path: root/info/digests/ttn/ttn3n4.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/ttn/ttn3n4.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/ttn/ttn3n4.tex')
1 files changed, 2230 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..67e4abf518
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+++ b/info/digests/ttn/ttn3n4.tex
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+%% This file contains all materials for TTN 3,4 (1994).
+%% IMPORTANT NOTICE: You *MUST* use version 3.4 of the TTN style
+%% file, called ttn3n4.sty.
+%% (Ch. Thiele, Editor, TTN).
+\documentstyle[twoside]{ttn3n4} %% Version 3.4, October 1994
+% 1992.2.27: fix for underfull hboxes suggested by Phil Taylor (CJC)
+\tolerance = 1817 \hbadness = \tolerance
+%% Cover 1:
+%% For camera copy file, replace this page with material from file
+%% camera-copy-cover.tex
+ Volume 3, Number 4
+ October 1994
+\hrule height2pt
+ \Huge \TeX\ and TUG NEWS
+\hrule height2pt
+ for and by the \TeX\ community
+ A Publication of the\\
+ \TeX\ Users Group\\
+ Electronic version
+} %% end of \Large
+%% COVER 2 (editorial information):
+ {\Sectionfont\TeX{} and TUG NEWS}
+{\small \baselineskip=10pt
+\begin{center} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}
+ \begin{tabular}{||lp{9.5cm}||}
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf Mission Statement} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{2}{||l||}{The \TUG\ (\tug) provides leadership:} \\
+ 1. & to encourage and expand the use of \TeX, \MF, and related
+ systems \\
+ 2. & to ensure the integrity and portability of \TeX, \MF, and
+ related systems \\
+ 3. & to foster innovation in high-quality electronic document
+ preparation \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+\noindent \TTN\ is a newsletter for \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} users alike:
+{\em a forum for exchanging information, tips and suggestions\/}; {\em
+a regular means of communicating news items to one another\/}; {\em a
+place where information about \TeX{} and TUG can be quickly
+Throughout the newsletter ``\TeX'' is understood to mean \TeX, \LaTeX,
+\AmSTeX, and other related programs and macros. \TTN\ is produced with
+the standard \LaTeX{} distribution, and is to be as portable a document
+as possible.
+The entire contents of this newsletter are being placed in the public
+domain. The source file of this issue will be placed in the CTAN
+archives ({\tt tex-archive/digests/ttn}. Copying and reprinting are
+encouraged; however, an acknowledgement specifying \TTN\ as the source
+would be appreciated.
+Submissions to \TTN\ should be short, the macros must work, and the
+files {\bf must} run without special font or graphics requirements:
+this is to be a {\em portable\/} newsletter (the new font selection
+scheme has not yet been implemented). Correspondence may be sent via
+e-mail to {\tt} with the subject line {\tt NEWSLETTER}\@.
+Advertisements are accepted in \ttn: contact the \tug\ office for
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ \bf \TUG & Phone: & +1 (805) 963-1338 \\
+ P.O.\ Box 869 & \fax: & +1 (805) 963-8358 \\
+ Santa Barbara, CA 93102 USA & E-mail: & \tt \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\TeX{} is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
+\par} %% end of \small \baselineskip=10pt
+{\footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt
+\noindent \TTN\ (ISSN 1065-240X) is published quarterly by the \TeX\
+Users Group, 735 State Street, P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102,
+U.S.A\@. The 1994 dues for individual members are \$60.00 for regular
+members and \$30.00 for students.
+Second-class postage paid at Santa Barbara, CA, and additional mailing
+offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to \TTN, \TeX\ Users Group,
+P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, U.S.A.
+Membership in the \TeX\ Users Group is for the calendar year, and
+includes all issues of {\sl TUGboat} and {\sl \TeX\ and TUG NEWS\/}
+for the year in which membership begins or is renewed. Individual
+membership is open only to named individuals, and carries with it such
+rights and responsibilities as voting in the annual election.
+\par} %% end of \footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt
+%% Editorial (p.1):
+\markboth{\TTN\quad Vol.\ 3, No.\ 4, 1994}
+ {\TTN\quad Vol.\ 3, No.\ 4, 1994}
+\setcounter{page}{1} %% to set first page of contents to p.1
+The last issue of the year! This issue of \ttn\ brings you lots of
+news about \TeX\ and \tug. You'll find all the regular features, each
+one with some new little gems to learn about: some new books from some
+well-known figures from \dante\ are now available, and we have a list
+of books in Russian! Jeremy's got a nice bunch of items in his column,
+``Hey --- it works!'', including something I can hardly wait to try
+out: ``Self-expanding acronyms''. The issue has a full load of reports
+on meetings (pp.~15--18), and some important news from the annual
+\tug\ meeting this past summer (pp.~21--23). On pp.~19--20 you'll find
+information on the upcoming spring elections: five positions on the
+board, and the position of president. And just before you get to the
+annual index (pp.~27--28), Andrew's provided us with some more fun and
+games on p.~26, to close out the year.
+I would like to thank Michel Goossens and Peter Flynn for their
+additional assistance in getting this issue together. The delays,
+however, are entirely my responsibility --- too many promises made on
+too many fronts.
+\noindent Nothing like finishing the year with a big {\em mea
+culpa\/}! In the July issue of \ttn, I put in a last-minute filler on
+using \verb|\small| for acronyms and other all-caps items. Well, I
+blew it from start to finish, and must apologise profusely to both
+Phil Taylor and Barbara Beeton. See the correction notice on p.~11.
+Rule for editors: don't try and do something at the last minute
+without having someone else check it! And speaking of editors \dots
+ *\quad *\quad*
+\noindent \dots\ this is my last issue as editor of \TTN. Starting
+with volume~4 in 1995, your new editor will be Peter Flynn, who has
+graciously agreed to carry \ttn\ onwards. While I have developed a
+great affection for \ttn\ after three years and change, it's time for
+me to move on to other areas of interest. And for \ttn, it's time for
+our little newsletter to shake itself a bit, and look out at the \TeX\
+landscape with new interest and energy. I would like to thank everyone
+who has contributed to the first three years; and I would like to
+encourage even more people to join me in helping Peter take \ttn\
+forward for many more years.\footnote[1]{See also Peter's column,
+ Christina Thiele\\
+ Editor, \TTN
+%% Typographer's Inn (Peter Flynn column) (pp.2-3):
+% this hack is to see if Phil spots the huge apostrophe :-)
+\Section{Typographers{\lower5pt\hbox{{\Huge'}}} Inn}
+ Peter Flynn \\
+ University College Cork \\
+ \tt
+\subsection*{The name of the beast}
+Phil Taylor has quite correctly pointed out that the apostrophe in the
+title of this column has been misplaced: there is more than one
+typographer in the \TeX\ community\dots although I had always thought
+of the name more in terms of a pub sign like the ``Typographer's
+Arms'', which would be singular.
+Phil suggests that ``inadequate proof reading is at least as universal
+[as sloppy typography], and frequently even more disturbing'' and he's
+quite right: I sometimes suspect some publishers of having given up on
+proof reading altogether.
+\subsection*{Paper sizes}
+Meanwhile, over on the {\tt typo-l} mailing list, there's been a long
+debate about the \ae sthetics of paper sizes. Most {\sc dtp} is
+centred around either US ``letter'' paper ($8\frac12''\times10''$) or
+ISO A4 (210mm$\times$297mm), and neither seems to be entirely popular.
+The ``advantage'' claimed for the A~series was that their proportions
+allow you to scale a document by halving or doubling the paper size to
+get to the next one in the series (so A5 is 148mm$\times$210mm and A3
+is 297mm$\times$420mm). This has often struck me as spurious, as when
+I want to produce a bigger or smaller version of something, I usually
+redesign it to fit, rather than just expanding or contracting it.
+Several people voiced their support for US letter size, and Stephen
+Harker from Monash University in Oz looked up Tschichold's ``golden
+section'' values and found that this gave a page 26mm {\em narrower}
+than A4 (which in turn is narrower than US letter). Gunnar Swanson in
+Venice, CA, pointed out that ``ugly'' {\em vs.}\ ``pleasing'' is not
+the issue: it has more to do with how close a sheet is to an ideal,
+with the bothersome sizes being those that are just a little bit off
+the ideal, rather than those which are far from it. Mike Sofka from
+Champaign, IL, recalled a study where subjects chose their most
+pleasing rectangle, and these all came out to be wider than ``golden
+section'' shapes.
+I'd be interested to know what people are actually doing about paper
+sizes: are we now so stuck into ``standards'' that we only produce for
+A4 or US letter, or are there still people out there using Bag Cap?
+\subsection*{Boxed keycaps}
+The problem I posed earlier this year about getting the keycap macro
+to steer clear of messing up the interline spacing drew some
+interesting comments. Walter Steuber of Springfield, Pennsylvania,
+pointed out that you can get around the problem by changing the source
+code for {\tt} to build corner curves in the same style as
+the others, but without the extra space. His alternative was to use
+\verb|\small| to smash the whitespace. Walter's revised {\tt
+keycap.tex} is in \verb||
+\subsection*{\LaTeX\ blues}
+As a hardened plain-\TeX\ user, I have resisted with ease the
+temptation to do much in \LaTeX, mainly because the abysmal default
+styles were highly resistant to change, and any attempt at
+redefinition usually resulted in spectacular crashes. Michel Goossens
+and Sebastian Rahtz are responsible for persuading me that \LaTeX2e\
+makes it easier, and despite some unpleasant hiccups, I think they are
+right. Most of my attempts have been for users who need to match a
+publisher's spec for a book or an article: does anyone have style
+files which parameterise all those things which you need for this
+task? like the exact size and alignment of the title, author and
+affiliation, the space between them, the running headlines and
+footlines etc, none of which get much mention in the literature.
+\subsection*{Movin' on}
+From January 1995, I shall be taking over the editorial reins of \ttn\
+from Christina Thiele. She has been saying for a while that she would
+bow out after three years, and I think she has done a wonderful job in
+that time. I just hope that I can be possessed of as good a sense of
+humour and as good an eye for typos.\footnote[1]{Except my own typos!
+When the editorship and future plans were discussed at the Santa
+Barbara \tug\ meeting this summer, we decided to expand \ttn\ and look
+again at the business of portability. Currently, everything published
+in \ttn\ is in \LaTeX\ and uses Computer Modern, so the file copies on
+the \ctan\ can be downloaded and processed by anyone running \TeX,
+with no special requirements. I'm not making any change to that format
+for the copies kept on the archive, but I'd be interested in your
+views as readers about what you'd like \ttn\ to look like. There have
+also been suggestions about changing the name and I'd like to know
+what you think about that also.
+%% `New Publications' column (Peter Schmitt) (pp.4-5):
+\begin{New Publications}
+< Peter Schmitt \\
+< |schmitt@awirap.bitnet| \\
+< || \\
+> Luzia Dietsche & Joachim Lammarsch:
+ \LaTeX\ zum Loslegen -- Ein Soforthelfer f\"ur den Alltag
+ {\rm[}\LaTeX, ready to start---Instant help for every day{\rm]}
+ Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 1994.
+ DM~39.00. \ISBN 3-540-56545-0.
+ # This is an introduction to \LaTeX\ (2.09) based on courses which are
+ held regularly by the authors.
+> Friedhelm Sowa:
+ \TeX, \LaTeX\ und Graphik -- ein \"Uberblick \"uber die Verfahren
+ {\rm [}\TeX, \LaTeX\ and graphics -- a survey of the methods{\rm]}
+ Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg 1994.
+ DM~39.00. \ISBN 3-540-56468-3.
+ # This book (by the author of {\tt BM2FONT}) is probably the first
+ book (in any language) devoted to the inclusion of graphics into
+ \TeX\ documents. It treats macro packages producing pictures, the
+ inclusion of bitmap graphics ({\tt BM2FONT}) and vector graphics
+ ({\tt hp2xx}), and the inclusion of graphics by dvi drivers (in
+ particular, PostScript by {\tt dvips}).
+> George Gr\"atzer:
+ Advances in \TeX\ Implementations.
+ III. A New Version of \LaTeX, Finally
+ Notices of the American Mathematical Society:
+ vol. 41, no. 6 (July/August 1994)
+ 611--615.
+ # This is a short introduction to, and a first review of, \LaTeX2e.
+> Baskerville:
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 4, Sept.\ 1994, 24pp.
+% Official newsletter of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group.
+% Six issues per year.
+% Contact:
+> MAPs: issue 94.2, 1994, 232pp. [Dutch-speaking user group, NTG
+ publication.]
+% Official publication of the NTG. Contact:
+> Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie:
+ 6. Jahrgang, \|
+ Heft~1/1994, Juli~1994, 68pp,
+ and Heft~2/1994, September~1994, 60pp.
+% Official newsletter of DANTE, the German-speaking user group.
+% Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contact: ||.
+> Zpravodaj {\rm[}``Bulletin''{\rm]}:
+ vol.\ 1, 1994. [Official publication of the Czech/Slovak {\small
+ CSTUG}.]
+% Four issues per year.
+\end{New Publications}
+%% Publications from CyrTUG:
+\subsection*{Russian books about \TeX}
+At the recent Euro\TeX'94 meeting in Gda\'nsk, Irina Makhovaya of
+CyrTUG brought along several samples of recent publications in Russian
+on \TeX. It seemed an excellent opportunity to gather that information
+and present it here in \ttn. Thanks to both Irina and Michel Goossens,
+who worked to put it together.
+\begin{enumerate} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item Michael Spivak, {\sl Voskhititel'nii \TeX}. Moscow: Mir
+ Publishers, 1993, 285 pp. [Russian translation of {\sl The
+ Joy of \TeX\/} by M.~Spivak.]
+ The translator is Irina Makhovaya, the editor of the Russian
+ version is Andrei Khodulev. This is the first book about
+ \TeX\ in Russian (7,000 copies).
+ \item Donald Knuth, {\sl Vsio pro \TeX}. Protvino: AO Rd\TeX, 1993,
+ 575 pp. [Russian translation of {\sl The \TeX book\/} by
+ Donald E.~Knuth.]
+ The translator is Marina Lisina; the editors of the Russian
+ version are Stanislav Klimenko and Sergei Sokolov. This book
+ was published almost simultaneously with the Spivak book.
+ The translation was very hard work and successful (10,000
+ copies).
+ \item Marat Evgrafov, Leonid Evgrafov, {\sl \TeX: Rukovodstvo po
+ naboru i redaktirovaniiu mathematicheskikh tekstov}. Moscow:
+ Phismathlit, 1993, 80 pp.
+ The first Russian book about \TeX\ that was written by
+ Russians (7,000 copies).
+ \item Boris Shirokov, {\sl PC\TeX. Prostoi sposob iziaschnogo
+ oformleniia mathematicheskikh tekstov: uchebnoe posobie}.
+ Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University, 1994, 80 pp.
+ This small manual talks about working with \TeX\ on IBM PC
+ compatible computers (not about PC\TeX!) (300 copies).
+ \item Renat Zagretdinov et al., {\sl Izdatel'skaiia systema \LaTeX.
+ Kratkoe rukovodstvo}. Kazan: Kazan State University, 1994, 94
+ pp.
+ This manual is a short introduction to \LaTeX\ 2.09, with
+ some material added about the Russian version {\it
+ CyrTUG}-em\TeX; it also contains a glossary of \LaTeX\
+ control sequences, etc. (1,000 copies).
+ \item Sergei L'vovskii, {\sl Nabor i verstka v pakete \LaTeX}.
+ Moscow: Kosmosinform, 1994, 328 pp.
+ The first complete description of \LaTeX\ 2.09 in Russian
+ (5,000 copies).
+\noindent Some of these books are available via CyrTUG. Please
+send email to their contact address {\tt}.
+%% Jeremy Gibbons' column ``Hey --- it works!'' (pp.6-10):
+\Section{``Hey --- it works!''}
+ Jeremy Gibbons \\
+ University of Auckland \\
+ \tt
+\noindent Welcome once again to {\sl ``Hey~---~it works!''}, a column
+devoted to tips and tricks for \AllTeX. I am always on the lookout for
+interesting such articles (especially short ones). If you have solved
+a \AllTeX{} problem in a novel way, please write it up and send it in!
+No matter how trivial it seems to you, the chances are that it will be
+just what someone else needs.
+In this issue we have two contributed pieces, and three responses to
+an item of mine from the last issue. The contributed pieces are from
+Michael Barr, on under- and over-brackets and -parentheses similar to
+the under- and over-braces in plain~\TeX, and from John Langer, on
+acronyms that automatically explain themselves on first use.
+We start with the responses generated by my item in the last issue, on
+the macro that I use for generating the subsection headings in this
+column. Evidently this item was not as elegant as it might have been!
+Just for reference, here is my definition:
+ \subsection*{%
+ \hbox to \linewidth{% a box as wide as the page
+ #1% subsection title
+ \hfil% stretchy space
+ \llap{\normalsize% ignore width of tabular
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}}
+ #2% author's name and address
+ \end{tabular}}}}}
+ \hbox to \linewidth{{\large\bf#1}\hfil#2}\let\\\cr
+ \halign{\hbox to \linewidth{\hfil##}\cr#3\\\tt#4\\}}
+\squashedsubsection{Squashed heads}{Kees van der Laan}
+ {Hunzeweg 57, 9893PB\\Garnwerd, The Netherlands}{}
+\noindent Kees van der Laan suggested an approach based on Knuth's
+\verb"\beginchapter" macro from Appendix~E of the \TeX book. He
+separates the author's name, affiliation and email address into three
+arguments, and defines (in effect)
+ \hbox to \linewidth{{\large\bf#1}\hfil#2}\let\\\cr
+ \halign{\hbox to \linewidth{\hfil##}\cr#3\\\tt#4\\}}
+The title above was generated by
+\squashedsubsection{Squashed heads}{Kees van der Laan}
+ {Hunzeweg 57, 9893PB\\Garnwerd, The Netherlands}
+ {}
+ \subsection*{%
+ \hbox to \linewidth{% a box as wide as the page
+ \rlap{%
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+ #1% subsection title
+ \end{tabular}}%
+ \hfil% stretchy space
+ \llap{\normalsize% ignore width of tabular
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}}
+ #2% author's name and address
+ \end{tabular}}}}}
+\squashedsubsection{This is a better solution to the problem of\\addresses in headings}
+ {Michael Barr\\McGill University\\\tt}
+Michael Barr observed that my approach did not allow the title to
+extend to more than one line. He suggested, in effect, placing
+argument \verb"#1" in a tabular, just as I did with \verb"#2"; thus,
+the line containing \verb"#1" in my definition should be replaced by
+ \rlap{%
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{@{}l}
+ #1% subsection title
+ \end{tabular}}%
+Then the first argument can contain occurrences of \verb"\\". The
+above title was generated by
+\squashedsubsection{This is a better solution to the problem of\\
+ addresses in headings}
+ {Michael Barr\\McGill University\\\tt}
+It is not clear whether the author's name and address is better
+aligned with the {\em first\/} or the {\em last\/} line of the title;
+the latter takes more space, but avoids having different baselines on
+the left and right of the page. This latter behaviour can be obtained
+by replacing the \verb"[t]" within the \verb"\rlap" by \verb"[b]".
+ \subsection*{%
+ \raggedright
+ #1%
+ \unskip\nobreak\hfill\penalty50 \hskip1em
+ \mbox{}\nobreak\hfill
+ {\normalsize
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}}#2\end{tabular}}%
+ \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0}}
+\squashedsubsection{This is a better solution to the problem of
+ addresses in headings, linebreaking the title automatically}
+ {Mike Piff\\University of Sheffield\\\tt}
+Mike Piff suggested a third way, based on Knuth's \verb"\signed" macro
+from Chapter~14 of the \TeX book. He defines
+ \subsection*{%
+ \raggedright
+ #1%
+ \unskip\nobreak\hfill\penalty50 \hskip1em
+ \mbox{}\nobreak\hfill
+ {\normalsize
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}}#2\end{tabular}}%
+ \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0}}
+This has the advantage of letting \TeX{} make the line breaks in the
+title, so the first argument need have no \verb"\\"s (but on the other
+hand, it does not allow the author's name to be aligned with the {\em
+first\/} line of the title). The above title was generated by
+\squashedsubsection{This is a better solution to the problem of
+ addresses in headings, linebreaking the title automatically}
+ {Mike Piff\\University of Sheffield\\\tt}
+With this solution, enough space is left for the whole width of the
+author's address, even if the first line (the author's name) is
+relatively short. An alternative might be to give the name as an
+argument by itself, defining
+ \subsection*{%
+ \raggedright
+ #1%
+ \unskip\nobreak\hfill\penalty50 \hskip1em
+ \mbox{}\nobreak\hfill
+ {\normalsize
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}}
+ #2\\\llap{\begin{tabular}{r@{}}#3\end{tabular}}
+ \end{tabular}}%
+ \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0}}
+This produces, for example,
+ \subsection*{%
+ \raggedright
+ #1%
+ \unskip\nobreak\hfill\penalty50 \hskip1em
+ \mbox{}\nobreak\hfill
+ {\normalsize
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}}
+ #2\\\llap{\begin{tabular}{r@{}}#3\end{tabular}}
+ \end{tabular}}%
+ \parfillskip=0pt \finalhyphendemerits=0}}
+\squashedsubsection{This is a better solution to the problem of
+ addresses in headings, linebreaking the title automatically}
+ {Mike Piff}{University of Sheffield\\\tt}
+Are there any more solutions to the problem out there?
+\squashedsubsection{Under- and over-brackets and parentheses}
+ {Michael Barr \\
+ McGill University, Canada \\
+ \tt barr@triples.Math.McGill.CA}
+A couple years ago, a question was posted on \verb"comp.text.tex"
+about how to make under- and over- square brackets and parentheses
+similar to under and over braces. It proved quite easy to modify those
+macros; in one way, it was easier, since you do not need center
+pieces. The curly parts for the braces can be used for the
+parentheses, but you have to manufacture with rules the end pieces for
+the brackets, since they are not provided in the standard fonts. Here
+is the result, in a form that I have tested in both \LaTeX{} and
+plain~\TeX. The results look a bit thick, but are exactly the same
+thickness as with the braces.
+The code
+$$ \overbrack{x+\cdots+x}^{k\rm\;times} \qquad
+ \underbrack{x+y+z}_{>\,0} \qquad
+ \overparen{x+\cdots+x}^{k\rm\;times} \qquad
+ \underparen{x+y+z}_{>\,0}$$
+generates the following output:
+ \downparenfill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}\limits}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr
+ \noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ \upparenfill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@}}}}\limits}
+\newbox\brackd \newbox\bracku
+\setbox\brackd=\hbox {\vrule height 0pt depth
+ 3pt width 1pt}\ht\brackd=0pt\dp\brackd=1pt
+\setbox\bracku=\hbox {\vrule height 3pt depth
+ 0pt width 1pt}\ht\bracku=1pt\dp\bracku=0pt
+ {$\m@th\copy\brackd\leaders\vrule\hfill\copy\brackd$}
+ {$\m@th\copy\bracku\leaders\vrule\hfill\copy\bracku$}
+ \downbrackfill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{\kern1pt#1\kern1pt}\hfil$\crcr}}}\limits}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{\kern1pt#1\kern1pt}\hfil$\crcr\noalign
+ {\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ \upbrackfill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@}}}}\limits}
+%%% Examples:
+$$ \overbrack{x+\cdots+x}^{k\rm\;times} \qquad
+ \underbrack{x+y+z}_{>\,0} \qquad
+ \overparen{x+\cdots+x}^{k\rm\;times} \qquad
+ \underparen{x+y+z}_{>\,0}$$
+ \downparenfill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr}}}\limits}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{#1}\hfil$\crcr
+ \noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ \upparenfill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@}}}}\limits}
+\newbox\brackd \newbox\bracku
+\setbox\brackd=\hbox {\vrule height 0pt depth
+ 3pt width 1pt}\ht\brackd=0pt\dp\brackd=1pt
+\setbox\bracku=\hbox {\vrule height 3pt depth
+ 0pt width 1pt}\ht\bracku=1pt\dp\bracku=0pt
+ {$\m@th\copy\brackd\leaders\vrule\hfill\copy\brackd$}
+ {$\m@th\copy\bracku\leaders\vrule\hfill\copy\bracku$}
+ \downbrackfill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{\kern1pt#1\kern1pt}\hfil$\crcr}}}\limits}
+ $\hfil\displaystyle{\kern1pt#1\kern1pt}\hfil$\crcr\noalign
+ {\kern3\p@\nointerlineskip}
+ \upbrackfill\crcr\noalign{\kern3\p@}}}}\limits}
+\squashedsubsection{Self-expanding acronyms}
+ {John V. Langer \\
+ The Aerospace Corporation, California \\
+ \tt}
+We compose technical documents that employ a large number of acronyms.
+It is considered good form to explain the meaning of a given acronym
+the first time it is used, then use the acronym without explanation
+thereafter. With the marvels of electronic editing, paragraphs and
+sections get moved around quickly making it easy to inadvertently have
+an acronym employed before its definition is provided. A secondary
+hazard is that one may, by accident or habit, wind up explaining the
+acronym every time it is used, causing considerable annoyance to the
+reader. To get around this, we came up with the following very simple
+\LaTeX\ macro, best illustrated via example:
+ {Global Positioning System (GPS)\renewcommand{\gps}{GPS}}
+This creates a macro called \verb"\gps" that will produce the lengthy
+explanation the first time it is used and the shorter acronym in every
+subsequent use. For example,
+The \gps\ system is an extension of concepts first investigated
+in the late 1960's, when \ldots. By late 1979, four Block I
+\gps\ satellites had been deployed, and in 1993 a full
+\gps\ constellation was deployed.
+\newcommand{\gps}{Global Positioning System (GPS)\renewcommand{\gps}{GPS}}
+The \gps\ system is an extension of concepts first investigated
+in the late 1960's, when \ldots. By late 1979, four Block I
+\gps\ satellites had been deployed, and in 1993 a full
+\gps\ constellation was deployed.
+%% Corrigenda (p.11):
+In the last issue of \ttn, I had some space left over, so I thought I'd
+pass on a very small tip (\ttn\ 3,3:7). Unfortunately, as a
+last-minute add-on, I didn't bother to find someone to check what I'd
+written. Big mistake.
+So if you'll go look at your previous issue, you will see that the
+second \verb|\newcommand| instructs you to define a macro \verb|\tt|.
+Well, if you do that, \LaTeX\ will come back with the remark \verb|!
+Command name 'tt' already used.|. it should of course have been
+\verb|\ttn|. A silly typo.\footnote[1]{I have committed better. When
+we were working on the WSUIPA fonts, we were following Pullum and
+Ladusaw's {\sl Phonetic Symbol Guide\/} for macro names. One
+well-known symbol is the superscripted dotless question mark,
+signifying an ``ejective''. In the interests of shortening some of
+these control sequences, I simply used \verb|\eject|. I think it was
+there for almost two weeks before I ran across it and froze! Now
+wouldn't that have made an interesting bit of phonetic transcription
+--- a few characters and then a page break, then a few more characters
+and then another new page \dots~!}
+But my fingers were not content to stop there; they then proceeded to
+put in a spacefactor of 10000, when it should only have been 1000. But
+I'll let Phil explain what this is all about, after I extend my
+apologies to him --- and to Barbara -- for having made such a mess of
+such a simple item. Here's Phil's letter to the (chagrined) editor:
+ \dots\ And whilst it is very kind of Barbara to credit me with
+ having first reported this as an error in the canonical definition
+ of \TeX, I would with the greatest respect add that in the original
+ bug report the suggested enhancement was of the form
+ \begin{verbatim}
+ ... \spacefactor = 1000 }
+ \end{verbatim}
+ The initial two spaces and assignment operator are undoubtedly
+ optional, but their omission renders the code impenetrable if not
+ completely opaque; the third space is absolutely vital to prevent a
+ following $<$digit$>$ from becoming elided with the previous
+ $<$number$>$. So whilst I am honoured to be acknowledged as the
+ identifier of that particular bug, I would not want to be blamed
+ for recommending such a cryptic and inadequate remedy. \\
+ Yours very sincerely,
+ Philip Taylor, {\small RHBNC}.
+%% (La)TeX News (pp.12-14):
+%% -- 4allTeX CD-ROM second edition
+%% -- BaKoMa Fonts Collection
+%% -- Bibliographies now available
+%% -- Fall releases from Karl Berry
+%% -- News from vendors
+\Section{\AllTeX\ News}
+\squashedsubsection{4all\TeX\ CD-ROM {\subsectionbit second\/}
+ edition}
+ {Frans Goddijn \\
+ Meridian Foundation\\
+ \tt}
+When the \ntg\ supported the production of 600~copies of the 4allTeX
+{\small CD-ROM}, they expected this stock to last for a while, as it
+was much more than needed to provide \ntg\ members with this ``plug
+and play'' engine. Nevertheless, the tiny \ntg\ organisation has
+become almost overheated with sudden world-wide success: on average,
+every half hour one copy was ordered, and now users are located in
+more than 17~countries. Soon, obligations to partners who'd agreed to
+order larger quantities made a second edition necessary.
+This edition is largely identical, but refined in detail. Wietse Dol
+and Erik Frambach invested yet more time and energy in providing this
+typesetting beast with still more attractive features. Of course, the
+patch level~3 of \LaTeXe\ is available, and source code of several
+utilities is now added to fill the CD to near its limit.
+And careful examination will find some hidden gems. I myself was {\em
+very\/} pleased to discover a truly ``undocumented feature'' which
+enables the user to fully use fonts available on cheap media like the
+old CorelDraw! v3 CD that I legitimately use (others may have
+different sources). With a simple selection in the {\tt makefont\/}
+utility menu, 4all\TeX\ readily eats the {\tt .afm} and {\tt .pfb}
+files and converts the fonts for use in \TeX\ documents. What's more,
+it completely updates all those nasty font mapping files that must be
+fine-tuned to get the device drivers and GhostScript to work
+congruently. Computer Modern is fine, but I don't mind a few hundred
+\squashedsubsection{BaKoMa Fonts Collection}
+ {Basil Malyshev \\
+ \tt}
+This is to announce the first part of the BaKoMa Fonts Collection. It
+is a refinement of the CM part of the Type~1 PostScript renderings of
+\TeX\ fonts, as compared to the Paradissa Collection, which appeared
+about a year ago.
+The package includes 88 basic fonts of the Computer Modern font
+family. The fonts are available in {\tt.atm}-compatible PostScript
+Type-1 format ({\tt .pfb} + {\tt .afm} + {\tt .pfm}) and in TrueType
+format ({\tt .ttf}). The font outlines were produced directly from
+Knuth's \MF\ code by using original algorithms developed by the
+collection's author.
+The BaKoMa collection can be found in {\tt fonts/postscript/bakoma} on
+\ctan. The part of the old Paradissa Collection not covered by BaKoMa
+(essentially the \LaTeX\ and Euler fonts, plus some Russian-specific
+fonts) are available in {\tt fonts/postscript/paradissa}.
+\squashedsubsection{Bibliographies now available}
+ {Nelson Beebe \\
+ \tt}
+ \item [toms.bib:] This is a complete \BibTeX\ bibliography of {\em
+ every\/} article published in {\small ACM} {\sl Transactions on
+ Mathematical Software\/} ({\small TOMS}) from 1974 to date.
+ This collection began with the work of Rice and Hanson in Algorithm
+ 620 with the extensions of Hamilton, Morse, and Hopkins in 1985 and
+ 1990. It was supplemented with material gleaned from Internet
+ bibliography collections, notably the huge (100MB) collection of
+ computer science bibliographies on \verb||, the
+ {\small SIGGRAPH} collection on \verb||, Aake
+ Bj{\"o}rck's \verb|habook.bib|, G.W.~Stewart's \verb|ref.bib|, the
+ {\small ACM} Computing Archive {\small CD-ROM}, and the {\small
+ IEEE INSPEC CD ROM}s. The data was converted to \BibTeX\ form and
+ with the help of \verb|bibsort -byvolume|, sorted into publication
+ order.
+ Cross-references between all remarks and algorithms have been
+ added, in both directions, so that citation of just one of them
+ will automatically include the others when \BibTeX\ processes the
+ citation list. Because of the cross-references, {\tt toms.bib} also
+ contains entries for those algorithms published in {\sl Comm.\
+ ACM\/} prior to 1975.
+\item [sgml.bib:] The file is a \BibTeX\ bibliography of publications
+ about {\small SGML}. There are 210 entries in the current version,
+ of which 197 have been added or changed since my return from the
+ \TeX\ User Group \tug'94 meeting in Santa Barbara, CA, in July.
+ The updates have been collected from numerous sources, including
+ major Internet bibliography collections described briefly at the
+ end of the index file, and the {\small ACM} Computing Archive and
+ {\small IEEE INSPEC CD ROM}s.
+\noindent All files are available from the nearest \ctan\ site, in
+{\tt /tex-archive/info/biblio}.
+\squashedsubsection{Fall releases from Karl Berry}{}
+In September and October, Karl Berry released new versions of several
+\item [dvipsk 5.58c] Changes include:
+ \verb|-mode| option to specify mode name.
+\item [kpathsea 2.4]\hskip-.5pc\footnote{Note: there is also a patch for
+ the current version of \verb|web2c|, to make it work with the
+ current version of \verb|kpathsea|.} Changes include:
+ extra \verb|:'s| in an \verb|envvar| value referring to the
+ \verb|texmf.cnf| value work; names like
+ \verb|dpi600|/\verb|| can be found in \verb|ls-R|;
+ \verb|KPATHSEA_DEBUG| environment variable checked;
+ directories like \verb|pk/ljfour| directly under
+ \verb|$TEXMF/fonts| are found;
+ new standalone program, \verb|kpsexpand|, optionally compiled
+ and installed, to do variable expansion (not path searching);
+ debugging output written to \verb|stderr| instead of \verb|stdout|;
+ \verb|MakeTeXPK| sources \verb|$(psheaderdir)/| if it
+ exists.
+\item [xdvik 18d] Changes include:
+ new \verb|--with-ps={no,gs,dps,news}| configure options;
+ \verb|gs| is still the default;
+ \verb|SELFILE| support included by default;
+ support the `ps: $<$literal PostScript$>$' special;
+ support \verb|--help| (and \verb|-help| and \verb|+help|);
+ convert both 330 and 328 dpi to 329 (magstephalf);
+ checksum warnings omitted if either the font or dvi checksum is
+ zero.
+\item [dviljk 2.3] Changes include:
+ use \verb|perror| for non-existent input files.
+\item [ v.2.1:] Available from \ctan, in
+ \verb|/tex-archive/fonts/modes/|:
+ \begin{quote}
+ ``No new modes, but I've added landscape definitions for all
+ the devices with meaningfully nonsquare aspect ratios, named
+ as the primary device with an `l' appended. Some primary
+ names were changed to be shorter as a result, but the old
+ names are still there as synonyms. I've also been told that
+ `ljfour' is suitable for the Apple Select 360, and that the
+ Xerox 4050 mode works for the Xerox 4700, so that
+ information is included.''
+ \end{quote}
+\squashedsubsection{News from Vendors}
+ {Christina Thiele}
+\item [$\bullet$] {\small PTI} is now offering PC\TeX\ for Windows or
+ {\small MS-DOS} with the new standard \LaTeX, \LaTeX2e. For
+ those who have PC\TeX\ and only want the \LaTeX\ upgrade,
+ they can send an e-mail message and then download the files
+ for free. They're also offering a number of add-on items for
+ \$29. In addition to single copy rates, there are discounts
+ available for upgrading 2--4 copies, and for 5 and up. As
+ well, {\small PTI} is also now offering departmental
+ licenses. For more information, call 1-800-808-7906 or
+ 1-415-388-8853; \fax\ is 1-415-388-8865; and e-mail is {\tt
+\item [$\bullet$] K-Talk Communications, Inc., announced the release
+ of two new product variations: Texport Lite, and Publishing
+ Companion Lite. The ``Lite'' software ``is intended for
+ students on limited budgets, small document conversions, less
+ technical projects, etc.'' The main differences are that
+ conversion of equations and tables is not fully available,
+ and both work on files under 64K. For information, call
+ 1-614-488-8818; \fax\ is 1-614-488-9505; e-mail is {\tt
+%% Reports on Meetings (pp.15-18):
+\Section{Reports on Meetings}
+Michel Goossens, TUG's vice president, has been very fortunate this
+year in being able to attend a number of \TeX\ conferences. He has
+written extensive summaries and has made them available via \ctan, in
+{\tt tex-archive/usergrps/info}. The following extracts give just a
+hint of the flavour of three of these: \tug's annual meeting in Santa
+Barbara (July), \Cyrtug's meeting in Dubna (early September), and the
+Euro\TeX\ meeting in Gda\'nsk (late September). --Ed.
+\subsection*{TUG'94 --- July 31--Aug.\ 4}
+Santa Barbara: just the right combination of sunshine, temperature and
+sea breeze. Some 120 \TeX{} enthusiasts, coming from many countries
+and cultures, met to talk about and listen to presentations of the
+latest developments in the area of high-quality typesetting --- and of
+course to talk with one another.
+The formal theme of the conference was ``Innovation''. Malcolm Clark
+and Sebastian Rahtz brought together a tremendous program that clearly
+showed \TeX{} making inroads in many areas of book production, such as
+colour support, more flexible page layouts, scholarly and non-Latin
+alphabet editions. A number of groups are working on extending \TeX{}
+or \LaTeX{} so that these tools better meet the demands of current
+document handling and integrated more readily into electronic
+distribution networks or databases. Several new approaches introduced
+object-oriented programming techniques, and hence show that \TeX{}
+forms an integral part of a modern computing development environment.
+Over 35 papers were presented, loosely grouped under such themes as
+Publishing, Languages, Literature and Fonts; Colour and \LaTeX; Tools;
+Futures; and Publishing and Design. The full story can be found in the
+Proceedings issue of {\sl TUGboat\/}. In addition to all these formal
+sessions, there were several highly successful Birds-of-a-Feather
+(BoF) gatherings each day, some even running in parallel.
+As well as providing formal presentations, the conference organisers
+also allowed for ample opportunities to talk informally, without
+reference to glue, (coloured) boxes or other \TeX-speak: the Monday
+evening barbuecue, the Tuesday afternoon left free for touring
+downtown Santa Barbara (the campus is on the edge of town) or taking
+in a boat cruise along the coast, and finally the Wednesday evening
+banquet, which brought everyone together with their families to
+socialize, and enjoy the good food, wine, and music.
+On Wednesday, the \tug\ business meeting went on for longer than
+expected, as decisions taken by the Board of Directors for the coming
+year were presented, explained, and discussed. These decisions are
+presented elsewhere in this issue. The Knuth Scholar was also
+announced: Shelly Lee Ames of the University of Manitoba, where she
+works for the Canadian Mathematical Society (Soci\'et\'e
+math\'ematique du Canada).
+The conference was brought to a close by Christina Thiele, but not
+before Mimi Burbank, coordinator of next year's \tug\ meeting, gave us
+a short outline of plans for the 1995 meeting in Florida. It was also
+the occasion to honour the winners of the trophies for the best
+papers, namely Alan Hoenig, Yannis Haralambous and Tom Rokicki. We
+thank Nelson Beebe, who kindly donated the prizes.
+Special thanks are for their hard work are extended to John Berlin and
+Janet Sullivan of the \tug\ office. Their kindness and helpfulness
+were truly appreciated by all those present. Thanks once again to
+John, and to Malcolm Clark, co-editors of {\sl The Tugly Telegraph\/};
+and to Katherine Butterfield, Suki Bhurgi, and Wendy McKay for helping
+with staffing the on-campus \tug\ office.
+The organizers would like to publicly acknowledge the contributions
+made by individuals, other user groups, and companies towards the
+Bursary and Social Funds or who offered free copies of books or
+software to the participants. In particular we would like to thank
+\dante\ e.V., \GUTenberg, {\small UKTUG}, and \tug\, as well as
+Addison-Wesley, O'Reilly \& Associates, and Prime Time Freeware.
+Finally, we would would like to mention the vendors: Addison-Wesley,
+Blue Sky Research, Kinch Computer Co., Micro Programs, Inc., Quixote
+Digital Typo\-graphy, Springer Verlag, and Y\&Y, who by their
+continuing support contribute to the success of the Annual \tug\
+\subsection*{CyrTUG'94 --- Sept.\ 7--11}
+It had been almost five years since I was last in the capital of
+Russia, and indeed a lot seemed to have changed during that
+period. \Cyrtug's Executive Director, Irina Makhovaya, met me at
+Shere\-me\-tievo airport, and for the next few days, was my gracious
+host in Moscow. On Tuesday we all headed out for Dubna, some 120 km
+north of Moscow, and on Wednesday the conference began.
+After the official opening, the scientific secretary of the Institute
+at Dubna explained the importance of \TeX{} to the scientists in Dubna
+as a means of communicating their results to the outside world. I
+spoke a few words on behalf of \tug, congratulating \Cyrtug{} with the
+organisation of their conference, and then gave a summary of the
+presentations made at the \tug'94 conference in Santa Barbara in the
+Over the next three days, speakers talked about their experiences with
+introducing and developing \TeX{} tools in their respective
+institutes; the particular problems associated with the Cyrillic
+alphabet and the design of Cyrillic fonts; the use of PostScript and
+vector fonts; {\small WYSIWYG} approaches; graphics; journal
+production; and issues of typography. The issue of dealing with
+various coding-schemes currently in use for the Cyrillic alphabet led
+to the formation of a three-member working group to come up with a
+proposal to define a ``\Cyrtug{} standard encoding''. The
+presentations came to an end with a question-and-answer session.
+In the Friday evening, there was a grand banquet, and after the ritual
+series of toasts to a better future, friendship, more \TeX{} and less
+approximate typography~\ldots~, we went all onto the dance floor and
+to the tune of some typical (and some less-than-typical) modern
+Russian tunes, transformed ourselves into \TeX{} rockers till the
+music stopped at 11 o'clock and we all dispersed into subgroups to
+continue our last evening together or, too tired to do anything
+useful, just went to bed.
+The Saturday morning started with my \LaTeXe{} course that lasted to
+approximately midday, when \Cyrtug's business meeting started. Evgeniy
+Pankratiev (Moscow State University) was elected as new President of
+\Cyrtug, succeeding Joseph Romanovsky of Sankt Petersburg. With the
+new President in the chairman's seat the meeting then adopted the plan
+for 1994/95 and declared the 1994 Conference closed, thanking the
+participants for their support.
+During the flight back to Geneva, I reflected on my six-day stay in
+Russia. I have visited Russia many times before, but things seem
+different now, there is hope, people talk freely, they all feel they
+are moving towards a better future, also financially, yet I think they
+still have a long way to go. And it is precisely here that it should
+be possible for us to help our colleagues and friends: e.g., develop
+tools that are freely available, exchange publications, and so on.
+\subsection*{Euro\TeX'94 ---Sept.\ 26--30}
+The conference took place in the Orle holiday center in Sobieszewo, a
+resort on the Baltic some 20 km east of the city of Gda\'nsk --- and
+only 100 m from the beach! {\small GUST}, the organizing committee for
+the conference, provided a fully-equipped ``mini-office'' to
+facilitate software and information exchange.
+Monday was given over to registration in the morning, and a bus tour
+in the afternoon. About 60 participants from 15 different countries
+attended; each person received a copy of the Proceedings (thanks to
+the hard work of Tomek Przechlewski and W{\l}odek Bzyl), an extremely
+useful typographic ruler, and the tradional mug, with the
+specially-designed Euro\TeX94 logo. Very nice stylistic work, indeed!
+The guided tour of Gda\'nsk showed us a city of some 400,000
+inhabitants with a proud cultural history and a promising future.
+The conference formally got underway on Tuesday with welcoming
+speeches by the organisers, and then the papers began. There is
+insufficient space here to do justice to all the presentations, so I
+would urge you to pick up the full report ({\tt eurotex94.tex}) from
+\ctan. Nevertheless, I would at least like to mention the names of the
+presenters who brought us such a rich diversity of subject material to
+enjoy: Vladimir Batagelj, Lutz Birkhahn, Johannes Braams, Wietse Dol
+and Erik Frambach, Yannis Haralambous, Karel Hor\'ak, Bogus\l{}aw
+Jackowski and Marek Ry\'cko (awarded the {\em Best Paper\/} prize),
+J\"org Knappen, Kees van der Laan, Dag Langmyhr, Klaus Lagally, Olga
+Lapko, Marion Neubauer, \'Eric Picheral, Sebastian Rahtz, Bernd
+Raichle, Peter Sojka, Friedhelm Sowa, Philip Taylor, Ji\v r\'\i\
+Zlatu\v{s}ka, and myself. In addition to the papers, Philip Taylor
+and the $\varepsilon$\TeX{} and {\small NTS} team gave an overview of
+the present status of these two projects.
+The traditional Euro\TeX{} banquet was a great success, with a lot of
+atmosphere, champagne, wine, plenty of beer, good food, guitar playing
+and singing by several of the participants.
+The conference was closed by W{\l}odek Bzyl and Philip Taylor of the
+Organizing Committee, who announced the winners of the Best Paper
+contest (see above), and the location for next year's Euro\TeX\
+conference: somewhere in the Netherlands. Several tutorials were also
+held during the weekend, including a marathon 20 hours on advanced
+\TeX\ macro writing.
+Yes, it was a good conference, and quite different from the 1994 \TUG\
+annual meeting, whose theme was ``innovation''. In Gda\'nsk, more
+attention was given to practical issues of typesetting in multiple
+languages and working with cheap printers and machines (hyphenation,
+the use of \MF{}, {\small MS-DOS} related developments). I can only
+congratulate the local organizers, especially W{\l}odek Bzyl and Tomek
+Przechlewski, for their nice work.\footnote[1]{A copy of the 200-page
+Proceedings of the Euro\TeX94 conference can be obtained by sending 15
+DM (postage included) to W{\l}odek Bzyl, Instytut Matematyki,
+Uniwersytet Gda\'nski, Wita Stwosza 57, PL 80-952, Poland.}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \begin{tabular}{||p{11.5cm}||}
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\large\bf CTAN ftp sites} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ \noalign{\vspace{2pt}}
+ ``\ctan''\ --- the Comprehensive \TeX\ Archive Network --- is
+ cited so often in this publication that it would be useful to
+ have the three basic archives listed in \ttn\ permanently.
+ This will not only save space in individual articles which
+ often include this information, but it will also put it in a
+ regular spot where you can always find it. \\ [4pt]
+ \hfil \tt \hfil \tt /tex-archive/ \\
+ \hfil \tt \hfil \tt /tex-archive/ \\
+ \hfil \tt \hfil \tt /tex-archive/ \\ [4pt]
+ To find a list of \ctan\ hosts, do
+ {\tt finger}. \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+%% Election material (pp.19-20):
+\Section{1995 \TeX{} Users Group Election}
+The terms of the \tug\ President and of 5 members of the Board of
+Directors will expire as of the 1995 Annual Business Meeting, which
+will take place in conjunction with the 16th Annual Meeting in July
+1995. The directors whose terms expire in 1995 are Barbara Beeton,
+Michael Doob, Michel Goossens, and Tom Rokicki; a shortfall in the
+number of nominees in the last election left one position unfilled.
+The election to choose the new President and Board members will be
+held next Spring, and nominations are invited.
+The Bylaws provide that ``Any member may be nominated for election to
+the office of \tug\ President/to the Board by submitting a nomination
+petition in accordance with the \tug\ Election Procedures. Election
+$\ldots$ shall be by written mail ballot of the entire membership,
+carried out in accordance with those same Procedures.'' The term of
+office of the President is two (2) years, and of a director, three (3)
+years. Incumbent officers may be nominated for successive terms.
+The name of any member may be placed in nomination for election to one
+of these offices by submission of a petition, signed by two other
+current (1994 or 1995) members, to the \tug\ office at least 30 days
+prior to the mailing of ballots. (A candidate's membership dues for
+1995 will be expected to be paid by the nomination deadline.) A
+petition form follows this announcement; forms may also be obtained
+from the \tug\ office, and electronically from the {\tt usergrps/tug}
+area of {\small CTAN}.
+Along with a petition form, each candidate is asked to supply a
+passport-size photograph, a short biography, and a statement of intent
+to be included with the ballot; the biography and statement of intent
+together may not exceed 400 words.
+The deadline for receipt at the \tug\ office of petitions and ballot
+information is {\bf February 1, 1995}.
+Ballots will be mailed to all members early in March. Marked ballots
+must be postmarked no later than {\bf May 9}, and received no later
+than {\bf May 23}. These deadlines will be noted on the ballots.
+Ballots will be counted by a disinterested party not part of the \tug\
+organization. The results of the election should be available by the
+end of May, and will be announced in a future issue of this
+publication as well as through variuos \TeX-related electronic lists.
+Barbara Beeton\\
+for the Elections Committee
+%% Nomination form (1 page):
+ {\leavevmode\vbox to 8.5pt{\hsize=10.5pt \hrule
+ \hbox to 10.5pt{\vrule height 8.5pt depth 2pt width.4pt \hfil
+ \vrule width.4pt}
+ \hrule}}
+\Section{Nomination for 1995 TUG Election}
+Only current (1994 or 1995) TUG members are eligible to participate.
+The signatures of two (2) members are required in addition to that of
+the nominee. {\bf Type or print} names clearly, exactly as they
+appear in the most recent TUG membership list or on a TUG mailing
+label; new members should enter the name which they used on their
+membership application form. Names that do not exactly match the TUG
+records will not be accepted as valid.
+\noindent The undersigned \tug\ members propose the nomination of:
+\SigRule & \SigRule & \DateRule \\
+\bf Name of nominee & (signature) & (date) \\
+\noindent for the position of (check one):\\ [4pt]
+\CheckBox\ {\small\bf TUG President}\\ [4pt]
+\CheckBox\ {\bf Member of the {\small\bf TUG} Board of Directors}\\ [4pt]
+for a term beginning at the 1995 Annual Meeting, {\bf July 1995}.
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{\large \bf Members supporting this nomination} \\
+\bf Nominated by & \bf Signature & \bf Date \\
+(please print) & & \\
+\SigRule & \SigRule & \DateRule \\
+\SigRule & \SigRule & \DateRule \\
+\noindent Return this petition to the TUG office (FAXed petition forms
+will be accepted). Petitions and all required supplementary material
+(photograph, biography and personal statement for inclusion on the
+ballot) must be received in the TUG office no later than {\bf February
+1, 1995}. It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that
+this deadline is met. Under no circumstances will incomplete
+applications be accepted.
+\TeX\ Users Group \hfil {\bf FAX: } 805-963-8358\endgraf}
+\indent {\bf Nominations for 1995 Election}\\
+\indent P.O.~Box 869\\
+\indent Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0869\\
+\indent U.S.A.
+%% Board Activities (pp.21-23):
+\Section{Summary of Board Meeting, 29--31 July 1994}
+ Peter Flynn \\
+ Secretary, \TeX\ Users Group
+\noindent The Board of Directors that you elect meets every year
+before and during the Annual Meeting to discuss and decide matters of
+policy. Board Meetings are open to all \tug\ members as observers, but
+only the Directors can speak or vote.
+The last few years have been a mixture of difficult and productive
+times for \tug. The Board is grateful for the services of its members,
+the \tug\ office staff and the many volunteers who have worked hard
+and long to promote the use and development of \TeX\ and its
+associated applications.
+The main topics discussed at this year's meeting are summarised below.
+\subsection*{Services to TUG members and to the \TeX\ community}
+The \tug\ office completed its first full year in the new location,
+Santa Barbara. The move from Providence had been difficult, but the
+Executive Director, Pat Monohon, said the new office was now providing
+worldwide support 3\thinspace am--7\thinspace pm (Pacific), and most
+of the backlog of paperwork had now been sorted out.
+\tug\ membership to date for 1994 was 2,117 (including 386 new
+ \begin{tabular}{lrlr}
+ United States & 1,057 & Middle East & 10 \\
+ Europe & 773 & Central/South America & 8 \\
+ Asia & 105 & Africa & 5 \\
+ Canada & 95 & Mexico & 4 \\
+ \multicolumn{4}{l}{Australia/New Zealand/South Pacific \qquad 60} \\
+ \end{tabular}
+The individual membership rate for 1995 was reduced by \$5 to \$55,
+with the option of a \$40 rate for members who did not wish to receive
+\TUB. Institutional membership categories have been simplified to only
+one: \$350 for seven named individuals, and \$50 for each additional
+person. Joint memberships are available with the {\small UKTUG} and
+the \ntg, with a savings of 10\%. As well, the discount for members
+was increased from 10\% to 20\%, effective immediately; and membership
+numbers will be distributed via the 1995 renewal notices. A new
+photocopying service of past \TUB\ articles will also be instituted,
+pending final arrangements.
+Other issues related to the office included equipment upgrades, to
+better serve office and member needs (some of the older 286s require a
+friendly ``nudge'' in order to boot!); an Internet connection,
+allowing ftp would be installed by late fall.
+With respect to the larger community, the work of George Greenwade and
+others on the development of the \ctan\ archives was recognised. Also
+at the more general level, \tug\ will continue to monitor the progress
+of the {\small ISO} move to recognise ``Publicly Available
+Specifications ({\small PAS}), with the possibility of seeing \TeX\
+adopted as a {\small PAS}. This would materially assist many
+organizations who are bound to use only {\small ISO}-approved systems
+to introduce \TeX. And finally, the president was requested to write a
+letter of appreciation to Doug Henderson, who had provided much
+support for \tug\ over the years, especially in the form of t-shirts
+for \tug\ conferences, and who had now left the \TeX\ world to pursue
+other interests.
+\subsection*{Reports from committees}
+Many committees submitted reports on their activities: the Bursary
+Fund, Vendors, the Knuth Scholarship, Elections, Conference Planning,
+Publications and Documentation, as well as a report from the Technical
+The Bursary Committee requested that the contributors to this year's
+fund, which made it possible for three people to attend the meeting in
+Santa Barbara, be publicly acknowledged and thanked:
+ \begin{tabular}{lrlr}
+ GUTenberg &1,000 & Members & 415 \\
+ TUG & 500 & UK\TeX UG & 300 \\
+ \end{tabular}
+The board approved a budget allocation of \$2,000 for next year's
+bursary fund.
+The Knuth Scholar for 1994 is Shelly Lee Ames of the University of
+Manitoba, for the extent and quality of her work for the {\sl Canadian
+Journal of Mathematics\/}. She now becomes a member of next year's
+Scholarship Committee.
+The Elections Committee outlined the schedule for the election of a
+new president and five positions on the board in the spring of
+1995.\footnote[1]{See pp.~19--20 for instructions and nomination form
+The Conference Planning Committee announced it had received only one
+confirmed offer to host the 1996 \tug\ meeting, but that others were
+pending. A final decision on the 1996 site should be made before the
+end of the current calendar year.
+The Pubs/Docs Committee presented information on various issues that
+had been occupying their time: info-sheets; agreement to allow authors
+to circulate preprints of their \TUB\ articles; a request for funds to
+allow for some colour inserts into the Proceedings issue of \TUB\
+Michael Ferguson, chair of the Technical Council, reported on
+activities in the various \twg s, emphasising that ``the recipe for
+the success of any \twg\ is to have an enthusiastic chair and a
+community of interest.'' A list of all \twg s will be posted to \ctan\
+in the near future.
+\subsection*{Relationships with other user groups in the \TeX\ field}
+Since 1989, representatives of the five biggest local user groups
+(\dante\ [German-speaking], Nordic, \GUTenberg\ [French-speaking],
+\ntg\ [Dutch-speaking] and {\small UKTUG}) have sat on \tug's Board.
+As the number and size of local user groups has grown, it has become
+increasingly difficult to provide an effective structural relationship
+which allows \tug\ to honour its obligations to its own members as
+well as to serve and assist developing groups of users elsewhere. In
+the wake of the withdrawal of its representative by \dante, it was
+decided that a new approach was needed. The \tug\ President, Christina
+Thiele, was therefore mandated to consult with all the local user
+groups and report at the 1995 meeting on suitable means for improving
+representation and participation. It was agreed that, if possible, she
+should travel to the upcoming Euro\TeX'94 meeting in Gda\'nsk, Poland.
+In the meantime, the Executive Committee will seek to reach agreements
+for cooperation with all local user groups; such cooperation would
+include providing two copies of \TUB\ and \ttn\ to each group, and
+instituting joint membership discount rates.
+The 1993 deficit, expected to be 30,000, was only 16,000, mainly
+due to very firm budgetting efforts made by the office, in particular
+by the Executive Director, Patricia Monohon. For the current year, the
+prognosis is to reach a very small deficit, provided no unexpected
+expenses arise. Finances are tight, but with staff cutbacks and other
+reductions in operating expenses, we are managing to hold our own.
+\subsection*{New addresses for member comments}
+During the business meeting at this summer's conference, there was a
+suggestion made to start up an address for \tug\ members to send their
+comments and suggestions to. The following addresses are now
+available: either {\tt} or {\tt
+TUG\}. We'll see how they work and hopefully will be
+able to report on the success of the new venture.
+%% TUG Courses for 1995 (p.24):
+\Section{\Large\bf \TeX\ Users Group \\
+ 1995 Course Schedule}
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Beginning/Intermediate \TeX}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Intensive Course in \LaTeXe} \\
+\quad Santa Barbara & Feb.\ 6--10
+ & \quad Santa Barbara & Jan.\ 30 -- Feb.\ 3 \\ [6pt]
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Adv.\ \TeX\ and Macro Writing}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl \llap{*}Modifying \LaTeX\
+ Style/Class Files} \\
+\quad Santa Barbara & Feb.\ 13--17
+ & \quad Santa Barbara & [to be announced] \\ [6pt]
+ *If there is enough demand, this course will be
+ offered. Check with the \tug\ office.} \\ [6pt]
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item \tug\ courses are small, with 8--15 students in most classes.
+ \item Dates and locations subject to change. Direct course
+ inquiries to the \tug\ office. Anyone interested in courses
+ dealing with \TeX\ and {\small SGML} should contact the
+ office as well.
+ \item \tug\ office: phone 805-963-1338\quad
+ \fax\ 805-963-8358\quad
+ {\tt}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \large\bf On-Site \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ Courses from \TUG\
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item Courses in \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, {\small SGML} and \TeX,
+ \PS, or \TeX{} for Publishers tailored to the needs of
+ your group
+ \item Courses at every level from beginning to advanced
+ \item Five full days of instruction at your site
+ \item One-week course fee includes all instructor fees and expenses
+ plus textbooks and other materials for up to 15 students
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \begin{tabular}{||ll||} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf 1995 TTN
+ Schedule for Submissions} \\ [4pt]
+ \hline \mbox{\hspace{3.75cm}} & \\ [-6pt]
+ \qquad Jan.\ issue (1995) & \quad \bf Dec.\ 1st* \\
+ \qquad April issue & \quad \bf Mar.\ 1st \\ [2pt]
+ \qquad July issue & \quad \bf June 1st \\
+ \qquad Oct.\ issue & \quad \bf Sept.\ 1st \\ [2pt]
+ \hline
+ \noalign{\vskip2pt}
+ \multicolumn{2}{l}{*Due to the lateness of the current issue, this } \\
+ \multicolumn{2}{l}{\p{*}deadline is ``flexible.''} \\
+ \multicolumn{2}{l}{\empty} \\ [-6pt]
+ \end{tabular}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+%% Upcoming Events (p.25):
+\Section{Upcoming Events}
+{\tabcolsep4pt \setbox 0 = \hbox {\bf Spring 1994}
+\dimen 0 = \hsize
+\advance \dimen 0 by -6\tabcolsep
+\advance \dimen 0 by -\wd 0
+\advance \dimen 0 by -4.5 cm
+\begin{tabular}{p{\wd 0}p{4.5cm}p{\dimen 0}}
+\bf 13--14 Oct. & {\small\bf DANTE} 11th meeting: \nl
+ Lindau (Harz), Germany.
+ & Helmut Kopka \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 19~Oct. & {\small\bf UKTUG}: \nl
+ Annual General Meeting \nl
+ Univ.\ of Warwick.
+ & R.A.\ Bailey \\
+\bf 14--15 Nov.
+ & {\small\bf CNRS}:
+ First 2 days of a 5-day seminar on
+ \LaTeX2e. \nl
+ Gif-sur-Yvette (near Paris), France.
+ & Christian Rolland -- CNRS \nl
+ Bureau de formation -- B\^at.\ 10B \nl
+ Av.\ de la Terrasse \nl
+ F-91198 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex \\
+\bf 17 Nov. & {\small\bf NTG} 14th Meeting:\nl
+ ``Publishing with \AllTeX''.\nl
+ Antwerp, Belgium.
+ & Gerard van Nes \nl
+ {\tt }\\
+\mbox{\llap{\bf 1995\quad}}%
+\bf 1--3 March & {\small\bf DANTE} 12th meeting: \nl
+ Gie\ss en, Germany.
+ & G\"unter Partosch \nl
+ {\tt Guenter.Partosch@} \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf May & {\small\bf TUG} 16th Annual Meeting:\nl
+ St.\ Petersburg Beach, Florida
+ & Mimi Burbank, coordinator \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+ \begin{tabular}{||p{11cm}||}
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\large\bf TUGboat Delays} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline \hline
+ \mbox{\empty} \\ [-6pt]
+ {\sl TUGboat\/}'s second issue of 1995 has been delayed due
+ to an unfortunate combination of logistical and production
+ problems, including internal office moves by the editor,
+ enforced storage of all materials relating to issue \#2, as
+ well as unexpected difficulties in actual file processing.
+ {\sl TUGboat\/} 15, \#2 is now at the printer's. {\sl
+ TUGboat\/} \#3 (the proceedings issue) will follow shortly,
+ and \#4 is already in progress. \\ [6pt]
+ We offer our sincere apologies and regrets for these
+ delays; steps have already been taken to begin addressing
+ the various problems experienced this year. \\ [-6pt]
+ \mbox{\empty} \\
+ \hline \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+%% Fun and Games (p.26):
+\Section{Fun and Games}
+Andrew's anagrams from last issue were perhaps not as obscure as I'd
+thought! Here are the answers \dots\ and a few more anagrams that
+aren't so easy --- no hints this time as to what they
+are!\footnote[1]{So how does Andrew do it? He's devised an Anagrams
+program, of course! Shortly to become available as shareware for
+Macs. Get in touch with Andrew at {\tt
+atrevorr\} if you want more details. --
+ 1. & Barry Smith & 9. & Leslie Lamport \\
+ 2. & Nelson Beebe & 10. & Yannis Haralambous \\
+ 3. & Barbara Beeton & 11. & Christina Thiele \\
+ 4. & Georgia Tobin & 12. & Anita Hoover \\
+ 5. & Donald E.~Knuth & 13. & Roswitha Graham \\
+ 6. & Frank Mittelbach & 14. & Luzia Dietsche \\
+ 7. & Pat Monohon & 15. & Chris Rowley \\
+ 8. & Tom Rokicki & 16. & Sebastian Rahtz \\
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ 1. & computer sonatas expertly animated
+ & 6. & exit impotent father \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 2. & man on telepathic ox & 7. & both men take food \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 3. & keenest oxide homicide & 8. & chisel ears \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 4. & impudent inn escapades & 9. & wasted next gnu \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 5. & genteel bug rattler & 10. & evil elk bras \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+%% Index for Volume 3 (pp.27-28):
+ \bf -- #1 --
+ \end{center}
+ }
+\twocolumn[\Section{1994 TTN Index}
+All references show the {\bf volume},number:page; outside back cover
+is noted as C4.
+{\footnotesize \baselineskip=10pt
+ \parsep=1pt
+ \leftmargin0pt
+ \listparindent=-12pt}
+\item Books
+ \subitem Russian books about \TeX\ {\bf 3},4:5;
+ \subsubitem see also ``New Publications''
+\item Corrigendum {\bf 3},4:11 (refers to {\bf 3},3:7)
+\item 1994 Course Schedule {\bf 3},1:27; {\bf 3},2:26; {\bf 3},3:26;
+ \subitem {\bf 3},4:24
+\item CTAN ftp sites {\bf 3},4:18
+\item Did you know \ldots~? {\bf 3},3:2
+\item Editorials {\bf 3},1:1; {\bf 3},2:1; {\bf 3},3:1; {\bf 3},4:1
+\item Eight Great Reasons to Join the \TeX\
+ \subitem Users Group {\bf 3},1:C4
+\item Board Elections {\bf 3},2:25; {\bf 3},3:23; {\bf 3},4:19
+ \subitem Nomination form {\bf 3},4:20
+\item Fun and Games {\bf 3},1:14; {\bf 3},2:28; {\bf 3},3:24, 28;
+ \subitem {\bf 3},4:26
+\item ``Hey --- it works!''
+ \subitem A double summation sign {\bf 3},3:10
+ \subitem A page-numbering scheme {\bf 3},3:8
+ \subitem A style for dropped capitals {\bf 3},1:19
+ \subitem Addresses in headings {\bf 3},3:9
+ \subitem Italic correction everywhere {\bf 3},1:15
+ \subitem Making tables by iteration {\bf 3},2:12
+ \subitem Matrix icons via \LaTeX\ {\bf 3},3:11
+ \subitem Non-nested braces {\bf 3},2:8
+ \subitem Overlaying symbols {\bf 3},2:10
+ \subitem Plain \TeX, Self-Prompting Label
+ \subsubitem Maker {\bf 3},1:17
+ \subitem Self-expanding acronyms {\bf 3},4:6
+ \subitem Squashed heads {\bf 3},4:6
+ \subitem Under- and over-brackets and
+ \subsubitem parentheses {\bf 3},4:9
+\item Index {\bf 3},4:27
+\item Knuth Scholarship {\bf 3},1:25
+\item \AllTeX\ News
+ \subitem Announcing Elsevier Science {\tt .sty}
+ \subsubitem files {\bf 3},1:12
+ \subitem Announcing {\sl Serif} {\bf 3},2:14
+ \subitem Arab\TeX\ v3.00 now available {\bf 3},1:12
+ \subitem BaKoMa Fonts Collection {\bf 3},4:12
+ \subitem Bibliographies now available {\bf 3},4:13
+ \subitem Fall releases from Karl Berry {\bf 3},4:13
+ \subitem French Style Files, v3.25 {\bf 3},1:13
+ \subitem Fraktur German Gothic font {\bf 3},2:14
+ \subitem German node of \ctan\ has moved {\bf 3},2:13
+ \subitem New group forming {\bf 3},3:17
+ \subitem New list for linguistics and \TeX\ {\bf 3},1:14
+ \subitem New list of publications available {\bf 3},1:14
+ \subitem New {\tt} file v1.1 available {\bf 3},1:13
+ \subitem New releases from Karl Berry {\bf 3},1:13;
+ \subsubitem {\bf 3},2:15; {\bf 3},4:13
+ \subitem News from vendors {\bf 3},2:16; {\bf 3},3:17; {\bf 3},4:14
+ \subitem NTG's CD of 4All\TeX\ {\bf 3},2:14
+ \subitem {\tt RELABEL} on \ctan\ {\bf 3},3:16
+ \subitem The new \LaTeX\ on \ctan\ {\bf 3},3:15
+ \subitem TIQWAH {\bf 3},3:15
+ \subitem {\sl TUGboat\/} tables of contents
+ \subsubitem on-line {\bf 3},2:13
+ \subitem User group info on \ctan\ {\bf 3},3:16
+ \subitem Where to announce new releases {\bf 3},2:15
+\item \LaTeX3 Project
+ \subitem Welcome to {\sl \LaTeX\ News} {\bf 3},3:13
+ \subitem \LaTeX3 in '93 {\bf 3},1:7
+\item 4all\TeX\ CD-ROM {\em second\/} edition {\bf 3},4:12
+\item New Publications
+ \subitem Books {\bf 3},1:4; {\bf 3},2:6; {\bf 3},3:6; {\bf 3},4:4
+ \subitem Articles {\bf 3},1:5; {\bf 3},2:7; {\bf 3},3:6; {\bf 3},4:4
+ \subitem Newsletters{ \bf 3},1:6; {\bf 3},2:7; {\bf 3},3:7; {\bf 3},4:4
+\item Nomination form {\bf 3},4:20
+\item Reports on Meetings
+ \subitem CyrTUG {\bf 3},3:20; {\bf 3},4:16
+ \subitem DANTE'94 {\bf 3},3:18
+ \subitem Euro\TeX'94 (Poland) {\bf 3},2:24; {\bf 3},4:17
+ \subitem GUST (Bacho\TeX'94) {\bf 3},3:19
+ \subitem GUTenberg {\bf 3},3:22
+ \subitem Nordic Group {\bf 3},2:20; {\bf 3},3:20
+ \subitem NTG {\bf 3},1:23; {\bf 3},3:22
+ \subitem TUG'94 {\bf 3},1:24; {\bf 3},2:21; {\bf 3},2:C4;
+ {\bf 3},3:C4;
+ \subsubitem {\bf 3},4:15
+ \subsubitem Prelim.\ Program {\bf 3},2:22
+ \subitem UK \TeX\ Users' Group {\bf 3},1:23
+\item Teaser {\bf 3},1:14; {\bf 3},2:28
+\item Tester {\bf 3},2:28; {\bf 3},3:24
+\item Tips {\bf 3},3:7; {\bf 3},4:11
+\item \ttn\ Schedule {\bf 3},1:1; {\bf 3},2:25; {\bf 3},3:7;
+ {\bf 3},4:24
+\item TUG Board Activities
+ \subitem Board meeting (summary) {\bf 3},4:21
+ \subitem Getting \tug\ info from \ctan\ {\bf 3},3:25
+ \subitem 1994 Knuth Scholarship {\bf 3},1:25
+ \subitem New officers {\bf 3},2:25
+ \subitem New faces on the board {\bf 3},3:25
+ \subitem TUG Committees
+ \subsubitem Conf.\ Planning Committee {\bf 3},2:25
+ \subsubitem Election Committee {\bf 3},4:20
+\item Typographer's Inn
+ \subitem Accent test {\bf 3},3:5
+ \subitem Apology {\bf 3},2:5
+ \subitem Books {\bf 3},2:4; {\bf 3}, 3:4
+ \subitem Boxed keycaps {\bf 3},4:3
+ \subitem Boxes {\bf 3},1:3
+ \subitem Ditto marks {\bf 3},2:3
+ \subitem DTP --- Framemaker {\bf 3},3:5
+ \subitem The em-rule or dash {\bf 3},1:2
+ \subitem Extended plain \TeX\ {\bf 3},1:2
+ \subitem Footnotes {\bf 3},1:3
+ \subitem Interletter spacing {\bf 3},1:3; {\bf 3},2:4
+ \subitem Kerning test {\bf 3},3:5
+ \subitem \LaTeX\ blues {\bf 3},4:3
+ \subitem Mailbox {\bf 3},2:3
+ \subitem Metafonts {\bf 3},3:5
+ \subitem Movin' on {\bf 3},4:3
+ \subitem The name of the beast {\bf 3},4:2
+ \subitem Paper sizes {\bf 3},4:2
+ \subitem {\sl Serif\/} Magazine {\bf 3},2:5
+ \subitem Shady practice {\bf 3},2:3; {\bf 3},3:3
+ \subitem Soapbox {\bf 3},3:3
+\item Upcoming Events {\bf 3},1:28; {\bf 3},2:27; {\bf 3},3:27;
+ \subitem {\bf 3},4:25
+\item User Groups {\bf 3},3:16; {\bf 3},3,17
+ \subitem see also ``New Publications'' (newsletters), ``Reports on
+ Meetings''
+\item Vendors {\bf 3},2:16; {\bf 3},3:17; {\bf 3},4:14
+\item ``You Rang~\ldots~?''
+ \subitem More about protecting ``fragile'' commands
+ \subsubitem {\bf 3},2:19
+ \subitem {\tt report.sty}: breaking lines in the Table of
+ \subsubitem Contents {\bf 3},2:18
+ \subitem The look of automatically-generated
+ \subsubitem numbers {\bf 3},2:17
+%% Cover 3 (Table of Contents):
+{\vsize=47pc \baselineskip=11.75pt
+ {\Sectionfont \TeX{} and TUG NEWS\\
+ \medskip
+ Table of Contents}
+\contentsline {section}{{\it Editorial}}{1}
+\contentsline {section}{Typographer's Inn \\
+ \indent {\em Peter Flynn}}{2}
+\contentsline {section}{New Publications \\
+ \indent {\em Peter Schmitt}}{4}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Russian books about \TeX}{5}
+\contentsline {section}{``Hey --- it works!''\\
+ \indent {\em Jeremy Gibbons}}{}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Squashed heads
+ \quad {\em Kees van der Laan}}{6}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Squashed heads: a better solution \dots
+ \quad {\em Michael Barr}}{7}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Squashed heads: and yet another solution
+ \quad {\em Mike Piff}}{7}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Under- and over-brackets and
+ parentheses
+ \quad {\em Michael Barr}}{9}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Self-expanding acronyms
+ \quad {\em John V.\ Langer}}{10}
+\contentsline {section}{Corrigendum}{11}
+\contentsline {section}{\AllTeX\ News \\
+ \indent \hskip-4pt 4all\TeX\ CD-ROM {\em second\/} edition \\
+ \mbox{}\qquad\quad {\em Frans Goddijn}}{12}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad BaKoMa Fonts Collection \\
+ \qquad {\em Basil Malyshev}}{12}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad Bibliographies now available \\
+ \qquad {\em Nelson Beebe}}{13}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad Fall releases from Karl Berry \\
+ \qquad {\em Karl Berry}}{13}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad News from vendors \\
+ \qquad {\em Christina Thiele}}{14}
+\contentsline {section}{Reports on Meetings \\
+ \indent \tug'94}{15}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Cyr\tug' 94}{16}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Euro\TeX'94}{17}
+\contentsline {section}{\ctan\ ftp sites}{18}
+\contentsline {section}{1995 \TeX\ Users Group Election}{19}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Nomination form}{20}
+\contentsline {section}{Summary of \tug\ Board Meeting}{21}
+\contentsline {section}{\TUG\ 1995 Course Schedule}{24}
+\contentsline {section}{Upcoming Events}{25}
+\contentsline {section}{Fun and Games}{26}
+\contentsline {section}{1994 TTN Index}{27}
+ \bf Volume 3, No.\ 4, 1994
+%% Cover 4 (TUG'95 promo):
+ {\Large\bf TUG$\,$'95} \\ [10pt]
+ {\Large\sl --- St.\,Petersburg Beach, Florida --- } \\ [6pt]
+ {\Large\sl July 24--28, 1995}
+\noindent The \TeX\ Users Group is proud to announce that the {\bf
+sixteenth} annual meeting will be held at the TradeWinds Hotel, in
+St.\,Petersburg Beach, Florida, July 24--28, 1995. We would like to
+extend a warm invitation to \TeX\ users around the world---come join
+us at one of the largest and most beautiful resort beaches in Florida,
+as we explore where \TeX\ is to be found and how its users are going
+far beyond---or are diverging from---its initial mathematical context.
+The theme of the meeting will be ``Real World \TeX'' and we plan to
+have demonstrations of pre- and post-processors, and the active
+participation of developers and vendors, in hopes that {\bf you}, the
+user, may discover ``hands-on'' just what can be done with \TeX, \MF,
+\PS, and other utilities!
+Commercial users of \TeX\ are particularly encouraged to attend. The
+meeting will feature papers of interest to publishers and \TeX\
+vendors, a panel discussion addressing commercial users' needs and
+wants, and a gallery for displaying samples of \TeX\ work.
+There will be the usual courses associated with the meeting: {\em
+Intensive Courses} in \LaTeXe\ and \TeX, PostScript, Graphics, and
+perhaps other topics. The meeting itself will have excellent speakers,
+panel discussions, workshops, poster displays, Birds-of-a-Feather
+sessions (BoFs) and technical demonstrations.
+\hrule height1pt
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf Getting Information} \\ [2pt]
+ \small \baselineskip=10.5pt
+ A preliminary schedule will be available in February of 1995, so be
+ sure to look for updates in \TTN\ and \TUB, on the World Wide
+ Web, at \verb+\nl
+ \verb+tug95sched.html+, as well as on the CTAN archives in
+ \verb+tex-archive/usergrps/tug/+. \nl
+ \nl
+ Nearer the time of the conference, there will be an on-line form for
+ registration (\verb+tug95form.html+) located on the WWW cited above.\nl
+ \nl
+ Send suggestions and requests to\nl {\tt}.
+ & \small \baselineskip=10.5pt
+ The \tug95 committee will be working with individuals who wish to
+ share accommodations, to help defray expenses. The Bursary Fund
+ is also available to assist \TeX\ users who demonstrate need. All
+ members are encouraged to consider contributing to the fund. To
+ obtain more information about contributing to or applying for the
+ Bursary Fund, please contact the \tug\ office by email to
+ \ or by post to the address to \TeX\ Users
+ Group, P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0869 USA. \\
+\hrule height1pt
+ \begin{tabular}{lcl}
+ \multicolumn{3}{c}{\bf Deadlines} \\ [2pt]
+ Submission of Abstracts & $\diamond$ & January 13, 1995\\
+ Preliminary Papers Due & $\diamond$ & March 17, 1995\\
+ Preprint Deadline & $\diamond$ & June 23, 1995\\
+ Meeting Date & $\diamond$ & July 24--July 28, 1995\\
+ Camera Ready Deadline & $\diamond$ & August 25, 1995
+ \end{tabular}
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