path: root/info/digests/texline/no7
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/texline/no7
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/texline/no7')
34 files changed, 4442 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/about-fac.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/about-fac.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..db1dd8f6a2
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+\centerline{\bf About Face!}
+Sub-titled ``Design, Choice and use of `Type' in
+Electronic Publishing and Page Design'', this
+was {\it another} {\sc bcs-ep} meeting, this time
+held on February 11th, at the usual venue, the
+School of African and Oriental Studies in Bloomsbury.
+This was a very well attended meeting, with
+many people who were not {\sc bcs-ep} regulars
+(as well as a number of familiar faces).
+The first talk was from David Saunders of Monotype.
+He presented a historical account of the rise
+of typefaces, from their early, handwritten origins,
+via Trajan's column through the rise of moveable type
+to the present day. Naturally covering such a sweep
+meant that he was selective, but he was also fascinating,
+interesting, educational and thought provoking.
+One of his themes was the interaction between design
+and technology. This is inevitable, but often the
+constraints are not obvious after the event.
+Early typefaces were derived from calligraphy (especially
+lower case, for which there were no stone cut originals).
+But gradually the calligraphic characteristics disappear,
+to be replaced by conventions more suited to the medium.
+Saunders also noted that new letterforms arose in the
+early industrial revolution, notably sans serifs, which
+were then regarded as expressions of the new age.
+In comparing quality we were shown comparisons between
+various laser printed and `conventionally' printed
+letterforms. The key issue here was that with good quality
+paper, laser printed material could be of good quality,
+and that all conventional printing was not automatically
+good. There are (or can be) problems with all types of
+printing. A conclusion to be drawn
+was that higher resolution does not ensure higher quality.
+From looking at the way in which typefaces have evolved,
+we looked next at some of the physiological and psychological
+bases for recognising the marks on the paper.
+John Richardson of Loughborough University described
+some of the results of studies which has been done
+by psychologists in this area. Most of this work is rather
+old now. From the
+way in which the eye handles text, it would seem that
+speed of reading for type of 9--12 points is about
+the same, but that it reduces for both smaller and larger
+sizes. Not surprisingly, there is a certain amount
+of visual interference in type set solid. The eye
+has difficulty skipping to the beginning of the next line.
+In the end we would seem to have to quote Eric Gill,
+who, in 1931 wrote ``Legibility, in practise, amounts
+simply to what one is accustomed to''.
+John Durham, assisted by the keyboard skills of Jenny
+Hearne, described the font editing
+software which has been developed by Archetype to
+permit modification of the fonts used by the large
+high volume laser printers (Xerox 9700).
+Essentially the system permits bitmap editing. Durham
+argued that hand tuning of algorithmic fonts would still
+be needed, and that simply scaling of a font to another
+size could not be expected to give good results.
+In order to achieve some degree of fidelity between
+screen and page, they used a high resolution monitor
+--- 100\,dpi, and grey scale fonts. In other words, the
+monitor's pixels were not simply black and white, but
+black, white and a range of grey.
+He also touched briefly on the problem of font licensing,
+since of course some of the fonts on these laser
+printers are proprietry.
+This was an interesting example of a small company
+siezing on a niche which the original vendor had
+failed to fill (for whatever reason), and exploiting it
+rather thoroughly.
+After lunch Kathy Lang
+described some font practicalities. In most ways she
+seemed most interested in larger scale typographic
+issues, but she described the sorts of things you expect to
+get in the better known dtp packages.
+I was surprised to see letterspacing included as
+something one expected, since I had just
+finished reading in Kleper's book that
+``letterspacing should be avoided if possible''. Perhaps this
+is a feature incorporated because it is easy to do,
+regardless of its desirability (like `strike through' and
+underlining --- easy to implement, but useless).
+Lang went on to discuss the relative merits of
+`write white' and `write black' laser printers.
+One of the audience was able to reveal that the new
+Apple LaserWriter II is capable of 400\,dpi
+(although it only does 300\,dpi just now).
+John Miles, of Banks \& Miles
+described the employment of dtp in his design
+studio. Even if you don't realise, you
+will be familiar with some of the output of this studio.
+They designed the logos for the Post Office and British
+Telecom (among other well known corporate identifiers). The studio
+uses a couple of Macs with PageMaker and RSG!.
+But before describing what they did with the Macs,
+he stood back a little to explain what it was they
+were trying to achieve in the first place. He identified
+a necessary focussing on function. What was the intention
+of the material, how would it be used? One of the distinctions he made
+was between legibility (the property of a typeface)
+and readability (a function of the arrangement of typefaces).
+Most of this talk was illustrated with reference to designs
+on bits of paper, rather than a screen, but tempered by
+the knowledge that they would end up as grids on a
+dtp system. The starting point was a sheet of paper,
+not the screen.
+He noted that it was the job of the designer to
+fulfill the function expected by the client, not
+to demonstrate the versatility of the equipment.
+He also attempted to dispell the myth that there was
+anything valuable to be gained by changing typeface
+or leading etc.\ `at a stroke'. Any designer worthy of
+his hire would know these characteristics before he started
+to look at the computer.
+The last talk was by the type designer, Richard Southall, who, as
+many will know bears some responsibility for some bits of
+Computer Modern, and who has a considerable ability
+with \MF. But even if you didn't know that,
+you would be familiar with Richard's work. He designed
+the sub-titling font which is used by the {\sc bbc}
+for its films (also seen on Channel 4).
+Early in his talk Richard made the distinction between
+\item{$\bullet$}a character image --- the marks which
+a marking engine makes for readers to see. This includes
+the letters made by laser printers, dot matrix printers, or
+even those made on a vdu screen.
+\item{$\bullet$}a font --- a set of instructions to a marking
+engine to make a character image. This might be a bit map
+or an algorithm, or even a piece of type.
+\item{$\bullet$}typeface --- the sets of visual attributes for the
+characters of a script. As such a typeface has no concrete
+existence, it is an abstract object. The nearest concrete
+entity is probably the designer's original drawings.
+Richard expressed the view that the changes which were
+taking place now, since the introduction of dtp in 1984
+closely paralleled those which took place between 1965
+(with the introduction of photo composition) and the virtual
+extinction of hot metal typesetting in 1971.
+ He also pointed
+out the short period which had elapsed since the introduction
+of digital photocomposition (in 1965). To an extent the old
+constraints had been removed, such that almost anyone
+can now design a typeface.
+He pointed out that the commercial pressures to use
+outline fonts were overwhelming, but that the
+outline was a long way distanced from the typeface it
+purported to represent. He commented too on the use of
+intelligent outlines, citing \PS, but also the more
+recently announced Bitstream, Compugraphics and Imagen
+fonts which add information to the character outlines.
+But he also said that he could not ``see how to make the
+outline intelligent enough''.
+However, Richard has slightly retracted from his earlier
+view that \MF\ was unusable, and he now expresses the
+view that, subject to some pretty massive constraints,
+`You can use \MF'
+A good set of talks which from the extent
+of interest shown and the questions asked
+met some sort of need. The next {\sc bsc-ep} meeting
+is on April 28th. Later this year there will be a meeting
+on technical typesetting.
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W. Clark}
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+\centerline{\bf Acknowledgments}
+Besides thanking all the people whose names
+appear in \TeXline\ 7, in whatever capacity,
+I would also like to
+thank Peter Bradshaw, and
+Audun Clark, star of Mac and screen.
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W. Clark}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/amy.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/amy.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..dd90dcf58b
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+%\def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em
+% T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+\MT\ is a new set of general purpose macros, designed for the person who
+simply wants to create a normal looking book or report using \TeX\ without
+going to the trouble of creating dozens (if not hundreds) of macros. Knuth,
+quite correctly, gave us very low level and generalised tools when he wrote
+\TeX, which has made it useable in such a wide variety of applications, from
+Japanese to music. The two most famous general purpose macro packages are
+\AmSTeX\ and \LaTeX, with the former concentrating specifically on the
+facilities needed for AMS publications; both are freely distributed, and in
+very wide use. What is the market, then, for a package that actually costs
+money, and does the same sort of job? In this review, I will briefly outline
+what it does, and how it compares against \LaTeX.
+Amy Hendrickson's 4000 or so lines of
+\MT\ came on an IBM PC floppy disc, in about 8 files,
+easily transferred to the Sun 3/50 I used it on; I presume it could be
+supplied on a Mac disc as well. The only `installation' needed was to edit the
+main {\tt mt.tex} file to reflect the fonts I use. Here I had to do some work, as
+\MT\ assumes you want either the AM or CM fonts, and has a number of
+subsidiary font declaration files which optionally set up \PS\ fonts,
+but only for headings and the like. To set it up to use our normal standard of
+\PS\ Palatino, I had to rename all the fonts in the font declaration
+file, and use a version of \TeX\ with a {\tt plain.tex} similarly doctored (as
+of course Macro\TeX\ assumes the base set of 16 fonts in Plain \TeX); this
+procedure would cause problems for a beginner who wanted to use a \PS\
+printer, but of course the package as it stands will be fine for the great
+unwashed who use the CM fonts.
+All facilities are provided with
+macros compatible with plain \TeX, so you can include your own macros
+anywhere, and all plain \TeX\ commands. A clever feature is that all the
+commands are known about in the main `|mt.tex|' file; all you need do is add
+|\input mt|
+at the start of your document, and subsidiary files will be pulled in only if
+needed (saving memory).
+\MT\ has the sort of facilities you would expect: style options (it defaults
+to `documentation' but also has book, report, note (memorandum) and letter
+styles); automatic sorting out of 4 or 5 levels of headings; nested lists;
+cross-referencing; tables of contents etc.
+More interesting are:
+\item{$\bullet$}Modular page numbering (I--1, I--2 etc), coupled with facilities to insert new
+pages (I--2a, I--2b, I--2c etc) at any point, obviously useful for software
+\item{$\bullet$}Floating figures, which can be wrapped around with text (so one can specify a
+3$\times$1 inch box on the
+right side of the page, and paragraph shapes change
+\item{$\bullet$}Indexing and glossaries look quite sophisticated (I didn't try them).
+\item{$\bullet$}Various verbatim environments for quoting code, including a feature to enclose
+a code quote in a screen-shaped box.
+\item{$\bullet$}Tables can be split over pages, and maintain their headings (Hendrickson has
+had to modify the plain \TeX\ output routine slightly.
+\item{$\bullet$}A number of macros for boxing text in more or less felicitous ways.
+These features are all documented in a manual created with \MT; it has to be
+said that the manual is not very well organised --- it does not have an index
+(madness!), and I have to say I find Hendrickson's layout style fairly
+unpleasant; Americans seem very fond of large fonts, huge spacing and thick
+lines around tables. Eventually one finds what one wants, and there are plenty
+of examples (sometimes at the expense of an {\it explanation} of what is
+happening); parameters that one can easily change are described, but if you
+want to go further into customisation you will have to attack the sparsely
+commented source.
+The amount of customisation I had to do immediately to get
+what I wanted (resetting values that the manual mentions) makes me think that
+it won't be long before I am driven to the source, which is sad.
+Hendrickson does, however, make a point of saying that she wrote \MT\ in a
+modular way, so that hackers can use whole chunks (like the verbatim
+environments) in their own macros. I have not yet succeeded in prising
+anything loose from its setting to use in \LaTeX\ (I suspect multi-page tables
+could be a major act of surgery all round), but I am sure it could be done.
+You could even use the code just as a source of ideas---whatever the faults of
+this package, Amy Hendrickson is no mean \TeX nician, and there is a {\it lot}
+of work here.
+Hendrickson is also a confirmed boxer; there are a number of different
+macros for boxing text, either in-line or marginally; you can even
+have a column of boxed text in-line, but it doesn't seem to work
+quite as described in the documentation (another bug?). On a grander
+scale you can create a `screen' box to emulate the appearance
+of a terminal screen, suitable for software documentation (see the
+\MT\ is good for {\it ad hoc} layout of text;
+lines may be typed one word per line and an
+takes care of the layout --- each input line is then
+right justified. On the other hand |\autorighttab| does not work
+as promised, it generates a \TeX\ error; and using |\fn| for
+automatically numbered and incremented footnotes requires the
+addition of an |\hfill| to sort it out: the footnote comes
+out as
+\llap{$^1$}`The cape, Larry, go for the cape'\break
+rather than\hfil\break
+\llap{$^1$}`The cape, Larry, go for the cape'\hfil\break
+Of great interest are the tables; \MT\ is an interesting addition to the
+repertoire of table description languages. Like {\sc unix} |tbl| it can maintain
+tables over pages, with duplicated headings, but in
+this case you have to decide the column widths (it wraps within the width). If
+your table is single page, it will work out column widths (like |tbl| and
+\LaTeX\ |tabular|), and if you have just numbers, you need not even bother
+with column separators, just white space. Combinations of rules, spanning
+columns and the like are caterered for, but the facility
+to provide a template for a row (as in {\sc unix} |tbl| and \LaTeX\ |tabular|) to indicate that
+(say) columns 3 to 6 are right justified is not as powerful as it might be.
+In fact, when I used it, it ran my \TeX\ out of memory.
+There is a facility to have text span several columns, but it just
+generates complicated \TeX\ errors, so I gave up.
+The table I tested these commands on was generated by the
+Ingres database report writer, which inserted
+the \MT\ commands; I would have got very bored with all the typing necessary.
+The beginning of the table is shown in the screen box example.
+Does it work as promised? More or less; the problems range from the irritating
+(some commands seem to have to be on a line by themselves or they
+do not work; I am sure there is rational \TeX planation, but I would prefer
+things to be intuitive), through the buggy (the macro
+to set a huge first letter of a paragraph simply does not work; the examples
+have only one parameter, but the macro definition calls for two, and I cannot
+work out what it wants), to the bizarre---the |\endverb| complement to the
+|\beginverb| (not |\verb|
+as in the manual examples!) verbatim environment construct simply does not get
+defined in the macros, yet is called! It is, admittedly, only version 0.9,
+but this sort of bug seems extraordinary. If you are a poor typist, the
+extraordinarily long macro names may annoy (try typing
+|\endautorighttab| several times).
+I have not yet used all the facilities, and those I have tried did not
+produce a very beautiful result at first, but I think with patience I could
+get the package producing reasonable documents. Do I want to persevere? If I
+did not have \LaTeX, I might be tempted, but after several books and many
+smaller documents I have grown to admire Lamport's work. He did a much more
+thorough and flexible job than Hendrickson, and if you want to produce a
+substantial book, his system is probably better. \MT\ may tempt us, however,
+with its better verbatim work, its indexing, its more flexible figures and
+some features of its tables. In addition, it is compatible with plain \TeX,
+which will endear it to those who dislike Lamport's arbitrary usurpation of
+favourite macros, and his authoritarian `LL knows best' attitude
+(a \LaTeX-compatible version is promised --- {\sc mwc}). All in all,
+I think \MT\ probably {\it will\/} be worth the money as a source of ideas and facilities,
+but is not complete nor yet reliable enough to be considered
+as a daily production
+system, and I certainly cannot recommend the current
+version (unless all the bugs are my fault).
+\MT\ will set you back something in the region of \$200 for a
+single-user license, and more for a site license.
+Amy Hendrickson is
+\TeX nology Inc
+57 Longwood Avenue
+MA 02146
+\rightline{\sl Sebastian Rahtz}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/archive.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/archive.tex
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+\input texline
+\centerline{\bf\LaTeX\ style files}
+Ken Yap has provided short
+descriptions of the items included
+in the \LaTeX\ repository:
+\def\strut{\relax\hbox{\vrule height8pt depth3pt width0pt}}
+\mitem{a4.sty}{set page size to A4}
+\mitem{a4wide.sty}{adjusts width too to suit A4}
+\mitem{aaai-instructions}{intructions to authors}
+\mitem{aaai-named.bst}{\BibTeX\ style for {\tt
+\mitem{aaai.sty}{style file for AAAI conference 1987}
+\mitem{acm.bst}{ACM \BibTeX\ style}
+\mitem{agugrl.sty}{AGU Geophysical Research Letters style}
+\mitem{agugrl.sample}{{\it ditto}, sample}
+\mitem{agujgr}{AGU J. Geophysical Research style}
+\mitem{agujgr.sample}{{\it ditto}, sample}
+\mitem{alltt.sty}{verbatim with embedded commands}
+\mitem{amssymbols.sty}{load AMS symbol fonts}
+\mitem{article.txt\par art10.txt\par art11.txt\par art12.txt}
+{standard files in text format, with places to make language
+specific changes indicated}
+\mitem{biihead.sty}{underlined heading}
+\mitem{cyrillic.sty}{load Cyrillic font}
+\mitem{dayofweek.tex}{macros to compute day of week and
+phase of moon: examples of how to use \TeX's arithmetic
+\mitem{deproc.sty}{DECUS Proceedings style}
+\mitem{deprocldc.tex}{paper describing above}
+\mitem{docsty.c\par docsty.readme}{program to convert {\tt.doc} to
+{\tt.sty} by stripping comments}
+\mitem{doublespace.sty}{double spacing in text}
+\mitem{draft.sty}{draft option for documents for
+\mitem{drafthead.sty}{prints DRAFT in heading}
+\mitem{dvidoc.shar1\par dvidoc.shar2}{sh archive of {\tt DVIDOC},
+{\tt dvi} to character device filter for Unix BSD systems}
+\mitem{dvidoc.sty}{style file to substitute all fonts with
+doc font}
+\mitem{epic.shar1\par epic.shar2}{sh archive of extended picture
+\mitem{espo.sty}{style file for Esperanto}
+\mitem{format.sty}{print floating point numbers in fixed format}
+\mitem{fullpage.doc\par fullpage.sty}{get more out of a page}
+\mitem{geophysics.sty}{Geophysics J. style}
+\mitem{german.sty}{redefines keywords for German documents}
+\mitem{ieeetr.bst}{IEEE Transactions \BibTeX\ style}
+\mitem{ist21.sty}{IST21 document style option for cover page}
+\mitem{latex.bug}{latest listing of bugs found in \LaTeX}
+\mitem{layout.readme}{prints nice diagram}
+\mitem{lcustom.tex}{useful macros and definitions for
+\mitem{lfonts\_ams.readme\par lfonts\_ams.tex}{use AMS symbols
+in \LaTeX}
+\mitem{lgraph.shar}{sh archive of data to graph command filter
+in Pascal}
+\mitem{local.suppl}{supplement~to~local~guide; describes
+{\tt a4}, {\tt tgrind}, {\tt sfwmac}, {\tt trademark},
+{\tt lcustom} and {\tt vdm}}
+\mitem{memo.sty}{memo style option}
+\mitem{mfr.sty}{modifier to above}
+\mitem{mitthesis.sty}{MIT thesis format}
+\mitem{natsci.bst}{Natural sciences generic \BibTeX\
+\mitem{natsci.sty}{formats citations created with above}
+\mitem{newalpha.sty}{modified alphabetic \BibTeX\ style}
+\mitem{nl.sty}{customised Dutch style file}
+\mitem{nopagenumbers.doc\par nopagenumbers.sty}{\quad remove
+page numbers}
+\mitem{remark.sty}{like newtheorem but no {\tt\\it}}
+\mitem{resume.sty}{format for resum\'es}
+\mitem{resume.sample}{sample file}
+\mitem{sc21.sty}{ISO/TC97/SC21 document style}
+\mitem{sc21-wg1.sty}{option for cover page}
+\mitem{sfwmac.sty}{useful macros for Unix doc\-u\-ment\-a\-tion}
+\mitem{showlabels.sty}{shows labels and references to them}
+\mitem{siam.bib}{SIAM \BibTeX\ style}
+\mitem{siam.doc}{SIAM \LaTeX\ style}
+\mitem{slem.doc}{change {\tt\\sl} to {\tt\\em}}
+\mitem{spacecites.doc\par spacecites.sty}{modified
+to give spacing between citations}
+\mitem{suthesis.doc\par suthesis.sty}{Stanford U thesis
+\mitem{texindex.doc\par texindex.sty\par texindex.pas}
+{style file and processor for index entries --- works
+under VMS}
+\mitem{texnames.doc\par texnames.sty}{define a couple more \TeX\ names}
+\mitem{tgrind.sty}{tgrind macros for \LaTeX\ instead of
+\mitem{threepart.sty}{three part page headers}
+\mitem{titlepage.txt}{style file in text format
+to go with {\tt article.txt}}
+\mitem{trademark.sty}{definitions of common trademarks}
+\mitem{uct10.doc\par uct11.doc\par uct12.doc\par
+ucthesis.doc\par ucthesis.readme}{U of California thesis style}
+\mitem{vdm.doc\par vdm.sty\par vdm.tex}{Vienna Development Method
+\LaTeX\ style}
+\mitem{ws87.p}{Wordstar 8-bit filter}
+\mitem{wsltex.c}{Wordstar to \LaTeX\ filter, C version}
+\mitem{wsltex.p}{Wordstar to \LaTeX\ filter}
+\mitem{xxxcustom.tex}{supplementary macros for
+xxx-tex, for some xxx}
+\mitem{xxxslides.sty}{supplementary macros for
+Sli\TeX, includes {\tt slides.sty}}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/atari-st.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/atari-st.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9dfb8e65d6
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@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+ \centerline{\bf Atari-ST \TeX}
+There are several implementations of \TeX\ for the {\sc atari-st}.
+ The review program was version 1.1 of
+ \TeX\ (version 2.1) from TooLs GmbH.
+This implementation will run on the {\sc atari {\rm 520} st}+, the 1040 {\sc stf},
+and any of the larger machines. It is supplied on three diskettes,
+but will run quite happily on a machine with two disk drives. A hard disk
+is not essential.
+The main program is executed
+ from the desktop by double-clicking the |tex.ttp| file. This
+ implementation does not preload any formats (e.g.~|plain.fmt|), but
+ the required formats are specified as parameters at start-up or
+ alternatively can be introduced once the program has loaded. A
+ sample file, previously used on an {\sc ibm} version of \TeX, was tested
+ and as expected there were no major surprises, it worked! To cater
+ for the different ST-system configurations, a facility has been
+ provided for specifying a search-path for the various
+input\slash output\slash font\slash format files which is achieved by means of
+environment-variables (similar to {\sc unix}), and these can be defined
+ in a separate file |environm.ent| which must be present in the
+ current directory. A useful idea for tailoring your own set-up.
+ A single program provides both a preview facility on the
+ screen, and drives a selection of printers. The |dvi| information is
+ converted into a bitmap-graphic image in memory and, depending on
+ the selected options, is either sent to the screen or to the
+ printer. The options are selected from the familiar GEM-Menu and
+ if required, these can be stored on a file called |dvi.inf| and
+ recalled in the future using the file options. The display uses a
+ default screen resolution of 95 pixels/inch so that the width of a
+ standard A4 page fits nicely on a single screen avoiding
+ having to shift the text sideways in order to see the covered
+ portion. The text is quite legible at this resolution, though
+ subscript and superscripts do suffer. However, the screen
+ resolution can be altered to suit one's particular preferences,
+ but this is only possible provided the appropriate fonts are
+ available at the chosen resolution. Consequently it would be quite
+ handy to have the ST-\MF\ package (also by TooLs GmbH) with
+ which to generate the necessary fonts. Apart from altering the
+ screen resolution, the same effect can be achieved using the
+ magnification option, but once again lack of suitable fonts may be
+ a hinderance. However, using the latter option, it is possible
+ to substitute
+ different (probably smaller) fonts to get an idea of the
+ final layout.
+ At high resolutions, the machine memory may not be sufficient
+ to hold the Bitmap-graphic image of an entire page,
+ but an option is provided where the page is formed in `stripes', and
+this will overcome the memory problem.
+ When processing the |dvi| file the entire file will be
+ processed by default. Options have been provided to override this
+ and these enable the user to specify the starting page and the
+ number of pages required. Furthermore, by preceeding the starting
+ page number by a '?', it is possible to format and view the
+ pages in any order one desires simply by entering the required
+ page number. Alternatively it is possible to specify the order in
+ a file called |dvi.pag|, which is helpful when it comes to printing
+ the pages in a predetermined order.
+ A very wide range of printers are supported, including 9-pin and
+ 24-pin dot-matrix printers, {\sc atari} Laserprinter and {\sc hp} Laserjet.
+It can support the Laserjet in 150\,dpi draft resolution, as well as 300\,dpi.
+ Unfortunately, \PS\ printers
+ have not yet been catered for. Printout is possible in draft and
+ quality mode (provided the necessary fonts in the required
+ resolution are present). For some printers, landscape mode is also
+ possible. The sample file was printed on an {\sc epson} compatible
+ {\sc juki}-5510 9-pin dot-matrix printer and the
+ printout was impressive. There exist an additional option for
+ improving the printout, analogous to switching the printer from a
+ bidirectional mode to unidirectional print mode. However
+ the printed results are impressive even without
+ using this extra facility.
+ The mode of operation of the preview\slash print program is such
+ that options are selected first before formatting of the |dvi|
+ information takes place. Thus everytime the |dvi| processing is
+ initiated, the required fonts need to be loaded in first and this
+ can be time consuming. To by-pass this slow process a library
+ manager program has been supplied. This can be used to set-up a
+ library of fonts which are regularly used and this font library
+ once loaded will remain in-core.
+ Apart from the main \TeX\ program and the preview/print
+ program, |initex| comes supplied as standard, and can be
+ used to generate the format form of macro-packages, such as \LaTeX\
+ and \AmSTeX. These can then be linked in at \TeX\ load time.
+The \LaTeX\ format file and associated fonts can be
+ purchased separately to complement the basic package. \LaTeX\ is
+priced at 70 DM, and \BibTeX\ at 17.50 DM.
+ This particular implementation of \TeX\ on the
+ {\sc atari-st} at 230 DM (approx. \quid80)
+must be excellent value for money
+ and I have not come across any major bugs. The accompanying manual
+(in German, and soon in English)
+ is quite good and covers the various aspects of the implementation
+ in detail.
+ I would like to see a number of enhancements
+ in future versions to extend the scope of the package as well as
+ making it more user-friendly. It would be nice if a GEM-based
+ shell environment could be provided with access to a simple text
+ editor so that errors or other changes to the \TeX\ file could be
+ done without the need to leave the \TeX\ environment and load in an
+ editor. I would also like additional fonts to be supplied so that
+ the preview could be magnified one or two steps in either
+ direction without the need to purchase the \MF\ package in
+ order to generate the necessary font information. Printing onto a
+ \PS\ device would also be a welcomed addition, and the
+ option of \AmSTeX, though I agree that this may not be widely
+ used, it should appeal to those of us who are involved with
+ writing scientific reports.
+A comparison of this and the Kettler-{\sc edv} implementation was
+published in the July/August '87 German edition of
+{\it Atari Computer} --- `\TeX\ auf dem Atari ST'.
+For further details contact:
+TooLs GmbH
+Kaiserstra\ss e 48
+D-5300 Bonn 1
+\rightline{\sl Bijan Djahansouzi}
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+\centerline{\bf PostScript and math}
+Various comments on this subject (mainly
+appearing in \TeX{\sc hax}) have finally goaded me into putting in my
+two cents' worth. For a publisher of mathematics, there are two problems
+with trying to generate \TeX\ output on a \PS\ typesetter --- fonts and
+ Leaving aside the fact that some people just like other fonts
+better than Computer Modern, there is really no good alternative at present
+to the Computer Modern math fonts. And, in my opinion, even if they're
+generated from outlines in the ``native'' \PS\ fashion, the CM math
+shapes simply don't mix well with other styles. It's got to be possible
+to make other alphabets (e.g.~Times Italic) behave well in math --- in fact,
+it's been done at the American Math Society for some non-\PS\ Times fonts
+--- but it's a {\it lot} of work! And I didn't realize until the job was done,
+and I was seeing competent math coming out of our typesetter in Times, the
+extent of the subtlety in the Computer Modern math.
+With Computer Modern,
+someone with a trained eye can spot math very quickly. The spacing of the
+italic is clearly different from that of the math, but also, the shapes
+are different. (Take a closer look sometime.) This means that in theorems,
+traditionally set in italic (here I personally like Knuth's innovation of
+slanted, but my opinion is not shared by my employer's editorial staff),
+it's possible to distinguish math from text quite easily, even the single
+letter a ({\it a} versus $a$).
+I know of no other fonts, anywhere, where this sort of distinction
+has been made. (But I'd welcome hearing about it if anyone else does.)
+Regarding speed, most of the \PS\ rips (raster image
+processors) are geared for low-resolution production, say 300\,dpi, the
+resolution that requires 1\,Mbyte of memory to hold a full bitmap of a US
+letter-size page. Even keeping up
+with a relatively fast print engine like the 40\,ppm {\sc dec}\-server40 is child's
+play compared to keeping up with the rated speed of a real typesetter,
+with over 1000\,dpi resolution. I would welcome
+some statistics for typesetters performing ``real'' jobs --- using a large
+selection of (native) fonts in several sizes. Without outline fonts for
+math, any math job statistics are probably meaningless, since the time
+to download bitmaps is relatively much greater than to use outline fonts.
+A promising development I've read about recently ({\it Seybold Report}, Dec 28)
+is a new rip designed to handle Alphatype's Alphacomposer, which has a
+resolution of $5300\times5300$\,dpi and runs at a maximum speed of 3 minutes/page.
+That's a 280\,Mbyte bitmap requirement for $8\times10\,\hbox {in}$! (The same article gives
+benchmark results from Linotype showing that its present rip can't even
+keep up with a 1270\,dpi engine.) The new rip is supposed to be ready for
+demonstration sometime during the first quarter of 88; it was developed
+by Medianet, not Alphatype, and the agreement is non-exclusive. This
+looks like it's worth watching. Until this kind of speed is available
+for \PS\ typesetters, they just won't be practical for technical
+publishers, and 300\,dpi (even 600\,dpi) just isn't good enough for the
+highest-quality typesetting that most major publishers are looking for.
+\rightline{\sl Barbara Beeton}
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+\centerline{\bf BCS-EP Meeting, November 26th, 1988}
+Entitled `Desk Top Publishing -- The Reality!', this
+meeting promised much. The reality of course was
+publishing reality --- remember printing presses
+and all that sort of stuff? Most of the speakers
+had been
+involved with the printing and publishing industry
+for some years, and were therefore able to offer
+a more sober view than the usual `gee-whizz, sooper,
+what's kerning?' picture that you might pick up
+from glossy brochures and trade exhibitions.
+Paul Luna of Oxford University Press argued that
+electronic manuscripts could lead to a premature fixing
+of form, especially as authors moved more and more
+into the areas usually reserved for the publisher. The
+safety net that the publisher traditionally holds
+beneath authors was disappearing. He also discussed
+the problems of resolution. In some projects laser
+printing is acceptable, but there are many cases where
+visual cueing is an important factor, and higher quality
+is required. He also noted that typefaces are not
+always identical on different devices.
+Pierre Macke of the Cotswold Press described himself
+as a `jobbing printer'. He noted the problem of
+upgrades and software compatibility. Cotswold Press
+will take disks from many varieties of electronic
+processing (and many types of hardware) and typeset the
+content. Not everyone follows new releases of software
+slavishly (after all, they have work to do), so Macke can
+be handling (say) PageMaker disks over several
+different versions of PageMaker. Not all upgrades
+are upwards compatible, and this means that Cotswold
+Press must have the corresponding version of the software
+to ensure that the file will print as the customer
+And of course, the customer must know which version of
+the software he was using. He also made the valuable
+point that many dtp packages are complex, and that
+learning could be the single biggest expense for a
+customer. Another reason why the clients don't keep abreast
+of upgrades. In terms of upgrades and new releases he
+stated that ``Aldus are the biggest culprits for denying
+things''. Adobe, on the other hand get the Macke seal of
+approval, always giving a response within 48 hours.
+(Perhaps Cotswold Press's reputation helps there, they
+don't even reply to my letters.)
+Peter Ferris of John Wiley's cautioned us that despite
+the rise of dtp, authors have still not abandoned the
+typewriter. He also noted the multiplicity of hardware
+and software that is around, posing certain problems of
+data transfer. Many authors wanted to become more
+involved in aspects of book production, but he considered
+this a rather expensive approach. The advantages of dtp
+to a publisher included the fast turnaround of proofs,
+but there were also threats from dtp, like the demands
+for better royalties, and rather different ideas on
+quality. He still thought that the savings on cost and
+publication time were somewhat in the future, especially
+when line drawings were considered, and in the whole area
+of technical publishing.
+Michael Bywater of Punch described a rather different
+publishing viewpoint. Punch uses (a rather old version of)
+PageMaker for page layout. Clearly magazine layout and
+make up is rather different in concept from book
+production. One of the advantages he saw was the ability
+to ensure that copy exactly fitted the available space
+--- and letting the author decide what should be cut or
+added, rather than the copy-editor. He declared that
+laser printing was not good enough for camera ready copy
+ (again the problem of drawings\slash
+and halftones arises). One of his favourite words was
+``crufty'', which isn't in my dictionary, but I take to
+be slighting or perjorative. Perhaps I should start
+reading Punch.
+Peter Hammersley edits {\it The Computer Journal\/}.
+He saw some differences between his r\^ole in
+`scholarly' publishing and the mainstream. Among the
+differences were the fact that he was dealing with a
+specialist subject where the publisher had very direct
+access to his authors; there was also a vested interest
+in experimentation; partly related to this was access to
+equipment on a research basis (like academic networks);
+there was also a willingness to consider multiple
+outlets, like paper, softstrip, cd-rom and on-line
+access; the marketing network was less critical; he also
+felt that this sort of publishing was more on the side of
+the author.
+As an editor he also saw himself as an interface between
+the author and the publisher (the {\sc BCS}), promoting new
+types of publication, advising on document preparation,
+and maintaining standards (on behalf of both parties). On
+this aspect of quality, he suggested that dtp had done
+for writing what {\sc basic} had done for programming
+(read that how you will).
+Lastly he outlined some of the reasons for pursuing the
+ep/dtp route. Inevitably cost reduction was one reason;
+here it was possible to quote the savings which ensued
+from typesetting rather than typewriting (say) conference
+proceedings. The savings permitted more papers to be
+printed for the same amount of paper. The improvement in
+the quality of presentation also helped sales, sometimes
+turning uneconomic projects into economic ones. There was
+elimination of rekeying errors (a particular problem with
+technical material). On-line refereeing was possible, and
+again, should speed up the publication process, making
+the product more timely, and therefore more desirable.
+This could also mean that conference proceedings appeared
+much closer to the conference. However Peter did note
+that all was not light: authors consistently ignore
+instructions from the publisher. The editor ends up
+having to collect machine readable documents, which of
+course presents a whole host of problems. He looked to a
+time when there would be {\sc sgml}-based editors and a
+document type definition which could be used to aid
+manuscript submission. Paper is not going to go away, but
+other forms of `documents' will become established. He
+particularly noted depositories, accessible over academic
+There was one further paper, from Jeremy Sparkes of
+Baddeley Associates, but I couldn't stay for it.
+It was a relief to see the extent to which the new
+technology was being taken seriously by some parts of the
+printing and publishing industry. It became clear that
+`cost saving' was not as inevitable as the vendors of dtp
+software would have us believe, and of course it was
+emphasised that it was very easy to have your dustbin
+overflowing with high quality (but poorly designed)
+publications. One other point which was stressed was the
+frequency with which new versions of software appeared
+with some new features added, some taken away, a few bugs
+removed, a few left in, and a few new ones added. It was
+often better to live with old, friendly, known bugs than
+commit to something that might be marginally better. The
+new might solve all the known problems, but it had to be
+learned anew.
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W. Clark}
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+this meeting
+looks to be up to the usual high standard of
+this Specialist Group's meetings. Speakers include
+Kathy Lang and Richard Southall. The meeting costs \quid35
+for Group members and \quid45 for others. You can register in
+advance, or on the morning. Contact:
+BCS EP Specialist Group
+c/o Microrite Ltd
+Gate House
+1 St John's Square
+London EC1M 4DH
+tel: 01 251 8567
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/contribut.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/contribut.tex
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+\centerline{\bf Contributors}
+Contributors to this edition, without
+whom etc., include:
+Tom Blyth
+Dept of Mathematics
+University of St Andrews
+North Haugh
+St Andrews KY16 9SS
+Sebastian Rahtz
+Dept of Electronics and Computer Science
+Southampton University
+Southampton SO9 5NH
+Laurie Benfield
+Computing Centre
+University of East Anglia
+Norwich NR4 7TJ
+Barbara Beeton
+American Mathematical Society
+PO Box 6248
+RI 02940
+David Brightly
+Daresbury Lab
+Keckwick Lane
+Warrington WA4 4AD
+Joan Smith, {\sc sobemap}
+17 Tansa Road
+London NW3 2UA
+tel: 01 435 9300
+Bijan Djahansouzi
+Dept of Aeronautics
+Imperial College
+London SW7 2BP
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+\catcode`@=11 % from plain.tex
+\newdimen\pagewidth \newdimen\pageheight \newdimen\ruleht
+% These values were modified:
+%\hsize and \vsize are also used in the \output routine
+ \hsize=35pc \vsize=54pc \maxdepth=2.2pt \parindent=2pc
+ \hoffset=.4in
+\pagewidth=\hsize \pageheight=\vsize \ruleht=.5pt
+% This routine is used by \output ; this is different from
+% the one found in App. E since some are not needed here.
+ \vbox to \pageheight {\makeheadline
+ #1 % the content of page
+ \makefootline \boxmaxdepth=\maxdepth}}
+ \advancepageno}
+ \output={\global\setbox\partialpage=\vbox{\unvbox255\bigskip}}\eject
+ \output={\doublecolumnout} \hsize=17pc \vsize=109pc}
+% Again the sizes have been changed !! %note new values for \hsize and \vsize
+% this needs to be done more tidily
+ \endgroup \pagegoal=\vsize}
+\def\doublecolumnout{\splittopskip=\topskip \splitmaxdepth=\maxdepth
+ \dimen@=54pc \advance\dimen@ by-\ht\partialpage
+ % Need to change the value of \dimen@ also...
+ \setbox0=\vsplit255 to\dimen@ \setbox2=\vsplit255 to\dimen@
+ \onepageout\pagesofar
+ \unvbox255 \penalty\outputpenalty}
+ \wd0=\hsize \wd2=\hsize \hbox to\pagewidth{\box0\hfil
+ \ifvrule\vrule\fi\hfil\box2}}
+\def\balancecolumns{\setbox0=\vbox{\unvbox255} \dimen@=\ht0
+ \advance\dimen@ by\topskip \advance\dimen@ by-\baselineskip
+ \divide\dimen@ by2 \splittopskip=\topskip
+ {\vbadness=10000 \loop \global\setbox3=\copy0
+ \global\setbox1=\vsplit3 to\dimen@
+ \ifdim\ht3>\dimen@ \global\advance\dimen@ by1pt \repeat}
+ \setbox0=\vbox to\dimen@{\unvbox1}
+ \setbox2=\vbox to\dimen@{\dimen2=\dp3 \unvbox3\kern-\dimen2 \vfil}
+ \pagesofar}
+%Example use:
+% \hrule \bigskip
+% \centerline{THE BEAUTY AND THE MOUSE} \bigskip
+% Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful girl in a place far, far away...
+% \begindoublecolumns
+% Her only friend was a computer that came with a mouse as its input device.
+% \enddoublecolumns
+% The beauty and the mouse lived happily ever after.
+% \end
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/decus.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/decus.tex
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/decus.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+\centerline{\bf Decus}\hyphenation{grey-scale}
+VAX users will probably be aware of
+the {\sc dec} Users' Group, {\sc decus}.
+One of its advantages is that it has an index of
+software which can be provided through the
+User Group. Many of the \TeX\ related items
+are paralleled by similar offerings in the
+Aston archive, but for some people, {\sc decus}
+may be an easier routeway. I went through the
+catalogue recently, and the relevant material
+VAX-135: DVItoVDU: a \TeX\ Page Previewer (July 1985).
+This is an oldish version of Andy Trevorrow's
+previewer. You would also require some
+{\sc modula}-2 library routines (not included).
+VAX-155: {\sc deproc} --- a \TeX\ header for formatting
+{\sc decus} Proceedings articles. Self explanatory.
+VAX-171: \LaTeX\ templates and help files for {\sc lse}
+(Language Sensitive Editor). Essentially this is
+a smart editor for \LaTeX, which helps cut down
+the hardship of inputting a range of \LaTeX\ document
+VAX-179: {\sc deproc} --- \LaTeX\ for the
+{\sc decus} Proceedings. Self explanatory.
+{\it cf.}\ \LaTeX\ style file |deproc.sty|.
+V-SP-58: \LaTeX\ version 2.09; \TeX\ version 2.0 (July 1987).
+This distribution also contains fonts for the LN03
+laser printer (and the printer driver). Complete
+sources are not included. This is a rather old version
+of \TeX. The current `version' number is at least 2.9.
+VAX-261: Idx\TeX\ \& Glo\TeX, version 2.0. Glo\TeX\
+automates glossary generation in \LaTeX, while
+Idx\TeX\ automates index generation from a \LaTeX\
+document. Written in C.
+VAX-283: Halftone greyscale font for the LN03.
+``{\sc\lowercase {GREYSC.FNT}} is a downline loadable halftone
+greyscale font in `{\sc dec} font file format' for the
+LN03 laserprinter'' and is based on the
+font described by Don Knuth in TUGboat 8(2).
+If you want to obtain any of these, the first step is
+to talk to your local friendly system manager (all
+VAX system managers are friendly, that's the first
+thing they teach us on the course), and find out if
+your site is a {\sc decus} member. I don't know what to
+do if you aren't. If you are, it is possible
+the tapes are already festering in some cupboard
+and all you have to do is persuade someone to unearth
+them, otherwise you should contact:
+PO Box 53
+Berks, RG2 0TW
+tel: 0734 853728
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W. Clark}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/double.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/double.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4a65fb6c7e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/double.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+%double column macros from the TeXbook
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-22.5pt
+ \fullline{\vbox to 8.5pt{}\the\headline}\vss}\nointerlineskip}
+\def\makefootline{\baselineskip=24pt \fullline{\the\footline}}
+\fullhsize=6.5in \hsize=3.1in
+\def\fullline{\hbox to\fullhsize}
+\let\lr=L \newbox\leftcolumn
+\output={\if L\lr
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R
+ \else
+ \doubleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi}
+ \def\doubleformat{\shipout\vbox{\makeheadline
+ \fullline{\box\leftcolumn\hfil\columnbox}
+ \makefootline}
+ \advancepageno}
+ \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}}
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+\centerline{\bf Editor's Prerogative}
+This edition of \TeXline\ should arrive together
+with a complimentary copy of {\it Electronic Publishing,
+Origination --- Dissemination --- Design}, or, more
+manageably, {\sc ep-odd}. And not only do Wiley's
+send this out to you, they also cover the postage
+involved. Bear in mind that
+\TeXline\ is (as yet) free. Most of the costs, like
+my time, laser printing and reproduction can remain
+hidden, but postage is a rather obvious and expensive
+item. A large number of copies go
+to the US and Europe to the extent that
+non-UK postage exceeds that for the UK.
+This isn't a plea for money (in any case it would
+confuse the bureaucrats). It is a plea for a few more
+people to contribute articles. I don't think I have ever
+turned anything down, and the amount of editing that
+I do is limited to grammar, style-consistency, and
+length. I always have the ultimate
+sanction of not bothering to do the newsletter at all.
+But as all editors know, it's too much of an ego trip
+to let go. Many of the articles in \TeXline\ are the
+direct result of me suggesting to people that they may
+have something to say, and phoning/emailing them
+at irregular intervals.
+We're all busy, but one of the major attractions
+of \TeX\ for many people is its `public domain' image.
+There's no point wingeing about the cost of a \TeX\
+implementation and then not being prepared to do anything
+yourself, is there? Ask not what \TeX\ can do for you
+What would I like to see? More reports on meetings
+for one. I'm always conscious that my reports reflect
+my own views: in itself no bad thing, but I would like
+to hear other interpretations. I don't report all the
+`relevant' meetings I go to, for a variety of reasons,
+but mainly unsatisfactory ones. In particular, I missed out
+the recent {\sc sgml} meeting at the Publisher's
+Association --- an excellent meeting; and I have omitted a
+ useful
+if exhausting meeting organised through Alvey (remember them?)
+at which Yvonne Perry of Adobe did her
+`firehouse into the brain' rendition of \PS.
+And of course I don't go to every relevant meeting there is.
+What else? We really do need some information on the
+various public domain laser printer drivers. Andy
+Trevorrow's drivers look good to me, but what's this
+Modula-2 stuff? Who are Nelson Beebe's family?
+Is Flavio Rose? Deep and meaningful questions like these
+need some sort of answer. If you are using one of
+these drivers could you share your experiences
+(!) with the rest of us?
+There are a number of ways of getting pictures into
+\TeX\ --- one of them is described in this issue
+by David Brightly --- details of the others might help
+in deciding which one(s) to pursue.
+Book reviews would be nice too. I'm surely not the
+only one who can read. A volunteer is needed who would
+dare review {\it The Joy
+of \TeX}. There are more macros appearing, and associated
+\TeX ware. How about some evaluation? It doesn't have to
+be exhaustive, but it could alert others to the existence
+of the software, and give some idea of its value, or
+even just where to get hold of it.
+But more pressing is \TeX88. As you will see from the
+accompanying announcement, plans are well advanced. There are about 30
+offered papers at this time (five of them share the same
+title {\it `To be Announced'}).
+Ellis Horwood of Chichester are to publish the
+proceedings (did you know that neither Addison-Wesley nor
+John Wiley do conference proceedings?). I've done books
+with Ellis Horwood before and I'm confident that the
+proceedings will be well produced, and quickly produced.
+One of the most encouraging aspects of the conference has
+been the response from Europe. There is a real chance
+that the conference language will be German, not
+English. Book now to avoid disappointment.
+What else is in the pipeline? The next issue
+of \TeXline\ (perhaps to coincide with \TeX88)
+{\it should} contain a comparison of three table-creation
+macro packages which sit on top of plain \TeX\ ---
+Ray Cowan's, Michael Ferguson's, and Michael Spivak's.
+There will also be \DW's comprehensive report
+on the availablility of other \MF-designed
+fonts. This is really directed towards other alphabets,
+but is a good summary of what is available, or being
+worked on. It arrived just too late to be included
+in this edition.
+Lastly, an oddness, or perhaps a reflection of the
+times: I receive a few email requests for \TeXline.
+Fine, but more often than not, they do not include
+`snail-mail' addresses. And I have had a few requests to
+send \TeXline\ to electronic bulletin boards. The future
+is clearly with electronic communication. Perhaps we
+shall yet see a |dvi2email| driver. We won't
+see an electronic \TeXline, not while I do it.
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W. Clark}
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@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+\input texline
+\centerline{\bf Another Book Review}
+{\it Desktop Publishing Skills, James Felici
+\& Ted Nace, 180pp, Addison-Wesley, {\sc isbn}:0 201 11537 9.}
+Perhaps the title may put you off. After all, `desktop publishing'
+covers such a multitude of sins. But first look at the
+sub-title: {\it A Primer for Typesetting with Computers
+and Laser Printers}. This is a far more accurate description
+(although it might sell fewer books). Felici \& Nace are really
+talking about computerised typesetting, with low or
+medium resolution output devices.
+The book itself was typeset on a Linotron 202, having
+been prepared with MagnaType. This is a commercial
+(and rather expensive) typesetting program, which will
+run from {\sc at}-compatible micros. At the time
+Felici \& Nace did their book MagnaType had no
+preview facilities, although current versions of the software
+do. Since many books on dtp seem to have been done
+at home (possibly with potato cut-outs), this provides
+a welcome alternative: it is typeset quality throughout.
+The authors take some time before they delve into
+software. They provide a clear and distinct account
+of the vocabulary of traditional typesetting
+(and later we realise they also have the vocabulary
+of computing). At last the jargon that is so often thrown
+at us: `signatures', `h\&j', `letterspacing', `tracking',
+`quad left'
+and so on, is explained. Letterspacing and tracking are
+rather interesting, since they are features not provided
+by \TeX. It is interesting to speculate why. Perhaps
+they were not used by Monotype Modern 8A, the model used
+by Knuth for Computer Modern (that's {\it why} it is
+called {\it Modern}: in fact, {\it Modern} doesn't
+really imply anything recent --- the first {\it modern}
+typeface was Bodoni's of 1775).
+Letterspacing refers
+to a stretching out of the interletter spacing of a line
+to make it fit better. As far as I can see, squeezing
+the line does not count. This is commonly found in
+newspapers (and found also in Felici \& Nace):
+tracking is a more global concept. Again it involves the
+interletter spacing, but it does so universally,
+affecting all interletter spacing equally, everywhere.
+Tracking is a typographic response to the way the eye
+reacts to type in different sizes. As type grows in size,
+the eye perceives the interletter spaces growing
+faster than the letters themselves. To compensate,
+the interletter spacing should be proportionately
+tighter for larger sizes. I assume that the |tfm| files
+associated with different design sizes help to compensate
+for this, but of course you could introduce a more tightly
+tracked font by giving it its own |tfm|. You might have
+to alter the ligaturing too. A loosely tracked font
+would probably not require ligaturing at all. Of course
+you would not be able to alter the tracking in this way
+for a font with only one design size (like the \PS\
+Naturally there is some discussion on letter
+forms. At last someone explains something about
+`the rhythm of vertical strokes' and `stroke frequency'.
+And the examples bring this out very well.
+They also explain why there are 72.27\,points to the inch,
+and not the apparently more rational 72.
+An America pica is
+defined as equalling 0.166040\,inches. Presumably this
+was to obtain an `exact' conversion which still gave
+about 72 points to the inch. 72 points to the inch gives
+an irrational conversion for picas to inches. Simple really.
+Like Richard Southall, they too distinguish {\it font}
+and {\it typeface}, describing a typeface as a set
+of characters sharing a common design that distinguishes
+that typeface from all other character sets, while a
+font is the physical source from which the typeface is
+generated ({\it cf\/} fountain --- a source or wellspring).
+A daisywheel for example can correctly be described
+as a font. The marks on the paper are not a font.
+Besides explaining the typographic side they also
+discuss the hardware --- especially the imaging
+device (not just {\it laser} printers, but {\it led},
+{\it lcs}, {\it ion-deposition} and the rest). And having
+described the digital nature of the marking engine,
+they also discuss the digital nature of fonts.
+They describe outline and bit-mapped fonts, and
+bring out their relative merits.
+It should be clear that Felici \& Nace are not going
+to favour one system over another, and this allows them
+to look at a number of {\it page description languages}
+reasonably objectively.
+How does \TeX\ fare? Quite well. References to \TeX\ crop
+up a few times, and an example occurs under `Professional
+Composition Systems'. The example is actually from
+\AmSTeX, but the principles are the same.
+One of the achievements of Felici \& Nace is that
+once they have explained something, it sounds rather
+obvious. They make it all sound quite easy and straightforward.
+In the last chapter they consider the assembly
+of a dtp system, outlining several sets of criteria
+which can be used to evaluate different systems,
+in the light of perceived needs. This provides a set
+of reasonably objective criteria. In the end though,
+choice of an appropriate system depends to a large extent
+on knowing what it is you want to do.
+Right at the end of the book is a glossary of terms,
+quite useful in its own right. The index is more useable
+than some I have seen.
+I have no hesitation in recommending this book to anyone
+with any interest in getting more out of
+computerised typesetting. It is easily the best book
+I have yet seen on the subject, both in terms
+of its treatment of the subject, and in the presentation
+of the material. For once, form and content
+enhance one another.
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W Clark}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/formulato.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/formulato.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..260d2b10f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/formulato.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+\centerline{\bf Formulator}
+{\it Formulator} is an equation processor
+for the Macintosh which allows {\it wysiwyg}
+creation of displayed equations, through selection
+from pull-down menus (or, for the more skilled)
+the Mac's command-key sequences. The interesting
+feature of {\it Formulator} is that it was clearly
+inspired by \TeX, and that one of its options
+is to create a \TeX-version of the equation.
+The writer of this software, Bob Pollard, was
+also responsible for much of {\it MacAuthor}, and
+the two applications were clearly designed to live
+Icon Technology generously sent me a pre-release version
+of {\it Formulator} (with a neat time expiry on
+it, so that I have to reset the date on my Mac in order
+to use it). What I have is version 0.7. My comments
+should therefore be read in the light of
+this not being the `final' version. There were also
+some bits of the {\it Formulator Reference}, which
+summarised many of the possible commands, and a
+stack for use with HyperCard. In passing, this is
+a very valuable approach adopted by Apple: almost
+all software now comes with a hypertext stack or two which
+almost replaces a manual. Since every new Mac comes
+with HyperCard, this is obviously the beginning of
+a new growth industry --- writing hypertext stacks.
+Perhaps I am not the best person to use {\it wysiwyg}
+software. I'm rather fond of mark-up, and I find
+the buildup of an equation through menus rather
+laborious and exhausting. By now I know \TeX\ well
+enough to be able to tackle problems up to at
+least \TeX pert level. My preconceptions get in the way.
+But lets try it anyway. After a few false starts ---
+well it is user-friendly and intuitive, or so I thought ---
+I looked through the stacks and read the reference pages.
+The first thing I tried was one of the examples
+from {\it Icon Technology's} flyer, and given here as
+a Macintosh screen dump after construction through
+{\it Formulator}:
+\scaledpicture 141truemm by 21truemm (icontech scaled 400)
+(Some of the lumpiness in the example is due to scaling
+it to fit the page. {\it Formulator\/} itself permits
+you to work in one of two scales. The smaller is close
+to `true' size, while the larger is the one which allows
+more control.)
+The \TeX\ which this generated is
+It generated the |\end| itself too. In the original
+this was one continuous line, which is impossible to
+print here, so I have broken it up into more
+digestible units. The first thing that strikes me is
+the multiplicity of braces. No bad thing, although
+it does reduce the human readability. However, just
+as we would expect machine generated \PS\ to be
+machine rather than human readable, we should not
+expect this to be easy to understand. The real problem
+seems to me to be the mistake. Did you spot it?
+What does |\sqrt{}y| give? It gives $\sqrt{}y$,
+rather than $\sqrt y$. In this context it is not
+ambiguous, but neither is it what appeared when
+we manipulated the symbols through {\it Formulator}.
+Therefore any claim to {\it wysiwyg\/}ness is dashed.
+Perhaps the feature I liked best in {\it Formulator}
+was the ease with which you could edit the {\it wysiwyg}
+version. This is a major advance over something like
+Mac$\Sigma$qn, where editing really means doing things
+over. On the other hand I did find selection of the elements
+very sensitive. It took some care to mark the part of
+the equation you wanted to deal with. If you do not
+make sure that you have finished the parts of an equation
+off correctly (usually by pressing {\it enter}), and
+try to shortcut by placing the cursor, you can generate
+fallacious \TeX. A nice feature is the automatic
+balancing of brackets. But it was not clear to me just how
+you could choose a particular size of parentheses, for
+those times when \TeX\ does not know best.
+But let's tackle a more interesting equation,
+whose {\it Formulator} version is:
+\picture 150truemm by 36truemm (bezier.pic scaled 400)
+ My main interest here was to see
+how the limits on the summation would be handled.
+I, of course, was expecting to handle them through
+|\atop|, with some lip service to |\scriptstyle|.
+{\it Formulator} very sensibly makes no mention of
+|\over| as a way of creating fractions (surely one
+of Don's little mistakes), but uses
+a Fraction selection instead. But in doing so we have lost
+|\atop|. So instead, we use a subscripted one column matrix.
+Now, in the {\it Formulator} version of this, the
+subscripts are nicely displayed at a smaller size.
+The \TeX\ produced looks like\smallskip
+Unfortunately, this doesn't work. In order to
+subscript a matrix, you have to group, writing
+something like
+\sum_{\matrix i+j+k=2\cr
+As we all know, \TeX's error messages are not always
+easy to understand. This one was a real mare's nest.
+And naturally, when you subscript a matrix, the
+elements do not appear at a smaller size.
+At this point, I was getting a little despondent,
+and I stopped. I have no doubt that these bugs will have
+been ironed out by the final release. But one
+or two things do still worry me.
+\item{$\bullet$}Who is this intended for?
+If you have {\it MacAuthor}, and are happy with it
+--- it is after all a very powerful {\it wysiwyg}
+processor --- would you be using \TeX\ at all?
+\item{$\bullet$}It is only a \TeX\ generator,
+not an \AmSTeX\ or
+\LaTeX\ generator, nor does it seem to be
+able to be extended to take account of your own
+macros. I'm not at all clear how you could reference
+a control sequence which was not part of the menus.
+Say you had a special relational
+operator, constructed through |\buildrel|,
+how would you use it?
+\item{$\bullet$}Is this for unskilled hands, those who do
+not know the names of the symbols? Would they know
+to use Matrix in order to get multiple subscripts?
+And would they be surprised when the {\it Formulator}
+version and the \TeX\ version were rather different?
+The Symbols menu also gives a few symbols (like
+therefore) not in |plain|\TeX; these come through
+as question marks.
+I can't see how it makes things
+already tricky in \TeX\ any easier; and easy things
+seem more roundabout.
+The benefits are probably mostly from \TeX\
+to {\it Formulator}, which has been able
+to absorb \TeX's mathematical
+I feel very iffy about the whole thing. {\it Formulator}
+clearly has an appeal, because \TeX\ is in there somewhere,
+but I don't think it is something which existing
+\TeX\ users will adopt, nor can I see its use bringing
+any more users into the \TeX\ fold. I would like to
+be wrong.
+{\it Formulator} may be obtained from
+Icon Technology
+9 Jarrom Street
+Leicester LE2 7DH
+tel: 0533 546225
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W. Clark}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/glossary.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/glossary.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..350dfca687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/glossary.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,1486 @@
+% first draft of TeXpert desktop publishing glossary...
+%double column macros from the TeXbook
+\def\makeheadline{\vbox to 0pt{\vskip-22.5pt
+ \fullline{\vbox to 8.5pt{}\the\headline}\vss}\nointerlineskip}
+\def\makefootline{\baselineskip=24pt \fullline{\the\footline}}
+\fullhsize=6.25truein \hsize=3.0truein
+\def\fullline{\hbox to\fullhsize}
+\let\lr=L \newbox\leftcolumn
+\output={\if L\lr
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R
+ \else
+ \doubleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \else\dosupereject\fi}
+ \def\doubleformat{\shipout\vbox{\makeheadline
+ \fullline{\box\leftcolumn\hfil\columnbox}
+ \makefootline}
+ \advancepageno}
+ \def\columnbox{\leftline{\pagebody}}
+\def\g#1{\goodbreak\vskip0pt plus .5pt\par
+\hang\noindent{\bf #1: }\ignorespaces}
+\def\s#1{{\sl #1\/}}
+\def\dtp{{\sc dtp}}
+The standard European size paper used in most \s{laser
+printers}. A few printers can handle A3 pages, but are
+considerably more expensive.
+a punctuation mark that appears above a character in a
+line of text. See also \s{floating accents}.
+\g{Ad:Ed ratio}
+the proportion of advertising to editorial space.
+\g{Adobe systems}
+author of \s{PostScript}, a \s{page description
+author of Pagemaker, the first \dtp\ program to be
+marketed (in 1985).
+lining up text and graphical material using a horizontal
+base, or vertical line as a reference point.
+\g{Alphabet (length or width)}
+the measurement of a complete set of \s{lower case}
+alphabet characters in a given \s{typesize}, expressed
+in \s{points} or \s{picas}.
+the point of a character where two lines meet at the top,
+such as in the letters A or W.
+an American company responsible for the Macintosh
+computer, the original `desktop publishing' machine.
+\g{Artwork (a/w)}
+an original copy of an image, such as a line drawing, to
+be photographed for inclusion in the final
+\s{plate}-making process, prior to traditional printing
+any part of a lower case letter which extends above the
+\s{x-height}. For example, the upper half of the
+vertical in the letters b, d, f, h, k, l and t.
+\g{Author's corrections}
+changes made to the \s{copy} by the author after
+\s{typesetting} but not including those made as a result
+of errors in \s{keying in} the text.
+letters that slant the opposite way from \s{italic}
+a heading or title extending the width of a page.
+the imaginary line on which the base of capital
+(\s{upper case}) letters sit. \s{Descenders} on \s{lower
+case} letters like the g or y will extend below the
+to join together the pages of a publication, complete
+with covers. Some common methods include \s{saddle
+stitching} and \s{perfect binding}.
+\g{Bit map graphics}
+a common method of defining an image by breaking it down
+into dots. Each dot is represented by a bit (binary
+digit), either zero or one. Images that are \s{scanned}
+into a \dtp\ program, or output from \s{paint programs}
+tend to be bit mapped, and generally appear more ragged
+and at a lower \s{resolution} than \s{graphics} from other
+sources such as \s{draw programs}. An potential
+alternative to the bit mapped image may be to describe
+the image using vectors, which hold its resolution better.
+\g{Black letter}
+a term used to describe \s{typefaces} made up of both
+thick and thin lines, such as Old English.
+the area of the page between the outside edge of the
+margin and the edge of the page. In most cases this is
+not printed upon, but for magazine work bleed printing
+may be necessary.
+\g{Blow up}
+publishing terminology for enlarging a photograph.
+often called `body text', `body copy' or `body type'.
+The bulk of the text in a document, in a particular style
+and size of \s{type}, as opposed to headings, titles etc.
+\g{Body size}
+the height of the \s{type} measured from the top of the
+tallest \s{ascender} to the bottom of the lowest
+\s{descender}. Normally given in \s{points}, the
+standard unit of type size.
+\g{Bold type}
+\s{type} with a heavier darker appearance. Most
+\s{typefaces} include a boldface \s{font}.
+the end of a line, paragraph or page.
+a special sort of coated paper upon which
+\s{photo-typeset} material is printed. Output from
+\s{typesetters} is processed photographically to produce
+a bromide master, which can then be used for \s{page
+makeup} and \s{plate} making. Se also \s{galley proofs}.
+a large solid dot ($\bullet$) used to precede text for
+emphasis, as in an itemised list.
+the name of the author of an article as printed on the
+in traditional typesetting, the finished page, including
+all text and illustrations, and any
+\s{artwork} or \s{pasted-up} material, ready for the
+printer to begin the \s{film} and \s{plate} making
+process for reproduction. This phrase is also used to
+refer to \dtp\ output onto a \s{laser printer}, although
+the \s{resolution} of laser printers cannot match that of
+\s{typesetters}, and some publishers may not regard laser
+printed pages as sufficiently high quality to use as
+the company responsible for the low-cost \s{laser
+printer} --- the Canon \s{print engine} has been used
+as the basis for various makes of laser printer,
+including the \s{LaserWriter} and the \s{Laserjet}.
+\g{Cap line}
+an imaginary line across the top of capital (\s{upper
+case}) letters. The distance from the cap line to the
+\s{baseline} is the cap size.
+\g{Cap size}
+see \s{cap line}.
+an abbreviation for capital, or \s{upper case} letters.
+\g{Caps and small caps}
+a style of \s{type} that shows capital letters used in
+the normal way, while the remaining letters are set in
+capital letters of a slightly smaller size, {sc Like
+the short piece of text which describes a photograph or
+graphic illustration on a page.
+marks an indication to the printer of an omission in the
+\g{Cartridge font}
+a physical medium for holding a selection of
+\s{typefaces}. It is inserted into a printer (notably
+\s{laser printers}) to provide some extra choice of
+\s{fonts}. Some \dtp\ packages restrict the fonts only
+to those contained in one cartridge, plus any
+\s{resident fonts}, whereas others permit
+\s{downloading} of additional typefaces.
+\g{Case binding}
+the hard back binding of books.
+estimating the length of the \s{copy} when it has been
+%\g{Century Schoolbook}
+%a popular \s{serifed typeface} used in magazines and
+%books for text setting. It has a large \s{x-height} and
+%an open appearance.
+\g{Character count}
+the number of characters, i.e.~letters, numbers, signs
+or spaces, in a line of text or piece of \s{copy}.
+\g{Close up}
+a \s{proof correction mark} to reduce the amount of
+space between characters or words.
+the process of putting the pages of a publication
+together in the correct order.
+\g{Colour-separated artwork}
+in traditional printing, \s{artwork} for use in a
+multi-colour publication, where the different colours
+have been indicated by using separate \s{overlays} for
+each colour. The four basic printing colours are black,
+cyan, yellow and magenta. Colour separations are
+usually produced by a specialist firm rather than
+through software. As an alternative, a few \dtp\ programs
+can generate colour output directly, provided the printer
+is capable of reproducing the colours.
+a vertical area of running \s{text} on a page. Many
+\dtp\ packages use \s{frames} to define the positions of
+columns prior to filling with text.
+\g{Column rule}
+a light vertical rule sometimes used to separate columns
+of text.
+in traditional hot metal \s{typesetting}, to set \s{copy}
+into \s{type}.
+in traditional printing, the skilled member of a
+\s{typesetting} team who actually lays out the
+\s{bromides} in the correct position on a page.
+a \s{font} or \s{typeface} style in which the characters
+have an elongated appearance, i.e.~very narrow for their
+\g{Continuous tones}
+a normal black and white photograph which has continuous
+shades of grey, also known as a contone.
+printing trade jargon for \s{text}, the original written
+material which makes up the publication.
+the right of copyright gives protection to the originator
+of material to prevent use without express permission or
+acknowledgement of the originator. Often represented by
+the symbol \copyright.
+camera ready copy. See \s{camera-ready}.
+cutting off unwanted areas of a photograph or
+illustration. The remanining part of the image can then
+be resized to fit the space.
+\g{Cross head}
+a heading set into the \s{body text}, used to break it up
+into easily readable sections or sub-sections.
+used to describe \s{typefaces} that resemble handwritten
+a \s{tone} that is cut to a specific outline shape, rather
+than a rectangle.
+\g{Dagger and double dagger}
+symbols (\dag\ \ddag) used mainly as reference marks for
+a short horizontal rule used for punctuation. See
+\s{em-dash} and \s{en-dash}.
+Document Description Language. A \s{page description
+language} developed by Imagen and popularised by Hewlett
+Packard. Designed for documents rather than pages, and a
+rival to \s{PostScript}, although relatively few \dtp\
+packages support DDL as yet, preferring to access
+Hewlett Packard's popular \s{Laserjet} printers using the
+Laserjet's older printer command language PCL.
+any part of a \s{lower case} letter that extends below
+the \s{x-height}, or below the \s{baseline} of the line
+of text, as in the g, j, p, q and y.
+\g{Desktop Publishing (DTP)}
+producing good quality publications in-house using a
+system based around a general-purpose personal
+computer and a cheap \s{laser printer}. The total
+cost for the whole system might typically be around
+{\it\$10,000}. Most \dtp\ software aims to emulate
+\s{typesetting}, and has borrowed much typsetting
+terminology and jargon. The range and detail of features
+is far greater in true typesetting, resulting in
+published documents of far higher quality. Not all levels
+of document require the use of an expensive
+\s{typesetter} however, and it is here that \dtp\ comes
+into its own. \s{Laser printed} output can be sufficient
+in its own right for documents such as newsletters,
+brochures, price lists, reports, manuals, theses and
+papers, as well as some books, where the laser printed
+pages may be suitable as \s{camera-ready} masters. When
+a higher quality is required, many \dtp\ programs will
+optionally convert the files for printing on a
+typesetter, through a bureau service, or similar.
+\g{Design size}
+the default size for a particular \s{font} or
+\s{typeface} --- the size at which the characters will
+produce maximum readability. Some \s{typesetting} and
+\dtp\ systems then \s{scale} the fonts to produce other
+sizes, whereas others provide a discrete font definition
+for each size required.
+a device which converts images such as graphics and
+photographs into electronic information which can be
+manipulated by a computer. See also \s{scanner}.
+\g{Discretionary hyphen}
+see \s{soft hyphen}.
+\g{Display type}
+larger \s{type} used for headings etc. Normally about 18
+\s{points} or larger.
+\g{Dot for dot}
+in printing terminology, a special technique for the
+reproduction of photographic material which has already
+been \s{screened}.
+\g{Dot matrix}
+a regular pattern of dots. This term is often used to
+refer to \s{impact printers} that, instead of printing
+formed characters, print an array of dots. It is
+conventionally used to refer to `dot matrix printers'.
+\s{Laser printers} and \s{photo-typesetters} also
+produce characters by means of dots, but by a different
+process that is not impact printing.
+\g{Downloadable fonts}
+\s{laser printer fonts} stored on disc (usually the
+\s{hard disc}, which can be sent to the printer and
+stored in the printer's temporary \s{memory} (RAM).
+\s{Font} definitions for use with a \dtp\ program are
+either stored permanently in the printer as \s{resident}
+or \s{ROM} fonts, or else they must be downloaded to the
+printer at the beginning of the print \s{job}. This
+downloading may be handled automatically by the \dtp\
+software. Most \dtp\ software will download just those
+fonts needed by a particular document, and then delete
+them from memory when the print job is complete.
+Others will cache the fonts to minimise font downloading
+for subsequent print \s{runs}.
+\g{Dots per inch (dpi)}
+see \s{resolution}.
+dots per inch. See \s{resolution}.
+\g{Dropped cap (drop cap)}
+a large initial letter at the beginning of a paragraph of
+text, which extends below that line, overlapping one
+or more lines below.
+see \s{Desktop Publishing}.
+all of the copies of an issue.
+\g{Electronic publishing (EP)}
+the usual term for more up-market publishing systems,
+with prices starting around {\it\$}25,000.
+\g{Embedded codes}
+characters placed in the \s{body} of the \s{text} for
+controlling the format of the printed output, as used by
+\dtp\ software using the \s{markup} approach. An
+embedded code can be used to force a change of
+\s{font} into \s{italic}, for example, or to indicate
+the title of a section.
+a measure of \s{typeface} width. 1~em is usually
+equivalent to the chosen \s{point} size, such that 1~em
+equals 10 points if using a 10 point font, but alters
+to 12 points wide if a 12 point \s{font} is
+selected. The name originates from the upper
+case M, which was originally (and frequently still is) as
+wide as the point size. Sometimes called a \s{mutton}.
+a dash used in punctuation within a sentence --- 1~em
+half an \s{em}. Sometimes called a \s{nut}.
+a dash used to indicate a range of numbers, as in Pages
+3--7, and half the width of an \s{em-dash}.
+\g{End papers}
+the page leaves at the front and end of a book, which are
+pasted to the insides of the front and back covers
+another spelling for \s{x-height}.
+\g{Expanded type}
+a \s{typeface} where the characters are slightly wider
+than usual in relation to their height, giving a flatter,
+squat appearance.
+an abbreviation for \s{typeface}, referring to a \s{font
+family} in a given style, as in Helvetica or Times Roman.
+a \s{font} family is another term for a \s{typeface}.
+in \s{typesetting} terminology, a large photographic
+record of the \s{camera-ready copy}, used to made a
+\s{plate} for printing.
+in traditional printing, the various processes which
+turn the output of the printing \s{press} into
+acceptable publications --- this includes trimming the
+paper to the correct size.
+a single sheet of paper with miniature representations
+of each page of a publication, including details of the
+contents of each page. Especially used to define the
+position of advertisements in commercial publications.
+\g{Floating accent}
+a diacritical mark which is set separately from the main
+character, and is then placed either under or over it,
+as in \=m or \d x. Most \dtp\ packages only provide
+complete accented characters, such as the more usual \'e
+or \`a, such that the accent cannot be divorced from the
+character being accented.
+\g{Flush left}
+\s{copy} aligned along the left margin.
+\g{Flush right}
+text or \s{copy} aligned along the right margin, giving
+right \s{justified} text, which may or may not also be
+\s{flush left}.
+most commonly used to refer to the page number. May
+also include other basic information like the title and
+date of the publication etc. In book publishing, a folio
+is a page of typescript as sent to a \s{typesetter}.
+\g{Font (fount)}
+a complete set of characters in a \s{typeface}, in a
+particular variant, style and size, such as an italic or
+boldface style at 12 \s{point} size. Thus we get the fonts
+12 point Helvetica Bold, or 10 point Helvetica Italic,
+both having `Helvetica-like' similarities. Helvetica is
+the \s{typeface}, 12 point Helvetica is a \s{type size},
+whilst Helvetica Bold is a \s{type style}.
+\g{Footer line}
+a line of text which is repeated at the bottom of every
+page. Also called a \s{running foot}. See also \s{header
+a general term for processing \s{text} to produce page
+\s{layouts}, whether in a \s{word processor}, a \dtp\
+program, or for \s{typesetting}.
+\g{Full measure}
+a line of text occupying the complete line length across
+a page.
+\g{Full point}
+a full stop, or period.
+\g{Galley (galley proof)}
+in traditional typesetting, a column of
+\s{typeset} material or \s{bromide}, not cut or positioned
+on a page. %the
+%printing term for long metal trays used to hold \s{type}
+%after \s{setting} and before printing. Now also used to
+%refer to the \s{bromide} output from
+%\s{photo-typesetters} ---
+To be proofread and checked
+before being \s{pasted-up} into pages.
+a typeface with no \s{serifs} and broad even strokes.
+the process of representing the smaller \s{screen fonts}
+merely by black shapes, whilst still retaining an
+overall view of the page \s{layout}. Often used within
+\dtp\ systems when pages are being displayed at a
+reduced size, such as in a two page \s{spread}.
+a systematic division of a page into areas to enable
+designers to \s{layout} pages into columns etc, showing
+the position of text and illustrations. The \s{frames}
+used by many \dtp\ packages follows this principle.
+grammes per square metre, used to express paper weight.
+the width of the space between columns, or alternatively,
+the central blank area between facing pages.
+\g{Hard disc}
+almost essential for any serious \dtp\ work,
+particularly if \s{memory}-hungry garphics or scanned
+images are being included.
+the thinnest rule that can be printed.
+the thinnest of the strokes in the characters of a
+an illustration, such as from a photograph, reproduced
+by breaking down the original continuous tone into a
+pattern of dots of varying sizes. Light areas have small
+dots, and darker areas or shadows have larger dots, or
+denser agglomerations of small dots. This can
+be done through use of a \s{scanner}, which creates a dot
+structure, giving different shades of grey, or \s{grey
+\g{Hanging indent}
+\s{text} where the left edge of each line starts further
+to the right, or indented from the left margin.
+\g{Hanging punctuation}
+punctuation that is allowed to fall outside the margins
+instead of staying within the \s{measure} of the text.
+the margin at the top of a page, within which the
+\s{header line} is positioned.
+\g{Header line}
+a line of text which is repeated at the top of every
+page, containing information such as the document title.
+Also called a \s{running head}. The headline could
+include the page number (\s{folio}), and some
+\dtp\ packages will allow alternate header lines to
+automatically be printed on odd and even page numbers (see
+\s{recto} and \s{verso}).
+lines of large or \s{displayed type}, such as to draw
+attention to the title of an article.
+a \s{sans serif typeface}. A variant of this is frequently
+provided within \dtp\ packages under the name `Swiss'.
+\g{House style}
+the basic rules covering the \s{layout} and style of
+documents within an organisation, providing a consistent
+image, or corporate style. Many \dtp\ packages provide
+`style sheets' which may be applied to a series of
+documents, such that the contents are always formatted
+in a consistent way. The content of the documents (as
+provided by the author) can be separated from their
+appearance (as designed in the document style).
+the splitting of a word into two parts, on two
+consecutive lines of text, and the insertion of a short
+dash or hyphen. This helps produce \s{justified} lines
+of equal length, without stretching or squeezing the
+inter-word (or inter-character) spacing too much. Some
+\dtp\ packages will hyphenate automatically, using
+either an inbuilt dictionary of acceptable hyphenation
+points, or alternatively, a hyphenation algorithm.
+a latecomer to the \dtp\ market, but there are now a
+multitude of packages supplied by third-party vendors,
+running on the AT, XT and PC.
+Images used on \s{screen} to represent many of the
+commands and functions available within a \dtp\
+packages. A particular icon is selected using a
+\s{mouse}, within a \s{wimp} environment.
+\g{Impact printer}
+a printer in which the printing head hits against the
+paper to create the printed text, such as a dot matrix or
+daisy wheel printer.
+the arrangement of the pages on a printing machine.
+the name and place of the publisher and printer required
+by law if a publication is to be published. Sometimes
+accompanied by codes indicating the quantity printed,
+month\slash year of printing, and an international
+control number (see \s{ISBN}).
+\g{Ink jet printer}
+a printer which breaks up a stream of ink into
+electrostatically charged droplets which can be deflected
+either to print or not, in order to create an image on
+the printing surface. Images are built up as a series of
+a link or boundary between two different types of
+equipment or systems or channels of communication, such
+as between a computer and a printer.
+a \s{page description language} developed by Xerox.
+International Standard Book Number. A reference number
+given to every published work. Usually found on the back
+of the title page.
+a single copy of a publication produced on a particular
+a \s{type} or \s{font} with sloping, maybe cursive,
+the printing of an \s{edition}.
+the alignment of lines of text along a margin or both
+margins. Frequently applied to text where
+both margins are straight. It is achieved by adjusting
+the spacing between the words and characters as necessary
+so that each line of text finishes at the same point
+(except where a paragraph ends). Words may also be
+\s{hyphenated} as necessary.
+the adjustment of spacing between certain character
+pairs, as between A and V to produce AV, rather than
+A{}V. This produces a more even text spacing, making it
+more pleasing and easier to read. Not all \dtp\ packages
+can achieve this, and some only allow {\it manual}
+kerning, rather than the character pairs having been
+already set up to kern automatically.
+a narrow line drawn on a \s{camera-ready} copy to show
+the position of a photograph which needs adding.
+work in which the width of the page is greater than its
+height, as in tables which may need to be printed
+`sideways on' to fit on the page. The opposite of
+the model name for Hewlett Packard's strong selling
+\s{laser printer}. The most commonly supported laser
+printer within \dtp\ packages, along with \s{PostScript}
+\g{Laser printer}
+a key component of a good \dtp\ system --- it
+uses laser technology to give sophisticated output in
+a variety of \s{font} sizes and styles along with
+\g{graphic} elements and rules. They
+provide a cheap alternative to \s{typesetters}, printing
+at a lower \s{resolution} --- usually at 300 dpi, although
+newer models can manage 400 or 600 dpi. The \dtp\
+software will convert a file for printing on a particular
+make of laser printer through use of some conversion
+software known as a \s{printer driver}.
+Apple's \s{laser printer}, using the \s{PostScript page
+description language}.
+the design of a page, including the positioning of all
+\s{text}, \s{columns}, \s{graphics}, \s{artwork},
+\s{headlines}, \s{rules} etc.
+\g{Leading (lead)}
+the vertical space between the \s{baselines} of
+consecutive lines of text, usually larger than the
+\s{point} size of the \s{typeface}, so that
+the \s{descenders} of letters on one line do not
+touch the \s{ascenders} of the next.
+Such as a 10~point \s{font}, using 12~points of leading,
+referred to as 10 on 12, or 10/12, giving 2 extra points
+of space between consecutive lines. Named after the
+strips of lead which used to be inserted between lines of
+metal type to increase legibility.
+a line\hbox to 1truein{\dotfill}made up of dots to join
+up separated text.
+the addition of space between the letters of words to
+help increase the line length to a required width, or to
+improve the appearance of a line. Not all \dtp\ packages
+support this feature. See also \s{tracking}.
+letters which are joined together as a single unit of
+type, such as \oe\ or fi or ffl.
+\s{type} having finer strokes than the medium \s{font}
+in a \s{typeface}.
+a spelling mistake in \s{typeset copy}, often used to
+refer to occasions when two characters in a word are
+transposed. See \s{typo}.
+see \s{offset litho}.
+short for logotype. A word or combination of letters set
+as a single unit. Also used to denote a specially
+styled company name designed as part of a corporate
+\g{Lower case}
+the small letters of the alphabet, like a, b, c etc.
+a stored set of commands, control sequences or
+definitions that may be substituted for a shorter macro
+name when the name is inserted into the \dtp\ program.
+Frequently occurring series of commands can therefore be
+abbreviated to a single name, and the expansion handled
+automatically when the text is formatted. This useful
+feature is more common in the \dtp\ systems that have
+adopted the \s{markup} approach, rather than \s{wysiwyg}.
+in traditional printing, the act of manually composing a
+page by a \s{compositor}. In \dtp, the act of using a
+program to design pages, plus the assembly of blocks of
+text, headings and illustrative material into pages with
+headlines, folios, columns etc.
+the non-printing areas around the edges of the page.
+The top and bottom margins may however contain a
+\s{headline} or \s{footline}.
+in traditional \s{typesetting}, the bare \s{manuscript} or
+printed text annotated with handwritten instructions
+setting out in detail all the typesetting
+instructions. Markup also refers to the approach
+adopted by some \dtp\ or typesetting systems, where
+\s{typographical} commands are \s{embedded} within the
+text to control the \s{formatting}. These instructions
+would be carried out at a later stage, when the marked up
+text is processed through the relevant text formatting
+software. Generally this approach offers greater control
+over document structuring, page \s{layouts} and
+typographical details than is possible with \s{wysiwyg}
+style \dtp\ software. \dtp\ packages that have adopted
+the mark up route include PC$\,$\TeX, \TeX tures and Just
+indicating unwanted areas of photographs, which will be
+cut or \s{cropped}.
+the original of a page, which will be used to generate
+multiple copies, as in \s{camera-ready} master.
+the main title of a publication set on the front.
+denotes the line width to be used when \s{setting} text,
+often expressed in \s{picas}.
+the part of a computer's memory (\s{RAM})
+that stores information temporarily while you are
+working on it from within the \dtp\ program.
+The number of text pages that can be produced
+by a \dtp\ program may depend on the
+available memory. Others are only limited by
+available \s{disc} space. \s{Graphics} and \s{scanned}
+images in particular require large amounts of memory,
+both within the computer and in the printer, as well as
+large amounts of disc space.
+a list of options displayed on \s{screen},
+frequently accessed via a \s{mouse}, as in the \s{wimp}
+environment, with \s{pull-down menus}. The user selects an
+action to be performed either by typing a letter or
+positioning the cursor, or highlighting the option
+with the \s{mouse}.
+the dimensions of \s{fonts}, such as the height and
+depth of characters, and possibly other
+numerical information about the font, such as
+\s{kerning} and \s{ligatures}.
+an expression of the thickness of board.
+refers to \s{typestyles} introduced towards the end of
+the 19th century. Times Roman is a good example.
+a computer \s{screen} or visual display unit (VDU).
+a \s{font} in which all characters occupy the same amount
+of horizontal width, {\tt such as this type here}. Such fonts are often referrred to by
+their \s{pitch}, as in 10~pitch, meaning 10 characters to
+the inch horizontally. An example is Courier, which is a
+10 pitch font. See also \s{proportional}.
+a moveable device used to control the positioning
+of a cursor on a computer
+\s{monitor} or \s{screen}, such as to access
+\s{pull-down menus}, or to highlight chunks of \s{text}
+for manipulation. Part of the \s{wimp} environment used by
+many \dtp\ packages and essential for most \dtp\ work.
+another name for an \s{em}.
+a term borrowed straight from photography.The film used to
+photograph \s{artwork} or \s{camera-ready copy} before
+making a printing \s{plate}.
+another name for an \s{en}.
+one of the standard sizes of books.
+\g{Offset litho}
+the most popular print process. A litho plate is produced
+by making a negative \s{film} image of the page of
+\s{artwork}. The image is then etched into the
+\s{plate} and ink applied. The paper is then inked by
+a second, offset, roller.
+a line of type at the end of a paragraph, left
+stranded on a line of its own at the top of a column or
+page. Some \dtp\ programs will avoid these automatically.
+a \s{typeface} in which the characters are formed with
+only the outline defined, rather than from solid strokes.
+the piece of tracing paper placed over photographs for
+cropping and sizing.
+the material left over after a page or publication is
+filled. Some \dtp\ programs can avoid overmatter, either
+by adjusting the existing page \s{layouts}, or by
+automatically creating additional pages.
+\g{Page description language (pdl)}
+a sophisticated form of \s{printer driver}. Essentially,
+a software program to convert files for printing on a
+particular type of \s{laser printer} or \s{typesetter}.
+The most well known pdl is \s{PostScript} which is
+understood by a range of laser printers as well as some
+typesetters. Others are \s{DDL} and \s{Interpress}.
+\g{Page printer}
+a kind of printer similar to a photocopier where entire
+pages are printed at once, not line by line. The most
+common are \s{laser printers}, although LED and ion
+deposition techniques are also used. The opposite to an
+\s{impact printer} such as a \s{dot matrix} or
+\g{Page proofs}
+the stage following galley proofs in the typesetting
+process, in which pages are made up (see \s{make up}),
+and \s{paginated}.
+the numbering of pages in a book, frequently done as a
+separate later stage in more traditional typesetting.
+\dtp\ systems tend to incorporate pagination in with the
+page \s{make up}.
+\g{Paste up}
+in traditional publishing, the various elements of a
+\s{layout} mounted in position to form \s{camera-ready
+artwork}. The \s{wysiwyg} \dtp\ systems have incorporated
+this stage as the on-\s{screen} page \s{make up},
+prior to printing out onto a \s{laser printer}.
+see \s{page description language}.
+\g{Perfect binding}
+a common method of binding paperback books and some
+large magazines. After the printed sections have been
+\s{collated}, the spines will be ground off and the cover
+glued on.
+see \s{full point}.
+see \s{digitiser}.
+\g{Photo-typesetter (photo-setter)}
+see \s{typesetter}.
+a photograph.
+a printing industry unit of measurement. There are 12
+\s{points} to a pica, and 6 picas to an inch.
+\g{Pi fonts}
+characters not usually included in a \s{font}, but which
+are added specially, such as mathematical symbols.
+a perfect impression of \s{camera-ready copy} from which
+actual copies of a publication are printed on a printing
+the standard unit of \s{typesize}.There are exactly
+72.27~points to an inch, although many systems assume
+72~points to the inch. A \s{typeface} is typically
+defined by its pointsize, such as 10 point Times Roman,
+or 12 point Helvetica. A \s{typeface} or \s{font} is
+measured from the top of the highest \s{ascender} to the
+bottom of the lowest \s{descender}.
+an upright image or page, where the height is greater
+than the width. The opposite of \s{landscape}.
+an alternative method to \s{negative} film.
+a \s{page description language}
+developed by Adobe Systems, Inc. for describing graphics
+output. The PostScript language is independent of the
+\s{resolution} of the output deviceand is understood by a
+range of PostScript compatible \s{laser printers} as well
+as some \s{typesetters} like the Linotron 300.
+ Most \dtp\ software includes a \s{driver
+program} to convert the on-\s{screen} page \s{layout} for
+printing on any PostScript device. Many \s{fonts} are
+available in PostScript format, and
+PostScript permits clever effects, such as rotating and
+skewing of graphic images.
+\g{Print engine}
+the essential part of a \s{page printer} which performs
+the physical task of printing a page. The number of
+different print engines is very much lower than the
+number of brand names of printers. It is distinct from
+a \s{raster} image processor (\s{RIP}), which creates an
+image then controls the printing process.
+\g{Printer driver}
+software within the \dtp\ program that converts the page
+\s{layout} codes into those understood by a particular
+type of \s{laser printer} or \s{typesetter}. It
+is important to ensure that the \dtp\ software
+includes a driver program to work with your
+chosen printer. The most
+commonly supported \s{printers} include Hewlett Packard's
+Laserjet series of printers, and all \s{PostScript}
+a photocopy of a \s{typeset} page \s{layout} for
+correction and approval. In \dtp, a publication could be
+draft proofed onto a \s{laser printer} prior to being
+sent to a \s{typesetter}. Laser printer output could
+instead be used directly as \s{camera-ready copy},
+provided the \s{resolution} meets printing requirements.
+\g{Proof correction marks}
+a standard set of signs and symbols manually inserted
+in the preparation of text for typesetting, and to
+indicate corrections on \s{proofs}. Marks are placed both
+in the text and in the margin.
+\g{Proportional spacing}
+a method of spacing whereby each character is spaced to
+accommodate the varying widths of letters or figures, so
+increasing readability. A letter m for example, would
+occupy more space than a narrower i or j. Most
+\dtp\ packages assume the use of proportionally spaced
+\s{fonts}, although a \s{monospaced} {\tt typewriter
+style} font is usually also available.
+\g{Pull-down menus}
+see \s{menus}.
+\g{Quadding (quads)}
+the addition of space to fill out a line of text, using
+\s{em} or \s{en} sized blocks.
+a standard book size.
+``quotation marks'', or a small piece of \s{text} taken
+out of the \s{body copy} and set in \s{display type} to
+add emphasis or break up a page.
+\g{Ragged (ragged edge)}
+non-\s{aligned} text where lines end at different places
+in the right-hand margin (ragged right), or left-hand
+margin (ragged left). See also \s{ranged left/right}.
+Random Access Memory. See \s{memory}.
+\g{RAM cache}
+some \dtp\ programs permit you to use part of the
+computer's \s{RAM} as if it were a temporary disc --- it
+can be used to store documents, but its contents will be
+lost when the computer is powered off.
+\g{Ranged left/right}
+Another term for \s{ragged}, or non-\s{justified} text,
+where successive lines of type are
+aligned at either the right or left hand side of the page.
+a regular array of dots or lines. Raster image
+\s{fonts}, for example, are not formed characters, but
+are drawn as a pattern of dots, as in most \s{laser
+printers} and \s{typesetters}. Most have a raster image
+processor (RIP), which
+interprets software instructions in order to construct
+an image for printing.
+the right hand page of a two page \s{spread}. See also
+\g{Reference marks}
+symbols used in text to direct the reader to a footnote,
+or similar reference. Examples include the asterisk (*),
+dagger (\dag), double dagger (\ddag), section mark (\S)
+and paragraph mark (\P).
+the correct positioning of an image especially when
+printing one colour on another, using illustrations
+generated from \s{colour separated artwork}. `Out of
+register' printing has multi-colour shadows around the
+edges, and no true colour in the middle of the picture.
+the definition of display capability often described in
+terms of pixels on the \s{screen} or \s{dots per inch}
+(dpi) on the printed page. \s{Laser printers} generally
+have a resolution of 300 dpi, whereas \s{typesetters}
+have a minimum of 1000 dpi, resulting in higher quality
+output. See also \s{screen fonts} and \s{camera-ready}.
+\g{Reversal (reverse out)}
+an image with white lettering or
+illustrations on a black background. Sometimes known as a
+`WOB' (white on black).
+see \s{raster}.
+a line of white space running downwards within a
+\s{column} or page of \s{text}. Caused by poor
+\s{justification}, a lack of \s{hyphenation}, or the use
+of too large a \s{type size} for the column width.
+the basic style of \s{type} --- a \s{font} which has
+vertical stems as distinct from \s{italics} or oblique
+which are set at angles.
+the number of copies a printer is required to produce.
+\g{Run around}
+\s{text} which flows around the shape of a \s{graphic}
+or picture. Most \s{wysiwyg} \dtp\ packages include this
+\g{Run on}
+extra copies required from a printer after the \s{run}
+is complete.
+\g{Running foot}
+another name for a \s{footer line}.
+\g{Running on}
+starting a paragraph immediately after the previous one
+with no break.
+\g{Running head}
+another term for a \s{header line}.
+\g{Saddle stitching}
+a method of binding where the folded pages are stitched
+through the spine from the outside, using wire staples.
+Usually limited to 64 pages size.
+\g{Same size (s/s)}
+where \s{graphics} do not require \s{scaling}.
+\g{Sans serif}
+a \s{typeface} that has only straight edges, with no
+\s{serifs}, such as Helvetica.
+resizing a \s{graphic} image --- reducing or enlarging it
+to fit a space in the page layout without losing any of
+the image, i.e.~ no \s{cropping}. Also refers to the
+process of obtaining additional \s{font} sizes, based on
+an original \s{design size} for the font.
+a machine similar to a \s{digitiser} which can turn
+images on paper into electronic information for use in
+\dtp\ programs. It is the normal means of introducing
+\s{artwork}, photos or \s{logos} into a document. The main
+varieties are flatbed or roller fed scanners, and quality
+depends on the number of grey scales they can use.
+Scanners require a lot of \s{memory} in the computer and
+printer, as well as \s{hard disc} space --- an \s{A4}
+size image at 300 dpi \s{resolution} can take 1MB.
+%see \s{Century Schoolbook}.
+in traditional printing, a device which breaks up
+\s{continuous tones} into a series of black and white
+dots (see \s{screening}). In \dtp, the monitor
+or VDU used for the input and design of page \s{layouts},
+and page \s{make up}, and display of a representation
+of the finished pages using \s{screen fonts}. The
+\s{wysiwyg} \dtp\ systems tend to use a \s{wimp}
+environment, whereas \s{markup} systems usually include a
+screen \s{preview} of the layouts.
+\g{Screen font}
+a \s{font} intended for display on a computer
+\s{screen}. These fonts tend to be at a lower
+\s{resolution} than the printed version, due to
+limitations in the display hardware.
+a process of turning \s{continuous tones} in an image
+such as a photograph, into \s{half-tones}. A \s{scanner}
+provides one means of screening photographs and line art
+for inclusion in the page \s{layout}.
+a small curved cross stroke at the
+end of the main stroke of the letter. \s{Typefaces}
+which are serifed include Times Roman and Garamond.
+to \s{typeset} a document. Also used within \dtp\ to
+refer to the formatting of pages, irrespective of
+whether they are to be typeset on a \s{typesetter}, or
+just \s{laser printed}.
+\g{Set solid}
+text set without \s{leading} (line
+spacing) between the lines, such as a 10 point \s{font}
+on 10 point leading (10 on 10).
+\g{Sheet fed}
+a type of printer used for small print \s{runs} where
+single sheets of paper are fed through one at a time.
+\g{Side heading}
+a subheading set flush into the text at the left edge.
+groups of pages which are then joined together in
+\g{Size up}
+to increase text by an increment of 1~point.
+working out the reduction or enlargement of a graphic or
+photograph for inclusion on a page. See also \s{scaling}.
+\g{Small Caps}
+see \s{Caps and small caps}.
+\g{Soft hyphen}
+also called a discretionary hyphen. A specially coded
+hyphen which is only displayed when formatting requires
+the word to be split at the end of a line.
+rules, lines or bars. Also used to describe text which
+has no \s{leading} (see \s{set solid}).
+\g{Solid setting}
+see \s{Set solid}.
+two facing pages (\s{recto} and \s{verso}) which can be
+viewed together on \s{screen} in a \dtp\ system. To
+acieve this on a normal size screen, the smaller sizes
+of \s{fonts} may be \s{greeked}. It is important to get
+the design of spreads correct since they will be viewed
+simultaneously by readers.
+\g{Spot colour}
+the ability to place a tint or colour on a page, such as
+for a box or a heading. Much cheaper than using full
+\g{Squared up}
+tones which are to be reproduced in square or rectangular
+the main vertical stroke making up a \s{type} character.
+individual articles for inclusion in a publication.
+a sub-heading used above the main headline in a
+newspaper article.
+checking \s{copy} for \s{house style}, grammar,
+spelling, accuracy and so on.
+\g{Subscript (or inferior)}
+the small characters set below the normal letters or
+numbers, as in H$_2$0.
+\g{Superscript (also superior)}
+the small characters set above the normal letters or
+numbers, such as $E=mc^2$.
+a standard newspaper size. In \dtp\ terminology this is
+taken to be A3 size, although most \s{laser printers}
+can only print onto \s{A4} paper.
+a document formatting system adopting the \s{markup}
+approach, which runs on a wide variety of computer
+systems. Many versions also support \s{screen preview}.
+It is a \s{typesetting} system, printing
+out onto a range of \s{laser printers} and
+\s{typesetters}, as is especially suited to the
+production of high quality mathematical, scientific and
+technical texts.
+also called \s{copy}. Words or characters without
+reference to the \s{font} and \s{typeface} in which they
+will eventually appear when \s{typeset}, or \s{laser
+printed}. The \dtp\ software will determine the font and
+typeface to use. Also used to refer to the
+written or printed material which forms the main \s{body}
+of a publication.
+\g{Text type}
+\s{typefaces} used for the main text of written
+material. Generally no larger than 14 \s{point} in size.
+\g{Thin space}
+the thinnest space normally used to separate words.
+like a \s{flatpan} but can include a basic design for
+each page.
+\g{Times Roman}
+a \s{serifed typeface}, very widely used in
+\s{typesetting} and \dtp\ work. Variants of this
+typeface may be referred to as `Dutch'.
+creating various degrees of shading from one colour by
+altering the size or density of dots in the
+printed or \s{typeset} characters.
+in traditional hot metal \s{typesetting}, the raised
+surface carrying the image of a \s{type} character
+cast in metal. Also used to refer to a complete set of
+\s{font} styles. Examples of typefaces
+include Helvetica, Garamond, or Times Roman. Within each
+typeface are a range of font styles, such as
+Helvetica Bold, Helvetica Italic etc. A set of
+visually related typefaces with differing
+styles is also called a family of typefaces, or
+\s{font family}. Some \dtp\ packages confuse typefaces
+with fonts.
+the process whereby \s{text} or \s{copy} is turned
+into high quality output comprised of one or more
+\s{typefaces} using a \s{typesetter} machine which
+photographs onto \s{bromide}. \s{Graphics} may be
+included at this stage, or alternately the \s{artwork
+pasted in} afterwards. Some \dtp\ packages will allow you
+to convert files for printing on a typesetter as opposed
+to a \s{laser printer}, particularly those using the
+\s{postScript} language.
+a printing machine that \s{sets type} by a photographic
+process, or on to photographic film (\s{bromide}). It
+allows for a high \s{resolution} of at least 1000 dots per
+inch, producing very high quality \s{typeset} output.
+an abbreviation for a typographical error --- an error
+in the \s{typeset copy}. Sometimes also called a
+\g{Upper case}
+the capital letters in the alphabet, like A, B, C etc.
+the left hand page of a two page \s{spread}. The opposit
+page is \s{recto}.
+a rough idea, or sketch of what the finished work will look
+\g{Web fed}
+a type of printing \s{press} which accepts paper from a
+large roll.
+the degree of boldness or thickness of a letter or
+the first line of a new paragraph, left stranded at the
+bottom of a page.
+\s{windows}, \s{icons}, \s{mouse} and \s{pull-down
+menus}. An `easy to use' working environment
+incorporated into most \dtp\ systems, particularly the
+\s{wysiwyg} variety. Text and graphics are highlighted
+and manipulated on \s{screen} by using the mouse pointer,
+and commands to control \s{formatting} are chosen from
+selected iconographic images and/or pull-down menus.
+Separate displays may be overlaid on the same screen by
+use of windowing.
+the facility to have more than one progarm or display
+visible on \s{screen} at the same time. Many
+\dtp\ packages incorporate some form of
+windowing, such as Digital Research's GEM or Microsoft
+Windows on the IBM-PC. The Macintosh incorporates
+windowing as standard.
+see \s{reversal}.
+\g{Word processor}
+software used to generate \s{text} prior to reading the
+word processor file into the \dtp\ package. Most \dtp\
+software only has very limited text \s{editing}
+facilities, so that the bulk of text creation should
+first be done in a word processor or editor program. Many
+\dtp\ packages will accept files in a variety of word
+processor formats, although generally only the
+word processor's \s{font} change commands will be
+retained. Any page \s{layouts} must then be reinstated
+using commands from within the \dtp\ software. Some
+\dtp\ packages will however allow \dtp\ commands to be
+embedded within the text in the word processor, to be
+automatically converted when the file is read into the
+\dtp\ program.
+What You See (on the \s{screen}) Is (more or less) What
+You Get (on the paper).
+the height of a letter excluding the \s{ascenders} and
+\s{descenders}, such as the height of an x.
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+\centerline{\bf SGML Users' Group Meeting}
+A meeting of the {\sc sgml} Users' Group took
+place at the British Standards Institution in London time
+on January 11th, 1988. It was informative with software demonstrations
+taking place at the back of the room in the break periods.
+{\sc sobemap} products were presented by Joan Smith and
+Jean-Pierre Gaspart, introducing new releases of the
+full features parser, as well as new products
+destined to enter the marketplace. Among these were
+an interactive editor intended as an authoring tool,
+a formatter, and a graphical editor. This last product would enable document
+type definitions ({\sc dtd}s) to be represented graphically,
+and also {\sc sgml} databases. In this way hypertext
+applications would become possible. If you have an {\sc ibm}
+or compatible pc, and are at a university (or other educational
+institution), {\sc sobemap} will make the parser
+available free of charge for teaching or basic research.
+More details of this offer are given in the next article.
+Martin Bryan of Quorum followed with
+a very practical look at {\sc sgml} from typesetting markup
+through to {\sc sgml} itself, listing
+the advantages of going to {\sc sgml}. His advice was to
+take a simple
+starting point, using no more than twenty tags to markup a manual, treating
+tables, figures, and other exotic elements as externals.
+The main advantage of {\sc sgml} was its rigour, checking the document
+against its previously formulated description.
+Elsevier is already taking the {\sc sgml} route. Jan Bleeker
+described a study carried out prior to their
+adoption of the standard. A start has been made with bibliographic data and
+abstracts, and there are plans for electronic document delivery and
+making the publication process electronic, in addition to the
+availability of information through a database host for the provision of secondary
+A parser under consideration by Elsevier was that developed at the
+Free University of Amsterdam. The author of this, Jos Warmer, spoke
+of its capabilities --- it is for basic {\sc sgml} and has been tailored
+to the Elsevier {\sc dtd}. Next on his wish list is an interactive
+editor, within a two-year timescale.
+Mike Cowlishaw of {\sc ibm} rounded off the day with a very professional
+presentation of {\sc lexx}, the structured editor developed whilst
+he was seconded to the New Oxford English Dictionary project. The
+examples were illustrated in glorious technicolour as
+he gave a slide show on the capabilities of the editor. The snag is
+that you need a blue mainframe for this product.
+The next meeting of the Group is April 11th, again
+at the {\sc bsi} in London. All are welcome.
+\rightline{\sl Joan Smith}
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@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+\centerline{\bf Book Review}
+{\it The Illustrated Handbook of
+Desktop Publishing and Typesetting,
+Michael L Kleper, 770pp,
+John Wiley, \quid24.25, {\sc isbn}:0 83060 700 5.}
+Weighing in at 2.1 kilos, and with a page size
+of $11 \times 8.5\,$inches, this is a substantial
+My first reaction was one of
+disappointment, since the text gives the appearance of
+having been assembled from
+lots of other bits and pieces. Naturally, it does
+contain a wealth of useful information even if
+that information is not always easy to find (this will
+come as no hardship to \TeX ies, inured to the
+obscuratism of the \TeX book).
+To a large extent the book helps to reinforce my
+suspicion that many aspects of typography are
+intuitive, or at least, that there is little
+urge within the typographic world to place
+their art on a more accessible level.
+Some of the `rules' of typography are in there,
+and where explanations are known, Kleper gives them.
+This leaves a lot which is merely prescribed
+(not Kleper's fault by any means). At least he does
+describe the processes which go on (or went on) in
+traditional printing (that is, publishing before
+the introduction of the desktop: what on earth did they
+do without desk tops?).
+But in the end I'm left with a hollow feeling
+that there isn't much theory in there. Kleper is
+at his best, and most voluminous, when he describes
+some of the multitude of systems around. This
+probably contributes to about 75\% of the book.
+Fortunately, it isn't just a re-hash of {\it PageMaker\/}
+but includes some genuine typesetting systems,
+and from time to time includes information about
+the `anecdotal' history behind the hardware
+and software. As a trivia lover I find
+this most illuminating, but I do wish that some of
+the descriptions didn't sound like reworkings
+of manuals. On the other hand, I was fascinated to learn
+that the first successful machine that Ottmar Merganthaler
+(known in his home village as ``cleverhead'')
+installed in the offices of
+the {\it New York Tribune} in
+July 1886 had the entire process of
+character assembly, justification, casting, and distribution
+under the control of a single operator. Plus \c ca change.
+At a historical level,
+the book is quite useful, but Kleper's approach
+to history is really at the anectodal or
+straight factual level. He draws
+no inferences, nor does he place technological innovation
+within the social framework of the time. This is
+quite understandable, but often infuriating.
+Kleper makes some creditable attempts to answer the
+questions `Why typeset at all?' and `When should I typeset in-%
+house?' Too often it seems that dtp\slash typesetting
+is taken for granted as a good thing --- the latest
+gadget, without which no street-credible
+thrusting innovative hitch-hiker's guide writer can survive.
+One of the criteria for any book in this general subject
+area is how it handles \TeX. \TeX\ in fact gets
+two pages, and what Kleper chooses to emphasise
+is its `output device independence'. Actually, this
+is one of the redeeming aspects of the book.
+Dtp is not taken to imply merely
+Ventura\slash Xpress\slash RSG!4. And output
+devices are not merely laser printers.
+{\it Wysiwyg} is merely one
+approach among many. This book does help to broaden
+ The early chapters bring together a good
+amount of material which seems often to be taken
+for granted. Many of the illustrations are useful too.
+At last I know how ugly a Linotype hot-metal
+machine was.
+Some of the systems described are available only
+in the US, and the `Helpful Sources of Information'
+Appendix, as you would probably expect, is
+very US-oriented. But even if I was to remove
+all the superflous material, and end up
+ with a smaller, more compact
+book (which would be handy), it would still
+represent terrific value for money.
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W. Clark}
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/last.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+\input texline
+\input atari-st\bigskip
+%\input about-face\bigskip
+%\input contributers
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@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+\centerline{\bf Preview in the Public Domain}
+This note describes a previewing system for \TeX\ on an {\sc ibm-pc} with a Hercules
+compatible graphics screen.
+The system is implemented as a pair of programs --- the first program creating
+the bitmap file for the screen and the second displaying it.
+The incentive for writing this tool was to allow me to preview the
+\TeX\ |.dvi| files from the {\sc c-tex} program
+written by Pat Monardo.
+Having established that {\sc c-tex} worked in a {\sc pc-dos} environment, there was no
+way of examining the output on the screen without paying out hard cash for a
+commercial previewer.
+The main priority in deciding how to implement a previewing system was that
+while the time taken to generate the |.dvi| and other intermediate files was to
+a certain extent immaterial, the speed of viewing of the output should be
+dictated by the user, rather than be restrained by the computational
+processing ability of the {\sc pc}.
+My initial experiments with {\sc c-tex} showed that processing
+\TeX\ files was a fairly leisurely process on an {\sc xt}-class machine. The
+cpu-bound nature of the task was all the more apparent with the
+Beebe (University of Utah)
+|dvi| driver code generating a bit map output.
+Thus generating the screen in real-time could be intolerably slow. The notion
+of a post-previewer was formed.
+The Beebe Apple Imagewriter driver is used as a base for the screen driver, as
+both the screen and that particular printer require a bit-mapped file.
+The modifications required to convert to a new output format were minor.
+The new derivitive of the device driver is called {\sc dviherc}.
+The prototype of the screen viewing program was a very crude minimal
+implementation. It just displayed a screen's worth at a time. A resolution of
+92 dpi was originally tried which would allow an A4 page to be represented as
+$n$ screens deep by one screen wide. Unfortunately however, the
+{\sc cmr\oldstyle10} font
+generated at that resolution was too squiggly --- any resemblance
+between this and the 300 dpi version was entirely accidental.
+As the Hercules card is capable of holding two screens in its display buffer,
+it seemed logical to double the resolution by displaying a page as {\it n}
+screens deep by two screens wide. With the two screens in the card's buffer, the
+display could be flipped between the left and right halves of the page
+virtually instantaneously. The modifications to both {\sc dviherc} and
+{\sc hview} ({\sc texview}'s prototype) to allow this were
+trivial. The image quality at 174 dpi (the nearest legal setting to 180) was
+vastly superior to the previous test.
+\sect{The system}
+The previewer system is a tool developed for my own use of \TeX\ developed
+mostly in my spare time. The only screen adapter supported is the Hercules
+monochrome graphics type. To make the system portable I have removed the
+dependency of the pilot program for the Hercules {\sc graphx} toolkit utility.
+{\sc texview} is not restricted to displaying files produced by
+{\sc dviherc}; any picture graphics files can be displayed so long as they conform
+to the file format used.
+\sect{Description of {\sc texview}}
+Upon loading, the program allocates all the available memory of the {\sc pc} for
+cache buffers. The aim of this is twofold.
+Firstly, the file reader task within the program attempts to be two pages
+ahead of the screen.
+Pressing any key to activate a command will interrupt the file reader almost
+If part of the file is already in the memory then the
+time writing a new screen is minimised. On a typical {\sc pc-xt} clone the screen
+update time takes about one second.
+Secondly, a limited amount of reverse scrolling is possible if the cache data
+has not been overwritten. On a {\sc pc} with 640\,Kbytes of memory the screen can be
+rolled back by about four pages.
+In addition to the file `cache' the program uses two tables. One is used to
+hold the cache locations of the page boundaries seen, and the other to hold the
+locations of the screen boundaries within the current page.
+A user normally views the file by moving down a screenful at a time. Whilst he
+is doing this the page and screen location descriptor tables are being built
+up. For explanation purposes, the furthest point down the file reached by
+moving a screenful at a time is known as the endpoint.
+These tables enable a user to move backwards by either a screenful at a time
+until the top of the current page is reached, or directly to the start of the
+current page, or to the start of the previous page (assuming that it still
+exists within the cache).
+Once the user has moved back, he can move forward either by pages until the
+endpoint has been reached, or normally by the screenful.
+Thus a limited amount of movement from the current page is possible.
+The horizontal and vertical overlaps between screens are initially zero
+pixels. These can be set to any reasonable values to aid in legibility when
+viewing a file. If the horizontal overlap is changed, it is rounded to a
+multiple of eight pixels in order to eliminate bit shifting.
+\sect{Using the system on a {\sc pc-xt}}
+The usual cycle of commands in revising a document (analogous to the compile,
+load and fail process when programming) is:
+\line{\quad{\sc virtex \it file} \hfil create a {\tt .dvi} file}
+\line{\quad{\sc dviherc \it file \tt -m868}\hfil create a screen pixel file}
+\line{\quad{\sc texview \it file}\hfil view it}
+\sect{{\sc texview's} limitations}
+This implementation is certainly not frugal in its use of disc storage.
+The set of {\tt .gf} files for magnifications up to magstep 2.0 occupy around
+3\,Mbyte of disc space. The pixel files produced by {\sc dviherc} average around 100\,Kbyte
+per full page of text.
+{\sc texview} has some design limitations which I do not consider important
+(because they don't affect me). These are detailed below.
+The screen descriptor tables are of a finite length. Thus should the vertical
+overlap value be set to too high a value then reverse scrolling within a page
+will be inaccurate.
+A similar effect can be noticed with the page descriptor table. The length of
+this is such, that in normal circumstances the limiting factor for
+the number of pages that can be backscrolled is determined by the size of the
+cache area. However, if the pages are very short then the descriptor table
+would fill before the cache.
+The screen is reset to the left side after any screen movement. This could be
+annoying for a user working in two-column mode. The obvious remedy is to
+incorporate an additional command to enable or disable this effect.
+If the vertical overlap parameter is changed, then scrolling back by
+screenfuls uses the value in force when the forward movements were executed
+rather than the new value.
+A user cannot skip ahead either a page at a time (once the endpoint has been
+reached) or to a specified page. Considering the profligate amount of disc
+space used by the pixel files, the lack of such facilities is probably not of
+\sect{Obtaining a copy}
+Peter Abbott will be putting the set of files (sources, executables, |gf|s, and
+threadbare installation and operating documentation) into the Aston
+University \TeX-archive.
+An announcement will be made in the {\sc uktex} electronic bulletin when the files are
+For people not connected to {\sc janet} I would be willing to write the files to a
+set of supplied preformatted 1.2\,Mbyte or 360\,Kbyte diskettes.
+Any bug reports would be welcome, as would suggestions for improving the
+viewing facilities. However, implementation of enhancements could be fairly
+slow in execution as work on this project is mostly undertaken in my spare
+\rightline{\sl Laurie Benfield}
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@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+\centerline{\bf SGML software}
+{\sc sgml} has recently moved into a more
+accessible form with the introduction of
+software suitable for micros. In
+particular, {\sc sobemap} offers {\sc mark-it}
+``a full features {\sc sgml} parser''.
+It is written in {\sc C}, and will therefore run
+on most computer systems, including the
+ubiquitous {\sc unix} and {\sc ms-dos}.
+{\sc mark-it} combines four processes ---
+character translation, string replacement, validation
+and the generation of processing instructions.
+{\sc sobemap} is offering a free software licence
+for {\sc mark-it}
+to universities and other higher education
+establishments. Contact:
+Joan Smith, {\sc sobemap}
+17 Tansa Road
+London NW3 2UA
+tel: 435 9300
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@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+\centerline{\bf Forthcoming Meetings}
+{\bf RIAO 88}: User-Oriented Context-Based Text
+and Image Handling, MIT, Cambridge MA, March 21--24
+The sharp end of electronic publishing, with
+very little about non-electronic documents.
+It is very much an international conference,
+although dominated by US and French researchers.
+The conference cost is about \$300 or 1750FF (which
+turn out to be about the same in sterling, despite the
+demise of the dollar). Accommodation extra.
+36 bis, rue Ballu
+75009 Paris
+{\bf EP88}: International Conference on
+Electronic Publishing, Document Manipulation
+and Typography, Nice (France), April 20--22, 1988.
+It's too late now to submit a paper to this conference
+(apparently over 100 were submitted --- not in
+abstract, but in full, final form --- and only
+18 selected). There are 22 papers in the conference,
+4 of which were invited (starring Richard Southall,
+Brian Reid, Richard Morris, Peter Brown and I.~Mandel).
+Being French, there is a proper 2-hour lunch break.
+The cost is dependent on two things: whether you
+are from a University or not, and whether you
+pay the registration fees before or after March 15th.
+The cheapest is 1,200\,FF (early, University), and
+the most expensive 3,000\,FF (late, non-University).
+This does not cover accommodation.
+The programme suggests that there will be 400
+INRIA, Service des Relations Exterieures
+``Bureau des Colloques''
+Domaine de Voluceau
+Rocquencourt, BP 105
+F-78153 Le Chesnay Cedex
+{\bf Markup'88}: The Sixth International Conference
+and Showcase on Standard Generalized Markup
+Language {\sc sgml} and related topics,
+Ottowa, Canada, May 24--26, 1988.
+Lots of initials in the titles of the talks,
+some of which I can decode. The most notable
+growth area is in {\sc sgml} software.
+Cost, \$US440--560, depending on what group
+you are a member of. This does not include hotel
+Graphic Communications Association
+1730 North Lynn Street/Suite 604
+Virginia 22209-2085
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/mitem.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/mitem.tex
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/mitem.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+%\mitem{This is on the left hand side}{While this
+%very much longer entry is supposed to go on the right.
+%I may have to say it a few times, just to get it right
+%and to test it properly, but I think I can.
+%And try a paragraph too}
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new file mode 100644
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+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/pragma.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+\centerline{\bf More Laser News}
+As the \PS\ snowball gathers momentum,
+more and more laser printers are released which
+support this standard. The more
+recently introduced ones tend to have other
+facilities too.
+{\sc qms} laser printers have been used as \TeX\
+output devices for many years now. Pragma supply {\sc qms}
+laser printers, and have two \PS\ offerings:
+{\sc qms ps \oldstyle 810} --- the first \PS\ laser printer based
+on the compact Canon {\sc sx} engine. It comes with
+of {\sc rom} and
+2\,Mbye of {\sc ram}, expandable to 3\,Mbyte.
+The 35 standard \PS\ fonts are resident.
+Resolution is the usual 300\,dpi. Besides supporting
+\PS\ there are resident emulations for the HP LaserJet+
+and for the {\sc hpgl} plotter language. It has a
+recommended duty cycle of 5000 prints per month.
+{\sc qms lg \oldstyle1510} --- designed for the high-volume,
+complex vector and bit-mapped graphics environment.
+It is based on the 300\,dpi Ricoh 4150 print
+engine. The printer can process two fully bit-mapped
+pages concurrently, thanks to 8\,Mbyte of
+{\sc ram}. This together with an operating speed of 16\,MHz allows
+a claimed speed of 15 pages per minute. The duty
+cycle is suitably high at 15,000 pages per month.
+It has fewer resident fonts --- only 16 --- but
+other resident and downloadable fonts are available.
+Besides \PS, it will support Tektronix 4010/4014
+and {\sc qms'} proprietary pdl, {\sc quic}.
+For more information, contact:
+Peter Lamb
+Pragma Ltd
+Pragma House
+Radlett Road
+Colney Street
+St Albans
+Herts AL2 2EP
+tel: 09276 3411
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+%\hsize=39pc %\vsize=59pc
+%\maxdepth=2.2pt \parindent=1pc
+% Page layout
+\newdimen\pagewidth \newdimen\pageheight \newdimen\ruleht
+\newdimen\colwidth \newdimen\bigcolheight
+\pagewidth=\hsize \pageheight=\vsize \ruleht=.5pt
+\abovedisplayskip=6pt plus 3pt minus 1pt
+\belowdisplayskip=6pt plus 3pt minus 1pt
+\abovedisplayshortskip=0pt plus 3pt
+\belowdisplayshortskip=4pt plus 3pt
+ \insert\botins\bgroup\hsize=\pagewidth
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \interlinepenalty100 \let\par=\endgraf
+ \leftskip=0pt \rightskip=0pt
+ \splittopskip=10pt plus 1pt minus 1pt \floatingpenalty=20000
+ \medskip{#1}\medskip\egroup}
+\skip\botins=12pt plus 2pt minus 4pt % space added when footnote is present
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+ \onepageout{\unvbox255}}
+\leftline{{\bf Portrait of the author on a windy day}}
+\noindent The picture at left originates from the
+following PostScript fragment.
+It is 6 inches square.\par
+\def\pc{\char"25}\def\lb{\char"7B}\def\rb{\char"7D}\obeylines %
+\pc\pc BoundingBox: 72 216 504 648
+72 72 scale
+/picstr 64 string def
+/imageshow \lb image showpage\rb def
+1 3 translate 6 6 scale
+128 128 8
+[128 0 0 128 0 0]
+\lb currentfile picstr readhexstring pop\rb
+\pc\ 1020 lines of hex digits omitted
+\def\PS{{\sc PostScript}}
+\def\PSF{{\it psfig\/}}
+\def\Special{{\tt\char"5C special}}
+\def\Vbox{{\tt\char"5C vbox}}
+\def\input{{\tt\char"5C input}}
+\def\Psfig{{\tt\char"5C psfig}}
+\def\LaTeX{{\sc L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{a}\kern-.15em
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+\hrule height 0pt
+\botpic{\hbox to \pagewidth {\vbox to 3 in {\vss}\hss
+\vbox to 3in {\vss\box\caption\vss}}}
+\centerline{{\bf \TeX\ and graphics --- the {\it psfig\/} package}}
+\noindent How do you include figures and diagrams in \TeX\ documents?
+In traditional publishing you'd probably reserve some space with
+a \Vbox\ and paste in a carefully hand\-drawn, photo\-reduced,
+cropped illustration.
+But this is 1988 and Desktop Publishing is all the rage, so you
+want to do everything electronically.
+And you can't help feeling rather envious of those people with
+{\it Pagemaker\/} and its friends who seem to be able to do
+this sort of thing at the click of a mouse button.
+After all, aren't we \TeX\ users supposed to be at the leading edge
+of electronic publishing?
+How come the Macintosh people can do it and we can't?
+Well, the simple answer is just one word --- \PS.
+(Wake up, Malcolm!)
+If you have a \PS\ device all the software you need for scaling,
+translating, and clipping your graphics is actually present in the
+printer --- all you have to do is to invoke these functions with
+the right parameters.
+This is what the \PSF\ package achieves automatically.
+If you don't have a \PS\ printer or typesetter for your \TeX\ output --- get
+\PSF\ originates from the University of Pennsylvania and was advertised in
+\TeX hax early last year.
+It consists of a set of \TeX\ macros that you can \input\ at the start of
+a Plain \TeX\ job or declare as a \LaTeX\ style option.
+\PSF\ assumes that your diagrams exist as separate \PS\ files on the
+system you use for \TeX ing.
+This lets you prepare your figures using whatever software you might care
+to use, provided that the end result is a file of \PS.
+At Daresbury there is widespread use of the {\sc ghost-}{\oldstyle 80} graphics package from
+{\sc ukaea} Culham, and also {\sc sas}-graph, which can
+both generate \PS, and there are tricks for capturing \PS\
+output from {\it MacDraw\/} and other graphics programs
+running on PCs. \PSF\ also likes your \PS\ file to have a
+``bounding box'' comment near the beginning.
+This tells \PSF\ the `natural' size of the \PS\ figure --- i.e. the coordinates
+of the bottom left and upper right corners of the figure in the initial \PS\
+coordinate frame.
+If the software used to create the figure does not generate a suitable
+bounding box comment you can edit one in by hand or supply the information
+when you tell \TeX\ to place the figure.
+Suppose you have an picture in the file {\tt} and you want
+it centred horizontally and scaled to be just 3 inches high.
+A simple way to achieve this is to say
+\vskip 0.2ex
+\centerline{\tt\bslash centerline\lb\bslash psfig\lb,%
+\vskip 0.2ex
+\noindent The \Psfig\ macro reads and parses the lines of the {\tt} file
+looking for its bounding box comment.
+This enables it to compute the desired width of the figure (keeping its
+aspect ratio constant) and to reserve a \Vbox\ of exactly the right size.
+Within the \Vbox\ \PSF\ inserts \Special\ control sequences which
+propagate scaling information and the name of the included \PS\ file
+to the {\tt dvi} file.
+More sophisticated effects can be achieved with further arguments in the
+\Psfig\ call.
+These include:\par
+\item{\blob}overriding the figure's bounding box comment;
+\item{\blob}anamorphic scaling of the figure by giving both
+a {\tt width=} and a {\tt height=} argument;
+\item{\blob}specifying explicitly the size of the \Vbox\ that \TeX\
+reserves for the figure.
+This can be used to overlap figures and text, for example;
+\item{\blob}clipping the figure to an explicit bounding box. This
+could be used to extract just a part of a larger figure;
+\item{\blob}a draft mode where space is reserved for figures but
+the figures are suppressed from the output;
+\item{\blob}inclusion of a \PS\ prologue file such as the notorious
+{\it LaserPrep\/} procedures needed for the correct interpretation
+of {\it MacDraw}, {\it MacChart}, etc., output.
+\PSF\ requires surprisingly little support from a {\tt dvi} to \PS\ device
+Essentially just two \Special s are needed:
+one assumes that its argument is a fragment of \PS\ to be propagated
+unchanged to the output, and the second assumes that its argument is the
+name of a file of \PS\ which is to be included, also unmodified, in the
+The first type of \Special\ is used to establish the \PS\ environment
+(principally the current transformation matrix) in which the \PS\
+included by the second \Special\ is executed.
+The work of transforming the original figure is done by the
+graphic transformation machinery in the %\PS\
+printer when the output is
+This is in distinct contrast to the code needed in, say, a {\tt dvi} to LN03
+device driver to achieve the same effect, and exemplifies the power
+and generality of the \PS\ language.
+To sum up, the \PSF\ package is a practical way of integrating figures
+with \TeX\ documents.
+Figures can be originated using any software package that can output \PS.
+It requires only elementary device driver support for \Special s.
+We have found it quite adequate for scientific papers and technical manuals
+requiring, for example, graphs of experimental data or schematic
+It's tolerably simple to use and works quite nicely with the \LaTeX\
+{\tt figure} environment.
+Of course, \PSF\ is firmly in the \PS\ world.
+The \LaTeX\ {\tt picture} environment and the Pic\TeX\ package are
+device independent but the former supports only a limited range of vector
+orientations and circle diameters and the latter, though general, is restricted
+to relatively simple line graphics if \TeX's memory capacity is not to be
+Under {\sc unix}, {\tt tpic} does for \TeX\ what {\tt pic} and its friends do
+for {\tt troff}, but appears to be available only to licencees of {\sc at\&t'}s
+{\tt ditroff} typesetting software.
+The \TeX tyl system avoids overloading \TeX\ by passing graphics primitives
+transparently in {\tt\bslash special}s and relying on a {\tt dvi} postprocessor
+to expand them into a (large) {\tt\bslash special}-free {\tt dvi} file.
+But for my money
+\PS\ is really the only choice today if you must have integrated
+text and graphics.\par
+%(Sorry, Malcolm!)
+\rightline{\sl David Brightly}
+%\leftline{Daresbury Laboratory, SERC}
+%\leftline{Warrington, WA4 4AD}
+%\leftline{0925 603574}
+%\leftline{Janet: {\tt brightly @ daresbury}}
+\toppic{\vbox{\centerline{\vbox to 4.7 in {\vss}}\medskip
+\centerline{\bf Mapping the original picture {\it(left)\/} into the
+\TeX\ page {\it(right)\/}}}}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/public-do.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/public-do.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..fc6d2c479d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/public-do.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+\centerline{\bf Public Domain}
+\TeX\ itself is public domain software,
+but much of the support software that you
+need, like drivers for screen or laser printer,
+is not. However, if you are a confirmed
+believer in the public domain, such that you are
+prepared to spend some time getting
+other people's programs to work on your system,
+you can probably put together an entire
+working \TeX\ system for (almost) free.
+This is certainly true for {\sc ms-dos} systems.
+The following note assumes that you have
+access to some support software, like compilers
+and an editor (although there are lots of
+public domain editors around too).
+First, \TeX\ itself. There are a number of
+sources for \TeX. I assume you don't want
+to type it in yourself from the book.
+There are the two C-\TeX\ versions mentioned
+in the last \TeXline. Pat Monardo's certainly
+works, and is fairly easily available over
+{\sc janet} from Aston University's \TeX-archive.
+So far, so good. Preview on {\sc ms-dos} would seem to be
+taken care of by Laurie Benfield's Hercules previewer.
+If this does not suit you, there is a suite of
+{\sc pc} previewers written by Will Sullivan at
+University College, Dublin which is available from
+the Lancaster University public domain archive.
+I'll try to obtain more details on this for a future
+Let's assume that you want a printer driver next.
+Here there is quite a choice. Since \PS\ is obviously
+what everyone wants, you can choose between
+(at least) Andy Trevorrow's Modula-2 and Nelson Beebe's
+C family. Again these are available from Aston.
+On the other hand, because you are trying to
+do this cheaply, you are more likely to have bought
+a good cheap LaserJet Plus emulation laser printer
+(say about \quid1600 rather than \PS's outrageous
+\quid3500 plus), and one of the Beebe drivers is
+probably a better bet. The only real difficulty
+with the Aston archive is finding what you want.
+There is so much stuff in there (some of it
+looks duplicated) that I'm rarely sure that I've found
+the right things.
+You might also want the \LaTeX\ style files mentioned
+earlier in this issue, and again they are
+available from Aston.
+In order to use the Aston archive you will need the
+directory index file: this has the name\hfil\break
+{\tt aston.kirk::[public]000directory.list} \hfil\break
+If you cannot access {\sc janet} you are rather
+left out. Some help is at hand. I can currently supply
+C-\TeX\ and the \LaTeX\ style files on floppy.
+I will shortly be evaluating the laser printer drivers,
+and may be in a position to make them available
+too, at some future date. In fact, my longer term
+goal is to be able to provide a complete public
+domain \TeX\ installation for {\sc ms-dos} including
+device drivers.
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W Clark}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/reading-m.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/reading-m.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b161e8da48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/reading-m.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+\centerline{\bf Stuff to read}
+$\star$Markup Systems and the Future of Scholarly Text
+Processing, James H. Coombs, Allen H. Renear
+and Steven J. DeRose, {\it Communications of the ACM},
+November 1987, 30(11) 933--947.
+Although this article promotes descriptive mark\-up
+systems over procedural markup, it is really
+supporting {\sc sgml}. They reject \LaTeX\ since
+``even the beginning \LaTeX\ user must
+think in terms of low-level markup'', and cite the
+need to separate contiguous quotation marks by
+a thin space.
+$\star$\LaTeX, Reinhard Wonneberger,
+{\it Addison-Wesley-Kom\-pakt\-f\"uhrer}, 141pp, {\sc isbn}
+A handbook of \LaTeX\ commands (in German). By page 3
+Reinhard has mentioned TUG, which I think is a record for
+any \TeX-related book. From my very (very) limited
+grasp of German, this looks quite useful. I
+could understand the Appendices which, among other
+things give a graphic demonstration of various
+dimensions within some formats, and a useful conversion
+table for some of the units which \TeX\ understands.
+$\star$The pluses and minuses of \TeX,
+Robert F. Goldstein, The Scientist, Jan.~11th 1988, p18.
+A short description of \LaTeX, and a brief discussion
+of {\it wysiwyg} versus markup. The most significant
+factor about this article is where it appears ---
+in a periodical read by professional scientists.
+$\star$Two all-in-one programs for the Mac, Malcolm
+Brown (yes, the one who does \TeXhax),
+{\it The Scientist}, Jan.~11th 1988, p19--20.
+A brief comparison
+of \TeXtures\ and Mac\TeX. He scores \TeXtures\ slightly
+higher, on the grounds of speed and price.
+$\star${\sc ibm pc} versions: hard to go wrong with
+either, Malcolm Brown,
+{\it The Scientist}, Jan.~11th 1988, p20--21.
+Another brief review of two \TeX\ implementations, this time
+micro\TeX\ and pc\TeX. He favours pc\TeX,
+mainly on account of its
+manual. Even Brown agrees that the \TeX book is ``a bit
+harder to understand for those who are not technically
+minded''. An interesting footnote is a benchmark of all
+four implementations, using two test input files.
+These reveal (to my astonishment) that the AT is
+substantially faster than the Mac --- which does not
+bear out my experience at all; that pc\TeX\ sometimes
+runs out of memory, and that Mac\TeX\ is the slowest of them all.
+$\star$Make my page!, Thom Holmes,
+{\it Byte}, May 1987, p159--166.
+Basically a checklist of lots of `desktop publishing
+programs', which happens to include three of the
+\TeX-on-micros group. It also includes {\sc tyxset},
+which might be a \TeX78-based publishing package (anybody
+know?). None of these are actually mentioned in the text.
+In fact Holmes' list of features to look for in
+a dtp package include ``can the programs create
+equations as graphics elements in a document'', which
+suggests he never did see \TeX\ in action.
+$\star$The Desktop-Publishing Phenomenon, John W. Seybold,
+{\it Byte}, May 1987, p149--.
+Mildly interesting, but only included here since
+\TeX\ gets one glancing mention.
+$\star${\sc sgml} and style sheets: the implications
+for electronic document preparation, P. T. Warren,
+{\it University Computing\/}, 1987, 9, p81--6.
+A remarkable attempt to simulate many of the features
+in the {\sc sgml} starter set from MicroSoft {\it Word}
+style sheets.
+$\star$Desktop publishers learn the language,
+Anonymous, {\it Computer News}, July 23rd, 1987, p14--5.
+A lukewarm review of JustText and \TeXtures, which
+ends by concluding that ``there will be users
+though who need precision setting, or special maths
+formulae and for them these packages will be ideal.''
+$\star$Programming in \PS, Denis G. Pelli, {\it Byte}, May 87, 185--.
+A handy introduction, which includes some comments
+on hardware and support software. He even dares to suggest
+that \PS\ is not perfect.
+$\star$Designing a Raster-Image Processor, Jon Barrett and
+Kirk Reistroffer, {\it Byte}, May 1987, p171--.
+A description of some page description languages
+(Interpress, \PS, DDL, RIPrint), as well as a brief
+discussion of laser printing.
+$\star$Tutorial: {\sc unix} Document Formatting and
+Typesetting, Narain Gehani, {\it IEEE Software}, September 1986,
+Most of this is reasonably familiar, since the
+basic assumptions of Troff and Nroff are pretty similar
+to those of \TeX, and |eqn| is very similar,
+although a trifle more verbose and clumsy. Curiously,
+for a proponent of a typesetting system which
+depends on pre- and post-processing,
+Gehani criticises \TeX\ (wrongly) for its supposed inability to generate
+the table of contents automatically, or to
+number equations automatically. although he recognises that
+\LaTeX\ will do this. Gehani also has a book out on
+this subject: ``Document Formatting and Typesetting
+on the {\sc unix} System'', Silicon Press, Summit, N.J.,
+364pp, \$33.95.
+$\star${\sc sgml}: Complement to Established Text Processing
+Systems, {\it {\sc sgml} User's Group Bulletin}, 1987,
+2(2), 119--120; {\bf and}\hfill\break
+$\star$A Note comparing {\sc sgml}
+to Text Processing Macro Languages, {\it ibid.}, 127.
+Both articles note a distinction to be made between
+generic markup within {\sc sgml} and within a language
+like \TeX. The distinction revolves around context
+$\star$Seeing the light on lasers, Anonymous (?Chris Long),
+{\it PC Magazine}, January 1988, 5(1), 34--.
+An extensive review of no less than 20 laser printers.
+Unfortunately, retrieving the information I want
+(will I be able to drive it from \TeX?) was difficult.
+I have met too many Laser Jet Plus emulations which
+don't. Almost every printer here claims it will emulate
+the Laser Jet Plus, and most will also emulate
+one or more of the Epson dot matrix printers, but only
+two are \PS\ printers (the NEC Silentwriter LC-890
+and the TI Omnilaser 2115,
+both of which do Laser Jet Plus emulation).
+Still, a creditable attempt to summarise the information,
+and the guys at PC Magazine really did try them all out.
+No wonder they won `Best Technology Journal of the Year'
+last year. Well done Chris.
+\rightline{\sl Malcolm W. Clark}
+\centerline{\bf Periodicals}
+$\star${\it Desktop Publisher}, edited
+by Henry Budgett and James Johnstone, is now in its third year
+of publication. It makes the proud claim that it is
+``the first UK newsletter for users and specifiers of
+electronic publishing systems''. At \quid125 per annum,
+for 12 copies, it does seem rather pricey, but note
+that what it is trying to be is a sort of UK `Seybold
+Report'. I'm in no position to judge how far it
+achieves that, since I don't get Seybold. I do find
+it full of interesting stuff, and quite nicely written.
+The newsletter itself is quite well produced (through
+dtp) and printed on gloss paper. Photographs are included,
+but they were pasted in at the printing stage (I've
+always had a suspicion that that was the most straightforward
+way to include many sorts of graphics). For more
+information, contact
+The Desktop Publishing Co Ltd
+43 Hithermoor Road,
+Stanwell Moor
+Middlesex TW19 6AH
+tel: 0753-684633
+$\star${\it DTP Desktop Publishing}, one of the Dennis stable
+of publications (and looking rather like Mac\-User, if
+a little thinner)
+is a more recent contender. Again, I find it a useful
+source for trying to keep some control over
+the range of new products (both hardware and software)
+which appear, and also keeping track of the latest
+buzz words. If you already read Mac\-User,
+you may find quite a degree of overlap in the
+many short items which
+ read like manufacturers' press releases
+(perhaps that's what press releases are for\dots).
+The magazine's
+dependence on advertising means that it is also a good
+source for products.
+One of the items which I have found
+useful has been Max Whitby's accounts of the origins
+of various well-known typefaces.
+The monthly magazine is \quid2.95 per issue, but if obtained
+on subscription, is considerably less (depending
+on what offer is current). Contact:
+DTP Desktop Publishing
+Dennis Publishing Ltd
+14 Rathbone Place
+London W1P 1DE
+tel: 01 631 1433
+$\star${\it Bitstream} looks much more like a traditional newsletter.
+Typed, run off on the old Roneo and then stapled.
+Curious though that a publication in the
+general dtp area is not better produced --- it scarcely
+seems a good advert. This does it an injustice.
+Its content is good if not wholly original.
+Try to put your prejudices to one side. It costs
+\quid24.00 per year for 12 issues.
+Citech Ltd
+PO Box 565
+Bucks SL0 0QZ
+tel: 0753 653967
+$\star${\it TSI: Technique and Science of Informatics}
+comes out in both a French and English version. In the
+recent past they have produced issues which were
+dominated by the electronic publishing area.
+John Wiley \& Sons Ltd
+Baffins Lane
+Sussex PO19 1UD
+tel: 0243 779777
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/second.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/second.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9731917586
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/second.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+\input texline
+\input bcs-ep\bigskip
+\input barb\bigskip
+\input reading-matter\bigskip
+\input kleper\bigskip
+\input tom\bigskip
+\input random\bye\bigskip
+\input decus\bigskip
+\input meetings\bye\bigskip
+\input formulator\bigskip
+\input amy
+\input contributors
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/tex88.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/tex88.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..aac376288b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/tex88.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+FRG --10 + 1
+Austria -- 2 + 0
+Netherlands -- 1 + 0
+USA -- 2 + 2
+UK --10 + 2
+Spain -- 1 + 0
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9db42a43a6
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@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+\input double\input verb
+\def\MF{{\rm{\mf META}\-{\mf FONT}}}
+\def\MFb{{\rm{\mfb META}\-{\mfb FONT}}}
+\def\MarkUp{MarkUp '8\kern-0.2em\lower0.45ex\hbox{7}}
+\def\LaTeX{{\rm L\kern-.36em\raise.3ex\hbox{\sc a}\kern-.15em
+ T\kern-.1667em\lower.7ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX}}
+ \raise0.5ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #1}\kern-0.1em
+ /\kern-0.15em\lower0.25ex\hbox{\the\scriptfont0 #2}}
+\hyphenation{SGML SGML-ers}
+\headline{\sl \TeX line 7 \hss \folio}
+\def\TeXline{{\sl\TeX line}}
+\def\SGML{{\sc sgml}}
+\def\PS{{\sc Post\-Script}}
+\def\TeXtures{{\sc\TeX tures}}
+\def\TeXhax{\TeX{\sc hax}}
+\def\TS{Type \&~Set}
+\def\dvi{{\tt dvi}}
+\def\tfm{{\tt tfm}}
+\def\DW{Dominik Wujastyk}
+\def\AmSTeX{$\cal A$\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{$\cal M$}\kern-.125em
+ $\cal S$-\TeX}
+\def\BibTeX{{\sc Bib}\kern-.2em\TeX}
+\def\SliTeX{{\sc Sli}\TeX}
+\def\hax{\TeX{\sc hax}}
+% \vbox{\kern3pt#1\kern3pt}\kern3pt\vrule}\hrule}}
+% Look in the 'Windows' menu for the pictures window
+% It's like the Scrapbook -- cut and paste pictures
+\def\picture #1 by #2 (#3){
+ \vbox to #2{
+ \hrule width #1 height 0pt depth 0pt
+ \vfill
+ \special{picture #3} % this is the low-level interface
+ }
+ }
+\def\scaledpicture #1 by #2 (#3 scaled #4){{
+ \dimen0=#1 \dimen1=#2
+ \divide\dimen0 by 1000 \multiply\dimen0 by #4
+ \divide\dimen1 by 1000 \multiply\dimen1 by #4
+ \picture \dimen0 by \dimen1 (#3 scaled #4)}
+ }
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/texlinehe.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/texlinehe.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8ef41ca2c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/texlinehe.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\def\monyr{\ifcase\month\or January\or February\or March\or April
+ \or May\or June\or July\or August\or September\or October
+ \or November\or December\fi\ \number\year}%
+\line{ \hfill Number 7, \monyr}
+\line{ \hfill the Newsletter of \TeX\ users in UK and Ireland}
+\line{ \hfill printed at Imperial College Computer Centre}
+\line{ \hfill edited and assembled by}
+\line{ \hfill Malcolm W Clark}
+\line{ \hfill Imperial College Computer Centre}
+\line{ \hfill Exhibition Road}
+\line{ \hfill London SW7 2BX}
+\line{ \hfill Tel: 01 589 5111 ex 4949}
+\line{ \hfill Fax: 01 584 7596}
+\line{ \hfill Janet:}}
+\font\huge=times at65pt%
+\huge\TeX\kern-0.2ex line}
+\advance\infoht by\dp\info
+\advance\bannerht by\dp\banner
+\advance\infoht by-\bannerht
+\divide\infoht by2
+\advance\infoht by 20pt\relax
+\hbox to \hsize{\box\info\hfill\raise\infoht\box\banner}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/tom.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/tom.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..3cf2554bc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/tom.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+\centerline{\bf Mac\TeX\ --- a mathematician's view}
+There are two versions of \TeX\ that are available for use on the Macintosh,
+namely \TeXtures\ (from Addison-Wesley) and Mac\TeX\ (from {\sl FTL systems
+Inc} of Toronto). Of the two, Mac\TeX\ is the more sophisticated. I have
+been using it for more than a year now and have found it a joy to work with.
+It costs \quid595 (plus {\sc vat}), but educational discounts
+are available (probably about 15\%). Included
+in the package are {\sc initex} and \LaTeX\ , as well as useful
+on-line help
+files for control sequences, with page references to the \TeX book. Optional
+extras include \AmSTeX\
+and the Computer Modern Fonts. The User Guide is both comprehensive and
+clear. Currently available is Version 2. The basic package comes on four
+800K disks, and it is recommended
+that it be installed on a hard disc.
+Users of \TeX\ (on no matter which computer) will be aware that a considerable
+amount of correcting and adjusting is always needed in processing every
+job, be it because of input errors, overfull boxes, or page layout. It
+is therefore essential to have
+a system that is reasonably fast and user-friendly. Such is Mac\TeX.
+ As one would expect, it has embedded in it full word-processing facilities
+so that
+corrections to input material are easy to make. The editor also allows
+you to choose your
+favourite screen font in which to type your input material. Each input
+file has to be named in the form |XYZ.tex| and,
+following selection of the format (Plain, \LaTeX, or your own),
+is typeset on a simple menu command. The speed
+of operation depends on your Mac and
+what kind of copy you are setting: for average mathematical input, on a
+Macintosh II the
+{\tt .dvi} file is created at a rate of about one page every six seconds,
+which is of
+the order of four times faster than on a MacPlus. When one has a lot of
+material to process
+and re-process, this can be a significant difference. Very complicated
+pages, for example those containing complex diagrams created with
+\LaTeX, can take considerably longer.
+In bearing in mind the needs of the users, the designers of Mac\TeX\ have
+included several features that are noteworthy. Not least of these is the
+possibility of including user-defined macros. Of course, every user of
+\TeX\ will be aware that he can
+use, for example, the command |\def\1|
+to create a macro for which he may have
+a lot of use in a particular document, for instance the instruction
+ In Mac\TeX\ there is the option of doing the same by defining (in a
+pull-down menu) |<command>1| to be
+ The main difference between these two methods is that in the former only
+ |\1| appears as input on the screen whereas in the latter
+the whole of
+appears. This can be very useful if, like me, you use such things as
+|\vartheta| a lot, want to see it on the screen as such,
+and are not always successful in typing it!
+A very impressive feature of Mac\TeX\ is the clever way in which one can
+include graphics from a variety of sources; for example, Super\-Paint files
+(saved as paint files), MacDraw files (saved as {\sc pict} files), and Adobe
+Illustrator files (saved as {\sc epsf}
+files). This can be done by storing the graphic in the Scrapbook then,
+as appropriate, using the command
+ |\special{!pict n}| followed by a |\vskip|
+ command, or the command
+|\special{!epsf <filename>}|.
+ On previewing a {\tt .dvi} file with an included graphic, the blank area
+that is left by the |\vskip| command has a grey area in it.
+Any picture from the Scrapbook can be simply pasted into this area. Once
+this has been done, it can be resized and positioned anywhere on the page!
+Previewing {\tt .dvi} files can be done at normal size, at 2 times or
+4 times
+magnification, or at full page. If the standard 10\,pt size type is used
+then normal screen size,
+though readable, is not impressive where
+subscripts are concerned. Better screen characters at 10\,pt or a normal
+ screen image at 12\,pt would be much more
+useful to a mathematician. Up to four pages can be previewed simultaneously.
+Graphics included as above can be resized or repositioned in any of these
+ With each {\tt .dvi} file there can be activated a {\tt .log} file which
+gives useful error information.
+ A nice feature when typesetting is that if an error message appears then
+on activating the Edit command in the menu bar one is taken to the precise
+line in the input file where the error occurs.
+Among other choices in the menu bar is a Help command.
+As for printing, two outlets are available, one to the ImageWriter and
+one to the LaserWriter. For the latter, Mac\TeX\ has
+its own built-in high speed
+spooler and all the necessary fonts are downloaded automatically. If you
+share a LaserWriter with
+other types of user then it may be necessary to switch it off then on again
+before printing (this is probably to get rid of the stuff that
+{\it PageMaker} leaves behind).
+Mac\TeX\ is a sophisticated package that contains a lot of useful and
+ impressive features. As with the Mac itself, in using it one soon gains
+a feeling of deep satisfaction. Mac\TeX\ is distributed in the UK by
+Galashiels TD1 3NL
+tel: 0896 4866
+\rightline{\sl Tom Blyth}
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/try.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/try.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..37fc784f22
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/try.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+\advance\descwidth by-2truein
+\def\BibTeX{{\sc Bib}\kern-.2em\TeX}
+\advance\linewidth by 10truept
+\vbox{\hbox to\hsize{\tt#1\hfil}
+\hbox to\hsize{%
+\vtop{\hbox to2truein{\tt#1\hfil}}
+\mitem{a4.sty}{set page size to A4}
+\mitem{a4wide.sty}{adjusts width too
+to suit A4}
+\mitem{aaai-instructions}{intructions to authors}
+\mitem{aaai-named.bst}{\BibTeX\ style for {\tt
+\mitem{aaai.sty}{style file for AAAI conference 1987}
+\mitem{acm.bst}{ACM \BibTeX\ style}
+\mitem{agugrl.sty}{AGU Geophysical Research Letters style}
+\mitem{agugrl.sample}{{\it ditto}, sample}
+\mitem{agujgr}{AGU J. Geophysical Research style}
+\mitem{agujgr.sample}{{\it ditto}, sample}
+\mitem{alltt.sty}{verbatim with embedded commands}
+\mitem{amssymbols.sty}{load AMS symbol fonts}
+\mitem{article.txt, art10.txt, art11.txt, art12.txt}
+{standard files in text format, with places to make language
+specific changes indicated}
+\mitem{biihead.sty}{underlined heading}
+\mitem{cyrillic.sty}{load Cyrillic font}
+\mitem{dayofweek.tex}{macros to compute day of week and
+phase of moon: examples of how to use \TeX's arithmetic
diff --git a/info/digests/texline/no7/verb.tex b/info/digests/texline/no7/verb.tex
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f10ed90ee0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texline/no7/verb.tex
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+% verbatim macros from the TeXbook
+\ttglue=0.5em plus 0.25em minus 0.15em
+ {\catcode`\^^M=5$$#1\halign\bgroup\indent##\hfil&&\qquad##\hfil\cr}}
+% macros for verbatim scanning
+ \catcode`\\=\other
+ \catcode`\{=\other
+ \catcode`\}=\other
+ \catcode`\$=\other
+ \catcode`\&=\other
+ \catcode`\#=\other
+ \catcode`\%=\other
+ \catcode`\~=\other
+ \catcode`\_=\other
+ \catcode`\^=\other
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
+\outer\def\begintt{$$\let\par=\endgraf \ttverbatim \parskip=0pt
+ \catcode`\|=0 \rightskip-5pc \ttfinish}
+{\catcode`\|=0 |catcode`|\=\other % | is temporary escape character
+ |obeylines % end of line is active
+ |gdef|ttfinish#1^^M#2\endtt{#1|vbox{#2}|endgroup$$}}
+{\obeylines \gdef|{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue \let^^M=\ \let|=\endgroup}}