path: root/info/digests/texhax/94
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/texhax/94
Initial commit
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11 files changed, 7394 insertions, 0 deletions
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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #01
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Date: Mon, 31 Jan 1994 11:28:27 +0000
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Monday, 31 Jan 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 01
+% The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %
+% and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group %
+Today's Topics:
+ TeXhax in '94 survey
+ TeX support for the Kannada language?
+ Color TeX
+ musictex sortindx in C?
+ flash card style?
+ Query: SUN, HP Deskjet driver
+ LaTeX style for manual?
+ Bold Greek Letters
+ WYSIWYG editor for TeX or LaTeX?
+ Word-for-Windows to LaTeX conversion
+ CTAN calling all LaTeX style writers!! Readme!
+ [comp.text.tex] emTeX 3.1415 beta-9 is now available
+ [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCING: TeXit 1.35
+ web2c 6.0 & friends available
+ Movement of german CTAN host
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+Date: Mon, 31 Jan 1994 10:25:19 +0000
+From: David Osborne <>
+Subject: TeXhax in '94 survey
+Thanks to all of you who sent in responses to my survey in the last
+issue, and for the various suggestions you made. I'll be analysing
+them soon, now the flow of responses has tailed off, and hope to
+publish the findings in the next issue.
+If you didn't see the questionnaire, you can fetch a copy of the last
+issue (V93 #17) from one of the anonymous ftp hosts in the CTAN
+(Comprehensive TeX Archive Network) -- see the details of how to do
+this in the trailer to this issue.
+~~David Osborne (TeXhax Digest moderator)
+Date: Wed, 29 Dec 1993 11:30:07 -0600
+From: "T.N.K.Raju, MD 6-4183" <U40200@UICVM.EARN>
+Subject: TeX support for the Kannada language?
+Can anyone tell me if there is a program on Tex to write in
+Kannada, a South Indian language? If you know of other programs to write
+in this language on computer, please help.
+Tonse Raju, MD, Prof. Pediatrics, University of Illinois at Chicago.
+Date: Fri, 31 Dec 1993 18:36:11 -0700
+From: "Carlos A. Felippa" <>
+Subject: Color TeX
+Is there a version of TeX with the ability to include
+color information directly in an output PS or EPS file?
+Carlos Felippa
+Aerospace Engrg Sci
+University of Colorado at Boulder
+Date: Mon, 03 Jan 1994 12:56:48 -0800
+From: Steve Kelem <>
+Subject: musictex sortindx in C?
+I have a copy of musictex that includes sortindx.for.
+1. Is this the latest copy of musictex?
+2. Has anyone translated sortindx.for into C?
+/7\'7 Steve Kelem (408)879-5347
+\\ ` Xilinx FAX: (408)559-7114
+// 2100 Logic Drive
+\\/.\ San Jose, California 95124
+Date: Mon, 10 Jan 1994 21:25:30 -0800
+From: Steve Kelem <>
+Subject: flash card style?
+Has anyone made a flash card style for latex or tex? I tried, but can't get
+the order of output to come out right.
+Here's what I want to type:
+\input flash.sty
+\card{Front 1}{Back 1}
+\card{Front 2}{Back 2}
+\card{Front 3}{Back 3}
+And I would like it to come out in columns so that the fronts are on one
+side, the backs on the other side of the page and then the page can be
+sliced up into 3x11 pieces like:
+Front 1 Front 12 Front 23 Back 23 Back 12 Back 1
+Front 2 Front 13 Front 24 Back 24 Back 13 Back 2
+Front 11 Front 22 Front 33 Back 33 Back 22 Back 11
+When there's an exact multiple of 33, it works out ok. But when there are
+fewer, then the columns don't come out in the right places.
+I tried modifying the labels style, which I've included below.
+Thanks for any help or pointers,
+/7\'7 Steve Kelem (408)879-5347
+\\ ` Xilinx FAX: (408)559-7114
+// 2100 Logic Drive
+\\/.\ San Jose, California 95124
+% LABELS.TEX This can be used to produce mailing labels from a name
+% and address file. Format is 33 labels per 8-1/2 x 11 inch page.
+% Ted Shapin, December 18, 1986.
+% This output routine does a triple column page with no headers or footers.
+% Taken from the TeX book.
+\def\fulline{\hbox to \fullhsize}
+% The following line indicates that we're working on the Left column
+\global\setbox\backleftcolumn=\vbox{\hrule width 3.6667in height 0pt}
+\global\setbox\backmidcolumn=\vbox{\hrule width 3.6667in height 2pt}
+\global\setbox\backrightcolumn=\vbox{\hrule width 3.6667in height 0pt}
+\output={\message{output}\if L\lr\message{LEFT}
+ \global\setbox\frontleftcolumn=\frontcolumnbox \global\let\lr=M
+ \global\setbox\backrightcolumn\backcolumnbox
+ \global\setbox\backmidcolumn\vbox{\hrule width 3.6667in height 0pt}
+ \else\if M\lr\message{MID}
+ \global\setbox\frontmidcolumn=\frontcolumnbox \global\let\lr=R
+ \global\setbox\backmidcolumn\backcolumnbox
+ \else \message{RIGHT}\global\setbox\backleftcolumn\backcolumnbox
+ \tripleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi\fi
+% reset the backbody
+ \global\setbox\backbody=\vbox{\hrule width 3.6667in height 0pt}
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000 \message{\the\outputpenalty}
+ \else \message{\the\outputpenalty}
+ \if L\lr
+ \global\setbox\backleftcolumn=\vbox{\hrule width 3.6667in height 2pt}
+ \global\setbox\backmidcolumn=\vbox{\hrule width 3.6667in height 2pt}
+ \global\setbox\backrightcolumn=\backcolumnbox
+ %\tripleformat
+ \fi
+ \supereject
+ \if L\lr \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
+ \if L\lr \else\null\vfill\eject\fi
+ \fi}
+% \dosupereject\fi}
+% Format a triple-column document
+% The front page
+ \fulline{\box\frontleftcolumn\hfil\box\frontmidcolumn\hfil\frontcolumnbox}}
+ \advancepageno
+% The back page
+ \shipout\vbox{
+ \fulline{\box\backleftcolumn\hfil\box\backmidcolumn\hfil\backrightcolumn}}
+ \setbox\backbody=\vbox{}
+ \advancepageno
+% This sets up to use the full page with no margins.
+\hoffset=-.75in \voffset=-.75in \vsize=11in \parindent=0pt
+\topskip=0pt \lineskip=0pt
+% This is used for each mailing label
+\def\L#1#2{\vbox to 1in{#1\vfil}%
+ \setbox\backbody=\vbox{\unvbox\backbody%
+ \vbox to 1in{#2\vfil}}%
+% The input looks like this:
+% \L{T. Doe
+% The White House
+% Washington, D.C.}
+% \L{Ted Shapin
+% Beckman Instruments, Inc.
+% 2500 Harbor Blvd., X-11
+% Fullerton, CA. 92634}
+% Now read the mailing list
+Date: Mon, 17 Jan 1994 12:03:03 +0100
+From: "Johannes L. Braams" <>
+Subject: Query: SUN, HP Deskjet driver
+ I have a SUN and an HP Deskjet printer. Does anyone know of a
+ driver for that printer which runs on the SUN?
+ Johannes Braams
+PTT Research, P.O. box 421,
+2260 AK Leidschendam, The Netherlands.
+Phone : +31 70 3325051 E-mail :
+Fax : +31 70 3326477
+Date: Sun, 23 Jan 1994 19:22:21 -0500
+Subject: LaTeX style for manual?
+ Many moons ago, I remember there was a place where you could get a
+copy of the comp.sys.tex FAQ and a collection of latex styles. Does anyone
+have the address? I am after a style for a manual. I would *like* it
+would have the name of the section and the name of the manual/authors
+alternating in the header of the page, between 2 dark lines, and the page
+number somewhere in the fotter, under another dark line.
+If there is *no* manual style available at all, how do I write my own? I
+should add I need to get this done pretty soon, so I would really
+appreciate replies with samples.
+Date: Mon, 24 Jan 1994 09:41:34 -0500
+From: "Mark Weber, GSFC (301)286-0507" <>
+Subject: Bold Greek Letters
+How can I create bold Greek letters (or any special math symbols) for use
+in titles or generally in bold texts? I am sure that this propblem has
+surfaced before and maybe someone can give me hints to possible solutions.
+Mark Weber
+Code 690
+NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
+Breenbelt, MD 20771
+Date: Wed, 26 Jan 1994 13:43:10 +0000
+From: (Susana Delgado)
+Subject: WYSIWYG editor for TeX or LaTeX?
+ Has anybody knowledge about a WYSIWYG document editor that works with
+TeX or LaTeX format?. I've tried with doc from Interviews but the format
+it uses is not really LaTeX.
+Thanks in advance,
+Susana Delgado
+Date: Thu, 06 Jan 1994 15:15:23 -0600
+From: (Clay C. Ross)
+Subject: Word-for-Windows to LaTeX conversion
+I am especially interested in any responses to the request for a WfW2LaTeX
+(Word for Windows to LaTeX) converter. I have a 500-page mathematics book
+in Word (5.0 on the Mac) that I have to convert to LaTeX {report} format.
+At this point the conversion is mostly manual and VERY slow. In theory, I
+can automatically convert Word formulas to plain TeX using MathType for
+Windows: I am told that MT will convert all of the formulas (or equations)
+in a document to plain TeX. This would make the conversion easy enough to
+do --- one document at a time, but I have not yet gotten to the appropriate
+Windows PC to install the necessary programs and have a try.
+Another problem that I have is that the manuscript contains pages of
+WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) Mathematica transactions (both Input
+and Output) whose format I wish to retain in LaTeX. What macros will I
+need? (I am one week into TeX, and this is hard for me.) The formatting was
+not hard to do in Word, but the LaTeX commands are beyond me.
+ Clay C. Ross (615) 598-1301
+ Mathematics & Computer Science
+ The University of the South
+ Sewanee, Tennessee 37383-1000
+Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 20:02:43 +0000
+From: (Sebastian Rahtz)
+Subject: CTAN calling all LaTeX style writers!! Readme!
+As I am sure most people know, a new version of LaTeX (LaTeX2e) is now
+in beta test, and will be released on the world in the spring. It will
+have a support policy of regular 6 monthly updates.
+After consultation with the LaTeX2e project team, the CTAN sites have
+decided to restructure the LaTeX area of the archives, to distinguish
+clearly between material known to work with LaTeX2e, and untested or
+imcompatible styles. We would also like to make it clear which
+packages are actively supported and documented, and which are offered
+`asis'. The final structure will therefore look like this:
+ macros
+ latex
+ core % supplied by LaTeX2e team
+ contrib
+ supported
+ other
+ latex209
+ contrib
+Until the spring, this will be reversed, so that macros/latex will be
+2.09, and macros/latex2e will be the beta release.
+Anything in latex/contrib/supported will be expected to conform to a
+minimal standard of documentation and maintenance; material in
+latex/contrib/other should have been tested with LaTex2e, but the
+authors may not wish to promise support or documentation. It is
+important to note that we are not making qualitative judgements -- we
+will continue to hold whatever authors produce and place in the public
+A short guide to documentation and maintenance will be available
+shortly. Tel us if you want your name on a list to receive it.
+The purpose of this note is to ask style authors to consider looking
+again at their work, and checking that it works with LaTeX2e, maybe
+updating it to use the new features if necessary. Let CTAN know
+(, and your packages can be moved to the
+latex2e/contrib/suported tree, so that users will have a good choice
+of material at the start.
+If you haven't seen LaTeX2e, you can ftp it from, or, from /tex-archive/macros/latex2e/core.
+You can get full details of the new features in `The LaTeX Companion'
+(Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin, Addison Wesley 1994)
+Sebastian Rahtz
+for CTAN archivists
+Date: 31 Dec 1993 10:16:31 +0100
+From: (Eberhard Mattes)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] emTeX 3.1415 beta-9 is now available
+Archive-Name: auto/comp.text.tex/emTeX-3-1415-beta-9-is-now-available
+emTeX beta 9 is now available:
+It will soon be available from the other CTAN sites.
+Here's the list of changes, relative to beta 8:
+- - TeX 3.1415
+- - The standard-sized emTeX (tex.exe) now supports \charsubdef (-ml
+ command line option)
+- - The parameter stack size is now settable for the standard-sized
+ emTeX with the /ma# command line option (# in 60 through 1000), the
+ default value is 60
+- - Support for long file names under OS/2 has been added
+- - The method for file name truncation has been changed. The 5+3.3
+ rule is tried before the 8.3 rule.
+- - Files with names that contain two or more dots cannot be read and
+ written under DOS. This should solve the problem of
+ \include{chap1.tex} overwriting chap1.tex with chap1.tex.aux
+- - The default directory (\emtex\texinput, for instance) is no longer
+ searched in addition to the directories specified by an environment
+ variable (TEXINPUT, for instance)
+- - Directories can now be searched recursively. To search one level of
+ subdirectories, append ! to the path name, to search all levels of
+ subdirectories, append !! to the path name.
+- - A new environment variable, EMTEXDIR, can be used to change the path
+ name of the emTeX directory
+- - The EMTEXDRV environment variable and the /pv command line option
+ are no longer supported; use EMTEXDIR instead. For instance,
+ replace
+ set emtexdrv=c
+ with
+ set emtexdir=c:\emtex
+- - The TCP file (see the /c option) is now sought in \emtex\data (or in
+ the directories set by the TEXDATA environment variable).
+- - Loops which don't produce screen output can now be interrupted with
+ Ctrl-Break. This feature can be disabled by the /db command line
+ option (for machines which have problems with hooking interrupt 1C)
+- - The speed of screen output has been improved, especially when
+ running under GNU Emacs on OS/2
+- - Keyboard input now works under GNU Emacs on OS/2
+- --
+ Eberhard Mattes (
+Date: 31 Dec 1993 10:16:42 +0100
+From: <>
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCING: TeXit 1.35
+Archive-Name: auto/comp.text.tex/ANNOUNCING-TeXit-1-35
+TeXit is my "do-it-all" Perl script for processing TeX (especially LaTeX)
+documents. This release should be available on all CTAN sites "real soon
+now" (I just uploaded it to this morning...) in the directory
+Here's the top of the CHANGES file. If you have any questions or suggestions,
+don't hesitate to ask...
+$Id: CHANGES 1.6 1993/12/30 17:27:16 norm Exp $
+This file documents the changes to TeXit:
+Version 1.35:
+- - $DEFAULTLATEXFORMAT added to specify default LaTeX variant (it could be
+ a LaTeX file, a LaTeX+NFSS file, a LaTeX+NFSS2 file, an AMS LaTeX file,
+ or ...
+- - Added support for LaTeX2e
+- - Added an option to allow the TEXINPUTS path to be specified differently
+ for different formats. Right now, for example, TEXINPUTS2E will be used
+ in place of TEXINPUTS when formatting LaTeX2e documents.
+- - Running under X11, TeXit will change the title bar and the icon title
+ to reflect the action being performed. For long jobs, this makes it
+ easy to tell if the iconified TeXit process has finished. If you want
+ this functionality, you must set $SETXTITLE=1; in your .texitrc file.
+Version 1.34:
+- - Reorganized the initialization code for the format file names, printable
+ names, and parsing routines.
+- - Added support for finding the position of the first error in a TeX log.
+ The '%E' in a command (the editing command, for example) is replaced
+ by the name of the file containing the error and `%e' is replaced by the
+ line number of the error.
+- - TeXit verifies that TeX will be able to find the format file that you've
+ requested. This will help users with non-standard format file names track
+ down problems quickly.
+- - Parsing the LaTeX log has been extended to add dependencies for bibliography
+ style files and bibliography databases.
+- - The environment variables that contain the paths for searching for biblio
+ files and format files are stored in $ENV_TEXINPUTS, $ENV_BIBINPUTS, and
+ $ENV_TEXFMTS. These should be changed in your .texitrc file to reflect
+ the correct environment variables.
+- - The Local-Variables and other format-file clues no longer override the
+ values established by a % Format:, % Master:, or % Mode: line in the
+ document.
+- - Error messages for unrecognized warnings in LaTeX now use the format
+ "filename: line-number: warning" if the line number occurs in the
+ message, otherwise the format "filename: warning" is used.
+- - If you define $DEFAULT_PRINTER, it will be the default printer queue if
+ you do not specify one.
+- - Made STDOUT unbuffered
+- - Print %done message while parsing LOG file. For very large log files,
+ earlier versions of TeXit gave the impression that they were hung...
+- - If a raw input filename is given (one with no path component), then
+ TeXit will search for the file in the $ENV_TEXINPUTS path.
+Date: Tue, 25 Jan 1994 06:45:43 -0500
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: web2c 6.0 & friends available
+I've released version 6.0 of web2c, a port of the basic TeX
+project web programs (TeX, Metafont, GFtoPK, etc.) to Unix,
+and my modified drivers (dvipsk and xdvik).
+You can get everything by ftp from:
+ (Boston){lib,src,web,web2c,dvipsk,xdvik}.tar.gz
+lib is a collection of the basic tfm, tex, mf, and bibtex files
+ (in my opinion).
+src has additional documentation, sources for some of the things
+ in lib, and a few extra programs I find especially valuable.
+Soon they will be available from the CTAN sites (please try them first):
+ (Texas)
+ (England)
+ (Germany)
+See the ftp retrieval instructions below for precise details.
+A summary of the changes is below. Send bug reports to me (I'm sure
+there will be plenty). If you want support, or if you cannot ftp, I
+suggest contacting
+One change worth emphasizing: the default paths have completely changed.
+See the file kpathsea/HIER for a summary of this. The Makefile(s) and
+kpathsea/ do the actual definitions.
+By the way, the new version number is 6.0 because 5.8515 was just too
+many decimal points (also running out of characters on my system V
+The next major feature I intend to implement is a runtime configuration
+file (read by all three programs) to define paths.
+Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- write
+Version 6.0 (24 January 1994)
+* Default paths changed.
+* Update for TeX 3.1415, etc.
+* Change to use the kpathsea library, a la dvipsk and xdvik.
+* TeX's \openin command invokes MakeTeXTeX just like \input.
+* TeX & Metafont:
+ - 16-byte values can be dumped, thus allowing native `long' on the DEC Alpha.
+ - But 32-bit integers are used if sharable format files are desired,
+ even on 64-bit machines.
+ - Interrupts are accepted when waiting for input.
+* Online output support in Metafont for Regis terminals and the NeXT.
+* gftopk can handle characters with up to 100,000 rows.
+* vftovp's -charcode-format=ascii works properly.
+* patgen doesn't give bizarre numeric output where it should be text.
+* configuration:
+ - -lX11 is used for OpenWindows.
+ - The MakeTeX... scripts are individually selectable by default, and
+ can always be invoked if certain environment variables are set.
+ - The subdirectory trick using st_nlink can be turned off.
+* Makefiles:
+ - man/Makefile doesn't remove itself at `clean'.
+ - {tex,mf}/clean-tr[ia]p doesn't reinstall a {tex,mf}d.h with the test
+ constants.
+ - web2c/Makefile removes lex and yacc output at `clean'.
+ - mkdirchain invoked as an absolute filename.
+* web2c:
+ - sync is no longer invoked; instead the Makefiles touch texd.h and
+ mfd.h after they are finished.
+5.526a (24 January 1994)
+* Extra :'s in config file paths incorporate the compile-time default,
+ and extra :'s in envvars incorporate the config file path.
+* Default paths and changed.
+* -v prints the version number and exits.
+* magstep rounding consistent with xdvik.
+* includes gsftopk support (disabled by default), and
+ allows user envvars to override the script's value. Some default
+ values substituted from the Makefile.
+* Under -DSECURE, reading of absolute_p files is prohibited.
+1.5 (24 January 1994)
+* Try again to make the signal handling more reliable on the Alpha.
+* Debugging option for EPS previewing.
+* Magstep rounding consistent with dvipsk.
+* xdvi -version by itself doesn't provoke a usage message.
+* Make j a synonym for j.
+[FTP.nwc: 24 January 1994
+ The most up-to-date copy of this file is available on
+ ( in pub/tex/FTP.nwc.
+ If the info below does not match up with what you find on the archives,
+ please let us know. Thanks! --]
+ TeX programs are user-supported: join the TeX Users Group (TUG)
+ and support the development of these programs.
+ For membership information, send mail to
+Most people who get in touch with the Unix TeX distribution at the Univ.
+of Washington are aiming to install plain TeX, LaTeX, BibTeX, plain
+Metafont, a previewer that will work under the X windowing system, and a
+PostScript device driver. While the ftp sites listed below have just
+about everything useful for users of TeX on a variety of operating
+systems, our retrieval instructions -- intended solely for users with
+machines running Unix -- are limited to the programs mentioned above.
+The three ftp sites mentioned below are part of the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN).
+ CTAN is the result of cooperative work among members of TUG,
+ DANTE [German-speaking TeX Users Group], and UKTUG [U.K. TeX
+ Users Group], under the leadership of George Greenwade, Chair
+ for TUG's Technical Working Group on TeX Archive Guidelines.
+ Special thanks to George Greenwade for establishing the CTAN site
+ at Sam Houston State University (US), to Rainer Schoepf for the
+ CTAN site at the University of Stuttgart (FRG), and to Sebastian Rahtz
+ for the CTAN site at Aston University (UK). These archives mirror
+ each other meticulously.
+Please use the host nearest you:
+ Host Internet address TeX root dir
+ ---- ---------------- ------------
+ tex-archive
+ tex-archive
+ tex-archive
+Users of or will be able to retrieve
+the same tex-archive files, but site-specific files (i.e., the two
+mentioned in the next paragraph) may be named differently.
+Upon logging on (to, retrieve and read
+ README.archive-features and
+to learn how to use the archive efficiently.
+We assume that you will have read these documents and will be able to
+use the information in them to make retrieval more convenient for yourself.
+ For example, by reading these files, you will learn that you will be
+ able to retrieve foo.tar.gz even if the file does not exist, because
+ the ftpd allows archiving and compressing files on the fly.
+In our instructions, the mode of compression used during retrieval is
+gzip. All files ending in .gz are gzipped.
+We encourage you to retrieve and install GNU's gunzip utility, part of
+the gzip package. Set "binary" by typing "bi" at your ftp prompt, and
+retrieve the file
+ ~/tex-archive/archive-tools/info-zip/gzip-<version>.tar
+It does a better job of compression than standard Unix compress; and it
+is (as far as is known) patent-free. It is illegal to use Unix compress
+for software on the net, because it infringes on a software patent.
+ To inform yourself about the new software monopolies
+ in the U.S., send mail to the
+ League for Programming Freedom:
+For a basic set of input files and fonts:--------------------------------------
+- --
+ ftp> cd tex-archive/systems/unix/web2c
+ ftp> bi [for binary retrieval]
+ ftp> get lib.tar.gz
+ This file contains a small collection of fonts (TFM files only),
+ (La)TeX macros, MF macros, and BibTeX files, enough to get
+ started. The AMS fonts and macros are included.
+ It unpacks into a directory named `texmf', which you will want in
+ your equivalent of /usr/local/lib -- whatever you defined as your
+ $(datadir) in the Makefiles.
+ The organization of the archive was debated at great length. We hope
+ it will be useful. If you don't like our organization, you should
+ move the files around as you see fit, not forgetting to redefine the
+ search paths and installation directories. The Makefiles,
+ kpathsea/HIER, kpathsea/, and web2c/README (``Directory
+ hierarchies'') have more tidbits of information.
+ We advise unpacking this and deciding on your directory structure
+ *before* doing the compilations.
+For web2c:
+- ---------
+ Special thanks here to Karl Berry, Unix System Coordinator for TUG.
+ He improves/develops/maintains web2c,, dvipsk, and xdvik
+ (and other things not mentioned in this file). He also maintains
+ pub/tex on, which is the originating location for all
+ the files above and below.
+ [still in tex-archive/systems/unix/web2c]
+ ftp> get web.tar.gz [Knuth's WEB sources for TeX, MF, & family:
+ unpacks into ./web2c-<version>]
+ ftp> get web2c.tar.gz [WEB-to-C source:
+ unpacks into ./web2c-<version>]
+ It is important to retrieve and unpack both web.tar.gz and web2c.tar.gz.
+ They unbundle into a single directory called ./web2c-<version>.
+ The web2c software converts the WEB source files (in which TeX,
+ Metafont, & family are written) to C source. The input and font
+ files are needed to dump the format and base files required to run
+ plain TeX, LaTeX, and Metafont.
+For an X window system previewer (xdvik)
+- -------------------------------
+ and PostScript device driver (dvipsk):
+ -------------------------------------
+ ftp> cd ../../dviware/xdvik
+ ftp> get xdvik.tar.gz
+ [unpacks into ./xdvik-<version>]
+ ftp> cd ../dvipsk
+ ftp> get dvipsk.tar.gz
+ [unpacks into dvipsk-<version>]
+ ftp> cd ../../fonts/cm/pk
+ ftp> get
+ [For write-black 300dpi devices.
+ The zip/unzip package is in
+ ~/tex-archive/archive-tools/info-zip.
+ These pk fonts are not strictly necessary;
+ dvips and xdvi can use a script `MakeTeXPK' that will
+ generate missing bitmapped fonts.]
+ ftp> get
+ [pk300w (write-white) fonts are better with xdvi]
+ ftp> quit [end ftp session]
+We believe this covers the retrieval of the essential files.
+Each of the three packages -- web2c, xdvik, dvipsk, -- contains its own
+installation instructions. The first thing to compile is web2c (that is
+to say, both web.tar.gz and web2c.tar.gz, unpacked); begin by reading
+If this is your first TeX installation, you may not find the process
+as easy as installing directly from our distribution tape, but ease is
+a matter of degree. All installation processes require careful attention
+to detail, and knowledge of your system. Festina Lente (Make Haste Slowly),
+and you improve your chances of success.
+Those who purchase distribution tapes from us support this reply service,
+and receive installation help should they need it.
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Network users interested in TeX software will find much that is useful in
+the following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) documents on
+( in ~pub/usenet/comp.text.tex:
+ T,_L,_e.:_F_A_Q_w_A_[M]
+ (i.e., TeX, LaTeX, etc.: FAQ with Answers [Monthly])
+There is also a supplement to the FAQ containing FTP locations; it's in
+the same place on
+A beautifully done index of macros for TeX and LaTeX is available on ( in ~/pub/tex/TeX-index.
+These files are all included in
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+If you are concerned about connect-time, search or retrieval problems,
+or require help in building and installing the basic TeX/LaTeX and
+Metafont programs on your machines, you may wish to consider ordering a
+distribution tape from
+ Northwest Computing Support Center
+ DR-10, Thomson Hall 35
+ University of Washington
+ Seattle WA 98195
+ phone: (206) 543-6259
+A distribution fee in the area of $210 for domestic U.S. sites covers
+the expenses of putting together and maintaining the distribution, its
+equipment, and of providing information and installation-support
+services. The University of Washington does not subsidize the Unix TeX
+E-mail queries concerning the distribution tape should be sent to:
+otherwise to:
+ (Dr. Pierre A. MacKay).
+All services of the Unix TeX distribution are funded by tape orders.
+ Please do not be shy about asking us for information.
+Northwest Computing Support Center Email:
+University of Washington, DR-10 Phone: 206 543-6259 M-F 8a-12n
+Seattle WA 98195 USA
+Date: Fri, 28 Jan 1994 12:56:49 +0100
+From: schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.DE (Rainer Schoepf)
+Subject: Movement of german CTAN host
+The german node of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN) has
+moved from
+The latter is a dedicated machine, kindly supplied by the Association
+of german speaking TeX users (DANTE e.V.). We are grateful to the
+computing center of the University of Stuttgart, especially Barbara
+Burr and her crew, for having supplied the services to run the TeX
+archive on one of their hosts and to DANTE and its members for
+contributing the necessary funds through their membership fees.
+Note that ftp.uni-stuttgart will continue to offer access to the TeX
+archive; users of that node will not notice any difference.
+ Rainer Schoepf
+ Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum
+ fuer Informationstechnik Berlin
+ Heilbronner Strasse 10
+ D-10711 Berlin
+ Federal Republic of Germany
+ <> or <>
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ On Internet or JANET:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your real name>
+ send a similar one-line mail message to LISTSERV@nodename
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- UK
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- Germany
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 1]
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.02 b/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.02
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b41390d533
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+++ b/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.02
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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #02
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 16:21:56 +0000
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Friday, 11 Mar 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 02
+% The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %
+% and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group %
+Today's Topics:
+ Re: How to make Glossary during thesis writing
+ Re: TeX support for the Kannada language?
+ LaTeX on Solaris 2.X
+ METAFONT under NextStep
+ special's
+ A simple Latex question (flushing text (right|left))
+ Re: A simple Latex question (flushing text (right|left))
+ TeX for the PC?
+ MF fonts and Windows
+ [comp.text.tex] ps2pk version 1.4 available
+ Excalibur 1.5 Available (Spelling Checker)
+ [comp.text.tex] European [Dutch] Ispell 3.1.00 mirror + dictionary
+ web2c 6.1 et al. available
+ Re: web2c 6.1 et al. available
+ LaTeX2e version of artikel?, rapport?, boek TEST version available
+ [comp.text.tex] Graph-TeX 1.0beta available via ftp
+ [comp.text.tex] gTeX 2.0 uploaded to (US CTAN host)
+ [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCE: The CTAN Software Map
+ LaTeX2e -- Second Test Release Available
+ web2c BIGTeX and METAFONT for DOS and Windows
+ dviljk 1.0, dvipsk 5.528a, and xdvik 1.7 available
+ [comp.text.tex] Eddi4TeX 1.20 is ready
+ EuroTeX '94
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+Date: Mon, 31 Jan 1994 15:11:44 +0000
+Subject: Re: How to make Glossary during thesis writing
+In response to Ferose Lambay's question about glossary preparation, I can
+offer a simple wrapper that turns BibTeX into the glossary generation tool
+"GlossTex" (apologies if anyone has already used this name).
+For the user, this works in much the same way as BibTeX, reading the auxiliary
+file (.aux) and using database files (.gly) plus a style file (.gst) to
+produce a glossary (.gls) that can be incorporated in subsequent LaTeX runs.
+User commands for the LaTeX source are provided in a style file (.sty) in the
+normal manner.
+GlossTeX is implemented as a shell script which uses all the usual UNIX tricks
+to manipulate the input and output of standard (0.99c) BibTeX. It should run
+on any sensible UNIX machine although it was developed on System V Release 4.
+The LaTeX style file is based on 2.09 of 7 Dec 1989 and may need some
+tinkering for more recent versions - I haven't checked.
+If this looks useful then please mail me direct for the script plus supporting
+files, examples and manual page.
+Date: Tue, 01 Feb 1994 17:58:19 +0000
+From: Manuel Carriba <>
+Subject: Re: TeX support for the Kannada language?
+Tonse Raju <U40200@UICVM.EARN> writes on Wed, 29 Dec 1993 11:30:07 -0600:
+> Can anyone tell me if there is a program on Tex to write in
+> Kannada, a South Indian language?
+What you need is macro style file. Get the babel system in
+Copy the file 'skeleton.doc' and rename it to 'kannada.doc'. Then edit
+the latter file translating all the language specific bits into the
+Kannada language. In the original file they are in English.
+Once done, send a copy to the author of babel for inclusion in the next
+Have fun!
+Manuel Carriba (
+Date: Wed, 02 Feb 1994 15:39:37 -0800
+From: (Pravin V. Tulachan)
+Subject: LaTeX on Solaris 2.X
+Does anyone know of a site that have Tex/LaTeX sources that have been compiled
+to work under Solaris 2.X on Sparcstations. thanks
+- --pravin
+Date: Mon, 07 Feb 1994 01:33:25 +0100
+From: Joerg R Gollnick <>
+Subject: METAFONT under NextStep
+> I wounder if anyone knows how to run METAFONT under NextStep. I am having
+> a difficulty on producing any font.
+> Does anyone have any idea of how to start ?
+> Abdul Rayhan
+I don't know NextStep very well, but as far as I know there is a somewhat
+"normal" UNIX system hidden behind the graphical user interface. I think
+if your MetaFont package and how it is installed is like all the other
+UNIX-based systems you should be able to "go down" to the UNIX level and
+invoke your MetaFont using shell commands. What are the "README" or "INSTALL"
+files saying which came along with the package ? (I have written some C-Shell
+script to automate the boring font building process on my UNIX system...)
+May be there is a GUI shell for invoking TeX and MetaFont on your system as
+part of the TeX/MetaFont package and you just haven't noticed that. (On my
+Atari at home I have a nice graphical shell which was part of the package I
+May be the DVI driver you have to get on-screen previews has the ability to
+build the missing font files used in your document but not on available (you
+must have at least the TFM files for this to work).
+May be you will find on TeX/MetaFont providing internet sites GUI shells and
+DVI driver capable of automated font building...
+Joerg R. Gollnick
+Date: Tue, 22 Feb 1994 11:29:03 +0700
+From: Zdenek Wagner <WAGNER@CSEARN.EARN>
+Subject: special's
+Hello TeX friends,
+I have just observed strange behaviour. I was trying to fine tune the
+positioning of my EPSF pictures. They needed a special postscript prolog, so I
+in the preamble of the LaTeX2e document (it was LaTeX2e as of Dec 1993). In
+order not to spend much time on texing I put the each picture definition into
+its own file and fine tuned one picture at a time. The picture started with
+and the document looked like:
+... the rest of the document commented out by the previous line
+The result was that the specials for EPSF inclusion worked but
+\special{} silently disappeared. Dvitype revealed that it
+did not get into the dvi file.
+When I processed the whole text, all \special's were put into the dvi file as
+I have some explanation for that mystery. Please correct me, if I am wrong.
+When TeX encounters a \special, it makes a `whatsit' and puts it into MVL (The
+TeXbook, pp. 228--229). Then LaTeX2e reads in the myfig.tex file which
+contains only the definition of a figure. \end{document} then somehow invokes
+the output routine. Now LaTeX2e finds a non-processed float which takes the
+whole page. It sends the float to the dvi file but the `whatsit' remains in
+the MVL. Then it should process the last unfinished page but there is no `ink'
+on it, nothing to print, there is only the `whatsit'. Thence TeX or LaTeX2e
+forgets about it and the `whatsit' is not written to the dvi file.
+I must admit that it took me a long time reading the documentation of DVIPS
+and looking at \special's in epsf.sty and everything looked like unexplainable
+mystery until I found the following sentence on p. 228 of The TeXbook:
+``Therefore it (=whatsit) is implicitely associated with a particular position
+on the page, namely the reference point that would have been present if a box
+of height, depth, and width zero hade appeared in place of the whatsit.''
+Can someone explain whether this is caused by LaTeX2e or by TeX itself and
+whether it is a bug or a feature?
+Oh! As I was writing this mail, it got into my mind to try the simple file
+and run it through plain TeX. The dvi file contained the empty page but the
+\special was there too!
+,%%%/ /` / /| /%%%
+ / / |_/ /__/ ' | /
+ / /%%/ /%%/ /%%/ /%%/ /\ | /| / /%%/ /%%/ /%%/ /%%/ /%%%
+ / , / / /%%% / / /%%% / \ |/ |/ / /_/ / / / /%%% /
+ %%%% %%% %%% ' ' %%% ' ` ' ' %%% %%/ ' ' %%% '
+ Zdenek Wagner______/
+Some gateway between me and you may garble backslash. It will appear
+on your screen as % due to problems with EBCDIC <--> ASCII conversion.
+It has already been corrected on SOME gateways.
+The domain `.cs' does no longer exist and was replaced by `.cz'.
+Valid addresses are: <wagner@csearn.bitnet>
+ <>
+ ~~
+Date: Wed, 02 Mar 1994 15:17:44 -0500
+From: (Giovanni Aliberti)
+Subject: A simple Latex question (flushing text (right|left))
+I want LaTex to produce this (On the same line !!):
+ XXX.... ....YYY
+ ^------------- Left margin Right margin -------------^
+I tried using the following:
+ XXX... \flushright{....YYY}\\
+But it split the text across 2 lines.
+Any LaTeX buffs out there, that can suggest how to do it
+in a simple way.
+thanks in advance !!
+- -vanni
+Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 16:12:00 +0000
+From: David Osborne <>
+Subject: Re: A simple Latex question (flushing text (right|left))
+You write [2 Mar 1994 15:17:44 EST]:
+ > I want LaTex to produce this (On the same line !!):
+ >
+ > XXX.... ....YYY
+ > ^------------- Left margin Right margin -------------^
+ >
+ > I tried using the following:
+ >
+ > XXX... \flushright{....YYY}\\
+ >
+ > But it split the text across 2 lines.
+What about
+XXX\hfill YYY
+(See the example in Lamport's LaTeX book, page 96).
+~~David Osborne
+ Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham
+ mail:
+Date: Fri, 04 Mar 1994 14:26:31 -0600
+From: (Tom Williams)
+Subject: TeX for the PC?
+Is there a version of TeX for the PC? Can I get it via anonymous ftp?
+Thanks for any info you can provide.
+Tom Williams
+Date: Fri, 11 Mar 1994 08:27:33 +0000
+Subject: MF fonts and Windows
+>Internal LAN RFC 822 headers
+>From evans Thu Mar 10 15:07:57 1994
+>Return-Path: <evans>
+>Received: from saturn.RPI by jupiter.RPI (4.1/SMI-4.1)
+> id AA21141; Thu, 10 Mar 94 15:07:56 MST
+>Date: Thu, 10 Mar 94 15:07:56 MST
+>From: evans
+>Message-Id: <9403102207.AA21141@jupiter.RPI>
+>To: <interput>"in%"""""
+>Subject: MF fonts and Windows
+The facts:
+1. I am a writer;
+2. I _really_ like TeX and MF, and in fact do all my serious writing on a PC
+using TeX. When necessary, I design my own fonts in MF. I especially like
+the cmtt fonts which, with good TeX macros, produce copy almost identical to
+typewritten without my having to worry about the formatting details. This
+makes life easy for both me and the for the editors who have to read my stuff.
+3. On the other hand, for short notes and letters, it's hard to beat a nice
+Windows Word Processor.
+So this leads me directly to want MF fonts usable in Windows (both on the
+screen and on 300 dpi laser output).
+I don't care if they are scalable (i.e. I'd be quite happy to choose from
+a small fixed set of sizes produced by some sort of pk2fon program); if they
+are scalable, I don't care if they are TT or PS as I run the current release
+of ATM. (In principal, since both PS and MF use bezier curves, I suppose
+it ought to be possible to take MF source and produce PS fonts, although I
+wouldn't like the job of making such a program actually work.) I don't care
+about the number of intervening stages and programs necessary to get from
+PK to PS/TT/FON/whatever. What I would like to know is HOW to get there
+from here. It's got to be possible, and I'm almost certain that the necessary
+programs have to be available somewhere; it's just that I'haven't come across
+I will post a summary of any helpful replies I receive.
+ Doc Evans
+Date: 26 Jan 1994 15:46:04 +0100
+From: (Piet Tutelaers)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] ps2pk version 1.4 available
+ Ps2pk 1.4 release
+ -----------------
+ (Jan. 1994)
+Some time ago Norman Walsh <> sent me some patches so
+that ps2pk can handle larger and more complicated fonts. Most of these
+patches had to do with memory limitations in version 1.3. These
+limitations and some other bugs are now removed. Here is a short
+ 1) Memory allocation made dynamically
+ 1.1 in computing runlengths (needed to build PK fonts)
+ 1.2 in scanning type1 fonts (to overcome `fixed' virtual memory)
+ 2) Problem with handling Lucida font (negative widths) solved
+ 3) Improved error handling in scanning AFM files
+ 4) Provided hooks to handle non 32-bit platforms
+ 5) Some cleanups
+ 6) Improved Makefiles.
+- -- Piet
+internet: __o Piet Tutelaers
+bitnet: rcpt@heitue5.BITNET _`\<,_ Computer Center Room RC 1.90
+phone: +31 (0)40 474541 (_)/ (_) Eindhoven University of Technology
+fax: +31 (0)40 434438 Save nature P.O. Box 513, 5600 MB Eindhoven, NL
+Version 1.4 of ps2pk is now available on:
+ (address:
+ directory: /pub/tex
+ files: ps2pk14.readme ( 9k)
+ ps2pk14.tar.gz (237k) Sources
+ For MSDOS people having difficulties in handling UNIX `.tar.gz'
+ format I have made some UNIX tools (only executables) available
+ in directories:
+ /pub/unixtools/dos
+ See the system specific TARGZ file for some help.
+ can not handle E-mail requests. But sites are free
+ to put the ps2pk14 stuff on any server that can.
+ I have made read-to-go 1.4 executables for MSDOS available in:
+ pub/tex/ps2pk14x/msdos/djgpp (created with DJGPP/gcc)
+ msdos/emx (created with EMX/gcc)
+The package is also available on any CTAN archive in:
+ fonts/utilities/ps2pk14.readme
+ fonts/utilities/ps2pk14.tar.gz
+ fonts/utilities/ps2pk14x
+Date: Mon, 31 Jan 1994 11:15:22 -0500
+From: (Rick Zaccone)
+Subject: Excalibur 1.5 Available (Spelling Checker)
+Version 1.5 of Excalibur is now available from in
+pub/mac. I've also sent it to CTAN. Here's a copy of the README file
+that comes with it.
+- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+This is release 1.5 of Excalibur. 1/14/94
+Excalibur is a Macintosh spelling checker for LaTeX documents. You can
+optionally turn off LaTeX parsing, so Excalibur is a good plain text
+spelling checker too.
+Features include:
+- - Excalibur will offer suggestions for how to correct a word.
+- - Excalibur can spell check the clipboard. This makes it a good
+spelling checker for any text based application such as Alpha, BBEdit,
+or Eudora.
+- - You can teach it about new LaTeX commands and environments that
+you define.
+- - Optionally spell checks text in the typewriter (\tt) font.
+- - You can create your own dictionaries.
+- - Works with Textures and OzTeX documents. It should work on any TEXT file.
+- - You will need System 6.0.4 or higher to run Excalibur.
+- - If you are running System 7 or greater, there is balloon help.
+- - Excalibur is free.
+- - British, Dutch, French, Germain, and Italian dictionaries are also
+Version 1.5 changes:
+- - Added options that let the user choose how Excalibur should behave
+when you launch it. You may choose to present an "open file" dialog,
+open the clipboard if it has text, or do nothing. When the clipboard
+option is checked, Excalibur will also open the clipboard when it
+receives a resume event (if it contains text).
+- - Adjusted a few of the dialogs so that they all appear and behave
+consistently. Hitting Return or Enter is the same as clicking the
+default button. Command period is the same as cancel.
+- - Made some changes so that Excalibur's interactions with Alpha are
+- - Fixed the Edit Commands dialog so that it is a bit more intuitive.
+- - Fixed the Edit Environments dialog so that you no longer enter the
+number of arguments. Excalibur never used these values anyway.
+- - You can now drag Excalibur's windows to another monitor.
+- - Fixed a few minor bugs.
+Rick Zaccone
+Date: 01 Feb 1994 16:13:28 +0100
+From: (Johan Vromans)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] European [Dutch] Ispell 3.1.00 mirror + dictionary
+Keywords: ispell spelling checker
+Ispell 3.1.00 is being mirrored to, directory
+Also available is a dutch word list, based on the "Woordenboek der
+Nederlandse Taal" a.k.a. "Het Groene Boekje" that uses ISO-8859-1
+(Latin-1) encoding, suitable for ispell.
+It is in pub/textproc/dictionaries/dutch8.words.gz.
+ ----------------- New address as of November 1, 1993 -------------------------
+Johan Vromans
+Stichting NLnet Phone: +31 20 5924245
+Kruislaan 413, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The Netherlands Fax: +31 20 6655311
+Date: Fri, 04 Feb 1994 13:42:59 -0500
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: web2c 6.1 et al. available
+I've released version 6.1 of web2c, a port of the basic TeX
+project web programs (TeX, Metafont, GFtoPK, etc.) to Unix,
+and my modified drivers (dvipsk and xdvik).
+You can get everything by ftp from:
+ (Boston){lib,web,web2c,dvipsk,xdvik}.tar.gz
+Soon they will be available from the CTAN sites (please try them first):
+ (Texas)
+ (England)
+ (Germany)
+See the ftp retrieval instructions below for precise details.
+A summary of the changes is below. Send bug reports to me (I'm sure
+there will be plenty). If you want support, or if you cannot ftp, I
+suggest contacting
+There are no changes to the web files (that will be version 7.0);
+web-6.1.tar.gz is only different in the name of its top-level directory.
+Member of the League for Programming Freedom -- write
+lib is a collection of the basic tfm, tex, mf, and bibtex files
+ (in my opinion). Only change from 6.0 is to add the raw tfm's for Utopia.
+* found before foo.tex (found before foo).
+* configure links sun.c to sun-sunview.c if SUNWIN is defined.
+* -DLONG_64_BITS is supplied automatically (if appropriate).
+* Various changes for configure --srcdir.
+* Sample MakeTeX* scripts included.
+* Don't complain if scaled fonts are close enough.
+* Document -pp.
+There are no particular xdvik changes; just keeping up with the kpathsea
+[FTP.nwc: 02 FEB 1994
+ The most up-to-date copy of this file is available on
+ ( in pub/tex/FTP.nwc.
+ If the info below does not match up with what you find on the archives,
+ please let us know. Thanks! --]
+ TeX programs are user-supported: join the TeX Users Group (TUG)
+ and support the development of these programs.
+ For membership information, send mail to
+Most people who get in touch with the Unix TeX distribution at the Univ.
+of Washington are aiming to install plain TeX, LaTeX, BibTeX, plain
+Metafont, a previewer that will work under the X windowing system, and a
+PostScript device driver. While the ftp sites listed below have just
+about everything useful for users of TeX on a variety of operating
+systems, our retrieval instructions -- intended solely for users with
+machines running Unix -- are limited to the programs mentioned above.
+The three ftp sites mentioned below are part of the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN).
+ CTAN is the result of cooperative work among members of TUG,
+ DANTE [German-speaking TeX Users Group], and UKTUG [U.K. TeX
+ Users Group], under the leadership of George Greenwade, Chair
+ for TUG's Technical Working Group on TeX Archive Guidelines.
+ Special thanks to George Greenwade for establishing the CTAN site
+ at Sam Houston State University (US); to Rainer Schoepf, Barbara Burr,
+ and members of DANTE for the CTAN site at the University of Stuttgart
+ (FRG); and to Sebastian Rahtz for the CTAN site at Aston University (UK).
+ These archives mirror each other meticulously.
+Please use the host nearest you:
+ Host Internet address TeX root dir
+ ---- ---------------- ------------
+ tex-archive
+ tex-archive
+ tex-archive
+Users of or will be able to retrieve
+the same tex-archive files, but site-specific files (i.e., the two
+mentioned in the next paragraph) may be named differently.
+Upon logging on (to, retrieve and read
+ README.archive-features and
+to learn how to use the archive efficiently.
+We assume that you will have read these documents and will be able to
+use the information in them to make retrieval more convenient for yourself.
+ For example, by reading these files, you will learn that you will be
+ able to retrieve foo.tar.gz even if the file does not exist, because
+ the ftpd allows archiving and compressing files on the fly.
+In our instructions, the mode of compression used during retrieval is
+gzip. All files ending in .gz are gzipped.
+We encourage you to retrieve and install GNU's gunzip utility, part of
+the gzip package. Set "binary" by typing "bi" at your ftp prompt, and
+retrieve the file
+ ~/tex-archive/archive-tools/info-zip/gzip-<version>.tar
+It does a better job of compression than standard Unix compress; and it
+is (as far as is known) patent-free. It is illegal to use Unix compress
+for software on the net, because it infringes on a software patent.
+ To inform yourself about the new software monopolies
+ in the U.S., send mail to the
+ League for Programming Freedom:
+For a basic set of input files and fonts:
+- ----------------------------------------
+ ftp> cd tex-archive/systems/web2c
+ ftp> bi [for binary retrieval]
+ ftp> get lib.tar.gz
+ This file contains a small collection of fonts (TFM files only),
+ (La)TeX macros, MF macros, and BibTeX files, enough to get
+ started. The AMS fonts and macros are included.
+ It unpacks into a directory named `texmf', which you will want in
+ your equivalent of /usr/local/lib -- whatever you defined as your
+ $(datadir) in the Makefiles.
+ The organization of the archive was debated at great length. We hope
+ it will be useful. If you don't like our organization, you should
+ move the files around as you see fit, not forgetting to redefine the
+ search paths and installation directories. The Makefiles,
+ kpathsea/HIER, kpathsea/, and web2c/README (``Directory
+ hierarchies'') have more tidbits of information.
+ We advise unpacking this and deciding on your directory structure
+ *before* doing the compilations.
+For web2c:
+- ---------
+ Special thanks here to Karl Berry, Unix System Coordinator for TUG.
+ He improves/develops/maintains web2c,, dvipsk, and xdvik
+ (and other things not mentioned in this file). He also maintains
+ pub/tex on, which is the originating location for all
+ the files above and below.
+ [still in tex-archive/systems/web2c]
+ ftp> get web.tar.gz [Knuth's WEB sources for TeX, MF, & family:
+ unpacks into ./web2c-<version>]
+ ftp> get web2c.tar.gz [WEB-to-C source:
+ unpacks into ./web2c-<version>]
+ It is important to retrieve and unpack both web.tar.gz and web2c.tar.gz.
+ They unbundle into a single directory called ./web2c-<version>.
+ The web2c software converts the WEB source files (in which TeX,
+ Metafont, & family are written) to C source. The input and font
+ files are needed to dump the format and base files required to run
+ plain TeX, LaTeX, and Metafont.
+For an X window system previewer (xdvik)
+- -------------------------------
+ and PostScript device driver (dvipsk):
+ -------------------------------------
+ ftp> cd ../../dviware/xdvik
+ ftp> get xdvik.tar.gz
+ [unpacks into ./xdvik-<version>]
+ ftp> cd ../dvipsk
+ ftp> get dvipsk.tar.gz
+ [unpacks into dvipsk-<version>]
+ ftp> cd ../../fonts/cm/pk
+ ftp> get
+ [Basic set of bitmapped fonts generated by Metafont
+ using the CanonCX mode_def for write-black 300dpi devices.
+ If using the web2c default search paths,
+ place this set of Computer Modern bitmapped fonts
+ in $(fontdir)/public/cm/pk/cx.
+ These pk fonts are not strictly necessary;
+ dvips and xdvi can be used with a script called
+ `MakeTeXPK' to generate needed bitmapped fonts.
+ Use $(fontdir)/tmp/pk/cx as the temporary destination
+ directory for newly-generated 300dpi write-black fonts.
+ The zip/unzip package is in
+ ~/tex-archive/archive-tools/info-zip.]
+ ftp> get
+ [Bitmapped fonts generated using the
+ RicohFourZeroEightZero mode_def;
+ pk300w (write-white) fonts are better with xdvi
+ at lower magnifications.
+ If using the web2c default search paths,
+ place these in $(fontdir)/public/cm/pk/ricoh.
+ If using MakeTeXPK to generate 300dpi write-white fonts,
+ use $(fontdir)/tmp/pk/ricoh as the temporary destination
+ directory for newly-generated 300dpi write-white fonts.]
+ ftp> quit [end ftp session]
+We believe this covers the retrieval of the essential files.
+Each of the three packages -- web2c, xdvik, dvipsk -- contains its own
+installation instructions. If you have never set up these programs before,
+compile web2c first (that is to say, the material in both web.tar.gz and
+web2c.tar.gz, unpacked); begin by reading ./web2c-<version>/web2c/README
+and ./web2c-<version>/web2c/INSTALL. Remember to set up your texmf
+directory hierarchy before embarking on your compilation (see "For a
+basic set of input files and fonts" above).
+All installation processes require careful attention to detail, and knowledge
+of your system. "Make haste slowly", and you improve your chances of success.
+How to make web2c, dvipsk, and xdvik in a single make:
+- -----------------------------------------------------
+[Thanks to Martyn Johnson, Pierre MacKay, Jon Peatfield, and Andreas Schott
+ for their notes.]
+These three programs are not packaged together, because the latter two
+are updated fairly frequently. But (thanks to Karl's work), the programs
+can be made in a single make:
+ Extract the three archives so that the following directories
+ are parallel to each other:
+ ./dvipsk-<version>
+ ./web2c-<version>
+ ./xdvik-<version>
+ Next:
+ mv dvipsk-<version>/dvipsk web2c-<version>
+ mv xdvik-<version>/xdvik web2c-<version>
+ ./web2c-<version> should now contain four subdirectories:
+ dvipsk, kpathsea, web2c, and xdvik.
+The files remaining in ./dvipsk-<version> and ./xdvik-<version>
+are identical in all three archives. If you wish, you can now
+remove ./dvipsk-<version> and ./xdvik-<version>. If you wish to
+retain the names and versions of the programs, you can create the
+following symbolic links:
+ ln -s web2c-<version> dvipsk-<version>
+ ln -s web2c-<version> xdvik-<version>
+Be sure to read web2c-<version>/README, web2c-<version>/web2c/INSTALL,
+web2c-<version>/dvipsk/INSTALL, and web2c-<version>/xdvik/INSTALL.
+Make sure that you have completed the instructions in the section above
+called "For a basic set of input files and fonts".
+You are now ready to begin configuring and building the programs.
+Network users interested in TeX software will find much that is useful in
+the following FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) documents on
+( in ~pub/usenet/comp.text.tex:
+ T,_L,_e.:_F_A_Q_w_A_[M]
+ (i.e., TeX, LaTeX, etc.: FAQ with Answers [Monthly])
+There is also a supplement to the FAQ containing FTP locations; it's in
+the same place on
+A beautifully done index of macros for TeX and LaTeX is available on ( in ~/pub/tex/TeX-index.
+These files are all included in
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+If you are concerned about connect-time, search or retrieval problems,
+or require help in building and installing the basic TeX/LaTeX and
+Metafont programs on your machines, you may wish to consider ordering
+a distribution tape from us (address below).
+A distribution fee in the area of $210 for domestic U.S. sites covers
+the expenses of putting together and maintaining the tape distribution,
+equipment, and of providing information and installation-support
+services. The University of Washington does not subsidize the Unix TeX
+distribution and requires it to be self-sustaining.
+E-mail queries concerning the distribution tape should be sent to:
+otherwise to:
+ (Dr. Pierre A. MacKay).
+ALL services of the Unix TeX distribution are funded by tape orders.
+ Please do not be shy about asking us for information.
+Northwest Computing Support Center Email:
+University of Washington, DR-10 Phone: 206 543-6259 M-F 8a-12n
+Seattle WA 98195 USA
+Date: Sat, 05 Feb 1994 14:37:15 +0100
+From: Gerhard Wilhelms <>
+Subject: Re: web2c 6.1 et al. available
+Karl Berry writes:
+> I've released version 6.1 of web2c, a port of the basic TeX
+> project web programs (TeX, Metafont, GFtoPK, etc.) to Unix,
+> and my modified drivers (dvipsk and xdvik).
+> You can get everything by ftp from:
+> (Boston){lib,web,web2c,dvipsk,xdvik}.tar.gz
+> Soon they will be available from the CTAN sites (please try them first):
+> (Texas)
+> (England)
+> (Germany)
+The German CTAN site is now which is dedicated to TeX
+and Metafont only. You could get everything from Stuttgart but you
+have to share this FTP site with other users.
+[stuff deleted]
+ Gerhard Wilhelms
+ University of Augsburg (Germany)
+ Department of Mathematics - Computer Science
+ Universitaetsstrasse 2
+ D-86159 Augsburg Phone : +49 +821/598-2116
+ Internet: Wilhelms@Uni-Augsburg.DE Fax : 598-2200
+Date: Mon, 07 Feb 1994 11:23:30 +0100
+From: "Johannes L. Braams" <>
+Subject: LaTeX2e version of artikel?, rapport?, boek TEST version available
+ Hi,
+ The NTG document styles artikel?, rapport? and boek have been
+ upgraded to document classes for LaTeX2e.
+ A test version is available from and
+ from CTAN in the directory
+ tex-archive/macros/latex2e/contrib/supported/ntgclass
+ (Note: today only on, within 24 hours also on the
+ other CTAN hosts)
+ The distribution currently contains 3 files, ntgclass.dtx (the
+ source), ntgclass.ins (docstrip program to unpack) and
+ ntgclass.tex (some documentation).
+ When you find any bugs, please reporet them to me.
+ Johannes Braams
+PTT Research, P.O. box 421,
+2260 AK Leidschendam, The Netherlands.
+Phone : +31 70 3325051 E-mail :
+Fax : +31 70 3326477
+Date: 09 Feb 1994 13:09:43 +0100
+From: (John Pliam)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] Graph-TeX 1.0beta available via ftp
+Keywords: figures, graphs, directed graphs, texdraw
+ Announcing Beta Release of Graph-TeX
+ ------------------------------------
+Graph-TeX is a Perl script and library for typesetting directed and
+undirected graphs. It takes as input a .gt file which resembles an array
+environment (it even more closely resembles the commutative diagram
+environment of XY-pic). Then it produces TeXdraw commands for inclusion
+into an .tex file.
+Complicated graphs can be quickly typeset producing high quality results.
+Features include:
+ - TeX labels well placed with respect to the labeled object.
+ - Spade-like arrowheads which reduce the effect of postscript
+ inconsistencies (edge effects).
+ - Bezier-curved edges and loops on which arrows and labels follow the
+ tangent.
+ - Flexibility in redefining default attributes.
+Graph-TeX was designed to support graphs possessing symmetries such as
+the Peterson graph or the Cayley graph of D_3. In these, the vertex
+positions are not so easily described within an array environment. See
+the manual for more details.
+ --------------
+To get the manual and source, ftp anonymously to, cd to
+/pub/graphtex, and get graphtex1.0beta.tar.Z (in binary mode). While I
+am seeking beta testers to find bugs, I am also interested in people's
+opinions about the aesthetic quality of the results.
+ John O. Pliam e-mail:
+ Institute for Mathematics and its Applications
+ University of Minnesota Phone: (612) 624-4353
+Date: 09 Feb 1994 13:10:07 +0100
+From: (Young U Ryu)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] gTeX 2.0 uploaded to (US CTAN host)
+I uploaded gTeX 2.0 to US CTAN host, e.g.
+Currently, it is available from:
+ /incoming/gtex/...
+but, later it will be moved to:
+ /tex-archive/system/msdos/gtex2
+The following is from 00readme
+ gTeX 2.0
+ by
+ Young U. Ryu
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | All included in this distribution are distributed as they are. |
+ | I and all people involved in programs in this distribution |
+ | are not responsible any possible damages or losses, directly or |
+ | indirectly caused by any prorgram in this distribution. |
+ +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
+gTeX 2.0 has the following:
+ TeX 3.1415 (C version 6.0)
+ Metafont 2.71 (C version 6.0)
+ TeX Font Utils
+ TeX Dvi Utils
+ Makeindex 2.12
+ BibTeX 0.99c (C version 6.0)
+ DVIWIN 2.81
+ DVIPS 5.526
+ MicroEmacs for Windows 3.12
+Included macros are:
+ plain TeX
+ LaTeX 2.09
+ NFSS2 with AmSLaTeX
+ LaTeX2e
+ AmSTeX
+ eplain (aka eTeX)
+Installation of executables (and required files) and macros
+is simplified so that all you should do is to run a bunch of
+batch files.
+TeX, Metafont, BibTeX, and Utility executables are created from
+Karl Berry's Web & Web2c 6.0. Executables for DOS and Windows DOS
+Box are generated by DJGPP/GCC 1.10. Executables for Windows/RSX
+are generated by EMX/GCC 0.8g.
+Enjoy ...
+Young U. Ryu
+Date: 10 Feb 1994 15:17:02 +0100
+From: (Norman Walsh)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCE: The CTAN Software Map
+Announcing the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network Software Map
+The CTAN map is a WWW interface to CTAN (i.e. clients like XMosaic can
+traverse the map interactively). It is served from
+The map integrates a complete directory listing with David Jones' TeX index
+and utility descriptions from my forthcoming book ``Making TeX Work''.
+Keyword and date searches are also supported.
+This is an experimental project but I plan to update it on a regular basis
+and I have plans for extending the software descriptions. Please remember,
+however, that I have a real job too.
+Your comments and suggestions would be most appreciated.
+Date: Mon, 14 Feb 1994 19:33:53 +0100
+From: schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.DE (Rainer Schoepf)
+Subject: LaTeX2e -- Second Test Release Available
+ LaTeX2e -- Second Test Release Available
+ Leslie Lamport and the LaTeX3 project team
+ 14 February 1994
+The second test release of LaTeX is now available. Notes about this
+release are at the end of this announcement. The first release
+revealed a few serious bugs and several other areas which need
+attention. Many people reported that documents and style files had
+been processed by the new system without serious problems; this
+includes one very important test -- the original text of `The LaTeX
+Manual'! We can also report that this release has been tested with
+all the files in the LaTeX 2.09 test suite and produces only
+predictable differences in the output.
+First, here is the original announcement
+- ----------------------------------------
+LaTeX2e is the new standard version of LaTeX -- prepared and supported
+by the LaTeX3 project team. It is upwardly compatible with LaTeX 2.09
+documents, but contains new features.
+Over the years many extensions of LaTeX have been developed. This is,
+of course, a welcome development, since it shows that the LaTeX system
+is in a healthy state. It has, however, had one unfortunate
+consequence: there are now several incompatible systems, in the sense
+of format (.fmt) files, all claiming to be LaTeX. Therefore, in order
+to process documents coming from various places, a site maintainer
+needs to provide several format files: LaTeX (with and without NFSS),
+SLiTeX, AmSLaTeX, and so on. In addition, when looking at a source
+file it is not always clear for which format the document was written.
+LaTeX2e puts an end to this unsatisfactory situation -- it will give
+access to all such extensions based on a single format and thus end
+the proliferation of mutually incompatible dialects of LaTeX 2.09.
+It uses an enhanced version (NFSS2) of the New Font Selection Scheme.
+Files such as amstex.sty (formerly the AmSLaTeX format) or slides.sty
+(formerly the SLiTeX format) will become extension packages, all
+working with this single format.
+The introduction of this new version will also make it possible to add
+a small number of often-requested features (such as extended versions
+of \newcommand).
+To summarize:
+ * Standardisation: a single format incorporating NFSS2, to replace
+ the present multiplicity of incompatible formats --
+ NFSS, lfonts, pslfonts, etc.
+* Maintenance: a standardised system supported by a reliable
+ maintenance policy.
+LaTeX2e adheres, as far as possible, to the following principles:
+ * Unmodified version 2.09 document files can be processed with
+ LaTeX2e.
+ * All new features of LaTeX2e conform to the conventions of version
+ 2.09, making it as easy as possible for current users to learn to
+ use them.
+LaTeX2e is described in a new edition of `LaTeX: A Document Preparation
+System' by Leslie Lamport (to appear during 1994) and `The LaTeX
+Companion' by Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin, both published by
+LaTeX2e will be distributed twice a year. This distribution is a
+preliminary test release, and doesn't contain all of the files that
+will be part of the full release. In particular, it does not contain
+the planned extensions in the area of graphics inclusion.
+The first full release will be available in Spring 1994.
+This is a test release, so please get it and test it on as many
+different systems as possible!
+Getting the second test release
+- -------------------------------
+LaTeX2e can be retrieved by anonymous ftp from the CTAN archives:
+ /tex-archive/macros/latex2e/core
+ /tex-archive/macros/latex2e/core
+ /tex-archive/macros/latex2e/core
+Bug reports
+- -----------
+Please report any problems with LaTeX2e by using the report-generating
+program latexbug.tex, included in the LaTeX2e distribution. Error
+reports should be sent to the following e-mail address:
+Help for style/package/class file maintainers
+- ---------------------------------------------
+We shall be producing a short document summarising the changes that
+may be needed in order to turn a style file for old LaTeX into a class
+or package file. To get the latest information on this subject or to
+report problems, please send a message to the following address:
+Please ensure that it starts with the following line *exactly*:
+>Category: latex-class-writing
+If you want a prompt and useful reply, please make your message as
+short and precise as possible.
+Notes on the second test release
+- --------------------------------
+- -- Only the straightforward bugs and the serious bugs found in the
+ first release have been fixed; other problems are still being
+ worked on. Some of the reports uncovered features of the original
+ LaTeX which some consider to be bugs; whether these should be
+ `fixed' is not always clear.
+- -- There are thus several areas, including things arising from bug
+ reports, on which we are still working.
+- -- The details of the distribution, unpacking etc are still under
+ development.
+- -- The details of the typography in the standard classes is not
+ finalised.
+- -- The precise functionality of the compatibility mode is not fixed.
+- -- Still no graphics package!
+- -------
+If you have installed the first release then you must remove it
+completely and start again. This is because there are many small
+differences, including new file names, and because the installation
+procedure now behaves differently.
+For the LaTeX3 Project
+- ----------------------
+Johannes Braams
+David Carlisle
+Alan Jeffrey
+Frank Mittelbach
+Chris Rowley
+Rainer Sch\"opf
+Date: Mon, 21 Feb 1994 11:30:07 +0000
+From: "Wayne G. Sullivan" <WSULIVAN@IRLEARN.UCD.IE>
+Subject: web2c BIGTeX and METAFONT for DOS and Windows
+DJ Delorie's port of GNU C (djgpp available from in
+pub/msdos/djgpp : be sure to get the dj111m1, m2 ,m3; and from simtel20
+mirrors) make is straightforward to compile the web2c-6.1 on 386+ PC's
+under DOS. Delorie's DOS extender will run under Windows 3.1, so the
+EXEs can be used in a DOS Window. To save repeated effort in setting the
+parameters, I have prepared "" which is available in the
+web2c directory of CTAN. You need web2c-6.1 and web-6.1 as well.
+CTAN directory: tex-archive/systems/unix/web2c
+If your system uses the sbTeX direstory structure, you can avail of the
+compiled versions of TeX and METAFONT contained in systems/msdos/sbtex/
+Date: Fri, 04 Mar 1994 15:52:10 -0500
+From: "K. Berry" <kb@edu.umb.cs>
+Subject: dviljk 1.0, dvipsk 5.528a, and xdvik 1.7 available
+I've released version 1.0 of dviljk, a modified version of
+ Gustaf Neumann's dvi2xx driver (version 0.51a9) for HP LaserJet printers,
+and also new versions of dvipsk
+ (my modified version of Tom Rokicki's dvips)
+and xdvik
+ (ditto ditto Paul Vojta's xdvi).
+You can get them by ftp:
+Soon they should be on the ctan hosts as well, in tex-archive/dvi.
+Aside from kpathsea-ification and Autoconf-ization, dviljk also supports
+the LaserJet 4 builtin fonts (thanks to Norm Walsh, who built the actual
+TeX TFM's from HP TFM's). (The alpha9 version of the original dvi2xx
+also does so, and Eberhard Mattes' dvi-to-lj driver will probably do so
+also in the near future, so you aren't stuck with my idiosyncratic
+software just to use the builtin fonts.)
+The external ls-R database below isn't optimal yet -- the list of font
+directories still winds up being built, because of searches for
+nonexistent vf files. I'll address this next time out.
+Here's the NEWS for the other releases:
+kpathsea 1.7
+* Searches can use an externally-built ls-R ``database'', for speed.
+* `VPATH = .' lines removed from generated Makefile, for broken Sun make.
+* A path foo//tfm finds foo/tfm as well as foo/*/tfm.
+xdvik 1.7 (1 March 1994)
+* Use DEFAULT_FIG_PATH, instead of DEFAULT_TEX_PATH (they are the same
+ by default, anyway).
+* EPS displays take the magnification into account (thanks to Jon Peatfield).
+* EPS displays support the angle option from psfig 1.10 (thanks to Uwe Bon).
+* The Metafont mode for MakeTeXPK can be set via the command line, an X
+ resource, an environment variable, or at compile-time.
+* Support for the SelFile widget (thanks to Jon Peatfield).
+* XDVIFONTS only overrides font-related paths, not all paths.
+dvipsk 5.528a
+* DVIPSFONTS only overrides font-related paths.
+* By default, append mode to MakeTeXPK installation directory.
+* Update for dvips 5.528.
+Happy TeXing,
+Date: 09 Mar 1994 14:57:49 +0100
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] Eddi4TeX 1.20 is ready
+ Programpublication 'Eddi4TeX Version 1.2 dating 15.02.1994'
+ Eddi4TeX - Editor and Shell for DOS and OS/2
+(I am sorry for my poor english)
+During german TeX-meeting DANTE '94 in Muenster I presented the new version
+of my program. In the following the features are listed briefly:
+- - the name is Eddi4TeX (say: Eddi-For-TeX) says a lot: an editor for working
+ with TeX with an integrated development environment
+- - windows, several texts at a time
+- - float-text: the text is wrapped automatically and the resulting paragraph
+ structure is saved in a TeX-fitting format, when loading a text, this
+ information still exists, the fraying out of texts belongs to history
+* within the text commands, comments, braces and environment-borders are
+ stained to improve the readability of the text enormously
+* Macros: macro-recorder, commandsequences, textblocks, interactivity,
+ decision, jumps
+* using OS/2 macros can pause until erxternal programs are terminated,
+ the positioning of PM-Windows can be controlled, in the OS/2-version the
+ 640K-limit has fallen
+* environmentvariable E4TOPT
+* switching the menus and messages to english, an english version of the
+ helpfiles will follow if YOU show your interest in the program
+- - search, search&replace, go to line, sorting, color-adjustment, backupfiles
+ temporaryfiles, screenprotector, ...
+- - blockoperations for areas of text and columns of tables
+- - online-helpsystem on the program (german only)
+- - online-helpsystem including syntaxinformation on LaTeX (german only)
+- - creating own helpfiles can be done comfortably using the included program
+- - registrating any programs you want
+- - analyse of the LOG-file, showing the errormessages, jumping to
+ errorpositions, works also in files via \input, several errors
+- - related braces are blinking
+- - analysing braces without parnters
+- - 30-pages manual as DVI-file (german only)
+* shareware-fullversion
+Changes on the installation description:
+- - please check [Options/Register/Help/Change/LaTeX & TeX] when using DEMO.RES
+- - trying to print the manual using publicTeX you have to copy some fonts to
+ different names (lcirclew10)
+- - if you should have any problems installing or using the program please do
+ NOT write public mails in any newsgroups, but try to contact me via e-mail
+ personally
+- - in a few days the program should be available from in
+ /pub/tex/systems/msdos/e4t under the name of E4T120.EXE
+- - BBS SkateBox
+ telefon : +49-5175-31324 limit : no limit on this login
+ online : 20.00-14.00 filearea : 0501 (directory /TeX/TeX-Soft)
+ emulation: ANSI file : !E4T120.EXE, selfextracting
+ username : TeXsauger size : 0.6 megabyte
+ password : TeX
+- - send a formatted disk including an international postal return coupon
+ address : Ulrich Jahnz
+ Alte Landwehr 2b
+ e-mail : Ulrich_Jahnz@PE.MAUS.DE
+Date: Fri, 25 Feb 1994 18:40:52 +0700
+From: Wlodek Bzyl <>
+Subject: EuroTeX '94
+Below I include an announcement about EuroTeX conference.
+Would you be so kind as include it in the following
+TeXhax issue.
+- --Wlodek.
+Internet e-mail:
+EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX
+Is North America too far / too expensive / too alien a culture?
+Then come to EuroTeX '94, _the_ TeX conference of the year.
+EuroTeX will take place at Sobieszewo on an idyllic island off
+the coast of Gdansk in Poland. The conference will run from Monday
+September 26th to Friday September 30th, and the _maximum_ cost
+(based on two persons sharing) will not exceed $260-00 / sterling
+175-00 / DM 450-00. Those arriving early on Monday will be able
+to take part in a guided tour of the old town of Gdansk, whilst
+Tuesday to Thursday will be jam-packed with talks and tutorials
+on TeX and related topics.
+All delegates will be accommodated in a single building, and for
+the whole week will be cut off from civilisation: no
+distractions, no need to leave the island: everything will be
+provided. For those unable to sustain the pace, quiet meditative
+walks along the shore searching for amber will provide the ideal
+opportunity for therapeutic meditation.
+Papers are solicited _now_, and early registration for the
+conference is advised: with its Central European location and
+idyllic setting, the conference is expected to attract many
+delegates. If you are even _thinking_ of coming, then you are
+urged to return the form below: we will then add you to the
+mailing list and keep you posted about any changes in the
+schedule. Please note the following deadlines:
+Abstracts for papers: no later than 1 May 1994;
+Final papers: 15th August 1994;
+Provisional registration: 1 June 1994 (no charge for cancellation);
+Confirmed registration: 1 September 199 (cancellation charged at 50%);
+Late registration: 15th September 1994 (no cancellation possible);
+Bursaries: as with the combined EuroTeX/TUG meeting at Aston last year,
+it is hoped to be able to offer financial assistance to delegates who
+would otherwise be unable to attend; of course, we cannot be sure at
+this stage that sponsors will be as generous as they were last year,
+but intending delegates who will need assistance in order to be able to
+attend should indicate in the space provided the _minimum_ bursary
+which would allow them to be able to attend, and should give clear
+reasons why they are applying. All applications will be treated in the
+strictest confidence. Delegates who are in no need of a bursary and
+who are able to assist others less fortunate are urged to pledge a
+donation in the space provided.
+Tutorials and Courses: It is intended to offer both tutorials (which
+will take place during the week of the conference proper), and courses
+(which will take place during the week following the conference);
+proposed topics include book design and LaTeX-2e, but no firm decisions
+have yet been taken on topics, durations or costs. Further details
+concerning this area will be circulated as soon as they are known, and
+space has been provided on the provisional registration form (below) in
+which both to indicate an interest in tutorials/courses and to suggest
+possible topics.
+- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+To the Conference Organisers, EuroTeX '94:
+C/o W{\l}odek Bzyl, Department of Mathematics, University of Gdansk, Poland
+ E-mail: Wlodek Bzyl (Mathematics) <>
+Yes, I hope to attend EuroTeX '94! Please add my name and address to
+your mailing list and keep me posted of developments.
+Name: _____________________________________________________________________
+Address: __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+E-mail: __________________________________________________________________
+Phone: __________________________________________________________________
+Fax: __________________________________________________________________
+[Please either complete (where appropriate) or strike through / delete
+ each of the following sections]
+[1: proposed paper]
+I would like to present a paper entitled __________________________________
+Expected duration including questions (max: 1 1/2 hours) __________________
+[2: Special needs]
+I have no special dietary needs / am a vegetarian / am a vegan / have
+other dietary needs: ______________________________________________________
+I am fully mobile / need assistance with __________________________________
+I would like to share a room with _________________________________________
+(or) I would prefer a single room
+[3: Bursary scheme]
+I am able to cover my own conference expenses / am willing to donate ______
+to the Bursary fund / would like to apply for not less than _______________
+from the Bursary fund for the following reasons: __________________________
+[4: Tutorials/courses]
+(Note: `Tutorials' are usually of one day or less; `courses' are
+ usually of one day or more. Although no firm decisions have been
+ taken at this stage, it is possible that tutorials will be free of
+ charge whilst courses will be charged for. Every effort will be made
+ to ensure that even charged-for courses are affordable and in line
+ with local currency values.)
+I would be interested in attending a tutorial or course on one or more
+of the following subjects: _________________________________________________
+EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
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+ send a one line mail message to
+ SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your real name>
+ send a similar one-line mail message to LISTSERV@nodename
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
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+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
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+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 2]
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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #03
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 15:08:06 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Friday, 22 Apr 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 03
+% The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %
+% and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group %
+Today's Topics:
+ Re: TeX support for the Kannada language?
+ Indian character design using METAFONT?
+ Re: TeX for the PC?
+ Re: TeX on Solaris 2.X
+ Including code within a verbatim environment
+ Searching for CHEMTEX fonts
+ Previewing on graphics screen
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+Date: Sun, 13 Mar 1994 09:14:11 -0600
+From: "T.N.K.Raju, MD 6-4183" <U40200@UICVM.EARN>
+Subject: Re: TeX support for the Kannada language?
+I got it quite a while ago; incidently, there were others who did respond.
+It turns out that so far there are no programs for Kannada.tex. I guy
+from France responded that he is working on programs (preparing pre-fonts?)
+for all Indic languages so that one can convert fonts from one to the other
+easily. At present he is working on Simhalese, it seems. Anyhow, things seem
+to be happening! It would be quite a challenge. Thanks. Raju
+> Just in case you didn't get it, this is from the most recent TeXhax
+> ----------------------------Original message----------------------------
+> TeXhax Digest Friday, 11 Mar 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 02
+> % The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %
+> % and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group %
+> Re: TeX support for the Kannada language?
+> Subject: Re: TeX support for the Kannada language?
+> Tonse Raju <U40200@UICVM.EARN> writes on Wed, 29 Dec 1993 11:30:07 -0600:
+>> Can anyone tell me if there is a program on Tex to write in
+>> Kannada, a South Indian language?
+> What you need is macro style file. Get the babel system in
+> CTAN:./tex-archive/language/babel.
+> Copy the file 'skeleton.doc' and rename it to 'kannada.doc'. Then edit
+> the latter file translating all the language specific bits into the
+> Kannada language. In the original file they are in English.
+> Once done, send a copy to the author of babel for inclusion in the next
+> release.
+> Have fun!
+> Manuel Carriba (
+Date: Sun, 20 Mar 1994 02:46:00 +0000
+From: Hari Krishna Tadepalli <>
+Subject: Indian character design using METAFONT?
+I am very new to this newsgroup and hence dont know if this is the right
+group for posting my question.
+I am interested in designing Metafont definitins for the character set
+of an Indian language. In this context, are there any software tools
+that can be used for working with the graphics involved in defining
+the shapes of the characters ?
+There is a certain software called 'fontogrpaher' which allows one to
+efine one's own custom-fonts & outputs the postscript defintion of
+the font set. This postscript output can be readily used in any postscript
+application. Unfortunately, fontographer is available on IBM PCs at an
+approximate cost of around $250.
+I am interested in a software that can run on SUN machines under Unix,
+can help me get Metafont output, and finally is available in the Public
+Domain (this is very useful too !).
+Many thanks to anyone who can give some information.
+ - Hari Tadepalli
+ CIS Grad Student
+ UD
+Date: Sun, 13 Mar 1994 11:10:26 -0500
+From: Lee Wittenberg <>
+Subject: Re: TeX for the PC?
+Tom Williams ( asks:
+> Is there a version of TeX for the PC? Can I get it via anonymous ftp?
+Eberhard Mattes's excellent emTeX implementation for the PC is
+avaliable at the usual CTAN sites.
+ -- Lee
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Lee Wittenberg | Day breaks, it's said,
+Computer Science Department | When night is ended.
+Kean College of New Jersey | I stay in bed
+Union, NJ 07083 | Until it's mended.
+USA |
+ | -- Richard Armour | "Light Armour" (1954)
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 09:29:50 -1115
+From: Feisal Mohammed <>
+Subject: Re: TeX on Solaris 2.X
+Pravin V. Tulachan <> writes on Wed, 02 Feb 1994
+> Does anyone know of a site that have Tex/LaTeX sources that have been
+> compiled to work under Solaris 2.X on Sparcstations.
+It is not necessary to go to the trouble of recompiling for Solaris 2.X
+for certain application programs.
+I have found that TeX/LaTeX binaries compiled under SunOS 4.1.2 work
+with Solaris 2.1 on a LX without problems. This I suspect will
+also happen with SunOS 4.1.3 but I haven't tested it.
+- - Feisal Mohammed (
+Date: Wed, 23 Mar 1994 16:01:12 -0600
+From: (Buff Miner)
+Subject: Including code within a verbatim environment
+Is there any way to read a file within a verbatim environment? One would
+like to place a code fragment or a subroutine in a document something like
+the following
+\input code.c
+Obviously, this won't work because "\input code.c" will be typeset as it
+is. I don't want to put the \begin{verbatim}-\end{verbatim} in the actual
+file code.c because it is a working piece of code.
+Any suggestions?
+Date: 14 Apr 1994 17:42:35 -0400
+From: Andreas Becker <100112.3363@CompuServe.COM>
+Subject: Searching for CHEMTEX fonts
+I'm serarching for the location of the CHEMTEX font files.
+Can someone tell me an adress of a ftp-server which contains
+this files.
+Andreas Becker
+( e-mail: 100112.3363@COMPUSERVE.COM )
+Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 14:12:01 -0000
+Subject: Previewing on graphics screen
+We are producing some A5 catalogues in 32-page signatures. We use:
+* LaTeX to typeset the catalogues
+* dvibook to re-arrange into signatures
+* dvidvi to get 2 A5s on one A4 for printing.
+Thus, the dvi file used for printing is 2 stages removed from the dvi file
+produced by the LaTeX run that typeset the catalogue. The catalogues are
+hundreds of pages long, and the final output device's per-page cost is
+Sometimes the final output device messes a particular page up. It is
+desirable to reprint this particular page. But, by this time, the
+page-numbering is somewhat convoluted. E.g., if one picks up a messed up
+2-up page from a 32-page signature, the numbers printed on the sheet don't
+give much indication of what one should put after "dvips -p " to reprint
+that page. (The catalogues have some roman-numbered pages at the front,
+which don't help.) It would be possible to work it out, but somewhat
+A nice approach would be to find the messed-up page within the final "2-up
+32-page signatures" on a graphics display, and to read off its "page-number
+counted from start of final dvi file". This would then give a number to
+put after "dvips -p =" to get the page printed. I know that DVItoVDU
+displays "page number from start of dvi file". Is thre any other
+"graphical previewing software" that also displays this information. (We
+have a number of platforms available, so information about anything on any
+platform is potentially relevant.)
+A nicer approach would be to find the messed-up page within the final "2-up
+32-page signatures" on a graphics display, and to give a mouse-click to say
+"send this page to my PostScript printer". Does anything like this exist
+on any platform?
+ David Rhead
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ On Internet or JANET:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your real name>
+ send a similar one-line mail message to LISTSERV@nodename
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- UK
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- Germany
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 3]
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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #04
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 16:16:31 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Wednesday, 15 Jun 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 04
+ The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group
+ and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group
+Today's Topics:
+ Re: Including code within a verbatim environment
+ Re: Including code within a verbatim environment
+ Re: Including code within a verbatim environment
+ Re: Including code within a verbatim environment
+ Re: Previewing on graphics screen
+ Problems with dvipsk
+ Chinese under TeX/LaTeX
+ Floating point division and multiplication
+ CTAN archives
+ RE: CTAN archives
+ TEX on Solaris 2.3
+ dvips
+ I need a gui for TeX
+ Re: I need a gui for TeX
+ eplain 2.6 available
+ CTAN site listing
+ EuroTeX '94: Final Call for Papers (please circulate widely)
+ macros/latex* changes on CTAN
+ The new LaTeX
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 11:46:41 -0400
+From: (Jeffrey C. Gealow)
+Subject: Re: Including code within a verbatim environment
+> Date: Wed, 23 Mar 1994 16:01:12 -0600
+> From: (Buff Miner)
+> Subject: Including code within a verbatim environment
+> Is there any way to read a file within a verbatim environment? One would
+> like to place a code fragment or a subroutine in a document something like
+> the following
+> \begin{verbatim}
+> \input code.c
+> \end{verbatim}
+> Obviously, this won't work because "\input code.c" will be typeset as it
+> is. I don't want to put the \begin{verbatim}-\end{verbatim} in the actual
+> file code.c because it is a working piece of code.
+> Any suggestions?
+A few years ago, I created a style file, listing.sty, to provide such a =
+Typical usage:
+\listing{code.c} % plain listing
+\nlisting{more-code.c} % listing with line numbers
+Here is the style file (listing.sty):
+% listing.sty 29-Nov-90 JCG
+% see The TeXbook, pp. 380-381, 391
+\def\uncatcodespecials{\def\do##1{\catcode`##1=3D12 }\dospecials}
+% numbered listing
+\def\nlisting#1{\par\begingroup\nsetupverbatim\input#1 \endgroup}
+\newcount\lineno % the number of file lines listed
+\def\nsetupverbatim{\tt \lineno=3D0
+ \def\par{\leavevmode\egroup\box0\endgraf}
+ \obeylines \uncatcodespecials \obeyspaces
+ % \catcode`\`=3D\active =
+ \catcode`\^^I=3D\active
+ \everypar{\advance\lineno by1
+ \llap{\sevrm\the\lineno\ \ }\startbox}}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =3D\ } % let active space =3D control space
+% unnumbered listing
+\def\listing#1{\par\begingroup\setupverbatim\input#1 \endgroup}
+\def\setupverbatim{\tt \parindent=3D0pt
+ \def\par{\leavevmode\egroup\box0\endgraf}
+ \obeylines \uncatcodespecials \obeyspaces
+ % \catcode`\`=3D\active =
+ \catcode`\^^I=3D\active
+ \everypar{\startbox}}
+{\obeyspaces\global\let =3D\ } % let active space =3D control space
+\newdimen\w \setbox0=3D\hbox{\tt\space} \w=3D8\wd0 % tab amount
+ \gdef^^I{\leavevmode\egroup
+ \dimen0=3D\wd0 % the width so far, or since previous tab
+ \divide\dimen0 by\w
+ \multiply\dimen0 by\w % compute previous multiple of \w
+ \advance\dimen0 by\w % advance to next multiple of \w
+ \wd0=3D\dimen0 \box0 \startbox}}
+Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 06:38:20 -0400
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: Re: Including code within a verbatim environment
+Eplain has a \listing command that takes a filename as an argument.
+(, or unpacked in eplain/.)
+I'm sure LaTeX has something similar.
+Date: Fri, 22 Apr 1994 19:20:17 -0000
+From: Jeremy Henty <>
+Subject: Re: Including code within a verbatim environment
+ (Buff Miner) writes:
+> Is there any way to read a file within a verbatim environment? One would
+> like to place a code fragment or a subroutine in a document something like
+> the following
+> \begin{verbatim}
+> \input code.c
+> \end{verbatim}
+% The following works, but it's rather hacky.
+\def\loadcode{\begin{verbatim} \input{some-code}}
+% Any neater suggestions?
+% Jeremy C. Henty
+Date: Sat, 23 Apr 1994 08:40:50 -0400
+From: Lee Wittenberg <>
+Subject: Re: Including code within a verbatim environment
+Buff Miner ( asks:
+> Is there any way to read a file within a verbatim environment? One would
+> like to place a code fragment or a subroutine in a document something like
+> the following
+> \begin{verbatim}
+> \input code.c
+> \end{verbatim}
+> Obviously, this won't work because "\input code.c" will be typeset as it
+> is. I don't want to put the \begin{verbatim}-\end{verbatim} in the actual
+> file code.c because it is a working piece of code.
+> Any suggestions?
+The CTAN archives contain a verbatim.sty file that you can include in
+your \documentstyle line:
+ \documentstyle[verbatim...]{whatever}
+This style includes a \verbatiminput command that does what you want:
+ \verbatiminput{code.c}
+ -- Lee
+Lee Wittenberg | After they had explored all the suns in
+Computer Science Department | the universe, and all the planets of all
+Kean College of New Jersey | the suns, they realized that there was no
+Union, NJ 07083 | other life in the universe, and that they
+USA | were alone. And they were very happy,
+ | because then they knew it was up to them | to become all the things they had imagined
+ | they would find.
+ | -- Lanford Wilson
+ | "5th of July" (1978)
+Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 11:18:31 +0700
+From: Zdenek Wagner <WAGNER@CSEARN.EARN>
+Subject: Re: Previewing on graphics screen
+David Rhead <> wrote:
+> We are producing some A5 catalogues in 32-page signatures. We use:
+> * LaTeX to typeset the catalogues
+> * dvibook to re-arrange into signatures
+> * dvidvi to get 2 A5s on one A4 for printing.
+> Thus, the dvi file used for printing is 2 stages removed from the dvi file
+> produced by the LaTeX run that typeset the catalogue. The catalogues are
+> hundreds of pages long, and the final output device's per-page cost is
+> high.
+After this process you still have a legal dvi-file. Therefore you can use any
+previewer to view it on screen. I know only emTeX drivers for MS-DOS (the same
+will probably hold for OS/2) - the dviscr driver shows also the the physical
+page number counted from start of final dvi filewhich should then be put after
+"dvips -p ". you only have to increase the width of preview (switch /w 297mm,
+or just for preview purpose I often use /w300mm) because the default is
+usually the portrait orientation (can be specified in the configuration file).
+,%%%/ /` / /| /%%%
+ / / |_/ /__/ ' | /
+ / /%%/ /%%/ /%%/ /%%/ /\ | /| / /%%/ /%%/ /%%/ /%%/ /%%%
+ / , / / /%%% / / /%%% / \ |/ |/ / /_/ / / / /%%% /
+ %%%% %%% %%% ' ' %%% ' ` ' ' %%% %%/ ' ' %%% '
+ Zdenek Wagner______/
+Some gateway between me and you may garble backslash. It will appear
+on your screen as % due to problems with EBCDIC <--> ASCII conversion.
+It has already been corrected on SOME gateways.
+The domain `.cs' does no longer exist and was replaced by `.cz'.
+Valid addresses are: <wagner@csearn.bitnet>
+ <>
+ ~~
+Date: Wed, 27 Apr 1994 14:42:55 -0700
+From: (Wayne Jackson 753-5636)
+Subject: Problems with dvipsk
+ Out of extreme exasperation, I'm finally calling on all of you
+for help. I apparently installed LaTeX 2.09 and dvipsk 5.55a successfully
+on a Sun SPARCstation 1 (this is my third or fourth attempt, each with
+different difficulties). All of the problems I have had seem to branch
+from not having the correct fonts, or incorrectly installing the right
+fonts. In this case, Metafont can not seem to build a font from the fonts
+already installed...
+First I constructed the .dvi file using latex (apparently with no problems,
+and none mentioned in the .log file):
+- ----
+charles.RIBBIT? latex letter
+This is TeX, Version 3.1415 (C version 6.1)
+LaTeX Version 2.09 <25 March 1992>
+Standard Document Style `letter' <25 Mar 92>.
+) [1] )
+Output written on letter.dvi (1 page, 932 bytes).
+Transcript written on letter.log.
+- ----
+Then I attempted using dvipsk at debugging level 15 to translate the .dvi
+file to postscript and direct it to our Apple Postscript printer. The error
+you see below resulted and absolutely nothing was printed. (Used level 15
+to show where basic input files and fonts under lib.tar.gz were installed).
+- ----
+charles.RIBBIT? dvips -d 15 letter
+config path: .:~:/usr/local/lib/texmf/dvips
+PK path: .:/usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts//pk//
+TFM path: .:/usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts//tfm
+VF path: .:/usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts//vf
+pict path: .:/usr/local/lib/texmf/tex//
+header path: .:/usr/local/lib/texmf/dvips:/usr/local/lib/texmf/fonts//type1
+fig path: .:/usr/local/lib/texmf/tex//
+Last resort sizes: 300 600
+This is dvipsk 5.55a Copyright 1986, 1994 Radical Eye Software
+input file letter.dvi output file |lpr swmem 3500000
+' TeX output 1994.04.27:1354' -> |lpr
+bop at 43
+Scanning page 1
+Defining font () cmr10 at 10.9pt
+dvips: Font cmr10 at 657 not found; scaling 300 instead.
+dvips: Such scaling will generate extremely poor output.
+Loading pk font at 10.9pt
+dvips: ! Bad PK file : unexpected eof
+- ----
+ Please, if you have encountered this problem yourself or have any
+idea of how to rectify it, write me at or I do not subscribe to the TeXhax mailing list,
+so I can only be reached directly. I will repost the solution that works,
+in case anyone else is having the same difficulty.
+ Many thanx in advance for your help!
+- -Wayne Jackson
+PS: Below is the "letter.tex" file used in the examples above, in case
+ it sheds any clues on the problem. Please note that this is NOT the
+ only example or type of example that I tested.
+- ----
+ %\address{PO BOX 72501 \\
+ %Davis, CA 95617}
+\signature{Wayne Jackson\\
+ Manager, Computer and Electronic Music Studio}
+\begin{letter}{Beverly Parker, Department Book Keeper, \\
+Department of Music}
+\opening{Dear Beverly,} =
+Many thanks for handling the latest flush of orders submitted to Campus Purchasing.
+Unfortunately, at this late date, I wish to submit one more order for items we forgot.
+These items include cables, adapters, and in a few cases even software which
+are vital to the correct operation of the studio.
+You will find purchase orders attached to this letter.
+\closing{Yours sincerely,}
+Date: Mon, 02 May 1994 15:42:55 +0000
+Subject: Chinese under TeX/LaTeX
+Can anyone tell me about typesetting Chinese under TeX
+or LaTeX. Are there any style files for LaTeX?
+Where do I start?
+Johannes Ids\o =
+Date: Mon, 23 May 1994 13:28:13 -0700
+From: wagman%mesa.hepnet@Csa4.LBL.Gov (Gary S. Wagman 510/486-6610)
+Subject: Floating point division and multiplication
+Does anyone have macros to perform accurate floating point division and
+For example, if my \hsize is 9.5in and I will be using a PostScript \special
+to reduce to the journal's width of 7.05in, I want to tell PostScript to
+scale by 0.742105263 without having to calculate by hand because we have
+various \hsize's and various journals.
+\dimen0 =3D 7.05in \divide \dimen0 by 9.5in results in 0.0pt
+Gary Wagman
+Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 12:05:33 -0700
+From: rusty@groan.Berkeley.EDU (Rusty Wright)
+Subject: CTAN archives
+In the CTAN archives, each directory has a file, 00Contents, which
+appears to be regenerated every night. It would be nice if all of the
+directories of the CTAN archives didn't have their modified date
+changed every night as a result of generating this 00Contents file.
+For example, when I connect to an archive that I haven't connected to
+in a while, I do a "dir -t" to see which directories have recent
+modified dates, which probably have something new in them that I might
+be interested in. With the way things are with the CTAN archives I
+can't do this.
+One suggestion for regenerating the 00Contents file is to send the
+output of the "ls" command to /tmp/00Contents, and then use the Unix
+diff or cmp command to see if it's different than the current one, and
+if it is, then replace the current 00Contents file with the one in
+Date: Thu, 02 Jun 1994 16:17:44 -0500
+From: "George D. Greenwade" <>
+Subject: RE: CTAN archives
+On Thu, 2 Jun 94 12:05:33 -0700, rusty@groan.Berkeley.EDU (Rusty Wright)
+> In the CTAN archives, each directory has a file, 00Contents, which appears
+> to be regenerated every night. It would be nice if all of the directories
+> of the CTAN archives didn't have their modified date changed every night as
+> a result of generating this 00Contents file.
+Thanks for the suggestion. You are correct; as of right now, the
+00Contents file is automatically generated each night on the CTAN hosts (in
+SHSU's case, via a cron job immediately following the major mirroring run
+of the evening). This is achieved with a somewhat ingenious "make"
+approach developed by Sebastian Rahtz.
+I am forwarding this reply to the CTAN coordinating team for its
+consideration. While this is a very valid issue, I want to ensure that any
+changes along these lines are implemented across the board on each of the
+hosts so that consistency can be maintained in terms of the files as well
+as the process in which they are placed on the hosts.
+Regards and thanks for your interest in our services, George
+George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. Internet:
+Department of Economics and Business Analysis THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
+College of Business Administration Voice: (409) 294-1266
+Sam Houston State University FAX: (409) 294-3612
+Huntsville, TX 77341-2118 USA
+Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 16:00:45 +0000
+From: tessierf@UQSS.UQUEBEC.CA (Gilles Chrzaszcz)
+Subject: TEX on Solaris 2.3
+Does anyone know the location of a precompiled version of TEX for
+Solaris 2.3 or specific Makefiles for this environment with GNU-C.
+I have tried compiling TEX using the kit without success.
+Could you send your answers directly to
+Francois Tessier
+3465 Durocher
+Montr=E9al H2X 2C6
+Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 16:55:15 -0500
+From: (Buff Miner)
+Subject: dvips
+I'm trying to install LaTeX2HTML on an IBM RS/6000. However the
+documentation states that dvips version 5.516 or later is required. I've
+searched all the archives I'm aware of an can only find dvips 5.55. Can
+anyone out there tell me where I can find a newer version of dvips?
+Thanks in advance!
+Buff Miner
+William H. Miner, Jr.
+Fusion Research Center and
+Institute for Fusion Studies
+The University of Texas at Austin phone: (512) 471-5548
+Austin, Texas 78712 FAX: (512) 471-6715 Internet
+Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 14:51:30 +0000
+From: (Richard B. Wicks)
+Subject: I need a gui for TeX
+ Somebody told me that there is a program called TexCad (or CadTex
+or some combination thereof) that will interpret your TeX code as you type
+it out and display it on an X11 window, is this true?
+ Equation editing is far from being intrinsic to me and I would like
+the aid of such a program in adjusting to the language. *ANY* imput would
+be most helpful.
+thank you very much,
+- -Richard Wicks
+Date: 14 Jun 1994 07:30:55 +0000
+From: (Tobias Ulmer)
+Subject: Re: I need a gui for TeX
+In article <>,
+Richard B. Wicks <> wrote:
+> Somebody told me that there is a program called TexCad (or CadTex
+>or some combination thereof) that will interpret your TeX code as you type
+>it out and display it on an X11 window, is this true?
+> Equation editing is far from being intrinsic to me and I would like
+>the aid of such a program in adjusting to the language. *ANY* imput would
+>be most helpful.
+Yes, there is a program called TeX-CAD (or texcad, or whatever), but it is
+intended to serve an entirely different purpose: You can do drawings
+(i.e. CAD: Computer Aided Design) consisting of some elementary tokens
+provided by LaTeX (lines, circles, etc.) and then convert the results
+into LaTeX code that can be included in your (LaTeX-) file.
+I suppose that instead of this you are looking for some program to have
+the typeset formulas on your screen *immediately* after typing.
+This is (for reasons on which I won't waste precious bandwidth explaining
+here) not the philosophy of TeX or LaTeX. So you might consider to use
+a wordprocessor (or DTP program, as they call it), that gives you that
+feel of "What you see is what you get".
+On the other hand, there *are* some implementations of TeX or LaTeX
+that indeed simplify (and therefore accelerate) that inherent editing -
+compiling - viewing cycle such that from within your editor you can start
+[La]TeX and the previewer with few keystrokes/mouse clicks. This depends
+largely on what kind of machine you are using.
+Tobias Ulmer <>
+Date: Thu, 05 May 1994 10:34:02 -0400
+From: "K. Berry" <kb@edu.umb.cs>
+Subject: eplain 2.6 available
+I have released Eplain version 2.6. It is available by ftp from
+and soon from the ctan hosts in tex-archive/macros/eplain.
+Please send bug reports to You can join this
+list by sending email to containing a
+single line
+Here is a summary of the most significant changes (from the file NEWS in
+the distribution):
+* Indexing support (in conjunction with MakeIndex).
+* Generalization of .toc files for lists of figures/tables, etc.
+Bug fixes:
+* \commdiag and other arrow macros work again.
+* \eqalignno right-justifies the first column in \leftdisplays, as in
+ non-leftdisplays.
+For those who haven't previously heard of Eplain: it is a collection of
+macros intended to provide relatively low-level capabilities, regardless
+of how your document appears. For example, it has macros to do symbolic
+cross-referencing, but not macros to produce a section heading. It also
+has some definitions that make it easier to change the conventions of
+plain TeX's output. For example, it lets you produce left-justified
+math displays by simply saying `\leftdisplays'.
+Date: Tue, 17 May 1994 13:33:07 -0500
+From: US CTAN Coordinator <>
+Subject: CTAN site listing
+To get a listing of CTAN sites and mirrors along with their root CTAN
+directories, you can now use the finger utility to finger
+As listings of participating sites change, this file will be updated
+accordingly. I think I've covered all the bases, but I still may have
+inadvertantly missed a mirror site or two. If I have missed a site
+(heaven forbid!), please point it out to me at my usual address
+<> and I will correct the listing.
+Regards, George
+George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. CTAN Coordinator on
+Department of Economics and Business Analysis Internet:
+P. O. Box 2118 THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
+Sam Houston State University Voice: (409) 294-1266
+Huntsville, TX 77341 FAX: (409) 294-3612
+Date: Fri, 03 Jun 1994 16:05:00 -0000
+Subject: EuroTeX '94: Final Call for Papers (please circulate widely)
+EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX
+Dear Colleague ---
+Are you thinking of coming to EuroTeX '94? (dates and details are appended,
+for those who have seen no previous announcement of this conference). If so,
+would you like to present a paper?
+The themes of this year's EuroTeX conference are
+ Principles;
+ Practice;
+ Progress;
+and papers are now urgently being sought. We are hoping to follow the
+example set at Prague in 1992 and Aston in 1993, by making the proceedings
+available actually at the conference, and in order for this to be feasible,
+it is necessary to establish some fairly strict guidelines for submission.
+Abstracts are wanted _now_, and must be submitted no later than Friday
+10th June; the committee will acknowledge receipt of all abstracts, and
+will let authors know whether or not the paper is accepted by no later
+than Friday 24th June. One clear month will then be allowed for preparation
+of the full-text papers, which must therefore be submitted no later than
+Friday 22nd July, and these papers will then be passed on to referees who
+are knowledgeable in the chosen subject area: the referee and author then
+have one further month in which to agree and produce a `best possible' version
+of the paper. The final version of the paper must be submitted by Friday
+20th August.
+Papers may be prepared in either Plain TeX or LaTeX, and a copy of `EuroTeX.Sty'
+will be sent to all who submit abstracts; this will be a direct derivative of
+TUGproc.Sty, and authors wishing to make an early start on marking-up their text
+may safely base their work on the current release of TUGproc. In order to
+ensure a uniform appearance in the Proceedings, authors are urged _not_ to make
+changes to the default fonts, leading, etc.
+If you would like to present a paper, please complete the e-form below,
+and return it to the Programme Committee, EuroTeX '94:
+C/o Jola Szelatynska, University of Torun, Poland
+ E-mail: Jola Szelatynska <EuroTeX-Papers@Cc.Uni.Torun.Pl>
+Yes, I hope to attend EuroTeX '94 and would like to propose the following
+paper(s); please add my name and address to your mailing list and keep me
+posted of developments.
+Name: _____________________________________________________________________
+Address: __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ =
+ __________________________________________________________________
+E-mail: __________________________________________________________________
+Phone: __________________________________________________________________
+Fax: __________________________________________________________________
+Title and brief abstract of paper: ________________________________________
+Expected duration including questions (max: 1 1/2 hours) __________________
+(Please note that you may submit proposals for more than one paper; the
+ Programme Committee reserve the right to accept or reject individual papers,
+ and to accept papers but to reduce the time allowed from that requested).
+EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX
+EuroTeX will take place at Sobieszewo on an idyllic island off the coast of
+Gdansk in Poland. The conference will run from Monday September 26th to Friday
+September 30th, and the _maximum_ cost (based on two persons sharing) will not
+exceed $260-00 / sterling 175-00 / DM 450-00. Those arriving early on Monday
+will be able to take part in a guided tour of the old town of Gdansk, whilst
+Tuesday to Friday will be packed with talks and tutorials on TeX and related
+topics. Subject to demand, there will also be a series of TeX-related courses
+during the days following the conference proper.
+All delegates will be accommodated in a single building, and for the whole week
+will be cut off from civilisation: no distractions, no need to leave the
+island: everything will be provided. For those unable to sustain the pace,
+quiet meditative walks along the shore searching for amber will provide the
+ideal opportunity for therapeutic meditation.
+EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX '94 EuroTeX
+Date: Tue, 07 Jun 1994 13:41:43 -0400
+From: "George D. Greenwade" <>
+Subject: macros/latex* changes on CTAN
+The release of LaTeX 2e as the officially supported version of LaTeX has
+led to a change in directory naming on the CTAN hosts. The message
+displayed upon cd'ing into selected directories in the CTAN macros
+hierarchy is appended below my sig for reference. Briefly:
+ 1. macros/latex/ has been moved to macros/latex209/
+ 2. macros/latex2e/ has been moved to macros/latex/
+ 3. macros/latex/ has been linked to macros/latex2e/
+ temporarily to facilitate version migration
+Regards, George
+George D. Greenwade, Ph.D. Internet:
+Department of Economics and Business Analysis THEnet: SHSU::BED_GDG
+College of Business Administration Voice: (409) 294-1266
+Sam Houston State University FAX: (409) 294-3612
+Huntsville, TX 77341-2118 USA
+ Effective Tuesday, June 7, 1994, the CTAN macros/latex/ directories
+ contain the distribution and related files for LaTeX 2e --- the
+ presently-supported version of LaTeX (previously macros/latex2e/).
+ The macros/latex/ hierarchy is designed as follows:
+ base/ --- the complete LaTeX 2e distribution kit.
+ packages/ --- officially provided and supported 2e extensions,
+ with each component in its own subdirectory.
+ contrib/ --- user-contributed styles and packages for LaTeX 2e.
+ Each multi-file package is housed in its own
+ unique subdirectory.
+ The CTAN macros/latex209/ directories contain the distribution and
+ related files for LaTeX 2.09 (previously macros/latex/).
+ The macros/latex209/ hierarchy is designed as follows:
+ distribs/ --- the complete LaTeX 2.09 distribution kit, with each
+ component within its own subdirectory.
+ contrib/ --- user-contributed styles and packages for LaTeX 2.09.
+ Each multi-file package is housed in its own
+ unique subdirectory. Single files are retained
+ together in the misc/ subdirectory.
+Date: Fri, 10 Jun 1994 19:55:20 +0200
+From: schoepf@sc.ZIB-Berlin.DE (Rainer Schoepf)
+Subject: The new LaTeX
+ The new LaTeX
+ Leslie Lamport and the LaTeX3 project team
+ June 1994
+The LaTeX3 project team is pleased to announce the release of the new
+standard version of LaTeX. It is upwardly compatible with existing
+LaTeX documents, and contains new features including the long-awaited
+graphics extensions.
+Over the years many extensions of LaTeX have been developed. This is,
+of course, a welcome development, since it shows that the LaTeX system
+is in a healthy state. It has, however, had one unfortunate
+consequence: there were several incompatible systems all claiming to
+be LaTeX. =
+The new LaTeX puts an end to this unsatisfactory situation -- it gives
+access to all extensions such as SLiTeX, AmSLaTeX, and PSLaTeX, based
+on a single format. This will end the proliferation of mutually
+incompatible dialects of LaTeX.
+We have also introduced a small number of often-requested features
+(such as more control over float placement) and an improved interface
+for writers of document classes and packages.
+The new LaTeX is described in a new edition of `LaTeX: A Document
+Preparation System' by Leslie Lamport (to appear during 1994) and `The
+LaTeX Companion' by Goossens, Mittelbach and Samarin, both published
+by Addison-Wesley.
+>From now on there will be a new distribution of LaTeX twice a year, in
+June and December.
+The new LaTeX can be retrieved by anonymous ftp from the CTAN archives:
+ /tex-archive/macros/latex/base
+ /tex-archive/macros/latex/base
+ /tex-archive/macros/latex/base
+The files in these directories require a somewhat long unpacking
+process. For those who prefer to skip this step, we provide a second
+distribution in unpacked format in the following CTAN directories:
+ /tex-archive/macros/latex/unpacked
+ /tex-archive/macros/latex/unpacked
+ /tex-archive/macros/latex/unpacked
+Apologies and Thanks
+- --------------------
+For obvious reasons, we have not been able to incorporate everyone's
+suggestions for improvements or fixes to LaTeX.
+We are nevertheless very grateful to everyone who has made suggestions
+and/or reported bugs and other problems with old versions and with the
+beta-test versions. We hope that all of your reports have been
+answered by one of us: if not, please let us know. We have given them
+all serious consideration and, in many cases where we have not been
+able to act on them now, we have added them to the list of things that
+need further attention in the future. Also, of course, many of them
+could be developed into useful LaTeX packages, by you!
+For the LaTeX3 Project
+- ----------------------
+Johannes Braams
+David Carlisle
+Michael Downes
+Alan Jeffrey
+Frank Mittelbach
+Chris Rowley
+Rainer Sch\"opf
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ On Internet or JANET:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ SUBSCRIBE TEX-L <your real name>
+ send a similar one-line mail message to LISTSERV@nodename
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp. =
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- UK
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- Germany
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 4]
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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #05
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 18:16:49 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Thursday, 28 Jul 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 05
+% The TeXhax Digest is brought to you as a service of the TeX Users Group %
+% and UK TeX Users Group in cooperation with the UK TeX Archive group %
+Today's Topics:
+ FAQs
+ spell checker
+ Finding an editor
+ proofreader for English Grammar ??
+ Spell checking
+ Re: Spell checking
+ Help with psfig and *.eps?
+ Re: Help with psfig and *.eps?
+ Sauter fonts v2.1 available
+ EuroTeX '94 (2nd)
+ [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCE: LaTeX to RTF translator
+[comp.text.tex] General Information >> 4allTeX CD-ROM <<, Updated mail
+ [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCING SolarisTeX-0.1
+ [comp.text.tex] Announce: First patch to latex2rtf
+ modes 2.0 available
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+Date: Thu, 30 Jun 1994 12:21:04 +0000
+From: (Virgil Stokes neuro)
+Subject: FAQs
+Is there an FAQ file for this group? If yes, how do I get to it?
+Thanks --VPS
+* | *
+* BMC, Neuroscience | Things of quality *
+* Karolinska Institute | have no fear of time. *
+Date: Fri, 01 Jul 1994 11:36:38 +0000
+From: (Virgil Stokes neuro)
+Subject: spell checker
+Keywords: spell
+Can anyone recommend a spell checker (English) for TeX?
+- --Thanks VPS
+Date: 01 Jul 1994 11:40:29 -0400
+From: Bruce Graham <>
+Subject: Finding an editor
+As a technical translator in France, I have some customers working on LaTex
+but they don't have a WP-type editor (e.g., with spelling check and bridge to
+Macintosh Word). If anyone knows of an editor they can reccomend for the Mac,
+I'd appreciate.
+Date: Fri, 08 Jul 1994 09:38:01 +0100
+From: (Susana Delgado)
+Subject: proofreader for English Grammar ??
+Do any of you know if there is a proofreader for English Grammar to
+run on TeX or LaTeX?
+Thanks in advance,
+Susana Delgado
+Date: 15 Jul 1994 15:55:16 +0000
+From: (Robert P Batzinger)
+Subject: Spell checking
+Try using MicroSpell. It has a special TeX mode.
+Date: 16 Jul 1994 05:17:34 +0000
+From: (Srinivas Maddhi)
+Subject: Re: Spell checking
+In article <303im8$>, phyv030@wrzx12.rz.u (Richard Baumgartner) writes:
+>I would like to ask if there are some
+>spell checking programs for latex available,
+'ispell' available on Unix machines does a pretty good job.
+It recognizes LaTex/Tex(?) commands and does not flag them
+as errors.
+Option to add words to a personal dictionary is available
+along with other standard options.
+Good Luck!
+ Srinivas Maddhi
+ (319)335-5725
+Date: 15 Jul 1994 18:27:44 +0000
+From: (Judith Ann Reed)
+Subject: Help with psfig and *.eps?
+Greetings. I'm in dire need of some quick help with what may be
+trivial questions, and thank you in advance for whatever you can
+* We have an encapsulated postscript file that prints on our
+postscript printers just fine (DEC lnxx series printers attached to
+VAX VMS systems) and is also able to be previewed with ghostview and
+DEC's CDA viewer, but that is absolutely impossible to include in a
+TeX document for printing.
+ - Our version of psfig seems to be 1.1 on VMS - undoubtedly
+ antiquated - where can I get a newer version?
+ - Our TeX is 2.991, LaTeX is 2.09, on a VAX running VMS 5.5-2
+ - I also tried it on an Alpha running OSF/1 v2.0, with
+ TeX v3.141, LaTex v2.09, psfig v1.8 - same results as VMS.
+ - When using psfig to include the .eps file for printing,
+ - we get a postscript output file with no complaints from TeX
+ - the file prints with no complaints from the printing software
+ - no error pages, no online msgs, nothing.
+Here is the TeX file I tried:
+\input psfig
+\null\vskip 3 true in
+\vskip 3 true in
+\centerline{Figure 1}
+and here is the LaTeX file I tried:
+\input psfig
+\caption{\label{Ffds}Predictions for $f_{D_s}$ obtained using
+error limits.}
+The bounding box info seems correct, based on ghostview's image of the
+.eps file. Nothing prints, however.
+ Could someone please advise what to do to get this to work in TeX?
+ Psfig works on other *.eps files, just not this particular one.
+ I'd rather not upgrade TeX or LaTex if I don't have to, would be
+ happy to upgrade psfig if I knew where to find it for VMS and for
+ OSF/1. However, given that it fails with 2 versions of psfig, as
+ noted above, I don't think that's the problem.
+* Last question - where are some archive sources for TeX FAQs, this
+ group, TeX distributions?
+Many thanks, anxiously awaiting help to help an anxious user!!!!
+Judith Reed
+Syracuse University
+Date: 16 Jul 1994 06:23:16 +0000
+From: (Srinivas Maddhi)
+Subject: Re: Help with psfig and *.eps?
+Keywords: psfig, epsf, postscript
+In article <306kf0$>, (Judith Ann Reed
+) writes:
+> ...
+>* We have an encapsulated postscript file that prints on our
+>postscript printers just fine (DEC lnxx series printers attached to
+>VAX VMS systems) and is also able to be previewed with ghostview and
+>DEC's CDA viewer, but that is absolutely impossible to include in a
+>TeX document for printing.
+>* Last question - where are some archive sources for TeX FAQs, this
+> group, TeX distributions?
+Here are some points which might help suggest a solution:
+ Have you tried using epsf.sty ?
+ Could it be a dvips problem ?
+Latest official versions of Tex, LaTex, dvips, epsf, psfig etc. are
+available at:
+ in pub/tex
+Good Luck!
+ Srinivas Maddhi
+ (319)335-5725
+Date: Wed, 15 Jun 1994 16:21:23 +0100
+Subject: Sauter fonts v2.1 available
+The Sauter package for the generation of Computer Modern fonts at arbitrary
+sizes is now available at version 2.1 from the CTAN archive sites and their
+Updates to release 2.1 include:
+* A new formulae for the parameters sup1 and sup2. This fixes a bug,
+ causing superscripts being placed too low at larger sizes. Please
+ recompute the cmsy fonts for sizes >=11pt
+* Support for the wasy2 fonts by Roland Waldi
+* Support for the bbold and cspex fonts by Alan Jeffrey
+* Support for LaTeX2e and LaTeX2.09 (both old and new1 font selection)
+* Command files for UNIX, VMS and MS-DOS
+Send bugs, comments etc. to
+- --J"org Knappen.
+Date: Mon, 04 Jul 1994 12:33:32 +0700
+From: Wlodek Bzyl <>
+Subject: EuroTeX '94 (2nd)
+Principles EuroTeX '94
+Practice 26 September -- 30 September 1994
+Progress Gda\'nsk-Sobieszewo
+Poland! -----------
+Is North America too far / too expensive / too alien a culture?
+Then come to EuroTeX, the TeX conference of the year!
+EuroTeX will take place at Sobieszewo (near Gda\'nsk, Poland)
+from Monday September 26th to Friday September 30th, at a cost of
+ DM 440-00 (based on two persons sharing)
+ DM 480-00 (single room)
+There is also a special _non-residential_ option for
+ DM 200-00
+That price includes the conference fee, the banquet,
+and also lunch / refreshments with other texies
+from Tuesday September 26th to Friday September 30th.
+Those arriving early on Monday will be able to take part in a
+guided tour of the old town of Gda\'nsk, whilst Tuesday to Friday
+will be packed with talks and tutorials on TeX and related
+topics. The tour will start at 11 am.
+For details of how to register, please see the form
+included below. There will be a parallel Maple European
+conference at the same time and place.
+There are four main themes to the conference: Principles,
+Practice, Progress, and Poland. A provisional programme [1]
+is given below. Following the programme are details of proposed
+tutorials and courses [2], information on the bursary
+scheme for assisted places [3], and finally a booking form, [4]
+[1] Provisional Programme (subject to minor review)
+ Principles:
+ -- Michel Goossens,
+ Simple colour design, and colour in LaTeX-2e
+ -- Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski and Marek Ry\'cko,
+ Paths to METAFONT: avoiding pathless tracts
+ -- Kees van der Laan,
+ BLUe's format: back to basics
+ -- Klaus Lagally,
+ Bi-directional line breaking with TeX macros
+ -- Bernd Raichle,
+ Sorting in TeX's mouth
+ -- Laurent Siebenmann,
+ Atomic fonts and elctronic archiving of TeX documents
+ -- Laurent Siebenmann,
+ Floatnotes permit naked graphics insertion
+ -- Petr Sojka and Pavel Sevecek,
+ Hyphenation in TeX: Quo vadis?
+ -- Philip Taylor,
+ Defensive programing in TeX: Towards a better class of macro
+ -- Andrey V. Astrelin,
+ Graphics in TeX
+ -- Vladimir Batagelj,
+ Combining TeX and PostScript
+ -- Janusz Bie\'n,
+ Polish texts in multilingual environments
+ -- Lutz Birkhahn,
+ Tdb: An X11 TeX Debugger
+ -- Michel Goossens,
+ Real life book production: lessons learned from "The LaTeX Companion"
+ -- Karel Horak,
+ Printing big MetaFont pictures in an MS-DOS environment
+ -- Olga Lapko,
+ MAKEFONT as part of CyrTug/emTeX package.
+ -- Marion Neubauer,
+ WORD/WordPerfect to LaTeX conversion
+ -- Eric Picheral,
+ Building and maintaining the Gutenberg archive
+ -- Serguei A. Strelkov,
+ Development and standardisation of the Russian TeX
+ version CyrTUG/emTeX
+ -- Johannes Braams,
+ Document classes and packages for LaTeX-2e
+ -- Erik Frambach and Wietse Dol,
+ 4-TeX: A workbench for MS-DOS PCs
+ -- Dag Langmuhr,
+ Creating document styles for LaTeX-2e
+ -- J'"org Knappen:
+ Towards a 256-character IPA font
+ -- Piotr Pianowski,
+ From PostScript to MetaFont and back
+ -- Friedhelm Sowa,
+ Printing colour pictures
+ -- Andrey F. Slepukhin,
+ A package for Church Slavonic typesetting
+ -- Philip Taylor,
+ e-TeX & NTS: a progress report
+ -- Jiri Zlatuska,
+ Surviving in a multilingual world with multiple font encodings
+[2] Tutorials and Courses:
+The first of these will start on Friday September 30th,
+but all courses/tutorials are provisional at this stage, and will take place
+only if there is sufficient demand.
+(Please note that tutorials basically provide an overview of the subject,
+ whilst courses goes into some detail).
+Tutorials: (all one day in duration)
+ -- Erik Frambach and Wietse Dol, 4TeX: main features
+ -- Kees van der Laan, Manmac BLUe's
+ -- Marek Ry\'cko and Philip Taylor, Book Design & Typography
+ -- Johannes Braams, LaTeX-2e (2 days)
+ -- Erik Frambach and Wietse Dol, 4TeX: advanced features (1 day)
+ -- Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, MetaFont Basics (3 days)
+ -- Marek Ry\'cko and Philip Taylor, Advanced TeX and TeX Macros (3 days)
+All tutorials are free: courses are charged `at cost': that is,
+the fee is intended to no more than cover the cost of room hire,
+equipment hire (where appropriate), and tutor's expenses.
+At the moment we believe that courses will cost of the order
+of DM 100 per day including accommodation; this will be reduced
+to about DM 65 per day for those not needing accommodation.
+[3] Bursaries
+As with the TUG meeting at Aston last year, and EuroTeX meeting at
+Prague two years ago, it is hoped to be able to offer financial
+assistance to delegates who would otherwise be unable to attend.
+Delegates who will need assistance in order to be able to
+attend should indicate in the space provided the minimum bursary
+which would allow them to be able to attend, and should give clear
+reasons why they are applying. All applications will be treated in the
+strictest confidence. Delegates who are in no need of a bursary and
+who are able to assist others less fortunate are urged to pledge a
+donation in the space provided.
+[4] Booking form -- please return to:
+ EuroTeX E-mail:
+ W\l{}odek Bzyl, Fax: +48 58 41-49-14
+ Instytut Matematyki,
+ Uniwersytet Gda\'nski
+ Wita Stwosza 57,
+ 80-952 Gda\'nsk, Poland
+ Name:
+ Address:
+ E-mail:
+ Phone:
+ Fax:
+The conference fee covers the period from Monday morning (26 September)
+to Friday morning (30 September) and a banquet on Tuesday evening.
+The guided tour of the old town of Gda\'nsk is free, but is possible
+only for those arriving on Monday before 11 am.
+Instructions on how to pay is attached below
+(based on information from our bank, which advises SWIFT
+to speed up the transfer).
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ Please pay to : POMORSKI BANK KREDYTOWY SA. I oddzial GDYNIA
+ Correspondent : (choose one bank from the list below or from
+ a bank of your choice which can guarantee
+ to be able to make SWIFT transfers to Poland)
+ In favour of : GUST Polska Grupa Uzytkownikow Systemu TeX
+ ACC. No. : 361811-102528-136
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ The list of correspondents:
+ -------
+ Barclays Bank (London), ING Bank (Amsterdam),
+ ABN-AMRO Bank (Amsterdam), Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (Stockholm),
+Gotabank (Stockholm), Den Norske Bank (Oslo), Swiss Bank Corp. (Zurich),
+ Union Bank of Switzerland (Zurich), Dresdener Bank (Frankfurt),
+ Deutche Bank (Berlin), DG Bank (Frankfurt), Berliner Bank AG (Berlin),
+Bank PKO SA Succursale de Paris, Banque National DE Paris S.A. (Paris),
+ Ljubljanska banka d.d. (Ljubljana).
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+[Please either complete (where appropriate) or strike through / delete
+ each of the following sections]
+[A: Special needs]
+I have no special dietary needs / am a vegetarian / am a vegan / have
+other dietary needs: __________________________________________________
+I am fully mobile / need assistance with ______________________________
+I would like to share a room with _____________________________________
+(or) I would prefer a single room _____________________________________
+[B: Tutorials/courses]
+(Please note that tutorials basically provide an overview of the subject,
+ whilst courses goes into some detail).
+Tutorials: (all one day in duration)
+____ Erik Frambach and Wietse Dol, 4TeX: main features
+____ Kees van der Laan, Manmac BLUe's
+____ Marek Ry\'cko and Philip Taylor, Book Design & Typography
+____ other, please make suggestions
+____ Johannes Braams, LaTeX-2e (2 days)
+____ Erik Frambach and Wietse Dol, 4TeX: advanced features (1 day)
+____ Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski, MetaFont Basics (3 days)
+____ Marek Ry\'cko and Philip Taylor, Advanced TeX and TeX Macros (3 days)
+____ other, please make suggestions
+[C: Guided tour of the old town of Gda\'nsk]
+I would like / would not like to be shewn around the old town of Gda\'nsk
+[D: Bursary scheme]
+I would like to apply for not less than _____________ from Bursary Fund,
+for the following reasons: ____________________________________________
+(or) I would like to donate _______________________to the Bursary fund.
+Please note the following deadlines:
+Confirmed registration: 1 September 1994 (cancellation charged at 50\%);
+Late registration: 15th September 1994 (no cancellation possible);
+ Yours,
+ --W\l{}odek Bzyl
+ --Tomek Przechlewski
+ Conference Organisers
+Date: 05 Jul 1994 09:39:29 +0200
+From: (Ralf Schlatterbeck)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCE: LaTeX to RTF translator
+Keywords: RTF, LaTeX, Translation, Microsoft Word, Word for Windows
+Archive-Name: auto/comp.text.tex/ANNOUNCE-LaTeX-to-RTF-translator
+latex2rtf is a translator program that translates LaTeX text into the
+RTF format used by several textprocessors, including Microsoft Word and
+Word for Windows. It was written by Fernando Dorner and Andreas Granzer
+in a one-semester course in our department. This is new software and as
+such not very well tested. It works for us, however. If you find any
+Bugs, or make any improvements to the code, please report them to the
+address below.
+This program should answer one of the frequently asked questions in this
+group, namely how to translate from LaTeX to Microsoft Word.
+The sources can be obtained by anonymous ftp from
+in the directory /pub/misc
+in the file latex2rtf.1.0.tar.gz
+you need the GNU gunzip program to uncompress the file. Sources can be
+obtained from one of the GNU archives.
+Alternatively you can specify the file name rtf2LaTeX.tar when
+downloading via ftp and the tar-file will get decompressed before
+- --
+Ralf Schlatterbeck
+Treitlstr.3/182/1 email:
+A-1040 Wien Phone: +43/222/58801/8176
+Austria FAX: +43/222/569149
+- --
+Ralf Schlatterbeck
+Treitlstr.3/182/1 email:
+A-1040 Wien Phone: +43/1/58801/8176
+Austria FAX: +43/1/569149
+Date: 07 Jul 1994 09:48:55 +0200
+From: (Gerard van Nes)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] General Information >> 4allTeX CD-ROM <<
+ =========================================
+ General information >> 4allTeX CD-ROM <<
+ =========================================
+ July 3th, 1994
+ Updated mail
+| (Changebar in the left margin indicates an update comparing with
+| earlier mail)
+ Below you will find the most important items concerning the
+ >>4allTeX CD-ROM<<.
+ 1. Availability
+ -- ------------
+ The 4allTeX CD-ROM was introduced on June 9th 1994 at the 13th local
+ NTG (Dutch TeX Users Group) meeting in the Netherlands (and exactly on
+ time!).
+ 2. Contents
+ -- --------
+ 4TeX is based on the famous, fast and well-known emTeX distribution.
+ Besides that, the 4allTeX (yes for all!!) contains all related
+ software as available as of April 1994.
+ So:
+ 1. It contains the latest 4TeX version (3.20; networkdrive independent).
+ 4TeX gives us a userfriendly interface with a large set of utilities.
+ 2. 4TeX contains the software in direct executable form.
+ 3. 4TeX supports 31 formats including big versions, TeX, LaTeX, Cyrillic,
+ Polish, Greek, texinfo, lollipop, latex2e (beta release) etc.
+ 4. 4TeX supports 59 printer drivers (including linotronics, matrix
+ printers, 300/600 dpi laserprinters, laserjets, fax etc),
+ 5. 4TeX supports graphics: both for previewing and printing. All
+ functionality of e.g. BM2FONT, GhostScript, HP2XX, TeXCAD, QFIG
+ are included, ready to use!
+ 6. 4TeX includes amSpell spell-checker for languages English (UK),
+ English (USA), Dutch, German, Franch, Spanish and Italian.
+ 7. 4TeX contains conversion utilities: WP to LaTeX/TeX,
+ MS-Word/Chiwriter/PC-Write/troff to LaTeX, detex, untex, etc.
+ 8. 4allTeX contains a huge set of fonts: Why waste your time generating
+ fonts (fax, 300dpi, 600dpi, etc)? They are available also for non-DOS
+ systems!
+ 9. 4allTeX contains a huge set of .sty .mf .pk .fli .tfm .bst .etc
+ files.
+ 10. 4TeX includes Metafont with automatic font generation.
+| 11. 4TeX fully supports PostScript fonts, also with automatic font
+| generation using PS2PK!
+ 12. With 4TeX you can view and print directly in e.g. Times.
+ 13. 4TeX contains dbase utilities, supports makeindex, etc.
+ 14. 4TeX uses default (you can change that in the 4TeX configuration file:
+ use your favourite editor) the integrated QEDIT editor (you can
+ even do block compilation: mark a small part of your (large)
+ document, and ONLY that part will be compiled and viewed!
+ 15. 4allTeX contains a huge set of documentation (> 150Mbyte), including
+ TeX/LaTeX/Metafont documentation and tutorials both for novices and
+ gurus, including:
+ . ALL MAPS issues (dutch and english articles; starting in 1988; about
+ 1600 pages with high density information, in a large set of PostScript
+ files)
+ . ALL TEXHAX issues (1986-1994)
+ . ALL TEX-NL issues (1989-1994)
+ . ALL TEX-MAG issues
+ . ALL UKTEX issues (1988-1994)
+ . A lot of tutorials in TeX/LaTeX source (also .dvi and .ps files
+ available)
+ . The `TeXbook' and the `Metafontbook' in TeX source.
+ . FAQ about TeX, PostScript, etc
+ . WEB/literate program related contributions
+ 16. 4allTeX contains `FUN' : chess (including chinese), bridge, music,
+ crossword, go, and more.
+ >>including<< ALL fonts)
+| 17. 4allTeX contains French, Cyrillic and Polish packages.
+ 18. With 4TeX, it is very easy to generate completely new formats.
+ 19. 4allTeX contains a lot of .dvi and PostScript utilities
+ 20. 4allTeX contains GNUPLOT
+ 21. 4allTeX contains extensive bibliographies on TeX-related topics
+ ====> It contains even more than that!!!
+ Hard disk requirement for running 4TeX (processing all your documents):
+ less than 50k!
+ The 4allTeX CD-ROM is the FIRST and (at least in the near future) the ONLY
+ CD-ROM with a:
+ >>>> ready-to-use MS-DOS TeX implementation <<<<
+ including a HUGE set of documentation.
+ The 4allTeX CD-ROM contains a UNIQUE SET of TeX/LaTeX/etc software for
+ both MS-DOS and non MS-DOS users!
+ Unbelievable but TRUE!
+ 3. Computer systems
+ -- -------- -------
+ The ready-to-use 4TeX system is available for PC
+ MS-DOS 8086/80286/80386/80486/pentium systems. However, the MAJOR part of
+ the software on the 4allTeX CD-ROM is system INdependent.
+ 4. How to install
+ -- --- -- -------
+ The 4TeX system on the 4allTeX CD-ROM can be installed within 20-30
+ seconds (!!) and the first example can be previewed and printed
+ within the next 10-20 seconds.
+ For installation, only the following commands are needed!
+ > cd f: (e.g. the local CD-ROM drive)
+ > inst4tex
+ C(ontinue)
+ C: (name local drive)
+ Y or N (Yes or No generate ACD tree)
+ For starting 4TeX:
+ > 4tex sample
+ 5. Price
+ -- -----
+ - The price of the CD-ROM including a 110+ pages manual is: $35.
+ - Add $5 for sending by air (only for outside Europe).
+ - Local price only in Holland/Belgium : f. 60,-
+| - Add $12 if you pay to NTG with a bank cheque.
+ 6. How to order the 4allTeX CD-ROM
+ -- --- -- ----- --- ------- ------
+ UK : Sebastian Rahtz (
+ For orders, please send him an e-mail first.
+ others : Erik Frambach (
+ For orders: please send money by ****registered**** post to the
+ Dutch TeX Users Group:
+ P.O. Box 394
+ 1740 AJ Schagen
+ The Netherlands
+| USA : You can also pay by MasterCard/VISA >> directly to the TUG
+| office <<.
+| Send (e-mail) your MasterCard/VISA card number / expiration
+| date to:
+| TeX Users Group
+| Financial department
+| att. John Radel
+| P.O. Box 869
+| Santa Barbara, CA 93102
+| U.S.A.
+| Fax: (805) 963-8358
+| e-mail:
+| ====> And a copy of the order to the NTG; address above; email
+| (or
+| If you pay to TUG, the 4allTeX CD-ROM will be sent from
+| the NTG office in Holland.
+| The 4allTeX CD-ROM is also available from the computersoftware/magazine
+| shop (pricing could be different!):
+ Computercollectief Het Computerwinkeltje Mechelen bvba
+ Amstel 312 M. Sabbestraat 39
+ 1017 AP Amsterdam B-2800 Mechelen
+ The Netherlands Belgium
+ phone +31 20 6223573 phone +32 15 206645
+ fax +31 20 6226668 fax +32 15 207332
+ ==> Price of the CD is $35-$37 and shipping charge depends on country.
+ ==> Please send a FAX before ordering.
+ Computercollectief >>welcomes<< Credit Card!!
+ 7. Participants of TUG'94 or EuroTeX'94
+ -- ------------ -- ------ -- ----------
+ Don't forget to visit these two most important TeX meetings!!
+ - >> TUG'94 <<
+ Almost a must for the averaged LaTeX/TeX user in the USA (and
+ outside!). The NTG president Johannes Braams will also visit this
+ meeting. Of course he will take some 4allTeX CD-ROM sets with him.
+ ====> Please contact him directly ( for your
+ 4allTeX CD-ROM reservations!
+ - >> EuroTeX'94 <<
+ The 4allTeX CD-ROM plus manual is free for the participants!
+| ====> For participants who will need additional copies: please contact
+| Erik Frambach (
+ So take a few days break in Poland. There are a lot of very interested
+ lectures. And the conference fee including accomodation is very low!!
+ Presentation with tutorial and invited lectures will take place at
+ EuroTeX'94 by the authors Wietse Dol and Erik Frambach.
+ Meet the authors!!
+ 8. 4TeX discussion list
+ -- ---- ---------- ----
+ Yes there is already a lot of 4TeX support using the world-wide 4TeX
+ discussion list.
+ - How to subscribe:
+ send the one line message:
+ subscribe 4tex your_personal_name
+ to the listserv manager:
+ - How to use:
+ send your questions/bugs/remarks/suggestions to:
+| - How to retrieve old e-mails
+| All discussions will be archived.
+| In order to receive a list of all archived files, send the one-line
+| message:
+| to the listserv manager:
+| In order to retrieve one of the monthly archieved e-mail file, send the
+| one-line message (for month 05 in year 94):
+| GET 4TEX LOG9405
+| to the listserv manager:
+ The 4TeX authors Wietse Dol ( and Erik Frambach
+ ( are monitoring this fast growing 4TeX
+ list!
+| For very special requests/questions use:
+| 9. The 4TeX manual
+| -- --- ---- ------
+| The price of the 4TeX manual only (without the 4allTeX CD-ROM) is:
+| In Holland/Belgium: f. 20,- (including shipping)
+| Other countries : $ 15 (including shipping)
+| 10. 4allTeX FTP availability
+| --- ------- --- ------------
+| On anonymous ftp-site:
+| in directory:
+| pub/TEX/MSDOS/4alltex
+| you will find:
+| - the 4alltex distribution version (an earlier version of 4TeX) in
+| 30 files of 1.44 Mbyte.
+| - updates of the 4allTeX CD-ROM.
+| You will also find these files at the CTAN sites, directory;
+| .../systems/msdos/4alltex
+| 11. Future improvements
+| --- ------ ------------
+| Of course 4TeX is continuously under development. In a next release
+| you can expect e,g.:
+| - latest version of LaTeX2e
+| - latest version of other (TeX-related) products
+| - update dvi drivers (1.5b)
+| - including new (your own) PS fonts into 4TeX with a simple menu (for
+| compiling/viewing/printing)
+| - and more
+| If some esential packages / files are missing on the 4allTeX CD-ROM,
+| please contact the authors on:
+| Some of the above extensions and further improvements will be
+| available as additional installation files from the internet archives
+| and from the Dutch FGBBS bulletin board service of NTG.
+ Gerard van Nes
+ secretary Dutch TeX Users Group NTG
+ e-mail:
+ (e-mail NTG board:
+Date: Fri, 08 Jul 1994 10:25:07 +0100
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT: Move of UK CTAN node
+The UK node of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network changed its home
+this morning (Friday 8 July, 1994), UK time -- it now resides on
+machines at the University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory.
+In parallel with the move, a number of new network names have been
+generated, which distinguish the archive's different services.
+To access the new archive, please use:
+ for email
+ for www
+ for FTP []
+ for NFS
+ for gopher
+The archive no longer provides:
+ - a WAIS server,
+ - an NIFTP (UK JANET coloured-book file transfer) service
+ (coloured-book only sites within the UK should use the JANET
+ NIFTP/ftp gateway),
+ - public terminal access; browsing facilities are now only available
+ via WWW, ftp or gopher. The gopher service isn't quite what it
+ was, but we'll be working on that.
+The file system to mount on the new NFS service is
+ftp users should notice no change. Any shortcomings in any of the
+services should be reported by email to
+- --
+Robin (Campaign for Real Radio 3) Fairbairns
+U of Cambridge Computer Lab, Pembroke St, Cambridge CB2 3QG, UK
+Private page:
+Date: 13 Jul 1994 16:13:31 +0200
+From: (Michael Griffith)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCING SolarisTeX-0.1
+In article <>,
+Amy Parker <> wrote:
+>Is there a version of TeX that runs under Solaris 2.3? Where & how do
+>I get it?
+ANNOUNCING SolarisTeX-0.1:
+This is my second version of Solaris binaries for TeX and friends.
+It has been updated to include the newest version of LaTeX2e. Most
+other things are unchanged from version 0.0. The binaries and instructions
+are available on:
+Please be sure to get the README file, as it provides some useful
+information and answers some of the easier questions. If you don't
+have X11R5, you will have to get a copy of my libraries from the same
+Thanks to those who provided feedback on the first release. I am
+using this information to make a better TeX system for my University
+and the world.
+Michael A. Griffith (
+Department of Computer Science
+University of California, Riverside
+Date: 15 Jul 1994 16:32:28 +0200
+From: (Ralf Schlatterbeck)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] Announce: First patch to latex2rtf
+Keywords: LaTeX, RTF, Microsoft Word, latex2rtf, patch
+This is the announcement of the first patch to latex2rtf. A Bug with
+SunOS 4.1.3 missing the declaration of fpos_t and fgetpos fsetpos was
+corrected. Some bugs in the manpage were corrected, too.
+latex2rtf is a translator program that translates LaTeX text into the
+RTF format used by several textprocessors, including Microsoft Word and
+Word for Windows. It was written by Fernando Dorner and Andreas Granzer
+in a one-semester course in our department. This is new software and as
+such not very well tested. It works for us, however. If you find any
+Bugs, or make any improvements to the code, please report them to the
+address below.
+This program should answer one of the frequently asked questions in this
+group, namely how to translate from LaTeX to Microsoft Word.
+The sources can be obtained by anonymous ftp from
+in the directory /pub/misc
+in the file latex2rtf.1.1.tar.gz
+you need the GNU gunzip program to uncompress the file. Sources can be
+obtained from one of the GNU archives.
+Alternatively you can specify the file name latex2rtf.1.1.tar when
+downloading via ftp and the tar-file will get decompressed before
+The patch from version 1.0 can be found in the file latex2rtf.patch.1.0-1.1.gz
+Ralf Schlatterbeck
+Treitlstr.3/182/1 email:
+A-1040 Wien Phone: +43/222/58801/8176
+Austria FAX: +43/222/569149
+Date: Fri, 22 Jul 1994 06:39:15 -0400
+From: "K. Berry" <kb@edu.umb.cs>
+Subject: modes 2.0 available
+I have released version 2.0 of You can get it by anonymous ftp from
+You can also get it by email from George Greenwade's (thanks, George!)
+file server if you cannot ftp: email with a body of
+`sendme modes'.
+This file is a collection of Metafont mode_def's. It also makes common
+definitions for write/white printers, `special' information, and
+landscape mode.
+No new modes, but I've renamed all the modes so the primary names are <=
+eight characters and all lowercase, and hence portable directory names.
+This also saves a bit of memory, though not enough ... if you have the
+table sizes from mf.web, will eat up too much string space to
+do any actual font generation. You can work around this by either
+increasing the table sizes (as in web2c's, or by removing
+unneeded modes from and renaming the file. I can't decipher the
+Metafont source well enough to understand how to make the modes use less
+memory; if some Metafont hacker can tell me, I'd very much like to hear it.
+If you have mode_def's which are not listed below, or corrections to the
+existing ones, please send them to me. Improvements to the exposition,
+particularly in how to create a new mode_def, are also welcome.
+mode_def agfafzz = % AGFA 400PS
+mode_def amiga = % Commodore Amiga
+mode_def aps = % Autologic APS-Micro5
+mode_def apssixhi = % Autologic APS-Micro6
+mode_def atariezf = % Atari ST SLM 804 printer
+mode_def atarinf = % Atari 95dpi previewer
+mode_def atarins = % Atari 96x96 previewer
+mode_def atariotf = % Atari ST SM 124 screen
+mode_def bitgraph = % BBN Bitgraph at 118dpi
+mode_def bjtenex = % Canon BubbleJet 10ex
+mode_def boise = % HP 2680A
+mode_def canonex = % CanonEX in LaserWriter Pro 630
+mode_def canonlbp = % e.g., Symbolics LGP-10
+mode_def cg = % Compugraphic 8600
+mode_def cgnszz = % Compugraphic 9600
+mode_def itoh = % CItoh 8510A
+mode_def citohtoz = % CItoh 310
+mode_def crs = % Alphatype CRS
+mode_def cx = % Canon CX, SX, LBP-LX
+mode_def datadisc = % DataDisc
+mode_def newdd = % DataDisc with special aspect ratio
+mode_def declarge = % DEC 19-inch, 1280 x 1024
+mode_def decsmall = % DEC 17-inch, 1024 x 768
+mode_def deskjet = % HP DeskJet 500
+mode_def docutech = % Xerox 8790 or 4045
+mode_def dover = % Xerox Dover
+mode_def epsdraft = % Epson at 120x72dpi
+mode_def epsfast = % Epson at 60x72dpi
+mode_def epson = % 9-pin Epson MX/FX family
+mode_def epsonact = % Epson Action Laser 1500
+mode_def epsonlo = % Epson at 120x216dpi
+mode_def gtfax = % 204 x 196dpi G3fax
+mode_def gtfaxlo = % 204 x 98dpi G3fax
+mode_def hprugged = % HP RuggedWriter 480
+mode_def ibm_a = % IBM 38xx (\#1)
+mode_def ibmd = % IBM 38xx (\#2)
+mode_def ibmega = % IBM EGA monitor
+mode_def ibmfzon = % IBM 4019
+mode_def ibmfztn = % IBM 4029-30, 4250
+mode_def ibmpp = % IBM ProPrinter
+mode_def ibmsoff = % IBM 6154 display
+mode_def sherpa = % IBM 6670 (Sherpa)
+mode_def ibmteot = % IBM 3812
+mode_def ibmtetz = % IBM 3820
+mode_def ibmtont = % IBM 3193 screen
+mode_def ibmtosn = % IBM 3179 screen
+mode_def ibmvga = % IBM VGA monitor
+mode_def ibx = % Chelgraph IBX
+mode_def iw = % Apple ImageWriter
+mode_def jetiiisi = % HP Laser Jet IIISi
+mode_def lasf = % DEC LA75
+mode_def linolo = % Linotype Linotronic [13]00 at 635dpi
+mode_def linoone = % Linotype Linotronic [13]00 at 1270dpi
+mode_def linotzzh = % Linotype Linotronic 300 at 2540dpi
+mode_def ljfour = % 600dpi HP LaserJet 4
+mode_def ljlo = % HP LaserJet at 150dpi
+mode_def lmaster = % 1000dpi LaserMaster
+mode_def lnzo = % DEC LN01
+mode_def lps = % DEC LPS40
+mode_def lpstz = % DEC lps20
+mode_def lqlores = % Epson LQ-500, 180x180dpi
+mode_def lqmedres = % Epson LQ-500, 360x180dpi
+mode_def lview = % Sigma L-View monitor
+mode_def macmag = % Mac screens at magstep 1
+mode_def mactrue = % Mac screens at 72dpi
+mode_def ncd = % NCD 19-inch
+mode_def nec = % NEC
+mode_def nechi = % NEC-P6 at 360x360dpi
+mode_def nexthi = % NeXT 400dpi, Newgen
+mode_def nextscrn = % 100dpi NeXT monitor
+mode_def nullmode = % TFM files only
+mode_def ocessfz = % OCE 6750-PS
+mode_def okidata = % Okidata
+mode_def pcscreen = % also, e.g., high-resolution Suns
+mode_def phaser = % Tektronix Phaser PXi
+mode_def prntware = % Printware 720IQ
+mode_def qms = % QMS (Xerox engine)
+mode_def qmsostf = % QMS 1725
+mode_def qmsoszz = % QMS 1700
+mode_def ricoh = % e.g., TI Omnilaser
+mode_def ricoha = % e.g., IBM 4216
+mode_def ricohlp = % e.g., DEC LN03
+mode_def sparcptr = % Sun SPARCprinter
+mode_def starnloz = % Star NL-10
+mode_def sun = % Sun and BBN Bitgraph at 85dpi
+mode_def supre = % Ultre*setter at 2400dpi
+mode_def toshiba = % Toshiba 13XX, EpsonLQ
+mode_def ultre = % Ultre*setter at 1200dpi
+mode_def vs = % VAXstation monitor
+mode_def vtftzz = % Varityper 4200 B-P
+mode_def vtftzzhi = % Varityper 4300P at 2400dpi
+mode_def vtftzzlo = % Varityper 4300P at 1200dpi
+mode_def vtfzszw = % Varitype 5060W, APS 6
+mode_def vtszz = % Varityper Laser 600
+mode_def xrxesnz = % Xerox 8790 or 4045
+mode_def xrxfzfz = % Xerox 4050/4075/4090
+mode_def xrxnszz = % Xerox 9700
+mode_def xrxtszz = % Xerox 3700
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Administration, subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ subscribe texhax
+ unsubscribe texhax
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- UK
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- Germany
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 5]
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.06 b/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.06
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..0e4b509807
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.06
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #06
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Thu, 18 Aug 1994 18:16:54 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Thursday, 18 Aug 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 06
+Today's Topics:
+ LaTeX to Microsoft Word
+ Re: LaTeX to Microsoft Word
+ Looking for Tex/LaTex Editor
+ Wanted help about previewing epf files.
+ Postscript converter
+ wanted help: Latex with epsf.sty
+ blackboard_font
+ Announcing patchlevel 18 of xdvi
+ Announcing xdvi patchlevel 18
+ Announcing gsftopk 1.7
+ Announcement: Sauter tools Version 2.2
+ Online AsTeR Demo on the WWW (oral rendering of LaTex documents)
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Thu, 28 Jul 1994 18:08:39 +0000
+From: (Durgesh S)
+Subject: LaTeX to Microsoft Word
+Is there a way of converting a LaTeX document to
+Microsoft Word? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
+My email address is :
+Thanks in advance.
+Date: 29 Jul 1994 11:48:15 +0000
+From: (Volker Bosch)
+Subject: Re: LaTeX to Microsoft Word
+Durgesh S ( wrote:
+: Is there a way of converting a LaTeX document to
+: Microsoft Word? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
+the only way I know, is to convert the LaTeX file into a RTF file. MS-Word
+should be able to handle RTF-Files.
+I used the program TeX2RFT, which is availible by ftp. I've got it from You might find it on other ftp servers as well.
+In the august issue of the german computer magazine 'iX' (Heise Verlag
+Hannover) you will find an article, describing programs to convert TeX files
+(p. 74).
+- --
+Viele Gruesse
+ Volker
+ EMail:
+ snail-mail: Volker Bosch, Kaiserstrasse 49, 70599 Stuttgart (GERMANY)
+ (voice) Phone: +49 0711 685-7223 (office)
+Date: 06 Aug 1994 02:45:08 -0400
+From: Bruce Graham <>
+Subject: Looking for Tex/LaTex Editor
+I am looking for a full-feature Tex/LaTex editor for Macintosh that would allow
+me to transfer files to/from Microsoft Word. So far, I've only heard of
+"Scientific Word" for Windows and a French product called "Mator Mac."
+I work in the South of France as a technical translator and editor for
+researchers wishing to publish in English and would appreciate any suggestions
+about where I can purchase such an editor.
+ Bruce Graham - Marseille
+Date: Mon, 08 Aug 1994 16:37:25 +0800
+From: Chen Ke <>
+Subject: Wanted help about previewing epf files.
+I just found my latex can't deal with eps file. That means latex did work
+when a .eps file is inserted in the tex file though I have eps.sty in lib.
+- ----------------
+pics82:/home/pics82/chen/Ideas>33>latex memo1.tex
+This is TeX, Version 3.1415 (C version 6.1)
+LaTeX Version 2.09 <25 March 1992>
+Standard Document Style `article' <14 Jan 92>.
+(/usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/latex/base/epsf.sty) (memo1.aux)
+! Undefined control sequence.
+l.51 \EPSfile
+ {,height=8cm,width=14cm}\\
+- --------------------------------
+As a result, I wonder whether some other files should be added to lib
+so that latex can work to deal with inserting a .eps file in tex file.
+Any other advice will be appreciated.
+Thanks in advance.
+KE or
+Date: Mon, 08 Aug 1994 21:11:31 -0400
+Subject: Postscript converter
+I am a new user to LaTex and have a question. Is there
+a LaTex to postscript or DVI to Postscript converter
+that runs on Intel platforms? Please respond to
+me directly...thanks in advance for any help that
+can be given.
+Date: Fri, 12 Aug 1994 09:44:07 +0800
+From: Chen Ke <>
+Subject: wanted help: Latex with epsf.sty
+I am a new netter and want to use type Latex to typeset a paper.
+I have installed Tex 3.1415 in my machine(Tatung workstation compatible
+with Sun SPARC classic). I found there is no epsf.sty in ~/tex/latex/base.
+So I can't deal with .eps file using Latex. However, I have achieved an
+"epsf.sty" from a friend of mine in Canada and put it in the aforementioned
+directory. But it doesn't work as follows:
+- --------------------
+pics82:/home/pics82/chen/Ideas>33>latex memo1.tex
+This is TeX, Version 3.1415 (C version 6.1)
+LaTeX Version 2.09 <25 March 1992>
+Standard Document Style `article' <14 Jan 92>.
+(/usr/local/lib/texmf/tex/latex/base/epsf.sty) (memo1.aux)
+! Undefined control sequence.
+l.51 \EPSfile
+ {,height=8cm,width=14cm}\\
+- --------------------------------
+As a result, I would appreciate it if you would give tips to deal
+with this problem
+Best Regards,
+Ke Chen
+Date: Sat, 13 Aug 1994 18:45:21 +0700
+From: david dureisseix <>
+Subject: blackboard_font
+ As I was used to write scientific texts with "Word" on
+a MacIntosh, I have got several habits...
+ In particular tensors like stress and strain are denoted
+by lowercase Greek letters \sigma and \varepsilon, with a
+style named "relief" (en Francais dans le texte); it does
+something like doubling drawings of letters. As I tried to
+reproduce it with LaTeX, I installed Blackboard-bold font
+( But the characters are a bit rough to be used
+frequently in the text.
+ Does someone know the name of a font more suited for my
+purpose, i.e. that looks more like Word's one ?
+ Thanks a lot.
+- --
+ LMT CACHAN fax :
+ 61 Av du Pdt Wilson tel : 47 40 22 25
+ 94235 CACHAN CEDEX e-mail :
+Date: Sun, 31 Jul 1994 19:38:14 -0700
+From: (Paul Vojta)
+Subject: Announcing patchlevel 18 of xdvi
+From: (Paul Vojta)
+Newsgroups: comp.text.tex
+Subject: Announcing xdvi patchlevel 18
+Distribution: world
+Organization: U.C. Berkeley Math. Department.
+OK, so this is a little late, but:
+This is to announce that patchlevel 18 for xdvi, a previewer for .dvi files
+under the X Window System, has been released. This is a full release,
+as opposed to a patch, due to the extent of the changes. It is available
+via anonymous ftp from in the file contrib/applications/xdvi.tar.Z
+(and coming soon to a mirror site near you...). It is also available on
+the R6 contrib tape.
+This version adds:
+ o Support for PostScript specials.
+ o Checking of checksums in the .dvi file vs. the .pk or .gf file.
+ o Non-square magnifying glasses.
+As was mentioned in the announcement of patch 17, it removes support for X10
+and for the pxl font format.
+- --Paul Vojta,
+Date: Mon, 08 Aug 1994 15:22:43 -0700
+From: (Paul Vojta)
+Subject: Announcing gsftopk 1.7
+This is to announce the availability of Version 1.7 of gsftopk.
+gsftopk is a package whose purpose is to allow use of PostScript<TM> fonts
+with xdvi. It consists of:
+ 1. A program called gsftopk.c which creates pk font files for the
+ PostScript fonts. The bitmaps are obtained from ghostscript.
+ 2. A script called xdvimakepk which is to be used in place of
+ MakeTeXPK in xdvi.
+The package requires the use of a dvips-style file.
+The package is available via anonymous ftp from
+in the file pub/Software/TeX/gsftopk.tar.Z. To upgrade from version
+1.6 you may use pub/Software/TeX/gsftopk.patch7.Z instead.
+gsftopk is also released as a subpackage of xdvi. Version 1.7 of gsftopk
+(or a later version) will be part of patchlevel 19 of xdvi. Patchlevel 18
+of xdvi includes only gsftopk 1.6.
+Version 1.7 adds the ability to do subdirectory searching, using the same
+// semantics as the web2c release of TeX, et. al.
+- --Paul Vojta,
+Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 18:26:50 +0100
+From: KNAPPEN@VKPMZD.kph.Uni-Mainz.DE
+Subject: Announcement: Sauter tools Version 2.2
+Today, the Version 2.2 of the Sauter parameter files have been installed
+at the german CTAN site and should propagate to the other ones in the
+next 24 hours.
+The Sauter tools allow you to generate any font out of the cm family at an
+arbitrary design size by interpolating between the Knuthian parameters or
+extrapolating them. The Sauter fonts can be used to replace any scaled
+fonts used by LaTeX and plain TeX.
+Version 2.2 contains mainly some bug fixes:
+c-cmb: now produces characters of the same width as in cmr
+b-wasy: inputs c-cmmi instead of the outdated c-cmsy
+b-bbold: now gets the right design_size into the tfm file
+suatercm.fd: LaTeX2e support
+Thanks to all the people, who send in the bug reports and suggested fixes.
+- --J"org Knappen.
+Date: 10 Aug 1994 20:39:59 +0000
+From: (TV Raman)
+Subject: Online AsTeR Demo on the WWW (oral rendering of LaTex documents)
+AsTeR --Audio System For Technical Readings-- is a computing system that
+exploits the display-independent nature of electronic information to orally
+render technical documents marked up in La)TeX.
+You can experience an interactive demo of AsTeR on the World Wide Web at
+This hypertext document presents a collection of math examples rendered in
+audio by AsTeR and in Postscript by LaTeX/DVIPS.
+It aptly brings out the power of the Web in publishing multimedia documents:
+none of my journal publications come with online demos.
+It also emphasizes the display-independent nature of electronic markup
+documents; both the audio formatted version and the visually laid out
+Postscript were generated from the same LaTeX source.
+- --Raman
+email: <>
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ subscribe texhax
+ unsubscribe texhax
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- UK
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- Germany
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 6]
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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #07
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 12:20:21 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Friday, 19 Aug 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 07
+Today's Topics:
+ Erratum: IP address for
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Fri, 19 Aug 1994 11:57:14 +0100
+Subject: Erratum: IP address for
+A few people noticed that the IP address given for in
+the trailer of the previous issue was incorrect, now that the UK CTAN
+host has relocated from Aston University to Cambridge. It was thought
+that this error should be pointed out promptly, before the usual few
+weeks elapse until the next issue. The correct address is shown in
+the trailer below. Of course, everyone should be using domain names
+and getting nameservers to look up the addresses, right?
+My thanks to Malcolm Clark <>, Martyn Johnson
+<> and Robin Fairbairns
+<> for being so eagle-eyed,
+and my apologies to anyone inconvenienced by the error.
+~~David Osborne (TeXhax Digest moderator)
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ subscribe texhax
+ unsubscribe texhax
+To obtain the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists for TeX, send a
+message with no subject to, consisting of
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- Germany
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- UK
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+The file /tex-archive/CTAN.sites on each of these hosts gives a
+list of other sites which maintain full or partial mirrors of the CTAN.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 7]
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+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #08
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+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Wed, 07 Sep 1994 17:44:24 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Wednesday, 7 Sep 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 08
+Today's Topics:
+ Translating TFM and GF or PK files into Metafont source?
+ Re: Announcement: Sauter tools Version 2.2
+ PCTeX?
+ underlining
+ Graphics in LaTeX
+ Latex viewer for IBMPC
+[comp.text.tex] mcite: Combining several BibTeX entries into one \bibitem
+ [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCING: Seminar Package for LaTeX2e
+ EuroTeX '94: bookings close on September 12th
+ modes 2.1 available
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 13:35:19 +0200
+From: Andrzej Icha <>
+Subject: Translating TFM and GF or PK files into Metafont source?
+Is there any possibility which can translate TFM and suitable
+GF (or PK) files into METAFONT sourcefiles?
+Thank you very much for any information.
+Andrzej Icha
+Institute of Oceanology, PAS, Sopot, Poland
+Date: Mon, 29 Aug 1994 16:30:24 -0000
+Subject: Re: Announcement: Sauter tools Version 2.2
+>The Sauter tools allow you to generate any font out of the cm family at an
+>arbitrary design size by interpolating between the Knuthian parameters or
+>extrapolating them. The Sauter fonts can be used to replace any scaled
+>fonts used by LaTeX and plain TeX.
+Can someone please explain to me in what way this is different/better from
+simply letting MF build fonts.
+Thank you.
+ Doc Evans
+Doc Evans NQ0I/G4AMJ :
+Date: Fri, 02 Sep 1994 16:56:10 -0400
+From: Wang Wei <>
+Subject: PCTeX?
+Can anybody tell me if there is a software called PCTeX. I think
+it might be a version of TeX or LaTeX for PC.
+- --Wei
+Date: Sat, 03 Sep 1994 17:30:30 -0000
+Subject: underlining
+I know that the TeXbook says that the best way to do underlining is to
+build a new font, but for my purposes that seems like overkill. On the
+other hand, all my simple macros to produce underlined text fail to
+produce the correct results. What I want is something like:
+ \underline{This text should be underlined, but the space characters
+contained in the text should be left without underlines}
+This seems like it ought to be simple, and it probably is, but I can't
+get a macro to do what I want. Anyone out there who can give me some
+ Doc Evans
+Date: Sun, 04 Sep 1994 16:50:12 +0800
+Subject: Graphics in LaTeX
+ I'm working on a project of LaTeX. I heard that LaTeX's graphics
+command can't describe all graphics generated by xfig. Is that true?
+` James Ching CSC 4/4 ` `
+` Department of Computer Science ` ~{HK2;D\C;SPCN~} `
+` Email : ` ~{5+R22;D\V;;nTZCNVP~} `
+` ` `
+` ` `
+Date: Mon, 05 Sep 1994 12:18:00 -0500
+From: (Dr. Nathan Brener)
+Subject: Latex viewer for IBMPC
+Hi, would you tell me where can I find a shareware to display Latex file
+on IBMPC. Thank you.
+Weian Deng
+Date: 19 Aug 1994 11:53:58 +0200
+From: (Thorsten Ohl)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] mcite: Combining several BibTeX entries into one \bibitem
+Last week I asked and only got `me too' responses. Thus I sat down
+yesterday evening and wrote it myself (that's The True Trouble with
+TeX: it's too much fun wasting your time by hacking up cutee little
+macros :-). Anyway, you can get it from
+and (hopefully) soon from a CTAN site near you.
+This LaTeX2e package provides support for collapsing multiple
+citations into one, as custumoary in physics journals. For example
+\cite{foo1,*foo2,bar} will combine the BibTeX entries foo1 and foo2
+into a single \bibitem. Obviously, the non-trivial point is that it
+works with BibTeX. See mcite.dtx for more detailed documentation.
+- -Thorsten
+- --
+/// Thorsten Ohl, TH Darmstadt, Schlossgartenstr. 9, D-64289 Darmstadt, Germany
+//////////////// net:,
+/// voice: +49-6151-16-3116, secretary: +49-6151-16-2072, fax: +49-6151-16-2421
+Date: 29 Aug 1994 18:25:46 +0200
+From: tvz@zandtwerk.Princeton.EDU (Timothy Van Zandt)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCING: Seminar Package for LaTeX2e
+Hey netters, don't be fooled by LaTeX2e's slides class.
+It is still lame, compared to the amazing Seminar package.
+V1.0 of seminar.sty works with LaTeX2e in compatibility
+mode, but I have finally added a seminar.cls that works
+in LaTeX2e's native mode. This is a minimal modification
+of seminar.sty, not a new version. The new distribution
+is called V1.0e. If you already have v1.0, the only
+new files you need are
+ seminar.cls semhelv.sty semlcmss.sty
+ Princeton.EDU:/pub/tvz/seminar/inputs
+You can also get the entire package (which still includes
+seminar.sty and still works with LaTeX 2.09).
+Let me know about any problems.
+Thanks to Sebastian Rahtz for making the necessary changes.
+- ---
+Timothy Van Zandt (609)258-4050 tvz@Princeton.EDU (NeXTMail)
+Dept. of Economics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
+**** "readme" file for the Seminar package, v1.0e, 94/08/24 ****
+COPYRIGHT 1993, 1994 by Timothy Van Zandt, tvz@Princeton.EDU
+ABOUT V1.0e:
+ V1.0e is identical to v1.0 of 93/04/01, except for a few changes
+ so that Seminar can work with NFSS2 and LaTeX2e:
+ - semhelv.sty and semlcmss.sty have been modified to work
+ with NFSS2 and LaTeX2e (but they still work with NFSS).
+ - seminar.cls has been added. This is a LaTeX2e document class,
+ derived from seminar.sty v1.0 by Sebastian Rahtz.
+ If you already have have seminar.sty v1.0e, then all you need
+ are this read-me file plus these files from the inputs
+ directory:
+ seminar.cls semhelv.sty semlcmss.sty
+ You can either use seminar.sty in compatibility mode:
+ \documentstyle{seminar}
+ Or use the seminar.cls document class:
+ \documentclass{seminar}
+ Unless you are using other macros that only work in
+ compatibility mode, you might as well use the document class.
+ You can use the following options with \documentclass{seminar}:
+ article slidesonly notes notesonly notesonly*
+ noxcomment portrait a4 semhelv semlcmss semlayer
+ semrot semcolor slidesec
+ NOTE: Use `a4', not `sem-a4'.
+ `seminar.cls' is a minimal modification of seminar.sty. The
+ next release will take advantage of more of LaTeX2e's special
+ capabilities.
+Tim Van Zandt
+August 24, 1994
+- --
+Timothy Van Zandt (609)258-4050 tvz@Princeton.EDU (NeXTMail)
+Dept. of Economics, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 08544
+Date: Fri, 02 Sep 1994 18:22:10 -0000
+Subject: EuroTeX '94: bookings close on September 12th
+[Sent with apologies to those lists that prefer submissions
+ in their native language, such as GUTenberg and TeX-D-L.]
+EuroTeX '94 * EuroTeX '94 * EuroTeX '94 * EuroTeX '94
+If you would like to participate in the most exciting
+TeX users' meeting of 1994---Eurotex '94 in Gda\'nsk---
+then please don't forget that there are only two weeks
+left in which to enroll. The final possible date for
+applications is September 12th.
+The conference programme includes:
+ -- Michel Goossens and Sebastian Rahtz
+ Simple colour design, and colour in LaTeX-2e
+ -- Bogus\l{}aw Jackowski and Marek Ry\'cko,
+ Labyrinth of METAFONT paths in outline
+ -- Kees van der Laan,
+ BLUe's format---the best of both worlds
+ -- Klaus Lagally,
+ Bidirectional line breaking with TeX macros
+ -- Bernd Raichle,
+ Sorting in TeX's mouth
+ -- Laurent Siebenmann,
+ Atomic fonts and electronic archiving of TeX documents
+ -- Laurent Siebenmann,
+ Occam's razor and macro management
+ -- Petr Sojka and Pavel \v Seve\v cek,
+ Hyphenation in TeX---Quo vadis?
+ -- Philip Taylor,
+ Defensive programing in TeX: Towards a better class of macro
+ -- Andrey V. Astrelin,
+ Graphics in TeX
+ -- Vladimir Batagelj,
+ Combining TeX and PostScript
+ -- Janusz Bie\'n,
+ Polish texts in multilingual environments (a case study)
+ -- Lutz Birkhahn,
+ Tdb: An X11 TeX Debugger
+ -- Michel Goossens and Frank Mittelbach
+ Real life book production---lessons learned from "The LaTeX Companion"
+ -- Karel Horak,
+ Fighting with big MetaFont pictures when printing them
+ reversely or landscape
+ -- Olga Lapko,
+ MAKEFONT as part of CyrTug/emTeX package.
+ -- Marion Neubauer,
+ Conversion from WORD/WordPerfect to LaTeX
+ -- Eric Picheral,
+ Building and supporting the GUTenberg archive
+ -- Johannes Braams,
+ Document classes and packages for LaTeX-2e
+ -- Erik Frambach and Wietse Dol,
+ 4TeX: A workbench for MS-DOS PCs
+ -- Dag F. Langmyhr,
+ How to make your own document style in LaTeX-2e
+ -- J\"org Knappen:
+ Towards a 256-character IPA font
+ -- Friedhelm Sowa,
+ Printing colour pictures
+ -- Andrey F. Slepukhin,
+ A package for Church Slavonic typesetting
+ -- Philip Taylor,
+ e-TeX & NTS: a progress report
+ -- Ji\v r\'\i{} Zlatu\v ska,
+ Surviving in a multi-lingual world with multiple font encodings
+ -- Yannis Halarambous,
+ Typesetting the Hebrew Bible with TeX
+ -- Yannis Halarambous,
+ \Omega, a TeX extension including unicode and
+ featuring Lex-like filtering processes
+ For further details please contact:, or get
+ via ftp from Programme and
+ tutorial information will be found in prog.txt, courses/tutorial
+ abstracts in tutor.txt, booking form in bform.txt and finally
+ some advice on how to get to Gda\'nsk in howtoget.txt
+Conference organizers
+W{\l}odek Bzyl,
+Tomasz Przechlewski
+Date: Fri, 02 Sep 1994 06:43:59 -0400
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: modes 2.1 available
+I have released version 2.1 of You can get it by anonymous ftp from
+and shortly from the ctan sites in /tex-archive/fonts/modes/
+finger for a list of all the CTAN sites and mirrors.
+You can also get it by email from George Greenwade's (thanks, George!)
+file server if you cannot ftp: email with a body of
+`sendme modes'.
+No new modes, but I've added landscape definitions for all the devices
+with meaningfully nonsquare aspect ratios, named as the primary device
+with an `l' appended. Some primary names were changed to be shorter as
+a result, but the old names are still there as synonyms.
+I've also been told that `ljfour' is suitable for the Apple Select 360,
+and that the Xerox 4050 mode works for the Xerox 4700, so that
+information is included.
+It's generally of no use to mail me about devices not in;
+everything I know about is described therein. It also includes lots of
+text about how to create a new mode_def, etc.
+General information: is a collection of Metafont mode_def's. It also makes common
+definitions for write/white printers, `special' information, and
+landscape mode. It uses up too much memory for the table sizes in the
+original mf.web, so you either have to increase the sizes (as in Web2c)
+or rename the file and remove unneeded modes. I can't decipher mf.web
+well enough to understand how to make the modes use less memory; if some
+Metafont hacker can tell me, I'd very much like to hear it.
+If you have mode_def's which are not listed below, or corrections to the
+existing ones, please send them to me. Improvements to the exposition,
+particularly in how to create a new mode_def, are also welcome.
+mode_def agfafzz = % AGFA 400PS
+mode_def amiga = % Commodore Amiga
+mode_def aps = % Autologic APS-Micro5
+mode_def apssixhi = % Autologic APS-Micro6
+mode_def atariezf = % Atari ST SLM 804 printer
+mode_def atarinf = % Atari 95dpi previewer
+mode_def atarins = % Atari 96x96 previewer
+mode_def atariotf = % Atari ST SM 124 screen
+mode_def bitgraph = % BBN Bitgraph at 118dpi
+mode_def bjtenex = % Canon BubbleJet 10ex
+mode_def boise = % HP 2680A
+mode_def canonex = % CanonEX in LaserWriter Pro 630
+mode_def canonlbp = % e.g., Symbolics LGP-10
+mode_def cg = % Compugraphic 8600
+mode_def cgl = % Compugraphic 8600 landscape
+mode_def cgnszz = % Compugraphic 9600
+mode_def crs = % Alphatype CRS
+mode_def cx = % Canon CX, SX, LBP-LX
+mode_def datadisc = % DataDisc
+mode_def newdd = % DataDisc with special aspect ratio
+mode_def declarge = % DEC 19-inch, 1280 x 1024
+mode_def decsmall = % DEC 17-inch, 1024 x 768
+mode_def deskjet = % HP DeskJet 500
+mode_def docutech = % Xerox 8790 or 4045
+mode_def dover = % Xerox Dover
+mode_def epsdrft = % Epson at 120x72dpi
+mode_def epsdrftl = % Epson at 120x72dpi landscape
+mode_def epsfast = % Epson at 60x72dpi
+mode_def epsfastl = % Epson at 60x72dpi landscape
+mode_def epson = % 9-pin Epson MX/FX family
+mode_def epsonl = % 9-pin Epson MX/FX family landscape
+mode_def epsonact = % Epson Action Laser 1500
+mode_def epsonlo = % Epson at 120x216dpi
+mode_def epsonlol = % Epson at 120x216dpi landscape
+mode_def gtfax = % 204 x 196dpi G3fax
+mode_def gtfaxl = % 204 x 196dpi G3fax landscape
+mode_def gtfaxlo = % 204 x 98dpi G3fax
+mode_def gtfaxlol = % 204 x 98dpi G3fax landscape
+mode_def hprugged = % HP RuggedWriter 480
+mode_def ibm_a = % IBM 38xx (\#1)
+mode_def ibmd = % IBM 38xx (\#2)
+mode_def ibmega = % IBM EGA monitor
+mode_def ibmegal = % IBM EGA monitor landscape
+mode_def ibmfzon = % IBM 4019
+mode_def ibmfztn = % IBM 4029-30, 4250
+mode_def ibmpp = % IBM ProPrinter
+mode_def ibmppl = % IBM ProPrinter landscape
+mode_def ibmsoff = % IBM 6154 display
+mode_def sherpa = % IBM 6670 (Sherpa)
+mode_def ibmteot = % IBM 3812
+mode_def ibmtetz = % IBM 3820
+mode_def ibmtont = % IBM 3193 screen
+mode_def ibmtosn = % IBM 3179 screen
+mode_def ibmtosnl = % IBM 3179 screen landscape
+mode_def ibmvga = % IBM VGA monitor
+mode_def ibx = % Chelgraph IBX
+mode_def itoh = % CItoh 8510A
+mode_def itohl = % CItoh 8510A landscape
+mode_def itohtoz = % CItoh 310
+mode_def itohtozl = % CItoh 310 landscape
+mode_def iw = % Apple ImageWriter
+mode_def jetiiisi = % HP Laser Jet IIISi
+mode_def lasf = % DEC LA75
+mode_def linolo = % Linotype Linotronic [13]00 at 635dpi
+mode_def linoone = % Linotype Linotronic [13]00 at 1270dpi
+mode_def linotzzh = % Linotype Linotronic 300 at 2540dpi
+mode_def ljfour = % 600dpi HP LaserJet 4
+mode_def ljlo = % HP LaserJet at 150dpi
+mode_def lmaster = % 1000dpi LaserMaster
+mode_def lnzo = % DEC LN01
+mode_def lps = % DEC LPS40
+mode_def lpstz = % DEC lps20
+mode_def lqlores = % Epson LQ-500, 180x180dpi
+mode_def lqmed = % Epson LQ-500, 360x180dpi
+mode_def lqmedl = % Epson LQ-500, 360x180dpi landscape
+mode_def lview = % Sigma L-View monitor
+mode_def macmag = % Mac screens at magstep 1
+mode_def mactrue = % Mac screens at 72dpi
+mode_def ncd = % NCD 19-inch
+mode_def nec = % NEC
+mode_def nechi = % NEC-P6 at 360x360dpi
+mode_def nexthi = % NeXT 400dpi, Newgen
+mode_def nextscrn = % 100dpi NeXT monitor
+mode_def nullmode = % TFM files only
+mode_def ocessfz = % OCE 6750-PS
+mode_def okidata = % Okidata
+mode_def okidatal = % Okidata landscape
+mode_def pcscreen = % also, e.g., high-resolution Suns
+mode_def phaser = % Tektronix Phaser PXi
+mode_def prntware = % Printware 720IQ
+mode_def qms = % QMS (Xerox engine)
+mode_def qmsostf = % QMS 1725
+mode_def qmsoszz = % QMS 1700
+mode_def ricoh = % e.g., TI Omnilaser
+mode_def ricoha = % e.g., IBM 4216
+mode_def ricohlp = % e.g., DEC LN03
+mode_def sparcptr = % Sun SPARCprinter
+mode_def starnlt = % Star NL-10
+mode_def starnltl = % Star NL-10 landscape
+mode_def sun = % Sun and BBN Bitgraph at 85dpi
+mode_def supre = % Ultre*setter at 2400dpi
+mode_def toshiba = % Toshiba 13XX, EpsonLQ
+mode_def ultre = % Ultre*setter at 1200dpi
+mode_def vs = % VAXstation monitor
+mode_def vtftzz = % Varityper 4200 B-P
+mode_def vtftzzhi = % Varityper 4300P at 2400dpi
+mode_def vtftzzlo = % Varityper 4300P at 1200dpi
+mode_def vtfzszw = % Varitype 5060W, APS 6
+mode_def vtszz = % Varityper Laser 600
+mode_def xrxesnz = % Xerox 8790 or 4045
+mode_def xrxfzfz = % Xerox 4050/4075/4090/4700
+mode_def xrxnszz = % Xerox 9700
+mode_def xrxtszz = % Xerox 3700
+About TeXhax...
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+ or unsubscribe texhax
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+message with no subject to, consisting of
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+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
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+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
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+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+The file /tex-archive/CTAN.sites on each of these hosts gives a
+list of other sites which maintain full or partial mirrors of the CTAN.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
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+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
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+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 8]
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+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #09
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Tue, 18 Oct 1994 15:10:21 +0100
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Tuesday, 18 Oct 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 09
+Today's Topics:
+ installing tex
+ Underlining
+ changing \hsize at page-break?
+ List processing TeX macro needed
+ Page layout in LaTeX?
+ Help needed to convert fonts
+ [sci.geo.meteorology] latex style for AMS conference preprints
+ [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCE CmacTeX2.2 (Macintosh)
+ New version of greektex available
+ kpathsea 2.2, dvipsk 5.58b, xdvik 18c, dviljk 2.2 available
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Wed, 14 Sep 1994 16:06:06 -0600
+Subject: installing tex
+I would like to install tex on my machine by
+doing an ftp transfer from
+There lots of files on labrea under the tex directory.
+I don't know which files I would need to be able to run
+latex on my machine which is a sparc running Unix.
+I would appreaciate any help regarding the installation
+of latex on my machine.
+Date: Thu, 22 Sep 1994 11:11:21 -0600
+Subject: Underlining
+Last month, I requested help in locating/finding a macro that would:
+1) underline words, but not the intervening spaces;
+2) permit line breaks to occur while underlining.
+I received about a dozen responses, every one different. Many of them
+were interesting and taught me things I did not know. However, only
+one response was completely on point. My vote for TeXnician of the
+month therefore goes to Jim Nearing (
+for the following clever and concise pair of macros:
+% This underlining macro is implemented by tail recursion.
+% If the terminal character is not found, it executes the desired
+% process and \let's \next equal itself. It then calls \next.
+% If the terminal token is found, it \let's \next equal \relax
+% before calling \next.
+% The first word is handled separately.
+% Usage: \ul{whatever you like, it will continue the underlining
+% even across line breaks}.
+\def\ullspecial#1 {\ifx\empty#1 \let\next=\relax \else
+ \iffirstul\firstulfalse\else%
+ \discretionary{}{}{\hbox{\ }}\fi%
+ \underbar{#1}\let\next=\ullspecial\fi \next}
+\def\ul#1{\firstultrue\ullspecial#1 \empty }
+The only thing to watch out for is that it does require that the
+values of hyphenpenalty and exhyphenpenalty be sufficiently low to
+permit line breaks to occur. If you desire to suppress hyphenated
+line breaking, then the value should be set to some reasonably high
+value, but not an impossibly high one. He suggests 1000 (as opposed
+to the 10000 usually used to ban such breaking), and I have found
+that that works well. Alternatively, one could simply alter the value
+of these variables for the paragraph in which the underlined text
+occurs. For most people, who desire the ordinary hyphenated line
+breaking rules, the macro works wonderfully as it stands.
+Thank you again, Jim!
+Doc Evans NQ0I / G4AMJ :
+Date: Fri, 07 Oct 1994 08:23:54 -0330
+Subject: changing \hsize at page-break?
+Dear Friends,
+I would like to typeset a long paragraph that goes into the next
+page so that each page has different \hsize. How could I change
+\hsize at the page break?
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+ | Mohammad Ghodsi, Assistant Prof. (o |
+ | Computer Engineering Department (o ^ ) |
+ | Sharif University of Technology ghodsi@irearn.bitnet |
+ | P.O. Box 11365-9517, Tehran, Iran Fax: +98 21 601-2983 |
+ +----------------------------------------------------------------+
+Date: Fri, 07 Oct 1994 13:07:40 +0100
+From: Bo Thide' <>
+Subject: List processing TeX macro needed
+I am looking for a short and efficient soultion for the following
+>From a list of names, each delimited by a delimiter \mydelim, I want to
+produce two "name boxes" to be used as output. In the case of three or
+more names I want one long where all \delim's are replaced by a ','
+except for the last one which should be replaced by '{\rm and}', and one
+short with the first name followed by '{\it et al}.'.
+Example 1:
+The list
+First A. Familyx \delim First B. Familyy \delim First C. Familyz
+shall be translated into
+First A. Familyx, First B. Familyy {\rm and} First C. Familyz
+and to
+First A. Familyx {\it et al}.
+Example 2:
+The list
+First A. Familyx \delim First B. Familyy
+shall be translated into
+First A. Familyx {\rm and} First B. Familyy
+both for the long and short output.
+In a way this is similar to what 'bibtex' handles so elegantly for
+author lists. I thought this would be rather trivial in TeX, but
+several days of studies of Knuth and von Bechtolsheim has not lead me
+I need to solve this problem quickly and would appreciate any help
+or hints that you might have.
+ ^ ---Bo Thidi-----------------------------------Scientific Director---
+ |I| Swedish Institute of Space Physics, S-755 91 Uppsala, Sweden
+ |R| Office Phone: (+46) 18-30 36 71 Office Fax: (+46) 18-40 31 00
+ /|F|\ Home Phone: (+46) 18-52 79 11 Home Fax: (+46) 18-55 41 84
+ ~~U~~
+Date: Wed, 12 Oct 1994 21:13:42 +0700
+From: Napajit Singkorapoom <>
+Subject: Page layout in LaTeX?
+I am a LaTeX beginner. I am using LaTeX for my report and I have some
+questions would like to have your suggestions as follows;
+1) Using Letter size pape(8.5"X11"), one-sided output, how to set the
+page layout as
+ - 3 cm left margin
+ - 2 cm right margin
+ - 3 cm top margin
+ - 2.5 cm bottom margin
+2) the page number should be in the "top margin" at center position as
+ -1- , -2- ,,,,,,
+3) equation numbers are according to the section numbers i.e.,
+ in section 2 , eq. no. should be 2.1, 2.2, ..
+Your promptly actions are highly appreciable.
+Thanking you,
+Date: Thu, 13 Oct 1994 15:17:25 +0100
+Subject: Help needed to convert fonts
+I'm using Textures 1.6.2 on a Macintosh
+and I'm also using TeX, Version 3.1415 on a Unix machine.
+I have bought the package Lucida from Blue Sky Research.
+With this package, I got
+ - the Outline fonts
+ - the Screen fonts
+ - the AFM files
+ - the metrics files
+for the macintosh.
+I would like to use these package on my Unix machine.
+So I have (for all the fonts)
+- - create the VPL files from the macintosh metrics document (with EdMetrics)
+- - create the TFM and VF files from these VPL files (with vptovf)
+- - create the PFA files from the outline fonts (with macfont)
+I have modified the file in such a manner that dvips
+(dvipsk 5.58a) could deal with these files (tfm,vf and pfa)
+BUT after all these manipulations, I don't get the same results with
+the macintosh and with the Unix machine.
+What's wrong ?
+Pascal Maes
+Place du Levant,3
+B-1348 Louvain-la-Neuve
+Date: 31 Aug 1994 17:03:08 +0200
+From: (Phil Austin)
+Subject: [sci.geo.meteorology] latex style for AMS conference preprints
+Steve Krueger has modified the AGU preprint style to produce
+a two-column format suitable for AMS conference proceedings.
+The style file (amspp.sty) and example (rad-pp.tex) along with
+a bib file are available from:
+Phil Austin INTERNET:
+(604) 822-2175 FAX: (604) 822-6150
+Atmospheric Sciences Programme
+Geography #217
+University of British Columbia
+1984 W Mall
+Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
+Date: 02 Sep 1994 13:51:48 +0200
+From: (Tom Kiffe)
+Subject: [comp.text.tex] ANNOUNCE CmacTeX2.2 (Macintosh)
+Version 2.2 of CMacTeX is now available on CTAN in the directory
+tex-archive/systems/mac/cmactex. It consists of TeX3.1415, Metafont2.71,
+dvips, a previewer, a Postscript printing utility, and the usual font
+utilities like gftopk, etc.
+The principal feature of the new version is use of Apple Events to
+launch and execute the various subprograms. As a result, Version 2.2
+requires System 7. The popular editors, Alpha and BBEdit, can be
+configured to completely control CMacTeX, i.e., it is possible to
+launch TeX from your editor, have it process the file displayed in
+your editor's front window, automatically switch to the previewer, and
+if you are satisfied, have the editor launch dvips to convert the
+dvi file into Postscript. CMacTeX can also talk with the editor. If
+TeX encounters an error and you type an 'e' at the ? prompt, CMacTeX
+will ask the editor to open the tex file and highlight the offending
+As in earlier releases, most of CMacTeX is free. For further information
+see the Readme files available on CTAN.
+Tom Kiffe
+Date: Fri, 07 Oct 1994 17:57:04 +0200
+From: (Giorgos Spiliotis)
+Subject: New version of greektex available
+A new version of greektex has been posted in the following sites:
+ CTAN sites eg.
+ in the directory pub/tex/language/greek/greektex
+ (
+ in the directory pub/greek/greektex/dos
+ (
+ in the directory pub/moschovakis/greektex
+greektex is a package of public domain programs which make it easy to
+use the well known Greek text fonts of Silvio Levy in Plain TeX, LaTeX
+or AMS-LaTeX with the full functionality of these sets of macros,
+exactly as we use them to process English files. In fact greektex
+understands files with mixed Greek and English text, so that it is
+particularly useful for the typesetting of Greek scientific class notes,
+articles and books: these typically contain many English words---names,
+references, scientific terms traditionally given in both Greek and
+English when first introduced, etc. It is very easy to install
+greektex in any platform with a full TeX implementation. The system
+is especially simple to use on a PC equipped with a VGA screen, for
+which it provides a full bilingual keyboard system for entering (and
+seeing on the screen) mixed English and modern (monotoniko) or classical
+(polytoniko) Greek text.
+The heart of greektex is a set of "Greek-English" 256 character fonts
+which extend the Computer Modern fonts of Knuth by a selection of the
+Levy characters: For example, the first 128 characters of CLR10 are
+exactly the characters of CMR10, while characters 128-255 are the Greek
+"apla" (traditional) characters, as programmed by Levy. Each font is
+named by replacing the CM prefix of the Knuth font it extends by CL,
+e.g. CLTI10 is the extension of the English text italic font CMTI10,
+etc. Using these fonts, it is easy to get Greek-English versions of
+macro packages, basically by replacing each CM font by its CL extension
+in the font definitions, and adding Greek hyphenation and a brief set of
+macros to handle classical, polytoniko input. The package includes such
+extensions for plain TeX, LaTeX and AMS-LaTeX, so that their format
+files can be produced immediately by running initex on them. It also
+provides 300 DPI compilations of the CL extensions for all preloaded
+fonts of (classical) LaTeX, as well as a complete set of all the
+metafont files and adaptations of the Sauter scaling programs needed to
+compile the fonts in any resolution and point size.
+Those familiar with the first two versions of greektex (posted by
+Moschovakis in 1991 and 1993) will be interested in the following new
+features of this more complete system, prepared jointly by
+Moschovakis and Spiliotis.
+(1) The fonts have been slightly improved and the internal coding of
+some characters changed, to make the system compatible with more Greek
+extended keyboard drivers and provide fuller coverage of classical
+Greek. In addition, the fonts have been renamed, so that it is not
+possible to print dvi files produced by earlier versions of greektex
+using the new fonts, BUT: __monotoniko__ greektex files produced for
+earlier versions can be reTeXed with the new version and they will print
+exactly as before.
+(2) The polytoniko (classical) system is implemented by a new set of
+macros, based on a very simple architecture which makes it very robust,
+so that, in particular, it enjoys essentially full LaTeX functionality.
+(Files with polytoniko input prepared for the second greektex version
+cannot be handled by this version.)
+(3) This distribution includes an extended dual keyboard system, which
+makes it possible to enter from the keyboard and see on the screen the
+diairesis on cap Iota and cap Ypsilon and the anw teleia in monotoniko,
+as well as all the accents, aspiration marks and the iota subscript in
+polytoniko. The classical accent+stress "decoration" of each vowel
+(excluding the modern oxeia) is easy to enter by escape sequences and it
+shows on the screen clearly, immediately preceding the vowel.
+Internally, each decoration is coded by a single byte, and this is the
+key to the new, very robust implementation of polytoniko.
+(4) The files needed to compile a Greek-English format file for
+AMS-LaTeX have been added. (To do this, you need, in addition, all the
+AMS macro files and fonts required for AMS-LaTeX.)
+(5) A Greek bibtex and makeindex system has been added. They can
+handle Greek bibliographies and indexes as well as special Greek
+lexicographical ordering.
+A complete description of the system is given in the manual
+"greektex.doc" and in the README file of the package, from which we copy
+the INDEX.
+ INDEX of the greektex distribution, July 1994.
+========== Files which are necessary to install and run greektex ========
+Note: Some files come in two versions with different extensions,
+ .gr and .tex, e.g. and geabbr.tex. Only those
+ with the extension .tex are used by greektex, but
+ they are hard to read; the .gr files are easy to read in
+ a DOS-bilingual keyboard, and they are TeX-equivalent to the
+ others, in most (but not all) platforms.
+(1) README This file.
+(2) pkunzip.exe The program needed to uncompress on the PC
+ the zip files of this distribution.
+ (This is a recent version of pkunzip;
+ older versions may not work with these
+ zip files.)
+(3) install.dos Installation instructions under DOS.
+ Installation instructions under WINDOWS.
+ cpwin.tcp Code page file, needed for WINDOWS installation.
+(4) greektex.doc The document describing how to use
+ the system. It also gives the credits for the
+ public domain programs used and distributed.
+ greekdrv.doc The document explaining how to use the
+ the extended keyboard programs in (5).
+ fsample.tex A small texfile which facilitates
+ printing (with latex) a coding table of a font.
+(5) DOS programs for creating Greek-English files.
+(6) The TeX input files needed by the system.
+ geplain.tex,
+ gehyphen.tex, geletcat.tex, geabbr.tex,
+ gelplain.tex, gelfonts.tex,
+ geamsla.tex,, gefontdf.ori,
+ gegreek.sty,
+(7) The tfm files for the Greek-English fonts.
+(8) 300 DPI pk files for the Greek-English fonts.
+ Files are named in DOS convention, e.g.
+======================= Auxilliary programs ==============================
+(9) The metafont files used to create the fonts,
+ with a brief instruction document clmf.doc
+ and some batch files for compiling fonts in
+ additional pointsizes and any resolution.
+(10) Greek-English version of bibtex and accompanying
+ makeindex program, for DOS.
+(11) Programs for converting between different, common
+ coding systems for Greek with technical instructions
+ on the use of code pages.
+(12) A complete dual keyboard system, includes grx-vgagrx
+ and more.
+(13) Two simple Greek-to-English and English-to-Greek
+ filters (written in C) which make it (just barely)
+ possible to create, read and convert files with
+ mixed Greek and English text in a monolingual
+ environment. See l2g.c for explanation.
+ Also C-code for a filter g2h.c which converts .gr
+ files, with Greek to teX-equivalent .tex files
+ with hexadecimal coding of 8-bit characters.
+(14) Greek input file and Postscript file of a one
+ page document which illustrates the method for
+ entering polytoniko using and the output;
+ and a preprint of a publication which describes
+ greektex in some detail.
+IMPORTANT. If you are getting these files by ftp, make sure that (3) -
+(10) are transmitted in binary mode. Files (3) - (5) and (9) - (12) are
+not needed for installing and running greektex.
+As far as we know, all the programs in this package are in the public
+domain and they are offered without any obligation or guarantee, with
+the usual proviso that if you change any files you should also change
+their names.
+For questions and comments, please send email to the author closest to
+your site.
+Yiannis N. Moschovakis George Spiliotis
+Department of Mathematics M.Sc. in Data Engineering
+UCLA, L.A. CA 90024 Digeni 26-28
+ Voula 16673
+ Athens, Greece
+July 1994
+Date: Fri, 14 Oct 1994 14:20:42 -0400
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: kpathsea 2.2, dvipsk 5.58b, xdvik 18c, dviljk 2.2 available
+New versions of dvipsk/xdvik/dviljk are in the usual place:
+ ... and CTAN and its mirrors; see the end of the message.
+Please use the nearest site, to reduce the load on our Sparc 1.
+I think the same patch that John Interrante and others created for web2c
+6.1 will work for this release (but I didn't actually try it); you can
+get that as the file from the above sites.
+Naturally, I am working on the next release of web2c. It will be ready
+no sooner than a month or two from now (and perhaps significantly
+longer); it's no use to ask me precisely when, as I simply do not know.
+As always, thanks to the many people who contributed. I tried to note
+names in the ChangeLog entries.
+Also as usual, I've tested these with gcc 2.5.8, using GNU make 3.71, on
+several architectures: Linux 1.0.4, SunOS 4, Solaris 2.3, HP-UX 9, Alpha
+OSF/1 1.3, RS/6000 AIX 3.2.4, Aviion DG/UX 5.4.2, SGI IRIX 4.0.5F, and
+MIPS Ultrix 4.3. I used stock MIT X11R5 on all the machines for xdvik.
+You can get GNU software from and its mirrors, and you
+can get MIT X from and *its* mirrors.
+Here's the NEWS:
+dvipsk 5.58b
+* config.$PRINTER is read even if -o or -f is specified, i.e., always.
+* Paths in dvips config.$PRINTER files are not ignored (this was accidental!).
+* Closing quote in \special{"..."} omitted from the output.
+* --help and --version options supported.
+kpathsea 2.2
+* MakeTeXPK invoked for the any_glyph type; this is for xdvik.
+* MakeTeXPK sources $(psheaderdir)/ if it exists.
+* pxlNNN/ searched for (as well as dpiNNN/ and cmr10.NNNpk)
+xdvik 18c
+* Include SELFILE support by default.
+* Support the `ps: <literal PostScript>' special.
+* Support --help (and -help and +help).
+* Convert both 330 and 328 dpi to 329 (magstephalf).
+* Checksum warnings omitted if either the font or DVI checksum is zero.
+dviljk 2.2
+* Use perror for nonexistent input files.
+Help fight the new programming monopolies -- write
+ Here are the CTAN sites and their mirrors:
+prompt$ finger
+Known partial mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
+ (Taiwan) /tex-archive
+ (Australia) /pub/tex/ctan
+ (The Czech Republic) /pub/tex/CTAN
+ (Switzerland) /mirror/tex
+ (The Netherlands) /pub/tex-archive
+Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
+ (Japan) /CTAN
+ (Australia) /tex-archive
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+ (Germany) /pub/tex
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+ (Virginia, USA) /pub/text-processing/TeX
+ (Singapore) /pub/zi/TeX
+ (England) /packages/tex/uk-tex
+ (North Carolina, USA) /pub/packages/TeX
+ (Missouri, USA) /packages/TeX
+Please send updates to this list to <>.
+The participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:
+ (Germany)
+ -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- e-mail via
+ -- Administrator: <>
+ (Texas, USA)
+ -- anonymous ftp and gopher /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- NFS mountable from
+ -- e-mail via
+ -- World Wide Web access on
+ -- Administrator: <>
+ (England)
+ -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- gopher on node
+ -- NFS mountable from
+ -- World Wide Web access on
+ -- Administrator: <>
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ containing either subscribe texhax
+ or unsubscribe texhax
+To obtain the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists for TeX, send a
+message with no subject to, consisting of
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- Germany
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- UK
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+The file /tex-archive/CTAN.sites on each of these hosts gives a
+list of other sites which maintain full or partial mirrors of the CTAN.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 9]
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.10 b/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.10
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..bfc3a20b9e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.10
@@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
+(Message texhax/v94:10)
+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #10
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Date: Fri, 11 Nov 1994 15:20:14 +0000
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Friday, 11 Nov 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 10
+Today's Topics:
+ TeX for Alpha?
+ How to obtain new LaTeX?
+ Proposed merger of UKTeX with TeXhax
+ kpathsea 2.3/dvipsk 5.58c/xdvik 18d/dviljk 2.3 available
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Wed, 19 Oct 1994 16:31:59 +0100
+From: Julian Barquin Gil <>
+Subject: TeX for Alpha?
+I would very much appreciate any information on the way to
+get public domain TeX and LaTeX for an alpha workstation.
+It would be very useful to get a multilingual version.
+ Thank you very much. Sincerely,
+Julian Barquin
+Instituto de Investigacion Tecnologica
+C/ Fernando el Catolico 63-D
+28015 Madrid, Spain
+Phone: +-34-1-5449088
+Date: Tue, 01 Nov 1994 09:55:17 +0800
+From: Hu Zejun <>
+Subject: How to obtain new LaTeX?
+Can you tell me how I can get new version for latex?
+Hu Zejun
+School of Applied Science
+Nanyang Technological University
+Date: Fri, 11 Nov 1994 15:03:36 +0000
+Subject: Proposed merger of UKTeX with TeXhax
+It's proposed to merge the UKTeX Digest and TeXhax Digest to form
+one TeX-oriented digest of e-mail questions, answers and announcements.
+Since the UK TeX Archive (formerly at Aston University, now located at
+Cambridge University) has now become part of the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN), there's no longer any real need for a
+UK-oriented TeX digest, for which UKTeX was set up in 1987. A single
+digest for discussing all TeX matters simplifies the issue of "which
+digest do I post to, or should I post to both?". The intention is to
+merge the lists of subscribers at the end of this year and that after
+that date, articles posted to UKTeX will continue to be accepted, but
+will appear in TeXhax with articles posted to that digest. TeXhax
+will continue, being the "senior" digest with the larger list of
+subscribers. One difference between the digests is that UKTeX appears
+weekly, while TeXhax appears much less frequently depending on number
+of articles submitted. To begin with, at least, the plan is to post
+the new TeXhax weekly.
+Comments are welcomed (directly to me, please) and I'll summarise any
+responses to the digests in a few weeks.
+~~David Osborne
+ Cripps Computing Centre, University of Nottingham
+ <>
+Date: Thu, 27 Oct 1994 03:40:51 -0400
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: kpathsea 2.3/dvipsk 5.58c/xdvik 18d/dviljk 2.3 available
+New versions of dvipsk/xdvik/dviljk are in the usual place:
+ ... and CTAN and its mirrors; see the end of this message.
+Please use the nearest site, to reduce the load on our Sparc 1.
+The patch that John Interrante and others created for web2c 6.1 for the
+previous kpathsea release should basically work for this release; you
+can get that as the file from the above sites.
+Naturally, I am working on the next release of web2c. It will be ready
+no sooner than a month or two from now (and perhaps significantly
+longer); it's no use to ask me precisely when, as I simply do not know.
+As always, thanks to the many people who contributed. I tried to record
+names in the ChangeLog entries.
+Please report bugs to
+Email with a line containing
+ subscribe
+in the body of the message to join this mailing list.
+If you only want to see announcements, not bug reports and discussion,
+subscribe to instead. (Email to join that list.)
+Help fight the new programming monopolies -- write
+Here's the NEWS:
+kpathsea 2.3
+* Extra :'s in an envvar value referring to the texmf.cnf value work.
+* Names like dpi600/ can be found in ls-R.
+* KPATHSEA_DEBUG environment variable checked.
+* Directories like pk/ljfour directly under $TEXMF/fonts are found.
+* New standalone program, kpsexpand, optionally compiled and installed,
+ to do variable expansion (not path searching).
+* Debugging output written to stderr instead of stdout.
+* pxlNNN support removed; I never intended to support `pxl1500'.
+dvipsk 5.58c
+* -o and -f once again do not read config.$PRINTER, but a new option
+ -mode and a compile-time default specify the mode.
+* \special{"...} was never supposed to have a closing quote, so don't omit it.
+xdvik 18d
+* New --with-ps={no,gs,dps,news} configure options; gs is still the default.
+* The file selection can be cancelled.
+* No complaints about finding 249 dpi if looking for 250.
+Here are the CTAN sites and their mirrors:
+prompt$ finger
+Known partial mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
+ (Taiwan) /tex-archive
+ (Australia) /pub/tex/ctan
+ (The Czech Republic) /pub/tex/CTAN
+ (Switzerland) /mirror/tex
+ (The Netherlands) /pub/tex-archive
+Known mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
+ (Japan) /CTAN
+ (Australia) /tex-archive
+ (North Carolina, USA) /tex-archive
+ (France) /pub/unix/tex/ctan
+ (Germany) /pub/tex
+ (Germany) /tex-archive (/pub/tex)
+ (Virginia, USA) /pub/text-processing/TeX
+ (Singapore) /pub/zi/TeX
+ (England) /packages/tex/uk-tex
+ (North Carolina, USA) /pub/packages/TeX
+ (Missouri, USA) /packages/TeX
+Please send updates to this list to <>.
+The participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:
+ (Germany)
+ -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- e-mail via
+ -- Administrator: <>
+ (Texas, USA)
+ -- anonymous ftp and gopher /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- NFS mountable from
+ -- e-mail via
+ -- World Wide Web access on
+ -- Administrator: <>
+ (England)
+ -- anonymous ftp /tex-archive (/pub/tex /pub/archive)
+ -- gopher on node
+ -- NFS mountable from
+ -- World Wide Web access on
+ -- Administrator: <>
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ containing either subscribe texhax
+ or unsubscribe texhax
+To obtain the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists for TeX, send a
+message with no subject to, consisting of
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- Germany
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- UK
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+The file /tex-archive/CTAN.sites on each of these hosts gives a
+list of other sites which maintain full or partial mirrors of the CTAN.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 10]
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.11 b/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.11
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..24b61d6cfd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texhax/94/texhax.11
@@ -0,0 +1,643 @@
+To: TeXhax Distribution: ;
+Subject: TeXhax Digest V94 #11
+Distribution: world
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
+Content-ID: <>
+Date: Fri, 16 Dec 1994 12:24:34 +0000
+Message-ID: <>
+TeXhax Digest Friday, 16 Dec 1994 Volume 94 : Issue 11
+Today's Topics:
+ Problems installing TeX on AIX: no MetaFont
+ Questions about previewers and dvi drivers
+ MS-DOS DVI driver for Olivetti inkjet printer?
+ tugboat 15 #2 (june 1994)
+ TeXsis Version 2.16 Released
+ Short introduction to LaTeX 2e
+ lshort2e.tex Uploaded
+ TeX Users Group -- 1995 election announcement
+ kpathsea 2.5, dvipsk 5.58e, xdvik 18e, dviljk 2.4
+ TeXhax/UKTeX merger opinions
+ Moderators: David Osborne and Peter Abbott
+ Contributions:
+ Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ (message body = "subscribe texhax" or "unsubscribe texhax", [no quotes])
+Date: Fri, 11 Nov 1994 11:44:00 -0000
+From: "Alex Nunes, CCS, Birkbeck" <>
+Subject: Problems installing TeX on AIX: no MetaFont
+This is a probably an FAQ, but anyway:
+I am trying to install TeX/LaTeX on an RS/6000 running AIX 3.2.2.
+I retrieved the TEX distribution from in the
+systems/aix3.2 directory. I can successfully untar and compile. Once
+I've compiled the executables I find a full tex and latex build but no
+metafont. This is fairly useless because even though I can run all the
+latex programs, when it comes to printing almost all the fonts are
+missing and uncreatable without MF. When looking in the README file it
+seems to imply that MF is part of this distribution.
+Am I missing something?
+Alex Nunes
+UNIX Support
+Central Computing Services
+Birkbeck College
+University of London
+Malet Street
+email: (internet)
+ (some JANET sites)
+Tel: 071 631 6337 (UK)
+ 004471 631 6337 (rest of the world)
+Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 12:30:31 +0000
+From: Jeremy Henty <>
+Subject: Questions about previewers and dvi drivers
+Imperial Software Technology is developing a tool which
+generates hardcopy using LaTeX and included PostScript.
+Naturally we would like this output to work on as many TeX
+systems as possible, so I would be grateful for answers to
+a few questions.
+ * What are the commonly used previewers and dvi drivers we should
+ aim to support?
+ * Do any of these programs not support either the "psfile=" or
+ "header=" specials?
+ * Is the LaTeX2e "graphics" package going to become the standard graphics
+ interface? Will other packages support its syntax for compatibility?
+ * According to the manual page, xdvi does not "as yet" support "header="
+ specials. Will it? If so, how soon?
+ * What (if any) are the significant differences between xdvi and xdvik?
+ dvips and dvipsk?
+Please email responses.
+Thank you in advance,
+Jeremy C. Henty
+Date: Fri, 18 Nov 1994 11:29:54 +0200
+From: Shlomo Reisner <>
+Subject: MS-DOS DVI driver for Olivetti inkjet printer?
+A question: Does anyone know of a MSDOS dvi-driver for ink-injection
+printer. I have an Olivetti 250JP - (emulation of HP DeskJet Plus).
+Thanks for any information.
+Shlomo Reisner
+Dept of Mathematics
+Univ. of Haifa, Israel.
+Date: 09 Dec 1994 13:25:57 -0500
+From: bbeeton <BNB@MATH.AMS.ORG>
+Subject: tugboat 15 #2 (june 1994)
+it is with pleasure and a great deal of relief that i announce that
+the june issue of tugboat (15 #2) is now being printed, and should
+be mailed to tug members in about a week.
+an unfortunate combination of logistical and production problems
+have conspired to delay the issue, including internal office moves
+by the editor, with storage of all materials related to the issue,
+extended absences of the editor attending meetings and for other
+reasons, and unexpected difficulties in actual file processing.
+i am sincerely apologetic for the delays; steps are being taken
+to address these problems to help avoid them in the future.
+serious production difficulties have also hampered preparation of
+the proceedings issue (tugboat 15 #3). i received notification
+earlier today from the proceedings editors that the bulk of the
+camera copy has been shipped to me for final action. a few pages
+remain to be processed into camera copy, and i expect to be able
+to send that issue to the printer the week after next. (i shall
+be attending a standards meeting next week, and my office is
+being moved again next weekend, so nothing can happen during that
+work is also proceeding on issue #4, and i intend to complete it
+as soon as possible, although i cannot give an exact date just yet.
+however, i believe that it will be possible to get the first 1995
+issue out by the end of march, the cover date.
+the table of contents for 15 #2 follows.
+ -- bb
+ --------------------
+TUGboat 15, 2, June 1994
+ 87 Addresses
+General Delivery
+ 89 Christina Thiele
+ Opening words:
+ Meetings; ISO and de facto standards
+ 89 Barbara Beeton Editorial comments:
+ ``LaTeX2e'' is now just ``LaTeX''; New CTAN features;
+ Northwest Computing Support Center closed;
+ TeX output in audible form
+ 91 Michel Goossens WEPT: A Week on Electronic Publishing and Typography
+ 96 Philip Taylor Report of the 2nd meeting of the NTS group,
+ February 1994
+ 97 Alan Hoenig {Meta}Font Forum redux
+ 98 R. Ramasubramanian, R.W.D. Nickalls and M.A. Reed
+ ASCII.sty: A new style-option and encoded font with
+ IBM graphics control characters for use with TeX
+ and LaTeX
+Book Reviews
+ 103 David M. Jones and David E. Wald
+ Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, and Alexander
+ Samarin, The LaTeX Companion
+ 106 Victor Eijkhout
+ Norman Walsh, Making TeX Work
+ 107 Jacques Andre
+ Christian Rolland, LaTeX guide pratique
+Typesetting on Personal Computers
+ 108 Alan Hoenig NextTeX: TeX plus the NextStep Operating System
+ 110 Michael Downes Interaction tools: dialog.sty and menus.sty
+ 131 Bernard Gaulle LaTeX V3: philology & typography,
+ reports to read, reports to do
+ 131 Claudio Beccari Tough table becomes easy with PiCTeX,
+ but it's even easier with LaTeX
+ 132 Paul Anagnostopolous
+ On the review of TeX in Practice
+ 133 Baskerville, Volume 4, Nos. 1--2
+ 136 Cahiers GUTenberg Nos. 16 and 17
+ 138 Die TeXnische Komoedie 1993, Heft 1--4
+News & Announcements
+ 143 Calendar
+ 160 TUG'95 -- St. Petersburg, Florida
+Late-Breaking News
+ 148 Barbara Beeton Production notes
+ 149 Coming next issue
+ 150 Barbara Beeton Change in TUGboak policy
+TUG Business
+ 145 Meet the Board, Part II
+ Michael Ferguson; Peter Flynn; George Greenwade;
+ Yannis Haralambous; Nico Poppelier; Jon Radel;
+ Sebastian Rahtz
+ 151 Institutional members
+ 155 TUG membership application
+ 152 TeX consulting and production services
+ 154 Index of advertisers
+Date: Mon, 14 Nov 1994 19:52:54 -0500
+Subject: TeXsis Version 2.16 Released
+ TeXsis Version 2.16 Released
+ The latest version (2.16) of the TeXsis macro package of TeX macros
+for physicists is now available (as of 12 November 1994) via anonymous
+ftp from, in the directory /texsis.
+The most notable changes or additions are:
+ * All bug fixes from patches to TeXsis 2.15 are included in TeXsis 2.16
+ (they were all pretty minor).
+ * The manual has been re-organized to make it clearer, and easier to
+ learn how to set up a complete document.
+ * Figures and tables can be put at the _bottom_ of a page or column,
+ using \bottomfigure and \bottomtable, or \heavyfigure and \heavytable.
+ More generally, any sort of insertion may be put at the bottom of a
+ page or column with \bottominsert or \heavyinsert.
+ * The double column macros have been completely re-written. They are
+ much improved, and support insertions at the bottom of columns,
+ including footnotes. The new macros can also be used by themsleves
+ with Plain TeX.
+ * \NFootnote creates numbered footnotes.
+ * The PhysRev.txs style file defines \PhysRevManuscript for papers
+ being submitted to the Physical Review, and \PhysRev and \PhysRevLett
+ to emulate the layouts of those journals.
+ * The IEEE.txs and WorldSci.txs style files have been updated.
+ * \ListFigureCaptions lets you print figure captions at the end of
+ the document.
+ * Many other small additions and improvements.
+Those of you who have been using the beta version of 2.16 in the past
+few months will find little changed, except that the manual has been
+updated to match the changes to the macros.
+ ----------
+ To make it easier for the casual reader of electronic preprints
+("e-prints") to print a TeXsis document we have also put all of the core
+TeXsis macros into one source file (called mtexsis.tex), with all the
+comments and blank lines removed. A reader who does not have TeXsis on
+his/her system can then simply get this file, add "\input mtexsis" to
+the manuscript file, and print the paper with Plain TeX. You can make
+your e-print manuscript files automatically load mtexsis.tex if it is
+needed by adding the following line at the begining of the manuscript
+ \ifx\undefined\TeXsis \input mtexsis.tex\fi
+It is suggested that you try running such a manuscript through Plain TeX
+with mtexsis.tex first to make sure that it works.
+ ----------
+ As always, comments, suggestions, and bug reports are welcomed, and
+can be sent to us at
+Eric Myers <> |
+Departmenty of Physics and Astronomy | "Frankie say '\relax'"
+Vassar College, Poughkeepsie, New York |
+Date: Wed, 16 Nov 1994 11:18:26 +0000
+Subject: Short introduction to LaTeX 2e
+I have installed Tobias' stuff as announced below
+- ------- Forwarded Message
+Subject: lshort2e.tex Uploaded
+ Now available for CTAN:/pub/tex/info/lshort (i.e.,
+ A not very Short Introduction to LaTeX 2e (58 Pages)
+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ by Tobias Oetiker 16/11/1994 <>
+ If you want to learn how to write your documents with LaTeX,
+ this introduction is for you. It is not about setting up a
+ LaTeX system. While it is not as comprehensive as Lamport's book,
+ it should be sufficient in most cases.
+ The document is provided in PS DVI and source form ...
+ Enjoy!
+ All the best
+ Tobi
+- ------- End of Forwarded Message
+English-speaking LaTeX users of the world have good reason to be
+grateful to Tobias for the work he's done (as should users whose
+German speech is as dubious as mine ;-)
+Thanks, Tobi
+Date: 12 Dec 1994 18:45:42 -0500
+From: bbeeton <BNB@MATH.AMS.ORG>
+Subject: TeX Users Group -- 1995 election announcement
+ -----------------------------
+ 1995 TeX Users Group Election
+ -----------------------------
+The terms of the TUG President and of 5 members of the Board of Directors
+will expire as of the 1995 Annual Business Meeting, which will take
+place in conjunction with the 16th Annual Meeting in July 1995. The
+directors whose terms expire in 1995 are Barbara Beeton, Michael Doob,
+Michel Goossens, and Tom Rokicki; a shortfall in the number of nominees
+in the last election left one position unfilled. The election to choose
+the new President and Board members will be held next Spring, and
+nominations are invited.
+The Bylaws provide that ``Any member may be nominated for election to the
+office of TUG President/to the Board by submitting a nomination petition
+in accordance with the TUG Election Procedures. Election ... shall be
+by written mail ballot of the entire membership, carried out in accordance
+with those same Procedures.'' The term of office of the President is
+two (2) years, and of a director, three (3) years. Incumbent officers
+may be nominated for successive terms.
+The name of any member may be placed in nomination for election to one
+of these offices by submission of a petition, signed by two other current
+(1994 or 1995) members, to the TUG office at least 30 days prior to the
+mailing of ballots. (A candidate's membership dues for 1995 will be
+expected to be paid by the nomination deadline.) A petition form follows
+this announcement; forms may also be obtained from the TUG office, and
+electronically from the usergrps/tug area of CTAN.
+Along with a petition form, each candidate is asked to supply a
+passport-size photograph, a short biography, and a statement of intent
+to be included with the ballot; the biography and statement of intent
+together may not exceed 400 words.
+The deadline for receipt at the TUG office of petitions and ballot
+information is February 1, 1995.
+Ballots will be mailed to all members early in March. Marked ballots
+must be postmarked no later than May 9, and received no later than
+May 23. These deadlines will be noted on the ballots.
+Ballots will be counted by a disinterested party not part of the TUG
+organization. The results of the election should be available by the
+end of May, and will be announced in a future issue of this publication
+as well as through various TeX-related electronic lists.
+ Barbara Beeton
+ for the Elections Committee
+ --------------------------------
+ Nomination for 1995 TUG Election
+ --------------------------------
+Only current (1994 or 1995) TUG members are eligible to participate.
+The signatures of two (2) members are required in addition to that of
+the nominee. Type or print names clearly, exactly as they appear in
+the most recent TUG membership list or on a TUG mailing label; new
+members should enter the name which they used on their membership
+application form. Names that do not exactly match the TUG records will
+not be accepted as valid.
+ ---------------
+The undersigned TUG members propose the nomination of:
+- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------
+ Name of nominee (signature) (date)
+for the position of (check one):
+[ ] TUG President
+[ ] Member of the TUG Board of Directors
+for a term beginning at the 1995 Annual Meeting, July 1995.
+ Members supporting this nomination
+ Nominated by Signature Date
+ (please print)
+- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------
+- ------------------------- ------------------------- ---------------
+Return this petition to the TUG office (FAXed petition forms will be
+accepted). Petitions and all required supplementary material (photograph,
+biography and personal statement for inclusion on the ballot) must be
+received in the TUG office no later than the deadline:
+ February 1, 1995
+It is the responsibility of the candidate to ensure that this deadline
+is met. Under no circumstances will incomplete applications be accepted.
+A candidate's membership dues for 1995 must also be paid by this deadline.
+TeX Users Group
+Nominations for 1995 Election
+P.O.~Box 869
+Santa Barbara, CA 93102-0869
+FAX: 805-963-8358
+Date: Thu, 15 Dec 1994 19:07:09 -0500
+From: "K. Berry" <>
+Subject: kpathsea 2.5, dvipsk 5.58e, xdvik 18e, dviljk 2.4
+New versions of dvipsk/xdvik/dviljk are in the usual place:
+ ... and CTAN and its mirrors; see the end of this message.
+Please use the nearest site, to reduce the load on our old Sparc 1.
+The biggest change is using Autoconf 2.1 to prepare the configure
+scripts -- who knows what that's broken. Aside from that, it's just
+minor bug fixes.
+The patch that John Interrante and others created for web2c 6.1 for the
+previous kpathsea release should basically work for this release, except
+for the configure scripts; you can get that as the file from the above sites. (Naturally, I am working
+on the next release of web2c. It will be ready no sooner than a month
+or two from now (and perhaps significantly longer); it's no use to ask
+me precisely when, as I simply do not know.) I hope John (or someone)
+can update the patch soon.
+As always, thanks to the many people who contributed. I tried to record
+names in the ChangeLog entries.
+Please report bugs to
+Email with a line containing
+ subscribe
+in the body of the message to join this mailing list.
+If you only want to see announcements, not bug reports and discussion,
+subscribe to instead. (Email to join that list.)
+Help fight the new programming monopolies -- write
+Here's the NEWS:
+kpathsea 2.5
+* Go back to calling db_insert after a successful MakeTeXPK, and check
+ for lack of an ls-R.
+* Handle case of magstep -.5 for MakeTeXPK properly.
+xdvik 18e
+* The SelFile widget masks all but .dvi files by default (thanks to
+ for implementing this).
+* `G' can change the gamma value dynamically, as well whether grey is used.
+* Crash when starting without a filename fixed (hopefully).
+* `Can't find 300dpi using 300dpi' warning fixed (hopefully).
+* Compile-time default mode removed; back to letting MakeTeXPK guess.
+* Usage message improved for SELFILE case.
+dvipsk 5.58e
+* MakeTeXPK once again does umask 0.
+* M[ode] lines in config.$PRINTER override again (as intended).
+* Compile-time default mode removed; back to letting MakeTeXPK guess.
+* -o option overrides o in config files.
+dviljk 2.4
+* Character 32 not downloaded on old printers, to work around an
+ apparent bug in the emulation on a Kyocera.
+Here are the CTAN sites and their mirrors:
+prompt$ finger
+Known partial mirrors of the CTAN reside on (alphabetically):
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+The participating hosts in the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network are:
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+Date: Fri, 16 Dec 1994 12:18:27 +0000
+Subject: TeXhax/UKTeX merger opinions
+Following my note about merging the TeXhax and UKTeX Digests
+(TeXhax V94 #xx, UKTeX V94 #xx), I received 12 responses, all
+in favour of the merger. There were two reservations expressed:
+- - frequency of the new TeXhax... weekly was felt by a couple of
+ people to be too often
+- - one person requested that the digest be given a new name
+One of the advantages of increased frequency is that questions
+can be answered and announcements made in a more timely fashion.
+This has always been one of the "advantages" of the UKTeX Digest
+which I'd like to carry over into the new, merged digest.
+However, after we've had a few issues, if lots of people feel
+strongly that a weekly digest is hitting their mailbox too often,
+please let me know and we could move to, perhaps, two-weekly issues.
+As for names, well, I felt it would be less confusing to keep the
+name of the "elder" publication, which is mentioned in many online
+locations and Internet list-of-lists (e.g., Meckler's "On Internet 94").
+If you have any views on any of this, please let me know.
+~~David Osborne (TeXhax Digest moderator)
+About TeXhax...
+Please send contributions to:
+Subscription and unsubscription requests:
+ send a one line mail message to
+ containing either subscribe texhax
+ or unsubscribe texhax
+To obtain the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) lists for TeX, send a
+message with no subject to, consisting of
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, P.O. Box 869, Santa Barbara,
+CA 93102, USA.
+Backnumbers of all the digests are stored in the Comprehensive TeX
+Archive Network (CTAN) and can be retrieved on the Internet by
+anonymous ftp.
+The hosts comprising CTAN include
+ ( -- Germany
+ ( -- USA
+ ( -- UK
+Please use your nearest server, to keep network load down.
+The file /tex-archive/CTAN.sites on each of these hosts gives a
+list of other sites which maintain full or partial mirrors of the CTAN.
+TeXhax Digest issues are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/texhax/YEAR/texhax.ISSUE
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/texhax/92/texhax.20)
+Keyword-In-Context Indexes are kept in
+ tex-archive/digests/indexes/texhaxYY.idx
+ (e.g., /pub/archive/digests/indexes/texhax92.idx)
+End of TeXhax Digest [Volume 94 Issue 11]