path: root/info/digests/tex-implementors/035
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authorNorbert Preining <>2021-05-27 03:01:40 +0000
committerNorbert Preining <>2021-05-27 03:01:40 +0000
commit5f1cfa686748068fedb95d8dafda3dc7f999c948 (patch)
tree874fa8430be12fe4633924f3b707428170316a46 /info/digests/tex-implementors/035
parent8982c52e00ffb3fb5a913fc60913ebd9070f091a (diff)
CTAN sync 202105270301
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-Date: 5 November 91 Message No: 035
-To: TeX implementors and distributors
-From: Barbara Beeton
-Subject: Messages from DEK, part 4
-Fourth and last installment of DEK's September comments.
-Also included in DEK's package were some general comments to Peter
-Breitenlohner, who is, with DEK's encouragement, updating PATGEN to
-accommodate the new features of TeX 3. This is still a work in
-progress; however, anyone else who has examined PATGEN with this
-extension in mind might want to get in touch with Peter directly.
-(Sorry, Peter, for not warning you ahead of time.)
-TeX -- incompatibilities between \input and \openin
-This report is my own. When updating our user documentation for
-AMS-TeX, AMS-LaTeX, et al., I try to keep the files that will be
-distributed together in one directory, and run (La)TeX from another,
-to segregate the files that are created by the run from the originals.
-There is no problem with files based on Plain, but LaTeX first checks
-for the existence of some files with \openin and, if they are there,
-then applies \input .
-The problem is that (at least in the VMS and some PC implementations)
-\openin checks only the connected directory, not the path specified
-by TeXinputs: . Discussions with other users and implementors have
-uncovered the fact that some implementors have added the logical path
-to the \openin procedure, while others have not. (The DEC-20
-implementation did check TeXinputs: for both \input and \openin, so
-I had rashly assumed that was what was supposed to happen.)
-I understand that the WEB code for the two procedures is different, but
-I believe it's not clear whether or why \openin should *not* check the
-same input path as \input , and that means the implementors are free to
-make their own interpretation. A clear statement of what the behavior
-should be would be very helpful.
- [ dek:
- I had some correspondence about this a few months ago, but I
- forgot what I said.
- The difference in code between \input and \openin is actually
- to allow reading files from a system area under \read without
- requiring a full path name, but not under \openin.
- However, lots of operating systems make it nicer to define
- environmental variables for sequences of places to try, and
- such implementations naturally make use of the more general
- paths on \openin as well as \read.
- Clearly LaTeX is important enough that the implementors should
- make LaTeX as easy to use as possible. I need the feature also
- with my use of Plain TeX: I have put ".." on my standard input
- path list, so that I can go to a subdirectory to make a DVI file
- and partial cross reference files that won't disturb anything
- on the parent directory.
- I recommend therefore that implementors use environmental
- variables for directory path lists (or a default one if the
- programmer hasn't set it up) whenever the operating system
- allows it.
- My favored conventions on implementation questions in general
- are expressed by the change files I have contributed to the
- distribution [under `local' directory] ... these are for
- Pascal, _not_ C, versions of TeX and MF but I do use them heavily.
- Incidentally I dislike several aspects of WEB-to-C versions on
- Stanford computers, especially the treatment of command lines --
- they don't check .fmt files for garbage but I guess that hasn't
- been a problem.
- ]
-WEB system -- dealing with repeating code in .WEB files
-Date: Tue 26 Mar 91 20:09:38-EST
-From: bbeeton <BNB@MATH.AMS.COM>
-Subject: possible bugs, requesting verification
-[ this was in response to my saying that any large .web file
- is likely to have repeating blocks of code, and thus a line
- number is advisable when listing differences. where he says
- "web" he clearly means "tangle". ]
-Date: Sat, 23 Mar 1991 20:22 PST
-Subject: Re: Updates to TeX.WEB, MF.WEB, GFtoDVI, et al.
-Incidentally, the repeating code problem is particularly nasty
-when writing change files. WEB only checks to see if the first
-line matches rather than the whole of the text in the @x..@y
-block which caused me a great deal of grief when I wrote the CMS
-change file for MFT; there are a lot of repeating first lines of
-a block of text.
- -dh
- -------
-Date: Wed, 27 Mar 91 18:33:18 GMT
-From: Chris Thompson <>
-Subject: Re: [possible bugs, requesting verification]
- As regards Don Hosek's complaint about Web (and it applies to both
-TANGLE and WEAVE, of course, which is presumably why he confusingly says
-"Web"): I agree, it's a right pain. I understand why it got like that,
-though: it means that the programs never have to buffer more than one
-line from each input file at a time. I am still paranoid about storage
-consumption as well, in an age where there is little sympathy for this!
-The worst cases are when one *removes* a change (maybe one had an ahead-
-of-base-source bug fix, for example) and suddenly later changes start
-failing to match (or even worse, succeed in matching) the wrong part
-of the file. One has to increase the context, often into the TeX parts
-of the modules, to ensure uniqueness. I would certainly suggest that you
-send Don Hosek's remarks to Don Knuth, but I fear he probably won't want
-to change anything in this area now.
-Chris Thompson
- -------
-Date: Thu, 28 Mar 91 17:03:50 GMT
-From: Chris Thompson <>
-Subject: Re: [possible bugs, requesting verification]
-It is all documented: WEBMAN.DVI page 10, section 11 says: "Whenever the
-first ``old line'' of a change is found to match a line in the web_file,
-all other lines in that change must match too." There is no bug; it is
-just a rather painful spec to live with, as Don Hosek says. It is a bit
-painful, as well, that it just reflects the @y, and doesn't tell you
-*which* lines mismatched!
- -------
- [ dek:
- WEB was never intended to be the "last word"; I expect second
- generation systems to do all kinds of things with much greater
- generality. I stopped when I had something good enough to
- get on with what needed to be done. There is something painful
- about every system, but really I have lots more problems with
- all the other software I have to live with!
- ]
-Date: Tue, 30 APR 91 21:31:17 BST
-Reply-to: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
-To: BNB <>
-Subject: Possible bug in TeX V3.1 ???
-Dear barbara,
-I'm loth to say this, because I know how rarely anything is genuinely a
-bug, but I'm a bit suspicious about TeX's unpacking and repacking of
-ligatures before and after hyphenation.
-I have a font that, like DEK's example in the New TeX and MF
-announcement, has a variant of "s" for the ends of words (it's actually
-an updating of my Greek fonts).
-So the ligature program reads as follows:
-% Ligatures for sigma at end of "word"
-boundarychar := 255;
-ligtable "s": 255 =:| "c", "." =:| "c", "," =:| "c",
- ":" =:| "c", ";" =:| "c", "!" =:| "c",
- "?" =:| "c", ")" =:| "c", "/" =:| "c",
- "]" =:| "c", "*" =:| "c";
-% Note that s is not ligatured with apostrophe, so that one can write things
-% like s''ena sp'iti ('' in this font produces an apostrophe, since '
-% on its own is an acute accent.)
-Now this works beautifully, most of the time. However, if TeX decides
-that it should attempt hyphenation, and if the word being hyphenated
-ends in punctuation, such as ".", then \S898 of TeX.web gives up on
-taking apart the ligatures when it meets the period, since it's a
-non-letter (has lc_code=0) --- so the word "xomol'ogysys." (where 'o is
-a ligature defined in the font, and for which "'" has a non-zero lccode)
-gets passed to the hyphenation procedure as the 12 characters "x o m o l
-' o g y s y s" in hc[1:hn]. After hyphenation has been considered, the
-period is no longer hanging around for reconstitute to put back
-together. (Incidentally, when I read the code, I'd convinced myself that
-the final "s" wasn't going to be present in hc[hn] for hyphenate to
-consider, but the VAX-Pascal debugger shows that it _is_ there!)
-I've managed to effect a workaround, by setting the \lccodes for all the
-punctuation that enters into the ligature program for sigma; but then
-the hyphenation algorithm is given the _13_ characters "x o m o l ' o g
-y s y s .", which I'm sure it's unlikely to be completely happy with
-(although it does seem to find the same breaks); surely, it will no
-longer recognize any explicit end-of-word marks in the \patterns?
- [ dek:
- that is true but perhaps there areen't so many patterns in
- Greek. (Of course I am not happy with this workaround either)
- ]
-Perhaps, instead of setting \lccode`\.=`\., I should perhaps set it as
-\lccode`\.=256, so that it's non-zero, but doesn't pass the character
-{\it per se\/} into the hyphenation algorithm.
-Perhaps you could ask Don what he advises, or whether perhaps \S898
-should _complete_ its dismantling of the ligature, and only afterwards
-exclude the non-letter characters, noting the whole sequence for
-reconstitute's benefit.
-Date: Thu, 02 May 91 00:49:54 BST
-From: Chris Thompson <>
-To: bbeeton <>
-Cc: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
-Subject: Re: [[ Possible bug in TeX V3.1 ???]]
-There does indeed appear to be something murky going on. I am not at all
-familiar with the code for reconstituting new-style ligatures, so a full
-report will take a little while...
-Setting the \lccode's for punctuation to pretend that they are letters
-is a terrible way to have to work round the problem, and B{HK} is of
-course right that
-> it will no
-> longer recognize any explicit end-of-word marks in the \patterns
-On the other hand
-> I should perhaps set it as
-> \lccode`\.=256
-certainly won't work: \lccode values are restricted to 0..255. I am not
-sure what he is trying to say here.
-Chris Thompson
-Date: Thu, 2 MAY 91 22:11:57 BST
-Reply-to: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
-To: BNB <>
-Subject: Re: [[ Possible bug in TeX V3.1 ???]]
-In message <A3D492887571AC90@UK.AC.CAMBRIDGE.PHOENIX> of Thu, 02 May 91
-00:49:54 BST, Chris Thompson <CET1@UK.AC.CAMBRIDGE.PHOENIX> wrote:
-> There does indeed appear to be something murky going on. I am not at all
-> familiar with the code for reconstituting new-style ligatures, so a full
-> report will take a little while...
-Thanks! I thought I was going nuts at first!
-> Setting the \lccode's for punctuation to pretend that they are letters
-> is a terrible way to have to work round the problem, and B{HK} is of
-> course right that
-> > it will no
-> > longer recognize any explicit end-of-word marks in the \patterns
-> On the other hand
-> > I should perhaps set it as
-> > \lccode`\.=256
-> certainly won't work: \lccode values are restricted to 0..255. I am not
-> sure what he is trying to say here.
-Sorry, I hadn't tried this; in fact, only thought of it when composing
-the message. By analogy with \hyphenchar, I was hoping that I could set
-an \lccode to a non-character value, and thus ensure (perhaps?) that the
-hyphenation algorithm wouldn't consider the punctuation characters,
-since they'd be excluded in |hc|; but I see now that |lc_code| is a
-|equiv| and thus in a |quarter_word|, so cannot be set outside range
-0..255 (as TeX tells me when I try!)
-One thought:
- Perhaps when unravelling ligature nodes in the pre-hyphenation phase,
- TeX should take cognizance of whether the ligature program was one
- that used =:| or |=:| (I'm not sure of |=:) and still stop at the
- [ dek: ^^ is this a smily face? ]
- punctuation character, corresponding to the "retained" character, but
- remember that it "belonged" and thus still be able to reconstitute it
- correctly afterwards.
-Best regards,
- Brian
-Date: Fri, 03 May 91 17:17:13 BST
-From: Chris Thompson <>
-To: Barbara Beeton <>
-Cc: Brian {Hamilton Kelly} <>
-Subject: Re: [[ Possible bug in TeX V3.1 ???]]
-Barbara, & Brian,
- I have been looking at the pre- and post- hyphenation code, and I have
-come to the conclusion that Brian's problem is probably a bug, rather
-than a feature.
- The horizontal list for either "...ogysys " or "...ogysys. " contains
-a ligature node with |lig_char| = "c" and component character list
-containing just "s"; the "." is a separate character node in the second
-case. The difference is that in the first case the ligature node's
-|sub_type| is 1 ("formed from a right boundary character") while in the
-second it is 0.
- If automatic hyphenation is invoked, section 898 reconstructs the
-original character list up to "s", and this is what is intended. The
-difference in the cases is that section 903 sets |bchar:=255| in the
-first case (|hb| is the ligature node described above) but not in the
-second case. This allows |reconstitute| to rebuild the ligature node,
-but only in the first case.
- The reason I think this is probably a bug is the asymmetry of
-treatment of the left-hand and right-hand edges of the word in section
-903. There |ha| is examined in great detail in order to decide what
-to put into |hu[0]| and |init_lig|, in particular if the word is
-preceded by punctuation characters that alter the first letter of the
-word (e.g. by |=:> ligatures) then such effects will be recreated by
-by |reconstitute|. On the other hand, |bchar| is set only to |non_char|
-|font_bchar[hf]|; any following punctuation characters (at |q=link(hb)|)
-are never examined.
- Certainly I think this ought to be brought to Don's attention, if
-he has any to spare for TeX at the moment. I think it may actually be
-a matter of some urgency, in that otherwise people like Brian trying
-to use right-boundary effects in fonts may be forced into using
-inappropriate work-rounds; maybe even ones that would not survive
-a proper fix.
-Chris Thompson
- [ dek:
- Chris is absolutely right; I should have provided better right
- context to the reconstitution algorithm.
- [Why did I get into this?!]
- Draft changes are being put into version 3.14$\alpha$
- In the new version the effect of \noboundary between a word and
- punctuation will be lost (for example ...ogysys\noboundary. _will_
- now convert the s to a c )
- but that minor problem is much worse than the present alternative.
- An explicit kern
- ...ogysys\noboundary\kern0pt.
- will preserve such noboundary status if necessary.
- The going rate for bugs in the 1989 code is $10.24, so Brian
- gets credit for this one!
- ]
-% Character code reference
-% Lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
-% Digits: 0123456789
-% Square, curly, angle braces, parentheses: [] {} <> ()
-% Backslash, slash, vertical bar: \ / |
-% Punctuation: . ? ! , : ;
-% Underscore, hyphen, equals sign: _ - =
-% Quotes--right left double: ' ` "
-%"at", "number" "dollar", "percent", "and": @ # $ % &
-% "hat", "star", "plus", "tilde": ^ * + ~
-[ end of message 035 ]