path: root/info/latex-veryshortguide/veryshortguide.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2020-05-22 03:00:58 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2020-05-22 03:00:58 +0000
commit9ed2be15b632f76247ead6f36a0cbc913057fa48 (patch)
tree0d9b466a92506d0b3b7ca0f9325ed22594fbaa12 /info/latex-veryshortguide/veryshortguide.tex
parentdff9a257a451ee8437fa2f02ebac9bddd6bb8301 (diff)
CTAN sync 202005220300
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-%% The Very Short Guide to Typesetting with \LaTeX{}
-\title{The very short guide to typesetting with~\LaTeX}
-\author{Silmaril Consultants\\
- \textbf{Textual Therapy Division}\\
- \protect\url{}}
-\subsection*{What's this all about? What's \LaTeX?}
-\LaTeX\ is a document preparation system which uses the \TeX\
-typesetting program. It enables you to produce
-publication-quality documents with great accuracy and
-consistency. \LaTeX\ works on any computer and produces
-industry-standard PDF. It is available both in free (open-source)
-and commercial implementations. \LaTeX\ can be used for any kind
-of document, but it is especially suited to those with complex
-structures, repetitive formatting, or notations like
-mathematics\footnote{For reasons of space this guide does not
-cover details of mathematics typesetting.}; or where technical
-stability, dimensional accuracy, or a persistent and
-non-proprietary file format are needed. Install the software from
-\url{} or buy a commercially-supported
-version from one of the vendors (see the list on
-\subsection*{Creating and typesetting your document}
- \item Create your document using any suitable plain-text
- editor with \LaTeX\ controls, eg \textit{\TeX shop}
- (Mac), \textit{\TeX Maker} (Win), \textit{Kile}
- (Linux), \textit{Emacs} (all), even
- \textit{vi}\thinspace!
- \item Save the file with a name ending in \verb+.tex+
- (\emph{never} use spaces in filenames!);
- \item Use the {\small\keys{Build}} or
- {\small\keys{Compile}} toolbar button or menu item in
- your editor to typeset and display the
- document;\label{typeset}
- \item Make any changes needed in your original document
- and repeat step \ref{typeset}.
-\subsection*{Syntax (how to type \LaTeX\ commands --- these
- are the rules)}
- \item \textbf{All \LaTeX\ commands begin with a
- backslash}.\\ \example
- \verb+\tableofcontents+\endexample
- \item \textbf{If a command needs text to work with, it
- goes in curly braces}.\\ \example
- \verb+\title{Irisches Tagebuch}\author{Heinrich Böll}+\endexample
- \item \textbf{If options are used, they go in square
- brackets before the curly braces}.\\ \example
- \verb+\documentclass[a4paper,11pt]{book}+\endexample
- \item \textbf{Spaces after commands \emph{without} braces
- get suppressed}.\\ \example
- \verb+Copyright \copyright␣+\texttt{\number\year}
- \gives{Copyright ©\number\year} \nobox\\ To prevent
- this, put empty curly braces after the
- command:\\ \example
- \verb+Copyright \copyright{}␣+\texttt{\number\year}
- \gives{Copyright ©~\number\year} \yesbox
- \item \textbf{Curly braces are also used to restrict the
- scope of effects inside them}.\\ \example
- \verb+Some {\tiny little} word+ \gives{Some {\tiny
- little} word}
-This guide shows only a tiny fraction of \LaTeX's power. For
-more information, visit the \TeX\ Users Group site
-(\url{}). For help, see the FAQ
-(\url{}), StackExchange
-(\url{}), or the Usenet newsgroup
-\url{comp.text.tex}. For packages (plugins), use CTAN, the
-Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network
-(\url{}). For further details, see
-\citetitle{fi} \parencite{fi} and other online resources.
-\subsection*{Writing a \LaTeX\ document}
-\subsubsection{Basic document structure}
-Here's the skeleton of a \LaTeX\ document. These three lines are
-\textsc{compulsory}: your document will not work without them:
-!comment your Preamble goes here (extra setups, if any)
-!comment your document text goes here
-{\fontsize67\selectfont\sffamily New material in each example is
-shown in {\ttfamily\added blue}; material from previous examples
-is in black. Comments and mnemonics are in
- \item The document class name \textsc{must} be one of the
- standard \verb+book+, \verb+article+, or \verb+report+,
- or one of the many others preinstalled or downloadable
- (eg \verb+thesis+, \verb+memoir+, etc);
- \item There are body type size options \verb+10pt+ (the
- default), \verb+11pt+, and \verb+12pt+;
- \item There are paper size options including
- \verb+a4paper+ (210\thinspace mm$\times$297\thinspace
- mm) and \verb+letterpaper+ (8½$''\times$11$''$) [see
- below].
-\subsubsection{Front matter}
-The \textbf{Preamble} [see above] is where you speci\-fy any
-\textbf{packages} (\LaTeX\ plugins like typefaces or special
-formatting), and where you put any changes to standard features.
-!added\title!comment{your document title!revert}
-!added\author!comment{your name!revert}
-!added\date!comment{date of publication!revert}
-!comment the paragraphs of your abstract go here
-!comment the text of your document goes here
-The title, author, and date \textsc{must} be followed by the
-\verb+\maketitle+ command to be formatted correctly.
-\subsubsection{Body matter}
-\textbf{Leave a blank line between paragraphs} as you type: this
-signals a new paragraph. Spacing is controlled by the
-document class and packages you use. For an unindented,
-line-spaced style, use the \textsf{parskip} package.
-Sections get numbered automatically in bold type, and get included in
-the Table of Contents (if you use it). Numbering can be turned off
-selectively. Section heading layout can be modified with the
-\textsf{sectsty}, \mbox{\textsf{titlesec}}, and other packages.
-!comment (Preamble, titling, and abstract as above)
-!added\chapter!comment{heading of a chapter!revert}
-!comment text for the chapter goes here
-! shown in section \ref{blah}.
-!added\section!comment{heading of a section!revert}
-!added\label{blah} !comment make up name for the label
-!comment text for the section goes here
-!added\chapter!comment{heading of a new chapter!revert}
-!comment text for the new chapter goes here
-There are three types of list: \textbf{itemized} (bulleted), \textbf{enumerated} (numbered
-or lettered), and \textbf{descriptive} (topic-and-explanation
-Like \textsf{document}, these are all \textbf{environments}, using
-\verb+\begin{...}+ and \verb+\end{...}+.
- p{.25\columnwidth}|%
- p{.32\columnwidth}|%
- p{.33\columnwidth}@{}}
- \item 1lb Sugar
- \item ½pt Cream
- \item Chocolate
- \item 2oz Butter
- \item Mix ingredients
- \item Boil to 112°C
- \item Stir and cool
- \item Pour into dish
- \item[Fudge] is fun...
- \item[Broccoli] sucks...
- \item[Exercise] is good
- for you if taken daily
-\item 1lb Sugar
-\item ½pt Cream
-\item Chocolate
-\item 2oz Butter
-\item Mix ingredients
-\item Boil to 112°C
-\item Stir and cool
-\item Pour into dish
-\item[Fudge] is fun but fattening if made too often.
-\item[Broccoli] sucks, period.
-\item[Exercise] is good for you if taken daily and not to extremes.
-You can nest lists inside each other. Use the \textsf{enumitem}
-package to control list formatting.
-For help, see the links on the front and back pages. There is a
-summary of common commands at\\
-and a comprehensive list at
-\paragraph{Tables and figures:}
-These environments \textbf{float} (to fit
-available space). They have \verb+\caption+ and \verb+\label+ commands.
-!added\begin{figure} !comment(see below)
-\caption{Swiss and Dutch Mennonite
- migrations of the 1700s and 1800s}
-!added\centering !comment(centre the contents)
-!added {menno-a}\\ !comment(double backslash for linebreak)
-!added\scriptsize!revert Courtesy of Paul C. Adams,
- Department of Geography and the
- Environment, University of Texas at
- Austin.
-Graphics \textsc{must} be EPS files for standard \LaTeX, but JPG, PNG,
-or PDF for pdf\LaTeX.
- !added\caption{Mean growth rate and intakes
- !added of supplement, milk, and water for 4
- !added diets (after Sherington, J, undated)}
- \label{dietgrowth}
- \centering
- !added\begin{tabular}{|l|r|r|r|r|}
- !added\hline !comment(horizontal line between rows)
- !added&Growth&Supplement&Milk&Water
- !added\\\hline !comment(double backslash for new row)
- !added Supplement&rate&intake&intake&intake
- !added\\\hline
- !added&(g/day)&(g/day)&(ml/kg$^{0.75}$)&
- !added (ml/kg$^{0.75}$)\\\hline
- !added Lucerne &145&450&10.5&144\\\hline
- !added Sesbania&132&476& 9.2&128\\\hline
- !added Leucaena&128&364& 8.9&121\\\hline
- !added None & 89& 0& 9.8&108\\\hline
- !added\end{tabular}
- \fontsize78\selectfont
-\begin{tabular}{@{}|>{\vrule height1em width0pt}l|r|r|r|r|@{}}
-\multicolumn5l{\textbf{Table 2}: \textit{Mean growth rate and intakes
-of supplement,}}\\
-\multicolumn5l{\textit{milk, and water for four diets} (after
- Sherington, J, undated)}\\[6pt]\hline
-\vrule height1.1em width0pt&Growth&Supplement&Milk&Water\\[-1pt]
-&(g/day)&(g/day)&(ml/kg\textsuperscript{\fontsize34\selectfont 0.75})&(ml/kg\textsuperscript{\fontsize34\selectfont 0.75})\\[3pt]\hline
-Lucerne &145&450&10.5&144\\\hline
-Sesbania&132&476& 9.2&128\\\hline
-Leucaena&128&364& 8.9&121\\\hline
-None & 89& 0& 9.8&108\\\hline
-Packages like \textsf{longtable} and \textsf{array} can help
-with more complex table formats.
- \textbf{Figure 1}: \textit{Swiss and Dutch Mennonite migrations of the
- 1700s and 1800s}\\[3pt]
- \ifafive\includegraphics[width=.8\columnwidth]{menno-a}\fi
- \iflegal\includegraphics[width=.7\columnwidth]{menno-a}\fi
- \\\scriptsize
- Courtesy of Paul C. Adams, Department of Geography
- and the Environment, University of Texas at Austin. [1]
-{\ff{lrm}\selectfont The default typeface in \LaTeX\ is Computer
- Modern, like this.}
-\ff{ppl}Palatino&mathpazo&\ff{pag}\scriptsize Avant Garde&avant\\
-\ff{bch}Charter&charter&\ff{pzc}Zapf Chancery&chancery\\
-Dozens of other font packages are available in \TeX\ Live and the \LaTeX\ Font
-Catalogue, including mathematics and decorative fonts. Any
-Postscript Type~1 font can be configured for \LaTeX.
-If you use \XeLaTeX\ and the \textsf{fontspec} package, you can also
-use your computer's system fonts as well as those available
-with \TeX\ Live.
-Commercial implementations of \TeX\ for Windows with business-level
-support are available from Personal \TeX, Inc (PC\TeX); MacKichan
-Software, Inc (Scientific Word); Micropress, Inc (V\TeX), and
-True\TeX\ Software (True\TeX).\label{comm}
-\textsf{Typefaces continued}
-To change font for a word or phrase, use these commands (they can be
-\begin{tabular}{l@{\enspace}>{\ttfamily\char'134 text}l<{\char'173
- Hello\char'175}@{}>{\ \gives\bgroup}l<{Hello\egroup}}
-\verb+{bold+ \iflegal\linebreak\fi\verb+italic sans}}}+
-\gives{\ff{cmss}\textit{\textbf{bold italic sans}}}
-Sizes for titles, headings, footnotes, etc are automatic, but
-there are some step-sizes:
-normalsize&10&11&12\\\hline\vrule height1.1em width0pt
-\rotatebox[origin=c]{90}{\tiny* sizes rounded here to save space}
-For other sizes, add the special command
-{\added\verb+\RequirePackage{fix-cm}+}\iflegal\linebreak\fi \emph{before} the
-\verb+\documentclass+ line and use
-for the point-size (\textit{pp}) and baseline
- Size commands are all \textbf{unscoped} commands, so enclose them \emph{and}
-the applicable text in curly braces to stop them affecting the rest
-of the document.\par}
-For double or 1½ line-spacing (eg in theses) use the \textsf{setspace}
-You can use colour palettes in the RGB, CMYK, HTML, and other
-colourspaces with \iflegal\\\fi the \textsf{xcolor} \ifafive\\\fi
-package and the\hfil
-\\\verb+\color{+\texttt{\textit{name}}\verb+}+ command.
-For verbatim text, use the \verb+\verb+ command or the
-\textsf{verbatim} environment, or (better) the \textsf{listings} or
-\textsf{fancyvrb} packages.
-You do footnotes with \iflegal\\\fi \verb+\footnote(like this}+.\footnote{Like
- this.} Endnotes too.
-\paragraph{Cross-references:}\label{blah} Use the command
-\verb+\label{...}+ to label the target, and \verb+\ref{...}+ or
-\verb+\pageref{...}+ to refer to it. Make up the labels yourself.
-\example{...\ttfamily section \verb+\ref{blah}+ on
- p.\\ \verb+\pageref{blah}+.}\gives{...section \ref{blah} on
- p.\thinspace\pageref{blah}}.
-\paragraph{Citation and reference:} Create your bibliographic database
-in BIB\TeX\ format \parencite{bibtex} using \emph{JabRef} or
-similar. Each entry \textsc{must} have a unique label (here `\verb+fi+'):
-!added title = {Formatting Information},
-!added author = {Peter Flynn},
-!added publisher = {Silmaril},
-!added year = {2016}}
-Use the
-\textsf{biblatex} package to specify the style, and give
-the filename of your database:
-To cite, use \verb+\cite{...}+ (or
-\verb+\textcite+ or \verb+\parencite+) with the relevant label:\\ \example{\verb+\textcite{fi}+}\gives{\textcite{fi}}.
-\subsubsection{Back matter}
-For an index, use the \textsf{makeidx} package and the
-\verb+\makeindex+ command with the \verb+\index{...}+
-and \verb+\printindex+ commands and the \textsf{makeindex} program.
-For information about \LaTeX\ training and consutancy, please contact
-Silmaril at \url{}