path: root/info/digests/tex-mag/v3.n1
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/tex-mag/v3.n1
Initial commit
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1 files changed, 1030 insertions, 0 deletions
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+* *
+* TTTTTTT X X M M GGGGGG A Mostly Unofficial *
+* T X X MM MM G Publication for Users *
+* T EEEEEEE XXX M M M M A G GG Of the TeX Computer *
+* T E X X M M M A A G G Typesetting System. *
+* E A A Volume 3, Number 1 *
+* EEEEEEE A A Distribution: 1410 or so... * , Number 1 *
+* EEEEEEE A A7, 1989
+Letters to the Editor................................................2
+ Headlines..........................................................3
+ First report from the DVI standards committee......................4
+ Call for driver information........................................5
+ First announcement and call for papers: TeX89......................6
+ Preliminary table of contents, TUGboat 10#1, April 1989............7
+Layout puzzles.......................................................8
+Eliminating italic corrections.......................................9
+Cumulative index: V1N1-V3N1.........................................10
+\footnote{Green with envy}
+Last night I came across a copy of the Proceedings of the Second
+European Conference on TeX and Scientific Documentation
+(Springer-Verlag), and was quite impressed with the amount and
+quality of work being done in Europe with TeX. Out of curiosity, I
+flipped to the front of the volume to see who the editor was. Before
+I managed to find this out, I was struck instead by a comment
+casually mentioning how widespread use of TeX was in Europe.
+This comment probably would have passed by my attention had I not
+read in Bart Childs' column in TUGboat 9(3), "Cathy Booth pointed out
+that the attendance at the Exeter meeting was nearly the same as
+ours. We have several times as many TUG members in the U.S. and
+Canada as there are in Europe." And then a couple pages later,
+Barbara Beeton writes, "TeX is accepted in Europe and other areas of
+the world even more readily (if possible) than in North America."
+I suspect that Barbara's "if possible" is a bit spurious and that, in
+fact, TeX is far more accepted in Europe than it is in North America,
+despite a rather blatant US English slant to its typography.
+This issue contains some additional evidence of the truth of that
+last statement: notices for TWO (count 'em TWO) European TeX
+conferences, and a letter mentioning the existence of a German-only
+LaTeX book. The impression that I get from my European colleagues is
+that TeX is far more into the "mainstream" in Europe than it is in the
+U.S. Clearly, *something* is going right with TeX in Europe.
+But what?
+What is the factor that has led to the wider acceptance of TeX in
+Europe? Are there large numbers of European publishers supporting
+TeX? Is it TeX's support of accents? Or hyphenation? I'm not even
+close to being able to answer any of these questions, but I'd be glad
+to hear from my subscribers to find out what you think is responsible
+for this state of affairs.
+* Letters to the Editor *
+Date: Fri, 30 Dec 88 23:42:43 est
+From: rjchen@phoenix.Princeton.EDU
+As part of the trailer, you have
+>TeXMaG is an independantly published electronic magazine available
+>free of charge to all interested parties reachable by electronic
+>mail. It is published sporadicly, and the editor likes to think that
+>its monthly so the readers humor him. Subscription requests should
+>be sent to Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET> . . .
+I believe the fourth word should be spelled ``independently''.
+``inde pendant ly'', hm, I wonder what that could mean. Pendant.
+This word has potential...
+BTW, the sentence starting with ``It is publised sporadically'' I found
+most amusing. You might want to change [its] into [it's], though.
+That's all. Keep up the good work.
+Date: Sat, 22 Oct 88 20:45:01 GMT
+Please sign me up for your TeXmag e-mail distribution schedule. I have
+really enjoyed reading the past issues. Also I would like to offer a
+"find" I made on a recent trip to Germany: Our German TeX/LaTeX
+colleagues are making greater strides in *instruction* for LaTeX
+use... Addison-Wesley (Bonn) has published a book (offered exclusively
+in German!, i.e., *not* scheduled for English translation!) by Helmut
+Kopka, "LaTeX-eine Einf\"uhrung", 1988 which I found to unlock many
+mysteries of *options* for commands that, after 3 years of LaTeX use,
+I was still unaware of there existence. One gold star for the German
+TeX community!
+ -Harry Anderson, blender of LaTeX and Synthetic Peptide Chemistry
+Date: Sun, 12 Feb 89 12:58:55 -0500
+From: Ken Yap <>
+Hi Don,
+In a moment of idleness, I picked up back issues of TeXMaG from
+Clarkson and decided I'd write the editor a letter.
+I've seen queries on mailing lists and newsgroups about "How to get
+TeX running on my Kludge 499?" and often the implied but unworded
+query is: how come there is no central authority that knows all the
+I think it would pay to step back and reflect on the complexity of the
+TeX world. Here are some large areas of expertise, each of which could
+easily take up all of one person's time.
++ TeX/LaTeX macro hacking: As with any complex language, the effort of
+learning how to write TeX is comparable to learning a conventional
+computer language like Modula-2. And as with other language, it does
+no good just to spend nights in bed with the TeXbook, one has to get
+one's hands dirty. (This will be a lucrative area when publishing
+really discovers computerized typesetting. I can see job ads now:
+"Must be fluent in C, Pascal, TeX and PostScript.") Mutatis mutandis
+for METAFONT, but to lesser extent.
++ TeX software installation: The effort of maintaining TeX software on
+a system is comparable to that of maintaining a compiler and
+associated files. Just think of all those macros and style files you
+had to install, those times when users came running in with "what does
+it mean TeX capacity exceeded." Proof of this is that we have
+enterprises selling turnkey pre-configured TeX systems. Obviously some
+sites do not have the personnel to worry about such things.
+It is also worth remembering that TeX is a very portable piece of
+software running on many diverse machines and no-one can know about
+the intricacies of every implementation.
++ TeX enhancements and software distribution: There are the people who
+work on the leading edge, the people who worry about standardizing
+\specials, merging in new contributions, etc. Site maintainers are
+such people, but there are other industrious souls too. Enhancements
+have to be subjected to trial use and comment.
++ TeX information dissemination: There are the people who document,
+collate and publish what has been done. There is the official
+TUGBOAT, the TeXHax mailing list, various local lists like UKTeX and
+not forgetting TeXMaG. Often, such work involves tangling with ugly
+aspects of networking.
+>From this list we can see that there is no way one person or even
+one site can have all the answers. TeX is a huge co-operative effort.
+You can help by being aware of what's out there, by volunteering help,
+by contributing a macro or two or anything at all that will reduce
+reinvention of the wheel.
+I hope this limited overview may help you present arguments when
+requesting resources to support text processing activities. For many
+sites, text processing is a major activity and deserves concommitant
+allocation of personnel and materiel. I confidently predict that
+text processing will be a major growth area for computer usage.
+After all, computers are about information handling and not just
+programs or programs to make programs.
+ Ken
+* Headlines... *
+-> TeXMaG is now officially a bi-monthly. It will be published
+ somewhere in the middle of every even-numbered month.
+-> For those of you who might have experienced difficulty retrieving
+ files from (home of the LaTeX style
+ repository), the problem has been fixed: there had been a disk
+ failure causing the files from pub to be inaccessible for a few
+ days.
+-> TeX is officially at version 2.96 and MF at version 1.7. There
+ have also been some updates to a few of the CM MF files. Your
+ site's TeX maintainer should get new copies of the appropriate
+ files if this has not already been done.
+-> LaTeX is also at a new version, the latest being dated 8 Feb 1989.
+* First report from the DVI driver standards committee *
+The TUG DVI driver standards committee has been working on the
+development of standards for device drivers since the fall of 1988.
+This article is a first report on our status to the membership of TUG.
+At the time of this writing, we are in the midst of discussion of
+\special standards for device drivers. By the TUG meeting this August,
+we should have a preliminary report on this topic available for
+distribution to all interested parties. We welcome all input from
+members of the TeX community; if you have any suggestions, comments,
+etc. regarding the issue of \special handling, we would appreciate it
+if you could send these to Robert McGaffey (Internet:
+McGaffey%Orn.Mfenet@Nmfecc.Arpa) for distribution to the members of
+the committee.
+The members of the committee are: Robert McGaffey, chair, Oak Ridge
+National Laboratory; David P. Babcock, Hewlett-Packard; Elizabeth
+Barnhart, TV Guide; Stephan v. Bechtolsheim, Integrated Computer
+Software Inc.; Nelson Beebe, University of Utah; Jackie Damrau,
+University of New Mexico; Donald Goldhammer, University of Chicago;
+Don Hosek, University of Illinois at Chicago; David Ness, TV Guide;
+Thomas J. Reid, Texas A&M University; David Rodgers, Arbortext, Inc.;
+Brian Skidmore, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.; Glenn Vanderburg,
+Texas A&M University; and Ralph Youngen, American Mathematical
+* Call for driver information *
+by Don Hosek <U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU> or <U33297@UICVM.BITNET>
+Looks like it's about that time again...
+If you're using TeX, you most likely are using it with a device driver
+of some sort (unless you're very strange). If you can identify the
+source of any of your device drivers/previewers please send me a note
+1) The computer it runs on
+2) the printer/display it drives
+3) where it came from.
+4) frequently I'm asked to comment on the utility of various drivers,
+ so if you could supply me with some of your *opinions* on the driver
+ I'd appreciate it.
+If you distribute drivers, I would appreciate the following
+1) a list of drivers that you distribute with the information listed
+ above. I will send you a follow-up note asking for more detail,
+ plus a listing of what I currently have.
+2) all the ways to contact you that are acceptable (viz e-mail, postal
+ mail, phone, telex, etc.)
+3) information on obtaining the programs (from FTP, file servers, on
+ tape or disk etc.) and costs.
+4) support for anything you sell/give away
+5) other sources for obtaining your drivers (commercial vendors,
+ etc.)
+6) anything else that may be of interest.
+If you have access to TUGboat, I would appreciate it if you could look
+at the device driver listings in the most recent issue of TUGboat you
+can get and let me know about any errors/omissions.
+* First announcement and Call for Papers *
+* TeX89 *
+* 4th Annual Meeting of European TeX Users *
+* September 11-13, 1989, Karlsruhe, FRG *
+TeX89, the 4th European TeX Conference, will take place at Karlsruhe
+University, FRG, from Monday, September 11, to Wednesday, September
+13, 1989. The conference will be organized by Anne
+Br\"uggemann-Klein, Department of Computer Science, University of
+Freiburg, and Rainer Rupprecht, Computing Center, University of
+Following the tradition of last years' conferences, contributions are
+welcome from all areas of TeX, Metafont, and related subjects. Likely
+themes might include:
+o document structures (LaTeX, SGML, ODA,...)
+o non-technical TeX (humanities, music, exotic languages,...)
+o other technical areas (chemistry, physics, biology,...)
+o difficult jobs with TeX, LaTeX,...
+o graphics and TeX
+o TeX training
+o TeX as part of a larger system (user interfaces, tools,
+ environments,...)
+o TeX as a production tool
+o fonts to use with TeX (Metafont and other systems)
+o TeX and PostScript
+o Macro packages
+o public domain TeX vs. commercial TeX
+Besides traditional paper sessions, discussion groups on special
+subjects and exhibitions will be organized. In a special session at
+the end of the conference, highlights of the discussion groups will
+be presented to the general audience. Conference proceedings will be
+published after the conference.
+Various workshops and participatory seminars will be offered before
+and after the conference. Proposals for topics and voluntary tutors
+are welcome.
+The conference fee will be approximately DM 280. The fee includes
+registration materials, lunches, social events, and a copy of the
+conference proceedings.
+A second circular containing the preliminary program will be out by
+March 31, 1989.
+==============================Cut Here================================
+ _______________________________________________________________
+ _______________________________________________________________
+Please check where appropriate:
+___ Please add my name to the TeX89 mailing list.
+___ I am seriously considering attending the conference.
+___ I would like to present a paper. The title will be:
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ My talk will take ____ minutes. The abstract (1 page) is included.
+___ I would like to contribute to or participate in discussion groups
+ on:
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+___ I would like to offer a workshop before or after the conference
+ on:
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+___ I would like to participate in a workshop before or after the
+ conference on:
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+ __________________________________________________________________
+Send to: Rainer Rupprecht
+ Rechenzentrum
+ Universit\"at Karlsruhe
+ Postfach 6980
+ 7500 Karlsruhe 1, FRG
+ E-mail: Rz32@Dkauni48.Bitnet
+===============================Cut Here===============================
+* Preliminary table of contents, TUGboat 10#1, April 1989 *
+General Delivery
+ Bart Childs From the President
+ Donald E. Knuth Scholarship
+ Barbara Beeton Editorial Comments
+ Barbara Beeton A TeX encounter in Japan
+ Adrian Clark An enhanced TeX-editor interface for VMS
+ Michael Harrison News from the VorTeX project
+ Klaus Thull The virtual memory management of PubliC TeX
+ Richard Kinch TurboMetafont: A new port in C for Unix
+ and MS-DOS
+ Stephan v. Bechtolsheim The TeX PostScript software package
+ Georgia K.M. Tobin A handy little font
+ Donald Knuth Typesetting Concrete Mathematics
+ Doug Henderson Outline fonts with Metafont
+ Zalman Rubenstein Chess Printing via Metafont and TeX
+ Dominik Wujastyk Font update
+ Bart Childs, Alan Stolleis and Don Berryman
+ A portable graphics inclusion
+ David F. Rogers Computer graphics and TeXDash a challenge
+Output Devices
+ Don Hosek TeX output devices (with charts)
+ Don Hosek Report from the DVI dviver standards committee
+ Marius Broeren and Jan van Knippenberg
+ High quality printing of TeX in the VAX/VMS
+ environment
+Site Reports
+ Peter Abbott UKTeX and the Aston archive
+ Amiga
+ Kim Kubik AmigaTeX... or How envy was resisted and
+ knowledge found on the road to Ooc
+ Data General
+ Bart Childs Data General site report
+ Pierre MacKay UnixTeX site report
+ David Kellerman VAX/VMS site report
+Typesetting on PCs
+ Alan Hoenig The land of the free and the near free
+ Michael Modest Using TeX and LaTeX with WordPerfect 5.0
+ David F. Rogers and Joost Zalmstra
+ A page make-up macro
+ Brother Eric Vogel Printing Vietnamese characters by
+ adding diacritical marks
+ Sriram Sankar APE -- A set of TeX macros to format Ada
+ programs
+ James Nearing Extended equation numbering in Plain TeX
+ Michael DeCorte Contents of LaTeX style collection
+ as of 24 September 1988
+ Frank Mittelbach ``A new implementation of the tabular- and
+ array-environments of LaTeX''
+ (TUGboat 9#3) -- addenda
+ Rainer Schoepf Drawing histogram bars inside the LaTeX
+ picture-environment
+ Dezso Nagy Vertical centering for transparencies
+ C. G. van der Laan Typesetting in Bridge
+News & Announcements
+ Calendar
+ GUTenberg Congres, Paris, 16-17 May 1989
+ TeX89: Karlsruhe University, 11-13 September 1989
+ David Osborne A UK TeX Users' Group --
+ Report of a preliminary meeting
+* Layout Puzzles *
+by Hubert Partl <Z3000PA@AWITUW01.BITNET>
+This is a new regular column of questions and answers concerning
+the document layout to be procduced by LaTeX style files.
+Layout Puzzle No.1:
+To start with, here is a question with an immediate solution:
+Question: I want to separate paragraphs by vertical \parskip
+ with no horizontal \parindent, as it is usual in
+ informal scientific reports previously typed on a
+ simple typewriter - in contrast to the professional
+ printers' style of indenting paragraphs.
+Solution: It is trivial to set \parskip and \parindent to any value.
+ However, non-zero \parskip has some side-effects on the
+ vertical spacing of the list environments. Here is a
+ solution that takes care of the environments, too:
+------------------- cut here ---------------------------------------->
+% This is PARSKIP.STY by H.Partl, TU Wien, as of 19 Jan 1989.
+% Document Style Option to be used with any style and with any size.
+% It produces the following Paragraph Layout:
+% Zero Parindent and non-zero Parskip. The stretchable glue in \parskip
+% helps LaTeX in finding the best place for page breaks.
+\parskip=0.5\baselineskip \advance\parskip by 0pt plus 2pt
+% To accompany this, the vertical spacing in the list environments is changed
+% to use the same as \parskip in all relevant places (for normalsize only):
+% \parsep = \parskip
+% \itemsep = \z@ % add nothing to \parskip between items
+% \topsep = \z@ % add nothing to \parskip before first item
+ \topsep\z@ \parsep\parskip \itemsep\z@}
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep\z@ \parsep\parskip \itemsep\z@}
+ \labelwidth\leftmarginiii\advance\labelwidth-\labelsep
+ \topsep\z@ \parsep\parskip \itemsep\z@}
+% Note that listiv, listv and listvi don't change vertical parameters.
+<------------------- cut here ----------------------------------------
+Caution: In this solution, there is no distinction between lists
+ inside of paragraphs and lists that are separate paragraphs.
+ Who has an idea, how one might achieve such a distinction?
+ Also, there are other environments that explicitely reset
+ \parskip and parindent. They should be changed acordingly.
+ Which are they? Answers are welcome...
+Layout Puzzle No.2:
+Now, here is the new question to be answered in the next issue:
+ I want to use running footings (with page number and some
+ text, in analogy to the myheadings pagestyle), and I want
+ a horizontal rule above that foot line.
+Readers are encouraged to try to provide solutions to this question.
+---> Please, send your e-mail to U33297@Uicvm.Uic.Edu <---
+The "best" solutions will be published in next issue's Layout Puzzles
+column. Readers are also encouraged to raise questions for the next
+issues of this column - this shall not be a one-man-show by myself!
+Hubert Partl, TU Wien (Austria)
+ z3000pa@awituw01.bitnet
+* Eliminating Italic Corrections *
+by Dan Bernstein <>
+It is amazing that for all these years TeX users, from the novice to
+the practiced TeXnician, have put up with figuring out when to type \/
+to insert an italic correction. Of all the typing conventions I have
+taught myself to use to deal with TeX, this is the only one I can't
+stand. The macros below (hopefully) deal with all italic corrections
+by themselves, with the user never needing to think about them again.
+Recall that an italic correction is always added when switching from
+italic to roman type, except when the italic type is followed
+immediately by a roman period or comma.
+To use the macros, simply type \ital{text} where you would normally
+type {\it text}, and similarly for \roman. \slant is like \ital.
+These are not \long macros and are meant for text within a paragraph,
+so stick to {\it...} for many-paragraph italicization.
+First come the basic definitions.
+ \newif\ifcorr\newif\ifnonzero
+ \newskip\lasts\newdimen\lastk\newcount\lastp
+ {\lasts 0pt plus 0pt minus 0pt\xdef\zerolasts{\the\lasts}}
+Now come the macros for dealing with italics. Notice the use of
+\futurelet to see what token comes after the \ital{...}. These macros
+aren't perfect; the worst problem is that they can't really look ahead
+to see if a period or a comma will be added next to the text, and they
+only see if the next token after the } is a period or a comma. If you
+have some other macro or character that should also force the italic
+correction to disappear, add \do{\themacroname} to \nocorr.
+ \def\ital#1{{\it #1}\begingroup\futurelet\temp\corr}
+ \def\slant#1{{\sl #1}\begingroup\futurelet\temp\corr}
+ \def\nocorr{\do{.}\do{,}}
+ \def\corr{\def\do##1{\ifx\temp##1\corrfalse\fi}\corrtrue\nocorr
+ \ifcorr\/\fi\endgroup}
+The problem of roman type within italic type is quite different. The
+italic correction will always be added at the beginning (if you're
+typing \ital{... something\roman{,} ...} then you have a very weird
+idea of the logical structure of your document). However, \roman will
+almost always be preceded by a space, and maybe even some kerns,
+penalties, and other glue; so we must ``unspace'' past these items,
+add the italic correction, and put the spaces back. The \roman macro
+reflects this; \unspace removes as many glue/kern/penalty items as
+possible from the current horizontal list and sets \temp to a control
+sequence that dumps all the glue/kern/penalty items right back on.
+ \def\roman#1{\begingroup\unspace\/\temp\endgroup{\rm #1}}
+ \def\unspace{%
+ \def\temp{}\loop\nonzerofalse
+ \lasts\lastskip\unskip
+ \lastk\lastkern\unkern
+ \lastp\lastpenalty\unpenalty
+ \edef\thelasts{\the\lasts}%
+ \ifx\thelasts\zerolasts
+ \else\edef\temp{\hskip\thelasts\temp}\nonzerotrue\fi
+ \ifdim\lastk=0pt\else\edef\temp{\kern\the\lastk\temp}\nonzerotrue\fi
+ \ifnum\lastp=0\else\edef\temp{\penalty\the\lastp\temp}\nonzerotrue\fi
+ \ifnonzero\repeat}
+\roman (because of \unspace) has many more caveats than \ital and
+\slant. As described in the TeXbook, \lastskip and its friends take
+the last such item off the current list, returning zero if the last item
+is not such an item. This makes it easy for \unspace to keep going back,
+removing skips, kerns, and penalties until they are all zero, but it
+leads to two problems. The first is that a zero item that you really
+put in explicitly (probably for some obscure line-breaking reasons)
+will not be passed through to \temp and thus will not be put back. The
+second is that if you have a sequence of a few such zero items, \unspace
+will stop there and won't get all the way back to where it should.
+Furthermore, a whatsit or similar weird item will also stop \unspace.
+The solution to the first two problems is to replace \hskip0pt with
+\hskip1sp, \kern0pt with \kern1sp, and \penalty0 with \penalty1. Any
+DVI program that shows a difference of 1sp doesn't round correctly.
+Does this really eliminate italic corrections? In almost all cases.
+If you're typing normal text, interspersed with \ital and \roman and
+no weird stuff, all corrections will be inserted when they should.
+However, you must be careful not to \write just before a \roman, or
+the correction may not show up, and similarly watch out for the
+cases mentioned above.
+Future improvements: It would be nice to somehow let \ital figure out
+exactly when the next character will be a period or comma, but I can't
+find \lookintocrystalball in the TeXbook. Similarly, it seems to be
+impossible to determine when a zero skip/kern/penalty is really so.
+It would also be a cute trick to unspace past a \write command.
+On a higher level, these macros could be worked into LaTeX's emphasis
+environment. Of course, remember that if you define sequences like
+\beginit...\endit (no braces), you will lose spaces at the end. Finally,
+it is always cleaner to define a \begin...\end sequence than a \it{...}
+sequence, because the argument does not have to be read and expanded
+Please send any comments, improvements, error corrections, etc. to me.
+---Dan Bernstein,
+* Cumulative index: V1N1-V3N1 *
+Addison-Wesley V2N2.8 graphics insertion V2N4.9
+ V2N3.2 headlines V1N2.4
+ V3N1.2 V1N5.5
+advertising V2N2.1 V1N6.6
+ V2N3.1 italic corrections V3N1.9
+ V2N4.1 letters V2N4.8
+alltt.sty V2N4.6 outlines V1N7.3
+AmS-TeX V2N2.4 program listings V1N4.2
+ IMA document style V2N4.3 resumes V1N3.2
+ SIAM document style V2N4.3 V1N6.2
+amstexsiam.sty V2N4.3 side by side pars V1N4.5
+_Another Look at TeX_ V2N6.5 V1N5.2
+\anti V2N1.9 table of contents V1N2.3
+anti.tex V2N1.9 V2N2.1
+Applied Mathematics V2N3.1
+ Letters V2N2.4 timelines V1N7.5
+article ideas V1N2.2 weird paragraphs V2N2.1
+ V1N5.3 V2N3.1
+ V2N2.9 V2N6.8
+ V2N3.5 meat, canned V2N3.5
+ V2N6.5 MF
+ V3N1.1 version 1.4 announced V2N4.2
+ V3N1.2 version 1.5 announced V2N5.3
+Biblical typesetting V2N3.1 version 1.7 announced V2N6.1
+ V2N4.1 V3N1.3
+bibplain.tex V2N1.8 MFware V1N6.5
+BibTeX V2N1.8 microTeX ($\mu$-TeX) V2N3.2
+Bitstream fonts V2N3.9 V2N6.5
+blanks.tex V1N7.2 multihead.tex V1N5.5
+blanks-sample.tex V1N7.2 network services
+\bra V1N8.6 DECnet/Span V2N1.2
+\bracket V1N8.6 V2N2.2
+chemsample.tex V2N3.6 V2N3.5
+\citer V2N1.8 LaTeX-Style V1N1.4
+CMS V2N6.2
+ program piece V2N3.8 V3N1.3
+ V2N4.5 listserv@tamvm1 V2N1.3
+\contentsline V2N3.1 V2N2.3
+CTeX V2N6.5 V2N4.3
+CWEB V2N6.5 TeX-L V2N1.3
+\dlap V1N3.4 TeXhax V2N1.3
+ V1N6.6 V2N6.4
+ V1N7.5 \noalign V1N8.3
+documentation V2N4.1 non-english TeX V2N4.4
+ V3N1.2 V2N5.1
+dow.tex V1N5.5 V2N5.6
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+ driver lists V2N2.3 Greek V2N2.7
+ V3N1.5 Hebrew V2N2.7
+ DVIlaser/HP V2N4.8 V2N3.3
+ V2N4.9 V2N6.5
+ graphics merging V2N4.9 Icelandic V2N5.8
+ standards V1N5.4 Irish V2N5.9
+ V2N3.1 Japanese V2N2.7
+ V3N1.4 V2N3.7
+DVIlaser/HP V2N4.8 Marathi V2N2.7
+ V2N4.9 Russian V2N2.7
+\epigram V2N6.5 Tamil V2N2.7
+eqnarray V1N8.3 Turkish V2N2.7
+European TeX conference V2N1.4 outline.sty V1N7.3
+ V3N1.6 outlines V1N7.3
+\EV V1N8.6 parskip.sty V3N1.8
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+fonts V2N1.9
+ Arabic V2N2.7 PiCTeX V2N3.1
+ Bitstream fonts (PC) V2N3.9 plain TeX
+ Chinese V2N2.7 and BibTeX V2N1.8
+ closest size in CMS V2N3.8 and LaTeX V2N6.5
+ V2N4.5 intricacies of pars V2N2.1
+ Computer Modern V2N3.1
+ in PostScript V2N6.5 version 2.92 announced V2N4.2
+ re-parameterization V2N4.1 PTI Font Interface pkg. V2N3.9
+ conversions on PC V2N3.9 readers' survey V1N1.2
+ custom V2N2.7 V2N1.6
+ Cyrillic V2N2.7 results V1N2.2
+ Devanagari V2N2.7 V2N2.9
+ Elvish V2N2.7 resumemac.tex V1N3.2
+ faking them V1N1.3 V1N6.2
+ V1N8.4 resumes V1N3.2
+ V2N2.7 V1N6.2
+ files V2N2.6 reviews
+ fonts available V2N2.7 HP2TeX V2N3.9
+ for typesetters V2N3.1 PTI font interface pkg V2N3.9
+ V2N3.9 TeXtures V2N2.8
+ Greek V2N2.7 Rexx V2N3.8
+ Hebrew V2N2.7 V2N4.5
+ V2N3.3 \roman V3N1.9
+ HP font conversion V2N3.9 SemiTeX V2N3.3
+ HP soft fonts V2N3.9 V2N6.5
+ Icelandic V2N5.8 Singapore V2N2.1
+ Indic V2N2.7 V2N3.1
+ IPA V2N6.5 V2N4.1
+ Japanese V2N2.7 sizechek.exec V2N3.8
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+_Interface_ V2N3.1 V3N1.2
+\ital in production V2N6.5
+italic corrections V3N1.9 version 2.92 announced V2N4.2
+\ket V1N8.6 version 2.93 announced V2N5.3
+Knuth, Donald V2N3.4 version 2.95 announced V2N6.1
+laps.tex V1N3.4 version 2.96 announced V3N1.3
+Laserplot V2N4.9 vs. WYSIWYG V2N3.1
+LaTeX V2N4.5
+ 2-d chemicals V2N3.6 TeX Users Group
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+ footings in V3N1.8 V2N2.8
+ introduction V1N3.3 V2N3.2
+ manual V2N6.3 V2N6.5
+ V3N1.2 TeXt1 V2N6.5
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+ V3N1.8 V2N2.6
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+ useful internal macros V1N7.5 toc.tex V1N2.3
+ V1N8.2 tocline.tex V2N3.1
+ V3N1.6 trade typesetting V2N6.5
+ version 8-Feb-89 TUGboat V1N4.3
+ announced V3N1.3 V1N6.4
+_LaTeX-eine V1N8.5
+ Einf\"uhrung_ V3N2.1 V2N5.5
+local TeX support V2N4.1 V3N1.7
+ V3N1.2 TurboTeX V2N6.5
+ V2N6.5 typesetting services V2N6.5
+longtocline.tex V2N2.1 \ulap V1N3.4
+macros V1N6.6
+ LaTeX \undertilde V1N8.6
+ 2d chemicals V2N3.6 undertilde.tex V1N8.6
+ commutative diagrams V2N4.7 \unot V1N7.6
+ sprite characters V1N8.4 WEB
+ subequations V1N4.5 formatting
+ timelines V1N7.5 ss for identifiers V1N7.6
+ V1N8.2 standard programs V1N6.5
+ plain TeX webmacss.tex V1N7.6
+ anti-particles V2N1.9 weirdtitle.tex V2N2.1
+ bibliographies V2N1.8 \xlap V1N3.4
+ day of week V1N5.5 \xsplit V1N4.5
+ epigrams V2N6.7 V1N5.2
+ fill in the blanks V1N7.2 \ylap V1N3.4
+ footnotes V1N1.3 \zlap V1N3.4
+TeXMaG is an independently published electronic magazine available
+free of charge to all interested parties reachable by electronic
+mail. It is published sporadicly, and the editor likes to think that
+it's monthly so the readers humor him. Subscription requests should
+be sent to Don Hosek <U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU> or <U33297@UICVM.BITNET>
+or send the following message to LISTSERV@BYUADMIN, LISTSERV@PUCC,
+ SUBS TEXMAG-L Your_Full_Name.
+Subscribers on CDNnet should send subscription requests to
+<list-request@ubc.csnet> (being sure to mention that they wish to
+subscribe to TeXMaG), and JANET subscribers should send requests to
+be added to the list to Peter Abbott, <ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL>.
+Back issues are available for anonymous FTP in the file
+BBD:TEXMAG.TXT on SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU or from the directory pub/texmag
+on SUN.SOE.CLARKSON.EDU BITNET users may obtain back issues from
+LISTSERV@TCSVM (in an interactive message or as the first line of a
+mail file, send the command GET TEXMAG VvNn where v is the volume
+number and n is the issue number). Janet users may obtain back issues
+from Peter Abbott (e-mail address above) and DECNET/SPAN users may
+obtain them from the Decnet repository (see below). They may also be
+obtained from Don Hosek <U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU>. Article submissions,
+contributions for the Toolbox, and letters to the editor are always
+welcome and should be sent to <U33297@UICVM.UIC.EDU>.
+Other publications of interest to TeX users are:
+TeXHAX. Arpanet mailing list for persons with questions,
+suggestions, etc.. about TeX, LaTeX, MetaFont and related programs.
+Submissions for this list should be sent to
+<TeXHAX@Cs.Washington.Edu>. Internet subscribers may subscribe by
+sending a request to <TeXHAX-REQUEST@Cs.Washingon.EDU>. JANET
+subscribers should send subscription requests to
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+your_full_name. The list is peer-linked to other listserves in the
+United States and Europe. Australian users should send subscription
+requests to <munnari!> Japanese users should send
+subscription requests to <>. Back issues
+are available by anonymous FTP from Sun.Soe.Clarkson.Edu in the
+directory pub/texhax and from Listserv@Tamvm1 (in an interactive
+message or as the first line of a mail file send the command GET
+TEXHAXnn yy where nn is the issue number and yy are the last two digits
+of the year. Issues 100 and above are named TEXHAnnn yy)
+UKTeX. A U.K. version of TeXhax. To subscribe, send a note to Peter
+Abbott at <>.
+TeXline. A TeX newsletter edited by Malcolm Clark. To subscribe, send
+a note to <>.
+TUGBoat. A publication by the TeX Users Group. An excellant reference
+for TeX users. For more information about joining TUG and subscribing
+to TUGBoat send (real) mail to:
+ TeX Users Group
+ c/o American Mathematical Society
+ P. O. Box 9506
+ Providence, RI 02940-9506, USA
+Inquiries may be also be sent via e-mail to <Tug@Math.Ams.Com>.
+Submissions for TUGboat may be sent via electronic mail to
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+FTP and mail access at To obtain files via
+FTP, login to as anonymous, password guest and go
+to the directory pub/latex-style (where the files are). Mail access is
+accomplished by sending a mail message to
+<> with the first line containing
+"path" followed by a network address FROM clarkson TO you, then file
+requests with one or more files per line prefixed by "send latex-style".
+For example,
+send latex-style Readme Index
+send latex-style resume.sty
+Note that this syntax is different than that used by the server at
+the University of Rochester.
+Submissions should be sent to <> or
+LISTSERV@DHDURZ1 has file archives of interest to TeX users. Included
+are the Beebe drivers and contents of the LaTeX style collection, as
+well as some TeX macros. Many files are available only in German.
+LISTSERV@TAMVM1 also has file archives that may be of interest to TeX
+users on BITNET, including the files from the Score.Stanford.EDU FTP
+directories and back issues of TeXHAX. For a list of files available,
+send the following command to LISTSERV@TAMVM1: GET TeX FILELIST.
+DECNET. There is a TeX file collection on DECnet accessible from
+DECnet and SPAN. Available files include the Beebe DVI drivers, the
+LaTeX style collection, and back issues of TeXhax, TeXMag, and UKTeX.
+For more information, contact Marisa Luvisetto (DECNET:
+<39947::luvisetto>, Bitnet: <LUVISETTO@IBOINFN.BITNET>) or Massimo
+Calvani <CALVANI@VAXFPD.INFNET> U.S. Users should contact Ed Bell
+JANET. Peter Abbott keeps an archive of TeX-related files available
+for FTP access. For more information send mail to
+Special thanks to those who contributed to this issue, the University
+of Illinois at Chicago, Rhett Bull, Wilma Fisher, Debbie Muldawer,
+Dan Bass, Angela Dickey, and Greyhound bus lines.
+Character code reference:
+Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
+Digits: 0123456789
+Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> ()
+Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / |
+Punctuation: . ? ! , : ;
+Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - =
+Quotes--right left double: ' ` "
+"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % &
+"hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ^ * + ~