path: root/info/digests/ttn/ttn2n4.tex
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/ttn/ttn2n4.tex
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/ttn/ttn2n4.tex')
1 files changed, 2276 insertions, 0 deletions
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+%% This file contains all materials for TTN 2,4 (1993).
+%% IMPORTANT NOTICE: You *MUST* use version 2.4 of the TTN style
+%% file, called ttn2n4.sty.
+%% (Ch. Thiele, Editor, TTN).
+\documentstyle[twoside]{ttn2n4} %% Version 2.4, Oct. 1993
+% 1992.2.27: fix for underfull hboxes suggested by Phil Taylor (CJC)
+\tolerance = 1817 \hbadness = \tolerance
+%% Cover 1:
+%% For camera copy file, replace this page with material from file
+%% camera-copy-cover.tex
+ Volume 2, Number 4
+ October 1993
+\hrule height2pt
+ \Huge \TeX\ and TUG NEWS
+\hrule height2pt
+ for and by the \TeX\ community
+ A Publication of the\\
+ \TeX\ Users Group\\
+ Electronic version
+} %% end of \Large
+%% COVER 2 (editorial information):
+ {\Sectionfont\TeX{} and TUG NEWS}
+{\small \baselineskip=10pt
+\begin{center} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}
+ \begin{tabular}{||lp{9.5cm}||}
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf Mission Statement} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ \multicolumn{2}{||l||}{The \TUG\ (\tug) provides leadership:} \\
+ 1. & to encourage and expand the use of \TeX, \MF, and related
+ systems \\
+ 2. & to ensure the integrity and portability of \TeX, \MF, and
+ related systems \\
+ 3. & to foster innovation in high-quality electronic document
+ preparation \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+\noindent \TTN\ is a newsletter for \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} users alike:
+{\em a forum for exchanging information, tips and suggestions\/}; {\em
+a regular means of communicating news items to one another\/}; {\em a
+place where information about \TeX{} and TUG can be quickly
+Throughout the newsletter ``\TeX'' is understood to mean \TeX, \LaTeX,
+\AmSTeX, and other related programs and macros. \TTN\ is produced with
+the standard \LaTeX{} distribution, and is to be as portable a document
+as possible.
+The entire contents of this newsletter are being placed in the public
+domain. The source file of this issue will be placed in the {\tt
+aston}, {\tt shsu}, and {\tt stuttgart} archives. Copying and
+reprinting are encouraged; however, an acknowledgement specifying
+\TTN\ as the source would be appreciated.
+Submissions to \TTN\ should be short, the macros must work, and the
+files {\bf must} run without special font or graphics requirements:
+this is to be a {\em portable\/} newsletter (the new font selection
+scheme has not yet been implemented). Correspondence may be sent via
+e-mail to {\tt} with the subject line {\tt NEWSLETTER}\@.
+Advertisements are accepted in \ttn: contact the \tug\ office for
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ \bf \TUG & Phone: & +1 (805) 963-1338 \\
+ P.O.\ Box 869 & \fax: & +1 (805) 963-8358 \\
+ Santa Barbara, CA 93102 USA & E-mail: & \tt \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\TeX{} is a trademark of the American Mathematical Society.
+\par} %% end of \small \baselineskip=10pt
+{\footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt
+\noindent \TTN\ (ISSN 1065-240X) is published quarterly by the \TeX\
+Users Group, 735 State Street, P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102,
+U.S.A\@. The 1993 dues for individual members are \$60.00 for regular
+members and \$30.00 for students.
+Second-class postage paid at Santa Barbara, CA, and additional mailing
+offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to \TTN, \TeX\ Users Group,
+P.O.\ Box 869, Santa Barbara, CA 93102, U.S.A.
+Membership in the \TeX\ Users Group is for the calendar year, and
+includes all issues of {\sl TUGboat} and {\sl \TeX\ and TUG NEWS\/}
+for the year in which membership begins or is renewed. Individual
+membership is open only to named individuals, and carries with it such
+rights and responsibilities as voting in the annual election.
+\par} %% end of \footnotesize \baselineskip=9.5pt
+%% Editorial (pp.1-2):
+\markboth{\TTN\quad Vol.\ 2, No.\ 4, 1993}
+ {\TTN\quad Vol.\ 2, No.\ 4, 1993}
+\setcounter{page}{1} %% to set first page of contents to p.1
+Another year is coming to a close, and plans for 1994 have to begin.
+We have a new board coming on stream in January (see p.\ 20); sites
+for future \tug\ meetings are being sought (p.\ 23); and we hope to
+see you amongst the list of new or renewed members in the \TUG\ (1994
+rates remain at '93 levels). Just before we leave 1993~\ldots\ {\bf 31
+December 1993} is the new deadline for the A-in-\LaTeX\ contest (p.\
+14), so do send in your entries!
+But you don't have to wait till 1994 to use our new e-mail address!
+In September, {\tt} officially came on-line. The office
+can be reached at:
+ \begin{tabular}{||ll||}
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\bf TUG Office} \\
+ \hline
+ E-mail: & \tt \\ [2pt]
+ \hline
+ Phone number: & 805-963-1338 \\
+ Fax number: & 805-963-8358 \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+A correction for an item which I'd noted in my editorial of the last
+issue: {\sl \TeX help: The On-Line \TeX\ Handbook\/} is a joint effort
+by both Arvind Borde and Tom Rokicki. I only listed Arvind as author
+--- my apologies for the oversight, Tom. Along with the correction,
+Arvind sent the following additional information (see also p.\ 3):
+\begin{quote} \baselineskip=11pt
+ \dots\ it's a hypertext guide to \TeX, \LaTeX\ and \AmSTeX\ that
+ allows you to look up descriptions and definitions of commands
+ on-line; it also contains discussions of typesetting topics. The
+ initial release will run only on {\small DOS} machines, but {\small
+ MS}-Windows and Unix versions are to follow.
+ \baselineskip=11pt
+ We're hoping that this electronic guide will be found a useful tool
+ by people who want to write \TeX\ but who don't have a printed
+ manual on hand, or who want to look things up *fast*.
+Something very interesting happened earlier this month. The Goudy
+Center, Rochester Institute of Technology, has been in touch with
+\tug\ about courses which may be of interest to our members (see
+Upcoming Events, p.\ 25). And it seems to me that there is potential
+for a two-way interchange of expertise between this center, which is
+in the School of Printing Management and Sciences, and our members,
+with their knowledge and experience with \TeX. We'll keep you posted
+on future developments.
+I'm putting together some information on using \TeX\ for linguistics
+typesetting. I'd like to get in touch with others who have some
+expertise with fonts, writing specialised macros, encoding files with
+all those wonderful ``design features'' which pepper linguistics
+papers: tree diagrams, glosses, the phonetic alphabet (and any
+others), pseudo-mathematical presentation of rules and principles, and
+so on. There will be a meeting of the Linguistic Society of America in
+Boston the first week of January, 1994. It is possible that the
+conference organisers might be interested in a display of how \TeX\
+can be used in the field of linguistics. As well, we may be able to
+produce a useful little guide on the subject. If you'd like to join
+forces (and maybe find a solution or two yourself!), drop me a line
+at: {\tt}, or call me at +1 613-727-0427
+The \UK-TuG\ is planning a few meetings over the next few months. As we
+went to press, no firm dates or locations had been set, but if you're
+in the UK, there will be a meeting in either November or December, and
+there's also a 2-day \LaTeX\ meeting planned for the spring. Stay
+tuned both to this newsletter, and the Calendar section in upcoming
+issues of {\sl TUGboat\/}.
+Recently, Don Hosek polled readers of the {\tt TYPO-L} list about a
+new magazine on typography he'd like to launch. The magazine will now
+definitely go ahead. For more information, write to Don at 555
+Guilford, Claremont, California 91711, or \fax\ him at +1
+Electronic distribution of \ttn\ will now be taken care of by Michael
+Doob; our thanks go to Chris Carruthers for having gotten the
+distribution started.
+ Christina Thiele\\
+ Editor, \TTN
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\Large\bf Positions Available} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ \mbox{\empty} \\ [-8pt]
+ \TTN\ needs a new {\bf Editor}, as well as a {\bf Columnist}
+ for the Upcoming Events page. \\ [6pt]
+ {\bf The Editor} should have experience with \LaTeX, which
+ is what \ttn\ uses; the editor should also be familiar with
+ electronic submissions and correspondence, in order to
+ coordinate and manage the work done by contributors and
+ the team of columnists already in place.
+ The editor should have a broad awareness of \TeX\ and \tug\
+ activities, be able to seek out potential news items, and
+ have a strong sense of duty (!), even though this is an
+ entirely volunteer effort. An extensive network of contacts
+ is a definite asset.\\ [4pt]
+ {\bf The Upcoming Events Columnist} gathers information on
+ activities related to TUG, to other \TeX\ user groups,
+ and items which might interest readers of \ttn. The columnist
+ then submits the finished column to the editor. \\ [6pt]
+ If you are interested in either position, please contact
+ the current editor at {\tt}. \\ [4pt]
+ \hline
+%% New Publications (Peter Schmitt's column) (p.3):
+\begin{New Publications}
+< Peter Schmitt \\
+< |schmitt@awirap.bitnet| \\
+< || \\
+> Arvind Borde and Tomas Rokicki:
+ A User's Guide for \TeX Help; The On-Line \TeX\ Handbook
+ Academic Press, 1993.
+ v + 28pp. \ISBN 0-12-1176040-1.
+ # This small booklet documents the \TeX Help program for {\small
+ IBM PC} and compatible microcomputers.
+> Arvind Borde:
+ Mathematical \TeX\ by Example
+ Academic Press, 1993.
+ 356pp. US\$19.95. \ISBN 0-12-117645-2.
+ # As the title suggests, this book is an introduction to \TeX\ by
+ means of examples. They almost entirely consist of pairs of pages:
+ one contains some piece of \TeX\ code (with explanations and
+ comments added via footnotes), while the other shows the output
+ produced by this code.
+> Nicholas J.\ Higham:
+ Handbook of Writing for the Mathematical Sciences
+ {\small SIAM} --- Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics,
+ Philadelphia, 1992. xii + 241pp. US\$21.50. \ISBN 0-89871-314-5.
+ # This book is intended for all authors of technical papers (and books) or
+ talks, and covers virtually all relevant issues. The author discusses
+ questions of style as well as practical matters.
+ The use of computers in the publishing process --- including \TeX,
+ of course --- is discussed in detail. An appendix contains a list of
+ \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ symbols. Among the various useful materials are
+ hints for Internet use and an extensive bibliography.
+> Christian Rolland:
+ \LaTeX\ guide pratique
+ Addison-Wesley France, July 1993.
+ 280pp. approx.\ 190~FF. \ISBN 2-87908-025-0.
+ (Distributed by Bordas, Bordas code 009808.)
+> GUST:
+ Zeszyt 2 (1993), 42pp.
+ Official newsletter of the Polish User Group, Grupa
+ U\.zytkownik\'ow Systemu \TeX.
+> La Lettre GUTenberg:
+ no.\ 1, juillet 1993, 16pp.
+% Official newsletter of \GUTenberg.
+> Die \TeX{}nische Kom\"odie:
+ 5.\ Jahrgang, Heft~1, Mai~1993, 72pp; Heft~2, Sep.\ 1993,
+% vol.\ 5, no.\ 1, May 1993, 72pp.
+%% CT> No room this issue for this line...
+%% Official news\-letter of \dante.
+% Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung \TeX\ e.V.
+% Four issues per year.
+% Contact: ||.
+> \TUB: %% The Communications of the \TeX\ Users Group:
+ vol.\ 14, no.\ 1, April 1993, 92pp;
+ vol.\ 14, no.\ 2, July 1993, 64pp.
+\end{New Publications}
+%% \newpage included in {New Publications} environment (Ch.)
+%% Typographer's Inn (Peter Flynn column) (pp.4-5):
+\font\dropcap=cmbx12 scaled \magstep5
+\newbox\cbox \newdimen\cwid \newdimen\pwid
+\def\drop#1{\setbox\cbox=\hbox{{\dropcap #1}} \cwid=\wd\cbox \advance\cwid by2pt
+ \pwid=\hsize \advance\pwid by-\cwid
+ \box\cbox\par\vskip-3\baselineskip\vskip-2.5pt
+ \parshape=4 \cwid \pwid \cwid \pwid \cwid \pwid 0pt \hsize
+ \noindent\ignorespaces}
+\hyphenation{Kil-la-shan-dra pa-ra-me-ters au-to-ma-ting}
+\Section{Typographer's Inn}
+ Peter Flynn \\
+ University College Cork \\
+ \tt
+\subsection*{Interletter spacing}
+Anyone who reads any of the \TeX-related mailing lists or Usenet {\tt
+news} groups must be well aware that the Computer Modern ({\sc cm})
+fonts are much criticised for alleged ugliness. {\sc cm}-bashing can
+be very much in vogue at times, but most of its critics still allow
+that at \o{1270}\ts dpi and above, it is extremely easy on the eye to
+read. This is largely due to the proportions of the interletter
+spacing, which are wider than in many faces used in other {\sc dtp}
+In most visual {\sc dtp} systems you can tweak the interletter space
+(sometimes called the `tracking'). This is regarded as inadvisable for
+plain text, as type designers go to considerable trouble to adjust
+interletter spacing for optimal readability, yet it looks as if Adobe
+has narrowed it in most of the fonts they distribute.
+At its worst, there are even systems, including some wordprocessors,
+which actually pride themselves on their ability to achieve
+unhyphenated justified setting by slackening the interletter
+spacing. While this is acceptable in newspapers, with their
+exceptionally narrow columns, it looks very poor in normal text work.
+One day I will have to find out if it is possible to bodge the {\tt
+afm2tfm} parameters to generate a decent appearance for the Adobe
+fonts, but I'm not sure how this will come out once it's passed
+through {\tt dvips} and handed to a typesetter. Does anyone have any
+experience in this?
+\subsection*{Interword spacing}
+Richard Southall gave a provocative talk at Aston about plain \TeX's
+limitations in the matter of justification. In hand composition,
+interword spacing is initially a fixed space while the line is being
+set in the stick. Justification proceeds by the addition or
+substitution of fixed increments selected from ens, thicks, mids,
+thins and hairspaces, whereas \TeX\ uses infinitely variable spacing
+(almost: the increments are tiny). At one stage the trend in the {\sc
+uk} was for very close setting, sometimes with no space at all between
+a fullpoint at the end of a word and the following capital of the next
+sentence, a practice which caused much debate in my typography classes
+when I was a student.
+It is true that properly done, hand-set matter is more pleasing to
+read because of the care and attention which is paid by the skilled
+compositor. \TeX, being only a program, cannot hope to achieve this
+level of sophistication, but the interesting point for the development
+of the New Typesetting System ({\sc nts}) is the possibility of being
+able to switch to a system of justification based on discrete
+increments. Unless, of course, someone would like to implement this in
+\TeX\ as it stands\dots
+\subsection*{Poetry setting}
+There was only one entry for my challenge to find a way of automating
+the folding of long lines into the space left above or below by a
+preceding or following short measure. Unfortunately the solution
+arrived in my mailbox while I was actually at Aston, so pints were not
+distributed, but the winner was Jonathan Kew, whose complex but
+elegant macros are available by {\tt ftp} from {\tt} in
+{\tt pub/tex/VerseMacs.tex} and {\tt VerseTest.tex}\ts---\ts well done
+\subsection*{Dropped caps}
+A final note on the macros for dropped initial capitals: I was reading
+Anne McCaffrey's {\em Crystal Line\/} in the {\sc us} paperback
+edition (Del Rey/Ballantine, 1992, ISBN 0--345--38491--1) and was
+amused to see the opening of the first chapter with a 3--line dropped
+cap for the test below. Quite correctly, all three opening quotes and
+the A were dropped into the paragraph, but this takes up over a third
+of the measure. Some days you just can't win\dots
+ \let\it=\dropit\rm\baselineskip=6pt
+ \drop{``\thinspace\thinspace`A}nd a star to steer her
+ by,'\thinspace'' Killashandra Ree\vphantom{j} shouted
+ to herself. Not that Lars Dahl\vphantom{j} could have
+ heard her over the roar of the sea crashing against
+ the bow of the {\it Angel\/} and the humming tension
+ of the wind through the sail stays and across the
+ sloop's mainsail.}
+Yannis Haralambous commented on \TeX's lack of a long~`s' for 17th
+century work, pointing out that he has included it in the new {\sc dc}
+fonts, as well as ligaturing it. I can see I shall have to start using
+the {\sc dc} fonts now!
+Jim Graham asked about whether to break a line before or after an em
+rule, if one occurs at a breakpoint. I prefer afterwards, always, but
+Nelson Beebe said his definition permits linebreaks before and after
+when used in narrow setting (he defines {\tt\\emrule} as
+David Carlisle fixed my {\tt flow.sty} (running text round an
+illustration) so that it handles indentation correctly, and a new copy
+is in {\tt/pub/tex} on {\tt}~.
+Finally a reminder that you can join {\tt TYPO-L}, the typography
+mailing list, by sending {\tt sub~typo-l}~{\sl forename~surname\/} to
+{\tt} and carry on the discussion there.
+Thanks to all who contributed\ts---\ts and I didn't forget to sign off
+this time.
+%% Jeremy Gibbons' column ``Hey --- it works!'' (pp.6-9):
+\Section{``Hey --- it works!''}
+ Jeremy Gibbons \\
+ University of Auckland \\
+ \tt
+\noindent Welcome to {\sl ``Hey~--- it works!''}. This column is
+designed for little tricks~--- even ones that seem trivial or
+inelegant~--- that others may find useful. If you have any such items,
+please send them in to me at the address above. I am particularly
+looking for short items (up to about a page).
+We start off with a little note from our noble editor, describing a
+trick she used in laying out this issue to get one-column material
+following two-column on the same page. Then there is a piece from
+David Lau about `striking' (drawing a line) through a piece of text,
+and a piece from Anita Hoover on making rules of different thicknesses
+in \LaTeX{} alignments. Finally, I describe a modification to \LaTeX's
+\verb"footnote" macro that I used in this issue in order to place
+verbatim material in footnotes.
+\squashedsubsection{One-column material below two-column}
+ {Christina Thiele \\
+ \tt}
+When you get to the end of this issue, we have an index done with the
+\verb"\twocolumn" coding, described in \ttn\ 1,3:15--16. My problem was
+to fit a full-width text below the two-column material. I opted for
+the cheap and sneaky solution: I simply put the text at the end of the
+second column, and then \verb"\hspace"'d it leftwards by $-6\,{\rm
+cm}$! No argument from \TeX, not even a mutter about an overfull
+ ... end of last index entry in \twocolumn.
+ \begin{tabular}{||l||}
+ first cell of table ... \\
+ ... last cell of table
+ \end{tabular}
+\squashedsubsection{Striking through text}
+ {David Lau \\ Richmond, British Columbia \\ \tt
+ {%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{#1}%
+ \dimen0=\ht0 \dimen1=\dp0
+ \setbox1=\vbox{
+ \box0 \vskip-\dimen1\vskip-0.8ex \hrule
+ }%
+ \ht1=\dimen0 \dp1=\dimen1
+ \box1
+ }%
+I present below a macro, \verb"\strikethrough", which will reproduce its
+argument with a line through it; for example, `\strikethrough{strike}'.
+ {%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{#1}%
+ \dimen0=\ht0 \dimen1=\dp0
+ \setbox1=\vbox{
+ \box0 \vskip-\dimen1\vskip-0.8ex \hrule
+ }%
+ \ht1=\dimen0 \dp1=\dimen1
+ \box1
+ }%
+This macro works by first typesetting the argument, then backing up
+vertically by an amount equal to its depth plus 0.8~times the x-height
+of the current font, and finally overlaying a \verb"\hrule" on top of
+the argument.\footnote[1]{Another approach is to use horizontal
+leaders, as in Chapter~21 of the {\sl\TeX book\/}:
+ \def\strikethrough#1{{%
+ \setbox0=\hbox{#1}%
+ \dimen0 0.8ex\dimen1\dimen0\advance\dimen1 by0.4pt
+ \rlap{\leaders\hrule height \dimen1 depth -\dimen0\hskip\wd0}%
+ \box0
+ }}
+This involves backing up horizontally, rather than vertically, and
+using a rule of negative depth. Symbols other than the \verb"\hrule"
+can be used as leaders. ---{\sl jg}}
+Here is the tricky part. It is crucial that the placement of the
+strikethrough line on the argument not result in a box (\verb"\box1")
+having dimensions different from those of the box (\verb"\box0")
+containing the argument by itself. If the superimposition is done
+imperfectly, the resultant box will not line up properly with the
+surrounding text. But according to \TeX's rules of box construction,
+\verb"\box1", as constructed in the code, has a height of
+${\tt\string\ht0}-\hbox{0.8\,ex}+\hbox{0.4\,pt}$ and a depth of~0\,pt.
+As a result, the dimensions of \verb"\box1" have to be adjusted after
+it has been constructed, which explains why the line
+\verb"\ht1=\dimen0 \dp1=\dimen1" is necessary.
+Note that this macro has a shortcoming: it only works for arguments
+that are relatively ``short''. In the event that lines of text or
+entire paragraphs are to be ``struck through'', a more elaborate
+approach is called for.
+\squashedsubsection{Thicker {\tt\string\hline}s in \LaTeX\ alignments}
+ {Anita Z.\,Hoover \\
+ University of Delaware \\
+ \tt}
+\def\Hline{\noalign{\ifnum0=`}\fi\hrule \@height \arrayruleHwidth
+ \@tempa\@xhline}
+\noindent In the tabular environment, there is a macro called
+\verb"\hline" which produces a horizontal line in a table across all
+columns. It is defined to be of a certain thickness and can be changed
+by modifying the dimension specified by \verb"\arrayrulewidth".
+However if you want to keep the original \verb"\hline" thickness of
+lines, you need to create a new macro, say \verb"\Hline", to produce
+thicker lines based on a new dimension, say \verb"\arrayruleHwidth".
+You can do this simply by copying the definition for \verb"\hline" and
+changing the width of the rules. The definition below shows how; it
+can be placed in the preamble of your document.\footnote[2]{A similar
+technique could be used for \verb"\vline" and \verb"\cline". ---{\sl
+\def\Hline{\noalign{\ifnum0=`}\fi\hrule \@height \arrayruleHwidth
+ \futurelet \@tempa\@xhline}
+Alternatively, you could omit the \verb"\makeatletter" and
+\verb"\makeatother" and put the definition in a style file, say
+Here is an example of using the new macro \verb"\Hline" to produce
+thicker lines in the tabular environment.
+ \Hline
+ \multicolumn{3}{c}{Very Nice}\\\Hline
+ 1 & 2 & 3 \\\hline
+ 4 & 5 & 6 \\\hline
+ 7 & 8 & 9 \\\Hline
+This produces
+\multicolumn{3}{c}{Very Nice}\\\Hline
+1 & 2 & 3 \\\hline
+4 & 5 & 6 \\\hline
+7 & 8 & 9 \\\Hline
+\squashedsubsection{Footnotes with verbatim material}
+ {Jeremy Gibbons}
+There are limitations to what you can do with \LaTeX's
+{\tt\string\footnote} macro; in particular, you cannot include
+verbatim material (via \verb"\verb" or \verb"\begin{verbatim}") in a
+footnote. This is because of the way \LaTeX's footnotes are defined;
+the {\tt\string\footnote} macro reads in its entire argument before
+executing any of it, and the catcodes of the entire argument are fixed
+when the argument is read --- it is not possible to change catcodes
+within the argument.
+On the other hand, plain~\TeX's footnote macro (as on page~363 of the
+{\sl \TeX book\/}) does not have this problem; it `uses some
+{\tt\string\bgroup} and {\tt\string\futurelet} and
+{\tt\string\aftergroup} trickery, so that the footnote text does not
+need to be a parameter'.
+I needed footnotes with verbatim material for Anita's and David's
+items in this issue, in order to put editorial comments about their
+macros in footnotes. I did this by judiciously coalescing \LaTeX's and
+plain~\TeX's footnote macros, as shown below.
+% plainfootnote.sty: incorporate plain TeX's trickery into LaTeX's
+% footnote macros, to allow \verb"..." within footnotes
+% (the argument to \footnote is not read before it is executed)
+ \insert\footins\bgroup
+ \footnotesize
+ \interlinepenalty\interfootnotelinepenalty
+ \splittopskip\footnotesep
+ \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
+ \hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
+ \edef\@currentlabel{\csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark}%
+ \@makefntext{\rule{\z@}{\footnotesep}\ignorespaces}%
+ \futurelet\next\fo@t
+\def\fo@t{\ifcat\bgroup\noexpand\next \let\next\f@@t
+ \else \let\next\f@t\fi \next}
+%% (La)TeX news (pp.10-11):
+\Section{\AllTeX\ News}
+%% LaTeX update notices (from Frank and Chris):
+ {\LaTeX{}\kern.05em2$_{\textstyle\varepsilon}$}
+ {\LaTeX{}2\kern.05em{\boldmath$_{\textstyle\varepsilon}$}}
+\newcommand{\NFSS}{{\sf NFSS}}
+\newcommand{\NFSSt}{{\sf NFSS2}}
+\squashedsubsection{\LaTeXeb{} --- A New Version of \LaTeX}
+ {Chris Rowley \\
+ and Frank Mittelbach \\
+ \LaTeX3 Project}
+\subsubsection{What is it?}
+\LaTeXe{} is a new, standard version of \LaTeX{} --- prepared and
+supported by the \LaTeX3 Project Team.
+\subsubsection{Why is it needed?}
+Over the years many extensions of \LaTeX{} have been developed. This
+is, of course, a welcome development, since it shows that the
+\LaTeX{} system is in a healthy state. It has, however, had
+one unfortunate conse\-quence: there are now several incompatible
+systems, in the sense of format ({\tt .fmt}) files, all claiming to be
+\LaTeX{}. Therefore, in order to process documents coming from various
+places, a site maintainer needs to provide several format files:
+\LaTeX{} (with and without \NFSS), \SLiTeX, \AmSLaTeX, and so on.
+As well, when looking at a source file it is not always clear for
+which format the document was~written.
+\subsubsection{What will it offer?}
+\LaTeXe{} will put an end to this unsatisfactory situation --- it will
+give access to all such extensions based on a single format and thus
+end the proliferation of mutually incompatible dialects of \LaTeX~2.09.
+It will use an enhanced version (\NFSSt) of the New Font Selection
+Scheme. Files such as {\tt amstex.sty} (formerly the \AmSLaTeX{}
+format) or {\tt slides.sty} (formerly the \SLiTeX{} format) will
+become extension packages, all working with this single format.
+The introduction of this new version will also make it possible to add
+a small number of often-requested features (such as extended versions
+of \verb|\newcommand|).
+To summarize:
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=-1pt
+ \item {\bf Standardisation:} a single format incorporating \NFSSt, to
+ replace the present multiplicity of incompatible formats (\NFSS,
+ lfonts, pslfonts, etc.)
+ \item {\bf Maintenance:} a standardised system supported by a reliable
+ maintenance policy.
+\LaTeXe{} will, as far as possible, adhere to the following
+\begin{enumerate} \itemsep=-1pt
+ \item Unmodified version 2.09 document files will produce the same
+ output with \LaTeXe{} as with version 2.09.
+ \item All new features of \LaTeXe{} will conform to the conventions
+ of version 2.09, making it as easy as possible for current
+ users to learn to use them.
+The new version will be described in a new edition of Leslie Lamport's
+{\it\LaTeX: A Document Preparation System\/}, and in a new book, {\it
+The \LaTeX{} Companion\/} by Michael Goossens, Frank Mittelbach and
+Alexander Samarin (both to be published by Addison-Wesley). The {\it
+Companion\/} will also contain a complete description of \NFSSt.
+\subsubsection{Distribution Policy}
+Maintenance of the new system will be undertaken by the \LaTeX3
+Project Team.
+A complete distribution of all files, incorporating corrections of
+errors, will be made available {\bf twice a year on fixed dates}. This
+will happen even if there have been no changes to the files, and hence
+only the release dates have had to be updated. It will therefore be
+easy to determine whether you have all the latest bug fixes ---
+information which is essential to system maintainers.
+\subsubsection{Error Reports}
+Error reports can be made using a report generating program {\tt
+latexbug.tex}. This will be part of the main distribution.
+Error reports will be accepted only if the version of \LaTeXe{} that
+produced the error is not older than one year. Error reports can be
+sent to this e-mail address: {\tt}.
+The $\alpha$-test version of \LaTeXe{} is scheduled for late fall and
+the first regular distribution will be in early 1994 (says Frank).
+This will also contain information and advice to help in the process
+of updating an installation for use with the new version (says Chris).
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+\subsection*{\LaTeX3 Update: Coming Soon!}
+There will be a status report on the \LaTeX3 Project coming soon.
+Depending on which publication gets out first, it will either appear
+in {\sl TUGboat\/} 14, \#4, or \ttn\ 3,1 (January 1994). Further
+prototype code for \LaTeX3 is taking shape at this very moment (I am
+informed by reliable sources!). Stay tuned to these pages for more
+information. It's coming! --Ch.
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+\squashedsubsection{Bits and pieces \ldots}
+ {Christina Thiele}
+Nelson Beebe sent info on a review of Y\&Y's {\small DVIW}indow and
+{\small DVIPSONE}, and comments on outline fonts for \TeX: John L.\
+Castri, ``Bitmap-free \TeX,'' {\sl Notices of the American
+Mathematical Society\/} 40, \#5 (1993): 464--68.
+And from the mailbag \ldots\ the Y\&Y folks have ``recently completed
+the conversion of \TeX plorator's {\it MathTime\/} font set to fully
+hinted {\small ATM} compatible Adobe Type 1 format.'' This is version
+1.1, ``a set of math fonts for use with \TeX\ that goes particularly
+well with Times Roman for text, but also works well with other text
+fonts in Adobe Type 1 format.''
+%% Column by Robert Becker: You Rang ...? (pp.12-14):
+\Section{You Rang \ldots?}
+ Ed Baker \\
+ P.O.\ Box 642, Norfolk, Mass., 02056 USA \\
+ {\tt}
+\noindent [{\bf Note:} Robert Becker has been sidelined with a severe
+hand injury. Ed Baker has offered to fill in, and this column is
+therefore a bit different from the usual fare in ``You rang
+\ldots~?'' This time we have a product description. If you have any
+comments, please send them to Ed at the above address --Ch.]
+\noindent Virtually all database tools provide the ability to produce
+plain \ascii\ reports. Using them with \TeX\ or \LaTeX\ is simply a
+matter of creating reports that are actual, \mbox{ready-to-roll},
+\TeX\ or \LaTeX\ documents.
+A popular database product is the Personal Information Manager
+(\pim). A \pim\ is essentially a consolidated address book, calendar,
+phone dialer and mail list manager. They are widely used by people
+who have to manage large numbers of phone calls, appointments and
+One of the common commercial \pim s is called \act\ (Automated Contact
+Tracking) produced by Contact Software International. This article
+will demonstrate how \LaTeX\ can be used directly with \act\ to
+produce a standard business letter.
+Each record in \act\ is referred to as a contact, containing 74 fields
+of information. Each field is labeled within the system so that it
+can be used with the \act\ report generator, accessed via a pull-down
+menu system. The report generator is used to create a master file to
+be merged with the various contacts. After starting the report
+generator, simply type in all of the regular \LaTeX\ commands you want
+to use and insert \act-replaceable fields by specifying them as shown:
+``\mbox{\sf [\#FIELD--NAME]}''. The attached \act\ report is used as
+a standard business letter shell. It uses the following fields:
+\mbox{\sf [\#Contact]}, \mbox{\sf [\#Name]}, \mbox{\sf
+[\#Address\_line\_1]}, \mbox{\sf [\#Address\_line\_2]}, \mbox{\sf
+[\#City]}, \mbox{\sf [\#State]}, \mbox{\sf [\#ZIP]} and \mbox{\sf
+To use the system, you'd merely select the person you want to write
+to, use the \act\ menu system to select the ``Letter'' option, and the
+replaceable fields would be automatically inserted. You could then
+insert the body of your text, enclosures, cc list and postscript.
+The \act\ system also provides a function called ``Launch'' which will
+start a batch file. You could start \LaTeX\ with this feature, or
+shell to {\small DOS} to run \LaTeX\ and your favorite
+previewer/printer driver.
+The attached report listing illustrates the \act\ letter. In this
+case, all of the letter parts are defined as \verb|\newcommands| ---
+\verb|\body|, \verb|\salutation|, \verb|\postscript|, \verb|\enclosures|,
+\verb|\cclist|, and \verb|\signatuture|. Each \verb|\newcommand| is
+placed in the \LaTeX\ preamble in the inverse order of its likelihood
+of changing. The contents of the \verb|\postscript| and
+\verb|\enclosures| commands are actually commented out unless you
+elect to use them.
+[#Contact] \\
+[#Name] \\
+[#Address_line_1] \\
+[#Address_line_2] \\
+[#City], [#State] [#ZIP]
+Dear [#Salutation],}
+%% -- Your Text Goes Here --
+%% Use the next section for your postscript message
+%% remove the two percent signs and continue on the next line
+%%{\bf p.s.}\\
+%% Use the next section for your enclosures
+%% remove the two percent signs and continue on the next line
+%%encl: \\
+%% remove the two percent signs and put cclist inside parbox
+%%CC: \ \parbox[t]{4in}{
+%%} % end of parbox
+} % end of cclist
+\setlength{\marginparwidth}{1 in}
+\setlength{\topmargin}{0 pt}
+\hfuzz=20pt %the two columns actually overlap
+\newcommand{\signature}{Ed Baker \\
+{\em Internet: }{\tt}}
+%% End of Preamble %%
+\today \hfill
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\large\bf A-in-\LaTeX Contest} \\ [6pt]
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\large Deadline Extended} \\ [6pt]
+ \hline
+ \mbox{\empty} \\ [-8pt]
+ \multicolumn{1}{||p{5.5cm}||}{Due to late delivery of many issues of
+ \ttn\ 2,2, which contained contest details,
+ the deadline has been extended to} \\
+ \mbox{\empty} \\
+ \large\bf 31 December 1993 \\
+ \hbox{\empty} \\
+ See \ttn\ 2,2:28 for contest details. \\ [4pt]
+ \hline
+%% Reports on Meetings (pp.15-17):
+\Section{Reports on Meetings}
+\squashedsubsection{DANTE'93 in Chemnitz}
+ {Walt A.\ Obermiller, \\
+ Stephan Engelke}
+\dante'93, the German \TeX{} meeting, and membership conference of the
+German \TeX{} users group was held at the Technical University of
+Chemnitz, March 9--12, 1993. Some 90 registered participants gathered
+for four days of \TeX{}nical discussions, and to have a good time.
+The meeting began on Tuesday afternoon, the 9th, with tutorials, a
+``quaint old tradition'' of \dante\ meetings. All tutorials were well
+attended. One of the most popular sessions was with Phil Taylor (``Ask
+me any question about plain \TeX'') which was continued on Friday,
+after the meeting was supposed to be over. Some tutorials also
+provided handy booklets, which were very much appreciated.
+\subsubsection{Membership meeting}
+The \dante\ membership meeting was held on Wednesday morning.
+Friedhelm Sowa (treasurer) gave a financial status report (definitely
+solvent); then Joachim Lammarsch (president) spoke about
+\dante's activities, and its relationship with other
+\TeX{} groups. Membership (now at 2,321) has increased steadily. The
+opening of \dante's office in Heidelberg is imminent; the very popular
+distribution of software and books to members, albeit a lot of work,
+will move to the new headquarters soon. The quality of maintenance of
+\dante's ftp server in Stuttgart has been improved, and close
+coordination of activities with the Aston and {\small SHSU} servers
+has been established. Board elections unanimously reconfirmed the old
+board (Joachim Lammarsch, president; Uwe Untermarzoner, vice
+president; Friedhelm Sowa, treasurer; and Luzia Dietsche,
+secretary). The membership meeting was then adjourned, and most of the
+remaining three days were devoted to the talks on the agenda.
+\subsubsection{The conference presentations}
+About a dozen papers were presented, covering a wide range of topics,
+under the general headings of \TeX, \LaTeX, and \MF, as well as the
+intersection with PostScript and graphics issues. For \LaTeX, there
+were papers on font problems in a mixed Cyrillic/Roman document (Horst
+Szillat); macros to create personalized bulk mailings (Thomas
+Schweikle); a new style file for floats (Hubert G\"a\ss lein); and an
+account of introducing \LaTeX\ to hospital doctors for writing letters
+and reports (Bernd-Michael Paschke).
+In the \TeX\ area, a description of \TeX\ under Linux (Jens
+P\"onisch); publishing experiences (Steffen Kernstock); and
+(in)compatibility of source files (Bernd Raichle). As well, Phil
+Taylor spoke about the future of \TeX\, and his role as the newly
+appointed technical director of the {\small NTS} project. \MF\ was
+used to provide solutions for specialised symbols in a physics context
+(Torsten Kunz).
+Several papers looked at the problems of taking \TeX\ and integrating
+it with the non-\TeX\ world: a proposal for a standard graphics
+interface (Friedhelm Sowa); bringing diagrams and graphs from
+Mathematica and Maple into \LaTeX\ files (Werner Buckhards); and using
+contents of \TeX{}'s registers in PostScript (J\"urgen Gl\"ockner).
+Other items on the agenda included a \LaTeX3 Question-and-Answer
+session with Rainer Sch\"opf, and a description of REdit, a text
+editor (Michael Rogalla).
+\subsubsection{Social Events}
+included a guided tour of City Hall on Wednesday, with a reception
+held by the Mayor of Chemnitz. And on Thursday, we went by bus to
+Schlo\ss{} Augustusburg, which houses a famous motorcycle museum; we
+concluded the evening with dinner at the restaurant there.
+Joachim Lammarsch and Rainer Sch\"opf closed the meeting with the
+traditional \TeX{} resource talk. The ever-important question to
+answer: ``Where can I get \TeX{}-related software?'' File server
+locations and Internet and Bitnet discussion lists were mentioned, as
+well as how to use the \dante\ \TeX{} Archive at the University of
+Stuttgart using the mail server or ftp. Last year's request count and
+the volume of software retrieved by both mail and ftp were interpreted
+as eloquent proof as to the usefulness of the Stuttgart Archive.
+\noindent All in all an interesting and fun meeting I'm glad I
+\squashedsubsection{TUG'\ts93 at Aston University, UK}
+ {Mimi Burbank \\
+ {\tt}}
+There is an air of excitement and anticipation when one goes to the
+\tug\ annual meeting; this year was no exception. 1993 was the first
+year the Annual Meeting was held outside the North American continent,
+affording many European \TeX\ users to attend --- as well as providing
+economic problems for American users. The program covered topics on
+system installation, fonts, document design, typography, macros, and
+several excellent talks on The Future(s) of \TeX. There were
+excellent talks given on languages --- Khmer and Catalan --- and
+exciting developments for typesetting music and maps, as well as
+informative talks on macros and the behaviour of \TeX\ and
+\LaTeX. This year a Bursary Fund was established, with generous
+contributions made by individuals and organizations, resulting in the
+attendance by some eastern European users who otherwise could not have
+The meeting at Aston was attended by users from all around the globe
+--- Belgium, Canada, Czech Republic, Denmark, Eire, Estonia, France,
+Germany, Greece, Italy, Israel, Japan, Norway, Poland, Russia,
+Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Ukraine,
+Ulster, United Kingdom, and the United States.
+One highlight of the conference {\em had\/} to be the trip to
+Stratford to see {\em King Lear\/} at the Royal Shakespeare Theatre
+--- a powerful and most memorable performance. The Shakespeare
+Library opened its vaults and shared published works dating back to
+the early 1700s. Speaking as a colonial I must say that the sights,
+smells, tastes, and sounds of my trip to the UK will remain with me a
+long time.
+The sense of history is quite acute, and reminds one that \tug\ also
+has a history, one which continues to evolve and we as members must
+protect the heritage given us and provide the framework for future
+users. Networks have brought many of us together electronically; at
+Aston, many of us met for the first time; many of us argued (and some
+not for the first time), but the agreement was unanimous that as \TeX\
+users, we must continue to evolve.
+%% Board Activities (pp.17-23):
+\Section{TUG Board Activities}
+\subsection*{Summary of Annual Business Meeting\\
+ TUG\ts'93 at Aston University, UK}
+ Christina Thiele \\
+ President, \TeX\ Users Group
+\noindent This year's Annual Business Meeting was held on Thursday,
+July 29th, from 2:00 to 3:00, chaired by \tug's president, Christina
+Thiele. The first part of the meeting was a presentation of various
+items by members of the Executive Committee, followed by a general
+question-and-answer session with members attending the Annual Meeting.
+The President thanked the \tug\ts'93 Committee, Peter Abbott for Aston
+University, the \tug\ Office staff, and all the attendees for
+contributing towards a successful and informative meeting.
+Peter Abbott, chair of the \tug\ts'93 Committee, located at Aston
+University, gave a quick overview of the conference: 9 of 12 courses
+had been run, and there was a total attendance for both courses and
+conference of about 168 individuals.
+Phil Taylor presented a summary of the results of the Bursary Fund,
+donations for which had come from many \tug\ members. A total of some
+\pounds 5,488 had been received, allowing some 18 people from various
+countries, predominantly Eastern Europe, to attend the first \tug\
+meeting for most of them. On their behalf, Ela Kuczynska (a member of
+{\small GUST}, the Polish user group), read a short statement of
+thanks.\footnote[1]{``I would like to express our gratitude to all the
+persons who gave their donations to the Bursary Fund, as well as to
+the Bursary Fund Committee, for their kind support. Thanks to them, we
+have now the possibility to participate in this conference, that would
+otherwise be impossible for us. It will be a great advantage to our
+newly-established groups, which have only recently begun to
+participate in the world-wide \TeX\ community. Thank you very much.''}
+About \pounds 600 remained, and this will go towards the 1994 bursary
+fund. It should be added here that the money which \tug\ usually
+allocates to the Knuth Scholar was redirected to the Bursary Fund,
+since no scholarship was awarded for 1993.\footnote[2]{See {\sl
+TUGboat\/} 14, \#2, p.\ 102.}
+On behalf of the Executive Director, Pat Monohon, the President
+provided an update on the \tug\ office. Of immediate interest and
+benefit to members was the news that the office staff (Pat, Lisa Ward,
+and John Berlin) have arranged their hours such that calls can be
+taken from 3 a.m.\ to 6 p.m.\ Pacific Time~(!!), and that payments can
+now be accepted in almost any regularly traded currency --- which
+means it is no longer necessary to always convert to US dollars when
+sending in membership dues, or payments for other \tug\ products. Many
+had already met Pat, Lisa Ward, and John Berlin during the meeting,
+and members were invited to stop by the office if they were in the
+Santa Barbara area.
+The Treasurer, Bill Woolf, presented an outline of the budget for
+1993, which indicated a potential \$30,000 deficit. However, since the
+revenues from the \tug\ts'93 conference were as yet unknown, nothing
+more definite could be provided.
+Two announcements were made by Barbara Beeton: the first concerned the
+new release of \TeX\ v.3.1415 (the notice was included in the Thursday
+edition of the daily {\sl TUGly Telegraph\/} newsletter and will also
+appear in {\sl TUGboat\/}). The second was that the deadline for the
+\ttn\ ``A-in-\LaTeX'' contest has been extended to December 31, 1993.
+The President outlined the highlights of the board meeting. The most
+significant item for members was the issue of the annual meetings. It
+has been decided that meetings will rotate through three geographic
+zones: the west coast, then the east coast of North America, and
+Europe. To start the cycle off, Santa Barbara will be the west coast
+site for the 1994 \tug\ Annual Meeting, with a tentative decision for
+Florida to be the east coast site for 1995. Also with members, the
+1994 dues will remain unchanged at the 1993 rates. For the immediate
+future, \tug's attention will focus on a membership drive, and on
+improving and extending services to its members. One further issue of
+direct impact on \tug\ members was the upcoming election for board
+members, which is another step in the transition from an appointed
+board to an elected one. All 15 positions are open for election; in
+order to end up with only 5 positions per year coming up for election,
+the 15 winning candidates will then be selected randomly to hold their
+seats for one, two, or three years. As well, all terms of office, for
+both board members and for the president, will begin at the annual
+meeting: this means future elections will be held in the spring,
+before the annual meeting.
+The President also spoke about the conference at Aston: the excitement
+of having the meeting in Europe, the opportunity to meet so many new
+people and to match faces with e-mail addresses, the trip set up to
+attend the performance of {\sl King Lear\/} at Stratford, as well as
+the special viewing of books arranged at the Royal Shakespeare
+Library. As always, the success of the meeting lay with the members,
+both long-time and first-time attendees.
+\subsubsection{Questions and Answers}
+The second half of the Business Meeting was devoted to questions and
+comments from the audience.
+\begin{itemize} \itemsep=-1pt
+ \item Nelson Beebe suggested that \tug\ maintain a forwarding
+ address in perpetuity from the former Providence location to
+ Santa Barbara; it was pointed out that all publications in
+ circulation before 1993 contained the Providence address as
+ contact point for \tug.
+ {\bf Update} on this item: Bill Woolf, \tug's
+ Treasurer, and an Associate Executive Director of the {\small
+ AMS}, has said that the former e-mail address of {\tt
+} is permanently forwarded to the {\bf }new
+ address, which is {\tt} (as of this month
+ [September] --Ch).
+ \item The problem of delays in receiving {\sl TUGboat\/} was
+ raised by Malcolm Clark. He asked if the scheduled vs.\
+ actual dates of publication for the past 5 years might
+ be assembled, to determine if current delays were no
+ different from those in the past, or if they had become
+ worse.
+ The President's response was that this was a serious
+ issue, and that it was clear that recent delays were indeed
+ worse. She pointed out that finding alternative production
+ solutions for a publication which had 14 years of history
+ could not be found overnight. She has been discussing
+ other options with the {\sl TUGboat\/} editor, Barbara
+ Beeton, since early spring and had made it one of her
+ priority items while in office.
+ Phil Taylor rose later on to offer effusive praise and thanks
+ for the work done by the editor, and this was greeted with a
+ generous round of applause by the audience, to the editor's
+ embarrassment.
+ \item The question of \BibTeX\ and when it might be available was
+ raised. The President responded that she'd been in contact
+ with Oren Patashnik, who felt that it could not be finalised
+ before the end of this year. As well, there were
+ complications arising as the \LaTeX3 project tried to ensure
+ that there would be harmony between \BibTeX\ and the new
+ \LaTeX.
+ \item Jonathan Fine rose to suggest that authors of public domain
+ software consider having \tug\ serve as distributor of their
+ wares, and perhaps even have \tug\ involved in locating funds
+ to support writers of {\small PD} software. The President
+ suggested that Jonathan serve as the collecting point of
+ information and comment on this issue, and present a report
+ to \tug.
+ \item An additional item raised by Malcolm was that of having an
+ Index to {\sl TUGboat\/}. Barbara replied that an Index
+ had been in progress for quite some time; progress was slow,
+ but she could report that the issues up to volume 8 were now
+ done. As with many volunteer efforts, time was the major
+ constraint. However, all {\sl TUGboat\/} tables of contents
+ have been installed on the {\small CTAN} archives, along with
+ the style file needed to typeset them. As well, a {\small
+ KWIC} index generated from the titles in them is also present
+ in the archives, thanks to Nelson Beebe.\footnote[3]{Details
+ appear in {\sl TUGboat\/} 14, \#2, p.\ 101.}
+ \item The suggestion was made, based on a presentation by the
+ editors of the Polish newsletter {\sl GUST\/}, that the {\sl
+ TUGboat\/} macros might also benefit from being recast in
+ {\tt WEB}. The editor was not sure this was feasible, but
+ said she would investigate the issue further.
+ \item And finally, it was suggested that one way of helping the
+ editorial and production work on {\sl TUGboat\/} move more
+ smoothly and rapidly, would be for authors submitting items
+ for publication to take a little extra time to ensure their
+ submissions were complete (check all \verb"\input" statements
+ to ensure all additional macro files were included), that
+ their file runs on a different machine, especially with
+ respect to non-standard or non-CM fonts; check spelling; etc.
+ Having a colleague read over the submission, as well as test
+ run it, would also help debug some of the more obvious
+ errors, all of which can add to the editor's task of getting
+ material ready for publication on time.
+The meeting ended at 3 p.m., in time for the afternoon break.
+\squashedsubsection{$\bullet$ 1993 Board Election Results}
+ {Joachim Lammarsch \\
+ Chair, Election Committee}
+The terms of all fifteen members of the first elected Board of
+Directors will expire on December 31, 1993. The election to choose the
+new Board members was scheduled for this fall and nominations of all
+members were invited.
+For this election only, the length of some terms has been altered so
+that not all members of the Board are replaced at the same time, but
+only one-third. For Board members elected this year, all terms will
+begin January 1, 1994. Five members of the new Board will have terms
+that end with the 1995 annual meeting, five with the 1996 annual
+meeting and five with the 1997 annual meeting. The members of each of
+the three groups have been chosen by lot by the \tug\ acountant.
+The deadline for nominations was September 1, 1993 and the \tug\
+office received twelve nomination forms. Unfortuately one was not
+complete and had to be declared invalid.
+Therefore it was not necessary to mail ballots to all members. In
+accordance with the Election Procedures all eleven candidates were
+declared as elected. In accordance with the bylaws our president will
+appoint four other persons to fill the four remaining vacancies.
+The new members of the Board of Directors are (selected by term):
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ 3\bf .5-year term & \bf 2.5-year term & \bf 1.5-year term \\ [2pt]
+ \hline
+ \noalign{\vskip2pt}
+ Luzia Dietsche & Mimi Burbank & Barbara Beeton \\
+ George Greenwade & Jackie Damrau & plus four people, \\
+ Yannis Haralambous & Michael Ferguson & to be named. \\
+ Jon Radel & Peter Flynn & \\
+ Sebastian Rahtz & Nico Poppelier & \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\end {center}
+As chair of the Election Committee I would like to express my thanks
+to the candidates and all the other people who helped to organize the
+However, if we are not able to find more than fifteen candidates I
+feel it's time to consider: Is an election by such a democratic method
+useful? Would it be better to return to appointing members to the
+Board of Directors? Are there other solutions? I would be glad to
+receive suggestions from our members.
+\subsection*{$\bullet$ Technical Council: \\
+ \phantom{$\bullet$} Special Interest Working Groups
+ (SI-TWGs)}
+\def\si{{\small SI-TWG}}
+\def\twg{{\small TWG}}
+ Michael Ferguson \\
+ Chair, Technical Council
+\noindent The primary purpose of the \TeX\ User Group's Technical
+Council is to provide a forum and mechanism for studying technical
+issues concerning \TeX, \MF, and their auxilliary support systems.
+Although this includes such important service, standardisation, future
+tools projects,\footnote[1]{Examples of such projects include Archives
+(TWG-Archives: George Greenwade, TWG-Chair), Multiple Language
+Coordination (TWG-MLC: Yannis Haralambous, TWG-Chair), and Independent
+Research Projects (IRP-TWG: Alan Hoenig, TWG-Chair) which includes the
+\LaTeX3 project (Frank Mittelbach, Project Chair). See TTN 1,3:5--8
+for details.} it is the ``Special Interest Working Groups (\si)'' that
+will have the most interest for the ordinary \TeX\ user. \si s are
+dedicated to the exploitation of \TeX\ systems for the specialised
+needs of particular user groups. These vertically integrated interest
+groups are destined to be an incredibly exciting part of the \TeX\
+Our first \si\ was ``\TeX\ for the Disabled'' with T.V.~Raman as chair
+({\tt}). Raman, who is blind, has created a very
+impressive system for interpreting the control codes and structures of
+\TeX\ by means of audio tones. His \twg\ is not only concerned with
+making \TeX\ more accessible for the blind, but also for persons with
+other disabilities. This group has been able to connect people who
+need and people who produce such things as braille fonts for
+mathematics, Computerized Books for the Blind, and appropriate online
+versions of the \LaTeX\ manual. There has also been discussion and
+offers within the group to write some specialized programs, such as
+adapting {\small DOS} for the vision impaired. This
+\si\ is an exciting beginning to, what I believe, will be a very
+important part of the \TeX\ environment.
+At this moment, we are in the process of organizing two new \si s.
+The first is to address the needs of those that are using, need to
+use, or merely interested in, the coupling of \TeX\ and {\small SGML}
+(contact Ken Dreyhaupt at {\tt}). This
+is a very important area for the enhancement of cooperation and
+understanding between two communities, and will also serve as a means
+of discussion and research for those that must straddle both
+areas. The other new \si\ being organized concerns the relation of
+\TeX\ and Adobe's new file format Acrobat (Doug Henderson, {\tt}).
+\si s may reflect the specialized technical interests of a
+particular community such as publishers, scientific organizations,
+chemists, astronomers, physicists, historians, logicians, theoretical
+computer scientists, or musicians, or perhaps satisfy a need for the
+possibly specialized use of a tool such as \LaTeX. One particular area
+might be Human/Computer interfaces for \LaTeX.
+What does it take to start an \si? First, and foremost, it takes an
+enthusiastic person with a burning interest. There also should be a
+user community with similar interests that will come together, usually
+electronically, for discussions and actions. Each \twg\ has a chair
+and a member of the Technical Council, who is sometimes the chair, to
+act as a liaison between the \twg\ and the \tug\ Board. The \twg\
+chair is expected to report, usually through the Technical Council
+Liaison, its activities to the Technical Council and hence the board.
+The chair is also encouraged to report on the \twg's activities in any
+forum that he/she feels beneficial and to seek cooperation with
+individuals and institutions as appropriate. If there is any action
+that a \twg\ would like to report to the board for formal (\tug)
+recognition, this action or recommendation will be evaluated by the
+Technical Council, and then brought to the board. It is anticipated
+that there will be little need for such action by a \si\ but the
+possibility is there.
+The \twg\ chair is completely responsible for the membership and
+activities of the \twg. The Technical Council and its liaison is
+charged only with reporting the activities of the \twg\ and carrying
+recommendations to the \tug\ board. If you would like to participate
+in a particular \twg, please contact the Chair. If you would like to
+start a \twg, please contact any member of the Technical Council.
+ \begin{tabular}{ll}
+ Michael Ferguson (Chair) & \tt \\
+ Yannis Haralambous & \tt \\
+ Alan Hoenig & \tt \\
+ \end{tabular}
+\squashedsubsection{$\bullet$ Conference Planning Committee}
+ {Jackie Damrau \\
+ Chair, Conference Planning Committee}
+\noindent Following recommendations from our committee, the \tug\
+board has approved a geographic rotation through three zones: North
+America --- West Coast, North America --- East Coast, and Europe.
+This approach allows \tug\ to reach many of its members by giving all
+an opportunity to attend an annual meeting periodically without undue
+The \tug\ board has approved Santa Barbara, California as the 1994
+annual meeting site. Plans are in progress by the local Santa Barbara
+\TeX\ Users Group to offer enticing accommodations, meeting
+arrangements, and a pleasant place to meet with other \tug\ members
+from near and far.
+ We are now soliciting the membership for volunteers to host future
+annual meetings for 1995--1997. Keeping with our geographical scheme,
+we are looking for offers from North America --- East Coast users
+(1995); European users (1996); and North America --- West Coast users
+(1997). The committee has received tentative offers from Florida
+(St.\ Petersburg, Florida, has been accepted as a candidate site) and
+Ireland. It is never too late to offer your campus or institution as
+a possible meeting site.
+What do you need to do to offer your site? Using the recorded
+experience of past conference organizers, the committee has compiled a
+short checklist for volunteers to complete and return for an initial
+bid to host a meeting. Along with this checklist, the committee
+provides organizers with a summary of tips --- sort of a ``things to
+do'' and ``things to avoid''.
+Would you like to host an annual meeting at your site for 1995, 1996, or
+1997? If so, please contact committee chair, Jackie Damrau:
+\begin{center} \tabcolsep=4pt
+ \begin{tabular}{lll}
+ Jackie Damrau, Chair & Phone: & 214-708-6048\\
+ \tug\ Conference Planning Committee
+ & \fax: & 214-708-5143\\
+ P.O.\ Box 875 & E-mail:
+ & \tt tugcpc-l@irlearn.bitnet\\
+ Red Oak, Texas 75154-0875, USA
+ \end{tabular}
+\begin{center} \renewcommand{\arraystretch}{1.3}
+ \begin{tabular}{||c||}
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\large\bf 1994 Annual Meeting} \\
+ \hline
+ 31 July--4 August, 1994 \\
+ Santa Barbara, California \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+%% TUG Courses for 1993/1994 (p.24):
+\Section{\Large\bf \TeX\ Users Group \\
+ 1993/1994 Course Schedule}
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Beginning/Intermediate \TeX*}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Intensive Course in \LaTeX*} \\
+\quad Santa Barbara & Feb.\ 7--11 & \quad Santa Barbara
+ & Jan.\ 31--Feb.\ 4 \\ [6pt]
+\multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Modifying \LaTeX\ Style Files*}
+ & \multicolumn{2}{l}{\large\sl Adv'd \TeX\ and Macro Writing\rlap{*}} \\
+\quad Santa Barbara & Feb.\ 28--Mar.\ 4
+ & \quad Santa Barbara
+ & Nov.\ 1--5 \\
+ & & \quad Santa Barbara
+ & Feb.\ 14--18 \\ [6pt]
+\multicolumn{4}{c}{\large\sl Practical SGML and \TeX*} \\
+\multicolumn{4}{c}{\large\sl Publishers*} \\
+\multicolumn{4}{c}{Santa Barbara\quad Nov.\ 8--9} \\ [6pt]
+ *Lab classes --- computers will be provided for
+ all students} \\
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \item \tug\ courses are small, with 8--15 students in most classes.
+ \item Dates and locations subject to change. Direct course
+ inquiries to John Berlin at the \tug\ Office. Anyone
+ interested in courses dealing with \TeX\ and {\small SGML}
+ should contact John as well ({\tt}).
+ \item \tug\ office: phone 805-963-1338\quad
+ \fax\ 805-963-8358\quad
+ \fbox{\tt}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \large\bf On-Site Courses in \TeX\ and \LaTeX\ from \TUG\
+ \item Courses in \TeX{}, \LaTeX{}, {\small SGML} and \TeX,
+ PostScript, or \TeX{} for Publishers tailored to the needs of
+ your group
+ \item Courses at every level from beginning to advanced
+ \item Five full days of instruction at your site
+ \item One-week course fee includes all instructor fees and expenses
+ plus textbooks and other materials for up to 15 students
+%% Upcoming Events (p.25):
+\Section{Upcoming Events}
+{\tabcolsep4pt \setbox 0 = \hbox {\bf Spring 1994}
+\dimen 0 = \hsize
+\advance \dimen 0 by -6\tabcolsep
+\advance \dimen 0 by -\wd 0
+\advance \dimen 0 by -4.8 cm
+\begin{tabular}{p{\wd 0}p{4.8cm}p{\dimen 0}}
+\bf 3 Nov. & {\small\bf GUT}{\bf enberg}:\nl
+ ``Journ\'ee pour l'utili\-sa\-teur\nl
+ \TeX'' and General Meeting.\nl
+ {\small ENS}, salle Dussane,\nl
+ 45 rue~d'Ulm, Paris 5\`eme.
+ & {\tt} \\
+\bf 18 Nov. & {\small\bf NTG} 12th Meeting:\nl
+ ``\AllTeX\ User Environment''.\nl
+ Den Bosch, {\small OC\'E}.
+ & Gerard van Nes\nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 18--19 Nov. & ``Jump Starting Your {\small SGML}\nl
+ Implementation'' (seminar).\nl
+ Goudy Centre,
+ Rochester Inst.\ of Technology, New York.
+ & Charlene O'Hanlon\nl
+ Tel.: +1 716-475-4951 \\
+\bf 29 Nov. & {\bf Nordic Group}: \nl
+ Helsinki University,
+ Finland.
+ & Martti Nikunen \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 16--18 Feb. & {\small\bf DANTE}'94: \nl
+ 10th general meeting,
+ M\"unster, Germany.
+ & Wolfgang Kaspar \nl
+ {\tt kaspar@dmswwu1a.} \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 11--15 April & Joint Conference:
+ {\small\bf RIDT'94},\nl
+ {\small\bf EP94},
+ {\small\bf TEP'94},
+ {\small\bf PODP94}. \nl
+ Darmstadt, Germany.
+ & {\tt},\nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf Spring 1994 & {\small\bf NTG} 13th Meeting:\nl
+ ``\AllTeX, \MF, and\nl tools education.''\nl
+ Groningen, at {\small RUG}.
+ & Gerard van Nes\nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\bf 31 July--\nl
+ 4 Aug. & {\small\bf TUG\ts'94}:\nl
+ 15th Annual Meeting,\nl
+ Santa Barbara, California.
+ & Debbie Ceder \nl
+ {\tt} \\
+\noindent {\bf Note}: Also consult the ``Calendar'' in the previous
+issue of \TUB\ for more dates and details.
+%% Obituary for Yuri Melnichuk (p.26)
+\Section{In Memoriam}
+ \large\bf Yuri Melnichuk
+\noindent{\bf Yuri Melnichuk}, a reader in computing mathematics at
+Lviv Polytechnical Institute, in the Ukraine, and one of the
+participants at the Aston \tug\ts'93 conference and courses, died
+suddenly of a heart attack while at the University of York on Friday,
+August 13th.
+Yuri was a fairly frequent visitor to York, where he was working on a
+joint book on number theory with Maurice Dodson. During his time at
+York he had been introduced to \TeX, and with the help of other
+colleagues in the Mathematics department there had developed this
+interest. Realising its potential value to the academic community in
+the Ukraine he had contacted others, with a view to establishing good
+links between institutions and individuals.
+His concerns were not just mathematical: he was also active in
+ensuring that the British Council and the {\small IEE} were in contact
+with relevant bodies in the Ukraine. Just before he died he was
+searching the net for a {\small PC} version of Ada to take back for
+computer scientists in his institution.
+Last year, he had been instrumental in beginning a \TeX\ users group
+in Lviv and was beginning to coordinate its activities over the whole
+He was a dynamic personality, with infectious vision and enthusiastic
+plans. An excellent and hospitable host, his good humour was matched
+with determination. His ability to bring people together was a tribute
+to his vision of cooperation and his own engaging nature. His loss is
+a blow to the many friends he had made, to his colleagues in the
+Ukraine, and to the \TeX\ community worldwide.
+ Malcolm Clark
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+ \begin{tabular}{||ll||}
+ \multicolumn{2}{c}{\large\bf TTN Schedule for Submissions} \\
+ \hline
+ \mbox{\empty} & \\ [-8pt]
+ Jan.\ issue (1994) & \bf Dec.\ 1st \\
+ Apr.\ issue & \bf March 15th \\
+ July issue & \bf June 1st \\
+ Oct.\ issue & \bf Sept.\ 15th \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+\hrule \vspace{2pt} \hrule
+%% Index for 1993 issues (2,1 -- 2,4) (pp.27-28):
+ \bf -- #1 --
+ \end{center}
+ }
+\twocolumn[\Section{1993 TTN Index}
+{\bf Notation:} All references show the {\bf volume},number:page;
+outside back cover is noted as C4 (Index prepared by Jackie Damrau).
+{\footnotesize \baselineskip=10pt
+ \parsep=1pt
+ \leftmargin0pt
+ \listparindent=-12pt}
+\item The A-in-\LaTeX\ Contest {\bf 2},2:28; {\bf 2},4:14
+\item Archives
+ \subitem UK \TeX\ archive on CD-ROM {\bf 2},3:14
+ \subitem The CTAN archive {\bf 2},3:15
+\item An Author's Ps{\tiny @}lm {\bf 2},4:28
+\item 1993 Course Schedule {\bf 2},1:24; {\bf 2},2:26; {\bf 2},3:27;
+ \subitem {\bf 2},4:24
+\item Conference Planning Committee {\bf 2},3:26; {\bf 2},4:22
+\item Did you know \ldots~? {\bf 2},1:2; {\bf 2},2:2
+\item Editorials {\bf 2},1:1; {\bf 2},2:1; {\bf 2},3:1; {\bf 2},4:1
+\item Eight Great Reasons to Join the \TeX\ Users Group {\bf 2},3:C4
+\item Board Elections {\bf 2},2:25; {\bf 2},3:23; {\bf 2},4:20
+ \subitem Nomination form {\bf 2},3:24
+\item Feature Articles
+ \subitem International quotations {\bf 2},3:5
+\item ``Hey --- it works!''
+ \subitem Correct spacing for tables and arrays {\bf 2},3:10
+ \subitem Experiences with tables {\bf 2},1:7
+ \subitem Footnotes with verbatim material {\bf 2},4:9
+ \subitem Headings in reference lists {\bf 2},2:8;
+ \subsubitem Old vs.\ new \LaTeX\ problem {\bf 2,}3:9
+ \subitem \verb+\howto+ pattern match in \TeX\ {\bf 2},2:10
+ \subitem Labelling equations by name {\bf 2},3:12
+ \subitem Lining up decimal points {\bf 2},2:7
+ \subitem More on margin marks {\bf 2},3:9
+ \subitem 1-column material below 2-column {\bf 2},4:6
+ \subitem Striking through text {\bf 2},4:7
+ \subitem Thicker \verb"\hline"s in \LaTeX\ alignments {\bf 2},4:8
+\item In Memoriam
+ \subitem Yuri Melnichuk {\bf 2},4:26
+\item Index {\bf 2},4:27
+\item International quotations {\bf 2},3:5
+\item \AllTeX\ News
+ \subitem Announcing Oz\TeX\ 1.5 {\bf 2},3:13
+ \subitem Bib\TeX\ Hypercard stack {\bf 2},3:13
+ \subitem Bits and pieces \ldots\ {\bf 2},4:11
+ \subitem DC fonts --- Q and A (II) {\bf 2},1:10
+ \subitem Files to print up font tables {\bf 2},1:13
+ \subitem Jones Index of \TeX\ Macros {\bf 2},2:12
+ \subitem The CTAN archives {\bf 2},3:15
+ \subitem TTN electronic distribution {\bf 2},1:13
+ \subitem TTN index {\bf 2},2:13
+ \subitem UK \TeX\ archive on CD-ROM {\bf 2},3:14
+\item \LaTeX3 Project
+ \subitem Volunteer Work {\bf 2},2:3
+ \subitem \LaTeX3 Update: Coming Soon! {\bf 2},4:11
+\item New Publications {\bf 2},1:6; {\bf 2},2:6; {\bf 2},3:4; {\bf
+ 2},4:3
+\item News from Around \ldots\
+ \subitem {\it La Lettre GUTenberg\/} {\bf 2},2:20
+ \subitem News from GUTenberg {\bf 2},1:15
+ \subitem NTG happenings {\bf 2},2:19
+ \subitem \TeX\ waves from Estonia {\bf 2},2:17
+ \subitem uk $\rightarrow$ ue {\bf 2},1:14
+\item Nomination form {\bf 2},3:24
+\item Notices
+ \subitem Technical Council {\bf 2},3:25; {\bf 2},4:21
+ \subitem Conf.\ Planning Committee {\bf 2},3:26; {\bf 2},4:22
+ \subitem Election Committee {\bf 2},4:20
+\item Other \TeX\ User Groups {\bf 2},1:27
+\item Positions Available {\bf 2},4:2
+\item Reports on Meetings
+ \subitem 6th Annual Nordic meeting (Nov.\ '92) {\bf 2},2:21
+ \subitem BoF session at TUG'92 {\bf 2},1:16
+ \subitem DANTE'93 in Chemnitz (March '93) {\bf 2},4:15
+ \subitem Joint Conferences (April '94) {\bf 2},1:22
+ \subitem News about CyrTUG \ldots\ {\bf 2},1:17
+ \subitem NTG meeting (Nov.\ '92) {\bf 2},1:16
+ \subitem NTG's Lustrum meeting (June '93) {\bf 2},3:22
+ \subitem TUG'93 {\bf 2},1:20; {\bf 2},1:C4;
+ {\bf 2},2:C4; {\bf 2},3:19,
+ \subsubitem {\bf 2},4:16
+ \subsubitem News Updates {\bf 2},2:23; {\bf 2},3:19
+ \subitem UKTUG (April '93) {\bf 2},1:19
+\item TUG Board Activities
+ \subitem Board Elections {\bf 2},2:25; {\bf 2},3:23; {\bf 2},4:20
+ \subitem Summary of Annual Business Meeting {\bf 2},4:17
+ \subitem Message from New President {\bf 2},1:23
+ \subitem Technical Council {\bf 2},3:25; {\bf 2},4:21
+ \subitem TUG Committees
+ \subsubitem Conf.\ Planning Comm.\ {\bf 2},3:26;
+ {\bf 2},4:22
+ \subsubitem Election Committee {\bf 2},4:20
+\item Typographer's Inn {\bf 2},1:3; {\bf 2},2:4; {\bf 2},3:3;
+ {\bf 2},4:4
+\item Upcoming Events {\bf 2},1:25; {\bf 2},2:27; {\bf 2},3:28;
+ {\bf 2},4:25
+\item User Groups (list of) {\bf 2},1:27
+\item ``You Rang~\ldots~?''
+ \subitem All about ACT {\bf 2},4:12
+ \subitem How can I get an indent after a sectioning
+ \subsubitem command? {\bf 2},3:16
+ \subitem How do I change the line spacing? {\bf 2},3:18
+ \subitem How do I get an abstract in the right place
+ \subsubitem in \LaTeX\ using \verb+\maketitle+? {\bf 2},3:17
+ \subitem Q\&A: How do I print envelopes? {\bf 2},2:14
+ \subitem What is this column? {\bf 2},2:14
+ \begin{tabular}{||l||}
+ \multicolumn{1}{c}{\Large\bf An Author's Ps{\small @}lm} \\ [6pt]
+ \multicolumn{1}{p{10cm}}{There are times when an author may
+ find it difficult to justify the choice of a particular
+ word, style of syntax, or punctuation, yet know in
+ his or her h[e]art that a justification could be found
+ and adduced. In those circumstances, the author may wish
+ to seek the assistance of a Greater Power: I find the
+ following very reassuring:} \\
+ \noalign{\vskip1pc}
+ \hline
+ \mbox{\empty} \\ [-8pt]
+ Hart is my shepherd, I shall not want; \\
+ He maketh me to punctuate correctly; \\
+ He restoreth my missing apostrophes. \\
+ Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of
+ Chicago \\
+ I shall fear no evil; \\
+ For He is with me; \\
+ He annointeth my head with sound practices; \\
+ My \verb"\hbox"es runneth over. \\
+ Surely \verb"\goodness" shall follow me all the days of my
+ life, \\
+ And I will dwell in the house of \TeX\ forever. \\ [6pt]
+ \hfill Philip Taylor \\
+ \hline
+ \end{tabular}
+%% Cover 3 (Table of Contents):
+ {\Sectionfont \TeX{} and TUG NEWS\\
+ \medskip
+ Table of Contents}
+\contentsline {section}{{\it Editorial}}{1}
+\contentsline {section}{Positions Available}{2}
+\contentsline {section}{New Publications \\
+ \indent {\em Peter Schmitt}}{3}
+\contentsline {section}{Typographer's Inn \\
+ \indent {\em Peter Flynn}}{4}
+\contentsline {section}{``Hey --- it works!''\\
+ \indent {\em Jeremy Gibbons}}{}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts One-column material below two-column
+ \quad {\em Ch.\ Thiele}}{6}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Striking through text
+ \quad {\em David Lau}}{7}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Thicker {\tt
+ \char'134hline}s in \LaTeX\ alignments
+ \quad {\em Anita Z.\ Hoover}}{8}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Footnotes with verbatim material
+ \quad {\em Jeremy Gibbons}}{9}
+\contentsline {section}{\AllTeX\ News \\
+ \indent \LaTeXe --- A New Version of \LaTeX \\
+ \indent \qquad {\em Chris Rowley and Frank Mittelbach}}{10}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad Bits and pieces \ldots \\
+ \qquad {\em Christina Thiele}}{11}
+\contentsline {section}{You Rang \ldots? \\
+ \indent {\em Ed Baker}}{12}
+\contentsline {section}{A-in-\LaTeX\ Contest}{14}
+\contentsline {section}{Reports on Meetings \\
+ \indent \dante'93 in Chemnitz}{15}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace\tug\ts'93 at Aston University}{16}
+\contentsline {section}{\tug\ Board Activities \\
+ \indent Summary of Business Meeting (Aston)}{17}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\quad\enspace Notices \\
+ \qquad\enspace 1993 Board Election Results}{20}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Technical Council}{21}
+\contentsline {subsection}{\qquad\quad\ts Conference Planning
+ Committee}{23}
+\contentsline {section}{\TUG\ 1993 Course Schedule}{24}
+\contentsline {section}{Upcoming Events}{25}
+\contentsline {section}{In Memoriam: Yuri Melnichuk}{26}
+\contentsline {section}{1993 \ttn\ Index}{27}
+ \bf Volume 2, No.\ 4, 1993
+%% Cover 4 (TUG'94 Announcement):
+\hrule \vspace{3pt} \hrule
+ \Large \bf TUG'94 \\
+ Santa Barbara, California \\
+ 31 July -- 4 August \\ [1pc]
+ Call for Papers
+\noindent The {\bf 15th Anniversary Meeting} of the \TeX\ Users Group
+will be held in Santa Barbara, California from 31 July through 4
+August 1994. Those wishing to present papers must have their titles
+and outlines submitted to the program committee at {\tt}
+by {\bf February~1, 1994}, completed papers by {\bf May~20, 1994}.
+Since \TeX\ and \MF\ applications and interests are as varied as our
+users, we are encouraging papers over the entire range of related
+topics, with a particular {\bf focus on innovation}. Let us take a
+fresh look at what we have and envision new areas of use.
+\hrule \vspace{3pt} \hrule
+\font\bigboldti=cmbxsl10 scaled\magstep3
+\def\REYrule{\hbox to 4pc{\leaders\hrule height 3pt\hfill}}
+ Open Position}\quad\raise3pt\REYrule}
+\def\REYbigrule{\hbox to \wd\REYbox{\leaders\hrule height 3pt\hfill}}
+ Open Position}\quad\raise3pt\REYrule}
+ \LARGE\bf American Mathematical Society\\
+ \Large\bf Technical Support Department
+\noindent The {\small AMS} is seeking an individual to join
+six other \TeX{} programmers in the Society's Technical Support
+Department. The successful candidate will possess a bachelor's degree
+in {\small C.S.}\ (or equivalent), a minimum of three years'
+experience in the publishing industry, and all or most of the
+following qualifications:
+ \begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{-2pt} \raggedright
+ \item Advanced \TeX{} macro writing
+ \item C programming language
+ \item Experience in electronic prepress techniques (electronic
+ halftones, imposition, etc.)
+ \item {\small VMS}, Unix, Mac-{\small OS}, {\small DOS}, and
+ Windows operating systems
+ \end{itemize}
+ \begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{-2pt} \raggedright
+ \item Knowledge of the PostScript language
+ \item Experience with traditional desktop publishing on Macintosh
+ computers
+ \item Acute attention to detail, strong verbal and organizational
+ skills
+ \end{itemize}
+\hbox to 12pt{\hfill}
+\noindent\small The Society is an equal opportunity employer and provides
+excellent benefits. The building is wheel-chair accessible.
+Interested applicants should send r\'esum\'e and salary requirements
+to: Director of Human Resources, American Mathematical Society, P.O.\
+Box 6248, Providence, Rhode Island 02940.