path: root/info/digests/texhax/96/texhax.02
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/texhax/96/texhax.02
Initial commit
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1 files changed, 359 insertions, 0 deletions
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+From Wed Jan 17 16:13:03 1996
+Received: from ( []) by (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id QAA10736 for <>; Wed, 17 Jan 1996 16:12:53 GMT
+Message-Id: <>
+Received: from by
+ id <>;
+ Wed, 17 Jan 1996 15:54:48 +0000
+From: Majordomo list server <>
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V96 #2
+Precedence: bulk
+Date: Wed, 17 Jan 1996 15:54:48 +0000
+TeXhax Digest Wednesday, 17 January 1996 Volume 96 : Number 002
+(incorporating UKTeX Digest)
+Today's Topics:
+ TeX/LaTeX on Windows
+ Re: LaTeX2e
+ latex2e IEEEtran macro wanted.
+ EmTeX printing to Canon BJ200ex printer
+ gtex installation help
+ TUGboat 16 #3 is being mailed
+ New problems from a newcomer...
+From: "Sam Nelson (CO)" <>
+Date: Tue, 9 Jan 1996 10:27:33 +0000 (GMT)
+Subject: TeX/LaTeX on Windows
+Not being a beginner, this is going to sound a bit weird, I suppose, but
+despite having used TeX and LaTeX around here for more than a decade, I've
+never been asked (very much) to put them up on PC platforms, which are in
+little use in this department. However, I've just been asked about running
+LaTeX on a Windows platform, and it occurs to me that I know nothing whatever
+about this.
+Starting from scratch then, in an early-1996 Windows environment, where should
+one go to get the ideal TeX/LaTeX setup? I assume there are `commercial'
+solutions (we use Textures on Macintosh already) but I don't know how much
+money might be available, so a price spectrum from zero to lottery-winner is
+appropriate, I think.
+Thanks for any suggestions,
+- --
+Sam Nelson, Comp Sci, Stirling U, FK9 4LA, Scotland ,->0->M
+Email: Pager: 0839 456640 I->3-+->2->R=->-+->4->O
+Tel: +44 1786 467443 Fax: +44 1786 464551 `->1->S=->-'
+URL: R$+@$+ $@smtp$#$2$:$1@$2
+From: David Carlisle <>
+Date: Tue, 9 Jan 96 17:33:17 GMT
+Subject: Re: LaTeX2e
+> I currently possess just LaTeX,
+> ...
+> However, I notice that LaTeX2e is mentioned a great deal. What are
+> the advantages, if any, of switching to this?
+I think this question is the result of a misunderstanding. LaTeX2e is
+not an `alternative to LaTeX' but rather is just the current version
+of LaTeX. The previous version (2.09) is now obsolete.
+Specifically if you should decide to re-install a complete emtex on
+your PC (This is probably a good idea anyway, as emtex was
+significantly re-organised and improved earlier this year) then the
+LaTeX version that you will get by default will be LaTeX2e.
+emtex (including LaTeX, and suitable previewers etc) is available from
+ctan sites such as in tex-archive/systems/msdos/emtex.
+You can make a basic installation by following QUICK.ENG (quick
+English instructions) to be found in that directory.
+From: "Dr. Ke Chen" <>
+Date: Fri, 12 Jan 1996 17:11:18 +0800 (GMT+0800)
+Subject: latex2e IEEEtran macro wanted.
+I found the previous IEEEtran.sty did not work in LaTex2e. Some days ago,
+a person sent me his own new IEEEtran.sty but there are a few problems
+such as that the title of section is always typeset with a small font,
+etc. As a result, I would appreciate it if anyone could tell me where
+a complete IEEEtran macro in latex2e is available.
+Ke Chen
+# Dr. Ke Chen, Associate Professor Tel: +86-10-2751935(O) #
+# National Lab of Machine Perception +86-10-2585703(H) #
+# The Center of Information Science Fax: +86-10-2563883,2552779 #
+# Peking University Email: #
+# Beijing 100871, China #
+Date: Thu, 11 Jan 1996 20:51:00 +0000 (GMT)
+Subject: EmTeX printing to Canon BJ200ex printer
+I am absolutely a beginner as you can tell.
+I have successfully installed emTex onto my PC and now is the Printer.
+(use under DOS)
+I have a Canon BJ200ex printer.
+Q1. When the time I use the commands:
+1) latex2e sample2e OKAY (where sample2e is the file name)
+2) v @bj samples2e OKAY
+3) prtbj10e samples2e ===> 6 blank pages
+4) prtbj300 sample2e ==> 6 blank pages
+5) prtp6h samples2e ===> there are some pages print out, which is the
+ original BUT for each line of the orginal
+ document, it comes out twice and into four
+ separate parts.
+By the way, p6h is not the printer I am using, but every time I used the
+print command, a file for the p6h fonts created under the font directory.
+Do you know what is it about?
+And what should I do now?
+What command should I use?
+ __\/__
+ . / ^ _ \ .
+ |\| (o)(o) |/|
+ #---------------.OOOo--oo--oOOO.--------------#
+ # Trevor Jonathan Yuen #
+ # Mathematics Institute #
+ # University of Warwick #
+ # Phone: (0973) 345 457 #
+ #_________________________Oooo._______________#
+ .oooO ( )
+ ( ) ) /
+ \ ( (_/
+ \_)
+From: Joao Luis Cardoso Soares <>
+Date: Mon, 15 Jan 1996 09:59:41 -0500 (EST)
+Subject: gtex installation help
+I've installed gtex 2.2 (by Young U. Ryu) on a Pentium machine running
+windows 95, but I keep getting two error messages which might be related:
+1) After running \tex\set-tex.bat I get
+ Sharing violation - c:\tex\set-tex.bat
+2) When trying to open a DVI file whose fonts are to be created, I get
+ Cannot find the file ".
+ Make sure that the file exists on your system and that the path
+ and filename are correct.
+Does anyone have a suggestion, or at least let me know the email address of
+the author. Many thanks, Joao
+- --
+Joao Luis Cardoso Soares E-mail:
+Columbia University Tel : (212) 749-6222 (Home)
+804 Uris Hall Fax : (212) 864-4857 (PhD student)
+New York, NY 10027
+From: bbeeton <BNB@MATH.AMS.ORG>
+Date: Tue, 16 Jan 1996 17:44:10 -0500 (EST)
+Subject: TUGboat 16 #3 is being mailed
+i'm pleased to announce that tugboat 16#3 will be mailed from the
+printer tomorrow. the table of contents for this issue is attached.
+tugboat 16#4 will be sent to the printer within the next few days.
+the schedule calls for mailing three weeks after the printer receives
+the copy.
+the next issue, 17#1, will be dated march 1996 and should be delivered
+to the printer within that month. thanks to all the members of the
+production team who have made very great efforts to get this back on
+ -- barbara beeton
+ --------------------
+ TUGboat
+ Volume 16, Number 3 / September 1995
+ ================================
+Contents (128 pages)
+Robin Fairbairns
+ Production notes 222
+Opening Address
+ Michel Goossens
+ President's words 223
+ Jiri Zlatuska 227
+ When MF does it alone
+ Richard J. Kinch
+ MetaFog: converting MF shapes to contours 233
+ Alan Hoenig
+ The Poetica family: fancy fonts with TeX and LaTeX 244
+ Michel Goossens
+ Using Adobe Type 1 Multiple Master fonts with TeX 253
+ Jeremy Gibbons
+ Dotted and dashed lines in MF 259
+ Sergey Lesenko
+ Printing TeX documents with partial Type 1 fonts 265
+ Matthew Swift
+ Modularity in LaTeX 269
+ Dennis Kletzing
+ A multienumerate package 276
+ Petr Sojka and Pavel Sevecek
+ Hyphenation in TeX --- Quo Vadis? 280
+ Petr Sojka
+ Notes on compound word hyphenation in TeX 290
+Literate programming
+ Wlodek Bzyl
+ Literate Plain source is available! 297
+ Bart Childs, Deborah Dunn and William Lively
+ Teaching CS/1 courses in a literate manner 300
+ T.V. Raman
+ An audio view of (La)TeX documents --- part II 310
+ Sebastian Rahtz
+ Another look at LaTeX to SGML conversion 315
+ Robin Fairbairns
+ Omega --- Why bother with Unicode? 325
+ Gabriel Valiente Feruglio
+ Modern Catalan typographical conventions 329
+News & Announcements
+ TUG'96 Announcement 339
+ Calendar 340
+TUG Business
+ TUG'95 --- List of Attendees 341
+ Institutional members 344
+ TeX consulting and production services 345
+From: (gabriele migliorini)
+Date: Wed, 17 Jan 96 13:12:34 +0100
+Subject: New problems from a newcomer...
+Dear readers,
+ at the very beginning, I have to thank all of you for reading
+my previous post, an trying to give me sensible replies. To summarize,
+the best answer to the bold greek letters is to simply get and run
+amsbsy, that's part of the amslatex distribution. It gives two new
+commands: a \boldsymbol that embolden a char in a font having a
+correspondent bold-face, and a 'ppor men's bold', that overstrikes a
+normal font, emboldening it even if there is not a bold typeface for
+printing it. As I got asmlatex, I got many new useful functions, like
+an extendable arrow symbol for writing limits, and a couple of new
+strange (?bugs?): in the manual, I read that there are a couple of
+operator redefining commands, that should make a log-like operator,
+with eventual _{text} printed at bottom right of the operator, and a
+lim like one, with text printed under the operator. But, in my printed
+version, they look exactly the same, and therefore, something is not
+doing it job. Furthermore, when I latexed the testmath.tex document, I
+got some \i command undefined in math mode, about lines containing a
+\begin or a \end... Are those signs of an incompatible behavior of
+a) the latex release of december'95 and amslatex
+b) TeX 3.1415 and the other programs
+c) the test documents, and amslatex (sure enough, I'm joking here!)
+Now, I'm crying for help another time: You know, I was writing down
+some lecture notes for a course I attended In march, and I started
+using latex after a disaster with the copy of word on the computer I
+used: the equation editor suddenly decided not to run anymore. Now, I
+have half of my work in Latex, and another half in Word 6 format. Is
+there anybody who does know how to convert the latter? I read, in the
+documentation about programs on ctan, that such a program cannot be
+public domain... But does there exist a commercial program doing the
+job? If it does exist, does some of you own a copy of it, and can be
+so nice to let me send him my document, and convert it for me?
+I'll be, as usual, grateful 'till the end of my life to anybody
+helping me. Sincerely,
+End of TeXhax Digest V96 #2
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