path: root/info/knuth-pdf/index.html
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-03-11 03:00:51 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-03-11 03:00:51 +0000
commit8379a45cf223651b1c06ebf5c680db900d83c6a5 (patch)
tree38feea3589200f62c13997bfe3954ce9359e83cb /info/knuth-pdf/index.html
parentf808c98da8e34907b93b8b1c2ef473539b88c504 (diff)
CTAN sync 202103110300
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+<header id="title-block-header">
+<h1 class="title">C/WEB programs in “TeX Live 2021”</h1>
+<h2 id="introduction">Introduction</h2>
+<p>Welcome to “All Things <code>WEB</code>” in “TeX Live.”</p>
+<p>Here you find the documented source code of all major <code>WEB</code> and <code>CWEB</code> programs in readable format. The “named” entries represent the unmodified base sources, the attached “<code>chg</code>” links point to “only the changed sections (or modules),” so you may want to study these pairs in parallel. Care has been taken to keep the section numbers for the main parts intact.</p>
+<p>Although not all the programs here are written or maintained by Donald Knuth, it is more convenient for everything to be collected in one place for reading and searching. And they all stem from the system that Knuth created.</p>
+<p>Note that all <code>WEB</code> programs are mogrified from Pascal code to C code before compilation, so further modifications and amendments will occur “for the real thing,” i.e., the production of the executable <code>WEB</code> programs. (The <code>CWEB</code> programs do not require these extra modifications, they get linked directly to the external runtime environment.)</p>
+<p>If you believe to have found anything that remains technically, historically, typographically, or politically incorrect, please feel free to <a href="">report bugs in TeX and friends</a>.</p>
+<h2 id="canonical-knuthian-web-programs">Canonical Knuthian WEB programs</h2>
+<li><p><code>etc/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="etc/vftovp.pdf"><code>VFtoVP</code></a> <sub><a href="etc/vftovp-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="etc/vptovf.pdf"><code>VPtoVF</code></a> <sub><a href="etc/vptovf-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>mf/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="mf/mf.pdf"><code>Metafont</code></a> <sub><a href="mf/mf-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="mf/trapman.pdf"><code>TRAPMAN</code></a> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>mfware/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="mfware/gftype.pdf"><code>GFtype</code></a> <sub><a href="mfware/gftype-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="mfware/gftopk.pdf"><code>GFtoPK</code></a> <sub><a href="mfware/gftopk-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="mfware/gftodvi.pdf"><code>GFtoDVI</code></a> <sub><a href="mfware/gftodvi-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="mfware/mft.pdf"><code>MFT</code></a> <sub><a href="mfware/mft-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>tex/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="tex/glue.pdf"><code>GLUE</code></a> <a href="tex/tex.pdf"><code>TeX</code></a> <sub><a href="tex/tex-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="tex/tripman.pdf"><code>TRIPMAN</code></a> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>texware/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="texware/pooltype.pdf"><code>POOLtype</code></a> <sub><a href="texware/pooltype-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="texware/tftopl.pdf"><code>TFtoPL</code></a> <sub><a href="texware/tftopl-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="texware/pltotf.pdf"><code>PLtoTF</code></a> <sub><a href="texware/pltotf-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="texware/dvitype.pdf"><code>DVItype</code></a> <sub><a href="texware/dvitype-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>web/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="web/webman.pdf"><code>WEBMAN</code></a> <a href="web/weave.pdf"><code>WEAVE</code></a> <sub><a href="web/weave-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="web/tangle.pdf"><code>TANGLE</code></a> <sub><a href="web/tangle-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<h2 id="complementary-web-programs">Complementary WEB programs</h2>
+<li><p><code>other/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="other/dvicopy.pdf"><code>DVIcopy</code></a> <sub><a href="other/dvicopy-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="other/patgen.pdf"><code>PatGen</code></a> <sub><a href="other/patgen-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="other/pktogf.pdf"><code>PKtoGF</code></a> <sub><a href="other/pktogf-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="other/pktype.pdf"><code>PKtype</code></a> <sub><a href="other/pktype-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>bibtex/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="bibtex/bibtex.pdf"><code>BibTeX</code></a> <sub><a href="bibtex/bibtex-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>pdftex/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="pdftex/pdftex.pdf"><code>pdfTeX</code></a> <sub><a href="pdftex/pdftex-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>xetex/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="xetex/xetex.pdf"><code>XeTeX</code></a> <sub><a href="xetex/xetex-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<h2 id="cweb-programs">CWEB programs</h2>
+<li><p><code>cweb/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="cweb/cwebman.pdf"><code>CWEBMAN</code></a> <a href="cweb/common.pdf"><code>COMMON</code></a> <sub><a href="cweb/common-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="cweb/ctangle.pdf"><code>CTANGLE</code></a> <sub><a href="cweb/ctangle-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="cweb/cweave.pdf"><code>CWEAVE</code></a> <sub><a href="cweb/cweave-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub><br />
+<a href="cweb/ctwill.pdf"><code>CTWILL</code></a> <a href="cweb/refsort.pdf"><code>REFSORT</code></a> <sub><a href="cweb/refsort-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <a href="cweb/twinx.pdf"><code>TWINX</code></a> <sub><a href="cweb/twinx-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>ctie/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="ctie/ctie.pdf"><code>CTIE</code></a> <sub><a href="ctie/ctie-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<li><p><code>tie/</code> <span>[</span> <a href="tie/tie.pdf"><code>TIE</code></a> <sub><a href="tie/tie-changes.pdf"><code>chg</code></a></sub> <span>]</span></p></li>
+<h2 id="errata-for-computers-typesetting">Errata for “Computers &amp; Typesetting”</h2>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errorlog.pdf">The Errors of TeX</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/">The TeXbook, 1<sup>st</sup> printing</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.two.pdf">The TeXbook, 2<sup>nd</sup> printing</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.three.pdf">Computers &amp; Typesetting, 15 June 1987</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.four.pdf">Computers &amp; Typesetting, 20 February 1989</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.five.pdf">Computers &amp; Typesetting, 30 September 1989</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.six.pdf">Computers &amp; Typesetting, 31 December 1990</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/">Computers &amp; Typesetting, 15 March 1992</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.eight.pdf">Computers &amp; Typesetting, pre-Millennium ed.</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.nine.pdf">The TeXbook, September 1996</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.ten.pdf">Computers &amp; Typesetting, 1<sup>st</sup> Millennium ed.</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.eleven.pdf">Computers &amp; Typesetting, 2<sup>nd</sup> Millennium ed.</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.twelve.pdf">Computers &amp; Typesetting, early 2014</a></p></li>
+<li><p><a href="errata/errata.pdf">Computers &amp; Typesetting, 31 January 2021</a></p></li>
+<h2 id="happy-cweb-programming">Happy C/WEB Programming!</h2>