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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/ltx3pub/l3d006.tex
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+%%% ====================================================================
+%%% @LaTeX3-article{ LaTeX3-L3-006,
+%%% filename = "l3d006.tex",
+%%% archived = "ctan:/tex-archive/info/ltx3pub/",
+%%% author = "David Rhead",
+%%% doc-group = "Project core team",
+%%% title = "Structures to be supported",
+%%% version = "1.00",
+%%% date = "April 1992",
+%%% time = "",
+%%% status = "discussion paper",
+%%% abstract = "",
+%%% keywords = "",
+%%% project-address = "LaTeX3 Project \\
+%%% c/o Dr. Chris Rowley \\
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+%%% ====================================================================
+% These notes are along the same lines as Wessel Kraaij's comments, as
+% copied from comp.text.tex by Rainer.
+% Please feel free to replace ...
+ \documentstyle{l3ms001}
+ \sloppy
+% ... by a command to map a "2.09 article structure" into whatever
+% design you like which is compatible with that structure.
+\newcommand{\BibTeX}{{\rm B\kern-.05em{\sc i\kern-.025em b}\kern-.08em
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+\title{Structures to be supported}
+\author{David Rhead}
+\date{April 1992}
+\subsection{Dual role of 2.09 style files}
+In \LaTeX\ 2.09, ``style files'' confuse 2 roles:
+\item definition of a structure.
+ (I think I've heard this given as a justification for the designs:
+ ``the designs don't matter, because the style-files are just there
+ to define what structures are supported''.)
+\item mapping the structure into a design.
+For example:
+\item {\tt article.sty} and {\tt xarticle.sty} seem to map the same
+ structure (the ``\LaTeX\ 2.09 analysis of the structure of an {\tt
+ article}'') into different designs
+\item the command \verb+\documentstyle{siam}+ seems to map ``{\sc siam}'s
+ analysis of the structure of an article'' into ``{\sc siam}'s design for
+ an article''. (If so, then the roles of \verb+\documentstyle[11pt]{siam}+
+ and \verb+\documentstyle[12pt]{siam}+ are unclear. Are they intended
+ as ``preprint styles'', for an author to use while a paper is
+ being drafted?)
+\item the commands \verb+\documentstyle[onecolumn,10pt]{iso}+ and
+ \verb+\documentstyle[twocolumn,9pt]{iso}+ seem to map ``the structure
+ of an ISO standard'' into ``two designs for ISO standards''.
+Changing from \verb+\documentstyle{article}+ to
+\verb+\documentstyle{xarticle}+ will work (i.e., give a document with the
+same structure but a different design), but changing from
+\verb+\documentstyle{article}+ to \verb+\documentstyle{siam}+ or to
+\verb+\documentstyle{iso}+ won't work.
+The analysis that was done for version 2.09 is mostly implicit in {\tt sty}
+files, rather than being available explicitly. Subsequent providers of
+{\tt sty} files have generally followed the same practice (although some
+provide supplementary documentation). Thus, a user who just wants his/her
+current structure laid out in a different design may end up reading lots of
+archived {\tt sty} file code to see whether an alternative {\tt sty} file
+supports the structure they are currently using.
+\subsection{Practical difficulties at 2.09}
+Someone attempting to produce a book/thesis with \LaTeX\ 2.09
+has to change various defaults:
+\item they will want their preliminary pages numbered in roman, but will
+ want to switch back to arabic at the start of their main text.
+ They may need a \verb+\setcounter+ to start the roman sequence at the
+ right place.
+\item they will probably want units such as ``acknowledgements'' and
+ ``references'' to appear in their ``table of contents''. They will
+ be using \verb+\chapter*+ for such units (to get headings that
+ look appropriate), so will have to use \verb+\addcontentsline+
+ to get the units mentioned in the ``table of contents''.
+\item page-selection can be a problem, since \verb+\count0+
+ doesn't distinguish between roman and arabic.
+People producing ``an issue of a journal'', or a conference-proceedings,
+may have additional problems:
+\item if they treat the work as {\tt book} \cite[p.\ 23]{lamport}, they
+ will be faced with trying to get authors' names, affiliations, etc.,
+ typeset consistently at the start of each chapter.
+\item if they leave the work as a series of {\tt article}s, they will be faced
+ with ensuring that numbering (of pages, etc.) follows on.
+I think that these problems arise because the analysis of ``document
+structure'' for the \LaTeX\ 2.09 ``standard styles'' is inappropriate:
+\item the concepts of ``front matter'' and ``back matter'' are well
+ known in publications about book design, etc., but aren't supported
+ by the 2.09 ``standard styles''
+\item an ``issue of a journal'', and a conference-proceedings, have structures
+ of their own (which are different from the structure of an ordinary book).
+\subsection{Suggestion for 3.0}
+I think that there would be advantages in:
+ keeping a clear distinction between ``the structure supported'' and
+ ``the design into which the structure is mapped'', so that the
+ end-user will known when they can/cannot change design by changing
+ just one line of their {\tt tex} file.
+ associated with (1), thinking in terms of ``software that maps a
+ structure into a design'', rather than ``style file'' which confuses
+ ``structure supported'' with ``design into which the structure is
+ mapped''
+ analyzing in more depth the structure of the types of documents to be
+ supported. Then, for example, the end-user will be able to just say
+ ``this is front matter'', and so have details such as roman/arabic
+ numbering, heading style, and ``table of contents'' entries taken care
+ of automatically in accordance with the relevant design (or
+ house-style).
+\section{Structures to be supported}
+Various gurus \cite{chicago,aap,majour,white,bs-thesis,bs-report,tei} give
+analyses of the structures of the document-classes for which people use
+\LaTeX\ 2.09. Although, there may be differences between the analyses
+offered by different gurus, I think that it would be better for the project
+to consult the gurus, rather than to ignore them (since otherwise the
+project will waste time re-doing the work already done by the gurus).
+\subsection{First proposition}
+It is easier to select the ``good bits'' from off-the-shelf analyses than
+to start from nothing.
+\subsection{Second proposition}
+For overall structure, particularly ``good bits'' are to be found in the
+{\it Chicago Manual of Style} \cite[pages 4,5]{chicago} and in the SGML DTDs
+published by the Association of American Publishers \cite[appendix B]{aap}.
+\subsection{Notes about AAP analysis}
+\subsubsection{Three basic structures}
+Broadly, the AAP analysis defines three basic structures:
+\item[BK-1] book/monograph/textbook, conference proceedings, technical report,
+ thesis/dissertation
+\item[ART-1] article, feature
+\item[SER-1] serial,\footnote{%
+ I think they mean ``an issue of a serial''. See section
+ \ref{not-a-serial}.}
+ conference-proceedings. (Articles are embedded within
+ a serial without any modifications.)
+Thus, although the \LaTeX\ 2.09 and AAP analyses both define 3 main structures,
+the boundaries are drawn differently:
+ the AAP regards reports and books as having the same basic BK-1
+ structure (unlike \LaTeX\ 2.09, which has two distinct ``standard
+ styles'', {\tt report} and {\tt book}, the main difference being that
+ {\tt book} isn't allowed to have an abstract)
+ whereas the \LaTeX\ 2.09 manual suggests \cite[p.\ 23]{lamport} that
+ ``it is easy to include an article as a chapter in a report or book'',
+ the AAP defines a special structure, SER-1, for multi-author works
+ made up of separate articles.
+\subsubsection{Borderline cases}
+Some types of document may lie on the borderline between two AAP
+categories. For example, a long report might be divided into units called
+chapters and be appropriately classified as BK-1, while a short report
+might be divided into units called sections and be more akin to ART-1.
+(Compare \cite{aap}, which envisages that technical reports will have BK-1
+structure, with \cite{bs-report} which envisages that technical reports
+will be divided into sections.)
+At worst, cases that cross borderlines might need two mappings. In the
+report example, they might be (1) a mapping of BK-1 structure to a report
+design, and (2) a mapping of ART-1 structure to a report design. (This is no
+worse than the situation with the \LaTeX\ 2.09 ``standard styles'', which
+also envisage that {\tt report} is made up of chapters.) Thus, adoption of
+AAP classification would not cause insuperable difficulties.
+\subsubsection{Advantages of AAP analysis}
+Paying serious attention to the AAP analysis would have various advantages:
+\item the analysis is well-known
+\item it covers the types of documents that current \LaTeX-users generally
+ want to produce
+\item it generally (but not always) gives analysis to the depth that
+ \LaTeX\ 3.0 might need
+\item other gurus cite it (if only to disagree with it)
+\item it embodies knowledge about publishing practice that the
+ average \LaTeX-er doesn't have
+\item it is finite. The project would not be attempting to analyse
+ all possible documents, but would be concentrating on the structures
+ that are most commonly required.
+\item support for AAP-like structures might attract ``real publishers''
+ to \LaTeX
+\item {\it it exists now} (unlike, for example, the European
+ journal-publishers' work \cite{majour}, which is still in progress).
+\subsubsection{Disadvantages of AAP analysis}
+The AAP analysis is not suitable in all respects as a model of what
+\LaTeX\ 3.0 (and associated software) should do:
+\item The analysis may go deeper in some areas than is required for \LaTeX\ 3.0.
+ (If something with the ``look and feel'' of SGML is required, one might
+ as well use SGML.)
+\item On the other hand, the analysis doesn't go deep enough in other areas.
+ For example, the AAP analysis is no better than the \LaTeX\ 2.09 analysis
+ for:
+ \begin{itemize}
+ \item citations and reference-lists \cite{iso-690};
+ \item captions, legends and credit-lines \cite[ch.\ 11]{chicago};
+ \item notes to tables \cite[ch.\ 12]{chicago}.
+ \end{itemize}
+ Other gurus' analyses would have to be used in such areas.
+\item At a recent SGML meeting \cite{exeter8}, the AAP standard was
+ described as too Anglo-centric. Hence the European journal-publishers'
+ work \cite{majour} was criticised as too AAP-influenced.
+\item ``Serial'' is usually used (e.g., by librarians) to describe a
+ publication that could potentially continue indefinitely (e.g., all
+ the issues of a journal, including those not yet published).
+ Therefore SER-1 may be a poor choice of name for a structure that
+ would represent ``a single issue of a series'' or a ``one-off
+ conference proceeedings''. MULTI-1 might have been a better name
+ for such multi-author (or multi-article) works.
+\subsubsection{Attitude to AAP analysis}
+An analysis based on that given by the AAP (minus a few details, plus a few
+other details which could be taken from \cite{chicago} and other places)
+might give a reasonable compromise between:
+\item ``re-inventing the wheel''
+\item blindly obeying something (AAP structure) that hasn't been thought through
+ in all
+ respects.
+For example, if some compromise was made between the Chicago analysis and
+the AAP analysis, one might envisage a user preparing a file of the form:
+ \frontelement{Foreword}
+ ...
+ \frontelement{Preface}
+ ...
+ \frontelement{Acknowledgements}
+ ...
+ \frontelement{Dedication}
+ ...
+ \frontelement{Abstract}
+ ...
+ \chapter{...}
+ ...
+ \appendix{...}
+ ...
+\begin{backmatter} % short for "other back matter"
+ \backelement{Glossary}
+ ...
+ \backelement{Notes}
+ ...
+% Perhaps \oneappendix{...} could be substituted for
+% \begin{appendices}
+% \appendix{...}
+% ...
+% \end{appendices}
+% if there is only one appendix.
+The above example assumes that, for \LaTeX\ purposes:
+\item it will generally be sufficient to think in terms of ``front matter
+ elements'' and ``back matter elements''
+\item it will not be appropriate to go for complete analogy with the AAP's
+ SGML DTD. Thus, one would not expect typical \LaTeX\ 3.0 software to
+ define environments like \verb+\acknowledgements+: if \LaTeX\ 3,0 gets
+ used as a back-end for an SGML system, the AAP's \verb+<ack>+ would
+ get converted to \verb+\frontelement{Acknowledgements}+. (However, if
+ any elements required special treatment, particular environments could
+ be defined for them, as is done in \LaTeX\ 2.09 with {\tt abstract}.)
+\subsection{Bonuses from using structures influenced by Chicago/AAP}
+\subsubsection{Conference proceedings}
+A document with structure based on SER-1 will naturally support ``a
+reference-list at the end of each chapter'' plus the option of a composite
+bibliography at the end of the document (for which one sometimes sees
+in requests in electronic digests from editors of conference proceedings).
+Because the structure is appropriate, there should be less conflict than if
+one is (for example) mis-using the 2.09 {\tt book} structure. One
+shouldn't end up trying to have {\tt thebibliography} at both 2.09
+``section'' level and at ``chapter'' level, because the ``references at end
+of article'' and ``bibliography at end of complete work'' units would have
+different definitions. For \BibTeX, one could envisage a scheme involving
+perhaps {\tt article1.bbl}, \dots\ , {\tt article}$N${\tt .bbl}, {\tt
+\subsubsection{Page selection}
+Such an analysis would lead naturally to schemes for using the \verb+\count+s
+sensibly, so as to support:
+\item distinction between roman and arabic numbered pages (i.e., front
+ matter and main text)
+\item selection of ``all the front matter'', a whole chapter, a whole appendix,
+ or ``all the (non-appendix) back matter''.
+For example, one might have:
+Major division & Minor divisions&\verb+\count0+&\verb+\count1+&\verb+\count2+\\
+Front matter & & page-number & {\tt -1} & {\tt 0} \\
+Main text & chapters & page-number & chapter-number & {\tt 0} \\
+ & & & {\tt 1, 2, ... }& \\
+Back matter: & appendices &page-number&appendix number& {\tt 1}\\
+appendices & & & {\tt 1, 2, ... }& \\
+Back matter: & glossary & page-number&{\tt -2} & {\tt 0} \\
+other units & bibliography & & \\
+ & index, etc. & & \\
+Generally, if a correct analysis of structure is made, practical details
+will tend to fall into place nicely, rather than needing messy {\it ad hoc}
+\subsection{Analysis in general}
+Although I've suggested that a Chicago/AAP analysis might provide a suitable
+basis for ``structures to be supported by \LaTeX\ 3.0'':
+\item any ``\LaTeX\ 3.0 project'' selection of ``the good bits''
+ is unlikely to be perfect
+\item some better analysis may come along, and some successor to the
+ ``\LaTeX\ 3.0 project'' may want to support that analysis rather than
+ one derived from the suggestions given here
+\item people may have to produce ``structure to design'' mappings for
+ structures other than the 3 ``modified AAP'' ones (e.g., legal
+ articles, ISO standards, SGML DTDs other than the 3 AAP ones)
+\item people may produce ``structure to design'' mappings for
+ enhancements of the 3 ``modified AAP'' ones (e.g., a book
+ that contains plates and maps, if they are to be numbered
+ separately from other illustrations).
+It seems desirable that such possibilities should be borne in mind when any
+software is being written.
+\subsection{Structure supported by mapping software}
+I think that mapping software (i.e., whatever we call the successors to
+2.09 ``style files'') should make clear the structure that is supported,
+for example:
+\item by software checks
+\item because the mapping software starts with a comment that defines the
+ structure it supports.
+Then end-users will know (or find out in a friendly way) whether or not
+they can simply ``change design by changing one line of the {\tt tex} file''.
+For example:
+\item a thesis and a Wiley book might have the same structure, so
+ a one-line change to the {\tt tex} file should lead to a change from one
+ design to another (with no change to the structure)
+\item papers in different physics journals will probably have the same
+ structure, so
+ a one-line change to the {\tt tex} file should lead to a change from one
+ journal's design to another's
+\item ISO standards have their own structure. Someone who tries to apply
+ typesetting software that is intended for a different structure (e.g., an
+ AAP-based structure) should get a sensible error message.
+ {\sc Leslie Lamport.} {\it LaTeX: a document preparation system.}
+ Addison-Wesley, 1986.
+ {\it Chicago manual of style.}
+ 13th edition.
+ Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1982.
+ {\it Electronic manuscript preparation and markup: ANSI/NISO Z39.59-1988.}
+ New Brunswick: Transaction publishers, 1991.
+ ISBN 0-88738-945-7.
+ {\it DTD for article headers.}
+ Amsterdam: European workgroup on SGML, 1991.
+ {\sc Jan V. White.}
+ {\it Graphic design for the electronic age.}
+ Watson-Guptill, 1988.
+ {\it Presentation of theses and dissertations.}
+ BS 4821. British Standards Institution, 1990.
+ {\it Presentation of research and development reports.}
+ BS 4811. British Standards Institution, 1972.
+ {\sc C. M. Sperberg-McQueen and Lou Burnard.}
+ {\it Guidelines for the encoding and interchange of machine-readable
+ texts.}
+ Draft version 1.1.
+ Oxford, Chicago: Text Encoding Initiative, 1990.
+ {\sc Michael Popham.} {\it Report on inaugural meeting of
+ UK chapter of SGML Users' Group.} Report number 8, SGML project, Exeter
+ University, 1992.
+ {\it Documentation --- bibliographic references --- content, form and
+ structure.}
+ ISO 690. International Organization for Standardization, 1987.