path: root/info/digests/ttn/ttn3n3.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/ttn/ttn3n3.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/ttn/ttn3n3.tex')
1 files changed, 2187 insertions, 0 deletions
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index 0000000000..a904537b05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/ttn/ttn3n3.tex
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+%% This file contains all materials for TTN 3,3 (1994).
+%% IMPORTANT NOTICE: You *MUST* use version 3.3 of the TTN style
+%% file, called ttn3n3.sty.
+%% (Ch. Thiele, Editor, TTN).
+\documentstyle[twoside]{ttn3n3} %% Version 3.3, June 1994
+% 1992.2.27: fix for underfull hboxes suggested by Phil Taylor (CJC)
+\tolerance = 1817 \hbadness = \tolerance
+%% Cover 1:
+%% For camera copy file, replace this page with material from file
+%% camera-copy-cover.tex
+ Volume 3, Number 3
+ July 1994
+\hrule height2pt
+ \Huge \TeX\ and TUG NEWS
+\hrule height2pt
+ for and by the \TeX\ community
+ A Publication of the\\
+ \TeX\ Users Group\\
+ Electronic version
+} %% end of \Large
+%% COVER 2 (editorial information):
+ {\Sectionfont\TeX{} and TUG NEWS}
+{\small \baselineskip=10pt
+\begin{center} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}
+ \begin{tabular}{||lp{9.5cm}||}
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf Mission Statement} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{2}{||l||}{The \TUG\ (\tug) provides leadership:} \\
+ 1. & to encourage and expand the use of \TeX, \MF, and related
+ systems \\
+ 2. & to ensure the integrity and portability of \TeX, \MF, and
+ related systems \\
+ 3. & to foster innovation in high-quality electronic document
+ preparation \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+\noindent \TTN\ is a newsletter for \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} users alike:
+{\em a forum for exchanging information, tips and suggestions\/}; {\em
+a regular means of communicating news items to one another\/}; {\em a
+place where information about \TeX{} and TUG can be quickly
+Throughout the newsletter ``\TeX'' is understood to mean \TeX, \LaTeX,
+\AmSTeX, and other related programs and macros. \TTN\ is produced with
+the standard \LaTeX{} distribution, and is to be as portable a document
+as possible.
+The entire contents of this newsletter are being placed in the public
+domain. The source file of this issue will be placed in the CTAN
+archives. Copying and reprinting are encouraged; however, an
+acknowledgement specifying \TTN\ as the source would be appreciated.
+Submissions to \TTN\ should be short, the macros must work, and the
+files {\bf must} run without special font or graphics requirements:
+this is to be a {\em portable\/} newsletter (the new font selection
+scheme has not yet been implemented). Correspondence may be sent via
+e-mail to {\tt} with the subject line {\tt NEWSLETTER}\@.
+Advertisements are accepted in \ttn: contact the \tug\ office for
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ \bf \TUG & Phone: & +1 (805) 963-1338 \\
+ P.O.\ Box 869 & \fax: & +1 (805) 963-8358 \\
+ Santa Barbara, CA 93102 USA & E-mail: & \tt \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\TeX{} is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
+\par} %% end of \small \baselineskip=10pt
+{\footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt
+\noindent \TTN\ (ISSN 1065-240X) is published quarterly by the \TeX\
+Users Group, 735 State Street, P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102,
+U.S.A\@. The 1994 dues for individual members are \$60.00 for regular
+members and \$30.00 for students.
+Second-class postage paid at Santa Barbara, CA, and additional mailing
+offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to \TTN, \TeX\ Users Group,
+P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, U.S.A.
+Membership in the \TeX\ Users Group is for the calendar year, and
+includes all issues of {\sl TUGboat} and {\sl \TeX\ and TUG NEWS\/}
+for the year in which membership begins or is renewed. Individual
+membership is open only to named individuals, and carries with it such
+rights and responsibilities as voting in the annual election.
+\par} %% end of \footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt
+%% Editorial (pp.1-2):
+\markboth{\TTN\quad Vol.\ 3, No.\ 3, 1994}
+ {\TTN\quad Vol.\ 3, No.\ 3, 1994}
+\setcounter{page}{1} %% to set first page of contents to p.1
+Heading into deep summer now, this issue brings you lots of reports on
+user group meetings which have taken place over the past several
+months. Very interesting to see the types of presentations --- and the
+repeated appearances which the \LaTeX\ team are making, to ensure that
+everyone has a chance to hear and/or read about the new upgrade. \tug\
+members will have that opportunity at the annual meeting (which may be
+going on right now --- this issue has been delayed a little bit). But
+not to fear --- there will be lots of written material coming out in
+the proceedings issue of {\sl TUGboat\/}, and in subsequent issues.
+This is a major upgrade, and an important effort to bring \LaTeX\ back
+to a standard, uniform, and compatible level --- something which I
+believe is one of the most important intentions behind and interwoven
+throughout \TeX, as a program: portability and compatibility across
+platforms, across geography. If we lose that compatibility, we lose
+our very special place in the world of document preparation.
+It is therefore very important for us all to see that this upgrade is
+done as quickly and as efficiently as possible. Do it badly, or do it
+too slowly, and the lurch will be noticeable. It took several years
+(well, ok --- many years) to move everyone off the old {\small AM}
+fonts into {\small CM}; it took a few years \dots\ several years to
+move almost everyone up to v.~3 of \TeX; let's see if we can't get
+this \LaTeX\ upgrade done in even less time. Talk to your
+department/systems administrators. Let them know the change is coming
+this summer. The material will be available as always from your
+favourite \ctan\ archive, and also on CD (I hear this is coming soon
+--- great news!). There will be documentation and instructions on how
+to make the changeover with minimal loss in production time. There
+will be {\em some\/} differences which some of us will trip over; that
+simply cannot be avoided. But the final results will be well worth it.
+\LaTeX\ is a bear to use, if you come from plain \TeX, or if you want
+to do a lot more than just write text; the upgrade will make that
+fiddling, that control, a lot more accessible, more `logical'.
+ *\quad *\quad*
+Unfortunately, you are probably reading these lines as the meeting is
+taking place \dots\ or as we're all heading homewards from Santa
+Barbara. I'd hoped to keep to the announced publication schedule for
+\ttn, but this past quarter year has been inordinately busy for me. I
+extend apologies to all who look to receiving this newsletter on time.
+Nevertheless, from what I can see of the program and events planned,
+this year's meeting looks like a really good one! And you can catch
+all the news in the proceedings issue of {\sl TUGboat\/}, which is
+going to be pretty thick! With presentations by the likes of Charles
+Bigelow (yup! the man who brought you Lucida) and Leslie Lamport,
+news on \BibTeX\ from Oren himself, and all the other goodies \dots\
+this should be pretty exciting.
+Peter Flynn has some comments on the \TeX-wars raging over on the word
+processing front --- points that we sometimes forget, or that we don't
+remember when talking to people who don't know about \TeX\@. \TeX\ is
+not a word processor. If you want one, use one. If you want quality,
+use \TeX\@. [\dots\ oh, I feel like inflaming someone this summer!
+\dots~] Peter also lists some good books to consult on fonts.
+Peter Schmitt's column gives us yet more \TeX\ books, more articles,
+and more newsletters. All those editors out there have been really
+busy this past spring!
+Jeremy's got some nice stuff: a page-numbering scheme from David
+Salomon (of Northridge-the-earthquake-epicenter!), Gerree Pecht with a
+double summation sign macro, and some fun stuff from Kees van der
+Laan, who never ceases to play around with \TeX! Jeremy himself puts
+in a bit of an explanation for a \ttn\ macro he set up when he started
+doing his column.
+A new feature added with this issue is {\sl \LaTeX~News\/} --- not to
+be confused with our regular column, ``\AllTeX\ News''. LN is a
+separate newsletter to be put out by the \LaTeX\ team, and ``will
+accompany every future release of \LaTeX.'' You'll find it on pp.\
+For the \MF\ Tester Contest, we had winners! See page 24 for results
+--- and congralations to all who sent in their best \MF\ phrasings.
+And to wrap it up, for your summertime enjoyment and {\it
+divertissement\/}, go to page 28 and see what Andrew Trevorrow's been
+up to lately.
+ Christina Thiele\\
+ Editor, \TTN
+ \begin{tabular}{||p{9.5cm}||}
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\large\bf Did you know \dots?} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ ``Only one person in all of computing history has ever won
+ both the {\small ACM} Turing Award for lasting technical
+ achievement and the Grace Murray Hopper Award for work done
+ prior to reaching the age of 30. Who is that person?'' \\ [6pt]
+ Answer: {\bf Donald Knuth}$\,$! \\ [6pt]
+ Second question asked on the {\sl Computer Chronicles\/}'
+ 6th Annual Computer Bowl All-Star Game (broadcast by {\small
+ PBS}, 11~June 1994). \\ [2pt]
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+%% Typographer's Inn (Peter Flynn column) (pp.3-5):
+\Section{Typographer's Inn}
+ pa-ra-me-ters au-to-ma-ting
+ helico-pter Frederic
+ JIVING Capi-tal
+ Ottawa}
+\parfillskip=\parindent plus1fil
+ Peter Flynn \\
+ University College Cork \\
+ \tt
+\subsection*{More shading}
+Following my note on shaded boxes in the last issue, Dean Guenther
+says he has incorporated Knuth's dithered font into a box macro for
+{\small TeXT1} which is fairly general: shading, shadows, lines,
+etc. It is available by anonymous \ftp\ from \verb||
+My gripe-of-the-year is publishers. Over the past two years I've
+noticed more and more books (novels, manuals, everything) being
+produced with exceptionally sloppy~typography.
+Some offences are clearly a result of the preparation of typesetting
+direct from wordprocessed text without adequate proofing, and could
+easily be avoided by using a proper text editor. A common one is
+hyphenated compounds like \hbox{`cast-~iron'} which obviously broke at
+the end of a line in the original wordprocessor, and retained the
+implicit space caused by the line-end in the form of an unwanted gap
+after the hyphen when the text was reset to the final length by the
+typesetter. Any half-way decent editor can find hyphens followed by
+newlines and let you delete them if~appropriate.
+Other matters are more~serious:
+ \item The white space above and below indented quotations (being
+ set in a smaller type) is not being removed when the
+ quotation falls at the top or bottom of a page, with the
+ result that the new page begins too far~down.
+ \item In a large number of cases, paragraphs are printed ending
+ with a single word on a line by itself. As this falls
+ immediately above the indented space of the next paragraph it
+ obtrudes too much adjacent white space on the~eye.
+ \item Occasionally, a paragraph ends with a line which fills the
+ entire width: a more even effect would be achieved in these
+ cases by adjusting things so that there is space at the end
+ of the line at least the same size as that used
+ for~indentation.
+\noindent It's a big selling point with \TeX\ that these things are
+either provided for automatically or can be introduced trivially. In
+the case of white space removal at page breaks, \TeX\ does it without
+asking; a tie between the last two words of a paragraph will avoid the
+second problem; and the setting of \verb|\parfillskip| to
+\verb|\parindent plus1fil| will fix the third. Yet many publishers
+have not even heard of \TeX.
+Infinitely more unpleasant is the thoroughly objectionable practice of
+turning off hyphenation. Regular readers will be aware of my views on
+the evils of letterspacing continuous text, and those who do not share
+them are invited to examine new publications to see the effects when
+hyphenation is forbidden. Is this mere ignorance, or some fear of
+hyphens? Or perhaps it is a sure knowledge that the
+hyphenation-and-justification routines in most wordprocessor and
+{\small DTP} systems are far from adequate?
+A polite letter to the publisher explaining all this can often work
+wonders: many of them are wholly unaware that some of their readers
+actually care enough about typography to raise the matter with them!
+One or two that I have contacted are now considering using \TeX\ to
+help them improve quality. One, however, insisted that his copy of
+WordPer***t produced results `far better than any fancy
+Michael Everson in Dublin recommends {\it Hermann Zapf and his design
+philosophy\/} (Chicago: Society of Typographic Arts 1987, \isbn\
+0--941447--00--6), although I think the price in Ireland frightened
+Karl Berry has reminded me of the bibliography available by anonymous
+\ftp\ from \verb|| in \verb|pub/tex/bib/type.bib|, and
+particularly recommends the following:
+ \item Walter Tracy's {\it Letters of Credit\/} (David R Godine,
+ Boston, 1986, US\$27.50). This is in two parts: the first on
+ general history and principles of type design, the second a
+ critical discussion of the work of Jan van Krimpen, Frederic
+ Goudy, Rudolf Koch, W.\ts A. Dwiggins, and Stanley Morison.
+ Tracy was head of type design for Linotype in Britain.
+ \item {\it Anatomy of a Typeface\/} by Alexander Lawson (David R
+ Godine, Boston, 1990).
+ \item {\it An Atlas of Typeforms\/} by James Sutton and Alan
+ Bartram (Chartwell Books, 1988, \isbn\ 1--55521--340--5), a
+ clear presentation of historic and formal
+ concepts. Reproduction of original and redesigned typefaces,
+ at both large and small scale.
+ \item Jan Tschichold's {\it A Treasury of Alphabets and
+ Lettering\/} (Omega Books, Ware [Hertfordshire, England]
+ \isbn\ 1--85007--007--5): the first part of the book is
+ essays on letterforms, typography, spacing, and so on. The
+ second part a collection of type specimens, thoroughly
+ annotated.
+\subsection*{Kerning test}
+A recent request on \verb|comp.text.tex| concerned lists of words for
+type designers to use when testing the kern settings for typefaces.
+Tom Duff of AT\&T posted the following list (seen 13 years ago at
+Computervision 81 in London by Alvy Ray Smith~III):
+%\hyphenpenalty=9999 \exhyphenpenalty=9999
+\noindent Tom comments that it would `probably not be promulgated
+today because of its semantic content', but political correctness has
+no place in a technical test. Computer Modern has a few minor
+unevennesses, but perhaps someone would like to test it with the Adobe
+`36' and anything else to hand, and report back.
+\subsection*{Accent test}
+Harry Dodsworth posted this little test phrase written by Marc E.\
+Gauthier of the National Capital FreeNet (Ottawa, Canada), to see if a
+font does French accents correctly:
+\noindent {\it D\`es No\"el, \c ca f\^ete d\'ej\`a o\`u g\^\i t
+While we're on the subject of fonts, I would like to thank Liam Quin
+for the work he does maintaining the public list of all known \MF\
+fonts. This is regularly posted on \verb|comp.fonts|, or you can get a
+copy from any of the \ctan\ archives as
+\verb|pub/archive/help/metafont-list|. I find it invaluable when
+answering queries from users about what is available and where it can
+be got.
+\subsection*{Desk Top Publishing with FrameMaker}
+I just received a brochure from a local dealer advertising a 5--day
+course in FrameMaker. If the quality of the brochure reflects the
+quality of the course then I shall be giving it a miss: it is a
+classic example of some of the dangers inherent in using visual-based
+{\small DTP}. A copy is available for \ftp\ from \verb||
+in \verb|pub/tex/| and I'm adding it to my Chamber of Horrors
+(further contributions welcomed).
+%% `New Publications' column (Peter Schmitt) (pp.6-7):
+\begin{New Publications}
+< Peter Schmitt \\
+< |schmitt@awirap.bitnet| \\
+< || \\
+> Abass Alamnehe:
+ eLaTeX: Document Preparation Guide
+ [in Amharic]
+ EthiO Systems, 1993.
+ xvi,230pp.
+ # This is a manual to e\LaTeX, an Ethiopian-based version of \LaTeX.
+> Jonathan Grosvenor, Kay Morrison & Alexander Pim: \|
+ The PostScript Font Handbook:
+ A Directory of Type 1 Fonts
+ Revised edition. Wokingham: Addison-Wesley, 1992.
+ ix,425pp. US\$41.50. \ISBN 0-201-56893-4 (paperback).
+ # For all those interested (or forced) to use PostScript fonts this
+ directory provides a comprehensive collection of font samples from
+ the font libraries of Adobe, Monotype, Linotype, and Agfa. Each
+ font is represented by a full-page profile including the character
+ set, a brief history, and hints for recommended usage. It includes
+ an introduction on PostScript fonts.
+> Leslie Lamport:
+ \LaTeX: A Document Preparation System
+ Second Edition. Addison-Wesley, 1994.
+ 180pp. US\$41.50. \ISBN 0-201-52983-1 (paperback).
+ # This new edition of the official \LaTeX\ manual describes
+ \LaTeX2e. It is announced to be available soon.
+> Marvin S. Margolis:
+ MG Mathematical Graphics System.
+ Notices of the American Mathematical Society:
+ vol. 41, no. 3 (March 1994)
+ 200--201
+ # ``The MG Mathematical Graphics System creates and displays two-
+ and three-dimensional mathematical graphics on an {\small
+ MS-DOS}-based personal computer and produces high-quality
+ PostScript output. The developers, R.~B.~Israel and R.~A.~Adams,
+ [\dots] primarily designed the relatively small program to assist
+ authors to create graphs to include in \TeX-typeset documents. It
+ is available from MG Software, 4223 West Ninth Avenue, Vancouver,
+ B.C., Canada V6R 2C6.'' [from the introduction of this review]
+> Heinz Werntges:
+ Grafik-Import in \LaTeX\ [Importing graphics under \LaTeX]
+ c't: 12/92, 252--258
+ # This survey article (in the German computer magazine, {\it c't\/})
+ discusses the various possibilities for including graphics into
+ \LaTeX\ documents. It has since been reprinted (slightly updated)
+ in _Die \TeX nische Kom\"odie_ (vol.~5, no.~2, 38--53 (1993)).
+> Baskerville:
+ vol.\ 4, no.\ 3, June 1994, 24pp.
+% Official newsletter of the UK \TeX\ Users' Group.
+% Contact:
+> Les Cahiers GUTenberg: \mbox{\empty} \nl
+ No.\ 16, f\'evrier 1994, 82pp. \issn\ 1140-9304. Thematic issue:
+ {\sl PSTricks et Seminar\/}.\nl
+ No.\ 17, mai 1994, 66pp.
+% Occasional publication of the French-speaking user group,
+% GUTenberg. Contact:
+> La Lettre GUTenberg:
+ no.\ 3, juin 1994, 24pp. [using Palatino]
+% Official newsletter of \GUTenberg. Contact:
+> MAPs: issue 94.1, 1994, 178pp. [Dutch-speaking user group, NTG
+ publication.]
+% Official publication of the NTG. Contact:
+> Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie:
+ 5. Jahrgang, Heft~4/1993, April~1994, 60pp.
+% vol. 5 (1993), no. 4, Apr. 1994, 60pp.
+ Official newsletter of DANTE.
+% Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contact: ||.
+\end{New Publications}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+\noindent In an on-going effort to improve my \TeX\ skills, Barbara
+Beeton of {\sl TUGboat\/} has suggested the following refinement to
+one of my current practices:
+ You may have noticed that most instances of {\small ALLCAPS} in
+ \ttn\ appears in a 9pt font, rather than using the default 10pt
+ (ALLCAPS in TTN), or by accessing the smallcaps font ({\sc allcaps}
+ in \ttn, which is Peter Flynn's preference for his column ---
+ unless I accidentally `edit' things). Anyways, my usual definition
+ goes something like this:
+ \mbox{}\qquad \verb|\newcommand{\ttn}{{\small TTN}}|
+ Barbara's point: this doesn't work smoothly or automatically when a
+ period follows. An improved definition would be:
+ \mbox{}\qquad \verb|\newcommand{\tt}{{\small TTN}\spacefactor10000}|
+ Barbara credits Phil Taylor with having pointed this out on the
+ tex-implementors list as being a bug in plain. Knuth agreed it was,
+ and that Phil's approach was the correct one --- and awarded him
+ \$2.56 for it.
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \begin{tabular}{||ll||} \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf 1994 TTN
+ Schedule for Submissions} \\ [4pt] \hline \mbox{\hspace{3.75cm}}
+ & \\ [-8pt]
+%% \qquad July issue & \quad \bf June 1st \\
+ \qquad Oct.\ issue & \quad \bf Sept.\ 1st \\
+ \qquad Jan.\ issue (1995) & \quad \bf Dec.\ 1st \\
+ \qquad April issue & \quad \bf Mar.\ 1st \\ [2pt]
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{2}{l}{\empty} \\ [-6pt]
+ \end{tabular}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+%% Jeremy Gibbons' column ``Hey --- it works!'' (pp.8-12):
+\Section{``Hey --- it works!''}
+ Jeremy Gibbons \\
+ University of Auckland \\
+ \tt
+\noindent Hello, and welcome once again to {\sl ``Hey~--- it
+works!''}. This column is devoted to elegant solutions to little
+\TeX{} or \LaTeX{} problems. Last time I cited Jon Bentley's
+``Programming Pearls'' (in {\sl Communications of the Association for
+Computing Machinery\/}) and Richard Bird's ``Functional Pearls'' (in
+the {\sl Journal of Functional Programming\/}) as influences. For
+those of you not in my field, I paraphrase Bentley: ``just as natural
+pearls grow from grains of sand that have irritated real oysters,
+these \TeX nical pearls have grown from real problems that have
+irritated real \TeX nicians''. If you have any such pearls, please
+send them in to me at the above address; my collection of material is
+running rather low!
+In this issue we have four items: a rather neat idea from David
+Salomon on allowing any two consecutive pages to be visible at the
+same time, a piece of my own on the headings in this column, one from
+Gerree Pecht on a `double summation' sign, and one from Kees van der
+Laan on producing `matrix icons' using \LaTeX's \verb"picture"
+\squashedsubsection{A page-numbering scheme}
+ {David Salomon \\
+ California State University, Northridge \\
+ \tt}
+In standard English texts the right-hand pages are odd numbered and
+the left-hand ones, even numbered. This has the disadvantage that the
+reader cannot always see two consecutive pages at the same time. The
+document can be opened, e.g., to pages 2 \& 3, but not to pages 3 \&
+The page numbering scheme proposed here makes it possible to see any
+pair of consecutive pages simultaneously. The rules are:
+ \item The first right-hand page should not be used for text (but it
+ can be used for other things, such as a dedication or a
+ trademark declaration).
+ \item Page~1 should be the second right-hand page, and page~2, the
+ first left-hand one. Page~3 should be the third right-hand
+ page, and page~4, the one on its left.
+It is thus easy to see pages 1 \& 2 simultaneously, and also 3 \& 4.
+To see pages 2 \& 3, just hold the second sheet of the document (the
+one with pages 1 \& 4) vertically.
+This scheme may be useful for technical documents. The output routine
+can easily be modified to eject pages in the order 2,1,3,4\dots. The
+first time it is executed, the output routine should save
+\verb"\box255" in a box register. The second execution should shipout
+that register, then shipout \verb"\box255". A boolean variable can be
+used to switch between even and odd executions.
+\squashedsubsection{Addresses in headings}
+ {Jeremy Gibbons}
+The headings for individual pieces in this column each have the
+author's name and address flushright beside the flushleft title. When
+I inherited this column, this was achieved by some negative
+spacing---for example, in the source for \ttn~2,1:10, we have
+\subsection*{DC fonts --- questions and answers (II)}
+ Yannis Haralambous \\
+ \tt
+This hard-wired \verb"-1.5pc" is contrary to good logical markup
+principles: it is hard to get right (indeed, I think Yannis' name came
+out a little too low), and depends invisibly on the choice of font and
+typesize, the spacing inserted by \verb"flushright", etc. To avoid
+this problem, I wrote the macro \verb"\squashedsubsection"; with
+\squashedsubsection{DC fonts --- questions and answers (II)}
+ {Yannis Haralambous \\
+ \tt}
+you get the same effect without having to guess the \verb"-1.5pc".
+ \subsection*{%
+ \hbox to \linewidth{% make a box as wide as the page
+ #1% subsection title
+ \hfil% stretchy space
+ \llap{\normalsize% ignore width of tabular
+ \begin{tabular}[t]{r@{}}
+ #2% author's name and address
+ \end{tabular}}}}}
+Note: no attempt is made to avoid a collision between the title and
+the author's name!
+\squashedsubsection{A double summation sign}
+ {Gerree Pecht\\
+ Princeton University\\
+ \tt}
+Recently, I had to solve the problem of producing a `double summation
+sign', requiring fine spacing between the summation signs and the
+precise centering of the mathematical subscript beneath them.
+The documentation available was not applicable to my needs. Therefore,
+with judicious use of horizontal spacing and experimenting with
+numbers, I solved my problem as illustrated below; the \LaTeX{} source
+ S ({\cal A}, {\cal B})
+ \, = \,
+ \sum \hspace{-.4em} \sum_{\hspace{-.98em}(a,b)=1}
+ \hspace{.8em}
+ \sum_{d | b} \:
+ \mu^2\,(d) \, \left( \frac{ar}{d} \right)
+yields the equation
+ S ({\cal A}, {\cal B})
+ \, = \,
+ \sum \hspace{-.4em} \sum_{\hspace{-.98em}(a,b)=1}
+ \hspace{.8em}
+ \sum_{d | b} \:
+ \mu^2\,(d) \, \left( \frac{ar}{d} \right)
+This solution may not be the {\em perfect\/} solution to those with a
+similar problem for the following reasons:
+ \item the need to experiment to get the numbers right;
+ \item the need to repeat the experiment if the font or type size is
+ changed, or for a different subscript to the double sum.
+As an alternative, it was suggested that a more elegant approach to
+solving this problem might involve constructing an explicit `operator'
+consisting of two summation signs:
+or, with a little less space between the summation signs,
+With the latter, \verb"\doublesum_{(a,b)=1}" yields
+\[ \doublesum_{(a,b)=1} \]
+\squashedsubsection{Matrix icons via \LaTeX}
+ {Kees van der Laan \\
+ Garnwerd, The Netherlands \\
+ \tt}
+\def\icmat#1#2{%ICon MATrix(rectangular)
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, eg 4; #2 is wd of icon matrix, eg 2
+ \hbox to#2\unitlength{\vrule height#1\unitlength\hfil\vrule}%
+ \hrule}%
+}%end icmat
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, with UT the upper triangular part, eg 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (upper triangular) matrix, eg 2
+\vbox to #1\unitlength{\hrule
+ \hbox{\picture(#2,#2)\put(0,#2){\line(1,-1){#2}}\endpicture
+ \vrule}%
+ \vss}%
+}%end icurt
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, with LT the lower triangular part, eg 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (lower triangular) matrix, eg 2
+\vbox to #1\unitlength{\vss
+ \hbox{\vrule
+ \picture(#2,#1)\put(0,#2){\line(1,-1){#2}}\endpicture}%
+ \hrule}%
+}%end icllt
+%#1 is size of icon matrix, with UH the upper Hessenberg part, eg 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (upper Hesenberg) matrix, eg 1
+%#3 is size Lower Left triangular part, #1-#2
+% (for simplicity the latter is added, could have been calculated,
+% perhaps some inconsistency test could be incorporated)
+ \hrule
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{\vrule height #2\unitlength depth0pt\relax
+ \hfil\vrule}%
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{%
+ \picture(#3,#3)\put(0,#3){\line(1,-1){#3}}\endpicture
+ \hfil\vrule}%
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{\hfil\vrule width#2\unitlength height.2pt}%
+ }%
+}%end icuh
+In my ``Math into BLUes'' I used matrix icons for formatting the
+schematic flow of matrix decompositions, to mimic Wilkinson's diagrams
+as supplied in his {\sl The Algebraic Eigenvalue Problem\/} (Oxford
+University Press, 1965). The crucial element is the creation of
+diagonal lines. I tried using Amy Hendrickson's \verb"\diagline",
+which is flexible and powerful, but suffers from non-uniformness over
+the line orientation, and also suffers from the difference in line
+thickness of the horizontal and vertical lines, in comparison with the
+diagonal lines.
+In this note I used the line fonts which come with \LaTeX{} via the
+\verb"\line" macro, as part of the picture environment. Given the
+context of matrix icons the limited availability of line orientations
+does not hinder.
+\relax From literature I distilled that the following special matrix
+%% JG: added \relax, so "From" at start of line doesn't get munged by
+%% mailer
+icons are useful:
+ rectangular matrix & $\icmat64$\\
+ lower left triangular matrix & $\icllt44$\\
+ upper right triangular matrix & $\icurt44$\\
+ upper Hessenberg form & $\icuh413$
+The above forms can be drawn easily in the picture environment. The
+macros in this note hide that environment, and provide the pictures in
+a \verb"\vbox", for use at any place where a \verb"\vbox" can be used,
+without having to worry about `coordinates.' The pictures are
+parameterized on \LaTeX's \verb"\unitlength" dimension.
+Here are some matrix icons, after Wilkinson:
+$$\icmat44\kern\unitlength\icllt44=\icllt44\icuh413 \qquad AL=LH$$
+$$\icmat63=\icmat63\kern\unitlength\icurt63\qquad A=QR$$
+$$\icmat44\kern\unitlength\icllt44=\icllt44\icuh413 \qquad AL=LH$$
+$$\icmat63=\icmat63\kern\unitlength\icurt63\qquad A=QR$$
+The macros are as follows:
+\def\icmat#1#2{%ICon MATrix(rectangular)
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, eg 4; #2 is wd of icon matrix, eg 2
+ \hbox to#2\unitlength{\vrule height#1\unitlength\hfil\vrule}%
+ \hrule}%
+}%end icmat
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, with UT the upper triangular part, eg 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (upper triangular) matrix, eg 2
+\vbox to #1\unitlength{\hrule
+ \hbox{\picture(#2,#2)\put(0,#2){\line(1,-1){#2}}\endpicture
+ \vrule}%
+ \vss}%
+}%end icurt
+%#1 is ht of icon matrix, with LT the lower triangular part, eg 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (lower triangular) matrix, eg 2
+\vbox to #1\unitlength{\vss
+ \hbox{\vrule
+ \picture(#2,#1)\put(0,#2){\line(1,-1){#2}}\endpicture}%
+ \hrule}%
+}%end icllt
+%#1 is size of icon matrix, with UH the upper Hessenberg part, eg 4
+%#2 is wd of icon (upper Hesenberg) matrix, eg 1
+%#3 is size Lower Left triangular part, #1-#2
+% (for simplicity the latter is added, could have been calculated,
+% perhaps some inconsistency test could be incorporated)
+ \hrule
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{\vrule height #2\unitlength depth0pt\relax
+ \hfil\vrule}%
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{%
+ \picture(#3,#3)\put(0,#3){\line(1,-1){#3}}\endpicture
+ \hfil\vrule}%
+ \hbox to#1\unitlength{%
+ \hfil\vrule width#2\unitlength height.2pt}%
+ }%
+}%end icuh
+%% NEWSLETTER insert ``LaTeX News'' (pp.13--14):
+\Section{Welcome to \it \LaTeX~News}
+An issue of {\it\LaTeX~News} will accompany every future release of
+\LaTeX. It will tell you about important events, such as major bug
+fixes, newly available packages, or any other \LaTeX{} news.
+\subsection*{\LaTeXe---the new \LaTeX{} release}
+The most important news is the release of \LaTeXe, the new version of
+the \LaTeX{} software. This version has better support for fonts,
+graphics and colour, and will be actively maintained by the \LaTeX3
+project team. Upgrades will be issued every six months, in June and
+\subsection*{Why a new \LaTeX?}
+Over the years many extensions have been developed for \LaTeX. This
+is, of course, a sure sign of its continuing popularity but it has had
+one unfortunate result: incompatible \LaTeX{} formats came into use at
+different sites. Thus, to process documents from various places, a
+site maintainer was forced to keep \LaTeX{} (with and without \nfss),
+\SLiTeX, \AmSLaTeX, and so on. In addition, when looking at a source
+file it was not always clear for which format the document was written.
+To put an end to this unsatisfactory situation a new release of
+\LaTeX{} was produced. It brings all such extensions back under a
+single format and thus prevents the proliferation of mutually
+incompatible dialects of \LaTeX~2.09. The new release was available
+for several months as a test version, and the final release of 1~June
+officially replaces the old version.
+\subsection*{Processing documents with \LaTeXe}
+Documents written for \LaTeX~2.09 will still be read by \LaTeXe. Any
+such document is run in {\it \LaTeX~2.09 compatibility mode}.
+Unfortunately, compatibility mode comes with a price: it can run up to
+50\% slower than \LaTeX~2.09 did. If you want to run your document in
+the faster {\it native mode\/}, you should try replacing the line:
+ \documentstyle[<options>,<packages>]{<class>}
+ \documentclass[<options>]{<class>}
+ \usepackage{latexsym,<packages>}
+Unfortunately, this will not always work, because some \LaTeX~2.09
+packages will only work in \LaTeXe{} compatibility mode. You should
+find out if there is a \LaTeXe{} version of the package available.
+\LaTeXe{} native mode also gives access to the new features of \LaTeXe,
+described in {\it \LaTeXe{} for authors}.
+\subsection*{New packages}
+\LaTeXe{} has much better support for graphics, colour, fonts, and
+multi-lingual typesetting. The following software should be available
+from the distributor who brought you \LaTeXe:
+\begin{description} \itemsep=-1pt
+ \item[babel] for typesetting in many languages.
+ \item[color] for colour support.
+ \item[graphics] for including images.
+ \item[mfnfss] for using bitmap fonts.
+ \item[psnfss] for using Type~1 fonts.
+ \item[tools] other packages by the \LaTeX3 team.
+The packages come with full documentation, and are also described in
+{\it\LaTeX: A Document Processing System} or {\it The \LaTeX{}
+\subsection*{Further information}
+More information about \LaTeXe{} is to be found in:
+\begin{description} \itemsep=-1pt
+ \item[\LaTeX:\ts A Document Preparation System]
+ Leslie Lamport,\ts Addison-Wesley, 2nd ed, 1994.
+ \item[The \LaTeX{} Companion]
+ Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin, Addison-Wesley, 1994.
+The \LaTeX{} distribution comes with documentation on the new features
+of \LaTeX:
+\begin{description} \itemsep=-1pt
+ \item[\LaTeXe{} for authors]
+ describes the new features of \LaTeX{} documents, in the file
+ \verb|usrguide.tex|.
+ \item[\LaTeXe{} for class and package writers]
+ describes the new features of \LaTeX{} classes and packages,
+ in the file \verb|clsguide.tex|.
+ \item[\LaTeXe{} font selection]
+ describes the new features of \LaTeX{} fonts for class and
+ package writers, in the file \verb|fntguide.tex|.
+For more information on \TeX{} and \LaTeX, get in touch with your
+local \TeX{} Users Group, or the international \TeX{} Users Group,
+P.~O.~Box~869, Santa~Barbara, CA~93102-0869, USA,
+%% (La)TeX News (pp.15-17):
+\Section{\AllTeX\ News}
+\squashedsubsection{The new \LaTeX\ on CTAN}
+ {George D. Greenwade \\
+ \tt bed\}
+The release of \LaTeXe\ as the officially supported version of \LaTeX\
+has led to a change in directory naming on the \ctan\ hosts:
+\begin{enumerate} \itemsep=-2pt
+ \item {\tt macros/latex/} has been moved to {\tt macros/latex209/}
+ \item {\tt macros/latex2e/} has been moved to {\tt macros/latex/}
+ \item {\tt macros/latex/} has been linked to {\tt macros/latex2e/}
+ temporarily to facilitate version migration
+The message displayed upon {\tt cd}'ing into selected directories in
+the \ctan\ {\tt macros} hierarchy is as follows:
+ Effective Tuesday, June 7, 1994, the CTAN macros/latex/ directories
+ contain the distribution and related files for LaTeX 2e --- the
+ presently-supported version of LaTeX (previously macros/latex2e/).
+ The macros/latex/ hierarchy is designed as follows:
+ base/ --- the complete LaTeX 2e distribution kit.
+ packages/ --- officially provided and supported 2e extensions,
+ with each component in its own subdirectory.
+ contrib/ --- user-contributed styles and packages for LaTeX 2e.
+ Each multi-file package is housed in its own
+ unique subdirectory.
+ The CTAN macros/latex209/ directories contain the distribution and
+ related files for LaTeX 2.09 (previously macros/latex/).
+ The macros/latex209/ hierarchy is designed as follows:
+ distribs/ --- the complete LaTeX 2.09 distribution kit, with each
+ component within its own subdirectory.
+ contrib/ --- user-contributed styles and packages for LaTeX 2.09.
+ Each multi-file package is housed in its own
+ unique subdirectory. Single files are retained
+ together in the misc/ subdirectory.
+\squashedsubsection{\normalsize\bf TIQWAH}
+ {Yannis Haralambous \\
+TIQWAH (`hope') is a \TeX\--XeT/\MF/Flex package for the typesetting
+of Biblical Hebrew, and is part of Scholar\TeX, with the preprocessor
+written in {\small GNU} Flex. The fonts are inspired from {\small
+BHK}, with very strong meta-ness properties: Tiberian, Babylonian,
+Palestinian vowels; cantillation marks in old style (Rabbinical
+Bibles) and modern style ({\small BHS}); different upper and lower
+symmetry axes for diacritics placement.
+For a detailled description (and an enumeration of all typographical
+curiosa of the Bible) see {\tt
+/pub/tex/yannis/scholartex-info/} in {\tt}, login {\tt anonymous}. In this paper you will find also
+samples at all sizes and an example: Genesis 1:1--4.
+The system will be presented at \tug'94 (Santa Barbara) and {\small
+AIBI}-4 (Conference of the Association Biblie et Informatique,
+\squashedsubsection{User group info on CTAN}
+ {Christina Thiele \\
+ \tt}
+Sometimes the most obvious things just don't come to mind. Just
+recently, an area on \ctan\ which had always been there (mirrored from
+the \dante\ machine) was \verb|/usergrps|. This area has now been
+expanded to cover all user groups who wish to participate --- an
+invitation has been sent out, and already you can find user group
+information there from \dante, the \ntg, \GUTenberg, and of course,
+information from \tug. So far, information posted there includes such
+items as backgrounders on user groups, membership forms, info about
+meetings, and so on. It's up to each user group to arrange for a
+subdirectory for their group, and to maintain that material.
+By the time you read this, there will also be a file in
+\verb|/usergrps| itself --- \verb|usergrps.tex| --- a listing of all
+the known user groups and their mailing addresses (e-mail and snail,
+phone and \fax\ numbers). This list is based on an item which I
+originally pulled together for \ttn\ 2,1; any updates or corrections
+should be mailed to me.
+\squashedsubsection{RELABEL on CTAN}
+ {Peter Ungar \\
+ \tt}
+In mathematical papers and books, formulas, theorems, etc.\ are
+normally numbered consecutively. Adding or deleting or moving even one
+item may provoke changes so that several others may have to be
+renumbered and the references to them adjusted accordingly. There are
+\TeX\ macros in \LaTeX, and possibly elsewhere, which do this
+automatically in the typesetting stage.
+A macro-based system creates a permanent discrepancy between the
+labels in the source text and the labels in the typeset version. This
+is quite confusing if one continues work on the source text and one
+wishes to view the completed part of the work in typeset form rather
+than the source text, which is hard to read.
+Other awkward features of the \LaTeX\ system are that one cannot use
+the same label, e.g., ``2.5'', for both a formula and a theorem and
+that in the typeset text all labels contain text unit identifiers. In
+a book with running heads it is not necessary to start all labels with
+``2.5'' when the running head indicates that we are in ``Section
+2.5'', and some authors prefer not to clutter their pages with all
+those digits and periods. In any case, one should not need to type the
+text unit identifier in the source text in a label or in a reference
+to the current text unit. Most references are to the current text
+I am announcing a flexible and convenient system for labeling in
+\TeX\ or \LaTeX\ source texts or other text files. It is based on
+the short (15K) program, {\tt RELABEL}. Versions of the program for
+Macintosh and for IBM-compatible computers, along with instructions
+and examples are available by anonymous \ftp\ from any \ctan\ site,
+under \verb| tex-archive/support/relabel|. The Turbo Pascal source
+texts are also in the archives; adapting the program to other computer
+systems probably requires nothing more than changing the lines where
+files are opened or closed.
+\squashedsubsection{New group forming}
+ {Jos\'e Ra Portillo Fern\'andez \\
+ \tt}
+All those interested in the creation of a Spanish-speaking \TeX\ Users
+Group (Grupo de Usuarios de \TeX\ hispanoparlantes), please contact me
+at the following address: Prof.\ Jos\'e Ra Portillo Fern\'andez,
+Dpto.\ Matem\'atica Aplicada 1, E.T.S.\ Arquitectura --- Universidad
+de Sevilla, Reina Mercedes, 2, E-41002 {\small SPAIN}.
+\squashedsubsection{News from Vendors}
+ {Christina Thiele}
+ \item [$\bullet$] CDs are all the rage! Prime Time Freeware's
+ latest \TeX\ offering is called ``Prime Time \TeX
+ cetera''. Here's a description:
+ ``Prime Time TeXcetera consists of a 100-page book and an
+ ISO-9660 \cdrom. The disc contains essentially the entire
+ \ctan, as of mid- May, 1994. It uses Info-{\small ZIP} format,
+ allowing use with a variety of computer systems.
+ To make the disc easier to use, we have added a substantial
+ amount of annotation and indexing. (As usual, we will allow
+ \ftp\ archives to use and distribute this ancillary material.)
+ Prime Time TeXcetera was edited by Vicki Brown. The list
+ price is US\$60. For more information, send email to: {\tt
+\item [$\bullet$] {\small PTI} is having a fire sale of sorts: they're
+ selling PC\TeX\ for Windows or {\small MS-DOS} for 25\% off, and
+ throwing in a t-shirt as well. The sale goes on until July
+ 31st. And if you just want upgrades, they've got some good deals
+ as well: if you have v.3.14, you can upgrade to the Windows
+ version for \$96.00; if you have an {\small MS-DOS} version,
+ with or without {\small PTI} View and Printer Drivers, you can
+ upgrade to a complete {\small MS-DOS} version with fonts for
+ \$96.00 as well. Call 1-800-808-7906 or 1-415-388-8853;
+ \fax\ is 1-415-388-8865.
+%% Reports on Meetings (pp.18-24):
+\Section{Reports on Meetings}
+ {Claus Hoffmann \\
+ Mannheim, Germany}
+The annual \TeX{} Conference of \dante~e.V.\ (the German-speaking
+\TeX{} user group) was held this year in M\"unster/Westfalen from
+February 16 to 18. As usual for those people who come from far away,
+the meeting actually started on the 15th, with an early-bird dinner in
+the evening.
+The meeting began after lunch on Wednesday, the 16th, with tutorials,
+some held as parallel events in two lecture halls. Phil Taylor
+conducted one tutorial on \TeX{} for the advanced user (parts 1 and
+2), and on book design. In the other lecture hall, we had three
+tutorials: one about \PS\ \verb|\special|s, one about importing
+graphics into \TeX{}, and one which was an introduction to \MF. The
+tutorials were a good start for the conference.
+In the evening all attendees met in a restaurant in downtown M\"unster
+for dinner and one or two beers. It was a good occasion to get in
+touch with other users and all the {\small VIP}s present!
+The second day started with official greetings from Joachim Lammarsch,
+President of \dante~e.V. Then we had a very interesting presentation
+by Rainer Sch\"opf about \LaTeXe, followed by a discussion
+period. After the coffee break, we heard something about a new DVI
+previewer. In the afternoon there were three talks: one about
+\TeX{}'s macro processor, another one on \TeX{} tools, and then a
+really great talk by a young student about his self-programmed editor
+called Eddi4\TeX{} --- Eddi\TeX{} for short. This is a fantastic
+editor and user shell for \TeX{}, running under {\small DOS} and OS/2.
+After the coffebreak the general meeting of DANTE~e.V. was held. It
+brought a lot of interesting news for the members about the new server
+machine, the coordinators for the various systems, and also about
+other groups, such as \tug.
+In the evening, we had a special social event: a visit to an open-air
+museum showing the old ways of life in the countryside in former
+centuries. And we shouldn't forget to mention the excellent
+meeting-dinner followed the excursion.
+On the last day, Friday the 18th, the conference ended after three
+talks and the closing discussion. The first lecture was about Spidery
+{\small WEB} under {\small LINUX}. The theme of the second one was
+\TeX{} and colours, by Friedhelm Sowa, who talked about modifications
+to his graphics program, {\tt bm2font}, so that it is now able to
+create 4-color graphic output in \TeX{}. The third and final lecture
+was entitled ``xtem --- a \TeX{}-menu under \unix'', followed by our
+last coffee break, and then the closing discussion about the
+It was a very nice and interesting conference, with about
+140~attendees. We had a lot of opportunities to meet other users,
+exchange information, copy software from the server, and listen to
+many interesting talks. I will for sure go to the next \dante\
+\squashedsubsection{GUST --- Bacho\TeX{}'94}
+ {W\l{}odek Bzyl \\
+ \tt \\
+ Hanna Ko\l{}odziejska\\
+ \tt hkolo@plearn.bitnet}
+From April 30th to May 3rd, the second meeting of the Polish \TeX{}
+Users Group ({\small GUST}) was held in Bachotek, a property owned by
+the Copernicus University of Toru\'n. The place is surrounded by the
+forest and the lake where over 70 participants gathered from all off
+Poland. Special guests were Philip Taylor and Kees van der Laan.
+The meeting started with two-day tutorials:
+\begin{enumerate} \itemsep=-2pt
+ \item [--] Basics of \TeX{} (Marek Ry\'cko)
+ \item [--] Polish typographical tradition (Andrzej Tomaszewski)
+ \item [--] \LaTeX{} from the inside (Tomek Przechlewski)
+ \item [--] LaMeXe (W\l{}odek Bzyl)
+ \item [--] Indexes and bibliographies (W\l{}odek Bzyl)
+ \item [--] Using \PS\ graphics in \TeX{} documents (Piotr Pianowski)
+ \item [--] DVIPS --- how to use it? (Staszek Wawrykiewicz)
+ \item [--] Using \PS\ fonts in \TeX{} documents (Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski)
+ \item [--] \MF\ --- practical and non-practical applications
+ (Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski)
+Each tutorial was written up in a A5 booklet and distributed to all
+the participants.
+The third day of the meeting was reserved for other Polish
+contributions: about the \TeX{} archive (available also on the spot),
+\LaTeX{} and the Polish language, Polish implementation of the program
+MakeIndex, and about AmS-\LaTeX{}.
+Finally, Phil and Kees gave their lectures. Phil talked about book
+design. His qualities as a lecturer and the interesting subject
+resulted in continuation of the lecture till midnight.
+Last day's morning belonged to Kees. He offered a lecture about {\tt
+manmac}, then talked about his approach to bibliographies,
+transparencies and verbatims. All was warmly received.
+A very pleasant and friendly atmosphere during the whole
+meeting is worth mentioning. Playing guitar or/and wish of singing
+together seems to be characteristic feature of Polish \TeX ies.
+\squashedsubsection{Knuth visits St.\ Petersburg}
+ {Irina Makhovaya, \\
+ CyrTUG Executive Director \\
+ \tt}
+Prof.~Donald Knuth and his wife, Jill, visited St.\ Petersburg in
+early May of this year (May 9--15), arriving via ship. The visit was
+in connection with the conferring of the Honorary Degree of Professor
+of Computer Science at St.\ Petersburg University. Knuth's university
+itinerary included visits to the Euler Institute of Mathematics and an
+exhibit entitled ``Regional Informatics'', a lecture to students in
+the Mathematics and Mechanical Faculty, and a question-and-answer
+session for friends of computer science and \TeX. The Honorary Degree
+presentation ceremony took place in Petrovsky Hall of the university.
+Moreover, Don and Jill visited the Russian Museum, the Hermitage, the
+Ethnography Museum, Alexander Nevsky Lavra, the Philharmonic, and
+Mariinski Theatre; and went on pleasant walks along the splendid
+streets, parks, and quais of St.\ Petersburg. Prof.\ Knuth took great
+interest in Euler's life at St.\ Petersburg and his works, which are
+kept at the Library Storehouse.
+During the visit the Grand \TeX\ Wizard had talks with Cyr\tug\
+officials, with the translators of his books ({\sl The \TeX book\/}
+and {\sl Concrete Mathematics\/}, by Graham, Knuth, Potashnik), and
+with mathematicians, computer scientists, \TeX\ users, and
+students. He also agreed to becoming a Cyr\tug\ member --- No.\ 0314;
+some of his responses on the membership form were interesting:
+Q: What is a number of the \TeX\ version that you use?
+A: 3.14159
+Q: How long have you known \TeX?
+A: From 1977
+Q: What direction of \TeX\ development is most interesting for you?
+A: Stability
+Q: What type of work you would like to do for Cyr\tug?
+A: Friendship
+\noindent Now this form will be the main treasure of the Cyr\tug\
+Office and will decorate our walls. Our hope is that we all can answer
+``Friendship'' on the last question, as did Donald Ervin Knuth.
+\squashedsubsection{Nordic Group}
+ {Hermann Lia \\
+ University of Oslo \\
+ \tt}
+The 1994 annual meeting of the Nordic \TeX\ User Group ({\small NTUG})
+was held in Oslo, Norway, the 16th of May. Invited speaker was Kees
+van der Laan, Netherland. He gave an elucidation of the TUGboat Blues:
+The story of the development of the styles used in {\sl TUGboat\/} and
+\ttn. Other subjects addressed at the meeting were:
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=-1pt
+ \item Creating hyphenation patterns for Norwegian (Lars Gunnar
+ Thoresen)
+ \item How to create your own documentstyle in \LaTeX\ (Dag
+ Langmyhr)
+ \item Exploration in typesetting Russian--Icelandic and
+ Russian--Norwegian dictionaries with \LaTeXe\ (Rolf
+ Lindgren)
+Information about different installations, support, etc.\ will be made
+available under {\small WWW}\@. ---~Per Abrahamsen, Aalborg
+University, has already made information about {\small AUC}\TeX\
+available under {\small WWW} at the following {\small URL}:
+ \tt\~{}amanda/auctex/
+Dag Langmyhr, Oslo University, offered to coordinate further
+publishing of information for the Nordic \TeX\ User Group, and a test
+version is available at
+ \tt\~{}dag/ntug/ntug.html
+The new chairman of the Nordic \TeX\ User Group for 1994 was selected:
+Dag Langmyhr, University of Oslo, Norway. The board now includes:
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=-1pt
+ \item Denmark: \\
+ Peter Busk Laursen. {\small UNI.C}, Copenhagen ({\tt
+}) \\
+ Frank Jensen, Aalborg University, Aalborg \\
+ Niels Mortenson, Ris\o\ National Laboratory, Ris\o ({\tt
+ \item Finland: \\
+ Kari Likovuori, Computing Center, University of Helsinki\\
+ ({\tt}) \\
+ Martti Nikunen, Helsinki University ({\tt
+}) \\
+ Kauko Saarinen, Universitetet Jyv\"askyl\"a, Jyv\"askyl\"a \\
+ ({\tt})
+ \item Norway: \\
+ Johannes Ids\o, Sogn og Fjordane {\small DH} ({\tt
+}) \\
+ Dag Langmyhr, University of Oslo ({\tt}) \\
+ Hermann Lia, University of Oslo ({\tt}) \\
+ Ola Kjetil Sigveland, Rogaland Univ Center ({\tt
+ \item Sweden: \\
+ Leif Andersson, {\small LTH} ({\tt}) \\
+ Roswitha Graham, {\small KTH}, Stockholm ({\tt
+}) \\
+ Jan Michael Rynning, {\small KTH}, Stockholm ({\tt
+ \item Estonia: \\
+ Enn Saar ({\tt})
+The meeting ended with a discussion about the organization of {\small
+NTUG}\@; as well, possible cooperation with other European \TeX\ User
+Groups was discussed. The meeting decided that {\small NTUG} would
+remain an independent group, as the special aim is to support national
+adaptions needed for the Nordic countries. For the future, it was
+decided, that Nordic meetings would be held as a special event at the
+annual Euro-\TeX\ meeting.
+\squashedsubsection{GUTenberg --- Journ\'ee \LaTeXe}
+ {Alain Cousquer \\
+ \tt}
+On June~2, \GUTenberg\ (the French-speaking \TeX\ Users Group) held a
+one-day meeting devoted to the new version of \LaTeX. With Frank
+Mittelbach and Michel Goossens as the speakers, the meeting was a
+great success --- registration had to be cut off almost 2~weeks before
+the deadline, due to lack of space!
+During the morning session, Michel outlined the ideas behind \LaTeXe\
+from the user's perspective, especially the notions of document {\em
+class\/} and {\em packages\/}, formerly grouped together in the old
+notion of {\em style\/}. He provided an overview of available
+commands, new and/or modified. Numerous examples made it possible to
+see how easy it now is to modify things as different as box dimensions
+and parameters, font families or the positioning of floats, just to
+name a few.
+Frank started off the afternoon by officially announcing the
+availability of \LaTeXe, and then went on to discuss the internal
+details of the new classes and extensions, their structure,
+functionality and the way they interact, as well as showing some
+sample usage. He also presented a chart showing all the elements which
+now make up the \LaTeXe\ distribution. The discussion which brought
+the day's meeting to a close showed the interest, and even impatience,
+which many participants have experienced during the long wait for what
+is now finally available.
+\subsubsection{GUTenberg general meeting}
+The \LaTeXe\ meeting was followed by {\small GUT}en\-berg's annual
+general meeting which, aside from its procedural obligations, named a
+new president for the organisation --- Michel Goossens was unanimously
+elected to serve as president. A Belgian, working in Switzerland,
+Michel's new position as president will only underline \GUTenberg's
+long-standing aim to serve the whole French-speaking community. And
+given his abilities and qualifications, we are confident about the
+\squashedsubsection{NTG --- 13th meeting}
+ {Frans Goddijn,
+ Johan Polak Foundation \\
+ Arnhem, The Netherlands \\
+ \tt}
+The 13th meeting of the \ntg\ held on June~13, was hosted by the
+University of Groningen. Before the meeting started, Wietse Dol
+demonstrated the full installation process needed to run the \ntg\
+4all\TeX\ \cdrom\ on a `virgin' PC. This did not delay the start of
+the meeting much: a little less than~45 seconds was all it took, after
+inserting the \cdrom\ and before the first {\tt sample.tex} was
+compiled, viewed and ready to print. After this short demonstration,
+this first 4all\TeX\ \cdrom\ was laid aside for the father of em\TeX,
+Eberhard Mattes, in recognition of his immense efforts to the benefit
+of all em\TeX\ users.
+\ntg\ secretary Gerard van Nes reported that the steadily growing
+\ntg\ membership list now has passed the~250 mark. This, with the
+pleasant financial situation of the user group and the large
+percentage of members being active in developing and supporting
+initiatives, reflects a healthy state of affairs.
+Wietse Dol (the new treasurer) and Frans Goddijn were elected to the
+board of directors, replacing Jos Winnink and Kees van der Laan
+(chair) after fulfilling their formal terms. A proposal, made in Kees'
+absence, to grant him an honorary membership, was accepted with
+acclaim. As a gift to go with this election, he received the unique
+original `gold' \cdrom\ of the 4all\TeX\ project. Johannes Braams
+received the chairperson's gavel from the hands of the parting chair.
+The \ntg\ {\small MAPS} 94.1 Award was given to the editor of {\sl
+Baskerville\/}, Sebastian Rahtz, in appreciation of his {\small MAPS}
+articles and especially for his efforts to serve the ongoing
+cooperation between his publication and MAPS. For those curious: the
+\ntg\ {\small MAPS} Award consists of \verb|\box255| with a lot of
+colourful boxes including stretchable glue \dots\ USEnglish:\ldots
+The afternoon offered a richly varied set of readings. Erik-Jan Vens
+opened with a discourse on `fonts', a subject in which he has
+considerable expertise. The board thanked him with a cassette tape
+(from the Meridian Arts Ensemble, a New York brass quintet, recorded
+live in Arkansas) with a cassette label typeset by Sunil Podar's {\tt
+Piet van Oostrum then gave a comprehensive tour of the use and
+management of \TeX\ in a \unix\ environment. His formidable knowledge
+on the combination of \unix\ and \TeX\ is legendary; there are very
+few packages in the \TeX\ environment that he doesn't know by heart.
+The final presentations brought out two opposing views on the merits
+of development in \TeX\ applications. First, our new chairman,
+Johannes Braams, lectured on \LaTeXe, providing us with an insight in
+the demands and possibilities opened up with the changed structure and
+expanded macros of \LaTeX. In response to a question from Kees that
+the command {\tt \verb|\def|} has been silently buried, Kees showed
+his sincere dismay. As outlined in his paper, ``Manmac {\small
+BLU}es'' (food-for-thought for the \TeX\ community at large), Kees has
+been studying Knuth's markup, always discovering the beauty of Knuth's
+simplicity after pondering some detail that was puzzling at first.
+Kees posed the rhetoric question why we would ever want to `improve'
+something which is already perfect. Are we introducing complications
+in all `new' versions to have basically unnecessary extras?
+The next day, a good number of members returned to the university
+buildings for a 4all\TeX\ course given by the 4\TeX\ authors, Wietse
+Dol and Erik Frambach. All had ample chance to find out more about
+the structures within the 4all\TeX\ shell and to learn new tricks that
+will pay off at home and in the office.
+1994 is becoming a busy and fruitful year for the \ntg\@. On
+November~17, we'll meet again --- but this time, in Antwerpen,
+Belgium. Met hartelijke groet!
+\hrule\vskip2pt \hrule
+%% METAFONT ``Tester'' Contest results (p.24):
+\font\logo logo10
+\newcommand{\winner}[3]{{\noindent{\bf #1} \hfill
+ \hbox to 7cm{{$\bullet$} {\rm #2,}
+ {\tt #3}\hfill}\par}}
+ \narrower{\logo \noindent #1}\par\vspace{.25pc}}}
+ \Sectionfont ``Tester'' Contest Winners
+\noindent In response to our \MF-based contest (\ttn\ 3,2:28), we
+have three winners, and two most honourable mentions. Since all
+entries used punctuation, we forgave them for having overstepped this
+font constraint.
+Josep-Maria (his last name is indeed `Font'!) stressed that his
+offering was a {\em semi\/}-plausible sentence (rough translation in
+footnote). Peter Gordon's was judged as verging on the poetic; and
+Malcolm also commented that this must surely be the first time we have
+seen so much text from Barbara with all-caps and so a special note is
+made here {\tt ;-)}. And finally, Doug Waud enjoyed tweaking my phrase
+``the longest sentence'' --- and reacted accordingly!
+\winner{Winner No.\ 1 (Catalan):}{Josep-Maria
+ Font}{}
+FOMENTA MANTA OTOMANA MOFA, ANOTO A MA.\footnote[1]{``By sending out
+your picture so neatly they do not promote so much my name or we are
+building you such a clean reputation where, in a clear word, some
+turkish mockery promotes you, I write down by hand.''}}
+\winner{Winner No.\ 2:}{Peter S.\ Gordon}{}
+\winner{Winner No.\ 3:}{Barbara Beeton}{}
+\winner{Honourable mention No.\ 1:}{John Lees}{}
+\winner{Honourable mention No.\ 2:}{Doug Waud}{}
+ \hsize=\maxdimen \tolerance=10000
+ {\logo No mean feat often meant fame to team men on a foam mat.}
+%% Board Activities (p.25):
+\Section{TUG Board Activities}
+\subsection*{New faces on the board}
+Changes in the leadership of various user groups have led to changes
+on \tug's board as well.
+After five years on the board, Kees van der Laan has stepped down as
+leader of the \ntg; Johannes Braams now represents the Dutch-speaking
+\TeX\ users group. And after one year as interim president, Alain
+Cousquer has been succeeded by Michel Goossens as president of
+\GUTenberg, the French-speaking user group. Michel, as you know, is
+already serving as \tug's vice-president --- he has some interesting
+juggling to do in the coming year!
+\subsection*{Getting TUG info from CTAN}
+As mentioned in the section ``\AllTeX\ News'', you can now get
+information on various user groups directly from \ctan, and \tug\ is
+no exception. We hope this will help people quickly and easily get
+material which until now, was only available by directly mailing the
+\tug\ office. For now, the holdings in \verb|/usergrps/tug| include
+the following:
+1994memb.tex 1994 individual membership form (TeX source)
+1994memb.dvi " " " (dvi file) " " " (PostScript file)
+1994inst.tex 1994 institutional membership form (TeX source)
+1994inst.dvi " " " (dvi file) " " " (PostScript file)
+94tug.tex 1994 annual meeting (description + registration form)
+94prog.tex 1994 annual meeting (program only -- 2 pages)
+As well, you'll see the subdirectories \verb|tugboat| and \verb|ttn|;
+while they aren't resident in \verb|/usergrps/tug|, they are linked to
+the \tug\ subdirectory as a matter of convenience.
+If there's anything in the way of information or forms or the like
+that you'd like to see added to the \tug\ directory, get in touch with
+either Michel Goossens ({\tt}) or myself ({\tt}), and we'll see what we can do. If you see
+any errors, please send them on to me.
+%% TUG Courses for 1994 (p.26):
+\Section{\Large\bf \TeX\ Users Group \\
+ 1994 Course Schedule}
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{\Large\bf Courses at the Annual Meeting} \\ [6pt]
+\hline \hline
+\bf 26--29 July & Intensive Course in \LaTeX & Malcolm Clark \\ [2pt]
+\bf 27--29 July & Doing More with \LaTeX & Michael Goossens \\
+ & & Frank Mittelbach \\ [2pt]
+\bf 5--7 August & Typography & Peter Flynn \\ [2pt]
+\bf 5--7 August & \PS\ and Graphics & Sebastian Rahtz \\
+ & & Michel Goossens \\ [2pt]
+\bf 8--11 August & Beginning/Intermediate \TeX & Peter Flynn \\ [2pt]
+\bf 8--11 August & Advanced \TeX & To be announced \\ [2pt]
+\hline \hline
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Beginning/Intermediate \TeX*}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Intensive Course in \LaTeX*} \\
+\quad Santa Barbara & Oct.\ 17--21
+ & \quad Santa Barbara & Oct.\ 24--28 \\ [6pt]
+ *Lab classes --- computers will be provided for
+ all students} \\ [6pt]
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item \tug\ courses are small, with 8--15 students in most classes.
+ \item Dates and locations subject to change. Direct course
+ inquiries to John Berlin at the \tug\ Office. Anyone
+ interested in courses dealing with \TeX\ and {\small SGML}
+ should contact John as well ({\tt}).
+ \item \tug\ office: phone 805-963-1338\quad
+ \fax\ 805-963-8358\quad
+ {\tt}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \large\bf On-Site \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ Courses from \TUG\
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=0pt
+ \item Courses in \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, {\small SGML} and \TeX,
+ \PS, or \TeX{} for Publishers tailored to the needs of
+ your group
+ \item Courses at every level from beginning to advanced
+ \item Five full days of instruction at your site
+ \item One-week course fee includes all instructor fees and expenses
+ plus textbooks and other materials for up to 15 students
+%% Upcoming Events (p.27):
+\Section{Upcoming Events}
+{\tabcolsep4pt \setbox 0 = \hbox {\bf Spring 1994}
+\dimen 0 = \hsize
+\advance \dimen 0 by -6\tabcolsep
+\advance \dimen 0 by -\wd 0
+\advance \dimen 0 by -4.5 cm
+\begin{tabular}{p{\wd 0}p{4.5cm}p{\dimen 0}}
+\multicolumn{1}{||l}{\empty} & & \multicolumn{1}{l||}{\empty} \\ [-8pt]
+\multicolumn{1}{||p{4pc}}{\bf 31~July--\nl
+ 4~Aug.} & {\small\bf TUG\ts'94}:\nl
+ 15th Annual Meeting,\nl
+ Santa Barbara, California.
+ & \multicolumn{1}{l||}{Debbie Ceder \nl
+ {\tt}} \\
+\bf 7--10 Sept.
+ & {\bf CyrTUG94}:\nl
+ Dubna (near Moscow).
+ & Irina Makhovaya \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 26--30 Sept.
+ & {\bf Euro\TeX'94}:\nl
+ Sobieszewo, Poland.
+ & W{\l}odek Bzyl\nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 11--13 Oct. & {\small\bf RIAO}: \nl
+ Intelligent Multimedia Infor\-mation Retrieval Systems\nl
+ and Management. \nl
+ Rockefeller Univ., New York.
+ & N.\ America: Peter Brodnitz \nl
+ {\tt} \nl
+ Europe: C.I.D., Paris \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 13--14 Oct. & {\small\bf DANTE} 11th meeting: \nl
+ Lindau (Harz), Germany.
+ & Helmut Kopka \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 19~Oct. & {\small\bf UKTUG}: \nl
+ Annual General Meeting \nl
+ Univ.\ of Warwick.
+ & R.A.\ Bailey \\
+\bf 17 Nov. & {\small\bf NTG} 14th Meeting:\nl
+ ``Publishing with \AllTeX''.\nl
+ Antwerp, Belgium.
+ & Gerard van Nes \nl
+ {\tt }\\
+\mbox{\llap{\bf 1995\quad}}%
+\bf 1--3 March & {\small\bf DANTE} 12th meeting: \nl
+ Gie\ss en, Germany.
+ & G\"unter Partosch \nl
+ {\tt Guenter.Partosch@} \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf May & {\small\bf NTG} 15th Meeting:\nl
+ ``Multimedia and \AllTeX''.\nl
+ TU Twente, Netherlands.
+ & Gerard van Nes \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\noindent {\bf Note}: Also consult the ``Calendar'' in the previous
+issue of \TUB\ for more dates and details.
+%% Page 28:
+\Section{Fun and Games}
+From Andrew Trevorrow come the following anagrams\dots\ no contest ---
+this time it's just for fun!\footnote{Answers in the next issue.}
+Who are these well-known \TeX nocrats?
+ 1. & ARMY BIRTHS & 9. & MORTAL ELLIPSE \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 2. & BE SEEN NOBLE & 10. & MUSHY BANANA SAILOR \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 3. & BEATEN BOAR BRA & 11. & THE NIHILIST RACE \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 4. & GOT ABORIGINE & 12. & OVA TO HERNIA \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 5. & HOLD NAKED NUT & 13. & HIGH STRAW AROMA \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 6. & LIFT AT BENCHMARK & 14. & SEIZE ZILCH AUDIT \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 7. & MAN ON PHOTO & 15. & SWORE RICHLY \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+ 8. & MICRO AT KIOSK & 16. & ZEBRA STAINS HAT \\ [20pt]
+\cline{2-2} \cline{4-4}
+%% Cover 3 (Table of Contents):
+{\vsize=47.5pc \baselineskip=11.75pt
+ {\Sectionfont \TeX{} and TUG NEWS\\
+ \medskip
+ Table of Contents}
+\contentsline {section}{{\it Editorial}}{1}
+\contentsline {section}{Typographer's Inn \\
+ \indent {\em Peter Flynn}}{3}
+\contentsline {section}{New Publications \\
+ \indent {\em Peter Schmitt}}{6}
+\contentsline {section}{``Hey --- it works!''\\
+ \indent {\em Jeremy Gibbons}}{}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts A page-numbering scheme
+ \quad {\em David Salomon}}{8}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Addresses in headings
+ \quad {\em Jeremy Gibbons}}{9}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts A double summation sign
+ \quad {\em Gerree Pecht}}{10}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Matrix icons via \LaTeX\
+ \quad {\em Kees van der Laan}}{11}
+\contentsline {section}{Welcome to \sl \LaTeX~News}{13}
+\contentsline {section}{\AllTeX\ News \\
+ \indent \hskip-4pt The new \LaTeX\ on \ctan \\
+ \indent \qquad {\em George D.\ Greenwade}}{15}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad {\small TIQWAH} \\
+ \qquad {\em Yannis Haralambous}}{15}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad User group info on \ctan \\
+ \qquad {\em Christina Thiele}}{16}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad {\tt RELABEL} on \ctan \\
+ \qquad {\em Peter Ungar}}{16}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad New group forming \\
+ \qquad {\em Jos\'e Ra Portillo Fern\'andez}}{17}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad News from vendors \\
+ \qquad {\em Christina Thiele}}{17}
+\contentsline {section}{Reports on Meetings \\
+ \indent \dante'94}{18}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace {\small GUST} ---
+ Bacho\TeX'94}{19}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Knuth visits St.\
+ Petersburg}{20}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Nordic Group}{20}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace \GUTenberg ---
+ Journ\'ee \LaTeXe}{22}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace \ntg\ --- 13th
+ meeting}{22}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace ``Tester'' Contest Winners}{24}
+\contentsline {section}{\tug\ Board Activities \\
+ \indent New faces on the board}{25}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Getting \tug\ info
+ from \ctan}{25}
+\contentsline {section}{\TUG\ 1994 Course Schedule}{26}
+\contentsline {section}{Upcoming Events}{27}
+\contentsline {section}{Fun and Games}{28}
+ \bf Volume 3, No.\ 3, 1994
+%% Cover 4 (TUG'95 promo):
+\begin{center} \baselineskip=16pt
+ {\Large TUG$\,$'95: {\TeX} goes to Florida!} \\ [3ex]
+ \introfont
+ The TradeWinds Hotel \\
+ St.\,Petersburg Beach, Florida \\
+ 16th Annual Meeting \\
+ \TeX\ Users Group \\
+ July 24--28, 1995
+\noindent In 1995, the Supercomputer Computations Research Institute
+({\small SCRI}) at Florida State University will host the 16th Annual
+Meeting of the \TeX\ Users Group at the TradeWinds Hotel in
+St.~Petersburg Beach. The hotel is located in 18~acres of beachfront
+property, with spectacular sunsets, while St.~Petersburg Beach itself
+is one of the largest and most beautiful resort beaches in Florida
+(don't worry, we have negotiated special conference rates for this
+booking!). Be sure to bring your sunscreen and swim suit. We will also
+be near Disney World, {\small EPCOT} Center, Sea World, and Busch
+Gardens, and only three hours from the Kennedy Space Center. We are
+planning an evening dinner cruise on the {\em Starlite Princess\/} and
+a Hawaiian banquet ({\em `luau'\/}) on the beach.
+The local committee will work with the hotel to make arrangements for
+those conference delegates who wish to share accommodation. There
+will be courses before and after the meeting: the usual {\em Intensive
+Courses\/} in \LaTeXe\ and \TeX, \PS, Graphics, and perhaps other
+topics. The meeting itself will have excellent speakers, panel
+discussions, workshops, poster displays, BoFs and technical
+demonstrations. Details will follow shortly.
+ Current Program Ideas \\
+\kern -1,2 ex
+\leavevmode \vrule width 1.5 in height 0.2 pt depth 0.2 pt \\
+ Back to Basics \\
+ From Novice to \TeX pert in One Week \\
+ Taking the Initiative \\
+ Having Fun with \TeX/\LaTeXe \\
+ How-to Courses \\
+ {\em and just what is/are $\ldots$} \\
+ $\ldots$ Publishing \\
+ $\ldots$ Installation \\
+ $\ldots$ \PS\ $\backslash$specials \\
+ $\ldots$ Archives \\
+ $\ldots$ \nfss? \\
+\noindent We would like a major theme of this meeting to be {\em Back
+to Basics}. Do you have suggestions or requests for topics to be
+covered? If so, then please send e-mail to {\tt},
+because this is {\em your\/} conference and we want to make it the
+best ever!