path: root/info/ltx3pub/l3d004.txt
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/ltx3pub/l3d004.txt
Initial commit
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1 files changed, 902 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..e83a56d9e4
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+ ====================================================================
+ @LaTeX3-article{ LaTeX3-L3-004-txt,
+ filename = "l3d004.txt",
+ archived = "ctan:/tex-archive/info/ltx3pub/",
+ author = "Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley",
+ doc-group = "Project core team",
+ title = "The {\LaTeX3} Project; Report 1991--92",
+ version = "1.00",
+ date = "01 April 1993",
+ time = "13:37:20 GMT",
+ status = "public, official",
+ abstract = "This report describes the current
+ activities of the \LaTeX3 project.
+ After a short project overview, the
+ major events of 1991 and 1992 are
+ described. Finally the project plan for
+ 1993 is presented.
+ ",
+ keywords = "",
+ project-address = "LaTeX3 Project \\
+ c/o Dr. Chris Rowley \\
+ The Open University \\
+ Parsifal College \\
+ Finchley Road \\
+ London NW3 7BG, England, UK",
+ project-tel = "+44 171 794 0575",
+ project-FAX = "+44 171 433 6196",
+ project-email = "",
+ copyright = "Copyright (C) 1993 LaTeX3 Project
+ and Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley.
+ All rights reserved.
+ Permission is granted to make and distribute
+ verbatim copies of this publication or of
+ coherent parts from this publication provided
+ this copyright notice and this permission
+ notice are preserved on all copies.
+ Permission is granted to copy and distribute
+ translations of this publication or of
+ individual items from this publication into
+ another language provided that the translation
+ is approved by the original copyright holders.
+ No other permissions to copy or distribute this
+ publication in any form are granted and in
+ particular no permission to copy parts of it
+ in such a way as to materially change its
+ meaning.",
+ generalinfo = "To subscribe to the LaTeX3 discussion list:
+ Send mail to
+ with the following line as the body of the
+ message (substituting your own name):
+ subscribe LaTeX-L First-name Surname
+ To find out about volunteer work:
+ look at the document vol-task.tex which can
+ be obtained electronically, see below.
+ To retrieve project publications electronically:
+ Project publications are available for
+ retrieval by anonymous ftp from ctan hosts:
+ in the directory /tex-archive/info/ltx3pub.
+ The file ltx3pub.bib in that directory gives
+ full bibliographical information including
+ abstracts in BibTeX format. A brief history
+ of the project and a description of its aims
+ is contained in l3d001.tex.
+ If you only have access to email, and not ftp
+ You may use the ftpmail service.
+ Send a message just containg the word
+ help
+ to
+ for more information about this service.
+ For offers of financial contributions or
+ contributions of computing equipment or
+ software, contact the project at the above
+ address, or the TeX Users Group.
+ For offers of technical assistance, contact the
+ project at the above address.
+ For technical enquiries and suggestions, send
+ e-mail to the latex-l list or contact the
+ project at the above address.",
+ checksum = "30097 902 5006 49192",
+ docstring = "The checksum field above contains a CRC-16
+ checksum as the first value, followed by the
+ equivalent of the standard UNIX wc (word
+ count) utility output of lines, words, and
+ characters. This is produced by Robert
+ Solovay's checksum utility.",
+ }
+ ====================================================================
+ The LaTeX3 Project (C)1993 Frank Mittelbach
+ Chris Rowley
+ Report 1991--92
+ Abstract This report describes the current activities of the
+ LaTeX3 project. After a short project overview, the
+ major events of 1991 and 1992 are described. Finally the
+ project plan for 1993 is presented.
+ Project overview The aim of this project is the development of a new
+ version of LaTeX with the following enhancements.
+ * It provides an enhanced user-interface, facilitating
+ the expression of a large range of typesetting
+ requirements from fields both within and outside the
+ natural sciences. This includes the requirements of
+ technical documentation (offset layout, change bars,
+ etc.) as well as requirements from humanities
+ (critical text editions, etc.), many of which are
+ not supported by the current LaTeX.
+ * It provides a more robust user-interface. For
+ example, restrictions on the nesting of commands
+ will be removed; error handling will be improved.
+ * It provides a syntax that allows (semi-)automatic
+ translation from popular SGML DTD's into provided
+ LaTeX document style options. The new syntax will
+ include, for example, attribute and short reference
+ concepts that can be mapped directly into
+ corresponding SGML features.
+ * It provides a style-designer interface that allows
+ easy specification of a wide variety of layouts.
+ This includes, for example, access to arbitrary font
+ families.
+ * The style-design language should be as natural as
+ possible. It will be based on a hierarchical
+ collection of generic formatting functions, so that
+ layouts can be specified by parameters without
+ involving difficult TeX coding.
+ * The new interfaces will be described in detail, with
+ carefully chosen examples, making the learning time
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ for new users (both designers and authors) as short
+ as possible.
+ To achieve this aim it was necessary to review large
+ parts of the user-interface and to design a complete new
+ language for style-design.
+ One result of this work was to show the necessity of
+ completely rewriting the kernel of the current LaTeX.
+ Therefore the project is divided into six partly
+ overlapping phases.
+ Phase 1: Review and redesign of the user-interface. The
+ requirements imposed on a typesetting language by
+ various applications are analysed. This includes the
+ proposed translation from popular DTD's into the
+ language of the LaTeX user-interface.
+ Phase 2: Prototype implementation of new concepts. The
+ new concepts developed in phase one are implemented and
+ tested. The tests should not only prove that the
+ concepts are implementable within TeX but also test the
+ functionality of the concepts. Larger real-life
+ applications from different fields will show to what
+ extent the new concepts are suitable and might lead to
+ some refinements in the design of the user-interface.
+ Phase 3: Design of a designer-interface. This phase is
+ more or less independent of the first two phases. The
+ current LaTeX is considered unsatisfactory since it
+ forces the designer to become deeply involved with TeX's
+ algorithmic philosophies and these are likely to be
+ unfamiliar to him. An analysis will be made of the
+ extent to which it is possible to support a
+ layout-description language that is natural for a
+ designer.
+ Phase 4: Prototype implementation of the designer
+ interface. This is similar to phase two. The concepts
+ resulting from phase three are implemented in prototype
+ versions which are used to test the acceptance of the
+ 2
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ new designer-interface. In this area implementation
+ details are relatively uncritical, whereas the
+ development of the interface might pose difficult
+ questions since there is no previous research in this
+ area.
+ Phase 5: Re-implementation of the LaTeX kernel. The
+ results from phases two and four are combined and a
+ system kernel that supports both interfaces is
+ implemented. At this point beta-testing at selected
+ sites is started.
+ Phase 6: Documentation. While internal documentation is
+ an integral part of every phase, the main work of phase
+ six (manuals and conversion) is devoted to the writing
+ of informative manuals covering both the user- and
+ designer-interface.
+ Milestones '91 Shortly after the start of the project three important
+ events took place: a workshop with professionals from
+ the publishing industry in Dedham, followed by working
+ week at the American mathematical Society (AMS) in
+ Providence and later on a meeting with Professor Donald
+ Knuth in Stockholm.
+ In the last quarter of 1991 substantial effort was put
+ into the development of an internal LaTeX3 programming
+ language. A prototype kernel, written in a first
+ approximation to the final language, formatted its own
+ documentation (a 120 page document) for the first time
+ in December.
+ Workshop After the annual meeting of the TeX Users Group in
+ Dedham Dedham (July 91) a two-day workshop was held to discuss
+ design questions for LaTeX3 with TeX experts,
+ compositors and other professionals from the publishing
+ industry. In this workshop (lead by Chris Rowley and
+ Frank Mittelbach) questions of page layout
+ specifications and user interface design were discussed.
+ It was based on material gathered and collated by David
+ Rhead from previous electronic mail discussions about
+ 3
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ these topics on the LaTeX3 discussion list. This
+ workshop was sponsored by the TeX Users Group.
+ Working week Following this workshop Chris Rowley, Michael Downes
+ at AMS (AMS), and Frank Mittelbach worked for one week at the
+ AMS headquarter at Providence on the specifications for
+ the LaTeX3 error recovery and help system and on some
+ problems related to the efficiency of TeX's approach to
+ mathematical typesetting.
+ Paris At the European TeX conference in Paris (September),
+ conference Chris Rowley and Rainer Schoepf presented an overview of
+ the enhancements to be made to the user interface.
+ Stockholm In November Frank Mittelbach was invited to Stockholm to
+ attend the celebrations for the Honorary Doctorate of
+ Donald Knuth and to give a paper on LaTeX3 at the Nordic
+ TeX conference. The handouts for this paper were later
+ published in TeXline [7] and in [9]; later an enlarged
+ version, co-authored by Chris Rowley, appeared in [14].
+ Whilst in Stockholm Frank took the opportunity to
+ discuss for two days with Donald Knuth design decisions
+ he had taken in the development of the TeX system.
+ Milestones '92 The last year has seen substantial progress in three
+ major areas: establishing structures to consolidate
+ support for LaTeX 2.09 (these structures will therefore
+ be well tested before they are needed for LaTeX3);
+ deciding which of the many requirements of a
+ high-quality document formatting system can be
+ implemented using TeX as the formatting engine; research
+ on models of document formatting which support
+ high-quality typography. These last two are, of course,
+ closely related and mutually supportive.
+ SGML Users In February Chris Rowley gave a presentation to the
+ Group inaugural meeting of the UK chapter of the SGML Users
+ Group. This gave an outline of the project and its
+ importance to the formatting of documents encoded in
+ accordance with SGML.
+ 4
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ Hamburg At the Dante Meeting in Hamburg (March 92) Frank
+ Mittelbach presented an overview of the LaTeX3 project;
+ this was later published as [8]. After the conference a
+ two day workshop with various TeX and LaTeX experts from
+ several European countries was held to discuss questions
+ of the user and style-designer interfaces for LaTeX3.
+ Questionnaire Rolf Lindgren, a student in the field of psychology,
+ volunteered to develop and analyse a questionnaire on
+ the subject of site-specific usage, including additions
+ and changes, of popular extensions to LaTeX 2.09. The
+ project team hopes that this will provide important data
+ about such areas as the current usage of LaTeX, which of
+ these additions are the most important for inclusion in
+ the main system of LaTeX3, etc.
+ A first draft of the questionnaire was handed out to the
+ participants at the Hamburg meeting and Rolf Lindgren
+ used the results of this to write a preliminary
+ report [5] and also to redesign the questionnaire
+ itself. The final questionnaire will be sent out to a
+ representative sample of sites in 1993.
+ Lausanne At the Electronic Publishing Conference EP92 in
+ conference Lausanne, Chris Rowley and Frank Mittelbach gave a paper
+ about potential problems when trying to produce high
+ quality output using automated document typesetting
+ systems [18]. The results presented in this paper were
+ influenced by their work on the LaTeX3 system. On the
+ other hand, this basic research into models for document
+ formatting has direct benefits for the LaTeX3 project
+ since it leads to the development of useful new concepts
+ and methods.
+ CERN Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley were also invited to
+ CERN to give a talk about the LaTeX3 system and to
+ discuss problems encountered in the production of
+ high-quality output from SGML sources. Addressing such
+ problems is a major goal of the LaTeX3 project.
+ 5
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ Mainz At the end of April Frank Mittelbach invited the core
+ workshop development team for LaTeX3 to an 11 day workshop in
+ Mainz to discuss data structures for the kernel and for
+ the style designer language. This workshop was made
+ possible through support from the Zentrum fuer
+ Datenverarbeitung der Universitaet Mainz (providing
+ working facilities), the AMS (facilitating Michael
+ Downes attendance), and DANTE, the German TeX Users
+ Group (help with other expenses).
+ The main results of this workshop were summarized in an
+ internal project paper by Denys Duchier [2]; they are
+ mainly of a somewhat theoretical nature, e.g.,
+ discussions about what algorithms to use, the nature of
+ internal interfaces, etc. Some of them are now
+ implemented in prototypes, others are scheduled for
+ further work during 1993.
+ Paris meeting In May GUTenberg (the French TeX Users Group) invited
+ Rainer Schoepf and Frank Mittelbach to a one day meeting
+ in Paris to discuss various aspects of the LaTeX3
+ project. They presented an overview of the user
+ interface, a summary of the structure of the LaTeX3
+ system, the layout specification interface and the
+ coding of tabular material. They also discussed details
+ of the LaTeX3 programmer's environment, the short
+ reference mechanism, the float mechanism, the mark
+ mechanism, the I/O interface and the error recovery
+ mechanism. GUTenberg also made a much appreciated
+ contribution to the project's expenses.
+ Later in the year the possibility of a collaboration
+ between the LaTeX3 project, the University of Mainz and
+ one or more French institutes was discussed. This
+ collaboration is now becoming concrete and it is planned
+ that, in the second half of 1993, French students of
+ informatique will spend periods of three or more months
+ in Mainz and assist Frank Mittelbach in the development
+ of the LaTeX3 system.
+ Macro Together with David Carlisle, Frank Mittelbach developed
+ validation a system for automatic validation of changes in large
+ system macro packages [13, 1]. The purpose of this system is to
+ 6
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ detect errors introduced by incorrect bug fixes to the
+ macro packages before such changes are distributed. The
+ quality of the automated checking system depends largely
+ on the number of test files in it. It was first tested
+ with the New Font Selection Scheme (NFSS) package [22]
+ where it was successful in preventing some mistakes from
+ getting into the distributed version.
+ After this successful test a group of volunteers under
+ the direction of Daniel Flipo started to write test
+ files for the LaTeX 2.09 base system; these will improve
+ the quality of its maintenance. It is intended that they
+ will also be used as a test base for the user interface
+ of the LaTeX3 system.
+ New A considerable amount of time during 1992 was devoted to
+ LaTeX 2.09 reorganizing the distribution and support of the styles
+ style which have been developed by Rainer Schoepf and Frank
+ distributions Mittelbach for the LaTeX 2.09 release. A lot of work was
+ done on the code-documentation package, consisting of
+ the program docstrip and the style doc. The program
+ docstrip was reimplemented and enhanced by Johannes
+ Braams, Denys Duchier and Frank Mittelbach. The
+ documentation of the doc style was brought up-to-date by
+ David Love [11]. The array package, which contains an
+ enhanced reimplementation of the array and tabular
+ environments of LaTeX 2.09, was improved by the addition
+ of code written by David Carlisle [12]. Frank Mittelbach
+ rewrote parts of the multicol package to support \marks
+ for use in running headings and to allow for up to ten
+ columns [10]. These packages, and all others, have been
+ reorganized to make use of the extra features of the new
+ docstrip program; this will ensure their smooth and easy
+ installation at every site having a TeX installation.
+ LaTeX 2.09 At the same time, a new system for maintaining the
+ maintenance LaTeX 2.09 base system was installed at Mainz by Rainer
+ Schoe pf and the whole base system was transferred to
+ this site so that it can be maintained by him and Frank
+ Mittelbach.
+ 7
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ BibTeX reim- One of the important programs in the LaTeX system is
+ plementation BibTeX, a system for managing bibliographical material
+ and producing bibliographies in documents. At the TeX
+ Users Group Conference in Cork (1990) Reinhard
+ Wonneberger and Frank Mittelbach presented a paper
+ discussing several proposals for a reimplementation of
+ this program [24]. During the summer Oren Patashnik, the
+ original author of BibTeX, was contacted to discuss with
+ him a reimplementation of BibTeX. He agreed to
+ reimplement this program so that it will interface
+ smoothly with the new LaTeX system.
+ These reimplementation proposals are now being discussed
+ by a small group of experts and work is under way to
+ finalize the user interface for providing
+ bibliographical information in the LaTeX3 system; this
+ will support the many distinct citation conventions
+ (author-date system, etc.) that are in common use. In
+ addition to providing the LaTeX3 system with a
+ bibliographical system which is also freely available,
+ it is planned to provide, wherever possible, interfaces
+ linking LaTeX3 with commercially available bibliographic
+ software. This will, for example, enable users to
+ integrate into LaTeX documents information extracted
+ from large bibliographic databases. Much of the work in
+ this area is being carried out by David Rhead.
+ TUG annual At the annual meeting of the TeX Users Group in
+ meeting Portland, Oregon, Chris Rowley gave a talk which
+ surveyed the current status of the LaTeX3 project [23]
+ and ran a mini-workshop at which some of the more
+ technical aspects were discussed. This meeting was
+ important in establishing the project as being of
+ central importance to the community of TeX users and
+ developers and to the future of TeX as a formatter for
+ high quality typographic output.
+ Volunteer One of the results of the meeting of the core
+ tasks development team in Mainz was to single out tasks that
+ could be taken up by volunteers whose work could be to a
+ large extent independent of the core team. During the
+ summer, Michael Downes and Frank Mittelbach prepared a
+ task list and working procedures for such volunteers.
+ 8
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ George Greenwade from the Sam Houston State University
+ kindly agreed to serve as a task list manager; the
+ Volunteer Task List was therefore presented to the
+ public at the Prague conference in
+ September [15, 17, 16].
+ Prague In September the European TeX conference took place in
+ conference Prague. Chris Rowley and Frank Mittelbach reported on
+ the status of the LaTeX3 project and described some
+ aspects of the formatting model which it will implement.
+ In a separate presentation they described some results
+ of their research on more general models for document
+ formatting.
+ Series During the conference in Prague Frank Mittelbach
+ agreement concluded with Peter Gordon (Addison-Wesley) publication
+ agreements concerning the documentation of the LaTeX3
+ system and related books. They will appear in a book
+ series with the tentative title `Tools and Techniques
+ for Computer Typesetting' under the editorial
+ supervision of Frank Mittelbach and with the
+ participation of Leslie Lamport and other key players in
+ the LaTeX3 project.
+ BCS meeting In September Chris Rowley was invited to give a talk
+ about LaTeX3 at a meeting on Structured Documentation
+ organised by the British Computer Society EP Specialist
+ Group in Nottingham. This contained a brief history and
+ outline of the project, followed by some discussion of
+ the requirements of the designer's interface.
+ Working week Leslie Lamport visited Frank Mittelbach for five days in
+ in Mainz October to discuss the work in progress. They covered
+ many aspects of the user interface including the
+ important mechanism for attaching attributes to commands
+ and environments.
+ 9
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ Washington During the Lausanne Conference Chris Rowley and Frank
+ conference Mittelbach had been invited to present further results
+ of their research on document formatting models at an
+ international `Workshop on Principles of Document
+ Processing' in Washington DC, organized by the Xerox
+ Webster Research Center, Cornell University and Syracuse
+ University. This talk, which has now been written up for
+ publication, led to many fruitful discussions. These
+ covered many aspects of the relationship between their
+ approach and that of other work on models of document
+ processing.
+ The workshop also showed the need to investigate the
+ relationship between two types of model: those similar
+ to that of Mittelbach/Rowley, which are oriented towards
+ data structures and operations that can be effectively
+ implemented, and those of a more general nature, which
+ describe a large range of document processing
+ applications in terms of formal structures such as
+ attribute grammars and trees.
+ Bell-Labs During their stay in the US they also visited AT&T Bell
+ Laboratories, invited by John Hobby, who worked under
+ Knuth on the TeX project in Stanford. In addition to
+ giving a talk about their research in document
+ formatting models and discussing this with researchers
+ there, they had the opportunity to discuss with Brian
+ Kernighan his recent work on page-makeup by
+ post-processing [4].
+ Multiple As part of the LaTeX3 kernel Frank Mittelbach developed
+ marks prototype code for multiple independent marks. This
+ allows information, such as the first or the last index
+ entry for each column in a multi-column layout, to be
+ recorded for later use in the final page make-up. Due to
+ the limited support for such layout structures in TeX,
+ the current LaTeX only provides a very simple mechanism.
+ Bremen Following the Lausanne conference Frank Mittelbach was
+ colloquium invited to give a colloquium talk on the subject
+ `Computereinsatz in der Typographie: Kann die hohe
+ Qualitaet des Handsatzes durch Computerprogramme
+ 10
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ erreicht oder uebertroffen werden?' at the Computer
+ Science Institute of the Bremen University. During his
+ two-day visit to Bremen Frank Mittelbach had several
+ fruitful discussions with the research team working with
+ Professor Frieder Nake on research problems in computer
+ controlled typesetting.
+ Meppel In the second half of November Frank Mittelbach was
+ conference invited to give a talk at the meeting of the Netherlands
+ TeX Users Group in Meppel. He spoke about possible
+ directions in research on typesetting problems,
+ discussing tasks which are impossible to achieve using
+ state of the art typesetting systems such as TeX. This
+ talk was based on a paper published in the conference
+ proceedings of TeX90, [6].
+ Nordic TeX The Nordic TeX users group invited a representative of
+ conference the LaTeX3 project to speak at their meeting in
+ Kobenhavn so Chris Rowley presented a brief history of
+ the project and discussed several aspects of the
+ designer interface. He also discussed future
+ collaboration with other research projects in the area
+ of document processing.
+ Euromath Chris Rowley has been exploring the relationships
+ between the LaTeX3 project and the Euromath project.
+ This latter project was started in 1986 and is aimed at
+ the production of an integrated system which provides a
+ homogeneous working environment for mathematicians. It
+ is based on the Grif structure editor, which provides an
+ object oriented system and applications programming
+ interface. Thus LaTeX is their natural, and preferred,
+ choice of application for the production of
+ publishing-quality typeset output.
+ alpha-test In the last quarter of 1992 Frank Mittelbach rewrote the
+ NFSS2 NFSS system (New Font Selection Scheme for
+ LaTeX [20, 21]), based on a prototype extension to NFSS
+ written by Mark Purtill in 1991. This reimplementation
+ extends the released version in several ways including
+ encoding support (multiple languages), scalable font
+ 11
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ support (PostScript fonts) and math font support. In
+ addition Frank Mittelbach wrote new documentation for
+ the package, which will appear as a chapter of [3]. The
+ alpha-testing of the new release was started at the end
+ of December and the official release is planned for
+ summer 1993.
+ Error For error recovery a prototype had already been
+ recovery and implemented early in 1992, as part of the prototype
+ help system kernel for LaTeX3, but the interface to an interactive
+ help system existed only as a specification written
+ during the working week at the AMS in Providence. A
+ first prototype was implemented by Michael Downes in
+ December, so that it is now possible to do small field
+ tests; this implementation is, however, currently only
+ available as a LaTeX 2.09 style file. It is planned to
+ reimplement this in the LaTeX3 programming language
+ during 1993.
+ Current status Phase 1: Review and redesign of the user-interface.
+ There is now enough information about the requirements
+ to be able to produce a testable version of the
+ user-interface in the near future.
+ Phase 2: Prototype implementation of new concepts. As
+ outlined above, several prototype implementations have
+ been tested during the last year. However, further tests
+ will be necessary once the user-interface, the design
+ language and the internal LaTeX3 programming language
+ are in their final form.
+ Phase 3+4: Design and prototypes of a
+ designer-interface. The main concepts for the design
+ interface are now developed and some proto-typing has
+ already taken place. Nevertheless, this phase of the
+ project will need considerable additional time as these
+ concepts are new and thus cannot rely on experience
+ already gathered.
+ Phase 5: Re-implementation of the LaTeX kernel. As
+ mentioned above, a prototype version of the LaTeX3
+ 12
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ kernel, written in the current version of the LaTeX3
+ programming language, has already been completed.
+ However, as long as the work on phases 3 and 4 is still
+ under way, this forms only an approximation to the final
+ product.
+ Plans for 1993 In the first quarter of 1993 the project team plans
+ another workshop in Germany to work on the style design
+ language.
+ The core project team will investigate the possibilities
+ for collaboration with related research and development
+ projects such as Euromath. They will also establish
+ contact with the ISO working group on the Document Style
+ Semantics and Specification Language (DSSSL).
+ The beta-testing of NFSS2 is planned for March up to May
+ and the official release of the system is scheduled for
+ summer 1993.
+ The project team will work on a prototype of the
+ designer-interface. This will lead to testing of this
+ interface by working with designers to discover how
+ easily it enables them to realise practical designs.
+ It is planned that in the summer a French student will
+ come to Mainz for three months, to help with the
+ project's work.
+ Finance There has been a modest but steady flow of contributions
+ into the project fund set up by the TeX Users Group.
+ Many of these come from individual members and they are
+ particularly valued by the project team since, in
+ addition to their financial significance, they represent
+ a very high level of personal commitment to the success
+ of the project amongst the TeX community---much thanks
+ to everyone involved in these fund-raising efforts,
+ especially to Alan Hoenig, Doug Henderson and the TUG
+ office staff.
+ The project's finances will also benefit greatly from
+ the generosity of the authors of the forthcoming book A
+ LaTeX Companion [3] to be published by Addison-Wesley in
+ 13
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ 1993: they are donating 50% of their royalties to the
+ project. This book will describe the contents and use of
+ many of the extensions to LaTeX 2.09 which are now
+ widely available.
+ The following institutions have made substantial
+ contributions to the fund administered by TUG or to the
+ project directly and we are very glad to acknowledge
+ them here with thanks: Addison-Wesley, Blue Sky
+ Research, Dante, GUTenberg, NTG Nederlandstalige TeX
+ Gegruikersgroep, Nordic TeX Users Group, UK TeX Users
+ Group.
+ The following organisations have also assisted the
+ project in various ways, including the provision of
+ books, equipment, software, staff time, etc: AMS,
+ ArborText, ArchaeoInformatica, Aston University, Blue
+ Sky Research, CERN, Digital Equipment Corporation,
+ EDS Electronic Data Systems, Elsevier Science
+ Publishers, Life Science Communications, Manchester
+ University, Open University UK, PCTeX, Royal Institute
+ of Technology Stockholm, Royal Military College of
+ Science, The Royal Society, TCI Research, Southampton
+ University, TeX88, Zentrum fuer Datenverarbeitung der
+ Universitaet Mainz.
+ The project is still in need of financial assistance
+ since demands on the fund are certain to grow
+ substantially when wide-spread testing begins.
+ References [1] David Carlisle and Frank Mittelbach. A test system
+ for LaTeX-2.09. LaTeX3 project paper, June 1992.
+ [2] Denys Duchier. Mainz, May 26--Jun 3 1992. Internal
+ LaTeX3 paper, June 1992.
+ [3] Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach and Alexander
+ Samarin. The LaTeX Companion (tentative title).
+ Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1993. to
+ appear.
+ [4] Brian W. Kernighan and Christopher J. Van Wyk. Page
+ makeup by postprocessing text formatter output.
+ Computing Systems, 2(2):103--132, 1989.
+ [5] Rolf Lindgren. Preliminary report on LaTeX style
+ options. Internal LaTeX3 paper, August 1992.
+ 14
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ [6] Frank Mittelbach. E-TeX: Guidelines to future TeX
+ extensions. In Lincoln K. Durst, editor, 1990
+ Conference Proceedings, pages 337--345, September
+ 1990. Published as TUGboat 11#3.
+ [7] Frank Mittelbach. LaTeX2.09 -> LaTeX3. TeXline,
+ (14):15--18, February 1992.
+ [8] Frank Mittelbach. LaTeX3. Die TeXnische Komoedie,
+ 4(2):15--22, August 1992.
+ [9] Frank Mittelbach. LaTeX3 project. TeX Gebruikers
+ Group, 92(1):87--90, May 1992.
+ [10] Frank Mittelbach. The multicol package.
+ Distribution of style options that allow
+ multi-column layout with LaTeX, November 1992.
+ [11] Frank Mittelbach, Johannes Braams, David Love and
+ Denys Duchier. The doc package. Distribution of the
+ utilities for the documentation and distribution of
+ TeX macro packages., May 1992.
+ [12] Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle. The array
+ package. Distribution of style options that extend
+ LaTeX's array and tabular facilities, May 1992.
+ [13] Frank Mittelbach and David Carlisle. The validation
+ package. Distribution of tools for automatic
+ validation of changes in large macro packages, June
+ 1992.
+ [14] Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley. LaTeX2.09 ->
+ LaTeX3. TUGboat, 13(1):96--101, April 1992.
+ [15] Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley and Michael Downes.
+ Volunteer work for the LaTeX3 project. LaTeX3
+ project paper, September 1992.
+ [16] Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley, and Michael Downes.
+ Volunteer work for the LaTeX3 project. TUGboat,
+ 13(4):510--515, December 1992.
+ [17] Frank Mittelbach, Chris Rowley and Michael J.
+ Downes. Volunteer work for the LaTeX3 project. TeX
+ and TUG NEWS, 1(3):18, November 1992.
+ [18] Frank Mittelbach and Chris A. Rowley. The pursuit
+ of quality---how can automated typesetting achieve
+ the highest standards of craft typography? In
+ C. Vanoirbeek and G. Coray, editors, Electronic
+ Publishing '92, pages 260--273, Cambridge, April
+ 1992. Cambridge University Press.
+ [19] Frank Mittelbach and Chris A. Rowley. The pursuit
+ of quality---How can automated typesetting achieve
+ the highest standards of craft typography? MAPS,
+ 15
+ LaTeX3 Project
+ ---------------
+ 92(2):50--56, November 1992. Paper already
+ published in Electronic Publishing '92, April 1992,
+ Cambridge University Press, (ISBN 0-521-43277-4);
+ Reprinted with permissions.
+ [20] Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schoepf. A new font
+ selection scheme for TeX macro packages---the basic
+ macros. TUGboat, 10(2):222--238, July 1989.
+ [21] Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schoepf. Reprint (with
+ corrections): The new font family selection ---
+ user interface to standard LaTeX. TUGboat,
+ 11(2):297--305, June 1990.
+ [22] Frank Mittelbach and Rainer Schoepf. The nfss
+ package release 1. Distribution of a new font
+ selection mechanism for LaTeX, May 1992.
+ [23] Chris Rowley. LaTeX2.09 -> LaTeX3: an update. In
+ Mimi Burbank, editor, 1992 Annual Meeting
+ Proceedings, pages 390--391, October 1992.
+ Published as TUGboat 13#3.
+ [24] Reinhard Wonneberger and Frank Mittelbach. BibTeX
+ reconsidered. In Mary Guenther, editor, TeX 90
+ Conference Proceedings, pages 111--124, March 1991.
+ Published as TUGboat 12#1.
+ 16