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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
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tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/texhax/02
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+Subject: TeXhax digest, Vol 2002 #1 - 11 msgs
+Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 10:05:09 +0000
+Send TeXhax mailing list submissions to
+To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
+or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
+You can reach the person managing the list at
+When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
+than "Re: Contents of TeXhax digest..."
+TeXhax Digest ________________________________________ Volume 2002 : Number 1
+Today's Topics:
+ 1. A change of direction for TeXhax (David Osborne)
+ 2. font problems with new TEX installation (
+ 3. TUGboat 21-4 shispped to the printer (Mimi Burbank)
+ 4. TUG 2002 (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 5. Re: font problems with new TEX installation (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 6. unusual reference (Jonathan Myles)
+ 7. BibTeX formatting of an unusual reference (Nelson H. F. Beebe)
+ 8. LaTeX2e doesn't find .sty-files (da blak sheap)
+ 9. formatting a booklet with passage numbers on the margins (Andreas Hadjiprocopis)
+ 10. Re: LaTeX2e doesn't find .sty-files (Fred K Ollinger)
+ 11. Re: LaTeX2e doesn't find .sty-files (Robin Fairbairns)
+Message: 1
+Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2002 23:07:27 +0000
+From: David Osborne <>
+Subject: A change of direction for TeXhax
+Happy New Year to all TeXhax subscribers.
+As it has been several months since the last item was posted to TeXhax,
+the start of a new year seems a good time to make a change in the way in
+which TeXhax operates. For many years, TeXhax has operated as a digest:
+questions posted to it accumulated into monthly (or less frequent)
+digests which are circulated to the subscribers, with responses to the
+questions becoming part of the next digest, and so on. This does
+introduce a delay before questions are answered, which, as the quantity
+of postings has dropped, seems to have become self-reinforcing, further
+discouraging use of the list.
+As an experiment, I plan to remove this delay and circulate questions
+and answers immediately to all subscribers. TeXhax will then operate as
+a normal mailing list, though with the option of continuing to receive
+it in digest format. The digests will continue to be available in the
+usual locations and archives. You can change your subscription settings
+via the Mailman web interface at
+You will need your list password before making changes but, if you have
+forgotten it, you can request that your password be mailed to you via
+the above web page. If you have any questions or requests please contact
+me at
+I hope that this change will make TeXhax more responsive to the needs of
+its subscribers and encourage you to make use of it as a place to ask
+and answer questions and make announcements on all TeX-related matters.
+With best wishes for a happy and prosperous 2002
+David Osborne
+University of Nottingham
+-- TeXhax maintainer
+Message: 2
+Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2001 11:56:48 +0200
+Subject: font problems with new TEX installation
+I've installed a new version of Tex on the systems here for
+the first time in about 10 years. Documents which previously
+processed OK, now produce errors like this:-)
+! Font OT1/cmr/m/n/10.95=cmr10 at 10.95pt not loadable:
+Metric (TFM) file not found.
+ What does this mean? I'm an amateur at this and there
+doesn't seem to be enough info around to find what the
+real problem is. The TEX directory, for example, contains
+a file called "cmr10.tfm", which is identical to the file of the
+same name in the old TEX installation which works.
+ Anybody any idea what I should be doing next to
+sort this out?
+ Thanks,
+Message: 3
+From: Mimi Burbank <>
+Subject: TUGboat 21-4 shispped to the printer
+Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 10:52:15 -0500 (EST)
+I'm glad to announce that TUGboat 21-4 was shipped to the printer on
+December 19, 2001. We apologize to our members for the unusually
+long delay in receiving their issues of TUGboat, and we are working
+to correct the situation as fast as we can.
+Enclosed are the contents of the issue:
+ TUGboat
+ Volume 21, Number 4 / December 2000
+ ====================================
+Editorial Comments
+ Barbara Beeton 315
+Micro-typographic extensions to the TeX typesetting system 317
+ Han The Thanh
+News & Announcements
+ TUG '2001 Announcement 435
+ Calendar 436
+TUG Business
+ Institutional members 437
+ TUG membership application 438
+ TeX consulting and production services 439
+ IBM techexplorer 440
+ Blue Sky Research c3
+Mimi Burbank
+(For the TUGboat production team)
+Message: 4
+Subject: TUG 2002
+Date: Thu, 20 Dec 2001 16:00:01 +0000
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+TUG 2002 Annual Meeting and Conference
+September 1-7, Trivandrum, India
+We are pleased to announce that the most exciting TeX event of
+2002, the international conference of TeX Users Group is
+scheduled to be conducted in India during September 1--7, 2002
+at Park Center, Technopark, Trivandrum, Kerala. This is going
+to be the first of its kind in the subcontinent and we are
+hoping for excellent participation.
+You are warmly invited to participate and/or offer a
+presentation at this most exciting event. We want to make this a
+big success, and we want lots of high-quality presentations. The
+theme for TUG 2002 is `Stand up and be proud of TeX!'. Show us
+why it is still the typesetting tool of choice, the range of
+material it can handle, and especially how it can coexist with
+the new world of XML. We want to hear about
+ * using TeX to typeset XML
+ * multilingual typesetting using Omega
+ * high-quality hyperdocuments using pdfTeX
+ * fonts for non-Latin languages
+ * new directions for Metafont and Metapost
+Full conference details can be found at
+suffice it to say here that Kerala is a very beautiful part of
+India, where you will be sure of very warm hospitality and
+excellent facilities. This is a marvellous opportunity to visit
+one of the most interesting countries in the world. The TUG 2002
+program committee chair is Sebastian Rahtz of Oxford
+University and organising committee chair is Satish Babu of
+InApp, Trivandrum.
+Proposals for papers shall be directed immediately to
+ * January/February 2002: send in abstracts for papers
+ * end of February 2002: notification of acceptance of paper
+ * end of March 2002: preliminary program available
+ * May 2002: send first version of full paper
+ * July 2002: send final version of full paper
+ * 4th-7th September 2002: TUG conference in India
+Pre-conference Tutorials (1 to 3 September 2002):
+ * Introduction to TeX
+ * LaTeX to SGML/XML/MathML conversion
+ * XML and XSL transformation procedures
+ * Generation of hyperlinked documents with pdfTeX and ConTeXt
+ * Multilingual typesetting using Omega
+Email ids for contact:
+ -- General information
+ -- Submission of papers
+ -- Financial matters
+ -- Travel information
+ -- Media contact
+Robin Fairbairns
+For TUG 2002 Organising Committee
+[please circulate this as widely as seems appropriate; in particular,
+if you have membership mailing lists, please consider forwarding this
+message, or a pointer to the conference web site, to the list.]
+Message: 5
+Subject: Re: font problems with new TEX installation
+Date: Wed, 02 Jan 2002 17:30:36 +0000
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+> I've installed a new version of Tex on the systems here for
+> the first time in about 10 years. Documents which previously
+> processed OK, now produce errors like this:-)
+> ! Font OT1/cmr/m/n/10.95=cmr10 at 10.95pt not loadable:
+> Metric (TFM) file not found.
+> What does this mean?
+it means exactly what it says. what's interesting is _why_ it can't
+find it.
+> I'm an amateur at this and there
+> doesn't seem to be enough info around to find what the
+> real problem is. The TEX directory, for example, contains
+> a file called "cmr10.tfm", which is identical to the file of the
+> same name in the old TEX installation which works.
+it's probably an indexing problem. if your old systems were that old,
+they likely didn't use an index; modern systems use variants of ls-R
+files as a sort of simple-minded database of the files available.
+modern systems _don't_ therefore look up files in directories.
+> Anybody any idea what I should be doing next to
+> sort this out?
+tell us what systems you're talking about --- the answer is different
+for different systems.
+if it's tetex-based, you may get some help from
+ (though be aware that this
+page isn't deemed quite "ready" yet)
+Message: 6
+Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 10:02:24 +0000 (GMT)
+From: Jonathan Myles <>
+Subject: unusual reference
+I sometimes have to refer to a paper which it has become traditional in my
+field to reference as:
+Organising Committee and Collaborators, Falun Meeting. "Breast Cancer
+screening with mammography in women aged 40-49 years". Int J Cancer 1996;
+68: 693-9
+(obviously with slight variation according to the particular journal).
+I'd like to be able to put this in a BibTex file. Is there any way
+of putting "Organising .... Meeting" as the Author Field and persuading
+BibTex to leave it as it is? Or is this, as I fear it might be, a
+style-file-specific issue, if solvable at all?
+Jonathan Myles
+Dept of Maths, Stats and Epidemiology,
+Imperial Cancer Research Fund
+Message: 7
+Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 06:03:41 -0700 (MST)
+From: "Nelson H. F. Beebe" <>
+Subject: BibTeX formatting of an unusual reference
+Jonathan Myles <> asks on Tue, 8 Jan 2002 10:02:24
++0000 (GMT) about formatting the reference
+>> ...
+>> Organising Committee and Collaborators, Falun Meeting. "Breast Cancer
+>> screening with mammography in women aged 40-49 years". Int J Cancer 1996;
+>> 68: 693-9
+>> ...
+in BibTeX. Here is what I'd do for this one:
+ author = "{Organising Committee Collaborators, Falun Meeting}",
+ title = "Breast Cancer screening with mammography in women aged
+ 40--49 years",
+ journal = "Int. J. Cancer",
+ volume = "68",
+ pages = "693--699",
+ year = "1996",
+ OPTmonth = "??",
+ OPTnumber = "??",
+Bracing text in the author field prevents its being further
+manipulated by BibTeX. I also used proper en-dashes for ranges, and
+put the periods back into the journal abbreviation (it is a particular
+journal style to remove them).
+- Nelson H. F. Beebe Tel: +1 801 581 5254 -
+- Center for Scientific Computing FAX: +1 801 585 1640, +1 801 581 4148 -
+- University of Utah Internet e-mail: -
+- Department of Mathematics, 322 INSCC -
+- 155 S 1400 E RM 233 -
+- Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA URL: -
+Message: 8
+From: "da blak sheap" <>
+To: <>
+Subject: LaTeX2e doesn't find .sty-files
+Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 16:38:24 +0100
+hi everybody,
+if someone could help me with this, i were very grateful:
+we use latex2e on our unix machine and we're trying to make
+it using a new .sty-file. no matter in which folder we put
+it, it doesn't work (any other .sty-files of that folder are
+found!). is there a kind of global mapping file, we have to
+any help appreciated...
+Message: 9
+Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 15:44:39 +0000 (GMT)
+From: Andreas Hadjiprocopis <>
+Subject: formatting a booklet with passage numbers on the margins
+Hi all,
+2 problems:
+1) i would like to format something like, say, the bible, or ancient greek
+texts where you have the passage number. So I will have a paragraph
+and on the right margin (or left margin if it is an odd/even page)
+would like to have at the height=middle of paragraph a number printed
+ PARAGRAPH> <This is the Right margin>
+para pa apapapa
+apapapa ap ap a
+apapa pa ap p p <PASSAGE_NUMBER GOES HERE>
+apap apa pa paa
+I tried to do it with marginpar but ... it is float and moves up and down.
+any idea on that?
+this is not much latex but rather postscript
+Would like to print that into A4, 4 pages on one side of A4, 4 pages on
+the other side. so that i fold it in four and then bind it, just like
+I tried pstops and psbook
+BUT: it seems that it 'eats' the top of my pages (all 4 of them)
+I used a scaling of 0.48
+To cut the short story long, is there a pointer to doing that because i
+check the net but they have only 2up and pstops options are so cryptic.
+thanks in advance, and sorry for the trouble
+Message: 10
+Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 14:55:09 -0500 (EST)
+From: Fred K Ollinger <>
+To: da blak sheap <>
+cc: <>
+Subject: Re: LaTeX2e doesn't find .sty-files
+> we use latex2e on our unix machine and we're trying to make
+> it using a new .sty-file. no matter in which folder we put
+> it, it doesn't work (any other .sty-files of that folder are
+> found!). is there a kind of global mapping file, we have to
+> reconfigure?
+as root:
+Message: 11
+To: "da blak sheap" <>
+Subject: Re: LaTeX2e doesn't find .sty-files
+Date: Tue, 08 Jan 2002 21:02:36 +0000
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+> we use latex2e on our unix machine and we're trying to make
+> it using a new .sty-file. no matter in which folder we put
+> it, it doesn't work (any other .sty-files of that folder are
+> found!). is there a kind of global mapping file, we have to
+> reconfigure?
+About TeXhax...
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, 1466 NW Front Avenue,
+Suite 3141, Portland, OR 97209-2820 USA (phone: 1 503 223 9994,
+fax: 1 503 223 3960).
+End of TeXhax Digest
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+Subject: TeXhax digest, Vol 2002 #2 - 15 msgs
+Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 17:40:07 +0000
+Send TeXhax mailing list submissions to
+To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
+or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
+You can reach the person managing the list at
+When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
+than "Re: Contents of TeXhax digest..."
+TeXhax Digest ________________________________________ Volume 2002 : Number 2
+Today's Topics:
+ 1. formatting (Jan-Martin Wagner)
+ 2. Euro symbol in LaTeX (John Simmie)
+ 3. Re: Euro symbol in LaTeX (
+ 4. Re: Euro symbol in LaTeX (da blak sheap)
+ 5. Re: Euro symbol in LaTeX (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 6. Re: unusual reference (Ken Smith)
+ 7. pdflatex --ipc (da blak sheap)
+ 8. Re: pdflatex (Jan-Martin Wagner)
+ 9. Re: pdflatex --ipc (Tomas G. Rokicki)
+ 10. Re: pdflatex --ipc (Joan Boorstein)
+ 11. Re: pdflatex --ipc (da blak sheap)
+ 12. The latest TUGboat (Andrew Marlow)
+ 13. Re: The latest TUGboat (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 14. automatic document production (Peter Kravanja)
+ 15. RE: automatic document production (Jeff Rankin)
+Message: 1
+Date: Tue, 8 Jan 2002 22:59:21 +0100
+From: Jan-Martin Wagner <>
+Subject: formatting
+Have you already tried "psnup -4 <infile> <outfile>"?
+Have you succeeded with a 2-up command without "eating"
+something, and then applying it twice?
+For 2-up, I use the follwing pstops command (adjusted for A4 paper):
+pstops 2:0L@.7\(21cm,0\)+1L@.7\(21cm,14.85cm\) <infile> <outfile>
+If you want to make it 4-up, use something like
+pstops 4:0@.5\(<shift_x>,<shift_y>)+1@ [etc.]
+up to +3@.5[as before] - ok?
+Good luck!
+Message: 2
+Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 10:41:07 +0000
+From: John Simmie <>
+Subject: Euro symbol in LaTeX
+What is the best way to incorporate the euro symbol, =80, into latex=
+ documents?
+ Dr. John M. Simmie::Chemistry Department
+ National University of Ireland, Galway::Ireland
+Message: 3
+Subject: Re: Euro symbol in LaTeX
+To: (John Simmie)
+Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 11:47:14 +0000 (GMT)
+> Hi:
+> What is the best way to incorporate the euro symbol, =80, into latex=
+> documents?
+> Thanks,
+> Dr. John M. Simmie::Chemistry Department
+> National University of Ireland, Galway::Ireland
+> _______________________________________________
+> TeXhax mailing list
+The easiest way to do this is to download and install the package
+eurosym from CTAN.
+-- Tel.: (+44 || 0)1392 263654, FAX: 217965
+ School of Engineering and Computer Science,
+/* Life */ University of Exeter, North Park Road,
+mind *intelligence; Devon, EX4 4QF.
+intelligence=malloc(sizeof(brain)); For PGP public key, type
+main(){do_something_useful(intelligence);} finger
+Message: 4
+From: "da blak sheap" <>
+To: "John Simmie" <>,
+ <>
+Subject: Re: Euro symbol in LaTeX
+Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2002 13:22:23 +0100
+if you don't happen to find anything else, you can use
+it looks pretty good until \LARGE (including that), but from
+\huge and higher you should modify it a bit.
+if you use it more often, you can define it as a command for
+more comfortable access.
+hope that helps...
+-----Original Message-----
+From: John Simmie <>
+To: <>
+Date: Wednesday, January 09, 2002 12:56 PM
+Subject: Euro symbol in LaTeX
+What is the best way to incorporate the euro symbol, €, into
+latex documents?
+ Dr. John M. Simmie::Chemistry Department
+ National University of Ireland, Galway::Ireland
+TeXhax mailing list
+Message: 5
+To: John Simmie <>
+Subject: Re: Euro symbol in LaTeX
+Date: Wed, 09 Jan 2002 13:39:46 +0000
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+> What is the best way to incorporate the euro symbol, =80, into latex=
+> documents?
+for a start, don't try using a feelthy m$ encoding for it (=80,
+above). this abomination for a character code (i don't know which
+code page it appears in) doesn't yet figure in any of the latex
+inputenc definition files. the euro does appear in the latin9 (iso/iec
+8859-15) character set, and that is properly covered in inputenc.
+you've had two suggestions so far: to use the eurofont package, and to
+use a rather nasty looking macro-coded overstrike combination. i
+would advise against both.
+i worked rather hard to produce
+which explains why i don't like eurofont, and makes positive
+recommendations as to how you should proceed.
+(the faq answer doesn't deal with =80 or with the macro solution,
+since both have popped up in my ken within the last week or so and i
+have a reorganisation in hand which discourages me from putting up
+interim versions of the faq.)
+Message: 6
+Date: Thu, 10 Jan 2002 08:25:40 +1000 (EST)
+From: Ken Smith <>
+Subject: Re: unusual reference
+Jonathan Myles <> posted to texhax and the
+following was forwarded on
+Tue, 8 Jan 2002 10:02:24 +0000 (GMT)
+> I sometimes have to refer to a paper which it has become traditional in my
+> field to reference as:
+> Organising Committee and Collaborators, Falun Meeting. "Breast Cancer
+> screening with mammography in women aged 40-49 years". Int J Cancer 1996;
+> 68: 693-9
+> (obviously with slight variation according to the particular journal).
+> I'd like to be able to put this in a BibTex file. Is there any way
+> of putting "Organising .... Meeting" as the Author Field and persuading
+> BibTex to leave it as it is? Or is this, as I fear it might be, a
+> style-file-specific issue, if solvable at all?
+You can always use additional braces to make BibTeX leave things
+author = {{Organising Committee and Collaborators, Falun Meeting}},
+title = {...}
+journal = {...}
+will ensure that the author is taken as "Organising Committee ... "
+and it will be sorted accordingly.
+A fairly detailed description of how to enter unusual items into a
+BibTeX database can be found in "The LaTeX Companion", by Goosens,
+Mittlebach and Samarin.
+> Thanks,
+> Jonathan Myles
+> Dept of Maths, Stats and Epidemiology,
+> Imperial Cancer Research Fund
+Ken Smith
+Message: 7
+From: "da blak sheap" <>
+To: <>
+Subject: pdflatex --ipc
+Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 12:29:51 +0100
+hello everybody,
+per default [pdflatex <file>.tex] produces <file>.pdf, but i
+need to have the pdf-output sent to stdout. in the manpages
+the option --ips is mentioned, but there are only two lines
+of explanation and i have no idea how to use this option. i
+thought, that it may be possible to get the output to stdout
+somehow via this ipc option, maybe by simply passing it to
+echo or something. has anyone an idea on how to manage this
+or what this ipc option means?
+thanks a lot in advance!
+r. schaffhirt
+Message: 8
+Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 16:12:07 +0100
+From: Jan-Martin Wagner <>
+Subject: Re: pdflatex
+Hallo schwarzes Schaf (hello black sheep)!
+> per default [pdflatex <file>.tex] produces <file>.pdf, but i
+> need to have the pdf-output sent to stdout.
+This has recently been discussed in the pdftex section of TuG.
+See "redirecting tex dvi output" and the corresponding thread at
+Read carefully through all postings, this seems to be a tricky problem.
+Have a nice day,
+ Jan-Martin
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ Dipl.-Phys. Jan-Martin Wagner
+ Institut fuer Festkoerpertheorie Tel.: + 49 - 36 41 - 94 71 67
+ und Theoretische Optik, Fax: ... - 94 71 52
+ Fr.-Schiller-Universitaet Jena
+ IFTO, Max-Wien-Platz 1,
+ D-07743 Jena, Germany
+Message: 9
+Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 08:24:43 -0800 (PST)
+From: "Tomas G. Rokicki" <rokicki@CS.Stanford.EDU>
+Subject: Re: pdflatex --ipc
+Put it in a script, have the script write a temp file and then
+echo that temp file.
+Message: 10
+Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 12:44:06 -0500 (EST)
+From: Joan Boorstein <>
+Subject: Re: pdflatex --ipc
+I can find no man entry for pdflatex on my local network so can't help with
+the options you mention. However pdf files are standardly displayed using
+the Adobe Acrobat reader. This is freeware and is easily downloadable, if
+it is not available to you on your machine.
+Hope this helps,
+Joan Boorstein
+Message: 11
+From: "da blak sheap" <>
+To: <>
+Subject: Re: pdflatex --ipc
+Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2002 18:46:05 +0100
+that is the thing i wanted to avoid. that has too many
+side-effects. i want to use it with a web-server and there
+may be numerous connections at the same time from the same
+thanks though!
+-----Original Message-----
+From: Tomas G. Rokicki <rokicki@CS.Stanford.EDU>
+To: <>; <>
+Date: Thursday, January 17, 2002 5:24 PM
+Subject: Re: pdflatex --ipc
+>Put it in a script, have the script write a temp file and
+>echo that temp file.
+Message: 12
+Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 21:34:04 +0000
+Subject: The latest TUGboat
+From: Andrew Marlow <>
+When will the latest TUGboat be sent out please? I got an email from the
+US in early December but I have not yet received my copy.
+Andrew Marlow (member of TUG and UK TUG).
+Message: 13
+To: Andrew Marlow <>
+Subject: Re: The latest TUGboat
+Date: Thu, 24 Jan 2002 16:34:46 +0000
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+> When will the latest TUGboat be sent out please? I got an email from the
+> US in early December but I have not yet received my copy.
+i think the mail back then was to say the sources had gone off to the
+i'm told the issue has started arriving in us subscribers' mailbags
+and things. it's probably reasonable to expect it to arrive over here
+quite soon.
+Message: 14
+Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 12:47:19 +0100
+From: Peter Kravanja <>
+Subject: automatic document production
+I'm facing the following problem. An association has about 700 members and
+keeps information about them (name, address, language skills, hobbies,...)
+in a database. Once a year this association wants to produce a book with
+all this information, to be published and distributed to the members.
+How can this be done in an efficient way? Does anyone know of some sort of
+interface between a database (which format??) and (La)TeX, so that with a
+few commands the relevant data gets extracted from the database and turned
+into a file that (La)TeX can process?
+Thanks for your help!
+Peter Kravanja
+Message: 15
+From: "Jeff Rankin" <>
+To: "Peter Kravanja" <>
+ , <>
+Subject: RE: automatic document production
+Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 10:27:15 -0500
+We use perl connect to MS SQL Server database, retrieve the required
+information through SQL, and output LaTeX using a combination LaTeX
+templates for headers, footers, etc., and outputting the body information
+through perl. We're currently outputting parts catalogs using this
+technique, and it has proven to be reliable and very fast, almost to the
+point that parts catalogs can be requested though a web interface on demand.
+This technique doesn't do it with "a few commands", I dont' know of any
+techniques that will allow this.
+W. Jeffrey Rankin
+Lead Publications Programmer
+495 Byers Rd.
+Miamisburg, Ohio 45342-3662
+Phone: (937) 865-0800 ext. 3504
+Fax: (937) 865-5858
+-----Original Message-----
+From: []On Behalf Of
+Peter Kravanja
+Sent: Tuesday, January 29, 2002 6:47 AM
+Subject: automatic document production
+I'm facing the following problem. An association has about 700 members and
+keeps information about them (name, address, language skills, hobbies,...)
+in a database. Once a year this association wants to produce a book with
+all this information, to be published and distributed to the members.
+How can this be done in an efficient way? Does anyone know of some sort of
+interface between a database (which format??) and (La)TeX, so that with a
+few commands the relevant data gets extracted from the database and turned
+into a file that (La)TeX can process?
+Thanks for your help!
+Peter Kravanja
+TeXhax mailing list
+About TeXhax...
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, 1466 NW Front Avenue,
+Suite 3141, Portland, OR 97209-2820 USA (phone: 1 503 223 9994,
+fax: 1 503 223 3960).
+End of TeXhax Digest
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/02/texhax.03 b/info/digests/texhax/02/texhax.03
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..74be688e2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texhax/02/texhax.03
@@ -0,0 +1,414 @@
+Subject: TeXhax digest, Vol 2002 #3 - 6 msgs
+Date: Wed, 27 Feb 2002 10:15:10 +0000
+Send TeXhax mailing list submissions to
+To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
+or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
+You can reach the person managing the list at
+When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
+than "Re: Contents of TeXhax digest..."
+TeXhax Digest ________________________________________ Volume 2002 : Number 3
+Today's Topics:
+ 1. Re: automatic document production (Matej Cepl)
+ 2. Re: automatic document production (John Palmer)
+ 3. typesetting algorithms (=?iso-8859-2?q?Marx=20D=E1niel=20?=)
+ 4. bibtex question (David Wende)
+ 5. Re: bibtex question (Matej Cepl)
+ 6. 3.5 available (Karl Berry)
+Message: 1
+Date: Tue, 29 Jan 2002 11:26:48 -0500
+From: Matej Cepl <>
+Subject: Re: automatic document production
+On Tue, Jan 29, 2002 at 12:47:19PM +0100, Peter Kravanja wrote:
+> I'm facing the following problem. An association has about 700
+> members and keeps information about them (name, address,
+> language skills, hobbies,...) in a database. Once a year this
+> association wants to produce a book with all this information,
+> to be published and distributed to the members.
+> How can this be done in an efficient way? Does anyone know of
+> some sort of interface between a database (which format??) and
+> (La)TeX, so that with a few commands the relevant data gets
+> extracted from the database and turned into a file that (La)TeX
+> can process?
+It is originally written for LyX (LaTeX based WYSIWYM
+wordprocessor), but it will most certainly work even for plain
+LaTeX. Try and on
+ .
+ Happy TeXing!
+ Matej
+Matej Cepl,
+138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
+We are told that [St. Anthony] once fell into dejection, finding
+uninterrupted contemplation above his strength; but was taught to
+apply himself at intervals to manual labour by a vision of an
+angel who appeared platting mats of palm-tree leaves, then rising
+to pray, and after some time sitting down again to work; and who
+at length said to him, "Do thus, and thou shalt be saved."
+ -- Life of St. Anthony
+Message: 2
+Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2002 09:45:47 +0000 (GMT)
+From: John Palmer <>
+To: <>
+Subject: Re: automatic document production
+On Tue, 29 Jan 2002, Peter Kravanja <>
+ wrote:
+> I'm facing the following problem. An association has about 700 members and
+> keeps information about them (name, address, language skills, hobbies,...)
+> in a database. Once a year this association wants to produce a book with
+> all this information, to be published and distributed to the members.
+> How can this be done in an efficient way? Does anyone know of some sort of
+> interface between a database (which format??) and (La)TeX, so that with a
+> few commands the relevant data gets extracted from the database and turned
+> into a file that (La)TeX can process?
+Your data-set is small, so you don't need the facilities that database
+systems provide for indexing and rapidly searching large bodies of data.
+Indeed you say that your intention is to print the whole set rather than
+to select subsets.
+I would start with perl ( which will give you all the
+facilities you need for transforming a list of members into LaTeX code.
+Once you have that, you are quite likely not to need a real database
+management system, since
+ --your data-set is rather small;
+ --you intend to process it as a whole rather than selectively.
+A DBMS does of course impose some discipline on the data which can make
+the perl programming easier; but in this case the benefits wouldn't (imho)
+justify spending a lot of effort, still less money, on acquiring a DBMS.
+Sorting the items into (alphabetical?) order can be done using either perl
+facilities or a utility sort program, so you don't need a DBMS for that
+If you really feel you need a DBMS there are public licence, open source
+DBMS like MySql (
+John Palmer
+4 Horyford Close, Preston, Weymouth DT3 6DJ, England
+telephone: +44 1305 832240 office, 835410 domestic (same address)
+e-mail: (plain text preferred)
+Message: 3
+Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2002 14:36:40 +0100
+From: =?iso-8859-2?q?Marx=20D=E1niel=20?= <>
+Subject: typesetting algorithms
+Which package is the most useful for typesetting algorithms? I've seen the=
+ 'alg', 'algorithm' and 'program' packages, are there others for this =
+purpose? Do journals have a preferred way of typesetting algorithms?
+Daniel Marx
+Message: 4
+From: David Wende <>
+To: "''" <>
+Subject: bibtex question
+Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 08:46:28 +0200
+Hello TEXHAX,
+Could someone please help.
+1) I wish to quote a chapter in a book, such that the output looks
+something like:
+Chapter Author. Chapter Title. In: Book Author. Book Title. etc etc.
+2) How do I get bibtext to cite the reference in round braces () instead
+of square braces [].
+David Wende
+Manager Board Design
+Lynx Photonic Networks
+Tel: (972) 3 9155000
+Direct: (972) 3 9155014
+Mobile: (972) 54 905822
+Fax: (972) 3 9033129
+Message: 5
+Date: Thu, 7 Feb 2002 11:30:13 -0500
+From: Matej Cepl <>
+Subject: Re: bibtex question
+On Thu, Feb 07, 2002 at 08:46:28AM +0200, David Wende wrote:
+> 1) I wish to quote a chapter in a book, such that the output
+> looks something like:
+> Chapter Author. Chapter Title. In: Book Author. Book Title.
+> etc etc.
+> 2) How do I get bibtext to cite the reference in round braces
+> () instead
+Use package natbib and read its manual (natbib.dvi). To explain
+everything in mail would be too long. And BTW the program is
+called BibTeX (no `t' in the end).
+ Matej
+Matej Cepl,
+138 Highland Ave. #10, Somerville, Ma 02143, (617) 623-1488
+My point was simply that such tax proposals [for Pigovian taxes
+compensating for the transaction costs] are the stuff that dreams
+are made of. In my youth it was said, that what was too silly to
+be said may be sung. In modern economics it may be put into
+ -- Ronald Coase
+ Notes on the Problem of Social Cost
+Message: 6
+Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 11:08:32 -0500
+From: (Karl Berry)
+Subject: 3.5 available
+I have released version 3.5 of You can get it by anonymous ftp from
+and shortly from any CTAN site in /tex-archive/fonts/modes/
+See a list of CTAN mirrors and other information
+New epson-related modes for the old 9-pin series.
+Various email addresses corrected.
+As always, thanks to the many contributors, and further additions and
+improvements are welcome. Please send bug reports or suggestions to (email tex-fonts-request to join).
+General information:
+ is a collection of Metafont mode_def's. It also makes common
+definitions for write/white printers, `special' information, and
+landscape mode. It uses up too much memory for the table sizes in the
+original mf.web, so you either have to increase the sizes (has been done
+in Web2c) or rename the file and remove unneeded modes. I don't
+understand mf.web well enough to understand how to make the modes use
+less memory; if some Metafont hacker can tell me, I'd like to hear it.
+If you have mode_def's which are not listed below, or corrections to the
+existing ones, please send them to me. Improvements to the exposition,
+particularly in how to create a new mode_def, are also welcome.
+mode_def agfafzz = % AGFA 400PS (406dpi)
+mode_def agfatfzz = % AGFA P3400PS (400dpi)
+mode_def amiga = % Commodore Amiga (100dpi)
+mode_def aps = % Autologic APS-Micro5 (723dpi)
+mode_def apssixhi = % Autologic APS-Micro6 (1016dpi)
+mode_def atariezf = % Atari ST SLM 804 printer (300dpi)
+mode_def atarinf = % Atari previewer (95dpi)
+mode_def atarins = % Atari previewer (96dpi)
+mode_def atariotf = % Atari ST SM 124 screen (101dpi)
+mode_def bitgraph = % BBN Bitgraph (118dpi)
+mode_def bjtenex = % Canon BubbleJet 10ex (360dpi)
+mode_def bjtzzex = % Canon BubbleJet 200ex (360 dpi)
+mode_def bjtzzs = % Canon BubbleJet 200 (720x360dpi)
+mode_def bjtzzl = % BubbleJet 200 landscape (360x720 dpi)
+mode_def boise = % HP 2680A (180dpi)
+mode_def canonbjc = % Canon BJC-600 (360dpi)
+mode_def canonex = % LaserWriter Pro 630 (600dpi)
+mode_def canonlbp = % Symbolics LGP-10 (240dpi)
+mode_def cg = % Compugraphic 8600 (1301x1569dpi)
+mode_def cgl = % Compugraphic 8600 landscape (1569x1302dpi)
+mode_def cgnszz = % Compugraphic 9600 (1200dpi)
+mode_def crs = % Alphatype CRS (5333dpi)
+mode_def cx = % Canon CX, SX, LBP-LX (300dpi)
+mode_def datadisc = % DataDisc (70dpi)
+mode_def newdd = % DataDisc (70x93dpi)
+mode_def declarge = % DEC 19-inch, 1280 x 1024 (100dpi)
+mode_def decsmall = % DEC 17-inch, 1024 x 768 (82dpi)
+mode_def deskjet = % HP DeskJet 500 (300dpi)
+mode_def docutech = % Xerox 8790 or 4045 (600dpi)
+mode_def dover = % Xerox Dover (384dpi)
+mode_def eighthre = % EightThree (83dpi)
+mode_def epscszz = % Epson Stylus Color 600 (720 dpi)
+mode_def epsdrft = % Epson (120x72dpi)
+mode_def epsdrftl = % Epson (72x120dpi)
+mode_def epsfast = % Epson fast (60x72dpi)
+mode_def epsfastl = % Epson fast landscape (72x60dpi)
+mode_def epsmed = % Epson med MX/FX 9-pin (240x144dpi)
+mode_def epsmedl = % Epson med MX/FX 9-pin landscape (144x240dpi)
+mode_def epson = % Epson MX/FX 9-pin (240x216dpi)
+mode_def epsonl = % Epson MX/FX 9-pin landscape (216x240dpi)
+mode_def epsonact = % Epson Action Laser 1500 (300dpi)
+mode_def epsonlo = % Epson (120x216dpi)
+mode_def epsonlol = % Epson landscape (216x120dpi)
+mode_def epsonsq = % Epson SQ 870 (360dpi)
+mode_def epstypro = % Epson Stylus Pro (360dpi)
+mode_def epstyplo = % Epson Stylus Pro (180dpi)
+mode_def epstypmd = % Epson Stylus Pro (720x360dpi)
+mode_def epswlo = % Epson low MX/FX 9-pin (120x144dpi)
+mode_def epswlol = % Epson low MX/FX 9-pin landscape (144x120dpi)
+mode_def esphi = % Epson Stylus Pro (720dpi)
+mode_def epstylus = % Epson Stylus (360dpi)
+mode_def fourfour = % FourFour (44dpi)
+mode_def gtfax = % G3fax (204x196dpi)
+mode_def gtfaxl = % G3fax landscape (196x204dpi)
+mode_def gtfaxlo = % G3fax (204x98dpi)
+mode_def gtfaxlol = % G3fax landscape (98x204dpi)
+mode_def highfax = % G3fax (200dpi)
+mode_def hprugged = % HP RuggedWriter 480 (180dpi)
+mode_def ibm_a = % IBM 38xx (240dpi)
+mode_def ibmd = % IBM 38xx (240dpi)
+mode_def ibmega = % IBM EGA monitor (96x81dpi)
+mode_def ibmegal = % IBM EGA monitor landscape (81x96dpi)
+mode_def ibmfzon = % IBM 4019 (300dpi)
+mode_def ibmfztn = % IBM 4029-30-39, 4250 (600dpi)
+mode_def ibmpp = % IBM ProPrinter (240x216dpi)
+mode_def ibmppl = % IBM ProPrinter (216x240dpi)
+mode_def ibmsoff = % IBM 6154 display (118dpi)
+mode_def sherpa = % IBM 6670 (Sherpa) (240dpi)
+mode_def ibmteot = % IBM 3812 (240dpi)
+mode_def ibmtetz = % IBM 3820 (240dpi)
+mode_def ibmtont = % IBM 3193 screen (100dpi)
+mode_def ibmtosn = % IBM 3179 screen (87x65dpi)
+mode_def ibmtosnl = % IBM 3179 screen landscape (65x87dpi)
+mode_def ibmvga = % IBM VGA monitor (110dpi)
+mode_def ibx = % Chelgraph IBX (9600dpi)
+mode_def itoh = % CItoh 8510A (160x144dpi)
+mode_def itohl = % CItoh 8510A landscape (144x160dpi)
+mode_def itohtoz = % CItoh 310 (240x144dpi)
+mode_def itohtozl = % CItoh 310 landscape (144x240dpi)
+mode_def iw = % Apple ImageWriter (144dpi)
+mode_def jetiiisi = % HP Laser Jet IIISi (300dpi)
+mode_def lasf = % DEC LA75 (144dpi)
+mode_def lexmarkr = % Lexmark Optra R 4049 (1200dpi)
+mode_def lexmarks = % Lexmark Optra S 1250/1650/2450 (1200dpi)
+mode_def lexmarku = % Lexmark Optra R+ 4049 (600dpi)
+mode_def linolo = % Linotype Linotronic [13]00 (635dpi)
+mode_def linolttz = % Linotronic L-300 with RIP-50 (3386dpi)
+mode_def linoone = % Linotronic [13]00 (1270dpi)
+mode_def linotzzh = % Linotype Linotronic 300 (2540dpi)
+mode_def ljfive = % HP LaserJet 5 (600dpi)
+mode_def ljfivemp = % HP LaserJet 5MP (600 dpi)
+mode_def ljfour = % HP LaserJet 4 (600dpi)
+mode_def ljfzzz = % LaserJet 4000N, ProRes mode (1200dpi)
+mode_def ljfzzzfr = % HP LaserJet 4000 FastRes (600dpi)
+mode_def ljlo = % HP LaserJet (150dpi)
+mode_def lmaster = % LaserMaster (1000dpi)
+mode_def lnotr = % DEC LN03R Scriptprinter (300dpi)
+mode_def lnzo = % DEC LN01 (300dpi)
+mode_def lpstz = % DEC lps20 (300dpi)
+mode_def lqlores = % Epson LQ-500 (180dpi)
+mode_def lqmed = % Epson LQ-500 (360x180dpi)
+mode_def lqmedl = % Epson LQ-500 landscape (180x360dpi)
+mode_def lview = % Sigma L-View monitor (118x109dpi)
+mode_def lwpro = % Apple LaserWriterPro 810 (800dpi)
+mode_def macmag = % Mac screens at magstep 1 (86dpi)
+mode_def mactrue = % Mac screen (72dpi)
+mode_def ncd = % NCD 19-inch (95dpi)
+mode_def nec = % NEC (180dpi)
+mode_def nechi = % NEC-P6 (360dpi)
+mode_def neclm = % NEC PC-PR406LM (320dpi)
+mode_def nectzo = % NEC PC-PR201 series (160dpi)
+mode_def nexthi = % NeXT Newgen (400dpi)
+mode_def nextscrn = % NeXT monitor (100dpi)
+mode_def nineone = % NineOne (91x91) (91dpi)
+mode_def nullmode = % TFM files only (101dpi)
+mode_def onetz = % OneTwoZero (120/120) (120dpi)
+mode_def ocessfz = % OCE 6750-PS (508dpi)
+mode_def okidata = % Okidata (240x288dpi)
+mode_def okidatal = % Okidata landscape (288x240dpi)
+mode_def okifte = % Okidata 410e in 600DPI mode (600dpi)
+mode_def pcscreen = % also, e.g., high-resolution Suns (118dpi)
+mode_def pcprevw = % PC screen preview (118dpi)
+mode_def phaser = % Tektronix Phaser PXi (300dpi)
+mode_def phaserfs = % Tektronix Phaser 560 (1200dpi)
+mode_def phasertf = % Tektronix Phaser 350 (600x300dpi)
+mode_def pixpt = % one pixel per point (72.27dpi)
+mode_def prntware = % Printware 720IQ (1200dpi)
+mode_def qms = % QMS (Xerox engine) (300dpi)
+mode_def qmsostf = % QMS 1725 (600dpi)
+mode_def qmsoszz = % QMS 1700 (600dpi)
+mode_def qmstftf = % QMS 2425 (1200dpi)
+mode_def ricoh = % e.g., TI Omnilaser (300dpi)
+mode_def ricoha = % e.g., IBM 4216 (300dpi)
+mode_def ricohlp = % e.g., DEC LN03 (300dpi)
+mode_def ricohsp = % Ricoh sp10ps/lp7200-ux (600dpi)
+mode_def sparcptr = % Sun SPARCprinter (400dpi)
+mode_def starnlt = % Star NL-10 (240x216dpi)
+mode_def starnltl = % Star NL-10 landscape (216x240dpi)
+mode_def stylewri = % Apple StyleWriter (360dpi)
+mode_def sun = % Sun and BBN Bitgraph (85dpi)
+mode_def supre = % Ultre*setter (2400dpi)
+mode_def toshiba = % Toshiba 13XX, EpsonLQ (180dpi)
+mode_def ultre = % Ultre*setter (1200dpi)
+mode_def vs = % VAXstation monitor (78dpi)
+mode_def vtftzz = % Varityper 4200 B-P (1800dpi)
+mode_def vtftzzhi = % Varityper 4300P (2400dpi)
+mode_def vtftzzlo = % Varityper 4300P (1200dpi)
+mode_def vtfzszw = % Varitype 5060W, APS 6 (600dpi)
+mode_def vtszz = % Varityper Laser 600 (600dpi)
+mode_def xrxesnz = % Xerox 8790 or 4045 (300dpi)
+mode_def xrxfzfz = % Xerox 4050/4075/4090/4700 (300dpi)
+mode_def xrxnszz = % Xerox 9700 (300dpi)
+mode_def xrxtszz = % Xerox 3700 (300dpi)
+About TeXhax...
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, 1466 NW Front Avenue,
+Suite 3141, Portland, OR 97209-2820 USA (phone: 1 503 223 9994,
+fax: 1 503 223 3960).
+End of TeXhax Digest
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/02/texhax.04 b/info/digests/texhax/02/texhax.04
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..7c9c866fbc
--- /dev/null
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+Subject: TeXhax digest, Vol 2002 #4 - 8 msgs
+Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 11:05:05 +0100
+Send TeXhax mailing list submissions to
+To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
+or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
+You can reach the person managing the list at
+When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
+than "Re: Contents of TeXhax digest..."
+TeXhax Digest ________________________________________ Volume 2002 : Number 4
+Today's Topics:
+ 1. ALternate images in a PDF file (Joel Coltoff)
+ 2. TUG 2002: further call for papers (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 3. Side by side (Roger Gawley)
+ 4. Re: Side by side (Hartmut Henkel)
+ 5. Q: \time command? (Andreas Hadjiprocopis)
+ 6. Re: Q: \time command? (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 7. Re: Q: \time command? (Nelson H. F. Beebe)
+ 8. Re: Q: \time command? (John W. Shipman)
+Message: 1
+Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 13:33:57 -0500 (EST)
+From: Joel Coltoff <>
+To: <>
+Subject: ALternate images in a PDF file
+I think I know what I want. I'm just not sure if it can be done
+or how to get there if it can. What I want to do is have two versions
+of each image in a file. If the printer is color capable then I
+want to use image A. If not then use image B. Sound simple enough.
+I can even do it in postscript. The problem is that when you distill
+it the black and white stuff gets thrown away. I've not used pdftex
+but as best as I can tell it supports the alternate image capabilities
+of PDF. Does this give me what I want/need? All I've gotten so far is
+the PDFTeX User Manual. Is there something else that shows some examples
+of how to do this? A gentle nudge down the correct path would be greatly
+Joel Coltoff
+Blessed is the man who, having nothing to say, abstains from giving
+wordy evidence of the fact.
+ -- George Eliot
+Message: 2
+Subject: TUG 2002: further call for papers
+Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2002 10:02:25 +0000
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+Followup call for papers --
+TUG 2002 Annual Meeting and Conference
+September 1-7, Trivandrum, India
+Even though the official deadline has passed, there is still time to
+submit a proposal for a paper to be presented at the most exciting TeX
+event of 2002, the international conference of TeX Users Group is
+scheduled to be conducted in India during September 1--7, 2002 at Park
+Center, Technopark, Trivandrum, Kerala.
+The theme for TUG 2002 is `Stand up and be proud of TeX!'. Show us
+why it is still the typesetting tool of choice, the range of material
+it can handle, and especially how it can coexist with the new world of
+XML. We want to hear about
+ * using TeX to typeset XML
+ * multilingual typesetting using Omega
+ * high-quality hyperdocuments using pdfTeX
+ * fonts for non-Latin languages
+ * new directions for Metafont and Metapost
+Full conference details can be found at
+Proposals for papers should be sent to
+We can accept proposals for a further two weeks (until the end of
+March 2002), and will notify authors of the acceptance at the end of
+that period. Other dates are:
+ * 12 April 2002: preliminary program available
+ * May 2002: send first version of full paper
+ * July 2002: send final version of full paper
+ * 4th-7th September 2002: TUG conference in India
+Email addresses for contact:
+ -- General information
+ -- Submission of papers
+ -- Financial matters
+ -- Travel information
+ -- Media contact
+Robin Fairbairns
+For TUG 2002 Organising Committee
+[please circulate this as widely as seems appropriate; in particular,
+if you have membership mailing lists, please consider forwarding this
+message, or a pointer to the conference web site, to the list.]
+Message: 3
+Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2002 11:41:23 +0100 (BST)
+From: Roger Gawley <>
+Subject: Side by side
+Can anyone help? I am trying to format a document using plain TeX. There
+any many instances of a structure like this:
+ Concertina Workshop Now out of print but
+ Tutor for the English Concertina excellent if you can
+ by Alistair Anderson get it. Folk oriented.
+ Topic Records Ltd Accompanying record
+ 50 Stroud Green Road used to be available, but
+ London N4 3EF not necessary.(Authorised)
+ England photocopies available from
+ Andy's Front Hall,
+ Voorheesville, NY
+I have tried to adapt a macro that I have used for addresses for years
+(if you are the long-forgotten contibutor of this macro, many thanks)
+Tony Young
+Mowbray House
+Co. Durham
+DL15 9JG
+Roger Gawley
+17 Dryburn Road
+DH1 5AJ
+}% stop obeying lines
+But I really want lines to be obeyed in the lefthand box, #1, but not in
+the righthand, #2, box. It seems that \obeylines is more subtle than I
+though because no ammount of moving it around seems to produce what I am
+Can anyone spot what I am missing, or more positively, tell me how to get
+the effect I am after?
+Message: 4
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:01:05 +0200 (CEST)
+From: Hartmut Henkel <>
+To: Roger Gawley <>
+cc: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Re: Side by side
+Dear Roger,
+with inspiration from Salomon's Advanced TeXBook I found the following:
+ \gdef\aaa#1=#2\endblk{
+ \hbox to 140pt{
+ \vtop{\hsize=50pt
+ \parindent=0pt
+ #1}
+ \hss
+ \vtop{\hsize=90pt
+ \parindent=0pt
+ \let^^M\space
+ #2}}
+ \endblk
+ }
+ Hello
+ You
+ out there
+ in a
+ Stack!
+ Hello
+ You
+ out
+ there
+ in a
+ Paragraph!
+Best Regards
+On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Roger Gawley wrote:
+> Can anyone help? I am trying to format a document using plain TeX. There
+> any many instances of a structure like this:
+> Concertina Workshop Now out of print but
+> Tutor for the English Concertina excellent if you can
+> by Alistair Anderson get it. Folk oriented.
+> Topic Records Ltd Accompanying record
+> 50 Stroud Green Road used to be available, but
+> London N4 3EF not necessary.(Authorised)
+> England photocopies available from
+> Andy's Front Hall,
+> Voorheesville, NY
+> I have tried to adapt a macro that I have used for addresses for years
+> (if you are the long-forgotten contibutor of this macro, many thanks)
+> \def\address#1=#2={\hbox{\hsize3truein\vtop{#1}\hfil\vtop{#2}}\bigskip}
+> {\obeylines
+> \address
+> Tony Young
+> Mowbray House
+> Crook
+> Co. Durham
+> DL15 9JG
+> =
+> Roger Gawley
+> 17 Dryburn Road
+> Durham
+> DH1 5AJ
+> =
+> }% stop obeying lines
+> But I really want lines to be obeyed in the lefthand box, #1, but not in
+> the righthand, #2, box. It seems that \obeylines is more subtle than I
+> though because no ammount of moving it around seems to produce what I am
+> after.
+> Can anyone spot what I am missing, or more positively, tell me how to get
+> the effect I am after?
+> _______________________________________________
+> TeXhax mailing list
+Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Henkel
+von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH
+Schlossplatz 8, D-68723 Schwetzingen, Germany
+Message: 5
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:32:40 +0100 (BST)
+From: Andreas Hadjiprocopis <>
+To: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Q: \time command?
+Hello texhackers,
+I was wondering whether the \today command may be adjusted so as to
+give me the current time as well (e.g. the time the document was
+formatted with latex)
+many thanks,
+Andreas Hadjiprocopis
+Computer Science Department
+On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Hartmut Henkel wrote:
+> Dear Roger,
+> with inspiration from Salomon's Advanced TeXBook I found the following:
+> {\obeylines
+> \gdef\aaa#1=#2\endblk{
+> \hbox to 140pt{
+> \vtop{\hsize=50pt
+> \parindent=0pt
+> #1}
+> \hss
+> \vtop{\hsize=90pt
+> \parindent=0pt
+> \let^^M\space
+> #2}}
+> \endblk
+> }
+> }
+> \def\startblk{\hrule\bgroup\obeylines\aaa}
+> \def\endblk{\egroup\hrule}
+> \startblk
+> Hello
+> You
+> out there
+> in a
+> Stack!
+> =
+> Hello
+> You
+> out
+> there
+> in a
+> Paragraph!
+> \endblk
+> \bye
+> Best Regards
+> Hartmut
+> On Wed, 10 Apr 2002, Roger Gawley wrote:
+> > Can anyone help? I am trying to format a document using plain TeX. There
+> > any many instances of a structure like this:
+> >
+> > Concertina Workshop Now out of print but
+> > Tutor for the English Concertina excellent if you can
+> > by Alistair Anderson get it. Folk oriented.
+> > Topic Records Ltd Accompanying record
+> > 50 Stroud Green Road used to be available, but
+> > London N4 3EF not necessary.(Authorised)
+> > England photocopies available from
+> > Andy's Front Hall,
+> > Voorheesville, NY
+> >
+> > I have tried to adapt a macro that I have used for addresses for years
+> > (if you are the long-forgotten contibutor of this macro, many thanks)
+> >
+> > \def\address#1=#2={\hbox{\hsize3truein\vtop{#1}\hfil\vtop{#2}}\bigskip}
+> > {\obeylines
+> > \address
+> > Tony Young
+> > Mowbray House
+> > Crook
+> > Co. Durham
+> > DL15 9JG
+> > =
+> > Roger Gawley
+> > 17 Dryburn Road
+> > Durham
+> > DH1 5AJ
+> > =
+> > }% stop obeying lines
+> >
+> > But I really want lines to be obeyed in the lefthand box, #1, but not in
+> > the righthand, #2, box. It seems that \obeylines is more subtle than I
+> > though because no ammount of moving it around seems to produce what I am
+> > after.
+> >
+> > Can anyone spot what I am missing, or more positively, tell me how to get
+> > the effect I am after?
+> >
+> >
+> > _______________________________________________
+> > TeXhax mailing list
+> >
+> >
+> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+> Dr.-Ing. Hartmut Henkel
+> von Hoerner & Sulger GmbH
+> Schlossplatz 8, D-68723 Schwetzingen, Germany
+> E-Mail
+> WWW
+> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+> _______________________________________________
+> TeXhax mailing list
+Message: 6
+To: Andreas Hadjiprocopis <>
+cc: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Re: Q: \time command?
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 11:28:18 +0100
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+the ctan catalogue isn't terribly clever, but with the keyword "time"
+returned (amongst lots of stuff about "times fonts")
+time Defines a macro \now to macros/latex/contrib/supported/piff/
+ print the current time.
+Message: 7
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 06:29:42 -0600 (MDT)
+From: "Nelson H. F. Beebe" <>
+To: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Re: Q: \time command?
+Andreas Hadjiprocopis <> asks on
+Thu, 11 Apr 2002 10:32:40 +0100 (BST)
+>> I was wondering whether the \today command may be adjusted so as to
+>> give me the current time as well...
+Instead of the \today command, use the \time command.
+Here is a solution lifted from a style file that I've used for years
+to get a timestamp in typeset letters:
+% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
+\divide\hh by 60
+\divide\mm by 60
+\multiply\mm by 60
+\advance\mm by \time
+Use it like this in a LaTeX document:
+ \date{\today{ }\hhmm}
+- Nelson H. F. Beebe Tel: +1 801 581 5254 -
+- Center for Scientific Computing FAX: +1 801 585 1640, +1 801 581 4148 -
+- University of Utah Internet e-mail: -
+- Department of Mathematics, 110 LCB -
+- 155 S 1400 E RM 233 -
+- Salt Lake City, UT 84112-0090, USA URL: -
+Message: 8
+Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 14:38:04 -0600 (MDT)
+From: "John W. Shipman" <>
+To: Andreas Hadjiprocopis <>
+cc: TeXhax <>
+Subject: Re: Q: \time command?
+On Thu, 11 Apr 2002, Andreas Hadjiprocopis asked:
+| I was wondering whether the \today command may be adjusted so as to
+| give me the current time as well (e.g. the time the document was
+| formatted with latex)
+Below my .signature you will find the macros I use for timestamping
+documents in the ANSI standard order (year-month-day hour:minute).
+Best regards,
+John Shipman (, Applications Specialist, NM Tech Computer Center,
+Speare 128, Socorro, NM 87801, (505) 835-5950,
+ ``Let's go outside and commiserate with nature.'' --Dave Farber
+% today.tex: Macro to print today's date
+% Author: John W. Shipman, NM Tech Computer Center,
+% Socorro, NM 87801;
+% \today: Outputs today's date as ``yyyy-mm-dd''
+% \now: Outputs the current time as ``hh:dd''
+% \timestamp: \today, plus one space, plus \now
+\newcount\minute % Current minute within the hour
+\newcount\hour % Current hour (24-hour type)
+\newcount\hourMins % Temporary for taking hour modulo 60
+% - - - \ n o w - - -
+{% Displays today's time as ``hh:mm''
+% The \time macro gives the minutes since midnight. Compute
+% the whole hours by dividing this by 60, then find the
+% minute by effectively taking the minutes modulo 60.
+ \minute=\time % Number of minutes since midnight
+ \hour=\time \divide \hour by 60 % Get hours
+ \hourMins=\hour \multiply\hourMins by 60
+ \advance\minute by -\hourMins % Hours modulo 60
+ \zeroPadTwo{\the\hour}:\zeroPadTwo{\the\minute}%
+}% --- \now ---
+% - - - \ t i m e s t a m p - - -
+{% Displays ``yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm''
+ \today\ \now
+}% --- \timestamp ---
+% - - - \ t o d a y - - -
+{% Displays today's date and time as ``yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm''
+ \the\year-\zeroPadTwo{\the\month}-\zeroPadTwo{\the\day}%
+}% --- \today ---
+% - - - z e r o P a d T w o - - -
+{% Left zero pad of the argument to 2 digits. The argument
+% should be a number between 1 and 99. This macro outputs
+% a `0' if the argument is less than ten, then it outputs
+% the argument.
+ \ifnum #1<10 0\fi % Conditionally output a zero
+ #1% Then output the argument
+}% --- \zeroPadTwo ---
+About TeXhax...
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, 1466 NW Front Avenue,
+Suite 3141, Portland, OR 97209-2820 USA (phone: 1 503 223 9994,
+fax: 1 503 223 3960).
+End of TeXhax Digest
diff --git a/info/digests/texhax/02/texhax.05 b/info/digests/texhax/02/texhax.05
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1ff024bbf9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/texhax/02/texhax.05
@@ -0,0 +1,506 @@
+Article: 109 of ucam.mlist.texhax
+Subject: TeXhax digest, Vol 2002 #5 - 8 msgs
+MIME-version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Date: Wed, 25 Sep 2002 10:00:38 +0100
+Send TeXhax mailing list submissions to
+To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
+or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
+You can reach the person managing the list at
+When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
+than "Re: Contents of TeXhax digest..."
+TeXhax Digest ________________________________________ Volume 2002 : Number 5
+Today's Topics:
+ 1. reference to a counter in a tabular ? (Mario Baussmann)
+ 2. Quotes in tt (Matej Cepl)
+ 3. Single figure spanning two columns (Emanuele Menegatti)
+ 4. Footnote linewidth (John Simmie)
+ 5. Re: Single figure spanning two columns (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 6. Re: Footnote linewidth (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 7. tug 2003 conference news (TUG 2003 Conference Committee)
+ 8. TUG news: elections, call for papers, development fund, TUGboat (TUG Board of Directors)
+Message: 1
+From: Mario Baussmann <>
+Date: Tue, 30 Apr 2002 13:27:59 +0200
+Subject: reference to a counter in a tabular ?
+is it possible to reference to a counter inside a tabular?
+The first column of the tabular should be an incremented number for each row.
+The second column is text. The text should contain references to other row numbers.
+The third column is text.
+I made the counter with \newcounter{test}. The increment with \refstepcounter{test}.
+The reference with \label{here} and \ref{here}.
+But the reference number was the numer of the table, not of the counter.
+Is it possible to solve this problem?
+Mario Baussmann
+Message: 2
+Date: Sat, 18 May 2002 19:58:01 -0400 (EDT)
+From: Matej Cepl <>
+Subject: Quotes in tt
+Content-Type: TEXT/plain; charset=us-ascii
+just from the sense of curiosity I try to create LaTeX style
+emulating ``typesetting'' of typewriter (do not say me it is
+stupid idea, I know that). It works very well when I use pcr, but
+it fails miserably when trying to go down to cmtt (see attached
+sty file), because (of course, you know it) there are some
+characters missing in cmtt. I found somewhere on DejaNews also
+attached plainTeX makro for emulating quotes, which (to my
+biggest surprise) work without any problem. However, when I tried
+to incorporate the makro into my style it failed again. Could you
+please explain, what I am doing wrong?
+ Thanks
+ Matej
+Matej Cepl,
+138 Highland Ave. #10
+Somerville, Ma 02143
+(617) 623-1488
+Economics is the only discipline where two people can win a Nobel
+Prize for saying exactly the opposite thing!
+ -- Eamonn Butler of Adam Smith Institute
+ on Nobel Prize awards for year 2001
+Content-Type: TEXT/x-tex; name="manuscript.sty"
+Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="manuscript.sty"
+\ProvidesPackage{manuscript}[2002/05/17 v0.3 emulate typesetting
+ of typewriter]
+\newboolean{MS@ps} \setboolean{MS@ps}{false}
+% another needed packages
+% set-up fonts
+% italic is not clear with tt fonts -- it is better to keep
+% a typewriter tradition alive
+ \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{pcr}
+ \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{aett}
+ \def\rquotes#1{\leavevmode\kern-.20em'\kern-.60em'\kern-.20em\relax}
+ \def\lquotes#1{\leavevmode\kern-.20em`\kern-.60em`\kern-.20em\relax}
+ \def\rquote{'}
+ \def\lquote{`}
+ \catcode`'=\active \def'{\actrq}
+ \catcode``=\active \def`{\actlq}
+ \let\actrq\rquote
+ \let\actlq\lquote
+ \def\rqtest{\ifx\next'\let\next=\rquotes\else\let\next=\rquote\fi\next}
+ \def\lqtest{\ifx\next`\let\next=\lquotes\else\let\next=\lquote\fi\next}
+% setup another additional characteristics of typewriter
+% koma-script doesn't work well with komascript
+ {\RequirePackage{fullpage}}
+ {\typearea[0sp]{13}}
+ \raggedright
+ \spaceskip .333333 em plus .333333 em minus .111111 em
+% standard titlehead of the document is really ugly when
+% doublespaced
+% Polished to work both with standard article and koma-script
+ \singlespacing
+ \hyphenpenalty=5000
+ % This is ugly hack, but it should be robust enough
+ \let\huge\LARGE
+ \my@maketitle
+Content-Type: TEXT/x-tex; name="plain_uvoz.tex"
+Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="plain_uvoz.tex"
+\catcode`'=\active \def'{\actrq}
+\catcode``=\active \def`{\actlq}
+\tt ``This is a sentence''
+\rm ``Hello.''
+Message: 3
+From: Emanuele Menegatti <>
+Organization: University of Padova
+Subject: Single figure spanning two columns
+Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 17:52:05 +0200
+Dear all,
+is there a way to have a single figure occuping the whole page width in a
+latex document that it is using a two column style?
+The document definistion is as follow
+so the text is arranged in two column, but at a certain point I`d like to
+have a single figure to take the whole page size with the two columns
+starting again after it?
+Is it possible?
+Emanuele Menegatti
+Visiting Researcher at The Intelligent Robotics Laboratory
+Wakayama University, Japan
+Ph.D. Student at the
+Intelligent Autonomous Systems Laboratory
+Department of Information Engineering
+University of Padova, ITALY
+Phone: ++39 049 827 7722
+Message: 4
+Date: Fri, 16 Aug 2002 14:46:03 +0100
+From: John Simmie <>
+Subject: Footnote linewidth
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"; format=flowed
+My footnote linewidth exceeds the textwidth in a document
+How can I reassert control /fix it so that the footnote width is = to
+The page settings used are:
+% left top right btm head hdsep ftht ftskip
+ Dr. John M. Simmie
+Chemistry Department & Environmental Change Institute
+ National University of Ireland, Galway::Ireland
+Content-Type: text/html; charset="us-ascii"
+My footnote linewidth exceeds the textwidth in a document<br>
+How can I reassert control /fix it so that the footnote width is = to
+The page settings used are:<br>
+<font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#000080">\documentclass</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">[12pt]</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">article</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}<br>
+</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#000080">\usepackage</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">vmargin</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}<br>
+</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#000080">\setpapersize</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">A4</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}<br>
+</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#000080">\setmarginsrb</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">20.0mm</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">20mm</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">20.0mm</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">20mm</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">12pt</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">11mm</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">12pt</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}{</font><font face="Courier New, Courier">11mm</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#C00000">}<br>
+</font><font face="Courier New, Courier" color="#008000">%&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+left&nbsp;&nbsp; top&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; right&nbsp; btm&nbsp;
+head&nbsp;&nbsp; hdsep ftht ftskip<br><br>
+Dr. John M. Simmie<br>
+Chemistry Department &amp; Environmental Change Institute<br>
+&nbsp;&nbsp; National University of Ireland, Galway::Ireland<br>
+Message: 5
+Subject: Re: Single figure spanning two columns
+Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:29:11 +0100
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+Emanuele Menegatti (with a broken reply-to address) writes:
+> is there a way to have a single figure occuping the whole page width in a
+> latex document that it is using a two column style?
+> The document definistion is as follow
+> \documentclass[10pt,twocolumn]{./IEEEtran_v15}
+> so the text is arranged in two column, but at a certain point I`d like to
+> have a single figure to take the whole page size with the two columns
+> starting again after it?
+this is an rtfm, you know: any latex intro would have told you to use
+a figure* environment rather than a figure environment.
+Message: 6
+To: John Simmie <>
+Subject: Re: Footnote linewidth
+Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 11:42:03 +0100
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+John Simmie writes:
+> My footnote linewidth exceeds the textwidth in a document
+> How can I reassert control /fix it so that the footnote width is = to
+> \textwidth?
+> The page settings used are:
+> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
+> \usepackage{vmargin}
+> \setpapersize{A4}
+> \setmarginsrb{20.0mm}{20mm}{20.0mm}{20mm}{12pt}{11mm}{12pt}{11mm}
+actually, it's the other way around. \linewidth (and \hsize) are left
+at the values set by the documentclass, and \textwidth is rather
+wider. it would appear that the footnotes are set at \textwidth
+(quite correctly, if one's going to span them across multiple columns
+.. i think), but that vmargin.sty isn't setting \linewidth properly,
+so that the footnotes look as if they're too wide.
+it seems to me that this is a vmargin bug (i'm notifying volker
+kuhlmann); for your immediate purposes i would recommend geometry.sty
+instead; i find it entirely robust whenever i use it.
+Message: 7
+Date: Mon, 9 Sep 2002 16:52:36 -0400
+From: (TUG 2003 Conference Committee)
+Subject: tug 2003 conference news
+2003 July 20 - 24: Waikoloa, Big Island, Hawaii USA
+ TUG 2003: SILVER ANNIVERSARY -- 25 YEARS! -- of TeX.
+ Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Resort, Big Island, Hawaii
+A grand reunion of TeX users worldwide is planned for the 24th Annual
+Meeting and Conference of the TeX Users Group in 2003 for the Silver
+Anniversary -- 25 YEARS! -- of TeX.
+Professor Hermann Zapf and cartoon artist, Duane Bibby, will be just two
+of what we hope will be a long list of renowned guests and long-time
+friends of TeX, who will help us celebrate this wonderful event.
+We would like to make this a big gathering of the people who have played a
+role in providing you with tools, development, and support for TeX, which
+is the best free software available for beautiful typesetting and
+All users of TeX (since its birth) are invited to participate as speaker,
+attendee, volunteer, sponsor, or donor to help make this conference a
+What You Can Do to Help!
+You can contribute in several ways to the success of TUG 2003:
+1) Come to the meeting and invite all your TeX friends to come along
+too. Register with the very early-lions *before the end of the year 2002*
+and no later than April 9, 2003, to benefit from special conference and
+accommodation rates.
+2) Make a donation, (however large or small) as a token of
+appreciation for having TeX available to you as free software, and let
+your colleagues and your bosses know about this meeting so that they too
+can contribute towards the event, and to the future development of the TeX
+family of programs. TeX is very much alive and doing well both as a
+front-end for authors, and a back-end as a tool in the automated processes
+that provide easy conversion to XML,PDF, HTML.
+3) Publishers, vendors, and other commercial users, developers, and
+distributors of products that use, or are prepared in, TeX (Plain, AmsTeX,
+AMSLaTeX, LaTeX, pdfTeX, Metafont, MetaPost, ConTeXt, etc.) can sponsor or
+co- sponsor events (coffee breaks, lunches, reception, banquet) and most
+of all towards renowned plenary speakers and TUG 2003 as a whole.
+4) The TeX Heritage Committee chaired by Sebastian Rahtz, will be
+organizing projects and happenings for the Silver Anniversary of TeX.
+One of these will be to publish a special volume of reflections by key
+developers and users of TeX. The book will be (temporarily) entitled:
+"TeX Retrospective: milestones and byways on the road to beautiful
+More information will be published on the website at:
+Note: Generous donors and sponsors ($500.00 or more) will receive
+ a complimentary copy of the silver anniversary volume.
+So start planning now to join us in Hawaii in body and/or in spirit for
+TUG 2003 on July 20 - 24, 2003. Don't forget to bring along your
+The TUG 2003 Organizers
+Message: 8
+Date: Tue, 24 Sep 2002 16:18:34 +0200
+From: (TUG Board of Directors)
+Subject: TUG news: elections, call for papers, development fund, TUGboat
+Greetings to all TUG members and TeX users,
+A few short news items for your information and participation.
+(Please redistribute this message to any appropriate forum.)
+1. TUG elections
+The terms of the TUG President and of 11 members of the Board of
+Directors will end as of the 2003 meeting of the TUG Board of Directors,
+which will take place in conjunction with the 24th Annual TUG Meeting to
+be held 20-24 July 2003. (See below for more information on the meeting.)
+The election to choose the new TUG President and Board members will be
+held in spring 2003. Nominations for these openings are now invited.
+Please see for the complete announcement,
+information, and nomination forms.
+If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for service, please
+help TUG by making a nomination!
+2. TUG 2003: Call for Papers
+The TeX Users Group's 24th Annual Meeting is to be held 20-24 July 2003
+at the Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Resort, Big Island, Hawaii.
+We welcome submissions of a title and abstract by November 18, 2002;
+please send to Registration forms and more
+information on submitting papers, as well as the conference in general,
+are at Please be sure to check the
+early-lion registration discount rate. First deadline: Dec 31, 2002.
+3. TeX Development Fund
+TUG has initiated a new project: a TeX Development Fund. It was
+officially announced at the TUG 2002 conference in India. The idea is
+to financially support TeX-related projects to the best of our ability.
+Please see for more information and an online
+application page, or email
+4. TUGboat
+We are pleased to announce that TUGboat 22.1/22.2 (a double issue) is
+at the printer and scheduled to be mailed September 26th. The TUGboat
+production team is working on the two issues that follow (for 2001) in
+hopes they will mail by the end of the year. More news will be
+forthcoming regarding Volume 23, which is in the pipeline as well.
+If you have ideas for articles you would like to write, or read, please
+email the tugboat editorial group at
+5. CTAN CD-ROM's via Dante
+Each year, Dante (the German TeX users group,,
+produces an abstract of the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network compendium
+of TeX tools. The 2002 edition has been ordered for TUG members. Look
+for this 3-CD set in your mail within the next few weeks.
+Your satisfaction as a TUG member is important to us. If you have failed
+to receive membership materials, or if your address has changed, please
+contact the TUG office at or by phone
++1-503-223-9994. Our office manager, Robin Laakso, is ready to help.
+The TUG Board values your input. Please contact us at with
+your suggestions, concerns, and even offers of help.
+TeX Users Group Board of Directors
+About TeXhax...
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, 1466 NW Front Avenue,
+Suite 3141, Portland, OR 97209-2820 USA (phone: 1 503 223 9994,
+fax: 1 503 223 3960).
+End of TeXhax Digest
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f277cba182
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+Article: 110 of ucam.mlist.texhax
+Subject: TeXhax digest, Vol 2002 #6 - 10 msgs
+MIME-version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain
+Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2003 10:05:13 +0000
+Send TeXhax mailing list submissions to
+To subscribe or unsubscribe via the World Wide Web, visit
+or, via email, send a message with subject or body 'help' to
+You can reach the person managing the list at
+When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
+than "Re: Contents of TeXhax digest..."
+TeXhax Digest ________________________________________ Volume 2002 : Number 6
+Today's Topics:
+ 1. UKTUG meeting, Nottingham, Saturday 12 October (David Rhead)
+ 2. Takashima Sanskrit Babel Hyphenation (Daniel Stender)
+ 3. TUGboat 22,1/2 (Mimi Burbank)
+ 4. TUG 2003 news, November 22, 2002 (TUG 2003 conference)
+ 5. \cite in footnote (Ot van Daalen)
+ 6. TeX development fund (TeX Development Fund)
+ 7. Re: \cite in footnote (Robin Fairbairns)
+ 8. Index entries and footnotes in LaTeX (Mark A. Sheldon)
+ 9. Re: \cite in footnote (Ot van Daalen)
+ 10. TUG news: LaTeX class at TUG'03, election (TUG office)
+Message: 1
+Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 15:52:48 +0100 (BST)
+From: David Rhead <>
+Subject: UKTUG meeting, Nottingham, Saturday 12 October
+TeX users in the UK may be interested in the meeting
+of the UK TeX Users Group at the University of Nottingham
+on Saturday 12th October.
+Further details are given at
+David Rhead
+Information Services
+University of Nottingham
+Message: 2
+Date: Thu, 26 Sep 2002 18:21:52 +0200
+From: Daniel Stender <>
+Subject: Takashima Sanskrit Babel Hyphenation
+Who can send me the Babel subsystem hyphenation packet for romanized transliterated Sanskrit (skttr.ldf or else)
+D.Stender, Germany
+Die clevere Geldreserve: der DiBa-Privatkredit. Funktioniert wie ein Dispo,
+ist aber viel gunstiger! Alle Infos:
+Message: 3
+Date: Thu, 3 Oct 2002 08:51:44 -0400
+To: TUGboat announcement <>,,
+Subject: TUGboat 22,1/2
+From: Mimi Burbank <>
+For your reading pleasure - we shipped the issue to Cadmus
+on Monday, Sept 9, 2002. The contents are listed below.
+This message was also sent to your mailing list on the 9th, but
+evidently never arrived. I received my copy of the issue
+on September 29, and you should be receiving yours shortly.
+We are working hard on the getting the December 2001 issue
+together while we await the files for the 2001 Proceedings.
+Let me encourage (urge?) those of you who occasionally think,
+"I think I should write an article about that!" to go ahead
+and write up something and submit it to
+Our recent pleas for submissions have gratefully brought us
+submissions from new sources. Keep it up and we'll be back
+on track in no time!
+Mimi Burbank
+(or the TUGboat production team)
+ TUGboat
+ Volume 22, Number 1/2 March/June 2001
+ ========================================
+Addresses 3
+General Delivery
+ Mimi Jett
+ From the President 5
+ Barbara Beeton
+ Editorial comments 6
+ We're late ...; CTAN and ``The treasure chest'';
+ TeX Mexico User Group; Goodbye to Father Larguier;
+ Some places to learn more about books and printing;
+ 5000 years of the written word;
+ The Gutenberg Bible online;
+ Xy-pic home moved to TUG;
+ Legibility study online
+ Jim Hefferon
+ Why TeX? 8
+ Question & Answer session with Donald Knuth,
+ U.K. TUG, Oxford, Sunday, 12 September 1999 15
+ How AllTeX changed the face of mathematics:
+ An E-interview with Leslie Lamport, the author
+ of LaTeX 20
+ Peter Flynn
+ Typographers' inn 23
+Font Forum
+ Frank Mittelbach
+ Laudatio for Professor Hermann Zapf 24
+ Hermann Zapf
+ My collaboration with Don Knuth and my font
+ design work 26
+Software & Tools
+ Barbara Beeton
+ Hyphenation exception log 31
+ Laura Elizabeth Jackson and Herbert Voss
+ LyX --- An Open Source document processor 32
+ Adam H. Lewenberg
+ DVII: A TeX dvi file information utility 42
+Graphics Applications
+ John D. Hobby
+ Drawing graphs with MetaPost 46
+ Hans Hagen
+ The status quo of the NTS project 58
+Hints & Tricks
+ William Adams
+ The treasure chest 67
+ George Gratzer
+ Publishing legacy documents on the Web 74
+ Denis Roegel
+ Anatomy of a macro 78
+ Victor Eijkhout
+ The bag of tricks 83
+ Frank Mittelbach
+ The trace package 93
+ Les Cahiers GUTenberg, Contents of issues 35/36
+ (May 2000) and 37/38 (December 2000) 100
+News & Announcements
+ Calendar 103
+ TUG '2001 Announcement 105
+ Roy Preston
+ Typohol Anon 4
+TUG Business
+ Susan DeMeritt
+ Minutes of TeX Users Group Annual General Meeting,
+ 15 August 2000, Oxford, England 106
+ Don DeLand
+ Financial statement, 2000 107
+ Arthur Ogawa
+ TUG Election Notice 108
+ Institutional members 109
+ TUG membership application 110
+ TeX consulting and production services 111
+ Just Published: TeX Reference Manual by David Bausum 112
+ Blue Sky Research c3
+ --------
+----- End forwarded message -----
+* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+ Phone: (850)644-2440
+ FAX: (850)644-0098
+ "One of the problems of modern life is that people who are good
+ at being civil often lack strong convictions, and people who
+ have strong convictions often lack civility."
+ (By Way of Response, by Martin E. Marty)
+* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
+Message: 4
+Date: Fri, 22 Nov 2002 15:59:22 -0500
+From: (TUG 2003 conference)
+Subject: TUG 2003 news, November 22, 2002
+The Silver Anniversary -- 25 years!-- of TeX
+The TeX Users Group 24th Annual Meeting and Conference is scheduled for
+July 20-24, 2003 at the Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Resort, Big Island, Hawaii.
+Abstracts for talks and workshops (deadline extended to 30-Nov-2002);
+Posters (deadline 9-Jun-2003). See:
+Please help to publicize TUG2003 by posting copies of the following flyer
+(PDF) at your office and around your institution:
+Contributions are welcome! To find out how you can help:
+For details about the conference:
+Message: 5
+From: "Ot van Daalen" <>
+Subject: \cite in footnote
+Date: Sun, 22 Dec 2002 13:37:31 -0400
+I have a question regarding \cite and \bibliographystyle. Dutch legal
+articles have to cite like this:
+This is a citation.\footnote{Author year, p. 34.}
+\cite, however, places the citation in the body of the text. Of course I can
+always use \footnote to put the cite in a footnote, but I thought it would
+be cleaner to let \cite do the work.
+However, all customized bibliographystyles I know (and can be made by
+makebst) cite in the body.
+Does anybody have any suggestions?
+-- Otto
+Add photos to your messages with MSN 8. Get 2 months FREE*.
+Message: 6
+Date: Sat, 28 Dec 2002 16:17:48 -0500
+From: (TeX Development Fund)
+Subject: TeX development fund
+TUG (the TeX Users Group) initiated a new project last year: a TeX
+Development Fund. It was officially announced at the TUG 2002
+conference in India, and there have been a few announcements since to
+comp.text.tex and other forums.
+The idea is to financially support TeX-related projects to the best of
+our ability. If you are currently involved in a TeXnical project, or
+have an idea for one but need a little financial assistance, please
+consider applying.
+Please see for more information and an online
+application page, or email The primary deadline for
+applications is February 1, 2003.
+Finally, we would like to acknowledge that other TeX user groups have
+long established similar programs. It is not our intention to detract
+from or compete with anyone else (just the opposite!), but only to do
+what we can to foster the growth of TeX.
+Please repost/forward this notice to anywhere you think appropriate.
+Kaja Christiansen, Karl Berry
+Message: 7
+To: "Ot van Daalen" <>
+Subject: Re: \cite in footnote
+Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 13:00:13 +0000
+From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+> I have a question regarding \cite and \bibliographystyle. Dutch legal
+> articles have to cite like this:
+> This is a citation.\footnote{Author year, p. 34.}
+> \cite, however, places the citation in the body of the text. Of course I can
+> always use \footnote to put the cite in a footnote, but I thought it would
+> be cleaner to let \cite do the work.
+what's wrong with
+ \newcommand{\fcite}[1]{\footnote{\cite{#1}}}
+(or something slightly more complicated if you need the optional
+argument to \cite)
+> However, all customized bibliographystyles I know (and can be made by
+> makebst) cite in the body.
+the way \cite (and friends) appears is nothing to do with the
+bibliography style -- that merely provides the text that the citation
+is made up from.
+the jurabib bundle is designed to support german lawyers' citation
+style; it may be worth investigating whether it does what you need.
+Message: 8
+Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2003 10:09:16 -0500
+From: "Mark A. Sheldon" <>
+Subject: Index entries and footnotes in LaTeX
+While we're on the subject of footnotes:
+Does anyone know why otherwise identical \index commands are treated
+differently in footnotes and in the body of the text? Plain index
+entries seem OK, it's when the indexed item contains a command:
+\newcommand{\fooname}{{\sc Foo}}
+Here is text in the body\index{Foo@\fooname} of a
+Produces two distinct entries in the index:
+ FOO 511
+ FOO 511
+When I first noticed this, I thought it was that \sc might is
+differently bound in footnotes. But here are the entries in the .idx
+ \indexentry{Foo@\fooname}{511}
+ \indexentry{Foo@{\sc Foo}}{511}
+Why is \fooname expanded in the item from the \footnote and not
+Confession: Yes, it's an old document and LaTeX is running in 2.0.9
+compatibility mode, though it doesn't seem relevant given the expansions
+Message: 9
+From: "Ot van Daalen" <>
+Subject: Re: \cite in footnote
+Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2003 18:34:28 -0400
+Thanks for all the reactions and excuse me for my slow reply. I opted for
+the solution below, as it seems to be the most adaptable for future changes.
+Thanks a lot however!
+-- Ot
+>From: Robin Fairbairns <>
+>To: "Ot van Daalen" <>
+>Subject: Re: \cite in footnote Date: Tue, 07 Jan 2003 13:00:13 +0000
+> > I have a question regarding \cite and \bibliographystyle. Dutch legal
+> > articles have to cite like this:
+> >
+> > This is a citation.\footnote{Author year, p. 34.}
+> >
+> > \cite, however, places the citation in the body of the text. Of course I
+> > always use \footnote to put the cite in a footnote, but I thought it
+> > be cleaner to let \cite do the work.
+>what's wrong with
+> \newcommand{\fcite}[1]{\footnote{\cite{#1}}}
+>(or something slightly more complicated if you need the optional
+>argument to \cite)
+> > However, all customized bibliographystyles I know (and can be made by
+> > makebst) cite in the body.
+>the way \cite (and friends) appears is nothing to do with the
+>bibliography style -- that merely provides the text that the citation
+>is made up from.
+>the jurabib bundle is designed to support german lawyers' citation
+>style; it may be worth investigating whether it does what you need.
+>TeXhax mailing list
+Help STOP SPAM: Try the new MSN 8 and get 2 months FREE*
+Message: 10
+Date: Sun, 19 Jan 2003 10:57:53 -0500
+From: (TUG office)
+Subject: TUG news: LaTeX class at TUG'03, election
+A few items for your consideration.
+- TUG 2003 Conference: The Silver Anniversary -- 25 years!-- of TeX
+The TeX Users Group 24th Annual Meeting and Conference is scheduled for
+July 20-24, 2003 at the Outrigger Waikoloa Beach Resort, Big Island,
+Hawaii. See
+NEW NEWS :) -- A beginning/intermediate class on LaTeX will take place
+just before the conference, from July 15-18 at the University of Hawaii
+at Hilo. Enrollment is limited to 12. The cost is $275 ($300 after
+April 1, so register now!). See
+ for more information and the
+registration form. If you have any questions about the class, please
+email Sue Demeritt at
+- TUG Election:
+The terms of the TUG President and of 11 members of the Board of
+Directors will end as of the 2003 meeting of the TUG Board of Directors,
+which will take place in conjunction with TUG 2003 in Hawaii. Please
+consider getting involved with TUG by running for the board or for
+president. Nomination forms are due by February 1; see
+ for more information.
+Robin Laakso (
+for the TUG board (
+About TeXhax...
+For information on the TeX Users Group, please send a message to, or write TeX Users Group, 1466 NW Front Avenue,
+Suite 3141, Portland, OR 97209-2820 USA (phone: 1 503 223 9994,
+fax: 1 503 223 3960).
+End of TeXhax Digest