path: root/info/latex-samples
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/latex-samples
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/latex-samples')
-rw-r--r--info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/MemoirChapStyles.pdfbin0 -> 1838805 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/latex-samples/TitlePages/titlepages.pdfbin0 -> 1001597 bytes
6 files changed, 4886 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/MemoirChapStyles.pdf b/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/MemoirChapStyles.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e96fde6212
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/MemoirChapStyles.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/MemoirChapStyles.tex b/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/MemoirChapStyles.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..304c557b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/MemoirChapStyles.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1407 @@
+%% This file can be distributed and/or modified under the
+%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
+%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
+%% The latest version of this license is in
+%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+%% version 2003/12/01 or later.
+%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status "maintained".
+%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Lars Madsen (
+%% $LastChangedDate: 2012-04-11 14:02:16 +0200 (Wed, 11 Apr 2012) $
+%% $LastChangedRevision: 1483 $
+\let\clearforchapter\par % cheating, but saves some space
+\chapter{A chapter title}
+Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel,
+wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at,
+lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec aliquet, tortor sed
+accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio metus
+a mi.
+\chapter*{A non-numbered chapter title}
+Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel,
+wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at,
+lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec aliquet, tortor sed
+accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio metus
+a mi. \thispagestyle{empty}
+# licensed under the GPL, by Lars Madsen, 2008/03/25
+use Getopt::Long;
+my $f = '';
+my $k = '';
+my $p = '';
+my $tmppdf = 'tmp.pdf';
+my $postfix = '-style';
+GetOptions('f:s' => \$f,'k:s' => \$k,'p:s' => \$p);
+my @styles = ();
+my %pages = ();
+print <<END if ! $f;
+ $0 -f MemoirChapStyles.styles
+exit if ! $f;
+if ( $k ) { compile_file("$k$postfix"); exit ;}
+open my $file ,'<', $f or die "Cannot open '$f': $!";
+for my $l (<$file>) {
+ chomp $l;
+ next if $l =~ /^\s*$/;
+ if ( $l =~ / page/ ) {
+ ($Page) = ( $l =~ / page (.*)/ ) ;
+ $l =~ s/ page.*//;
+ $pages{$l} = $Page;
+ }
+ push @styles,$l;
+close $file;
+for my $style ( @styles ) {
+ compile_file($style);
+print "done\n\n";
+sub compile_file {
+ my $style = shift;
+ my @tmp = ();
+ system("pdflatex", "$style.tex") == 0 or warn "$!";
+ system("pdfcrop", "$style.pdf","$tmppdf") == 0 or warn "$!";
+ system("mv", "$tmppdf","$style.pdf") == 0 or warn "$!";
+ if ( $pages{$style} || $p ) {
+ @tmp = split /\,/, $pages{$style} ? $pages{$style} : $p ;
+ for my $p ( @tmp ) {
+ system("pdftops", "-eps","-f","$p","-l","$p", "$style.pdf", "$style-$p.eps" ) == 0 or warn "$!";
+ warn "Created $style-$p.eps\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ system("pdftops", "-eps", "$style.pdf") == 0 or warn "$!";
+ }
+ print "Done converting $style.pdf\n";
+ return;
+\def\MyFileVersion{Version 1.7e, 2012/04/11}
+ calc,
+ graphicx,
+ url,
+ fancyvrb,
+ multicol,
+ kvsetkeys
+ framesep=3mm,
+ framerule=3pt,
+ fontsize=\small,
+ rulecolor=\color{myorange},
+ formatcom=\color{DarkGreen},
+ \newoutputstream{OutputStyle}%
+ \openoutputfile{\jobname.styles}{StyleList}
+ \xdef\CurrentChapterStyle{#1}%
+\define@key{MCS}{pages}{%\typeout{xxx: #1}
+ \global\@namedef{MCS@pages@\CurrentChapterStyle}{#1}%
+\define@key{MCS}{trim}{%\typeout{xxx: #1}
+ \global\@namedef{MCS@trim@\CurrentChapterStyle}{#1}%
+\def\defaulttrim{0 0 0 0}
+ \kvsetkeys{MCS}{#1}%
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+ \fi%
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+ \ifSCS@full%
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+ \protect\let\protect\STARTCODE\relax^^J%
+ \protect\let\protect\STOPCODE\relax^^J%
+ \protect\STARTCODE%
+ }%
+ \else%
+ \addtostream{OutputStyle}{%
+ \protect\documentclass{memoir}^^J%
+ \protect\let\protect\STARTCODE\relax^^J%
+ \protect\let\protect\STOPCODE\relax^^J%
+ \protect\STARTCODE%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \writeverbatim{OutputStyle}%
+ \endwriteverbatim\relax%
+ \ifSCS@full%
+ \addtostream{OutputStyle}{%
+ \protect\STOPCODE%
+ }
+ \else%
+ \addtostream{OutputStyle}{%
+ \protect\chapterstyle{\CurrentChapterStyle}^^J%
+ \protect\STOPCODE^^J%
+ \protect\setlength\afterchapskip{\onelineskip}^^J%
+ \protect\setlength\beforechapskip{\onelineskip}^^J%
+ \protect\usepackage{lipsum}^^J%
+ \protect\begin{document}^^J%
+ \protect\input{chapterexample.tex}^^J%
+ \protect\end{document}%
+ }%
+ \fi%
+ \closeoutputstream{OutputStyle}%
+ \edef\FancyVerbStartString{\string\STARTCODE}%
+ \edef\FancyVerbStopString{\string\STOPCODE}%
+ \vskip\z@\@plus\bottomsectionskip
+ \penalty\z@
+ \vskip\z@\@plus -\bottomsectionskip
+ \phantomsection
+ \addcontentsline{toc}{section}{\CurrentChapterStyle}
+ \VerbatimInput[label={\small Source for the \textsf{\CurrentChapterStyle} style}]{\CurrentChapterStyle-style.tex}%%
+ \par\noindent%
+ \IfFileExists{\CurrentChapterStyle\OutputStylePostfix.pdf}{%
+ \fboxsep=4pt%
+ \begin{adjustwidth}{-\fboxsep-\fboxrule}{-\fboxsep-\fboxrule}%
+% \begin{framed}%
+ \@ifundefined{MCS@pages@\CurrentChapterStyle}{%
+ \fcolorbox{felineframe}{felinesrcbgcolor}{%
+ \includegraphics[width=\textwidth,clip]{%
+ \CurrentChapterStyle\OutputStylePostfix}}%
+ }{%
+ \edef\nisse{\@nameuse{MCS@pages@\CurrentChapterStyle}}
+ \@for\ITEM:=\nisse\do{
+ \ifpdf%
+ \fcolorbox{felineframe}{felinesrcbgcolor}{\includegraphics%
+ [width=\textwidth,page=\ITEM,clip]%
+ {\CurrentChapterStyle\OutputStylePostfix}}%
+ \else%
+ \fcolorbox{felineframe}{felinesrcbgcolor}{\includegraphics%
+ [width=\textwidth,clip]%
+ {\CurrentChapterStyle\OutputStylePostfix-\ITEM}}%
+ \fi%
+ \bigskip%
+ \fancybreak{$***$}%
+ \bigskip
+ }%
+ }%
+% \end{framed}%
+ \end{adjustwidth}
+ }{\fbox{File \CurrentChapterStyle-style.* does not exist}}
+ \vskip1em plus 1em minus -.5em\noindent%
+% the two actual environments, the stared one will let you add entire
+% documents, while the unstared one will only display sniplets
+\renewcommand\cs[1]{\texttt{\textbackslash #1}}
+ \vskip.5\onelineskip%
+ \begin{adjustwidth}{0pt}{0pt}
+ \parindent=0pt%
+ \obeylines%
+ \let\\=\relax%
+ }{%
+ \end{adjustwidth}%
+ \vskip.5\onelineskip%
+ \vskip.5\onelineskip%
+ \begin{adjustwidth}{0pt}{0pt}
+ \parindent=0pt%
+ }{%
+ \end{adjustwidth}%
+ \vskip.5\onelineskip%
+\title{Various chapter styles for the memoir class\thanks{\MyFileVersion}}
+\author{Lars Madsen\thanks{Email: \protect\url{}}}
+The main idea behind this document is to demonstrate various either
+contributed or inspired chapter styles for the memoir class.
+If you have style you would like to contribute a style/implementation,
+please send it with a minimal example to \url{}
+and I will include it into this document.
+\noindent The visual examples you will find later in this document
+have all been made using external documents and included as images
+(eps or pdf). As such, all images are scaled to have the same width as
+the text in this document, therefore some images are scaled down.
+Also, please do not trust the spacing between the chapter title and
+the start of the following text. This \verb+\afterchapskip+-spacing is
+silently reduced (to \verb+\onelineskip+) in order to save space, the
+same goes for \verb+\beforechapskip+.
+In any good chapter style design one should have given a thought at
+both the normal numbered style as well as the unnumbered
+style. Therefore the example text features both a numbered chapter and
+an unnumbered. (I have relaxed \verb+\clearforchapter+ in order to
+have both on the same side.)
+The sample text used is
+If you want to use one of the styles presented in this document,
+then there is no need to start retyping it all your self. Simply
+download the source for this document (\texttt{\jobname.tex}) from
+\url{}. Run it
+once through \LaTeX, then you will
+get a file called \Arg{Name of style}\texttt{-style.tex}, which is the
+source code for example displaying that particular style. Then just
+copy the code from there.
+Please note that in the code you will find stuff like
+This code can just be removed, it is used by this document as an easy
+manner to include certain parts of a given source code.
+Acknowledgement goes (of course) to Peter Wilson for creating the
+memoir class in the first place. But also to the people who
+contributed with styles or comments: Danie Els, David Chadd, Pluton
+(name used on \textsc{ctt}), Erik Quaeghebeur, Donald Arseneau plus
+the those who posted memoir chapter styles on news groups, I hope it
+is okay that I include them here.
+Have a look at the chapter styles offered by \texttt{fncychap} and
+ \tableofcontents*
+\chapter{A little background}
+As you might already know the memoir class includes a feature to
+switch the look and feel of a chapter title on a chapter to chapter
+basis. This is achieved by using \verb+\chapterstyle+\Arg*{style}. The
+most extreme use of this is seen in \emph{The Memoir class For
+ Configurable Typesetting -- User Guide} by Peter Wilson, also know
+as the \emph{Memoir manual}, \cite{memman}.
+In general, \LaTeX\ classes use \verb+\@makechapterhead+ to print a
+chapter title specified my \verb|chapter|, and
+\verb+\@makeschapterhead+ for \verb+\chapter*+. In memoir Peter Wilson
+made these two macros a bit more flexible than usual. The idea is
+that for numbered chapters (i.e. \verb+\chapter+ and
+$\texttt{secnumdepth}\geq\nobreak 0$) one should think of the chapter title as
+build by:
+\printchaptername \chapternamenum \printchapternum
+\printchaptertitle{The title}
+For unnumbered (i.e. \verb+\chapter*+ and \verb+\chapter+ width
+\printchaptertitle{The title}
+Note that \verb+\printchaptertitle+ is the only macro that takes an
+argument. At the start of every memoir chapter style these macros are
+initialised to
+\renewcommand\printchaptername{\chapnamefont \@chapapp}
+\renewcommand\printchapternum{\chapnumfont \thechapter}
+\renewcommand\afterchapternum{\par\nobreak\vskip \midchapskip}
+\renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{\chaptitlefont #1}
+\renewcommand\afterchaptertitle{\par\nobreak\vskip \afterchapskip}
+In the design og these styles it is also worth noting that the
+contents of \verb|\afterchapternum| is not included within
+\verb|\printchapternonum|, which become important when designing the
+non-numbered part of the style. If one does not remember to add say
+\verb|\par\nobreak\vskip \midchapskip| or similar to
+\verb|\printchapternonum| the title part may be placed differently
+when there is no number.
+One might ask what \verb+\printchapternonum+ is good for when it is
+always initialised to nothing. Well if a design need to one could use
+it to insert a phantom width as wide as the chapter name plus number
+would have been. If on the other hand one is creating a style where
+the chapter name and number is actually typeset using
+\verb+\printchaptertitle+ (like a framed one) then one could first
+define a new if construction, say, \verb+\ifNoChapNum+ and then let
+\verb+\printchapternonum+ set this to true and so on.
+So one just have to change the ones one need. There are a few other
+macros that are nice to know the meaning of. Remember that these are
+\emph{not} reset at the start of a new chapter style.
+\item[beforechapskip] length, self explanatory,usually set using
+ \verb+\chapterheadstart+, default 50pt
+\item[midchapskip] length, distance between the chapter name / number and the
+title, usually set using \verb+\afterchapternum+, default 20pt
+\item[afterchapskip] length, distance between the chapter title and
+ the following text, usually set using \verb+\afterchaptertitle+,
+ default 40pt
+\item[chapnamefont] the font setting used for \emph{Chapter} or
+ similar, default \verb+\normalfont\huge\bfseries+
+\item[chapnumfont] same for the chapter number, default
+ \verb+\normalfont\huge\bfseries+
+\item[chaptitlefont] same for the chapter title, default
+ \verb+\normalfont\Huge\bfseries+
+In memoir a new chapter style is defined as
+Where \Arg{code} is redefinitions of the macros mentioned
+above. (Remember that if you redefine\linebreak \verb+\printchaptertitle+ then
+you have to use \texttt{\#\#1} to represent the title.)
+Activating a given style is done by simply issuing
+ \cs{chapterstyle}\Arg*{name}
+By the way, if you happen to like a given style but wanted to, say,
+add color to the chapter title, you could just refine
+\verb+\chaptitlefont+ after you have issued \verb+\chapterstyle+. (Even
+simpler to just use \verb+\addtodef\chaptitlefont{}{\color{nicered}}+.)
+As a simple example, here is the code for the \texttt{section} chapter
+\begin{Verbatim}[label={Source code for the \textsf{section} chapter style}]
+ \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{}
+ \renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{}
+ \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\normalfont\Huge\bfseries}
+ \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter\space}
+ \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{}
+\chapter{Styles included in memoir}
+First we have the six default chapterstyles in the memoir class. The
+source code for these can be found in \texttt{memoir.cls}.
+If you want to use this in a different lanugage, then that a look at
+the implementation in the memoir source. You will need your own
+version of \cs{numtoName}
+As with \texttt{demo}, you will need to define your own suitable
+version of \cs{numtoName}
+The idea behind \emph{veelo} is that the black marker is printed to
+the edge of the page and one is then able to see the star of the
+chapter by just looking at the edge of the book.
+\chapter{Found or contributed styles}
+Please note that most of the styles that were mentioned here in
+earlier versions of this document, are now a part of memoir and
+therefore removed.
+By Alexander Grebenkov 2004/11/25, found via Google Groups on
+ \makechapterstyle{AlexanderGrebenkov}{%
+ \renewcommand{\chapterheadstart}{\vspace*{\beforechapskip}\hrule\medskip}
+ \renewcommand{\chapnamefont}{\normalfont\large\scshape}
+ \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\normalfont\large\scshape}
+ \renewcommand{\chaptitlefont}{\normalfont\large\scshape}
+ \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{\S}
+ \renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{ }
+ \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{\chapnumfont \thechapter}
+ \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{. }
+ \renewcommand{\afterchaptertitle}{\par\nobreak\medskip\hrule\vskip
+ \sbox\feline@chapter{%
+ \resizebox{!}{#1}{\fboxsep=1pt%
+ \colorbox{nicered}{\color{white}\bfseries\sffamily\thechapter}%
+ }}%
+ \rotatebox{90}{%
+ \resizebox{%
+ \heightof{\usebox{\feline@chapter}}+\depthof{\usebox{\feline@chapter}}}%
+ {!}{\scshape\so\@chapapp}}\quad%
+ \raisebox{\depthof{\usebox{\feline@chapter}}}{\usebox{\feline@chapter}}%
+ \sbox\feline@chapter{\feline@chapter@marker[#1]}%
+ \makebox[0pt][l]{% aka \rlap
+ \makebox[1cm][r]{\usebox\feline@chapter}%
+ }}
+ \renewcommand\chapnamefont{\normalfont\Large\scshape\raggedleft\so}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\normalfont\huge\bfseries\scshape\color{nicered}}
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{\null\hfill\feline@chm[2.5cm]\par}
+ \renewcommand\afterchapternum{\par\vskip\midchapskip}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{\chaptitlefont\raggedleft ##1\par}
+Style build upon \texttt{VZ15b}, see later.
+ \ifcase#1\relax % case 0
+ \or First\or Second\or Third%
+ \else Not implemented\fi}
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\chapnamefont{\small\itshape\centering}
+ \setlength\midchapskip{7pt}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{%
+ \par\chapnamefont\decofourleft\enspace%
+ \ifanappendix
+ \appendixname\space\thechapter%
+ \else%
+ \MyNumToName{\thechapter}\space\chaptername%
+ \fi%
+ \/\enspace\decofourright}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{\par\felinenonumtrue}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\huge\itshape\centering}
+ \renewcommand\afterchapternum{%
+ \par\nobreak\vskip-5pt%
+ }
+ \renewcommand\afterchaptertitle{%
+ \par\vskip-2\midchapskip%
+ \rule\textwidth\normalrulethickness
+ \felinenonumfalse
+ \nobreak\vskip\afterchapskip%
+ }
+Danie Els contributed the following style along with the BlueBox style
+on page \pageref{BlueBox}.
+\usepackage{fourier}%................... Roman+math - Utopia
+\usepackage[scaled=.92]{helvet}%........ Sans serif - Helvetica
+\newcommand{\LargeFont}{% Needs a 'stretchable' font
+ \usefont{\encodingdefault}{\rmdefault}{b}{n}%
+ \fontsize{60}{80}\selectfont\color{ChapGrey}}
+ \renewcommand{\chapnamefont}{\large\sffamily\bfseries\itshape}
+ \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\LargeFont}
+ \renewcommand{\chaptitlefont}{\Huge\sffamily\bfseries\itshape}
+ \setlength{\beforechapskip}{0pt}
+ \setlength{\midchapskip}{40pt}
+ \setlength{\afterchapskip}{60pt}
+ \renewcommand\chapterheadstart{\vspace*{\beforechapskip}}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{%
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}c@{}}
+ \chapnamefont \@chapapp\\}
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{\noalign{\vskip 2ex}}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{\chapnumfont\thechapter\par}
+ \renewcommand\afterchapternum{%
+ \end{tabular}
+ \par\nobreak\vskip\midchapskip}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{%
+ {\chaptitlefont{##1}\par}}
+ \renewcommand\afterchaptertitle{\par\nobreak\vskip \afterchapskip}
+Danie notes:
+ \itshape
+ This looks a lot better with real italics sans-serif
+ fonts such as Lucida Sans\\
+ \verb|\usepackage[expert,vargreek]{lucidabr}%.. Lucida Bright + Expert (commercial)|
+ \\
+ or Myrad\\
+ \verb|\usepackage{charter}%........... Roman - Charter|\\
+ \verb|\renewcommand{\sfdefault}{fmy}%. Sans serif - Myrad (Springer bundle)|
+This next style is inspired by a mail I recieved from Erik
+Quaeghebeur. It took me a little while to actually get this working as
+I wanted it to, partly because apparently there is a small issue
+regarding \cs{thispagestyle} and \cs{pagestyle} as to which
+\cs{chaptermark} gets used (I got around this by using the
+\texttt{afterpage} package). This style is designed to be used with
+\texttt{openleft} (i.e. chapters starting on even pages). And since
+the design uses pagestyles, we need to show several seperate pages.
+% chapterpage layout
+ \normalfont\bfseries\thepage}{}{%
+ \ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\m@ne%
+ \ifNoChapNum%
+ \raisebox{-4.5pt}[0pt][0pt]{\chapnamefont \rightmark}%
+ \else%
+ \raisebox{-4.5pt}[0pt][0pt]{\chapnamefont\@chapapp\ \thechapter}%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \raisebox{-4.5pt}[0pt][0pt]{\chapnamefont\rightmark}%
+ \fi%
+ }
+% build in the shorter headline
+ \ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\m@ne%
+ \ifNoChapNum%
+ \settowidth\@tempdimc{\quad\chapnamefont\rightmark}%
+ \else%
+ \settowidth\@tempdimc{\quad\chapnamefont\@chapapp\ \thechapter}%
+ \fi%
+ \else%
+ \settowidth\@tempdimc{\quad\chapnamefont\rightmark}%
+ \fi%
+ \setlength\@tempdimc{\headwidth-\@tempdimc}%
+ \hrule\@width \@tempdimc\@height \normalrulethickness \vskip-\normalrulethickness%
+ \renewcommand{\chapnamefont}{\raggedleft\bfseries\huge}
+ \renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{%
+ \ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\m@ne%
+ \ifNoChapNum\else\chaptitlefont ##1\fi%
+ \fi%
+ \ifNoChapNum%
+ \markboth{##1}{##1}%
+ \fi%
+ \afterpage{\global\NoChapNumfalse}%
+ }
+ \renewcommand\afterchapternum{}
+ \renewcommand\afterchaptertitle{%
+ \ifnum \c@secnumdepth>\m@ne%
+ \ifNoChapNum\else\par\nobreak\vskip\afterchapskip\fi%
+ \fi}
+ \setlength\beforechapskip{15pt}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{\global\NoChapNumtrue}
+ \renewcommand{\chaptitlefont}{\raggedleft\normalfont\Huge\bfseries}
+Some text at the beginning of a chapter. And we add a lot of text to
+make sure that it spans more than one line.
+\chapter{A chapter title}
+Some text at the beginning of a chapter. And we add a lot of text to
+make sure that it spans more than one line.
+\chapter*{A non-numbered chapter title}
+Some text at the beginning of a chapter. And we add a lot of text to
+make sure that it spans more than one line.
+Remember that the line you see is actually the header.
+This next style is a modified version of a style requested on a danish
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{\chapternonumtrue}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\fontfamily{pbk}\fontseries{db}%
+ \fontshape{n}\fontsize{25}{35}\selectfont\raggedleft}
+ \renewcommand\chapnumfont{\fontfamily{pbk}\fontseries{m}\fontshape{n}%
+ \fontsize{1in}{0in}\selectfont\color{numbercolor}}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{%
+ \noindent%
+ \ifchapternonum%
+ \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{X}%
+ {\parbox[b]{\linewidth}{\chaptitlefont ##1}%
+ \vphantom{\raisebox{-15pt}{\chapnumfont 1}}}
+ \end{tabularx}%
+ \else
+ \begin{tabularx}{\textwidth}{Xl}
+ {\parbox[b]{\linewidth}{\chaptitlefont ##1}}
+ & \raisebox{-15pt}{\chapnumfont \thechapter}%
+ \end{tabularx}%
+ \fi
+ \par\vskip2mm\hrule
+ }
+This next style originates from
+\url{} and
+thus makes this interesting style available for memoir users.
+% helper macros
+\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
+ \node[yshift=-3cm] at (current page.north west)
+ {\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+ \draw[fill=LightSkyBlue] (0,0) rectangle
+ (\stockwidth,3cm);
+ \node[anchor=east,xshift=.9\stockwidth,rectangle,
+ rounded corners=20pt,inner sep=11pt,
+ fill=MidnightBlue]
+ {\color{white}\chapnamefont\thechapter\space #1};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
+ \node[yshift=-3cm] at (current page.north west)
+ {\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+ \draw[fill=LightSkyBlue] (0,0) rectangle
+ (\stockwidth,3cm);
+ \node[anchor=east,xshift=.9\stockwidth,rectangle,
+ rounded corners=20pt,inner sep=11pt,
+ fill=MidnightBlue]
+ {\color{white}\chapnamefont#1};
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ };
+ \end{tikzpicture}
+ \renewcommand\chapnamefont{\normalfont\sffamily\Huge\bfseries}
+ \renewcommand\chapnumfont{\normalfont\sffamily\Huge\bfseries}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\normalfont\sffamily\Huge\bfseries}
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{}
+ \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{\global\numberedchapfalse}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{%
+ \ifnumberedchap
+ \ChapWithNumber{##1}
+ \else
+ \ChapWithoutNumber{##1}
+ \fi
+ \global\numberedchaptrue
+ }
+\aliaspagestyle{chapter}{empty} % just to save some space
+\chapter{A chapter title}
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus
+elit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur
+dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer id,
+vulputate a, magna.
+\chapter*{A non-numbered chapter title}
+Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel,
+wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at,
+lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec aliquet, tortor sed
+accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio metus
+a mi.
+In reality, the blue box, covers the with of the paper, but do not
+extend to the top op the paper, leaving a white ribbon.
+Here is a variation over the \texttt{texblogtikz} style, provided by
+Verliya Gadis. Note that the text is being cut off on the right due to
+the process used to create the sample images..
+\setkeys{Gin}{trim=0 16cm 0 0}
+% helper macros
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
+ \node[yshift=-3cm] at (current page.north west)
+ {\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+ \draw[fill=gray!30!white] (0,-26) rectangle (5,5)
+ (\stockwidth,3cm);
+ \node[anchor=north,xshift=6cm,rectangle,
+ rounded corners=20pt,inner sep=11pt,
+ fill=gray]
+ {\color{white}\chapnamefont\thechapter\space #1};
+ \end{tikzpicture}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}}
+ \begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
+ \node[yshift=-3cm] at (current page.north west)
+ {\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture, overlay]
+ \draw[fill=gray!30!white] (0,-26) rectangle (5,5)
+ (\stockwidth,3cm);
+ \node[anchor=north,xshift=6cm,rectangle,
+ rounded corners=20pt,inner sep=11pt,
+ fill=gray]{\color{white}\chapnamefont#1};
+ \end{tikzpicture}};
+ \end{tikzpicture}}
+ \renewcommand\chapnamefont{\normalfont\sffamily\Huge\bfseries}
+ \renewcommand\chapnumfont{\normalfont\sffamily\Huge\bfseries}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\normalfont\sffamily\Huge\bfseries}
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{}
+ \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{\global\numberedchapfalse}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{%
+ \ifnumberedchap\ChapWithNumber{##1}\else\ChapWithoutNumber{##1}\fi
+ \global\numberedchaptrue
+ }
+\aliaspagestyle{chapter}{empty} % just to save some space
+\chapter{A chapter title}
+Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Ut purus
+elit, vestibulum ut, placerat ac, adipiscing vitae, felis. Curabitur
+dictum gravida mauris. Nam arcu libero, nonummy eget, consectetuer id,
+vulputate a, magna.
+\chapter*{A non-numbered chapter title}
+Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel,
+wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at,
+lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec aliquet, tortor sed
+accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio metus
+a mi.
+I made this next style for a book project to be published in Aarhus
+University Press. The author requested a style without the word
+\emph{Chapter}, and I'd like to do something slightly different,
+something that might be useful for Bachelors projects and other
+similar student projects. In this particular book, chapter titles are
+at most two lines. So the design is made such that if it is two lines
+then the second line stand on the same baseline as the number.
+As it is for a book project the specific design depends on the font
+used, the font size, and the line spread.
+Since this is a style without the word \emph{Chapter}, it is of course
+a good idea to remove this from the headers. Here is an easy example
+showing how to do this with the default page style:
+ \createmark{chapter}{both}{shownumber}{}{. \ }
+% helper macros
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{\raggedleft}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{%
+ \begingroup%
+ \leavevmode%
+ \chapnumfont%
+ \strut%
+ \numlifter{\thechapter}%
+ \numindent%
+ \endgroup%
+ }
+ \renewcommand*{\printchapternonum}{%
+ \vphantom{\begingroup%
+ \leavevmode%
+ \chapnumfont%
+ \numlifter{\vphantom{9}}%
+ \numindent%
+ \endgroup}
+ \afterchapternum}
+ \setlength\midchapskip{0pt}
+ \setlength\beforechapskip{0.5\baselineskip}
+ \setlength{\afterchapskip}{3\baselineskip}
+ \renewcommand\chapnumfont{%
+ \fontsize{4cm}{0cm}%
+ \bfseries%
+ \sffamily%
+ \color{chaptercolor}%
+ }
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{%
+ \normalfont%
+ \huge%
+ \bfseries%
+ \raggedleft%
+ }%
+ \settototalheight\chaptertitleboxheight{%
+ \parbox{\textwidth}{\chaptitlefont \strut bg\\bg\strut}}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{%
+ \parbox[t][\chaptertitleboxheight][t]{\textwidth}{%
+ %\microtypesetup{protrusion=false}% add this if you use microtype
+ \chaptitlefont\strut ##1\strut}%
+ }
+\aliaspagestyle{chapter}{empty} % just to save some space
+\let\clearforchapter\par % cheating, but saves some space
+\chapter{A chapter title}
+Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel,
+wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at,
+lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec aliquet, tortor sed
+accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio metus
+a mi.
+\chapter*{A non-numbered chapter title}
+Nam dui ligula, fringilla a, euismod sodales, sollicitudin vel,
+wisi. Morbi auctor lorem non justo. Nam lacus libero, pretium at,
+lobortis vitae, ultricies et, tellus. Donec aliquet, tortor sed
+accumsan bibendum, erat ligula aliquet magna, vitae ornare odio metus
+a mi.
+\chapter{Vincent Zoonekynd}
+Some time ago Vincent Zoonekynd published a long list of general
+chapter styles for \LaTeX, see
+In this section we implement several of these styles. Special thanks
+to Danie Els for the BlueBox style (aka VZ39).
+The styles are named after Vincent Zoonekynd (VZ) and the number on
+the mentioned page.
+\newcommand\thickhrulefill{\leavevmode \leaders \hrule height 1ex \hfill \kern \z@}
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\chapnamefont{\Large\scshape}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{%
+ \chapnamefont\null\thickhrulefill\quad
+ \@chapapp\space\thechapter\quad\thickhrulefill}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{%
+ \par\thickhrulefill\par\vskip\midchapskip
+ \hrule\vskip\midchapskip
+ }
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\Huge\scshape\centering}
+ \renewcommand\afterchapternum{%
+ \par\nobreak\vskip\midchapskip\hrule\vskip\midchapskip}
+ \renewcommand\afterchaptertitle{%
+ \par\vskip\midchapskip\hrule\nobreak\vskip\afterchapskip}
+Variation over VZ15.
+ \ifcase#1\relax % case 0
+ \or First\or Second\or Third%
+ \else Not implemented\fi}
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\chapnamefont{\Large\scshape}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{%
+ \chapnamefont\null\hfill\mylleaf\quad
+ \MyNumToName{\thechapter}\space\@chapapp\quad\myrleaf\hfill\null}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{%
+ \par\hrule\vskip\midchapskip}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\Huge\scshape\centering}
+ \renewcommand\afterchapternum{%
+ \par\nobreak\vskip\midchapskip\hrule\vskip\midchapskip}
+ \renewcommand\afterchaptertitle{%
+ \par\vskip\midchapskip\hrule\nobreak\vskip\afterchapskip}
+Though I believe this style would look better without the lines.
+Variation over VZ21. Note the use of two different tabulars depending
+upon the length of the title. Also note that we use the build-in
+booktabs rules, and note that the thickness of these rules can be
+individually adjusted.
+ \renewcommand\chapnamefont{\Large\scshape}
+ \renewcommand\chapnumfont{\Large\scshape\centering}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\huge\bfseries\centering}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{%
+ \setlength\tabcolsep{7pt}% used as indentation on both sides
+ \settowidth\@tempdimc{\chaptitlefont ##1}%
+ \setlength\@tempdimc{\textwidth-\@tempdimc-2\tabcolsep}%
+ \chaptitlefont
+ \ifdim\@tempdimc > 0pt\relax% one line
+ \begin{tabular}{c}
+ \toprule ##1\\ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \else% two+ lines
+ \begin{tabular}{%
+ >{\chaptitlefont\arraybackslash}p{\textwidth-2\tabcolsep}}
+ \toprule ##1\\ \bottomrule
+ \end{tabular}
+ \fi
+ }
+Next up is VZ23.
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\chapnumfont{\Huge\bfseries\centering}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\Huge\scshape\centering}
+ \renewcommand\afterchapternum{%
+ \par\nobreak\vskip\midchapskip\hrule\vskip\midchapskip}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{%
+ \vphantom{\chapnumfont \thechapter}
+ \par\nobreak\vskip\midchapskip\hrule\vskip\midchapskip}
+A variation over VZ34 (in the original the first cell in the tabular
+adjusts to the width of the chapter number, here it does not).
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{}
+ \renewcommand\chapnumfont{\Huge\bfseries}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\Huge\bfseries\raggedright}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{%
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{1cm}|!{\quad}p{\textwidth-1cm-2em-4\tabcolsep }}
+ \ifNoChapNumber\relax\else\chapnumfont \thechapter\fi
+ & \chaptitlefont ##1
+ \end{tabular}
+ \NoChapNumberfalse
+ }
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{\NoChapNumbertrue}
+Variation over VZ39, contributed by Danie Els.\label{BlueBox}
+\usepackage{fourier} % or what ever
+\usepackage[scaled=.92]{helvet}%. Sans serif - Helvetica
+ \leavevmode\leaders\hrule height 1\p@ \hfill \kern \z@}
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}c@{}}
+ \makebox[0pt][c]{#1\strut} \\[.5ex]
+ \colorbox{ChapBlue}{%
+ \rule[-10em]{0pt}{0pt}%
+ \rule{1ex}{0pt}\color{black}#2\strut
+ \rule{1ex}{0pt}}%
+ \end{tabular}}
+ \renewcommand{\chapnamefont}{\large\scshape}
+ \renewcommand{\chapnumfont}{\Huge\bfseries}
+ \renewcommand{\chaptitlefont}{\raggedright\Huge\bfseries}
+ \setlength{\beforechapskip}{20pt}
+ \setlength{\midchapskip}{26pt}
+ \setlength{\afterchapskip}{40pt}
+ \renewcommand{\printchaptername}{}
+ \renewcommand{\chapternamenum}{}
+ \renewcommand{\printchapternum}{%
+ \sbox{\ChpNumBox}{%
+ \BuildChpNum{\chapnamefont\@chapapp}%
+ {\chapnumfont\thechapter}}}
+ \renewcommand{\printchapternonum}{%
+ \sbox{\ChpNumBox}{%
+ \BuildChpNum{\chapnamefont\vphantom{\@chapapp}}%
+ {\chapnumfont\hphantom{\thechapter}}}}
+ \renewcommand{\afterchapternum}{}
+ \renewcommand{\printchaptertitle}[1]{%
+ \usebox{\ChpNumBox}\hfill
+ \parbox[t]{\hsize-\wd\ChpNumBox-1em}{%
+ \vspace{\midchapskip}%
+ \thickhrulefill\par
+ \chaptitlefont ##1\par}}%
+Style inspired by VZ43
+ \def\VL{\rule[-2cm]{1pt}{5cm}\hspace{1mm}\relax}
+ \renewcommand\chapternamenum{}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptername{}
+ \renewcommand\printchapternum{}
+ \renewcommand\chapnumfont{\Huge\bfseries\centering}
+ \renewcommand\chaptitlefont{\Huge\bfseries\raggedright}
+ \renewcommand\printchaptertitle[1]{%
+ \Vlines\hspace*{-2em}%
+ \begin{tabular}{@{}p{1cm} p{\textwidth-3cm}}%
+ \ifNoChapNumber\relax\else%
+ \colorbox{black}{\color{white}%
+ \makebox[.8cm]{\chapnumfont\strut \thechapter}}
+ \fi
+ & \chaptitlefont ##1
+ \end{tabular}
+ \NoChapNumberfalse
+ }
+ \renewcommand\printchapternonum{\NoChapNumbertrue}
+\bibitem{memman} Peter Wilson, \emph{The Memoir Class for Configurable
+ Typesetting -- User Guide}, 2010.
+\bibitem{VZ} Vincent Zoonekynd. On-line list of different chapter
+ styles for \LaTeX. Available at
+ \url{}.
+%%% Local Variables:
+%%% mode: latex
+%%% TeX-master: t
+%%% End:
diff --git a/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/README b/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da425577ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/latex-samples/MemoirChapStyles/README
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+% (C) Lars Madsen,, 2012/04/11
+% This material is subject to the LaTeX Project Public License.
+% See
+% for the details of that license.
+The main idea behind this document is to demonstrate various either
+contributed or inspired chapter styles for the memoir class.
+If you have style you would like to contribute a style/implementation,
+please send it with a minimal example to
+and I will include it into this document.
+Memoir Chapter style Showcase -- README
+The showcase source consists of one single file that includes
+everything needed to compile the document.
+MemoirChapStyles.tex -- source code
+MemoirChapStyles.pdf -- compiled showcase
+README -- this document
+1.7e Added two new chapter styles, verly and hansen
+1.7b An automatec build seems to have cropped a bit too much in
+ the TiKz example, fixed
+1.7 Back in sync with the current memoir. Also added a TiKz based
+ style found online.
+1.6 Added the jenor style, and prepared for a CTAN release.
+1.5 A new mempatch version has been released including several new
+ chapter styles, this document has been changed acordingly.
+ You can use this as a preview for these styles.
+1.4c: Added demo2 from the comming new version of Memoir Addendum, and
+ also added the the daleif3 style
+1.4b: Sample text bugfix, a missing \par after \fancybreak affects
+ the spacing after \chapter*
+1.4: Added the EQ style inspired by a mail from Erik Quaeghebeur
+1.3: Added the reparticle, southall and chappell styles from the
+ memoir addendum. Thanks to David Chadd for reminding me.
+How to compile this showcase document:
+A fairly new LaTeX installation
+pdfcrop (comes at least with TeX Live 2009)
+pdftops (available through TeX Live 2009)
+perl (see later)
+To compile:
+Run the document once through latex or pdflatex.
+This will create
+ chapterexample.tex
+and a lot of
+ *-style.tex
+Now run (you might need to change the permissions on
+ ./ -f MemoirChapStyles.styles
+This will process all of the *-style files mentioned in MemoirChapStyles.styles.
+It will run
+ pdflatex XXX-style.tex
+ pdfcrop XXX-style.pdf tmp.pdf
+ mv tmp.pdf XXX-style.pdf
+ pdftops -eps XXX-style.pdf
+(plus a little extra for the EQ style)
+The reason for going over pdflatex, pdfcrop, pdftops is that dvips is
+not good at creating correct bounding boxes for files that contain
+postscript effects, pdfcrop does a much better job.
+Then run latex or pdflatex on MemoirChapStyles.tex a few times to get all
+references up to date.
diff --git a/info/latex-samples/TitlePages/README b/info/latex-samples/TitlePages/README
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..80a7fabcc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/latex-samples/TitlePages/README
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+ titlepages.pdf displays some 40 different designs of title pages
+taken from a selection of books and theses. The code for the examples
+is included. A variety of colors and fonts are used in the examples.
+ If you wish to process the source file titlepages.tex, by either
+pdflatex or xelatex, consider saving titlepages.pdf under another name
+before doing so in case not all the fonts are available on your system.
+In any case, read the advice at the beginning of the file titlepages.tex.
+ The work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public Licence.
+Peter Wilson
diff --git a/info/latex-samples/TitlePages/titlepages.pdf b/info/latex-samples/TitlePages/titlepages.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96626d7344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/latex-samples/TitlePages/titlepages.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/latex-samples/TitlePages/titlepages.tex b/info/latex-samples/TitlePages/titlepages.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f704ca02fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/latex-samples/TitlePages/titlepages.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,3357 @@
+% titlepages.tex titlepage styles
+% Author Peter Wilson, distributed under the LPPL
+% To process this file as intended you need the FontSite 500 CD collection
+% of fonts from, and Christopher League's `TeX
+% support for the FontSite 500 CD'
+% If you do not have these, then uncomment the \renewcommand*{\FSfont}[1]{}
+% line below.
+% You will also need the Galapagos Design Group's free Web-O-Mints font
+% and their (La)TeX
+% support CTAN/fonts/webomints
+% If you use xelatex to process the file then you will also need the
+% free IM Fell font from
+% Of course, you need the memoir class, which should be on your system.
+ \usepackage{pdfcolmk}
+ \usepackage{fontspec}
+%%%% Additional font macros
+%%%% light series
+%% e.g., s:12
+ {\not@math@alphabet\ltseries\relax
+ \fontseries\ltdefault\selectfont}
+%% e.g., t:32
+%% e.g., v:19
+% heavy(bold) series
+ {\not@math@alphabet\hbseries\relax
+ \fontseries\hbdefault\selectfont}
+%% e.g., t:32
+%% e.g., v:19
+%%% for the Web-O-Mints fonts
+%\renewcommand*{\wb}[2]{}% probably kills Web-O-Mints (and some layouts?)
+%%% for the Fontsite 500 fonts
+ \fontencoding{T1}\fontfamily{#1}\selectfont}
+%\renewcommand*{\FSfont}[1]{}% kills special font selections
+\newcommand*{\refit}[1]{(graphic on page~\pageref{#1})}
+\renewcommand*{\indexname}{Index of Designers}
+ \@ifnextchar [%]
+ \@ibxminipage
+ {\@iiibxminipage c\relax[s]}}
+ \@ifnextchar [%]
+ {\@iibxminipage{#1}}%
+ {\@iiibxminipage{#1}\relax[s]}}
+ \@ifnextchar [%]
+ {\@iiibxminipage{#1}{#2}}%
+ {\@iiibxminipage{#1}{#2}[#1]}}
+ \ifx\relax#2\else
+ \setlength\@tempdimb{#2}%
+ \def\@bxminto{to\@tempdimb}%
+ \fi
+ \leavevmode
+ \@pboxswfalse
+ \if #1b\vbox
+ \else
+ \if #1t\vtop
+ \else
+ \ifmmode \vcenter
+ \else \@pboxswtrue $\vcenter
+ \fi
+ \fi
+ \fi
+% \@bxminto
+ \bgroup% outermost vbox
+ \hsize #4
+ \hrule\@height\fboxrule
+ \hbox\bgroup% inner hbox
+ \vrule\@width\fboxrule \hskip\fboxsep
+ \vbox \@bxminto
+ \bgroup% innermost vbox
+ \vskip\fboxsep
+ \advance\hsize -2\fboxrule \advance\hsize -2\fboxsep
+ \textwidth\hsize \columnwidth\hsize
+ \@parboxrestore
+ \def\@mpfn{mpfootnote}\def\thempfn{\thempfootnote}\c@mpfootnote\z@
+ \let\@footnotetext\@mpfootnotetext
+ \let\@listdepth\@mplistdepth \@mplistdepth\z@
+ \@minipagerestore\@minipagetrue
+ \everypar{\global\@minipagefalse\everypar{}}}
+ \par\vskip-\lastskip
+ \ifvoid\@mpfootins\else
+ \vskip\skip\@mpfootins\footnoterule\unvbox\@mpfootins\fi
+ \vskip\fboxsep
+ \egroup% end innermost vbox
+ \hskip\fboxsep \vrule\@width\fboxrule
+ \egroup% end hbox
+ \hrule\@height\fboxrule
+ \egroup% end outermost vbox
+ \if@pboxsw $\fi}
+ \begin{boxminipage}[c][\tpheight]{\tpwidth}
+ \centering\begin{vplace}\begin{minipage}[c][\txtheight]{\txtwidth}}%
+\newcommand*{\titleJT}{\begingroup% Jan Tschichold: typographer
+\FSfont{5gm}% Garamond
+\drop = 0.08\txtheight
+{\Large The Author}\\[2\drop]
+\hspace*{0.3\txtwidth}{\Huge\itshape The Big Book of}\par
+{\raggedleft\Huge\itshape Conundrums\par}
+\hspace*{0.3\txtwidth}{\Large \plogo} \\[0.5\baselineskip]
+\hspace*{0.3\txtwidth}{\Large The Publisher}
+\newcommand*{\titleTH}{\begingroup% T&H Typography
+{\Large The Author}\\[0.167\txtheight]
+{\bfseries The Big Book of}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\textcolor{Red}{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\small With 123 illustrations}\par
+{\Large The Publisher \plogo}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleM}{\begingroup% Misericords, T&H p 153
+\drop = 0.08\txtheight
+{\Huge\bfseries Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\scshape puzzles for the mind}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\scshape by}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large\scshape the author}\par
+{\scshape the publisher}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleS}{\begingroup% Scripts, T&H p 151
+\drop = 0.1\txtheight
+{\Huge Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large\itshape by The Author}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large\itshape The Publisher}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleHGP}{\begingroup% Handy Guide to Papermaking
+ \color{Red}
+ \rule{6pt}{\txtheight}
+ \vspace*{\drop}
+ {\Large THE AUTHOR} \\
+ \rule{0.9\txtwidth}{1pt} \par
+ \vspace{3\baselineskip}
+ {\noindent\Huge\bfseries CONUNDRUMS} \par
+ \vspace{2\baselineskip}
+ {\Large\itshape A Handy Guide to Puzzles and Enigmas} \par
+ \vspace{6.5\baselineskip}
+ {\scshape after the foreign edition of year \\
+ translated by} \par
+ {\Large THE TRANSLATOR} \par
+ \vspace{\baselineskip}
+ \rule{0.9\txtwidth}{1pt} \par
+ \vspace{\baselineskip}
+ {\color{Red}
+ \FSfont{5fh}% FontSite Fette Gotisch
+ \vspace{3.3\baselineskip}
+ H \\[1.15\baselineskip]
+ G \\[1.15\baselineskip]
+ P \\[1.15\baselineskip]
+ E
+ \vspace{4\baselineskip}
+ {\Large YEAR}
+ \hbox{%
+ \hspace*{0.1\txtwidth}%
+ \textcolor{Red}{\rule{6pt}{\txtheight}}
+ \hspace*{0.05\txtwidth}%
+ \vbox{%
+ \vspace{\drop}
+ {\noindent\Large THE AUTHOR} \\
+ \rule{0.8\txtwidth}{2pt} \\
+ {\noindent\Huge\bfseries CONUNDRUMS\\}
+ {\Large\itshape A Handy Guide to Puzzles and Enigmas\\}
+ {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par
+ \vspace{0.5\txtheight}
+ {\noindent The Publisher}\\[\baselineskip]
+ }% end of vbox
+}% end of parbox
+%}% end of fbox
+ }% end of hbox
+\newcommand*{\titleRF}{\begingroup% Robert Frost, T&H p 149
+\FSfont{5bo}% Bembo/Bergamo
+\drop = 0.2\txtheight
+{\Huge The Big Book of}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large Edited by The Editor}\\[0.5\drop]
+{\Large \plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+{\Large The Publisher}\par
+{\large\scshape year}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleDB}{\begingroup% Design of Books, by Adrian Wilson
+\FSfont{5pl}% Palatino/Palladio
+\drop = 0.14\txtheight
+{\Large THE}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge BIG BOOK}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge OF}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[1.5\baselineskip]
+{\LARGE BY}\\[\baselineskip]
+{FOREWORD BY AN OTHER}\\[8\baselineskip]
+{\small\sffamily THE PUBLISHER}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleAM}{\begingroup% Ancient Mariner, AW fig 11-20, p. 151
+\FSfont{5bo}% Bembo/Bergamo
+\drop = 0.12\txtheight
+{\large The Author}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge THE BIG BOOK}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large OF}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\scshape with ten engravings}\\
+{\scshape and with a foreword by}\\
+{\large\scshape an other}\\[\drop]
+{\small\scshape the publisher}\par
+{\small\scshape year}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleP}{\begingroup% The Pyramids, AW fig 6-15, p. 81
+\FSfont{5bo}% Bembo/Bergamo
+\drop = 0.12\txtheight
+{\Huge SOME}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\par
+{\large By THE AUTHOR}
+{\scshape the publisher}
+\newcommand*{\titleHL}{\begingroup% Horizontal Line
+\drop = 0.4\txtheight
+\hfill{\large The Author} \\
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\par
+{\centering The Publisher\par}
+\newcommand*{\titleVL}{\begingroup% Vertical Line
+\drop = 0.1\txtheight
+ \hbox{%
+ \hspace*{0.2\txtwidth}%
+ \vrule depth 0.6\txtheight%
+ \hspace*{2em}%
+ \vbox{%
+ \vspace{\drop}
+ {\noindent\large The Author}\\[3\baselineskip]
+ {\Huge Conundrums}\par
+ \vfil
+ }% end of vbox
+ }% end of hbox
+The Publisher
+\newcommand*{\titleGM}{\begingroup% Gentle Madness
+\drop = 0.1\txtheight
+ \hbox{%
+ \hspace*{0.2\txtwidth}%
+ \rule{1pt}{\txtheight}
+ \hspace*{0.05\txtwidth}%
+ \vbox{%
+ \vspace{\drop}
+ {\noindent\HUGE\bfseries Some\\[0.5\baselineskip] Conundrums}\\[2\baselineskip]
+ {\Large\itshape Puzzles for the Mind}\\[4\baselineskip]
+ {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par
+ \vspace{0.5\txtheight}
+ {\noindent The Publisher}\\[\baselineskip]
+ }% end of vbox
+}% end of parbox
+%}% end of fbox
+ }% end of hbox
+\newcommand*{\titlePM}{\begingroup% Gentle Madness with Printers' Ornaments
+\drop = 0.1\txtheight
+ \hbox{%
+ \hspace*{0.1\txtwidth}%
+ {\wb{18pt}{18pt}
+ \begin{picture}(0,0)
+ \multiput(0,0)(0,20){22}{\textcolor{Medium}{Q}}
+ \end{picture}
+ }
+% \rule{1pt}{\txtheight}
+ \hspace*{0.15\txtwidth}%
+ \vbox{%
+ \vspace{\drop}
+ {\noindent\HUGE\bfseries Some\\[0.5\baselineskip] Conundrums}\\[2\baselineskip]
+ {\Large\itshape Puzzles for the Mind}\\[4\baselineskip]
+ {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par
+ \vspace{0.5\txtheight}
+ {\noindent The Publisher}\\[\baselineskip]
+ }% end of vbox
+}% end of parbox
+ }% end of hbox
+\newcommand*{\titleAT}{\begingroup% Anatomy of a Typeface
+%\FSfont{5gr}% Galliard/Gareth
+\FSfont{5bo}% Bergamo/Bembo
+\textcolor{Red}{%\FSfont{5cz}% Chisel
+{\FSfont{5ml}\Huge THE BOOK}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+{\FSfont{5ml}\Large OF}\\[0.75\baselineskip]% Delphian (5dp)
+{\FSfont{5ml}\Huge CONUNDRUMS}}% Mona Lisa
+{\Large \scshape The Author}\par
+{\large \textcolor{Red}{\plogo}}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+{\large\scshape the publisher}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleLL}{\begingroup% Lost Languages
+\fboxsep 0.5\baselineskip
+{\textcolor{SkyBlue}{\HUGE CONUNDRUMS}}\par
+\colorbox{Dark}{\textcolor{white}{\normalfont\itshape\Large Puzzles for the Mind}}\par
+{\Large The Author}\par
+{\footnotesize THE PUBLISHER}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleCC}{\begingroup% City of Cambridge
+{\Large\itshape THE BIG BOOK OF}\\[0.5\drop]
+{\textcolor{Red}{\HUGE\bfseries CONUNDRUMS}}\par
+{\Large THE AUTHOR}\par
+{\itshape THE PUBLISHER}\par
+{\scshape year}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleDS}{\begingroup% DS Thesis
+{The Candidate\\[0.6\baselineskip]
+A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+Faculty of The University\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+in Partial Fulfillment of the\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+Requirements for the Degree of\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+Major Subject: Logic}\par
+{Approved by the \\
+ Examining Committee:}\par
+A Professor, Thesis Advisor \\[1\baselineskip]
+Another Professor, Thesis Advisor \\[1\baselineskip]
+A Faculty, Member \\[1\baselineskip]
+Another Faculty, Member \\[1\baselineskip]
+A Third Faculty, Member\par
+The University \\
+The Address \\[\baselineskip]
+The Date\par
+\newcommand*{\titleMS}{\begingroup% MS Thesis
+{\LARGE THE UNIVERSITY}\\[2\baselineskip]
+{\LARGE\sffamily Conundrums: \\ puzzles for the mind\par}
+{\large some remarks concerning the supervisor \\
+ and the time and place of the examination \\
+ and other administrative details\par}
+{\large\bfseries The Candidate}\par
+\newcommand*{\titlePW}{\begingroup% PW Thesis
+{\large by}\par
+{\Large THE CANDIDATE}\par
+ Thesis submitted to The University for the degree of
+ DEGREE, Month year.\par}
+\newcommand*{\titleUL}{\begingroup% University of Liege
+{\LARGE\textsc{THE UNIVERSITY}}\\[\drop]
+% University logo
+{\LARGE \plogo}\\[\drop]
+{\huge\bfseries Conundrums: An Investigation of Mind Puzzles\\
+ \large --- in N pages, with T tables ---}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+% fake a footnote reference here
+{\Large\textsc{The\textsuperscript{1} Candidate}}
+City, Country
+{\large The Date}
+% faked footnote
+\noindent\rule{0.4\txtwidth}{0.4pt} \\
+\textsuperscript{1} \url{email.address}
+\FSfont{ptm}% Times
+by \\
+Im A. Student
+A Polemic Presented in Partial Fulfillment \\
+of the Requirements for the Degree \\
+Name of Degree
+The Date
+\newcommand*{\titleSW}{\begingroup% Story of Writing
+{\Huge\itshape The Book \\ of Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large\itshape With over 120 illustrations, 50 in color}\\[0.2\textheight]
+{\Large The Author}\par
+{\Large \plogo{} \sffamily The Publisher}
+\newcommand*{\titleTMB}{\begingroup% Three Men in a Boat
+\settowidth{\unitlength}{\LARGE THE BOOK OF CONUNDRUMS}
+{\large\scshape the author}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\LARGE THE BOOK OF CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\itshape puzzles for the mind}\\[0.2\baselineskip]
+{\large\scshape drawings by the artist}\par
+{\large\scshape the publisher}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\small\scshape year}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleFT}{\begingroup% John Fell Types
+ \fontspec[Alternate=0]{IM_FELL_Double_Pica_PRO_Roman}
+ \FSfont{fxlj}% Libertine
+{\HUGE \textcolor{Red}{JOHN FELL} \\}
+ BEQUETHED IN 1686 TO \\}
+{\Large BY\\}
+{\large HARRY CARTER\\}
+{\large YEAR}
+\renewcommand*{\titleFT}{\begingroup% John Fell Types
+ \fontspec[Alternate=0]{IM_FELL_Double_Pica_PRO_Roman}
+ \FSfont{fxlj}% Libertine
+{\HUGE \textcolor{Red}{THE DONOR} \\}
+{\large BY\\}
+{\footnotesize WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF\\}
+{\large THE ASSISTANT\\}
+{\large YEAR}
+\newcommand*{\titleJE}{\begingroup% Jane Eyre
+%\FSfont{5cd}% Clarendon
+\FSfont{5cu}% Century Old Style
+{\Large\bfseries The Author}\\[2\baselineskip]
+{\Huge\bfseries CONUNDRUMS}
+{\Large\bfseries Illustrations by The Artist}\par
+{\Large{\bfseries The Publisher $\bullet$} \scshape year}
+\newcommand*{\titleZD}{\begingroup% Zuleika Dobson
+ \multiput(0,0)(24,0){10}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}
+ \multiput(-5,-21)(0,-24){15}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}}
+ \multiput(0,-360)(24,0){10}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}
+ \multiput(235,-21)(0,-24){15}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}}
+ \put(0,0){\begin{minipage}[t]{240pt}
+ \centering
+ \vspace*{2\baselineskip}
+ {\Huge Selected Conundrums}\\
+ {\large\itshape --- puzzles for the mind ---} \\[0.5\baselineskip]
+ {\large WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY} \\[0.5\baselineskip]
+ {\large THE AUTHOR } \\[0.5\baselineskip]
+ {\LARGE T. H. E. AUTHOR} \par
+ \vspace*{5\baselineskip}
+ $\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+ $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+ $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+ $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+ $\cdiam$\par
+ \vspace*{5\baselineskip}
+ {\Large THE PUBLISHER}\\
+ {\Large\scshape year}\par
+ \vspace*{2\baselineskip}
+ \end{minipage}}
+\newcommand*{\titleWH}{\begingroup% Words in their Hands
+\drop = 2\baselineskip
+{\Huge SOME CONUNDRUMS}\\[\drop]
+{\Large\itshape A Collection of Puzzles by}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large THE AUTHOR}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large\itshape with a Commentary by}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large A N OTHER}\par
+{\scshape year}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleBWF}{\begingroup% Beowulf
+\drop = 0.1\txtheight
+{\Huge\bfseries Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large {\itshape Translated by} {\scshape the translator}}\par
+{\Large\itshape The Publisher}
+\newcommand*{\titleSI}{\begingroup% Sagas
+\drop = 0.13\txtheight
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS FOR}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge THE MIND}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge\itshape A Selection}\\[3\baselineskip]
+{\Large \textit{Preface by} \textsc{famous person}}\\
+{\Large \textit{Introduction by} \textsc{an other}}\par
+{\Large THE PUBLISHER}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleGP}{\begingroup% Geometric Modeling
+{\LARGE CONUNDRUMS\\ AND \\[0.3\baselineskip] PUZZLES}\\[0.2\baselineskip]
+Selected and Expanded Papers from the Organisation Working Conference
+on \\ Enigmas \\
+Location, date from--to\par
+Edited by \\[\baselineskip]
+{\itshape Organisation \\ Address\par}
+{\scshape year} \\
+{\large THE PUBLISHER}\par
+ \resizebox*{\unitlength}{\baselineskip}{\rotrt{$\}$}}}
+ \resizebox*{\unitlength}{\baselineskip}{\rotlft{$\}$}}}
+\newcommand*{\titleBC}{\begingroup% Bookbinding & Conservation
+\FSfont{5jr}% Jenson Recut (Centaur)
+\def\CP{\textit{\HUGE Conundrums \& Puzzles}}
+%{\color{LightGoldenrod}\( \overbrace{\hspace{\unitlength}} \)} \\[\baselineskip]
+{\color{LightGoldenrod}\topb} \\[\baselineskip]
+\textcolor{Sienna}{\CP} \\[\baselineskip]
+{\color{RosyBrown}\LARGE A SIXTY-YEAR STUDY} \\
+%{\color{LightGoldenrod}\( \underbrace{\hspace{\unitlength}} \)}
+{\LARGE\textbf{The Author}}\\
+\newcommand*{\titleHC}{\begingroup% Harry Carter
+\FSfont{fxlj}% Libertine
+{\FSfont{5eb}% Erbar Deco
+{P\,U\,Z\,Z\,L\,E\,S\,, \&} \\
+A. N. AUTHOR \\
+A. N. OTHER \\
+THE PUBLISHER {\normalsize YEAR}
+%% draw an oval using tikz
+\draw[very thick] (0,0) ellipse (#1 and #2);
+%% a zero-sized picture of an oval
+ \put(-1.25,0){\anoval{1.25in}{1.75in}}
+%% rectangular frame
+ \wb{10pt}{10pt}
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{1pt}
+ \begin{picture}(0,0)
+\multiput(11,0)(24,0){11}{e}% bottom
+\multiput(23,0)(24,0){10}{f}% bottom
+\multiput(11,384)(24,0){11}{e}% top
+\multiput(23,384)(24,0){10}{f}% top
+\put(0,0){O}% bl
+\put(0,382){R}% tl
+\put(262,0){M}% br
+\put(262,382){P}% tr
+\multiput(0,11)(0,24){16}{i}% left
+\multiput(0,23)(0,24){15}{j}% left
+\multiput(264,11)(0,24){16}{i}% right
+\multiput(264,23)(0,24){15}{j}% right
+ \end{picture}
+\FSfont{5ve}% Vendome
+The \\
+Puzzle \\
+of \\
+by \\
+The Authoress\\[3\baselineskip]
+The Publisher \\
+{\normalsize YEAR}
+\newcommand*{\titleWM}{\begingroup% William Morris
+\FSfont{5bo}% Bergamo (Bembo)
+conundrum \leaf\
+essays on puzzles, enigmas and the mind by the author \leaf\
+edited by the editor
+{\normalfont\fontsize{256pt}{256pt}\selectfont ?}
+the publisher \\
+\leaf\ year
+\newcommand*{\titleEI}{\begingroup% Editions & Impressions
+\FSfont{5gl}% Glytus (Glypha)
+\drop = 0.3\txtheight
+{\LARGE {\huge C}ONUNDRUMS \textit{and} \\
+\hspace*{30pt} {\huge E}NIGMAS\par}
+{\large\ltseries\hspace*{15pt} {\LARGE T}WENTY {\LARGE Y}EARS \\[.1\baselineskip]
+ \hspace*{15pt} OF {\LARGE P}UZZLEMENTS}\par
+\hspace*{15pt}{\ltseries \textit{\large {\footnotesize BY} The Author}}\par
+The Publisher {\footnotesize YEAR}
+\newcommand*{\titleJA}{\begingroup% Jost Amman
+\FSfont{5bl}% FontSite Belwe
+\Large THE AUTHOR'S \\[\baselineskip]
+{\FSfont{5at}% FontSite Abbot Old Style
+\huge\textcolor{Red}{Some Conundrums}}\\[2\baselineskip]
+\large \textit{with an intruction by} \\
+YEAR \\
+{\color{Red} \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace{3pt}
+ \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt}} \\[\baselineskip]
+\newcommand*{\titlePP}{\begingroup% Printing Poetry
+\FSfont{5jr}% FontSite Jenson Recut (Centaur)
+%{\HUGE\color{Navy} PUZZLING}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\HUGE\color{MidnightBlue} PUZZLING}\\[\baselineskip]
+{A WORKBOOK FOR RESOLUTIONS}\\[1.1\baselineskip]
+{\HUGE\color{MidnightBlue} CONUNDRUMS} \\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large BY THE AUTHOR}\par
+\newcommand*{\titleGWP}{\begingroup% Gawain Poet
+\FSfont{5gm}% FontSite Garamond
+\FSfont{5ci}% FontSite Cipollini
+{\normalfont\fontsize{256pt}{256pt}\selectfont ?}
+{\itshape In a Readable Version with a Critical Introduction \\
+by The Critic \\
+Woodcuts by The Artist} \\
+{\color{Red} \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt}}
+\newcommand*{\lqm}[1]{{\HUGE\fontsize{#1}{#1}\selectfont ?}}
+\newcommand*{\titleCM}{\begingroup% Christopher Marlowe
+\FSfont{5ci}% FontSite Cipollini
+{\color{Red}\HUGE T\, H\, E\ \ \ O\, R\, I\, G\, I\, N\, A\, L \\
+ A\, U\, T\, H\, O\, R\par}
+{\huge FOUR CONUNDRUMS\par}
+\FSfont{5lb}% FontSite Lanston Bell
+{\itshape Edited with an Introduction by The Editor \\
+ Engravings by The Engraver}
+ \thicklines
+ {\color{Red}
+ \put(-20,0){\framebox(40,40){}}
+ \put(0,0){\line(0,1){40}}
+ \put(-20,20){\line(1,0){40}}}
+ \put(-10,10){\makebox(0,0){\lqm{60pt}}}
+ \put(-10,30){\makebox(0,0){\lqm{60pt}}}
+ \put(10,10){\makebox(0,0){\lqm{60pt}}}
+ \put(10,30){\makebox(0,0){\lqm{60pt}}}
+\newcommand*{\titleIP}{\begingroup% Into Print
+\FSfont{5pl}% FontSite Palladio (Palatino)
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\itshape Selected writings on Puzzles, \\ Enigmas, and Other Attempts at \\ Bafflement}
+\plogo \\[\baselineskip]
+\newcommand*{\titleAAT}{\begingroup% An Approach to Type
+\FSfont{5bd}% FontSite Bodoni
+{\huge THE AUTHOR}
+\LARGE AN APPROACH TO\\[0.2\baselineskip]
+\FSfont{5pl}% FontSite
+%% The Family Receipt Book
+{\normalsize THE NEW\par}
+{\footnotesize OF BRANCHES, NAMELY:\par}
+{\huge BREWING,\par}
+{\huge DYING,\par}
+{\normalsize\textsf{FOR THE USE OF PUBLICANS}\par}
+{\footnotesize AND HOUSEKEEPERS IN GENERAL,\par}
+{\Large BY G.~MILLSWOOD.\par}
+{\footnotesize \textsf{PRICE ONE SHILLING}\par}
+{\footnotesize QUEEN STREET.\par}}
+\FSfont{5cu}% Century Old Style
+ \begin{picture}(\strip@pt\rbtextwidth,\strip@pt\rbtextheight)%
+ \thinlines
+ \put(0,0){\framebox(\strip@pt\rbtextwidth,\strip@pt\rbtextheight){%
+ \put(-\strip@pt\sepframe,-\strip@pt\sepframe)%
+ {\framebox(\strip@pt\framex,\strip@pt\framey){}}%
+ \end{picture}}
+\newcommand*{\thistitle}{\begingroup% based on titleJT
+\drop = 0.08\textheight
+{\LARGE Peter Wilson}\\[2\drop]
+\hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\HUGE\itshape Some Examples of}\par
+{\raggedleft\HUGE\itshape Title Pages\par}
+\settowidth{\bibindent}{\Large The Herries Press}%
+\settowidth{\unitlength}{\Large 2006}%
+\hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\Large The Herries Press}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+{\Large 2010}
+%% copyrightpage
+\parindent 0pt
+\parskip \baselineskip
+\textcopyright{} 2007, 2009, 2010 Peter R. Wilson \\
+All rights reserved.
+ This work may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions
+of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version~1.3 of this license
+or (at your option) any later version. The latest version is in \\
+\hspace*{2em} \url{} \\
+and version~1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
+version 2005/12/01 or later.
+ This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
+ The Current Maintainer of this work is Peter Wilson.
+ The work consists of the file \texttt{titlepages.tex} and the
+derived file \texttt{titlepages.pdf}.
+%%% Until 2009 this work was under the Open Publication License as:
+This material may be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions
+set forth in the Open Publication License v1.0 or later (the latest
+version is presently available at \url{}).
+Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is
+prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.
+Distribution of the work or derivative of the work in any standard
+(paper) book form is prohibited unless prior permission is obtained
+from the copyright holder.
+The procedures and applications presented in this work have been
+included for their instructional value. They have been tested
+with care but are not guaranteed for any particular purpose.
+The publisher does not offer any warranties or representations,
+nor does it accept any liabilities with respect to the
+programs or applications.
+The paper used in this publication may meet the minimum
+requirements of the American National Standard for
+Information Sciences --- Permanence of Paper for Printed
+Library Materials, ANSI Z39.48--1984.
+ 12 11 10 09 08 07\hspace{2em}8 7 6 5 4 3 %2
+First edition: & January 2007 \\
+Second impression, with minor extensions & January 2009 \\
+Third impression, with minor extensions & July 2010
+Wilson, Peter.\\
+\hspace*{2em} Some Examples of Title Pages / Peter Wilson. -- \\
+\hspace*{1em} 1st Herries Press ed. \\
+\hspace*{2em} p. \hspace*{2em} cm. \\
+\hspace*{2em} Includes illustrations, bibliographical references and index. \\
+\hspace*{2em} ISBN \\
+\hspace*{2em} 1. Book design \hspace*{2em} I. Title
+Printed in the World
+The Herries Press, \\
+Normandy Park, WA \\
+\texttt{herries dot press (at) earthlink dot net}
+ This document presents various styles of designs for
+title pages.
+If you have a style you would like to contribute, please send it to
+me\footnote{I am currently at \texttt{herries dot press (at) earthlink dot net}},
+with code, and I will include it in the next version with due acknowledgements.
+ \LaTeX{} provides the \cs{author}, \cs{title} and \cs{date} commands
+for specifying the author, title, and date of a work. The \cs{maketitle}
+command is then used to print these. If the document is more like a book
+or a report than an article there is a temptation to use a \texttt{titlepage}
+environment and \cs{maketitle} to print the title page. However, there are
+many designs for title pages other than that provided by \cs{maketitle}, and
+it may be advantageous to define your own rather than relying on the default
+which, I think, is more suited for an article than any substantive work.
+Quoting from Ruari McLean~\cite{MCLEAN80} in reference to the title page, he says:
+From the designer's point of view, it is the most important page in the book:
+it sets the style. It is the page which opens communication with the reader.
+\ldots If illustrations play a large part in the book, the title page opening
+should, or may, express this visually. If any form of decoration is used inside
+the book, e.g., for chapter openings, one would expect this to be repeated
+or echoed on the title page. Whatever the style of the book, the title page
+should give a foretaste of it. If the book consists of plain text, the title
+page should at least be in harmony with it.
+This short document provides some forty or so examples of title page designs.
+I claim no credit for any of these as I found them in books in my
+library and all I did was create \LaTeX{} code to demonstrate their
+general appearance. A list of the sources is given in the Bibliography.
+In the real world many different fonts were used
+and I have used some here, although I have set most pages with
+Knuth's Computer Modern Roman family.
+ The title page for this document is based on one of the examples.
+ The designs are shown following this introduction and the code for
+each is
+given at the end. There is no particular ordering to the examples, not
+even the order in which I found them. The designs are meant as possible
+starting points for exercising your creativity.
+ While on the subject of introductory pages, the copyright page of a book
+like the title page, is an individual
+design and I cannot think that a generic \LaTeX{} command or environment
+for the contents of a copyright page would be of any use. The example
+copyright page of this work was laid out by hand; fortunately there is
+no requirement for typographical perfection --- it is more a question of
+printing the required information than anything else.
+\chapter{Example title pages}
+ Each example is shown in a frame which represents the textblock,
+although it is shrunk slightly here in order to get the illustrations
+on to the pages without \LaTeX{} complaining about `\texttt{overfull}
+this or that'. The frame is designed to fit this document --- the title
+pages used as exemplars had textblocks that were wider or narrower and/or
+longer or shorter than here. At the bottom of each frame is the name of
+the command
+used to generate the title page material (the code for these is given
+ The same general title, not, I hope, a real one, has been used throughout
+but the surrounding details may differ from one example to another.
+ The fonts used in the originals were many and varied. Most used black
+but in some cases the main title was set in color --- typically red.
+Printers' ornaments were used in some of the originals and I have
+included some here to indicate the flavour of the originals.
+In some cases the publisher's
+logo was put on the title page. Here I have used \plogo{} to represent
+the logos. In some cases the year of publication was included on the title page
+and I have indicated where this was placed by {\scshape year}.
+ In brief, the examples given here are merely sketches of the real
+title pages but hopefully convey the spirit, if not the elegance,
+of the originals.
+ The exception to all the above is the last example, which is a real title
+page shown in all its glory and at its true typeblock size --- the (double)
+frame in this case being
+an integral part of the design. It is from an old book, probably
+dating to the late 18th or early 19th century, that I reset using
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleJT?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleTH?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleM?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleS?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleHGP?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleRF?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleAT?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleDB?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleAM?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleP?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleLL?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleGM?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titlePM?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleCC?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleDS?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleMS?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titlePW?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleUL?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleASU?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleBC?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleSW?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleTMB?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleFT?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleJE?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleZD?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleWM?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleWH?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleBWF?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleSI?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleJA?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleGP?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleHC?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titlePP?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleRMMH?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleEI?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleGWP?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleIP?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleAAT?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleCM?}
+%{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleXX?}
+{\par\vspace{0.2\baselineskip}\footnotesize \verb?\titleRB?}
+\chapter{The code}
+ The code for each of the designs is given below. I have created
+a new length, called \cs{drop}, which I have used in some of the code just to
+make life a little easier for myself. The \texttt{memoir} class defines the
+\cs{HUGE} fontsize which I've used in the examples; change it to
+\cs{Huge} if you are not using \texttt{memoir}. Apart
+from those there is nothing untoward about any of the examples. You can use
+any of them, after changing the words and spacing to suit,
+along the lines of:
+ \usepackage{pdfcolmk}
+%% check if using xelatex rather than pdflatex
+ \usepackage{fontspec}
+%% drawing package
+%% for dingbats
+\providecommand{\HUGE}{\Huge}% if not using memoir
+\newlength{\drop}% for my convenience
+%% specify the Webomints family
+%% select a (FontSite) font by its font family ID
+%% if you don't have the FontSite fonts either \renewcommand*{\FSfont}[1]{}
+%% or use your own choice of family.
+%% select a (TeX Font) font by its font family ID
+%% Generic publisher's logo
+%% Some shades
+%%%% Additional font series macros
+%%%% light series
+%% e.g., kernel doc, section s: line 12 or thereabouts
+ {\not@math@alphabet\ltseries\relax
+ \fontseries\ltdefault\selectfont}
+%% e.g., kernel doc, section t: line 32 or thereabouts
+%% e.g., kernel doc, section v: line 19 or thereabouts
+% heavy(bold) series
+ {\not@math@alphabet\hbseries\relax
+ \fontseries\hbdefault\selectfont}
+ Some of the original title pages used color. In such cases I have tried
+to match the colors using palette provided by the \texttt{svgnames} option
+to the \texttt{xcolor} package.
+In other cases I have used the \texttt{graphicx} package to scale or
+rotate elements of the design.
+ You may, of course, want to add or subtract material from the examples,
+such as including a publication date or removing the publisher, or use
+a different font (or fonts). The design is in your hands.
+ I used slightly different coding than given below to display the graphic
+examples in order to produce slightly smaller displays than the following
+macros will provide. If you are interested look in the preamble of
+the source file \texttt{titlepages.tex}.
+\section{titleJT \refit{JT}}
+This is based on the title page of
+\emph{Jan Tschichold: Typographer}~\cite{MCLEAN75}. The book was designed
+by Herbert\index{Spencer, Herbert} Spencer and
+Christine\index{Charlton, Christine} Charlton. The text type is
+12/14 Monotype Garamond 156 with chapter headings in
+24 point Sabon Semi-bold. Page size is 57pc by 57pc.
+ I used Garamond for the printed example.
+\newcommand*{\titleJT}{\begingroup% Jan Tschichold: typographer
+\FSfont{5gm} % FontSite Garamond
+\drop = 0.08\textheight
+{\Large The Author}\\[2\drop]
+\hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\Huge\itshape The Big Book of}\par
+{\raggedleft\Huge\itshape Conundrums\par}
+\hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\Large \plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+\hspace*{0.3\textwidth}{\Large The Publisher}
+\section{titleTH \refit{TH}}
+This is based on the title page of Thames and Hudson's \emph{Manual of
+Typography} by Ruari McLean~\cite{MCLEAN80}. The main element of the
+title was set using a red font with everything else in normal black. If you
+use this you need the \texttt{xcolor} package. The page size is 38 by 57pc.
+\newcommand*{\titleTH}{\begingroup% T&H Typography
+{\Large The Author}\\[0.167\textheight]
+{\bfseries The Big Book of}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\textcolor{Red}{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\small With 123 illustrations}\par
+{\Large The Publisher \plogo}\par
+\section{titleM \refit{M}}
+This is based on a title page designed by Jan\index{Tschichold, Jan}
+Tschichold in 1954 for a King Penguin book on Misericords and
+shown in~\cite{MCLEAN80}.
+\newcommand*{\titleM}{\begingroup% Misericords, T&H p 153
+\drop = 0.08\textheight
+{\Huge\bfseries Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\scshape puzzles for the mind}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\scshape by}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large\scshape the author}\par
+{\scshape the publisher}\par
+\section{titleS \refit{S}}
+This is based on a title page designed by Jan\index{Tschichold, Jan}
+Tschichold in 1949 for a King Penguin book on Scripts and
+shown in~\cite{MCLEAN80}.
+\newcommand*{\titleS}{\begingroup% Scripts, T&H p 151
+\drop = 0.1\textheight
+{\Huge Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large\itshape by The Author}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large\itshape The Publisher}\par
+\section{titleHGP \refit{HGP}}
+ This example is based on the title page of the English translation of
+an 18th Century Japanese book on papermaking~\cite{HAMILTON48}. In the
+original the Japanese title is given using Latin characters,
+\emph{Kamisuki Ch\={o}h\={o}ki}, in a large
+font followed by the English title in italics. The Japanese title
+in Kanji is in red vertically at the right side of the page.
+ In my version I used Fette Gotisch instead of Kanji. The original
+page size is 36 by 54pc. Interestingly the page size of a Japanese
+edition that I have, published around 1943, is almost the same at
+33 by 55pc.
+\newcommand*{\titleHGP}{\begingroup% Handy Guide to Papermaking
+ \color{Red}
+ \rule{6pt}{\txtheight}
+ \vspace*{\drop}
+ {\Large THE AUTHOR} \\
+ \rule{0.9\txtwidth}{1pt} \par
+ \vspace{3\baselineskip}
+ {\noindent\Huge\bfseries CONUNDRUMS} \par
+ \vspace{2\baselineskip}
+ {\Large\itshape A Handy Guide to Puzzles and Enigmas} \par
+ \vspace{6.5\baselineskip}
+ {\scshape after the foreign edition of year \\
+ translated by} \par
+ {\Large THE TRANSLATOR} \par
+ \vspace{\baselineskip}
+ \rule{0.9\txtwidth}{1pt} \par
+ \vspace{\baselineskip}
+ {\color{Red}
+ \FSfont{5fh}% FontSite Fette Gotisch
+ \vspace{3.3\baselineskip}
+ H \\[1.15\baselineskip]
+ G \\[1.15\baselineskip]
+ P \\[1.15\baselineskip]
+ E
+ \vspace{4\baselineskip}
+ {\Large YEAR}
+\section{titleRF \refit{RF}}
+This is based on a title page designed by Rudolph\index{Ruzicka, Rudolph}
+Ruzicka in 1971 for an Imprint Society's book of Robert Frost's poetry and
+shown in~\cite{MCLEAN80}. The text is set with Ruzicka's Linotype Fairfield
+with the display lines in Monotype Bembo.
+ I used Bergamo (Bembo) for the printed example.
+\newcommand*{\titleRF}{\begingroup% Robert Frost, T&H p 149
+\FSfont{5bp} % FontSite Bergamo (Bembo)
+\drop = 0.2\textheight
+{\Huge The Big Book of}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large Edited by The Editor}\\[0.5\drop]
+{\Large \plogo}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+{\Large The Publisher}\par
+{\large\scshape year}\par
+\section{titleAT \refit{AT}}
+This is based on the title page from \emph{Anatomy of a Typeface}~\cite{LAWSON90}.
+In the original both the title, in a decorative font, and the
+publisher's logo were in red.
+You will need the \texttt{xcolor} package for this style. The text was
+set in Galliard, designed by Matthew Carter. The page size is 36 by 54pc.
+ I used Mona Lisa for the main title and Bergamo (Bembo) for the
+remainder in the printed example.
+\newcommand*{\titleAT}{\begingroup% Anatomy of a Typeface
+\FSfont{5bp} % FontSite Bergamo (Bembo)
+{\FSfont{5ml} % FontSite Mona Lisa
+ \Huge THE BOOK}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+ \Large OF}\\[0.75\baselineskip]
+ \Huge CONUNDRUMS}}\par
+{\Large \scshape The Author}\par
+{\large \textcolor{Red}{\plogo}}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+{\large\scshape the publisher}\par
+\section{titleDB \refit{DB}}
+ This is based on the title page of \emph{The Design of Books}~\cite{WILSON93},
+designed by Adrian\index{Wilson, Adrian} Wilson. The types used in the book
+are handset Palatino and Linotype Aldus, designed by Hermann Zapf. The
+page size is 51 by 66pc.
+ I used URW Palladio (Palatino) for the printed example.
+\newcommand*{\titleDB}{\begingroup% AW, Design of Books
+\FSfont{5pl} % FontSite URW Palladio (Palatino)
+\drop = 0.14\textheight
+{\Large THE}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge BIG BOOK}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge OF}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[1.5\baselineskip]
+{\LARGE BY}\\[\baselineskip]
+{FOREWORD BY AN OTHER}\\[8\baselineskip]
+{\small\sffamily THE PUBLISHER}\par
+\section{titleAM \refit{AM}}
+ This is based on a title page designed by Will\index{Carter, Will}
+Carter for a limited edition of Samual Taylor Coleridge's \emph{The Rime of the
+Ancient Mariner} from \emph{The Design of Books}~\cite{WILSON93}. The book
+was typeset using Bembo.
+ I used Bergamo (Bembo) for the printed example.
+\newcommand*{\titleAM}{\begingroup% Ancient Mariner, AW p. 151
+\FSfont{5bo} % FontSite Bergamo (Bembo)
+\drop = 0.12\textheight
+{\large The Author}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge THE BIG BOOK}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large OF}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\scshape with ten engravings}\\
+{\scshape and with a foreword by}\\
+{\large\scshape an other}\\[\drop]
+{\small\scshape the publisher}\par
+{\small\scshape year}\par
+\section{titleP \refit{P}}
+ This is based on a title page designed by Adrian\index{Wilson, Adrian}
+Wilson in 1961 for a book about the Pyramids and shown in
+\emph{The Design of Books}~\cite{WILSON93}. The text type is 11/13 Monotype
+ I used Bergamo (Bembo) for the printed example.
+\newcommand*{\titleP}{\begingroup% The Pyramids, AW p. 81
+\FSfont{5bo} % FontSite Bergamo (Bembo)
+\drop = 0.12\textheight
+{\Huge SOME}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\par
+{\large By THE AUTHOR}
+{\scshape the publisher}
+\section{titleLL \refit{LL}}
+ This is based on the title page of \emph{Lost Languages}~\cite{ROBINSON02}.
+The book was designed by Cathleen\index{Bennett, Cathleen} Bennett and the
+The page size is 43 by 55pc. In the original the main element of the title
+was set in a light blue font. The \texttt{xcolor} package is
+needed for this style.
+\newcommand*{\titleLL}{\begingroup% Lost Languages
+\fboxsep 0.5\baselineskip
+{\textcolor{SkyBlue}{\HUGE CONUNDRUMS}}\par
+ Puzzles for the Mind}}\par
+{\Large The Author}\par
+{\footnotesize THE PUBLISHER}\par
+\section{titleGM \refit{GM}}
+ The original for this is the title page for \emph{Gentle Madness} by
+Nicholas Basbanes~\cite{BASBANES95}, except that the vertical rule was made up
+of printers' ornaments in the original. The book was designed by
+Paula\index{Szafranski, Paula R} R.~Szafranski, and the page size is 36 by 54pc.
+\newcommand*{\titleGM}{\begingroup% Gentle Madness
+\drop = 0.1\textheight
+ \hbox{%
+ \hspace*{0.2\textwidth}%
+ \rule{1pt}{\textheight}
+ \hspace*{0.05\textwidth}%
+ \parbox[b]{0.75\textwidth}{
+ \vbox{%
+ \vspace{\drop}
+ {\noindent\HUGE\bfseries Some\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+ Conundrums}\\[2\baselineskip]
+ {\Large\itshape Puzzles for the Mind}\\[4\baselineskip]
+ {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par
+ \vspace{0.5\textheight}
+ {\noindent The Publisher}\\[\baselineskip]
+ }% end of vbox
+ }% end of parbox
+ }% end of hbox
+\section{titlePM \refit{PM}}
+ This is a version of \cs{titleGM} which is closer to the original as I
+have used ornaments from the Web-O-Mints font~\cite{WEBOMINTS} instead of the
+vertical rule. These should be available on your system (but you may have to
+install the \texttt{} file). I obtained the various numbers used
+in the setting of the ornaments through trial and error as it is a once-off
+layout, but it would be possible to calculate them. Note the use of a gray
+shade for the printers' ornaments.
+ The book consists of several parts and the title page ornaments
+are repeated on each \cs{part} page, thus stylistically tying them
+together with the title page.
+\newcommand*{\titlePM}{\begingroup% \titleGM with Ornaments
+\drop = 0.1\textheight
+ \hbox{%
+ \hspace*{0.1\textwidth}%
+ {\wb{18pt}{18pt}
+ \begin{picture}(0,0)
+ \multiput(0,0)(0,20){22}{\textcolor{Medium}{Q}}
+ \end{picture}
+ }
+% \rule{1pt}{\textheight}
+ \hspace*{0.15\textwidth}%
+ \vbox{%
+ \vspace{\drop}
+ {\noindent\HUGE\bfseries Some\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+ Conundrums}\\[2\baselineskip]
+ {\Large\itshape Puzzles for the Mind}\\[4\baselineskip]
+ {\Large THE AUTHOR}\par
+ \vspace{0.5\textheight}
+ {\noindent The Publisher}\\[\baselineskip]
+ }}}% ends of vbox/parbox/hbox
+\section{titleCC \refit{CC}}
+ A title page for a work that consists of two or more volumes. It is based
+on a Survey of Cambridge~\cite{CAMBRIDGE59} which was published in 2 Parts,
+plus a set of maps. The page size is 50 by 63.5pc.
+The main element of the title was set using a red font,
+everything else was as normal. If you try this you need to use the
+\texttt{xcolor} package.
+\newcommand*{\titleCC}{\begingroup% City of Cambridge
+{\Large\itshape THE BIG BOOK OF}\\[0.5\drop]
+{\textcolor{Red}{\HUGE\bfseries CONUNDRUMS}}\par
+{\Large THE AUTHOR}\par
+{\itshape THE PUBLISHER}\par
+{\scshape year}\par
+\section{titleDS \refit{DS}}
+A student of mine, Donald\index{Sanderson, Donald} Sanderson,
+used \LaTeX{} to typeset his
+thesis~\cite{SANDERSON94}. This is the title page style mandated by
+Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as of 1994. The page size is letterpaper,
+51.5 by 66pc.
+\newcommand*{\titleDS}{\begingroup% DS Thesis
+ THE MIND}\par
+{The Candidate\\[0.6\baselineskip]
+A Thesis Submitted to the Graduate\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+Faculty of The University\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+in Partial Fulfillment of the\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+Requirements for the Degree of\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+Major Subject: Logic}\par
+{Approved by the \\
+ Examining Committee:}\par
+A Professor, Thesis Advisor \\[1\baselineskip]
+Another Professor, Thesis Advisor \\[1\baselineskip]
+A Faculty, Member \\[1\baselineskip]
+Another Faculty, Member \\[1\baselineskip]
+A Third Faculty, Member\par
+The University \\
+The Address \\[\baselineskip]
+The Date\par
+\section{titleMS \refit{MS}}
+ Maarten\index{Sneep, Maarten} Sneep used the \LaTeX{} \texttt{memoir}
+class to typeset his
+thesis~\cite{SNEEP04}. This style is based on his title page, size 40 by 57pc.
+\newcommand*{\titleMS}{\begingroup% MS Thesis
+{\LARGE THE UNIVERSITY}\\[2\baselineskip]
+{\LARGE\sffamily Conundrums: \\ puzzles for the mind}\par
+{\large some remarks concerning the supervisor \\
+ and the time and place of the examination \\
+ and other administrative details}\par
+{\large\bfseries The Candidate}\par
+\section{titlePW \refit{PW}}
+ This is a typeset version of the title page from my\index{Wilson, Peter}
+submitted to the University of Nottingham in 1971. The original was
+typewritten with the mathematics inserted by hand with pen and ink
+on a sheet size of 46 by 59.5pc.
+The example uses a typwriter font.
+\newcommand*{\titlePW}{\begingroup% PW Thesis
+{\large by}\par
+{\Large THE CANDIDATE\par}
+ Thesis submitted to The University for the degree of
+ Degree, Month year.\par}
+\section{titleUL \refit{UL}}
+ This was supplied by Luca\index{Merciadri, Luca} Merciadri
+as an example of the title page for a dissertation for the Universit\'{e}
+de Li\`{e}ge.\footnote{Personal email, 2010/06/28.} Luca also noted
+that he used a similarly styled titlepage for many other publications.
+I have exercised editorial privilege to modify the coding to match that
+of the other examples.
+\newcommand*{\titleUL}{\begingroup% University of Liege
+{\LARGE\textsc{THE UNIVERSITY}}\\[\drop]
+% University logo
+{\LARGE \plogo}\\[\drop]
+{\huge\bfseries Conundrums: An Investigation of Mind Puzzles\\
+ \large --- in N pages, with T tables ---}\\[0.5\baselineskip]
+{\Large\textsc{The\footnote{\texttt{email address}} Candidate}}
+City, Country
+{\large The Date}
+\section{titleASU \refit{ASU}}
+ A thesis titlepage that I\index{Wilson, Peter} designed, based on
+the requirements of at least one of the
+schools of Arizona State University, as specified in 2009. The page size is
+letterpaper, 51.5 by 66pc. The permitted fonts
+were Arial, Century, Garamond, Lucida Bright, Tahoma, Times, or Verdana.
+The same font and size had to be used throughout the thesis. I used Times
+for the example.
+\TXfont{ptm}% Times
+by \\
+Im A. Student\par
+A Polemic Presented in Partial Fulfillment \\
+of the Requirements for the Degree \\
+Name of Degree\par
+The Date
+\section{titleBC \refit{BC}}
+ This is based on the title page of \textit{Bookbinding \& Conservation}
+by Don Etherington\cite{ETHERINGTON10}, a well known book conservator
+and binder. The book was designed and typeset
+by Maria Mann\index{Mann, Maria}. The page size is 50.5 by 66.5pc.
+ Four colours were used for the original
+titlepage. The horizontal braces were set in a kind of gold, the main title
+in a sort of sepia brown with the subtitle in a lighter shade, and the
+remainder in black. The horizontal braces carried over into the main
+work where they were used above and below the chapter titles.
+ My example is set with Jenson Recut (Centaur) which is not too dissimilar
+from the original. I used rotated braces above and below the title.
+ \resizebox*{\unitlength}{\baselineskip}{\rotrt{$\}$}}}
+ \resizebox*{\unitlength}{\baselineskip}{\rotlft{$\}$}}}
+\FSfont{5jr}% Fontsite Jenson Recut (Centaur)
+\def\CP{\textit{\HUGE Conundrums \& Puzzles}}
+{\color{LightGoldenrod}\topb} \\[\baselineskip]
+\textcolor{Sienna}{\CP} \\[\baselineskip]
+{\color{RosyBrown}\LARGE A DECADES-LONG STUDY} \\
+{\LARGE\textbf{The Author}}\\
+\section{titleSW \refit{SW}}
+ This is based on the title page of
+\emph{The Story of Writing}~\cite{ROBINSON95} published by Thames \& Hudson.
+The page size is 45.5 by 60.5pc.
+\newcommand*{\titleSW}{\begingroup% Story of Writing
+{\Huge\itshape The Book \\ of Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\large\itshape With over 120 illustrations,
+ 50 in color}\\[0.2\textheight]
+{\Large The Author}\par
+{\Large \plogo{} \sffamily The Publisher}
+\section{titleTMB \refit{TMB}}
+ A somewhat old fashioned title page style which, however, suits the
+period of the book --- \emph{Three Men in a Boat}~\cite{JEROME64}, first
+published in 1889. The edition that I have has a page size of 31 by 51pc.
+ I had to do a lot of hand adjustments to the spacing to get a
+reasonable look for the example.
+\newcommand*{\titleTMB}{\begingroup% Three Men in a Boat
+\settowidth{\unitlength}{\LARGE THE BOOK OF CONUNDRUMS}
+{\large\scshape the author}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\LARGE THE BOOK OF CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\itshape puzzles for the mind}\\[0.2\baselineskip]
+{\large\scshape drawings by the artist}\par
+{\large\scshape the publisher}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\small\scshape year}\par
+\section{titleFT \refit{FT}}
+ This is modeled after the title page of Stanley\index{Morison, Stanley}
+ Morison's magnificent
+\emph{John Fell, the University Press and the `Fell' types}~\cite{MORISON67}
+published by Oxford University Press on 12 October 1967 --- the day after
+Morison died. It is a large book --- double crown quarto pages of handmade
+rag paper --- printed with handset lead type cast from the matrices
+bequeathed to the Press by John Fell in 1686. For more details
+about the book and type see \cite{OULD00,OULD03,THOMAS05}.
+ I have used the IM Fell type in the example, the original page size
+being 60 by 90pc.
+\newcommand*{\titleFT}{\begingroup% John Fell Types
+ \fontspec[Alternate=0]{IM_FELL_Double_Pica_PRO_Roman}
+ \FSfont{fxlj}% Libertine
+{\HUGE \textcolor{Red}{THE DONOR} \\}
+{\large BY\\}
+{\footnotesize WITH THE ASSISTANCE OF\\}
+{\large THE ASSISTANT\\}
+{\large YEAR}
+\section{titleJE \refit{JE}}
+ This is modeled after the title page of \emph{Jane Eyre} from an edition
+published by the Folio Society~\cite{BRONTE65}. The book was originally
+published in 1847. The Folio Society edition is set in 10 point Scotch Roman
+leaded 1~1/2 points and the page size is 33 by 52.5pc.
+ My example is set with Century Old Style
+\newcommand*{\titleJE}{\begingroup% Jane Eyre
+\FSfont{5cu}% FontSite Century Old Style
+{\Large\bfseries The Author}\\[2\baselineskip]
+{\Huge\bfseries CONUNDRUMS}
+{\Large\bfseries Illustrations by The Artist}\par
+{\Large{\bfseries The Publisher $\bullet$} \scshape year}
+\section{titleZD \refit{ZD}}
+ This is an elaborate style using printers' ornaments and based on
+the title page of the Folio Society's edition of \emph{Zuleika Dobson}
+by Max Beerbohm~\cite{BEERBOHM66}. The text was set with 11/12 Monotype
+Ehrhardt on a page size of 32 by 51pc.
+The book was originally published in 1911.
+I have used one of the ornaments from the Web-O-Mints font~\cite{WEBOMINTS},
+which in this case matches the one used in the original, and rotating it via
+the \texttt{graphicx} package. I also made
+an ornament by combining the two math symbols $\prec$ and $\succ$.
+\newcommand*{\titleZD}{\begingroup% Zuleika Dobson
+ \multiput(0,0)(24,0){10}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}
+ \multiput(-5,-21)(0,-24){15}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}}
+ \multiput(0,-360)(24,0){10}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}
+ \multiput(235,-21)(0,-24){15}{\rotatebox{90}{{\wb{10}{12}4}}}
+ \put(0,0){%
+ \begin{minipage}[t]{240pt}
+ \centering
+ \vspace*{2\baselineskip}
+ {\Huge Selected Conundrums}\\
+ {\large\itshape --- puzzles for the mind ---}%
+ \\[0.5\baselineskip]
+ {\large WITH ILLUSTRATIONS BY} \\[0.5\baselineskip]
+ {\large THE AUTHOR } \\[0.5\baselineskip]
+ {\LARGE T. H. E. AUTHOR} \par
+ \vspace*{5\baselineskip}
+ $\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+ $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+ $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+ $\cdiam\cdiam\cdiam$\\[0.25\baselineskip]
+ $\cdiam$\par
+ \vspace*{5\baselineskip}
+ {\Large THE PUBLISHER}\\
+ {\Large\scshape year}\par
+ \vspace*{2\baselineskip}
+ \end{minipage}}
+\section{titleWM \refit{WM}}
+ This is a representation of the kind of titlepage represented
+by \textit{The Ideal Book}~\cite{PETERSON82} designed by William
+S.~Peterson\index{Peterson, William S}. The text was set in Bembo
+and the titles were set in William Morris's Golden type. The page
+size is 45 by 65pc.
+ In the original the text at the top of the titlepage was printed
+with a red ink while the rest of the page was in regular black.
+Between the title and the publisher
+was a 16th Century woodcut of a printers workshop. I have used Bergamo (Bembo)
+in the graphic examplar and a large `?' instead of a woodcut.
+\newcommand*{\titleWM}{\begingroup% William Morris
+\FSfont{5bo}% FontSite Bergamo (Bembo)
+conundrum \leaf\
+essays on puzzles, enigmas and the mind by the author \leaf\
+edited by the editor
+{\normalfont\fontsize{256pt}{256pt}\selectfont ?}
+the publisher \\
+\leaf\ year
+\section{titleWH \refit{WH}}
+ The inspiration for this style came from one of the Cambridge University
+Printer's Christmas books --- \emph{Words in Their Hands} by Walter
+Nurnberg~\cite{NURNBERG64}. I assume that Brooke\index{Crutchley, Brooke}
+Crutchley, the Printer, was also the designer as, unlike in some other books
+in the series, no designer was mentioned. The page size is 43 by 52pc.
+ I used one of the ornaments from the Web-O-Mints font~\cite{WEBOMINTS}
+for the page, in
+two instances stretching it via the \texttt{graphicx} package.
+\newcommand*{\titleWH}{\begingroup% Words in their Hands
+\drop = 2\baselineskip
+{\Huge SOME CONUNDRUMS}\\[\drop]
+{\Large\itshape A Collection of Puzzles by}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large THE AUTHOR}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large\itshape with a Commentary by}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large A N OTHER}\par
+{\scshape year}\par
+\section{titleBWF \refit{BWF}}
+ This example page is based on the title page from Seamus Heaney's
+wonderful translation of \emph{Beowulf}~\cite{HEANEY99}. The original
+page size is 30.5 by 47pc.
+\newcommand*{\titleBWF}{\begingroup% Beowulf
+\drop = 0.1\textheight
+{\Huge\bfseries Conundrums}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large {\itshape Translated by} {\scshape the translator}}\par
+{\Large\itshape The Publisher}
+\section{titleSI \refit{SI}}
+ This page doesn't look much out of the ordinary --- it is
+based on the title page of
+\emph{The Sagas of the Icelanders}~\cite{THORSSON00}, page size 36 by 55.5pc.
+However, this is one in a series of books called \emph{World of the Sagas},
+the whole being produced by an editor and several translators. These, together
+with the names of the editorial advisory board, are listed on the
+recto page facing the title page, thus making up a double spread.
+\newcommand*{\titleSI}{\begingroup% Sagas
+\drop = 0.13\textheight
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS FOR}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge THE MIND}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\Huge\itshape A Selection}\\[3\baselineskip]
+{\Large \textit{Preface by} \textsc{famous person}}\\
+{\Large \textit{Introduction by} \textsc{an other}}\par
+{\Large THE PUBLISHER}\par
+\section{titleJA \refit{JA}}
+This example is based on the title page of
+\emph{Jost Amman's Cuts of Craft-Workers} \cite{AMMAN08} published by the
+Incline Press.\footnote{A more affordable version is published by Dover in
+1976 with the title \emph{The Book of Trades} (\isbn\ 0-486-22886-X).}
+The cuts --- wood cuts of 16th Century craftsmen --- were
+introduced by Veronica\index{Speedwell, Veronica} Speedwell who, I believe,
+also designed the book. The page size is 30 by 47pc.
+ I used Abbot Old Style for the main title and Belwe for the remainder.
+\newcommand*{\titleJA}{\begingroup% Jost Amman
+\FSfont{5bl}% FontSite Belwe
+\Large THE AUTHOR'S \\[\baselineskip]
+{\FSfont{5at}% FontSite Abbot Old Style
+\huge\textcolor{Red}{Some Conundrums}}\\[2\baselineskip]
+\large \textit{with an intruction by} \\
+YEAR \\
+{\color{Red} \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt}\vspace*{-\baselineskip}\vspace{3pt}
+ \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt}} \\[\baselineskip]
+\section{titleGP \refit{GP}}
+ This is a title page based on one~\cite{WILSON92} of a series of books
+reporting on various annual workshops organised by the International
+Federation for Information Processing. This particular workshop was
+held in a retreat in the
+foothills of the Catskill Mountains in New York and well away from any
+distractions (unless you liked hiking).
+ Camera-ready copy for the publisher was created via \LaTeX. The final
+page size was 35.5 by 53.5.
+\newcommand*{\titleGP}{\begingroup% Geometric Modeling
+{\LARGE CONUNDRUMS\\ AND \\[0.3\baselineskip]
+ PUZZLES}\\[0.2\baselineskip]
+Selected and Expanded Papers from the Organisation Working
+Conference on \\ Enigmas \\
+Location, date from--to\par
+Edited by \\[\baselineskip]
+{\itshape Organisation \\ Address\par}
+{\scshape year} \\
+{\large THE PUBLISHER}\par
+\section{titleHC \refit{HC}}
+ This is based on the title page of
+\textit{Harry Carter Typographer}~\cite{THOMAS05}. The original is set with
+Jan van Krimpen's Romulus at 12/15pt on a page size of 51 by 66pc. The main
+title was set with outline (hollow) type. It was
+printed on a Western proof press at the Old School Press.
+ For the example, not having a simple outline font, I have used Erbar
+Deco for the main title and Libertine instead of Romulus for the remainder.
+\newcommand*{\titleHC}{\begingroup% Harry Carter
+\FSfont{fxlj}% Libertine
+{\FSfont{5eb}% Erbar Deco
+{P\,U\,Z\,Z\,L\,E\,S\,, \&} \\
+A. N. AUTHOR \\
+A. N. OTHER \\
+THE PUBLISHER {\normalsize YEAR}
+\section{titlePP \refit{PP}}
+ This example is based on the title page of
+\emph{Printing Poetry}~\cite{BURKE80} written and designed by
+Clifford\index{Burke, Clifford} and printed letterpress.
+The page size is 41 by 64.5pc.
+ The original was composed in Monotype Italian Old Style but not
+having that I have used Jenson Recut (Centaur) instead
+\newcommand*{\titlePP}{\begingroup% Printing Poetry
+\FSfont{5jr}% FontSite Jenson Recut (Centaur)
+{\HUGE PUZZLING}\\[\baselineskip]
+{A WORKBOOK FOR RESOLUTIONS}\\[1.1\baselineskip]
+{\HUGE CONUNDRUMS} \\[\baselineskip]
+{\Large BY THE AUTHOR}\par
+\section{titleRMMH \refit{RMMH}}
+ This style is based on the titlepage of \textit{The Bookbinding
+Career of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt}~\cite{TITCOMBE74}. The Hunt
+Institute for Botanical Documentation and its Hunt Botanical Library
+were founded in 1960 by Roy Arthur Hunt and his wife Rachel McMasters
+Miller Hunt (1882--1963). Rachel Miller as she was then started designer
+bookbinding as a `hobby' in 1904 and cotinued after her marriage until 1920
+creating over 120 elegant works in that time.
+ The frontispiece of the book in question is an oval photograph of a
+very attractive young Edwardian lady. The same size oval ring on the titlepage
+encloses the title together with a rectangular frame of printers ornaments,
+which are also used to frame the chapter titles. The book was designed by
+Thomas C. Pears III~\index{Pears, Thoms C. III} and set in Monotype Spectrum
+with Hunt Roman, designed by Hermann Zapf for the Hunt Botanical Library.
+The page size is 44 by 62pc.
+ In the printed example I have used Vendome as I have neither
+Spectrum nor Hunt. As you might infer from the code below there is a lot
+of trial and error involved in getting all the elements positioned well
+with each other.
+%% draw an oval using tikz
+\draw[very thick] (0,0) ellipse (#1 and #2);
+%% a zero-sized picture of an oval
+ \put(-1.25,0){\anoval{1.25in}{1.75in}}
+%% rectangular ornamental frame
+ \wb{10pt}{10pt}
+ \setlength{\unitlength}{1pt}
+ \begin{picture}(0,0)
+\multiput(11,0)(24,0){11}{e}% bottom
+\multiput(23,0)(24,0){10}{f}% bottom
+\multiput(11,384)(24,0){11}{e}% top
+\multiput(23,384)(24,0){10}{f}% top
+\put(0,0){O}% bl
+\put(0,382){R}% tl
+\put(262,0){M}% br
+\put(262,382){P}% tr
+\multiput(0,11)(0,24){16}{i}% left
+\multiput(0,23)(0,24){15}{j}% left
+\multiput(264,11)(0,24){16}{i}% right
+\multiput(264,23)(0,24){15}{j}% right
+ \end{picture}
+\FSfont{5ve}% FontSite Vendome
+The \\
+Puzzle \\
+of \\
+by \\
+The Authoress\\[3\baselineskip]
+The Publisher \\
+{\normalsize YEAR}
+ \put(-140,0){\fframe}
+ \end{picture}
+ \par}
+\section{titleEI \refit{EI}}
+ A titlepage based on that in
+\emph{Editions and Impressions}~\cite{BASBANES07}, designed by
+Roni\index{Moc{\'a}n, Roni} Moc{\'a}n and
+Jessica\index{Lagunas, Jessica} Lagunas. The page size is 36 by 54pc.
+ I used Glytus (Glypha) for the example in normal and light weights, which
+looked not too dissimilar from the original fonts.
+\newcommand*{\titleEI}{\begingroup% Editions & Impressions
+\FSfont{5gl}% Glytus (Glypha)
+\drop = 0.3\textheight
+{\LARGE {\huge C}ONUNDRUMS \textit{and} \\
+\hspace*{30pt} {\huge E}NIGMAS\par}
+{\large\ltseries\hspace*{15pt} {\LARGE T}WENTY {\LARGE Y}EARS \\[.1\baselineskip]
+ \hspace*{15pt} OF {\LARGE P}UZZLEMENTS}\par
+\hspace*{15pt}{\ltseries \textit{\large {\footnotesize BY} The Author}}\par
+The Publisher {\footnotesize YEAR}
+\section{titleGWP \refit{GWP}}
+ An example based on
+\emph{The Complete Works of the Gawain-Poet}~\cite{GAWAIN65}, designed by
+Adrian\index{Wilson, Adrian} for the University of Chicago Press. The
+page size is 40 by 57pc.
+ I used Cipollini for the main title and Garamond for the remainder. In
+the center of the original titlepage there is a woodcut of a knight on
+horseback; I have used a large `?' instead.
+\newcommand*{\titleGWP}{\begingroup% Gawain Poet
+\FSfont{5gm}% FontSite Garamond
+\FSfont{5ci}% FontSite Cipollini
+{\normalfont\fontsize{256pt}{256pt}\selectfont ?}
+{\itshape In a Readable Version with a Critical Introduction \\
+by The Critic \\
+Woodcuts by The Artist} \\
+{\color{Red} \rule{\txtwidth}{0.4pt}}
+\section{titleIP \refit{IP}}
+ The titlepage of \emph{Into Print}~\cite{DREYFUS95} is the basis for
+this example. The book was designed by John\index{Trevitt, John} Trevitt
+and printed at the Stamperia Valdonega under the supervision of Martino
+Mardersteig using Dante VAL, a special version of Monotype Dante.
+The page size is 36 by 54pc.
+ The original used a Greek key motif below the main title, and also
+below each chapter head.
+ I used Palladio (Palatino) in my example and a row of dingbats
+instead of the key motif.
+\newcommand*{\titleIP}{\begingroup% Into Print
+\FSfont{5pl}% FontSite Palladio (Palatino)
+{\Huge CONUNDRUMS}\\[\baselineskip]
+{\itshape Selected writings on Puzzles, \\ Enigmas, and Other Attempts at \\ Bafflement}
+\plogo \\[\baselineskip]
+\section{titleAAT \refit{AAT}}
+ \emph{An Approach to Type}~\cite{BIGGS62} provides an introduction to
+type and its history and use. This is followed by extended examples of
+some 20 or so types that have proved useful over the decades and centuries.
+The page size is 44 by 58.5pc.
+ Although it was not stated, I think that Bodoni was used as the main type
+in the original titlepage, and I have used the same. I don't know
+what was the display type for the main title word but I have used
+a heavy-bold Clarendon.
+\newcommand*{\titleAAT}{\begingroup% An Approach to Type
+\FSfont{5bd}% FontSite Bodoni
+{\huge THE AUTHOR}
+\LARGE AN APPROACH TO\\[0.2\baselineskip]
+{\FSfont{5cd}% FontSite Clarendon
+ \HUGE\texthb{Conundrums}}\par
+\section{titleCM \refit{CM}}
+ \emph{Christopher Marlowe}~\cite{MARLOWE66} is another work designed
+by Adrian\index{Wilson, Adrian}, this time for the Limited Editions Club.
+ The title was set in the striking Carolus type by Karl-Erik Forsberg,
+and the remainder in Bembo. In the center of the titlepage is a partitioned
+box containing the devices for the four plays developed by the designer.
+The page size is 56 by 73.5pc.
+ In my rendition I have used Cipollini for the main title and Lanston Bell
+for the remainder. In my case the `devices' are simply `?'.
+\newcommand*{\lqm}[1]{{\HUGE\fontsize{#1}{#1}\selectfont ?}}
+\newcommand*{\titleCM}{\begingroup% Christopher Marlowe
+\FSfont{5ci}% FontSite Cipollini
+{\color{Red}\HUGE T\, H\, E\ \ \ O\, R\, I\, G\, I\, N\, A\, L \\
+ A\, U\, T\, H\, O\, R\par}
+{\huge FOUR CONUNDRUMS\par}
+\FSfont{5lb}% FontSite Lanston Bell
+{\itshape Edited with an Introduction by The Editor \\
+ Engravings by The Engraver}
+ \thicklines
+ {\color{Red}
+ \put(-20,0){\framebox(40,40){}}
+ \put(0,0){\line(0,1){40}}
+ \put(-20,20){\line(1,0){40}}}
+ \put(-10,10){\makebox(0,0){\lqm{60pt}}}
+ \put(-10,30){\makebox(0,0){\lqm{60pt}}}
+ \put(10,10){\makebox(0,0){\lqm{60pt}}}
+ \put(10,30){\makebox(0,0){\lqm{60pt}}}
+\section{titleRB \refit{RB}}
+ This is the title page of an old book that I reset using \LaTeX. The
+style is definitely Victorian and it looks as though the printer used every
+font that he had in his shop. He was most likely the designer as well.
+ The page size is 28 by 45pc.
+ The two lengths \cs{rbtextwidth} and \cs{rbtextheight} are the true
+dimensions of the original textblock (in the original code \cs{textwidth}
+and \cs{textheight} were used).
+ The command \cs{strip@pt}\cs{alength} is from the \LaTeX{} kernel and
+strips the two characters `pt' from the value of \cs{alength}. In this case
+I have used it as a means of using length values instead of plain integers
+in the \texttt{picture} environment (the default unit of measurement in
+the environment is 1pt).
+ I used Century Old Style for setting the title page and text and
+Algerian for the cover. These are both part of the FontSite 500
+fonts~\cite{LEAGUE02} (the FontSite CD is commercial but all the \LaTeX{}
+setup has been done for you by Christopher League).
+ I used Century Old Style for the printed example.
+%%% textblock dimensions
+%%% title page text --- one line per `paragraph'
+{\normalsize THE NEW\par}
+{\footnotesize OF BRANCHES, NAMELY:\par}
+{\huge BREWING,\par}
+{\huge DYING,\par}
+{\normalsize\textsf{FOR THE USE OF PUBLICANS}\par}
+{\footnotesize AND HOUSEKEEPERS IN GENERAL,\par}
+{\Large BY G.~MILLSWOOD.\par}
+{\footnotesize \textsf{PRICE ONE SHILLING}\par}
+ AND SON,\par}
+{\footnotesize QUEEN STREET.\par}}
+%% set up for the double frame
+%% use a picture for the framed text
+ \begin{picture}(\strip@pt\rbtextwidth,\strip@pt\rbtextheight)%
+ \thinlines
+ \put(0,0){\framebox(\strip@pt\rbtextwidth,%
+ \strip@pt\rbtextheight){%
+ \begin{minipage}{\rbtextwidth}
+ \centering
+ \setlength{\parskip}{0.67\baselineskip}
+ \covertext
+ \end{minipage}
+ }}%
+ \put(-\strip@pt\sepframe,-\strip@pt\sepframe)%
+ {\framebox(\strip@pt\framex,\strip@pt\framey){}}%
+ \end{picture}}
+ \setlength{\leftmargin}{0pt}
+ \setlength{\itemindent}{\labelwidth}
+ \addtolength{\itemindent}{\labelsep}
+\renewcommand{\prebibhook}{Not every book listed here has an \isbn\
+number, usually either because they were limited editions, for example
+the one from Incline Press, or they were published before the advent
+of the \isbn\ designation in 1970.}
+ Jost Amman.
+\newblock \emph{Cuts of Craft-Workers},
+ with an Introduction by Veronica Speedwell,
+\newblock Incline Press, Oldham, England, 2008.
+\newblock (First published as the \emph{Standbuch} in 1568).
+ Nicholas A. Basbanes.
+\newblock \emph{A Gentle Madness: Bibliophiles, Bibliomanes, and the Eternal
+ Passion for Books},
+\newblock Henry Holt, 1995. (\isbn\ 0-8050-3653-9)
+ Nicholas A. Basbanes.
+\newblock \emph{Editions and Impressions: Twenty Years on the Book Beat},
+\newblock Fine Books Press, 2007. (\isbn\ 978-0-9799491-1-1)
+ Max Beerbohm.
+\newblock \emph{Zuleika Dobson},
+\newblock The Folio Society, 1966.
+\newblock (First published in 1911).
+ John R. Biggs.
+\newblock \emph{A Approach to Type},
+\newblock Pitman Publishing Corporation, 1962.
+ Charlotte Bront\"{e}.
+\newblock \emph{Jane Eyre},
+\newblock The Folio Society, 1965.
+\newblock (First published in 1847).
+ Clifford Burke.
+\newblock \emph{Printing Poetry: A Workbook in Typographic Reification},
+\newblock Scarab Press, San Francisco, 1980. (\isbn\ 0-912962-01-1)
+ John Dreyfus.
+\newblock \emph{Into Print: Selected Writings on Printing History, Typography
+ and Book Production},
+\newblock David R. Godine, 1995. (\isbn\ 1-56792-045-4)
+ Don Etherington.
+\newblock \emph{Bookbinding \& Conservation --- A Sixty-year Odyssey
+ of Art and Craft},
+\newblock Oak Knoll Press, 2010. (\isbn\ 978-1-58456-277-1)
+ Gawain.
+\newblock \emph{The Complete Works of the Gawain-Poet},
+\newblock University of Chicago Press, 1965.
+\newblock(In a Modern English Version with a Critical Introduction
+ by John Gardner).
+ Charles E. Hamilton (translator).
+\newblock \emph{Kamisuki Ch\={o}h\={o}ki A Handy Guide to Papermaking},
+\newblock University of California, 1948.
+ Seamus Heaney.
+\newblock \emph{Beowulf},
+\newblock Faber and Faber, 1999. (\isbn\ 0-571-203760-0)
+ Jerome K. Jerome.
+\newblock \emph{Three Men in a Boat},
+\newblock The Folio Society, 1964.
+\newblock (First published in 1889).
+ Alexander Lawson.
+\newblock \emph{Anatomy of a Typeface},
+\newblock David R. Godine, 1990. (\isbn\ 0-87923-333-8)
+ Christopher League.
+ \newblock \emph{\TeX{} support for the FontSite 500 CD}, 2002.
+\newblock (Available from \url{}).
+ Maurizio Loreti.
+\newblock \emph{Web-O-Mints}, September, 2002.
+\newblock (Available from CTAN in \url{/fonts/webomints}).
+ Christopher Marlowe.
+\newblock \emph{Four Plays},
+\newblock The Limited Editions Club, 1966.
+\newblock (First published late 16th Century).
+ Ruari McLean.
+\newblock \emph{Jan Tschichold: Typographer},
+\newblock David R. Godine, 1975. (\isbn\ 0-87923-841-0)
+ Ruari McLean.
+\newblock \emph{The Thames and Hudson Manual of Typography},
+\newblock Thames and Hudson, 1980. (\isbn\ 0-500-68022-1)
+ Stanley Morison (assisted by Harry Carter).
+\newblock \emph{John Fell the University Press and the `Fell' types},
+\newblock Oxford University Press, 1967.
+ Walter Nurnberg.
+\newblock \emph{Words in their Hands},
+\newblock Privately printed at the University Printing House, Cambridge, 1964.
+ Martyn Ould and Martyn Thomas.
+\newblock \emph{The Fell Revival},
+\newblock The Old School Press, 2000.
+ Martyn Ould.
+\newblock \emph{Stanley Morison \& `John Fell'},
+\newblock The Old School Press, 2003.
+ William S. Peterson (editor).
+\newblock \emph{The Ideal Book: Essays and Lectures on the Arts of the Book
+ by William Morris},
+\newblock University of California Press, 1982. (\isbn\ 0-520-04563-7)
+ Royal Commission on Historical Monuments.
+\newblock \emph{City of Cambridge}, 2 Parts,
+\newblock Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1959.
+ Andrew Robinson.
+\newblock \emph{The Story of Writing},
+\newblock Thames \& Hudson, 1995. (\isbn\ 0-500-281564-4)
+ Andrew Robinson.
+\newblock \emph{Lost Languages: The Enigma of the World's Undeciphered Scripts},
+\newblock McGraw-Hill, 2002. (\isbn 0-07-135743-2)
+ Donald B. Sanderson.
+\newblock \emph{Loss of Data Semantics in Syntax Directed Translation},
+\newblock Doctoral Thesis, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 1994.
+ Maarten Sneep.
+\newblock \emph{The atmosphere in the laboratory: cavity ring-down measurements
+ on scattering and absorption},
+\newblock Thesis, Vrije Universitet, 2004.
+ Martyn Thomas, John A. Lane and Anne Rogers.
+\newblock \emph{Harry Carter Typographer},
+\newblock The Old School Press, 2005. (\isbn\ 1-899933-11-5)
+ \"{O}rn\'{o}lfur Thorsson (editor).
+\newblock \emph{The Sagas of the Icelanders},
+\newblock Viking, 2000. (\isbn\ 0-670-88990-3)
+ Marianne Fletcher Titcombe.
+\newblock \emph{The Bookbinding Career of Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt},
+\newblock Hunt Botanical Library, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1974. (\isbn 0-913196-16-9)
+ Adrian Wilson.
+\newblock \emph{The Design of Books},
+\newblock Chronicle Books, 1993. (\isbn\ 0-8118-0304-X)
+ P. R. Wilson.
+\newblock \emph{Some Observations on Planar Diffused Junctions in Silicon},
+\newblock Doctoral Thesis, University of Nottingham, October 1971.
+ P. R. Wilson, M. J. Wozny and M. J. Pratt (editors).
+\newblock \emph{Geometric Modeling for Product Realization},
+\newblock IFIP Transactions, B-8, North-Holland, 1992. (\isbn\ 0-444-81662-3)