path: root/info/digests/ttn/ttnpubs.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/ttn/ttnpubs.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/ttn/ttnpubs.tex')
1 files changed, 1340 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/ttn/ttnpubs.tex b/info/digests/ttn/ttnpubs.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dbeefcd505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/ttn/ttnpubs.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1340 @@
+%% 12 MAY 93: compiled all ``New Publications'' columns from TTN
+%% issues, to make one large list. Added margin notes on
+%% reviews which have appeared in TUGboat. Also added list
+%% of books reviewed in TUGboat, which predate TTN.
+%% 6 JUN 93: added books from TUGboat 14, #1 (Ch.)an
+%% 21 OCT 93: updated list to include entries from TTN 2,4 (Ch.)
+%% 14 APR 94: added entries from TTN 3,1 and 3,2 (Ch.)
+%% 31 MAY 94: added books from TUGboat 15, #1 (Ch.)
+%% 6 OCT 94: added entries from TTN 3,3 (Ch.)
+%% 6 FEB 95: added entries from TTN 3,4 (including Russian books on
+%% TeX); also added books from TUGboat 15, #2 (Ch.)
+%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% macros taken from TTN's .sty files:
+\overfullrule=0pt \hfuzz=5pt
+\font\Sectionfont=cmbxsl10 scaled \magstep2 %% \Large = 14.40pt
+ \hrule\hrule \vskip.5pc
+ {\Sectionfont #1}
+ \vskip.5pc \hrule\hrule
+ \vskip1pc
+ }
+ }
+\def\AmSLaTeX{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox
+ {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}-\LaTeX}
+\def\AmSTeX{{\the\textfont2 A}\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox
+ {\the\textfont2 M}\kern-.125em{\the\textfont2 S}-\TeX}
+\font\manual=manfnt %% logo10
+\def\MF{{\manual META}\-{\manual FONT}}
+\newcommand{\nfss}{{\small NFSS}} %% added 30 SEP 92 (Ch.)
+\newcommand{\PS}{{\sc Post\-Script}}
+\newcommand{\PiC}{P\kern-.12em\lower.5ex\hbox{I}\kern-.075em C}
+\def\TeXline{{\TeX\kern-0.1em line}}
+\newcommand{\ttn}{{\small TTN}} %% added 30 SEP 92 (Ch.)
+\def\TUB{{\sl TUGboat\/}}
+\def\isbn{{\small ISBN}}
+\def\issn{{\small ISSN}}
+\def\tug{{\small TUG}}
+\def\uk{{\small UK}}
+\Section{About this document}
+The following pages are duplications of the section ``New
+Publications'', found in each issue of {\sl \TeX\ and TUG NEWS\/}, the
+quarterly newsletter of the \TeX\ Users Group.
+The listings are augmented by margin notes indicating reviews which
+have subsequently appeared in {\sl TUGboat\/}, TUG's quarterly
+At the end are two pages listing books which had been reviewed in {\sl
+TUGboat\/} before {\small TTN} began, as well as a listing of books on
+\TeX\ in Russian (which originally appeared in {\small TTN} 3,4:5.
+Updates of this file (\verb|ttnpubs|) are posted to {\small CTAN} on a
+regular basis:
+ \verb|tex-archive/digests/ttn}|
+ Christina Thiele \\
+ Editor, TTN
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 1,1)}
+ \item [Claudio Beccari.]
+ {\sl{\it \LaTeX} --- Guida a un sistema di editoria
+ elettronica\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 2.} Milano: Editore
+ Ulrico Hoepli Milano, 1991. Pp.\ ix + 399. \isbn\
+ 88-203-1931-4.\nl
+ $\bullet$
+ The book is the first and only one in Italian at this
+ moment. Although it contains an introductory chapter for the
+ beginner, its main purpose is to give the reader advanced
+ information on \LaTeX\ (and partially on \TeX) in order to
+ prepare sophisticated macros, style files, and to make
+ clever use of fonts.
+ \item [Arvind Borde.]
+ {\sl \TeX\ by Example\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 4.} New York:
+ Academic Press, 1991. Pp.\ 169 (paper), US\$19.95.
+ \isbn\ 0-12-117650-9.\nl
+ $\bullet$
+ This book teaches entirely by example. Input and output are
+ shown side-by-side, allowing users to spot quickly how to
+ get symbols, how to obtain italics, how to use bold type,
+ how to start new paragraphs, and so on. The alphabetic
+ appendix is both an index and a glossary, which
+ systematically lists all commonly used features of \TeX.
+ \item [Victor Eijkhout.]
+ {\sl \TeX\ by Topic: A \TeX nician's
+ Reference\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 2.} Wokingham, \uk:
+ Addison-Wes\-ley, 1992. Pp.\ viii + 307 (paper),
+ US\$30.00. \isbn\ 0-201-56882-9.\nl
+ $\bullet$
+ {\sl \TeX\ by Topic\/} is a systematic reference manual
+ designed as a companion to tutorial guides about \TeX.
+ Not for the novice, it is meant for users with a basic
+ understanding of \TeX\ who have specific questions, or who
+ are keen to explore the full potential of this unique
+ computer typesetting system.
+ \item [Jane Hahn.]
+ {\sl{\it \LaTeX} for Everyone\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 2.}
+ Mill Valley: Personal \TeX\ Inc., 1991. Pp.\ xi + 346
+ (paper), US\$19.95. \isbn\ 0-9631044-0-3.\nl
+ $\bullet$
+ {\sl{\it \LaTeX} for Everyone\/} is a tutorial as well as a
+ reference guide. Written with the beginning user in mind, it
+ is designed to be easy to read and understand, and contains
+ examples of all the basic commands. The experienced \LaTeX\
+ user, however, will also find this book to be a valuable
+ reference tool.
+ \item [Raymond Seroul and Silvio Levy.]
+ {\sl A Beginner's Book of \TeX\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 1.}
+ New York: Springer Verlag, 1991. Pp.\ 283 (paper),
+ US\$29.95, DM58,--\ts. \isbn\ 0-387-97562-4.\nl
+ $\bullet$
+ Seroul and Levy's book is an excellent beginner's text. It
+ is meant for careful reading, in which case it gives a
+ surprising amount of detail. The book also has a reference
+ section. This is an expanded translation of Seroul's book,
+ {\sl Le petit Livre de \TeX\/} (Paris: InterEditions, 1989).
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 1,2)}
+ \item [Andr\'e Heck, ed.]
+ {\sl Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space
+ Sciences\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 4.} Sing\-apore: World
+ Scientific Publishing Co.\ Pte.\ Ltd., 1992. Pp.\ xi + 240
+ \isbn\ 981-02-0915-0.
+ $\bullet$
+ The volume gathers together the communcations presented at
+ the colloquium on {\sl Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and
+ Space Sciences\/}, held in Strasbourg, France, 1--3 October
+ 1991, at the Louis Pasteur University.
+ \item [Wynter Snow.]
+ {\sl \TeX\ for the Beginner\/}. \marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 4.}
+ Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1992. Pp.\ xii + 377 + 23
+ (index) (paper), US\$29.25. \isbn\ 0-201-54799-6.
+ $\bullet$
+ This book is a carefully paced, tutorial introduction for
+ people first learning the [\TeX] system. Special emphasis is
+ given to what can go wrong, and how to fix it when it
+ does. \LaTeX{} notes are provided for use with a set of
+ macros.
+\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}
+ \item [{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:]
+ no.\ 12, d\'ecembre 1991, 85pp. \issn\ 1140-9304. Official
+ publication of GUTenberg, Groupe francophone des
+ Utilisateurs de \TeX.
+ \item [{\sl MAPS\/}:]
+ Issue 92.1, May 1992, 162pp. Official publication of {\small
+ NTG}, Nederlandstalige \TeX\ Gebruikersgroep (MAPS =
+ ``Minutes and APendiceS''). Two issues per year. Contact:
+ {\tt ntg@hearn.bitnet}.
+ \item [{\sl \TeX bulletin\/}:]
+ no.\ 1, 1992, 48pp. Official newsletter (in Czech and
+ Slovak) of CsTUG. Previous 4 issues in 1991 appeared without
+ numbering. Four issues per year. Contacts: Karel Horak {\tt
+ horakk@csearn.bitnet}, Ji\v r\'\i\ Vesel\'y {\tt
+ jvesely@cspguk11.bitnet}, or Ji\v r\'\i\ Zlatuska {\tt
+ zlatuska@cspuni12.bitnet}.
+ \item [{\sl \TeXline\/}:]
+ issue 14, February 1992, 28pp. Contact Malcolm Clark for
+ details {\tt}.
+ \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 1, mai 1992, 68pp. Official newsletter of
+ {\small DANTE}, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\
+ e.V. Four issues per year. Contact: {\tt
+ dante@dhdurz1.bitnet} or {\tt dante@vm.urz.uni-\nl
+\noindent {\bf Note:} For more information on the various user
+ groups, consult pp.\ 119--125 in TUG's {\sl 1991
+ Resource Directory\/}.
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 1,3)}
+ \item [Ji\v r\'\i\ Zlatu\v ska, ed.]
+ {\sl Euro\TeX\ 92, Proceedings of the 7th European \TeX\
+ Conference\/}. Brno: Masaryk University and Prague:
+ Czechoslovak \TeX\ Users Group (Cs\tug), 1992. \isbn\
+ 80-210-0480-0.
+ $\bullet$
+ Copies can be ordered directly from Cs\tug\ for the price of
+ DM 30.-- plus postage (or the equivalent in some other
+ currency) at the following address: \v Ceskoslovensk\'e
+ sdru\v zen\'\i\ uZivatel\accent'27u \TeX u (Cs\tug),
+ Matematick\'y \'ustav UK, Sokolovsk\'a 83, CS-186 00 Praha
+ 8, Czechoslovakia. They may also be available through your
+ local \TeX\ users group.\footnote[1]{The Table of Contents
+ of the {\sl Proceedings\/} appears on p.\ 28 of this issue,
+ and a short report on the conference by Alan Hoenig appears
+ on pp.\ 22--23.}
+ \item [Stephan von Bechtolsheim.]
+ {\sl \TeX\ in Practice}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15, 1;\nl 15, 2.} New
+ York: Springer Verlag, Oct.\ 1992. 4-volume set (hardcover),
+ US\$169.00. \isbn\ 0-387-97296-X. Volumes also available
+ individually, US\$49.00 each:\\
+ \mbox{\hskip1pc} Vol.\ 1: {\sl Basics\/}. Pp.\ 359, 9 illus.
+ \isbn\ 0-387-97595-0.\\
+ \mbox{\hskip1pc} Vol.\ 2: {\sl Paragraphs, Math, and
+ Fonts\/}. Pp.\ 384. \isbn\ 0-387-97596-9.\\
+ \mbox{\hskip1pc} Vol.\ 3: {\sl Tokens, Macros\/}. Pp.\ 544, 22
+ illus. \isbn\ 0-387-97597-7.\\
+ \mbox{\hskip1pc} Vol.\ 4: {\sl Output Routines, Tables\/}.
+ Pp.\ 300. \isbn\ 0-387-97598-5.
+ $\bullet$
+ ``A recent surge of good \TeX\ implementations for PCs has
+ put \TeX\ on the disks of many people including writers,
+ designers, desktop publishers, and engineers. With such
+ increased interest in \TeX, there is a need for good \TeX\
+ books. {\sl \TeX\ in Practice\/} is the ideal reference and
+ guide for the \TeX\ community. The four-volume set is
+ written by an acknowledged expert in the field and
+ addresses the needs of the \TeX\ novice to the more
+ experienced `\TeX pert.' The book provides step-by-step
+ introduction to the various functions of \TeX\ with many
+ relevant examples.''
+ \item [Stefan Schwartz and Rudolf Potu\v cek.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Satzkunst statt {\small DTP}}.\nl
+ [``\LaTeX\ --- The Art of Typography rather than {\small
+ DTP}'']. (Special issue in the series {\sl
+ CHIP-Anwender-Praxis}.) 1992. DM 34,--\ts. \isbn\
+ 3-8023-1178-7.
+ $\bullet$
+ Can be obtained from: Vogel Verlag, Postfach 67 40, D-8700
+ W\"urzburg, Germany.
+\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}
+ \item [{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:]
+ no.\ 13 juin 1992, 90pp. \issn\ 1140-9304.
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 1,4)}
+\begin{description} \itemsep=-2pt
+ \item [Rames Abdelhamid.]
+ {\sl Das Vieweg \LaTeX-Buch: Eine praxisorientierte
+ Ein\-f\"uhrung\/}. Braunschweig: Vieweg-Verlag, 1992.
+ About 200pp.\ \isbn\ 3-528-05145-0.
+ $\bullet$
+ This book provides a well-structured and readable
+ introduction to \LaTeX\ in combination with the {\tt
+ german.sty} option.
+ \item [George Gratzer.]
+ {\sl Math into \TeX}. New York: Springer
+ Verlag.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15, 1.} Pp.\ 187 (paper).\
+ Approx.\ \$34.00 US.\ \isbn\ 0-8176-3637-4. [Avail.\ Dec.\
+ 1992]
+ $\bullet$
+ ``This book is for the mathematician, engineer, or scientist
+ who wants to write and typeset articles with mathematical
+ formulas but who does not want to spend a great deal of time
+ learning how to do it. It assumes little familiarity with
+ \TeX\ or \LaTeX.'' [From promotional material]
+ \item [Piotr Wyrostek, trans.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX: System przygotowywania dokument\"ow. Przewodnik
+ \"urytkownika i prodr\"ecznik}. Polish translation of
+ Lamport's \LaTeX\ manual. Krakow: Ariel. Price: 91000 zl.\
+ \isbn\ 83-900460-1-6.
+ \item [Michaela Lich\'a and Old\v rich Ulrych.]
+ {\sl \AmSTeX\ verze 2.1\/}. Prague: Czecho\-slovak \TeX\
+ Users Group, 1992.\ Pp.\ 80 [In Czech]
+ $\bullet$
+ ``This publication provides a short (but complete) tour
+ through \AmSTeX\ 2.1 together with {\tt amsppt.sty}
+ 2.1. Almost all features are demonstrated with a lot of
+ examples. The book is organized in such a way that it is
+ useful for novices (basic textbook), and for advanced users
+ (quick reference quide) as well. Contains a table of all
+ symbols.'' [Info.\ from authors]
+\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}
+\begin{description} \itemsep=-2pt
+ \item [{\sl Baskerville\/}:]
+ vol.\ 2, no.\ 1, March 1992, 12pp.
+ Official newsletter of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group.
+% 2 issues per year.
+% Contact: {\tt ??}.
+ \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 2, August 1992, 64pp.
+ Official newsletter of {\small DANTE},
+ Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contact: {\tt dante@vm.urz.uni-\nl}.
+ \item [{\sl MAPS\/}:]
+ Issue 92.2, 1992, 176pp.
+ Official publication of {\small NTG}, Nederlandstalige \TeX\
+ Gebruikersgroep ({\small MAPS} = ``Minutes and APendiceS'').
+% Two issues per year.
+% Contact: {\tt ntg@hearn.bitnet}.
+ \item [{\sl \TeX bulletin\/}:]
+ no.\ 2, 1992, 48pp; no.\ 3, 1992, 64pp.
+ Official newsletter of CsTUG.\footnote[2]{Re: TTN 1,3 notice
+ on the Prague Proceedings: Ji\v r\'\i\ Zlatuska of CsTUG
+ asks that orders for the publication include a shipping
+ and handling charge: \$5 for surface mail, \$10 for
+ airmail in addition to the 30,-- DM cost. --Ed.}
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contacts: Karel Horak {\tt horakk@csearn.bitnet},
+% Ji\v r\'\i\ Vesel\'y {\tt jvesely@cspguk11.bitnet}, or
+% Ji\v r\'\i\ Zlatuska {\tt zlatuska@cspuni12.bitnet}.
+ \item [{\TUB}:]
+ 13, no.\ 3, 1992, 162pp.
+ Proceedings of \tug'92 meeting in Portland, Oregon.
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contact:
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 2,1)}
+ \item [Donald E.\ Knuth.]
+ {\sl Literate Programming\/}. ({\small CSLI} Lecture Notes
+ 27.) Stanford: Center for the Study of Language and
+ Information, 1992.\ Pp.\ xiii + 368 \pounds 19.95 (\uk).
+ \isbn\ 0-937073-80-6 (paper), \isbn\ 0-937073-81-4 (cloth).
+ $\bullet$
+ `Literate Programming' (using the {\tt WEB} system) was
+ developed by Knuth and used to write \TeX\ and its
+ documentation. This book is a collection of previously
+ published articles and extracts from books, together with
+ additional references and some other new material. In
+ particular, it contains the papers ``The Errors of \TeX''
+ and the ``Error Log for \TeX, 1978--91''.
+ \item [Michael Vulis.]
+ {\sl Modern \TeX\ and Its Applications\/}. Boca
+ Raton:\marginpar{\TUB\ 14, 1.} {\small CRC} Publishers,
+ 1992. Pp.\ 275, includes diskette. US\$32.95 (\$39.95
+ outside the US). \isbn\ 0-8493-4431-X (paper).
+ % address: 2000 Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA
+ $\bullet$
+ ``A guide to plain \TeX\ (and V\TeX), intended for
+ scientists, etc., and support staff who prepare technical
+ texts and documents. It covers all basic topics for
+ understanding the \TeX\ user environment, including fonts
+ and characters, formatting, math mode, macros, terminal and
+ file operations, tables, foreign language capabilities
+ (including Cyrillic), indices, references, tables of
+ contents, scalable typefaces, and graphics. A PC-compatible
+ disk containing examples, extra typefaces, and a
+ ready-to-run restricted [!] version of \TeX\ is included.''
+ [adapted from promotional material]
+ \item [Antoni Diller.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX\ Line by Line:\marginpar{\TUB\ 14, 2.} Tips and
+ Techniques for Document Processing\/}. (Software
+ Engineering.) Chichester: John Wiley and Sons, 1992. Pp.\
+ 200 (paper). US\$29.95. \isbn\ 0-471-93471-2.
+ $\bullet$
+ ``A handbook to the \LaTeX\ text processing system, this
+ easy-to-follow guide teaches all users how to produce a wide
+ variety of documents --- from business letters to technical
+ reports. The book offers ready-to-use templates for
+ producing articles, reports, letters and more; explains how
+ to quickly generate tables of contents, indices and
+ bibliographies; and includes many practical examples, an
+ appendix of mathematical symbols and a complete glossary of
+ typesetting terms.'' [adapted from promotional material]
+ \item [G.\ Gr\"atzer.]
+ {\sl Math into \TeX: A Simplified Introduction Using
+ \AmSLaTeX\/}. Basel: Birkh\"auser, 1992. SFr~52.--,
+ DM~57.--.\ \isbn\ 3-7643-3637-4.
+ {\bf Note}: {\it This item was already listed in the last
+ issue. This entry adds the bibliographic data of the
+ co-publisher.}
+\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}
+ \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 3, November 1992, 56pp ({\small DANTE}).
+% Official newsletter of {\small DANTE},
+% Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contact: {\tt dante@vm.urz.uni-\nl}.
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 2,2)}
+ \item [Malcolm Clark.]
+ {\sl A {\tt plain} \TeX\ Primer\/}. Oxford: Oxford
+ University Press, 1992. Pp.\ 481. \isbn\ 0-19-853784-0
+ (cloth), \isbn\ 0-19-853724-7 (paper).
+ $\bullet$
+ ``This primer introduces plain \TeX, and aims to help the
+ reader get started. It explains why \TeX\ approaches its
+ subject in the way it does, and provides the context into
+ which it fits. Another thread is the emphasis placed on
+ document structure. Stress is also laid on practical
+ work. The book is aimed at scientists and researchers
+ preparing their own books and papers, or technical typists
+ used to the conventions and jargon of their field.''
+ [adapted from the publisher's description]
+ \item [Stanley A. Sawyer \& Steven Krantz.]
+ {\sl A \TeX\ Primer for Scientists\/}. Boca Raton: CRC
+ Publishers, 1993. Pp.\ 175. US\$29.95 (\$36.00 outside
+ USA). \isbn\ 0-8493-7159-7.
+ % address: 2000 Corporate Blvd., Boca Raton, FL 33431, USA
+ % To appear March 1993.
+ $\bullet$
+ ``This concise, straightforward text covers all basic topics
+ of equation typesetting, and some advanced topics: how to
+ automatically generate a table of contents, and indices; how
+ to make text flow around a graphic; how to add more fonts;
+ how to change fonts in math mode (for titles, etc.). In an
+ appendix differences between \TeX, \LaTeX\ and \AmSTeX\ are
+ discussed.'' [adapted from promotional material]
+ \item [Hans Ibrus.]
+ {\sl V\"aike Eesti {\TeX}iraamat\/}. [\ts The Small Estonia
+ \TeX book\ts]. Tartumaa, Estonia: a/S ``KompuT'' kirjastus,
+ 1992. Pp.\ 144.
+ $\bullet$
+ Preface by Enn Saar. [Further description on p.\ 18.]
+ Appendix A is a translation into Estonian of {\sl First
+ Grade \TeX\/}, by Arthur Samuel.
+ \item [Gordon M\"ullejans.]
+ {\sl METAFONT. Eine Referenz\/}. Bonn: Addison-Wes\-ley,
+ 1992. Pp.\ 176. DM~39,90. \isbn\ 3-89319-363-4.
+ $\bullet$
+ This is neither a tutorial nor a textbook on \MF\@. It is a
+ reference tool, and consists mainly of listings with short
+ descriptions, in particular of the basic \MF\ commands, the
+ macros of cmbase, and the parameters used to define the CM
+ fonts.
+\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}
+ \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 4, Dezember 1992, 56pp.
+% This issue completes volume 4.
+% Official newsletter of "DANTE e.V.".
+% Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contact: ||.
+ \item [{\sl La Lettre GUTenberg\/}:]
+ num\'ero 0, f\'evrier 1993, 16pp.
+% This is the new official GUTenberg newsletter, to appear every two
+% months. Contact: ||.
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 2,3)}
+ \item [Helmut Kopka and Patrick W.\ Daly.]
+ {\sl A Guide to \LaTeX:\marginpar{\TUB\ 14, 2.} Document
+ Preparation for Beginners and Advanced Users\/}.
+ Addison-Wes\-ley (UK) Ltd., 1993. Pp.\ 448. US\$34.50. \isbn\
+ 0-201-56889-6.
+ $\bullet$
+ This book is based on two well-known German books by Helmut
+ Kopka: {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Eine Einf\"uhrung\/}, and {\sl
+ \LaTeX\ --- Erweiterungsm\"og\-lich\-keiten\/}.
+ \item [Francesc Rossell\'o Llompart.]
+ {\sl L'ABC del \TeX\/}. Palma de Mallorca: {\small
+ UIB-DMI}. Departament de Ci\`encies Matem\`atiques i
+ Inform\`atica, Universitat de les Illes Balears, 1991.
+ \item [Reinhard Wonneberger.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX. 3., durchgesehene und erweiterte Auflage\/}.
+ (Addison-Wes\-ley Kompaktf\"uhrer). Bonn, etc.:
+ Addison-Wes\-ley, 1993. Pp.\ xvi + 166. DM~29,80. \isbn\
+ 3-89319-589-0.
+ $\bullet$
+ This is the third (expanded) edition of a concise German
+ \LaTeX\ reference (previous editions 1987 and 1988). The
+ main addition is a section on {\tt german.sty}, which is
+ widely used in German-speaking countries.
+\subsection*{Electronic Publications}
+ \item [Hubert Partl,\ts Elis.\ Schlegl\ts and Irene Hyna.]
+ {\sl Una Descripci\'on de \LaTeX\/}.
+ $\bullet$
+ Spanish translation by Tomas Bautista of well-known German
+ introduction to \LaTeX, {\sl
+ \LaTeX-Kurz\-be\-schrei\-bung\/}. Includes material on the
+ {\tt spanish} style option. Available in Spain from {\tt
+} (also known as {\tt goya.} {\tt}) in the
+ directory \verb+info/unix/text/TeX\spanish/tutorial/+, as
+ well as from the main \TeX\ archives.
+\subsection*{Latest issues of other \TeX\ newsletters}
+ \item [{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:]
+ No.\ 14: {\sl Euro\TeX'92: Proceedings of the 7th European
+ \TeX\ Conference\/}. Prague, Sept.\ 14--18, 1992. Pp.\ vi
+ + 330.\nl
+ No.\ 15, avril 1993, 61pp. \issn\ 1140-9304.
+ \item [{\sl GUST\/}:]
+ Zyszyt 1 (1993). [March issue 35 + 7; A4 format.]
+ $\bullet$
+ First issue of the newsletter {\small GUST} from the Polish
+ user group Grupa U\.zytkownik\'ow Systemu \TeX. Editors are:
+ W\l odek Bzyl and Tomasz Przechlewski. Address is: Instytut
+ Matematyki UG, Wita Stwosza 56, 80-952 Gda\'nsk. E-mail:
+ {\tt}.
+ \item [{\sl MAPs\/}:]
+ Issue 93.1, 1993, 233pp. [Dutch-speaking user group, {\small
+ NTG} publication].
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 2,4)}
+ \item [Arvind Borde and Tomas Rokicki:]
+ {\sl A User's Guide for \TeX Help; The On-Line \TeX\
+ Handbook\/}. Academic Press, 1993. Pp.\ v + 28. \isbn\
+ 0-12-1176040-1.
+ $\bullet$
+ This small booklet documents the \TeX Help program for
+ {\small IBM PC} and compatible microcomputers.
+ \item [Arvind Borde:]
+ {\sl Mathematical \TeX\ by Example\/}. Academic Press,
+ 1993. Pp.\ 356. US\$19.95. \isbn\ 0-12-117645-2.
+ $\bullet$
+ As the title suggests, this book is an introduction to \TeX\
+ by means of examples. They almost entirely consist of pairs
+ of pages: one contains some piece of \TeX\ code (with
+ explanations and comments added via footnotes), while the
+ other shows the output produced by this code.
+ \item [Nicholas J.\ Higham:]
+ {\sl Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences\/}.
+ {\small SIAM} --- Society for Industrial and Applied
+ Mathematics, Philadelphia, 1992. Pp.\ xii + 241.
+ US\$21.50. \isbn\ 0-89871-314-5.
+ $\bullet$
+ This book is intended for all authors of technical papers
+ (and books) or talks, and covers virtually all relevant
+ issues. The author discusses questions of style as well as
+ practical matters. The use of computers in the publishing
+ process --- including \TeX, of course --- is discussed in
+ detail. An appendix contains a list of \TeX\ and \LaTeX\
+ symbols. Among the various useful materials are hints for
+ Internet use and an extensive bibliography.
+ \item [Christian Rolland:]
+ {\sl \LaTeX\ guide pratique\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15,2}
+ Addison-Wes\-ley France, July 1993. Pp.\ 280. approx.\
+ 190~FF. \isbn\ 2-87908-025-0. (Distributed by Bordas,
+ Bordas code 009808.)
+ \item [{\sl GUST\/}:]
+ Zeszyt 2 (1993), 42pp.
+ Official newsletter of the Polish User Group, Grupa
+ U\.zytkownik\'ow Systemu \TeX.
+ \item [{\sl La Lettre GUTenberg\/}:]
+ no.\ 1, juillet 1993, 16pp.
+% Official newsletter of \GUTenberg.
+ \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
+ 5.\ Jahrgang, Heft~1, Mai~1993, 72pp;
+ Heft~2, Sep.\ 1993.
+ \item [\TUB:] %% The Communications of the \TeX\ Users Group:
+ vol.\ 14, no.\ 1, April 1993, 92pp;
+ vol.\ 14, no.\ 2, July 1993, 64pp.
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 3,1)}
+ \item [Michael Doob.]
+ {\sl \TeX: Starting from\enspace \fbox{1}}\quad [``square
+ one'']. Springer Verlag, 1993. Pp.\ viii + 122
+ (paper). US\$25.00
+\isbn\ 0-387-56441-1, \isbn\ 3-540-56441-1.
+ $\bullet$
+ ``A book designed for the complete newcomer to \TeX. [It]
+ begins with simple exercises on typesetting text and slowly
+ advances into more complex problems such as different types
+ of mathematical constructions and tables. The book presents
+ a comprehensive overview of \TeX\ with various tables
+ included for quick reference. Readers will learn how to
+ write standard papers of modest complexity with \TeX\ and
+ obtain the fundamental basis for learning more complex
+ typesetting functions.'' \quad [from promotion material]
+ \item [Francisco Orteg\'on Gallego.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX, primeros pasos\/} [{\sl \LaTeX, First
+ Steps\/}].\break Barcelona: Manuales de Inform\'atica
+ Masson, Masson, S.A., 1992. Pp.\ xix + 168. 2,450 pesetas
+ (approx.\ US\$19). \isbn\ 84-311-0649-2.
+ $\bullet$
+ This book describes the main features of the \LaTeX\
+ format. It is intended for beginners, but it can be
+ interesting for initiated users, too. The book is divided
+ into six chapters (here called lessons) and three
+ appendices. Lesson one introduces many topics by discussing a
+ complete example of a source file. [There exists an erratum
+ file at || in |pub/tex/errata| named
+ |p-ortegon-gallego.ltx|.]\quad [from a description by the
+ author]
+ \item [Eitan M. Gurari.]
+ {\sl Writing with \TeX\/}. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994.
+ Pp.\ xiv + 249. US\$29.95. \isbn\ 0-07-025207-6.
+ \item [Eitan M. Gurari.]
+ {\sl \TeX\ and \LaTeX: Drawing and Literate Programming\/}.
+ New York: McGraw-Hill, 1994. Pp.\ xiv + 310. US\$34.95.
+ \isbn\ 0-07-025208-4 (book), \isbn\ 0-07-911616-7 (book +
+ diskette).
+ \item [Peter Scherber, ed.]
+ {\sl Offizin. Schriftenreihe zu \TeX, \LaTeX, und \MF, Band
+ 1\/}. Published by {\small DANTE} e.{\small V}.
+ Addison-Wes\-ley Deutschland, 1994. ca.~190pp (hardcover).
+ DM~49,90. \isbn\ 3-89319-396-0.
+ $\bullet$
+ This is intended as the first volume in a series of
+ yearbooks published by {\small DANTE} e.{\small V}, the
+ German-speaking \TeX\ users group. It has been announced for
+ a long time and is available now.
+ \item [Lothar Schumann.]
+ {\sl Professioneller Buchsatz mit \TeX: Lehrbuch f\"ur
+ Anwender\/} [{\sl Professional Book Typesetting with \TeX: A
+ Textbook for Users\/}]. (Weiterbildung Informatik).
+ M\"unchen-Wien: R.\ Oldenbourg Verlag, 1989 and 1991.
+ ca.~DM~40. \isbn\ 3-486-21736-4 (1989: \isbn\
+ 3-486-21173-0).
+ $\bullet$
+ As a special feature this book contains its own (verbatim)
+ source code as an appendix.
+ \item [C.\ Vanoirbeek and G.\ Coray, eds.]
+ {\sl EP92. Proceedings of Electronic Publishing, 1992\/}.
+ (The Cambridge Series on Electronic Publishing). Cambridge
+ University Press, 1992. Pp.\ x + 316 (hardcover). \pounds
+ 35. \isbn\ 0-521-43277-4.
+ $\bullet$
+ This is the proceedings volume on {\sl EP92. Electronic
+ Publishing '92. International Conference on Electronic
+ Publishing, Document Manipulation, and Typography\/} (Swiss
+ Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, Switzerland,
+ April 7--10, 1992). Five of the twenty-one papers deal with
+ topics closely connected with \TeX\ (see Articles section,
+ below).
+ \item [Angelika Binding.]
+ ``Einsatz von \TeX\ beim Springer-Verlag.'' {\it
+ Mitteilungen der Deutschen Mathematiker-Vereinigung\/} 4
+ (1993), 19--22.
+ $\bullet$
+ This article (by a member of the German Springer branch)
+ describes the use of \TeX\ in the publishing process at
+ Springer.
+ \item [George Gr\"atzer.]
+ ``AMS-\LaTeX.'' {\it Notices of the American Mathematical
+ Society\/} vol.\ 40, no.\ 2 (February 1993), 148--150.
+ \item [George Gr\"atzer.]
+ Advances in \TeX\ Implementations. I.\ \PS\ Fonts.'' {\it
+ Notices of the American Mathematical Society\/}: vol.\ 40,
+ no.\ 7 (Sepember 1993), 834--838.
+ \item [Suzanne M.\ Molnar.]
+ ``A Tour of Graphical Typesetting on the Macintosh.'' {\it
+ The UMAP Journal\/} vol.\ 14, no.\ 2 (Summer 1993), 97--112.
+ $\bullet$
+ The topics discussed in this article include \PiCTeX\ and
+ Oz\TeX.
+ \item [Richard Morin.]
+ ``Tangled up in \TeX.'' {\it SunExpert Magazine\/} vol.\ 4,
+ no.\ 10 (October 1993), 42--46.
+ $\bullet$
+ A brief review of \TeX\ support, including the Comprehensive
+ \TeX\ Archive Network ({\small CTAN}), the \TeX\ Users
+ Group, and several books on \TeX.
+ \item [Frank Mittelbach and Chris Rowley.]
+ ``The Pursuit of Quality: How Can Automated Typesetting
+ Achieve the Highest Standards of Craft Typo\-graphy?'' {\it
+ EP92. Proceedings of Electronic Publishing 1992\/},
+ 261--273.
+ \item [Makoto Murata and Koichi Hayashi.]
+ ``Formatter Hierarchy for Structured Documents.'' {\it
+ EP92. Proceedings of Electronic Publishing 1992\/}, 77--94.
+ \item [Gilbert B.\ Porter {\small\bf III} and Emil V.\ Rainero.]
+ ``Document Reconstruction:\nl A System for Recovering
+ Document Structure from Layout.'' {\it EP92. Proceedings of
+ Electronic Publishing 1992\/}, 127--141.
+ \item [Luigi Semenzato and Edward Wang.]\
+ ``Aleph: A Language for Typeset\-ting.'' {\it EP92.
+ Proceedings of Electronic Publishing 1992\/}: 65--75.
+ \item [Richard Southall.]
+ ``Presentation Rules and Rules of Composition in the
+ Formatting of Complex Text.'' {\it EP92. Proceedings of
+ Electronic Publishing 1992\/}, 275--290.
+ \item [{\sl Baskerville\/}:] vol.\ 3, no.\ 2, December 1993, 24pp.
+ $\bullet$
+ The editor, Sebastian Rahtz, announces that {\sl
+ Baskerville} will appear six times a year.
+ \item [{\sl MAPs\/}:]
+ Issue 93.2, 1993, 242pp.
+ \item [{\sl TUGboat\/}:]
+ vol.\ 14, no.\ 3, October 1993, 212pp.
+ $\bullet$
+ This issue contains the proceedings of the Fourteenth Annual
+ Meeting, Aston University, Birmingham, England, July 26--30,
+ 1993.
+ \item [{\sl TUGboat\/}:]
+ vol.\ 14, no.\ 4, December 1993, 84pp.
+\noindent [{\bf Note:} There was a misprint in the last digit of the
+ \isbn\ for Christian Rolland's book, listed in \ttn\ 2,4:3. The
+ correct number is {\small ISBN} 2-87908-025-{\bf 8}. --PS]
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 3,2)}
+ \item [P.W.\ Abrahams, K.\ Berry and K.\ Hargreaves.]
+ {\sl \TeX\ per l'impaziente\/}\nl [{\sl \TeX\ for the
+ Impatient\/}].\marginpar{\TUB\ 14,4} Milano:
+ Addison-Wes\-ley, 1991. Pp.\ 396. \isbn\ 88-7192-022-8.
+ $\bullet$
+ This is a translation (by Gaia and Guido Franchi) of the
+ well-known introduction, amplified by material relevant to
+ the Italian language.
+ \item [Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach and Alexander
+ Samarin.]\mbox{} \nl
+ {\sl The \LaTeX\ Companion\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15,2}
+ Addison-Wes\-ley, 1993. Pp.\ 480 (paper). US\$41.25. \isbn\
+ 0-201-54199-8.
+ $\bullet$
+ This book is based on \LaTeX2e, the new version of \LaTeX\
+ which is currently available in its betatest release. It
+ explains tools and techniques that enhance the use of
+ \LaTeX\ and help format documents more quickly and more
+ efficiently. Topics treated include customizing commands
+ and enviroments, changing page layout, preparing indices and
+ bibliographies, and the New Font Selection Scheme (\nfss),
+ as well as using PostScript fonts and PostScript images.
+ [adapted from promotional material]
+ \item [Helmut Kopka.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Einf\"uhrung\/} [{\sl \LaTeX\ ---
+ Introduction\/}]. Addison-Wes\-ley, 1994.
+ $\bullet$
+ The new edition of Kopka's well-know (German) books on
+ \LaTeX\ (also available in a partial English translation)
+ includes \LaTeX2e and will comprise three (instead of two)
+ volumes. The first volume is already available.
+ \item [Norman Walsh.]
+ {\sl Making \TeX\ Work\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15,2} O'Reilly
+ and Associates, April 1994. (approx.) 500pp. US\$29.95.
+ \isbn\ 1-56592-051-1.
+ $\bullet$
+ There are many books on \TeX\ and \LaTeX, but so far (it
+ seems) no book has been devoted to the \TeX\ system as a
+ whole, i.e., all the software, tools, and macros that are
+ available and can be used when working with \TeX. This book
+ tries to fill the gap and provides a comprehensive guide to
+ the world of \TeX. It discusses the various implementations
+ of \TeX\ on all common platforms and how to obtain them,
+ presents the major macro packages, discusses the
+ installation and the use of fonts (including PostScript and
+ TrueType fonts), and the inclusion of graphics as well as
+ the prepara-\break tion of indices and bibliographies. It
+ will certainly be a valuable source of information, in
+ particular, for all those \TeX\ users who lack net access.
+ \item [George Gr\"atzer.]
+ ``Advances in \TeX\ Implementations. II.\ Integrated
+ Environments.'' {\it Notices of the American Mathematical
+ Society\/}, vol.\ 41, no.\ 2 (February 1994), 106--111
+ $\bullet$
+ ``In this article I will review two integrated \TeX\
+ implementations. Textures, the classical implementation on
+ the Macintosh (in its modern variant, Lightning Textures),
+ and the brand new PC\TeX\ for Windows for IBM compatible
+ computers. I shall also review Scientific Word, a \TeX\
+ preprocessor.'' [from the introduction]
+ \item [Allyn Jackson.]
+ ``{\it What's Happening\/}: New Publication Takes the AMS in
+ New Directions.'' {\it Notices of the AMS\/}, vol.\ 41,
+ no.\ 6 (July/August 1994), 626--627
+ $\bullet$
+ This article presents the concepts of a new publication.
+ The following is an excerpt from the production remarks:
+ ``Though the design is certainly more complex than the
+ Society's other \TeX\ documents, \TeX\ was chosen over a
+ what-you-see-is-what-you-get desktop publishing program for
+ its superior typographic quality. (A few small sections of
+ the book were produced using a desktop publishing program
+ but the output was manipulated and massaged by hand to make
+ it look as good as the \TeX\ output.)''
+ \item [Tom Scavo, Yannis Haralambous, and Werenfried Spit.]
+ ``\TeX\ on the\nl Macintosh.'' {\it Notices of the
+ AMS\/}, vol.\ 40, no.\ 10 (December 1993), 1353--1360
+ $\bullet$
+ ``There are currently four implementations of \TeX\
+ available for the Macintosh family of computers: CMac\TeX,
+ Direct\TeX, Oz\TeX, and Textures. The latter is a
+ well-known commercial product which won't be reviewed here;
+ the others are either freeware or shareware and are the
+ focus of this report.'' [from the introduction]
+ \item [Baskerville:]
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 1, Feb.\ 1994, 24pp;
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 2, Apr.\ 1994, 24pp.
+ \item [{\sl GUST\/}:]
+ Zeszyt 3 (1994), 50pp.
+ Official newsletter of the Polish \TeX\ User Group.
+% Grupa U\.zytkownik\'ow Systemu \TeX.
+ \item [{\sl La Lettre GUTenberg\/}:]
+ no.\ 2, f\'evrier 1994, 24pp [using Lucida-Bright]
+% Official newsletter of \GUTenberg.
+ \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
+ 5.\ Jahrgang, Heft~3, Dezember~1993, 68pp.
+% vol. 5, no. 3, Dec. 1993, 68pp.
+% Official newsletter of DANTE e.V.
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 3,3)}
+ \item [Abass Alamnehe.]
+ {\sl e\LaTeX: Document Preparation Guide\/} [in Amharic].
+ EthiO Systems, 1993. Pp.\ xvi + 230.
+ $\bullet$
+ This is a manual to e\LaTeX, an Ethiopian-based version of
+ \LaTeX.
+ \item [Jonathan Grosvenor, Kay Morrison \& Alexander Pim.]
+ {\sl The PostScript Font Handbook: A Directory of Type 1
+ Fonts\/}. Revised edition. Wokingham: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1992.
+ Pp.\ ix + 425. US\$41.50. \isbn\ 0-201-56893-4 (paper).
+ $\bullet$
+ For all those interested (or forced) to use PostScript fonts
+ this directory provides a comprehensive collection of font
+ samples from the font libraries of Adobe, Monotype,
+ Linotype, and Agfa. Each font is represented by a full-page
+ profile including the character set, a brief history, and
+ hints for recommended usage. It includes an introduction on
+ PostScript fonts.
+ \item [Leslie Lamport.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX: A Document Preparation System\/}. 2nd edition.
+ Addi\-son-Wes\-ley, 1994. Pp.\ 180. US\$41.50. \isbn\
+ 0-201-52983-1 (paper).
+ $\bullet$
+ This new edition of the official \LaTeX\ manual describes
+ \LaTeX2e. It is announced to be available soon.
+ \item [Marvin S.\ Margolis.]
+ ``MG Mathematical Graphics System.'' {\it Notices of the
+ American Mathematical Society\/}, vol.\ 41, no.\ 3 (March
+ 1994), 200--201.
+ $\bullet$
+ ``The MG Mathematical Graphics System creates and displays
+ two- and three-dimensional mathematical graphics on an
+ {\small MS-DOS}-based personal computer and produces
+ high-quality PostScript output. The developers, R.B.~Israel
+ and R.A.~Adams, [\dots] primarily designed the relatively
+ small program to assist authors to create graphs to include
+ in \TeX-typeset documents. It is available from MG
+ Software, 4223 West Ninth Avenue, Vancouver, B.C., Canada
+ V6R 2C6.'' [from the introduction of this review]
+ \item [Heinz Werntges.]
+ ``Grafik-Import in \LaTeX'' [Importing graphics under
+ \LaTeX]. {\it c't\/} 12/92, 252--258.
+ $\bullet$
+ This survey article (in the German computer magazine, {\it
+ c't\/}) discusses the various possibilities for including
+ graphics into \LaTeX\ documents. It has since been reprinted
+ (slightly updated) in {\sl Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie\/},
+ vol.~5, no.~2 (1993), 38--53.
+ \item [{\sl Baskerville\/}:]
+ Vol.\ 4, no.\ 3, June 1994, 24pp.
+% Official newsletter of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group.
+% Contact:
+ \item [{\sl Les Cahiers GUTenberg\/}:]
+ No.\ 16, f\'evrier 1994, 82pp. \issn\ 1140-9304. [Thematic
+ issue: {\sl PSTricks et Seminar\/}.]
+ No.\ 17, mai 1994, 66pp.
+% Occasional publication of the French-speaking user group,
+% GUTenberg. Contact:
+ \item [{\sl La Lettre GUTenberg\/}:]
+ No.\ 3, juin 1994, 24pp. [using Palatino].
+% Official newsletter of \GUTenberg. Contact:
+ \item [{\sl MAPs\/}:]
+ Issue 94.1, 1994, 178pp. [Dutch-speaking user group, NTG
+ publication.]
+% Official publication of the NTG. Contact:
+ \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
+ 5.\ Jahrgang, Heft~4/1993, April~1994, 60pp.
+% = vol. 5 (1993), no. 4, Apr. 1994, 60pp.
+ Official newsletter of DANTE e.{\small V}.
+% Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contact: ||.
+\Section{New Publications (TTN 3,4)}
+ \item [Luzia Dietsche and Joachim Lammarsch.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX\ zum Loslegen --- Ein Soforthelfer f\"ur den
+ Alltag\/} [{\sl \LaTeX, ready to start --- Instant help for
+ every day\/}].
+ Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 1994.
+ DM~39.00. \isbn 3-540-56545-0.
+ $\bullet$
+ This is an introduction to \LaTeX\ (2.09) based on
+ courses which are held regularly by the authors.
+ \item [Friedhelm Sowa.]
+ {\sl \TeX, \LaTeX\ und Graphik --- ein \"Uberblick \"uber die
+ Verfahren\/} [{\sl \TeX, \LaTeX\ and graphics --- a survey of
+ the methods\/}].
+ Springer Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 1994.
+ DM~39.00. \isbn 3-540-56468-3.
+ $\bullet$
+ This book (by the author of {\tt BM2FONT}) is probably
+ the first book (in any language) devoted to the inclusion
+ of graphics into \TeX\ documents. It treats macro
+ packages producing pictures, the inclusion of bitmap
+ graphics ({\tt BM2FONT}) and vector graphics ({\tt
+ hp2xx}), and the inclusion of graphics by dvi drivers (in
+ particular, PostScript by {\tt dvips}).
+ \item [George Gr\"atzer.]
+ ``Advances in \TeX\ Implementations. III.\ A New Version of
+ \LaTeX, Finally.'' {\it Notices of the American
+ Mathematical Society\/}, vol.\ 41, no.\ 6 (July/August
+ 1994), 611--615.
+ $\bullet$
+ This is a short introduction to, and a first review of,
+ \LaTeX2e.
+ \item [{\sl Baskerville\/}:]
+ Vol.\ 4, no.\ 4, Sept.\ 1994, 24pp.
+% Official newsletter of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group.
+% Six issues per year.
+% Contact:
+ \item [{\sl MAPs\/}:]
+ Issue 94.2, 1994, 232pp. [Dutch-speaking user group, NTG
+ publication.]
+% Official publication of the NTG. Contact:
+ \item [{\sl Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie\/}:]
+ 6.\ Jahrgang: Heft~1/1994 (Juli~1994), 68pp; and
+ Heft~2/ 1994 (Sept.\ 1994), 60pp.
+% = vol. 6 (1994), no. 1 (July), 68pp; no. 2 (Sept.), 60pp.
+% Official newsletter of DANTE e.{\small V} (Deutschsprachige
+% Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V).
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contact: ||.
+ \item [{\sl Zpravodaj\/} {\rm[}``Bulletin''{\rm]}:]
+ vol.\ 1, 1994. [Official publication of the Czech/Slovak
+ {\small CSTUG}.]
+% Four issues per year.
+\Section{Other books}
+ \item [Paul Abrahams.]
+ {\sl \TeX\ for the Impatient\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 11, 4.}
+ Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1990. 357 pp
+ (paper).
+ $\bullet$
+ ``{\sl \TeX\ for the Impatient\/} addresses the practical
+ demands of busy people who have discovered the unmatched
+ benefits of \TeX, but whose time and interest in mastering
+ all its intricacies may be limited \dots\ anyone \dots\ who
+ needs a quick reference guide to \TeX.''
+ {\bf Update:} An Italian edition, {\sl \TeX\ per
+ l'impaziente\/}, was published in 1991.\marginpar{\TUB\ 14,
+ 4.}
+ \item [Wolfgang Appelt.]
+ {\sl \TeX\ f\"ur Fortgeschrittene\/}. [{\sl \TeX\ for the
+ Advanced\/}].\marginpar{\TUB\ 11, 2.} Bonn:
+ Addison-Wes\-ley, 1988. \isbn\ 3-89319-115-1.
+ \item [Arvind Borde.]
+ {\sl Mathematical \TeX\ by Example\/}. Academic Press,
+ 1993.\marginpar{\TUB\ 14, 1.} \isbn\ 0-12-117645-2. Pp.\
+ 356.
+ \item [David J.\ Buerger.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX\ for Engineers and
+ Scientists\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 12, 2.} McGraw-Hill, 1990.
+ \isbn\ 0-07-008845-4. Pp.\ 198 (paper).
+ \item [Gianni Gilardi.]
+ {\sl Il TeX --- Introduzione al linguaggio e complementi
+ avanzati\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 15, 1.} Zanichelli/Decibel,
+ Bologna, 1993. \isbn\ 88-08-10860-0. Pp.\ 226 (cloth).
+ \item [Helmut Kopka.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Eine Einf\"uhrung\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13,
+ 1.} 3rd rev.\ ed. Bonn: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1991. 375pp
+ (hardcover).
+ \item [Helmut Kopka.]
+ {\sl \LaTeX\ --- Erweiterungsm\"oglichkeiten mit einter
+ Ein\-f\"uhr\-ung in \MF\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 13, 1.} 2nd
+ rev.\ ed.\ Bonn: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1991. 552pp.
+ (hardcover).
+ \item [Norbert Schwartz.]
+ {\sl Einf\"uhrung in \TeX\/}. Bonn, Addison-Wes\-ley,
+ 1988. \isbn\ 3-925118-97-7.
+ \item [Norbert Schwartz.]
+ {\sl Inleiding \TeX\/}. Addison-Wes\-ley Europe, Amsterdam,
+ 1990. \isbn\ 90-6789-151-7.
+ \item [Norbert Schwartz.]
+ {\sl Introduction to \TeX\/}.\marginpar{\TUB\ 11, 2.}
+ Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wes\-ley, 1990. 278 pp
+ (paper). [Based on 2nd ed.\ of German original {\sl
+ Einf\"uhrung in \TeX\/}.]
+ \item [Michael Urban.]
+ {\sl Premiers pas en \LaTeX\/}. Adaptation fran\c caise de
+ \'Eric Cornelis. GUTenberg, 1991. 87pp (paper).
+\Section{Russian books about \TeX\footnote{NOTE: These books were
+ listed in TTN 3,3:5.}}
+\begin{enumerate} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item Michael Spivak, {\sl Voskhititel'nii \TeX}. Moscow: Mir
+ Publishers, 1993, 285pp. [Russian translation of {\sl The
+ Joy of \TeX\/} by M.~Spivak.]
+ The translator is Irina Makhovaya, the editor of the Russian
+ version is Andrei Khodulev. This is the first book about
+ \TeX\ in Russian (7,000 copies).
+ \item Donald Knuth, {\sl Vsio pro \TeX}. Protvino: AO Rd\TeX, 1993,
+ 575pp. [Russian translation of {\sl The \TeX book\/} by
+ Donald E.~Knuth.]
+ The translator is Marina Lisina; the editors of the Russian
+ version are Stanislav Klimenko and Sergei Sokolov. This book
+ was published almost simultaneously with the Spivak book.
+ The translation was very hard work and successful (10,000
+ copies).
+ \item Marat Evgrafov, Leonid Evgrafov, {\sl \TeX: Rukovodstvo po
+ naboru i redaktirovaniiu mathematicheskikh tekstov}. Moscow:
+ Phismathlit, 1993, 80pp.
+ The first Russian book about \TeX\ that was written by
+ Russians (7,000 copies).
+ \item Boris Shirokov, {\sl PC\TeX. Prostoi sposob iziaschnogo
+ oformleniia mathematicheskikh tekstov: uchebnoe posobie}.
+ Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University, 1994, 80pp.
+ This small manual talks about working with \TeX\ on IBM PC
+ compatible computers (not about PC\TeX!) (300 copies).
+ \item Renat Zagretdinov et al., {\sl Izdatel'skaiia systema \LaTeX.
+ Kratkoe rukovodstvo}. Kazan: Kazan State University, 1994,
+ 94pp.
+ This manual is a short introduction to \LaTeX\ 2.09, with
+ some material added about the Russian version {\it
+ CyrTUG}-em\TeX; it also contains a glossary of \LaTeX\
+ control sequences, etc. (1,000 copies).
+ \item Sergei L'vovskii, {\sl Nabor i verstka v pakete \LaTeX}.
+ Moscow: Kosmosinform, 1994, 328pp.
+ The first complete description of \LaTeX\ 2.09 in Russian
+ (5,000 copies).