path: root/info/latex-brochure/brochure.tex
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/latex-brochure/brochure.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/latex-brochure/brochure.tex')
1 files changed, 614 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/latex-brochure/brochure.tex b/info/latex-brochure/brochure.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..314420d102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/latex-brochure/brochure.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,614 @@
+% v3 2013-01-14
+% v2 2008-01-17
+% v1 2002
+ \textsc{a}}\kern-1ex T\kern-1ex\raisebox{-1ex}{E}\kern-.9ex X}
+ @{}% flush left margin
+ b{.35\columnwidth}% logo
+ @{\hspace{.03\columnwidth}}% gap
+ >{\huge\centering\color{DarkBlue}}p{.62\columnwidth}% headline
+ @{}% flush right margin
+ \raisebox{-55pt}{%
+ \fontsize{80}{0}\selectfont\color{DarkGreen}\bfseries\wLaTeX}
+ Sophisticated professional typesetting\\[4pt]\hrule\vspace*{7pt}
+ for business and academic publishing\par\vspace{8pt}\hrule height3pt
+ \par\bigskip
+ \fontsize{16}{18}\selectfont\itshape
+ The ideal solution for your document formatting\linebreak
+ and database or {\Large XML} publishing requirements
+ p{.38\columnwidth}% blurb
+ @{\hspace{.04\columnwidth}}% gap
+ p{.58\columnwidth}% quotes
+ @{}% implicit margin
+The ultimate in portable typesetting: \LaTeX\ runs on \\any computer
+and produces timely, accurate output in publication quality on your
+desktop printer or business typesetter.
+\LaTeX\ is completely free, and has been the tried and tested solution
+for over 25 years.
+\LaTeX\ is in use by leading publishers, documentation specialists,
+and technical and academic users worldwide.
+\subsection*{\sffamily What they say about \LaTeX}
+I was getting increasingly exasperated with the limitations presented
+by wordprocessing programs when \LaTeX\ came into my life and
+allowed me to do all those things I previously could only dream of,
+from unusual symbols to complicated layout. I strongly recommend it
+to anybody interested in producing a professional-looking document!
+\quoted{Petra Hellmuth, Language Specialist}
+I use pdf\LaTeX\ and \MF\ not only because I need them to create my
+presentations, lecture notes and papers but also because it's fun!
+Entering a math equation in Powerpoint is a pain in the neck: with
+pdf\LaTeX\ and \MP\ it is a lot easier because you can change the
+style of what is to be displayed. I have a lecture class from which I
+generate a lecture presentation \emph{and} lecture notes all from the
+same source: I can add text which appears in one or both of the
+\quoted{Marc van Dongen, Computer Scientist}
+%\vbox to7pc{\hrule\hbox to\hsize{\vrule height7pc\hfill\vrule}\hrule}
+ \setlength{\fboxsep}{3pt}\noindent
+ \fbox{\vbox to8pc{\hsize=.38\columnwidth
+ \advance\hsize by-2\fboxsep\advance\hsize by-2\fboxrule
+ \null\vfill\normalsize\centering
+ \LaTeX\ is available in Ireland from
+ \par\medskip\footnotesize\tabcolsep1mm
+ \begin{tabular}{p{.4\hsize}p{.55\hsize}}
+ Silmaril Consultants\par
+ Bishopstown, Cork\par
+ \\par
+ \scalebox{.94}[1]{\url+}
+ &
+ UCC Computer Centre\par
+ Electronic Publishing Unit\par
+ 3.19 Kane Building\par
+ \scalebox{.94}[1]{\url+}
+ \end{tabular}\par\medskip
+ The Irish \TeX\ And \LaTeX\ Interest Community (ITALIC)
+ \\has a mailing list which you can join at\\
+ \url+
+ \vfill}}
+% front RH blurb
+\lettrine[lines=3]{I}{f} you need to produce a document for
+publication you want robust, professional software which won't let you
+down~--- whether it's an annual report, a manual for your customers, a
+business plan or white paper for your investors, an article for a
+journal, a book for a publisher, a newsletter for your club or
+society, or a leaflet or brochure for a product, event, or venue.
+\item \LaTeX\ is a document preparation system for producing
+ high-quality output, based on Don Knuth's revolutionary
+ \TeX\ typesetting program. It's been used by millions since its
+ launch in 1985, and has been continuously updated to bring you the
+ state of the art in accuracy and flexibility.
+\item More powerful than a wordprocessor or desktop publishing system,
+ \LaTeX\ has a host of unique features which can dramatically cut
+ time and cost for any publishing project, especially for long or
+ complex documents.
+\item Its secret is programmability: hundreds of prewritten templates
+ (packages) to handle almost any formatting task~--- or you can
+ define your own with the underlying style language. You only have to
+ define a pattern once, and all further occurrences then follow that
+ style, giving it unrivalled consistency: the key to
+ professional-looking output.
+If you're convinced, or if you are not, get in touch with your nearest
+supplier, or contact your local User Group (see addresses in panel).
+They will be happy to discuss your requirements. You're also very
+welcome to come to any of the User Group events and meet other users.
+% P2Inside
+ >{\setlength{\leftmargini}{12pt}}p{.32\columnwidth}%
+ |%
+ >{\setlength{\parindent}{1em}\setlength{\parskip}{2pt}\sffamily}p{.64\columnwidth}%
+ @{}%
+\subsection{Publishing with \LaTeX}
+Could your next report, white paper, article, book, paper, review, or
+essay benefit from using \LaTeX? Do you need to be able to exchange
+documents with colleagues using other types of computer,
+without loss of formatting?
+\item Default styles give you immediate, automatic draft formatting
+ for common types of document.
+\item Powerful automation features handle cross-references,
+ bibliographic citations, tables of contents, indexes, and glossaries
+ with ease.
+\item Automated formatting of formulae, designed by one of the world's
+ leading computer scientists.
+\item Industry-standard Acrobat (\textsc{pdf}) and PostScript
+ (\textsc{ps}) output.
+\item Available in Open Source and commercial versions.
+\item Strongly supported via the Internet, with user groups in many
+ countries, and by business-level consultants and vendors.
+\item Huge range of fonts and languages supported, with floating and
+ fixed accents, hyphenation, and language-based typographic
+ rules.
+\item Journal and book style files available from leading publishers.
+\item Available on almost all platforms: \textsc{pda}s, smartphones,
+ and tablets; laptops and desktops; minicomputers, mainframes, and
+ supercomputers.
+\item Completely portable between systems~--- document files are all
+ plain Unicode and can be edited and processed on any supported
+ platform.
+Automated mathematical formatting uses a symbolic notation, regardless
+of complexity. Spacing and sizing is done to
+mathematicians' standards, so this:
+\verb`E(n_{g+1}'|n_i',n_i'';\,1\le i\le g)=(N'-`\linebreak
+results in the equation below. Graphical \LaTeX-based systems
+such as \LyX\ and \textit{Scientific Word} have built-in equation
+editors for constructing expressions with the mouse and menus.
+\subsection{\sffamily Typefaces}
+\noindent Whether you're using Windows or Unix (including Apple Mac
+OS\thinspace X and GNU/Linux systems), standard \LaTeX\ works with any
+Type~1 outline (PostScript) or Type~3 bitmap (\MF). Using the
+\XeLaTeX\ processor (included on the DVD),
+you can also use all your TrueType and OpenType fonts. This gives you
+access to tens of thousands of typefaces, both free and commercial.
+The standard Adobe `35' core PostScript fonts (Times, Palatino,
+Century Schoolbook, Helvetica, Zapf Calligraphic. etc) are provided by
+default; with the mathematics fonts of Computer Modern,
+Euler, Concrete, and Times; and a range of decorative and specialist
+typefaces for technical, linguistic, and literary typesetting.
+Non-Latin types include Japanese, Chinese, Devanagari, Urdu, Thai,
+Vietnamese, Coptic, Cyrillic, Greek, and many other languages and
+alphabets, including mixed bi-directional Arabic and Hebrew. Extensive
+user group coverage world-wide provides native-language support for
+non-Latin typesetting.
+The fontmaking programs \MF\ and \MP\ come with all
+\TeX\ systems for designing and implementing your own
+typefaces or special symbols.
+The calculations of the underlying \TeX\ formatting engine are very
+precise: it works internally in microunits smaller than the wavelength
+of visible light ($\approx$53.6\AA), resulting in great accuracy in
+positioning. \LaTeX\ can use any mixture of Anglo-American, Didot, or
+Adobe points, or metric or imperial units.
+E(n_{g+1}'|n_i',n_i'';\, 1\le i\le g)=(N'-
+After Rapoport (in Bartholomew, D.J. \textit{Stochastic Models for
+Social Processes}, 2nd.\ ed., John Wiley \& Sons, 1973,
+\LaTeX's tables and figures follow the standard publishers' practice
+of `floating', so if there is no room on the current page, they
+automatically float to the next. Automated crossreferencing means that
+tables and figures can be moved around the document and will always
+renumber themselves and all their references.
+\def\vstrut{\vrule depth.5pc width0pt}
+\renewcommand{\multirowsetup}{\centering} \setlength{\tabcolsep}{1pt}
+\setlength{\arrayrulewidth}{.1pt} \scriptsize\normalfont\noindent
+\textsc{Table 6.2: cases for which the Quantile and Kemsley's methods
+ were impossible, classified by the size of
+ $\sigma$}\par\smallskip\noindent
+ @{\vrule height1pc depth.5pc width0pt}|
+ c|
+ >{\columncolor{SpringGreen}\quad}c<{\quad}|
+ >{\columncolor{Lavender}\enspace}c<{\enspace}|
+ >{\columncolor{SpringGreen}\quad}c<{\quad}|
+ >{\columncolor{Lavender}\enspace}c<{\enspace}|
+ c|@{}}\hline
+ \multirow2{2pc}[-1em]{$\sigma$}
+ &
+ \multicolumn2{p{3pc}|}{\centering Method of\par quantiles\vstrut}
+ &
+ \multicolumn2{p{3pc}|}{\centering Kemsley's\par method\vstrut}
+ &
+ \multirow2{3pc}[-.5em]{Total no.\ of samples available}
+ \\\cline{2-5}
+ &5\%&10\%&5\%&10\%&\\\hline
+ 0.2--0.4&2&1&1&4&20\\[-9pt]
+ 0.5--0.7&---&---&---&4&22\\[-9pt]
+ 0.8--1.0&---&1&2&15&23\\\hline
+ \rowcolor{LightGoldenrod}\ All samples\kern2ex&2&2&4&23&65\\\hline
+\par\flushright{\tiny After Aitchison, J. and J.A.C. Brown,\\
+\textit{The Lognormal Distribution}, CUP, 1976, p.\thinspace
+There are powerful tabular controls for both simple and complex
+designs, with fixed or auto-adjusting spacing which can be very
+precisely aligned to provide better visual appeal. Formal tables and
+Figures are automatically numbered, and can be captioned, labelled,
+crossreferenced, and included in a List of Tables and List of Figures.
+Complex tabular matter can span pages and can be printed landscape
+while retaining the portrait orientation of the caption and
+pagenumber. Simple tabular matter can appear anywhere, without being
+a formal numbered table.
+The crossreferencing features let you name anything you want to refer
+to (table, figure, section, chapter, page, item, etc), and then use
+that name anywhere in the document.
+This lets each crossreference automatically update its location so
+that no matter how much you edit the text, the references remain
+correct. The same method is used for automated indexing, glossary,
+table of contents, list of figures, list of tables, and bibliographic
+The \BibTeX\ bibliographic database lets you store references
+separately from documents, and the \BibLaTeX\ system extracts and
+automatically formats them to any of the standard styles, including
+numeric, in-text, footnotes, or endnotes.
+\subsection{Figures and illustrations}
+Figures can contain textual or graphical illustrations. Pictures can
+be included with scaling, rotation, and clipping, using industry
+standard PDF or EPS vector formats for diagrams, or PNG or JPG bitmaps
+for pictures.
+\par\vspace{-6pt}\begingroup\flushright{\tiny After R.J. Bull,
+\textit{Accounting in Business},\\Butterworths, 2nd.\ ed., 1972,
+p.\thinspace 191.\par}\endgroup\medskip
+\LaTeX\ also has its own CAD-like vector language for simple diagrams,
+and there are packages for typesetting music, electronic circuits,
+flowcharts, and other graphical notations.
+Illustration from collection of Don Knuth (artist
+I find \LaTeX\ a powerful instrument for generating elaborate
+typographic layouts quickly and reliably. They are available for
+revision for years afterwards, without worries about software versions
+or compatibility. \LaTeX\ is demanding in its requirements but it
+relieves me of any concern about the finished project.\par
+\quoted{S\'eamus \'O Dire\'ain, Lexicographer}
+The book by Lamport is the user manual for \LaTeX: make sure you get
+the second edition for \LaTeXe. The \textit{Companion} is more
+advanced, but useful if you want to implement your own customised
+document designs. Knuth's original \textit{\TeX book} is of interest
+mainly to computer scientists and typographic programmers who need to
+know the finest detail.
+There are dozens of other books, ranging from the online
+introductions, \textit{Formatting Information} and \textit{The (not
+so) short introduction to \LaTeXe}, to the professional
+mathematician's \textit{The Joy of \TeX} and the typographer's
+\textit{Digital Typography}.
+\subsection{Persistence and reliability}
+\LaTeX\ was designed to be independent of any particular manufacturer,
+make, or model of computer or printer. Unlike some wordprocessor
+manufacturers' proprietary file formats, \LaTeX\ uses plaintext
+(\textsc{ascii} or Unicode) files which can be created and updated
+with any editor anywhere, and moved between different systems without
+danger of information loss or corruption.
+The system has been carefully designed so that documents written years
+ago can still be typeset. Because the file format is stable, your
+investment in intellectual property cannot be damaged by vendors'
+arbitrary or planned obsolescence, or by changes in versions or
+\sffamily\lite\small\parindent0pt\parskip1em minus.75em
+\LaTeX\ material originally produced for paper printing, no matter how
+long ago, can quickly and easily be made available for today's Web
+access. I have just recently had to provide a journal from 1987--1996
+in a format available for the Web. The opening page was converted
+into HTML for quick scanning on the Web, while the complete articles,
+with all typesetting and font features (including Hebrew, phonetics,
+and Greek), were available for viewing in PDF just by re-running the
+\LaTeX\ files.
+The biggest advantage in publishing production is that similar
+coding of files means anyone can do any journal~--- there is no
+need to learn new sets of commands for style variations.
+Changes in platforms have no effect on production as \LaTeX\ is
+available for all main operating systems.
+It is possible to separate the writing tasks (creation of text) from
+the design/layout issues (spacing, fonts, etc), which allows the
+author simply to identify types of elements (heading levels,
+foot/endnotes, citations, etc) without getting bogged down trying to
+remember the text shape and font selections for each element.\hfill
+\textit{Christina Thiele}, CCS Publishing
+% Column 1 is the decorative initial I on its own
+% Column 2 is the biblical text
+% Column 3 is the caption
+\begin{tabular}{@{\hspace{2mm}}% explicit margin
+ >{\deco}b{.2\columnwidth}% initial I
+ @{}% no space
+ >{\frak}b{.45\columnwidth}% illustration (Gutenberg)
+ @{\hspace{.02\columnwidth}}% gap
+ >{\rubric}b{.32\columnwidth}% captioning
+ @{}% explicit no margin
+ \raisebox{1.2cm}{I}
+ N principio erat verb\~u: \et\ verb\~u erat apud de\~u: et
+ de\raisebox{3pt}{\LARGE9} erat verb\~u. Hoc erat in principio apud
+ de\~u. O\~mia p i\~pm facta sunt: \et\ sine i\~po factum est
+ nichil\rlap. Quod fact\~u est in i\~po vita erat: \et\ vita erat lux
+ homin\~u: et lux in tenebri\char'215\ lu\rlap- cet$\cdot$
+ \et\ tenebre e\~a n\~o com\~phender\~ut. Fu\rlap-
+ Typographic reconstruction of Gutenberg's 42--line bible of
+ 1452--55, using modern Fraktur and decorative initial designed in
+ \MF\ by Yannis Haralambous.
+ \par
+ The ability to control special characters like the insular
+ (Tironian) ampersand ({\frakfamily\et}) and unusual features like
+ hanging punctuation makes \LaTeX\ particularly well suited for
+ typesetting critical and teaching editions.
+ \par\itshape
+ (Beginning of St.\ John's Gospel.)
+\subsection{Where to get \LaTeX}
+\item The \TeX\ Users Group (TUG) distributes a free copy of the
+ \TeX\ Collection DVD to all members annually, with complete
+ installations for all major platforms and a copy of the entire CTAN
+ archive.
+ Many local and national user groups also participate: check with
+ your nearest group (see TUG Web site for addresses).
+\item You can buy a copy with business support from any of the vendors
+ listed below.
+\item All the public-domain and open-source implementations are freely
+ available for download from CTAN (below), including the DVD ISO image
+ of the \TeX\ Collection.
+\subsubsection{The \TeX\ Users Group (TUG)}
+TUG membership is \$85 a year (individual), \$55 (students, new
+graduates, seniors, and citizens of countries with modest economies),
+\$100 (non-voting, eg libraries), or \$500 (institutional, up to eight
+named memberships). See \url+ for details of
+`early-bird' rates and other charges. Membership includes the
+triannual journal \textit{TUGboat} and discounts on conference fees:
+&\scshape tug&\scshape Euro\TeX/Con\TeX t and others\\[3pt]
+ 2013&Tokyo, Japan&[tba]\\
+ 2012&Boston, MA&Breskens, Netherlands\\
+ 2011&Kerala, India&Bassenge, Belgium \& Bachotek, Poland\\
+ 2010&San Francisco, CA&Brejlov, Czech Republic\\
+ 2009&South Bend, IN&Pisa, Italy\\
+ 2008&Cork, Ireland&Bohinj, Slovenia \& Pisa, Italy\\
+\subsubsection*{CTAN~--- the Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network}
+CTAN is an Internet archive of all free \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ software,
+packages, and documentation. There are searchable indexes and
+catalogues at \url+, \url+,
+and \url+
+\subsubsection*{Online and other support}
+Network-based support is freely available on the \url{comp.text.tex}
+Usenet newsgroup, the \url{} mailing list and
+the \url{} web forum. There are many others,
+including the \TeX\ FAQ, listed at \url{}~.
+\subsubsection*{Vendors with business support}
+ Andrew Trevorrow&Oz\TeX&Mac&\\
+ MacKichan Software&Scientific Word&Win&\\
+ MicroPress, Inc&Visual \TeX&Win&\\
+ PC\TeX, Inc&PC\TeX&Win&\\
+ Tom Kiffe&CMac\TeX&Mac&\\
+ True\TeX, Inc&True\TeX&Win&\\
+\subsection{\sffamily Technical Requirements}
+\subsubsection{\sffamily Operating systems}
+\LaTeX\ runs on all current computing platforms. The most common
+implementations are:
+\begin{tabular}{|>{\raggedright\vrule height1.5em width0pt}m{3cm}
+ |>{\vrule height1.5em width0pt}m{5cm}|}
+ \textbf{System}&\textbf{Implementation}\\\hline
+ Microsoft Windows&\textit{Free}: \textbf{\TeX\ Live}, Pro\TeX t
+ (Mik\TeX)\par
+ \textit{Commercial}: see vendor list\\
+ Unix and GNU/Linux&\textit{Free}: \textbf{\TeX\ Live}\\
+ Apple Macintosh OS\thinspace X&\textit{Free}: \textbf{Mac\TeX}
+ (\TeX\ Live)\par
+ \textit{Shareware}: OZ\TeX, CMac\TeX\\
+ Android&\TeX\ for Android in the Google Play store\par
+ \TeX\ Live for Android at Google Code\\
+ All others&\itshape Contact the \TeX\ Users Group\\[3pt]\hline
+\subsubsection*{\sffamily Hardware}
+\item \LaTeX\ will run even on old machines, but a 500MHz processor or
+ above is recommended.
+\item You should have at least 512Mb of memory, more if you aim to do
+ very complex work or use very long documents.
+\item You need about 500Mb of hard disk space depending on the options
+ you choose (minimal install is about 250Mb; full is about 1.2Gb).
+\item The finer your screen and printer resolution, the better quality
+ you will be able to see and print. A fast inkjet printer or a laser
+ printer is recommended if you need printed output.
+\subsubsection*{\sffamily Software for editing and reading documents}
+\item You need a good text editor for creating and maintaining
+ documents: there is a selection included on the \TeX\ Collection
+ DVD.
+\item You also need a PDF reader to view your typeset output (included
+ on the \TeX\ Collection DVD), eg
+ \textit{GhostScript}/\textit{GSview}, \textit{Okular}, Adobe
+ \textit{Acrobat Reader}, etc.
+\item You may need a graphics editor (eg \textit{GIMP}) if you want to
+ create or modify images (see \textit{Figures}); and a vector editor (eg
+ \textit{InkScape}) if you use diagrams.
+%\item There is a wide range of other utilities available from the
+%Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network.
+\begingroup\fontsize56\selectfont \TeX, \LaTeX, and \MF\ are trademarks
+ of the American Mathematical Society. PostScript, PDF, and Acrobat
+ are trademarks of Adobe Corporation. Macintosh and TrueType are
+ trademarks of Apple Corporation. Windows, Word, and OpenType are
+ trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Unix is a trademark of Bell
+ Laboratories. Unicode is a trademark of Unicode, Inc. Copyright
+ \copyright\ 2001--\number\year\ by Silmaril Consultants and
+ distributed under the terms of the \LaTeX\ Project Public License
+ (\url{}).