path: root/info/german/fancyhdr
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/german/fancyhdr
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/german/fancyhdr')
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1.pdfbin0 -> 7562 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10.pdfbin0 -> 6449 bytes
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-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1_3.pngbin0 -> 7455 bytes
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-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp3_3.pngbin0 -> 6321 bytes
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-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp4_2.pngbin0 -> 5499 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp4_3.pngbin0 -> 6807 bytes
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-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5_3.pngbin0 -> 6608 bytes
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-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6_3.pngbin0 -> 6726 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp7.pdfbin0 -> 54511 bytes
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-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp7_3.pngbin0 -> 7154 bytes
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-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp8_2.pngbin0 -> 4335 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp8_3.pngbin0 -> 6326 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp9.pdfbin0 -> 6865 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp9_2.pngbin0 -> 5941 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/bsp9_3.pngbin0 -> 6979 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/fancyfolien+bsp.pdfbin0 -> 217076 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/german/fancyhdr/fancyfolien.pdfbin0 -> 76850 bytes
60 files changed, 23509 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/beispiel.tex b/info/german/fancyhdr/beispiel.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..885b2c7f61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/beispiel.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+\section{Die vier Seitenstile von \LaTeX{}}
+\item \texttt{plain}
+ist der Standardstil, er erzeugt eine
+Fu"sszeile mit zentrierter Seitennummer. \verb|\chapter| erzwingt f"ur
+die erste Seite eines Kapitels diesen Seitenstil. Gleiches macht
+\verb|\maketitle| falls es keine extra Titelseite gibt.
+\item \texttt{empty}
+verzichtet dann auch noch auf die Seitennummer. Das
+wird erzwungen, wenn man eine extra Titelseite hat.
+\item \texttt{headings}
+erzeugt aus den \verb|\chapter|, \verb|\section|
+etc. eine Kopfzeile.
+\item \texttt{myheadings}
+bedarf dann der h"andischen Einf"ugung von
+\verb|\markright| und \verb|\markboth|
+\section{Die verwendeten Makros}
+\subsection{\texttt{leftmark} und \texttt{rightmark}}
+Bei doppelseitigen Dokumenten mu"s zwischen linken und rechten Seiten
+unterschieden werden, w"ahrend einseitige Dokumente nur rechte Seiten
+\verb|\rightmark| und \verb|\leftmark| werden "uber diverse
+Umwege so definert, da"s sie die Kopfzeile f"ur linke (gerade) und
+rechte (ungerade) Seiten haben.
+Aber darum m"ussen wir uns nicht k"ummern.
+\subsection{\texttt{markboth} und \texttt{markright}}
+Die Makros \verb|\markboth{}{}| und \verb|\markright{}| erledigen das.
+\verb|\markboth{}{}| hat zwei Argumente, die die linke und rechte
+Kopfzeile beeinflussen, w"ahrend \verb|\markright{}| mit seinem einem
+Argument nur die rechte beeinflu"st.
+Aber auch diese werden wir selten brauchen.
+\subsection{\texttt{chaptermark}, \texttt{sectionmark} und \texttt{subsectionmark} }
+Oft will man die Abschnitts"uberschriften in der Kopfzeile haben.
+Daf"ur gibt es \verb|\subsectionmark{}|, \verb|\sectionmark{}| und \verb|\chaptermark{}|, die
+z.\,B. so definiert sind (aus \texttt{article.sty}):
+ \def\sectionmark#1{%
+ \markboth {\MakeUppercase{%
+ \ifnum \c@secnumdepth >\z@
+ \thesection\quad
+ \fi
+ ##1}}{}}%
+Es wird \verb|markboth| "`aufgerufen"'. Das erste Argument ist das
+Argument, mit dem \verb|\sectionmark| aufgerufen wurde (also die
+Abschnitts"uberschrift), da"s zweite ist leer, d.\,h. geraden Seiten
+haben erstmal keine "Uberschrift. Darum k"ummert sich dann
+\verb|\subsectionmark| bzw. bei \texttt{book} \verb|\sectionmark|.
+Falls einem das Erscheinungsbild nicht gef"allt (z.\,B. wegen des
+\verb|MakeUppercase|) kann man nat"urlich \verb|\sectionmark| und Co.
+selber neu definieren.
+\section{Die Makros von \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+\subsection{Ein neuer Seitenstil}
+Die Kopf-/Fu"szeilen einer Doppelseite sind so aufgebaut:
+Kopfzeile & EL & EC & ER && OL & OC & OR\\
+&\multicolumn{7}{|c|}{Der Text}\\
+Fu"szeile & EL & EC & ER && OL & OC & OR\\
+Mit \verb|\fancyhead{EL}{gerade links oben}|
+kann z.\,B. festgelegt werden, da"s auf
+geraden (Even) Seiten, links in der Kopfzeile der Text "`gerade links
+oben"' gedruckt wird.
+Entsprechendes macht f"ur \verb|\fancyfoot| f"ur die Fu"szeile.
+\verb|L| und \verb|E| k"onnen weggelassen werden; dann wird nicht
+zwischen geraden und ungeraden Seiten unterschieden.
+Es gibt auch noch \verb|\fancyhf|, das zus"atzliche Buchstaben H und F f"ur
+Kopf- und Fu"szeile erlaubt. Mit \verb|\fancyhf{}| kann man z.\,B
+erstmal alle Felder l"oschen.
+Der so definierte Seitenstil kann dann mit \verb|\pagestyle{fancy}|
+aktiviert werden.
+\subsection{\texttt{plain} umdefinieren}
+Einige \LaTeX{}-Kommandos (z.\,B. \verb|\section|) rufen
+\verb|\thispagestyle{plain}| was nicht immer gef"allt.
+Daher kann man auch \texttt{plain} umdefinieren. Dies funktioniert mit
+% ... \fancyhead, \fancyfoot etc.
+Die Dicke der Trennlinien zwischen Kopf-/Fu"szeile und Text wird mit
+den Makros \verb|\headrulewidth| bzw. \verb|\footrulewidth|
+\verb|\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}| schaltet die Linie ab.
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1.pdf b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..6a11fb6760
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..04a5553251
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
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+0 0]concat}if 72 Resolution div 72 VResolution div neg scale isls{
+landplus90{VResolution 72 div vsize mul 0 exch}{Resolution -72 div hsize
+mul 0}ifelse TR}if Resolution VResolution vsize -72 div 1 add mul TR[
+matrix currentmatrix{A A round sub abs 0.00001 lt{round}if}forall round
+exch round exch]setmatrix}N/@landscape{/isls true N}B/@manualfeed{
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+definefont setfont}B/Cw{Cd A length 5 sub get}B/Ch{Cd A length 4 sub get
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+1 add N}if}B/id 0 N/rw 0 N/rc 0 N/gp 0 N/cp 0 N/G 0 N/CharBuilder{save 3
+1 roll S A/base get 2 index get S/BitMaps get S get/Cd X pop/ctr 0 N Cdx
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+sub Cy .1 sub]/id Ci N/rw Cw 7 add 8 idiv string N/rc 0 N/gp 0 N/cp 0 N{
+rc 0 ne{rc 1 sub/rc X rw}{G}ifelse}imagemask restore}B/G{{id gp get/gp
+gp 1 add N A 18 mod S 18 idiv pl S get exec}loop}B/adv{cp add/cp X}B
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+A A add 255 and S 1 and or}ifelse}ifelse put 1 adv}B/rsh{rw cp 2 copy
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+fillstr 0 4 index getinterval putinterval adv}B/fillstr 18 string 0 1 17
+{2 copy 255 put pop}for N/pl[{adv 1 chg}{adv 1 chg nd}{1 add chg}{1 add
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+1 add set}{1 add clr}{adv 2 chg}{adv 2 chg nd}{pop nd}]A{bind pop}
+forall N/D{/cc X A type/stringtype ne{]}if nn/base get cc ctr put nn
+/BitMaps get S ctr S sf 1 ne{A A length 1 sub A 2 index S get sf div put
+}if put/ctr ctr 1 add N}B/I{cc 1 add D}B/bop{userdict/bop-hook known{
+bop-hook}if/SI save N @rigin 0 0 moveto/V matrix currentmatrix A 1 get A
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+exch getinterval eq{pop true exit}if}{pop}ifelse}forall}{false}ifelse
+end{{gsave TR -.1 .1 TR 1 1 scale Rx Ry false RMat{BDot}imagemask
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+imagemask grestore}}ifelse B/QV{gsave newpath transform round exch round
+exch itransform moveto Rx 0 rlineto 0 Ry neg rlineto Rx neg 0 rlineto
+fill grestore}B/a{moveto}B/delta 0 N/tail{A/delta X 0 rmoveto}B/M{S p
+delta add tail}B/b{S p tail}B/c{-4 M}B/d{-3 M}B/e{-2 M}B/f{-1 M}B/g{0 M}
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+p -2 w}B/o{p -1 w}B/q{p 1 w}B/r{p 2 w}B/s{p 3 w}B/t{p 4 w}B/x{0 S
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+%%BeginProcSet: 8r.enc
+% @@psencodingfile@{
+% author = "S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry",
+% version = "0.6",
+% date = "1 July 1998",
+% filename = "8r.enc",
+% email = "",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
+% to be used with TeX."
+% @}
+% Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts
+% available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe
+% Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida.
+% Character code assignments were made as follows:
+% (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI
+% positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the
+% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows
+% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for
+% typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen
+% (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an
+% irritation not having them in TeX positions.
+% (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part
+% of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software.
+% (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the
+% hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public
+% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12.
+% (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully)
+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
+% available.
+% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both
+% ASCII and Windows.
+/TeXBase1Encoding [
+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
+ /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl
+ /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash
+ /ogonek /ring /.notdef
+ /breve /minus /.notdef
+% These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as
+% well include them.
+ /Zcaron /zcaron
+% 0x10
+ /caron /dotlessi
+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
+ /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+ % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright
+ % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there to here.
+ /grave /quotesingle
+% 0x20 (ASCII begins)
+ /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign
+ /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+ /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash
+% 0x30
+ /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven
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+% 0x40
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+% 0x50
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+ /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore
+% 0x60
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+% 0x70
+ /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+ /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde
+ /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends
+% 0x80
+ /.notdef /.notdef /quotesinglbase /florin
+ /quotedblbase /ellipsis /dagger /daggerdbl
+ /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft
+ /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+% 0x90
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblleft
+ /quotedblright /bullet /endash /emdash
+ /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright
+ /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis
+% 0xA0
+ /.notdef % nobreakspace
+ /exclamdown /cent /sterling
+ /currency /yen /brokenbar /section
+ /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft
+ /logicalnot
+ /hyphen % Y&Y (also at 45); Windows' softhyphen
+ /registered
+ /macron
+% 0xD0
+ /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior
+ /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered
+ /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright
+ /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown
+% 0xC0
+ /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+ /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis
+ /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
+% 0xD0
+ /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute
+ /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply
+ /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
+ /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls
+% 0xE0
+ /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde
+ /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
+ /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis
+ /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+% 0xF0
+ /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute
+ /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide
+ /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex
+ /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
+] def
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+index/UniqueID ne and{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall[1 index 0 6 -1 roll
+exec 0 exch 5 -1 roll VResolution Resolution div mul neg 0 0]/Metrics
+exch def dict begin Encoding{exch dup type/integertype ne{pop pop 1 sub
+dup 0 le{pop}{[}ifelse}{FontMatrix 0 get div Metrics 0 get div def}
+ifelse}forall Metrics/Metrics currentdict end def[2 index currentdict
+end definefont 3 -1 roll makefont/setfont cvx]cvx def}def/ObliqueSlant{
+dup sin S cos div neg}B/SlantFont{4 index mul add}def/ExtendFont{3 -1
+roll mul exch}def/ReEncodeFont{CharStrings rcheck{/Encoding false def
+dup[exch{dup CharStrings exch known not{pop/.notdef/Encoding true def}
+if}forall Encoding{]exch pop}{cleartomark}ifelse}if/Encoding exch def}
+def end
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+TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont}56 83.022 /Times-Roman
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+42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 1[42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42 42
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+1[42 35[{.85 ExtendFont TeXBase1Encoding ReEncodeFont}38
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+(Fu\337szeile)f(mit)h(zentrierter)f(Seitennummer)-5 b(.)-43
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+(Seitenstil.)g(Gleiches)-43 578 y(macht)20 b Fh(\\maketitle)k
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+g(auf)h(die)g(Seitennummer)-5 b(.)15 b(Das)i(wird)g(erzwungen,)d(wenn)
+-43 837 y(man)20 b(eine)g(e)o(xtra)f(T)m(itelseite)i(hat.)-126
+995 y Ff(\017)41 b Fh(headings)24 b Fe(erzeugt)19 b(aus)h(den)g
+Fh(\\chapter)p Fe(,)j Fh(\\section)h Fe(etc.)c(eine)g(K)m(opfzeile.)
+-126 1154 y Ff(\017)41 b Fh(myheadings)19 b Fe(bedarf)14
+b(dann)g(der)h(h)5 b(\250)-33 b(andischen)13 b(Einf)7
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+Fc(leftmark)23 b Fd(und)j Fc(rightmark)-250 1789 y Fe(Bei)h
+(rechten)h(Seiten)g(unterschieden)-250 1888 y(werden,)13
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+(Seiten)i(haben.)d Fh(\\rightmark)20 b Fe(und)14 b Fh(\\leftmark)-250
+1988 y Fe(werden)35 b(\250)-35 b(uber)29 b(di)n(v)o(erse)g(Umwe)o(ge)g
+b(\250)-35 b(ur)29 b(link)o(e)h(\(gerade\))e(und)-250
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+Fc(markright)-250 2477 y Fe(Die)18 b(Makros)f Fh(\\markboth{}{})23
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+Fe(,)-250 3266 y Fh(\\sectionmark{})25 b Fe(und)19 b
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+j(das)f(Ar)o(gument,)e(mit)i(dem)g Fh(\\sectionmark)3154
+-169 y Fe(aufgerufen)g(wurde)j(\(also)h(die)g(Abschnitts)7
+b(\250)-35 b(uberschrift\),)15 b(da\337)k(zweite)g(ist)h(leer)m(,)e(d.)
+13 b(h.)19 b(geraden)e(Seiten)3154 -70 y(haben)k(erstmal)i(k)o(eine)
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+y Fd(4.1)99 b(Ein)25 b(neuer)i(Seitenstil)3154 867 y
+Fe(Die)20 b(K)m(opf-/Fu\337zeilen)e(einer)i(Doppelseite)f(sind)h(so)h
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+Fh(\\fancyhf{})j Fe(kann)19 b(man)h(z.)13 b(B)21 b(erstmal)g(alle)f
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+\title{Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+\author{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\section{Beispiel 1}
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10.pdf b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..da517bef9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10.pdf
Binary files differ
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+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
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+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
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+% 0x10
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+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
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+% 0xD0
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+% 0xE0
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+% 0xF0
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+(wenn)f(man)g(mit)h(PPo)n(wer4)f(St)7 b(\250)-35 b(uck)19
+b(f)7 b(\250)-35 b(ur)19 b(St)7 b(\250)-35 b(uck)19 b(eine)h(Seite)g
+(auf-)-17 1789 y(bauen)f(will,)h(aber)g(die)g(Fu\337zeile)g(v)n(on)g
+(Anf)o(ang)e(an)j(braucht.)-17 2189 y Fg(2)119 b(Die)31
+b(vier)f(Seitenstile)g(v)o(on)g(L)1393 2172 y Fd(A)1441
+2189 y Fg(T)1501 2217 y(E)1565 2189 y(X)107 2416 y Fc(\017)41
+b Fe(plain)27 b Fh(ist)e(der)f(Standardstil,)g(er)g(erzeugt)g(eine)g
+(Fu\337szeile)g(mit)h(zentrierter)e(Sei-)190 2516 y(tennummer)-5
+b(.)21 b Fe(\\chapter)26 b Fh(erzwingt)c(f)7 b(\250)-35
+b(ur)22 b(die)h(erste)g(Seite)h(eines)f(Kapitels)g(diesen)190
+2616 y(Seitenstil.)17 b(Gleiches)g(macht)g Fe(\\maketitle)k
+2869 y Fc(\017)41 b Fe(empty)34 b Fh(v)o(erzichtet)c(dann)g(auch)g
+(noch)g(auf)h(die)g(Seitennummer)-5 b(.)29 b(Das)j(wird)f(er)n(-)190
+2969 y(zwungen,)18 b(wenn)i(man)g(eine)g(e)o(xtra)f(T)m(itelseite)i
+(hat.)107 3223 y Fc(\017)41 b Fe(headings)24 b Fh(erzeugt)19
+b(aus)h(den)g Fe(\\chapter)p Fh(,)j Fe(\\section)h Fh(etc.)c(eine)g(K)m
+(opfzeile.)107 3476 y Fc(\017)41 b Fe(myheadings)d Fh(bedarf)33
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+y(Beispiele)g(zu)g Fe(fancyhdr)p 3270 -333 V 3270 -104
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+121 y Fb(3.1)99 b Fa(leftmark)23 b Fb(und)j Fa(rightmark)3270
+299 y Fh(Bei)h(doppelseitigen)e(Dokumenten)f(mu\337)h(zwischen)h(link)o
+(en)g(und)g(rechten)f(Seiten)h(un-)3270 399 y(terschieden)j(werden,)g
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+(Seiten)g(haben.)3270 499 y Fe(\\rightmark)24 b Fh(und)19
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+(rechte)g(K)m(opfzeile)g(beein\003ussen,)f(w)5 b(\250)-33
+b(ahrend)3270 1379 y Fe(\\markright{})37 b Fh(mit)c(seinem)f(einem)g
+1478 y(auch)20 b(diese)g(werden)f(wir)h(selten)h(brauchen.)3270
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+Fh(und)21 b Fe(\\chaptermark{})p Fh(,)27 b(die)22 b(z.)14
+b(B.)22 b(so)3270 2159 y(de\002niert)e(sind)g(\(aus)g
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+(\\thesection\\quad)3609 2771 y(\\fi)3609 2871 y(##1}}{}}\045)3270
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+3073 y(aufgerufen)-6 b(\223)6 b(.)12 b(Das)17 b(erste)e(Ar)o(gument)f
+(ist)i(das)g(Ar)o(gument,)d(mit)j(dem)3270 3172 y Fe(\\sectionmark)30
+b Fh(aufgerufen)23 b(wurde)i(\(also)h(die)g(Abschnitts)7
+b(\250)-35 b(uberschrift\),)22 b(da\337)j(zweite)3270
+3272 y(ist)g(leer)m(,)e(d.)13 b(h.)23 b(geraden)f(Seiten)i(haben)f
+(erstmal)g(k)o(eine)4931 3254 y(\250)4915 3272 y(Uberschrift.)f(Darum)g
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+Fe(\\subsectionmark)26 b Fh(bzw)-5 b(.)19 b(bei)h Fe(book)i
+(\\sectionmark)p Fh(.)3395 3483 y(F)o(alls)16 b(einem)e(das)i
+(Erscheinungsbild)c(nicht)j(gef)5 b(\250)-33 b(allt)15
+b(\(z.)e(B.)j(we)o(gen)e(des)h Fe(MakeUppercase)p Fh(\))3270
+3583 y(kann)k(man)h(nat)7 b(\250)-35 b(urlich)19 b Fe(\\sectionmark)25
+b Fh(und)19 b(Co.)h(selber)g(neu)g(de\002nieren.)p eop
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diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10.tex b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64374dcd40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+\fancyhead[EL]{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\fancyhead[OR]{Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+\title{Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+\author{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\section{Beispiel 10}
+\fancyhead[EL]{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\fancyhead[OR]{Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+Dieses Beispiel setzt die Fu"szeile als Teil der Kopfzeile. Dies kann
+Das k"onnte interessant sein, wenn man mit PPower4 St"uck f"ur St"uck
+eine Seite aufbauen will, aber die Fu"szeile von Anfang an braucht.
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10_2.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ed0bededae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10_2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10_3.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10_3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b3769545fc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp10_3.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1_2.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0ab06b6319
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1_2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1_3.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1_3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d200f69d40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp1_3.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp2.pdf b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp2.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1219dc24b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp2.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..01859ae22f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
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+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
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+% 0xE0
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+% 0xF0
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+1445 y(ter)27 b(Seitennummer)-5 b(.)24 b Ff(\\chapter)30
+b Fj(erzwingt)25 b(f)7 b(\250)-35 b(ur)25 b(die)i(erste)f(Seite)h
+(eines)384 1545 y(Kapitels)e(diesen)g(Seitenstil.)g(Gleiches)f(macht)h
+Ff(\\maketitle)j Fj(f)o(alls)d(es)384 1644 y(k)o(eine)20
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+b Ff(empty)36 b Fj(v)o(erzichtet)31 b(dann)h(auch)h(noch)f(auf)g(die)h
+(Seitennummer)-5 b(.)32 b(Das)384 1937 y(wird)20 b(erzwungen,)e(wenn)i
+(man)f(eine)h(e)o(xtra)g(T)m(itelseite)h(hat.)301 2130
+y Fd(\017)41 b Ff(headings)23 b Fj(erzeugt)c(aus)g(den)g
+Ff(\\chapter)p Fj(,)k Ff(\\section)f Fj(etc.)e(eine)f(K)m(opf-)384
+2229 y(zeile.)301 2422 y Fd(\017)41 b Ff(myheadings)20
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+b(wir)g(uns)g(nicht)g(k)7 b(\250)-35 b(ummern.)3367 538
+y Fc(3.2)100 b Fb(markboth)22 b Fc(und)27 b Fb(markright)3367
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+(rechte)g(K)m(opfzeile)g(beein\003ussen,)3367 916 y(w)5
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+(\(aus)g Ff(article.sty)p Fj(\):)3537 1912 y Ff
+(\\def\\sectionmark#1{\045)3621 2012 y(\\markboth)46
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+2712 y(ment,)15 b(mit)g(dem)g Ff(\\sectionmark)20 b Fj(aufgerufen)12
+b(wurde)i(\(also)i(die)f(Abschnitts)7 b(\250)-35 b(uber)n(-)3367
+2812 y(schrift\),)27 b(da\337)g(zweite)h(ist)h(leer)m(,)e(d.)13
+b(h.)28 b(geraden)e(Seiten)i(haben)e(erstmal)i(k)o(eine)3383
+2893 y(\250)3367 2911 y(Uberschrift.)h(Darum)g(k)7 b(\250)-35
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+Fj(.)3492 3123 y(F)o(alls)35 b(einem)e(das)h(Erscheinungsbild)d(nicht)j
+(gef)5 b(\250)-33 b(allt)33 b(\(z.)14 b(B.)34 b(we)o(gen)f(des)3367
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+b(\250)-35 b(urlich)28 b Ff(\\sectionmark)33 b Fj(und)28
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@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+% alles Loeschen
+\title{Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+\author{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\section{Beispiel 2}
+% alles Loeschen
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp2_2.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp2_2.png
new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbb1e01d7d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp2_3.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+% email = "",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
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+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
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+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
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+% 0x10
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+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
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+% 0xC0
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+% 0xD0
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+% 0xE0
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+ /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
+ /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis
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+% 0xF0
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+Fe(\\chapter)p Fh(,)j Fe(\\section)h Fh(etc.)c(eine)g(K)m(opfzeile.)224
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+b(\250)-33 b(andischen)13 b(Einf)7 b(\250)-35 b(ugung)12
+b(v)n(on)j Fe(\\markright)307 3459 y Fh(und)k Fe(\\markboth)99
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+b(Ev)o(en)19 b(Right)3328 -283 y(Odd)h(Left)728 b(Odd)20
+b(Center)682 b(Odd)20 b(Right)p 3328 -250 V 3328 -21
+a Fg(3)120 b(Die)30 b(v)o(erwendeten)i(Makr)n(os)3328
+190 y Fb(3.1)100 b Fa(leftmark)23 b Fb(und)j Fa(rightmark)3328
+354 y Fh(Bei)d(doppelseitigen)d(Dokumenten)f(mu\337)i(zwischen)g(link)o
+(en)g(und)g(rechten)g(Seiten)3328 453 y(unterschieden)27
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+(rechte)h(Seiten)3328 553 y(haben.)20 b Fe(\\rightmark)25
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+b(di)n(v)o(erse)f(Umwe)o(ge)h(so)i(de-)3328 653 y(\002nert,)16
+b(da\337)f(sie)i(die)e(K)m(opfzeile)g(f)7 b(\250)-35
+b(ur)15 b(link)o(e)h(\(gerade\))e(und)h(rechte)g(\(ungerade\))e(Seiten)
+3328 752 y(haben.)19 b(Aber)h(darum)f(m)7 b(\250)-35
+b(ussen)20 b(wir)g(uns)g(nicht)g(k)7 b(\250)-35 b(ummern.)3328
+1014 y Fb(3.2)100 b Fa(markboth)23 b Fb(und)j Fa(markright)3328
+1178 y Fh(Die)16 b(Makros)e Fe(\\markboth{}{})21 b Fh(und)14
+b Fe(\\markright{})20 b Fh(erledigen)13 b(das.)j Fe(\\markboth{}{})3328
+1278 y Fh(hat)g(zwei)f(Ar)o(gumente,)e(die)i(die)g(link)o(e)g(und)f
+(rechte)h(K)m(opfzeile)f(beein\003ussen,)g(w)5 b(\250)-33
+b(ahrend)3328 1377 y Fe(\\markright{})40 b Fh(mit)c(seinem)f(einem)g
+1477 y(Aber)20 b(auch)g(diese)g(werden)f(wir)h(selten)h(brauchen.)3328
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+Fb(und)k Fa(subsectionmark)3328 1903 y Fh(Oft)29 b(will)g(man)g(die)f
+(Abschnitts)7 b(\250)-35 b(uberschriften)25 b(in)k(der)f(K)m(opfzeile)g
+(haben.)f(Daf)7 b(\250)-35 b(ur)3328 2003 y(gibt)35 b(es)h
+Fe(\\subsectionmark{})p Fh(,)41 b Fe(\\sectionmark{})f
+Fh(und)34 b Fe(\\chaptermark{})p Fh(,)3328 2102 y(die)21
+b(z.)13 b(B.)21 b(so)f(de\002niert)g(sind)g(\(aus)g Fe(article.sty)p
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+y(\\ifnum)f(\\c@secnumdepth)k(>\\z@)3752 2585 y(\\thesection\\quad)3667
+2685 y(\\fi)3667 2784 y(##1}}{}}\045)3328 2963 y Fh(Es)29
+b(wird)f Fe(markboth)3988 3012 y Fh(\224)4021 2963 y(aufgerufen)-6
+b(\223)6 b(.)25 b(Das)k(erste)f(Ar)o(gument)e(ist)j(das)f(Ar)o(gument,)
+3328 3063 y(mit)16 b(dem)f Fe(\\sectionmark)k Fh(aufgerufen)13
+b(wurde)h(\(also)h(die)g(Abschnitts)7 b(\250)-35 b(uberschrift\),)3328
+3163 y(da\337)25 b(zweite)h(ist)h(leer)m(,)e(d.)13 b(h.)25
+3145 y(\250)5377 3163 y(Uberschrift.)3328 3262 y(Darum)15
+b(k)7 b(\250)-35 b(ummert)13 b(sich)j(dann)e Fe(\\subsectionmark)21
+b Fh(bzw)-5 b(.)14 b(bei)h Fe(book)j(\\sectionmark)p
+Fh(.)3453 3366 y(F)o(alls)e(einem)f(das)g(Erscheinungsbild)d(nicht)j
+(gef)5 b(\250)-33 b(allt)15 b(\(z.)e(B.)j(we)o(gen)e(des)i
+Fe(MakeUppercase)p Fh(\))3328 3466 y(kann)j(man)h(nat)7
+b(\250)-35 b(urlich)19 b Fe(\\sectionmark)25 b Fh(und)19
+b(Co.)i(selber)f(neu)f(de\002nieren.)3328 3815 y(Odd)h(Left)728
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diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp3.tex b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp3.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..959b053bf1
--- /dev/null
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+\fancyfoot[OR]{Odd Right}% ungerade Seiten, rechts
+\title{Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+\author{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\section{Beispiel 3}
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+\fancyfoot[ER]{Even Right}% gerade Seiten, rechts
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+\fancyfoot[OC]{Odd Center}% ungerade Seiten, mitte
+\fancyfoot[OR]{Odd Right}% ungerade Seiten, rechts
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..ad7d252ecb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp3_3.png
Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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+% email = "",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
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+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
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+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
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+% 0x10
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+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
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+% 0xD0
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+% 0xE0
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+% 0xF0
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+b(aus)h(den)g Ff(\\chapter)p Fi(,)j Ff(\\section)h Fi(etc.)c(eine)g(K)m
+(opfzeile.)107 2614 y Fd(\017)41 b Ff(myheadings)d Fi(bedarf)33
+b(dann)f(der)i(h)5 b(\250)-33 b(andischen)32 b(Einf)7
+b(\250)-35 b(ugung)31 b(v)n(on)i Ff(\\markright)190 2713
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+b(v)o(erwendeten)g(Makr)n(os)-17 3221 y Fc(3.1)99 b Fb(leftmark)23
+b Fc(und)j Fb(rightmark)-17 3383 y Fi(Bei)h(doppelseitigen)d
+(un-)-17 3483 y(terschieden)i(werden,)g(w)5 b(\250)-33
+b(ahrend)28 b(einseitige)j(Dokumente)d(nur)h(rechte)h(Seiten)h(haben.)
+-17 3583 y Ff(\\rightmark)24 b Fi(und)19 b Ff(\\leftmark)k
+Fi(werden)j(\250)-35 b(uber)20 b(di)n(v)o(erse)f(Umwe)o(ge)g(so)h
+(de\002nert,)f(da\337)g(sie)3270 -366 y(3.2)h Ff(markboth)j
+Fi(und)c Ff(markright)1574 b Fi(3)p 3270 -333 V 3270
+-104 a(die)22 b(K)m(opfzeile)f(f)7 b(\250)-35 b(ur)21
+(haben.)f(Aber)g(dar)n(-)3270 -4 y(um)f(m)7 b(\250)-35
+b(ussen)20 b(wir)g(uns)g(nicht)g(k)7 b(\250)-35 b(ummern.)3270
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+700 y(auch)20 b(diese)g(werden)f(wir)h(selten)h(brauchen.)3270
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+(\\thesection\\quad)3609 1875 y(\\fi)3609 1974 y(##1}}{}}\045)3270
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+(ist)i(das)g(Ar)o(gument,)d(mit)j(dem)3270 2245 y Ff(\\sectionmark)30
+b Fi(aufgerufen)23 b(wurde)i(\(also)h(die)g(Abschnitts)7
+b(\250)-35 b(uberschrift\),)22 b(da\337)j(zweite)3270
+2344 y(ist)g(leer)m(,)e(d.)13 b(h.)23 b(geraden)f(Seiten)i(haben)f
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+b(\(z.)e(B.)j(we)o(gen)e(des)h Ff(MakeUppercase)p Fi(\))3270
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+b Fi(und)19 b(Co.)h(selber)g(neu)g(de\002nieren.)3270
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+3139 y Fc(4.1)99 b(Ein)26 b(neuer)g(Seitenstil)3270 3297
+y Fi(Die)21 b(K)m(opf-/Fu\337zeilen)c(einer)j(Doppelseite)f(sind)i(so)f
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+3817 3425 4 100 v 98 w(EL)100 b(EC)f(ER)p 4430 3425 V
+4529 3425 V 200 w(OL)g(OC)h(OR)p 5169 3425 V 3819 3428
+1353 4 v 3817 3524 4 100 v 3817 3524 V 4350 3495 a(Der)20
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+3594 a(Fu\337zeile)p 3817 3624 4 100 v 137 w(EL)100 b(EC)f(ER)p
+4430 3624 V 4529 3624 V 200 w(OL)g(OC)h(OR)p 5169 3624
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
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+% 0xE0
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+% 0xF0
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+(erhindert,)e(da\337)j(links)1202 2043 y(\224)1235 1995
+y(2)g(Die)h(vier)e(Seitenstile.)12 b(.)g(.)7 b(\223)25
+b(und)18 b(rechts)2448 2043 y(\224)2481 1995 y(3.)h(1)-17
+2094 y Ff(leftmark)k Fj(und)c Ff(rightmark)-6 b Fj(\223)30
+b(steht.)-17 2408 y Fh(2)119 b(Die)31 b(vier)f(Seitenstile)g(v)o(on)g
+(L)1393 2390 y Fd(A)1441 2408 y Fh(T)1501 2436 y(E)1565
+2408 y(X)107 2605 y Fc(\017)41 b Ff(plain)27 b Fj(ist)e(der)f
+(zentrierter)e(Sei-)190 2705 y(tennummer)-5 b(.)21 b
+Ff(\\chapter)26 b Fj(erzwingt)c(f)7 b(\250)-35 b(ur)22
+2805 y(Seitenstil.)17 b(Gleiches)g(macht)g Ff(\\maketitle)k
+2995 y Fc(\017)41 b Ff(empty)34 b Fj(v)o(erzichtet)c(dann)g(auch)g
+(noch)g(auf)h(die)g(Seitennummer)-5 b(.)29 b(Das)j(wird)f(er)n(-)190
+3095 y(zwungen,)18 b(wenn)i(man)g(eine)g(e)o(xtra)f(T)m(itelseite)i
+(hat.)107 3286 y Fc(\017)41 b Ff(headings)24 b Fj(erzeugt)19
+b(aus)h(den)g Ff(\\chapter)p Fj(,)j Ff(\\section)h Fj(etc.)c(eine)g(K)m
+(opfzeile.)107 3476 y Fc(\017)41 b Ff(myheadings)d Fj(bedarf)33
+b(dann)f(der)i(h)5 b(\250)-33 b(andischen)32 b(Einf)7
+b(\250)-35 b(ugung)31 b(v)n(on)i Ff(\\markright)190 3576
+y Fj(und)20 b Ff(\\markboth)5851 -366 y Fj(3)3270 -104
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+121 y Fb(3.1)99 b Fa(leftmark)23 b Fb(und)j Fa(rightmark)3270
+299 y Fj(Bei)h(doppelseitigen)e(Dokumenten)f(mu\337)h(zwischen)h(link)o
+(en)g(und)g(rechten)f(Seiten)h(un-)3270 399 y(terschieden)j(werden,)g
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+(Seiten)g(haben.)3270 499 y Ff(\\rightmark)24 b Fj(und)19
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+(Umwe)o(ge)g(so)h(de\002nert,)f(da\337)h(sie)3270 598
+y(die)i(K)m(opfzeile)f(f)7 b(\250)-35 b(ur)21 b(link)o(e)g(\(gerade\))f
+698 y(um)f(m)7 b(\250)-35 b(ussen)20 b(wir)g(uns)g(nicht)g(k)7
+b(\250)-35 b(ummern.)3270 1001 y Fb(3.2)99 b Fa(markboth)23
+b Fb(und)j Fa(markright)3270 1179 y Fj(Die)16 b(Makros)e
+Ff(\\markboth{}{})20 b Fj(und)15 b Ff(\\markright{})20
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+(rechte)g(K)m(opfzeile)g(beein\003ussen,)f(w)5 b(\250)-33
+b(ahrend)3270 1379 y Ff(\\markright{})37 b Fj(mit)c(seinem)f(einem)g
+1478 y(auch)20 b(diese)g(werden)f(wir)h(selten)h(brauchen.)3270
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+Fb(und)k Fa(subsectionmark)3270 1960 y Fj(Oft)31 b(will)f(man)g(die)g
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+(haben.)g(Daf)7 b(\250)-35 b(ur)29 b(gibt)3270 2059 y(es)23
+b Ff(\\subsectionmark{})p Fj(,)28 b Ff(\\sectionmark{})g
+Fj(und)21 b Ff(\\chaptermark{})p Fj(,)27 b(die)22 b(z.)14
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+Ff(article.sty)p Fj(\):)3439 2373 y Ff(\\def\\sectionmark#1)q({\045)
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+(\\thesection\\quad)3609 2771 y(\\fi)3609 2871 y(##1}}{}}\045)3270
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+3073 y(aufgerufen)-6 b(\223)6 b(.)12 b(Das)17 b(erste)e(Ar)o(gument)f
+(ist)i(das)g(Ar)o(gument,)d(mit)j(dem)3270 3172 y Ff(\\sectionmark)30
+b Fj(aufgerufen)23 b(wurde)i(\(also)h(die)g(Abschnitts)7
+b(\250)-35 b(uberschrift\),)22 b(da\337)j(zweite)3270
+3272 y(ist)g(leer)m(,)e(d.)13 b(h.)23 b(geraden)f(Seiten)i(haben)f
+(erstmal)g(k)o(eine)4931 3254 y(\250)4915 3272 y(Uberschrift.)f(Darum)g
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+Ff(\\subsectionmark)26 b Fj(bzw)-5 b(.)19 b(bei)h Ff(book)i
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+(Erscheinungsbild)c(nicht)j(gef)5 b(\250)-33 b(allt)15
+b(\(z.)e(B.)j(we)o(gen)e(des)h Ff(MakeUppercase)p Fj(\))3270
+3583 y(kann)k(man)h(nat)7 b(\250)-35 b(urlich)19 b Ff(\\sectionmark)25
+b Fj(und)19 b(Co.)h(selber)g(neu)g(de\002nieren.)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5.tex b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2584065344
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+\pagestyle{fancy}% muss vor \renewcommand{\sectionmark} stehen
+\fancyhead[EL]{\thepage}% gerade Seiten, links
+\fancyhead[ER]{\leftmark}% gerade Seiten, rechts
+\fancyhead[OL]{\rightmark}% ungerade Seiten, links
+\fancyhead[OR]{\thepage}% ungerade Seiten, rechts
+\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% keine Trennlinie
+ \markboth{\thesection{} #1}{}
+ \markright{\thesubsection{} #1}
+\title{Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+\author{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\section{Beispiel 5}
+\pagestyle{fancy}% muss vor \renewcommand{\sectionmark} stehen
+\fancyhead[EL]{\thepage}% gerade Seiten, links
+\fancyhead[ER]{\leftmark}% gerade Seiten, rechts
+\fancyhead[OL]{\rightmark}% ungerade Seiten, links
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+\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{0pt}% keine Trennlinie
+ \markboth{\thesection{} #1}{}
+ \markright{\thesubsection{} #1}
+Bei diesem Beispiel gibt es Probleme mit der Kopfzeile von Seite~3, da
+\verb|\rightmark| von dem \emph{ersten} \verb|\mark...|-Makro
+abgeleitet wird, dieses aber von einem \verb|\section| herr"uhrt und
+daher das rechte Feld leer l"a"st.
+Dadurch wird allerdings verhindert, da"s links
+"`2 Die vier Seitenstile\dots"'
+und rechts
+"`3. 1 \texttt{leftmark} und \texttt{rightmark}"' steht.
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5_2.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..64d23b86cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5_2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5_3.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5_3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a0e79c7496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp5_3.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6.pdf b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..685057b3a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a4043641bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
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+% email = "",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
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+% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12.
+% (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully)
+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
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+% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both
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+/TeXBase1Encoding [
+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
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+% 0x10
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+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
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+% 0xD0
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+% 0xE0
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+% 0xF0
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+(links)-17 599 y(\\fancyhead[OR]{\\thepa)q(ge)q(}\045)k(ungerade)c
+(Seiten,)f(rechts)-17 798 y(\\renewcommand{\\sectio)q(nm)q(ark)q(}[1)q
+(]{)67 897 y(\\markboth{\\thesecti)q(on)q({})49 b(#1}{\\thesection{})f
+(#1})-17 997 y(})-17 1097 y(\\renewcommand{\\subsec)q(ti)q(onm)q(ark)q
+(}[1)q(]{)67 1196 y(\\markright{\\thesubs)q(ec)q(tio)q(n{})h(#1})-17
+1296 y(})107 1517 y Fj(Bei)33 b(diesem)e(Beispiel)i(gibt)e(es)i
+1617 y(einerseits)16 b Ff(\\rightmark)j Fj(v)n(on)d(dem)f
+Fe(er)o(sten)h Ff(\\mark...)p Fj(-Makro)h(abgeleitet)f(wird,)f(dieses)
+-17 1717 y(aber)k(v)n(on)h(einem)g Ff(\\section)j Fj(herr)7
+b(\250)-35 b(uhrt)18 b(und)i(daher)f(das)h(rechte)g(Feld)g(leer)g(l)5
+b(\250)-33 b(a\337t.)107 1826 y(Hier)33 b(setzt)h Ff(\\section)i
+Fj(das)d(link)o(e)g Fe(und)h Fj(das)f(rechte)f(Feld.)h(Dies)h(bedeutet)
+d(aller)n(-)-17 1926 y(dings,)f(da\337)h(je)h(nach)f(dem)g(in)g(der)g
+(K)m(opfzeile)g(die)g Ff(\\section)p Fj(-)1930 1908 y(\250)1911
+1926 y(Uberschrift)i(oder)d(die)-17 2025 y Ff(\\subsection)p
+Fj(-)492 2007 y(\250)473 2025 y(Uberschrift)22 b(steht.)-17
+2359 y Fh(2)119 b(Die)31 b(vier)f(Seitenstile)g(v)o(on)g(L)1393
+2341 y Fd(A)1441 2359 y Fh(T)1501 2386 y(E)1565 2359
+y(X)107 2563 y Fc(\017)41 b Ff(plain)27 b Fj(ist)e(der)f(Standardstil,)
+2662 y(tennummer)-5 b(.)21 b Ff(\\chapter)26 b Fj(erzwingt)c(f)7
+b(\250)-35 b(ur)22 b(die)h(erste)g(Seite)h(eines)f(Kapitels)g(diesen)
+190 2762 y(Seitenstil.)17 b(Gleiches)g(macht)g Ff(\\maketitle)k
+2967 y Fc(\017)41 b Ff(empty)34 b Fj(v)o(erzichtet)c(dann)g(auch)g
+(noch)g(auf)h(die)g(Seitennummer)-5 b(.)29 b(Das)j(wird)f(er)n(-)190
+3067 y(zwungen,)18 b(wenn)i(man)g(eine)g(e)o(xtra)f(T)m(itelseite)i
+(hat.)107 3271 y Fc(\017)41 b Ff(headings)24 b Fj(erzeugt)19
+b(aus)h(den)g Ff(\\chapter)p Fj(,)j Ff(\\section)h Fj(etc.)c(eine)g(K)m
+(opfzeile.)107 3476 y Fc(\017)41 b Ff(myheadings)d Fj(bedarf)33
+b(dann)f(der)i(h)5 b(\250)-33 b(andischen)32 b(Einf)7
+b(\250)-35 b(ugung)31 b(v)n(on)i Ff(\\markright)190 3576
+y Fj(und)20 b Ff(\\markboth)3270 -366 y Fj(3)g(Die)h(v)o(erwendeten)d
+(Makros)1679 b(3)p 3270 -333 V 3270 -104 a Fh(3)119 b(Die)31
+b(v)o(erwendeten)g(Makr)n(os)3270 121 y Fb(3.1)99 b Fa(leftmark)23
+b Fb(und)j Fa(rightmark)3270 299 y Fj(Bei)h(doppelseitigen)e
+(un-)3270 399 y(terschieden)j(werden,)g(w)5 b(\250)-33
+b(ahrend)29 b(einseitige)h(Dokumente)e(nur)i(rechte)g(Seiten)g(haben.)
+3270 499 y Ff(\\rightmark)24 b Fj(und)19 b Ff(\\leftmark)24
+b Fj(werden)i(\250)-35 b(uber)19 b(di)n(v)o(erse)g(Umwe)o(ge)g(so)h
+(de\002nert,)f(da\337)h(sie)3270 598 y(die)i(K)m(opfzeile)f(f)7
+b(\250)-35 b(ur)21 b(link)o(e)g(\(gerade\))f(und)h(rechte)h
+698 y(um)f(m)7 b(\250)-35 b(ussen)20 b(wir)g(uns)g(nicht)g(k)7
+b(\250)-35 b(ummern.)3270 1001 y Fb(3.2)99 b Fa(markboth)23
+b Fb(und)j Fa(markright)3270 1179 y Fj(Die)16 b(Makros)e
+Ff(\\markboth{}{})20 b Fj(und)15 b Ff(\\markright{})20
+b Fj(erledigen)13 b(das.)i Ff(\\markboth{}{})3270 1279
+y Fj(hat)23 b(zwei)g(Ar)o(gumente,)d(die)j(die)g(link)o(e)g(und)f
+(rechte)g(K)m(opfzeile)g(beein\003ussen,)f(w)5 b(\250)-33
+b(ahrend)3270 1379 y Ff(\\markright{})37 b Fj(mit)c(seinem)f(einem)g
+1478 y(auch)20 b(diese)g(werden)f(wir)h(selten)h(brauchen.)3270
+1781 y Fb(3.3)99 b Fa(chaptermark)p Fb(,)17 b Fa(sectionmark)f
+Fb(und)k Fa(subsectionmark)3270 1960 y Fj(Oft)31 b(will)f(man)g(die)g
+(Abschnitts)7 b(\250)-35 b(uberschriften)27 b(in)k(der)f(K)m(opfzeile)f
+(haben.)g(Daf)7 b(\250)-35 b(ur)29 b(gibt)3270 2059 y(es)23
+b Ff(\\subsectionmark{})p Fj(,)28 b Ff(\\sectionmark{})g
+Fj(und)21 b Ff(\\chaptermark{})p Fj(,)27 b(die)22 b(z.)14
+b(B.)22 b(so)3270 2159 y(de\002niert)e(sind)g(\(aus)g
+Ff(article.sty)p Fj(\):)3439 2373 y Ff(\\def\\sectionmark#1)q({\045)
+3524 2472 y(\\markboth)46 b({\\MakeUppercase{\045)3609
+2572 y(\\ifnum)e(\\c@secnumdepth)j(>\\z@)3693 2672 y
+(\\thesection\\quad)3609 2771 y(\\fi)3609 2871 y(##1}}{}}\045)3270
+3073 y Fj(Es)16 b(wird)g Ff(markboth)3892 3121 y Fj(\224)3926
+3073 y(aufgerufen)-6 b(\223)6 b(.)12 b(Das)17 b(erste)e(Ar)o(gument)f
+(ist)i(das)g(Ar)o(gument,)d(mit)j(dem)3270 3172 y Ff(\\sectionmark)30
+b Fj(aufgerufen)23 b(wurde)i(\(also)h(die)g(Abschnitts)7
+b(\250)-35 b(uberschrift\),)22 b(da\337)j(zweite)3270
+3272 y(ist)g(leer)m(,)e(d.)13 b(h.)23 b(geraden)f(Seiten)i(haben)f
+(erstmal)g(k)o(eine)4931 3254 y(\250)4915 3272 y(Uberschrift.)f(Darum)g
+(k)7 b(\250)-35 b(ummert)3270 3371 y(sich)21 b(dann)e
+Ff(\\subsectionmark)26 b Fj(bzw)-5 b(.)19 b(bei)h Ff(book)i
+(\\sectionmark)p Fj(.)3395 3483 y(F)o(alls)16 b(einem)e(das)i
+(Erscheinungsbild)c(nicht)j(gef)5 b(\250)-33 b(allt)15
+b(\(z.)e(B.)j(we)o(gen)e(des)h Ff(MakeUppercase)p Fj(\))3270
+3583 y(kann)k(man)h(nat)7 b(\250)-35 b(urlich)19 b Ff(\\sectionmark)25
+b Fj(und)19 b(Co.)h(selber)g(neu)g(de\002nieren.)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6.tex b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb4df6b571
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+\pagestyle{fancy}% muss vor \renewcommand{\sectionmark} stehen
+\fancyhead[EL]{\thepage}% gerade Seiten, links
+\fancyhead[ER]{\leftmark}% gerade Seiten, rechts
+\fancyhead[OL]{\rightmark}% ungerade Seiten, links
+\fancyhead[OR]{\thepage}% ungerade Seiten, rechts
+ \markboth{\thesection{} #1}{\thesection{} #1}
+ \markright{\thesubsection{} #1}
+\title{Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+\author{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\section{Beispiel 6}
+\pagestyle{fancy}% muss vor \renewcommand{\sectionmark} stehen
+\fancyhead[EL]{\thepage}% gerade Seiten, links
+\fancyhead[ER]{\leftmark}% gerade Seiten, rechts
+\fancyhead[OL]{\rightmark}% ungerade Seiten, links
+\fancyhead[OR]{\thepage}% ungerade Seiten, rechts
+ \markboth{\thesection{} #1}{\thesection{} #1}
+ \markright{\thesubsection{} #1}
+Bei diesem Beispiel gibt es Probleme mit der Kopfzeile von Seite~3, da
+\verb|\rightmark| von dem \emph{ersten} \verb|\mark...|-Makro
+abgeleitet wird, dieses aber von einem \verb|\section| herr"uhrt und
+daher das rechte Feld leer l"a"st.
+Hier setzt \verb|\section| das linke \emph{und} das rechte Feld. Dies
+bedeutet allerdings, da"s je nach dem in der Kopfzeile die
+\verb|\section|-"Uberschrift oder die \verb|\subsection|-"Uberschrift
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6_2.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6_2.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3895d84231
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6_2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6_3.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6_3.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..528d0e3e78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp6_3.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp7.pdf b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp7.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..96d4c1ace3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp7.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..2c8e53a90e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
@@ -0,0 +1,7800 @@
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+% @@psencodingfile@{
+% author = "S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry",
+% version = "0.6",
+% date = "1 July 1998",
+% filename = "8r.enc",
+% email = "",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
+% to be used with TeX."
+% @}
+% Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts
+% available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe
+% Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida.
+% Character code assignments were made as follows:
+% (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI
+% positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the
+% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows
+% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for
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+% (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an
+% irritation not having them in TeX positions.
+% (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part
+% of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software.
+% (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the
+% hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public
+% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12.
+% (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully)
+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
+% available.
+% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both
+% ASCII and Windows.
+/TeXBase1Encoding [
+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
+ /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl
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+ /breve /minus /.notdef
+% These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as
+% well include them.
+ /Zcaron /zcaron
+% 0x10
+ /caron /dotlessi
+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
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+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
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+ % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright
+ % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there to here.
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+% 0x20 (ASCII begins)
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+% 0x30
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+% 0x50
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+% 0x70
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+% 0x80
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+ /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+% 0x90
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+% 0xA0
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+% 0xD0
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+% 0xC0
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+ /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis
+ /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
+% 0xD0
+ /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute
+ /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply
+ /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
+ /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls
+% 0xE0
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+ /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
+ /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis
+ /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+% 0xF0
+ /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute
+ /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide
+ /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex
+ /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
+] def
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+dup[exch{dup CharStrings exch known not{pop/.notdef/Encoding true def}
+if}forall Encoding{]exch pop}{cleartomark}ifelse}if/Encoding exch def}
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+465.88337 454.95014 466.19631 455.28718 466.42961 455.66532 c
+466.65269 456.03326 466.81625 456.44202 466.86983 456.86154 c
+466.93417 457.36101 466.83865 457.87181 466.72299 458.37298 c
+466.67480 458.58331 466.62661 458.80384 466.57871 459.01417 c
+466.57871 459.01417 l
+466.27909 460.23676 l
+450.48472 456.35329 l
+450.48472 456.35329 l
+450.30444 456.30510 450.11395 456.25663 449.93339 456.17811 c
+449.79279 456.11943 449.66211 456.04035 449.53143 455.94170 c
+449.31997 455.77361 449.14791 455.57490 449.02602 455.33622 c
+448.91433 455.12702 448.85197 454.88750 448.81994 454.64769 c
+448.78706 454.30809 448.82419 453.96794 448.87124 453.63713 c
+448.90016 453.48690 448.92879 453.33666 448.95742 453.18671 c
+448.95742 453.18671 l
+448.31622 453.03194 l
+445.53373 464.32687 l
+446.17493 464.48107 l
+446.17493 464.48107 l
+446.21405 464.35068 446.25288 464.22057 446.29172 464.08989 c
+446.38923 463.77921 446.49638 463.46825 446.67411 463.18677 c
+446.81216 462.95546 446.99017 462.74400 447.21893 462.60198 c
+447.45761 462.44013 447.75666 462.35707 448.04665 462.32504 c
+448.47609 462.27090 448.89647 462.31767 449.30721 462.40384 c
+449.52775 462.45175 449.73808 462.50022 449.94869 462.54813 c
+449.94869 462.54813 l
+464.80054 466.20964 l
+464.31808 468.20409 l
+464.31808 468.20409 l
+464.25969 468.40450 464.20157 468.60520 464.12334 468.80561 c
+464.01591 469.09672 463.85802 469.36800 463.66016 469.61008 c
+463.41269 469.91197 463.10485 470.16482 462.75676 470.34765 c
+462.43814 470.52057 462.09883 470.63339 461.73940 470.70652 c
+461.13052 470.84173 460.49102 470.86753 459.86995 470.78249 c
+459.75005 470.77370 459.63014 470.75471 459.50967 470.73572 c
+459.50967 470.73572 l
+459.37446 471.28706 l
+459.37446 471.28706 l
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+439.76778 483.29717 440.00646 483.12510 440.25562 483.02306 c
+440.45461 482.94113 440.67430 482.89918 440.88406 482.85751 c
+441.40337 482.76312 441.92296 482.72854 442.44283 482.72400 c
+442.58287 482.72287 442.72290 482.72173 442.85301 482.73052 c
+442.85301 482.73052 l
+460.82126 482.46491 l
+461.50526 480.59887 l
+446.86148 467.50507 l
+446.86148 467.50507 l
+446.67978 467.33669 446.49865 467.17824 446.32687 466.99002 c
+446.17550 466.82107 446.03376 466.63257 445.95184 466.41317 c
+445.89033 466.25357 445.86907 466.07386 445.88750 465.90350 c
+445.90592 465.73342 445.95468 465.58318 446.01335 465.43238 c
+446.01335 465.43238 l
+445.45153 465.21723 l
+441.91474 474.84850 l
+442.47657 475.05345 l
+442.47657 475.05345 l
+442.58400 474.78246 442.69172 474.51175 442.80964 474.25068 c
+442.87824 474.08003 442.95676 473.90939 443.03528 473.74866 c
+443.12372 473.56781 443.23228 473.39688 443.38110 473.27584 c
+443.50016 473.17465 443.64954 473.10321 443.79950 473.08195 c
+444.02910 473.04000 444.25956 473.08819 444.47046 473.17606 c
+444.58072 473.22510 444.68135 473.27443 444.77150 473.33367 c
+445.02293 473.48135 445.24431 473.65965 445.46627 473.84759 c
+445.63748 473.99613 445.81861 474.14438 445.99011 474.30312 c
+445.99011 474.30312 l
+448.21729 476.27376 l
+446.33169 481.41014 l
+443.05115 481.35883 l
+443.05115 481.35883 l
+442.95109 481.35969 442.85102 481.35061 442.75096 481.35146 c
+442.58117 481.34268 442.41080 481.32425 442.24072 481.30554 c
+442.04060 481.27776 441.84019 481.23921 441.63921 481.16098 c
+441.47877 481.09238 441.32797 480.99345 441.21685 480.86476 c
+441.08561 480.72586 441.01389 480.53650 440.96230 480.34658 c
+440.91043 480.13739 440.88860 479.92762 440.90674 479.72721 c
+440.92460 479.46699 440.99235 479.20649 441.07030 478.95591 c
+441.10913 478.83543 441.14797 478.70504 441.18709 478.58485 c
+441.18709 478.58485 l
+440.61534 478.37991 l
+438.56362 483.97776 l
+438.56362 483.97776 l
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+457.81257 490.72139 l
+452.99169 488.31307 l
+452.68696 488.92564 l
+452.68696 488.92564 l
+452.78731 488.97468 452.88765 489.01380 452.97836 489.07304 c
+453.11868 489.14192 453.23972 489.23065 453.36047 489.31994 c
+453.74287 489.59631 454.11534 489.87326 454.41836 490.22079 c
+454.71118 490.54819 454.93455 490.94617 455.07827 491.37506 c
+455.22170 491.78381 455.29569 492.22318 455.24948 492.64356 c
+455.20356 493.14387 454.99776 493.61556 454.78148 494.07761 c
+454.68369 494.27858 454.58532 494.47928 454.49688 494.68025 c
+454.49688 494.68025 l
+453.93676 495.80504 l
+439.37320 488.54098 l
+439.37320 488.54098 l
+439.20255 488.46217 439.03162 488.37373 438.88082 488.26517 c
+438.75014 488.16624 438.63874 488.05710 438.53783 487.92784 c
+438.36605 487.72970 438.24416 487.49046 438.17187 487.23137 c
+438.10980 487.00176 438.10753 486.75175 438.13559 486.51165 c
+438.17272 486.18113 438.27987 485.86025 438.40743 485.54901 c
+438.46583 485.40841 438.52479 485.26809 438.58375 485.12778 c
+438.58375 485.12778 l
+437.98082 484.82277 l
+432.79087 495.23811 l
+433.38359 495.53291 l
+433.38359 495.53291 l
+433.45247 495.41244 433.52164 495.29197 433.59052 495.17121 c
+433.75776 494.88973 433.92557 494.60825 434.15348 494.37609 c
+434.34198 494.17455 434.56054 494.01269 434.81962 493.92057 c
+435.08863 493.81824 435.39874 493.80548 435.68872 493.83298 c
+436.10939 493.87918 436.52041 494.01581 436.90224 494.19241 c
+437.10265 494.28085 437.29370 494.37893 437.49439 494.47729 c
+437.49439 494.47729 l
+451.18431 501.30907 l
+450.27014 503.13713 l
+450.27014 503.13713 l
+450.17150 503.32791 450.07313 503.50876 449.94472 503.68989 c
+449.77691 503.95124 449.55893 504.18340 449.31061 504.37559 c
+449.01298 504.61824 448.65439 504.79115 448.27512 504.88441 c
+447.92589 504.98759 447.56617 505.03068 447.20617 505.02359 c
+446.57631 505.02898 445.95524 504.89433 445.36309 504.68967 c
+445.25282 504.65083 445.14255 504.60151 445.02208 504.56268 c
+445.02208 504.56268 l
+444.77660 505.06469 l
+444.77660 505.06469 l
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+424.99219 509.28605 l
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+425.66542 508.50028 425.78447 508.37924 425.92337 508.25792 c
+426.11216 508.10655 426.31087 507.95490 426.54019 507.87298 c
+426.74939 507.80098 426.97928 507.77887 427.20945 507.80693 c
+427.50992 507.83443 427.79083 507.96170 428.06239 508.10939 c
+428.31354 508.24715 428.55449 508.39540 428.79600 508.55329 c
+428.79600 508.55329 l
+440.50139 516.05206 l
+440.50139 516.05206 l
+440.64227 516.14107 440.78315 516.23972 440.92403 516.33836 c
+441.10517 516.48690 441.28658 516.64535 441.41839 516.83414 c
+441.54964 517.00309 441.65140 517.20208 441.69335 517.41184 c
+441.74494 517.60120 441.74665 517.80132 441.71830 517.99153 c
+441.69080 518.27187 441.58309 518.54287 441.47537 518.80394 c
+441.35773 519.06472 441.21997 519.32608 441.09213 519.58715 c
+441.09213 519.58715 l
+441.65537 519.94205 l
+447.83178 510.29830 l
+447.26882 509.93348 l
+447.26882 509.93348 l
+447.25918 509.96353 447.23906 509.98365 447.21950 510.00378 c
+447.06132 510.24501 446.89323 510.47660 446.68517 510.66850 c
+446.47710 510.89017 446.23843 511.07216 445.95950 511.19461 c
+445.81011 511.26576 445.64060 511.31764 445.47080 511.33890 c
+445.21115 511.38113 444.94101 511.35364 444.69014 511.26576 c
+444.46961 511.18753 444.26835 511.06932 444.06737 510.95112 c
+444.06737 510.95112 l
+431.88945 503.16633 l
+431.88945 503.16633 l
+431.68819 503.01808 431.48693 502.87975 431.30551 502.71109 c
+431.15443 502.57247 431.02290 502.42365 430.91150 502.24450 c
+430.75928 501.99591 430.66687 501.70677 430.66431 501.41679 c
+430.65184 501.15685 430.70995 500.90627 430.78762 500.65569 c
+430.89449 500.30476 431.03169 499.95354 431.28964 499.69106 c
+431.28964 499.69106 431.29928 499.68113 431.30920 499.67121 c
+431.32932 499.65080 431.33896 499.62076 431.35852 499.59071 c
+431.35852 499.59071 l
+430.74539 499.19613 l
+424.48932 508.96035 l
+424.48932 508.96035 l
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+419.43175 526.56491 l
+419.85694 526.01131 l
+419.85694 526.01131 l
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+418.95780 524.96901 418.64343 524.45169 418.42857 523.90346 c
+418.07140 523.05647 417.95320 522.12756 417.95518 521.19780 c
+417.94894 520.48772 418.00309 519.77707 418.19698 519.09534 c
+418.41950 518.21348 418.87219 517.37953 419.45613 516.66435 c
+419.75263 516.29187 420.08995 515.94888 420.47717 515.64557 c
+420.89443 515.32186 421.37206 515.04775 421.89109 514.91339 c
+422.20006 514.82041 422.53002 514.77761 422.85005 514.81474 c
+423.32060 514.86094 423.78208 515.05682 424.13471 515.35389 c
+424.32605 515.51206 424.49783 515.69065 424.63956 515.89956 c
+424.85216 516.19748 425.01515 516.54614 425.07836 516.90557 c
+425.12031 517.12526 425.13222 517.35543 425.12428 517.58532 c
+425.10954 518.22567 424.97518 518.85666 424.82041 519.47802 c
+424.69483 519.97918 424.55934 520.47043 424.41335 520.96167 c
+424.41335 520.96167 l
+423.77386 523.31726 l
+423.77386 523.31726 l
+423.67691 523.68803 423.58025 524.05880 423.49323 524.42986 c
+423.36794 524.97099 423.27298 525.51184 423.22734 526.06205 c
+423.17348 526.75257 423.18964 527.45272 423.38523 528.11093 c
+423.51987 528.64980 423.75430 529.14756 424.05817 529.61499 c
+424.44369 530.22189 424.93833 530.75764 425.51178 531.19247 c
+426.16658 531.71688 426.93024 532.11033 427.74151 532.29317 c
+428.56356 532.50605 429.42359 532.50888 430.24195 532.32180 c
+431.16038 532.14378 432.02693 531.72595 432.79228 531.18964 c
+433.72687 530.56120 434.52992 529.76438 435.20202 528.85871 c
+435.60765 528.32494 435.97276 527.75178 436.27720 527.14913 c
+436.59184 526.50652 436.84611 525.82422 437.02016 525.13257 c
+437.07770 524.88227 437.13553 524.62148 437.19364 524.37090 c
+437.24154 524.15065 437.29965 523.94003 437.37789 523.72970 c
+437.42636 523.57890 437.49524 523.43858 437.59417 523.31754 c
+437.70302 523.17666 437.86176 523.05534 438.03156 523.01395 c
+438.24104 522.95187 438.47121 522.98986 438.67219 523.07830 c
+438.81279 523.14718 438.93354 523.22598 439.06422 523.30479 c
+439.06422 523.30479 l
+439.46986 522.79143 l
+434.73742 519.07238 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.44290 519.72491 434.55430 519.87373 434.66542 520.01291 c
+435.08041 520.57928 435.44580 521.19609 435.64167 521.87443 c
+435.84718 522.50258 435.90302 523.17241 435.86872 523.84252 c
+435.84520 524.58293 435.69156 525.30406 435.42737 525.98636 c
+435.17339 526.68850 434.78901 527.35209 434.32413 527.93603 c
+434.10671 528.21780 433.85896 528.49020 433.59080 528.72236 c
+433.24356 529.01546 432.84557 529.25896 432.40649 529.38255 c
+432.09751 529.48545 431.75764 529.52825 431.43732 529.48120 c
+431.03679 529.42450 430.65553 529.24791 430.34315 529.00044 c
+430.21247 528.90180 430.09143 528.79266 429.98031 528.66369 c
+429.77849 528.43521 429.62570 528.15685 429.54321 527.85723 c
+429.48142 527.62791 429.45902 527.37817 429.46696 527.12816 c
+429.47376 526.75795 429.54066 526.38746 429.62740 526.02690 c
+429.70479 525.71594 429.79209 525.40526 429.87940 525.09458 c
+429.87940 525.09458 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.88769 521.42570 431.01383 520.97471 431.10992 520.51380 c
+431.24485 519.96217 431.34009 519.41140 431.37524 518.84107 c
+431.43931 518.16047 431.42343 517.46088 431.25761 516.79219 c
+431.15329 516.28309 430.96876 515.78447 430.70513 515.33688 c
+430.28844 514.61065 429.68296 513.98561 428.99868 513.47169 c
+428.29370 512.91780 427.50992 512.46454 426.65783 512.23209 c
+425.89587 511.99852 425.08517 511.92567 424.29600 512.03254 c
+423.51676 512.10879 422.75906 512.35569 422.07194 512.72164 c
+420.79748 513.37276 419.75688 514.43178 418.89657 515.57924 c
+418.58986 515.96192 418.30328 516.36416 418.04702 516.77660 c
+417.63288 517.45011 417.27883 518.16331 416.97496 518.88586 c
+416.82841 519.25720 416.68157 519.62854 416.54494 520.00980 c
+416.54494 520.00980 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.27112 520.73206 416.22236 520.87238 416.14356 521.00334 c
+416.08431 521.11389 416.00551 521.22444 415.92643 521.32535 c
+415.78781 521.48636 415.61887 521.62781 415.40939 521.70945 c
+415.10098 521.85231 414.71065 521.84580 414.40932 521.70831 c
+414.38948 521.69868 414.35943 521.68847 414.33902 521.67883 c
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+413.91383 522.22252 l
+413.91383 522.22252 l
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+398.45424 538.49707 398.70255 538.31480 398.98120 538.15238 c
+399.24000 538.00044 399.50901 537.86778 399.79871 537.84539 c
+400.02831 537.81335 400.27890 537.86126 400.50935 537.93921 c
+400.88069 538.06592 401.20271 538.29326 401.49496 538.54072 c
+401.69622 538.71902 401.88784 538.90753 402.07975 539.10567 c
+402.07975 539.10567 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.76602 549.06208 411.94800 549.26079 412.08973 549.46942 c
+412.19093 549.61852 412.28249 549.77783 412.35364 549.93742 c
+412.42507 550.10636 412.48687 550.28580 412.49820 550.46580 c
+412.52031 550.66592 412.49197 550.87597 412.42365 551.06674 c
+412.34598 551.32724 412.19802 551.55855 412.03956 551.76973 c
+411.97039 551.86044 411.90123 551.95115 411.83206 552.05178 c
+411.83206 552.05178 l
+411.40573 552.45543 l
+411.89017 552.96113 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.92243 545.13156 420.66624 544.39512 421.35931 543.61899 c
+421.87465 543.03449 422.36901 542.43014 422.74318 541.74699 c
+423.12756 541.06356 423.39061 540.30132 423.45383 539.52066 c
+423.52838 538.86019 423.45269 538.18072 423.23698 537.55228 c
+422.98980 536.73449 422.52350 535.99861 421.91830 535.38378 c
+421.26236 534.68929 420.42756 534.14674 419.50545 533.92450 c
+418.39285 533.62431 417.14419 533.80517 416.07808 534.23433 c
+415.85868 534.31597 415.65940 534.39789 415.45020 534.48973 c
+415.45020 534.48973 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.45291 526.71685 413.32847 526.22787 413.24428 525.72841 c
+413.21282 525.57874 413.19184 525.43899 413.19043 525.28904 c
+413.16860 525.08920 413.17682 524.87915 413.21509 524.67874 c
+413.23408 524.55855 413.26299 524.43808 413.31203 524.31789 c
+413.39991 524.06702 413.55780 523.83572 413.71625 523.62425 c
+413.78542 523.53354 413.84438 523.45304 413.91383 523.37254 c
+413.91383 523.37254 l
+413.49033 522.95613 l
+408.11528 528.19313 l
+410.87395 538.40948 l
+410.42778 538.85339 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.18998 534.51014 406.04882 534.36104 405.91729 534.21222 c
+405.75600 534.03364 405.61398 533.83493 405.50230 533.61609 c
+405.36992 533.36721 405.28743 533.07780 405.28488 532.78753 c
+405.27269 532.52787 405.33080 532.26737 405.42831 532.02643 c
+405.57543 531.64517 405.83225 531.31294 406.09956 531.01049 c
+406.18885 530.90986 406.28806 530.80894 406.37707 530.71824 c
+406.37707 530.71824 l
+405.96350 530.29162 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
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+382.22816 550.54800 l
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+382.82428 550.13301 383.15254 549.94025 383.52189 549.83679 c
+383.77134 549.74466 384.05083 549.71206 384.31106 549.73984 c
+384.57128 549.76762 384.81194 549.86570 385.03332 549.99383 c
+385.33493 550.18120 385.58750 550.45899 385.80973 550.73679 c
+385.90072 550.85641 386.00192 550.98539 386.09291 551.10472 c
+386.09291 551.10472 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.48233 562.53231 394.63398 562.73131 394.75587 562.95014 c
+394.84743 563.11909 394.92879 563.29852 394.97046 563.49808 c
+395.01241 563.70784 395.01439 563.93773 394.96620 564.15827 c
+394.90809 564.38872 394.79017 564.59991 394.65184 564.80088 c
+394.43443 565.11298 394.16712 565.38510 393.86891 565.62775 c
+393.78983 565.70854 393.71017 565.76920 393.62088 565.84006 c
+393.62088 565.84006 l
+394.01546 566.37666 l
+408.20598 555.97323 l
+404.87641 551.44205 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.47077 551.92564 404.55184 552.05461 404.62299 552.17424 c
+404.82624 552.54246 405.01928 552.91068 405.13266 553.30980 c
+405.32769 553.88835 405.37304 554.51764 405.27865 555.12850 c
+405.22195 555.53896 405.09553 555.94035 404.90872 556.31197 c
+404.65304 556.81427 404.27688 557.25732 403.84006 557.64113 c
+403.59203 557.86337 403.33380 558.06548 403.06535 558.25767 c
+403.06535 558.25767 l
+400.40249 560.22094 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.70406 553.49150 395.85317 553.39002 396.00198 553.27861 c
+396.33024 553.03597 396.67776 552.78312 397.07660 552.65953 c
+397.43546 552.52658 397.84535 552.49285 398.22576 552.55946 c
+398.71672 552.63515 399.17877 552.87128 399.58129 553.14794 c
+400.15446 553.53288 400.63861 554.00882 401.10293 554.49468 c
+401.17351 554.57433 401.24438 554.64350 401.30476 554.71323 c
+401.30476 554.71323 l
+401.82151 554.33849 l
+395.99235 546.37880 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.56715 546.92249 395.64822 547.07159 395.73978 547.23090 c
+395.95294 547.60904 396.15647 547.99739 396.30983 548.40586 c
+396.53461 548.95408 396.66983 549.54312 396.60491 550.13357 c
+396.57798 550.49357 396.47112 550.85471 396.28375 551.15660 c
+396.03770 551.58831 395.63008 551.90211 395.23266 552.19550 c
+395.07392 552.31682 394.92482 552.42822 394.76551 552.53962 c
+394.76551 552.53962 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.31285 546.44769 390.24170 546.33855 390.19068 546.20901 c
+390.14986 546.08910 390.12831 545.94935 390.13710 545.81953 c
+390.16517 545.55931 390.31313 545.32772 390.49143 545.13638 c
+390.65981 544.95496 390.85880 544.81294 391.05751 544.67121 c
+391.05751 544.67121 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+392.27981 543.78085 392.70699 543.47698 393.14494 543.19323 c
+393.61209 542.88907 394.09965 542.61496 394.62831 542.44035 c
+395.15698 542.26573 395.72617 542.20082 396.28658 542.23597 c
+396.80674 542.26148 397.32775 542.37713 397.81956 542.56280 c
+398.48173 542.80687 399.11471 543.17140 399.66860 543.61672 c
+399.85002 543.75534 400.02094 543.90359 400.19244 544.05213 c
+400.19244 544.05213 l
+400.75880 543.63742 l
+396.37191 539.38517 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
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+372.95631 578.10954 l
+381.95405 573.21128 l
+381.59858 572.55420 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.83181 572.95077 380.71219 572.99187 380.58265 573.03298 c
+380.34312 573.09506 380.08346 573.12737 379.86265 573.03921 c
+379.67216 572.98110 379.50094 572.84249 379.38926 572.67354 c
+379.28835 572.53436 379.24668 572.36485 379.20529 572.19506 c
+379.14293 571.91556 379.10069 571.63578 379.06809 571.36620 c
+379.06809 571.36620 l
+377.60513 560.62828 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.86359 567.35717 386.01496 567.48586 386.16605 567.62476 c
+386.33783 567.80334 386.49912 567.99184 386.63121 568.22060 c
+386.74290 568.41959 386.82482 568.63899 386.82680 568.86888 c
+386.82822 569.02904 386.78967 569.17928 386.73071 569.32980 c
+386.56403 569.70113 386.20630 569.97439 385.85849 570.19748 c
+385.69918 570.29868 385.52995 570.40016 385.37093 570.50164 c
+385.37093 570.50164 l
+385.73660 571.16835 l
+391.02208 568.29260 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.58668 567.66643 390.50674 567.70696 390.42709 567.74778 c
+390.26778 567.80929 390.09827 567.85068 389.92819 567.87194 c
+389.68866 567.89405 389.44857 567.89631 389.21811 567.84813 c
+388.99757 567.82006 388.78724 567.74183 388.57635 567.64375 c
+388.24498 567.49635 387.94309 567.28913 387.65112 567.07172 c
+387.37984 566.88406 387.12784 566.67600 386.87613 566.47843 c
+386.87613 566.47843 l
+372.47499 554.84249 l
+371.27055 555.49304 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.79820 574.83213 373.80954 575.01184 373.82117 575.20176 c
+373.85461 575.59153 373.85830 576.01162 373.70126 576.37304 c
+373.57455 576.74409 373.28740 577.05647 372.98920 577.31924 c
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+372.67200 577.59165 l
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+352.09559 565.40948 l
+352.09559 565.40948 l
+352.37509 565.33720 352.64438 565.26491 352.92387 565.20227 c
+353.09339 565.16088 353.27339 565.12913 353.44290 565.11780 c
+353.69263 565.08548 353.94265 565.09342 354.17367 565.16145 c
+354.39392 565.21956 354.59490 565.32784 354.75619 565.47638 c
+354.98806 565.68444 355.15049 565.95317 355.28258 566.22189 c
+355.40504 566.48069 355.51729 566.74998 355.61962 567.01899 c
+355.61962 567.01899 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.93260 580.04334 360.99411 580.20293 361.04542 580.36252 c
+361.11742 580.59213 361.16929 580.82145 361.17128 581.06154 c
+361.17326 581.27159 361.13499 581.49184 361.05676 581.68261 c
+360.98844 581.86318 360.87987 582.03411 360.75090 582.17528 c
+360.56296 582.38674 360.32428 582.54888 360.07540 582.69118 c
+359.82709 582.84312 359.56800 582.97550 359.31912 583.11751 c
+359.31912 583.11751 l
+359.56460 583.73575 l
+370.17751 579.41348 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.89206 578.80573 369.87250 578.81594 369.84246 578.82643 c
+369.58337 578.94860 369.31408 579.01096 369.02438 579.05348 c
+368.73468 579.09600 368.43506 579.11868 368.14422 579.06113 c
+367.96394 579.03250 367.79386 578.98431 367.64306 578.90523 c
+367.40211 578.78759 367.20028 578.59937 367.05827 578.39046 c
+366.91710 578.20167 366.82498 577.99247 366.72321 577.77335 c
+366.72321 577.77335 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.18517 564.16054 361.10324 563.92157 361.05080 563.68205 c
+360.99921 563.48220 360.97739 563.28265 360.99581 563.08224 c
+361.01310 562.79225 361.10069 562.50142 361.26879 562.26019 c
+361.40655 562.02860 361.59506 561.84718 361.81389 561.70517 c
+362.10217 561.49257 362.44091 561.36983 362.76945 561.21704 c
+362.77965 561.20683 362.78957 561.20683 362.79950 561.19663 c
+362.82926 561.18643 362.85931 561.17622 362.88935 561.16602 c
+362.88935 561.16602 l
+362.61326 560.48825 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
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+329.62932 571.74406 l
+329.62932 571.74406 l
+329.73931 571.72337 329.83909 571.70239 329.94907 571.68170 c
+330.33827 571.60828 330.73795 571.54479 331.12828 571.59128 c
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+332.11106 571.90280 332.30268 572.07118 332.44413 572.27017 c
+332.63631 572.49836 332.75849 572.77729 332.85118 573.06643 c
+332.95351 573.34564 333.03600 573.62485 333.10857 573.91398 c
+333.10857 573.91398 l
+336.99033 587.98120 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.69609 588.62381 336.61729 588.79446 336.51893 588.95518 c
+336.42992 589.07594 336.33071 589.18677 336.23178 589.28769 c
+335.97383 589.53997 335.66570 589.74265 335.33688 589.87559 c
+335.16737 589.94702 334.98794 589.99861 334.81814 590.04992 c
+334.81814 590.04992 l
+335.00409 590.71861 l
+342.87562 588.55011 l
+349.16910 573.91512 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.75061 583.32302 351.82318 583.60252 351.84557 583.89222 c
+351.85720 584.07222 351.83849 584.24258 351.80022 584.42287 c
+351.74211 584.64340 351.62391 584.85430 351.47537 585.02580 c
+351.36624 585.13663 351.24746 585.23754 351.11792 585.32882 c
+350.78003 585.56154 350.39140 585.71490 350.00249 585.84841 c
+349.91263 585.87931 349.82306 585.90992 349.73320 585.94082 c
+349.73320 585.94082 l
+349.91887 586.60923 l
+356.42409 584.82283 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.05843 584.19609 355.87899 584.24740 355.69928 584.28907 c
+355.46939 584.33102 355.23978 584.36306 355.00961 584.35512 c
+354.75959 584.34690 354.50901 584.29928 354.27827 584.20120 c
+354.05773 584.11332 353.85647 583.98491 353.68498 583.80633 c
+353.50356 583.62803 353.36126 583.38935 353.25921 583.15011 c
+353.19770 582.99052 353.13676 582.84113 353.08517 582.68154 c
+353.08517 582.68154 l
+348.45959 565.88088 l
+346.38435 566.44894 l
+337.87304 585.95357 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.33143 573.08372 334.25915 572.83427 334.22712 572.58454 c
+334.18517 572.37477 334.17354 572.16501 334.18148 571.95468 c
+334.18942 571.69474 334.24724 571.43424 334.35524 571.20321 c
+334.44340 571.01244 334.58202 570.84123 334.73055 570.68986 c
+334.97858 570.44806 335.27707 570.27543 335.58605 570.15269 c
+335.76520 570.08126 335.93499 570.01975 336.11443 569.96816 c
+336.11443 569.96816 l
+336.26409 569.91685 l
+336.08835 569.28841 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
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+309.84180 594.04649 l
+321.28044 592.67735 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.04460 591.99931 320.90485 592.02057 320.75490 592.03191 c
+320.55477 592.04353 320.34501 592.04551 320.14460 592.01717 c
+319.86454 591.98939 319.59383 591.91200 319.34268 591.78416 c
+319.09181 591.66624 318.87014 591.49814 318.70828 591.27959 c
+318.54671 591.09109 318.42482 590.86205 318.35282 590.62252 c
+318.29102 590.44309 318.25928 590.25345 318.22781 590.07373 c
+318.22781 590.07373 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.69625 577.19650 316.68435 576.96661 316.68236 576.73672 c
+316.68888 576.33647 316.75550 575.93594 316.91197 575.56431 c
+317.05880 575.18334 317.29578 574.84120 317.58350 574.54866 c
+317.86101 574.25613 318.18869 574.01348 318.55720 573.84028 c
+319.01528 573.61635 319.51446 573.50211 320.02413 573.46753 c
+320.59389 573.42274 321.16422 573.45761 321.71528 573.60274 c
+322.31679 573.75780 322.88910 574.02283 323.38233 574.40863 c
+323.78485 574.69493 324.12813 575.06202 324.39175 575.47984 c
+324.77669 576.04649 325.00233 576.70441 325.13811 577.38331 c
+325.20104 577.70306 325.24384 578.02252 325.29628 578.34227 c
+325.29628 578.34227 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.50469 588.51184 326.52595 588.66208 326.53701 588.81175 c
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+326.49817 590.07231 326.45055 590.33254 326.32243 590.55364 c
+326.23398 590.71436 326.10501 590.85553 325.95591 590.96665 c
+325.63814 591.21950 325.24923 591.35301 324.86003 591.46639 c
+324.69052 591.51770 324.51080 591.55937 324.34157 591.61096 c
+324.34157 591.61096 l
+324.42746 592.30006 l
+331.06054 591.50268 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.87458 590.82435 330.77480 590.82520 330.66510 590.83597 c
+330.33487 590.84872 329.99499 590.85184 329.66476 590.80479 c
+329.40454 590.76709 329.13354 590.69934 328.92236 590.55137 c
+328.68113 590.40312 328.48894 590.16501 328.34665 589.91613 c
+328.16409 589.60772 328.05128 589.26869 327.96822 588.91918 c
+327.90586 588.64989 327.86334 588.37039 327.82110 588.10054 c
+327.82110 588.10054 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.57131 577.72120 326.50809 577.36176 326.42504 577.00233 c
+326.26913 576.32372 326.01345 575.66551 325.63814 575.06910 c
+325.14123 574.25329 324.42491 573.54945 323.60117 573.08655 c
+322.83723 572.63301 321.98485 572.37052 321.11376 572.24806 c
+319.94192 572.07798 318.75279 572.15849 317.58435 572.32885 c
+316.78498 572.43543 315.99666 572.59247 315.23839 572.84901 c
+314.38120 573.12624 313.56454 573.54321 312.85928 574.10957 c
+312.28328 574.55461 311.76794 575.10935 311.41332 575.75197 c
+310.88126 576.65679 310.67065 577.74869 310.73981 578.78787 c
+310.75228 579.07814 310.79480 579.36784 310.82740 579.66746 c
+310.82740 579.66746 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.16564 590.97628 312.18746 591.21609 312.16961 591.45619 c
+312.15231 591.78643 312.05509 592.11723 311.86772 592.38907 c
+311.62082 592.75106 311.20271 592.99455 310.77439 593.13827 c
+310.56491 593.22019 310.34551 593.27206 310.12526 593.30409 c
+310.00564 593.32507 309.88602 593.34605 309.75591 593.35710 c
+309.75591 593.35710 l
+309.75591 593.35710 l
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+449.16491 477.15562 l
+449.16491 477.15562 l
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+411.40431 539.58501 411.53301 539.45376 411.67191 539.32280 c
+412.16769 538.83836 412.68331 538.34400 413.33102 538.08831 c
+413.77946 537.88422 414.28885 537.80003 414.77924 537.85587 c
+415.37991 537.92022 415.93238 538.19575 416.42532 538.54157 c
+416.86809 538.84772 417.26098 539.20431 417.63458 539.59096 c
+418.14907 540.11650 418.62387 540.68258 418.93965 541.35978 c
+419.12277 541.71836 419.25628 542.10728 419.28973 542.51688 c
+419.33367 542.96646 419.24778 543.42709 419.07146 543.84860 c
+418.92463 544.24006 418.68765 544.58192 418.42035 544.89458 c
+418.27181 545.06580 418.10315 545.22709 417.94469 545.38866 c
+417.94469 545.38866 l
+417.35962 545.97373 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+283.20463 500.24891 m
+276.10214 500.25005 L
+276.99506 497.37855 L
+258.26372 497.43638 239.54088 497.40406 220.80557 497.37855 C
+220.80557 487.52079 L
+190.26794 487.52079 L
+190.26794 477.66302 L
+197.16123 477.66302 L
+197.16123 459.94762 L
+190.26794 459.94762 L
+190.26794 448.94693 L
+197.16123 448.94693 L
+197.16123 430.07272 L
+190.26794 430.07272 L
+190.26794 419.22567 L
+197.16123 419.22567 L
+197.16123 399.62239 L
+190.26794 399.62239 L
+190.26794 388.72885 L
+197.16123 388.72885 L
+197.16123 386.65729 L
+190.26794 386.65729 L
+190.26794 383.69282 L
+197.16123 383.69282 L
+197.16123 359.10454 L
+190.26794 359.10454 L
+190.26794 356.11965 L
+197.16123 356.11965 L
+197.16123 354.26239 L
+190.26794 354.26239 L
+190.27389 345.36869 L
+220.81153 345.36869 L
+220.80557 334.43972 L
+375.81534 334.43972 L
+375.82129 345.36869 L
+406.48819 345.36869 L
+406.48819 354.17112 L
+399.82677 354.17112 L
+399.82677 356.11937 L
+406.48819 356.11937 L
+406.48819 359.10425 L
+399.82677 359.10425 L
+399.82677 383.69254 L
+406.48819 383.69254 L
+406.48819 386.65644 L
+399.82677 386.65644 L
+399.82677 388.72857 L
+406.48819 388.72857 L
+406.48819 399.62211 L
+399.82677 399.62211 L
+399.82677 419.22539 L
+406.48819 419.22539 L
+406.48819 430.07244 L
+399.82677 430.07244 L
+399.82677 448.94665 L
+406.48819 448.94665 L
+406.48819 459.94734 L
+399.82677 459.94734 L
+399.82677 477.66274 L
+406.48819 477.66274 L
+406.48819 487.52050 L
+375.81534 487.52079 L
+375.81534 497.37855 L
+367.02624 497.39017 359.88690 497.34283 319.88324 497.34283 C
+320.61231 500.25231 L
+313.56822 500.24976 L
+313.02340 500.52132 312.54860 500.75688 312.05622 501.01030 C
+311.61175 501.48113 311.54882 501.31843 311.40680 502.16683 C
+311.47143 502.48658 311.51197 502.83128 311.69622 503.13912 c
+311.87480 503.43704 311.79373 504.07483 311.54173 504.31408 c
+311.33027 504.51477 311.08989 504.60690 310.46202 504.85663 c
+309.64224 505.18261 308.20252 506.10529 308.54835 506.93726 c
+308.68526 507.26665 308.82217 507.59603 308.95937 507.92570 C
+309.12548 508.08869 309.29159 508.25169 309.45770 508.41496 c
+309.72274 508.67518 309.93024 508.64428 310.20378 508.89430 c
+310.50425 509.16841 310.63323 509.39717 310.71940 509.67326 c
+310.88353 510.19852 310.81011 510.41112 310.78176 510.83150 c
+310.75994 511.15606 310.60375 511.63880 310.41921 511.89024 c
+310.24658 512.12608 309.80863 512.41493 309.53140 512.55468 c
+309.26381 512.68961 309.26069 512.67090 309.01209 512.76444 c
+308.86441 512.82028 308.86129 513.25143 308.68384 513.26674 c
+308.52510 513.28035 308.37940 512.92375 308.21698 512.85940 c
+307.94542 512.75169 307.26510 512.68365 307.01820 512.57509 c
+306.55587 512.37128 306.58535 511.90583 306.28290 511.46957 c
+306.15137 511.27994 305.69726 511.19235 305.52350 510.95594 c
+305.32706 510.68806 305.43817 510.27335 305.84183 510.12539 c
+306.18113 510.00123 306.98589 509.47483 306.85181 509.24239 c
+306.67946 508.94362 306.50712 508.64513 306.33477 508.34665 C
+306.04337 508.08132 305.85572 508.05751 305.61874 508.11506 c
+305.31373 508.18904 304.97017 508.41411 304.68472 508.59071 C
+304.25613 508.89260 303.82753 509.19477 303.39893 509.49694 c
+302.37534 510.21808 304.56198 511.50132 304.01348 512.43562 C
+303.51685 513.04224 301.73698 512.31657 300.74627 512.43704 c
+299.93953 512.53512 299.59313 513.24236 299.56365 513.78265 c
+299.53843 514.24243 299.72835 514.52532 299.88142 514.73565 c
+300.57817 515.69121 302.36910 515.18693 302.41361 516.49087 c
+302.43175 517.02038 302.29682 517.37754 300.36869 518.19817 c
+300.13285 518.29852 299.50413 518.46378 298.89638 518.55817 c
+298.55424 518.61118 298.89638 519.30142 298.33625 519.30567 C
+297.78236 519.30142 298.07036 518.61005 297.78236 518.55817 c
+297.17433 518.44876 296.66296 518.26280 296.42740 518.16246 c
+294.49928 517.34211 294.36435 516.98466 294.38249 516.45515 c
+294.42699 515.15121 296.21792 515.65550 296.91468 514.69994 c
+297.06775 514.48961 297.25767 514.20671 297.23244 513.74693 c
+297.20296 513.20665 296.85657 512.49940 296.04983 512.40132 c
+295.05912 512.28085 293.27924 513.00652 292.78261 512.39991 C
+292.23411 511.46561 294.42076 510.18236 293.39717 509.46123 c
+292.96857 509.15906 292.53997 508.85688 292.11137 508.55499 C
+291.82592 508.37839 291.48236 508.15332 291.17735 508.07934 c
+290.94038 508.02180 290.75272 508.04561 290.46132 508.31093 C
+290.28898 508.60942 290.11663 508.90791 289.94428 509.20668 c
+289.81020 509.43912 290.61496 509.96551 290.95427 510.08967 c
+291.35792 510.23764 291.46904 510.65235 291.27260 510.92022 c
+291.09883 511.15663 290.64472 511.24422 290.51320 511.43386 c
+290.21074 511.87011 290.24022 512.33556 289.77789 512.53937 c
+289.53099 512.64794 288.85068 512.71597 288.57912 512.82369 c
+288.41669 512.88803 288.27099 513.24463 288.11225 513.23102 c
+287.93480 513.21572 287.93169 512.78457 287.78400 512.72872 c
+287.53540 512.63518 287.53228 512.65389 287.26469 512.51896 c
+286.98746 512.37921 286.54951 512.09036 286.37688 511.85452 c
+286.19235 511.60309 286.03616 511.12035 286.01433 510.79578 c
+285.98598 510.37540 285.91257 510.16280 286.07669 509.63754 c
+286.16287 509.36145 286.29184 509.13269 286.59231 508.85858 c
+286.86586 508.60857 287.07335 508.63946 287.33839 508.37924 c
+287.50450 508.21597 287.67061 508.05298 287.83672 507.88998 C
+287.97392 507.56031 288.11083 507.23093 288.24775 506.90154 c
+288.59357 506.06957 287.15386 505.14690 286.33408 504.82091 c
+285.70620 504.57118 285.46583 504.47906 285.25436 504.27836 c
+285.00236 504.03912 284.92129 503.40132 285.09987 503.10340 c
+285.28413 502.79556 285.38617 502.49480 285.38929 502.13112 C
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+220.81153 459.94734 L
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+280.13953 593.82822 l
+280.93294 588.25701 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
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+272.73912 583.29326 l
+272.73912 583.29326 l
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+276.08428 588.11187 l
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+278.10482 578.43411 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
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+273.95773 574.64674 l
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+275.75773 573.75723 l
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+276.74646 573.89839 l
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+251.02460 584.43591 l
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+258.65433 589.76306 l
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+260.60570 573.86438 l
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+264.12293 571.51446 l
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+253.10976 568.21861 l
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+248.59219 569.71729 l
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+237.78652 568.40400 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
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+230.77474 580.80472 230.76113 581.11483 230.72769 581.40425 c
+230.71550 581.60438 230.68346 581.78409 230.66135 581.96381 c
+230.66135 581.96381 l
+230.66135 581.96381 l
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+209.39017 546.88876 m
+205.69181 552.85710 l
+206.28737 553.22391 l
+206.28737 553.22391 l
+206.45972 553.02576 206.63206 552.82791 206.81433 552.63997 c
+207.22904 552.21477 207.70328 551.84003 208.21635 551.56564 c
+209.02167 551.12485 209.94406 550.91565 210.86532 550.80595 c
+211.56633 550.72403 212.27669 550.69200 212.97543 550.80992 c
+213.87402 550.94031 214.75984 551.30031 215.52435 551.79893 c
+215.94132 552.05376 216.31833 552.34800 216.65395 552.70205 c
+217.03011 553.07622 217.35496 553.52013 217.54913 554.02243 c
+217.66564 554.32375 217.74217 554.64463 217.73849 554.96466 c
+217.75323 555.43493 217.60753 555.92306 217.34306 556.30998 c
+217.22060 556.51861 217.04854 556.69691 216.86655 556.86472 c
+216.59386 557.11162 216.26164 557.30778 215.91043 557.40387 c
+215.69953 557.48126 215.46935 557.50876 215.23890 557.52633 c
+214.59855 557.57877 213.95906 557.52180 213.32976 557.43449 c
+212.82066 557.36872 212.31156 557.28283 211.80274 557.19723 c
+211.80274 557.19723 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
+209.01713 556.76523 208.63786 556.71080 208.25830 556.66658 c
+207.70923 556.60025 207.15959 556.56397 206.59918 556.57757 c
+205.91887 556.59997 205.21786 556.70202 204.58488 556.95458 c
+204.07238 557.15896 203.59899 557.45348 203.17493 557.79874 c
+202.60998 558.25228 202.12356 558.79682 201.75647 559.42271 c
+201.30831 560.12740 201.00926 560.92450 200.90976 561.76328 c
+200.80035 562.59184 200.88028 563.45301 201.15156 564.24614 c
+201.44154 565.13934 201.95206 565.94551 202.56406 566.65219 c
+203.29455 567.51080 204.17641 568.22088 205.13991 568.79178 c
+205.72611 569.13846 206.32252 569.43524 206.96003 569.67279 c
+207.63723 569.92025 208.34532 570.08863 209.05455 570.18643 c
+209.31392 570.21959 209.57357 570.25247 209.83323 570.28564 c
+210.05291 570.30775 210.27260 570.33043 210.48208 570.38287 c
+210.64167 570.42454 210.79134 570.46620 210.92031 570.55776 c
+211.07906 570.64961 211.20775 570.79106 211.26557 570.96170 c
+211.35345 571.16296 211.34069 571.39257 211.27833 571.60205 c
+211.22646 571.75143 211.15502 571.88069 211.08359 572.01987 c
+211.08359 572.01987 l
+211.64939 572.36627 l
+214.81824 567.24208 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.14076 567.02438 214.00923 567.15279 213.87798 567.28120 c
+213.37228 567.76564 212.78750 568.18913 212.14431 568.46154 c
+211.54110 568.73480 210.87950 568.86718 210.20910 568.89950 c
+209.46841 568.95137 208.72913 568.88277 208.02104 568.69455 c
+207.29310 568.51625 206.59663 568.21833 205.97102 567.82148 c
+205.66346 567.62759 205.36554 567.41414 205.10844 567.17150 c
+204.77197 566.85742 204.49616 566.49430 204.32098 566.07222 c
+204.18435 565.77061 204.10809 565.43981 204.11178 565.11978 c
+204.12624 564.72009 204.26088 564.32154 204.47461 563.98394 c
+204.55654 563.83483 204.65773 563.70614 204.76913 563.57717 c
+204.97181 563.35946 205.23402 563.17266 205.51521 563.06580 c
+205.74624 562.96828 205.99682 562.92123 206.23720 562.90394 c
+206.60740 562.86822 206.97732 562.89231 207.34696 562.93654 c
+207.66643 562.98047 207.98589 563.03405 208.29515 563.08734 c
+208.29515 563.08734 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+212.05871 563.68035 212.51792 563.75575 212.98734 563.80110 c
+213.54661 563.86715 214.11609 563.90372 214.67650 563.89039 c
+215.36674 563.86828 216.05783 563.77587 216.71036 563.54343 c
+217.20246 563.37902 217.67528 563.13439 218.08885 562.82910 c
+218.77427 562.33672 219.32220 561.66293 219.76044 560.92819 c
+220.23921 560.17361 220.59893 559.33739 220.73868 558.45893 c
+220.87757 557.68054 220.85688 556.87039 220.66583 556.09795 c
+220.50425 555.33600 220.17231 554.61231 219.72983 553.96715 c
+218.94350 552.76809 217.78413 551.83493 216.55219 551.11068 c
+216.13521 550.85584 215.69783 550.62113 215.26016 550.41591 c
+214.55405 550.07802 213.80712 549.79937 213.04942 549.58082 c
+212.67071 549.46658 212.28180 549.37191 211.89288 549.26759 c
+211.89288 549.26759 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.13490 549.08901 210.99543 549.04706 210.85625 548.98583 c
+210.73691 548.93424 210.61729 548.87301 210.51808 548.80186 c
+210.33950 548.66976 210.17140 548.52775 210.06369 548.33669 c
+209.89672 548.04472 209.86129 547.65411 209.96504 547.33550 c
+209.96532 547.31565 209.97553 547.28561 209.98573 547.26548 c
+209.98573 547.26548 l
+209.39017 546.88876 l
+209.39017 546.88876 l
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+199.40343 539.51443 m
+199.03805 539.98016 l
+199.03805 539.98016 l
+199.24583 540.18283 199.45332 540.37502 199.64126 540.58734 c
+199.75975 540.71887 199.87795 540.84983 199.98652 540.99128 c
+200.12428 541.19282 200.25184 541.40457 200.30910 541.64494 c
+200.37685 541.85584 200.38394 542.09594 200.33121 542.31534 c
+200.27792 542.61468 200.12513 542.88312 199.95194 543.14107 c
+199.79943 543.37946 199.62652 543.60737 199.45417 543.83528 c
+199.45417 543.83528 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+190.89609 555.00831 190.79490 555.13729 190.67301 555.26627 c
+190.52107 555.44428 190.33937 555.60217 190.13811 555.73002 c
+189.95669 555.83802 189.75572 555.91569 189.54510 555.95310 c
+189.34498 555.98088 189.15506 555.96898 188.96542 555.92674 c
+188.68620 555.86353 188.42769 555.74050 188.17909 555.60756 c
+187.92085 555.46469 187.67254 555.31191 187.42422 555.16904 c
+187.42422 555.16904 l
+187.01802 555.69458 l
+196.12913 562.65874 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.50529 562.11307 196.48573 562.09266 196.45597 562.07254 c
+196.23798 561.89991 196.03020 561.70743 195.84255 561.48548 c
+195.65518 561.26324 195.49814 561.00132 195.39128 560.72041 c
+195.33317 560.55940 195.28498 560.38876 195.27732 560.20876 c
+195.26003 559.94854 195.31332 559.68917 195.42586 559.45049 c
+195.51827 559.23137 195.65065 559.04315 195.78246 558.85465 c
+195.78246 558.85465 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.72633 547.18583 204.88876 546.98740 205.06025 546.81931 c
+205.21191 546.68126 205.37348 546.56306 205.56425 546.47518 c
+205.81597 546.33798 206.11672 546.27165 206.40643 546.29461 c
+206.66665 546.29773 206.91581 546.37058 207.15420 546.48312 c
+207.49294 546.62712 207.79058 546.83065 208.06809 547.05373 c
+208.07773 547.06394 208.08765 547.06394 208.08765 547.07414 c
+208.11742 547.09427 208.14718 547.11468 208.16702 547.13480 c
+208.16702 547.13480 l
+208.61376 546.55002 l
+199.40343 539.51443 l
+199.40343 539.51443 l
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+182.65663 523.34249 m
+182.20110 523.81757 l
+182.20110 523.81757 l
+182.28019 523.89836 182.34935 523.97915 182.42816 524.05994 c
+182.68526 524.35304 182.93159 524.66570 183.10762 525.02769 c
+183.22469 525.25928 183.30180 525.50986 183.31909 525.77036 c
+183.32617 526.02038 183.28309 526.28003 183.18047 526.50879 c
+183.06737 526.78743 182.89446 527.02554 182.70198 527.25345 c
+182.50951 527.48107 182.30683 527.69906 182.10472 527.90655 c
+182.10472 527.90655 l
+171.92466 538.37121 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.23357 538.44350 171.04337 538.47099 170.85345 538.45909 c
+170.71370 538.44746 170.56375 538.42564 170.41436 538.38397 c
+170.07534 538.29014 169.74737 538.12630 169.45965 537.91285 c
+169.31083 537.80117 169.18243 537.66992 169.04381 537.54831 c
+169.04381 537.54831 l
+168.55824 538.05288 l
+174.42340 543.74003 l
+190.22712 541.76031 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.42709 548.75310 183.21477 548.95068 182.98290 549.10800 c
+182.83181 549.21628 182.67080 549.29424 182.50016 549.34243 c
+182.27934 549.41017 182.03953 549.41726 181.80992 549.36482 c
+181.66025 549.34299 181.51087 549.29140 181.37140 549.21969 c
+181.00346 549.04535 180.67663 548.78173 180.35943 548.51783 c
+180.28006 548.45717 180.21090 548.39622 180.14173 548.33528 c
+180.14173 548.33528 l
+179.65587 548.82992 l
+184.50255 553.53572 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.84980 552.90954 184.71118 552.77773 184.59298 552.63657 c
+184.43480 552.46479 184.28683 552.28309 184.17912 552.08183 c
+184.06176 551.86044 183.97446 551.61921 183.93704 551.37912 c
+183.90983 551.13874 183.92230 550.89865 183.98523 550.65969 c
+184.04816 550.41024 184.18082 550.17156 184.33332 549.96321 c
+184.43480 549.82431 184.53628 549.70554 184.64769 549.57713 c
+184.64769 549.57713 l
+196.80094 537.07465 l
+195.25776 535.58702 l
+174.12746 538.11638 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.43729 528.54180 183.60964 528.36378 183.81118 528.19597 c
+183.97304 528.05792 184.14425 527.94000 184.33559 527.84192 c
+184.55698 527.71436 184.80813 527.62734 185.06806 527.61033 c
+185.27839 527.59276 185.48816 527.62535 185.69735 527.67751 c
+186.02646 527.77106 186.33458 527.93490 186.60217 528.13786 c
+186.75099 528.24954 186.88961 528.37115 187.02822 528.49276 c
+187.02822 528.49276 l
+187.13707 528.60387 l
+187.59231 528.13899 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
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+167.43770 502.97783 m
+166.95354 503.34236 l
+166.95354 503.34236 l
+167.09102 503.57367 167.22822 503.81546 167.34529 504.05698 c
+167.43373 504.21770 167.51169 504.38863 167.56980 504.55956 c
+167.65710 504.79030 167.72428 505.04117 167.71153 505.29118 c
+167.70954 505.46126 167.67780 505.62057 167.62564 505.77987 c
+167.54315 506.01912 167.40057 506.23739 167.22850 506.42532 c
+166.93455 506.78220 166.55131 507.04781 166.15814 507.31342 c
+166.15814 507.31342 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.14441 515.47861 154.87200 515.68554 154.56047 515.84173 c
+154.41931 515.92025 154.27871 515.97865 154.11827 516.01663 c
+153.84756 516.08381 153.54765 516.07049 153.26844 515.98687 c
+153.02920 515.91458 152.81065 515.80176 152.61250 515.64954 c
+152.32479 515.44630 152.07761 515.19345 151.85055 514.92076 c
+151.78139 514.84989 151.71222 514.76910 151.65326 514.68860 c
+151.65326 514.68860 l
+151.07839 515.11209 l
+157.85433 524.26998 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.39008 523.78583 158.35068 523.72545 158.31128 523.66507 c
+158.18343 523.49357 158.06523 523.31216 157.97764 523.11118 c
+157.86057 522.86995 157.77354 522.59896 157.76646 522.32882 c
+157.73924 522.08844 157.77213 521.84891 157.85461 521.62980 c
+157.94816 521.33074 158.13099 521.06287 158.35380 520.83553 c
+158.58652 520.57786 158.86885 520.37093 159.15118 520.17449 c
+159.15118 520.17449 l
+163.74047 516.76668 l
+167.64066 522.02154 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+162.86995 525.56740 162.54737 525.80353 162.21515 525.98948 c
+162.04422 526.07764 161.88321 526.14595 161.70265 526.20406 c
+161.46198 526.27124 161.21169 526.29817 160.98180 526.25565 c
+160.73235 526.22277 160.49367 526.10003 160.29524 525.94781 c
+160.02765 525.76469 159.80003 525.53225 159.57269 525.30945 c
+159.49389 525.21874 159.41480 525.13795 159.33543 525.05660 c
+159.33543 525.05660 l
+158.76057 525.48009 l
+165.52687 534.60822 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.02350 534.05348 165.93449 533.94265 165.85597 533.82189 c
+165.73833 533.62035 165.62069 533.41909 165.53310 533.19798 c
+165.42595 532.94683 165.35906 532.67584 165.35225 532.40598 c
+165.34488 532.16589 165.38769 531.92608 165.48009 531.70724 c
+165.59348 531.40847 165.78624 531.16072 166.01896 530.93339 c
+166.26161 530.69613 166.53402 530.49912 166.81635 530.29247 c
+166.81635 530.29247 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.46696 522.39345 177.75978 522.16668 178.06167 521.98016 c
+178.32387 521.81291 178.59543 521.66608 178.88627 521.57962 c
+179.12721 521.51216 179.39735 521.48523 179.64709 521.51811 c
+179.80696 521.53994 179.95663 521.58161 180.09581 521.64312 c
+180.43398 521.79704 180.72113 522.05046 180.96803 522.32343 c
+181.12620 522.49493 181.26454 522.65679 181.40258 522.82828 c
+181.40258 522.82828 l
+181.88646 522.47395 l
+175.04135 513.23499 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.70460 513.82148 174.85200 514.05307 174.97928 514.29458 c
+175.05751 514.45531 175.13575 514.61603 175.20378 514.78696 c
+175.28117 515.00778 175.32850 515.23852 175.31575 515.46841 c
+175.31405 515.62857 175.27238 515.77795 175.21058 515.92734 c
+175.09720 516.21591 174.90444 516.47357 174.69184 516.69128 c
+174.41858 516.98835 174.09572 517.23468 173.78277 517.47109 c
+173.78277 517.47109 l
+168.76035 521.19383 l
+164.85987 515.92904 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.26583 511.93049 170.49742 511.78309 170.72929 511.64561 c
+170.93027 511.53817 171.13153 511.45058 171.34214 511.38283 c
+171.61313 511.30602 171.90340 511.26945 172.18290 511.33238 c
+172.33257 511.35420 172.48195 511.40580 172.62113 511.47751 c
+172.88986 511.61046 173.11776 511.78309 173.32554 511.99540 c
+173.47380 512.14706 173.61184 512.31883 173.73969 512.49033 c
+173.73969 512.49033 l
+174.22384 512.13572 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
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+148.34324 511.16060 m
+148.62728 511.69408 l
+154.32236 508.63861 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+153.73729 508.18195 153.42690 508.24828 153.12614 508.30498 c
+152.53483 508.41808 151.93389 508.49150 151.33436 508.44472 c
+150.75496 508.40787 150.18633 508.27153 149.65880 508.04532 c
+149.15112 507.83953 148.68454 507.55436 148.26841 507.19946 c
+147.75335 506.76350 147.31965 506.21868 147.03676 505.60526 c
+146.76293 505.05222 146.60986 504.43058 146.62715 503.81036 c
+146.61638 502.97046 146.91600 502.13395 147.37436 501.41906 c
+147.79219 500.71380 148.35912 500.13014 148.96517 499.59694 c
+149.99556 498.68872 151.16428 497.93216 152.38148 497.28557 c
+153.41811 496.71751 154.49414 496.21975 155.61836 495.84246 c
+156.61219 495.50372 157.64542 495.24576 158.69537 495.24775 c
+159.36548 495.23528 160.04466 495.32287 160.67140 495.59017 c
+161.49770 495.91956 162.24038 496.56813 162.66161 497.35304 c
+162.82857 497.62488 162.94507 497.92620 163.05165 498.23745 c
+163.24469 498.83981 163.34759 499.48101 163.34022 500.11087 c
+163.35354 500.69083 163.27701 501.27024 163.15058 501.82866 c
+162.99298 502.50699 162.77556 503.15471 162.50825 503.79165 c
+162.40507 504.06038 162.29225 504.31918 162.16923 504.57798 c
+162.16923 504.57798 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.92161 503.50762 163.98340 503.34831 164.03499 503.19893 c
+164.45849 502.00384 164.66343 500.72598 164.58775 499.45521 c
+164.54409 498.01465 164.12031 496.59959 163.44482 495.32173 c
+162.91672 494.27546 162.21742 493.31764 161.35654 492.52762 c
+160.27795 491.52557 158.92611 490.78998 157.49036 490.41354 c
+156.27430 490.05950 154.98510 489.96482 153.74324 490.15077 c
+152.26101 490.33389 150.84454 490.89770 149.53635 491.61317 c
+148.45975 492.18066 147.46167 492.85928 146.59228 493.68954 c
+145.75323 494.47984 145.03266 495.41187 144.55077 496.45644 c
+144.06945 497.44091 143.79676 498.52800 143.75424 499.62756 c
+143.65757 501.09647 143.99065 502.59033 144.55531 503.93707 c
+144.73984 504.40932 144.95471 504.85153 145.18998 505.29430 c
+145.50321 505.87795 145.85698 506.43184 146.27112 506.94690 c
+146.67506 507.47131 147.11981 507.94639 147.59490 508.39172 c
+147.94129 508.71572 148.29789 509.02016 148.66413 509.32431 c
+148.80302 509.43572 148.94164 509.55732 149.02980 509.71833 c
+149.08876 509.80904 149.12731 509.92951 149.12617 510.02929 c
+149.14318 510.30964 148.94022 510.55739 148.73754 510.76517 c
+148.60602 510.91370 148.47449 511.04211 148.34324 511.16060 c
+148.34324 511.16060 l
+148.34324 511.16060 l
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+151.54923 468.54425 m
+150.95679 468.76762 l
+150.95679 468.76762 l
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+151.18866 469.45049 151.29468 469.82154 151.30035 470.20167 c
+151.31707 470.47181 151.28419 470.74139 151.18157 470.99027 c
+151.08860 471.22923 150.93638 471.43757 150.75411 471.61559 c
+150.49134 471.86249 150.16961 472.02888 149.83795 472.17515 c
+149.68715 472.23326 149.54655 472.29194 149.40567 472.35033 c
+149.40567 472.35033 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.18630 477.47962 135.95528 477.57713 135.71461 477.63468 c
+135.52413 477.68230 135.33392 477.71008 135.13380 477.69789 c
+134.91411 477.68513 134.69471 477.63298 134.50592 477.52072 c
+134.28680 477.41811 134.10879 477.23613 133.96110 477.05443 c
+133.71420 476.76161 133.51833 476.42939 133.35194 476.08753 c
+133.30346 475.98690 133.26463 475.88655 133.21559 475.78592 c
+133.21559 475.78592 l
+132.59282 476.02885 l
+138.95603 492.43238 l
+144.19956 490.40220 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.83559 489.88800 143.69499 489.92627 143.55468 489.96482 c
+143.15329 490.07027 142.74227 490.15531 142.32217 490.17061 c
+141.72180 490.20378 141.09335 490.07679 140.53578 489.83017 c
+140.15764 489.66605 139.80019 489.44183 139.49348 489.16828 c
+139.06772 488.79354 138.73323 488.29946 138.47896 487.78668 c
+138.33241 487.49499 138.20570 487.18346 138.07928 486.88214 c
+138.07928 486.88214 l
+136.88447 483.79833 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.59669 481.00620 144.66472 481.17657 144.73276 481.35742 c
+144.88838 481.73924 145.02387 482.13099 145.04910 482.55109 c
+145.08482 482.93178 145.00998 483.34082 144.84614 483.68891 c
+144.65083 484.14671 144.29679 484.52258 143.92290 484.84857 c
+143.40784 485.29276 142.83354 485.65616 142.23005 485.96910 c
+142.13934 486.01843 142.04920 486.05726 141.95849 486.10630 c
+141.95849 486.10630 l
+142.19150 486.70894 l
+151.39276 483.14353 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+150.98910 482.58907 150.80854 482.63698 150.63817 482.67496 c
+150.21694 482.78013 149.79572 482.87537 149.35521 482.92016 c
+148.77468 482.98365 148.16466 482.96665 147.61672 482.76028 c
+147.26835 482.63641 146.95058 482.44280 146.70340 482.18995 c
+146.35729 481.83591 146.15291 481.35373 145.96809 480.89169 c
+145.90006 480.71083 145.83231 480.52998 145.76428 480.35906 c
+145.76428 480.35906 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.80583 477.63921 152.92602 477.60066 153.06633 477.58224 c
+153.19644 477.57402 153.33647 477.58535 153.45581 477.63666 c
+153.70498 477.71943 153.89235 477.93175 154.01991 478.15313 c
+154.15767 478.36460 154.24469 478.59591 154.32236 478.81672 c
+154.32236 478.81672 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.86633 480.23291 155.05058 480.72501 155.21499 481.21710 c
+155.37912 481.74888 155.52283 482.29058 155.54665 482.85071 c
+155.58009 483.40148 155.50384 483.97039 155.31761 484.49820 c
+155.16198 484.99654 154.91650 485.46397 154.61178 485.89030 c
+154.20529 486.47565 153.67918 486.97994 153.11452 487.40372 c
+152.92261 487.54120 152.74120 487.67924 152.54986 487.80709 c
+152.54986 487.80709 l
+152.80214 488.45991 l
+158.04850 485.31940 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
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+136.67896 471.12520 l
+136.52617 470.46331 l
+136.52617 470.46331 l
+136.41591 470.49194 136.31584 470.52085 136.20557 470.53984 c
+136.05506 470.56791 135.90482 470.58633 135.74494 470.60419 c
+135.28431 470.63934 134.82397 470.66372 134.36476 470.58860 c
+133.92539 470.52369 133.49735 470.36891 133.10986 470.13420 c
+132.74249 469.90998 132.40573 469.62624 132.16961 469.27361 c
+131.87424 468.87024 131.73024 468.36850 131.59559 467.87698 c
+131.53805 467.66608 131.49071 467.44554 131.43288 467.23493 c
+131.43288 467.23493 l
+131.13666 466.01150 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+147.12208 462.12350 147.31257 462.07559 147.50306 462.06794 c
+147.65301 462.04951 147.81288 462.06113 147.97276 462.09317 c
+148.23213 462.13597 148.48101 462.23887 148.69928 462.39137 c
+148.89798 462.52375 149.06551 462.70573 149.19335 462.90699 c
+149.39008 463.18932 149.50658 463.51077 149.61288 463.83194 c
+149.66107 463.97254 149.70954 464.12306 149.74809 464.26365 c
+149.74809 464.26365 l
+150.39978 464.11087 l
+147.64847 452.79893 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+147.02513 453.09175 147.05348 453.23206 147.08211 453.36246 c
+147.13824 453.69298 147.19465 454.01386 147.17083 454.34353 c
+147.14759 454.61339 147.08466 454.88268 146.95200 455.11115 c
+146.80913 455.36967 146.58661 455.57717 146.33490 455.74413 c
+145.99219 455.99017 145.59052 456.13559 145.17893 456.25096 c
+144.96831 456.30850 144.75770 456.36605 144.54709 456.41395 c
+144.54709 456.41395 l
+129.67483 460.03465 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.14986 457.83836 129.11216 457.62775 129.08466 457.41742 c
+129.05830 457.10731 129.06198 456.78728 129.13540 456.48794 c
+129.20967 456.10894 129.37380 455.74101 129.58753 455.42324 c
+129.79106 455.12532 130.04362 454.85830 130.31660 454.62132 c
+130.80104 454.21710 131.35493 453.91323 131.93745 453.69978 c
+132.05764 453.65131 132.16819 453.61247 132.28866 453.57392 c
+132.28866 453.57392 l
+132.15515 453.02230 l
+132.15515 453.02230 l
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+362.69915 275.01987 l
+360.54312 280.31046 l
+375.57553 287.57934 l
+373.72479 265.35430 l
+377.94756 267.39893 l
+377.94756 267.39893 l
+378.21061 267.52422 378.47395 267.64951 378.72170 267.80031 c
+379.20189 268.06904 379.64381 268.42025 379.99956 268.83581 c
+380.38082 269.26724 380.67080 269.77153 380.87660 270.31833 c
+381.16006 271.00630 381.30094 271.73594 381.35622 272.47181 c
+381.42283 273.28535 381.37124 274.12016 381.17565 274.90280 c
+381.14220 275.03461 381.10365 275.17493 381.07020 275.30674 c
+381.07020 275.30674 l
+381.73011 275.62677 l
+384.06926 269.11304 l
+367.75106 261.22507 l
+369.58649 283.41723 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+365.89011 281.62318 365.66986 281.52425 365.45953 281.40775 c
+365.06806 281.20450 364.69757 280.96724 364.37187 280.67499 c
+363.99175 280.33824 363.66661 279.92976 363.43984 279.47537 c
+363.22639 279.07597 363.09203 278.64312 363.03477 278.19836 c
+362.94973 277.60791 363.00841 277.01150 363.09798 276.42217 c
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+359.41946 279.79030 l
+361.19537 274.70154 l
+360.55871 274.47789 l
+360.55871 274.47789 l
+360.51846 274.58220 360.48699 274.69191 360.45241 274.78743 c
+360.38608 274.93455 360.31635 275.06778 360.24718 275.20129 c
+360.02494 275.60438 359.79761 276.01625 359.48636 276.35386 c
+359.18929 276.68806 358.83439 276.96359 358.42337 277.15805 c
+358.03417 277.35449 357.61493 277.48545 357.18775 277.49480 c
+356.68346 277.51550 356.18910 277.36639 355.70778 277.21417 c
+355.49405 277.14246 355.28031 277.07074 355.07991 276.99562 c
+355.07991 276.99562 l
+353.88907 276.58658 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.31090 261.04961 359.37553 260.86649 359.46595 260.69896 c
+359.54022 260.55723 359.63546 260.43959 359.74431 260.31827 c
+359.92233 260.12239 360.14627 259.96592 360.39231 259.86983 c
+360.61909 259.78564 360.86145 259.73405 361.10296 259.74085 c
+361.43575 259.73263 361.77137 259.79669 362.10529 259.88287 c
+362.24561 259.92142 362.39471 259.96535 362.53474 260.00391 c
+362.53474 260.00391 l
+362.76208 259.38142 l
+351.77329 255.54643 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.67606 256.22504 351.81128 256.27209 351.93288 256.32255 c
+352.24072 256.45153 352.54346 256.58901 352.80964 256.78630 c
+353.02110 256.93852 353.21017 257.14743 353.33405 257.38639 c
+353.46926 257.64491 353.53417 257.94198 353.53247 258.23339 c
+353.55005 258.66567 353.44800 259.08350 353.32894 259.49083 c
+353.26233 259.69606 353.19572 259.90157 353.12400 260.11559 c
+353.12400 260.11559 l
+348.07635 274.55726 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+345.94951 273.80069 345.74910 273.72557 345.55975 273.63345 c
+345.28450 273.48945 345.02145 273.30576 344.80176 273.09005 c
+344.52397 272.81565 344.31335 272.48825 344.15972 272.12542 c
+344.02139 271.79546 343.92926 271.44652 343.88362 271.07915 c
+343.80539 270.45780 343.85414 269.82000 343.98992 269.21225 c
+344.01317 269.09745 344.04123 268.97414 344.07298 268.86472 c
+344.07298 268.86472 l
+343.54091 268.68104 l
+343.54091 268.68104 l
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+334.12167 251.42457 l
+334.12167 251.42457 l
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+335.07269 251.80469 335.23710 251.88094 335.39074 251.97449 c
+335.60107 252.09099 335.80403 252.23811 335.95370 252.43455 c
+336.09657 252.60350 336.20003 252.81893 336.24482 253.03323 c
+336.30973 253.33058 336.28365 253.64239 336.23206 253.93890 c
+336.18557 254.22661 336.12180 254.50413 336.05858 254.78135 c
+336.05858 254.78135 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.78400 268.46476 332.73808 268.63597 332.68904 268.79329 c
+332.62072 269.02120 332.52180 269.24173 332.38488 269.42769 c
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+331.76381 269.98611 331.57814 270.06038 331.39077 270.09865 c
+331.12148 270.15676 330.83490 270.14627 330.54548 270.12246 c
+330.25550 270.09780 329.97118 270.06548 329.67808 270.02750 c
+329.67808 270.02750 l
+329.52104 270.66954 l
+340.67537 273.32901 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.79301 272.67449 340.77061 272.67279 340.73972 272.66542 c
+340.46759 272.59342 340.19206 272.50753 339.94233 272.37912 c
+339.67077 272.24844 339.41991 272.08403 339.21354 271.86491 c
+339.08910 271.74246 338.98876 271.59931 338.90769 271.44425 c
+338.78409 271.20529 338.72060 270.94394 338.72400 270.68854 c
+338.71691 270.45014 338.76312 270.22054 338.81783 269.99631 c
+338.81783 269.99631 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.23329 255.69666 342.30699 255.46054 342.40280 255.22611 c
+342.48104 255.03987 342.57685 254.86356 342.70639 254.70822 c
+342.89150 254.48145 343.13953 254.30485 343.40428 254.19685 c
+343.65005 254.10047 343.91792 254.06476 344.17332 254.06787 c
+344.53701 254.06702 344.89304 254.15518 345.23773 254.22406 c
+345.24595 254.22945 345.25984 254.22605 345.26806 254.23115 c
+345.29896 254.23824 345.32986 254.24561 345.36076 254.25241 c
+345.36076 254.25241 l
+345.53707 253.54035 l
+334.25915 250.85254 l
+334.25915 250.85254 l
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+308.79326 248.20072 l
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+309.50419 248.34076 309.89083 248.43600 310.24290 248.62677 c
+310.48072 248.73647 310.70098 248.89408 310.85915 249.09562 c
+311.02753 249.28016 311.14290 249.51430 311.19420 249.75638 c
+311.27811 250.04183 311.28803 250.35222 311.27244 250.64702 c
+311.25685 250.94183 311.21887 251.23493 311.18117 251.52803 c
+311.18117 251.52803 l
+309.41376 266.02384 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+308.90324 266.49723 308.76690 266.62479 308.61014 266.72854 c
+308.49137 266.80847 308.35531 266.87764 308.21613 266.93348 c
+307.88589 267.07209 307.52504 267.14494 307.17524 267.14268 c
+306.98674 267.14523 306.80504 267.11631 306.62674 267.10157 c
+306.62674 267.10157 l
+306.54170 267.79890 l
+314.64028 268.78507 l
+326.03584 257.64661 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.85096 267.32211 324.80447 267.60983 324.71008 267.88025 c
+324.65055 268.05487 324.57912 268.21049 324.46857 268.35392 c
+324.33165 268.53959 324.14910 268.68586 323.93424 268.78932 c
+323.79817 268.85849 323.65020 268.90923 323.49883 268.94580 c
+323.09717 269.02885 322.67735 269.00731 322.26576 268.99115 c
+322.17137 268.99200 322.07357 268.97924 321.97946 268.98038 c
+321.97946 268.98038 l
+321.89953 269.66948 l
+328.60346 270.48501 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.49631 269.77606 328.31461 269.74743 328.12469 269.71370 c
+327.89820 269.68139 327.67087 269.61279 327.45883 269.51896 c
+327.23830 269.41975 327.02967 269.28113 326.85591 269.10510 c
+326.67704 268.93757 326.54126 268.73773 326.45679 268.51068 c
+326.34709 268.26803 326.31109 268.00072 326.30598 267.73994 c
+326.30173 267.57354 326.31165 267.40346 326.31619 267.24246 c
+326.31619 267.24246 l
+328.43424 249.93950 l
+326.29748 249.68041 l
+311.01052 264.47868 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.62882 251.22699 312.66312 250.97868 312.71953 250.73206 c
+312.76375 250.52485 312.83008 250.31934 312.92249 250.12970 c
+313.03191 249.89216 313.18101 249.66652 313.36554 249.49814 c
+313.52598 249.34989 313.71874 249.24501 313.91291 249.17556 c
+314.22954 249.04063 314.57452 248.99301 314.91609 248.99017 c
+315.09071 248.99159 315.28261 249.00293 315.46120 249.01795 c
+315.46120 249.01795 l
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+315.70186 248.39178 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
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+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.29320 249.27392 276.42359 249.27137 276.55398 249.26882 c
+276.85417 249.27591 277.14076 249.28639 277.43159 249.34649 c
+277.69181 249.39978 277.94863 249.49729 278.16038 249.64980 c
+278.36362 249.79691 278.53540 249.99534 278.66069 250.21219 c
+278.84891 250.53761 278.92545 250.91178 278.97109 251.27915 c
+279.03203 251.67912 279.05669 252.08079 279.09524 252.47906 c
+279.09524 252.47906 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66671 265.51843 279.67153 265.83761 279.66756 266.15140 c
+279.65934 266.35720 279.64602 266.57150 279.60718 266.76992 c
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+279.19134 267.66425 279.00850 267.81080 278.82964 267.91257 c
+278.50422 268.10050 278.15216 268.17902 277.78819 268.23827 c
+277.57871 268.27455 277.36583 268.29723 277.15323 268.31962 c
+277.15323 268.31962 l
+277.17449 268.97698 l
+285.94063 268.57814 l
+290.62913 255.86107 l
+296.53597 268.09880 l
+305.20290 267.70961 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.07335 267.05679 304.97046 267.05282 304.85906 267.04375 c
+304.60365 267.04006 304.35846 267.01994 304.11184 266.96324 c
+303.83773 266.91364 303.57581 266.82406 303.34535 266.68375 c
+303.10951 266.55165 302.91024 266.36031 302.76765 266.13269 c
+302.61969 265.91386 302.52019 265.65449 302.47909 265.39512 c
+302.45244 265.22702 302.43487 265.06403 302.42239 264.89225 c
+302.42239 264.89225 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.77581 250.49565 301.75682 250.23827 301.77383 249.97946 c
+301.77836 249.81846 301.79991 249.66737 301.83024 249.52195 c
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+302.36995 248.53918 302.61940 248.39858 302.87055 248.29398 c
+303.22828 248.14857 303.61124 248.07742 303.99222 248.02838 c
+304.10022 248.02413 304.21361 248.01109 304.31339 248.00145 c
+304.31339 248.00145 l
+304.28986 247.36677 l
+292.64995 247.88920 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.89288 248.52841 293.12617 248.53011 293.34047 248.54343 c
+293.50998 248.55307 293.66957 248.58000 293.83710 248.61203 c
+294.16450 248.67071 294.47915 248.76879 294.75099 248.95757 c
+294.92476 249.07521 295.08690 249.23254 295.19717 249.41679 c
+295.35364 249.64072 295.43924 249.90350 295.48885 250.16825 c
+295.53874 250.43244 295.55235 250.69861 295.56085 250.97301 c
+295.56085 250.97301 l
+296.16321 264.28876 l
+288.38863 248.08082 l
+287.46057 248.12419 l
+281.06901 265.59950 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43093 251.47729 280.42243 251.20290 280.45020 250.92709 c
+280.47940 250.62888 280.54460 250.32926 280.67528 250.05742 c
+280.78299 249.84198 280.92501 249.64753 281.11294 249.49276 c
+281.26800 249.35272 281.45594 249.25635 281.65521 249.17868 c
+282.02145 249.03893 282.42142 248.97770 282.81260 248.97033 c
+282.91209 248.96069 283.00620 248.95956 283.10060 248.95843 c
+283.10060 248.95843 l
+283.06885 248.31836 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
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+256.97083 254.41427 257.07657 254.75981 257.16869 255.10847 c
+257.20526 255.25956 257.22850 255.41405 257.26535 255.56513 c
+257.26535 255.56513 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+260.03962 269.46652 260.09972 269.71370 260.11020 269.96598 c
+260.13487 270.15676 260.12324 270.34866 260.07562 270.54198 c
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+258.90831 271.78639 258.54690 271.91792 258.18463 272.01317 c
+258.08315 272.04491 257.97317 272.07184 257.87197 272.10387 c
+257.87197 272.10387 l
+258.00151 272.75613 l
+275.26167 269.31061 l
+274.15531 263.80176 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.58639 264.06369 273.60057 264.21279 273.61502 264.36246 c
+273.64847 264.76894 273.66293 265.18762 273.59660 265.60375 c
+273.52403 266.20384 273.30435 266.79572 272.95625 267.30964 c
+272.73430 267.65433 272.45594 267.97663 272.13024 268.22353 c
+271.67868 268.58069 271.14718 268.81909 270.60406 268.98009 c
+270.27780 269.07420 269.95323 269.14564 269.62838 269.21707 c
+269.62838 269.21707 l
+266.38809 269.86649 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.96255 261.78633 265.14964 261.74806 265.33162 261.71858 c
+265.73357 261.63524 266.15254 261.56239 266.56243 261.60123 c
+266.94964 261.63808 267.33260 261.77783 267.65008 262.00630 c
+268.06706 262.28324 268.37490 262.68151 268.62576 263.11521 c
+268.98548 263.69745 269.24202 264.33383 269.44894 264.97474 c
+269.47219 265.07083 269.50932 265.16381 269.53257 265.25991 c
+269.53257 265.25991 l
+270.16299 265.12866 l
+268.23685 255.46734 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.61918 255.77008 267.63165 255.94186 267.64753 256.12696 c
+267.67899 256.55613 267.69685 256.98841 267.67361 257.43090 c
+267.63364 258.01512 267.51657 258.61124 267.20957 259.11524 c
+267.03439 259.44180 266.78211 259.72129 266.48731 259.91660 c
+266.07742 260.20545 265.57427 260.32054 265.08643 260.40983 c
+264.89395 260.45660 264.71225 260.48636 264.52488 260.52463 c
+264.52488 260.52463 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.06079 253.12309 263.03584 252.99099 263.04718 252.85720 c
+263.05824 252.72369 263.10019 252.59698 263.17304 252.47735 c
+263.29436 252.25880 263.53559 252.11282 263.77285 252.01162 c
+264.00501 251.91865 264.24198 251.87556 264.48406 251.82397 c
+264.48406 251.82397 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.97112 251.53540 266.48646 251.43931 266.99953 251.36532 c
+267.54888 251.29020 268.11354 251.24769 268.65496 251.31969 c
+269.21537 251.38006 269.76104 251.56035 270.25002 251.83446 c
+270.71490 252.07058 271.13641 252.39770 271.50435 252.77386 c
+272.01033 253.26935 272.41824 253.86888 272.73288 254.50554 c
+272.84145 254.71191 272.93613 254.92167 273.02230 255.12633 c
+273.02230 255.12633 l
+273.71594 254.98715 l
+271.52731 249.27534 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
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+227.02819 253.88589 256.70778 281.19883 @E
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+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
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+227.02819 261.99751 m
+227.23200 262.56614 l
+227.23200 262.56614 l
+227.49335 262.50293 227.76265 262.44482 228.03562 262.40031 c
+228.20939 262.36517 228.39137 262.33569 228.57137 262.32831 c
+228.82365 262.31783 229.08246 262.33483 229.32709 262.41364 c
+229.47619 262.45757 229.62643 262.53751 229.75285 262.63757 c
+229.95581 262.78498 230.12787 262.98312 230.25317 263.20025 c
+230.50800 263.58945 230.65427 264.04157 230.79713 264.47981 c
+230.79713 264.47981 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
+235.37197 277.40494 235.48819 277.73320 235.54970 278.07506 c
+235.58117 278.23465 235.59534 278.38403 235.59109 278.54504 c
+235.57209 278.82624 235.46721 279.11367 235.31301 279.34781 c
+235.17439 279.55587 234.99865 279.72964 234.80192 279.87959 c
+234.51902 280.09361 234.20098 280.25093 233.87953 280.39465 c
+233.78117 280.44057 233.68819 280.47742 233.59578 280.51455 c
+233.59578 280.51455 l
+233.83446 281.19883 l
+244.57351 277.38794 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.26369 276.74277 244.19509 276.75950 244.13499 276.78132 c
+243.92693 276.85389 243.71575 276.91257 243.50258 276.93496 c
+243.23811 276.98485 242.96060 276.97975 242.68309 276.91597 c
+242.45887 276.86126 242.23805 276.76205 242.05209 276.62542 c
+241.78904 276.44202 241.59033 276.19200 241.43414 275.90967 c
+241.26633 275.60863 241.15011 275.28009 241.02879 274.96035 c
+241.02879 274.96035 l
+239.11937 269.55921 l
+245.29748 267.37342 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.27918 272.98261 247.41071 273.34375 247.49065 273.73181 c
+247.53402 273.91039 247.54989 274.09578 247.55216 274.28457 c
+247.55386 274.53118 247.49745 274.77808 247.38945 274.99351 c
+247.27663 275.21745 247.09550 275.39972 246.89395 275.55789 c
+246.64365 275.75688 246.35310 275.90740 246.06737 276.04970 c
+245.96391 276.10413 245.86101 276.15827 245.75754 276.21241 c
+245.75754 276.21241 l
+246.00189 276.88819 l
+256.70778 273.09260 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.32595 272.45027 256.19216 272.49732 256.04957 272.53928 c
+255.82450 272.60135 255.59603 272.64983 255.35225 272.66485 c
+255.08466 272.70113 254.81197 272.68753 254.54466 272.60674 c
+254.31732 272.53814 254.10189 272.43043 253.92104 272.28529 c
+253.66847 272.08460 253.48847 271.82268 253.34107 271.54573 c
+253.17326 271.24441 253.06554 270.92126 252.95811 270.59839 c
+252.95811 270.59839 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.52784 258.08910 248.40822 257.74696 248.30249 257.40170 c
+248.22397 257.10775 248.15537 256.79679 248.16246 256.49688 c
+248.16586 256.24148 248.21915 255.98098 248.33197 255.75704 c
+248.39830 255.60992 248.48135 255.47329 248.58510 255.36104 c
+248.82350 255.08466 249.15430 254.88765 249.48595 254.72721 c
+249.68750 254.62687 249.89216 254.54098 250.09682 254.45480 c
+250.09682 254.45480 l
+249.89301 253.88589 l
+239.05814 257.72003 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.52274 258.22573 239.78948 258.15373 240.05367 258.10384 c
+240.23565 258.07436 240.40942 258.03921 240.59764 258.03723 c
+240.82753 258.02476 241.06422 258.04006 241.27285 258.12028 c
+241.42535 258.17811 241.56170 258.26117 241.67934 258.35641 c
+241.92879 258.54321 242.10879 258.80513 242.27008 259.07868 c
+242.46482 259.43159 242.60485 259.79783 242.74828 260.17767 c
+242.74828 260.17767 l
+244.82750 266.06863 l
+238.64939 268.25443 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.41852 261.91984 236.33802 261.64857 236.27991 261.37871 c
+236.23483 261.16413 236.20365 260.94614 236.20847 260.72674 c
+236.21046 260.43506 236.26573 260.15244 236.39386 259.90299 c
+236.46869 259.76098 236.56394 259.64334 236.67250 259.52230 c
+236.86951 259.31452 237.11754 259.13764 237.37578 259.00214 c
+237.56343 258.90576 237.76271 258.82781 237.97077 258.75581 c
+237.97077 258.75581 l
+237.76696 258.18661 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
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+229.81833 276.20050 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.35628 276.78586 229.42460 277.09654 229.47591 277.39729 c
+229.58362 277.98945 229.63606 278.59521 229.58561 279.19701 c
+229.54280 279.76791 229.39654 280.33427 229.16863 280.86293 c
+228.94753 281.36041 228.65272 281.82501 228.29499 282.23972 c
+227.84910 282.74088 227.30627 283.17118 226.68208 283.44643 c
+226.12110 283.71402 225.49946 283.85036 224.88548 283.83959 c
+224.03849 283.82712 223.21219 283.51134 222.50183 283.04362 c
+221.80139 282.61701 221.22539 282.04384 220.70636 281.43524 c
+219.81118 280.38643 219.07446 279.21203 218.44120 277.98350 c
+217.88702 276.93184 217.40712 275.85496 217.04400 274.72082 c
+216.71433 273.72416 216.47764 272.69008 216.49861 271.63701 c
+216.49578 270.96831 216.59301 270.28970 216.86457 269.67061 c
+217.21635 268.84290 217.86945 268.11638 218.65748 267.70677 c
+218.94009 267.55087 219.23745 267.42756 219.54161 267.33175 c
+220.14992 267.14013 220.78998 267.05027 221.43487 267.06813 c
+222.01455 267.05792 222.58176 267.14580 223.14501 267.27817 c
+223.81824 267.44202 224.46312 267.67077 225.09950 267.95310 c
+225.35915 268.06450 225.61398 268.18441 225.87392 268.29609 c
+225.87392 268.29609 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.83247 266.52614 224.68025 266.46860 224.52293 266.41956 c
+223.33351 265.98813 222.06104 265.75143 220.79509 265.81181 c
+219.35764 265.82655 217.92813 266.23219 216.64261 266.90117 c
+215.58643 267.40517 214.61811 268.09172 213.81987 268.94069 c
+212.79770 270.00397 212.04482 271.33710 211.65109 272.77143 c
+211.27606 273.98353 211.15984 275.27074 211.32482 276.51855 c
+211.47987 277.99455 212.02951 279.41811 212.73080 280.74671 c
+213.29150 281.82557 213.93836 282.84009 214.76239 283.71657 c
+215.53058 284.57065 216.45694 285.29858 217.49641 285.80287 c
+218.47380 286.29298 219.55776 286.58976 220.65647 286.65014 c
+222.12397 286.75928 223.62151 286.45370 224.98696 285.90321 c
+225.45468 285.73143 225.90709 285.52706 226.34419 285.28980 c
+226.92557 284.98847 227.49392 284.63187 228.01635 284.23559 c
+228.53849 283.83959 229.02009 283.39483 229.48072 282.92655 c
+229.80557 282.58554 230.12164 282.23943 230.42580 281.87433 c
+230.54513 281.73628 230.66447 281.59824 230.81924 281.51688 c
+230.92243 281.46274 231.02901 281.42220 231.14580 281.42306 c
+231.41169 281.40945 231.65915 281.61836 231.86154 281.82359 c
+232.01178 281.96192 232.13622 282.08466 232.26378 282.22101 c
+232.26378 282.22101 l
+232.26378 282.22101 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+453.05490 401.49468 472.56491 420.99477 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+456.78501 401.49468 m
+457.93502 408.54472 l
+453.05490 413.54476 l
+459.80476 414.57487 l
+462.81487 420.99477 l
+465.81477 414.57487 l
+472.56491 413.54476 l
+467.67487 408.54472 l
+468.82488 401.49468 l
+462.79502 404.83474 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+123.99619 401.78126 143.50620 421.28135 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
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+/$fm 0 def
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+128.87631 408.83131 l
+123.99619 413.83134 l
+130.74633 414.86145 l
+133.75616 421.28135 l
+136.75635 414.86145 l
+143.50620 413.83134 l
+138.61616 408.83131 l
+139.76617 401.78126 l
+133.73631 405.12132 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 493.43584 256.28995 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 493.43584 m
+256.28995 495.32542 L
+254.41880 495.32542 L
+254.41880 493.43584 L
+256.28995 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+246.52743 493.43584 251.42910 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 493.43584 m
+251.42910 495.32542 L
+246.52743 495.32542 L
+246.52743 493.43584 L
+251.42910 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 493.43584 243.52724 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+243.52724 493.43584 m
+243.52724 495.32542 L
+238.54564 495.32542 L
+238.54564 493.43584 L
+243.52724 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 493.43584 235.57039 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 493.43584 m
+235.57039 495.32542 L
+233.69924 495.32542 L
+233.69924 493.43584 L
+235.57039 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 459.94734 256.28995 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 459.94734 m
+256.28995 481.52013 L
+254.41880 481.52013 L
+254.41880 459.94734 L
+256.28995 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+246.52743 459.94734 251.42910 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 459.94734 m
+251.42910 481.52013 L
+246.52743 481.52013 L
+246.52743 459.94734 L
+251.42910 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 459.94734 243.52724 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+243.52724 459.94734 m
+243.52724 481.52013 L
+238.54564 481.52013 L
+238.54564 459.94734 L
+243.52724 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 459.94734 235.57039 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 459.94734 m
+235.57039 459.94734 L
+235.57039 481.52013 L
+233.69924 481.52013 L
+233.69924 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 430.07244 256.28995 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 430.07244 m
+256.28995 448.94665 L
+254.41880 448.94665 L
+254.41880 430.07244 L
+256.28995 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 430.07244 251.42910 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+238.54564 430.07244 m
+251.42910 430.07244 L
+251.42910 448.94665 L
+238.54564 448.94665 L
+238.54564 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 430.07244 235.57039 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 430.07244 m
+235.57039 448.94665 L
+233.69924 448.94665 L
+233.69924 430.07244 L
+235.57039 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 399.62211 256.28995 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 399.62211 m
+256.28995 419.22539 L
+254.41880 419.22539 L
+254.41880 399.62211 L
+256.28995 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 399.62211 251.42910 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 399.62211 m
+251.42910 419.22539 L
+238.54564 419.22539 L
+238.54564 399.62211 L
+251.42910 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 399.62211 235.57039 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 399.62211 m
+235.57039 399.62211 l
+235.57039 419.22539 l
+233.69924 419.22539 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 359.10425 251.42910 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 383.69254 m
+238.54564 383.69254 L
+238.54564 359.10425 L
+251.42910 359.10425 L
+251.42910 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 359.10425 235.57039 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 383.69254 m
+233.69924 383.69254 L
+233.69924 359.10425 L
+235.57039 359.10425 L
+235.57039 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 354.26211 256.28995 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 354.26211 m
+256.28995 356.11937 L
+254.41880 356.11937 L
+254.41880 354.26211 L
+256.28995 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.53685 354.26211 251.45235 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 354.26211 m
+251.45235 356.11937 L
+238.53685 356.11937 L
+238.53685 354.26211 L
+251.45235 354.26211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 354.26211 235.57039 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 354.26211 m
+235.57039 354.26211 l
+235.57039 356.11937 l
+233.69924 356.11937 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 345.36869 256.28995 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+256.28995 345.36869 m
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+254.41880 351.52980 L
+254.41880 345.36869 L
+256.28995 345.36869 L
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+238.53685 345.36869 251.45802 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 345.36869 m
+251.45802 351.52101 L
+238.53685 351.52980 L
+238.53685 345.36869 L
+251.45235 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 345.36869 235.57039 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 345.36869 m
+235.57039 351.52980 L
+233.69924 351.52980 L
+233.69924 345.36869 L
+235.57039 345.36869 L
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+238.58646 386.65701 251.45235 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+238.58646 388.72857 m
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+251.45235 386.65701 L
+238.58646 386.65701 L
+238.58646 388.72857 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.41880 388.72857 m
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+256.27011 386.65786 L
+254.41880 386.65786 L
+254.41880 388.72857 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.42277 383.68261 m
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+256.31575 359.10567 L
+254.42277 359.10567 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+270.17178 356.11937 m
+285.24416 356.11937 L
+285.24416 354.26211 L
+270.17178 354.26211 L
+270.17178 356.11937 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+270.17178 347.22595 m
+285.24416 347.22595 L
+285.24416 345.36869 L
+270.17178 345.36869 L
+270.17178 347.22595 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+270.17178 351.52980 m
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+285.24416 349.67254 L
+270.17178 349.67254 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+290.81594 356.11937 m
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+305.85260 354.26211 L
+290.81594 354.26211 L
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+290.81594 351.52980 m
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+305.85260 345.36869 L
+290.81594 345.36869 L
+290.81594 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 354.26211 326.60391 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 356.11937 m
+326.60391 356.11937 L
+326.60391 354.26211 L
+311.60296 354.26211 L
+311.60296 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 349.67254 326.60391 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 351.52980 m
+326.60391 351.52980 L
+326.60391 349.67254 L
+311.60296 349.67254 L
+311.60296 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 345.36869 326.60391 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 347.22595 m
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+326.60391 345.36869 L
+311.60296 345.36869 L
+311.60296 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 399.62211 326.60391 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+326.60391 399.62211 m
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+311.60296 419.22539 L
+311.60296 399.62211 L
+326.60391 399.62211 L
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+375.82129 459.93487 389.44261 477.66274 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+389.40293 459.93487 m
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+389.40293 459.93487 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+345.04554 493.43584 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+340.15748 495.32542 L
+340.15748 493.43584 L
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+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+362.78986 459.94734 m
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+360.91871 481.52013 L
+360.91871 459.94734 L
+362.78986 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+357.92901 459.94734 m
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+353.02734 459.94734 L
+357.92901 459.94734 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+350.02715 459.94734 m
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+345.04554 481.52013 L
+345.04554 459.94734 L
+350.02715 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 459.94734 m
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+340.19915 481.52013 L
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+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+362.78986 430.07244 m
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+360.91871 448.94665 L
+360.91871 430.07244 L
+362.78986 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 430.07244 357.92901 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+345.04554 430.07244 m
+357.92901 430.07244 L
+357.92901 448.94665 L
+345.04554 448.94665 L
+345.04554 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 430.07244 342.07030 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.07030 430.07244 m
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+340.19915 448.94665 L
+340.19915 430.07244 L
+342.07030 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+362.78986 399.62211 m
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+360.91871 419.22539 L
+360.91871 399.62211 L
+362.78986 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 399.62211 357.92901 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+357.92901 399.62211 m
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+345.04554 419.22539 L
+345.04554 399.62211 L
+357.92901 399.62211 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+340.19915 419.22539 l
+340.19915 399.62211 l
+340.19915 399.62211 l
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+357.92901 383.69254 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+342.12189 359.10425 L
+342.12189 383.69254 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+362.78986 354.26211 m
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+360.91871 356.11937 L
+360.91871 354.26211 L
+362.78986 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.03676 354.26211 357.95225 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.95225 354.26211 m
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+345.03676 356.11937 L
+345.03676 354.26211 L
+357.95225 354.26211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 354.26211 342.07030 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 354.26211 m
+342.07030 354.26211 l
+342.07030 356.11937 l
+340.19915 356.11937 l
+340.19915 354.26211 l
+340.19915 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 345.36869 362.78986 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 345.36869 m
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+360.91871 351.52980 L
+360.91871 345.36869 L
+362.78986 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.96302 345.36869 m
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+345.03676 351.52980 L
+345.03676 345.36869 L
+357.96302 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 345.36869 342.07030 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.07030 345.36869 m
+342.07030 351.52980 L
+340.19915 351.52980 L
+340.19915 345.36869 L
+342.07030 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.08636 386.65701 357.95225 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+345.08636 388.72857 m
+357.95225 388.72857 L
+357.95225 386.65701 L
+345.08636 386.65701 L
+345.08636 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 386.65786 362.77002 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+360.91871 388.72857 m
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+362.77002 386.65786 L
+360.91871 386.65786 L
+360.91871 388.72857 L
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+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+360.92268 383.68261 m
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+360.92268 359.10567 L
+360.92268 383.68261 L
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+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+326.67534 459.95981 L
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+311.60296 459.95981 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+285.24416 430.07244 270.17178 430.07244 270.17178 430.07244 c
+270.17178 430.07244 270.17178 437.69594 270.17178 441.51761 c
+270.17178 445.33928 273.47556 448.94551 277.60337 448.94665 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 430.07244 305.88831 448.94778 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+298.24753 448.94665 m
+302.37534 448.94778 305.88831 445.33928 305.88831 441.51761 c
+305.88831 437.69594 305.88831 430.07244 305.88831 430.07244 c
+305.88831 430.07244 290.81594 430.07244 290.81594 430.07244 c
+290.81594 430.07244 290.81594 437.69594 290.81594 441.51761 c
+290.81594 445.33928 294.11972 448.94551 298.24753 448.94665 c
+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+319.03455 448.94665 m
+323.16236 448.94778 326.67534 445.33928 326.67534 441.51761 c
+326.67534 437.69594 326.67534 430.07244 326.67534 430.07244 c
+326.67534 430.07244 311.60296 430.07244 311.60296 430.07244 c
+311.60296 430.07244 311.60296 437.69594 311.60296 441.51761 c
+311.60296 445.33928 314.90674 448.94551 319.03455 448.94665 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 359.10425 285.24416 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+277.60337 388.72743 m
+281.73118 388.72857 285.24416 385.12006 285.24416 381.29839 c
+285.24416 377.47672 285.24416 359.10425 285.24416 359.10425 c
+285.24416 359.10425 270.17178 359.10425 270.17178 359.10425 c
+270.17178 359.10425 270.17178 377.47672 270.17178 381.29839 c
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+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 359.10425 305.85260 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
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+305.85260 359.10425 290.81594 359.10425 290.81594 359.10425 c
+290.81594 359.10425 290.81594 377.47672 290.81594 381.29839 c
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+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+326.60391 359.10425 311.60296 359.10425 311.60296 359.10425 c
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+311.60296 385.12006 314.90674 388.72630 319.03455 388.72743 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+329.71124 498.19975 337.24743 505.55735 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+333.47934 505.55735 m
+335.55487 505.55735 337.24743 503.90476 337.24743 501.87855 c
+337.24743 499.85235 335.55487 498.19975 333.47934 498.19975 c
+331.40381 498.19975 329.71124 499.85235 329.71124 501.87855 c
+329.71124 503.90476 331.40381 505.55735 333.47934 505.55735 c
+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+304.32246 505.59931 m
+303.70961 506.46926 L
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+305.21169 506.51972 L
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+@rax %Note: Object
+308.39783 500.40312 310.39398 502.70910 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+310.39398 500.40312 m
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+310.39398 501.33317 L
+310.39398 500.40312 L
+310.39398 500.40312 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+365.64208 498.19975 373.17827 505.55735 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+369.41017 505.55735 m
+371.48570 505.55735 373.17827 503.90476 373.17827 501.87855 c
+373.17827 499.85235 371.48570 498.19975 369.41017 498.19975 c
+367.33465 498.19975 365.64208 499.85235 365.64208 501.87855 c
+365.64208 503.90476 367.33465 505.55735 369.41017 505.55735 c
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 388.72857 m
+235.57039 388.72857 L
+235.57039 386.65644 L
+233.69924 386.65644 L
+233.69924 388.72857 L
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+340.15124 386.65644 342.11083 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
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+446.17550 466.82107 446.03376 466.63257 445.95184 466.41317 c
+445.89033 466.25357 445.86907 466.07386 445.88750 465.90350 c
+445.90592 465.73342 445.95468 465.58318 446.01335 465.43238 c
+446.01335 465.43238 l
+445.45153 465.21723 l
+441.91474 474.84850 l
+442.47657 475.05345 l
+442.47657 475.05345 l
+442.58400 474.78246 442.69172 474.51175 442.80964 474.25068 c
+442.87824 474.08003 442.95676 473.90939 443.03528 473.74866 c
+443.12372 473.56781 443.23228 473.39688 443.38110 473.27584 c
+443.50016 473.17465 443.64954 473.10321 443.79950 473.08195 c
+444.02910 473.04000 444.25956 473.08819 444.47046 473.17606 c
+444.58072 473.22510 444.68135 473.27443 444.77150 473.33367 c
+445.02293 473.48135 445.24431 473.65965 445.46627 473.84759 c
+445.63748 473.99613 445.81861 474.14438 445.99011 474.30312 c
+445.99011 474.30312 l
+448.21729 476.27376 l
+446.33169 481.41014 l
+443.05115 481.35883 l
+443.05115 481.35883 l
+442.95109 481.35969 442.85102 481.35061 442.75096 481.35146 c
+442.58117 481.34268 442.41080 481.32425 442.24072 481.30554 c
+442.04060 481.27776 441.84019 481.23921 441.63921 481.16098 c
+441.47877 481.09238 441.32797 480.99345 441.21685 480.86476 c
+441.08561 480.72586 441.01389 480.53650 440.96230 480.34658 c
+440.91043 480.13739 440.88860 479.92762 440.90674 479.72721 c
+440.92460 479.46699 440.99235 479.20649 441.07030 478.95591 c
+441.10913 478.83543 441.14797 478.70504 441.18709 478.58485 c
+441.18709 478.58485 l
+440.61534 478.37991 l
+438.56362 483.97776 l
+438.56362 483.97776 l
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+449.48693 507.41405 l
+457.81257 490.72139 l
+452.99169 488.31307 l
+452.68696 488.92564 l
+452.68696 488.92564 l
+452.78731 488.97468 452.88765 489.01380 452.97836 489.07304 c
+453.11868 489.14192 453.23972 489.23065 453.36047 489.31994 c
+453.74287 489.59631 454.11534 489.87326 454.41836 490.22079 c
+454.71118 490.54819 454.93455 490.94617 455.07827 491.37506 c
+455.22170 491.78381 455.29569 492.22318 455.24948 492.64356 c
+455.20356 493.14387 454.99776 493.61556 454.78148 494.07761 c
+454.68369 494.27858 454.58532 494.47928 454.49688 494.68025 c
+454.49688 494.68025 l
+453.93676 495.80504 l
+439.37320 488.54098 l
+439.37320 488.54098 l
+439.20255 488.46217 439.03162 488.37373 438.88082 488.26517 c
+438.75014 488.16624 438.63874 488.05710 438.53783 487.92784 c
+438.36605 487.72970 438.24416 487.49046 438.17187 487.23137 c
+438.10980 487.00176 438.10753 486.75175 438.13559 486.51165 c
+438.17272 486.18113 438.27987 485.86025 438.40743 485.54901 c
+438.46583 485.40841 438.52479 485.26809 438.58375 485.12778 c
+438.58375 485.12778 l
+437.98082 484.82277 l
+432.79087 495.23811 l
+433.38359 495.53291 l
+433.38359 495.53291 l
+433.45247 495.41244 433.52164 495.29197 433.59052 495.17121 c
+433.75776 494.88973 433.92557 494.60825 434.15348 494.37609 c
+434.34198 494.17455 434.56054 494.01269 434.81962 493.92057 c
+435.08863 493.81824 435.39874 493.80548 435.68872 493.83298 c
+436.10939 493.87918 436.52041 494.01581 436.90224 494.19241 c
+437.10265 494.28085 437.29370 494.37893 437.49439 494.47729 c
+437.49439 494.47729 l
+451.18431 501.30907 l
+450.27014 503.13713 l
+450.27014 503.13713 l
+450.17150 503.32791 450.07313 503.50876 449.94472 503.68989 c
+449.77691 503.95124 449.55893 504.18340 449.31061 504.37559 c
+449.01298 504.61824 448.65439 504.79115 448.27512 504.88441 c
+447.92589 504.98759 447.56617 505.03068 447.20617 505.02359 c
+446.57631 505.02898 445.95524 504.89433 445.36309 504.68967 c
+445.25282 504.65083 445.14255 504.60151 445.02208 504.56268 c
+445.02208 504.56268 l
+444.77660 505.06469 l
+444.77660 505.06469 l
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+424.99219 509.28605 l
+424.99219 509.28605 l
+425.17020 509.06466 425.34850 508.84299 425.54665 508.63124 c
+425.66542 508.50028 425.78447 508.37924 425.92337 508.25792 c
+426.11216 508.10655 426.31087 507.95490 426.54019 507.87298 c
+426.74939 507.80098 426.97928 507.77887 427.20945 507.80693 c
+427.50992 507.83443 427.79083 507.96170 428.06239 508.10939 c
+428.31354 508.24715 428.55449 508.39540 428.79600 508.55329 c
+428.79600 508.55329 l
+440.50139 516.05206 l
+440.50139 516.05206 l
+440.64227 516.14107 440.78315 516.23972 440.92403 516.33836 c
+441.10517 516.48690 441.28658 516.64535 441.41839 516.83414 c
+441.54964 517.00309 441.65140 517.20208 441.69335 517.41184 c
+441.74494 517.60120 441.74665 517.80132 441.71830 517.99153 c
+441.69080 518.27187 441.58309 518.54287 441.47537 518.80394 c
+441.35773 519.06472 441.21997 519.32608 441.09213 519.58715 c
+441.09213 519.58715 l
+441.65537 519.94205 l
+447.83178 510.29830 l
+447.26882 509.93348 l
+447.26882 509.93348 l
+447.25918 509.96353 447.23906 509.98365 447.21950 510.00378 c
+447.06132 510.24501 446.89323 510.47660 446.68517 510.66850 c
+446.47710 510.89017 446.23843 511.07216 445.95950 511.19461 c
+445.81011 511.26576 445.64060 511.31764 445.47080 511.33890 c
+445.21115 511.38113 444.94101 511.35364 444.69014 511.26576 c
+444.46961 511.18753 444.26835 511.06932 444.06737 510.95112 c
+444.06737 510.95112 l
+431.88945 503.16633 l
+431.88945 503.16633 l
+431.68819 503.01808 431.48693 502.87975 431.30551 502.71109 c
+431.15443 502.57247 431.02290 502.42365 430.91150 502.24450 c
+430.75928 501.99591 430.66687 501.70677 430.66431 501.41679 c
+430.65184 501.15685 430.70995 500.90627 430.78762 500.65569 c
+430.89449 500.30476 431.03169 499.95354 431.28964 499.69106 c
+431.28964 499.69106 431.29928 499.68113 431.30920 499.67121 c
+431.32932 499.65080 431.33896 499.62076 431.35852 499.59071 c
+431.35852 499.59071 l
+430.74539 499.19613 l
+424.48932 508.96035 l
+424.48932 508.96035 l
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+413.91383 522.22252 m
+419.43175 526.56491 l
+419.85694 526.01131 l
+419.85694 526.01131 l
+419.67553 525.82280 419.49354 525.62438 419.33169 525.42567 c
+418.95780 524.96901 418.64343 524.45169 418.42857 523.90346 c
+418.07140 523.05647 417.95320 522.12756 417.95518 521.19780 c
+417.94894 520.48772 418.00309 519.77707 418.19698 519.09534 c
+418.41950 518.21348 418.87219 517.37953 419.45613 516.66435 c
+419.75263 516.29187 420.08995 515.94888 420.47717 515.64557 c
+420.89443 515.32186 421.37206 515.04775 421.89109 514.91339 c
+422.20006 514.82041 422.53002 514.77761 422.85005 514.81474 c
+423.32060 514.86094 423.78208 515.05682 424.13471 515.35389 c
+424.32605 515.51206 424.49783 515.69065 424.63956 515.89956 c
+424.85216 516.19748 425.01515 516.54614 425.07836 516.90557 c
+425.12031 517.12526 425.13222 517.35543 425.12428 517.58532 c
+425.10954 518.22567 424.97518 518.85666 424.82041 519.47802 c
+424.69483 519.97918 424.55934 520.47043 424.41335 520.96167 c
+424.41335 520.96167 l
+423.77386 523.31726 l
+423.77386 523.31726 l
+423.67691 523.68803 423.58025 524.05880 423.49323 524.42986 c
+423.36794 524.97099 423.27298 525.51184 423.22734 526.06205 c
+423.17348 526.75257 423.18964 527.45272 423.38523 528.11093 c
+423.51987 528.64980 423.75430 529.14756 424.05817 529.61499 c
+424.44369 530.22189 424.93833 530.75764 425.51178 531.19247 c
+426.16658 531.71688 426.93024 532.11033 427.74151 532.29317 c
+428.56356 532.50605 429.42359 532.50888 430.24195 532.32180 c
+431.16038 532.14378 432.02693 531.72595 432.79228 531.18964 c
+433.72687 530.56120 434.52992 529.76438 435.20202 528.85871 c
+435.60765 528.32494 435.97276 527.75178 436.27720 527.14913 c
+436.59184 526.50652 436.84611 525.82422 437.02016 525.13257 c
+437.07770 524.88227 437.13553 524.62148 437.19364 524.37090 c
+437.24154 524.15065 437.29965 523.94003 437.37789 523.72970 c
+437.42636 523.57890 437.49524 523.43858 437.59417 523.31754 c
+437.70302 523.17666 437.86176 523.05534 438.03156 523.01395 c
+438.24104 522.95187 438.47121 522.98986 438.67219 523.07830 c
+438.81279 523.14718 438.93354 523.22598 439.06422 523.30479 c
+439.06422 523.30479 l
+439.46986 522.79143 l
+434.73742 519.07238 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.44290 519.72491 434.55430 519.87373 434.66542 520.01291 c
+435.08041 520.57928 435.44580 521.19609 435.64167 521.87443 c
+435.84718 522.50258 435.90302 523.17241 435.86872 523.84252 c
+435.84520 524.58293 435.69156 525.30406 435.42737 525.98636 c
+435.17339 526.68850 434.78901 527.35209 434.32413 527.93603 c
+434.10671 528.21780 433.85896 528.49020 433.59080 528.72236 c
+433.24356 529.01546 432.84557 529.25896 432.40649 529.38255 c
+432.09751 529.48545 431.75764 529.52825 431.43732 529.48120 c
+431.03679 529.42450 430.65553 529.24791 430.34315 529.00044 c
+430.21247 528.90180 430.09143 528.79266 429.98031 528.66369 c
+429.77849 528.43521 429.62570 528.15685 429.54321 527.85723 c
+429.48142 527.62791 429.45902 527.37817 429.46696 527.12816 c
+429.47376 526.75795 429.54066 526.38746 429.62740 526.02690 c
+429.70479 525.71594 429.79209 525.40526 429.87940 525.09458 c
+429.87940 525.09458 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.88769 521.42570 431.01383 520.97471 431.10992 520.51380 c
+431.24485 519.96217 431.34009 519.41140 431.37524 518.84107 c
+431.43931 518.16047 431.42343 517.46088 431.25761 516.79219 c
+431.15329 516.28309 430.96876 515.78447 430.70513 515.33688 c
+430.28844 514.61065 429.68296 513.98561 428.99868 513.47169 c
+428.29370 512.91780 427.50992 512.46454 426.65783 512.23209 c
+425.89587 511.99852 425.08517 511.92567 424.29600 512.03254 c
+423.51676 512.10879 422.75906 512.35569 422.07194 512.72164 c
+420.79748 513.37276 419.75688 514.43178 418.89657 515.57924 c
+418.58986 515.96192 418.30328 516.36416 418.04702 516.77660 c
+417.63288 517.45011 417.27883 518.16331 416.97496 518.88586 c
+416.82841 519.25720 416.68157 519.62854 416.54494 520.00980 c
+416.54494 520.00980 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.27112 520.73206 416.22236 520.87238 416.14356 521.00334 c
+416.08431 521.11389 416.00551 521.22444 415.92643 521.32535 c
+415.78781 521.48636 415.61887 521.62781 415.40939 521.70945 c
+415.10098 521.85231 414.71065 521.84580 414.40932 521.70831 c
+414.38948 521.69868 414.35943 521.68847 414.33902 521.67883 c
+414.33902 521.67883 l
+413.91383 522.22252 l
+413.91383 522.22252 l
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+397.98765 538.88117 l
+397.98765 538.88117 l
+398.05710 538.82050 398.13647 538.75984 398.20592 538.69918 c
+398.45424 538.49707 398.70255 538.31480 398.98120 538.15238 c
+399.24000 538.00044 399.50901 537.86778 399.79871 537.84539 c
+400.02831 537.81335 400.27890 537.86126 400.50935 537.93921 c
+400.88069 538.06592 401.20271 538.29326 401.49496 538.54072 c
+401.69622 538.71902 401.88784 538.90753 402.07975 539.10567 c
+402.07975 539.10567 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.76602 549.06208 411.94800 549.26079 412.08973 549.46942 c
+412.19093 549.61852 412.28249 549.77783 412.35364 549.93742 c
+412.42507 550.10636 412.48687 550.28580 412.49820 550.46580 c
+412.52031 550.66592 412.49197 550.87597 412.42365 551.06674 c
+412.34598 551.32724 412.19802 551.55855 412.03956 551.76973 c
+411.97039 551.86044 411.90123 551.95115 411.83206 552.05178 c
+411.83206 552.05178 l
+411.40573 552.45543 l
+411.89017 552.96113 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.92243 545.13156 420.66624 544.39512 421.35931 543.61899 c
+421.87465 543.03449 422.36901 542.43014 422.74318 541.74699 c
+423.12756 541.06356 423.39061 540.30132 423.45383 539.52066 c
+423.52838 538.86019 423.45269 538.18072 423.23698 537.55228 c
+422.98980 536.73449 422.52350 535.99861 421.91830 535.38378 c
+421.26236 534.68929 420.42756 534.14674 419.50545 533.92450 c
+418.39285 533.62431 417.14419 533.80517 416.07808 534.23433 c
+415.85868 534.31597 415.65940 534.39789 415.45020 534.48973 c
+415.45020 534.48973 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.45291 526.71685 413.32847 526.22787 413.24428 525.72841 c
+413.21282 525.57874 413.19184 525.43899 413.19043 525.28904 c
+413.16860 525.08920 413.17682 524.87915 413.21509 524.67874 c
+413.23408 524.55855 413.26299 524.43808 413.31203 524.31789 c
+413.39991 524.06702 413.55780 523.83572 413.71625 523.62425 c
+413.78542 523.53354 413.84438 523.45304 413.91383 523.37254 c
+413.91383 523.37254 l
+413.49033 522.95613 l
+408.11528 528.19313 l
+410.87395 538.40948 l
+410.42778 538.85339 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.18998 534.51014 406.04882 534.36104 405.91729 534.21222 c
+405.75600 534.03364 405.61398 533.83493 405.50230 533.61609 c
+405.36992 533.36721 405.28743 533.07780 405.28488 532.78753 c
+405.27269 532.52787 405.33080 532.26737 405.42831 532.02643 c
+405.57543 531.64517 405.83225 531.31294 406.09956 531.01049 c
+406.18885 530.90986 406.28806 530.80894 406.37707 530.71824 c
+406.37707 530.71824 l
+405.96350 530.29162 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
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+381.85342 550.03124 m
+382.22816 550.54800 l
+382.22816 550.54800 l
+382.32737 550.47713 382.41694 550.40627 382.51644 550.34561 c
+382.82428 550.13301 383.15254 549.94025 383.52189 549.83679 c
+383.77134 549.74466 384.05083 549.71206 384.31106 549.73984 c
+384.57128 549.76762 384.81194 549.86570 385.03332 549.99383 c
+385.33493 550.18120 385.58750 550.45899 385.80973 550.73679 c
+385.90072 550.85641 386.00192 550.98539 386.09291 551.10472 c
+386.09291 551.10472 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.48233 562.53231 394.63398 562.73131 394.75587 562.95014 c
+394.84743 563.11909 394.92879 563.29852 394.97046 563.49808 c
+395.01241 563.70784 395.01439 563.93773 394.96620 564.15827 c
+394.90809 564.38872 394.79017 564.59991 394.65184 564.80088 c
+394.43443 565.11298 394.16712 565.38510 393.86891 565.62775 c
+393.78983 565.70854 393.71017 565.76920 393.62088 565.84006 c
+393.62088 565.84006 l
+394.01546 566.37666 l
+408.20598 555.97323 l
+404.87641 551.44205 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.47077 551.92564 404.55184 552.05461 404.62299 552.17424 c
+404.82624 552.54246 405.01928 552.91068 405.13266 553.30980 c
+405.32769 553.88835 405.37304 554.51764 405.27865 555.12850 c
+405.22195 555.53896 405.09553 555.94035 404.90872 556.31197 c
+404.65304 556.81427 404.27688 557.25732 403.84006 557.64113 c
+403.59203 557.86337 403.33380 558.06548 403.06535 558.25767 c
+403.06535 558.25767 l
+400.40249 560.22094 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.70406 553.49150 395.85317 553.39002 396.00198 553.27861 c
+396.33024 553.03597 396.67776 552.78312 397.07660 552.65953 c
+397.43546 552.52658 397.84535 552.49285 398.22576 552.55946 c
+398.71672 552.63515 399.17877 552.87128 399.58129 553.14794 c
+400.15446 553.53288 400.63861 554.00882 401.10293 554.49468 c
+401.17351 554.57433 401.24438 554.64350 401.30476 554.71323 c
+401.30476 554.71323 l
+401.82151 554.33849 l
+395.99235 546.37880 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.56715 546.92249 395.64822 547.07159 395.73978 547.23090 c
+395.95294 547.60904 396.15647 547.99739 396.30983 548.40586 c
+396.53461 548.95408 396.66983 549.54312 396.60491 550.13357 c
+396.57798 550.49357 396.47112 550.85471 396.28375 551.15660 c
+396.03770 551.58831 395.63008 551.90211 395.23266 552.19550 c
+395.07392 552.31682 394.92482 552.42822 394.76551 552.53962 c
+394.76551 552.53962 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.31285 546.44769 390.24170 546.33855 390.19068 546.20901 c
+390.14986 546.08910 390.12831 545.94935 390.13710 545.81953 c
+390.16517 545.55931 390.31313 545.32772 390.49143 545.13638 c
+390.65981 544.95496 390.85880 544.81294 391.05751 544.67121 c
+391.05751 544.67121 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+392.27981 543.78085 392.70699 543.47698 393.14494 543.19323 c
+393.61209 542.88907 394.09965 542.61496 394.62831 542.44035 c
+395.15698 542.26573 395.72617 542.20082 396.28658 542.23597 c
+396.80674 542.26148 397.32775 542.37713 397.81956 542.56280 c
+398.48173 542.80687 399.11471 543.17140 399.66860 543.61672 c
+399.85002 543.75534 400.02094 543.90359 400.19244 544.05213 c
+400.19244 544.05213 l
+400.75880 543.63742 l
+396.37191 539.38517 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
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+372.67200 577.59165 m
+372.95631 578.10954 l
+381.95405 573.21128 l
+381.59858 572.55420 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.83181 572.95077 380.71219 572.99187 380.58265 573.03298 c
+380.34312 573.09506 380.08346 573.12737 379.86265 573.03921 c
+379.67216 572.98110 379.50094 572.84249 379.38926 572.67354 c
+379.28835 572.53436 379.24668 572.36485 379.20529 572.19506 c
+379.14293 571.91556 379.10069 571.63578 379.06809 571.36620 c
+379.06809 571.36620 l
+377.60513 560.62828 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.86359 567.35717 386.01496 567.48586 386.16605 567.62476 c
+386.33783 567.80334 386.49912 567.99184 386.63121 568.22060 c
+386.74290 568.41959 386.82482 568.63899 386.82680 568.86888 c
+386.82822 569.02904 386.78967 569.17928 386.73071 569.32980 c
+386.56403 569.70113 386.20630 569.97439 385.85849 570.19748 c
+385.69918 570.29868 385.52995 570.40016 385.37093 570.50164 c
+385.37093 570.50164 l
+385.73660 571.16835 l
+391.02208 568.29260 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.58668 567.66643 390.50674 567.70696 390.42709 567.74778 c
+390.26778 567.80929 390.09827 567.85068 389.92819 567.87194 c
+389.68866 567.89405 389.44857 567.89631 389.21811 567.84813 c
+388.99757 567.82006 388.78724 567.74183 388.57635 567.64375 c
+388.24498 567.49635 387.94309 567.28913 387.65112 567.07172 c
+387.37984 566.88406 387.12784 566.67600 386.87613 566.47843 c
+386.87613 566.47843 l
+372.47499 554.84249 l
+371.27055 555.49304 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.79820 574.83213 373.80954 575.01184 373.82117 575.20176 c
+373.85461 575.59153 373.85830 576.01162 373.70126 576.37304 c
+373.57455 576.74409 373.28740 577.05647 372.98920 577.31924 c
+372.89055 577.41987 372.78113 577.50094 372.67200 577.59165 c
+372.67200 577.59165 l
+372.67200 577.59165 l
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+351.87080 564.86154 m
+352.09559 565.40948 l
+352.09559 565.40948 l
+352.37509 565.33720 352.64438 565.26491 352.92387 565.20227 c
+353.09339 565.16088 353.27339 565.12913 353.44290 565.11780 c
+353.69263 565.08548 353.94265 565.09342 354.17367 565.16145 c
+354.39392 565.21956 354.59490 565.32784 354.75619 565.47638 c
+354.98806 565.68444 355.15049 565.95317 355.28258 566.22189 c
+355.40504 566.48069 355.51729 566.74998 355.61962 567.01899 c
+355.61962 567.01899 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.93260 580.04334 360.99411 580.20293 361.04542 580.36252 c
+361.11742 580.59213 361.16929 580.82145 361.17128 581.06154 c
+361.17326 581.27159 361.13499 581.49184 361.05676 581.68261 c
+360.98844 581.86318 360.87987 582.03411 360.75090 582.17528 c
+360.56296 582.38674 360.32428 582.54888 360.07540 582.69118 c
+359.82709 582.84312 359.56800 582.97550 359.31912 583.11751 c
+359.31912 583.11751 l
+359.56460 583.73575 l
+370.17751 579.41348 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.89206 578.80573 369.87250 578.81594 369.84246 578.82643 c
+369.58337 578.94860 369.31408 579.01096 369.02438 579.05348 c
+368.73468 579.09600 368.43506 579.11868 368.14422 579.06113 c
+367.96394 579.03250 367.79386 578.98431 367.64306 578.90523 c
+367.40211 578.78759 367.20028 578.59937 367.05827 578.39046 c
+366.91710 578.20167 366.82498 577.99247 366.72321 577.77335 c
+366.72321 577.77335 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.18517 564.16054 361.10324 563.92157 361.05080 563.68205 c
+360.99921 563.48220 360.97739 563.28265 360.99581 563.08224 c
+361.01310 562.79225 361.10069 562.50142 361.26879 562.26019 c
+361.40655 562.02860 361.59506 561.84718 361.81389 561.70517 c
+362.10217 561.49257 362.44091 561.36983 362.76945 561.21704 c
+362.77965 561.20683 362.78957 561.20683 362.79950 561.19663 c
+362.82926 561.18643 362.85931 561.17622 362.88935 561.16602 c
+362.88935 561.16602 l
+362.61326 560.48825 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
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+329.62932 571.74406 l
+329.62932 571.74406 l
+329.73931 571.72337 329.83909 571.70239 329.94907 571.68170 c
+330.33827 571.60828 330.73795 571.54479 331.12828 571.59128 c
+331.38822 571.59921 331.65893 571.66668 331.88995 571.78460 c
+332.11106 571.90280 332.30268 572.07118 332.44413 572.27017 c
+332.63631 572.49836 332.75849 572.77729 332.85118 573.06643 c
+332.95351 573.34564 333.03600 573.62485 333.10857 573.91398 c
+333.10857 573.91398 l
+336.99033 587.98120 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.69609 588.62381 336.61729 588.79446 336.51893 588.95518 c
+336.42992 589.07594 336.33071 589.18677 336.23178 589.28769 c
+335.97383 589.53997 335.66570 589.74265 335.33688 589.87559 c
+335.16737 589.94702 334.98794 589.99861 334.81814 590.04992 c
+334.81814 590.04992 l
+335.00409 590.71861 l
+342.87562 588.55011 l
+349.16910 573.91512 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.75061 583.32302 351.82318 583.60252 351.84557 583.89222 c
+351.85720 584.07222 351.83849 584.24258 351.80022 584.42287 c
+351.74211 584.64340 351.62391 584.85430 351.47537 585.02580 c
+351.36624 585.13663 351.24746 585.23754 351.11792 585.32882 c
+350.78003 585.56154 350.39140 585.71490 350.00249 585.84841 c
+349.91263 585.87931 349.82306 585.90992 349.73320 585.94082 c
+349.73320 585.94082 l
+349.91887 586.60923 l
+356.42409 584.82283 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.05843 584.19609 355.87899 584.24740 355.69928 584.28907 c
+355.46939 584.33102 355.23978 584.36306 355.00961 584.35512 c
+354.75959 584.34690 354.50901 584.29928 354.27827 584.20120 c
+354.05773 584.11332 353.85647 583.98491 353.68498 583.80633 c
+353.50356 583.62803 353.36126 583.38935 353.25921 583.15011 c
+353.19770 582.99052 353.13676 582.84113 353.08517 582.68154 c
+353.08517 582.68154 l
+348.45959 565.88088 l
+346.38435 566.44894 l
+337.87304 585.95357 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.33143 573.08372 334.25915 572.83427 334.22712 572.58454 c
+334.18517 572.37477 334.17354 572.16501 334.18148 571.95468 c
+334.18942 571.69474 334.24724 571.43424 334.35524 571.20321 c
+334.44340 571.01244 334.58202 570.84123 334.73055 570.68986 c
+334.97858 570.44806 335.27707 570.27543 335.58605 570.15269 c
+335.76520 570.08126 335.93499 570.01975 336.11443 569.96816 c
+336.11443 569.96816 l
+336.26409 569.91685 l
+336.08835 569.28841 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
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+309.84180 594.04649 l
+321.28044 592.67735 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.04460 591.99931 320.90485 592.02057 320.75490 592.03191 c
+320.55477 592.04353 320.34501 592.04551 320.14460 592.01717 c
+319.86454 591.98939 319.59383 591.91200 319.34268 591.78416 c
+319.09181 591.66624 318.87014 591.49814 318.70828 591.27959 c
+318.54671 591.09109 318.42482 590.86205 318.35282 590.62252 c
+318.29102 590.44309 318.25928 590.25345 318.22781 590.07373 c
+318.22781 590.07373 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.69625 577.19650 316.68435 576.96661 316.68236 576.73672 c
+316.68888 576.33647 316.75550 575.93594 316.91197 575.56431 c
+317.05880 575.18334 317.29578 574.84120 317.58350 574.54866 c
+317.86101 574.25613 318.18869 574.01348 318.55720 573.84028 c
+319.01528 573.61635 319.51446 573.50211 320.02413 573.46753 c
+320.59389 573.42274 321.16422 573.45761 321.71528 573.60274 c
+322.31679 573.75780 322.88910 574.02283 323.38233 574.40863 c
+323.78485 574.69493 324.12813 575.06202 324.39175 575.47984 c
+324.77669 576.04649 325.00233 576.70441 325.13811 577.38331 c
+325.20104 577.70306 325.24384 578.02252 325.29628 578.34227 c
+325.29628 578.34227 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.50469 588.51184 326.52595 588.66208 326.53701 588.81175 c
+326.56025 589.14170 326.56309 589.47137 326.52595 589.81181 c
+326.49817 590.07231 326.45055 590.33254 326.32243 590.55364 c
+326.23398 590.71436 326.10501 590.85553 325.95591 590.96665 c
+325.63814 591.21950 325.24923 591.35301 324.86003 591.46639 c
+324.69052 591.51770 324.51080 591.55937 324.34157 591.61096 c
+324.34157 591.61096 l
+324.42746 592.30006 l
+331.06054 591.50268 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.87458 590.82435 330.77480 590.82520 330.66510 590.83597 c
+330.33487 590.84872 329.99499 590.85184 329.66476 590.80479 c
+329.40454 590.76709 329.13354 590.69934 328.92236 590.55137 c
+328.68113 590.40312 328.48894 590.16501 328.34665 589.91613 c
+328.16409 589.60772 328.05128 589.26869 327.96822 588.91918 c
+327.90586 588.64989 327.86334 588.37039 327.82110 588.10054 c
+327.82110 588.10054 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.57131 577.72120 326.50809 577.36176 326.42504 577.00233 c
+326.26913 576.32372 326.01345 575.66551 325.63814 575.06910 c
+325.14123 574.25329 324.42491 573.54945 323.60117 573.08655 c
+322.83723 572.63301 321.98485 572.37052 321.11376 572.24806 c
+319.94192 572.07798 318.75279 572.15849 317.58435 572.32885 c
+316.78498 572.43543 315.99666 572.59247 315.23839 572.84901 c
+314.38120 573.12624 313.56454 573.54321 312.85928 574.10957 c
+312.28328 574.55461 311.76794 575.10935 311.41332 575.75197 c
+310.88126 576.65679 310.67065 577.74869 310.73981 578.78787 c
+310.75228 579.07814 310.79480 579.36784 310.82740 579.66746 c
+310.82740 579.66746 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.16564 590.97628 312.18746 591.21609 312.16961 591.45619 c
+312.15231 591.78643 312.05509 592.11723 311.86772 592.38907 c
+311.62082 592.75106 311.20271 592.99455 310.77439 593.13827 c
+310.56491 593.22019 310.34551 593.27206 310.12526 593.30409 c
+310.00564 593.32507 309.88602 593.34605 309.75591 593.35710 c
+309.75591 593.35710 l
+309.75591 593.35710 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+447.60189 477.15562 454.04135 481.41950 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+449.16491 477.15562 m
+454.04135 481.34353 l
+447.60189 481.41950 l
+449.16491 477.15562 l
+449.16491 477.15562 l
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+411.26542 537.80003 419.33367 545.97373 @E
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+411.26542 539.71597 m
+411.40431 539.58501 411.53301 539.45376 411.67191 539.32280 c
+412.16769 538.83836 412.68331 538.34400 413.33102 538.08831 c
+413.77946 537.88422 414.28885 537.80003 414.77924 537.85587 c
+415.37991 537.92022 415.93238 538.19575 416.42532 538.54157 c
+416.86809 538.84772 417.26098 539.20431 417.63458 539.59096 c
+418.14907 540.11650 418.62387 540.68258 418.93965 541.35978 c
+419.12277 541.71836 419.25628 542.10728 419.28973 542.51688 c
+419.33367 542.96646 419.24778 543.42709 419.07146 543.84860 c
+418.92463 544.24006 418.68765 544.58192 418.42035 544.89458 c
+418.27181 545.06580 418.10315 545.22709 417.94469 545.38866 c
+417.94469 545.38866 l
+417.35962 545.97373 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+190.26794 334.43972 406.48819 519.30567 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
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+283.20463 500.24891 m
+276.10214 500.25005 L
+276.99506 497.37855 L
+258.26372 497.43638 239.54088 497.40406 220.80557 497.37855 C
+220.80557 487.52079 L
+190.26794 487.52079 L
+190.26794 477.66302 L
+197.16123 477.66302 L
+197.16123 459.94762 L
+190.26794 459.94762 L
+190.26794 448.94693 L
+197.16123 448.94693 L
+197.16123 430.07272 L
+190.26794 430.07272 L
+190.26794 419.22567 L
+197.16123 419.22567 L
+197.16123 399.62239 L
+190.26794 399.62239 L
+190.26794 388.72885 L
+197.16123 388.72885 L
+197.16123 386.65729 L
+190.26794 386.65729 L
+190.26794 383.69282 L
+197.16123 383.69282 L
+197.16123 359.10454 L
+190.26794 359.10454 L
+190.26794 356.11965 L
+197.16123 356.11965 L
+197.16123 354.26239 L
+190.26794 354.26239 L
+190.27389 345.36869 L
+220.81153 345.36869 L
+220.80557 334.43972 L
+375.81534 334.43972 L
+375.82129 345.36869 L
+406.48819 345.36869 L
+406.48819 354.17112 L
+399.82677 354.17112 L
+399.82677 356.11937 L
+406.48819 356.11937 L
+406.48819 359.10425 L
+399.82677 359.10425 L
+399.82677 383.69254 L
+406.48819 383.69254 L
+406.48819 386.65644 L
+399.82677 386.65644 L
+399.82677 388.72857 L
+406.48819 388.72857 L
+406.48819 399.62211 L
+399.82677 399.62211 L
+399.82677 419.22539 L
+406.48819 419.22539 L
+406.48819 430.07244 L
+399.82677 430.07244 L
+399.82677 448.94665 L
+406.48819 448.94665 L
+406.48819 459.94734 L
+399.82677 459.94734 L
+399.82677 477.66274 L
+406.48819 477.66274 L
+406.48819 487.52050 L
+375.81534 487.52079 L
+375.81534 497.37855 L
+367.02624 497.39017 359.88690 497.34283 319.88324 497.34283 C
+320.61231 500.25231 L
+313.56822 500.24976 L
+313.02340 500.52132 312.54860 500.75688 312.05622 501.01030 C
+311.61175 501.48113 311.54882 501.31843 311.40680 502.16683 C
+311.47143 502.48658 311.51197 502.83128 311.69622 503.13912 c
+311.87480 503.43704 311.79373 504.07483 311.54173 504.31408 c
+311.33027 504.51477 311.08989 504.60690 310.46202 504.85663 c
+309.64224 505.18261 308.20252 506.10529 308.54835 506.93726 c
+308.68526 507.26665 308.82217 507.59603 308.95937 507.92570 C
+309.12548 508.08869 309.29159 508.25169 309.45770 508.41496 c
+309.72274 508.67518 309.93024 508.64428 310.20378 508.89430 c
+310.50425 509.16841 310.63323 509.39717 310.71940 509.67326 c
+310.88353 510.19852 310.81011 510.41112 310.78176 510.83150 c
+310.75994 511.15606 310.60375 511.63880 310.41921 511.89024 c
+310.24658 512.12608 309.80863 512.41493 309.53140 512.55468 c
+309.26381 512.68961 309.26069 512.67090 309.01209 512.76444 c
+308.86441 512.82028 308.86129 513.25143 308.68384 513.26674 c
+308.52510 513.28035 308.37940 512.92375 308.21698 512.85940 c
+307.94542 512.75169 307.26510 512.68365 307.01820 512.57509 c
+306.55587 512.37128 306.58535 511.90583 306.28290 511.46957 c
+306.15137 511.27994 305.69726 511.19235 305.52350 510.95594 c
+305.32706 510.68806 305.43817 510.27335 305.84183 510.12539 c
+306.18113 510.00123 306.98589 509.47483 306.85181 509.24239 c
+306.67946 508.94362 306.50712 508.64513 306.33477 508.34665 C
+306.04337 508.08132 305.85572 508.05751 305.61874 508.11506 c
+305.31373 508.18904 304.97017 508.41411 304.68472 508.59071 C
+304.25613 508.89260 303.82753 509.19477 303.39893 509.49694 c
+302.37534 510.21808 304.56198 511.50132 304.01348 512.43562 C
+303.51685 513.04224 301.73698 512.31657 300.74627 512.43704 c
+299.93953 512.53512 299.59313 513.24236 299.56365 513.78265 c
+299.53843 514.24243 299.72835 514.52532 299.88142 514.73565 c
+300.57817 515.69121 302.36910 515.18693 302.41361 516.49087 c
+302.43175 517.02038 302.29682 517.37754 300.36869 518.19817 c
+300.13285 518.29852 299.50413 518.46378 298.89638 518.55817 c
+298.55424 518.61118 298.89638 519.30142 298.33625 519.30567 C
+297.78236 519.30142 298.07036 518.61005 297.78236 518.55817 c
+297.17433 518.44876 296.66296 518.26280 296.42740 518.16246 c
+294.49928 517.34211 294.36435 516.98466 294.38249 516.45515 c
+294.42699 515.15121 296.21792 515.65550 296.91468 514.69994 c
+297.06775 514.48961 297.25767 514.20671 297.23244 513.74693 c
+297.20296 513.20665 296.85657 512.49940 296.04983 512.40132 c
+295.05912 512.28085 293.27924 513.00652 292.78261 512.39991 C
+292.23411 511.46561 294.42076 510.18236 293.39717 509.46123 c
+292.96857 509.15906 292.53997 508.85688 292.11137 508.55499 C
+291.82592 508.37839 291.48236 508.15332 291.17735 508.07934 c
+290.94038 508.02180 290.75272 508.04561 290.46132 508.31093 C
+290.28898 508.60942 290.11663 508.90791 289.94428 509.20668 c
+289.81020 509.43912 290.61496 509.96551 290.95427 510.08967 c
+291.35792 510.23764 291.46904 510.65235 291.27260 510.92022 c
+291.09883 511.15663 290.64472 511.24422 290.51320 511.43386 c
+290.21074 511.87011 290.24022 512.33556 289.77789 512.53937 c
+289.53099 512.64794 288.85068 512.71597 288.57912 512.82369 c
+288.41669 512.88803 288.27099 513.24463 288.11225 513.23102 c
+287.93480 513.21572 287.93169 512.78457 287.78400 512.72872 c
+287.53540 512.63518 287.53228 512.65389 287.26469 512.51896 c
+286.98746 512.37921 286.54951 512.09036 286.37688 511.85452 c
+286.19235 511.60309 286.03616 511.12035 286.01433 510.79578 c
+285.98598 510.37540 285.91257 510.16280 286.07669 509.63754 c
+286.16287 509.36145 286.29184 509.13269 286.59231 508.85858 c
+286.86586 508.60857 287.07335 508.63946 287.33839 508.37924 c
+287.50450 508.21597 287.67061 508.05298 287.83672 507.88998 C
+287.97392 507.56031 288.11083 507.23093 288.24775 506.90154 c
+288.59357 506.06957 287.15386 505.14690 286.33408 504.82091 c
+285.70620 504.57118 285.46583 504.47906 285.25436 504.27836 c
+285.00236 504.03912 284.92129 503.40132 285.09987 503.10340 c
+285.28413 502.79556 285.38617 502.49480 285.38929 502.13112 C
+285.25606 501.28271 285.18435 501.44542 284.73987 500.97458 C
+284.24750 500.72117 283.75512 500.50346 283.20463 500.24891 C
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+292.39540 505.63502 m
+293.00825 506.50498 L
+293.21433 507.72472 L
+291.50617 506.55543 L
+292.39540 505.63502 l
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+286.32387 500.43883 288.32003 502.74482 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
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+286.32387 500.43883 m
+287.23380 500.79883 L
+288.32003 500.58283 L
+287.74205 502.74482 L
+286.90980 501.91087 L
+286.32387 501.36888 L
+286.32387 500.43883 L
+286.32387 500.43883 l
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+326.60391 493.43584 m
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+220.81153 459.94734 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+290.81594 399.62211 L
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+267.71443 574.89534 l
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+265.76702 588.69411 l
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+262.81361 590.71068 l
+262.72630 591.36973 l
+280.13953 593.82822 l
+280.93294 588.25701 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
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+272.73912 583.29326 l
+272.73912 583.29326 l
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+276.08428 588.11187 l
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+278.10482 578.43411 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
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+273.95773 574.64674 l
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+276.74646 573.89839 l
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+251.02460 584.43591 l
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+258.65433 589.76306 l
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+260.60570 573.86438 l
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+264.12293 571.51446 l
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+253.10976 568.21861 l
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+254.80913 571.78828 l
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+248.59219 569.71729 l
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+237.78652 568.40400 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
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+206.28737 553.22391 l
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+211.80274 557.19723 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
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+211.08359 572.01987 l
+211.64939 572.36627 l
+214.81824 567.24208 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.14076 567.02438 214.00923 567.15279 213.87798 567.28120 c
+213.37228 567.76564 212.78750 568.18913 212.14431 568.46154 c
+211.54110 568.73480 210.87950 568.86718 210.20910 568.89950 c
+209.46841 568.95137 208.72913 568.88277 208.02104 568.69455 c
+207.29310 568.51625 206.59663 568.21833 205.97102 567.82148 c
+205.66346 567.62759 205.36554 567.41414 205.10844 567.17150 c
+204.77197 566.85742 204.49616 566.49430 204.32098 566.07222 c
+204.18435 565.77061 204.10809 565.43981 204.11178 565.11978 c
+204.12624 564.72009 204.26088 564.32154 204.47461 563.98394 c
+204.55654 563.83483 204.65773 563.70614 204.76913 563.57717 c
+204.97181 563.35946 205.23402 563.17266 205.51521 563.06580 c
+205.74624 562.96828 205.99682 562.92123 206.23720 562.90394 c
+206.60740 562.86822 206.97732 562.89231 207.34696 562.93654 c
+207.66643 562.98047 207.98589 563.03405 208.29515 563.08734 c
+208.29515 563.08734 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+212.05871 563.68035 212.51792 563.75575 212.98734 563.80110 c
+213.54661 563.86715 214.11609 563.90372 214.67650 563.89039 c
+215.36674 563.86828 216.05783 563.77587 216.71036 563.54343 c
+217.20246 563.37902 217.67528 563.13439 218.08885 562.82910 c
+218.77427 562.33672 219.32220 561.66293 219.76044 560.92819 c
+220.23921 560.17361 220.59893 559.33739 220.73868 558.45893 c
+220.87757 557.68054 220.85688 556.87039 220.66583 556.09795 c
+220.50425 555.33600 220.17231 554.61231 219.72983 553.96715 c
+218.94350 552.76809 217.78413 551.83493 216.55219 551.11068 c
+216.13521 550.85584 215.69783 550.62113 215.26016 550.41591 c
+214.55405 550.07802 213.80712 549.79937 213.04942 549.58082 c
+212.67071 549.46658 212.28180 549.37191 211.89288 549.26759 c
+211.89288 549.26759 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.13490 549.08901 210.99543 549.04706 210.85625 548.98583 c
+210.73691 548.93424 210.61729 548.87301 210.51808 548.80186 c
+210.33950 548.66976 210.17140 548.52775 210.06369 548.33669 c
+209.89672 548.04472 209.86129 547.65411 209.96504 547.33550 c
+209.96532 547.31565 209.97553 547.28561 209.98573 547.26548 c
+209.98573 547.26548 l
+209.39017 546.88876 l
+209.39017 546.88876 l
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+199.03805 539.98016 l
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+199.75975 540.71887 199.87795 540.84983 199.98652 540.99128 c
+200.12428 541.19282 200.25184 541.40457 200.30910 541.64494 c
+200.37685 541.85584 200.38394 542.09594 200.33121 542.31534 c
+200.27792 542.61468 200.12513 542.88312 199.95194 543.14107 c
+199.79943 543.37946 199.62652 543.60737 199.45417 543.83528 c
+199.45417 543.83528 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+190.89609 555.00831 190.79490 555.13729 190.67301 555.26627 c
+190.52107 555.44428 190.33937 555.60217 190.13811 555.73002 c
+189.95669 555.83802 189.75572 555.91569 189.54510 555.95310 c
+189.34498 555.98088 189.15506 555.96898 188.96542 555.92674 c
+188.68620 555.86353 188.42769 555.74050 188.17909 555.60756 c
+187.92085 555.46469 187.67254 555.31191 187.42422 555.16904 c
+187.42422 555.16904 l
+187.01802 555.69458 l
+196.12913 562.65874 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.50529 562.11307 196.48573 562.09266 196.45597 562.07254 c
+196.23798 561.89991 196.03020 561.70743 195.84255 561.48548 c
+195.65518 561.26324 195.49814 561.00132 195.39128 560.72041 c
+195.33317 560.55940 195.28498 560.38876 195.27732 560.20876 c
+195.26003 559.94854 195.31332 559.68917 195.42586 559.45049 c
+195.51827 559.23137 195.65065 559.04315 195.78246 558.85465 c
+195.78246 558.85465 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.72633 547.18583 204.88876 546.98740 205.06025 546.81931 c
+205.21191 546.68126 205.37348 546.56306 205.56425 546.47518 c
+205.81597 546.33798 206.11672 546.27165 206.40643 546.29461 c
+206.66665 546.29773 206.91581 546.37058 207.15420 546.48312 c
+207.49294 546.62712 207.79058 546.83065 208.06809 547.05373 c
+208.07773 547.06394 208.08765 547.06394 208.08765 547.07414 c
+208.11742 547.09427 208.14718 547.11468 208.16702 547.13480 c
+208.16702 547.13480 l
+208.61376 546.55002 l
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+199.40343 539.51443 l
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+182.20110 523.81757 l
+182.20110 523.81757 l
+182.28019 523.89836 182.34935 523.97915 182.42816 524.05994 c
+182.68526 524.35304 182.93159 524.66570 183.10762 525.02769 c
+183.22469 525.25928 183.30180 525.50986 183.31909 525.77036 c
+183.32617 526.02038 183.28309 526.28003 183.18047 526.50879 c
+183.06737 526.78743 182.89446 527.02554 182.70198 527.25345 c
+182.50951 527.48107 182.30683 527.69906 182.10472 527.90655 c
+182.10472 527.90655 l
+171.92466 538.37121 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.23357 538.44350 171.04337 538.47099 170.85345 538.45909 c
+170.71370 538.44746 170.56375 538.42564 170.41436 538.38397 c
+170.07534 538.29014 169.74737 538.12630 169.45965 537.91285 c
+169.31083 537.80117 169.18243 537.66992 169.04381 537.54831 c
+169.04381 537.54831 l
+168.55824 538.05288 l
+174.42340 543.74003 l
+190.22712 541.76031 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.42709 548.75310 183.21477 548.95068 182.98290 549.10800 c
+182.83181 549.21628 182.67080 549.29424 182.50016 549.34243 c
+182.27934 549.41017 182.03953 549.41726 181.80992 549.36482 c
+181.66025 549.34299 181.51087 549.29140 181.37140 549.21969 c
+181.00346 549.04535 180.67663 548.78173 180.35943 548.51783 c
+180.28006 548.45717 180.21090 548.39622 180.14173 548.33528 c
+180.14173 548.33528 l
+179.65587 548.82992 l
+184.50255 553.53572 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.84980 552.90954 184.71118 552.77773 184.59298 552.63657 c
+184.43480 552.46479 184.28683 552.28309 184.17912 552.08183 c
+184.06176 551.86044 183.97446 551.61921 183.93704 551.37912 c
+183.90983 551.13874 183.92230 550.89865 183.98523 550.65969 c
+184.04816 550.41024 184.18082 550.17156 184.33332 549.96321 c
+184.43480 549.82431 184.53628 549.70554 184.64769 549.57713 c
+184.64769 549.57713 l
+196.80094 537.07465 l
+195.25776 535.58702 l
+174.12746 538.11638 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.43729 528.54180 183.60964 528.36378 183.81118 528.19597 c
+183.97304 528.05792 184.14425 527.94000 184.33559 527.84192 c
+184.55698 527.71436 184.80813 527.62734 185.06806 527.61033 c
+185.27839 527.59276 185.48816 527.62535 185.69735 527.67751 c
+186.02646 527.77106 186.33458 527.93490 186.60217 528.13786 c
+186.75099 528.24954 186.88961 528.37115 187.02822 528.49276 c
+187.02822 528.49276 l
+187.13707 528.60387 l
+187.59231 528.13899 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
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+166.95354 503.34236 l
+166.95354 503.34236 l
+167.09102 503.57367 167.22822 503.81546 167.34529 504.05698 c
+167.43373 504.21770 167.51169 504.38863 167.56980 504.55956 c
+167.65710 504.79030 167.72428 505.04117 167.71153 505.29118 c
+167.70954 505.46126 167.67780 505.62057 167.62564 505.77987 c
+167.54315 506.01912 167.40057 506.23739 167.22850 506.42532 c
+166.93455 506.78220 166.55131 507.04781 166.15814 507.31342 c
+166.15814 507.31342 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.14441 515.47861 154.87200 515.68554 154.56047 515.84173 c
+154.41931 515.92025 154.27871 515.97865 154.11827 516.01663 c
+153.84756 516.08381 153.54765 516.07049 153.26844 515.98687 c
+153.02920 515.91458 152.81065 515.80176 152.61250 515.64954 c
+152.32479 515.44630 152.07761 515.19345 151.85055 514.92076 c
+151.78139 514.84989 151.71222 514.76910 151.65326 514.68860 c
+151.65326 514.68860 l
+151.07839 515.11209 l
+157.85433 524.26998 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.39008 523.78583 158.35068 523.72545 158.31128 523.66507 c
+158.18343 523.49357 158.06523 523.31216 157.97764 523.11118 c
+157.86057 522.86995 157.77354 522.59896 157.76646 522.32882 c
+157.73924 522.08844 157.77213 521.84891 157.85461 521.62980 c
+157.94816 521.33074 158.13099 521.06287 158.35380 520.83553 c
+158.58652 520.57786 158.86885 520.37093 159.15118 520.17449 c
+159.15118 520.17449 l
+163.74047 516.76668 l
+167.64066 522.02154 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+162.86995 525.56740 162.54737 525.80353 162.21515 525.98948 c
+162.04422 526.07764 161.88321 526.14595 161.70265 526.20406 c
+161.46198 526.27124 161.21169 526.29817 160.98180 526.25565 c
+160.73235 526.22277 160.49367 526.10003 160.29524 525.94781 c
+160.02765 525.76469 159.80003 525.53225 159.57269 525.30945 c
+159.49389 525.21874 159.41480 525.13795 159.33543 525.05660 c
+159.33543 525.05660 l
+158.76057 525.48009 l
+165.52687 534.60822 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.02350 534.05348 165.93449 533.94265 165.85597 533.82189 c
+165.73833 533.62035 165.62069 533.41909 165.53310 533.19798 c
+165.42595 532.94683 165.35906 532.67584 165.35225 532.40598 c
+165.34488 532.16589 165.38769 531.92608 165.48009 531.70724 c
+165.59348 531.40847 165.78624 531.16072 166.01896 530.93339 c
+166.26161 530.69613 166.53402 530.49912 166.81635 530.29247 c
+166.81635 530.29247 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.46696 522.39345 177.75978 522.16668 178.06167 521.98016 c
+178.32387 521.81291 178.59543 521.66608 178.88627 521.57962 c
+179.12721 521.51216 179.39735 521.48523 179.64709 521.51811 c
+179.80696 521.53994 179.95663 521.58161 180.09581 521.64312 c
+180.43398 521.79704 180.72113 522.05046 180.96803 522.32343 c
+181.12620 522.49493 181.26454 522.65679 181.40258 522.82828 c
+181.40258 522.82828 l
+181.88646 522.47395 l
+175.04135 513.23499 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.70460 513.82148 174.85200 514.05307 174.97928 514.29458 c
+175.05751 514.45531 175.13575 514.61603 175.20378 514.78696 c
+175.28117 515.00778 175.32850 515.23852 175.31575 515.46841 c
+175.31405 515.62857 175.27238 515.77795 175.21058 515.92734 c
+175.09720 516.21591 174.90444 516.47357 174.69184 516.69128 c
+174.41858 516.98835 174.09572 517.23468 173.78277 517.47109 c
+173.78277 517.47109 l
+168.76035 521.19383 l
+164.85987 515.92904 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.26583 511.93049 170.49742 511.78309 170.72929 511.64561 c
+170.93027 511.53817 171.13153 511.45058 171.34214 511.38283 c
+171.61313 511.30602 171.90340 511.26945 172.18290 511.33238 c
+172.33257 511.35420 172.48195 511.40580 172.62113 511.47751 c
+172.88986 511.61046 173.11776 511.78309 173.32554 511.99540 c
+173.47380 512.14706 173.61184 512.31883 173.73969 512.49033 c
+173.73969 512.49033 l
+174.22384 512.13572 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
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+154.32236 508.63861 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+153.73729 508.18195 153.42690 508.24828 153.12614 508.30498 c
+152.53483 508.41808 151.93389 508.49150 151.33436 508.44472 c
+150.75496 508.40787 150.18633 508.27153 149.65880 508.04532 c
+149.15112 507.83953 148.68454 507.55436 148.26841 507.19946 c
+147.75335 506.76350 147.31965 506.21868 147.03676 505.60526 c
+146.76293 505.05222 146.60986 504.43058 146.62715 503.81036 c
+146.61638 502.97046 146.91600 502.13395 147.37436 501.41906 c
+147.79219 500.71380 148.35912 500.13014 148.96517 499.59694 c
+149.99556 498.68872 151.16428 497.93216 152.38148 497.28557 c
+153.41811 496.71751 154.49414 496.21975 155.61836 495.84246 c
+156.61219 495.50372 157.64542 495.24576 158.69537 495.24775 c
+159.36548 495.23528 160.04466 495.32287 160.67140 495.59017 c
+161.49770 495.91956 162.24038 496.56813 162.66161 497.35304 c
+162.82857 497.62488 162.94507 497.92620 163.05165 498.23745 c
+163.24469 498.83981 163.34759 499.48101 163.34022 500.11087 c
+163.35354 500.69083 163.27701 501.27024 163.15058 501.82866 c
+162.99298 502.50699 162.77556 503.15471 162.50825 503.79165 c
+162.40507 504.06038 162.29225 504.31918 162.16923 504.57798 c
+162.16923 504.57798 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.92161 503.50762 163.98340 503.34831 164.03499 503.19893 c
+164.45849 502.00384 164.66343 500.72598 164.58775 499.45521 c
+164.54409 498.01465 164.12031 496.59959 163.44482 495.32173 c
+162.91672 494.27546 162.21742 493.31764 161.35654 492.52762 c
+160.27795 491.52557 158.92611 490.78998 157.49036 490.41354 c
+156.27430 490.05950 154.98510 489.96482 153.74324 490.15077 c
+152.26101 490.33389 150.84454 490.89770 149.53635 491.61317 c
+148.45975 492.18066 147.46167 492.85928 146.59228 493.68954 c
+145.75323 494.47984 145.03266 495.41187 144.55077 496.45644 c
+144.06945 497.44091 143.79676 498.52800 143.75424 499.62756 c
+143.65757 501.09647 143.99065 502.59033 144.55531 503.93707 c
+144.73984 504.40932 144.95471 504.85153 145.18998 505.29430 c
+145.50321 505.87795 145.85698 506.43184 146.27112 506.94690 c
+146.67506 507.47131 147.11981 507.94639 147.59490 508.39172 c
+147.94129 508.71572 148.29789 509.02016 148.66413 509.32431 c
+148.80302 509.43572 148.94164 509.55732 149.02980 509.71833 c
+149.08876 509.80904 149.12731 509.92951 149.12617 510.02929 c
+149.14318 510.30964 148.94022 510.55739 148.73754 510.76517 c
+148.60602 510.91370 148.47449 511.04211 148.34324 511.16060 c
+148.34324 511.16060 l
+148.34324 511.16060 l
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+151.18866 469.45049 151.29468 469.82154 151.30035 470.20167 c
+151.31707 470.47181 151.28419 470.74139 151.18157 470.99027 c
+151.08860 471.22923 150.93638 471.43757 150.75411 471.61559 c
+150.49134 471.86249 150.16961 472.02888 149.83795 472.17515 c
+149.68715 472.23326 149.54655 472.29194 149.40567 472.35033 c
+149.40567 472.35033 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.18630 477.47962 135.95528 477.57713 135.71461 477.63468 c
+135.52413 477.68230 135.33392 477.71008 135.13380 477.69789 c
+134.91411 477.68513 134.69471 477.63298 134.50592 477.52072 c
+134.28680 477.41811 134.10879 477.23613 133.96110 477.05443 c
+133.71420 476.76161 133.51833 476.42939 133.35194 476.08753 c
+133.30346 475.98690 133.26463 475.88655 133.21559 475.78592 c
+133.21559 475.78592 l
+132.59282 476.02885 l
+138.95603 492.43238 l
+144.19956 490.40220 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.83559 489.88800 143.69499 489.92627 143.55468 489.96482 c
+143.15329 490.07027 142.74227 490.15531 142.32217 490.17061 c
+141.72180 490.20378 141.09335 490.07679 140.53578 489.83017 c
+140.15764 489.66605 139.80019 489.44183 139.49348 489.16828 c
+139.06772 488.79354 138.73323 488.29946 138.47896 487.78668 c
+138.33241 487.49499 138.20570 487.18346 138.07928 486.88214 c
+138.07928 486.88214 l
+136.88447 483.79833 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.59669 481.00620 144.66472 481.17657 144.73276 481.35742 c
+144.88838 481.73924 145.02387 482.13099 145.04910 482.55109 c
+145.08482 482.93178 145.00998 483.34082 144.84614 483.68891 c
+144.65083 484.14671 144.29679 484.52258 143.92290 484.84857 c
+143.40784 485.29276 142.83354 485.65616 142.23005 485.96910 c
+142.13934 486.01843 142.04920 486.05726 141.95849 486.10630 c
+141.95849 486.10630 l
+142.19150 486.70894 l
+151.39276 483.14353 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+150.98910 482.58907 150.80854 482.63698 150.63817 482.67496 c
+150.21694 482.78013 149.79572 482.87537 149.35521 482.92016 c
+148.77468 482.98365 148.16466 482.96665 147.61672 482.76028 c
+147.26835 482.63641 146.95058 482.44280 146.70340 482.18995 c
+146.35729 481.83591 146.15291 481.35373 145.96809 480.89169 c
+145.90006 480.71083 145.83231 480.52998 145.76428 480.35906 c
+145.76428 480.35906 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.80583 477.63921 152.92602 477.60066 153.06633 477.58224 c
+153.19644 477.57402 153.33647 477.58535 153.45581 477.63666 c
+153.70498 477.71943 153.89235 477.93175 154.01991 478.15313 c
+154.15767 478.36460 154.24469 478.59591 154.32236 478.81672 c
+154.32236 478.81672 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.86633 480.23291 155.05058 480.72501 155.21499 481.21710 c
+155.37912 481.74888 155.52283 482.29058 155.54665 482.85071 c
+155.58009 483.40148 155.50384 483.97039 155.31761 484.49820 c
+155.16198 484.99654 154.91650 485.46397 154.61178 485.89030 c
+154.20529 486.47565 153.67918 486.97994 153.11452 487.40372 c
+152.92261 487.54120 152.74120 487.67924 152.54986 487.80709 c
+152.54986 487.80709 l
+152.80214 488.45991 l
+158.04850 485.31940 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
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+131.44422 472.39569 l
+136.67896 471.12520 l
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+136.52617 470.46331 l
+136.41591 470.49194 136.31584 470.52085 136.20557 470.53984 c
+136.05506 470.56791 135.90482 470.58633 135.74494 470.60419 c
+135.28431 470.63934 134.82397 470.66372 134.36476 470.58860 c
+133.92539 470.52369 133.49735 470.36891 133.10986 470.13420 c
+132.74249 469.90998 132.40573 469.62624 132.16961 469.27361 c
+131.87424 468.87024 131.73024 468.36850 131.59559 467.87698 c
+131.53805 467.66608 131.49071 467.44554 131.43288 467.23493 c
+131.43288 467.23493 l
+131.13666 466.01150 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+147.12208 462.12350 147.31257 462.07559 147.50306 462.06794 c
+147.65301 462.04951 147.81288 462.06113 147.97276 462.09317 c
+148.23213 462.13597 148.48101 462.23887 148.69928 462.39137 c
+148.89798 462.52375 149.06551 462.70573 149.19335 462.90699 c
+149.39008 463.18932 149.50658 463.51077 149.61288 463.83194 c
+149.66107 463.97254 149.70954 464.12306 149.74809 464.26365 c
+149.74809 464.26365 l
+150.39978 464.11087 l
+147.64847 452.79893 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+147.02513 453.09175 147.05348 453.23206 147.08211 453.36246 c
+147.13824 453.69298 147.19465 454.01386 147.17083 454.34353 c
+147.14759 454.61339 147.08466 454.88268 146.95200 455.11115 c
+146.80913 455.36967 146.58661 455.57717 146.33490 455.74413 c
+145.99219 455.99017 145.59052 456.13559 145.17893 456.25096 c
+144.96831 456.30850 144.75770 456.36605 144.54709 456.41395 c
+144.54709 456.41395 l
+129.67483 460.03465 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.14986 457.83836 129.11216 457.62775 129.08466 457.41742 c
+129.05830 457.10731 129.06198 456.78728 129.13540 456.48794 c
+129.20967 456.10894 129.37380 455.74101 129.58753 455.42324 c
+129.79106 455.12532 130.04362 454.85830 130.31660 454.62132 c
+130.80104 454.21710 131.35493 453.91323 131.93745 453.69978 c
+132.05764 453.65131 132.16819 453.61247 132.28866 453.57392 c
+132.28866 453.57392 l
+132.15515 453.02230 l
+132.15515 453.02230 l
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+362.69915 275.01987 l
+360.54312 280.31046 l
+375.57553 287.57934 l
+373.72479 265.35430 l
+377.94756 267.39893 l
+377.94756 267.39893 l
+378.21061 267.52422 378.47395 267.64951 378.72170 267.80031 c
+379.20189 268.06904 379.64381 268.42025 379.99956 268.83581 c
+380.38082 269.26724 380.67080 269.77153 380.87660 270.31833 c
+381.16006 271.00630 381.30094 271.73594 381.35622 272.47181 c
+381.42283 273.28535 381.37124 274.12016 381.17565 274.90280 c
+381.14220 275.03461 381.10365 275.17493 381.07020 275.30674 c
+381.07020 275.30674 l
+381.73011 275.62677 l
+384.06926 269.11304 l
+367.75106 261.22507 l
+369.58649 283.41723 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+365.89011 281.62318 365.66986 281.52425 365.45953 281.40775 c
+365.06806 281.20450 364.69757 280.96724 364.37187 280.67499 c
+363.99175 280.33824 363.66661 279.92976 363.43984 279.47537 c
+363.22639 279.07597 363.09203 278.64312 363.03477 278.19836 c
+362.94973 277.60791 363.00841 277.01150 363.09798 276.42217 c
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+359.41946 279.79030 l
+361.19537 274.70154 l
+360.55871 274.47789 l
+360.55871 274.47789 l
+360.51846 274.58220 360.48699 274.69191 360.45241 274.78743 c
+360.38608 274.93455 360.31635 275.06778 360.24718 275.20129 c
+360.02494 275.60438 359.79761 276.01625 359.48636 276.35386 c
+359.18929 276.68806 358.83439 276.96359 358.42337 277.15805 c
+358.03417 277.35449 357.61493 277.48545 357.18775 277.49480 c
+356.68346 277.51550 356.18910 277.36639 355.70778 277.21417 c
+355.49405 277.14246 355.28031 277.07074 355.07991 276.99562 c
+355.07991 276.99562 l
+353.88907 276.58658 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.31090 261.04961 359.37553 260.86649 359.46595 260.69896 c
+359.54022 260.55723 359.63546 260.43959 359.74431 260.31827 c
+359.92233 260.12239 360.14627 259.96592 360.39231 259.86983 c
+360.61909 259.78564 360.86145 259.73405 361.10296 259.74085 c
+361.43575 259.73263 361.77137 259.79669 362.10529 259.88287 c
+362.24561 259.92142 362.39471 259.96535 362.53474 260.00391 c
+362.53474 260.00391 l
+362.76208 259.38142 l
+351.77329 255.54643 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.67606 256.22504 351.81128 256.27209 351.93288 256.32255 c
+352.24072 256.45153 352.54346 256.58901 352.80964 256.78630 c
+353.02110 256.93852 353.21017 257.14743 353.33405 257.38639 c
+353.46926 257.64491 353.53417 257.94198 353.53247 258.23339 c
+353.55005 258.66567 353.44800 259.08350 353.32894 259.49083 c
+353.26233 259.69606 353.19572 259.90157 353.12400 260.11559 c
+353.12400 260.11559 l
+348.07635 274.55726 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+345.94951 273.80069 345.74910 273.72557 345.55975 273.63345 c
+345.28450 273.48945 345.02145 273.30576 344.80176 273.09005 c
+344.52397 272.81565 344.31335 272.48825 344.15972 272.12542 c
+344.02139 271.79546 343.92926 271.44652 343.88362 271.07915 c
+343.80539 270.45780 343.85414 269.82000 343.98992 269.21225 c
+344.01317 269.09745 344.04123 268.97414 344.07298 268.86472 c
+344.07298 268.86472 l
+343.54091 268.68104 l
+343.54091 268.68104 l
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+334.12167 251.42457 l
+334.12167 251.42457 l
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+335.07269 251.80469 335.23710 251.88094 335.39074 251.97449 c
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+336.09657 252.60350 336.20003 252.81893 336.24482 253.03323 c
+336.30973 253.33058 336.28365 253.64239 336.23206 253.93890 c
+336.18557 254.22661 336.12180 254.50413 336.05858 254.78135 c
+336.05858 254.78135 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.78400 268.46476 332.73808 268.63597 332.68904 268.79329 c
+332.62072 269.02120 332.52180 269.24173 332.38488 269.42769 c
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+331.76381 269.98611 331.57814 270.06038 331.39077 270.09865 c
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+330.25550 270.09780 329.97118 270.06548 329.67808 270.02750 c
+329.67808 270.02750 l
+329.52104 270.66954 l
+340.67537 273.32901 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.79301 272.67449 340.77061 272.67279 340.73972 272.66542 c
+340.46759 272.59342 340.19206 272.50753 339.94233 272.37912 c
+339.67077 272.24844 339.41991 272.08403 339.21354 271.86491 c
+339.08910 271.74246 338.98876 271.59931 338.90769 271.44425 c
+338.78409 271.20529 338.72060 270.94394 338.72400 270.68854 c
+338.71691 270.45014 338.76312 270.22054 338.81783 269.99631 c
+338.81783 269.99631 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.23329 255.69666 342.30699 255.46054 342.40280 255.22611 c
+342.48104 255.03987 342.57685 254.86356 342.70639 254.70822 c
+342.89150 254.48145 343.13953 254.30485 343.40428 254.19685 c
+343.65005 254.10047 343.91792 254.06476 344.17332 254.06787 c
+344.53701 254.06702 344.89304 254.15518 345.23773 254.22406 c
+345.24595 254.22945 345.25984 254.22605 345.26806 254.23115 c
+345.29896 254.23824 345.32986 254.24561 345.36076 254.25241 c
+345.36076 254.25241 l
+345.53707 253.54035 l
+334.25915 250.85254 l
+334.25915 250.85254 l
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+309.50419 248.34076 309.89083 248.43600 310.24290 248.62677 c
+310.48072 248.73647 310.70098 248.89408 310.85915 249.09562 c
+311.02753 249.28016 311.14290 249.51430 311.19420 249.75638 c
+311.27811 250.04183 311.28803 250.35222 311.27244 250.64702 c
+311.25685 250.94183 311.21887 251.23493 311.18117 251.52803 c
+311.18117 251.52803 l
+309.41376 266.02384 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+308.90324 266.49723 308.76690 266.62479 308.61014 266.72854 c
+308.49137 266.80847 308.35531 266.87764 308.21613 266.93348 c
+307.88589 267.07209 307.52504 267.14494 307.17524 267.14268 c
+306.98674 267.14523 306.80504 267.11631 306.62674 267.10157 c
+306.62674 267.10157 l
+306.54170 267.79890 l
+314.64028 268.78507 l
+326.03584 257.64661 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.85096 267.32211 324.80447 267.60983 324.71008 267.88025 c
+324.65055 268.05487 324.57912 268.21049 324.46857 268.35392 c
+324.33165 268.53959 324.14910 268.68586 323.93424 268.78932 c
+323.79817 268.85849 323.65020 268.90923 323.49883 268.94580 c
+323.09717 269.02885 322.67735 269.00731 322.26576 268.99115 c
+322.17137 268.99200 322.07357 268.97924 321.97946 268.98038 c
+321.97946 268.98038 l
+321.89953 269.66948 l
+328.60346 270.48501 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.49631 269.77606 328.31461 269.74743 328.12469 269.71370 c
+327.89820 269.68139 327.67087 269.61279 327.45883 269.51896 c
+327.23830 269.41975 327.02967 269.28113 326.85591 269.10510 c
+326.67704 268.93757 326.54126 268.73773 326.45679 268.51068 c
+326.34709 268.26803 326.31109 268.00072 326.30598 267.73994 c
+326.30173 267.57354 326.31165 267.40346 326.31619 267.24246 c
+326.31619 267.24246 l
+328.43424 249.93950 l
+326.29748 249.68041 l
+311.01052 264.47868 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.62882 251.22699 312.66312 250.97868 312.71953 250.73206 c
+312.76375 250.52485 312.83008 250.31934 312.92249 250.12970 c
+313.03191 249.89216 313.18101 249.66652 313.36554 249.49814 c
+313.52598 249.34989 313.71874 249.24501 313.91291 249.17556 c
+314.22954 249.04063 314.57452 248.99301 314.91609 248.99017 c
+315.09071 248.99159 315.28261 249.00293 315.46120 249.01795 c
+315.46120 249.01795 l
+315.62561 249.03609 l
+315.70186 248.39178 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
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+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.29320 249.27392 276.42359 249.27137 276.55398 249.26882 c
+276.85417 249.27591 277.14076 249.28639 277.43159 249.34649 c
+277.69181 249.39978 277.94863 249.49729 278.16038 249.64980 c
+278.36362 249.79691 278.53540 249.99534 278.66069 250.21219 c
+278.84891 250.53761 278.92545 250.91178 278.97109 251.27915 c
+279.03203 251.67912 279.05669 252.08079 279.09524 252.47906 c
+279.09524 252.47906 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66671 265.51843 279.67153 265.83761 279.66756 266.15140 c
+279.65934 266.35720 279.64602 266.57150 279.60718 266.76992 c
+279.55389 267.03043 279.46998 267.28356 279.30898 267.49020 c
+279.19134 267.66425 279.00850 267.81080 278.82964 267.91257 c
+278.50422 268.10050 278.15216 268.17902 277.78819 268.23827 c
+277.57871 268.27455 277.36583 268.29723 277.15323 268.31962 c
+277.15323 268.31962 l
+277.17449 268.97698 l
+285.94063 268.57814 l
+290.62913 255.86107 l
+296.53597 268.09880 l
+305.20290 267.70961 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.07335 267.05679 304.97046 267.05282 304.85906 267.04375 c
+304.60365 267.04006 304.35846 267.01994 304.11184 266.96324 c
+303.83773 266.91364 303.57581 266.82406 303.34535 266.68375 c
+303.10951 266.55165 302.91024 266.36031 302.76765 266.13269 c
+302.61969 265.91386 302.52019 265.65449 302.47909 265.39512 c
+302.45244 265.22702 302.43487 265.06403 302.42239 264.89225 c
+302.42239 264.89225 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.77581 250.49565 301.75682 250.23827 301.77383 249.97946 c
+301.77836 249.81846 301.79991 249.66737 301.83024 249.52195 c
+301.89033 249.23083 302.00372 248.94850 302.19194 248.73534 c
+302.36995 248.53918 302.61940 248.39858 302.87055 248.29398 c
+303.22828 248.14857 303.61124 248.07742 303.99222 248.02838 c
+304.10022 248.02413 304.21361 248.01109 304.31339 248.00145 c
+304.31339 248.00145 l
+304.28986 247.36677 l
+292.64995 247.88920 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.89288 248.52841 293.12617 248.53011 293.34047 248.54343 c
+293.50998 248.55307 293.66957 248.58000 293.83710 248.61203 c
+294.16450 248.67071 294.47915 248.76879 294.75099 248.95757 c
+294.92476 249.07521 295.08690 249.23254 295.19717 249.41679 c
+295.35364 249.64072 295.43924 249.90350 295.48885 250.16825 c
+295.53874 250.43244 295.55235 250.69861 295.56085 250.97301 c
+295.56085 250.97301 l
+296.16321 264.28876 l
+288.38863 248.08082 l
+287.46057 248.12419 l
+281.06901 265.59950 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43093 251.47729 280.42243 251.20290 280.45020 250.92709 c
+280.47940 250.62888 280.54460 250.32926 280.67528 250.05742 c
+280.78299 249.84198 280.92501 249.64753 281.11294 249.49276 c
+281.26800 249.35272 281.45594 249.25635 281.65521 249.17868 c
+282.02145 249.03893 282.42142 248.97770 282.81260 248.97033 c
+282.91209 248.96069 283.00620 248.95956 283.10060 248.95843 c
+283.10060 248.95843 l
+283.06885 248.31836 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
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+256.45068 253.71099 256.62784 253.90091 256.76702 254.11436 c
+256.97083 254.41427 257.07657 254.75981 257.16869 255.10847 c
+257.20526 255.25956 257.22850 255.41405 257.26535 255.56513 c
+257.26535 255.56513 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+260.03962 269.46652 260.09972 269.71370 260.11020 269.96598 c
+260.13487 270.15676 260.12324 270.34866 260.07562 270.54198 c
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+258.90831 271.78639 258.54690 271.91792 258.18463 272.01317 c
+258.08315 272.04491 257.97317 272.07184 257.87197 272.10387 c
+257.87197 272.10387 l
+258.00151 272.75613 l
+275.26167 269.31061 l
+274.15531 263.80176 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.58639 264.06369 273.60057 264.21279 273.61502 264.36246 c
+273.64847 264.76894 273.66293 265.18762 273.59660 265.60375 c
+273.52403 266.20384 273.30435 266.79572 272.95625 267.30964 c
+272.73430 267.65433 272.45594 267.97663 272.13024 268.22353 c
+271.67868 268.58069 271.14718 268.81909 270.60406 268.98009 c
+270.27780 269.07420 269.95323 269.14564 269.62838 269.21707 c
+269.62838 269.21707 l
+266.38809 269.86649 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.96255 261.78633 265.14964 261.74806 265.33162 261.71858 c
+265.73357 261.63524 266.15254 261.56239 266.56243 261.60123 c
+266.94964 261.63808 267.33260 261.77783 267.65008 262.00630 c
+268.06706 262.28324 268.37490 262.68151 268.62576 263.11521 c
+268.98548 263.69745 269.24202 264.33383 269.44894 264.97474 c
+269.47219 265.07083 269.50932 265.16381 269.53257 265.25991 c
+269.53257 265.25991 l
+270.16299 265.12866 l
+268.23685 255.46734 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.61918 255.77008 267.63165 255.94186 267.64753 256.12696 c
+267.67899 256.55613 267.69685 256.98841 267.67361 257.43090 c
+267.63364 258.01512 267.51657 258.61124 267.20957 259.11524 c
+267.03439 259.44180 266.78211 259.72129 266.48731 259.91660 c
+266.07742 260.20545 265.57427 260.32054 265.08643 260.40983 c
+264.89395 260.45660 264.71225 260.48636 264.52488 260.52463 c
+264.52488 260.52463 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.06079 253.12309 263.03584 252.99099 263.04718 252.85720 c
+263.05824 252.72369 263.10019 252.59698 263.17304 252.47735 c
+263.29436 252.25880 263.53559 252.11282 263.77285 252.01162 c
+264.00501 251.91865 264.24198 251.87556 264.48406 251.82397 c
+264.48406 251.82397 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.97112 251.53540 266.48646 251.43931 266.99953 251.36532 c
+267.54888 251.29020 268.11354 251.24769 268.65496 251.31969 c
+269.21537 251.38006 269.76104 251.56035 270.25002 251.83446 c
+270.71490 252.07058 271.13641 252.39770 271.50435 252.77386 c
+272.01033 253.26935 272.41824 253.86888 272.73288 254.50554 c
+272.84145 254.71191 272.93613 254.92167 273.02230 255.12633 c
+273.02230 255.12633 l
+273.71594 254.98715 l
+271.52731 249.27534 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
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+227.23200 262.56614 l
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+228.20939 262.36517 228.39137 262.33569 228.57137 262.32831 c
+228.82365 262.31783 229.08246 262.33483 229.32709 262.41364 c
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+229.95581 262.78498 230.12787 262.98312 230.25317 263.20025 c
+230.50800 263.58945 230.65427 264.04157 230.79713 264.47981 c
+230.79713 264.47981 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
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+235.58117 278.23465 235.59534 278.38403 235.59109 278.54504 c
+235.57209 278.82624 235.46721 279.11367 235.31301 279.34781 c
+235.17439 279.55587 234.99865 279.72964 234.80192 279.87959 c
+234.51902 280.09361 234.20098 280.25093 233.87953 280.39465 c
+233.78117 280.44057 233.68819 280.47742 233.59578 280.51455 c
+233.59578 280.51455 l
+233.83446 281.19883 l
+244.57351 277.38794 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.26369 276.74277 244.19509 276.75950 244.13499 276.78132 c
+243.92693 276.85389 243.71575 276.91257 243.50258 276.93496 c
+243.23811 276.98485 242.96060 276.97975 242.68309 276.91597 c
+242.45887 276.86126 242.23805 276.76205 242.05209 276.62542 c
+241.78904 276.44202 241.59033 276.19200 241.43414 275.90967 c
+241.26633 275.60863 241.15011 275.28009 241.02879 274.96035 c
+241.02879 274.96035 l
+239.11937 269.55921 l
+245.29748 267.37342 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.27918 272.98261 247.41071 273.34375 247.49065 273.73181 c
+247.53402 273.91039 247.54989 274.09578 247.55216 274.28457 c
+247.55386 274.53118 247.49745 274.77808 247.38945 274.99351 c
+247.27663 275.21745 247.09550 275.39972 246.89395 275.55789 c
+246.64365 275.75688 246.35310 275.90740 246.06737 276.04970 c
+245.96391 276.10413 245.86101 276.15827 245.75754 276.21241 c
+245.75754 276.21241 l
+246.00189 276.88819 l
+256.70778 273.09260 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.32595 272.45027 256.19216 272.49732 256.04957 272.53928 c
+255.82450 272.60135 255.59603 272.64983 255.35225 272.66485 c
+255.08466 272.70113 254.81197 272.68753 254.54466 272.60674 c
+254.31732 272.53814 254.10189 272.43043 253.92104 272.28529 c
+253.66847 272.08460 253.48847 271.82268 253.34107 271.54573 c
+253.17326 271.24441 253.06554 270.92126 252.95811 270.59839 c
+252.95811 270.59839 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.52784 258.08910 248.40822 257.74696 248.30249 257.40170 c
+248.22397 257.10775 248.15537 256.79679 248.16246 256.49688 c
+248.16586 256.24148 248.21915 255.98098 248.33197 255.75704 c
+248.39830 255.60992 248.48135 255.47329 248.58510 255.36104 c
+248.82350 255.08466 249.15430 254.88765 249.48595 254.72721 c
+249.68750 254.62687 249.89216 254.54098 250.09682 254.45480 c
+250.09682 254.45480 l
+249.89301 253.88589 l
+239.05814 257.72003 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.52274 258.22573 239.78948 258.15373 240.05367 258.10384 c
+240.23565 258.07436 240.40942 258.03921 240.59764 258.03723 c
+240.82753 258.02476 241.06422 258.04006 241.27285 258.12028 c
+241.42535 258.17811 241.56170 258.26117 241.67934 258.35641 c
+241.92879 258.54321 242.10879 258.80513 242.27008 259.07868 c
+242.46482 259.43159 242.60485 259.79783 242.74828 260.17767 c
+242.74828 260.17767 l
+244.82750 266.06863 l
+238.64939 268.25443 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.41852 261.91984 236.33802 261.64857 236.27991 261.37871 c
+236.23483 261.16413 236.20365 260.94614 236.20847 260.72674 c
+236.21046 260.43506 236.26573 260.15244 236.39386 259.90299 c
+236.46869 259.76098 236.56394 259.64334 236.67250 259.52230 c
+236.86951 259.31452 237.11754 259.13764 237.37578 259.00214 c
+237.56343 258.90576 237.76271 258.82781 237.97077 258.75581 c
+237.97077 258.75581 l
+237.76696 258.18661 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+211.15984 265.75143 232.79357 286.75928 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
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+232.26378 282.22101 m
+232.79357 281.94661 l
+229.81833 276.20050 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.35628 276.78586 229.42460 277.09654 229.47591 277.39729 c
+229.58362 277.98945 229.63606 278.59521 229.58561 279.19701 c
+229.54280 279.76791 229.39654 280.33427 229.16863 280.86293 c
+228.94753 281.36041 228.65272 281.82501 228.29499 282.23972 c
+227.84910 282.74088 227.30627 283.17118 226.68208 283.44643 c
+226.12110 283.71402 225.49946 283.85036 224.88548 283.83959 c
+224.03849 283.82712 223.21219 283.51134 222.50183 283.04362 c
+221.80139 282.61701 221.22539 282.04384 220.70636 281.43524 c
+219.81118 280.38643 219.07446 279.21203 218.44120 277.98350 c
+217.88702 276.93184 217.40712 275.85496 217.04400 274.72082 c
+216.71433 273.72416 216.47764 272.69008 216.49861 271.63701 c
+216.49578 270.96831 216.59301 270.28970 216.86457 269.67061 c
+217.21635 268.84290 217.86945 268.11638 218.65748 267.70677 c
+218.94009 267.55087 219.23745 267.42756 219.54161 267.33175 c
+220.14992 267.14013 220.78998 267.05027 221.43487 267.06813 c
+222.01455 267.05792 222.58176 267.14580 223.14501 267.27817 c
+223.81824 267.44202 224.46312 267.67077 225.09950 267.95310 c
+225.35915 268.06450 225.61398 268.18441 225.87392 268.29609 c
+225.87392 268.29609 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.83247 266.52614 224.68025 266.46860 224.52293 266.41956 c
+223.33351 265.98813 222.06104 265.75143 220.79509 265.81181 c
+219.35764 265.82655 217.92813 266.23219 216.64261 266.90117 c
+215.58643 267.40517 214.61811 268.09172 213.81987 268.94069 c
+212.79770 270.00397 212.04482 271.33710 211.65109 272.77143 c
+211.27606 273.98353 211.15984 275.27074 211.32482 276.51855 c
+211.47987 277.99455 212.02951 279.41811 212.73080 280.74671 c
+213.29150 281.82557 213.93836 282.84009 214.76239 283.71657 c
+215.53058 284.57065 216.45694 285.29858 217.49641 285.80287 c
+218.47380 286.29298 219.55776 286.58976 220.65647 286.65014 c
+222.12397 286.75928 223.62151 286.45370 224.98696 285.90321 c
+225.45468 285.73143 225.90709 285.52706 226.34419 285.28980 c
+226.92557 284.98847 227.49392 284.63187 228.01635 284.23559 c
+228.53849 283.83959 229.02009 283.39483 229.48072 282.92655 c
+229.80557 282.58554 230.12164 282.23943 230.42580 281.87433 c
+230.54513 281.73628 230.66447 281.59824 230.81924 281.51688 c
+230.92243 281.46274 231.02901 281.42220 231.14580 281.42306 c
+231.41169 281.40945 231.65915 281.61836 231.86154 281.82359 c
+232.01178 281.96192 232.13622 282.08466 232.26378 282.22101 c
+232.26378 282.22101 l
+232.26378 282.22101 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+453.05490 401.49468 472.56491 420.99477 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+456.78501 401.49468 m
+457.93502 408.54472 l
+453.05490 413.54476 l
+459.80476 414.57487 l
+462.81487 420.99477 l
+465.81477 414.57487 l
+472.56491 413.54476 l
+467.67487 408.54472 l
+468.82488 401.49468 l
+462.79502 404.83474 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+123.99619 401.78126 143.50620 421.28135 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+127.72630 401.78126 m
+128.87631 408.83131 l
+123.99619 413.83134 l
+130.74633 414.86145 l
+133.75616 421.28135 l
+136.75635 414.86145 l
+143.50620 413.83134 l
+138.61616 408.83131 l
+139.76617 401.78126 l
+133.73631 405.12132 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 493.43584 256.28995 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 493.43584 m
+256.28995 495.32542 L
+254.41880 495.32542 L
+254.41880 493.43584 L
+256.28995 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+246.52743 493.43584 251.42910 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 493.43584 m
+251.42910 495.32542 L
+246.52743 495.32542 L
+246.52743 493.43584 L
+251.42910 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 493.43584 243.52724 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+243.52724 493.43584 m
+243.52724 495.32542 L
+238.54564 495.32542 L
+238.54564 493.43584 L
+243.52724 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 493.43584 235.57039 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 493.43584 m
+235.57039 495.32542 L
+233.69924 495.32542 L
+233.69924 493.43584 L
+235.57039 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 459.94734 256.28995 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 459.94734 m
+256.28995 481.52013 L
+254.41880 481.52013 L
+254.41880 459.94734 L
+256.28995 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+246.52743 459.94734 251.42910 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 459.94734 m
+251.42910 481.52013 L
+246.52743 481.52013 L
+246.52743 459.94734 L
+251.42910 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 459.94734 243.52724 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+243.52724 459.94734 m
+243.52724 481.52013 L
+238.54564 481.52013 L
+238.54564 459.94734 L
+243.52724 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 459.94734 235.57039 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 459.94734 m
+235.57039 459.94734 L
+235.57039 481.52013 L
+233.69924 481.52013 L
+233.69924 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 430.07244 256.28995 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 430.07244 m
+256.28995 448.94665 L
+254.41880 448.94665 L
+254.41880 430.07244 L
+256.28995 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 430.07244 251.42910 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+238.54564 430.07244 m
+251.42910 430.07244 L
+251.42910 448.94665 L
+238.54564 448.94665 L
+238.54564 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 430.07244 235.57039 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 430.07244 m
+235.57039 448.94665 L
+233.69924 448.94665 L
+233.69924 430.07244 L
+235.57039 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 399.62211 256.28995 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 399.62211 m
+256.28995 419.22539 L
+254.41880 419.22539 L
+254.41880 399.62211 L
+256.28995 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 399.62211 251.42910 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 399.62211 m
+251.42910 419.22539 L
+238.54564 419.22539 L
+238.54564 399.62211 L
+251.42910 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 399.62211 235.57039 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 399.62211 m
+235.57039 399.62211 l
+235.57039 419.22539 l
+233.69924 419.22539 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 359.10425 251.42910 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 383.69254 m
+238.54564 383.69254 L
+238.54564 359.10425 L
+251.42910 359.10425 L
+251.42910 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 359.10425 235.57039 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 383.69254 m
+233.69924 383.69254 L
+233.69924 359.10425 L
+235.57039 359.10425 L
+235.57039 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 354.26211 256.28995 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 354.26211 m
+256.28995 356.11937 L
+254.41880 356.11937 L
+254.41880 354.26211 L
+256.28995 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.53685 354.26211 251.45235 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 354.26211 m
+251.45235 356.11937 L
+238.53685 356.11937 L
+238.53685 354.26211 L
+251.45235 354.26211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 354.26211 235.57039 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 354.26211 m
+235.57039 354.26211 l
+235.57039 356.11937 l
+233.69924 356.11937 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 345.36869 256.28995 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 345.36869 m
+256.28995 351.52980 L
+254.41880 351.52980 L
+254.41880 345.36869 L
+256.28995 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.53685 345.36869 251.45802 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 345.36869 m
+251.45802 351.52101 L
+238.53685 351.52980 L
+238.53685 345.36869 L
+251.45235 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 345.36869 235.57039 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 345.36869 m
+235.57039 351.52980 L
+233.69924 351.52980 L
+233.69924 345.36869 L
+235.57039 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.58646 386.65701 251.45235 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+238.58646 388.72857 m
+251.45235 388.72857 L
+251.45235 386.65701 L
+238.58646 386.65701 L
+238.58646 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 386.65786 256.27011 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.41880 388.72857 m
+256.27011 388.72857 L
+256.27011 386.65786 L
+254.41880 386.65786 L
+254.41880 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.42277 359.10567 256.31575 383.68261 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.42277 383.68261 m
+256.31575 383.68261 L
+256.31575 359.10567 L
+254.42277 359.10567 L
+254.42277 383.68261 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 354.26211 285.24416 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 356.11937 m
+285.24416 356.11937 L
+285.24416 354.26211 L
+270.17178 354.26211 L
+270.17178 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 345.36869 285.24416 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 347.22595 m
+285.24416 347.22595 L
+285.24416 345.36869 L
+270.17178 345.36869 L
+270.17178 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 349.67254 285.24416 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 351.52980 m
+285.24416 351.52980 L
+285.24416 349.67254 L
+270.17178 349.67254 L
+270.17178 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 354.26211 305.85260 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 356.11937 m
+305.85260 356.11937 L
+305.85260 354.26211 L
+290.81594 354.26211 L
+290.81594 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 349.67254 305.85260 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 351.52980 m
+305.85260 351.52980 L
+305.85260 349.67254 L
+290.81594 349.67254 L
+290.81594 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 345.36869 305.85260 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 347.22595 m
+305.85260 347.22595 L
+305.85260 345.36869 L
+290.81594 345.36869 L
+290.81594 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 354.26211 326.60391 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 356.11937 m
+326.60391 356.11937 L
+326.60391 354.26211 L
+311.60296 354.26211 L
+311.60296 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 349.67254 326.60391 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 351.52980 m
+326.60391 351.52980 L
+326.60391 349.67254 L
+311.60296 349.67254 L
+311.60296 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 345.36869 326.60391 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 347.22595 m
+326.60391 347.22595 L
+326.60391 345.36869 L
+311.60296 345.36869 L
+311.60296 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 399.62211 326.60391 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+326.60391 399.62211 m
+326.60391 419.22539 L
+311.60296 419.22539 L
+311.60296 399.62211 L
+326.60391 399.62211 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+389.40293 459.93487 m
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+375.82129 477.66274 L
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+389.40293 459.93487 L
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+375.82129 430.07244 389.44261 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+375.82129 430.07244 m
+389.44261 430.07244 L
+389.44261 448.94665 L
+375.82129 448.94665 L
+375.82129 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+389.44261 359.10425 m
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+375.82129 383.69282 L
+375.82129 359.10425 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+389.48031 386.65701 L
+375.85899 386.65701 L
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+375.82129 356.11937 m
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+389.44261 354.26211 L
+375.82129 354.26211 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+357.92901 448.94665 L
+345.04554 448.94665 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+340.19915 399.62211 l
+340.19915 399.62211 l
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+345.03676 354.26211 L
+357.95225 354.26211 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+340.19915 354.26211 l
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+362.78986 345.36869 L
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+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+345.03676 345.36869 L
+357.96302 345.36869 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+345.08636 388.72857 m
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+345.08636 386.65701 L
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+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+/$fm 0 def
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+270.17178 430.07244 270.17178 437.69594 270.17178 441.51761 c
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+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+298.24753 448.94665 m
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+305.88831 430.07244 290.81594 430.07244 290.81594 430.07244 c
+290.81594 430.07244 290.81594 437.69594 290.81594 441.51761 c
+290.81594 445.33928 294.11972 448.94551 298.24753 448.94665 c
+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+319.03455 448.94665 m
+323.16236 448.94778 326.67534 445.33928 326.67534 441.51761 c
+326.67534 437.69594 326.67534 430.07244 326.67534 430.07244 c
+326.67534 430.07244 311.60296 430.07244 311.60296 430.07244 c
+311.60296 430.07244 311.60296 437.69594 311.60296 441.51761 c
+311.60296 445.33928 314.90674 448.94551 319.03455 448.94665 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 359.10425 285.24416 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+305.85260 359.10425 290.81594 359.10425 290.81594 359.10425 c
+290.81594 359.10425 290.81594 377.47672 290.81594 381.29839 c
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+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+326.60391 359.10425 311.60296 359.10425 311.60296 359.10425 c
+311.60296 359.10425 311.60296 377.47672 311.60296 381.29839 c
+311.60296 385.12006 314.90674 388.72630 319.03455 388.72743 c
+@rax %Note: Object
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
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+337.24743 499.85235 335.55487 498.19975 333.47934 498.19975 c
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+310.39398 500.40312 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+367.33465 498.19975 365.64208 499.85235 365.64208 501.87855 c
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+233.69924 388.72857 m
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+233.69924 386.65644 L
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+Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}\\
+Hans Friedrich Steffani\\
+Lehrstuhl Elektr. Masch. u. Antriebe
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+\author{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\section{Beispiel 7}
+\fancyhead[EL]{\thepage}% gerade Seiten, links
+\fancyhead[OR]{\thepage}% ungerade Seiten, rechts
+Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}\\
+Hans Friedrich Steffani\\
+Lehrstuhl Elektr. Masch. u. Antriebe
+Dies ist nat"urlich ein schlechtes Beispiel.
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp7_2.png b/info/german/fancyhdr/bsp7_2.png
new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
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Binary files differ
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+% email = "",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
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+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
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+% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both
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+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
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+% 0x10
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+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
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+% 0x90
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+% 0xD0
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+% 0xE0
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+% 0xF0
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+/s1t xd/s1n xd}{/s1t 0 def/s1n _ def}ifelse/s1k xd/s1y xd/s1m xd/s1c xd}bd/i{
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+copy c}bd/Y/y ld/@w{matrix rotate/$ptm xd matrix scale $ptm dup concatmatrix
+/$ptm xd 1 eq{$ptm exch dup concatmatrix/$ptm xd}if 1 w}bd/@g{1 eq dup/$sdf xd
+{/$scp xd/$sca xd/$scf xd}if}bd/@G{1 eq dup/$SDF xd{/$SCP xd/$SCA xd/$SCF xd}
+if}bd/@D{2 index 0 eq{$dsf 3 1 roll 4 -1 roll pop}if 3 copy exch $Scra add exch
+load SetScr/$dsp xd/$dsa xd/$dsf xd}bd/$ngx{$SDF{$SCF SepMode_5 0 eq{$SCA}
+{$dsa}ifelse $SCP @ss}if}bd/p{/$pm xd 7 rp/$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd/$fil 1 def}
+bd/@MN{2 copy le{pop}{exch pop}ifelse}bd/@MX{2 copy ge{pop}{exch pop}ifelse}bd
+/InRange{3 -1 roll @MN @MX}bd/@sqr{dup 0 rl dup 0 exch rl neg 0 rl @cp}bd
+/currentscale{1 0 dtransform matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup
+mul add sqrt 0 1 dtransform matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup
+mul add sqrt}bd/@unscale{}bd/wDstChck{2 1 roll dup 3 -1 roll eq{1 add}if}bd
+/@dot{dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub}bd/@lin{exch pop abs 1 exch sub}bd
+/cmyk2rgb{3{dup 5 -1 roll add 1 exch sub dup 0 lt{pop 0}if exch}repeat pop}bd
+/rgb2cmyk{3{1 exch sub 3 1 roll}repeat 3 copy @MN @MN 3{dup 5 -1 roll sub neg
+exch}repeat}bd/rgb2g{2 index .299 mul 2 index .587 mul add 1 index .114 mul add
+4 1 roll pop pop pop}bd/WaldoColor_5 where{pop}{/SetRgb/setrgbcolor ld/GetRgb
+/currentrgbcolor ld/SetGry/setgray ld/GetGry/currentgray ld/SetRgb2 systemdict
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+systemdict/sethsbcolor get def/GetHsb systemdict/currenthsbcolor get def
+/rgb2hsb{SetRgb2 GetHsb}bd/hsb2rgb{3 -1 roll dup floor sub 3 1 roll SetHsb
+GetRgb2}bd/setcmykcolor where{pop/SetCmyk_5/setcmykcolor ld}{/SetCmyk_5{
+cmyk2rgb SetRgb}bd}ifelse/currentcmykcolor where{pop/GetCmyk/currentcmykcolor
+ld}{/GetCmyk{GetRgb rgb2cmyk}bd}ifelse/setoverprint where{pop}{/setoverprint{
+/$op xd}bd}ifelse/currentoverprint where{pop}{/currentoverprint{$op}bd}ifelse
+/@tc_5{5 -1 roll dup 1 ge{pop}{4{dup 6 -1 roll mul exch}repeat pop}ifelse}bd
+/@trp{exch pop 5 1 roll @tc_5}bd/setprocesscolor_5{SepMode_5 0 eq{SetCmyk_5}{0
+4 $ink_5 sub index exch pop 5 1 roll pop pop pop pop SepsColor true eq{$ink_5 3
+gt{1 sub neg SetGry}{0 0 0 4 $ink_5 roll SetCmyk_5}ifelse}{1 sub neg SetGry}
+ifelse}ifelse}bd/findcmykcustomcolor where{pop}{/findcmykcustomcolor{5 array
+astore}bd}ifelse/setcustomcolor where{pop}{/setcustomcolor{exch aload pop
+SepMode_5 0 eq{pop @tc_5 setprocesscolor_5}{CurrentInkName_5 eq{4 index}{0}
+ifelse 6 1 roll 5 rp 1 sub neg SetGry}ifelse}bd}ifelse/@scc_5{dup type
+/booleantype eq{setoverprint}{1 eq setoverprint}ifelse dup _ eq{pop
+setprocesscolor_5 pop}{findcmykcustomcolor exch setcustomcolor}ifelse SepMode_5
+0 eq{true}{GetGry 1 eq currentoverprint and not}ifelse}bd/colorimage where{pop
+/ColorImage{colorimage}def}{/ColorImage{/ncolors xd pop/dataaq xd{dataaq
+ncolors dup 3 eq{/$dat xd 0 1 $dat length 3 div 1 sub{dup 3 mul $dat 1 index
+get 255 div $dat 2 index 1 add get 255 div $dat 3 index 2 add get 255 div rgb2g
+255 mul cvi exch pop $dat 3 1 roll put}for $dat 0 $dat length 3 idiv
+getinterval pop}{4 eq{/$dat xd 0 1 $dat length 4 div 1 sub{dup 4 mul $dat 1
+index get 255 div $dat 2 index 1 add get 255 div $dat 3 index 2 add get 255 div
+$dat 4 index 3 add get 255 div cmyk2rgb rgb2g 255 mul cvi exch pop $dat 3 1
+roll put}for $dat 0 $dat length ncolors idiv getinterval}if}ifelse}image}bd
+}ifelse/setcmykcolor{1 5 1 roll _ currentoverprint @scc_5/$ffpnt xd}bd
+/currentcmykcolor{0 0 0 0}bd/setrgbcolor{rgb2cmyk setcmykcolor}bd
+/currentrgbcolor{currentcmykcolor cmyk2rgb}bd/sethsbcolor{hsb2rgb setrgbcolor}
+bd/currenthsbcolor{currentrgbcolor rgb2hsb}bd/setgray{dup dup setrgbcolor}bd
+/currentgray{currentrgbcolor rgb2g}bd}ifelse/WaldoColor_5 true def/@sft{$tllx
+$pxf add dup $tllx gt{$pwid sub}if/$tx xd $tury $pyf sub dup $tury lt{$phei
+add}if/$ty xd}bd/@stb{pathbbox/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd}bd/@ep{{cvx exec
+}forall}bd/@tp{@sv/$in true def 2 copy dup $lly le{/$in false def}if $phei sub
+$ury ge{/$in false def}if dup $urx ge{/$in false def}if $pwid add $llx le{/$in
+false def}if $in{@np 2 copy m $pwid 0 rl 0 $phei neg rl $pwid neg 0 rl 0 $phei
+rl clip @np $pn cvlit load aload pop 7 -1 roll 5 index sub 7 -1 roll 3 index
+sub Tl matrix currentmatrix/$ctm xd @ep pop pop pop pop}{pop pop}ifelse @rs}bd
+/@th{@sft 0 1 $tly 1 sub{dup $psx mul $tx add{dup $llx gt{$pwid sub}{exit}
+ifelse}loop exch $phei mul $ty exch sub 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{$pwid mul 3 copy 3 -1
+roll add exch @tp pop}for pop pop}for}bd/@tv{@sft 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{dup $pwid mul
+$tx add exch $psy mul $ty exch sub{dup $ury lt{$phei add}{exit}ifelse}loop 0 1
+$tly 1 sub{$phei mul 3 copy sub @tp pop}for pop pop}for}bd/$fm 0 def/wfill{1
+$fm eq{fill}{eofill}ifelse}bd/wclip{1 $fm eq{clip}{eoclip}ifelse}bd/@pf{@gs
+$ctm setmatrix $pm concat @stb wclip Bburx Bbury $pm itransform/$tury xd/$turx
+xd Bbllx Bblly $pm itransform/$tlly xd/$tllx xd/$wid $turx $tllx sub def/$hei
+$tury $tlly sub def @gs $vectpat{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc_5{wfill}if}{$t $c $m $y $k
+$n $o @scc_5{SepMode_5 0 eq $pfrg or{$tllx $tlly Tl $wid $hei scale <00> 8 1
+false[8 0 0 1 0 0]{}imagemask}{/$bkg true def}ifelse}if}ifelse @gr $wid 0 gt
+$hei 0 gt and{$pn cvlit load aload pop/$pd xd 3 -1 roll sub/$phei xd exch sub
+/$pwid xd $wid $pwid div ceiling 1 add/$tlx xd $hei $phei div ceiling 1 add
+/$tly xd $psx 0 eq{@tv}{@th}ifelse}if @gr @np/$bkg false def}bd/@Pf{@sv
+SepMode_5 0 eq $Psc 0 ne or $ink_5 3 eq or{0 J 0 j[]0 d $t $c $m $y $k $n $o
+@scc_5 pop $ctm setmatrix 72 1000 div dup matrix scale dup concat dup Bburx
+exch Bbury exch itransform ceiling cvi/Bbury xd ceiling cvi/Bburx xd Bbllx exch
+Bblly exch itransform floor cvi/Bblly xd floor cvi/Bbllx xd $Prm aload pop $Psn
+load exec}{1 SetGry wfill}ifelse @rs @np}bd/F{matrix currentmatrix $sdf{$scf
+$sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{@pf}{$fil 2 eq{@ff}{$fil 3 eq{@Pf}{$t $c $m $y $k $n
+$o @scc_5{wfill}{@np}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if
+setmatrix}bd/f{@cp F}bd/S{matrix currentmatrix $ctm setmatrix $SDF{$SCF $SCA
+$SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{matrix currentmatrix $ptm concat stroke
+setmatrix}{@np}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/s{@cp S}bd/B{@gs
+F @gr S}bd/b{@cp B}bd/_E{5 array astore exch cvlit xd}bd/@cc{currentfile $dat
+readhexstring pop}bd/@sm{/$ctm $ctm currentmatrix def}bd/@E{/Bbury xd/Bburx xd
+/Bblly xd/Bbllx xd}bd/@c{@cp}bd/@p{/$fil 1 def 1 eq dup/$vectpat xd{/$pfrg true
+def}{@gs $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5/$pfrg xd @gr}ifelse/$pm xd/$psy xd/$psx xd
+/$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd}bd/@P{/$fil 3 def/$Psn xd/$Psc xd array astore/$Prm xd
+}bd/@ii{concat 3 index 3 index m 3 index 1 index l 2 copy l 1 index 3 index l 3
+index 3 index l clip pop pop pop pop}bd/tcc{@cc}def/@i{@sm @gs @ii 6 index 1 ne
+{/$frg true def pop pop}{1 eq{s1t s1c s1m s1y s1k s1n $O @scc_5/$frg xd}{/$frg
+false def}ifelse 1 eq{@gs $ctm setmatrix F @gr}if}ifelse @np/$ury xd/$urx xd
+/$lly xd/$llx xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul 8 div ceiling cvi
+string def $bkg $frg or{$SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub
+$ury $lly sub scale $bkg{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5 pop}if $wid $hei abs $bts
+1 eq{$bkg}{$bts}ifelse[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]/tcc load
+$bts 1 eq{imagemask}{image}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if}{$hei abs{tcc pop}
+repeat}ifelse @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/@I{@sm @gs @ii @np/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd
+/$llx xd/$ncl xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul $ncl mul 8 div
+ceiling cvi string def $ngx $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale $wid
+$hei abs $bts[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]/@cc load false $ncl
+ColorImage $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/COMP 0 def L2?{
+/@I_2{@sm @gs @ii @np/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$ncl xd/$bts xd/$hei xd
+/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul $ncl mul 8 div ceiling cvi string def $ngx $ncl 1
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+/Width $wid def/Height $hei abs def/BitsPerComponent $bts def/Decode $ncl 1 eq
+{[0 1]}{$ncl 3 eq{[0 1 0 1 0 1]}{[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]}ifelse}ifelse def
+/ImageMatrix[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]def/DataSource
+currentfile/ASCII85Decode filter COMP 1 eq{/DCTDecode filter}{COMP 2 eq
+{/RunLengthDecode filter}if}ifelse def currentdict end image $SDF{$dsf $dsa
+$dsp @ss}if @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd}{/@I_2{}bd}ifelse/@B{@gs S @gr F}bd/@b{@cp @B
+}bd/@sep{CurrentInkName_5(Composite)eq{/$ink_5 -1 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Cyan)
+eq{/$ink_5 0 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Magenta)eq{/$ink_5 1 def}{CurrentInkName_5
+(Yellow)eq{/$ink_5 2 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Black)eq{/$ink_5 3 def}{/$ink_5 4
+def}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}bd/@whi{@gs -72000 dup m -72000 72000 l
+72000 dup l 72000 -72000 l @cp 1 SetGry fill @gr}bd/@neg{[{1 exch sub}/exec cvx
+currenttransfer/exec cvx]cvx settransfer @whi}bd/deflevel 0 def/@sax{/deflevel
+deflevel 1 add def}bd/@eax{/deflevel deflevel dup 0 gt{1 sub}if def deflevel 0
+gt{/eax load}{eax}ifelse}bd/eax{{exec}forall}bd/@rax{deflevel 0 eq{@rs @sv}if}
+bd/@daq{dup type/arraytype eq{{}forall}if}bd/@BMP{/@cc xd 12 index 1 gt
+UseLevel2 true eq and{7 -2 roll pop pop @I_2}{11 index 1 eq{12 -1 roll pop @i}
+{7 -2 roll pop pop @I}ifelse}ifelse}bd systemdict/pdfmark known not{/pdfmark
+/cleartomark ld}if
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+0 J 0 j [] 0 d 0 R 0 @G
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+0 4.46740 4.46740 0.00000 @w
+/$fm 0 def
+298.20047 604.37735 m
+399.85228 604.37735 482.75972 521.72731 482.75972 420.39128 c
+482.75972 319.05524 399.85228 236.40520 298.20047 236.40520 c
+196.54866 236.40520 113.64123 319.05524 113.64123 420.39128 c
+113.64123 521.72731 196.54866 604.37735 298.20047 604.37735 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+445.53373 453.03194 468.94876 472.54280 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+459.37446 471.28706 m
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+464.01449 453.91635 464.16501 453.97474 464.30532 454.03370 c
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+465.88337 454.95014 466.19631 455.28718 466.42961 455.66532 c
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+466.57871 459.01417 l
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+459.37446 471.28706 l
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
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+439.12545 484.18299 l
+439.12545 484.18299 l
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+445.89033 466.25357 445.86907 466.07386 445.88750 465.90350 c
+445.90592 465.73342 445.95468 465.58318 446.01335 465.43238 c
+446.01335 465.43238 l
+445.45153 465.21723 l
+441.91474 474.84850 l
+442.47657 475.05345 l
+442.47657 475.05345 l
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+442.87824 474.08003 442.95676 473.90939 443.03528 473.74866 c
+443.12372 473.56781 443.23228 473.39688 443.38110 473.27584 c
+443.50016 473.17465 443.64954 473.10321 443.79950 473.08195 c
+444.02910 473.04000 444.25956 473.08819 444.47046 473.17606 c
+444.58072 473.22510 444.68135 473.27443 444.77150 473.33367 c
+445.02293 473.48135 445.24431 473.65965 445.46627 473.84759 c
+445.63748 473.99613 445.81861 474.14438 445.99011 474.30312 c
+445.99011 474.30312 l
+448.21729 476.27376 l
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+443.05115 481.35883 l
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+441.10913 478.83543 441.14797 478.70504 441.18709 478.58485 c
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+440.61534 478.37991 l
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+438.56362 483.97776 l
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+444.77660 505.06469 m
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+452.68696 488.92564 l
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+439.37320 488.54098 l
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+437.10265 494.28085 437.29370 494.37893 437.49439 494.47729 c
+437.49439 494.47729 l
+451.18431 501.30907 l
+450.27014 503.13713 l
+450.27014 503.13713 l
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+449.77691 503.95124 449.55893 504.18340 449.31061 504.37559 c
+449.01298 504.61824 448.65439 504.79115 448.27512 504.88441 c
+447.92589 504.98759 447.56617 505.03068 447.20617 505.02359 c
+446.57631 505.02898 445.95524 504.89433 445.36309 504.68967 c
+445.25282 504.65083 445.14255 504.60151 445.02208 504.56268 c
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+444.77660 505.06469 l
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
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+424.99219 509.28605 l
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+426.11216 508.10655 426.31087 507.95490 426.54019 507.87298 c
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+427.50992 507.83443 427.79083 507.96170 428.06239 508.10939 c
+428.31354 508.24715 428.55449 508.39540 428.79600 508.55329 c
+428.79600 508.55329 l
+440.50139 516.05206 l
+440.50139 516.05206 l
+440.64227 516.14107 440.78315 516.23972 440.92403 516.33836 c
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+441.54964 517.00309 441.65140 517.20208 441.69335 517.41184 c
+441.74494 517.60120 441.74665 517.80132 441.71830 517.99153 c
+441.69080 518.27187 441.58309 518.54287 441.47537 518.80394 c
+441.35773 519.06472 441.21997 519.32608 441.09213 519.58715 c
+441.09213 519.58715 l
+441.65537 519.94205 l
+447.83178 510.29830 l
+447.26882 509.93348 l
+447.26882 509.93348 l
+447.25918 509.96353 447.23906 509.98365 447.21950 510.00378 c
+447.06132 510.24501 446.89323 510.47660 446.68517 510.66850 c
+446.47710 510.89017 446.23843 511.07216 445.95950 511.19461 c
+445.81011 511.26576 445.64060 511.31764 445.47080 511.33890 c
+445.21115 511.38113 444.94101 511.35364 444.69014 511.26576 c
+444.46961 511.18753 444.26835 511.06932 444.06737 510.95112 c
+444.06737 510.95112 l
+431.88945 503.16633 l
+431.88945 503.16633 l
+431.68819 503.01808 431.48693 502.87975 431.30551 502.71109 c
+431.15443 502.57247 431.02290 502.42365 430.91150 502.24450 c
+430.75928 501.99591 430.66687 501.70677 430.66431 501.41679 c
+430.65184 501.15685 430.70995 500.90627 430.78762 500.65569 c
+430.89449 500.30476 431.03169 499.95354 431.28964 499.69106 c
+431.28964 499.69106 431.29928 499.68113 431.30920 499.67121 c
+431.32932 499.65080 431.33896 499.62076 431.35852 499.59071 c
+431.35852 499.59071 l
+430.74539 499.19613 l
+424.48932 508.96035 l
+424.48932 508.96035 l
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+419.43175 526.56491 l
+419.85694 526.01131 l
+419.85694 526.01131 l
+419.67553 525.82280 419.49354 525.62438 419.33169 525.42567 c
+418.95780 524.96901 418.64343 524.45169 418.42857 523.90346 c
+418.07140 523.05647 417.95320 522.12756 417.95518 521.19780 c
+417.94894 520.48772 418.00309 519.77707 418.19698 519.09534 c
+418.41950 518.21348 418.87219 517.37953 419.45613 516.66435 c
+419.75263 516.29187 420.08995 515.94888 420.47717 515.64557 c
+420.89443 515.32186 421.37206 515.04775 421.89109 514.91339 c
+422.20006 514.82041 422.53002 514.77761 422.85005 514.81474 c
+423.32060 514.86094 423.78208 515.05682 424.13471 515.35389 c
+424.32605 515.51206 424.49783 515.69065 424.63956 515.89956 c
+424.85216 516.19748 425.01515 516.54614 425.07836 516.90557 c
+425.12031 517.12526 425.13222 517.35543 425.12428 517.58532 c
+425.10954 518.22567 424.97518 518.85666 424.82041 519.47802 c
+424.69483 519.97918 424.55934 520.47043 424.41335 520.96167 c
+424.41335 520.96167 l
+423.77386 523.31726 l
+423.77386 523.31726 l
+423.67691 523.68803 423.58025 524.05880 423.49323 524.42986 c
+423.36794 524.97099 423.27298 525.51184 423.22734 526.06205 c
+423.17348 526.75257 423.18964 527.45272 423.38523 528.11093 c
+423.51987 528.64980 423.75430 529.14756 424.05817 529.61499 c
+424.44369 530.22189 424.93833 530.75764 425.51178 531.19247 c
+426.16658 531.71688 426.93024 532.11033 427.74151 532.29317 c
+428.56356 532.50605 429.42359 532.50888 430.24195 532.32180 c
+431.16038 532.14378 432.02693 531.72595 432.79228 531.18964 c
+433.72687 530.56120 434.52992 529.76438 435.20202 528.85871 c
+435.60765 528.32494 435.97276 527.75178 436.27720 527.14913 c
+436.59184 526.50652 436.84611 525.82422 437.02016 525.13257 c
+437.07770 524.88227 437.13553 524.62148 437.19364 524.37090 c
+437.24154 524.15065 437.29965 523.94003 437.37789 523.72970 c
+437.42636 523.57890 437.49524 523.43858 437.59417 523.31754 c
+437.70302 523.17666 437.86176 523.05534 438.03156 523.01395 c
+438.24104 522.95187 438.47121 522.98986 438.67219 523.07830 c
+438.81279 523.14718 438.93354 523.22598 439.06422 523.30479 c
+439.06422 523.30479 l
+439.46986 522.79143 l
+434.73742 519.07238 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.44290 519.72491 434.55430 519.87373 434.66542 520.01291 c
+435.08041 520.57928 435.44580 521.19609 435.64167 521.87443 c
+435.84718 522.50258 435.90302 523.17241 435.86872 523.84252 c
+435.84520 524.58293 435.69156 525.30406 435.42737 525.98636 c
+435.17339 526.68850 434.78901 527.35209 434.32413 527.93603 c
+434.10671 528.21780 433.85896 528.49020 433.59080 528.72236 c
+433.24356 529.01546 432.84557 529.25896 432.40649 529.38255 c
+432.09751 529.48545 431.75764 529.52825 431.43732 529.48120 c
+431.03679 529.42450 430.65553 529.24791 430.34315 529.00044 c
+430.21247 528.90180 430.09143 528.79266 429.98031 528.66369 c
+429.77849 528.43521 429.62570 528.15685 429.54321 527.85723 c
+429.48142 527.62791 429.45902 527.37817 429.46696 527.12816 c
+429.47376 526.75795 429.54066 526.38746 429.62740 526.02690 c
+429.70479 525.71594 429.79209 525.40526 429.87940 525.09458 c
+429.87940 525.09458 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.88769 521.42570 431.01383 520.97471 431.10992 520.51380 c
+431.24485 519.96217 431.34009 519.41140 431.37524 518.84107 c
+431.43931 518.16047 431.42343 517.46088 431.25761 516.79219 c
+431.15329 516.28309 430.96876 515.78447 430.70513 515.33688 c
+430.28844 514.61065 429.68296 513.98561 428.99868 513.47169 c
+428.29370 512.91780 427.50992 512.46454 426.65783 512.23209 c
+425.89587 511.99852 425.08517 511.92567 424.29600 512.03254 c
+423.51676 512.10879 422.75906 512.35569 422.07194 512.72164 c
+420.79748 513.37276 419.75688 514.43178 418.89657 515.57924 c
+418.58986 515.96192 418.30328 516.36416 418.04702 516.77660 c
+417.63288 517.45011 417.27883 518.16331 416.97496 518.88586 c
+416.82841 519.25720 416.68157 519.62854 416.54494 520.00980 c
+416.54494 520.00980 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.27112 520.73206 416.22236 520.87238 416.14356 521.00334 c
+416.08431 521.11389 416.00551 521.22444 415.92643 521.32535 c
+415.78781 521.48636 415.61887 521.62781 415.40939 521.70945 c
+415.10098 521.85231 414.71065 521.84580 414.40932 521.70831 c
+414.38948 521.69868 414.35943 521.68847 414.33902 521.67883 c
+414.33902 521.67883 l
+413.91383 522.22252 l
+413.91383 522.22252 l
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+397.98765 538.88117 l
+397.98765 538.88117 l
+398.05710 538.82050 398.13647 538.75984 398.20592 538.69918 c
+398.45424 538.49707 398.70255 538.31480 398.98120 538.15238 c
+399.24000 538.00044 399.50901 537.86778 399.79871 537.84539 c
+400.02831 537.81335 400.27890 537.86126 400.50935 537.93921 c
+400.88069 538.06592 401.20271 538.29326 401.49496 538.54072 c
+401.69622 538.71902 401.88784 538.90753 402.07975 539.10567 c
+402.07975 539.10567 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.76602 549.06208 411.94800 549.26079 412.08973 549.46942 c
+412.19093 549.61852 412.28249 549.77783 412.35364 549.93742 c
+412.42507 550.10636 412.48687 550.28580 412.49820 550.46580 c
+412.52031 550.66592 412.49197 550.87597 412.42365 551.06674 c
+412.34598 551.32724 412.19802 551.55855 412.03956 551.76973 c
+411.97039 551.86044 411.90123 551.95115 411.83206 552.05178 c
+411.83206 552.05178 l
+411.40573 552.45543 l
+411.89017 552.96113 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.92243 545.13156 420.66624 544.39512 421.35931 543.61899 c
+421.87465 543.03449 422.36901 542.43014 422.74318 541.74699 c
+423.12756 541.06356 423.39061 540.30132 423.45383 539.52066 c
+423.52838 538.86019 423.45269 538.18072 423.23698 537.55228 c
+422.98980 536.73449 422.52350 535.99861 421.91830 535.38378 c
+421.26236 534.68929 420.42756 534.14674 419.50545 533.92450 c
+418.39285 533.62431 417.14419 533.80517 416.07808 534.23433 c
+415.85868 534.31597 415.65940 534.39789 415.45020 534.48973 c
+415.45020 534.48973 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.45291 526.71685 413.32847 526.22787 413.24428 525.72841 c
+413.21282 525.57874 413.19184 525.43899 413.19043 525.28904 c
+413.16860 525.08920 413.17682 524.87915 413.21509 524.67874 c
+413.23408 524.55855 413.26299 524.43808 413.31203 524.31789 c
+413.39991 524.06702 413.55780 523.83572 413.71625 523.62425 c
+413.78542 523.53354 413.84438 523.45304 413.91383 523.37254 c
+413.91383 523.37254 l
+413.49033 522.95613 l
+408.11528 528.19313 l
+410.87395 538.40948 l
+410.42778 538.85339 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.18998 534.51014 406.04882 534.36104 405.91729 534.21222 c
+405.75600 534.03364 405.61398 533.83493 405.50230 533.61609 c
+405.36992 533.36721 405.28743 533.07780 405.28488 532.78753 c
+405.27269 532.52787 405.33080 532.26737 405.42831 532.02643 c
+405.57543 531.64517 405.83225 531.31294 406.09956 531.01049 c
+406.18885 530.90986 406.28806 530.80894 406.37707 530.71824 c
+406.37707 530.71824 l
+405.96350 530.29162 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
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+381.85342 550.03124 m
+382.22816 550.54800 l
+382.22816 550.54800 l
+382.32737 550.47713 382.41694 550.40627 382.51644 550.34561 c
+382.82428 550.13301 383.15254 549.94025 383.52189 549.83679 c
+383.77134 549.74466 384.05083 549.71206 384.31106 549.73984 c
+384.57128 549.76762 384.81194 549.86570 385.03332 549.99383 c
+385.33493 550.18120 385.58750 550.45899 385.80973 550.73679 c
+385.90072 550.85641 386.00192 550.98539 386.09291 551.10472 c
+386.09291 551.10472 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.48233 562.53231 394.63398 562.73131 394.75587 562.95014 c
+394.84743 563.11909 394.92879 563.29852 394.97046 563.49808 c
+395.01241 563.70784 395.01439 563.93773 394.96620 564.15827 c
+394.90809 564.38872 394.79017 564.59991 394.65184 564.80088 c
+394.43443 565.11298 394.16712 565.38510 393.86891 565.62775 c
+393.78983 565.70854 393.71017 565.76920 393.62088 565.84006 c
+393.62088 565.84006 l
+394.01546 566.37666 l
+408.20598 555.97323 l
+404.87641 551.44205 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.47077 551.92564 404.55184 552.05461 404.62299 552.17424 c
+404.82624 552.54246 405.01928 552.91068 405.13266 553.30980 c
+405.32769 553.88835 405.37304 554.51764 405.27865 555.12850 c
+405.22195 555.53896 405.09553 555.94035 404.90872 556.31197 c
+404.65304 556.81427 404.27688 557.25732 403.84006 557.64113 c
+403.59203 557.86337 403.33380 558.06548 403.06535 558.25767 c
+403.06535 558.25767 l
+400.40249 560.22094 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.70406 553.49150 395.85317 553.39002 396.00198 553.27861 c
+396.33024 553.03597 396.67776 552.78312 397.07660 552.65953 c
+397.43546 552.52658 397.84535 552.49285 398.22576 552.55946 c
+398.71672 552.63515 399.17877 552.87128 399.58129 553.14794 c
+400.15446 553.53288 400.63861 554.00882 401.10293 554.49468 c
+401.17351 554.57433 401.24438 554.64350 401.30476 554.71323 c
+401.30476 554.71323 l
+401.82151 554.33849 l
+395.99235 546.37880 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.56715 546.92249 395.64822 547.07159 395.73978 547.23090 c
+395.95294 547.60904 396.15647 547.99739 396.30983 548.40586 c
+396.53461 548.95408 396.66983 549.54312 396.60491 550.13357 c
+396.57798 550.49357 396.47112 550.85471 396.28375 551.15660 c
+396.03770 551.58831 395.63008 551.90211 395.23266 552.19550 c
+395.07392 552.31682 394.92482 552.42822 394.76551 552.53962 c
+394.76551 552.53962 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.31285 546.44769 390.24170 546.33855 390.19068 546.20901 c
+390.14986 546.08910 390.12831 545.94935 390.13710 545.81953 c
+390.16517 545.55931 390.31313 545.32772 390.49143 545.13638 c
+390.65981 544.95496 390.85880 544.81294 391.05751 544.67121 c
+391.05751 544.67121 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+392.27981 543.78085 392.70699 543.47698 393.14494 543.19323 c
+393.61209 542.88907 394.09965 542.61496 394.62831 542.44035 c
+395.15698 542.26573 395.72617 542.20082 396.28658 542.23597 c
+396.80674 542.26148 397.32775 542.37713 397.81956 542.56280 c
+398.48173 542.80687 399.11471 543.17140 399.66860 543.61672 c
+399.85002 543.75534 400.02094 543.90359 400.19244 544.05213 c
+400.19244 544.05213 l
+400.75880 543.63742 l
+396.37191 539.38517 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
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+372.95631 578.10954 l
+381.95405 573.21128 l
+381.59858 572.55420 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.83181 572.95077 380.71219 572.99187 380.58265 573.03298 c
+380.34312 573.09506 380.08346 573.12737 379.86265 573.03921 c
+379.67216 572.98110 379.50094 572.84249 379.38926 572.67354 c
+379.28835 572.53436 379.24668 572.36485 379.20529 572.19506 c
+379.14293 571.91556 379.10069 571.63578 379.06809 571.36620 c
+379.06809 571.36620 l
+377.60513 560.62828 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.86359 567.35717 386.01496 567.48586 386.16605 567.62476 c
+386.33783 567.80334 386.49912 567.99184 386.63121 568.22060 c
+386.74290 568.41959 386.82482 568.63899 386.82680 568.86888 c
+386.82822 569.02904 386.78967 569.17928 386.73071 569.32980 c
+386.56403 569.70113 386.20630 569.97439 385.85849 570.19748 c
+385.69918 570.29868 385.52995 570.40016 385.37093 570.50164 c
+385.37093 570.50164 l
+385.73660 571.16835 l
+391.02208 568.29260 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.58668 567.66643 390.50674 567.70696 390.42709 567.74778 c
+390.26778 567.80929 390.09827 567.85068 389.92819 567.87194 c
+389.68866 567.89405 389.44857 567.89631 389.21811 567.84813 c
+388.99757 567.82006 388.78724 567.74183 388.57635 567.64375 c
+388.24498 567.49635 387.94309 567.28913 387.65112 567.07172 c
+387.37984 566.88406 387.12784 566.67600 386.87613 566.47843 c
+386.87613 566.47843 l
+372.47499 554.84249 l
+371.27055 555.49304 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.79820 574.83213 373.80954 575.01184 373.82117 575.20176 c
+373.85461 575.59153 373.85830 576.01162 373.70126 576.37304 c
+373.57455 576.74409 373.28740 577.05647 372.98920 577.31924 c
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+372.67200 577.59165 l
+372.67200 577.59165 l
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+352.09559 565.40948 l
+352.09559 565.40948 l
+352.37509 565.33720 352.64438 565.26491 352.92387 565.20227 c
+353.09339 565.16088 353.27339 565.12913 353.44290 565.11780 c
+353.69263 565.08548 353.94265 565.09342 354.17367 565.16145 c
+354.39392 565.21956 354.59490 565.32784 354.75619 565.47638 c
+354.98806 565.68444 355.15049 565.95317 355.28258 566.22189 c
+355.40504 566.48069 355.51729 566.74998 355.61962 567.01899 c
+355.61962 567.01899 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.93260 580.04334 360.99411 580.20293 361.04542 580.36252 c
+361.11742 580.59213 361.16929 580.82145 361.17128 581.06154 c
+361.17326 581.27159 361.13499 581.49184 361.05676 581.68261 c
+360.98844 581.86318 360.87987 582.03411 360.75090 582.17528 c
+360.56296 582.38674 360.32428 582.54888 360.07540 582.69118 c
+359.82709 582.84312 359.56800 582.97550 359.31912 583.11751 c
+359.31912 583.11751 l
+359.56460 583.73575 l
+370.17751 579.41348 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.89206 578.80573 369.87250 578.81594 369.84246 578.82643 c
+369.58337 578.94860 369.31408 579.01096 369.02438 579.05348 c
+368.73468 579.09600 368.43506 579.11868 368.14422 579.06113 c
+367.96394 579.03250 367.79386 578.98431 367.64306 578.90523 c
+367.40211 578.78759 367.20028 578.59937 367.05827 578.39046 c
+366.91710 578.20167 366.82498 577.99247 366.72321 577.77335 c
+366.72321 577.77335 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.18517 564.16054 361.10324 563.92157 361.05080 563.68205 c
+360.99921 563.48220 360.97739 563.28265 360.99581 563.08224 c
+361.01310 562.79225 361.10069 562.50142 361.26879 562.26019 c
+361.40655 562.02860 361.59506 561.84718 361.81389 561.70517 c
+362.10217 561.49257 362.44091 561.36983 362.76945 561.21704 c
+362.77965 561.20683 362.78957 561.20683 362.79950 561.19663 c
+362.82926 561.18643 362.85931 561.17622 362.88935 561.16602 c
+362.88935 561.16602 l
+362.61326 560.48825 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
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+329.62932 571.74406 l
+329.62932 571.74406 l
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+330.33827 571.60828 330.73795 571.54479 331.12828 571.59128 c
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+332.11106 571.90280 332.30268 572.07118 332.44413 572.27017 c
+332.63631 572.49836 332.75849 572.77729 332.85118 573.06643 c
+332.95351 573.34564 333.03600 573.62485 333.10857 573.91398 c
+333.10857 573.91398 l
+336.99033 587.98120 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.69609 588.62381 336.61729 588.79446 336.51893 588.95518 c
+336.42992 589.07594 336.33071 589.18677 336.23178 589.28769 c
+335.97383 589.53997 335.66570 589.74265 335.33688 589.87559 c
+335.16737 589.94702 334.98794 589.99861 334.81814 590.04992 c
+334.81814 590.04992 l
+335.00409 590.71861 l
+342.87562 588.55011 l
+349.16910 573.91512 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.75061 583.32302 351.82318 583.60252 351.84557 583.89222 c
+351.85720 584.07222 351.83849 584.24258 351.80022 584.42287 c
+351.74211 584.64340 351.62391 584.85430 351.47537 585.02580 c
+351.36624 585.13663 351.24746 585.23754 351.11792 585.32882 c
+350.78003 585.56154 350.39140 585.71490 350.00249 585.84841 c
+349.91263 585.87931 349.82306 585.90992 349.73320 585.94082 c
+349.73320 585.94082 l
+349.91887 586.60923 l
+356.42409 584.82283 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.05843 584.19609 355.87899 584.24740 355.69928 584.28907 c
+355.46939 584.33102 355.23978 584.36306 355.00961 584.35512 c
+354.75959 584.34690 354.50901 584.29928 354.27827 584.20120 c
+354.05773 584.11332 353.85647 583.98491 353.68498 583.80633 c
+353.50356 583.62803 353.36126 583.38935 353.25921 583.15011 c
+353.19770 582.99052 353.13676 582.84113 353.08517 582.68154 c
+353.08517 582.68154 l
+348.45959 565.88088 l
+346.38435 566.44894 l
+337.87304 585.95357 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.33143 573.08372 334.25915 572.83427 334.22712 572.58454 c
+334.18517 572.37477 334.17354 572.16501 334.18148 571.95468 c
+334.18942 571.69474 334.24724 571.43424 334.35524 571.20321 c
+334.44340 571.01244 334.58202 570.84123 334.73055 570.68986 c
+334.97858 570.44806 335.27707 570.27543 335.58605 570.15269 c
+335.76520 570.08126 335.93499 570.01975 336.11443 569.96816 c
+336.11443 569.96816 l
+336.26409 569.91685 l
+336.08835 569.28841 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
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+309.84180 594.04649 l
+321.28044 592.67735 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.04460 591.99931 320.90485 592.02057 320.75490 592.03191 c
+320.55477 592.04353 320.34501 592.04551 320.14460 592.01717 c
+319.86454 591.98939 319.59383 591.91200 319.34268 591.78416 c
+319.09181 591.66624 318.87014 591.49814 318.70828 591.27959 c
+318.54671 591.09109 318.42482 590.86205 318.35282 590.62252 c
+318.29102 590.44309 318.25928 590.25345 318.22781 590.07373 c
+318.22781 590.07373 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.69625 577.19650 316.68435 576.96661 316.68236 576.73672 c
+316.68888 576.33647 316.75550 575.93594 316.91197 575.56431 c
+317.05880 575.18334 317.29578 574.84120 317.58350 574.54866 c
+317.86101 574.25613 318.18869 574.01348 318.55720 573.84028 c
+319.01528 573.61635 319.51446 573.50211 320.02413 573.46753 c
+320.59389 573.42274 321.16422 573.45761 321.71528 573.60274 c
+322.31679 573.75780 322.88910 574.02283 323.38233 574.40863 c
+323.78485 574.69493 324.12813 575.06202 324.39175 575.47984 c
+324.77669 576.04649 325.00233 576.70441 325.13811 577.38331 c
+325.20104 577.70306 325.24384 578.02252 325.29628 578.34227 c
+325.29628 578.34227 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.50469 588.51184 326.52595 588.66208 326.53701 588.81175 c
+326.56025 589.14170 326.56309 589.47137 326.52595 589.81181 c
+326.49817 590.07231 326.45055 590.33254 326.32243 590.55364 c
+326.23398 590.71436 326.10501 590.85553 325.95591 590.96665 c
+325.63814 591.21950 325.24923 591.35301 324.86003 591.46639 c
+324.69052 591.51770 324.51080 591.55937 324.34157 591.61096 c
+324.34157 591.61096 l
+324.42746 592.30006 l
+331.06054 591.50268 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.87458 590.82435 330.77480 590.82520 330.66510 590.83597 c
+330.33487 590.84872 329.99499 590.85184 329.66476 590.80479 c
+329.40454 590.76709 329.13354 590.69934 328.92236 590.55137 c
+328.68113 590.40312 328.48894 590.16501 328.34665 589.91613 c
+328.16409 589.60772 328.05128 589.26869 327.96822 588.91918 c
+327.90586 588.64989 327.86334 588.37039 327.82110 588.10054 c
+327.82110 588.10054 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.57131 577.72120 326.50809 577.36176 326.42504 577.00233 c
+326.26913 576.32372 326.01345 575.66551 325.63814 575.06910 c
+325.14123 574.25329 324.42491 573.54945 323.60117 573.08655 c
+322.83723 572.63301 321.98485 572.37052 321.11376 572.24806 c
+319.94192 572.07798 318.75279 572.15849 317.58435 572.32885 c
+316.78498 572.43543 315.99666 572.59247 315.23839 572.84901 c
+314.38120 573.12624 313.56454 573.54321 312.85928 574.10957 c
+312.28328 574.55461 311.76794 575.10935 311.41332 575.75197 c
+310.88126 576.65679 310.67065 577.74869 310.73981 578.78787 c
+310.75228 579.07814 310.79480 579.36784 310.82740 579.66746 c
+310.82740 579.66746 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.16564 590.97628 312.18746 591.21609 312.16961 591.45619 c
+312.15231 591.78643 312.05509 592.11723 311.86772 592.38907 c
+311.62082 592.75106 311.20271 592.99455 310.77439 593.13827 c
+310.56491 593.22019 310.34551 593.27206 310.12526 593.30409 c
+310.00564 593.32507 309.88602 593.34605 309.75591 593.35710 c
+309.75591 593.35710 l
+309.75591 593.35710 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+447.60189 477.15562 454.04135 481.41950 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+449.16491 477.15562 m
+454.04135 481.34353 l
+447.60189 481.41950 l
+449.16491 477.15562 l
+449.16491 477.15562 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+411.26542 537.80003 419.33367 545.97373 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
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+411.26542 539.71597 m
+411.40431 539.58501 411.53301 539.45376 411.67191 539.32280 c
+412.16769 538.83836 412.68331 538.34400 413.33102 538.08831 c
+413.77946 537.88422 414.28885 537.80003 414.77924 537.85587 c
+415.37991 537.92022 415.93238 538.19575 416.42532 538.54157 c
+416.86809 538.84772 417.26098 539.20431 417.63458 539.59096 c
+418.14907 540.11650 418.62387 540.68258 418.93965 541.35978 c
+419.12277 541.71836 419.25628 542.10728 419.28973 542.51688 c
+419.33367 542.96646 419.24778 543.42709 419.07146 543.84860 c
+418.92463 544.24006 418.68765 544.58192 418.42035 544.89458 c
+418.27181 545.06580 418.10315 545.22709 417.94469 545.38866 c
+417.94469 545.38866 l
+417.35962 545.97373 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+190.26794 334.43972 406.48819 519.30567 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+283.20463 500.24891 m
+276.10214 500.25005 L
+276.99506 497.37855 L
+258.26372 497.43638 239.54088 497.40406 220.80557 497.37855 C
+220.80557 487.52079 L
+190.26794 487.52079 L
+190.26794 477.66302 L
+197.16123 477.66302 L
+197.16123 459.94762 L
+190.26794 459.94762 L
+190.26794 448.94693 L
+197.16123 448.94693 L
+197.16123 430.07272 L
+190.26794 430.07272 L
+190.26794 419.22567 L
+197.16123 419.22567 L
+197.16123 399.62239 L
+190.26794 399.62239 L
+190.26794 388.72885 L
+197.16123 388.72885 L
+197.16123 386.65729 L
+190.26794 386.65729 L
+190.26794 383.69282 L
+197.16123 383.69282 L
+197.16123 359.10454 L
+190.26794 359.10454 L
+190.26794 356.11965 L
+197.16123 356.11965 L
+197.16123 354.26239 L
+190.26794 354.26239 L
+190.27389 345.36869 L
+220.81153 345.36869 L
+220.80557 334.43972 L
+375.81534 334.43972 L
+375.82129 345.36869 L
+406.48819 345.36869 L
+406.48819 354.17112 L
+399.82677 354.17112 L
+399.82677 356.11937 L
+406.48819 356.11937 L
+406.48819 359.10425 L
+399.82677 359.10425 L
+399.82677 383.69254 L
+406.48819 383.69254 L
+406.48819 386.65644 L
+399.82677 386.65644 L
+399.82677 388.72857 L
+406.48819 388.72857 L
+406.48819 399.62211 L
+399.82677 399.62211 L
+399.82677 419.22539 L
+406.48819 419.22539 L
+406.48819 430.07244 L
+399.82677 430.07244 L
+399.82677 448.94665 L
+406.48819 448.94665 L
+406.48819 459.94734 L
+399.82677 459.94734 L
+399.82677 477.66274 L
+406.48819 477.66274 L
+406.48819 487.52050 L
+375.81534 487.52079 L
+375.81534 497.37855 L
+367.02624 497.39017 359.88690 497.34283 319.88324 497.34283 C
+320.61231 500.25231 L
+313.56822 500.24976 L
+313.02340 500.52132 312.54860 500.75688 312.05622 501.01030 C
+311.61175 501.48113 311.54882 501.31843 311.40680 502.16683 C
+311.47143 502.48658 311.51197 502.83128 311.69622 503.13912 c
+311.87480 503.43704 311.79373 504.07483 311.54173 504.31408 c
+311.33027 504.51477 311.08989 504.60690 310.46202 504.85663 c
+309.64224 505.18261 308.20252 506.10529 308.54835 506.93726 c
+308.68526 507.26665 308.82217 507.59603 308.95937 507.92570 C
+309.12548 508.08869 309.29159 508.25169 309.45770 508.41496 c
+309.72274 508.67518 309.93024 508.64428 310.20378 508.89430 c
+310.50425 509.16841 310.63323 509.39717 310.71940 509.67326 c
+310.88353 510.19852 310.81011 510.41112 310.78176 510.83150 c
+310.75994 511.15606 310.60375 511.63880 310.41921 511.89024 c
+310.24658 512.12608 309.80863 512.41493 309.53140 512.55468 c
+309.26381 512.68961 309.26069 512.67090 309.01209 512.76444 c
+308.86441 512.82028 308.86129 513.25143 308.68384 513.26674 c
+308.52510 513.28035 308.37940 512.92375 308.21698 512.85940 c
+307.94542 512.75169 307.26510 512.68365 307.01820 512.57509 c
+306.55587 512.37128 306.58535 511.90583 306.28290 511.46957 c
+306.15137 511.27994 305.69726 511.19235 305.52350 510.95594 c
+305.32706 510.68806 305.43817 510.27335 305.84183 510.12539 c
+306.18113 510.00123 306.98589 509.47483 306.85181 509.24239 c
+306.67946 508.94362 306.50712 508.64513 306.33477 508.34665 C
+306.04337 508.08132 305.85572 508.05751 305.61874 508.11506 c
+305.31373 508.18904 304.97017 508.41411 304.68472 508.59071 C
+304.25613 508.89260 303.82753 509.19477 303.39893 509.49694 c
+302.37534 510.21808 304.56198 511.50132 304.01348 512.43562 C
+303.51685 513.04224 301.73698 512.31657 300.74627 512.43704 c
+299.93953 512.53512 299.59313 513.24236 299.56365 513.78265 c
+299.53843 514.24243 299.72835 514.52532 299.88142 514.73565 c
+300.57817 515.69121 302.36910 515.18693 302.41361 516.49087 c
+302.43175 517.02038 302.29682 517.37754 300.36869 518.19817 c
+300.13285 518.29852 299.50413 518.46378 298.89638 518.55817 c
+298.55424 518.61118 298.89638 519.30142 298.33625 519.30567 C
+297.78236 519.30142 298.07036 518.61005 297.78236 518.55817 c
+297.17433 518.44876 296.66296 518.26280 296.42740 518.16246 c
+294.49928 517.34211 294.36435 516.98466 294.38249 516.45515 c
+294.42699 515.15121 296.21792 515.65550 296.91468 514.69994 c
+297.06775 514.48961 297.25767 514.20671 297.23244 513.74693 c
+297.20296 513.20665 296.85657 512.49940 296.04983 512.40132 c
+295.05912 512.28085 293.27924 513.00652 292.78261 512.39991 C
+292.23411 511.46561 294.42076 510.18236 293.39717 509.46123 c
+292.96857 509.15906 292.53997 508.85688 292.11137 508.55499 C
+291.82592 508.37839 291.48236 508.15332 291.17735 508.07934 c
+290.94038 508.02180 290.75272 508.04561 290.46132 508.31093 C
+290.28898 508.60942 290.11663 508.90791 289.94428 509.20668 c
+289.81020 509.43912 290.61496 509.96551 290.95427 510.08967 c
+291.35792 510.23764 291.46904 510.65235 291.27260 510.92022 c
+291.09883 511.15663 290.64472 511.24422 290.51320 511.43386 c
+290.21074 511.87011 290.24022 512.33556 289.77789 512.53937 c
+289.53099 512.64794 288.85068 512.71597 288.57912 512.82369 c
+288.41669 512.88803 288.27099 513.24463 288.11225 513.23102 c
+287.93480 513.21572 287.93169 512.78457 287.78400 512.72872 c
+287.53540 512.63518 287.53228 512.65389 287.26469 512.51896 c
+286.98746 512.37921 286.54951 512.09036 286.37688 511.85452 c
+286.19235 511.60309 286.03616 511.12035 286.01433 510.79578 c
+285.98598 510.37540 285.91257 510.16280 286.07669 509.63754 c
+286.16287 509.36145 286.29184 509.13269 286.59231 508.85858 c
+286.86586 508.60857 287.07335 508.63946 287.33839 508.37924 c
+287.50450 508.21597 287.67061 508.05298 287.83672 507.88998 C
+287.97392 507.56031 288.11083 507.23093 288.24775 506.90154 c
+288.59357 506.06957 287.15386 505.14690 286.33408 504.82091 c
+285.70620 504.57118 285.46583 504.47906 285.25436 504.27836 c
+285.00236 504.03912 284.92129 503.40132 285.09987 503.10340 c
+285.28413 502.79556 285.38617 502.49480 285.38929 502.13112 C
+285.25606 501.28271 285.18435 501.44542 284.73987 500.97458 C
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+287.74205 502.74482 L
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+270.17178 493.43584 L
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+285.24416 459.94734 m
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+279.08561 481.52013 L
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+285.24416 459.94734 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+276.10809 459.94734 m
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+270.17178 481.52013 L
+270.17178 459.94734 L
+276.10809 459.94734 L
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+207.13209 459.94734 m
+220.81153 459.94734 L
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+207.13209 477.66274 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+270.17178 399.62211 L
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+459.62759 486.74750 460.01764 486.33761 460.19764 485.83757 c
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+456.21780 484.90753 456.23764 485.47757 456.46753 485.95748 c
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+457.59770 487.01764 l
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+463.42488 477.09751 463.40476 476.51754 463.17487 476.04756 c
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+265.34976 571.79849 l
+265.45946 571.81975 265.57909 571.84101 265.68879 571.86227 c
+266.05814 571.92661 266.42721 572.02072 266.76510 572.19477 c
+267.00406 572.30731 267.23197 572.47994 267.38986 572.68176 c
+267.55739 572.88387 267.66454 573.11490 267.73172 573.36576 c
+267.81789 573.71669 267.80400 574.07669 267.76970 574.43613 c
+267.75808 574.59600 267.73625 574.74567 267.71443 574.89534 c
+267.71443 574.89534 l
+265.76702 588.69411 l
+265.76702 588.69411 l
+265.73414 588.94384 265.71118 589.19357 265.63861 589.43282 c
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+265.30044 590.14913 265.14850 590.31751 264.95717 590.43515 c
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+263.90353 590.75320 263.52340 590.75858 263.14356 590.73449 c
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+262.81361 590.71068 l
+262.72630 591.36973 l
+280.13953 593.82822 l
+280.93294 588.25701 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
+280.30224 588.31994 280.27049 588.45940 280.22882 588.60907 c
+280.12450 589.00819 279.99978 589.40674 279.80561 589.78431 c
+279.53943 590.32120 279.13380 590.80677 278.63972 591.17102 c
+278.30665 591.42728 277.94438 591.63335 277.55263 591.76885 c
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+274.87134 591.87827 l
+271.59619 591.41083 l
+272.73912 583.29326 l
+272.73912 583.29326 l
+272.92876 583.31565 273.10847 583.34769 273.29811 583.36980 c
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+275.69197 584.80696 275.84646 585.29906 275.94085 585.78009 c
+276.08343 586.45191 276.11546 587.13222 276.09761 587.81197 c
+276.09647 587.91175 276.08542 588.01181 276.08428 588.11187 c
+276.08428 588.11187 l
+276.72350 588.19918 l
+278.10482 578.43411 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
+277.41373 578.51631 277.37178 578.68611 277.33011 578.85534 c
+277.20482 579.28394 277.09002 579.70261 276.91569 580.10088 c
+276.68948 580.64825 276.38334 581.17465 275.91902 581.54967 c
+275.64633 581.78636 275.32431 581.97288 274.97310 582.05877 c
+274.50170 582.19342 273.98239 582.12737 273.49313 582.06189 c
+273.30350 582.03978 273.11357 582.01767 272.92394 581.98535 c
+272.92394 581.98535 l
+273.95773 574.64674 l
+273.95773 574.64674 l
+273.98920 574.51720 274.01074 574.38709 274.07225 574.25811 c
+274.12356 574.13849 274.20463 574.01943 274.30583 573.94063 c
+274.49745 573.77282 274.76844 573.70592 275.03830 573.69912 c
+275.28860 573.69203 275.52841 573.72435 275.75773 573.75723 c
+275.75773 573.75723 l
+276.74646 573.89839 l
+276.74646 573.89839 l
+277.25528 573.98428 277.77487 574.06025 278.28340 574.16598 c
+278.83219 574.27228 279.38041 574.41855 279.87789 574.66403 c
+280.37509 574.90980 280.83118 575.25506 281.20649 575.66948 c
+281.56195 576.05329 281.85704 576.49663 282.07191 576.96945 c
+282.38457 577.61291 282.57647 578.31534 282.65839 579.01606 c
+282.69581 579.24680 282.71310 579.47698 282.74060 579.69723 c
+282.74060 579.69723 l
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+283.25934 573.69260 l
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+265.43679 571.16948 l
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+238.78290 581.01619 l
+238.68907 581.34529 238.59524 581.67411 238.44189 581.99244 c
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+235.41222 582.80769 l
+235.21408 583.49565 l
+246.11783 586.76031 l
+246.32561 586.07263 l
+246.32561 586.07263 l
+246.25587 586.05165 246.18614 586.03096 246.12633 586.01027 c
+245.91685 585.94762 245.71786 585.87534 245.52907 585.77357 c
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+244.49613 583.37150 244.60016 583.04268 244.69370 582.70365 c
+244.69370 582.70365 l
+246.33638 577.23194 l
+252.61540 579.11357 l
+251.02460 584.43591 l
+251.02460 584.43591 l
+250.91036 584.80469 250.79613 585.18340 250.64220 585.53150 c
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+247.78063 586.50888 l
+247.57285 587.19685 l
+258.45647 590.45102 l
+258.65433 589.76306 l
+258.65433 589.76306 l
+258.51487 589.72167 258.38532 589.67036 258.24586 589.61849 c
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+257.38072 589.18876 257.16302 589.00620 256.99521 588.79417 c
+256.84753 588.60255 256.74009 588.38145 256.68255 588.15071 c
+256.59609 587.85959 256.59978 587.52964 256.65307 587.22009 c
+256.69701 586.88079 256.80076 586.55197 256.90479 586.22315 c
+256.90479 586.22315 l
+260.60570 573.86438 l
+260.60570 573.86438 l
+260.70973 573.51543 260.80356 573.17669 260.93764 572.83795 c
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+263.69405 571.40957 263.90324 571.46173 264.12293 571.51446 c
+264.12293 571.51446 l
+264.29924 570.93647 l
+253.27616 567.64063 l
+253.10976 568.21861 l
+253.10976 568.21861 l
+253.35865 568.32123 253.61745 568.41449 253.86633 568.52731 c
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+254.92620 569.38961 254.98460 569.54013 255.02287 569.70057 c
+255.10961 569.99140 255.10592 570.31143 255.07247 570.62126 c
+255.02797 571.02066 254.91345 571.39937 254.80913 571.78828 c
+254.80913 571.78828 l
+253.01055 577.77817 l
+246.74173 575.89654 l
+248.59219 569.71729 l
+248.59219 569.71729 l
+248.67524 569.45792 248.76794 569.19912 248.88104 568.94060 c
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+249.38022 568.14605 249.59254 567.94847 249.84397 567.82148 c
+249.98485 567.75317 250.13537 567.70469 250.28561 567.67635 c
+250.57616 567.61965 250.87606 567.63298 251.16548 567.67635 c
+251.37524 567.70894 251.58444 567.77131 251.79392 567.82346 c
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+241.05713 563.98110 l
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+233.18589 576.34214 232.98293 576.57969 232.77005 576.81723 c
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+237.66265 567.85238 237.71962 568.12309 237.78652 568.40400 c
+237.78652 568.40400 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
+238.54819 566.50252 238.51020 566.35200 238.46173 566.19156 c
+238.08529 564.98712 237.47868 563.83030 236.65946 562.87077 c
+235.76230 561.74031 234.57231 560.85676 233.26923 560.24192 c
+232.21531 559.70986 231.08910 559.35694 229.92038 559.25376 c
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+218.58520 570.14504 218.57187 571.32510 218.80913 572.44791 c
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+220.88069 576.70157 222.03978 577.69512 223.30120 578.44942 c
+223.72809 578.71417 224.15556 578.94917 224.61307 579.15439 c
+225.20976 579.43134 225.82715 579.66831 226.47572 579.83584 c
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+228.86107 580.24290 229.33077 580.26841 229.81011 580.30384 c
+229.99011 580.31575 230.17011 580.31802 230.33934 580.39994 c
+230.43883 580.44104 230.53833 580.50227 230.60721 580.59269 c
+230.77474 580.80472 230.76113 581.11483 230.72769 581.40425 c
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+230.66135 581.96381 l
+230.66135 581.96381 l
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+206.28737 553.22391 l
+206.28737 553.22391 l
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+207.22904 552.21477 207.70328 551.84003 208.21635 551.56564 c
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+211.56633 550.72403 212.27669 550.69200 212.97543 550.80992 c
+213.87402 550.94031 214.75984 551.30031 215.52435 551.79893 c
+215.94132 552.05376 216.31833 552.34800 216.65395 552.70205 c
+217.03011 553.07622 217.35496 553.52013 217.54913 554.02243 c
+217.66564 554.32375 217.74217 554.64463 217.73849 554.96466 c
+217.75323 555.43493 217.60753 555.92306 217.34306 556.30998 c
+217.22060 556.51861 217.04854 556.69691 216.86655 556.86472 c
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+212.82066 557.36872 212.31156 557.28283 211.80274 557.19723 c
+211.80274 557.19723 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
+209.01713 556.76523 208.63786 556.71080 208.25830 556.66658 c
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+205.91887 556.59997 205.21786 556.70202 204.58488 556.95458 c
+204.07238 557.15896 203.59899 557.45348 203.17493 557.79874 c
+202.60998 558.25228 202.12356 558.79682 201.75647 559.42271 c
+201.30831 560.12740 201.00926 560.92450 200.90976 561.76328 c
+200.80035 562.59184 200.88028 563.45301 201.15156 564.24614 c
+201.44154 565.13934 201.95206 565.94551 202.56406 566.65219 c
+203.29455 567.51080 204.17641 568.22088 205.13991 568.79178 c
+205.72611 569.13846 206.32252 569.43524 206.96003 569.67279 c
+207.63723 569.92025 208.34532 570.08863 209.05455 570.18643 c
+209.31392 570.21959 209.57357 570.25247 209.83323 570.28564 c
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+211.35345 571.16296 211.34069 571.39257 211.27833 571.60205 c
+211.22646 571.75143 211.15502 571.88069 211.08359 572.01987 c
+211.08359 572.01987 l
+211.64939 572.36627 l
+214.81824 567.24208 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.14076 567.02438 214.00923 567.15279 213.87798 567.28120 c
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+207.29310 568.51625 206.59663 568.21833 205.97102 567.82148 c
+205.66346 567.62759 205.36554 567.41414 205.10844 567.17150 c
+204.77197 566.85742 204.49616 566.49430 204.32098 566.07222 c
+204.18435 565.77061 204.10809 565.43981 204.11178 565.11978 c
+204.12624 564.72009 204.26088 564.32154 204.47461 563.98394 c
+204.55654 563.83483 204.65773 563.70614 204.76913 563.57717 c
+204.97181 563.35946 205.23402 563.17266 205.51521 563.06580 c
+205.74624 562.96828 205.99682 562.92123 206.23720 562.90394 c
+206.60740 562.86822 206.97732 562.89231 207.34696 562.93654 c
+207.66643 562.98047 207.98589 563.03405 208.29515 563.08734 c
+208.29515 563.08734 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+212.05871 563.68035 212.51792 563.75575 212.98734 563.80110 c
+213.54661 563.86715 214.11609 563.90372 214.67650 563.89039 c
+215.36674 563.86828 216.05783 563.77587 216.71036 563.54343 c
+217.20246 563.37902 217.67528 563.13439 218.08885 562.82910 c
+218.77427 562.33672 219.32220 561.66293 219.76044 560.92819 c
+220.23921 560.17361 220.59893 559.33739 220.73868 558.45893 c
+220.87757 557.68054 220.85688 556.87039 220.66583 556.09795 c
+220.50425 555.33600 220.17231 554.61231 219.72983 553.96715 c
+218.94350 552.76809 217.78413 551.83493 216.55219 551.11068 c
+216.13521 550.85584 215.69783 550.62113 215.26016 550.41591 c
+214.55405 550.07802 213.80712 549.79937 213.04942 549.58082 c
+212.67071 549.46658 212.28180 549.37191 211.89288 549.26759 c
+211.89288 549.26759 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.13490 549.08901 210.99543 549.04706 210.85625 548.98583 c
+210.73691 548.93424 210.61729 548.87301 210.51808 548.80186 c
+210.33950 548.66976 210.17140 548.52775 210.06369 548.33669 c
+209.89672 548.04472 209.86129 547.65411 209.96504 547.33550 c
+209.96532 547.31565 209.97553 547.28561 209.98573 547.26548 c
+209.98573 547.26548 l
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+209.39017 546.88876 l
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+200.37685 541.85584 200.38394 542.09594 200.33121 542.31534 c
+200.27792 542.61468 200.12513 542.88312 199.95194 543.14107 c
+199.79943 543.37946 199.62652 543.60737 199.45417 543.83528 c
+199.45417 543.83528 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+190.89609 555.00831 190.79490 555.13729 190.67301 555.26627 c
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+189.34498 555.98088 189.15506 555.96898 188.96542 555.92674 c
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+187.92085 555.46469 187.67254 555.31191 187.42422 555.16904 c
+187.42422 555.16904 l
+187.01802 555.69458 l
+196.12913 562.65874 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.50529 562.11307 196.48573 562.09266 196.45597 562.07254 c
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+195.33317 560.55940 195.28498 560.38876 195.27732 560.20876 c
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+195.51827 559.23137 195.65065 559.04315 195.78246 558.85465 c
+195.78246 558.85465 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.72633 547.18583 204.88876 546.98740 205.06025 546.81931 c
+205.21191 546.68126 205.37348 546.56306 205.56425 546.47518 c
+205.81597 546.33798 206.11672 546.27165 206.40643 546.29461 c
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+207.49294 546.62712 207.79058 546.83065 208.06809 547.05373 c
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+208.11742 547.09427 208.14718 547.11468 208.16702 547.13480 c
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+199.40343 539.51443 l
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+182.68526 524.35304 182.93159 524.66570 183.10762 525.02769 c
+183.22469 525.25928 183.30180 525.50986 183.31909 525.77036 c
+183.32617 526.02038 183.28309 526.28003 183.18047 526.50879 c
+183.06737 526.78743 182.89446 527.02554 182.70198 527.25345 c
+182.50951 527.48107 182.30683 527.69906 182.10472 527.90655 c
+182.10472 527.90655 l
+171.92466 538.37121 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.23357 538.44350 171.04337 538.47099 170.85345 538.45909 c
+170.71370 538.44746 170.56375 538.42564 170.41436 538.38397 c
+170.07534 538.29014 169.74737 538.12630 169.45965 537.91285 c
+169.31083 537.80117 169.18243 537.66992 169.04381 537.54831 c
+169.04381 537.54831 l
+168.55824 538.05288 l
+174.42340 543.74003 l
+190.22712 541.76031 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.42709 548.75310 183.21477 548.95068 182.98290 549.10800 c
+182.83181 549.21628 182.67080 549.29424 182.50016 549.34243 c
+182.27934 549.41017 182.03953 549.41726 181.80992 549.36482 c
+181.66025 549.34299 181.51087 549.29140 181.37140 549.21969 c
+181.00346 549.04535 180.67663 548.78173 180.35943 548.51783 c
+180.28006 548.45717 180.21090 548.39622 180.14173 548.33528 c
+180.14173 548.33528 l
+179.65587 548.82992 l
+184.50255 553.53572 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.84980 552.90954 184.71118 552.77773 184.59298 552.63657 c
+184.43480 552.46479 184.28683 552.28309 184.17912 552.08183 c
+184.06176 551.86044 183.97446 551.61921 183.93704 551.37912 c
+183.90983 551.13874 183.92230 550.89865 183.98523 550.65969 c
+184.04816 550.41024 184.18082 550.17156 184.33332 549.96321 c
+184.43480 549.82431 184.53628 549.70554 184.64769 549.57713 c
+184.64769 549.57713 l
+196.80094 537.07465 l
+195.25776 535.58702 l
+174.12746 538.11638 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.43729 528.54180 183.60964 528.36378 183.81118 528.19597 c
+183.97304 528.05792 184.14425 527.94000 184.33559 527.84192 c
+184.55698 527.71436 184.80813 527.62734 185.06806 527.61033 c
+185.27839 527.59276 185.48816 527.62535 185.69735 527.67751 c
+186.02646 527.77106 186.33458 527.93490 186.60217 528.13786 c
+186.75099 528.24954 186.88961 528.37115 187.02822 528.49276 c
+187.02822 528.49276 l
+187.13707 528.60387 l
+187.59231 528.13899 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
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+166.95354 503.34236 l
+166.95354 503.34236 l
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+167.43373 504.21770 167.51169 504.38863 167.56980 504.55956 c
+167.65710 504.79030 167.72428 505.04117 167.71153 505.29118 c
+167.70954 505.46126 167.67780 505.62057 167.62564 505.77987 c
+167.54315 506.01912 167.40057 506.23739 167.22850 506.42532 c
+166.93455 506.78220 166.55131 507.04781 166.15814 507.31342 c
+166.15814 507.31342 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.14441 515.47861 154.87200 515.68554 154.56047 515.84173 c
+154.41931 515.92025 154.27871 515.97865 154.11827 516.01663 c
+153.84756 516.08381 153.54765 516.07049 153.26844 515.98687 c
+153.02920 515.91458 152.81065 515.80176 152.61250 515.64954 c
+152.32479 515.44630 152.07761 515.19345 151.85055 514.92076 c
+151.78139 514.84989 151.71222 514.76910 151.65326 514.68860 c
+151.65326 514.68860 l
+151.07839 515.11209 l
+157.85433 524.26998 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.39008 523.78583 158.35068 523.72545 158.31128 523.66507 c
+158.18343 523.49357 158.06523 523.31216 157.97764 523.11118 c
+157.86057 522.86995 157.77354 522.59896 157.76646 522.32882 c
+157.73924 522.08844 157.77213 521.84891 157.85461 521.62980 c
+157.94816 521.33074 158.13099 521.06287 158.35380 520.83553 c
+158.58652 520.57786 158.86885 520.37093 159.15118 520.17449 c
+159.15118 520.17449 l
+163.74047 516.76668 l
+167.64066 522.02154 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+162.86995 525.56740 162.54737 525.80353 162.21515 525.98948 c
+162.04422 526.07764 161.88321 526.14595 161.70265 526.20406 c
+161.46198 526.27124 161.21169 526.29817 160.98180 526.25565 c
+160.73235 526.22277 160.49367 526.10003 160.29524 525.94781 c
+160.02765 525.76469 159.80003 525.53225 159.57269 525.30945 c
+159.49389 525.21874 159.41480 525.13795 159.33543 525.05660 c
+159.33543 525.05660 l
+158.76057 525.48009 l
+165.52687 534.60822 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.02350 534.05348 165.93449 533.94265 165.85597 533.82189 c
+165.73833 533.62035 165.62069 533.41909 165.53310 533.19798 c
+165.42595 532.94683 165.35906 532.67584 165.35225 532.40598 c
+165.34488 532.16589 165.38769 531.92608 165.48009 531.70724 c
+165.59348 531.40847 165.78624 531.16072 166.01896 530.93339 c
+166.26161 530.69613 166.53402 530.49912 166.81635 530.29247 c
+166.81635 530.29247 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.46696 522.39345 177.75978 522.16668 178.06167 521.98016 c
+178.32387 521.81291 178.59543 521.66608 178.88627 521.57962 c
+179.12721 521.51216 179.39735 521.48523 179.64709 521.51811 c
+179.80696 521.53994 179.95663 521.58161 180.09581 521.64312 c
+180.43398 521.79704 180.72113 522.05046 180.96803 522.32343 c
+181.12620 522.49493 181.26454 522.65679 181.40258 522.82828 c
+181.40258 522.82828 l
+181.88646 522.47395 l
+175.04135 513.23499 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.70460 513.82148 174.85200 514.05307 174.97928 514.29458 c
+175.05751 514.45531 175.13575 514.61603 175.20378 514.78696 c
+175.28117 515.00778 175.32850 515.23852 175.31575 515.46841 c
+175.31405 515.62857 175.27238 515.77795 175.21058 515.92734 c
+175.09720 516.21591 174.90444 516.47357 174.69184 516.69128 c
+174.41858 516.98835 174.09572 517.23468 173.78277 517.47109 c
+173.78277 517.47109 l
+168.76035 521.19383 l
+164.85987 515.92904 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.26583 511.93049 170.49742 511.78309 170.72929 511.64561 c
+170.93027 511.53817 171.13153 511.45058 171.34214 511.38283 c
+171.61313 511.30602 171.90340 511.26945 172.18290 511.33238 c
+172.33257 511.35420 172.48195 511.40580 172.62113 511.47751 c
+172.88986 511.61046 173.11776 511.78309 173.32554 511.99540 c
+173.47380 512.14706 173.61184 512.31883 173.73969 512.49033 c
+173.73969 512.49033 l
+174.22384 512.13572 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
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+148.62728 511.69408 l
+154.32236 508.63861 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+153.73729 508.18195 153.42690 508.24828 153.12614 508.30498 c
+152.53483 508.41808 151.93389 508.49150 151.33436 508.44472 c
+150.75496 508.40787 150.18633 508.27153 149.65880 508.04532 c
+149.15112 507.83953 148.68454 507.55436 148.26841 507.19946 c
+147.75335 506.76350 147.31965 506.21868 147.03676 505.60526 c
+146.76293 505.05222 146.60986 504.43058 146.62715 503.81036 c
+146.61638 502.97046 146.91600 502.13395 147.37436 501.41906 c
+147.79219 500.71380 148.35912 500.13014 148.96517 499.59694 c
+149.99556 498.68872 151.16428 497.93216 152.38148 497.28557 c
+153.41811 496.71751 154.49414 496.21975 155.61836 495.84246 c
+156.61219 495.50372 157.64542 495.24576 158.69537 495.24775 c
+159.36548 495.23528 160.04466 495.32287 160.67140 495.59017 c
+161.49770 495.91956 162.24038 496.56813 162.66161 497.35304 c
+162.82857 497.62488 162.94507 497.92620 163.05165 498.23745 c
+163.24469 498.83981 163.34759 499.48101 163.34022 500.11087 c
+163.35354 500.69083 163.27701 501.27024 163.15058 501.82866 c
+162.99298 502.50699 162.77556 503.15471 162.50825 503.79165 c
+162.40507 504.06038 162.29225 504.31918 162.16923 504.57798 c
+162.16923 504.57798 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.92161 503.50762 163.98340 503.34831 164.03499 503.19893 c
+164.45849 502.00384 164.66343 500.72598 164.58775 499.45521 c
+164.54409 498.01465 164.12031 496.59959 163.44482 495.32173 c
+162.91672 494.27546 162.21742 493.31764 161.35654 492.52762 c
+160.27795 491.52557 158.92611 490.78998 157.49036 490.41354 c
+156.27430 490.05950 154.98510 489.96482 153.74324 490.15077 c
+152.26101 490.33389 150.84454 490.89770 149.53635 491.61317 c
+148.45975 492.18066 147.46167 492.85928 146.59228 493.68954 c
+145.75323 494.47984 145.03266 495.41187 144.55077 496.45644 c
+144.06945 497.44091 143.79676 498.52800 143.75424 499.62756 c
+143.65757 501.09647 143.99065 502.59033 144.55531 503.93707 c
+144.73984 504.40932 144.95471 504.85153 145.18998 505.29430 c
+145.50321 505.87795 145.85698 506.43184 146.27112 506.94690 c
+146.67506 507.47131 147.11981 507.94639 147.59490 508.39172 c
+147.94129 508.71572 148.29789 509.02016 148.66413 509.32431 c
+148.80302 509.43572 148.94164 509.55732 149.02980 509.71833 c
+149.08876 509.80904 149.12731 509.92951 149.12617 510.02929 c
+149.14318 510.30964 148.94022 510.55739 148.73754 510.76517 c
+148.60602 510.91370 148.47449 511.04211 148.34324 511.16060 c
+148.34324 511.16060 l
+148.34324 511.16060 l
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+151.54923 468.54425 m
+150.95679 468.76762 l
+150.95679 468.76762 l
+150.99534 468.87817 151.03417 468.98872 151.07301 469.09899 c
+151.18866 469.45049 151.29468 469.82154 151.30035 470.20167 c
+151.31707 470.47181 151.28419 470.74139 151.18157 470.99027 c
+151.08860 471.22923 150.93638 471.43757 150.75411 471.61559 c
+150.49134 471.86249 150.16961 472.02888 149.83795 472.17515 c
+149.68715 472.23326 149.54655 472.29194 149.40567 472.35033 c
+149.40567 472.35033 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.18630 477.47962 135.95528 477.57713 135.71461 477.63468 c
+135.52413 477.68230 135.33392 477.71008 135.13380 477.69789 c
+134.91411 477.68513 134.69471 477.63298 134.50592 477.52072 c
+134.28680 477.41811 134.10879 477.23613 133.96110 477.05443 c
+133.71420 476.76161 133.51833 476.42939 133.35194 476.08753 c
+133.30346 475.98690 133.26463 475.88655 133.21559 475.78592 c
+133.21559 475.78592 l
+132.59282 476.02885 l
+138.95603 492.43238 l
+144.19956 490.40220 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.83559 489.88800 143.69499 489.92627 143.55468 489.96482 c
+143.15329 490.07027 142.74227 490.15531 142.32217 490.17061 c
+141.72180 490.20378 141.09335 490.07679 140.53578 489.83017 c
+140.15764 489.66605 139.80019 489.44183 139.49348 489.16828 c
+139.06772 488.79354 138.73323 488.29946 138.47896 487.78668 c
+138.33241 487.49499 138.20570 487.18346 138.07928 486.88214 c
+138.07928 486.88214 l
+136.88447 483.79833 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.59669 481.00620 144.66472 481.17657 144.73276 481.35742 c
+144.88838 481.73924 145.02387 482.13099 145.04910 482.55109 c
+145.08482 482.93178 145.00998 483.34082 144.84614 483.68891 c
+144.65083 484.14671 144.29679 484.52258 143.92290 484.84857 c
+143.40784 485.29276 142.83354 485.65616 142.23005 485.96910 c
+142.13934 486.01843 142.04920 486.05726 141.95849 486.10630 c
+141.95849 486.10630 l
+142.19150 486.70894 l
+151.39276 483.14353 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+150.98910 482.58907 150.80854 482.63698 150.63817 482.67496 c
+150.21694 482.78013 149.79572 482.87537 149.35521 482.92016 c
+148.77468 482.98365 148.16466 482.96665 147.61672 482.76028 c
+147.26835 482.63641 146.95058 482.44280 146.70340 482.18995 c
+146.35729 481.83591 146.15291 481.35373 145.96809 480.89169 c
+145.90006 480.71083 145.83231 480.52998 145.76428 480.35906 c
+145.76428 480.35906 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.80583 477.63921 152.92602 477.60066 153.06633 477.58224 c
+153.19644 477.57402 153.33647 477.58535 153.45581 477.63666 c
+153.70498 477.71943 153.89235 477.93175 154.01991 478.15313 c
+154.15767 478.36460 154.24469 478.59591 154.32236 478.81672 c
+154.32236 478.81672 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.86633 480.23291 155.05058 480.72501 155.21499 481.21710 c
+155.37912 481.74888 155.52283 482.29058 155.54665 482.85071 c
+155.58009 483.40148 155.50384 483.97039 155.31761 484.49820 c
+155.16198 484.99654 154.91650 485.46397 154.61178 485.89030 c
+154.20529 486.47565 153.67918 486.97994 153.11452 487.40372 c
+152.92261 487.54120 152.74120 487.67924 152.54986 487.80709 c
+152.54986 487.80709 l
+152.80214 488.45991 l
+158.04850 485.31940 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
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+131.44422 472.39569 l
+136.67896 471.12520 l
+136.52617 470.46331 l
+136.52617 470.46331 l
+136.41591 470.49194 136.31584 470.52085 136.20557 470.53984 c
+136.05506 470.56791 135.90482 470.58633 135.74494 470.60419 c
+135.28431 470.63934 134.82397 470.66372 134.36476 470.58860 c
+133.92539 470.52369 133.49735 470.36891 133.10986 470.13420 c
+132.74249 469.90998 132.40573 469.62624 132.16961 469.27361 c
+131.87424 468.87024 131.73024 468.36850 131.59559 467.87698 c
+131.53805 467.66608 131.49071 467.44554 131.43288 467.23493 c
+131.43288 467.23493 l
+131.13666 466.01150 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+147.12208 462.12350 147.31257 462.07559 147.50306 462.06794 c
+147.65301 462.04951 147.81288 462.06113 147.97276 462.09317 c
+148.23213 462.13597 148.48101 462.23887 148.69928 462.39137 c
+148.89798 462.52375 149.06551 462.70573 149.19335 462.90699 c
+149.39008 463.18932 149.50658 463.51077 149.61288 463.83194 c
+149.66107 463.97254 149.70954 464.12306 149.74809 464.26365 c
+149.74809 464.26365 l
+150.39978 464.11087 l
+147.64847 452.79893 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+147.02513 453.09175 147.05348 453.23206 147.08211 453.36246 c
+147.13824 453.69298 147.19465 454.01386 147.17083 454.34353 c
+147.14759 454.61339 147.08466 454.88268 146.95200 455.11115 c
+146.80913 455.36967 146.58661 455.57717 146.33490 455.74413 c
+145.99219 455.99017 145.59052 456.13559 145.17893 456.25096 c
+144.96831 456.30850 144.75770 456.36605 144.54709 456.41395 c
+144.54709 456.41395 l
+129.67483 460.03465 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.14986 457.83836 129.11216 457.62775 129.08466 457.41742 c
+129.05830 457.10731 129.06198 456.78728 129.13540 456.48794 c
+129.20967 456.10894 129.37380 455.74101 129.58753 455.42324 c
+129.79106 455.12532 130.04362 454.85830 130.31660 454.62132 c
+130.80104 454.21710 131.35493 453.91323 131.93745 453.69978 c
+132.05764 453.65131 132.16819 453.61247 132.28866 453.57392 c
+132.28866 453.57392 l
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+132.15515 453.02230 l
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+360.54312 280.31046 l
+375.57553 287.57934 l
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+377.94756 267.39893 l
+377.94756 267.39893 l
+378.21061 267.52422 378.47395 267.64951 378.72170 267.80031 c
+379.20189 268.06904 379.64381 268.42025 379.99956 268.83581 c
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+381.16006 271.00630 381.30094 271.73594 381.35622 272.47181 c
+381.42283 273.28535 381.37124 274.12016 381.17565 274.90280 c
+381.14220 275.03461 381.10365 275.17493 381.07020 275.30674 c
+381.07020 275.30674 l
+381.73011 275.62677 l
+384.06926 269.11304 l
+367.75106 261.22507 l
+369.58649 283.41723 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+365.89011 281.62318 365.66986 281.52425 365.45953 281.40775 c
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+363.99175 280.33824 363.66661 279.92976 363.43984 279.47537 c
+363.22639 279.07597 363.09203 278.64312 363.03477 278.19836 c
+362.94973 277.60791 363.00841 277.01150 363.09798 276.42217 c
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+360.55871 274.47789 l
+360.51846 274.58220 360.48699 274.69191 360.45241 274.78743 c
+360.38608 274.93455 360.31635 275.06778 360.24718 275.20129 c
+360.02494 275.60438 359.79761 276.01625 359.48636 276.35386 c
+359.18929 276.68806 358.83439 276.96359 358.42337 277.15805 c
+358.03417 277.35449 357.61493 277.48545 357.18775 277.49480 c
+356.68346 277.51550 356.18910 277.36639 355.70778 277.21417 c
+355.49405 277.14246 355.28031 277.07074 355.07991 276.99562 c
+355.07991 276.99562 l
+353.88907 276.58658 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.31090 261.04961 359.37553 260.86649 359.46595 260.69896 c
+359.54022 260.55723 359.63546 260.43959 359.74431 260.31827 c
+359.92233 260.12239 360.14627 259.96592 360.39231 259.86983 c
+360.61909 259.78564 360.86145 259.73405 361.10296 259.74085 c
+361.43575 259.73263 361.77137 259.79669 362.10529 259.88287 c
+362.24561 259.92142 362.39471 259.96535 362.53474 260.00391 c
+362.53474 260.00391 l
+362.76208 259.38142 l
+351.77329 255.54643 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.67606 256.22504 351.81128 256.27209 351.93288 256.32255 c
+352.24072 256.45153 352.54346 256.58901 352.80964 256.78630 c
+353.02110 256.93852 353.21017 257.14743 353.33405 257.38639 c
+353.46926 257.64491 353.53417 257.94198 353.53247 258.23339 c
+353.55005 258.66567 353.44800 259.08350 353.32894 259.49083 c
+353.26233 259.69606 353.19572 259.90157 353.12400 260.11559 c
+353.12400 260.11559 l
+348.07635 274.55726 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+345.94951 273.80069 345.74910 273.72557 345.55975 273.63345 c
+345.28450 273.48945 345.02145 273.30576 344.80176 273.09005 c
+344.52397 272.81565 344.31335 272.48825 344.15972 272.12542 c
+344.02139 271.79546 343.92926 271.44652 343.88362 271.07915 c
+343.80539 270.45780 343.85414 269.82000 343.98992 269.21225 c
+344.01317 269.09745 344.04123 268.97414 344.07298 268.86472 c
+344.07298 268.86472 l
+343.54091 268.68104 l
+343.54091 268.68104 l
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+334.25915 250.85254 m
+334.12167 251.42457 l
+334.12167 251.42457 l
+334.38699 251.52746 334.65203 251.63036 334.91225 251.74205 c
+335.07269 251.80469 335.23710 251.88094 335.39074 251.97449 c
+335.60107 252.09099 335.80403 252.23811 335.95370 252.43455 c
+336.09657 252.60350 336.20003 252.81893 336.24482 253.03323 c
+336.30973 253.33058 336.28365 253.64239 336.23206 253.93890 c
+336.18557 254.22661 336.12180 254.50413 336.05858 254.78135 c
+336.05858 254.78135 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.78400 268.46476 332.73808 268.63597 332.68904 268.79329 c
+332.62072 269.02120 332.52180 269.24173 332.38488 269.42769 c
+332.26186 269.61052 332.11020 269.76387 331.92595 269.87414 c
+331.76381 269.98611 331.57814 270.06038 331.39077 270.09865 c
+331.12148 270.15676 330.83490 270.14627 330.54548 270.12246 c
+330.25550 270.09780 329.97118 270.06548 329.67808 270.02750 c
+329.67808 270.02750 l
+329.52104 270.66954 l
+340.67537 273.32901 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.79301 272.67449 340.77061 272.67279 340.73972 272.66542 c
+340.46759 272.59342 340.19206 272.50753 339.94233 272.37912 c
+339.67077 272.24844 339.41991 272.08403 339.21354 271.86491 c
+339.08910 271.74246 338.98876 271.59931 338.90769 271.44425 c
+338.78409 271.20529 338.72060 270.94394 338.72400 270.68854 c
+338.71691 270.45014 338.76312 270.22054 338.81783 269.99631 c
+338.81783 269.99631 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.23329 255.69666 342.30699 255.46054 342.40280 255.22611 c
+342.48104 255.03987 342.57685 254.86356 342.70639 254.70822 c
+342.89150 254.48145 343.13953 254.30485 343.40428 254.19685 c
+343.65005 254.10047 343.91792 254.06476 344.17332 254.06787 c
+344.53701 254.06702 344.89304 254.15518 345.23773 254.22406 c
+345.24595 254.22945 345.25984 254.22605 345.26806 254.23115 c
+345.29896 254.23824 345.32986 254.24561 345.36076 254.25241 c
+345.36076 254.25241 l
+345.53707 253.54035 l
+334.25915 250.85254 l
+334.25915 250.85254 l
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+308.86923 247.55641 m
+308.79326 248.20072 l
+308.79326 248.20072 l
+308.89446 248.22709 309.00047 248.24494 309.11499 248.26791 c
+309.50419 248.34076 309.89083 248.43600 310.24290 248.62677 c
+310.48072 248.73647 310.70098 248.89408 310.85915 249.09562 c
+311.02753 249.28016 311.14290 249.51430 311.19420 249.75638 c
+311.27811 250.04183 311.28803 250.35222 311.27244 250.64702 c
+311.25685 250.94183 311.21887 251.23493 311.18117 251.52803 c
+311.18117 251.52803 l
+309.41376 266.02384 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+308.90324 266.49723 308.76690 266.62479 308.61014 266.72854 c
+308.49137 266.80847 308.35531 266.87764 308.21613 266.93348 c
+307.88589 267.07209 307.52504 267.14494 307.17524 267.14268 c
+306.98674 267.14523 306.80504 267.11631 306.62674 267.10157 c
+306.62674 267.10157 l
+306.54170 267.79890 l
+314.64028 268.78507 l
+326.03584 257.64661 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.85096 267.32211 324.80447 267.60983 324.71008 267.88025 c
+324.65055 268.05487 324.57912 268.21049 324.46857 268.35392 c
+324.33165 268.53959 324.14910 268.68586 323.93424 268.78932 c
+323.79817 268.85849 323.65020 268.90923 323.49883 268.94580 c
+323.09717 269.02885 322.67735 269.00731 322.26576 268.99115 c
+322.17137 268.99200 322.07357 268.97924 321.97946 268.98038 c
+321.97946 268.98038 l
+321.89953 269.66948 l
+328.60346 270.48501 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.49631 269.77606 328.31461 269.74743 328.12469 269.71370 c
+327.89820 269.68139 327.67087 269.61279 327.45883 269.51896 c
+327.23830 269.41975 327.02967 269.28113 326.85591 269.10510 c
+326.67704 268.93757 326.54126 268.73773 326.45679 268.51068 c
+326.34709 268.26803 326.31109 268.00072 326.30598 267.73994 c
+326.30173 267.57354 326.31165 267.40346 326.31619 267.24246 c
+326.31619 267.24246 l
+328.43424 249.93950 l
+326.29748 249.68041 l
+311.01052 264.47868 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.62882 251.22699 312.66312 250.97868 312.71953 250.73206 c
+312.76375 250.52485 312.83008 250.31934 312.92249 250.12970 c
+313.03191 249.89216 313.18101 249.66652 313.36554 249.49814 c
+313.52598 249.34989 313.71874 249.24501 313.91291 249.17556 c
+314.22954 249.04063 314.57452 248.99301 314.91609 248.99017 c
+315.09071 248.99159 315.28261 249.00293 315.46120 249.01795 c
+315.46120 249.01795 l
+315.62561 249.03609 l
+315.70186 248.39178 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
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+276.13106 248.63641 m
+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.29320 249.27392 276.42359 249.27137 276.55398 249.26882 c
+276.85417 249.27591 277.14076 249.28639 277.43159 249.34649 c
+277.69181 249.39978 277.94863 249.49729 278.16038 249.64980 c
+278.36362 249.79691 278.53540 249.99534 278.66069 250.21219 c
+278.84891 250.53761 278.92545 250.91178 278.97109 251.27915 c
+279.03203 251.67912 279.05669 252.08079 279.09524 252.47906 c
+279.09524 252.47906 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66671 265.51843 279.67153 265.83761 279.66756 266.15140 c
+279.65934 266.35720 279.64602 266.57150 279.60718 266.76992 c
+279.55389 267.03043 279.46998 267.28356 279.30898 267.49020 c
+279.19134 267.66425 279.00850 267.81080 278.82964 267.91257 c
+278.50422 268.10050 278.15216 268.17902 277.78819 268.23827 c
+277.57871 268.27455 277.36583 268.29723 277.15323 268.31962 c
+277.15323 268.31962 l
+277.17449 268.97698 l
+285.94063 268.57814 l
+290.62913 255.86107 l
+296.53597 268.09880 l
+305.20290 267.70961 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.07335 267.05679 304.97046 267.05282 304.85906 267.04375 c
+304.60365 267.04006 304.35846 267.01994 304.11184 266.96324 c
+303.83773 266.91364 303.57581 266.82406 303.34535 266.68375 c
+303.10951 266.55165 302.91024 266.36031 302.76765 266.13269 c
+302.61969 265.91386 302.52019 265.65449 302.47909 265.39512 c
+302.45244 265.22702 302.43487 265.06403 302.42239 264.89225 c
+302.42239 264.89225 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.77581 250.49565 301.75682 250.23827 301.77383 249.97946 c
+301.77836 249.81846 301.79991 249.66737 301.83024 249.52195 c
+301.89033 249.23083 302.00372 248.94850 302.19194 248.73534 c
+302.36995 248.53918 302.61940 248.39858 302.87055 248.29398 c
+303.22828 248.14857 303.61124 248.07742 303.99222 248.02838 c
+304.10022 248.02413 304.21361 248.01109 304.31339 248.00145 c
+304.31339 248.00145 l
+304.28986 247.36677 l
+292.64995 247.88920 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.89288 248.52841 293.12617 248.53011 293.34047 248.54343 c
+293.50998 248.55307 293.66957 248.58000 293.83710 248.61203 c
+294.16450 248.67071 294.47915 248.76879 294.75099 248.95757 c
+294.92476 249.07521 295.08690 249.23254 295.19717 249.41679 c
+295.35364 249.64072 295.43924 249.90350 295.48885 250.16825 c
+295.53874 250.43244 295.55235 250.69861 295.56085 250.97301 c
+295.56085 250.97301 l
+296.16321 264.28876 l
+288.38863 248.08082 l
+287.46057 248.12419 l
+281.06901 265.59950 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43093 251.47729 280.42243 251.20290 280.45020 250.92709 c
+280.47940 250.62888 280.54460 250.32926 280.67528 250.05742 c
+280.78299 249.84198 280.92501 249.64753 281.11294 249.49276 c
+281.26800 249.35272 281.45594 249.25635 281.65521 249.17868 c
+282.02145 249.03893 282.42142 248.97770 282.81260 248.97033 c
+282.91209 248.96069 283.00620 248.95956 283.10060 248.95843 c
+283.10060 248.95843 l
+283.06885 248.31836 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
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+253.87880 252.80050 m
+254.00693 253.41704 l
+254.00693 253.41704 l
+254.12031 253.40428 254.23002 253.37735 254.34369 253.36460 c
+254.71616 253.31017 255.09685 253.26142 255.46876 253.32406 c
+255.73946 253.36006 255.99798 253.43546 256.22844 253.57578 c
+256.45068 253.71099 256.62784 253.90091 256.76702 254.11436 c
+256.97083 254.41427 257.07657 254.75981 257.16869 255.10847 c
+257.20526 255.25956 257.22850 255.41405 257.26535 255.56513 c
+257.26535 255.56513 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+260.03962 269.46652 260.09972 269.71370 260.11020 269.96598 c
+260.13487 270.15676 260.12324 270.34866 260.07562 270.54198 c
+260.04019 270.75430 259.93757 270.96151 259.79754 271.13357 c
+259.64702 271.32321 259.45030 271.47260 259.24706 271.59477 c
+258.90831 271.78639 258.54690 271.91792 258.18463 272.01317 c
+258.08315 272.04491 257.97317 272.07184 257.87197 272.10387 c
+257.87197 272.10387 l
+258.00151 272.75613 l
+275.26167 269.31061 l
+274.15531 263.80176 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.58639 264.06369 273.60057 264.21279 273.61502 264.36246 c
+273.64847 264.76894 273.66293 265.18762 273.59660 265.60375 c
+273.52403 266.20384 273.30435 266.79572 272.95625 267.30964 c
+272.73430 267.65433 272.45594 267.97663 272.13024 268.22353 c
+271.67868 268.58069 271.14718 268.81909 270.60406 268.98009 c
+270.27780 269.07420 269.95323 269.14564 269.62838 269.21707 c
+269.62838 269.21707 l
+266.38809 269.86649 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.96255 261.78633 265.14964 261.74806 265.33162 261.71858 c
+265.73357 261.63524 266.15254 261.56239 266.56243 261.60123 c
+266.94964 261.63808 267.33260 261.77783 267.65008 262.00630 c
+268.06706 262.28324 268.37490 262.68151 268.62576 263.11521 c
+268.98548 263.69745 269.24202 264.33383 269.44894 264.97474 c
+269.47219 265.07083 269.50932 265.16381 269.53257 265.25991 c
+269.53257 265.25991 l
+270.16299 265.12866 l
+268.23685 255.46734 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.61918 255.77008 267.63165 255.94186 267.64753 256.12696 c
+267.67899 256.55613 267.69685 256.98841 267.67361 257.43090 c
+267.63364 258.01512 267.51657 258.61124 267.20957 259.11524 c
+267.03439 259.44180 266.78211 259.72129 266.48731 259.91660 c
+266.07742 260.20545 265.57427 260.32054 265.08643 260.40983 c
+264.89395 260.45660 264.71225 260.48636 264.52488 260.52463 c
+264.52488 260.52463 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.06079 253.12309 263.03584 252.99099 263.04718 252.85720 c
+263.05824 252.72369 263.10019 252.59698 263.17304 252.47735 c
+263.29436 252.25880 263.53559 252.11282 263.77285 252.01162 c
+264.00501 251.91865 264.24198 251.87556 264.48406 251.82397 c
+264.48406 251.82397 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.97112 251.53540 266.48646 251.43931 266.99953 251.36532 c
+267.54888 251.29020 268.11354 251.24769 268.65496 251.31969 c
+269.21537 251.38006 269.76104 251.56035 270.25002 251.83446 c
+270.71490 252.07058 271.13641 252.39770 271.50435 252.77386 c
+272.01033 253.26935 272.41824 253.86888 272.73288 254.50554 c
+272.84145 254.71191 272.93613 254.92167 273.02230 255.12633 c
+273.02230 255.12633 l
+273.71594 254.98715 l
+271.52731 249.27534 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
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+227.02819 261.99751 m
+227.23200 262.56614 l
+227.23200 262.56614 l
+227.49335 262.50293 227.76265 262.44482 228.03562 262.40031 c
+228.20939 262.36517 228.39137 262.33569 228.57137 262.32831 c
+228.82365 262.31783 229.08246 262.33483 229.32709 262.41364 c
+229.47619 262.45757 229.62643 262.53751 229.75285 262.63757 c
+229.95581 262.78498 230.12787 262.98312 230.25317 263.20025 c
+230.50800 263.58945 230.65427 264.04157 230.79713 264.47981 c
+230.79713 264.47981 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
+235.37197 277.40494 235.48819 277.73320 235.54970 278.07506 c
+235.58117 278.23465 235.59534 278.38403 235.59109 278.54504 c
+235.57209 278.82624 235.46721 279.11367 235.31301 279.34781 c
+235.17439 279.55587 234.99865 279.72964 234.80192 279.87959 c
+234.51902 280.09361 234.20098 280.25093 233.87953 280.39465 c
+233.78117 280.44057 233.68819 280.47742 233.59578 280.51455 c
+233.59578 280.51455 l
+233.83446 281.19883 l
+244.57351 277.38794 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.26369 276.74277 244.19509 276.75950 244.13499 276.78132 c
+243.92693 276.85389 243.71575 276.91257 243.50258 276.93496 c
+243.23811 276.98485 242.96060 276.97975 242.68309 276.91597 c
+242.45887 276.86126 242.23805 276.76205 242.05209 276.62542 c
+241.78904 276.44202 241.59033 276.19200 241.43414 275.90967 c
+241.26633 275.60863 241.15011 275.28009 241.02879 274.96035 c
+241.02879 274.96035 l
+239.11937 269.55921 l
+245.29748 267.37342 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.27918 272.98261 247.41071 273.34375 247.49065 273.73181 c
+247.53402 273.91039 247.54989 274.09578 247.55216 274.28457 c
+247.55386 274.53118 247.49745 274.77808 247.38945 274.99351 c
+247.27663 275.21745 247.09550 275.39972 246.89395 275.55789 c
+246.64365 275.75688 246.35310 275.90740 246.06737 276.04970 c
+245.96391 276.10413 245.86101 276.15827 245.75754 276.21241 c
+245.75754 276.21241 l
+246.00189 276.88819 l
+256.70778 273.09260 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.32595 272.45027 256.19216 272.49732 256.04957 272.53928 c
+255.82450 272.60135 255.59603 272.64983 255.35225 272.66485 c
+255.08466 272.70113 254.81197 272.68753 254.54466 272.60674 c
+254.31732 272.53814 254.10189 272.43043 253.92104 272.28529 c
+253.66847 272.08460 253.48847 271.82268 253.34107 271.54573 c
+253.17326 271.24441 253.06554 270.92126 252.95811 270.59839 c
+252.95811 270.59839 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.52784 258.08910 248.40822 257.74696 248.30249 257.40170 c
+248.22397 257.10775 248.15537 256.79679 248.16246 256.49688 c
+248.16586 256.24148 248.21915 255.98098 248.33197 255.75704 c
+248.39830 255.60992 248.48135 255.47329 248.58510 255.36104 c
+248.82350 255.08466 249.15430 254.88765 249.48595 254.72721 c
+249.68750 254.62687 249.89216 254.54098 250.09682 254.45480 c
+250.09682 254.45480 l
+249.89301 253.88589 l
+239.05814 257.72003 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.52274 258.22573 239.78948 258.15373 240.05367 258.10384 c
+240.23565 258.07436 240.40942 258.03921 240.59764 258.03723 c
+240.82753 258.02476 241.06422 258.04006 241.27285 258.12028 c
+241.42535 258.17811 241.56170 258.26117 241.67934 258.35641 c
+241.92879 258.54321 242.10879 258.80513 242.27008 259.07868 c
+242.46482 259.43159 242.60485 259.79783 242.74828 260.17767 c
+242.74828 260.17767 l
+244.82750 266.06863 l
+238.64939 268.25443 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.41852 261.91984 236.33802 261.64857 236.27991 261.37871 c
+236.23483 261.16413 236.20365 260.94614 236.20847 260.72674 c
+236.21046 260.43506 236.26573 260.15244 236.39386 259.90299 c
+236.46869 259.76098 236.56394 259.64334 236.67250 259.52230 c
+236.86951 259.31452 237.11754 259.13764 237.37578 259.00214 c
+237.56343 258.90576 237.76271 258.82781 237.97077 258.75581 c
+237.97077 258.75581 l
+237.76696 258.18661 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
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+232.26378 282.22101 m
+232.79357 281.94661 l
+229.81833 276.20050 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.35628 276.78586 229.42460 277.09654 229.47591 277.39729 c
+229.58362 277.98945 229.63606 278.59521 229.58561 279.19701 c
+229.54280 279.76791 229.39654 280.33427 229.16863 280.86293 c
+228.94753 281.36041 228.65272 281.82501 228.29499 282.23972 c
+227.84910 282.74088 227.30627 283.17118 226.68208 283.44643 c
+226.12110 283.71402 225.49946 283.85036 224.88548 283.83959 c
+224.03849 283.82712 223.21219 283.51134 222.50183 283.04362 c
+221.80139 282.61701 221.22539 282.04384 220.70636 281.43524 c
+219.81118 280.38643 219.07446 279.21203 218.44120 277.98350 c
+217.88702 276.93184 217.40712 275.85496 217.04400 274.72082 c
+216.71433 273.72416 216.47764 272.69008 216.49861 271.63701 c
+216.49578 270.96831 216.59301 270.28970 216.86457 269.67061 c
+217.21635 268.84290 217.86945 268.11638 218.65748 267.70677 c
+218.94009 267.55087 219.23745 267.42756 219.54161 267.33175 c
+220.14992 267.14013 220.78998 267.05027 221.43487 267.06813 c
+222.01455 267.05792 222.58176 267.14580 223.14501 267.27817 c
+223.81824 267.44202 224.46312 267.67077 225.09950 267.95310 c
+225.35915 268.06450 225.61398 268.18441 225.87392 268.29609 c
+225.87392 268.29609 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.83247 266.52614 224.68025 266.46860 224.52293 266.41956 c
+223.33351 265.98813 222.06104 265.75143 220.79509 265.81181 c
+219.35764 265.82655 217.92813 266.23219 216.64261 266.90117 c
+215.58643 267.40517 214.61811 268.09172 213.81987 268.94069 c
+212.79770 270.00397 212.04482 271.33710 211.65109 272.77143 c
+211.27606 273.98353 211.15984 275.27074 211.32482 276.51855 c
+211.47987 277.99455 212.02951 279.41811 212.73080 280.74671 c
+213.29150 281.82557 213.93836 282.84009 214.76239 283.71657 c
+215.53058 284.57065 216.45694 285.29858 217.49641 285.80287 c
+218.47380 286.29298 219.55776 286.58976 220.65647 286.65014 c
+222.12397 286.75928 223.62151 286.45370 224.98696 285.90321 c
+225.45468 285.73143 225.90709 285.52706 226.34419 285.28980 c
+226.92557 284.98847 227.49392 284.63187 228.01635 284.23559 c
+228.53849 283.83959 229.02009 283.39483 229.48072 282.92655 c
+229.80557 282.58554 230.12164 282.23943 230.42580 281.87433 c
+230.54513 281.73628 230.66447 281.59824 230.81924 281.51688 c
+230.92243 281.46274 231.02901 281.42220 231.14580 281.42306 c
+231.41169 281.40945 231.65915 281.61836 231.86154 281.82359 c
+232.01178 281.96192 232.13622 282.08466 232.26378 282.22101 c
+232.26378 282.22101 l
+232.26378 282.22101 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+453.05490 401.49468 472.56491 420.99477 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+456.78501 401.49468 m
+457.93502 408.54472 l
+453.05490 413.54476 l
+459.80476 414.57487 l
+462.81487 420.99477 l
+465.81477 414.57487 l
+472.56491 413.54476 l
+467.67487 408.54472 l
+468.82488 401.49468 l
+462.79502 404.83474 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+123.99619 401.78126 143.50620 421.28135 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+127.72630 401.78126 m
+128.87631 408.83131 l
+123.99619 413.83134 l
+130.74633 414.86145 l
+133.75616 421.28135 l
+136.75635 414.86145 l
+143.50620 413.83134 l
+138.61616 408.83131 l
+139.76617 401.78126 l
+133.73631 405.12132 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 493.43584 256.28995 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 493.43584 m
+256.28995 495.32542 L
+254.41880 495.32542 L
+254.41880 493.43584 L
+256.28995 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+246.52743 493.43584 251.42910 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 493.43584 m
+251.42910 495.32542 L
+246.52743 495.32542 L
+246.52743 493.43584 L
+251.42910 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 493.43584 243.52724 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+243.52724 493.43584 m
+243.52724 495.32542 L
+238.54564 495.32542 L
+238.54564 493.43584 L
+243.52724 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 493.43584 235.57039 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 493.43584 m
+235.57039 495.32542 L
+233.69924 495.32542 L
+233.69924 493.43584 L
+235.57039 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 459.94734 256.28995 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 459.94734 m
+256.28995 481.52013 L
+254.41880 481.52013 L
+254.41880 459.94734 L
+256.28995 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+246.52743 459.94734 251.42910 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 459.94734 m
+251.42910 481.52013 L
+246.52743 481.52013 L
+246.52743 459.94734 L
+251.42910 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 459.94734 243.52724 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+243.52724 459.94734 m
+243.52724 481.52013 L
+238.54564 481.52013 L
+238.54564 459.94734 L
+243.52724 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 459.94734 235.57039 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 459.94734 m
+235.57039 459.94734 L
+235.57039 481.52013 L
+233.69924 481.52013 L
+233.69924 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 430.07244 256.28995 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 430.07244 m
+256.28995 448.94665 L
+254.41880 448.94665 L
+254.41880 430.07244 L
+256.28995 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 430.07244 251.42910 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+238.54564 430.07244 m
+251.42910 430.07244 L
+251.42910 448.94665 L
+238.54564 448.94665 L
+238.54564 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 430.07244 235.57039 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 430.07244 m
+235.57039 448.94665 L
+233.69924 448.94665 L
+233.69924 430.07244 L
+235.57039 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 399.62211 256.28995 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 399.62211 m
+256.28995 419.22539 L
+254.41880 419.22539 L
+254.41880 399.62211 L
+256.28995 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 399.62211 251.42910 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 399.62211 m
+251.42910 419.22539 L
+238.54564 419.22539 L
+238.54564 399.62211 L
+251.42910 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 399.62211 235.57039 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 399.62211 m
+235.57039 399.62211 l
+235.57039 419.22539 l
+233.69924 419.22539 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 359.10425 251.42910 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 383.69254 m
+238.54564 383.69254 L
+238.54564 359.10425 L
+251.42910 359.10425 L
+251.42910 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 359.10425 235.57039 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 383.69254 m
+233.69924 383.69254 L
+233.69924 359.10425 L
+235.57039 359.10425 L
+235.57039 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 354.26211 256.28995 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 354.26211 m
+256.28995 356.11937 L
+254.41880 356.11937 L
+254.41880 354.26211 L
+256.28995 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.53685 354.26211 251.45235 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 354.26211 m
+251.45235 356.11937 L
+238.53685 356.11937 L
+238.53685 354.26211 L
+251.45235 354.26211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 354.26211 235.57039 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 354.26211 m
+235.57039 354.26211 l
+235.57039 356.11937 l
+233.69924 356.11937 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 345.36869 256.28995 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 345.36869 m
+256.28995 351.52980 L
+254.41880 351.52980 L
+254.41880 345.36869 L
+256.28995 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.53685 345.36869 251.45802 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 345.36869 m
+251.45802 351.52101 L
+238.53685 351.52980 L
+238.53685 345.36869 L
+251.45235 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 345.36869 235.57039 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 345.36869 m
+235.57039 351.52980 L
+233.69924 351.52980 L
+233.69924 345.36869 L
+235.57039 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.58646 386.65701 251.45235 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+238.58646 388.72857 m
+251.45235 388.72857 L
+251.45235 386.65701 L
+238.58646 386.65701 L
+238.58646 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 386.65786 256.27011 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.41880 388.72857 m
+256.27011 388.72857 L
+256.27011 386.65786 L
+254.41880 386.65786 L
+254.41880 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.42277 359.10567 256.31575 383.68261 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.42277 383.68261 m
+256.31575 383.68261 L
+256.31575 359.10567 L
+254.42277 359.10567 L
+254.42277 383.68261 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 354.26211 285.24416 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 356.11937 m
+285.24416 356.11937 L
+285.24416 354.26211 L
+270.17178 354.26211 L
+270.17178 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 345.36869 285.24416 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 347.22595 m
+285.24416 347.22595 L
+285.24416 345.36869 L
+270.17178 345.36869 L
+270.17178 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 349.67254 285.24416 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 351.52980 m
+285.24416 351.52980 L
+285.24416 349.67254 L
+270.17178 349.67254 L
+270.17178 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 354.26211 305.85260 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 356.11937 m
+305.85260 356.11937 L
+305.85260 354.26211 L
+290.81594 354.26211 L
+290.81594 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 349.67254 305.85260 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 351.52980 m
+305.85260 351.52980 L
+305.85260 349.67254 L
+290.81594 349.67254 L
+290.81594 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 345.36869 305.85260 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 347.22595 m
+305.85260 347.22595 L
+305.85260 345.36869 L
+290.81594 345.36869 L
+290.81594 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 354.26211 326.60391 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 356.11937 m
+326.60391 356.11937 L
+326.60391 354.26211 L
+311.60296 354.26211 L
+311.60296 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 349.67254 326.60391 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 351.52980 m
+326.60391 351.52980 L
+326.60391 349.67254 L
+311.60296 349.67254 L
+311.60296 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 345.36869 326.60391 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 347.22595 m
+326.60391 347.22595 L
+326.60391 345.36869 L
+311.60296 345.36869 L
+311.60296 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 399.62211 326.60391 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+326.60391 399.62211 m
+326.60391 419.22539 L
+311.60296 419.22539 L
+311.60296 399.62211 L
+326.60391 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 459.93487 389.44261 477.66274 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+389.40293 459.93487 m
+389.44261 477.66274 L
+375.82129 477.66274 L
+375.82129 459.94734 L
+389.40293 459.93487 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 430.07244 389.44261 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+375.82129 430.07244 m
+389.44261 430.07244 L
+389.44261 448.94665 L
+375.82129 448.94665 L
+375.82129 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 359.10425 389.44261 383.69282 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+389.44261 359.10425 m
+389.44261 383.69254 L
+375.82129 383.69282 L
+375.82129 359.10425 L
+389.44261 359.10425 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.85899 386.65701 389.48031 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+375.85899 388.72857 m
+389.48031 388.72857 L
+389.48031 386.65701 L
+375.85899 386.65701 L
+375.85899 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 354.26211 389.44261 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+375.82129 356.11937 m
+389.44261 356.11937 L
+389.44261 354.26211 L
+375.82129 354.26211 L
+375.82129 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 399.62211 389.44261 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+389.44261 399.62211 m
+389.44261 419.22539 L
+375.82129 419.22539 L
+375.82129 399.62211 L
+389.44261 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 493.43584 362.78986 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 493.43584 m
+362.78986 495.32542 L
+360.91871 495.32542 L
+360.91871 493.43584 L
+362.78986 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+353.02734 493.43584 357.92901 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 493.43584 m
+357.92901 495.32542 L
+353.02734 495.32542 L
+353.02734 493.43584 L
+357.92901 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 493.43584 350.02715 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+350.02715 493.43584 m
+350.02715 495.32542 L
+345.04554 495.32542 L
+345.04554 493.43584 L
+350.02715 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.15748 493.43584 342.12189 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.12189 493.43584 m
+342.12189 495.32542 L
+340.15748 495.32542 L
+340.15748 493.43584 L
+342.12189 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 459.94734 362.78986 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 459.94734 m
+362.78986 481.52013 L
+360.91871 481.52013 L
+360.91871 459.94734 L
+362.78986 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+353.02734 459.94734 357.92901 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 459.94734 m
+357.92901 481.52013 L
+353.02734 481.52013 L
+353.02734 459.94734 L
+357.92901 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 459.94734 350.02715 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+350.02715 459.94734 m
+350.02715 481.52013 L
+345.04554 481.52013 L
+345.04554 459.94734 L
+350.02715 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 459.94734 342.07030 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 459.94734 m
+342.07030 459.94734 L
+342.07030 481.52013 L
+340.19915 481.52013 L
+340.19915 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 430.07244 362.78986 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 430.07244 m
+362.78986 448.94665 L
+360.91871 448.94665 L
+360.91871 430.07244 L
+362.78986 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 430.07244 357.92901 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+345.04554 430.07244 m
+357.92901 430.07244 L
+357.92901 448.94665 L
+345.04554 448.94665 L
+345.04554 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 430.07244 342.07030 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.07030 430.07244 m
+342.07030 448.94665 L
+340.19915 448.94665 L
+340.19915 430.07244 L
+342.07030 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 399.62211 362.78986 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 399.62211 m
+362.78986 419.22539 L
+360.91871 419.22539 L
+360.91871 399.62211 L
+362.78986 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 399.62211 357.92901 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 399.62211 m
+357.92901 419.22539 L
+345.04554 419.22539 L
+345.04554 399.62211 L
+357.92901 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 399.62211 342.07030 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 399.62211 m
+342.07030 399.62211 l
+342.07030 419.22539 l
+340.19915 419.22539 l
+340.19915 399.62211 l
+340.19915 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 359.10425 357.92901 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 383.69254 m
+345.04554 383.69254 L
+345.04554 359.10425 L
+357.92901 359.10425 L
+357.92901 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.15748 359.10425 342.12189 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.12189 383.69254 m
+340.15748 383.69254 L
+340.15748 359.10425 L
+342.12189 359.10425 L
+342.12189 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 354.26211 362.78986 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
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+}forall}bd/@tp{@sv/$in true def 2 copy dup $lly le{/$in false def}if $phei sub
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+rl clip @np $pn cvlit load aload pop 7 -1 roll 5 index sub 7 -1 roll 3 index
+sub Tl matrix currentmatrix/$ctm xd @ep pop pop pop pop}{pop pop}ifelse @rs}bd
+/@th{@sft 0 1 $tly 1 sub{dup $psx mul $tx add{dup $llx gt{$pwid sub}{exit}
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+roll add exch @tp pop}for pop pop}for}bd/@tv{@sft 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{dup $pwid mul
+$tx add exch $psy mul $ty exch sub{dup $ury lt{$phei add}{exit}ifelse}loop 0 1
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+$ctm setmatrix $pm concat @stb wclip Bburx Bbury $pm itransform/$tury xd/$turx
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+$n $o @scc_5{SepMode_5 0 eq $pfrg or{$tllx $tlly Tl $wid $hei scale <00> 8 1
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+SepMode_5 0 eq $Psc 0 ne or $ink_5 3 eq or{0 J 0 j[]0 d $t $c $m $y $k $n $o
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+exch Bbury exch itransform ceiling cvi/Bbury xd ceiling cvi/Bburx xd Bbllx exch
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+load exec}{1 SetGry wfill}ifelse @rs @np}bd/F{matrix currentmatrix $sdf{$scf
+$sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{@pf}{$fil 2 eq{@ff}{$fil 3 eq{@Pf}{$t $c $m $y $k $n
+$o @scc_5{wfill}{@np}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if
+setmatrix}bd/f{@cp F}bd/S{matrix currentmatrix $ctm setmatrix $SDF{$SCF $SCA
+$SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{matrix currentmatrix $ptm concat stroke
+setmatrix}{@np}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/s{@cp S}bd/B{@gs
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+437.07770 524.88227 437.13553 524.62148 437.19364 524.37090 c
+437.24154 524.15065 437.29965 523.94003 437.37789 523.72970 c
+437.42636 523.57890 437.49524 523.43858 437.59417 523.31754 c
+437.70302 523.17666 437.86176 523.05534 438.03156 523.01395 c
+438.24104 522.95187 438.47121 522.98986 438.67219 523.07830 c
+438.81279 523.14718 438.93354 523.22598 439.06422 523.30479 c
+439.06422 523.30479 l
+439.46986 522.79143 l
+434.73742 519.07238 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.44290 519.72491 434.55430 519.87373 434.66542 520.01291 c
+435.08041 520.57928 435.44580 521.19609 435.64167 521.87443 c
+435.84718 522.50258 435.90302 523.17241 435.86872 523.84252 c
+435.84520 524.58293 435.69156 525.30406 435.42737 525.98636 c
+435.17339 526.68850 434.78901 527.35209 434.32413 527.93603 c
+434.10671 528.21780 433.85896 528.49020 433.59080 528.72236 c
+433.24356 529.01546 432.84557 529.25896 432.40649 529.38255 c
+432.09751 529.48545 431.75764 529.52825 431.43732 529.48120 c
+431.03679 529.42450 430.65553 529.24791 430.34315 529.00044 c
+430.21247 528.90180 430.09143 528.79266 429.98031 528.66369 c
+429.77849 528.43521 429.62570 528.15685 429.54321 527.85723 c
+429.48142 527.62791 429.45902 527.37817 429.46696 527.12816 c
+429.47376 526.75795 429.54066 526.38746 429.62740 526.02690 c
+429.70479 525.71594 429.79209 525.40526 429.87940 525.09458 c
+429.87940 525.09458 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.88769 521.42570 431.01383 520.97471 431.10992 520.51380 c
+431.24485 519.96217 431.34009 519.41140 431.37524 518.84107 c
+431.43931 518.16047 431.42343 517.46088 431.25761 516.79219 c
+431.15329 516.28309 430.96876 515.78447 430.70513 515.33688 c
+430.28844 514.61065 429.68296 513.98561 428.99868 513.47169 c
+428.29370 512.91780 427.50992 512.46454 426.65783 512.23209 c
+425.89587 511.99852 425.08517 511.92567 424.29600 512.03254 c
+423.51676 512.10879 422.75906 512.35569 422.07194 512.72164 c
+420.79748 513.37276 419.75688 514.43178 418.89657 515.57924 c
+418.58986 515.96192 418.30328 516.36416 418.04702 516.77660 c
+417.63288 517.45011 417.27883 518.16331 416.97496 518.88586 c
+416.82841 519.25720 416.68157 519.62854 416.54494 520.00980 c
+416.54494 520.00980 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.27112 520.73206 416.22236 520.87238 416.14356 521.00334 c
+416.08431 521.11389 416.00551 521.22444 415.92643 521.32535 c
+415.78781 521.48636 415.61887 521.62781 415.40939 521.70945 c
+415.10098 521.85231 414.71065 521.84580 414.40932 521.70831 c
+414.38948 521.69868 414.35943 521.68847 414.33902 521.67883 c
+414.33902 521.67883 l
+413.91383 522.22252 l
+413.91383 522.22252 l
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+397.98765 538.88117 l
+397.98765 538.88117 l
+398.05710 538.82050 398.13647 538.75984 398.20592 538.69918 c
+398.45424 538.49707 398.70255 538.31480 398.98120 538.15238 c
+399.24000 538.00044 399.50901 537.86778 399.79871 537.84539 c
+400.02831 537.81335 400.27890 537.86126 400.50935 537.93921 c
+400.88069 538.06592 401.20271 538.29326 401.49496 538.54072 c
+401.69622 538.71902 401.88784 538.90753 402.07975 539.10567 c
+402.07975 539.10567 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.76602 549.06208 411.94800 549.26079 412.08973 549.46942 c
+412.19093 549.61852 412.28249 549.77783 412.35364 549.93742 c
+412.42507 550.10636 412.48687 550.28580 412.49820 550.46580 c
+412.52031 550.66592 412.49197 550.87597 412.42365 551.06674 c
+412.34598 551.32724 412.19802 551.55855 412.03956 551.76973 c
+411.97039 551.86044 411.90123 551.95115 411.83206 552.05178 c
+411.83206 552.05178 l
+411.40573 552.45543 l
+411.89017 552.96113 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.92243 545.13156 420.66624 544.39512 421.35931 543.61899 c
+421.87465 543.03449 422.36901 542.43014 422.74318 541.74699 c
+423.12756 541.06356 423.39061 540.30132 423.45383 539.52066 c
+423.52838 538.86019 423.45269 538.18072 423.23698 537.55228 c
+422.98980 536.73449 422.52350 535.99861 421.91830 535.38378 c
+421.26236 534.68929 420.42756 534.14674 419.50545 533.92450 c
+418.39285 533.62431 417.14419 533.80517 416.07808 534.23433 c
+415.85868 534.31597 415.65940 534.39789 415.45020 534.48973 c
+415.45020 534.48973 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.45291 526.71685 413.32847 526.22787 413.24428 525.72841 c
+413.21282 525.57874 413.19184 525.43899 413.19043 525.28904 c
+413.16860 525.08920 413.17682 524.87915 413.21509 524.67874 c
+413.23408 524.55855 413.26299 524.43808 413.31203 524.31789 c
+413.39991 524.06702 413.55780 523.83572 413.71625 523.62425 c
+413.78542 523.53354 413.84438 523.45304 413.91383 523.37254 c
+413.91383 523.37254 l
+413.49033 522.95613 l
+408.11528 528.19313 l
+410.87395 538.40948 l
+410.42778 538.85339 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.18998 534.51014 406.04882 534.36104 405.91729 534.21222 c
+405.75600 534.03364 405.61398 533.83493 405.50230 533.61609 c
+405.36992 533.36721 405.28743 533.07780 405.28488 532.78753 c
+405.27269 532.52787 405.33080 532.26737 405.42831 532.02643 c
+405.57543 531.64517 405.83225 531.31294 406.09956 531.01049 c
+406.18885 530.90986 406.28806 530.80894 406.37707 530.71824 c
+406.37707 530.71824 l
+405.96350 530.29162 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
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+381.85342 550.03124 m
+382.22816 550.54800 l
+382.22816 550.54800 l
+382.32737 550.47713 382.41694 550.40627 382.51644 550.34561 c
+382.82428 550.13301 383.15254 549.94025 383.52189 549.83679 c
+383.77134 549.74466 384.05083 549.71206 384.31106 549.73984 c
+384.57128 549.76762 384.81194 549.86570 385.03332 549.99383 c
+385.33493 550.18120 385.58750 550.45899 385.80973 550.73679 c
+385.90072 550.85641 386.00192 550.98539 386.09291 551.10472 c
+386.09291 551.10472 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.48233 562.53231 394.63398 562.73131 394.75587 562.95014 c
+394.84743 563.11909 394.92879 563.29852 394.97046 563.49808 c
+395.01241 563.70784 395.01439 563.93773 394.96620 564.15827 c
+394.90809 564.38872 394.79017 564.59991 394.65184 564.80088 c
+394.43443 565.11298 394.16712 565.38510 393.86891 565.62775 c
+393.78983 565.70854 393.71017 565.76920 393.62088 565.84006 c
+393.62088 565.84006 l
+394.01546 566.37666 l
+408.20598 555.97323 l
+404.87641 551.44205 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.47077 551.92564 404.55184 552.05461 404.62299 552.17424 c
+404.82624 552.54246 405.01928 552.91068 405.13266 553.30980 c
+405.32769 553.88835 405.37304 554.51764 405.27865 555.12850 c
+405.22195 555.53896 405.09553 555.94035 404.90872 556.31197 c
+404.65304 556.81427 404.27688 557.25732 403.84006 557.64113 c
+403.59203 557.86337 403.33380 558.06548 403.06535 558.25767 c
+403.06535 558.25767 l
+400.40249 560.22094 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.70406 553.49150 395.85317 553.39002 396.00198 553.27861 c
+396.33024 553.03597 396.67776 552.78312 397.07660 552.65953 c
+397.43546 552.52658 397.84535 552.49285 398.22576 552.55946 c
+398.71672 552.63515 399.17877 552.87128 399.58129 553.14794 c
+400.15446 553.53288 400.63861 554.00882 401.10293 554.49468 c
+401.17351 554.57433 401.24438 554.64350 401.30476 554.71323 c
+401.30476 554.71323 l
+401.82151 554.33849 l
+395.99235 546.37880 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.56715 546.92249 395.64822 547.07159 395.73978 547.23090 c
+395.95294 547.60904 396.15647 547.99739 396.30983 548.40586 c
+396.53461 548.95408 396.66983 549.54312 396.60491 550.13357 c
+396.57798 550.49357 396.47112 550.85471 396.28375 551.15660 c
+396.03770 551.58831 395.63008 551.90211 395.23266 552.19550 c
+395.07392 552.31682 394.92482 552.42822 394.76551 552.53962 c
+394.76551 552.53962 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.31285 546.44769 390.24170 546.33855 390.19068 546.20901 c
+390.14986 546.08910 390.12831 545.94935 390.13710 545.81953 c
+390.16517 545.55931 390.31313 545.32772 390.49143 545.13638 c
+390.65981 544.95496 390.85880 544.81294 391.05751 544.67121 c
+391.05751 544.67121 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+392.27981 543.78085 392.70699 543.47698 393.14494 543.19323 c
+393.61209 542.88907 394.09965 542.61496 394.62831 542.44035 c
+395.15698 542.26573 395.72617 542.20082 396.28658 542.23597 c
+396.80674 542.26148 397.32775 542.37713 397.81956 542.56280 c
+398.48173 542.80687 399.11471 543.17140 399.66860 543.61672 c
+399.85002 543.75534 400.02094 543.90359 400.19244 544.05213 c
+400.19244 544.05213 l
+400.75880 543.63742 l
+396.37191 539.38517 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
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+372.95631 578.10954 l
+381.95405 573.21128 l
+381.59858 572.55420 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.83181 572.95077 380.71219 572.99187 380.58265 573.03298 c
+380.34312 573.09506 380.08346 573.12737 379.86265 573.03921 c
+379.67216 572.98110 379.50094 572.84249 379.38926 572.67354 c
+379.28835 572.53436 379.24668 572.36485 379.20529 572.19506 c
+379.14293 571.91556 379.10069 571.63578 379.06809 571.36620 c
+379.06809 571.36620 l
+377.60513 560.62828 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.86359 567.35717 386.01496 567.48586 386.16605 567.62476 c
+386.33783 567.80334 386.49912 567.99184 386.63121 568.22060 c
+386.74290 568.41959 386.82482 568.63899 386.82680 568.86888 c
+386.82822 569.02904 386.78967 569.17928 386.73071 569.32980 c
+386.56403 569.70113 386.20630 569.97439 385.85849 570.19748 c
+385.69918 570.29868 385.52995 570.40016 385.37093 570.50164 c
+385.37093 570.50164 l
+385.73660 571.16835 l
+391.02208 568.29260 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.58668 567.66643 390.50674 567.70696 390.42709 567.74778 c
+390.26778 567.80929 390.09827 567.85068 389.92819 567.87194 c
+389.68866 567.89405 389.44857 567.89631 389.21811 567.84813 c
+388.99757 567.82006 388.78724 567.74183 388.57635 567.64375 c
+388.24498 567.49635 387.94309 567.28913 387.65112 567.07172 c
+387.37984 566.88406 387.12784 566.67600 386.87613 566.47843 c
+386.87613 566.47843 l
+372.47499 554.84249 l
+371.27055 555.49304 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.79820 574.83213 373.80954 575.01184 373.82117 575.20176 c
+373.85461 575.59153 373.85830 576.01162 373.70126 576.37304 c
+373.57455 576.74409 373.28740 577.05647 372.98920 577.31924 c
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+372.67200 577.59165 l
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+352.37509 565.33720 352.64438 565.26491 352.92387 565.20227 c
+353.09339 565.16088 353.27339 565.12913 353.44290 565.11780 c
+353.69263 565.08548 353.94265 565.09342 354.17367 565.16145 c
+354.39392 565.21956 354.59490 565.32784 354.75619 565.47638 c
+354.98806 565.68444 355.15049 565.95317 355.28258 566.22189 c
+355.40504 566.48069 355.51729 566.74998 355.61962 567.01899 c
+355.61962 567.01899 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.93260 580.04334 360.99411 580.20293 361.04542 580.36252 c
+361.11742 580.59213 361.16929 580.82145 361.17128 581.06154 c
+361.17326 581.27159 361.13499 581.49184 361.05676 581.68261 c
+360.98844 581.86318 360.87987 582.03411 360.75090 582.17528 c
+360.56296 582.38674 360.32428 582.54888 360.07540 582.69118 c
+359.82709 582.84312 359.56800 582.97550 359.31912 583.11751 c
+359.31912 583.11751 l
+359.56460 583.73575 l
+370.17751 579.41348 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.89206 578.80573 369.87250 578.81594 369.84246 578.82643 c
+369.58337 578.94860 369.31408 579.01096 369.02438 579.05348 c
+368.73468 579.09600 368.43506 579.11868 368.14422 579.06113 c
+367.96394 579.03250 367.79386 578.98431 367.64306 578.90523 c
+367.40211 578.78759 367.20028 578.59937 367.05827 578.39046 c
+366.91710 578.20167 366.82498 577.99247 366.72321 577.77335 c
+366.72321 577.77335 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.18517 564.16054 361.10324 563.92157 361.05080 563.68205 c
+360.99921 563.48220 360.97739 563.28265 360.99581 563.08224 c
+361.01310 562.79225 361.10069 562.50142 361.26879 562.26019 c
+361.40655 562.02860 361.59506 561.84718 361.81389 561.70517 c
+362.10217 561.49257 362.44091 561.36983 362.76945 561.21704 c
+362.77965 561.20683 362.78957 561.20683 362.79950 561.19663 c
+362.82926 561.18643 362.85931 561.17622 362.88935 561.16602 c
+362.88935 561.16602 l
+362.61326 560.48825 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
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+329.62932 571.74406 l
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+332.11106 571.90280 332.30268 572.07118 332.44413 572.27017 c
+332.63631 572.49836 332.75849 572.77729 332.85118 573.06643 c
+332.95351 573.34564 333.03600 573.62485 333.10857 573.91398 c
+333.10857 573.91398 l
+336.99033 587.98120 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.69609 588.62381 336.61729 588.79446 336.51893 588.95518 c
+336.42992 589.07594 336.33071 589.18677 336.23178 589.28769 c
+335.97383 589.53997 335.66570 589.74265 335.33688 589.87559 c
+335.16737 589.94702 334.98794 589.99861 334.81814 590.04992 c
+334.81814 590.04992 l
+335.00409 590.71861 l
+342.87562 588.55011 l
+349.16910 573.91512 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.75061 583.32302 351.82318 583.60252 351.84557 583.89222 c
+351.85720 584.07222 351.83849 584.24258 351.80022 584.42287 c
+351.74211 584.64340 351.62391 584.85430 351.47537 585.02580 c
+351.36624 585.13663 351.24746 585.23754 351.11792 585.32882 c
+350.78003 585.56154 350.39140 585.71490 350.00249 585.84841 c
+349.91263 585.87931 349.82306 585.90992 349.73320 585.94082 c
+349.73320 585.94082 l
+349.91887 586.60923 l
+356.42409 584.82283 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.05843 584.19609 355.87899 584.24740 355.69928 584.28907 c
+355.46939 584.33102 355.23978 584.36306 355.00961 584.35512 c
+354.75959 584.34690 354.50901 584.29928 354.27827 584.20120 c
+354.05773 584.11332 353.85647 583.98491 353.68498 583.80633 c
+353.50356 583.62803 353.36126 583.38935 353.25921 583.15011 c
+353.19770 582.99052 353.13676 582.84113 353.08517 582.68154 c
+353.08517 582.68154 l
+348.45959 565.88088 l
+346.38435 566.44894 l
+337.87304 585.95357 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.33143 573.08372 334.25915 572.83427 334.22712 572.58454 c
+334.18517 572.37477 334.17354 572.16501 334.18148 571.95468 c
+334.18942 571.69474 334.24724 571.43424 334.35524 571.20321 c
+334.44340 571.01244 334.58202 570.84123 334.73055 570.68986 c
+334.97858 570.44806 335.27707 570.27543 335.58605 570.15269 c
+335.76520 570.08126 335.93499 570.01975 336.11443 569.96816 c
+336.11443 569.96816 l
+336.26409 569.91685 l
+336.08835 569.28841 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
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+309.84180 594.04649 l
+321.28044 592.67735 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.04460 591.99931 320.90485 592.02057 320.75490 592.03191 c
+320.55477 592.04353 320.34501 592.04551 320.14460 592.01717 c
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+318.54671 591.09109 318.42482 590.86205 318.35282 590.62252 c
+318.29102 590.44309 318.25928 590.25345 318.22781 590.07373 c
+318.22781 590.07373 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.69625 577.19650 316.68435 576.96661 316.68236 576.73672 c
+316.68888 576.33647 316.75550 575.93594 316.91197 575.56431 c
+317.05880 575.18334 317.29578 574.84120 317.58350 574.54866 c
+317.86101 574.25613 318.18869 574.01348 318.55720 573.84028 c
+319.01528 573.61635 319.51446 573.50211 320.02413 573.46753 c
+320.59389 573.42274 321.16422 573.45761 321.71528 573.60274 c
+322.31679 573.75780 322.88910 574.02283 323.38233 574.40863 c
+323.78485 574.69493 324.12813 575.06202 324.39175 575.47984 c
+324.77669 576.04649 325.00233 576.70441 325.13811 577.38331 c
+325.20104 577.70306 325.24384 578.02252 325.29628 578.34227 c
+325.29628 578.34227 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.50469 588.51184 326.52595 588.66208 326.53701 588.81175 c
+326.56025 589.14170 326.56309 589.47137 326.52595 589.81181 c
+326.49817 590.07231 326.45055 590.33254 326.32243 590.55364 c
+326.23398 590.71436 326.10501 590.85553 325.95591 590.96665 c
+325.63814 591.21950 325.24923 591.35301 324.86003 591.46639 c
+324.69052 591.51770 324.51080 591.55937 324.34157 591.61096 c
+324.34157 591.61096 l
+324.42746 592.30006 l
+331.06054 591.50268 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.87458 590.82435 330.77480 590.82520 330.66510 590.83597 c
+330.33487 590.84872 329.99499 590.85184 329.66476 590.80479 c
+329.40454 590.76709 329.13354 590.69934 328.92236 590.55137 c
+328.68113 590.40312 328.48894 590.16501 328.34665 589.91613 c
+328.16409 589.60772 328.05128 589.26869 327.96822 588.91918 c
+327.90586 588.64989 327.86334 588.37039 327.82110 588.10054 c
+327.82110 588.10054 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.57131 577.72120 326.50809 577.36176 326.42504 577.00233 c
+326.26913 576.32372 326.01345 575.66551 325.63814 575.06910 c
+325.14123 574.25329 324.42491 573.54945 323.60117 573.08655 c
+322.83723 572.63301 321.98485 572.37052 321.11376 572.24806 c
+319.94192 572.07798 318.75279 572.15849 317.58435 572.32885 c
+316.78498 572.43543 315.99666 572.59247 315.23839 572.84901 c
+314.38120 573.12624 313.56454 573.54321 312.85928 574.10957 c
+312.28328 574.55461 311.76794 575.10935 311.41332 575.75197 c
+310.88126 576.65679 310.67065 577.74869 310.73981 578.78787 c
+310.75228 579.07814 310.79480 579.36784 310.82740 579.66746 c
+310.82740 579.66746 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.16564 590.97628 312.18746 591.21609 312.16961 591.45619 c
+312.15231 591.78643 312.05509 592.11723 311.86772 592.38907 c
+311.62082 592.75106 311.20271 592.99455 310.77439 593.13827 c
+310.56491 593.22019 310.34551 593.27206 310.12526 593.30409 c
+310.00564 593.32507 309.88602 593.34605 309.75591 593.35710 c
+309.75591 593.35710 l
+309.75591 593.35710 l
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+447.60189 477.15562 454.04135 481.41950 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+449.16491 477.15562 m
+454.04135 481.34353 l
+447.60189 481.41950 l
+449.16491 477.15562 l
+449.16491 477.15562 l
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+411.26542 537.80003 419.33367 545.97373 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
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+411.26542 539.71597 m
+411.40431 539.58501 411.53301 539.45376 411.67191 539.32280 c
+412.16769 538.83836 412.68331 538.34400 413.33102 538.08831 c
+413.77946 537.88422 414.28885 537.80003 414.77924 537.85587 c
+415.37991 537.92022 415.93238 538.19575 416.42532 538.54157 c
+416.86809 538.84772 417.26098 539.20431 417.63458 539.59096 c
+418.14907 540.11650 418.62387 540.68258 418.93965 541.35978 c
+419.12277 541.71836 419.25628 542.10728 419.28973 542.51688 c
+419.33367 542.96646 419.24778 543.42709 419.07146 543.84860 c
+418.92463 544.24006 418.68765 544.58192 418.42035 544.89458 c
+418.27181 545.06580 418.10315 545.22709 417.94469 545.38866 c
+417.94469 545.38866 l
+417.35962 545.97373 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+283.20463 500.24891 m
+276.10214 500.25005 L
+276.99506 497.37855 L
+258.26372 497.43638 239.54088 497.40406 220.80557 497.37855 C
+220.80557 487.52079 L
+190.26794 487.52079 L
+190.26794 477.66302 L
+197.16123 477.66302 L
+197.16123 459.94762 L
+190.26794 459.94762 L
+190.26794 448.94693 L
+197.16123 448.94693 L
+197.16123 430.07272 L
+190.26794 430.07272 L
+190.26794 419.22567 L
+197.16123 419.22567 L
+197.16123 399.62239 L
+190.26794 399.62239 L
+190.26794 388.72885 L
+197.16123 388.72885 L
+197.16123 386.65729 L
+190.26794 386.65729 L
+190.26794 383.69282 L
+197.16123 383.69282 L
+197.16123 359.10454 L
+190.26794 359.10454 L
+190.26794 356.11965 L
+197.16123 356.11965 L
+197.16123 354.26239 L
+190.26794 354.26239 L
+190.27389 345.36869 L
+220.81153 345.36869 L
+220.80557 334.43972 L
+375.81534 334.43972 L
+375.82129 345.36869 L
+406.48819 345.36869 L
+406.48819 354.17112 L
+399.82677 354.17112 L
+399.82677 356.11937 L
+406.48819 356.11937 L
+406.48819 359.10425 L
+399.82677 359.10425 L
+399.82677 383.69254 L
+406.48819 383.69254 L
+406.48819 386.65644 L
+399.82677 386.65644 L
+399.82677 388.72857 L
+406.48819 388.72857 L
+406.48819 399.62211 L
+399.82677 399.62211 L
+399.82677 419.22539 L
+406.48819 419.22539 L
+406.48819 430.07244 L
+399.82677 430.07244 L
+399.82677 448.94665 L
+406.48819 448.94665 L
+406.48819 459.94734 L
+399.82677 459.94734 L
+399.82677 477.66274 L
+406.48819 477.66274 L
+406.48819 487.52050 L
+375.81534 487.52079 L
+375.81534 497.37855 L
+367.02624 497.39017 359.88690 497.34283 319.88324 497.34283 C
+320.61231 500.25231 L
+313.56822 500.24976 L
+313.02340 500.52132 312.54860 500.75688 312.05622 501.01030 C
+311.61175 501.48113 311.54882 501.31843 311.40680 502.16683 C
+311.47143 502.48658 311.51197 502.83128 311.69622 503.13912 c
+311.87480 503.43704 311.79373 504.07483 311.54173 504.31408 c
+311.33027 504.51477 311.08989 504.60690 310.46202 504.85663 c
+309.64224 505.18261 308.20252 506.10529 308.54835 506.93726 c
+308.68526 507.26665 308.82217 507.59603 308.95937 507.92570 C
+309.12548 508.08869 309.29159 508.25169 309.45770 508.41496 c
+309.72274 508.67518 309.93024 508.64428 310.20378 508.89430 c
+310.50425 509.16841 310.63323 509.39717 310.71940 509.67326 c
+310.88353 510.19852 310.81011 510.41112 310.78176 510.83150 c
+310.75994 511.15606 310.60375 511.63880 310.41921 511.89024 c
+310.24658 512.12608 309.80863 512.41493 309.53140 512.55468 c
+309.26381 512.68961 309.26069 512.67090 309.01209 512.76444 c
+308.86441 512.82028 308.86129 513.25143 308.68384 513.26674 c
+308.52510 513.28035 308.37940 512.92375 308.21698 512.85940 c
+307.94542 512.75169 307.26510 512.68365 307.01820 512.57509 c
+306.55587 512.37128 306.58535 511.90583 306.28290 511.46957 c
+306.15137 511.27994 305.69726 511.19235 305.52350 510.95594 c
+305.32706 510.68806 305.43817 510.27335 305.84183 510.12539 c
+306.18113 510.00123 306.98589 509.47483 306.85181 509.24239 c
+306.67946 508.94362 306.50712 508.64513 306.33477 508.34665 C
+306.04337 508.08132 305.85572 508.05751 305.61874 508.11506 c
+305.31373 508.18904 304.97017 508.41411 304.68472 508.59071 C
+304.25613 508.89260 303.82753 509.19477 303.39893 509.49694 c
+302.37534 510.21808 304.56198 511.50132 304.01348 512.43562 C
+303.51685 513.04224 301.73698 512.31657 300.74627 512.43704 c
+299.93953 512.53512 299.59313 513.24236 299.56365 513.78265 c
+299.53843 514.24243 299.72835 514.52532 299.88142 514.73565 c
+300.57817 515.69121 302.36910 515.18693 302.41361 516.49087 c
+302.43175 517.02038 302.29682 517.37754 300.36869 518.19817 c
+300.13285 518.29852 299.50413 518.46378 298.89638 518.55817 c
+298.55424 518.61118 298.89638 519.30142 298.33625 519.30567 C
+297.78236 519.30142 298.07036 518.61005 297.78236 518.55817 c
+297.17433 518.44876 296.66296 518.26280 296.42740 518.16246 c
+294.49928 517.34211 294.36435 516.98466 294.38249 516.45515 c
+294.42699 515.15121 296.21792 515.65550 296.91468 514.69994 c
+297.06775 514.48961 297.25767 514.20671 297.23244 513.74693 c
+297.20296 513.20665 296.85657 512.49940 296.04983 512.40132 c
+295.05912 512.28085 293.27924 513.00652 292.78261 512.39991 C
+292.23411 511.46561 294.42076 510.18236 293.39717 509.46123 c
+292.96857 509.15906 292.53997 508.85688 292.11137 508.55499 C
+291.82592 508.37839 291.48236 508.15332 291.17735 508.07934 c
+290.94038 508.02180 290.75272 508.04561 290.46132 508.31093 C
+290.28898 508.60942 290.11663 508.90791 289.94428 509.20668 c
+289.81020 509.43912 290.61496 509.96551 290.95427 510.08967 c
+291.35792 510.23764 291.46904 510.65235 291.27260 510.92022 c
+291.09883 511.15663 290.64472 511.24422 290.51320 511.43386 c
+290.21074 511.87011 290.24022 512.33556 289.77789 512.53937 c
+289.53099 512.64794 288.85068 512.71597 288.57912 512.82369 c
+288.41669 512.88803 288.27099 513.24463 288.11225 513.23102 c
+287.93480 513.21572 287.93169 512.78457 287.78400 512.72872 c
+287.53540 512.63518 287.53228 512.65389 287.26469 512.51896 c
+286.98746 512.37921 286.54951 512.09036 286.37688 511.85452 c
+286.19235 511.60309 286.03616 511.12035 286.01433 510.79578 c
+285.98598 510.37540 285.91257 510.16280 286.07669 509.63754 c
+286.16287 509.36145 286.29184 509.13269 286.59231 508.85858 c
+286.86586 508.60857 287.07335 508.63946 287.33839 508.37924 c
+287.50450 508.21597 287.67061 508.05298 287.83672 507.88998 C
+287.97392 507.56031 288.11083 507.23093 288.24775 506.90154 c
+288.59357 506.06957 287.15386 505.14690 286.33408 504.82091 c
+285.70620 504.57118 285.46583 504.47906 285.25436 504.27836 c
+285.00236 504.03912 284.92129 503.40132 285.09987 503.10340 c
+285.28413 502.79556 285.38617 502.49480 285.38929 502.13112 C
+285.25606 501.28271 285.18435 501.44542 284.73987 500.97458 C
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+270.17178 481.52013 L
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+207.13209 459.94734 m
+220.81153 459.94734 L
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+207.13209 477.66274 L
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+280.93294 588.25701 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
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+272.73912 583.29326 l
+272.73912 583.29326 l
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+276.08428 588.11187 l
+276.72350 588.19918 l
+278.10482 578.43411 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
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+272.92394 581.98535 l
+273.95773 574.64674 l
+273.95773 574.64674 l
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+275.28860 573.69203 275.52841 573.72435 275.75773 573.75723 c
+275.75773 573.75723 l
+276.74646 573.89839 l
+276.74646 573.89839 l
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+280.37509 574.90980 280.83118 575.25506 281.20649 575.66948 c
+281.56195 576.05329 281.85704 576.49663 282.07191 576.96945 c
+282.38457 577.61291 282.57647 578.31534 282.65839 579.01606 c
+282.69581 579.24680 282.71310 579.47698 282.74060 579.69723 c
+282.74060 579.69723 l
+283.42942 579.79502 l
+283.25934 573.69260 l
+265.43679 571.16948 l
+265.43679 571.16948 l
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+241.05713 563.98110 m
+240.88082 564.54917 l
+240.88082 564.54917 l
+241.12942 564.67191 241.37802 564.78472 241.62690 564.89754 c
+241.78564 564.97918 241.94494 565.06110 242.09405 565.15294 c
+242.31231 565.29553 242.51017 565.45767 242.64794 565.66913 c
+242.74658 565.80038 242.82482 565.95118 242.87301 566.11162 c
+242.95039 566.35257 242.96712 566.60287 242.94444 566.85260 c
+242.91921 567.32230 242.77380 567.77074 242.61902 568.20926 c
+242.61902 568.20926 l
+238.78290 581.01619 l
+238.78290 581.01619 l
+238.68907 581.34529 238.59524 581.67411 238.44189 581.99244 c
+238.37017 582.13162 238.28825 582.27080 238.18706 582.38957 c
+238.00479 582.60728 237.76271 582.78472 237.49143 582.87175 c
+237.26041 582.96869 237.01011 582.99591 236.76973 583.00328 c
+236.40973 583.00923 236.06079 582.94517 235.71156 582.87118 c
+235.61150 582.85020 235.51172 582.82894 235.41222 582.80769 c
+235.41222 582.80769 l
+235.21408 583.49565 l
+246.11783 586.76031 l
+246.32561 586.07263 l
+246.32561 586.07263 l
+246.25587 586.05165 246.18614 586.03096 246.12633 586.01027 c
+245.91685 585.94762 245.71786 585.87534 245.52907 585.77357 c
+245.28047 585.64063 245.06249 585.47820 244.88476 585.26617 c
+244.72687 585.08419 244.60923 584.88265 244.53184 584.65191 c
+244.43518 584.36079 244.41874 584.03083 244.46211 583.72101 c
+244.49613 583.37150 244.60016 583.04268 244.69370 582.70365 c
+244.69370 582.70365 l
+246.33638 577.23194 l
+252.61540 579.11357 l
+251.02460 584.43591 l
+251.02460 584.43591 l
+250.91036 584.80469 250.79613 585.18340 250.64220 585.53150 c
+250.56000 585.70072 250.47808 585.86995 250.35647 586.01849 c
+250.21417 586.21663 250.03247 586.38472 249.81109 586.49216 c
+249.58998 586.59959 249.32920 586.64693 249.07918 586.65402 c
+248.75915 586.67046 248.43969 586.61660 248.12022 586.56302 c
+248.01024 586.55169 247.89033 586.53043 247.78063 586.50888 c
+247.78063 586.50888 l
+247.57285 587.19685 l
+258.45647 590.45102 l
+258.65433 589.76306 l
+258.65433 589.76306 l
+258.51487 589.72167 258.38532 589.67036 258.24586 589.61849 c
+258.02702 589.53600 257.81783 589.44387 257.60920 589.32113 c
+257.38072 589.18876 257.16302 589.00620 256.99521 588.79417 c
+256.84753 588.60255 256.74009 588.38145 256.68255 588.15071 c
+256.59609 587.85959 256.59978 587.52964 256.65307 587.22009 c
+256.69701 586.88079 256.80076 586.55197 256.90479 586.22315 c
+256.90479 586.22315 l
+260.60570 573.86438 l
+260.60570 573.86438 l
+260.70973 573.51543 260.80356 573.17669 260.93764 572.83795 c
+261.04054 572.54910 261.16413 572.26054 261.35688 572.02299 c
+261.50910 571.81465 261.70101 571.63691 261.93260 571.51956 c
+262.06328 571.44076 262.21436 571.38265 262.36460 571.35430 c
+262.72545 571.26841 263.10501 571.30271 263.47465 571.36706 c
+263.69405 571.40957 263.90324 571.46173 264.12293 571.51446 c
+264.12293 571.51446 l
+264.29924 570.93647 l
+253.27616 567.64063 l
+253.10976 568.21861 l
+253.10976 568.21861 l
+253.35865 568.32123 253.61745 568.41449 253.86633 568.52731 c
+254.02507 568.60894 254.18438 568.69087 254.33320 568.79263 c
+254.53162 568.91509 254.70992 569.06702 254.83776 569.25836 c
+254.92620 569.38961 254.98460 569.54013 255.02287 569.70057 c
+255.10961 569.99140 255.10592 570.31143 255.07247 570.62126 c
+255.02797 571.02066 254.91345 571.39937 254.80913 571.78828 c
+254.80913 571.78828 l
+253.01055 577.77817 l
+246.74173 575.89654 l
+248.59219 569.71729 l
+248.59219 569.71729 l
+248.67524 569.45792 248.76794 569.19912 248.88104 568.94060 c
+248.96353 568.74132 249.07550 568.55254 249.20759 568.37424 c
+249.38022 568.14605 249.59254 567.94847 249.84397 567.82148 c
+249.98485 567.75317 250.13537 567.70469 250.28561 567.67635 c
+250.57616 567.61965 250.87606 567.63298 251.16548 567.67635 c
+251.37524 567.70894 251.58444 567.77131 251.79392 567.82346 c
+251.79392 567.82346 l
+251.96060 567.24548 l
+241.05713 563.98110 l
+241.05713 563.98110 l
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+231.19852 582.21950 l
+233.93565 576.35065 l
+233.38828 576.10431 l
+233.38828 576.10431 l
+233.18589 576.34214 232.98293 576.57969 232.77005 576.81723 c
+232.37518 577.26283 231.93043 577.66791 231.42671 577.99219 c
+230.94312 578.31647 230.40028 578.55061 229.83902 578.68413 c
+229.31717 578.81820 228.76668 578.87178 228.22724 578.82557 c
+227.54750 578.78787 226.87909 578.62035 226.28296 578.29351 c
+225.72624 578.00693 225.23074 577.61121 224.87641 577.10721 c
+224.36419 576.43143 224.10369 575.57849 224.04331 574.73773 c
+223.96280 573.92674 224.06173 573.11773 224.23096 572.32970 c
+224.51613 570.98268 224.99121 569.67817 225.57543 568.43461 c
+226.06781 567.35036 226.62964 566.31657 227.31080 565.33436 c
+227.90069 564.47121 228.58016 563.64860 229.41751 563.01817 c
+229.95213 562.60431 230.54598 562.27124 231.20787 562.10854 c
+232.07046 561.87836 233.03962 561.95943 233.85543 562.32879 c
+234.15392 562.45209 234.43228 562.61537 234.68995 562.80813 c
+235.21606 563.17436 235.67102 563.61940 236.05512 564.13417 c
+236.41002 564.58800 236.69405 565.10135 236.92791 565.62406 c
+237.21080 566.25732 237.42369 566.90957 237.58583 567.58167 c
+237.66265 567.85238 237.71962 568.12309 237.78652 568.40400 c
+237.78652 568.40400 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
+238.54819 566.50252 238.51020 566.35200 238.46173 566.19156 c
+238.08529 564.98712 237.47868 563.83030 236.65946 562.87077 c
+235.76230 561.74031 234.57231 560.85676 233.26923 560.24192 c
+232.21531 559.70986 231.08910 559.35694 229.92038 559.25376 c
+228.45203 559.08709 226.93946 559.30961 225.55304 559.86378 c
+224.36787 560.32044 223.27994 561.00813 222.39978 561.89820 c
+221.31780 562.92605 220.53317 564.22687 219.90756 565.59997 c
+219.39477 566.69414 218.98205 567.82970 218.78844 569.01742 c
+218.58520 570.14504 218.57187 571.32510 218.80913 572.44791 c
+219.01663 573.53046 219.44523 574.56539 220.06488 575.47247 c
+220.88069 576.70157 222.03978 577.69512 223.30120 578.44942 c
+223.72809 578.71417 224.15556 578.94917 224.61307 579.15439 c
+225.20976 579.43134 225.82715 579.66831 226.47572 579.83584 c
+227.10359 580.00280 227.75216 580.12016 228.39165 580.18762 c
+228.86107 580.24290 229.33077 580.26841 229.81011 580.30384 c
+229.99011 580.31575 230.17011 580.31802 230.33934 580.39994 c
+230.43883 580.44104 230.53833 580.50227 230.60721 580.59269 c
+230.77474 580.80472 230.76113 581.11483 230.72769 581.40425 c
+230.71550 581.60438 230.68346 581.78409 230.66135 581.96381 c
+230.66135 581.96381 l
+230.66135 581.96381 l
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+209.39017 546.88876 m
+205.69181 552.85710 l
+206.28737 553.22391 l
+206.28737 553.22391 l
+206.45972 553.02576 206.63206 552.82791 206.81433 552.63997 c
+207.22904 552.21477 207.70328 551.84003 208.21635 551.56564 c
+209.02167 551.12485 209.94406 550.91565 210.86532 550.80595 c
+211.56633 550.72403 212.27669 550.69200 212.97543 550.80992 c
+213.87402 550.94031 214.75984 551.30031 215.52435 551.79893 c
+215.94132 552.05376 216.31833 552.34800 216.65395 552.70205 c
+217.03011 553.07622 217.35496 553.52013 217.54913 554.02243 c
+217.66564 554.32375 217.74217 554.64463 217.73849 554.96466 c
+217.75323 555.43493 217.60753 555.92306 217.34306 556.30998 c
+217.22060 556.51861 217.04854 556.69691 216.86655 556.86472 c
+216.59386 557.11162 216.26164 557.30778 215.91043 557.40387 c
+215.69953 557.48126 215.46935 557.50876 215.23890 557.52633 c
+214.59855 557.57877 213.95906 557.52180 213.32976 557.43449 c
+212.82066 557.36872 212.31156 557.28283 211.80274 557.19723 c
+211.80274 557.19723 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
+209.01713 556.76523 208.63786 556.71080 208.25830 556.66658 c
+207.70923 556.60025 207.15959 556.56397 206.59918 556.57757 c
+205.91887 556.59997 205.21786 556.70202 204.58488 556.95458 c
+204.07238 557.15896 203.59899 557.45348 203.17493 557.79874 c
+202.60998 558.25228 202.12356 558.79682 201.75647 559.42271 c
+201.30831 560.12740 201.00926 560.92450 200.90976 561.76328 c
+200.80035 562.59184 200.88028 563.45301 201.15156 564.24614 c
+201.44154 565.13934 201.95206 565.94551 202.56406 566.65219 c
+203.29455 567.51080 204.17641 568.22088 205.13991 568.79178 c
+205.72611 569.13846 206.32252 569.43524 206.96003 569.67279 c
+207.63723 569.92025 208.34532 570.08863 209.05455 570.18643 c
+209.31392 570.21959 209.57357 570.25247 209.83323 570.28564 c
+210.05291 570.30775 210.27260 570.33043 210.48208 570.38287 c
+210.64167 570.42454 210.79134 570.46620 210.92031 570.55776 c
+211.07906 570.64961 211.20775 570.79106 211.26557 570.96170 c
+211.35345 571.16296 211.34069 571.39257 211.27833 571.60205 c
+211.22646 571.75143 211.15502 571.88069 211.08359 572.01987 c
+211.08359 572.01987 l
+211.64939 572.36627 l
+214.81824 567.24208 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.14076 567.02438 214.00923 567.15279 213.87798 567.28120 c
+213.37228 567.76564 212.78750 568.18913 212.14431 568.46154 c
+211.54110 568.73480 210.87950 568.86718 210.20910 568.89950 c
+209.46841 568.95137 208.72913 568.88277 208.02104 568.69455 c
+207.29310 568.51625 206.59663 568.21833 205.97102 567.82148 c
+205.66346 567.62759 205.36554 567.41414 205.10844 567.17150 c
+204.77197 566.85742 204.49616 566.49430 204.32098 566.07222 c
+204.18435 565.77061 204.10809 565.43981 204.11178 565.11978 c
+204.12624 564.72009 204.26088 564.32154 204.47461 563.98394 c
+204.55654 563.83483 204.65773 563.70614 204.76913 563.57717 c
+204.97181 563.35946 205.23402 563.17266 205.51521 563.06580 c
+205.74624 562.96828 205.99682 562.92123 206.23720 562.90394 c
+206.60740 562.86822 206.97732 562.89231 207.34696 562.93654 c
+207.66643 562.98047 207.98589 563.03405 208.29515 563.08734 c
+208.29515 563.08734 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+212.05871 563.68035 212.51792 563.75575 212.98734 563.80110 c
+213.54661 563.86715 214.11609 563.90372 214.67650 563.89039 c
+215.36674 563.86828 216.05783 563.77587 216.71036 563.54343 c
+217.20246 563.37902 217.67528 563.13439 218.08885 562.82910 c
+218.77427 562.33672 219.32220 561.66293 219.76044 560.92819 c
+220.23921 560.17361 220.59893 559.33739 220.73868 558.45893 c
+220.87757 557.68054 220.85688 556.87039 220.66583 556.09795 c
+220.50425 555.33600 220.17231 554.61231 219.72983 553.96715 c
+218.94350 552.76809 217.78413 551.83493 216.55219 551.11068 c
+216.13521 550.85584 215.69783 550.62113 215.26016 550.41591 c
+214.55405 550.07802 213.80712 549.79937 213.04942 549.58082 c
+212.67071 549.46658 212.28180 549.37191 211.89288 549.26759 c
+211.89288 549.26759 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.13490 549.08901 210.99543 549.04706 210.85625 548.98583 c
+210.73691 548.93424 210.61729 548.87301 210.51808 548.80186 c
+210.33950 548.66976 210.17140 548.52775 210.06369 548.33669 c
+209.89672 548.04472 209.86129 547.65411 209.96504 547.33550 c
+209.96532 547.31565 209.97553 547.28561 209.98573 547.26548 c
+209.98573 547.26548 l
+209.39017 546.88876 l
+209.39017 546.88876 l
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+199.03805 539.98016 l
+199.03805 539.98016 l
+199.24583 540.18283 199.45332 540.37502 199.64126 540.58734 c
+199.75975 540.71887 199.87795 540.84983 199.98652 540.99128 c
+200.12428 541.19282 200.25184 541.40457 200.30910 541.64494 c
+200.37685 541.85584 200.38394 542.09594 200.33121 542.31534 c
+200.27792 542.61468 200.12513 542.88312 199.95194 543.14107 c
+199.79943 543.37946 199.62652 543.60737 199.45417 543.83528 c
+199.45417 543.83528 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+190.89609 555.00831 190.79490 555.13729 190.67301 555.26627 c
+190.52107 555.44428 190.33937 555.60217 190.13811 555.73002 c
+189.95669 555.83802 189.75572 555.91569 189.54510 555.95310 c
+189.34498 555.98088 189.15506 555.96898 188.96542 555.92674 c
+188.68620 555.86353 188.42769 555.74050 188.17909 555.60756 c
+187.92085 555.46469 187.67254 555.31191 187.42422 555.16904 c
+187.42422 555.16904 l
+187.01802 555.69458 l
+196.12913 562.65874 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.50529 562.11307 196.48573 562.09266 196.45597 562.07254 c
+196.23798 561.89991 196.03020 561.70743 195.84255 561.48548 c
+195.65518 561.26324 195.49814 561.00132 195.39128 560.72041 c
+195.33317 560.55940 195.28498 560.38876 195.27732 560.20876 c
+195.26003 559.94854 195.31332 559.68917 195.42586 559.45049 c
+195.51827 559.23137 195.65065 559.04315 195.78246 558.85465 c
+195.78246 558.85465 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.72633 547.18583 204.88876 546.98740 205.06025 546.81931 c
+205.21191 546.68126 205.37348 546.56306 205.56425 546.47518 c
+205.81597 546.33798 206.11672 546.27165 206.40643 546.29461 c
+206.66665 546.29773 206.91581 546.37058 207.15420 546.48312 c
+207.49294 546.62712 207.79058 546.83065 208.06809 547.05373 c
+208.07773 547.06394 208.08765 547.06394 208.08765 547.07414 c
+208.11742 547.09427 208.14718 547.11468 208.16702 547.13480 c
+208.16702 547.13480 l
+208.61376 546.55002 l
+199.40343 539.51443 l
+199.40343 539.51443 l
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+182.20110 523.81757 l
+182.20110 523.81757 l
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+182.68526 524.35304 182.93159 524.66570 183.10762 525.02769 c
+183.22469 525.25928 183.30180 525.50986 183.31909 525.77036 c
+183.32617 526.02038 183.28309 526.28003 183.18047 526.50879 c
+183.06737 526.78743 182.89446 527.02554 182.70198 527.25345 c
+182.50951 527.48107 182.30683 527.69906 182.10472 527.90655 c
+182.10472 527.90655 l
+171.92466 538.37121 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.23357 538.44350 171.04337 538.47099 170.85345 538.45909 c
+170.71370 538.44746 170.56375 538.42564 170.41436 538.38397 c
+170.07534 538.29014 169.74737 538.12630 169.45965 537.91285 c
+169.31083 537.80117 169.18243 537.66992 169.04381 537.54831 c
+169.04381 537.54831 l
+168.55824 538.05288 l
+174.42340 543.74003 l
+190.22712 541.76031 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.42709 548.75310 183.21477 548.95068 182.98290 549.10800 c
+182.83181 549.21628 182.67080 549.29424 182.50016 549.34243 c
+182.27934 549.41017 182.03953 549.41726 181.80992 549.36482 c
+181.66025 549.34299 181.51087 549.29140 181.37140 549.21969 c
+181.00346 549.04535 180.67663 548.78173 180.35943 548.51783 c
+180.28006 548.45717 180.21090 548.39622 180.14173 548.33528 c
+180.14173 548.33528 l
+179.65587 548.82992 l
+184.50255 553.53572 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.84980 552.90954 184.71118 552.77773 184.59298 552.63657 c
+184.43480 552.46479 184.28683 552.28309 184.17912 552.08183 c
+184.06176 551.86044 183.97446 551.61921 183.93704 551.37912 c
+183.90983 551.13874 183.92230 550.89865 183.98523 550.65969 c
+184.04816 550.41024 184.18082 550.17156 184.33332 549.96321 c
+184.43480 549.82431 184.53628 549.70554 184.64769 549.57713 c
+184.64769 549.57713 l
+196.80094 537.07465 l
+195.25776 535.58702 l
+174.12746 538.11638 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.43729 528.54180 183.60964 528.36378 183.81118 528.19597 c
+183.97304 528.05792 184.14425 527.94000 184.33559 527.84192 c
+184.55698 527.71436 184.80813 527.62734 185.06806 527.61033 c
+185.27839 527.59276 185.48816 527.62535 185.69735 527.67751 c
+186.02646 527.77106 186.33458 527.93490 186.60217 528.13786 c
+186.75099 528.24954 186.88961 528.37115 187.02822 528.49276 c
+187.02822 528.49276 l
+187.13707 528.60387 l
+187.59231 528.13899 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
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+166.95354 503.34236 l
+166.95354 503.34236 l
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+167.43373 504.21770 167.51169 504.38863 167.56980 504.55956 c
+167.65710 504.79030 167.72428 505.04117 167.71153 505.29118 c
+167.70954 505.46126 167.67780 505.62057 167.62564 505.77987 c
+167.54315 506.01912 167.40057 506.23739 167.22850 506.42532 c
+166.93455 506.78220 166.55131 507.04781 166.15814 507.31342 c
+166.15814 507.31342 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.14441 515.47861 154.87200 515.68554 154.56047 515.84173 c
+154.41931 515.92025 154.27871 515.97865 154.11827 516.01663 c
+153.84756 516.08381 153.54765 516.07049 153.26844 515.98687 c
+153.02920 515.91458 152.81065 515.80176 152.61250 515.64954 c
+152.32479 515.44630 152.07761 515.19345 151.85055 514.92076 c
+151.78139 514.84989 151.71222 514.76910 151.65326 514.68860 c
+151.65326 514.68860 l
+151.07839 515.11209 l
+157.85433 524.26998 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.39008 523.78583 158.35068 523.72545 158.31128 523.66507 c
+158.18343 523.49357 158.06523 523.31216 157.97764 523.11118 c
+157.86057 522.86995 157.77354 522.59896 157.76646 522.32882 c
+157.73924 522.08844 157.77213 521.84891 157.85461 521.62980 c
+157.94816 521.33074 158.13099 521.06287 158.35380 520.83553 c
+158.58652 520.57786 158.86885 520.37093 159.15118 520.17449 c
+159.15118 520.17449 l
+163.74047 516.76668 l
+167.64066 522.02154 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+162.86995 525.56740 162.54737 525.80353 162.21515 525.98948 c
+162.04422 526.07764 161.88321 526.14595 161.70265 526.20406 c
+161.46198 526.27124 161.21169 526.29817 160.98180 526.25565 c
+160.73235 526.22277 160.49367 526.10003 160.29524 525.94781 c
+160.02765 525.76469 159.80003 525.53225 159.57269 525.30945 c
+159.49389 525.21874 159.41480 525.13795 159.33543 525.05660 c
+159.33543 525.05660 l
+158.76057 525.48009 l
+165.52687 534.60822 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.02350 534.05348 165.93449 533.94265 165.85597 533.82189 c
+165.73833 533.62035 165.62069 533.41909 165.53310 533.19798 c
+165.42595 532.94683 165.35906 532.67584 165.35225 532.40598 c
+165.34488 532.16589 165.38769 531.92608 165.48009 531.70724 c
+165.59348 531.40847 165.78624 531.16072 166.01896 530.93339 c
+166.26161 530.69613 166.53402 530.49912 166.81635 530.29247 c
+166.81635 530.29247 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.46696 522.39345 177.75978 522.16668 178.06167 521.98016 c
+178.32387 521.81291 178.59543 521.66608 178.88627 521.57962 c
+179.12721 521.51216 179.39735 521.48523 179.64709 521.51811 c
+179.80696 521.53994 179.95663 521.58161 180.09581 521.64312 c
+180.43398 521.79704 180.72113 522.05046 180.96803 522.32343 c
+181.12620 522.49493 181.26454 522.65679 181.40258 522.82828 c
+181.40258 522.82828 l
+181.88646 522.47395 l
+175.04135 513.23499 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.70460 513.82148 174.85200 514.05307 174.97928 514.29458 c
+175.05751 514.45531 175.13575 514.61603 175.20378 514.78696 c
+175.28117 515.00778 175.32850 515.23852 175.31575 515.46841 c
+175.31405 515.62857 175.27238 515.77795 175.21058 515.92734 c
+175.09720 516.21591 174.90444 516.47357 174.69184 516.69128 c
+174.41858 516.98835 174.09572 517.23468 173.78277 517.47109 c
+173.78277 517.47109 l
+168.76035 521.19383 l
+164.85987 515.92904 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.26583 511.93049 170.49742 511.78309 170.72929 511.64561 c
+170.93027 511.53817 171.13153 511.45058 171.34214 511.38283 c
+171.61313 511.30602 171.90340 511.26945 172.18290 511.33238 c
+172.33257 511.35420 172.48195 511.40580 172.62113 511.47751 c
+172.88986 511.61046 173.11776 511.78309 173.32554 511.99540 c
+173.47380 512.14706 173.61184 512.31883 173.73969 512.49033 c
+173.73969 512.49033 l
+174.22384 512.13572 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
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+148.62728 511.69408 l
+154.32236 508.63861 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+153.73729 508.18195 153.42690 508.24828 153.12614 508.30498 c
+152.53483 508.41808 151.93389 508.49150 151.33436 508.44472 c
+150.75496 508.40787 150.18633 508.27153 149.65880 508.04532 c
+149.15112 507.83953 148.68454 507.55436 148.26841 507.19946 c
+147.75335 506.76350 147.31965 506.21868 147.03676 505.60526 c
+146.76293 505.05222 146.60986 504.43058 146.62715 503.81036 c
+146.61638 502.97046 146.91600 502.13395 147.37436 501.41906 c
+147.79219 500.71380 148.35912 500.13014 148.96517 499.59694 c
+149.99556 498.68872 151.16428 497.93216 152.38148 497.28557 c
+153.41811 496.71751 154.49414 496.21975 155.61836 495.84246 c
+156.61219 495.50372 157.64542 495.24576 158.69537 495.24775 c
+159.36548 495.23528 160.04466 495.32287 160.67140 495.59017 c
+161.49770 495.91956 162.24038 496.56813 162.66161 497.35304 c
+162.82857 497.62488 162.94507 497.92620 163.05165 498.23745 c
+163.24469 498.83981 163.34759 499.48101 163.34022 500.11087 c
+163.35354 500.69083 163.27701 501.27024 163.15058 501.82866 c
+162.99298 502.50699 162.77556 503.15471 162.50825 503.79165 c
+162.40507 504.06038 162.29225 504.31918 162.16923 504.57798 c
+162.16923 504.57798 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.92161 503.50762 163.98340 503.34831 164.03499 503.19893 c
+164.45849 502.00384 164.66343 500.72598 164.58775 499.45521 c
+164.54409 498.01465 164.12031 496.59959 163.44482 495.32173 c
+162.91672 494.27546 162.21742 493.31764 161.35654 492.52762 c
+160.27795 491.52557 158.92611 490.78998 157.49036 490.41354 c
+156.27430 490.05950 154.98510 489.96482 153.74324 490.15077 c
+152.26101 490.33389 150.84454 490.89770 149.53635 491.61317 c
+148.45975 492.18066 147.46167 492.85928 146.59228 493.68954 c
+145.75323 494.47984 145.03266 495.41187 144.55077 496.45644 c
+144.06945 497.44091 143.79676 498.52800 143.75424 499.62756 c
+143.65757 501.09647 143.99065 502.59033 144.55531 503.93707 c
+144.73984 504.40932 144.95471 504.85153 145.18998 505.29430 c
+145.50321 505.87795 145.85698 506.43184 146.27112 506.94690 c
+146.67506 507.47131 147.11981 507.94639 147.59490 508.39172 c
+147.94129 508.71572 148.29789 509.02016 148.66413 509.32431 c
+148.80302 509.43572 148.94164 509.55732 149.02980 509.71833 c
+149.08876 509.80904 149.12731 509.92951 149.12617 510.02929 c
+149.14318 510.30964 148.94022 510.55739 148.73754 510.76517 c
+148.60602 510.91370 148.47449 511.04211 148.34324 511.16060 c
+148.34324 511.16060 l
+148.34324 511.16060 l
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+150.95679 468.76762 l
+150.95679 468.76762 l
+150.99534 468.87817 151.03417 468.98872 151.07301 469.09899 c
+151.18866 469.45049 151.29468 469.82154 151.30035 470.20167 c
+151.31707 470.47181 151.28419 470.74139 151.18157 470.99027 c
+151.08860 471.22923 150.93638 471.43757 150.75411 471.61559 c
+150.49134 471.86249 150.16961 472.02888 149.83795 472.17515 c
+149.68715 472.23326 149.54655 472.29194 149.40567 472.35033 c
+149.40567 472.35033 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.18630 477.47962 135.95528 477.57713 135.71461 477.63468 c
+135.52413 477.68230 135.33392 477.71008 135.13380 477.69789 c
+134.91411 477.68513 134.69471 477.63298 134.50592 477.52072 c
+134.28680 477.41811 134.10879 477.23613 133.96110 477.05443 c
+133.71420 476.76161 133.51833 476.42939 133.35194 476.08753 c
+133.30346 475.98690 133.26463 475.88655 133.21559 475.78592 c
+133.21559 475.78592 l
+132.59282 476.02885 l
+138.95603 492.43238 l
+144.19956 490.40220 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.83559 489.88800 143.69499 489.92627 143.55468 489.96482 c
+143.15329 490.07027 142.74227 490.15531 142.32217 490.17061 c
+141.72180 490.20378 141.09335 490.07679 140.53578 489.83017 c
+140.15764 489.66605 139.80019 489.44183 139.49348 489.16828 c
+139.06772 488.79354 138.73323 488.29946 138.47896 487.78668 c
+138.33241 487.49499 138.20570 487.18346 138.07928 486.88214 c
+138.07928 486.88214 l
+136.88447 483.79833 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.59669 481.00620 144.66472 481.17657 144.73276 481.35742 c
+144.88838 481.73924 145.02387 482.13099 145.04910 482.55109 c
+145.08482 482.93178 145.00998 483.34082 144.84614 483.68891 c
+144.65083 484.14671 144.29679 484.52258 143.92290 484.84857 c
+143.40784 485.29276 142.83354 485.65616 142.23005 485.96910 c
+142.13934 486.01843 142.04920 486.05726 141.95849 486.10630 c
+141.95849 486.10630 l
+142.19150 486.70894 l
+151.39276 483.14353 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+150.98910 482.58907 150.80854 482.63698 150.63817 482.67496 c
+150.21694 482.78013 149.79572 482.87537 149.35521 482.92016 c
+148.77468 482.98365 148.16466 482.96665 147.61672 482.76028 c
+147.26835 482.63641 146.95058 482.44280 146.70340 482.18995 c
+146.35729 481.83591 146.15291 481.35373 145.96809 480.89169 c
+145.90006 480.71083 145.83231 480.52998 145.76428 480.35906 c
+145.76428 480.35906 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.80583 477.63921 152.92602 477.60066 153.06633 477.58224 c
+153.19644 477.57402 153.33647 477.58535 153.45581 477.63666 c
+153.70498 477.71943 153.89235 477.93175 154.01991 478.15313 c
+154.15767 478.36460 154.24469 478.59591 154.32236 478.81672 c
+154.32236 478.81672 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.86633 480.23291 155.05058 480.72501 155.21499 481.21710 c
+155.37912 481.74888 155.52283 482.29058 155.54665 482.85071 c
+155.58009 483.40148 155.50384 483.97039 155.31761 484.49820 c
+155.16198 484.99654 154.91650 485.46397 154.61178 485.89030 c
+154.20529 486.47565 153.67918 486.97994 153.11452 487.40372 c
+152.92261 487.54120 152.74120 487.67924 152.54986 487.80709 c
+152.54986 487.80709 l
+152.80214 488.45991 l
+158.04850 485.31940 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
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+131.44422 472.39569 l
+136.67896 471.12520 l
+136.52617 470.46331 l
+136.52617 470.46331 l
+136.41591 470.49194 136.31584 470.52085 136.20557 470.53984 c
+136.05506 470.56791 135.90482 470.58633 135.74494 470.60419 c
+135.28431 470.63934 134.82397 470.66372 134.36476 470.58860 c
+133.92539 470.52369 133.49735 470.36891 133.10986 470.13420 c
+132.74249 469.90998 132.40573 469.62624 132.16961 469.27361 c
+131.87424 468.87024 131.73024 468.36850 131.59559 467.87698 c
+131.53805 467.66608 131.49071 467.44554 131.43288 467.23493 c
+131.43288 467.23493 l
+131.13666 466.01150 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+147.12208 462.12350 147.31257 462.07559 147.50306 462.06794 c
+147.65301 462.04951 147.81288 462.06113 147.97276 462.09317 c
+148.23213 462.13597 148.48101 462.23887 148.69928 462.39137 c
+148.89798 462.52375 149.06551 462.70573 149.19335 462.90699 c
+149.39008 463.18932 149.50658 463.51077 149.61288 463.83194 c
+149.66107 463.97254 149.70954 464.12306 149.74809 464.26365 c
+149.74809 464.26365 l
+150.39978 464.11087 l
+147.64847 452.79893 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+147.02513 453.09175 147.05348 453.23206 147.08211 453.36246 c
+147.13824 453.69298 147.19465 454.01386 147.17083 454.34353 c
+147.14759 454.61339 147.08466 454.88268 146.95200 455.11115 c
+146.80913 455.36967 146.58661 455.57717 146.33490 455.74413 c
+145.99219 455.99017 145.59052 456.13559 145.17893 456.25096 c
+144.96831 456.30850 144.75770 456.36605 144.54709 456.41395 c
+144.54709 456.41395 l
+129.67483 460.03465 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.14986 457.83836 129.11216 457.62775 129.08466 457.41742 c
+129.05830 457.10731 129.06198 456.78728 129.13540 456.48794 c
+129.20967 456.10894 129.37380 455.74101 129.58753 455.42324 c
+129.79106 455.12532 130.04362 454.85830 130.31660 454.62132 c
+130.80104 454.21710 131.35493 453.91323 131.93745 453.69978 c
+132.05764 453.65131 132.16819 453.61247 132.28866 453.57392 c
+132.28866 453.57392 l
+132.15515 453.02230 l
+132.15515 453.02230 l
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+377.94756 267.39893 l
+377.94756 267.39893 l
+378.21061 267.52422 378.47395 267.64951 378.72170 267.80031 c
+379.20189 268.06904 379.64381 268.42025 379.99956 268.83581 c
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+381.16006 271.00630 381.30094 271.73594 381.35622 272.47181 c
+381.42283 273.28535 381.37124 274.12016 381.17565 274.90280 c
+381.14220 275.03461 381.10365 275.17493 381.07020 275.30674 c
+381.07020 275.30674 l
+381.73011 275.62677 l
+384.06926 269.11304 l
+367.75106 261.22507 l
+369.58649 283.41723 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+365.89011 281.62318 365.66986 281.52425 365.45953 281.40775 c
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+363.99175 280.33824 363.66661 279.92976 363.43984 279.47537 c
+363.22639 279.07597 363.09203 278.64312 363.03477 278.19836 c
+362.94973 277.60791 363.00841 277.01150 363.09798 276.42217 c
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+361.19537 274.70154 l
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+360.55871 274.47789 l
+360.51846 274.58220 360.48699 274.69191 360.45241 274.78743 c
+360.38608 274.93455 360.31635 275.06778 360.24718 275.20129 c
+360.02494 275.60438 359.79761 276.01625 359.48636 276.35386 c
+359.18929 276.68806 358.83439 276.96359 358.42337 277.15805 c
+358.03417 277.35449 357.61493 277.48545 357.18775 277.49480 c
+356.68346 277.51550 356.18910 277.36639 355.70778 277.21417 c
+355.49405 277.14246 355.28031 277.07074 355.07991 276.99562 c
+355.07991 276.99562 l
+353.88907 276.58658 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.31090 261.04961 359.37553 260.86649 359.46595 260.69896 c
+359.54022 260.55723 359.63546 260.43959 359.74431 260.31827 c
+359.92233 260.12239 360.14627 259.96592 360.39231 259.86983 c
+360.61909 259.78564 360.86145 259.73405 361.10296 259.74085 c
+361.43575 259.73263 361.77137 259.79669 362.10529 259.88287 c
+362.24561 259.92142 362.39471 259.96535 362.53474 260.00391 c
+362.53474 260.00391 l
+362.76208 259.38142 l
+351.77329 255.54643 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.67606 256.22504 351.81128 256.27209 351.93288 256.32255 c
+352.24072 256.45153 352.54346 256.58901 352.80964 256.78630 c
+353.02110 256.93852 353.21017 257.14743 353.33405 257.38639 c
+353.46926 257.64491 353.53417 257.94198 353.53247 258.23339 c
+353.55005 258.66567 353.44800 259.08350 353.32894 259.49083 c
+353.26233 259.69606 353.19572 259.90157 353.12400 260.11559 c
+353.12400 260.11559 l
+348.07635 274.55726 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+345.94951 273.80069 345.74910 273.72557 345.55975 273.63345 c
+345.28450 273.48945 345.02145 273.30576 344.80176 273.09005 c
+344.52397 272.81565 344.31335 272.48825 344.15972 272.12542 c
+344.02139 271.79546 343.92926 271.44652 343.88362 271.07915 c
+343.80539 270.45780 343.85414 269.82000 343.98992 269.21225 c
+344.01317 269.09745 344.04123 268.97414 344.07298 268.86472 c
+344.07298 268.86472 l
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+343.54091 268.68104 l
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+335.07269 251.80469 335.23710 251.88094 335.39074 251.97449 c
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+336.09657 252.60350 336.20003 252.81893 336.24482 253.03323 c
+336.30973 253.33058 336.28365 253.64239 336.23206 253.93890 c
+336.18557 254.22661 336.12180 254.50413 336.05858 254.78135 c
+336.05858 254.78135 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.78400 268.46476 332.73808 268.63597 332.68904 268.79329 c
+332.62072 269.02120 332.52180 269.24173 332.38488 269.42769 c
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+330.25550 270.09780 329.97118 270.06548 329.67808 270.02750 c
+329.67808 270.02750 l
+329.52104 270.66954 l
+340.67537 273.32901 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.79301 272.67449 340.77061 272.67279 340.73972 272.66542 c
+340.46759 272.59342 340.19206 272.50753 339.94233 272.37912 c
+339.67077 272.24844 339.41991 272.08403 339.21354 271.86491 c
+339.08910 271.74246 338.98876 271.59931 338.90769 271.44425 c
+338.78409 271.20529 338.72060 270.94394 338.72400 270.68854 c
+338.71691 270.45014 338.76312 270.22054 338.81783 269.99631 c
+338.81783 269.99631 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.23329 255.69666 342.30699 255.46054 342.40280 255.22611 c
+342.48104 255.03987 342.57685 254.86356 342.70639 254.70822 c
+342.89150 254.48145 343.13953 254.30485 343.40428 254.19685 c
+343.65005 254.10047 343.91792 254.06476 344.17332 254.06787 c
+344.53701 254.06702 344.89304 254.15518 345.23773 254.22406 c
+345.24595 254.22945 345.25984 254.22605 345.26806 254.23115 c
+345.29896 254.23824 345.32986 254.24561 345.36076 254.25241 c
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+334.25915 250.85254 l
+334.25915 250.85254 l
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+308.89446 248.22709 309.00047 248.24494 309.11499 248.26791 c
+309.50419 248.34076 309.89083 248.43600 310.24290 248.62677 c
+310.48072 248.73647 310.70098 248.89408 310.85915 249.09562 c
+311.02753 249.28016 311.14290 249.51430 311.19420 249.75638 c
+311.27811 250.04183 311.28803 250.35222 311.27244 250.64702 c
+311.25685 250.94183 311.21887 251.23493 311.18117 251.52803 c
+311.18117 251.52803 l
+309.41376 266.02384 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+308.90324 266.49723 308.76690 266.62479 308.61014 266.72854 c
+308.49137 266.80847 308.35531 266.87764 308.21613 266.93348 c
+307.88589 267.07209 307.52504 267.14494 307.17524 267.14268 c
+306.98674 267.14523 306.80504 267.11631 306.62674 267.10157 c
+306.62674 267.10157 l
+306.54170 267.79890 l
+314.64028 268.78507 l
+326.03584 257.64661 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.85096 267.32211 324.80447 267.60983 324.71008 267.88025 c
+324.65055 268.05487 324.57912 268.21049 324.46857 268.35392 c
+324.33165 268.53959 324.14910 268.68586 323.93424 268.78932 c
+323.79817 268.85849 323.65020 268.90923 323.49883 268.94580 c
+323.09717 269.02885 322.67735 269.00731 322.26576 268.99115 c
+322.17137 268.99200 322.07357 268.97924 321.97946 268.98038 c
+321.97946 268.98038 l
+321.89953 269.66948 l
+328.60346 270.48501 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.49631 269.77606 328.31461 269.74743 328.12469 269.71370 c
+327.89820 269.68139 327.67087 269.61279 327.45883 269.51896 c
+327.23830 269.41975 327.02967 269.28113 326.85591 269.10510 c
+326.67704 268.93757 326.54126 268.73773 326.45679 268.51068 c
+326.34709 268.26803 326.31109 268.00072 326.30598 267.73994 c
+326.30173 267.57354 326.31165 267.40346 326.31619 267.24246 c
+326.31619 267.24246 l
+328.43424 249.93950 l
+326.29748 249.68041 l
+311.01052 264.47868 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.62882 251.22699 312.66312 250.97868 312.71953 250.73206 c
+312.76375 250.52485 312.83008 250.31934 312.92249 250.12970 c
+313.03191 249.89216 313.18101 249.66652 313.36554 249.49814 c
+313.52598 249.34989 313.71874 249.24501 313.91291 249.17556 c
+314.22954 249.04063 314.57452 248.99301 314.91609 248.99017 c
+315.09071 248.99159 315.28261 249.00293 315.46120 249.01795 c
+315.46120 249.01795 l
+315.62561 249.03609 l
+315.70186 248.39178 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
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+276.13106 248.63641 m
+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.29320 249.27392 276.42359 249.27137 276.55398 249.26882 c
+276.85417 249.27591 277.14076 249.28639 277.43159 249.34649 c
+277.69181 249.39978 277.94863 249.49729 278.16038 249.64980 c
+278.36362 249.79691 278.53540 249.99534 278.66069 250.21219 c
+278.84891 250.53761 278.92545 250.91178 278.97109 251.27915 c
+279.03203 251.67912 279.05669 252.08079 279.09524 252.47906 c
+279.09524 252.47906 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66671 265.51843 279.67153 265.83761 279.66756 266.15140 c
+279.65934 266.35720 279.64602 266.57150 279.60718 266.76992 c
+279.55389 267.03043 279.46998 267.28356 279.30898 267.49020 c
+279.19134 267.66425 279.00850 267.81080 278.82964 267.91257 c
+278.50422 268.10050 278.15216 268.17902 277.78819 268.23827 c
+277.57871 268.27455 277.36583 268.29723 277.15323 268.31962 c
+277.15323 268.31962 l
+277.17449 268.97698 l
+285.94063 268.57814 l
+290.62913 255.86107 l
+296.53597 268.09880 l
+305.20290 267.70961 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.07335 267.05679 304.97046 267.05282 304.85906 267.04375 c
+304.60365 267.04006 304.35846 267.01994 304.11184 266.96324 c
+303.83773 266.91364 303.57581 266.82406 303.34535 266.68375 c
+303.10951 266.55165 302.91024 266.36031 302.76765 266.13269 c
+302.61969 265.91386 302.52019 265.65449 302.47909 265.39512 c
+302.45244 265.22702 302.43487 265.06403 302.42239 264.89225 c
+302.42239 264.89225 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.77581 250.49565 301.75682 250.23827 301.77383 249.97946 c
+301.77836 249.81846 301.79991 249.66737 301.83024 249.52195 c
+301.89033 249.23083 302.00372 248.94850 302.19194 248.73534 c
+302.36995 248.53918 302.61940 248.39858 302.87055 248.29398 c
+303.22828 248.14857 303.61124 248.07742 303.99222 248.02838 c
+304.10022 248.02413 304.21361 248.01109 304.31339 248.00145 c
+304.31339 248.00145 l
+304.28986 247.36677 l
+292.64995 247.88920 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.89288 248.52841 293.12617 248.53011 293.34047 248.54343 c
+293.50998 248.55307 293.66957 248.58000 293.83710 248.61203 c
+294.16450 248.67071 294.47915 248.76879 294.75099 248.95757 c
+294.92476 249.07521 295.08690 249.23254 295.19717 249.41679 c
+295.35364 249.64072 295.43924 249.90350 295.48885 250.16825 c
+295.53874 250.43244 295.55235 250.69861 295.56085 250.97301 c
+295.56085 250.97301 l
+296.16321 264.28876 l
+288.38863 248.08082 l
+287.46057 248.12419 l
+281.06901 265.59950 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43093 251.47729 280.42243 251.20290 280.45020 250.92709 c
+280.47940 250.62888 280.54460 250.32926 280.67528 250.05742 c
+280.78299 249.84198 280.92501 249.64753 281.11294 249.49276 c
+281.26800 249.35272 281.45594 249.25635 281.65521 249.17868 c
+282.02145 249.03893 282.42142 248.97770 282.81260 248.97033 c
+282.91209 248.96069 283.00620 248.95956 283.10060 248.95843 c
+283.10060 248.95843 l
+283.06885 248.31836 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
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+254.00693 253.41704 l
+254.00693 253.41704 l
+254.12031 253.40428 254.23002 253.37735 254.34369 253.36460 c
+254.71616 253.31017 255.09685 253.26142 255.46876 253.32406 c
+255.73946 253.36006 255.99798 253.43546 256.22844 253.57578 c
+256.45068 253.71099 256.62784 253.90091 256.76702 254.11436 c
+256.97083 254.41427 257.07657 254.75981 257.16869 255.10847 c
+257.20526 255.25956 257.22850 255.41405 257.26535 255.56513 c
+257.26535 255.56513 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+260.03962 269.46652 260.09972 269.71370 260.11020 269.96598 c
+260.13487 270.15676 260.12324 270.34866 260.07562 270.54198 c
+260.04019 270.75430 259.93757 270.96151 259.79754 271.13357 c
+259.64702 271.32321 259.45030 271.47260 259.24706 271.59477 c
+258.90831 271.78639 258.54690 271.91792 258.18463 272.01317 c
+258.08315 272.04491 257.97317 272.07184 257.87197 272.10387 c
+257.87197 272.10387 l
+258.00151 272.75613 l
+275.26167 269.31061 l
+274.15531 263.80176 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.58639 264.06369 273.60057 264.21279 273.61502 264.36246 c
+273.64847 264.76894 273.66293 265.18762 273.59660 265.60375 c
+273.52403 266.20384 273.30435 266.79572 272.95625 267.30964 c
+272.73430 267.65433 272.45594 267.97663 272.13024 268.22353 c
+271.67868 268.58069 271.14718 268.81909 270.60406 268.98009 c
+270.27780 269.07420 269.95323 269.14564 269.62838 269.21707 c
+269.62838 269.21707 l
+266.38809 269.86649 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.96255 261.78633 265.14964 261.74806 265.33162 261.71858 c
+265.73357 261.63524 266.15254 261.56239 266.56243 261.60123 c
+266.94964 261.63808 267.33260 261.77783 267.65008 262.00630 c
+268.06706 262.28324 268.37490 262.68151 268.62576 263.11521 c
+268.98548 263.69745 269.24202 264.33383 269.44894 264.97474 c
+269.47219 265.07083 269.50932 265.16381 269.53257 265.25991 c
+269.53257 265.25991 l
+270.16299 265.12866 l
+268.23685 255.46734 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.61918 255.77008 267.63165 255.94186 267.64753 256.12696 c
+267.67899 256.55613 267.69685 256.98841 267.67361 257.43090 c
+267.63364 258.01512 267.51657 258.61124 267.20957 259.11524 c
+267.03439 259.44180 266.78211 259.72129 266.48731 259.91660 c
+266.07742 260.20545 265.57427 260.32054 265.08643 260.40983 c
+264.89395 260.45660 264.71225 260.48636 264.52488 260.52463 c
+264.52488 260.52463 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.06079 253.12309 263.03584 252.99099 263.04718 252.85720 c
+263.05824 252.72369 263.10019 252.59698 263.17304 252.47735 c
+263.29436 252.25880 263.53559 252.11282 263.77285 252.01162 c
+264.00501 251.91865 264.24198 251.87556 264.48406 251.82397 c
+264.48406 251.82397 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.97112 251.53540 266.48646 251.43931 266.99953 251.36532 c
+267.54888 251.29020 268.11354 251.24769 268.65496 251.31969 c
+269.21537 251.38006 269.76104 251.56035 270.25002 251.83446 c
+270.71490 252.07058 271.13641 252.39770 271.50435 252.77386 c
+272.01033 253.26935 272.41824 253.86888 272.73288 254.50554 c
+272.84145 254.71191 272.93613 254.92167 273.02230 255.12633 c
+273.02230 255.12633 l
+273.71594 254.98715 l
+271.52731 249.27534 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
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+227.23200 262.56614 l
+227.23200 262.56614 l
+227.49335 262.50293 227.76265 262.44482 228.03562 262.40031 c
+228.20939 262.36517 228.39137 262.33569 228.57137 262.32831 c
+228.82365 262.31783 229.08246 262.33483 229.32709 262.41364 c
+229.47619 262.45757 229.62643 262.53751 229.75285 262.63757 c
+229.95581 262.78498 230.12787 262.98312 230.25317 263.20025 c
+230.50800 263.58945 230.65427 264.04157 230.79713 264.47981 c
+230.79713 264.47981 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
+235.37197 277.40494 235.48819 277.73320 235.54970 278.07506 c
+235.58117 278.23465 235.59534 278.38403 235.59109 278.54504 c
+235.57209 278.82624 235.46721 279.11367 235.31301 279.34781 c
+235.17439 279.55587 234.99865 279.72964 234.80192 279.87959 c
+234.51902 280.09361 234.20098 280.25093 233.87953 280.39465 c
+233.78117 280.44057 233.68819 280.47742 233.59578 280.51455 c
+233.59578 280.51455 l
+233.83446 281.19883 l
+244.57351 277.38794 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.26369 276.74277 244.19509 276.75950 244.13499 276.78132 c
+243.92693 276.85389 243.71575 276.91257 243.50258 276.93496 c
+243.23811 276.98485 242.96060 276.97975 242.68309 276.91597 c
+242.45887 276.86126 242.23805 276.76205 242.05209 276.62542 c
+241.78904 276.44202 241.59033 276.19200 241.43414 275.90967 c
+241.26633 275.60863 241.15011 275.28009 241.02879 274.96035 c
+241.02879 274.96035 l
+239.11937 269.55921 l
+245.29748 267.37342 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.27918 272.98261 247.41071 273.34375 247.49065 273.73181 c
+247.53402 273.91039 247.54989 274.09578 247.55216 274.28457 c
+247.55386 274.53118 247.49745 274.77808 247.38945 274.99351 c
+247.27663 275.21745 247.09550 275.39972 246.89395 275.55789 c
+246.64365 275.75688 246.35310 275.90740 246.06737 276.04970 c
+245.96391 276.10413 245.86101 276.15827 245.75754 276.21241 c
+245.75754 276.21241 l
+246.00189 276.88819 l
+256.70778 273.09260 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.32595 272.45027 256.19216 272.49732 256.04957 272.53928 c
+255.82450 272.60135 255.59603 272.64983 255.35225 272.66485 c
+255.08466 272.70113 254.81197 272.68753 254.54466 272.60674 c
+254.31732 272.53814 254.10189 272.43043 253.92104 272.28529 c
+253.66847 272.08460 253.48847 271.82268 253.34107 271.54573 c
+253.17326 271.24441 253.06554 270.92126 252.95811 270.59839 c
+252.95811 270.59839 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.52784 258.08910 248.40822 257.74696 248.30249 257.40170 c
+248.22397 257.10775 248.15537 256.79679 248.16246 256.49688 c
+248.16586 256.24148 248.21915 255.98098 248.33197 255.75704 c
+248.39830 255.60992 248.48135 255.47329 248.58510 255.36104 c
+248.82350 255.08466 249.15430 254.88765 249.48595 254.72721 c
+249.68750 254.62687 249.89216 254.54098 250.09682 254.45480 c
+250.09682 254.45480 l
+249.89301 253.88589 l
+239.05814 257.72003 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.52274 258.22573 239.78948 258.15373 240.05367 258.10384 c
+240.23565 258.07436 240.40942 258.03921 240.59764 258.03723 c
+240.82753 258.02476 241.06422 258.04006 241.27285 258.12028 c
+241.42535 258.17811 241.56170 258.26117 241.67934 258.35641 c
+241.92879 258.54321 242.10879 258.80513 242.27008 259.07868 c
+242.46482 259.43159 242.60485 259.79783 242.74828 260.17767 c
+242.74828 260.17767 l
+244.82750 266.06863 l
+238.64939 268.25443 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.41852 261.91984 236.33802 261.64857 236.27991 261.37871 c
+236.23483 261.16413 236.20365 260.94614 236.20847 260.72674 c
+236.21046 260.43506 236.26573 260.15244 236.39386 259.90299 c
+236.46869 259.76098 236.56394 259.64334 236.67250 259.52230 c
+236.86951 259.31452 237.11754 259.13764 237.37578 259.00214 c
+237.56343 258.90576 237.76271 258.82781 237.97077 258.75581 c
+237.97077 258.75581 l
+237.76696 258.18661 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
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+229.81833 276.20050 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.35628 276.78586 229.42460 277.09654 229.47591 277.39729 c
+229.58362 277.98945 229.63606 278.59521 229.58561 279.19701 c
+229.54280 279.76791 229.39654 280.33427 229.16863 280.86293 c
+228.94753 281.36041 228.65272 281.82501 228.29499 282.23972 c
+227.84910 282.74088 227.30627 283.17118 226.68208 283.44643 c
+226.12110 283.71402 225.49946 283.85036 224.88548 283.83959 c
+224.03849 283.82712 223.21219 283.51134 222.50183 283.04362 c
+221.80139 282.61701 221.22539 282.04384 220.70636 281.43524 c
+219.81118 280.38643 219.07446 279.21203 218.44120 277.98350 c
+217.88702 276.93184 217.40712 275.85496 217.04400 274.72082 c
+216.71433 273.72416 216.47764 272.69008 216.49861 271.63701 c
+216.49578 270.96831 216.59301 270.28970 216.86457 269.67061 c
+217.21635 268.84290 217.86945 268.11638 218.65748 267.70677 c
+218.94009 267.55087 219.23745 267.42756 219.54161 267.33175 c
+220.14992 267.14013 220.78998 267.05027 221.43487 267.06813 c
+222.01455 267.05792 222.58176 267.14580 223.14501 267.27817 c
+223.81824 267.44202 224.46312 267.67077 225.09950 267.95310 c
+225.35915 268.06450 225.61398 268.18441 225.87392 268.29609 c
+225.87392 268.29609 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.83247 266.52614 224.68025 266.46860 224.52293 266.41956 c
+223.33351 265.98813 222.06104 265.75143 220.79509 265.81181 c
+219.35764 265.82655 217.92813 266.23219 216.64261 266.90117 c
+215.58643 267.40517 214.61811 268.09172 213.81987 268.94069 c
+212.79770 270.00397 212.04482 271.33710 211.65109 272.77143 c
+211.27606 273.98353 211.15984 275.27074 211.32482 276.51855 c
+211.47987 277.99455 212.02951 279.41811 212.73080 280.74671 c
+213.29150 281.82557 213.93836 282.84009 214.76239 283.71657 c
+215.53058 284.57065 216.45694 285.29858 217.49641 285.80287 c
+218.47380 286.29298 219.55776 286.58976 220.65647 286.65014 c
+222.12397 286.75928 223.62151 286.45370 224.98696 285.90321 c
+225.45468 285.73143 225.90709 285.52706 226.34419 285.28980 c
+226.92557 284.98847 227.49392 284.63187 228.01635 284.23559 c
+228.53849 283.83959 229.02009 283.39483 229.48072 282.92655 c
+229.80557 282.58554 230.12164 282.23943 230.42580 281.87433 c
+230.54513 281.73628 230.66447 281.59824 230.81924 281.51688 c
+230.92243 281.46274 231.02901 281.42220 231.14580 281.42306 c
+231.41169 281.40945 231.65915 281.61836 231.86154 281.82359 c
+232.01178 281.96192 232.13622 282.08466 232.26378 282.22101 c
+232.26378 282.22101 l
+232.26378 282.22101 l
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+457.93502 408.54472 l
+453.05490 413.54476 l
+459.80476 414.57487 l
+462.81487 420.99477 l
+465.81477 414.57487 l
+472.56491 413.54476 l
+467.67487 408.54472 l
+468.82488 401.49468 l
+462.79502 404.83474 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+@rax %Note: Object
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+128.87631 408.83131 l
+123.99619 413.83134 l
+130.74633 414.86145 l
+133.75616 421.28135 l
+136.75635 414.86145 l
+143.50620 413.83134 l
+138.61616 408.83131 l
+139.76617 401.78126 l
+133.73631 405.12132 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
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+256.28995 493.43584 m
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+254.41880 495.32542 L
+254.41880 493.43584 L
+256.28995 493.43584 l
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+251.42910 493.43584 m
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+246.52743 495.32542 L
+246.52743 493.43584 L
+251.42910 493.43584 L
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+238.54564 495.32542 L
+238.54564 493.43584 L
+243.52724 493.43584 L
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+235.57039 495.32542 L
+233.69924 495.32542 L
+233.69924 493.43584 L
+235.57039 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 459.94734 256.28995 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 459.94734 m
+256.28995 481.52013 L
+254.41880 481.52013 L
+254.41880 459.94734 L
+256.28995 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+246.52743 459.94734 251.42910 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 459.94734 m
+251.42910 481.52013 L
+246.52743 481.52013 L
+246.52743 459.94734 L
+251.42910 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 459.94734 243.52724 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+243.52724 459.94734 m
+243.52724 481.52013 L
+238.54564 481.52013 L
+238.54564 459.94734 L
+243.52724 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 459.94734 235.57039 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 459.94734 m
+235.57039 459.94734 L
+235.57039 481.52013 L
+233.69924 481.52013 L
+233.69924 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 430.07244 256.28995 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 430.07244 m
+256.28995 448.94665 L
+254.41880 448.94665 L
+254.41880 430.07244 L
+256.28995 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 430.07244 251.42910 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+238.54564 430.07244 m
+251.42910 430.07244 L
+251.42910 448.94665 L
+238.54564 448.94665 L
+238.54564 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 430.07244 235.57039 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 430.07244 m
+235.57039 448.94665 L
+233.69924 448.94665 L
+233.69924 430.07244 L
+235.57039 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 399.62211 256.28995 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 399.62211 m
+256.28995 419.22539 L
+254.41880 419.22539 L
+254.41880 399.62211 L
+256.28995 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 399.62211 251.42910 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 399.62211 m
+251.42910 419.22539 L
+238.54564 419.22539 L
+238.54564 399.62211 L
+251.42910 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 399.62211 235.57039 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 399.62211 m
+235.57039 399.62211 l
+235.57039 419.22539 l
+233.69924 419.22539 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 359.10425 251.42910 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 383.69254 m
+238.54564 383.69254 L
+238.54564 359.10425 L
+251.42910 359.10425 L
+251.42910 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 359.10425 235.57039 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 383.69254 m
+233.69924 383.69254 L
+233.69924 359.10425 L
+235.57039 359.10425 L
+235.57039 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 354.26211 256.28995 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 354.26211 m
+256.28995 356.11937 L
+254.41880 356.11937 L
+254.41880 354.26211 L
+256.28995 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.53685 354.26211 251.45235 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 354.26211 m
+251.45235 356.11937 L
+238.53685 356.11937 L
+238.53685 354.26211 L
+251.45235 354.26211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 354.26211 235.57039 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 354.26211 m
+235.57039 354.26211 l
+235.57039 356.11937 l
+233.69924 356.11937 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 345.36869 256.28995 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 345.36869 m
+256.28995 351.52980 L
+254.41880 351.52980 L
+254.41880 345.36869 L
+256.28995 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.53685 345.36869 251.45802 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 345.36869 m
+251.45802 351.52101 L
+238.53685 351.52980 L
+238.53685 345.36869 L
+251.45235 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 345.36869 235.57039 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 345.36869 m
+235.57039 351.52980 L
+233.69924 351.52980 L
+233.69924 345.36869 L
+235.57039 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.58646 386.65701 251.45235 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+238.58646 388.72857 m
+251.45235 388.72857 L
+251.45235 386.65701 L
+238.58646 386.65701 L
+238.58646 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 386.65786 256.27011 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.41880 388.72857 m
+256.27011 388.72857 L
+256.27011 386.65786 L
+254.41880 386.65786 L
+254.41880 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.42277 359.10567 256.31575 383.68261 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.42277 383.68261 m
+256.31575 383.68261 L
+256.31575 359.10567 L
+254.42277 359.10567 L
+254.42277 383.68261 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 354.26211 285.24416 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 356.11937 m
+285.24416 356.11937 L
+285.24416 354.26211 L
+270.17178 354.26211 L
+270.17178 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 345.36869 285.24416 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 347.22595 m
+285.24416 347.22595 L
+285.24416 345.36869 L
+270.17178 345.36869 L
+270.17178 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 349.67254 285.24416 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 351.52980 m
+285.24416 351.52980 L
+285.24416 349.67254 L
+270.17178 349.67254 L
+270.17178 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 354.26211 305.85260 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 356.11937 m
+305.85260 356.11937 L
+305.85260 354.26211 L
+290.81594 354.26211 L
+290.81594 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 349.67254 305.85260 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 351.52980 m
+305.85260 351.52980 L
+305.85260 349.67254 L
+290.81594 349.67254 L
+290.81594 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 345.36869 305.85260 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 347.22595 m
+305.85260 347.22595 L
+305.85260 345.36869 L
+290.81594 345.36869 L
+290.81594 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 354.26211 326.60391 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 356.11937 m
+326.60391 356.11937 L
+326.60391 354.26211 L
+311.60296 354.26211 L
+311.60296 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 349.67254 326.60391 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 351.52980 m
+326.60391 351.52980 L
+326.60391 349.67254 L
+311.60296 349.67254 L
+311.60296 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 345.36869 326.60391 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 347.22595 m
+326.60391 347.22595 L
+326.60391 345.36869 L
+311.60296 345.36869 L
+311.60296 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 399.62211 326.60391 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+326.60391 399.62211 m
+326.60391 419.22539 L
+311.60296 419.22539 L
+311.60296 399.62211 L
+326.60391 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 459.93487 389.44261 477.66274 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+389.40293 459.93487 m
+389.44261 477.66274 L
+375.82129 477.66274 L
+375.82129 459.94734 L
+389.40293 459.93487 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 430.07244 389.44261 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+375.82129 430.07244 m
+389.44261 430.07244 L
+389.44261 448.94665 L
+375.82129 448.94665 L
+375.82129 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 359.10425 389.44261 383.69282 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+389.44261 359.10425 m
+389.44261 383.69254 L
+375.82129 383.69282 L
+375.82129 359.10425 L
+389.44261 359.10425 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.85899 386.65701 389.48031 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+375.85899 388.72857 m
+389.48031 388.72857 L
+389.48031 386.65701 L
+375.85899 386.65701 L
+375.85899 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 354.26211 389.44261 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+375.82129 356.11937 m
+389.44261 356.11937 L
+389.44261 354.26211 L
+375.82129 354.26211 L
+375.82129 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 399.62211 389.44261 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+389.44261 399.62211 m
+389.44261 419.22539 L
+375.82129 419.22539 L
+375.82129 399.62211 L
+389.44261 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 493.43584 362.78986 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 493.43584 m
+362.78986 495.32542 L
+360.91871 495.32542 L
+360.91871 493.43584 L
+362.78986 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+353.02734 493.43584 357.92901 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 493.43584 m
+357.92901 495.32542 L
+353.02734 495.32542 L
+353.02734 493.43584 L
+357.92901 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 493.43584 350.02715 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+350.02715 493.43584 m
+350.02715 495.32542 L
+345.04554 495.32542 L
+345.04554 493.43584 L
+350.02715 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.15748 493.43584 342.12189 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.12189 493.43584 m
+342.12189 495.32542 L
+340.15748 495.32542 L
+340.15748 493.43584 L
+342.12189 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 459.94734 362.78986 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 459.94734 m
+362.78986 481.52013 L
+360.91871 481.52013 L
+360.91871 459.94734 L
+362.78986 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+353.02734 459.94734 357.92901 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 459.94734 m
+357.92901 481.52013 L
+353.02734 481.52013 L
+353.02734 459.94734 L
+357.92901 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 459.94734 350.02715 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+350.02715 459.94734 m
+350.02715 481.52013 L
+345.04554 481.52013 L
+345.04554 459.94734 L
+350.02715 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 459.94734 342.07030 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 459.94734 m
+342.07030 459.94734 L
+342.07030 481.52013 L
+340.19915 481.52013 L
+340.19915 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 430.07244 362.78986 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 430.07244 m
+362.78986 448.94665 L
+360.91871 448.94665 L
+360.91871 430.07244 L
+362.78986 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 430.07244 357.92901 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+345.04554 430.07244 m
+357.92901 430.07244 L
+357.92901 448.94665 L
+345.04554 448.94665 L
+345.04554 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 430.07244 342.07030 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.07030 430.07244 m
+342.07030 448.94665 L
+340.19915 448.94665 L
+340.19915 430.07244 L
+342.07030 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 399.62211 362.78986 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 399.62211 m
+362.78986 419.22539 L
+360.91871 419.22539 L
+360.91871 399.62211 L
+362.78986 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 399.62211 357.92901 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 399.62211 m
+357.92901 419.22539 L
+345.04554 419.22539 L
+345.04554 399.62211 L
+357.92901 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 399.62211 342.07030 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 399.62211 m
+342.07030 399.62211 l
+342.07030 419.22539 l
+340.19915 419.22539 l
+340.19915 399.62211 l
+340.19915 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 359.10425 357.92901 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 383.69254 m
+345.04554 383.69254 L
+345.04554 359.10425 L
+357.92901 359.10425 L
+357.92901 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.15748 359.10425 342.12189 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.12189 383.69254 m
+340.15748 383.69254 L
+340.15748 359.10425 L
+342.12189 359.10425 L
+342.12189 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 354.26211 362.78986 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 354.26211 m
+362.78986 356.11937 L
+360.91871 356.11937 L
+360.91871 354.26211 L
+362.78986 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.03676 354.26211 357.95225 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.95225 354.26211 m
+357.95225 356.11937 L
+345.03676 356.11937 L
+345.03676 354.26211 L
+357.95225 354.26211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 354.26211 342.07030 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 354.26211 m
+342.07030 354.26211 l
+342.07030 356.11937 l
+340.19915 356.11937 l
+340.19915 354.26211 l
+340.19915 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 345.36869 362.78986 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 345.36869 m
+362.78986 351.52980 L
+360.91871 351.52980 L
+360.91871 345.36869 L
+362.78986 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.03676 345.36869 357.96302 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.96302 345.36869 m
+357.95792 351.52101 L
+345.03676 351.52980 L
+345.03676 345.36869 L
+357.96302 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 345.36869 342.07030 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.07030 345.36869 m
+342.07030 351.52980 L
+340.19915 351.52980 L
+340.19915 345.36869 L
+342.07030 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.08636 386.65701 357.95225 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+345.08636 388.72857 m
+357.95225 388.72857 L
+357.95225 386.65701 L
+345.08636 386.65701 L
+345.08636 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 386.65786 362.77002 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+360.91871 388.72857 m
+362.77002 388.72857 L
+362.77002 386.65786 L
+360.91871 386.65786 L
+360.91871 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.92268 359.10567 362.81565 383.68261 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+360.92268 383.68261 m
+362.81565 383.68261 L
+362.81565 359.10567 L
+360.92268 359.10567 L
+360.92268 383.68261 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+299.72976 459.94734 305.88831 481.53260 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+305.88831 459.95981 m
+305.88831 481.53260 L
+299.72976 481.53260 L
+299.75216 459.94734 L
+305.88831 459.95981 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 459.95981 296.75225 481.53260 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+296.75225 459.95981 m
+296.75225 481.53260 L
+290.81594 481.53260 L
+290.81594 459.95981 L
+296.75225 459.95981 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+320.51679 459.94734 326.67534 481.53260 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+326.67534 459.95981 m
+326.67534 481.53260 L
+320.51679 481.53260 L
+320.53918 459.94734 L
+326.67534 459.95981 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 459.95981 317.53928 481.53260 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+\fancyhead[EL]{\thepage}% gerade Seiten, links
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+Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}\\
+Hans Friedrich Steffani\\
+Lehrstuhl Elektr. Masch. u. Antriebe
+Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}\\
+Hans Friedrich Steffani\\
+Lehrstuhl Elektr. Masch. u. Antriebe
+\title{Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}}
+\author{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\section{Beispiel 8}
+\fancyhead[EL]{\thepage}% gerade Seiten, links
+\fancyhead[OR]{\thepage}% ungerade Seiten, rechts
+Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}\\
+Hans Friedrich Steffani\\
+Lehrstuhl Elektr. Masch. u. Antriebe
+Beispiele zu \texttt{fancyhdr}\\
+Hans Friedrich Steffani\\
+Lehrstuhl Elektr. Masch. u. Antriebe
+Hier mu"s dann \verb|\headheight| entsprechend vergr"o"sert werden.
+Au"serdem ist hier das Logo immer au"sen.
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+% @@psencodingfile@{
+% author = "S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry",
+% version = "0.6",
+% date = "1 July 1998",
+% filename = "8r.enc",
+% email = "",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
+% to be used with TeX."
+% @}
+% Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts
+% available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe
+% Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida.
+% Character code assignments were made as follows:
+% (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI
+% positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the
+% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows
+% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for
+% typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen
+% (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an
+% irritation not having them in TeX positions.
+% (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part
+% of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software.
+% (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the
+% hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public
+% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12.
+% (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully)
+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
+% available.
+% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both
+% ASCII and Windows.
+/TeXBase1Encoding [
+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
+ /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl
+ /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash
+ /ogonek /ring /.notdef
+ /breve /minus /.notdef
+% These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as
+% well include them.
+ /Zcaron /zcaron
+% 0x10
+ /caron /dotlessi
+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
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+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
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+ % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright
+ % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there to here.
+ /grave /quotesingle
+% 0x20 (ASCII begins)
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+ /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
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+% 0x30
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+% 0x40
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+% 0x50
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+% 0x60
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+% 0x70
+ /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+ /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde
+ /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends
+% 0x80
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+\author{Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+\section{Beispiel 9}
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+\author{Dipl.-Ing. Hans Friedrich Steffani}
+ \includegraphics[height=2.9\baselineskip]{tulogo}
+ \begin{tabular}[b]{l}
+ Hans Friedrich Steffani\\
+ TU Chemnitz\\
+ Lehrstuhl f"ur Elektr. Maschinen u. Antriebe
+ \end{tabular}
+\ \vfill
+\Large Fancyhdr\\
+Hans Friedrich Steffani\\
+\item \texttt{plain} Seitenzahl unten, sonst nichts; \verb|\chapter|,
+\verb|\maketitle| wenn keine eigene Titelseite
+\item \texttt{empty} ganz leer; \verb|\maketitle| wenn eigene
+\item \texttt{headings}
+ Kapitel / Abschnitt im Kopf links,
+ Abschnitt / Unterabschnitt rechts; Seiten oben / au"sen
+\item \texttt{myheadings} Seitenzahlen oben, au"sen; \verb|\mark...|
+mu"s per Hand aufgerufen werden
+\newpage\section{Der Markmechanismus}\vfill
+\multicolumn{2}{c}{\texttt{article}, \texttt{report}} &
+\texttt{section} & \texttt{subsection}
+\texttt{chapter} & \texttt{section} \\
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+\texttt{$\backslash${}markboth\{\#{}1\}\{\}} &
+\newpage\section*{Der Markmechanismus}
+2 Markregister
+ & \verb|\leftmark| \\
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+Letztes \verb|\markboth| einer Seite \Ergo \verb|\leftmark| \\
+Erstes \verb|\markboth| oder \verb|\markright| einer Seite \Ergo
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+\pagestyle{fancy}% eigenen Seitestil aktivieren}
+Kopfzeile & EL & EC & ER & OL & OC & OR\\
+&\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{Der Text}\\
+&\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{Der Text}\\
+&\multicolumn{6}{|c|}{Der Text}\\
+Fu"szeile & EL & EC & ER & OL & OC & OR\\
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+% Seitenzahl bei geraden/linken Seiten nach links/aussen
+% Seitenzahl bei ungeraden/rechten Seiten nach rechts/aussen
+% Oder kurz: \fancyheader[EL,OR]{\thepage}}]
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+\item Die Dicke der Trennlinien kann durch
+festgelegt bzw. abgeschaltet werden
+\item Die Breite der Kopf-/Fu"szeile ist standardm"a"sig gleich der
+Textbreite. Eine Kopf-/Fu"szeile kann aber in den Rand hineinreichen:
+\item Die Linien werden von \verb|\headrule| bzw. \verb|\footrule|
+erzeugt, die man dann auch umdefinieren kann
+\renewcommand{\headrule}{\vbox to 0pt{\hbox to\headwidth{\dotfill}\vss}}
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+gilt auf dieser Seite
+\section{Vorhandene Seitenstile umdefinieren}
+\item \verb|\chapter|, \verb|\maketitle| rufen automatisch
+ \verb|\thispagestyle{plain}| auf.
+\item \Ergo \verb|plain| umdefinieren
+ \dots alle \verb|fancy|-Makros \dots
+\newpage\section{Besonderes Seitenlayout f"ur \texttt{p}-Seiten}
+\item \verb|fancyhdr.sty| stellt die Befehle\\
+\verb|\iffloatpage| (enth"alt die Seite nur Flie"sobjekte?)\\
+\verb|\iftopfloat| (beginnt die Seite mit einem Flie"sobjekt?)\\
+\verb|\ifbotfloat| (endet die Seite mit einem Flie"sobjekt?)\\
+zur Verf"ugung
+\item Damit sind Konstruktionen wie\\
+\verb|\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{\iffloatpage{0pt}{0.4pt}}% keine Linien auf Bilderseiten!|
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 1}
+\vfill Standardseitenstil \texttt{plain}\vfill\vfill\vfill\vfill
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 2}
+\vfill Wie Headings, aber mit \texttt{fancyhdr}\vfill\vfill\vfill\vfill
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 3}
+\vfill Namen der Felder\vfill\vfill\vfill\vfill
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 4}
+\vfill \verb|\sectionmark| selber definieren (ohne
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 5}
+\vfill Die Dicke der Trennlinien wird mit\\
+\verb|\headrulewidth| und
+festgelegt / abgestellt\\
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 6}
+\vfill \verb|\sectionmark| wird so definiert, da"s die rechte Seite
+auf jeden Fall eine Kopfzeile hat\vfill\vfill\vfill\vfill
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 7}
+\vfill Kopfzeilen, die aus mehreren Zeilen bestehen sind m"oglich
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 8}
+Damit es anst"andig ausschaut (und keine Warnings kommen) mu"s
+\verb|\headheight| vergr"o"sert werden
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 9}
+Die Kopfzeile kann auch breiter als der Textbereich sein \\
+\verb|\headwidth| entsprechend umdefinieren
+\newpage\section*{Beispiel 10}
+Mittels einer \verb|picture|-Umgebung, kann man auch von der Kopfzeile
+aus die Fu"szeile gestalten.\\
+Eventuell f"ur Folien interessant
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
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+1 add N}if}B/id 0 N/rw 0 N/rc 0 N/gp 0 N/cp 0 N/G 0 N/CharBuilder{save 3
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+%%BeginProcSet: 8r.enc
+% @@psencodingfile@{
+% author = "S. Rahtz, P. MacKay, Alan Jeffrey, B. Horn, K. Berry",
+% version = "0.6",
+% date = "1 July 1998",
+% filename = "8r.enc",
+% email = "",
+% docstring = "Encoding for TrueType or Type 1 fonts
+% to be used with TeX."
+% @}
+% Idea is to have all the characters normally included in Type 1 fonts
+% available for typesetting. This is effectively the characters in Adobe
+% Standard Encoding + ISO Latin 1 + extra characters from Lucida.
+% Character code assignments were made as follows:
+% (1) the Windows ANSI characters are almost all in their Windows ANSI
+% positions, because some Windows users cannot easily reencode the
+% fonts, and it makes no difference on other systems. The only Windows
+% ANSI characters not available are those that make no sense for
+% typesetting -- rubout (127 decimal), nobreakspace (160), softhyphen
+% (173). quotesingle and grave are moved just because it's such an
+% irritation not having them in TeX positions.
+% (2) Remaining characters are assigned arbitrarily to the lower part
+% of the range, avoiding 0, 10 and 13 in case we meet dumb software.
+% (3) Y&Y Lucida Bright includes some extra text characters; in the
+% hopes that other PostScript fonts, perhaps created for public
+% consumption, will include them, they are included starting at 0x12.
+% (4) Remaining positions left undefined are for use in (hopefully)
+% upward-compatible revisions, if someday more characters are generally
+% available.
+% (5) hyphen appears twice for compatibility with both
+% ASCII and Windows.
+/TeXBase1Encoding [
+% 0x00 (encoded characters from Adobe Standard not in Windows 3.1)
+ /.notdef /dotaccent /fi /fl
+ /fraction /hungarumlaut /Lslash /lslash
+ /ogonek /ring /.notdef
+ /breve /minus /.notdef
+% These are the only two remaining unencoded characters, so may as
+% well include them.
+ /Zcaron /zcaron
+% 0x10
+ /caron /dotlessi
+% (unusual TeX characters available in, e.g., Lucida Bright)
+ /dotlessj /ff /ffi /ffl
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+ % very contentious; it's so painful not having quoteleft and quoteright
+ % at 96 and 145 that we move the things normally found there to here.
+ /grave /quotesingle
+% 0x20 (ASCII begins)
+ /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign
+ /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright
+ /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash
+% 0x30
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+% 0x40
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+% 0x50
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+% 0x60
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+% 0x70
+ /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w
+ /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde
+ /.notdef % rubout; ASCII ends
+% 0x80
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+ /circumflex /perthousand /Scaron /guilsinglleft
+ /OE /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef
+% 0x90
+ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblleft
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+ /tilde /trademark /scaron /guilsinglright
+ /oe /.notdef /.notdef /Ydieresis
+% 0xA0
+ /.notdef % nobreakspace
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+ /currency /yen /brokenbar /section
+ /dieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /guillemotleft
+ /logicalnot
+ /hyphen % Y&Y (also at 45); Windows' softhyphen
+ /registered
+ /macron
+% 0xD0
+ /degree /plusminus /twosuperior /threesuperior
+ /acute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered
+ /cedilla /onesuperior /ordmasculine /guillemotright
+ /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /questiondown
+% 0xC0
+ /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla
+ /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis
+ /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis
+% 0xD0
+ /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute
+ /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /multiply
+ /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex
+ /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /germandbls
+% 0xE0
+ /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde
+ /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla
+ /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis
+ /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis
+% 0xF0
+ /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute
+ /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /divide
+ /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex
+ /udieresis /yacute /thorn /ydieresis
+] def
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+index/UniqueID ne and{def}{pop pop}ifelse}forall[1 index 0 6 -1 roll
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+exch def dict begin Encoding{exch dup type/integertype ne{pop pop 1 sub
+dup 0 le{pop}{[}ifelse}{FontMatrix 0 get div Metrics 0 get div def}
+ifelse}forall Metrics/Metrics currentdict end def[2 index currentdict
+end definefont 3 -1 roll makefont/setfont cvx]cvx def}def/ObliqueSlant{
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+2 get ppr 0 get neg sub neg 0 S TR}if}ifelse scaleby96{ppr aload pop 4
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+closepath clip}if ho vo TR hsc vsc scale ang rotate rwiSeen{rwi urx llx
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+}{rhiSeen{rhi ury lly sub div dup scale llx neg lly neg TR}if}ifelse
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+if}bd/@D{2 index 0 eq{$dsf 3 1 roll 4 -1 roll pop}if 3 copy exch $Scra add exch
+load SetScr/$dsp xd/$dsa xd/$dsf xd}bd/$ngx{$SDF{$SCF SepMode_5 0 eq{$SCA}
+{$dsa}ifelse $SCP @ss}if}bd/p{/$pm xd 7 rp/$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd/$fil 1 def}
+bd/@MN{2 copy le{pop}{exch pop}ifelse}bd/@MX{2 copy ge{pop}{exch pop}ifelse}bd
+/InRange{3 -1 roll @MN @MX}bd/@sqr{dup 0 rl dup 0 exch rl neg 0 rl @cp}bd
+/currentscale{1 0 dtransform matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup
+mul add sqrt 0 1 dtransform matrix defaultmatrix idtransform dup mul exch dup
+mul add sqrt}bd/@unscale{}bd/wDstChck{2 1 roll dup 3 -1 roll eq{1 add}if}bd
+/@dot{dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub}bd/@lin{exch pop abs 1 exch sub}bd
+/cmyk2rgb{3{dup 5 -1 roll add 1 exch sub dup 0 lt{pop 0}if exch}repeat pop}bd
+/rgb2cmyk{3{1 exch sub 3 1 roll}repeat 3 copy @MN @MN 3{dup 5 -1 roll sub neg
+exch}repeat}bd/rgb2g{2 index .299 mul 2 index .587 mul add 1 index .114 mul add
+4 1 roll pop pop pop}bd/WaldoColor_5 where{pop}{/SetRgb/setrgbcolor ld/GetRgb
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+GetRgb2}bd/setcmykcolor where{pop/SetCmyk_5/setcmykcolor ld}{/SetCmyk_5{
+cmyk2rgb SetRgb}bd}ifelse/currentcmykcolor where{pop/GetCmyk/currentcmykcolor
+ld}{/GetCmyk{GetRgb rgb2cmyk}bd}ifelse/setoverprint where{pop}{/setoverprint{
+/$op xd}bd}ifelse/currentoverprint where{pop}{/currentoverprint{$op}bd}ifelse
+/@tc_5{5 -1 roll dup 1 ge{pop}{4{dup 6 -1 roll mul exch}repeat pop}ifelse}bd
+/@trp{exch pop 5 1 roll @tc_5}bd/setprocesscolor_5{SepMode_5 0 eq{SetCmyk_5}{0
+4 $ink_5 sub index exch pop 5 1 roll pop pop pop pop SepsColor true eq{$ink_5 3
+gt{1 sub neg SetGry}{0 0 0 4 $ink_5 roll SetCmyk_5}ifelse}{1 sub neg SetGry}
+ifelse}ifelse}bd/findcmykcustomcolor where{pop}{/findcmykcustomcolor{5 array
+astore}bd}ifelse/setcustomcolor where{pop}{/setcustomcolor{exch aload pop
+SepMode_5 0 eq{pop @tc_5 setprocesscolor_5}{CurrentInkName_5 eq{4 index}{0}
+ifelse 6 1 roll 5 rp 1 sub neg SetGry}ifelse}bd}ifelse/@scc_5{dup type
+/booleantype eq{setoverprint}{1 eq setoverprint}ifelse dup _ eq{pop
+setprocesscolor_5 pop}{findcmykcustomcolor exch setcustomcolor}ifelse SepMode_5
+0 eq{true}{GetGry 1 eq currentoverprint and not}ifelse}bd/colorimage where{pop
+/ColorImage{colorimage}def}{/ColorImage{/ncolors xd pop/dataaq xd{dataaq
+ncolors dup 3 eq{/$dat xd 0 1 $dat length 3 div 1 sub{dup 3 mul $dat 1 index
+get 255 div $dat 2 index 1 add get 255 div $dat 3 index 2 add get 255 div rgb2g
+255 mul cvi exch pop $dat 3 1 roll put}for $dat 0 $dat length 3 idiv
+getinterval pop}{4 eq{/$dat xd 0 1 $dat length 4 div 1 sub{dup 4 mul $dat 1
+index get 255 div $dat 2 index 1 add get 255 div $dat 3 index 2 add get 255 div
+$dat 4 index 3 add get 255 div cmyk2rgb rgb2g 255 mul cvi exch pop $dat 3 1
+roll put}for $dat 0 $dat length ncolors idiv getinterval}if}ifelse}image}bd
+}ifelse/setcmykcolor{1 5 1 roll _ currentoverprint @scc_5/$ffpnt xd}bd
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+bd/currenthsbcolor{currentrgbcolor rgb2hsb}bd/setgray{dup dup setrgbcolor}bd
+/currentgray{currentrgbcolor rgb2g}bd}ifelse/WaldoColor_5 true def/@sft{$tllx
+$pxf add dup $tllx gt{$pwid sub}if/$tx xd $tury $pyf sub dup $tury lt{$phei
+add}if/$ty xd}bd/@stb{pathbbox/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd}bd/@ep{{cvx exec
+}forall}bd/@tp{@sv/$in true def 2 copy dup $lly le{/$in false def}if $phei sub
+$ury ge{/$in false def}if dup $urx ge{/$in false def}if $pwid add $llx le{/$in
+false def}if $in{@np 2 copy m $pwid 0 rl 0 $phei neg rl $pwid neg 0 rl 0 $phei
+rl clip @np $pn cvlit load aload pop 7 -1 roll 5 index sub 7 -1 roll 3 index
+sub Tl matrix currentmatrix/$ctm xd @ep pop pop pop pop}{pop pop}ifelse @rs}bd
+/@th{@sft 0 1 $tly 1 sub{dup $psx mul $tx add{dup $llx gt{$pwid sub}{exit}
+ifelse}loop exch $phei mul $ty exch sub 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{$pwid mul 3 copy 3 -1
+roll add exch @tp pop}for pop pop}for}bd/@tv{@sft 0 1 $tlx 1 sub{dup $pwid mul
+$tx add exch $psy mul $ty exch sub{dup $ury lt{$phei add}{exit}ifelse}loop 0 1
+$tly 1 sub{$phei mul 3 copy sub @tp pop}for pop pop}for}bd/$fm 0 def/wfill{1
+$fm eq{fill}{eofill}ifelse}bd/wclip{1 $fm eq{clip}{eoclip}ifelse}bd/@pf{@gs
+$ctm setmatrix $pm concat @stb wclip Bburx Bbury $pm itransform/$tury xd/$turx
+xd Bbllx Bblly $pm itransform/$tlly xd/$tllx xd/$wid $turx $tllx sub def/$hei
+$tury $tlly sub def @gs $vectpat{1 0 0 0 0 _ $o @scc_5{wfill}if}{$t $c $m $y $k
+$n $o @scc_5{SepMode_5 0 eq $pfrg or{$tllx $tlly Tl $wid $hei scale <00> 8 1
+false[8 0 0 1 0 0]{}imagemask}{/$bkg true def}ifelse}if}ifelse @gr $wid 0 gt
+$hei 0 gt and{$pn cvlit load aload pop/$pd xd 3 -1 roll sub/$phei xd exch sub
+/$pwid xd $wid $pwid div ceiling 1 add/$tlx xd $hei $phei div ceiling 1 add
+/$tly xd $psx 0 eq{@tv}{@th}ifelse}if @gr @np/$bkg false def}bd/@Pf{@sv
+SepMode_5 0 eq $Psc 0 ne or $ink_5 3 eq or{0 J 0 j[]0 d $t $c $m $y $k $n $o
+@scc_5 pop $ctm setmatrix 72 1000 div dup matrix scale dup concat dup Bburx
+exch Bbury exch itransform ceiling cvi/Bbury xd ceiling cvi/Bburx xd Bbllx exch
+Bblly exch itransform floor cvi/Bblly xd floor cvi/Bbllx xd $Prm aload pop $Psn
+load exec}{1 SetGry wfill}ifelse @rs @np}bd/F{matrix currentmatrix $sdf{$scf
+$sca $scp @ss}if $fil 1 eq{@pf}{$fil 2 eq{@ff}{$fil 3 eq{@Pf}{$t $c $m $y $k $n
+$o @scc_5{wfill}{@np}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse $sdf{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if
+setmatrix}bd/f{@cp F}bd/S{matrix currentmatrix $ctm setmatrix $SDF{$SCF $SCA
+$SCP @ss}if $T $C $M $Y $K $N $O @scc_5{matrix currentmatrix $ptm concat stroke
+setmatrix}{@np}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if setmatrix}bd/s{@cp S}bd/B{@gs
+F @gr S}bd/b{@cp B}bd/_E{5 array astore exch cvlit xd}bd/@cc{currentfile $dat
+readhexstring pop}bd/@sm{/$ctm $ctm currentmatrix def}bd/@E{/Bbury xd/Bburx xd
+/Bblly xd/Bbllx xd}bd/@c{@cp}bd/@p{/$fil 1 def 1 eq dup/$vectpat xd{/$pfrg true
+def}{@gs $t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5/$pfrg xd @gr}ifelse/$pm xd/$psy xd/$psx xd
+/$pyf xd/$pxf xd/$pn xd}bd/@P{/$fil 3 def/$Psn xd/$Psc xd array astore/$Prm xd
+}bd/@ii{concat 3 index 3 index m 3 index 1 index l 2 copy l 1 index 3 index l 3
+index 3 index l clip pop pop pop pop}bd/tcc{@cc}def/@i{@sm @gs @ii 6 index 1 ne
+{/$frg true def pop pop}{1 eq{s1t s1c s1m s1y s1k s1n $O @scc_5/$frg xd}{/$frg
+false def}ifelse 1 eq{@gs $ctm setmatrix F @gr}if}ifelse @np/$ury xd/$urx xd
+/$lly xd/$llx xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul 8 div ceiling cvi
+string def $bkg $frg or{$SDF{$SCF $SCA $SCP @ss}if $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub
+$ury $lly sub scale $bkg{$t $c $m $y $k $n $o @scc_5 pop}if $wid $hei abs $bts
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+$bts 1 eq{imagemask}{image}ifelse $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if}{$hei abs{tcc pop}
+repeat}ifelse @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/@I{@sm @gs @ii @np/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd
+/$llx xd/$ncl xd/$bts xd/$hei xd/$wid xd/$dat $wid $bts mul $ncl mul 8 div
+ceiling cvi string def $ngx $llx $lly Tl $urx $llx sub $ury $lly sub scale $wid
+$hei abs $bts[$wid 0 0 $hei neg 0 $hei 0 gt{$hei}{0}ifelse]/@cc load false $ncl
+ColorImage $SDF{$dsf $dsa $dsp @ss}if @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd/COMP 0 def L2?{
+/@I_2{@sm @gs @ii @np/$ury xd/$urx xd/$lly xd/$llx xd/$ncl xd/$bts xd/$hei xd
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+{[0 1]}{$ncl 3 eq{[0 1 0 1 0 1]}{[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]}ifelse}ifelse def
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+{/RunLengthDecode filter}if}ifelse def currentdict end image $SDF{$dsf $dsa
+$dsp @ss}if @gr $ctm setmatrix}bd}{/@I_2{}bd}ifelse/@B{@gs S @gr F}bd/@b{@cp @B
+}bd/@sep{CurrentInkName_5(Composite)eq{/$ink_5 -1 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Cyan)
+eq{/$ink_5 0 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Magenta)eq{/$ink_5 1 def}{CurrentInkName_5
+(Yellow)eq{/$ink_5 2 def}{CurrentInkName_5(Black)eq{/$ink_5 3 def}{/$ink_5 4
+def}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}ifelse}bd/@whi{@gs -72000 dup m -72000 72000 l
+72000 dup l 72000 -72000 l @cp 1 SetGry fill @gr}bd/@neg{[{1 exch sub}/exec cvx
+currenttransfer/exec cvx]cvx settransfer @whi}bd/deflevel 0 def/@sax{/deflevel
+deflevel 1 add def}bd/@eax{/deflevel deflevel dup 0 gt{1 sub}if def deflevel 0
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+bd/@daq{dup type/arraytype eq{{}forall}if}bd/@BMP{/@cc xd 12 index 1 gt
+UseLevel2 true eq and{7 -2 roll pop pop @I_2}{11 index 1 eq{12 -1 roll pop @i}
+{7 -2 roll pop pop @I}ifelse}ifelse}bd systemdict/pdfmark known not{/pdfmark
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+0 4.46740 4.46740 0.00000 @w
+/$fm 0 def
+298.20047 604.37735 m
+399.85228 604.37735 482.75972 521.72731 482.75972 420.39128 c
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+196.54866 236.40520 113.64123 319.05524 113.64123 420.39128 c
+113.64123 521.72731 196.54866 604.37735 298.20047 604.37735 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+445.53373 453.03194 468.94876 472.54280 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+445.90592 465.73342 445.95468 465.58318 446.01335 465.43238 c
+446.01335 465.43238 l
+445.45153 465.21723 l
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+442.47657 475.05345 l
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+443.50016 473.17465 443.64954 473.10321 443.79950 473.08195 c
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+444.58072 473.22510 444.68135 473.27443 444.77150 473.33367 c
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+445.63748 473.99613 445.81861 474.14438 445.99011 474.30312 c
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+443.05115 481.35883 l
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+438.56362 483.97776 l
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+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
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+450.27014 503.13713 l
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+424.99219 509.28605 l
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+428.79600 508.55329 l
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+447.26882 509.93348 l
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+447.06132 510.24501 446.89323 510.47660 446.68517 510.66850 c
+446.47710 510.89017 446.23843 511.07216 445.95950 511.19461 c
+445.81011 511.26576 445.64060 511.31764 445.47080 511.33890 c
+445.21115 511.38113 444.94101 511.35364 444.69014 511.26576 c
+444.46961 511.18753 444.26835 511.06932 444.06737 510.95112 c
+444.06737 510.95112 l
+431.88945 503.16633 l
+431.88945 503.16633 l
+431.68819 503.01808 431.48693 502.87975 431.30551 502.71109 c
+431.15443 502.57247 431.02290 502.42365 430.91150 502.24450 c
+430.75928 501.99591 430.66687 501.70677 430.66431 501.41679 c
+430.65184 501.15685 430.70995 500.90627 430.78762 500.65569 c
+430.89449 500.30476 431.03169 499.95354 431.28964 499.69106 c
+431.28964 499.69106 431.29928 499.68113 431.30920 499.67121 c
+431.32932 499.65080 431.33896 499.62076 431.35852 499.59071 c
+431.35852 499.59071 l
+430.74539 499.19613 l
+424.48932 508.96035 l
+424.48932 508.96035 l
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+413.91383 522.22252 m
+419.43175 526.56491 l
+419.85694 526.01131 l
+419.85694 526.01131 l
+419.67553 525.82280 419.49354 525.62438 419.33169 525.42567 c
+418.95780 524.96901 418.64343 524.45169 418.42857 523.90346 c
+418.07140 523.05647 417.95320 522.12756 417.95518 521.19780 c
+417.94894 520.48772 418.00309 519.77707 418.19698 519.09534 c
+418.41950 518.21348 418.87219 517.37953 419.45613 516.66435 c
+419.75263 516.29187 420.08995 515.94888 420.47717 515.64557 c
+420.89443 515.32186 421.37206 515.04775 421.89109 514.91339 c
+422.20006 514.82041 422.53002 514.77761 422.85005 514.81474 c
+423.32060 514.86094 423.78208 515.05682 424.13471 515.35389 c
+424.32605 515.51206 424.49783 515.69065 424.63956 515.89956 c
+424.85216 516.19748 425.01515 516.54614 425.07836 516.90557 c
+425.12031 517.12526 425.13222 517.35543 425.12428 517.58532 c
+425.10954 518.22567 424.97518 518.85666 424.82041 519.47802 c
+424.69483 519.97918 424.55934 520.47043 424.41335 520.96167 c
+424.41335 520.96167 l
+423.77386 523.31726 l
+423.77386 523.31726 l
+423.67691 523.68803 423.58025 524.05880 423.49323 524.42986 c
+423.36794 524.97099 423.27298 525.51184 423.22734 526.06205 c
+423.17348 526.75257 423.18964 527.45272 423.38523 528.11093 c
+423.51987 528.64980 423.75430 529.14756 424.05817 529.61499 c
+424.44369 530.22189 424.93833 530.75764 425.51178 531.19247 c
+426.16658 531.71688 426.93024 532.11033 427.74151 532.29317 c
+428.56356 532.50605 429.42359 532.50888 430.24195 532.32180 c
+431.16038 532.14378 432.02693 531.72595 432.79228 531.18964 c
+433.72687 530.56120 434.52992 529.76438 435.20202 528.85871 c
+435.60765 528.32494 435.97276 527.75178 436.27720 527.14913 c
+436.59184 526.50652 436.84611 525.82422 437.02016 525.13257 c
+437.07770 524.88227 437.13553 524.62148 437.19364 524.37090 c
+437.24154 524.15065 437.29965 523.94003 437.37789 523.72970 c
+437.42636 523.57890 437.49524 523.43858 437.59417 523.31754 c
+437.70302 523.17666 437.86176 523.05534 438.03156 523.01395 c
+438.24104 522.95187 438.47121 522.98986 438.67219 523.07830 c
+438.81279 523.14718 438.93354 523.22598 439.06422 523.30479 c
+439.06422 523.30479 l
+439.46986 522.79143 l
+434.73742 519.07238 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.33178 519.58573 l
+434.44290 519.72491 434.55430 519.87373 434.66542 520.01291 c
+435.08041 520.57928 435.44580 521.19609 435.64167 521.87443 c
+435.84718 522.50258 435.90302 523.17241 435.86872 523.84252 c
+435.84520 524.58293 435.69156 525.30406 435.42737 525.98636 c
+435.17339 526.68850 434.78901 527.35209 434.32413 527.93603 c
+434.10671 528.21780 433.85896 528.49020 433.59080 528.72236 c
+433.24356 529.01546 432.84557 529.25896 432.40649 529.38255 c
+432.09751 529.48545 431.75764 529.52825 431.43732 529.48120 c
+431.03679 529.42450 430.65553 529.24791 430.34315 529.00044 c
+430.21247 528.90180 430.09143 528.79266 429.98031 528.66369 c
+429.77849 528.43521 429.62570 528.15685 429.54321 527.85723 c
+429.48142 527.62791 429.45902 527.37817 429.46696 527.12816 c
+429.47376 526.75795 429.54066 526.38746 429.62740 526.02690 c
+429.70479 525.71594 429.79209 525.40526 429.87940 525.09458 c
+429.87940 525.09458 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.76154 521.87669 l
+430.88769 521.42570 431.01383 520.97471 431.10992 520.51380 c
+431.24485 519.96217 431.34009 519.41140 431.37524 518.84107 c
+431.43931 518.16047 431.42343 517.46088 431.25761 516.79219 c
+431.15329 516.28309 430.96876 515.78447 430.70513 515.33688 c
+430.28844 514.61065 429.68296 513.98561 428.99868 513.47169 c
+428.29370 512.91780 427.50992 512.46454 426.65783 512.23209 c
+425.89587 511.99852 425.08517 511.92567 424.29600 512.03254 c
+423.51676 512.10879 422.75906 512.35569 422.07194 512.72164 c
+420.79748 513.37276 419.75688 514.43178 418.89657 515.57924 c
+418.58986 515.96192 418.30328 516.36416 418.04702 516.77660 c
+417.63288 517.45011 417.27883 518.16331 416.97496 518.88586 c
+416.82841 519.25720 416.68157 519.62854 416.54494 520.00980 c
+416.54494 520.00980 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.32980 520.59146 l
+416.27112 520.73206 416.22236 520.87238 416.14356 521.00334 c
+416.08431 521.11389 416.00551 521.22444 415.92643 521.32535 c
+415.78781 521.48636 415.61887 521.62781 415.40939 521.70945 c
+415.10098 521.85231 414.71065 521.84580 414.40932 521.70831 c
+414.38948 521.69868 414.35943 521.68847 414.33902 521.67883 c
+414.33902 521.67883 l
+413.91383 522.22252 l
+413.91383 522.22252 l
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+397.98765 538.88117 l
+397.98765 538.88117 l
+398.05710 538.82050 398.13647 538.75984 398.20592 538.69918 c
+398.45424 538.49707 398.70255 538.31480 398.98120 538.15238 c
+399.24000 538.00044 399.50901 537.86778 399.79871 537.84539 c
+400.02831 537.81335 400.27890 537.86126 400.50935 537.93921 c
+400.88069 538.06592 401.20271 538.29326 401.49496 538.54072 c
+401.69622 538.71902 401.88784 538.90753 402.07975 539.10567 c
+402.07975 539.10567 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.59452 548.86394 l
+411.76602 549.06208 411.94800 549.26079 412.08973 549.46942 c
+412.19093 549.61852 412.28249 549.77783 412.35364 549.93742 c
+412.42507 550.10636 412.48687 550.28580 412.49820 550.46580 c
+412.52031 550.66592 412.49197 550.87597 412.42365 551.06674 c
+412.34598 551.32724 412.19802 551.55855 412.03956 551.76973 c
+411.97039 551.86044 411.90123 551.95115 411.83206 552.05178 c
+411.83206 552.05178 l
+411.40573 552.45543 l
+411.89017 552.96113 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.17890 545.85780 l
+419.92243 545.13156 420.66624 544.39512 421.35931 543.61899 c
+421.87465 543.03449 422.36901 542.43014 422.74318 541.74699 c
+423.12756 541.06356 423.39061 540.30132 423.45383 539.52066 c
+423.52838 538.86019 423.45269 538.18072 423.23698 537.55228 c
+422.98980 536.73449 422.52350 535.99861 421.91830 535.38378 c
+421.26236 534.68929 420.42756 534.14674 419.50545 533.92450 c
+418.39285 533.62431 417.14419 533.80517 416.07808 534.23433 c
+415.85868 534.31597 415.65940 534.39789 415.45020 534.48973 c
+415.45020 534.48973 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.58699 527.20554 l
+413.45291 526.71685 413.32847 526.22787 413.24428 525.72841 c
+413.21282 525.57874 413.19184 525.43899 413.19043 525.28904 c
+413.16860 525.08920 413.17682 524.87915 413.21509 524.67874 c
+413.23408 524.55855 413.26299 524.43808 413.31203 524.31789 c
+413.39991 524.06702 413.55780 523.83572 413.71625 523.62425 c
+413.78542 523.53354 413.84438 523.45304 413.91383 523.37254 c
+413.91383 523.37254 l
+413.49033 522.95613 l
+408.11528 528.19313 l
+410.87395 538.40948 l
+410.42778 538.85339 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.32123 534.64876 l
+406.18998 534.51014 406.04882 534.36104 405.91729 534.21222 c
+405.75600 534.03364 405.61398 533.83493 405.50230 533.61609 c
+405.36992 533.36721 405.28743 533.07780 405.28488 532.78753 c
+405.27269 532.52787 405.33080 532.26737 405.42831 532.02643 c
+405.57543 531.64517 405.83225 531.31294 406.09956 531.01049 c
+406.18885 530.90986 406.28806 530.80894 406.37707 530.71824 c
+406.37707 530.71824 l
+405.96350 530.29162 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
+397.57408 538.46447 l
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+381.85342 550.03124 m
+382.22816 550.54800 l
+382.22816 550.54800 l
+382.32737 550.47713 382.41694 550.40627 382.51644 550.34561 c
+382.82428 550.13301 383.15254 549.94025 383.52189 549.83679 c
+383.77134 549.74466 384.05083 549.71206 384.31106 549.73984 c
+384.57128 549.76762 384.81194 549.86570 385.03332 549.99383 c
+385.33493 550.18120 385.58750 550.45899 385.80973 550.73679 c
+385.90072 550.85641 386.00192 550.98539 386.09291 551.10472 c
+386.09291 551.10472 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.33068 562.33389 l
+394.48233 562.53231 394.63398 562.73131 394.75587 562.95014 c
+394.84743 563.11909 394.92879 563.29852 394.97046 563.49808 c
+395.01241 563.70784 395.01439 563.93773 394.96620 564.15827 c
+394.90809 564.38872 394.79017 564.59991 394.65184 564.80088 c
+394.43443 565.11298 394.16712 565.38510 393.86891 565.62775 c
+393.78983 565.70854 393.71017 565.76920 393.62088 565.84006 c
+393.62088 565.84006 l
+394.01546 566.37666 l
+408.20598 555.97323 l
+404.87641 551.44205 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.39962 551.79609 l
+404.47077 551.92564 404.55184 552.05461 404.62299 552.17424 c
+404.82624 552.54246 405.01928 552.91068 405.13266 553.30980 c
+405.32769 553.88835 405.37304 554.51764 405.27865 555.12850 c
+405.22195 555.53896 405.09553 555.94035 404.90872 556.31197 c
+404.65304 556.81427 404.27688 557.25732 403.84006 557.64113 c
+403.59203 557.86337 403.33380 558.06548 403.06535 558.25767 c
+403.06535 558.25767 l
+400.40249 560.22094 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.55496 553.60261 l
+395.70406 553.49150 395.85317 553.39002 396.00198 553.27861 c
+396.33024 553.03597 396.67776 552.78312 397.07660 552.65953 c
+397.43546 552.52658 397.84535 552.49285 398.22576 552.55946 c
+398.71672 552.63515 399.17877 552.87128 399.58129 553.14794 c
+400.15446 553.53288 400.63861 554.00882 401.10293 554.49468 c
+401.17351 554.57433 401.24438 554.64350 401.30476 554.71323 c
+401.30476 554.71323 l
+401.82151 554.33849 l
+395.99235 546.37880 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.47559 546.76318 l
+395.56715 546.92249 395.64822 547.07159 395.73978 547.23090 c
+395.95294 547.60904 396.15647 547.99739 396.30983 548.40586 c
+396.53461 548.95408 396.66983 549.54312 396.60491 550.13357 c
+396.57798 550.49357 396.47112 550.85471 396.28375 551.15660 c
+396.03770 551.58831 395.63008 551.90211 395.23266 552.19550 c
+395.07392 552.31682 394.92482 552.42822 394.76551 552.53962 c
+394.76551 552.53962 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.38372 546.56731 l
+390.31285 546.44769 390.24170 546.33855 390.19068 546.20901 c
+390.14986 546.08910 390.12831 545.94935 390.13710 545.81953 c
+390.16517 545.55931 390.31313 545.32772 390.49143 545.13638 c
+390.65981 544.95496 390.85880 544.81294 391.05751 544.67121 c
+391.05751 544.67121 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+391.86255 544.08444 l
+392.27981 543.78085 392.70699 543.47698 393.14494 543.19323 c
+393.61209 542.88907 394.09965 542.61496 394.62831 542.44035 c
+395.15698 542.26573 395.72617 542.20082 396.28658 542.23597 c
+396.80674 542.26148 397.32775 542.37713 397.81956 542.56280 c
+398.48173 542.80687 399.11471 543.17140 399.66860 543.61672 c
+399.85002 543.75534 400.02094 543.90359 400.19244 544.05213 c
+400.19244 544.05213 l
+400.75880 543.63742 l
+396.37191 539.38517 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
+381.85342 550.03124 l
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+372.95631 578.10954 l
+381.95405 573.21128 l
+381.59858 572.55420 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.95172 572.90003 l
+380.83181 572.95077 380.71219 572.99187 380.58265 573.03298 c
+380.34312 573.09506 380.08346 573.12737 379.86265 573.03921 c
+379.67216 572.98110 379.50094 572.84249 379.38926 572.67354 c
+379.28835 572.53436 379.24668 572.36485 379.20529 572.19506 c
+379.14293 571.91556 379.10069 571.63578 379.06809 571.36620 c
+379.06809 571.36620 l
+377.60513 560.62828 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.70258 567.22847 l
+385.86359 567.35717 386.01496 567.48586 386.16605 567.62476 c
+386.33783 567.80334 386.49912 567.99184 386.63121 568.22060 c
+386.74290 568.41959 386.82482 568.63899 386.82680 568.86888 c
+386.82822 569.02904 386.78967 569.17928 386.73071 569.32980 c
+386.56403 569.70113 386.20630 569.97439 385.85849 570.19748 c
+385.69918 570.29868 385.52995 570.40016 385.37093 570.50164 c
+385.37093 570.50164 l
+385.73660 571.16835 l
+391.02208 568.29260 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.66633 567.62561 l
+390.58668 567.66643 390.50674 567.70696 390.42709 567.74778 c
+390.26778 567.80929 390.09827 567.85068 389.92819 567.87194 c
+389.68866 567.89405 389.44857 567.89631 389.21811 567.84813 c
+388.99757 567.82006 388.78724 567.74183 388.57635 567.64375 c
+388.24498 567.49635 387.94309 567.28913 387.65112 567.07172 c
+387.37984 566.88406 387.12784 566.67600 386.87613 566.47843 c
+386.87613 566.47843 l
+372.47499 554.84249 l
+371.27055 555.49304 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.77638 574.65213 l
+373.79820 574.83213 373.80954 575.01184 373.82117 575.20176 c
+373.85461 575.59153 373.85830 576.01162 373.70126 576.37304 c
+373.57455 576.74409 373.28740 577.05647 372.98920 577.31924 c
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+372.67200 577.59165 l
+372.67200 577.59165 l
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+352.09559 565.40948 l
+352.09559 565.40948 l
+352.37509 565.33720 352.64438 565.26491 352.92387 565.20227 c
+353.09339 565.16088 353.27339 565.12913 353.44290 565.11780 c
+353.69263 565.08548 353.94265 565.09342 354.17367 565.16145 c
+354.39392 565.21956 354.59490 565.32784 354.75619 565.47638 c
+354.98806 565.68444 355.15049 565.95317 355.28258 566.22189 c
+355.40504 566.48069 355.51729 566.74998 355.61962 567.01899 c
+355.61962 567.01899 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.87109 579.88403 l
+360.93260 580.04334 360.99411 580.20293 361.04542 580.36252 c
+361.11742 580.59213 361.16929 580.82145 361.17128 581.06154 c
+361.17326 581.27159 361.13499 581.49184 361.05676 581.68261 c
+360.98844 581.86318 360.87987 582.03411 360.75090 582.17528 c
+360.56296 582.38674 360.32428 582.54888 360.07540 582.69118 c
+359.82709 582.84312 359.56800 582.97550 359.31912 583.11751 c
+359.31912 583.11751 l
+359.56460 583.73575 l
+370.17751 579.41348 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.92211 578.79581 l
+369.89206 578.80573 369.87250 578.81594 369.84246 578.82643 c
+369.58337 578.94860 369.31408 579.01096 369.02438 579.05348 c
+368.73468 579.09600 368.43506 579.11868 368.14422 579.06113 c
+367.96394 579.03250 367.79386 578.98431 367.64306 578.90523 c
+367.40211 578.78759 367.20028 578.59937 367.05827 578.39046 c
+366.91710 578.20167 366.82498 577.99247 366.72321 577.77335 c
+366.72321 577.77335 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.26709 564.39014 l
+361.18517 564.16054 361.10324 563.92157 361.05080 563.68205 c
+360.99921 563.48220 360.97739 563.28265 360.99581 563.08224 c
+361.01310 562.79225 361.10069 562.50142 361.26879 562.26019 c
+361.40655 562.02860 361.59506 561.84718 361.81389 561.70517 c
+362.10217 561.49257 362.44091 561.36983 362.76945 561.21704 c
+362.77965 561.20683 362.78957 561.20683 362.79950 561.19663 c
+362.82926 561.18643 362.85931 561.17622 362.88935 561.16602 c
+362.88935 561.16602 l
+362.61326 560.48825 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
+351.87080 564.86154 l
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+329.62932 571.74406 l
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+330.33827 571.60828 330.73795 571.54479 331.12828 571.59128 c
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+332.11106 571.90280 332.30268 572.07118 332.44413 572.27017 c
+332.63631 572.49836 332.75849 572.77729 332.85118 573.06643 c
+332.95351 573.34564 333.03600 573.62485 333.10857 573.91398 c
+333.10857 573.91398 l
+336.99033 587.98120 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.77461 588.44296 l
+336.69609 588.62381 336.61729 588.79446 336.51893 588.95518 c
+336.42992 589.07594 336.33071 589.18677 336.23178 589.28769 c
+335.97383 589.53997 335.66570 589.74265 335.33688 589.87559 c
+335.16737 589.94702 334.98794 589.99861 334.81814 590.04992 c
+334.81814 590.04992 l
+335.00409 590.71861 l
+342.87562 588.55011 l
+349.16910 573.91512 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.67805 583.03361 l
+351.75061 583.32302 351.82318 583.60252 351.84557 583.89222 c
+351.85720 584.07222 351.83849 584.24258 351.80022 584.42287 c
+351.74211 584.64340 351.62391 584.85430 351.47537 585.02580 c
+351.36624 585.13663 351.24746 585.23754 351.11792 585.32882 c
+350.78003 585.56154 350.39140 585.71490 350.00249 585.84841 c
+349.91263 585.87931 349.82306 585.90992 349.73320 585.94082 c
+349.73320 585.94082 l
+349.91887 586.60923 l
+356.42409 584.82283 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.24806 584.14422 l
+356.05843 584.19609 355.87899 584.24740 355.69928 584.28907 c
+355.46939 584.33102 355.23978 584.36306 355.00961 584.35512 c
+354.75959 584.34690 354.50901 584.29928 354.27827 584.20120 c
+354.05773 584.11332 353.85647 583.98491 353.68498 583.80633 c
+353.50356 583.62803 353.36126 583.38935 353.25921 583.15011 c
+353.19770 582.99052 353.13676 582.84113 353.08517 582.68154 c
+353.08517 582.68154 l
+348.45959 565.88088 l
+346.38435 566.44894 l
+337.87304 585.95357 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.39351 573.33317 l
+334.33143 573.08372 334.25915 572.83427 334.22712 572.58454 c
+334.18517 572.37477 334.17354 572.16501 334.18148 571.95468 c
+334.18942 571.69474 334.24724 571.43424 334.35524 571.20321 c
+334.44340 571.01244 334.58202 570.84123 334.73055 570.68986 c
+334.97858 570.44806 335.27707 570.27543 335.58605 570.15269 c
+335.76520 570.08126 335.93499 570.01975 336.11443 569.96816 c
+336.11443 569.96816 l
+336.26409 569.91685 l
+336.08835 569.28841 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
+329.45414 571.11591 l
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+309.84180 594.04649 l
+321.28044 592.67735 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.19455 591.98825 l
+321.04460 591.99931 320.90485 592.02057 320.75490 592.03191 c
+320.55477 592.04353 320.34501 592.04551 320.14460 592.01717 c
+319.86454 591.98939 319.59383 591.91200 319.34268 591.78416 c
+319.09181 591.66624 318.87014 591.49814 318.70828 591.27959 c
+318.54671 591.09109 318.42482 590.86205 318.35282 590.62252 c
+318.29102 590.44309 318.25928 590.25345 318.22781 590.07373 c
+318.22781 590.07373 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.71808 577.42639 l
+316.69625 577.19650 316.68435 576.96661 316.68236 576.73672 c
+316.68888 576.33647 316.75550 575.93594 316.91197 575.56431 c
+317.05880 575.18334 317.29578 574.84120 317.58350 574.54866 c
+317.86101 574.25613 318.18869 574.01348 318.55720 573.84028 c
+319.01528 573.61635 319.51446 573.50211 320.02413 573.46753 c
+320.59389 573.42274 321.16422 573.45761 321.71528 573.60274 c
+322.31679 573.75780 322.88910 574.02283 323.38233 574.40863 c
+323.78485 574.69493 324.12813 575.06202 324.39175 575.47984 c
+324.77669 576.04649 325.00233 576.70441 325.13811 577.38331 c
+325.20104 577.70306 325.24384 578.02252 325.29628 578.34227 c
+325.29628 578.34227 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.49335 588.36189 l
+326.50469 588.51184 326.52595 588.66208 326.53701 588.81175 c
+326.56025 589.14170 326.56309 589.47137 326.52595 589.81181 c
+326.49817 590.07231 326.45055 590.33254 326.32243 590.55364 c
+326.23398 590.71436 326.10501 590.85553 325.95591 590.96665 c
+325.63814 591.21950 325.24923 591.35301 324.86003 591.46639 c
+324.69052 591.51770 324.51080 591.55937 324.34157 591.61096 c
+324.34157 591.61096 l
+324.42746 592.30006 l
+331.06054 591.50268 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.97465 590.82350 l
+330.87458 590.82435 330.77480 590.82520 330.66510 590.83597 c
+330.33487 590.84872 329.99499 590.85184 329.66476 590.80479 c
+329.40454 590.76709 329.13354 590.69934 328.92236 590.55137 c
+328.68113 590.40312 328.48894 590.16501 328.34665 589.91613 c
+328.16409 589.60772 328.05128 589.26869 327.96822 588.91918 c
+327.90586 588.64989 327.86334 588.37039 327.82110 588.10054 c
+327.82110 588.10054 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.62431 578.08063 l
+326.57131 577.72120 326.50809 577.36176 326.42504 577.00233 c
+326.26913 576.32372 326.01345 575.66551 325.63814 575.06910 c
+325.14123 574.25329 324.42491 573.54945 323.60117 573.08655 c
+322.83723 572.63301 321.98485 572.37052 321.11376 572.24806 c
+319.94192 572.07798 318.75279 572.15849 317.58435 572.32885 c
+316.78498 572.43543 315.99666 572.59247 315.23839 572.84901 c
+314.38120 573.12624 313.56454 573.54321 312.85928 574.10957 c
+312.28328 574.55461 311.76794 575.10935 311.41332 575.75197 c
+310.88126 576.65679 310.67065 577.74869 310.73981 578.78787 c
+310.75228 579.07814 310.79480 579.36784 310.82740 579.66746 c
+310.82740 579.66746 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.15317 590.73647 l
+312.16564 590.97628 312.18746 591.21609 312.16961 591.45619 c
+312.15231 591.78643 312.05509 592.11723 311.86772 592.38907 c
+311.62082 592.75106 311.20271 592.99455 310.77439 593.13827 c
+310.56491 593.22019 310.34551 593.27206 310.12526 593.30409 c
+310.00564 593.32507 309.88602 593.34605 309.75591 593.35710 c
+309.75591 593.35710 l
+309.75591 593.35710 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+447.60189 477.15562 454.04135 481.41950 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
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+449.16491 477.15562 m
+454.04135 481.34353 l
+447.60189 481.41950 l
+449.16491 477.15562 l
+449.16491 477.15562 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+411.26542 537.80003 419.33367 545.97373 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
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+411.26542 539.71597 m
+411.40431 539.58501 411.53301 539.45376 411.67191 539.32280 c
+412.16769 538.83836 412.68331 538.34400 413.33102 538.08831 c
+413.77946 537.88422 414.28885 537.80003 414.77924 537.85587 c
+415.37991 537.92022 415.93238 538.19575 416.42532 538.54157 c
+416.86809 538.84772 417.26098 539.20431 417.63458 539.59096 c
+418.14907 540.11650 418.62387 540.68258 418.93965 541.35978 c
+419.12277 541.71836 419.25628 542.10728 419.28973 542.51688 c
+419.33367 542.96646 419.24778 543.42709 419.07146 543.84860 c
+418.92463 544.24006 418.68765 544.58192 418.42035 544.89458 c
+418.27181 545.06580 418.10315 545.22709 417.94469 545.38866 c
+417.94469 545.38866 l
+417.35962 545.97373 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
+411.26542 539.71597 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+190.26794 334.43972 406.48819 519.30567 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+283.20463 500.24891 m
+276.10214 500.25005 L
+276.99506 497.37855 L
+258.26372 497.43638 239.54088 497.40406 220.80557 497.37855 C
+220.80557 487.52079 L
+190.26794 487.52079 L
+190.26794 477.66302 L
+197.16123 477.66302 L
+197.16123 459.94762 L
+190.26794 459.94762 L
+190.26794 448.94693 L
+197.16123 448.94693 L
+197.16123 430.07272 L
+190.26794 430.07272 L
+190.26794 419.22567 L
+197.16123 419.22567 L
+197.16123 399.62239 L
+190.26794 399.62239 L
+190.26794 388.72885 L
+197.16123 388.72885 L
+197.16123 386.65729 L
+190.26794 386.65729 L
+190.26794 383.69282 L
+197.16123 383.69282 L
+197.16123 359.10454 L
+190.26794 359.10454 L
+190.26794 356.11965 L
+197.16123 356.11965 L
+197.16123 354.26239 L
+190.26794 354.26239 L
+190.27389 345.36869 L
+220.81153 345.36869 L
+220.80557 334.43972 L
+375.81534 334.43972 L
+375.82129 345.36869 L
+406.48819 345.36869 L
+406.48819 354.17112 L
+399.82677 354.17112 L
+399.82677 356.11937 L
+406.48819 356.11937 L
+406.48819 359.10425 L
+399.82677 359.10425 L
+399.82677 383.69254 L
+406.48819 383.69254 L
+406.48819 386.65644 L
+399.82677 386.65644 L
+399.82677 388.72857 L
+406.48819 388.72857 L
+406.48819 399.62211 L
+399.82677 399.62211 L
+399.82677 419.22539 L
+406.48819 419.22539 L
+406.48819 430.07244 L
+399.82677 430.07244 L
+399.82677 448.94665 L
+406.48819 448.94665 L
+406.48819 459.94734 L
+399.82677 459.94734 L
+399.82677 477.66274 L
+406.48819 477.66274 L
+406.48819 487.52050 L
+375.81534 487.52079 L
+375.81534 497.37855 L
+367.02624 497.39017 359.88690 497.34283 319.88324 497.34283 C
+320.61231 500.25231 L
+313.56822 500.24976 L
+313.02340 500.52132 312.54860 500.75688 312.05622 501.01030 C
+311.61175 501.48113 311.54882 501.31843 311.40680 502.16683 C
+311.47143 502.48658 311.51197 502.83128 311.69622 503.13912 c
+311.87480 503.43704 311.79373 504.07483 311.54173 504.31408 c
+311.33027 504.51477 311.08989 504.60690 310.46202 504.85663 c
+309.64224 505.18261 308.20252 506.10529 308.54835 506.93726 c
+308.68526 507.26665 308.82217 507.59603 308.95937 507.92570 C
+309.12548 508.08869 309.29159 508.25169 309.45770 508.41496 c
+309.72274 508.67518 309.93024 508.64428 310.20378 508.89430 c
+310.50425 509.16841 310.63323 509.39717 310.71940 509.67326 c
+310.88353 510.19852 310.81011 510.41112 310.78176 510.83150 c
+310.75994 511.15606 310.60375 511.63880 310.41921 511.89024 c
+310.24658 512.12608 309.80863 512.41493 309.53140 512.55468 c
+309.26381 512.68961 309.26069 512.67090 309.01209 512.76444 c
+308.86441 512.82028 308.86129 513.25143 308.68384 513.26674 c
+308.52510 513.28035 308.37940 512.92375 308.21698 512.85940 c
+307.94542 512.75169 307.26510 512.68365 307.01820 512.57509 c
+306.55587 512.37128 306.58535 511.90583 306.28290 511.46957 c
+306.15137 511.27994 305.69726 511.19235 305.52350 510.95594 c
+305.32706 510.68806 305.43817 510.27335 305.84183 510.12539 c
+306.18113 510.00123 306.98589 509.47483 306.85181 509.24239 c
+306.67946 508.94362 306.50712 508.64513 306.33477 508.34665 C
+306.04337 508.08132 305.85572 508.05751 305.61874 508.11506 c
+305.31373 508.18904 304.97017 508.41411 304.68472 508.59071 C
+304.25613 508.89260 303.82753 509.19477 303.39893 509.49694 c
+302.37534 510.21808 304.56198 511.50132 304.01348 512.43562 C
+303.51685 513.04224 301.73698 512.31657 300.74627 512.43704 c
+299.93953 512.53512 299.59313 513.24236 299.56365 513.78265 c
+299.53843 514.24243 299.72835 514.52532 299.88142 514.73565 c
+300.57817 515.69121 302.36910 515.18693 302.41361 516.49087 c
+302.43175 517.02038 302.29682 517.37754 300.36869 518.19817 c
+300.13285 518.29852 299.50413 518.46378 298.89638 518.55817 c
+298.55424 518.61118 298.89638 519.30142 298.33625 519.30567 C
+297.78236 519.30142 298.07036 518.61005 297.78236 518.55817 c
+297.17433 518.44876 296.66296 518.26280 296.42740 518.16246 c
+294.49928 517.34211 294.36435 516.98466 294.38249 516.45515 c
+294.42699 515.15121 296.21792 515.65550 296.91468 514.69994 c
+297.06775 514.48961 297.25767 514.20671 297.23244 513.74693 c
+297.20296 513.20665 296.85657 512.49940 296.04983 512.40132 c
+295.05912 512.28085 293.27924 513.00652 292.78261 512.39991 C
+292.23411 511.46561 294.42076 510.18236 293.39717 509.46123 c
+292.96857 509.15906 292.53997 508.85688 292.11137 508.55499 C
+291.82592 508.37839 291.48236 508.15332 291.17735 508.07934 c
+290.94038 508.02180 290.75272 508.04561 290.46132 508.31093 C
+290.28898 508.60942 290.11663 508.90791 289.94428 509.20668 c
+289.81020 509.43912 290.61496 509.96551 290.95427 510.08967 c
+291.35792 510.23764 291.46904 510.65235 291.27260 510.92022 c
+291.09883 511.15663 290.64472 511.24422 290.51320 511.43386 c
+290.21074 511.87011 290.24022 512.33556 289.77789 512.53937 c
+289.53099 512.64794 288.85068 512.71597 288.57912 512.82369 c
+288.41669 512.88803 288.27099 513.24463 288.11225 513.23102 c
+287.93480 513.21572 287.93169 512.78457 287.78400 512.72872 c
+287.53540 512.63518 287.53228 512.65389 287.26469 512.51896 c
+286.98746 512.37921 286.54951 512.09036 286.37688 511.85452 c
+286.19235 511.60309 286.03616 511.12035 286.01433 510.79578 c
+285.98598 510.37540 285.91257 510.16280 286.07669 509.63754 c
+286.16287 509.36145 286.29184 509.13269 286.59231 508.85858 c
+286.86586 508.60857 287.07335 508.63946 287.33839 508.37924 c
+287.50450 508.21597 287.67061 508.05298 287.83672 507.88998 C
+287.97392 507.56031 288.11083 507.23093 288.24775 506.90154 c
+288.59357 506.06957 287.15386 505.14690 286.33408 504.82091 c
+285.70620 504.57118 285.46583 504.47906 285.25436 504.27836 c
+285.00236 504.03912 284.92129 503.40132 285.09987 503.10340 c
+285.28413 502.79556 285.38617 502.49480 285.38929 502.13112 C
+285.25606 501.28271 285.18435 501.44542 284.73987 500.97458 C
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+270.17178 493.43584 L
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+285.24416 459.94734 m
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+276.10809 459.94734 m
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+270.17178 481.52013 L
+270.17178 459.94734 L
+276.10809 459.94734 L
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+207.13209 459.94734 m
+220.81153 459.94734 L
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+207.13209 477.66274 L
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+ 0 O 0 @g
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+267.75808 574.59600 267.73625 574.74567 267.71443 574.89534 c
+267.71443 574.89534 l
+265.76702 588.69411 l
+265.76702 588.69411 l
+265.73414 588.94384 265.71118 589.19357 265.63861 589.43282 c
+265.58646 589.62217 265.52438 589.80161 265.41241 589.96035 c
+265.30044 590.14913 265.14850 590.31751 264.95717 590.43515 c
+264.75562 590.56299 264.51496 590.63017 264.28422 590.67751 c
+263.90353 590.75320 263.52340 590.75858 263.14356 590.73449 c
+263.03357 590.73335 262.92359 590.72202 262.81361 590.71068 c
+262.81361 590.71068 l
+262.72630 591.36973 l
+280.13953 593.82822 l
+280.93294 588.25701 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
+280.33370 588.18019 l
+280.30224 588.31994 280.27049 588.45940 280.22882 588.60907 c
+280.12450 589.00819 279.99978 589.40674 279.80561 589.78431 c
+279.53943 590.32120 279.13380 590.80677 278.63972 591.17102 c
+278.30665 591.42728 277.94438 591.63335 277.55263 591.76885 c
+277.02057 591.95254 276.43011 592.00611 275.86035 591.96954 c
+275.52047 591.95565 275.20101 591.92192 274.87134 591.87827 c
+274.87134 591.87827 l
+271.59619 591.41083 l
+272.73912 583.29326 l
+272.73912 583.29326 l
+272.92876 583.31565 273.10847 583.34769 273.29811 583.36980 c
+273.70772 583.43443 274.11676 583.49906 274.48469 583.67339 c
+274.84299 583.83751 275.15991 584.10113 275.38668 584.41351 c
+275.69197 584.80696 275.84646 585.29906 275.94085 585.78009 c
+276.08343 586.45191 276.11546 587.13222 276.09761 587.81197 c
+276.09647 587.91175 276.08542 588.01181 276.08428 588.11187 c
+276.08428 588.11187 l
+276.72350 588.19918 l
+278.10482 578.43411 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
+277.46561 578.34680 l
+277.41373 578.51631 277.37178 578.68611 277.33011 578.85534 c
+277.20482 579.28394 277.09002 579.70261 276.91569 580.10088 c
+276.68948 580.64825 276.38334 581.17465 275.91902 581.54967 c
+275.64633 581.78636 275.32431 581.97288 274.97310 582.05877 c
+274.50170 582.19342 273.98239 582.12737 273.49313 582.06189 c
+273.30350 582.03978 273.11357 582.01767 272.92394 581.98535 c
+272.92394 581.98535 l
+273.95773 574.64674 l
+273.95773 574.64674 l
+273.98920 574.51720 274.01074 574.38709 274.07225 574.25811 c
+274.12356 574.13849 274.20463 574.01943 274.30583 573.94063 c
+274.49745 573.77282 274.76844 573.70592 275.03830 573.69912 c
+275.28860 573.69203 275.52841 573.72435 275.75773 573.75723 c
+275.75773 573.75723 l
+276.74646 573.89839 l
+276.74646 573.89839 l
+277.25528 573.98428 277.77487 574.06025 278.28340 574.16598 c
+278.83219 574.27228 279.38041 574.41855 279.87789 574.66403 c
+280.37509 574.90980 280.83118 575.25506 281.20649 575.66948 c
+281.56195 576.05329 281.85704 576.49663 282.07191 576.96945 c
+282.38457 577.61291 282.57647 578.31534 282.65839 579.01606 c
+282.69581 579.24680 282.71310 579.47698 282.74060 579.69723 c
+282.74060 579.69723 l
+283.42942 579.79502 l
+283.25934 573.69260 l
+265.43679 571.16948 l
+265.43679 571.16948 l
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+240.88082 564.54917 l
+240.88082 564.54917 l
+241.12942 564.67191 241.37802 564.78472 241.62690 564.89754 c
+241.78564 564.97918 241.94494 565.06110 242.09405 565.15294 c
+242.31231 565.29553 242.51017 565.45767 242.64794 565.66913 c
+242.74658 565.80038 242.82482 565.95118 242.87301 566.11162 c
+242.95039 566.35257 242.96712 566.60287 242.94444 566.85260 c
+242.91921 567.32230 242.77380 567.77074 242.61902 568.20926 c
+242.61902 568.20926 l
+238.78290 581.01619 l
+238.78290 581.01619 l
+238.68907 581.34529 238.59524 581.67411 238.44189 581.99244 c
+238.37017 582.13162 238.28825 582.27080 238.18706 582.38957 c
+238.00479 582.60728 237.76271 582.78472 237.49143 582.87175 c
+237.26041 582.96869 237.01011 582.99591 236.76973 583.00328 c
+236.40973 583.00923 236.06079 582.94517 235.71156 582.87118 c
+235.61150 582.85020 235.51172 582.82894 235.41222 582.80769 c
+235.41222 582.80769 l
+235.21408 583.49565 l
+246.11783 586.76031 l
+246.32561 586.07263 l
+246.32561 586.07263 l
+246.25587 586.05165 246.18614 586.03096 246.12633 586.01027 c
+245.91685 585.94762 245.71786 585.87534 245.52907 585.77357 c
+245.28047 585.64063 245.06249 585.47820 244.88476 585.26617 c
+244.72687 585.08419 244.60923 584.88265 244.53184 584.65191 c
+244.43518 584.36079 244.41874 584.03083 244.46211 583.72101 c
+244.49613 583.37150 244.60016 583.04268 244.69370 582.70365 c
+244.69370 582.70365 l
+246.33638 577.23194 l
+252.61540 579.11357 l
+251.02460 584.43591 l
+251.02460 584.43591 l
+250.91036 584.80469 250.79613 585.18340 250.64220 585.53150 c
+250.56000 585.70072 250.47808 585.86995 250.35647 586.01849 c
+250.21417 586.21663 250.03247 586.38472 249.81109 586.49216 c
+249.58998 586.59959 249.32920 586.64693 249.07918 586.65402 c
+248.75915 586.67046 248.43969 586.61660 248.12022 586.56302 c
+248.01024 586.55169 247.89033 586.53043 247.78063 586.50888 c
+247.78063 586.50888 l
+247.57285 587.19685 l
+258.45647 590.45102 l
+258.65433 589.76306 l
+258.65433 589.76306 l
+258.51487 589.72167 258.38532 589.67036 258.24586 589.61849 c
+258.02702 589.53600 257.81783 589.44387 257.60920 589.32113 c
+257.38072 589.18876 257.16302 589.00620 256.99521 588.79417 c
+256.84753 588.60255 256.74009 588.38145 256.68255 588.15071 c
+256.59609 587.85959 256.59978 587.52964 256.65307 587.22009 c
+256.69701 586.88079 256.80076 586.55197 256.90479 586.22315 c
+256.90479 586.22315 l
+260.60570 573.86438 l
+260.60570 573.86438 l
+260.70973 573.51543 260.80356 573.17669 260.93764 572.83795 c
+261.04054 572.54910 261.16413 572.26054 261.35688 572.02299 c
+261.50910 571.81465 261.70101 571.63691 261.93260 571.51956 c
+262.06328 571.44076 262.21436 571.38265 262.36460 571.35430 c
+262.72545 571.26841 263.10501 571.30271 263.47465 571.36706 c
+263.69405 571.40957 263.90324 571.46173 264.12293 571.51446 c
+264.12293 571.51446 l
+264.29924 570.93647 l
+253.27616 567.64063 l
+253.10976 568.21861 l
+253.10976 568.21861 l
+253.35865 568.32123 253.61745 568.41449 253.86633 568.52731 c
+254.02507 568.60894 254.18438 568.69087 254.33320 568.79263 c
+254.53162 568.91509 254.70992 569.06702 254.83776 569.25836 c
+254.92620 569.38961 254.98460 569.54013 255.02287 569.70057 c
+255.10961 569.99140 255.10592 570.31143 255.07247 570.62126 c
+255.02797 571.02066 254.91345 571.39937 254.80913 571.78828 c
+254.80913 571.78828 l
+253.01055 577.77817 l
+246.74173 575.89654 l
+248.59219 569.71729 l
+248.59219 569.71729 l
+248.67524 569.45792 248.76794 569.19912 248.88104 568.94060 c
+248.96353 568.74132 249.07550 568.55254 249.20759 568.37424 c
+249.38022 568.14605 249.59254 567.94847 249.84397 567.82148 c
+249.98485 567.75317 250.13537 567.70469 250.28561 567.67635 c
+250.57616 567.61965 250.87606 567.63298 251.16548 567.67635 c
+251.37524 567.70894 251.58444 567.77131 251.79392 567.82346 c
+251.79392 567.82346 l
+251.96060 567.24548 l
+241.05713 563.98110 l
+241.05713 563.98110 l
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+231.19852 582.21950 l
+233.93565 576.35065 l
+233.38828 576.10431 l
+233.38828 576.10431 l
+233.18589 576.34214 232.98293 576.57969 232.77005 576.81723 c
+232.37518 577.26283 231.93043 577.66791 231.42671 577.99219 c
+230.94312 578.31647 230.40028 578.55061 229.83902 578.68413 c
+229.31717 578.81820 228.76668 578.87178 228.22724 578.82557 c
+227.54750 578.78787 226.87909 578.62035 226.28296 578.29351 c
+225.72624 578.00693 225.23074 577.61121 224.87641 577.10721 c
+224.36419 576.43143 224.10369 575.57849 224.04331 574.73773 c
+223.96280 573.92674 224.06173 573.11773 224.23096 572.32970 c
+224.51613 570.98268 224.99121 569.67817 225.57543 568.43461 c
+226.06781 567.35036 226.62964 566.31657 227.31080 565.33436 c
+227.90069 564.47121 228.58016 563.64860 229.41751 563.01817 c
+229.95213 562.60431 230.54598 562.27124 231.20787 562.10854 c
+232.07046 561.87836 233.03962 561.95943 233.85543 562.32879 c
+234.15392 562.45209 234.43228 562.61537 234.68995 562.80813 c
+235.21606 563.17436 235.67102 563.61940 236.05512 564.13417 c
+236.41002 564.58800 236.69405 565.10135 236.92791 565.62406 c
+237.21080 566.25732 237.42369 566.90957 237.58583 567.58167 c
+237.66265 567.85238 237.71962 568.12309 237.78652 568.40400 c
+237.78652 568.40400 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
+238.59638 566.66296 l
+238.54819 566.50252 238.51020 566.35200 238.46173 566.19156 c
+238.08529 564.98712 237.47868 563.83030 236.65946 562.87077 c
+235.76230 561.74031 234.57231 560.85676 233.26923 560.24192 c
+232.21531 559.70986 231.08910 559.35694 229.92038 559.25376 c
+228.45203 559.08709 226.93946 559.30961 225.55304 559.86378 c
+224.36787 560.32044 223.27994 561.00813 222.39978 561.89820 c
+221.31780 562.92605 220.53317 564.22687 219.90756 565.59997 c
+219.39477 566.69414 218.98205 567.82970 218.78844 569.01742 c
+218.58520 570.14504 218.57187 571.32510 218.80913 572.44791 c
+219.01663 573.53046 219.44523 574.56539 220.06488 575.47247 c
+220.88069 576.70157 222.03978 577.69512 223.30120 578.44942 c
+223.72809 578.71417 224.15556 578.94917 224.61307 579.15439 c
+225.20976 579.43134 225.82715 579.66831 226.47572 579.83584 c
+227.10359 580.00280 227.75216 580.12016 228.39165 580.18762 c
+228.86107 580.24290 229.33077 580.26841 229.81011 580.30384 c
+229.99011 580.31575 230.17011 580.31802 230.33934 580.39994 c
+230.43883 580.44104 230.53833 580.50227 230.60721 580.59269 c
+230.77474 580.80472 230.76113 581.11483 230.72769 581.40425 c
+230.71550 581.60438 230.68346 581.78409 230.66135 581.96381 c
+230.66135 581.96381 l
+230.66135 581.96381 l
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+209.39017 546.88876 m
+205.69181 552.85710 l
+206.28737 553.22391 l
+206.28737 553.22391 l
+206.45972 553.02576 206.63206 552.82791 206.81433 552.63997 c
+207.22904 552.21477 207.70328 551.84003 208.21635 551.56564 c
+209.02167 551.12485 209.94406 550.91565 210.86532 550.80595 c
+211.56633 550.72403 212.27669 550.69200 212.97543 550.80992 c
+213.87402 550.94031 214.75984 551.30031 215.52435 551.79893 c
+215.94132 552.05376 216.31833 552.34800 216.65395 552.70205 c
+217.03011 553.07622 217.35496 553.52013 217.54913 554.02243 c
+217.66564 554.32375 217.74217 554.64463 217.73849 554.96466 c
+217.75323 555.43493 217.60753 555.92306 217.34306 556.30998 c
+217.22060 556.51861 217.04854 556.69691 216.86655 556.86472 c
+216.59386 557.11162 216.26164 557.30778 215.91043 557.40387 c
+215.69953 557.48126 215.46935 557.50876 215.23890 557.52633 c
+214.59855 557.57877 213.95906 557.52180 213.32976 557.43449 c
+212.82066 557.36872 212.31156 557.28283 211.80274 557.19723 c
+211.80274 557.19723 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
+209.38677 556.81937 l
+209.01713 556.76523 208.63786 556.71080 208.25830 556.66658 c
+207.70923 556.60025 207.15959 556.56397 206.59918 556.57757 c
+205.91887 556.59997 205.21786 556.70202 204.58488 556.95458 c
+204.07238 557.15896 203.59899 557.45348 203.17493 557.79874 c
+202.60998 558.25228 202.12356 558.79682 201.75647 559.42271 c
+201.30831 560.12740 201.00926 560.92450 200.90976 561.76328 c
+200.80035 562.59184 200.88028 563.45301 201.15156 564.24614 c
+201.44154 565.13934 201.95206 565.94551 202.56406 566.65219 c
+203.29455 567.51080 204.17641 568.22088 205.13991 568.79178 c
+205.72611 569.13846 206.32252 569.43524 206.96003 569.67279 c
+207.63723 569.92025 208.34532 570.08863 209.05455 570.18643 c
+209.31392 570.21959 209.57357 570.25247 209.83323 570.28564 c
+210.05291 570.30775 210.27260 570.33043 210.48208 570.38287 c
+210.64167 570.42454 210.79134 570.46620 210.92031 570.55776 c
+211.07906 570.64961 211.20775 570.79106 211.26557 570.96170 c
+211.35345 571.16296 211.34069 571.39257 211.27833 571.60205 c
+211.22646 571.75143 211.15502 571.88069 211.08359 572.01987 c
+211.08359 572.01987 l
+211.64939 572.36627 l
+214.81824 567.24208 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.26208 566.90561 l
+214.14076 567.02438 214.00923 567.15279 213.87798 567.28120 c
+213.37228 567.76564 212.78750 568.18913 212.14431 568.46154 c
+211.54110 568.73480 210.87950 568.86718 210.20910 568.89950 c
+209.46841 568.95137 208.72913 568.88277 208.02104 568.69455 c
+207.29310 568.51625 206.59663 568.21833 205.97102 567.82148 c
+205.66346 567.62759 205.36554 567.41414 205.10844 567.17150 c
+204.77197 566.85742 204.49616 566.49430 204.32098 566.07222 c
+204.18435 565.77061 204.10809 565.43981 204.11178 565.11978 c
+204.12624 564.72009 204.26088 564.32154 204.47461 563.98394 c
+204.55654 563.83483 204.65773 563.70614 204.76913 563.57717 c
+204.97181 563.35946 205.23402 563.17266 205.51521 563.06580 c
+205.74624 562.96828 205.99682 562.92123 206.23720 562.90394 c
+206.60740 562.86822 206.97732 562.89231 207.34696 562.93654 c
+207.66643 562.98047 207.98589 563.03405 208.29515 563.08734 c
+208.29515 563.08734 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+211.59950 563.60523 l
+212.05871 563.68035 212.51792 563.75575 212.98734 563.80110 c
+213.54661 563.86715 214.11609 563.90372 214.67650 563.89039 c
+215.36674 563.86828 216.05783 563.77587 216.71036 563.54343 c
+217.20246 563.37902 217.67528 563.13439 218.08885 562.82910 c
+218.77427 562.33672 219.32220 561.66293 219.76044 560.92819 c
+220.23921 560.17361 220.59893 559.33739 220.73868 558.45893 c
+220.87757 557.68054 220.85688 556.87039 220.66583 556.09795 c
+220.50425 555.33600 220.17231 554.61231 219.72983 553.96715 c
+218.94350 552.76809 217.78413 551.83493 216.55219 551.11068 c
+216.13521 550.85584 215.69783 550.62113 215.26016 550.41591 c
+214.55405 550.07802 213.80712 549.79937 213.04942 549.58082 c
+212.67071 549.46658 212.28180 549.37191 211.89288 549.26759 c
+211.89288 549.26759 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.28457 549.12047 l
+211.13490 549.08901 210.99543 549.04706 210.85625 548.98583 c
+210.73691 548.93424 210.61729 548.87301 210.51808 548.80186 c
+210.33950 548.66976 210.17140 548.52775 210.06369 548.33669 c
+209.89672 548.04472 209.86129 547.65411 209.96504 547.33550 c
+209.96532 547.31565 209.97553 547.28561 209.98573 547.26548 c
+209.98573 547.26548 l
+209.39017 546.88876 l
+209.39017 546.88876 l
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+199.03805 539.98016 l
+199.03805 539.98016 l
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+199.75975 540.71887 199.87795 540.84983 199.98652 540.99128 c
+200.12428 541.19282 200.25184 541.40457 200.30910 541.64494 c
+200.37685 541.85584 200.38394 542.09594 200.33121 542.31534 c
+200.27792 542.61468 200.12513 542.88312 199.95194 543.14107 c
+199.79943 543.37946 199.62652 543.60737 199.45417 543.83528 c
+199.45417 543.83528 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+191.00750 554.86998 l
+190.89609 555.00831 190.79490 555.13729 190.67301 555.26627 c
+190.52107 555.44428 190.33937 555.60217 190.13811 555.73002 c
+189.95669 555.83802 189.75572 555.91569 189.54510 555.95310 c
+189.34498 555.98088 189.15506 555.96898 188.96542 555.92674 c
+188.68620 555.86353 188.42769 555.74050 188.17909 555.60756 c
+187.92085 555.46469 187.67254 555.31191 187.42422 555.16904 c
+187.42422 555.16904 l
+187.01802 555.69458 l
+196.12913 562.65874 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.52542 562.13320 l
+196.50529 562.11307 196.48573 562.09266 196.45597 562.07254 c
+196.23798 561.89991 196.03020 561.70743 195.84255 561.48548 c
+195.65518 561.26324 195.49814 561.00132 195.39128 560.72041 c
+195.33317 560.55940 195.28498 560.38876 195.27732 560.20876 c
+195.26003 559.94854 195.31332 559.68917 195.42586 559.45049 c
+195.51827 559.23137 195.65065 559.04315 195.78246 558.85465 c
+195.78246 558.85465 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.56419 547.37376 l
+204.72633 547.18583 204.88876 546.98740 205.06025 546.81931 c
+205.21191 546.68126 205.37348 546.56306 205.56425 546.47518 c
+205.81597 546.33798 206.11672 546.27165 206.40643 546.29461 c
+206.66665 546.29773 206.91581 546.37058 207.15420 546.48312 c
+207.49294 546.62712 207.79058 546.83065 208.06809 547.05373 c
+208.07773 547.06394 208.08765 547.06394 208.08765 547.07414 c
+208.11742 547.09427 208.14718 547.11468 208.16702 547.13480 c
+208.16702 547.13480 l
+208.61376 546.55002 l
+199.40343 539.51443 l
+199.40343 539.51443 l
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+182.20110 523.81757 l
+182.20110 523.81757 l
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+182.68526 524.35304 182.93159 524.66570 183.10762 525.02769 c
+183.22469 525.25928 183.30180 525.50986 183.31909 525.77036 c
+183.32617 526.02038 183.28309 526.28003 183.18047 526.50879 c
+183.06737 526.78743 182.89446 527.02554 182.70198 527.25345 c
+182.50951 527.48107 182.30683 527.69906 182.10472 527.90655 c
+182.10472 527.90655 l
+171.92466 538.37121 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.42378 538.42564 l
+171.23357 538.44350 171.04337 538.47099 170.85345 538.45909 c
+170.71370 538.44746 170.56375 538.42564 170.41436 538.38397 c
+170.07534 538.29014 169.74737 538.12630 169.45965 537.91285 c
+169.31083 537.80117 169.18243 537.66992 169.04381 537.54831 c
+169.04381 537.54831 l
+168.55824 538.05288 l
+174.42340 543.74003 l
+190.22712 541.76031 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.62948 548.54532 l
+183.42709 548.75310 183.21477 548.95068 182.98290 549.10800 c
+182.83181 549.21628 182.67080 549.29424 182.50016 549.34243 c
+182.27934 549.41017 182.03953 549.41726 181.80992 549.36482 c
+181.66025 549.34299 181.51087 549.29140 181.37140 549.21969 c
+181.00346 549.04535 180.67663 548.78173 180.35943 548.51783 c
+180.28006 548.45717 180.21090 548.39622 180.14173 548.33528 c
+180.14173 548.33528 l
+179.65587 548.82992 l
+184.50255 553.53572 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.97820 553.04107 l
+184.84980 552.90954 184.71118 552.77773 184.59298 552.63657 c
+184.43480 552.46479 184.28683 552.28309 184.17912 552.08183 c
+184.06176 551.86044 183.97446 551.61921 183.93704 551.37912 c
+183.90983 551.13874 183.92230 550.89865 183.98523 550.65969 c
+184.04816 550.41024 184.18082 550.17156 184.33332 549.96321 c
+184.43480 549.82431 184.53628 549.70554 184.64769 549.57713 c
+184.64769 549.57713 l
+196.80094 537.07465 l
+195.25776 535.58702 l
+174.12746 538.11638 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.25531 528.71981 l
+183.43729 528.54180 183.60964 528.36378 183.81118 528.19597 c
+183.97304 528.05792 184.14425 527.94000 184.33559 527.84192 c
+184.55698 527.71436 184.80813 527.62734 185.06806 527.61033 c
+185.27839 527.59276 185.48816 527.62535 185.69735 527.67751 c
+186.02646 527.77106 186.33458 527.93490 186.60217 528.13786 c
+186.75099 528.24954 186.88961 528.37115 187.02822 528.49276 c
+187.02822 528.49276 l
+187.13707 528.60387 l
+187.59231 528.13899 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
+182.65663 523.34249 l
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+166.95354 503.34236 l
+166.95354 503.34236 l
+167.09102 503.57367 167.22822 503.81546 167.34529 504.05698 c
+167.43373 504.21770 167.51169 504.38863 167.56980 504.55956 c
+167.65710 504.79030 167.72428 505.04117 167.71153 505.29118 c
+167.70954 505.46126 167.67780 505.62057 167.62564 505.77987 c
+167.54315 506.01912 167.40057 506.23739 167.22850 506.42532 c
+166.93455 506.78220 166.55131 507.04781 166.15814 507.31342 c
+166.15814 507.31342 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.42702 515.27169 l
+155.14441 515.47861 154.87200 515.68554 154.56047 515.84173 c
+154.41931 515.92025 154.27871 515.97865 154.11827 516.01663 c
+153.84756 516.08381 153.54765 516.07049 153.26844 515.98687 c
+153.02920 515.91458 152.81065 515.80176 152.61250 515.64954 c
+152.32479 515.44630 152.07761 515.19345 151.85055 514.92076 c
+151.78139 514.84989 151.71222 514.76910 151.65326 514.68860 c
+151.65326 514.68860 l
+151.07839 515.11209 l
+157.85433 524.26998 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.43940 523.83657 l
+158.39008 523.78583 158.35068 523.72545 158.31128 523.66507 c
+158.18343 523.49357 158.06523 523.31216 157.97764 523.11118 c
+157.86057 522.86995 157.77354 522.59896 157.76646 522.32882 c
+157.73924 522.08844 157.77213 521.84891 157.85461 521.62980 c
+157.94816 521.33074 158.13099 521.06287 158.35380 520.83553 c
+158.58652 520.57786 158.86885 520.37093 159.15118 520.17449 c
+159.15118 520.17449 l
+163.74047 516.76668 l
+167.64066 522.02154 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+163.18261 525.34063 l
+162.86995 525.56740 162.54737 525.80353 162.21515 525.98948 c
+162.04422 526.07764 161.88321 526.14595 161.70265 526.20406 c
+161.46198 526.27124 161.21169 526.29817 160.98180 526.25565 c
+160.73235 526.22277 160.49367 526.10003 160.29524 525.94781 c
+160.02765 525.76469 159.80003 525.53225 159.57269 525.30945 c
+159.49389 525.21874 159.41480 525.13795 159.33543 525.05660 c
+159.33543 525.05660 l
+158.76057 525.48009 l
+165.52687 534.60822 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.10202 534.17480 l
+166.02350 534.05348 165.93449 533.94265 165.85597 533.82189 c
+165.73833 533.62035 165.62069 533.41909 165.53310 533.19798 c
+165.42595 532.94683 165.35906 532.67584 165.35225 532.40598 c
+165.34488 532.16589 165.38769 531.92608 165.48009 531.70724 c
+165.59348 531.40847 165.78624 531.16072 166.01896 530.93339 c
+166.26161 530.69613 166.53402 530.49912 166.81635 530.29247 c
+166.81635 530.29247 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.18463 522.61030 l
+177.46696 522.39345 177.75978 522.16668 178.06167 521.98016 c
+178.32387 521.81291 178.59543 521.66608 178.88627 521.57962 c
+179.12721 521.51216 179.39735 521.48523 179.64709 521.51811 c
+179.80696 521.53994 179.95663 521.58161 180.09581 521.64312 c
+180.43398 521.79704 180.72113 522.05046 180.96803 522.32343 c
+181.12620 522.49493 181.26454 522.65679 181.40258 522.82828 c
+181.40258 522.82828 l
+181.88646 522.47395 l
+175.04135 513.23499 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.55720 513.58961 l
+174.70460 513.82148 174.85200 514.05307 174.97928 514.29458 c
+175.05751 514.45531 175.13575 514.61603 175.20378 514.78696 c
+175.28117 515.00778 175.32850 515.23852 175.31575 515.46841 c
+175.31405 515.62857 175.27238 515.77795 175.21058 515.92734 c
+175.09720 516.21591 174.90444 516.47357 174.69184 516.69128 c
+174.41858 516.98835 174.09572 517.23468 173.78277 517.47109 c
+173.78277 517.47109 l
+168.76035 521.19383 l
+164.85987 515.92904 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.04416 512.08809 l
+170.26583 511.93049 170.49742 511.78309 170.72929 511.64561 c
+170.93027 511.53817 171.13153 511.45058 171.34214 511.38283 c
+171.61313 511.30602 171.90340 511.26945 172.18290 511.33238 c
+172.33257 511.35420 172.48195 511.40580 172.62113 511.47751 c
+172.88986 511.61046 173.11776 511.78309 173.32554 511.99540 c
+173.47380 512.14706 173.61184 512.31883 173.73969 512.49033 c
+173.73969 512.49033 l
+174.22384 512.13572 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
+167.43770 502.97783 l
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+148.62728 511.69408 l
+154.32236 508.63861 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+154.03861 508.10513 l
+153.73729 508.18195 153.42690 508.24828 153.12614 508.30498 c
+152.53483 508.41808 151.93389 508.49150 151.33436 508.44472 c
+150.75496 508.40787 150.18633 508.27153 149.65880 508.04532 c
+149.15112 507.83953 148.68454 507.55436 148.26841 507.19946 c
+147.75335 506.76350 147.31965 506.21868 147.03676 505.60526 c
+146.76293 505.05222 146.60986 504.43058 146.62715 503.81036 c
+146.61638 502.97046 146.91600 502.13395 147.37436 501.41906 c
+147.79219 500.71380 148.35912 500.13014 148.96517 499.59694 c
+149.99556 498.68872 151.16428 497.93216 152.38148 497.28557 c
+153.41811 496.71751 154.49414 496.21975 155.61836 495.84246 c
+156.61219 495.50372 157.64542 495.24576 158.69537 495.24775 c
+159.36548 495.23528 160.04466 495.32287 160.67140 495.59017 c
+161.49770 495.91956 162.24038 496.56813 162.66161 497.35304 c
+162.82857 497.62488 162.94507 497.92620 163.05165 498.23745 c
+163.24469 498.83981 163.34759 499.48101 163.34022 500.11087 c
+163.35354 500.69083 163.27701 501.27024 163.15058 501.82866 c
+162.99298 502.50699 162.77556 503.15471 162.50825 503.79165 c
+162.40507 504.06038 162.29225 504.31918 162.16923 504.57798 c
+162.16923 504.57798 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.86973 503.65729 l
+163.92161 503.50762 163.98340 503.34831 164.03499 503.19893 c
+164.45849 502.00384 164.66343 500.72598 164.58775 499.45521 c
+164.54409 498.01465 164.12031 496.59959 163.44482 495.32173 c
+162.91672 494.27546 162.21742 493.31764 161.35654 492.52762 c
+160.27795 491.52557 158.92611 490.78998 157.49036 490.41354 c
+156.27430 490.05950 154.98510 489.96482 153.74324 490.15077 c
+152.26101 490.33389 150.84454 490.89770 149.53635 491.61317 c
+148.45975 492.18066 147.46167 492.85928 146.59228 493.68954 c
+145.75323 494.47984 145.03266 495.41187 144.55077 496.45644 c
+144.06945 497.44091 143.79676 498.52800 143.75424 499.62756 c
+143.65757 501.09647 143.99065 502.59033 144.55531 503.93707 c
+144.73984 504.40932 144.95471 504.85153 145.18998 505.29430 c
+145.50321 505.87795 145.85698 506.43184 146.27112 506.94690 c
+146.67506 507.47131 147.11981 507.94639 147.59490 508.39172 c
+147.94129 508.71572 148.29789 509.02016 148.66413 509.32431 c
+148.80302 509.43572 148.94164 509.55732 149.02980 509.71833 c
+149.08876 509.80904 149.12731 509.92951 149.12617 510.02929 c
+149.14318 510.30964 148.94022 510.55739 148.73754 510.76517 c
+148.60602 510.91370 148.47449 511.04211 148.34324 511.16060 c
+148.34324 511.16060 l
+148.34324 511.16060 l
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+151.54923 468.54425 m
+150.95679 468.76762 l
+150.95679 468.76762 l
+150.99534 468.87817 151.03417 468.98872 151.07301 469.09899 c
+151.18866 469.45049 151.29468 469.82154 151.30035 470.20167 c
+151.31707 470.47181 151.28419 470.74139 151.18157 470.99027 c
+151.08860 471.22923 150.93638 471.43757 150.75411 471.61559 c
+150.49134 471.86249 150.16961 472.02888 149.83795 472.17515 c
+149.68715 472.23326 149.54655 472.29194 149.40567 472.35033 c
+149.40567 472.35033 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.41761 477.38268 l
+136.18630 477.47962 135.95528 477.57713 135.71461 477.63468 c
+135.52413 477.68230 135.33392 477.71008 135.13380 477.69789 c
+134.91411 477.68513 134.69471 477.63298 134.50592 477.52072 c
+134.28680 477.41811 134.10879 477.23613 133.96110 477.05443 c
+133.71420 476.76161 133.51833 476.42939 133.35194 476.08753 c
+133.30346 475.98690 133.26463 475.88655 133.21559 475.78592 c
+133.21559 475.78592 l
+132.59282 476.02885 l
+138.95603 492.43238 l
+144.19956 490.40220 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.97591 489.84945 l
+143.83559 489.88800 143.69499 489.92627 143.55468 489.96482 c
+143.15329 490.07027 142.74227 490.15531 142.32217 490.17061 c
+141.72180 490.20378 141.09335 490.07679 140.53578 489.83017 c
+140.15764 489.66605 139.80019 489.44183 139.49348 489.16828 c
+139.06772 488.79354 138.73323 488.29946 138.47896 487.78668 c
+138.33241 487.49499 138.20570 487.18346 138.07928 486.88214 c
+138.07928 486.88214 l
+136.88447 483.79833 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.52866 480.83528 l
+144.59669 481.00620 144.66472 481.17657 144.73276 481.35742 c
+144.88838 481.73924 145.02387 482.13099 145.04910 482.55109 c
+145.08482 482.93178 145.00998 483.34082 144.84614 483.68891 c
+144.65083 484.14671 144.29679 484.52258 143.92290 484.84857 c
+143.40784 485.29276 142.83354 485.65616 142.23005 485.96910 c
+142.13934 486.01843 142.04920 486.05726 141.95849 486.10630 c
+141.95849 486.10630 l
+142.19150 486.70894 l
+151.39276 483.14353 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+151.15975 482.54088 l
+150.98910 482.58907 150.80854 482.63698 150.63817 482.67496 c
+150.21694 482.78013 149.79572 482.87537 149.35521 482.92016 c
+148.77468 482.98365 148.16466 482.96665 147.61672 482.76028 c
+147.26835 482.63641 146.95058 482.44280 146.70340 482.18995 c
+146.35729 481.83591 146.15291 481.35373 145.96809 480.89169 c
+145.90006 480.71083 145.83231 480.52998 145.76428 480.35906 c
+145.76428 480.35906 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.67515 477.67805 l
+152.80583 477.63921 152.92602 477.60066 153.06633 477.58224 c
+153.19644 477.57402 153.33647 477.58535 153.45581 477.63666 c
+153.70498 477.71943 153.89235 477.93175 154.01991 478.15313 c
+154.15767 478.36460 154.24469 478.59591 154.32236 478.81672 c
+154.32236 478.81672 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.68180 479.74082 l
+154.86633 480.23291 155.05058 480.72501 155.21499 481.21710 c
+155.37912 481.74888 155.52283 482.29058 155.54665 482.85071 c
+155.58009 483.40148 155.50384 483.97039 155.31761 484.49820 c
+155.16198 484.99654 154.91650 485.46397 154.61178 485.89030 c
+154.20529 486.47565 153.67918 486.97994 153.11452 487.40372 c
+152.92261 487.54120 152.74120 487.67924 152.54986 487.80709 c
+152.54986 487.80709 l
+152.80214 488.45991 l
+158.04850 485.31940 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
+151.54923 468.54425 l
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+127.04031 454.27408 l
+131.44422 472.39569 l
+136.67896 471.12520 l
+136.52617 470.46331 l
+136.52617 470.46331 l
+136.41591 470.49194 136.31584 470.52085 136.20557 470.53984 c
+136.05506 470.56791 135.90482 470.58633 135.74494 470.60419 c
+135.28431 470.63934 134.82397 470.66372 134.36476 470.58860 c
+133.92539 470.52369 133.49735 470.36891 133.10986 470.13420 c
+132.74249 469.90998 132.40573 469.62624 132.16961 469.27361 c
+131.87424 468.87024 131.73024 468.36850 131.59559 467.87698 c
+131.53805 467.66608 131.49071 467.44554 131.43288 467.23493 c
+131.43288 467.23493 l
+131.13666 466.01150 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+146.94151 462.17140 l
+147.12208 462.12350 147.31257 462.07559 147.50306 462.06794 c
+147.65301 462.04951 147.81288 462.06113 147.97276 462.09317 c
+148.23213 462.13597 148.48101 462.23887 148.69928 462.39137 c
+148.89798 462.52375 149.06551 462.70573 149.19335 462.90699 c
+149.39008 463.18932 149.50658 463.51077 149.61288 463.83194 c
+149.66107 463.97254 149.70954 464.12306 149.74809 464.26365 c
+149.74809 464.26365 l
+150.39978 464.11087 l
+147.64847 452.79893 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+146.99679 452.96164 l
+147.02513 453.09175 147.05348 453.23206 147.08211 453.36246 c
+147.13824 453.69298 147.19465 454.01386 147.17083 454.34353 c
+147.14759 454.61339 147.08466 454.88268 146.95200 455.11115 c
+146.80913 455.36967 146.58661 455.57717 146.33490 455.74413 c
+145.99219 455.99017 145.59052 456.13559 145.17893 456.25096 c
+144.96831 456.30850 144.75770 456.36605 144.54709 456.41395 c
+144.54709 456.41395 l
+129.67483 460.03465 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.19748 458.03906 l
+129.14986 457.83836 129.11216 457.62775 129.08466 457.41742 c
+129.05830 457.10731 129.06198 456.78728 129.13540 456.48794 c
+129.20967 456.10894 129.37380 455.74101 129.58753 455.42324 c
+129.79106 455.12532 130.04362 454.85830 130.31660 454.62132 c
+130.80104 454.21710 131.35493 453.91323 131.93745 453.69978 c
+132.05764 453.65131 132.16819 453.61247 132.28866 453.57392 c
+132.28866 453.57392 l
+132.15515 453.02230 l
+132.15515 453.02230 l
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+362.69915 275.01987 l
+360.54312 280.31046 l
+375.57553 287.57934 l
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+377.94756 267.39893 l
+377.94756 267.39893 l
+378.21061 267.52422 378.47395 267.64951 378.72170 267.80031 c
+379.20189 268.06904 379.64381 268.42025 379.99956 268.83581 c
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+381.16006 271.00630 381.30094 271.73594 381.35622 272.47181 c
+381.42283 273.28535 381.37124 274.12016 381.17565 274.90280 c
+381.14220 275.03461 381.10365 275.17493 381.07020 275.30674 c
+381.07020 275.30674 l
+381.73011 275.62677 l
+384.06926 269.11304 l
+367.75106 261.22507 l
+369.58649 283.41723 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+366.10583 281.73090 l
+365.89011 281.62318 365.66986 281.52425 365.45953 281.40775 c
+365.06806 281.20450 364.69757 280.96724 364.37187 280.67499 c
+363.99175 280.33824 363.66661 279.92976 363.43984 279.47537 c
+363.22639 279.07597 363.09203 278.64312 363.03477 278.19836 c
+362.94973 277.60791 363.00841 277.01150 363.09798 276.42217 c
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+363.29046 275.29852 l
+363.29046 275.29852 l
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+361.19537 274.70154 l
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+360.55871 274.47789 l
+360.51846 274.58220 360.48699 274.69191 360.45241 274.78743 c
+360.38608 274.93455 360.31635 275.06778 360.24718 275.20129 c
+360.02494 275.60438 359.79761 276.01625 359.48636 276.35386 c
+359.18929 276.68806 358.83439 276.96359 358.42337 277.15805 c
+358.03417 277.35449 357.61493 277.48545 357.18775 277.49480 c
+356.68346 277.51550 356.18910 277.36639 355.70778 277.21417 c
+355.49405 277.14246 355.28031 277.07074 355.07991 276.99562 c
+355.07991 276.99562 l
+353.88907 276.58658 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.25137 261.22422 l
+359.31090 261.04961 359.37553 260.86649 359.46595 260.69896 c
+359.54022 260.55723 359.63546 260.43959 359.74431 260.31827 c
+359.92233 260.12239 360.14627 259.96592 360.39231 259.86983 c
+360.61909 259.78564 360.86145 259.73405 361.10296 259.74085 c
+361.43575 259.73263 361.77137 259.79669 362.10529 259.88287 c
+362.24561 259.92142 362.39471 259.96535 362.53474 260.00391 c
+362.53474 260.00391 l
+362.76208 259.38142 l
+351.77329 255.54643 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.55502 256.17430 l
+351.67606 256.22504 351.81128 256.27209 351.93288 256.32255 c
+352.24072 256.45153 352.54346 256.58901 352.80964 256.78630 c
+353.02110 256.93852 353.21017 257.14743 353.33405 257.38639 c
+353.46926 257.64491 353.53417 257.94198 353.53247 258.23339 c
+353.55005 258.66567 353.44800 259.08350 353.32894 259.49083 c
+353.26233 259.69606 353.19572 259.90157 353.12400 260.11559 c
+353.12400 260.11559 l
+348.07635 274.55726 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+346.14454 273.88431 l
+345.94951 273.80069 345.74910 273.72557 345.55975 273.63345 c
+345.28450 273.48945 345.02145 273.30576 344.80176 273.09005 c
+344.52397 272.81565 344.31335 272.48825 344.15972 272.12542 c
+344.02139 271.79546 343.92926 271.44652 343.88362 271.07915 c
+343.80539 270.45780 343.85414 269.82000 343.98992 269.21225 c
+344.01317 269.09745 344.04123 268.97414 344.07298 268.86472 c
+344.07298 268.86472 l
+343.54091 268.68104 l
+343.54091 268.68104 l
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+334.25915 250.85254 m
+334.12167 251.42457 l
+334.12167 251.42457 l
+334.38699 251.52746 334.65203 251.63036 334.91225 251.74205 c
+335.07269 251.80469 335.23710 251.88094 335.39074 251.97449 c
+335.60107 252.09099 335.80403 252.23811 335.95370 252.43455 c
+336.09657 252.60350 336.20003 252.81893 336.24482 253.03323 c
+336.30973 253.33058 336.28365 253.64239 336.23206 253.93890 c
+336.18557 254.22661 336.12180 254.50413 336.05858 254.78135 c
+336.05858 254.78135 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.82425 268.30205 l
+332.78400 268.46476 332.73808 268.63597 332.68904 268.79329 c
+332.62072 269.02120 332.52180 269.24173 332.38488 269.42769 c
+332.26186 269.61052 332.11020 269.76387 331.92595 269.87414 c
+331.76381 269.98611 331.57814 270.06038 331.39077 270.09865 c
+331.12148 270.15676 330.83490 270.14627 330.54548 270.12246 c
+330.25550 270.09780 329.97118 270.06548 329.67808 270.02750 c
+329.67808 270.02750 l
+329.52104 270.66954 l
+340.67537 273.32901 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.82362 272.68157 l
+340.79301 272.67449 340.77061 272.67279 340.73972 272.66542 c
+340.46759 272.59342 340.19206 272.50753 339.94233 272.37912 c
+339.67077 272.24844 339.41991 272.08403 339.21354 271.86491 c
+339.08910 271.74246 338.98876 271.59931 338.90769 271.44425 c
+338.78409 271.20529 338.72060 270.94394 338.72400 270.68854 c
+338.71691 270.45014 338.76312 270.22054 338.81783 269.99631 c
+338.81783 269.99631 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.16838 255.93789 l
+342.23329 255.69666 342.30699 255.46054 342.40280 255.22611 c
+342.48104 255.03987 342.57685 254.86356 342.70639 254.70822 c
+342.89150 254.48145 343.13953 254.30485 343.40428 254.19685 c
+343.65005 254.10047 343.91792 254.06476 344.17332 254.06787 c
+344.53701 254.06702 344.89304 254.15518 345.23773 254.22406 c
+345.24595 254.22945 345.25984 254.22605 345.26806 254.23115 c
+345.29896 254.23824 345.32986 254.24561 345.36076 254.25241 c
+345.36076 254.25241 l
+345.53707 253.54035 l
+334.25915 250.85254 l
+334.25915 250.85254 l
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+308.86923 247.55641 m
+308.79326 248.20072 l
+308.79326 248.20072 l
+308.89446 248.22709 309.00047 248.24494 309.11499 248.26791 c
+309.50419 248.34076 309.89083 248.43600 310.24290 248.62677 c
+310.48072 248.73647 310.70098 248.89408 310.85915 249.09562 c
+311.02753 249.28016 311.14290 249.51430 311.19420 249.75638 c
+311.27811 250.04183 311.28803 250.35222 311.27244 250.64702 c
+311.25685 250.94183 311.21887 251.23493 311.18117 251.52803 c
+311.18117 251.52803 l
+309.41376 266.02384 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+309.04469 266.36088 l
+308.90324 266.49723 308.76690 266.62479 308.61014 266.72854 c
+308.49137 266.80847 308.35531 266.87764 308.21613 266.93348 c
+307.88589 267.07209 307.52504 267.14494 307.17524 267.14268 c
+306.98674 267.14523 306.80504 267.11631 306.62674 267.10157 c
+306.62674 267.10157 l
+306.54170 267.79890 l
+314.64028 268.78507 l
+326.03584 257.64661 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.88894 267.02901 l
+324.85096 267.32211 324.80447 267.60983 324.71008 267.88025 c
+324.65055 268.05487 324.57912 268.21049 324.46857 268.35392 c
+324.33165 268.53959 324.14910 268.68586 323.93424 268.78932 c
+323.79817 268.85849 323.65020 268.90923 323.49883 268.94580 c
+323.09717 269.02885 322.67735 269.00731 322.26576 268.99115 c
+322.17137 268.99200 322.07357 268.97924 321.97946 268.98038 c
+321.97946 268.98038 l
+321.89953 269.66948 l
+328.60346 270.48501 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.68312 269.79619 l
+328.49631 269.77606 328.31461 269.74743 328.12469 269.71370 c
+327.89820 269.68139 327.67087 269.61279 327.45883 269.51896 c
+327.23830 269.41975 327.02967 269.28113 326.85591 269.10510 c
+326.67704 268.93757 326.54126 268.73773 326.45679 268.51068 c
+326.34709 268.26803 326.31109 268.00072 326.30598 267.73994 c
+326.30173 267.57354 326.31165 267.40346 326.31619 267.24246 c
+326.31619 267.24246 l
+328.43424 249.93950 l
+326.29748 249.68041 l
+311.01052 264.47868 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.59452 251.47559 l
+312.62882 251.22699 312.66312 250.97868 312.71953 250.73206 c
+312.76375 250.52485 312.83008 250.31934 312.92249 250.12970 c
+313.03191 249.89216 313.18101 249.66652 313.36554 249.49814 c
+313.52598 249.34989 313.71874 249.24501 313.91291 249.17556 c
+314.22954 249.04063 314.57452 248.99301 314.91609 248.99017 c
+315.09071 248.99159 315.28261 249.00293 315.46120 249.01795 c
+315.46120 249.01795 l
+315.62561 249.03609 l
+315.70186 248.39178 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
+308.86923 247.55641 l
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+276.13106 248.63641 m
+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.16819 249.26797 l
+276.29320 249.27392 276.42359 249.27137 276.55398 249.26882 c
+276.85417 249.27591 277.14076 249.28639 277.43159 249.34649 c
+277.69181 249.39978 277.94863 249.49729 278.16038 249.64980 c
+278.36362 249.79691 278.53540 249.99534 278.66069 250.21219 c
+278.84891 250.53761 278.92545 250.91178 278.97109 251.27915 c
+279.03203 251.67912 279.05669 252.08079 279.09524 252.47906 c
+279.09524 252.47906 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66189 265.19924 l
+279.66671 265.51843 279.67153 265.83761 279.66756 266.15140 c
+279.65934 266.35720 279.64602 266.57150 279.60718 266.76992 c
+279.55389 267.03043 279.46998 267.28356 279.30898 267.49020 c
+279.19134 267.66425 279.00850 267.81080 278.82964 267.91257 c
+278.50422 268.10050 278.15216 268.17902 277.78819 268.23827 c
+277.57871 268.27455 277.36583 268.29723 277.15323 268.31962 c
+277.15323 268.31962 l
+277.17449 268.97698 l
+285.94063 268.57814 l
+290.62913 255.86107 l
+296.53597 268.09880 l
+305.20290 267.70961 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.18164 267.05254 l
+305.07335 267.05679 304.97046 267.05282 304.85906 267.04375 c
+304.60365 267.04006 304.35846 267.01994 304.11184 266.96324 c
+303.83773 266.91364 303.57581 266.82406 303.34535 266.68375 c
+303.10951 266.55165 302.91024 266.36031 302.76765 266.13269 c
+302.61969 265.91386 302.52019 265.65449 302.47909 265.39512 c
+302.45244 265.22702 302.43487 265.06403 302.42239 264.89225 c
+302.42239 264.89225 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.78942 250.76154 l
+301.77581 250.49565 301.75682 250.23827 301.77383 249.97946 c
+301.77836 249.81846 301.79991 249.66737 301.83024 249.52195 c
+301.89033 249.23083 302.00372 248.94850 302.19194 248.73534 c
+302.36995 248.53918 302.61940 248.39858 302.87055 248.29398 c
+303.22828 248.14857 303.61124 248.07742 303.99222 248.02838 c
+304.10022 248.02413 304.21361 248.01109 304.31339 248.00145 c
+304.31339 248.00145 l
+304.28986 247.36677 l
+292.64995 247.88920 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.67320 248.52387 l
+292.89288 248.52841 293.12617 248.53011 293.34047 248.54343 c
+293.50998 248.55307 293.66957 248.58000 293.83710 248.61203 c
+294.16450 248.67071 294.47915 248.76879 294.75099 248.95757 c
+294.92476 249.07521 295.08690 249.23254 295.19717 249.41679 c
+295.35364 249.64072 295.43924 249.90350 295.48885 250.16825 c
+295.53874 250.43244 295.55235 250.69861 295.56085 250.97301 c
+295.56085 250.97301 l
+296.16321 264.28876 l
+288.38863 248.08082 l
+287.46057 248.12419 l
+281.06901 265.59950 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43943 251.75197 l
+280.43093 251.47729 280.42243 251.20290 280.45020 250.92709 c
+280.47940 250.62888 280.54460 250.32926 280.67528 250.05742 c
+280.78299 249.84198 280.92501 249.64753 281.11294 249.49276 c
+281.26800 249.35272 281.45594 249.25635 281.65521 249.17868 c
+282.02145 249.03893 282.42142 248.97770 282.81260 248.97033 c
+282.91209 248.96069 283.00620 248.95956 283.10060 248.95843 c
+283.10060 248.95843 l
+283.06885 248.31836 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
+276.13106 248.63641 l
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+253.87880 252.80050 m
+254.00693 253.41704 l
+254.00693 253.41704 l
+254.12031 253.40428 254.23002 253.37735 254.34369 253.36460 c
+254.71616 253.31017 255.09685 253.26142 255.46876 253.32406 c
+255.73946 253.36006 255.99798 253.43546 256.22844 253.57578 c
+256.45068 253.71099 256.62784 253.90091 256.76702 254.11436 c
+256.97083 254.41427 257.07657 254.75981 257.16869 255.10847 c
+257.20526 255.25956 257.22850 255.41405 257.26535 255.56513 c
+257.26535 255.56513 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+259.98831 269.22444 l
+260.03962 269.46652 260.09972 269.71370 260.11020 269.96598 c
+260.13487 270.15676 260.12324 270.34866 260.07562 270.54198 c
+260.04019 270.75430 259.93757 270.96151 259.79754 271.13357 c
+259.64702 271.32321 259.45030 271.47260 259.24706 271.59477 c
+258.90831 271.78639 258.54690 271.91792 258.18463 272.01317 c
+258.08315 272.04491 257.97317 272.07184 257.87197 272.10387 c
+257.87197 272.10387 l
+258.00151 272.75613 l
+275.26167 269.31061 l
+274.15531 263.80176 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.57165 263.91458 l
+273.58639 264.06369 273.60057 264.21279 273.61502 264.36246 c
+273.64847 264.76894 273.66293 265.18762 273.59660 265.60375 c
+273.52403 266.20384 273.30435 266.79572 272.95625 267.30964 c
+272.73430 267.65433 272.45594 267.97663 272.13024 268.22353 c
+271.67868 268.58069 271.14718 268.81909 270.60406 268.98009 c
+270.27780 269.07420 269.95323 269.14564 269.62838 269.21707 c
+269.62838 269.21707 l
+266.38809 269.86649 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.78907 261.82120 l
+264.96255 261.78633 265.14964 261.74806 265.33162 261.71858 c
+265.73357 261.63524 266.15254 261.56239 266.56243 261.60123 c
+266.94964 261.63808 267.33260 261.77783 267.65008 262.00630 c
+268.06706 262.28324 268.37490 262.68151 268.62576 263.11521 c
+268.98548 263.69745 269.24202 264.33383 269.44894 264.97474 c
+269.47219 265.07083 269.50932 265.16381 269.53257 265.25991 c
+269.53257 265.25991 l
+270.16299 265.12866 l
+268.23685 255.46734 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.60302 255.58469 l
+267.61918 255.77008 267.63165 255.94186 267.64753 256.12696 c
+267.67899 256.55613 267.69685 256.98841 267.67361 257.43090 c
+267.63364 258.01512 267.51657 258.61124 267.20957 259.11524 c
+267.03439 259.44180 266.78211 259.72129 266.48731 259.91660 c
+266.07742 260.20545 265.57427 260.32054 265.08643 260.40983 c
+264.89395 260.45660 264.71225 260.48636 264.52488 260.52463 c
+264.52488 260.52463 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.07184 253.25887 l
+263.06079 253.12309 263.03584 252.99099 263.04718 252.85720 c
+263.05824 252.72369 263.10019 252.59698 263.17304 252.47735 c
+263.29436 252.25880 263.53559 252.11282 263.77285 252.01162 c
+264.00501 251.91865 264.24198 251.87556 264.48406 251.82397 c
+264.48406 251.82397 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.45606 251.63121 l
+265.97112 251.53540 266.48646 251.43931 266.99953 251.36532 c
+267.54888 251.29020 268.11354 251.24769 268.65496 251.31969 c
+269.21537 251.38006 269.76104 251.56035 270.25002 251.83446 c
+270.71490 252.07058 271.13641 252.39770 271.50435 252.77386 c
+272.01033 253.26935 272.41824 253.86888 272.73288 254.50554 c
+272.84145 254.71191 272.93613 254.92167 273.02230 255.12633 c
+273.02230 255.12633 l
+273.71594 254.98715 l
+271.52731 249.27534 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
+253.87880 252.80050 l
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+227.02819 261.99751 m
+227.23200 262.56614 l
+227.23200 262.56614 l
+227.49335 262.50293 227.76265 262.44482 228.03562 262.40031 c
+228.20939 262.36517 228.39137 262.33569 228.57137 262.32831 c
+228.82365 262.31783 229.08246 262.33483 229.32709 262.41364 c
+229.47619 262.45757 229.62643 262.53751 229.75285 262.63757 c
+229.95581 262.78498 230.12787 262.98312 230.25317 263.20025 c
+230.50800 263.58945 230.65427 264.04157 230.79713 264.47981 c
+230.79713 264.47981 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
+235.25603 277.07641 l
+235.37197 277.40494 235.48819 277.73320 235.54970 278.07506 c
+235.58117 278.23465 235.59534 278.38403 235.59109 278.54504 c
+235.57209 278.82624 235.46721 279.11367 235.31301 279.34781 c
+235.17439 279.55587 234.99865 279.72964 234.80192 279.87959 c
+234.51902 280.09361 234.20098 280.25093 233.87953 280.39465 c
+233.78117 280.44057 233.68819 280.47742 233.59578 280.51455 c
+233.59578 280.51455 l
+233.83446 281.19883 l
+244.57351 277.38794 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.32888 276.71244 l
+244.26369 276.74277 244.19509 276.75950 244.13499 276.78132 c
+243.92693 276.85389 243.71575 276.91257 243.50258 276.93496 c
+243.23811 276.98485 242.96060 276.97975 242.68309 276.91597 c
+242.45887 276.86126 242.23805 276.76205 242.05209 276.62542 c
+241.78904 276.44202 241.59033 276.19200 241.43414 275.90967 c
+241.26633 275.60863 241.15011 275.28009 241.02879 274.96035 c
+241.02879 274.96035 l
+239.11937 269.55921 l
+245.29748 267.37342 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.15304 272.61326 l
+247.27918 272.98261 247.41071 273.34375 247.49065 273.73181 c
+247.53402 273.91039 247.54989 274.09578 247.55216 274.28457 c
+247.55386 274.53118 247.49745 274.77808 247.38945 274.99351 c
+247.27663 275.21745 247.09550 275.39972 246.89395 275.55789 c
+246.64365 275.75688 246.35310 275.90740 246.06737 276.04970 c
+245.96391 276.10413 245.86101 276.15827 245.75754 276.21241 c
+245.75754 276.21241 l
+246.00189 276.88819 l
+256.70778 273.09260 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.46343 272.41710 l
+256.32595 272.45027 256.19216 272.49732 256.04957 272.53928 c
+255.82450 272.60135 255.59603 272.64983 255.35225 272.66485 c
+255.08466 272.70113 254.81197 272.68753 254.54466 272.60674 c
+254.31732 272.53814 254.10189 272.43043 253.92104 272.28529 c
+253.66847 272.08460 253.48847 271.82268 253.34107 271.54573 c
+253.17326 271.24441 253.06554 270.92126 252.95811 270.59839 c
+252.95811 270.59839 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.64718 258.43124 l
+248.52784 258.08910 248.40822 257.74696 248.30249 257.40170 c
+248.22397 257.10775 248.15537 256.79679 248.16246 256.49688 c
+248.16586 256.24148 248.21915 255.98098 248.33197 255.75704 c
+248.39830 255.60992 248.48135 255.47329 248.58510 255.36104 c
+248.82350 255.08466 249.15430 254.88765 249.48595 254.72721 c
+249.68750 254.62687 249.89216 254.54098 250.09682 254.45480 c
+250.09682 254.45480 l
+249.89301 253.88589 l
+239.05814 257.72003 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.26195 258.28894 l
+239.52274 258.22573 239.78948 258.15373 240.05367 258.10384 c
+240.23565 258.07436 240.40942 258.03921 240.59764 258.03723 c
+240.82753 258.02476 241.06422 258.04006 241.27285 258.12028 c
+241.42535 258.17811 241.56170 258.26117 241.67934 258.35641 c
+241.92879 258.54321 242.10879 258.80513 242.27008 259.07868 c
+242.46482 259.43159 242.60485 259.79783 242.74828 260.17767 c
+242.74828 260.17767 l
+244.82750 266.06863 l
+238.64939 268.25443 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.49591 262.17780 l
+236.41852 261.91984 236.33802 261.64857 236.27991 261.37871 c
+236.23483 261.16413 236.20365 260.94614 236.20847 260.72674 c
+236.21046 260.43506 236.26573 260.15244 236.39386 259.90299 c
+236.46869 259.76098 236.56394 259.64334 236.67250 259.52230 c
+236.86951 259.31452 237.11754 259.13764 237.37578 259.00214 c
+237.56343 258.90576 237.76271 258.82781 237.97077 258.75581 c
+237.97077 258.75581 l
+237.76696 258.18661 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
+227.02819 261.99751 l
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+232.26378 282.22101 m
+232.79357 281.94661 l
+229.81833 276.20050 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.28287 276.48340 l
+229.35628 276.78586 229.42460 277.09654 229.47591 277.39729 c
+229.58362 277.98945 229.63606 278.59521 229.58561 279.19701 c
+229.54280 279.76791 229.39654 280.33427 229.16863 280.86293 c
+228.94753 281.36041 228.65272 281.82501 228.29499 282.23972 c
+227.84910 282.74088 227.30627 283.17118 226.68208 283.44643 c
+226.12110 283.71402 225.49946 283.85036 224.88548 283.83959 c
+224.03849 283.82712 223.21219 283.51134 222.50183 283.04362 c
+221.80139 282.61701 221.22539 282.04384 220.70636 281.43524 c
+219.81118 280.38643 219.07446 279.21203 218.44120 277.98350 c
+217.88702 276.93184 217.40712 275.85496 217.04400 274.72082 c
+216.71433 273.72416 216.47764 272.69008 216.49861 271.63701 c
+216.49578 270.96831 216.59301 270.28970 216.86457 269.67061 c
+217.21635 268.84290 217.86945 268.11638 218.65748 267.70677 c
+218.94009 267.55087 219.23745 267.42756 219.54161 267.33175 c
+220.14992 267.14013 220.78998 267.05027 221.43487 267.06813 c
+222.01455 267.05792 222.58176 267.14580 223.14501 267.27817 c
+223.81824 267.44202 224.46312 267.67077 225.09950 267.95310 c
+225.35915 268.06450 225.61398 268.18441 225.87392 268.29609 c
+225.87392 268.29609 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.98469 266.58369 l
+224.83247 266.52614 224.68025 266.46860 224.52293 266.41956 c
+223.33351 265.98813 222.06104 265.75143 220.79509 265.81181 c
+219.35764 265.82655 217.92813 266.23219 216.64261 266.90117 c
+215.58643 267.40517 214.61811 268.09172 213.81987 268.94069 c
+212.79770 270.00397 212.04482 271.33710 211.65109 272.77143 c
+211.27606 273.98353 211.15984 275.27074 211.32482 276.51855 c
+211.47987 277.99455 212.02951 279.41811 212.73080 280.74671 c
+213.29150 281.82557 213.93836 282.84009 214.76239 283.71657 c
+215.53058 284.57065 216.45694 285.29858 217.49641 285.80287 c
+218.47380 286.29298 219.55776 286.58976 220.65647 286.65014 c
+222.12397 286.75928 223.62151 286.45370 224.98696 285.90321 c
+225.45468 285.73143 225.90709 285.52706 226.34419 285.28980 c
+226.92557 284.98847 227.49392 284.63187 228.01635 284.23559 c
+228.53849 283.83959 229.02009 283.39483 229.48072 282.92655 c
+229.80557 282.58554 230.12164 282.23943 230.42580 281.87433 c
+230.54513 281.73628 230.66447 281.59824 230.81924 281.51688 c
+230.92243 281.46274 231.02901 281.42220 231.14580 281.42306 c
+231.41169 281.40945 231.65915 281.61836 231.86154 281.82359 c
+232.01178 281.96192 232.13622 282.08466 232.26378 282.22101 c
+232.26378 282.22101 l
+232.26378 282.22101 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+453.05490 401.49468 472.56491 420.99477 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+456.78501 401.49468 m
+457.93502 408.54472 l
+453.05490 413.54476 l
+459.80476 414.57487 l
+462.81487 420.99477 l
+465.81477 414.57487 l
+472.56491 413.54476 l
+467.67487 408.54472 l
+468.82488 401.49468 l
+462.79502 404.83474 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+456.78501 401.49468 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+123.99619 401.78126 143.50620 421.28135 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+127.72630 401.78126 m
+128.87631 408.83131 l
+123.99619 413.83134 l
+130.74633 414.86145 l
+133.75616 421.28135 l
+136.75635 414.86145 l
+143.50620 413.83134 l
+138.61616 408.83131 l
+139.76617 401.78126 l
+133.73631 405.12132 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
+127.72630 401.78126 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 493.43584 256.28995 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 493.43584 m
+256.28995 495.32542 L
+254.41880 495.32542 L
+254.41880 493.43584 L
+256.28995 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+246.52743 493.43584 251.42910 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 493.43584 m
+251.42910 495.32542 L
+246.52743 495.32542 L
+246.52743 493.43584 L
+251.42910 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 493.43584 243.52724 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+243.52724 493.43584 m
+243.52724 495.32542 L
+238.54564 495.32542 L
+238.54564 493.43584 L
+243.52724 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 493.43584 235.57039 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 493.43584 m
+235.57039 495.32542 L
+233.69924 495.32542 L
+233.69924 493.43584 L
+235.57039 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 459.94734 256.28995 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 459.94734 m
+256.28995 481.52013 L
+254.41880 481.52013 L
+254.41880 459.94734 L
+256.28995 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+246.52743 459.94734 251.42910 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 459.94734 m
+251.42910 481.52013 L
+246.52743 481.52013 L
+246.52743 459.94734 L
+251.42910 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 459.94734 243.52724 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+243.52724 459.94734 m
+243.52724 481.52013 L
+238.54564 481.52013 L
+238.54564 459.94734 L
+243.52724 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 459.94734 235.57039 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 459.94734 m
+235.57039 459.94734 L
+235.57039 481.52013 L
+233.69924 481.52013 L
+233.69924 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 430.07244 256.28995 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 430.07244 m
+256.28995 448.94665 L
+254.41880 448.94665 L
+254.41880 430.07244 L
+256.28995 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 430.07244 251.42910 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+238.54564 430.07244 m
+251.42910 430.07244 L
+251.42910 448.94665 L
+238.54564 448.94665 L
+238.54564 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 430.07244 235.57039 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 430.07244 m
+235.57039 448.94665 L
+233.69924 448.94665 L
+233.69924 430.07244 L
+235.57039 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 399.62211 256.28995 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 399.62211 m
+256.28995 419.22539 L
+254.41880 419.22539 L
+254.41880 399.62211 L
+256.28995 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 399.62211 251.42910 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 399.62211 m
+251.42910 419.22539 L
+238.54564 419.22539 L
+238.54564 399.62211 L
+251.42910 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 399.62211 235.57039 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 399.62211 m
+235.57039 399.62211 l
+235.57039 419.22539 l
+233.69924 419.22539 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+233.69924 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.54564 359.10425 251.42910 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.42910 383.69254 m
+238.54564 383.69254 L
+238.54564 359.10425 L
+251.42910 359.10425 L
+251.42910 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 359.10425 235.57039 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 383.69254 m
+233.69924 383.69254 L
+233.69924 359.10425 L
+235.57039 359.10425 L
+235.57039 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 354.26211 256.28995 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 354.26211 m
+256.28995 356.11937 L
+254.41880 356.11937 L
+254.41880 354.26211 L
+256.28995 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.53685 354.26211 251.45235 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 354.26211 m
+251.45235 356.11937 L
+238.53685 356.11937 L
+238.53685 354.26211 L
+251.45235 354.26211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 354.26211 235.57039 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 354.26211 m
+235.57039 354.26211 l
+235.57039 356.11937 l
+233.69924 356.11937 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+233.69924 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 345.36869 256.28995 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+256.28995 345.36869 m
+256.28995 351.52980 L
+254.41880 351.52980 L
+254.41880 345.36869 L
+256.28995 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.53685 345.36869 251.45802 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+251.45235 345.36869 m
+251.45802 351.52101 L
+238.53685 351.52980 L
+238.53685 345.36869 L
+251.45235 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 345.36869 235.57039 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+235.57039 345.36869 m
+235.57039 351.52980 L
+233.69924 351.52980 L
+233.69924 345.36869 L
+235.57039 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+238.58646 386.65701 251.45235 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+238.58646 388.72857 m
+251.45235 388.72857 L
+251.45235 386.65701 L
+238.58646 386.65701 L
+238.58646 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.41880 386.65786 256.27011 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.41880 388.72857 m
+256.27011 388.72857 L
+256.27011 386.65786 L
+254.41880 386.65786 L
+254.41880 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+254.42277 359.10567 256.31575 383.68261 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+254.42277 383.68261 m
+256.31575 383.68261 L
+256.31575 359.10567 L
+254.42277 359.10567 L
+254.42277 383.68261 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 354.26211 285.24416 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 356.11937 m
+285.24416 356.11937 L
+285.24416 354.26211 L
+270.17178 354.26211 L
+270.17178 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 345.36869 285.24416 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 347.22595 m
+285.24416 347.22595 L
+285.24416 345.36869 L
+270.17178 345.36869 L
+270.17178 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 349.67254 285.24416 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+270.17178 351.52980 m
+285.24416 351.52980 L
+285.24416 349.67254 L
+270.17178 349.67254 L
+270.17178 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 354.26211 305.85260 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 356.11937 m
+305.85260 356.11937 L
+305.85260 354.26211 L
+290.81594 354.26211 L
+290.81594 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 349.67254 305.85260 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 351.52980 m
+305.85260 351.52980 L
+305.85260 349.67254 L
+290.81594 349.67254 L
+290.81594 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 345.36869 305.85260 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+290.81594 347.22595 m
+305.85260 347.22595 L
+305.85260 345.36869 L
+290.81594 345.36869 L
+290.81594 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 354.26211 326.60391 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 356.11937 m
+326.60391 356.11937 L
+326.60391 354.26211 L
+311.60296 354.26211 L
+311.60296 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 349.67254 326.60391 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 351.52980 m
+326.60391 351.52980 L
+326.60391 349.67254 L
+311.60296 349.67254 L
+311.60296 351.52980 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 345.36869 326.60391 347.22595 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+311.60296 347.22595 m
+326.60391 347.22595 L
+326.60391 345.36869 L
+311.60296 345.36869 L
+311.60296 347.22595 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 399.62211 326.60391 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+326.60391 399.62211 m
+326.60391 419.22539 L
+311.60296 419.22539 L
+311.60296 399.62211 L
+326.60391 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 459.93487 389.44261 477.66274 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+389.40293 459.93487 m
+389.44261 477.66274 L
+375.82129 477.66274 L
+375.82129 459.94734 L
+389.40293 459.93487 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 430.07244 389.44261 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+375.82129 430.07244 m
+389.44261 430.07244 L
+389.44261 448.94665 L
+375.82129 448.94665 L
+375.82129 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 359.10425 389.44261 383.69282 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+389.44261 359.10425 m
+389.44261 383.69254 L
+375.82129 383.69282 L
+375.82129 359.10425 L
+389.44261 359.10425 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.85899 386.65701 389.48031 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+375.85899 388.72857 m
+389.48031 388.72857 L
+389.48031 386.65701 L
+375.85899 386.65701 L
+375.85899 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 354.26211 389.44261 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+375.82129 356.11937 m
+389.44261 356.11937 L
+389.44261 354.26211 L
+375.82129 354.26211 L
+375.82129 356.11937 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+375.82129 399.62211 389.44261 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+389.44261 399.62211 m
+389.44261 419.22539 L
+375.82129 419.22539 L
+375.82129 399.62211 L
+389.44261 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 493.43584 362.78986 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 493.43584 m
+362.78986 495.32542 L
+360.91871 495.32542 L
+360.91871 493.43584 L
+362.78986 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+353.02734 493.43584 357.92901 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 493.43584 m
+357.92901 495.32542 L
+353.02734 495.32542 L
+353.02734 493.43584 L
+357.92901 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 493.43584 350.02715 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+350.02715 493.43584 m
+350.02715 495.32542 L
+345.04554 495.32542 L
+345.04554 493.43584 L
+350.02715 493.43584 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.15748 493.43584 342.12189 495.32542 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.12189 493.43584 m
+342.12189 495.32542 L
+340.15748 495.32542 L
+340.15748 493.43584 L
+342.12189 493.43584 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 459.94734 362.78986 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 459.94734 m
+362.78986 481.52013 L
+360.91871 481.52013 L
+360.91871 459.94734 L
+362.78986 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+353.02734 459.94734 357.92901 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 459.94734 m
+357.92901 481.52013 L
+353.02734 481.52013 L
+353.02734 459.94734 L
+357.92901 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 459.94734 350.02715 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+350.02715 459.94734 m
+350.02715 481.52013 L
+345.04554 481.52013 L
+345.04554 459.94734 L
+350.02715 459.94734 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 459.94734 342.07030 481.52013 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 459.94734 m
+342.07030 459.94734 L
+342.07030 481.52013 L
+340.19915 481.52013 L
+340.19915 459.94734 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 430.07244 362.78986 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 430.07244 m
+362.78986 448.94665 L
+360.91871 448.94665 L
+360.91871 430.07244 L
+362.78986 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 430.07244 357.92901 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+345.04554 430.07244 m
+357.92901 430.07244 L
+357.92901 448.94665 L
+345.04554 448.94665 L
+345.04554 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 430.07244 342.07030 448.94665 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.07030 430.07244 m
+342.07030 448.94665 L
+340.19915 448.94665 L
+340.19915 430.07244 L
+342.07030 430.07244 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 399.62211 362.78986 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 399.62211 m
+362.78986 419.22539 L
+360.91871 419.22539 L
+360.91871 399.62211 L
+362.78986 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 399.62211 357.92901 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 399.62211 m
+357.92901 419.22539 L
+345.04554 419.22539 L
+345.04554 399.62211 L
+357.92901 399.62211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 399.62211 342.07030 419.22539 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 399.62211 m
+342.07030 399.62211 l
+342.07030 419.22539 l
+340.19915 419.22539 l
+340.19915 399.62211 l
+340.19915 399.62211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.04554 359.10425 357.92901 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.92901 383.69254 m
+345.04554 383.69254 L
+345.04554 359.10425 L
+357.92901 359.10425 L
+357.92901 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.15748 359.10425 342.12189 383.69254 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.12189 383.69254 m
+340.15748 383.69254 L
+340.15748 359.10425 L
+342.12189 359.10425 L
+342.12189 383.69254 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 354.26211 362.78986 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 354.26211 m
+362.78986 356.11937 L
+360.91871 356.11937 L
+360.91871 354.26211 L
+362.78986 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.03676 354.26211 357.95225 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.95225 354.26211 m
+357.95225 356.11937 L
+345.03676 356.11937 L
+345.03676 354.26211 L
+357.95225 354.26211 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 354.26211 342.07030 356.11937 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.19915 354.26211 m
+342.07030 354.26211 l
+342.07030 356.11937 l
+340.19915 356.11937 l
+340.19915 354.26211 l
+340.19915 354.26211 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 345.36869 362.78986 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+362.78986 345.36869 m
+362.78986 351.52980 L
+360.91871 351.52980 L
+360.91871 345.36869 L
+362.78986 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.03676 345.36869 357.96302 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+357.96302 345.36869 m
+357.95792 351.52101 L
+345.03676 351.52980 L
+345.03676 345.36869 L
+357.96302 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.19915 345.36869 342.07030 351.52980 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+342.07030 345.36869 m
+342.07030 351.52980 L
+340.19915 351.52980 L
+340.19915 345.36869 L
+342.07030 345.36869 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+345.08636 386.65701 357.95225 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+345.08636 388.72857 m
+357.95225 388.72857 L
+357.95225 386.65701 L
+345.08636 386.65701 L
+345.08636 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.91871 386.65786 362.77002 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+360.91871 388.72857 m
+362.77002 388.72857 L
+362.77002 386.65786 L
+360.91871 386.65786 L
+360.91871 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+360.92268 359.10567 362.81565 383.68261 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+360.92268 383.68261 m
+362.81565 383.68261 L
+362.81565 359.10567 L
+360.92268 359.10567 L
+360.92268 383.68261 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+299.72976 459.94734 305.88831 481.53260 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+305.88831 459.95981 m
+305.88831 481.53260 L
+299.72976 481.53260 L
+299.75216 459.94734 L
+305.88831 459.95981 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 459.95981 296.75225 481.53260 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+296.75225 459.95981 m
+296.75225 481.53260 L
+290.81594 481.53260 L
+290.81594 459.95981 L
+296.75225 459.95981 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+320.51679 459.94734 326.67534 481.53260 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+326.67534 459.95981 m
+326.67534 481.53260 L
+320.51679 481.53260 L
+320.53918 459.94734 L
+326.67534 459.95981 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 459.95981 317.53928 481.53260 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+317.53928 459.95981 m
+317.53928 481.53260 L
+311.60296 481.53260 L
+311.60296 459.95981 L
+317.53928 459.95981 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+223.41883 498.19975 230.95502 505.55735 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+227.18693 505.55735 m
+229.26246 505.55735 230.95502 503.90476 230.95502 501.87855 c
+230.95502 499.85235 229.26246 498.19975 227.18693 498.19975 c
+225.11140 498.19975 223.41883 499.85235 223.41883 501.87855 c
+223.41883 503.90476 225.11140 505.55735 227.18693 505.55735 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+259.49254 498.19975 267.02872 505.55735 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+263.26063 505.55735 m
+265.33616 505.55735 267.02872 503.90476 267.02872 501.87855 c
+267.02872 499.85235 265.33616 498.19975 263.26063 498.19975 c
+261.18510 498.19975 259.49254 499.85235 259.49254 501.87855 c
+259.49254 503.90476 261.18510 505.55735 263.26063 505.55735 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 430.07244 285.24416 448.94778 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+277.60337 448.94665 m
+281.73118 448.94778 285.24416 445.33928 285.24416 441.51761 c
+285.24416 437.69594 285.24416 430.07244 285.24416 430.07244 c
+285.24416 430.07244 270.17178 430.07244 270.17178 430.07244 c
+270.17178 430.07244 270.17178 437.69594 270.17178 441.51761 c
+270.17178 445.33928 273.47556 448.94551 277.60337 448.94665 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 430.07244 305.88831 448.94778 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+298.24753 448.94665 m
+302.37534 448.94778 305.88831 445.33928 305.88831 441.51761 c
+305.88831 437.69594 305.88831 430.07244 305.88831 430.07244 c
+305.88831 430.07244 290.81594 430.07244 290.81594 430.07244 c
+290.81594 430.07244 290.81594 437.69594 290.81594 441.51761 c
+290.81594 445.33928 294.11972 448.94551 298.24753 448.94665 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 430.07244 326.67534 448.94778 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+319.03455 448.94665 m
+323.16236 448.94778 326.67534 445.33928 326.67534 441.51761 c
+326.67534 437.69594 326.67534 430.07244 326.67534 430.07244 c
+326.67534 430.07244 311.60296 430.07244 311.60296 430.07244 c
+311.60296 430.07244 311.60296 437.69594 311.60296 441.51761 c
+311.60296 445.33928 314.90674 448.94551 319.03455 448.94665 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+270.17178 359.10425 285.24416 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+277.60337 388.72743 m
+281.73118 388.72857 285.24416 385.12006 285.24416 381.29839 c
+285.24416 377.47672 285.24416 359.10425 285.24416 359.10425 c
+285.24416 359.10425 270.17178 359.10425 270.17178 359.10425 c
+270.17178 359.10425 270.17178 377.47672 270.17178 381.29839 c
+270.17178 385.12006 273.47556 388.72630 277.60337 388.72743 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+290.81594 359.10425 305.85260 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+298.24753 388.72743 m
+302.37534 388.72857 305.85260 385.17732 305.85260 381.35565 c
+305.85260 377.53398 305.85260 359.10425 305.85260 359.10425 c
+305.85260 359.10425 290.81594 359.10425 290.81594 359.10425 c
+290.81594 359.10425 290.81594 377.47672 290.81594 381.29839 c
+290.81594 385.12006 294.11972 388.72630 298.24753 388.72743 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+311.60296 359.10425 326.60391 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+319.03455 388.72743 m
+323.16236 388.72857 326.60391 385.17732 326.60391 381.35565 c
+326.60391 377.53398 326.60391 359.10425 326.60391 359.10425 c
+326.60391 359.10425 311.60296 359.10425 311.60296 359.10425 c
+311.60296 359.10425 311.60296 377.47672 311.60296 381.29839 c
+311.60296 385.12006 314.90674 388.72630 319.03455 388.72743 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+329.71124 498.19975 337.24743 505.55735 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+333.47934 505.55735 m
+335.55487 505.55735 337.24743 503.90476 337.24743 501.87855 c
+337.24743 499.85235 335.55487 498.19975 333.47934 498.19975 c
+331.40381 498.19975 329.71124 499.85235 329.71124 501.87855 c
+329.71124 503.90476 331.40381 505.55735 333.47934 505.55735 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+303.50353 505.59931 305.21169 507.68901 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+304.32246 505.59931 m
+303.70961 506.46926 L
+303.50353 507.68901 L
+305.21169 506.51972 L
+304.32246 505.59931 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+308.39783 500.40312 310.39398 502.70910 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+310.39398 500.40312 m
+309.48406 500.76312 L
+308.39783 500.54712 L
+308.97581 502.70910 L
+309.80806 501.87515 L
+310.39398 501.33317 L
+310.39398 500.40312 L
+310.39398 500.40312 l
+@rax %Note: Object
+365.64208 498.19975 373.17827 505.55735 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 1.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+369.41017 505.55735 m
+371.48570 505.55735 373.17827 503.90476 373.17827 501.87855 c
+373.17827 499.85235 371.48570 498.19975 369.41017 498.19975 c
+367.33465 498.19975 365.64208 499.85235 365.64208 501.87855 c
+365.64208 503.90476 367.33465 505.55735 369.41017 505.55735 c
+@rax %Note: Object
+233.69924 386.65644 235.57039 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+233.69924 388.72857 m
+235.57039 388.72857 L
+235.57039 386.65644 L
+233.69924 386.65644 L
+233.69924 388.72857 L
+@rax %Note: Object
+340.15124 386.65644 342.11083 388.72857 @E
+ 0 O 0 @g
+0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 k
+/$fm 0 def
+340.15124 388.72857 m
+342.11083 388.72857 L
+342.11083 386.65644 L
+340.15124 386.65644 L
+340.15124 388.72857 L
+%%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset wCorel7Dict
+ @endspecial 253 3804 a Fa(Hans)35 b(Friedrich)e(Stef)l(f)o(ani)253
+3986 y(TU)i(Chemnitz)253 4169 y(Lehrstuhl)f(f)899 4168
+y(\250)887 4169 y(ur)h(Elektr)-8 b(.)34 b(Maschinen)g(u.)h(Antriebe)
+3267 b(19)p eop
+userdict /end-hook known{end-hook}if
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..885dddc91d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+for i in $* ; do
+ i=`basename $i .tex`
+ latex $i
+ dvips -t a5 -pp2 $i -o /tmp/;
+# Usage: pstogif [-h(elp)] [-out <output file>]
+# [-depth <color depth 1, 8 or 24>]
+# [-flip <Flip_code>] [-density <pixel density>] <file>.ps
+# pstogif -out ./"$i"_2.gif /tmp/;
+echo quit|gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngmono -sOutputFile=./"$i"_2.png -sPAPERSIZE=a5 /tmp/;
+ dvips -t a5 -pp3 $i -o /tmp/;
+echo quit|gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pngmono -sOutputFile=./"$i"_3.png -sPAPERSIZE=a5 /tmp/;
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/index.html b/info/german/fancyhdr/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f6ba82f9f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
+<META NAME="contents" CONTENT="fancyhdr.html">
+<META NAME="language" CONTENT="german">
+<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="tex,latex,fancyhdr,fancyheader">
+<META NAME="description"
+ CONTENT="A short german description of fancyhdr">
+<META NAME="author"
+ CONTENT="Hans Friedrich Steffani">
+<LINK REV="made"
+ HREF=" (Hans Friedrich Steffani)">
+<H1>Kurzbeschreibung von <code>fancyhdr.sty</code></H1>
+<H2>von Hans Friedrich Steffani</H2>
+Mit dem fancyhdr-Paket k&ouml;nnen Kopf- und Fu&szlig;zeilen von
+Dokumenten frei gestaltet werden. Es findet sich &uuml;blicherweise im
+Verzeichnis <tt>latex/contrib/supported/fancyhdr/</tt> auf diversen
+FTP-Servern und nat&uuml;rlich auch auf CTAN.
+<li>Hier die
+Originaldokumentation als
+bzw. als
+f&uuml;r das fancyhdr-Paket
+Die gibt es an entsprechender stelle nat&uuml;rlich auch auf dem
+n&auml;chstgelegenen CTAN-Spiegel.
+<LI>Folien f&uuml;r einen Vortrag <A
+HREF="fancyfolien+bsp.pdf">mit</A> und
+<A HREF="fancyfolien.pdf">ohne</A>
+eigebettete Beispiele (die Seite habe ich nat&uuml;rlich auch mit
+<tt>fancyhdr</tt> gestaltet)</LI>
+<LI><code>\chaptermark{&lt;befehle zur generierung der Kopfzeile&gt;}</code>
+ in den Standardklassen ist ein <code>\MakeUppercase</code> hart
+ codiert, so da&szlig; ich statt dessen<BR>
+ <code>\renewcommand{\chaptermark}[1]{%<BR>
+ \markboth{\chaptername\ \thechapter{}: #1}{}}</code><BR>
+ verwende. Es wird von <code>\chapter</code> aufgerufen.
+<LI>&Auml;hnliches gilt f&uuml;r <code>\sectionmark</code>. Auch dort ist
+ <code>\MakeUppercase</code> hart codiert, so da&szlig; ich statt
+ dessen <BR>
+ <code>\renewcommand{\sectionmark}[1]{%<BR>
+ \markright{\thesection{}: #1}{}}</code><BR>
+ verwende.
+Nun, <code>\markboth</code> und <code>\markright</code> sorgen dann daf&uuml;r,
+da&szlig; <code>\rightmark</code> und <code>\leftmark</code> geeignet
+definiert sind, um daraus die Kopfzeilen zu bauen. Damit kommt
+<tt>fancyhdr.sty</tt> zum Zug. Deren Makros werden nun kurz
+beschrieben. Die Seite ist so aufgeteilt:
+<table cellpadding=10 Border>
+<TR><td> Linker Kopf </td> <td> Mittlerer Kopf </td> <td> Rechter Kopf </td></TR>
+<TR><td> Text </td> <td> Text </td> <td> Text </td></TR>
+<TR><td> Linker Fu&szlig; </td> <td> Mittlerer Fu&szlig; </td> <td> Rechter Fu&szlig; </td></TR>
+<caption>Eine Seite</caption>
+<LI>Die einfachsten Makros
+ <code>\lhead{}</code> und <code>\chead{}</code> und
+ <code>\rhead{}</code> sowie
+ <code>\lfoot{}</code> und <code>\cfoot{}</code> und
+ <code>\rfoot{}</code> legen das entsprechende Feld fest.</LI>
+Damit lassen sich allerdings die K&ouml;pfe f&uuml;r doppelseitige
+Dokumente nicht gestalten denn hier wird zwischen linken (gerade) und
+rechten (ungeraden)
+Seiten unterschieden. Hier will man in der Regel unterschiedliche
+K&ouml;pfe &uuml;ber den rechten und linken Seiten. Dazu gibt es
+<UL><LI><code>\fancyhead[&lt;wo1, wo2, ... &gt;]{&lt;was&gt;}</code>
+ Das <code>&lt;wo<&gt></code> wird aus der Kombination von
+ <code>E</code>ven f&uuml;r gerade bzw. <code>O</code>dd f&uuml;r
+ ungerade Seiten, sowie
+ <code>L</code>, <code>C</code> und <code>R</code> f&uuml;r das
+ linke, mittlere und rechte Feld.
+ Bei mir steht da<BR>
+ <CODE>
+ \fancyhead[EL]{\itshape\leftmark}% E=grade=linke Seiten und dort
+links, also au&szlig;en das \leftmark<BR>
+ \fancyhead[OR]{\itshape\rightmark}% O=ungrade=rechte Seiten und
+dort rechts, also au&szlig;en das \rightmark<BR>
+ \fancyfoot[CO,CE]{\thepage} % Seitenzahl immer unten Mitte
+ </CODE><BR>
+ Damit wird
+ <UL><LI>Auf ungeraden Seiten rechts, d.h. au&szlig;en
+ <code>\rightmark</code>,</LI>
+ <li>auf geraden Seiten links, ebenfalls au&szlig;en
+ <code>\leftmark</code></LI>
+ <li>Die Seitenzahl kommt in die Fu&szlig;zeile wo sie immer ist</LI>
+ </UL>
+ </LI>
+ <LI>Entsprechendes gilt f&uuml;r <code>\fancyfoot[]{}</code></LI>
+ <LI>Wird da optionale Argument weggelassen, so gilt das Argument
+ f&uuml;r alle Felder.(?)
+ Zum Beispiel l&ouml;scht <code>\fancyhead{}</code> alle Kopffelder.
+ <LI>Ich hab den Kleinen Duden, Band 4, Deutsche Grammatik. Dort
+haben sie einen Kopf wie oben, aber setzen die Seitenzahl immer nach
+innen (m.E. ziemlicher Schwachsinn). Das geht dann mit<BR>
+ <CODE>\fancyhead[OL,ER]{\thepage} % Seitenzahl nach innen<BR>
+ \fancyfoot{}% unten nichts</CODE></LI>
+ <LI>Beliebt ist schliesslich noch, da&szlig; die Seitenzahl oben
+au&szlig;en steht. Dies ist bei fast allen meinen B&uuml;chern so, die
+eine Kopfzeile haben. (Bei den anderen ist die Seitenzahl unten
+au&szlig;en.) Das geht dann mit<BR>
+\fancyfoot{}% Unten nichts<BR>
+\fancyhead[RE]{\itshape\leftmark}% Rechts auf geraden Seiten=innen<BR>
+\fancyhead[RO]{\itshape\rightmark}% Links auf ungeraden Seiten=au&szlig;en<BR>
+\fancyhead[RO,LE]{\thepage}%Rechts auf ungeraden und links auf
+geraden Seiten<br></CODE>
+Um das alles richtig zu machen, mu&szlig; man immer im Hinterkopf
+haben das immer die geraden Seiten links und die ungeraden Seiten
+rechts beim aufgeklappten Buch liegen.
+Noch allgemeiner ist
+<LI><code>\fancyhf</code>, da&szlig; auch noch <code>H</code> und
+ <code>F</code> f&uuml;r Kopf- bzw. Fu&szlig;zeile kennt
+Die Argumente d&uuml;rfen dabei auch <code>\\</code> enthalten. Es
+k&ouml;nnen auch Bilder mit <code>\includegraphics</code> eingebunden
+werden. Dabei ist zu beachten, da&szlig; f&uuml;r die Kopf- und
+Fu&szlig;zeile nur der durch <code>\headheight</code> bzw.
+<code>\footskip</code> angegebene Platz vorgesehen wird. Ist die Zeile
+gr&ouml;&szlig;er, so erh&auml;lt man entsprechende Warnungen.
+Hat man auf diese Weise den Aufbau definiert, so kann man ihn mit
+<code>\pagestyle{fancy}</code> aktivieren.
+ <code>\renewcommand{\headrulewidth}{&lt;gr&ouml;&szlig;e&gt;}</code>
+ bzw.
+ <code>\renewcommand{\footrulewidth}{&lt;gr&ouml;&szlig;e&gt;}</code>
+ kann man die Dicke einer Linie zwischen Kopf- bzw. Fu&szlig;zeile
+ und Text festlegen bzw. durch Angabe von <code>0pt</code> ausschalten.
+An einigen Stellen, z.B. bei <code>\part</code>, <code>\chapter</code>
+und auch bei den diversen Funktionen, die diese Aufrufen
+(<code>\tableofcontents</code>, <code>\listof[figures|tables]</code>,
+<code>thebibliography</code>-Umgebung etc.) schaltet LaTeX mit
+<code>\thispagestyle{plain}</code> auf Plain um. Daher m&ouml;chte man
+<code>plain</code> umdefinieren.
+<UL><LI>Dazu gibt es <code>\fancypagestyle{}</code> Z.B.:
+&lt; code mit \fancyfoot{} etc &gt;<br>
+<H1><A HREF="#bsp1">Beispiele</A></H1>
+Die Beispiele zeigen jeweils eine gerade und ungerade Seite.
+<A NAME="bsp1"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp1_2.png" ALT="Beispiel plain">
+<IMG SRC="bsp1_3.png" ALT="Beispiel plain">
+<A HREF="#bsp2">Bsp. 2</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp1.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+<A NAME="bsp2"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp2_2.png"
+ ALT="Beispiel: Seitenzahlen aussen, &Uuml;berschriften innen ">
+<IMG SRC="bsp2_3.png"
+ ALT="Beispiel: Seitenzahlen aussen, &Uuml;berschriften innen ">
+<A HREF="#bsp3">Bsp. 3</A>
+<A HREF="#bsp1">Bsp. 1</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp2.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+<A NAME="bsp3"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp3_2.png"
+ ALT="Beispiel: Namen der Felder">
+<IMG SRC="bsp3_3.png"
+ ALT="Beispiel: Namen der Felder">
+<A HREF="#bsp4">Bsp. 4</A>
+<A HREF="#bsp2">Bsp. 2</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp3.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+<A NAME="bsp4"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp4_2.png"
+ ALT="Beispiel: Eigenes \sectionmark">
+<IMG SRC="bsp4_3.png"
+ ALT="Beispiel: Eigenes \sectionmark">
+<A HREF="#bsp5">Bsp. 5</A>
+<A HREF="#bsp3">Bsp. 3</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp4.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+<A NAME="bsp5"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp5_2.png"
+ ALT="Keine Linien">
+<IMG SRC="bsp5_3.png"
+ ALT="Keine Linien">
+<A HREF="#bsp6">Bsp. 6</A>
+<A HREF="#bsp4">Bsp. 4</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp5.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+<A NAME="bsp6"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp6_2.png"
+ ALT="Etwas andere \sectionmark-Definition">
+<IMG SRC="bsp6_3.png"
+ ALT="Etwas andere \sectionmark-Definition">
+<A HREF="#bsp7">Bsp. 7</A>
+<A HREF="#bsp5">Bsp. 5</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp6.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+<A NAME="bsp7"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp7_2.png"
+ ALT="H&ouml;here Kopfzeile &uuml;berdeckt Text">
+<IMG SRC="bsp7_3.png"
+ ALT="H&ouml;here Kopfzeile &uuml;berdeckt Text">
+<A HREF="#bsp8">Bsp. 8</A>
+<A HREF="#bsp6">Bsp. 6</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp7.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+<A NAME="bsp8"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp8_2.png"
+ ALT="H&ouml;here Kopfzeile; \headheight korrigiert">
+<IMG SRC="bsp8_3.png"
+ ALT="H&ouml;here Kopfzeile; \headheight korrigiert">
+<A HREF="#bsp9">Bsp. 9</A>
+<A HREF="#bsp7">Bsp. 7</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp8.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+<A NAME="bsp9"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp9_2.png"
+ ALT="Seitenzahlen aussen am Rand">
+<IMG SRC="bsp9_3.png"
+ ALT="Seitenzahlen aussen am Rand">
+<A HREF="#bsp10">Bsp. 10</A>
+<A HREF="#bsp8">Bsp. 8</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp9.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+<A NAME="bsp10"></A>
+<IMG SRC="bsp10_2.png"
+ ALT="Fuer Sonderanwendung: Kopfzeile erzeugt Fusszeile">
+<IMG SRC="bsp10_3.png"
+ ALT="Fuer Sonderanwendung: Kopfzeile erzeugt Fusszeile">
+<A HREF="#bsp1">Bsp. 1</A>
+<BR><A HREF="bsp10.pdf">pdf</A>, <A HREF="">ps</A>
+Hans Friedrich Steffani<BR>
+Fre Dez 22 11:38:58 MET 2000
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..8e3c87d1c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+for i in $*; do
+ i=`basename $i .tex`
+ dviselect 2,3 $i.dvi /tmp/hfstlumpi.dvi
+ a5doppel /tmp/hfstlumpi
+ dvips -h -t landscape /tmp/hfstlumpi.d.dvi -o /tmp/;
+ ps2pdf -g8420x5950 -sOutputFile=$i.pdf /tmp/
diff --git a/info/german/fancyhdr/ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..5c90ad9907
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/german/fancyhdr/
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+for i in $*; do
+ i=`basename $i .tex`
+ latex $i
+ dviselect 2,3 $i.dvi /tmp/hfstlumpi.dvi
+ a5doppel /tmp/hfstlumpi
+ dvips -t landscape /tmp/hfstlumpi.d.dvi -o ./$
+# ps2pdf -g8420x5950 -sOutputFile=$i.pdf /tmp/