path: root/info/pstricks_calcnotes/For_Pdf_Output/ThreeAppsPDF.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/pstricks_calcnotes/For_Pdf_Output/ThreeAppsPDF.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/pstricks_calcnotes/For_Pdf_Output/ThreeAppsPDF.tex')
1 files changed, 1036 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..6c5d9f0637
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/pstricks_calcnotes/For_Pdf_Output/ThreeAppsPDF.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1036 @@
+{\psline(*{\ni} {#8})(*{\ne} {#9})}}
+{\psdot(*{\nc} {#3})
+\psline[linestyle=dotted,dotsep=1.5pt](\nc,0)(*{\nc} {#3})
+\psline[linecolor=red](\ne,0)(*{\ne} {#9})}
+\def\Factor{\ifnum\Fa=1\relax\else\advance\Fa by -1\multiply\Fct by \Fa\Factor\fi}
+\def\FACTORIAL#1{\Fa=#1 \ifnum\Fa=0 \Fct=1\relax\else\Fct=\Fa \Factor\fi\global\tempA=\Fct}
+\temp=#1\advance\temp by -#2
+\divide\tmp by \temp
+\divide\tmp by \temp\global\BINOM=\tmp}
+\def\xmult#1{\ifnum\kc<#1\advance\kc by 1\Yb=\decimal\Xa\Yb\xmult{#1}\else\relax\fi}
+\def\BERNSTEIN#1#2#3{\Xa=#3pt\kc=0\Yb=1pt\xmult{#1}\kc=0\Xa=-\Xa\advance\Xa by 1pt\xmult{#2}
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by -1.5pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by 2pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by 6pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by 5pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by 1.5pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\Yrf=#1pt\advance\Yrf by 2pt
+\advance\YBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Yrf
+\Yrf=#1pt\advance\Yrf by 5pt
+\advance\YBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Yrf
+\Yrf=#1pt\advance\Yrf by 3pt
+\advance\YBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Yrf
+\Yrf=#1pt\advance\Yrf by -1pt
+\advance\YBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Yrf
+\Yrf=#1pt\advance\Yrf by -2pt
+\advance\YBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Yrf
+\advance\YBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Yrf
+\XMin=\decimal\Xfact\XRef \advance\XMin by -1.50\Xfact
+\XMax=\decimal\Xfact\XRef \advance\XMax by 5.00\Xfact
+\YMin=\decimal\Yfact\YRef \advance\YMin by -6.00\Yfact
+\YMax=\decimal\Yfact\YRef \advance\YMax by \Yfact
+\Xsize=\XMax \advance\Xsize by -\XMin \divide\Xsize by \CellNum
+\Ysize=\YMax \advance\Ysize by -\YMin \divide\Ysize by \CellNum
+{\tempx=\nx pt\multido{\ny=\decimal\YMin+\decimal\Ysize}{\the\CellNum}
+{\tempy=\ny pt\ifdim\YBST<\tempy\relax\else\advance\tempy by \Ysize%
+ \ifdim\YBST>\tempy\relax\else
+ \ifdim\XBST<\tempx\relax\else\advance\tempx by \Xsize
+ \ifdim\XBST>\tempx\relax\else
+ \pspolygon[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=red!90,linecolor=black,linewidth=0.2pt]
+ (\nx,\ny)(\decimal\tempx,\ny)(\decimal\tempx,\decimal\tempy)(\nx,\decimal\tempy)(\nx,\ny)\relax\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\advance\CellNum by 1
+\def\xch{\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12}\def\ych{\catcode`\p=11 \catcode`\t=11}
+\xch \def\dec#1pt{#1}\ych \def\decimal#1{\expandafter\dec \the#1}
+\newcount\intg \newdimen\fx \newdimen\fy \newdimen\slope \newdimen\interm
+\def\fintg{\interm=#8 \interm=\intg\interm \ifdim\ifdim\slope<0pt-\fi\slope<\interm\advance\intg by -1\relax\else\advance\intg by 1\fintg\fi}
+#7 \slope=10\slope\fintg
+\ifnum\intg>10\psline[linecolor=red]{->}(P0)(P1)\else\ifnum\intg=0\psline[linecolor=red!5]{->}(P0)(P1)\else\multiply\intg by 10
+\parskip=0.7ex plus0.5ex minus 0.5ex
+\baselineskip=17pt plus2pt minus2pt
+\renewcommand\section{\@startsection {section}{1}{\z@}%
+ {-3.5ex \@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+ {2.3ex \@plus.2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\large\bfseries}}
+ {-3.25ex\@plus -1ex \@minus -.2ex}%
+ {1.5ex \@plus .2ex}%
+ {\normalfont\normalsize\bfseries}}
+\renewcommand\sectionmark[1]{\markright{\thesection. #1}}
+\setlength{\topsep}{0ex plus0.1ex}%
+\setlength{\itemsep}{0ex plus0.1ex}%
+\title{Three applications of macros in \texttt{PSTricks}\thanks{PSTricks is the original work of Timothy Van Zandt (email address: \texttt{}).
+It is currently edited by Herbert Vo\ss\ (\texttt{}).}}
+\author{Le Phuong Quan\\
+\small{(Cantho University, Vietnam)}\\
+\section{Drawing approximations to the area under a graph by rectangles}
+We recall here an operation in Calculus. Let $f(x)$ be a function, defined and bounded on
+an interval $[a,b]$. If $f$ is integrable (in Riemann sense) on $[a,b]$, then its definite integral over this interval
+$$\int_a^bf(x)dx=\lim_{\|P\|\to 0}\sum_{i=1}^nf(\xi_i)\Delta x_i,$$
+where $P\colon a=x_0<x_1<\cdots<x_n=b$, $\Delta x_i=x_i-x_{i-1}$ is a partition of $[a,b]$, $\xi_i\in[x_{i-1},x_i]$, $i=1,2,\ldots,n$,
+and $\|P\|=\max\{\Delta x_i\colon i=1,2,\ldots,n\}$. Hence, when $\|P\|$ is small enough, we may have an
+I=\int_a^bf(x)dx\approx\sum_{i=1}^nf(\xi_i)\Delta x_i.
+Because $I$ is independent to the choice of $P$ and $\xi_i$, we may
+divide $[a,b]$ into $n$ subintervals with equal length and choose $\xi_i=(x_i+x_{i-1})/2$.
+Then, $I$ can be approximately seen as the sum of areas of the rectangles with sides
+$f(\xi_i)$ and $\Delta x_i$.
+We will make a drawing procedure to illustrate the approximation (\ref{eqn1}). Firstly, we establish
+commands to draw the ``sum'' of rectangles, like the area under piecewise-constant functions
+(called \textsl{step shape\/}, for brevity). The chosen procedure here
+obviously includes a combination of the macros \texttt{\symbol{92}pscustom} (to \textsl{join\/} horizontal segments, automatically)
+and \texttt{\symbol{92}multido}. In particular, horizontal segments are depicted within the loop
+\texttt{\symbol{92}multido} by
+$$\textmtt{\symbol{92}psplot[{\it settings}]\{$x_{i-1}$\}\{$x_i$\}\{$f(\xi_i)$\}}$$
+Then, \texttt{\symbol{92}pscustom} will join these segments altogether with the ending points
+$(a,0)$, $(b,0)$ to make the boundary of the step shape. Next, we draw the points $(\xi_i,f(\xi_i))$, $i=1,2,\ldots,n$,
+and the dotted segments between these points and the points $(\xi_i,0)$, $i=1,2,\ldots,n$, by
+&\textmtt{\symbol{92}psdot[algebraic,\dots](*\{$\xi_i$\} \{$f(x)$\})}\\
+&\textmtt{\symbol{92}psline[algebraic,linestyle=dotted,\dots]($\xi_i$,$0$)(*\{$\xi_i$\} \{$f(x)$\})}
+where we use the structure \textmtt{(*\{{\it value}\} \{$f(x)$\})} to obtain $(\xi_i,f(\xi_i))$. Finally, we draw
+vertical segments to split the step shape into rectangular cells by
+$$\textmtt{\symbol{92}psline[algebraic,\dots]($x_i$,$0$)(*\{$x_i$\} \{$f(x-\Delta x_i/2)$\})}$$
+The process of approximation is depicted in Figure \ref{Fig1}.
+\caption{Steps to make the drawing procedure.}\label{Fig1}
+We now combine the above steps to make a procedure whose calling sequence consists of main parameters
+$a$, $b$, $f$ and $n$, and dependent parameters $x_{i-1}$, $x_i$, $\xi_i$, $f(\xi_i)$ and
+$f(x\pm\Delta x_i/2)$. For instance, let us consider approximations to the integral of $f(x)=\sin x-\cos x$
+over $[-2,3]$ in cases of $n=5$ and $n=20$. They are given in Figure \ref{Fig2}.
+\caption{Approximations to the integral of $f(x)=\sin x-\cos x$ over $[-2,3]$.}\label{Fig2}
+In summary, we can make a procedure to illustrate the approximation (\ref{eqn1}), say \texttt{RiemannSum}, whose calling sequence has the form of
+$$\textmtt{\symbol{92}RiemannSum\{$a$\}\{$b$\}\{$f(x)$\}\{$n$\}\{$x_{\rm ini}$\}\{$x_{\rm end}$\}\{$x_{\rm choice}$\}\{$f(x+\Delta x_i/2)$\}\{$f(x-\Delta x_i/2)$\}},$$
+where $x_0=a$ and for each $i=1,2\ldots,n$:
+x_i&=a+\dfrac{b-a}{n}i,\quad\Delta x_i=x_i-x_{i-1}=\dfrac{b-a}{n},\\
+x_{\rm ini}&=x_0+\Delta x_i,\quad x_{\rm end}=x_1+\Delta x_i,\quad x_{\rm choice}=\dfrac{x_{\rm ini}+x_{\rm end}}{2}=\dfrac{x_0+x_1}{2}+\Delta x_i.
+Note that $x_{\rm ini}$, $x_{\rm end}$ and $x_{\rm choice}$ are given in such forms to be
+suitable to variable declaration in \texttt{\symbol{92}multido}. They are nothing but
+$x_{i-1}$, $x_i$ and $\xi_i$, respectively, at the step $i$-th in the loop.
+Tentatively, in \texttt{PSTricks} language, the definition of \texttt{RiemannSum} is suggested to be
+\verb!{\psline(*{\ni} {#8})(*{\ne} {#9})}}!\\
+\verb!{\psdot(*{\nc} {#3})!\\
+\verb!\psline[linestyle=dotted,dotsep=1.5pt](\nc,0)(*{\nc} {#3})!\\
+\verb!\psline[linecolor=red](\ne,0)(*{\ne} {#9})}}!
+We give here two more examples just to see that using the drawing procedure is very easy. In the first example, we approximate
+the area under the graph of the function $f(x)=x-(x/2)\cos x+2$ on the interval $[0,8]$. To draw the approximation, we try
+the case $n=16$; thus $x_0=0$ and for each $i=1,\ldots,16$, we have
+$x_i=0.5\,i$, $\Delta x_i=0.5$, $x_{\rm ini}=0.00+0.50$, $x_{\rm end}=0.50+0.50$ and $x_{\rm choice}=0.25+0.50$.
+\caption{An approximation to the area under the graph of $f(x)=x-(x/2)\cos x+2$ on $[0,8]$.}\label{Fig3}
+To get Figure \ref{Fig3}, we have used the following \LaTeX\ code:
+In the second example below, we will draw an approximation to the integral of $f(x)=x\sin x$ over $[1,9]$.
+Choosing $n=10$ and computing parameters needed, we get Figure \ref{Fig4}, mainly by
+the command
+&\textmtt{\symbol{92}RiemannSum\{$1$\}\{$9$\}\{$x\sin x$\}\{$10$\}\{$1.00+0.80$\}\{$1.80+0.80$\}\{$1.40+0.80$\}}\\
+in the drawing procedure.
+\caption{An approximation to the integral of $f(x)=x\sin x$ over $[1,9]$.}\label{Fig4}
+\section{Drawing the vector field of an ordinary differential equation of order one}
+Let us consider the differential equation
+At each point $(x_0,y_0)$ in the domain $D$ of $f$, we will put a vector $\mathbf{v}$ with slope
+$k=f(x_0,y_0)$. If $y(x_0)=y_0$, then $k$ is the slope of the tangent to the solution curve $y=y(x)$
+of (\ref{eqn2}) at $(x_0,y_0)$. The $\mathbf{v}$'s make a \textsl{vector field\/} and the picture
+of this field would give us information about the shape of solution curves of (\ref{eqn2}), even
+we have not found yet any solution of (\ref{eqn2}).
+The vector field of (\ref{eqn2}) will be depicted on a finite grid of points in $D$. This grid is made of
+lines, paralell to the axes $Ox$ and $Oy$. The intersectional points of those lines are called \textsl{grid points\/}
+and often indexed by $(x_i,y_j)$, $i=0,\ldots,N_x$, $j=0,\ldots,N_y$. For convenience, we will use
+polar coordinates to locate the terminal point $(x,y)$ of a field vector, with the initial point at
+grid point $(x_i,y_j)$. Then, we can write
+Because $k=f(x_i,y_j)=\tan\varphi$ is finite, we may take $-\pi/2<\varphi<\pi/2$.
+From $\sin^2\varphi+\cos^2\varphi=1$ and $\sin\varphi=k\cos\varphi$, we derive
+\caption{Field vectors on a grid.}\label{Fig5}
+The field vectors should all have the same magnitude and we choose here that length to be
+$1/2$, that means $r=1/2$. Thus, vectors on the grid have their initial and terminal points as
+$$(x_i,y_j),\quad \Big(x_i+\frac{1}{2}\cos\varphi,y_j+\frac{1}{2}\sin\varphi\Big),$$
+respectively. Hence, we easily get the parametrization of a vector at grid point
+where $t$ goes from $0$ to $1$, as along the direction of the vector.
+Of macros in \texttt{PSTricks} to draw lines from their parametrization, we select \texttt{\symbol{92}parametricplot}\footnote{\footnotesize
+This macro is of ones, often added and updated in the package \texttt{pstricks-add}, the authors:
+Dominique Rodriguez (\texttt{}), Herbert Vo\ss\ (\texttt{}).}
+for its fitness. The macro has the syntax
+$$\textmtt{\symbol{92}parametricplot[{\it settings}]\{$t_{\rm min}$\}\{$t_{\rm max}$\}\{$x(t)$|$y(t)$\}},$$
+where we may use the option \texttt{algebraic} to make the declaration of $x(t)$ and $y(t)$ simpler
+in \texttt{ASCII} code.
+From the above description of one field vector, we now construct the vector field
+on a grid within a domain $R=\{(x,y)\colon a\le x\le b,\,c\le y\le d\}$. To determine the grid, we confine grid points to the range
+a\le x_i\le b,\quad c\le y_j\le d.
+We start with initial values $x_0=a$ and $y_0=c$ to have points $(x_i,y_j)$ with increments $\Delta x=\Delta y=\delta$, corresponding to the length of vectors and the distance
+between grid points as indicated in Figure \ref{Fig5}. Thus, to draw vectors at grid points
+$(x_i,y_j)$, we need two loops for indices $i$ and $j$, with $0\le i\le\lfloor m/\delta\rfloor$, $0\le j\le\lfloor n/\delta\rfloor$, where
+$m=b-a$, $n=d-c$. Apparently, these two loops are nested \texttt{\symbol{92}multido}s, with variable declaration
+for each loop as follows
+\texttt{\symbol{92}nx}&=\text{initial value}+\text{increment}=x_0+\Delta x,\\
+\texttt{\symbol{92}ny}&=\text{initial value}+\text{increment}=y_0+\Delta y.
+Finally, we will replace \texttt{\symbol{92}nx}, \texttt{\symbol{92}ny} by $x_i$, $y_j$ in the
+below calling sequence for simplicity.
+Thus, the main command to draw the vector field of the equation (\ref{eqn2}) on the grid (\ref{eqn3})
+&\textmtt{\symbol{92}multido\big\{$y_j=y_0+\Delta y$\big\}\big\{$\lfloor n/\delta\rfloor$\big\}}\textmtt{\bigg\{\symbol{92}multido\big\{$x_i=x_0+\Delta x$\big\}\big\{$\lfloor m/\delta\rfloor$\big\}}\\
+&\quad\textmtt{\Big\{\symbol{92}parametricplot[{\it settings}]\{$0$\}\{$1$\}\Big\{$x_i+\frac{t}{2\sqrt{1+\big[f(x_i,y_j)\big]^2}}$\Big|
+where we at least use \texttt{arrows=->} and \texttt{algebraic} for \textit{settings}.
+We can combine the steps mentioned above to define a drawing procedure, say \texttt{\symbol{92}avecfld},
+that consists of $6$ parameters in the order as
+\texttt{\symbol{92}nx=}$x_0+\Delta x$, \texttt{\symbol{92}ny=}$y_0+\Delta y$, $\lfloor m/\delta\rfloor$, $\lfloor n/\delta\rfloor$, $\delta$
+and $f(\texttt{\symbol{92}nx},\texttt{\symbol{92}ny})$. We may change these values to modify
+the vector field or to avoid the vector intersection. Such a procedure is suggested to be
+Actually, the procedure \texttt{\symbol{92}parametricplot} is used here only to draw a vector by its parametrization $(x(t),y(t))$, so we can use the structure \texttt{\symbol{92}curvepnodes} in the package \texttt{pst-node}\footnote{\footnotesize
+Package authors: Timothy Van Zandt (\texttt{}), Michael Sharpe (\texttt{}) and Herbert Vo\ss\ (\texttt{}).} to
+extract the two ending points of the curve $(x(t),y(t))$ by the command
+where \texttt{P} is a name of the root of nodes and we just get the two nodes \texttt{P0}, \texttt{P1} when executing this command. Then, the corresponding
+vector is drawn by the command
+$$\textmtt{\symbol{92}psline[linecolor={\it settings}]\{->\}(P0)(P1)}$$
+Therefore, another procedure to draw a vector field may be defined as
+Firstly, we consider the equation that describes an object falling in a resistive medium:
+where $v=v(t)$ is the speed of the object in time $t$. In Figure \ref{Fig6}, the vector field of (\ref{eqn4}) is given
+on the grid $R=\{(t,y)\colon 0\le t\le 9,\,46\le v\le 52\}$, together with the graph of the equilibrium solution
+\caption{The vector field of (\ref{eqn4}).}\label{Fig6}
+Figure \ref{Fig6} is made of the following \LaTeX\ code:
+Let us next consider the problem
+\frac{dy}{dx}=x+y,\quad y(0)=0.
+It is easy to check that $y=e^x-x-1$ is the unique solution to (\ref{eqn5}). We now draw
+the vector field of (\ref{eqn5}) and the solution curve\footnote{\footnotesize
+We have used ${\rm ch}(1)+{\rm sh}(1)$ for the declaration of $e$, natural base of logarithmic function.} on the grid $R=\{(x,y)\colon 0\le x\le 3,\,0\le y\le 5\}$ in
+Figure \ref{Fig7}.
+\caption{The vector field of (\ref{eqn5}).}\label{Fig7}
+We then go to the logistic equation, which is chosen to be a model for the dependence
+of the population size $P$ on time $t$ in Biology:
+where $k$ and $M$ are constants, respectively various to selected species and environment.
+For specification, we take, for instance, $k=0.5$ and $M=100$. The right hand side of
+(\ref{eqn6}) then becomes $f(t,P)=0.5\,P(1-0.01\,P)$. In Figure \ref{Fig8}, we draw the vector field
+of (\ref{eqn6}) on the grid $R=\{(t,P)\colon 0\le t\le 10,\,95\le P\le 100\}$ and the equilibrium
+solution curve $P=100$. Furthermore, with the initial condition $P(0)=95$, the equation (\ref{eqn6})
+has the unique solution $P=1900(e^{-0.5t}+19)^{-1}$. This solution curve is also given in Figure \ref{Fig8}.
+\caption{The vector field of (\ref{eqn6}) with $k=0.5$ and $M=100$.}\label{Fig8}
+The previous differential equations are all of seperated variable or linear cases that
+can be solved for closed-form solutions by some simple integration formulas. We will consider one more
+equation of the non-linear case whose solution can only be approximated by numerical methods.
+The vector field of such an equation is so useful and we will use the Runge-Kutta curves (of order $4$)
+to add more information about the behaviour of solution curves. Here, those Runge-Kutta curves are depicted by the procedure
+\texttt{\symbol{92}psplotDiffEqn}, also updated from the package \texttt{pstricks-add}.
+The vector field of the non-linear differential equation
+will be depicted on the grid $R=\{(x,y)\colon -3\le x\le 3,\,-3\le y\le 3\}$ and the solutions
+of Cauchy problems for (\ref{eqn7}), corresponding to initial conditions
+\item $y(-3)=-1$,
+\item $y(-2)=-3$,
+\item $y(-3)=-0.4$,
+will be approximated by the method of Runge-Kutta, with the grid size $h=0.2$. It is very easy
+to recognize approximate curves, respective to (i), (ii) and (iii) in Figure \ref{Fig9} below.
+\caption{The vector field of (\ref{eqn7}) and the Runge-Kutta curves.}\label{Fig9}
+\subsection{Remarks on how to color arrows properly for a vector field}
+There remains a problem in drawing a vector field. That is coloring arrows.
+Obviously, their color shade should vary according to their slope and this would give us the picture of domains containing
+increase or decrease solutions of a differential equation. In some cases, we even know how large the rate of change of those
+solutions is in a specific domain.
+In Subsection \ref{sect1}, we know for the equation (\ref{eqn2}) that $f(x_i,y_j)$ is right the slope of
+field vectors at grid points $(x_i,y_j)$, and we will divide these slopes into some number of scales, corresponding to the
+degree of color shades. Here, we confine our interest to a continuous function $f(x,y)$ in two independent variables on a domain
+$R=\{(x,y)\colon a\le x\le b,\,c\le y\le d\}$ and choose the scale of $10$ degrees. This number of degrees can be changed to any positive integer.
+According to the input data from the differential equation (\ref{eqn2}), the set $R$ and the grid points on it and the value $M=\max\{|f(x_i,y_j)|\colon
+0\le i\le\lfloor m/\Delta x\rfloor,\,0\le j\le\lfloor n/\Delta y\rfloor\}$, where $m=b-a$ and $n=d-c$,
+we can now define the degree of color shade for each arrow in our vector field. It should be an integer $n_{ij}$ such that
+$n_{ij}=\lfloor 10|f(x_i,y_j)|/M\rfloor$, that is
+\begin{equation}\label{eqn8}n_{ij}M\le 10|f(x_i,y_j)|<(n_{ij}+1)M.\end{equation}
+For finding such an integer, in \TeX\ codes, we need one \texttt{\symbol{92}newcount} for it and two \texttt{\symbol{92}newdimen} for
+$f(x_i,y_j)$ and intermediate values to be compared with $|f(x_i,y_j)|$. For more explanation, let us begin with settings
+\texttt{\symbol{92}newcount\symbol{92}intg} (referring (ref.) to ``integer''), \texttt{\symbol{92}newdimen\symbol{92}slope} (ref. to ``slope'') and \texttt{\symbol{92}newdimen\symbol{92}interm}
+(ref. to ``intermediate values''). Then, the integer $n_{ij}$ at stage $(i,j)$ within the two \texttt{\symbol{92}multido} loops can be defined by the recursive macro \texttt{\symbol{92}fintg} (ref. to ``find the integer'') as follows
+ \def\fintg{\interm=Mpt \interm=\intg\interm%
+ \ifdim\ifdim\slope<0pt -\fi\slope<\interm\advance\intg by -1\relax
+ \else\advance\intg by 1\fintg\fi}
+where \texttt{M} and \texttt{\symbol{92}slope} are holding the values $M$ and $f(x_i,y_j)$, respectively. Note that, before running our macro, \verb!\slope! should be multiplied
+by $10$ with the assignment \texttt{\symbol{92}slope=10\symbol{92}slope}, as defined in (\ref{eqn8}). Besides, by simulating the expression of $f(x,y)$, the calculation of $f(x_i,y_j)$
+should be declared with operations on \texttt{\symbol{92}newcount}s and \texttt{\symbol{92}newdimen}s. Then, the integer $n_{ij}$, which is found at stage $(i,j)$, should take its
+degree, say $k$, from $0$ to $10$ by its value, suitably associated to the command \textmtt{\symbol{92}psline[linecolor=red!case-k]\{->\}(P0)(P1)}.
+Here, we choose \texttt{red} for the main color (it can be changed, of course), and \texttt{case-k} will be replaced with an appropriate percentage of \texttt{red}. Finally,
+such a color scale is local and relative, so we can use one more parameter in the procedure to adjust color shades.
+The old procedures take $6$ parameters and the new one will take two more parameters: one for declaration of computing $f(x_i,y_j)$ and the other
+for adjusting color shades.
+Let us take some examples on how to compute $f(x_i,y_j)$ by \TeX\ codes or by commands from the package \texttt{calculator}\footnote{\footnotesize
+Package author: Robert Fuster (\texttt{}).}. For a simple polynomial $f(x,y)$,
+computing $f(x_i,y_j)$ by \TeX\ codes might be facile. Because \verb!\nx! and \verb!\ny! are respectively holding values of
+$x_i$ and $y_j$, we need the two corresponding variables \verb!\newdimen\fx! and \verb!\newdimen\fy! to take these values. By assigning \verb!\fx=\nx pt\fy=\ny pt!,
+we compute $f(\verb!\nx!,\verb!\ny!)$ and assign its value to \verb!\slope!. The declaration of calculations for some cases of $f(x,y)$ is given in the following table.
+$f(x,y)$&\multicolumn{1}{c}{\TeX\ codes for computing $f(\texttt{\symbol{92}nx},\texttt{\symbol{92}ny})$} \\ \hline
+$x+y$&\verb!\advance\slope by \fx \advance\slope by \fy!\\ \hline
+$1-xy$&\verb!\advance\slope by -\decimal\fx\fy \advance\slope by 1pt!\\ \hline
+$y(3-y)$&\verb!\advance\slope by -\decimal\fy\fy \advance\slope by 3\fy!\\ \hline
+$y^2-xy$&\verb!\advance\slope by \decimal\fy\fy \advance\slope by -\decimal\fx\fy!\\ \hline
+In the table, the command \verb!\decimal!, which is quotative from \cite{five} for producing decimal numbers from dimensions, is put in the preamble using a definition as
+ \def\xch{\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12}\def\ych{\catcode`\p=11 \catcode`\t=11}
+ \xch \def\dec#1pt{#1}\ych \def\decimal#1{\expandafter\dec \the#1}
+For a transcendental or rational function $f(x,y)$, we may use the package \texttt{calculator} for
+computing $f(x_i,y_j)$. The following table shows how to perform calculations.
+$f(x,y)$&\multicolumn{1}{c}{The commands from the package \texttt{calculator} for computing $f(\texttt{\symbol{92}nx},\texttt{\symbol{92}ny})$} \\ \hline
+$\sin(y-x)$&\verb!\SUBTRACT{\ny}{\nx}{\sola}\SIN{\sola}{\solb}\slope=\solb pt!\\ \hline
+&\verb!\MULTIPLY{\nx}{\tempa}{\tempb}\slope=\tempb pt!\\ \hline
+From the old macros \verb!\avecfld! or \verb!\anothervecfld!, we will construct the new one \verb!\vecfldnew! by adding up to the former the two parameters as described above. According to
+the description of new parameters and of known ones, the calling sequence of \verb!\vecfldnew! may have the form of
+$$\textmtt{\symbol{92}vecfldnew\{\symbol{92}nx$=x_0+\Delta x$\}\{\symbol{92}ny$=y_0+\Delta y$\}\{$n_x$\}\{$n_y$\}\{$\ell$\}\{$f(\texttt{\symbol{92}nx},\texttt{\symbol{92}ny})$\}\{{\rm\TeX\ codes}\}\{$n_a$\}}$$
+where $n_a$ is an estimate value for $M$ and can be adjusted to be greater or less than $M$. This flexible mechanism might be to increase or decrease the degree of
+color shades. Finally, \verb!\intg! and \verb!\slope! should be reset to
+zero at the end of each stage. Now, all materials to make the new macro are ready, and its definition is suggested to be
+\verb!\newcount\intg \newdimen\slope \newdimen\interm \newdimen\fx \newdimen\fy!\\
+\verb!\def\fintg{\interm=#8 \interm=\intg\interm%!\\
+\verb! \ifdim\ifdim\slope<0pt -\fi\slope>\interm \advance\intg by 1\fintg\fi}!\\
+\verb!#7\slope=10\slope \fintg \ifnum\intg>10\psline[linecolor=red]{->}(P0)(P1)!\\
+\verb+\else\multiply\intg by 10\psline[linecolor=red!\the\intg]{->}(P0)(P1)\fi\fi+\\
+If we predefine some scale of degrees, instead of the code $\verb!\ifnum\intg>10!\ldots\verb!\fi\fi!$, the structure \verb!\ifcase! can be used as
+The first example is given with two values of $n_a$ to see how different the color shades are between the two cases. The left vector field in Figure \ref{Fig10}
+is made of the calling sequence
+{\fy=\ny pt \fx=\nx pt \advance\slope by -2\fy \advance\slope by \fx}{7pt}
+\caption{The vector fields of the equation $y'=x-2y$ with $n_a=\texttt{7pt}$ (the left) and $n_a=\texttt{4pt}$ (the right)}\label{Fig10}
+In Figure \ref{Fig11}, the vector fields of the equations $y'=y-x$ and $y'=x(2-y)$ are respectively drawn by the calling sequences
+{\fy=\ny pt \fx=\nx pt \advance\slope by -\fx \advance\slope by \fy}{5pt}
+{\fy=\ny pt \fx=\nx pt \advance\slope by -\decimal\fx\fy
+\advance\slope by 2\fx}{6pt}
+\caption{The vector fields of the equation $y'=y-x$ (the left) and $y'=x(2-y)$ (the right).}\label{Fig11}
+Finally, we consider two more examples on vector fields of differential equations $y'=f(x,y)$ containing trigonometric or rational functions on their right side. The calling sequences
+\slope=\tmpc pt}{0.6pt}
+\slope=\tempb pt}{2.5pt}
+respectively result in the vector fields on the left and on the right in Figure \ref{Fig12}.
+\caption{The vector fields of the equation $y'=\sin(x)\cos(y)$ (the left) and $y'=2xy/(1+y^2)$ (the right).}\label{Fig12}
+\section{Drawing partitions of a simply connected plane domain}
+B\'{e}zier curves have been used in many different aspects, but mostly in computer graphics to model smooth curves designed by computer
+programs. We just recall here the vector function of a B\'{e}zier curve of degree $n$ with $n+1$ control points whose position
+vectors are $\mathbf{r}_0$, $\mathbf{r}_1$, \dots, $\mathbf{r}_n$. It is the vector function $\mathbf{r}(t)$ in a real variable $t\in[0,1]$ that
+is defined as
+Since $\mathbf{r}(0)=\mathbf{r}_0$, $\mathbf{r}(1)=\mathbf{r}_n$ and $\mathbf{r}'(0)=n(\mathbf{r}_1-\mathbf{r}_0)$, $\mathbf{r}'(1)=n(\mathbf{r}_n-\mathbf{r}_{n-1})$,
+we can take a curve such that it is closed and tangent to a line $(\Delta)$ at the point whose position vector is $\mathbf{r}_0$, by
+letting $\mathbf{r}_n=\mathbf{r}_0$ and the points whose position vectors are $\mathbf{r}_0$, $\mathbf{r}_1$ and $\mathbf{r}_{n-1}$
+all be on the line $(\Delta)$.
+Taking a closed B\'{e}zier curve to be the boundary of a plane domain has the great advantage. That is because coordinates of points
+on the curve are evaluated by polynomials, and the curve has necessary smoothness, beautiful enough for graphic illustrations.
+\texttt{PSTricks} has the procedure \verb!\parametricplot! to draw such a curve. But, an important problem here is how to control
+the coordinates of its points to construct a procedure for drawing a partition of a simply connected plane domain and coloring
+(or marking) its cells having common points with the boundary of the domain. We particularly need such a procedure for illustrations
+of essential notions in measure theory or double integral definition. Because of the limitation in accuracy imposed
+by the \TeX\ arithmetic, we should mention about $2$-dimension vector functions of a B\'{e}zier curve of small degree (in fact, as small as possible).
+According to the above requirements for the closed boundary of a simply connected domain, we will design a family of closed B\'{e}zier curves of
+degree $6$, although we may extend their degree to $12$.
+From the expression of $\mathbf{r}(t)$ in (\ref{eqn9}), we will construct the following functions and procedures:
+\item The factorial function \texttt{FACTORIAL}.
+\item The binomial function \texttt{BINOMIAL}.
+\item Polynomials $t^m(1-t)^n$.
+\item A procedure to compute a sum of $7$ terms: values of $\mathbf{r}(t)$ as linear combinations
+of the Bernstein polynomials
+$$\binom{6}{k}t^k(1-t)^{6-k},\quad k=0,\ldots,6.$$
+These functions and procedures are macros given by definitions with or without parameters. In the following subsections we will construct them step by step and
+show how to make connections between them.
+\subsubsection{Factorial functions and binomial coefficients}
+To obtain the factorial function, a procedure for multiplying consecutively an integer $n$ with its diminished values will be constructed. For the declared
+integer variables \verb!\Fa! and \verb!\Fct!, the latter will hold values of the function, and the former will hold factors that are multiplied consecutively
+and reduced by $1$. Namely, if \verb!\Fa! is $0$ or $1$ then \verb!\Fct! takes $1$; else if $\texttt{\symbol{92}Fa}>1$ then \verb!\Fct! takes
+the initial value of \verb!\Fa! to begin a loop: diminishing \verb!\Fa! by $1$ and updating \verb!\Fct! by multiplying its old value with the new value of \verb!\Fa!.
+The loop is defined by the control sequence \verb!\Factor! and is ended when \verb!\Fa! is diminished to $1$; then, the factorial function obtains its value from
+the one given back after calling \verb!\FACTORIAL! with one parameter.
+\def\Factor{\ifnum\Fa=1\relax\else\advance\Fa by -1\multiply\Fct by \Fa\Factor\fi}
+\def\FACTORIAL#1{\Fa=#1 \ifnum\Fa=0 \Fct=1\relax\else\Fct=\Fa \Factor\fi%
+Since \TeX\ limits the largest integer number to $2^{30}-1$, we can evaluate only to
+Besides, the last value of \verb!\Fct!, which is right the one obtained from calling the function, is assigned to a global integer variable \verb!\tempA! for use
+in other procedures. Finally, make the calling sequence
+to obtain and show up the value of $k!$. From these values we derive binomial coefficients by the formula
+A simple procedure that makes division of $m!$ by $n!$, then of the result by $(m-n)!$ can be performed by the control sequence
+\verb!\BINOMIAL! with two parameters as follows
+\temp=#1\advance\temp by -#2
+\divide\tmp by \temp
+\divide\tmp by \temp\global\BINOM=\tmp}
+Again, the last value of \verb!\tmp! is assigned to a global integer variable \verb!\BINOM! for later use. Because the vector function of a B\'{e}zier
+curve of degree $6$ is only needed, so are the binomial coefficients \verb!\BINOMIAL{!$6$\verb!}{!$k$\verb!}!, $k=0,1,\ldots,6$.
+\subsubsection{Bernstein polynomials}
+The construction of Bernstein functions is based on an iterative multiplication of the same value $t$ by a given number $m$ of times,
+then the process is repeated with the value $1-t$ by a given number $n$ of times. The last result is multiplied by a variable that holds
+the value of $\binom{m+n}{m}$. We will use an integer variable \verb!\kc! to count times of multiplication for the same factor $t$ or $1-t$.
+The procedure of iterative multiplication \verb!\xmult! with one parameter $m$ or $n$ is a recursive one that is performed
+iteratively until \verb!\kc! reaches the value $m$ or $n$.
+\def\xmult#1{\ifnum\kc<#1\advance\kc by 1\Yb=\decimal\Xa\Yb\xmult{#1}
+ \else\relax\fi}
+Finally, the value of $t^m(1-t)^n$ that is hold by the variable \verb!\Yb! is multiplied by \verb!\BINOM!, the value $\binom{6}{m}$.
+Thus, Bernstein polynomials are given by the following macro \verb!\BERNSTEIN! with three parameters that hold values of
+$m$, $n$ and $t$, respectively.
+\advance\Xa by 1pt\xmult{#2}\BINOMIAL{6}{#1}\global\BSTemp=\BINOM\Yb}
+Also, values of \verb!\BERNSTEIN! are assigned to a global variable.
+\subsubsection{Vector functions of a plane B\'{e}zier curve of degree $6$}
+We will construct here the vector function of a plane and closed B\'{e}zier curve with the control points
+$M_0(x_0,y_0)$, $M_1(x_1,y_1)$, \dots, $M_6(x_6,y_6)$ that is chosen in such a way that the curve is tangent to
+a line $(\Delta)$ at its initial point $M_0$. According to the mentioned properties of a B\'{e}zier curve, the requirements
+for the curve are satisfied when $M_6=M_0$ and $M_0$, $M_1$, $M_5$ are all on the line $(\Delta)$.
+\caption{A B\'{e}zier curve of degree $6$ with the required control points.}\label{Fig13}
+In case $n=6$, from (\ref{eqn9}) we derive the vector function $\mathbf{r}(t)$ with the two components
+X(t)=\sum_{i=0}^6\binom{6}{i}t^i(1-t)^{6-i}x_i,\quad Y(t)=\sum_{i=0}^6\binom{6}{i}t^i(1-t)^{6-i}y_i.
+We first evaluate values of $X(t)$ by the procedures that just have been constructed, with a choice of $x_i$, $i=1,\ldots,6$, from a given $x_0$
+and the requirements of the B\'{e}zier curve as in Figure \ref{Fig13}. For example, we may take
+$$x_1=x_0-1.5,\quad x_2=x_0+2,\quad x_3=x_0+6,\quad x_4=x_0+5,\quad x_5=x_0+1.5,\quad x_6=x_0.$$
+Moreover, we may change the shape of the curve by taking a factor $\alpha$ for $X(t)$. In short, we will make a procedure to evaluate the sum of terms
+$\binom{6}{i}t^i(1-t)^{6-i}(\alpha x_i)$, $i=0,1,\ldots,6$. In fact, it is a procedure to add up values into a global variable \verb!\XBST! that is called
+by a macro \verb!\XBC! with three declaring parameters for $x_i$, $t$ and $\alpha$. The value of $\alpha$ is used last when being multiplied by a
+variable that holds $X(t)$. Such a procedure is suggested to be the following macro
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by -1.5pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by 2pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by 6pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by 5pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\Xrf=#1pt\advance\Xrf by 1.5pt
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+\advance\XBST by \decimal\BSTemp\Xrf
+In the macro, a control sequence of the form \verb!\decimal\Xdim! is for obtaining the decimal value of a variable \verb!\Xdim! without units
+(\verb!pt!, by default). This can be defined by
+\def\xch{\catcode`\p=12 \catcode`\t=12}\def\ych{\catcode`\p=11 \catcode`\t=11}
+\xch \def\dec#1pt{#1}\ych \gdef\decimal#1{\expandafter\dec \the#1}
+Besides, the last line in the definition of \verb!\XBC! (\verb!\global\XBST=#3\XBST!) signifies \verb!\XBST! is adjusted for multiplication by
+$\alpha$ when holding the current value of the sum $X(t)$. In Table \ref{bc-Table1}, some values
+of \verb!\XBC! are compared with those of a simpler procedure in Maple\footnote{\footnotesize Maple
+is a computer algebra system. It was first developed in 1980 by the Symbolic Computation Group at the University of
+Waterloo in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. Maple supports numeric and symbolic computations
+and can be used as a programming language, which resembles Pascal.}.
+&$(-2.4,0.23,1.5)$&$(4.2,0.45,1.1)$&$(-3.4,0.7,1.24)$&$(-0.89,0.4,1.5)$&$(5.21,0.5,2.15)$\\ \hline
+\texttt{\symbol{92}XBC}&$\XBC{-2.4}{0.23}{1.5}\decimal\XBST$&$\XBC{4.2}{0.45}{1.1}\decimal\XBST$&$\XBC{-3.4}{0.7}{1.24}\decimal\XBST$&$\XBC{-0.89}{0.4}{1.5}\decimal\XBST$&$\XBC{5.21}{0.5}{2.15}\decimal\XBST$\\ \hline
+Maple&$-2.41044$&$8.13235$&$-0.13696$&$2.78628$&$18.76008$\\ \hline
+\caption{A comparison between some values of \textmtt{\symbol{92}XBC} and those of a procedure in Maple.}\label{bc-Table1}
+Likewise, from a given $y_0$, we may have a choice of $y_i$, $i=1,\ldots,6$, as follows
+$$y_1=y_0+2,\quad y_2=y_0+5,\quad y_3=y_0+3,\quad y_4=y_0-1,\quad y_5=y_0-2,\quad y_6=y_0.$$
+The macro \verb!\YBC! is constructed in a quite analogous way as for \verb!\XBC! to evaluate values of $Y(t)$ in (\ref{eqn10}),
+and the value $\beta Y(t)$ ($\beta$ is again an adjustment factor) is hold by a global variable \verb!\YBST!.
+\subsubsection{Partition of a simply connected plane domain by a rectangular grid}
+We consider here a simply connected plane domain $D$ surrounded by a B\'{e}zier curve of degree $6$ that will be depicted by
+the procedure \verb!\NetDraw!. This is called together with its five parameters whose values are assigned to the five local variables
+with their following meaning:
+\texttt{\symbol{92}CellNum:}&\text{ The number of horizontal and vertical cells of the grid.}\\
+\texttt{\symbol{92}Xref:}&\text{ The value of $x_0$.}\\
+\texttt{\symbol{92}Yref:}&\text{ The value of $y_0$.}\\
+\texttt{\symbol{92}Xfact:}&\text{ The value of $\alpha$.}\\
+\texttt{\symbol{92}Yfact:}&\text{ The value of $\beta$.}
+We denote by $R$ a rectangular domain containing $D$ and having edges parallel to the coordinate axes.
+A grid of rectangular cells will be depicted on $R$. According to the given values of $x_0$, $y_0$, $\alpha$ and $\beta$, the vertices of $R$
+can be chosen as the points $(\verb!\XMin!,\verb!\YMax!)$, $(\verb!\XMax!,\verb!\YMax!)$, $(\verb!\XMax!,\verb!\YMin!)$, $(\verb!\XMin!,\verb!\YMin!)$, where
+Then, the horizontal step size \verb!\Xsize! and the vertical step
+size \verb!\Ysize! may be taken as
+At first, the grid is made by using the structure \verb!\multido! to draw vertical and horizontal lines whose equations are
+y=\texttt{\symbol{92}YMin}+i\texttt{\symbol{92}Ysize},\quad i=0,\ldots,\texttt{\symbol{92}CellNum}.$$
+Next, the B\'{e}zier curve is depicted by the command
+$$\textmtt{\symbol{92}parametricplot[algebraic,fillstyle=solid]\{$0$\}\{$1$\}\{$\alpha X(t)$|$\beta Y(t)$\}}$$
+and it is approximated by the sequence of points $(X_i,Y_i)$, $i=1,\ldots,N$, where $X_i$ and $Y_i$ are given from
+the calling sequences
+Finally, the most important algorithm is to determine cells that have points in common with the B\'{e}zier curve,
+and to color them. The chosen ``filter'' method here can be described as follows: for each point $(X_i,Y_i)$ of the approximate sequence,
+$i=1,\ldots, N$, we examine cells from left to right in horizontal direction, and from below to above in vertical direction. As soon as
+being found, the cell containing $(X_i,Y_i)$ is specifically colored by the command \textmtt{\mtt\\pspolygon[fillstyle=solid,$\ldots$]} passing its four
+vertices; then, we examine the next point $(X_{i+1},Y_{i+1})$, and so on. Actually, a structure of three nested \verb!\multido! loops
+is used to perform this filter method, and the loop for counting points $(X_i,Y_i)$ is the most outer one. The algorithm to examine if
+a cell contains $(X_i,Y_i)$ may have the form of
+ \ifdim\YBST<y\relax\else\advance y by \Ysize
+ \ifdim\YBST>y\relax\else
+ \ifdim\XBST<x\relax\else\advance x by \Xsize
+ \ifdim\XBST>x\relax\else
+ \pspolygon[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=red]
+ (x,y)(x+\Xsize,y)(x+\Xsize,y+\Ysize)(x,y+\Ysize)(x,y)\relax
+ \fi\fi\fi\fi
+The single characters ``\verb!x!'', ``\verb!y!'' and the opertation ``\verb!+!'' will be replaced appropriately in the procedure \verb!\NetDraw! below.
+For increasingly chosen values of $N$, we may know if the set of cells having points in common with the curve can cover the curve itself?
+On the other hand, to increase the number of approximate points is corresponding to reduce the increment in the most outer loop \verb!\multido!.
+For instance, if we take $N=100$, then the variable \verb!\nz! in the loop should be declared as $\texttt{\mtt\\nz}=0.00+0.01$ because
+In summary, to illustrate a partition of a simply connected plane domain, we can apply the following procedure \verb!\NetDraw!. As mentioned above,
+step by step, \verb!\NetDraw! can: draw the boundary of a plane domain $D$ by a B\'{e}zier curve of degree $6$, draw a partition of a rectangle $R$ containing $D$
+by a grid of rectangular cells, and color cells having points in common with the boundary of $D$.
+\XMin=\decimal\Xfact\XRef \advance\XMin by -1.50\Xfact
+\XMax=\decimal\Xfact\XRef \advance\XMax by 6.00\Xfact
+\YMin=\decimal\Yfact\YRef \advance\YMin by -2.00\Yfact
+\YMax=\decimal\Yfact\YRef \advance\YMax by 5.00\Yfact
+\Xsize=\XMax \advance\Xsize by -\XMin \divide\Xsize by \CellNum
+\Ysize=\YMax \advance\Ysize by -\YMin \divide\Ysize by \CellNum
+{\tempx=\nx pt\multido{\ny=\decimal\YMin+\decimal\Ysize}{\the\CellNum}
+{\tempy=\ny pt\ifdim\YBST<\tempy\relax\else\advance\tempy by \Ysize%
+ \ifdim\YBST>\tempy\relax\else
+ \ifdim\XBST<\tempx\relax\else\advance\tempx by \Xsize
+ \ifdim\XBST>\tempx\relax\else
+ \pspolygon[fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=blue!90,linecolor=black,
+ linewidth=0.2pt]
+ (\nx,\ny)(\decimal\tempx,\ny)(\decimal\tempx,\decimal\tempy)
+ (\nx,\decimal\tempy)(\nx,\ny)\relax\fi\fi\fi\fi}
+\advance\CellNum by 1
+In the definition of \verb!\NetDraw!, the expressions $\alpha X(t)$, $\beta Y(t)$ are declared in the \verb!algebraic! form by the macros \verb!\XBsix!,
+\verb!\YBsix! with two parameters that hold values of $x_0,\alpha$ and $y_0,\beta$, respectively. These macros are given by
+the following definitions:
+Firstly, let us see the effect of change for the shape of a domain when adjusting its boundary by taking different values of $\alpha$ and $\beta$. The
+calling sequence for this purpose may have the form of
+and its result is given in Figure \ref{Fig14}.
+\caption{From left to right, corresponding to the couple of values:
+$\alpha=2,\,\beta=2$; $\alpha=2.5,\,\beta=2$; $\alpha=2,\,\beta=2.5$.}\label{Fig14}
+The Table \ref{bc-table2} below provides three partitions of a domain $D$ with cells that decrease in size. In each case, \verb!\NetDraw! can
+determine the cells that have points in common with the boundary curve and color them. The calling sequence here
+takes a simple form
+The numerical argument $c$ is assigned to the local variable \verb!\CellNum!. The number of approximate points $(X_i,Y_i)$ for the boundary curve
+is chosen to be $200$, by default, corresponding to the increment $\Delta\mtt{z}=0.005$. The number $N$ can be made larger and the filter procedure
+for determining required cells may be more exact. In Table \ref{bc-table2}, the B\'{e}zier curves are depicted with the choice
+\caption{The partitions of $D$ with $c=18$, $c=36$ and $c=63$.}\label{bc-table2}
+I am very grateful to
+\item Timothy Van Zandt, Herbert Vo\ss, Dominique Rodriguez and Michael Sharpe for helping me with
+their great works on \texttt{PSTricks}.
+\item H\`an Th\hantt\rlap\accentcircflx\ Th\`anh for helping me with his pdf\hskip.03em\LaTeX\ program.
+\item Robert Fuster for his very useful package \texttt{calculator}.
+\bibitem{one} Dominique Rodriguez, Michael Sharpe \&\ Herbert Vo\ss. \textsl{\texttt{pstricks-add}: Additional Macros for PSTricks\/}.
+Version 3.60,
+\url{}, 2013
+\bibitem{two} Timothy Van Zandt, Michael Sharpe \&\ Herbert Vo\ss. \textsl{\texttt{pst-node}: Nodes and node connections}.
+Version 1.29,
+\url{}, 2013
+\bibitem{three} Helmut Kopka \&\ Patrick W. Daly. \textsl{Guide to \LaTeX \/}.
+Addison-Wesley, Fourth Edition, 2004, ISBN 0321173856
+\bibitem{four} Timothy Van Zandt. \textsl{User's Guide\/}. Version 1.5,\\
+\url{}, 2007
+\bibitem{five}Eitan M. Gurari. \textsl{Writing With \TeX \/}, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994, ISBN 0-07-025207-6
+\bibitem{six} Robert Fuster. \textsl{\texttt{calculator-calculus}: Scientific Calculations With \LaTeX \/}. Version 1.0a,
+\url{}, 2012
+\bibitem{one} Dominique Rodriguez, Michael Sharpe \&\ Herbert Vo\ss. \textsl{\texttt{pstricks-add}: Additional Macros for PSTricks\/}.
+Version 3.60,
+\url{}, 2013
+\bibitem{two} Timothy Van Zandt, Michael Sharpe \&\ Herbert Vo\ss. \textsl{\texttt{pst-node}: Nodes and node connections}.
+Version 1.29,
+\url{}, 2013
+\bibitem{three} Helmut Kopka \&\ Patrick W. Daly. \textsl{Guide to \LaTeX \/}.
+Addison-Wesley, Fourth Edition, 2004, ISBN 0321173856
+\bibitem{four} Timothy Van Zandt. \textsl{User's Guide\/}. Version 1.5,\\
+\url{}, 2007
+\bibitem{five}Eitan M. Gurari. \textsl{Writing With \TeX \/}, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1994, ISBN 0-07-025207-6
+\bibitem{six} Robert Fuster. \textsl{\texttt{calculator-calculus}: Scientific Calculations With \LaTeX \/}. Version 1.0a,
+\url{}, 2012