path: root/info/digests/tugboat/t-of-c/tb3009.cnt
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/tugboat/t-of-c/tb3009.cnt
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/tugboat/t-of-c/tb3009.cnt')
1 files changed, 281 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/tugboat/t-of-c/tb3009.cnt b/info/digests/tugboat/t-of-c/tb3009.cnt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc4f726c96
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/tugboat/t-of-c/tb3009.cnt
@@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
+% tb3009.cnt
+\tenpoint\baselineskip=12.3pt % default is 13pt
+\secskipa=4.0pt plus3pt % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
+\secskipb=1.1pt plus2pt % between entries, default 1.5pt plus1pt
+\TUBhead 30, 1, 2009<
+\sec General Delivery<
+\subsec Karl~Berry\\{From the president}\\3-3<
+\subsec Barbara~Beeton\\Editorial comments\\4-4<
+ \subsecc
+ {{Helmut Kopka}, 1932--2009};
+ {{Eitan Gurari}, 1947--2009};
+ {{A} short history of type}<
+\subsec Patrick~Daly\\{Helmut Kopka}, 1932--2009\\4-5<
+\sec Software \& Tools<
+\subsec Jin-Hwan Cho\\{\acro{DVI}} specials for {\acro{PDF}} generation\\6-11<
+\subsec David Perry\\Ancient {{\TeX}}: Using {{\XeTeX}} to support
+ classical and medieval studies\\12<
+\subsec Jan P\v{r}ichystal\\{{\TeX{}on\kern-.03em Web}}\\18-19<
+\sec Typography<
+\subsec Peter Flynn\\Typographers' {Inn}\\20-21<
+\sec Fonts<
+\subsec Ulrik Vieth\\{OpenType} math illuminated\\22<
+\subsec \Thanh\\A closer look at {TrueType} fonts and {{pdf\TeX}}\\32-34<
+\subsec Dave Crossland\\{The Open Font Library}\\35-35<
+\sec Bibliographies<
+\subsec Lapo Mori\\Managing bibliographies with {{\LaTeX}}\\36-48<
+\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen\\Managing languages within {{Ml\BibTeX}}\\49-57<
+\sec Graphics<
+\subsec John Bowman \and Orest~Shardt\\Asymptote: {Lifting} {{\TeX}}
+ to three dimensions\\58-63<
+\subsec Wentao Zheng\\Supporting layout routines in {{MetaPost}}\\64-68<
+\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: {Reprise}; {MetaPost} and {{pdf\/\LaTeX}};
+ {Spidrons}\\69-73<
+\subsec Denis Roegel\\{MetaPost} macros for drawing {Chinese} and
+ {Japanese} abaci\\74-79<
+\subsec Denis Roegel\\Spheres, great circles and parallels\\80-87<
+\subsec Denis Roegel\\An introduction to nomography: {Garrigues'} nomogram
+ for the computation of {Easter}\\88-104<
+\sec \LaTeX<
+\subsec {{\LaTeX}} Project Team\\{{\LaTeX3}} news, issues 1--2\\10-1075<
+\subsec Joseph Wright\\{{\LaTeX3}} programming:
+ {External} perspectives\\107-109<
+\sec Macros<
+\subsec Joseph Wright \and Christian~Feuers\"anger\\Implementing
+ key--value input: {An} introduction\\110-122<
+\subsec V\'\i{}t Z\'yka\\Current typesetting position in {{pdf\TeX}}\\123-124<
+\sec Letters<
+\subsec Kaihsu Tai\\In response to ``mathematical {formul\ae}''\\125-125<
+\subsec Massimo~Guiggiani \and Lapo Mori\\In response to
+ {Kaihsu} {Tai}\\126-126<
+\sec{Hints \& Tricks}<
+\subsec Karl~Berry\\The treasure chest\\127<
+\sec Abstracts<
+\subsecnn {{\it Ars\TeX nica\/}:
+ {Contents} of issues 5--7} (2008--2009)\\131-132<
+\subsecnn {{\sl Baskerville\/}: {Contents} of issue 10.1 (2009)}\\133-133<
+\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}:
+ {Contents} of issues 2008/2--2009/2}\\134-135<
+\subsecnn {{\it Eutypon\/}: {Contents} of issue 21} (2008)\\135-135<
+\subsecnn {{\slnine {MAPS}\/}: {Contents} of issue 36--37 (2008)}\\136-137<
+\subsecnn {{\it The Prac\TeX\ Journal\/}:
+ {Contents} of issues 2008-2--2008-3}\\138-138<
+\subsecnn {{\it \TeX emplares\/}: {Contents} of issue 8 (2006)}\\139-139<
+\subsecnn {{\it Zpravodaj\/}:
+ {Contents} of issues 16(2)--18(4) (2006--2008)}\\140-143<
+\sec TUG Business<
+\subsecnn \acro{TUG} institutional members\\144-144<
+\subsec Barbara Beeton\\{\acro{TUG}} 2009 election report\\145-145<
+\subsec {\TeX} Development Fund committee\\{{\TeX}} {Development} {Fund}
+ 2009 report\\148-148<
+\subsec David Walden\\{\acro{TUG}} financial statements for 2009\\149-150<
+\sec News< %\& \\ Announcements<
+\subsecnn Calendar\\151-151<
+\sec Advertisements<
+\subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\152-152<
+% page size:
+\ShortenThisPage by -4\baselineskip. % normally -4
+% fonts:
+\tenpoint\baselineskip=12pt % default is 13pt
+\secskipa=4.5pt plus3pt % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
+\secskipb=1pt plus2pt % between entries, default 1.5pt plus1pt
+\TUBhead 30, 2, 2009<
+\sec TUG 2009<
+\subsecnn Conference program, delegates, and sponsors\\154-154<
+\subsecnn Profile of {Eitan Gurari} (1947--2009)\\159-162<
+\sec \LaTeX<
+\subsec Boris Veytsman\\{{\LaTeX}} class writing for
+ wizard apprentices\\163-168<
+\subsec Arthur Reutenauer\\{Lua{\TeX}} for the {{\LaTeX}} user:
+ {An} introduction\\169-169<
+\sec Accessibility<
+\subsec Ross Moore\\Ongoing efforts to generate ``tagged {PDF}''
+ using {{pdf\TeX}}\\170-175<
+\sec Education<
+\subsec Frank Quinn\\The {{Edu\TeX\ TUG}} working group\\176-176<
+\sec Software \& Tools<
+\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\Becoming a {CTAN} mirror\\177-178<
+\subsec Karl Berry\\{{\TeX}} {Live} 2009 news\\179-179<
+\subsec Tim Arnold\\Getting started with {{plas\TeX}}\\180-182<
+\subsec Hans Hagen\\{{Lua\TeX}}: {Halfway} to version~1\\183-186<
+\subsec Hans Hagen\\{{Lua\TeX}} and {{\ConTeXt}}: {Where} we stand\\187-190<
+\subsec Bob~Neveln~\and~Bob~Alps\\{ProofCheck}:
+ {Writing} and checking complete proofs in~{{\LaTeX}}\\191-195<
+\sec Publishing<
+\subsec Karl Berry \and David Walden\\{{\TeX}} {People}:
+ {The} {TUG} interviews project and book\\196-202<
+\subsec David Walden\\Self-publishing: {Experiences} and opinions\\203-208<
+\sec Graphics<
+\subsec Klaus H\"oppner\\Introduction to {{\MP}}\\209-213<
+\subsec Andrew Mertz \and William Slough\\A {Ti{\it k}Z} tutorial:
+ {Generating} graphics in the spirit of {{\TeX}}\\214-226<
+\subsec Boris Veytsman \and Leila~Akhmadeeva\\Medical pedigrees:
+ {Typography} and~interfaces\\227-235<
+\sec Fonts<
+\subsec Jim Hef{}feron\\A first look at the {{\TeX}} {Gyre} fonts\\236-240<
+\subsec Hans Hagen\\Plain {{\TeX}} and {OpenType}\\241-242<
+\subsec Aditya Mahajan\\Integrating {Unicode} and {OpenType} math
+ in {{\ConTeXt}}\\243-246<
+\sec Macros<
+\subsec Aditya Mahajan\\{Lua{\TeX}}: {A} user's perspective\\247-251<
+\sec Bibliographies<
+\subsec Nelson Beebe\\{{\BibTeX}} meets relational databases\\252-271<
+\sec Electronic Documents<
+\subsec Kaveh Bazargan\\{{\TeX}} as an {eBook} reader\\272-273<
+\subsecnn \vrule width1in height.5pt depth0pt\\< \vskip\secskipa
+\subsec Christian Rossi\\From distribution to preservation of
+ digital documents\\274-280<
+\subsec D. P. Story\\Rich media annotations and {{\AcroFLeX}}\\281-284<
+\sec Hints \& Tricks<
+\subsec Claudio Beccari\\Use of the {\tt \char`\\write18} feature
+ for composing indexes\\285-286<
+\subsec Peter Wilson\\Glisterings: {Repetition}; {Rectangular text}\\287-289<
+\subsec Will Robertson\\Peter {Wilson's} {Herries} {Press} packages\\290-292<
+\sec Abstracts<
+\subsecnn {{\it Biuletyn GUST\/}: {Contents} of issues 25--26 (2009)}\\293-296<
+\subsecnn {{\it Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/}:
+ {Contents} of issue 2009/3}\\296-296<
+\subsecnn {{\it Zpravodaj\/}: {Contents} of issue 19(1--2) (2009)}\\296-297<
+\subsecnn TUG 2009 abstracts \
+ (Cho, de {Souza}, {Hamid}, {H\o{}gholm}, {Rowley})\\298-299<
+\sec TUG Business<
+\subsecnn {TUG} institutional members\\299-299<
+\sec Sponsors<
+\subsecnn {Cheryl Ponchin Training}; {O'Reilly Media};
+ {Design Science}\\300-300<
+\subsecnn {MacKichan Software}; {River Valley Technologies};
+ {A-R Editions}\\301-301<
+\sec News \& \\ Announcements<
+\subsecnn {TUG}\,2010 announcement\\302-302<
+\subsecnn Calendar\\303-303<
+\sec Advertisements<
+\subsecnn {\TeX} consulting and production services\\304-304<
+%%%(Untested) cnt file for euro09 proceedings.
+% (tb96) 30-3.cnt euro09 proceedings
+% input by tubfront.tex, tubcover.tex
+% fonts:
+\secskipa=6.0pt plus4pt % between sections, default 6pt plus3pt
+\secskipb=2.0pt plus1pt % between entries, default 1.5pt plus1pt
+% slant \BibTeX and \MF
+%\font\tensl = cmsl9
+%\font\acrosl = cmsl9 at 8pt
+% Adjust page placement if necessary
+\hrule height 0pt depth 0pt width 10pt
+\advance\hsize by -5pc
+\def\postissno{Proceedings of Euro\TeX\ 2009}
+\TUBhead 30, 3, 2009<
+\font\manual=logosl10 at 9pt % font used for the METAFONT logo, etc.
+\subsec Hans Hagen\\Euro{{\TeX}} 2009\\1-1<
+\subsecnn Announcement: Euro{{\TeX}} conference 2010\\2-2<
+\subsecnn Announcement: \nth{4} international {{\ConTeXt}} meeting 2010\\3-3<
+\subsecnn Announcement: {TUG} conference 2010\\4-4<
+\subsecnn \acro{{TUG}} institutional members\\4-4<
+\sec \null<
+\subsec Kees van der Laan\\{{\TeX}} education{\Dash}a neglected approach\\5-33<
+\subsec Luigi Scarso\\Lua{{\TeX}} lunatic\\34-58<
+\subsec Willi Egger\\Decorating {CD-ROMs} and {DVDs}\\59-71<
+\subsec Hans Hagen\\The language mix\\72-77<
+\subsec Jelle Huisman\\E16 \& {DEtool}{\Dash}typesetting language data
+ using~{{\ConTeXt}}\\78-85<
+\subsec Siep Kroonenberg\\A network {{\TeX~Live}} installation at the
+ {University}~of~{Groningen}\\86-91<
+\subsec Jean-Michel Hufflen\\Using {{\TeX}}'s language within a course
+about functional programming\\92-98<
+\subsec Anne-Marie Aebischer, Bruno Aebischer, Jean-Michel~Hufflen,
+\and Fran\c{c}ois P\'etiard\\Introducing new {French}-speaking
+users to {{\LaTeX}} quickly and convincingly\\99-104<
+\subsec Hans Hagen\\Oriental {{\TeX}} by a dummy\\105-106<
+\subsec Stanislav Jan \v{S}arman\\Writing {Pitman} shorthand with
+ {{\MF}} and~{{\LaTeX}}\\107-111<
+\subsec P\'eter Szab\'o\\Optimizing {PDF} output size of {{\TeX}}
+\subsec Taco Hoekwater\\Generating {PDF} for e-reader devices\\131-135<
+\subsec Taco Hoekwater\\{{Lua\TeX}} says goodbye to {Pascal}\\136-140<
+\subsec Taco Hoekwater\\The {Typesetting} of {Statistics}\\141-142<
+\subsec Hans Hagen \and Taco Hoekwater\\{MetaPost} 2 project goals\\143-144<
+\subsec John Trapp\\Using {{\LaTeX}} as a computing language\\145-165<
+\subsec Ulrik Vieth\\Experiences typesetting mathematical physics\\166-178<
+\sec \null<
+\subsecnn Abstracts \ (Hagen, Lemmes, Walczak, Fine, Kew, Yatskovsky,
+ \newline
+ Schr\"oder, Hoekwater, Ludwichowski, Jackowski, P\'{\i}\v{s}ka,\newline
+ Miklavec \& Reutenauer) \\179-181<
+\subsecnn Participant list\\182-182<
+\subsecnn {{\TeX}} consulting and production services\\183-183<