path: root/info/digests/tex-mag/v1.n7
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authorNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
committerNorbert Preining <>2019-09-02 13:46:59 +0900
commite0c6872cf40896c7be36b11dcc744620f10adf1d (patch)
tree60335e10d2f4354b0674ec22d7b53f0f8abee672 /info/digests/tex-mag/v1.n7
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'info/digests/tex-mag/v1.n7')
1 files changed, 643 insertions, 0 deletions
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+* *
+* TTTTTTT X X M M GGGGGG A Mostly Unofficial *
+* T X X MM MM G Publication for Users *
+* T EEEEEEE XXX M M M M A G GG Of the TeX Computer *
+* T E X X M M M A A G G Typesetting System. *
+* E A A Volume 1, Number 7 *
+* EEEEEEE A A Distribution: 346 or so... *
+* *
+October 11, 1987
+Fill-in-the-blanks typesetting.......................................2
+Outline formatting in TeX............................................3
+A TeX previewer for VM/CMS...........................................4
+Time lines...........................................................5
+The Toolbox..........................................................6
+\footnote{Call me irresponsible}
+OK, I'm a month late with this issue. However, I managed to get it
+done somehow. Anyway, I've fiddled with the formatting of the issue
+again. The changes are pretty obvious so I won't describe them.
+ This issue, despite its lateness is one of the more information-
+packed issues to come out in some time, thanks to the generous
+contributions of Hal Varian who has given us some macros for fill-in-
+the-blanks formatting and outlines. Also in this issue is the formal
+announcement of the previewer I wrote over the summer (remember my
+hinting at that last issue? It's ready to go now) a macro for drawing
+time lines, and the usual toolbox.
+ By the way, if you're a new subscriber to TeXMaG, let me summarize
+a common theme from back issues: PLEEEEASE SEND ARTICLES! :-)
+*Fill in the blanks macro for TeX*
+By Hal Varian <>
+The following macros generate "fill-in-the-blanks" of an appropriate
+size for the answer. Unfortunately, they don't handle math mode. If
+anyone has a way to get this sort of thing working for math mode, I
+would be very interested in hearing about it.
+%%%--------------------------cut here-------------------------------
+% Fill-in-the-blank macros
+% Hal Varian
+% August 19, 1987
+%list processing routines taken from TeXbook, p. 310-11
+\def\dolist{\afterassignment\dodolist\let\next= }
+\def\dodolist{\ifx\next\endlist \let\next\relax
+ \else \\\let\next\dolist \fi
+ \next}
+%print out answers or not?
+%See if next token is a space. If it is, set a low penalty for
+%line breaking. Set box 0 to be the next token. If we should
+%do answers, underscore box 0, back up and print box 0. Otherwise
+%just underscore box 0.
+ \underscore\llap{\raise2pt\box0}\else\underscore\fi}
+%Underscore -- put in strut so there is enough space for handwriting.
+\def\underscore{\bigstrut\vrule height 0pt depth.5pt width\wd0}
+\def\bigstrut{\hbox{\vrule height 16pt width 0pt}}
+\def\Ans#1{\space{\AnsFont {\dolist#1\endlist}\underscore}}
+%%% ----cutting here would not be a bad idea-----------------------
+% Example of use of macros
+\font\AnsFont=cmtt10 at 14pt
+ \QuestionNumber.\space
+ \advance\QuestionNumber by 1}
+\noindent{\bf With Answers:}
+\Question If all men are mortal, and Socrates is a man then
+\Ans{Socrates is mortal man, as well as a Greek man}.
+\Question Five time four equals \Ans{20.}
+\Question Mares eat \Ans{oats}, and does eat \Ans{oats}, and little
+lambs eat \Ans{ivy}. I would eat ivy too, \Ans{wouldn't you}?
+\noindent{\bf Without Answers:}
+\Question If all men are mortal, and Socrates is a man then
+\Ans{Socrates is mortal man, as well as a Greek man}.
+\Question Five time four equals \Ans{20.}
+\Question Mares eat \Ans{oats}, and does eat \Ans{oats}, and little lambs
+eat \Ans{ivy}. A kid'll eat ivy too, \Ans{would you}?
+*TeX outlines from PC-OUTLINE output*
+By Hal Varian <>
+[[Editor's note: There were no accompanying notes with this macro
+other than the comments at the beginning of the file. Despite the fact
+that Hal has used .sty as the extension for his file, it seems to be
+a macro for plain TeX. The implementation of \head X where X is a
+number indicating the ``level'' of the head is rather interesting and
+should serve as a good model for macros that are used in translations
+of other formatting languages.]]
+% outline.sty -- Outline Style
+% Hal R. Varian
+% September, 1987
+% Reads structured files generated by PC-OUTLINE and formats them
+% in TeX. Before using you must use a global search and replace command
+% to change all strings of ".HEAD" to "\HEAD". Then load outline.sty
+% and TeX the outline file.
+% Notes
+% 1. To generate the outline, choose "Send to structured file" from the
+% device menu in the print routine of PC-OUTLINE.
+% 2. The title must be indicated manually using \title. It is usually
+% indicated by a .HEAD 1
+% 3. Sometimes the structured file ends with a spurious .HEAD 1 which should
+% be removed.
+%for title
+\def\title#1{\centerline{\bf #1}\medskip}
+%use \count11 thru \count18 for counters for levels 1 thru 8
+%create registers for levels, etc.
+%\Indentation measures the amount of indentation
+%skip between level 1 headings
+\def\AdjustSpace{\vskip -.5pc}
+\def\HEAD #1 {%
+\advance\CurrentCounter by 10 %level 1 is assigned to register 11, etc.
+\ifnum\CurrentLevel>\LastLevel %if sublevel,
+ \count\CurrentCounter=1 %reset \CurrentCounter,
+ \else\advance\count\CurrentCounter by 1\fi %otherwise, increment
+\filbreak %helps prevent entries from being split between pages
+\CharCode=\number\count\CurrentCounter %for lettered levels
+\let\NumCode=\CharCode %for numbered levels
+\relax\or %there is no level zero
+ \AdjustSpace\advance\CharCode by 64
+\Item\char\CharCode.\space\or %level 1: A.
+\Item\llap{\number\NumCode.\space}\or %level 2: 1.
+ \advance\CharCode by 96
+\Item\llap{\char\CharCode)\space}\or %level 3: a)
+\Item\llap{\number\NumCode)\space}\or %level 4: 1)
+ \advance\CharCode by 96
+\Item\llap{\char\CharCode$>$\space}\or %level 5: a>
+\Item\llap{\number\NumCode$>$\space}\or %level 6: 1>
+ \advance\CharCode by 96
+\Item\llap{\char\CharCode:\space}\or %level 7: a:
+\Item\llap{\number\NumCode:\space}\fi} %level 8: 1:
+*A screen previewer for VM/CMS*
+A good previewer is a useful tool for working with TeX, but
+unfortunately, there are very few available. For users of TeX under
+the IBM VM/CMS system, the only choice available once was DVI82, a
+Versatec driver, that, as an added feature allowed previewing on
+IBM 3279 and 3179-G terminals.
+ To deal with this situation, I wrote DVIview, a TeX previewer that
+displays its output on VT640-compatible displays connected to an IBM
+mainframe via either a 3705 controller or a Series-1/7171 protocol
+converter. In addition, the output routines are modularized enough
+that it should be a fairly simple task to modify the program to drive
+any graphics terminal connected to the mainframe. (I have plans to
+include support for GDDM-driven displays in the near future).
+ DVIview is a lengthy WEB program that interprets the instructions
+in a DVI file and displays them on the user's screen as determined by
+commands typed at the keyboard. The entire page may be viewed with
+block outlines of the characters, or smaller portions of the page may
+be selected and viewed using the actual shapes of the TeX fonts. Font
+information is read from PK files (I cannot recommend the PK format
+enough to people writing new device drivers; the fonts take roughly
+half the space of GF files and about and about a third the space of
+PXL files. And PK readers are easier to write!).
+ The DVIview distribution includes two manuals: "Previewing TeX
+Output With DVIview" is the users' guide and explains how to use the
+program from a users standpoint. Also included is "Installing and
+Customizing DVIview", intended for the systems person who installs
+DVIview. Instructions are given for installing DVIview as is, as well
+as instructions on adding changes to the file and a "Hitchhikers'
+Guide to WEB" (for those who don't care how they get where they're
+going as long as they don't have to ride the bus).
+ Due to the size of the program, it cannot be distributed over the
+networks. To obtain a copy of DVIview and its documentation, send $30
+(to defray duplication costs), a blank tape, and a return mailer to:
+ Don Hosek
+ Platt Campus Center
+ Harvey Mudd College
+ Claremont, CA 91711
+ The program is public domain, so feel free to give it away.
+However, since it is still a young program, I'd like to keep track
+of who has copies for purposes of distributing updates.
+*Timelines with plain TeX and LaTeX*
+In the most recent issue of TUGboat (Vol. 8 No. 2), there was a query
+for a macro to draw time lines in TeX. At the time, I had just
+finished writing DVIview (see the related article this issue) and was
+waiting for bugs to surface and my paycheck to arrive with little else
+to do, so I decided to tackle the problem.
+ To make the problem more interesting, I decided to make the macro
+work in both LaTeX *and* plain TeX. A sample input file should look
+something like:
+%%% Cut here------------------------------------------------------
+%%% LaTeX sample
+\def\TeXMaG{T\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{E}\kern-.125emX% TeX part
+ M\kern-.1667em\lower.5ex\hbox{A}\kern-.2267emG}
+This is a timeline of the history of \TeXMaG.
+\item[12]{Jan. 24}{Volume 1, Number 1}
+\item[33]{Mar. 6}{Volume 1, Number 2}
+\item[43]{Mar. 25}{Volume 1, Number 3}
+\item[81]{May. 13}{Volume 1, Number 4}
+\item[102]{Jun. 25}{Volume 1, Number 5}
+\item[132]{Aug. 24}{Volume 1, Number 6}
+\item[160]{Oct. 10}{Volume 1, Number 7}
+\item[179]{Dec. 31}{The distant future}
+\end{timeline}%% There needs to be a comment here, unfortunately.
+This text should not be indented at all. I'm going to keep on going
+to see what happens, because the best way to test these things is to
+have the text longer than one line.
+%%% Rrrrrip-----------------------------------------------------------
+Or something similar in plain TeX. In the example above, I used sort
+keys to control the spacing between entries. I also could have had a
+timeline whose entries looked like this:
+\item{1776}{Declaration of Independence}
+\item{1812}{War of 1812}
+\item{1849}{Gold rush of '49}
+\item[1862]{1862--5}{Civil War}
+ .
+ .
+ .
+Where the dates themselves control the placement. Note that the entry
+for the Civil War uses a sort key to allow the year to be 1862--5.
+This was a pretty big problem. The comments below give a fair idea of
+how to *use* the macro; the remainder of this article will deal with
+how the macros themselves *work*.
+ First of all, it helps to have some idea of how \begin{...} and
+\end{...} work in LaTeX. To view it in a simplified form, when the
+command \begin{NAME} is invoked, LaTeX issues the commands \begingroup
+followed by \NAME; similarly, \end{NAME} issues the commands \endNAME
+followed by \endgroup. Therefore, to allow an environment to function
+in plain TeX, all we need to do is include an extra grouping with
+\NAME...\endNAME and provide copies of any LaTeX internal macros used
+by the environment. Both of these tasks are fairly simple, and in the
+timeline macros, the only LaTeX internal macro called is \@ifnextchar
+(this is a very handy macro for many reasons, and gives some insight
+into the mysteries of LaTeX).
+ \@ifnextchar is called in a general form of \@ifnextchar X{YES}{NO}
+(by the way, the explanations for LaTeX's internals are in the file
+LATEX.TEX which is included with almost all TeX distributions). The
+timeline macros use this for \item to check to see if the optional
+argument (enclosed in []s) is present. If the next character after
+\@ifnextchar matches X (X cannot be a space) then YES is executed,
+otherwise NO is executed. In the specific case here, this is done
+with the call \@ifnextchar[\@item\@itemnosrtkey, which calls \@item if
+the optional argument is present, and \@itemnosrtkey if it isn't. In
+addition, the character that is tested remains in the input stream,
+so \@item has a parameter list that looks like \@item[#1]#2#3 rather
+than \@item#1]#2#3.
+ The definition of \item for the timeline macros is kept local so it
+won't interfere with other uses of that control sequence name by
+either plain or La- TeX. The main work of this is done by \@item,
+which takes three arguments: the first argument is used to determine
+the vertical placement of the timeline item, the second argument is
+the nominal date and the third a description. \@itemnosrtkey calls
+\@item using the nominal date as the first argument as well.
+ The placement of the item on the timeline is determined by taking
+the date number (first parameter) and converting to a number between
+0 and the length of the timeline as specified with the arguments to
+the \timeline (\begin{timeline}) macro. This number is then multiplied
+by 1/65536 times the length of the timeline as specified by the user.
+The factor of 1/65536 prevents an arithmetic overflow from occuring at
+the cost of reducing accuracy (measurements are only kept accurate to
+one point). Finally, this number is divided by the length of the range
+of date number values and then by 65536 which gives a dimension
+specifying how far down from the top of the timeline the entry should
+be placed.
+ The actual placement is accomplished with the \dlap macro from the
+toolbox of V1N3. By placing the necessary text after a vertical \kern,
+inside a vertical lap, we are able to print information anywhere on
+the timeline without changing our vertical position. This does have
+the disadvantage of using a lot of box memory and may run into
+problems with very complicated time lines, but it seemed like a good
+idea at the time.
+ The final interesting facet of the macros is the (simple) way that
+two entries that are close together are resolved. After an entry is
+printed, the vertical dimension specifying its placement is stored in
+the dimen register \itwashere. When the next entry is to be printed,
+the current vertical placement is compared to \itwashere if the
+difference is less than 12pt, and the entry would normally be placed
+on the left, then the entry is printed on the right. Otherwise it is
+printed on the left. This algorythim works well for two closely placed
+entries but fails for three closely placed entries (the two on the
+left will likely overlap).
+ The macros presented work for simple time lines, but problably will
+be deficient for more complex time lines. Hopefully, this explanation
+of the macros will help in customizing them for your own purpose, or
+in writing a time line macro of your own.
+%%% Slice------------------------------------------------------------
+%%% File: Timeline.Sty
+%%% Written to work with either LaTeX or plain TeX
+%%% In LaTeX:
+%%% \begin{timeline}{length}(start,stop)
+%%% .
+%%% .
+%%% .
+%%% \end{timeline}
+%%% in plain TeX
+%%% \timeline{length}(start,stop)
+%%% .
+%%% .
+%%% .
+%%% \endtimeline
+%%% in between the two, we may have:
+%%% \item{date}{description}
+%%% \item[sortkey]{date}{description}
+%%% \optrule
+%%% the options to timeline are:
+%%% length The amount of vertical space that the timeline should
+%%% use.
+%%% (start,stop) indicate the range of the timeline. All dates or
+%%% sortkeys should lie in the range [start,stop]
+%%% \item without the sort key expects date to be a number (such as a
+%%% year).
+%%% \item with the sort key expects the sort key to be a number; date
+%%% can be anything. This can be used for log scale time lines
+%%% or dates that include months or days.
+%%% putting \optrule inside of the timeline environment will cause a
+%%% vertical rule to be drawn down the center of the timeline.
+\catcode`\@=11 % Pretend @ is a letter
+\newcount\startat \newcount\tllength
+\newdimen\putithere \newdimen\itwasthere
+\newcount\scr@tchi \newdimen\scr@tchii
+% A vertically centered lap
+\long\def\ylap#1{\vbox to \z@{\vss#1\vss}}
+% Vertical `laps'; cf. \llap and \rlap
+\long\def\ulap#1{\vbox to \z@{\vss#1}}
+\long\def\dlap#1{\vbox to \z@{#1\vss}}
+\def\timeline#1(#2,#3){\ifvmode\else\par\fi$$\vbox to#1\bgroup
+ % The \vbox command is
+ % surrounded by $$..$$ to make it
+ % fit in well with paragraphs.
+ \offinterlineskip
+ \startat=#2\tllength=#3
+ \advance\tllength by-\startat % \tllength should be the total
+ % length of the timeline.
+ \def\item{\@ifnextchar[\@item\@itemnosrtkey}
+ \def\@item[##1]##2##3{\scr@tchi=##1
+ \advance\scr@tchi by-\startat
+ \putithere=#1 \divide\putithere by 65536 % to avoid arithmetic
+ % overflow
+ \multiply\putithere by \scr@tchi % we only remain
+ \divide\putithere by\tllength % accurate to 1pt in
+ \multiply\putithere by 65536 % these calculations
+ % Now \putithere has how far
+ % down we should go for this item.
+ \scr@tchii=\putithere \advance\scr@tchii by -\itwasthere
+ \ifdim\scr@tchii<12pt
+ \ifx\lrswitch L \@putright{\putithere}{##2}{##3}
+ \else \@putleft{\putithere}{##2}{##3}
+ \fi
+ \else \@putleft{\putithere}{##2}{##3}
+ \fi
+ \itwasthere=\putithere
+ }
+ \def\@itemnosrtkey##1##2{\@item[##1]{##1}{##2}}
+ \def\@putright##1##2##3{\dlap
+ {\kern##1\centerline
+ {\rlap
+ {\ $\bullet$\hskip1.5em{\bf ##2} \ ##3}}}
+ \let\lrswitch=R
+ }
+ \def\@putleft##1##2##3{\dlap
+ {\kern##1\centerline
+ {\llap
+ {{\bf ##2} \ ##3\hskip1.5em$\bullet$\ }}}
+ \let\lrswitch=L
+ }
+ \def\optrule{\dlap
+ {\centerline
+ {\dimen0=#1 \advance\dimen0 by 6pt % This calculation is
+ % kept local
+ \vrule depth \dimen0 height-6pt}}
+ }
+ % Put the extra \vskip in a \vbox to hide it from
+ % the math gods.
+ \def\@ifnextchar#1#2#3{\let\@tempe #1\def\@tempa{#2}\def\@tempb{#3}
+ \futurelet\@tempc\@ifnch}
+ \def\@ifnch{\ifx \@tempc \@sptoken \let\@tempd\@xifnch
+ \else \ifx \@tempc \@tempe\let\@tempd\@tempa\else\let\@tempd\@tempb
+ \fi
+ \fi \@tempd}
+ % NOTE: the following hacking must precede the definition of \:
+ % as math medium space.
+ \def\:{\let\@sptoken= } \: % this makes \@sptoken a space token
+ \def\:{\@xifnch} \expandafter\def\: {\futurelet\@tempc\@ifnch}
+ \catcode`\@=12 % Let's not pretend @ is a letter
+%%% Divide electronically-------------------------------------------
+*The Toolbox*
+This issue, I only have two macros to share: the first is a unary
+"not" symbol using a tilde-like character. (I happened to need this
+for my discrete math course). The macro is named \unot to distinguish
+it from \not which produces a slash through a relational operator (as
+in \not=, &c.).
+%%%-Some synonym for cut---------------------------------------------
+Second up at bat is a macro to print the Pascal text of a WEB program
+in sans-serif type rather than the italic type used by WEBMAC. I did
+this to demonstrate the flexibility of WEAVE's formatting to a friend
+and decided that I liked sans-serif Pascal text better.
+%%%-This is the unkindest cut here of all----------------------------
+% This is WEBMACss.TEX in text format, as of Aug 27, 1987.
+% modification to standard macros for WEB listings (in addition to
+% Prints Pascal text in sans-serif type.
+% To use, include the line \input WEBMACss.TeX in the ``limbo''
+% section of your WEB program
+\font\pit=cmss10 % type for identifiers
+\font\pbf=cmssbx10 % type for reserved words.
+\def\\#1{\hbox{\pit#1\/\kern.05em}} % italic type for identifiers
+%\def\|#1{\hbox{$#1$}} % one-letter identifiers look a bit better this way
+\let\|=\\ % We aren't using \mit anymore.
+\def\&#1{\hbox{\pbf#1\/}} % boldface type for reserved words
+%%%-Julius Caeser never really said that-----------------------------
+TeXMaG is an electronic magazine published by the Harvey Mudd College
+Mathematics Department available free of charge to all interested
+parties reachable by electronic mail. It is published sporadicly, and
+the editor likes to think that its monthly so the readers humor him.
+Subscription requests should be sent to Don Hosek
+<DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET> or send the following message to
+LISTSERV@BYUADMIN: SUBS TEXMAG-L Your_Full_Name. European subscribers
+may send the SUBS command to LISTSERV@DEARN, subscribers on CDNnet
+should send subscription requests to <list-request@ubc.csnet> (being
+sure to mention that they wish to subscribe to TeXMaG), and JANET
+subscribers should send requests to be added to the list to Peter
+Abbott, <ABBOTTP@UK.AC.ASTON.MAIL>. Back issues are available for
+anonymous FTP in the file BBD:TEXMAG.TXT on SCIENCE.UTAH.EDU. They
+may also be obtained from Don Hosek <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET>. Article
+submissions, contributions for the Toolbox, and letters to the editor
+are always welcome and should be sent to <DHOSEK@HMCVAX.BITNET>.
+Other publications of interest to TeX users are:
+TeXHAX. Arpanet mailing list for persons with questions, suggestions,
+etc.. about TeX, LaTeX, MetaFont and related programs. Submissions for
+this list should be sent to <TeXHAX@SU-SCORE.ARPA>. BITNET users may
+subscribe by sending the following command (as an interactive message
+or as the first line of a mail message) to LISTSERV@TAMVM1:
+SUBS TEX-L your_full_name. The list is peer-linked to other listserves
+in the United States and Europe. Internet subscribers may subscribe by
+sending a request to <TeXHAX-REQUEST@SU-SCORE.ARPA>. The TeX-L mailing
+list is a ``hybrid;'' i.e., it is both an ARPAnet redistribution, and
+a BITNET discussion list. Submissions for TeX-L (only --- they will
+_not_ be forwarded to TeXHAX) may be sent to TeX-L@TAMVM1.
+LISTSERV@TAMVM1 also has file archives that may be of interest to TeX
+users on BITNET, including the files from the SU-SCORE FTP directories
+and back issues of TeXHAX. For a list of files available, send the
+following command to LISTSERV@TAMVM1: GET TeX FILELIST.
+Unix-TeX. Arpanet mailing list specifically for users of TeX under the
+Unix operating system. Submissions for this list should be sent to
+<Unix-TeX@WASHINGTON.ARPA>. Requests to be added or deleted from the
+mailing list should be sent to <Unix-TeX-Request@WASHINGTON.ARPA>.
+TUGBoat. A publication by the TeX Users Group. An excellant reference
+for TeX users. For more information about joining TUG and subscribing
+to TUGBoat send (real) mail to:
+ TeX Users Group
+ c/o American Mathematical Society
+ P. O. Box 9506
+ Providence, RI 02940-9506, USA
+Special thanks to everyone for not flooding me with mail saying
+"WHERE'S MY TEXMAG?", and to Dean Bell.