path: root/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/examples/Practical_LaTeX
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/examples/Practical_LaTeX')
-rw-r--r--info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/FurtherReading.pdfbin0 -> 204015 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/SymbolTables.pdfbin0 -> 493143 bytes
-rw-r--r--info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/covers.pdfbin0 -> 14370 bytes
23 files changed, 1606 insertions, 0 deletions
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+Sample files for the book:
+Practical LaTeX, Springer Verlag, New York, 2014
+These files are in the Public Domain
+Version: 2014-03-10
+ sample.cls
+ babybeamera.tex
+ babybeamerb.tex
+ babybeamerb.toc
+ babybeamerc.tex
+ babybeamerd.tex
+ babybeamerg.tex
+ beamerstructure1.tex
+ beamerstructure2.tex
+ code.tex
+ covers.pdf
+ firstdocument.tex
+ firstdocumentb.tex
+ firstdocumentill.tex
+ firstdocumentmod.tex
+ formulanote.tex
+ formulanotebad1.tex
+ FurtherReading.pdf
+ SymbolTables.pdf
+ textnote1.tex
+ textnote1bad.tex
+ textnote2.tex
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+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamera.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+% babybeamera presentation
+\frametitle{Some background}
+\only<1,2>{We start our discussion with some concepts.}
+\only<2>{The first concept we introduce originates with Erd\H os.}
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+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerb.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+% babybeamerb presentation
+\frametitle{Overlaying lists}
+We introduce our guests:
+\item<1-> R. Padmanabhan
+\item<2-> Brian Davey
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerb.toc b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerb.toc
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@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+\beamer@endinputifotherversion {3.26pt}
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+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerc.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+% babybeamerc presentation
+\frametitle{Overlaying lists}
+We introduce our guests:
+\item R. Padmanabhan
+\item Brian Davey
+\item Harry Lakser
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerd.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerd.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5aa0f445fd
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+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerd.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+% babybeamerd presentation
+\frametitle{Overlaying declarations and graphics}
+Every finite distributive lattice can be embedded in a boolean lattice.
+Use join-irreducible elements.
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerg.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerg.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..92bc22888b
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+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/babybeamerg.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+% babybeamerg presentation
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@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+% beamerstructure1 presentation
+\tableofcontents[pausesections, pausesubsections]
+\section[Sec1]{Section 1}
+\frametitle{Section 1}
+Text of Section 1
+\subsection[Sec1 Subsec1]{Section 1 -- Subsection 1}
+\frametitle{Section 1\\Subsection 1}
+Text of Section 1, Subsection 1
+\subsection[Sec1 Subsec2]{Section 1 -- Subsection 2}
+\frametitle{Section 1\\Subsection 2}
+Text of Section 1, Subsection 2
+\subsection[Sec1 Subsec3]{Section 1 -- Subsection 3}
+\frametitle{Section 1\\Subsection 3}
+Text of Section 1, Subsection 3
+\section[Sec2]{Section 2}
+\frametitle{Section 2}
+Text of Section 2
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/beamerstructure2.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/beamerstructure2.tex
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/beamerstructure2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
+% beamerstructure2 presentation
+\setbeamertemplate{navigation symbols}{}
+\title{Sectionally complemented chopped lattices}
+\author{George Gr\"atzer\inst{1}
+\and Harry Lakser\inst{1}
+\and Michael Roddy\inst{2}}
+\institute{\inst{1} University of Manitoba
+\and \inst{2} Brandon University}
+\date{Conference on Lattice Theory, 2006}
+%Note that multiple authors are separated by \verb+\and+ and so are
+%the various institutions. The \verb+\date+ command is treated as a
+%To show an outline of the whole presentation, we have to fake it.
+%The command \verb+\tableofcontents+ provides you with the Table of
+%Contents of the whole presentation only if there are no parts.
+%With an optional argument, it can also provide the Table of Contents
+%of a specific part: \verb+\tableofcontents[part=3]+ is the
+%Table of Contents of Part 3. We also use the \ttt{pausesections}
+%The Table of Contents of the whole presentation is given in an
+%unnumbered section and three unnumbered subsections.
+\subsection*{Part I: Background}
+\frametitle{Outline of Part I: Background}
+\tableofcontents [part=1,pausesections]
+\subsection*{Part II: Characterizing the 1960 sectional complement}
+\frametitle{Outline of Part II: Characterizing the\\1960 sectional complement}
+\subsection*{Part III: The general problem}
+\frametitle{Outline of Part III: The general problem}
+%Now come the three parts. Each part is introduced with two frames:
+%the first with \verb+\partpage+ (which is the ``titlepage'' for the
+%part) and the second with the command \verb+\tableofcontents+
+%(for the part).
+%We provide each section with a frame to activate it.
+\frametitle{Part I\\Outline}
+\section{Chopped lattices}
+\frametitle{Defining chopped lattices}
+Starting the definitions
+\section{Ideals and congruences}
+Continuing the definitions
+\part{Characterizing the 1960 sectional complement}
+\frametitle{Part II\\Outline}
+\section{What it is not}
+\frametitle{Not maximal, minimal, or fixed point}
+\section{The characterization theorem}
+\frametitle{The main result}
+State the characterization theorem
+\part{The general problem}
+\frametitle{Part III\\Outline}
+\section{The Lakser Theorem}
+\frametitle{The problem}
+Stating the general problem and Harry's observation
+\section{A small counterexample}
+\frametitle{Four-element overlap}
+\section{A cyclic counterexample}
+\frametitle{Three cycle}
+Cyclic counterexample
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
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+Figure 9.3:
+% Generalized diagram of different components inside an AC drive
+% with voltage intermediate circuit
+% Author: Erno Pentzin (2013)
+:Title: AC drive components
+:Tags: Electrical engineering;Chains;circuitikz
+:Author: Erno Pentzin
+:Slug: ac-drive-components
+Generalized diagram of different components inside an AC drive
+with voltage intermediate circuit
+ start chain=going right,
+ box/.style={
+ on chain,join,draw,
+ minimum height=3cm,
+ text centered,
+ minimum width=2cm,
+ },
+ every join/.style={ultra thick},
+ node distance=5mm
+\node [on chain] {AC in}; % Chain starts here
+\node [box,xshift=5mm,label=above:Rectifier] (rec) {
+ \begin{circuitikz}
+ \draw (0,0) to[Do] (0,2);
+ \end{circuitikz}
+\node [on chain,join,draw,
+ text width=1cm,
+ minimum width=4cm,
+ minimum height=1.6cm,
+ label=above:Intermediate circuit,
+] (ic) {
+ \begin{circuitikz}[american voltages]
+ \draw (0,0) to[pC,v>=$ $] (0,2);
+ \end{circuitikz}
+\node [box,label=above:Inverter] (inv) {
+ \begin{circuitikz}
+ \draw (0,0) node[nigbt] {};
+ \end{circuitikz}
+\node [on chain,join,xshift=5mm]{AC out};
+% Chain ends here
+% CU box
+\node [
+ rectangle,draw,
+ below=5mm of ic,
+ minimum width=10cm,
+ minimum height=1cm,
+] (cu) {\textbf{Control unit}};
+% PU box
+\node [
+ rectangle,draw,
+ above=2mm of cu,
+ minimum width=10cm,
+ minimum height=4cm,
+ label=\textbf{Power unit},
+] (pu) {};
+% Connections between CU and PU
+\draw[<->] (rec.south) -- ++(0,-5mm);
+\draw[<->] (cu.north) to (ic.south);
+\draw[<->] (inv.south) -- ++(0,-5mm);
+Figure 9.4:
+% Author: Daniel Steger
+% Source: Mosaic from Pompeji
+% Casa degli Armorini Dorati, Living room, mosaic
+:Title: Mosaic from Pompeii
+A decorative element from a mosaic in the living room of Casa degli Armorini Dorati, Pompeii. The example shows the power of PGF's mathematical engine.
+% Colors
+%Configuration: change this to define number of intersections:
+% 5 degree mean 360/10 = 36 elements
+\def\alpha{5} % degree
+% Radius R = 1
+% The figure is constructed by intersecting circles Cx of radius R.
+% M_Cx lies on the circle C with a radius \alpha degree from the outer circle R
+% and a distance defined by \alpha degree.
+% It is sufficent to calculate one special M_C, which is intersecting the x-axis
+% at distance R from (0,0).
+% The distance from the (0,0).
+\pgfmathsetmacro\radiusC{sqrt(\cosTriDiff*\cosTriDiff + \sinTriDiff*\sinTriDiff)}
+% Angle of M_C (from x-axis)
+\pgfmathsetmacro\startAng{\alpha + atan(\sinTriDiff/\cosTriDiff)}
+% The segment layer are \alpha degree apart
+% For each segment create the intersection parts of the circles by using arcs
+\foreach \x in {0,\alpha,...,\al}
+ % Calculate the polar coordiantes of M_Cx. We take the M_C from above
+ % and can calculate all other M_Cx by adding \alpha
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\ang{\x + \startAng}
+ % From ths we get the (x,y) coordinates
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\xRs{\radiusC*cos(\ang)}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\yRs{\radiusC*sin(\ang)}
+ % Now we intersect each new M_C with the x-axis:
+ % We can find the radius of concentric inner circles
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\radiusLayer{\xRs + sqrt( 1 - \yRs*\yRs )}
+ % To calculate angles for the arcs later, this angle is needed
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\angRs{acos(\yRs)}
+ % We need to have the angle from the previous loop as well
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\angRss{acos(\radiusC*sin(\ang-\alpha))}
+ % Add some fading by \ang
+ \colorlet{anglecolor}{black!\ang!green}
+ % The loop needs to run a whole.
+ % We don't want to cope with angles > 360 degree, adapt the limits.
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\step{2*\alpha - 180}
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\stop{180-2*\alpha}
+ \foreach \y in {-180, \step ,..., \stop}
+ {
+ \pgfmathsetmacro\deltaAng{\y-\x}
+ % This are the arcs which are definied by the intersection of 3 circles
+ \filldraw[color=anglecolor,draw=bordercolor]
+ (\y-\x:\radiusLayer)
+ arc (-90+\angRs+\deltaAng : \alpha-90+\angRss+\deltaAng :1)
+ arc (\alpha+90-\angRss+\deltaAng : 2*\alpha+90-\angRs+\deltaAng :1)
+ arc (\deltaAng+2*\alpha : \deltaAng : \radiusLayer);
+ }
+ % helper circles & lines
+ %\draw[color=gray] (\xRs,\yRs) circle (1);
+ %\draw[color=gray] (\xRs,-\yRs) circle (1);
+ %\draw[color=blue] (0,0) circle (\radiusLayer);
+ %\draw[color=blue, very thick] (0,0) -- (0:1);
+ %\draw[color=blue, very thick] (0,0) -- (\ang:\radiusC) -- (\xRs,0);
+ %\draw[color=blue, very thick] (\xRs,\yRs) -- (0:\radiusLayer);
+ %\filldraw[color=blue!20, very thick] (\xRs,\yRs) --
+ % (\xRs,\yRs-0.3) arc (-90:-90+\angRs:0.2) -- cycle;
+% Additional inner decoration element
+\pgfmathsetmacro\radiusLayer{\xRs + sqrt( 1 - \yRs*\yRs )}
+\draw[line width=2, color=bordercolor] (0,0) circle (.8*\radiusLayer);
+% There are six elements to create. Avoid angles >360 degree.
+\foreach \x in {-60,0,...,240}
+ \fill[color=anglecolor] (\x:\radiusSmall) arc (-180+\x+60: -180+\x: \radiusSmall)
+ arc (0+\x: -60+\x: \radiusSmall)
+ arc (120+\x: 60+\x: \radiusSmall);
+% The outer decoration
+\foreach \x in {0, 4, ..., 360}
+ \fill[color=anglecolor] (\x:1) -- (\x+3:1.05) -- (\x+5:1.05) -- (\x+2:1) -- cycle;
+ \fill[color=anglecolor] (\x+5:1.05) -- (\x+7:1.05) -- (\x+4:1.1) -- (\x+2:1.1) -- cycle;
+\draw[line width=1, color=bordercolor] (0,0) circle (1);
+\draw[line width=1, color=bordercolor] (0,0) circle (1.1);
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/covers.pdf b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/covers.pdf
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Binary files differ
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5851a08c7
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+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocument.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+%First document, firstdocument.tex
+\title{A technical result\\ for congruences of finite lattices}
+\author{G. Gr\"atzer}
+\address{Department of Mathematics\\
+ University of Manitoba\\
+ Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2\\
+ Canada}
+\email[G. Gr\"atzer]{}
+\urladdr[G. Gr\"atzer]{}
+\date{March 21, 2014}
+\subjclass[2010]{Primary: 06B10.}
+\keywords{finite lattice, congruence.}
+We present a technical result for congruences on finite lattices.
+In some recent research, G. Cz\'edli
+and I, see \cite{gC13} and \cite{gG14}, spent quite an effort
+in proving that some equivalence relations
+on a planar semimodular lattice are congruences.
+The number of cases we had to consider
+was dramatically cut by the following result.
+Let $L$ be a finite lattice.
+Let $\delta$ be an equivalence relation on $L$
+with intervals as equivalence classes.
+Then $\delta$ is a congruence relation if{}f
+the following condition and its dual hold:
+\text{If $x$ is covered by $y,z \in L$
+and $x \equiv y \pmod{\delta}$,
+then $z \equiv y + z \pmod{\delta}$.}\tag{C${}_{+}$}
+\section{The proof}\label{Proof}%Section~\label{S:Proof}
+We prove the join-substitution property:
+if $x \leq y$ and $x \equiv y \pmod{\delta}$, then
+x + z \equiv y + z \pmod{\delta}.
+Let $U = [x, y+ z]$.
+We induct on length\,$U$, the length of $U$.
+Let $I=[y_1,y+ z]$ and $J=[z_1,y+ z]$.
+Then length\,$I$ and length\,$J < $ length\,$U$.
+Hence, the induction hypothesis applies to $I$
+and $\delta\rceil I$, and we obtain that
+$w \equiv y+ w \pmod{\delta}$.
+By the transitivity of $\delta$, we conclude that
+z_1 \equiv y+ w \pmod{\delta}.
+Therefore, applying the induction hypothesis to $J$
+and $\delta \rceil J$, we conclude \eqref{E:Cjoin}.
+\bibitem{gC13}%G. Cz\'edli~\cite{gC13}
+G. Cz\'edli,
+\emph{Patch extensions and trajectory colorings of slim
+rectangular lattices.}
+Algebra Universalis \textbf{88} (2013), 255--280.
+\bibitem{gG14}%G. Gr\"atzer \cite{GS13}
+G. Gr\"atzer,
+\emph{Congruences of fork extensions of lattices.}
+Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), \textbf{57} (2014), 417--434.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocumentb.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocumentb.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b782fdb707
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocumentb.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+%First document, firstdocumentb.tex
+\title{A technical result\\ for congruences of finite lattices}
+\author{G. Gr\"{a}tzer}
+\address{Department of Mathematics\\
+ University of Manitoba\\
+ Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2\\
+ Canada}
+\email[G. Gr\"atzer]{}
+\urladdr[G. Gr\"atzer]{}
+\date{March 21, 2014}
+\subjclass[2010]{Primary: 06B10.}
+\keywords{finite lattice, congruence.}
+We present a technical result for congruences on finite lattices.
+In some recent research, G. Cz\'edli
+and I, see \cite{gC13} and \cite{gG14}, spent quite an effort
+in proving that some equivalence relations
+on a planar semimodular lattice are congruences.
+The number of cases we had to consider
+was dramatically cut by the following result.
+Let $L$ be a finite lattice.
+Let $\delta$ be an equivalence relation on $L$
+with intervals as equivalence classes.
+Then $\delta$ is a congruence relation if{}f
+the following condition and its dual hold:
+\text{If $x$ is covered by $y,z \in L$
+and $x \equiv y \pmod{\delta}$,
+then $z \equiv y + z \pmod{\delta}$.}\tag{C${}_{+}$}
+\section{The proof}\label{Proof}%Section~\label{S:Proof}
+We prove the join-substitution property:
+if $x \leq y$ and $x \equiv y \pmod{\delta}$, then
+x + z \equiv y + z \pmod{\delta}.
+Let $U = [x, y+ z]$.
+We induct on length\,$U$, the length of $U$.
+Let $I=[y_1,y+ z]$ and $J=[z_1,y+ z]$.
+Then length\,$I$ and length\,$J < $ length\,$U$.
+Hence, the induction hypothesis applies to $I$
+and $\delta\rceil I$, and we obtain that
+$w \equiv y+ w \pmod{\delta}$.
+By the transitivity of $\delta$, we conclude that
+z_1 \equiv y+ w \pmod{\delta}.
+Therefore, applying the induction hypothesis to $J$
+and $\delta \rceil J$, we conclude \eqref{E:Cjoin}.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocumentill.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocumentill.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..940e4d4bad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocumentill.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+%First document, firstdocumentill.tex
+\title{A technical result\\ for congruences of finite lattices}
+\author{G. Gr\"{a}tzer}
+\address{Department of Mathematics\\
+ University of Manitoba\\
+ Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2\\
+ Canada}
+\email[G. Gr\"atzer]{}
+\urladdr[G. Gr\"atzer]{}
+\date{March 21, 2014}
+\subjclass[2010]{Primary: 06B10.}
+\keywords{finite lattice, congruence.}
+We present a technical result
+for congruences on finite lattices.
+In some recent research, G. Cz\'edli
+and I, see \cite{gC13} and \cite{GS13}, spent quite an effort
+in proving that some equivalence relations
+on a planar semimodular lattice are congruences.
+The number of cases we had to consider
+was dramatically cut by the following result.
+Let $L$ be a finite lattice.
+Let $\delta$ be an equivalence relation on $L$
+with intervals as equivalence classes.
+Then $\delta$ is a congruence relation if{}f
+the following condition and its dual hold:
+\text{If $x$ is covered by $y,z \in L$
+and $x \equiv y \pmod{\delta}$,
+then $z \equiv y + z \pmod{\delta}$.}\tag{C${}_{+}$}
+\caption{Theorem~\ref{T:technical} illustrated}\label{T:Theorem}
+\section{The proof}\label{Proof}%Section~\label{S:Proof}
+We prove the join-substitution property:
+if $x \leq y$ and $x \equiv y \pmod{\delta}$, then
+x + z \equiv y + z \pmod{\delta}.
+Let $U = [x, y+ z]$.
+We induct on length\,$U$, the length of $U$.
+Let $I=[y_1,y+ z]$ and $J=[z_1,y+ z]$.
+Then length\,$I$ and length\,$J < $ length\,$U$.
+Hence, the induction hypothesis applies to $I$
+and $\delta\rceil I$, and we obtain that
+$w \equiv y+ w \pmod{\delta}$.
+By the transitivity of $\delta$, we conclude that
+z_1 \equiv y+ w \pmod{\delta}.
+Therefore, applying the induction hypothesis to $J$
+and $\delta \rceil J$, we conclude \eqref{E:Cjoin}.
+\bibitem{gC13}%G. Cz\'edli~\cite{gC13}
+G. Cz\'edli,
+\emph{Patch extensions and trajectory colorings of slim
+rectangular lattices.}
+Algebra Universalis.
+\bibitem{GS13}%G. Gr\"atzer \cite{GS13}
+G. Gr\"atzer,
+\emph{Congruences of fork extensions of lattices.}
+Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged).
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocumentmod.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocumentmod.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bb17329d06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/firstdocumentmod.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+%First document, firstdocumentmod.tex
+\title{A technical lemma\\ for congruences of finite lattices}
+\author{G. Gr\"{a}tzer}
+\address{Department of Mathematics\\
+ University of Manitoba\\
+ Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2\\
+ Canada}
+\email[G. Gr\"atzer]{}
+\urladdr[G. Gr\"atzer]{}
+\date{March 21, 2014}
+\subjclass[2010]{Primary: 06B10.}
+\keywords{finite lattice, congruence.}
+We present here a Technical Lemma
+for congruences on \emph{finite lattices}.
+This is not difficult to prove but it has already has proved
+its usefulness in some applications.
+In some recent research, G. Cz\'edli
+and I, see \cite{gC13} and \cite{GS13}, spent quite an effort
+in proving that some equivalence relations
+on a planar semimodular lattice
+with intervals as equivalence classes are congruences.
+The number of cases we had to consider
+was dramatically cut by the following result.
+Let $L$ be a finite lattice.
+Let $\delta$ be an equivalence relation on $L$
+with intervals as equivalence classes.
+Then $\delta$ is a congruence relation if{}f
+the following condition and its dual hold:
+\text{If $x$ is covered by $y,z \in L$
+and $x \equiv y \pdelta$,
+then $z \equiv y + z \pdelta$.}\tag{C${}_{+}$}
+We prove the join-substitution property:
+if $x \leq y$ and $x \equiv y \pdelta$, then
+x + z \equiv y + z \pdelta.
+Let $U = [x, y+ z]$.
+We induct on $\length U$, the length of $U$.
+Let $I=[y_1,y+ z]$ and $J=[z_1,y+ z]$.
+Then $\length I$ and $\length J < \length U$.
+Hence, the induction hypothesis applies to $I$
+and $\delta\rceil I$, and we obtain that
+$w \equiv y+ w \pdelta$.
+By the transitivity of $\delta$, we conclude that
+z_1 \equiv y+ w \pdelta.
+Therefore, applying the induction hypothesis to $J$
+and $\delta \rceil J$, we conclude from \eqref{E:three} that
+ x+ z = z + z_1 \equiv z + (y+ w) = y+ z \pdelta,
+proving \eqref{E:Cjoin}.
+\bibitem{gC13}%G. Cz\'edli~\cite{gC13}
+G. Cz\'edli,
+\emph{Patch extensions and trajectory colorings of slim
+rectangular lattices.}
+Algebra Universalis, to appear.
+\bibitem{GS13}%G. Gr\"atzer \cite{GS13}
+G. Gr\"atzer,
+\emph{Congruences of fork extensions of lattices.}
+Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), submitted. arXiv: 1307.8404
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/formulanote.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/formulanote.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..d5138783ae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/formulanote.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% Sample file: formulanote.tex
+In first year calculus, we define intervals such
+as $(u, v)$ and $(u, \infty)$. Such an interval
+is a \emph{neighborhood} of $a$
+if $a$ is in the interval. Students should
+realize that $\infty$ is only a
+symbol, not a number. This is important since
+we soon introduce concepts
+ such as $\lim_{x \to \infty} f(x)$.
+When we introduce the derivative
+ \lim_{x \to a} \frac{f(x) - f(a)}{x - a},
+we assume that the function is defined and continuous
+in a neighborhood of $a$.
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/formulanotebad1.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/formulanotebad1.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..49958d129e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/formulanotebad1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+% Sample file: formulanotebad1.tex
+In first year calculus, we define intervals such
+as $(u, v)$ and (u, \infty)$. Such an interval
+is a \emph{neighborhood} of $a$
+if $a$ is in the interval. Students should
+realize that $\infty$ is only a
+symbol, not a number. This is important since
+we soon introduce concepts
+ such as $\lim_{x \to \infty} f(x)$.
+When we introduce the derivative
+ \lim_{x \to a} \frac{f(x) - f(a)}{x - a}
+we assume that the function is defined and continuous
+in a neighborhood of $a$.
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/sample.cls b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/sample.cls
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4c283e97d2
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+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/sample.cls
@@ -0,0 +1,657 @@
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8503a78bc8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/textnote1.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+% Sample file: textnote1.tex
+It is of some concern to me that
+the terminology used in multi-section
+ math courses is not uniform.
+In several sections of the course on
+matrix theory, the term
+ ``hamiltonian-reduced'' is used.
+ I, personally, would rather call these
+``hyper-simple''. I invite others
+ to comment on this problem.
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/textnote1bad.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/textnote1bad.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7fcfcffe1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/textnote1bad.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+% Sample file: textnote1b.tex
+It is of some concern to me that
+the terminology used in multi-section
+ math courses is not uniform.
+In several sections of the course on
+matrix theory, the strange term
+ ``hamiltonian-reduced'' is used.
+ I, personally, would rather call these
+ ``hyper-simple''. I
+invite others to comment on this problem.
+\end{document} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/textnote2.tex b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/textnote2.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a67d19b7a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/examples/Practical_LaTeX/textnote2.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+% Sample file: textnote2.tex
+ \today
+\textbf{From the desk of George Gr\"{a}tzer}
+April 7--21 \emph{please} use my
+temporary e-mail address:
+ \texttt{George\}