path: root/info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n3
diff options
authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n3
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n3')
1 files changed, 1062 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n3 b/info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n3
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5974cf0fb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/info/digests/tex-mag/v4.n3
@@ -0,0 +1,1062 @@
+ =====//===== \\ // ____
+ // \\ // |\ /| //
+ // //====== \V/ ||\ //| \\
+ // // // \\ || \// | /\ \\ ===\
+ // //==== // \\ || | // \ \\ |
+ // // // \\ || | //===\ \\___/
+ //======= // \
+ Volume 4 Number 3
+ A Mostly Unofficial Publication for
+ Users of the TeX Typesetting System
+ \headline{}........................................................2
+ \footnote{}........................................................3
+ ToolBox............................................................4
+ Reader's Survey Results............................................7
+ Frequently Asked Questions.........................................9
+TeXMaG Volume 4 Number 3 page 2
+| |
+| \headline{TeX 3.0 not entirely bug-free!} |
+by Chris Thompson
+In the current state of software technology, no useful program is ever
+free from bugs, even if it is written by Donald Knuth. When people
+stop finding bugs in TeX, it could only mean everyone has stopped
+using TeX! Here is an error I discovered that was introduced in
+TeX 2.992 (the `beta release' of TeX 3.0) and is still present. We
+have not received an official bug number for it yet. Although most
+people will probably never encounter it, the effects if they do can be
+rather alarming.
+The bug bites when you try to typeset a character from \nullfont. You
+may think you would never do such a thing, even by accident, but bear
+in mind that if a \font command fails (because of a non-existent or
+malformed TFM file, for example), then the control sequence it would
+have defined is set equal to \nullfont instead. When you try to
+typeset a character, random parts of store are interpreted as though
+they were a kern-ligature program. The consequences, which will
+vary between implementations, can include random-sized (sometimes
+ridiculously large) kerns, and `ligatures' notionally from \nullfont
+that actually get output into the DVI file. These may cause your DVI
+drivers to collapse: they certainly give DVItype severe indigestion.
+If you can regenerate your TeX system from source, the following
+addition to the change file will fix the problem:
+ @x section 552
+ font_bc[null_font]:=1; font_ec[null_font]:=0;
+ @y
+ font_bc[null_font]:=1; font_ec[null_font]:=0;
+ bchar_label[null_font]:=non_address;
+ font_bchar[null_font]:=non_char;
+ font_false_bchar[null_font]:=non_char;
+ @z
+TeXMaG Volume 4, Number 3 page 3
+| |
+| \footnote{Of Banners and Table Macros} |
+Well, you will notice that the banner is a bit different this month,
+and we ended up using ideas that people sent in to create the current
+banner. While the reader survey had strong results, the banner contest
+didn't generate as much interest. I can only assume that most of you
+are indifferent as far as an aesthetically pleasing banner goes, which
+is fine with me.
+Special thanks to Michael Barr for his banner idea. If any banner won,
+his did. We based the new banner primarily on his format (only he
+wanted to see greek letters in the title!).
+The S-Tables Macros I promised in the last issue will probably have to
+wait one more month due to the author's summer leave. Sorry to get
+your hopes up. But, as far as I can tell there should be no problem
+with them being here next month.
+TeXMaG Volume 4, Number 3 page 4
+| |
+| The ToolBox |
+Typesetting Double Columns
+One of the things that seems most frustrating about TeX is the
+difficulty of formatting text in double columns. There is a good macro
+on page 257 in the TeXBook that will output double columns. I have
+taken this macro and made a few additions to it, namely, the ability
+to make a headline, section and subsection divisions, and various
+rules throughout. See the internal documentation to remove the
+vertical ruling.
+You can modify the section headings because the current format is
+rather specific to a particular application. The section macro
+accepts two parameters: a section title and a section subtitle,
+the former in bold, the latter in bold italic. I was using them in
+the following manner:
+The Civil War <---- first parameter (bold)
+(1861-1865) <---- second parameter (bold italic)
+as it would appear in the document or
+\section{The Civil War}(1861-1865)
+as it would appear in the TeX file.
+One more thing to note is that you MUST give it a title. Use
+\title{} with the title in the braces.
+Limitations? Well, switching between one and two columns isn't allowed,
+nor does it balance columns on an ending page. Anyone with double
+column macros that allow for these features are encouraged to submit
+them for everyone's use!
+(macro follows)
+ page 5
+% Double Column Macro based on p. 257 of the TeXBook
+% with some additions and insertions by
+% Neil Burleson (NABTEXM@TAMVENUS.bitnet)
+% define fonts
+\font\sectionfont=cmbx10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\itfont=cmbxsl10 scaled\magstep1
+\font\titlefont=cmbx10 scaled\magstep3
+% define a bullet
+\def\bull{\vrule height.9ex width .8ex depth -.1ex}
+\parskip=10pt plus .1pt
+% main double column stuff -- I put a vrule in the definition of
+% \doubleformat. It goes between columns.
+% Simply insert a % before the \vrule if you don't like it.
+\fullhsize=6.5in \hsize=3.15in
+\def\fullline{\hbox to \fullhsize}
+\let\lr=L \newbox\leftcolumn
+\output={\if L\lr
+ \global\setbox\leftcolumn=\columnbox \global\let\lr=R
+ \else \doubleformat \global\let\lr=L\fi
+ \ifnum\outputpenalty>-20000\else\dosupereject\fi}
+ \fullline{\box\leftcolumn\hfil\vrule height\vsize width .05em\hfil%
+ \columnbox}\makefootline}
+ \advancepageno}
+\def\goodbye{\vfill\supereject\if R\lr\null\vfill\eject\fi\vfill\supereject\end}
+% This is for a headline...a title goes on the first page. You
+% must include \def\title{} in your document.
+\def\makeheadline{\ifnum \pageno=1
+ \vbox to 0pt{\vskip-32.5pt
+ \fullline{\vbox to8.5pt{}\vbox{\hrule height.3pt width\fullhsize\smallskip
+ \hbox to \fullhsize{\hss\titlefont\maintitle\hss}
+ \smallskip\hrule height.3pt width\fullhsize\medskip}}\vss}
+ \nointerlineskip
+ \else \fullline{\hfill} \fi}
+\def\makefootline{\baselineskip=24pt \fullline{\the\footline}}
+% Section and subsection stuff. I like it, but it shouldn't
+% be much trouble to modify (and you don't have to use it
+% at all!)
+\def\section#1(#2){\goodbreak\bigskip\goodbreak\hrule height .2pt depth.1pt
+ \smallskip\leftline{\sectionfont #1}\leftline{\itfont (#2)}\smallskip
+ \hrule height .2pt depth0.1pt\medskip}
+ \leftline{\bull\ \subsectionfont #1}}
+% end of DBLE.TEX
+<cut here>------------------------------------------------------------
+ page 6
+And for LaTeX, J"org Knappen has provided us with a GUILLEMETS.STY
+file for guillemets quotes.
+(macro follows)
+% GUILLEMETS.STY by J\"org Knappen, BITNET knappen@dmznat51
+% Version 14. Juli 1990
+\def\foq{{\ly(}} % <
+\def\fcq{{\ly)}} % >
+\def\foqq{{\ly(\kern-.166em(}} % <<
+\def\fcqq{{\ly)\kern-.166em)}} % >>
+This style option defines guillemets (french/ spanish/ russian/ ...)
+quotes under LaTeX. (Plain TeX is *not* supported). They are working
+in all sizes.
+Commands for end users
+\foq french opening quote <
+\fcq french closing quote >
+\foqq french opening quotes <<
+\fcqq french closing quotes >>
+Version history:
+14. juli 1990 : Added some comments
+Created 13. Juli 1990
+J"org Knappen, BITNET knappen@dmznat51
+Institut f"ur Kernphysik
+Saarstra"se 23
+D- 6500 Mainz
+<cut here>-------------------------------------------------------------
+TeXMaG Volume 4, Number 3 page 7
+| |
+| Reader's Survey Results |
+by Neil Burleson
+I was happy to see a fairly strong turn out on the Reader Surveys.
+Over 140 people responded figuring to be about an 8% response.
+TeX is being used on a wide variety of systems (with a vast array of
+output devices). PC's were the big winners with 29%. Unix/SUN and VMS
+were a close second and third with Unix/SUN at 22% and VMS at 21%. VM
+users stand at 8%, Macintosh users at 7%, Atari users 5%, and Amiga
+people at 1.5%. There were 5% of the respondents using something other
+than any of the above.
+65% of you are using TeX version 2.9x, 22% have gotten around to
+upgrading to TeX 3.0, 9% are using something older (2.0 or 2.1 were
+most common), and 5% didn't know what version they were using.
+As far as other TeX publications people read (and this was one of the
+most important questions), 77% read TeXHAX, 46% read TUGboat, and no
+substantial percentage read much else. UKTeX, comp.text.tex, and
+TeXline were the other publications read. Incidentally, many of you
+asked what TeXline was. TeXline is a publication sent through "real"
+mail from Malcolm Clark in the UK.
+The next question, I soon realized, was ridiculously pointless.
+I asked what would you like to see in the coming year, and nearly
+everyone checked nearly everything. And there was not one thing
+that, as a whole, people wanted to see more than another.
+The discussion questions and comment section proved to be the most
+helpful, and I had time to sit down and read everyone's comments and
+consider them. But again, there was a wide variety of sentiment from
+different corners of the TeX world. Some people said ``I hate all
+these obscure TeX Macros!!'' while others would say just as pointedly,
+``The thing I like the most about TeXMaG are all these obscure TeX
+Macros!!'' Some people said they wished TeXMaG talked a lot less about
+LaTeX, and an equal number said how much they enjoyed all the LaTeX
+There was, however, a large desire to see beginning articles on TeX,
+LaTeX, and Metafont. In fact, there were many who wanted to know how
+to use Metafont to create fonts for their particular printer if they
+already had the Metafont code. Many people wanted to see an article on
+how to build their own style files and macros, as well as articles on
+graphics. Other requests included book reviews, microcomputer applica-
+tions, a virtual font article, in-depth variety, tips for those
+maintaining an installation, a humor column, and a yearly index of
+articles. Whew!
+And people had complaints, too. 25% of the respondents mentioned
+something about the infrequent publication. A lot of people also said
+they could care less about a lot of the conference talk (especially
+localized ones, and ones that were already come and gone). There were
+ page 8
+a couple of comments about the typos in the last issue (sorry folks!),
+and a few people wished that we would keep our page length limited to
+66 lines. This is easy to do with regular text, but with long macros I
+am not convinced that they should be broken up. We will do our best.
+Only 6 or 7 people agreed that they got repeated information in TeXMaG.
+A few others thought at times that they did. And some said that it
+was not important because many people 1) do not catch things the first
+time around or 2) only receive TeXMaG.
+Thanks to everyone who returned a survey for their time and comments.
+They proved to be very helpful and gave us many ideas for future
+direction and articles. Remember, we are always happy to receive your
+article ideas and comments, and are always pleased with macros AND
+articles that you would like to submit. Please! Keep in touch!
+TeXMaG Volume 4, Number 3 page 9
+| |
+| Frequently Asked Questions |
+[Some folks said in the surveys that they would like to see a list of
+frequently asked questions. Well, this article happened to come across
+the network and I thought I would pass it on to the rest of you. -ed]
+by Bobby Bodenheimer
+This article includes answers to:
+ 1) Where can I get a DVI to PostScript conversion program?
+ 2) How can I include a PostScript figure in LaTeX?
+ 3) Where can I find a DVI previewer for machine Y running Q?
+ 4) Where can I get the manual for PiCTeX?
+ 5) What is VorTeX and where can I get it?
+ 6) What is OzTeX and where can I get it?
+ 7) What is Fig and where can I get it?
+ 8) How do I get WEB for C or FORTRAN?
+ 9) How can I typeset music in TeX?
+ 10) What is TUG and TUGboat?
+ 11) How do I convert Adobe's afm files to tfm format?
+ 12) In LaTeX, how do I get a double-spaced document?
+ 13) In LaTeX, how do I include a file in the verbatim environment?
+ 14) In LaTeX, how do I do Y?
+ 15) Where can I find a LaTeX style file for doing Y?
+ 16) How do I generate an index in TeX/LaTeX?
+ 17) How do I get METAFONT to do what I want it to do?
+ 18) Where do I get TeX/LaTeX for machine Y running Q?
+ 19) What is the Clarkson archive server?
+ 20) Where can I get a thesis style for LaTeX?
+ 21) How do I get symbols for "the real numbers", "the complex numbers",
+ and so on?
+ 22) How do I get TeX material if I do not have access to anonymous
+ ftp?
+ 23) How do I use PostScript fonts with LaTeX?
+Many of the answers below tell you that you can obtain something
+through anonymous ftp. Remember that anonymous ftp is a privilege
+and that the system administrators for these sites have made these
+files available out of their own generosity. Therefore please restrict
+your ftp'ing to non-prime hours at the various sites.
+I would like to acknowledge Don Hosek, Ken Yap, Tomas Rokicki, and
+Micah Beck, whose postings provided many of the answers. Joe Weening,
+Hal Perkins, Walter Carlip, Max Hailpern, Tad Guy, Raymond Chen, Henning
+Schulzrinne, and Sebastian Rahtz provided additional material and
+criticisms. The format of this document is based on that of the Frequently
+Asked Questions appearing in comp.unix.wizards, and written by Steve
+Hayman. Any mistakes are mine. Corrections, suggestions, and additions to
+This is version 1.6, last changed 7/10/90.
+1) Where can I get a DVI to PostScript conversion program?
+ Four very nice DVI to PostScript conversion programs that run
+ under Unix are:
+ dvitps - part of the TeXPS package by Stephan von Bechtolsheim.
+ page 10
+ Available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./pub/TeXPS.
+ dvi3ps - by Kevin Coombes. Available via anonymous ftp
+ from ( in
+ ./pub/dvi3ps.tar.Z
+ dvips - by Tomas Rokicki. This driver (in version 5.0 and later)
+ has the ability to deal with the virtual fonts of TeX 3.0.
+ Version 4.21 is for versions of TeX before 3.0 (or 2.995).
+ Available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./pub.
+ dvitops - by James Clark. Available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./tex/dvitops.tar.Z
+ Of the above drivers, dvitops will compile under Unix, MSDOS, VMS,
+ and Primos, and dvips will probably port very easily. The first
+ two programs would be difficult to port to something other than
+ Unix.
+2) How can I include a PostScript figure in LaTeX?
+ Perhaps the best way to do this is to use the psfig macros written
+ by Trevor Darrell. They are available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./psfig or
+ ( in the directory ./dist/psfig. You
+ will also need a dvi to PostScript conversion program that supports
+ \specials. The ones mentioned in question 1 do, and the first two
+ drivers come with a version of psfig ready to use with them. The psfig
+ macros work best with Encapsulated PostScript Files (EPS). In
+ particular, psfig will need the file to have a BoundingBox (see
+ Appendix C of the _PostScript Language Reference Manual_). If you
+ don't have an EPS file, life can be difficult.
+3) Where can I find a DVI previewer for machine Y running Q?
+ This briefly lists some previewers which are available via anonymous
+ ftp:
+ dvipage - For SunView. Available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./tex/dvipages.tar.Z.
+ xtex - For X Windows. Available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./contrib/SeeTeX-2.15.tar.Z.
+ dviapollo- for Apollo Domain. Available via anonymous ftp from
+ in ./tex/dviapollo.tar.Z.
+ dviis - For Integrated Systems. Available via anonymous ftp from
+ in ./tex/dviis.tar.Z.
+ dvidis - For VAXstation VWS. Available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in [.dvidis] (VMS machine).
+ xdvi - Also for X Windows. Available via anonymous ftp from
+ in ./contrib/xdvi.shar.Z and
+ ./contrib/xdvi.patch7.Z
+4) Where can I get the manual for PiCTeX?
+ The PiCTeX manual is not free. It is available for $35 from the
+ TeX Users Group:
+ TeX Users Group
+ P. O. Box 9506
+ Providence, RI 02940 (USA)
+ 401-751-7760
+ page 11
+ The proceeds from this sale go to Michael Wichura, the author of
+ PiCTeX, and TUG.
+5) What is VorTeX and where can I get it?
+ VorTeX is a package of programs written at the University of
+ California. It includes several nice previewers and some Emacs
+ modes for TeX and BibTeX. It is not free. Inquiries should be
+ directed to or
+ Professor Michael A. Harrison
+ Att. Vortex Dist.
+ Computer Science Division
+ University of California
+ Berkeley, CA 94720
+6) What is OzTeX and where can I get it?
+ OzTeX is a public domain version of TeX for the Macintosh. It was
+ written by Andrew Trevorrow, and is available via anonymous ftp
+ from ( in ./pub/oztex. The most
+ recent version is 1.2. It is also available from
+ ( in ./pub/OzTeX, which contains other public
+ domain TeX-related software for the Mac as well. Questions about
+ OzTeX may be directed to
+7) What is Fig and where can I get it?
+ Fig is a menu driven tool similar to MacDraw that allows you to
+ draw objects on the screen of a Sun Workstation running SunView.
+ TransFig is a set of tools which translate the code fig produces
+ to other graphics languages including PostScript and the LaTeX
+ picture environment. Both are available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./pub/fig. Both Fig and
+ TransFig are also available from the Clarkson archive server at
+ (see question 19). Both Fig and TransFig
+ are supported by Micah Beck (
+ XFig is essentially the same program except that it runs under
+ X Windows. It is available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./contrib/xfig-2.0.*.Z. Note that version 2.0 is
+ the most recent. It was written by Brian Smith.
+ For complete compatibility with TransFig, be sure to get at least
+ patchlevel 4 of XFig 2.0.
+8) How do I get WEB for C or FORTRAN?
+ There is a version of WEB for C called CWEB written by Silvio Levy. It
+ is available via anonymous ftp from ( in
+ the directory ./pub/cweb.
+ There is a version of WEB called Spidery WEB which supports many
+ languages including ADA, awk, and C. It was written by Norman Ramsey
+ and, while not in the public domain, is usable free for research
+ purposes. It is available via anonymous ftp from in
+ ./pub/spiderweb.tar.Z.
+ There is a versions of WEB call FWEB for Fortran, Ratfor, and C
+ written by John Krommes ( Version 1.12 will be
+ available soon via anonymous ftp from (
+ Look for the announcement in TeXhax.
+ page 12
+9) How can I typeset music in TeX?
+ A package called MuTeX, written by Andrea Steinbach and Angelika
+ Schofer, aids in doing this. It is available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in pub/TEX/mtex.tar.Z
+10) What is TUG and TUGboat?
+ TUG is the TeX User's Group. TUGboat is their newsletter, which
+ publishes useful articles about TeX and METAFONT. Inquiries should
+ be directed to:
+ TeX Users Group
+ P. O. Box 9506
+ Providence, RI 02940 (USA)
+ 401-751-7760
+11) How do I convert Adobe's afm files to tfm format?
+ Use the afm2tfm program distributed with dvips, available via
+ anonymous ftp from ( in ./pub. If
+ you are using a pre-VF version of TeX, get dvips4.21; if you are
+ using a version of TeX that understands virtual fonts, get
+ dvips5.02 (or later).
+12) In LaTeX, how do I get a double-spaced document?
+ One way is to change the value of \baselinestretch to 2 or 1.5 with
+ the command \renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{2}. A better way is to
+ use the doublespace style file doublespace.sty in ./pub/latex-style
+ from (see question 19).
+13) In LaTeX, how do I include a file in the verbatim environment?
+ A good way to do this is to use the alltt environment defined in
+ the style file alltt.sty available in ./pub/latex-style from
+ (see question 19).
+14) In LaTeX, how do I do Y?
+ If you can't figure out how to do something in LaTeX after you
+ have read the manual very carefully, asked your local LaTeX
+ guru, and thought about it, there is a LaTeX help service
+ available (more information is periodically posted about this
+ by Don Hosek). Please note that the way to accomplish something
+ in LaTeX is often by using an appropriate style file, so please
+ check this also (see question 15). If none of this works, send mail
+ describing your problem to
+15) Where can I find a LaTeX style file for doing Y?
+ Before you ask for a LaTeX style file to do something, please check
+ the latex style collection at, either through
+ the archive server or via anonymous ftp (see question 19).
+16) How do I generate an index in TeX/LaTeX?
+ Making an index is not trivial. There are several indexing programs
+ which aid in doing this. Some are:
+ makeindex - for LaTeX under Unix (but may run on other machines
+ without changes). Available via anonymous ftp from
+ (, VMS) in the directory
+ [.tex.utilities.makeindex]
+ page 13
+ idxtex - for LaTeX under VMS. Available via anonymous ftp from
+ in the directory [.tex.utilities.idxtex].
+ texix - for TeX on CMS and MacIntosh machines. Available via
+ anonymous ftp from in the directory
+ [.tex.utilities.texix].
+17) How do I get METAFONT to do what I want it to do?
+ METAFONT allows you to create your own fonts, and ordinary TeX users
+ will never need to use it. METAFONT, unlike TeX, requires some
+ customization. Each output device for which you will be generating
+ fonts needs a mode associated with it. Modes are defined using the
+ mode_def convention described on page 94 of _The METAFONTbook_. So
+ first create a file, which we will call, containing all the
+ mode_defs you will be using. The file (in the standard
+ distribution or available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./lib) is a good starting point for this. Listings of
+ settings for various output devices are also published periodically
+ in TUGboat (see question 10). Now create a plain base file using
+ inimf,, and
+ % inimf
+ This is METAFONT....
+ **plain # you type plain
+ (output)
+ *input local # you type this
+ (output)
+ *dump # you type this
+ Beginning to dump on file plain....
+ (output)
+ %
+ This should create a base file named plain.base (or something close)
+ and should be moved to the directory which contains the base files on
+ your system.
+ Now we need to make sure that METAFONT loads this base when it starts
+ up. If METAFONT loads the plain base by default on your system, then
+ you're ready to go. Under Unix, we might, for instance define a
+ command mf which executes "virmf &plain," loading the plain base
+ file.
+ The usual way to create a font with plain METAFONT is to then start
+ it with the line
+ \mode=<mode name>; mag=<magnification>; input <font file name>
+ in response to the * prompt or on the METAFONT command line. If
+ <mode name> is unknown or omitted, then the mode defaults to proof
+ mode. If this has happened METAFONT will produce an output file
+ called <font file name>.2602gf. The <magnification> is a floating
+ point number or magstep (magsteps are defined in _The METAFONTbook_
+ and _The TeXbook_). If mag=<magnification> is omitted, then the
+ default is 1. For example, to generate cmr10 at 12pt for an epson
+ printer you would type
+ mf \mode=epson; mag=1.2; input cmr10
+ Note that under Unix the '\' and ';' characters must usually be
+ escaped, so that this would typically look something like
+ mf \\mode=epson\; mag=1.2\; input cmr10
+ If you don't have inimf or need a special mode that isn't in the
+ base, you can put its commands in a file (e.g., and invoke
+ it on the fly with the \smode command. For example, to create
+ ln03.300gf for an LN03 printer, using the file
+ % This is as of 2/27/90
+ % mode_def courtesy of John Sauter
+ proofing:=0;
+ fontmaking:=1;
+ page 14
+ tracingtitles:=0;
+ pixels_per_inch:=300;
+ blacker:=0.65;
+ fillin:=-0.1;
+ o_correction:=.5;
+ (note the absence of the mode_def and enddef commands), we would type
+ mf \smode="ln03"; input cmr10
+18) Where do I get TeX/LaTeX for machine Y running Q?
+ Unix - The Unix TeX distribution is available for anonymous
+ ftp from ( in the directory
+ ./tex/unix. It is large, so please be sure to observe proper
+ ftp etiquette when getting it. It is also available through
+ the University of Washington, for a small fee. Contact:
+ Director
+ Northwest Computer Support Group
+ University of Washington
+ Mail Stop DW-10
+ Seattle, WA 98195 (USA)
+ (206)543-6259
+ or send electronic mail to Elizabeth Tachikawa at
+ The fee charged for getting
+ the TeX distribution through the University of Washington helps
+ fund the further development of Unix TeX, so it's a good idea to
+ order it this way.
+ PC - A TeX package for the PC, including LaTeX, BibTeX, previewers,
+ and drivers is available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./pub/TeX. The variety here is
+ sbtex version 30 by Wayne Sullivan. EmTeX, another TeX package
+ for the PC by Eberhard Mattes, is available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in ./msdos/text-mgmt/TeX/emtex
+ and from ( (user:ftp,
+ password: guest) in ./soft/tex/emtex. This package includes LaTeX,
+ METAFONT, BibTex, etc., as well. All the documentation for emtex
+ is in German, although the Aston archive (see question 22) has
+ much of it in English. TeX for the PC is also available through
+ Jon Radel
+ P. O. Box 2276
+ Reston, VA 22090
+ Send a self-addressed stamped envelope to obtain information
+ on what's available.
+ Mac - see question 6 for a public domain version.
+ TOPS-20 - TeX was originally written on a DEC-10 under WAITS, and so
+ was easily ported to TOPS-20. A Distribution that runs on TOPS-20
+ is available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in aps:<tex> (this is a TOPS-20 machine).
+ VAX/VMS - VMS executables are available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in [.tex.exe]. Source is
+ available in [.tex.sources]. Version 3.0 is available in
+ [.tex.sources.tex3_0]. Ymir has a mailserver for those without
+ ftp access. Send a message containing the line "help" to
+ Atari - TeX is available for the Atari ST from
+ ( in ./pub/atari/StTeX.
+ page 15
+ Amiga - Disk 1 of the Amiga CommonTeX distribution is available
+ via anonymous ftp from (
+ in ./pub/commontex.zoo. This file is in zoo format so you may
+ need to get zoo to uncompress it: The Unix zoo distribution is
+ in ./pub/zoo-2.01; the Amiga version is available as
+ ./amiga/zoo-2.00.arc. The file copying.tex in the distribution
+ contains information on how to obtain the other disks.
+19) What is the Clarkson archive server?
+ The Clarkson archive server is a program that allows you to
+ retrieve files via electronic mail. So it provides a way of
+ getting many neat things if you don't have anonymous ftp. To
+ get the archive server to do something you should send a message
+ to ( To get
+ started using it, send the archive server a one line message
+ "help" (case is unimportant). It will send you back a file
+ describing how to use it more fully.
+ In particular, the Clarkson archive contains, among other things,
+ a repository for LaTeX style files, AMSTeX macros and style
+ files, BiBTeX style files, PiCTeX source (not the manual, see
+ question 4), back issues of TeXhax and TeXMaG, files from
+ TUGboat, and source to TeX, LaTeX, WEB, and various utilities.
+ The archive is maintained by Michael DeCorte.
+ If anonymous ftp is available to you, you may get the files directly
+ from
+ If you have problems, contact
+20) Where can I get a thesis style for LaTeX?
+ Thesis styles are usually very specific to your University, so it's
+ usually not profitable to ask the whole newsgroup for one. If you
+ want to write your own, a good place to start is the ucthesis style
+ available in the latex style collection at
+ (see question 19).
+21) How do I get symbols for "the real numbers", "the complex numbers",
+ and so on?
+ These symbols are known as "blackboard bold" and are available in
+ the font "msym" (e.g., "msym10" for 10pt). There is a companion
+ font "msxm" as well. The fonts have a large number of
+ mathematical symbols to supplement the ones provided by TeX. A
+ complete list of the symbols can be found in the November 1985
+ issue of TUGboat (see question 10). The fonts are available from
+ the American Mathematical Society; also TFM and PK files for the
+ standard scalings are available from the Clarkson archive server
+ at sun.soe.clarkson in ./pub/tfm and ./pub/canon300 (see question
+ 19). GF, PXL, and MF files are available via anonymous ftp from
+ ( in the directory ./tex/amsfonts.
+ The file mssymb.tex in the same directory loads the fonts for TeX
+ users (Blackboard bold is the font \Bbb). LaTeX users can access
+ them using the amssymbols.sty style file available from the
+ archive server. The MF sources for these fonts will soon be
+ released by the AMS. Look for them somewhere on
+ (
+ page 16
+22) How do I get TeX material if I do not have access to anonymous ftp?
+ There are several mail servers available, i.e., programs that will
+ send you files via electronic mail. Some are:
+ - The mail server at Clarkson (see question 19), if you can send
+ mail to the United States.
+ - Also in the US, the mail server at has access
+ to all the tex-related material there. Send a message containing
+ the line "help" to
+ - In the United Kingdom, you can get TeX-related material from the
+ UK TeX archive at the University of Aston. (FTP access is also
+ available:
+ Site
+ Username public
+ Password public
+ Top Level tex-archive
+ A known file is [tex-archive]000directory.list.) For electronic
+ mail access, send a message to The
+ message must contain the following three lines starting in column 1
+ (and omitting the ===> part):
+ ===> ---
+ ===> (your address from Aston - see below)
+ ===> help
+ The server ignores anything preceding the line which commences
+ with the three hyphens, such as mail headers. It also ignores the
+ remainder of the line with the hyphens on it. For Internet users
+ the return address is of the form name%site@nsfnet-relay, while
+ for Bitnet and EARN it is name%site@earn-relay.
+ - There are LISTSERV facilities for TeX on LISTSERV@TAMVM1.BITNET
+ and LISTSERV@DHDURZ1.BITNET. Send a message containing the line
+ "help" to one of these addresses.
+ There is also the DECUS TeX collection, a collection of TeX material
+ for VMS, Unix, MS-DOS, and the Macintosh. It can be obtained from
+ the DECUS Library (reference number VS0058) in the US, or through
+ your DECUS office outside of the US. To contact the DECUS Library,
+ send mail or call:
+ The DECUS Program Library
+ 219 Boston Post Road BP02
+ Marlboro, MA 01752-1850
+ (508)480-3418
+ or send electronic mail to the DECUS TeX Collection Editor, Ted
+ Nieland, at
+ Another good source of information is NETWORK SOURCES OF TeX WARE
+ by Peter Flynn which appeared in TeXhax, volume 90, issues 45-47
+ (in May 1990).
+23) How do I use PostScript fonts with LaTeX?
+ There are at least four problems with replacing the standard Computer
+ Modern fonts used in LaTeX:
+ 1. The fonts are defined in a long set of macros in lfonts.tex
+ which are not easy to understand and change;
+ 2. You must have a device driver capable of understanding the idea
+ of fonts built into the printer (all the drivers referred to in
+ question 1 have this capability).
+ 3. The default layout of the Adobe fonts is NOT the same as that for
+ the CMR fonts, so you will not get the right characters (ligatures
+ being a good example).
+ 4. The official names of the PostScript fonts are long and in both
+ upper and lower cases. While this presents no problems for Unix,
+ it can cause problems with files under DOS, VMS, etc.
+ page 17
+ The first problem can be solved by one of:
+ 1. Going through lfonts.tex and changing references to CMR to some
+ new font, e.g., times.
+ 2. Overloading the definitions of \bf, \rm, etc., with new font
+ families.
+ 3. Using the font selection mechanism described in Tugboat 10.3,
+ p. 222 ff; a LaTeX interface to this will be part of version
+ 2.10 of LaTeX.
+ The second problem is quickly disappearing since all recent DVI to
+ PostScript drivers have had adequate facilities. The third problem
+ can be solved by:
+ 1. Changing TeX macros, etc., so that the Adobe font layouts are
+ expected.
+ 2. Re-encoding the Adobe fonts in a PostScript prolog so that they
+ conform to TeX standards.
+ 3. Using ``virtual fonts'' to perform the mapping between Adobe and
+ TeX layouts. Tomas Rokicki's dvips driver, version 5.02, (see
+ question 1) has examples of this.
+ A definitive statement on short names for Adobe fonts is expected
+ soon. Meanwhile, there is not much agreement on how to compress
+ Garamond-LightItalic into 8 characters.
+Bobby Bodenheimer
+// BITNET: bobby@caltech.bitnet |
+// ARPA : | Woof!
+// UUCP : {amdahl,ames!elroy}!cit-vax!bobby |
+TeXMaG is an independently published electronic magazine available
+free of charge to all interested parties reachable by electronic
+mail. It is published monthly. Letters to the editor may be sent to
+may be published in a future issue.
+ Publisher: Academic Computing Services of
+ Texas A&M University
+ Managing Editor: Neil Burleson
+ TeX Editor: Robert Nilsson
+ LaTeX Editor: Saad Mir
+ Graphics/TeX Editor Stewart Robinson
+ Copy Editor: Diana Armstrong
+ Chief Consultant: John McClain, Ph.D
+ CDNnet: Send a note to <> asking to receive
+ TeXMaG.
+ JANET: Send a note to Peter Abbott, <Abbottp@Uk.Ac.Aston> asking to
+ receive TeXMaG.
+ All others: Send the following command as an interactive message
+ (Bitnet) or as a single-line mail message to LISTSERV@UICVM
+ SUBS TEXMAG-L Your_Full_Name.
+ If you have difficulty doing this, send a note to Neil Burleson
+ Please send submissions to <TEXMAG-L@UICVM.UIC.EDU> or
+ <TEXMAG-L@UICVM>; they will automatically be forwarded to the
+ editor.
+ Back issues may be FTP'd from YMIR.CLAREMONT.EDU from the directory
+ Back issues may also be FTP'd from SUN.SOE.CLARKSON.EDU from the
+ directory pub/texmag. Users without FTP access may request back
+ issues from the Clarkson repository by sending a mail message
+ to <> with the form
+ get texmag texmag.V.NN
+ where V is the volume number and NN is the issue number. Including
+ a line "index texmag" in the message will return a list of back
+ issues available.
+ Janet users may obtain back issues from the Aston archive.
+ DECNET/SPAN users may obtain them from the Decnet repository.
+\bye bye!
+% End of TeXMaG