generate(self):
+ 'Generate a .sty file.'
+ with open(f'fake{self.base}.sty', 'w') as w:
+ # Write a header block.
+ w.write(do_not_edit)
+ w.write('\\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}\n')
+ desc = self._provides_description()
+ w.write('\\ProvidesPackage{fake%s}[%s]\n' % (self.base, desc))
+ w.write('\n')
+ # Inline all map-file contents.
+ for name, ln in zip(self.names, self._map_lines()):
+ w.write('\\pdfmapline{=%s}\n' % ln)
+ w.write('\\font\\%s=%s at 10pt\n' % (name, name))
+ w.write('\n')
+ # Define all symbols.
+ idx = 0 # Index into self.names
+ ofs = 0 # Offset into the 256-character font
+ for sym, num in self.sym_num:
+ w.write('\\DeclareRobustCommand*{\\%s}{{\\%s\\char"%02X}}'
+ ' %% "%04X\n' %
+ (sym, self.names[idx], ofs, num))
+ ofs += 1
+ if ofs == 256:
+ ofs = 0
+ idx += 1
+ w.write('\n')
+ # Write a trailer line.
+ w.write('\\endinput\n')
+# Parse the command line.
+parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Generate a pdfLaTeX-compatible'
+ ' interface to a LuaLaTeX package.')
+ help='base name for files to read and write')
+ help='name of underlying .ttf or .otf font file')
+parser.add_argument('--regexp', action='append',
+ help='regular expression for extracting a LaTeX symbol'
+ ' name (no slash) as "sym" and a hexadecimal code (no'
+ ' prefix) as "hex". Optionally followed by " ; " and'
+ ' a symbol suffix and " ; " and a code increment')
+cl_args = parser.parse_args()
+base = cl_args.base
+in_font = cl_args.in_font
+if cl_args.regexp is None:
+ sym_hex_parsers = [ParsingInfo(r'\\symbol\{\"(?P<hex>[0-9A-F]+)\}.*?'
+ r'\\def\\(?P<sym>[A-Za-z]+)')]
+ sym_hex_parsers = [ParsingInfo(regexp) for regexp in cl_args.regexp]
+# Find the original package and font files.
+sty = kpsewhich(base + '.sty')
+ttf = kpsewhich(in_font) # Misnomer; may be either TTF or OTF.
+# Read the entire package file into a single string.
+with open(sty) as r:
+ all_sty =
+# Construct a list of {symbol name, Unicode number} pairs.
+sym_num = []
+for shp in sym_hex_parsers:
+ for match in shp.regexp.finditer(all_sty):
+ sym, hex ='sym'),'hex')
+ sym_num.append((sym + shp.suffix, int(hex, 16) + shp.increment))
+if sym_num == []:
+ sys.exit('No {symbol, hex} pairs found')
+# Generate sub-fonts.
+if len(sym_num) <= 256:
+ # Single required font file
+ subfont = SubFont(base, ttf, sym_num)
+ subfont.generate()
+ names = ['fake' + base]
+ # Two or more required font files
+ names = []
+ sub_sym_num = sym_num
+ while sub_sym_num != []:
+ suffix = string.ascii_uppercase[len(names)]
+ names.append('fake' + base + suffix)
+ subfont = SubFont(base + suffix, ttf, sub_sym_num[:256])
+ subfont.generate()
+ sub_sym_num = sub_sym_num[256:]
+# Generate a LaTeX package.
+package = LaTeXPackage(sty, base, names, sym_num)
+# Delete all map files now that they've been inlined.
+for name in names:
+ os.remove(name + '.map')