path: root/info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n4
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n4
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n4')
1 files changed, 949 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n4 b/info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n4
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..8a541e4cda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n4
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+ =====//===== \\ // ____
+ // \\ // |\ /| //
+ // //====== \V/ ||\ //| \\
+ // // // \\ || \// | /\ \\ ===\
+ // //==== // \\ || | // \ \\ |
+ // // // \\ || | //===\ \\___/
+ //======= // \
+ Volume 4 Number 4
+ A Mostly Unofficial Publication for
+ Users of the TeX Typesetting System
+ \footnote{}........................................................2
+ Letters to the Editor..............................................3
+ ToolBox............................................................4
+Special Feature
+ S-Tables...........................................................5
+TeXMaG Volume 4 Number 4 page 2
+| |
+| \footnote{Notes on This and Coming Issues} |
+This month's issue is a special feature --- S-Tables. It is by far the
+most complete tables package I have seen to date. It runs quickly, is
+relatively short (250 lines), allows for multi-row and multi-column
+spanning, and does paragraph insertion, as well.
+I must apologize but there is not an ounce of LaTeX stuff in this
+issue. To be honest, most everyone around here uses plain TeX, so
+finding LaTeX stuff has become somewhat of a chore. If you have style
+files or LaTeX tips you think might be helpful, send them in! We
+usually don't have a problem finding space for them somewhere in
+TeXMaG. I am planning to have an article for writing LaTeX style files
+in a forthcoming issue. Is there some daring soul who might want to
+try writing an S-Tables style file??
+Next month promises to have a mailer macro for generating form
+letters: it merges a file of addresses with a TeX file. More on this
+next month.
+Have fun with S-Tables. I hope you enjoy it.
+TeXMaG Volume 4, Issue 4 page 3
+| |
+| Letters to the Editor |
+Letters Concerning TeXMaG V4N3: "Frequently Asked Questions"
+You wrote:
+> X Windows. It is available via anonymous ftp from
+> ( in ./contrib/xfig-2.0.*.Z.
+Are you sure about that address? I get "" from UVic's
+> available soon via anonymous ftp from (
+Come again? Our nameserver gives ""!
+> and from ( (user:ftp,
+Our nameserver gives "", though also seems to work.
+Melvin Klassen
+[sorry for the errors. I copied it straight from the net and didn't
+ have a chance to check all the addresses - ed.]
+Thank you! The Frequently Asked Questions article is going to be
+very, very useful to me. I'm a student at Case Western Reserve
+University, also working on CWRUnet, our campus-wide net. I'm still
+floundering around with TeX, but I've been presented with the job of
+pulling together TeX support for every major platform on CWRUnet.
+The frequently-asked questions posting will be invaluable as I gather
+together the tools. I've known about SBTeX and emTeX, but that's where
+my knowledge ends. Your posting will help me find the resources for
+the other micro users on the net, as well as helping me tremendously
+with setting up a central Unix-based "TeX server" for use on big jobs.
+(And surprise! There's a TeX for VMS! Certain departments on campus
+feel rather strongly about their VAXen... Giving them TeX sources will
+certainly help get them using the new standard.)
+Anyway, your message has been absolutely invaluable. I'd like to thank
+both of you for preparing it and for publishing it in TeXMaG.
+Stephen Trier
+ PC Users - Take Notice!
+I have acquired a copy of Personal TeX's "fontware interface package,"
+advertised to allow use of Bitstream condensed outline fonts on my MSDOS
+implementation of TeX. My output driver is Arbortext's and I output to
+an HP laserjet II. Unfortunately, I find that I cannot make Personal TeX's
+interface do a very good job of generating fonts in large point sizes.
+In particular, generating a 40pt (or larger) font produces something that
+prints with noticable "jaggies" in the characters. Thinking that the
+problem might be in my device driver (Personal TeX staff suggested this),
+I turned to Arbortext for help. Unfortunately, Arbortext has concluded that
+the problem is real and due to a deficiency in Personal TeX's interface
+I'd like to hear from anyone who has experience in using Bitstream
+condensed outline fonts with an MSDOS implementation of TeX. Is there
+a solution? Can others verify the problem?
+Tim Stephen
+Associate Professor
+Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
+TeXMaG Volume 4, Issue 4 page 4
+| |
+| The ToolBox |
+If you have had one day of experience with TeX or LaTeX you can
+already see the difficulty of including files with large numbers of
+special (or should I say, reserved) characters in them. This is
+partiularly annoying if I want to include a sample of a .TEX file
+to show someone a TeX tip.
+The following is a plain TeX macro. I would point LaTeX people in the
+direction of the CLARKSON archive (SUN.SOE.CLARKSON.EDU) for LaTeX
+verbatim style files.
+This macro I have named S_VERBATIM.TEX because it is used in the
+S-Tables documentation further on in this issue. It's usage is simple.
+Type a " to activate the verbatim macro. Now you may select any
+character to use as the delimeter of the verbatim text. Example
+ this activates "[verbatim text[. Regular text follows...
+Note that I selected the '[' (not '[' and ']') as the delimiter. You
+can use any character you choose, except for the ". You can now
+typeset ANY character in your TeX document.
+ Another "2 "dumb example" using a number2 as the delimeter.
+One thing to note, passing the verbatim text as a parameter of another
+macro can produce unreliable results when the verbatim text includes
+active characters.
+Macro follows:
+% S_Verbatim.TeX Macro
+% macros for verbatim scanning
+\ttglue=.5em plus.25em minus.15em
+ \catcode`\\=\other
+ \catcode`\{=\other
+ \catcode`\}=\other
+ \catcode`\$=\other
+ \catcode`\&=\other
+ \catcode`\#=\other
+ \catcode`\%=\other
+ \catcode`\_=\other
+ \catcode`\~=\other
+ \catcode`\"=\other % this line is new stuff
+ \catcode`\|=\other
+ \catcode`\%=\other
+ \obeyspaces \obeylines \tt}
+\def"#1{\ttverbatim \spaceskip\ttglue% \let~~M=\
+% end of macro
+Next month we will continue our discussion of verbatim inclusion and
+will have a couple of macros that include complete files.
+TeXMaG Volume 4, Issue 4 page 5
+| |
+| The S-Tables Macros |
+There are two files that need to be extracted for S-Tables.
+STABLES.TEX is the first file and STABLES_DOC.TEX is the second. Note
+you also need the S_VERBATIM.TEX file in the toolbox in order to TeX
+the manual.
+% S-Tables Macro
+\message{S-Tables Macro v1.0, ACS, TAMU (RANHELP@VENUS.TAMU.EDU)}
+% Help Text
+\newhelp\stablestylehelp{You must choose a style between 0 and 3.}%
+\newhelp\stablelinehelp{You should not use special hrules when stretching
+a table.}%
+\newhelp\stablesmultiplehelp{You have tried to place an S-Table inside another
+S-Table. I would recommend not going on.}%
+% Line Thicknesses (Values)
+% Border and Internal Line Thicknesses
+% Save Registers
+% Counters
+% Table Style Selection
+% 0 - Centered
+% 1 - Left Justified
+% 2 - Right Justified
+% 3 - Not Justified
+% Element Buffering Definitions
+% Vertical Bar Activation
+% Strut Control
+\setbox\stablestrutbox=\hbox{\vrule height10pt depth5pt width0pt}
+ \copy\stablestrutbox%
+ \else%
+ \unhcopy\stablestrutbox%
+ \fi}%
+% Misc. Internal Stuff
+% Table Macros
+ \stablemodetrue%
+ \stablesadj%
+ \halign%
+ \stablesdef}%
+ \stablemodefalse%
+ \stablesadj%
+ \halign to #1%
+ \stablesdef}%
+ \stablemodefalse%
+ \stablesadj%
+ \halign spread #1%
+ \stablesdef}%
+ \ifcase\stablestyle%
+ \hbox to \hsize\bgroup\hss\vbox\bgroup%
+ \or%
+ \hbox to \hsize\bgroup\vbox\bgroup%
+ \or%
+ \hbox to \hsize\bgroup\hss\vbox\bgroup%
+ \or%
+ \hbox\bgroup\vbox\bgroup%
+ \else%
+ \errhelp=\stablestylehelp%
+ \errmessage{Invalid style selected, using default}%
+ \hbox to \hsize\bgroup\hss\vbox\bgroup%
+ \fi}%
+ \ifcase\stablestyle%
+ \hss\egroup%
+ \or%
+ \hss\egroup%
+ \or%
+ \egroup%
+ \or%
+ \egroup%
+ \else%
+ \hss\egroup%
+ \fi}%
+ \ifstablesin%
+ \errhelp=\stablesmultiplehelp%
+ \errmessage{An S-Table cannot be placed within an S-Table!}%
+ \fi
+ \global\stablesintrue%
+ \global\advance\stablescount by 1%
+ \message{<S-Tables Generating Table \number\stablescount}%
+ \begingroup%
+ \stablestrutsize=\ht\stablestrutbox%
+ \advance\stablestrutsize by \dp\stablestrutbox%
+ \ifstablesborderthin%
+ \stablesborderwidth=\stablesthinline%
+ \else%
+ \stablesborderwidth=\stablesthickline%
+ \fi%
+ \ifstablesinternalthin%
+ \stablesinternalwidth=\stablesthinline%
+ \else%
+ \stablesinternalwidth=\stablesthickline%
+ \fi%
+ \tabskip=0pt%
+ \stablesbaselineskip=\baselineskip%
+ \stableslineskip=\lineskip%
+ \stableslineskiplimit=\lineskiplimit%
+ \offinterlineskip%
+ \def\borderrule{\vrule width \stablesborderwidth}%
+ \def\internalrule{\vrule width \stablesinternalwidth}%
+ \def\thinline{\noalign{\hrule height \stablesthinline}}%
+ \def\thickline{\noalign{\hrule height \stablesthickline}}%
+ \def\trule{\omit\leaders\hrule height \stablesthinline\hfill}%
+ \def\ttrule{\omit\leaders\hrule height \stablesthickline\hfill}%
+ \def\tttrule##1{\omit\leaders\hrule height ##1\hfill}%
+ \def\stablesel{&\omit\global\stablesmode=0%
+ \global\advance\stableslines by 1\borderrule\hfil\cr}%
+ \def\el{\stablesel&}%
+ \def\elt{\stablesel\thinline&}%
+ \def\eltt{\stablesel\thickline&}%
+ \def\elttt##1{\stablesel\noalign{\hrule height ##1}&}%
+ \def\elspec{&\omit\hfil\borderrule\cr\omit\borderrule&%
+ \ifstablemode%
+ \else%
+ \errhelp=\stablelinehelp%
+ \errmessage{Special ruling will not display properly}%
+ \fi}%
+ \def\stmultispan##1{\mscount=##1 \loop\ifnum\mscount>3 \stspan\repeat}%
+ \def\stspan{\span\omit \advance\mscount by -1}%
+ \def\multicolumn##1{\omit\multiply\stablestemp by ##1%
+ \stmultispan{\stablestemp}%
+ \advance\stablesmode by ##1%
+ \advance\stablesmode by -1%
+ \stablestemp=3}%
+ \def\multirow##1{\stablesdummyc=##1\parindent=0pt\setbox0\hbox\bgroup%
+ \aftergroup\emultirow\let\temp=}
+ \def\emultirow{\setbox1\vbox to\stablesdummyc\stablestrutsize%
+ {\hsize\wd0\vfil\box0\vfil}%
+ \ht1=\ht\stablestrutbox%
+ \dp1=\dp\stablestrutbox%
+ \box1}%
+% \def\stvcen##1{\vtop{\vfill\hbox{##1}\vfill}}% Currently does not work!
+ \def\stpar##1{\vtop\bgroup\hsize ##1%
+ \baselineskip=\stablesbaselineskip%
+ \lineskip=\stableslineskip%
+ \lineskiplimit=\stableslineskiplimit\bgroup\aftergroup\estpar\let\temp=}%
+ \def\estpar{\vskip 6pt\egroup}%
+ \def\stparrow##1##2{\stablesdummy=##2%
+ \setbox0=\vtop to ##1\stablestrutsize\bgroup%
+ \hsize\stablesdummy%
+ \baselineskip=\stablesbaselineskip%
+ \lineskip=\stableslineskip%
+ \lineskiplimit=\stableslineskiplimit%
+ \bgroup\vfil\aftergroup\estparrow%
+ \let\temp=}%
+ \def\estparrow{\vfil\egroup%
+ \ht0=\ht\stablestrutbox%
+ \dp0=\dp\stablestrutbox%
+ \wd0=\stablesdummy%
+ \box0}%
+ \def|{\global\advance\stablesmode by 1&&&}%
+ \def\|{\global\advance\stablesmode by 1&\omit\vrule width 0pt%
+ \hfil&&}%
+ \def\vt{\global\advance\stablesmode by 1&\omit\vrule width \stablesthinline%
+ \hfil&&}%
+ \def\vtt{\global\advance\stablesmode by 1&\omit\vrule width \stablesthickline%
+ \hfil&&}%
+ \def\vttt##1{\global\advance\stablesmode by 1&\omit\vrule width ##1%
+ \hfil&&}%
+ \def\vtr{\global\advance\stablesmode by 1&\omit\hfil\vrule width%
+ \stablesthinline&&}%
+ \def\vttr{\global\advance\stablesmode by 1&\omit\hfil\vrule width%
+ \stablesthickline&&}%
+ \def\vtttr##1{\global\advance\stablesmode by 1&\omit\hfil\vrule width ##1&&}%
+ \stableslines=0%
+ \stablesomitfalse}
+\def\stablesdef{\bgroup\stablestrut\borderrule##\tabskip=0pt plus 1fil%
+ &\stablesleft##\stablesright%
+ &##\ifstablesright\hfill\fi\internalrule\ifstablesright\else\hfill\fi%
+ \tabskip 0pt&&##\hfil\tabskip=0pt plus 1fil%
+ &\stablesleft##\stablesright%
+ &##\ifstablesright\hfill\fi\internalrule\ifstablesright\else\hfill\fi%
+ \tabskip=0pt\cr%
+ \ifstablesborderthin%
+ \thinline%
+ \else%
+ \thickline%
+ \fi&%
+\def\endtable{\advance\stableslines by 1\advance\stablesmode by 1%
+ \message{- Rows: \number\stableslines, Columns: \number\stablesmode>}%
+ \stablesel%
+ \ifstablesborderthin%
+ \thinline%
+ \else%
+ \thickline%
+ \fi%
+ \egroup\stablesend%
+% end of STABLES.TEX
+% S-Tables Quick Command Summary
+\input s_verbatim
+\input stables
+\centerline{\bf S-Tables v1.0}
+\centerline{Robert Nilsson}
+\centerline{Academic Computing Service}
+\centerline{Texas A\&M University}
+\multicolumn2\bf\hfil Types of Commands\hfil\eltt
+Start/End|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent These are the commands for starting and ending
+the table}\elt
+Columns Separators|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent These are used to separate the column
+in the tables}\elt
+Row Separators|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent These are used to separate the rows}\elt
+Configuration|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent These are used to set up the functioning
+of the tables such as the width of a thick rule, whether the internal rules are
+thin or thick, etc.}\elt
+Specials|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent These include any commands that do not fit into
+the above categories}\endtable
+\multicolumn3\bf\hfil Start/End\hfil\eltt
+"1\begintable1\hfill|none|Start a table\hfill\el
+"1\begintableto1\hfill|width|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Start a table with the
+specified width. The table will be stretched until it is `width' wide}\el
+"1\begintablesp1\hfill|stretch amount|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Start a table and
+it `stretch amount' wider than it would normally be}\elt
+"1\endtable1\hfill|none|End the table\hfill\endtable
+\multicolumn3\bf\hfil Column Separators\hfil\eltt
+"1|1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent End a column and place a vertical rule
+of the default width between the columns (do not use this at the end of a
+"1\|1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Same as above but the vertical rule
+will be suppressed}\el
+"1\vt1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Same as above but the vertical rule
+will be thin}\el
+"1\vtt1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Same as above but the vertical rule
+will be thick}\el
+"1\vttt1\hfill|thickness|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Same as above but the vertical
+rule will be `thickness' wide}\endtable
+\multicolumn3\bf\hfil Row Separators\hfil\eltt
+"1\el1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent End a line and don't put a rule under
+it. (Do
+not use this after the last line of the table, use "1\endtable1)}\el
+"1\elt1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Same as above except put a thin rule
+the line}\el
+"1\eltt1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Same as above except put a thick rul
+e under
+the line}\el
+"1\elttt1\hfill|thickness|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Same as above except put a rul
+e of
+width `thickness' under the line}\el
+"1\elspec1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent This command is used to set up
+rules under rows that DO NOT span the entire row. It in effect indicates that
+the next row will specify the rule to be used under the current row. This is
+especially useful when using with the row spanning commands. This introduces
+a subclass, the horizontal rule commands}\elt
+\multicolumn3\hfil Horizonal Rule Command Subset\hfil\elt
+"1\trule1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Places a thin horizontal rule
+under a column. This command is only for use in conjunction with the "1\elspec1
+command (To leave a column blank, i.e. no rule, just leave it blank)}\el
+"1\ttrule1\hfill|none|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Same as above but the rule will be
+"1\tttrule1\hfill|thickness|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Same as above but the rule
+will be `thickness' thick}\endtable
+You may be wondering what the difference between the "1\elt1 and the "1\trule1
+command is. The "1\elt1 will end the line and draw a thin rule under it. The
+"1\trule1 works in conjunction with the "1\elspec1 to generate a special rule.
+The special rule line is entered the same way a regular row will be entered.
+For example, a normal row would look like:
+\noindent This will produce a row with a thin rule under it. To produce the
+same effect without a rule under the column `is' the following would be used:
+\noindent Notice that the vertical bars are used. The macro is starting a new
+row and the vertical bars need to be included if you want them to continue
+through the line. (There is no need to only use the "1|1, any other column
+separator is also valid).
+\multicolumn3\bf\hfill Configuration\hfill\eltt
+\multicolumn3\hfill Dimensions\hfill\elt
+"1\stablesthinline1\hfill|dimension|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent This variable
+contains the width of a thin rule in the table. The default value is
+0.4pt and it may be changed with the command:
+\noindent where "1<dimen>1 is the new width.}\el
+"1\stablesthickline1\hfill|dimension|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent This
+variable contains the width of a thick rule in the table. The default
+value is 1pt and it may be changed as above.}\elt
+\multicolumn3\hfill Counters\hfill\elt
+"1\stablestyle1\hfill|0|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Center the table using
+the current "1\hsize1. This is the default setting and it may be
+changed by the following command:
+\noindent where $n$ is the new value (0, 1, 2, or 3)}\el
+|1|Left justify the table\hfill\el
+|2|Right justify the table\hfill\el
+|3|No justification\hfill\elt
+\multicolumn3\hfill If Statements\hfill\elt
+"1\ifstablesinternalthin1\hfill|true|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Make the
+internal rules of the table thin. This sets the vertical rule
+generated by the "1|1. To set the value of this variable the following
+command must be used:
+\noindent Please note the word `if' is removed and the word `true' has
+been appended to the end. The value after this command will be true.
+To set it to false append the word `false' instead of `true'.}\el
+|false|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Use thick internal rules (where the "1|1
+is used)}\elspec
+"1\ifstablesborderthin1\hfill|true|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Use thin rules
+for the border of the table}\el
+|false|\stpar{2.5in}{\noindent Use thick rules for the border of the
+table. This is the default.}\endtable
+All settings in the configuration section should be used {\bf OUTSIDE}
+the table. The results of changing a setting inside the table will be
+unpredictable, and undesirable.
+There are two more settings that need to be discussed. First is the
+element buffering. There are two definitions that are used for this:
+"1\stablesleft1 and "1\stablesright1. The default settings are as
+\noindent To change these, simply redefine them.
+The other setting is the strut. If you are interested in resetting
+this, the \TeX book should provide sufficient information (The strut
+is used to hold up the box).
+\centerline{\bf Specials}
+\vskip .25in
+This section will be broken into three parts: the spanning commands, the
+paragraph commands, and miscellaneous information.
+First of all we have two (actually three, but I'll discuss the third later)
+spanning commands. They are "1\multicolumn1 and "1\multirow1. To use
+"1\multicolumn1 to span several columns the command will be:
+"1\multicolumn1$n$ and your data here.
+\noindent The $n$ specifies the number of columns to span across. For
+example, if a table has 3 columns and you want a title across the top,
+$n$ would be 3. Omit each column separator that is spanned across (in
+this case none would be used). When this command is used the buffering is
+suspended on the spanning column, so it is necessary to put "1\hfil1's around
+the data in the spanning column to center it.
+"1\multirow1 works slightly differently. The number of rows to span is
+specified in the same way as the number of columns in the "1\multicolumn1 macro,
+but the text to be spanned must be placed in curly braces directly after:
+"1\multirow1$n$"1{<horizontal material>}1
+\noindent The "1<horizontal material>1 will be vertically centered in the number
+of spanned rows. The horizontal rules are not automatically omitted under the
+columns of the rows being spanned. The "1\elspec1 command must be used to omit
+these rules. There will be an example at the end of the documentation of this.
+The paragraph commands are "1\stpar1 and "1\stparrow1. The format for "1\stpar1
+"1\stpar{<dimen>}{<vertical material>}1
+\noindent The "1<dimen>1 is the width of the paragraph (the "1\hsize1) and the
+"1<vertical material>1 is the paragraph.
+"1\stparrow1 will do the same thing as "1\stpar1 but it will also perform the
+function of "1\multirow1. It is a composite command and the only way to span a
+paragraph across multiple rows. The format is:
+"1\stparrow1$n$"1{<dimen>}{<vertical material>}1
+\noindent In this command the $n$ is the number of rows to be spanned and the
+other material is the same as in the "1\stpar1 macro. Please note that the
+rules for spanning multiple rows apply to this macro also (the use of the
+"1\elspec1 command.
+To use both multiple rows and multiple columns, specify the "1\multicolumn1
+command first, then the "1\multirow1 or "1\stparrow1.
+The last point I would like to make concerns the use of varying width vertical
+rules. If a thin vertical rule runs into a thick vertical rule there will
+be an offset. The default for this offset is to the left. There are two ways
+to change the setting. The first is by using an `r' after any of the "1\vt1
+commands. For example "1\vttr1 will produce a thick vertical rule right
+justified on any wider rules. The other method is by using the
+"1\ifstablesright1 setting. A true setting will line up all vertical rules
+generated by the "1|1 on the right. A false setting will make the vertical
+rules generated by the "1|1 left justified (the default).
+In all of the specials using a $n$ parameter, if the number to be used is
+greater than 9, it must be placed in curly braces ("1{}1).
+\centerline{\bf Examples}
+\vskip .25in
+This section will give some example tables and the code to generate them
+organized from simple to complex.
+\vskip .25in
+\leftline{\bf Example 1}
+\vskip .125in
+Ck\#\vt Date\vt Memo\vt Debit\vt Credit\vt Balance\eltt
+245|8--2|Rent|\$ \hfill 250.00||\$ \hfill 436.29\el
+246|8--2|Danson Electric|\$ \hfill 49.28||\$ \hfill 387.01\el
+247|8--5|Jeff's Grocery|\$ \hfill 35.88||\$ \hfill 351.13\el
+249|8--10|Danson Times|\$ \hfill 19.00||\$ \hfill 332.13\el
+250|8--14|Pizza Palace|\$ \hfill 9.95||\$ \hfill 322.18\el
+251|8--15|Jones Hardware|\$ \hfill 45.20||\$ \hfill 276.98\el
+252|8--15|Deposit||\$ \hfill 255.81|\$ \hfill 532.79\el
+253|8--21|Account Fee|\$ \hfill .85||\$ \hfill 531.94\el
+254|8--29|Telephone Co.|\$ \hfill 21.19||\$ \hfill 510.75\endtable*
+\vskip .125in
+Ck\#\vt Date\vt Memo\vt Debit\vt Credit\vt Balance\eltt
+245|8--2|Rent|\$ \hfill 250.00||\$ \hfill 436.29\el
+246|8--2|Danson Electric|\$ \hfill 49.28||\$ \hfill 387.01\el
+247|8--5|Jeff's Grocery|\$ \hfill 35.88||\$ \hfill 351.13\el
+249|8--10|Danson Times|\$ \hfill 19.00||\$ \hfill 332.13\el
+250|8--14|Pizza Palace|\$ \hfill 9.95||\$ \hfill 322.18\el
+251|8--15|Jones Hardware|\$ \hfill 45.20||\$ \hfill 276.98\el
+252|8--15|Deposit||\$ \hfill 255.81|\$ \hfill 532.79\el
+253|8--21|Account Fee|\$ \hfill .85||\$ \hfill 531.94\el
+254|8--29|Telephone Co.|\$ \hfill 21.19||\$ \hfill 510.75\endtable
+\leftline{\bf Example 2}
+\vskip .125in
+\multicolumn6 \hfill Account Activity for August\hfill\eltt
+Ck\#\vt Date\vt Memo\vtt Debit\vt Credit\vtt Balance\eltt
+245|8--2|Rent\vtt\$ \hfill 250.00|\vtt\$ \hfill 436.29\el
+246|8--2|Danson Electric\vtt\$ \hfill 49.28|\vtt\$ \hfill 387.01\el
+247|8--5|Jeff's Grocery\vtt\$ \hfill 35.88|\vtt\$ \hfill 351.13\el
+249|8--10|Danson Times\vtt\$ \hfill 19.00|\vtt\$ \hfill 332.13\el
+250|8--14|Pizza Palace\vtt\$ \hfill 9.95|\vtt\$ \hfill 322.18\el
+251|8--15|Jones Hardware\vtt\$ \hfill 45.20|\vtt\$ \hfill 276.98\el
+252|8--15|Deposit\vtt|\$ \hfill 255.81\vtt\$ \hfill 532.79\el
+253|8--21|Account Fee\vtt\$ \hfill .85|\vtt\$ \hfill 531.94\el
+254|8--29|Telephone Co.\vtt\$ \hfill 21.19|\vtt\$ \hfill 510.75\endtable*
+\vskip .125in
+\multicolumn6 \hfill Account Activity for August\hfill\eltt
+Ck\#\vt Date\vt Memo\vtt Debit\vt Credit\vtt Balance\eltt
+245|8--2|Rent\vtt\$ \hfill 250.00|\vtt\$ \hfill 436.29\el
+246|8--2|Danson Electric\vtt\$ \hfill 49.28|\vtt\$ \hfill 387.01\el
+247|8--5|Jeff's Grocery\vtt\$ \hfill 35.88|\vtt\$ \hfill 351.13\el
+249|8--10|Danson Times\vtt\$ \hfill 19.00|\vtt\$ \hfill 332.13\el
+250|8--14|Pizza Palace\vtt\$ \hfill 9.95|\vtt\$ \hfill 322.18\el
+251|8--15|Jones Hardware\vtt\$ \hfill 45.20|\vtt\$ \hfill 276.98\el
+252|8--15|Deposit\vtt|\$ \hfill 255.81\vtt\$ \hfill 532.79\el
+253|8--21|Account Fee\vtt\$ \hfill .85|\vtt\$ \hfill 531.94\el
+254|8--29|Telephone Co.\vtt\$ \hfill 21.19|\vtt\$ \hfill 510.75\endtable
+\leftline{\bf Example 3}
+\vskip .125in
+\multirow2{\#}\vt\multirow2{Date}\vt\multirow2{Memo}\vt Debit/Credit\elspec
+\multirow2{245}|\multirow2{8--2}|\multirow2{Rent}|\$ \hfill 250.00\elspec
+|||\$ \hfill 436.29\elttt{.7pt}
+\multirow2{246}|\multirow2{8--2}|\multirow2{Danson Electric}|\$ \hfill 49.28\els
+|||\$ \hfill 387.01\elttt{.7pt}
+\multirow2{247}|\multirow2{8--5}|\multirow2{Jeff's Grocery}|\$ \hfill 35.88\elsp
+|||\$ \hfill 351.13\elttt{.7pt}
+\multirow2{249}|\multirow2{8--10}|\multirow2{Danson Times}|\$ \hfill 19.00\elspe
+|||\$ \hfill 332.13\endtable*
+\vskip .125in
+\multirow2{\#}\vt\multirow2{Date}\vt\multirow2{Memo}\vt Debit/Credit\elspec
+\multirow2{245}|\multirow2{8--2}|\multirow2{Rent}|\$ \hfill 250.00\elspec
+|||\$ \hfill 436.29\elttt{.7pt}
+\multirow2{246}|\multirow2{8--2}|\multirow2{Danson Electric}|\$ \hfill 49.28\els
+|||\$ \hfill 387.01\elttt{.7pt}
+\multirow2{247}|\multirow2{8--5}|\multirow2{Jeff's Grocery}|\$ \hfill 35.88\elsp
+|||\$ \hfill 351.13\elttt{.7pt}
+\multirow2{249}|\multirow2{8--10}|\multirow2{Danson Times}|\$ \hfill 19.00\elspe
+|||\$ \hfill 332.13\endtable
+\leftline{\bf Example 4}
+\vskip .125in
+\stparrow3{3in}{\noindent The Lyons Investment Memorial Student Fund following
+specifications 11.2.3 of the U.S. Governmental Code CCA1}
+|123|\$\hfill 1,000.00||\$\hfill 20,000\elspec
+|124|\$\hfill 200.00||\$\hfill 19,800\elspec
+|||\$\hfill 4,000.00|\$\hfill 23,800\elttt{.7pt}
+\multicolumn4\hfil\stpar{5.25in}{At the end of the physical year 1990 the
+balance in the account for Lyons Investment Memorial Student Fund will be
+tallied and the results will be published as per Governmental Code 3.4.2 of the
+last payable week in the session. The value presented here is a projection of
+the actual that will be available.}\hfil|\$\hfill 25,000\endtable*
+\vskip .125in
+\stparrow3{3in}{\noindent The Lyons Investment Memorial Student Fund following
+specifications 11.2.3 of the U.S. Governmental Code CCA1}
+|123|\$\hfill 1,000.00||\$\hfill 20,000\elspec
+|124|\$\hfill 200.00||\$\hfill 19,800\elspec
+|||\$\hfill 4,000.00|\$\hfill 23,800\elttt{.7pt}
+\multicolumn4\hfil\stpar{5.25in}{At the end of the physical year 1990 the
+balance in the account for Lyons Investment Memorial Student Fund will be
+tallied and the results will be published as per Governmental Code 3.4.2 of the
+last payable week in the session. The value presented here is a projection of
+the actual that will be available.}\hfil|\$\hfill 25,000\endtable
+% end of documentation
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